Search and Seizure
Search and Seizure
Search and Seizure
The Central Government can appoint those persons whom it thinks are fit to become Income
Tax Authorities. The Central Government can authorize the Board or a Director-General, a
Chief Commissioner or a Commissioner or a Director to appoint income tax authorities
below the ranks of a Deputy Commissioner or Assistant Commissioner, According to the
rules and regulations of the Central Government controlling the conditions of such posts.
Search and Seizure & Survey under Income Tax Act 1961
Search, according to normal dictionary meaning, means to look out, to seek or to find
something the presence of which is suspected etc. Seize means to take possession of goods,
contrary to the wishes of the owner or to take forcible possession. From income tax point of
view, in common parlance search is referred to as ‘RAID’. However, there is no such term as
raid anywhere in income tax law.
Search & seizure-from income tax perspective:
Search operations are exploratory exercises on the basis of information with the income tax
department to find hidden income and wealth in cases of tax payers, who have not disclosed
their true financial state of affairs in discharge of their tax obligations.
Seizure implies taking possession of assets, which have not been disclosed to the Income-tax
Department and of accounts/documents, papers which contain details of unaccounted
wealth/income not disclosed to the income tax authorities.
Thus, search and seizure is a very powerful weapon in the armory of income tax department
to unearth any concealed income or valuables and to check the tendencies of tax evasion
thereby mitigating the generation of black money.
1. Who can authorize (i.e., issue search warrants) proceedings u/s 132
Sec.132 empowers the Principal Director General or Director General or Principal Director or
Director or the Principal Chief Commissioner or Chief Commissioner or Principal
Commissioner or Commissioner to authorize proceedings under this section.
Tax point: Proceeding means any proceeding in respect of any year, which may be pending
on the date on which a search is authorized under this section or which may have been
completed on or before such date and includes also all proceedings which may be
commenced after such date in respect of any year.
Who can conduct search Income tax authority, having power to initiate search u/s 132, can
authorize its subordinate(s) (not below the rank of Income tax officer) to conduct search.
Following subordinates can be authorized
Authorized Officer who can conduct Authorized from
In case of deemed place of business or Only after sunrise and before sunset
♦ Survey of certain expenditure [Sec. 133A(5)]
1. The income tax authority (including Inspector), having regard to the nature and scale of
expenditure incurred by an assessee, in connection with any function, ceremony or event, is
of the opinion that it is necessary or expedient to do so, he may, at any time after such
function, ceremony or event, require –
Assessee, who incurred such expenditure; or
Any person, who is likely to possess information in respect of such expenditure,
– to furnish such information as he may require as to any matter which may be useful for, or
relevant to, any proceeding under this Act.
1. He may record the statements of the assessee or any other person in this regard and such
recorded statement may thereafter be used as evidence in any proceeding under this Act.
♦ Effect of non co-operation or non-compliance
If a person does not co-operate or comply during survey, the income-tax authority shall have
all the powers u/s 131(1) for enforcing compliance with the requirement made.
Inspector) may, for the purpose of collecting any information, which may be useful for, or
relevant to the purposes of this Act:
a) Enter into —Any building or place within the limits of the area assigned to such authority;
or Any building or place occupied by any person in respect of whom he exercises
jurisdiction, – where a business or profession is carried on.
b) Require any proprietor, employee or any other person who may at that time and place be
attending or helping in such business or profession to furnish such information as may be
♦ Time for Entrance
An Income-tax authority may enter into such place only during the hours at which such place
is open for the conduct of business or profession.
♦ Restriction on Income-tax Authority
An income-tax authority shall not remove any books of account or other documents, cash,
stock or other valuable article or thing.
♦ Power to call information by Prescribed Income Tax Authority ( Sec 133 C)
1. The prescribed income-tax authority (being Principal Director General or Director General
or Principal Director or Director) may, for the purposes of verification of information in its
possession relating to any person, issue a notice to such person requiring him, on or before a
date to be specified therein, to furnish information or documents verified in the manner
specified therein, which may be useful for, or relevant to, any inquiry or proceeding under
this Act.
2. Where any information or document has been received in response to a notice, the income-
tax authority may process such information or document and make available the outcome of
such processing to the Assessing Officer.
3. The Board may make a scheme for centralised issuance of notice and for processing of
information or documents and making available the outcome of the processing to the
Assessing Officer.
♦ Power to Inspect Register of Companies ( Sec 134)
The Income tax authority [being Assessing Officer, Deputy Commissioner (Appeals), Joint
Commissioner, Commissioner (Appeals) or any other authorized person] may inspect and
take copies of any register of the members, debenture- holders or mortgagees of any company
or of any entry in such register.
♦ Power of Certain authorities ( Sec 135)
The Income tax authorities (being Principal Director General or Director General or Principal
Director or Director, the Principal Chief Commissioner or Chief Commissioner or Principal
Commissioner or Commissioner and the Joint Commissioner) shall be competent to make
any enquiry under this Act, and for this purpose shall have all the powers that an Assessing
Officer has under this Act in relation to the making of enquiries.
3. Assessment in case of Search or Requisition ( Sec 153 A)
Where a search is initiated u/s 132 or books of account, other documents or any assets are
requisitioned u/s 132A, the following provision shall be followed:
Save as otherwise provided in sec. 153A, 153B, 153C and 153D all other provisions shall
apply to the assessment made under this section also.
♦ Procedure
The Assessing Officer shall issue notice to such person requiring him to furnish the return of
1. in respect of each assessment year falling within 6 assessment years immediately preceding
the assessment year relevant to the previous year in which such search is conducted or
requisition is made; and
2. for the relevant assessment year or yea
Relevant assessment year shall mean an assessment year preceding the assessment year
relevant to the previous year in which search is conducted or requisition is made which falls
beyond 6 assessment years but not later than 10 assessment years from the end of the
assessment year relevant to the previous year in which search is conducted or requisition is
No notice for assessment or reassessment shall be issued by the Assessing Officer for the
relevant assessment year or years unless:
a) The Assessing Officer has in his possession books of account or other documents or
evidence which reveal that the income, represented in the form of asset, which has escaped
assessment amounts to or is likely to amount to Rs. 50 lakh or more in the relevant
assessment year or in aggregate in the relevant assessment years; ● Asset shall include
immovable property being land or building or both, shares and securities, loans and advances,
deposits in bank account.
b) The income referred above or part thereof has escaped assessment for such year or years;
c) The search u/s 132 is initiated or requisition u/s 132A is made on or after 01-04-2017
♦ Time limit for furnishing such return
Such return should be furnished in prescribed Form within such time, as may be specified in
the notice.
♦ Assessment of income in respect of each assessment year
Assessing Officer shall assess or re-assess the total income of each of 6 assessment years and
for the relevant assessment year or years.
♦ Treatment of pending assessment
1. Where any assessment or reassessment relating to any assessment year(s) falling in the said
period is pending on the date of initiation of the search u/s 132 or requisition u/s 132A, the
same shall abate.
2. If any proceeding initiated or any order of assessment or reassessment made has been
annulled in appeal or any other legal proceeding, then, the assessment or reassessment
relating to any assessment year which has abated, shall stand revived with effect from the
date of receipt of the order of such annulment by the Principal Commissioner or
3. Such revival shall cease to have effect, if such order of annulment is set aside.
Rate of Tax
Tax rate shall be levied at the rate(s) as applicable to the respective year falling in the said
♦ Assessment of Income of any other Person ( Sec 153 C)
Where the Assessing Officer is satisfied that –
1. any money, bullion, jewellery or other valuable article or thing seized or requisitioned,
belongs to; or
2. any books of account or documents, seized or requisitioned, pertains or pertain to, or any
information contained therein, relates to, a person other than the person against whom such
search or requisition is made then.
3. The books of account or documents or assets seized or requisitioned shall be handed over
to the Assessing Officer having jurisdiction over such other person; and
4. Such Assessing Officer shall proceed against each such other person and issue notice and
assess or reassess income of such other person in accordance with the provisions of sec.
Tax point
1. If Assessing Officer is satisfied that the books of account or documents or assets seized or
requisitioned have a bearing on the determination of the total income of such other person for
6 assessment years immediately preceding the assessment year relevant to the previous year
in which search is conducted or requisition is made and for the relevant assessment year or
years as referred to in sec. 153A
2. For the purpose of abatement of proceedings, the reference to the date of initiation of the
search u/s 132 or making of requisition u/s 132A shall be construed as reference to the date of
receiving the books of account or documents or assets seized or requisitioned by the
Assessing Officer having jurisdiction over such other person. [Proviso to sec. 153C(1)]
3. Where books of account or documents or assets seized or requisitioned has been received
by the Assessing Officer having jurisdiction over such other person after the due date for
furnishing the return of income for the assessment year relevant to the previous year in which
search is conducted u/s 132 or requisition is made u/s 132A and in respect of such assessment
4. no return of income has been furnished by such other person and no notice u/s 142(1) has
been issued to him, or
5. a return of income has been furnished by such other person but no notice u/s 143(2) has
been served and limitation of serving the notice u/s 143(2) has expired, or
assessment or reassessment, if any, has been made
before the date of receiving the books of account or documents or assets seized or
requisitioned by the Assessing Officer having jurisdiction over such other person, such
Assessing Officer shall issue the notice and assess or reassess total income of such other
person of such assessment year in the manner provided in section 153A. [Sec. 153C(2)]
♦ Time line for Complete the Assessment u/s 153 B
Each assessment year falling within 6 Within a period of 21 months from the end
assessment years immediately preceding the of the financial year, in which the last of the
assessment year relevant to the previous year authorisations for search u/s 132 or for
in which such search is conducted or requisition u/s 132A was executed#.
requisition is made In the case where the last of the
For relevant assessment year or years authorisations for search u/s 132 or for
Assessment year relevant to the previous requisition u/s 132A was executed during the
year in which search is conducted u/s 132 or financial year 2018-19: Within a period of
requisition is made u/s 132A 18 months from the end of the financial year,
In the case of search u/s 132 in which the last of the authorisations for
In the case of requisition u/s 132A search u/s 132 or for requisition u/s 132A
was executed
In the case where the last of the
authorisations for search u/s 132 or for
requisition u/s 132A was executed on or
after 01-04-2019: Within a period of 12
months from the end of the financial year, in
which the last of the authorisations for
search u/s 132 or for requisition u/s 132A
was executed
On the conclusion of search as recorded in
the last panchnama drawn in relation to any
person in whose case the warrant of
authorisation has been issued;
On the actual receipt of the books of account
or other documents or assets by the
Authorised Officer.
Tax point
In case of other person referred to in section 153C, the period of limitation for making the
assessment or reassessment shall be
1. The period as referred above; or
2. 9 months (18 months: in the case where the last of the authorisations for search u/s 132 or
for requisition u/s 132A was executed during F.Y. 2018-19) (12 months: in the case where
the last of the authorisations for search u/s 132 or for requisition u/s 132A was executed on or
after 01-04-2019) from the end of the financial year in which books of account or documents
or assets seized or requisitioned are handed over u/s 153C to the Assessing Officer having
jurisdiction over such other person,
whichever is later. [Proviso to sec. 153B]
Wherever reference has been given to Transfer Pricing Officer u/s 92CA, time limit in all
cases shall be increased by 12 months.
♦ Computation of limitation period
In computing the above period of limitation, following period shall be excluded —
1. Time taken in reopening the whole or any part of the proceeding or in giving an
opportunity to the assessee to be re-heard under the proviso to sec. 129; or
2. Period during which the assessment proceeding is stayed by an order or injunction of a
court; or
3. Period commencing from the date on which the Assessing Officer directs the assessee to
get his accounts audited u/s 142(2A) and ending with
4. Period commencing from the date on which the Assessing Officer makes a reference to the
Valuation Officer u/s 142A and ending with the date on which the report of the Valuation
Officer is received by the Assessing Officer; or
5. In case, where an application made before the Income-tax Settlement Commission u/s
245C is rejected, the period commencing from the date on which such application is made
and ending with the date on which the rejection order is received by the Principal
Commissioner or Commissioner; or
6. Period commencing from the date on which an application is made before the Authority for
Advance Rulings u/s 245Q and ending with the date on which the order rejecting the
application is received by the Principal Commissioner or Commissioner u/s 254R; or
7. Period commencing from the date on which an application is made before the Authority for
Advance Ruling u/s 245Q and ending with the date on which the advance ruling pronounced
by it is received by the Principal Commissioner or Commissioner u/s 245R.
8. Period commencing from the date of annulment of a proceeding or order of assessment or
reassessment u/s 153A, till the date of the receipt of the order setting aside the order of such
annulment, by the Principal Commissioner or Commissioner; or
9. Period (maximum period of 1 year) commencing from the date on which a reference (or
first reference, if many references are made) for exchange of information is made by an
authority competent under an agreement referred to in sec. 90 / 90A and ending with the date
on which the information so requested is last received by the Principal Commissioner or
10. Period commencing from the date on which a reference for declaration of an arrangement
to be impermissible avoidance arrangement is received by the Principal Commissioner or
Commissioner u/s 144BA(1) and ending on the date on which a direction u/s 144BA (3) or
(6) or an order u/s 144BA(5) is received by the Assessing Officer
Note: If after immediate exclusion of the aforesaid period, the period available to the
Assessing Officer for making an order of assessment or reassessment is less than 60 days,
then such remaining period shall be extended to 60 days
Tax point
1. Where the period available to the Transfer Pricing Officer is extended to 60 days [as per
proviso to sec. 92CA(3A)] and the period of limitation available to the Assessing Officer for
making an order of assessment (reassessment or recomputation) is less than 60 days, such
remaining period shall also be extended to 60 days.
2. Where a proceeding before the Settlement Commission abates u/s 245HA, the period of
limitation available to the Assessing Officer for making an order of assessment (reassessment
or recomputation) shall, after the exclusion of the period u/s 245HA(4), deemed to have been
extended to 1 year.
Prior approval necessary for assessment in cases of search or requisition [Sec. 153D]
No order of assessment or reassessment (in case of search or requisition) shall be passed by
an Assessing Officer below the rank of Joint Commissioner except with the prior approval of
the Joint Commissioner.
However, assessment or reassessment order may be passed by the Assessing Officer with the
prior approval of the Principal Commissioner or Commissioner u/s 144BA.
Types of customs Duties in India
While Customs Duties include both import and export duties, but as export duties contributed only
nominal revenue, due to emphasis on raising competitiveness of exports, import duties alone
constituted major part of the revenue from Customs Duties and include the following:
All goods imported into India are chargeable to a duty under Customs Act, 1962 .The rates of this
duty, popularly known as basic customs duty, are indicated in the First Schedule of the Customs
Tariff Act, 1975 as amended from time to time under Finance Acts. The duty may be fixed on ad -
valorem basis or specific rate basis. The duty may be a percentage of the value of the goods or at a
specific rate. The Central Government has the power to reduce or exempt any good from these duties.
This countervailing duty is livable as additional duty on goods imported into the country and the rate
structure of this duty is equal to the excise duty on like articles produced in India. The base of this
additional duty is c.i.f. value of imports plus the duty levied earlier. If the rate of this duty is on ad-
valorem basis, the value for this purpose will be the total of the value of the imported article and the
customs duty on it (both basic and auxiliary).
Export Duties
Under Customs Act, 1962, goods exported from India are chargeable to export duty The items on
which export duty is chargeable and the rate at which the duty is levied are given in the customs tariff
act,1975 as amended from time to time under Finance Acts. However, the Government has emergency
powers to change the duty rates and levy fresh export duty depending on the circumstances.
This duty is levied under the Finance Act and is leviable all goods imported into the country at the
rate of 50 per cent of their value. However this statutory rate has been reduced in the case of certain
types of goods into different slab rates based on the basic duty chargeable on them.
Cesses are leviable on some specified articles of exports like coffee, coir, lac, mica, tobacco
(unmanufactured), marine products cashew kernels, black pepper, cardamom, iron ore, oil cakes and
meals, animal feed and turmeric. These cesses are collected as parts of Customs Duties and are then
passed on to the agencies in charge of the administration of the concerned commodities.
An education cess has been imposed on imported goods w.e.f. 9-7-2004. The cess will be 2% and
wef 01.03.2007 2%+1% of the aggregate duty of customs excluding safeguard duty, countervailing
duty,Anti Dumping Duty.
Protective Duties
Tariff Commission has been established under Tariff Commission Act, 1951. If the Tariff
Commission recommends and Central Government is satisfied that immediate action is necessary to
protect interests of Indian industry, protective customs duty at the rate recommended may be imposed
under section 6 of Customs Tariff Act. The protective duty will be valid till the date prescribed in the
If a country pays any subsidy (directly or indirectly) to its exporters for exporting goods to India,
Central Government can impose Countervailing duty up to the amount of such subsidy under section
9 of Customs Tariff Act.
Often, large manufacturer from abroad may export goods at very low prices compared to prices in his
domestic market. Such dumping may be with intention to cripple domestic industry or to dispose of
their excess stock. This is called 'dumping'. In order to avoid such dumping, Central Government can
impose, under section 9A of Customs Tariff Act, anti-dumping duty up to margin of dumping on such
articles, if the goods are being sold at less than its normal value. Levy of such anti-dumping duty is
permissible as per WTO agreement. Anti dumping action can be taken only when there is an Indian
industry producing 'like articles'.
Safeguard Duty
Central Government is empowered to impose 'safeguard duty' on specified imported goods if Central
Government is satisfied that the goods are being imported in large quantities and under such
conditions that they are causing or threatening to cause serious injury to domestic industry. Such duty
is permissible under WTO agreement. Safeguard duty is a step in providing a need-based protection
to domestic industry for a limited period, with ultimate objective of restoring free and fair competition
A National Calamity Contingent Duty (NCCD) of customs has been imposed vide section 129 of
Finance Act, 2001. This duty is imposed on pan masala,chewing tobacco and cigarettes. It varies
from 10% to 45%. - - NCCD of customs of 1% was imposed on PFY, motor cars, multi utility
vehicles and two wheelers and NCCD of Rs 50 per ton was imposed on domestic crude oil, vide
section 134 of Finance Act, 2003. 20.3.5 Rate of duty applicable There are different rates of duty for
different goods there are different rates of duty for goods imported from certain countries in terms of
bilateral or other agreement with such countries which are called preferential rate of duties the duty
may be percentage of the value of the goods or at specified rate.