Ministry Policy Statement 2014 PDF

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Table of Contents
Abbreviations and Acronyms ...........................................................................................................................................................................iv
Executive Summary ............................................................................................................................................................................................1

Vote: 016 – Ministry of Works and Transport

Vote Overview ...................................................................................................................................................................................................21
Summary of past performance and Medium Term Budget Allocations ....................................................................................................21
Past Vote Outputs ..............................................................................................................................................................................................22
Past and 2014/15 Planned Key Vote outputs .................................................................................................................................................24
Detailed planned outputs for FY 2014/15 ......................................................................................................................................................30
Vote Function profiles, programme/project profile and workplan outputs...............................................................................................33
Past and Medium Term key vote output indicators ....................................................................................................................................142
Medium Term Plans ........................................................................................................................................................................................143
Measures to improve Efficiency .....................................................................................................................................................................144
Major Capital Investments .............................................................................................................................................................................145
Priority Vote actions to improve Sector performance ................................................................................................................................149
Cross cutting Policy and other Budgetary issues ........................................................................................................................................154

Vote: 113 Uganda National Road Authority

Vote Overview .................................................................................................................................................................................................157
Summary of past performance and Medium Term Budget Allocations ..................................................................................................157
Past Vote Outputs ............................................................................................................................................................................................158
Past and 2014/15 Planned Key Vote outputs ...............................................................................................................................................161
Detailed planned outputs for FY 2014/15 ....................................................................................................................................................162
Vote Function profiles, programme/project profile and workplan outputs.............................................................................................166
Past and Medium Term key vote output indicators ....................................................................................................................................255
Medium Term Plans ........................................................................................................................................................................................256
Measures to improve Efficiency .....................................................................................................................................................................257
Major Capital Investments .............................................................................................................................................................................257
Priority Vote actions to improve Sector performance ................................................................................................................................276

Vote: 118 Uganda Road Fund

Vote Overview .................................................................................................................................................................................................281
Summary of past performance and Medium Term Budget Allocations ..................................................................................................281
Past Vote Outputs ............................................................................................................................................................................................282
Past and 2014/15 Planned Key Vote outputs ...............................................................................................................................................282
Detailed planned outputs for FY 2014/15 ....................................................................................................................................................284
Vote Function profiles, programme/project profile and workplan outputs.............................................................................................286
Past and Medium Term key vote output indicators ....................................................................................................................................293
Medium Term Plans ........................................................................................................................................................................................294
Priority Vote actions to improve Sector performance ................................................................................................................................294
Cross cutting Policy and other Budgetary issues ........................................................................................................................................296

Vote: 500 501-850 Local Governments

Vote Overview .................................................................................................................................................................................................299
Summary of past performance and Medium Term Budget Allocations ..................................................................................................299
Vote Function profiles, programme/project profile and workplan outputs.............................................................................................300

Staff Establishment Structure for Vote 016
Approved macro structure of the Ministry ..................................................................................................................................................305
Costed staff list in post....................................................................................................................................................................................306

Staff Establishment Structure for Vote 113

Organogram .....................................................................................................................................................................................................339
Costed staff list in post....................................................................................................................................................................................340

Staff Establishment Structure for Vote 118

Organogram .....................................................................................................................................................................................................400
Costed staff list in post....................................................................................................................................................................................401
National Roads Maintenance Programme FY 2014/15 (Summary).........................................................................................................403
National Roads Maintenance Programme FY 2014/15 (Periodic Maintenance) ...................................................................................404
Bridge Maintenance Programme for FY 2014/15 .......................................................................................................................................411
Schedule of Road Maintenance Activities for FY 2014/15.........................................................................................................................412
Responses to Parliamentary issues ................................................................................................................................................................439
Office of the Minister,
Fax: 256-41-4-236369 Ministry of Works and Transport
E-Mail: abraham.byandala@ P. O. Box 7174
In any correspondence on this Kampala
subject please quote No.

14th June 2014

The Rt. Hon. Speaker of Parliament

Parliamentary Building
P.O Box 7174

Madam Speaker,


Madam Speaker and Honorable Members,

I take this opportunity to present to you the Works and Transport Sector Ministerial
Budget Policy Statement (MBPS) for FY 2014/15 in fulfillment of the requirements of the
1995 Constitution of the Republic of Uganda and the provisions of the Budget Act 2001.

The Sector MBPS, focused on the mandate of Vote 016, 113, 118 and 500 and the
overarching objectives of the National Development Plan (NDP) and the NRM Manifesto
covering the period 2011 - 2016.

In FY 2013/14 the Sector approved budget was UGX 2,466.82 out of which UGX
392.13bn (15.9%) was for recurrent non wage expenditure, UGX 28.02bn (1.1%) was
for Wage and UGX 2,017.61bn (81.8%) was for development expenditure. Under the
development expenditure, GoU funding was UGX 1,336.75 (66.3%) and Donor
contribution was UGX 680.85 (23.7%). The budget expenditure on taxes was UGX 29.07

Overall, the approved budget for Votes 016 (MoWT), 113 (UNRA), 118 (URF) and 500-
(LGs) was UGX 144.239bn (5.8%), UGX 1,943.667bn (78.8%), UGX 352.852 (14.3%) and
UGX 26.066bn (1.1%) respectively.

The Budget Policy Statement outlines the achievements registered as of 3rd quarter FY
2013/14, the planned activities and budget allocation for the FY 2014/15. The Budget
Policy Statement further spells out the major constraints and challenges faced by the
Sector in carrying out its mandate.

Mission: To promote adequate, safe and well maintained Works and Transport Infrastructure and Services for
Socio-Economic Development of Uganda.

I wish to thank Parliament through you Madam Speaker and to register my appreciation to
our Development Partners, the Sessional Committee on Physical Infrastructure and the
Standing Committee on the National Economy for the support extended to the Sector in FY
2013/14. This support has helped the Sector achieve most of its objectives within the
budget ceiling provided and to progressively contribute to the attainment of the objectives
of the National Development Plan.

On behalf of Vote 016- Ministry of Works and Transport, Vote 113-Uganda National Road
Authority, Vote 118-Uganda Road Fund and Vote 500-Local Governments (only Road
Works supported under PRDP and RTI programmes), I have the honour and privilege to
thank all Members of Parliament for the support accorded to the Sector.

Madam Speaker,
The overall Sector budget for FY 2014/2015 before the August House has reduced by 6.6%
from UGX 2,466.82bn in FY 2013/2014 to UGX 2,305.30bn. This will affect the
implementation of Programmes and Projects. At this point, allow me submit to this August
House the Budget Policy Statement for the Works and Transport Sector and Budget
proposals for FY 2014/15 for approval as follows:

Overall Works and Transport Sector Budget Proposals.

Wage UGX 29.16bn
Non Wage UGX 468.40bn
Development GoU UGX 1,325.46bn
Development Donor UGX 480.1bn
Taxes UGX 1.47bn
Total UGX 2,305.30bn

Budget breakdown by Vote:

Wage UGX 8.867
Non Wage UGX 24.062
Development GoU UGX 66.194
Development Donor UGX 23.169
Taxes UGX 0.060
Total UGX 122.351

Wage UGX 18.300
Non Wage UGX 18.229
Development GoU UGX 1,233.198
Development Donor UGX 457.639
Taxes UGX 1.413
Total UGX 1,728.778

Mission: To promote adequate, safe and well maintained Works and Transport Infrastructure and Services for
Socio-Economic Development of Uganda.

Wage UGX 1.995
Non Wage UGX 426.107
Total UGX 428.102

Development GoU UGX 26.066
Total UGX 26.066

Mission: To promote adequate, safe and well maintained Works and Transport Infrastructure and Services for
Socio-Economic Development of Uganda.


ARMEP Annual Road Maintenance Expenditure Plan

ARMP Annual Road Maintenance Programme
BASA Bilateral Air Service Agreement
BFP Budget Framework Paper BRT Bus Rapid Transport
CAA Civil Aviation Authority
CASSOA Civil Aviation Safety and Security Oversight Agency
CCTA Central Corridor Transit Agency
COMESA Common Market for East and Southern Africa
CTTFA Central Transit Transport Facilitation Agency
DA Designated Agencies
DUCAR District Urban Community Access Roads
DUCARIP District Urban and Community Access Road Investment Plan
EAC East African Community
EACAA East African Civil Aviation Academy
EATTFP East African Trade and Transport Facilitation Project
EFT Electronic Fund Transfer EIA Environmental Impact Assessment
EIA Environmental Impact Assessment
GoU Government of Uganda
HRMIS Human Resource Management Information System
ICD Inland Container Deport
IDB Islamic Development Bank
IFMS Integrated Financial Management System
IMO International Maritime Organisation
ISCOS Inter Governmental Standing Committee on Shipping
IWTA Inland Water Transport Act
IWTV Inland Water Transport Vessel
JAF Joint Assessment Framework
LBVC Lake Victoria Basin Commission
LCS Low Cost Sealing LG Local Governments
MATA Metropolitan Area Transport Authority
MATE Metropolitan Area Transport Executive
MDAs Ministries Departments and Agencies
MELTC Mount Elgon Labour based Training Center

MoFPED Ministry of Finance Planning and Economic Development
MoLG Ministry of Local Government
MoWT Ministry of Works and Transport
MPS Ministerial Policy Statement
MTRA Multi Sectoral Transport Regulatory Authority
NATFC National Air Transport Facilitation Committee
NCI National Construction Industry
NDP National Development Plan
NRSA National Road Safety Authority NRSC National Road Safety
NTDB National Transport Data Bank
NTMP National Transport Master Plan
NTMP/GKMA National Transport Master Plan and Master Plan for Greater
Kampala Metropolitan Area
NTTCA National Transit Coordination Authority
OSBP One Stop Border Post
OYRMP One Year Road Maintenance Plan
PDU Procurement and Disposal Unit
PPDA Public Procurement and Disposal of Public Assets Authority
PPP Public Private Partnership
PRDP Peace Recovery and Development Plan
PSV Public Service Vehicle
RAMPs Roads Asset Management Programme
RTI Rural Transport Infrastructure
RUCs Road User Charges
SoW Supervisor of Works
SSATP Sub-Saharan African Transport Facilitation Project
SWG Sector Working Group
TLB Transport Licensing Board
TMT Top Management Team
TRSA Traffic and Road Safety Act
TSDMS Transport Sector Data Management System
TSDP Transport Sector Development Programme
UCICO Uganda Construction Industry Commission

UIA Uganda Investment Authority
UNRA Uganda National Roads Authority
URC Uganda Railways Corporation
URF Uganda Road Fund

Works and Transport Sector Summary

1. Sector Budget Priorities for FY 2014/15

a) Upgrading of 200km of roads from gravel to bitumen standard
b) Reconstruction of 178km of roads
c) Construction of 10 new bridges and rehabilitation of 7 old bridges
d) Re-graveling of 12.875km unpaved roads
e) Construction of 1,700km of ongoing road projects
f) Construction of 650km of new road projects
g) Maintenance and rehabilitation of 10,000km of National, District, Urban and
Community Access roads.
h) Undertake remedial measures through the construction of strategic bridges ravaged
by floods eg Kasese and other parts of the country
i) Improving Road Safety
j) Axle Load Control
k) Reduction of Road maintenance Backlog
l) Developing Infrastructure in Northern Uganda
m) Improvement of Railway Transport Infrastructure and Services
n) Improvement of Inland Water Transport Infrastructure and Services
o) Rehabilitating of Upcountry Aerodromes
p) Improve on the capacity of Local Governments to implement the Force Account
q) Develop the capacity of Local Construction Industry; and
r) Updating the National Transport Policy and Strategy

2. Sector Budget for FY 2014/15 and the medium term (UShs Billion)

2013/14 MTEF
2014/15 2015/16 2016/17
Excluding Arrears, 2012/13 Approved Released
Taxes Outturn Budget Budget

Wage 22.08 28.02 19.76 29.16 31.20 36.35

Recurrent Wage 253.32 392.13 290.75 468.40 477.77 884.79

GoU 885.78 1,336.75 989.09 1,325.46 1,159.70 1,217.45

Development Donor 354.61 680.85 384.30 480.81 337.07 591.35

GoU 1,161.17 1,756.90 1,299.61 1,823.02 1,668.67 2,138.59
Total GoU+Donor
(MTEF) 1,515.78 2,437.76 1,683.90 2,303.83 2,005.73 2,729.94

Arrears - - - - - -

Taxes 6.60 29.07 2.00 1.47 - -

Total 1,522.38 2,466.82 1,685.90 2,305.30 2,005.73 2,729.94

3. Budget Allocation by Vote

The total Resource Envelope to be availed by Government to the sector for FY2014/15 is
UGX2,305.30bn out of which UGX497.56bn (21.6%) is for recurrent expenditure and
UGX 1,806.27bn (78.4%) is for development expenditure. Under the recurrent
expenditure, wage bill is UGX 29.16bn (1.3%) while the Non wage recurrent constitutes
UGX 468.40bn (20.3%). Out of the Development Budget, Government of Uganda will
contribute UGX 1,325.46bn (57.5%) exclusive of Taxes and Development Partners will
contribute UGX 480.81bn (20.9%). The total Budget for taxes is UGX1.47bn.

Overall, Government of Uganda will fund the total budget by 79.1% while Donor
contribution will amount to 20.9%.

The total Budget for Vote 016 – MoWT for the FY 2014/15 is UGX 122.351bn out of which
UGX 32.93bn for recurrent expenditure, UGX 89.36bn is Development expenditure and UGX
0.06bn is for taxes. Under the recurrent expenditures, Wages constitutes UGX 8.867bn
while the non-Wage constitutes UGX24.062bn.

The total Budget for Vote 113 – UNRA for the FY 2014/15 is UGX 1,728.779bn out of which
UGX 36.53bn for recurrent expenditure, UGX 1,690.84bn is Development expenditure and
UGX 1.413bn is for taxes. Under the recurrent expenditures, Wages constitutes UGX
18.30bn while the non-Wage constitutes UGX 18.23bn.

URF has been allocated UGX 428.102bn. These funds will be allocated as follows; UGX
274.4bn (64.1%) for National Road Maintenance, UGX 146.44bn (34.21%) for DUCAR and
KCCA network and UGX 7.26bn (1.69%) for the Road Fund Secretariat operating expenses.

The total budget for Vote 500-LG is 26.066bn; of which UGX 14.154bn is allocated to the
Peace Recovery and Development Plan (PRDP) and UGX11.912bn is for the Rural Transport
Infrastructure (U-Growth Support by DANIDA).

4. Summary of Sector Performance FY 2013/14

4.1. Vote 016 – MoWT

Transport Regulations

Procured Consultancy services and approved inception report to review inland water
transport (IWT) Legislation; Under took a study tour to Tanzania and Kenya on the process
of ratification of transport protocols; 1 No. Major Road Accident was investigated on Mityana
Road; Undertook stock of road furniture on the following roads: Kampala - Kabale- Kisoro,
Kampala - Bombo - Luwero - Karuma - Gulu, Karuma - Pakwach - Arua, Kampala- Jinja-
Busia- Tororo- Mbale – Soroti and Mbale – Iganga.

Inspected and licensed 14,728 PSVs as at 31st March 2014; Processed 643 bus operator
licenses on major roads; Monitored 80% of the major bus routes in Uganda; Attended BASA
negotiation meetings in South Africa; 3 No. BASAs reviewed for Ethiopia, South Africa and

Sudan; Inspected and monitored 2 No. landing sites' infrastructure; Coordinated a number
of National, regional and International programs (East African Community (EAC),
international labour organization (ILO), ISCOS, international maritime organization (IMO),
and LVBC).

Undertook 1 No. compliance inspection on MV Pearl on availability of life saving and

firefighting appliances; 01 No. IWT vessel inspection and data collection exercise on
selected landing sites on Lake Albert conducted; produced a Cabinet Memorandum for the
Axle Load Control Policy; Reviewed the inception report for consultancy Services to develop
Training Manuals for motor cycles, Public Service Vehicles, and goods vehicles drivers.

Transport Services and Infrastructure

Maintained and operated runaways, apron and taxiways at Arua, Pakuba, Masindi, Kidepo,
Moroto, Lira, Tororo, Jinja, Mbarara, Kisoro, Kasese, Soroti and Gulu Aerodromes; 85% of
Construction works of the perimeter fence at Kasese Airport completed; Commenced
Construction of an electric power fence at Pakuba aerodrome; Procurement of a contractor
to construct a perimeter fence at Mbarara and Jinja aerodromes is on-going; Procurement of
Portable mobile runway lighting system at Soroti airport is ongoing; EACAA trained 23 flight
operation students; 21 pilot students presented for CAA exams; 6 course 23 flight operation
students graduated.

Draft Final Report for the preliminary engineering design to upgrade to standard gauge
railway network between Malaba/Kampala prepared; Survey and Demarcation of the Rail-
road corridor at the New Kampala Port completed; Project area for the New Kampala port in
Bukasa surveyed.

Construction Standards and Quality Assurance

3 No. Gender mainstreaming and compliance audit of MDAs undertaken; 5 No.

Environmental compliance audits of MDAs undertaken; 124 no. materials testing and quality
control to stakeholders in the construction industry provided; 13 No. Construction sites
inspected for compliance with standards; Procurement for Phase 2 works of Tito Okello
House is ongoing.

3 No. geotechnical investigation services to stakeholders in the construction industry

provided; 4 No. Environment and social impact assessment reports on Malaba – Kampala
Standard gauge project and Katuna OSBP prepared, Management plans for Saaka bridge
and Kaguta - Oxford Road prepared; 5no. Buildings Assessed for structural Integrity and
Suitability for use; 5 no technical advice on construction standards offered to MDAs.

Rehabilitation and maintenance works of 133 Km of roads in Masindi, Luweero, Wakiso,

Kiboga, Ibanda, Arua, Kole, Soroti, Serere districts were supervised and monitored; 9 No.
building consultancy services contracts; Procurement for design and construction of MoWT
Headquarters Building is ongoing; Inception report for the design of 8 strategic bridges

99% of Nyagak bridge Constructed, 48% Kaguta bridge constructed, 99% Alla2 bridge
Constructed & 60% Agwa Bridge Constructed; Saaka bridge 70% constructed; Okokor
Bridge 50% constructed; Procurement for construction of a new bridge at Kabuhuna swamp
crossing on-going; Procurement for rehabilitation/construction of Rushaaya bridge &
Kabuceera swamp crossing (Mitooma District) & Mahoma Bridge (Kabarole District) is

District, Urban and Community Access Roads

8 Bridges were inspected across the country; Design of 8 strategic bridges completed, Lot 1
work commenced & contractor is on site, Lot 2 & 4 are at Contract Signing, Lot 3 is awaiting
clearance from Solicitor General; 1 No. has Bridge been completed awaiting preparation of
final account 5 bridges still ongoing; Financial clearance sent to MOFPED for the drafting
principles for creating DUCAR agency.

65% of (1.8 km of urban roads under phase 3 at NALI (Kyankwanzi)) tarmacked; 53km of
district roads were opened; 15km of district roads were rehabilitated; 10% of DUR database
established; 40 km of District roads were supervised; 30% of Road Inventory data on DUR
collected; 23 RTI Districts work plans reviewed and approved.

2 No. Monitoring of projects in 23 RTI districts conducted; 10No. MoWT staff trained in Low-
Cost seal technology; Draft Terms of reference for upgrading of RAMPS prepared; 45 No.
MoWT staff trained in RAMPS; Draft Terms of reference for preparation of manuals for Low
cost seals prepared.

Mechanical Engineering Services

Draft guidelines for private garages prepared and reviewed; Draft guidelines for operation
and maintenance of district/zonal road equipment reviewed and finalized; Average
availability of central Ministry Vehicles kept at least 63%.

Average availability of government protocol fleet kept at 76%; Inspection and monitoring of
vehicles and road equipment in 5No. District LGs under Western Region, 5 No. District LGs
under Northern Region, 5 No. under Eastern Region, and 5 No. district LGs under south-
western region were done; Availability of district and core road and specialized equipment
kept at 62% and MV Kalangala operational for 48% of the planned time because of the need
for servicing and insurance.

Policy, Planning and Support Services

Annual Sector Performance Report FY 2012/13 prepared; 2014/2015 Budget Framework

Paper prepared; 9th Annual Joint Transport Sector Review held; Formulation of the National
Transport Policy and Strategy is on-going; Quarterly budget performance monitoring carried
out and reports prepared; Drafting Principles for the MTRA Bill submitted to cabinet.

26No. Of staff recruited and deployed; 10 No. of staff promoted; 10 No. of staff confirmed
in their respective appointments; 25 No. of staff trained in Long term courses; 13 No. of
staff sponsored to undertake research; 04 No. of staff trained in short term courses; 06 No.
staff sponsored in tailor made course on transport logistics; 19 No. staff sponsored for
professional training in engineering.

4.2. Vote 113 – UNRA

National Roads Construction:

A total of 264 km-equivalent were upgraded from gravel to bitumen standard (tarmac) by
March 2014 against the annual target of 200Km-equiv. 178km-equiv. of existing old paved
roads were reconstructed/ rehabilitated by March 2014 against the annual target of 180km.

The progress of ongoing upgrading roads projects as of March 2014 was as follows:

Fort Portal – Bundibugyo road (104km) works were substantially completed.

Nyakahita – Kazo (69km); works were completed.
Kazo- Kamwenge (75km) works were substantially completed.
Mbarara – Kikagati (74km); works were substantially completed.

Kamwenge- Fort Portal (65km) 16% of the works completed by March 2014 out of the
annual target of 25%. The cumulative progress was 19%.

Gulu- Atiak (74km) 48% of road works was completed by March 2014 out of the annual
target of 30%. The cumulative since the project start was 66%. Works are expected to be
completed by June 2015.

Atiak- Nimule (35km). 7% of the road works were completed by March 2014 out of the
planned 30%. Under performance was because the contractor delayed to access advance
payment and started mobilization in September 2013.

Vurra – Arua – Oraba (92km) 27% of road works were completed by March 2014 out of the
annual target of 30%. This brings the cumulative progress since the project start to 63%.
Works are expected to be completed by June 2015.

Hoima – Kaiso – Tonya (92km) 32% of road works were completed by March 2014 out of
the annual target of 30%. The cumulative progress since the project start was 71%. Works
are expected to be completed by December 2014.

Ishaka – Kagamba road (35km) 13% of the road works were completed by March 2014 out
of the annual target of 30%. The cumulative progress since project start was 32% against
the programmed 60%. Works are expected to be completed by June 2015. The contractor
underperformed partly because of poor mobilization and land disputes.

Kampala – Entebbe Expressway/ Munyonyo spur (51km) 12% works were completed by
third quarter out of the annual target of 20% The cumulative progress since the start of the
project was 18.9% of the works completed. This project is expected to be completed by
November 2017.

Mbarara Bypass (40km) - 6.3% of the works was completed by quarter three out of the
annual target 20%. The cumulative since the project start was 6.3%.

Mukono – Katosi/ Kisoga – Nyenga (72km) – Contractor is on site mobilizing to commence

works in July 2014. Payment of land and property compensation was ongoing.

Namanve Industrial Park Access road (4km); 3% of the works completed by quarter 3.
Mpigi – Kanoni (66km) – Works commenced and 5% were completed by quarter 3 out of
the annual target of 5%.

Kanoni – Sembabule – Villa Maria (97km)- Procurement of the contractor completed and the
contract was signed in June 2014.

Ntungamo – Mirama Hills road (37km): The contract was awarded.

Kampala Northern Bypass (17km): The contract was signed in April 2014 and the contractor
was mobilizing to commence works in July 2014.

Masaka – Bukakata (41km): Evaluation of bids was completed and the report submitted to
BADEA for no objection to award the contract.

Kigumba – Masindi – Hoima – Kabwoya (135km): Evaluation of Bids was completed and the
report submitted to AfDB for no objection to award the contract.

Musita – Lumino – Busia/ Majanji (104km) and Olwiyo – Gulu – Kitgum – Musingo (223km):
Evaluation of bids completed, contract awarded and signed in June 2014.

Mubende – Kakumiro – Kibale – Kagadi (104km): Evaluation of bids was ongoing and the
contract was expected to be signed by July 2014.

Tirinyi – Pallisa – Kumi/ Pallisa – Kamonkoli (111km)- Islamic Development Bank approved
the loan. Procurement of the contractor commenced.
Rukungiri – Kihihi – Ishasha / Kihihi – Kanungu (78km) and Mbale (Bumbobi – Bubulo –
Lwakhakha) 45km) Project appraisal was completed and the loan approved by AfDB.
Procurement of contractors commenced.

Kapchorwa – Suam (77km): Procurement of the design review consultant is ongoing. This
project will be funded by AfDB.

Old Paved Roads Reconstructed/ Rehabilitated

Malaba/Busia- Bugiri (82km) works were substantially completed.

Tororo - Mbale (49km) works substantially completed.
Kampala – Masaka (116km) major works substantially completed.

Mbarara (Buteraniro)- Ntungamo (Rwentobo)section (59km)- 33.6% of the road woks were
completed by quarter three out of the annual target of 30%. The cumulative progress since
the project start was 67%. Works are expected to be completed by December 2014.

Ntungamo (Rwentobo) – Katuna (75km): 28% of the works was completed by quarter three
out of the annual target of 30%. The cumulative progress since the project start was
55.7%. Works to be completed by June 2015.

Mbale - Soroti (103km)16% completed by quarter three out of the annual target of 30%.
The cumulative progress since the project start was 66%. This project is expected to be
completed by December 2014.

Jinja - Kamuli (57km) 23.1% completed out of the annual target of 30%. The cumulative
since the project start was 71%. This project is expected to be completed by December

Mukono - Jinja (80km) 33% was completed by quarter three out of the annual target of
30%. The cumulative progress since the project start was 68%. This project is expected to
be completed by December 2014.

Kafu - Kiryandongo (43km) 20% completed by quarter three out of the annual target of
30%. The cumulative progress since the project start was 20%. This project is expected to
be completed by June 2015.

Mukono - Kayunga - Njeru (94km) - Procurement of the contractor was ongoing. The
contract was expected to be signed by July 2014.

Kiryandongo - Kamdini (58km) and Kamdini - Gulu (65km)- Contractors were procured and
mobilising to commence works in July 2014.

Kyenjojo - Fort Portal (50km), Ishaka -Rugazi - Katunguru (55km), Kampala - Jinja (17km)
and Mbale - Nkokonjeru (20km) - Procurement of contractors was ongoing. Bidding
documents were finalised.

Pakwach - Nebbi (30km) – Contract was awarded.

Namunsi - Sironko - Muyembe (32km), and Nansana - Busunju (47km) - Evaluation of bids
was ongoing.

Design of the following roads was Ongoing:

Kabwohe - Bwizibwera/ Nsika - Ibanda-Kabujogera-Masyoro- Rwenjaza/Kyambura (85km),
Atiak- Kitgum (108km), Pajule-Pader (18km), Kotido-Kaabong (64km), Angatun-Lokapel
(47km), Jinja- Mbulamuti-Kamuli (80km),

Procurement of design consultants for the following roads was ongoing:

Kashozi-Buremba-Kariro (53km),Kashwa-Kashongi-Ruhumba (33km), Kisubi-Nakawuka-

Natete(27km), Nakawuka-Kasanje-Mpigi (20km),Nakawuka-Mawugulu-Nanziga-Maya
(15km), Kasanje-Buwaya (9km), Bududa circular road (28km), Muhanga - Kisiizi-

The design of the following roads for capacity improvement (dualing) is ongoing:
Kibuye - Busega - Mpigi (33km) and Kampala Southern Bypass (18km).

Bridges Programme
New Nile Bridge at Jinja – Contract signed and the contractor was mobilizing to commence
works in July 2014.

Daca, Uzurugo, Ure and Eventre completed on Wandi - Yumbe road were substantially

Mubuku Bridge on Kasese- Rwimi road and Kilembe Bridge on Kasese - Kirembe road were

Birara Bridge (Kanungu ) – Works commenced - design of the bridge was completed.

Ntungwe and Mitaano Bridges (Kanungu) -Contract was signed in March 2014; the
contractor commenced works.
Apak Bridge on Lira - Moroto road - 5% of works completed.

Kabaale (linking Kyankwanzi to Ngoma in Nakaseke) - Bid evaluation completed.

Kasozi (Lugogo) Bridge (linking Ngoma - Buruli ) -Bid evaluation was ongoing.

Nalakasi-Ariamoi-Kotido-Kabong- Kapedo road, Kaabong District –Bid evaluation was


Nyamugasani (Kasese)-Kinyamaseke- Kisinga-Kyarumba-Kibirizi road - evaluation of bids

Kyanzuki-Kasese-Kilembe road contract awarded.

Pakwala, Nyacyara, Goli, Nyagak- 3 (Nebbi), Enyau-3 and Alla (Arua) Bridges- works
commenced and were ongoing.

Cido-Nebbi-Goli, Nebbi District - evaluation of bids was ongoing.

Nyaliti -Kapchorwa-Suam – evaluation of bids completed.

Lopei-Ariamoi-Kotido-Kabong- Kapedo road- Evaluation of bids completed.

Maliba - Nkenda bridge on Bugoye - Nyakalingijo road, Kasese and Ruboni bridge on access
to Mt Mageritta tourist site, Kasese; bidding documents completed.

Emergency Response Materials (Compact panel bailey Bridges (4 ) and 50 Metalitic Pipe
Culverts (of 2.8m diameter) - evaluation of bids completed and contract awarded

Leresi (Butaleja)-Butaleja-Leresi- Budaka road - evaluation of bids was ongoing.

Road Maintenance Achievements:

Paved routine mechanized maintenance: 1720km completed by March 2014 out of annual
target 2410km.

Unpaved periodic maintenance: 600km completed by March 2014 out of annual target of

Unpaved routine mechanized maintenance: 10,500km completed by March 2014 out of the
annual target of 12875km
Road maintenance equipment: 4 excavators, 5 rollers and 2 bulldozers and 8 graders were

Evaluation of bids for 16 graders, 16 track loaders, 12 excavators, 6 rollers, 2 bulldozers

was completed and contracts awarded.

Procurement of ferries for Sigulu Islands, Namasale and Panyamur was ongoing. Evaluation
of bids was completed.
The contract for rehabilitation of Kiyindi ferry was signed.

4.3. Vote 118 – URF

1. Advancement of the case for URF Independence: The cabinet memo for amendment of
Section 14 of URA Act to allow for direct transfer of RUCs to URF awaits presentation to
cabinet by MoFPED.

2. URF Corporate plan: The Board of URF approved the 5 year corporate plan.
Implementation of the plan commenced.

3. Testing of the new allocation formula: Formula Calibration and Validation completed;
Draft FY 2014/15 IPFs presented to management in December and Final IPFs issued to

4. Restructuring of the URF secretariat: In January 2013 a consultancy was commissioned
to undertake a study of URF and recommend a restructuring plan, updating the HR and
Administration manual, and propose a competitive remuneration package. The consultant
produced the report which was discussed by the URF Board. The Board agreed that the
report should be analyzed, and an implementation plan drawn by management.

5. Launch of URF regulations & The Communication strategy:

The Uganda Road Fund Regulations were approved by the Board in January 2014. The
issues that Board raised for amendment were addressed with input from the Solicitor

Communication Strategy: The Communication Strategy is being aligned to the Corporate

and Strategic Plan as well as the current operating environment of URF.

6. Technical & Financial reviews of at agencies: The agencies were in the preparatory phase.
Procurement of Consultants to conduct the reviews in 24No. agencies was in progress.

7. M&E in at Agencies
During Q1 thru' 3 FY 2013/14 a total of 27No. Agencies were monitored including 7No.
UNRA stations; 7No. Municipal Councils; and 13No. District Local Governments using both
in-house and outsourced capacities.
Compilation of Q3 FY 2013/14 M & E report will be completed in Q4 along with printing and

8. Tracking of Periodic Maintenance schemes:

Tracking was not carried out during Q3 due to limited resources.

5. Plans for FY 2014/15

5.1. Vote 016 – MoWT

Transport Regulations

Drafting Principles for the Draft Bills of Road Safety Act and Road Transport Services Act
prepared and submitted to Cabinet; Draft IWT legislation was prepared; Cabinet Memo for
ratification of IMO Conventions submitted to Cabinet Secretariat; Draft Axle Load Control
Policy submitted to Cabinet; Traffic & Road Safety Regulations monitored and evaluated;
Major road accidents investigated and reports produced; EAC Vehicle Load Control Act

19,000 PSVs, 500 IWTVs inspected and licensed; 98% bus operator licenses processed, All
bus routes monitored; 50% no. Driving schools inspected; 1 No. Baseline Survey for PSVs
conducted; 02 No. BASAs Negotiated; 04 No. BASAs Reviewed; 12 No. National air
transport programmes coordinated; 13 No. upcountry aerodromes inspected; 04 No.
Inspections of Entebbe International Airport conducted.

10 No. conventional vessels and 400 No. non- conventional vessels(less than 24m)
inspected; 04 No of public sensitization on water and railway transport safety carried out;
Formulation of Boat Building Standards initiated; Development of Driver Training Manuals
for drivers of motor cycles, Public Service Vehicles, and goods vehicles finalized;
Consultancy for the design, installation and operationalization of a Satellite-based ICT speed
management system for Public Service Vehicles and goods vehicles procured; PSV Driver
Badges Processed and issued; UCDP Data Recovery/Back-up Centre established; A fully
equipped Inspection Pit for PSVs at TLB offices (Kampala) set-up.

Transport Services and Infrastructure

Regional Transport Sector Projects and Programmes Coordinated; URC Bill prepared; Carry
out Engineering designs of Gaba, Butebo and Bule landing sites; 7 air craft maintained; Civil
Aviation Academy operational; Maintenance and operations of runaways, apron and
taxiways at Arua, Pakuba, Masindi, Kidepo, Moroto, Lira, Tororo, Jinja, Mbarara, Kisoro,
Kasese, Soroti and Gulu Aerodromes carried out.

Railway reserve boundaries marked with reinforced concrete pillars (Phase I); Prepare an
Investment plan for improving interconnectivity of the islands in Lake Victoria; Land
acquisition at Mukono ICD, Mutukula, Katuna and Mirama Hills completed and Land titles
processed; Construction of railway ICD at Mukono railway station completed and facility
commissioned; Construction of OSBP facilities at Malaba, Busia, Mutukula, Mirama hills and
Katuna completed and Facilities commissioned; 4nos Weigh-in-Motion Weighbridges
procured, installed and commissioned at Malaba, Busia, Mutukula and Elego; Detailed
designs for construction of OSBP facilities at Elego border post completed; Procurement of
Contractor to carry out civil works for OSBP Elego border post commenced.

Run way at Soroti rehabilitated; Staff quarters at Jinja constructed; Preliminary Engineering
Designs for Kampala-Kigali standard gauge railway line conducted; Final Engineering and
Architectural Design reports of Port bell and Jinja Piers monitored and evaluated; Carry out
a preliminary engineering design to upgrade to Tororo-Pakwach/Gulu-Nimule railway line to
standard gauge railway network; Land compensation at Kasese airport concluded; Diversion
and Construction of a community road from the Kasese Airport land completed;
Procurement of civil works for the construction of the New Kampala Port at Bukasa
commenced; Detailed Designs for the construction of the New Kampala Port Commenced;
Preliminary survey of the road and rail hinterland connection, Kampala industrial park and
Namanve conducted; Resettlement action plan for Bukasa port finalized; Environmental and
Social Impact assessment for the development of new in land Port at Bukasa conducted.

Construction Standards and Quality Assurance

The Roads Act and Access to Roads Act amended; A draft Bill for a Law to regulate the
national construction industry submitted to Cabinet; A draft Bill for amending the Engineers
Registration Act, (ERA), 1969, prepared; General Specification for Roads and Bridge Works
reviewed; Standards and Guidelines for Low Cost sealing Approach developed; Guidelines

for Environment and Social Impact Assessment for Water Transport Projects developed;
Guidelines for Environment and Social Impact Assessment for Railways developed; Building
Regulations, Codes and Guidelines Approved and Disseminated; National Building Review
Board (NBRB) appointed and inaugurated and Secretariat established

200 no. of materials testing, quality control and research on construction materials reports
produced; Gender mainstreaming and compliance audits of MDAs undertaken (8 no. MDAs);
Compliance to set engineering standards in 40no. MDAs monitored; Environmental
compliance audits of MDAs undertaken 40no. MDAs); Pavement evaluations undertaken
(100 km); 5 No. geotechnical investigation services to stakeholders in the construction
industry provided; Compliance to set environment standards in the roads subsector in
Uganda National Roads Authority and 40 Local Governments monitored

UCICO established; A transport sector coordination committee (TRASCO) on cross cutting

issues established; Technical advice on construction standards to MDAs rendered (25 no.
MDAs); 4 no. Audit reports on engineering designs and tender documents prepared; 4No.
Building consultancy services contracts supervised; 6 No. building construction contracts
supervised; 12 No. venues for national functions prepared annually.

Rehabilitation and maintenance works of 142.7 Km of roads in Bulisa, Kyankwanzi,

Buhweju, Dokolo, Hoima, Buvuma, Rakai, Buyende, Soroti, Ibanda, Ntungamo, Kasese,
Serere, Busia, Kibale, Ngora, Kumi, Kapchorwa Moroto, NALI in Kyankwanzi, Accesses to
Mwiri and Buwanda Convent supervised and monitored, and performance reports and work
certificates prepared; Engineering Design of Akright Roads completed; 400km of District
Roads under Force Account cleared, shaped and compacted; 400km of District roads
surveyed; 120km fully graveled under Force Account; 20 km of District road in Mayuge
district rehabilitated (Mairina - Buyugu - Musubi - Nawampogo - Bugoto road); 400lines of
culverts installed; District and Urban roads mapped; District and Urban Road network
thematic maps produced; 20No. Road Camps surveyed; 20No. Land Titles processed.

District, Urban and Community Access Roads

On going Construction bridge projects: Kaguta (Lira), Saaka Phase II, Okokor (Kumi),
Kabuhuna (Kibaale), 14 Bridges in North and North Eastern Uganda funded by IDB: Olyanai,
Abalang, Alipa, Ajeliek, Ojanai, Opot, Aakol, Airogo (kumi), Balla and Enget(Lira), Kochi and
Nyawa (Moyo).

New bridge Construction:

Rwamabaale (Kyankwanzi), Mahoma (Kabarole); Rushaaya (Rukungiri), Kabuceera
(Mitoma), Orom Bridge (Kitgum).

1.8 km of urban roads tarmacked under phase 3 at NALI (Kyankwanzi); Construction of

8900 m2 of stone pitched drainage channels along NALI Estate roads in Kyankwanzi; 1 km
of road tarmacked in Ngora TC; 8.6 km of roads in Karamoja region rehabilitated and

12 No. Bridges inspected across the country & reports produced; 3 On-going bridge
construction projects supervised to completion; Supervision of Works for the 14 IDB funded
bridges project and ongoing construction; Selected bridges designed and constructed.

55 No. MELTC staff trained in HIV/AIDS at the Workplace; 150 No. casual workers trained in
HIV/AIDS issues in relation to road works (Busamaga, Bukiyiti, Gamatui & Namambwa
sites); 55 No. MELTC staff trained on Climate Change Risk Mgt and adaptation strategy for
the roads sub-sector; 500 No. tree seedlings planted along the 8km Busamaga - Magada -
Bumuluya LCS Training road; TNA for LCS training carried out in 10 No. DLGs (districts
already trained in LBT under UTRP, RSPS 1 & 2 & RRP); TNA for CCIs (related to LCS) of
Non-Engineering staff carried out in 10 No. DLGs (districts already trained in LBT under
UTRP, RSPS 1 & 2 & RRP); Training in CCI (related to LCS) of Non Engineering staff from 10
No. DLGs (districts already trained in LBT under UTRP, RSPS 1 & 2 & RRP); Training in LCS
of Technical staff from 10 No. DLGs (districts already trained in LBT under UTRP, RSPS 1 &
2 & RRP); Training in LCS of Technical staff from 6 No. Municipal Councils (3 No. in RTI area
& 3 No. outside RTI area); Carry out training of 270 No. Force Account road overseers from
110 DLGs (funding to come from MoWT/URF)

1.5kms of LBT Training road constructed; 2.0kms of LCS Training road constructed; 2 No.
CAS sites undertaken using appropriate technology; 20 No. LCS Trial contracts in 20 No.
DLGs; 4No. Monitoring visits for the 23 RTI districts Conducted; 220 No. District staff
training in RAMPS; 2 No. RTI Stakeholders workshop conducted; 4 No. Regional workshops
for implementation of CAS manuals conducted; Low cost seal manuals and guide lines

Mechanical Engineering Services

Guidelines for garages repairing Government vehicles reviewed; Guidelines for operation
and maintenance of zonal equipment under force account developed; Average availability of
Ministry vehicles kept at 70%; Fleet management system installed and implemented;
Pool/Zonal road equipment kept at 70% availability; Average availability of district road
equipment kept at 70%; Average availability of MV Kalangala kept at 95% of the planned
operating time; MV Kalangala's hull, machinery, passengers and crew insured; MV
Kalangala kept on Lloyds Class; Landing sites at Nakiwogo (Entebbe Mainland) and
Lutoboka (Kalangala) redesigned.

Average availability of the Government Protocol fleet kept 80%; Consultancy to establish
ferry services to support expansion of VODP II to other outlying islands in Kalangala District
carried out; Consultancy to establish ferry services along Kasensero and Kabanyaga lake
crossings in Rakai District, Kyebe sub-county conducted.

Policy, Planning and Support Services

Detailed Engineering designs for the BRT finalised, updating the National Transport Policy
and Strategy, MATA, MTRA, DUCAR and NRSA study; Establishment and operationalization
of a Maritime Administration; Paper Smart policy introduced; IWT Policy and Strategy

consultancy procured; Final UR Bill Draft prepared; Formulation of a Search And Rescue
(SAR) plan finalized; Monitor the 20,000 km of the National Roads network in 112 Districts;
10th Annual Joint Transport Sector Review Coordinated and held.

Ministerial Budget Policy Statement and expenditure estimates produced; Budget

Framework Paper produced; Sector Quarterly performance reports produced; Joint
Transport Sector Review meetings/workshop coordinated; Sector Monitoring and Evaluation
framework Reviewed; Sector M&E Policy and Sector Strategic Plan for Statistics
disseminated; Implementation of the Sector Strategic Plan for Statistics monitored; TSDMS
operationalized; Travel time and Vehicle operating costs surveys conducted; Sector
statistics collected and databank updated; Sector Statistical Year Book and fact file

Annual Sector Performance Report for FY 2013/14 produced and printed; Sector M & E
framework operationalized; Ministry Payroll reviewed and Payroll Report produced;
Management letters issued; Three Regional Workshops inspected and Report produced; 25
No. staff sponsored on long term Training; 120 no. Recruited and deployed; 10 no. staff
sponsored for performance enhancement in short training courses support supervision to
ministry upcountry stations undertaken.

5.2. Vote 113 – UNRA

A total of 250 km-equiv. of gravel national roads will be tarmacked during the FY 2014/15.
In addition, 170 km-equiv. of old paved national roads will be reconstructed/ rehabilitated.

Construction works will continue on the following roads:

Ongoing upgrading projects:
Hoima – Kaiso – Tonya (92km) 29%, cumulative 100%
Vurra – Arua – Koboko – Oraba (92km) 25%, cumulative 100%
Gulu – Atiak (74km) 25%, cumulative 100%
Ishaka-Kagamba (35.4km)30%, cumulative 70%
Kampala – Entebbe Expressway /Munyonyo spur (51km) 20%; cumulative 50%
Moroto – Nakapiripiriti (92km) 30%, cumulative 70%
Atiak – Nimule (35km)25%, cumulative 50%
Kamwenge – Fort Portal (65km) 30%, cumulative 50%
Mbarara Bypass (40km) 20%; cumulative 50%
Namanve Industrial Park Access road (4km); 90%; cumulative 100%
Luuku – Kalangala (66km)- staged upgrading 30%; cumulative 70%
New Upgrading Projects to commence
Ntungamo – Mirama Hills (37km) 20%
Kampala Northern Bypass Phase 2 (17km) 15%
Masaka – Bukakata (41km) 30%
Kigumba – Masindi – Hoima – Kabwoya (135km)20%
Olwiyo – Gulu – Acholibur - Kitgum – Musingo (223km) 20%
Mukono – Kyetume – Katosi/Kisoga – Nyenga (74km) 20%
Mpigi – Kanoni - Maddu – Sembabule (137km) 20%

Villa Maria – Sembabule (38km) 20%
Musita – Lumino – Busia/ Majanji (104km) 20%
Mubende – Kakumiro – Kibaale – Kagadi (104km) 10%
Tirinyi – Pallisa – Kumi/ Pallisa – Kamonkoli (111km) – 15%
Kyenjojo – Kabwoya (105km) – 15%

Procurement of contractors and payment of advance and commencing mobilization for the
following roads:
Rukungiri – Kihihi – Ishasha/Kanungu (74km)
Mbale –Bubulo –Magale/Lwakhakha (41km)
Atiak – Adjuman – Moyo – Afoji (104km)
Kapchorwa – Suam (77km)

Kampala – Jinja Expressway (77km) - Public Private Partnership (PPP) project structured
and Private Partner procured.

Reconstruction/Rehabilitation of old paved road

Rehabilitation works will be completed/continued for the following projects:
Kawempe – Kafu (166km) 10%, cumulative 100%
Mbarara (Buteraniro)– Ntungamo (Rwentobo) (59km) 20%; cumulative 100%
Ntungamo(Rwentobo) – Katuna (74km)25% , cumulative 90%
Kampala - Masaka (Phase 2 (51km) 10%; cumulative 100%
Kampala - Mukono – Jinja (80km) 20%, cumulative 80%
Jinja - Kamuli (60km) 13%; cumulative 100%
Mbale – Soroti (103km) 20%; cumulative 100%
Kafu – Kiryandongo (43km) 30%; cumulative 70%
Staged upgrading of Luuku – Kalangala road (66km) 30%; cumulative 70%
Rehabilitation works will commence for the following projects:
Kiryandongo – Karuma – Kamdini (58km)20%
Kamdini – Gulu (65km) 20%
Mukono – Kayunga – Njeru (94km) 15%
Namunsi - Sironko - Muyembe (32km) -15%
Nansana - Busunju (47km) -15%
Pakwach - Nebbi (30km) - 20%
Mbale - Nkokonjeru (20km) – 10%
Kyenjojo - Fort Portal (50km) –procure contractor and pay advance
Ishaka - Rugazi - Katunguru (55km) Procure contractor and pay advance
OPRC Tororo – Mbale – Soroti – Lira – Kamdini (340km)
Road Design Studies
Kayunga-Galiraya (88.5km) – Final designs and bidding documents
Zirobwe-Wobulenzi Road (23Km)- Draft design report
Najjanankumbi - Busabala and Nambole - Seeta (40km)- Feasibility and preliminary designs
Seeta - Namugongo - Kyaliwajala - Kiira - Kasangati - Matugga - Wakiso - Temangalo -
Buloba - Nsangi/ Najjanakumbi - Busabala (84km) - Feasibility and preliminary designs

Kabwohe - Bwizibwera/ Nsika - Ibanda-Kabujogera-Masyoro-Rwenjaza/Kyambura (85km) -
Final design report and bidding documents.

Atiak-Kitgum (108km) - Final design report and bidding documents.,

Pajule-Pader (18km) - Final design report and bidding documents.

Kotido-Kaabong (64km) - Feasibility study report

Angatun-Lokapel (47km) - Final design report and bidding documents.

Jinja-Mbulamuti-Kamuli (80km) - Final design report and bidding documents.

Kashozi-Buremba-Kariro (53km) - Feasibility and draft design reports

Kampala fly-over Project – Draft designs

Kashwa-Kashongi-Ruhumba (33km) - Feasibility and draft design reports

Kisubi-Nakawuka-Natete(27km) -Feasibility and draft design reports

Nakawuka-Kasanje-Mpigi (20km)- Feasibility and draft design reports

Nabumali - Butaleja - Namutumba (90km)- Feasibility and draft design reports

Nakawuka-Mawugulu-Nanziga-Maya (15km)- Feasibility and draft design reports

Kasanje-Buwaya (9km)-Feasibility and draft design reports

Bubulo - Bududa circular road (28km), - Feasibility and draft design reports

Muhanga - Kisiizi -Rwashamaire (50km)

Goli - Paidha - Zombo - Warr - Arua (59km) - Feasibility and draft design reports

Hamurwa - Kerere - Kanungu/ Buleme - Buhoma - Butogota - Hamayanja - Ifasha - Ikumba

(149km) - Feasibility and draft design reports

Ishasha - Katunguru (88km) - Feasibility and draft design reports

Kabale - Bunyonyi (22km) - Feasibility and draft design reports

Kisoro - Mgahinga Gate (14km) - Feasibility and draft design reports

Kisoro - Rubuguli - Muko (48km) - Feasibility and draft design reports

Magale - Bumbo - Lwakhakha road (14km) -Feasibility and draft design reports

Karugutu - Ntoroko road (55km)- Feasibility and draft design reports

Muhoro - Ndaiga road (31km)- Feasibility study report

Kitala - Gerenge (10km)- Feasibility study report

Luwero - Butalangu -Ngoma (83km)- Feasibility and preliminary design reports

Lusalira - Kasambya - Nkonge - Sembabule (97km) - Feasibility study report

Kanoni -Misingi - Mityana (61km) - Feasibility study report

Bombo - Ndejje - Kalasa (19km)- Feasibility study report.

Kumi - Ngora - Serere - Kagwara/ Soroti (75km)- design consultant procured.

Mayuge-Mbaale- Nakivumbi-Bugiri-Namayingo-Lugala (90km)-design consultant procured.

Busia - Tororo (24km) - design consultant procured

Kyenjojo (Kahunge) - Nyarukoma- Kigarale - Rwamwanja (34km) - design consultant


Rwamwanja - Kihura (34km) - design consultant procured

Roads for capacity improvement

Kampala Southern Bypass (18km) - design report

Kampala - Bombo (35km) - feasibility study report

Bridges program
New Nile Bridge at Jinja (20%)
Enyau-3 and Alla (Arua) 50%
Goli, Nyagak- 3 (Nebbi) 50%
Pakwala, Nyacyara, Goli, Nyagak- 3 (Nebbi) 50%,
Apak Bridge on Lira - Moroto road 50%
Birara Bridge (Kanungu ) 50%
Ntungwe Bridge on Ishasha - Katunguru road (Kanungu)50%
Mitano Bridge Rukunguri - Kanungu road - 50%
Kabaale (linking Kyankwanzi to Ngoma in Nakaseke) 50%
Kasozi (Lugogo) Bridge (linking Ngoma - Buruli )- design completed
Nalakasi Bridge on Ariamoi-Kotido-Kaabong-Kapedo road, 50%

Lopei Bridge on Moroto -Ariamoi-Kotido road 50%
Kaabong Bridge on Ariamoi-Kotidoroad, 50%
Kyanzuki Bridge in Kilembe, 50%
Nyamugasani Bridge -Kinyamaseke-Kisinga-Kyarumba-Kibirizi road 50%
Maliba-Nkenda Bridge on Bugoye- Nyakalingijo road, Kasese 50%
Ruboni Bridge provides access to Mt Mageritta tourist site, Kasese 50%
Cido Bridge on Nebbi-Goli, Nebbi District 50%
Leresi Bridge -Butaleja-Leresi-Budaka road 50%
Nyaliti -Kapchorwa-Suam 50%
Ora Bridge on Okokko – Anyiribu road in Arua – Procure the contractor
Aji Bridge on Ullepi Offaka – Nyiribu road in Arua – Procure the contractor
Kangole Bridge on Katakwi – Moroto road – Procure the contractor
Seretiyo on Kapchorwa – Suam road – Procure the contractor

National Roads Maintenance

The outputs under the national roads maintenance will be as follows:
3000 km of routine mechanized maintenance of paved roads
12,500 km of routine mechanized maintenance of unpaved roads
2,225 km of periodic maintenance (re-gravelling) of unpaved roads
100 km of periodic maintenance (remedial repairs & sealing) of paved roads
7 Bridges rehabilitated
300 Bridges - Routine Maintenance
Road Safety
55km of Street lighting on Selected National Roads
6,000 No. Road Signage on Various roads
800km Marking of Roads
450km Demarcation of road reserves

Paved Roads planned for periodic maintenance

Nakalama- Tirinyi- Mbale (102 km)-30%
Lira - Akia & Lira Railway & Army Barracks Accesses (12 km)-50%
Mityana - Mubende (89 km)-20%
Soroti - Arapai (10 km), Soroti State Lodge ( 2km) & Ngora Township (2 km)-40%
Kibuye - Entebbe Airport (37 km)-80%
Iganga - Kaliro (32 km)-30%
Fort Portal - Hima (55km)- 20%
Hima - Katunguru (58 km)- 20%
Masaka - Nyendo (Town through road) 5km)100%

Ferry Services
Procurement will be completed for the following ferries;
New ferry to replace Wanseko – Panyamur ferry
Second new ferry for Namasale – Lwampanga
New ferry for Sugulu Islands (Bugiri district)
Kiyindi Ferry will be rehabilitated
9 ferries operated and maintained

5.3. Vote 118 – URF

Fund Secretariat
Road maintenance funds (UGX420.878Bn) disbursed to Designated Agencies quarterly,
135 Designated Agencies monitored and evaluated,
38 Designated Agencies audited,
OYRMP for FY 2013/14 reviewed,
OYRMP for 2014/15 prepared,
Board control and oversight facilitated

Provided funding to UNRA (UGX 274.4bn) for:

Routine Maintenance
• Paved Roads - Manual Maintenance - 1,170km
• Paved Roads - Mechanized Maintenance - 1,150km
• Paved Roads - Term Maintenance (Mechanized) - 2,500km
• Un paved Roads - Manual Maintenance - 16,500km
• Un paved Roads - Mechanized Maintenance - 7,000km
• Un paved Roads - Term Maintenance (Mechanized) - 6,000km
• Bridges - 280 bridges maintained

Periodic Maintenance
• Paved Roads - Remedial Repairs & Sealing - 65km
• Un paved Roads – Regravelling - 1,300km
• Labour Based Rehabilitation - 132km
• Bridges (Major Repairs) - 10 bridges rehabilitated

Road Safety works

• Street lighting on Selected National Roads - 47km
• Road Signage on Various roads - 4,000no.
• Marking of Roads - 1,100km
• Demarcation of road reserves - 555km
• Protection of road reserves of national roads

Axle Load Control

• Operations and Maintenance (8 fixed & 2 Mobile) - 10 Weighbridges

Operations, Maintenance and Landing sites maintenance (9 Ferries) - 9 Ferries

Other qualifying work

• National Road Network Condition Assessment and Quality Assurance
• Road Committee Activities
• Alternative Technology/Low Cost Surfacing Technology - 2No. - 53km
• Consultancy Services - Supervision of Periodic Maintenance of Paved & Unpaved
Roads - 25No.
• Consultancy Services - Supervision of Periodic Maintenance of Bridges - 1No.

Provide funding to the DUCAR & KCCA (UGX 146.440bn) for the following activities:
District Roads
• Routine Maintenance (Manual) of District Rds 25,528km;
• Routine Maintenance (Mechanized) of District Rds 5,000km;
• Periodic Maintenance of District Rds 1,000km;
• Routine Maintenance (Bridges)/District Rds 10No;
• Culverts (Nos)/ District Rds 5,500No.

Urban Roads
• Routine Maintenance (Manual) of Urban Rds 1,200km;
• Routine Maintenance (Mechanized) of Urban Rds 206km;
• Periodic Maintenance of Urban Rds 50km;
• Routine Maintenance (Bridges)/Urban Rds 6No;
• Culverts (lines)/Urban Rds 100No.

KCCA Roads
• Routine Maintenance (Manual) of KCCA Rds 626km;
• Routine Maintenance (Mechanized) of KCCA Rds 500km;
• Periodic Maintenance of KCCA Rds 25km;
• Culverts (lines)/KCCA Rds 50No.

Community Access Roads

• Routine Maintenance (Manual) of CARs of 5,832km;
• Routine Maintenance (Bridges)/CARs 14No;
• Culverts (lines)/CARs 1,050No;

Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

V1: Vote Overview
(i) Vote Mission Statement
To promote adequate, safe and well maintained Works and Transport Infrastructure and Services for
Social Economic Development of Uganda
(ii) Summary of Past Performance and Medium Term Budget Allocations
Table V1.1: Overview of Vote Expenditures (UShs Billion)

2013/14 MTEF Budget Projections

2012/13 Approved Rel. by
(i) Excluding Arrears, Taxes Outturn Budget End Mar 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17
Wage 3.752 7.727 4.127 8.867 9.487 11.053
Non Wage 10.966 23.043 17.461 24.062 24.543 25.647
GoU 53.462 67.489 53.926 66.194 66.988 70.104
Ext. Fin 0.116 26.912 2.104 23.169 0.000 0.000
GoU Total 68.180 98.260 75.515 99.122 101.018 106.804
Total GoU + Ext Fin (MTEF) 68.296 125.172 77.619 122.291 101.018 106.804
Arrears 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 N/A N/A
(ii) Arrears
and Taxes Taxes 5.000 19.067 1.500 0.060 N/A N/A
Total Budget 73.296 144.239 79.119 122.351 N/A N/A

The chart below shows total funding allocations to the Vote by Vote Function over the medium term:
Chart V1.1: Medium Term Budget Projections by Vote Function (Excluding Taxes, Arrears)

Ushs Billion





Standards and

and Community



Services and

District, Urban

Access Roads

and Support




2013/14 Approved Budget Estimates 2014/15 Budget Projections 2015/16 Budget Projections

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

(iii) Vote Outcomes and Outcome Indicators
The table below sets out the vote outcomes and outcome indicators
Table V1.3: Vote Outcomes and Outcome Indicators
Outcome Statement Outcome Indicators Baseline Base year Target

Improved traffic flow in the great Road service level-average travel time 2.5 2011 2.4
Kampala Metropolitan Areas in Minutes per Km

Compliance to National construction % of LGs in compliance to road 40 2011 48

standards construction standards

V2: Vote Performance for FY 2013/14 and Planned Outputs for FY 2014/15
This section describes past vote performance and planned Outputs, in terms of key vote outputs
(i) Past Vote Outputs
Preliminary 2013/14 Performance

Transport Regulations

Procured Consultancy services and approved inception report to review inland water transport (IWT)
Legislation; Under took a study tour to Tanzania and Kenya on the process of ratification of transport
protocols; 1 No. Major Road Accident was investigated on Mityana Road; Undertook stock of road
furniture on the following roads: Kampala - Kabale- Kisoro, Kampala - Bombo - Luwero - Karuma - Gulu,
Karuma - Pakwach - Arua, Kampala- Jinja-Busia- Tororo- Mbale – Soroti and Mbale – Iganga.

Inspected and licensed 14,728 PSVs as at 31st March 2014; Processed 643 bus operator licenses on major
roads; Monitored 80% of the major bus routes in Uganda; Attended BASA negotiation meetings in South
Africa; 3 No. BASAs reviewed for Ethiopia, South Africa and Sudan; Inspected and monitored 2 No.
landing sites' infrastructure; Coordinated a number of National, regional and International programs (East
African Community (EAC), international labour organization (ILO), ISCOS, international maritime
organization (IMO), and LVBC).

Undertook 1 No. compliance inspection on MV Pearl on availability of life saving and firefighting
appliances; 01 No. IWT vessel inspection and data collection exercise on selected landing sites on Lake
Albert conducted; Produced a Cabinet Memorandum for the Axle Load Control Policy; Reviewed the
inception report for consultancy Services to develop Training Manuals for motor cycles, Public Service
Vehicles, and goods vehicles drivers.

Transport Services and Infrastructure

Maintained and operated runaways, apron and taxiways at Arua, Pakuba, Masindi, Kidepo, Moroto, Lira,
Tororo, Jinja, Mbarara, Kisoro, Kasese, Soroti and Gulu Aerodromes; 85% of Construction works of the
perimeter fence at Kasese Airport completed; Commenced Construction of an electric power fence at
Pakuba aerodrome; Procurement of a contractor to construct a perimeter fence at Mbarara and Jinja
aerodromes is on-going; Procurement of Portable mobile runway lighting system at Soroti airport is
ongoing; EACAA trained 23 flight operation students; 21 pilot students presented for CAA exams; 6 course
23 flight operation students graduated.

Draft Final Report for the preliminary engineering design to upgrade to standard gauge railway network
between Malaba/Kampala prepared; Survey and Demarcation of the Rail-road corridor at the New Kampala
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Port completed; Project area for the New Kampala port in Bukasa surveyed

Construction Standards and Quality Assurance

3 No. Gender mainstreaming and compliance audit of MDAs undertaken; 5 No. Environmental compliance
audits of MDAs undertaken; 124 no. materials testing and quality control to stakeholders in the construction
industry provided; 13 No. Construction sites inspected for compliance with standards; Procurement for
Phase 2 works of Tito Okello House is ongoing.

3 No. geotechnical investigation services to stakeholders in the construction industry provided; 4 No.
Environment and social impact assessment reports on Malaba – Kampala Standard gauge project and
Katuna OSBP prepared, Management plans for Saaka bridge and Kaguta - Oxford Road prepared; 5no.
Buildings Assessed for structural Integrity and Suitability for use; 5 no technical advice on construction
standards offered to MDAs.

Rehabilitation and maintenance works of 133 Km of roads in Masindi, Luweero, Wakiso, Kiboga, Ibanda,
Arua, Kole, Soroti, Serere districts were supervised and monitored; 9 No. building consultancy services
contracts; Procurement for design and construction of MoWT Headquarters Building is ongoing; Inception
report for the design of 8 strategic bridges reviewed.

99% of Nyagak bridge Constructed, 48% Kaguta bridge constructed, 99% Alla2 bridge Constructed & 60%
Agwa Bridge Constructed; Saaka bridge 70% constructed; Okokor Bridge 50% constructed; Procurement
for construction of a new bridge at Kabuhuna swamp crossing on-going; Procurement for
rehabilitation/construction of Rushaaya bridge & Kabuceera swamp crossing (Mitooma District) &
Mahoma Bridge (Kabarole District) is ongoing.

District, Urban and Community Access Roads

8 Bridges were inspected across the country; Design of 8 strategic bridges completed, Lot 1 work
commenced & contractor is on site, Lot 2 & 4 are at Contract Signing, Lot 3 is awaiting clearance from
Solicitor General; 1 No. has Bridge been completed awaiting preparation of final account 5 bridges still
ongoing; Financial clearance sent to MOFPED for the drafting principles for creating DUCAR agency.

65% of (1.8 km of urban roads under phase 3 at NALI (Kyankwanzi)) tarmacked; 53km of district roads
were opened; 15km of district roads were rehabilitated; 10% of DUR database established; 40 km of
District roads were supervised; 30% of Road Inventory data on DUR collected; 23 RTI Districts work plans
reviewed and approved.

2 No. Monitoring of projects in 23 RTI districts conducted; 10No. MoWT staff trained in Low-Cost seal
technology; Draft Terms of reference for upgrading of RAMPS prepared; 45 No. MoWT staff trained in
RAMPS; Draft Terms of reference for preparation of manuals for Low cost seals prepared.

Mechanical Engineering Services

Draft guidelines for private garages prepared and reviewed; Draft guidelines for operation and maintenance
of district/zonal road equipment reviewed and finalized; Average availability of central Ministry Vehicles
kept at least 63%.

Average availability of government protocol fleet kept at 76%; Inspection and monitoring of vehicles and
road equipment in 5No. District LGs under Western Region, 5 No. District LGs under Northern Region, 5
No. under Eastern Region, and 5 No. district LGs under south-western region were done; Availability of
district and core road and specialized equipment kept at 62% and MV Kalangala operational for 48% of the
planned time because of the need for servicing and insurance.
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Policy, Planning and Support Services

Annual Sector Performance Report FY 2012/13 prepared; 2014/2015 Budget Framework Paper prepared;
9th Annual Joint Transport Sector Review held; Formulation of the National Transport Policy and Strategy
is on-going; Quarterly budget performance monitoring carried out and reports prepared; Drafting Principles
for the MTRA Bill submitted to cabinet

26No. Of staff recruited and deployed; 10 No. of staff promoted; 10 No. of staff confirmed in their
respective appointments; 25 No. of staff trained in Long term courses; 13 No. of staff sponsored to
undertake research; 04 No. of staff trained in short term courses; 06 No. staff sponsored in tailor made
course on transport logistics; 19 No. staff sponsored for professional training in engineering.
Table V2.1: Past and 2014/15 Planned Key Vote Outputs
2013/14 2014/15
Vote, Vote Function
Key Output Planned outputs Achievements by End March Planned Outputs
Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport
Vote Function: 0401 Transport Regulation
Output: 040101 Policies, laws, guidelines, plans and strategies developed
Description of Outputs: Road Safety Policy approved by Consultancy contract for IWT Road Safety Drafting Principles
Cabinet Legislation signed, Consultant for the Draft Bills of Road
commenced and submitted Safety Act and Road Transport
Draft Bill for establishment of inception report reviewed and Services Act prepared and
National Road Safety Authority approved submitted to Cabinet
finalized and submitted to
Cabinet Secretariat A study tour to Tanzania and Drafting Principles submitted to
Kenya on cabinet and Draft IWT
Study for review and updating the process the ratification of legislation prepared t
of the Traffic and Road Safety transport protocols was
finalized undertaken Cabinet Memo for ratification of
IMO Conventions submitted to
01 draft IWT legislation Conducted a Workshop for the Cabinet Secretariat
developed review of the traffic and road
safety legislation Draft Axle Load Control Policy
01 draft IWT policy and strategy submitted to Cabinet
developed Drafted ToR for the
development of an Axle Load Development of Driver Training
01 consultant to carry out a Control M&E framework Manuals for drivers of motor
study for the establishment of a cycles, Public Service Vehicles,
Maritime Administration and a Produced a cabinet and goods vehicles finalised
Maritime Training school memorandum for the Axle Load
procured. Control Policy

01 consultant to develop boat Consultations on axle load

building standards procured control policy document were
Ratification of transport
conventions SOLAS 1974, One EALA meeting on Axle
STCW 1995, SAR 1976 and Load Harmonisation was
MARPOL 88’ for Inland Water attended in Kigali
Transport and BERN
Convention for the railways Contract for consultancy
Services for development of
Axle control policy and strategy Training Manuals for drivers of
developed and submitted to motor cycles, Public Service
Cabinet Secretariat Vehicles, and goods vehicles
awarded to the best evaluated
Training Manuals for drivers of bidder.
motor cycles, Public Service
Vehicles, and goods vehicles Draft inception report for
developed consultancy services to develop
training manuals for drivers of

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2013/14 2014/15
Vote, Vote Function
Key Output Planned outputs Achievements by End March Planned Outputs
motor cycles, Public Service
Vehicles, and goods vehicles
submitted by the consultant for
Output: 040102 Road Safety Programmes Coordinated and Monitored
Description of Outputs: 6 sensitization Workshops Stock of road furniture on 4 No. Sensitization campaigns
conducted Kampala-Kabale- Kisoro road, conducted
Kampala - Bombo - Luwero -
4 major road accidents (Over 10 Karuma - Gulu, Karuma - Traffic & Road Safety
Fatalities) investigated and Packwach - Arua road, Regulations monitored and
reports produced Kampala- Jinja-Busia- Tororo- evaluated
Soroti- Mbale - Iganga road
Road Safety Civil Society undertaken Major road accidents
Organizations coordinated investigated and reports
1 No. Major Road Accidents produced
Axle load control and investigated on Mityana Road.
operations of weighbridges EAC Vehicle Load Control Act
stations monitored      One sensitization workshop on implemented
Rules of the Road and Highway
Public sensitized about vehicle Code conducted (Fort Portal). Axle load control operations
requirements including monitored and surveys carried
reflectors along other regulations 3No. Road Safety Civil Society out
Organisations coordinated
Computerized System for
production of badges for drivers Two Axle Load monitoring
of Public Service Vehicles surveys carried out in Migeera,
established Nakasongola.

System for producing PSV

driver badges procured and
Output: 040103 Public Service Vehicles & Inland water Transport vessels Inspected & licensed
Description of Outputs: 18,500 PSVs, 500 IWTVs 14,728 PSVs inspected and 19,000 PSVs, 500 IWTVs
inspected and licensed licensed as at 31st March 2014 inspected and licensed

850 bus operator licenses 643 bus operator licenses 98% bus operator licenses
processed processed processed

All bus routes monitored. 80% bus routes monitored Bus routes monitored.

8 public Transport Awareness 10 one day public hearing 50%. Driving schools inspected
Campaigns Conducted conducted
1 No. Baseline Survey for PSVs
8 IWT awareness campaigns conducted
PSV Driver Badges Processed
50 driving schools licensed and issued

12 hearings for public transport

Output: 040104 Air Transport Programmes coordinated and Monitored
Description of Outputs: 1 BASAs reviewed( Ethiopia) 4 No. BASAs reviewed for 02 No. BASAs Negotiated
Quarterly reports made Ethiopia, South Africa and
Sudan, while Diplomatic notes 04 No. BASAs Reviewed
2 programmes of Air transport were exchanged between
coordinated and 2 reports made Uganda and Congo requesting 12 No. National air transport
for BASA review meetings. programmes coordinated
8 upcountry aerodromes
inspected 13 reports made 5 No. National Air Transport 13 No. upcountry aerodromes
Facilitation Meetings organized. inspected
Coordination office for aircraft
accident investigations 4 No. of programmes of Air 04 No. Inspections of Entebbe
established. transport coordinated and 4No. International Airport conducted
Reports made
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2013/14 2014/15
Vote, Vote Function
Key Output Planned outputs Achievements by End March Planned Outputs

7 No. of upcountry aerodromes

inspected and Reports made.

Attend BASA negotiation

meetings in
South Africa.
Output: 040105 Water and Rail Transport Programmes Coordinated and Monitored.
Description of Outputs: 04 public sensitization 2 No. Of landing sites' 10 No. Conventional vessels
campaigns on water transport infrastructure inspected and and 400 No. Non- conventional
safety carried out monitored. vessels( less than 24m) inspected

02 public sensitization 247 No. water vessels inspected 04 No Of public sensitization on

campaigns on railway transport in wanseko, 100 No. in Bugoigo Water and railway transport
safety carried out and 193 No. in Butyaba Safety carried out

200 water vessels inspected National, regional and Formulation of Boat Building
International programs Standards initiated
20 landing sites and waterways coordinated (EAC, ILO, ISCOS,
and 02 ports inspected for safety IMO, and LVBC). Seafarers Identification and
and pollution prevention Record books produced
2 No. Of IWT ports & 5 No. Of
100% of active railway line landing sites' infrastructure Maritime and Railway
inspected for safety inspected and monitored. Accidents investigated

At least 50% of major water and 1 No. inspection of MV Pearl

rail transport accidents for life saving and firefighting
investigated appliances carried out.

National, regional and 01 No. accident investigation on

International programs MV Kyoga on lake Kyoga.
coordinated (EAC, ISCOS,
IMO, CCTFA, NTTFA, AU, 1 No. IWT accident
IGAD, IAPH, ILO, FAO, investigation on Lake Albert
SADC, COMESA, KMA, conducted
01 No. IWT vessel inspection
and data collection exercise on
selected landing
Vote Function: 0402 Transport Services and Infrastructure
Output: 040201 Policies, laws, guidelines, plans and strategies
Description of Outputs: Regional Transport Sector Regional transport sector Regional Transport Sector
Projects and Programmes projects coordinated and reports Projects and Programmes
Coordinated. produced Coordinated.

Road service level-travel time BRT feasibility study and Investment plan for improving
surveys conducted detailed interconnectivity of the islands
engineering design coordinated in Lake Victoria prepared
NTMP/GKMA reviewed and and supervised
the Strategic implementation URC Bill prepared
plan of the NTMP/GKMA Consultant to review the
formulated NTMP/GKMA and formulate Asset stock taking on all railway
the SIP procured lines undertaken
Report on the implementation
progress of the NTMP/GKMA Interim report for concept paper
and the 5-year MoWT Strategic on inland development on L.
Plan prepared Victoria prepared

Concept paper on inland water Bids for the preparation of the

development plan on L. Victoria concept paper on inland water
completed development plan on Lake
Victoria issued to potential
URC Bill 2012 developed bidders

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2013/14 2014/15
Vote, Vote Function
Key Output Planned outputs Achievements by End March Planned Outputs
Output: 040204 Development of Inland Water Transport
Description of Outputs: Final tender documents for the Preliminary Architectural and Final tender documents for the
procurement of a contractor to Engineering Designs of Portbell procurement of a contractor to
improve Portbell and Jinja Piers and Jinja Piers produced. remodel Portbell and Jinja Piers
prepared prepared.
3 No of Socio-economic surveys
Civil works for the on Water ways Conducted Preliminary design of Portbell
improvement of Portbell and and Jinja piers prepared
Jinja Piers commenced
4 No of Socio-economic surveys
4 socio-economic surveys on on Water ways Conducted.
Water ways Conducted.
Output: 040206 Development of Railways
Description of Outputs: Railway reserve boundaries Railway reserve boundaries Railway reserve boundaries
marked with reinforced concrete marked with reinforced concrete marked with reinforced concrete
pillars (Phase I). pillars (Phase I) at 50% progress pillars (Phase I).

Preliminary Engineering Design Procurement of consultant for Preliminary Engineering

to upgrade Kampala Kasese the Preliminary Engineering Designs for Kampala-Kigali
railway line commenced Design to upgrade Kampala standard gauge railway line
Kasese railway line commenced. conducted
Draft Final Report for the Re-evaluation process ongoing
preliminary engineering design Carry out a preliminary
to upgrade to standard gauge Draft Final Report for the engineering design to upgrade
railway network between preliminary engineering design to Tororo-Pakwach/Gulu-
Malaba/Kampala prepared. to upgrade to standard gauge Nimule railway line to standard
railway network between gauge railway network.
Malaba/Kampala prepared.
Output: 040251 Maintenance of Aircrafts and Buildings (EACAA)
Description of Outputs: 7 air craft maintained 7 air craft maintained 7 air craft maintained

Civil aviation academy Civil aviation academy Civil aviation academy

operational operational operational

Phase 2 Rehabilitation works Ground School:

executed to 30%. Pilot Courses 35, 36, 37, and 38
prepared and presented for CAA
Flight operations courses 24 and
long distance exams conducted
and graduation done

Flying School:
30 PPL course students
15 CPL course students
16 CPL course students
completed and graduated

Engineering School C26

engineering students completed
and graduated
Output: 040252 Rehabilitation of Upcountry Aerodromes (CAA)
Description of Outputs: Maintainance and Operations of Maintenance and Operations of Maintenance and Operations of
runaways, apron and taxiways at runaways, apron and taxiways at runaways, apron and taxiways at
Arua, Pakuba, Masindi, Kidepo, Arua, Pakuba, Masindi, Kidepo, Arua, Pakuba, Masindi, Kidepo,
Moroto, Lira, Tororo, Jinja, Moroto, Lira, Tororo, Jinja, Moroto, Lira, Tororo, Jinja,
Mbarara, Kisoro, Kasese, Soroti Mbarara, Kisoro, Kasese, Soroti Mbarara, Kisoro, Kasese, Soroti
and Gulu Aerodromes carried and Gulu Aerodromes carried and Gulu Aerodromes carried
out out out

Runaways aprons, car parks and Procurement for re-gravelling of Run way at Soroti rehabilitated

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Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

2013/14 2014/15
Vote, Vote Function
Key Output Planned outputs Achievements by End March Planned Outputs
Taxi ways at Pakuba regravelled the runway, taxi way and apron
at Pakuba initiated. Staff quarters at Jinja
Construction of perimeter fence constructed
at Mbarara aerodrome completed Contract for the construction of
the perimeter fence at Mbarara Land compensation at Kasese
Master plan and detailed and Jinja awarded. Draft airport concluded.
engineering design at Arua contract forwarded to SG for
airfield completed. clearance Diversion and Construction of a
community road from the
Portable mobile runway lighting Contract Committee proposed a
system at Soroti airport procured retendering of the procurement
of consultancy to develop the
Master plan and detailed
engineering design at Arua

Bids for the procurement of

Portable mobile runway lighting
system at Soroti airport prepared.

85% of Construction works of

the perimeter fence at Kasese
Airport completed
Output: 040281 Construction/Rehabilitation of Railway Infrastructure
Description of Outputs: Railway Wagon ferry MV Contractor to rehabilitate and Construction of railway ICD at
Pamba rehabilitated and upgrade Railway Wagon ferry Mukono railway station
upgraded MV Pamba procured completed and facility
Civil Works for railway ICD at Procured a civil works
Mukono railway station contractor and supervision
supervised and completed consultant for railway ICD at
Mukono railway station.
Mukono ICD commissioned
Contractor for railway ICD at
Traffic surveys on Surveys on Mukono railway station still
Kampala-Malaba railway line under mobilization phase
Project area for the New
Kampala port in Bukasa
surveyed and maintained

Inception report for the

preparation of the
Environmental and Social
Impact assessment for the New
Kampala Port reviewed and
Vote Function: 0403 Construction Standards and Quality Assurance
Output: 040303 Monitoring Compliance of Construction Standards and undertaking Research
Description of Outputs: 183 materials testing, quality 3 No. Gender mainstreaming 200 no. of materials testing,
control and research on and compliance audit of MDAs quality control and research on
construction materials reports undertaken. construction materials reports
produced. produced.
5 No. Environmental
5 geotechnical investigation compliance audits of MDAs 5 No. geotechnical investigation
reports prepared undertaken. reports prepared

Gender mainstreaming and 124 no. materials testing, quality Gender mainstreaming and
compliance audits of MDAs control to stakeholders in the compliance audits of in 8 No.
undertaken (8 MDAs) construction industry provided. MDAs undertaken

Compliance to set engineering 3 No. geotechnical investigation Compliance to set engineering

standards in 49 MDAs services to stakeholders in the standards in 40 No. MDAs
monitored. construction industry provided monitored
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Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

2013/14 2014/15
Vote, Vote Function
Key Output Planned outputs Achievements by End March Planned Outputs

Environmental compliance 1 No. report prepared on BTA Compliance to set

audits of MDAs undertaken (49 asphalt material for Transport implementation methods on
MDAs) Research Laboratory (UK) UNRA 8 No. projects/programs

180 materials testing, quality 4 No. Environment and social Environmental compliance
control investigation services to impact assessment reports on audits of MDAs undertaken in
stakeholders in the construction Malaba – Kampala Standard 40 no. MDAs
industry provided gauge project and Katuna
OSBP, Saaka and Kaguta - Pavement evaluations
Compliance to set environment Oxford Road undertaken (100 km)
standards in the roads subsector
in Uganda National Roads Compliance to set environment
Authority (UNRA) and 32 Local standards in the roads subsector
Governments (LGs) monitored in Uganda National Roads
Authority and 40 Local
Environment and social impact Governments monitored
assessment reports on 5
development projects prepared Environment and social impact
assessment reports on 5no.
Development projects prepared
Vote Function: 0404 District, Urban and Community Access Roads
Output: 040481 Urban roads construction and rehabilitation (Bitumen standard)
Description of Outputs: 2.6 km of urban roads 65% cumulative project 1.8 km of urban roads
tarmacked in Kapchorwa, implementation progress at tarmacked under phase 3 at
Kabarole and NALI Kyankwanzi and 40 % NALI (Kyankwanzi)
(Kyankwanzi) implementation progress for
Kapchorwa TC Construction of 8900 m2 of
0.8 km Kapchorwa, stone pitched drainage channels
0.8 km Kabarole along NALI Estate roads in
1.0 km NALI (Kyankwanzi) Kyankwanzi.

Project Coordination at 1 km of road tarmacked in

Bugembe Mech. Workshop. Ngora TC
Vote Function: 0405 Mechanical Engineering Services
Output: 040503 Mech Tech Advise rendered & govt vehicle inventory maintained.
Description of Outputs: Coordination of transport Transport for 11No. National / 100% applications for driving
activities 16 No. International functions test and certification processed.
National/International functions coordinated;
carried out. 100% of requests for vehicle
77 No. drivers tested for driving inspection and valuation
200 drivers tested and certified competence and 395No. processed.
400 vehicles, plant and Vehicles and equipment
machinery for MDAs assessed. assessed. Government vehicle registry
Government vehicle registry
Output: 040505 Operation and Maintenance of MV Kalangala Ship and other delegated ferries
Description of Outputs: MV Kalangala operational for at MV Kalangala docked for Average availability of MV
least 95% of the planned time. corrective maintenance and Kalangala kept at 95% of the
annual survey. planned operating time.
MV Kalangala maintained to
Llyods Class. MV Kalangala's hull,
machinery, passengers and crew
Procurement Documents for the insured.
Kasensero – Kabanyaga ferry
and landings ready for issuance. MV Kalangala kept on Lloyds
Feasibility study for provision
of ferry services to support the Landing sites at Nakiwogo
Vegetable Oil Development (Entebbe Mainland) and
Project II (VODP2) and extend Lutoboka (Kalangala)
ferry services to other Islands on redesigned.
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2013/14 2014/15
Vote, Vote Function
Key Output Planned outputs Achievements by End March Planned Outputs
L. Victoria carried out.
Output: 040506 Maintenance of the Government Protocol Fleet
Description of Outputs: Average availability of the Average availability of the Average availability of the
Government Protocol Fleet kept Government Protocol Fleet kept Government Protocol fleet kept
at 80%. at 70%. 80%.
Vote Function: 0449 Policy,Planning and Support Services

V3: Detailed Planned Outputs for FY 2014/15

2014/15 Planned Outputs

Transport Regulations

Drafting Principles for the Draft Bills of Road Safety Act and Road Transport Services Act prepared and
submitted to Cabinet; Draft IWT legislation was prepared; Cabinet Memo for ratification of IMO
Conventions submitted to Cabinet Secretariat; Draft Axle Load Control Policy submitted to Cabinet; Traffic
& Road Safety Regulations monitored and evaluated; Major road accidents investigated and reports
produced; EAC Vehicle Load Control Act implemented.

19,000 PSVs, 500 IWTVs inspected and licensed; 98% bus operator licenses processed, All bus routes
monitored; 50% no. Driving schools inspected; 1 No. Baseline Survey for PSVs conducted; 02 No. BASAs
Negotiated; 04 No. BASAs Reviewed; 12 No. National air transport programmes coordinated; 13 No.
upcountry aerodromes inspected; 04 No. Inspections of Entebbe International Airport conducted.

10 No. conventional vessels and 400 No. non- conventional vessels(less than 24m) inspected; 04 No of
public sensitization on water and railway transport safety carried out; Formulation of Boat Building
Standards initiated; Development of Driver Training Manuals for drivers of motor cycles, Public Service
Vehicles, and goods vehicles finalized; Consultancy for the design, installation and operationalization of a
Satellite-based ICT speed management system for Public Service Vehicles and goods vehicles procured;
PSV Driver Badges Processed and issued; UCDP Data Recovery/Back-up Centre established; A fully
equipped Inspection Pit for PSVs at TLB offices (Kampala) set-up.

Transport Services and Infrastructure

Regional Transport Sector Projects and Programmes Coordinated; URC Bill prepared; Carry out
Engineering designs of Gaba, Butebo and Bule landing sites; 7 air craft maintained; Civil Aviation
Academy operational; Maintenance and operations of runaways, apron and taxiways at Arua, Pakuba,
Masindi, Kidepo, Moroto, Lira, Tororo, Jinja, Mbarara, Kisoro, Kasese, Soroti and Gulu Aerodromes
carried out.

Railway reserve boundaries marked with reinforced concrete pillars (Phase I); Prepare an Investment plan
for improving interconnectivity of the islands in Lake Victoria; Land acquisition at Mukono ICD,
Mutukula, Katuna and Mirama Hills completed and Land titles processed; Construction of railway ICD at
Mukono railway station completed and facility commissioned; Construction of OSBP facilities at Malaba,
Busia, Mutukula, Mirama hills and Katuna completed and Facilities commissioned; 4nos Weigh-in-Motion
Weighbridges procured, installed and commissioned at Malaba, Busia, Mutukula and Elego; Detailed
designs for construction of OSBP facilities at Elego border post completed; Procurement of Contractor to
carry out civil works for OSBP Elego border post commenced.

Run way at Soroti rehabilitated; Staff quarters at Jinja constructed; Preliminary Engineering Designs for
Kampala-Kigali standard gauge railway line conducted; Final Engineering and Architectural Design reports
of Port bell and Jinja Piers monitored and evaluated; Carry out a preliminary engineering design to upgrade
to Tororo-Pakwach/Gulu-Nimule railway line to standard gauge railway network; Land compensation at

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Kasese airport concluded; Diversion and Construction of a community road from the Kasese Airport land
completed; Procurement of civil works for the construction of the New Kampala Port at Bukasa
commenced; Detailed Designs for the construction of the New Kampala Port Commenced; Preliminary
survey of the road and rail hinterland connection, Kampala industrial park and Namanve conducted;
Resettlement action plan for Bukasa port finalized; Environmental and Social Impact assessment for the
development of new in land Port at Bukasa conducted.

Construction Standards and Quality Assurance

The Roads Act and Access to Roads Act amended; A draft Bill for a Law to regulate the national
construction industry submitted to Cabinet; A draft Bill for amending the Engineers Registration Act,
(ERA), 1969, prepared; General Specification for Roads and Bridge Works reviewed; Standards and
Guidelines for Low Cost sealing Approach developed; Guidelines for Environment and Social Impact
Assessment for Water Transport Projects developed; Guidelines for Environment and Social Impact
Assessment for Railways developed; Building Regulations, Codes and Guidelines Approved and
Disseminated; National Building Review Board (NBRB) appointed and inaugurated and Secretariat

200 no. of materials testing, quality control and research on construction materials reports produced;
Gender mainstreaming and compliance audits of MDAs undertaken (8 no. MDAs); Compliance to set
engineering standards in 40no. MDAs monitored; Environmental compliance audits of MDAs undertaken
40no. MDAs); Pavement evaluations undertaken (100 km); 5 No. geotechnical investigation services to
stakeholders in the construction industry provided; Compliance to set environment standards in the roads
subsector in Uganda National Roads Authority and 40 Local Governments monitored

UCICO established; A transport sector coordination committee (TRASCO) on cross cutting issues
established; Technical advice on construction standards to MDAs rendered (25 no. MDAs); 4 no. Audit
reports on engineering designs and tender documents prepared; 4No. Building consultancy services
contracts supervised; 6 No. building construction contracts supervised; 12 No. venues for national functions
prepared annually.

Rehabilitation and maintenance works of 142.7 Km of roads in Bulisa, Kyankwanzi, Buhweju, Dokolo,
Hoima, Buvuma, Rakai, Buyende, Soroti, Ibanda, Ntungamo, Kasese, Serere, Busia, Kibale, Ngora, Kumi,
Kapchorwa Moroto, NALI in Kyankwanzi, Accesses to Mwiri and Buwanda Convent supervised and
monitored, and performance reports and work certificates prepared; Engineering Design of Akright Roads
completed; 400km of District Roads under Force Account cleared, shaped and compacted; 400km of
District roads surveyed; 120km fully graveled under Force Account; 20 km of District road in Mayuge
district rehabilitated (Mairina - Buyugu - Musubi - Nawampogo - Bugoto road); 400lines of culverts
installed; District and Urban roads mapped; District and Urban Road network thematic maps produced;
20No. Road Camps surveyed; 20No. Land Titles processed.

District, Urban and Community Access Roads

On going Construction bridge projects: Kaguta (Lira), Saaka Phase II, Okokor (Kumi), Kabuhuna
(Kibaale), 14 Bridges in North and North Eastern Uganda funded by IDB: Olyanai, Abalang, Alipa, Ajeliek,
Ojanai, Opot, Aakol, Airogo (kumi), Balla and Enget(Lira), Kochi and Nyawa (Moyo).

New bridge Construction:

Rwamabaale (Kyankwanzi), Mahoma (Kabarole); Rushaaya (Rukungiri), Kabuceera (Mitoma), Orom
Bridge (Kitgum).

1.8 km of urban roads tarmacked under phase 3 at NALI (Kyankwanzi); Construction of 8900 m2 of stone
pitched drainage channels along NALI Estate roads in Kyankwanzi; 1 km of road tarmacked in Ngora TC;
8.6 km of roads in Karamoja region rehabilitated and supervised.

12 No. Bridges inspected across the country & reports produced; 3 On-going bridge construction projects
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Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

supervised to completion; Supervision of Works for the 14 IDB funded bridges project and ongoing
construction; Selected bridges designed and constructed.

55 No. MELTC staff trained in HIV/AIDS at the Workplace; 150 No. casual workers trained in HIV/AIDS
issues in relation to road works (Busamaga, Bukiyiti, Gamatui & Namambwa sites); 55 No. MELTC staff
trained on Climate Change Risk Mgt and adaptation strategy for the roads sub-sector; 500 No. tree
seedlings planted along the 8km Busamaga - Magada - Bumuluya LCS Training road; TNA for LCS
training carried out in 10 No. DLGs (districts already trained in LBT under UTRP, RSPS 1 & 2 & RRP);
TNA for CCIs (related to LCS) of Non-Engineering staff carried out in 10 No. DLGs (districts already
trained in LBT under UTRP, RSPS 1 & 2 & RRP); Training in CCI (related to LCS) of Non Engineering
staff from 10 No. DLGs (districts already trained in LBT under UTRP, RSPS 1 & 2 & RRP); Training in
LCS of Technical staff from 10 No. DLGs (districts already trained in LBT under UTRP, RSPS 1 & 2 &
RRP); Training in LCS of Technical staff from 6 No. Municipal Councils (3 No. in RTI area & 3 No.
outside RTI area); Carry out training of 270 No. Force Account road overseers from 110 DLGs (funding to
come from MoWT/URF)

1.5kms of LBT Training road constructed; 2.0kms of LCS Training road constructed; 2 No. CAS sites
undertaken using appropriate technology; 20 No. LCS Trial contracts in 20 No. DLGs; 4No. Monitoring
visits for the 23 RTI districts Conducted; 220 No. District staff training in RAMPS; 2 No. RTI Stakeholders
workshop conducted; 4 No. Regional workshops for implementation of CAS manuals conducted; Low cost
seal manuals and guide lines prepared

Mechanical Engineering Services

Guidelines for garages repairing Government vehicles reviewed; Guidelines for operation and maintenance
of zonal equipment under force account developed; Average availability of Ministry vehicles kept at 70%;
Fleet management system installed and implemented; Pool/Zonal road equipment kept at 70% availability;
Average availability of district road equipment kept at 70%; Average availability of MV Kalangala kept at
95% of the planned operating time; MV Kalangala's hull, machinery, passengers and crew insured; MV
Kalangala kept on Lloyds Class; Landing sites at Nakiwogo (Entebbe Mainland) and Lutoboka (Kalangala)

Average availability of the Government Protocol fleet kept 80%; Consultancy to establish ferry services to
support expansion of VODP II to other outlying islands in Kalangala District carried out; Consultancy to
establish ferry services along Kasensero and Kabanyaga lake crossings in Rakai District, Kyebe sub-county

Policy, Planning and Support Services

Detailed Engineering designs for the BRT finalised, updating the National Transport Policy and Strategy,
MATA, MTRA, DUCAR and NRSA study; Establishment and operationalization of a Maritime
Administration; Paper Smart policy introduced; IWT Policy and Strategy consultancy procured; Final UR
Bill Draft prepared; Formulation of a Search And Rescue (SAR) plan finalized; Monitor the 20,000 km of
the National Roads network in 112 Districts; 10th Annual Joint Transport Sector Review Coordinated and

Ministerial Budget Policy Statement and expenditure estimates produced; Budget Framework Paper
produced; Sector Quarterly performance reports produced; Joint Transport Sector Review
meetings/workshop coordinated; Sector Monitoring and Evaluation framework Reviewed; Sector M&E
Policy and Sector Strategic Plan for Statistics disseminated; Non Motorised Transport promoted;
Implementation of the Sector Strategic Plan for Statistics monitored; TSDMS operationalized; Travel time
and Vehicle operating costs surveys conducted; Sector statistics collected and databank updated; Sector
Statistical Year Book and fact file produced.

Annual Sector Performance Report for FY 2013/14 produced and printed; Sector M & E framework
operationalized; Ministry Payroll reviewed and Payroll Report produced; Management letters issued; Three
Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Regional Workshops inspected and Report produced; 25 No. staff sponsored on long term Training; 120 no.
Recruited and deployed; 10 no. staff sponsored for performance enhancement in short training courses
support supervision to ministry upcountry stations undertaken.
Table V3.1: Vote Function Profiles, Programme/Project Profiles and Workplan Outputs

Vote Function: 04 01 Transport Regulation

Vote Function Profile

Responsible Officer: Commisioner Transport Regulation

Services: - Promote cost effective, safe, secure and efficient transport services;
- Formulate and harmonize national and regional laws and regulations for safe,
secure, reliable and cost effective road transport;
- Implement the Private Vehicle Inspection Scheme;
- Formulate axle load control policy, laws and regulations for effective axle load
- Coordinate Regional harmonization of axle load limits, vehicle dimensions and
weighing procedures at weighbridge stations;
- Monitor axle load control operations at weighbridges;
- Establish driver training standards and testing by developing standard training
manual, testing format and licensing of driving schools;
- Promote safe, regular, secure and efficient use and development of civil aviation
industry in and outside Uganda in accordance with ICAO Standards and
Recommended Practices;
- Implement the Lake Victoria Transport Act and regulations under the EAC;
Carry out inspection and licensing of Public Service Vehicles/motor cycles (PSVs)
and Inland Water Transport Vessels (IWTVs); and
-Coordinate and conduct road safety awareness campaigns.

Vote Function Projects and Programmes:

Project or Programme Name Responsible Officer
Recurrent Programmes
07 Transport Regulation Commisioner, Transport Regulation
Development Projects
1096 Support to Computerised Driving Permits Computerised Driving Permit (CDP) Project Management Team

Programme 07 Transport Regulation

Programme Profile

Responsible Officer: Commisioner, Transport Regulation

Objectives: • To formulate and review policies, laws, regulations and standards so as to improve safety in
all modes of transport.
• To regulate and conduct advocacy campaigns to improve safety in road, rail and water
transport modes.
• To monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of policies, laws, regulations, standards and
advocacy safety campaigns.
Outputs: Key Outputs and Activities of the Programme
i)Policies and strategies intended to promote safety, efficiency and equitable distribution of
transport services initiated, developed and reviewed;
ii)Transport Laws, regulations and standards formulated and Reviewed;
iii)Effectiveness of Transport Legislation monitored and evaluated;
iv)Investigation of accidents in all modes of transport to identify possible causes and propose
mitigation measures coordinated;
v)Advocacy safety campaigns to sensitise, educate the general public in all modes of transport
Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Vote Function: 04 01 Transport Regulation
Programme 07 Transport Regulation
vi)The effectiveness of safety campaigns monitored and evaluated;
vii)The performance of Civil Aviation Authority (CAA), National Road Safety Council
(NRSC) and Transport Licensing Board (TLB) so as to ensure that laws, regulations and
standards are complied with monitored;
viii)Formulation and implementation of national, regional and international agreements to
enhance safety of transport in liaison with other respective countries and organisations
Ix) Production of driving permits administered and managed
Key Activities
i.Prepare terms of reference to formulate, review policies, laws, regulations and standards
ii. Review and approve consultants’ reports
iii.Conduct consultative meetings with relevant stake holders
iv.Prepare drafting principles for approval of the policies and laws by relevant government
v.Organise education and sensitisation campaigns on road safety
vi.Conduct meeting of Transport Licensing Board and National Road Safety Council
vii.Inspect and License Public Service Vehicles
viii.Inspect and License Inland Water Transport vessels
ix.Attend national, regional and international meetings to harmonise agreements to enhance
safety of transport
x.Conduct public hearing to ensure equitable distribution of public transport services
xi.Carry activities as assigned by the Political Leadership from time to time
xii.Inspect and license driving schools
xiii.Test and license driving instructors and drivers
xiv.Supervise the process and issuance of driving permits

Workplan Outputs for 2013/14 and 2014/15

Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and
UShs Thousand
Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)
04 01 01Policies, laws, guidelines, Road Safety Policy approved by Consultancy contract for IWT Drafting Principles for the Draft
plans and strategies Cabinet Legislation signed, Consultant Bills of Road Safety Act and
developed commenced and submitted Road Transport Services Act
Draft Bill for establishment of inception report reviewed and prepared and submitted to
National Road Safety Authority approved Cabinet
finalised and submitted to
Cabinet Secretariat A study tour to Tanzania and Drafting Principles submitted to
Kenya on the process the cabinet and Draft IWT
Study for review and updating ratification of transport legislation prepared t
of the Traffic and Road Safety protocols was undertaken
Act 1998 Cabinet Memo for ratification of
Conducted a Workshop for the IMO Conventions submitted to
01No. draft IWT policy and review of the traffic and road Cabinet Secretariat
strategy developed safety legislation
Draft Axle Load Control Policy
01No. draft IWT legislation submitted to Cabinet

01No. Consultant to carry out a

study for the establishment of a
Maritime Administration and a
Maritime Training school

01No. Of consultant to develop

boat building standards procured

Ratification of transport
conventions SOLAS 1974,
STCW 1995, SAR 1976 and
MARPOL 88’ for Inland Water
Transport and BERN
Convention for the railways

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Vote Function: 04 01 Transport Regulation
Programme 07 Transport Regulation
Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and
UShs Thousand
Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)
National Civil Aviation Policy
Total 890,376 383,005 822,228
Wage Recurrent 690,376 331,550 709,228
Non Wage Recurrent 200,000 51,455 113,000

04 01 02Road Safety Programmes 6 No. Sensitisation Workshops Stock of road furniture on 4 No. Sensitisation campaigns
Coordinated and conducted Kampala Kabale- Kisoro road, conducted
Monitored Kampala - Bombo - Luwero -
4 No. Major road accidents Karuma - Gulu, Karuma - Traffic & Road Safety
(Over 10 Fatalities) investigated Packwach - Arua road, Regulations monitored and
and reports produced Kampala- Jinja-Busia- Tororo- evaluated
Soroti- Mbale - Iganga road
Road Safety Civil Society undertaken Major road accidents
Organisations coordinated investigated and reports
1 No. Major Road Accidents produced
investigated on Mityana Road.
Road safety material procured
One sensitization workshop on
Rules of the Road and Highway EAC Vehicle Load Control Act
Code conducted (Fort Portal). implemented

3No. Road Safety Civil Society

Organisations coordinated Axle load control operations
monitored  and surveys
carried out
Total 126,538 20,364 685,000
Wage Recurrent 0 0 126,534
Non Wage Recurrent 126,538 20,364 558,466

04 01 03Public Service Vehicles & 18,500 PSVs, 500 IWTVs 14,728 PSVs inspected and 19,000 PSVs inspected and
Inland water Transport inspected and licensed licensed as at 31st March 2014 licensed
vessels Inspected &
licensed 850 No. bus operator licences 643 bus operator licenses 98% bus operator licenses
processed processed processed

All bus routes 80% bus routes monitored Bus routes monitored.
10 one day public hearing 50%. Driving schools inspected
8 No. Public Transport conducted
Awareness Campaigns 1 No. Baseline Survey for PSVs
Conducted conducted

12 No. Public hearings to

allocate bus routes held

40 No. Driving schools

inspected and licensed

8 No. IWTawareness campaigns

Total 711,462 94,289 950,000
Wage Recurrent 0 0 0
Non Wage Recurrent 711,462 94,289 950,000

04 01 04Air Transport 1 No. BASAs reviewed( 4 No. BASAs reviewed for 02 No. BASAs Negotiated
Programmes coordinated Ethiopia) Quarterly reports Ethiopia, South Africa and
and Monitored made Sudan,while Diplomatic notes 04 No. BASAs Reviewed
were exchanged betwwen
2 No. of prgrammes of Air Uganda and Congo requesting 12 No. National air transport
transport coordinated and 2No. for Basa review meetings. programmes coordinated
Reports made
5 No. National Air Transport 13 No. upcountry aerodromes
8 No.of upcountry aerodromes Facilitation Meetings organized. inspected
inspected 13No. Reports made
4 No. of programmes of Air 04 No. Inspections of Entebbe
Coordination office for aircraft transport coordinated and 4No. International Airport conducted
accident investigations Reports made
establised. 3 No. officers trained
7 No. of upcountry aerodromes
Capacity of the Air Transport inspected and Reports made.
Regulation division to regulate

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Vote Function: 04 01 Transport Regulation
Programme 07 Transport Regulation
Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and
UShs Thousand
Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)
the aviation sub-sector built Attend BASA negotiation
meetings in South Africa.
Quarterly inspection of EIA
carried out Quarterly inspection of EIA not
done because the committee to
do the inspection lacked qouram
and is in the process of being
reconstituted by the Ministry.

Total 378,000 68,436 379,000

Wage Recurrent 0 0 0
Non Wage Recurrent 378,000 68,436 379,000

04 01 05Water and Rail Transport 04 No. of public sensitization 2 No. Of landing sites' 10 No. Conventional vessels
Programmes Coordinated campaigns on water transport infrastructure inspected and and 400 No. Non- conventional
and Monitored. safety carried out monitored. vessels( less than 24m) inspected

02No. Of Number of public National, regional and 04 No Of public sensitization on

sensitization campaigns on International programs Water and railway transport
railway transport safety carried coordinated (EAC, ILO, Safety carried out
out ISCOS, IMO, and LVBC).
Formulation of Boat Building
200No. Of water vessels 1 No. Of officers trained Standards initiated
2 No. Of IWT ports & 5 No. Of Seafarers Identification and
20No. Of landing sites and landing sites' infrastructure Record books produced
waterways and 02No. Ports inspected and monitored.
inspected for safety and Maritime and Railway
pollution prevention 1 No. inspection of MV Pearl Accidents investigated
for life saving and firefighting
100% of active railway line appliances carried out. 03 No Officers Trained
inspected for safety
01 No. accident investigation on
At least 50% of major water and mv kyoga on lake kyoga.
rail transport accidents
investigated 1 No. IWT accident
investigation on Lake Albert
01No. Statistical data report on conducted
water and rail transport compiled
01 No. IWTvessel inspection
02No. Of officers trained and data cellection exercise on
selected landing sites on Lake
National, regional and Albert conducted
International programs
coordinated (EAC, ISCOS, 01 No. IMO Workshop on Flag
IMO, CCTFA, NTTFA, AU, State Control conducted
SADC, COMESA, KMA, 01 No. Consultative Workshop
SUMATRA and LVBC). for Review of IWT Legislation
Total 100,000 43,958 92,283
Wage Recurrent 0 0 0
Non Wage Recurrent 100,000 43,958 92,283

04 01 52Contributions to IMO Annual Subscriptions of Payment to IMO and Shippers Subsrcitptions to :

International Maritime Council is being processed
Organisation (IMO) and Uganda International Maritime
Shippers Council made Organisation (IMO)

Uganda Shippers Council (USC)

International Hydrograhy
Organisation (IHO)

Total 50,000 0 50,000

Wage Recurrent 0 0 0
Non Wage Recurrent 50,000 0 50,000

GRAND TOTAL 2,256,376 610,052 2,978,510

Wage Recurrent 690,376 331,550 835,762
Non Wage Recurrent 1,566,000 278,501 2,142,749

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Vote Function: 04 01 Transport Regulation
Programme 07 Transport Regulation
Annual Workplan for 2014/15 - Outputs, Activities, Inputs and their Cost
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Output: 04 01 01 Policies, laws, guidelines, plans and strategies developed

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

Drafting Principles for the Draft Bills of Road Safety Act and Road Night Allowance (Days) 118.2 13,000
Transport Services Act prepared and submitted to Cabinet Assorted Stationery (Lots) 1.0 20,000
Spare parts (Lots) 40.0 20,000
Drafting Principles submitted to cabinet and Draft IWT legislation Fuel (Ltrs) 14,285.7 50,000
prepared t Newspaper Adverts (No.) 2.0 10,000
Permanent Staff (Person Years) 20.0 709,228
Cabinet Memo for ratification of IMO Conventions submitted to Cabinet

Draft Axle Load Control Policy submitted to Cabinet

Activities to Deliver Outputs:
Review and approve the draft and final reports

Prepare draft cabinet memoranda

Prepare a cabinet memorandum for ratification of IMO conventions

Hold consultations
with Sector Wide Group and Top Management Team

Submit cabinet memoranda to Cabinet

Prepare axled load control monitoring and evaluation framework

Total 822,228
Wage Recurrent 709,228
Non Wage Recurrent 113,000
Output: 04 01 02 Road Safety Programmes Coordinated and Monitored

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

4 No. Sensitisation campaigns conducted Small office equipment () 4.0 12,000
NRSC- Members sitting Allowaces (Allowances) 62.5 10,000
Traffic & Road Safety Regulations monitored and evaluated Telecommunication and Internet (Bills) 1.0 15,000
Water (Bills) 1.0 15,000
Major road accidents investigated and reports produced Road safety materials (lots) 1.0 36,881
Fuel and Lubricants (Ltrs) 22,857.1 80,000
Road safety material procured
Maintenance machinery (Lumpsum) 4.0 20,000
EAC Vehicle Load Control Act implemented Computer supplies (No) 4.1 15,000
NSSF Contributions (No) 12.7 12,653
Road Safety Sensitisation workshops (No) 2.3 28,000
Axle load control operations monitored  and surveys carried out Road Safety spots on FM and TV stations (No) 1.0 5,000
Activities to Deliver Outputs: Study Tour by Council Members (No.) 2.7 20,000
Prepare TOR's,Procure events management services, Prepare Vehicle Maintanance (No.) 6.7 10,000
presentations, mobilize stakeholders, hold sensitization campaigns, Staff Night Allowances (Per Diem) 333.3 40,000
prepare reports Contract staff (Person Years) 7.0 126,534
Consultative Engagements with R/S Stakeholders 1.0 56,932
Visit the accident sites, interview witnesses, victims and the police, make (service)
sketches of accident sites, prepare reports Axle load control monitoring & evaluation 1.0 170,000
framewor (services)
stationery and office consumables (various) 1,714.3 12,000
Procurement of road safety materials & Highway codes.

Preparation of Checklists,Inspect inventory of road furniture and make


EAC Vehicle Load Control Act printed and dessiminated to stakeholders

Carry out monitoring and axle load surveys

Attend EAC meetings on formulation of regulations.

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Vote Function: 04 01 Transport Regulation
Programme 07 Transport Regulation
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Procure a consultant for formulation fo Montioring and Evaluation
Total 685,000
Wage Recurrent 126,534
Non Wage Recurrent 558,466
Output: 04 01 03 Public Service Vehicles & Inland water Transport vessels Inspected & licensed

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

19,000 PSVs inspected and licensed Telecommunication (Bills) 1.0 30,000
Water (Bills) 1.0 30,000
98% bus operator licenses processed Board Members sitting Allowances (Days) 428.6 60,000
Licensing Materials (Lots) 1.0 100,000
Bus routes monitored. Fuel and Lubricants (Ltrs) 61,428.6 215,000
Consultancy Services for Baseline Data on PSVs 1.0 440,000
50%. Driving schools inspected (Lumpsum)
Vehicle Maintenance (Lumpsum) 1.0 40,000
1 No. Baseline Survey for PSVs conducted
Perdiem for Technical Staff Field Work (Per diem) 291.7 35,000
Activities to Deliver Outputs:
Procurement of Licensing Materials

Hold 4No. Board meetings

Hold 12No. Public hearings

Inland Travel for bus monitoring

Inland Travel for inspection and licensing

Invitations for Board Meeting Sent out and allowances processed

Prepare meetings for Board Meetings and Public Hearings

Invite Stakeholders for Public Hearings

Prepare Terms for Baseline Survey

Total 950,000
Wage Recurrent 0
Non Wage Recurrent 950,000
Output: 04 01 04 Air Transport Programmes coordinated and Monitored

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

02 No. BASAs Negotiated i.t supplies for division (Lots) 3.0 15,000
fuel lubricants and oils (Ltrs) 6,285.7 22,000
04 No. BASAs Reviewed aviation training (No) 1.0 130,000
Aviation workshops and seminars (No) 4.0 20,000
12 No. National air transport programmes coordinated travel abroad for aviation programmes (Per Diem) 140.0 98,000
travel inland for inspection and aviation programe 500.0 60,000
13 No. upcountry aerodromes inspected (Per Diem)
Allowances (Per diiem) 117.0 14,040
04 No. Inspections of Entebbe International Airport conducted
Maintenance - Vehicles (Various) 20.0 20,000
3 No. officers trained
Activities to Deliver Outputs:
Arranging for exchange of Diplomatic Notes,organizing and coordinating
BASA negotiation meetings.

Preparing list of inspectors,drawing up inspection shedules and arranging

facilitation for the inspectors.

Carry out inspections and prepare inspection report.

Prepare inspection roster,and sheet.

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Vote Function: 04 01 Transport Regulation
Programme 07 Transport Regulation
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Arranging facilitation for inspectors,doing the inspections and preparing
inspection reports.

Organising stake holder lists,sending out invitations,arranging meeting

venues and facilities.

Conducting workshops and preparing reports.

Arranging for facilitation to attend international and regional Air

Transport facilitation meetings and preparing reports.

Acessing training needs,Indetifying the right training institutions and

securing addmissions for the officers.

Preparing training request forms and submitting them to the traing

committee for consideration.
Total 379,000
Wage Recurrent 0
Non Wage Recurrent 379,000
Output: 04 01 05 Water and Rail Transport Programmes Coordinated and Monitored.

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

10 No. Conventional vessels and 400 No. Non- conventional vessels( less Servicing and Maintance of division vehicles (3) 3.3 5,000
than 24m) inspected Fuel and Lubs for IWT vehicles (Ltrs) 1,428.6 5,000
Adverts for IWT and Rail Activities (No) 1.0 1,283
04 No Of public sensitization on Water and railway transport Safety Maritime and Railways (Training) (No) 2.0 15,000
carried out Printing Seafarers Identification Record Books (No) 1.0 1,000
Procurement of laptops and Data for modems (No) 8.0 20,000
Formulation of Boat Building Standards initiated
Travel abroad (No) 8.6 6,000
Seafarers Identification and Record books produced workshops and Seminars for sensitizations (No) 2.0 16,000
Allowances for Flag State Control (Per Diem) 25.0 3,000
Maritime and Railway Accidents investigated Travel Inland for activities (Per Diem) 166.7 20,000

03 No Officers Trained
Activities to Deliver Outputs:
Review and approved consultants reports

Hold 3 No. Stakeholder consultative works

Review scholarship offers from IMO and other international organisations

Conduct Flag State Control of both conventional and non conventional


Prepare TORs for Event Management for the Sensitisation Workshops

Moblilise stakeholders for the workshops

Conduct Workshops and produce reports

Printing Maritime Manuals (Seaman’s Record and Discharge Books

SRDB) as per the LVTA 2007 regulations under Crew Engagement Part
IX section 141

Prepare draft boat building standards and forward them to UNBS for
further consultations

Updating the Country's Maritime Profile

Total 92,283
Wage Recurrent 0
Non Wage Recurrent 92,283
Output: 04 01 52 Contributions to IMO

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Vote Function: 04 01 Transport Regulation
Programme 07 Transport Regulation
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand

Planned Outputs: Grant or Transfer Cost

Subsrcitptions to : International Maritime Organisation( IMO), Shippers 50,000
Council, International Railway Journal, International
International Maritime Organisation (IMO) Association for Ports and Harbours (IAPH)

Uganda Shippers Council (USC)

International Hydrograhy Organisation (IHO)

Activities to Deliver Outputs:
Remitting subscriptions to the relebvant International bodies
Total 50,000
Wage Recurrent 0
Non Wage Recurrent 50,000
GRAND TOTAL 2,978,510
Wage Recurrent 835,762
Non Wage Recurrent 2,142,749

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Vote Function: 04 01 Transport Regulation
Project 1096 Support to Computerised Driving Permits
Project Profile

Responsible Officer: Computerised Driving Permit (CDP) Project Management Team

Objectives: i. To improve safety of drivers and vehicles circulating on the country’s road network.
Ii. To establish a data recovery / back-up Centre for all data generated at the Uganda
Computerised Driving Permits production facility.
Iii. Enhance knowledge and technical skills transfer of the local human resource in the
Computerised Driving Permits project to effectively prepare for transition and take-over of the
project by Government of Uganda from MS Face Technologies (Pty) Ltd.
Outputs: i- Improved safety of drivers and vehicles circulating on the country’s road network;
ii. Recovery Centre for all the generated data at the Uganda Computerised Driving Permits
iii. Computerised Driving Permits and PSV driver badges processed and issued
iv. Inspection pit for PSVs constructed at Transport Licensing Board Offices.
v. Enhanced knowledge and technical skills transfer of the local human resource in the
Computerised Driving Permits project
Start Date: 7/1/2013 Projected End Date: 6/30/2017

Workplan Outputs for 2013/14 and 2014/15

Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and
UShs Thousand
Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)
04 01 01Policies, laws, guidelines, Training Manuals for drivers of Contract for consultancy Development of Driver Training
plans and strategies motor cycles, Public Service Services for development of Manuals for drivers of motor
developed Vehicles, and goods vehicles Training Manuals for drivers of cycles, Public Service Vehicles,
developed motor cycles, Public Service and goods vehicles finalised
Vehicles, and goods vehicles
Existing manuals printed awarded to the best evaluated Consultancy for the design,
bidder. installation and
operationalization of a Satellite-
Draft inception report for based ICT speed management
consultancy services to develop system for Public Service
training manuals for drivers of Vehicles and goods vehicles
motor cycles, Public Service procured
Vehicles, and goods vehicles
submitted by the consultant for

Solicitation documents for the

services of printing existing
manuals submitted to CC and

Solicitation documents for

printing of the existing manuals
advertised in the news papers.

Total 906,000 14,325 500,000

GoU Development 906,000 14,325 500,000
External Financing 0 0 0

04 01 02Road Safety Programmes Computerised System for Outstanding contractual 2No. Contract staff under the
Coordinated and production of badges for drivers obligations pertaining to CDP Project recruited
Monitored of Public Service Vehicles Contract No. MoWT/SPLS/12-
installed and maintained 13/00150 approved for payment CDP Project activities
by the Accounting Officer supervised
Local capacity to manage the
CDP project developed System for producing PSV
driver badges procured and
Speed Management System installed.
Advert for the contract staff
positions under the CDP Project

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Vote Function: 04 01 Transport Regulation
Project 1096 Support to Computerised Driving Permits
Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and
UShs Thousand
Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)
Total 1,044,000 36,799 223,000
GoU Development 1,044,000 36,799 223,000
External Financing 0 0 0

04 01 03Public Service Vehicles & PSV Driver Badges Processed

Inland water Transport and issued
vessels Inspected &
Total 0 0 690,000
GoU Development 0 0 690,000
External Financing 0 0 0

04 01 72Government Buildings and UCDP Data Recovery/Back-up

Administrative Centre established
A fully equipped Inspection Pit
for PSVs at TLB offices
(Kampala) set-up
Total 0 0 794,000
GoU Development 0 0 794,000
External Financing 0 0 0

04 01 76Purchase of Office and Computerised Driving Permit CC approved the decision for Computerised Driving Permit
ICT Equipment, including Verification devices procured awarding the Contract for the Verification devices procured
Software supply of Computerised Driving
Permit Verification devices

Total 30,000 0 119,000

GoU Development 30,000 0 119,000
External Financing 0 0 0

04 01 77Purchase of Specialised UCDP Data Recovery/Back-up

Machinery & Equipment Centre established
Total 0 0 922,000
GoU Development 0 0 922,000
External Financing 0 0 0

04 01 78Purchase of Office and Furniture for TLB offices

Residential Furniture and procured
Total 0 0 30,000
GoU Development 0 0 30,000
External Financing 0 0 0

04 01 79Acquisition of Other
Capital Assets
Total 0 0 0
GoU Development 0 0 0
External Financing 0 0 0

GRAND TOTAL 1,980,000 51,124 3,278,000

GoU Development 1,980,000 51,124 3,278,000
External Financing 0 0 0

Annual Workplan for 2014/15 - Outputs, Activities, Inputs and their Cost
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Output: 04 01 01 Policies, laws, guidelines, plans and strategies developed

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Vote Function: 04 01 Transport Regulation
Project 1096 Support to Computerised Driving Permits
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost
Development of Driver Training Manuals for drivers of motor cycles, allowances (Lumpsum) 1.0 10,000
Public Service Vehicles, and goods vehicles finalised Final report (lumpsum) 1.0 225,000
Print/photocopying of manuals & other documents 1.0 30,000
Consultancy for the design, installation and operationalization of a (Lumpsum)
Satellite-based ICT speed management system for Public Service Vehicles Draft final report (lumpsum.) 1.0 225,000
and goods vehicles procured Advertisement and Public Relations (No.) 1.0 10,000
Activities to Deliver Outputs:
Draft Final report reviewd and approved

Consultative workshop held and stakeholders' comments incorporated by

the consultant

Final report produced by the consultant

Manuals launched

Advertising for EoI

Evaluate EoI

Shortlisting of firms

Extend RFP to the shortlisted firms

Evaluate the RFPs

Total 500,000
GoU Development 500,000
External Financing 0
Output: 04 01 02 Road Safety Programmes Coordinated and Monitored

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

2No. Contract staff under the CDP Project recruited Fuel for field activities (Litre) 8,571.4 30,000
Publicity of road safety programmes (No.) 1.0 31,000
CDP Project activities supervised Allowances (Per Diem) 250.0 30,000
Activities to Deliver Outputs: Contract staff (Person Years) 2.0 120,000
Job specifications NSSF Contributions for Contract Staff (Persons) 2.0 12,000


Interviews conducted

Staff deployed

Advertising and Public Relations

7No. CDP Centres Supervised and reports produced

4No. Project team Meetings held and quarterly reports produced

Total 223,000
GoU Development 223,000
External Financing 0
Output: 04 01 03 Public Service Vehicles & Inland water Transport vessels Inspected & licensed

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

PSV Driver Badges Processed and issued maintenance services for the driver Badge system 1.0 370,000
Activities to Deliver Outputs:
Network connectivity for the PSV driver Badge syst 1.0 41,000
PSV driver badge system maintained (Lumpsum)

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Vote Function: 04 01 Transport Regulation
Project 1096 Support to Computerised Driving Permits
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Local and Foreign PSV Drivers vetted Per Diem, Air tickets, Other (Lumpsum) 1.0 40,000
Production and supply of driver badges (Lumpsum) 1.0 180,000
PSV Driver Badges issued to qualified drivers PSV Driver Badge System support (Lumpsum) 1.0 10,000
specialised Training (PSV Driver Badge System) 1.0 25,000
Data of PSV driver badges regularly updated (Lumpsum)
Computer hardware and software (N/A) 1.0 24,000
Total 690,000
GoU Development 690,000
External Financing 0
Output: 04 01 72 Government Buildings and Administrative Infrastructure

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

UCDP Data Recovery/Back-up Centre established Customisation &Security proofing of the Building 1.0 377,000
A fully equipped Inspection Pit for PSVs at TLB offices (Kampala) set-up Materials and labour for the psv Inspection Pit 1.0 66,000
Materials and Labour for the Renovation works 1.0 351,000
Activities to Deliver Outputs: (Lumpsum)
Renovation works on identified building carried out

Security proofing and customisation of the UCDP data recovery centre

building carried out

Develop BOQs for civil works for the PSV inspection pit



Award the contract

Manage the contract

Inspection Pit for PSVs set up at TLB Kampala offices

Total 794,000
GoU Development 794,000
External Financing 0
Output: 04 01 76 Purchase of Office and ICT Equipment, including Software

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

Computerised Driving Permit Verification devices procured CDP verification devices (No.) 41.6 119,000

Activities to Deliver Outputs:

Specifications developed


Evaluate bids

Goods received and inspected

Devices issued to Police

Total 119,000
GoU Development 119,000
External Financing 0
Output: 04 01 77 Purchase of Specialised Machinery & Equipment

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Vote Function: 04 01 Transport Regulation
Project 1096 Support to Computerised Driving Permits
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost
UCDP Data Recovery/Back-up Centre established Hardware & software for the data recovery centre 1.0 922,000
Activities to Deliver Outputs:
Specialised Equipment for the establishment of the UCDP Data
Recovery/Back-up Centre procured and installed
Total 922,000
GoU Development 922,000
External Financing 0
Output: 04 01 78 Purchase of Office and Residential Furniture and Fittings

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

Furniture for TLB offices procured Office furniture (Lumpsum) 1.0 30,000

Activities to Deliver Outputs:

Prepare specifications for the required furniture

Participate in the evaluation of bids

Contract award for the furniture

Receive and dispatch furniture to end users

Total 30,000
GoU Development 30,000
External Financing 0
Output: 04 01 79 Acquisition of Other Capital Assets

Planned Outputs:

Activities to Deliver Outputs:

Total 0
GoU Development 0
External Financing 0
GRAND TOTAL 3,278,000
GoU Development 3,278,000
External Financing 0

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Vote Function: 04 02 Transport Services and Infrastructure
Vote Function Profile

Responsible Officer: Comm Transport Services and Infrastructure

Services: The Vote Function includes transport under the four modes viz: road, rail, air and
water. Under the Sub-Sector, the strategic objectives are as outlined below:
- Promote cost effective, safe, secure and efficient transport services;
- Develop a National Transport Master Plan including a Master Plan for the
Greater Kampala Metropolitan Area by September 2009;
- Establish a Multi – Sectoral Transport Regulatory Authority by 2010;
- Monitor and evaluate (socio-economic impact assessment) the impact of district
roads improvement;
- Develop and coordinate the implementation of HIV/AIDS Sector Strategic Plan
(2008/2009 – 2013/2014);
- Monitor and evaluate the performance of parastatals under the Ministry i.e. The
performance of Uganda Railways Corporation (URC), Civil Aviation Authority
- Coordinate regional transport sector projects and programmes;
- Monitor the performance of Rift Valley Railways concession;
- Undertake economic feasibility studies for the development of transport services
and infrastructure;
- Develop, Manage and implement projects and programmes to improve inland
water transport in Uganda.

Vote Function Projects and Programmes:

Project or Programme Name Responsible Officer
Recurrent Programmes
11 Transport Infrastructure and Services Commisioner Transport Services & Infrastructure
Development Projects
0271 Development of inland water transport Assistant Commission Rail and Water Transport Services and Infrastr
0951 East African Trade and Transportation Facilitation Commissioner Policy and Planning
1047 Rehabilitation and Development of Upcountry Aerodr Senior Transport Economist/Air
1049 Kampala-Kasese Railway Line Project Senior Transport Economist-Rail and Water
1051 New Ferry to replace Kabalega - Opening Southern R Economist - Railway and Water Transport Services and Infrastructure
1052 Rehabilitation and re-equipping of EACAA - Soroti Commissionar Transport Ser & Infrastructure
1097 New Standard Gauge Railway Line Assistant Commissioner / Rail and Water Transport Services and Infr
1159 Kasese airport devt project-KADP Acting Assistant Commissioner-Air
1284 Development of new Kampala Port in Bukasa SENIOR CIVIL ENGINEER- RAILWAY AND WATER TRANSPO

Programme 11 Transport Infrastructure and Services

Programme Profile

Responsible Officer: Commisioner Transport Services & Infrastructure

Objectives: Plan, develop and maintain economic, efficient and effective transport services and
infrastructure; Enhance integration of transport services to PEAP`s pillar of production,
competitveness and incomes
Outputs: Cost effective, safe and efficient transport services promoted; National Transport master Plan
developed; Performance of Ministry parastatals monitored; Regional transport sector projects
and programmes coordinated

Workplan Outputs for 2013/14 and 2014/15

Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and
UShs Thousand
Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Vote Function: 04 02 Transport Services and Infrastructure
Programme 11 Transport Infrastructure and Services
Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and
UShs Thousand
Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)
04 02 01Policies, laws, guidelines, Regional Transport Sector Regional transport sector Regional Transport Sector
plans and strategies Projects and Programmes projects coordinated and reports Projects and Programmes
Coordinated. produced Coordinated.

Road service level-travel time BRT feasibility study and URC Bill prepared
surveys conducted detailed engineering design
coordinated and supervised Data on all transportation modes
NTMP/GKMA reviewed and collected and analysed
the Strategic implementation Consultant to review the
plan of the NTMP/GKMA NTMP/GKMA and formulate Asset stock taking on all railway
formulated the SIP procured lines

Report on the implementation

progress of the NTMP/GKMA
and the 5-year MoWT Strategic
Plan prepared

URC Bill 2012 developed

Total 824,414 273,551 550,000

Wage Recurrent 350,414 96,787 350,000
Non Wage Recurrent 474,000 176,764 200,000

04 02 02Monitoring and Capacity RVR Concession monitored Performance of EACAA RVR Concession monitored
Building monitored
Performance of URC, CAA and Performance of URC, CAA and
EACAA monitored RVR/URC operations monitored EACAA monitored

Appriasal and assessment of Appriasal and assessment of Non Motorised Transport

Government aerodrmes not Government aerodrmes not promoted
under CAA conducted under CAA conducted
Conditional surveys and Social
Social Economic Impact Q3 monitoring exercise Economic Impact Assessment
Assessment on all Roads undertaken on specific transport
conducted infrastructure conducted
NMT Policy disseminated and
Implementation of projects in line activities promoted
the NTMP/GKMA and the 5-
year MoWT Strategic Plan Dissemination workshop held

Non Motorised Transport


NTMP/GKMA disseminated at
Total 995,000 337,045 569,000
Wage Recurrent 0 0 0
Non Wage Recurrent 995,000 337,045 569,000

04 02 07Feasibility/Design Studies Carry out Engineering designs

of Gaba, Butebo and Bule
landing sites
Total 0 0 700,000
Wage Recurrent 0 0 0
Non Wage Recurrent 0 0 700,000

04 02 51Maintenance of Aircrafts 7 air craft maintained 7 air craft maintained 7 air craft maintained
and Buildings (EACAA)
Civil aviation academy Civil aviation academy Civil aviation academy
operational operational operational
Total 800,000 210,000 800,000
Wage Recurrent 0 0 0
Non Wage Recurrent 800,000 210,000 800,000

04 02 52Rehabilitation of Maintainance and Operations of Maintenance and Operations of Maintainance and Operations of
Upcountry Aerodromes runaways, apron and taxiways runaways, apron and taxiways runaways, apron and taxiways
(CAA) at at at
Arua, Pakuba, Masindi, Kidepo, Arua, Pakuba, Masindi, Kidepo, Arua, Pakuba, Masindi, Kidepo,
Moroto, Lira, Tororo, Jinja, Moroto, Lira, Tororo, Jinja, Moroto, Lira, Tororo, Jinja,
Mbarara, Kisoro, Kasese, Soroti Mbarara, Kisoro, Kasese, Soroti Mbarara, Kisoro, Kasese, Soroti

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Vote Function: 04 02 Transport Services and Infrastructure
Programme 11 Transport Infrastructure and Services
Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and
UShs Thousand
Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)
and Gulu Aerodromes carried and Gulu Aerodromes carried and Gulu Aerodromes carried
out out out.

Ongoing and routine works

carried out
Total 1,000,000 484,193 1,000,000
Wage Recurrent 0 0 0
Non Wage Recurrent 1,000,000 484,193 1,000,000

04 02 53Institutional Support to Railway reserve boundaries

URC marked with reinforced concrete
pillars (Phase I).
Total 0 0 1,000,000
Wage Recurrent 0 0 0
Non Wage Recurrent 0 0 1,000,000

GRAND TOTAL 3,619,414 1,304,789 4,619,000

Wage Recurrent 350,414 96,787 350,000
Non Wage Recurrent 3,269,000 1,208,002 4,269,000

Annual Workplan for 2014/15 - Outputs, Activities, Inputs and their Cost
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Output: 04 02 01 Policies, laws, guidelines, plans and strategies

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

Regional Transport Sector Projects and Programmes Coordinated. NEWSPAPER ADVERTS (NO. OF ADVERTS) 5.0 10,000
URC Bill prepared LITRES)
Data on all transportation modes collected and analysed CONSULTANT (NO. OF REPORTS) 2.0 100,000
Hotel services to conduct the workshps (no. of 5.0 50,000
Asset stock taking on all railway lines workshop)
Activities to Deliver Outputs: Permanent Staff (Person Years) 28.0 350,000
East Africa Transport sector programmes and projects coordinated

IGAD and COMESA transport projects and programmes coordinated

Prepare the and finalise the URC bill

Take stock on all railway lines including stations, bridges and railway
Total 550,000
Wage Recurrent 350,000
Non Wage Recurrent 200,000
Output: 04 02 02 Monitoring and Capacity Building

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

RVR Concession monitored Telecommunication (Bills) 1.0 25,000
Water (Bills) 1.0 25,000
Performance of URC, CAA and EACAA monitored FUELS, LUBRICANTS AND OILS (NO. OF 4,000.0 20,000
Non Motorised Transport promoted 3 (NO. OF NIGHTS) 300.0 30,000
Conditional surveys and Social Economic Impact Assessment on specific REPORTS)
transport infrastructure conducted TUITION FOR TRAINING (NO. OF TRAINEES) 1.0 10,000
Activities to Deliver Outputs: AIR TICKET AND ALLOWANCE (NO. OF 1.0 5,000
conduct stakeholders workshop to evaluate RVR Concession TRAVELS)
conduct the appraisal and evaluation of Performance of URC, CAA and NEWSPAPER ADVERTS (NO.OF ADVERTS) 6.0 9,000

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Vote Function: 04 02 Transport Services and Infrastructure
Programme 11 Transport Infrastructure and Services
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
conduct conditional surveys and Social Economic Impact Assessment on Total 569,000
specific transport infrastructure
Wage Recurrent 0
Non Wage Recurrent 569,000
Output: 04 02 07 Feasibility/Design Studies

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

Carry out Engineering designs of Gaba, Butebo and Bule landing sites procure a consultant (no. of reports) 1.0 700,000

Activities to Deliver Outputs:

Review reports
Total 700,000
Wage Recurrent 0
Non Wage Recurrent 700,000
Output: 04 02 51 Maintenance of Aircrafts and Buildings (EACAA)

Planned Outputs: Grant or Transfer Cost

7 air craft maintained TO EAST AFRICA CIVIL AVIATION ACADEMY 800,000

Civil aviation academy operational

Activities to Deliver Outputs:
service and maintain aircrafts

Buy fuel for training

Total 800,000
Wage Recurrent 0
Non Wage Recurrent 800,000
Output: 04 02 52 Rehabilitation of Upcountry Aerodromes (CAA)

Planned Outputs: Grant or Transfer Cost

Maintainance and Operations of runaways, apron and taxiways at TRANSFERS TO CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY 1,000,000
Arua, Pakuba, Masindi, Kidepo, Moroto, Lira, Tororo, Jinja, Mbarara,
Kisoro, Kasese, Soroti and Gulu Aerodromes carried out.
Activities to Deliver Outputs:
Maintainance and Operations of runaways, apron and taxiways at
Arua, Pakuba, Masindi, Kidepo, Moroto, Lira, Tororo, Jinja, Mbarara,
Kisoro, Kasese, Soroti and Gulu Aerodromes carried out.
Total 1,000,000
Wage Recurrent 0
Non Wage Recurrent 1,000,000
Output: 04 02 53 Institutional Support to URC

Planned Outputs: Grant or Transfer Cost

Railway reserve boundaries marked with reinforced concrete pillars (Phase TRANSFERS TO UGANDA RAILWAYS 1,000,000
Activities to Deliver Outputs:
Supply and installation of railway reserve boundary markers

Ballasting Tororo - Pakwach railway line

Rehabilitation of 9No locomotives and 200 No wagons

Resettlement Action Plan- Kampala-Malaba & Tororo-Pakwach (Metre


Socio economic survey for Tororo Packwach Line

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Vote Function: 04 02 Transport Services and Infrastructure
Programme 11 Transport Infrastructure and Services
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Kampala Malaba Railway reserve Demarked
Total 1,000,000
Wage Recurrent 0
Non Wage Recurrent 1,000,000
GRAND TOTAL 4,619,000
Wage Recurrent 350,000
Non Wage Recurrent 4,269,000

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Vote Function: 04 02 Transport Services and Infrastructure
Project 0271 Development of inland water transport
Project Profile

Responsible Officer: Assistant Commission Rail and Water Transport Services and Infrastrure

Objectives: Improve inland water transport system by improving infrastructure and services at various
economically viable sites all around the country
Outputs: Establish transport Infrastrure on the water bodies and improve connectivity of the islands
Start Date: 7/1/2012 Projected End Date: 6/30/2017

Workplan Outputs for 2013/14 and 2014/15

Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and
UShs Thousand
Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)
04 02 01Policies, laws, guidelines, Concept paper on inland water Interim report for concept Prepare an Investment plan for
plans and strategies development plan on L. Victoria paper on inland development on improving interconnectivity of
completed L. Victoria prepared the islands in Lake Victoria

Bids for the preparation of the

concept paper on inland water
development plan on Lake
Victoria issued to potential
Total 880,000 251,190 800,000
GoU Development 880,000 251,190 800,000
External Financing 0 0 0

04 02 02Monitoring and Capacity 4 No of Socio-economic 3 No of Socio-economic 4 No of Socio-economic

Building surveys on Water ways surveys on Water ways surveys on Water ways
Conducted. Conducted Conducted.

Improvement of transport on
Lake Albert for Oil exploration
Total 990,000 419,340 100,000
GoU Development 990,000 419,340 100,000
External Financing 0 0 0

04 02 07Feasibility/Design Studies carry out preliminary

engineering Designs of the
Gaba, Butebo and Bule landing
Total 0 0 400,000
GoU Development 0 0 400,000
External Financing 0 0 0

GRAND TOTAL 1,870,000 670,530 1,300,000

GoU Development 1,870,000 670,530 1,300,000
External Financing 0 0 0

Annual Workplan for 2014/15 - Outputs, Activities, Inputs and their Cost
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Output: 04 02 01 Policies, laws, guidelines, plans and strategies

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

Prepare an Investment plan for improving interconnectivity of the islands Consultant (no of reports) 4.0 800,000
in Lake Victoria
Activities to Deliver Outputs:
Complete procurement of consultant

Monitor consultant

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Vote Function: 04 02 Transport Services and Infrastructure
Project 0271 Development of inland water transport
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Review reports
Total 800,000
GoU Development 800,000
External Financing 0
Output: 04 02 02 Monitoring and Capacity Building

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

4 No of Socio-economic surveys on Water ways Conducted. consultant (no, of reports) 13.0 65,000
fuel (no. of litres) 5,000.0 20,000
Improvement of transport on Lake Albert for Oil exploration NIGHT ALLOWANCE (NO. OF NIGHTS) 50.0 5,000
Activities to Deliver Outputs: HOTEL SERVICES (NO. OF WORKSHOP) 1.0 10,000
Socio-economic surveys on Water ways Conducted on Lake Victoria and

Socioeconomic surveys to aid improvement of transport on Lake Albert

for Oil exploration
Total 100,000
GoU Development 100,000
External Financing 0
Output: 04 02 07 Feasibility/Design Studies

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

carry out preliminary engineering Designs of the Gaba, Butebo and Bule Consultant (number of repor) 2.0 400,000
landing sites
Activities to Deliver Outputs:
procure a consultant to carry out preliminary engineering designs of the
Gaba, Butebo and Bule landing sites

Monitor the consultant and review reports

Total 400,000
GoU Development 400,000
External Financing 0
GRAND TOTAL 1,300,000
GoU Development 1,300,000
External Financing 0

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Vote Function: 04 02 Transport Services and Infrastructure
Project 0951 East African Trade and Transportation Facilitation
Project Profile

Responsible Officer: Commissioner Policy and Planning

Objectives: a)Enhancing efficiency of the customs agencies clearance processes in the participating EAC
Custom Unions to facilitate trade;
b)Improving efficiency and reliability of transport and logistics services along the key
corridors; and
c)Enhancing safety in identified areas and reduce governments ‟ transfers to railway by
rationalizing the work force on the Kenya-Uganda railway.
Outputs: Reduced total transit time and border crossing time through the Northern Corridor ; Improved
railway transport services; EAC Customs Management Law and Regulations implemented in
Start Date: 4/2/2007 Projected End Date: 9/30/2014
Donor Funding for Project:
MTEF Projections
2012/13 2013/14
Projected Donor Allocations (UShs) Budget Budget 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17
410 International Development Association (IDA) 13.046 24.850 21.500 0.000 0.000
Total Donor Funding for Project 13.046 24.850 21.500 0.000 0.000

Workplan Outputs for 2013/14 and 2014/15

Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and
UShs Thousand
Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)
04 02 02Monitoring and Capacity Monitoring and Supervision of Data on Project Monitoring Monitoring and Supervision of
Building EATTFP activities conducted Indicators collected and EATTFP activities conducted
12 No. project progress reports 12 No. project progress reports
prepared 9 Project progress reports prepared
prepared, reviewed and
Annual EATTFP performance approved Annual EATTFP performance
report prepared report prepared
Monthly project review
6 PIT members trained in areas meetings conducted 2 PIT members trained in areas
of Procurement; Monitoring & of Procurement; Monitoring &
Evaluation; and Financial Regional project cordination Evaluation; and Financial
Management meetings attended Management

2 PIT members trained

15th World Bank Supervision

Mission for EATTFP
successfully conducted

Joint WorldBank/TMEA
consultative mission for
EATTFP cordinated
Total 1,110,000 228,214 400,000
GoU Development 710,000 228,214 400,000
External Financing 400,000 0 0

04 02 71Acquisition of Land by Land acquisition at Mutukula, Completed land compesation at Land acquisition at Mukono
Government Katuna and Mirama Hills for Mutukula, Katuna and Mirama ICD, Mutukula, Katuna and
OSBP completed Hills Mirama Hills completed and
Land titles processed
Resstlement Action Plans Conducted cadastral survey for
prepared additional land to be acquired at
Mirama Hills

Opened land bounaries at

Malaba, Busia, Mutukula and
Mirama Hills border posts
Total 1,000,000 223,854 150,000

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Vote Function: 04 02 Transport Services and Infrastructure
Project 0951 East African Trade and Transportation Facilitation
Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and
UShs Thousand
TotalLocation) (Quantity and Location) Location)
GoU Development 1,000,000 223,854 150,000
External Financing 0 0 0

04 02 76Purchase of Office and Project Office Equipment

ICT Equipment, including procured
Total 0 0 20,000
GoU Development 0 0 20,000
External Financing 0 0 0

04 02 78Purchase of Office and Project Office Furniture

Residential Furniture and procured
Total 0 0 20,000
GoU Development 0 0 20,000
External Financing 0 0 0

04 02 81Construction/Rehabilitation Civil Works for railway ICD at Monthly site meetings attended Construction of railway ICD at
of Railway Infrastructure Mukono railway station and ICD contractor/ consultants Mukono railway station
supervised and completed supervised completed and facility
Mukono ICD commissioned 55% percent civil worksfor ICD

Held a meeting with Mukono

District Council to ressolve land
disputes for existing warehouses

Total 8,651,000 44,927 7,100,000

GoU Development 150,000 44,927 100,000
External Financing 8,501,000 0 7,000,000

04 02 83Border Post OSBP civil works at Busia, Attended monthly site meetings Construction of OSBP facilities
Reahabilitation/Constructio Malaba, Mirama hills and and inspection at Malaba, Busia, at Malaba, Busia, Mutukula,
n Mutukula supervised Mutukula and Mirama Hills Mirama hills and Katuna
completed and Facilities
Detailed designs for Handed over project sites at commissioned
construction of OSBP facilities Malaba, Busia, Mutukula and
at Elegu border post completed Mirama Hills for construction of 4nos Weigh-in-Motion
OSBP facilities Weighbridges procured,
Contractor to carry out civil installed and commissioned at
works for OSBP at Katuna 52% of civil works for Malaba Malaba, Busia, Mutukula and
border post procured and OSBP and, 41% of Busia OSBP Elego
works commenced executed
Detailed designs for
Weighbridges at Malaba, Busia, 35% of civil works for construction of OSBP facilities
Mutukula procured, installed Mutukula OSBP executed at Elego border post completed
and commissioned
50% of civil works for Procurement of Contractor to
executedand Mirama Hills carry out civil works for OSBP
OSBP completed Elego border post commenced

Completed evaluation of Bids

for construction of Katuna OSBP

Handed over project sites for

installation works for
weighbridges at Malaba, Busia
and Mutukula

Final Report for EIA review for

Katuna OSBP prepared

Total 25,998,846 2,824,810 22,715,740

GoU Development 10,050,000 720,836 8,215,740
External Financing 15,948,846 2,103,974 14,500,000

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Vote Function: 04 02 Transport Services and Infrastructure
Project 0951 East African Trade and Transportation Facilitation
GRAND TOTAL 36,759,846 3,321,805 30,405,740
GoU Development 11,910,000 1,217,831 8,905,740
External Financing 24,849,846 2,103,974 21,500,000

Annual Workplan for 2014/15 - Outputs, Activities, Inputs and their Cost
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Output: 04 02 02 Monitoring and Capacity Building

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

Monitoring and Supervision of EATTFP activities conducted 6 (Days) 600.0 72,000
Per Diem (Days) 400.0 40,000
12 No. project progress reports prepared Per Diem, Air tickets, etc (Days) 10.0 10,000
Fuel (Litres) 20,000.0 60,000
Annual EATTFP performance report prepared Assorted Stationery (Lots) 4.0 80,000
Catridges, Toner, Flash disk (Lots) 3.0 60,000
2 PIT members trained in areas of Procurement; Monitoring &
Maintanance of computers (No of computers) 10.0 10,000
Evaluation; and Financial Management
Vehicle mentainance (No. of vehicles) 4.0 16,000
Activities to Deliver Outputs:
Meals for Meetings (Number) 4.0 8,000
Collect and analyse data on Project Monitoring Indicators Perdiem, Course fees, etc (Number) 2.0 10,000
Adverts (Numbers) 4.0 10,000
Prepare Project Progress Reports
Venue, meals and teas (Numbers) 4.0 20,000
Undertake monthly project review meetings/workshops Airtime (Quarterly) 4.0 4,000
Total 400,000
Undertake training of PIT members
GoU Development 400,000
Monitor/supervise OSBP and ICD civil works External Financing 0
Output: 04 02 71 Acquisition of Land by Government

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

Land acquisition at Mukono ICD, Mutukula, Katuna and Mirama Hills Land (Acres) 12.0 120,000
completed and Land titles processed Per Diem (days) 300.0 30,000
Activities to Deliver Outputs:
Settle all pending cases/claims of compesation at Mukono ICD, Mutukula,
Katuna and Mirama Hills

Process land titles for the acquired land at Mutukula, Katuna and Mirama

Prepare Ressetlement Action plan

Total 150,000
GoU Development 150,000
External Financing 0
Output: 04 02 76 Purchase of Office and ICT Equipment, including Software

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

Project Office Equipment procured Laptops, photocopier (Lots) 2.0 20,000

Activities to Deliver Outputs:

Prepare specifications and bidding documents

Evaluate bids, award and sign contracts

Total 20,000
GoU Development 20,000
External Financing 0
Output: 04 02 78 Purchase of Office and Residential Furniture and Fittings

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

Project Office Furniture procured Furniture (Lots) 4.0 20,000

Activities to Deliver Outputs:

Prepare specifications and bidding documents

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Vote Function: 04 02 Transport Services and Infrastructure
Project 0951 East African Trade and Transportation Facilitation
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand

Evaluate bids and award contracts

Total 20,000
GoU Development 20,000
External Financing 0
Output: 04 02 81 Construction/Rehabilitation of Railway Infrastructure

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

Construction of railway ICD at Mukono railway station completed and Contractor Fees (Certificates) 7.1 7,080,000
facility commissioned Perdiem (days) 200.0 20,000
Activities to Deliver Outputs:
Monitor and Supervise ICD contractor/ consultants

Review and approve Supervion Consultants` reports and payments

Approve civil works and commission ICD for use

Monitor Environmental Management Plan for ICD civil works

Total 7,100,000
GoU Development 100,000
External Financing 7,000,000
Output: 04 02 83 Border Post Reahabilitation/Construction

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

Construction of OSBP facilities at Malaba, Busia, Mutukula, Mirama Contractors Fees (Certificates) 22.0 21,955,740
hills and Katuna completed and Facilities commissioned Kyabazinga Palace Phase II completed (Certificates) 1.0 400,000
Late Tito Okello House Phase I and II completed 1.0 300,000
4nos Weigh-in-Motion Weighbridges procured, installed and (Certificates)
commissioned at Malaba, Busia, Mutukula and Elego Allowances (Per Diem) 500.0 60,000

Detailed designs for construction of OSBP facilities at Elego border post


Procurement of Contractor to carry out civil works for OSBP Elego border
post commenced
Activities to Deliver Outputs:
Monitor and Supervise civil works for consteuction of OSBP facilities

Supervise construction of access roads, parking yards and installation of


Supervise the design of Elego border post

Commence on Procurement of contractor for OSBP civil works at Elego

Review and approve Supervision consultant`s reports/payments

Monitor contractor`s compliance to Environmental Management Plans for

all OSBP civil works
Total 22,715,740
GoU Development 8,215,740
External Financing 14,500,000
GRAND TOTAL 30,405,740
GoU Development 8,905,740
External Financing 21,500,000

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Vote Function: 04 02 Transport Services and Infrastructure
Project 1047 Rehabilitation and Development of Upcountry Aerodr
Project Profile

Responsible Officer: Senior Transport Economist/Air

Objectives: i.
Enhancement of safety through implementation of planned modernisation activities that
provide air safety, upgrade runway, taxiways surfaces and associated systems to attain
international airport certification.

Enhancement and upgrade of aviation security facilities to provide confidence to airport

Development of Airport infrastructure to support National goals of economic development
and regional integration particularly the EAC tourism circuit linking up key tourism sites.

iv.Promote air transport as an intermediate means of transport for faster economic decisions
for the private sector and increase the revenue base for CAA.

Start Date: 7/1/2013 Projected End Date: 6/30/2018

Workplan Outputs for 2013/14 and 2014/15

Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and
UShs Thousand
Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)
04 02 02Monitoring and Capacity 13 No. Government Up counrty At Pakuba, construction of the 13 No. Government Up country
Building aerodrmes Monitored and electric power fence aerodromes Monitored and
inspected commenced. inspected

Situational Analysis on the Tender for the procurement and

status of air transport in Uganda supply of mobile portable
conducted ground ligthing system at Soroti
airport initiated.

Quarterly supervision of
construction works at Kasese
Air field carried out
Total 170,000 21,137 100,000
GoU Development 170,000 21,137 100,000
External Financing 0 0 0

04 02 52Rehabilitation of Runaways aprons, car parks and Procurement for regravelling of Run way at Soroti rehabilitated
Upcountry Aerodromes Taxi ways at Pakuba regravelled the runway, taxi way and apron
(CAA) at Pakuba initiated. Staff quarters at Jinja
Construction of perimeter fence constructed
at Mbarara aerodrome Contract for the construction of
completed the perimeter fence at Mbarara
and Jinja awarded. Draft
Master plan and detailed contract fowarded to SG for
engineering design at Arua clearance
airfield completed.
Contract Committee proposed a
Portable mobile runway lighting retendering of the procurement
system at Soroti airport procured of consultancy to develop the
Master plan and detailed
engineering design at Arua

Bids for the procurement of

Portable mobile runway lighting
system at Soroti airport
Total 2,600,000 1,120,192 2,200,000
GoU Development 2,600,000 1,120,192 2,200,000
External Financing 0 0 0

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Vote Function: 04 02 Transport Services and Infrastructure
Project 1047 Rehabilitation and Development of Upcountry Aerodr
Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and
UShs Thousand
Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)
GRAND TOTAL 2,770,000 1,141,330 2,300,000
GoU Development 2,770,000 1,141,330 2,300,000
External Financing 0 0 0

Annual Workplan for 2014/15 - Outputs, Activities, Inputs and their Cost
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Output: 04 02 02 Monitoring and Capacity Building

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

13 No. Government Up country aerodromes Monitored and inspected Fuel (Ltrs) 11,428.6 40,000

Activities to Deliver Outputs: Allowances (Per Diem) 500.0 60,000

Inspection reports prepared

Total 100,000
GoU Development 100,000
External Financing 0
Output: 04 02 52 Rehabilitation of Upcountry Aerodromes (CAA)

Planned Outputs: Grant or Transfer Cost

Run way at Soroti rehabilitated Transfer to CAA 2,200,000

Staff quarters at Jinja constructed

Activities to Deliver Outputs:
Procurement of contractor
Total 2,200,000
GoU Development 2,200,000
External Financing 0
GRAND TOTAL 2,300,000
GoU Development 2,300,000
External Financing 0

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Vote Function: 04 02 Transport Services and Infrastructure
Project 1049 Kampala-Kasese Railway Line Project
Project Profile

Responsible Officer: Senior Transport Economist-Rail and Water

Objectives: i)Promote regional integration and trade among Great Lakes Region Countries.
ii)Promote productive economic activities in Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi and DRC
iii)Divert traffic from roads, hence reduce funds incurred in road
iv) Reduce poverty through enhanced market access;
xv)Transform the Northern Corridor into an economic development corridor.
Outputs: i)Produce a preliminary engineering design for the line.
ii)Acquire land and Secure the existing railway reserve for the line.
iii)Prevent further vandalism of the railway materials along the line
iv)Secure funding for the construction of the line
v)Construct the line to standard gauge and operatonalise it.
vi)Procure rolling stock.
Start Date: 7/1/2010 Projected End Date: 6/30/2021

Workplan Outputs for 2013/14 and 2014/15

Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and
UShs Thousand
Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)
04 02 02Monitoring and Capacity 2No. Infrastructure condition 1 No of infrastucture conditional 4 No. Infrastructure condition
Building surveys conducted survey undertaken surveys conducted

4 No. Socio economic surveys 3 No. Social economic survey 4 No. Socio economic surveys
along theline conducted along the railkway lines along the line conducted
Total 450,000 71,407 350,000
GoU Development 450,000 71,407 350,000
External Financing 0 0 0

04 02 06Development of Railways Preliminary Engineering Design Procurement of consultant for Preliminary Engineering
to upgrade Kampala Kasese the Preliminary Engineering Designs for Kampala-Kigali
railway line commenced Design to upgrade Kampala standard gauge railway line
Kasese railway line conducted
commenced. Re-evaluation
process ongoing
Total 2,080,000 72,357 900,000
GoU Development 2,080,000 72,357 900,000
External Financing 0 0 0

GRAND TOTAL 2,530,000 143,765 1,250,000

GoU Development 2,530,000 143,765 1,250,000
External Financing 0 0 0

Annual Workplan for 2014/15 - Outputs, Activities, Inputs and their Cost
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Output: 04 02 02 Monitoring and Capacity Building

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

4 No. Infrastructure condition surveys conducted fuel, lubricants and oils for vehicles (no. of litres) 5,714.3 20,000
conditional surveys conducted (no. of reports) 4.0 300,000
4 No. Socio economic surveys along the line conducted Hotel services to conduct workshops (no. of 1.0 10,000
Activities to Deliver Outputs: workshop)
night allowances (Perdiem) 181.8 20,000
carry out condition surveys along the railway line

carry out socio-economic surveys along the railway line

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Vote Function: 04 02 Transport Services and Infrastructure
Project 1049 Kampala-Kasese Railway Line Project
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Total 350,000
GoU Development 350,000
External Financing 0
Output: 04 02 06 Development of Railways

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

Preliminary Engineering Designs for Kampala-Kigali standard gauge fuel lubricants and oils (litres) 2,000.0 20,000
railway line conducted Spares and servicing (no of vehicles) 4.0 20,000
Activities to Deliver Outputs: field work (no. of reports) 4.0 20,000
procure a consultant (no. of reports) 5.5 840,000
Review of interim reports for Preliminary Engineering Designs for
Kampala-Kigali standard gauge railway line.

Supervision of consultant

stakeholder/sensitisation meetings
Total 900,000
GoU Development 900,000
External Financing 0
GRAND TOTAL 1,250,000
GoU Development 1,250,000
External Financing 0

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Vote Function: 04 02 Transport Services and Infrastructure
Project 1051 New Ferry to replace Kabalega - Opening Southern R
Project Profile

Responsible Officer: Economist - Railway and Water Transport Services and Infrastructure



Outputs: Design of port bell and jinja piers

Start Date: 7/1/2008 Projected End Date: 6/30/2018

Workplan Outputs for 2013/14 and 2014/15

Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and
UShs Thousand
Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)
04 02 02Monitoring and Capacity Design of Portbell and Jinja pier Draft Architectural and Final Engineering and
Building and Design specification of MV Engineering Designs approved Architectural Design reports of
Kabalega monitored and portbell and Jinja Piers
supervised Design of Portbell and Jinja pier monitored and evaluated
and Design specification of MV
Kabalega monitored and Bidding Documents for the
supervised procurement of the contractors
to improve Piers and construct
Kabalega II

Civil works at the Ports

Construction of the ship

Total 470,000 180,869 230,000
GoU Development 470,000 180,869 230,000
External Financing 0 0 0

04 02 04Development of Inland Final engineering and design Preliminary Architectural and Final tender documents for the
Water Transport report prepared Engineering Designs of Portbell procurement of a contractor to
and Jinja Piers produced. remodel Portbell and Jinja Piers
Final tender documents for the prepared.
procurement of a contractor to
improve Portbell and Jinja Piers Preliminary design of Portbell
prepared and Jinja piers prepared

Civil works for the improvement

of Portbell and Jinja Piers
Total 1,664,000 632,329 1,770,000
GoU Development 1,664,000 632,329 1,770,000
External Financing 0 0 0

GRAND TOTAL 2,134,000 813,197 2,000,000

GoU Development 2,134,000 813,197 2,000,000
External Financing 0 0 0

Annual Workplan for 2014/15 - Outputs, Activities, Inputs and their Cost
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Output: 04 02 02 Monitoring and Capacity Building

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

Final Engineering and Architectural Design reports of portbell and Jinja fuel lubricants and oils (no. of litres) 4,000.0 20,000
Piers monitored and evaluated Night allowance (no. of nights) 200.0 20,000
consultant (no. of reports) 6.3 190,000
Bidding Documents for the procurement of the contractors to improve
Piers and construct Kabalega II

Civil works at the Ports

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Vote Function: 04 02 Transport Services and Infrastructure
Project 1051 New Ferry to replace Kabalega - Opening Southern R
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Construction of the ship
Activities to Deliver Outputs:
Review and evaluate monitoring the reports prepared

Review Tender Documents

Supervise contractors
Total 230,000
GoU Development 230,000
External Financing 0
Output: 04 02 04 Development of Inland Water Transport

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

Final tender documents for the procurement of a contractor to remodel CONSULTANT FEES (NO. OF REPORTS) 2.7 1,370,000
Portbell and Jinja Piers prepared. CONSULTANT FEES (NO. REPORTS) 4.0 400,000

Preliminary design of Portbell and Jinja piers prepared

Activities to Deliver Outputs:
Final tender documents for the procurement of a contractor to remodel
Portbell and Jinja Piers prepared

Preliminary design of Portbell and Jinja piers reviewed

Total 1,770,000
GoU Development 1,770,000
External Financing 0
GRAND TOTAL 2,000,000
GoU Development 2,000,000
External Financing 0

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Vote Function: 04 02 Transport Services and Infrastructure
Project 1052 Rehabilitation and re-equipping of EACAA - Soroti
Project Profile

Responsible Officer: Commissionar Transport Ser & Infrastructure

Objectives: The main objective of the rehabilitation and re-equipping of the East African Civil Aviation
Academy (EACAA), Soroti has been revitalising and transforming the Academy into a
regional centre of excellence in air transport studies and aviation personnel development in
East Africa.
One of the components of the project involves rehabilitation of the buildings at the Academy,
while other components involve provision of equipment necessary for the operations of the
Outputs: -Enhanced aviation training in the country/region; -Air transport developed-EACAA-Soroti
refurbished and re-certified
Start Date: 7/1/2013 Projected End Date: 6/30/2016

Workplan Outputs for 2013/14 and 2014/15

Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and
UShs Thousand
Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)
04 02 51Maintenance of Aircrafts Phase 2 Rehabilitation works Ground school; Ground School:
and Buildings (EACAA) executed to 30% . 7 Course 24 and 6 course 23 Pilot Courses 35, 36, 37, and 38
flight operations students for prepared and presented for
Periodic renovation and normal classes conducted. CAA exam
maintenance of infrastructure Flight operations courses 24 and
21 pilot students presented for long distance exams conducted
CAA exams. and graduation done

6 course 23 flight operations Flying School:

students graduated. 30 PPL course students
6 Advanced airport operations 15 CPL course students
course students trained. completed
16 CPL course students
Normal classes for pilots course completed and graduated
35-38, 7flight operations
Course 24 and 3 pilot Engineering School
instructors trained. C26 engineering students
completed and graduated
6 basic airport operations course
students from CAA trained. Twine engine plane procured

2 Distance flight operations

students course started and

Flying school:
25 ten hour checks done for
Course 36

23 students went solo course 36

and 37

10 students did PPL CAA

licence exams for course 35 and

3 students completed CPL


Aircraft Engineering School:

Normal classes for Course
21,22, 23 and 24 conducted.

Total 700,000 224,895 4,200,000

GoU Development 700,000 224,895 4,200,000
External Financing 0 0 0

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Vote Function: 04 02 Transport Services and Infrastructure
Project 1052 Rehabilitation and re-equipping of EACAA - Soroti
GRAND TOTAL 700,000 224,895 4,200,000
GoU Development 700,000 224,895 4,200,000
External Financing 0 0 0

Annual Workplan for 2014/15 - Outputs, Activities, Inputs and their Cost
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Output: 04 02 51 Maintenance of Aircrafts and Buildings (EACAA)

Planned Outputs: Grant or Transfer Cost

Ground School: Procurement of spares for aircrafts 1,000,000
Pilot Courses 35, 36, 37, and 38 prepared and presented for CAA exam Procurement of a Twine Engine Aircraft 3,200,000
Flight operations courses 24 and long distance exams conducted and
graduation done

Flying School:
30 PPL course students completed
15 CPL course students completed
16 CPL course students completed and graduated

Engineering School
C26 engineering students completed and graduated

Twine engine plane procured

Activities to Deliver Outputs:
Av gas(Aircraft fuel), Aircraft maintenance and spares
Food supplies for students.
Training materials
Insurance costs
Instructors and support staff salaries, wages and allowances
Compound maintenance
Motor vehicle fuel and maintenance costs
Students dormitory supplies entertainment
Total 4,200,000
GoU Development 4,200,000
External Financing 0
GRAND TOTAL 4,200,000
GoU Development 4,200,000
External Financing 0

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Vote Function: 04 02 Transport Services and Infrastructure
Project 1097 New Standard Gauge Railway Line
Project Profile

Responsible Officer: Assistant Commissioner / Rail and Water Transport Services and Infra.

Objectives: i)Promote regional integration and trade among Great Lakes Region Countries.
ii)Promote productive economic activities in Uganda, Kenya, Rwanda, Burundi, DRC and
Republic of South Sudan.
Iii)Divert traffic from roads, hence reduce funds incurred in road
iv) Reduce poverty through enhanced market access;
xv)Transform the Northern Corridor into an economic development corridor.
Outputs: i) Set up a Project Management unit for standard gauge railway project
ii) Harmonize standards with the Kenya counterparts for the onward connection to Mombasa
iii) Identify and contract funding to construct the line.
Iv) Construct the lines
v) Procure rolling stock as per the terms in the concession agreement.
Vi) Contract project Advisory services (Africa50) for standard guage railway project
vii) Ressetlement Action Plan/ Land acquisition for Standard Gauge
viii) Produce a Preliminary engineering design reports
Start Date: 7/1/2013 Projected End Date: 6/30/2020

Workplan Outputs for 2013/14 and 2014/15

Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and
UShs Thousand
Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)
04 02 02Monitoring and Capacity Consultancy services for 1.No of monitoring and Consultancy services for
Building Kampala-Malaba to standard supervision visits for upgrading Tororo-
guage monitored and evaluated Consultancy services undertaken Pakwach/Gulu-Nimule to
standard guage monitored and
Consultancy services for evaluated
Kampala-Malaba to standard
guage monitored and evaluated

Total 450,000 165,483 420,000

GoU Development 450,000 165,483 420,000
External Financing 0 0 0

04 02 06Development of Railways Draft Final Report for the Draft Final Report for the Carry out a preliminary
preliminary engineering design preliminary engineering design engineering design to upgrade to
to upgrade to standard guage to upgrade to standard guage Tororo-Pakwach/Gulu-Nimule
railway network between railway network between railway line to standard guage
Malaba/Kampala prepared. Malaba/Kampala prepared. railway network.

Total 4,060,000 1,889,454 4,200,000

GoU Development 4,060,000 1,889,454 4,200,000
External Financing 0 0 0

04 02 81Construction/Rehabilitation Traffic surveys on Surveys on Contract negotiation report Project Management unit set up
of Railway Infrastructure Kampala-Malaba railway line prepared
Total 300,000 62,192 1,000,000
GoU Development 300,000 62,192 1,000,000
External Financing 0 0 0

GRAND TOTAL 4,810,000 2,117,129 5,620,000

GoU Development 4,810,000 2,117,129 5,620,000
External Financing 0 0 0

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Vote Function: 04 02 Transport Services and Infrastructure
Project 1097 New Standard Gauge Railway Line
Annual Workplan for 2014/15 - Outputs, Activities, Inputs and their Cost
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Output: 04 02 02 Monitoring and Capacity Building

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

Consultancy services for upgrading Tororo-Pakwach/Gulu-Nimule to Purchase of fuel and lubricants (no. of litres) 2,000.0 10,000
standard guage monitored and evaluated consultancy services (no. of reports) 1.0 43,000
Activities to Deliver Outputs: field work (no. of reports) 10.0 10,000
payment of consultant conducting the consultancy 3.3 330,000
Consultancy services for upgrading Tororo-Pakwach/Gulu;Nimule to
(no. of reports)
standard Gauge monitored and evaluated
conduct training of staff (no. of staff) 3,000,000.0 3,000
conduct workshops (no. of workshop) 1.0 20,000
Allowances (Per Diem) 36.4 4,000
Total 420,000
GoU Development 420,000
External Financing 0
Output: 04 02 06 Development of Railways

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

Carry out a preliminary engineering design to upgrade to Tororo- fuel and lubricants (litres) 2,000.0 20,000
Pakwach/Gulu-Nimule railway line to standard guage railway network. workshops conducted (no .of workshop) 2.0 20,000
Activities to Deliver Outputs: consultancy for preliminary engineering design (no. 3.0 900,000
of reports)
Draft final report for Preliminary Engineering Design to upgrade to
consultant to carry out engineering design (no. of 3.2 3,200,000
Standard Gauge the Tororo-Pakwach/Gulu-Nimule railway line to reports)
standard guage railway network.
field work (no. of reports) 18.0 50,000
Travel for Harmonisation meetings (no. of travels) 1.0 10,000
Total 4,200,000
GoU Development 4,200,000
External Financing 0
Output: 04 02 81 Construction/Rehabilitation of Railway Infrastructure

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

Project Management unit set up Office Furniture and fittings (Lumpsum) 13.3 200,000

Activities to Deliver Outputs: Office materials (Lumpsum) 7.0 700,000

Monitoring and supervision (Per Diem) 833.3 100,000
i) Set up a Project Management unit for standard gauge
Total 1,000,000
GoU Development 1,000,000
External Financing 0
GRAND TOTAL 5,620,000
GoU Development 5,620,000
External Financing 0

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Vote Function: 04 02 Transport Services and Infrastructure
Project 1126 Institutional Support to URC
Project Profile

Responsible Officer: Economist-Rail and Water

Objectives: Assist URC meet its essential, financial and consessional obligations

Outputs: URC outstanding debts settled; Concenssion monitored and regulated

Start Date: Projected End Date:

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Vote Function: 04 02 Transport Services and Infrastructure
Project 1159 Kasese airport devt project-KADP
Project Profile

Responsible Officer: Acting Assistant Commissioner-Air

Objectives: The objective of Kasese Airport Development Project is to develop Kasese Airport
infrastructure to an International Airport status. This will give the air transport user’s
uninterrupted safe, regular and secure air transport services in and outside Uganda.

Start Date: 7/1/2013 Projected End Date: 6/30/2018

Workplan Outputs for 2013/14 and 2014/15

Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and
UShs Thousand
Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)
04 02 02Monitoring and Capacity Quarterly inspection, 3 No of Quarterly monitoring Quarterly inspection,
Building Supervision and monitoring and supervision reports prepared Supervision and monitoring
reports produced reports produce
Total 200,000 29,938 50,000
GoU Development 200,000 29,938 50,000
External Financing 0 0 0

04 02 52Rehabilitation of Construction of perimeter fence 85% of Construction works of Land compesation at Kasese
Upcountry Aerodromes completed. the perimeter fence at Kasese airport concluded.
(CAA) Airport completed
Counter funding to Run way Diversion and Construction of a
effected MoFPED in liaison with CAA community road from the
are sourcing for external funding Kasese Airport land completed
for the project.
Total 1,100,000 537,389 450,000
GoU Development 1,100,000 537,389 450,000
External Financing 0 0 0

GRAND TOTAL 1,300,000 567,327 500,000

GoU Development 1,300,000 567,327 500,000
External Financing 0 0 0

Annual Workplan for 2014/15 - Outputs, Activities, Inputs and their Cost
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Output: 04 02 02 Monitoring and Capacity Building

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

Quarterly inspection, Supervision and monitoring reports produce Fuel (Ltrs) 2,857.1 10,000

Activities to Deliver Outputs: Allowances (Per Diem) 333.3 40,000

Monitoring reports prepared

Total 50,000
GoU Development 50,000
External Financing 0
Output: 04 02 52 Rehabilitation of Upcountry Aerodromes (CAA)

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Vote Function: 04 02 Transport Services and Infrastructure
Project 1159 Kasese airport devt project-KADP
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Planned Outputs: Grant or Transfer Cost
Land compesation at Kasese airport concluded. Contribution to CAA 450,000

Diversion and Construction of a community road from the Kasese Airport

land completed
Activities to Deliver Outputs:
Valuation made

Procure contractor
Total 450,000
GoU Development 450,000
External Financing 0
GoU Development 500,000
External Financing 0

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Vote Function: 04 02 Transport Services and Infrastructure
Project 1284 Development of new Kampala Port in Bukasa
Project Profile


Objectives: The Objectives of the Project shall be, among others, to:

i) Achieve sustainable socio–economic development and integration by unlocking the

under–developed potential in Uganda and Tanzania.
ii)Develop adequate, reliable, cost effective, efficient and seamless transport and
telecommunication systems so that the railway sub–sector is competitive
Foster and catalyze the involvement of public – private sector partnerships for the
development of the agro–industry, manufacturing, tourism, mining and service sector.
iv) Re–orient the corridor trade and investment through the promotion of human settlement,
minimizing rural–urban migration, alleviating poverty and strategically positioning economic
activities of the area concerned in the Mainstream of the global trade.
v)Promote smooth interstate trade and investments in order to create job opportunities and
enhance the people’s standard of living.
Outputs: A new modern port in Bukasa, fully equipped and well connected to the hinterland

Start Date: 7/1/2013 Projected End Date: 6/30/2017

Workplan Outputs for 2013/14 and 2014/15

Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and
UShs Thousand
Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)
04 02 02Monitoring and Capacity Procurement of civil works for
Building the construction of the New
Kampala Port at Bukasa

Detailed Designs for the

construction of the New
Kampala Port Commenced

Preliminary survey of the road

and rail hinterland connection,
Kampala industrial park and
Namanve conducted
Total 0 0 50,000
GoU Development 0 0 50,000
External Financing 0 0 0

04 02 80Construction/Rehabilitation Project area for the New Survey and Demarcation of the Resettlement action
of Inland Water Kampala port in Bukasa Rail-road corridor plan for Bukasa port finalized
Transport Infrastructure surveyed and mapped
Project area for the New Environmental and Social
Survey controls and beacons Kampala port in Bukasa Impact assessment for the
built surveyed and maintained development of new in land Port
at Bukasa conducted
National Forestry Authority’s National Forestry Authority’s
Boundary opened Boundary opened

Resettlement action plan for Inception report for the

Bukasa port finalized preparation of the
Environmental and Social
Environmental and Social Impact assessment reviewed
Impact assessment for the and approved
development of new in land Port
at Bukasa conducted

Project affected persons


Civil works for the construction

of the construction of the New
Kampala Port Commenced

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Vote Function: 04 02 Transport Services and Infrastructure
Project 1284 Development of new Kampala Port in Bukasa
Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and
UShs Thousand
Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)

Coordination office for the New

Kampala Port established
Total 1,000,000 8,410 250,000
GoU Development 1,000,000 8,410 250,000
External Financing 0 0 0

GRAND TOTAL 1,000,000 8,410 300,000

GoU Development 1,000,000 8,410 300,000
External Financing 0 0 0

Annual Workplan for 2014/15 - Outputs, Activities, Inputs and their Cost
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Output: 04 02 02 Monitoring and Capacity Building

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

Procurement of civil works for the construction of the New Kampala Port Fuel (ltrs) 2,857.1 10,000
at Bukasa commenced Allowances (No) 318.2 35,000
Adverts (Pages) 2.0 5,000
Detailed Designs for the construction of the New Kampala Port

Preliminary survey of the road and rail hinterland connection, Kampala

industrial park and Namanve conducted
Activities to Deliver Outputs:
Travels, allowances.
Total 50,000
GoU Development 50,000
External Financing 0
Output: 04 02 80 Construction/Rehabilitation of Inland Water Transport Infrastructure

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

Resettlement action Consultant to prepared the EIA paid (Lumpsum) 1.0 100,000
plan for Bukasa port finalized Services for feasibility studies paid (Lumpsum) 1.0 100,000
Allowances (Per Diem) 416.7 50,000
Environmental and Social Impact assessment for the development of new
in land Port at Bukasa conducted
Activities to Deliver Outputs:
Prepare procurement documents.

Review reports.

Carry out surveys.

Conduct site meetings

Total 250,000
GoU Development 250,000
External Financing 0
GoU Development 300,000
External Financing 0

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Vote Function: 04 03 Construction Standards and Quality Assurance
Vote Function Profile

Responsible Officer: Comm (Roads/Bridges, Public Structures & Qty Mgt),

Services: The vote function is aimed at developing policies, laws, standards, and guidelines
that would ensure effective, safe, efficient and adequate delivery of services in the
construction industry. It will involve amongst others enforcement and regulation of
national construction standards, testing and researching on materials of
construction and evaluation of pavement/structures; provision of technical support
services to other Government departments and agencies; and monitoring the
relevant activities in the construction industry. In addition it will entail integrating
cross-cutting issues in the Sector plans and programmes (i.e. .issues concerning
gender, people with disabilities, HIV/AIDS, etc). It will also involve preparatory
process for establishing a National Construction Research Institute out of the
current Material Testing and Research function.

Furthermore, it will participate in formulating policy guidelines for planning,

development and maintenance of national transport infrastructure; developing and
maintaining a road reserve information system and ensuring its enforcement;

Vote Function Projects and Programmes:

Project or Programme Name Responsible Officer
Recurrent Programmes
12 Roads and Bridges Commissioner, Roads and Bridges
14 Construction Standards Commissioner Constn Standards and Quality Management
15 Public Structures Commissioner Public Structures
Development Projects
0936 Redevelopment of State House at Entebbe Assistant Commissioner/Architecture
0967 General Constrn & Rehab Works Senior Architect
1045 Interconnectivity Project Assistant Commissioner for Engineering/ National Roads Division

Programme 12 Roads and Bridges

Programme Profile

Responsible Officer: Commissioner, Roads and Bridges

Objectives: Develop laws, standards and guidelines that would ensure effective, safe, efficient and
adequate delivery of services in the construction industry. Review policy guidelines on
construction and maintenance of roads and bridges.
Outputs: Laws, standards and guidelines developed for the construction industry and policy guidelines
on construction and maintenance of roads and bridges reviewed.

Workplan Outputs for 2013/14 and 2014/15

Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and
UShs Thousand
Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)
04 03 01Policies, laws, guidelines, -Policies in the roads sub-sector -Policies in the roads sub-sector -Policies in the roads sub-sector
plans and strategies formulated. formulated. formulated.
-Guidelines and manuals for the -Guidelines and manuals for the -Guidelines and manuals for the
development and maintenance development and maintenance development and maintenance
of roads, bridges and drainage of roads, bridges and drainage of roads, bridges and drainage
structures prepared. structures prepared. structures prepared.

Total 1,029,452 288,160 1,158,139

Wage Recurrent 933,452 257,827 932,139
Non Wage Recurrent 96,000 30,334 226,000

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Vote Function: 04 03 Construction Standards and Quality Assurance
Programme 12 Roads and Bridges
Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and
UShs Thousand
Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)
04 03 03Monitoring Compliance of -Monitor the UNRA compliance -Monitor the UNRA compliance -UNRA compliance with
Construction Standards with maintenance and with maintenance and maintenance and construction
and undertaking Research construction work plans for construction work plans for work plans for national roads
national roads. national roads. monitored.

-Monitor the compliance of -Monitor the compliance of -Compliance of district local

district local governments,urban district local governments,urban governments,urban any other
any other authoritities on any other authoritities on authoritities on maintenance and
maintenance and construction of maintenance and construction of construction of district,urban
district,urban and community district,urban and community and community access roads
access r access roads monitored.

Total 148,000 55,524 348,000

Wage Recurrent 0 0 0
Non Wage Recurrent 148,000 55,524 348,000

04 03 04Monitoring and Capacity -Bridges, roads and ferry -Bridges, roads and ferry - 3No. Monitoring and
Building Support landing sites (not covered by landing sites (not covered by Evaluation consultants for
UNRA,district local UNRA,district local National, District and Urban
governnments,urban or other governnments,urban or other Roads procured
authority )monitored and reports authority )monitored and reports - Consultants' reports reviewed
prepared. prepared. and approved
-Capacity building support - 10No. Staff trained
extended to cover all district -Capacity building support
local governements. extended to cover all district
-District Roads leading to local governements.

-Supplier of AMCO Culverts

Total 2,368,000 2,301,612 1,835,000
Wage Recurrent 0 0 1,000,000
Non Wage Recurrent 2,368,000 2,301,612 835,000

GRAND TOTAL 3,545,452 2,645,297 3,341,139

Wage Recurrent 933,452 257,827 1,932,139
Non Wage Recurrent 2,612,000 2,387,470 1,409,000

Annual Workplan for 2014/15 - Outputs, Activities, Inputs and their Cost
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Output: 04 03 01 Policies, laws, guidelines, plans and strategies

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

-Policies in the roads sub-sector formulated. Service provider (NWSC) paid (Cubic metres) 5,000.0 5,000
-Guidelines and manuals for the development and maintenance of roads, Service provider (UMEME) paid (KWH) 10,000.0 10,000
bridges and drainage structures prepared. Training (Lumpsum) 4.6 46,000
Activities to Deliver Outputs: Pay service provider (No. of Adverts) 10.0 40,000
-Review reports, collect data, develop mannuals and guidelines Sfaff allowances paid (No. of staff) 10.0 30,000
Staff allowances paid (No. of staff) 2.0 20,000
Pay supplier (Number) 500.0 5,000
Staff allowances paid (Number of staff) 583.3 70,000
Permanent Staff (Person Years) 90.0 932,139
Total 1,158,139
Wage Recurrent 932,139
Non Wage Recurrent 226,000
Output: 04 03 03 Monitoring Compliance of Construction Standards and undertaking Research

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

-UNRA compliance with maintenance and construction work plans for Electricity (Bills) 20.0 10,000
national roads monitored. Telecommunications (Bills) 20.0 10,000
Water (Bills) 20.0 10,000
-Compliance of district local governments,urban any other authoritities on Books, Periodicals & Newspapers (Lots) 20.0 10,000
maintenance and construction of district,urban and community access Service provider paid (Lots) 3.0 15,000

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Vote Function: 04 03 Construction Standards and Quality Assurance
Programme 12 Roads and Bridges
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
roads monitored. Fuel (Ltrs) 22,857.1 80,000
Activities to Deliver Outputs: Maintenance of Vehicles (Lumpsum) 4.0 20,000
Incapacity, death benefits and funeral expenses 3.3 10,000
- Monitoring
-Preparation of reports
Service provider paid (No. of adverts) 2.5 10,000
Staff allowances (No. of staff) 72.1 123,000
Staff allowances paid (No. of staff) 3.0 30,000
Staff training paid (No. of staff) 4.0 20,000
Total 348,000
Wage Recurrent 0
Non Wage Recurrent 348,000
Output: 04 03 04 Monitoring and Capacity Building Support

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

- 3No. Monitoring and Evaluation consultants for National, District and Service provider paid (Bills) 1.0 20,000
Urban Roads procured Telecommunication (Bills) 1.0 50,000
- Consultants' reports reviewed and approved Assorted Stationary (Lots) 2.0 20,000
- 10No. Staff trained Supply provider paid (Lots) 5.0 50,000
Activities to Deliver Outputs: Fuel (Ltrs) 20,000.0 70,000
- Monitoring Adverts (No) 7.5 30,000
- Preparation of bidding documents Training (No) 8.0 80,000
- Invitation for bids Staff allowances paid (No.) 5.0 50,000
- Evaluation of bids Staff allowances paid (No. of staff) 45.0 90,000
- Award of Contracts Pay M&E Consultants for NR, DCR, UR (Number) 1.0 250,000
- Contract Signing
Staff allowances paid (Per Diem) 1,041.7 125,000
-Preparation of reports
Contract staff (Person Years) 193.0 1,000,000
- Review of reports
- Approval of reports Total 1,835,000
Wage Recurrent 1,000,000
Non Wage Recurrent 835,000
GRAND TOTAL 3,341,139
Wage Recurrent 1,932,139
Non Wage Recurrent 1,409,000

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Vote Function: 04 03 Construction Standards and Quality Assurance
Programme 14 Construction Standards
Programme Profile

Responsible Officer: Commissioner Constn Standards and Quality Management

Objectives: - Developing policies, regulations, standards and guidelines and monitor their compliance in
the construction industry;- Regulating professionals in the construction industry;-
Providing technical support services to other Government Departments and Agency
Outputs: Construction standards reviewed; Quality management and technical audits conducted;
Relevant policies and regulatuions review/ drafted, Construction materials Testing and
research conducted; and Cross-cutting issues in the roads sub-sector programmes intergated
and monitored.

Workplan Outputs for 2013/14 and 2014/15

Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and
UShs Thousand
Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)
04 03 01Policies, laws, guidelines, The Roads Act and Access to Comments from the The Roads Act and Access to
plans and strategies Roads Act revised. Stakeholders workshop have Roads Act revised.
been incorporated in the
Tender documents for road and Engineers Registration Bill and A draft Bill for amending the
bridge works reviewed to make a bench mark trip to Botswana Engineers Registration Act,
them less stringent to and Ghana has been concluded. (ERA), 1969, prepared.
contractors and consultants.
Tender documents for road and General Specification for Roads
A draft Bill for a Law to bridge works reviewed ed and Bridge Works reviewed
regulate the national inhouse and finalised.
construction industry submitted Guidelines for Environment and
to Cabinet. Social Impact Assessment for
Water and Railway Transport
A draft Bill for amending the Projects developed
Engineers Registration Act,
(ERA), 1969, prepared.
Total 1,420,033 405,621 1,020,516
Wage Recurrent 528,651 146,012 528,651
Non Wage Recurrent 891,382 259,609 491,865

04 03 03Monitoring Compliance of 183 no. of materials testing, 3 No. Gender mainstreaming 220 no. of materials testing,
Construction Standards quality control and research on and compliance audit of MDAs quality control and research on
and undertaking Research construction materials reports undertaken. construction materials reports
produced. produced.
5 No. Environmental
5 No. geotechnical investigation compliance audits of MDAs 5 No. geotechnical investigation
reports prepared undertaken. services to stakeholders in the
construction industry provided
Quality control on construction 124 no. materials testing, quality
materials conducted. control to stakeholders in the Gender mainstreaming and
construction industry provided. compliance audits of MDAs
Gender mainstreaming and undertaken (8 no. MDAs) and
compliance audits of MDAs 3 No. geotechnical investigation report produced.
undertaken (8 no. MDAs) services to stakeholders in the
construction industry provided Monitoring reports on
Compliance to set engineering compliance to set engineering
standards in 49 MDAs 1 No. report prepared on BTA standards in 40no. MDAs
monitored. asphalt material for Transport produced.
Environmental compliance Research Laboratory (UK)
audits of MDAs undertaken Compliance to set engineering
(49no. MDAs) PP Form 20 for the standards in Uganda National
Environmental compliance Roads Authority monitored.
Pavement evaluations monitoring equipment submitted.
undertaken (90 km) Reports on environmental
4 No. Environment and social compliance for 40 no. MDAs
5 No. geotechnical investigation impact assessment reports on produced.
services to stakeholders in the Malaba – Kampala Standard
construction industry provided gauge project and Katuna Pavement evaluations
OSBP, Saaka and Kaguta - undertaken (100 km)
Compliance to set environment Oxford Road
standards in the roads subsector Compliance to set environment
in Uganda National Roads standards in the roads subsector
Authority and 32 Local in Uganda National Roads
Governments monitored Authority and 40 Local

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Vote Function: 04 03 Construction Standards and Quality Assurance
Programme 14 Construction Standards
Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and
UShs Thousand
Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)
Governments monitored
Environmental compliance
monitoring equipment procured Environmental compliance
monitoring equipment procured
Environment and social impact
assessment reports on 5no. Environment and social impact
Development projects prepared assessment reports on 5no.
Development projects prepared
Innovative research reports on
construction materials prepared Innovative research reports on
construction materials prepared

Compliance audits conducted.

Total 905,618 299,241 1,405,618

Wage Recurrent 0 0 0
Non Wage Recurrent 905,618 299,241 1,405,618

04 03 04Monitoring and Capacity Establishment of UCICO 1 no TRASCO) on cross cutting Establishment of UCICO
Building Support issues established and quartery
A transport sector coordination meeting held. Quality control and management
committee (TRASCO) on cross courses undertaken (6no).
cutting issues established 5 no technical advice on
construction standards to MDAs Technical advice on
Quality control and management rendered MDAs construction standards to MDAs
courses undertaken (6no). rendered (25 no. MDAs)
3 no. Audit reports on
Technical advice on engineering designs and tender 4 no. Audit reports on
construction standards to MDAs documents prepared. engineering designs and tender
rendered (25 no. MDAs) documents prepared.
2 no Trainings conducted
4 no. Audit reports on
engineering designs and tender Operation of Upcountry
documents prepared. labalotory Strengthened.

Reports on training workshops Pavement evaluations

prepared. undertaken (100 km)

Pavement evaluations
undertaken (100 km)

Total 1,950,000 234,680 1,848,866

Wage Recurrent 1,009,200 0 1,008,349
Non Wage Recurrent 940,800 234,680 840,517

04 03 51Registration of Engineers Professional Engineers and Professional Engineers and Professional Engineers and
other professional in the other professional in the other Professional in the
Ministry supported. Ministry supported. Ministry supported.

ERB and UIPE Secretariats ERB and UIPE Secretariats

supported supported.
Total 108,000 3,900 108,000
Wage Recurrent 0 0 0
Non Wage Recurrent 108,000 3,900 108,000

GRAND TOTAL 4,383,651 943,442 4,383,000

Wage Recurrent 1,537,851 146,012 1,537,000
Non Wage Recurrent 2,845,800 797,430 2,846,000

Annual Workplan for 2014/15 - Outputs, Activities, Inputs and their Cost
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Output: 04 03 01 Policies, laws, guidelines, plans and strategies

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Vote Function: 04 03 Construction Standards and Quality Assurance
Programme 14 Construction Standards
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost
The Roads Act and Access to Roads Act revised. Hire of venue (2) 2.0 5,000
Bill payment (4) 3.0 15,000
A draft Bill for amending the Engineers Registration Act, (ERA), 1969, office equipments (4) 4.0 2,000
prepared. payement of subscription fees for Engininers (4) 1.0 5,000
security (4) 4.0 5,000
General Specification for Roads and Bridge Works reviewed
Computer (5) 5.0 10,000
fuel (Litres) 11,428.6 40,000
Guidelines for Environment and Social Impact Assessment for Water and
Railway Transport Projects developed Payment of night allowances (Nights) 350.0 35,000
Workshops (No) 2.0 45,000
Activities to Deliver Outputs:
AirTicket and Night allowance (No) 10.0 10,000
Draft cabinet memo submited.
Bill Payment (No) 4.0 10,000
Dev't of Guidelines for EASIA for water and Railw 1.0 55,000
Prepare a Draft Cabinet Memo for the amended ERA
Installation of LAN at Kireeka Offices (No) 1.0 10,000
Prepare ToRs to undertake review of General Specifications for roads and
bridges Maintenace and Calibration of Laboratory Equipt. 5.0 10,000
Prepare ToRs for development of ESIA Guidelines for Water and railway Night Allowancs (No) 800.0 80,000
Transport Projects. Priting of policy statement and guidelines (No) 1.0 10,000
Vehicles Repairs (No) 6.0 20,000
Newspaper Adverts for Procurements (No.) 10.0 10,000
Payment for incapacity, Death benefits and funeral 69.9 104,865
Training (No.) 1.0 10,000
Permanent Staff (Person Years) 40.0 528,651
Total 1,020,516
Wage Recurrent 528,651
Non Wage Recurrent 491,865
Output: 04 03 03 Monitoring Compliance of Construction Standards and undertaking Research

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

220 no. of materials testing, quality control and research on construction Protective gears and Uniform () 100.0 15,000
materials reports produced. Fuel suplies (Litres) 35,294.1 120,000
Procurement of Laboratory equipments (Lot) 1.0 305,520
5 No. geotechnical investigation services to stakeholders in the Adverts (no) 15.0 15,000
construction industry provided Air Ticket and Allowances (no) 20.0 50,000
Consultancy to review and revised the General Spec 1.0 280,000
Gender mainstreaming and compliance audits of MDAs undertaken (8 no. (No)
MDAs) and report produced.
Consultative workshops (No) 1.0 50,000
Install of LAN and internet services at Kireeka (No) 1.0 25,000
Monitoring reports on compliance to set engineering standards in 40no.
MDAs produced. It services (No) 4.0 5,000
maintenance and calibration of Lab equipt (no) 4.0 5,000
Compliance to set engineering standards in Uganda National Roads News papers and periodicals (No) 246.7 1,480
Authority monitored. Night Allowance (No) 1,500.0 150,000
Night and Safari day allowances (No) 1,150.0 115,000
Reports on environmental compliance for 40 no. MDAs produced. Payment for subscription for Engineers (No) 1.0 15,000
Payment of Tution, Research fee (no) 2.0 10,000
Pavement evaluations undertaken (100 km)
Paym't of Allowance, benefits and HIV/AIDS 8.0 100,000
activit (No)
Compliance to set environment standards in the roads subsector in Uganda
priniting service (No) 2.0 10,000
National Roads Authority and 40 Local Governments monitored
Proc't of Small equipt for Envi. Audits, chemicals 4.0 80,000
Environmental compliance monitoring equipment procured
procurement of office equipment (No) 1.0 2,618
Environment and social impact assessment reports on 5no. Development Repairs (No) 7.0 35,000
projects prepared Security Services (No) 4.0 4,000
venue hire (no) 4.0 2,000
Innovative research reports on construction materials prepared Bill Payment (Uints) 4.0 5,000
Activities to Deliver Outputs: Bill Payment (Units) 4.0 5,000
Conducting materials testing, quality control

Conducting geotechnical Investigations.

Conducting Gender Audits in MDAs

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Vote Function: 04 03 Construction Standards and Quality Assurance
Programme 14 Construction Standards
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand

Carrying out environmental and social impact assessment development


Undertaking technical audits of on-going and completed road projects

Undertaking materials testing, quality control and research

Undertaking Environmental compliance audits on on-going projects in


Undertaking technical audits of on-going and completed UNRA road


Carrying out pavement evaluation.

Carrying out innovative research on construction materials

Total 1,405,618
Wage Recurrent 0
Non Wage Recurrent 1,405,618
Output: 04 03 04 Monitoring and Capacity Building Support

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

Establishment of UCICO Internet services () 5.0 5,000
Uniforms and protective gears (20) 200.0 30,000
Quality control and management courses undertaken (6no). Telecommunications (Bill) 40.0 20,000
Fuels (Litres) 22,058.8 75,000
Technical advice on construction standards to MDAs rendered (25 no. Office Equipment (Lots) 1.0 5,000
Airticket and allowance (No) 4.0 15,000
Fees and related expenses (No) 24.0 60,000
4 no. Audit reports on engineering designs and tender documents prepared.
Guard hire (No) 4.0 2,800
Hire of Venue and furniture (No) 4.0 5,000
Operation of Upcountry labalotory Strengthened. Maintennance and Calibration of Lab. Equipt. (No) 20.0 50,000
Night, sitting allowance and Safari allowance (No) 500.0 50,000
Pavement evaluations undertaken (100 km) Night, sitting and Safari day allowance (No) 1,697.2 169,717
Proc't of Small equipt for Envi. Audits, chemicals 2.0 10,000
Activities to Deliver Outputs: (No)
Submission of Draft Cabinet Memo. Revision of Spec. and Guidelines for water & Rail 2.0 160,000
Training staff on Quality control and Mangement. soft and hardware (No) 10.0 10,000
Spares and service (No) 10.0 27,000
Undertaking sensitisation meetings Subscription of Engineers to professional bodies 12.0 30,000
Reviewing Engineering Designs and Tender Documents Workshops (No) 1.0 60,000
Adverts (No.) 2.0 8,000
Reviewing Environmental Impact Statements Contract staff (Person Years) 25.0 1,008,349
Sationary and related services sourced (Unit) 5.0 40,000
Assessing MDAs' technical capacity gaps
Bill Payment (Units) 8.0 8,000
Carrying out field visits on selected UNRA projects Total 1,848,866
Wage Recurrent 1,008,349
Facilitating workshops for training on innovative technologies
Non Wage Recurrent 840,517
Output: 04 03 51 Registration of Engineers

Planned Outputs: Grant or Transfer Cost

Professional Engineers and other Professional in the Ministry supported. Payment to other entities (ERB/UIPE) 108,000

ERB and UIPE Secretariats supported.

Activities to Deliver Outputs:
Payment of annual subscription and Continuous Professional
Development (CPD) fees.
Total 108,000

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Vote Function: 04 03 Construction Standards and Quality Assurance
Programme 14 Construction Standards
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Wage Recurrent 0
Non Wage Recurrent 108,000
GRAND TOTAL 4,383,000
Wage Recurrent 1,537,000
Non Wage Recurrent 2,846,000

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Vote Function: 04 03 Construction Standards and Quality Assurance
Programme 15 Public Structures
Programme Profile

Responsible Officer: Commissioner Public Structures

Objectives: (i) To develop policies, laws, standards, and guidelines that would ensure effective, safe,
efficient and adequate delivery of services in the construction industry. (ii) To provide
technical support services to other Government Departments and Agencies in building
Outputs: Policies, laws, standards, and guidelines developed to ensure effective, safe, efficient and
adequate delivery of services in the construction industry. This will involve amongst others
enforcement and regulation of national construction standards

Workplan Outputs for 2013/14 and 2014/15

Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and
UShs Thousand
Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)
04 03 01Policies, laws, guidelines, Building Control Act Building Control Act accented Building Regulations, Codes
plans and strategies operationalised to by the President. and Guidelines Approved and
Building regulations, codes and Preliminary Draft Regulations
guidelines approved and Codes and Guidelines Prepared National Building Review
disseminated. continued as highlighted below: Board (NBRB) appointed and
1) Consultations with KCCA on inaugurated and
National Building Review the Building Control Secretariat established
Board (NBRB) appointed and Regulations, Codes and
inaugurated and guidelines were undertaken and Weekly and Monthly
Secretariat established comments were received. Departmental and Divisional
2) Non Residential Retreat to meetings respectively held and
Weekly and quarterly review Code and incorporate minutes circulated.
Departmental meetings held and green technologies and
minutes circulated. renewable energies with UNDP
in collaboration with Makerere
University was Conducted.

Weekly Departmental meetings

held and minutes circulated.

Total 726,800 89,891 625,668

Wage Recurrent 59,760 0 59,668
Non Wage Recurrent 667,040 89,891 566,000

04 03 02Management of Public 4 No. building consultancy 9 No. building consultancy 4No. building consultancy
Buildings services contracts supervised services contracts supervised services contracts supervised
quarterly quarterly
12 No. building construction
6 No. building construction contracts supervised. 6 No. building construction
contracts supervised quarterly contracts supervised quarterly
3 No quarterly reports prepared.
4 No quarterly reports prepared. 4 No quarterly reports prepared.
9 No. Venues for national
12 No. venues for national functions prepared. 12 No. venues for national
functions prepared annually functions prepared annually.

Improving capacity to Manage

National Functions.

Total 85,200 25,673 296,000

Wage Recurrent 0 0 0
Non Wage Recurrent 85,200 25,673 296,000

04 03 03Monitoring Compliance of 4 No. materials tests for 5no. Buidlings Assessed for 4 No. Materials and Building
Construction Standards structural integrity carried out. structural Integrity and tests carried out.
and undertaking Research Suitability for use as office
40 No. Construction sites space or any other function. 50 No. Construction sites
inspected for compliance with Report under preparation. inspected for compliance with
standards standards.
13 No. Construction sites
inspected for compliance with Improving In-House Resource

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Vote Function: 04 03 Construction Standards and Quality Assurance
Programme 15 Public Structures
Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and
UShs Thousand
Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)
standards and report submitted. Capacity to Manage, Supervise
and Monitor Construction
Total 626,101 176,401 786,193
Wage Recurrent 578,101 160,358 578,193
Non Wage Recurrent 48,000 16,043 208,000

04 03 04Monitoring and Capacity 32 No. technical 24 No. technical assessment/ 40 No. technical
Building Support assessment/advisory reports for advisory reports for works for assessment/advisory reports for
works for MDAs and local MDAs and local governments works for MDAs and local
governments prepared and prepared and issued governments prepared and
issued issued

Capacity building programs for 8No. Staff trained in the

staff held Department.

Departmental Staff supported to

attend professional CPDs

Acquisition of Reference
Books, periodicals, Equipments.

Equipment and tools for Use


Total 35,000 6,000 362,000

Wage Recurrent 0 0 0
Non Wage Recurrent 35,000 6,000 362,000

04 03 06Construction related 4 No. construction and fire 1No construction/fire related 4 No. construction and fire
accidents investigated related accidents investigated accident in Mukono was related accidents investigated
and investigation reports investigated. Report is yet to be and investigation reports
prepared availed. prepared
Total 15,000 3,488 15,000
Wage Recurrent 0 0 0
Non Wage Recurrent 15,000 3,488 15,000

04 03 51Registration of Engineers Annual subscription fees for 1 No. construction industry Annual subscription fees for
architects, and surveyors paid professional symposium architects, and surveyors paid
organized by USA in
Surveyors and Architects conjunction with UIPE, ISU, Surveyors and Architects
professional bodies supported UAIA and UIPP was supported professional bodies supported
and monitored. and attended on 29 and 30 and monitored.
August 2013.
Annual contributions to Annual contributions to
international professional The 11th Construction and international professional
organisations paid interiors exhibition at Lugogo organisations paid
show grounds held from 01 to
03 August 2013

7 No. CPD, workshops/

seminars/ symposia or general
meetings for professional bodies
supported and attended

Subscriptions to International
Professional Organizations paid

Membership and Subcription of

Architects and surveyors paid.

Total 35,000 0 60,000

Wage Recurrent 0 0 0
Non Wage Recurrent 35,000 0 60,000

GRAND TOTAL 1,523,101 301,453 2,144,861

Wage Recurrent 637,861 160,358 637,861
Non Wage Recurrent 885,240 141,095 1,507,000

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Vote Function: 04 03 Construction Standards and Quality Assurance
Programme 15 Public Structures
Annual Workplan for 2014/15 - Outputs, Activities, Inputs and their Cost
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Output: 04 03 01 Policies, laws, guidelines, plans and strategies

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

Building Regulations, Codes and Guidelines Approved and Disseminated Purchase of Fuel and Other Lubricants (litres) 8,108.1 30,000
Payment for Power (Monthly) 23.4 8,200
National Building Review Board (NBRB) appointed and inaugurated and Payment for Water (Monthly) 9.3 7,000
Secretariat established Venue for NBRB Secretariate (Months) 12.0 24,000
Provision of Security services (No) 14.0 8,400
Weekly and Monthly Departmental and Divisional meetings respectively
Books Peridicals and newspapes (number) 8.0 10,000
held and minutes circulated.
Expenses during recuitment of NBRB secretariate 5.6 21,000
Activities to Deliver Outputs: Maintenance of Vehicles (number) 4.0 30,000
Holding Consultative Meetings/Workshop for Final Review of Buidling of Office Stationery and photocopying services 5.6 10,380
Regulations, Codes and Guidelines. (number)
Payment of Ads (Number) 3.8 15,000
Appointment and Inauguration of the National Building Review Payment of Commission Charges (Number) 4.0 15,000
Board(NBRB) Purchase of Office Furniture for NBRB secretariat 5.0 50,000
Conducting a recruitement Exercise for NBRB Secretariate Subscriptions Charges (Number) 12.0 15,000
Supply of IT Equipment for Sec NBRB (Number) 41.0 40,960
Holding Weekly and Monthly Departmental and Divisional Meetings and
Minutes Circulated. Telecomunication Services (number) 1.5 15,000
Training of Staff (Number) 8.3 50,000
Welfare for Office Staff (Number) 8.2 10,200
Workshops, Seminars and retreats (Number) 1.8 70,000
Allowance for Staff travel inland (perdiem) 208.3 25,000
Travel Abroad for Staff (Perdiem) 33.3 30,000
Contract staff (Person Years) 5.0 59,668
Allowances for Members setting up NBRB & 269.5 80,860
office (Sittings)
Total 625,668
Wage Recurrent 59,668
Non Wage Recurrent 566,000
Output: 04 03 02 Management of Public Buildings

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

4No. building consultancy services contracts supervised quarterly Payment of Water bills (litres) 12.0 8,000
Pucharse of Fuel, oil and Lubricants (litres) 2,918.9 10,800
6 No. building construction contracts supervised quarterly Maintenance of Office Premises (monthly) 12.0 20,000
Payment for security services (monthly) 12.3 8,000
4 No quarterly reports prepared. Payment of Power (monthly) 12.1 8,000
Books Newspapers and Periodicals (number) 50.0 10,000
12 No. venues for national functions prepared annually.
Maintenance of Machines (number) 10.0 9,000
Improving capacity to Manage National Functions. Maintenance of Vehicles (Number) 4.0 22,000
Photocopying Services and Stationary (number) 8.0 20,000
Activities to Deliver Outputs:
Purchase of Tents and facilities. (number) 16.0 80,000
Preparation of Tender Documents.
Training of Staff (Number) 8.0 20,000
Wellfare for Staff (number) 40.0 10,000
Evaluation of Bids for Works and Consultancy Contracts.
Allowance for Staff (perdiem) 166.7 20,000
Review of Design Documents and Specifications and BoQs Allowances staff (perdiem) 166.7 20,000
Travel Abroad for Staff (perdiem) 33.6 30,200
Site Meetings and Progress Reports prepared. Total 296,000
Preparation of Venues for National Functions. Wage Recurrent 0
Non Wage Recurrent 296,000
Output: 04 03 03 Monitoring Compliance of Construction Standards and undertaking Research

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

4 No. Materials and Building tests carried out. Fuel, lubricants and oils (litre) 5,405.4 20,000
Maintenance of Vehicles (number) 5.3 40,000
50 No. Construction sites inspected for compliance with standards. Photocopying and Stationery (number) 5.3 20,000

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Vote Function: 04 03 Construction Standards and Quality Assurance
Programme 15 Public Structures
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Staff Training and Short Course Workshops 3.0 30,000
Improving In-House Resource Capacity to Manage, Supervise and (number)
Monitor Construction Projects. Allowance for staff on inspection or other duties 160.0 20,000
Activities to Deliver Outputs:
Staff Night Allowance on inspection &other duties 304.0 38,000
Inspection of buildings, conducting Tests on Buldings and Preparation of (perdiem)
Structural Intetgrity Analysis Report Staff to attend Workshops, & Conferences abroad 40.0 40,000
Inspection of Construction Sites Nationwide for Compliancy with Contract staff (Person Years) 25.0 578,193
Constrcuction Standards and Reports prepared and circulated.
Total 786,193
Attending research based or training in Materials, Construction and Wage Recurrent 578,193
Compliancy of Standards Non Wage Recurrent 208,000
Output: 04 03 04 Monitoring and Capacity Building Support

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

40 No. technical assessment/advisory reports for works for MDAs and Fuel (litres) 8,918.9 33,000
local governments prepared and issued Payment for Power (monthly) 12.0 5,000
Payment for Security Services (monthly) 12.0 5,000
8No. Staff trained in the Department. Payment of water bills (Monthly) 12.5 5,200
Computer & Supplies (number) 16.0 40,000
Departmental Staff supported to attend professional CPDs
Maintenance of machinery (number) 4.8 6,000
maintenance of Vehicles (number) 4.6 23,000
Acquisition of Reference Books, periodicals, Equipments.
Printing and Stationery (number) 8.3 20,800
Equipment and tools for Use procured. Purchase of Books and Periodicals (number) 6.4 32,000
Activities to Deliver Outputs: Purchase of office Equipment (number) 5.0 50,000
Support to attend CPDs and Seminars (number) 12.0 12,000
Auditing Construction works Undertaken by MDAs
Training and Support staff for CPD & conferences 5.3 40,000
Preparation of Technical Assessment Reports
Wellfare of Staff (number) 4.0 10,000
Staff sponsored /supported to attend further studies Allowance for Staff (Perdiem) 333.3 40,000
Travel abroad for Staff (perdiem) 40.0 40,000
Staff sponsored to attend Proffessional bodies' CPD and training Total 362,000
Wage Recurrent 0
Reference Books and Periodicals Procured. Non Wage Recurrent 362,000
Output: 04 03 06 Construction related accidents investigated

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

4 No. construction and fire related accidents investigated and Fuel (litres) 1,351.4 5,000
investigation reports prepared Allowances for staff (perdiem) 83.3 10,000
Activities to Deliver Outputs:
Conducting Investigation, Preparingn and circulating investigation reports.

Total 15,000
Wage Recurrent 0
Non Wage Recurrent 15,000
Output: 04 03 51 Registration of Engineers

Planned Outputs: Grant or Transfer Cost

Annual subscription fees for architects, and surveyors paid Contributions to International Bodies 15,000
Pyament of Subscriptions and registration fees for 20,000
Surveyors and Architects professional bodies supported and monitored. Architects and Quantity Surveyors
Contributions to Professional Bodies of Architects 25,000
Annual contributions to international professional organisations paid and Engineers for workshops, Conferences and
Activities to Deliver Outputs: Symposia
Subscription to International Organization

Contribution to CPDs, Annual General Meeting and Symposia

Registration /Subscription for Architect and Quantiry Surveyor

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Vote Function: 04 03 Construction Standards and Quality Assurance
Programme 15 Public Structures
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Total 60,000
Wage Recurrent 0
Non Wage Recurrent 60,000
GRAND TOTAL 2,144,861
Wage Recurrent 637,861
Non Wage Recurrent 1,507,000

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Vote Function: 04 03 Construction Standards and Quality Assurance
Project 0936 Redevelopment of State House at Entebbe
Project Profile

Responsible Officer: Assistant Commissioner/Architecture

Objectives: The objective of the project is to provide safe, efficient and adequate Presidential and support
staff residences, office facilities, infra-structural services and installations befitting the
residence and work place of a Head of State.Phase 2 covers the State House Comptroller's
Office Block
Outputs: Ceremonial building 17,472 m², President'Office, President's Residence, State House
Comptroller's office, Presidential Guard Brigade, Health Club, Gazebo
Start Date: 7/1/2011 Projected End Date: 6/30/2017

Workplan Outputs for 2013/14 and 2014/15

Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and
UShs Thousand
Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)
04 03 02Management of Public Construction of State House 2 No. Monthly progress report Construction of State House
Buildings Comptroller's Office Block submitted by Consultants Comptroller's Office Block
monitored checked monitored

Consultants for the State House 3 No. Claims from Consultants Consultants for the State House
Comptroller's Office Block checked and certified for Comptroller's Office Block
supervised and monitored payment supervised and monitored

Claims for payments from 1No. Cert for Contractor Fee Notes from Consultants and
Consultants and Contractor Processed for Payment. Certificates from Contractor
checked and certified checked and Paymenrt Processed
2 No. Quarterly progress report
Quarterly progress reports prepared Quarterly progress reports
prepared prepared

Total 132,000 38,261 140,000

GoU Development 132,000 38,261 140,000
External Financing 0 0 0

04 03 72Government Buildings and Mobilisation for Phase II works Additional funding for the 10% Phase II works consisting
Administrative consisting of State House project sourced of State House Comptroller's
Infrastructure Comptroller's Office Block at Office Block at Entebbe
Entebbe completed Design reviews of project are at completed
98%. Submission to CC and SG
for addendum awaits final
detailed design from consultant.

Contractor is Fully Mobilized

and awaits instruction after
creation of Addendum to

Total 438,000 19,356 639,000

GoU Development 438,000 19,356 639,000
External Financing 0 0 0

GRAND TOTAL 570,000 57,617 779,000

GoU Development 570,000 57,617 779,000
External Financing 0 0 0

Annual Workplan for 2014/15 - Outputs, Activities, Inputs and their Cost
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Output: 04 03 02 Management of Public Buildings

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Vote Function: 04 03 Construction Standards and Quality Assurance
Project 0936 Redevelopment of State House at Entebbe
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost
Construction of State House Comptroller's Office Block monitored Fuel (Ltrs) 4,285.7 15,000
Maintenance of Vehicles (number) 2.0 5,000
Consultants for the State House Comptroller's Office Block supervised Payment to Supervising Consultant (number) 2.0 100,000
and monitored Allowances for Staff (perdiem) 166.7 20,000

Fee Notes from Consultants and Certificates from Contractor checked and
Paymenrt Processed

Quarterly progress reports prepared

Activities to Deliver Outputs:
Construction Works Monitored

Supervision Consultancy contract managed

Site and Design review meetings attended

Quarterly Progress Reports prepared and submitted.

Fee Notes and Certificates verified and Processes for payment.

Total 140,000
GoU Development 140,000
External Financing 0
Output: 04 03 72 Government Buildings and Administrative Infrastructure

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

10% Phase II works consisting of State House Comptroller's Office Block Payment for Revalidation of EIA (number) 2.0 61,000
at Entebbe completed Payment for Work Done (number) 1.9 578,000
Activities to Deliver Outputs:
Construction Works of Office Block executed to 10% completion.

Contractor claims processed for Payment

Total 639,000
GoU Development 639,000
External Financing 0
GoU Development 779,000
External Financing 0

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Vote Function: 04 03 Construction Standards and Quality Assurance
Project 0967 General Constrn & Rehab Works
Project Profile

Responsible Officer: Senior Architect

Objectives: The objective of this project is to re-construct and rehabilitate key markets, and workplaces in
Kampala and other towns, and plan and implement construction and maintenance of
Government Buildings countrywide.
Outputs: Re-construction and rehabilitation of selected markets and workplaces. Development of
Guidelines for Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Public Structures
Start Date: 7/1/2011 Projected End Date: 6/30/2017

Workplan Outputs for 2013/14 and 2014/15

Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and
UShs Thousand
Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)
04 03 03Monitoring Compliance of Outstanding Phase 1 and Phase Inspection of on ongoing Outstanding Phase 1 works at
Construction Standards 2 works at Lukaya market construction sites for Lukaya market supervised.
and undertaking Research supervised compliancy conducted and
13No. Sites inspected Phase 2 Works contractor
Inspection of ongoing procured and phase 2 works of
construction projects for lukaya market supervised to 45%
compliance with building
Total 46,000 12,624 20,000
GoU Development 46,000 12,624 20,000
External Financing 0 0 0

04 03 72Government Buildings and Phase 1 outstading works at No Progress on Phase 1 works Phase 1 outstading works at
Administrative lukaya market executed procurement lukaya market executed
Phase 2 works at Lukaya Phase 2 stalled at evaluantion Phase 2 works at Lukaya
Market 45% completed for lack of funding. Market 45% completed
Total 600,000 0 600,000
GoU Development 600,000 0 600,000
External Financing 0 0 0

GRAND TOTAL 646,000 12,624 620,000

GoU Development 646,000 12,624 620,000
External Financing 0 0 0

Annual Workplan for 2014/15 - Outputs, Activities, Inputs and their Cost
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Output: 04 03 03 Monitoring Compliance of Construction Standards and undertaking Research

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

Outstanding Phase 1 works at Lukaya market supervised. Adverts for Phase 2 Works Contractor (number) 2.0 7,500
Allowances (perdiem) 104.2 12,500
Phase 2 Works contractor procured and phase 2 works of lukaya market
supervised to 45%
Activities to Deliver Outputs:
Works contractor for Phase I and II supervised

Site Meetings and Inspections conducted and minutes circulated

Quarterly Progress report prepared and submitted

Total 20,000
GoU Development 20,000
External Financing 0
Output: 04 03 72 Government Buildings and Administrative Infrastructure

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Vote Function: 04 03 Construction Standards and Quality Assurance
Project 0967 General Constrn & Rehab Works
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

Phase 1 outstading works at lukaya market executed Payment to Contractor for work done (number) 4.0 600,000

Phase 2 works at Lukaya Market 45% completed

Activities to Deliver Outputs:
Construction Works for Phase 1 completed and Maintained during DLP

Phase 2 Works Contractor Procured and Works Executed to 45%

All claims Certified and payments processed.

Total 600,000
GoU Development 600,000
External Financing 0
GoU Development 620,000
External Financing 0

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Vote Function: 04 03 Construction Standards and Quality Assurance
Project 1045 Interconnectivity Project
Project Profile

Responsible Officer: Assistant Commissioner for Engineering/ National Roads Division

Objectives: Macro planning, coordination, monitoring and opening of Interconnectivity roads

Outputs: • The project handles rehabilitation of mainly community access roads which are not funded by
the Uganda Road Fund which funds mainly maintenance of existing roads.
• The project also handles opening up of new roads to improve accessibility and
interconnectivity of communities in the country. A number of communities and areas in
Uganda still remain inaccessible due to absence of roads.
Start Date: 7/1/2008 Projected End Date: 6/30/2017

Workplan Outputs for 2013/14 and 2014/15

Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and
UShs Thousand
Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)
04 03 04Monitoring and Capacity -Rehabilitation and maintanence Rehabilitation and maintanence -Rehabilitation and maintenance
Building Support works of 137 Km of roads in works of 133 Km of roads in works of 142.7 Km of roads in
Masindi, Luweero, Wakiso, Masindi, Luweero, Wakiso, Bulisa, Kyankwanzi, Buhweju,
Kiboga, Ibanda, Arua, Kole, Kiboga, Ibanda, Arua, Kole, Dokolo, Hoima, Buvuma,
Soroti, Serere and Budiope Soroti, Serere and Budiope Rakai, Buyende, Soroti, Ibanda,
supervised and monitored, supervised and monitored, Ntungamo, Kasese, Serere,
performance reports and work performance reports and work Busia, Kibale, Ngora, Kumi,
certificates prepared. certificates prepared. Kapchorwa Moroto, NALI,
Accesses to Mwiri and
-staff trained in relevant cours -staff trained in relevant cours Buwanda Convent supervised
and monitored, and performance
reports and work certificates

- Engineering Design of Akright

Roads completed

- 400km of District roads


- 20No. Road Camps surveyed

- 20No. Land Titles processed

Total 500,000 183,211 759,000

GoU Development 500,000 183,211 759,000
External Financing 0 0 0

04 03 73Roads, Streets and -Rehabilitation and maintanence Rehabilitation and maintanence -Rehabilitation and maintenance
Highways works of 137 Km of roads in works of 133 Km of roads in works of 142.7 Km of roads in
Masindi, Luweero, Wakiso, Masindi, Luweero, Wakiso, Bulisa, Kyankwanzi, Buhweju,
Kiboga, Ibanda, Arua, Kole, Kiboga, Ibanda, Arua, Kole, Dokolo, Hoima, Buvuma,
Soroti, Serere and Budiope Soroti, Serere and Budiope Rakai, Buyende, Soroti, Ibanda,
supervised and monitored, supervised and monitored, Ntungamo, Kasese, Serere,
performance reports and work performance reports and work Busia, Kibale, Ngora, Kumi,
certificates prepared.Project certificates prepared. Kapchorwa Moroto, NALI,
reports and works certificat Accesses to Mwiri
-staff trained in relevant course and Buwanda Convent
supervised and monitored, and
performance reports and work
certificates prepared.

- Engineering Design of Akright

Roads completed

- 400km of District roads


- 400lines of culverts installed

- 20No. Road Camps surveyed

- 20No. Land Titles processed

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Vote Function: 04 03 Construction Standards and Quality Assurance
Project 1045 Interconnectivity Project
Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and
UShs Thousand
Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)
Total 4,110,000 2,731,724 3,982,000
GoU Development 4,110,000 2,731,724 3,982,000
External Financing 0 0 0

04 03 75Purchase of Motor 3 No. Double cabin pickup for

Vehicles and Other monitoring purchased
Transport Equipment
Total 0 0 300,000
GoU Development 0 0 300,000
External Financing 0 0 0

04 03 77Purchase of Specialised - 1 No. Total Station for

Machinery & Equipment Surveying procured
Total 0 0 60,000
GoU Development 0 0 60,000
External Financing 0 0 0

GRAND TOTAL 4,610,000 2,914,935 5,101,000

GoU Development 4,610,000 2,914,935 5,101,000
External Financing 0 0 0

Annual Workplan for 2014/15 - Outputs, Activities, Inputs and their Cost
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Output: 04 03 04 Monitoring and Capacity Building Support

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

-Rehabilitation and maintenance works of 142.7 Km of roads in Bulisa, Supplier paid (Interconnectivity) (Litres) 55,555.6 200,000
Kyankwanzi, Buhweju, Dokolo, Hoima, Buvuma, Rakai, Buyende, Soroti, Supplier paid (Survey Division) (Litres) 18,055.6 65,000
Ibanda, Ntungamo, Kasese, Serere, Busia, Kibale, Ngora, Kumi, Service Provider paid under Interconnectivity (No. 4.0 20,000
Kapchorwa Moroto, NALI, Accesses to Mwiri and Buwanda Convent of adverts)
supervised and monitored, and performance reports and work certificates Service Provider paid under Survey Section (No. of 1.0 5,000
prepared. adverts)
Supplier paid under Interconnectivity (No. of lots) 4.0 90,000
- Engineering Design of Akright Roads completed Supplier paid under Survey (No. of lots) 4.0 20,000
Staff night allowances paid under Interconnectivit 21.8 109,000
- 400km of District roads surveyed (No. of Staff)
Staff night allowances paid under Survey Section 28.0 140,000
- 20No. Road Camps surveyed (No. of staff)
Supplier paid (Number) 10.0 50,000
- 20No. Land Titles processed
Supplier Paid under Interconnectivity (Number) 4.0 20,000
Activities to Deliver Outputs: Staff allowances under National Roads paid 15.0 30,000
Inspection, supervision and certification of works (Number of staff)
Staff allowances under Survey Department paid 5.0 10,000
Engineering Design Report produced (Number of Staff)
Total 759,000
Engineering road surveying under Force Account
GoU Development 759,000
External Financing 0
Output: 04 03 73 Roads, Streets and Highways

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

-Rehabilitation and maintenance works of 142.7 Km of roads in Bulisa, Contractors paid under Interconnectivity Project 132.7 3,982,000
Kyankwanzi, Buhweju, Dokolo, Hoima, Buvuma, Rakai, Buyende, Soroti, (Kilometers)
Ibanda, Ntungamo, Kasese, Serere, Busia, Kibale, Ngora, Kumi,
Kapchorwa Moroto, NALI, Accesses to Mwiri
and Buwanda Convent supervised and monitored, and performance
reports and work certificates prepared.

- Engineering Design of Akright Roads completed

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Vote Function: 04 03 Construction Standards and Quality Assurance
Project 1045 Interconnectivity Project
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
- 400km of District roads surveyed

- 400lines of culverts installed

- 20No. Road Camps surveyed

- 20No. Land Titles processed

Activities to Deliver Outputs:
-Inspection, supervision and certification of works

- Engineering Design Report produced

Total 3,982,000
GoU Development 3,982,000
External Financing 0
Output: 04 03 75 Purchase of Motor Vehicles and Other Transport Equipment

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

3 No. Double cabin pickup for monitoring purchased Supplier paid under Interconnectivity Project (No) 1.0 200,000

Activities to Deliver Outputs: Supplier paid under Survey Unit (No.) 1.0 100,000

- Seeking approval from Ministry of Public Service

-Advertising for tenders
-Contract Award
-Supply of vehicle
Total 300,000
GoU Development 300,000
External Financing 0
Output: 04 03 77 Purchase of Specialised Machinery & Equipment

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

- 1 No. Total Station for Surveying procured Total Station Procured (No.) 1.0 60,000

Activities to Deliver Outputs:

- Bid Preparatioin
- Advertise the tender
- Evaluation of bids
- Award of Contract
- Supply of the Equipment
Total 60,000
GoU Development 60,000
External Financing 0
GRAND TOTAL 5,101,000
GoU Development 5,101,000
External Financing 0

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Vote Function: 04 04 District, Urban and Community Access Roads
Vote Function Profile

Responsible Officer: A/Comms;Distrct rds,Urban rds,Bridges & Natln rds

Services: - Liaise with Development Partners on the programs/projects funded by them in the
- Assist the districts in procurement and maintenance of plant and road equipment;
- Organise training programmes for district and urban councils’ technical,
administrative, and finance personnel, and policy makers with respect to road
maintenance activities;
- Organise training and Capacity Building;
- Provide equipment Support Services;
- Assist in Institutional strengthening;
- Provide guidelines for efficient utilisation of funds;
- Conduct human resource development through short time training;
- Provide guidelines for better modalities for execution of physical works; and
- Provide guidelines for effective planning and programming.

Vote Function Projects and Programmes:

Project or Programme Name Responsible Officer
Development Projects
0269 Construction of Selected Bridges Assistant Commissioner Engineering/ Bridges & Drainage structures,
0306 Urban Roads Re-sealing Assistant Commissioner Urban Roads
0307 Rehab. Of Districts Roads ACE/DCR.
1062 Special Karamoja Security and Disarmament Assistant Commissioner, National Roads Division
1171 U - Growth Support to MELTC Principal, MELTC
1172 U - Growth Support to DUCAR ACE/DCR

Project 0269 Construction of Selected Bridges

Project Profile

Responsible Officer: Assistant Commissioner Engineering/ Bridges & Drainage structures,

Objectives: Construction of Selected Bridges and Swamp Crossings on District and Community Access
Roads. Improving connectivity among isolated communties, reducing travel times and cost of
transportation. Upgrade and reconstruction of old bridges to improve on their load carrying
capacities to meet current gross weight of traffic.
Outputs: i) Number of bridges Inspected, ii) Number of new Designs carried out and Tender
Documentation produced iii) Number of bridges reconstructed iv) Kilometers of swamp
crossings constructed, v) Supervision and monitoring carried out.
Start Date: 7/1/2011 Projected End Date: 6/30/2016

Workplan Outputs for 2013/14 and 2014/15

Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and
UShs Thousand
Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)
04 04 02Monitoring and capacity 10 Bridges inspected across the 8 Bridges inspected across the Bridge Inventory conducted;
building support for country country & 8 inspection reports
district road works produced 12 No. Bridges inspected
6 On-going bridge construction across the country & reports
projects supervised to Design of 8 strategic bridges, produced;
completion; Inception report received from
consultant; 3 On-going bridge construction
5 Supervision vehicles projects supervised to
maintained; Lot 1 work commenced & completion;
contractor is on site, Lot 2 & 4
Supervision of Works for the 14 are at Contract Signing, Lot 3 is 3 Supervision vehicles
IDB funded bridges project and awaiting clearance from maintained;

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Vote Function: 04 04 District, Urban and Community Access Roads
Project 0269 Construction of Selected Bridges
Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and
UShs Thousand
Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)
ongoing construction; Solicitor General.
Supervision of Works for the 14
2No. Engineers sponsored for I No. Bridge been completed IDB funded bridges project and
Msc. Training; awaiting preparation of final ongoing construction;
acount, 5 still on-going;
2No. Engineers sponsored for
2 No. Vehicles Maintained; Msc. Training;

2 No. Engineers Trained.

Total 335,000 105,525 270,000
GoU Development 335,000 105,525 270,000
External Financing 0 0 0

04 04 71Acquisition of Land by Sensitization, survey, evaluation No Activity carried out Sensitization, survey, evaluation
Government and affected persons and affected persons
compensated compensated
Total 10,000 0 10,000
GoU Development 10,000 0 10,000
External Financing 0 0 0

04 04 74Major Bridges Selected bridges designed and 99% Nyagak Constructed, 48% Selected bridges designed and
constructed. Kaguta constructed, 99% Alla2 constructed.
On going projects: Constructed & 60% Agwa
Kabunda (Kibaale), Saaka Bridge Constructed; Saaka 70% On going Construction projects:
Phase II, Agwa (Lira) Kaguta constructed; Okokor Bridge Kaguta (Lira), Saaka Phase II,
(Lira), 50% constructed. Okokor (Kumi), Kabuhuna
(Kibaale), 14 Bridges in North
On-going Designs: Design for eight strategic and North Eastern Uganda
Bunabdasa Swamp (Sironko), bridges Inception report funded by IDB: Olyanai,
Kikasa Swamp (Lyantonde), submitted by Consultant. Abalang, Alipa, Ajeliek, Ojanai,
Kibira (Nebbi), Saaka 2 Opot, Aakol, Airogo (kumi);
(Kaliro), Nsingano (Mayuge), Procurement of new bridge Balla and Enget(Lira); Kochi
Rwizi (Mbarara), Rwamabale construction still on-going and Nyawa (Moyo)
(Kibaale) (Kabuhuuna swamp crossing)
Design of 8 strategic bridges
Rushaaye bridge & Kabuceera submitted by Consultant.
swamp crossing (Mitooma
District) & Mahoma Bridge New Construction:
(Kabarole District) - Bidding Rwamabaale (Kyankwanzi),
documents & Mtd of Mahoma (Kabarole);
procurement pending Rushaaya (Rukungiri),
administrative approval. Kabuceera (Mitoma), Orom
Bridge (Kitgum)

Unfunded Priorities:
Purchase of Lake Kyoga Ferry
& construction of offshore

Total 2,700,000 1,620,499 2,700,000

GoU Development 2,700,000 1,620,499 2,700,000
External Financing 0 0 0

04 04 76Purchase of Office and 5No. GPS devices & Bridge N/A 1 No. Color Printer &
ICT Equipment, including Management System software 1No.Heavy duty Photocopier.
Software procured under IDB project;
Total 45,000 0 20,000
GoU Development 45,000 0 20,000
External Financing 0 0 0

GRAND TOTAL 3,090,000 1,726,024 3,000,000

GoU Development 3,090,000 1,726,024 3,000,000
External Financing 0 0 0

Annual Workplan for 2014/15 - Outputs, Activities, Inputs and their Cost
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Output: 04 04 02 Monitoring and capacity building support for district road works
Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Vote Function: 04 04 District, Urban and Community Access Roads
Project 0269 Construction of Selected Bridges
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

Bridge Inventory conducted; Stationery for the division offices (Item) 4.0 10,000
Fuel for Insspection & Supervision of Works 11,111.1 40,000
12 No. Bridges inspected across the country & reports produced; (Litres)
Consultancy services (short term) (Lumpsum) 0.4 30,000
3 On-going bridge construction projects supervised to completion; Photocopier and Printer (No) 1.0 20,000
2 No. Engineers sent for training (No.) 2.0 20,000
3 Supervision vehicles maintained; Advertisements for procurement of works and 4.0 10,000
servic (No.)
Supervision of Works for the 14 IDB funded bridges project and ongoing Repair and maintenance of supervision vehicles 12.5 20,000
construction; (No.)
Allowances (Per Diem) 227.3 25,000
2No. Engineers sponsored for Msc. Training;
Allowances for Bridge Inventory (Per Diem) 272.7 30,000
Activities to Deliver Outputs: Allowances for Supervision & Monitoring (Per 181.8 20,000
Bridges inventory Data Collection & validation Diem)
Inspection and Supervision of on - going works (Per 409.1 45,000
Field Visits & Site Inspections, Diem)

Verification of works & payment Certificates;

Meetings with stakeholders

Repair of 3 no. supervision vehicles

Contract Management, monitoring and supervision of the civil works for

the IDB funded 14 bridges

Short Courses attended.

Total 270,000
GoU Development 270,000
External Financing 0
Output: 04 04 71 Acquisition of Land by Government

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

Sensitization, survey, evaluation and affected persons compensated Acquisition of land for bridge projects (Item) 1.0 10,000

Activities to Deliver Outputs:

Sensitization carried out, Surveying of land to be acquired for bridge
works carried out. Valuing of affected land and effecting compesation
Total 10,000
GoU Development 10,000
External Financing 0
Output: 04 04 74 Major Bridges

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

Selected bridges designed and constructed. Construction of selected bridges (Item) 1.0 2,500,000
Environment screening & management plan (item) 1.0 30,000
On going Construction projects: Allowances for supervision and monitoring (Per 1,545.5 170,000
Kaguta (Lira), Saaka Phase II, Okokor (Kumi), Kabuhuna (Kibaale), 14 Diem)
Bridges in North and North Eastern Uganda funded by IDB: Olyanai,
Abalang, Alipa, Ajeliek, Ojanai, Opot, Aakol, Airogo (kumi); Balla and
Enget(Lira); Kochi and Nyawa (Moyo)

Design of 8 strategic bridges submitted by Consultant.

New Construction:
Rwamabaale (Kyankwanzi), Mahoma (Kabarole);
Rushaaya (Rukungiri),
Kabuceera (Mitoma), Orom Bridge (Kitgum)

Unfunded Priorities:
Purchase of Lake Kyoga Ferry & construction of offshore infratsructure
Activities to Deliver Outputs:
Field Visits & Inspections;
Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Vote Function: 04 04 District, Urban and Community Access Roads
Project 0269 Construction of Selected Bridges
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand

Meetings with stakeholders,

Verification and Certification of Construction works;

Contract Management, monitoring and supervision of the civil works for

the IDB funded 14 bridges
Total 2,700,000
GoU Development 2,700,000
External Financing 0
Output: 04 04 76 Purchase of Office and ICT Equipment, including Software

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

1 No. Color Printer & 1No.Heavy duty Photocopier. Office Equipment (Lots) 1.0 20,000

Activities to Deliver Outputs:

Procurement and Supply of 1 No Color Printer & 1 No. Heavy duty
Total 20,000
GoU Development 20,000
External Financing 0
GRAND TOTAL 3,000,000
GoU Development 3,000,000
External Financing 0

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Vote Function: 04 04 District, Urban and Community Access Roads
Project 0306 Urban Roads Re-sealing
Project Profile

Responsible Officer: Assistant Commissioner Urban Roads

Objectives: i)To create a better working environment by reducing mud and dust in urban areas ii )To
reduce vehicle operating costs and transport charges. iii) To improve traffic movement and
circulation within urban areas. Iv) To attract the investment in the urban areas to boost the
Outputs: (i)Selected urban roads rehabilitated and paved
(ii)Staff trained
(iii)Traffic movement within urban areas eased
(iv)Improved drainage within Town Council whose roads have been rehabilitated.
Start Date: 6/30/2011 Projected End Date: 6/30/2021

Workplan Outputs for 2013/14 and 2014/15

Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and
UShs Thousand
Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)
04 04 02Monitoring and capacity 4 No.Quarterly progress reports 3 No.Quarterly progress reports 4 No.Quarterly progress reports
building support for
district road works 2 No. heavy plants repairing

2 No. light trucks repaired.

4 No. Pick-ups and 1 No.

station wagon repaired

Assorted fast moving spare


Total 822,510 176,827 1,000,000

GoU Development 822,510 176,827 1,000,000
External Financing 0 0 0

04 04 77Purchase of Specialised Purchase of bitumen distributor

Machinery & Equipment truck (1 No)
Total 0 0 600,000
GoU Development 0 0 600,000
External Financing 0 0 0

04 04 81Urban roads construction 2.6 km of urban roads 65% cumulative project 1.8 km of urban roads
and rehabilitation tarmacked in Kumi, Kabarole implementation progress at tarmacked under phase 3 at
(Bitumen standard) and NALI (Kyankwanzi) Kyankwanzi and 40 % NALI (Kyankwanzi)
implementation progress for
0.8 km Kapchorwa, Kapchorwa TC Construction of 8900 m2 of
0.8 km Kabarole stone pitched drainage channels
1.0 km NALI (Kyankwanzi) along NALI Estate roads in
- Project Cordination at
Bugembe Mech. Workshop. 1 km of road tarmacked in
Ngora TC
Total 2,080,000 1,146,098 2,400,000
GoU Development 2,080,000 1,146,098 2,400,000
External Financing 0 0 0

GRAND TOTAL 2,902,510 1,322,925 4,000,000

GoU Development 2,902,510 1,322,925 4,000,000
External Financing 0 0 0

Annual Workplan for 2014/15 - Outputs, Activities, Inputs and their Cost
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Output: 04 04 02 Monitoring and capacity building support for district road works
Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Vote Function: 04 04 District, Urban and Community Access Roads
Project 0306 Urban Roads Re-sealing
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

4 No.Quarterly progress reports staff allowances (days) 276.5 33,176
Supply of assorted spare parts (Lot) 1.0 112,000
2 No. heavy plants repairing Fuel for monitoring urban roads (ltrs) 40,950.0 147,420
pay NSSF contribution for contract staff (month) 6.3 23,790
2 No. light trucks repaired. Adverts for procurements (No) 3.0 7,500
CPD training for established staff (No) 3.0 25,000
4 No. Pick-ups and 1 No. station wagon repaired
Procure 1 Colour Printer / Photcopier (No) 1.0 10,000
Assorted fast moving spare parts. Procure 5 laptop computers (No) 5.0 12,500
Procure 9 Digital Cameras (No) 9.0 7,650
Activities to Deliver Outputs:
Repair 4 No pick-up vehicles & 1 No. station (No) 4.0 23,400
-Field inspection and Monitoring
Repair of 2 No Heavy Equipment (No) 2.0 90,224
Repair of 2 No light trucks (No) 2.0 29,040
- Supervision of road works executed by the Urban Roads Resealing Unit
Procurement of office stationary (No.) 1.0 2,500
-Procurement cycle including tender documentation, open bidding , bids Contract staff (Person Years) 75.0 475,800
assessment, and contract award. Total 1,000,000
Needs assessment, specification writing, preparation of tender
documentation, invitation of tenderers, evaluation, award, supplies GoU Development 1,000,000
External Financing 0
Output: 04 04 77 Purchase of Specialised Machinery & Equipment

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

Purchase of bitumen distributor truck (1 No) Bitumen Distributor (No) 1.0 600,000

Activities to Deliver Outputs:

Bidding documents prepared.

Contract awarded
Total 600,000
GoU Development 600,000
External Financing 0
Output: 04 04 81 Urban roads construction and rehabilitation (Bitumen standard)

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

1.8 km of urban roads tarmacked under phase 3 at NALI (Kyankwanzi) Procurement of road construction materials (Lots) 4.1 1,476,909
Supply of fuel for construction works (ltrs) 89,115.4 311,904
Construction of 8900 m2 of stone pitched drainage channels along NALI Supply of lubricants for equipment servicing (ltrs) 5,225.4 78,381
Estate roads in Kyankwanzi. Project Administration costs, wages & Others (Qtr) 4.0 87,806
Construction of stone pitched masonry works 8,900.0 445,000
1 km of road tarmacked in Ngora TC (square metre)
Activities to Deliver Outputs:
materials procurement,
grading and shaping, earthworks, lime stabilisation, surface primimg,
surface dressing, drainage works i.e. culvert installation, headwall
construction, and line drainage works.

Procurement cycle including tender documentation, open bidding , bids

assessment, and contract award.
Total 2,400,000
GoU Development 2,400,000
External Financing 0
GRAND TOTAL 4,000,000
GoU Development 4,000,000
External Financing 0

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Vote Function: 04 04 District, Urban and Community Access Roads
Project 0307 Rehab. Of Districts Roads
Project Profile

Responsible Officer: ACE/DCR.

Objectives: To reduce transport costs by improving district roads to an all-weather status by 2018

Outputs: Out puts (i) The distance of district roads rehabilitated/ improved (ii) Quarterly progress
reports. Iii) Two Zonal worksops established. Activities (i) Rehabilitation of roads (ii)
Start Date: 6/30/2013 Projected End Date: 6/30/2018
Donor Funding for Project:
MTEF Projections
2012/13 2013/14
Projected Donor Allocations (UShs) Budget Budget 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17
523 Japan 1.687 2.062 1.669 0.000 0.000
Total Donor Funding for Project 1.687 2.062 1.669 0.000 0.000

Workplan Outputs for 2013/14 and 2014/15

Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and
UShs Thousand
Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)
04 04 02Monitoring and capacity 50km of district roads 10% of DUR database - 270km of District Roads under
building support for supervised established Force Account cleared, shaped
district road works and compacted
District roads in 111Districts Existing DUR data reviewed
monitored -85km fully gravelled under
Digital base map for DUR Force Account
20% of the DUR Database prepared
Established. - 10No. Of staff trained in
40 km of District roads relevant courses
Digital base map for DUR supervised
prepared using GIS 30% of Road Inventory data on - District and Urban roads
DUR collected . mapped
Road Inventory data collected
and managed. - 111No.District and Urban
Engineers trained
Review of existing data
continued - District and Urban Road
network thematic maps produced

- Road condition and Inventory

data collected and managed

- District Road works monitored

- 400lines of culverts installed

Total 1,605,297 183,473 1,100,000

GoU Development 442,700 183,473 1,100,000
External Financing 1,162,597 0 0

04 04 73Roads, Streets and 57km of district roads 53km of district roads opened - 400km of District Roads under
Highways rehabilitated. Force Account cleared, shaped
15km of district roads and compacted
Operationalisation of Zonal rehabilitated
Equipment system. -120km fully gravelled under
Force Account
Engineering survey of 100km of
roads in Mbarara and Mbale - 400lines of culverts installed
- 10No. Of staff trained in
relevant courses

- District and Urban roads


- 111No.District and Urban

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Vote Function: 04 04 District, Urban and Community Access Roads
Project 0307 Rehab. Of Districts Roads
Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and
UShs Thousand
Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)
Engineers trained

- District and Urban Road

network thematic maps produced

- Road condition and Inventory

data collected and managed

- District Road works monitored

Total 1,827,360 504,155 3,168,719

GoU Development 1,304,360 504,155 1,500,000
External Financing 523,000 0 1,668,719

04 04 75Purchase of Motor 1 No. Motor vehicle for survey Letter of award signed 1 No. Double cabin pickup for
Vehicles and Other section procured monitoring purchased
Transport Equipment
Total 100,000 23,854 160,000
GoU Development 100,000 23,854 160,000
External Financing 0 0 0

GRAND TOTAL 3,532,657 711,482 4,428,719

GoU Development 1,847,060 711,482 2,760,000
External Financing 1,685,597 0 1,668,719

Annual Workplan for 2014/15 - Outputs, Activities, Inputs and their Cost
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Output: 04 04 02 Monitoring and capacity building support for district road works

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

- 270km of District Roads under Force Account cleared, shaped and Supplier paid under DICAR (Litres) 61,111.1 220,000
compacted Supplier paid under DCAR (No. oc cars) 6.0 30,000
Service Provider Paid (No. of adverts) 5.0 25,000
-85km fully gravelled under Force Account Supplier paid under DUR Mapping (No. of cars) 4.0 20,000
Allowances paid to staff of DICAR (Number) 1,250.0 150,000
- 10No. Of staff trained in relevant courses
Allowances paid to staff of DUR Mapping 5.0 15,000
- District and Urban roads mapped
Staff allowances paid (Par diem) 333.3 40,000
Contract staff (Person Years) 293.0 600,000
- 111No.District and Urban Engineers trained

- District and Urban Road network thematic maps produced

- Road condition and Inventory data collected and managed

- District Road works monitored

- 400lines of culverts installed

Activities to Deliver Outputs:
Bush Clearing, Road shaping, installation of culverts, gravelling,
Environmental screening and swamp raising under Force Account

Training of staff

Mapping of District and Urban road networks

District and Urban Engineers trained in mapping

GIS data editing, verification and processing

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Vote Function: 04 04 District, Urban and Community Access Roads
Project 0307 Rehab. Of Districts Roads
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Carrying out of Road Condition Surveys

Reviewing of District Road work plans and monitoring road maintenance

Total 1,100,000
GoU Development 1,100,000
External Financing 0
Output: 04 04 73 Roads, Streets and Highways

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

- 400km of District Roads under Force Account cleared, shaped and Roads rehabilitated under Force Account 60.0 1,500,000
compacted (Kilometers)
Consultant paid under JICA (Lumpsum) 1.0 1,668,719
-120km fully gravelled under Force Account

- 400lines of culverts installed

- 10No. Of staff trained in relevant courses

- District and Urban roads mapped

- 111No.District and Urban Engineers trained

- District and Urban Road network thematic maps produced

- Road condition and Inventory data collected and managed

- District Road works monitored

Activities to Deliver Outputs:
- Bush Clearing, Road shaping, installation of culverts, gravelling,
Environmental screening and swamp raising under Force Account

- Training of staff

- Mapping of District and Urban road networks

- District and Urban Engineers trained in mapping

- GIS data editing, verification and processing

- Carrying out of Road Condition Surveys

- Reviewing of District Road workplans and monitoring road maintenance

Total 3,168,719
GoU Development 1,500,000
External Financing 1,668,719
Output: 04 04 75 Purchase of Motor Vehicles and Other Transport Equipment

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

1 No. Double cabin pickup for monitoring purchased Supplier paid under DUR Mapping (No.) 1.0 100,000

Activities to Deliver Outputs:

- Seeking approval from Ministry of Public Service
-Advertising for tenders
-Contract Award
-Supply of vehicle
Total 160,000
GoU Development 160,000
External Financing 0

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Vote Function: 04 04 District, Urban and Community Access Roads
Project 0307 Rehab. Of Districts Roads
GRAND TOTAL 4,428,719
GoU Development 2,760,000
External Financing 1,668,719

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Vote Function: 04 04 District, Urban and Community Access Roads
Project 1062 Special Karamoja Security and Disarmament
Project Profile

Responsible Officer: Assistant Commissioner, National Roads Division

Objectives: Macro planning, coordination, monitoring, rehabilitation and maintenance of roads in

Karamoja Region
Outputs: 20.4km of road rehabilitated and maintained

Start Date: 7/1/2013 Projected End Date: 6/30/2017

Workplan Outputs for 2013/14 and 2014/15

Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and
UShs Thousand
Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)
04 04 02Monitoring and capacity -10.2 km of roads in Karamoja Works contract approved by 8.6 km of roads in Karamoja
building support for region supervised Contracts Committee and sent region supervised
district road works -Project reports, work to Solicitor General for clearance
certificates and fee notes Project reports, work
prepared. - Consultancy contract approved certificates and fee notes
-Services and works of project by Contracts Committee and prepared.
Consultants and Contractors in sent to solicitor general for
Karamoja monitored and project clearance. Services and works of project
performance reports prepared. Consultants and Contractors in
Karamoja monitored and project

Total 679,360 53,117 479,360

GoU Development 679,360 53,117 479,360
External Financing 0 0 0

04 04 73Roads, Streets and -10.2 km of roads in Karamoja Works contract approved by 8.6 km of roads in Karamoja
Highways region rehabilitated Contracts Committee and sent region rehabilitated
-10.2 km of roads in Karamoja to Solicitor General for clearance
region supervised 8.6 km of roads in Karamoja
-Project reports and work - Consultancy contract approved region supervised
certificates prepared. by Contracts Committee and
sent to solicitor general for Project reports and work
clearance. certificates prepared.

Total 2,040,000 309,690 1,720,640

GoU Development 2,040,000 309,690 1,720,640
External Financing 0 0 0

04 04 75Purchase of Motor 1No. Double cabin pickup for

Vehicles and Other monitoring purchased
Transport Equipment
Total 0 0 100,000
GoU Development 0 0 100,000
External Financing 0 0 0

GRAND TOTAL 2,719,360 362,807 2,300,000

GoU Development 2,719,360 362,807 2,300,000
External Financing 0 0 0

Annual Workplan for 2014/15 - Outputs, Activities, Inputs and their Cost
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Output: 04 04 02 Monitoring and capacity building support for district road works

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

8.6 km of roads in Karamoja region supervised Pay supplier (Litres) 33,333.3 120,000
Service provider paid (Lot) 3.0 30,000
Project reports, work certificates and fee notes prepared. Service provider provided (Lots) 7.5 30,000
Supplier paid (Lots) 4.0 80,000
Services and works of project Consultants and Contractors in Karamoja Staff allowances paid (No. of staff) 38.1 169,360

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Vote Function: 04 04 District, Urban and Community Access Roads
Project 1062 Special Karamoja Security and Disarmament
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
monitored and project Staff training paid for (No. of staff) 5.0 50,000
Activities to Deliver Outputs:
-Rehabilitation and Maintenance
-Inspection and supervision
-Reprot writing
-Certification of work
- Staff Training
Total 479,360
GoU Development 479,360
External Financing 0
Output: 04 04 73 Roads, Streets and Highways

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

8.6 km of roads in Karamoja region rehabilitated Contractors paid (Kilometers) 8.6 1,720,640

8.6 km of roads in Karamoja region supervised

Project reports and work certificates prepared.

Activities to Deliver Outputs:
-Inspection and supervision
-Reprot writing
-Certification of work
Total 1,720,640
GoU Development 1,720,640
External Financing 0
Output: 04 04 75 Purchase of Motor Vehicles and Other Transport Equipment

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

1No. Double cabin pickup for monitoring purchased Supplier paid (No.) 1.0 100,000

Activities to Deliver Outputs:

- Seeking approval from Ministry of Public Service
-Advertising for tenders
-Contract Award
-Supply of vehicle
Total 100,000
GoU Development 100,000
External Financing 0
GRAND TOTAL 2,300,000
GoU Development 2,300,000
External Financing 0

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Vote Function: 04 04 District, Urban and Community Access Roads
Project 1171 U - Growth Support to MELTC
Project Profile

Responsible Officer: Principal, MELTC

Objectives: To improve the capacity in Districts, Sub-counties and with Contractors to carry out District
road and Community access improvements. The capacity building is done via trianing at
MELTC, and the strengthening of MELTC as an institution.
Outputs: Training a total of 184 District staff from 23 districts of Northern Uganda in Labour-based
Technology (LBT) and Low Cost Sealing (LCS), over 1,000 staff from over 120 sub-counties
in Community access interventions (CAS), sensitizing over 90 District poli
Start Date: 7/1/2010 Projected End Date: 6/30/2015

Workplan Outputs for 2013/14 and 2014/15

Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and
UShs Thousand
Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)
04 04 02Monitoring and capacity TNA for LCS training carried TNA will commence and 55 No. MELTC staff trained in
building support for out in in 20 No. Non U-Growth therefater the training will take HIV/AIDS at the Workplace
district road works districts (district that existed by place.
30.06.2011) 150 No. casual workers trained
A one week Trainers Workshop in HIV/AIDS issues in relation
TNA carried for Non was held in Kenya from 24-30th to road works
Engineering staff responsible for November between the 4 LBT (Busamaga,Bukiyiti,Gamatui &
implementation of CCIs in 20 Training centres of Uganda, Namambwa sites)
No. Non U-Growth districts Kenya,Tanzania & Madagascar
(district that existed by 50 No. Local Council leaders
30.06.2011) Trained 3 groups and the last (along the Training roads)
group left in early November. sensitized on issues of
Sensitization of District leaders Over 100 No. Road Overseers HIV/AIDS
from 10 No. DLGs on the U- were trained
growth program 55 No. MELTC staff trained on
Outreach support to 23 No. Climate Change Risk Mgt and
Training in CCI of non District LGs in low cost sealing adaptation strategy for the roads
Engineering staff from 20 Non- trials conducted by 25No. Local sub-sector
U-growth districts contractors
500 No. tree seedlings planted
Training in LCS of district along the 8km Busamaga -
technical staff from 20 No. Magada - Bumuluya LCS
urban Councils in the non U- Training road
growth districts.
500 No. tree seedlings planted
Outreach support to 10 No. along the 6 km Bukiyiti -
Districts to District staff and Bumadibira - Nkonge LBT
Contractors on LCS Trial Training road
contracts in the non U-Growth
districts 80 No. Local leaders sensitized
on the Maintenance of tree
Training of staff from 40 No. planted along the Training roads
DLGs in the use of RAMPS &
GIS TNA for LCS training carried
(URF funded) out in 10 No. DLGs (districts
already trained in LBT under
Hire of a Consultant to carry out UTRP,RSPS 1 & 2 & RRP)
a curriculum and technical
review of MELTC TNA in LCS carried out in 6
No. Municipal Councils (3 No.
Training of staff from 20 No. in RTI area & 3 No. outside
LBT Contractor firms in LCS in RTI area)
the non U-growth districts
TNA for CCIs (related to LCS)
Increased publicity of the of Non-Engineering staff carried
benefits of LBT & LCS thru out in 10 No. DLGs (districts
Newsletters, annual LBT already trained in LBT under
Supplements and a documentary UTRP,RSPS 1 & 2 & RRP)
TNA in CCIs (related to LCS)
carried out in 6 No. Municipal
Councils (3 No. in RTI area & 3
No. outside RTI area)

Training in CCI (related to

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Vote Function: 04 04 District, Urban and Community Access Roads
Project 1171 U - Growth Support to MELTC
Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and
UShs Thousand
Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)
LCS) of Non Engineering staff
from 10 No. DLGs (districts
already trained in LBT under
UTRP,RSPS 1 & 2 & RRP)

Training in CCIs (related to

LCS) of Non Engineering staff
from 6 No. Municipal Councils
(3 No. in RTI area & 3 No.
outside RTI area)

Training in LCS of Technical

staff from 10 No. DLGs
(districts already trained in LBT
under UTRP,RSPS 1 & 2 &

Training in LCS of Technical

staff from 6 No. Municipal
Councils (3 No. in RTI area & 3
No. outside RTI area).

Outreach support to staff from

10 No. DLGs trained in LCS

Selection of 20 No. LBT

Contractor firms for training in

Training 80 No. Contractor staff

from 20 No. LBT Contractor
firms in LCS.

Consultancy to develop a
communication and publicity
strategy for MELTC (in line
with the 5 Year Biz Plan)

Selection of 10 No. DLGs for

training in LBT (DLGs that have
never been trained in LBT)

Training staff from 10 No.

DLGs in LBT (DLGs that have
never been trained in LBT)

Training staff from 10 No.

DLGs in CCIs (DLGs that have
never been trained in LBT)

Carry out training of 270 No.

Force Account road overseers
from 110 DLGs (funding to
come from MoWT/URF)

Training of 600 No. Headmen

from 40 No. DLGs (funding to
come from MoWT)

Training of 88 No. Road

overseers from 88 No. Urban
Councils (funding to come from

Passing out of the 1st batch of

LBT Contractors trained in LCS

Handing over of the Bukiyiti

LBT road and Kiteega Arch

Total 2,085,000 929,945 2,035,000

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Vote Function: 04 04 District, Urban and Community Access Roads
Project 1171 U - Growth Support to MELTC
Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and
UShs Thousand
TotalLocation) (Quantity and Location) Location)
GoU Development 2,085,000 929,945 2,035,000
External Financing 0 0 0

04 04 73Roads, Streets and 2.4 km demonstration site for 0.8 Km of Training road sealed 1.5kms of LBT Training road
Highways LCS training using different LCS technology constructed
as part of training.
2 No. CAS Demo sites 2.0kms of LCS Traning road
90% completion of works on 1 constructed
1.5 km demonstration site for No. Demo sites for training in
LBT training & a Box culvert CAS interventions. 2 No. CAS sites undertaken
for the community using appropriate technology
Works commenced on 1 No.
20 No. Trial contracts in LCS to Demo sites for training in CAS 12 No. LCS Trial contracts in
20 No. Trial contracts interventions. 12 No. DLGs
commence covering 9.7km in
total Outreach support to 12 No.
DLGs during the LCs Trial
25 No. Trial contracts in 23 No. contracts phase
RTI DLGs c/f from FY 2012/13
(GoU share of costs)
Total 2,528,000 1,653,018 2,165,000
GoU Development 2,528,000 1,653,018 2,165,000
External Financing 0 0 0

GRAND TOTAL 4,613,000 2,582,962 4,200,000

GoU Development 4,613,000 2,582,962 4,200,000
External Financing 0 0 0

Annual Workplan for 2014/15 - Outputs, Activities, Inputs and their Cost
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Output: 04 04 02 Monitoring and capacity building support for district road works

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

55 No. MELTC staff trained in HIV/AIDS at the Workplace Minor repairs on the Civil structure (Job) 4.0 10,000
Project Impact Assessment of LCS under RTI (Job) 1.0 100,000
150 No. casual workers trained in HIV/AIDS issues in relation to road Funeral assistance & burial (No) 6.0 12,000
works (Busamaga,Bukiyiti,Gamatui & Namambwa sites) 10% NSSF contributed by MELTC to its staff (No.) 12.0 84,000
Adverts in Technical manuals (No.) 2.0 10,000
50 No. Local Council leaders (along the Training roads) sensitized on
Adverts in the Local Print Media (No.) 10.0 20,000
issues of HIV/AIDS
Allowances to staff f (No.) 12.0 60,000
55 No. MELTC staff trained on Climate Change Risk Mgt and adaptation Annual fees to AFSAT/Iway Africa (Internet) (No.) 1.0 72,000
strategy for the roads sub-sector Annual maintenance of Copiers & Printers (No.) 10.0 4,000
Armed guards services (No.) 12.0 36,000
500 No. tree seedlings planted along the 8km Busamaga - Magada - Assorted stationery for training and officw work 600.0 60,000
Bumuluya LCS Training road (No.)
Bank charges (No.) 100.0 2,000
500 No. tree seedlings planted along the 6 km Bukiyiti - Bumadibira - Catridges,toner & drum units (No.) 100.0 30,000
Nkonge LBT Training road CONSTRUCTION Magazine subscription (No.) 4.0 2,000
Cooking Gas to prepare staff tea (No.) 10.0 4,000
80 No. Local leaders sensitized on the Maintenance of tree planted along
Courier charges (No.) 20.0 1,000
the Training roads
Documentaries on MELTC activities (No.) 2.0 7,000
TNA for LCS training carried out in 10 No. DLGs (districts already Drugs for the First Aid kits at MELTC & Model 10.0 5,000
trained in LBT under UTRP,RSPS 1 & 2 & RRP) road (No.)
Fuel for the Generator & maintenance (No.) 12.0 30,000
TNA in LCS carried out in 6 No. Municipal Councils (3 No. in RTI area Fuel for the MELTC vehicle fleet (No.) 34.5 116,000
& 3 No. outside RTI area) ICPAU Annual seminar (No.) 2.0 3,000
Meals & drinks to MELTC visitors (No.) 12.0 6,000
TNA for CCIs (related to LCS) of Non-Engineering staff carried out in 10 Medical expenses to trainees & injured MELTc 40.0 5,000
No. DLGs (districts already trained in LBT under UTRP,RSPS 1 & 2 & staff (No.)
RRP) Medical Insurance to MELTC training staff (No.) 30.0 30,000
MELTC Bags for Trainees (No.) 100.0 5,000
TNA in CCIs (related to LCS) carried out in 6 No. Municipal Councils (3
No. in RTI area & 3 No. outside RTI area) MELTC fliers & brochures (No.) 2,000.0 10,000

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Vote Function: 04 04 District, Urban and Community Access Roads
Project 1171 U - Growth Support to MELTC
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
MELTC T-shirts & caps (No.) 200.0 8,000
Training in CCI (related to LCS) of Non Engineering staff from 10 No. MTN phone bills for 2 MELTC Line Numbers (No.) 12.0 12,000
DLGs (districts already trained in LBT under UTRP,RSPS 1 & 2 & RRP) Newspapers for MELTC offices & Trinees (No.) 1,000.0 2,000
Painting of offices,rooms & kitchen (No.) 12.0 30,000
Training in CCIs (related to LCS) of Non Engineering staff from 6 No. Paper shredder & binding machine (No.) 2.0 2,000
Municipal Councils (3 No. in RTI area & 3 No. outside RTI area)
Partitioning of the old hostel rooms (No.) 8.0 20,000
Training in LCS of Technical staff from 10 No. DLGs (districts already Payments to UMEME (No.) 12.0 21,000
trained in LBT under UTRP,RSPS 1 & 2 & RRP) Pipes,taps,joints etc for gravity & tank water (No.) 12.0 6,000
Repairs,spares & general maintenance of vehicles 12.0 120,000
Training in LCS of Technical staff from 6 No. Municipal Councils (3 No. (No.)
in RTI area & 3 No. outside RTI area). Resource persons from outside MELTC (No.) 4.0 9,000
Seminars by ILO,AFCAP,UIPE,ICPAU etc (No.) 43.0 86,000
Outreach support to staff from 10 No. DLGs trained in LCS Soap,insecticides,Nets,Bed sheets,uniforms etc 10.0 40,000
Selection of 20 No. LBT Contractor firms for training in LCS Spares,repairs & maintenance of equipment (No.) 10.0 10,000
Staff annual party (No.) 1.0 3,000
Training 80 No. Contractor staff from 20 No. LBT Contractor firms in
Staff break tea (No.) 12.0 12,000
Subscription to ACCA, 4.0 12,000
ICPAU,UIPE,TASO,Multichoice (No.)
Consultancy to develop a communication and publicity strategy for
Technical publications (No.) 4.0 2,000
MELTC (in line with the 5 Year Biz Plan)
Training MELTC Trainers in Road Gangs (No.) 10.0 20,000
Selection of 10 No. DLGs for training in LBT (DLGs that have never been UIPE Annual Conference (No.) 10.0 15,000
trained in LBT) Upgrading the skills of MELTC Trainers (No.) 2.0 41,000
Contract staff (Person Years) 60.0 840,000
Training staff from 10 No. DLGs in LBT (DLGs that have never been
trained in LBT)

Training staff from 10 No. DLGs in CCIs (DLGs that have never been
trained in LBT)

Carry out training of 270 No. Force Account road overseers from 110
DLGs (funding to come from MoWT/URF)

Training of 600 No. Headmen from 40 No. DLGs (funding to come from

Training of 88 No. Road overseers from 88 No. Urban Councils (funding

to come from MoWT)

Passing out of the 1st batch of LBT Contractors trained in LCS

Handing over of the Bukiyiti LBT road and Kiteega Arch bridge
Activities to Deliver Outputs:
Organise and facilitate training in LCS & LBT

Assist the districts in preparation and packaging of LCS trial contracts

after training in LCS.

Provide outreach support to district and private sector contractor staff on

Trial contracts

Provide training for non engineering staff in Cross-Cutting issues related

to LCS & LBT.

Organise and facilitate training of technical staff in LCs & LBT

Identify & train DLG staff in CAS interventions

Hire a consultant to develop a Communications Strategy for MELTC

Exchange visit to South Africa as and Ethiopia

Increased publicity of the benefits of LBT to the various stakeholders

within the country & region

Training of MELTC staff in technical and non technical areas to enhance

their skills

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Vote Function: 04 04 District, Urban and Community Access Roads
Project 1171 U - Growth Support to MELTC
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand

ILO Practitioners seminar in

Exchange visit to tanzania under ILO

Training of road gangs from DLG's and Sub-counties (financing from


Training DE's in the use of RAMPS & GIS (financing from URF)

Training of UNRA staff in Road Maintenance, LBT & LCS (financing

from UNRA)

Stakeholders workshop for non RTI districts on LCS

Passing out of the first batch of LCS Trained Contractors

Increased training of DLG & MELTC staff in CCIs like HIV/AIDS,

Environment, Labour laws, gender etc

3 No. Stakeholders workshops in the RTI regions of Teso, Lango & Acholi

Total 2,035,000
GoU Development 2,035,000
External Financing 0
Output: 04 04 73 Roads, Streets and Highways

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

1.5kms of LBT Training road constructed 1.5kms of LBT Gravel road constructed (Kms) 1.5 60,000
2kms of LCS Bituminous road constrcuted (Kms) 1.9 375,000
2.0kms of LCS Traning road constructed 12 No. LCS Trial contracts undertaken (No.) 12.3 925,000
2 No. CAS sites constructed (No.) 2.0 60,000
2 No. CAS sites undertaken using appropriate technology Assorted Bitumen (No.) 200.0 180,000
Catering to trainees during the year (No.) 5,800.0 145,000
12 No. LCS Trial contracts in 12 No. DLGs
Fuel for the Binder tanks,rollers,trucks,tractors (No.) 36.0 144,000
Outreach support to 12 No. DLGs during the LCs Trial contracts phase Implementing CCIs at sites, office and DLGs (No.) 6.0 60,000
Outreach support to 20 No. DLGs during LCS 100.0 216,000
Activities to Deliver Outputs: Trials (No.)
Identify access bottlenecks as sites for CAS training

Procure training materials for use on the training roads

Sensitize casual staff and trainees on CCIs

Total 2,165,000
GoU Development 2,165,000
External Financing 0
GRAND TOTAL 4,200,000
GoU Development 4,200,000
External Financing 0

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Vote Function: 04 04 District, Urban and Community Access Roads
Project 1172 U - Growth Support to DUCAR
Project Profile

Responsible Officer: ACE/DCR

Objectives: To develop and maintain districts and community access roads to promote cheaper, efficient
and reliable transport services to facilitate access to markets and improve access to extension
services to agriculture inputs and social services.
Outputs: - MoWT capacity to manage DUCAR network enhanced
- Low-cost seals Technology developed and adopted by MoWT
- Capacity in community access improvement enhanced
Start Date: 7/1/2010 Projected End Date: 6/30/2015

Workplan Outputs for 2013/14 and 2014/15

Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and
UShs Thousand
Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)
04 04 02Monitoring and capacity 4No. Monitoring visits to 23 23 RTI Districts work plans 4No. Monitoring visits for the
building support for RTI Districts conducted reviewed and approved 23 RTI
district road works districts Conducted
Environmental management Solicitation documents for
framework for Rural Transport development of Environment Training for 10 No. MoWT staff
Infrastructure project developed Management framework in Low cost seal technology
prepared and submitted to conducted
6No. MoWT staff trained in contracts committee
Low-cost seal Technology 220 No. District staff training in
2 No. Monitoring of projects in RAMPS
Environmental Audits on 23 RTI districts conducted
ongoing projects conducted 2 No. RTI Stakeholders
10No. MoWT staff trained in workshop conducted
Standards and manuals for Low- Low-Cost seal technology
cost Seals developed Draft Terms of reference for 2500 District road Manuals
Upgrading of RAMPS prepared printed
Training of 40 No. Local
Government staff in RAMPS 45 No. MoWT staff trained in 4 No. Regional workshops for
conducted RAMPS implementation of CAS manuals
Community Access manuals Draft Terms of reference for
launched preparation of manuals for Low CAS manuals launched
cost seals prepared
21No. District Road manuals Environment and social
reviewed. management framework

Low cost seal manuals and

guide lines prepared

21No. District road manuals


12 No. MoWT staff trained in

Total 1,685,640 788,548 780,000
GoU Development 1,685,640 788,548 780,000
External Financing 0 0 0

04 04 76Purchase of Office and 120 No. GPS's procured

ICT Equipment, including
Software 120 No. Laptops procured
Total 0 0 460,000
GoU Development 0 0 460,000
External Financing 0 0 0

GRAND TOTAL 1,685,640 788,548 1,240,000

GoU Development 1,685,640 788,548 1,240,000
External Financing 0 0 0

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Vote Function: 04 04 District, Urban and Community Access Roads
Project 1172 U - Growth Support to DUCAR
Annual Workplan for 2014/15 - Outputs, Activities, Inputs and their Cost
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Output: 04 04 02 Monitoring and capacity building support for district road works

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

4No. Monitoring visits for the 23 RTI Fuel and oils (Litre) 14,705.9 50,000
districts Conducted Perdiems (Night) 111.5 140,000
Perdiems (Nights) 527.3 58,000
Training for 10 No. MoWT staff in Low cost seal technology conducted Charges on Transactions (Number) 1,500.0 3,000
Consultancies (Number) 1.0 179,000
220 No. District staff training in RAMPS
Periodic and Routine Maintenance (Number) 90.9 20,000
Trainings (Number) 2.3 180,000
2 No. RTI Stakeholders workshop conducted
Workshops (Number) 1.5 150,000
2500 District road Manuals printed

4 No. Regional workshops for implementation of CAS manuals conducted

CAS manuals launched

Environment and social management framework prepared

Low cost seal manuals and guide lines prepared

21No. District road manuals reviewed

12 No. MoWT staff trained in RAMPS

Activities to Deliver Outputs:

Preparing monitoring plans
Visiting ongoing projects
Writing of report

Selecting of staff to be trained

Conducting training
Writing of report

Selecting of staff to be trained.

Conducting training
Writing of report

procuring of workshop venue

Inviting of workshop participants
conducting of workshop
writing of report

Initiating of procurement
Preparing solicitation documents
Evaluation and selection of bidders
Delivery of printed District Road Manuals
Paying of supplier

procuring of workshop venue

Inviting of workshop participants
conducting of workshop
writing of report
Total 780,000
GoU Development 780,000
External Financing 0
Output: 04 04 76 Purchase of Office and ICT Equipment, including Software

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Vote Function: 04 04 District, Urban and Community Access Roads
Project 1172 U - Growth Support to DUCAR
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost
120 No. GPS's procured GPS, Laptop computer and Printers (Piece) 122.7 460,000

120 No. Laptops procured

Activities to Deliver Outputs:
Preparation of solicitation documents


Evaluation and award

Delivery of goods

Total 460,000
GoU Development 460,000
External Financing 0
GRAND TOTAL 1,240,000
GoU Development 1,240,000
External Financing 0

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Vote Function: 04 05 Mechanical Engineering Services
Vote Function Profile

Responsible Officer: Commissioner Mechanical Enginering Services

Services: -Assist the Districts in procurement, planning and managing the maintenance of
their road equipment.
Managing and operating a rapid response unit out of the ministry residual fleet.
-Rendering advice to Government departments and the public on matters relating
to mechanical engineering in aspects of vehicles and machinery.
Assist Government in planning, procuring and managing the maintenance of
specialised equipments e.g ferries.
-Maintain and manage Government vehicle/equipment inventory database.

Vote Function Projects and Programmes:

Project or Programme Name Responsible Officer
Recurrent Programmes
13 Mechanical Engineering Services Commisioner Mechanical Engineering Services
Development Projects
0308 Road Equipment for District Units Commissioner Mechanical Engineering Services
0515 Rehabilitation of Bugembe Workshop Commissioner Mechanical Engineering Services

Programme 13 Mechanical Engineering Services

Programme Profile

Responsible Officer: Commisioner Mechanical Engineering Services

Objectives: The Vote Function Objectives are as follows: Develop policies, laws, standards and guidelines
for models/makes of vehicles for government and public usage; Provide technical advice to
government and public on mechanical engineering equipment; Manage and m
Outputs: Assist the districts in planning, procurement, training and managing the maintenance of their
road equipment; Managing and operating the rapid response unit and Ministry vehicles;
Inspection and rendering advice to Government MDAs and the public on matte

Workplan Outputs for 2013/14 and 2014/15

Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and
UShs Thousand
Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)
04 05 01Policies, laws, guidelines, Guidelines for private garages Draft guidelines for private Guidelines for garages repairing
plans and strategies. repairing gov't vehicles garages prepared and reviewed. Government vehicles reviewed.
Draft guidelines for operation Guidelines for operation and
Guidelines for operation and and maintenance of maintenance of zonal equipment
maintenance of district/zonal district/zonal road equipment under force account developed.
road equipment developed reviewed and finalized

Total 968,711 259,500 528,000

Wage Recurrent 857,662 236,893 338,000
Non Wage Recurrent 111,048 22,607 190,000

04 05 02Maintenance Services for Computerized Vehicle TOR for the vehicle Average availability of Ministry
Central and District Road Maintenance management maintenance management vehicles kept at 70%.
Equipment. system (CVMMS) developed. system developed.
Fleet management system
Average availability of central Average availability of central installed and implemented.
Ministry Ministry
Vehicles kept at least 70%. Vehicles kept at least 63%.
Total 517,952 111,227 1,478,000
Wage Recurrent 0 0 1,000,000
Non Wage Recurrent 517,952 111,227 478,000

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Vote Function: 04 05 Mechanical Engineering Services
Programme 13 Mechanical Engineering Services
Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and
UShs Thousand
Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)
04 05 03Mech Tech Advise Coordination of transport Coordination of transport 100% applications for driving
rendered & govt vehicle activities 16 No. activities in 11 No. test and certification processed.
inventory maintained. National/International functions National/International functions
carried out. carried out. 100% of requests for vehicle
inspection and valuation
200 No. drivers tested and 77 No. drivers tested and processed.
certified, 400 No. vehicles, certified, 395 No. vehicles,
plant and machinery for MDAs plant and machinery for MDAs Government vehicle registry
assessed. assessed. updated.

Government vehicle registry Government vehicle registry

updated. updated.
Total 133,000 32,793 1,072,900
Wage Recurrent 0 0 782,900
Non Wage Recurrent 133,000 32,793 290,000

04 05 04Maintenance of district Average availability of District Average availability of Average availability of district
Vehicles and Road road and core equipment kept at District road and core road equipment kept at 70%.
equipment and regional 70%. equipment kept at 59%.
Total 4,100,000 1,402,415 3,299,000
Wage Recurrent 1,360,158 489,415 100,000
Non Wage Recurrent 2,739,842 913,000 3,199,000

04 05 05Operation and Mv Kalangala surveyed and Evaluation of technical and Average availability of MV
Maintenance of MV insured. financial bids for Kalangala kept at 95% of the
Kalangala Ship and other Commercial/private operator for planned operating time.
delegated ferries MV Kalangala operational for MV Kalangala finalized.
at least 95% of the planned time. MV Kalangala's hull,
Evaluation of technical bids for machinery, passengers and crew
MV Kalangala maintained to procurement of consultant for insured.
Llyods Class. establishment of ferry for
Kasensero-Kabanyaga MV Kalangala kept on Lloyds
Procurement Documents for the completed and report submitted Class.
Kasensero – Kabanyaga ferry to Contracts Committee.
and landings ready for issuance. Consultancy to re-route MV
Kalangala to cover other islands
Private operator for MV of Kalangala District done.
Kalangala procured
Landing sites at Nakiwogo
(Entebbe Mainland) and
Lutoboka (Kalangala)

Total 3,800,000 1,417,505 2,750,000

Wage Recurrent 204,024 65,271 50,000
Non Wage Recurrent 3,595,976 1,352,234 2,700,000

04 05 06Maintenance of the Average availability of gov’t Average availability of gov’t Average availability of the
Government Protocol Fleet protocol fleet kept at 80%. protocol fleet kept at 76%. Government Protocol fleet kept
Total 150,000 72,988 540,100
Wage Recurrent 0 0 150,100
Non Wage Recurrent 150,000 72,988 390,000

GRAND TOTAL 9,669,662 3,296,428 9,668,000

Wage Recurrent 2,421,844 791,579 2,421,000
Non Wage Recurrent 7,247,818 2,504,849 7,247,000

Annual Workplan for 2014/15 - Outputs, Activities, Inputs and their Cost
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Output: 04 05 01 Policies, laws, guidelines, plans and strategies.

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Vote Function: 04 05 Mechanical Engineering Services
Programme 13 Mechanical Engineering Services
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost
Guidelines for garages repairing Government vehicles reviewed. Airtime (Lot) 4.0 2,000
Annual subscription with professional organization 25.0 5,000
Guidelines for operation and maintenance of zonal equipment under force (Lot)
account developed. Engine oil, diesel fuel, etc (Lot) 4.0 20,000
Activities to Deliver Outputs: Hire of chairs, tables and equipment (Lot) 2.0 4,000
Hire of venue, chairs, tables & meals (Lot) 2.0 10,000
Holding 2 No. consultative meetings with garage owners and Transport
Officers of MDAs. Payment of electricity bills (Lot) 2.0 5,000
Payment of water bills (Lot) 4.0 5,000
Reviewing road equipment operations in zonal workshops. Per diem, air ticket, airport fees. (Lot) 4.0 20,000
Printing, stationery & photocopying services (Lot) 4.0 10,000
Drafting/reviewing the guidelines. Punches, staples, binding machines, etc (Lot) 2.0 5,000
Purchase of laptops, printers & desktop computers 1.0 8,000
Purchase of vehicle spare parts (Lot) 4.0 40,000
Repair of workshop equipment & office furniture. 3.0 3,000
Contributions towards burial expenses (Lumpsum) 5.0 4,000
Payment for staff medical bills (Lumpsum) 4.0 4,000
Tuition fee for sponsored staff (Lumpsum) 5.0 10,000
Payment for armed security guards (Number) 10.0 5,000
Payment for media adverts (Number) 5.0 10,000
Night allowances for staff traveling upcountry (Per 200.0 20,000
Permanent Staff (Person Years) 20.0 338,000
Total 528,000
Wage Recurrent 338,000
Non Wage Recurrent 190,000
Output: 04 05 02 Maintenance Services for Central and District Road Equipment.

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

Average availability of Ministry vehicles kept at 70%. 1 (Lot) 10.0 5,000
Hire of chairs, tables and workshop equipment (Lot) 2.0 3,000
Fleet management system installed and implemented. Hiring of workshop facilities & meals (Lot) 2.0 6,000
Activities to Deliver Outputs: Payment for air tickets, airport fee & perdiem (Lot) 2.0 10,000
Procurement of vehicle / equipment spare parts and service providers. Payment for internet modems and related services 4.0 8,000
Maintenance and repair of vehicles and equipment. Payment of electricity bills (Lot) 4.0 4,000
Payment of water bills (Lot) 4.0 4,000
Installation of fleet Management System and training of staff. Purchase of air time (Lot) 4.0 2,000
Purchase of engine oil and diesel oil (Lot) 4.0 40,000
Purchase of laptops, printers & computers (Lot) 2.0 20,000
Purchase of staples, file folders, punches, clips (Lot) 4.0 10,000
Purchase of stationery and photocopying services 2.0 10,000
Purchase of vehicle / equipment spare parts (Lot) 4.0 84,000
Tuition fees for sponsored staff (Lot) 4.0 5,000
Allowances for staff traveling upcountry (Lumpsum) 200.0 20,000
Consultancy to design & install fleet mgt system 4.0 200,000
Payment of medical treatment bills (MedicalBill) 4.0 5,000
Payment for media advertsing services (No. of 8.0 16,000
Payment for armed security services (No. of guards) 6.0 3,000
Annual subscription to professional bodies 15.0 3,000
Day & night allow'ces for staff traveling upcounty 200.0 20,000
(Per diem)
Permanent Staff (Person Years) 100.0 1,000,000
Total 1,478,000
Wage Recurrent 1,000,000
Non Wage Recurrent 478,000

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Vote Function: 04 05 Mechanical Engineering Services
Programme 13 Mechanical Engineering Services
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Output: 04 05 03 Mech Tech Advise rendered & govt vehicle inventory maintained.

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

100% applications for driving test and certification processed. Hire of chairs, tables, and workshop equipment. 4.0 6,000
100% of requests for vehicle inspection and valuation processed. Hire of workshop facilitates and meals (Lot) 2.0 10,000
Payment for burial expenses (Lot) 2.0 1,000
Government vehicle registry updated. Payment for electricity bills (Lot) 2.0 1,000
Activities to Deliver Outputs: Payment for medical health bills (Lot) 4.0 2,000
Testing and certifying drivers of MDAs and the general public. Payment for water bills (Lot) 2.0 1,000
Purchase of engin oils and diesel fuel. (Lot) 5.0 25,000
Inspection and valuation of Government vehicles, plant and machinery. Purchase of media advertising services (Lot) 2.0 3,000
Purchase of staples, clips, punches, binders (Lot) 10.0 5,000
Condition monitoring and assessment of Government vehicles. Purchase of vehicle and equipment spare parts. (Lot) 4.0 40,000
Stationery, printing, and photocopying services (Lot) 2.0 2,000
Tuition fees for sponsored staff. (Lot) 4.0 2,000
Purchase of newspapers and magazines (Number) 400.0 2,000
Purchase of vehicles testing and diagnostic eqpt 2.0 150,000
Facilitation for staff traveling upcountry (Per diem) 200.0 20,000
Payment of allowances for staff traveling upcounty 200.0 20,000
(Per diem)
Permanent Staff (Person Years) 30.0 782,900
Total 1,072,900
Wage Recurrent 782,900
Non Wage Recurrent 290,000
Output: 04 05 04 Maintenance of district Vehicles and Road equipment and regional workshops

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

Average availability of district road equipment kept at 70%. Transfer to Bugembe Regional Mech W/shop (Lot) 1.0 1,199,000

Activities to Deliver Outputs: Transfer to Gulu Regional Mech. W/shop (Lot) 1.0 1,000,000
Transfer to Mbarara Regional Mech. W/shop (Lot) 1.0 1,000,000
Procurement of equipment spares and other consumables.
Permanent Staff (Person Years) 10.0 100,000
Scheduled and unscheduled maintenance/repair of road equipment.

Field inspection and supervision of vehicles and road equipment.

Total 3,299,000
Wage Recurrent 100,000
Non Wage Recurrent 3,199,000
Output: 04 05 05 Operation and Maintenance of MV Kalangala Ship and other delegated ferries

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

Average availability of MV Kalangala kept at 95% of the planned Diesel fuel for operation of MV Kalangala (Litre) 258,142.9 903,500
operating time. Batteries, filters, spares, fumigation, diving ser (Lot) 6.0 700,000
Re-route MV Kalangala to other islands on 4.0 200,000
MV Kalangala's hull, machinery, passengers and crew insured. Kalangal (Lot)
Annual survey for MV Kalangala (Lumpsum) 2.0 60,000
MV Kalangala kept on Lloyds Class. Design for rehab of Nakiwogo and Lutoboka 2.0 186,500
landings (Lumpsum)
Consultancy to re-route MV Kalangala to cover other islands of Kalangala Insurance for MV Kalangala (Lumpsum) 1.0 650,000
District done. Permanent Staff (Person Years) 5.0 50,000

Landing sites at Nakiwogo (Entebbe Mainland) and Lutoboka (Kalangala)

Activities to Deliver Outputs:
Carrying out routine and unscheduled maintenance of the vessel.

Monitoring and supervising operations of MV Kalangala

Procuring marine insurance for MV Kalangala.

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Vote Function: 04 05 Mechanical Engineering Services
Programme 13 Mechanical Engineering Services
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Procuring a surveyor for MV Kalangala.

Procuring consultancy to study the possibility of re-routing MV Kalangala

to cover other islands of Kalangala archipelago.
Total 2,750,000
Wage Recurrent 50,000
Non Wage Recurrent 2,700,000
Output: 04 05 06 Maintenance of the Government Protocol Fleet

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

Average availability of the Government Protocol fleet kept 80%. Gasoline fuel for operation & engine run-in tests 6,000.0 24,000
Activities to Deliver Outputs:
Papers, file folders, photocopying service, etc (Lot) 2.0 4,000
Procurement of spare parts and repair service providers. Routine and unsheduled maintence of protocol fleet 16.0 340,000
Performing engine run-in tests. Purchase of media advertising services (No. of 5.0 10,000
Vehicle washing/cleaning/polishing and fumigation. Allowances for staff working overtime (Number) 120.0 12,000
Permanent Staff (Person Years) 5.0 150,100
Total 540,100
Wage Recurrent 150,100
Non Wage Recurrent 390,000
GRAND TOTAL 9,668,000
Wage Recurrent 2,421,000
Non Wage Recurrent 7,247,000

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Vote Function: 04 05 Mechanical Engineering Services
Project 0308 Road Equipment for District Units
Project Profile

Responsible Officer: Commissioner Mechanical Engineering Services

Objectives: The objective of the project is to support the management of road equipment in district Local
Gov'ts thus enhance the socio-economic well-being of the people.
Outputs: Operate and maintain district and core road equipment; monitor the performance and
availability of district road equipment; carry out periodic field inspection/maintenance of
equipment and training of technical staff including operators and artisans.
Start Date: 7/1/2013 Projected End Date: 6/30/2017

Workplan Outputs for 2013/14 and 2014/15

Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and
UShs Thousand
Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)
04 05 02Maintenance Services for Inspection and monitoring of Inspection and monitoring of Government vehicles and road
Central and District Road vehicles /road equipment in all vehicles and road equipment in equipment in District Local
Equipment. District LGs done. 5No. District LGs under Governments and Urban
Western Region, 5 No. District Councils inspected and
LGs under Northern Region, 5 monitored.
No. under Eastern Region, and
5 No. district LGs under south-
western region done.

Total 93,000 34,155 100,000

GoU Development 93,000 34,155 100,000
External Financing 0 0 0

04 05 04Maintenance of district Availability of district and core Availability of district and core Availability of district road
Vehicles and Road road and specialized equipment road and specialized equipment equipment kept at 70%.
equipment and regional kept at 70%. kept at 62%.
Total 3,710,000 1,769,966 1,360,158
GoU Development 3,710,000 1,769,966 1,360,158
External Financing 0 0 0

04 05 05Operation and MV Kalangala operational for MV Kalangala operational for Consultancy to establish ferry
Maintenance of MV 95% of the planned time. 48% of the planned time. services to support expansion of
Kalangala Ship and other VODP II to other outlying
delegated ferries islands in Kalangala District
carried out.

Consultancy to establish ferry

services along Kasensero and
Kabanyaga lake crossings in
Rakai District, Kyebe sub-
county conducted.
Total 200,000 126,658 1,200,000
GoU Development 200,000 126,658 1,200,000
External Financing 0 0 0

04 05 51Transfers to Regional Availability of district road

Mechanical Workshops equipment kept at 70%.
Total 0 0 3,196,533
GoU Development 0 0 3,196,533
External Financing 0 0 0

04 05 75Purchase of Motor 4 No. supervision vehicles (D/C Tender for procurement of 5 1 No. D/C P/Up for supervision
Vehicles and Other P/ups) for the Regional No. supervision vehicles and monitoring district and
Transport Equipment Mechanical W/shops of awarded and contract signed. zonal road equipment procured.
Bugembe, Mbarara, Gulu,
including CMWS procured.
Total 600,000 0 100,000
GoU Development 600,000 0 100,000
External Financing 0 0 0

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Vote Function: 04 05 Mechanical Engineering Services
Project 0308 Road Equipment for District Units
Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and
UShs Thousand
Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)

04 05 77Purchase of Specialised Specialized machinery, Bid documents prepared and 10% of workshop tools and
Machinery & Equipment equipment and tools procured submitted to MCC for approval equipment upgraded.

Total 50,000 24,427 43,000

GoU Development 50,000 24,427 43,000
External Financing 0 0 0

GRAND TOTAL 4,653,000 1,955,206 5,999,691

GoU Development 4,653,000 1,955,206 5,999,691
External Financing 0 0 0

Annual Workplan for 2014/15 - Outputs, Activities, Inputs and their Cost
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Output: 04 05 02 Maintenance Services for Central and District Road Equipment.

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

Government vehicles and road equipment in District Local Governments Diesel fuel for monitoring & supervision (Litres) 8,823.5 30,000
and Urban Councils inspected and monitored. Monitoring & supervision of district/zonal eqpt & 700.0 70,000
(Per diem)
Activities to Deliver Outputs:
Inspection and condition assessment of vehicles and equipment District
Local Governments.
Total 100,000
GoU Development 100,000
External Financing 0
Output: 04 05 04 Maintenance of district Vehicles and Road equipment and regional workshops

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

Availability of district road equipment kept at 70%. 15% NSSF contribution from Bugembe RMWS 4.0 71,042
Activities to Deliver Outputs:
15% NSSF contribution from Gulu RMWS 4.0 65,218
Procurement of consumables including spare parts, tyres, etc. (Lumpsum)
15% NSSF contribution from Mbarara RMWS 4.0 67,764
Monitoring and supervision of road equipment. (Lumpsum)
Contract staff (Person Years) 122.0 1,156,134
Total 1,360,158
GoU Development 1,360,158
External Financing 0
Output: 04 05 05 Operation and Maintenance of MV Kalangala Ship and other delegated ferries

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

Consultancy to establish ferry services to support expansion of VODP II to Estabishment of VODP II ferry services on 2.0 650,000
other outlying islands in Kalangala District carried out. Kalangal (Lumpsum)
Establishment of Kasensero-Kabanyaga ferry 2.0 550,000
Consultancy to establish ferry services along Kasensero and Kabanyaga (Lumpsum)
lake crossings in Rakai District, Kyebe sub-county conducted.
Activities to Deliver Outputs:
Evaluation of technical and financial proposals.

Award and signing of contract.

Monitoring and supervision of consultancies.

Total 1,200,000
GoU Development 1,200,000
External Financing 0
Output: 04 05 51 Transfers to Regional Mechanical Workshops

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Vote Function: 04 05 Mechanical Engineering Services
Project 0308 Road Equipment for District Units
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand

Planned Outputs: Grant or Transfer Cost

Availability of district road equipment kept at 70%. Transfer to Regional Mechanical workshops 3,196,533

Activities to Deliver Outputs:

Procurement of consumables including spare parts, tyres, etc.

Monitoring and supervision of road equipment.

Total 3,196,533
GoU Development 3,196,533
External Financing 0
Output: 04 05 75 Purchase of Motor Vehicles and Other Transport Equipment

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

1 No. D/C P/Up for supervision and monitoring district and zonal road Purchase of 1 No.D/C P/Up supervision vehicle 2.0 100,000
equipment procured. (Unit)

Activities to Deliver Outputs:

Seeking clearance from Ministry of Public Service.

Preparation of tender documents, advertising, issue, receipt and evaluation

of bids.

Contract award, clearance of contract by SG and contract signing.

Opening LC, pre-delivery inspection and receipt of vehicles.

Total 100,000
GoU Development 100,000
External Financing 0
Output: 04 05 77 Purchase of Specialised Machinery & Equipment

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

10% of workshop tools and equipment upgraded. Purchase of vehicle repair tools & equipment. (Lot) 2.0 43,000

Activities to Deliver Outputs:

Analysis of workshop tools / equipment.

Preparation of specifications and BOQs.

Preparation of tender documents, issuance of bids, receipt and evaluation.

Tender award and contract signing.

Delivery and receipt of items.

Total 43,000
GoU Development 43,000
External Financing 0
GRAND TOTAL 5,999,691
GoU Development 5,999,691
External Financing 0

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Vote Function: 04 05 Mechanical Engineering Services
Project 0515 Rehabilitation of Bugembe Workshop
Project Profile

Responsible Officer: Commissioner Mechanical Engineering Services

Objectives: The objective of the project is to re-equip Regional Mechanical Workshops to enable them
offer efficient, effective, and quality services to the district local Governments and Urban
Outputs: Machinery and equipment used for the repair and maintenance of vehicles/equipment; spare
parts for specialized equipment; supervision vehicles and specialized truck; inspection and
monitoring performance and utilization of vehicles and road equipment in district Local Gov'ts.
Start Date: 7/1/2013 Projected End Date: 6/30/2017

Workplan Outputs for 2013/14 and 2014/15

Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and
UShs Thousand
Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)
04 05 05Operation and Consultations with MAAIF, Evaluation of technical bids MV Kalangala operational for
Maintenance of MV UNRA and MoFPED on the completed and report forwared 95% of the planned time.
Kalangala Ship and other feasibility study for provision of to Ministry Contracts
delegated ferries ferry services to support the Committee.
Vegetable Oil Development
Project II (VODP2) and extend Tender documents for marine
ferry services to other Islands insurance for MV Kalangala
on L.Victoria carried out. prepared and approved by
Contracts Committee.
Mv Kalangala insured.

Total 1,300,000 312,410 601,000

GoU Development 1,300,000 312,410 601,000
External Financing 0 0 0

04 05 06Maintenance of the Availability of Government

Government Protocol Fleet Protocol fleet kept at 80%.

Total 0 0 350,000
GoU Development 0 0 350,000
External Financing 0 0 0

04 05 71Acquisition of Land by Forty nine (49) year lease period

Government for plot housing Bugembe
Regional Mechanical W/shop
Total 0 0 30,000
GoU Development 0 0 30,000
External Financing 0 0 0

04 05 72Government Buildings and Rehabilitation of selected office Contract signed. Workshop yard at Mbarara and
Administrative blocks and workshop facilities Gulu Regional Mechanical
Infrastructure of Gulu, Mbarara, and Bugembe Contractor commenced W/shop upgraded from murram
Regional Mechanical rehabilitation works. to concrete.
Workshops done.
Office / stores blocks erected at
Mbarara and Gulu Regional
Mechanical W/shop.
Total 600,000 311,921 973,000
GoU Development 600,000 311,921 973,000
External Financing 0 0 0

04 05 75Purchase of Motor 1 No. D/C P/Up to supervise

Vehicles and Other the extension of ferry services
Transport Equipment and construction of offshore
infrastructure on outyling
islands of Kalangala to
facilitate expansion of VODP II

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Vote Function: 04 05 Mechanical Engineering Services
Project 0515 Rehabilitation of Bugembe Workshop
Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and
UShs Thousand
Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)
Total 0 0 120,000
GoU Development 0 0 120,000
External Financing 0 0 0

04 05 77Purchase of Specialised 10% of workshop equipment

Machinery & Equipment replaced with new ones.
Total 0 0 26,309
GoU Development 0 0 26,309
External Financing 0 0 0

GRAND TOTAL 1,900,000 624,331 2,100,309

GoU Development 1,900,000 624,331 2,100,309
External Financing 0 0 0

Annual Workplan for 2014/15 - Outputs, Activities, Inputs and their Cost
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Output: 04 05 05 Operation and Maintenance of MV Kalangala Ship and other delegated ferries

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

MV Kalangala operational for 95% of the planned time. Purchase of marine spare parts & consumables (Lot) 4.0 214,564

Activities to Deliver Outputs: 15% NSSF contribution from MV Kalangala crew 4.0 57,965
Procurement of marine spare parts (filters, batteries, etc). Contract staff (Person Years) 16.0 328,471

Procurement of service providers (fumigation, diving services, etc)

Total 601,000
GoU Development 601,000
External Financing 0
Output: 04 05 06 Maintenance of the Government Protocol Fleet

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

Availability of Government Protocol fleet kept at 80%. Gasoline fuel for engine run-in testing and oper'n 4.0 10,000
Activities to Deliver Outputs:
Vehicle maintenance spares parts and tools (Lot) 10.0 340,000
Procurement of vehicle spare parts (batteries, tyres, etc) and repair service

Procurement of vehicle repair tools and equipment.

Total 350,000
GoU Development 350,000
External Financing 0
Output: 04 05 71 Acquisition of Land by Government

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

Forty nine (49) year lease period for plot housing Bugembe Regional Leasing Bugembe RMWS plot for 49 years 1.0 30,000
Mechanical W/shop secured. (Lumpsum)

Activities to Deliver Outputs:

Negotiations with stakeholders.

Draft lease agreement for SG clearance.

Sign lease agreement.

Total 30,000
GoU Development 30,000
External Financing 0
Output: 04 05 72 Government Buildings and Administrative Infrastructure

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Vote Function: 04 05 Mechanical Engineering Services
Project 0515 Rehabilitation of Bugembe Workshop
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

Workshop yard at Mbarara and Gulu Regional Mechanical W/shop Rehab'n & upgrading Bugembe RMWS (Lot) 3.0 150,000
upgraded from murram to concrete. Rehab'n & upgrading Gulu RMWS offices & yard 6.1 307,300
Office / stores blocks erected at Mbarara and Gulu Regional Mechanical Rehab'n & upgrading Mbarara RMWS yard, & 9.0 515,700
W/shop. blocks (Lot)
Activities to Deliver Outputs:
Assessment and developing BOQs.

Preparation of tender documents, advertising, issuance, receipt and

evaluation of bids.

Contract award, clearance by SG and signing.

Contract supervision and monitoring.

Total 973,000
GoU Development 973,000
External Financing 0
Output: 04 05 75 Purchase of Motor Vehicles and Other Transport Equipment

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

1 No. D/C P/Up to supervise the extension of ferry services and D/C P/up to support VODP II ferry transport servic 1.0 120,000
construction of offshore infrastructure on outyling islands of Kalangala to (Unit)
facilitate expansion of VODP II procured.
Activities to Deliver Outputs:
Clearance to procure a vehicle by MoPS.

Development of vehicle specifications and preparation of tender document.

Issuance, receipt and evaluation of bids.

Contract award, clearance by SG and signing.

PDI, delivery, receipt and delpoyment of vehicle.

Total 120,000
GoU Development 120,000
External Financing 0
Output: 04 05 77 Purchase of Specialised Machinery & Equipment

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

10% of workshop equipment replaced with new ones. Procurement of workshop tools and eqpt (Lot) 2.0 26,309

Activities to Deliver Outputs:

Prepare specifications and estimates

Prepare tender documents, issue, receive, and evaluate

Award and sign contract

Deliver, install, and test equipment.

Total 26,309
GoU Development 26,309
External Financing 0
GRAND TOTAL 2,100,309
GoU Development 2,100,309
External Financing 0

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Vote Function: 04 49 Policy,Planning and Support Services
Vote Function Profile

Responsible Officer: US/FA & Com Policy & Planning

Services: - Carry out prudent financial management, provide support services to the Sector
and promote proper human resource management. It ensures proper management
of procurement and disposal of public assets. It is responsible for the management
of information technology and library services and equipment.
- Carry out strategic planning, coordination and monitoring of Works and
Transport Sector;
- Coordinate and monitor the implementation of strategic plans, budget and
policies for the Sector
-Coordinate the preperations for Joint Transport Sector review
-Monitor ROM implementation
- Anchor Transport and Works strategies and plans into other National plans e.g
- Coordinate the preparation of Sector policy documents (for the State of the
Nation Address, Budget speech, NRM Manifesto), annual Sector budget and the
Sector Budget Framework Paper.
- Conduct and coordinate research on selected issues in the Sector;
- Assess contribution of the Sector to National economy; and
- Develop and maintain National Database for Works and Transport.

Vote Function Projects and Programmes:

Project or Programme Name Responsible Officer
Recurrent Programmes
01 Headquarters Under Secretary/F&A and Comm Policy and Planning
09 Policy and Planning Commisioner Policy and Planning
10 Internal Audit Senior Internal Auditor
Development Projects
1050 Establishment of the National Transport Data Bank Commissioner Policy and Planning
1105 Strengthening Sector Coord, Planning & ICT Assist. Commissioner Policy Analysis
1160 Transport Sector Development Project (TSDP) Principal Engineer - DUR

Programme 01 Headquarters
Programme Profile

Responsible Officer: Under Secretary/F&A and Comm Policy and Planning

Objectives: To provide support services and tools as well as coordinate Policy formulation, strategic
Planning and the preparation of the sector budget and performance, promoting proper human
resource management and capacity building programmes.
Outputs: Carryout prudent financial management, provide support services to the sector and promote
proper human resource management. Carryout strategic planning, coordination and monitoring
of Works and Transport sector

Workplan Outputs for 2013/14 and 2014/15

Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and
UShs Thousand
Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)
04 49 02Ministry Support Services Management, support tools and Financial Services rendered. Management, support tools and
and Communication Financial Services rendered. Financial Services rendered.
strategy implimented. Human Resources Managed.
Human Resources Managed. Human Resources Managed.
Activities in the communication
Activities in the communication strategy implemented. Activities in the communication
strategy implemented. strategy implemented.

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Vote Function: 04 49 Policy,Planning and Support Services
Programme 01 Headquarters
Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and
UShs Thousand
Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)
Programmes for technical
Programmes for technical Departments coordinated. Programmes for technical
Departments coordinated.
Procurement Managed Departments coordinated.
Procurement Managed
ICT Equipment/Resource Centre Procurement Managed
ICT Equipment/Resource Centre Managed
ICT Equipment and services
Land Compensation made procured and maintained

Total 3,647,985 1,884,298 3,062,117

Wage Recurrent 601,107 288,679 597,117
Non Wage Recurrent 3,046,879 1,595,619 2,465,000

04 49 03Ministerial and Top Logistical support provided Logistical support provided Logistical support provided
Management Services International meetings facilitated International meetings facilitated
Public Relations maintained Public Relations maintained International meetings facilitated

Public Relations maintained

Total 421,729 193,597 648,000

Wage Recurrent 146,489 70,351 148,000
Non Wage Recurrent 275,240 123,246 500,000

04 49 06Monitoring and Capacity 21 No. staff sponsored on long 26 No. of staff recruited and 25 No. staff sponsored on long
Building Support term deployed. term
training training
10 No. of staff promoted.
127 no. Recruited and deployed. 120 no. Recruited and deployed.
Staff inducted 10 No. of staff confirmed in Staff inducted
Workshops, seminars and their respective appointments
refresher courses conducted Workshops, seminars and
25 No. of staff trained in Long refresher courses conducted
4 tailor made group training term courses
courses conducted 4 tailor made group training
13 No. of staff sponsored to courses conducted
1 no tailor made course for undertake research.
Local Government staff 1 no tailor made course for
conducted 04 No. of staff trained in short Local Government staff
term courses conducted
10 no. staff sponsored for
performance enhancement short 06 No. staff sponsored in tailor 10 no. staff sponsored for
training course support made course on transport performance enhancement in
supervision to ministry logistics short training courses
upcountry stations undertaken
19 No. staff sponsored for support supervision to ministry
4 performance review professional training for upcountry stations undertaken
workshops held engineers
4 performance review
workshops held

Total 662,341 366,883 1,081,220

Wage Recurrent 0 0 0
Non Wage Recurrent 662,341 366,883 1,081,220

GRAND TOTAL 4,732,056 2,444,778 4,791,337

Wage Recurrent 747,596 359,030 745,117
Non Wage Recurrent 3,984,460 2,085,748 4,046,220

Annual Workplan for 2014/15 - Outputs, Activities, Inputs and their Cost
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Output: 04 49 02 Ministry Support Services and Communication strategy implimented.

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Vote Function: 04 49 Policy,Planning and Support Services
Programme 01 Headquarters
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost
Management, support tools and Financial Services rendered. transport back home on retirement () 4.0 30,000
Electricity (Bills) 60.0 60,000
Human Resources Managed. Medical bills paid (Bills) 10.0 5,000
Telephones (Bills) 65.0 26,000
Activities in the communication strategy implemented. Water (Bills) 130.0 130,000
Commissions and related charges (Charges) 50.0 10,000
Programmes for technical
Assorted Stationery (Lots) 22.0 440,000
Departments coordinated. Books, Periodicals & Newspapers (Lots) 100.0 5,000
Printing Payslips (Lots) 4.0 40,000
Procurement Managed Fuel (Ltrs) 45,714.3 160,000
IFMS costs paid (Lumpsum) 4.0 16,000
ICT Equipment and services procured and maintained centralised anti virus, recurrent cost for IPPS 1.0 25,000
Activities to Deliver Outputs: (Lumpsum)
Courier (Lumpsum) 20.0 10,000
staff emoluments paid
Entertainment (Lumpsum) 1.0 1,000
Cleaning and Security services procured Foods/lunches (Lumpsum) 6.6 33,000
IPPS Costs (Lumpsum) 5.0 25,000
Adverts in the daily newspapers placed. Maintenance of Civil (Lumpsum) 2.0 20,000
Maintenance of Machinery, Equipment & Furniture 6.0 30,000
Television and radio talkshows aired. (Lumpsum)
Maintenance of Vehicles (Lumpsum) 20.0 100,000
Support services rendered. Security (Lumpsum) 12.0 600,000
Welfare (Lumpsum) 10.0 4,000
staff trained in long term courses (No) 4.0 40,000
staff trained in short term courses (No) 10.0 10,000
verification of academic certificates (No) 120.0 6,000
Death benefit, care and suppport to infected staff 24.0 24,000
Documentary (No.) 1.0 26,000
Fumigation (No.) 50.0 5,000
Gratuity (No.) 24.0 60,000
Ministry Magazine (No.) 4,000.0 32,000
Office equipments (No.) 4.0 2,000
Suppliment (No.) 1.0 42,000
Venue hired (No.) 4.0 40,000
Workshops and Seminars (No.) 2.0 40,000
Air Tickets and Allowances (Per Diem) 4.0 70,000
Allowances (Per Diem) 2,333.3 280,000
Permanent Staff (Person Years) 105.0 597,117
Cleaning and Sanitation (Srvc) 9.0 18,000
Total 3,062,117
Wage Recurrent 597,117
Non Wage Recurrent 2,465,000
Output: 04 49 03 Ministerial and Top Management Services

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

Logistical support provided allowances paid () 688.8 104,000
cartridges and tonners procured () 6.0 1,500
International meetings facilitated Desktop computers procured () 5.0 12,500
Electricity bills paid () 4.0 10,000
Public Relations maintained funeral expenses paid () 5.0 5,000
Activities to Deliver Outputs: photocopying and binding services procured () 4.0 2,500
Logistical support provided stationery procured () 200.0 6,000
venue hired () 1.0 10,000
International meetings facilitated water bills paid () 4.0 8,000
Medical bills paid (bills) 4.0 10,000
Public Relations maintained
telephone bills paid (bills) 4.0 6,000
Fuel (Ltrs) 87,142.9 305,000
Adverts placed in daily news papers (no) 6.0 12,000
Un interrupted Power Supply procured (no.) 15.0 7,500
Contract staff (Person Years) 15.0 148,000

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Vote Function: 04 49 Policy,Planning and Support Services
Programme 01 Headquarters
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Total 648,000
Wage Recurrent 148,000
Non Wage Recurrent 500,000
Output: 04 49 06 Monitoring and Capacity Building Support

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

25 No. staff sponsored on long term Assorted stationary (Lots) 7.0 70,000
training Fuel (Ltrs) 11,428.6 40,000
Hire of venue (No) 2.0 10,000
120 no. Recruited and deployed. Staff inducted Adverts (No.) 30.0 60,000
Training of Staff (No.) 79.1 791,200
Workshops, seminars and refresher courses conducted
Allowances (Per Diem) 916.8 110,020

4 tailor made group training courses conducted

1 no tailor made course for Local Government staff conducted

10 no. staff sponsored for performance enhancement in short training


support supervision to ministry upcountry stations undertaken

4 performance review workshops held

Activities to Deliver Outputs:
staff trained in long and shortterm courses

hotel services procured

staff recruited , deployed and induted

Total 1,081,220
Wage Recurrent 0
Non Wage Recurrent 1,081,220
GRAND TOTAL 4,791,337
Wage Recurrent 745,117
Non Wage Recurrent 4,046,220

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Vote Function: 04 49 Policy,Planning and Support Services
Programme 09 Policy and Planning
Programme Profile

Responsible Officer: Commisioner Policy and Planning



Workplan Outputs for 2013/14 and 2014/15

Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and
UShs Thousand
Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)
04 49 01Policy, Laws, Number of Policies, Plans and Consultative meeting for Number of Policies, Plans and
guidelines,plans and Strategies reviewed and Updating the Draft NTPS held Strategies reviewed and
strategies formulated. formulated.
Sector Quarterly performance
Ministerial Budget Policy reports produced. Ministerial Budget Policy
Statement and expenditure Statement and expenditure
estimates produced. Financial clearance sent to estimates produced.
MOFPED for the drafting
Budget Framework Paper principles for creating DUCAR Budget Framework Paper
produced. agency produced.

Sector Quarterly performance Interim report for creating Sector Quarterly performance
reports produced. MATA drafting principles reports produced.
submitted by the consultant
Joint Transport Sector Review Joint Transport Sector Review
meetings/workshop coordinated. Drafting Principles for the meetings/workshop coordinated.
MTRA Bill submitted to cabinet
Quarterly data on project Quarterly data on project
performance collected. Interim report for updating the performance collected.
National Transport Master Plan
submitted by the consultant

Monitoring of the TSDP project


Quarterly data on project

performance collected.

Budget Framework Paper


Total 592,238 241,847 581,919

Wage Recurrent 351,919 169,008 351,919
Non Wage Recurrent 240,320 72,839 230,000

04 49 02Ministry Support Services Activities in the communication Publicized the JTSR workshop Activities in the communication
and Communication strategy implemented. strategy implemented.
strategy implimented. Activities in the communication
strategy implemented.

Total 80,000 19,875 50,000

Wage Recurrent 0 0 0
Non Wage Recurrent 80,000 19,875 50,000

04 49 06Monitoring and Capacity Projects and programmes Budget monitoring under taken Project and programme
Building Support implimentation monitored. implementation monitored.
Total 68,219 14,933 100,000
Wage Recurrent 0 0 0
Non Wage Recurrent 68,219 14,933 100,000

GRAND TOTAL 740,457 276,655 731,919

Wage Recurrent 351,919 169,008 351,919
Non Wage Recurrent 388,538 107,647 380,000

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Vote Function: 04 49 Policy,Planning and Support Services
Programme 09 Policy and Planning
Annual Workplan for 2014/15 - Outputs, Activities, Inputs and their Cost
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Output: 04 49 01 Policy, Laws, guidelines,plans and strategies

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

Number of Policies, Plans and Strategies reviewed and formulated. Electricity (Bills) 1.0 5,000
Water (Bills) 1.0 4,000
Ministerial Budget Policy Statement and expenditure estimates produced. Assorted Stationery and Photocopying serv. (Lots) 4.0 20,000
Books, Periodicals & Newspapers (Lots) 1.0 5,000
Budget Framework Paper produced. Fuel (Ltrs) 8,571.4 30,000
Maintenance of Vehicles (Lumpsum) 8.0 16,000
Sector Quarterly performance reports produced.
Adverts (No.) 2.5 10,000
Joint Transport Sector Review meetings/workshop coordinated. Incapacity, death benefits and funeral expenses 7.5 15,000
Quarterly data on project performance collected. Training (No.) 6.0 30,000
Workshops and Seminars (No.) 1.0 20,000
Activities to Deliver Outputs: Air Tickets and Allowances (Per Diem) 16.7 15,000
Allowances (Per Diem) 500.0 60,000
Procure Consultant
Permanent Staff (Person Years) 20.0 351,919
Hold BFP and MPS preparatory meetings Total 581,919
Wage Recurrent 351,919
Hold Sector performance review meetings
Non Wage Recurrent 230,000
Output: 04 49 02 Ministry Support Services and Communication strategy implimented.

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

Activities in the communication strategy implemented. Fuel (Ltrs) 4,285.7 15,000

Activities to Deliver Outputs: Workshops and Seminars (No) 1.0 10,000

Adverts (No.) 7.5 15,000
New Paper suppliments prepared
Allowances (Per Diem) 83.3 10,000
TV and Radio Talk shows held

Annual and Bi-annual bulletins prepared

Total 50,000
Wage Recurrent 0
Non Wage Recurrent 50,000
Output: 04 49 06 Monitoring and Capacity Building Support

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

Project and programme implementation monitored. Fuel (Lltrs) 11,428.6 40,000

Activities to Deliver Outputs: Assorted Stationary (Lots) 1.0 5,000

Spare parts for Maintenance (Lots) 3.3 10,000
Supervision and Monitoring
Allowances (Per Diem) 375.0 45,000
Total 100,000
Wage Recurrent 0
Non Wage Recurrent 100,000
Wage Recurrent 351,919
Non Wage Recurrent 380,000

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Vote Function: 04 49 Policy,Planning and Support Services
Programme 10 Internal Audit
Programme Profile

Responsible Officer: Senior Internal Auditor

Objectives: Internal Audit function is an independent appraisal function established for the review of the
internal control systems. It objectively examines evaluates and reports on the adequacy of
internal control as a contribution to the proper, economic and effective use of resources.
Outputs: Payroll review, management letters issued, inspections, final accounts review and reports
made. Project audits, adhoc assignments undertaken, advisory role and value for money

Workplan Outputs for 2013/14 and 2014/15

Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and
UShs Thousand
Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)
04 49 02Ministry Support Services Ministry Payroll reviewed and Ministry Payroll reviewed and Ministry Payroll reviewed and
and Communication Payroll Report produced; Payroll Report produced; Payroll Report produced;
strategy implimented.
Four Management letters issued. 1No. Management letters issued. Four Management letters issued.

Four Regional Workshops 3No. Regional Workshops Three Regional Workshops

inspected and Report produced inspected and Report produced inspected and Report produced

All projects audited and reports All projects audited and reports All projects audited and reports
made. made. made.

Adhoc assignment undertaken Adhoc assignment undertaken Adhoc assignment undertaken

and and Advisory role done and
Advisory role done. Advisory role done.

Total 300,391 31,129 270,745

Wage Recurrent 55,965 15,458 55,965
Non Wage Recurrent 244,426 15,671 214,780

GRAND TOTAL 300,391 31,129 270,745

Wage Recurrent 55,965 15,458 55,965
Non Wage Recurrent 244,426 15,671 214,780

Annual Workplan for 2014/15 - Outputs, Activities, Inputs and their Cost
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Output: 04 49 02 Ministry Support Services and Communication strategy implimented.

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

Ministry Payroll reviewed and Payroll Report produced; Stationery (Lots) 4.0 8,000
Fuel (Ltrs) 10,000.0 35,000
Four Management letters issued. Subscription (ACCA, CPAU, IIA) (No) 1.0 3,200
Procurement of Computer Laptops (No.) 2.2 6,500
Three Regional Workshops inspected and Report produced Training (No.) 3.3 30,000
Air ticket and perdiem (Per Diem) 28.3 26,000
All projects audited and reports made.
Allowances (Per Diem) 787.8 94,530
Adhoc assignment undertaken and Permanent Staff (Person Years) 5.0 55,965
Advisory role done. Vehicle maintenance (Srv) 5.8 11,550
Activities to Deliver Outputs:
Quartery payroll audit,

Review of payments on IFMS,

Audit inspection of regional mechanical workshops,

Audit on projects.

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Vote Function: 04 49 Policy,Planning and Support Services
Programme 10 Internal Audit
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Total 270,745
Wage Recurrent 55,965
Non Wage Recurrent 214,780
Wage Recurrent 55,965
Non Wage Recurrent 214,780

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Vote Function: 04 49 Policy,Planning and Support Services
Project 1050 Establishment of the National Transport Data Bank
Project Profile

Responsible Officer: Commissioner Policy and Planning

Objectives: To set up and maintain a National Transport Data Bank

To strengthen Sector capacity in transport data collection and management
To strengthen Sector capacity in monitoring and evaluation
Outputs: National Transport Data Bank established and operationalised.

Start Date: 7/1/2009 Projected End Date: 6/30/2015

Workplan Outputs for 2013/14 and 2014/15

Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and
UShs Thousand
Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)
04 49 01Policy, Laws, Sector M&E Policy developed Draft Final report for the Sector Sector Monitoring and
guidelines,plans and M&E Policy produced and Evaluation framework Reviewed
strategies Sector Strategic Plan for presented at the stakeholders'
Statistics disseminated workshop Sector M&E Policy, and Sector
Strategic Plan for Statistics
M&E framework operationalised M&E framework disseminated
Implementation of the Sector
Sector M&E indicators were Strategic Plan for Statistics
updated and Sector Performance monitored
Report produced for the 9th
Joint Transport Sector Review.

Total 397,971 144,153 100,000

GoU Development 397,971 144,153 100,000
External Financing 0 0 0

04 49 04Transport Data Collection TSDMS set up and Consultant to design the TSDMS operationalised
Analysis and Storage operationalised TSDMS procured and training
of Core staff commenced. Travel time and Vehicle
Travel time and Vehicle operating costs surveys
operating costs surveys 1 no. axle load survey conducted conducted.
conducted .
Phase 1 Training of Core staff in Sector statistics collected and
Vehicle statistics collected and Dev Info completed. databank updated.
databank updated.
First Draft Sector factfile Data verification surveys for
Transport surveys conducted produced and reviewed. key sector indicators

Sector Statistical Year Book Vehicle statistics collected. Transport surveys conducted
and factfile produced
Sector Statistical Year Book
and factfile produced

Road user satisfaction surveys

Total 820,088 290,337 475,000
GoU Development 820,088 290,337 475,000
External Financing 0 0 0

04 49 05Strengthening Sector Statistical coordination amongst 1 no. Statistical committee Statistical coordination amongst
Coordination, Planning & key Sector stakeholders meeting held to review the key Sector stakeholders
ICT improved. Sector Strategic Plan for improved.
3 no. Statistics committee 9 no. Statistics committee
workshops and meetings held. 6 no. Statistics and M&E workshops and meetings held.
committee meetings held to
Support to departments and review the Annual Sector Support to departments and
agencies rendered Performance Report agencies rendered

Implementation of the Sector

Strategic plan for Statistics
Total 100,000 32,966 80,000
GoU Development 100,000 32,966 80,000

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Vote Function: 04 49 Policy,Planning and Support Services
Project 1050 Establishment of the National Transport Data Bank
Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and
UShs Thousand
Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)
External Financing 0 0 0

04 49 06Monitoring and Capacity Annual Sector Perfomance Consultant to prepare the Annual Sector Perfomance
Building Support Report For FY 2012/13 Annual Sector Perfomance Report For FY 2013/14
produced and printed. Report For FY 2012/13 produced and printed.
Consultants supervised and Sector M & E framework
TSDMS operationalised Annual Sector Perfomance operationalised
Report For FY 2012/13
Sector M & E framework produced and printed. Joint Monitoring surveys
5 no. staff trained in data quality Sector capacity on data
Sector capacity on data and management. processing and management;
processing and management; Monitoring & Evaluation
Monitoring & Evaluation TSDMS Consultant supervised enhanced.
Sector M & E framework Undertake1 no. Impact
Undertake 1no. Impact operationalised Evaluation study
Evaluation study
Total 770,000 312,730 745,000
GoU Development 770,000 312,730 745,000
External Financing 0 0 0

04 49 75Purchase of Motor Project vehicles purchased

Vehicles and Other
Transport Equipment
Total 0 0 200,000
GoU Development 0 0 200,000
External Financing 0 0 0

04 49 76Purchase of Office and Office equipment and Contract Awarded Computers, Office equipment
ICT Equipment, including accessories procured and accessories procured
Software Notification of award letter
Software and computer printed and signed Software and computer
accessories procured accessories procured

Networking and internet for the

Policy and Planning Block
Total 40,000 0 150,000
GoU Development 40,000 0 150,000
External Financing 0 0 0

04 49 78Purchase of Office and Additional Furniture and fittings Contract Awarded Furniture and fittings for the
Residential Furniture and for the Databank Procured Databank Procured
Fittings Notification of Award letter
Total 20,000 0 50,000
GoU Development 20,000 0 50,000
External Financing 0 0 0

GRAND TOTAL 2,148,059 780,187 1,800,000

GoU Development 2,148,059 780,187 1,800,000
External Financing 0 0 0

Annual Workplan for 2014/15 - Outputs, Activities, Inputs and their Cost
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Output: 04 49 01 Policy, Laws, guidelines,plans and strategies

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

Sector Monitoring and Evaluation framework Reviewed Assorted Stationary (Lots) 2.5 5,000
Fuel (Ltrs) 8,823.5 30,000
Sector M&E Policy, and Sector Strategic Plan for Statistics disseminated Venue to disseminate the SSPS and M&E Policy 1.0 30,000
Implementation of the Sector Strategic Plan for Statistics monitored Printing, and Binding of the SSPS (No) 200.0 20,000

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Vote Function: 04 49 Policy,Planning and Support Services
Project 1050 Establishment of the National Transport Data Bank
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Activities to Deliver Outputs: Allowances (Per Diem) 300.0 15,000
Review the Sector M&E framework

Stakeholders workshop to disseminate the M&E Policy and SSPS

Total 100,000
GoU Development 100,000
External Financing 0
Output: 04 49 04 Transport Data Collection Analysis and Storage

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

TSDMS operationalised Fuel (Ltrs) 8,571.4 30,000
Assorted Stationery (Lumpsum) 1.0 5,000
Travel time and Vehicle operating costs surveys conducted. Maintenance - Vehicles (Lumpsum) 6.7 20,000
Printing (Lumpsum) 150.0 15,000
Sector statistics collected and databank updated. Repair & maintenance of computers,printers & 10.0 20,000
copie (Lumpsum)
Data verification surveys for key sector indicators Telephone bills (Lumpsum) 5.0 5,000
Air Tickets (No) 5.0 10,000
Transport surveys conducted
DevInfo Advanced Training (No) 4.0 40,000
Sector Statistical Year Book and factfile produced Workshop to review Sector Statistical Year Book 4.0 10,000
Road user satisfaction surveys Adverts (No.) 4.0 10,000
Allowances (Per Diem) 320.0 50,000
Activities to Deliver Outputs:
Allowances for enumerators (Per Diem) 444.4 40,000
TSDMS operationalised, collect and analyse data, update databank,
Contract staff (Person Years) 5.0 250,000
produce and print reports, recruit and train enumerators.
Total 475,000
Data on key Sector indicators verified. GoU Development 475,000
External Financing 0
Output: 04 49 05 Strengthening Sector Coordination, Planning & ICT

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

Statistical coordination amongst key Sector stakeholders improved. Assorted Stationary (Lots) 4.0 20,000
Fuel (Ltrs) 2,857.1 10,000
9 no. Statistics committee workshops and meetings held. Workshop (No) 3.0 15,000
Allowances (Per Diem) 111.1 10,000
Support to departments and agencies rendered Sitting allowances (Per Diem) 300.0 15,000
Activities to Deliver Outputs: Travel Allowance (Per Diem) 111.1 10,000
Hold statistical coordination and advocacy workshops, techinical and
statistics committee.

Joint monitoring meetings, training of focal persons in data processing,

quality assuarance and management.
Total 80,000
GoU Development 80,000
External Financing 0
Output: 04 49 06 Monitoring and Capacity Building Support

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

Annual Sector Perfomance Report For FY 2013/14 produced and printed. Fuel (Ltrs) 14,285.7 50,000
Consultancy Services for impact evaluation study 1.0 200,000
Sector M & E framework operationalised (Lumpsum)
Consultancy Services for the ASPR 2013/14 1.0 200,000
Joint Monitoring surveys (Lumpsum)
Printing, Photocopying and Binding (Lumpsum) 20.0 20,000
Sector capacity on data processing and management; Monitoring & Project Vehicle Maintenance (Lumpsum) 4.0 20,000
Evaluation enhanced. Statistical software and non-statistical software 10.0 20,000
Undertake1 no. Impact Evaluation study Taxes on Consultancy Services (Lumpsum) 1.1 55,000
Activities to Deliver Outputs: Telecommunications (Lumpsum) 5.0 5,000
Procure consultant to prepare the Annual Sector Perfomance Report For Adverts (No) 8.0 20,000

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Vote Function: 04 49 Policy,Planning and Support Services
Project 1050 Establishment of the National Transport Data Bank
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
FY 2013/14. Air Tickets (No) 13.3 20,000
Computers and accessories (No) 8.0 20,000
Operationalisation of the Sector M & E framework Staff Training (No) 10.0 20,000
Workshops (No) 4.0 20,000
Allowances for operationalisation of the M&E 550.0 55,000
frame (Per Diem)
Per Diem (Per Diem) 200.0 20,000
Total 745,000
GoU Development 745,000
External Financing 0
Output: 04 49 75 Purchase of Motor Vehicles and Other Transport Equipment

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

Project vehicles purchased Purchase Project vehicles (No) 2.0 200,000

Activities to Deliver Outputs:

Purchase project vehicles
Total 200,000
GoU Development 200,000
External Financing 0
Output: 04 49 76 Purchase of Office and ICT Equipment, including Software

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

Computers, Office equipment and accessories procured Computers (Lots) 25.0 62,500
Networking and internet services (Lots) 1.0 60,000
Software and computer accessories procured Software (Lump sum) 11.0 27,500

Networking and internet for the Policy and Planning Block

Activities to Deliver Outputs:
Computers, Office equipment and accessories procured

Procure Networking and internet services

Total 150,000
GoU Development 150,000
External Financing 0
Output: 04 49 78 Purchase of Office and Residential Furniture and Fittings

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

Furniture and fittings for the Databank Procured Furniture and fittings (Lots) 2.5 50,000

Activities to Deliver Outputs:

Furniture and fittings for the Databank Procured
Total 50,000
GoU Development 50,000
External Financing 0
GRAND TOTAL 1,800,000
GoU Development 1,800,000
External Financing 0

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Vote Function: 04 49 Policy,Planning and Support Services
Project 1105 Strengthening Sector Coord, Planning & ICT
Project Profile

Responsible Officer: Assist. Commissioner Policy Analysis

Objectives: To ensure effective and efficient coordination, planning and monitoring in the works and
Transport Sector. Strengthen the information technology and information systems services
in the ministry by developing the IT infrastructures.Strengthen the capacity
Outputs: Sector Coordination, planning and monitoring functions strengthenSector working groups
meetings, quarterly review meetings and workshops held and annual Joint Transport Sector
Review workshop organized. Provide Unified Messaging and Collaboration System. Licensed
Software acquired . National Backbone Infrastracture extended to Central Mechanical
Start Date: 1/7/2012 Projected End Date: 6/30/2015

Workplan Outputs for 2013/14 and 2014/15

Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and
UShs Thousand
Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)
04 49 01Policy, Laws, 2014/2015 Budget Framework Q1 and Q2 progress report for FY 2014/2015 Budget
guidelines,plans and Paper and Ministerial Policy FY 2013/14 prepared. Framework Paper and
strategies Statement prepared Ministerial Policy Statement
Draft report for the Policy prepared
Quarterly progress reports Impact Assessment prepared
prepared. and reviewed. Quarterly progress reports
Implementation of Sector Policy papers prepared and
Policies monitored and evaluated discussed by National Transport Implementation of Sector
Stakeholders. Policies monitored and evaluated
Policy papers prepared and
discussed by Stakeholders 2014/2015 Budget Framework Policy papers prepared and
National Transport. Paper prepared, approved and discussed by Stakeholders
submitted to MoFPED National Transport.
Consultancy Services for Policy
Impact assessment undertaken. Consultancy Services for Policy
Impact assessment undertaken.

Total 470,250 151,127 230,000

GoU Development 470,250 151,127 230,000
External Financing 0 0 0

04 49 02Ministry Support Services Manifesto and annual Manifesto and annual Manifesto and annual
and Communication performance publicized. performance publicized. performance publicized.
strategy implimented.
9th Annual JTSR publicized Supplementary and video 10th Annual JTSR publicized
documentary for the 9th Annual
JTSR printed and aired on TVs
Total 100,000 26,035 20,000
GoU Development 100,000 26,035 20,000
External Financing 0 0 0

04 49 05Strengthening Sector 6 Sector Working Group 2 No. SWG meetings Secretariat for Transport Sector
Coordination, Planning & (SWG) meetings coordinated coordinated and held Coordination Enhancement
ICT and held established
1MDA meeting coordinated and
4 MDAs meetings to monitor held to review the action matrix 6 Sector Working Group
the progress of the Action Plan (SWG) meetings coordinated
Matrix coordinated and held. Preparartions for the Midterm and held
Joint Transport sector review
Coordination/logistical activities ongoing 4 MDAs meetings to monitor
conducted the progress of the Action Plan
Taskforce Meeting coordinated Matrix coordinated and held.
24 Meetings of the Technical and held
Working Groups (TWGs) Coordination/logistical activities
coordinated and held (2 TWGs Taskforce meetings/members conducted
and each to sit for 12 times) facilitated

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Vote Function: 04 49 Policy,Planning and Support Services
Project 1105 Strengthening Sector Coord, Planning & ICT
Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and
UShs Thousand
Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)
24 Meetings of the Technical
9th Annual Joint Transport Service providers (Venue and Working Groups (TWGs)
Sector Review Coordinated and Rapporteur procured) coordinated and held (2 TWGs
held. and each to sit for 12 times)

M&E Framework for the Non 10th Annual Joint Transport

Motorised Transport Policy Sector Review Coordinated and
prepared held.

M&E Framework for the Rural

Transport Policy and Strategy
Total 1,120,000 290,555 900,000
GoU Development 1,120,000 290,555 900,000
External Financing 0 0 0

04 49 06Monitoring and Capacity Monitor the 20,000 km of the Budget Implementation Monitor the 20,000 km of the
Building Support National Roads network in 112 Monitored National Roads network in 112
Districts. Districts.
20,000 km of the National
Budget Implementation Roads network in 30 Districts Budget Implementation
Monitored monitored. Monitored

Capacity Building to Staff Capacity Building of 2 No. Staff Capacity Building to Staff
(Strategic Planning, in transport planning. (Strategic Planning,
Management/Administration, Management/Administration,
Procurement and M&E. Procurement and M&E.

Monitoring Plan Implementation

-Strategic Plan
-National Transport Master Plan
-National Development Plan
-Sector Development Plan

Non Motorised Transport


Total 300,000 109,926 350,000

GoU Development 300,000 109,926 350,000
External Financing 0 0 0

04 49 76Purchase of Office and Unified Messaging and Network antivirus procured Consultation on the Ministry's
ICT Equipment, including Communication system ICT policy under taken.
Software implemented. Ministry website redesigned,
and domain name/hosting Ministry website updated
Voice over Internet Protocol subscription paid.
(VoIP) network built. Software license (Ms Office,
4 No. Desktops procured, Ms Windows 7, Ms Exchange
Ministry's ICT policy 2010 Enterprise, Ms SharePoint
developed.. 3 No. Laptops procured. 2010, Corpoarte anti-virus)
Ministry website redesigned,and Software license (Ms Office,
domain name/hosting Ms Windows 7, Ms Exchange Maintenance of ICT equipment,
subscription paid. 2010 Enterprise, Ms SharePoint LAN/WAN.
2010, Corporate anti-virus)
2No. Desktops, procured. National Backbone
2No. Laptops procured. Infrastructure network extended
Maintenance Contract for ICT to Central Mechanical
Software license (Ms Office, equipment, LAN/WAN, website Workshops.
Ms Windows 7, Ms Exchange finalized.
2010 Enterprise, Ms SharePoint Intranet procured
2010, Corpoarte anti-virus) 4 No. Photocopiers procured
4 No. printers procured
Maintenance Contract for ICT
equipment, LAN/WAN, website

National Backbone
Infrastructure network extended
to Central Mechanical

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Vote Function: 04 49 Policy,Planning and Support Services
Project 1105 Strengthening Sector Coord, Planning & ICT
Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and
UShs Thousand
Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)
TV set and DSTV procured and
Total 200,000 56,505 200,000
GoU Development 200,000 56,505 200,000
External Financing 0 0 0

GRAND TOTAL 2,190,250 634,148 1,700,000

GoU Development 2,190,250 634,148 1,700,000
External Financing 0 0 0

Annual Workplan for 2014/15 - Outputs, Activities, Inputs and their Cost
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Output: 04 49 01 Policy, Laws, guidelines,plans and strategies

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

FY 2014/2015 Budget Framework Paper and Ministerial Policy Statement Fuel (Ltrs) 7,142.9 25,000
prepared Consultancy fees paid (Lumpsum) 1.0 40,000
Maintenance and spare parts (Lumpsum) 5.2 10,309
Quarterly progress reports prepared. Training fees paid (Lumpsum) 3.8 30,000
Workshop (Lumpsum) 1.0 10,000
Implementation of Sector Policies monitored and evaluated
Publicity for the 10th JTSR (No) 1.0 5,000
Air tickets and allowance (No.) 33.3 30,000
Policy papers prepared and discussed by Stakeholders
National Transport. Allowances (Per Diem) 664.1 79,691

Consultancy Services for Policy Impact assessment undertaken.

Activities to Deliver Outputs:
Consultative workshops/meetings with stakeholders,.

Preparatory meetings of the taskforce.

Supervisory field work and quality assuarance with other relevant


Prepare bidding documents and undertake evaluations.

Total 230,000
GoU Development 230,000
External Financing 0
Output: 04 49 02 Ministry Support Services and Communication strategy implimented.

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

Manifesto and annual performance publicized. Publicity for the JTSR Workshop (No.) 4.0 20,000

10th Annual JTSR publicized

Activities to Deliver Outputs:

Total 20,000
GoU Development 20,000
External Financing 0
Output: 04 49 05 Strengthening Sector Coordination, Planning & ICT

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

Secretariat for Transport Sector Coordination Enhancement established NSSF (Contribution) 5.0 50,000
Assorted Stationary (Lots) 5.0 10,000
6 Sector Working Group (SWG) meetings coordinated and held Small office equipment (Lots) 24.0 24,000
Fuel (Ltrs) 48,571.4 170,000
4 MDAs meetings to monitor the progress of the Action Plan Matrix Consultancy Services (Lumpsum) 3.0 150,000

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Vote Function: 04 49 Policy,Planning and Support Services
Project 1105 Strengthening Sector Coord, Planning & ICT
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
coordinated and held. Courier services for the JTSR (Lumpsum) 1.0 30,000
Hall hire (Lumpsum) 0.8 30,000
Coordination/logistical activities conducted ICT Equipment and Software (Lumpsum) 20.0 20,000
Printing and Binding JTSR documents (Lumpsum) 200.0 20,000
24 Meetings of the Technical Working Groups (TWGs) coordinated and Telecommunications (Lumpsum) 10.0 10,000
held (2 TWGs and each to sit for 12 times)
Vehicle Maintainance (Lumpsum) 30.0 60,000
10th Annual Joint Transport Sector Review Coordinated and held. Training (No.) 3.0 30,000
Allowances (Per Diem) 1,200.0 156,000
Activities to Deliver Outputs:
Travel (Per Diem) 400.0 40,000
Recruit SWG Sector
Contract staff (Person Years) 3.0 100,000
Coordinator and Driver
Total 900,000
Facilitation fo Sector Working Group members GoU Development 900,000
External Financing 0
Output: 04 49 06 Monitoring and Capacity Building Support

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

Monitor the 20,000 km of the National Roads network in 112 Districts. Fuel (Ltrs) 22,857.1 80,000
Assorted Stationery and Photocopying (Lumpsum) 10.0 30,000
Budget Implementation Monitored Consultancy Fees paid (Lumpsum) 1.0 40,000
Maintenance of Vehicles (Lumpsum) 5.0 20,000
Capacity Building to Staff (Strategic Planning, Training (Lumpsum) 2.0 20,000
Management/Administration, Procurement and M&E.
Workshop (No.) 1.0 30,000
Allowances (Per Deim) 333.3 40,000
Monitoring Plan Implementation
-Strategic Plan Allowaances and Air Tickets (Per Diem) 33.3 30,000
-National Transport Master Plan Allowances (Per Diem) 500.0 60,000
-National Development Plan
-Sector Development Plan

Non Motorised Transport promoted

Activities to Deliver Outputs:
Field Tips and site visits held.

Review of activity reports

Total 350,000
GoU Development 350,000
External Financing 0
Output: 04 49 76 Purchase of Office and ICT Equipment, including Software

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

Consultation on the Ministry's ICT policy under taken. ICT Policy developed (Lumpsum) 1.0 100,000
Maintenance of ICT equipment (Lumpsum) 1.0 40,000
Ministry website updated ICT equipment procured (No.) 1.0 60,000

Software license (Ms Office, Ms Windows 7, Ms Exchange 2010

Enterprise, Ms SharePoint 2010, Corpoarte anti-virus) procured.

Maintenance of ICT equipment, LAN/WAN.

National Backbone Infrastructure network extended to Central Mechanical


Intranet procured
Activities to Deliver Outputs:
Bidding documents prepared
Total 200,000
GoU Development 200,000
External Financing 0

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Vote Function: 04 49 Policy,Planning and Support Services
Project 1105 Strengthening Sector Coord, Planning & ICT
GRAND TOTAL 1,700,000
GoU Development 1,700,000
External Financing 0

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Vote Function: 04 49 Policy,Planning and Support Services
Project 1160 Transport Sector Development Project (TSDP)
Project Profile

Responsible Officer: Principal Engineer - DUR

Objectives: The project development objective is to improve the connectivity and efficiency of the
transport sector through: (i) improved condition of national road network; (ii) improved
capacity for road safety management; and (iii) improved transport sector and national road
Outputs: Improved capacity for road, water and rail safety management; Kampala Urban Transport
Project prepared; water and rail transport programs executed and monitored; and improved
management capacity of the transport sector.
Start Date: 7/1/2011 Projected End Date: 6/30/2016

Workplan Outputs for 2013/14 and 2014/15

Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and
UShs Thousand
Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)
04 49 01Policy, Laws, Transport Policy and Strategy National Transport Policy and Finalise the BRT, updating the
guidelines,plans and reviewed and updated. Strategy interim report submitted National Transport policy,
strategies MATA, MITRA, DUCAR and
Road Conditional Survey Drafting Principles for creation NRSA study
undertaken. of URURA sent to cabinat
Establishment and
Crash Databank established. Drafting Principles for creation operationalization of a Maritime
of MATA darft report produced Administration
BRT study and designs
undertaken Draft final report for developing Paper Smart policy introduced
Crash Databank done
Drafting Principles for creation
of MATA prepared. Technical evaluation for the
development of an IWT policy
01No. Draft IWT legislation and strategy finalized.
Draft final report for developing
01No. Draft IWT policy and Crash Databank done.
strategy developed
Initiate the Ratification of
01No. Consultant to carry out a transport conventions SOLAS
study for the establishment of a 1974, STCW 1995, SAR 1976
Maritime Administration and a and MARPOL 88’ for Inland
Maritime Training school Water Transport and BERN
procured. Convention for the railways

01No. Of consultant to develop Contract awarded to M/S KLC

boat building standards procured Law firm in association with
M/S Project Planning
Ratification of transport Management & M/S Planet S.A
conventions SOLAS 1974, consultancy and Supervision of
STCW 1995, SAR 1976 and the IWT consultancy ongoing
MARPOL 88’ for Inland Water
Transport and BERN Fact finding mission to Tanzania
Convention for the railways and Kenya on to ascertain the
ratification status of the
Protocols and Conventions
carried out

Total 843,000 261,781 400,000

GoU Development 843,000 261,781 400,000
External Financing 0 0 0

04 49 06Monitoring and Capacity 04 No. of public sensitization 3No. Of landing sites' Establishment of a Maritime
Building Support campaigns on water transport infrastructure inspected and Administration
safety carried out monitored.

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Vote Function: 04 49 Policy,Planning and Support Services
Project 1160 Transport Sector Development Project (TSDP)
Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and
UShs Thousand
Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)
Uganda Maritime profile
02No. Of public sensitization National, regional and updated
campaigns on railway transport International programs
safety carried out coordinated (EAC, ILO, IWT Policy and Strategy
ISCOS, IMO, and LVBC). consultancy procured
200No. Of water vessels
inspected 01 No. Of officers trained Final UR Bill Draft prepared

20No. Of landing sites and National Flag State Formulation of a Search And
waterways and 02No. Ports Implementation workshop Rescue (SAR) plan
inspected for safety and conducted at Hotel Africana
pollution prevention Registration of IWT vessels
01 No. inspection of Landing
100% of active railway line sites of Butiaba, Bugoigo and
inspected for safety Wanseko conducted

At least 50% of major water and Accident investigation on Lake

rail transport accidents Albert conducted at Kitebere
investigated landing site in Kibaale District

01No. Statistical data report on

water and rail transport compiled

02No. Of officers trained

National, regional and

International programs
coordinated (EAC, ISCOS,

Total 650,000 148,629 600,000

GoU Development 650,000 148,629 600,000
External Financing 0 0 0

GRAND TOTAL 1,493,000 410,409 1,000,000

GoU Development 1,493,000 410,409 1,000,000
External Financing 0 0 0

Annual Workplan for 2014/15 - Outputs, Activities, Inputs and their Cost
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Output: 04 49 01 Policy, Laws, guidelines,plans and strategies

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

Finalise the BRT, updating the National Transport policy, MATA, Telephones (Bills) 1.2 12,000
MITRA, DUCAR and NRSA study Project Stationery (Lots) 2.0 20,000
Fuel (ltrs) 32,571.4 114,000
Establishment and operationalization of a Maritime Administration Bits (Monthly) 12.0 24,000
Aderts (No) 10.0 20,000
Paper Smart policy introduced
Consultancy (No) 2.0 40,000
Activities to Deliver Outputs: Maintenance (No) 2.0 20,000
Implementation of relevant LVTA 2007, Maritime fees and safety Training (No) 4.0 20,000
regulations 2010 regulations Allowances (Perdiem) 793.9 130,000

IMODOCS and GISIS facilitation to disiminate IMO programs and Total 400,000
important maritime decisions GoU Development 400,000
External Financing 0
Output: 04 49 06 Monitoring and Capacity Building Support

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Vote Function: 04 49 Policy,Planning and Support Services
Project 1160 Transport Sector Development Project (TSDP)
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost
Establishment of a Maritime Administration IWT Policy and Strategy Consultancy (lumpsum) 0.9 300,000
Office equip (Lumpsum) 6.0 3,000
Uganda Maritime profile updated Consultancies on ILVTA 2007 implementation (No) 4.1 81,000
workshops for UR bill finalization IWT policy (No) 2.4 48,000
IWT Policy and Strategy consultancy procured allowances to facilitate PSC and FSC activities (per 500.0 55,000
Final UR Bill Draft prepared Travel abroad (Per diem) 181.8 20,000
travel for inspections of IWT vessels (Per diem) 545.5 60,000
Formulation of a Search And Rescue (SAR) plan
fuel for IWT vehicles (various) 12.0 12,000
Registration of IWT vessels Maritime and Railway training specialization 1.5 15,000
Activities to Deliver Outputs: Servicing IWT Vehicles (various) 3.0 6,000
implementation of relevant regulations of LVTA 2007 and monitoring the
construction of the Maritime Administration

Facilitation for Data collection on the Maritime status of Uganda

Consultative meetings and workshops for implementation of IWT


Prepare Cabinet Memo for the ratification of IMO conventions

Procurement Monitoring and supervision of consultancy for IWT Policy

and Strategy

Consultative meetings and workshops on railways

Draft Cabinet Memo

for UR Draft bill

Consultative meetings and workshops with IMO and CAA to Prepare

drafts for SAR for brainstorming in the TR Department

Initiate a baseline survey of IWT vessels

Total 600,000
GoU Development 600,000
External Financing 0
GRAND TOTAL 1,000,000
GoU Development 1,000,000
External Financing 0

Table V3.2: Past and Medum Term Key Vote Output Indicators*
2013/14 MTEF Projections
Vote Function Key Output 2012/13 Approved Releases
Indicators and Costs: Outturn Plan Prel. Actual 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17
Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport
Vote Function:0401 Transport Regulation
Amended Traffic and Road safety N/A N/A No info Drafting
Act, 1998 CAP 361 Principles for
the Road
Safety Policy
and Road
Services Act
submitted to
No. of Road Safety Awareness N/A N/A No info 4 6 6
Campaigns conducted
% of Public Service Vehicles N/A N/A No info 19000 19000 19000
% of aerodromes maintained N/A N/A No info 100 100 100
Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

2013/14 MTEF Projections
Vote Function Key Output 2012/13 Approved Releases
Indicators and Costs: Outturn Plan Prel. Actual 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17
Number of BASAs processed N/A N/A No info 6 6 8
Vote Function Cost (UShs bn) 5.224 6.609 4.643 6.257 6.579 6.968
VF Cost Excluding Ext. Fin 5.224 6.609 4.643
Vote Function:0402 Transport Services and Infrastructure
Feasibility studies and engineering N/A N/A No info Preliminary
design undertaken Engineering
Designs for
gauge railway
line conducted
No of students enrolled in East N/A 50 50 28 30 30
African Civil Aviation Academy
No of students passed out (graduated) N/A 50 23 41 45 45
Km of railway truck rehabilitated N/A N/A No info 50 50 50
Vote Function Cost (UShs bn) 16.435 49.653 21.228 52.495 29.961 28.115
VF Cost Excluding Ext. Fin 16.319 24.803 19.124 30.995 N/A N/A
Vote Function:0403 Construction Standards and Quality Assurance
No. Of enviromental compliance N/A 49 5 40 45 50
audits conducted
No. of standards compliance audits N/A 49 5 40 45 50
conducted on LGs roads
Vote Function Cost (UShs bn) 12.628 19.621 14.773 16.369 16.635 18.449
VF Cost Excluding Ext. Fin 12.628 19.621 14.773
Vote Function:0404 District, Urban and Community Access Roads
Length of Urban roads resealed. N/A 2.75 2 2.8 2.8 3
No. Km of urban paved roads N/A 40 15 40 45 50
maintained (Periodic)*
No. Km of urban paved roads N/A 480 188 500 510 550
maintained (Routine)*
No. Km of urban unpaved roads N/A 250 130 250 250 300
maintained (Periodic)*
No. Km of urban unpaved roads N/A 2600 650 2600 2600 2600
maintained (Routine)*
Vote Function Cost (UShs bn) 16.536 20.707 15.890 19.109 18.447 20.751
VF Cost Excluding Ext. Fin 16.536 18.645 15.890 17.500 N/A N/A
Vote Function:0405 Mechanical Engineering Services
% of Government vehicles inspected N/A 95 100 100 100 100
against the total Presented
% availability of the planned N/A 95 0 95 95 95
operating time for MV Kalangala
% availability of Government N/A 80 70 80 80 90
Protocol Fleet
Vote Function Cost (UShs bn) 8.358 16.977 12.702 17.768 18.178 19.549
VF Cost Excluding Ext. Fin 8.358 16.977 12.702
Vote Function:0449 Policy,Planning and Support Services
Vote Function Cost (UShs bn) 9.115 11.604 8.382 10.294 11.218 12.972
VF Cost Excluding Ext. Fin 9.115 11.604 8.382
Cost of Vote Services (UShs Bn) 68.296 125.172 77.619 122.291 101.018 106.804
Vote Cost Excluding Ext Fin. 68.180 98.260 75.515 122.291 N/A N/A
* Excluding Taxes and Arrears
Medium Term Plans

Transport Regulations

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Drafting Principles for the Draft Bills of Road Safety Act and Road Transport Services Act prepared and
submitted to Cabinet; Draft IWT legislation prepared; Formulation of Boat Building Standards initiated;
Development of Driver Training Manuals for drivers of motor cycles, Public Service Vehicles, and goods
vehicles finalized.

Transport Services and Infrastructure

Railway reserve boundaries marked with reinforced concrete pillars; Construction of railway ICD at
Mukono railway station completed and facility finalized; Construction of OSBP facilities at Malaba, Busia,
Mutukula, Mirama hills and Katuna completed and Facilities commissioned; Procurement of Contractor to
carry out civil works for OSBP Elego border post commenced.

Preliminary Engineering Designs for Kampala-Kigali standard gauge railway line conducted; Carry out a
preliminary engineering design to upgrade to Tororo-Pakwach/Gulu-Nimule railway line to standard gauge
railway network; Civil works for the construction of the New Kampala Port at Bukasa completed;
Preliminary survey of the road and rail hinterland connection, Kampala industrial park and Namanve

Construction Standards and Quality Assurance

The Roads Act and Access to Roads Act revised; A draft Bill for a Law to regulate the national construction
industry submitted to Cabinet; A draft Bill for amending the Engineers Registration Act, (ERA), 1969,

On going Construction projects: Kaguta (Lira), Saaka Phase II, Okokor (Kumi), Kabuhuna (Kibaale), 14
Bridges in North and North Eastern Uganda funded by IDB: Olyanai, Abalang, Alipa, Ajeliek, Ojanai,
Opot, Aakol, Airogo (kumi), Balla and Enget(Lira), Kochi and Nyawa (Moyo); Design of 8 strategic
bridges submitted by Consultant.

New Construction:
Rwamabaale (Kyankwanzi), Mahoma (Kabarole); Rushaaya (Rukungiri), Kabuceera (Mitoma), Orom
Bridge (Kitgum)
(i) Measures to improve Efficiency

Implementation of the Sector M&E Framework; Quarterly progress review; Quarterly Budget performance
monitoring; Compliance audits; reduce funding for projects exiting the PIP; budget implementation analysis
to establish and make allocations based on the expenditure trends and reduction of expenditure on
consumptive items allocate resources to areas that improve the stock and quality of road infrastructure
Table V3.3: Key Unit Costs of Services Provided and Services Funded (Shs '000)
Unit Cost Actual Planned Actual Proposed Costing Assumptions and Reasons for
Description 2012/13 2013/14 2013/14 2014/15 any Changes and Variations from Plan

Vote Function:0403 Construction Standards and Quality Assurance

Rehabilitation and 30,000,000 42,857,143 The change in input costs i.e gravel, fuel.
maintenance of Inflation due the Dollar rate against UGX
interconnectivity roads and limited gravel in the market.
per km
Vote Function:0404 District, Urban and Community Access Roads
Urban Roads 800,000,000 800,000,000 888,888,889 The cost of the construction materials and
Resealing - (Force fuel is ever increasing due inflation and
Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Unit Cost Actual Planned Actual Proposed Costing Assumptions and Reasons for
Description 2012/13 2013/14 2013/14 2014/15 any Changes and Variations from Plan

Account) market forces.

Rehabilitation and 100,000,000 100,000,000 100,000,000 The change in input costs i.e gravel, fuel.
Supervision of Inflation due the Dollar rate against UGX
Karamoja Security and limited gravel in the market.
Districts Roads 28,000,000 28,000,000 30,000,000 The equipment were recently acquired
rehabilitation in Mbale hence by next FY the equipment would
(Force Account) have depreciated. Therefore the fuel
consumption and cost repairs will be high
also the prices of gravel and other
construction materials will increase due to
Districts Roads 27,996,377 27,996,377 35,000,000 The gravel and fill materials rates in
rehabilitation in Gulu implementing areas increased. The roads
(Force Account) have couple of swamps crossing that need
a lot of gravel and culverts. The war in
South Sudan has also increased the unit
rates of materials.

(ii) Vote Investment Plans

The capital expenditure over the medium term will increase from UGX 53.2bn in FY 2013/14 to UGX 54bn
in FY 2014/15 while declining to UGX 31.6bn and UGX 35.7bn in FY 2015/16 and FY 2016/17
respectively. This reflects an investment of 44.1%, 31.3% and 33.5% in the FY 2014/15, FY 2015/16 and
FY 2016/17 respectively.
Table V3.4: Allocations by Class of Output over the Medium Term
(i) Allocation (Shs Bn) (ii) % Vote Budget
Billion Uganda Shillings 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17
Consumption Expendture(Outputs Provided) 65.6 55.2 57.1 60.8 52.4% 45.1% 56.5% 56.9%
Grants and Subsidies (Outputs Funded) 6.4 13.1 11.5 10.3 5.1% 10.7% 11.4% 9.6%
Investment (Capital Purchases) 53.2 54.0 32.4 35.8 42.5% 44.2% 32.1% 33.5%
Grand Total 125.2 122.3 101.0 106.8 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

Table V3.5: Major Capital Investments (Outputs of class Capital Purchases over 0.5Billion)
Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditures and Outputs by Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Location) End March Outputs (Quantity and Location)
UShs Thousand
(Quantity and Location)
Vote Function: 04 01 Transport Regulation
Project 1096 Support to Computerised Driving Permits
040172 Government UCDP Data Recovery/Back-up
Buildings and Centre established
Infrastructure A fully equipped Inspection Pit
for PSVs at TLB offices
(Kampala) set-up
Total 0 0 794,000
GoU Development 0 0 794,000
External Financingt 0 0 0

040177 Purchase of UCDP Data Recovery/Back-up

Specialised Centre established
Machinery &
Total 0 0 922,000
GoU Development 0 0 922,000
External Financingt 0 0 0

Vote Function: 04 02 Transport Services and Infrastructure

Project 0951 East African Trade and Transportation Facilitation

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditures and Outputs by Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Location) End March Outputs (Quantity and Location)
UShs Thousand
(Quantity and Location)
040281 Construction/Rehabil Civil Works for railway ICD at Monthly site meetings attended Construction of railway ICD at
itation of Railway Mukono railway station and ICD contractor/ consultants Mukono railway station
Infrastructure supervised and completed supervised completed and facility
Mukono ICD commissioned 55% percent civil worksfor ICD

Held a meeting with Mukono

District Council to ressolve land
disputes for existing warehouses

Total 8,651,000 44,927 7,100,000

GoU Development 150,000 44,927 100,000
External Financingt 8,501,000 0 7,000,000

040283 Border Post OSBP civil works at Busia, Attended monthly site meetings Construction of OSBP facilities
Reahabilitation/Const Malaba, Mirama hills and and inspection at Malaba, at Malaba, Busia, Mutukula,
ruction Mutukula supervised Busia, Mutukula and Mirama Mirama hills and Katuna
Hills completed and Facilities
Detailed designs for commissioned
construction of OSBP facilities Handed over project sites at
at Elegu border post completed Malaba, Busia, Mutukula and 4nos Weigh-in-Motion
Mirama Hills for construction of Weighbridges procured,
Contractor to carry out civil OSBP facilities installed and commissioned at
works for OSBP at Katuna Malaba, Busia, Mutukula and
border post procured and works 52% of civil works for Malaba Elego
commenced OSBP and, 41% of Busia OSBP
executed Detailed designs for
Weighbridges at Malaba, Busia, construction of OSBP facilities
Mutukula procured, installed 35% of civil works for at Elego border post completed
and commissioned Mutukula OSBP executed
Procurement of Contractor to
50% of civil works for carry out civil works for OSBP
executedand Mirama Hills Elego border post commenced
OSBP completed

Completed evaluation of Bids

for construction of Katuna OSBP

Handed over project sites for

installation works for
weighbridges at Malaba, Busia
and Mutukula

Final Report for EIA review for

Katuna OSBP prepared

Total 25,998,846 2,824,810 22,715,740

GoU Development 10,050,000 720,836 8,215,740
External Financingt 15,948,846 2,103,974 14,500,000

Project 1097 New Standard Gauge Railway Line

040281 Construction/Rehabil Traffic surveys on Surveys on Contract negotiation report Project Management unit set up
itation of Railway Kampala-Malaba railway line prepared
Infrastructure conducted.
Total 300,000 62,192 1,000,000
GoU Development 300,000 62,192 1,000,000
External Financingt 0 0 0

Vote Function: 04 03 Construction Standards and Quality Assurance

Project 0936 Redevelopment of State House at Entebbe
040372 Government Mobilisation for Phase II works Additional funding for the 10% Phase II works consisting
Buildings and consisting of State House project sourced of State House Comptroller's
Administrative Comptroller's Office Block at Office Block at Entebbe
Infrastructure Entebbe completed Design reviews of project are at completed
98%. Submission to CC and SG
for addendum awaits final
detailed design from consultant.

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditures and Outputs by Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Location) End March Outputs (Quantity and Location)
UShs Thousand
(Quantity and Location)

Contractor is Fully Mobilized

and awaits instruction after
creation of Addendum to
Total 438,000 19,356 639,000
GoU Development 438,000 19,356 639,000
External Financingt 0 0 0

Project 0967 General Constrn & Rehab Works

040372 Government Phase 1 outstading works at No Progress on Phase 1 works Phase 1 outstading works at
Buildings and lukaya market executed procurement lukaya market executed
Infrastructure Phase 2 works at Lukaya Phase 2 stalled at evaluantion Phase 2 works at Lukaya
Market 45% completed for lack of funding. Market 45% completed
Total 600,000 0 600,000
GoU Development 600,000 0 600,000
External Financingt 0 0 0

Project 1045 Interconnectivity Project

040373 Roads, Streets and -Rehabilitation and maintanence Rehabilitation and maintanence -Rehabilitation and maintenance
Highways works of 137 Km of roads in works of 133 Km of roads in works of 142.7 Km of roads in
Masindi, Luweero, Wakiso, Masindi, Luweero, Wakiso, Bulisa, Kyankwanzi, Buhweju,
Kiboga, Ibanda, Arua, Kole, Kiboga, Ibanda, Arua, Kole, Dokolo, Hoima, Buvuma,
Soroti, Serere and Budiope Soroti, Serere and Budiope Rakai, Buyende, Soroti, Ibanda,
supervised and monitored, supervised and monitored, Ntungamo, Kasese, Serere,
performance reports and work performance reports and work Busia, Kibale, Ngora, Kumi,
certificates prepared.Project certificates prepared. Kapchorwa Moroto, NALI,
reports and works certificat Accesses to Mwiri
-staff trained in relevant course and Buwanda Convent
supervised and monitored, and
performance reports and work
certificates prepared.

- Engineering Design of Akright

Roads completed

- 400km of District roads


- 400lines of culverts installed

- 20No. Road Camps surveyed

- 20No. Land Titles processed

Total 4,110,000 2,731,724 3,982,000

GoU Development 4,110,000 2,731,724 3,982,000
External Financingt 0 0 0

Vote Function: 04 04 District, Urban and Community Access Roads

Project 0269 Construction of Selected Bridges
040474 Major Bridges Selected bridges designed and 99% Nyagak Constructed, 48% Selected bridges designed and
constructed. Kaguta constructed, 99% Alla2 constructed.
On going projects: Constructed & 60% Agwa
Kabunda (Kibaale), Saaka Phase Bridge Constructed; Saaka 70% On going Construction projects:
II, Agwa (Lira) Kaguta (Lira), constructed; Okokor Bridge Kaguta (Lira), Saaka Phase II,
50% constructed. Okokor (Kumi), Kabuhuna
On-going Designs: (Kibaale), 14 Bridges in North
Bunabdasa Swamp (Sironko), Design for eight strategic and North Eastern Uganda
Kikasa Swamp (Lyantonde), bridges Inception report funded by IDB: Olyanai,
Kibira (Nebbi), Saaka 2 submitted by Consultant. Abalang, Alipa, Ajeliek, Ojanai,
(Kaliro), Nsingano (Mayuge), Opot, Aakol, Airogo (kumi);
Rwizi (Mbarara), Rwamabale Procurement of new bridge Balla and Enget(Lira); Kochi
(Kibaale) construction still on-going and Nyawa (Moyo)
(Kabuhuuna swamp crossing)
Design of 8 strategic bridges
Rushaaye bridge & Kabuceera submitted by Consultant.
Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditures and Outputs by Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Location) End March Outputs (Quantity and Location)
UShs Thousand
(Quantity and Location)
swamp crossing (Mitooma
District) & Mahoma Bridge New Construction:
(Kabarole District) - Bidding Rwamabaale (Kyankwanzi),
documents & Mtd of Mahoma (Kabarole);
procurement pending Rushaaya (Rukungiri),
administrative approval. Kabuceera (Mitoma), Orom
Bridge (Kitgum)

Unfunded Priorities:
Purchase of Lake Kyoga Ferry
& construction of offshore
Total 2,700,000 1,620,499 2,700,000
GoU Development 2,700,000 1,620,499 2,700,000
External Financingt 0 0 0

Project 0306 Urban Roads Re-sealing

040477 Purchase of Purchase of bitumen distributor
Specialised truck (1 No)
Machinery &
Total 0 0 600,000
GoU Development 0 0 600,000
External Financingt 0 0 0

040481 Urban roads 2.6 km of urban roads 65% cumulative project 1.8 km of urban roads
construction and tarmacked in Kumi, Kabarole implementation progress at tarmacked under phase 3 at
rehabilitation and NALI (Kyankwanzi) Kyankwanzi and 40 % NALI (Kyankwanzi)
(Bitumen standard) implementation progress for
0.8 km Kapchorwa, Kapchorwa TC Construction of 8900 m2 of
0.8 km Kabarole stone pitched drainage channels
1.0 km NALI (Kyankwanzi) along NALI Estate roads in
- Project Cordination at
Bugembe Mech. Workshop. 1 km of road tarmacked in
Ngora TC
Total 2,080,000 1,146,098 2,400,000
GoU Development 2,080,000 1,146,098 2,400,000
External Financingt 0 0 0

Project 0307 Rehab. Of Districts Roads

040473 Roads, Streets and 57km of district roads 53km of district roads opened - 400km of District Roads under
Highways rehabilitated. Force Account cleared, shaped
15km of district roads and compacted
Operationalisation of Zonal rehabilitated
Equipment system. -120km fully gravelled under
Force Account
Engineering survey of 100km of
roads in Mbarara and Mbale - 400lines of culverts installed
- 10No. Of staff trained in
relevant courses

- District and Urban roads


- 111No.District and Urban

Engineers trained

- District and Urban Road

network thematic maps produced

- Road condition and Inventory

data collected and managed

- District Road works monitored

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditures and Outputs by Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Location) End March Outputs (Quantity and Location)
UShs Thousand
(Quantity and Location)
Total 1,827,360 504,155 3,168,719
GoU Development 1,304,360 504,155 1,500,000
External Financingt 523,000 0 1,668,719

Project 1062 Special Karamoja Security and Disarmament

040473 Roads, Streets and -10.2 km of roads in Karamoja Works contract approved by 8.6 km of roads in Karamoja
Highways region rehabilitated Contracts Committee and sent region rehabilitated
-10.2 km of roads in Karamoja to Solicitor General for clearance
region supervised 8.6 km of roads in Karamoja
-Project reports and work - Consultancy contract approved region supervised
certificates prepared. by Contracts Committee and
sent to solicitor general for Project reports and work
clearance. certificates prepared.

Total 2,040,000 309,690 1,720,640

GoU Development 2,040,000 309,690 1,720,640
External Financingt 0 0 0

Project 1171 U - Growth Support to MELTC

040473 Roads, Streets and 2.4 km demonstration site for 0.8 Km of Training road sealed 1.5kms of LBT Training road
Highways LCS training using different LCS technology constructed
as part of training.
2 No. CAS Demo sites 2.0kms of LCS Traning road
90% completion of works on 1 constructed
1.5 km demonstration site for No. Demo sites for training in
LBT training & a Box culvert CAS interventions. 2 No. CAS sites undertaken
for the community using appropriate technology
Works commenced on 1 No.
20 No. Trial contracts in LCS to Demo sites for training in CAS 12 No. LCS Trial contracts in
20 No. Trial contracts interventions. 12 No. DLGs
commence covering 9.7km in
total Outreach support to 12 No.
DLGs during the LCs Trial
25 No. Trial contracts in 23 No. contracts phase
RTI DLGs c/f from FY 2012/13
(GoU share of costs)
Total 2,528,000 1,653,018 2,165,000
GoU Development 2,528,000 1,653,018 2,165,000
External Financingt 0 0 0

Vote Function: 04 05 Mechanical Engineering Services

Project 0515 Rehabilitation of Bugembe Workshop
040572 Government Rehabilitation of selected office Contract signed. Workshop yard at Mbarara and
Buildings and blocks and workshop facilities Gulu Regional Mechanical
Administrative of Gulu, Mbarara, and Bugembe Contractor commenced W/shop upgraded from murram
Infrastructure Regional Mechanical rehabilitation works. to concrete.
Workshops done.
Office / stores blocks erected at
Mbarara and Gulu Regional
Mechanical W/shop.
Total 600,000 311,921 973,000
GoU Development 600,000 311,921 973,000
External Financingt 0 0 0

(iii) Priority Vote Actions to Improve Sector Performance

Operationalize Building Control Act; Liaising with Uganda Road Fund to avail the necessary funding;
Liaise with Ministry of Public Service to relax the requirements for District Engineers and Capacity
building of the carry district personnel through training and seminars; Strengthen the National construction
Industry through Cross Roads Project; Monitoring enforcement of the updated legislation; Implement axle
load control policy; and establish National Road Safety Authority
Table V3.6: Vote Actions to Improve Sector Performance
2013/14 Planned Actions: 2013/14 Actual Actions: 2014/15 Planned Actions: MT Strategy:

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

2013/14 Planned Actions: 2013/14 Actual Actions: 2014/15 Planned Actions: MT Strategy:
Sector Outcome 1: Road network in good condition.
Vote Function: 04 03 Construction Standards and Quality Assurance
VF Performance Issue: Inhibiting environment for private sector development
Operationalise and NCI Operationalisation of the NCI Operationalise Building Operationalise Building
Policy Building Control Act. Policy awaits the finalisation Control Act. Control Act.
Support CROSS ROADS of the UCICO Bill
project in facilitating the local
contractors. Procure
contractors through Contract
Facilitated Funding.
Vote Function: 04 04 District, Urban and Community Access Roads
VF Performance Issue: Aged/unpaved roads in most urban councils
Carry research on new 65% cumulative project Continue the Laising with Uganda Road
technologies of pavements implementation progress at implementation/supervision of Fund to avail the neccesary
materials at Kireka Lab. Kyankwanzi and 40 % force account. funding.
implementation progress for
2.6 km of urban roads Kapchorwa TC 2.0 km of urban roads
tarmacked in Kapchorwa, tarmacked in Kumi and NALI
Kabarole and NALI (Kyankwanzi).
VF Performance Issue: Inability to attract and retain professionals at the local government levels
Liase with Ministry of Public Engineers for Local Undertake capacity building of Undertake capacity building of
Service to relax the Governments trained in district personnel through district personnel through
requirements for District RAMPS trainings and seminars. trainings and seminars.
Engineers. Capacity
building of the carry district
personnel through training
and seminars.
Sector Outcome 2: Safe and Efficient Construction Works.
Vote Function: 04 03 Construction Standards and Quality Assurance
VF Performance Issue: Collapsing buildings.
Operationalise Building Building Control Act accented Monitor the implementation of Strengthen the National
Control Act. Disseminate to by the President. the Building Control Act. construction Industry through
Building regulations, codes Cross Roads Project
and guidelines. Appoint and
inaugurate National Building
Review Board. A draft Bill
for a Law to regulate the
national construction industry.
Sector Outcome 3: Safe, efficient and effective transport infrastructure and services.
Vote Function: 04 01 Transport Regulation
VF Performance Issue: Lack of harmonised and outdated legal framework for surface transport (water, rail and road)
Inland water Legislations Consultancy contract for IWT Inland Water Transport Policy Monitoring enforcement of
updated. Operationalise the Legislation signed, Consultant and Strategy prepared. the updated legislation
updated legislations of commenced and submitted
Reflectors Vehicle inception report reviewed and Maritime Administration
Registration and Licensing approved established.
VF Performance Issue: Axle overloading
Finalise and submit to Produced a cabinet Axle control policy and Implement axle load control
Cabinet Secretariat the Draft memorandum for the Axle strategy developed and policy
Axle Load Control Policy and Load Control Policy submitted to Cabinet
Consultations on axle load EAC Vehicle Load Control
control policy document were Act regulations formulated.
Monitoring and Evaluation
framework Axle Load Control
VF Performance Issue: Outdated laws for surface transport (water, rail and road).
Draft Bill for establishment of Draft Bill for establishment of Draft Bill for establishment of Establish National Road
National Road Safety National Road Safety National Road Safety Safety Authority
Authority finalized and Authority and the cabinet Authority finalized and
Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

2013/14 Planned Actions: 2013/14 Actual Actions: 2014/15 Planned Actions: MT Strategy:
submitted to Cabinet Memorundum finalized and submitted to Cabinet
Secretariat awaits review by the Sector. Secretariat
Vote Function: 04 02 Transport Services and Infrastructure
VF Performance Issue: Dilapidated railway network.
Preliminary design to upgrade Procurement of consultant for Construction of railway ICD at Preliminary desgn for
Kampala-Kasese railway line the Preliminary Engineering Mukono railway station Kampala - Malaba railway to
commenced Design to upgrade Kampala completed and facility standard guage completed.
Kasese railway line commissioned.
Draft Final Report for the commenced. Re-evaluation Preminary design for
preliminary engineering process ongoing Preliminary Engineering Kampala-Kasese railway line
design to upgrade to standard Designs for Kampala-Kigali to standard guage conducted.
gauge railway network Draft Final Report for the standard gauge railway line
between Malaba/Kampala preliminary engineering design conducted.
prepared. to upgrade to standard gauge
railway network between
Malaba/Kampala prepared.
VF Performance Issue: Over congestion in Kampala and other urban areas.
Feasibility and design for Interim design report for the Design for BRT in GKMA Feasibility and design for BRT
BRT in GKMA finalised BRT finalised finalised in GKMA along pilot corridor

V4: Proposed Budget Allocations for 2014/15 and the Medium Term
This section sets out the proposed vote budget allocations for 2014/15 and the medium term, including
major areas of expenditures and any notable changes in allocations.
Table V4.1: Past Outturns and Medium Term Projections by Vote Function*
2013/14 MTEF Budget Projections
* Excluding Taxes and Arrears 2012/13 Appr. Releases
Outturn Budget End Mar 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

0401 Transport Regulation 5.224 6.609 4.643 6.257 6.579 6.968
0402 Transport Services and Infrastructure 16.435 49.653 21.228 52.495 29.961 28.115
0403 Construction Standards and Quality Assurance 12.628 19.621 14.773 16.369 16.635 18.449
0404 District, Urban and Community Access Roads 16.536 20.707 15.890 19.109 18.447 20.751
0405 Mechanical Engineering Services 8.358 16.977 12.702 17.768 18.178 19.549
0449 Policy,Planning and Support Services 9.115 11.604 8.382 10.294 11.218 12.972
Total for Vote: 68.296 125.172 77.619 122.291 101.018 106.804

(i) The Total Budget over the Medium Term

The total Resource Envelope to Vote 016 (MoWT) in FY2014/15 and the medium term is UGX 122.291bn,
UGX 100.962bn and UGX 106.6bn for FY 2014/15, 2015/16 and 2016/17 respectively.
(ii) The major expenditure allocations in the Vote for 2014/15

Transport Services and Infrastructure is the largest with UGX 52.495b followed by DUCAR with UGX
19.109bn. The third largest fund went to Mechanical Engineering services with UGX 17.768bn and the
least funded are Construction Standards and quality assurance and Policy, Planning and Support services
with UGX 16.369bn and UGX 10.294bn respectively.
(iii) The major planned changes in resource allocations within the Vote for 2014/15

The allocation to vote function 0402- transport regulations increased from UGX 49.7bn to UGX 52.5bn to
cater for preliminary engineering designs for construction of Gaba, Butebo and Bule landing sites. Also for
the preparation of investment plan for improving interconnectivity of Islands on Lake Victoria. The increase
is also to cater for construction of railway ICD at Mukono and civil works on OSBP at Busia, Malaba,
Mirama Hills and Mutukula, Katuna and Elegu. While there has been an increase under vote function 0405
from UGX 16.977bn to UGX 17.768bn to cater for redesigning of landing sites at Nakiwogo and Lutoboko
Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

and implementation of force account policy. The reduction in allocations to construction standard is due to
closer of most projects namely, Kyabazinga, Tito Okello, Ministry headquarters
Table V4.2: Key Changes in Vote Resource Allocation
Changes in Budget Allocations and Outputs Justification for proposed Changes
in 2014/15 from 2013/14 Planned Levels: in Expenditure and Outputs
Vote Function:0402 Transport Services and Infrastructure
Output: 0402 02 Monitoring and Capacity Building
UShs Bn: -3.016 Projects are in the final stage at Draft final report preparation
Projects are in the final stage at Draft final report preparation hence funds were devoted to payment of interim certificates
hence funds were devoted to payment of interim certificates
Output: 0402 06 Development of Railways
UShs Bn: -1.640 Preliminary Engineering Design to upgrade Kampala Kasese
Preliminary Engineering Design to upgrade Kampala Kasese railway line commenced. Draft Final Report for the preliminary
railway line commenced. Draft Final Report for the engineering design to upgrade to standard gauge railway network
preliminary engineering design to upgrade to standard gauge between Malaba/Kampala prepared
railway network between Malaba/Kampala prepared
Output: 0402 07 Feasibility/Design Studies
UShs Bn: 1.100 The plan will prioritize investment in transport which will make
Investment plan for connectivity of Lake Victoria and it the island viable economically
islands will be conducted
Output: 0402 51 Maintenance of Aircrafts and Buildings (EACAA)
UShs Bn: 3.500 To improve passanger and cargo frieght by Air Transport
Funds for the procurement of a twine Engine for training.
Output: 0402 52 Rehabilitation of Upcountry Aerodromes (CAA)
UShs Bn: -1.050 Awaiting finalisation of the National Air Transport Master plan
Awaiting finalisation of the National Air Transport Master that will gear the development of Air Transport
plan that will gear the development of Air Transport
Output: 0402 53 Institutional Support to URC
UShs Bn: 1.000 Funds to be transferred to Uganda Railways Corporation for the
Funds to be transferred to Uganda Railways Corporation for Marking of Railway sidings
the Marking of Railway sidings
Output: 0402 83 Border Post Reahabilitation/Construction
UShs Bn: 6.217 To promote trade and Transport between Uganda and the East
Most Civil works for Malaba, Busia, Mutukula and Mirama African member states.
hills to be done during FY 2014/15.
Also commence on construction of OSBP at Katuna and
Elegu OSBP
at Katuna border post. Procure, install and commission
Weighbridges at Malaba, Busia, Mutukula
Vote Function:0472 Construction Standards and Quality Assurance
Output: 0403 72 Government Buildings and Administrative Infrastructure
UShs Bn: -3.051 Projects were finalised and thus exited from the Public Investment
Finalization of the project objectives and exit of the projects Plan
from the Public Investment Plan
Vote Function:0402 District, Urban and Community Access Roads
Output: 0404 02 Monitoring and capacity building support for district road works
UShs Bn: -1.548 The Budget Call Circular Policy of reducing the consumptive
The Budget Call Circular Policy of reducing the consumptive items to capital purchase output
items to capital purchase output
Vote Function:0404 Mechanical Engineering Services
Output: 0405 04 Maintenance of district Vehicles and Road equipment and regional workshops
UShs Bn: -3.151 Funds transferred to Regional Mechanical Workshops for the
Funds transferred to the output of Regional Mechanical maintenance of District Equipment and the new zonal equipment.
Workshops for the maintenance of District Equipment and Also for training of operators and opening up some strategic
the new zonal equipment. Also for training of operators and district roads.
opening up some strategic district roads.
Output: 0405 51 Transfers to Regional Mechanical Workshops
UShs Bn: 3.197 Funds to be transferred to the regional Mechanical Workshops in
Funds to be transferred to the regional Mechanical Gulu, Mbarara and Bugembe for maintenance of District
Workshops in Gulu, Mbarara and Bugembe for maintenance Equipment and the new zonal equipment
of District Equipment and the new zonal equipment
Table V4.3: 2013/14 and 2014/15 Budget Allocations by Item

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

2013/14 Approved Budget 2014/15 Draft Estimates
Million Uganda Shillings GoU Ext. Fin Total GoU Ext. Fin Total
Output Class: Outputs Provided 64,040.7 1,562.6 65,603.3 55,188.0 0.0 55,188.0
211101 General Staff Salaries 5,094.1 0.0 5,094.1 5,946.0 0.0 5,946.0
211102 Contract Staff Salaries (Incl. Casuals, Temp 4,318.1 0.0 4,318.1 6,741.1 0.0 6,741.1
211103 Allowances 2,224.8 30.0 2,254.8 2,097.9 0.0 2,097.9
212101 Social Security Contributions 143.9 0.0 143.9 444.4 0.0 444.4
213001 Medical expenses (To employees) 38.5 0.0 38.5 36.0 0.0 36.0
213002 Incapacity, death benefits and funeral expen 302.0 0.0 302.0 280.9 0.0 280.9
213004 Gratuity Expenses 55.0 0.0 55.0 60.0 0.0 60.0
221001 Advertising and Public Relations 645.4 50.0 695.4 695.3 0.0 695.3
221002 Workshops and Seminars 1,406.5 20.0 1,426.5 1,004.0 0.0 1,004.0
221003 Staff Training 1,767.8 20.0 1,787.8 1,997.2 0.0 1,997.2
221004 Recruitment Expenses 0.0 0.0 0.0 27.0 0.0 27.0
221005 Hire of Venue (chairs, projector, etc) 191.0 0.0 191.0 109.0 0.0 109.0
221006 Commissions and related charges 226.1 0.0 226.1 25.0 0.0 25.0
221007 Books, Periodicals & Newspapers 86.5 0.0 86.5 86.5 0.0 86.5
221008 Computer supplies and Information Technol 474.3 20.0 494.3 504.6 0.0 504.6
221009 Welfare and Entertainment 66.7 0.0 66.7 50.2 0.0 50.2
221010 Special Meals and Drinks 71.0 0.0 71.0 71.0 0.0 71.0
221011 Printing, Stationery, Photocopying and Bind 1,404.3 130.0 1,534.3 1,532.6 0.0 1,532.6
221012 Small Office Equipment 148.4 0.0 148.4 252.6 0.0 252.6
221014 Bank Charges and other Bank related costs 5.0 8.1 13.1 5.0 0.0 5.0
221016 IFMS Recurrent costs 16.0 0.0 16.0 16.0 0.0 16.0
221017 Subscriptions 32.8 0.0 32.8 88.2 0.0 88.2
221020 IPPS Recurrent Costs 0.0 0.0 0.0 25.0 0.0 25.0
222001 Telecommunications 207.1 30.0 237.1 321.0 0.0 321.0
222002 Postage and Courier 13.6 0.0 13.6 41.0 0.0 41.0
222003 Information and communications technolog 48.6 0.0 48.6 108.0 0.0 108.0
223001 Property Expenses 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.0 0.0 5.0
223004 Guard and Security services 299.8 0.0 299.8 677.2 0.0 677.2
223005 Electricity 206.5 0.0 206.5 222.2 0.0 222.2
223006 Water 129.1 0.0 129.1 281.2 0.0 281.2
223007 Other Utilities- (fuel, gas, firewood, charcoa 3.0 0.0 3.0 94.0 0.0 94.0
224002 General Supply of Goods and Services 654.9 50.0 704.9 0.0 0.0 0.0
224004 Cleaning and Sanitation 0.0 0.0 0.0 18.0 0.0 18.0
224005 Uniforms, Beddings and Protective Gear 0.0 0.0 0.0 85.0 0.0 85.0
224006 Agricultural Supplies 0.0 0.0 0.0 305.5 0.0 305.5
225001 Consultancy Services- Short term 13,465.1 170.0 13,635.1 11,623.4 0.0 11,623.4
225002 Consultancy Services- Long-term 7,860.1 230.0 8,090.1 7,582.0 0.0 7,582.0
225003 Taxes on (Professional) Services 70.0 0.0 70.0 55.0 0.0 55.0
226001 Insurances 0.0 100.0 100.0 30.0 0.0 30.0
227001 Travel inland 2,358.7 170.0 2,528.7 2,528.0 0.0 2,528.0
227002 Travel abroad 840.8 140.0 980.8 980.2 0.0 980.2
227003 Carriage, Haulage, Freight and transport hir 0.4 0.0 0.4 30.0 0.0 30.0
227004 Fuel, Lubricants and Oils 5,261.8 190.0 5,451.8 4,337.7 0.0 4,337.7
228001 Maintenance - Civil 811.5 0.0 811.5 120.0 0.0 120.0
228002 Maintenance - Vehicles 1,090.3 72.0 1,162.3 1,308.3 0.0 1,308.3
228003 Maintenance – Machinery, Equipment & Fu 3,034.4 132.5 3,166.9 745.2 0.0 745.2
228004 Maintenance – Other 2,507.0 0.0 2,507.0 1,594.6 0.0 1,594.6
231001 Non Residential buildings (Depreciation) 10.0 0.0 10.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
321423 Conditional transfers to feeder roads mainte 6,449.8 0.0 6,449.8 0.0 0.0 0.0
Output Class: Outputs Funded 6,393.0 0.0 6,393.0 13,064.5 0.0 13,064.5
252001 Subsidies to private enterprises 0.0 0.0 0.0 108.0 0.0 108.0
262101 Contributions to International Organisations 60.0 0.0 60.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
262201 Contributions to International Organisations 0.0 0.0 0.0 65.0 0.0 65.0
263104 Transfers to other govt. units 2,500.0 0.0 2,500.0 9,200.0 0.0 9,200.0
263106 Other Current grants 108.0 0.0 108.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
263321 Conditional trans. Autonomous Inst (Wage s 2,600.0 0.0 2,600.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
263323 Conditional transfers for feeder roads maint 15.0 0.0 15.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

2013/14 Approved Budget 2014/15 Draft Estimates
Million Uganda Shillings GoU Ext. Fin Total GoU Ext. Fin Total
264101 Contributions to Autonomous Institutions 1,110.0 0.0 1,110.0 20.0 0.0 20.0
264201 Contributions to Autonomous Institutions 0.0 0.0 0.0 475.0 0.0 475.0
321423 Conditional transfers to feeder roads mainte 0.0 0.0 0.0 3,196.5 0.0 3,196.5
Output Class: Capital Purchases 46,893.2 25,349.7 72,242.9 30,929.7 23,168.7 54,098.4
231001 Non Residential buildings (Depreciation) 3,663.0 0.0 3,663.0 2,151.0 0.0 2,151.0
231002 Residential buildings (Depreciation) 740.4 0.0 740.4 0.0 0.0 0.0
231003 Roads and bridges (Depreciation) 14,842.4 0.0 14,842.4 13,661.4 1,668.7 15,330.1
231004 Transport equipment 2,517.5 0.0 2,517.5 920.0 0.0 920.0
231005 Machinery and equipment 1,995.9 376.9 2,372.8 2,620.3 0.0 2,620.3
231006 Furniture and fittings (Depreciation) 70.0 0.0 70.0 300.0 0.0 300.0
231007 Other Fixed Assets (Depreciation) 460.0 24,449.8 24,909.8 0.0 0.0 0.0
281501 Environment Impact Assessment for Capital 980.0 0.0 980.0 191.0 0.0 191.0
281503 Engineering and Design Studies & Plans for 0.0 523.0 523.0 316.0 0.0 316.0
281504 Monitoring, Supervision & Appraisal of cap 1,847.0 0.0 1,847.0 430.0 0.0 430.0
311101 Land 710.0 0.0 710.0 160.0 0.0 160.0
312104 Other Structures 0.0 0.0 0.0 9,029.7 21,500.0 30,529.7
312204 Taxes on Machinery, Furniture & Vehicles 0.0 0.0 0.0 60.0 0.0 60.0
312206 Gross Tax 19,067.0 0.0 19,067.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
314101 Petroleum Products 0.0 0.0 0.0 390.3 0.0 390.3
314201 Materials and supplies 0.0 0.0 0.0 700.0 0.0 700.0
Grand Total: 117,326.9 26,912.3 144,239.2 99,182.3 23,168.7 122,351.0
Total Excluding Taxes and Arrears 98,259.9 26,912.3 125,172.2 99,122.3 23,168.7 122,291.0

V5: Vote Cross-Cutting Policy and Other Budgetary Issues

This section discusses how the vote's plans will address and respond to the cross-cutting policy, issues of
gender and equity; HIV/AIDS; and the Environment, and other budgetary issues such as Arrears and NTR..

(i) Cross-cutting Policy Issues

(a) Gender and Equity
Objective: To help find the best strategies and solutions to address the different transport needs between
men and women in communities
Issue of Concern : Inadequate strategies to address the different transport needs between men and
women in communities

Proposed Intervensions
Gender mainstreaming in the perspective plans, policies and programmes in the Transport Sector
Budget Allocations UGX billion 0.025
Performance Indicators No. of sensitizations held

Objective: To promote Gender Equality through Sector Activities

Issue of Concern : Inadequate involvement of women in decision making in the transport Sector

Proposed Intervensions
Gender mainstreaming in the perspective plans, policies and programmes in the Transport Sector
Budget Allocations UGX billion 0.025
Performance Indicators No. of awareness campaigns held

Objective: To provide high quality effective and sustainable HIV prevention services to Sector workers

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

and population
Issue of Concern : Inadequate access to and utilization of HIV prevention services

Proposed Intervensions
Promotion of service provision, linkages and referrals
Budget Allocations UGX billion 0.015
Performance Indicators No. of service provisions availed.

Objective: To mitigate the factors that increase the vulnerability of the sector workers and population to
HIV infection
Issue of Concern : Unsafe leaving environment conducive to HIV spread

Proposed Intervensions
Creation a prevention supportive workplace environment
Budget Allocations UGX billion 0.022
Performance Indicators 1 No. VCT among sector workers and population held

Objective: Promote behavial change among Sector workers and population to reduce the risk of new
Issue of Concern : Rampant unsafe sexual and risky behavours among the Most at Risk Persons

Proposed Intervensions
Behavial change promotions and sustainable communication
Budget Allocations UGX billion 0.02
Performance Indicators No. of HIV interventions on ongoing projects

(c) Environment
Objective: To facilitate decision making based on the understanding environment consequences of
proposed projects and activities
Issue of Concern : All infrastructure development activities have negative impact on the environment
baseline conditions

Proposed Intervensions
Environment screening as well as environment impact assessment carried out to determine the
mitigation measures
Budget Allocations UGX billion
Performance Indicators 1 No. screening/EIA study per activity carried out.

Objective: To ensure protection, restoration and enhancement of environment parameters

Issue of Concern : All infrastructure development activities have negative impact on the environment
baseline conditions

Proposed Intervensions
Environment screening as well as environment impact assessment carried out to determine the
mitigation measures
Budget Allocations UGX billion

Vote Overview
Ministry of Works and Transport Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 016 Ministry of Works and Transport

Performance Indicators 1 No. screening/EIA study per activity carried out.

Objective: To ensure that project activities under consideration are environmentally sound and sustainable
Issue of Concern : All infrastructure development activities have negative impact on the environment
baseline conditions

Proposed Intervensions
Environment screening as well as environment impact assessment carried out to determine the
mitigation measures
Budget Allocations UGX billion
Performance Indicators 1 No. screening/EIA study per activity carried out.

(ii) Verrified Outstanding Arrears for the Vote

(iii) Non Tax Revenue Collections


Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

V1: Vote Overview
(i) Vote Mission Statement
To develop and maintain a national roads network that is responsive to the economic development
needs of Uganda, to the safety of all road users and to the environmental sustainability of the national
roads corridors.
(ii) Summary of Past Performance and Medium Term Budget Allocations
Table V1.1: Overview of Vote Expenditures (UShs Billion)

2013/14 MTEF Budget Projections

2012/13 Approved Rel. by
(i) Excluding Arrears, Taxes Outturn Budget End Mar 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17
Wage 16.329 18.300 14.136 18.300 19.581 22.812
Non Wage 7.599 18.229 10.150 18.229 18.594 19.430
GoU 813.619 1,243.198 922.135 1,233.198 1,066.330 1,119.646
Ext. Fin 354.495 653.940 382.193 457.639 337.067 591.349
GoU Total 837.548 1,279.727 946.421 1,269.727 1,104.505 1,161.889
Total GoU + Ext Fin (MTEF) 1,192.042 1,933.667 1,328.614 1,727.366 1,441.571 1,753.238
Arrears 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 N/A N/A
(ii) Arrears
and Taxes Taxes 1.600 10.000 0.500 1.413 N/A N/A
Total Budget 1,193.642 1,943.667 1,329.114 1,728.778 N/A N/A

The chart below shows total funding allocations to the Vote by Vote Function over the medium term:
Chart V1.1: Medium Term Budget Projections by Vote Function (Excluding Taxes, Arrears)

Ushs Billion




National Roads
Maintenance &

2013/14 Approved Budget Estimates 2014/15 Budget Projections 2015/16 Budget Projections

Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

(iii) Vote Outcomes and Outcome Indicators
The table below sets out the vote outcomes and outcome indicators
Table V1.3: Vote Outcomes and Outcome Indicators
Outcome Statement Outcome Indicators Baseline Base year Target

Improved conditions of the National % of the National Road Network in 66% of 2011/12 68% of
road network fair to good condition National National
paved paved roads
roads in in fair to
fair to good
good condition
78% of
77% of National
National unpaved
unpaved roads in fair
roads in to good
fair to condition

V2: Vote Performance for FY 2013/14 and Planned Outputs for FY 2014/15
This section describes past vote performance and planned Outputs, in terms of key vote outputs
(i) Past Vote Outputs
Preliminary 2013/14 Performance

National Roads Construction:

A total of 264 km-equivalent were upgraded from gravel to bitumen standard (tarmac) by March 2014
against the annual target of 200Km-equiv. 178km-equiv. of existing old paved roads were reconstructed/
rehabilitated by March 2014 against the annual target of 180km.

The progress of ongoing upgrading roads projects as of March 2014 was as follows:

Fort Portal – Bundibugyo road (104km) works were substantially completed.

Nyakahita – Kazo (69km); works were completed.
Kazo- Kamwenge (75km) works were substantially completed.
Mbarara – Kikagati (74km); works were substantially completed.

Kamwenge- Fort Portal (65km) 16% of the works completed by March 2014 out of the annual target of
25%. The cumulative progress was 19%

Gulu- Atiak (74km) 48% of road works was completed by March 2014 out of the annual target of 30%. The
cumulative since the project start was 66%. Works are expected to be completed by June 2015.

Atiak- Nimule (35km). 7% of the road works were completed by March 2014 out of the planned 30%.
Under performance was because the contractor delayed to access advance payment and started mobilization
in September 2013.

Vurra – Arua – Oraba (92km) 27% of road works were completed by March 2014 out of the annual target
of 30%. This brings the cumulative progress since the project start to 63%. Works are expected to be
completed by June 2015.

Hoima – Kaiso – Tonya (92km) 32% of road works were completed by March 2014 out of the annual target
of 30%. The cumulative progress since the project start was 71%. Works are expected to be completed by
Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

December 2014.

Ishaka – Kagamba road (35km) 13% of the road works were completed by March 2014 out of the annual
target of 30%. The cumulative progress since project start was 32% against the programmed 60%. Works
are expected to be completed by June 2015. The contractor underperformed partly because of poor
mobilization and land disputes.

Kampala – Entebbe Expressway/ Munyonyo spur (51km) 12% works were completed by third quarter out
of the annual target of 20% The cumulative progress since the start of the project was 18.9% of the works
completed. This project is expected to be completed by November 2017.

Mbarara Bypass (40km) - 6.3% of the works was completed by quarter three out of the annual target 20%.
The cumulative since the project start was 6.3%.

Mukono – Katosi/ Kisoga – Nyenga (72km) – Contractor is on site mobilizing to commence works in July
2014. Payment of land and property compensation was ongoing.

Namanve Industrial Park Access road (4km); 3% of the works completed by quarter 3.
Mpigi – Kanoni (66km) – Works commenced and 5% were completed by quarter 3 out of the annual target
of 5%.

Kanoni – Sembabule – Villa Maria (97km)- Procurement of the contractor completed and the contract was
signed in June 2014.

Ntungamo – Mirama Hills road (37km): The contract was awarded.

Kampala Northern Bypass (17km): The contract was signed in April 2014 and the contractor was
mobilizing to commence works in July 2014.

Masaka – Bukakata (41km): Evaluation of bids was completed and the report submitted to BADEA for no
objection to award the contract.

Kigumba – Masindi – Hoima – Kabwoya (135km): Evaluation of Bids was completed and the report
submitted to AfDB for no objection to award the contract.

Musita – Lumino – Busia/ Majanji (104km) and Olwiyo – Gulu – Kitgum – Musingo (223km): Evaluation
of bids completed, contract awarded and signed in June 2014.

Mubende – Kakumiro – Kibale – Kagadi (104km): Evaluation of bids was ongoing and the contract was
expected to be signed by July 2014.

Tirinyi – Pallisa – Kumi/ Pallisa – Kamonkoli (111km)- Islamic Development Bank approved the loan.
Procurement of the contractor commenced.
Rukungiri – Kihihi – Ishasha / Kihihi – Kanungu (78km) and Mbale (Bumbobi – Bubulo – Lwakhakha)
45km) Project appraisal was completed and the loan approved by AfDB. Procurement of contractors

Kapchorwa – Suam (77km): Procurement of the design review consultant is ongoing. This project will be
funded by AfDB.

Old Paved Roads Reconstructed/ Rehabilitated

Malaba/Busia- Bugiri (82km) works were substantially completed.

Tororo - Mbale (49km) works substantially completed.

Kampala – Masaka (116km) major works substantially completed.

Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

Mbarara (Buteraniro)- Ntungamo (Rwentobo)section (59km)- 33.6% of the road woks were completed by
quarter three out of the annual target of 30%. The cumulative progress since the project start was 67%.
Works are expected to be completed by December 2014.

Ntungamo (Rwentobo) – Katuna (75km): 28% of the works was completed by quarter three out of the
annual target of 30%. The cumulative progress since the project start was 55.7%. Works to be completed
by June 2015.

Mbale - Soroti (103km)16% completed by quarter three out of the annual target of 30%. The cumulative
progress since the project start was 66%. This project is expected to be completed by December 2014.

Jinja - Kamuli (57km) 23.1% completed out of the annual target of 30%. The cumulative since the project
start was 71%. This project is expected to be completed by December 2014.

Mukono - Jinja (80km) 33% was completed by quarter three out of the annual target of 30%. The
cumulative progress since the project start was 68%. This project is expected to be completed by December

Kafu - Kiryandongo (43km) 20% completed by quarter three out of the annual target of 30%. The
cumulative progress since the project start was 20%. This project is expected to be completed by June 2015.

Mukono - Kayunga - Njeru (94km) - Procurement of the contractor was ongoing. The contract was expected
to be signed by July 2014.

Kiryandongo - Kamdini (58km) and Kamdini - Gulu (65km)- Contractors were procured and mobilising to
commence works in July 2014.

Kyenjojo - Fort Portal (50km), Ishaka -Rugazi - Katunguru (55km), Kampala - Jinja (17km) and Mbale -
Nkokonjeru (20km) - Procurement of contractors was ongoing. Bidding documents were finalised.

Pakwach - Nebbi (30km) – Contract was awarded.

Namunsi - Sironko - Muyembe (32km), and Nansana - Busunju (47km) - Evaluation of bids was ongoing.

Design of the following roads was Ongoing:

Kabwohe - Bwizibwera/ Nsika - Ibanda-Kabujogera-Masyoro- Rwenjaza/Kyambura (85km), Atiak- Kitgum

(108km), Pajule-Pader (18km), Kotido-Kaabong (64km), Angatun-Lokapel (47km), Jinja- Mbulamuti-
Kamuli (80km),

Procurement of design consultants for the following roads was ongoing:

Kashozi-Buremba-Kariro (53km),Kashwa-Kashongi-Ruhumba (33km), Kisubi-Nakawuka-Natete(27km),

Nakawuka-Kasanje-Mpigi (20km),Nakawuka-Mawugulu-Nanziga-Maya (15km), Kasanje-Buwaya (9km),
Bududa circular road (28km), Muhanga - Kisiizi-Rwashamaire.

The design of the following roads for capacity improvement (dualing) is ongoing:
Kibuye - Busega - Mpigi (33km) and Kampala Southern Bypass (18km).

Bridges Programme
New Nile Bridge at Jinja – Contract signed and the contractor was mobilizing to commence works in July

Daca, Uzurugo, Ure and Eventre completed on Wandi - Yumbe road were substantially completed.

Mubuku Bridge on Kasese- Rwimi road and Kilembe Bridge on Kasese - Kirembe road were completed.
Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

Birara Bridge (Kanungu ) – Works commenced - design of the bridge was completed.

Ntungwe and Mitaano Bridges (Kanungu) -Contract was signed in March 2014; the contractor commenced
Apak Bridge on Lira - Moroto road - 5% of works completed.

Kabaale (linking Kyankwanzi to Ngoma in Nakaseke) - Bid evaluation completed.

Kasozi (Lugogo) Bridge (linking Ngoma - Buruli ) -Bid evaluation was ongoing.

Nalakasi-Ariamoi-Kotido-Kabong- Kapedo road, Kaabong District –Bid evaluation was ongoing.

Nyamugasani (Kasese)-Kinyamaseke- Kisinga-Kyarumba-Kibirizi road - evaluation of bids completed

Kyanzuki-Kasese-Kilembe road contract awarded.

Pakwala, Nyacyara, Goli, Nyagak- 3 (Nebbi), Enyau-3 and Alla (Arua) Bridges- works commenced and
were ongoing.

Cido-Nebbi-Goli, Nebbi District - evaluation of bids was ongoing.

Nyaliti -Kapchorwa-Suam – evaluation of bids completed.

Lopei-Ariamoi-Kotido-Kabong- Kapedo road- Evaluation of bids completed.

Maliba - Nkenda bridge on Bugoye - Nyakalingijo road, Kasese and Ruboni bridge on access to Mt
Mageritta tourist site, Kasese; bidding documents completed.

Emergency Response Materials (Compact panel bailey Bridges (4 ) and 50 Metalitic Pipe Culverts (of 2.8m
diameter) - evaluation of bids completed and contract awarded

Leresi (Butaleja)-Butaleja-Leresi- Budaka road - evaluation of bids was ongoing.

Road Maintenance Achievements:

Paved routine mechanized maintenance: 1720km completed by March 2014 out of annual target 2410km.

Unpaved periodic maintenance: 600km completed by March 2014 out of annual target of 1484km.

Unpaved routine mechanized maintenance: 10,500km completed by March 2014 out of the annual target of
Road maintenance equipment: 4 excavators, 5 rollers and 2 bulldozers and 8 graders were procured.

Evaluation of bids for 16 graders, 16 track loaders, 12 excavators, 6 rollers, 2 bulldozers was completed and
contracts awarded.

Procurement of ferries for Sigulu Islands, Namasale and Panyamur was ongoing. Evaluation of bids was
The contract for rehabilitation of Kiyindi ferry was signed.
Table V2.1: Past and 2014/15 Planned Key Vote Outputs
2013/14 2014/15
Vote, Vote Function
Key Output Planned outputs Achievements by End March Planned Outputs
Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority
Vote Function: 0451 National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Output: 045105 Axle Load Control
Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

2013/14 2014/15
Vote, Vote Function
Key Output Planned outputs Achievements by End March Planned Outputs
Description of Outputs: 40% of vehicles overloaded 55% of vehicles were 40% of vehicles overloaded
overloaded against the annual
target of 40%. A total of
147,600 vehicles were weighed
out of the annual target of
Output: 045180 National Road Construction/Rehabilitation (Bitumen Standard)
Description of Outputs: 78% of paved roads in fair to 80% of paved roads in fair to 78% of paved roads in fair to
good condition. 68% of good condition. 67% of good condition. 68% of
unpaved roads in fair to good unpaved roads in fair to good unpaved roads in fair to good
condition. condition against the annual condition.
target of 68%.
Output: 045181 National Road Construction/Rehabilitation (Other)
Description of Outputs: 180 km rehabilitated/ 178km-equiv were completed 170 km rehabilitated/
reconstructed. out of the annual target of reconstructed.

V3: Detailed Planned Outputs for FY 2014/15

2014/15 Planned Outputs

A total of 250 km-equiv. of gravel national roads will be tarmacked during the FY 2014/15. In addition, 170
km-equiv. of old paved national roads will be reconstructed/ rehabilitated.

Construction works will continue on the following roads:

Ongoing upgrading projects:
Hoima – Kaiso – Tonya (92km) 29%, cumulative 100%
Vurra – Arua – Koboko – Oraba (92km) 25%, cumulative 100%
Gulu – Atiak (74km) 25%, cumulative 100%
Ishaka-Kagamba (35.4km)30%, cumulative 70%
Kampala – Entebbe Expressway /Munyonyo spur (51km) 20%; cumulative 50%
Moroto – Nakapiripiriti (92km) 30%, cumulative 70%
Atiak – Nimule (35km)25%, cumulative 50%
Kamwenge – Fort Portal (65km) 30%, cumulative 50%
Mbarara Bypass (40km) 20%; cumulative 50%
Namanve Industrial Park Access road (4km); 90%; cumulative 100%
Luuku – Kalangala (66km)- staged upgrading 30%; cumulative 70%
New Upgrading Projects to commence
Ntungamo – Mirama Hills (37km) 20%
Kampala Northern Bypass Phase 2 (17km) 15%
Masaka – Bukakata (41km) 30%
Kigumba – Masindi – Hoima – Kabwoya (135km)20%
Olwiyo – Gulu – Acholibur - Kitgum – Musingo (223km) 20%
Mukono – Kyetume – Katosi/Kisoga – Nyenga (74km) 20%
Mpigi – Kanoni - Maddu – Sembabule (137km) 20%
Villa Maria – Sembabule (38km) 20%
Musita – Lumino – Busia/ Majanji (104km) 20%
Mubende – Kakumiro – Kibaale – Kagadi (104km) 10%
Tirinyi – Pallisa – Kumi/ Pallisa – Kamonkoli (111km) – 15%
Kyenjojo – Kabwoya (105km) – 15%

Procurement of contractors and payment of advance and commencing mobilization for the following roads:
Rukungiri – Kihihi – Ishasha/Kanungu (74km)
Mbale –Bubulo –Magale/Lwakhakha (41km)
Atiak – Adjuman – Moyo – Afoji (104km)

Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

Kapchorwa – Suam (77km)

Kampala – Jinja Expressway (77km) - Public Private Partnership (PPP) project structured and Private
Partner procured.

Reconstruction/Rehabilitation of old paved road

Rehabilitation works will be completed/continued for the following projects:
Kawempe – Kafu (166km) 10%, cumulative 100%
Mbarara (Buteraniro)– Ntungamo (Rwentobo) (59km) 20%; cumulative 100%
Ntungamo(Rwentobo) – Katuna (74km)25% , cumulative 90%
Kampala - Masaka (Phase 2 (51km) 10%; cumulative 100%
Kampala - Mukono – Jinja (80km) 20%, cumulative 80%
Jinja - Kamuli (60km) 13%; cumulative 100%
Mbale – Soroti (103km) 20%; cumulative 100%
Kafu – Kiryandongo (43km) 30%; cumulative 70%
Staged upgrading of Luuku – Kalangala road (66km) 30%; cumulative 70%
Rehabilitation works will commence for the following projects:
Kiryandongo – Karuma – Kamdini (58km)20%
Kamdini – Gulu (65km) 20%
Mukono – Kayunga – Njeru (94km) 15%
Namunsi - Sironko - Muyembe (32km) -15%
Nansana - Busunju (47km) -15%
Pakwach - Nebbi (30km) - 20%
Mbale - Nkokonjeru (20km) – 10%
Kyenjojo - Fort Portal (50km) –procure contractor and pay advance
Ishaka - Rugazi - Katunguru (55km) Procure contractor and pay advance
OPRC Tororo – Mbale – Soroti – Lira – Kamdini (340km)
Road Design Studies
Kayunga-Galiraya (88.5km) – Final designs and bidding documents
Zirobwe-Wobulenzi Road (23Km)- Draft design report
Najjanankumbi - Busabala and Nambole - Seeta (40km)- Feasibility and preliminary designs
Seeta - Namugongo - Kyaliwajala - Kiira - Kasangati - Matugga - Wakiso - Temangalo - Buloba - Nsangi/
Najjanakumbi - Busabala (84km) - Feasibility and preliminary designs

Kabwohe - Bwizibwera/ Nsika - Ibanda-Kabujogera-Masyoro-Rwenjaza/Kyambura (85km) - Final design

report and bidding documents.

Atiak-Kitgum (108km) - Final design report and bidding documents.,

Pajule-Pader (18km) - Final design report and bidding documents.

Kotido-Kaabong (64km) - Feasibility study report

Angatun-Lokapel (47km)- Final design report and bidding documents.

Jinja-Mbulamuti-Kamuli (80km) - Final design report and bidding documents.

Kashozi-Buremba-Kariro (53km) - Feasibility and draft design reports

Kampala fly-over Project – Draft designs

Kashwa-Kashongi-Ruhumba (33km) - Feasibility and draft design reports

Kisubi-Nakawuka-Natete(27km) -Feasibility and draft design reports

Nakawuka-Kasanje-Mpigi (20km)- Feasibility and draft design reports

Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

Nabumali - Butaleja - Namutumba (90km)- Feasibility and draft design reports

Nakawuka-Mawugulu-Nanziga-Maya (15km)- Feasibility and draft design reports

Kasanje-Buwaya (9km)-Feasibility and draft design reports

Bubulo - Bududa circular road (28km), - Feasibility and draft design reports

Muhanga - Kisiizi -Rwashamaire (50km)

Goli - Paidha - Zombo - Warr - Arua (59km) - Feasibility and draft design reports

Hamurwa - Kerere - Kanungu/ Buleme - Buhoma - Butogota - Hamayanja - Ifasha - Ikumba (149km) -
Feasibility and draft design reports

Ishasha - Katunguru (88km) - Feasibility and draft design reports

Kabale - Bunyonyi (22km) - Feasibility and draft design reports

Kisoro - Mgahinga Gate (14km) - Feasibility and draft design reports

Kisoro - Rubuguli - Muko (48km) - Feasibility and draft design reports

Magale - Bumbo - Lwakhakha road (14km) -Feasibility and draft design reports

Karugutu - Ntoroko road (55km)- Feasibility and draft design reports

Muhoro - Ndaiga road (31km)- Feasibility study report

Kitala - Gerenge (10km)- Feasibility study report

Luwero - Butalangu -Ngoma (83km)- Feasibility and preliminary design reports

Lusalira - Kasambya - Nkonge - Sembabule (97km) - Feasibility study report

Kanoni -Misingi - Mityana (61km) - Feasibility study report

Bombo - Ndejje - Kalasa (19km)- Feasibility study report.

Kumi - Ngora - Serere - Kagwara/ Soroti (75km)- design consultant procured.

Mayuge-Mbaale- Nakivumbi-Bugiri-Namayingo-Lugala (90km)-design consultant procured.

Busia - Tororo (24km) - design consultant procured

Kyenjojo (Kahunge) - Nyarukoma- Kigarale - Rwamwanja (34km) - design consultant procured

Rwamwanja - Kihura (34km) - design consultant procured

Roads for capacity improvement

Kampala Southern Bypass (18km) - design report

Kampala - Bombo (35km) - feasibility study report

Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

Bridges program
New Nile Bridge at Jinja (20%)
Enyau-3 and Alla (Arua) 50%
Goli, Nyagak- 3 (Nebbi) 50%
Pakwala, Nyacyara, Goli, Nyagak- 3 (Nebbi) 50%,
Apak Bridge on Lira - Moroto road 50%
Birara Bridge (Kanungu ) 50%
Ntungwe Bridge on Ishasha - Katunguru road (Kanungu)50%
Mitano Bridge Rukunguri - Kanungu road - 50%
Kabaale (linking Kyankwanzi to Ngoma in Nakaseke) 50%
Kasozi (Lugogo) Bridge (linking Ngoma - Buruli )- design completed
Nalakasi Bridge on Ariamoi-Kotido-Kaabong-Kapedo road, 50%
Lopei Bridge on Moroto -Ariamoi-Kotido road 50%
Kaabong Bridge on Ariamoi-Kotidoroad, 50%
Kyanzuki Bridge in Kilembe, 50%
Nyamugasani Bridge -Kinyamaseke-Kisinga-Kyarumba-Kibirizi road 50%
Maliba-Nkenda Bridge on Bugoye- Nyakalingijo road, Kasese 50%
Ruboni Bridge provides access to Mt Mageritta tourist site, Kasese 50%
Cido Bridge on Nebbi-Goli, Nebbi District 50%
Leresi Bridge -Butaleja-Leresi-Budaka road 50%
Nyaliti -Kapchorwa-Suam 50%
Ora Bridge on Okokko – Anyiribu road in Arua – Procure the contractor
Aji Bridge on Ullepi Offaka – Nyiribu road in Arua – Procure the contractor
Kangole Bridge on Katakwi – Moroto road – Procure the contractor
Seretiyo on Kapchorwa – Suam road – Procure the contractor

National Roads Maintenance

The outputs under the national roads maintenance will be as follows:
3000 km of routine mechanized maintenance of paved roads
12,500 km of routine mechanized maintenance of unpaved roads
2,225 km of periodic maintenance (re-gravelling) of unpaved roads
100 km of periodic maintenance (remedial repairs & sealing) of paved roads
7 Bridges rehabilitated
300 Bridges - Routine Maintenance
Road Safety
55km of Street lighting on Selected National Roads
6,000 No. Road Signage on Various roads
800km Marking of Roads
450km Demarcation of road reserves

Paved Roads planned for periodic maintenance

Nakalama- Tirinyi- Mbale (102 km)-30%
Lira - Akia & Lira Railway & Army Barracks Accesses (12 km)-50%
Mityana - Mubende (89 km)-20%
Soroti - Arapai (10 km), Soroti State Lodge ( 2km) & Ngora Township (2 km)-40%
Kibuye - Entebbe Airport (37 km)-80%
Iganga - Kaliro (32 km)-30%
Fort Portal - Hima (55km)- 20%
Hima - Katunguru (58 km)- 20%
Masaka - Nyendo (Town through road) 5km)100%

Ferry Services
Procurement will be completed for the following ferries;
New ferry to replace Wanseko – Panyamur ferry
Second new ferry for Namasale – Lwampanga
Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

New ferry for Sugulu Islands (Bugiri district)
Kiyindi Ferry will be rehabilitated
9 ferries operated and maintained
Table V3.1: Vote Function Profiles, Programme/Project Profiles and Workplan Outputs

Vote Function: 04 51 National Roads Maintenance & Construction

Vote Function Profile

Responsible Officer: Executive Director

Services: The National Roads Maintenance and Construction Vote Function is responsible
for developing and maintaining an efficient national roads infrastructure linking
rural and urban areas, islands to the mainland and ensuring the safety of the road
users. This involves upgrading existing gravel roads to bitumen standard
(tarmacking), reconstruction of paved roads whose design life span has expired,
resealing paved roads, regravelling unpaved roads, and routine maintenance
(repairing shoulders, opening drains, grading and cutting the vegetation.

Vote Function Projects and Programmes:

Project or Programme Name Responsible Officer
Recurrent Programmes
01 Finance and Administration Director Finance and Administration
02 National roads maintenance Director Operations
03 National Roads Construction Director Projects
Development Projects
0265 Upgrade Atiak - Moyo-Afoji (104km) Director Projects
0267 Improvement of Ferry Services Director Operations
0321 Upgrade Fort Portal - Budibugyo - Lamia (104km) Director Projects
0952 Design Masaka-Bukakata road Director Projects
0953 Rehabilitate Kawempe - Luwero - Kafu road (166km) Director Operations
0954 Design Muyembe-Moroto - Kotido (290km) Director Projects
0955 Upgrade Nyakahita-Ibanda-Fort Portal (208km) Director Projects
0957 Design the New Nile Bridge at Jinja Director Planning
1031 Upgrade Gulu - Atiak - Bibia/ Nimule (104km) Director Projects
1032 Upgrade Vurra - Arua - Koboko - Oraba (92km) Director Projects
1033 Design Hoima - Kaiso -Tonya (85km) Director Projects
1034 Design of Mukono-Katosi-Nyenga (72km) Director Projects
1035 Design Mpigi-Kabulasoka-Maddu (135 km) Director Planning
1037 Upgrade Mbarara-Kikagata (70km) Director Planning
1038 Design Ntungamo-Mirama Hills (37km) Director Projects
1040 Design Kapchorwa-Suam road (77km) Director Planning
1041 Design Kyenjojo-Hoima-Masindi-Kigumba (238km) Director Projects
1042 Design Nyendo - Sembabule (48km) Director Projects
1044 Design Ishaka-Kagamba (35km) Director Projects
1056 Transport Corridor Project Director Projects and Director of Operations
1099 Design for Reconstruction of Tororo - Soroti road Director Planning
1100 Design for reconst of Lira - Kamudini - Gulu road Director Planning
1104 Construct Selected Bridges (BADEA) Director Planning
1105 Road Sector Institu. Capacity Dev. Proj. Director Planning and Director Operations
1158 Reconstruction of Mbarara-Katuna road (155 Km) Director Projects
1175 Kayunga-Galiraya (111Km) Director Planning
1180 Kampala Entebbe Express Highway Director Projects
1274 Musita-Lumino-Busia/Majanji Road Director Projects
1275 Olwiyo-Gulu-Kitgum Road Director Projects
1276 Mubende-Kakumiro-Kagadi Road Director Projects
1277 Kampala Northern Bypass Phase 2 Director Projects
1278 Kampala-Jinja Expressway Director Planning
1279 Seeta-Kyaliwajjala-Matugga-Wakiso-Buloba-Nsangi Director Planning
1280 Najjanankumbi-Busabala Road and Nambole-Namilyango-Se Director Planning
1281 Tirinyi-Pallisa-Kumi/Kamonkoli Road Director Planning

Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

Vote Function: 04 51 National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Project or Programme Name Responsible Officer
1310 Albertine Region Sustainable Development Project Director Projects
1311 Upgrading Rukungiri-Kihihi-Ishasha/Kanungu Road Director Projects
1312 Upgrading mbale-Bubulo-Lwakhakha Road Directpr Projects
1313 North Eastern Road-Corridor Asset Management Project Director Operations

Programme 01 Finance and Administration

Programme Profile

Responsible Officer: Director Finance and Administration

Objectives: (i)To providing efficient and effective financial, administrative, human resource, procurement
and IT services to enable UNRA achieve its organizational goals and objectives. (ii) Preparing
plans and monitoring and evaluation of the development and mainte
Outputs: Establishing financial and administrative systems, planning and budgeting, accounting,
monitoring and reporting, providing IT services and administrative support.

Workplan Outputs for 2013/14 and 2014/15

Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and
UShs Thousand
Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)
04 51 01Monitoring and Capacity 106 staff members trained in 202 staff members trained in 120 staff members trained in
Building Support various courses. various courses: various courses.
Forensic Accounting, Fraud
Ongoing contracts monitored/ Detection and AuditForensic Ongoing contracts monitored/
inspected. Accounting, Fraud Detection inspected.
and Audit (1),
Technical Assistance procured. Trund Road Management (1) Technical Assistance provided
Electronic Records
Annual Maintenance licenses Management (1) Annual Maintenance licenses
for EDMS renewed M.Sc. Public Infrastructure for EDMS renewed
Management (3)
Microsoft Licenses renewed. Management of Public Private Microsoft Licenses renewed.
Partnerships (1)
Oracle HR annual maintenance Training for Graduate Engineers Oracle HR annual maintenance
licenses renewed (39) licenses renewed
Road Maintenance Management
Annual Maintenance licenses (23) Annual Maintenance licenses
for Lotus notes/domino (email) Human Resources Management for Lotus notes/domino (email)
renewed. Business Suite (1) renewed.
PPP Practical Implementation (7)
Annual Maintenance licenses Comprehensive Bridge Annual Maintenance licenses
forEquitrac print control Engineering (1) forEquitrac print control
renewed. FIDIC Contract Management renewed.
Annual Maintenance licenses M.Sc. Construction Law & Annual Maintenance licenses
for SysAid IT support software Dispute Resolution (1) for SysAid IT support software
renewed Public Procurement Processes renewed
& Management (2)
Annual Maintenance licenses MSc Transport Planning and Annual Maintenance licenses
for spamm sentinel renewed Engineering (1) for spamm sentinel renewed
Tax Analysis and Revenue
Annual Maintenance licenses Forecasting (1) Annual Maintenance licenses
for call accounting software Low Cost Surfacing in Selected for call accounting software
renewed Low Volume Roads (35) renewed
Strategic Management and
Annual Maintenance licenses Corporate Governance (1) Annual Maintenance licenses
for corporate anti-virus renewed Effective Planning (1) for corporate anti-virus renewed
Procurement Audit (1)
Annual Maintenance licenses Annual Maintenance licenses
for CISCO smart care renewed for CISCO smart care renewed
Ongoing contracts were
Licenses for Assorted software monitored/ inspected. Licenses for Assorted software

Upgrade of the call manager Technical Assistance - Pastel and accounting annual
system procurement ongoing. maintenance
Pastel and accounting annual Annual Maintenance licenses
maintenance for EDMS were renewed
licenses Headquarter/Stations
Microsoft Licenses were
renewed. System improvements and

Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

Vote Function: 04 51 National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Programme 01 Finance and Administration
Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and
UShs Thousand
Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)
20 computers, Desk phones and Oracle HR annual maintenance
10 laptops licenses were renewed
Vehicle fleet operated and
Customization and Deployment Vehicle fleet operated and maintained
of Oracle HR Self Services maintained

Procurement of IT Preventive
Maintenance/IT service desk at
UNRA Headquarter/Stations

System improvements and


Enterprise backup system

Vehicle fleet operated and


Total 2,786,099 592,513 2,786,099

Wage Recurrent 0 0 0
Non Wage Recurrent 2,786,099 592,513 2,786,099

04 51 02UNRA Support Services Annual procurement plans for Annual procurement plans for Annual procurement plans for
FY 2013/14 and reports for FY FY 2013/14 and reports for FY FY 2014/15 and reports for FY
2012/13 produced. 2012/13 were produced. 2013/14 produced.

Annual Business Plan for FY Annual Business Plan for FY Annual Business Plan for FY
2013/14 produced. 2013/14 produced. 2014/15 produced.

UNRA accounts for FY UNRA accounts for FY UNRA accounts for FY

2012/13 audited. 2012/13 audited and Auditor 2013/14 audited.
General Issued the Final report.
Vehicle fleet operated and Staff welfare provided.
maintained. Vehicle fleet operated and
maintained. Office accommodation provided.
Staff welfare provided.
Staff welfare provided. Office equipment procured
Office accommodation provided.
Office accommodation provided. Office Furniture procured
Office equipment procured
Office equipment procured Salaries and Wages paid
Office Furniture procured
Office Furniture procured Station Offices repaired
Salaries and Wages paid
Salaries and Wages paid Prepare annual report for FY
Station Offices repaired 2013/14.
Prepare annual report for FY
Prepare annual report for FY 2012/13 produced. Staff medical insurance paid
Staff medical insurance - Bids Staff Gratuity paid
Staff medical insurance paid evaluated
Staff NSSF contribution paid
Staff Gratuity paid Staff Gratuity - due was paid
Workman compensation paid
Staff NSSF contribution paid Staff NSSF contribution - due
was paid
Workman compensation paid
Workman compensation-
premium paid.

Total 22,797,901 16,992,293 22,797,901

Wage Recurrent 7,584,000 8,999,749 7,584,000
Non Wage Recurrent 15,213,901 7,992,544 15,213,901

GRAND TOTAL 25,584,000 17,584,806 25,584,000

Wage Recurrent 7,584,000 8,999,749 7,584,000
Non Wage Recurrent 18,000,000 8,585,057 18,000,000

Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

Vote Function: 04 51 National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Programme 01 Finance and Administration
Annual Workplan for 2014/15 - Outputs, Activities, Inputs and their Cost
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Output: 04 51 01 Monitoring and Capacity Building Support

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

120 staff members trained in various courses. Funds consultancy services (Months) 10.8 322,736
Funds for computer services (Months) 12.2 548,363
Ongoing contracts monitored/ inspected. Funds for electricity (Months) 10.7 160,000
Funds for Guard and Security services (Months) 10.0 200,000
Technical Assistance provided Funds for information and communication (Months) 11.1 500,000
Funds for printing, stationary and photocopying 10.0 100,000
Annual Maintenance licenses for EDMS renewed (Months)
Funds for staff welfare (Months) 10.0 100,000
Microsoft Licenses renewed.
Funds for telecommunications (Months) 10.0 100,000
Oracle HR annual maintenance licenses renewed Funds for travel inland (Months) 10.0 50,000
Funds for newspapers (Number) 10,000.0 20,000
Annual Maintenance licenses for Lotus notes/domino (email) renewed. Funds for postage and courier (Number) 2,000.0 20,000
Funds for property expenses (Number) 10.0 200,000
Annual Maintenance licenses forEquitrac print control renewed. Funds for small office equipment (Number) 10.0 50,000
Funds for workshops and seminars (Number) 5.0 50,000
Annual Maintenance licenses for SysAid IT support software renewed
Funds for training staff (Number staff) 128.0 320,000
Funds for water services (Units) 18,000.0 45,000
Annual Maintenance licenses for spamm sentinel renewed

Annual Maintenance licenses for call accounting software renewed

Annual Maintenance licenses for corporate anti-virus renewed

Annual Maintenance licenses for CISCO smart care renewed

Licenses for Assorted software

Pastel and accounting annual maintenance



System improvements and upgrades

Vehicle fleet operated and maintained

Activities to Deliver Outputs:
Training staff members

Monitoring/ inspection of ongoing contracts.

Procuring technical assistance.

Renewing licences for the various softwares.

Upgrade of headquarters and stations MIS systems

Operating the vehicle fleet.

Total 2,786,099
Wage Recurrent 0
Non Wage Recurrent 2,786,099
Output: 04 51 02 UNRA Support Services

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

Annual procurement plans for FY 2014/15 and reports for FY 2013/14 Funds for cleaning services (Man month) 5.0 100,000
produced. Funds for short term consultancy services (Man 4.0 400,000
Annual Business Plan for FY 2014/15 produced. Funds for computer supplies (Months) 4.6 228,637
Funds for IFMS recurrent cost (Months) 7.0 70,000

Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

Vote Function: 04 51 National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Programme 01 Finance and Administration
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
UNRA accounts for FY 2013/14 audited. Funds for information and communication techn 5.6 279,264
Staff welfare provided. Funds for staff welfare and entertainment (Months) 11.5 150,000
Rent for office accommodation (Months) 12.3 3,320,000
Office accommodation provided. Fund for small office equipment (Number) 11.5 150,000
Funds for advertising and public relations (Number) 66.7 200,000
Office equipment procured
Funds for hire of venue for functions (Number) 20.0 20,000
Funds for maintenance of equipment (Number) 50.0 50,000
Office Furniture procured
Funds for payment of IT licences (Number) 13.9 1,391,000
Salaries and Wages paid Funds for periodicals and newspapers (Number) 25,000.0 50,000
Funds for postage and courier services (Number) 500.0 5,000
Station Offices repaired Funds for workshops and saminars (Number) 5.0 50,000
Funds for Contracts Committee and Board meeting 20.0 200,000
Prepare annual report for FY 2013/14. (Number meetings)
Funds for staff medical insurance (Number of staff) 1,000.0 1,900,000
Staff medical insurance paid Funds for staff training (Number of staff) 160.0 480,000
Funds for paying gratuity (Number persons) 1,000.0 2,500,000
Staff Gratuity paid
Funds for Social Security contribution (Number 110.0 2,200,000
Staff NSSF contribution paid
Contract staff (Person Years) 200.0 7,584,000
Workman compensation paid Funds for travel abroad (Persons) 50.0 150,000
Funds for travel inland (persons) 115.0 230,000
Activities to Deliver Outputs:
Funds for Electricity (Units) 290,909.1 160,000
Preparing annual procurement plans and reports.
Funds for water (Units) 12,000.0 30,000
Funds for fuel and lubricants (vehicles) 80.0 400,000
Preparing annual business plan Funds for vehicle maintenance (Vehicles) 142.9 500,000
Total 22,797,901
Preparing financial reports for the year ending 2013/14
Wage Recurrent 7,584,000
Providing wellfare for the staff. Non Wage Recurrent 15,213,901
GRAND TOTAL 25,584,000
Wage Recurrent 7,584,000
Non Wage Recurrent 18,000,000

Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

Vote Function: 04 51 National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Programme 02 National roads maintenance
Programme Profile

Responsible Officer: Director Operations

Objectives: To maintain national roads, bridges, and ferries including landing sites and control of axle
Outputs: Well maintained national roads, operational ferries and reduction of axle overloading. The
activities include i) Resealing national paved roads ii) Regravelling national unpaved roads
and iii) Routine maintanance of paved and unpaved national roads.

Workplan Outputs for 2013/14 and 2014/15

Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and
UShs Thousand
Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)
04 51 01Monitoring and Capacity Salaries and wages paid Salaries and wages paid Salaries paid
Building Support
Total 342,000 0 342,000
Wage Recurrent 342,000 0 342,000
Non Wage Recurrent 0 0 0

04 51 02UNRA Support Services Salaries and wages paid Salaries and wages paid Salaries paid

Total 322,000 4,992,744 322,000

Wage Recurrent 322,000 4,992,744 322,000
Non Wage Recurrent 0 0 0

04 51 03Maintenance of paved Salaries and wages paid Routine mechanised 3000 km of routine mechanized
national roads maintenance of 1720km of maintenance of paved roads
paved roads was undertaken out 100 km of periodic maintenance
of the annual target of 2410km. (remedial repairs & sealing) of
paved roads
Evaluation of bids for term
maintenance and periodic
maintenance bids is for paved
road is ongoing.

Total 2,150,000 0 2,150,000

Wage Recurrent 2,150,000 0 2,150,000
Non Wage Recurrent 0 0 0

04 51 04Maintenance of unpaved Salaries and wages paid Routine mechanised 12,500 km of routine
national roads maintenance was undertaken on mechanized maintenance of
10,500km of unpaved roads out unpaved roads
of the annual target of 12935km. 2,225 km of periodic
600km of unpaved roads 1,352 maintenance (re-gravelling) of
km. unpaved roads

Bids for 1,987km of roads at

various stages of procurement.
Award of contracts expected
before end of FY
Total 5,598,000 0 5,598,000
Wage Recurrent 5,598,000 0 5,598,000
Non Wage Recurrent 0 0 0

04 51 05Axle Load Control Salaries and wages paid Procure 2 mobile weigh 220,000 vehicles weighed
bridges - supply contract signed.
Procure 2 mobile weigh bridges
Procure two mutli-deck platform
Procure two mutli-deck platform weighbridge scales for Mbarara
weighbridge scales for Mbarara and Luwero - supply contract
and Luwero signed.

Procure design and build Procure design and build

contracts of parking yards for contracts of parking yards for
four OSBPs of Busia, Malaba, four OSBPs of Busia, Malaba,
Elegu and Mutukula. Elegu and Mutukula - Bid

Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

Vote Function: 04 51 National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Programme 02 National roads maintenance
Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and
UShs Thousand
Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)
evaluations ongoing.
Total 784,000 0 784,000
Wage Recurrent 784,000 0 784,000
Non Wage Recurrent 0 0 0

04 51 06Ferry Services Salaries and wages paid Bid evaluations for New ferry to replace Wanseko -
theNamasale - Zengebe crossing Panyamur ferry
ferry, the new ferry to replace Second new ferry for Namasale-
the old Panyamur ferry and the Lwampanga and
ferry for Sigulu Island are New ferry for Sugulu Islands
ongoing. (Bugiri district) procured.

The contract for rehabilitation of Kiyindi ferry rehabilitated

Kiyindi ferry was signed and
the contractor is mobilising to
commence works by June 2014.

Total 1,220,000 0 1,220,000

Wage Recurrent 1,220,000 0 1,220,000
Non Wage Recurrent 0 0 0

GRAND TOTAL 10,416,000 4,992,744 10,416,000

Wage Recurrent 10,416,000 4,992,744 10,416,000
Non Wage Recurrent 0 0 0

Annual Workplan for 2014/15 - Outputs, Activities, Inputs and their Cost
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Output: 04 51 01 Monitoring and Capacity Building Support

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

Salaries paid Contract staff (Person Years) 32.0 342,000

Activities to Deliver Outputs:

Payment of salaries
Total 342,000
Wage Recurrent 342,000
Non Wage Recurrent 0
Output: 04 51 02 UNRA Support Services

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

Salaries paid Contract staff (Person Years) 30.0 322,000

Activities to Deliver Outputs:

Salaries paid
Total 322,000
Wage Recurrent 322,000
Non Wage Recurrent 0
Output: 04 51 03 Maintenance of paved national roads

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

3000 km of routine mechanized maintenance of paved roads Contract staff (Person Years) 200.0 2,150,000
100 km of periodic maintenance (remedial repairs & sealing) of paved
Activities to Deliver Outputs:
Carry out routine and periodic maintenance
Total 2,150,000
Wage Recurrent 2,150,000
Non Wage Recurrent 0
Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

Vote Function: 04 51 National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Programme 02 National roads maintenance
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand

Output: 04 51 04 Maintenance of unpaved national roads

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

12,500 km of routine mechanized maintenance of unpaved roads Contract staff (Person Years) 328.0 5,598,000
2,225 km of periodic maintenance (re-gravelling) of unpaved roads
Activities to Deliver Outputs:
Routine and periodic maintenance of unpaved roads
Total 5,598,000
Wage Recurrent 5,598,000
Non Wage Recurrent 0
Output: 04 51 05 Axle Load Control

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

220,000 vehicles weighed Contract staff (Person Years) 60.0 784,000

Activities to Deliver Outputs:

Weighing trucks
Total 784,000
Wage Recurrent 784,000
Non Wage Recurrent 0
Output: 04 51 06 Ferry Services

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

New ferry to replace Wanseko - Panyamur ferry Contract staff (Person Years) 100.0 1,220,000
Second new ferry for Namasale-Lwampanga and
New ferry for Sugulu Islands (Bugiri district) procured.

Kiyindi ferry rehabilitated

Activities to Deliver Outputs:
Procuring ferries,
Rehabilitating ferry
Total 1,220,000
Wage Recurrent 1,220,000
Non Wage Recurrent 0
GRAND TOTAL 10,416,000
Wage Recurrent 10,416,000
Non Wage Recurrent 0

Programme 02a Road Maintenance and Construction

Programme Profile

Responsible Officer:



Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

Vote Function: 04 51 National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Programme 03 National Roads Construction
Programme Profile

Responsible Officer: Director Projects

Objectives: To implement roads development programmes including bridges and ferry landings.

Outputs: Roads upgraded from gravel to tarmac, Roads rehabilitated/reconstructed, Bridges of

constructed and Ferry landings constructed . Activities include i) Construction of new paved
roads, upgrading existing gravel roads to bitumen standard, reconstruction of

Workplan Outputs for 2013/14 and 2014/15

Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and
UShs Thousand
Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)
04 51 01Monitoring and Capacity Ongoing projects monitored/ Ongoing projects were Ongoing projects monitored/
Building Support supervised. monitored/ supervised. supervised.

10 staff members trained in 12 staff members were trained 5 staff members trained in
various courses in public private partnership (1). various courses
Strategic Management and
Corporate Governance (1) and
FIDIC Training (10)

Total 356,099 453,139 356,099

Wage Recurrent 200,000 0 300,000
Non Wage Recurrent 156,099 453,139 56,099

04 51 02UNRA Support Services Works certified Works were certified Works certified

Addenda processed. Addenda were processed. Addenda processed.

TORs prepared TORs were prepared. TORs prepared

Contracts signed 5 Contracts were signed. Contracts signed

Total 173,000 349,313 173,000
Wage Recurrent 100,000 143,558 0
Non Wage Recurrent 73,000 205,755 173,000

GRAND TOTAL 529,099 802,452 529,099

Wage Recurrent 300,000 143,558 300,000
Non Wage Recurrent 229,099 658,894 229,099

Annual Workplan for 2014/15 - Outputs, Activities, Inputs and their Cost
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Output: 04 51 01 Monitoring and Capacity Building Support

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

Ongoing projects monitored/ supervised. Funds for training staff (Number) 4.0 40,000
Contract staff (Person Years) 15.0 300,000
5 staff members trained in various courses Funds for travel inland (Persons) 3.2 16,099
Activities to Deliver Outputs:
Monitored/ supervision of ongoing projects.

Trained of staff members

Total 356,099
Wage Recurrent 300,000
Non Wage Recurrent 56,099
Output: 04 51 02 UNRA Support Services

Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

Vote Function: 04 51 National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Programme 03 National Roads Construction
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost
Works certified Funds for Gratuity (Number) 13.4 67,000
Funds for staff training (Number) 10.6 106,000
Addenda processed.

TORs prepared

Contracts signed
Activities to Deliver Outputs:
Certifying works

Processing Addenda

Preparing TORs
Total 173,000
Wage Recurrent 0
Non Wage Recurrent 173,000
Wage Recurrent 300,000
Non Wage Recurrent 229,099

Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

Vote Function: 04 51 National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Project 0265 Upgrade Atiak - Moyo-Afoji (104km)
Project Profile

Responsible Officer: Director Projects

Objectives: To provide an adequate and suitable road link between Atiak, Adjumani - Moyo and the
Sudan border for efficient and effective transport services.
Outputs: Construction of 2 Bridges, 6 box culverts and 2 landing sites

Start Date: 12/31/2010 Projected End Date: 6/30/2015

Workplan Outputs for 2013/14 and 2014/15

Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and
UShs Thousand
Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)
04 51 74Major Bridges 2 bridges and 4 box culverts 25% of the works were 2 landing sites(umi and Laropi)
completed. completed by the end of March completed
2014 out of the annual target of
The cumulative progress since
the start of the project was 80%
of the works completed.

Works on the 2 Bridges (Ayugi

and Erei Bridges) Bridge were
substatially completed.

Eyi-Ingewa, Surumu, Amua and

Lower Cala Box culverts were
substantially completed. Upper
Cala and Ebikwa Box culverts
were completed in April 2014.

Works were also ongoing on

Umi and Laropi landing sites.
60% of the works had been
completed. These landing sites
are expected to be completed by
June 2014.

Total 7,000,000 5,799,787 2,000,000

GoU Development 7,000,000 5,799,787 2,000,000
External Financing 0 0 0

GRAND TOTAL 7,000,000 5,799,787 2,000,000

GoU Development 7,000,000 5,799,787 2,000,000
External Financing 0 0 0

Annual Workplan for 2014/15 - Outputs, Activities, Inputs and their Cost
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Output: 04 51 74 Major Bridges

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

2 landing sites(umi and Laropi) completed Funds for supervision services (Man months) 5.0 500,000

Activities to Deliver Outputs: Funds for landing sites (Number) 2.0 1,500,000

Construction and supervision of landing sites

Total 2,000,000
GoU Development 2,000,000
External Financing 0
GRAND TOTAL 2,000,000
GoU Development 2,000,000
External Financing 0

Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

Vote Function: 04 51 National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Project 0267 Improvement of Ferry Services
Project Profile

Responsible Officer: Director Operations

Objectives: To improve ferry services through i) provision of new ferries and maintaining the existing
fleet and ii) improving ferry landing sites.
Outputs: Three ferries (Wanseko - Panyemuru, Lwampanga (Zengebe) - Namasale and Bugiri - Sigulu
Islands) will be procured; Kiyindi ferry will be refurbished and Bukakata - Luuku (Kalangala)
ferry under KIS operated. Procurement of the Bukungu - Kagwara ferry will commence in the
FY 2014/15.
Start Date: 8/3/2009 Projected End Date: 6/30/2017

Workplan Outputs for 2013/14 and 2014/15

Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and
UShs Thousand
Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)
04 51 80National Road Laropi ferry commissioned. Laropi ferry was Wanseko-Panyamur ferry
Construction/Rehabilitation commissioned. procured.
(Bitumen Standard) Procurement of Wanseko-
Panyemuru ferry commenced. Bids for procurement of new Kalangala ferry Infrastructure
ferry for Wanseko-Panyimur, Project support provided.
Kalangala Infrastructure Project Second new ferry for
Namasale - Zengebe and Sigulu Second Ferry for Namasale-
Second Ferry for Namasale- Islands ferry were under Lwampanga (Zengebe) procured
Lwampanga evaluation. Contracts were
expected to be signed by the Ferry for Sigulu Islands- Bugiri
Ferry for Sigulu Islands- Bugiri end of June 2014. procured.

Refurbishing Kiyindi Ferry The contract for the Kiyindi ferry rehabilitated.
rehabilitation of Kiyindi ferry
was signed and works

Kalangala Infrastructure
Services (KIS) operated and
maintained ferry plying between
Bukaka and Luuku in Kalangala.

Total 20,000,000 18,000,000 27,000,000

GoU Development 20,000,000 18,000,000 27,000,000
External Financing 0 0 0

GRAND TOTAL 20,000,000 18,000,000 27,000,000

GoU Development 20,000,000 18,000,000 27,000,000
External Financing 0 0 0

Annual Workplan for 2014/15 - Outputs, Activities, Inputs and their Cost
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Output: 04 51 80 National Road Construction/Rehabilitation (Bitumen Standard)

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

Wanseko-Panyamur ferry procured. Funds for Panyamur Ferry (Number) 1.0 6,000,000
Funds for Second Namasale Ferry (Number) 1.0 6,000,000
Kalangala ferry Infrastructure Project support provided. Funds for Sigulu Islands Ferry (Number) 1.0 6,000,000
Funds for Support to operations of Bukakata Ferry 1.0 8,000,000
Second Ferry for Namasale- Lwampanga (Zengebe) procured (Number)
Kiyindi Ferry Rehabilitation (Number) 1.0 1,000,000
Ferry for Sigulu Islands- Bugiri procured.

Kiyindi ferry rehabilitated.

Activities to Deliver Outputs:
Procuring ferries and assembling them.

Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

Vote Function: 04 51 National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Project 0267 Improvement of Ferry Services
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand

Providing supprt to Kalangala ferry infrastructure project.

Total 27,000,000
GoU Development 27,000,000
External Financing 0
GRAND TOTAL 27,000,000
GoU Development 27,000,000
External Financing 0

Project 0293 Construction of RD Agency HQs

Project Profile

Responsible Officer: Director Planning

Objectives: To establish permanent Headquarters for Uganda National Roads Authority.

Outputs: UNRA Headquarter Building

Start Date: 1/31/2014 Projected End Date: 1/31/2017

Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

Vote Function: 04 51 National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Project 0321 Upgrade Fort Portal - Budibugyo - Lamia (104km)
Project Profile

Responsible Officer: Director Projects

Objectives: The main project objective is to improve the road transport services between the districts of
Kabarole, Ntoroko and Bundibugyo and by so doing, provide access by the majority of rural
people to socio-economic facilities and integration to the rest of the country, and also to
support regional integration and cross-border trade with DRC.
Outputs: 103.7 km of gravel road upgraded to class (II) bitumen/ Paved road.

Start Date: 1/3/2010 Projected End Date: 6/30/2015

Donor Funding for Project:
MTEF Projections
2012/13 2013/14
Projected Donor Allocations (UShs) Budget Budget 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17
402 Africa Development Fund (ADF) 36.060 40.000 0.600 0.000 0.000
Total Donor Funding for Project 36.060 40.000 0.600 0.000 0.000

Workplan Outputs for 2013/14 and 2014/15

Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and
UShs Thousand
Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)
04 51 71Acquisition of Land by 180 Hectres of land and 45 hectares of land acquired and Project affected
Government properties therein procured the property therein Paersons(injurous affections)
compensated out of the annual paid
target of 180.

Since the project start UGX

13.8 bn has been paid out of the
total valued UGX 14.4 bn;
representing 74%.

A total of 3834 project affected

persons have been paid out of
the total 5136.

The progress of compensation

has been affected by absentee
land owners, lack of letters of
administration and disputes over
land values.
Total 3,000,000 3,031,435 1,000,000
GoU Development 3,000,000 3,031,435 1,000,000
External Financing 0 0 0

04 51 80National Road 10% of the works completed. 15% of the works were Completion Certificate issued
Construction/Rehabilitation completed out of the and retention paid
(Bitumen Standard) programmed 10% for the year.

The cumulative progress since

the start of the project was
99.3%. This project was
substatially completed in
February 2014 and it is now
under the defect liability period.

Total 57,000,000 14,117,523 9,000,000

GoU Development 17,000,000 14,117,523 9,000,000
External Financing 40,000,000 0 0

GRAND TOTAL 60,000,000 17,148,959 10,000,000

GoU Development 20,000,000 17,148,959 10,000,000
External Financing 40,000,000 0 0

Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

Vote Function: 04 51 National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Project 0321 Upgrade Fort Portal - Budibugyo - Lamia (104km)
Annual Workplan for 2014/15 - Outputs, Activities, Inputs and their Cost
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Output: 04 51 71 Acquisition of Land by Government

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

Project affected Paersons(injurous affections) paid Funds for compensation services (man months) 4.0 200,000

Activities to Deliver Outputs: Funds for compensation of PAP (Number) 80.0 800,000

Payment for injerous affection

Total 1,000,000
GoU Development 1,000,000
External Financing 0
Output: 04 51 80 National Road Construction/Rehabilitation (Bitumen Standard)

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

Completion Certificate issued and retention paid Funds for final payment of retention (Number) 1.0 9,000,000

Activities to Deliver Outputs:

Final inspection and payment of retention
Total 9,000,000
GoU Development 9,000,000
External Financing 0
GRAND TOTAL 10,000,000
GoU Development 10,000,000
External Financing 0

Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

Vote Function: 04 51 National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Project 0952 Design Masaka-Bukakata road
Project Profile

Responsible Officer: Director Projects

Objectives: The objective was to facilitate the transportation of agricultural produce to the market.

Outputs: 41 km of paved road

Start Date: 3/31/2014 Projected End Date: 9/30/2016

Donor Funding for Project:
MTEF Projections
2012/13 2013/14
Projected Donor Allocations (UShs) Budget Budget 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17
403 Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa 0.000 20.000 30.000 25.173 0.000
Total Donor Funding for Project 0.000 20.000 30.000 25.173 0.000

Workplan Outputs for 2013/14 and 2014/15

Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and
UShs Thousand
Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)
04 51 71Acquisition of Land by 90 hectares and properties Bids were invited and evaluated. 90 hectares and properties
Government therein procured. The contract was signed and therein procured.
payments are expected to
commence in June 2014.

Total 3,000,000 1,000,000 3,000,000

GoU Development 3,000,000 1,000,000 3,000,000
External Financing 0 0 0

04 51 80National Road 5% of works completed. Bids were received and 20%of works completed.
Construction/Rehabilitation evaluated.
(Bitumen Standard) The report was submitted to
BADEA for approval. The
contract is expected to be signed
by June 2014 and works to
commence in September 2014.

Total 22,000,000 770,288 32,000,000

GoU Development 2,000,000 770,288 2,000,000
External Financing 20,000,000 0 30,000,000

GRAND TOTAL 25,000,000 1,770,288 35,000,000

GoU Development 5,000,000 1,770,288 5,000,000
External Financing 20,000,000 0 30,000,000

Annual Workplan for 2014/15 - Outputs, Activities, Inputs and their Cost
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Output: 04 51 71 Acquisition of Land by Government

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

90 hectares and properties therein procured. Funds for land and property compensation 90.0 2,700,000
Activities to Deliver Outputs:
Funds for RAP Implementation services (Man 6.0 300,000
Payments for land and property affected by the project. months)

Total 3,000,000
GoU Development 3,000,000
External Financing 0
Output: 04 51 80 National Road Construction/Rehabilitation (Bitumen Standard)

Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

Vote Function: 04 51 National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Project 0952 Design Masaka-Bukakata road
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost
20%of works completed. Funds for supervision services (Man months) 10.0 1,000,000

Activities to Deliver Outputs: Funds for works (Percentage) 31.0 31,000,000

Construction and supervision of road works.

Total 32,000,000
GoU Development 2,000,000
External Financing 30,000,000
GRAND TOTAL 35,000,000
GoU Development 5,000,000
External Financing 30,000,000

Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

Vote Function: 04 51 National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Project 0953 Rehabilitate Kawempe - Luwero - Kafu road (166km)
Project Profile

Responsible Officer: Director Operations

Objectives: Strengthen the rehabilitated surface dressed road with an asphalt concrete overlay

Outputs: 166 km asphalt overlay road

Start Date: 8/1/2010 Projected End Date: 9/30/2014

Donor Funding for Project:
MTEF Projections
2012/13 2013/14
Projected Donor Allocations (UShs) Budget Budget 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17
410 International Development Association (IDA) 0.000 1.000 2.300 0.000 0.000
Total Donor Funding for Project 0.000 1.000 2.300 0.000 0.000

Workplan Outputs for 2013/14 and 2014/15

Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and
UShs Thousand
Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)
04 51 80National Road 28% of Kawempe - Luwero - 20% of the works were 10%of Kawempe - Luwero -
Construction/Rehabilitation Kafu road overlay completed. completed by March 2014 out Kafu road overlay completed;
(Bitumen Standard) of theannual target of 28%. cumulative taget 100%

The cumulative progress since

Feasibility and Preliminary the start of the project was 90%
Designs for full reconstruction of the works completed. This Draft Designs for full
of Kafu- Karuma-Kamdini road Project is expected to be reconstruction of Kafu- Karuma-
completed by June 2014. Kamdini road completed

Feasibility and Preliminary

Designs for full reconstruction
of Kafu- Karuma-Kamdini road
commenced. The consultant
submitted the inception report.
The feasibility study
Total 41,000,000 29,162,622 18,000,000
GoU Development 40,000,000 29,162,622 17,000,000
External Financing 1,000,000 0 1,000,000

GRAND TOTAL 41,000,000 29,162,622 18,000,000

GoU Development 40,000,000 29,162,622 17,000,000
External Financing 1,000,000 0 1,000,000

Annual Workplan for 2014/15 - Outputs, Activities, Inputs and their Cost
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Output: 04 51 80 National Road Construction/Rehabilitation (Bitumen Standard)

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

10%of Kawempe - Luwero - Kafu road overlay completed; cumulative Funds for Design review of Zirobwe - Wobulenzi rd 25.0 1,000,000
taget 100% (Km)
Funds for supervision services (Man months) 5.0 500,000
Funds for the road works and retention (Percentage) 8.3 16,500,000

Draft Designs for full reconstruction of Kafu- Karuma-Kamdini road

Activities to Deliver Outputs:
Construction and supervision of overlay works

Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

Vote Function: 04 51 National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Project 0953 Rehabilitate Kawempe - Luwero - Kafu road (166km)
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand

Feasibility and Preliminary Designs.

Total 18,000,000
GoU Development 17,000,000
External Financing 1,000,000
GRAND TOTAL 18,000,000
GoU Development 17,000,000
External Financing 1,000,000

Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

Vote Function: 04 51 National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Project 0954 Design Muyembe-Moroto - Kotido (290km)
Project Profile

Responsible Officer: Director Projects

Objectives: To upgrade the exisitng gravel road to paved standard.

Outputs: 93.3Km of class (II) paved road

Start Date: 2/1/2013 Projected End Date: 2/1/2016

Workplan Outputs for 2013/14 and 2014/15

Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and
UShs Thousand
Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)
04 51 71Acquisition of Land by 18 hectares and property therein 72.97 Hactares of land were 20 hectares and property therein
Government procured acquired and properties therein procured
compensated out of the annual
target of 18.

Since the project start UGX 2.1

bn has been paid out of the
valued UGX 3.7 bn for the
whole corridor from Muyembe
to Moroto; representing 84.6%

A total of 1879 project affected

persons have been compensated
out of the 2220 valued.

Total 500,000 166,667 500,000

GoU Development 500,000 166,667 500,000
External Financing 0 0 0

04 51 80National Road 30% of works completed 18% of the works were 30% of works completed;
Construction/Rehabilitation completed by the end of March cumulative target 70%
(Bitumen Standard) 2014 out of the annual target of

The cumulative progress since

the start of the project was 24%
of the works completed out of
the programmed 35.5%.
Total 39,500,000 35,998,733 59,500,000
GoU Development 39,500,000 35,998,733 59,500,000
External Financing 0 0 0

GRAND TOTAL 40,000,000 36,165,400 60,000,000

GoU Development 40,000,000 36,165,400 60,000,000
External Financing 0 0 0

Annual Workplan for 2014/15 - Outputs, Activities, Inputs and their Cost
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Output: 04 51 71 Acquisition of Land by Government

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

20 hectares and property therein procured Funds for land and property compensation 20.0 400,000
Activities to Deliver Outputs:
Funds for RAP implementation services (Man 5.0 100,000
Compensating land and property affected by the project months)

Total 500,000
GoU Development 500,000
External Financing 0
Output: 04 51 80 National Road Construction/Rehabilitation (Bitumen Standard)

Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

Vote Function: 04 51 National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Project 0954 Design Muyembe-Moroto - Kotido (290km)
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

30% of works completed; cumulative target 70% Funds for Supervision Services (Man months) 11.0 964,000

Activities to Deliver Outputs: Supervision allowances for Project Mgt Team 12.0 36,000
Construction and supervision of road works. Funds for works (Percentage) 30.3 58,500,000
Total 59,500,000
GoU Development 59,500,000
External Financing 0
GRAND TOTAL 60,000,000
GoU Development 60,000,000
External Financing 0

Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

Vote Function: 04 51 National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Project 0955 Upgrade Nyakahita-Ibanda-Fort Portal (208km)
Project Profile

Responsible Officer: Director Projects

Objectives: To upgrade from gravel to bitumen standard the Nyakahita-Kazo - Kamwenge - Fort Portal
208 km class 2 paved road
Start Date: 8/2/2010 Projected End Date: 8/2/2014
Donor Funding for Project:
MTEF Projections
2012/13 2013/14
Projected Donor Allocations (UShs) Budget Budget 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17
410 International Development Association (IDA) 20.000 22.000 20.000 20.000 0.000
402 Africa Development Fund (ADF) 33.770 62.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Total Donor Funding for Project 53.770 84.000 20.000 20.000 0.000

Workplan Outputs for 2013/14 and 2014/15

Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and
UShs Thousand
Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)
04 51 71Acquisition of Land by 45 hectares of land including 6.22 hactares of land were 30 hectares of land and property
Government properties procured. acquired and properties therein therein acquired.
compensated out of the annual
target of 45.

Since the project start UGX

11.1 bn has been paid out of the
valued UGX 12.9 bn;
representing 86%.

A total of 8024 project affected

persons have been paid out of
the valued 8310.
Total 2,000,000 2,000,000 1,000,000
GoU Development 2,000,000 2,000,000 1,000,000
External Financing 0 0 0

04 51 80National Road Nyakahita-Kazo; 1% of Nyakahita-Kazo; 1% of the Nyakahita-Kazo; Defect

Construction/Rehabilitation roadworks completed. roadworks completed. Liability Certificate issued.
(Bitumen Standard) Cumulative since the project
Kazo-Kamwenge: 30% start was 100%. This section is Kazo-Kamwenge: 3Defect
roadworks completed. under defect liability period. Liability Certificate issued.

Kamwenge - Fort Portal : 25% Kamwenge - Fort Portal : 19% Kamwenge - Fort Portal : 30%
of works completed. of the works was completed out of works completed; cumulative
of the annual target of 25%. 50%
Since the project start 19% had
been achieved out of the
programmed 27%.

Total 97,000,000 133,266,295 29,000,000

GoU Development 13,000,000 11,666,667 9,000,000
External Financing 84,000,000 121,599,628 20,000,000

GRAND TOTAL 99,000,000 135,266,295 30,000,000

GoU Development 15,000,000 13,666,667 10,000,000
External Financing 84,000,000 121,599,628 20,000,000

Annual Workplan for 2014/15 - Outputs, Activities, Inputs and their Cost
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Output: 04 51 71 Acquisition of Land by Government

Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

Vote Function: 04 51 National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Project 0955 Upgrade Nyakahita-Ibanda-Fort Portal (208km)
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

30 hectares of land and property therein acquired. Funds for land and property compensation 30.0 900,000
Activities to Deliver Outputs:
Funds for RAP implementation services (Man 5.0 100,000
Compensating land and property affected by the project. months)

Total 1,000,000
GoU Development 1,000,000
External Financing 0
Output: 04 51 80 National Road Construction/Rehabilitation (Bitumen Standard)

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

Nyakahita-Kazo; Defect Liability Certificate issued. Funds for supervision services (Man months) 15.0 1,500,000
Funds for Retention - Kazo - Kamwenge section 5.6 11,166,667
Kazo-Kamwenge: 3Defect Liability Certificate issued. (Percentage)
Funds for works - Kamwenge - Fort Portal rd 10.0 16,333,333
Kamwenge - Fort Portal : 30% of works completed; cumulative 50% (Percentage)
Activities to Deliver Outputs:

Total 29,000,000
GoU Development 9,000,000
External Financing 20,000,000
GRAND TOTAL 30,000,000
GoU Development 10,000,000
External Financing 20,000,000

Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

Vote Function: 04 51 National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Project 0957 Design the New Nile Bridge at Jinja
Project Profile

Responsible Officer: Director Planning

Objectives: Construct the second Nile Bridge at Jinja.

Outputs: New bridge constructed. Design, works construction, supervision and land acquisition.

Start Date: 9/30/2013 Projected End Date: 9/28/2018

Donor Funding for Project:
MTEF Projections
2012/13 2013/14
Projected Donor Allocations (UShs) Budget Budget 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17
523 Japan 52.510 55.000 95.947 65.000 0.000
Total Donor Funding for Project 52.510 55.000 95.947 65.000 0.000

Workplan Outputs for 2013/14 and 2014/15

Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and
UShs Thousand
Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)
04 51 71Acquisition of Land by 5 hectare of land procured. 5 hectare of land procured.
Total 0 0 4,000,000
GoU Development 0 0 4,000,000
External Financing 0 0 0

04 51 74Major Bridges 20% of the works completed.

10% of the works completed. Supervision Consultancy
contract signed. The consultant
commenced mobilisation of

Advance was paid to the

contractor and mobilization

The groundbreaking function

was held on 28 January 2014.
Total 67,500,000 4,166,667 67,000,000
GoU Development 12,500,000 4,166,667 12,000,000
External Financing 55,000,000 0 55,000,000

GRAND TOTAL 67,500,000 4,166,667 71,000,000

GoU Development 12,500,000 4,166,667 16,000,000
External Financing 55,000,000 0 55,000,000

Annual Workplan for 2014/15 - Outputs, Activities, Inputs and their Cost
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Output: 04 51 71 Acquisition of Land by Government

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

5 hectare of land procured. Funds for land and property compensation 5.0 4,000,000
Activities to Deliver Outputs:
Compensating land and property affected by the project.
Total 4,000,000
GoU Development 4,000,000
External Financing 0
Output: 04 51 74 Major Bridges

Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

Vote Function: 04 51 National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Project 0957 Design the New Nile Bridge at Jinja
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost
20% of the works completed. 2 (Man months) 20.0 2,000,000

Activities to Deliver Outputs: Funds for bridge works (Percentage) 20.3 65,000,000

Construction and supervision of bridge works.

Total 67,000,000
GoU Development 12,000,000
External Financing 55,000,000
GRAND TOTAL 71,000,000
GoU Development 16,000,000
External Financing 55,000,000

Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

Vote Function: 04 51 National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Project 1031 Upgrade Gulu - Atiak - Bibia/ Nimule (104km)
Project Profile

Responsible Officer: Director Projects

Objectives: To improve the condition of the road between Gulu and Nimule (at the border with Sudan).
Thereby the project contributes to improving the socio-economic situation and to poverty
reduction in the area, and to promoting economic integration and activation within the
neighbouring country.
Outputs: 109 km of gravel road upgraded to class 2 paved (bitumen) standard.

Start Date: 2/28/2011 Projected End Date: 7/29/2016

Donor Funding for Project:
MTEF Projections
2012/13 2013/14
Projected Donor Allocations (UShs) Budget Budget 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17
523 Japan 10.000 25.000 30.000 0.000 0.000
410 International Development Association (IDA) 26.000 31.000 30.000 0.000 0.000
Total Donor Funding for Project 36.000 56.000 60.000 0.000 0.000

Workplan Outputs for 2013/14 and 2014/15

Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and
UShs Thousand
Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)
04 51 71Acquisition of Land by Gulu- Atiak: 40 hectares of land 14.09 hactares of land were ulu- Atiak: 40 hectares of land
Government and properties therein procured. acquired and properties therein and properties therein acquired
compensated out of the annual in Gulu Municipality
Atiak-Nimule: 50 hectares of target of 40.
land and properties therein
procured. Since the project start, UGX
2.7 bn have paid out of the
valued UGX 2.95 bn;
representing 96%.

A total of 1558 project affected

persons have been paid out of
the valued 1618.

Valuation for all properties

within municipality areas were
completed Completed payment
of compensation for the Gulu
Municipality and Bibia Barracks.

Total 3,200,000 4,634,285 5,000,000

GoU Development 3,200,000 4,634,285 5,000,000
External Financing 0 0 0

04 51 80National Road Gulu-Atiak: 30% of road works Gulu - Atiak: 48% of the road Gulu-Atiak: 25% of road works
Construction/Rehabilitation completed. works completed out of the completed; cumulative target
(Bitumen Standard) annual target of 30%.The 100% .
Atiak-Nimule: cumulative progress since the
30% of works completed project start was 66.04% of the Atiak-Nimule:
road works completed. Works 25% of works completed;
are expected to be completed by cumulative target 50%
March 2015.

Atiak - Nimule road - 6.77% of

the road works completed out of
annual target of 30%. This
project is behind schedule
because of delays in the
mobilisation by the contractor.

Total 56,000,000 21,220,438 45,000,000

GoU Development 0 0 0
External Financing 56,000,000 21,220,438 45,000,000

Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

Vote Function: 04 51 National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Project 1031 Upgrade Gulu - Atiak - Bibia/ Nimule (104km)
GRAND TOTAL 59,200,000 25,854,723 50,000,000
GoU Development 3,200,000 4,634,285 5,000,000
External Financing 56,000,000 21,220,438 45,000,000

Annual Workplan for 2014/15 - Outputs, Activities, Inputs and their Cost
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Output: 04 51 71 Acquisition of Land by Government

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

ulu- Atiak: 40 hectares of land and properties therein acquired in Gulu Funds for land and property compensation 100.0 5,000,000
Municipality (Hectares)

Activities to Deliver Outputs:

Compensation of land property affected by the project in Gulu
Municipality and Bibia
Total 5,000,000
GoU Development 5,000,000
External Financing 0
Output: 04 51 80 National Road Construction/Rehabilitation (Bitumen Standard)

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

Gulu-Atiak: 25% of road works completed; cumulative target 100% . Funds for Supervision for Gulu - Atiak road (Man 10.0 1,000,000
Atiak-Nimule: Funds for Supervision of Atiak - Nimule road (Man 10.0 1,000,000
25% of works completed; cumulative target 50% months)
Funds for works for Atiak - Nimule road 27.1 19,000,000
Activities to Deliver Outputs: (Percentage)
Construction and supervision of works Funds for works for Gulu - Atiak (Percentage) 30.0 24,000,000
Total 45,000,000
GoU Development 0
External Financing 45,000,000
GRAND TOTAL 50,000,000
GoU Development 5,000,000
External Financing 45,000,000

Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

Vote Function: 04 51 National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Project 1032 Upgrade Vurra - Arua - Koboko - Oraba (92km)
Project Profile

Responsible Officer: Director Projects

Objectives: To facilitate trade between theDR Congo, Southern Sudan and Uganda through upgrading
from gravel to bitumen standard the Vurra - Arua - Koboko - Oraba Road.
Outputs: 92 km of gravel road upgraded to Class 2 paved standard.

Start Date: 1/6/2012 Projected End Date: 7/5/2014

Donor Funding for Project:
MTEF Projections
2012/13 2013/14
Projected Donor Allocations (UShs) Budget Budget 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17
410 International Development Association (IDA) 39.558 35.420 5.391 5.500 0.000
Total Donor Funding for Project 39.558 35.420 5.391 5.500 0.000

Workplan Outputs for 2013/14 and 2014/15

Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and
UShs Thousand
Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)
04 51 71Acquisition of Land by 200 hectares of land including 24.13 hactares of land were 300 hectares of land including
Government properties therein procured. acquired and properties therein properties therein procured.
were compensated out of the
annual target of 200.

Since the project, UGX 8.3 bn

have been paid out of the valued
10.2 bn representing 83%.

A total of 2590 project affected

persons have been paid out of
the valued 3109.

Valuation for properties at the

Municipality sections, realigned
sections and extra land take was
conducted and the draft report is
with the CGV for review and

Total 3,500,000 5,051,919 5,000,000

GoU Development 3,500,000 5,051,919 5,000,000
External Financing 0 0 0

04 51 80National Road 30% of road works completed. 27% of the works were 25% of road works completed;
Construction/Rehabilitation completed out of the cumulative target 100%
(Bitumen Standard) programmed 30% for the year.

The cumulative progress since

the start of the project was
63.14% of the works completed.

This project is expected to be

completed by March 2014.

Total 35,419,998 32,860,971 25,419,998

GoU Development 0 0 0
External Financing 35,419,998 32,860,971 25,419,998

GRAND TOTAL 38,919,998 37,912,890 30,419,998

GoU Development 3,500,000 5,051,919 5,000,000
External Financing 35,419,998 32,860,971 25,419,998

Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

Vote Function: 04 51 National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Project 1032 Upgrade Vurra - Arua - Koboko - Oraba (92km)
Annual Workplan for 2014/15 - Outputs, Activities, Inputs and their Cost
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Output: 04 51 71 Acquisition of Land by Government

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

300 hectares of land including properties therein procured. Funds for land and property compensation 125.0 5,000,000
Activities to Deliver Outputs:
Compensating land and property affected by the project in Arua
Total 5,000,000
GoU Development 5,000,000
External Financing 0
Output: 04 51 80 National Road Construction/Rehabilitation (Bitumen Standard)

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

25% of road works completed; cumulative target 100% Funds for Supervision (Man months) 5.2 419,998

Activities to Deliver Outputs: Funds for works (Percentage) 27.8 25,000,000

Construction and supervision of road works.

Total 25,419,998
GoU Development 0
External Financing 25,419,998
GRAND TOTAL 30,419,998
GoU Development 5,000,000
External Financing 25,419,998

Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

Vote Function: 04 51 National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Project 1033 Design Hoima - Kaiso -Tonya (85km)
Project Profile

Responsible Officer: Director Projects

Objectives: To facilitate oil exploration and evacuation by linking Hoima to the Albertine region.

Outputs: 92 km of pave road

Start Date: 12/14/2011 Projected End Date: 12/13/2015

Workplan Outputs for 2013/14 and 2014/15

Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and
UShs Thousand
Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)
04 51 71Acquisition of Land by 50 hectares of land and 24.13 hactares of land acquired 37 hectares of land and
Government properties therein procured. and properties therein properties therein acquired.
compensated out of the annual
target 50.

Since the project start UGX

10.8 bn has been paid out of the
valued UGX 11.8 bn.

A total of 2139 project affected

persons have been paid out of
the valued 2243.
Total 2,000,000 2,000,000 1,500,000
GoU Development 2,000,000 2,000,000 1,500,000
External Financing 0 0 0

04 51 80National Road 30% of road works completed. 32% of the works were 29% of road works completed;
Construction/Rehabilitation completed out of the cumulative target 100%.
(Bitumen Standard) programmed 30% for the year.

The cumulative progress since

the start of the project was71%
of the works completed. This
project is expected to be
completed by December 2014.

Total 65,000,000 59,783,036 78,500,000

GoU Development 65,000,000 59,783,036 78,500,000
External Financing 0 0 0

GRAND TOTAL 67,000,000 61,783,036 80,000,000

GoU Development 67,000,000 61,783,036 80,000,000
External Financing 0 0 0

Annual Workplan for 2014/15 - Outputs, Activities, Inputs and their Cost
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Output: 04 51 71 Acquisition of Land by Government

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

37 hectares of land and properties therein acquired. Funds for land and property compensation 37.5 1,500,000
Activities to Deliver Outputs:
Compensating land and property affected by the project.
Total 1,500,000
GoU Development 1,500,000
External Financing 0
Output: 04 51 80 National Road Construction/Rehabilitation (Bitumen Standard)

Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

Vote Function: 04 51 National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Project 1033 Design Hoima - Kaiso -Tonya (85km)
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost
29% of road works completed; cumulative target 100%. Funds for supervision services (Man months) 10.0 1,000,000

Activities to Deliver Outputs: Funds for works (Percentage) 29.8 77,500,000

Construction and supervision of road works.

Total 78,500,000
GoU Development 78,500,000
External Financing 0
GRAND TOTAL 80,000,000
GoU Development 80,000,000
External Financing 0

Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

Vote Function: 04 51 National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Project 1034 Design of Mukono-Katosi-Nyenga (72km)
Project Profile

Responsible Officer: Director Projects

Objectives: Upgrade from gravel to bitumen standard the Mukono-Katosi-Nyenga Road

72 km of gravel road upgraded to Class 2 paved standard
Start Date: 1/31/2014 Projected End Date: 1/31/2017

Workplan Outputs for 2013/14 and 2014/15

Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and
UShs Thousand
Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)
04 51 71Acquisition of Land by 160 hectares of land and Procurement of the RAP 160 hectares of land and
Government properties therein procured implementation consultant was properties therein procured
completed and contract signed.
Varification of property owners
completed and compensation
commenced in April 2014.

Total 6,000,000 4,790,824 10,000,000

GoU Development 6,000,000 4,790,824 10,000,000
External Financing 0 0 0

04 51 80National Road Contractor procured The works contract was signed 20% of the works completed.
Construction/Rehabilitation on 22 November 2013.
(Bitumen Standard) 5% of the works completed
The Contractor commenced
mobilization of equipment and
personnel; and setting up a
camp at Kisoga.
Total 34,000,000 33,000,000 40,000,000
GoU Development 34,000,000 33,000,000 40,000,000
External Financing 0 0 0

GRAND TOTAL 40,000,000 37,790,824 50,000,000

GoU Development 40,000,000 37,790,824 50,000,000
External Financing 0 0 0

Annual Workplan for 2014/15 - Outputs, Activities, Inputs and their Cost
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Output: 04 51 71 Acquisition of Land by Government

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

160 hectares of land and properties therein procured Funds for land and property compensation 200.0 10,000,000
Activities to Deliver Outputs:
Compensation of land and property affected by the project.
Total 10,000,000
GoU Development 10,000,000
External Financing 0
Output: 04 51 80 National Road Construction/Rehabilitation (Bitumen Standard)

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

20% of the works completed. Funds for supervision (Man months) 10.0 1,000,000

Activities to Deliver Outputs: Funds for works (Percentage) 15.9 39,000,000

Construction and supervision of road works.

Total 40,000,000

Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

Vote Function: 04 51 National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Project 1034 Design of Mukono-Katosi-Nyenga (72km)
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
GoU Development 40,000,000
External Financing 0
GRAND TOTAL 50,000,000
GoU Development 50,000,000
External Financing 0

Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

Vote Function: 04 51 National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Project 1035 Design Mpigi-Kabulasoka-Maddu (135 km)
Project Profile

Responsible Officer: Director Planning

Objectives: To facilitate marketing of agricultural produce by upgrading from gravel to bitumen standard
Mpigi-Kanoni - Maddu - Sembabule Road
Outputs: 135 km of gravel road upgraded to Class 2 paved standard.

Start Date: 11/1/2010 Projected End Date: 3/31/2017

Workplan Outputs for 2013/14 and 2014/15

Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and
UShs Thousand
Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)
04 51 71Acquisition of Land by 249 hectares of land and Procurement of the RAP 249 hectares of land and
Government properties therein procured implementation consultant was properties therein procured

Verification of PAPs along the

project road and cash
compensation commenced.
Total 10,000,000 3,333,333 10,000,000
GoU Development 10,000,000 3,333,333 10,000,000
External Financing 0 0 0

04 51 80National Road Contractor and Consultant Mpigi - Kanoni (66km): The

Construction/Rehabilitation procured. works contract was signed on 20% of works completed
(Bitumen Standard) 10th October 2013.
5% of works completed
The Contract commenced on
11th December 2013 with a
completion date of 10th
December 2016.

Works commenced with

clearing and grubbing of about

Kanoni - Sembabule section

(69km): The contract was
awarded and the best evaluated
bidder notice was published.

Total 50,000,000 16,000,000 70,000,000

GoU Development 50,000,000 16,000,000 70,000,000
External Financing 0 0 0

GRAND TOTAL 60,000,000 19,333,333 80,000,000

GoU Development 60,000,000 19,333,333 80,000,000
External Financing 0 0 0

Annual Workplan for 2014/15 - Outputs, Activities, Inputs and their Cost
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Output: 04 51 71 Acquisition of Land by Government

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

249 hectares of land and properties therein procured Funds for land and property compensation 200.0 10,000,000
Activities to Deliver Outputs:
Compensation of land and property affected by the project.
Total 10,000,000
GoU Development 10,000,000
External Financing 0

Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

Vote Function: 04 51 National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Project 1035 Design Mpigi-Kabulasoka-Maddu (135 km)
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Output: 04 51 80 National Road Construction/Rehabilitation (Bitumen Standard)

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

Funds for supervision services (Man months) 20.0 2,000,000
20% of works completed Funds for works for Mpigi - Kanoni (66km) 21.9 32,800,000
Activities to Deliver Outputs:
Funds for works Kanoni - Sembabule (69km) 16.0 35,200,000
Construction and supervision of works. (Percentage)
Total 70,000,000
GoU Development 70,000,000
External Financing 0
GRAND TOTAL 80,000,000
GoU Development 80,000,000
External Financing 0

Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

Vote Function: 04 51 National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Project 1037 Upgrade Mbarara-Kikagata (70km)
Project Profile

Responsible Officer: Director Planning

Objectives: To facilitate marketing of agricultural produce and trade between Uganda and Tanzania by
upgrading from gravel to bitumen standard Mbarara-Kikagata - Murongo Bridge road.
Outputs: 70 km of gravel road upgraded to Class 2 paved standard.

Start Date: 8/6/2012 Projected End Date: 6/30/2015

Workplan Outputs for 2013/14 and 2014/15

Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and
UShs Thousand
Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)
04 51 71Acquisition of Land by 280 hectares of land and 23.08 hactares of land acquired 30 hectares of land and
Government properties therein procured and property therein properties therein acquired
compensated out of the annual
target 280.

Since the project start UGX

14.9 bn have been paid out of
the valued UGX 15.7 bn.

A total of project affect persons

4487 out of the valued 4745.

Total 10,000,000 6,713,835 1,000,000

GoU Development 10,000,000 6,713,835 1,000,000
External Financing 0 0 0

04 51 80National Road 30% of Works completed 51% of the works were 10% of Works completed;
Construction/Rehabilitation completed out of the cumulative target 100%
(Bitumen Standard) programmed 30% for the year.
The cumulative progress since
the start of the project was
86.4% of the works completed.
This project is expected to be
completed in May 2014.

Total 57,000,000 53,000,000 39,000,000

GoU Development 57,000,000 53,000,000 39,000,000
External Financing 0 0 0

GRAND TOTAL 67,000,000 59,713,835 40,000,000

GoU Development 67,000,000 59,713,835 40,000,000
External Financing 0 0 0

Annual Workplan for 2014/15 - Outputs, Activities, Inputs and their Cost
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Output: 04 51 71 Acquisition of Land by Government

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

30 hectares of land and properties therein acquired Funds for land and property compensation 20.0 1,000,000
Activities to Deliver Outputs:
Compensating land and property affected by the project
Total 1,000,000
GoU Development 1,000,000
External Financing 0
Output: 04 51 80 National Road Construction/Rehabilitation (Bitumen Standard)

Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

Vote Function: 04 51 National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Project 1037 Upgrade Mbarara-Kikagata (70km)
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost
10% of Works completed; cumulative target 100% Funds for supervision services (Man months) 10.0 1,000,000

Activities to Deliver Outputs: Funds for works (Percentage) 30.0 38,000,000

Construction and supervision of works

Total 39,000,000
GoU Development 39,000,000
External Financing 0
GRAND TOTAL 40,000,000
GoU Development 40,000,000
External Financing 0

Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

Vote Function: 04 51 National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Project 1038 Design Ntungamo-Mirama Hills (37km)
Project Profile

Responsible Officer: Director Projects

Objectives: To facilitate trade between Uganda and Rwanda by upgrading from gravel to bitumen standard
Ntungamo-Mirama Hills Road.
Outputs: 37 km of gravel road upgraded to Class 2 paved standard

Start Date: 11/1/2010 Projected End Date: 1/29/2016

Donor Funding for Project:
MTEF Projections
2012/13 2013/14
Projected Donor Allocations (UShs) Budget Budget 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17
549 United Kingdom 13.050 20.000 19.219 1.000 0.000
Total Donor Funding for Project 13.050 20.000 19.219 1.000 0.000

Workplan Outputs for 2013/14 and 2014/15

Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and
UShs Thousand
Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)
04 51 71Acquisition of Land by 77 hectares including properties Verification of the land and 77 hectares including properties
Government therein acquired. properties was completed. therein acquired.
However, the values were found
outdated and there was need to
carry out fresh verification.

Total 3,000,000 1,000,000 2,000,000

GoU Development 3,000,000 1,000,000 2,000,000
External Financing 0 0 0

04 51 80National Road Procure the contractor and Bids were invited, evaluated and 20% of works completed
Construction/Rehabilitation Consultant. the was awarded. The contract
(Bitumen Standard) is expected to be signed in May
5% of Works completed 2014.
Total 22,000,000 500,000 28,000,000
GoU Development 2,000,000 500,000 8,000,000
External Financing 20,000,000 0 20,000,000

GRAND TOTAL 25,000,000 1,500,000 30,000,000

GoU Development 5,000,000 1,500,000 10,000,000
External Financing 20,000,000 0 20,000,000

Annual Workplan for 2014/15 - Outputs, Activities, Inputs and their Cost
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Output: 04 51 71 Acquisition of Land by Government

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

77 hectares including properties therein acquired. Funds for land and property compensation 40.0 2,000,000
Activities to Deliver Outputs:
Compensating land and property affected by the project.
Total 2,000,000
GoU Development 2,000,000
External Financing 0
Output: 04 51 80 National Road Construction/Rehabilitation (Bitumen Standard)

Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

Vote Function: 04 51 National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Project 1038 Design Ntungamo-Mirama Hills (37km)
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost
20% of works completed Funds for supervision services (Man month) 10.0 1,000,000

Activities to Deliver Outputs: Funds for works (Percentage) 24.5 27,000,000

Construction and supervision of works.

Total 28,000,000
GoU Development 8,000,000
External Financing 20,000,000
GRAND TOTAL 30,000,000
GoU Development 10,000,000
External Financing 20,000,000

Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

Vote Function: 04 51 National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Project 1040 Design Kapchorwa-Suam road (77km)
Project Profile

Responsible Officer: Director Planning

Objectives: To facilitate marketing of agricultural produce by upgrading the existing gravel road to
bitumen standard from Kapchorwa to Suam border with Kenya.
Outputs: 77km of existing gravel road upgraded to Class 2 paved standard.

Start Date: 1/31/2013 Projected End Date: 3/30/2018

Donor Funding for Project:
MTEF Projections
2012/13 2013/14
Projected Donor Allocations (UShs) Budget Budget 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17
402 Africa Development Fund (ADF) 0.000 2.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Total Donor Funding for Project 0.000 2.000 0.000 0.000 0.000

Workplan Outputs for 2013/14 and 2014/15

Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and
UShs Thousand
Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)
04 51 71Acquisition of Land by 250 hectares of land acquired.
Total 0 0 5,000,000
GoU Development 0 0 5,000,000
External Financing 0 0 0

04 51 80National Road Design review Consultant Kapchorwa - Suam: Kapchorwa -Suam design
Construction/Rehabilitation procured for Kapchorwa -Suam Procurement of the design review completed and
(Bitumen Standard) and Rukungiri- Kihihi- Ishasha- review consultant is ongoing. contractor procured.
Kambuga/Kihihi-Kanungu- The General procurement notice
Kambuga was issued in February 2014.

Rukungiri- Kihihi- Ishasha-

Kambuga: Designs and bidding
documents were updated to
conform to African
Development Bank
requirements. Procurement of
civil works are to commence in
June 2014.

Total 2,000,000 0 7,000,000

GoU Development 0 0 5,000,000
External Financing 2,000,000 0 2,000,000

GRAND TOTAL 2,000,000 0 12,000,000

GoU Development 0 0 10,000,000
External Financing 2,000,000 0 2,000,000

Annual Workplan for 2014/15 - Outputs, Activities, Inputs and their Cost
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Output: 04 51 71 Acquisition of Land by Government

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

250 hectares of land acquired. Funds for land and property compensation 125.0 5,000,000
Activities to Deliver Outputs:
Verify and pay compensation.
Total 5,000,000

Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

Vote Function: 04 51 National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Project 1040 Design Kapchorwa-Suam road (77km)
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
GoU Development 5,000,000
External Financing 0
Output: 04 51 80 National Road Construction/Rehabilitation (Bitumen Standard)

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

Kapchorwa -Suam design review completed and contractor procured. Funds for design review (Man months) 20.0 2,000,000

Activities to Deliver Outputs: Funds for road works on Kapchorwa - Suam 2.0 5,000,000
Design review and procurement of the contractors.
Total 7,000,000
GoU Development 5,000,000
External Financing 2,000,000
GRAND TOTAL 12,000,000
GoU Development 10,000,000
External Financing 2,000,000

Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

Vote Function: 04 51 National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Project 1041 Design Kyenjojo-Hoima-Masindi-Kigumba (238km)
Project Profile

Responsible Officer: Director Projects

Objectives: To facilitate the evacuation of oil and gas; and marketing agricultural production by upgrading
Kigumba - Masindi - Hoima - Kagadi - Kyenjojo road.
Outputs: 240 km of existing gravel road upgraded to bitumen standard.

Start Date: 1/31/2014 Projected End Date: 1/31/2017

Donor Funding for Project:
MTEF Projections
2012/13 2013/14
Projected Donor Allocations (UShs) Budget Budget 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17
401 Africa Development Bank (ADB) 0.000 40.000 77.000 0.000 0.000
Total Donor Funding for Project 0.000 40.000 77.000 0.000 0.000

Workplan Outputs for 2013/14 and 2014/15

Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and
UShs Thousand
Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)
04 51 71Acquisition of Land by 500 hectares of land and Bids for RAP consultant were 500 hectares of land and
Government properties therein acquired invited and evaluation is properties therein acquired
ongoing. The contract is
expected to be signed in May
2014 and compensation to
commence in July 2014.
Total 10,000,000 3,333,333 10,000,000
GoU Development 10,000,000 3,333,333 10,000,000
External Financing 0 0 0

04 51 80National Road Contractors for Kigumba- Evaluation of bids was Kigumba- Bulima (20%) and
Construction/Rehabilitation Bulima and Bulima- Kabwoya completed and the report Bulima- Kabwoya (20%) works
(Bitumen Standard) procured and mobilisation submitted to AfDB for approval. completed.

5% of works completed

Design review for Kabwoya-

Kyenjojo completed
Total 51,000,000 765,298 55,000,000
GoU Development 11,000,000 765,298 5,000,000
External Financing 40,000,000 0 50,000,000

GRAND TOTAL 61,000,000 4,098,631 65,000,000

GoU Development 21,000,000 4,098,631 15,000,000
External Financing 40,000,000 0 50,000,000

Annual Workplan for 2014/15 - Outputs, Activities, Inputs and their Cost
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Output: 04 51 71 Acquisition of Land by Government

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

500 hectares of land and properties therein acquired Funds for land and property compensation 250.0 10,000,000
Activities to Deliver Outputs:
Compensation of land and property affected by land and property.
Total 10,000,000
GoU Development 10,000,000
External Financing 0
Output: 04 51 80 National Road Construction/Rehabilitation (Bitumen Standard)
Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

Vote Function: 04 51 National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Project 1041 Design Kyenjojo-Hoima-Masindi-Kigumba (238km)
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

Kigumba- Bulima (20%) and Bulima- Kabwoya (20%) works completed. Funds for supervision for Kigumba - Kabwoya 20.0 2,000,000
(Man months)
Funds for works for Kigumba - Kabwoya (135km) 33.1 53,000,000
Activities to Deliver Outputs: (Percentage)
Construction and supervision of works.
Total 55,000,000
GoU Development 5,000,000
External Financing 50,000,000
GRAND TOTAL 65,000,000
GoU Development 15,000,000
External Financing 50,000,000

Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

Vote Function: 04 51 National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Project 1042 Design Nyendo - Sembabule (48km)
Project Profile

Responsible Officer: Director Projects

Objectives: To facilitate marketing of agricultural produce by upgrading from gravel to bitumen standard
Villa Maria - Sembabule road.
Outputs: 38 km of the existing gravel road upgraded to bitumen standard.

Start Date: 1/31/2014 Projected End Date: 3/31/2016

Workplan Outputs for 2013/14 and 2014/15

Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and
UShs Thousand
Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)
04 51 71Acquisition of Land by 75 hectares of land and property Procurement of the RAP 75 hectares of land and property
Government therein acquired implementation consultant therein acquired
completed. Verification of the
properties is ongoing.
Total 3,000,000 1,084,272 3,000,000
GoU Development 3,000,000 1,084,272 3,000,000
External Financing 0 0 0

04 51 80National Road Contractor Procured Evaluation of bids was 20% of works completed
Construction/Rehabilitation completed. The contract was
(Bitumen Standard) 5% of works completed awarded. The contract is
expected to be signed in May
Total 20,000,000 6,333,333 17,000,000
GoU Development 20,000,000 6,333,333 17,000,000
External Financing 0 0 0

GRAND TOTAL 23,000,000 7,417,605 20,000,000

GoU Development 23,000,000 7,417,605 20,000,000
External Financing 0 0 0

Annual Workplan for 2014/15 - Outputs, Activities, Inputs and their Cost
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Output: 04 51 71 Acquisition of Land by Government

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

75 hectares of land and property therein acquired Funds for land and property compensation 75.0 3,000,000
Activities to Deliver Outputs:
Compensation for land and property affected by the project.
Total 3,000,000
GoU Development 3,000,000
External Financing 0
Output: 04 51 80 National Road Construction/Rehabilitation (Bitumen Standard)

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

20% of works completed Funds for works (Percentage) 21.3 17,000,000

Activities to Deliver Outputs:

Construction and supervision of road works.
Total 17,000,000
GoU Development 17,000,000
External Financing 0

Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

Vote Function: 04 51 National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Project 1042 Design Nyendo - Sembabule (48km)
GRAND TOTAL 20,000,000
GoU Development 20,000,000
External Financing 0

Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

Vote Function: 04 51 National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Project 1044 Design Ishaka-Kagamba (35km)
Project Profile

Responsible Officer: Director Projects

Objectives: To facilitate marketing of agricultural produce and trade between Uganda and Rwanda by
upgrading from gravel to bitumen standard Ishaka - Kagamba road.
Outputs: 35.4 km of exisitng gravel road upgraded to class (II) bitumen standard.

Start Date: 2/6/2012 Projected End Date: 12/31/2014

Workplan Outputs for 2013/14 and 2014/15

Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and
UShs Thousand
Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)
04 51 71Acquisition of Land by 50 hectares of land properties 19 hactares of land acquired and 25 hectares of land properties
Government therein procured. properties therein compensated therein acquired.
out of the annual target of 50.

Since the project start UGX 4.2

bn have been paid to project
affected persons out of the
UGX 5.1 bn valued.

A total of 1884 project affected

persons have been paid out of
the valued 1288.

Total 2,000,000 2,059,574 1,000,000

GoU Development 2,000,000 2,059,574 1,000,000
External Financing 0 0 0

04 51 80National Road 30% of the works completed 13% of the works were 30% of the works completed;
Construction/Rehabilitation completed out of the cumulative 70%
(Bitumen Standard) programmed 30% for the year.
The cumulative progress since
the start of the project was
33.2% of the works completed.

Total 30,000,000 29,739,243 49,000,000

GoU Development 30,000,000 29,739,243 49,000,000
External Financing 0 0 0

GRAND TOTAL 32,000,000 31,798,817 50,000,000

GoU Development 32,000,000 31,798,817 50,000,000
External Financing 0 0 0

Annual Workplan for 2014/15 - Outputs, Activities, Inputs and their Cost
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Output: 04 51 71 Acquisition of Land by Government

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

25 hectares of land properties therein acquired. Funds for land and property compensation 20.0 1,000,000
Activities to Deliver Outputs:
Compensating land and property affected by the project.
Total 1,000,000
GoU Development 1,000,000
External Financing 0
Output: 04 51 80 National Road Construction/Rehabilitation (Bitumen Standard)

Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

Vote Function: 04 51 National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Project 1044 Design Ishaka-Kagamba (35km)
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost
30% of the works completed; cumulative 70% Funds for supervision (Man months) 10.0 1,000,000

Activities to Deliver Outputs: Funds for works (Percentage) 30.0 48,000,000

Construction and supervision of works

Total 49,000,000
GoU Development 49,000,000
External Financing 0
GRAND TOTAL 50,000,000
GoU Development 50,000,000
External Financing 0

Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

Vote Function: 04 51 National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Project 1056 Transport Corridor Project
Project Profile

Responsible Officer: Director Projects and Director of Operations

Objectives: (i) To improve the road condition of major transport highway through reconstruction/
rehabilitation, and (ii) To establish a stock of designed projects ready for implementation.
Outputs: 1,000 km of highway corridors reconstructed/ rehabilitated and (ii) 2500km of gravel roads
designed for upgrading to paved standard
Start Date: 7/1/2008 Projected End Date: 3/30/2018
Donor Funding for Project:
MTEF Projections
2012/13 2013/14
Projected Donor Allocations (UShs) Budget Budget 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17
407 European Development Fund (EDF) 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Total Donor Funding for Project 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000

Workplan Outputs for 2013/14 and 2014/15

Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and
UShs Thousand
Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)
04 51 01Monitoring and Capacity Contract Management System TOR for upgrading the contract Contract Management System
Building Support (CMS) Upgraded and Data management system finalised. (CMS) Upgraded and Data
base updated base updated
TOR for the evaluation of
Monitoring and Evaluation web HIV/AIDS services were Monitoring and Evaluation web
Portal established finalised. Portal established

HIV/AIDs awareness activities TOR for procurement of support Baseline for new projects
evaluated to Planning and Reporting conducted
services were finalised.
Baseline for new projects Support to Planning and
conducted Reporting conducted

Support to Planning and Construction Sector

Reporting conducted Transparency Initiative activities
Construction Sector
Transparency Initiative activities
Total 2,000,000 1,727,569 1,400,000
GoU Development 2,000,000 1,727,569 1,400,000
External Financing 0 0 0

04 51 71Acquisition of Land by 125 hectares and properties A total of 55.7 hectares were 50 hectares and properties
Government therein procured acquired and properties therein therein procured
compensated out of the annual
target of 125 .
This comprise Kampala -
Masaka (38.7 ha), Masaka -
Mbarara (1 ha), Kabale - Kisoro
(4 ha), UNRA weignbridges
stations, stations and ferry
landings (3.52 ha), Busega -
Mityana (3.4 ha), Kampala
Northern Bypass (1.23 ha)

Total 20,000,000 19,113,207 5,000,000

GoU Development 20,000,000 19,113,207 5,000,000
External Financing 0 0 0

04 51 80National Road Projects completed but having Malaba/ Busia - Bugiri Ongoing projects :
Construction/Rehabilitation debts (82km)23.5% completed out of
(Bitumen Standard) Kampala - Masaka (Phase the annual target of 24%; the Kampala - Masaka Phase 2
1)63km) cumulative progress since (51km) -10% cumulutive 100%
project start was 99.7%. The
Busega - Muduuma - Mityana works were substatially Mbale - Soroti (103km) 20%,
(57km) completed. cumulative 100%

Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

Vote Function: 04 51 National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Project 1056 Transport Corridor Project
Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and
UShs Thousand
Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)

Kabale - Kisoro - Bunagana/ Kampala - Masaka Phase 2 Jinja - Kamuli (57km) 13%,
Kyanika (101km) (51km) -19% completed out of cumulative 100%
the annual target of 30%. The
cumulative progress since the Mukono - Jinja (80km) 20%,
Ongoing projects : project start was 84.2%. Works cumulative 80%
expected to be completed by
Malaba/ Busia - Bugiri June 2014. Kafu - Kiryandongo (43km)
(82km)24%) 30%, cumulative 70%
Tororo - Mbale (49km) 40%
Kampala - Masaka Phase 2 completed out of the annual Luuku - Kalangala (66km) -
(51km) -30% target of 30%. The cumulative Staged upgrading - 30%,
since the project start was 95% cumulative 70%
Tororo - Mbale (49km) 30% completed. Works expected to
be completed by June 2014. New projects:
Mbale - Soroti (103km) 30%
Mbale - Soroti (103km)16% Mukono - Kayunga - Njeru
Jinja - Kamuli (57km) 30% completed out of the annual (94km) - 15%
target of 30%. The cumulative
Kampala - Mukono - Jinja progress since the project start Kiryandongo - Kamdini (58km) -
(80km) 30%. was 66%. This project is 20%
expected to be completed by
Kafu - Kiryandongo (43km) 30% December 2014. Kamdini - Gulu (65km)-20%

Luuku (Masaka) - Kalangala Namunsi - Sironko -Muyembe

(66km) - Staged upgrading - Jinja - Kamuli (57km) 23.1% (32km) 15%
30% completed out of the annual
target of 30%. The cumulative Nansana - Busunju (47km) -15%
Mukono - Kayunga - Njeru since the project start was 71%.
(94km) - 5% This project is expected to be Pakwach - Nebbi (30km) - 20%
completed by December 2014.
Kiryandongo - Kamdini (58km) - Mbale - Nkokonjeru (21km) -
5% Kampala - Mukono - Jinja 10%
(80km) 33% was completed out
Kamdini - Gulu (65km)-5% of the annual target of 30%. The Ishaka - Rugazi - Katunguru
cumulative progress since the (55km) -Procure the contractor
Kyenjojo - Fort Portal (50km) - project start was 68%. This and pay advance.
5% project is expected to be
completed by December 2014. Fort Portal - Kyenjojo (50km)
Ishaka - Rugazi - Katunguru Procure contractor and pay
(55km) -5% Kafu - Kiryandongo (43km) advance.
20% completed out of the
Sironko - Namunsi - Muyembe annual target of 30%. The Namanve Industrial Park Access
(32km) -5% cumulative progress since the Road
project start was 20%. This
Nansana - Busunju (47km) -5% project is expected to be Kampala - Mukono (20km) -
completed by June 2015. procure contractor.
Pakwach - Nebbi (30km) - 5%
Mukono - Kayunga - Njeru Road designs
Mbale - Nkokonjeru (20km) - (94km) - Procurement of the Kabwohe - Bwizibwera/ Nsika -
5% contractor ongoing. The contract Ibanda-Kabujogera-Masyoro-
is expected by June 2014. Rwenjaza/Kyambura (85km) -
Complete the design for the Final design report and bidding
following roads: Kiryandongo - Kamdini (58km) documents.
and Kamdini - Gulu (65km)-
Roads for upgrading from Contractor was procured and he Atiak-Kitgum (108km) - Final
gravel to bitumen standard is mobilising to commence design report and bidding
works. documents.,
kabwohe - Bwizibwera/ Nsika -
Ibanda-Kabujogera-Masyoro- Kyenjojo - Fort Portal (50km), Pajule-Pader (18km) - Final
Rwenjaza/Kyambura (85km), Ishaka - Rugazi - Katunguru design report and bidding
Atiak-Kitgum (108km), Pajule- (55km), Kampala - Jinja (17km) documents.
Pader (18km), Kotido-Kaabong and Mbale - Nkokonjeru
(64km), Angatun-Lokapel (20km) - Procurement of Kotido-Kaabong (64km) -
(47km), Jinja-Mbulamuti- contractors is ongoing. Bidding Feasibility study report
Kamuli (80km), Kashozi- documents were finalised.
Buremba-Kariro (53km), Angatun-Lokapel (47km)- Final
Kashwa-Kashongi-Ruhumba Pakwach - Nebbi (30km) - design report and bidding
(33km), Kisubi-Nakawuka- Contract awarded and the documents.
Natete(27km), Nakawuka- contract is expected to be signed
Kasanje-Mpigi (20km), in May 2014. Jinja-Mbulamuti-Kamuli
Nakawuka-Mawugulu-Nanziga- (80km) - Final design report and
Maya (15km), Kasanje-Buwaya Sironko - Namunsi - Muyembe bidding documents.
(9km), Bududa circular road (32km),
(28km), Muhanga - Kisiizi and Nansana - Busunju Kashozi-Buremba-Kariro
–Rwashamaire. (47km) - procurement of the (53km) - Feasibility and draft
contractors is ongoing. design reports

Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

Vote Function: 04 51 National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Project 1056 Transport Corridor Project
Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and
UShs Thousand
Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)
Roads for capacity improvement Evaluation of bids is ongoing.
Kibuye - Busega - Mpigi (33km) - Feasibility and draft
(33km), Kampala Southern Design of the following roads is design reports
Bypass (18km), Kampala - ongoing:
Bombo (35km), Kisubi-Nakawuka-
Kampala - Jinja (77Km) Kabwohe - Bwizibwera/ Nsika - Natete(27km) -Feasibility and
Ibanda-Kabujogera-Masyoro- draft design reports
Complete the construction of Rwenjaza/Kyambura (85km),
Awoja Bridge, and Nalubale Atiak-Kitgum (108km), Pajule- Nakawuka-Kasanje-Mpigi
Bridges Pader (18km), Kotido-Kaabong (20km)- Feasibility and draft
(64km), Angatun-Lokapel design reports
(47km), Jinja-Mbulamuti-
Kamuli (80km), Nabumali - Butaleja -
Namutumba (90km)- Feasibility
Procurement of design and draft design reports
consultants for the following
roads is ongoing: Nakawuka-Mawugulu-Nanziga-
Kashozi-Buremba-Kariro Maya (15km)- Feasibility and
(53km), Kashwa-Kashongi- draft design reports
Ruhumba (33km), Kisubi-
Nakawuka-Natete(27km), Kasanje-Buwaya (9km)-
Nakawuka-Kasanje-Mpigi Feasibility and draft design
(20km), Nakawuka-Mawugulu- reports
Nanziga-Maya (15km), Kasanje-
Buwaya (9km), Bududa circular Bubulo - Bududa circular road
road (28km), Muhanga - Kisiizi- (28km), - Feasibility and draft
Rwashamaire. design reports

The design of the following Muhanga - Kisiizi -

roads for capacity improvement Rwashamaire (50km)
(dualing) is ongoing: Goli - Paidha - Zombo - Warr -
Kibuye - Busega - Mpigi Arua (59km) - Feasibility and
(33km), Kampala Southern draft design reports
Bypass (18km), Kampala -
Bombo (35km),
Hamurwa - Kerere - Kanungu/
Buleme - Buhoma - Butogota -
Completed the construction of Hamayanja - Ifasha - Ikumba
Awoja Bridge along Mbale - (149km) - Feasibility and draft
Soroti road. design reports

Ishasha - Katunguru (88km) -

Feasibility and draft design

Kabale - Bunyonyi (22km) -

Feasibility and draft design

Kisoro - Mgahinga Gate

(14km) - Feasibility and draft
design reports

Kisoro - Rubuguli - Muko

(48km) - Feasibility and draft
design reports

Magale - Bumbo - Lwakhakha

road (14km) -Feasibility and
draft design reports

Karugutu - Ntoroko road

(55km)- Feasibility and draft
design reports

Muhoro - Ndaiga road (31km)-

Feasibility study report

Kitala - Gerenge (10km)-

Feasibility study report

Luwero - Butalangu -Ngoma

(83km)- Feasibility and
preliminary design reports

Lusalira - Kasambya - Nkonge -

Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

Vote Function: 04 51 National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Project 1056 Transport Corridor Project
Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and
UShs Thousand
Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)
Sembabule (97km) - Feasibility
study report

Kanoni -Misingi - Mityana

(61km) - Feasibility study report

Bombo - Ndejje - Kalasa

(19km)- Feasibility study report.

Kumi - Ngora - Serere -

Kagwara/ Soroti (75km)- design
consultant procured.

Mayuge-Mbaale- Nakivumbi-
(90km)-design consultant

Busia - Tororo (24km) - design

consultant procured

Kyenjojo (Kahunge) -
Nyarukoma- Kigarale -
Rwamwanja (34km) - design
consultant procured

Rwamwanja - Kiruhura
(34km) - design consultant

Roads for capacity improvement

Kampala Southern Bypass

(18km) - design report

Kampala - Bombo (35km) -

feasibility study report

Roads completed with

oustanding payments

Busega - Mityana (57km)

Kampala - Gayaza - Zirobwe


Matugga - Semuto - Kapeeka


Masaka - Mbarara (154km)

Kabale - Kisoro - Bunagana/

Kyanika ( remaining works on
Kabale town road, Mutolere
Hospital road and overlay

Malaba/ Busia - Bugiri (82km)

Total 330,547,400 279,380,725 239,600,000

GoU Development 329,547,400 279,380,725 239,600,000
External Financing 1,000,000 0 0

GRAND TOTAL 352,547,400 300,221,501 246,000,000

GoU Development 351,547,400 300,221,501 246,000,000
External Financing 1,000,000 0 0

Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

Vote Function: 04 51 National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Project 1056 Transport Corridor Project
Annual Workplan for 2014/15 - Outputs, Activities, Inputs and their Cost
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Output: 04 51 01 Monitoring and Capacity Building Support

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

Contract Management System (CMS) Upgraded and Data base updated Baseline survey for new projects (Man months) 4.0 400,000
Funds for CoST Technical Assistence (Man 1.0 100,000
Monitoring and Evaluation web Portal established months)
Funds for M&E Web-based Portal (Man months) 6.0 600,000
Baseline for new projects conducted Funds for upgrading contract management (Man 3.0 300,000
Support to Planning and Reporting conducted

Construction Sector Transparency Initiative activities implemented

Activities to Deliver Outputs:
Finalise the upgrade of the contract management system

Finalise the M&E webportal.

Carry out evaluation of HIV/AIDS activities.

Conduct baseline for new projects.

Planning and Reporting support

Implement Construction Sector Transparency Initiative activities

Total 1,400,000
GoU Development 1,400,000
External Financing 0
Output: 04 51 71 Acquisition of Land by Government

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

50 hectares and properties therein procured Funds land and property compensation (Hectares) 100.0 5,000,000

Activities to Deliver Outputs:

Verify and pay compensation
Total 5,000,000
GoU Development 5,000,000
External Financing 0
Output: 04 51 80 National Road Construction/Rehabilitation (Bitumen Standard)

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

Ongoing projects : Busega - Mityana rd (outstanding payment) 1.0 7,000,000
Kampala - Masaka Phase 2 (51km) -10% cumulutive 100% Kabale - Kisoro- Bunagana/ Kyanika (overlay) 1.0 7,000,000
Mbale - Soroti (103km) 20%, cumulative 100% Kampala - Gayaza-Zirobwe (outstanding payment) 1.0 5,000,000
Jinja - Kamuli (57km) 13%, cumulative 100% Malaba/ Busia - Bugiri (retention) (Amount) 2.0 2,000,000
Masaka - Mbarara (oustanding payments) (Amount) 1.0 2,000,000
Mukono - Jinja (80km) 20%, cumulative 80% Matugga - Semuto - Kapeeka (Research) (Amount) 1.0 250,000
Funds for design services (Man months) 150.0 15,000,000
Kafu - Kiryandongo (43km) 30%, cumulative 70% Funds for supervision of works (Man months) 16.0 1,600,000
Jinja - Kamuli road (Pecentage) 13.4 20,100,000
Luuku - Kalangala (66km) - Staged upgrading - 30%, cumulative 70%
Fort Portal - Kyanjojo road (Percentage) 10.0 6,500,000
New projects: Ishaka - Rugazi - Katunguru road (Percentage) 15.0 9,750,000
Kamdini - Gulu road (Percentage) 20.0 15,000,000
Mukono - Kayunga - Njeru (94km) - 15% Kampala - Masaka Phase 2(package C) (Percentage) 10.0 20,000,000
Kiryandongo - Kamdini road (Percentage) 20.0 15,000,000
Kiryandongo - Kamdini (58km) -20% Luuku - Kalangala road (Percentage) 20.0 6,000,000
Mbale - Nkokonjeru (Percentage) 4.3 2,825,000
Kamdini - Gulu (65km)-20%
Mbale - Soroti road (Percentage) 20.0 30,000,000

Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

Vote Function: 04 51 National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Project 1056 Transport Corridor Project
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Mukono - Jinja road (Percentage) 20.0 12,000,000
Namunsi - Sironko -Muyembe (32km) 15% Mukono - Kayunga - Njeru road (Percentage) 15.0 25,500,000
Namanve Industrial Park Access road (Percentage) 30.0 3,000,000
Nansana - Busunju (47km) -15% Namunsi - Sironko - Muyumbe road (Percentage) 13.1 9,825,000
Nansana - Busunju road (Percentage) 15.0 11,250,000
Pakwach - Nebbi (30km) - 20%
Nebbi - Pakwach road (Percentage) 20.0 13,000,000
Mbale - Nkokonjeru (21km) - 10%

Ishaka - Rugazi - Katunguru (55km) -Procure the contractor and pay


Fort Portal - Kyenjojo (50km) Procure contractor and pay advance.

Namanve Industrial Park Access Road

Kampala - Mukono (20km) - procure contractor.

Road designs
Kabwohe - Bwizibwera/ Nsika - Ibanda-Kabujogera-Masyoro-
Rwenjaza/Kyambura (85km) - Final design report and bidding

Atiak-Kitgum (108km) - Final design report and bidding documents.,

Pajule-Pader (18km) - Final design report and bidding documents.

Kotido-Kaabong (64km) - Feasibility study report

Angatun-Lokapel (47km)- Final design report and bidding documents.

Jinja-Mbulamuti-Kamuli (80km) - Final design report and bidding


Kashozi-Buremba-Kariro (53km) - Feasibility and draft design reports

Kashwa-Kashongi-Ruhumba (33km) - Feasibility and draft design reports

Kisubi-Nakawuka-Natete(27km) -Feasibility and draft design reports

Nakawuka-Kasanje-Mpigi (20km)- Feasibility and draft design reports

Nabumali - Butaleja - Namutumba (90km)- Feasibility and draft design


Nakawuka-Mawugulu-Nanziga-Maya (15km)- Feasibility and draft design


Kasanje-Buwaya (9km)-Feasibility and draft design reports

Bubulo - Bududa circular road (28km), - Feasibility and draft design


Muhanga - Kisiizi -Rwashamaire (50km)

Goli - Paidha - Zombo - Warr - Arua (59km) - Feasibility and draft design

Hamurwa - Kerere - Kanungu/ Buleme - Buhoma - Butogota -

Hamayanja - Ifasha - Ikumba (149km) - Feasibility and draft design reports

Ishasha - Katunguru (88km) - Feasibility and draft design reports

Kabale - Bunyonyi (22km) - Feasibility and draft design reports

Kisoro - Mgahinga Gate (14km) - Feasibility and draft design reports

Kisoro - Rubuguli - Muko (48km) - Feasibility and draft design reports

Magale - Bumbo - Lwakhakha road (14km) -Feasibility and draft design

Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

Vote Function: 04 51 National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Project 1056 Transport Corridor Project
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand

Karugutu - Ntoroko road (55km)- Feasibility and draft design reports

Muhoro - Ndaiga road (31km)- Feasibility study report

Kitala - Gerenge (10km)- Feasibility study report

Luwero - Butalangu -Ngoma (83km)- Feasibility and preliminary design


Lusalira - Kasambya - Nkonge - Sembabule (97km) - Feasibility study


Kanoni -Misingi - Mityana (61km) - Feasibility study report

Bombo - Ndejje - Kalasa (19km)- Feasibility study report.

Kumi - Ngora - Serere - Kagwara/ Soroti (75km)- design consultant


Mayuge-Mbaale- Nakivumbi-Bugiri-Namayingo-Lugala (90km)-design

consultant procured.

Busia - Tororo (24km) - design consultant procured

Kyenjojo (Kahunge) - Nyarukoma- Kigarale - Rwamwanja (34km) -

design consultant procured

Rwamwanja - Kiruhura (34km) - design consultant procured

Roads for capacity improvement

Kampala Southern Bypass (18km) - design report

Kampala - Bombo (35km) - feasibility study report

Roads completed with oustanding payments

Busega - Mityana (57km)

Kampala - Gayaza - Zirobwe (44km)

Matugga - Semuto - Kapeeka (41km)

Masaka - Mbarara (154km)

Kabale - Kisoro - Bunagana/ Kyanika ( remaining works on Kabale town

road, Mutolere Hospital road and overlay works)

Malaba/ Busia - Bugiri (82km)

Activities to Deliver Outputs:
Carry out rehabilitation works of old paved roads.

Design for upgrading of gravel roads to tarmac

Total 239,600,000
GoU Development 239,600,000
External Financing 0
GRAND TOTAL 246,000,000
GoU Development 246,000,000
External Financing 0

Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

Vote Function: 04 51 National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Project 1099 Design for Reconstruction of Tororo - Soroti road
Project Profile

Responsible Officer: Director Planning

Objectives: To faciliated the movement of goods and services through the design for full reconstruction of
Lira - Kamdini - Gulu road.
Outputs: 152 km of Tororo - Mbale - Soroti designed for full reconstruction.

Start Date: 4/30/2013 Projected End Date: 4/30/2015

Donor Funding for Project:
MTEF Projections
2012/13 2013/14
Projected Donor Allocations (UShs) Budget Budget 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17
410 International Development Association (IDA) 1.499 1.000 3.000 4.261 0.000
Total Donor Funding for Project 1.499 1.000 3.000 4.261 0.000

Workplan Outputs for 2013/14 and 2014/15

Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and
UShs Thousand
Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)
04 51 80National Road Feasibility study and The draft designs for OPRC
Construction/Rehabilitation preliminary design Reports. were submitted. Preparation of The designs for OPRC project
(Bitumen Standard) bidding documents is ongoing completed.
and will be completed in May

General procurement notice for

works and services was issued
in April 2014.
Total 1,000,000 1,911,562 1,000,000
GoU Development 0 0 0
External Financing 1,000,000 1,911,562 1,000,000

GRAND TOTAL 1,000,000 1,911,562 1,000,000

GoU Development 0 0 0
External Financing 1,000,000 1,911,562 1,000,000

Annual Workplan for 2014/15 - Outputs, Activities, Inputs and their Cost
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Output: 04 51 80 National Road Construction/Rehabilitation (Bitumen Standard)

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

Funds for design service (Man months) 10.0 1,000,000
The designs for OPRC project completed.
Activities to Deliver Outputs:
Finalise the detailed engineering designs for OPRC
Total 1,000,000
GoU Development 0
External Financing 1,000,000
GRAND TOTAL 1,000,000
GoU Development 0
External Financing 1,000,000

Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

Vote Function: 04 51 National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Project 1100 Design for reconst of Lira - Kamudini - Gulu road
Project Profile

Responsible Officer: Director Planning

Objectives: To faciliated the movement of goods and services through the design for full reconstruction of
Lira - Kamdini - Gulu road.
Outputs: 128 km of Lira - Kamdini - Gulu road designed for full reconstruction.

Start Date: 5/31/2013 Projected End Date: 5/31/2016

Donor Funding for Project:
MTEF Projections
2012/13 2013/14
Projected Donor Allocations (UShs) Budget Budget 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17
410 International Development Association (IDA) 1.499 1.000 3.147 0.000 0.000
Total Donor Funding for Project 1.499 1.000 3.147 0.000 0.000

Workplan Outputs for 2013/14 and 2014/15

Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and
UShs Thousand
Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)
04 51 80National Road Feasibility study and preliminary The draft designs for OPRC Finalise the design of the OPRC
Construction/Rehabilitation design Reports. were submitted. Preparation of project
(Bitumen Standard) bidding documents is ongoing
and will be completed in May

General procurement notice for

works and services was issued
in April 2014.
Total 1,000,000 1,403,274 1,000,000
GoU Development 0 0 0
External Financing 1,000,000 1,403,274 1,000,000

GRAND TOTAL 1,000,000 1,403,274 1,000,000

GoU Development 0 0 0
External Financing 1,000,000 1,403,274 1,000,000

Annual Workplan for 2014/15 - Outputs, Activities, Inputs and their Cost
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Output: 04 51 80 National Road Construction/Rehabilitation (Bitumen Standard)

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

Finalise the design of the OPRC project Funds for design services (Man months) 10.0 1,000,000

Activities to Deliver Outputs:

Finalising the design of OPRC project
Total 1,000,000
GoU Development 0
External Financing 1,000,000
GRAND TOTAL 1,000,000
GoU Development 0
External Financing 1,000,000

Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

Vote Function: 04 51 National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Project 1104 Construct Selected Bridges (BADEA)
Project Profile

Responsible Officer: Director Planning

Objectives: To faciliate the movement of goods and services through construction and rehabilitation of
Bridges across Rivers along the national roads network.
Outputs: 30 strategic Bridges constructed/ rehabilitated.

Start Date: 7/31/2012 Projected End Date: 6/30/2017

Donor Funding for Project:
MTEF Projections
2012/13 2013/14
Projected Donor Allocations (UShs) Budget Budget 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17
406 European Union (EU) 1.400 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
403 Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa 13.590 6.500 0.701 0.000 0.000
Total Donor Funding for Project 14.990 6.500 0.701 0.000 0.000

Workplan Outputs for 2013/14 and 2014/15

Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and
UShs Thousand
Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)
04 51 74Major Bridges Daca, Uzurugo, Ure and Pakwala, Nyacyara, Goli,
Commence the construction of Eventre completed on Wandi - Nyagak- 3 (Nebbi) 50%,
the following Bridges Yumbe road were substatially
completed. Enyau-3 and Alla (Arua) 50%
Pakwala, Nyacyara, Goli,
Nyagak- 3 (Nebbi), Enyau-3 Mubuku Bridge on Kasese- Apak Bridge on Lira - Moroto
and Alla (Arua) Bridges Rwimi road and Kilembe Bridge road 50%
on Kasese - Kirembe road were
Daca, Ure, Eventre and completed. Birara Bridge (Kanungu ) 50%
Uzurugo on Wandi - Yumbe
road Birara Bridge (Kanungu ) - Ntungwe Bridgeon Ishasha -
Works commenced - design of Katunguru road (Kanungu)50%
Birara Bridge (Kanungu ) the bridge is ongoing.
Mitano bridgeRukunguri -
Ntungwe bridge Ishasha - Ntungwe and Mitaano Bridges Kanungu road - 50%
Katunguru road (Kanungu) (Kanungu) -Contract was signed
on 28th March 2014; the Kabaale (linking Kyankwanzi to
Mitano bridgeRukunguri - contractor commenced works. Ngoma in Nakaseke) 50%
Kanungu road
Apak bridge on Lira - Moroto Kasozi (Lugogo) Bridge (linking
Apak bridge on Lira - Moroto road - 5% of works completed. Ngoma - Buruli )- design
road completed
Kabaale (linking Kyankwanzi to
Kabaale (linking Kyankwanzi to Ngoma in Nakaseke) - Bid Nalakasi Bridge on Ariamoi-
Ngoma in Nakaseke) evaluation ongoing. Kotido-Kaabong-Kapedo road,
Kasozi (Lugogo) Bridge (linking Kasozi (Lugogo) Bridge (linking
Ngoma - Buruli ) Ngoma - Buruli ) -Bid Lopei Bridge on Moroto -
evaluation is ongoing. Ariamoi-Kotido road 50%
Kabong-Kapedo road, Nalakasi-Ariamoi-Kotido- Nyamugasani Bridge -
Kaabong District Kabong-Kapedo road, Kaabong Kinyamaseke-Kisinga-
District -Bid evaluation is Kyarumba-Kibirizi road (50%)
Nyamugasani (Kasese)- ongoing.
Kinyamaseke-Kisinga- Maliba-Nkenda Bridge on
Kyarumba-Kibirizi road Nyamugasani (Kasese)- Bugoye- Nyakalingijo road,
Kinyamaseke-Kisinga- Kasese 50%
Kyanzuki-Kasese-Kilembe road Kyarumba-Kibirizi road and
Kyanzuki-Kasese-Kilembe Ruboni Bridge provides access
Kaboong (Kaboong)-Ariamoi- road - evaluation of bids to Mt Mageritta tourist
Kotido-Kabong-Kapedo road completed and contracts site, Kasese 50%
Lopei-Ariamoi-Kotido-Kabong- Cido Bridge on Nebbi-Goli,
Kapedo road Pakwala, Nyacyara, Goli, Nebbi District 50%
Nyagak- 3 (Nebbi), Enyau-3
Maliba-Nkenda – Bugoye – and Alla (Arua) Bridges- works Leresi Bridge -Butaleja-Leresi-
Nyakalingijo road, Kasese commenced and are ongoing. Budaka road 50%

Ruboni-Only access to Mt Cido-Nebbi-Goli, Nebbi Nyaliti Bridge Kapchorwa-

Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

Vote Function: 04 51 National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Project 1104 Construct Selected Bridges (BADEA)
Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and
UShs Thousand
Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)
Mageritta tourist site, Kasese District - evaluation of bids is Suam 50%
Cido-Nebbi-Goli, Nebbi District Ora Bridge on Okokko –
Nyaliti -Kapchorwa-Suam - Anyiribu road in Arua – Procure
Leresi (Butaleja)-Butaleja- evaluation ofbids completed. the contractor
Leresi-Budaka road
Lopei-Ariamoi-Kotido-Kabong- Aji Bridge on Ullepi Offaka –
Nyaliti -Kapchorwa-Suam Kapedo road- Evaluation of bids Nyiribu road in Arua – Procure
(Designed) completed. the contractor

Mubuku Bridge on Kasese- Maliba-Nkenda - Bugoye - Kangole Bridge on Katakwi –

Rwimi road Nyakalingijo road, Kasese and Moroto road – Procure the
Ruboni-Only access to Mt contractor
Kilembe Bridge on Kasese - Mageritta tourist site, Kasese;
Kirembe road bidding documents completed. Seretiyo on Kapchorwa – Suam
road – Procure the contractor
Emergency Response Materials
(Compact panel bailey Bridges Emergency Response Materials
(4 ) and 50 Metalitic Pipe (Compact panel bailey Bridges
Culverts (of 2.8m diameter) (4 ) and 50 Metalitic Pipe
Culverts (of 2.8m diameter) -
evaluation of bids completed
and contract awarded

Leresi (Butaleja)-Butaleja-
Leresi-Budaka road - evaluation
of bids was ongoing.

Total 42,796,000 33,026,838 54,000,000

GoU Development 36,296,000 33,026,838 50,000,000
External Financing 6,500,000 0 4,000,000

GRAND TOTAL 42,796,000 33,026,838 54,000,000

GoU Development 36,296,000 33,026,838 50,000,000
External Financing 6,500,000 0 4,000,000

Annual Workplan for 2014/15 - Outputs, Activities, Inputs and their Cost
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Output: 04 51 74 Major Bridges

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

Pakwala, Nyacyara, Goli, Nyagak- 3 (Nebbi) 50%, Kangole Bridge on Katakwi – Moroto road 1.0 1,800,000
Enyau-3 and Alla (Arua) 50% Ora Bridge on Okokko – Anyiribu road in Arua 1.0 1,000,000
Apak Bridge on Lira - Moroto road 50% Funds for supervision of Bridge works (Man 25.0 2,500,000
Birara Bridge (Kanungu ) 50% Aji Bridge on Ullepi Offaka – Nyiribu road Arua 10.0 1,000,000
Ntungwe Bridgeon Ishasha - Katunguru road (Kanungu)50% Apak Bridge on Lira - Moroto road (Percentage) 50.0 2,000,000
BADEA-Enyau-3 and Alla (Arua) (Percentage) 50.0 2,000,000
Mitano bridgeRukunguri - Kanungu road - 50% BADEA-Goli, Nyagak- 3 (Nebbi) (Percentage) 60.0 1,800,000
Birara Bridge (Kanungu ) (Percentage) 50.0 5,000,000
Kabaale (linking Kyankwanzi to Ngoma in Nakaseke) 50% Cido Bridge on Nebbi-Goli (Percentage) 50.0 2,000,000
Kaabong Bridge (Percentage) 50.0 1,500,000
Kasozi (Lugogo) Bridge (linking Ngoma - Buruli )- design completed
Kabaale (linking Kyankwanzi to Ngoma in 50.0 4,000,000
Nakaseke) (Percentage)
Nalakasi Bridge on Ariamoi-Kotido-Kaabong-Kapedo road, 50%
Kasozi (Lugogo) Bridge (linking Ngoma - Buruli ) 1.0 1,100,000
Lopei Bridge on Moroto -Ariamoi-Kotido road 50%
Kyanzuki Bridge in Kilembe (Percentage) 50.0 2,000,000
Nyamugasani Bridge -Kinyamaseke-Kisinga-Kyarumba-Kibirizi road Leresi Bridge -Butaleja (Percentage) 50.0 3,000,000
(50%) Lopei Bridge on Moroto -Ariamoi-Kotido road 50.0 2,500,000
Maliba-Nkenda Bridge on Bugoye- Nyakalingijo road, Maliba-Nkenda Bridge (Percentage) 28.0 1,400,000

Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

Vote Function: 04 51 National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Project 1104 Construct Selected Bridges (BADEA)
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Kasese 50% Mitano bridgeRukunguri - Kanungu road 45.0 4,500,000
Ruboni Bridge provides access to Mt Mageritta tourist Nalakasi Bridge (Percentage) 34.0 1,020,000
site, Kasese 50% Ntungwe Bridge on Ishasha - Katunguru road 50.0 4,000,000
Cido Bridge on Nebbi-Goli, Nebbi District 50% Nyaliti -Kapchorwa-Suam (Percentage) 50.0 2,000,000
Nyamugasani Bridge (Percentage) 50.0 3,500,000
Leresi Bridge -Butaleja-Leresi-Budaka road 50% Pakwala, Nyacyara, Goli, Nyagak- 3 (Nebbi) 56.7 1,700,000
Nyaliti Bridge Kapchorwa-Suam 50% Ruboni Bridge (Percentage) 34.0 680,000
Seretiyo on Kapchorwa – Suam road (Percentage) 50.0 2,000,000
Ora Bridge on Okokko – Anyiribu road in Arua – Procure the contractor

Aji Bridge on Ullepi Offaka – Nyiribu road in Arua – Procure the


Kangole Bridge on Katakwi – Moroto road – Procure the contractor

Seretiyo on Kapchorwa – Suam road – Procure the contractor

Activities to Deliver Outputs:
Construction and supervision of Bridge works
Total 54,000,000
GoU Development 50,000,000
External Financing 4,000,000
GRAND TOTAL 54,000,000
GoU Development 50,000,000
External Financing 4,000,000

Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

Vote Function: 04 51 National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Project 1105 Road Sector Institu. Capacity Dev. Proj.
Project Profile

Responsible Officer: Director Planning and Director Operations

Objectives: To build the staff and institutional capacity of UNRA through provision of Technical
Assistance, training of staff, provision of equipment and enabling working environment.
Outputs: 22 complete units of road maintenance equipment to replace the old ones procured
6 regional stations constructed
300 Technical Staff trained in various fields
9 up country stations renovated
Gender, HIV/AIDS and Occupational Health and Safety mainstreamed
Technical Assistance provided.
Start Date: 10/31/2011 Projected End Date: 1/31/2018
Donor Funding for Project:
MTEF Projections
2012/13 2013/14
Projected Donor Allocations (UShs) Budget Budget 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17
410 International Development Association (IDA) 4.700 3.000 0.712 0.000 0.000
407 European Development Fund (EDF) 1.500 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Total Donor Funding for Project 6.200 4.000 0.712 0.000 0.000

Workplan Outputs for 2013/14 and 2014/15

Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and
UShs Thousand
Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)
04 51 01Monitoring and Capacity Environment Audits Environment Audits - advertised Environment Audits
Building Support for service provider. Contract to
Road safety sensitization be signed by July 2014. Road safety sensitization

HIV/AIDS Mainstreaming Road safety sensitization - HIV/AIDS, Gender and

Activities Sensitisation was carried out in Occupational Health and Safety
schools and communities in activities
Gender Mainstreaming activities south-western Uganda.
Technical audits
Occupational Health and Safety HIV/AIDS Mainstreaming
Activities - The HIV/AIDS Review of UNRA's
Research and Development mainstreaming study is ongoing. Organisation and Setup
Inception report submitted and
Internal Audit (TA Audit ) data collection is ongoing. Consultancy Services for Bid
Technical audits on the Gender Mainstreaming
following roads; Busega- activities- The strategy was Support to the implementation
Mityana, Hoima-Kaiso-Tonya, completed and dissemination of UNRA Strategic Plan
Gulu-Atiak, Buteraniro- workshop held.
Ntungamo and Ntungamo- Developing Regulations for
Kabale-Katuna Occupational Health and UNRA Act (2006)
Safety - The strategy study is
Road Reserve Land ongoing.
Management System

Implementation of Axle load Internal Audit (TA Audit )-

Strategy Consultant was procured.

RSDP3 Technical audits were carried

out on the following roads;
Project Appraisal Tool Busega-Mityana, Hoima-Kaiso-
Tonya, Gulu-Atiak, Buteraniro-
Review of UNRA's Ntungamo and Ntungamo-
Organisation and Setup Kabale-Katuna

Socio-economic study Road Reserve Land

Management System - The
Design of Regional Station contract was signed and
Offices services commenced.

E-procurement system Implementation of Axle load

eastablished Strategy - the draft strategy was

Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

Vote Function: 04 51 National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Project 1105 Road Sector Institu. Capacity Dev. Proj.
Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and
UShs Thousand
Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)
submitted by the consultant.
Road Infrastructure
Asset Management Study Project Appraisal Tool - revised
appraisal manual submitted and
Consultancy Services for Bid it is being reviewed.
Review of UNRA's
Organisation and Setup - The
consultant commenced in May
2013 and submitted the
inception report.

Socio-economic study - The

consultant submitted the Final

Design of Regional Station

Offices -the designs
commenced- Draft design
documents submitted.

E-procurement system -
implementation of the system is

Road Infrastructure
Asset Management Study -
Terms of reference prepared.

Consultancy Services for Bid

Evaluation - Bids were invited
and evaluation is ongoing.

Total 6,154,200 4,654,200 5,500,000

GoU Development 5,154,200 4,654,200 5,500,000
External Financing 1,000,000 0 0

04 51 02UNRA Support Services Technical Assistance (TA) by Technical Assistance (TA) by Technical Assistance (Internal
EU and IDA provided. EU and IDA continued to be Audit)
Procurement Consultants Capacity building to UNRA
services provided Procurement Consultancy
services were provided. Construction of Regional offices

Ferry services advisor Ferry services advisor - Right of Way Management

continued to advise on the System
Procurement Specialist services management of ferries services.
Procurement Specialist
Capacity building to UNRA services - provided services on
processing procurements.

Total 3,000,000 2,161,025 1,500,000

GoU Development 0 0 0
External Financing 3,000,000 2,161,025 1,500,000

04 51 72Government Buildings and Rennovation of 9 stations Evaluation of Bids was

Administrative (Kotido, Moroto, Tororo, Lira, completed. The draft contracts Rennovation of 9 stations
Infrastructure Kitgum, Moyo, Kabale and were submitted to the Socilitor (Kotido, Moroto, Tororo, Lira,
Kasese) General for approval. The Kitgum, Moyo, Kabale and
stations to be rehabilitated Kasese) completed.
Kotido, Moroto, Tororo, Lira, Construction of Regional
Kitgum, Moyo, Kabale and Offices at Mbale, Mbarara,
Kasese. Gulu, Fort Portal and Kampala
Total 3,000,000 2,452,024 5,000,000
GoU Development 3,000,000 2,452,024 2,500,000
External Financing 0 0 2,500,000

04 51 77Purchase of Specialised Motor grader ( 150hp 13 Ton)- 4 excavators, 5 rollers and 2 Procurement of sixteen units of
Machinery & Equipment 16 bulldozers and 8 graders were new road construction
delivered. equipment with capacity for

Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

Vote Function: 04 51 National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Project 1105 Road Sector Institu. Capacity Dev. Proj.
Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and
UShs Thousand
Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)
Truck loaders- 16 rapid response to emergencies
Evaluation of bids for 16 on the national road network
Hydraulic excavator (12 ton)- 8 graders, 16 track loaders, 12
excavators, 6 rollers, 2 Motor grader ( 150hp 13 Ton)-
Bulldozer (180hp)- 2 bulldozers was completed but 16
award delayed because of
Single Drum Vibro Roller (15 administrative review. Truck loaders- 16
ton)- 6
In addition, the evaluation of Hydraulic excavator (12 ton)- 8
Tipper trucks (15 ton)-40 bids for
Tipper trucks (15 ton)-40, Bulldozer (180hp)- 2
Water bowsers (10,000 litres)- Water bowsers(10,000 litres)-
16 16, Light fuel Single Drum Vibro Roller (15
trucks(2000litres) -16, Crane ton)- 6
Light fuel trucks (2000litres) -16 trucks- 8
Pedestrian rollers- 8, Self loader Tipper trucks (15 ton)-40
Crane trucks- 8 trucks (20 ton)- 8, and Tampers-
8 was completed. Water bowsers (10,000 litres)-
Pedestrian rollers- 8 16

Long reach excavators- 4 Light fuel trucks (2,000litres) -

Self loader trucks (20 ton)- 8
Crane trucks- 8
Tampers- 8
Pedestrian rollers- 8

Long reach excavators- 4

Self loader trucks (20 ton)- 8

Tampers- 8

Total 30,000,000 20,000,000 30,412,663

GoU Development 30,000,000 20,000,000 30,412,663
External Financing 0 0 0

GRAND TOTAL 42,154,200 29,267,250 42,412,663

GoU Development 38,154,200 27,106,224 38,412,663
External Financing 4,000,000 2,161,025 4,000,000

Annual Workplan for 2014/15 - Outputs, Activities, Inputs and their Cost
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Output: 04 51 01 Monitoring and Capacity Building Support

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

Environment Audits Bid Evaluations (Man Months) 4.0 200,000
Developing Regulations for UNRA Act (2006) 40.0 2,000,000
Road safety sensitization (Man Months)
E-Monitoring System (Man Months) 3.0 150,000
HIV/AIDS, Gender and Occupational Health and Safety activities Environmental Audits and Monitoring (Man 6.0 300,000
Technical audits HIV/AIDS, Gender and OHS (Man Months) 4.0 200,000
Review of UNRA's Organisation and Setup (Man 8.0 400,000
Review of UNRA's Organisation and Setup Months)
Road Safety Sensitisation (Man Months) 6.0 300,000
Consultancy Services for Bid Evaluation. Support UNRA Strategic Plan (Man Months) 3.0 150,000
Technical Audits (Man Months) 36.0 1,800,000
Support to the implementation of UNRA Strategic Plan

Developing Regulations for UNRA Act (2006)

Activities to Deliver Outputs:
Conducting Environment Audits

sensitization on road safety

Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

Vote Function: 04 51 National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Project 1105 Road Sector Institu. Capacity Dev. Proj.
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
MainstreamingHIV/ AIDS Activities

Mainstreaming Gender activities

Carrying occupational Health and Safety activities

carrying out research and development activities

Carrying out technical audits

Establishing Road a Reserve Land Management System

Review of UNRA's Organisation and Setup

Construction of Regional Offices

Carryibg out road Infrastructure

Asset Management Study

carrying out bid Evaluation

Implementing the Strategic Plan.

Total 5,500,000
GoU Development 5,500,000
External Financing 0
Output: 04 51 02 UNRA Support Services

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

Technical Assistance (Internal Audit) 8 (Man months) 4.0 400,000
Design of Regional Offices (Man months) 8.0 400,000
Capacity building to UNRA Right of Way Management System (Man months) 4.0 200,000
Technical Assistance (Internal Audit) (Man months) 5.0 500,000
Construction of Regional offices

Right of Way Management System

Activities to Deliver Outputs:
Providing Technical Assistance (IDA).

Providing Procurement Consultancy services provided

Building UNRA's capacity.

Total 1,500,000
GoU Development 0
External Financing 1,500,000
Output: 04 51 72 Government Buildings and Administrative Infrastructure

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

Funds for construction of Regional offices (Number) 5.0 2,500,000
Rennovation of 9 stations (Kotido, Moroto, Tororo, Lira, Kitgum, Moyo, Funds for rennovation of upcountry stations 16.7 2,500,000
Kabale and Kasese) completed. (Number)

Construction of Regional Offices at Mbale, Mbarara, Gulu, Fort Portal and

Activities to Deliver Outputs:
Carrying out rennovation of upcountry station offices and construction of
regional offices.
Total 5,000,000
GoU Development 2,500,000

Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

Vote Function: 04 51 National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Project 1105 Road Sector Institu. Capacity Dev. Proj.
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
External Financing 2,500,000
Output: 04 51 77 Purchase of Specialised Machinery & Equipment

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

Procurement of sixteen units of new road construction equipment with Funds for purchace of road maintenance equipment 16.1 29,000,000
capacity for rapid response to emergencies on the national road network (Number units)

Motor grader ( 150hp 13 Ton)-16

Truck loaders- 16

Hydraulic excavator (12 ton)- 8

Bulldozer (180hp)- 2

Single Drum Vibro Roller (15 ton)- 6

Tipper trucks (15 ton)-40

Water bowsers (10,000 litres)- 16

Light fuel trucks (2,000litres) -16

Crane trucks- 8

Pedestrian rollers- 8

Long reach excavators- 4

Self loader trucks (20 ton)- 8

Tampers- 8
Activities to Deliver Outputs:
Procuring road maintenance equipment
Total 30,412,663
GoU Development 30,412,663
External Financing 0
GRAND TOTAL 42,412,663
GoU Development 38,412,663
External Financing 4,000,000

Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

Vote Function: 04 51 National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Project 1158 Reconstruction of Mbarara-Katuna road (155 Km)
Project Profile

Responsible Officer: Director Projects

Objectives: The objective was to facilitate trade by reconstructing a section of the Northern Corridor
Route from Mbarara to Katuna.
Outputs: 155 km of class 2 paved road reconstructed and upgraded to class 1 bitumen

Start Date: 8/3/2011 Projected End Date: 12/31/2014

Donor Funding for Project:
MTEF Projections
2012/13 2013/14
Projected Donor Allocations (UShs) Budget Budget 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17
408 European Investment Bank 0.000 30.000 0.000 20.000 0.000
407 European Development Fund (EDF) 49.320 90.000 10.000 20.700 0.000
Total Donor Funding for Project 49.320 120.000 10.000 40.700 0.000

Workplan Outputs for 2013/14 and 2014/15

Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and
UShs Thousand
Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)
04 51 71Acquisition of Land by 390 hectares of land and 19.91 hectares acquired on 100 hectares of land and
Government properties therein procured. Mbarara Bypass and 25.41 properties therein acquired.
hectares acquired for
Buteraniro - Katuna road.

Since the project start, UGX 9.5

bn has been paid out of the
valued UGX 14.9 bn;
representing a performance of

A total of 1222 project affected

persons out ot 2295 have been
Total 15,000,000 14,947,292 5,000,000
GoU Development 15,000,000 14,947,292 5,000,000
External Financing 0 0 0

04 51 80National Road Mbarara - Ntungamo (Lot 2) - Mbarara - Ntugamo: 45% of the Mbarara - Ntungamo (Lot 2) -
Construction/Rehabilitation 30% of works completed works was completed out of 20% of works completed;
(Bitumen Standard) the annual target of 30%. The cumulative 100%
Ntungamo - Katuna (lot 3) - cumulative progress since the
30% of works completed. project start was 78.2 %. Ntungamo - Katuna (lot 3) -
25% of works completed;
Mbarara Bypass (lot 1) - 20% Ntugamo - Katuna road: 28% of cumulative 90%
of works completed the works was completed out of
the annual target of 30%. The Mbarara Bypass (lot 1) - 20%
cumulative progress since the of works completed; cumulative
project start was 55.7%. 50%

Mbarara Bypass - 6.3% of the

works was completed out of the
annual target 20%. The
cumulative since the project
start was 6%.

Total 130,000,000 121,047,583 85,194,948

GoU Development 10,000,000 9,333,333 15,000,000
External Financing 120,000,000 111,714,250 70,194,948

GRAND TOTAL 145,000,000 135,994,875 90,194,948

GoU Development 25,000,000 24,280,625 20,000,000
External Financing 120,000,000 111,714,250 70,194,948

Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

Vote Function: 04 51 National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Project 1158 Reconstruction of Mbarara-Katuna road (155 Km)
Annual Workplan for 2014/15 - Outputs, Activities, Inputs and their Cost
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Output: 04 51 71 Acquisition of Land by Government

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

100 hectares of land and properties therein acquired. Funds for land and property compensation 50.0 5,000,000
Activities to Deliver Outputs:
Compensating land and property affected by the project.
Total 5,000,000
GoU Development 5,000,000
External Financing 0
Output: 04 51 80 National Road Construction/Rehabilitation (Bitumen Standard)

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

Mbarara - Ntungamo (Lot 2) - 20% of works completed; cumulative 100% Funds for supervision services (man months) 21.9 2,194,948
Funds for road works for Rwentobo - Katuna 18.6 20,500,000
Ntungamo - Katuna (lot 3) - 25% of works completed; cumulative 90% (Percentage)
Funds for road works Mbarara Bypass (Percentage) 27.0 40,500,000
Mbarara Bypass (lot 1) - 20% of works completed; cumulative 50% Funds for works for Buteraniro - Rwentobo 20.0 22,000,000
Activities to Deliver Outputs:
Construction and supervision of works
Total 85,194,948
GoU Development 15,000,000
External Financing 70,194,948
GRAND TOTAL 90,194,948
GoU Development 20,000,000
External Financing 70,194,948

Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

Vote Function: 04 51 National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Project 1175 Kayunga-Galiraya (111Km)
Project Profile

Responsible Officer: Director Planning

Objectives: To boost agricultural production through upgrading from gravel to bitument standard of
Kayunga - Baale - Galiraya road.
Outputs: 83 Km of road to be designed
83 km of gravel road upgraded to bitumen standard
Start Date: 9/28/2012 Projected End Date: 6/30/2015
Donor Funding for Project:
MTEF Projections
2012/13 2013/14
Projected Donor Allocations (UShs) Budget Budget 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17
402 Africa Development Fund (ADF) 1.499 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Total Donor Funding for Project 1.499 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000

Workplan Outputs for 2013/14 and 2014/15

Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and
UShs Thousand
Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)
04 51 80National Road Feasibility Study and The Feasibility study and Draft Design Reports.
Construction/Rehabilitation preliminary design Reports. preliminary designs were
(Bitumen Standard) completed. Detailed
Engineering designs commenced.

Total 1,000,000 640,576 1,000,000

GoU Development 0 0 0
External Financing 1,000,000 640,576 1,000,000

GRAND TOTAL 1,000,000 640,576 1,000,000

GoU Development 0 0 0
External Financing 1,000,000 640,576 1,000,000

Annual Workplan for 2014/15 - Outputs, Activities, Inputs and their Cost
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Output: 04 51 80 National Road Construction/Rehabilitation (Bitumen Standard)

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

Draft Design Reports. Funds for design services (Man months) 10.0 1,000,000

Activities to Deliver Outputs:

Carry out detailed engineering designs
Total 1,000,000
GoU Development 0
External Financing 1,000,000
GRAND TOTAL 1,000,000
GoU Development 0
External Financing 1,000,000

Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

Vote Function: 04 51 National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Project 1176 Hoima-Wanseko Road (83Km)
Project Profile

Responsible Officer: Director Planning

Objectives: To facilitate oil and gas exploration and production through upgrading from gravel road to
bitumen standard of Hoima - Butiaba - Wanseko road.
Outputs: 111 Km of road to be designed
111km of gravel road upgraded to bitumen standard
Start Date: 11/30/2011 Projected End Date: 1/31/2018
Donor Funding for Project:
MTEF Projections
2012/13 2013/14
Projected Donor Allocations (UShs) Budget Budget 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17
402 Africa Development Fund (ADF) 1.499 0.470 0.000 0.000 0.000
Total Donor Funding for Project 1.499 0.470 0.000 0.000 0.000

Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

Vote Function: 04 51 National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Project 1180 Kampala Entebbe Express Highway
Project Profile

Responsible Officer: Director Projects

Objectives: To reduce travel time between Kampala and Entebbe through construction of an expressway
highway. The road is expected to relieve traffic congestion on the exisiting Kampala - Entebbe
Outputs: 51 km of 4 lane paved road

Start Date: 11/19/2012 Projected End Date: 11/18/2017

Donor Funding for Project:
MTEF Projections
2012/13 2013/14
Projected Donor Allocations (UShs) Budget Budget 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17
507 China (PR) 151.797 110.000 82.984 100.493 0.000
Total Donor Funding for Project 151.797 110.000 82.984 100.493 0.000

Workplan Outputs for 2013/14 and 2014/15

Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and
UShs Thousand
Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)
04 51 71Acquisition of Land by 200 hectares and properties 67.83 hactares of land acquired 200 hectares and properties
Government therein procured. and properties therein therein procured.

Since project commencement, a

total of UGX 65.7 bn has been
paid out of the valued UGX 95
bn; represented 75%

A total of 1185 project affected

persons have been paid out of
the 1578 valued
Total 60,000,000 53,421,581 50,000,000
GoU Development 60,000,000 53,421,581 50,000,000
External Financing 0 0 0

04 51 80National Road 20% of the road works 12% works were completed by 20% of the road works
Construction/Rehabilitation completed. third quarter out of the annual completed; cumulative 50%
(Bitumen Standard) target of 20%
The cumulative progress since
the start of the project was
18.9% of the works completed.
This project is expected to be
completed by November 2017.

Total 140,000,000 115,695,896 80,000,000

GoU Development 30,000,000 27,448,751 30,000,000
External Financing 110,000,000 88,247,146 50,000,000

GRAND TOTAL 200,000,000 169,117,478 130,000,000

GoU Development 90,000,000 80,870,332 80,000,000
External Financing 110,000,000 88,247,146 50,000,000

Annual Workplan for 2014/15 - Outputs, Activities, Inputs and their Cost
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Output: 04 51 71 Acquisition of Land by Government

Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

Vote Function: 04 51 National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Project 1180 Kampala Entebbe Express Highway
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost
200 hectares and properties therein procured. Funds for land and property compensation 200.0 50,000,000
Activities to Deliver Outputs:
Compensating land and property affected by the project.
Total 50,000,000
GoU Development 50,000,000
External Financing 0
Output: 04 51 80 National Road Construction/Rehabilitation (Bitumen Standard)

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

20% of the road works completed; cumulative 50% Funds for supervision services (Man months) 20.0 2,000,000

Activities to Deliver Outputs: Funds for road works (Percentage) 19.5 78,000,000

Construction and supervision of road works.

Total 80,000,000
GoU Development 30,000,000
External Financing 50,000,000
GRAND TOTAL 130,000,000
GoU Development 80,000,000
External Financing 50,000,000

Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

Vote Function: 04 51 National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Project 1274 Musita-Lumino-Busia/Majanji Road
Project Profile

Responsible Officer: Director Projects

Objectives: (i) To relieve the heavy traffic on Busia - Iganga - Jinja road by diverting it to Busia- Lumino -
Musita road and (ii) To faciliate the marketing of agricultural and fish products by linking
them to the market in Kenya and Jinja.
Outputs: 104 km of gravel road upgraded to bitumen standard.

Start Date: 3/1/2014 Projected End Date: 3/1/2017

Workplan Outputs for 2013/14 and 2014/15

Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and
UShs Thousand
Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)
04 51 71Acquisition of Land by 100 hectares of land and Procurement of the RAP 100 hectares of land and
Government properties therein procured implementation consultant is properties therein procured
ongoing. Evaluation of technical
proposals completed and
financial proposals is ongoing.
The contract is expected to be
signed by June 2014.

Total 5,000,000 1,666,667 5,000,000

GoU Development 5,000,000 1,666,667 5,000,000
External Financing 0 0 0

04 51 80National Road 5% of road works completed Bids were submitted on 13 20% of road works completed
Construction/Rehabilitation December 2014 and evaluation
(Bitumen Standard) is ongoing. Evaluation of
technical proposals was
completed and financial
proposals commenced. The
contract is expected to be signed
by June 2014.

Total 50,000,000 26,236,032 45,000,000

GoU Development 50,000,000 26,236,032 45,000,000
External Financing 0 0 0

GRAND TOTAL 55,000,000 27,902,699 50,000,000

GoU Development 55,000,000 27,902,699 50,000,000
External Financing 0 0 0

Annual Workplan for 2014/15 - Outputs, Activities, Inputs and their Cost
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Output: 04 51 71 Acquisition of Land by Government

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

100 hectares of land and properties therein procured Funds for land and property compensation 100.0 5,000,000
Activities to Deliver Outputs:
Verification and payment of compensation.
Total 5,000,000
GoU Development 5,000,000
External Financing 0
Output: 04 51 80 National Road Construction/Rehabilitation (Bitumen Standard)

Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

Vote Function: 04 51 National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Project 1274 Musita-Lumino-Busia/Majanji Road
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost
20% of road works completed Funds for supervision services (Man moths) 10.0 1,000,000

Activities to Deliver Outputs: Funds for road works (Percentage) 29.3 44,000,000

Construction and supervision of road works

Total 45,000,000
GoU Development 45,000,000
External Financing 0
GRAND TOTAL 50,000,000
GoU Development 50,000,000
External Financing 0

Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

Vote Function: 04 51 National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Project 1275 Olwiyo-Gulu-Kitgum Road
Project Profile

Responsible Officer: Director Projects

Objectives: To facilitate oil and gas exploration Nwoya and Amuru districts and marketing of agricultural
produce by upgrading from gravel to bitumen standard of Olwiyo - Gulu - Acholibur -
Kitgum - Musingo (border) road.
Outputs: 223 km of gravel road upgraded from gravel to bitumen standard

Start Date: 3/31/2014 Projected End Date: 3/31/2017

Workplan Outputs for 2013/14 and 2014/15

Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and
UShs Thousand
Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)
04 51 71Acquisition of Land by 300 hectares of land and The procurement of RAP 300 hectares of land and
Government properties therein acquired implementation consultant is properties therein acquired
ongoing. Evaluation of technical
proposals completed and
financial proposals is ongoing.
The contract is expected to be
signed by June 2014.

Total 10,000,000 3,333,333 10,000,000

GoU Development 10,000,000 3,333,333 10,000,000
External Financing 0 0 0

04 51 80National Road 5% of road works completed Bids were submitted on 13 20% of road works completed
Construction/Rehabilitation December 2014 and evaluation
(Bitumen Standard) is ongoing. Evaluation of
technical proposals was
completed and financial
proposals commenced. The
contract is expected to be signed
by June 2014.

Total 60,000,000 20,000,000 110,000,000

GoU Development 60,000,000 20,000,000 110,000,000
External Financing 0 0 0

GRAND TOTAL 70,000,000 23,333,333 120,000,000

GoU Development 70,000,000 23,333,333 120,000,000
External Financing 0 0 0

Annual Workplan for 2014/15 - Outputs, Activities, Inputs and their Cost
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Output: 04 51 71 Acquisition of Land by Government

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

300 hectares of land and properties therein acquired Funds for land and property compensation 303.0 10,000,000
Activities to Deliver Outputs:
Verification and payment of compensation
Total 10,000,000
GoU Development 10,000,000
External Financing 0
Output: 04 51 80 National Road Construction/Rehabilitation (Bitumen Standard)

Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

Vote Function: 04 51 National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Project 1275 Olwiyo-Gulu-Kitgum Road
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost
20% of road works completed Funds for supervision services (Man moths) 20.0 2,000,000

Activities to Deliver Outputs: Funds for road works (Percentage) 43.2 108,000,000

Construction and supervision of works

Total 110,000,000
GoU Development 110,000,000
External Financing 0
GRAND TOTAL 120,000,000
GoU Development 120,000,000
External Financing 0

Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

Vote Function: 04 51 National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Project 1276 Mubende-Kakumiro-Kagadi Road
Project Profile

Responsible Officer: Director Projects

Objectives: To facilitate the marketing of agricultural produce through upgrading from gravel to bitumen
standard Mubende - Kakumiro - Kibaale - Kagadi road.
Outputs: 104km of gravel road upgraded to bitumen standard.

Start Date: 3/31/2014 Projected End Date: 3/31/2017

Workplan Outputs for 2013/14 and 2014/15

Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and
UShs Thousand
Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)
04 51 71Acquisition of Land by 100 hectares of land and Land acquisition is part of the 100 hectares of land and
Government properties therein acquired works contract. Procurement of properties therein acquired
the contractor is at bid
evaluation stage.
Total 3,000,000 1,000,000 3,000,000
GoU Development 3,000,000 1,000,000 3,000,000
External Financing 0 0 0

04 51 80National Road 2% of road works completed This is a design and build 10% of road works completed
Construction/Rehabilitation project. Evaluation of bids is
(Bitumen Standard) ongoing. Evaluation of technical
bids was completed. The
contract is expected to be signed
by June 2014.
Total 22,000,000 7,333,333 47,000,000
GoU Development 22,000,000 7,333,333 47,000,000
External Financing 0 0 0

GRAND TOTAL 25,000,000 8,333,333 50,000,000

GoU Development 25,000,000 8,333,333 50,000,000
External Financing 0 0 0

Annual Workplan for 2014/15 - Outputs, Activities, Inputs and their Cost
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Output: 04 51 71 Acquisition of Land by Government

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

100 hectares of land and properties therein acquired Funds for land and property compensation 100.0 3,000,000
Activities to Deliver Outputs:
Procure RAP implementation consultant and pay compensation
Total 3,000,000
GoU Development 3,000,000
External Financing 0
Output: 04 51 80 National Road Construction/Rehabilitation (Bitumen Standard)

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

10% of road works completed Funds for works (Pecentage) 20.4 47,000,000

Activities to Deliver Outputs:

Design, construction and supervision of works.
Total 47,000,000
GoU Development 47,000,000
External Financing 0

Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

Vote Function: 04 51 National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Project 1276 Mubende-Kakumiro-Kagadi Road
GRAND TOTAL 50,000,000
GoU Development 50,000,000
External Financing 0

Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

Vote Function: 04 51 National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Project 1277 Kampala Northern Bypass Phase 2
Project Profile

Responsible Officer: Director Projects

Objectives: To reduce traffic congension by diverting transit traffic away from the city centre.

Outputs: 17 km of 2 lane carriageway with 5 grade seperated junctions.

Start Date: 3/31/2014 Projected End Date: 9/23/2016

Donor Funding for Project:
MTEF Projections
2012/13 2013/14
Projected Donor Allocations (UShs) Budget Budget 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17
408 European Investment Bank 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
407 European Development Fund (EDF) 0.000 54.000 20.000 0.000 0.000
Total Donor Funding for Project 0.000 55.000 20.000 0.000 0.000

Workplan Outputs for 2013/14 and 2014/15

Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and
UShs Thousand
Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)
04 51 71Acquisition of Land by 40 hectares of land and 20 Hectares of land and
Government properties therein procured Procurement of the design properties theirin acquired
consultant is in advanced stages.
Evaluation of bids was
completed. Negotiations with
the best evaluated bidder
completed. Services to
commence by June 2014.
Total 40,000,000 13,333,333 20,000,000
GoU Development 40,000,000 13,333,333 20,000,000
External Financing 0 0 0

04 51 80National Road 5% of road works completed Contract was awarded and 15% of road works completed.
Construction/Rehabilitation signed on 11 April 2014. The
(Bitumen Standard) contractor is currently 50% of Kampala Fly-over
mobilising to commence works project design completed.
in July 2014. The supervision
consultant was signed on 12
April 2014.
Total 55,000,000 224,707 40,000,000
GoU Development 0 224,707 20,000,000
External Financing 55,000,000 0 20,000,000

GRAND TOTAL 95,000,000 13,558,041 60,000,000

GoU Development 40,000,000 13,558,041 40,000,000
External Financing 55,000,000 0 20,000,000

Annual Workplan for 2014/15 - Outputs, Activities, Inputs and their Cost
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Output: 04 51 71 Acquisition of Land by Government

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

20 Hectares of land and properties theirin acquired Funds for land and property compensation 20.0 20,000,000
Activities to Deliver Outputs:
Procure the RAP implementation consultant and pay compensation
Total 20,000,000
GoU Development 20,000,000
External Financing 0

Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

Vote Function: 04 51 National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Project 1277 Kampala Northern Bypass Phase 2
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Output: 04 51 80 National Road Construction/Rehabilitation (Bitumen Standard)

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

15% of road works completed. Design services Kampala Fly-Over Project (man 79.0 7,900,000
50% of Kampala Fly-over project design completed. Funds for supervision services (Man months) 10.5 1,050,000

Activities to Deliver Outputs: Funds for works (Percentage) 10.4 31,050,000

Construction and supervision of road works.

Total 40,000,000
GoU Development 20,000,000
External Financing 20,000,000
GRAND TOTAL 60,000,000
GoU Development 40,000,000
External Financing 20,000,000

Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

Vote Function: 04 51 National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Project 1278 Kampala-Jinja Expressway
Project Profile

Responsible Officer: Director Planning

Objectives: • Reduce the travel times and cost for the movement of passengers and goods;
• Provide a reliable link between the commercial capital of Uganda (Kampala) and Jinja Town
(the biggest industrial town in Uganda; and
• To provide a safe, secure, environmentally sustainable, reliable and dependable transport
system that meets the immediate and long term needs of this growing region.
Outputs: Design of the road
77km of 4 lanes Express Highway
Start Date: 1/31/2014 Projected End Date: 12/31/2016

Workplan Outputs for 2013/14 and 2014/15

Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and
UShs Thousand
Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)
04 51 80National Road Final Detailed Design for The Final designs were Technical Assistenance for
Construction/Rehabilitation Kampala- Jinja Express Way completed. the Transaction structuring PPP project and
(Bitumen Standard) advisor for structuring the advertising for PPP contractor.
Public Private Partnership
project procured. The right of
way was gazzatted and
developments freezed.
Total 5,000,000 0 597,600
GoU Development 5,000,000 0 597,600
External Financing 0 0 0

GRAND TOTAL 5,000,000 0 597,600

GoU Development 5,000,000 0 597,600
External Financing 0 0 0

Annual Workplan for 2014/15 - Outputs, Activities, Inputs and their Cost
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Output: 04 51 80 National Road Construction/Rehabilitation (Bitumen Standard)

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

Technical Assistenance for structuring PPP project and advertising for Technical Assistance for PPP (Man months) 6.0 597,600
PPP contractor.
Activities to Deliver Outputs:
Structuring PPP project and advertising for PPP contractor.
Total 597,600
GoU Development 597,600
External Financing 0
GoU Development 597,600
External Financing 0

Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

Vote Function: 04 51 National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Project 1279 Seeta-Kyaliwajjala-Matugga-Wakiso-Buloba-Nsangi
Project Profile

Responsible Officer: Director Planning

Objectives: To reduce traffic congestion on the major roads leading to the city centre through upgrading
from gravel to bitumen standard Seeta –Namugongo - Kiira – Kasangati - Matugga – Wakiso
to Nsangi road.
Outputs: Feasibility study report
Road design
50km of gravel road upgraded to bitumen standard
Start Date: 3/31/2014 Projected End Date: 6/1/2017

Workplan Outputs for 2013/14 and 2014/15

Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and
UShs Thousand
Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)
04 51 80National Road Feasibility Study and Draft Procurement ongoig. Advert for Feasibility Study and
Construction/Rehabilitation Preliminary Designs design services was published in Preliminary Design Report
(Bitumen Standard) April 2014. Contract expected
to be signed by December 2014.

Total 1,000,000 0 1,000,000

GoU Development 1,000,000 0 1,000,000
External Financing 0 0 0

GRAND TOTAL 1,000,000 0 1,000,000

GoU Development 1,000,000 0 1,000,000
External Financing 0 0 0

Annual Workplan for 2014/15 - Outputs, Activities, Inputs and their Cost
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Output: 04 51 80 National Road Construction/Rehabilitation (Bitumen Standard)

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

Feasibility Study and Preliminary Design Report Funds for design services (Man months) 7.0 700,000

Activities to Deliver Outputs: Funds for approval of EIA (Number) 1.0 300,000

Carrying of feasibility study and detailed design.

Total 1,000,000
GoU Development 1,000,000
External Financing 0
GRAND TOTAL 1,000,000
GoU Development 1,000,000
External Financing 0

Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

Vote Function: 04 51 National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Project 1280 Najjanankumbi-Busabala Road and Nambole-Namilyango-Seeta
Project Profile

Responsible Officer: Director Planning

Objectives: (i) To decongest Kampala - Mukono road by diverting some of the traffic and (ii) To facilitate
development along Najjanankumbi - Busabala road by constructing a paved road.
Outputs: 40km of gravel road upgraded to paved standard

Start Date: 3/31/2014 Projected End Date: 3/30/2018

Workplan Outputs for 2013/14 and 2014/15

Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and
UShs Thousand
Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)
04 51 80National Road Feasibility Study and Draft Procurement ongoing. The Feasibility Study and
Construction/Rehabilitation Preliminary Design. adevert for design services was preliminary design report .
(Bitumen Standard) published in April 2014. The
contract is expected to be signed
in December 2014.
Total 500,000 0 1,000,000
GoU Development 500,000 0 1,000,000
External Financing 0 0 0

GRAND TOTAL 500,000 0 1,000,000

GoU Development 500,000 0 1,000,000
External Financing 0 0 0

Annual Workplan for 2014/15 - Outputs, Activities, Inputs and their Cost
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Output: 04 51 80 National Road Construction/Rehabilitation (Bitumen Standard)

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

Feasibility Study and preliminary design report . Funds for design services (Man months) 7.0 700,000

Activities to Deliver Outputs: Fees for approval of EIA (Number) 1.0 300,000

Carry out the feasibility study and detailed design

Total 1,000,000
GoU Development 1,000,000
External Financing 0
GRAND TOTAL 1,000,000
GoU Development 1,000,000
External Financing 0

Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

Vote Function: 04 51 National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Project 1281 Tirinyi-Pallisa-Kumi/Kamonkoli Road
Project Profile

Responsible Officer: Director Planning

Objectives: To facilitate marketing of agricultural produce through provision of all weather paved road.

Outputs: 111 km of gravel road upgraded to bitumen standard

Start Date: 1/31/2014 Projected End Date: 12/29/2017

Donor Funding for Project:
MTEF Projections
2012/13 2013/14
Projected Donor Allocations (UShs) Budget Budget 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17
414 Islamic Development Bank 0.000 0.000 37.000 50.000 0.000
Total Donor Funding for Project 0.000 0.000 37.000 50.000 0.000

Workplan Outputs for 2013/14 and 2014/15

Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and
UShs Thousand
Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)
04 51 71Acquisition of Land by 200 hectares of land and
Government properties therein procured
Total 0 0 8,000,000
GoU Development 0 0 8,000,000
External Financing 0 0 0

04 51 80National Road Updated Design and Contractor The General Procurement notice 10%of the works completed
Construction/Rehabilitation procured was published in newspapers in
(Bitumen Standard) March 2014. Advert for
prequalification of contractors
expected before the end of May
Total 1,500,000 0 22,470,000
GoU Development 1,500,000 0 2,000,000
External Financing 0 0 20,470,000

GRAND TOTAL 1,500,000 0 30,470,000

GoU Development 1,500,000 0 10,000,000
External Financing 0 0 20,470,000

Annual Workplan for 2014/15 - Outputs, Activities, Inputs and their Cost
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Output: 04 51 71 Acquisition of Land by Government

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

200 hectares of land and properties therein procured Funds for land and property compensation 200.0 8,000,000
Activities to Deliver Outputs:
Procure the RAP implementation consultant and pay compensation.
Total 8,000,000
GoU Development 8,000,000
External Financing 0
Output: 04 51 80 National Road Construction/Rehabilitation (Bitumen Standard)

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

10%of the works completed Funds for supervision services (Man months) 4.7 470,000

Activities to Deliver Outputs: Funds for works (Percentage) 14.7 22,000,000

Construction and supervision of works

Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

Vote Function: 04 51 National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Project 1281 Tirinyi-Pallisa-Kumi/Kamonkoli Road
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Total 22,470,000
GoU Development 2,000,000
External Financing 20,470,000
GRAND TOTAL 30,470,000
GoU Development 10,000,000
External Financing 20,470,000

Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

Vote Function: 04 51 National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Project 1310 Albertine Region Sustainable Development Project
Project Profile

Responsible Officer: Director Projects

Objectives: To facilitate the evacuation of oil from the albertine region, boost tourism and agricultural
Outputs: 105 km of grave road upgrade to bitumen standard.

Start Date: 7/1/2014 Projected End Date: 6/30/2019

Donor Funding for Project:
MTEF Projections
2012/13 2013/14
Projected Donor Allocations (UShs) Budget Budget 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17
410 International Development Association (IDA) 0.000 0.000 20.000 10.000 50.000
Total Donor Funding for Project 0.000 0.000 20.000 10.000 50.000

Workplan Outputs for 2013/14 and 2014/15

Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and
UShs Thousand
Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)
04 51 71Acquisition of Land by 100 hactares of land acquired
Government and property therein compesated

Total 0 0 5,000,000
GoU Development 0 0 5,000,000
External Financing 0 0 0

04 51 80National Road 15% of works completed.

(Bitumen Standard)
Total 0 0 20,000,000
GoU Development 0 0 0
External Financing 0 0 20,000,000

GRAND TOTAL 0 0 25,000,000

GoU Development 0 0 5,000,000
External Financing 0 0 20,000,000

Annual Workplan for 2014/15 - Outputs, Activities, Inputs and their Cost
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Output: 04 51 71 Acquisition of Land by Government

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

100 hactares of land acquired and property therein compesated Land and Property acquisition (Hactares) 100.0 5,000,000

Activities to Deliver Outputs:

Verification of PAPs and paying compensation
Total 5,000,000
GoU Development 5,000,000
External Financing 0
Output: 04 51 80 National Road Construction/Rehabilitation (Bitumen Standard)

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

15% of works completed. Supervision services (Man Months) 5.0 500,000

Activities to Deliver Outputs: Construction works (Percentage) 15.0 19,500,000

Contractor and supervision consultant procured

Total 20,000,000
Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

Vote Function: 04 51 National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Project 1310 Albertine Region Sustainable Development Project
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
GoU Development 0
External Financing 20,000,000
GRAND TOTAL 25,000,000
GoU Development 5,000,000
External Financing 20,000,000

Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

Vote Function: 04 51 National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Project 1311 Upgrading Rukungiri-Kihihi-Ishasha/Kanungu Road
Project Profile

Responsible Officer: Director Projects

Objectives: To improve road access to socio-economic facilities and quality of transport service levels in
south western Uganda thereby contributing to improved standard of living for the
beneficiaries; support the tourism industry and promote regional trade and cross border trade
with DRC.
Outputs: 78.5km of gravel road upgraded to class II bitumen standard

Start Date: 7/1/2014 Projected End Date: 6/30/2019

Donor Funding for Project:
MTEF Projections
2012/13 2013/14
Projected Donor Allocations (UShs) Budget Budget 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17
401 Africa Development Bank (ADB) 0.000 0.000 3.554 10.000 50.000
Total Donor Funding for Project 0.000 0.000 3.554 10.000 50.000

Workplan Outputs for 2013/14 and 2014/15

Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and
UShs Thousand
Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)
04 51 71Acquisition of Land by 50 hectares acquired and
Government property therein compensated
Total 0 0 2,500,000
GoU Development 0 0 2,500,000
External Financing 0 0 0

04 51 80National Road Contractor and Supervision

Construction/Rehabilitation consultant procured and
(Bitumen Standard) advance paid.
Total 0 0 6,053,927
GoU Development 0 0 2,500,000
External Financing 0 0 3,553,927

GRAND TOTAL 0 0 8,553,927

GoU Development 0 0 5,000,000
External Financing 0 0 3,553,927

Annual Workplan for 2014/15 - Outputs, Activities, Inputs and their Cost
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Output: 04 51 71 Acquisition of Land by Government

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

50 hectares acquired and property therein compensated Land and property compensation (Hectares) 50.0 2,500,000

Activities to Deliver Outputs:

Procure the RAP consultant, carry out verification and commence
Total 2,500,000
GoU Development 2,500,000
External Financing 0
Output: 04 51 80 National Road Construction/Rehabilitation (Bitumen Standard)

Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

Vote Function: 04 51 National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Project 1311 Upgrading Rukungiri-Kihihi-Ishasha/Kanungu Road
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost
Contractor and Supervision consultant procured and advance paid. Payment of advance for works (Amount) 0.8 5,553,927

Activities to Deliver Outputs: Supervision Services (man months) 3.3 500,000

Procure contractor and consultant and pay advance

Total 6,053,927
GoU Development 2,500,000
External Financing 3,553,927
GRAND TOTAL 8,553,927
GoU Development 5,000,000
External Financing 3,553,927

Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

Vote Function: 04 51 National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Project 1312 Upgrading mbale-Bubulo-Lwakhakha Road
Project Profile

Responsible Officer: Directpr Projects

Objectives: To improve road access to socio-economic facilities and quality of transport service levels in
eastern Uganda thereby contributing to improved standard of living for the beneficiaries;
support the tourism industry and promote regional trade and cross border trade with Kenya
Outputs: 45 km of gravel road upgraded to bitumen standard.

Start Date: 7/1/2014 Projected End Date: 6/30/2019

Donor Funding for Project:
MTEF Projections
2012/13 2013/14
Projected Donor Allocations (UShs) Budget Budget 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17
401 Africa Development Bank (ADB) 0.000 0.000 4.000 10.000 50.000
Total Donor Funding for Project 0.000 0.000 4.000 10.000 50.000

Workplan Outputs for 2013/14 and 2014/15

Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and
UShs Thousand
Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)
04 51 71Acquisition of Land by 50 Hectares and property
Government therein acquired
Total 0 0 2,500,000
GoU Development 0 0 2,500,000
External Financing 0 0 0

04 51 80National Road Contractor and supervision

Construction/Rehabilitation consultant procured and
(Bitumen Standard) advance paid.
Total 0 0 6,500,000
GoU Development 0 0 2,500,000
External Financing 0 0 4,000,000

GRAND TOTAL 0 0 9,000,000

GoU Development 0 0 5,000,000
External Financing 0 0 4,000,000

Annual Workplan for 2014/15 - Outputs, Activities, Inputs and their Cost
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Output: 04 51 71 Acquisition of Land by Government

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

50 Hectares and property therein acquired Land and property compensation (Hectares) 50.0 2,500,000

Activities to Deliver Outputs:

Procuring RAP Consultant, verification and commence payment
Total 2,500,000
GoU Development 2,500,000
External Financing 0
Output: 04 51 80 National Road Construction/Rehabilitation (Bitumen Standard)

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

Contractor and supervision consultant procured and advance paid. Advance payment for works (Amount) 1.0 6,000,000

Activities to Deliver Outputs: Supervision services (Man months) 3.3 500,000

Procuring the contractor and consultant and paying advance

Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

Vote Function: 04 51 National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Project 1312 Upgrading mbale-Bubulo-Lwakhakha Road
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Total 6,500,000
GoU Development 2,500,000
External Financing 4,000,000
GRAND TOTAL 9,000,000
GoU Development 5,000,000
External Financing 4,000,000

Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

Vote Function: 04 51 National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Project 1313 North Eastern Road-Corridor Asset Management Project
Project Profile

Responsible Officer: Director Operations

Objectives: The Project Development Objective is to reduce transport costs, enhance road safety, and
improve and preserve the road assets sustainably by applying cost effective performance based
asset management contracts, along the Tororo -Kamdini road Corridor.
Outputs: 340Km of a well maintained and managed road corridor from Tororo – Kamdini that ensures
reduced road user transport costs, road safety and total road asset management
Start Date: 7/1/2014 Projected End Date: 6/30/2019
Donor Funding for Project:
MTEF Projections
2012/13 2013/14
Projected Donor Allocations (UShs) Budget Budget 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17
410 International Development Association (IDA) 0.000 0.000 10.000 13.000 50.000
Total Donor Funding for Project 0.000 0.000 10.000 13.000 50.000

Workplan Outputs for 2013/14 and 2014/15

Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and
UShs Thousand
Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)
04 51 81National Road North Eastern Road Corridor
Construction/Rehabilitation Asset Management project (5%
(Other) works completed)
Total 0 0 10,600,080
GoU Development 0 0 600,080
External Financing 0 0 10,000,000

GRAND TOTAL 0 0 10,600,080

GoU Development 0 0 600,080
External Financing 0 0 10,000,000

Annual Workplan for 2014/15 - Outputs, Activities, Inputs and their Cost
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Output: 04 51 81 National Road Construction/Rehabilitation (Other)

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

North Eastern Road Corridor Asset Management project (5% works Supervision services (Man months) 6.7 1,000,000
completed) Funds for works (Percentage) 5.6 9,600,080
Activities to Deliver Outputs:
Procure the contractor and supervision consultant; and pay advance.
Total 10,600,080
GoU Development 600,080
External Financing 10,000,000
GRAND TOTAL 10,600,080
GoU Development 600,080
External Financing 10,000,000

Table V3.2: Past and Medum Term Key Vote Output Indicators*
2013/14 MTEF Projections
Vote Function Key Output 2012/13 Approved Releases
Indicators and Costs: Outturn Plan Prel. Actual 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17
Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority
Vote Function:0451 National Roads Maintenance & Construction
No. of vehicles weighted N/A N/A
Vote Overview No info 220000 220000 250000
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

2013/14 MTEF Projections
Vote Function Key Output 2012/13 Approved Releases
Indicators and Costs: Outturn Plan Prel. Actual 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17

% of vehicles overloaded against N/A N/A No info 40 30 20

those weighted
No. (Km) of unpaved national roads N/A 200 264 250 260 250
upgrade to bitumen standards*
(equiv km)
% of ongoing road N/A N/A No info 68 70 75
upgrading/rehabilitation contracts
subjected to independent technical
and financial audits
% of executed road maintenance N/A N/A No info 10 5 5
contracts subjected to independent
technical and financial audits*
No. Km of unpaved national road N/A 12875 10500 12500 12500 12500
maintained (Routine Mechanised)*
No. Km of unpaved national road N/A 1484 600 2225 2225 2225
maintained (Periodic)*
No. Km of paved national road N/A 2410 1720 3000 3000 3000
maintained (Routine Mechanised)*
No. Km of paved national road N/A 50 0 100 100 100
maintained (Periodic)*
No. (Km) of national paved roads N/A 180 178 170 170 160
Reconstructed/Rehabilitated* (equiv
% of expenditure for maintenance N/A 85 75 85 85 85
excuted by private sector (National
No. of bridges rehabilitated N/A 3 3 3 5 5
No. Of new bridges constructed N/A 10 6 10 15 15
Vote Function Cost (UShs bn) 1,192.042 1,933.667 1,328.614 1,727.366 1,441.571 1,753.238
VF Cost Excluding Ext. Fin 837.548 1,279.727 946.421 1,271.139 N/A N/A
Cost of Vote Services (UShs Bn) 1,192.042 1,933.667 1,328.614 1,727.366 1,441.571 1,753.238
Vote Cost Excluding Ext Fin. 837.548 1,279.727 946.421 1,727.366 N/A N/A
* Excluding Taxes and Arrears
Medium Term Plans
Upgrading from gravel to bitumen stand 1500km of priority national roads

Rehabilitation/ reconstruction of 700km of old paved roads to reduce on the road maintenance backlog

Completing the construction of Kampala – Entebbe Express Way and commencing works on Kampala -
Jinja Express Way under the public private sector (PPPs) arrangement

Improve the condition of national roads to tourists attraction sites and the Albertine Graben to facilitate the
exploration and evacuation of oil.

Implement road projects to facilitate the primary growth sectors (Oil and gas, Tourism and Agriculture)

Construction of the second Nile Bridge at Jinja and design a new bridge across the Nile at Karuma
Upgrading and rehabilitation of the additional 10,000km taken over from the districts to national roads
standard including raising low laying areas which are prone to flooding

Piloting output and performance road contracts (OPRC) on Tororo – Mbale – Soroti – Lira – Kamdini road

Implementing term maintenance contracts on 10,000km of critical road corridors to ensure all year round

Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

Outsourcing axle load control operations on the major corridors to reduce fraud at weighbridge stations

Procuring additional 5 ferries to replace old ferries and open up new crossings on Lake Victoria, Kyoga and
across River Nile

Construction of strategic bridges focusing on Karamoja, Kanungu, Rwenzori and Northern Uganda and
completing the New Nile Bridge at Jinja.
(i) Measures to improve Efficiency
In allocation of the budget, the following considerations were made;
The first priority was given to ongoing road projects based on outstanding payments for the work done and
rate of progress of the contractor. Adequate provisions were made to ensure works continue uninterrupted.
The second priority was given to new road projects with Development Partners/ external funding to ensure
sufficient funds are provided for land and property compensation and counterpart funding where required.
This was to the donor conditions prior to disbursements are met in time.
The third priority was the new strategic road projects which are part of the NRM manifesto commitments.
However, for long roads with 2 to 3 contracts will be implemented in phases over the medium term.
The forth priority was given to rehabilitation/ reconstruction of roads on strategic corridors e.g. Kafu –
Karuma – Gulu road, Nansana – Busunju, Fort Portal – Katunguru – Ishaka etc. The roads are critical to
regional trade, oil evacuation and tourism respectively.
Table V3.3: Key Unit Costs of Services Provided and Services Funded (Shs '000)
Unit Cost Actual Planned Actual Proposed Costing Assumptions and Reasons for
Description 2012/13 2013/14 2013/14 2014/15 any Changes and Variations from Plan

Vote Function:0451 National Roads Maintenance & Construction

Upgrading from Gravel 1,714,286 Market rates will determine the actual
to Bitumen standard in unit cost through a competitive bidding
rolling plain areas process.
Upgrading from Gravel 1,700,000 Market rates will determine the actual
to Bitumen standard in unit cost through a competitive bidding
mountaineous areas process.
Rehabilitation of 1,000,000 554,342 Market rates will determine the actual
existing paved road unit cost through a competitive bidding
Reconstruction of 1,603,179,000 1,571,429 1,575,970 Market rates will determine the actual
existing old paved roads unit cost through a competitive bidding

(ii) Vote Investment Plans

In the medium term, 60% of UNRA’s development budget will be allocated to upgrading gavel roads to
bitumen standard in line with the NDP target of increasing the stock of paved roads by 220km annually.
Similarly, about 30% of the development will be allocated to rehabilitation of the old paved roads as part of
the strategy to reducing the road maintenance backlog. Construction of Bridges - the New Nile Bridge and
others will be given substantial budget allocation because most of the exiting bridges need to be replaced to
cope with current traffic and vehicle loads.
Table V3.4: Allocations by Class of Output over the Medium Term
(i) Allocation (Shs Bn) (ii) % Vote Budget
Billion Uganda Shillings 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17
Consumption Expendture(Outputs Provided) 47.7 44.9 34.2 34.2 2.5% 2.6% 2.4% 1.9%
Investment (Capital Purchases) 1,886.0 1,682.4 1,417.5 1,729.7 97.5% 97.4% 97.6% 98.1%
Grand Total 1,933.7 1,727.4 1,451.7 1,763.9 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

Table V3.5: Major Capital Investments (Outputs of class Capital Purchases over 0.5Billion)
Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditures and Outputs by Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Location) End March Outputs (Quantity and Location)
UShs Thousand
(Quantity and Location)
Vote Function: 04 51 National Roads Maintenance & Construction

Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditures and Outputs by Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Location) End March Outputs (Quantity and Location)
UShs Thousand
(Quantity and Location)
Project 0265 Upgrade Atiak - Moyo-Afoji (104km)
045174 Major Bridges 2 bridges and 4 box culverts 25% of the works were 2 landing sites(umi and Laropi)
completed. completed by the end of March completed
2014 out of the annual target of
The cumulative progress since
the start of the project was 80%
of the works completed.

Works on the 2 Bridges (Ayugi

and Erei Bridges) Bridge were
substatially completed.

Eyi-Ingewa, Surumu, Amua and

Lower Cala Box culverts were
substantially completed. Upper
Cala and Ebikwa Box culverts
were completed in April 2014.

Works were also ongoing on

Umi and Laropi landing sites.
60% of the works had been
completed. These landing sites
are expected to be completed by
June 2014.

Total 7,000,000 5,799,787 2,000,000

GoU Development 7,000,000 5,799,787 2,000,000
External Financingt 0 0 0

Project 0267 Improvement of Ferry Services

045180 National Road Laropi ferry commissioned. Laropi ferry was commissioned. Wanseko-Panyamur ferry
Construction/Rehabil procured.
itation (Bitumen Procurement of Wanseko- Bids for procurement of new
Standard) Panyemuru ferry commenced. ferry for Wanseko-Panyimur, Kalangala ferry Infrastructure
Second new ferry for Project support provided.
Kalangala Infrastructure Project Namasale - Zengebe and Sigulu
Islands ferry were under Second Ferry for Namasale-
Second Ferry for Namasale- evaluation. Contracts were Lwampanga (Zengebe) procured
Lwampanga expected to be signed by the end
of June 2014. Ferry for Sigulu Islands- Bugiri
Ferry for Sigulu Islands- Bugiri procured.
The contract for the
Refurbishing Kiyindi Ferry rehabilitation of Kiyindi ferry Kiyindi ferry rehabilitated.
was signed and works

Kalangala Infrastructure
Services (KIS) operated and
maintained ferry plying between
Bukaka and Luuku in Kalangala.

Total 20,000,000 18,000,000 27,000,000

GoU Development 20,000,000 18,000,000 27,000,000
External Financingt 0 0 0

Project 0321 Upgrade Fort Portal - Budibugyo - Lamia (104km)

045171 Acquisition of Land 180 Hectres of land and 45 hectares of land acquired and Project affected
by Government properties therein procured the property therein Paersons(injurous affections)
compensated out of the annual paid
target of 180.

Since the project start UGX

13.8 bn has been paid out of the
total valued UGX 14.4 bn;
representing 74%.

Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditures and Outputs by Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Location) End March Outputs (Quantity and Location)
UShs Thousand
(Quantity and Location)
A total of 3834 project affected
persons have been paid out of
the total 5136.

The progress of compensation

has been affected by absentee
land owners, lack of letters of
administration and disputes over
land values.
Total 3,000,000 3,031,435 1,000,000
GoU Development 3,000,000 3,031,435 1,000,000
External Financingt 0 0 0

045180 National Road 10% of the works completed. 15% of the works were Completion Certificate issued
Construction/Rehabil completed out of the and retention paid
itation (Bitumen programmed 10% for the year.
The cumulative progress since
the start of the project was
99.3%. This project was
substatially completed in
February 2014 and it is now
under the defect liability period.

Total 57,000,000 14,117,523 9,000,000

GoU Development 17,000,000 14,117,523 9,000,000
External Financingt 40,000,000 0 0

Project 0952 Design Masaka-Bukakata road

045171 Acquisition of Land 90 hectares and properties Bids were invited and evaluated. 90 hectares and properties
by Government therein procured. The contract was signed and therein procured.
payments are expected to
commence in June 2014.

Total 3,000,000 1,000,000 3,000,000

GoU Development 3,000,000 1,000,000 3,000,000
External Financingt 0 0 0

045180 National Road 5% of works completed. Bids were received and 20%of works completed.
Construction/Rehabil evaluated.
itation (Bitumen The report was submitted to
Standard) BADEA for approval. The
contract is expected to be signed
by June 2014 and works to
commence in September 2014.

Total 22,000,000 770,288 32,000,000

GoU Development 2,000,000 770,288 2,000,000
External Financingt 20,000,000 0 30,000,000

Project 0953 Rehabilitate Kawempe - Luwero - Kafu road (166km)

045180 National Road 28% of Kawempe - Luwero - 20% of the works were 10%of Kawempe - Luwero -
Construction/Rehabil Kafu road overlay completed. completed by March 2014 out Kafu road overlay completed;
itation (Bitumen of theannual target of 28%. cumulative taget 100%
The cumulative progress since
Feasibility and Preliminary the start of the project was 90%
Designs for full reconstruction of the works completed. This Draft Designs for full
of Kafu- Karuma-Kamdini road Project is expected to be reconstruction of Kafu- Karuma-
completed by June 2014. Kamdini road completed

Feasibility and Preliminary

Designs for full reconstruction
of Kafu- Karuma-Kamdini road
commenced. The consultant
submitted the inception report.
The feasibility study
Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditures and Outputs by Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Location) End March Outputs (Quantity and Location)
UShs Thousand
(Quantity and Location)
Total 41,000,000 29,162,622 18,000,000
GoU Development 40,000,000 29,162,622 17,000,000
External Financingt 1,000,000 0 1,000,000

Project 0954 Design Muyembe-Moroto - Kotido (290km)

045180 National Road 30% of works completed 18% of the works were 30% of works completed;
Construction/Rehabil completed by the end of March cumulative target 70%
itation (Bitumen 2014 out of the annual target of
Standard) 30%.

The cumulative progress since

the start of the project was 24%
of the works completed out of
the programmed 35.5%.
Total 39,500,000 35,998,733 59,500,000
GoU Development 39,500,000 35,998,733 59,500,000
External Financingt 0 0 0

Project 0955 Upgrade Nyakahita-Ibanda-Fort Portal (208km)

045171 Acquisition of Land 45 hectares of land including 6.22 hactares of land were 30 hectares of land and property
by Government properties procured. acquired and properties therein therein acquired.
compensated out of the annual
target of 45.

Since the project start UGX

11.1 bn has been paid out of the
valued UGX 12.9 bn;
representing 86%.

A total of 8024 project affected

persons have been paid out of
the valued 8310.
Total 2,000,000 2,000,000 1,000,000
GoU Development 2,000,000 2,000,000 1,000,000
External Financingt 0 0 0

045180 National Road Nyakahita-Kazo; 1% of Nyakahita-Kazo; 1% of the Nyakahita-Kazo; Defect

Construction/Rehabil roadworks completed. roadworks completed. Liability Certificate issued.
itation (Bitumen Cumulative since the project
Standard) Kazo-Kamwenge: 30% start was 100%. This section is Kazo-Kamwenge: 3Defect
roadworks completed. under defect liability period. Liability Certificate issued.

Kamwenge - Fort Portal : 25% Kamwenge - Fort Portal : 19% Kamwenge - Fort Portal : 30%
of works completed. of the works was completed out of works completed; cumulative
of the annual target of 25%. 50%
Since the project start 19% had
been achieved out of the
programmed 27%.
Total 97,000,000 133,266,295 29,000,000
GoU Development 13,000,000 11,666,667 9,000,000
External Financingt 84,000,000 121,599,628 20,000,000

Project 0957 Design the New Nile Bridge at Jinja

045171 Acquisition of Land 5 hectare of land procured. 5 hectare of land procured.
by Government
Total 0 0 4,000,000
GoU Development 0 0 4,000,000
External Financingt 0 0 0

045174 Major Bridges 20% of the works completed.

10% of the works completed. Supervision Consultancy
contract signed. The consultant
commenced mobilisation of

Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditures and Outputs by Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Location) End March Outputs (Quantity and Location)
UShs Thousand
(Quantity and Location)
Advance was paid to the
contractor and mobilization

The groundbreaking function

was held on 28 January 2014.
Total 67,500,000 4,166,667 67,000,000
GoU Development 12,500,000 4,166,667 12,000,000
External Financingt 55,000,000 0 55,000,000

Project 1031 Upgrade Gulu - Atiak - Bibia/ Nimule (104km)

045171 Acquisition of Land Gulu- Atiak: 40 hectares of land 14.09 hactares of land were ulu- Atiak: 40 hectares of land
by Government and properties therein procured. acquired and properties therein and properties therein acquired
compensated out of the annual in Gulu Municipality
Atiak-Nimule: 50 hectares of target of 40.
land and properties therein
procured. Since the project start, UGX
2.7 bn have paid out of the
valued UGX 2.95 bn;
representing 96%.

A total of 1558 project affected

persons have been paid out of
the valued 1618.

Valuation for all properties

within municipality areas were
completed Completed payment
of compensation for the Gulu
Municipality and Bibia
Total 3,200,000 4,634,285 5,000,000
GoU Development 3,200,000 4,634,285 5,000,000
External Financingt 0 0 0

045180 National Road Gulu-Atiak: 30% of road works Gulu - Atiak: 48% of the road Gulu-Atiak: 25% of road works
Construction/Rehabil completed. works completed out of the completed; cumulative target
itation (Bitumen annual target of 30%.The 100% .
Standard) Atiak-Nimule: cumulative progress since the
30% of works completed project start was 66.04% of the Atiak-Nimule:
road works completed. Works 25% of works completed;
are expected to be completed by cumulative target 50%
March 2015.

Atiak - Nimule road - 6.77% of

the road works completed out of
annual target of 30%. This
project is behind schedule
because of delays in the
mobilisation by the contractor.

Total 56,000,000 21,220,438 45,000,000

GoU Development 0 0 0
External Financingt 56,000,000 21,220,438 45,000,000

Project 1032 Upgrade Vurra - Arua - Koboko - Oraba (92km)

045171 Acquisition of Land 200 hectares of land including 24.13 hactares of land were 300 hectares of land including
by Government properties therein procured. acquired and properties therein properties therein procured.
were compensated out of the
annual target of 200.

Since the project, UGX 8.3 bn

have been paid out of the valued
10.2 bn representing 83%.

A total of 2590 project affected

persons have been paid out of
the valued 3109.

Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditures and Outputs by Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Location) End March Outputs (Quantity and Location)
UShs Thousand
(Quantity and Location)

Valuation for properties at the

Municipality sections, realigned
sections and extra land take was
conducted and the draft report is
with the CGV for review and
Total 3,500,000 5,051,919 5,000,000
GoU Development 3,500,000 5,051,919 5,000,000
External Financingt 0 0 0

045180 National Road 30% of road works completed. 27% of the works were 25% of road works completed;
Construction/Rehabil completed out of the cumulative target 100%
itation (Bitumen programmed 30% for the year.
The cumulative progress since
the start of the project was
63.14% of the works completed.

This project is expected to be

completed by March 2014.

Total 35,419,998 32,860,971 25,419,998

GoU Development 0 0 0
External Financingt 35,419,998 32,860,971 25,419,998

Project 1033 Design Hoima - Kaiso -Tonya (85km)

045171 Acquisition of Land 50 hectares of land and 24.13 hactares of land acquired 37 hectares of land and
by Government properties therein procured. and properties therein properties therein acquired.
compensated out of the annual
target 50.

Since the project start UGX

10.8 bn has been paid out of the
valued UGX 11.8 bn.

A total of 2139 project affected

persons have been paid out of
the valued 2243.
Total 2,000,000 2,000,000 1,500,000
GoU Development 2,000,000 2,000,000 1,500,000
External Financingt 0 0 0

045180 National Road 30% of road works completed. 32% of the works were 29% of road works completed;
Construction/Rehabil completed out of the cumulative target 100%.
itation (Bitumen programmed 30% for the year.
The cumulative progress since
the start of the project was71%
of the works completed. This
project is expected to be
completed by December 2014.
Total 65,000,000 59,783,036 78,500,000
GoU Development 65,000,000 59,783,036 78,500,000
External Financingt 0 0 0

Project 1034 Design of Mukono-Katosi-Nyenga (72km)

045171 Acquisition of Land 160 hectares of land and Procurement of the RAP 160 hectares of land and
by Government properties therein procured implementation consultant was properties therein procured
completed and contract signed.
Varification of property owners
completed and compensation
commenced in April 2014.

Total 6,000,000 4,790,824 10,000,000

GoU Development 6,000,000 4,790,824 10,000,000
External Financingt 0 0 0

Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditures and Outputs by Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Location) End March Outputs (Quantity and Location)
UShs Thousand
(Quantity and Location)

045180 National Road Contractor procured The works contract was signed 20% of the works completed.
Construction/Rehabil on 22 November 2013.
itation (Bitumen 5% of the works completed
Standard) The Contractor commenced
mobilization of equipment and
personnel; and setting up a
camp at Kisoga.
Total 34,000,000 33,000,000 40,000,000
GoU Development 34,000,000 33,000,000 40,000,000
External Financingt 0 0 0

Project 1035 Design Mpigi-Kabulasoka-Maddu (135 km)

045171 Acquisition of Land 249 hectares of land and Procurement of the RAP 249 hectares of land and
by Government properties therein procured implementation consultant was properties therein procured

Verification of PAPs along the

project road and cash
compensation commenced.
Total 10,000,000 3,333,333 10,000,000
GoU Development 10,000,000 3,333,333 10,000,000
External Financingt 0 0 0

045180 National Road Contractor and Consultant Mpigi - Kanoni (66km): The
Construction/Rehabil procured. works contract was signed on 20% of works completed
itation (Bitumen 10th October 2013.
Standard) 5% of works completed
The Contract commenced on
11th December 2013 with a
completion date of 10th
December 2016.

Works commenced with

clearing and grubbing of about

Kanoni - Sembabule section

(69km): The contract was
awarded and the best evaluated
bidder notice was published.

Total 50,000,000 16,000,000 70,000,000

GoU Development 50,000,000 16,000,000 70,000,000
External Financingt 0 0 0

Project 1037 Upgrade Mbarara-Kikagata (70km)

045171 Acquisition of Land 280 hectares of land and 23.08 hactares of land acquired 30 hectares of land and
by Government properties therein procured and property therein properties therein acquired
compensated out of the annual
target 280.

Since the project start UGX

14.9 bn have been paid out of
the valued UGX 15.7 bn.

A total of project affect persons

4487 out of the valued 4745.

Total 10,000,000 6,713,835 1,000,000

GoU Development 10,000,000 6,713,835 1,000,000
External Financingt 0 0 0

045180 National Road 30% of Works completed 51% of the works were 10% of Works completed;
Construction/Rehabil completed out of the cumulative target 100%
itation (Bitumen programmed 30% for the year.
Standard) The cumulative progress since
the start of the project was

Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditures and Outputs by Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Location) End March Outputs (Quantity and Location)
UShs Thousand
(Quantity and Location)
86.4% of the works completed.
This project is expected to be
completed in May 2014.

Total 57,000,000 53,000,000 39,000,000

GoU Development 57,000,000 53,000,000 39,000,000
External Financingt 0 0 0

Project 1038 Design Ntungamo-Mirama Hills (37km)

045171 Acquisition of Land 77 hectares including properties Verification of the land and 77 hectares including properties
by Government therein acquired. properties was completed. therein acquired.
However, the values were found
outdated and there was need to
carry out fresh verification.

Total 3,000,000 1,000,000 2,000,000

GoU Development 3,000,000 1,000,000 2,000,000
External Financingt 0 0 0

045180 National Road Procure the contractor and Bids were invited, evaluated and 20% of works completed
Construction/Rehabil Consultant. the was awarded. The contract
itation (Bitumen is expected to be signed in May
Standard) 5% of Works completed 2014.
Total 22,000,000 500,000 28,000,000
GoU Development 2,000,000 500,000 8,000,000
External Financingt 20,000,000 0 20,000,000

Project 1040 Design Kapchorwa-Suam road (77km)

045171 Acquisition of Land 250 hectares of land acquired.
by Government
Total 0 0 5,000,000
GoU Development 0 0 5,000,000
External Financingt 0 0 0

045180 National Road Design review Consultant Kapchorwa - Suam: Kapchorwa -Suam design
Construction/Rehabil procured for Kapchorwa -Suam Procurement of the design review completed and contractor
itation (Bitumen and Rukungiri- Kihihi- Ishasha- review consultant is ongoing. procured.
Standard) Kambuga/Kihihi-Kanungu- The General procurement notice
Kambuga was issued in February 2014.

Rukungiri- Kihihi- Ishasha-

Kambuga: Designs and bidding
documents were updated to
conform to African
Development Bank
requirements. Procurement of
civil works are to commence in
June 2014.

Total 2,000,000 0 7,000,000

GoU Development 0 0 5,000,000
External Financingt 2,000,000 0 2,000,000

Project 1041 Design Kyenjojo-Hoima-Masindi-Kigumba (238km)

045171 Acquisition of Land 500 hectares of land and Bids for RAP consultant were 500 hectares of land and
by Government properties therein acquired invited and evaluation is properties therein acquired
ongoing. The contract is
expected to be signed in May
2014 and compensation to
commence in July 2014.
Total 10,000,000 3,333,333 10,000,000
GoU Development 10,000,000 3,333,333 10,000,000
External Financingt 0 0 0

Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditures and Outputs by Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Location) End March Outputs (Quantity and Location)
UShs Thousand
(Quantity and Location)
045180 National Road Contractors for Kigumba- Evaluation of bids was Kigumba- Bulima (20%) and
Construction/Rehabil Bulima and Bulima- Kabwoya completed and the report Bulima- Kabwoya (20%) works
itation (Bitumen procured and mobilisation submitted to AfDB for approval. completed.
Standard) completed

5% of works completed

Design review for Kabwoya-

Kyenjojo completed
Total 51,000,000 765,298 55,000,000
GoU Development 11,000,000 765,298 5,000,000
External Financingt 40,000,000 0 50,000,000

Project 1042 Design Nyendo - Sembabule (48km)

045171 Acquisition of Land 75 hectares of land and property Procurement of the RAP 75 hectares of land and property
by Government therein acquired implementation consultant therein acquired
completed. Verification of the
properties is ongoing.
Total 3,000,000 1,084,272 3,000,000
GoU Development 3,000,000 1,084,272 3,000,000
External Financingt 0 0 0

045180 National Road Contractor Procured Evaluation of bids was 20% of works completed
Construction/Rehabil completed. The contract was
itation (Bitumen 5% of works completed awarded. The contract is
Standard) expected to be signed in May
Total 20,000,000 6,333,333 17,000,000
GoU Development 20,000,000 6,333,333 17,000,000
External Financingt 0 0 0

Project 1044 Design Ishaka-Kagamba (35km)

045171 Acquisition of Land 50 hectares of land properties 19 hactares of land acquired and 25 hectares of land properties
by Government therein procured. properties therein compensated therein acquired.
out of the annual target of 50.

Since the project start UGX 4.2

bn have been paid to project
affected persons out of the
UGX 5.1 bn valued.

A total of 1884 project affected

persons have been paid out of
the valued 1288.

Total 2,000,000 2,059,574 1,000,000

GoU Development 2,000,000 2,059,574 1,000,000
External Financingt 0 0 0

045180 National Road 30% of the works completed 13% of the works were 30% of the works completed;
Construction/Rehabil completed out of the cumulative 70%
itation (Bitumen programmed 30% for the year.
Standard) The cumulative progress since
the start of the project was
33.2% of the works completed.
Total 30,000,000 29,739,243 49,000,000
GoU Development 30,000,000 29,739,243 49,000,000
External Financingt 0 0 0

Project 1056 Transport Corridor Project

045171 Acquisition of Land 125 hectares and properties A total of 55.7 hectares were 50 hectares and properties
by Government therein procured acquired and properties therein therein procured
compensated out of the annual
target of 125 .
This comprise Kampala -
Masaka (38.7 ha), Masaka -

Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditures and Outputs by Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Location) End March Outputs (Quantity and Location)
UShs Thousand
(Quantity and Location)
Mbarara (1 ha), Kabale - Kisoro
(4 ha), UNRA weignbridges
stations, stations and ferry
landings (3.52 ha), Busega -
Mityana (3.4 ha), Kampala
Northern Bypass (1.23 ha)

Total 20,000,000 19,113,207 5,000,000

GoU Development 20,000,000 19,113,207 5,000,000
External Financingt 0 0 0

045180 National Road Projects completed but having Malaba/ Busia - Bugiri Ongoing projects :
Construction/Rehabil debts (82km)23.5% completed out of
itation (Bitumen Kampala - Masaka (Phase the annual target of 24%; the Kampala - Masaka Phase 2
Standard) 1)63km) cumulative progress since (51km) -10% cumulutive 100%
project start was 99.7%. The
Busega - Muduuma - Mityana works were substatially Mbale - Soroti (103km) 20%,
(57km) completed. cumulative 100%

Kabale - Kisoro - Bunagana/ Kampala - Masaka Phase 2 Jinja - Kamuli (57km) 13%,
Kyanika (101km) (51km) -19% completed out of cumulative 100%
the annual target of 30%. The
cumulative progress since the Mukono - Jinja (80km) 20%,
Ongoing projects : project start was 84.2%. Works cumulative 80%
expected to be completed by
Malaba/ Busia - Bugiri June 2014. Kafu - Kiryandongo (43km)
(82km)24%) 30%, cumulative 70%
Tororo - Mbale (49km) 40%
Kampala - Masaka Phase 2 completed out of the annual Luuku - Kalangala (66km) -
(51km) -30% target of 30%. The cumulative Staged upgrading - 30%,
since the project start was 95% cumulative 70%
Tororo - Mbale (49km) 30% completed. Works expected to
be completed by June 2014. New projects:
Mbale - Soroti (103km) 30%
Mbale - Soroti (103km)16% Mukono - Kayunga - Njeru
Jinja - Kamuli (57km) 30% completed out of the annual (94km) - 15%
target of 30%. The cumulative
Kampala - Mukono - Jinja progress since the project start Kiryandongo - Kamdini (58km) -
(80km) 30%. was 66%. This project is 20%
expected to be completed by
Kafu - Kiryandongo (43km) 30% December 2014. Kamdini - Gulu (65km)-20%

Luuku (Masaka) - Kalangala Namunsi - Sironko -Muyembe

(66km) - Staged upgrading - Jinja - Kamuli (57km) 23.1% (32km) 15%
30% completed out of the annual
target of 30%. The cumulative Nansana - Busunju (47km) -15%
Mukono - Kayunga - Njeru since the project start was 71%.
(94km) - 5% This project is expected to be Pakwach - Nebbi (30km) - 20%
completed by December 2014.
Kiryandongo - Kamdini (58km) - Mbale - Nkokonjeru (21km) -
5% Kampala - Mukono - Jinja 10%
(80km) 33% was completed out
Kamdini - Gulu (65km)-5% of the annual target of 30%. The Ishaka - Rugazi - Katunguru
cumulative progress since the (55km) -Procure the contractor
Kyenjojo - Fort Portal (50km) - project start was 68%. This and pay advance.
5% project is expected to be
completed by December 2014. Fort Portal - Kyenjojo (50km)
Ishaka - Rugazi - Katunguru Procure contractor and pay
(55km) -5% Kafu - Kiryandongo (43km) advance.
20% completed out of the
Sironko - Namunsi - Muyembe annual target of 30%. The Namanve Industrial Park Access
(32km) -5% cumulative progress since the Road
project start was 20%. This
Nansana - Busunju (47km) -5% project is expected to be Kampala - Mukono (20km) -
completed by June 2015. procure contractor.
Pakwach - Nebbi (30km) - 5%
Mukono - Kayunga - Njeru Road designs
Mbale - Nkokonjeru (20km) - (94km) - Procurement of the Kabwohe - Bwizibwera/ Nsika -
5% contractor ongoing. The contract Ibanda-Kabujogera-Masyoro-
is expected by June 2014. Rwenjaza/Kyambura (85km) -
Complete the design for the Final design report and bidding

Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditures and Outputs by Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Location) End March Outputs (Quantity and Location)
UShs Thousand
(Quantity and Location)
following roads: Kiryandongo - Kamdini (58km) documents.
and Kamdini - Gulu (65km)-
Roads for upgrading from gravel Contractor was procured and he Atiak-Kitgum (108km) - Final
to bitumen standard is mobilising to commence design report and bidding
works. documents.,
kabwohe - Bwizibwera/ Nsika -
Ibanda-Kabujogera-Masyoro- Kyenjojo - Fort Portal (50km), Pajule-Pader (18km) - Final
Rwenjaza/Kyambura (85km), Ishaka - Rugazi - Katunguru design report and bidding
Atiak-Kitgum (108km), Pajule- (55km), Kampala - Jinja (17km) documents.
Pader (18km), Kotido-Kaabong and Mbale - Nkokonjeru
(64km), Angatun-Lokapel (20km) - Procurement of Kotido-Kaabong (64km) -
(47km), Jinja-Mbulamuti- contractors is ongoing. Bidding Feasibility study report
Kamuli (80km), Kashozi- documents were finalised.
Buremba-Kariro (53km), Angatun-Lokapel (47km)- Final
Kashwa-Kashongi-Ruhumba Pakwach - Nebbi (30km) - design report and bidding
(33km), Kisubi-Nakawuka- Contract awarded and the documents.
Natete(27km), Nakawuka- contract is expected to be signed
Kasanje-Mpigi (20km), in May 2014. Jinja-Mbulamuti-Kamuli
Nakawuka-Mawugulu-Nanziga- (80km) - Final design report and
Maya (15km), Kasanje-Buwaya Sironko - Namunsi - Muyembe bidding documents.
(9km), Bududa circular road (32km),
(28km), Muhanga - Kisiizi and Nansana - Busunju Kashozi-Buremba-Kariro
–Rwashamaire. (47km) - procurement of the (53km) - Feasibility and draft
contractors is ongoing. design reports
Roads for capacity improvement Evaluation of bids is ongoing.
Kibuye - Busega - Mpigi (33km) - Feasibility and draft
(33km), Kampala Southern Design of the following roads is design reports
Bypass (18km), Kampala - ongoing:
Bombo (35km), Kisubi-Nakawuka-
Kampala - Jinja (77Km) Kabwohe - Bwizibwera/ Nsika - Natete(27km) -Feasibility and
Ibanda-Kabujogera-Masyoro- draft design reports
Complete the construction of Rwenjaza/Kyambura (85km),
Awoja Bridge, and Nalubale Atiak-Kitgum (108km), Pajule- Nakawuka-Kasanje-Mpigi
Bridges Pader (18km), Kotido-Kaabong (20km)- Feasibility and draft
(64km), Angatun-Lokapel design reports
(47km), Jinja-Mbulamuti-
Kamuli (80km), Nabumali - Butaleja -
Namutumba (90km)- Feasibility
Procurement of design and draft design reports
consultants for the following
roads is ongoing: Nakawuka-Mawugulu-Nanziga-
Kashozi-Buremba-Kariro Maya (15km)- Feasibility and
(53km), Kashwa-Kashongi- draft design reports
Ruhumba (33km), Kisubi-
Nakawuka-Natete(27km), Kasanje-Buwaya (9km)-
Nakawuka-Kasanje-Mpigi Feasibility and draft design
(20km), Nakawuka-Mawugulu- reports
Nanziga-Maya (15km), Kasanje-
Buwaya (9km), Bududa circular Bubulo - Bududa circular road
road (28km), Muhanga - Kisiizi- (28km), - Feasibility and draft
Rwashamaire. design reports

The design of the following Muhanga - Kisiizi -

roads for capacity improvement Rwashamaire (50km)
(dualing) is ongoing: Goli - Paidha - Zombo - Warr -
Kibuye - Busega - Mpigi Arua (59km) - Feasibility and
(33km), Kampala Southern draft design reports
Bypass (18km), Kampala -
Bombo (35km),
Hamurwa - Kerere - Kanungu/
Buleme - Buhoma - Butogota -
Completed the construction of Hamayanja - Ifasha - Ikumba
Awoja Bridge along Mbale - (149km) - Feasibility and draft
Soroti road. design reports

Ishasha - Katunguru (88km) -

Feasibility and draft design

Kabale - Bunyonyi (22km) -

Feasibility and draft design
Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditures and Outputs by Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Location) End March Outputs (Quantity and Location)
UShs Thousand
(Quantity and Location)

Kisoro - Mgahinga Gate

(14km) - Feasibility and draft
design reports

Kisoro - Rubuguli - Muko

(48km) - Feasibility and draft
design reports

Magale - Bumbo - Lwakhakha

road (14km) -Feasibility and
draft design reports

Karugutu - Ntoroko road

(55km)- Feasibility and draft
design reports

Muhoro - Ndaiga road (31km)-

Feasibility study report

Kitala - Gerenge (10km)-

Feasibility study report

Luwero - Butalangu -Ngoma

(83km)- Feasibility and
preliminary design reports

Lusalira - Kasambya - Nkonge -

Sembabule (97km) - Feasibility
study report

Kanoni -Misingi - Mityana

(61km) - Feasibility study report

Bombo - Ndejje - Kalasa

(19km)- Feasibility study report.

Kumi - Ngora - Serere -

Kagwara/ Soroti (75km)- design
consultant procured.

Mayuge-Mbaale- Nakivumbi-
(90km)-design consultant

Busia - Tororo (24km) - design

consultant procured

Kyenjojo (Kahunge) -
Nyarukoma- Kigarale -
Rwamwanja (34km) - design
consultant procured

Rwamwanja - Kiruhura
(34km) - design consultant

Roads for capacity improvement

Kampala Southern Bypass

(18km) - design report

Kampala - Bombo (35km) -

feasibility study report

Roads completed with

oustanding payments

Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditures and Outputs by Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Location) End March Outputs (Quantity and Location)
UShs Thousand
(Quantity and Location)
Busega - Mityana (57km)

Kampala - Gayaza - Zirobwe


Matugga - Semuto - Kapeeka


Masaka - Mbarara (154km)

Kabale - Kisoro - Bunagana/

Kyanika ( remaining works on
Kabale town road, Mutolere
Hospital road and overlay works)

Malaba/ Busia - Bugiri (82km)

Total 330,547,400 279,380,725 239,600,000

GoU Development 329,547,400 279,380,725 239,600,000
External Financingt 1,000,000 0 0

Project 1099 Design for Reconstruction of Tororo - Soroti road

045180 National Road Feasibility study and The draft designs for OPRC
Construction/Rehabil preliminary design Reports. were submitted. Preparation of The designs for OPRC project
itation (Bitumen bidding documents is ongoing completed.
Standard) and will be completed in May

General procurement notice for

works and services was issued
in April 2014.
Total 1,000,000 1,911,562 1,000,000
GoU Development 0 0 0
External Financingt 1,000,000 1,911,562 1,000,000

Project 1100 Design for reconst of Lira - Kamudini - Gulu road

045180 National Road Feasibility study and The draft designs for OPRC Finalise the design of the OPRC
Construction/Rehabil preliminary design Reports. were submitted. Preparation of project
itation (Bitumen bidding documents is ongoing
Standard) and will be completed in May

General procurement notice for

works and services was issued
in April 2014.
Total 1,000,000 1,403,274 1,000,000
GoU Development 0 0 0
External Financingt 1,000,000 1,403,274 1,000,000

Project 1104 Construct Selected Bridges (BADEA)

045174 Major Bridges Daca, Uzurugo, Ure and Eventre Pakwala, Nyacyara, Goli,
Commence the construction of completed on Wandi - Yumbe Nyagak- 3 (Nebbi) 50%,
the following Bridges road were substatially
completed. Enyau-3 and Alla (Arua) 50%
Pakwala, Nyacyara, Goli,
Nyagak- 3 (Nebbi), Enyau-3 Mubuku Bridge on Kasese- Apak Bridge on Lira - Moroto
and Alla (Arua) Bridges Rwimi road and Kilembe Bridge road 50%
on Kasese - Kirembe road were
Daca, Ure, Eventre and Uzurugo completed. Birara Bridge (Kanungu ) 50%
on Wandi - Yumbe road
Birara Bridge (Kanungu ) - Ntungwe Bridgeon Ishasha -
Birara Bridge (Kanungu ) Works commenced - design of Katunguru road (Kanungu)50%
the bridge is ongoing.
Ntungwe bridge Ishasha - Mitano bridgeRukunguri -
Katunguru road (Kanungu) Ntungwe and Mitaano Bridges Kanungu road - 50%
(Kanungu) -Contract was signed
Mitano bridgeRukunguri - on 28th March 2014; the Kabaale (linking Kyankwanzi to
Kanungu road contractor commenced works. Ngoma in Nakaseke) 50%

Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditures and Outputs by Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Location) End March Outputs (Quantity and Location)
UShs Thousand
(Quantity and Location)

Apak bridge on Lira - Moroto Apak bridge on Lira - Moroto Kasozi (Lugogo) Bridge (linking
road road - 5% of works completed. Ngoma - Buruli )- design
Kabaale (linking Kyankwanzi to Kabaale (linking Kyankwanzi to
Ngoma in Nakaseke) Ngoma in Nakaseke) - Bid Nalakasi Bridge on Ariamoi-
evaluation ongoing. Kotido-Kaabong-Kapedo road,
Kasozi (Lugogo) Bridge (linking 50%
Ngoma - Buruli ) Kasozi (Lugogo) Bridge (linking
Ngoma - Buruli ) -Bid Lopei Bridge on Moroto -
Nalakasi-Ariamoi-Kotido- evaluation is ongoing. Ariamoi-Kotido road 50%
Kabong-Kapedo road,
Kaabong District Nalakasi-Ariamoi-Kotido- Nyamugasani Bridge -
Kabong-Kapedo road, Kaabong Kinyamaseke-Kisinga-
Nyamugasani (Kasese)- District -Bid evaluation is Kyarumba-Kibirizi road (50%)
Kinyamaseke-Kisinga- ongoing.
Kyarumba-Kibirizi road Maliba-Nkenda Bridge on
Nyamugasani (Kasese)- Bugoye- Nyakalingijo road,
Kyanzuki-Kasese-Kilembe road Kinyamaseke-Kisinga- Kasese 50%
Kyarumba-Kibirizi road and
Kaboong (Kaboong)-Ariamoi- Kyanzuki-Kasese-Kilembe Ruboni Bridge provides access
Kotido-Kabong-Kapedo road road - evaluation of bids to Mt Mageritta tourist
completed and contracts site, Kasese 50%
Lopei-Ariamoi-Kotido-Kabong- awarded.
Kapedo road Cido Bridge on Nebbi-Goli,
Pakwala, Nyacyara, Goli, Nebbi District 50%
Maliba-Nkenda – Bugoye – Nyagak- 3 (Nebbi), Enyau-3
Nyakalingijo road, Kasese and Alla (Arua) Bridges- works Leresi Bridge -Butaleja-Leresi-
commenced and are ongoing. Budaka road 50%
Ruboni-Only access to Mt
Mageritta tourist site, Kasese Cido-Nebbi-Goli, Nebbi Nyaliti Bridge Kapchorwa-
District - evaluation of bids is Suam 50%
Cido-Nebbi-Goli, Nebbi District ongoing.
Ora Bridge on Okokko –
Leresi (Butaleja)-Butaleja- Nyaliti -Kapchorwa-Suam - Anyiribu road in Arua – Procure
Leresi-Budaka road evaluation ofbids completed. the contractor

Nyaliti -Kapchorwa-Suam Lopei-Ariamoi-Kotido-Kabong- Aji Bridge on Ullepi Offaka –

(Designed) Kapedo road- Evaluation of bids Nyiribu road in Arua – Procure
completed. the contractor
Mubuku Bridge on Kasese-
Rwimi road Maliba-Nkenda - Bugoye - Kangole Bridge on Katakwi –
Nyakalingijo road, Kasese and Moroto road – Procure the
Kilembe Bridge on Kasese - Ruboni-Only access to Mt contractor
Kirembe road Mageritta tourist site, Kasese;
bidding documents completed. Seretiyo on Kapchorwa – Suam
Emergency Response Materials road – Procure the contractor
(Compact panel bailey Bridges
(4 ) and 50 Metalitic Pipe Emergency Response Materials
Culverts (of 2.8m diameter) (Compact panel bailey Bridges
(4 ) and 50 Metalitic Pipe
Culverts (of 2.8m diameter) -
evaluation of bids completed
and contract awarded

Leresi (Butaleja)-Butaleja-
Leresi-Budaka road - evaluation
of bids was ongoing.

Total 42,796,000 33,026,838 54,000,000

GoU Development 36,296,000 33,026,838 50,000,000
External Financingt 6,500,000 0 4,000,000

Project 1105 Road Sector Institu. Capacity Dev. Proj.

045172 Government Rennovation of 9 stations Evaluation of Bids was
Buildings and (Kotido, Moroto, Tororo, Lira, completed. The draft contracts Rennovation of 9 stations
Administrative Kitgum, Moyo, Kabale and were submitted to the Socilitor (Kotido, Moroto, Tororo, Lira,
Infrastructure Kasese) General for approval. The Kitgum, Moyo, Kabale and

Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditures and Outputs by Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Location) End March Outputs (Quantity and Location)
UShs Thousand
(Quantity and Location)
stations to be rehabilitated Kasese) completed.
Kotido, Moroto, Tororo, Lira, Construction of Regional
Kitgum, Moyo, Kabale and Offices at Mbale, Mbarara,
Kasese. Gulu, Fort Portal and Kampala
Total 3,000,000 2,452,024 5,000,000
GoU Development 3,000,000 2,452,024 2,500,000
External Financingt 0 0 2,500,000

045177 Purchase of Motor grader ( 150hp 13 Ton)- 4 excavators, 5 rollers and 2 Procurement of sixteen units of
Specialised 16 bulldozers and 8 graders were new road construction
Machinery & delivered. equipment with capacity for
Equipment Truck loaders- 16 rapid response to emergencies
Evaluation of bids for 16 on the national road network
Hydraulic excavator (12 ton)- 8 graders, 16 track loaders, 12
excavators, 6 rollers, 2 Motor grader ( 150hp 13 Ton)-
Bulldozer (180hp)- 2 bulldozers was completed but 16
award delayed because of
Single Drum Vibro Roller (15 administrative review. Truck loaders- 16
ton)- 6
In addition, the evaluation of Hydraulic excavator (12 ton)- 8
Tipper trucks (15 ton)-40 bids for
Tipper trucks (15 ton)-40, Water Bulldozer (180hp)- 2
Water bowsers (10,000 litres)- bowsers(10,000 litres)- 16,
16 Light fuel trucks(2000litres) - Single Drum Vibro Roller (15
16, Crane trucks- 8 ton)- 6
Light fuel trucks (2000litres) -16 Pedestrian rollers- 8, Self loader
trucks (20 ton)- 8, and Tampers- Tipper trucks (15 ton)-40
Crane trucks- 8 8 was completed.
Water bowsers (10,000 litres)-
Pedestrian rollers- 8 16

Long reach excavators- 4 Light fuel trucks (2,000litres) -

Self loader trucks (20 ton)- 8
Crane trucks- 8
Tampers- 8
Pedestrian rollers- 8

Long reach excavators- 4

Self loader trucks (20 ton)- 8

Tampers- 8
Total 30,000,000 20,000,000 30,412,663
GoU Development 30,000,000 20,000,000 30,412,663
External Financingt 0 0 0

Project 1158 Reconstruction of Mbarara-Katuna road (155 Km)

045171 Acquisition of Land 390 hectares of land and 19.91 hectares acquired on 100 hectares of land and
by Government properties therein procured. Mbarara Bypass and 25.41 properties therein acquired.
hectares acquired for
Buteraniro - Katuna road.

Since the project start, UGX 9.5

bn has been paid out of the
valued UGX 14.9 bn;
representing a performance of

A total of 1222 project affected

persons out ot 2295 have been
Total 15,000,000 14,947,292 5,000,000
GoU Development 15,000,000 14,947,292 5,000,000
External Financingt 0 0 0

045180 National Road Mbarara - Ntungamo (Lot 2) - Mbarara - Ntugamo: 45% of the Mbarara - Ntungamo (Lot 2) -
Construction/Rehabil 30% of works completed works was completed out of 20% of works completed;

Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditures and Outputs by Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Location) End March Outputs (Quantity and Location)
UShs Thousand
(Quantity and Location)
itation (Bitumen the annual target of 30%. The cumulative 100%
Standard) Ntungamo - Katuna (lot 3) - cumulative progress since the
30% of works completed. project start was 78.2 %. Ntungamo - Katuna (lot 3) -
25% of works completed;
Mbarara Bypass (lot 1) - 20% of Ntugamo - Katuna road: 28% of cumulative 90%
works completed the works was completed out of
the annual target of 30%. The Mbarara Bypass (lot 1) - 20% of
cumulative progress since the works completed; cumulative
project start was 55.7%. 50%

Mbarara Bypass - 6.3% of the

works was completed out of the
annual target 20%. The
cumulative since the project
start was 6%.

Total 130,000,000 121,047,583 85,194,948

GoU Development 10,000,000 9,333,333 15,000,000
External Financingt 120,000,000 111,714,250 70,194,948

Project 1175 Kayunga-Galiraya (111Km)

045180 National Road Feasibility Study and The Feasibility study and Draft Design Reports.
Construction/Rehabil preliminary design Reports. preliminary designs were
itation (Bitumen completed. Detailed
Standard) Engineering designs
Total 1,000,000 640,576 1,000,000
GoU Development 0 0 0
External Financingt 1,000,000 640,576 1,000,000

Project 1180 Kampala Entebbe Express Highway

045171 Acquisition of Land 200 hectares and properties 67.83 hactares of land acquired 200 hectares and properties
by Government therein procured. and properties therein therein procured.

Since project commencement, a

total of UGX 65.7 bn has been
paid out of the valued UGX 95
bn; represented 75%

A total of 1185 project affected

persons have been paid out of
the 1578 valued
Total 60,000,000 53,421,581 50,000,000
GoU Development 60,000,000 53,421,581 50,000,000
External Financingt 0 0 0

045180 National Road 20% of the road works 12% works were completed by 20% of the road works
Construction/Rehabil completed. third quarter out of the annual completed; cumulative 50%
itation (Bitumen target of 20%
Standard) The cumulative progress since
the start of the project was
18.9% of the works completed.
This project is expected to be
completed by November 2017.

Total 140,000,000 115,695,896 80,000,000

GoU Development 30,000,000 27,448,751 30,000,000
External Financingt 110,000,000 88,247,146 50,000,000

Project 1274 Musita-Lumino-Busia/Majanji Road

045171 Acquisition of Land 100 hectares of land and Procurement of the RAP 100 hectares of land and
by Government properties therein procured implementation consultant is properties therein procured
ongoing. Evaluation of technical
proposals completed and
financial proposals is ongoing.

Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditures and Outputs by Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Location) End March Outputs (Quantity and Location)
UShs Thousand
(Quantity and Location)
The contract is expected to be
signed by June 2014.
Total 5,000,000 1,666,667 5,000,000
GoU Development 5,000,000 1,666,667 5,000,000
External Financingt 0 0 0

045180 National Road 5% of road works completed Bids were submitted on 13 20% of road works completed
Construction/Rehabil December 2014 and evaluation
itation (Bitumen is ongoing. Evaluation of
Standard) technical proposals was
completed and financial
proposals commenced. The
contract is expected to be signed
by June 2014.

Total 50,000,000 26,236,032 45,000,000

GoU Development 50,000,000 26,236,032 45,000,000
External Financingt 0 0 0

Project 1275 Olwiyo-Gulu-Kitgum Road

045171 Acquisition of Land 300 hectares of land and The procurement of RAP 300 hectares of land and
by Government properties therein acquired implementation consultant is properties therein acquired
ongoing. Evaluation of technical
proposals completed and
financial proposals is ongoing.
The contract is expected to be
signed by June 2014.

Total 10,000,000 3,333,333 10,000,000

GoU Development 10,000,000 3,333,333 10,000,000
External Financingt 0 0 0

045180 National Road 5% of road works completed Bids were submitted on 13 20% of road works completed
Construction/Rehabil December 2014 and evaluation
itation (Bitumen is ongoing. Evaluation of
Standard) technical proposals was
completed and financial
proposals commenced. The
contract is expected to be signed
by June 2014.

Total 60,000,000 20,000,000 110,000,000

GoU Development 60,000,000 20,000,000 110,000,000
External Financingt 0 0 0

Project 1276 Mubende-Kakumiro-Kagadi Road

045171 Acquisition of Land 100 hectares of land and Land acquisition is part of the 100 hectares of land and
by Government properties therein acquired works contract. Procurement of properties therein acquired
the contractor is at bid
evaluation stage.
Total 3,000,000 1,000,000 3,000,000
GoU Development 3,000,000 1,000,000 3,000,000
External Financingt 0 0 0

045180 National Road 2% of road works completed This is a design and build 10% of road works completed
Construction/Rehabil project. Evaluation of bids is
itation (Bitumen ongoing. Evaluation of technical
Standard) bids was completed. The
contract is expected to be signed
by June 2014.
Total 22,000,000 7,333,333 47,000,000
GoU Development 22,000,000 7,333,333 47,000,000
External Financingt 0 0 0

Project 1277 Kampala Northern Bypass Phase 2

Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditures and Outputs by Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Location) End March Outputs (Quantity and Location)
UShs Thousand
(Quantity and Location)
045171 Acquisition of Land 40 hectares of land and 20 Hectares of land and
by Government properties therein procured Procurement of the design properties theirin acquired
consultant is in advanced stages.
Evaluation of bids was
completed. Negotiations with
the best evaluated bidder
completed. Services to
commence by June 2014.
Total 40,000,000 13,333,333 20,000,000
GoU Development 40,000,000 13,333,333 20,000,000
External Financingt 0 0 0

045180 National Road 5% of road works completed Contract was awarded and 15% of road works completed.
Construction/Rehabil signed on 11 April 2014. The
itation (Bitumen contractor is currently 50% of Kampala Fly-over
Standard) mobilising to commence works project design completed.
in July 2014. The supervision
consultant was signed on 12
April 2014.
Total 55,000,000 224,707 40,000,000
GoU Development 0 224,707 20,000,000
External Financingt 55,000,000 0 20,000,000

Project 1278 Kampala-Jinja Expressway

045180 National Road Final Detailed Design for The Final designs were Technical Assistenance for
Construction/Rehabil Kampala- Jinja Express Way completed. the Transaction structuring PPP project and
itation (Bitumen advisor for structuring the advertising for PPP contractor.
Standard) Public Private Partnership
project procured. The right of
way was gazzatted and
developments freezed.
Total 5,000,000 0 597,600
GoU Development 5,000,000 0 597,600
External Financingt 0 0 0

Project 1279 Seeta-Kyaliwajjala-Matugga-Wakiso-Buloba-Nsangi

045180 National Road Feasibility Study and Draft Procurement ongoig. Advert for Feasibility Study and
Construction/Rehabil Preliminary Designs design services was published in Preliminary Design Report
itation (Bitumen April 2014. Contract expected
Standard) to be signed by December 2014.

Total 1,000,000 0 1,000,000

GoU Development 1,000,000 0 1,000,000
External Financingt 0 0 0

Project 1280 Najjanankumbi-Busabala Road and Nambole-Namilyango-Seeta

045180 National Road Feasibility Study and Draft Procurement ongoing. The Feasibility Study and
Construction/Rehabil Preliminary Design. adevert for design services was preliminary design report .
itation (Bitumen published in April 2014. The
Standard) contract is expected to be signed
in December 2014.
Total 500,000 0 1,000,000
GoU Development 500,000 0 1,000,000
External Financingt 0 0 0

Project 1281 Tirinyi-Pallisa-Kumi/Kamonkoli Road

045171 Acquisition of Land 200 hectares of land and
by Government properties therein procured
Total 0 0 8,000,000
GoU Development 0 0 8,000,000
External Financingt 0 0 0

045180 National Road Updated Design and Contractor The General Procurement notice 10%of the works completed
Construction/Rehabil procured was published in newspapers in
itation (Bitumen March 2014. Advert for

Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditures and Outputs by Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Location) End March Outputs (Quantity and Location)
UShs Thousand
(Quantity and Location)
Standard) prequalification of contractors
expected before the end of May
Total 1,500,000 0 22,470,000
GoU Development 1,500,000 0 2,000,000
External Financingt 0 0 20,470,000

Project 1310 Albertine Region Sustainable Development Project

045171 Acquisition of Land 100 hactares of land acquired
by Government and property therein compesated

Total 0 0 5,000,000
GoU Development 0 0 5,000,000
External Financingt 0 0 0

045180 National Road 15% of works completed.

itation (Bitumen
Total 0 0 20,000,000
GoU Development 0 0 0
External Financingt 0 0 20,000,000

Project 1311 Upgrading Rukungiri-Kihihi-Ishasha/Kanungu Road

045171 Acquisition of Land 50 hectares acquired and
by Government property therein compensated
Total 0 0 2,500,000
GoU Development 0 0 2,500,000
External Financingt 0 0 0

045180 National Road Contractor and Supervision

Construction/Rehabil consultant procured and
itation (Bitumen advance paid.
Total 0 0 6,053,927
GoU Development 0 0 2,500,000
External Financingt 0 0 3,553,927

Project 1312 Upgrading mbale-Bubulo-Lwakhakha Road

045171 Acquisition of Land 50 Hectares and property therein
by Government acquired
Total 0 0 2,500,000
GoU Development 0 0 2,500,000
External Financingt 0 0 0

045180 National Road Contractor and supervision

Construction/Rehabil consultant procured and
itation (Bitumen advance paid.
Total 0 0 6,500,000
GoU Development 0 0 2,500,000
External Financingt 0 0 4,000,000

Project 1313 North Eastern Road-Corridor Asset Management Project

045181 National Road North Eastern Road Corridor
Construction/Rehabil Asset Management project (5%
itation (Other) works completed)
Total 0 0 10,600,080
GoU Development 0 0 600,080
External Financingt 0 0 10,000,000

(iii) Priority Vote Actions to Improve Sector Performance

Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

The following measures are planned to improve the vote performance:
Outsourcing the bid evaluation – this will reduce on the time taken in evaluating bids and the overall lead
time required to conclude procurement. UNRA will also pursue procurement accreditation from PPDA.
Providing for land acquisition under the works contracts – This has the advantage of the contractors pre-
financing land compensation which reduces the burden of having cash up front.
Table V3.6: Vote Actions to Improve Sector Performance
2013/14 Planned Actions: 2013/14 Actual Actions: 2014/15 Planned Actions: MT Strategy:
Sector Outcome 1: Road network in good condition.
Vote Function: 04 51 National Roads Maintenance & Construction
VF Performance Issue: Inhibiting environment for private sector development.
The implementation of unit The implementation of unit Design and build for Collect data on contract
cost matrix is onging. Some cost matrix is onging. Some of Mbarara - Kikagati roads, procurement and
of the recommendations being the recommendations being Kampala - Entebbe implementation processes to
implemented include design implemented include design Expressway and Mubende - monitor cost and competition
and build on Malaba-Bugiri and build on Malaba-Bugiri Kakumiro - Kagadi road. trends. Prepare procedures
road, Mbarara - Kikagati and road, Mbarara - Kikagati and Implementing. Parallel Bid manual and clear
Kampala - Entebbe Kampala - Entebbe Evaluation and technical and specifications detailing various
Expressway. Development of Expressway. Procurement of aspects of the projects cycle.
the redflag system, strengthen other design and build
contact mgt contracts (Mubende -
Kakumiro and Mukono -
Kayunga - Njeru road)
ongoing. Development of the
redflag system was completed.
VF Performance Issue: Axle overloading.
The MoWT is working on the The MoWT is working on the Outsource axle control Increase the number of
amendment of the traffic and amendment of the traffic and services. vehicles weighed by 10%
road safety Act to road safety Act to (compared to 2008/09) and
decriminalise axle decriminalise axle overloading. enforce existing laws.
VF Performance Issue: Increasing road maintenance backlog.
Lobby Government to Lobby Government to increase Lobby Government to increase
increase funding for road funding for road maintenance funding for road maintenance
maintenance through through operationalisation of through operationalisation of
operationalisation of the Road the Road Fund as second the Road Fund as second
Fund as second generation generation Fund. URF generation Fund.
Fund. increased UNRA's next FY
2014/15 by UGX 20 bn.

V4: Proposed Budget Allocations for 2014/15 and the Medium Term
This section sets out the proposed vote budget allocations for 2014/15 and the medium term, including
major areas of expenditures and any notable changes in allocations.
Table V4.1: Past Outturns and Medium Term Projections by Vote Function*
2013/14 MTEF Budget Projections
* Excluding Taxes and Arrears 2012/13 Appr. Releases
Outturn Budget End Mar 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

0451 National Roads Maintenance & Construction 1,192.042 1,933.667 1,328.614 1,727.366 1,441.571 1,753.238
Total for Vote: 1,192.042 1,933.667 1,328.614 1,727.366 1,441.571 1,753.238

(i) The Total Budget over the Medium Term

The overall allocation in the medium term is as follows:
FY 2014/15 UGX 1,915.862 billion
FY 2015/16 UGX 1,625.698 billion
FY 2016/17 UGX 1,628 billion
(ii) The major expenditure allocations in the Vote for 2014/15
The bulk of the budget has been allocated to projects for upgrading priority gravel roads to bitumen
standard and rehabilitation of the old paved roads. Substantial resources were also allocated to the
Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

construction/ rehabilitation of Bridges on the national roads network.
(iii) The major planned changes in resource allocations within the Vote for 2014/15
There were no major planned changes in resource allocation. The focus for the medium term is on
upgrading to tarmac priority national roads and rehabilitant the old paved road.
Table V4.2: Key Changes in Vote Resource Allocation
Changes in Budget Allocations and Outputs Justification for proposed Changes
in 2014/15 from 2013/14 Planned Levels: in Expenditure and Outputs
Vote Function:0401 National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Output: 0451 01 Monitoring and Capacity Building Support
UShs Bn: -1.254 The studies and establishment of systems would have been
The studies and establishment of systems would have been completed.
Output: 0451 02 UNRA Support Services
UShs Bn: -1.500 The slight decrease is due to Technical Assistance from EU is will
There will be a decrease in the Technical Assistance from EU. end by March 2014.
Output: 0451 77 Purchase of Specialised Machinery & Equipment
UShs Bn: -1.000 The cuts is due to budgetary constraints
Slight difference is because budget constraints
Output: 0451 80 National Road Construction/Rehabilitation (Bitumen Standard)
UShs Bn: -182.651 There are no changes in outputs because the budget remained the
The increase was from additional donor funding for Masaka - same. The proposed outputs will contribute to the NDP objective
Bukakata, Kitgumba - Masindi- Hoima - Kabwoya and of improving the stock of transport infrastructure and the outcome
Kampala Bypass and the 6 new roads for upgrading. of improving the condition of the road network.
Output: 0451 81 National Road Construction/Rehabilitation (Other)
UShs Bn: 10.600 No change
No change
Table V4.3: 2013/14 and 2014/15 Budget Allocations by Item
2013/14 Approved Budget 2014/15 Draft Estimates
Million Uganda Shillings GoU Ext. Fin Total GoU Ext. Fin Total
Output Class: Outputs Provided 43,683.3 4,000.0 47,683.3 43,429.1 1,500.0 44,929.1
211101 General Staff Salaries 18,300.0 0.0 18,300.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
211102 Contract Staff Salaries (Incl. Casuals, Temp 0.0 0.0 0.0 18,300.0 0.0 18,300.0
211103 Allowances 200.0 0.0 200.0 200.0 0.0 200.0
212101 Social Security Contributions 2,200.0 0.0 2,200.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
212201 Social Security Contributions 0.0 0.0 0.0 2,200.0 0.0 2,200.0
213001 Medical expenses (To employees) 1,900.0 0.0 1,900.0 1,900.0 0.0 1,900.0
213004 Gratuity Expenses 2,500.0 0.0 2,500.0 2,567.0 0.0 2,567.0
221001 Advertising and Public Relations 200.0 0.0 200.0 200.0 0.0 200.0
221002 Workshops and Seminars 100.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 0.0 100.0
221003 Staff Training 906.1 0.0 906.1 946.0 0.0 946.0
221005 Hire of Venue (chairs, projector, etc) 20.0 0.0 20.0 20.0 0.0 20.0
221007 Books, Periodicals & Newspapers 70.0 0.0 70.0 70.0 0.0 70.0
221008 Computer supplies and Information Technol 777.0 0.0 777.0 777.0 0.0 777.0
221009 Welfare and Entertainment 250.0 0.0 250.0 250.0 0.0 250.0
221011 Printing, Stationery, Photocopying and Bind 123.0 0.0 123.0 100.0 0.0 100.0
221012 Small Office Equipment 200.0 0.0 200.0 200.0 0.0 200.0
221016 IFMS Recurrent costs 70.0 0.0 70.0 70.0 0.0 70.0
222001 Telecommunications 200.0 0.0 200.0 100.0 0.0 100.0
222002 Postage and Courier 25.0 0.0 25.0 25.0 0.0 25.0
222003 Information and communications technolog 779.3 0.0 779.3 779.3 0.0 779.3
223001 Property Expenses 200.0 0.0 200.0 200.0 0.0 200.0
223003 Rent – (Produced Assets) to private entities 3,320.0 0.0 3,320.0 3,320.0 0.0 3,320.0
223004 Guard and Security services 200.0 0.0 200.0 200.0 0.0 200.0
223005 Electricity 320.0 0.0 320.0 320.0 0.0 320.0
223006 Water 75.0 0.0 75.0 75.0 0.0 75.0
224004 Cleaning and Sanitation 0.0 0.0 0.0 100.0 0.0 100.0
225001 Consultancy Services- Short term 7,876.9 1,000.0 8,876.9 7,622.7 1,500.0 9,122.7
225002 Consultancy Services- Long-term 0.0 3,000.0 3,000.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

2013/14 Approved Budget 2014/15 Draft Estimates
Million Uganda Shillings GoU Ext. Fin Total GoU Ext. Fin Total
226001 Insurances 1,391.0 0.0 1,391.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
226002 Licenses 0.0 0.0 0.0 1,391.0 0.0 1,391.0
227001 Travel inland 380.0 0.0 380.0 296.1 0.0 296.1
227002 Travel abroad 150.0 0.0 150.0 150.0 0.0 150.0
227004 Fuel, Lubricants and Oils 400.0 0.0 400.0 400.0 0.0 400.0
228002 Maintenance - Vehicles 500.0 0.0 500.0 500.0 0.0 500.0
228003 Maintenance – Machinery, Equipment & Fu 50.0 0.0 50.0 50.0 0.0 50.0
Output Class: Capital Purchases ########### 649,940.0 ###################### 456,138.9 ###########
231001 Non Residential buildings (Depreciation) 3,000.0 0.0 3,000.0 2,500.0 2,500.0 5,000.0
231003 Roads and bridges (Depreciation) 903,393.1 624,007.0 ########### 974,700.1 430,003.9 ###########
231005 Machinery and equipment 30,000.0 0.0 30,000.0 29,000.0 0.0 29,000.0
281501 Environment Impact Assessment for Capital 0.0 0.0 0.0 600.0 0.0 600.0
281502 Feasibility Studies for Capital Works 0.0 1,000.0 1,000.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
281503 Engineering and Design Studies & Plans for 35,000.1 6,020.0 41,020.1 24,897.6 6,000.0 30,897.6
281504 Monitoring, Supervision & Appraisal of cap 48,450.3 18,913.0 67,363.4 15,600.0 17,634.9 33,234.9
311101 Land 216,200.0 0.0 216,200.0 179,000.0 0.0 179,000.0
312204 Taxes on Machinery, Furniture & Vehicles 0.0 0.0 0.0 1,412.7 0.0 1,412.7
312206 Gross Tax 10,000.0 0.0 10,000.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Grand Total: ########### 653,940.0 ###########
########### 457,638.9 ###########
Total Excluding Taxes and Arrears ########### 653,940.0 ########### 457,638.9
########### ###########

V5: Vote Cross-Cutting Policy and Other Budgetary Issues

This section discusses how the vote's plans will address and respond to the cross-cutting policy, issues of
gender and equity; HIV/AIDS; and the Environment, and other budgetary issues such as Arrears and NTR..

(i) Cross-cutting Policy Issues

(a) Gender and Equity
Objective: To reduce gender inequalities and exploitations that might arose during UNRA projects
Issue of Concern : Gender inequalities arising from road construction and maintenance projects .

Proposed Intervensions
- Gender awareness campaigns among contractor staff and communities
- Gender aspects in environmental management and land and property compensation
- Gender sensitive infrastructure including workers camps and roads
- Monitoring and supervision of adherence to policies and guidelines for enhancement of gender equity
during UNRA projects
Budget Allocations UGX billion 0.2
Performance Indicators No. of awareness campaigns carried out.

No. of staff trained on Gender issues

To increase access to HIV and AIDS prevention services including awareness information,
Objective: •
within the contractor workforce and project affected communities to mitigate the potential
spread of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections.
Issue of Concern : Road projects tend to keep employees away from their home for a long time and
as a result they engage in risky sexual behavior which leads to HIV and other
Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs).

Proposed Intervensions
- Provide HIV/AIDS awareness services in the contractor workforce and project affected communities

Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority

- Provide basic HIV and AIDS services such as counselling and testing, condoms, and referral to
contractor workforce and communities in the project catchment area
- Provide screening and treatment services for STIs for contractor and communities in the project
catchment area.
- Supervision and Monitoring for the HIV/AIDS interventions
Budget Allocations UGX billion 0.2
Performance Indicators No. of HIV/AIDS awareness services in the contractor workforce

(c) Environment
Objective: To protect the health and safety of workers and communities in the catchments area of road
Issue of Concern : The road construction process is linked with several health and safety risks and if
no action is taken to mitigate them, the effect of not taking action can be severe.

Proposed Intervensions
- Sensitize personnel on the road on the workplace safety
- Monitor and supervise the adherence on workplace safety regulations
- Build capacity of service providers in the provision, appreciation and monitoring workplace safety
- Provision of PPEs for personnel
Budget Allocations UGX billion 0.2
Performance Indicators No. of personnel sensitized on the road on the workplace safety

Objective: To ensure environmental sustainability along the national roads corridors

Issue of Concern : Environmental degradation and social disruption by road development projects

Proposed Intervensions
Implementation of environmental and social mitigation measures recommended in the environmental
planning tools

Addressing approval conditions of the certificate of environmental and social impact assessment

Carrying out environmental audits and monitoring for the ongoing road projects. Promote tree planting
along national roads
Budget Allocations UGX billion 0.3
Performance Indicators No. of EIAs approved

(ii) Verrified Outstanding Arrears for the Vote

(iii) Non Tax Revenue Collections
2012/13 2013/14 Prel 2014/15
Source of NTR UShs Bn Actual Budget Actual Projected
Advertisements/Bill Boards 0.050 0.060
Sale of non-produced Government Properties/assets 0.000 0.110
Sale of publications 0.068 0.080
Total: 0.118 0.250

From permits to erect bill boards on national roads we expect to raise about UGX 60 million, from sell of bidding
documents we expect to realise UGX 80 million and from sell of old government vehicles we expect to raise UGX 110
Vote Overview
Uganda National Roads Authority Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 113 Uganda National Roads Authority


Vote Overview
Road Fund Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 118 Road Fund

V1: Vote Overview
(i) Vote Mission Statement
To provide “Adequate financing for maintenance of public roads”

Mission Statement
“To provide effective and sustainable financing of maintenance for public roads through partnerships
with stakeholders in the road transport sector”.
(ii) Summary of Past Performance and Medium Term Budget Allocations
Table V1.1: Overview of Vote Expenditures (UShs Billion)

2013/14 MTEF Budget Projections

2012/13 Approved Rel. by
(i) Excluding Arrears, Taxes Outturn Budget End Mar 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17
Wage 1.994 1.995 1.496 1.995 2.134 2.486
Non Wage 234.754 350.857 263.143 426.107 434.629 454.188
GoU 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Ext. Fin 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
GoU Total 236.748 352.852 264.639 428.102 436.764 456.674
Total GoU + Ext Fin (MTEF) 236.748 352.852 264.639 428.102 436.764 456.674
Arrears 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 N/A N/A
(ii) Arrears
and Taxes Taxes 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 N/A N/A
Total Budget 236.748 352.852 264.639 428.102 N/A N/A

The chart below shows total funding allocations to the Vote by Vote Function over the medium term:
Chart V1.1: Medium Term Budget Projections by Vote Function (Excluding Taxes, Arrears)


Ushs Billion








District Road
National and

2013/14 Approved Budget Estimates 2014/15 Budget Projections 2015/16 Budget Projections

Vote Overview
Road Fund Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 118 Road Fund

(iii) Vote Outcomes and Outcome Indicators
The table below sets out the vote outcomes and outcome indicators
Table V1.3: Vote Outcomes and Outcome Indicators

V2: Vote Performance for FY 2013/14 and Planned Outputs for FY 2014/15
This section describes past vote performance and planned Outputs, in terms of key vote outputs
(i) Past Vote Outputs
Preliminary 2013/14 Performance
1. Advancement of the case for URF Independence: The cabinet memo for amendment of Section 14 of
URA Act to allow for direct transfer of RUCs to URF awaits presentation to cabinet by MoFPED;
2. Enactment of URF Corporate plan: The 40th Board meeting at its sitting of 23.1.2014 approved the 5
year corporate plan.
The first year component of the plan is being implemented. The second year component shall be
implemented as part of OYRMP for FY 2014/15.
3. Testing of the new allocation formula: •
Formula Calibration and Validation completed;
• Draft FY 2014/15 IPFs presented to management on 16/12/13;
• Final IPFs expected to be issued to agencies in Q3 FY 2013/14;
4. Restructuring of the URF secretariat: On the 8th January 2013 a consultancy firm - M/s High Tides was
procured to undertake a study of URF and recommend a restructuring plan, update the HR and
Administration manual, and propose a competitive remuneration package. On the 24th July 2013, the 8th
FABC considered the report and recommended to Board its harmonization with the intent of the fund’s long
term plans; 5 Year Corporate Plan and 5 Year Road Maintenance Plan. Further still, at its 41st sitting ,
Board agreed that the report should be analyzed, and an implementation plan drawn, including financial
implications of salary increments and implications for the 5 Year Road Maintenance Strategic Plan
(RMMS) and the Corporate Plan.
5. Launch of URF regulations & The Communication strategy:
Uganda Road Fund Regulations:
The Uganda Road Fund Regulations were approved by the 40th Board of 23rd January 2014. The issues
that Board raised for amendment have now been finalized with input from the Solicitor General and
Legislative Expert. The finalized regulations shall be submitted to the Minister of Finance by end of April
2014 for commencement of the process of gazzetting. The finalized and shall shortly go through the
process of gazzetting after refinement. The document will be provided to the consultant for final review
before submission the Minister. Members will be provided with copies for their records.
Communication Strategy:
The Communication Strategy is being aligned to the Corporate and Strategic Plan as well as the current
operating environment of URF.
6. Technical & Financial reviews of at agencies: The technical and financial
reviews of agencies are in the preparatory phase. Procurement of Consultants to conduct the reviews in
24No. Agencies is in progress. It is envisaged that the actual work will commence in Q4 FY2013/14;
7. M&E in at Agencies
During Q1 thru' 3 FY 2013/14 a total of 27No. Agencies were monitored including 7No. UNRA stations;
7No. Municipal Councils; and 13No. District Local Governments using both in-house and outsourced
Compilation of Q3 FY 2013/14 M & E report will be completed in Q4 along with priting and dissemination.
8. Tracking of Periodic Maintenance schemes:
Tracking was not carried out during Q3 due to limited resources.
Table V2.1: Past and 2014/15 Planned Key Vote Outputs
2013/14 2014/15
Vote, Vote Function
Key Output Planned outputs Achievements by End March Planned Outputs
Vote: 118 Road Fund
Vote Function: 0452 National and District Road Maintenance
Output: 045251 National Road Maintenance

Vote Overview
Road Fund Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 118 Road Fund

2013/14 2014/15
Vote, Vote Function
Key Output Planned outputs Achievements by End March Planned Outputs
Description of Outputs: Finance the Routine & Periodic Cummulative outputs are upto Finance the Routine & Periodic
Maintenance of UNRA as Q2 FY 2013/14 as Quarter 3 Maintenance of UNRA as
follows: outputs are not yet submitted by follows:
- Routine Maintenance UNRA.
(Manual) of 19,500km; •
Routine manual maintenance of Routine Maintenance
- Routine Maintenance 1,170 km of paved national - Paved Roads - Manual
(Mechanized) of 6,000km; roads; Maintenance - 1,170km
- Periodic maintenance of •
Routine mechanized - Paved Roads - Mechanized
1,070km; maintenance of 881 km of paved Maintenance - 1,150km
- Maintenance of 300 national roads; - Paved Roads - Term
bridges/drainage structures •
Mechanized Term maintenance Maintenance (Mechanized) -
(routine); of 196 km of paved national 2,500km
- Maintenance of 10 roads; - Un paved Roads - Manual
bridges/drainage structures •
Routine manual maintenance of Maintenance - 16,500km
(major/periodic) 16,500 km of unpaved national - Un paved Roads - Mechanized
- Operational expenses 4% of roads; Maintenance - 7,000km
annual budget; •
Routine mechanized - Un paved Roads - Term
- Emergency works 7.2% of maintenance of 5,147 km of Maintenance (Mechanized) -
annual budget; unpaved national roads; 6,000km
- Term maintenance 5,000km; •
Mechanized Term maintenance - Bridges - 280 bridges
- Labour based Technology of 3,548 km of unpaved national maintained
450km; roads;
- Road Safety Works 3.3% of •
Routine maintenance of 51 Periodic Maintenance
annual budget; bridges; - Paved Roads - Remedial
- Plant hire 1.6% of annual •
Periodic maintenance of 441 Repairs & Sealing - 65km
budget; km of unpaved national roads; - Un paved Roads –
- Ferry operations 8 •
Periodic maintenance of 2 Regravelling - 1,300km
- Axle load operations: 8 fixed, bridges; - Labour Based Rehabilitation -
2 mobile, 1 patrol •
Street lighting on 47km of 132km
selected national roads; - Bridges (Major Repairs) - 10

100no. Road signage on bridges rehabilitated
various national roads procured;

Operations and maintenance of Road Safety works
10 weigh bridges; - Street lighting on Selected

Operations and maintenance of National Roads - 47km
8 ferries; - Road Signage on Various
roads - 4,000no.
- Marking of Roads - 1,100km
- Demarcation of road
reserves - 555km
- Protection of road reserves of
national roads

Axle Load Control

- Operations and Maintenance
(8 fixed & 2 Mobile) - 10

Operations, Maintenance and
Landing sites maintenance (9
Ferries) - 9 Ferries

Other qualifying work

- National Road Network
Condition Assessment and
Quality Assurance
- Road Committee Activities
- Alternative Technology/Low
Cost Surfacing Technology -
2No. - 53km
- Consultancy Services -
Supervision of Periodic
Maintenance of Paved &
Unpaved Roads - 25No.
Vote Overview
Road Fund Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 118 Road Fund

2013/14 2014/15
Vote, Vote Function
Key Output Planned outputs Achievements by End March Planned Outputs
- Consultancy Services -
Supervision of Periodic
Maintenance of Bridges - 1No
Output: 045252 District , Urban and Community Access Road Maintenance
Description of Outputs: Finance the Routine & periodic Cummulative outputs are upto Finance the Routine & Periodic
maintenance of the DUCAR Q2 FY2013/14 as Q3 outputs Maintenance of Districts,
network as follows; are not yet submitted by KCCA, Urban councils and
- Routine Maintenance DUCAR agencies. community access roads as
(Manual) of District Rds KCCA roads follows:
25,528km; •
Grading and shaping 113km of
- Routine Maintenance city roads; District Roads
(Mechanized) of District Rds •
Patching of 31,773m2 of city - Routine Maintenance
2,610km; roads; (Manual) of District Rds
- Periodic Maintenance of •
Laying of 1,804m2 of Asphalt 25,528km;
District Rds 400km; on city roads; - Routine Maintenance
- Routine Maintenance •
Laying of 2,263m3 of gravel on (Mechanized) of District Rds
(Bridges)/District Rds 8No; city roads. 5,000km;
- Periodic Maintenance District roads incl TCs and - Periodic Maintenance of
(Bridges)/District Rds 2No.; Subcounties: District Rds 1,000km;
- Culverts (lines)/District Rds •
Routine manual maintenance of - Routine Maintenance
177No. 20,219 km of district roads; (Bridges)/District Rds 10No;

Routine mechanized - Culverts (Nos)/ District Rds
Urban Roads maintenance of 2,080 km of 5,500No.
- Routine Maintenance district roads;
(Manual) of Urban Rds •
Periodic maintenance of 2,477 Urban Roads
1,075km; km of district roads; - Routine Maintenance
- Routine Maintenance •
Installation of 207 culvert lines (Manual) of Urban Rds
(Mechanized) of Urban Rds on district roads; 1,200km;
186km; •
Maintenance of 726 bridges on - Routine Maintenance
- Periodic Maintenance of district roads. (Mechanized) of Urban Rds
Urban Rds 20km; 206km;
- Routine Maintenance Urban roads (Municipalities): - Periodic Maintenance of
(Bridges)/Urban Rds 6No; •
Routine manual maintenance of Urban Rds 50km;
- Culverts (lines)/Urban Rds 521 km of Municipal roads - Routine Maintenance
45No. •
Routine mechanized (Bridges)/Urban Rds 6No;
maintenance of 522 km of - Culverts (lines)/Urban Rds
KCCA Roads Municipal roads 100No.
- Routine Maintenance •
Periodic maintenance of 117
(Manual) of KCCA Rds 626Km; km of Municipal roads KCCA Roads
- Routine Maintenance •
Installation of 49 culvert lines - Routine Maintenance
(Mechanized) of KCCA Rds on Municipal roads (Manual) of KCCA Rds 626km;
470km; •
Maintenance of 1 bridge on - Routine Maintenance
- Periodic Maintenance of district roads. (Mechanized) of KCCA Rds
KCCA Rds 25km; 500km;
- Culverts (lines)/KCCA Rds - Periodic Maintenance of
30No. KCCA Rds 25km;
- Culverts (lines)/KCCA Rds
Community Access Roads 50No.
- Routine Maintenance
(Manual) of CARs of 7,832km; Community Access Roads
- Routine Maintenance - Routine Maintenance
(Bridges)/CARs 14No; (Manual) of CARs of 5,832km;
- Culverts (lines)/CARs 221No; - Routine Maintenance
(Bridges)/CARs 14No;
- Culverts (lines)/CARs

V3: Detailed Planned Outputs for FY 2014/15

2014/15 Planned Outputs
Fund Secretariat
Road maintenance funds (UGX420.878Bn) disbursed to Designated Agencies quarterly,
135 Designated Agencies monitored and evaluated,
Vote Overview
Road Fund Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 118 Road Fund

38 Designated Agencies audited,
OYRMP for FY 2013/14 reviewed,
OYRMP for 2014/15 prepared,
Board control and oversight facilitated

Provided funding to UNRA (UGX 274.4bn) for:

Routine Maintenance
Paved Roads - Manual Maintenance - 1,170km

Paved Roads - Mechanized Maintenance - 1,150km

Paved Roads - Term Maintenance (Mechanized) - 2,500km

Un paved Roads - Manual Maintenance - 16,500km

Un paved Roads - Mechanized Maintenance - 7,000km

Un paved Roads - Term Maintenance (Mechanized) - 6,000km

Bridges - 280 bridges maintained

Periodic Maintenance
Paved Roads - Remedial Repairs & Sealing - 65km

Un paved Roads – Regravelling - 1,300km

Labour Based Rehabilitation - 132km

Bridges (Major Repairs) - 10 bridges rehabilitated

Road Safety works

Street lighting on Selected National Roads - 47km

Road Signage on Various roads - 4,000no.

Marking of Roads - 1,100km

Demarcation of road reserves - 555km

Protection of road reserves of national roads

Axle Load Control

Operations and Maintenance (8 fixed & 2 Mobile) - 10 Weighbridges

Operations, Maintenance and Landing sites maintenance (9 Ferries) - 9 Ferries

Other qualifying work

National Road Network Condition Assessment and Quality Assurance

Road Committee Activities

Alternative Technology/Low Cost Surfacing Technology - 2No. - 53km

Consultancy Services - Supervision of Periodic Maintenance of Paved & Unpaved Roads - 25No.

Consultancy Services - Supervision of Periodic Maintenance of Bridges - 1No.

Provide funding to the DUCAR & KCCA (UGX 146.440bn) for the following activities:
District Roads
Routine Maintenance (Manual) of District Rds 25,528km;

Routine Maintenance (Mechanized) of District Rds 5,000km;

Periodic Maintenance of District Rds 1,000km;

Routine Maintenance (Bridges)/District Rds 10No;

Culverts (Nos)/ District Rds 5,500No.

Vote Overview
Road Fund Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 118 Road Fund

Urban Roads
Routine Maintenance (Manual) of Urban Rds 1,200km;

Routine Maintenance (Mechanized) of Urban Rds 206km;

Periodic Maintenance of Urban Rds 50km;

Routine Maintenance (Bridges)/Urban Rds 6No;

Culverts (lines)/Urban Rds 100No.

KCCA Roads
Routine Maintenance (Manual) of KCCA Rds 626km;

Routine Maintenance (Mechanized) of KCCA Rds 500km;

Periodic Maintenance of KCCA Rds 25km;

Culverts (lines)/KCCA Rds 50No.

Community Access Roads

Routine Maintenance (Manual) of CARs of 5,832km;

Routine Maintenance (Bridges)/CARs 14No;

Culverts (lines)/CARs 1,050No;

Table V3.1: Vote Function Profiles, Programme/Project Profiles and Workplan Outputs

Vote Function: 04 52 National and District Road Maintenance

Vote Function Profile

Responsible Officer: Executive Director

Services: According to the URF Act, 2008 the URF envisage financing the following
activities from mainly road user charges and other revenue streams;

1.Routine and periodic maintenance of public roads undertaken by UNRA, Districts

and Urban Councils collectively known as Designated Agencies;

2.Road safety activities including erection of sign posts;

3.Operational expenses of UNRA;

4.Administrative expenses of the Fund;

5.Research in road works; and

6.Such activities relevant to the maintenance of public roads as may be determined

by the Board.

Vote Function Projects and Programmes:

Project or Programme Name Responsible Officer
Recurrent Programmes
01 Road Fund Secretariat Executive Director

Programme 01 Road Fund Secretariat

Programme Profile

Responsible Officer: Executive Director

Objectives: According to the URF Act, 2008 URF envisages financing the following activities from
mainly road user charges and other revenue streams;

Vote Overview
Road Fund Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 118 Road Fund

Vote Function: 04 52 National and District Road Maintenance
Programme 01 Road Fund Secretariat
1.Routine and periodic maintenance of public roads undertaken by UNRA, Districts and
Urban Councils collectively known as Designated Agencies;

2.Road safety activities including erection of sign posts;

3.Operational expenses of UNRA;

4.Administrative expenses of the Fund;

5.Research in road works; and

6.Such activities relevant to the maintenance of public roads as may be determined by the
Outputs: 1.Finance the approved annual road maintenance programs of Agencies in full

2.Track performance of Designated Agencies against agreed indicators and targets

3.Establish 1,3 & 5 year road maintenance plan to guide deployment of road maintenance

Workplan Outputs for 2013/14 and 2014/15

Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and
UShs Thousand
Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)
04 52 01Road Fund Secretariat Road maintenance funds 1. Advancement of the case for Road maintenance funds
Services (UGX.345.6Bn) disbursed to URF Independence: The cabinet (UGX.420.877Bn) disbursed to
Designated Agencies quarterly, memo for amendment of Section Designated Agencies quarterly,
135 Designated Agencies 14 of URA Act to allow for 135 Designated Agencies
monitored and evaluated, 38 direct transfer of RUCs to URF monitored and evaluated,
Designated Agencies audited, awaits presentation to cabinet 38 Designated Agencies
OYRMP for FY 2012/13 by MoFPED; audited,
reviewed, OYRMP for 2013/14 2. Enactment of URF Corporate OYRMP for FY 2013/14
prepared, Board control and plan: The 40th Board meeting at reviewed,
oversight facilita its sitting of 23.1.2014 approved OYRMP for 2014/15 prepared,
the 5 year corporate plan. Board control and oversight
The first year component of the facilitated, Financial
plan is being implemented. The management information system
second year component shall be procured and used, manuals and
implemented as part of OYRMP guidelines for collection and
for FY 2014/15. management of RUCs prepared,
3.Testing of the new allocation RUCs management frmework in
formula: • Formula Calibration place and used.
and Validation completed;
• Draft FY 2014/15 IPFs
presented to management on
• Final IPFs expected to be
issued to agencies in Q3 FY
4. Restructuring of the URF
secretariat: On the 8th January
2013 a consultancy firm - M/s
High Tides was procured to
undertake a study of URF and
recommend a restructuring plan,
update the HR and
Administration manual, and
propose a competitive
remuneration package. On the
24th July 2013, the 8th FABC
considered the report and
recommended to Board its
harmonization with the intent of
the fund’s long term plans; 5
Year Corporate Plan and 5 Year
Road Maintenance Plan. Further
still, at its 41st sitting , Board

Vote Overview
Road Fund Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 118 Road Fund

Vote Function: 04 52 National and District Road Maintenance
Programme 01 Road Fund Secretariat
Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and
UShs Thousand
Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)
agreed that the report should be
analyzed, and an
implementation plan drawn,
including financial implications
of salary increments and
implications for the 5 Year
Road Maintenance Strategic
Plan (RMMS) and the
Corporate Plan.
5. Launch of URF regulations &
The Communication strategy:
Uganda Road Fund Regulations:
The Uganda Road Fund
Regulations were approved by
the 40th Board of 23rd January
2014. The issues that Board
raised for amendment have now
been finalized with input from
the Solicitor General and
Legislative Expert. The finalized
regulations shall be submitted to
the Minister of Finance by end
of April 2014 for
commencement of the process
of gazzetting. The finalized and
shall shortly go through the
process of gazzetting after
refinement. The document will
be provided to the consultant for
final review before submission
the Minister. Members will be
provided with copies for their
Communication Strategy:
The Communication Strategy is
being aligned to the Corporate
and Strategic Plan as well as the
current operating environment
of URF.
6. Technical & Financial
reviews of at
The technical and
financial reviews of agencies are
in the preparatory phase.
Procurement of Consultants to
conduct the reviews in 24No.
Agencies is in progress. It is
envisaged that the actual work
will commence in Q4
7. M&E in at Agencies
During Q1 thru' 3 FY 2013/14 a
total of 27No. Agencies were
monitored including 7No.
UNRA stations; 7No. Municipal
Councils; and 13No. District
Local Governments using both
in-house and outsourced
Compilation of Q3 FY 2013/14
M & E report will be completed
in Q4 along with priting and
8. Tracking of Periodic
Maintenance schemes:
Tracking was not carried out
during Q3 due to limited

Total 7,223,999 4,088,335 7,223,919

Vote Overview
Road Fund Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 118 Road Fund

Vote Function: 04 52 National and District Road Maintenance
Programme 01 Road Fund Secretariat
Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and
UShs Thousand
TotalLocation) (Quantity and Location) Location)
Wage Recurrent 1,994,619 1,235,171 1,994,619
Non Wage Recurrent 5,229,380 2,853,164 5,229,300

04 52 51National Road Cummulative outputs are upto Routine Maintenance

Maintenance (Manual) of 19,500km; Q2 FY 2013/14 as Quarter 3 •
Paved Roads - Manual
outputs are not yet submitted by Maintenance - 1,170km
(Mechanized) of 6,000km; UNRA. •
Paved Roads - Mechanized

Routine manual maintenance of Maintenance - 1,150km
1,070km; 1,170 km of paved national •
Paved Roads - Term
roads; Maintenance (Mechanized) -
Bridges/drainage structures •
Routine mechanized 2,500km
(routine); maintenance of 881 km of •
Un paved Roads - Manual
paved national roads; Maintenance - 16,500km
Bridges/drainage structures •
Mechanized Term maintenance •
Un paved Roads - Mechanized
(major/periodic) of 196 km of paved national Maintenance - 7,000km
roads; •
Un paved Roads - Term
annual budget; •
Routine manual maintenance of Maintenance (Mechanized) -
16,500 km of unpaved national 6,000km
annual budget; roads; •
Bridges - 280 bridges

Routine mechanized maintained
maintenance of 5,147 km of
450km; unpaved national roads;

Mechanized Term maintenance Periodic Maintenance
annual budget; of 3,548 km of unpaved national •
Paved Roads - Remedial
roads; Repairs & Sealing - 65km
budget; •
Routine maintenance of 51 •
Un paved Roads –
bridges; Regravelling - 1,300km

Periodic maintenance of 441 •
Labour Based Rehabilitation -
Fixed, 2No. Mobile, 1No. Patrol km of unpaved national roads; 132km

Periodic maintenance of 2 •
Bridges (Major Repairs) - 10
bridges; bridges rehabilitated

Street lighting on 47km of
selected national roads;

100no. Road signage on Road Safety works
various national roads procured; •
Street lighting on Selected

Operations and maintenance of National Roads - 47km
10 weigh bridges; •
Road Signage on Various

Operations and maintenance of roads - 4,000no.
8 ferries; •
Marking of Roads - 1,100km

Demarcation of road reserves -

Protection of road reserves of
national roads

Axle Load Control

• Operations and Maintenance (8
fixed & 2 Mobile) - 10

Operations, Maintenance and
Landing sites maintenance (9
Ferries) - 9 Ferries

Other qualifying work

National Road Network
Condition Assessment and
Quality Assurance

Road Committee Activities

Alternative Technology/Low
Cost Surfacing Technology -
2No. - 53km

Consultancy Services -
Supervision of Periodic
Maintenance of Paved &
Unpaved Roads - 25No.

Consultancy Services -
Supervision of Periodic
Maintenance of Bridges - 1No.

Total 254,437,920 190,582,466 274,438,000

Wage Recurrent 0 0 0

Vote Overview
Road Fund Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 118 Road Fund

Vote Function: 04 52 National and District Road Maintenance
Programme 01 Road Fund Secretariat
Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and
UShs Thousand
Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)
Non Wage Recurrent 254,437,920 190,582,466 274,438,000

04 52 52District , Urban and District Roads Cummulative outputs are upto District Roads
Community Access Road Q2 FY2013/14 as Q3 outputs •
Routine Maintenance (Manual)
Maintenance (Manual) of District Rds are not yet submitted by of District Rds 25,528km;
25,528km; DUCAR agencies. •
Routine Maintenance
KCCA roads (Mechanized) of District Rds
(Mechanized) of District Rds •
Grading and shaping 113km of 5,000km;
2,610km; city roads; •
Periodic Maintenance of

Patching of 31,773m2 of city District Rds 1,000km;
District Rds 400km; roads; •
Routine Maintenance

Laying of 1,804m2 of Asphalt (Bridges)/District Rds 10No;
(Bridges)/District Rds 8No; on city roads; •
Culverts (Nos)/ District Rds

Laying of 2,263m3 of gravel on 5,500No.
(Bridges)/District Rds 2No.; city roads.
District roads incl TCs and
177No. Subcounties: Urban Roads
Urban Roads •
Routine manual maintenance of •
Routine Maintenance (Manual)
20,219 km of district roads; of Urban Rds 1,200km;
(Manual) of Urban Rds •
Routine mechanized •
Routine Maintenance
1,075km; maintenance of 2,080 km of (Mechanized) of Urban Rds
district roads; 206km;
(Mechanized) of Urban Rds •
Periodic maintenance of 2,477 •
Periodic Maintenance of Urban
186km; km of district roads; Rds 50km;

Installation of 207 culvert lines •
Routine Maintenance
Urban Rds 20km; on district roads; (Bridges)/Urban Rds 6No;

Maintenance of 726 bridges on •
Culverts (lines)/Urban Rds
(Bridges)/Urban Rds 6No; district roads. 100No.

45No. Urban roads (Municipalities):

KCCA Roads •
Routine manual maintenance of KCCA Roads
521 km of Municipal roads •
Routine Maintenance (Manual)
(Manual) of KCCA Rds 626km; •
Routine mechanized of KCCA Rds 626km;
maintenance of 522 km of •
Routine Maintenance
(Mechanized) of KCCA Rds Municipal roads (Mechanized) of KCCA Rds
470km; •
Periodic maintenance of 117 500km;
km of Municipal roads •
Periodic Maintenance of
KCCA Rds 25km; •
Installation of 49 culvert lines KCCA Rds 25km;
on Municipal roads •
Culverts (lines)/KCCA Rds
30No. •
Maintenance of 1 bridge on 50No.
Community Access Roads district roads.

(Manual) of CARs of 7,832km; Community Access Roads

Routine Maintenance (Manual)
(Bridges)/CARs 14No; of CARs of 5,832km;

Routine Maintenance
(Bridges)/CARs 14No;

Culverts (lines)/CARs 1,050No;

Total 91,190,000 68,562,389 146,440,000

Wage Recurrent 0 0 0
Non Wage Recurrent 91,190,000 68,562,389 146,440,000

GRAND TOTAL 352,851,919 263,233,190 428,101,919

Wage Recurrent 1,994,619 1,235,171 1,994,619
Non Wage Recurrent 350,857,300 261,998,019 426,107,300

Annual Workplan for 2014/15 - Outputs, Activities, Inputs and their Cost
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Output: 04 52 01 Road Fund Secretariat Services

Planned Outputs: Inputs Quantity Cost

Road maintenance funds (UGX.420.877Bn) disbursed to Designated corporate ware, magazines and communication 12.0 63,000
Agencies quarterly, equipm ()
135 Designated Agencies monitored and evaluated, Publicity () 0.0 0

Vote Overview
Road Fund Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 118 Road Fund

Vote Function: 04 52 National and District Road Maintenance
Programme 01 Road Fund Secretariat
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
38 Designated Agencies audited, 10% NSSF Contribution for Staff (No.) 29.0 199,462
OYRMP for FY 2013/14 reviewed, Advertising (No.) 24.0 210,000
OYRMP for 2014/15 prepared, Board Allowances (No.) 7.0 207,838
Board control and oversight facilitated, Financial management Books and Periodicals (No.) 4.0 20,000
information system procured and used, manuals and guidelines for Branded items (No.) 110.0 55,000
collection and management of RUCs prepared, RUCs management
Computer Consumables (No.) 4.0 53,000
frmework in place and used.
Consultancy services (No.) 12.0 1,563,400
Activities to Deliver Outputs:
Contract Committee Allowances (No.) 25.0 24,500
Procurement of M&E Consultants, outsourcing of personnel to carry out Evaluations Committee (No.) 28.4 22,037
Technical and financial review ofn DAs, preparation and printing of
Fuels and Lubricants (No.) 4.0 55,000
OYRMP, annual and quarterly reports, facilitation of Board in oversight,
Installation of an MIS (No.) 1.0 150,000
procurement of Financial Management Information System, supervision of
consultants drafting the guidelines and manual for collection and Insurance of Motor vehicles (No.) 4.0 50,000
management of RUCs. Interns and other allowances (No.) 12.0 57,600
Maintenance office equipment and Funiture (No.) 4.0 25,000
Motor Vehicle Maintenance (No.) 4.0 50,000
Office clearing and maintenance (No.) 4.0 18,000
Office Electricity (No.) 4.0 50,400
Office Rent (No.) 1.0 960,000
Office security (No.) 4.0 41,000
Office Stationery (No.) 4.0 160,000
Office water (No.) 4.0 6,000
Postage (No.) 4.0 5,000
Printing of reports (No.) 5.0 115,200
Recrutment of Staff (No.) 2.0 30,000
Small Office Equipments (No.) 4.0 10,000
Staff Capacity Building (No.) 4.6 195,380
Staff Medical Insurance Cover (No.) 1.0 90,000
Staff Walfare (No.) 1.7 24,000
Staff Workmans Compensation Cover (No.) 1.0 20,000
Subscriptions to Professional Bodies (No.) 4.0 10,000
Telephone and Internet Bills (No.) 4.0 43,000
Travel Abroad (No.) 4.0 120,000
Travel Inland (No.) 3.8 235,483
Workshops and Seminars (No.) 4.6 290,000
Contract staff (Person Years) 29.0 1,994,619
Total 7,223,919
Wage Recurrent 1,994,619
Non Wage Recurrent 5,229,300
Output: 04 52 51 National Road Maintenance

Planned Outputs: Grant or Transfer Cost

Routine Maintenance Funds for road maintenance 274,438,000

Paved Roads - Manual Maintenance - 1,170km

Paved Roads - Mechanized Maintenance - 1,150km

Paved Roads - Term Maintenance (Mechanized) - 2,500km

Un paved Roads - Manual Maintenance - 16,500km

Un paved Roads - Mechanized Maintenance - 7,000km

Un paved Roads - Term Maintenance (Mechanized) - 6,000km

Bridges - 280 bridges maintained

Periodic Maintenance

Paved Roads - Remedial Repairs & Sealing - 65km

Un paved Roads – Regravelling - 1,300km

Labour Based Rehabilitation - 132km

Bridges (Major Repairs) - 10 bridges rehabilitated

Road Safety works

Street lighting on Selected National Roads - 47km

Road Signage on Various roads - 4,000no.

Marking of Roads - 1,100km

Demarcation of road reserves - 555km

Vote Overview
Road Fund Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 118 Road Fund

Vote Function: 04 52 National and District Road Maintenance
Programme 01 Road Fund Secretariat
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand

Protection of road reserves of national roads

Axle Load Control

Operations and Maintenance (8 fixed & 2 Mobile) - 10 Weighbridges

Operations, Maintenance and Landing sites maintenance (9 Ferries) - 9

Other qualifying work

National Road Network Condition Assessment and Quality Assurance

Road Committee Activities

Alternative Technology/Low Cost Surfacing Technology - 2No. - 53km

Consultancy Services - Supervision of Periodic Maintenance of Paved &
Unpaved Roads - 25No.

Consultancy Services - Supervision of Periodic Maintenance of Bridges -
Activities to Deliver Outputs:
Finance Routine Maintenance
• Paved Roads - Manual Maintenance - 1,170km
• Paved Roads - Mechanized Maintenance - 1,150km
• Paved Roads - Term Maintenance (Mechanized) - 2,500km
• Un paved Roads - Manual Maintenance - 16,500km
• Un paved Roads - Mechanized Maintenance - 7,000km
• Un paved Roads - Term Maintenance (Mechanized) - 6,000km
• Bridges - 280 bridges maintained

Periodic Maintenance

Paved Roads - Remedial Repairs & Sealing - 65km

Un paved Roads – Regravelling - 1,300km

Labour Based Rehabilitation - 132km

Bridges (Major Repairs) - 10 bridges rehabilitated

Road Safety works

Street lighting on Selected National Roads - 47km

Road Signage on Various roads - 4,000no.

Marking of Roads - 1,100km

Demarcation of road reserves - 555km

Protection of road reserves of national roads

Axle Load Control

Operations and Maintenance (8 fixed & 2 Mobile) - 10 Weighbridges

Operations, Maintenance and Landing sites maintenance (9 Ferries) - 9

Other qualifying work

National Road Network Condition Assessment and Quality Assurance

Road Committee Activities

Alternative Technology/Low Cost Surfacing Technology - 2No. - 53km

Consultancy Services - Supervision of Periodic Maintenance of Paved &
Unpaved Roads - 25No.

Consultancy Services - Supervision of Periodic Maintenance of Bridges -
Total 274,438,000
Wage Recurrent 0
Non Wage Recurrent 274,438,000
Output: 04 52 52 District , Urban and Community Access Road Maintenance

Vote Overview
Road Fund Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 118 Road Fund

Vote Function: 04 52 National and District Road Maintenance
Programme 01 Road Fund Secretariat
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand

Planned Outputs: Grant or Transfer Cost

District Roads Transfer of funds to DAs for road maintenance 146,440,000

Routine Maintenance (Manual) of District Rds 25,528km;

Routine Maintenance (Mechanized) of District Rds 5,000km;

Periodic Maintenance of District Rds 1,000km;

Routine Maintenance (Bridges)/District Rds 10No;

Culverts (Nos)/ District Rds 5,500No.

Urban Roads

Routine Maintenance (Manual) of Urban Rds 1,200km;

Routine Maintenance (Mechanized) of Urban Rds 206km;

Periodic Maintenance of Urban Rds 50km;

Routine Maintenance (Bridges)/Urban Rds 6No;

Culverts (lines)/Urban Rds 100No.

KCCA Roads

Routine Maintenance (Manual) of KCCA Rds 626km;

Routine Maintenance (Mechanized) of KCCA Rds 500km;

Periodic Maintenance of KCCA Rds 25km;

Culverts (lines)/KCCA Rds 50No.

Community Access Roads

Routine Maintenance (Manual) of CARs of 5,832km;

Routine Maintenance (Bridges)/CARs 14No;

Culverts (lines)/CARs 1,050No;
Activities to Deliver Outputs:
Finance maintenance of District Roads using the following interventions:

Routine Maintenance (Manual) of District Rds 25,528km;

Routine Maintenance (Mechanized) of District Rds 5,000km;

Periodic Maintenance of District Rds 1,000km;

Routine Maintenance (Bridges)/District Rds 10No;

Culverts (Nos)/ District Rds 5,500No.

Urban Roads

Routine Maintenance (Manual) of Urban Rds 1,200km;

Routine Maintenance (Mechanized) of Urban Rds 206km;

Periodic Maintenance of Urban Rds 50km;

Routine Maintenance (Bridges)/Urban Rds 6No;

Culverts (lines)/Urban Rds 100No.

KCCA Roads

Routine Maintenance (Manual) of KCCA Rds 626km;

Routine Maintenance (Mechanized) of KCCA Rds 500km;

Periodic Maintenance of KCCA Rds 25km;

Culverts (lines)/KCCA Rds 50No.

Community Access Roads

Routine Maintenance (Manual) of CARs of 5,832km;

Routine Maintenance (Bridges)/CARs 14No;

Culverts (lines)/CARs 1,050No;
Total 146,440,000
Wage Recurrent 0
Non Wage Recurrent 146,440,000
GRAND TOTAL 428,101,919
Wage Recurrent 1,994,619
Non Wage Recurrent 426,107,300

Table V3.2: Past and Medum Term Key Vote Output Indicators*
2013/14 MTEF Projections
Vote Function Key Output 2012/13 Approved Releases
Indicators and Costs: Outturn Vote Plan
Prel. Actual
Road Fund Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 118 Road Fund

MTEF Projections
Vote Function Key Output 2012/13 Approved Releases
Indicators and Costs: Outturn Plan Prel. Actual 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17
Vote: 118 Road Fund
Vote Function:0452 National and District Road Maintenance
Vote Function Cost (UShs bn) 236.748 352.852 264.639 428.102 436.764 456.674
VF Cost Excluding Ext. Fin 236.748 352.852 264.639
Cost of Vote Services (UShs Bn) 236.748 352.852 264.639 428.102 436.764 456.674
236.748 352.852 264.639
* Excluding Taxes and Arrears
Medium Term Plans
It is envisaged that within FY 2014/15 the fund will finalise all legal reforms to allow the collection and
direct remittance of Road Users Charges (RUCs) especially fuel levy to URF account. URF shall also
implement the business plan incorporating the 3-5 year road maintenance plan among others, in accordance
with URF Act Section 25.
(i) Measures to improve Efficiency
Strengthening of the oversight functions which includes frequent technical and financial review of funded
road programmes, regular monitoring and evaluation and fund management functions to ensure efficient
financial management at designated agencies.
Use of new allocation formula which incorporates most of the relevant factors in road maintenance.
Table V3.3: Key Unit Costs of Services Provided and Services Funded (Shs '000)

(ii) Vote Investment Plans

The Road Fund plans to allocate funds over 2-3 financial years approximately USD 3million for the
acquisition of a new home through a partnership with PPDA. This will involving the construction of an
office block along Nakasero Road with URF and PPDA contributing to this venture. Other acquisitions will
be replacement of assets due to wear and tear.
Table V3.4: Allocations by Class of Output over the Medium Term
(i) Allocation (Shs Bn) (ii) % Vote Budget
Billion Uganda Shillings 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17
Consumption Expendture(Outputs Provided) 7.2 7.2 7.4 7.7 2.0% 1.7% 1.7% 1.7%
Grants and Subsidies (Outputs Funded) 345.6 420.9 429.4 449.0 98.0% 98.3% 98.3% 98.3%
Investment (Capital Purchases) 0.0 0.0%
Grand Total 352.9 428.1 436.8 456.7 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

Table V3.5: Major Capital Investments (Outputs of class Capital Purchases over 0.5Billion)

(iii) Priority Vote Actions to Improve Sector Performance

1. Competitive bidding of consultants
2. Timely release of funds
3. Regualar technical and financial reviews of desinated agencies and taking stunt actions on
4. use of the new allocation formula in determining the indicative planning figures of the designated
5. Roll out 5 year corporate/startegic plan for Uganda Road Fund.
Table V3.6: Vote Actions to Improve Sector Performance
2013/14 Planned Actions: 2013/14 Actual Actions: 2014/15 Planned Actions: MT Strategy:
Sector Outcome 1: Road network in good condition.
Vote Function: 04 52 National and District Road Maintenance
VF Performance Issue: Advance the case for the direct transfer of Road User Charges to URF
Launch the RUCs framework The draft contract for the Implement the framework and Implement the framework and
and regulations for collection RUCs study was cleared by the regulations for collection and regulations for collection and
and management of road user Solicitor General and the management of road user management of road user
charges for funding contract subsequently signed charges for funding charges for funding
maintenance of public roads. with the Consultant. maintenance of public roads. maintenance of public roads.
VF Performance Issue: Launch URF regulations and communication strategy
Launch URF regulations. Uganda Road Fund 1. Implement the URF Update the regulations to
Vote Overview
Road Fund Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 118 Road Fund

2013/14 Planned Actions: 2013/14 Actual Actions: 2014/15 Planned Actions: MT Strategy:
Regulations regulations reflect changes to the
The Uganda Road Fund 2. Implement the operations of the Road Fund.
Regulations were approved by communications strategy.
the 40th Board of 23rd
January 2014. The issues that
Board raised for amendment
have now been finalized with
input from the Solicitor
General and Legislative
Expert. The finalized
regulations shall be submitted
to the Minister of Finance
before end of April 2014 for
commencement of the process
of gazetting.

The Communication Strategy

is being aligned to the
Corporate and Strategic Plan
as well as the current operating
environment of URF.
Sector Outcome 2: Safe and Efficient Construction Works.
Vote Function: 04 52 National and District Road Maintenance
VF Performance Issue: Collection and updating of road condition data to facilitate the planning process
Prepare the 3 and 5 year road •
Final report for the 5 Year Implement the 3 and 5 year Implement the 3 and 5 year
maintenance plans. Road Maintenance Plan road maintenance plan. road maintenance plan.
prepared and approved by
Board on 21/01/14.

Compendium of the road
asset has been prepared.

V4: Proposed Budget Allocations for 2014/15 and the Medium Term
This section sets out the proposed vote budget allocations for 2014/15 and the medium term, including
major areas of expenditures and any notable changes in allocations.
Table V4.1: Past Outturns and Medium Term Projections by Vote Function*
2013/14 MTEF Budget Projections
* Excluding Taxes and Arrears 2012/13 Appr. Releases
Outturn Budget End Mar 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17

Vote: 118 Road Fund

0452 National and District Road Maintenance 236.748 352.852 264.639 428.102 436.764 456.674
Total for Vote: 236.748 352.852 264.639 428.102 436.764 456.674

(i) The Total Budget over the Medium Term

The total resource allocation for URF for FYs 2014/15, 2015/16 and 2016/17 is UGX 428.102bn, UGX
480.602bn, UGX595.851bn respectively.
(ii) The major expenditure allocations in the Vote for 2014/15
For FY 2014/15 URF has been allocated UGX 428.102bn. This being funding for maintenance of the
national roads, DUCAR network and operating expenses of the Road Fund secretariat. These funds will be
allocated as follows; UGX 274.438bn (64.1%) for national road maintenance, UGX 146.440bn (34.2%) for
the DUCAR network and UGX 7.22bn (1.7%) for the Road Fund Secretariat operating expenses.
(iii) The major planned changes in resource allocations within the Vote for 2014/15
There has been an increase in total resource by UGX75.25 from last FY2013/14 UGX352.852 to
UGX428.102 in FY 2014/15 and a resultant change in allocation to vote function as follows: National
Roads Maintenance increasing by UGX 20.0bn from UGX 254.438 in FY 2013/14 to UGX274.438 in FY
2014/15, DUCAR network increasing by UGX55.25 from UGX91.19bn in 2013/14 to UGX 146.440bn in
FY 2014/15. The secretariat operation funding remain the lame at FY 2013/14 level of UGX7.224bn.

Vote Overview
Road Fund Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 118 Road Fund

Table V4.2: Key Changes in Vote Resource Allocation
Changes in Budget Allocations and Outputs Justification for proposed Changes
in 2014/15 from 2013/14 Planned Levels: in Expenditure and Outputs
Vote Function:0451 National and District Road Maintenance
Output: 0452 51 National Road Maintenance
UShs Bn: 20.000
The extra resources will be used to improve the condition of
the 10,000KM upgraded to national roads and the
maintenance backlog on national roads
Output: 0452 52 District , Urban and Community Access Road Maintenance
UShs Bn: 55.250

Table V4.3: 2013/14 and 2014/15 Budget Allocations by Item

2013/14 Approved Budget 2014/15 Draft Estimates
Million Uganda Shillings GoU Ext. Fin Total GoU Ext. Fin Total
Output Class: Outputs Provided 7,224.0 0.0 7,224.0 7,223.9 0.0 7,223.9
211102 Contract Staff Salaries (Incl. Casuals, Temp 1,994.6 0.0 1,994.6 1,994.6 0.0 1,994.6
211103 Allowances 336.0 0.0 336.0 312.0 0.0 312.0
212101 Social Security Contributions 167.0 0.0 167.0 199.5 0.0 199.5
213001 Medical expenses (To employees) 90.0 0.0 90.0 90.0 0.0 90.0
213002 Incapacity, death benefits and funeral expen 25.0 0.0 25.0 20.0 0.0 20.0
221001 Advertising and Public Relations 233.0 0.0 233.0 328.0 0.0 328.0
221002 Workshops and Seminars 290.0 0.0 290.0 290.0 0.0 290.0
221003 Staff Training 195.4 0.0 195.4 195.4 0.0 195.4
221004 Recruitment Expenses 45.0 0.0 45.0 30.0 0.0 30.0
221007 Books, Periodicals & Newspapers 20.0 0.0 20.0 20.0 0.0 20.0
221008 Computer supplies and Information Technol 35.0 0.0 35.0 53.0 0.0 53.0
221009 Welfare and Entertainment 24.0 0.0 24.0 24.0 0.0 24.0
221011 Printing, Stationery, Photocopying and Bind 160.0 0.0 160.0 275.2 0.0 275.2
221012 Small Office Equipment 0.0 0.0 0.0 10.0 0.0 10.0
221017 Subscriptions 10.0 0.0 10.0 10.0 0.0 10.0
222001 Telecommunications 39.0 0.0 39.0 43.0 0.0 43.0
222002 Postage and Courier 8.0 0.0 8.0 5.0 0.0 5.0
222003 Information and communications technolog 250.0 0.0 250.0 150.0 0.0 150.0
223001 Property Expenses 20.4 0.0 20.4 18.0 0.0 18.0
223003 Rent – (Produced Assets) to private entities 960.0 0.0 960.0 960.0 0.0 960.0
223004 Guard and Security services 30.0 0.0 30.0 41.0 0.0 41.0
223005 Electricity 50.4 0.0 50.4 50.4 0.0 50.4
223006 Water 6.0 0.0 6.0 6.0 0.0 6.0
225001 Consultancy Services- Short term 1,744.7 0.0 1,744.7 1,563.4 0.0 1,563.4
226001 Insurances 40.0 0.0 40.0 50.0 0.0 50.0
227001 Travel inland 235.5 0.0 235.5 235.5 0.0 235.5
227002 Travel abroad 120.0 0.0 120.0 120.0 0.0 120.0
227004 Fuel, Lubricants and Oils 55.0 0.0 55.0 55.0 0.0 55.0
228002 Maintenance - Vehicles 35.0 0.0 35.0 50.0 0.0 50.0
228003 Maintenance – Machinery, Equipment & Fu 5.0 0.0 5.0 25.0 0.0 25.0
Output Class: Outputs Funded 345,627.9 0.0 345,627.9 420,878.0 0.0 420,878.0
263201 LG Conditional grants 91,190.0 0.0 91,190.0 146,440.0 0.0 146,440.0
263204 Transfers to other govt. units 254,437.9 0.0 254,437.9 274,438.0 0.0 274,438.0
Grand Total: 352,851.9 0.0 352,851.9 428,101.9 0.0 428,101.9
Total Excluding Taxes and Arrears 352,851.9 0.0 352,851.9 428,101.9 0.0 428,101.9

V5: Vote Cross-Cutting Policy and Other Budgetary Issues

This section discusses how the vote's plans will address and respond to the cross-cutting policy, issues of
gender and equity; HIV/AIDS; and the Environment, and other budgetary issues such as Arrears and NTR..

(i) Cross-cutting Policy Issues

Vote Overview
Road Fund Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 118 Road Fund

(a) Gender and Equity
Objective: Ensure equal employment opportunities for all
Issue of Concern : open biasness in favor of men in recruitment for road maintenance

Proposed Intervensions
DAs to give equal opportunities while recruiting for road maintenance
Budget Allocations UGX billion 0
Performance Indicators No. of women recruited in road works

Objective: To ensure Das plan for equal participation of men and women in maintenance of roads.
Issue of Concern : Men's dominance in road works

Proposed Intervensions
Condition DAs and road contractors to balance participation in road workers
Budget Allocations UGX billion 0
Performance Indicators No. of women in road works

Objective: Sensitize the community on the importance of women in road maintenance.

Issue of Concern : Men have traditionally dominated road works with the effect of denying
employment opportunities to women.

Proposed Intervensions
1. Sensitization of the community on the socio-economic impact of leaving out women in road works.
2. Incorporate in the plan to ensure participation of women in road works.
Budget Allocations UGX billion 0
Performance Indicators Number of women engaged in road maintenance activities

Objective: Encourage people living with AIDs to participate in road work
Issue of Concern : Persons living with HIV/AIDS are left out when recruiting for manual road works

Proposed Intervensions
Encourage contractors and DAs to recruit persons living with HIV/AIDS
Budget Allocations UGX billion 0
Performance Indicators No. of persons living with HIV/AIDS recruited in road works

2. To provide for sensitization of community on the consequences of HIV pandemic.
Issue of Concern : Communities lack information on HIV Pandemic

Proposed Intervensions
Incorporate community sensitisation on HIV/AIDs as an activity in road works
Budget Allocations UGX billion 0
Performance Indicators No. of sensitisation meetings held with the community.

Objective: Advise Das to plan for HIV/AIDs awareness training, counseling and testing of road workers.

Vote Overview
Road Fund Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 118 Road Fund

Issue of Concern : Transport industry is increasingly being adversely affected by the depletion of
skills and manpower caused by HIV/AIDS infection.

Proposed Intervensions
Incorporate AIDS awareness campaign in road maintenance planning.
Budget Allocations UGX billion 0
Performance Indicators number of Designated Agencies incorporating actions on
HIV/AIDS prevalence on their plans.
(c) Environment
Objective: Train people involved in road management to protect the environment.
Issue of Concern : limited knowledge on enviromental management in road maintenance

Proposed Intervensions
DAs and road contractors to involve environmentalist in road maintenance.
Budget Allocations UGX billion 0
Performance Indicators Number of agencies engaged in training of road users and
Objective: Promote awareness and use of best practice in environmental management of roads.
Issue of Concern : use of differing methods in handling enviromental management issues in road

Proposed Intervensions
standardisation of information for the handling of enviromental management issues in road
Budget Allocations UGX billion 0
Performance Indicators Number of agencies engaged in enviromental waremess

Objective: Promote the use of enviromental friendly technologies in road mainteance

Issue of Concern : the destruction of the enviroment while undertaking road works

Proposed Intervensions
promote recycling of materials, establish waste disposal procedures, restoration of borrow pits, tree
planting especially in the road reserves
Budget Allocations UGX billion 0
Performance Indicators number of agencies incorporating enviromental protection and
conservations in their workplans
(ii) Verrified Outstanding Arrears for the Vote

(iii) Non Tax Revenue Collections


Vote Overview
501-850 Local Governments Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 500 501-850 Local Governments

V1: Vote Overview
(i) Vote Mission Statement
To ensure that District and Urban council roads are rehabilitated to a fair condition and routinly
maintained inorder to increase agricultural production and house hold incomes in the rural areas and
facilitate trade and industrial production in the urban areas.
(ii) Summary of Past Performance and Medium Term Budget Allocations
Table V1.1: Overview of Vote Expenditures (UShs Billion)

2013/14 MTEF Budget Projections

2012/13 Approved Rel. by
(i) Excluding Arrears, Taxes Outturn Budget End Mar 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17
Wage 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Non Wage 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 385.524
GoU 18.697 26.066 13.033 26.066 26.379 27.698
Ext. Fin 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
GoU Total 18.697 26.066 13.033 26.066 26.379 413.222
Total GoU + Ext Fin (MTEF) 18.697 26.066 13.033 26.066 26.379 413.222
Arrears 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 N/A N/A
(ii) Arrears
and Taxes Taxes 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 N/A N/A
Total Budget 18.697 26.066 13.033 26.066 N/A N/A

The chart below shows total funding allocations to the Vote by Vote Function over the medium term:
Chart V1.1: Medium Term Budget Projections by Vote Function (Excluding Taxes, Arrears)

Ushs Billion





and Community
District, Urban

Access Roads

2013/14 Approved Budget Estimates 2014/15 Budget Projections 2015/16 Budget Projections

Vote Overview
501-850 Local Governments Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 500 501-850 Local Governments

(iii) Vote Outcomes and Outcome Indicators
The table below sets out the vote outcomes and outcome indicators
Table V1.3: Vote Outcomes and Outcome Indicators

V2: Vote Performance for FY 2013/14 and Planned Outputs for FY 2014/15
This section describes past vote performance and planned Outputs, in terms of key vote outputs
(i) Past Vote Outputs
Preliminary 2013/14 Performance
Table V2.1: Past and 2014/15 Planned Key Vote Outputs
2013/14 2014/15
Vote, Vote Function
Key Output Planned outputs Achievements by End March Planned Outputs
Vote: 500 501-850 Local Governments
Vote Function: 0481 District, Urban and Community Access Roads
Vote Function: 0482 District Engineering Services

V3: Detailed Planned Outputs for FY 2014/15

2014/15 Planned Outputs
50 Km of low traffic volume district roads sealed.

Km of PRDP2 roads rehabilitated and monitored.

Table V3.1: Vote Function Profiles, Programme/Project Profiles and Workplan Outputs

Vote Function: 04 81 District, Urban and Community Access Roads

Vote Function Profile

Responsible Officer: ACE/DUCAR

Services: The Vote Function has the following activities:-

i. Carrying out annual road condition surveys;

ii. Preparing BFPs, annual workplans and budgets for road works;
iii. Preparing bid documents, tendering and awarding contracts for routine and
periodic maintenance of roads;
iv. Supervising implementation of the contracts, preparing and submitting
progress reports and accountabilities, and
v. Training district staff and small scale labour based contractors.

Vote Function Projects and Programmes:

Project or Programme Name Responsible Officer
Development Projects
321412 District Roads Rehabilitation(PRDP&RRP) Assistant Commissioner District and Community Access Roads

Programme 321423 Regional Feeder Roads Workshops

Programme Profile

Responsible Officer:



Vote Overview
501-850 Local Governments Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 500 501-850 Local Governments

Vote Function: 04 81 District, Urban and Community Access Roads
Programme 321423 Regional Feeder Roads Workshops

Vote Overview
501-850 Local Governments Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 500 501-850 Local Governments

Vote Function: 04 81 District, Urban and Community Access Roads
Project 321412 District Roads Rehabilitation(PRDP&RRP)
Project Profile

Responsible Officer: Assistant Commissioner District and Community Access Roads



Start Date: 7/1/2010 Projected End Date: 6/30/2015

Workplan Outputs for 2013/14 and 2014/15

Project, Programme 2013/14 2014/15
Vote Function Output Approved Budget, Planned Expenditure and Prel. Proposed Budget, Planned
Outputs (Quantity and Outputs by End Mar Outputs (Quantity and
UShs Thousand
Location) (Quantity and Location) Location)
04 81 00District, Urban and 61 No. of Community Access 50 Km of low traffic volume
Community Access Roads Interventions constructed. district roads sealed.

23 No. small structures Km of PRDP2 roads

constructed. rehabilitated and monitored.

84 Km of of low traffic volume

district roads sealed.

Km of PRDP2 roads
rehabilitated and monitored.
Total 26,066,357 13,033,179 26,066,357
GoU Development 26,066,357 13,033,179 26,066,357
External Financing 0 0 0

GRAND TOTAL 26,066,357 13,033,179 26,066,357

GoU Development 26,066,357 13,033,179 26,066,357
External Financing 0 0 0

Annual Workplan for 2014/15 - Outputs, Activities, Inputs and their Cost
Planned Outputs and Activities to Deliver Outputs Inputs to be purchased to deliver outputs and their cost
(Quantity and Location) Input UShs Thousand
Output: 04 81 00 District, Urban and Community Access Roads

Planned Outputs: Grant or Transfer Cost

50 Km of low traffic volume district roads sealed. Tranfer to LGs 26,066,357

Km of PRDP2 roads rehabilitated and monitored.

Activities to Deliver Outputs:
Construction materials procured

Bidding documents prepared

Transfer funds to PRDP LGs

Total 26,066,357
GoU Development 26,066,357
External Financing 0
GRAND TOTAL 26,066,357
GoU Development 26,066,357
External Financing 0

Vote Overview
501-850 Local Governments Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 500 501-850 Local Governments

Vote Function: 04 82 District Engineering Services
Vote Function Profile

Responsible Officer:
Vote Function Projects and Programmes:

Table V3.2: Past and Medum Term Key Vote Output Indicators*
2013/14 MTEF Projections
Vote Function Key Output 2012/13 Approved Releases
Indicators and Costs: Outturn Plan Prel. Actual 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17
Vote: 500 501-850 Local Governments
Vote Function:0481 District, Urban and Community Access Roads
Vote Function Cost (UShs bn) 18.697 26.066 13.033 26.066 26.379 413.222
VF Cost Excluding Ext. Fin 18.697 26.066 13.033
Vote Function:0482 District Engineering Services
Vote Function Cost (UShs bn) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
VF Cost Excluding Ext. Fin 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 N/A N/A
Cost of Vote Services (UShs Bn) 18.697 26.066 13.033 26.066 26.379 413.222
18.697 26.066 13.033
* Excluding Taxes and Arrears
Medium Term Plans
Km of low traffic volume district roads sealed.

Km of PRDP2 roads rehabilitated and monitored.

(i) Measures to improve Efficiency
Table V3.3: Key Unit Costs of Services Provided and Services Funded (Shs '000)

Vote Overview
501-850 Local Governments Ministerial Policy Statement

Vote: 500 501-850 Local Governments

(ii) Vote Investment Plans
Table V3.4: Allocations by Class of Output over the Medium Term

Table V3.5: Major Capital Investments (Outputs of class Capital Purchases over 0.5Billion)

(iii) Priority Vote Actions to Improve Sector Performance

Table V3.6: Vote Actions to Improve Sector Performance

V4: Proposed Budget Allocations for 2014/15 and the Medium Term
This section sets out the proposed vote budget allocations for 2014/15 and the medium term, including
major areas of expenditures and any notable changes in allocations.
Table V4.1: Past Outturns and Medium Term Projections by Vote Function*
2013/14 MTEF Budget Projections
* Excluding Taxes and Arrears 2012/13 Appr. Releases
Outturn Budget End Mar 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17

Vote: 500 501-850 Local Governments

0481 District, Urban and Community Access Roads 18.697 26.066 13.033 26.066 26.379 413.222
0482 District Engineering Services 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Total for Vote: 18.697 26.066 13.033 26.066 26.379 413.222

(i) The Total Budget over the Medium Term

(ii) The major expenditure allocations in the Vote for 2014/15
(iii) The major planned changes in resource allocations within the Vote for 2014/15
Table V4.2: Key Changes in Vote Resource Allocation

Table V4.3: 2013/14 and 2014/15 Budget Allocations by Item

2013/14 Approved Budget 2014/15 Draft Estimates
Million Uganda Shillings GoU Ext. Fin Total GoU Ext. Fin Total
Output Class: Outputs Provided 26,066.4 0.0 26,066.4 26,066.4 0.0 26,066.4
321412 Conditional transfers to Road Maintenance 26,066.4 0.0 26,066.4 26,066.4 0.0 26,066.4
Grand Total: 26,066.4 0.0 26,066.4 26,066.4 0.0 26,066.4
Total Excluding Taxes and Arrears 26,066.4 0.0 26,066.4 26,066.4 0.0 26,066.4

V5: Vote Cross-Cutting Policy and Other Budgetary Issues

This section discusses how the vote's plans will address and respond to the cross-cutting policy, issues of
gender and equity; HIV/AIDS; and the Environment, and other budgetary issues such as Arrears and NTR..

(i) Cross-cutting Policy Issues

(a) Gender and Equity


(c) Environment

(ii) Verrified Outstanding Arrears for the Vote

(iii) Non Tax Revenue Collections

Vote Overview
Approved Macro Structure of the Ministry of Works and Transport

Vote 016 Ministry of Works and Transport FY 2014/15
Vote Function 0401: Transport Regulation
Program : Transport Regulation
CostCentre: Transport Regulation
District :
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
P4164 Kirabira Francis U8UP 176,169 2,114,028 U8UP 176,169 2,114,028 0
P2047 Muganga Annet U8UP 197,167 2,366,004 U8UP 197,167 2,366,004 0
P2048 Wanok Geofrey U8UP 193,488 2,321,856 U8UP 193,488 2,321,856 0
P2057 Kidi Wilson B U8UP 197,167 2,366,004 U8UP 197,167 2,366,004 0
P2164 Nabuduwa Christine U8UP 182,900 2,194,800 U8UP 182,900 2,194,800 0

P4016 Mubiru Robert U8UP 189,886 2,278,632 U8UP 189,886 2,278,632 0
P4203 Byakutaga Ronald U8UP 189,886 2,278,632 U8UP 189,886 2,278,632 0
P3736 Nabbumba Prossy U8UP 176,169 2,114,028 U8UP 176,169 2,114,028 0
P4017 Tebandeke Saad U8UP 176,169 2,114,028 U8UP 176,169 2,114,028 0
P3741 Ssekawombe Francis U8UP 176,169 2,114,028 U8UP 176,169 2,114,028 0
P3966 John Baptist Kikomaga U8UP 179,504 2,154,048 U8UP 179,504 2,154,048 0
P3896 Akongo Okongo Seraphina U7L 272,481 3,269,772 U7L 272,481 3,269,772 0
P3915 Hellen Achan U6UP 374,830 4,497,960 U6UP 374,830 4,497,960 0
P1964 Nambooze Allen U5L 383,760 4,605,120 U5L 383,760 4,605,120 0
P4349 Twinomujuni Barnabas U4 964,189 11,570,268 U4 964,189 11,570,268 0
P4285 Barasa Fred Juma Nderema U4 964,189 11,570,268 U4 964,189 11,570,268 0
P4438 Niwenyine Patience Guma U4L 532,160 6,385,920 U4L 532,160 6,385,920 0
P4288 Katunguka James Kiribata U4L 968,370 11,620,440 U4L 968,370 11,620,440 0
P4437 Muhangi Andrew U4L 532,160 6,385,920 U4L 532,160 6,385,920 0
Vote 016 Ministry of Works and Transport FY 2014/15
Vote Function 0401: Transport Regulation
Program : Transport Regulation
CostCentre: Transport Regulation
District :
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
P4439 Kisakye Robert U4L 532,160 6,385,920 U4L 532,160 6,385,920 0
P4440 Natukunda Judith Karara U4L 706,785 8,481,420 U4L 706,785 8,481,420 0
P4495 Munduru Sandra U4L 946,189 11,354,268 U4L 946,189 11,354,268 0
P4496 Tumusiime Aggrey U4L 964,189 11,570,268 U4L 964,189 11,570,268 0
P4436 Twesigomwe Mary U4L 532,160 6,385,920 U4L 532,160 6,385,920 0

P4348 Mumbya Jonah U4Sc. 964,189 11,570,268 U4Sc. 964,189 11,570,268 0
P4433 Nyamaizi Immaculate U4Sc. 964,189 11,570,268 U4Sc. 964,189 11,570,268 0
P4463 Agaba Yusuf U4Sc. 964,189 11,570,268 U4Sc. 964,189 11,570,268 0
P4432 Muwonge Anthony U4Sc. 964,189 11,570,268 U4Sc. 964,189 11,570,268 0
P4435 Tumwine Deogratius U4Sc. 964,189 11,570,268 U4Sc. 964,189 11,570,268 0
P1496 Prosscovia Nakimbugwe U3L 900,535 10,806,420 U3L 820,556 9,846,672 -959,748
P3475 Katamba Mohammad U3L 820,556 9,846,672 U3L 820,556 9,846,672 0
P3465 Ofwono Francis U3L 829,792 9,957,504 U3L 820,556 9,846,672 -110,832
P3471 Natukunda Immaculate U3L 829,792 9,957,504 U3L 820,556 9,846,672 -110,832
P4476 Mawa James Watson U3Sc. 1,094,807 13,137,684 U3Sc. 1,094,807 13,137,684 0
P3459 Amanyire Ronald U3Sc. 1,106,857 13,282,284 U3Sc. 1,106,857 13,282,284 0
P4477 Ategeka Henry U3Sc. 1,094,807 13,137,684 U3Sc. 1,094,807 13,137,684 0
P3464 Tumushabe Nathan U3Sc. 1,094,807 13,137,684 U3Sc. 1,094,807 13,137,684 0
P3761 Mbalire Faisal U3Sc. 1,094,807 13,137,684 U3Sc. 1,094,807 13,137,684 0
Vote 016 Ministry of Works and Transport FY 2014/15
Vote Function 0401: Transport Regulation
Program : Transport Regulation
CostCentre: Transport Regulation
District :
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
P3474 Khabakha Bernard N. U3Sc. 1,106,857 13,282,284 U3Sc. 1,106,857 13,282,284 0
P3468 Kibuuka Kharim U3Sc. 1,106,857 13,282,284 U3Sc. 1,106,857 13,282,284 0
P3497 Kizito Edward U3Sc. 1,094,807 13,137,684 U3Sc. 1,094,807 13,137,684 0
P3466 Katushabe Winstone U2L 1,092,443 13,109,316 U2L 1,092,443 13,109,316 0
P3463 Ntambi Robert Jims U2UP 1,582,799 18,993,588 U2UP 1,582,799 18,993,588 0

P3533 Rukara Muhenda George U1E 2,117,136 25,405,632 U1E 2,117,136 25,405,632 0
P3849 Sabiiti Bamwoya Denis Ndyanabo U1SE 2,154,910 25,858,920 U1SE 2,154,910 25,858,920 0

Total Annual Salary (Ushs) for Program : Transport Regulation 415,821,720 414,640,308 -1,181,412
Vote Function 0402: Transport Services and Infrastructure
Program : Transport Infrastructure and Services
CostCentre: Transport Infrastructure and Servi
District :
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
P4388 Aleleu Moses U8L 159,034 1,908,408 U8L 159,034 1,908,408 0
P4196 Atai Rose U8L 168,158 2,017,896 U8L 168,158 2,017,896 0
P4401 Nabwire Kelemesie U8L 159,034 1,908,408 U8L 159,034 1,908,408 0
Vote 016 Ministry of Works and Transport FY 2014/15
Vote Function 0402: Transport Services and Infrastructure
Program : Transport Infrastructure and Services
CostCentre: Transport Infrastructure and Servi
District :
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
P4382 Ocen John U8L 159,034 1,908,408 U8L 159,034 1,908,408 0
P4197 Wabwire Vincent Okalla U8L 159,034 1,908,408 U8L 159,034 1,908,408 0
P4383 Omunyu Simon U8L 159,034 1,908,408 U8L 159,034 1,908,408 0
P4384 Emitu J. Robert U8L 159,034 1,908,408 U8L 159,034 1,908,408 0
P4385 Aliabu James U8L 159,034 1,908,408 U8L 159,034 1,908,408 0

P4386 Komakech Adam U8L 159,034 1,908,408 U8L 159,034 1,908,408 0
P4387 Kamya Kassim U8L 159,034 1,908,408 U8L 159,034 1,908,408 0
P4198 Okas Charles Karoli U8L 159,034 1,908,408 U8L 159,034 1,908,408 0
P4389 Osomele Simon U8L 159,034 1,908,408 U8L 159,034 1,908,408 0
P4390 Nabwire Maria Tereza U8L 159,034 1,908,408 U8L 159,034 1,908,408 0
P4391 Wakwaale Wanyenya Betty U8L 159,034 1,908,408 U8L 159,034 1,908,408 0
P4392 Enyodu John Michael U8L 159,034 1,908,408 U8L 159,034 1,908,408 0
P4395 Eyangu Moses U8L 159,034 1,908,408 U8L 159,034 1,908,408 0
P4396 Ileot Teddy U8L 159,034 1,908,408 U8L 159,034 1,908,408 0
P4397 Ocilaje Simon U8L 159,034 1,908,408 U8L 159,034 1,908,408 0
P4399 Taibu Joyce U8L 159,034 1,908,408 U8L 159,034 1,908,408 0
P4416 Birieri Madina U8L 159,034 1,908,408 U8L 159,034 1,908,408 0
P4195 Ekaku Julius U8L 171,327 2,055,924 U8L 171,327 2,055,924 0
P4381 Amoro Joyce Maureen U8L 165,057 1,980,684 U8L 165,057 1,980,684 0
Vote 016 Ministry of Works and Transport FY 2014/15
Vote Function 0402: Transport Services and Infrastructure
Program : Transport Infrastructure and Services
CostCentre: Transport Infrastructure and Servi
District :
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
P4398 Osenga Charles U8L 159,034 1,908,408 U8L 159,034 1,908,408 0
P4350 Byaruhanga Albert U8UP 176,169 2,114,028 U8UP 176,169 2,114,028 0
P2038 Nalwadda Immaculate U8UP 197,167 2,366,004 U8UP 197,167 2,366,004 0
P4227 Opila David U8UP 176,169 2,114,028 U8UP 176,169 2,114,028 0
P4199 Aide Denis U8UP 176,169 2,114,028 U8UP 176,169 2,114,028 0

P4242 Nsimbe Frank U8UP 176,169 2,114,028 U8UP 176,169 2,114,028 0
P4351 Edyamu Ivan U8UP 176,169 2,114,028 U8UP 176,169 2,114,028 0
P4087 Mukyaggwe Francis U8UP 176,169 2,114,028 U8UP 176,169 2,114,028 0
P4193 Ilelit Samuel U8UP 176,169 2,114,028 U8UP 176,169 2,114,028 0
P4191 Akello Mary U8UP 193,179 2,318,148 U8UP 193,179 2,318,148 0
P4200 Apuko Betty U8UP 182,900 2,194,800 U8UP 182,900 2,194,800 0
P3750 Alilo Jane Roseline U7 320,152 3,841,824 U7 320,152 3,841,824 0
P4339 Ayikanying Louis U7 266,268 3,195,216 U7 266,268 3,195,216 0
P3751 Jesca Aseku U7 241,031 2,892,372 U7 241,031 2,892,372 0
P3758 John Francis Omoding U7 234,737 2,816,844 U7 234,737 2,816,844 0
P2000 Mukyala Mary U7 282,580 3,390,960 U7 282,580 3,390,960 0
P3752 Ikilengit Jenefer Rose U7 240,604 2,887,248 U7 240,604 2,887,248 0
P3854 Nassali Joan U6 342,140 4,105,680 U6 342,140 4,105,680 0
P4355 Akanga Milly U5 424,565 5,094,780 U5 424,565 5,094,780 0
Vote 016 Ministry of Works and Transport FY 2014/15
Vote Function 0402: Transport Services and Infrastructure
Program : Transport Infrastructure and Services
CostCentre: Transport Infrastructure and Servi
District :
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
P4333 Eyattu Itait Bob U5 529,931 6,359,172 U5 529,931 6,359,172 0
P4473 Okot Peter Okoti U5 217,614 2,611,368 U5 217,614 2,611,368 0
P4514 Natabo Catherine U5 396,864 4,762,368 U5 396,864 4,762,368 0
P4188 Florence Auma Eyit U5 424,565 5,094,780 U5 424,565 5,094,780 0
P4481 Atenia David U4 707,366 8,488,392 U4 707,366 8,488,392 0

P4483 Zaribwije Charles Lwanga U4 738,902 8,866,824 U4 738,902 8,866,824 0
P4363 Asio Teddy U4 964,189 11,570,268 U4 964,189 11,570,268 0
P4450 Kisambira Rogers U4 964,189 11,570,268 U4 964,189 11,570,268 0
P3851 Kayanga Athman Yusufu U4 1,001,741 12,020,892 U4 1,001,741 12,020,892 0
P Thomas Aisu U4 1,094,807 13,137,684 U4 1,094,807 13,137,684 0
P4335 Opiding Francis U4 339,800 4,077,600 U4 339,800 4,077,600 0
P4304 Masaba Andrew U4 706,785 8,481,420 U4 706,785 8,481,420 0
P4290 Kwesiga Anthony U4 804,640 9,655,680 U4 804,640 9,655,680 0
P4231 Dongo David Daniel U4 1,001,741 12,020,892 U4 1,001,741 12,020,892 0
P4317 Ekinu Gerald Harry U3Sc. 890,731 10,688,772 U3Sc. 890,731 10,688,772 0
P4186 Opiyo C'Odur Clement U3Sc. 1,263,982 15,167,784 U3Sc. 1,263,982 15,167,784 0
P4131 Kashanku Apollo U3Sc. 900,535 10,806,420 U3Sc. 900,535 10,806,420 0
P4233 Ogala Plephan U3Sc. 1,263,982 15,167,784 U3Sc. 1,263,982 15,167,784 0
P4423 Obong Alfred Area U3Sc. 1,094,807 13,137,684 U3Sc. 1,094,807 13,137,684 0
Vote 016 Ministry of Works and Transport FY 2014/15
Vote Function 0402: Transport Services and Infrastructure
Program : Transport Infrastructure and Services
CostCentre: Transport Infrastructure and Servi
District :
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
P3853 Mwesigwa T. Frank U2 615,846 7,390,152 U2 615,846 7,390,152 0
P1909 Lutimba Jenipher Nalwoga U2 1,215,931 14,591,172 U2 1,215,931 14,591,172 0
P1996 Emmy Achoroi Obore U2 817,676 9,812,112 U2 817,676 9,812,112 0
P1932 Mboowa John Musisi D.N. U2 1,571,079 18,852,948 U2 1,571,079 18,852,948 0
P1943 Moses Omoding Noressey U2 1,571,079 18,852,948 U2 1,571,079 18,852,948 0

P1945 John H. Hatemere U2 1,571,079 18,852,948 U2 1,571,079 18,852,948 0
P1976 Wandera B. D. Wambi U1E 814,283 9,771,396 U1E 814,283 9,771,396 0
P2256 Kavuma Tonny Bafirawala U1E 2,045,602 24,547,224 U1E 2,045,602 24,547,224 0
P1978 J.Ronald Lodiong U1E 2,160,212 25,922,544 U1E 2,160,212 25,922,544 0
P1898 Tibiwa Rosemary U1E 777,275 9,327,300 U1E 777,275 9,327,300 0
P1940 Kaija Silver U1E 2,117,136 25,405,632 U1E 2,117,136 25,405,632 0
P1914 Chris M. Sentabile U1E 2,095,079 25,140,948 U1E 2,095,079 25,140,948 0
P1881 Wandera Godfrey Obbuki U1SE 2,281,550 27,378,600 U1SE 2,281,550 27,378,600 0

Total Annual Salary (Ushs) for Program : Transport Infrastructure and 513,656,712 513,656,712 0
Vote Function 0403: Construction Standards and Quality Assurance
Program : Roads and Bridges
CostCentre: Roads and Bridges
Vote 016 Ministry of Works and Transport FY 2014/15
Vote Function 0403: Construction Standards and Quality Assurance
Program : Roads and Bridges
CostCentre: Roads and Bridges
District :
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
P2289 Mbabazi David U8 197,167 2,366,004 U8 197,167 2,366,004 0
P3838 Kimeze Fred U8 179,504 2,154,048 U8 179,504 2,154,048 0
P4153 Masaba Karim U8UP 186,363 2,236,356 U8UP 186,363 2,236,356 0
P3055 Zziwa Paul U8UP 193,488 2,321,856 U8UP 193,488 2,321,856 0
P3188 Nalweyiso Ruth Esther U8UP 197,167 2,366,004 U8UP 197,167 2,366,004 0

P2865 Anego Mary U8UP 193,179 2,318,148 U8UP 193,179 2,318,148 0
P4177 Mugagga M Joshua U8UP 179,195 2,150,340 U8UP 179,195 2,150,340 0
P2689 Kizza Ronald U8UP 182,900 2,194,800 U8UP 182,900 2,194,800 0
P3738 Nanyanzi Julian U8UP 179,504 2,154,048 U8UP 179,504 2,154,048 0
P2359 Kibirige Joshua U8UP 193,488 2,321,856 U8UP 193,488 2,321,856 0
P2706 Ssenyimba Posiano U8UP 179,504 2,154,048 U8UP 179,504 2,154,048 0
P3505 Mpatabwagala Gorret U8UP 193,488 2,321,856 U8UP 193,488 2,321,856 0
P4174 Odong Patrick U8UP 176,169 2,114,028 U8UP 176,169 2,114,028 0
P4168 Mugisa John U8UP 179,504 2,154,048 U8UP 179,504 2,154,048 0
P4158 Kasawuli Julius David Wasswa U8UP 179,504 2,154,048 U8UP 179,504 2,154,048 0
P3668 Tulinaomubezi Grace U8UP 179,504 2,154,048 U8UP 179,504 2,154,048 0
P4160 Wandera Stephen U8UP 176,169 2,114,028 U8UP 176,169 2,114,028 0
P3839 Tenywa Issa U8UP 179,504 2,154,048 U8UP 179,504 2,154,048 0
P4009 Jawaconga Onen Charles U8UP 179,504 2,154,048 U8UP 179,504 2,154,048 0
Vote 016 Ministry of Works and Transport FY 2014/15
Vote Function 0403: Construction Standards and Quality Assurance
Program : Roads and Bridges
CostCentre: Roads and Bridges
District :
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
P2027 Kyolaba Grace U8UP 200,906 2,410,872 U8UP 200,906 2,410,872 0
P4161 Kaggwa Ssekitto Ronald U8UP 179,504 2,154,048 U8UP 179,504 2,154,048 0
P2018 Kyarisiima Agnes U8UP 197,167 2,366,004 U8UP 197,167 2,366,004 0
P2108 Ayeko Ambrose U8UP 197,167 2,366,004 U8UP 197,167 2,366,004 0
P2103 Birewe James U8UP 197,167 2,366,004 U8UP 197,167 2,366,004 0

P2097 Mulumba Julius P. U8UP 197,167 2,366,004 U8UP 197,167 2,366,004 0
P2028 Nampewo Sekiziyivu Rose U8UP 197,167 2,366,004 U8UP 197,167 2,366,004 0
P2059 Kyeswa Francis U8UP 197,167 2,366,004 U8UP 197,167 2,366,004 0
P3873 Namirembe Sarah Specioza U7L 245,221 2,942,652 U7L 245,221 2,942,652 0
P4478 Kule Bbagoza U7UP 268,129 3,217,548 U7UP 268,129 3,217,548 0
P2189 Opus Anna Amongin U7UP 268,129 3,217,548 U7UP 268,129 3,217,548 0
P3891 Nakimuli Josephine U7UP 282,580 3,390,960 U7UP 282,580 3,390,960 0
P4518 Kwikiriza Daphine U7UP 268,129 3,217,548 U7UP 268,129 3,217,548 0
P4078 Munabi James U6UP 374,830 4,497,960 U6UP 374,830 4,497,960 0
P4517 Ochaya Alfred U6UP 335,982 4,031,784 U6UP 335,982 4,031,784 0
P3889 Babirye Passy U5L 396,864 4,762,368 U5L 396,864 4,762,368 0
P1970 Atim Faith U5L 383,760 4,605,120 U5L 383,760 4,605,120 0
P4475 Birungi Ruth Namusisi U5L 387,000 4,644,000 U5L 387,000 4,644,000 0
P3918 Nalule Faridah U4L 678,397 8,140,764 U4L 678,397 8,140,764 0
Vote 016 Ministry of Works and Transport FY 2014/15
Vote Function 0403: Construction Standards and Quality Assurance
Program : Roads and Bridges
CostCentre: Roads and Bridges
District :
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
P4287 Osele Patrick U4Sc. 964,189 11,570,268 U4Sc. 964,189 11,570,268 0
P4301 Gabula Edward Kitamirike U4Sc. 964,189 11,570,268 U4Sc. 964,189 11,570,268 0
P4300 Mugavu Martin U4Sc. 964,189 11,570,268 U4Sc. 964,189 11,570,268 0
P4302 Tumwine William Sharpe U4Sc. 964,189 11,570,268 U4Sc. 964,189 11,570,268 0
P4311 Kayima Usama U4Sc. 964,189 11,570,268 U4Sc. 964,189 11,570,268 0

P4298 Muwomya Fred U4Sc. 964,189 11,570,268 U4Sc. 964,189 11,570,268 0
P4292 Amanya william U4Sc. 964,189 11,570,268 U4Sc. 964,189 11,570,268 0
P4313 Okeny Geoffrey U4Sc. 964,189 11,570,268 U4Sc. 964,189 11,570,268 0
P4291 Kibirige Moses U4Sc. 964,189 11,570,268 U4Sc. 964,189 11,570,268 0
P4289 Bagyenda Drake U4Sc. 978,181 11,738,172 U4Sc. 978,181 11,738,172 0
P4283 Adweo Mary U4Sc. 964,189 11,570,268 U4Sc. 964,189 11,570,268 0
P4312 Apio Rose U4Sc. 964,189 11,570,268 U4Sc. 964,189 11,570,268 0
P4466 Mugumya Ddungu Charles U4Sc. 964,189 11,570,268 U4Sc. 964,189 11,570,268 0
P3825 Gonza Daniel Samuel W. U4Sc. 968,370 11,620,440 U4Sc. 968,370 11,620,440 0
P4449 Anyiko Flavia U4Sc. 964,189 11,570,268 U4Sc. 964,189 11,570,268 0
P3629 Muhanguzi Bernard U4Sc. 968,370 11,620,440 U4Sc. 968,370 11,620,440 0
P3615 Kanyesigye .M. Dennis U4Sc. 927,104 11,125,248 U4Sc. 927,104 11,125,248 0
P286 Mukasa Buzabalyawo James U4Sc. 968,370 11,620,440 U4Sc. 968,370 11,620,440 0
P4316 Okullu Yorobwam U4Sc. 964,189 11,570,268 U4Sc. 964,189 11,570,268 0
Vote 016 Ministry of Works and Transport FY 2014/15
Vote Function 0403: Construction Standards and Quality Assurance
Program : Roads and Bridges
CostCentre: Roads and Bridges
District :
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
P4446 Kintu Joel Munabangogo U4Sc. 964,189 11,570,268 U4Sc. 964,189 11,570,268 0
P4447 Banga Victor Joseph U4Sc. 964,189 11,570,268 U4Sc. 964,189 11,570,268 0
P4444 Baguma Alex Njuma U4Sc. 964,189 11,570,268 U4Sc. 964,189 11,570,268 0
P4445 Lepi Bosco U4Sc. 964,189 11,570,268 U4Sc. 964,189 11,570,268 0
P4419 Kiiza Tibihika Isaac U3Sc. 1,094,807 13,137,684 U3Sc. 1,094,807 13,137,684 0

P4537 Okia Okiiso Samuel U3Sc. 1,094,807 13,137,684 U3Sc. 1,094,807 13,137,684 0
P4421 Ocet Tonny U3Sc. 1,094,807 13,137,684 U3Sc. 1,094,807 13,137,684 0
P4408 Hamba Ismail Ali U3Sc. 1,094,807 13,137,684 U3Sc. 1,094,807 13,137,684 0
P4403 Kisitu Timothy U3Sc. 1,094,807 13,137,684 U3Sc. 1,094,807 13,137,684 0
P4321 Kayima Fred U3Sc. 1,094,807 13,137,684 U3Sc. 1,094,807 13,137,684 0
P4320 Odongo Richard U3Sc. 1,094,807 13,137,684 U3Sc. 1,094,807 13,137,684 0
P4422 Roma Godfrey U3Sc. 1,094,807 13,137,684 U3Sc. 1,094,807 13,137,684 0
P2254 Mbadhwe John U3Sc. 1,263,982 15,167,784 U3Sc. 1,263,982 15,167,784 0
P2003 Magala Godfrey U3Sc. 1,169,214 14,030,568 U3Sc. 1,169,214 14,030,568 0
P2007 Lakwonyero Charles .O. U3Sc. 1,169,214 14,030,568 U3Sc. 1,169,214 14,030,568 0
P2012 Rutaagi Joseph U3Sc. 1,094,807 13,137,684 U3Sc. 1,094,807 13,137,684 0
P2240 Kisira Samuel Edward U3Sc. 1,229,559 14,754,708 U3Sc. 1,229,559 14,754,708 0
P1406 Opiyo Olanya Eliseo U3Sc. 1,169,214 14,030,568 U3Sc. 1,169,214 14,030,568 0
P1086 Iwumbwe Hudson U3Sc. 1,169,214 14,030,568 U3Sc. 1,169,214 14,030,568 0
Vote 016 Ministry of Works and Transport FY 2014/15
Vote Function 0403: Construction Standards and Quality Assurance
Program : Roads and Bridges
CostCentre: Roads and Bridges
District :
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
P3659 Mugenyi Richard Tony U3Sc. 1,106,857 13,282,284 U3Sc. 1,106,857 13,282,284 0
P4133 Davis Andrew Barasa U3Sc. 1,106,857 13,282,284 U3Sc. 1,106,857 13,282,284 0
P4141 Francis Kayompatho Abedkane U3Sc. 461,710 5,540,520 U3Sc. 461,710 5,540,520 0
P4135 Namonye Andrew U3Sc. 1,106,857 13,282,284 U3Sc. 1,106,857 13,282,284 0
P4136 Sadres Kabbyanga N. U3Sc. 1,106,857 13,282,284 U3Sc. 1,106,857 13,282,284 0

P4138 Busulwa Lambert U3Sc. 1,094,807 13,137,684 U3Sc. 1,094,807 13,137,684 0
P1112 Onen Alex U2Sc. 1,811,322 21,735,864 U2Sc. 1,811,322 21,735,864 0
P698 Mutegana James U2Sc. 696,662 8,359,944 U2Sc. 696,662 8,359,944 0
P4522 Waseni George U2Sc. 1,571,079 18,852,948 U2Sc. 1,571,079 18,852,948 0
P2250 Otemo John Simon U2Sc. 1,582,799 18,993,588 U2Sc. 1,582,799 18,993,588 0
P2082 Ssesanga Paul U2Sc. 608,769 7,305,228 U2Sc. 608,769 7,305,228 0
P4400 Nabbosa Betty Kajumba U2Sc. 1,571,079 18,852,948 U2Sc. 1,571,079 18,852,948 0
P1578 Kabiiho Willy Dickens U2Sc. 1,582,799 18,993,588 U2Sc. 1,582,799 18,993,588 0
P1903 Kitonsa Stephen Kiwanuka U1ESc. 1,831,011 21,972,132 U1ESc. 1,831,011 21,972,132 0
P2251 Rwanga Robert Vincent U1ESc. 2,071,527 24,858,324 U1ESc. 2,071,527 24,858,324 0
P1439 Bagonza Samson U1SESc. 949,239 11,390,868 U1SESc. 949,239 11,390,868 0

Total Annual Salary (Ushs) for Program : Roads and Bridges 820,883,112 820,883,112 0
Program : Construction Standards
CostCentre: Construction Standards
Vote 016 Ministry of Works and Transport FY 2014/15
Vote Function 0403: Construction Standards and Quality Assurance
Program : Construction Standards
CostCentre: Construction Standards
District :
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
P2090 Ssenoga Wilson U8 176,169 2,114,028 U8 200,906 2,410,872 296,844
P3737 Onego Euphemia M. U8 176,169 2,114,028 U8 176,169 2,114,028 0
P3825 Gonza Nelson U8 197,167 2,366,004 U8 197,167 2,366,004 0
P4127 Nakimbugwe Lydia U8 176,169 2,114,028 U8 176,169 2,114,028 0
P3052 Senkungu Gerald Majera U8 197,167 2,366,004 U8 197,167 2,366,004 0

P2222 Kibuuka Mustafa M U8 197,167 2,366,004 U8 197,167 2,366,004 0
P1969 Lubega Juma U8 197,167 2,366,004 U8 197,167 2,366,004 0
P4529 Alupo Caroline U7UP 268,129 3,217,548 U7UP 268,129 3,217,548 0
P4534 Byamukama Abumelech U7UP 268,129 3,217,548 U7UP 268,129 3,217,548 0
P4527 Nakiyimba Pauline U7UP 268,129 3,217,548 U7UP 268,129 3,217,548 0
P4526 Okello Stephen Nobert U7UP 268,129 3,217,548 U7UP 268,129 3,217,548 0
P4525 Olowo Amos U7UP 268,129 3,217,548 U7UP 268,129 3,217,548 0
P4531 Ogwal Dauglas U7UP 268,129 3,217,548 U7UP 268,129 3,217,548 0
P4532 Tumuhimbise Ivan U7UP 268,129 3,217,548 U7UP 268,129 3,217,548 0
P3868 Ndawula Ruth N. U7UP 282,580 3,390,960 U7UP 282,580 3,390,960 0
P4533 Wandera Benard U7UP 268,129 3,217,548 U7UP 268,129 3,217,548 0
P4535 Tibalitegyekire Richard U7UP 268,129 3,217,548 U7UP 268,129 3,217,548 0
P3598 Takumala Alice U7UP 282,580 3,390,960 U7UP 282,580 3,390,960 0
P3592 Musenze Stephen U7UP 268,129 3,217,548 U7UP 268,129 3,217,548 0
Vote 016 Ministry of Works and Transport FY 2014/15
Vote Function 0403: Construction Standards and Quality Assurance
Program : Construction Standards
CostCentre: Construction Standards
District :
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
P3587 Kilama George U7UP 282,580 3,390,960 U7UP 282,580 3,390,960 0
P4528 Mulele Allan Jackson U7UP 268,129 3,217,548 U7UP 268,129 3,217,548 0
P2655 Charles Kasule U7UP 197,167 2,366,004 U7UP 197,167 2,366,004 0
P3590 Nsubuga Godfrey U7UP 282,580 3,390,960 U7UP 282,580 3,390,960 0
P3584 Twesase Bwengye Augustus U7UP 282,580 3,390,960 U7UP 282,580 3,390,960 0

P4523 Bogere Ronald U6UP 335,982 4,031,784 U6UP 335,982 4,031,784 0
P4524 Kyarimpa Ben U6UP 335,982 4,031,784 U6UP 335,982 4,031,784 0
P4039 Zzibu Anthony Wagaba U6UP 335,982 4,031,784 U6UP 335,982 4,031,784 0
P4038 Lutaaya Charles U6UP 335,982 4,031,784 U6UP 335,982 4,031,784 0
P4037 Sebwato Denis Paul U6UP 335,982 4,031,784 U6UP 335,982 4,031,784 0
P3582 Mpungu Abubaker U6UP 335,982 4,031,784 U6UP 335,982 4,031,784 0
P3583 Lutamaguzi Lawrence U6UP 335,982 4,031,784 U6UP 335,982 4,031,784 0
P3585 Nabukalu Prosscovia U6UP 335,982 4,031,784 U6UP 335,982 4,031,784 0
P3586 Ndiweera Betty U6UP 335,982 4,031,784 U6UP 335,982 4,031,784 0
P3591 Nanteza Joyce U6UP 335,982 4,031,784 U6UP 335,982 4,031,784 0
P1678 Aloysius Kiyaga U5Sc. 576,273 6,915,276 U5Sc 576,273 6,915,276 0
P3595 Muluga Paul U5Sc. 552,063 6,624,756 U5Sc 552,063 6,624,756 0
P3594 Nakayenze Enidah U5Sc. 552,063 6,624,756 U5Sc 552,063 6,624,756 0
P3589 Ariheihi Elizabeth U5Sc. 598,724 7,184,688 U5Sc 598,724 7,184,688 0
Vote 016 Ministry of Works and Transport FY 2014/15
Vote Function 0403: Construction Standards and Quality Assurance
Program : Construction Standards
CostCentre: Construction Standards
District :
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
P4268 Jane Agnes Okello U4L 690,437 8,285,244 U4L 690,437 8,285,244 0
P4443 Mwa Christopher U4Sc. 964,189 11,570,268 U4Sc. 964,189 11,570,268 0
P4441 Mugabi Raymond U4Sc. 964,189 11,570,268 U4Sc. 964,189 11,570,268 0
P270 Bwonyo Joel U4Sc. 964,189 11,570,268 U4Sc. 964,189 11,570,268 0
P1776 Akumu B. Blandina U4Sc. 1,040,382 12,484,584 U4Sc. 1,040,382 12,484,584 0

P4309 Etoko patrick U4Sc. 964,189 11,570,268 U4Sc. 964,189 11,570,268 0
P3576 Sekasala Kenneth U4Sc. 968,370 11,620,440 U4Sc. 968,370 11,620,440 0
P3931 Awino Florence B U4Sc. 964,189 11,570,268 U4Sc. 964,189 11,570,268 0
P1510 Etum Walter U4Sc. 968,370 11,620,440 U4Sc. 968,370 11,620,440 0
P171 Kasule Daniel U3Sc. 1,229,559 14,754,708 U3Sc. 1,229,559 14,754,708 0
P2005 Orach Onyai B U3Sc. 1,212,731 14,552,772 U3Sc. 1,212,731 14,552,772 0
P4406 Tugume Alfred Kahonaho U3Sc. 1,094,807 13,137,684 U3Sc. 1,094,807 13,137,684 0
P946 Ngeye Charles U3Sc. 1,263,982 15,167,784 U3Sc. 1,263,982 15,167,784 0
P4418 Zirimenya Andrew Disan U3Sc. 1,094,807 13,137,684 U3Sc. 1,094,807 13,137,684 0
P4402 Adoch A. Winifred Gena U3Sc. 1,094,807 13,137,684 U3Sc. 1,094,807 13,137,684 0
P4140 Charles Ddungu Mukasa U3Sc. 1,094,807 13,137,684 U3Sc. 1,094,807 13,137,684 0
P4420 Mulolo Francis U3Sc. 1,094,807 13,137,684 U3Sc. 1,094,807 13,137,684 0
P418 John Luswata U2 1,831,011 21,972,132 U2 1,831,011 21,972,132 0
P3960 Mutemo Charles U2 1,571,079 18,852,948 U2 1,571,079 18,852,948 0
Vote 016 Ministry of Works and Transport FY 2014/15
Vote Function 0403: Construction Standards and Quality Assurance
Program : Construction Standards
CostCentre: Construction Standards
District :
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
P2345 Okello Wilfred U1E 2,045,602 24,547,224 U1E 2,045,602 24,547,224 0
P1704 Makanga David S. U1E 2,045,602 24,547,224 U1E 2,045,602 24,547,224 0

Total Annual Salary (Ushs) for Program : Construction Standards 440,132,508 440,429,352 296,844
Program : Public Structures

CostCentre: Public Structures
District :
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
P3509 Nakigudde Florence U8UP 193,488 2,321,856 U8UP 193,488 2,321,856 0
P2198 Ssebudde Twaha U8UP 197,167 2,366,004 U8UP 197,167 2,366,004 0
P2878 Wasipokoli George U8UP 200,906 2,410,872 U8UP 200,906 2,410,872 0
P3065 Kiwanuka Joseph U8UP 182,900 2,194,800 U8UP 182,900 2,194,800 0
P3175 Tumwizere Benon U8UP 179,504 2,154,048 U8UP 179,504 2,154,048 0
P4180 Ssekweyama Lawrence U8UP 179,504 2,154,048 U8UP 179,504 2,154,048 0
P3483 Ngonzi Gertrude K.Adyeri U7 276,919 3,323,028 U7 276,919 3,323,028 0
P2319 Kimbowa Martin U7L 245,221 2,942,652 U7L 245,221 2,942,652 0
P4353 Christine N. Udoki U5L 383,760 4,605,120 U5L 383,760 4,605,120 0
P2262 Sarah Kyomugisha U5L 424,565 5,094,780 U5L 424,565 5,094,780 0
Vote 016 Ministry of Works and Transport FY 2014/15
Vote Function 0403: Construction Standards and Quality Assurance
Program : Public Structures
CostCentre: Public Structures
District :
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
P4280 Mudiima Deborah Babirye U4L 532,160 6,385,920 U4L 532,160 6,385,920 0
P3901 Ahimbisibwe Sylivia U4L 595,391 7,144,692 U4L 595,391 7,144,692 0
P4295 Emilu Martin U4Sc. 964,189 11,570,268 U4Sc. 964,189 11,570,268 0
P4425 Katungi Raymond U4Sc. 964,189 11,570,268 U4Sc. 964,189 11,570,268 0
P3859 Bongomin Alfred U4Sc. 1,041,423 12,497,076 U4Sc. 1,041,423 12,497,076 0

P4324 Gankuba Andrew Young U4Sc. 964,189 11,570,268 U4Sc. 964,189 11,570,268 0
P4293 Moli Tom Atikoro U4Sc. 964,189 11,570,268 U4Sc. 964,189 11,570,268 0
P4297 Arinda Asha U4Sc. 964,189 11,570,268 U4Sc. 964,189 11,570,268 0
P4294 Gombya Ivan U4Sc. 964,189 11,570,268 U4Sc. 964,189 11,570,268 0
P3858 Batambuze Ikonero Moses U4Sc. 978,181 11,738,172 U4Sc. 978,181 11,738,172 0
P4035 Kaddu Francis U4Sc. 927,104 11,125,248 U4Sc. 927,104 11,125,248 0
P4299 Nsamba Andrew U4Sc. 964,189 11,570,268 U4Sc. 964,189 11,570,268 0
P4409 Tayebwa Julius Arnold U3Sc. 1,094,807 13,137,684 U3Sc. 1,094,807 13,137,684 0
P4129 Gutto Flavia Lillian U3Sc. 1,106,857 13,282,284 U3Sc. 1,106,857 13,282,284 0
P2311 A.Henry Lubega Tondo U3Sc. 1,196,150 14,353,800 U3Sc. 1,196,150 14,353,800 0
P4091 Haguma John Bob U3Sc. 1,263,982 15,167,784 U3Sc. 1,263,982 15,167,784 0
P4413 Tayebwa Duncan U3Sc. 1,094,807 13,137,684 U3Sc. 1,094,807 13,137,684 0
P4092 Kakiiza Robert Kagaba U2Sc. 608,769 7,305,228 U2Sc. 608,769 7,305,228 0
P2325 Bernard Mwerinde U2Sc. 1,638,721 19,664,652 U2Sc. 1,638,721 19,664,652 0
Vote 016 Ministry of Works and Transport FY 2014/15
Vote Function 0403: Construction Standards and Quality Assurance
Program : Public Structures
CostCentre: Public Structures
District :
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
P2338 G.Okot Odongo U2Sc. 1,638,721 19,664,652 U2Sc. 1,638,721 19,664,652 0
P3855 Muhanguzi Geofrey Bwengye U2Sc. 1,571,079 18,852,948 U2Sc. 1,571,079 18,852,948 0
P2357 Michael Ssentongo U1ESc. 2,117,136 25,405,632 U1ESc. 2,117,136 25,405,632 0
P4367 Ssimbwa Edward U1ESc. 2,045,602 24,547,224 U1ESc. 2,045,602 24,547,224 0

Total Annual Salary (Ushs) for Program : Public Structures 343,969,764 343,969,764 0

Vote Function 0405: Mechanical Engineering Services
Program : Mechanical Engineering Services
CostCentre: Gulu Regional Mechanical Worksh
District :
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
P3244 Katto Espero U7L 245,221 2,942,652 U7L 245,221 2,942,652 0
P3251 Oryem Nobert U7L 245,221 2,942,652 U7L 245,221 2,942,652 0
P4209 Kiralire Lustico U7L 240,604 2,887,248 U7L 240,604 2,887,248 0
P2244 Karani Hanning U4Sc. 964,189 11,570,268 U4Sc. 964,189 11,570,268 0

CostCentre: Mbarara Regional Mechanical Wo

Vote 016 Ministry of Works and Transport FY 2014/15
Vote Function 0405: Mechanical Engineering Services
Program : Mechanical Engineering Services
CostCentre: Mbarara Regional Mechanical Wo
District :
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
P755 Ssajjabbi Bernard U6 288,375 3,460,500 U6 288,375 3,460,500 0
P4040 Amugambe Eliab Tumwine U4Sc. 1,012,119 12,145,428 U4Sc. 1,012,119 12,145,428 0

CostCentre: Mechanical Engineering Services

District :

File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
P3391 Robinah Nakyanzi U8L 162,017 1,944,204 U8L 162,017 1,944,204 0
P3058 Bugembe Frank U8UP 197,167 2,366,004 U8UP 197,167 2,366,004 0
P3208 Ngozi Joy U8UP 200,906 2,410,872 U8UP 200,906 2,410,872 0
P4176 Kazibwe Joseph U8UP 179,504 2,154,048 U8UP 179,504 2,154,048 0
P3734 Nalugya Sarah Gotto U8UP 176,169 2,114,028 U8UP 176,169 2,114,028 0
P3056 Sengobe Alfonso U8UP 176,169 2,114,028 U8UP 176,169 2,114,028 0
P3068 Matovu David U8UP 82,428 989,136 U8UP 82,428 989,136 0
P2852 Lwanga Charles Kabogoza U7L 245,221 2,942,652 U7L 245,221 2,942,652 0
P2851 Ayella Charles U7L 117,895 1,414,740 U7L 117,895 1,414,740 0
P2849 Mwebe Robert U7L 245,221 2,942,652 U7L 245,221 2,942,652 0
P3680 Ssebyala Ronald U7L 227,240 2,726,880 U7L 227,240 2,726,880 0
P2848 Lubega David U7L 245,221 2,942,652 U7L 245,221 2,942,652 0
Vote 016 Ministry of Works and Transport FY 2014/15
Vote Function 0405: Mechanical Engineering Services
Program : Mechanical Engineering Services
CostCentre: Mechanical Engineering Services
District :
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
P3215 Mukwalu John U7L 245,221 2,942,652 U7L 245,221 2,942,652 0
P3224 Pule Boniface U7L 245,221 2,942,652 U7L 245,221 2,942,652 0
P3227 Wabwire Joseph U7L 245,221 2,942,652 U7L 245,221 2,942,652 0
P3228 Alecho Joshua .D. U7L 245,221 2,942,652 U7L 245,221 2,942,652 0
P2847 Lubega Issa U7L 245,221 2,942,652 U7L 245,221 2,942,652 0

P4120 Watoya Patrick U7L 227,240 2,726,880 U7L 227,240 2,726,880 0
P2845 Sembajjwe Newton U7L 245,221 2,942,652 U7L 245,221 2,942,652 0
P4217 Mukasa Peter U7L 227,240 2,726,880 U7L 227,240 2,726,880 0
P4214 Atuhura Albert U7L 227,240 2,726,880 U7L 227,240 2,726,880 0
P4211 Kunihira Charles U7L 227,240 2,726,880 U7L 227,240 2,726,880 0
P4210 Kalibbala David U7L 227,240 2,726,880 U7L 227,240 2,726,880 0
P4207 Kizito Stephen U7L 227,240 2,726,880 U7L 227,240 2,726,880 0
P3795 Hamba Abubakar U7L 245,221 2,942,652 U7L 245,221 2,942,652 0
P4125 Etasala Simon P. U7L 241,031 2,892,372 U7L 241,031 2,892,372 0
P4221 Sentamu Moses U7L 240,604 2,887,248 U7L 240,604 2,887,248 0
P4117 Wanyama Okumu Mark U7L 234,737 2,816,844 U7L 234,737 2,816,844 0
P4058 Kawagga Ivan U7L 245,221 2,942,652 U7L 245,221 2,942,652 0
P4057 Wandera George W U7L 227,240 2,726,880 U7L 227,240 2,726,880 0
P3806 Jjuuko Joseph U7L 227,240 2,726,880 U7L 227,240 2,726,880 0
Vote 016 Ministry of Works and Transport FY 2014/15
Vote Function 0405: Mechanical Engineering Services
Program : Mechanical Engineering Services
CostCentre: Mechanical Engineering Services
District :
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
P3793 Malinzi Stephen U7L 227,240 2,726,880 U7L 227,240 2,726,880 0
P3796 Byamukama Julius U7L 245,221 2,942,652 U7L 245,221 2,942,652 0
P4206 Nkangi Edirisa U7L 227,240 2,726,880 U7L 227,240 2,726,880 0
P2823 Kyebambe Godfrey U7L 245,221 2,942,652 U7L 245,221 2,942,652 0
P2811 Okullu Salima U7L 245,221 2,942,652 U7L 245,221 2,942,652 0

P2816 Mitanda George William U7L 245,221 2,942,652 U7L 245,221 2,942,652 0
P2817 Okwonga Martin U7L 245,221 2,942,652 U7L 245,221 2,942,652 0
P2818 Butamanya Chris U7L 245,221 2,942,652 U7L 245,221 2,942,652 0
P2840 Musenze Ronald U7L 245,221 2,942,652 U7L 245,221 2,942,652 0
P2820 Walukyesi Paul U7L 245,221 2,942,652 U7L 245,221 2,942,652 0
P2812 Mukasa Stephen U7L 245,221 2,942,652 U7L 245,221 2,942,652 0
P2827 Lubowa Isma U7L 245,221 2,942,652 U7L 245,221 2,942,652 0
P2828 Ssuna Andrew U7L 245,221 2,942,652 U7L 245,221 2,942,652 0
P2830 Mayanja Benedicto U7L 245,221 2,942,652 U7L 245,221 2,942,652 0
P2831 Byaruhanga Serapio U7L 245,221 2,942,652 U7L 245,221 2,942,652 0
P2835 Semanda Charles James U7L 245,221 2,942,652 U7L 245,221 2,942,652 0
P1581 Batemwawo Peter U6UP 335,982 4,031,784 U6UP 335,982 4,031,784 0
P3961 Robert Magambo Kairu U5L 424,565 5,094,780 U5L 424,565 5,094,780 0
P1791 Omani Jerome U5Sc. 629,074 7,548,888 U5Sc. 629,074 7,548,888 0
Vote 016 Ministry of Works and Transport FY 2014/15
Vote Function 0405: Mechanical Engineering Services
Program : Mechanical Engineering Services
CostCentre: Mechanical Engineering Services
District :
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
P3810 Muwenda Joel U5Sc. 552,063 6,624,756 U5Sc. 552,063 6,624,756 0
P1795 Lubega Francis U5Sc. 598,724 7,184,688 U5Sc. 598,724 7,184,688 0
P3535 Kalunda Joseph U5Sc. 552,063 6,624,756 U5Sc. 552,063 6,624,756 0
P1809 Mukwaya Owino J.C U5Sc. 598,724 7,184,688 U5Sc. 598,724 7,184,688 0
P3783 Bwaku Joseph U5Sc. 552,063 6,624,756 U5Sc. 552,063 6,624,756 0

P4056 Namukoye Rajab U5Sc. 552,063 6,624,756 U5Sc. 552,063 6,624,756 0
P1821 William Wilberforce C. Betto U5Sc. 598,724 7,184,688 U5Sc. 598,724 7,184,688 0
P1790 Abdu Bilal U5Sc. 598,724 7,184,688 U5Sc. 598,724 7,184,688 0
P1814 Ochieng Ketta Levi U5Sc. 598,724 7,184,688 U5Sc. 598,724 7,184,688 0
P3388 Mankati Kakaire Edward U5Sc. 552,063 6,624,756 U5Sc. 552,063 6,624,756 0
P4075 Apar Allan U5Sc. 552,063 6,624,756 U5Sc. 552,063 6,624,756 0
P2824 Semanda Charles Junior U5Sc. 552,063 6,624,756 U5Sc. 552,063 6,624,756 0
P2826 Otia Lawrence U5Sc. 552,063 6,624,756 U5Sc. 552,063 6,624,756 0
P2850 Mugoda Charles U5Sc. 552,063 6,624,756 U5Sc. 552,063 6,624,756 0
P3792 Wewe Osborn U5Sc. 552,063 6,624,756 U5Sc. 552,063 6,624,756 0
P4276 Agwang Stella U5UP 383,760 4,605,120 U5UP 383,760 4,605,120 0
P3945 Kyomuhangi Annah U4L 619,740 7,436,880 U4L 619,740 7,436,880 0
P4431 Ocan Jolly Joe U4Sc. 964,189 11,570,268 U4Sc. 964,189 11,570,268 0
P1769 Obita Mathew Latim U4Sc. 964,189 11,570,268 U4Sc. 964,189 11,570,268 0
Vote 016 Ministry of Works and Transport FY 2014/15
Vote Function 0405: Mechanical Engineering Services
Program : Mechanical Engineering Services
CostCentre: Mechanical Engineering Services
District :
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
P1487 Kiwanuka David U4Sc. 1,000,368 12,004,416 U4Sc. 1,000,368 12,004,416 0
P4426 Kaliba Joshua U4Sc. 964,189 11,570,268 U4Sc. 964,189 11,570,268 0
P4427 Nazziwa Madrine U4Sc. 964,189 11,570,268 U4Sc. 964,189 11,570,268 0
P4430 Atwijukire Benson U4Sc. 964,189 11,570,268 U4Sc. 964,189 11,570,268 0
P4467 Nuwagaba Augustine U4Sc. 964,189 11,570,268 U4Sc. 964,189 11,570,268 0

P4489 Omara Walter Louis U4Sc. 927,104 11,125,248 U4Sc. 927,104 11,125,248 0
P4491 Keya Paul U4Sc. 927,104 11,125,248 U4Sc. 927,104 11,125,248 0
P4492 Wanyama David U4Sc. 927,104 11,125,248 U4Sc. 927,104 11,125,248 0
P4429 Watta Ivan U4Sc. 964,189 11,570,268 U4Sc. 964,189 11,570,268 0
P2809 Kyeyune Vincent U4Sc. 964,189 11,570,268 U4Sc. 964,189 11,570,268 0
P2819 Ojera Jacob U4Sc. 968,370 11,620,440 U4Sc. 968,370 11,620,440 0
P3514 Byakagaba Magellan U4Sc. 964,189 11,570,268 U4Sc. 964,189 11,570,268 0
P3519 Namubiru Jolly U4Sc. 968,370 11,620,440 U4Sc. 968,370 11,620,440 0
P3524 Mayombwe Haruna U4Sc. 968,370 11,620,440 U4Sc. 968,370 11,620,440 0
P3527 Okello Santo U4Sc. 968,370 11,620,440 U4Sc. 968,370 11,620,440 0
P3531 Wamare Steven U4Sc. 968,370 11,620,440 U4Sc. 968,370 11,620,440 0
P3532 Rukongwa Tonny U4Sc. 968,370 11,620,440 U4Sc. 968,370 11,620,440 0
P3883 Luyimbazi Joshua U4Sc. 968,370 11,620,440 U4Sc. 968,370 11,620,440 0
P4490 Muhuruzi John U4Sc. 927,104 11,125,248 U4Sc. 927,104 11,125,248 0
Vote 016 Ministry of Works and Transport FY 2014/15
Vote Function 0405: Mechanical Engineering Services
Program : Mechanical Engineering Services
CostCentre: Mechanical Engineering Services
District :
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
P2248 Bagambi Fred U4Sc. 927,104 11,125,248 U4Sc. 927,104 11,125,248 0
P4498 Khakasa Juliet Kisoboyi U4UP 715,164 8,581,968 U4UP 715,164 8,581,968 0
P4516 Lubega Samuel U3Sc. 1,094,807 13,137,684 U3Sc. 1,094,807 13,137,684 0
P1806 Bakebwa Davie .B. U3Sc. 1,094,807 13,137,684 U3Sc. 1,094,807 13,137,684 0
P3461 Tinkamanyire Julius U3Sc. 1,094,807 13,137,684 U3Sc. 1,094,807 13,137,684 0

P3477 Ndagizi Kagimbi Allan U3Sc. 1,106,857 13,282,284 U3Sc. 1,106,857 13,282,284 0
P3930 Lumonya Jacob Egondi U3Sc. 1,094,807 13,137,684 U3Sc. 1,094,807 13,137,684 0
P4410 Ogwang Geoffrey U3Sc. 1,094,807 13,137,684 U3Sc. 1,094,807 13,137,684 0
P1781 Onyang Thomas U3Sc. 1,094,807 13,137,684 U3Sc. 1,094,807 13,137,684 0
P2255 Opeesa Francis Omoding U3Sc. 1,106,857 13,282,284 U3Sc. 1,106,857 13,282,284 0
P1052 Joseph Kibombo Ngatuna U3Sc. 1,229,559 14,754,708 U3Sc. 1,229,559 14,754,708 0
P4407 Tibesigwa Timothy U3Sc. 1,094,807 13,137,684 U3Sc. 1,094,807 13,137,684 0
P4405 Obala Frederick Odongo U3Sc. 1,094,807 13,137,684 U3Sc. 1,094,807 13,137,684 0
P1807 Okumu Otala D. U3Sc. 1,094,807 13,137,684 U3Sc. 1,094,807 13,137,684 0
P1339 Buyonga Charles William U3Sc. 1,094,807 13,137,684 U3Sc. 1,094,807 13,137,684 0
P1952 Winfred Naluyinda U3Sc. 1,246,640 14,959,680 U3Sc. 1,246,640 14,959,680 0
P660 Lukoma Frederick B. U1ESc. 2,071,527 24,858,324 U1ESc. 2,071,527 24,858,324 0

CostCentre: Rehabilitation of Bugembe Worksh

Vote 016 Ministry of Works and Transport FY 2014/15
Vote Function 0405: Mechanical Engineering Services
Program : Mechanical Engineering Services
CostCentre: Rehabilitation of Bugembe Worksh
District :
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
P4145 Masiko James U5UP 483,533 5,802,396 U5UP 483,533 5,802,396 0
P4541 Walakira John Wycliffe U5UP 483,533 5,802,396 U5UP 483,533 5,802,396 0
P2242 Keeya Francis U3Sc. 1,229,559 14,754,708 U3Sc. 1,229,559 14,754,708 0

Total Annual Salary (Ushs) for Program : Mechanical Engineering Servi 795,064,440 795,064,440 0
Vote Function 0449: Policy,Planning and Support Services

Program : Headquarters
CostCentre: Headquarters
District :
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
P4472 Byaruhanga Rogers U1EUP 1,517,837 18,214,044 1,517,837 18,214,044 0
P3709 Magona Salim Badhai U8 159,034 1,908,408 U8 159,034 1,908,408 0
P3817 Ochan Andrew U8 159,034 1,908,408 U8 159,034 1,908,408 0
P2719 Miriam Naluyima U8L 159,034 1,908,408 U8L 159,034 1,908,408 0
P3506 Nantongo Mary U8UP 193,488 2,321,856 U8UP 193,488 2,321,856 0
P3669 Nabatuusa Olivia U8UP 193,488 2,321,856 U8UP 193,488 2,321,856 0
P3739 Kagemulo Esther U8UP 176,169 2,114,028 U8UP 176,169 2,114,028 0
Vote 016 Ministry of Works and Transport FY 2014/15
Vote Function 0449: Policy,Planning and Support Services
Program : Headquarters
CostCentre: Headquarters
District :
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
P3740 Nakitende Shallon U8UP 176,169 2,114,028 U8UP 176,169 2,114,028 0
P3812 Aliba Ivan L U8UP 176,169 2,114,028 U8UP 176,169 2,114,028 0
P3827 Musisi Erias U8UP 200,906 2,410,872 U8UP 200,906 2,410,872 0
P3831 Omonex.O.Geoffrey U8UP 176,169 2,114,028 U8UP 176,169 2,114,028 0
P3833 Quinto Okethwengu U8UP 193,488 2,321,856 U8UP 193,488 2,321,856 0

P2105 Munye G.W U8UP 197,167 2,366,004 U8UP 197,167 2,366,004 0
P3834 Nangoli Stephen U8UP 176,169 2,114,028 U8UP 176,169 2,114,028 0
P4243 Wangolo Godfrey U8UP 189,886 2,278,632 U8UP 189,886 2,278,632 0
P4173 Bogere Nsobani Stephen U8UP 176,169 2,114,028 U8UP 176,169 2,114,028 0
P4172 Bbule Lasto U8UP 179,504 2,154,048 U8UP 179,504 2,154,048 0
P4171 Ssenyonjo Fred Kitooke U8UP 193,488 2,321,856 U8UP 193,488 2,321,856 0
P4162 Azubu Ismail U8UP 179,504 2,154,048 U8UP 179,504 2,154,048 0
P4157 Hamisi Hassan U8UP 73,649 883,788 U8UP 73,649 883,788 0
P3969 Ogwal Alfred U8UP 197,167 2,366,004 U8UP 197,167 2,366,004 0
P3970 Waigumbulizi Jonathan U8UP 73,649 883,788 U8UP 73,649 883,788 0
P3972 Luteete Denis U8UP 193,488 2,321,856 U8UP 193,488 2,321,856 0
P4015 Ssemwanga Robert U8UP 200,906 2,410,872 U8UP 200,906 2,410,872 0
P3504 Nabaloga Juliet U8UP 200,906 2,410,872 U8UP 200,906 2,410,872 0
P4155 Matsiko Denis U8UP 176,169 2,114,028 U8UP 176,169 2,114,028 0
Vote 016 Ministry of Works and Transport FY 2014/15
Vote Function 0449: Policy,Planning and Support Services
Program : Headquarters
CostCentre: Headquarters
District :
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
P2118 Akweteireho Stephen U8UP 197,167 2,366,004 U8UP 197,167 2,366,004 0
P4113 Mbabo Robert U8UP 176,169 2,114,028 U8UP 176,169 2,114,028 0
P2020 Nansubuga Lovinsa U8UP 179,504 2,154,048 U8UP 179,504 2,154,048 0
P2033 Babirye Harriet B U8UP 197,167 2,366,004 U8UP 197,167 2,366,004 0
P2035 Nalumu Juliet U8UP 197,167 2,366,004 U8UP 197,167 2,366,004 0

P2039 Rose Mutashaba U8UP 197,167 2,366,004 U8UP 197,167 2,366,004 0
P2045 Kayemba Gerald U8UP 197,167 2,366,004 U8UP 197,167 2,366,004 0
P2046 Namuganga Leticia U8UP 197,167 2,366,004 U8UP 197,167 2,366,004 0
P2053 Ssetuba Henry U8UP 197,167 2,366,004 U8UP 197,167 2,366,004 0
P2127 Mukisa Stephen U8UP 197,167 2,366,004 U8UP 197,167 2,366,004 0
P2054 Hunde Francis U8UP 197,167 2,366,004 U8UP 197,167 2,366,004 0
P4474 Lule Fred U8UP 189,886 2,278,632 U8UP 189,886 2,278,632 0
P3185 Asiimwe Gideon U8UP 200,906 2,410,872 U8UP 200,906 2,410,872 0
P3195 Atandua James U8UP 197,167 2,366,004 U8UP 197,167 2,366,004 0
P3192 Nabbira Amina U8UP 179,504 2,154,048 U8UP 179,504 2,154,048 0
P3184 Kugonza Abisagi U8UP 197,167 2,366,004 U8UP 197,167 2,366,004 0
P3054 Kasango David U8UP 197,167 2,366,004 U8UP 197,167 2,366,004 0
P3034 Kasango Wilson U8UP 197,167 2,366,004 U8UP 197,167 2,366,004 0
P3800 Betubiza Herbert U7L 288,375 3,460,500 U7L 288,375 3,460,500 0
Vote 016 Ministry of Works and Transport FY 2014/15
Vote Function 0449: Policy,Planning and Support Services
Program : Headquarters
CostCentre: Headquarters
District :
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
P4258 Serubiri Gorret U7UP 320,152 3,841,824 U7UP 320,152 3,841,824 0
P4393 Janet Baluka U7UP 306,667 3,680,004 U7UP 306,667 3,680,004 0
P4494 Nabusimba Catherine Maxentia U7UP 320,152 3,841,824 U7UP 320,152 3,841,824 0
P4358 Angeicon Rosemary U7UP 320,152 3,841,824 U7UP 320,152 3,841,824 0
P4365 Kabagenyi Hellen U7UP 282,580 3,390,960 U7UP 282,580 3,390,960 0

P4548 Barekye Simeon U7UP 0 U7UP 320,152 3,841,824 3,841,824
P657 Margaret Ssenkaali U7UP 288,375 3,460,500 U7UP 288,375 3,460,500 0
P565 Walubo John U7UP 320,152 3,841,824 U7UP 320,152 3,841,824 0
P4342 Kebirungi Prisca U7UP 320,152 3,841,824 U7UP 320,152 3,841,824 0
P4340 Irupia Jane U7UP 272,481 3,269,772 U7UP 272,481 3,269,772 0
P1877 Magombe Alfred J. U7UP 335,982 4,031,784 U7UP 335,982 4,031,784 0
P4039 Sinini Julius U7UP 268,129 3,217,548 U7UP 268,129 3,217,548 0
P1690 Biywaga Harriet U7UP 355,221 4,262,652 U7UP 355,221 4,262,652 0
P1982 Jumarombo Alfred U7UP 276,919 3,323,028 U7UP 276,919 3,323,028 0
P3957 Mutebe Edward U7UP 320,152 3,841,824 U7UP 320,152 3,841,824 0
P3456 Oola-Okumu Gibson U7UP 282,580 3,390,960 U7UP 282,580 3,390,960 0
P3916 Turyatunga B. Harriet U7UP 282,580 3,390,960 U7UP 282,580 3,390,960 0
P3906 Tusubira Jane U7UP 300,418 3,605,016 U7UP 300,418 3,605,016 0
P3905 Mutonyi Jane evelyn U7UP 288,375 3,460,500 U7UP 288,375 3,460,500 0
Vote 016 Ministry of Works and Transport FY 2014/15
Vote Function 0449: Policy,Planning and Support Services
Program : Headquarters
CostCentre: Headquarters
District :
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
P2133 Kidandala Robinah U7UP 268,129 3,217,548 U7UP 268,129 3,217,548 0
P3418 Aurien Basil U7UP 112,094 1,345,128 U7UP 112,094 1,345,128 0
P2264 Karugaba Jovia U7UP 276,919 3,323,028 U7UP 276,919 3,323,028 0
P3900 Begumanya Matilda Tibwita U7UP 276,919 3,323,028 U7UP 276,919 3,323,028 0
P4041 Mwima Samuel U7UP 300,418 3,605,016 U7UP 300,418 3,605,016 0

P3903 Tumutungire Joan U6UP 361,365 4,336,380 U6UP 361,365 4,336,380 0
P4262 Nafula Justine U5L 409,968 4,919,616 U5L 409,968 4,919,616 0
P4465 Nankinga Annet U5L 391,248 4,694,976 U5L 391,248 4,694,976 0
P4412 Barbra Nagasha U5L 383,760 4,605,120 U5L 383,760 4,605,120 0
P4487 Namagala Barbara U5L 396,864 4,762,368 U5L 396,864 4,762,368 0
P4334 Kyotya Catherine U5UP 460,131 5,521,572 U5UP 460,131 5,521,572 0
P4469 Nanyama Rebecca Mella U5UP 503,850 6,046,200 U5UP 503,850 6,046,200 0
P4540 Ochieng John U5UP 417,769 5,013,228 U5UP 417,769 5,013,228 0
P4486 Otung Ferdinand U5UP 464,936 5,579,232 U5UP 464,936 5,579,232 0
P4330 Etongu Rose Adiye U5UP 483,533 5,802,396 U5UP 483,533 5,802,396 0
P3955 Obai Julius U5UP 467,777 5,613,324 U5UP 467,777 5,613,324 0
P4267 Mpangire Iga Enid S. U5UP 483,533 5,802,396 U5UP 483,533 5,802,396 0
P4508 Muhangi Yusifu U4L 532,160 6,385,920 U4L 532,160 6,385,920 0
P4345 Nkangi Susan Nazze U4L 570,606 6,847,272 U4L 570,606 6,847,272 0
Vote 016 Ministry of Works and Transport FY 2014/15
Vote Function 0449: Policy,Planning and Support Services
Program : Headquarters
CostCentre: Headquarters
District :
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
P4352 Nalubega Ritah Priscilla U4L 532,160 6,385,920 U4L 532,160 6,385,920 0
P4357 Nakazibwe Zaam U4L 551,383 6,616,596 U4L 551,383 6,616,596 0
P4326 Ssebuufu Eric Cantona U4L 532,160 6,385,920 U4L 532,160 6,385,920 0
P2352 Namboozo Margaret .N. U4L 706,668 8,480,016 U4L 706,668 8,480,016 0
P4513 Nakalanzi Joanitah U4L 532,160 6,385,920 U4L 532,160 6,385,920 0

P4274 Biira Brenda U4L 532,160 6,385,920 U4L 532,160 6,385,920 0
P4251 Nabwire Barbara Olijo U4L 640,591 7,687,092 U4L 640,591 7,687,092 0
P4253 Taaka Claire U4L 532,160 6,385,920 U4L 532,160 6,385,920 0
P4484 Nakirunda Rehema U4UP 804,640 9,655,680 U4UP 804,640 9,655,680 0
P4497 Ainebyona Baker Wilcky U4UP 804,640 9,655,680 U4UP 804,640 9,655,680 0
P4501 Nyangwen Marsilian U4UP 804,640 9,655,680 U4UP 804,640 9,655,680 0
P4499 Ndawula Ddungu Ignatius U4UP 738,902 8,866,824 U4UP 738,902 8,866,824 0
P4361 Amarni Shariff U4UP 789,888 9,478,656 U4UP 789,888 9,478,656 0
P4479 Wagaba Vincent U4UP 738,902 8,866,824 U4UP 738,902 8,866,824 0
P4265 Nabukenya Zamu U4UP 804,640 9,655,680 U4UP 804,640 9,655,680 0
P4189 Enyimu William U3L 890,731 10,688,772 U3L 890,731 10,688,772 0
P3600 Ojok Isaac U3L 450,268 5,403,216 U3L 450,268 5,403,216 0
P3490 Nawanga Eunice U3L 820,556 9,846,672 U3L 820,556 9,846,672 0
P4509 Kalule Daniel U3L 900,535 10,806,420 U3L 900,535 10,806,420 0
Vote 016 Ministry of Works and Transport FY 2014/15
Vote Function 0449: Policy,Planning and Support Services
Program : Headquarters
CostCentre: Headquarters
District :
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
P4279 Teddy Kisakye Namatovu U3L 848,601 10,183,212 U3L 848,601 10,183,212 0
P2736 Okello Ngiero U3L 900,535 10,806,420 U3L 900,535 10,806,420 0
P4488 Waira Ramathan U3L 890,731 10,688,772 U3L 890,731 10,688,772 0
P4237 Sanya James U3L 820,556 9,846,672 U3L 820,556 9,846,672 0
P4126 Katende Josephat Kamya U3L 900,535 10,806,420 U3L 900,535 10,806,420 0

P4461 Kanture Gita Patrick U3L 900,535 10,806,420 U3L 900,535 10,806,420 0
P4027 Kataike Susan U3L 829,792 9,957,504 U3L 829,792 9,957,504 0
P4271 Kivumbi David U3L 900,535 10,806,420 U3L 900,535 10,806,420 0
P4394 Ssekitto Paddy U3UP 890,731 10,688,772 U3UP 890,731 10,688,772 0
P4539 Namirembe Jjuuko Rachel U2L 0 U2L 1,174,436 14,093,232 14,093,232
P4460 Gafabusa Beatrice Kyomuhendo U2L 1,174,437 14,093,244 U2L 1,174,437 14,093,244 0
P4520 Ssenduli John Baptist U2L 1,092,443 13,109,316 U2L 1,092,443 13,109,316 0
P4480 Basemera Kaberege Margaret U2UP 1,188,089 14,257,068 U2UP 1,188,089 14,257,068 0
P4512 Bwangamoi Alex Okello U1S 2,512,557 30,150,684 U1S 2,512,557 30,150,684 0
P4538 James Collins Dombo U1SE 1,690,410 20,284,920 U1SE 1,690,410 20,284,920 0

Total Annual Salary (Ushs) for Program : Headquarters 616,053,480 633,988,536 17,935,056
Program : Policy and Planning
CostCentre: Policy and Planning
Vote 016 Ministry of Works and Transport FY 2014/15
Vote Function 0449: Policy,Planning and Support Services
Program : Policy and Planning
CostCentre: Policy and Planning
District :
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
P4204 Balyejusa Moses U8UP 193,488 2,321,856 U8UP 193,488 2,321,856 0
P4273 Nakate Margaret U8UP 197,167 2,366,004 U8UP 197,167 2,366,004 0
P3828 Bukenya Andrew U8UP 186,363 2,236,356 U8UP 186,363 2,236,356 0
P3824 Bwamiki John U8UP 176,169 2,114,028 U8UP 176,169 2,114,028 0
P3815 Magoba Freda U8UP 176,169 2,114,028 U8UP 176,169 2,114,028 0

P4021 Othuba Sally U7L 245,221 2,942,652 U7L 245,221 2,942,652 0
P3897 Margaret Wasswa Nakintu U7UP 288,375 3,460,500 U7UP 288,375 3,460,500 0
P3511 Cardozo Betty U7UP 288,375 3,460,500 U7UP 288,375 3,460,500 0
P4507 Baluku Enos U4UP 706,785 8,481,420 U4UP 706,785 8,481,420 0
P4506 Kalende Edmand U4UP 706,785 8,481,420 U4UP 706,785 8,481,420 0
P4404 Ssendi Richard U3L 820,556 9,846,672 U3L 820,556 9,846,672 0
P4424 Ekukut Yokosofaty U3Sc. 1,122,103 13,465,236 U3Sc. 1,122,103 13,465,236 0
P4261 Mulabbi Elliot U3Sc. 1,106,857 13,282,284 U3Sc. 1,106,857 13,282,284 0
P4414 Sseremba Robert U3Sc. 1,094,807 13,137,684 U3Sc. 1,094,807 13,137,684 0
P3473 Okello Cypriano U3UP 925,524 11,106,288 U3UP 925,524 11,106,288 0
P4314 Mulengani Moses U2Sc. 1,571,079 18,852,948 U2Sc. 1,571,079 18,852,948 0
P4264 Ssozi Vincent U2Sc. 1,582,799 18,993,588 U2Sc. 1,582,799 18,993,588 0
P3499 Rwenaga Nelson U2UP 1,165,741 13,988,892 U2UP 1,165,741 13,988,892 0
P3720 Opio Owalu Charles U1EL 1,537,073 18,444,876 U1EL 1,537,073 18,444,876 0
Vote 016 Ministry of Works and Transport FY 2014/15
Vote Function 0449: Policy,Planning and Support Services
Program : Policy and Planning
CostCentre: Policy and Planning
District :
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
P4332 Kabanda Peter Christopher U1ESc. 2,045,602 24,547,224 U1ESc. 2,045,602 24,547,224 0
P3652 Benon Mwebaze Kajuna U1SE 2,279,719 27,356,628 U1SE 2,279,719 27,356,628 0

Total Annual Salary (Ushs) for Program : Policy and Planning 221,001,084 221,001,084 0
Program : Internal Audit

CostCentre: Internal Audit
District : Kampala
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
P2188 Nafula Jane U8UP 197,167 2,366,004 U8UP 197,167 2,366,004 0
P3967 Muyinda Geoffrey U8UP 200,906 2,410,872 U8UP 200,906 2,410,872 0
P4504 Gimeyi Henry Mayoga U4UP 748,709 8,984,508 U4UP 748,709 8,984,508 0
P4281 Ongom Thomas U4UP 804,640 9,655,680 U4UP 804,640 9,655,680 0
P4503 Nzogi Stephen U3UP 938,302 11,259,624 U3UP 938,302 11,259,624 0

Total Annual Salary (Ushs) for Program : Internal Audit 34,676,688 34,676,688 0
Total Annual Salary (Ushs) for : Ministry of Works and Transport 4,201,259,508 4,218,309,996 17,050,488
- Corporate Communications Manager
Director - Legal Counsel

Finance &
Internal Audit Planning Procurement Projects Operations

Manager, Technical Works & Project Regional Chief

Internal Audit Services Services Managers Managers Accountant

Monitoring & Goods and Manager, Manager,

Planning & Information
Evaluation Supplies
Monitoring Services

Network Manager, Manager,

Strategy Contracts

Bridges Mechanical

Manager, Axle
Load Control


Vote 113 Uganda National Roads Authority FY 2014/15
Vote Function 0451: National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Program : Finance and Administration
CostCentre: ED's Office
District : Kampala
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
UNRA0004 Ssebbugga Kimeze Berunado SG2 9,547,936 114,575,232 SG2 9,547,936 114,575,232 0
UNRA0048 Baryaruha Marvin SG3 6,015,812 72,189,744 SG3 6,015,812 72,189,744 0
UNRA0049 Alinange Dan SG3 6,015,812 72,189,744 SG3 6,015,812 72,189,744 0
UNRA1062 Tumwine William SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 0
UNRA0385 Walusimbi Edward Fredrick SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 0

UNRA0055 Muhairwe Justine SG6 2,494,065 29,928,780 SG6 2,494,065 29,928,780 0
UNRA1082 Namatovu Robinah Kitasimbwa SG6 1,383,555 16,602,660 SG6 1,383,555 16,602,660 0

CostCentre: Finance&Administration
District : Kampala
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
UNRA0002 Ssemugooma Joe SG2 10,637,938 127,655,256 SG2 10,637,938 127,655,256 0
UNRA0007 Ndawula Gerald SG3 6,015,812 72,189,744 SG3 6,015,812 72,189,744 0
UNRA0033 Muhumuza Patrick SG3 6,302,164 75,625,968 SG3 6,302,164 75,625,968 0
UNRA0010 Mpanga John SG3 6,302,164 75,625,968 SG3 6,302,164 75,625,968 0
UNRA1148 Kamoga Rashid Kaluuma SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 0
UNRA0557 Kagezi Evas SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 0
UNRA0102 Ngobe James SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 0
Vote 113 Uganda National Roads Authority FY 2014/15
Vote Function 0451: National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Program : Finance and Administration
CostCentre: Finance&Administration
District : Kampala
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
UNRA0372 Kiwumulo Allan SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 0
UNRA0084 Kizito Henry Semakula SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 0
UNRA0015 Senjako Wilberforce Gary SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 0
UNRA0085 Nakabiri Jane Mutumba SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 0
UNRA0124 Gatare Jane Frances Kulayige SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 0

UNRA0476 Ssejemba John Bosco SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 0
UNRA0019 Tumusiime Alex SG4 5,080,000 60,960,000 SG4 5,080,000 60,960,000 0
UNRA0013 Kwesiga Brazza SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 0
UNRA0011 Mubiru Emma SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 0
UNRA0009 Kabanda Peter SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 0
UNRA0008 Kwiri Stephen SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 0
UNRA0020 Engwau Apollo Michael SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 0
UNRA0061 Chesakit John W. Cherukut SG5 4,678,799 56,145,588 SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 0
UNRA0122 Kusiima Jenipher SG5 2,870,000 34,440,000 SG5 2,870,000 34,440,000 0
UNRA1158 Kagwa Moses SG5 1,600,000 19,200,000 SG5 1,600,000 19,200,000 0
UNRA0070 Mpanga Geoffrey SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 0
UNRA1058 Atwiine Simon Peter SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 0
UNRA0888 Twongyeirwe Hope SG5 2,200,000 26,400,000 SG5 2,200,000 26,400,000 0
UNRA0064 Irumba Jolly SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 0
Vote 113 Uganda National Roads Authority FY 2014/15
Vote Function 0451: National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Program : Finance and Administration
CostCentre: Finance&Administration
District : Kampala
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
UNRA0062 Gimbo Alexandra SG5 2,594,625 31,135,500 SG5 2,594,625 31,135,500 0
UNRA0603 Matovu Brian Moses SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 0
UNRA0039 Gasana Joseph SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 0
UNRA0035 Nambiro Irene Muholi SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 0
UNRA0045 Mwedde Geoffrey Sisye SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 0

UNRA0132 Obara Patrick Jerem SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 0
UNRA1199 Namuwaya Winnie Musafiri SG6 1,200,000 14,400,000 SG6 1,200,000 14,400,000 0
UNRA1164 Tagwana Irene SG6 1,600,000 19,200,000 SG6 1,600,000 19,200,000 0
UNRA0057 Namatovu Florence SG6 1,650,000 19,800,000 SG6 1,650,000 19,800,000 0
UNRA1166 Okurut Paul SG6 1,200,000 14,400,000 SG6 1,200,000 14,400,000 0
UNRA0058 Nabirye Norah SG6 2,494,065 29,928,780 SG6 2,494,065 29,928,780 0
UNRA1001 Walimbwa Micheal Mafabi SG7 795,057 9,540,684 SG7 795,057 9,540,684 0
UNRA1059 Were Mpindi Racheal SG7 867,769 10,413,228 SG7 867,769 10,413,228 0
UNRA0125 Ochieng Alfred SG7 867,769 10,413,228 SG7 867,769 10,413,228 0
UNRA0067 Nakiwala Olivia SG7 867,769 10,413,228 SG7 867,769 10,413,228 0
UNRA1202 Bumba Fred SG8 750,000 9,000,000 SG8 750,000 9,000,000 0
UNRA0920 Galiwango Godfrey SG8 677,701 8,132,412 SG8 677,701 8,132,412 0
UNRA0935 Mugenyi Paul Tumusiime SG8 677,701 8,132,412 SG8 677,701 8,132,412 0
UNRA0937 Isababi Amulan SG8 677,701 8,132,412 SG8 677,701 8,132,412 0
Vote 113 Uganda National Roads Authority FY 2014/15
Vote Function 0451: National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Program : Finance and Administration
CostCentre: Finance&Administration
District : Kampala
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
UNRA1037 Kayemba Fred SG8 545,386 6,544,632 SG8 545,386 6,544,632 0
UNRA1045 Wanyama Job SG8 545,386 6,544,632 SG8 545,386 6,544,632 0
UNRA1088 Openy Stephen SG8 545,386 6,544,632 SG8 545,386 6,544,632 0
UNRA1099 Ocanit Francis SG8 677,701 8,132,412 SG8 677,701 8,132,412 0
UNRA1101 Kyebatenda S. David SG8 677,701 8,132,412 SG8 677,701 8,132,412 0

UNRA0950 Kitaakule Majid SG8 648,890 7,786,680 SG8 648,890 7,786,680 0
UNRA0133 Nsambu Robert SG8 750,000 9,000,000 SG8 750,000 9,000,000 0
UNRA0472 Kigongo Philip SG8 750,000 9,000,000 SG8 750,000 9,000,000 0
UNRA0054 Katusabe Grace SG8 621,301 7,455,612 SG8 621,301 7,455,612 0
UNRA0065 Kanyike Elly SG8 750,000 9,000,000 SG8 750,000 9,000,000 0
UNRA0066 Kitatta Yusuf SG8 750,000 9,000,000 SG8 750,000 9,000,000 0
UNRA0100 Gamukama Gordon SG8 750,000 9,000,000 SG8 750,000 9,000,000 0
UNRA0921 Serunga Yuda SG8 677,701 8,132,412 SG8 677,701 8,132,412 0
UNRA0127 Mugisha Charles SG8 750,000 9,000,000 SG8 750,000 9,000,000 0
UNRA0134 Baraka Musa SG8 750,000 9,000,000 SG8 750,000 9,000,000 0
UNRA0153 Ssenabulya Joseph SG8 750,000 9,000,000 SG8 750,000 9,000,000 0
UNRA0154 Okello Fred SG8 750,000 9,000,000 SG8 750,000 9,000,000 0
UNRA0052 Kizza Donald SG8 750,000 9,000,000 SG8 750,000 9,000,000 0
UNRA0227 Ajengu James SG8 750,000 9,000,000 SG8 750,000 9,000,000 0
Vote 113 Uganda National Roads Authority FY 2014/15
Vote Function 0451: National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Program : Finance and Administration
CostCentre: Finance&Administration
District : Kampala
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
UNRA0254 Muwanga Joseph SG8 750,000 9,000,000 SG8 750,000 9,000,000 0
UNRA0306 Sempala Fred SG8 750,000 9,000,000 SG8 750,000 9,000,000 0
UNRA0471 Ahabwe Onesmus K SG8 750,000 9,000,000 SG8 750,000 9,000,000 0
UNRA0317 Njuki Nsubuga Peter SG8 750,000 9,000,000 SG8 750,000 9,000,000 0
UNRA0389 Mugote Robert SG8 750,000 9,000,000 SG8 750,000 9,000,000 0

UNRA0469 Ndyamuba Livingstone SG8 750,000 9,000,000 SG8 750,000 9,000,000 0
UNRA0108 Odongo Sam SG8 750,000 9,000,000 SG8 750,000 9,000,000 0
UNRA0470 Adebua Samuel SG8 750,000 9,000,000 SG8 750,000 9,000,000 0
UNRA0220 Mutumba Dick Mabirizi SG8 750,000 9,000,000 SG8 750,000 9,000,000 0

CostCentre: Internal Audit

District : Kampala
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
UNRA0006 Kirimunda Peter SG2 8,047,936 96,575,232 SG2 8,047,936 96,575,232 0
UNRA0090 Owor Denis SG3 6,015,812 72,189,744 SG3 6,015,812 72,189,744 0
UNRA0101 Ssebugwawo Peter SG3 6,015,812 72,189,744 SG3 6,015,812 72,189,744 0
UNRA0038 Naturinda Abbot SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 0
UNRA0304 Kabegambire Mary SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 0
Vote 113 Uganda National Roads Authority FY 2014/15
Vote Function 0451: National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Program : Finance and Administration
CostCentre: Internal Audit
District : Kampala
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
UNRA0037 Namatovu Gorreth Katende SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 0
UNRA0109 Nalunkuuma Suzzlyn N.M SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 0

CostCentre: Operations
District : Kampala

File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
UNRA0119 Otim Joseph SG3 5,742,470 68,909,640 SG3 5,742,470 68,909,640 0
UNRA0103 Obara Geoffrey SG3 5,742,470 68,909,640 SG3 5,742,470 68,909,640 0
UNRA0095 Kiiza Retreat Nkya SG3 5,742,470 68,909,640 SG3 5,742,470 68,909,640 0
UNRA0030 Mukasa Godfrey Kaaya SG3 6,015,812 72,189,744 SG3 6,015,812 72,189,744 0
UNRA0023 Musoke Bruno SG3 6,015,812 72,189,744 SG3 6,015,812 72,189,744 0
UNRA0018 Ongom Justine Odongo SG3 6,015,812 72,189,744 SG3 6,015,812 72,189,744 0
UNRA0032 Assedri Charles Olivu SG3 6,015,812 72,189,744 SG3 6,015,812 72,189,744 0
UNRA0031 Kalegga Fredrick SG3 6,015,812 72,189,744 SG3 6,015,812 72,189,744 0
UNRA1140 Kenneth Kaddu SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 0
UNRA0091 Sikuku Steven Chesang SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 0
UNRA0094 Mwizeerwa Sam Buturo SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 0
UNRA0098 Munyambanza Constant SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 0
Vote 113 Uganda National Roads Authority FY 2014/15
Vote Function 0451: National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Program : Finance and Administration
CostCentre: Operations
District : Kampala
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
UNRA0104 Odong Khalil Bakhit SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 0
UNRA0116 Lwome Ronald SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 0
UNRA0117 Luswata Buzibwa SG4 5,320,000 63,840,000 SG4 5,320,000 63,840,000 0
UNRA0120 Mutyaba Herbert SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 0
UNRA0126 Kyakulaga David Talighedha SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 0

UNRA1054 Kakooza Kasiita Ibrahim SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 0
UNRA0772 Turyamwesiga Vanance SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 0
UNRA0053 Ssesanga Fiona SG6 2,197,930 26,375,160 SG6 2,197,930 26,375,160 0
UNRA0915 Bakhit Hussein SG6 1,176,246 14,114,952 SG6 1,176,246 14,114,952 0
UNRA0919 Twinomujuni Vallence SG8 677,701 8,132,412 SG8 677,701 8,132,412 0

CostCentre: Planning
District : Kampala
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
UNRA0003 Luyimbazi David Ssali SG2 8,047,936 96,575,232 SG2 8,047,936 96,575,232 0
UNRA0373 Kemigisha Ayebare Pamela SG3 6,015,812 72,189,744 SG3 6,015,812 72,189,744 0
UNRA1141 Pario Lawrence SG3 5,481,548 65,778,576 SG3 5,481,548 65,778,576 0
UNRA0473 Kamanda Patrick Isagara SG3 6,015,812 72,189,744 SG3 6,015,812 72,189,744 0
Vote 113 Uganda National Roads Authority FY 2014/15
Vote Function 0451: National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Program : Finance and Administration
CostCentre: Planning
District : Kampala
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
UNRA1165 Kyaddondo David SG3 5,481,548 65,778,576 SG3 5,481,548 65,778,576 0
UNRA1016 Akuze Richard SG3 5,481,548 65,778,576 SG3 5,481,548 65,778,576 0
UNRA0115 Ofumbi Mathias SG3 6,015,812 72,189,744 SG3 6,015,812 72,189,744 0
UNRA0569 Benjamin Olobo SG3 6,302,164 75,625,968 SG3 6,302,164 75,625,968 0
UNRA1160 Mutyaba Robbie SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 0

UNRA1159 Balaamu Isaac SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 0
UNRA1144 Muhwezi Davis SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 0
UNRA1014 Ochola Micheal Jackson SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 0
UNRA1042 Muleme Patrick SG4 4,880,000 58,560,000 SG4 4,880,000 58,560,000 0
UNRA0870 Odongpiny Robert SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 0
UNRA0118 Kansiime Enid SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 0
UNRA0265 Kizito Charles SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 0
UNRA0741 Tibaijuka Godwin SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 0
UNRA1172 Nandawula Christine SG5 1,627,400 19,528,800 SG5 1,627,400 19,528,800 0
UNRA1171 Namirembe Christine Nakiyingi K SG5 2,300,000 27,600,000 SG5 2,300,000 27,600,000 0
UNRA1146 Bakiza Ian SG5 1,666,720 20,000,640 SG5 1,666,720 20,000,640 0
UNRA1145 Kitimba Philip Patrick SG5 1,666,720 20,000,640 SG5 1,666,720 20,000,640 0
UNRA1143 Mutebi Joseph Ssemanobe SG5 1,666,720 20,000,640 SG5 1,666,720 20,000,640 0
UNRA1142 Kazibwe Philip Kyeyune SG5 1,666,720 20,000,640 SG5 1,666,720 20,000,640 0
Vote 113 Uganda National Roads Authority FY 2014/15
Vote Function 0451: National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Program : Finance and Administration
CostCentre: Planning
District : Kampala
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
UNRA1147 Lwanga Apollo SG5 1,666,720 20,000,640 SG5 1,666,720 20,000,640 0
UNRA1003 Lukanda James SG6 1,460,480 17,525,760 SG6 1,460,480 17,525,760 0
UNRA1043 Kato Issa SG6 1,460,480 17,525,760 SG6 1,460,480 17,525,760 0
UNRA1006 Munabi Doreen Wafula SG7 795,057 9,540,684 SG7 795,057 9,540,684 0
UNRA1007 Menya Isaac SG7 795,057 9,540,684 SG7 795,057 9,540,684 0

UNRA1020 Kimbagaya Yovan SG7 795,057 9,540,684 SG7 795,057 9,540,684 0

CostCentre: Procurement
District : Kampala
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
UNRA1139 Mugisha Steven SG3 5,481,548 65,778,576 SG3 5,481,548 65,778,576 0
UNRA0097 Kalema Enoch SG4 5,481,548 65,778,576 SG3 5,481,548 65,778,576 0
UNRA0573 Namale Allen SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 0
UNRA0745 Kabanda Herman SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 0
UNRA0068 Acan Norah SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 0
UNRA0105 Bigabwa John SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 0
UNRA0878 Opolot Julius SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 0
UNRA1173 Najjuko Sherina Kibirango SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 0
Vote 113 Uganda National Roads Authority FY 2014/15
Vote Function 0451: National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Program : Finance and Administration
CostCentre: Procurement
District : Kampala
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
UNRA1134 Asiimwe Evelyn Pamela SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 0
UNRA1130 Higobero David SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 0
UNRA1129 Mbabazi Peter SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 0
UNRA1131 Anyoti David Claude SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 0
UNRA1178 Tibenderana Joy Kirinda SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 0

UNRA0942 Mbabazi Eva K SG6 1,310,681 15,728,172 SG6 1,310,681 15,728,172 0
UNRA1170 Nanyonjo Sarah SG8 600,000 7,200,000 SG8 600,000 7,200,000 0

Total Annual Salary (Ushs) for Program : Finance and Administration 5,909,685,876 5,909,685,876 0
Program : National roads maintenance
CostCentre: Arua Station
District : Arua
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
UNRA0088 Kafifi Wilson SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 0
UNRA0374 Onguruco Martin SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 0
UNRA0848 Ogam Francy Harriet SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 0
UNRA0073 Ochunju Stephen SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 0
UNRA0867 Sabiiti Wilber SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 0
Vote 113 Uganda National Roads Authority FY 2014/15
Vote Function 0451: National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Program : National roads maintenance
CostCentre: Arua Station
District : Arua
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
UNRA0620 Adokango Grace Kanyonyi SG6 795,057 9,540,684 SG6 795,057 9,540,684 0
UNRA0712 Angunduyo Joyce SG6 1,114,291 13,371,492 SG6 1,114,291 13,371,492 0
UNRA0680 Kanzo Ezekiel Tata SG6 1,114,291 13,371,492 SG6 1,114,291 13,371,492 0
UNRA0885 Ahimbisibwe Gad SG6 1,808,623 21,703,476 SG6 1,808,623 21,703,476 0
UNRA0889 Elakas Ronald Samuel SG6 1,114,291 13,371,492 SG6 1,114,291 13,371,492 0

UNRA0501 Yahaya Hassan SG6 1,114,291 13,371,492 SG6 1,114,291 13,371,492 0
UNRA0541 Adoko Geoffrey SG6 795,057 9,540,684 SG6 795,057 9,540,684 0
UNRA0168 Anguzu Francis SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 0
UNRA0174 Wani Geoffrey John SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 0
UNRA1181 Kigenyi S P Zirabamuzaale SG7 950,000 11,400,000 SG7 950,000 11,400,000 0
UNRA0679 Okwanga Martin SG7 1,114,291 13,371,492 SG7 1,114,291 13,371,492 0
UNRA0369 Ochwo Akisapheri Kisooko SG7 975,165 11,701,980 SG7 975,165 11,701,980 0
UNRA1185 Kalanzi Richard SG7 950,000 11,400,000 SG7 950,000 11,400,000 0
UNRA0362 Lemeriga Stephen A SG7 818,591 9,823,092 SG7 818,591 9,823,092 0
UNRA0757 Awuzu Joseph Muke SG7 975,165 11,701,980 SG7 975,165 11,701,980 0
UNRA0364 Aman Abdul SG7 818,591 9,823,092 SG7 818,591 9,823,092 0
UNRA0857 Ageru Silas SG8 545,386 6,544,632 SG8 545,386 6,544,632 0
new staff Adrabo William Butia SG8 648,890 7,786,680 SG8 648,890 7,786,680 0
UNRA1086 Galyaki Edward SG8 677,701 8,132,412 SG8 677,701 8,132,412 0
Vote 113 Uganda National Roads Authority FY 2014/15
Vote Function 0451: National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Program : National roads maintenance
CostCentre: Arua Station
District : Arua
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
UNRA1184 Baguma Alfred SG8 522,200 6,266,400 SG8 522,200 6,266,400 0
UNRA0978 Chandiga S K Ezama SG8 818,591 9,823,092 SG8 818,591 9,823,092 0
UNRA0718 Drudra Peter SG8 569,601 6,835,212 SG8 569,601 6,835,212 0
UNRA0710 Moroga Simon SG8 750,000 9,000,000 SG8 750,000 9,000,000 0
UNRA0682 Alege Brahn SG8 795,057 9,540,684 SG8 795,057 9,540,684 0

UNRA1085 Dranimva Herbert Edmond SG8 677,701 8,132,412 SG8 677,701 8,132,412 0
UNRA0709 Ramathan Issa SG8 750,000 9,000,000 SG8 750,000 9,000,000 0
UNRA0708 Ayiko Zakaria SG8 750,000 9,000,000 SG8 750,000 9,000,000 0
UNRA0720 Kyambadde Martin SG8 569,601 6,835,212 SG8 569,601 6,835,212 0
UNRA0699 Adaku Sam SG9 416,513 4,998,156 SG9 416,513 4,998,156 0
UNRA0696 Kakooza Rashid SG9 416,513 4,998,156 SG9 416,513 4,998,156 0
UNRA0698 Ocaya Sam SG9 416,513 4,998,156 SG9 416,513 4,998,156 0
UNRA0697 Likambo David Okigbo SG9 416,513 4,998,156 SG9 416,513 4,998,156 0

CostCentre: Fort Portal Station

District : Fort Portal
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
UNRA0872 Ssebidde Vincent SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 0
Vote 113 Uganda National Roads Authority FY 2014/15
Vote Function 0451: National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Program : National roads maintenance
CostCentre: Fort Portal Station
District : Fort Portal
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
UNRA0824 Musinguzi Julius Tinka SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 0
UNRA0513 Magezi Francis SG6 1,808,623 21,703,476 SG6 1,808,623 21,703,476 0
UNRA0842 Asiimwe Billy Jims SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 0
UNRA0261 Athanasius Zaake Sserugo SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 0
UNRA0549 Tumwine Julius SG6 1,176,246 14,114,952 SG6 1,176,246 14,114,952 0

UNRA0382 Night Beatrice SG6 1,114,291 13,371,492 SG6 1,114,291 13,371,492 0
UNRA0273 Akwedde Eunice SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 0
UNRA0332 Kamanyire Fred Peace SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 0
UNRA1105 Tumwebaze Alfred SG7 947,130 11,365,560 SG7 947,130 11,365,560 0
UNRA0260 Good Christopher SG7 975,165 11,701,980 SG7 975,165 11,701,980 0
UNRA1126 Ibula Charles SG7 947,130 11,365,560 SG7 947,130 11,365,560 0
UNRA1108 Businge Michael SG8 750,000 9,000,000 SG8 750,000 9,000,000 0
UNRA0974 Mutabazi Patrick Robert SG8 677,701 8,132,412 SG8 677,701 8,132,412 0
UNRA0969 Sunday John SG8 750,000 9,000,000 SG8 750,000 9,000,000 0
UNRA0827 Rwakasoro Patrick SG8 569,601 6,835,212 SG8 569,601 6,835,212 0
UNRA0624 Ausi Isa SG8 677,701 8,132,412 SG8 677,701 8,132,412 0
UNRA0623 Goodluck Francis SG8 569,601 6,835,212 SG8 569,601 6,835,212 0
UNRA0452 Bwango Yusuf SG8 750,000 9,000,000 SG8 750,000 9,000,000 0
UNRA0377 Byaruhanga George William SG8 750,000 9,000,000 SG8 750,000 9,000,000 0
Vote 113 Uganda National Roads Authority FY 2014/15
Vote Function 0451: National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Program : National roads maintenance
CostCentre: Fort Portal Station
District : Fort Portal
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
UNRA0767 Baguma Godfrey SG8 569,601 6,835,212 SG8 569,601 6,835,212 0
UNRA0626 Irumba James SG9 415,513 4,986,156 SG9 416,513 4,998,156 12,000
UNRA0960 Musinguzi Richard SG9 415,513 4,986,156 SG9 415,513 4,986,156 0
UNRA0965 Kaija Wilson SG9 415,513 4,986,156 SG9 415,513 4,986,156 0
UNRA0621 Nyakoojo Swithen SG9 415,513 4,986,156 SG9 416,513 4,998,156 12,000

UNRA0629 Mwamba Patrick SG9 415,513 4,986,156 SG9 415,513 4,986,156 0

CostCentre: Gulu Station

District : Gulu
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
UNRA0047 Adwek Makmot Jimmy SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 0
UNRA0251 Ojok Ventors SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 0
UNRA1083 Asuwah Owino John Chris SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 0
UNRA0036 Ayano Annet SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 0
UNRA0537 Kinyera Charles SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 0
UNRA0941 Atim Getrude SG6 1,383,555 16,602,660 SG6 1,383,555 16,602,660 0
UNRA0809 Wokorach Abrahams SG6 1,114,291 13,371,492 SG6 1,114,291 13,371,492 0
UNRA0874 Komakech Jackson SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 0
Vote 113 Uganda National Roads Authority FY 2014/15
Vote Function 0451: National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Program : National roads maintenance
CostCentre: Gulu Station
District : Gulu
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
UNRA0466 Mukurasi Julius SG6 1,808,623 21,703,476 SG6 1,808,623 21,703,476 0
UNRA0481 Ocaya Galdino SG6 1,176,246 14,114,952 SG6 1,176,246 14,114,952 0
UNRA0808 Lawoko Nicholas SG6 1,114,291 13,371,492 SG6 1,114,291 13,371,492 0
UNRA0170 Obali Fred SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 0
UNRA0333 Opwonya Alfred SG7 818,591 9,823,092 SG7 818,591 9,823,092 0

UNRA1090 Batuli Charles SG7 975,165 11,701,980 SG7 975,165 11,701,980 0
UNRA1125 APANGU OMBAJU MSK SG7 947,130 11,365,560 SG7 947,130 11,365,560 0
UNRA0632 Malinga Daniel SG7 975,165 11,701,980 SG7 975,165 11,701,980 0
UNRA0516 Oyat Justine SG7 818,591 9,823,092 SG7 818,591 9,823,092 0
UNRA0335 Amaku Adrapi George SG7 818,591 9,823,092 SG7 818,591 9,823,092 0
UNRA0203 Ogenuru Gilbert K SG7 975,165 11,701,980 SG7 975,165 11,701,980 0
UNRA0193 Odora Charles SG7 975,165 11,701,980 SG7 975,165 11,701,980 0
UNRA0152 Kivejinja Salim SG7 975,165 11,701,980 SG7 975,165 11,701,980 0
UNRA0388 Otober Richard SG7 818,591 9,823,092 SG7 818,591 9,823,092 0
UNRA0722 Odong Richard SG8 569,601 6,835,212 SG8 569,601 6,835,212 0
UNRA0806 Opio Yeko SG8 569,601 6,835,212 SG8 569,601 6,835,212 0
UNRA0492 Odoch Boniface SG8 750,000 9,000,000 SG8 750,000 9,000,000 0
UNRA0986 Oloya Francis SG8 677,701 8,132,412 SG8 677,701 8,132,412 0
UNRA1081 Omony Livingstone SG8 677,701 8,132,412 SG8 677,701 8,132,412 0
Vote 113 Uganda National Roads Authority FY 2014/15
Vote Function 0451: National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Program : National roads maintenance
CostCentre: Gulu Station
District : Gulu
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
new staff Odongo Patrick SG8 750,000 9,000,000 SG8 750,000 9,000,000 0
UNRA0985 Okot David SG8 677,701 8,132,412 SG8 677,701 8,132,412 0
UNRA0820 Angom Santa SG9 416,513 4,998,156 SG9 416,513 4,998,156 0
UNRA0817 Labeja Jackson SG9 416,513 4,998,156 SG9 416,513 4,998,156 0
UNRA0819 Obwona B Okech SG9 416,513 4,998,156 SG9 416,513 4,998,156 0

UNRA0933 Opiyo Robert SG9 416,513 4,998,156 SG9 416,513 4,998,156 0

CostCentre: Hoima Station

District : Hoima
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
UNRA0178 Wazimbe Jonathan SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 0
UNRA0074 Ndagire Susan SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 0
UNRA0723 Babalanda Simon SG5 1,808,623 21,703,476 SG5 1,808,623 21,703,476 0
UNRA0746 Musisi Robert SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 0
UNRA0771 Lukungu Hussein SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 0
UNRA1191 Kirigwajjo Vincent SG6 1,000,000 12,000,000 SG6 1,000,000 12,000,000 0
UNRA0936 Kunihira Alice SG6 1,114,291 13,371,492 SG6 1,114,291 13,371,492 0
UNRA0164 Kunihira Inea SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 0
Vote 113 Uganda National Roads Authority FY 2014/15
Vote Function 0451: National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Program : National roads maintenance
CostCentre: Hoima Station
District : Hoima
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
UNRA0831 Kiyimba Lyndon Dennis SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 0
UNRA0896 Muhumuza Sebastian SG6 1,176,246 14,114,952 SG6 1,176,246 14,114,952 0
UNRA0169 Mujungu Isaac Godfrey SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 0
UNRA0216 Byaruhanga Anatole K SG7 818,591 9,823,092 SG7 818,591 9,823,092 0
UNRA1133 Mbazira Stephen SG7 947,130 11,365,560 SG7 947,130 11,365,560 0

UNRA0303 Katusabe Christopher SG7 818,591 9,823,092 SG7 818,591 9,823,092 0
UNRA0217 Musisi Francis SG7 818,591 9,823,092 SG7 818,591 9,823,092 0
UNRA0313 Manyiraho Joshua Mugenyi SG7 975,165 11,701,980 SG7 975,165 11,701,980 0
UNRA0215 Balijuka Kizito SG7 818,591 9,823,092 SG7 818,591 9,823,092 0
UNRA0138 Ocaya Solomon SG7 975,165 11,701,980 SG7 975,165 11,701,980 0
UNRA0218 Oryem John SG7 818,591 9,823,092 SG7 818,591 9,823,092 0
UNRA1151 Musinguzi Godwin SG8 522,200 6,266,400 SG8 522,200 6,266,400 0
UNRA1155 Mugonya Tom SG8 522,200 6,266,400 SG8 522,200 6,266,400 0
UNRA0908 Mbonamahe Geofrey SG8 677,701 8,132,412 SG8 677,701 8,132,412 0
UNRA0536 Blick Patrick SG8 750,000 9,000,000 SG8 750,000 9,000,000 0
UNRA0533 Blick Peter Black SG8 750,000 9,000,000 SG8 750,000 9,000,000 0
new staff Katusabe Amos SG8 648,890 7,786,680 SG8 648,890 7,786,680 0
UNRA0534 Magezi Ertasaifi SG8 750,000 9,000,000 SG8 750,000 9,000,000 0
UNRA1152 Amanyire Albert SG9 416,513 4,998,156 SG9 416,513 4,998,156 0
Vote 113 Uganda National Roads Authority FY 2014/15
Vote Function 0451: National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Program : National roads maintenance
CostCentre: Hoima Station
District : Hoima
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
UNRA1153 Kihumuza Denis SG9 416,513 4,998,156 SG9 416,513 4,998,156 0
UNRA1156 Kwishaba Herbert SG9 416,513 4,998,156 SG9 416,513 4,998,156 0

CostCentre: Jinja Station

District : Jinja

File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
UNRA0111 Kisubi Stephen Baita SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 0
UNRA0769 Kasibante Micheal SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 0
UNRA0748 Ewama Moses Morris SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 0
UNRA0716 Zironda Christopher SG5 1,808,623 21,703,476 SG5 1,808,623 21,703,476 0
UNRA0043 Nsubuga Rachel SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 0
UNRA1189 Kawanaku Alex SG6 1,000,000 12,000,000 SG6 1,000,000 12,000,000 0
UNRA1048 Mugasha David Junior SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 0
UNRA0836 Yada Pontius SG6 795,057 9,540,684 SG6 795,057 9,540,684 0
UNRA1065 Oboo Lawrence SG6 1,114,291 13,371,492 SG6 1,114,291 13,371,492 0
UNRA1187 Hasahya Wilson SG6 1,000,000 12,000,000 SG6 1,000,000 12,000,000 0
UNRA0625 Nagadya Harriet SG6 1,114,291 13,371,492 SG6 1,114,291 13,371,492 0
UNRA0543 Onyango James Martin SG6 818,591 9,823,092 SG6 818,591 9,823,092 0
Vote 113 Uganda National Roads Authority FY 2014/15
Vote Function 0451: National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Program : National roads maintenance
CostCentre: Jinja Station
District : Jinja
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
UNRA0467 Drichi Henry Hannington SG6 1,114,291 13,371,492 SG6 1,114,291 13,371,492 0
UNRA0149 Ssebanakitta John Francis SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 0
UNRA0158 Kiwombojo Ben Bazanye SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 0
UNRA0288 Baireghaka Benedicto K SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 0
UNRA0644 Sempala Huudu SG6 1,114,291 13,371,492 SG6 1,114,291 13,371,492 0

UNRA1114 Kabiito Patrick SG7 795,057 9,540,684 SG7 795,057 9,540,684 0
UNRA0140 Kuluudhi Ziraba Rogers SG7 975,165 11,701,980 SG7 975,165 11,701,980 0
UNRA0144 Akol Michael SG7 975,165 11,701,980 SG7 975,165 11,701,980 0
UNRA1091 Kivumbi Simon SG7 975,165 11,701,980 SG7 975,165 11,701,980 0
UNRA1094 Kinyera Camillus SG7 975,165 11,701,980 SG7 975,165 11,701,980 0
UNRA0358 Ssempebwa Dennis SG7 975,165 11,701,980 SG7 975,165 11,701,980 0
UNRA1136 Opio Walter SG7 750,000 9,000,000 SG7 750,000 9,000,000 0
UNRA1138 Ssenkungu Joseph SG7 750,000 9,000,000 SG7 750,000 9,000,000 0
UNRA0308 Kyeyune Alex SG7 818,591 9,823,092 SG7 818,591 9,823,092 0
UNRA0309 Sendagire Henry Simons SG7 818,591 9,823,092 SG7 818,591 9,823,092 0
UNRA0311 Kiirya Tanansi SG7 818,591 9,823,092 SG7 818,591 9,823,092 0
UNRA0312 Khauka John SG7 818,591 9,823,092 SG7 818,591 9,823,092 0
UNRA0338 Abunyang Robert SG7 818,591 9,823,092 SG7 818,591 9,823,092 0
UNRA0189 Ochola Moses SG7 975,165 11,701,980 SG7 975,165 11,701,980 0
Vote 113 Uganda National Roads Authority FY 2014/15
Vote Function 0451: National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Program : National roads maintenance
CostCentre: Jinja Station
District : Jinja
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
UNRA1077 Bagwire Micheal SG8 677,701 8,132,412 SG8 677,701 8,132,412 0
UNRA0983 Katongole Muhammed SG8 677,701 8,132,412 SG8 677,701 8,132,412 0
UNRA0987 Wamani Moses SG8 677,701 8,132,412 SG8 677,701 8,132,412 0
UNRA0654 Tamuzadde Christopher SG8 750,000 9,000,000 SG8 750,000 9,000,000 0
UNRA0738 Waiswa Ali SG8 569,601 6,835,212 SG8 569,601 6,835,212 0

UNRA0610 Ibaale Fred SG8 569,601 6,835,212 SG8 569,601 6,835,212 0
UNRA0652 Nyende Fred SG8 750,000 9,000,000 SG8 750,000 9,000,000 0
UNRA0673 Anyama Alfred SG8 795,057 9,540,684 SG8 795,057 9,540,684 0
UNRA0726 Balidawa Samuel SG8 569,601 6,835,212 SG8 569,601 6,835,212 0
UNRA0648 Musoke Ronald SG8 677,701 8,132,412 SG8 677,701 8,132,412 0
UNRA0952 Buyeye Aloysius SG9 416,513 4,998,156 SG9 416,513 4,998,156 0
UNRA1046 Waiswa Ali SG9 416,513 4,998,156 SG9 416,513 4,998,156 0
UNRA0917 Mwima Wilberforce SG9 416,513 4,998,156 SG9 416,513 4,998,156 0
UNRA0756 Serunkuma Patrick SG9 416,513 4,998,156 SG9 416,513 4,998,156 0
UNRA0924 Erabu Moses SG9 416,513 4,998,156 SG9 416,513 4,998,156 0
UNRA0700 Byaruhanga Charles SG9 416,513 4,998,156 SG9 416,513 4,998,156 0
UNRA0925 Sekajja Ali Balikudembe SG9 416,513 4,998,156 SG9 416,513 4,998,156 0
UNRA0945 Kiiza Grace SG9 416,513 4,998,156 SG9 416,513 4,998,156 0
UNRA0953 Otwani Godfrey SG9 416,513 4,998,156 SG9 416,513 4,998,156 0
Vote 113 Uganda National Roads Authority FY 2014/15
Vote Function 0451: National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Program : National roads maintenance
CostCentre: Jinja Station
District : Jinja
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
UNRA1022 Tenywa David SG9 2,500,000 30,000,000 SG9 250,000 3,000,000 -27,000,000
UNRA0926 Ibanda Asuman SG9 416,513 4,998,156 SG9 416,513 4,998,156 0

CostCentre: Kabale Station

District : Kabale

File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
UNRA0773 Byekwaso Robert SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 0
UNRA0601 Apule Burunu SG5 1,808,623 21,703,476 SG5 1,808,623 21,703,476 0
UNRA0762 Ssemwanga Geoffrey SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 0
UNRA1080 Kagaba Geoffrey SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 0
UNRA0069 Bamuhigire Charles SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 0
UNRA0832 Alum Esther SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 0
UNRA0435 Natugonza Florence SG6 1,383,555 16,602,660 SG6 1,383,555 16,602,660 0
UNRA0248 Byaruhanga Asaph SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 0
UNRA1186 Kooko Iddi Musimame SG6 1,000,000 12,000,000 SG6 1,000,000 12,000,000 0
UNRA0422 Mbabazi Joseph SG6 1,176,246 14,114,952 SG6 1,176,246 14,114,952 0
UNRA0150 Muramyenta Kenneth SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 0
UNRA1175 Negesha Tracy H SG7 975,165 11,701,980 SG7 975,165 11,701,980 0
Vote 113 Uganda National Roads Authority FY 2014/15
Vote Function 0451: National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Program : National roads maintenance
CostCentre: Kabale Station
District : Kabale
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
UNRA0234 Waiswa Stanley Bunkye SG7 818,591 9,823,092 SG7 818,591 9,823,092 0
UNRA0235 Mbonye Charles Nzabarinda SG7 818,591 9,823,092 SG7 818,591 9,823,092 0
UNRA0282 Aliganyira Richard SG7 975,165 11,701,980 SG7 975,165 11,701,980 0
UNRA0293 Mugumbu Abdallah Bidondole SG7 975,165 11,701,980 SG7 975,165 11,701,980 0
UNRA0262 Nagaba Eliabu SG7 975,165 11,701,980 SG7 975,165 11,701,980 0

UNRA0237 Kisadha Samson SG7 818,591 9,823,092 SG7 818,591 9,823,092 0
UNRA0236 Kwesiga Moses Seduraka SG7 818,591 9,823,092 SG7 818,591 9,823,092 0
UNRA0891 Balinda Milton SG8 677,701 8,132,412 SG8 677,701 8,132,412 0
UNRA0892 Aryeija Edson Monday SG8 677,701 8,132,412 SG8 677,701 8,132,412 0
UNRA0423 Achidri Emmanuel SG8 677,701 8,132,412 SG8 677,701 8,132,412 0
UNRA0599 Basalirwa Jotham SG8 750,000 9,000,000 SG8 750,000 9,000,000 0
UNRA0597 Kizito Ibrahim SG8 750,000 9,000,000 SG8 750,000 9,000,000 0
UNRA0538 Nankunda Francis SG8 750,000 9,000,000 SG8 750,000 9,000,000 0
UNRA0689 Mbetabeitu John SG9 416,513 4,998,156 SG9 416,513 4,998,156 0
UNRA0899 Tukamuhabwa William SG9 416,513 4,998,156 SG9 416,513 4,998,156 0
UNRA0904 Birungi Francis SG9 416,513 4,998,156 SG9 416,513 4,998,156 0
UNRA0905 Katusiime Andrew SG9 416,513 4,998,156 SG9 416,513 4,998,156 0
UNRA0906 Turyamureeba Ibrahim SG9 416,513 4,998,156 SG9 416,513 4,998,156 0
UNRA0961 Rugumayo Richard SG9 416,513 4,998,156 SG9 416,513 4,998,156 0
Vote 113 Uganda National Roads Authority FY 2014/15
Vote Function 0451: National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Program : National roads maintenance
CostCentre: Kabale Station
District : Kabale
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
UNRA0962 Mujwisa Edson SG9 416,513 4,998,156 SG9 416,513 4,998,156 0
UNRA0898 Mubangizi Edison SG9 416,513 4,998,156 SG9 416,513 4,998,156 0

CostCentre: Kampala Station

District : Kampala

File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
UNRA0046 Waduwa Wakou Stephen SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 0
UNRA0071 Sseriso Godfrey SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 0
UNRA0606 Wanyama Chrizestom SG5 1,808,623 21,703,476 SG5 1,808,623 21,703,476 0
UNRA1061 Kakaire Erisa W SG5 1,808,623 21,703,476 SG5 1,808,623 21,703,476 0
UNRA0753 Mudangha David SG5 1,808,623 21,703,476 SG5 1,808,623 21,703,476 0
UNRA0882 Luwaga Daniel SG5 1,808,623 21,703,476 SG5 1,808,623 21,703,476 0
UNRA0764 Ngozebwa Racheal SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 0
UNRA0766 Byakagaba Bernard SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 0
UNRA1010 Ssebuliba Kawere Harriet SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 0
UNRA0419 Kasirye Livingstone SG6 1,241,645 14,899,740 SG6 1,241,645 14,899,740 0
UNRA0418 Ssemwanga Fred SG6 1,114,291 13,371,492 SG6 1,114,291 13,371,492 0
UNRA0968 Nyakoojo Alister SG6 1,176,246 14,114,952 SG6 1,176,246 14,114,952 0
Vote 113 Uganda National Roads Authority FY 2014/15
Vote Function 0451: National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Program : National roads maintenance
CostCentre: Kampala Station
District : Kampala
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
UNRA1049 Ahimbisibwe Gershom SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 0
UNRA1072 Walugendo Martin Aspa SG6 1,114,291 13,371,492 SG6 1,114,291 13,371,492 0
UNRA1154 Ssetenda Daniel SG6 1,114,291 13,371,492 SG6 1,114,291 13,371,492 0
UNRA0887 Kaziro Haruna SG6 1,176,246 14,114,952 SG6 1,176,246 14,114,952 0
UNRA0245 Mayito Apollo SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 0

UNRA0267 Sengoye Samuel SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 0
UNRA0159 Nakyanzi Sylvia SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 0
UNRA0315 Kyobe Jude Tadieus SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 0
UNRA0161 Wabwire Paul SG7 975,165 11,701,980 SG7 975,165 11,701,980 0
UNRA1137 MUGABI JOSEPH SG7 600,000 7,200,000 SG7 600,000 7,200,000 0
UNRA1097 Sabwe Deo SG7 975,165 11,701,980 SG7 975,165 11,701,980 0
UNRA1096 Ssebugwawo Denis SG7 975,165 11,701,980 SG7 975,165 11,701,980 0
UNRA1095 Semuddu Eliezer SG7 975,165 11,701,980 SG7 975,165 11,701,980 0
UNRA0321 Bainomugisha James SG7 818,591 9,823,092 SG7 818,591 9,823,092 0
UNRA0414 Bhakit Mousa Muhammed SG7 975,165 11,701,980 SG7 975,165 11,701,980 0
UNRA0320 Kazibwe Abdul SG7 818,591 9,823,092 SG7 818,591 9,823,092 0
UNRA0323 Ssemakula Lameck SG7 818,591 9,823,092 SG7 818,591 9,823,092 0
UNRA0322 Kagimu Joseph SG7 818,591 9,823,092 SG7 818,591 9,823,092 0
UNRA0415 Muyimbwa Joseph SG8 750,000 9,000,000 SG8 750,000 9,000,000 0
Vote 113 Uganda National Roads Authority FY 2014/15
Vote Function 0451: National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Program : National roads maintenance
CostCentre: Kampala Station
District : Kampala
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
UNRA0946 Rugaruka Godfrey SG8 677,701 8,132,412 SG8 677,701 8,132,412 0
UNRA0984 Bamweyana Abdul SG8 677,701 8,132,412 SG8 677,701 8,132,412 0
UNRA0934 Kiwujja Richard SG8 750,000 9,000,000 SG8 750,000 9,000,000 0
UNRA1039 Nkusi Samson Sama R SG8 569,601 6,835,212 SG8 569,601 6,835,212 0
UNRA0506 Ssenkayi George SG8 795,057 9,540,684 SG8 795,057 9,540,684 0

UNRA0416 Musoke John SG8 750,000 9,000,000 SG8 750,000 9,000,000 0
UNRA0412 Kyagera Samuel Kizito SG8 750,000 9,000,000 SG8 750,000 9,000,000 0
UNRA0923 Ssengendo Kigozi Charles SG8 677,701 8,132,412 SG8 677,701 8,132,412 0
UNRA0449 Kyeyune Paul SG8 750,000 9,000,000 SG8 750,000 9,000,000 0
UNRA0381 Ssekanga Silver SG8 750,000 9,000,000 SG8 750,000 9,000,000 0
UNRA0390 Ssekabira John Fred SG8 750,000 9,000,000 SG8 750,000 9,000,000 0
UNRA0645 Mukwaya Samuel SG8 795,057 9,540,684 SG8 795,057 9,540,684 0
UNRA0411 Wanjala G Alex SG8 750,000 9,000,000 SG8 750,000 9,000,000 0
UNRA0979 Kisaale Noah SG9 416,513 4,998,156 SG9 416,513 4,998,156 0
UNRA0526 Waiswa Titus SG9 416,513 4,998,156 SG9 416,513 4,998,156 0
UNRA0931 Yiga Francis SG9 416,513 4,998,156 SG9 416,513 4,998,156 0
UNRA0528 Oriada Peter SG9 416,513 4,998,156 SG9 416,513 4,998,156 0
UNRA0916 Kawuma Bendicto SG9 416,513 4,998,156 SG9 416,513 4,998,156 0
UNRA0943 Munyagwa Robert SG9 416,513 4,998,156 SG9 416,513 4,998,156 0
Vote 113 Uganda National Roads Authority FY 2014/15
Vote Function 0451: National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Program : National roads maintenance
CostCentre: Kampala Station
District : Kampala
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
UNRA0929 Yenga Muhamadi SG9 416,513 4,998,156 SG9 416,513 4,998,156 0
UNRA0525 Musisi Fred SG9 416,513 4,998,156 SG9 416,513 4,998,156 0

CostCentre: Kasese Station

District : Kasese

File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
UNRA0318 Kasawuli J.K Kasumba SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 0
UNRA0076 Lwanga Agnes Bukenya SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 0
UNRA0770 Ssonko George SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 0
UNRA0605 Ngoga Moses SG5 1,808,623 21,703,476 SG5 1,808,623 21,703,476 0
UNRA0860 Okun Jackson SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 0
UNRA0268 Kugonza Robert Senkula SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 0
UNRA0496 Droma Wallace SG6 1,114,291 13,371,492 SG6 1,114,291 13,371,492 0
UNRA0478 Arinaitwe Julius SG6 1,176,246 14,114,952 SG6 1,176,246 14,114,952 0
UNRA0981 Mpirirwe Esther SG6 1,114,291 13,371,492 SG6 1,114,291 13,371,492 0
UNRA0330 Maate Philip SG7 818,591 9,823,092 SG7 818,591 9,823,092 0
UNRA0328 Mukunda Emmanuel SG7 818,591 9,823,092 SG7 818,591 9,823,092 0
UNRA0316 Muwonge Tom SG7 975,165 11,701,980 SG7 975,165 11,701,980 0
Vote 113 Uganda National Roads Authority FY 2014/15
Vote Function 0451: National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Program : National roads maintenance
CostCentre: Kasese Station
District : Kasese
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
UNRA0297 Banyenzaki Didas SG7 975,165 11,701,980 SG7 975,165 11,701,980 0
UNRA0327 Atwine Innocent SG7 818,591 9,823,092 SG7 818,591 9,823,092 0
UNRA0329 Kalyasa Baluku SG7 818,591 9,823,092 SG7 818,591 9,823,092 0
UNRA0285 Ahebwa Fred M.S SG7 975,165 11,701,980 SG7 975,165 11,701,980 0
UNRA0264 Twebaze- Nebyawe Vincent SG7 975,165 11,701,980 SG7 975,165 11,701,980 0

UNRA0982 Hasyaha Swalik SG8 677,701 8,132,412 SG8 677,701 8,132,412 0
UNRA0436 Masereka Fred Balaba SG8 750,000 9,000,000 SG8 750,000 9,000,000 0
UNRA0437 Twinomujuni William SG8 750,000 9,000,000 SG8 750,000 9,000,000 0
UNRA0440 Miiro Sam SG8 750,000 9,000,000 SG8 750,000 9,000,000 0
UNRA0447 Asiimwe Asuman SG8 750,000 9,000,000 SG8 750,000 9,000,000 0
UNRA0448 Burihose Johnson SG8 750,000 9,000,000 SG8 750,000 9,000,000 0
UNRA0980 Kihika Sebastian SG9 416,513 4,998,156 SG9 416,513 4,998,156 0
new staff Lubanga M. Asuman SG9 250,000 3,000,000 SG9 250,000 3,000,000 0
UNRA0523 Byabasaija Francis SG9 416,513 4,998,156 SG9 416,513 4,998,156 0
UNRA0524 Gamukama Hassan SG9 416,513 4,998,156 SG9 416,513 4,998,156 0
UNRA0944 Kahwa Joseph SG9 416,513 4,998,156 SG9 416,513 4,998,156 0

CostCentre: Kitgum Station

Vote 113 Uganda National Roads Authority FY 2014/15
Vote Function 0451: National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Program : National roads maintenance
CostCentre: Kitgum Station
District : Kitgum
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
UNRA0089 Liiki Samuel SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 0
UNRA0340 Otto Ojera Martin SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 0
UNRA0072 Muhwezi Deo Ashaba SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 0
UNRA0368 Geria Felix Osoa SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 0
UNRA0512 Opio Martin SG6 1,736,222 20,834,664 SG6 1,736,222 20,834,664 0

UNRA0761 Mukure David Silali SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 0
UNRA0884 Vule David SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 0
UNRA0176 Okwir Martin SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 0
UNRA0895 Odongo Joseph SG6 1,176,246 14,114,952 SG6 1,176,246 14,114,952 0
UNRA0392 Nambi Juliet SG6 1,114,291 13,371,492 SG6 1,114,291 13,371,492 0
UNRA0894 Isingoma Wilson SG6 1,176,246 14,114,952 SG6 1,176,246 14,114,952 0
UNRA1115 Ocaya Christopher SG7 975,165 11,701,980 SG7 975,165 11,701,980 0
UNRA1070 Ashiraf Adam SG7 795,057 9,540,684 SG7 795,057 9,540,684 0
UNRA0474 Alukionzi Gerald SG7 975,165 11,701,980 SG7 975,165 11,701,980 0
UNRA0370 Anywar Marcellino SG7 818,591 9,823,092 SG7 818,591 9,823,092 0
UNRA0367 Ayella George SG7 818,591 9,823,092 SG7 818,591 9,823,092 0
UNRA0365 Okullo George SG7 975,165 11,701,980 SG7 975,165 11,701,980 0
UNRA0142 Opolot Samson Okiror SG7 975,165 11,701,980 SG7 975,165 11,701,980 0
UNRA0371 Avuti Jimmy SG7 818,591 9,823,092 SG7 818,591 9,823,092 0
Vote 113 Uganda National Roads Authority FY 2014/15
Vote Function 0451: National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Program : National roads maintenance
CostCentre: Kitgum Station
District : Kitgum
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
new staff Otto Simon SG8 648,890 7,786,680 SG8 648,890 7,786,680 0
UNRA0406 Bongomin Francis SG8 750,000 9,000,000 SG8 750,000 9,000,000 0
UNRA0405 Ouma Thomas SG8 750,000 9,000,000 SG8 750,000 9,000,000 0
UNRA0733 Otim John SG8 569,601 6,835,212 SG8 569,601 6,835,212 0
UNRA0801 Bagaga Erusania SG8 677,701 8,132,412 SG8 677,701 8,132,412 0

UNRA0998 Kabuubi Joseph SG8 677,701 8,132,412 SG8 677,701 8,132,412 0
UNRA1047 Odong Charles SG8 677,701 8,132,412 SG8 677,701 8,132,412 0
UNRA0407 Obol Ronald SG8 750,000 9,000,000 SG8 750,000 9,000,000 0

CostCentre: Kotido Station

District : Kotido
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
UNRA1079 Adrole Dennis SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 0
UNRA0914 Kalanzi Richard SG5 1,666,720 20,000,640 SG5 1,666,720 20,000,640 0
UNRA0253 Muhanuzi Samuel SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 0
UNRA0080 Muhangi Martin SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 0
UNRA0494 Obol Jimmy Nerem SG6 1,114,291 13,371,492 SG6 1,114,291 13,371,492 0
UNRA0833 Ojakol James SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 0
Vote 113 Uganda National Roads Authority FY 2014/15
Vote Function 0451: National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Program : National roads maintenance
CostCentre: Kotido Station
District : Kotido
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
UNRA0886 Menya Alfred SG6 2,500,000 30,000,000 SG6 2,500,000 30,000,000 0
UNRA0911 Abago Jane SG6 1,114,291 13,371,492 SG6 1,114,291 13,371,492 0
UNRA0166 Muganzi Martin SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 0
UNRA1040 Ijala John Martin SG6 1,114,291 13,371,492 SG6 1,114,291 13,371,492 0
UNRA1078 Kiyaga Leeta SG6 600,000 7,200,000 SG6 600,000 7,200,000 0

UNRA0263 Opara Musamali Patrick SG7 975,165 11,701,980 SG7 975,165 11,701,980 0
UNRA0314 Peera Ronald SG7 818,591 9,823,092 SG7 818,591 9,823,092 0
UNRA0341 Mutenderi Christopher SG7 818,591 9,823,092 SG7 818,591 9,823,092 0
UNRA1092 Apil Alfred Pilman SG7 975,130 11,701,560 SG7 975,130 11,701,560 0
UNRA0996 Kisirinya John SG8 677,701 8,132,412 SG8 677,701 8,132,412 0
new staff Amutuhire Passy SG8 648,890 7,786,680 SG8 648,890 7,786,680 0
UNRA0702 Emeru Laban SG8 750,000 9,000,000 SG8 750,000 9,000,000 0
UNRA1076 Odeng Samuel SG8 677,701 8,132,412 SG8 677,701 8,132,412 0
UNRA1074 Ogooga Geoffrey SG8 677,701 8,132,412 SG8 677,701 8,132,412 0
UNRA0907 Kyalimpa Dan SG8 677,701 8,132,412 SG8 677,701 8,132,412 0
UNRA0728 Wambi Haruna SG8 569,601 6,835,212 SG8 569,601 6,835,212 0

CostCentre: Lira Station

Vote 113 Uganda National Roads Authority FY 2014/15
Vote Function 0451: National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Program : National roads maintenance
CostCentre: Lira Station
District : Lira
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
UNRA0051 Muhoozi Samuel SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 0
UNRA0042 Opeede Mary Gorretty SG5 3,060,000 36,720,000 SG5 3,060,000 36,720,000 0
UNRA0851 Agona Patrick SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 0
UNRA1161 Kaane Kuuku Moses SG5 1,666,720 20,000,640 SG5 1,666,720 20,000,640 0
UNRA0172 Okech Ben SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 0

UNRA1009 Tumwebaze Deus SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 0
UNRA0252 Ochol Charles SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 0
UNRA1068 Birungi Hadija SG6 1,383,555 16,602,660 SG6 1,383,555 16,602,660 0
UNRA0495 Odongo Ben SG6 1,114,291 13,371,492 SG6 1,114,291 13,371,492 0
UNRA0647 Eyanu Patrick SG6 1,176,246 14,114,952 SG6 1,176,246 14,114,952 0
UNRA0197 Opio Simon SG7 975,165 11,701,980 SG7 975,165 11,701,980 0
UNRA0684 Okaka Moses Willy SG7 975,165 11,701,980 SG7 975,165 11,701,980 0
UNRA0736 Obal Francis Joseph SG7 818,591 9,823,092 SG7 818,591 9,823,092 0
UNRA0663 Oburu James SG7 818,591 9,823,092 SG7 818,591 9,823,092 0
UNRA0196 Okello Okello Anthony SG7 975,165 11,701,980 SG7 975,165 11,701,980 0
UNRA0737 Odana Alex SG7 818,591 9,823,092 SG7 818,591 9,823,092 0
UNRA0281 Ochieng Deo SG7 975,165 11,701,980 SG7 975,165 11,701,980 0
UNRA0360 Etubi Patrick SG7 975,165 11,701,980 SG7 975,165 11,701,980 0
UNRA0692 Oyie Serafino SG7 818,591 9,823,092 SG7 818,591 9,823,092 0
Vote 113 Uganda National Roads Authority FY 2014/15
Vote Function 0451: National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Program : National roads maintenance
CostCentre: Lira Station
District : Lira
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
UNRA0192 Omara Silvest SG7 975,165 11,701,980 SG7 975,165 11,701,980 0
UNRA0662 Batte Fred SG8 750,000 9,000,000 SG8 750,000 9,000,000 0
UNRA0651 Ezimo Patrick SG8 750,000 9,000,000 SG8 750,000 9,000,000 0
UNRA0493 Owona D George SG8 750,000 9,000,000 SG8 750,000 9,000,000 0
UNRA0661 Oyao Mark SG8 750,000 9,000,000 SG8 750,000 9,000,000 0

UNRA0691 Tyan Patrick SG9 416,513 4,998,156 SG9 416,513 4,998,156 0
UNRA0685 Opio Samuel SG9 416,513 4,998,156 SG9 416,513 4,998,156 0
UNRA0664 Omodo Aron Bob SG9 416,513 4,998,156 SG9 416,513 4,998,156 0
new staff Ibembe Moses SG9 250,000 3,000,000 SG9 250,000 3,000,000 0

CostCentre: Luweero Station

District : Luwero
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
UNRA0086 Inyensiko George Kyobe SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 0
UNRA0171 Ssekamatte Lwalala Patrick SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 0
UNRA0849 Walusimbi Daniel Kimuli SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 0
UNRA0883 Lubega John Baptist SG5 1,808,623 21,703,476 SG5 1,808,623 21,703,476 0
UNRA0123 Kembabazi Ruth SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 0
Vote 113 Uganda National Roads Authority FY 2014/15
Vote Function 0451: National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Program : National roads maintenance
CostCentre: Luweero Station
District : Luwero
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
UNRA0754 Kiswiriri Swalik SG5 1,808,623 21,703,476 SG5 1,808,623 21,703,476 0
UNRA1066 Asaba Benard SG6 1,117,291 13,407,492 SG6 1,117,291 13,407,492 0
UNRA0618 Kavuma Edward Ssemujju SG6 545,386 6,544,632 SG6 545,386 6,544,632 0
UNRA0477 Emou Joseph SG6 1,114,291 13,371,492 SG6 1,114,291 13,371,492 0
UNRA0394 Namwebe Margaret SG6 1,383,555 16,602,660 SG6 1,383,555 16,602,660 0

UNRA1073 Walukhu Robert SG6 1,114,291 13,371,492 SG6 1,114,291 13,371,492 0
UNRA0226 Semwogerere Isaac SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 0
UNRA0173 Ocitti Richard SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 0
UNRA0190 Wamalwa Andrew SG7 975,165 11,701,980 SG7 975,165 11,701,980 0
UNRA0781 Mwebaze Elly Kafeero SG7 795,057 9,540,684 SG7 795,057 9,540,684 0
UNRA1111 Kalangwa John SG7 947,130 11,365,560 SG7 947,130 11,365,560 0
UNRA1123 Kasozi Paul SG7 750,000 9,000,000 SG7 750,000 9,000,000 0
UNRA1168 Denga Yosia SG7 1,627,400 19,528,800 SG7 1,627,400 19,528,800 0
UNRA0798 Lule William SG7 795,057 9,540,684 SG7 795,057 9,540,684 0
UNRA0187 Katongole Godfrey Waliggo SG7 975,165 11,701,980 SG7 975,165 11,701,980 0
UNRA0266 Akunguru Adam SG7 818,591 9,823,092 SG7 818,591 9,823,092 0
UNRA0209 Lugolobi Geoffrey SG7 818,591 9,823,092 SG7 818,591 9,823,092 0
UNRA0566 Kyomuhendo Francis SG7 975,165 11,701,980 SG7 975,165 11,701,980 0
UNRA0210 Dumba Hakim SG7 818,591 9,823,092 SG7 818,591 9,823,092 0
Vote 113 Uganda National Roads Authority FY 2014/15
Vote Function 0451: National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Program : National roads maintenance
CostCentre: Luweero Station
District : Luwero
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
UNRA0238 Munene John SG7 818,591 9,823,092 SG7 818,591 9,823,092 0
UNRA0361 Muzungu Tom SG7 818,591 9,823,092 SG7 818,591 9,823,092 0
UNRA0286 Olokojo Charles SG7 975,165 11,701,980 SG7 975,165 11,701,980 0
UNRA1011 Ogen Charles SG8 569,601 6,835,212 SG8 569,601 6,835,212 0
UNRA0570 Katumba Hamuza SG8 750,000 9,000,000 SG8 750,000 9,000,000 0

UNRA0948 Senabulya Livingstone SG8 677,701 8,132,412 SG8 677,701 8,132,412 0
UNRA0650 Ojuka Walter SG8 750,000 9,000,000 SG8 750,000 9,000,000 0
UNRA0612 Egunyu Moses Sam SG8 750,000 9,000,000 SG8 750,000 9,000,000 0
UNRA0571 Hangi Patrick SG8 750,000 9,000,000 SG8 750,000 9,000,000 0
UNRA0504 Ssemugenyi Charles SG8 545,386 6,544,632 SG8 545,386 6,544,632 0
UNRA0574 Mwasa Titus SG8 750,000 9,000,000 SG8 750,000 9,000,000 0
UNRA1200 Kabundu Joram SG9 250,000 3,000,000 SG9 250,000 3,000,000 0
UNRA1201 Salimo John Anan SG9 250,000 3,000,000 SG9 250,000 3,000,000 0
UNRA1203 Kato Jackson SG9 250,000 3,000,000 SG9 250,000 3,000,000 0
UNRA1204 Mwogeza Esther SG9 250,000 3,000,000 SG9 250,000 3,000,000 0
UNRA0441 Kalyowa Lazio SG9 416,513 4,998,156 SG9 416,513 4,998,156 0
UNRA0583 Sekisambu Ali SG9 416,513 4,998,156 SG9 416,513 4,998,156 0
UNRA0582 Oyoo Lawrence SG9 416,513 4,998,156 SG9 416,513 4,998,156 0
UNRA0581 Isabirye Mawazi SG9 416,513 4,998,156 SG9 416,513 4,998,156 0
Vote 113 Uganda National Roads Authority FY 2014/15
Vote Function 0451: National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Program : National roads maintenance
CostCentre: Luweero Station
District : Luwero
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
UNRA0580 Ssekito Maliko SG9 416,513 4,998,156 SG9 416,513 4,998,156 0
UNRA0579 Seninde Isaac SG9 416,513 4,998,156 SG9 416,513 4,998,156 0
UNRA0600 Nyafwono Esther Ruth SG9 272,200 3,266,400 SG9 272,200 3,266,400 0

CostCentre: Masaka Station

District : Masaka

File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
UNRA0087 Seninde Stephen SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 0
UNRA0715 Baguma Robert SG5 1,808,623 21,703,476 SG5 1,808,623 21,703,476 0
UNRA0272 Kirinnya Francis SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 0
UNRA0765 Sooka Nelson SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 0
UNRA0081 Walusimbi Simon SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 0
UNRA0853 Ddibya Paul SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 0
UNRA0462 Waluhungu Solomon SG6 1,114,291 13,371,492 SG6 1,114,291 13,371,492 0
UNRA0454 Nansubuga Immaculate SG6 1,383,555 16,602,660 SG6 1,383,555 16,602,660 0
UNRA0425 Ssekandi Robert SG6 1,114,291 13,371,492 SG6 1,114,291 13,371,492 0
UNRA0875 Muwanga Hannington SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 0
UNRA0880 Muhwezi Elkanah B SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 0
Vote 113 Uganda National Roads Authority FY 2014/15
Vote Function 0451: National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Program : National roads maintenance
CostCentre: Masaka Station
District : Masaka
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
UNRA0295 Kazibwe Boaz SG7 975,165 11,701,980 SG7 975,165 11,701,980 0
UNRA1118 Adhola Derrick SG7 750,000 9,000,000 SG7 750,000 9,000,000 0
UNRA0326 Byakatonda David SG7 818,591 9,823,092 SG7 818,591 9,823,092 0
UNRA0796 Bateganya Francis SG7 795,057 9,540,684 SG7 795,057 9,540,684 0
UNRA0298 Ssekamalira Martin SG7 818,591 9,823,092 SG7 818,591 9,823,092 0

UNRA0294 Muganza Sammy SG7 975,165 11,701,980 SG7 975,165 11,701,980 0
UNRA0284 Kataryeba Elias SG7 975,165 11,701,980 SG7 975,165 11,701,980 0
UNRA0223 Busobozi Abubakar SG7 975,165 11,701,980 SG7 975,165 11,701,980 0
UNRA0299 Mbusa David SG7 818,591 9,823,092 SG7 818,591 9,823,092 0
UNRA0997 Lwanga Julius SG8 677,701 8,132,412 SG8 677,701 8,132,412 0
UNRA0354 Mugaya Robert SG8 750,000 9,000,000 SG8 750,000 9,000,000 0
UNRA0999 Ssembatya Ponsiano SG8 677,701 8,132,412 SG8 677,701 8,132,412 0
UNRA1008 Kyomuhendo Rachael SG8 795,057 9,540,684 SG8 795,057 9,540,684 0
UNRA1051 Kasule Lawrence SG8 677,701 8,132,412 SG8 677,701 8,132,412 0
UNRA1032 Muganga Moses SG8 677,701 8,132,412 SG8 677,701 8,132,412 0
UNRA0357 Kyombe Joseph SG8 750,000 9,000,000 SG8 750,000 9,000,000 0
UNRA0355 Kiwanuka Tiifu SG8 750,000 9,000,000 SG8 750,000 9,000,000 0
UNRA0353 Bonabantu Innocent SG8 750,000 9,000,000 SG8 750,000 9,000,000 0
00000 Lubega Lwarence SG8 648,890 7,786,680 SG8 648,890 7,786,680 0
Vote 113 Uganda National Roads Authority FY 2014/15
Vote Function 0451: National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Program : National roads maintenance
CostCentre: Masaka Station
District : Masaka
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
0000 Ssembuya Joseph SG8 648,890 7,786,680 SG8 648,890 7,786,680 0
UNRA1036 Katongole Douglas SG8 677,701 8,132,412 SG8 677,701 8,132,412 0
UNRA0356 Kanyike John SG8 750,000 9,000,000 SG8 750,000 9,000,000 0
UNRA1194 Semu Samuel SG9 250,000 3,000,000 SG9 250,000 3,000,000 0
UNRA1035 Mutebi Frank SG9 416,513 4,998,156 SG9 416,513 4,998,156 0

UNRA1034 Kibirige Ronald SG9 416,513 4,998,156 SG9 416,513 4,998,156 0
UNRA0511 Namara Benon SG9 416,513 4,998,156 SG9 416,513 4,998,156 0
UNRA1023 Mugume John SG9 272,200 3,266,400 SG9 272,200 3,266,400 0
UNRA0531 Were Besweri SG9 416,513 4,998,156 SG9 416,513 4,998,156 0
UNRA0530 Kabanda Emmanuel SG9 416,513 4,998,156 SG9 416,513 4,998,156 0
UNRA1044 Nabuduwa Catherine SG9 272,200 3,266,400 SG9 272,200 3,266,400 0

CostCentre: Masindi Station

District : Masindi
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
UNRA0096 Mulondo Saul SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 0
UNRA0852 Wanume David SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 0
UNRA0759 Lwebuga K Daniel SG5 1,808,623 21,703,476 SG5 1,808,623 21,703,476 0
Vote 113 Uganda National Roads Authority FY 2014/15
Vote Function 0451: National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Program : National roads maintenance
CostCentre: Masindi Station
District : Masindi
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
UNRA0041 Mwaka Emmanuel SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 0
UNRA1084 Mugisha Benon SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 0
UNRA0461 Kiggundu Charles SG6 1,176,246 14,114,952 SG6 1,176,246 14,114,952 0
UNRA0642 Nelcolne Ibrahim SG6 1,114,291 13,371,492 SG6 1,114,291 13,371,492 0
UNRA0643 Opolot Paul SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 0

UNRA0229 Mpabaisi Leonard Tomson SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 0
UNRA0542 Byakagaba Herbert K SG6 818,591 9,823,092 SG6 818,591 9,823,092 0
UNRA0949 Tekereza Kevina SG6 1,114,291 13,371,492 SG6 1,114,291 13,371,492 0
UNRA0500 Muhumuza David SG6 1,114,291 13,371,492 SG6 1,114,291 13,371,492 0
UNRA0167 Wanyama Abbey SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 0
UNRA1128 Muhumuza Moses SG7 648,890 7,786,680 SG7 648,890 7,786,680 0
UNRA1132 TEIRA Iduli Alex Sam SG7 947,130 11,365,560 SG7 947,130 11,365,560 0
UNRA1098 Ssekago Francis SG7 975,165 11,701,980 SG7 975,165 11,701,980 0
UNRA0208 Bagonza Richard SG7 818,591 9,823,092 SG7 818,591 9,823,092 0
UNRA0137 Byenkya Douglaus SG7 975,165 11,701,980 SG7 975,165 11,701,980 0
UNRA0194 Ekanya Malson B SG7 975,165 11,701,980 SG7 975,165 11,701,980 0
UNRA0205 Obia Tadeo SG7 818,591 9,823,092 SG7 818,591 9,823,092 0
UNRA0207 Assimwe Ronald SG7 818,591 9,823,092 SG7 818,591 9,823,092 0
UNRA0219 Kayaga George SG7 818,591 9,823,092 SG7 818,591 9,823,092 0
Vote 113 Uganda National Roads Authority FY 2014/15
Vote Function 0451: National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Program : National roads maintenance
CostCentre: Masindi Station
District : Masindi
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
UNRA0803 Kissa Santos Nino SG8 795,057 9,540,684 SG8 795,057 9,540,684 0
UNRA1179 Kazibwe Godfrey SG8 522,200 6,266,400 SG8 522,200 6,266,400 0
UNRA0401 Jakolya Patrick SG8 750,000 9,000,000 SG8 750,000 9,000,000 0
UNRA0499 Ssemanda John Bosco SG8 677,701 8,132,412 SG8 677,701 8,132,412 0
UNRA0972 Masaba Yolamu SG8 677,701 8,132,412 SG8 677,701 8,132,412 0

UNRA0404 Kabagambe Christopher SG8 750,000 9,000,000 SG8 750,000 9,000,000 0
UNRA0609 Wanyama Richard Egesa SG8 569,601 6,835,212 SG8 569,601 6,835,212 0
new staff Katusabe John Bosco SG8 648,890 7,786,680 SG8 648,890 7,786,680 0
UNRA0554 Kajuma Abdulkahar SG9 416,513 4,998,156 SG9 416,513 4,998,156 0
UNRA1174 Kyaligonza Tom SG9 594,891 7,138,692 SG9 594,891 7,138,692 0
UNRA0954 Nyakaisiki Lydia SG9 416,513 4,998,156 SG9 416,513 4,998,156 0

CostCentre: Mbale Station

District : Mbale
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
UNRA0112 Wani Isaac SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 0
UNRA0747 Kiganda Bennice SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 0
UNRA0751 Ogik Alfred SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 0
Vote 113 Uganda National Roads Authority FY 2014/15
Vote Function 0451: National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Program : National roads maintenance
CostCentre: Mbale Station
District : Mbale
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
UNRA0760 Osilo Tom SG5 1,808,623 21,703,476 SG5 1,808,623 21,703,476 0
UNRA0082 Mwesige James SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 0
UNRA1169 Atuhairwe Gerald SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 0
UNRA1038 Okot Moses Anyude SG6 1,176,246 14,114,952 SG6 1,176,246 14,114,952 0
UNRA0890 Kakai Ronah Sarah SG6 1,114,291 13,371,492 SG6 1,114,291 13,371,492 0

UNRA0859 Butanga Robert SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 0
UNRA0590 Ewichu Robert SG6 1,176,246 14,114,952 SG6 1,176,246 14,114,952 0
UNRA0270 Nakombe Dinah SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 0
UNRA0250 Wasike James B SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 0
UNRA0163 Byaruhanga Anatoli SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 0
UNRA0638 Wetaka Franco SG7 818,591 9,823,092 SG7 818,591 9,823,092 0
UNRA1107 Ipodu Irene SG7 975,165 11,701,980 SG7 975,165 11,701,980 0
UNRA0383 Magemeso Deogratius SG7 975,165 11,701,980 SG7 975,165 11,701,980 0
UNRA0274 Kizza Stephen SG7 818,591 9,823,092 SG7 818,591 9,823,092 0
UNRA0278 Mulisya Sanyu Matia SG7 818,591 9,823,092 SG7 818,591 9,823,092 0
UNRA0310 Mukasa Joseph SG7 818,591 9,823,092 SG7 818,591 9,823,092 0
UNRA0292 Mafabi J.N Nabudere SG7 975,165 11,701,980 SG7 975,165 11,701,980 0
UNRA0289 Sendagire Charles SG7 975,165 11,701,980 SG7 975,165 11,701,980 0
UNRA0143 Muzaale Richie SG7 975,165 11,701,980 SG7 975,165 11,701,980 0
Vote 113 Uganda National Roads Authority FY 2014/15
Vote Function 0451: National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Program : National roads maintenance
CostCentre: Mbale Station
District : Mbale
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
UNRA0279 Musoga Nathan SG7 818,591 9,823,092 SG7 818,591 9,823,092 0
UNRA0366 Okadapao Noah SG7 818,591 9,823,092 SG7 818,591 9,823,092 0
UNRA0151 Gutaka Haggy Citylux SG7 975,165 11,701,980 SG7 975,165 11,701,980 0
UNRA0276 Ssemanobe Bernard SG7 818,591 9,823,092 SG7 818,591 9,823,092 0
UNRA0277 Mwebaze Danson SG7 818,591 9,823,092 SG7 818,591 9,823,092 0

UNRA0275 Kiyindi Damascus SG7 818,591 9,823,092 SG7 818,591 9,823,092 0
UNRA0483 Wanjala Stephen SG8 750,000 9,000,000 SG8 750,000 9,000,000 0
UNRA1000 Odong Kagwa Paul SG8 677,701 8,132,412 SG8 677,701 8,132,412 0
UNRA1027 Musoke Asuman SG8 795,057 9,540,684 SG8 795,057 9,540,684 0
UNRA1028 Membe Keith SG8 795,057 9,540,684 SG8 795,057 9,540,684 0
UNRA0975 Tigasitwa Stephen SG8 677,701 8,132,412 SG8 677,701 8,132,412 0
UNRA0426 Dyogo Moses SG8 750,000 9,000,000 SG8 750,000 9,000,000 0
UNRA0485 Odong Yakub SG8 677,701 8,132,412 SG8 677,701 8,132,412 0
UNRA0727 Mutebe Ahamada SG8 569,601 6,835,212 SG8 569,601 6,835,212 0
UNRA0479 Baraza Stephen SG8 677,701 8,132,412 SG8 677,701 8,132,412 0
UNRA0484 Maderu Ibrahim SG8 750,000 9,000,000 SG8 750,000 9,000,000 0
UNRA0486 Bazira Ganatiyo SG8 750,000 9,000,000 SG8 750,000 9,000,000 0
UNRA1192 Kitakufe Isaac SG9 250,000 3,000,000 SG9 250,000 3,000,000 0
UNRA0434 Ajoot Gorretti Mary SG9 272,200 3,266,400 SG9 272,200 3,266,400 0
Vote 113 Uganda National Roads Authority FY 2014/15
Vote Function 0451: National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Program : National roads maintenance
CostCentre: Mbale Station
District : Mbale
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
UNRA1064 Ssekimu Benard Mutanga SG9 272,200 3,266,400 SG9 272,200 3,266,400 0
UNRA0587 Okulara Samuel SG9 416,513 4,998,156 SG9 416,513 4,998,156 0
UNRA0634 Hahulo Ivan SG9 416,513 4,998,156 SG9 416,513 4,998,156 0
UNRA0903 Walusati Ramathan SG9 416,513 4,998,156 SG9 416,513 4,998,156 0
UNRA0902 Wanyaye Ali SG9 416,513 4,998,156 SG9 416,513 4,998,156 0

UNRA0900 Massa Henry Waduwa SG9 416,513 4,998,156 SG9 416,513 4,998,156 0
UNRA0897 Kiirya Danis SG9 416,513 4,998,156 SG9 416,513 4,998,156 0
UNRA0588 Okae Henry SG9 416,513 4,998,156 SG9 416,513 4,998,156 0
UNRA0589 Akol Charles SG9 416,513 4,998,156 SG9 416,513 4,998,156 0
UNRA0636 Otung Francis SG9 416,513 4,998,156 SG9 416,513 4,998,156 0
UNRA0951 Ochieng Stephen Obbo SG9 416,513 4,998,156 SG9 416,513 4,998,156 0

CostCentre: Mbarara Station

District : Mbarara
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
UNRA0130 Abenaitwe Turyamureeba Asaph SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 0
UNRA0307 Turyamureeba Perez SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 0
UNRA0607 Tumwesigye Amon SG5 1,808,623 21,703,476 SG5 1,808,623 21,703,476 0
Vote 113 Uganda National Roads Authority FY 2014/15
Vote Function 0451: National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Program : National roads maintenance
CostCentre: Mbarara Station
District : Mbarara
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
UNRA1056 Businge Richard SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 0
UNRA0131 Babu Peter SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 0
UNRA1177 Lusundo Fred Moses SG6 1,460,480 17,525,760 SG6 1,460,480 17,525,760 0
UNRA0840 Jabo Godfrey SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 0
UNRA0181 Mpamire Henry George SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 0

UNRA0244 Mukwaya Sanyu Vincent SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 0
UNRA0497 Kahooza Emmanuel SG6 1,114,291 13,371,492 SG6 1,114,291 13,371,492 0
UNRA0455 Kaitesi Daria SG6 1,114,291 13,371,492 SG6 1,114,291 13,371,492 0
UNRA0283 Begumanya Anatoli SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 0
UNRA1019 Mwesigwa Anatoli SG6 1,176,246 14,114,952 SG6 1,176,246 14,114,952 0
UNRA0177 Kidde Tadeo SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 0
UNRA0350 Okello Robert SG7 818,591 9,823,092 SG7 818,591 9,823,092 0
UNRA1089 Kalungi Siraji SG7 975,165 11,701,980 SG7 975,165 11,701,980 0
UNRA0351 Budigi Frankton SG7 818,591 9,823,092 SG7 818,591 9,823,092 0
UNRA0349 Sekitte Herbert SG7 818,591 9,823,092 SG7 818,591 9,823,092 0
UNRA0348 Mwesigwa Samson SG7 818,591 9,823,092 SG7 818,591 9,823,092 0
UNRA0346 Butamanya Hamu SG7 818,591 9,823,092 SG7 818,591 9,823,092 0
UNRA0296 Ntwirenabo Coleb SG7 1,460,480 17,525,760 SG7 1,460,480 17,525,760 0
UNRA0258 Ojera George Stephenson SG7 975,165 11,701,980 SG7 975,165 11,701,980 0
Vote 113 Uganda National Roads Authority FY 2014/15
Vote Function 0451: National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Program : National roads maintenance
CostCentre: Mbarara Station
District : Mbarara
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
UNRA0255 Nuwagira Benson SG7 975,165 11,701,980 SG7 975,165 11,701,980 0
UNRA0222 Kahanguzi Eligious SG7 975,165 11,701,980 SG7 975,165 11,701,980 0
UNRA0185 Tinkasimire Alison SG7 975,165 11,701,980 SG7 975,165 11,701,980 0
UNRA1100 Okure Richard Peter SG7 975,165 11,701,980 SG7 975,165 11,701,980 0
UNRA1121 Lukanga Henry SG7 750,000 9,000,000 SG7 750,000 9,000,000 0

UNRA0201 Musindi Eryabu Sunday SG7 975,165 11,701,980 SG7 975,165 11,701,980 0
UNRA1060 Wabuna Lawrence SG8 677,701 8,132,412 SG8 677,701 8,132,412 0
UNRA0995 Tumwesigye Johnson SG8 677,701 8,132,412 SG8 677,701 8,132,412 0
UNRA0967 Rutaremwa Abel SG8 677,701 8,132,412 SG8 677,701 8,132,412 0
UNRA0966 Kasingye Francis SG8 677,701 8,132,412 SG8 677,701 8,132,412 0
UNRA0442 Busulwa Twaha SG8 750,000 9,000,000 SG8 750,000 9,000,000 0
UNRA0821 Twesigye Mbona Bonny SG8 750,000 9,000,000 SG8 750,000 9,000,000 0
UNRA1018 Mayanja Sadat SG8 818,591 9,823,092 SG8 818,591 9,823,092 0
000 Tweheyo Esau SG8 648,890 7,786,680 SG8 648,890 7,786,680 0
UNRA0445 Kakuru Johnson SG8 750,000 9,000,000 SG8 750,000 9,000,000 0
UNRA0735 Mujuni Primus SG8 569,601 6,835,212 SG8 569,601 6,835,212 0
UNRA0734 Bambeija Asaph K SG8 569,601 6,835,212 SG8 569,601 6,835,212 0
UNRA0959 Sabiiti Godfrey SG9 416,513 4,998,156 SG9 416,513 4,998,156 0
UNRA0671 Bahati Edward SG9 416,513 4,998,156 SG9 416,513 4,998,156 0
Vote 113 Uganda National Roads Authority FY 2014/15
Vote Function 0451: National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Program : National roads maintenance
CostCentre: Mbarara Station
District : Mbarara
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
UNRA0669 Karuhanga Edison SG9 416,513 4,998,156 SG9 416,513 4,998,156 0
UNRA0668 Fungaro Charles SG9 416,513 4,998,156 SG9 416,513 4,998,156 0
UNRA1024 Kimera Henry SG9 272,200 3,266,400 SG9 272,200 3,266,400 0
UNRA1025 Tindimweba Caroline SG9 272,200 3,266,400 SG9 272,200 3,266,400 0
UNRA0667 Omedel Moses SG9 416,513 4,998,156 SG9 416,513 4,998,156 0

UNRA0958 Karwemera Godfrey SG9 416,513 4,998,156 SG9 416,513 4,998,156 0
UNRA0964 Beyendeza Chris SG9 416,513 4,998,156 SG9 416,513 4,998,156 0
0000 Mulwana Samuel SG9 250,000 3,000,000 SG9 250,000 3,000,000 0

CostCentre: Mobile
District :
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
UNRA1031 Ancungwire Shoudour SG8 795,057 9,540,684 SG8 795,057 9,540,684 0
000000 Mutenyo Fred Pat SG9 250,000 3,000,000 SG9 250,000 3,000,000 0

CostCentre: Moroto Station

Vote 113 Uganda National Roads Authority FY 2014/15
Vote Function 0451: National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Program : National roads maintenance
CostCentre: Moroto Station
District : Moroto
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
UNRA0106 Ssentamu Hassan SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 0
UNRA0823 Mwidu George SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 0
UNRA0424 Ouma Micheal SG6 1,114,291 13,371,492 SG6 1,114,291 13,371,492 0
UNRA0331 Awoii Ahmad Okwir SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 0
UNRA1163 Kasaka Godfrey SG6 1,055,600 12,667,200 SG6 1,055,600 12,667,200 0

UNRA0376 Akol Andrew G SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 0
UNRA1004 Tukei Jane Francis SG6 1,114,291 13,371,492 SG6 1,114,291 13,371,492 0
UNRA0862 Emmu James Othieno SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 0
UNRA0774 Kayingo David SG6 1,808,623 21,703,476 SG6 1,808,623 21,703,476 0
UNRA0457 Wandera James SG7 818,591 9,823,092 SG7 818,591 9,823,092 0
UNRA0375 Olila James SG7 975,165 11,701,980 SG7 975,165 11,701,980 0
UNRA0409 Kityo Stephen SG7 818,591 9,823,092 SG7 818,591 9,823,092 0
UNRA0408 Maloba Fred SG7 818,591 9,823,092 SG7 818,591 9,823,092 0
UNRA0384 Onapa James SG7 975,165 11,701,980 SG7 975,165 11,701,980 0
UNRA0387 Walyaula Deo SG7 975,165 11,701,980 SG7 975,165 11,701,980 0
new staff Mayanja Henry SG8 648,890 7,786,680 SG8 648,890 7,786,680 0
UNRA1162 Musenero Christopher SG8 750,000 9,000,000 SG8 750,000 9,000,000 0
UNRA1012 Echatu Francis SG8 677,701 8,132,412 SG8 677,701 8,132,412 0
UNRA0876 Opor Lawrence SG8 750,000 9,000,000 SG8 750,000 9,000,000 0
Vote 113 Uganda National Roads Authority FY 2014/15
Vote Function 0451: National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Program : National roads maintenance
CostCentre: Moroto Station
District : Moroto
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
UNRA0391 Mudoko M Stephen SG8 750,000 9,000,000 SG8 750,000 9,000,000 0
UNRA0393 Emolu James SG8 750,000 9,000,000 SG8 750,000 9,000,000 0
UNRA0703 Mutalage Ronald SG8 569,601 6,835,212 SG8 569,601 6,835,212 0
UNRA0594 Wamono Micheal Wanjala SG8 677,701 8,132,412 SG8 677,701 8,132,412 0
UNRA0826 Lomera Micheal SG8 569,601 6,835,212 SG8 569,601 6,835,212 0

CostCentre: Moyo Station
District : Moyo
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
UNRA0750 Katongole Umar SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 0
UNRA0257 Asaba Patrick SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 0
UNRA1063 Omark Speke SG5 1,808,623 21,703,476 SG5 1,808,623 21,703,476 0
UNRA0110 Mwandha Alex SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 0
UNRA0755 Osinde James SG5 1,808,623 21,703,476 SG5 1,808,623 21,703,476 0
UNRA0107 Isabirye Christopher SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 0
UNRA0856 Rutebarika Frank SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 0
UNRA0845 Mwoda Francis SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 0
UNRA0940 Edyangu Cecilia SG6 1,114,291 13,371,492 SG6 1,114,291 13,371,492 0
Vote 113 Uganda National Roads Authority FY 2014/15
Vote Function 0451: National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Program : National roads maintenance
CostCentre: Moyo Station
District : Moyo
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
UNRA0993 Okiror Charles SG6 1,176,246 14,114,952 SG6 1,176,246 14,114,952 0
UNRA1067 Bisase Stephen SG6 1,114,291 13,371,492 SG6 1,114,291 13,371,492 0
UNRA1075 Atim Robert SG6 1,114,291 13,371,492 SG6 1,114,291 13,371,492 0
UNRA1188 Bagumisiriza John SG6 1,055,600 12,667,200 SG6 1,055,600 12,667,200 0
UNRA0613 Esedu Patrick SG6 1,114,291 13,371,492 SG6 1,114,291 13,371,492 0

UNRA1071 Ogwang Fred SG6 1,114,291 13,371,492 SG6 1,114,291 13,371,492 0
UNRA0141 Okello Michael Arom SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 0
UNRA0546 Onywal Geoffrey SG6 795,057 9,540,684 SG6 795,057 9,540,684 0
UNRA0290 Sendyowa Samuel SG6 1,460,480 17,525,760 SG6 1,460,480 17,525,760 0
UNRA1109 Onen Johnson SG7 975,165 11,701,980 SG7 975,165 11,701,980 0
UNRA0204 Anyasi Johnny SG7 975,165 11,701,980 SG7 975,165 11,701,980 0
UNRA0224 Arum Simon Peter SG7 975,165 11,701,980 SG7 975,165 11,701,980 0
UNRA0339 Agoi Christopher SG7 818,591 9,823,092 SG7 818,591 9,823,092 0
UNRA0337 Abaza Victor SG7 818,591 9,823,092 SG7 818,591 9,823,092 0
UNRA0336 Acidri Jackson SG7 818,591 9,823,092 SG7 818,591 9,823,092 0
UNRA0611 Ogwang David SG8 545,386 6,544,632 SG8 545,386 6,544,632 0
UNRA1005 Endreonzi Orisino SG8 677,701 8,132,412 SG8 677,701 8,132,412 0
UNRA1182 Twesige Fred SG8 500,000 6,000,000 SG8 500,000 6,000,000 0
UNRA0977 Okema Ochaya Fred SG8 569,601 6,835,212 SG8 569,601 6,835,212 0
Vote 113 Uganda National Roads Authority FY 2014/15
Vote Function 0451: National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Program : National roads maintenance
CostCentre: Moyo Station
District : Moyo
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
UNRA0681 Drichi Robert SG8 795,057 9,540,684 SG8 795,057 9,540,684 0
UNRA0490 Tiga Paskal SG8 750,000 9,000,000 SG8 750,000 9,000,000 0
UNRA0508 Drakuni Samuel SG8 750,000 9,000,000 SG8 750,000 9,000,000 0
UNRA0509 Jurua Patrick SG8 750,000 9,000,000 SG8 750,000 9,000,000 0
UNRA0683 Anyama Dominic SG8 795,057 9,540,684 SG8 795,057 9,540,684 0

UNRA0713 Otho Johnson SG8 818,591 9,823,092 SG8 818,591 9,823,092 0
new staff Candia John SG8 648,890 7,786,680 SG8 648,890 7,786,680 0

CostCentre: Mpigi Station

District : Mpigi
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
UNRA0083 Matovu Ishaaka Musisi SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 0
UNRA0881 Lwanga Joseph SG5 1,808,623 21,703,476 SG5 1,808,623 21,703,476 0
UNRA0271 Matovu Adam Muhammad SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 0
UNRA0247 Asiimwe Jacob Kameraho SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 0
UNRA0714 Waiswa Tito SG5 1,808,623 21,703,476 SG5 1,808,623 21,703,476 0
UNRA0868 Abalo Brenda SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 0
UNRA0930 Baboola David SG6 1,114,291 13,371,492 SG6 1,114,291 13,371,492 0
Vote 113 Uganda National Roads Authority FY 2014/15
Vote Function 0451: National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Program : National roads maintenance
CostCentre: Mpigi Station
District : Mpigi
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
UNRA0843 Odong Agea Salim SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 0
UNRA0837 Ndyamuba Godfrey SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 0
UNRA0165 Ssebabi Kakooza Robert SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 0
UNRA0228 Barente Gilbert SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 0
UNRA0994 Mande Shedrick SG6 1,176,246 14,114,952 SG6 1,176,246 14,114,952 0

UNRA0463 Drasi Francis SG6 1,114,291 13,371,492 SG6 1,114,291 13,371,492 0
UNRA0992 Namisango Faridah SG6 1,383,555 16,602,660 SG6 1,383,555 16,602,660 0
UNRA0545 Otwiya Benson SG6 772,200 9,266,400 SG6 772,200 9,266,400 0
UNRA0866 Wokorach Alfred SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 0
UNRA0213 Musenze Badru SG7 818,591 9,823,092 SG7 818,591 9,823,092 0
UNRA1113 Ssembajjwe Ssebbowa Anthony SG7 947,130 11,365,560 SG7 947,130 11,365,560 0
UNRA0212 Ssemakula Sam SG7 818,591 9,823,092 SG7 818,591 9,823,092 0
UNRA0129 Ahurra Julius SG7 975,165 11,701,980 SG7 975,165 11,701,980 0
UNRA0179 Ssemakula Raphael SG7 975,165 11,701,980 SG7 975,165 11,701,980 0
UNRA0221 Hudson Tamale SG7 975,165 11,701,980 SG7 975,165 11,701,980 0
UNRA0211 Obong Alex SG7 818,591 9,823,092 SG7 818,591 9,823,092 0
UNRA0214 Acidri Paul SG7 818,591 9,823,092 SG7 818,591 9,823,092 0
UNRA0989 Tumwine Joseph SG8 677,701 8,132,412 SG8 677,701 8,132,412 0
UNRA0428 Kafeero Tony SG8 750,000 9,000,000 SG8 750,000 9,000,000 0
Vote 113 Uganda National Roads Authority FY 2014/15
Vote Function 0451: National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Program : National roads maintenance
CostCentre: Mpigi Station
District : Mpigi
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
UNRA0433 Mukasa Ssekitoleko Henry SG8 750,000 9,000,000 SG8 750,000 9,000,000 0
UNRA0430 Mushabe Rogers SG8 750,000 9,000,000 SG8 750,000 9,000,000 0
UNRA0431 Oyeese Charles SG8 750,000 9,000,000 SG8 750,000 9,000,000 0
UNRA0432 Kasaato Dick SG8 750,000 9,000,000 SG8 750,000 9,000,000 0
UNRA0909 Sewabuga Kalule Joseph SG8 818,591 9,823,092 SG8 818,591 9,823,092 0

UNRA0918 Mutiibwa Charles SG8 677,701 8,132,412 SG8 677,701 8,132,412 0
UNRA0502 Mukasa Ronald SG8 545,386 6,544,632 SG8 545,386 6,544,632 0
new staff Mutatwala Patrick SG8 648,890 7,786,680 SG8 648,890 7,786,680 0
UNRA1180 Nyendwoha Julius SG8 522,200 6,266,400 SG8 522,200 6,266,400 0
UNRA0627 Musengezi Vianney SG9 416,513 4,998,156 SG9 416,513 4,998,156 0
UNRA0927 Ssemakula Demson Ddembe SG9 416,513 4,998,156 SG9 416,513 4,998,156 0
UNRA0630 Omony Richard SG9 416,513 4,998,156 SG9 416,513 4,998,156 0
UNRA0976 Tindyeba Enock SG9 416,513 4,998,156 SG9 416,513 4,998,156 0
UNRA0631 Kelili Swaleh SG9 416,513 4,998,156 SG9 416,513 4,998,156 0

CostCentre: Mubende Station

District : Mubende
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
Vote 113 Uganda National Roads Authority FY 2014/15
Vote Function 0451: National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Program : National roads maintenance
CostCentre: Mubende Station
District : Mubende
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
UNRA0078 Rubahamya Marcelliano SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 0
UNRA0749 Kyagulanyi William SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 0
UNRA0044 Webare Luciano SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 0
UNRA0768 Nayiga Lilian SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 0
UNRA0844 Kugonza Gerald SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 0

UNRA0175 Ntwatwa Stephen SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 0
UNRA1135 Onapa Ivan Opio SG6 1,460,480 17,525,760 SG6 1,460,480 17,525,760 0
UNRA0458 Mukiibi Ismail SG6 1,176,246 14,114,952 SG6 1,176,246 14,114,952 0
UNRA0990 Ruhiigwa Andrew SG6 1,176,246 14,114,952 SG6 1,176,246 14,114,952 0
UNRA0547 Kabihiirwa John SG6 1,114,291 13,371,492 SG6 1,114,291 13,371,492 0
UNRA1205 Kihembo Oviah SG9 1,200,000 14,400,000 SG6 1,200,000 14,400,000 0
UNRA1093 Mulindwa Sylvester Mubiru SG7 975,165 11,701,980 SG7 975,165 11,701,980 0
UNRA0779 Kalule Sharif SG7 795,057 9,540,684 SG7 795,057 9,540,684 0
UNRA0790 Nandudu Jacqueline SG7 795,057 9,540,684 SG7 795,057 9,540,684 0
UNRA1119 Tumukunde Saul SG7 750,000 9,000,000 SG7 750,000 9,000,000 0
UNRA1183 Nkugwa Yusuf SG7 950,000 11,400,000 SG7 950,000 11,400,000 0
UNRA0233 Ssebaggala Francis SG7 818,591 9,823,092 SG7 818,591 9,823,092 0
UNRA0232 Iga Henry SG7 818,591 9,823,092 SG7 818,591 9,823,092 0
UNRA0231 Ssebunya William SG7 818,591 9,823,092 SG7 818,591 9,823,092 0
Vote 113 Uganda National Roads Authority FY 2014/15
Vote Function 0451: National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Program : National roads maintenance
CostCentre: Mubende Station
District : Mubende
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
UNRA0230 Kiyimba Stephen SG7 818,591 9,823,092 SG7 818,591 9,823,092 0
UNRA0182 Kivejinja Charles SG7 975,165 11,701,980 SG7 975,165 11,701,980 0
UNRA0148 Sabazza Richard Kivumbi SG7 975,165 11,701,980 SG7 975,165 11,701,980 0
UNRA0991 Busuulwa Drake SG8 677,701 8,132,412 SG8 677,701 8,132,412 0
UNRA0378 Tumusiime William SG8 750,000 9,000,000 SG8 750,000 9,000,000 0

UNRA0464 Bbaale Francis SG8 677,701 8,132,412 SG8 677,701 8,132,412 0
UNRA0398 Lubega Abdul Bombo SG8 750,000 9,000,000 SG8 750,000 9,000,000 0
UNRA0400 Mugwanya Dennis SG8 750,000 9,000,000 SG8 750,000 9,000,000 0
UNRA0410 Kyeyune Moses SG8 750,000 9,000,000 SG8 750,000 9,000,000 0
UNRA0399 Kajubi Abdul Majid SG8 750,000 9,000,000 SG8 750,000 9,000,000 0
UNRA0560 Ssewante Omar SG9 416,513 4,998,156 SG9 416,513 4,998,156 0
UNRA0559 Katenta Alex Akiiki SG9 416,513 4,998,156 SG9 416,513 4,998,156 0
UNRA0558 Kimasi Milton SG9 416,513 4,998,156 SG9 416,513 4,998,156 0
UNRA0561 Serunjogi Abudul SG9 416,513 4,998,156 SG9 416,513 4,998,156 0
UNRA0562 Sindandiwe David SG9 416,513 4,998,156 SG9 416,513 4,998,156 0
UNRA0563 Ouma Julius SG9 416,513 4,998,156 SG9 416,513 4,998,156 0
UNRA0564 Muwanga Dan SG9 416,513 4,998,156 SG9 416,513 4,998,156 0
UNRA1198 Kukunda Elizabeth SG9 250,000 3,000,000 SG9 250,000 3,000,000 0
UNRA0565 Arinaitwe John Bosco SG9 416,513 4,998,156 SG9 416,513 4,998,156 0
Vote 113 Uganda National Roads Authority FY 2014/15
Vote Function 0451: National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Program : National roads maintenance
CostCentre: Mubende Station
District : Mubende
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
UNRA1017 Amuge B Emuget SG9 272,200 3,266,400 SG9 272,200 3,266,400 0

CostCentre: Soroti Station

District : Soroti
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary

Scale as Salary as per
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
UNRA1087 Muzibira John Baptist Lusiba SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 0
UNRA0763 Lusiba Joseph Kato SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 0
UNRA0551 Kasumba Paul SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 0
UNRA0050 Nuwagaba Rupert Kaimanda SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 0
UNRA0841 Baganzi Noel John Peter SG6 1,808,623 21,703,476 SG6 1,808,623 21,703,476 0
UNRA0846 Adotu Matty SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 0
UNRA0291 Muyiyi Micheal SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 0
UNRA1195 Mwaka Denis SG6 950,000 11,400,000 SG6 950,000 11,400,000 0
UNRA0591 Etelu Deogratius SG6 1,176,246 14,114,952 SG6 1,176,246 14,114,952 0
UNRA0922 Kanyange Josephine SG6 1,114,291 13,371,492 SG6 1,114,291 13,371,492 0
UNRA1196 Besiime Ivan SG6 950,000 11,400,000 SG6 950,000 11,400,000 0
UNRA1197 Bananuka Jonathan SG6 950,000 11,400,000 SG6 950,000 11,400,000 0
UNRA0517 Bagenda James SG6 1,114,291 13,371,492 SG6 1,114,291 13,371,492 0
Vote 113 Uganda National Roads Authority FY 2014/15
Vote Function 0451: National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Program : National roads maintenance
CostCentre: Soroti Station
District : Soroti
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
UNRA0352 Oyengo Dennis SG6 1,460,480 17,525,760 SG6 1,460,480 17,525,760 0
UNRA1176 Asaba Francis SG7 950,000 11,400,000 SG7 950,000 11,400,000 0
UNRA0195 Komakech Denis SG7 975,165 11,701,980 SG7 975,165 11,701,980 0
UNRA0343 Adokot Joseph SG7 818,591 9,823,092 SG7 818,591 9,823,092 0
UNRA0342 Opio Charles SG7 818,591 9,823,092 SG7 818,591 9,823,092 0

UNRA0139 Akullu Agnes Okuja SG7 1,460,480 17,525,760 SG7 1,460,480 17,525,760 0
UNRA0145 Ikaaba Peter SG7 975,165 11,701,980 SG7 975,165 11,701,980 0
UNRA0160 Tadhuba Noah SG7 975,165 11,701,980 SG7 975,165 11,701,980 0
UNRA0344 Ongodia Solomon Ongole SG7 818,591 9,823,092 SG7 818,591 9,823,092 0
UNRA0345 Omoding Juma SG7 818,591 9,823,092 SG7 818,591 9,823,092 0
UNRA0971 Munobe Sam SG8 677,701 8,132,412 SG8 677,701 8,132,412 0
UNRA1193 Tusiime Victor SG8 500,000 6,000,000 SG8 500,000 6,000,000 0
UNRA0707 Mukwaya Jamada SG8 750,000 9,000,000 SG8 750,000 9,000,000 0
UNRA0706 Kakaire Aramazan SG8 750,000 9,000,000 SG8 750,000 9,000,000 0
UNRA0705 Emukura Moses SG8 750,000 9,000,000 SG8 750,000 9,000,000 0
UNRA0678 Akorimo Joseph SG8 750,000 9,000,000 SG8 750,000 9,000,000 0
UNRA0677 Akode Micheal SG8 750,000 9,000,000 SG8 750,000 9,000,000 0
UNRA0656 Nabubolo John Masaba SG8 750,000 9,000,000 SG8 750,000 9,000,000 0
UNRA0732 Opolot John SG8 569,601 6,835,212 SG8 569,601 6,835,212 0
Vote 113 Uganda National Roads Authority FY 2014/15
Vote Function 0451: National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Program : National roads maintenance
CostCentre: Soroti Station
District : Soroti
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
UNRA1110 Amigo Jacob SG9 416,513 4,998,156 SG9 416,513 4,998,156 0
UNRA1102 Alingu Emmanuel SG9 416,513 4,998,156 SG9 416,513 4,998,156 0
UNRA0957 Mashak Abdallah SG9 416,513 4,998,156 SG9 416,513 4,998,156 0
UNRA0955 Tukei Charles SG9 416,513 4,998,156 SG9 416,513 4,998,156 0
UNRA0676 Eyoku Lorence SG9 416,513 4,998,156 SG9 416,513 4,998,156 0

UNRA0577 Oriman John SG9 416,513 4,998,156 SG9 416,513 4,998,156 0
UNRA0576 Osire Micheal SG9 416,513 4,998,156 SG9 416,513 4,998,156 0
UNRA0575 Ogira Alex SG9 416,513 4,998,156 SG9 416,513 4,998,156 0
UNRA0970 Kedi Peter Simon SG9 416,513 4,998,156 SG9 416,513 4,998,156 0

CostCentre: Tororo Station

District : Tororo
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
UNRA0099 Opuch Chris SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 0
UNRA0135 Mutabazi Alex SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 0
UNRA0838 Kamyuka Wilson SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 0
UNRA0602 Kabaruli Rosemary SG5 1,808,623 21,703,476 SG5 1,808,623 21,703,476 0
UNRA0269 Odongo Charles SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 0
Vote 113 Uganda National Roads Authority FY 2014/15
Vote Function 0451: National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Program : National roads maintenance
CostCentre: Tororo Station
District : Tororo
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
UNRA0893 Sekalega David SG6 1,176,246 14,114,952 SG6 1,176,246 14,114,952 0
UNRA1190 Omoding Peter SG6 1,000,000 12,000,000 SG6 1,000,000 12,000,000 0
UNRA0300 Kalembe Lydia SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 0
UNRA1167 Semulimi Annet Bulyaba SG6 1,200,000 14,400,000 SG6 1,200,000 14,400,000 0
UNRA0847 Mukama Stephen SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 SG6 1,627,400 19,528,800 0

UNRA1122 Mutebi Hamuza SG7 750,000 9,000,000 SG7 750,000 9,000,000 0
UNRA1104 Lwanga Denis SG7 677,701 8,132,412 SG7 677,701 8,132,412 0
UNRA0719 Magira Samuel SG7 818,591 9,823,092 SG7 818,591 9,823,092 0
UNRA0386 Menya Alex J Daniel SG7 975,165 11,701,980 SG7 975,165 11,701,980 0
UNRA0319 Sabwa Moses SG7 818,591 9,823,092 SG7 818,591 9,823,092 0
UNRA0287 Oketch Alfred SG7 818,591 9,823,092 SG7 818,591 9,823,092 0
UNRA0191 Wandera Anthony SG7 975,165 11,701,980 SG7 975,165 11,701,980 0
UNRA0147 Kkasamba Ophine Akina SG7 975,165 11,701,980 SG7 975,165 11,701,980 0
UNRA1120 Buyondo Kamya Vincent SG7 750,000 9,000,000 SG7 750,000 9,000,000 0
UNRA0302 Mutale Haruna SG7 818,591 9,823,092 SG7 818,591 9,823,092 0
UNRA1030 Lukwasa Emmanuel SG8 795,057 9,540,684 SG8 795,057 9,540,684 0
UNRA1029 Mugoya Philip Mike SG8 795,057 9,540,684 SG8 795,057 9,540,684 0
UNRA0443 Ogulei Chris SG8 750,000 9,000,000 SG8 750,000 9,000,000 0
UNRA1002 Wasswa Joshua SG8 795,057 9,540,684 SG8 795,057 9,540,684 0
Vote 113 Uganda National Roads Authority FY 2014/15
Vote Function 0451: National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Program : National roads maintenance
CostCentre: Tororo Station
District : Tororo
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
UNRA0731 Masaba James SG8 545,386 6,544,632 SG8 545,386 6,544,632 0
UNRA0729 Wangalya Robert SG8 569,601 6,835,212 SG8 569,601 6,835,212 0
UNRA0701 Edotun John SG8 750,000 9,000,000 SG8 750,000 9,000,000 0
UNRA0616 Kiwanuka George SG8 677,701 8,132,412 SG8 677,701 8,132,412 0
UNRA0598 Walyaula Francis SG8 750,000 9,000,000 SG8 750,000 9,000,000 0

UNRA0596 Katwe Karim SG8 750,000 9,000,000 SG8 750,000 9,000,000 0
UNRA0595 Wambuzi Herbert SG8 750,000 9,000,000 SG8 750,000 9,000,000 0
UNRA0555 Gavume Yusuf SG8 750,000 9,000,000 SG8 750,000 9,000,000 0
UNRA0568 Etyang Richard SG8 750,000 9,000,000 SG8 750,000 9,000,000 0
000 Katongole Hakim SG9 250,000 3,000,000 SG9 250,000 3,000,000 0
0000 Bwire Benson SG9 250,000 3,000,000 SG9 250,000 3,000,000 0
UNRA1021 Kisitu Nicholas SG9 272,200 3,266,400 SG9 272,200 3,266,400 0

Total Annual Salary (Ushs) for Program : National roads maintenance 10,742,931,660 10,715,955,660 -26,976,000
Program : National Roads Construction
CostCentre: Projects
District : Kampala
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
Vote 113 Uganda National Roads Authority FY 2014/15
Vote Function 0451: National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Program : National Roads Construction
CostCentre: Projects
District : Kampala
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
UNRA0005 Okiror James SG2 8,047,936 96,575,232 SG2 8,047,936 96,575,232 0
UNRA0012 Otim Vincent SG3 6,015,812 72,189,744 SG3 6,015,812 72,189,744 0
UNRA0022 Manyindo Christopher SG3 6,015,812 72,189,744 SG3 6,015,812 72,189,744 0
UNRA0024 Naita Charles SG3 6,015,812 72,189,744 SG3 6,015,812 72,189,744 0
UNRA0025 Ssambwa Godfrey SG3 6,302,164 75,625,968 SG3 6,302,164 75,625,968 0

UNRA0026 Bwanga George SG3 6,450,000 77,400,000 SG3 6,450,000 77,400,000 0
UNRA0028 Mugisha Valentine SG3 6,302,164 75,625,968 SG3 6,302,164 75,625,968 0
UNRA0157 Lugya Mohammed Shafiq SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 0
UNRA1150 Nazimuli Rebeccah SG5 1,666,720 20,000,640 SG5 1,666,720 20,000,640 0
UNRA0758 Mugoya Samson Elliot SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 0
UNRA0183 Yiga Fred SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 SG5 2,500,000 30,000,000 0
UNRA1157 Kyambadde Andrew SG5 1,666,720 20,000,640 SG5 1,666,720 20,000,640 0
UNRA1124 Nduhukire Sarah SG6 1,310,681 15,728,172 SG6 1,310,681 15,728,172 0
UNRA0121 Musinga Felix Sio SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 G4 4,678,799 56,145,588 0
UNRA0740 Nakonde Zaituni SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 G4 4,678,799 56,145,588 0
UNRA0742 Nawaswa Jackson Mbulaate SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 G4 4,678,799 56,145,588 0
UNRA0743 Namuwonge Harriet SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 G4 4,678,799 56,145,588 0
UNRA0744 Mugisha Ronald SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 G4 4,678,799 56,145,588 0
UNRA0079 Kukundakwe Patience Jean SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 G4 4,678,799 56,145,588 0
Vote 113 Uganda National Roads Authority FY 2014/15
Vote Function 0451: National Roads Maintenance & Construction
Program : National Roads Construction
CostCentre: Projects
District : Kampala
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
UNRA0834 Higenyi John Micheal Malinga SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 G4 4,678,799 56,145,588 0
UNRA1116 Wabuna Richard Kaamu SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 G4 4,678,799 56,145,588 0
UNRA1117 Olwa Martin SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 G4 4,678,799 56,145,588 0
UNRA0739 Haruna Juma SG4 4,678,799 56,145,588 G4 4,678,799 56,145,588 0

Total Annual Salary (Ushs) for Program : National Roads Construction 1,248,981,732 1,248,981,732 0

Total Annual Salary (Ushs) for : Uganda National Roads Authority 17,901,599,268 17,874,623,268 -26,976,000



Manager Internal Audit Executive Director Head of PDU

J. G. Etiang Eng. Dr. M. M. Odongo A. T. Katuramu
6 1 7

Internal Auditor Executive Assistant Procurement Assistant
TBA M. Byamukama
8 17 J. N. Ssenyonjo 18



Manager Fund Management Manager Programming Manager M & E. Manager Corporate Services
J. Ocitti A. G.Naimanye A. F. Kagoda L. Katusiime
2 3 4 5


Fin. Accountant Man. Accountant Road Maint. Eng. M & E Officer Admin. Officer Sys. Admin. Corp. Comms.Off.
J. K. Magenyi J. Ekonga R. Namugera M. N. Murungi M. Mumanye F. Luyima TBA
9 10 11 13 14 15 16

Asst. Accountant
S. T. Isubikalu Programme Officer Office Asst. Receptionist
19 TBA T. Mugalu TBA
12 21 22
Establishment SG4
Salary Grade (SG) SG8
Asst. Accountant DriversDrivers
SG1 1 H. Kaganda S. Agaba, R. Ssembatya,
SG2 5 20
A. Ogwang, A. Bumweyana
SG3 10
23 - 27 TBA (1)
SG4 4
Total 27

Internal Audit Procurement & Disposal

Fund Management Programming Monitoring & Evaluation Corporate Services

Vote 118 Road Fund FY 2014/15
Vote Function 0452: National and District Road Maintenance
Program : Road Fund Secretariat
CostCentre: Road Fund Secretariat
District :
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
URF001 Eng.Dr. Micheal M. Odongo URF01 14,326,308 171,915,696 URF01 14,326,308 171,915,696 0
URF003 Naimanye Andrew Grace URF02 9,550,872 114,610,464 URF02 9,550,872 114,610,464 0
URF005 Etiang Joseph George URF02 9,550,872 114,610,464 URF02 9,550,872 114,610,464 0
URF026 Andrew Kagoda URF02 9,363,600 112,363,200 URF02 9,363,600 112,363,200 0
URF028 Lelia Katusiime URF02 9,363,600 112,363,200 URF02 9,363,600 112,363,200 0

URF002 Ocitti John URF02 9,550,872 114,610,464 URF02 9,550,872 114,610,464 0
URF029 Mukunyu Timothy URF03 6,120,000 73,440,000 URF03 6,120,000 73,440,000 0
URF034 Jessie Juliet Namara URF03 6,000,000 72,000,000 URF03 6,000,000 72,000,000 0
URF036 Shakila Rahim Lamar URF03 6,000,000 72,000,000 URF03 6,000,000 72,000,000 0
URF006 Juliet Kizza Magenyi URF03 6,367,248 76,406,976 URF03 6,367,248 76,406,976 0
URF035 Hanifa Nakachwa URF03 6,000,000 72,000,000 URF03 6,000,000 72,000,000 0
URF007 Ronald Namugera URF03 6,367,248 76,406,976 URF03 6,367,248 76,406,976 0
URF025 James Ekonga URF03 6,242,400 74,908,800 URF03 6,242,400 74,908,800 0
URF018 Ebrahim Kankulya Luswata URF04 3,700,000 44,400,000 URF04 3,700,000 44,400,000 0
URF010 Susan Taffumba Isubikalu URF04 3,714,228 44,570,736 URF04 3,714,228 44,570,736 0
URF012 Josephine Namono Ssenyonjo URF04 3,714,228 44,570,736 URF04 3,714,228 44,570,736 0
URF011 Henry Kaganda URF04 3,714,228 44,570,736 URF04 3,714,228 44,570,736 0
URF032 Brenda Ninsiima URF05 1,377,000 16,524,000 URF05 1,377,000 16,524,000 0
URF014 Agaba Stephen URF07 944,475 11,333,700 URF07 944,475 11,333,700 0
Vote 118 Road Fund FY 2014/15
Vote Function 0452: National and District Road Maintenance
Program : Road Fund Secretariat
CostCentre: Road Fund Secretariat
District :
File Number Staff Names Salary Monthly Annual Salary Monthly Annual Annual
Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Scale as Salary as per Salary as per Salary
per payslip payslip per Appointing Appointing Variance
Appointing Authority Authority
URF017 Richard Sembatya URF07 907,800 10,893,600 URF07 907,800 10,893,600 0
URF019 Ali Ogwang Anderson Okello URF07 907,800 10,893,600 URF07 907,800 10,893,600 0
URF024 Asuman Bamweyana URF07 907,800 10,893,600 URF07 907,800 10,893,600 0
URF033 Aziz Wakate URF07 907,800 10,893,600 URF07 907,800 10,893,600 0
URF016 Tonny Mugalu URF08 742,846 8,914,152 URF08 742,846 8,914,152 0

Total Annual Salary (Ushs) for Program : Road Fund Secretariat 1,516,094,700 1,516,094,700 0
Total Annual Salary (Ushs) for : Road Fund 1,516,094,700 1,516,094,700 0
Uganda National Roads Authority

Annex A: UNRA National Roads Maintenance Programme for FY 2014/15

ACTIVITY Road Maintenance Operations Annual Quantity UGX Million
FY 2014/15
Routine Maintenance
Paved Roads - Manual Maintenance 500km 500

Paved Roads - Mechanized Maintenance 1,000km 2,000

Paved Roads - Term Maintenance (Mechanized) 2,000km 10,000

Un paved Roads - Manual Maintenance 11,800km 10,000
Un paved Roads - Mechanized Maintenance 5,500km 20,000
Un paved Roads - Improvement of Lowlying road sections on major road
200km 10,000
Un paved Roads - Term Maintenance (Mechanized) 7,000km 54,000
Bridges - Routine Maintenance 300 bridges maintained 3,000
Periodic Maintenance
Paved Roads - Remedial Repairs & Sealing 100km 60,000
Un paved Roads - Regravelling 2,000km 38,460
Labour Based Rehabilitation 25km 1,000
Bridges (Major Repairs) 7 bridges rehabilitated 4,500
Road Safety works
Street lighting on Selected National Roads 55km 1,000
Road Signage on Various roads 6,000no. 3,000
Marking of Roads 800km 3,000
Demarcation of road reserves 450km 2,300
Protection of road reserves of national roads 1,000
Axle Load Control
Operations and Maintenance (8 fixed & 2 Mobile) 10 Weighbridges 7,500


Operations, Maintenance and Landing sites maintenance (9 Ferries) 9 Ferries 10,000

Other qualifying work

National Road Network Condition Assessment, Traffic Surveys and Quality

Road Committee Activities 440

Alternative Technology/Low Cost Surfacing Technology 5km 3,000

Consultancy Services - Supervision of Periodic Maintenance of Paved &

25No. 5,000
Unpaved Roads

Consultancy Services - Supervision of Periodic Maintenance of Bridges 1No. 500

Plant and Equipment Maintenance

Plant and Equipment Maintenance 8,000
Road Maintenance Inputs

Road Materials 4,000

Road Tools 1,000

UNRA Operational Expenses 264,400

Monitoring and Capacity Building 3,210

UNRA Support Services 6,790

Total - Operational Expenses 10,000


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Uganda National Roads Authority

Annex B- Proposed National Roads Programmed for Periodic Maintenance for FY 2014/2015

Item no. Station Road name Length to be Type of work Proposed Budget
treated, km (UGX Million)


1 Mbale & Jinja Nakalama- Tirinyi- Mbale (102 km) 30% of works Rehabilitation 10,000

Lira - Akia & Lira Railway & Army Barracks Accesses (12
2 Lira 50% of works Rehabilitation 6,250
3 Mubende Mityana - Mubende (89 km) 20% of works Rehabilitation 5,000
Soroti - Arapai (10 km), Soroti State Lodge ( 2km) &
4 Soroti 40% of works Rehabilitation 5,000
Ngora Township (2 km)
Mud and Dust Control, Remedial
5 Kampala Kibuye - Entebbe Airport (37 km) 80% of works 6,250
Repairs & Seal

6 Kampala Kampala Northern Bypass (21 km) 100% of works Shoulder Repairs 5,000

7 Jinja Iganga - Kaliro (32 km) 30% of works Rehabilitation 7,500

8 Fort Portal Fort Portal - Hima (55km) 20% of works Rehabilitation 6,500

9 Kasese Hima - Katunguru (58 km) 20% of works Rehabilitation 5,000

10 Masaka Masaka - Nyendo (Town through road) 100% of works Rehabilitation 3,500

Total 60,000


1 Mbale & Jinja Nakalama- Tirinyi- Mbale (102 km) Consultancy Services 850

Lira - Akia & Lira Railway & Army Barracks Accesses (12
2 Lira Consultancy Services 750

3 Mubende Mityana - Mubende (89 km) Consultancy Services 500

Soroti - Arapai (10 km), Soroti State Lodge ( 2km) &
4 Soroti Consultancy Services 750
Ngora Township (2 km)
5 Jinja Iganga - Kaliro (32 km) Consultancy Services 750

6 Fort Portal Fort Portal - Hima (55km) Consultancy Services 750

7 Kasese Hima - Katunguru (58 km) Consultancy Services 350

8 Masaka Masaka - Nyendo (Town through road) Consultancy Services 300

Total 5,000

TOTAL - Paved Roads 65,000


Hoima Bukwiri-Kyankwanzi 1 Works

2 Mpigi Mpigi Loop 2 Works 3,000

3 Luwero Kalule - Bamunanika 2 Works

Total 5 3,000


1 Kampala Kampala-Entebbe 37 Road Marking 659

2 Masindi Masindi - Kafu 42 Road Marking 154

3 Mubende Mityana - Mubende - Kyegegwa - Kyenjojo 98 Road Marking 136

Nyendo Villa Maria, Masaka - Kyotera - Mutukula &

4 Masaka 119 Road Marking 437
Kyotera - Rakai

5 Mbarara Mbarara- Ishaka 61 Road Marking 224

6 Mbarara Mbarara - Ibanda 65 Road Marking 239

7 Kasese Kasese - Kikorongo - Katunguru & Kikorongo - Mpondwe 54 Road Marking 198

8 Kabale Ntungamo - Kagamba - Rukungiri 50 Road Marking 183

9 Kampala & Hoima Busunju-Lwamata-Hoima 145 Road Marking 250

10 Gulu & Arua Karuma- Pakwach- Nebbi- Arua 129 Road Marking 520
Total 800 3,000

Uganda National Roads Authority


Demarcation of Road Reserves (5% of
1 Soroti Soroti - Dokolo - Lira 6 works outstanding) 40
Demarcation of Road Reserves (5% of
2 Kabale Kabale - Kisoro 3 works outstanding) 15

Demarcation of Road Reserves (5% of

3 Kampala Kampala-Gayaza -Zirobwe & Matugga-Semuto-Kapeeeka 4 works outstanding) 35

Demarcation of Road Reserves (5% of

4 Jinja & Tororo Jinja - Bugiri, Bugiri-Namutere-Malaba & Tororo-Namutere 8 works outstanding)

Demarcation of Road Reserves (5% of

5 Jinja & Mbale Iganga - Kaliro & Iganga (Nakalama) - Mbale 7 works outstanding)

Mbarara Nyakahita-Rushere-Kazo 68 Demarcation of Road Reserves 340

Mbarara Kazo-Ibanda-Kamwenge 60 Demarcation of Road Reserves 390

Masaka Masaka - Mbarara 86 Demarcation of Road Reserves 480

Mpigi Busega - Masaka 105 Demarcation of Road Reserves 420

Fort Portal Fort Portal - Bundibugyo 103 Demarcation of Road Reserves 520

Total 450 2,300


1 Various roads - Regravelling of 2,000km (74 roads) 2,000 Consultancy services 2,000
2 Bridges 500
Total 2,000 2,500


Kibuye- Busega 7 Term Maintenance 33 33

Kibuye- Zana- Entebbe Airport 37 Term Maintenance 185 85

Nsambya- Gaba- Munyonyo 12 Term Maintenance 59 59

Mpererwe - Gayaza 10 Term Maintenance 51 51

Kampala Northern Bypass (Bweyogerere - Busega) 21 Term Maintenance 105 05

Kibuye - Salaama - Munyonyo 8 Term Maintenance 40 40

1 Kampala Silver Springs - Bweyogerere 7 Term Maintenance 33 33

Kawempe- Kagoma - Bombo 20 Term Maintenance 100 00

Nansana - Busunju 46 Term Maintenance 230 230

Banda - Namboole & Nambole Circular 8 Term Maintenance 38 38

Busunju - Lwamata 50 Term Maintenance 250 250

Gayaza - Kalagi 19 Term Maintenance 95 95

Kireka - Namugongo 7 Term Maintenance 36 36

2 Mpigi Busega - Jjeza - Mityana 59 Term Maintenance 295 295

3 Masaka Masaka - Lyantonde 74 Term Maintenance 370 370

4 Masaka Nyendo - Villa Maria 10 Term Maintenance 50 50

5 Masaka Masaka - Kyotera 43 Term Maintenance 215 215

6 Masaka Kyotera - Rakai 21 Term Maintenance 105 05

7 Masaka Kyotera - Mutukula 45 Term Maintenance 225 225

8 Luwero Bombo - Luwero 38 Term Maintenance 190 90

9 Luwero Luwero - Nakasongola 53 Term Maintenance 265 265

10 Luwero Nakasongola - Kafu 54 Term Maintenance 270 270

11 Luwero Nakasongola Loop/Airbase 20 Term Maintenance 100 00

12 Luwero Matugga - Semuto - Kapeeka 42 Term Maintenance 210 210

13 Luwero Gayaza - Zirobwe 32 Term Maintenance 160 60

14 Mbarara Mbarara - Lyantonde 62 Term Maintenance 310 310

15 Mbarara Mbarara - Ibanda 65 Term Maintenance 325 325

16 Mbarara Mbarara - Ishaka 61 Term Maintenance 305 305

17 Mbarara Nyamitanga - Katete 4 Term Maintenance 20 20

18 Mbarara Nyakahita - Rushere 45 Term Maintenance 225 225

19 Mbarara Rushere - Kazo 35 Term Maintenance 175 75

20 Kabale Ntungamo - Kagamba 15 Term Maintenance 75 75

21 Kabale Kagamba - Rukungiri 35 Term Maintenance 175 75

22 Kabale Kabale -Kisoro-Bunagana/Nyakabande - Kyanika 104 Term Maintenance 520 520

23 Kasese Kasese - Rwimi 30 Term Maintenance 150 50

24 Kasese Kasese - Kikorongo 22 Term Maintenance 110 10

25 Kasese Kikorongo - Rwentare - Katunguru 16 Term Maintenance 80 80

26 Kasese Kikorongo - Mpondwe 38 Term Maintenance 190 90

Uganda National Roads Authority

27 Fort Portal Kyenjojo - Kyegegwa - Rubaale 65 Term Maintenance 323 323

28 Fort Portal Fort Portal - Bundibugyo 84 Term Maintenance - Clearing landslides 418 418

29 Hoima Hoima - Kiboga - Lwamata 95 Term Maintenance 475 475

30 Masindi Masindi - Kafu 42 Term Maintenance 210 210

31 Gulu Karuma - Olwiyo 51 Term Maintenance 255 255

32 Gulu Olwiyo - Pakwach 57 Term Maintenance 285 285

33 Arua Arua - Nebbi 76 Term Maintenance 380 380

34 Jinja Jinja - Bugiri 72 Term Maintenance 360 360

35 Tororo Namutere - Busia 28 Term Maintenance 142 42

36 Mbarara Mbarara-Kikagati-Murongo Bridge 74 Term Maintenance 370 370

37 Arua Vurra - Arua - Koboko - Oraba 83 Term Maintenance 415

Total 2,000 10,000


1 Masaka Rakai- Ntantamukye 50 Term Maintenance
2 Masaka Villa Maria- Sembabule 48 Term Maintenance 1,210
3 Masaka Sembabule- Nkonge 58 Term Maintenance
4 Mbarara Isingiro- Ntantamukye 54 Term Maintenance
5 Mbarara Kikagati- Kafunjo 34 Term Maintenance 790
6 Mbarara Nsongezi- Kyaka 14 Term Maintenance
7 Lira Lira- Aduku- Apac 57 Term Maintenance
8 Lira Apac- Akokoro- Masindi Port 83 Term Maintenance 1,340
9 Lira Ngetta- Puranga 34 Term Maintenance
10 Gulu Gulu- Aswa 39 Term Maintenance
11 Gulu Gulu- Olwiyo 62 Term Maintenance
12 Kitgum Acholibur- Aswa 46 Term Maintenance
13 Kitgum Kitgum- Puranga 80 Term Maintenance
14 Jinja Iganga- Mayuge 20 Term Maintenance
15 Jinja Musita- Mayuge- Nankoma 36 Term Maintenance 740
16 Jinja Mayuge- Bwondha 40 Term Maintenance
17 Tororo Busia- Majanji 27 Term Maintenance
18 Tororo Namayingo- Lumino 14 Term Maintenance
19 Tororo Nankoma- Namayingo 28 Term Maintenance
20 Tororo Tororo- Busia 25 Term Maintenance
21 Soroti Arapai- Katakwi 44 Term Maintenance
22 Soroti Katakwi- Iriri 40 Term Maintenance
23 Mbale Nalugugu- Mutufu- Budadiri 16 Term Maintenance
24 Mbale Namagumba- Budadiri 20 Term Maintenance
25 Mbale Kamonkoli- Pallisa 45 Term Maintenance
26 Mbale Tirinyi- Pallisa 20 Term Maintenance
27 Moroto Nadunget- Iriri 70 Term Maintenance 540
28 Kotido Kotido- Kanawat- Abim 70 Term Maintenance
29 Kotido Abim- AchanPii 29 Term Maintenance
30 Fort Portal Kyenjojo-Katooke- Muzizi 38 Term Maintenance
31 Fort Portal Rugombe- Katooke 37 Term Maintenance 895
32 Fort Portal Fort Portal- Kijura- Kabende Bridge 41 Term Maintenance
33 Hoima Hoima- Kizirafumbi- Kagadi 92 Term Maintenance
34 Hoima Kagadi- Muzizi 15 Term Maintenance 1,160
35 Hoima Hoima- Biiso 43 Term Maintenance
36 Masindi Masindi- Kigumba 39 Term Maintenance
37 Masindi Masindi- Hoima 54 Term Maintenance 1,110
38 Masindi Masindi- Biiso 51 Term Maintenance
39 Kabale Ntungamo- Kafunjo- Kakitumba 37 Term Maintenance 285
40 Mbale Kapchorwa- Suam 77 Term Maintenance
41 Mbale Bumbobi- Bubulo 16 Term Maintenance
42 Mbale Bubulo- Busumbu 16 Term Maintenance
43 Mbale Bubulo- Bududa Circular 28 Term Maintenance
44 Tororo Magodes- Busumbu- Munamba 22 Term Maintenance
45 Tororo Munamba- Lwakhaka 5 Term Maintenance 260
46 Tororo Munamba- Magale 8 Term Maintenance
47 Kitgum Kitgum- Lokung 34 Term Maintenance
48 Kitgum Lokung- Ngomorom 54 Term Maintenance
49 Lira Dokolo- Namasale 88 Term Maintenance 700
50 Arua Wandi- Yumbe 70 Term Maintenance 500
51 Moyo Moyo- Yumbe 69 Term Maintenance
52 Moyo Moyo- Ayugi- Atiak 93 Term Maintenance
53 Soroti Kumi-Ladot 26 Term Maintenance 200
54 Mbale Ladot-Pallisa 22 Term Maintenance 170
55 Soroti Kumi-Brookscorner 46 Term Maintenance 420
56 Soroti Brookscorner-Serere 10 Term Maintenance 100
57 Soroti Soroti-Serere 27 Term Maintenance 250
58 Hoima Bukomero-Dwaniro-Kyankwanzi 68 Term Maintenance 620
59 Kabale Hamurwa-Kerere-Kanungu 47 Term Maintenance 430
60 Kabale Kanungu-Kihihi-Ishasha 33 Term Maintenance 300
61 Kabale Katojo-Kihihi 17 Term Maintenance 160
62 Kabale Ikumba-Nfasha-Butogota 65 Term Maintenance 590

Uganda National Roads Authority

63 Kabale Kanyantorogo-Butogota-Buhoma 31 Term Maintenance 280

64 Kabale Kabale-Lake Bunyonyi 8 Term Maintenance 80
65 Kabale Kisoro-Nyarusiza-Muhabura 9 Term Maintenance 85
66 Kabale Kisoro-Nyabwishenya-Nteko 45 Term Maintenance 410
67 Kabale Mgahinga-Ntebeko 6 Term Maintenance 60
68 Kabale Nyabwishenya-Rubuguri-Katojo 28 Term Maintenance 260
69 Luwero Katikamu-Bamugolodde-Nakasongola 103 Term Maintenance 930
70 Luwero Nakasongola-Lwampanga-Migeera 97 Term Maintenance 880
71 Gulu Gulu-Rackoko 90 Term Maintenance 820
72 Kitgum Kilak-Adilang 65 Term Maintenance 600
73 Kitgum Orom-Locomo-Karenga 42 Term Maintenance 390
74 Kampala Kayunga - Baale 46 Term Maintenance 420
75 Kampala Kayunga - Nabuganyi 20 Term Maintenance 140
76 Kampala Baale - Galilaya (43km) & Bulumagi - Njeru (4km) 47 Term Maintenance 329
77 Kampala Nateete - Nakawuka (16km) & Old Masaka road (1.7km) 18 Term Maintenance 126
78 Kampala Nakawuka - Kisubi 13 Term Maintenance 91
79 Kampala Nakawuka - Kasanje 10 Term Maintenance 70
80 Kampala Abayita Ababiri - Kasenyi 6 Term Maintenance 42
81 Kampala Kitala - Gerenge 10 Term Maintenance 70
82 Kampala Najjanankumbi - Busabala - Kaazi 10 Term Maintenance 70
83 Kampala Buloba - Wakiso - Kassengejje - Matugga - Kasangati-Kira Term Maintenance
29 203

84 Kampala Seeta -Namugongo 6 Term Maintenance 39

85 Kampala Nambole - Kampala Industrial Park - Jinja Road 12 Term Maintenance 81
86 Kampala Misindye-Bukerere-Kiyunga-Nakibona-Namaliri 35 Term Maintenance 245
87 Mpigi Mitala Maria -Bulo - Kanoni 30 Term Maintenance 210
88 Mpigi Mityana - Busunju 30 Term Maintenance 210
89 Mpigi Mpigi-Kasanje-Buwaya 22 Term Maintenance 151
90 Mpigi Kanoni-Misigi-Mityana 39 Term Maintenance 273
91 Masaka Kyapa - Kansesero 41 Term Maintenance 287
92 Masaka Villa -Kyamulimbwa-Kabulasoke 48 Term Maintenance 336
93 Masaka Kyabakuza-Kiwangala-Ndagwe-Kabale 62 Term Maintenance 434
94 Masaka Lyantonde-Kaliro-Ntuusi 58 Term Maintenance 406
95 Mubende Wakitundu-Bulera-Mutetema-Bukuya-Kayindiyindi/Kitumbi Term Maintenance
Bridge 70 490

96 Luwero Luwero - Kikyusa - Zirobwe 39 Term Maintenance 270

97 Luwero Kisuule - Nakaseke - Kapeeka-Busunju 50 Term Maintenance 350
98 Luwero Katuugo - Kinyogogga-Kaweweta Barracks 42 Term Maintenance 294
99 Luwero Ngoma-Kinyogoga 27 Term Maintenance 189
100 Luwero Ngoma-Kasozi-Kyamukonda (42km) & Ngoma - Term Maintenance
58 406
Kyankwanzi (16km)
101 Mbarara Kabwohe - Nsiika - Bwizibwera 47 Term Maintenance 332
102 Mbarara Kabwohe - Bugongi - Kitagata- Kabira - Rurehe 51 Term Maintenance 357
103 Kabale Rukungiri - Kabira 15 Term Maintenance 105
104 Hoima Bukwiri - Kyankwanzi 29 Term Maintenance 203
105 Hoima Bukwiri - Ntwetwe - Kitumbi Bridge 40 Term Maintenance 277
106 Hoima Kagadi - Kibaale 40 Term Maintenance 280
107 Masindi Kisanja - Park Jcn 72 Term Maintenance 504
108 Masindi Park Jcn - Paraa 8 Term Maintenance 56
109 Masindi Buliisa - Park Jcn 22 Term Maintenance 154
110 Masindi Biiso - Bukumi 10 Term Maintenance 70
111 Masindi Bukumi - Buliisa - Wanskeo 51 Term Maintenance 357
112 Kitgum Kitgum - Orom 90 Term Maintenance 630
113 Kitgum Kitgum - Musingo 58 Term Maintenance 406
114 Kitgum Pajule - Pader - Kwonkwic (Palwo) 27 Term Maintenance 189
115 Kitgum Namokora - Lokapel - Adilang 74 Term Maintenance 518
116 Arua Wandi - Rhino Camp 51 Term Maintenance 357
117 Arua Koboko - Lodonga 22 Term Maintenance 154
118 Arua Panyimur - Goli - Erusi 41 Term Maintenance 286
119 Arua Erusi - Goli - Paidha 20 Term Maintenance 140
120 Arua Paidha - Anyavu 65 Term Maintenance 455
121 Arua Anyavu - Vura 27 Term Maintenance 189
122 Moyo Lodonga - Yumbe 14 Term Maintenance 98
123 Jinja Kamuli - Kaliro 46 Term Maintenance 322
124 Jinja Kamuli - Bukungu 68 Term Maintenance 476
125 Jinja Iganga - Bulopa - Kamuli 58 Term Maintenance 405
126 Jinja Bwenge - Nakabugu - Kaliro 48 Term Maintenance 336
127 Mbale Muyembe - Namalu 65 Term Maintenance 455
128 Mbale Chepsikunya - Girik River 26 Term Maintenance 183
129 Mbale Girik River - Bukwo 30 Term Maintenance 210
130 Mbale Bukwo - Kapnandi - Suam 16 Term Maintenance 112
131 Soroti Katine - Ochero 70 Term Maintenance 490
132 Soroti Amuria - Acowa - Usuk 38 Term Maintenance 266
133 Soroti Katakwi - Usuk - Orungo 33 Term Maintenance 231
134 Moroto Ariamoi - Lopei 30 Term Maintenance 210
135 Moroto Chosan - Amudat 30 Term Maintenance 210
136 Moroto Chosan - Angatun 27 Term Maintenance 189
137 Moroto Angatun - Namalu 6 Term Maintenance 42
138 Moroto Girik River - Kalita 23 Term Maintenance 161
139 Moroto Kalita - Alakasi - Amudat 65 Term Maintenance 455

Uganda National Roads Authority

140 Moroto Amudat - Loro - Lokitanyala 52 Term Maintenance 364

141 Kotido Kotido - Kapelimoru 18 Term Maintenance 126
142 Kotido Kapelimoru - Lopei 54 Term Maintenance 378
143 Kotido Kanawat - Apan - Kopoth 39 Term Maintenance 273
144 Kotido Kopoth - Kaabong 24 Term Maintenance 168
145 Kotido Kaabong - Kapeedo 36 Term Maintenance 252
146 Kotido Kapeedo - Karenga 38 Term Maintenance 266
147 Mubende Myanzi-Kasanda-Bukuya-Kiboga 63 Term Maintenance 441
148 Mubende Lusalira-Nkonge 39 Term Maintenance 273
149 Tororo Tororo-Nagongera 20 Term Maintenance 140
150 Tororo Nagongera-Busolwe-Busaba 24 Term Maintenance 168
151 Tororo Busolwe-Nabumali 35 Term Maintenance 245
152 Tororo Busolwe-Budumba 18 Term Maintenance 165
153 Moyo Adjumani-Mungula-Amuru 88 Term Maintenance 600
154 Masaka Lukaya-Miwula-Kagologolo 36 Term Maintenance 252
155 Masaka Masaka-Kidda-Lusakalwamese 24 Term Maintenance 150
156 Masaka Kysiga-Malembo Landing 5 Term Maintenance 50
157 Masaka Bikira-Kabira-Kalisizo 19 Term Maintenance 132
158 Mubende Ikula-Kanyogoga 26 Term Maintenance 200
159 Luwero Kalule-Bowa-Nakaseke-Kiwoko 22 Term Maintenance 200
160 Luwero Kakirir-Masulita-Dane-Mawale 14 Term Maintenance 125
161 Luwero Kapeeka-Singo Barracsk-Kituuma 12 Term Maintenance 110
162 Mbarara Rushere-Rwakitura 5 Term Maintenance 50
163 Mbarara Kazo-Nyakilro-Kyegegwa 49 Term Maintenance 300
164 Mbarara Muzizi-Buremba-Kakinga Bridge (Sembabule border) 42 Term Maintenance 300
165 Mbarara Ntare-Mutonto-Kacwangobe 23 Term Maintenance 210
166 Mbarara Kashongi-Kantaganya 14 Term Maintenance 130
167 Mbarara Kityaza-Murema-Bugango 16 Term Maintenance 145
168 Mbarara Mabona-Ekitindo-Kasheshe 33 Term Maintenance 300
169 Mbarara Kanyarigiri-Nyamarebe-Ishongoro 14 Term Maintenance 130
170 Mbarara Ishongoro-Bisheshe 15 Term Maintenance 135
171 Mbarara Ruhumba-Byanamira-Kashwa 19 Term Maintenance 136
172 Mbarara Biharwe-Bwizibwera 14 Term Maintenance 130
173 Mbarara Biharwe-Rushozi-Nyakashara 33 Term Maintenance 300
174 Mbarara Kahunga-Nyakayera-Rukoni 18 Term Maintenance 128
175 Mbarara Nyamukana-Kahambo-Kashuro 12 Term Maintenance 110
176 Mbarara Rwemikoma-Kijuma-Rwakitura 17 Term Maintenance 150
177 Mbarara Kashenyi-Mitooma-Kashenshero-Ruhinda 16 Term Maintenance 145
178 Mbarara Rushere-Kinoni-Nabitanga 18 Term Maintenance 160
179 Kabale Kakukuru-Rubaare 7 Term Maintenance 65
180 Kabale Muhanga-Kisiizi-Kebisoni 36 Term Maintenance 260
181 Fort Portal Karugutu-Ntoroko 30 Term Maintenance 228
182 Fort Portal Kyegegwa-Hapuyo-Kibaale 22 Term Maintenance 200
183 Fort Portal Kakabara-Kafunjo-Katooke 27 Term Maintenance 220
184 Fort Portal Kakara-Rwebisengo 16 Term Maintenance 120
185 Fort Portal Bisozi-Bihanga (Ibanda Border) 13 Term Maintenance 90
186 Fort Portal Kamwenge-Kabambiro-Biguhyo-Bihanga 14 Term Maintenance 100
187 Fort Portal Mpara-Kazinga-Bwizi 23 Term Maintenance 200
188 Fort Portal Kamenge-Dura-Rwimi 35 Term Maintenance 250
189 Fort Portal Kamwenge Railway Access 2 Term Maintenance 20
190 Lira Akia-Aloi-Olilm 38 Term Maintenance 250
191 Lira Ngetta-Apala-Adwari 20 Term Maintenance 220
192 Kitgum Madiope-Agoro Hills 28 Term Maintenance 150
193 Jinja Nabirumba-Buyende-Kidera 29 Term Maintenance 200
194 Jinja Nawandala-Nambale-Bugobi-Kisiro 32 Term Maintenance 230
195 Kabale Rukungiri - Mitaano - Kanungu 22 Term Maintenance 220
Total 7,000 54,000

Uganda National Roads Authority


1 Mpigi Kayabwe-Nkozi-Kinyika-Ngando-Wabibo-Kabulasoke 32 Regravel -

2 Mpigi Lukolo-Bunjako 10 Regravel -

3 Mpigi Kabasanda - Kakindu - Zigoti 14 Regravel -

4 Masaka Mbirizi-Matete-Sembabule 25 Regravel -

5 Masaka Sembabule - Katonga 16 Regravel -

6 Masaka Kyabakuza-Kyogya-Matete-Kakinga-Buyaga-Kaliro 49 Regravel -

7 Mubende Kakumiro - Kikwaya-Kafu 55 Regravel -

8 Mubende Nabakazi-Kasambya 30 Regravel -

9 Luwero Zirobwe - Lwajjali - Kabimbiri 16 Regravel -

10 Mbarara Nsiika - Bihanga - Katerera 31 Regravel -

11 Mbarara Nyakabirizi - Burere - Nsiika 32 Regravel -

12 Mbarara Ruti - Mwizi - Kikagati 47 Regravel -

13 Mbarara Kyambura - Katerera - Buhindage - Mahyoro Landing site 40 Regravel -

14 Kabale Katuna - Rubaya - Muko 47 Regravel -

15 Kabale Kihihi - Nyamirama - Kikongi - Burama 18 Regravel -

16 Kabale Katobo - Bugangari - Bwambara 31 Regravel -

17 Kabale Kanungu - Rugyeyo - Kabaranga - Kisiizi 26 Regravel -

18 Kabale Muhanga - Kyogo - Kamwezi 14 Regravel -

19 Kabale Rwashamaire - Kyafora - Kiyenje 13 Regravel -

20 Kasese Nkenda - Bugoye - Nyakalingijo 12 Regravel -

21 Kasese Bwera - Kithoma - Kiraro 10 Regravel -

22 Fort Portal Karugutu - Ntoroko (Km 25 - Km 51) 18 Regravel -

23 Fort Portal Kibuku - Nyabusozi 11 Raise & Regravel -

24 Fort Portal Kahunge -Bisozi - Bwizi - Mbuza - Rweitenga - Kihura 48 Regravel -

25 Fort Portal Bubandi - Kahuka - Malindi 8 Regravel -

26 Hoima Mairirwe - Bugambe 5 Regravel -

27 Hoima Katasiha - Bugambe Tea Estate Gate 12 Regravel -

28 Hoima Masodde - Nkooko - Nalweyo 50 Regravel -

29 Masindi Ihungu - Bulyamusenyu (Kafu river) 30 Regravel -

30 Masindi Ngwedo - Bugana - Waiga 16 Regravel -

31 Lira Aloi - Abako - Bata - Dokolo 30 Regravel -

32 Lira Apala - Aloi - Alebtong 22 Regravel -

33 Lira Apac - Cegere - Teboke & Aduku - Teboke - Loro 44 Regravel -

34 Gulu Aber - Anyeke - Ngai - Abok - Otwal - Aromo - Awere 71 Regravel -

35 Kitgum Kitgum - Kalongo - Patongo 68 Regravel -

36 Kitgum Patongo - Luker Bridge (Lira Border) 14 Regravel -

37 Moyo Dzaipi - Tete - Nimule Border 20 Regravel -

38 Moyo Adjumani - Sinyanya Ferry Landing 25 Regravel -

39 Moyo Obongi - Kulikulinga 32 Regravel -

40 Jinja Kaitabawala - Buyala - Matuumu - Kisozi - Busota 41 Regravel -

41 Mbale Budaka - Kaderuna - Butebo 14 Regravel -

Uganda National Roads Authority

42 Mbale Bugusege - Buteza 7 Regravel -

43 Mbale Kapenguria - Kwot 11 Regravel -

44 Tororo Nyambogo - Lyolwa - Nagongera - Budaka 48 Regravel -

45 Tororo Rubongi - Mulanda - Budumba 32 Regravel -

46 Soroti Soroti - Gweri - Kapujan - Toroma - Magoro 38 Regravel -

47 Soroti Magoro - Ngariam 19 Regravel -

48 Soroti Arapai - Amuria 21 Regravel -

49 Soroti Serere - Kasilo - Kadungulu - Kagwara 27 Regravel -

50 Soroti Kalaki - Lwala - Kaberamaido 20 Regravel -

51 Soroti Dokolo - Kaberamaido 11 Regravel -

52 Soroti Amuria - Obalanga - Alito 28 Regravel -

53 Soroti Amuria - Kabelebyong 25 Regravel -

54 Mbarara Rwenjaza-Kabujogera 24 Regravel -

55 Mbarara Kabujogera - Kagongo 6 Regravel -

56 Mbarara Ruhoko - Kagongo 3 Regravel -

57 Mbarara Kyankanda - Bitsya-Ruhoko & Access 40 Regravel -

58 Mbarara Nyakiraguju - Bugamba - Kitwe 37 Regravel -

59 Luwero Kasiso-Mazzi-Nabalanzi-Kalungi 42 Regravel -

60 Fort Portal Ntandi-Kikyo-Bundibugyo 16 Regravel -

61 Fort Portal Nyakigumba-Katebwa 5 Regravel -

62 Fort Portal Kasisi-Ruteete-Kabata-Rwenkenzi-Kyanga 21 Regravel -

63 Lira Ogur - Apala 12 Regravel -

64 Lira Aromo - Agweng 12 Regravel -

65 Gulu Amuru - Omee - Rhino Camp 41 Regravel -

66 Kitgum Ngomoromo - Nyimur - Bibia 51 Regravel -

67 Kitgum Pader - Kalongo - Paimol 32 Regravel -

68 Moyo Pakele - Pabbo 44 Regravel -

69 Moyo Moyo - Obongi 40 Regravel -

70 Jinja Kaliro - Nawaikoke - Irundu 37 Regravel -

71 Jinja Kaliro-Namwiwa 15 Regravel -

Jinja Bulumba-Namwiwa-Saaka 20 Regravel -

72 Tororo Nagongera-Merikit - Ishikhoye 25 Regravel -

73 Mbale Nabiganda- Musoto-Malukhu 14 Regravel -

74 Soroti Serere - Pingire-Mulondo - Mugarama 32 Regravel -

Total 2,000 -


1 Labour based rehabilitation 160

Kabale Rutobo - Kamwezi 4

2 Labour based rehabilitation 160

Arua Owafa-Kubala-Omugo road 4

3 Lira Alir Police Access road Labour based rehabilitation 200


4 Lira Agwata - Kachung Labour based rehabilitation 160


5 Gulu Loro -Anyeke-Minakulu road Labour based rehabilitation 160


6 Hoima Kidoma - Bugambe Labour based rehabilitation 160


Total 25 1,000

Uganda National Roads Authority

Type of Structure Type of work
Bridge / Culvert
Item no. Location/Road

I Periodic Maintenance of Bridges (Major Repairs)

1 Kiriruma Katojo - Kihihi Steel Bridge Rehabilitation/repair 750

2 Rushaya Katobo - Bugangari - Bwambara Steel Bridge Rehabilitation/repair 750

3 Ntungwa Kihihi - Nyamirama - Kikongi - Burama Steel Bridge Rehabilitation/repair 750

4 Burkung/Burukung Atiak-Palabek-Kitgum Steel Bridge Rehabilitation/repair 750

5 Lochom Ariamoi-Kotido-Kabong-Kapedo Steel Bridge Rehabilitation/repair 750

Composite Bridges -
6 Teyret Kapenguria - Kwot - Teyret at Km 12+200 Construction Works 750
7 Awoo Bobi - Aboke - Ayer Composite Bridges Construction Works 750

Total 4,500

II Routine Maintenance of Bridges

Selected National road bridges - 300 bridges 300 Bridges Bridge maintenance 3,000

Total 300 Bridges 3,000


1 Kampala Kampala Northern Bypass 21.0 Street lighting 100

2 Kampala Kibuye- Zana 6.0 Street lighting 799

3 Kampala AbaitaAbabiri - Entebbe Airport 14.0 Street lighting 100

4 Jinja Njeru- Jinja bypass- Kakira 14.0 Street lighting 1

Total 55.0 1,000


National Road Network Condition Assessment, Traffic Surveys & Quality
Surveys & Quality Assurance 1,200
Total 1,200



Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun
1 Kampala - Mukono 17 P Rehabilitation
Patching F/A
2 Mukono - Lugazi - Njeru 55 P Stage Reconstruction Contract

3 Kibuye - Busega 7 P Term Contract Contract,

Patching F/A
4 Kampala - Entebbe Airport 37 P Term Maintenance/Rehabilitation Contract
Patching/ Drainage F/A
6 Kampala - Gayaza 11 P Term maintenance Contract
Patching F/A

7 Njeru - Nyenga 10 P Rehabilitation Contract

Patching, F/A

10 Mukono - Kyetume 4 P Rehabilitation Contract

11 Kawempe - Bombo 22 P Term Maintenance contract

12 Nsambya - Gaba - Munyonyo 12 P Term Maintenance Contract
Patching F/A
14 Silversprings - Bweyogerere 8 P
Patching F/A
15 Kireka - Namugongo 7 P
Patching F/A
16 Bukoloto - Njeru 43 P
Patching/ Shoulder recharging F/A
17 Mukono - Kalagi 19 P
Patching/ Shoulder recharging & Resealing F/A

18 Kalagi - Kayunga 34 P
Patching/drainage works F/A
19 Gayaza - Kalagi 19 P
Patching/ Shoulder Patching F/A

20 Nansana - Busunju 46 P Rehabilitation Contract

Patching F/A
24 Namboole Access 3 P
Patching F/A
28 Seeta - Namilyango 4 P
Patching/drainage works F/A

29 Busunju - Lwamata 50 P Patching, river training F/A

Term maintenance for gravelling Contract

30 Kayunga - Baale 46 U
Grading, Spot regravelling & Drainage works F/A
31 Kisoga - Nkokonjeru - Najja 39 U Grading, Spot regravelling & Drainage works F/A
Upgrading to tarmac Contract
32 Kafunta - Bugungu 4 U Grading, Spot regravelling & Drainage works

33 Bweyogerere - Bukasa 2 P Patching F/A

5 P Grading, Spot regravelling & Drainage works F/A

34 Kayunga - Nabuganyi 20 U Term maintenance for gravelling Contract

Grading, Spot regravelling & Drainage works F/A

35 Kawuku - Bwerenga 7 U Grading, Spot regravelling & Drainage works F/A

36 Kakiri - Lwentama 6 U Grading, Spot regravelling & Drainage works F/A

37 Baale - Galilaya 43 U Term maintenance for gravelling Contract



Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun

Grading, Spot regravelling & Drainage works F/A

38 Kyetume - Katosi 23 U Upgrading Contract

39 Lugazi - Buikwe-Nyenga 25 U Grading, Spot regravelling & Drainage works F/A

40 Entebbe - Nakiwogo Ferry Landing 8 P Patching F/A

41 Nyenga - Railway Station Access 3 U Grading, Spot regravelling & Drainage works

42 Bulumagi - Nyenga 4 U Grading, Spot regravelling & Drainage works

43 Buikwe-Najja-Kiyindi 17 U Grading, Spot regravelling & Drainage works F/A

44 Najja - Nyenga 7 U Grading, Spot regravelling & Drainage works F/A

Term Maintenance Contract

45 Bweyogerere - Busega (Northern Bypass) 21 P Road Reserve Enforcement F/A
Patching F/A
Shoulder Repairs Contract

48 Kibuye - Salaama - Munyonyo 8 P Term Maintenance

Patching F/A
Old Masaka Road (Kyengera -Kabojja Secondary School
2 U Grading, Spot regravelling & Drainage works Contract
49 Turn off)

50 Nateete - Nakawuka 16 U Term maintenance for gravelling Contract

51 Nakawuka - Kisubi 13 U Term maintenance for gravelling Contract

52 Nakawuka - Kasanje 10 U Term maintenance for gravelling Contract

53 Abayita Ababiri - Kasenyi 7 U Term maintenance for gravelling Contract

54 Kitala - Gerenge 10 U Term maintenance for gravelling Contract

55 Lweza - Kigo Prison - Busabala 10 U Grading & Spot regravelling F/A

56 Najjanankumbi - Busabala - Kaazi 12 U Term maintenance for gravelling Contract

57 Access to Kajjansi Air Strip 3 U Grading & Spot regravelling Contract

58 Access to Kigungu 11 U Grading & Spot regravelling Contract

59 Access to Katabi 1 U Grading & Spot regravelling F/A

60 Access to Luunyo 2 U Grading & Spot regravelling F/A

61 Access to Kakiri Army Barracks 2 U Grading & Spot regravelling F/A

62 Access to Kajjansi Fisheries Research Centre 2 U Grading & Spot regravelling F/A

63 Namayumba - Kitalya Prison - Kamuli 19 U Grading & Spot regravelling F/A

64 Buloba - Wakiso - Kassengejje - Matugga - Kasangati 32 U Term maintenance for gravelling Contract
Grading & Spot regravelling F/A

65 Seeta - Nakiyanja 7 U Term maintenance for gravelling Contract



Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun
66 Kisoga - Kibanga Port 11 U Grading & Spot regravelling F/A

67 Buikwe-Lugasa 9 U Grading & Spot regravelling F/A

68 Access to Kituuza Agriculture Research Center 6 U Grading & Spot regravelling F/A

69 Kyampisi - Musamya - Ntunda - Nagoje - Namataba 41 U Grading & Spot regravelling F/A

70 Nazigo - Kireku - Nkokonjeru - Kitimbwa 44 U Grading & Spot regravelling F/A

71 Namboole -Kampala Industrial Park-Jinja Road 12 U Term maintenance Contract


72 Misindye-Bukerere-Kiyunga-Nakibano-Namaliri 39 U Term maintenance Contract

73 Kira - Kasaganti 5 P Patching F/A

U Grading & Spot regravelling F/A

74 Bugungu Prison off Bwuikwe Nyenga road 4 U Grading & Spot regravelling F/A

75 Mukono railway Access off Mukono - Kyetume road 1 U Grading & Spot regravelling F/A

76 Kawolo railway Access from Lugazi 1 P Patching F/A

77 Kyerima - Bulamula 11 U Grading & Spot regravelling F/A

78 Kirongo -Kulwe 21 U Grading & Spot regravelling F/A

79 Walwanda - Kikongo 20 U Grading & Spot regravelling F/A
Total 1,077
Labour Based Contracts 933 Manual Maintenance

02 - MPIGI
1 Busega - Maya 10 P Manual Maintenance Contract

2 Maya - Kamengo 32 P Manual Maintenance Contract

3 Kamengo - Lwera 46 P Manual Maintenance Contract

4 Busega - Jjeza - Mityana 59 P Term Maintenance Contract

5 Mpigi Loop, paved section 2 P Upgrading to tarmac Contract

6 Mpigi Loop, unpaved section 3 U Upgrading to tarmac Contract

7 Mitala Maria - Bulo - Kanoni 30 U Term Maintenance Contract

8 Mpigi - Kanoni 60 U Upgrading to tarmac Contract

9 Kanoni - Maddu 34 U Grading & Spot Gravelling F/A

10 Maddu - Kyayi - R.Nabakazi 45 U Grading & Spot Gravelling F/A

11 Mpigi - Kasanje - Buwaya 22 U Term Maintenance Contract

12 Mityana - Busunju 30 U Term Maintenance Contract

13 Buwama - Katebo Port 13 U Grading & Spot Gravelling F/A



Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun

14 Kanoni - Misigi - Mityana 39 U Term Maintenance Contract

15 Maddu - Kisozi - R.Katonga 26 U Grading & Spot Gravelling F/A

16 Maddu - Musozi 23 U Grading & Spot Gravelling F/A

17 Kasambya Railway Access 8 U Grading & Spot Gravelling F/A

18 Mitala Maria Loop 5 U Grading & Spot Gravelling F/A

19 Bujuuko Railway Access 4 U Grading & Spot Gravelling F/A

20 Kawolongojjo Railway Access 3 U Grading & Spot Gravelling F/A

21 Katonga - Ggolo 11 U Grading & Spot Gravelling F/A

22 Nakawuka- Namutamala- Katende- Bujjuko- Kawalira- 31 U Grading & Spot Gravelling F/A
23 Kayabwe- Nkozi- Kinyika- Ngando- Wabibo- Kabulasoke 45 U Regravelling Contract

24 Kyabadaza- Kibibi 15 U Grading & Spot Gravelling F/A

25 Kayenje- Nkinga- Nakatoke 11 U Grading & Spot Gravelling F/A

26 Kikonge- Sekanyonyi- Matte 32 U Grading & Spot Gravelling F/A

27 Kituuma- Kiryokya- Mutetema 22 U Grading & Spot Gravelling F/A

28 Buddo - Nakasozi 5 P Patching F/A

29 Nabbingo Access road 2 P Patching F/A

30 Lukolo - Bunjako road 14 U Regravelling Contract

31 Kabasanda- Kakindi- Zigoti 21 U Regravelling Contract

Total 698
Labour Based Contracts 634 Manual Maintenance Contract


74 P Reconstruction under DLP Contract

1 Masaka-Lyantonde
De-silting drains FA
2 Masaka-Lwera 32 P Reconstruction under DLP Contract
3 Masaka- Bypass 6 P Reconstruction under DLP Contract
5 P Remedial repairs & seal Contract
4 Masaka-Nyendo
Patching FA
5 Nyendo-Villa Maria 10 P Patching/Term Maintenance FA/Contract
6 Masaka- Kyotera 43 P Patching/Term Maintenance FA/Contract
7 Kyotera- Rakai 21 P Patching/Term Maintenance FA/Contract
8 Kyotera-Mutukula 45 P Patching/Term Maintenance FA/Contract
36 U Upgrading to tarmac Contract
9 Masaka- Bukakata
Grading and spot gravelling FA
2 U Upgrading to tarmac Contract
10 Bukakata-Kakyanga
5 U Upgrading to tarmac Contract
11 Bukakata - Lambu
12 Rakai- Ntantamukye 50 U Term Maintenance Contract
41 U Term Maintenance Contract
13 Kyapa Kansesero


Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun
13 Kyapa -Kansesero
14 Villa-Ssembabule 48 U Term Maintenance Contract
48 U Term Maintenance Contract
15 Villa-Kyamulibwa Kabulasoke
50 U Term maintenance Contract
16 Lumbugu -Lyantonde
Grading and spot gravelling FA
17 Sembabule- Nkonge 58 U Term Maintenance Contract

62 U Term Maintenance Contract

Kyabakuza-Kiwangala- Ndagwe Kabale
61 U Term Maintenance Contract
19 Grading and spot gravelling FA
Term Maintenance
20 41 U Grading and spot gravelling FA
Taba-Kyesiga-Ddimo Landing
21 9 U Grading and spot gravelling FA
Term maintenance Contract
Kyesiga-Malembo landing
22 13 U Grading and spot gravelling FA
23 58 U Periodic Maintenance Contract
Mbirizi - Sembabule - Katonga
25 58 U Term Maintenance Contract
Lyantonde -Kaliro-Ntuusi
26 Lumegere-Lwemiyaga-Kakinga 17 U Grading and spot gravelling FA
27 Lyantonde- High street 2 P Drainage Maintenance FA
Term Maintenance Contract
28 32 U Grading and spot gravelling FA
29 Luku-Kalangala-Lutoboka 36 U Regravelling - under KIS programme Contract
30 Kalangala- Mulabana 36 U Regravelling - under KIS programme Contract

31 70 U Periodic Maintenance Contract
Kyabakuza-Kyogya Matete Kakinga Buyaga Kaliro
32 Army Barracks Access 4 U Asphalt patching & Grading FA
33 Degeya PTTC Access 4 U Grading and spot gravelling FA
34 Mukoko - Birinzi - Kigo/Ssunga 13 U Grading and spot gravelling FA
35 Kalungu - Bukulula 12 U Grading and spot gravelling FA
TOTAL 1,102
Labour based Contracts 1,102 Manual Maintenance
Grand Total 1,102


Patching FA
1 Kiganda loop 2 P
Patching FA
2 Mubende-Mityana 85 P
Rehabilitation Contract
Patching FA
3 Mubende-Lubaale 30 P
Rehabilitation Contract
Patching FA
4 Mubende-Kakumiro Township 2.7 P
Rehabilitation Contract
Grading and spot gravelling
5 Mubende-Kakumiro-Kibaale 65 U
Periodic Maintenance Contract
Grading and spot gravelling FA
6 Mityana-Katakala-Naama 8 U
Grading and spot gravelling FA
7 Myanzi loop 2 U

8 Kakumiro-Kikwaya-Kafu 78 U
Periodic Maintenence Contract
Kasambya-Nabingola Grading and spot gravelling FA
9 16 U

Lusalira-Nkonge 39 U
Term Maintenance Contract
Grading and spot gravelling FA
11 Mubende Biwange 6 U


Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun
11 Mubende- Biwange 6 U
Grading and spot gravelling FA
12 Kitenga-Musozi 19.2 U

13 Myanzi-Kasanda-Bukuya-Zanyiro-Kiboga 63 U
Term maintenance Contract
Grading and spot gravelling FA
14 Kasanda-Madudu-Kiyuya 60 U
Term maintenance Contract
15 Nabakazi-Kasambya 24 U
Periodic Maintenance Contract
Term Maintenance
16 Wakitundu-Bulera-Mutetema-Bukuya - Kitumbi Bridge 70 U
Term Maintenance Contract

Grading and spot gravelling Contract/FA
17 Kakumiro-Nkoko 27 U
Grading and spot gravelling Contract/FA
18 Nkondo-Nalweyo 31 U
Grading and spot gravelling FA
19 Kabamba-Kalama 9 U
Grading and spot gravelling FA
20 Muyiyina prison 1.0 U
Grading and spot gravelling FA
21 Mityana-Railway Access 4 U
Grading and spot gravelling FA
22 Ikula-Kanyogoga 44.6 U
Term Maintenance Contract
Grading and spot gravelling FA
23 Rwebituti-Gold mines Spur 10 U
Total 697
Labour Based Contracts 697 Manual Maintenance Contract
Grand Total 697


Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun

1 Bombo - Luwero 38 P Term Maintenance Contract

2 Luwero - Nakasongola 53 P Term Maintenance Contract

3 Nakosongola - Kafu 54 P Term Maintenance Contract

4 Nakasongola Loop/Airbase 20 P Term Maintenance Contract

5 Luwero - Kiwoko - Butalangu 30 U Grading and spot gravelling FA

6 Butalangu - Ngoma 54 U Grading and spot graveling FA

7 Ngoma - Bulyamusenyu 32 U Grading and spot gravelling FA

8 Luwero - Kikyusa - Zirobwe 39 U Term Maintenance Contract

9 Wobulenzi - Bamunanika - Zirobwe 24 U Grading and spot gravelling FA

10 Gayaza - Zirobwe 32 P Term Maintenance Contract

11 Kisuule - Nakaseke - Kapeeka-Busunju 50 U Term Maintenance Contract

12 Matugga - Semuto - Kapeeka 42 P Term Maintenance Contract

13 Kapeeka - Butalangu 18 U Grading and spot gravelling FA

14 Kalule - Bamunanika 12 U Grading and spot gravelling FA

15 Katikamu-Kikyusa-Bamugolodde 49 U Term Maintenance Contract

16 Nakasongola - Kazwama - Bamugolodde 53 U Term Maintenance Contract

17 Nakasongola - Kibuye - Lwampanga/Zengebe ferry 33 U Term Maintenance Contract

18 Lwampanga - Lwabyata -Nakitoma- Kafu 59 U Term Maintenance Contract

19 Sasira - Namika 24 U Grading and spot gravelling FA

20 Zirobwe - Lwajjali - Kabimbiri 23 U Regravelling Contract

21 Bombo - Ndejje - Kalasa 20 U Grading and spot gravelling FA

22 Kalule - Bowa - Nakaseke - Kiwoko 37 U Term Maintenance (New) Contract

23 Katuugo - Kinyogogga - Kaweweta Barracks 42 U Term Maintenance plus box culvert at Lugogo Contract

24 Ngoma - Buwana - Kinyogoga 28 U Term Maintenance Contract

25 Ngoma - Kyankwanzi 16 U Term Maintenance Contract

26 Ngoma - Kasozi - Kyamukonda 42 U Term Maintenance Contract

27 Kikubampanga - Lutabayima - Seganga 6 U Grading and spot gravelling FA

28 Mate - Kabulamuliro - Kakinga 9 U Grading and spot gravelling FA

29 Semuto - Kakonda - Namayumba 16 U Grading and spot gravelling FA

30 Kakiri Masulita Danze Mawale 23 U Term Maintenance (New) Contract



Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun
30 Kakiri - Masulita - Danze - Mawale 23 U Term Maintenance (New) Contract

31 Kakonda - Seganga - Gobero 15 U Grading and spot gravelling FA

32 Kapeeka - Singo Barracks - Kituuma 20 U Term Maintenance Contract

33 Kakooge-Nansaka-Wabusana 31 U Grading and spot gravelling FA

34 Migeera-Nabisweera 7 U Grading and spot gravelling FA

35 Kasiso-Mazzi-Nabalanzi-Kalungi 60 U Regravelling Contract



Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun

36 Kakinga-Kalungu-Dwaniro 32 U Grading and spot gravelling FA

37 Kiwoko-Kalagala-Ngogolo 34 U Grading and spot gravelling FA

38 Kyabakadde-Namasumbi-Lwajali-Busika-Kayindu 28 U Grading and spot gravelling FA

Total 1,204
Labour Based Contracts 1,204 Manual Maintenance Contract


1 Mbarara (Ruti) - Ntungamo with By-pass 57 P Reconstruction

2 Mbarara (Ruti) - Lyantonde 67 P Term Maintenance
3 Mbarara - Ibanda 65 P Term Maintenance
4 Mbarara - Ishaka 61 P Term Maintenance
5 Ishaka - Rugazi 37 P Term Maintenance
6 Nyamitanga - Katete 4 P Term Maintenance
7 Nyakahita - Rushere - Kazo 70 P Term Maintenance
8 Kazo - Ibanda 33 P Up-grading to tarmac
9 Kabwohe - Nsiika/Bwizibwera 47 U Term Maintenance
10 Rushere - Rwakitura 8 U Term Maintenance
11 Kazo - Nyakaliro - Kyegegwa 83 U Term Maintenance
12 Katete - Nsongezi 49 P Up-grading to tarmac
13 Isingiro - Ntatamukye 54 U Term Maintenance

14 Muzizi - Buremba - Kakinga Bridge (Sembabule bdr) 71 U Term Maintenance
15 Ibanda - Kamwenge 45 P Manual Maintenance
16 Nsongezi - Kikagati 10 P Up-grading to tarmac
17 Kikagati - Kafunjo 34 U Term Maintenance
18 Kikagati - Murongo bridge 3 P Up-grading to tarmac
19 Nsongezi - Kyaka 14 U Term Maintenance F/A
1 Ntare - Mutonto - Kacwangobe 39 U Term Maintenance Contract
2 Kashongi - Kantaganya 24 U Term Maintenance Contract
3 Nsiika - Bihanga - Katerera 44 U Periodic Maintenance Contract
4 Nyakabirizi - Burere - Nsiika 45 U Periodic Maintenance Contract
5 Kyankanda - Bitsya - Ruhoko 44 U Periodic Maintenance Contract
6 Ruhoko - Kagongo 4 U Periodic Maintenance Contract
7 Ntantamukyi - Kamwema (Tz bdr) 18 U Grading & Spot regravelling F/A
8 Kityaza - Murema - Bugango (Tz bdr) 27 U Term Maintenance C/LBC
9 Mabona - Ekitindo - Kasheshe (Tz bdr) 56 U Term Maintenance C/LBC
10 Kabingo - Nyakitunda - Kyezimbire 42 U Grading & Spot regravelling F/A
11 Ruti - Mwizi - Kikagati 67 U Periodic Maintenance Contract
12 Nyakiraguju - Ruzinga (Bugamba) - Kitwe 53 U Periodic Maintenance Contract
13 Kiburura Trading Centre - Kiburura Prison Farm 2 U Grading & Spot regravelling F/A
14 Kanyarigiri - Nyamarebe - Ishongororo 24 U Term Maintenance Contract
15 Ishongororo - Bisheshe 25 U Term Maintenance Contract
16 Ruhumba - Byanamira - Kashwa 33 U Term Maintenance Contract
17 Biharwe - Bwizibwera 24 U Term Maintenance Contract
18 Biharwe - Rushozi - Nyakasharara 56 U Term Maintenance Contract
19 Kahunga - Nyakyera - Rukoni 31 U Term Maintenance Contract
20 Nyamukana - Kahambo - Kashuro 20 U Term Maintenance Contract
21 Rugaga - Rushasha - Rwentaha - Endiizi 56 U Grading & Spot regravelling F/A
22 Saano - Endiizi 11 U Grading & Spot regravelling F/A
23 Kyambura - Katerera - Buhindage - Mahyoro Junction 36 U Periodic Maintenance Contract
24 Rwemikoma - Kijuma - Rwakitura 28 U Term Maintenance Contract
25 Rwenjaza - Kabujogera 34 U Periodic Maintenance Contract
26 Kabujogera - Mahyoro Landing site 21 U Periodic Maintenance F/A
27 Kabujogera - Kagongo 12 U Periodic Maintenance Contract
28 Ibanda - Kagongo 7 P&U Periodic Maintenance Contract


Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun
29 Kabwohe - Bugongi - Kitagata - Kabira 51 U Term Maintenance Contract
30 Kashenyi - Mitooma - Kashenshero - Ruhinda 27 U Term Maintenance Contract
31 Rushere - Kinoni - Nabitanga 30 U Term Maintenance F/A
32 Nyakayojo T.C - Kibingo PTC 3 U Grading & Spot regravelling F/A

33 Bihanga Army Barracks access 2 U Grading & Spot regravelling F/A
34 Access to Kiyora PTC off Nyakyera - Rukoni Rd 0 U Grading & Spot regravelling F/A
35 Access to Kamwenge Railway station 1 U Grading & Spot regravelling F/A
36 Kityaza - Murema - Bugango access 1 U Grading & Spot regravelling F/A
37 Kyambura - Kashaka 18 U Grading & Spot regravelling F/A
38 Bigusyo - Bihanga 13 U Grading & Spot regravelling F/A
39 Engarusya - Buremba 24 U Grading & Spot regravelling F/A
TOTAL 1,866
Labour Based Maintenance Contracts 1,615 Manual Maintenance Contract


Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun


1 Kabale -Muhanga 32 P Reconstruction Contract

2 Kabale -Katuna 23 P Reconstruction Contract
3 Muhanga -Ntungamo 48 P Reconstruction Contract
Term Maintenance Contract
4 Kagamba -Rukungiri 35 P
Patching & drainage works FA
Term Maintenance Contract
5 Ntungamo -Kagamba 15 P
Patching & drainage works FA
6 Kabale Town Access Road 4 P Reconstruction contract
7 Kagamba- Ishaka 36 U Up-grading to tarmac contract
8 Kakukuru -Rubaare 12 U Term Maintenance Contract
9 Muhanga- Kisiizi- Kebisoni 62 U Term Maintenance Contract
10 Ntungamo- Kafunjo- Kakitumba 36 U Up-grading to tarmac Contract
11 Kabale -Ikumba 20 P
12 Ikumba -Kisoro 60 P
Term Maintenance Contract
13 Kisoro- Bunagana 13 P
14 Nyakabande-Kyanika 11 P
14 Kabale - Kisoro - Bunagana (93km) 1 P Patching, drainage works, edge repairs FA
15 Kalengenyere Bypass 6 U Grading and spot gravellling FA
16 Kisoro -Kyanika 6 U Grading and spot gravellling FA
Labour Based Technology Contract
17 Rutobo - Kamwezi 18 U
Grading and spot gravellling FA
18 Katuna - Rubaya - Muko 67 U Periodic Maintenance Contract
19 Old Kabale Road (Kigata - Kabunyonyi - Nyakigugwe) 20 U Grading and spot gravellling FA

20 Butobere - Muyumbu - Rwamucucu 19 U Grading and spot gravellling FA
21 Access to Kacwekano Agriculture Research Centre 0.4
Ikumba - Nfasha - Ruhija - Mpungu - Hamayanja -
22 64
Butogota U Term Maintenance Contract
23 Kanyantorogo - Butogota - Kyeshero-Buhoma 32
24 Kabale - Lake Bunyonyi 8
25 Rwabuteera - Kanyanshande Spur 7 U Grading and spot gravellling FA
26 Hamurwa - Kerere - Kanungu 47
27 Kanungu - Kihihi - Ishasha 33 U Term Maintenance Contract
28 Katojo - Kihihi 17
U Term Maintenance Contract
29 Rukungiri - Mitaano - Kanungu 44
Grading / Landslide removal FA
30 Rukungiri - Ruhinda 20 U Term Maintenance Contract
31 Rubaare - Kyempene - Rubirizi 24 U Grading and spot gravellling FA
32 Rwashamaire - Rwahi 38 U Grading and spot gravellling FA
33 Rwentobo - Ngoma - Kizinga 18 U Grading and spot gravellling FA
34 Rukungiri - Kabira 15 U Term Maintenance Contract
35 Bugangari - Rwerere 11 U Grading and spot gravellling FA
36 Kihihi - Nyamirama - Kikongi - Burama 25 U Periodic Maintenance Contract
37 Katobo - Bugangari - Bwambara 45 U Periodic Maintenance Contract
38 Kanungu - Rugyeyo - Kabaranga - Kisiizi 38 U Periodic Maintenance Contract
39 Kisoro - Nyarusiza - Muhabura 9
40 Kisoro - Nyabwishenya - Nteko 46
U Term Maintenance Contract
41 Mgahinga - Ntebeko 6
42 Nyabwishenya - Rubuguri - Katojo 28
43 Natete - Busanza - Mpaka 18 U Grading and spot gravellling FA
44 Nyakabande - Mutorere 6 U Grading and spot gravellling FA
45 Access to Rukungiri PTTC 2 U Grading and spot gravellling FA
46 Kisoro army barracks off Kabale - Kisoro road 0.2 U Grading and spot gravellling
47 Muhanga-Kyogo-Kamwezi 19 U Periodic Maintenance Contract
48 Rwashamaire - Kyafora-Kiyenje 19 U Periodic Maintenance Contract
Total 1,177
Labour Based Contracts 1,022 Manual Maintenance Contract


Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun


Patching F/A
18 P
1 Katunguru - Rugazi Rehabilitation Contract
Patching F/A
29 P
2 Kasese - Rwimi Term Maintenance Contract
22 P Patching F/A
3 Kasese - Kikorongo Resealing Contract
15 P Patching F/A
4 Kikorongo - Rwentare - Katunguru Resealing Contract
5 Kasese - Kilembe 12 P Patching F/A


Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun
6 38 P Patching F/A
Kikorongo - Mpondwe Term Maintenance Contract
7 Katunguru - Ishasha 87 U Grading and spot gravellling F/A
8 L. George - Rwentare - Katwe 39 U Grading and spot gravellling F/A
9 Katwe - Katojo - Mundongo - Bwera 25 U Grading and spot gravellling F/A
10 Kabirizi - Kyarumba - Kisinga 26 U Grading and spot gravellling F/A
11 Kinyamaseke - Kisinga 13 U Grading and spot gravellling F/A
12 Nsenyi - Kisinga - Kiburara 10 U Grading and spot gravellling F/A
13 Rugendabara- Kitswamba - Kasangali 25 U Grading and spot gravellling F/A
14 Nkenda-Bugoye-Nyakalingijo 18 U Regravelling Contract
15 Nkenda-Bugoye-Nyakalingijo U Grading and spot gravellling F/A
16 Mubuku-Maliba-Nuyo Institute 15 U Grading and spot gravellling F/A
17 Bwera-Kithoma-Kiraro 14 U Regravelling Contract
18 Bwera-Kithoma-Kiraro U Grading and spot gravellling F/A
19 Murseghe-Ihandiro 7 U Grading and spot gravellling F/A
20 Access to Ibuga and Rwimi Ug. Prisons 10 U Grading and spot gravellling F/A
21 Hima army barracks off Kasese - F/Portal Rd 4 U Grading and spot gravellling F/A
22 Access to Rwenshama Landing Site 7 U Grading and spot gravellling F/A
` Labour Based Maintenance Contracts 432 Manual Maintenance Contract


Fort Portal -Kyenjojo P Rehabilitation Contract

1 50
P Patching FA
P Term Maintenance Contract

2 Kyenjojo-Kyegegwa-Mubende Bdr (Rubale) 65
P Patching FA
P Term maintenance Contract
3 Fort Portal -Rwimi 45
P Patching FA
4 Rugombe-Kyarusozi-Katooke 37 U Term Maintenance Contract
5 Kyenjojo-Katooke-Muzizi 38 U Term Maintenance Contract
6 Fort Portal-Kijura-Kabende Bridge 41 U Term Maintenance Contract
7 Fort Portal-Kamwenge 65 U Upgrading to tarmac Contract
8 Itojo-Sempaya section 15 U Grading FA
Patching FA
9 Fort Portal-Bundibugyo 84 P
Term Maintenance Contract
Upgrading to tarmac Contract
10 Bundibugyo - Lamia
20 U Term Maintenance Contract
11 Karugutu-Ntoroko 51 U Term Maintenance Contract
12 Kyegegwa-Hapuyo-Kibaale 37 U Term Maintenance Contract
13 Kakabara-Kafunjo-Katooke 46 U Term Maintenance Contract
14 Ntandi - Kikyo - Bundibugyo 22 U Periodic Maintenance Contract
Kigarama - Gweri-Kanyambeho/Harub + Virika-
15 13 U Grading &spot regravelling FA
16 Kakara - Rwebisengo 27 U Term Maintenance Contract
17 Kibuku - Nyabusozi 15 U Periodic Maintenance Contract
18 Kahunge - Bisozi - Bwizi - Mbuza - Rweitengya - Kihura 68 U Periodic Maintenance Contract
19 Bisozi - Bihanga (Ibanda Boarder) 15 U Term Maintenance Contract
20 Kamwenge - Kabambiro - Biguhyo - Bihanga (23km) 23 U Term Maintenance Contract
21 Nyakigumba - Katebwa (National monument) (7km) 7 U Periodic Maintenance Contract
22 Bukuku - Rubona 17 U Grading &spot regravelling FA
23 Canon Apollo Access 5 P&U Grading &spot regravelling FA
24 Muhooti Army Barracks Access 7 U Grading &spot regravelling FA
25 Sogahe - Kyarusozi 20 U Grading &spot regravelling FA
26 Mpara - Kazinga - Bwizi 39 U Term Maintenance Contract
27 Butiiti PTC Access 2 U Grading FA
28 Kasisi - Ruteete - Kabata - Rwenkenzi - Kyanga 30 U Periodic Maintenance Contract
Bundibugyo Army Barracks Access (Bubandi - Bundibugyo
29 5 U Grading &spot regravelling FA
barracks - Butamma Health Center)


Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun
Opening and Heavy Maintenance (improvement of low spots and
30 Bubandi - Kahuka - Malindi 11 U Contract
drainage and full scale regravelling)

31 Busaru - Butoogo 13 U Grading & spot regravelling FA
Opening and Heavy Maintenance (improvement of low spots and
32 Harugale - Bupompoli 8 U FA
drainage and full scale regravelling)
33 Kamwenge - Dura - Rwimi 60 U Term Maintenance Contract
34 Kamwenge Railway Access 2 U Term Maintenance Contract
Total 1,003
Labour Based Contracts 910 Manual maintenance Contract


Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun


1 Hoima-Kiboga-Lwamata 95 P Term Maintenance Contract

P Patching, Edge repairs & Drainage Improvement F/A
2 Buhimba-Kabaale Swamp 16 U Grading & spot regravelling F/A
3 Kabwoya-Kituti 42 U Grading & spot regravelling F/A
4 Kituti-Buhuka 6 U
5 Kagadi-Kibaale 40 U Term Maintenance Contract
6 Bukwiri-Kyankwanzi 29 U Term Maintenance Contract
7 Parajwoki-Biiso 38 U Term Maintenance Contract
8 Hoima-Kisalizi 20 U Term Maintenance Contract
9 Hoima-Kiziranfumbi 25 U Term Maintenance Contract
10 Kiziranfumbi-Kabwoya-Kagadi 68 U Term Maintenance Contract
11 Kagadi-Muzizi 15 U Term maintenance Contract
12 Kiziranfumbi-Kabaale 26 U Grading & spot regravelling F/A
13 Hoima-Parajwoki-Kaiso 86 U Upgrading to tarmac
14 Sebagoro Link 8 U Grading & spot regravelling F/A
15 Mairirwe-Bugambe 8 U Regravelling Contract
16 Katasiha-Bugambe Tea Estate Gate 16 U Regravelling Contract
17 Katasiha-Waaki 22 U Grading & spot regravelling F/A
18 Bugambe-Buseruka 18 U Grading & spot regravelling F/A
19 Masodde-Nkooko-Nalweyo 71 U Regravelling Contract
20 Kibaale-Kyebando-Pacwa 46 U Grading & spot regravelling Contract & F/A
21 Buseruka-Kigorobya 18 U Grading & spot regravelling FA
22 Isunga-Bugwara-Kikwaya 36 U Grading & spot regravelling Contract & F/A
23 Kyenzige-Rugashali-Mabaale 31 U Grading & spot regravelling Contract & F/A

24 Muhooro-Ndaiga 31 U Grading & spot regravelling Contract & F/A
25 Rwera-Kaseeta 16 U Grading & spot regravelling F/A
26 Kyehooro Link 12 U Grading & spot regravelling F/A
27 Bulera PTC Acess 2 U Grading & spot regravelling F/A
28 Buseruka-Tonya 30 U Grading & spot regravelling Contract & F/A
29 Bukomero-Dwaniro-Kyankwanzi 68 U Term maintenance Contract
30 Kidoma-Bugambe 14 U Labour Based Technology Contract & F/A
31 Bukwiri-Ntwetwe-Kitumbi Bridge 40 U Term maintenance Contract
32 Kyenda-Mpongo Bridge-Kisita 34 U Grading & spot regravelling Contract & F/A
33 Bukwiri-Byerima-Kikuya 18 U Grading & spot regravelling F/A
34 Kyenda-Banda-R.Mayanja 36 U Grading & spot regravelling Contract & F/A
TOTAL 1,077
Labour Based Contracts 991 Manual maintenance Contract


1 Bukumi Escarpment 2 P Patching/Reseal F/A

2 Kafu-Kigumba - Kiryandongo 42 P Rehabilitation Contract
3 Kiryandongo-Karuma 46 P Rehabilitation Contract
4 Masindi-Kafu Bridge 42 P Patching/ Term Maintenance Contract & F/A
5 Masindi-Kigumba Township Section 1 P Rehabilitation Contract
6 Masindi-Biiso 51 U Term Maintenance Contract
7 Buliisa Park Jcn 22 U Term Maintenance Contract
8 Masindi-Kisanja-Kigumba 39 U Term Maintenance/ Upgrading Contract
9 Kisanja-Park Jcn 72 U Term Maintenance Contract
10 Park Jcn-Paraa 8 U Term Maintenance Contract
11 Masindi-Rwenkunye 36 U Grading & Spot regravelling F/A
12 Rwenkunye-Masindi Port 7 U Grading & Spot regravelling F/A
13 Masindi-Kisalizi River 32 U Term Maintenance/ Upgrading Contract
14 Biiso-Bukumi 8 U Grading & Spot regravelling F/A
15 Bukumi-Butiaba 9 U Grading & Spot regravelling F/A
16 Bukumi-Buliisa-Wanseko 51 U Term Maintenance Contract


Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun
17 Ihungu-Bulyamusenyu (Kafu river) 42 U Periodic Maintenance Contract
18 Ikooba-Ntoma 20 U Grading & Spot regravelling F/A
19 Ntoma-Rusegura (Ikooba-Rusagura-Bwijanga) 40 U Grading & Spot regravelling Contract

20 Karongo-Katanga-Waki 22 U Grading & Spot regravelling Contract & F/A
21 Ngwedo-Bugana-Waiga 22 U Periodic Maintenance Contract
22 Katulikile-Mutunda-Atura/Nanda 24 U Improvement and Grading F/A
23 Kirasa-Kamurasi-Kikwanana(Kisengya) 5 U Grading & Spot regravelling F/A
24 Isimba Prison access (Bwijanga-Isimba) 4 U Grading & Spot regravelling F/A
25 Butiaba-Army Barracks Access 3 U Grading & Spot regravelling F/A

Total 182
Labour Based Contracts 482 Manual Maintenance Contract
Grand Total 482


Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun


1 Lira-Kamdini 68 P Patching FA/Contract

2 Lira-Ngetta 9 P Patching/Term Maintenance FA/Contract
3 Lira - Adwilla 7 P Patching FA/Contract
4 Lira Bypass 4 P Patching FA/Contract
5 Lira - Akia 8 P Rehabilitation Contract
6 Agwata-Aduku 32 U Grading and spot gravellling FA
7 Lira-Aduku-Apac 57 U Term Maintenance/Grading and spot gravellling FA/Contract
8 Adwilla - Agwata 24 P Term Maintenance Contract
9 Agwata-Dokolo 27 P Term Maintenance Contract
10 Agwata Bypass 3 P Term Maintenance Contract
11 Dokolo - Namasale 88 U Term Maintenance Contract
12 Agwata-Kachung 10 U Labour Based Technology Contract
13 Akia-Aloi-Olilim 90 U Term Maintenance Contract
14 Apac-Akokoro-Masindi Port 83 U Term Maintenance/Grading and spot gravellling FA/Contract
15 Ngetta - Puranga (Kitgum border) 34 U Term Maintenance/Grading and spot gravellling FA/Contract
16 Ngetta-Apala-Adwari 46 U Term Maintenance Contract
17 Adwari-Okwang-Okee River 45 U Grading and spot gravellling Contract
18 Adwari-Okee Bridge 19 U Grading and spot gravellling Contract
19 Aduku-Nambieso 18 U Grading and spot gravellling FA
20 Aduku-Teboke-Loro 35 U Regravelling Contract
21 Apac-Cegere-Teboke 28 U Regravelling Contract
22 Cegere-Kidilani 15 U Grading and spot gravellling FA
23 Odyek - Muntu - Alemere - Chagwara - Namasale 64 U Grading and spot gravellling Contract

24 Corner Cwagere - Kwera 15 U Grading and spot gravellling FA
25 Ami-Kidilani-Atura-Atapara (Aber) 39 U Grading and spot gravellling Contract
26 Ogur - Apala 17 U Regravelling Contract
27 Aromo - Agweng 17 U Regravelling Contract
28 Apala - Aloi - Alebtong 31 U Regravelling Contract
29 Aloi - Abako - Bata - Dokolo 43 U Regravelling Contract
30 Lira - Boroboro - Abako 30 U Term Maintenance Contract
31 Abako - Amugo - Lungakudu (Lira border) 28 U Term Maintenance Contract
32 Acan Pii - Alito (Abalang) 17 U Grading and spot gravellling FA
33 Alir Police Access 10 U Labour Based Technology Contract
34 Loro Prisons Access 3 U Grading and spot gravellling FA
35 Atopi Prisons Access 3 U Grading and spot gravellling FA
36 Lira Railway Access 3 P Rehabilitation Contract
37 Lira Army Barracks Access 1 P Rehabilitation Contract
TOTAL 1,069
Labour Based Contracts 1,069 Manual Maintenance Contract

13 - GULU

1 Gulu -Kamdini 62 P Rehabilitation Contract

2 Kamdini-Karuma 12 P Rehabilitation Contract
3 Gulu-Pabbo 37 U Up-grading to tarmac Contract
4 Pabbo-Atiak 32 U Up-grading to tarmac Contract
5 Atiak-Nimule 37 U Up-grading to tarmac Contract
6 Karuma - Olwiyo 51 P Patching and drainage works Contract
7 Olwiyo - Pakwach 57 P Patching and drainage works Contract
8 Gulu-Airfield 4 P Patching and drainage works FA
9 Gulu - Aswa 39 U Upgrading Contract
10 Gulu - Patiko 33 U Grading and spot gravellling FA
11 Gulu - Rackoko 90 U Term Maintenance Contract
12 Bobi - Ayer 55 U Grading and spot gravellling FA
14 Custom Corner-Layibi 4 U Up-grading to tarmac Contract


Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun
15 Atiak - Ayugi 14 U Term Maintenance Contract
16 Gulu - Olwiyo 62 U Up-grading to tarmac Contract
17 Kamdini-Zambia-Minakulu 48 U Grading and spot gravellling FA
18 Loro - Anyeke 14 U Grading and spot gravellling FA
19 Loro - Anyeke - Minakulu 18 U Labour Based Technology Contract

20 Ajulu - Unyama - Pabbo 20 U Grading and spot gravellling FA
21 Awee - Amuru 40 U Grading and spot gravellling Contract
22 Amuru - Omee - Rhino Camp 58 U Regravelling FA/Contract
23 Logere-Adee 26 U Grading and spot gravellling FA
24 Katikati - Tenum - Nwoya 35 U Grading and spot gravellling Contract
25 Aber - Anyeke - Ngai -Abok-Otwal- Aromo - Awere 100 U Regravelling Contract
Access to Gulu Army Barracks & Access to Gulu - Railway
26 5 P Patching and drainage works
Station FA
Labour Based Contracts 847 Manual Maintenance Contract


Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun

NORTHERN REGION Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb MarApr May Jun

1 Acholilibur-Aswa Bridge 46 U Term Maintenance Contract

2 Kitgum-Puranga (Lira Border) 80 U Term Maintenance Contract
3 Kitgum-Palabek 43 U Term Maintenance Contract
4 Palabek-Atiak 65 U Grading and spot gravellling FA
5 Kitgum - Orom 90 U Term Contract Contract
6 Kitgum - Musingo 58 U Term Contract Contract
8 Kitgum - Lukung 34 U Term Contract Contract
9 Lukung - Ngomoromo 34 U Term Contract Contract
9 Kilak - Adilang 65 U Term Contract Contract
10 Madiope-Agoro Hills 48 U Term Maintenance/FA Contract/FA
11 Pajule - Pader - Kwonkic (Palwo) 27 U Term Maintenance Contract
12 Pader - Kalongo - Paimol 46 U Regravelling Contract
13 Paloga - Potika - Lututur 31 U Grading and spot gravellling FA
14 Padibe - Paloga - Madiopei 36 U Grading and spot gravellling FA
15 Palabek - Padibe 25 U Grading and spot gravellling FA
16 Potika - Aweno Olwiyo - Ngomoromo 37 U Grading and spot gravellling FA
17 Kitgum - Kalongo - Patongo 77 U Regravelling Contract
18 Patongo - Luker Bridge (Lira Border) 20 U Regravelling Contract
19 Orom - Locomo - Karenga 43 U Term Maintenance Contract
20 Namokora - Lokapel - Adilang 74 U Term Maintenance Contract
21 Ngomoromo - Nyimur - Bibia 72 U Regravelling FA/Contract
22 Awich Crescent 3 P Patching FA
23 Acholi Pii Baracks 2 U Grading and spot gravellling FA
24 Pajimo Baracks 2 U Grading and spot gravellling FA

Total 1,012 `
Labour Based Contracts 1,012 Manual Maintenance Contract

15- MOYO

1 Moyo - Laropi 26 U Term Maintenance Contract

2 Laropi - Atiak 67 U Term Maintenance Contract

3 Moyo - Yumbe 69 U Term Maintenance Contract

4 Ure - Kulikulinga -Yumbe 25 U Term Maintenance Contract

5 Lodonga - Yumbe 21 U Grading and spot gravellling Contract

6 Moyo - Sudan Boarder 12 U Grading and spot gravellling FA

7 Pakele - Pabbo 63 U Regravelling FA/Contract

8 Dzaipi - Tete - Nimule border 35 U Regravelling FA/Contract

9 Adjumani-Mungula - Amuru Junction 88 U Term Maintenance Contract

10 Access to Adjumani Prisons 4 U Grading and spot gravellling FA

11 Adjumani - Sinyanya Ferry landing 35 U Regravelling FA/Contract

12 Moyo- Obongi 56 U Regravelling Contract

13 Obongi - Kulikulinga 45 U Regravelling FA/Contract



Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun

14 Lomunga - Bidibidi- Kochi 45 U Grading and spot gravellling FA

15 Kerila - Midigo - Kerwa/Kenda 45 U Grading and spot gravellling FA

16 Lima - Midigo 23 U Grading and spot gravellling FA

17 Spur - Kei 12 U Grading and spot gravellling FA

18 Iti-Lodonga 10 U Grading and spot gravellling FA

19 Otumbari-Lodonga 19 U Grading and spot gravellling FA

Labour Based Contracts 700 Manual maintenance Contract


Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun

16 - ARUA

1 Arua-Nebbi 76 P Patching/Term Maintenance FA/Contract

2 Nebbi-Packwach 54 P Rehabiltation Contract
3 Arua-Manibe 6 U Upgrading to tarmac Contract
4 Manibe-Wandi 7 U Grading and spot gravellling FA
5 Pakwach-Panyimur 34 U Grading and spot gravellling/Regravelling FA/Contract
6 Wandi-Rhino Camp 51 U Term Maintenance Contract
7 Manibe - Koboko 50 U Upgrading to tarmac Contract
8 Koboko-Oraba 19 U Upgrading to tarmac Contract
9 Pakwach-Inde 61 U Grading and spot gravellling/Regravelling FA/Contract
10 Nebbi-Goli 16 U Grading and spot gravellling/Regravelling FA/Contract
11 Arua (Jct) - Vurra 10 U Upgrading to tarmac Contract
12 Wandi - Ore 52 U Term Maintenance Contract
13 Koboko- Lodonga 22 U Term Maintenance Contract
14 Inde-Ocoko 33 U Grading and spot gravellling FA
15 Inde-Ogoko-Rhino Camp 23 U Grading and spot gravellling FA/Contract
16 Panyimur- Goli- Erusi 41 U Term Maintenance Contract
17 Erusi- Goli- Paidha 20 U Term Maintenance Contract
18 Paidha - Anyavu 65 U Term Maintenance Contract
19 Anyavu - Vura 27 U Term Maintenance Contract
20 Vurra Customs - Odramacaku 35 U Grading and spot gravellling FA
21 Arua - Lia 15 U Grading and spot gravellling/Regravelling FA/Contract
22 Eruba - Logiri - Bondo 42 U Grading and spot gravellling FA
23 Arua - Biliafe - Otrevu 36 U Grading and spot gravellling FA
24 Arua - Girigiri - Orisoni 15 U Grading and spot gravellling FA

25 Okollo - Inde 29 U Grading and spot gravellling/Regravelling FA/Contract
26 Arua - Muni PTTC - Eruba 6 U Grading and spot gravellling FA
27 Lodonga - Otumbari and Orajini - Iti 29 U Grading and spot gravellling FA
28 Katrini - Nyadri 23 U Grading and spot gravellling FA
29 Owaffa - Kubala - Omugo 22 U Labour Based Technology FA/Contract
30 Keri - Lima 22 U Grading and spot gravellling FA
31 Ragem Prisons Access 2 U Grading and spot gravellling FA
32 Pakwach Railway Access 2 U Grading and spot gravellling FA

Total 944
Labour Based Contracts 859 Manual maintenance Contract
Grand Total 944


1 Jinja - Kamuli 58 P Rehabilitation Contract

2 Njeru - Ambercourt 2 P Patching/Term Maintenance FA/Contract
3 Iganga - Kaliro 32 P Patching/Rehabilitation FA/Contract
4 Jinja - Bugiri 72 P Term Maintenance Contract
5 Nakalama - Tirinyi 47 P Patching/Rehabilitation FA/Contract
6 Iganga - Mayuge 20 U Term Maintenance Contract
7 Kamuli - Kaliro 46 U Term Maintenance Contract
8 Kamuli - Bukungu 68 U Term Maintenance Contract
9 Musita - Mayuge - Nankoma 36 U Term Maintenance Contract
10 Iganga - Bulopa - Kamuli 58 U Term Maintenance Contract
11 Kamuli - Mbulamuti 14 U Grading and spot gravelling FA
12 Iganga - Busesa - Buyanga - Nawangisa 40 U Grading and spot gravelling FA
13 Buwenge - Nakabugu-Kaliro 48 U Term Maintenance Contract
14 Kaliro-Nawaikoke-Irundu 52 U Periodic Maintenance Contract
15 Kamuli - Namasagali 23 U Grading and spot gravelling FA
16 Namutumba - Budumba Bridge 31 U Grading and spot gravelling FA
17 Kamuli Railway Access 2 U Grading and spot gravelling FA
18 Bugiri - Nankoma - Kaluba 42 U Grading and spot gravelling Contract


Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun
19 Bugiri - Nabukalu - Namutumba 24 U Grading and spot gravelling Contract
20 Kaitabawala - Buyala - Matuumu - Kisozi - Busota 58 U Periodic Maintenance Contract
21 Bugembe -Kisirira - Busiro - Bulongo 38 U Grading and spot gravelling Contract
22 Magamaga - Iziru - Namagera 36 U Grading and spot gravelling FA
23 Kaliro - Namwiwa 23 U Periodic Maintenance Contract
24 Bulumba - Namwiwa - Saaka 27 U Periodic Maintenance Contract
25 Kamuli - Bugaya - Lyingo 49 U Grading and spot gravelling FA/Contract

26 Nabirumba - Buyende - Kidera 49 U Term Maintenance FA/Contract
27 Nawandala -Nambale - Bugobi -Kisiro 54 U Term Maintenance FA
28 Idudi - Busembatia - Namakoko 52 U Grading and spot gravelling FA
29 Mayuge - Bugadde Bwondha 40 U Term Maintenance Contract
30 Access to Gadaffi Barracks 1 P Term Maintenance FA
31 Access to Kimaka Military Academy 5 P Term Maintenance FA
32 Access to Iganga Railway station 1 U Grading and spot gravelling FA
33 Access to Kakira 4 U Grading and spot gravelling FA
34 Access to Namaganda Railway station 4 U Grading and spot gravelling FA
35 Access to Kaliro Railway station 3 U Grading and spot gravelling FA
36 Access to Mbulamuti Railway Station 2 U Grading and spot gravelling FA
Total 1,158
Labour Based Contracts 1,158 Manual Maintenance Contract
Grand Total 1,158


Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun

1 Tororo-Magodes 24 P Stage reconstruction Contract
2 Malaba-Tororo-Namutere-Bugiri 69 P Term maintenance Contract
3 Namutere-Busia 18 P Term maintenance Contract
4 Tororo-Busia 25 U Term maintenance Contract
5 Tororo-Busia (Busia Municipal Council) 2 P Patching FA
6 Busolwe-Nabumali Junction 35 U Term maintenance Contract
7 Busolwe-Budumba 17 U Term maintenance Contract
8 Tororo-Nagongera 20 U Term maintenance Contract
9 Tororo-Nagongera (Nagongera Trading Centre) 2 U Patching FA
10 Nagongera-Busolwe-Busaba 24 U Term maintenance Contract
11 Busia-Majanji 27 U Term maintenance Contract
12 Munamba-Magale 8 U Term maintenance Contract
13 Namayingo-Lumino 14 U Term maintenance Contract
14 Munamba-Lwakhaka 5 U Term maintenance Contract
15 Namayingo-Nankoma 28 U Term maintenance Contract
16 Namayingo-Lugala 18 U Grading and spot gravelling FA
17 Magodes-Busumbu-Magodes 22 U Term maintenance Contract
18 Tororo-Malikis 9 U Grading and spot gravelling FA
19 Magodes-Railways 2 Grading and spot gravelling FA
20 Nyambogo-Iyolwa-Nagongera-Budaka 68 U Regravelling Contract
21 Rubongi-Mulanda-Budumba 45 U Regravelling Contract
22 Malaba-Mella-Tuba 26 U Grading FA
23 Nagongera-Merikit-Ishikhoye 35 U Regravelling Contract
24 Magale-Bumbo-Lwakhaka 14 U Grading and spot gravelling FA
25 Namayingo-Bumeru 32 U Grading and spot gravelling FA

26 Doho-Amuro 14 U Grading and spot gravelling FA
27 Busoko-Nawanjovu-Isiro 18 U Grading and spot gravelling FA
28 Kachonga-Kidoko-Magodes 22 U Grading and spot gravelling FA
29 Lwagosia-Lufudu 14 U Grading and spot gravelling FA
30 Nebolola-Bukhobe 9 U Grading and spot gravelling FA
Total 664
Labour Based Contracts 664 Manual Maintenance Contract

19 - MBALE
1 Mbale - Tirinyi 54 P Rehabilitation Contract
2 Namunsi - Sironko 19 P Rehabilitation Contract
3 Mbale- Magodes 25 P Rehabilitation/DLP Contract
4 Mbale -Kumi 54 P Rehabilitation/DLP Contract
5 Sironko - Muyembe - Kapchorwa 44 P Rehabilitation Contract
6 Mbale - Nkokonjeru 21 P/U Rehabilitation Contract
7 Kapchorwa - Suam 77 U Term Maintenance Contract
8 Muyembe - Namalu 65 U Term Maintenance Contract
9 Kamonkoli - Pallisa 45 U Term Maintenance Contract
10 Bumbobi - Bubulo 16 U Term Maintenance Contract
11 Bubulo - Busumbu 16 U Term Maintenance Contract
12 Namagumba - Budadiri 20 U Term Maintenance Contract
13 Bugema - Busano 13 U Grading F/A
14 Simu Corner - Kaserem 10 U Grading F/A
15 Tirinyi - Pallisa 19 U Term Maintenance Contract
16 Pallisa - Ladot 22 U Term Maintenance Contract
17 Bubulo - Bududa Circ. Rd. 28 U Term Maintenance Contract
18 Mutufu - Budadiri 16 U Term Maintenance Contract
19 Kachumbala - Korir - Malera - Kumi 49 U Grading & spot regravelling F/A
20 Korir - Sironko 14 U Grading & spot regravelling F/A
21 Kachumbala - Kidongole 16 U Grading & spot regravelling F/A
22 Pallisa - Kasodo - Saaka 10 U Grading & spot regravelling F/A
23 Kadoto - Butebo - Kabwagansi 42 U Grading & spot regravelling F/A


Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun
24 Budaka - Kaderuna - Butebo 20 U Regravelling Contract
25 Nakaloke- Kabwangasi - Kamonkoli 13 U Grading & spot regravelling F/A
26 Nabiganda - Naboa 10 U Grading & spot regravelling F/A
27 Nabiganda - Musoto - Malukhu 19 U Regravelling FA & Contract
28 Access to Mbale Railway Station 0 P Grading & spot regravelling Contract
29 Access to Bugema Army Barracks 0 U Grading & spot regravelling F/A
30 Kufu - Magale 17 U Grading & spot regravelling F/A

31 Mbale - Bufumbo 14 U Grading & spot regravelling F/A
32 Bugusege - Buteza 9 U Regravelling Contract
33 Nalugugu - Elgon 19 U Grading & spot regravelling F/A
34 Buyaga - Buluganya 12 U Grading & spot regravelling F/A
35 Bulegeni - sisi - Bulaago 15 U Grading & spot regravelling F/A
36 Spur - Buginyanya 6 U Grading & spot regravelling F/A
37 Kapenguria - Kwot 15 U Regravelling Contract
38 Chepsikunya - Girik River 26 U Term Maintenance Contract
39 Girik River - Bukwo 30 U Term Maintenance Contract
40 Bukwo - Kapnandi - Suam 16 U Grading & spot regravelling F/A
Labour Based Contracts 935 Manual Maintenance Contract


Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun


1 Kumi-Soroti 48 P Rehabilitation Contract

2 Soroti-Arapai Railway Stn 10 P Patching/Rehabilitation FA/Contract
3 Ngora- Township 2 P Patching/Rehabilitation FA/Contract
4 Soroti-State lodge 2 P Patching/Rehabilitation FA/Contract
5 Soroti-Dokolo 62 P Patching /drain stone pitching FA
6 Kumi-Brooks Corner 46 U Term Maintenance Contract
7 Brooks Corner-Soroti 25 U Grading and spot gravelling FA
8 Soroti-Serere 28 U Term Maintenance Contract
9 Serere-Bugondo 24 U Grading and spot gravelling FA
10 Brooks corner-Serere 10 U Term Maintenance Contract
11 Kumi-Ladot 26 U Term Maintenance Contract
12 Arapai-Lira Road Junction 9 U Grading and spot gravelling FA
13 Arapai-katakwi 44 U Term Maintenance Contract
14 Katakwi-Iriri 40 U Term Maintenance Contract

15 Katine-Ochero 70 U Term Maintenance Contract
16 Amuria - Acowa-Usuk 38 U Term Maintenance Contract
17 Katakwi-Usuk-Orungo 33 U Term Maintenance Contract
18 Soroti-Gweri-Kapujan-Toroma-Magoro 54 U Regravelling Contract
19 Magoro - Ngariam 27 U Regravelling Contract
20 Arapai - Amuria 30 U Regravelling Contract
21 Serere - Kateta-Kyere 27 U Grading and spot gravelling FA
22 Serere-Pingire-Mulondo-Mugarama 45 U Regravelling Contract
23 Serere-Kasilo-Kadungulu-Kagwara 38 U Regravelling Contract
24 Bugondo - Butiko - Kadungulu 14 U Grading and spot gravelling FA
25 Kalaki-Lwala-Kaberamaido 29 U Regravelling Contract
26 Dokolo-Kaberamaido 16 U Regravelling Contract
27 Kumi - Ongino- Akide 21 U Grading and spot gravelling FA
28 Kumi-Railway Station 1 U Grading and spot gravelling FA
29 Kapir-Ngora-Mukongoro 44 U Grading and spot gravelling FA
30 Mugongoro-Kidongole 14 U Grading and spot gravelling FA
31 Kidongole-Kanyumu-Moruita 30 U Grading and spot gravelling FA
31 Amuria-Orungo-Okude 29 U Grading and spot gravelling FA
32 Amuria-Obalanga-Alito 39 U Regravelling Contract
33 Amuria-Kabelebyong 36 U Regravelling Contract

Total 1,011
Labour Based Contracts 1,011 Manual Maintenance Contract


Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun


1 Kitale Road 2 P Patching FA

2 Lokapel - Chosan 30 U Upgrading to tarmac Contract
3 Ariamoi - Lopei 30 U Term Maintenance Contract
4 Chosan - Amudat 30 U Term Maintenance Contract
5 Moroto - Lokitanyala 44 U Grading, Drainage works & Bridge repairs FA
6 Nadunget - Iriiri 70 U Term Maintenance Contract
7 Moroto - Nadunget 10 U Upgrading to tarmac Contract
8 Nadunget - Lokapel 46 U Upgrading to tarmac Contract
9 Chosan - Angatun 27 U Term Maintenance Contract
10 Angatun - Namalu 6 U Term Maintenance Contract
11 Lokapel -Nabilatuk 21 U Grading, Drainage works & Bridge repairs FA
12 Nabilatuk - Angatun 24 U Grading, Drainage works & Bridge repairs FA
13 Moroto Army Barracks Access 1.5 P Patching FA
14 Moroto - Rupa - Nakiloro - Nakabat 28 U Grading, Drainage works & Bridge repairs FA
15 Nakiloro - Lomukura 85 U Rehabilitation Contract
16 Lokicher - Turtuko - Nyakwae 46 U Grading and spot gravelling FA
17 Matany - Lokopo - Turtuko 32 U Regravelling and bridge maintenance FA/ Contract
18 Turtuko - Apeitolim 45 U Regravelling FA/ Contract
19 Apeitolim - Iriiri 47 U Regravelling FA/ Contract
20 Girik River - Kalita 23 U Term Maintenance Contract
21 Kalita - Alakasi - Amudat 65 U Term Maintenance Contract
22 Amudat - Loro - Lokitanyala 52 U Term Maintenance Contract
23 Tapach - Katikekile 10 U Grading, spot gravelling & drift repairs FA
24 Lolachat - Magoro 45 U Opening, Grading, spot gravelling & Drainage works in form of FA

culvert installations
25 Kokeris - Lopei 23 U Grading, Drainage works & Bridge repairs FA
Total 843
Labour Based Contracts 757 Manual Maintenance Contract


1 Kotido Kaperimoru 18 U Term Maintenance Contract

2 Kaperimoru Lopei 54 U Term Maintenance Contract
3 Kanawat Apaan Koputh 39 U Term Maintenance Contract
4 Abim Achan-Pii 29 U Term Maintenance Contract
5 Koputh Kabong 24 U Term Maintenance Contract
6 Kaperimoru Loyoro 50 U Grading & spot gravelling FA
7 Kabong Kapeedo 36 U Term Maintenance Contract
8 Kapeedo Kalenga 38 U Term Maintenance Contract
9 Loyoro Apaan 24 U Grading & spot gravelling FA
10 Abim Adilang 20 U Grading & spot gravelling FA
11 Kotido Kanawat Abim 70 U Term Maintenance Contract
12 Koputh Orom 72 U Grading & spot gravelling FA
13 Achan Pii Alito 20 U Grading & spot gravelling FA
14 Kapeedo-Lomej 32 U Grading & spot gravelling FA
15 Koputh Junction Lorelia 22 U Grading & spot gravelling FA
16 Akwanamoru Rogom Oreta 57 U Grading & spot gravelling FA
17 Oreta Kaperebyong 19 U Grading & spot gravelling FA
18 Kotido Loslang Loyoro 39 U Grading & spot gravelling FA
19 Kiru Morulem Oreta 35 U Grading & spot gravelling FA
20 Kaperimoru Kotein Kenya Bdr 39 U Grading & spot gravelling FA
21 Lokatelebu Kacheri Lorelia 40 U Grading & spot gravelling FA
22 Kabong Kalapata Pire 58 U Grading & spot gravelling FA
23 Kapelimoru Army Barracks Access 1 U Grading & spot gravelling FA
24 Old Dopeth Access Road 5 U Grading & spot gravelling FA



Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun

Total 840
Labour Based Contracts 840 Manual Maintenance Contract
Observation Issue Response
Challenges: There were no issues a) Raising road construction unit costs: This is being addressed
I. Road Transport: raised. However, we need through attracting more contractors and consultants thereby
to make clarifications on increasing competition. This has been observed on development
a) Raising road construction unit costs;
how the sector is projects like Gulu – Atiak road where the contract price was 30%
b) Weaknesses in contract management leading to addressing some of the
lower than the Engineer’s estimate.
unnecessary delays; challenges.
c) Weak local construction industry and low Capacity building of the local construction industry (contractors and
development level of alternative modes of transport; consultants) being done through CROSSROAD project will ultimately
bring down the road construction unit cost. Local contractors and
d) Poor maintenance of roads; Poor state of the urban
road network; consultants have lower mobilization and operational costs than
their foreign counterparts.
e) Accumulation of Unpaid Certificates – road projects

which were completed but with unpaid certificates: The Ministry has moved ahead with the proposal to use innovative
Kabale-Kisoro-Bunagana/Kyanika (101km); Matugga- technologies developed to reduce the costs of building and
Semuto (41km); Kampala-Gayaza-Zirobwe (44km); maintaining paved roads. These can include pavement recycling
Jinja-Bugiri (72km); Masaka-Mbarara (149.2km); formational and urban roads and the use of low cost seals for low
Busega-Muduuma-Mityana (57km); Kawempe-Kafu traffic-volume gravel roads. The acquisition of pavement re-cycling
(166km) and Kampala-Masaka, Package A (63km). technology has started.
b) Weaknesses in contract management leading to unnecessary
Project Managers and Projects Engineers are being trained in
contract management. However, understaffing particularly in UNRA
hinder effective contract management. The Sector has written to
MoPS and MoFPED to increase the wage bill of UNRA to enable
recruitment of additional staff.
Observation Issue Response

c) Weak local construction industry and low development level of

alternative modes of transport: The Cross Roads Programme has
moved into gear. A Construction Guarantee Fund has been
established and at least four contractors have secured performance
bonds through the fund. Training contractors in business and
financial management has started. A road user satisfaction survey
has been carried out
d) Poor maintenance of roads; Poor state of the urban road network;
The DUCAR network is under-funded. A reform process in place is
intended to extend to the creation of separate authorities for
District and Urban roads to improve the capacity to manage these

roads, and to create a strong agency that can attract sufficient
e) Accumulation of Unpaid Certificates UNRA submitted a request for
the supplementary budget of UGX 200 bn to pay the outstanding
debt. MoFPED approved UGX 175 bn which was submitted to
Parliament for approval. Debts which would not be paid by the end
of this FY 2012-13 will be the first call of next FY 2013-14 budget to
reduce on the accrued interest charges.
II. Water Transport TORs for development of an IWT Policy and Strategy finalized.
Evaluation and Negotiations for a consultant to review the TRSA
Weak private sector involvement in water transport;
completed. Study likely to be completed Q1 FY 2013/14
Lack of hydrographical surveys to determine navigation
routes – except on Lake Victoria increases risks on water
bodies and obsolete laws, regulations and standards for
Observation Issue Response
marine transport.
III. Railway Transport Railway Operations
Despite the fact that railway transport is estimated to be • All railway operations were conceded to a private operator
3 time cheaper than the cost of using road transport, from November 2006
there is still lack of an operational and efficient network. • 25 years Joint Concession with Kenya railways for freight (only)
in Uganda. Concessionaire is responsible for all operations and
maintenance of conceded assets including rail connected
marine services
• Current operations are limited to mainline between Kampala
and Malaba, Kampala – Port Bell, Kampala- Nalukolongo and
Tororo-Mbale Operations still characterised by low volumes
and poor safety, reliability and efficiency.
• Poor Performance of the concession leads to non attainment of
the overall objectives and specific goals of the concession.

• Delayed investments mean dangerous deterioration of assets
• Low level share of the traffic by the railway subsector means
more pressure on the roads and higher costs to the Ugandan
• Lack of a revised law means less investment can be attracted to
The railway sector in the short term
• How to bridge the gap between inadequate (or delayed
investment by RVR) and the Long Term Plans of Government
IV. Air Transport The Authority will pursue the following plans in the Medium term:
No mention regarding any interventions to be • Acquire land for airport expansion and development
undertaken under this sub-sector for FY 2013-14. • Finalize the development of the 20-year Civil Aviation Master
plan to guide investments in the aviation industry
• Expand and modernize Entebbe International Airport
• Construction of a holding area to provide for at least 50 trucks
Observation Issue Response
of aviation fuel (fuel on wheels)
• Upgrade and construct Kasese and Gulu Airports
• Pursue the revival of the National Airline
• Develop a new airport at Kabaale, Hoima to serve the Albertine
region for oil-related businesses
• Replace aged NAVAIDs and communication systems at EIA.
Projects to be undertaken under the roads, water and Road projects that were to Some of the roads scheduled to commence this FY 2012/13, did not
railway subsectors are provided on page 51-51 on the be undertaken in FY 2012- because of delays in procurement and signing financing agrrements .
NBFP 2013-14. 13 including the 17 Atiak – Nimule road, Kafu – Karuma and Kamdini – Gulu could not
bridges under IDB funding commence because of procurement delays. While Kampala Northern
in the North Eastern Bypass, Mbarara Bypass and Ntungamo Mirama Hills could not start
Uganda are now listed to because the financing agreements with development partners delayed
commence in FY 2013-14- to be signed. Parliament approved the loan for Kampala and Mbarara

Bypasses in April 2013.
Financial Performance for Half-Year FY 2012-13 The Committee may wish a) Under Vote 016 (MoWT) by the end of December UGX 1.823bn had
The total budget approved for the works and transport to establish the reasons been released and expended 100%.
sector amounted to UGX 1,653.9 bn of which UGX for this dismal b) UNRA-
30.39bn was for wage, UGX 293.98bn was for Non-wage, expenditure performance. The Output based Budgeting Tool (OBT) provided by the Ministry of
UGX 793.72bn was for GoU development, UGX 532.66bn What led to the under Finance Planning and Economic Development for preparing the Budget
was external development donor support. By the end of performance of the wage Framework Papers (BFPs) captures only GOU funds expended through
December 2012, UGX 653.53bn had been spent (39.7%) category below the the Integrated Financial Management System (IFMS). This system does
of which 33.4% was for wage, 45.8% was for Non-wage, expected 50% not capture Development Partners’ expenditures which are not
63.8% was for GoU development while only 1% was performance by half-year processed through it. As a result, UGX 315.13 bn expenditure from
donor development support. This poor expenditure Development Partners funds was not reflected in the BFP. The
performance affected key sector outputs across major Government Half Year Performance Report for FY 2012-13, page 12
sector votes – MoWT, UNRA and URF shows that the Sector spent UGX 971.19 bn out of the total budget of
UGX 1,590.55 bn, representing 61.1% performance (See Extract of
Observation Issue Response
Government Half Year Performance Report in Annex 2).
The underperformance on wage was because UNRA had not remitted
NSSF and paid gratuity to staff. These payments were effected in
February 2013.
c) URF- Under Vote 118 – URF
By the end of December 2012, the URF had spent/Disbursed 92.8%
of the funds received (Q1 & Q2) from MoFPED.
The unspent/disbursed balances relate to funds at the URF
secretariat earmarked for payments to service providers and funds
to 23 agencies who had not revised their workplans to force
accounts following the shift from contracting to force account
(these funds were subsequently disbursed in Q3 after receipt of
revised workplans from the affected DAs).

Bridges: The Committee may wish a) Frustrating performance by Contractor on Saaka Bridge. MoWT
A total of UGX 3.4bn was earmarked towards Bridge to ascertain the reason for has taken possession of site and will complete works by force
Construction works in FY 2012-13. By the end of the delay in construction account; For Okokor bridge Work the contractor has been
December 2012, only 22% of this allocation had been of these?. served with a vacation notice and MoWT will take possession of
spent. Progress of a number of projects has been How much funding is the site. For Alla2 bridge it is substantially completed (95%;
reported to be dismal (See Page 208 NBFP) – including expected from IDB? Construction of Nyagak bridge is at 80% completion
14 bridges to be financed with funding from IDB. b) The funds expected from IDB are U$ 10 million. Works on the
14 bridges were packaged in 4 lots and tendered in September
2012. 2 lots were cleared by IDB. The remaining were
retendered and have been resubmitted to Contract Committee
for consideration
DUCAR – Roads, Streets and Highways (See page 209 of What has led to the Zonal Equipment system operationalisation to be completed by June
NBFP) delayed start of Force 2013 The ministry has written to Accountant General to sanction
opening of an account for the scheme. Procurement for other
Observation Issue Response
A total of UGX 2bn was approved under this Vote Account Operation? equipment to use in the two zonal offices (Tororo and Mbarara) has
Function to ensure that 100km of district roads are What was the cause of the also started. Teams to operate the two zonal offices have been
rehabilitated and to operationalize Zonal Equipment. By delay in operationalization established.
the end of December only UGX 0.129bn had been spent of Zonal Equipment
(6.5%). System?
In FY 2013/14, a total of UGX 2.423bn has been What is the rational of
earmarked to rehabilitate 80km and to operationalize allocating 2.423bn for
Zonal Equipment System. 80km as compared to 2bn
for 100km in FY 2012-13?
Ferry Services (Page 210 of NBFP): What is the current status Currently UNRA operates 9 ferries at the following crossings:
A total of UGX 8bn was approved for the improvement of Ferry services in the 1) Laropi (Moyo) – Umi (Adjumani)- Across River Nile
of Ferry services. An additional UGX 6bn has been Sector? 2) Masindi Port – Kungu (Apac) – Across River Nile
proposed for FY 2013-14.

3) Wanseko (Bulisa) – Panyimur (Nebbi) – Across Lake Albert
4) Kiyindi (Buyikwe) – Buvuma - Across Lake Victoria
5) Nakiwogo (Entebbe) – Buwaya (Mpigi) – Across Lake Victoria
6) Bukakata (Masaka) – Luuku (Kalangala) – Across Lake Victoria
7) Obongi (Moyo) – Sinyanya (Adjumani) – Across River Nile
8) Mbulamuti (Kamuli) – Kasana (Kayunga) – Across River Nile
9) Lwampanga (Nakasongola) – Namasale (Amalata) – Across Lake
The UGX 8 billion for the current FY 2012/13 has been used for (i)
Procurement of the new Laropi Ferry to replace the existing old and
small ferry. The old ferry will be refurbished and relocated to Rhino
Camp crossing to Link Arua to Amuru districts. In addition, UGX 3 bn
was used to pay Kalangala Infrastructure Services for operating
Bukakata – Luuku ferry.
Observation Issue Response
The UGX 6 billion earmarked for ferries next FY 2013-14 is to cover part
payment (UGX 3 bn) for procuring the new ferry for Wanseko –
Panyimur to replace the existing old and small ferry. The balance of
UGX 3 bn will be used to cover operational costs for Kalangala
Infrastructure Services.
Supplementary Request under Schedule I FY 2012-13 The Committee may wish The details relating to GOU budget, releases and actual expenditure for
The total Budget approved under Vote 113 UNRA for to establish the details projects are shown in Annex 3. The planned physical outputs and
development activities amounted to UGX 1,196.569bn of relating to budgetary achievements for each project are shown in Annex 4.
which UGX 517.921bn was Donor, UGX 668.65bn was releases and actual In summary, UNRA’s overall GOU Development Expenditure by the end
GoU and UGX 10bn was Taxes. The total Supplementary expenditure for each of December 2012 was UGX 455.719 bn out of the annual budget of
request under Schedule I for development activities beneficiary programmes UGX 658.648 billion, representing 69%. All GOU Development funds
amount to UGX 175.0bn, representing 14.6% of the total (see table 4 above) released were spent and the outstanding debt for works and services
development budget for FY 2012-13 under UNRA. A indicating levels of was UGX 137 bn by December 2012.
total of UGX34.825bn is to cater for acquisition of land achievement planned
By the end of 3rd Quarter (March 2013), the entire GOU Development

(20%), UGX 130.10bn is for payment for completed physical outputs for funds
budget had been released and spent. By the end of April 2013, the
works (74%) while UGX 8.1375bn is for monitoring, approved and expended.
outstanding debts for works executed and services provided was UGX
supervision and appraisal (5%) and UGX 1.9425bn (1%) is For example: Bridges on
200.9 bn (see details of debts by contractors and consultants in Annex
to cater for supervisory consultancies for ongoing Atiak-Moyo-Afoji (104km)
projects under UNRA. – UGX 5bn was approved
but only UGX 3.17bn had The observation that Atiak – Moyo – Afoji project had spent UGX 3.17
Some of the Projects lined to benefit from the billion by December 2012 was correct and confirms that by half year
been spent by December
supplementary had received significant levels of more than 50% of the budget for this project (UGX 5 bn) and indeed
2012, see page 209-210 of
financing approved for FY 2012-13 and by the end of most projects had been spent. By the end of 3rd Quarter, the entire
the NBFP? It should be
December 2012 (half-year), only less than 50% of these budget for this project had been spent and there was a debt of UGX 165
noted that these shortfalls
funds had been spent (See Table 2.4 below). million.
were not brought to the
attention of Parliament at It is not entirely true that the shortfall in UNRA’s budget were not
the time of budget brought to the attention of Parliament at the time of appropriation. In
appropriation. the Ministerial Budget Policy Statement for the FY 2012/13, on page
233 table V3.2 (last row) it was started that UNRA had carried forward a
Observation Issue Response
debt UGX 200 bn.
Proposed Budget Outlook FY 2013-14 The Committee may wish (a)i) Vote 016-MoWT UGX 13.12bn:
The total budget for the sector is projected to growth to establish the following: (a)ii) 113- UNRA UGX 34.84bn:
from UGX 1,650.64bn approved in FY 2012-13 to UGX Distribution of the The additional allocation to UNRA was from Development Partners
1,769.70bn in FY 2013-14 and increase of UGX 119.06bn additional allocations to funding specifically for Kigumba – Masindi – Hoima – Kabwoya road,
(7.2%). GoU budget is projected to amount to UGX the sector amounting to Masaka – Bukakata road, Ntungamo – Mirama Hills, Mbarara Bypass
1,196.37bn, representing a 68% share from UGX UGX 119.06bn of which: and Kampala Northern Bypass (dualing). These projects are under
1,117.99bn approved for FY 2012-13. On the other Vote 016-MoWT UGX procurement and are scheduled to commence in the FY 2013/14
hand, external financing is projected to amount to UGX 13.12bn; Vote 113- UNRA
(a)iii) Vote 118-URF UGX 72.67bn- The extra funding of UGX 72.67bn
573.33bn (32%) from UGX 532.65bn approved in FY UGX 34.84bn; Vote 118-
was ring faced for national road maintenance under UNRA with
2012-13 representing a growth of 7.6%. The share of URF UGX 72.67bn
emphasis placed on periodic maintenance, bridge maintenance, ferry
UNRA to the total sector budget is project to reduce i) Which programmes
operations, road safety and axle load control.
from 72.9% in FY 2012-12 to 70% in FY 2013-14 whilst have been earmarked

that of URF is project from 17% in FY 2012-13 to 19.9% to benefit from these
(See Table 3.1 below). funds? Only modest
Other than MoWT which whose share is projected to increases are
grow from 6.5% to 6.8% in FY 2013-14, other votes are observed in key
projected to reduce – KCCA from 1.8% to 1.7% and Local Priority outputs see
Governments from 1.8% to 1.5%. See Allocation by Vote Table.
Function on Page 220 on the NBFP. a) The implication the
observed reduction in
Local Government
allocation (DUCAR) by
UGX 1.6bn down from
UGX 29bn to UGX
27.34bn in FY 2013-
Observation Issue Response
b) What is the correct
allocation to Vote 122 (c ) UNRA non-wage budget reduction
KCCA in FY 2013-14 in
According to the second Budget Call Circular issued by the Ministry of
view of what is
Finance, Planning and Economic Development, UNRA’s non-wage
indicated on page 220
recurrent budget was reduced to UGX 2.96 bn. The reason given was
of the NBFP indicates
cutting expenditure on consumptive items. The major affected items
UGX 33.5bn whereas
were fuel and lubricants, travel inland and workshops. The cutting of
Page 701 MTEF
funds from inland travel (field allowances) and fuel and lubricants was
allocation shows UGX
done without consideration of the increasing number of roads projects
and will affect field supervision.
c) What UNRA non-wage
budget is to reduce
yet there is a huge
shortfall in FY 2013-14

projections? Non-
wage is projected to
reduce UGX 3.12bn to
UGX 2.96bn.
Despite the fact that Technical and Financial audits
Efficiency of Sector Budget Allocation (page 204 of the measures have been
UGX 1.2 bn was earmarked for Technical and Financial audits of
NBFP) indentified to ensure national road development projects (see project code 0294 under vote
The Ministry intends to implement the following efficiency of sector budget 113 (UNRA).
measures: allocation, there are no
Piloting use of recycling technology
explicit budgetary
a) Technical and Financial Audits of road maintenance allocations to address UGX 2 bn is budgeted for under the Transport Corridor (Project Code
and development projects these measures. 1056) design of Mukono – Kayunga – Njeru road for piloting the
recycling technology.
b) Implementation of the district road equipment The Committee may wish
scheme to ascertain from the
Observation Issue Response
Ministry how much
c) Operation of the sector monitoring and evaluation
funding has been
earmarked to have them
d) Piloting the use of recycling technology in road implemented next FY
construction 2013-14.

e) Capacity building of local construction and

consultants through the cross roads project
Key Units Costs of Service in the Sector The Committee would like The reasons for the increase of unit cost include:
Whilst the Unit costs for other categories of road an explanation on the (i) Depreciation of the exchange rate against major World
construction are projected to raise over and above the factors driving these Unit currencies;
previous years, those relating to reconstruction of Costs? (See page 204 of (ii) Increase in prices of inputs particularly oil products e.g. fuel and
existing old paved roads are projected to reduce from NBFP). bitumen, and steel products;
UGX 1.504bn and 1.604bn in FY 2011/12 and 2012-13 (iii) Increase in cost of borrowing due to high interest rate; and

respectively to UGX 1.43bn in FY 2013-14. (iv) Perceived risk by the contractors.
Key Priority outputs Unfunded The Committee may wish Government is undertaking the following measures:
The total bill for priority Outputs under or unfunded for to find out the existing • Contractor Facilitated Financing of projects (21 roads to be funded
FY 2013-14 amount to UGX 1,445.22bn. mechanism the under this arrangement); and
Government has put in • Public Private Partnerships for financing express highways radiating
place to secure these from Kampala (Kampala – Jinja, Kampala – Mpigi and Kampala –
funds in the Medium Term Bombo expressways)
Funding under Vote 122 KCCA and Vote 500-850 Local a) What mechanisms are a) Operationalize the DRC regulations; Instigate improvements in
Government there to ensure that the planning and reporting of works implemented by Force
these are put to Account; Collect and update road condition data; Harmonize
Although funding to Vote 122 KCCA (UGX 30.5bn) and unit costs of road maintenance activities – Model in place;
Vote 500-850 (UGX 27.34bn) for road infrastructure is proper use by the
Establish a Road Maintenance Management System to improve
reflected under Works and Transport Sector, there is no implementing reporting and accountability; Undertake regular M&E on
clear mechanism for supervision and monitoring by the Agencies? selected agencies; Undertake Technical & Financial Audits on
Sector to ensure that there is value for money spent selected agencies;
Observation Issue Response
b) Does the Ministry b) The Ministry monitors
monitor and supervise
these Agencies?
c) The Committee may c) Under Vote 122 (KCCA) with funding from the following was
wish to establish how done : (Periodic and Routine Maintenance)
the allocated funds to • Butikiro Rd, William Street, Kisenyi Rd, Nsambya
Vote 122 KCCA and & Hanlon Rd, Buxton Street, Ben Kiwanuka
vote 500-850 Local Street
Government for FY • Channel Street, Nakivubo Mews; Kisota Road;
2012-13 amounting Ntinda – Kiwatule Rd AND Nakasero Roads
UGX 30.5bn and UGX
29bn respectively was KIIDP 1(Upgrade to Bitumen)
utilized? Which
• Bukoto - Kisaasi Rd; Kawempe - Mpererwe Rd

programmes AND Kalerwe - Ttula
benefited from these
URF; Routine Maintenance by Force Account (Pothole patching in
funds? square meters) in the divisions as follows: Central division 3,500,
Rubaga 1,300, Makindye, 1,450, Nakawa 5,000 and Kawempe 750
Under Vote 500-580 LGs- The UGX 29bn was allocated to UGX 18.1bn
Peace Recovery Development Programme) PRDP-64 districts and UGX
10.9bn –Rural Transport Infrastructure (RTI) 23 districts benefiting from
the funding. Under RTI- Rehabilitated 300.2 km of District and
Community Access roads and rehabilitated 8 small bridges.
Cross-Cutting Issues The Committee may wish For national roads, all upgrading and rehabilitation works contractors
Despite the fact that sector mentions the strategies and to ascertain the budget have a provision for Environment management and HIV/AIDS
plans that are there to address issues of HIV/AIDs, provision explicitly sensitization. These funds are part of the works contracts and are
Environment, Gender and Equity, there is no explicit earmarked for this budgeted as part of upgrading or rehabilitation of roads. In addition, a
budgetary allocation to implement these plans and purpose. budget of UGX 300 million was included under project code 1105 (Vote
Observation Issue Response
strategies next FY 2012-13 and in the Medium Term. 113) for developing the strategy for mainstreaming HIV/AIDS in road
development and maintenance.
Under MoWT-every project has a budget for Environment and Social

Environment assessment as well as Environment Monitoring.
In the budget for the Department of Construction Standards and
Quality Management has a budget line for mainstreaming of cross-
cutting issues

Actions Taken on the Committee’s Recommendations

Agency Recommendation Action Taken
UNRA UNRA should budget for NSSF contributions in NSSF contribution for UNRA staff
the rightful budget category (Non‐wage) to avoid was budgeted for in the FY 2013/14
confusion in the interpretation of release MBPS (see page 350)
performance as has been the case this FY
Sector-Wide Government should make efforts to have all Ministry of Works and Transport
approved structures within MDA filled to avoid 90% posts filled
locking funds in the wage bill yet at the end of
the financial year, such funds are never spent
and no record has ever been provided as to how
much of the unspent balances is the part of the
new financial year’s resource envelope
UNRA Government should adequately plan and align The Transport is central to the
its priorities within the budget and the available functioning of the economy. The
resources to avoid last minute rush to seek for priorities are many and urgent
supplementary expenditure, usually, not compared to the available
occasioned by addition revenues BUT simply resources. It is difficult to stop an
re‐allocations from already approved budget ongoing contract, close off some
priorities by Parliament. roads or stop some ferries in order
to fit within the available budget.
We receive about 65% of our
required budget which we
rationalise to ensure work goes on.

MoFPED Government integrates the entire budget in its OBT tool integrates as illustrated in
financial management system and OBT for easy the national BF generated by the
comparison and assessment of the level of OBT tool
commitment by development Partners in future
UNRA Proper planning which takes into account all The 10-year Road Sector
aspects of road infrastructure should be Development Plan (RSDP3) is
undertaken with a view of equitably under preparation to guide future
redistributing the available funds to promote planning. The Sector is making
growth and development through enhanced deliberately efforts to facilitate the
incomes and productivity of all regions in the primary growth sectors (oil and gas,
Country. rich agricultural areas, tourism etc.).
The ongoing /pipeline projects will
ensure all regions of Uganda will a
tarmac road in the next 3 years.

UNRA Government should survey and gazette all road Gazetting of road corridors is
reserves and demarcate them to avoid ongoing. So far 8 roads have been
encroachment. In addition, all illegal structures completed. These include;
within road reserves should be demolished at 1. Hoima- Kaiso- Tonya Road, 92
owners’ expense without delay. The Ministry km
should adequately provide for funds to protect 2. Kampala- Entebbe Expressway
road reserves across the Country. Project 51km
3. Kampala- Jinja Highway (77km),
Agency Recommendation Action Taken
4. Kampala Gayaza Zirobwe Road,
5. Vurra Oraba Koboko Arua Road,
6. Semuto Kapeka Road, 41km
7. Mbarara Bypass,14km
8. Ntungamo Mirama Hills Road

Gazetting of addition 1,050km is

being processed.

Demolishing of illegal structures in

the road reserve commenced. So
far structures have been
demolished on Kampala – Entebbe
road, Kampala – Gayaza road,
Kampala – Luwero – Kafu road and
Kampala Northern Bypass.

URF The Committee recommends that in view of their 1. Funding for Districts without
significance, DRCs should be formed by all DRC’s not yet withheld
districts without any further delays. In addition, 2. Allocation formula for road fund
URF Secretariat should withhold all funding for drafted to include topology
all districts which have not fully constituted DRC
as requirement for release of funds. In addition,
the formula for allocating road fund should be
reviewed with a view of incorporating aspects of
topology and other factors critical to road
maintenance costs.
UNRA, The Committee recommends that Government 1.UNRA carried out an assessment
MOWT and should as matters of urgency undertake an of the condition of all bridges in the
Districts assessment of the status of bridges across the country (see report attached). The
Country with the view of ascertain the financial Bridges programme for the FY
requirements to have meaningful maintenance 2013/14 and FY 2014/15 was
and rehabilitation. Funds for this purpose should derived from the condition
be provided in a sequenced manner to avoid a assessment report.
situation where some parts of the country would
be cut‐off and continuously carry out annual UNRA is preparing a 5 –year bridge
bridge condition survey on the UNRA and investment plan to guide future
DUCAR networks planning.

2. Database of roads and bridges

being prepared for District and
Urban roads, and bridge conditions
are being assessed
UNRA, To lower the Unit Costs there urgent need is to 1. The amended PPDA Act and
MOWT deal with the issue political interference, insider regulations which became
trading by Local Politicians and Senior Civil effective in March 2014 are
Servants, and allow open and free competition. supposed to reduce on the time
In addition, reduce the lengthy procurement and spent on procurement.
disposal processes and replicate the new
Agency Recommendation Action Taken
system of Independent Parallel Bid Evaluation in 2. Allegations of influence pending
UNRA to DUCAR as well and insider trading have been
reported to IGG who carries out

3. MOWT has started process to

introduce IPBE in rehabilitation
works for DUCAR roads.
UNRA, Government should explore new technologies 1. Due to budgetary constraints, it
URF, with potential to cutting back the cost of road was not possible to re-allocate UGX
MOWT construction such as the use of a recycling 19 billion to by pavement recycling
technology and adoption of enzyme technology machine. However, UNRA has
for stabilization of road pavements. Government contracted out pavement recycling
should avail the required funding amounting to works to contractors like SBI on
UGX 19bn to procure the pavement recycling Malaba/Busia – Bugiri road (82km).
machine as additional to the sector budget for Procurement is underway for
FY 2013/14 or re‐allocate it from UNRA’s pavement recycling works on
current ceiling for FY 2013/14 without any Mukono – Kayunga – Njeru road
further delay. (94km)

2. The Enzyme technology is being

researched and tested ........... road
MOWT Timely, efficient and effective interventions to 1. Assessment of needs for inland
rehabilitate existing Ferries and to purchase of water transport connections in
new ones to have all major islands connected to Lake Victoria is being carried
the main land in order to boost economic out.
productivity should be made. Adequate funds 2. Adequate funds not yet
should be availed to ensure full scale operation allocated
of existing Ferries and to have them insured to 3. MV Kaawa class fully reinstated
avoid the scenario of MV Kabalega that sunk and fully insured
4. Procurement of contractor for
MV Pamba awaiting release of
MOWT Government should install navigation aids on all 1. Navigation aids not yet installed
water bodies to avoid accidents which are 2. Landing sites now being
currently on an increase. In addition, the Ministry inspected
of Works and Transport should annually budget
for the rehabilitation of landing sites across all
water bodies to allow proper landing of ferries to
reduce the high rate of wear and tear as a result
of poor land landing sites
MOWT, Government should procure a dedicated a Ferry 1. MV Amani currently serving
UNRA in the form of MV Barbus (which existed Bubeke, Bukasa, Bufumira islands
between 1947 & 1998) to serve the Islands of twice per week.
Bubeke, Bukasa, Bufumira and Mazinga 2. Funding for a new ferry not yet
sub‐counties covering 79 of the 84 islands that approved
constitute Kalangala. In addition, procurement of 3. UNRA has invited bids for the
Sigulu Ferry which is expected to commence in supply, delivery and commissioning
FY 2013‐14 should be expedited serve Sigulu of a ferry for Sigulu Islands.
Islands in Namayingo District with huge fishing Evaluation of bids is ongoing and
potential should be procured. the contract is expected to be
signed by June 2014.
Agency Recommendation Action Taken
URC Government through the Ministry of Works and URC has created a concession
Transport should hasten its supervisory role and monitoring department. The Chief
ensure that the obligations under the RVR Concession Officer is on board and
Concession are not breached without any the recruitment of the rest of the
sanctions team is ongoing.
The monitoring of the concession is
to be increased from quarterly to

MOWT Government should commence negotiations, Project to implement urban

which should see Passenger Services that were passenger railway services being
never included in the current Concession, developed by MOWT and KCCA.
starting with Passenger services between
Busega and Mukono, taken on by the
Concessionaire (RVR) or through any other
arrangement as a means of decongesting the
URC The proposed sale of Uganda Railways Sale of properties whose sale had
Corporation Assets should be halted and not been advanced has been
instead efforts to have them renovated and halted. Jinja and Masindi properties
rehabilitated should be hastened as these are were in advanced stages.
critical in the renewed development of the
MOWT, The Committee recommends that Government 1. Plans for Entebbe International
CAA should actualize its commitment towards the Airport have been developed with a
renewed interest and revival of Uganda Airline view to PPP funding
by translating all these plans into a phased 2. Cabinet Memorandum on
medium term budget with effect from FY National Airline under preparation


Status report on procurement of specialised equipment worth UGX 30

Billion (10 Water browsers, 16 light fuel trucks, 8 crane tucks, 4 excavators,
8 self loaders, 8 tampers.

The procurement of the specialised road maintenance equipment is ongoing. The first
lot of 8 graders, 2 bull dozers, 6 vibro rollers, 4 traxicavators and 5 rollers (10 ton) were

Evaluation of bids for the equipment listed below was finalised and some of the lots
were awarded. All contracts are expected to be signed before the end of May 2014.

List of Equipment and Procurement Status

Equipment Type Est. Cost Achievements as at
end of Quarter 3
16 No. Motor Graders procured 10,400,000,000
16 No, Truck Loaders procured 8,240,000,000 Awarded, contract
8 No. Wheeled Hydraulic Excavators procured 3,120,000,000 signing expected by
6 No, Vibratory Rollers procured 1,800,000,000 15th May 2014
4 No. Long Reach Excavators procured 2,160,000,000
2 No. Bulldozers procured 1,360,000,000
40 No. Tippers trucks procured 10,000,000,000
16 No. Water trucks procured 4,000,000,000 Bids received, contract
16 No. Light fuel trucks procured 1,920,000,000 signing expected by
8 No. Cargo crane trucks procured 2,240,000,000 30th May 2014
8 No. Self loader trucks procured 4,720,000,000
8 No. Pedestrian Rollers procured 320,000,000
8 No. Tampers procured 8,000,000
TOTAL 50,288,000,000

What is the cause of delay in payment for certificates leading to accumulation of

arrears, penalties and cost overruns due to delays?

The cause of the delay in payments is inadequate funding particularly by GOU. UNRA’s
budget requirements exceed the available and as a result cannot pay the contractors on
time. Every financial year, UNRA carries forward over UGX 200 billion in form of unpaid
certificates. Last FY 2012/13 alone, UNRA carried forward UGX 428 billion for unpaid
certificates. These debts are the first call on the budget which means that first quarter
release is for paying debts.

What specific interventions are being made to build the capacity of local contractors
which is affecting execution of works and culminates into shoddy works and
budgetary waste?

The following interventions have been taken:

(i) Increase in the number of Term Maintenance Contracts – Under term

maintenance, the contractor has 2 - 3-Year guaranteed contract which
guarantees continuity in terms of work and cash flow to enable him invest in
equipment and personnel.

(ii) Performance Guarantee – Contractors were allowed to submit Insurance bonds

instead of Bank guarantees as performance security.

(iii) Development of Local Professionals – UNRA together with CROSSROADS are

training young graduates through attaching them to supervision consultants to
be let out to the private sector to enhance technical capacity.

Land Compensations:- Provide a comprehensive list schedule of all land

compensations for all the projects implemented in FY 2013/2014 (completed and
ongoing). Clearly disaggregate the compensation costs vs the total cost of each
project. What will be the land compensation costs in the next 5 years?

The comprehensive list is attached. We are working detailed costing for land and
property compensation on all ongoing and upcoming projects and will submit to
Parliament as soon as it is ready.

Unfunded priorities: Why has the ministry not prioritised the funding to implement
recycling equipment, yet cabinet directed so. How about the recruitment of UNRA

(i) Recycling equipment: – This remains unfunded priority because of inadequate

budget. However, the Sector is contracting out pavement recycling works to
private contractors (SBI and Energo). Malaba/Busia – Bugiri road was done by a
private contractor and Mukono – Kayunga – Njeru road is going to be done using
the same technology.

(ii) UNRA Staff: - This remains unfunded priority because UNRA has appealed to
MoFPED to increase the wage bill by reallocation from the development budget
but the request was not granted

P.O. Box 7174 Kampala
Plot 57/59 Jinja Road
Tel: +256-414-235 730

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