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j TS-GENCO we Aypistant Engineer Examinagjan cod :[A] Held On: 14-41-2015) ino. :|4249617 Candidate’s Name : < Signature of the Candidate ELECTRONICS ENGINE i ‘ N 1. Candidate should write their Hall Ticket Number and Name in the pa Question pes Ook and OMR Answer Sheet with Black Ball point pen i 2. The Candidates should ensure that the Hall Ticket Number and Ni the Candidate are properly written in the OMR Answer Sheet provided to them, The Candidates are alsoMfurther instructed to darken the appropriate circles provided for the Hall Ticket Numbers, Questfon/Paper Booklet Number, Subject, Booklet Code, Zone, Category, Gender and Physically handic ts. 3. Changing an answer is NOT Allowed. ¢ > The Candidaies must fully satisiy themselves aboutithe acclracy of the answer before darkening the ‘appropriate circle with Black Ball Point Pen, as it ible to change or erase once darkened. > Use of Eraser or White Fluid on the OMR Answer SI it permissible as the OMR Answer Sheets are machine gradable and it may lead to wrong eV 4. Immediately on opening this Question Paper Booklet Che (@), Section A contains #0 questions of relevany Engineering abd Section B contains 20 questions of General ‘Avarcnes und Numercal Abily. OS (b) Whether 100 multiple choice Questions ra printed. (©) Incase ofany Sin nme cer fe Paper Booklet wth same code with the invigilator. 5. Use of Calculators, Mathematics Tablesrinhotiese Mobile Phones and Log books is not permitted. 8 Dee cast ail be awarded for every: forPopersver There are nb Negative Marks 7, Answer to the questions must be entered daly on OMR Answer Sheet by completely shading the appropriate circle with Ball Point Pen (Blac 8. ‘The OMR Answer Sheet will be fyalidaitd if the circle is shaded using Peneil or if more than one circle is shaded aginst cach queston (> 9, The OMR Answer Sheet will alued if the candidate: Writes the Hall {in uny pan of the OMR Answer Sheet except in the space provided for the purpose. 7) ‘Writes any irelevant hatter including religious symbols, words, prayers or any communication whatsoever, in any part of the OMR Answer Sheet. in the space provided in the Question Paper Booklet. will be allowed in the examination hall, Suld ensure that he/she enters his/her Hall ‘Ticket Number, name and appends signature on the jooklet and also on the OMR Answer Sheet in the space provided. Candidate should ensure gitator puts his/her signature on the Question Paper Booklet and OMR Answer Sheet. the examination hall, Candidate should return the Original OMR Answer Sheet. The candidate son copy of OMR Answer Sheet and Question Paper Booklet, tM cludin Page and the pages for Rough work. Booklet Code Note: (1) Answerall questions. (2) Each question carries 1 mark. There are no negative marks, i (3) Answer to the questions must be entered only on OMR Answer ‘SI ; separately by Completely shading with Ball Point Pen (Black) only. (4) The OMR Answer Sheet will be invalidated if the circle is shaded using Pencil or if more than one circle is shaded against each question. gue ie ea Section A : Electronics Engineering eet provided 1. Acirevit contains a dependent voltage source and two resistors. IF Thevenin's equivalent is to be found across one of the resistors. the resulting Thevenin’s equivalent has (1) a voltage source and resistor only / (2). acurrent sourve and a resistor only (3)_a resistor only ~ (47° either voltage source or current source only. ‘The transformation of YA y into one of the 2-parameters is Gynay; Q wm Opry G) 2) pp voltage measurements when it ! ited to a steel member, which is of the gauge is 130.Q, the change (4) 320 pQ PTO. Booklet Code Which one of the following materials does not produce an emf, when they are placed under stress? (1) Quartz (2) Rochelle salt (3) Barium titanate (4) Aluminum In the measurement of pH value, 10-!! moles of hydrogen ions in I liter of liquid equals to (1) I pH (2) 8pH (3) 2pH (43 pH Thermocouple made of _______ conductors has lowest temperature sensing range (1) Nickel Chromium /Constantan (2) Iron /Conistaftan (3) Copper / Constantan (4) Nicrosil /Nisil A full wave rectifier with a centre-tapped transformer Supplies de current of 100 mA to aload resistance of 20 Q. The secondary resistance of transformeris | Q. Each diode has a forward resistance of 0.5.9. Whatare rms values of signal voltage across each half of the secondary as well as de power supplied to the load? (1) 239 V and 0.2 Watts (2).23.9 V and 2 Watts (3) 0.239 V and 20 Wats (4) 2.39 Vand 2 Watts Unit of thermal resistance that is used in thé design of heat sinks (for power amplifiers) is (1) Ohms @ B) °C/Ohms (4) °C/ Watt : If the emitter diffusion capacitance and transconductance of a transistor at high frequencies are 100 pF and 50 mA/V respectively, then the frequency at which the short-circuit common emitter current gain attains unit magnitude is (1) 1.25 MHz (2) 79.57MHz (8) 55.28 MHz (4) 7.23 MHz AJFET has got the following specifications: Vasiorr =-2Vs pss = 4 mA. When the applied Vos is one fourth of the Vessirp, to the JFET, then the drain current of the device would be (1) 225mA Q), 4mA (3) 0.25mA (4) 1.0mA A voltage divider bias circuit uses n To have minimum V,). = (if Rs =2.25kQ), x (1) 12kO, (2) 3.9kQ G) 2.75 kQ @) 2702 In RC-phase shift oscilator circuit using BIT (1) voltage series (3),..current series channel JFET as its active device with Vpy = 25 V. 10 V & Inux = 3 MA, the value of the drain resistance will be feedback is employed. QD voltage shunt (4) current shunt 4A Booklet Code :| AL 15, The output voltage of circuit shown below is 4% ey. Ro % wy 10kQ ‘& vi U - : ~ Tso0mv @) -10V Q 5V GB) -3¥-[ fe G05 v 16. To design a fourth-order Butterworth low-pass filter With a cutoff frequency of 1 KHz using OP-AMP, we need to cascade two second order prototypes. Then the voltage gains of the two second order systems would be (respectively): (1) 2.235, 1.152 (2) 1.0, 1.586 (3) 1.586, 1.586 (4y" 1.0, 1.0 17. The Boolean expression x'y + xy'+ xy is equivalent to (AF (xtyy’ 2) oxy QG) xty (4) xy 18. If the input to T-flip-flop is 100 Hz signal, the final output of the three ‘T-flip-flops that are “connected in cascade is (F500 Hz @) 333 Hz (4) 125 He (2) « CMOS @) DTL (4) RTL butput Y of a2-bit comparator is logic 1 whenever the 2-bit input A is greater than the input B. The number of combinations for which the output is logic 1, is ea: SSO) 6 BI 8 (4) 10 tor coupled monostable multivibrator circuit usi . j-stable Dcuciaiané ofiah Crahesig eee ee (2) 22RC G3) 138Re (4) 0.69 RC 5-4 : PTO. www.eenadupratibha.net22, a3. 24, 26. 27. 28. 29. int Booklet Code In a D/A converter made with binary weighted resistors, it is difficult to-mainta" accuracy as the number of bits increases, because (J) as the resistance values of the most significant bits becomes larger, long time to settle ‘ - (2) obtaining stable and precise resistors with a large spread in their values is very difficult (BY the LSB resistance consume too much of current and power (4) the finite gain of the OP-AMP increases inaccuracies in high the Circuit takes The differential gain of op-amp is 4000 and value of CMRR is 150. Its output voltage, when the two input voltages are 200 LV and 160 V respectively, willbe ( 16V (2) 76mVv @) 64my (4) 164.8mV ‘Two systems with impulse responses hy(t) and ho(t) are connected in cascade. Then the overall impulse response of the cascaded system is given by (1) _ product of hy(t) and h(t) (2). sum of hy(t) and h(t) (3) convolution of h(t) and h(t) (4), subtraction of hy(t) and h(t) The Fourier transform of rectangular pulse of width 't' sec and having unit magnitude is (1) tsinc (at) (@) tine (ft) (3) sine (at) (4) sine (ft) The maximum and minimum yalues of autocorrelation function of a binary: signal 1,1, 1,-1,=1, 1,-1 are: qd) 14,7 OF 164 @) 14,2 (4) 741 The z-transform of a sequence u{n] — u{n-2] is (1) itz (Qa @G) z/(@-1) (4) L+z4 In Amplitude Modulation, _ of total transmitted power is used for carrying message signal under best conditions. (1) 25% (2) 33% (3) 50% (4) 78% A speech signal with maximum amplitude of +1V and bandwidth of 4 kHz is used as modulating signal in frequency modulation system. If the frequency sensitivity factor ke = 64000 r, then the modulation index B of the frequency modulated signal is (1) 125 @ 106 3) 9.0 (4) 8.0 ‘Which modulation scheme uses Hilbert transformer? (1). DSB @) PM (3) VSB (4). SSB ECE) i 6-4 www.eenadupratibha.net31, 32. 33. 34. 35: 36. Booklet Code + ‘The frequency range used for FM broadcasting is (1) 78-87 MHz (2). 0.550-1.65 MHz (3 88-108 MHz (4) 12-38 MHz ‘A PCM system uses Nyquist sampler, a uniform quantizer followed by a5 bitbinary encoder. The bit rate is 50 Mbps. The maximum message bandwidth for which,the:system operates satisfactorily is j (1) SkHz (2) SMHz (3). 10kHz (4) "10 MHz Is s(t) and r(t) are to be transmitted over a. common channel by means of ion multiplexing, The highest frequency of s(t) is 1 kHz, and that of r(t) is 1.5 kHz, The minimum value of the permissible sampling rate is, (1) 3kHz (2) 2.5kHz (3) 2kHz (4) SkHz A stable Linear Time Invariant (LTD) system has a transfer function H(s): sts make this system causal it needs to be cascaded with another LTI system having a transfer function H,(s). A correct choice for H,(s) among the following options is ves (1) s#3 (2) 8-2 6 (4) stl apse In a Bode magnitude plot, which one of the following slopes would be exhibited at high frequencies by a 4th order all-pole system? (1) -80dBidecade (2) -40 dB/decide (3) +40 dBidecade ~ @J +80 dB/decade For the second order closed-loop system shown in the figure, the natural frequency (in rad/s) is Us) 4, 4 ¥(s) @ 4) Q) 2 @ 1 sommon two-phase ac servomotor differs from the standard ac induction motor (2) higher power rating 4) greater inertia TA PTO. www.eenadupratibha.net38. 39. 41. 42 43. N : Bookdet Code ‘A stepper motor having a resolution of 300 steps/rev and running at 2400 eas a pulse rate of pps. NG (1) 4000 (2) 8000 (3) 6000 (4), 10000 An integral controller has a value of Ky = 0.1/sec. What will be the output afte if there is a sudden change to a constant error of 20%? () 4% (2) 2% 3) 8% (4) 20% Given yale notes uncog GUY== RNR ae ae s(s+ 258)! ) 0.2,0.6 Q) 1,4 (3) 3.7 @) 2,8 With the signal generator frequency of a Q metér set to 1.25 MHz, the Q of a coil is measured as 98 when Capacitance C = 147 pF. Then the coil inductance and resistance would be (1) 112 nH, 120 (2) 982 nH, 102 (3) 110 nH, 8.8.9 (4% 320pH.6.22 A pulse waveform with a3.3k source resistance is to be displayed on an oscilloscope with an input capacitance of 15.pF. The rise time of the pulse shown on the scope is measured as (W 49.5 ns (2), 5445 ns G) 113.85 ns (4) 109.0 ns Hay bridge is used to measure (1) very low resistances (2) inductance of a coil (3) capacitance of a capacitor (¥) impedance of a circuit VTVM stands for (1) Nacuum Tube Voltmeter (2) Valve type Variable Meter (3)/-Volt Temperature Virwal Meter (4) Virwal Type Voltmeter 45, Wavelength of the visible light extends from (1) 0801.0 nm 2) 400 10.750 nm Bia, (3) 200 0 350 am (25 amto 75 nm ke 46. Which one of the following light sensors produces largest output current? (1). PIN photodiode (2). Photovoltaic.digde (3). Avalanche Photodiode» (4) Zenerdiode _ 47. The type of lasers that use organic dyes enclosed in glass tube for'an active medium is (1) plasma lasers (2) liquid lasers (3) ruby lasers (4) neon lasers 48. Whatis the duration of the bus-cycle in an 8086 based thicrocomputer, if the clock frequency ~ is 12 MHz without any wait - states? (1) 83 ns 2) 581 ns ()y 332ns (4) 249 ns 49. How many interrupt request lines are available in programmable interrupt controller 8259A? wm 8 Q) 6 y °4 (4) 16 50. InaDMA write operation the data is transferred (1) from I/O to memory ) (2) from memory to /O 3) _ from memory to memory (4) from /0 10 VO 51, 8251 1Cisa : é () UART 4 (2) USART (3) Programmable Interrupt controller (4). Programmable interval timer/counter 52, How many bits are used as conditional flags in the flag register of 8086? (16 (2) 12 3) (4) 6 oA P-T.O. www.eenadupratibha.net53; 54. aS; 56. 57. 58. 59. Booklet Code How many hardware interrupts are there in $0862 i qd) 12 (2) 6 B32 a8 Which one of the following ICs is a tri-state butler? () 74L8121 (2) 74890 @) 7ALS138 (4) 74LS244 How many bytes of bit addressable memory is present in'8051 based microcontrollers? CQ) 8 bytes (2) 32 bytes (3) 16 bytes. “4) 128 bytes In Telecommunication Networks, the unit of traffic intensityis (1) Baud (2) Erlang 3) Powerfz (4) Users/Watt The maximum access time that can be permitted! for the data and control memories in Time Slot Interchange switch with a single input and single output trunk multiplexing 2500 channels is (Assume that one speech sample appearing every 125 jis on the line) (1) 25ps Q) 25ns 9 Sms (4) S sec A circuit switched connection involves 5 switching nodes. Each node takes 2 seconds and 0.2 second for establishing and releasing connections respectively. If the data transfer rate is 2400 bps, the data transfer time for a message of 300 bytes long is (1) 5.0 sec (2 0.2 sec (3) 2.2 sec 4) 10.0 sec In common channel signaling $7 frame format, the number of bits that are used in error checking field is (1) 8 bits (2) 16 bits (3) 32 bits (4) 24 bits In cellular mobile communications, the forward channel frequency band of AMPS system (2) 800-900 Hz (4) 869-894 MHz 10-4, www.eenadupratibha.net61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. ~ www.eenadupratibha-net Nyquist stability criterion is used to determine (1) both open loop and closed loop stability EN (2) only open loop stability { (3) neither open loop nor closed loop stability (4) only closed loop stability The open loop transfer function of a system is G(s) H(s) = 10 s ($#0.25 6). The frequency in rad/sec at which the Nyquist plot intersects with - ve real axis is (y2.5 4Q) @B) 0 Md) 4 If the system has multiple poles on the ‘jan’ axis, the system is (1) stable (2) conditionally stable (3) marginally stable (4) unstable Sine wave can be converted into square wave using 41) monostable (2), schmitt trigger (3) clamping circuit ~(@)_astable multivibrator The rise time of low pass RC circuitis given by (1) 22RC (2) 30.2RC (3), 10RC (4) 202RC In RC integrator circuit the outputiis taken across (1). resistor (2). ‘transistor (3) diode (4). capacitor The part which conyerts alternating voltage to a direct voltage in a DC machine is (1) commutator. (2) armature (3) poles (4): brushes ‘hich lowing is not a static characteristic? dead zone (3). sensitivity (4) - fidelity 11-A BT.O. 69. Parameter defined as the nearness of the indicated value to the true value of the quantity being measured is ‘ (1) accuracy (2). resolution if (3) reproducibility (4). static error 70. Deflection sensitivity of a CRO is expressed in terms of 3 (). Vem Q) cmv @) Vem ~ 4) Vem 71. - A planar graph has total number of branches b = 7. Number of meshes = 4. The dual graph will have total number of nodes given by @)22 Q) 3 G) 40 (4) 5 72. Three equal resistance of 3 ohm are connected in star: What is the resistance of one arm in equivalent delta? G@). tohm (2) 30hm (3) 9 ohm (4) 27 ohm 73. Ina series RLC circuit, if Cis increased what happens to resonant frequency? (1) It increases / (2) Itdecreases (3) Itremains same (4) Itdepends upon the value of R 74, Which meter has the highest accuracy in prescribed limit of frequency range? () PMMC . (2) moving iron (3) electrodynamometer ) . (4) rectifier 75. When the pointer of an indicating instrument comes to rest in the fin (1) only controlling torque act (2). only deflecting torque act _ (3). both’controlling and deflecting torque act @ only damping torque act al deflected position 2 Yoke of dic. machine is made of 1) “silicon steel (2) soft iron G) aluminium (4) cast steel 12.4 www.eenadupratibha.netThess 78. 79. 80. Booklet Code Ifthe field current of a de shunt motor is changed, then (1) _ the torque remains constant but output power will change. (2) - the output power remains constant but torque will change (3) _ both the torque and output power will change (4) _ both the torque and output power will remain constant» ‘The back e.m.f ina d.c. motor (1) oppose the applied voltage (2) aids the applied voltage (3) _ aids the armature current (4) oppose the armature current The ripple factor of power supply is a measure of (1). its filter efficiency , (2) diode rating (3) its voltage regulation (4) _ purity of DC power output is defined as the difference between the largest and smnallest reading of instrument, (1) span aie (2) range - 13-4, ‘ PTO. Booklet Code Section B : General Awareness and Numerical Ability f 81. One compound expression is incorrect. Which one? (1) Court Martial (2) Chairman Deputy (3). Poet Laureate (4) Secretary General 82. Find correct sequence of sentences: x? Pollution has been defined a) or form of energy to the environment at b) accommodate its dispersion, breakdown, recycling or storage in some harmless form ©) arate faster than the environment can d) asthe addition of any substance (1) acdb @) dacb (3) deab “) cadb 83. Why do you always _me when I try to ask a question? (1) interpose (2) intercede (3) interfere (A) _ interrupt 84, There are several ___that describe the state of being asleep. (1) impressions (2) expressions (3)_coniditions. (4) _digressions 85. has been appointed as President of Cricket Association of Bengal? (1). Anil Kumble (2). Sachin Tendulkar (3) Ajay Jadeja *\. (4)"Sourav Ganguly 86. (known as Metro Man) has been appointed to United Nations High Level Advisory Group on Sustainable Transport by UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon for three years? (1) Upendra Tripathy (2) Sunil Arora (3) Sanjay Singh (4) Elattuvalapil Sreedharan 87. is the Engineer's Day in India. It marks Birthday of Bharat Ratna Mokshagundam Visvesvarayya? = (1) September 20. (2), January17- (3) October 21. (4) September 15 Martin Winterkom, CEO of, automobiles resigned? (1) Skoda (2). Ford G) FAT (4) Volkswagen Identify the first sovereign ruler of Kakatiya dynasty. (1) Rudradeyva (2) Rudramadevi (3) Ganapathideva (4) "Mahadeva hich Mughal emperor conquered the Golconda kingdom on 1687 A.D. Babur (2) Akbar (3) Shahjahan (4) Aurangazeb Number 610 is issued during the Chief Ministership of “NeSanjeevaReddy (2) PY.Narsimha Rao snjaiah (4) N-T.RamaRao 14a Booklet Code 92. Whocreated the Emblem of Telangana state. a Q) > AleLaxman (2) Andesree : (3) Venkanna (4) Gaddar a B47 If V3=1.732, then the value of Se is equal to @) 4330 22 2.009 (3) 1.224 14), 3.585 : 94. The difference between a two-digit number and the number obtained by interchanging the * digits is 54. What is the difference between the sum and the difference of the digits of the number if the ratio between the digits of the number a8 ater (1): 3 @Q) 4 ers (4) 6 95. When a producer allows 34% commission on the retail price of this product, he earns a profit of 10%. What would be his profit percent if the cortimission is reduced by 12%7 MS 25 (2) 30 oy 35 (4) 40 a +96. 1£20 pumps can raise 5500 gallons of Water in? days, working Shrsaday: now many days ~ 3 will 12 pumps raise 2200 gallons of water, working 12hrsaday? ze & gers (2) 5 GB) 6 a7 i we ‘91. Through which device the main components of the computer communicate with each other?” () SystemBus (2) Keyboard (3) Monitor (4) Memory 98. Which of the following memory is non-volatile? (1) SRAM (2) DRAM ROM (4) Allthe above Microsoft Word is an example of c ) An Operating System (23 Application Software * (4) System Software 1m is most common type of Software. (2) Communication (4) Word processing type ibe Les 15-4
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20 pages
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Presentation About EEE (For E1EEE) @RGUKT BASAR
22 pages
Presentation About EEE (For E1EEE) @RGUKT BASAR
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Little Women
From Everand
Little Women
Louisa May Alcott
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (105)