Behaviour Assessment
Behaviour Assessment
Behaviour Assessment
In this unit we will be dealing with many methods which are behavioural in
nature. This would include the case history method, followed by the interview
method and other methods. As one deals with the case history method, we would
also be dealing with the menaing and purpose of case history method. There are
also many types of case histories which will be presented in this unit. While
dealing with this method, the strengths and weaknesses of the method will also
be put forward. The next method in behavioural assessment will be the interview
method. Defining this method, the unit will be putting for the meaning and purpose
of this method and its use in different settings. Also the advantages and
disadvantages of this interview method will also be discussed. Other measures
such as the experience sampling and biologivcal measures will also be discussed.
After completing this unit, you will be able to:
• Define and describe behavioural assessment;
• Elucidate the categories of behavioural assessment; 39
Assessment of Personality • Explain what is functional behavioural assessment;
• Explain some of the advantages and disadvantages of the case history method;
• Elucidate the types of case history method;
• Define and describe interview as a method of assessment;
• Explain the meaning and purpose of the interview method;
• Elucidate the types of interviews; and
• Analyse other methods of assessment in the behavioural category.
As for the nature of behavioural assessment, it may be stated that its main goal
has been behavioural change. Therefore, all conceptual and methodological
features emerge from the attempt to define and measure a particular behavioural
problem and its causal or controlling conditions and design the best treatment.
The following five traits could be considered the essence of behavioural
assessment: functional analysis, triple response modes and multi-causality,
idiographism, multimethodism, and the experimental method.
The setting in which the behaviour occurs is of primary importance. The biological
makeup and physiological functioning help the individuals to adapt and respond
to the environment. Evaluating behaviour requires assessment of the person, the
setting, and the interaction between the two. Setting in this context refers to the
environmental circumstances that might be influencing the occurrence and
nonoccurrence of the behaviour. Environmental circumstances in turn refer to
those environmental events preceding the behaviour, both immediately and
distally, and those following the behaviour.
3.2.2 Common Characteristics and Assumptions of Behavioural Behavioural Assessment
Assessment Methods
While there is a wide variety of techniques available for carrying out behavioural
assessment, they have certain features in common.
1) They all focus on behaviour
Both overt and covert behaviours are measured or evaluated as they occur
in specific situations. Behaviours are observed at a specific time and in a
limited location The variables and concepts with descriptions of behaviour
are taken up objectively, as assessment requires objective information, which
is more useful than inferences or subjective interpretations.
2) All behavioural assessment methods believe in Quantification
Behavior is quantified so as to allow for reliable comparisons across time
and persons and to allow for communication between persons. This leads to
greater objectivity of information.
3) All the behavioural assessment methods use trained, impartial observers
Observers are trained in the use of the various measurement techniques of
behavioural assessment, recording of the same and collecting information
in an objective manner. Observers are expected to achieve a specified
standard of consistency in their collecting data, recording the information
and interpreting the data.
4) All of them use empirically validated measures.
It is important to have consistency in the measurement across situations.
The measures should be empirically validated.
5) All of them recognize errors and try to counteract the errors or minimise
errors to the extent possible using statistical methods.
All assessment involves differing degrees of error causing unreliability of
the results. Hence it is important to minimize the errors and this is generally
carried out through statistical techniques..
6) All of these believe that the behaviour concerned occurs due to stimuli
from the environment.
Assessment is directed toward discovering the situational influences on
behaviour. The emphasis is on public events and direct observation of
behaviour in the natural environment, with behaviour being recorded at the
time of its occurrence whenever possible.
7) All these assessment techniques depend not on one but multiple sources
of information.
In addition to the behavioural assessment, a wide-range of assessment
strategies are used, including behavioural interviews, checklists, rating scales,
standardised instruments, self-reports, self-monitoring forms, and
observations, as no single test or source could give adequate information as
to why a behaviour occurs.
8) All the behavioural assessment techniques ultimately place high
emphasis on intervention.
The primary purpose of assessment is not to categorise or label a person but
to obtain information that will assist in developing effective intervention 41
Assessment of Personality strategies. The emphasis on intervention results in the application of the
behavioural assessment model to the particular person , situation etc.
9) All the behavioural assessment techniques use continuous assessment.
Assessment is continuous throughout baseline, intervention, and follow up
phases. The effectiveness of intervention strategies is continuously evaluated.
10) Each of these behavioural assessment techniques emphasises on
empirically based decision making process.
Decisions about specific assessment strategies and interventions are based
on empirical data available on the individual concerned from the person’s
self and the environment in which the person lives.
11) Most of these behavioural assessment techniques focus on individual
person rather than groups.
Assessment focuses on the individual person rather than comparisons to a
norm group. There is a recognition of individual differences in behaviour
and its determinants, leading to idiosyncratic assessment and intervention.
12) High emphasis is placed on individual differences.
Individual differences among persons are not absolute. Differences must be
seen in relative terms, with consideration given to situational and cultural
differences. It must be kept in mind that a certain behaviour considered
normal in one setting may be considered abnormal in another setting.
13) All behavioural assessment techniques not only look for causes contributing
to the problem but also try to solve the problem concerned, once the
cause is known.
The purpose of behavioural assessment is problem solving, and hence
identification of causes is extremely important so as to devise intervention
strategies to overcome the problem.
14) All the behavioural assessment techniques focus on developing adaptive
behaviour in the individual.
The focus of behavioural assessment is on developing adaptive, positive, or
desirable behaviour rather than on control and reduction of undesirable
behaviours. Hence behavioural interventions should be designed and
implemented with the benefit of the particular person concerned in mind.
Assessment of Personality Another important consideration with respect to validity in behavioural
assessment is the extent to which information gathered through a multifaceted
assessment leads to beneficial treatment outcomes (treatment validity).
Indirect Assessment: Here the behaviour is not observed but inferred through
retrospective analysis.
Contextual assessment: The stimuli in the environment that cause the behaviour
44 are in focus in this method of assessment.
The main tool of behavioural assessment is functional analysis. Behavioural Assessment
Since behavioural problems should be described through the triple response mode,
that is through motor, cognitive, physiological modes, other methods of
assessment than observation of overt behaviour and other informants (than the
subject) should be considered. In other words, multi methodism is one of the
most important characteristics of behavioural assessment.
Behavioral assessment provides the basis for behavioural change, and behavioural
change requires treatment, and treatment demands experimental manipulations
and evaluation This is why, throughout the history of behavioural assessment,
the experimental method has been a constant among its basic characteristics.
As such, case histories usually deal with abnormal or troubled people whose
lives are studied during psychotherapy or diagnosis (Runyan, 1982). The clinician
seeks to achieve an understanding of the person’s life experiences and behaviour
patterns through a variety of procedures, including the person’s own recollections,
interviews with others who know the person, autobiographical and biographical
documents, and any available information from psychological tests.
The clinician, usually searches clues in the past or present life to determine the
causes of the person’s difficulties. Case history provides a primary data enabling
the clinician to establish effective strategies to treat emotional disorders. Fredrick
le Play (1806-1882) had, for the first time, introduced case history method into
social sciences research in the studies of family budgets. Herbert Spencer, an
English sociologist (1820-1882) was the first to use the case materials in his
ethnographic studies. William Healy, a psychiatrist, for the first time adopted the
case study method in his work with juvenile delinquents.
Case histories made by clinicians working with patients have played an important
role in the development of certain personality theories and clinical thinking in
general. Freud’s psychodynamic theory is almost entirely based on intensive
study of single cases. Freud and his fellow psychoanalysts spent years probing
deeply into all sorts of behaviour: early childhood recollection of dreams,
fantasies, physical illnesses, love-hate relationships. Along with gaining rich
insights into the uniqueness of persons, Freud used case studies to support his
theoretical claims. Carl Rogers also relied heavily on case studies of psychotherapy
clients in formulating his phenomenological approach to personality.
The methods used by Murray and his colleagues covered many topics and facets
of each student’s life and produced a rich narrative account of each student as a
whole in his natural setting. To better assess each student’s thoughts, feelings,
and actions, Murray assembled a group of experienced psychologists who shared
their insights of each student at a staff conference or “diagnostic council”. In this
council, different researchers from different background who had studied the
same student would offer their respective clinical impressions about the student.
Debate followed and eventually a conclusion about how best to characterise the
student’s personality was reached by majority vote.
On the basis of the purpose a case study may be subdivided into two categories-
deviant case analysis and isolated clinical case analysis. In the former, the
researcher starts with the difference already found between two people or groups
of persons and his task is to read backward to deduce the condition that might
have produced the difference (Warwick & Osherson, 1973).
Assessment of Personality In the latter, the emphasis is upon the individual units with respect to some
analytical problem. Such study is popular in psychoanalysis. Freud’s study of
little Hans is a well-known case which can be cited as an example o isolated
clinical case analysis. Freud’s theories of psychoneurosis were formulated through
accumulation of many isolated clinical case studies of the individuals.
But one should also keep in mind the shortcomings encountered while studying
only one individual. The chief disadvantage of case studies is that the researcher
can never be totally certain about cause-and-effect relationships. Researchers
cannot control factors that might affect the events or outcomes that they observe;
it is always possible that causes other than those they infer may be operating.
Second, because a case study examines only one person, its results have limited
generalisability. Just because one person behaves in a certain way does not mean
all people behave that way. Third, the data obtained by the case history method
may be retrospective or second-hand in nature and thus distorted by time. Lastly,
even if the accuracy of such data can be verified, the conclusions drawn about
the individual may reflect the personal biases of the investigator.
The strategy behind asking general and innocuous questions first is that they
should be at least threatening for respondents and pave the way for divulging
more intimate more information once they have developed a sense of trust toward
the interviewer.(White & Speisman,1982).
Assessment of Personality 3.5.2 Strengths and Weaknesses of Interview Method
Interview method when used by a highly skilled interviewer can produce
extremely valuable information regarding the individual’s personality and life
situations. The ability to communicate effectively with others, perceptions of
self and significant others, level of anxiety, plans for future, and job satisfaction
are a few examples of data that can be obtained from a well conducted interview.
A well planned interview can also be profitably used in hypothesis testing research.
At the same time, issues of reliability and validity may arise in the event that
respondents are free to say about their past and present life experiences.
Structuring the kinds of questions asked of the person is one way to make interview
information more valid and reliable. That is why the structured format tends to
be preferred in the research setting, whereas the unstructured format tends to be
preferred by clinical psychologists in the therapeutic setting.
The interview technique provides a rich source of personality data. But such
data is highly subjective and may reflect the theoretical biases of the interviewer.
Also, the impact of the of the interviewer’s personality can subtly influence how
truthful and disclosing the person will be in an assessment setting. This can
result in the withholding or distorting of information vital to the purpose of an
Case histories do not identify factors that might cause the events observed, the
results obtained are o limited generalisability, and the data collected may be
subject to personal bias and difficult to verify in terms of accuracy.
Principal features of unstructured and structured interviews are that in the former,
the interviewer can “dig deeper”, and get a deeper understanding of the
respondents questions. While in the latter, there is a systematic procedure for
collecting information and hence, the reported validities of such interviews is
greater than the former type of interviews.
The other measures of personality assessment that the psychologists are currently
using are experience sampling and biological measures.
Case study method : Research strategy whereby a particular person is
studied in great detail.
Hypothesis : A single prediction about the relationship between two
or more variables that is logically derived from a
Structured interview : An interview that follows a set format, thus allows a
person little or no freedom to digress from the
information sought by the interviewer. An
unstructured interview, by contrast, allows the person
maximum freedom to divulge information in a more
spontaneous manner.
Best, J.W. & Kahn,J.V.(1992). Research in Education, New Delhi: Prentice Hall
of India Private Limited (eighth Indian print).
White, R.W. (1975). Lives in progress: A study of the natural growth of personality
(3rd.). New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston.