Amputee Framework Guidelines
Amputee Framework Guidelines
Amputee Framework Guidelines
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Table of Contents
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Upper Limb Amputees ........................................................................................... 26
Specialised, higher-end prosthesis and novel, innovative and emerging technology
............................................................................................................................... 26
Attachments........................................................................................................... 26
Water limbs, sporting and recreational activities ................................................... 27
Working activities................................................................................................... 27
Measuring prosthetic Outcomes ............................................................................... 27
Upper Limb amputees ........................................................................................... 27
Lower Limb Amputees ........................................................................................... 28
Home Modifications ...................................................................................................... 28
Upper Limb amputees ............................................................................................... 28
Lower Limb Amputees .............................................................................................. 29
Attendant Care.............................................................................................................. 30
Upper Limb amputees ............................................................................................... 30
Lower Limb Amputee ................................................................................................ 31
Considerations for Multiple Amputations ...................................................................... 32
References ................................................................................................................... 33
Disclaimer ..................................................................................................................... 34
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In determining whether requests are ‘necessary and reasonable’ the Lifetime Support
Authority will consider a number of factors, including the following:
Within the LSA eligible amputations injuries are defined as amputation or the
equivalent impairment, of the following types:
Therefore, where described upper limb amputees for the purpose of these guidelines
are considered to be above elbow “full” upper limb amputees and lower limb above
knee amputees with a short stump.
These guidelines will have only broad application to other, lesser levels of amputation
(e.g. where there is more residual limb than indicated in the LSS Rules).
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Multiple amputations are only be briefly considered as a separate category due to the
multiple potential variations within this group which limit clear description of specific
recommendations for this group.
However, these documents are specific to the health setting for which they were
developed, describe state specific services and do not make detailed
recommendations about what should be considered necessary and reasonable
treatment, care or support within a community setting, nor do they provide extensive
consideration of the ongoing needs of amputees through their lifetime.
Therefore the Guidelines for treatment, care and support for amputees within the
LSS living in the community are proposed to fill this gap in the literature and to guide
the provision of treatment, equipment, prosthetics, home modifications and attendant
care for upper limb, lower limb and multiple limb amputees.
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The World Health Organisation’s ICF Framework – amputee elements shows the
impact of amputation (primarily) upon a person’s activity participation1.
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While inpatient rehabilitation is often emphasised for lower limb amputees due to a
focus on mobility goals and prevention of falls, inpatient rehabilitation is often not
provided for upper limb amputees, as they can readily learn one handed techniques to
manage essential personal care tasks and thus, can be discharged home often within 1
-2 weeks post injury, depending on their wound healing and recovery. However,
rehabilitation remains an essential facet for treatment of individuals with upper limb
amputation to ensure they can maximise independence and optimal functioning of all
personal and domestic activities of daily living, instrumental activities of daily living,
transportation and achieve return to productive work roles where possible.
The pathways and phases for amputees are described variously in the literature
however, for the purpose of these Guidelines the following is indicative of the stages
1. Pre Operative stage where a decision is made to amputate and of the level of
amputation including residual limb. It is anticipated that in traumatic motor
vehicle accidents this phase may be very short due to the immediate urgency of
emergency surgery post-accident.
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2. Acute hospital phase including surgery, operative and post operative medical
care until medically stable. This would include wound care management.
3. Rehabilitation phase including pre prosthetic and interim prosthetic phases.
Rehabilitation aims to improve functional status with or without prosthesis and
to successfully reintegrate in to home and community.
4. Advanced rehabilitation in community setting including accessing definitive
prosthetic services and prosthetic training and rehabilitation.
5. Ongoing lifelong management where ongoing prosthetic review, services and
rehabilitation may be required depending on changes throughout the
participant’s lifespan.
(Statewide Rehabilitation Clinical Network 2012, Berke 2004, Agency for Clinical
Innovation 2008).
Goals of Rehabilitation
“Whole person” goals of care for patients undergoing amputation have been described
as follows:
It is noted that healing of a residual limb is a continuous process and thus a limb does
not have a clear and decisive point of “being healed” (Berke 2004).
Wong and Bourke (2007) have described that limited access to community based
rehabilitation following lower limb amputation can result in increased length of stay in
inpatient rehabilitation as patients may remain in inpatient facilities until all
rehabilitation goals were met even if they were safe to go home earlier in a wheelchair.
Thus access to community based rehabilitation and treatment, organised to commence
in a timely manner post discharge is considered essential. Community based treatment
and rehabilitation not only allows for early discharge but also enables the participant
the opportunity to develop and practice mobility skills in a functional and “real” context,
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such as their home and community, sooner (Wong & Bourke 2007) which may
increase their rehabilitation outcomes.
It should be noted that patients may be discharged for wound healing with intended
rehabilitation in the future (e.g. inpatient, day rehabilitation or outpatient rehabilitation)
and therefore, suitable exercises including strengthening and endurance exercises
should be implemented during this time (Statewide Rehabilitation Clinical Network
Pre-prosthetic intervention
Treatment and intervention may be required pre provision of prosthesis, such as:
Post-prosthetic intervention
Training to ensure maximal functional outcomes with the prosthesis. Prosthetic
training both with prosthetist and with a suitably experienced health professional is an
essential element of provision of a prosthesis in order to ensure maximal use in daily
activities, including donning and doffing the prosthesis;
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Identification of tasks that can be performed with the prosthesis; and
Identification of tasks that cannot safely be performed with the prosthesis and
alternative methods, strategies, aids or devices to complete these tasks.
In addition to the above for lower limb amputees this should include:
Mobility with and without prosthesis. Mobility with the prosthesis should include
training to increase body awareness and minimise excessive energy expenditure to
maximise efficiency when mobilising with the prosthesis (Berke 2004).
Community transfers such as car transfers, public toilets and confined spaces
Falls education at home and in the community
Wheelchair use
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Trunk stability and core strengthening of the pelvis, trunk and shoulders (Berke
Sitting and standing postures (Berke 2004)
Occupational Therapy may involve assessing, adapting and modifying home or other
environments to facilitate participation (College of Occupational Therapists 2011).
Occupational Therapists may address return to work including workplace assessment,
task analysis, capacity and motivation building (College of Occupational Therapists
2011). Evidence suggests that return to work increases over time since amputation and
thus there may be the need for long term vocational rehabilitation (College of
Occupational Therapists 2011) and occupational therapy to facilitate an effective
outcome in this domain.
In the initial post injury period Occupational Therapy services may be required as
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Sessions to address performance of leisure and recreation activities, driving
assessment, phantom limb pain interventions and prosthetic training depending on
the individual needs of the participant.
Phantom limb pain intervention and prosthetic training can be completed in a clinic
setting as long as there are sessions scheduled within the home environment or
support insitu (e.g. telerehabilitation or attendant care support) to provide assistance
with transfer of skills learnt in the clinic to the home environment. Individual treatment
plans identifying goals, outcomes and sessions required to achieve these should be
clearly articulated.
The functional goals of upper limb amputees are a key component of an occupational
therapist’s scope of practice. Occupational therapists are uniquely suited for upper limb
prosthetic training due to their experience in problem solving and facilitating functional
improvements. Prosthetic training includes gaining skills in basic grasp, release,
stabilisation in smooth and spontaneous manner in a variety of positions and heights
with integration of basic skills into daily activities (Roberts 2008). Participants should
develop confidence with their prosthesis through completion of repetitive tasks and
varied functional tasks (Roberts 2008).
Physiotherapy Role
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Upper limb amputees
The physiotherapy role for upper limb amputees also includes the following:
Muscle strength including core stability, conditioning and strength is essential to
ensure adequate strength to support a prosthetic limb and to ensure appropriate
muscle contraction for potential use of a myoelectric prosthesis.
Postural stability, strengthening, flexibility and aerobic capacity in a physiotherapy
program can minimise overuse injuries of the neck and back (Roberts 2008).
Physiotherapy treatment may also be required to address neck and back
discomfort and pain resulting from prosthetic use.
Intensity of program
Physiotherapy input addressing residual limb function and muscle strengthening (as
described above) should be provided by a therapist skilled and experienced in working
with amputees. The service would be expected to be provided up to 2 times per week
for 12 weeks with progression towards independent exercises or self-managed
gymnasium programme thereafter, with monitoring of function and regular reviews for 6
– 12 months depending on provision of the prosthesis. It should be noted that this will
vary, as appropriate, for the individual to achieve realistic short/medium term goals.
Post-prosthetic intervention
The primary provider of therapy services with a lower limb amputee is likely to be a
physiotherapist working in conjunction with an occupational therapist. The
physiotherapy role for lower limb amputees also includes the following:
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Mobility, balance and gait training (with and without prosthesis) including building
endurance for accessing the community and management of steps, stairs, uneven
surfaces and ramps/inclines (VA/DoD 2008).
Weight bearing, standing balance/tolerance and weight shifts (VA/DoD 2008)
Bed mobility, sitting, standing, balance and transfer training
Contracture prevention through stretching, splinting and positioning
Exercises for hip extensors, flexors and abductors and ankle plantar flexors
Desensitisation of the residual limb as well a limb volume management
Wheelchair and mobility aid/training
Falls prevention
Functional training tasks including but not limited to
o Getting on and off the floor
o Getting in and out a car
o Managing stairs, kerbs, ramps and slopes
o Walking in a crowded environment
o Carrying objects while walking
o Walking over uneven ground including outdoor and community mobility
o Changing speed and direction
o Picking up objects from the floor
o Reaching, bending and lifting at floor or below waist
o Use of public transport, escalators and community settings
Functional training should be used both with and without the prosthesis to ensure the
participant can manage irrespective of the aids used.
Psychology Role
All individuals with an amputation should be offered psychology input prior to and upon
discharge and a treatment plan developed depending on their individual needs and
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Prosthetist Role
The primary roles of the prosthetist is to develop and supply the prosthesis.
Rehabilitation services should include prompt access to prosthetists to monitor patient
fit and functioning on an ongoing basis, and coordinate the manufacture, fitting,
adjustment and repair of prosthesis (Statewide Rehabilitation Clinical Network 2012).
Refer to Prosthetics section for details.
It is essential that the prosthetist, Occupational Therapist (for upper limb amputees)
and physiotherapist work collaboratively in:
the selection of a suitable prosthesis for functional goals,
preparing the participant for using a prosthesis and
the training, use and management of a prosthesis upon provision.
It is recommended that joint visits are completed by the therapists with the prosthetist
to ensure that all goals for prosthetic use are considered and incorporated into
prosthetic provision where possible, or in to the individual treatment program if not able
to be achieved through provision of the prosthetic, and post prosthetic provision to
ensure an effective outcome, particularly for training purposes.
Medical Treatment
Medical and surgical involvement can occur post amputation if there are complications
such as poor wound healing, infection or if revision surgery is required to address
these issues or for cosmetic reasons.
Osseointegration is a growing treatment area and it is understood that there are two
clinics currently in Australia completing osseointegration and neither of these is located
in South Australia, although patients are accepted from interstate for this technique.
These clinics offer differing prosthetic protocols including differing time lapses between
the phases involved. There are considerations, including risk of infection, use of a
stoma and body image issues, that may impact an effective prosthetic outcome from
this surgery. For lower limb amputees, recovery and rehabilitation can be prolonged
over a period of time to ensure safe and security of the metal implant in the bone
during weight bearing and building tolerance for weight bearing.
There are indications that osseointegration can result in improved prosthetic outcome
due to improved fit and suspension, which means less need to change or adjust the
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socket. As such can reduce the extent of prosthetist involvement in the future;
however, to what extent is not clear.
One of the primary issues for upper limb amputees, particularly whole arm amputees or
equivalent, is that of suspending the prosthesis from the body. As a result there are a
number of medical techniques that are being further explored and used to address
these issues including:
Rigid Removable Dressings provide optimal control of swelling and protection to the
stump during the healing process and are considered best practice for stump
management (Department of Health WA 2008, Statewide Rehabilitation Clinical
Network 2012). It has previously been identified that these are not always supplied in a
consistent method within the public hospital sector however, that it is a priority to be
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Bandages, residual limb socks, compressive garments and RRDs are part of
appropriate inpatient management of the amputee and would be expected to be
provided and supplied within an inpatient setting.
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Spinner knob steering aid and indicator adaptations to facilitate effective one
handed driving pending Driver Trained Occupational Therapist assessment
and recommendations, and medical clearance.
Voice activated software to enable ease of computer use compared to typing one
It should be noted that this list is not extensive and further equipment items may be
required depending on individual need and preferences. This could include
consideration of innovative solutions to daily activities such as sack truck for
lifting/transporting/carrying, self-propelled or ride on lawn mowers, or foot operated
clamp for work benches.
One of the challenges when working with upper limb amputees relates to the
participant learning to complete daily activities with one hand i.e. becoming “one
handed”. There are a range of equipment and “one handed” techniques that can
facilitate independence with one hand and can support a safe and effective discharge
home (as described previously). It is accepted that early prosthetic provision can limit
the extent of one handedness and attain better prosthetic outcome. Generally, unless
wound healing, stump shape or other co-morbidities are present, prosthetic use is
usually considered to be one of the key goals in order to attain maximal function, retain
bilateral movements and facilitate resumption of pre injury activities and roles. Thus
any equipment provided to accommodate one handed use needs to be considered in
light of its longevity of use depending on prosthetic outcomes. Factors to consider
Customised equipment and cost; is the equipment item likely to be used in the long
term once the client has a prosthesis? Is there a standard, low cost item that could
be used in the interim? What is the expected wait time for provision of the
Does the item of equipment have a significant effect on function and independence
in the short term that outweighs the potential non-use in the future?
What is the anticipated frequency of use of the prosthesis (including wearing
tolerance)? What is the percentage of day for which the prosthesis is worn? Would
the item of equipment still be used in these situations/circumstances?
How the person will function and complete daily activities when their prosthesis is
not available (e.g. in case of skin breakdown or prosthesis repair)?
Handedness and amputation of dominant and non dominant hand is also a
consideration as loss of the dominant hand may have a poorer outcome on function
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and thus additional equipment may be required to support the non dominant hand
now being used as the primary upper limb.
It is noted that a prosthesis is not necessarily useful for all daily activities and clinical
experience indicates that some activities can be completed more easily, quickly,
effectively and independently without a prosthesis. Therefore it can be useful to provide
the following:
Break down of daily tasks and how they will be managed with the prosthesis and
how they will be managed without the prosthesis and/or
Tasks for which the prosthesis should be used and tasks for which alternative
techniques or equipment should be utilised.
Phantom limb pain may be considered an issue in its own right and may require
specific therapeutic modalities and equipment for proactive treatment and self
management including, but not limited to:
Book: One handed in a Two Handed World which described a range of alternative
techniques for completion of daily activities one handed.
Amp it Up! online magazine
Link Disability magazine
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Factors to consider in the provision of equipment
Use of a wheelchair
It should be noted that use of a wheelchair as “back up” mobility when a prosthesis is
not available is considered to be standard practice and in some instances may be
preferable to using a prosthesis in some situations due to comfort, function and energy
factors (College of Occupational Therapists 2011, VA/DoD 2008). A wheelchair may
increase and enhance function e.g. when a participant may have been using the
prosthesis during the day but returns home in the evening and “can’t wait” to get the
prosthesis off, they may find accessing the home in the wheelchair is convenient and
requires less physical demands compared to using crutches.
The LSS can pay for reasonable costs of a prosthesis and associated equipment (e.g.
sleeves, liners, gloves) where it promotes functional independence, self-management
or cosmetic improvement.
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There is limited literature that extensively describes the benefits of prosthetic provision
however, literature reviewed implies that rehabilitation for amputees always considers
prosthetic use as a primary goal and non-use of prosthesis is implied as an
undesirable outcome, for which reasoning needs to be clearly articulated and
described. It is assumed that this is because a prosthesis provides an immediate
substitute for the amputated limb and thus is considered an essential requirement to
regain the highest level of bilateral functioning possible. Research does indicate
support for prosthesis for upper limb amputees to assist with swelling and provide relief
from phantom limb pain.
It should also be noted that a successful prosthetic outcome is reliant upon the
following features of a prosthesis:
Comfort and fit which enables sufficient wearing tolerance for the tasks the
participant is intending to use the prosthesis for;
Easy to get on and off;
Reliable and durable, not requiring constant repair, replacement parts or
Aesthetically and cosmetically pleasing to potentially enhance body image; and
Functions well, consistently and effectively with a reasonable but not excessive use
of effort.
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joint, foot and pylon to connect the knee to the foot. The knee system is essential for
achieving effective mobility and there are 2 primary knee systems:
Mechanical system which involves a hinge for the knee controlled by hydraulics or
a locking mechanism
Microprocessor systems which consist of sensors, the processor, software,
resistance system and battery. The microprocessor controls the fluid hydraulically
or pneumatically and adjusts resistance depending on speed, steps, ramps and
uneven surfaces. Microprocessor systems can be used by most amputees
irrespective of the level of amputation.
There are multiple systems and suppliers for knee and foot components who can
provide detailed comparison charts to assist with matching the prosthesis for the
participant’s functional abilities. Considerations for the provision of knee and foot
components include need to be used for the following tasks:
Use of liners and sleeves provide a protective cover and flexible cushioning that
reduces movement and chafing between the skin and socket of a prosthesis and
include silicone, polyurethance and copolymer options. Liners should be selected
based on their suitability for the prosthesis used and the participant’s activity level.
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Interim Prosthesis
Interim prosthesis are ideally fitted within 3 weeks of transfer to rehabilitation as they
enable stabilisation of oedema, primary healing of the wound and minimise scarring
(Department of Health Western Australia 2008). It is noted that healing of a residual
limb is a continuous process and thus a limb does not have a clear and decisive point
of “being healed” and the presence of a wound or sutures does not preclude weight
bearing using a prosthesis (Berke 2004).
It is noted that through the South Australian Artificial Limbs Scheme, the average
number of prosthesis is approximately 1.5 per client. However, it should be noted that
this is a publicly funded, rationed scheme and thus may not be indicative of the needs
of individuals for multiple prosthesis for different features, fitting and functionality. It is
realistic and reasonable that lower limb amputees who use a prosthesis as their
primary mobility device, would have at least 2 prosthesis particularly in the event that
one may need repair. Ideally these would serve different purposes and functions e.g.
one may be a water leg, an interim “old” prosthesis or “work” prosthesis.
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Definitive Prosthesis
Prosthetic training
Prosthetic training both with prosthetist and with a suitably experienced health
professional is considered to be an essential element of provision of the prosthesis in
order to ensure maximal use in daily activities including donning and doffing the
prosthesis. Prosthetic training with the prosthetist is expected to be included in the
quotation for provision of the device. It is understood that there are training protocols
released by some prosthetic manufacturers and quotation for delivering said training
will be sourced from a suitably experienced health professional and should be included
in their recommendation for provision of the prosthesis.
The prosthesis should be reviewed by the prosthetist and health professional at least
once in the first year of prosthetic use in order to address stability, ease of movement,
energy efficiency and appearance and, for lower limb amputees, gait, to ascertain
successful outcomes and problem solve any issues identified (VA/DoD 2008).
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Repairs, maintenance and servicing
Prosthetic user's requirements, physical functioning and stump shape may alter in time
which may impact the comfort, fit and effectiveness of the existing prosthesis. Similarly
prostheses may require repair, servicing or maintenance completed including new
batteries, or adjustment for comfort and fit. It should also be noted that a prosthetic
user is likely to require a new prosthesis every 3 to 5 years. A participant's needs of a
prosthesis may change and new technology may be released and thus they may
require a new attachment, fitting or new prosthesis to attain an improved functional
It should also be noted that a prosthetic user is likely to require a new prosthesis every
3 to 5 years. Technology is continually growing and evolving in the realm of prosthetics
and replacement prosthesis for “updated” models should not be expected unless
improvements in function and performance are clinically indicated through use of a
newer prosthesis. Considerations for prosthetics and prescription of prosthesis
including changes for a prescription need to consider and make reference to activities
completed at home, community, recreation and occupational activity level, impact level
and body weight (Statewide Rehabilitation Clinical Network 2012).
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Any anticipated changes in the client’s level of function and range of activities
performed while using the prosthesis such as home, work duties or sports
Componentry costs and whether components can be re-used in replacement
prosthesis and comply with relevant medical/therapeutic goods regulations;
Inclusions of manufacturer and extended warranty, servicing and repairs;
Durability and suitability for task performance;
Aesthetic considerations including anthropomorphics, aesthetic limbs, covers and,
for upper limb amputees, gloves.
It is noted that for LSS participants prosthetic use may be challenging due to the nature
of the whole arm amputation which may require shoulder componentry along with
elbow and hand componentry. Suspension of the prosthesis and residual muscles
available for operation may be significant challenges to successful outcomes requiring
high end prosthesis and novel solutions including myoelectrics, robotics and other
emerging strategies.
LSS can provide specialised, higher end prosthesis and prosthetic componentry when
supported by objective clinical evidence that the prescription will result in a
demonstrated improved functional outcome for the client. Where possible a trial of this
prosthesis or prosthetic attachments would be recommended, and the outcome
measures indicated below used, to indicate benefits and provide rationale and
recommendations for ongoing use.
The LSS supports the development of novel, innovative and emerging technologies
and values a partnership approach in identifying and implementing new and developing
options in prosthesis and technology solutions for participants. If emerging technology
is indicated as potentially suitable then consideration will be given for its use based on
clinical evidence and rationale.
The LSS will provide up to 3 task specific attachments for an upper limb prosthesis with
clinical evidence and rationale supporting their use by the prosthetist and occupational
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therapist. This would only be upon provision of the definitive prosthesis with
demonstration that it cannot safely effectively be used to complete specific functional
activities and indication of how the attachments will facilitate completion of these tasks.
This might include a “work arm”, gripper or tool attachments.
The LSS will provide for lower limb amputees predominantly a water limb upon clinical
evidence and recommendations of the physiotherapist or occupational therapist in the
following instances:
The LSS will provide an entry level sporting or recreational prosthesis for one
sporting/recreational activity where the client can demonstrate a willingness and/or
capacity to commit to continued participation or for more than one form of sporting
activity where the participant can demonstrate a pre-accident commitment to more than
one sporting or recreational activity.
Working activities
It should be noted that one off custom appliances for work related activities should be
available to the participant (Agency for Clinical Innovation 2008).
The following tools are recommended to be used to measure upper limb prosthetic
Disabilities of Arm, Shoulder and Hand (DASH or Quick DASH)
Trinity Amputation and Prosthesis Experience Scales (TAPES)
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Lower Limb Amputees
The following tools are recommended to be used to measure lower limb prosthetic
Home Modifications
Lever taps depending on the individual’s capacity to independently and with one
hand turn taps on and off in their home. A prosthetic limb does not have the
capacity to complete this movement and standard twist grip taps may be difficult for
the participant to manage with one hand.
Wall mounted bath sponge to enable effective washing of the contralateral
(unaffected upper limb).
Wall mounted cannisters for shampoo, conditioner and body wash to enable
effective one hand use as the liquid can be pulled directly in to the hand.
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Dishwasher, if they do not already have one, to enable effective and efficient
washing of dishes. A prosthesis cannot be used in water effectively and thus hand
washing dishes with one hand can be time consuming and frustrating particularly if
the non dominant hand is the remaining limb. While equipment can support one
handed dish washing e.g. suction cup sponge so dishes can be pushed up against
the sponge to be washed, this can remain a time consuming and difficult task for
upper limb amputees and provision of a dishwasher can reduce need for attendant
care support.
There is evidence that suggests that modifying the home to be wheelchair accessible
increases participation in activities (College of Occupational Therapists 2011)
irrespective as to whether or not a client is a wheelchair user full time or part time. It is
acknowledged that prosthetic use can overcome obstacles that can be problematic for
wheelchair access such as flights of steps. When considering home modifications,
there needs to be a balance between ensuring access for a wheelchair in case the
prosthesis is not able to be used and between ensuring the home is accessible with the
device that will be used most often. For example, a house with multiple steps at each
entrance way is essentially “inaccessible” in a wheelchair but is potentially accessible
to a participant using a prosthesis or using crutches. If the participant is a full time
wheelchair user, it may be reasonable to consider modifying more than one access
point if clinically indicated for participating in functional tasks. However, if the
participant is primarily going to use the prosthesis and can manage steps with the
prosthesis, then wheelchair access modifications may only be provided or required at
one entrance. It should be noted that many amputees find it difficult to walk on sloped
or ramped surfaces, more so than managing steps (depending on the specific
prosthesis used), and thus consideration also needs to be given to which access point
will be used most often with which device.
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lowering the height of kitchen benchtops to ensure access from a wheelchair, may
negatively impact other members of the household who may end up bending over the
surfaces. Similarly, if or when the participant stands to work in the kitchen using their
prosthesis they may be hunched over surfaces. Therefore any modifications need to
consider the percentage of day/time use of a prosthesis and for what activities within
the home environment.
Need for home modifications will be reviewed if prosthetic use is abandoned entirely.
Attendant Care
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indicated that the participant with an upper limb amputation would require personal
care assistance.
It is anticipated that a participant living on their own may require up to 2 hours per
week domestic assistance due to ongoing difficulties managing cleaning activities one
handed if prosthetic use has not been successful. It should be noted that a prosthesis
may be of limited assistance with these tasks due to the position needed to effectively
position the hand to operate devices such as a mop and vacuum. Making the bed and
changing the sheets can also be problematic. However, it should be noted that there
are techniques and equipment that may assist a person to manage these types of
tasks and therapy intervention should be directed towards independence wherever
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It is considered reasonable upon discharge to provide up to 5 hours per week of
domestic assistance to manage laundry and cleaning activities. Duration of this service
is dependent on timeliness and effective outcome of provision of prosthesis and
effectiveness of alternative mobility strategies. A review of this service every 2 months
to facilitate a graded increase in completion of domestic tasks is recommending during
this time.
Upon provision of the prosthesis, these hours should be reviewed and ongoing
provision is dependent on prosthetic outcome, duration/wearing tolerance, frequency of
use of prosthesis, alternative mobility strategies, return to work and other tolerance
It would be expected that the maximum ongoing provision of attendant care hours for
domestic, community and gardening activities would not exceed that upon discharge,
unless co-morbidities, cognitive impairment or other factors are present.
There is a paucity of evidence and information for considerations for multiple amputees
in relation to their treatment, equipment, prosthetic and attendance care needs.
It is anticipated and expected the existing guidelines would cover the needs and
considerations required for the individual amputated limbs. However, it should be noted
that while the nature of multiple amputations can be variable e.g. bilateral lower limbs,
upper and lower limb involvement, the outcome is likely to be less independent
functioning compared to a single amputation. For example, a bilateral lower limb
amputee is likely to have a poorer prosthetic mobility outcome than a unilateral lower
limb amputee and may therefore be a more consistent wheelchair user. An amputee
with upper and lower limb amputations may have increased difficulty operating a
wheelchair and may also have increased difficulty donning and doffing a prosthesis
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due to the upper limb involvement. Therefore the functional implications are likely to be
more significant for multiple amputations.
It is expected that the primary area this will impact on is in the provision of attendant
care. It is anticipated that there will be a greater need for personal care assistance as
well as domestic and community assistance. There may be significant transportation
limitations as driving can be difficult to achieve in these circumstances.
Personal care; up to 1 hour per day (7 hours per week) including showering and
dressing, application of prosthesis (if applicable) and support to complete transfers.
Domestic activities including laundry; up to 10 hours per week
Community activities; between 2 and 4 hours per week
Gardening activities; up to 2 hours per month
Agency for Clinical Innovation, 2008, ‘Amputee Care Standards in NSW’, Policy
Directive, NSW Health
Berke, G, 2004, ‘Standards of Care’, Journey of Prosthetics and Orthotics, Vol 16, No.
3, Supplement, pp 6 – 12
College of Occupational Therapists, 2011, ‘Occupational therapy with people who have
had lower limb amputations evidence based guidelines’, College of Occupational
Therapists, Brunel, London
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Department of Health Western Australia (WA), 2008, ‘Amputee Services and
Rehabilitation Model of Care, Perth, Aged Care Network, Western Australia
NSWPAR & BACPAR, 2008, NSWPAR and BACPAR Amputee Care Guidelines
Review, Online accessed 1st June 2015
Roberts, K, 2009, ‘The Jack Brockhoff Foundation Churchill Fellowship to study current
advances in rehabilitation services for upper limb amputees’
Please note that these draft guidelines have been developed based on the author’s
clinical experience and knowledge base and a brief review of the literature. They
should not be considered to be the accepted clinical practice to date nor LSA policy. An
extensive literature review has not been completed and it should be noted that these
guidelines are currently open for review.
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