Incorporation Certificate
Incorporation Certificate
Incorporation Certificate
pMjaIkrNa p`maaNa–p~
ka^pao-roT phcaana saM#yaa : U21000TN2012PTC084126 2011 - 2012
ka pMjaIkrNa‚ kmpnaI AiQainayama‚ 1956 (1956 ka 1) ko AMtga-t Aaja ikyaa jaata hO AaOr yah
kmpnaI p`a[vaoT ilaimaToD hO.
yah inagamana–p~ Aaja idnaaMk caaObaIsa janavarI dao hjaar baarh kao caOnna[- maoM jaarI ikyaa jaata hO.
Form 1
Certificate of Incorporation
Corporate Identity Number : U21000TN2012PTC084126 2011 - 2012
I hereby certify that ECO COATINGS PRIVATE LIMITED is this day incorporated
under the Companies Act, 1956 (No. 1 of 1956) and that the company is private
Given at Chennai this Twenty Fourth day of January Two Thousand Twelve. Signature Not Verified