This document provides a checklist of documents required for obtaining an Occupation Certificate from the local authorities. It lists documents such as an affidavit regarding misuse of plot, photos of the building, fire safety certificate, rainwater harvesting certificate, plumber and architect reports, structure safety certificate, and photos of solar heating systems. Some documents like photos, fire safety certificate, and rainwater harvesting certificate are only mandatory for certain types of properties based on size or number of storeys.
This document provides a checklist of documents required for obtaining an Occupation Certificate from the local authorities. It lists documents such as an affidavit regarding misuse of plot, photos of the building, fire safety certificate, rainwater harvesting certificate, plumber and architect reports, structure safety certificate, and photos of solar heating systems. Some documents like photos, fire safety certificate, and rainwater harvesting certificate are only mandatory for certain types of properties based on size or number of storeys.
This document provides a checklist of documents required for obtaining an Occupation Certificate from the local authorities. It lists documents such as an affidavit regarding misuse of plot, photos of the building, fire safety certificate, rainwater harvesting certificate, plumber and architect reports, structure safety certificate, and photos of solar heating systems. Some documents like photos, fire safety certificate, and rainwater harvesting certificate are only mandatory for certain types of properties based on size or number of storeys.
This document provides a checklist of documents required for obtaining an Occupation Certificate from the local authorities. It lists documents such as an affidavit regarding misuse of plot, photos of the building, fire safety certificate, rainwater harvesting certificate, plumber and architect reports, structure safety certificate, and photos of solar heating systems. Some documents like photos, fire safety certificate, and rainwater harvesting certificate are only mandatory for certain types of properties based on size or number of storeys.
1 OC Certification Affidavit regarding misuse of the plot Nil Copy of Sanctioned Building Plan showing Nil the violations attested by the Architect
Photographs of Front, Back, Kitchen and Mandatory in
Toilet Residential Photographs of Front, Back and inside Mandatory in cases other than Residential Fire Safety Certificate Mandatory in case of (Properties above two storey) except Residential Rain Water Harvesting Certificate from Mandatory in case of concerned Executive Engineer of HUDA plots greater than 200 sq. meters (10 Marla and above) ( not required in commercial). Full construction
Report from approved Plumber (HUDA Nil
approved) regarding Sanitary fittings Report from Architect in form BR-V Nil Report from Owner in form BR - IV Nil Structure Safety Certificate Mandatory in case of (Properties above two storey) except Residential Photo of Solar Heating System Mandatory in case of plots greater than 1 Kanal and above. Full construction