Engineering For Rehabilitation of Historic Metal Truss Bridges
Engineering For Rehabilitation of Historic Metal Truss Bridges
Engineering For Rehabilitation of Historic Metal Truss Bridges
The Calhoun County Historic Bridge
Park southeast of Battle Creek,
Michigan, displays a collection of reha-
bilitated metal truss bridges for use Figure 1. The rehabilitated 133rd Avenue bridge, installed at the Calhoun
and enjoyment by pedestrians. From County Historic Bridge Park.
the perspective of a structural engi-
neer, it was instructive to investigate
the general feasibility of rehabilitating • Gale Road bridge, a pin-connected • Charlotte Highway bridge, manufac-
century-old metal truss highway skewed Pratt through truss built in tured by the Buckeye Bridge
bridges for pedestrian service consis- 1897 by the Lafayette Bridge Company and erected in 1886. Prior
tent with modern standards for safe- Company. Originally spanning 122 to its recent removal (Figure 3), it
ty1,2,3 and historic integrity14. ft. (37 m) over the Grand River in crossed the Grand River in Ionia
Engineering aspects of rehabilitation Ingham County, Michigan, this County with a span of 177 ft. (54 m)
are discussed for bridges that are now bridge currently is being re-erected and was one of very few double-
in the Park, specifically: in the Park. intersection Pratt truss bridges
remaining in Michigan9.
• 133rd Avenue bridge (Figure 1), a
pin-connected half-hip Pratt pony Six other bridges have been procured
truss spanning 64 ft. (19.5 m), erect- and are awaiting rehabilitation before
ed in 1897 by the Michigan Bridge being put in the Park, including these Investigation of feasibility involves
Company to cross the Rabbit River that also will be discussed comparing historic and modern specifi-
in Allegan County, Michigan. cations for bridge design, particularly
• Tallman Road and Bauer Road those governing materials and loads.
• Twenty Mile Road bridge (Figure 2), bridges, nearly identical pin-connect- During the period when the project
a 70 ft. (21 m) long riveted Pratt pony ed Pratt through trusses that bridges were built, standards were
truss that spanned the St. Joseph spanned about 90 ft. (27 m) over the promulgated by individual iron and
River in Calhoun County. Physical Looking Glass River in Clinton steel producers, bridge designers and
features hint that this bridge was County. Manufactured by the Penn manufacturers, owners (typically
designed for railway service. The Bridge Company and erected in municipal governments) and textbook
builder has not been identified and 1880, they are two of Michigan’s authors. These standards were numer-
several sources date construction to oldest through trusses9. ous and varied; those cited are repre-
the early twentieth century. sentative rather than comprehensive.
Live Load
An old highway bridge may have
become deficient in strength due to
the increased weight of trucks. In 1916
Waddell17 advocated designing Class
C bridges for a single 6 ton (53 kN)
truck weight, and Class A bridges for
an 18 ton (160 kN) truck, noting that
“Almost all of the old highway bridges
are incapable of carrying these new
live loads with safety.” The smallest
Table 2. Tensile strengths of wrought iron and factors of safety for tension fracture.
Yield stress, Ultimate stress,
minimum, minimum, Allowable stress Factor of
Source Year Grade of Steel ksi ksi ksi safety for
(MPA) (MPA) (MPA) fracture
Carnegie Kloman & Co.7 1873 wrought iron 14 (97) 3
Waddell15 1883 iron 26 (179) 50 (345) 8 to 12.5 (55 to 86)# 4.0 to 6.2#
Phoenix Iron Co.7 1885 12 (83)
IATM11 1900 refined iron 25 (172) 48 (331)
test iron class A 25 (172) 48 (331)
test iron class B 25 (172) 50 (345)
stay-bolt iron 25 (172) 46 (317)
Waddell16 1901 wrought iron 26 (179) 50 (345) 13 (90) 3.8
AASHTO3 wrought iron 14.6 (101)*
* for inventory rating # depending on service class and influence area
increased those values to 320 and the vertical projection of each truss
Structural Analysis and Design
180 lb/ft.17 (4.67 and 2.63 kN/m). The and of the deck, plus 300 and 150 The components of each of the reha-
Illinois Highway Department designed lb/ft. (4.38 and 2.19 kN/m) on the bilitated project bridges were analyzed
for the larger of 25 lb/ft.2 (1.2 kN/m2) loaded and unloaded chords, respec- to estimate design stresses associated
on the vertical projection of each truss tively (this lineal load is not required with internal forces caused by speci-
and of the deck, or 300 and 150 lb/ft. for pedestrian bridges), plus 20 lb/ft.2 fied combinations of loads1 and acting
(4.38 and 2.19 kN/m) on the loaded (0.96 kN/m2) upward on the deck. on the original uncorroded member
and unloaded chords, respectively12. Clearly, historic bridges are unlikely to cross-sections. Allowable stresses
Modern specifications1,2 are much have been designed for the wind loads were computed from assumed materi-
more demanding, requiring design for currently mandated. al properties3 and specified factors of
wind loads of 75 lb/ft.2 (3.6 kN/m2) on
Inadequate Resistance
to Wind Load
By modern design standards, the
rehabilitated project bridges had inad-
equate resistance to wind load. It was
necessary to employ a provision1 that
permits design wind speed to be
adjusted from a nominal 100 MPH
(45 m/s) to reflect favorable local
conditions. The inland location of the
Park and the low and sheltered sites
of the project bridges justify a design
wind velocity of 70 MPH (31 m/s).
Despite the resulting 50% reduction
Figure 4. Severely corroded sections of the Twenty Mile Road bridge were of wind force, the original anchor
replaced by welding new steel to sound original material. bolts typically were inadequate, and
each of the three bridges manifested
other deficiencies.
Prior to lifting the six-panel Bauer resistance to compression, it seemed
Road bridge from its original abut- likely that the trusses would collapse. Analysis of the 133rd Avenue bridge
ments, the contractor removed railings, The fact that the lift was accomplished predicted that modern design wind
decking and stringers. Then a lifting without damage attests that the upper loads would cause net axial compres-
sling was attached to the upper lateral chord, hip joints and end posts pos- sion of the windward lower chord eye-
struts at the third points of the span. sess significant bending strength. bars. Since eyebars have negligible
Conventional truss analysis predicts resistance to compression, they would
that the bottom chord will be com- Conventional truss analysis may buckle and the truss would become
pressed when the bridge is lifted in this underestimate the strength of a metal unstable. This was corrected by
manner. Since the bottom chord con- truss bridge. More comprehensive installing an unusually heavy deck to
sists of eyebars, which have negligible analysis techniques coupled with create enough tension in the lower
chord to counteract the compression
induced by wind. Alternatively, it may
have been possible to rely on the deck
or upper chord to stabilize the trusses
as suggested in the preceding section.