SMS Firewall Solution Description 2019
SMS Firewall Solution Description 2019
SMS Firewall Solution Description 2019
Solution Description
Version 3.0
1. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................. 3
1.1. PURPOSE OF AN SMS FIREWALL................................................................................................................... 4
1.1.1. SMS Security ......................................................................................................................................... 4
1.1.2. A2P Monetisation................................................................................................................................. 4
2. SYSTEM CAPABILITIES....................................................................................................................... 5
2.1. FIREWALL POLICIES ....................................................................................................................................... 5
2.2. FIREWALL RULES ........................................................................................................................................... 5
2.3. MESSAGE TAGGING ....................................................................................................................................... 7
2.4. BACKUP AND RESTORE ................................................................................................................................. 8
2.5. SMS ANALYSIS ............................................................................................................................................. 9
2.6. PRE-CONFIGURED RULES .............................................................................................................................. 11
2.7. MULTI-TENANCY .......................................................................................................................................... 12
2.8. SMS HOME ROUTING .................................................................................................................................. 13
3. NETWORK IMPLEMENTATION.......................................................................................................... 14
3.1. NETWORK INTEGRATION .............................................................................................................................. 14
3.2. SYSTEM COMPONENTS ................................................................................................................................ 15
3.3. SMPP INTERCEPTION OVER SS7 ................................................................................................................. 15
3.4. MESSAGE INTERCEPTION ............................................................................................................................. 16
3.4.1. Basic SMS Message Flow ................................................................................................................. 16
3.4.2. STP Configuration .......................................................................................................................... 17
3.4.3. Intercepted SMS Message Flow ................................................................................................. 17
3.5. SMS FIREWALL REDUNDANCY ..................................................................................................................... 18
4. FIREWALL ANALYTICS ...................................................................................................................... 19
4.1. POST PROCESSING ...................................................................................................................................... 19
4.2. TRAFFIC OVERVIEW .................................................................................................................................... 20
4.3. ACTIONS ...................................................................................................................................................... 21
4.4. ACTIONS PER NETWORK ............................................................................................................................. 22
4.5. MESSAGE TYPES PER NETWORK................................................................................................................. 22
4.6. MESSAGE LOGS .......................................................................................................................................... 23
5. SYSTEM MONITORING & DIAGNOSTICS........................................................................................ 24
5.1. NORTHBOUND INTERFACES ........................................................................................................................ 24
5.2. MONITORING AND ALARMS ......................................................................................................................... 25
5.2.1. Alarms.............................................................................................................................................. 25
5.2.2. Cluster Diagnostics ....................................................................................................................... 26
5.2.3. Service Monitoring ........................................................................................................................ 27
5.2.4. Server Diagnostics ........................................................................................................................ 27
5.2.5. Firewall Diagnostics ..................................................................................................................... 28
5.2.6. ALERT LOGS ........................................................................................................................................... 28
5.2.7. AUDIT LOGS ........................................................................................................................................... 29
6. STANDARDS COMPLIANCE ............................................................................................................. 30
7. REFERENCES ..................................................................................................................................... 30
1. Introduction
Cellusys SMS Firewall is an industry recognised Tier 1 product that defends a mobile network
from all SMS-based messaging attacks and provides full protection and control over all
messaging on the network. It is built of the same engine/platform that is used for the Cellusys
Signalling Firewall, meaning that all the latest technologies and features are available to the
SMS Firewall also.
SMS are terminated on a customer network using various routes and technologies:
SMS Firewall is deployed at the network border to intercept messaging on interconnect links.
Internal messaging can also be protected depending on customer needs. This is depicted
1.1. Purpose of an SMS Firewall
There are two main purposes for the installation of an SMS Firewall. Cellusys SMS Firewall
addresses both of these needs.
In addition to the threat groups above, the operator may have other threats related to
message parameters, such as SMS content (viruses and smishing) SMS Phishing - contacting
an SMS user, often with false credentials, and attempting to glean personal details (like credit
card number) or trick them into responding to a premium number or accessing a website which
infects the phone with a virus. Critically, 2-factor authentication using SMS as the
authentication medium is being used by more and more enterprises for security purposes.
Abusing the SMS protocol can leave subscribers vulnerable to account hijacking and/or
unauthorised access.
2. System Capabilities
2.1. Firewall Policies
Cellusys SMS Firewall allows configuration of a complex set of policies covering all security
threats to a mobile network. A policy is a term used for a list of rules. When an SMS is received
by the Firewall, it will match all Rules in a Policy starting with the first rule, then second rule,
third rule etc. As such, rules have a priority order.
A policy can be created for SMS terminating on the network over SS7 or SMPP. As such, the
following message types are supported on the Firewall:
Note: SMS Firewall is fully compliant with SMPP v3.4 and MAP 3GPP TS 29.002-Rel12. All
phases of MAP are supported (Phase 1,2,2+).
2.2.Firewall Rules
An individual rule is comprised of multiple parts:
Rule Criteria – A rule can contain to multiple criterion with “AND” logic and “OR” logic
supported. In order to match the rule, all criteria must be true when evaluating the message.
Cross comparison of message parameters from the same or different layers is supported.
After selecting a message parameter as a criterion, the user can specify a value to match. This
value can be an entire address, a prefix of an address, a range of numbers or an uploaded list
of values. Regular Expression matching is also supported for advanced matching cases. Each
message is enriched with helpful parameters by the Firewall also (i.e. source country, source
network, destination country, destination network etc).
All messaging layers are supported and every parameter is available to the rules system. This
covers every parameter available in M3UA, MTP3, SCCP, TCAP, MAP, SM-TP and SMPP. While
the list below is not exhaustive, it highlights just some of the criteria that would be commonly
used in rule matching:
Network Network Called Party IMSI Recipient
Type of
Protocol ID
Data Coding
SMS Content
Actions – are performed on messages that match all criteria in a given rule. It is an instruction
to the SMS Firewall of what to do with the message that has matched. Below is a list of actions
that are available on the Firewall:
• Continue/Monitor: Take no action / monitor message, and check the remaining rules.
• Pass: Deliver the message and do not process any more rules.
• Drop: The message is removed from the network.
• Drop with positive acknowledgement: Fake acknowledgement sent to SMS sender.
• Drop with negative acknowledgement: With configurable error code and error reason.
• Modify message: Change a value in the message.
o E.g. Change Sender ID, change SMSC address, modify message content.
Additionally, the user can also add the following optional actions:
Rate limiters to ensure message throughput can be controlled based on source global title,
sender ID, or any other parameter. For example, one rule can ensure that no single Global
Title can send more than 50 messages per second into the network.
External Queries – are supported to ensure the messages that are arriving into the network
are coming from a valid roaming subscriber and is not spoofed. SMS Firewall creates and
sends MAP messages to the HLR to determine additional subscriber information. ATI, SRI-SM
and SRI-LCS messages can be used for this query. This is commonly known as a Location
Verification Check.
Lists – SMS Firewall allows for CSV file uploads to match against large numbers of values
without the need for duplicating rules. List download to CSV files is also supported.
2.3. Message Tagging
SMS Firewall allows for “tagging” of messages as they pass through the system. Tagging is a
means of classification that can add one or multiple “tags” to a message. Some examples of
tags that might be added are as follows:
The ability to add tags is performed as a Rule “action”. If an SMS has a certain characteristic
then a tag can be applied. For example, if the TON (Type of Number) is alphanumeric then a
tag called “alpha-sender” can be added to the message. Tags are used in two different
• In rule matching. It is possible to add a criterion that checks for the presence of a tag.
For example, if the tag “alpha-sender” is present, then add the tag “A2P”. Then a
subsequent rule may check if the tag “A2P” is present and the source is not an A2P
approved route, then a Rule action of Drop can be applied. Rules can be chained
together so that a single message can match multiple rules and have many
categories/tags added before deciding to allow or drop a message.
• For filtering reports. It is possible to filter the reports of the system by tag. For example,
it is possible to view all SMS received by country/network and filter out only messages
with the “alpha-sender” tag (or any other defined tag).
Tags are completely custom and user generated. There is no limit to the number of tags that
can be created. A tag does not change the underlying SS7 or SMPP message – it is simply
“meta-information” that exists for the lifetime of message processing through the firewall.
2.4. Backup and Restore
A complete backup of all rules is created each time a configuration change is made to a policy,
rule or list. These backups are timestamped and can be viewed on the Web GUI. An authorised
user can view all backups and rollback to any previous configuration point should any issues
with the current ruleset occur.
This feature is particularly useful if a logical error is made by an end user after updating a rule
and SMS are unintentionally blocked. Should such a scenario occur, it is possible to roll back
to a previous configuration point before this error was introduced.
2.5.SMS Analysis
The SMS Analysis solution is an embedded software module that can optionally be activated
on the SMS Firewall solution. This module focuses on SMS content analysis for identifying /
classifying / blocking categories of messages such as A2P, P2P and Spam.
This module includes very advanced analytics and reporting capabilities that can show a
breakdown of SMS arriving into the Home Network based on enterprise sender, sender ID,
country and network etc.
The A2P SMS Analysis will deliver two high level abilities:
SMS Content Analysis –This module will scan the content of all SMS passing through the
Firewall and produce SMS "Signatures" when there a multiple SMS containing the same /
similar content. The information contained within an individual signature is as follows:
Each Signature can be "tagged" with either "A2P", "P2P", or "Spam". A tag is meta-information
that is attached to the signature. If a future occurrence of an SMS arrives at the Firewall that
is similar to a defined signature, then the tag is automatically added. All messages that have
an A2P tag (and arrive over a non-approved route) can be dropped. Additionally, each
signature can have extra "tags" applied to it to sub classify the message. Examples include
“Facebook”, “Google”, “one_time_password” etc.
A2P Analysis Reports –Typically, this section of the module is used to identify the enterprise
sending the A2P SMS (i.e. Facebook, Google, Uber, etc.). Based on these additional tags, the
A2P Analysis module can provide in depth reporting on A2P SMS arriving into the operator’s
network. A high-level overview of the data available in the report is as follows:
The main benefit of this report is its ability to add "filters" to the data. The report is fully
interactive so clicking on any metric will apply a filter. Some examples of how data is exposed
as below:
• Clicking of "Facebook" will show all the countries/networks/SMSCs that sent this traffic,
along with the sender ID's used.
• Clicking on an SMSC address will show all the enterprises sending SMS from this SMSC
as well as the Sender ID's used.
• Clicking on a SenderID (e.g. Facebook) will show all enterprises using this shortcode
(e.g. using local SMPP connections as a grey-route.)
2.6.Pre-configured Rules
As part of the deployment of the SMS Firewall, Cellusys will install the system with two
preconfigured Policies. These Policies can be enabled, disabled, and/or modified as per
customer needs. The two Policies provided are listed below:
SMS Security Policy – This policy will contain countermeasures outlined in the GSM IR.70 and
IR.71 documents to protect the network against spam, faking, spoofing etc. A summary of some
of the rules/checks included in this Policy are outlined below:
It is common for a customer to have network specific exceptions to certain checks which is
catered for in the Firewall with the management of whitelists/permit-lists. These lists can be
added/modified via the Web GUI or via a CSV file upload/download section of the system.
A2P Monetisation Policy – This Policy will contain a structured approach to detecting and
blocking A2P SMS messages that are arriving into the network over a grey-route. It will classify
SMS based on SenderID, Source, and most importantly based on SMS Content (using the SMS
Analysis module). The Policy will check the SMS against the following rules in order:
2.7. Multi-Tenancy
SMS Firewall can be deployed in a multi-tenant environment. This allows for one physical
deployment and for multiple virtual instances of the Firewall exist. The only requirement from
a technical standpoint is that the SMS for all tenants should pass via the SMS Firewall. There
are two common scenarios where multi-tenancy is typically used:
HPMN with MVNO – If the HPMN has one or multiple MVNOs deployed and shares core
network resources, then it is possible to deploy SMS Firewall and create multiple tenants.
With any multi-tenant deployment there will be one account that is considered to be the
“super-user” account. For the purposes of this example we’ll assume the HPMN is the super-
user. The HPMN can create a tenant account, in this case the MVNO, and configure the
identification criteria for traffic ownership. Identification criteria can be anything that the HPMN
desires, some examples including CgPA/CdPA ranges, IMSI ranges, etc. The below diagram
assumes identification via a SCCP CdPA range:
It will appear to each tenant as if a separate SMS Firewall system has been deployed
specifically for them. Each tenant will be able to enact rules on traffic that belongs to them
only. There will be a separate login / Web GUI / reporting access for each tenant. There is no
limit to the number of tenants that can be created on the SMS Firewall.
2.8.SMS Home Routing
SMS Home Routing can optionally be deployed alongside SMS Firewall. Some networks may
not have need for the SMS Home Routing module as this may already be deployed in another
network element (e.g. SMSC). Cellusys provides SMS Home Routing according to 3GPP TR
23.840 in Transparent mode. It supports TCAP Handshaking on MT submission, 3GPP TS
33.200 compliant. There are configuration options to exclude certain sources / range of
sources from the SMS Home Routing Process.
3. Network Implementation
SMS Firewall is deployed on site in customer data centres. Both bare-metal and virtual
machines deployments are supported. Should the customer supply virtual machines for
Cellusys to deploy onto, they must meet minimum specifications supplied by Cellusys.
The Firewall nodes will sit on dedicated M3UA links behind the customer STPs. As the Firewall
does not support interception of TDM links directly, the TDM connections from external
sources to the customer STP is terminated at the STP and then forwarded to the Firewall over
SIGTRAN M3UA. This is achieved by the Firewalls acting as an M3UA endpoint and the
customer STPs configured to route traffic to the platform for analysis and policy enforcement.
Below is an architecture diagram representing generically how the system will be deployed.
Cellusys systems integrate into the network core with a system called Access Platform (M3UA
ASP Endpoint). It is responsible for managing and maintaining the links to the operator for
message interception. The Access platform is responsible for sending and receiving messages
between the network and the SMS Home Router application. Each system is configured to
meet the operator’s network capacity requirements. The platform can be easily expanded for
future growth.
3.2. System Components
There are two types of servers/machines used in the architecture of SMS Firewall. Central
Severs and Message Processors. This is true whether a bare-metal or virtual machine
deployment is selected.
Message Processors are deployed in the network core. They provide three functions:
• Access Platform for sending and receiving messages to/from the network.
• SMS Firewall Application for screening SMS messages.
• SMS Home Routing Application (optional).
All messaging from the SS7/SIGTRAN and/or SMPP network is relayed to the servers for
processing via the IP network. In the Access Platform, all MAP messages involved with SMS
transactions (MO, SRI-SM, MT) are intercepted and forwarded the cluster of Message
Processing Servers for processing. Message Processors can be easily added to the system to
increase capacity and performance.
Central Server machines are deployed in a cluster and provide multiple functions:
• Web based System Administration Interface
• Threat Analysis
• System Monitoring
• Database / Reporting
3.4. Message Interception
In order to describe how the SMS Firewall intercepts SMS messages from the core network,
we will first describe a normal message flow without the presence of a Firewall.
Note: Optional TCAP handshaking for SMS MT may also be part of this message flow. SMS
Firewall fully supports TCAP Handshaking. This is relevant for SMS Home Routed Message
3.4.2. STP Configuration
In order to receive the SMS traffic from the customer STPs, there are required routing changes
on the STPs. Essentially, all SMS traffic, in addition to traffic that is addressed to the Firewall
must be routed to the Firewall. These changes are based on TCAP OpCode Routing** in
addition to SCCP Called Party routing. STP routing requirements are detailed in the table
NOTE: Messages where SCCP CdPA is SMS Firewall Global Title will be routed also
** Note: TCAP OpCode Routing is the preferred method of message interception, but many
other integration options are also available if the customer STP is not capable of this.
3.5. SMS Firewall Redundancy
There are multiple layers of redundancy built into the system outlined in sections below:
Hardware Level:
• Dual Power Supplies
• Dual Network Interface Cards
• Dual Ethernet cables for Signalling Traffic
• Multiple HDD in RAID deployment
Deployment Level:
• Multiple Message Processors per site (N+1 redundancy per site)
• Message Processors operate independently of Central Servers
• Central Servers operate in an active-active cluster allowing for failures
Logical Level:
• Each SCTP connection utilises multi-homing
• Traffic interception on links is spread across all Message Processors
The customers STPs will be configured with a “primary” and a “secondary” route. Messages
will only be sent to the Firewall for processing if the Firewall is available. If the Firewall is not
available, then the message will be routed to the core network (with no security screening) to
ensure service continuity.
4. Firewall Analytics
This chapter describes the process on generation of report data as well as some reports that
the system offers. This is not an exhaustive list of reports offered by the Firewall, rather a
smaller list to demonstrate its capabilities.
The purpose of the post processor is to perform stateful analysis which can be fed back into
the rules engine for actionable countermeasures against attacks. The Message Processors
process traffic on a per message basis. There is no multi-message stateful processing on the
Message Processor itself, and this results in a high performant firewall. The Post Processor
will perform the stateful analysis without affecting performance of the Message Processors.
Separating out stateful analysis on the Central Servers increases reliability of the Message
Processors as even if there is a failure in the Central Servers, the Message Processors will
continue to process traffic and provide security screening with the latest data set it received.
From the diagram above, the blue arrows & text represent the actual SMS message being
processed and the orange arrows & text represent a copy of that message being processed.
When a Message Processor receives a message, it consults all the rules that are defined by
the user – in addition the Message Processor will check the SMS against defined SMS
Signatures for A2P and Spam identification. These SMS Signatures are stored in a cache in
Message Processor memory. There is a log created of the processed message before it is sent
back to the core network for delivery.
These logs are sent by all Message Processors to the Central Server cluster to be processed
by the Post Processor. The Post Processor will perform stateful checks and create SMS
Signatures to be pushed to the Message Processors as well as writing to the report DB which
is used the data source for showing reports on the Web GUI.
4.2. Traffic Overview
The Firewalls report can be filtered by Firewall and Proxy Connection for more precise
• Message Counts displays counts of messages received from and sent to source and
destination Proxy Connections.
• Source and Destination Latencies show the P50 / P95 / Maximum message latencies.
Source refers to the Source side of the Proxy Connection. Destination refers to the
Destination side of the Proxy Connection.
o Max latency shows that all messages at that time were processed within the
value shown when hovered over.
o The P95 latency shows that 95% of messages at that time were processed
within the time period shown.
o The P50 latency shows that 50% of messages at that time were processed
within the time period shown.
• Errors in decoding each of the message layers are graphed over time.
• Actions taken on messages can also be graphed and broken down by Firewall and
Proxy Connection using filters.
• A breakdown of the different message type passing through the firewalls
4.3. Actions
The Actions report can be filtered by Firewall, Policy, Rule, or Source. It gives a more fine-
grained analysis of the effects of each Policy on the messages passing through the Proxy
• Allowed and Dropped message counts are displayed for the time period selected.
• Actions Taken totals and percentages over time are also graphed.
• Message counts broken down by Policy, Rule and Checks are also shown.
• All panels can be filtered by particular firewalls, policies, ruleset, rules, action and
external query type.
4.4. Actions Per Network
The Actions Per Network report can be filtered by Country and Network for more precise
information. Action counts (e.g. allow) are shown per country, network and network node.
4.6. Message Logs
The Message Logs report can be filtered by Firewall, Proxy Connection, Policy and Rule for
more precise information.
• Pie charts show the split for countries and networks for source and destination.
• Rules and Checks matched charts are also shown
• Tags show the tags applied to messages over Proxy Connections, Loop Prevention
and Rules / Checks.
• Individual Message Logs are shown in a table. It is possible to click on one message
line at a time displaying all of the message parameters in table, JSON or raw format.
o The user can search for messages by a specific parameter for example Global
Title digits, one message log line should be expanded by clicking on the line
and finding the message parameter, e.g.
title.digits and selecting the search icon alongside. The report will now filter by
the parameter value specified. The user can modify this value by expanding
the Filtering heading at the top of the page and selecting the edit icon and
modifying, in this case, the digits value and applying it.
o Message counts over time are shown.
o A breakdown of messages across Firewalls and the different types is also
5. System Monitoring & Diagnostics
5.1. Northbound Interfaces
SMS Firewall can integrate into external systems of the customer. This is performed to allow
for server synchronisation, alerting and user interaction between the customer and SMS
For alerting purposes both SNMP v2c and SMTP/Email interfaces towards the network
monitoring system and email server are supported. This allows for configurable alerts to be
sent to individuals or groups of end users when an event of note is triggered in the system.
The primary method of interacting with SMS Firewall is via the Web User Interface. This
interface supports HTTPS for increased security. CSV file uploads and downloads is supported
for exporting reports and also for viewing/updating configuration on the rules system.
NTP server integration is performed to keep all servers in the SMS Firewall deployment in time
synchronisation to avoid unwanted technical issues that are timing related.
5.2.Monitoring and Alarms
SMS Firewall provides comprehensive monitoring of the cluster and individual nodes in the
cluster. Monitoring has various reports which give a visual representation of the health of the
server components and the processes running on them.
5.2.1. Alarms
Alarms and Traps are reported on the Web UI and are available both in SNMP or email alerts.
The alarms are discussed in a comprehensive Alarms Guide as part of the User
Documentation. The Alarms Guide contains such information as:
• Alarm ID: The ID of the SNMP trap which will be generated once triggered by an event.
• Severity: The severity of the event such as Critical, Major, Minor and Info.
• Alarm Name: The name given to a particular alert.
• Description: A brief description of what has caused the alert to occur.
• Problem / Error Alarm examples: The text which will be sent as an alert when there is
a problem with a server or process.
• Informational / Cleared Alarm examples: The text which will be sent when the server
or process has returned to normal operating conditions.
• Recommended Thresholds: Suggested thresholds used to trigger alarms. These will
either be Greater Than (GT) or Less Than (LT) depending on the particular alert.
• Action: What steps need to be followed to resolve the problem.
5.2.2. Cluster Diagnostics
Cluster diagnostics shows the current state of all servers in the cluster. This is useful for
monitoring System Load, Memory and Disk Status. Metrics are constantly updated with latest
• System Load - This shows the average load on servers for the previous 1, 5 and 15
minutes. This metric is relevant to the number of cores in a server so on a single core
machine a load of 1 indicates it is operating at capacity.
• Memory & Swap (%) - This shows the total percentage of used RAM on each server. If
a server has swap configured this will also be displayed showing what percentage is
• Disk I/O (IOPS) - This is the input and output of a disk per second which shows the
stress on each disk in a server.
• Disk Free (%) - This shows the percentage of space available on the hard disk of each
server and shows percentages for the root partition on each disk.
• Network Usage - This shows the amount of network traffic that is being sent and
received by each node in the cluster.
5.2.3. Service Monitoring
Service monitoring shows the current status of processes running on the cluster. There are
multiple services required to perform all functions of the SMS Firewall and this report gives a
high-level view to see if all services are running. From the screenshot below, it is possible to
view services that are unavailable in a very visual way. This would be a starting point for
investigation of a system or user generated fault. Some of the services that are monitored
5.2.5. Firewall Diagnostics
The Firewall diagnostics report is a historical view showing performance of individual
Signalling Firewall processes, with a focus on processing latencies and memory usage. It
shows resources being used by the pipeline along with P50, P95, P99 latencies and also traffic
and active messages. Individual firewalls can be selected using the dropdown in the Firewalls
section. The report can also be filtered by Proxy Connections. Time filters can be applied to
show latencies for predefined or custom time periods. Hovering over any of the metrics will
reveal further details
5.2.7. Audit Logs
The Audit Logs report shows the use of the Admin UI.
• Sync Requests, which show when configuration changes are pushed to the Firewalls
are shown over time.
• View, Add, Update and Delete requests are shown by configuration component.
• View, Add, Update and Delete requests are shown by user.
• Configuration Changes table shows the request modifications in detail. Each line can
be clicked on to show the full details in table, JSON or raw format.
• Audit Logs table shows all requests including views.
6. Standards Compliance
ü GSMA IR.70 v4.0, SMS SS7 Fraud
ü GSMA IR.71 v6.0, SMS SS7 Fraud Prevention
ü 3GPP TR 23.840 v7.1.0, Home Routing (Technical Specification Group Core Network
and Terminals; Study into routing of MT-SMs via the HPLMN; Rel-7)
ü ITU Q.704 (07/96), Specifications of Signalling System No. 7 – Message transfer part:
Signalling network functions and messages.
ü ITU Q.713 (03/01), Specifications of Signalling System No. 7 – Signalling connection
control part (SCCP): Signalling connection control part formats and codes.
ü ITU Q.773 (06/97), Specifications of Signalling System No. 7 – Transaction capabilities
application part (TCAP): Transactions capabilities formats and encoding.
ü 3GPP Technical Specification Group Core Network and Terminals; Mobile Application
Part (MAP) specification; Rel-8
ü 3GPP TS 23.040 Technical realization of the Short Message Service (SMS); Rel-12
ü SMPP Development Forum Short Message Peer to Peer Protocol Specification v3.4
7. References
Ø SCTP (RFC 4960)
Ø M3UA (RFC 4666)
Ø MTP3 (ITU-T Q.704)
Ø SCCP (ITU-T Q.713)
Ø TCAP (ITU-T Q.773)
Ø TCAP Dialogue (ITU-T Q.773)
Ø MAP (3GPP TS 29.002 Rel-12)
Ø MAP Dialogue (3GPP TS 29.002 Rel-12)
Ø SM TP (SM-TP TS 23.040 Rel-12)