This flow chart outlines the key steps and requirements for completing a Ph.D. at Oregon State University from admission through graduation in 3 sentences or less:
It begins with admission to a program and discussing goals with an advisor, then focuses on coursework, research, selecting a committee, developing a program of study, preliminary exams, the dissertation process including the final defense, and finally applying for graduation. Several important deadlines like submitting forms and the program of study are highlighted in red to emphasize time sensitivity.
This flow chart outlines the key steps and requirements for completing a Ph.D. at Oregon State University from admission through graduation in 3 sentences or less:
It begins with admission to a program and discussing goals with an advisor, then focuses on coursework, research, selecting a committee, developing a program of study, preliminary exams, the dissertation process including the final defense, and finally applying for graduation. Several important deadlines like submitting forms and the program of study are highlighted in red to emphasize time sensitivity.
This flow chart outlines the key steps and requirements for completing a Ph.D. at Oregon State University from admission through graduation in 3 sentences or less:
It begins with admission to a program and discussing goals with an advisor, then focuses on coursework, research, selecting a committee, developing a program of study, preliminary exams, the dissertation process including the final defense, and finally applying for graduation. Several important deadlines like submitting forms and the program of study are highlighted in red to emphasize time sensitivity.
This flow chart outlines the key steps and requirements for completing a Ph.D. at Oregon State University from admission through graduation in 3 sentences or less:
It begins with admission to a program and discussing goals with an advisor, then focuses on coursework, research, selecting a committee, developing a program of study, preliminary exams, the dissertation process including the final defense, and finally applying for graduation. Several important deadlines like submitting forms and the program of study are highlighted in red to emphasize time sensitivity.
in red text or in red boxes. Academic Unit Doctoral Requirements Registration Discuss your goals and expectations with your department’s graduate advisor. Draft a schedule of Review the graduate coursework for your degree. degree requirements of your academic unit Determine eligibility of transfer credits, if any. (college, school, Take courses. Start research. department, or program) with your advisor, the Before completing 2 terms (if you already have a master's) or 5 program director/chair, terms (if you do not have a master's): (1) Select program or the graduate program committee members, which must include a Graduate Council coordinator. Representative. (2) Meet with your program committee to create a NOTE: A double solid NOTE: Continuous enrollment required unless leave of absence requested.
Program of Study. (Take to the meeting, the Doctoral Program
Checklist, all transcripts, list of your eligible transfer credits, your line connected to a program curriculum, an initial draft of your Program of Study.) University Requirement indicates your department or program When most coursework has been completed and at least 6 weeks may have additional before your preliminary oral exam, submit your signed program requirements. Check of study to the Graduate School. When it has been approved by the with your academic unit Graduate School, you may schedule your Oral Preliminary Exam. for its specific rules and Submit the online Exam Scheduling Form at least 2 weeks before requirements. the exam.
At least two weeks before Oral Preliminary
NOTE: Time Limits.
Final Oral Defense of Examination
Dissertation: (a) Submit Exam Form to No At least one term must the Graduate School, Pass elapse, but no more than (b) Submit pre-text pages to Yes 5 years may elapse the Graduate School, and between the Oral Continue research. Preliminary Exam and (c) Give dissertation to your Submit diploma application 15 the Final Oral Exam. whole committee. weeks before your defense.
Final Oral Exam (Dissertation Defense)
Hand in dissertation by the end NOTE: This flowchart is only a
of term or by 6 weeks from the pass guide. Check the Graduate exam, whichever comes first. See No Catalog for full details. Graduate Catalog for details. Yes 11.15.210 Yea! Hand in corrected dissertation to Graduate School.
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