ENGLISH IV WS Order of Adjectives

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Name: _______________________________________ Grade & Sec.: ________________ Date: ___________________


ADJECTIVES tell about the number, kind and color of a person, animal or thing.
When several adjectives are used in a phrase or sentence, the order of adjectives is as
follows: number, kind/quality and color.

Ex: three big red ribbons

Where in, three (number)
big (quality)
red (color)
ribbon (noun)

Let’s try this!

A. Arrange the serries of adjectives in the correct order. Use each set in a sentence.

1. big four orange balls - ____________________________________________________________

2. eggs salted a dozen - ____________________________________________________________
3. twenty mangoes ripe - ___________________________________________________________
4. brown small seven envelopes - ___________________________________________________
5. new red one car - _______________________________________________________________
6. a black gown shimmering - ______________________________________________________
7. fat brown three kittens - __________________________________________________________
8. one pair shoes brown old – _______________________________________________________
9. ten yellow little ducklings - ________________________________________________________
10. green sweet six apples - __________________________________________________________

B. Describe each noun using correct order of adjectives. Write a sentence about it.
Noun Number Quality Color
Ex: birds Two small blue

1. school
2. hair
3. umbrellas
4. houses
5. chicken

Ex: I saw two small blue birds at the farm yesterday.

1. ___________________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________________________________
5. ___________________________________________________________________________

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