Triangle Beam B1

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Project : Bandar Utama Job No : NA

Desc : LEVEL 13 (L13-H14) Date : 10-Dec-2019

Code of Beam size, conc/steel grade and concrete cover

Beam width = 600 mm fcu = 37 N/mm2
BS8110 : Beam depth = 600 mm fy = 460 N/mm2
Pt 1 : 1990 Concrete cover = 35 mm fyv = 460 N/mm2
Effective depth of
i. Tension reinf, d = 542.50 mm
ii. Comp. Reinf, d' = 53.00 mm

Design of flexural reinforcement

Cl Max. moment = 550 kNm

K= 0.084 ~Singly Reinforced

z= 485.84 mm
As' req = 720.00 mm2 ~Provide nominal compression reinf
As req = 2828.73 mm2 ~Tension reinforcement

As min (tension reinf) = 468.00 mm2

As prov (tension reinf) = 2945.24 mm2 ~ OK
Table 3.27 Percentage of rebar = 0.82 % Ac >0.13% and <4.0%, ok
Tension reinf provided : 6T25

As' min (comp. reinf) = 720.00 mm2 ~Governed, provide nominal bar
As' prov (comp. reinf) = 1005.31 mm2 ~ OK
Table 3.27 Percentage of rebar = 0.28 % Ac >0.2% and <4.0%, ok
Comp reinf provided : 5T16

Design of shear link

Cl Max. shear force, Vs = 250 kN v, max = 4.8662 N/mm2

Shear stress, vs = 0.7680 N/mm2 < v, max, ok

Shear stress at distance d from the support :

Shear force, Vd = 250 kN
Shear stress, vd = 0.7680 N/mm2

100As/bd = 0.905
400/d = 1.000
Design concrete shear
Table 3.9 stess, vc = 0.697 N/mm2
Table 3.8 Asv/Sv = 0.600

Bar size used = 10 mm

No. of legs = 4
Sv max = 406.875 mm
Link spacing = 406.875 mm ~ Provide 2T10-300

sw Liong
Project : Bandar Utama Job No : NA
Desc : LEVEL 13 (L13-H14) Date : 10-Dec-2019

Deflection check

Cl 3.4.6 Span length, L = 2000 mm

Support condition = 1 ( 1=cantilever, 2=simply supported, 3=continuous)
Table 3.10 Basic L/d = 7

Table 3.11 M/bd^2 = 3.11

fs = 276.13 N/mm2
Modification factor for 0.967
tension reinforcement =

Table 3.12 100As'prov/bd = 0.31

Modification factor for 1.09
compression reinforcement =

Allowable L/d = 7.40

Actual L/d = 3.69 ~Deflection passed

sw Liong
Project : Bandar Utama Job No : NA
Desc : LEVEL 13 (L13-H14) Date : 10-Dec-2019

Design for Torsion

Ultimate torsional moment,T = 2.00 KNm

x1 = 530 mm
y1 = 530 mm
Cl 2.4.4, eq 2 Torsional shear stress, vt = 0.0278 N/mm^2 ~Torsional reinf. is not required

Cl 2.4.6 Minimum torsional shear stress,

Table 2.3 vt, min = 0.4075 N/mm^2
Maximum combined shear stress (shear + torsion),
vtu = 4.8662 N/mm^2


sw Liong
Provided tension reinf
Layer rebar dia nos. of rebar
1 25 6 6T25

Provided compression reinf

Layer rebar dia nos. of rebar
1 16 5 5T16


sw Liong
sw Liong

Provided tension reinf

Layer rebar dia nos. of rebar
1 16 2 2T16
2 16 2 2T16
3 10 2 2T10

Provided compression reinf

Layer rebar dia nos. of rebar
1 20 2 2T20
2 10 2 2T10
3 10 2 2T10

sw Liong

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