Bible Institute
Bible Institute
Bible Institute
of Divine
Pastor Bayo
Books to read:
Keys to Divine Health Dr David Oyedepo
The Healing Balm Dr David Oyedepo
Satan get Lost Dr David Oyedepo
The healing S criptures Dr David Oyedepo
Wholeness a nd Holiness
Healing is God's p ermissive will
Health is God's p erfect will
Luke 13:16 P rov 4
Areas Attacks w ith sickness
2. Emotional s ickness e.g Anxiety, Bitterness, Unforgiveness
4. Demonic Oppression e.g Depression, Insanity, Imbalance
● The word is c reative Gen 1
● The word is medicinal P salm 107:19 Luke 5:17
Col 1:19, Gal 2:12
1cro 29:29
1. Jesus healed b y the word John 6:63 Isa 34:16 John 5 Luke 8, Matt 8: 1
3. Jesus healed b y impactation Matt 14:3436 Ezk 2:2
5. Jesus healed through the gifts o f healing John 5:19
6. Jesus healed through unorthodox means Mark8:2225
7. through empowering his d isciples Matt 10:1 Mark 6:713
New Testament Manifold w isdom for healing
4. through the anointing o il Mark 6:7 13 James 5:1415
5. through the b lood Ex 12:24
6. through the mantle Act 19:1112
7. through feet washing John 13 : 27
10. through p rayer James 5:1315
12. Calling things that b e not as though they were
things to remember a bout healing
1. it is God's will to heal
3. s ee yourself healed Zac 4:2
6. s tay in the word
1tim 2:12
1. S in' Isa 51:2
2. Doubt and unbelieve Heb 9:11
3. Alternatives heb 11:6 Jer 17:5
4. Unforgiveness and b itterness heb 12:15
5, Religious misconception John 12:40
6. Disobedient
Secret of d ivine health
1. By the word o f God Act 20:32
4. talk health at all times Mark 11:2324
7. walk in love Gal 5:6