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The document outlines the terms and conditions of a loan being offered by Barclays Partner Finance to purchase an Apple product. It provides information on repayment amounts and timelines, the customer's rights, and what may happen if repayments are missed.

The loan amount will be £1299 to be repaid over 23 months with monthly repayments of £53.99 and a final repayment of £37.23. The loan proceeds will be paid directly to Apple. The customer must make repayments to Barclays Partner Finance.

The customer has 14 days from signing the agreement or receiving confirmation to withdraw without charge. If the loan has been paid to Apple, the customer must repay it within 30 days. Withdrawing does not cancel the purchase and separate arrangements with Apple would be needed.

Barclays Partner Finance

PO Box 2501
9 Majuba Road
B16 0PD
Application Number: 3000110450032199
04 December 2019

Dear Mr DERBY,

Thank you for applying for a Barclays Partner Finance loan.

We are pleased to provide you with copies of the following documents, which set out the
key terms of the loan:

• Important Information About Your Loan

• How we use your information
• Pre-Contract Credit Information
• Your loan agreement

Should you have any queries relating to your ongoing application, please contact us on 0800
63 43 919*.

Otherwise, should you have any queries relating to your approved Barclays Partner Finance
loan or documents, please contact our Customer Services team on 0800 15 22 888*.

Yours sincerely,

Nicky Evans
Head of Customer Management

*Calls to 0800 numbers are free from UK landlines. Mobile charges may vary. Charges will
apply to calls from outside of the UK. Calls may be monitored or recorded in order to maintain
high levels of security and quality of service.

Barclays Partner Finance is a trading name of Clydesdale Financial Services Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of Barclays Bank PLC.
Clydesdale Financial Services Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (Financial Services Register number:
311753). Registered in England. Registered No: 2901725. Registered Office: 1 Churchill Place, London E14 5HP
Your loan explained
This page gives details of the key features of your loan, and the risks involved. Please read this page with the
pre-contract credit information. You can take this information away to read it in detail before you make a

Important information about your loan Getting in touch

Phone: 0800 15 22 888 (Calls to 0800 numbers are free from UK
The loan landlines. Mobile charges may vary. Charges will apply to calls
We are providing this information while we process your from outside the UK. Calls may be monitored or recorded in order
application. We are under no obligation to lend under this to maintain high levels of security and quality of service.)
agreement until we accept your application. We will tell you if we Post: Barclays Partner Finance, PO Box 2501, Cardiff, CF23 0FP.
have accepted your application. General details (including our data protection policy):
A loan from Barclays Partner Finance will allow you to spread the
cost of your purchase over an agreed period of time. We will pay You must tell us if your contact details change.
the loan amount directly to Apple. You must make monthly You can also get more information about loans and credit
repayments to us. agreements and your rights by contacting Trading Standards or
Citizens Advice.
The offer of the loan is open for 72 hours from the time you applied.
You should consider the information in this document and the pre- Other important information and features of your agreement
contract credit information during this period. If you have any
questions please get in touch with us using our contact details set Changing your repayment date
out below. Your first repayment date is one month from the date we pay the
loan to Apple. We must take your first repayment on that date. You
What you will need to pay can change the date of the remaining payments, but this may mean
You will need to pay Apple a deposit of £20.00 towards the cost of you have to make more than one repayment in one month.
your purchase.
Repaying early
You will need to pay a total amount of £1299.00 which includes the You can repay some or all of your loan early but you must tell us if
deposit amount. This amount is made up of 23 monthly you decide to do this. If you pay some of your loan early, the
repayments of £53.99 and a final repayment of £37.23. amount you have to pay us each month will stay the same, but you
Changing your mind might repay the loan sooner.
If you change your mind you can withdraw from the agreement
within 14 days beginning on the day after you sign the agreement,
or when we confirm to you in writing that you and we have entered
into the agreement, if this is later. You can do this verbally or in
writing by getting in touch with us using the contact details below.

If you withdraw from the agreement and we have paid the loan
amount to Apple, you will have to repay the amount of the loan
within 30 days of the date you told us you want to withdraw from it
(we will not charge you interest or any other charge during that
Withdrawing from the loan does not cancel your purchase
You will need to make separate arrangements with Apple or have
another way to repay us if the loan has already been paid to Apple.
Not keeping up repayments
If you don't make payments when they are due or you miss several
payments, the following may apply:

• You may have to repay the loan early.

• Your credit records may be affected in a way that makes it harder
or more expensive to borrow in the future.
• We may need to take legal action to recover what you owe.
• We may use money you have in another account with us to pay a
missed payment or everything you owe us for the loan.

Apple iUp/TUI (DEF) 05/19 Customer copy

Call 0800 15 22 888 for a large print, Braille or audio version of this document
How we use your information
This section sets out details of the information we collect about you and what we do with it. You can see an
up-to-date version of this information at any time on our website. Visit and
click on the privacy policy link at the bottom of the page.

Information we hold about you If you give us false or inaccurate information and fraud is identified, we may
This policy applies to information we hold about you. In this policy ’we’, ’us’ pass details to credit reference and fraud prevention agencies to prevent
and ’our’ mean Barclays Partner Finance, which is a trading name of fraud and money laundering and to check your identity.
Clydesdale Financial Services Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of
Barclays Bank PLC, registered number 2901725, registered office 1 The Credit Reference Agency Information Notice (CRAIN) describes how
Churchill Place, London E14 5HP. Our trading address is PO Box 2501, the three main credit reference agencies in the UK each use and share
Cardiff CF23 0FP. ’You’ means the person the information relates to. personal information. The CRAIN is available on the credit reference
agencies’ websites:
This policy applies to information we hold about customers and possible
future customers, suppliers and possible future suppliers, contacts and all •
other people we hold information about. By ’information’ we mean personal •
and financial information about you that we collect, use, share and store. •
For further details on the information about you that we may process, Or you can ask us for a copy of these.
please see
For further details of who we may share your information with, and how
Where this information comes from your information will be used by us, fraud prevention agencies and others,
We collect, use, share and store information about you to provide you with see
the services you have asked us for and to share information with you about
services that may be of interest to you. We will collect your information How long we will keep your information
direct from you or from other people and organisations. For more details of We will keep your information for as long as is needed for the purposes set
where we may get your information from see out above or as required by any laws that apply.
If you close your account, if we refuse your application for an account or
How we use your information product, or you decide not to go ahead with your application for an account
We use your information: or product, we’ll still keep your information. We may also continue to collect
information from credit reference agencies to use after your account is
• to provide our services to you; closed. We’ll do this for as long as we’re allowed to for legitimate business
• to help us develop new and improved products and services to meet our purposes, to help prevent fraud and other financial crime, and for other
customers’ needs; legal and regulatory reasons.
• for security and to check your identity;
• for training; Your rights
• to communicate with you; You have rights relating to the way that we use your information, and can
• for legal reasons; make certain choices. For example, you can:
• where we have a legitimate interest in using your information, for example
to protect our business interests or to prevent fraud; and • ask for a copy of the personal information we hold about you;
• to keep you informed about products and services you hold with us and to • ask us to correct your personal information if necessary;
send you information about products or services (including those of other • withdraw any permission you have previously given relating to your
companies) which may be of interest to you. personal information;
• object to any automated decision-making;
We may use automated processes. For further information, including the • ask us to stop or start sending you marketing messages;
legal basis on which we use your information, please see • ask us to send you (or someone you nominate) a copy of the information we hold about you; and
Sharing your information with others • ask us to stop using your information in certain circumstances.
We’ll keep your information confidential but we may share it in certain To use any of the rights set out above, or to discuss any other issue relating
circumstances, for the purposes set out in this policy, with: to your information, please contact us using the methods set out in the
'Contact us' section.
• other Barclays companies;
• other companies who provide a service to you, for example if you use our If you have any concerns about the way we use your information, you have
products to make a purchase or payment; the right to complain to the Information Commissioner's Office, which
• our service providers and agents, including their subcontractors; regulates the use of personal information in the UK, by calling 0303 123
• any company we are providing services with; 1113.
• anyone we transfer or may transfer our rights and duties to;
• fraud prevention agencies, who will use it to prevent fraud and money For further details on your rights relating to the way we use your
laundering and to confirm your identity (if fraud is detected, you could be information, and other ways to contact us, please see
refused certain services, finance or employment); and
• credit reference agencies.
Contact us
The people and organisations listed above will also have to keep it secure If you have any questions or comments about privacy issues, or you have a
and confidential. complaint about how we are using your personal information, you can call
us on 0800 15 22 888. For further contact details, please see
Credit reference agencies and fraud prevention agencies
In order to process your application, we will give your personal information
to credit reference agencies and fraud prevention agencies and they will
give us information about you, such as about your financial history. We do
this to assess your creditworthiness (how likely you are to be able to repay
the money), make sure the product is suitable for you, check your identity,
manage your account, trace and recover debts and prevent criminal activity.
These agencies may in turn share your personal information with other
organisations. If fraud is detected, you could be refused certain services,
finance or employment.

Apple iUp/TUI (DEF) 05/19 Customer copy

Pre-contract credit information
(Standard European consumer credit information)
Under EU regulations we must use the wording set out in the left-hand column on the following pages. We
explain what this wording means in the right-hand column.

1. Contact details
Creditor. Clydesdale Financial Services Limited, trading as Barclays Partner Finance, 1 Churchill Place, London, E14 5HP
Credit intermediary. Apple Distribution International - Hollyhill Industrial Estate, Hollyhill, Cork
Address. (This is a company or agent who arranged your loan.)

2. Key features of the credit product

The type of credit. Fixed-sum loan
The total amount of credit. £1279.00
This means the amount of credit to be provided under the proposed credit (This is the total amount of your loan.)
agreement or the credit limit.
How and when credit would be provided. We will pay the amount of the loan to Apple once we receive the signed
agreement and tell you we have approved the loan or when Apple has
supplied the goods or services to you, if this is later.
The duration of the credit agreement. 24 months from the date we pay the loan to Apple
(This is the length of your agreement.)
Repayments. You will pay 23 monthly repayments of £53.99 and a final repayment of
The total amount you will have to pay. This means the amount you have £1299.00 (This includes the deposit you have already paid.)
borrowed plus interest and other costs.
The proposed credit will be linked to the supply of specific goods or the iPhone 11 Pro Max 256GB Midnight Green
provision of a service.
Description of goods/services/land (as applicable).

(These are the specific goods or services which your loan relates to.)
Cash price. £1299.00

(This is the total cash price of the goods or services.)

3. Costs of the credit

The rates of interest which apply to the credit 0% per year (fixed)
Annual Percentage Rate of Charge (APR). 0% (fixed)
This is the total cost expressed as an annual
percentage of the total amount of credit. The Assumption: we will provide the loan and you will repay it in line with the information set out in this
APR is there to help you compare different document. You must make your first payment one month after we pay the loan amount to Apple.
(An explanation of what APR means is included in the 'Your loan explained' section.)
Related costs
Any other costs deriving from the credit You can change the date of the remaining payments, but this may mean you have to make more than one
agreement. repayment in one month.
Conditions under which the above charges We may change our charges or add new charges to reflect changes in our overhead costs or direct costs
can be changed. we have to pay to others, or to take account of inflation. We must give you notice of any new or amended
Costs in the case of late payments. If we have to take any action to enforce the terms of this agreement, you must pay us any reasonable costs
or expenses that we have to pay in taking such enforcement action. We must give you notice of any new or
amended charges.
Consequences of missing payments. If you fail to make any repayment it may have serious consequences. You may have to repay what you owe
early. Your credit records may be affected, making it harder or more expensive to borrow again.

We may need to take legal action to recover what you owe. We may use money you have in another
account with us to pay a missed payment or everything you owe us for the loan.

Apple iUp/TUI (DEF) 05/19 Customer copy

4. Other important legal aspects
Right of withdrawal. You can withdraw from the agreement within 14 days beginning on the day after you sign the agreement or
when we confirm to you in writing that you and we have entered into the agreement, if this is later. You can
withdraw from the agreement by calling us on 0800 15 22 888 or writing to us at Barclays Partner Finance,
PO Box 2501, Cardiff, CF23 0FP.

If you withdraw from this agreement, you will have to repay the total amount of the loan to us within 30 days
of the date on which you tell us you want to withdraw (we will not charge you interest or any other fee during
that time).

Withdrawing from the loan does not cancel your purchase. You will need to make separate
arrangements with Apple or have another way to repay us if we have already paid the loan to Apple
Early repayment. You can repay all or part of the loan early at any time. If you repay part of the loan early, we will reduce the
balance of your loan but you must still continue to make your monthly repayments. The amount you have to
pay us each month will stay the same, but you might repay the loan sooner.
Consultation with a Credit Reference If we reject your application because of information we receive from a credit reference agency, we must tell
Agency. you and give you details of the agency we consulted.
Right to a draft credit agreement. You have the right to ask us for a copy of the draft loan agreement and we will provide one free of charge
unless we no longer want to go ahead with your application at the time of your request.
The period of time during which the creditor The offer of the loan is open for 72 hours from the time you applied.
is bound by the pre-contractual information.

5. Additional information in the case of distance marketing of financial services

(extra information for loans that were not sold face-to-face)
(a) Concerning the creditor
Registration number. Firm Reference Number 311753
The supervisory authority. The Financial Conduct Authority
(b) Concerning the credit agreement
The law taken by the creditor as a basis for English law
the establishment of relations with you before (This is the law that applies to our dealings with you before you enter into your agreement.)
the conclusion of the credit agreement.
The law applicable to the credit agreement This agreement will be governed by the law of the country in the UK where you live on the date of this
and/or the competent court. agreement (England, Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland). Any disputes relating to this agreement will be
dealt with by the courts of these countries. If you live outside the UK, this agreement will be governed by
English law and any disputes will be dealt with by the courts of England and Wales.

(This is the law that applies to your agreement.)

Language to be used in connection with the English
credit agreement. (This is the language we will use to communicate with you in relation to your agreement.)
(c) Concerning redress (complaints)
Access to out-of-court complaint and redress If you have a complaint, please contact our Customer Services Team on 0800 15 22 888. If we do not deal
mechanism. with your complaint to your satisfaction, you have a right to refer it to the Financial Ombudsman Service, by
writing to them at Exchange Tower, London, E14 9SR or by calling 0800 023 4567 or emailing You can also visit their website at

(This information is provided in case you want to make a complaint.)

Apple iUp/TUI (DEF) 05/19 Customer copy

Version Code: 23340 0

Fixed-sum loan agreement regulated by the Consumer

Credit Act 1974
Please check these details are right

This loan agreement is between CLIFFORD DERBY of 9 Majuba Road, Birmingham, B16 0PD and Clydesdale Financial Services Limited trading as
Barclays Partner Finance, 1 Churchill Place, London, E14 5HP.
The loan helps you to pay for the goods and services shown here iPhone 11 Pro Max 256GB Midnight Green

Credit intermediaries. Apple Distribution International - Hollyhill Industrial Estate, Hollyhill, Cork
An intermediary is a company or agent who arranges credit and loans
(Apple is the company or agent who arranged your loan.)
Agreement Number 3 0 0 0 1 1 0 4 5 0 0 3 2 1 9 9

Term Description Details

Cash price The amount paid for the goods or services. £1299.00
Advance payment The up-front payment or deposit you must pay Apple. £20.00
Loan amount The amount you are borrowing, which is the cash price, less any advance payment £1279.00
(deposit). We will pay this amount directly to Apple once we have approved the loan
or on a later date requested by Apple.
Total charge for the loan The cost of your loan. £0.00
Total amount payable This is the total amount you must pay, which includes the loan amount, plus any £1299.00
advance payment (deposit) you have paid to Apple.
Date of your first repayment This is when we will take the first repayment from your bank account using the One month after we pay the loan
details you gave us when you applied for the loan. amount to Apple
Length of the agreement The time that you will have the loan for, assuming you make all payments on time. 24 months from the date we pay
Interest rate The loan is interest free. 0% (fixed)
APR The APR is designed to help you compare the cost of different types of loan. 0% (fixed)

It assumes we will provide the loan and you will repay it in line with this agreement,
with your first payment being made one month after we pay the loan amount to
Monthly repayments The number and amount of repayments. We will collect the repayments each month 23 monthly repayments of £53.99 and
on the same date as the first monthly payment, or on the next available business a final repayment of £37.23.
day. In February, payments due on the 29th, 30th or 31st will be collected on the

Included with this document are the terms and conditions of the agreement. These describe what you are agreeing to, your legal rights, what will
happen if you don't keep up the repayments, and other clauses and information. Please read the terms and conditions carefully before signing
this agreement. We have not yet made a decision on your application for a loan. We will tell you if we accept or refuse your application.

Signing this agreement means you:

• have received a copy of your pre-contract credit information (if you have not, you should ask for it); and
• agree to us processing your personal information in the way set out in the 'How we use your information' document (we may vary this
document from time to time and the most up to date version will be available on our website);
• if we approve your loan application:
• are entering into a legally binding agreement to keep to the terms and conditions shown;
• agree that the date of this agreement is the date we confirm we have accepted your loan agreement application; and
• authorise us to collect repayments using the details shown in the bank or building society direct debit instruction.

Customer signature Signed for and on behalf of Barclays Partner Finance

04 December 2019
Date of signature Date of signature

Apple iUp/TUI (DEF) 05/19 Customer copy

Version Code: 23340 0

Terms and conditions of your loan

We are under no obligation to lend under this agreement until we accept • We may need to take legal action to recover what you owe.
your application. We will contact you to tell you if we have accepted your • We may also use money you have in another account with us to pay a
application. missed payment or anything else you owe us in connection with the loan.
• You should be aware that if we take you to court and get a judgement
Your loan
against you requiring you to pay us the money you owe us under the
The loan agreement is between you and us (Clydesdale Financial Services
agreement, you may have to pay us both the amount of the judgement
Limited, trading as Barclays Partner Finance). Our registered address is 1
and the interest due under the agreement on all amounts you owe on the
Churchill Place, London, E14 5HP. Please contact us using the details in
date of the judgement until you have paid these in full. This means that
the 'Our contact information' section.
even if you pay off the whole amount of the judgement, you may still have
The offer of the loan is open for 72 hours from the time you applied. You a further amount to pay.
should consider the 'Your loan explained' document and the pre-contract Repaying early
credit information during this period. If you have any questions please You can repay some or all of your loan early but you must tell us if you
contact us using the contact information set out below. decide to do this. Contact us using the details shown in the 'Our contact
You have agreed to buy the goods and services from Apple as shown, and information' section of these terms and conditions. If you make a repayment
this agreement will provide the credit to help pay for your purchase. At the early it will show on your account on the next scheduled repayment date. If
same time as you sign this agreement you must pay any deposit (called an you repay part of the loan early, we will reduce the balance of your loan but
advance payment) as shown in this agreement. you must still continue to make your monthly repayments. The amount you
have to pay us each month will stay the same, but you might repay the loan
After we have have signed this agreement and accepted your application, sooner.
and you have received the goods or services, we will pay the loan amount
to Apple. Information about your loan
At any time during this agreement you can ask us for a free statement
Interest which contains a table showing the amounts of your repayments (broken
The loan is interest free. down to show the interest and loan amounts) and the dates you paid them
or the dates they are due.
You agree to make the repayments as shown in your agreement with us. Changing your mind
You can withdraw from the loan within 14 days beginning on the day after
Your first repayment date is one month from the date that we pay the loan you sign the agreement, or when we confirm to you in writing that you and
to Apple. We will write to you to tell you the date your first repayment is we have entered into this agreement, if this is later. You can withdraw from
due. We must take your first repayment on that date. You can change the this agreement by calling us on 0844 811 9000 or writing to us at Barclays
date of the remaining payments, but this may mean you have to make more Partner Finance, PO Box 2501, Cardiff, CF23 0FP. If you withdraw from the
than one repayment in one month. loan and we have already paid Apple, you will have to repay the loan
amount within 30 days of the date on which you tell us you want to
We may change our charge for changing your repayment date or add new
withdraw from the loan (we will not charge you interest or other charges
charges to reflect changes in our overhead costs or direct costs we have to
during that time). Withdrawing from the loan does not cancel your
pay to others, or to take account of inflation. We must give you notice of
purchase. You will need to make separate arrangements with Apple if you
any new or amended charges.
withdraw before we have paid the loan amount to Apple. To keep things
Failure to pay simple, Apple may delay supplying your purchase until the 14 days you
If you are worried about being able to pay the amounts due under this have to withdraw from the loan have passed.
agreement please contact us as we may be able to help. If you miss a
payment, unless we end the agreement, the direct debit we collect on each
repayment date will normally stay the same. We may also try to take further • You can make a claim against us or Apple (or both) if you are not
payments after the end of the agreement using your direct debit instruction. satisfied with the goods or services supplied and the cash price is more
than £100. If the cash price is more than £30,000 and the loan or credit
We have the right to demand that you repay the full amount of your amount is less than £60,260, you can only make a claim against us if
loan immediately if any of the following applies: Apple is not able to settle your claim.
• You miss a payment and still have not paid after the time period we give • You can complain to the Financial Ombudsman Service if you are not
in the notice we send you about the missed payment. satisfied with how we deal with any complaint you make about this
• You become bankrupt or make other arrangements between you and agreement or our service. Please send your complaint to us first, using
your creditors because you cannot repay your debts. the details shown in the 'Our contact information' section. You can
• You die (we would ask your estate to make the repayment). contact the Financial Ombudsman Service at Exchange Tower, London,
• You are convicted of an offence involving dishonesty or you have E14 9SR, by calling 0800 023 4567 or by emailing
provided incorrect information when applying for this agreement. You can also visit their
website at
Consequences of missing payments
• You will have to continue to pay interest at the rate shown until you have
repaid the loan in full. Any extra interest that we may charge will be due
at the end of this agreement.
• You may have to repay the loan early.
• We may put a negative entry on your credit record. This may make it
more difficult or more expensive for you to borrow money in the future.
• We will add any reasonable costs or expenses we have to pay in
connection with taking action to recover the debt to your account and you
must pay interest on the increased amount at the rate stated in this loan

Apple iUp/TUI (DEF) 05/19 Customer copy

Version Code: 23340 0

Terms and conditions of your loan (continued)

Other important information • We may transfer our rights under this agreement to someone else. We do
• You must tell us if your address or contact details change. not have to tell you if we do this. Also, we may transfer our
• You agree to us paying commission to any broker or supplier acting as responsibilities under this agreement to Barclays Bank Plc or to someone
your agent in relation to the agreement. else. This means another company would take over managing your loan
• This agreement is governed by the law of the country in the UK in which and collecting the repayments, but it wouldn't mean the terms of your
you live on the date of the loan agreement (England, Wales, Scotland or agreement would change. We will tell you if we do this. You do not have
Northern Ireland) and any disputes relating to the agreement will be dealt the right to transfer this agreement.
with by the courts of these countries. If you live outside the UK the loan • If any time period starts when we or you receive a letter or notice, we
agreement is governed by English law and any disputes will be dealt with agree that if it is sent by first class post, the time period will start on the
by the courts of England and Wales. third working day (Monday to Saturday) after posting (the date shown on
• If we cannot enforce any part of this agreement this will not prevent us the letter or notice).
from enforcing the other parts. • Our consumer credit business is supervised by the Financial Conduct
• If we do not use our strict rights under this agreement, for example if we Authority, 12 Endeavour Square, Stratford, London, E20 1JN.
do not demand a repayment when it is overdue, this will not prevent us
Our payment details
from using our rights under this agreement on another occasion. If we
Cheque: Barclays Partner Finance.
agree to vary the terms of this agreement on one occasion, this does not
BACS: Barclays Bank plc, sort code: 20-19-90, account number: 70185604
mean that we must agree to vary the terms on another occasion.
(Please use your 16 digit agreement number as the reference).
• If you miss a payment or are otherwise in financial difficulty, we may
Debit or credit card: please call us on the number shown in 'Our contact
information' section in this document.
(a) the monthly repayment amount under this agreement;
(b) the dates your repayments are due; and Our contact information
(c) the duration of the loan Phone: 0800 15 22 888 (Calls to 0800 numbers are free from UK landlines.
Mobile charges may vary. Charges will apply to calls from outside the UK.
However, the monthly repayment amount will never be higher than the Calls may be monitored or recorded in order to maintain high levels of
amount shown as the monthly repayment amount in this agreement, no security and quality of service.)
repayment will become due earlier than it would have been due under this Post: Barclays Partner Finance, PO Box 2501, Cardiff, CF23 0FP. Our
agreement and the length of the agreement will never be shorter than it registered address is 1 Churchill Place, London, E14 5HP.
would have been originally under this agreement. If we make any of these
changes we can collect the revised payments and any other amounts you
owe us under any direct debit instruction. You may have to pay extra
interest and we will collect this at the end of the agreement.

This Guarantee should be detached and retained by the payer.

The Direct Debit Guarantee

• This Guarantee is offered by all banks and building societies that accept instructions to pay Direct Debits
• If there are any changes to the amount, date or frequency of your Direct Debit, Barclays Partner Finance will notify you 4
working days in advance of your account being debited or as otherwise agreed. If you request Barclays Partner Finance
to collect a payment, confirmation of the amount and date will be given to you at the time of the request
• If an error is made in the payment of your Direct Debit by Barclays Partner Finance or your bank or building society you
are entitled to a full and immediate refund of the amount paid from your bank or building society
• If you receive a refund you are not entitled to, you must pay it back when Barclays Partner Finance asks you to
• You can cancel a Direct Debit at any time by contacting your bank or building society. Written confirmation may be
required. Please also notify us

Apple iUp/TUI (DEF) 05/19 Customer copy

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