9-8 Trading Networks Administrators Guide

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webMethods Trading Networks Administrator’s Guide

Version 9.8

April 2015
This document applies to webMethods Trading Networks Version 9.8 and to all subsequent releases.
Specifications contained herein are subject to change and these changes will be reported in subsequent release notes or new editions.
Copyright © 2007-2015 Software AG, Darmstadt, Germany and/or Software AG USA Inc., Reston, VA, USA, and/or its subsidiaries and/or
its affiliates and/or their licensors.
The name Software AG and all Software AG product names are either trademarks or registered trademarks of Software AG and/or
Software AG USA Inc. and/or its subsidiaries and/or its affiliates and/or their licensors. Other company and product names mentioned
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This software may include portions of third-party products. For third-party copyright notices, license terms, additional rights or
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Document ID: TN-AG-98-20150415

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

About this Guide............................................................................................................................15

Document Conventions............................................................................................................ 15
Online Information.................................................................................................................... 16

Understanding webMethods Trading Networks......................................................................... 17

webMethods Trading Networks................................................................................................ 18
Architecture............................................................................................................................... 18
Partners in a Trading Network................................................................................................. 19
Asset Definition.........................................................................................................................21
Document Attributes.......................................................................................................... 22
Document Types................................................................................................................24
XML Document Types................................................................................................24
Flat File Document Types.......................................................................................... 25
Processing Rules...............................................................................................................26
Profiles............................................................................................................................... 28
Overview of Creating Partner Profiles........................................................................28
Overview of the Partner Onboarding Process........................................................... 29
Business Process Definition..................................................................................................... 32
Document Delivery................................................................................................................... 32
Immediate Delivery............................................................................................................33
Scheduled Delivery............................................................................................................34
Queue Documents for Polling........................................................................................... 35
Document Processing...............................................................................................................35
Error Logging.....................................................................................................................38
Document Recognition Errors.................................................................................... 38
Document Processing Errors..................................................................................... 39
Security..................................................................................................................................... 40
Managing, Authenticating, and Authorizing Trading Networks Users............................... 40
Protecting Access to User Interfaces................................................................................41
Protecting Partner Profile Passwords................................................................................41
Protecting Access to Trading Networks Processing......................................................... 42
Certificates for Verifying, Signing, Encrypting, and Decrypting Documents and
Authenticating Connections...............................................................................................43
Overlapping of Certificates.........................................................................................44
Verifying Digital Signatures........................................................................................ 53
Digitally Signing Documents...................................................................................... 54
Encrypting and Decrypting Data................................................................................ 54
Communicating Securely Using SSL......................................................................... 55
Run-Time Event Notifications................................................................................................... 55
Caching..................................................................................................................................... 56

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Dashboards and Charts............................................................................................................56

Getting Started............................................................................................................................... 59
Starting the Host Integration Server.........................................................................................60
Starting Integration Server on Microsoft Windows............................................................60
Starting Integration Server on UNIX................................................................................. 60
Starting Integration Server from the Command Line........................................................ 60
Shutting Down Integration Server............................................................................................ 60
Planning Your Trading Network................................................................................................61
Creating Services and Viewing Specifications......................................................................... 62
Additional Documentation.........................................................................................................62
Sending Documents to Trading Networks................................................................................62
Sending Documents to Your Trading Networks from Another System..............................63
Sending Documents from One Trading Networks to Another........................................... 64
Sending a Document Back to Your Trading Networks......................................................64

Configuring Trading Networks..................................................................................................... 65

Overview................................................................................................................................... 66
Configuring Database Settings.................................................................................................66
Configuring a High Availability Environment..................................................................... 66
Configuring a Cluster to Share a Database...............................................................67
Configuring Multiple Clusters Instances to Share a Database...................................67
Configure a Non-Clustered Instance to Each Have Its Own Database......................68
Configuring Trading Networks for a Clustered Environment.................................................... 68
Configuring E-mail Settings for Document Delivery................................................................. 70
Configuring Task Settings.........................................................................................................70
Configuring Trading Networks to Work with My webMethods..................................................71
Configuring Integration Server to Use Central User Management....................................71
Specifying the SAML Resolver Location...........................................................................72
Connecting Trading Networks Servers to My webMethods Server...................................72
Configuring the Timeout for Trading Networks Web Services.......................................... 73
Configuring Resubmission and Reprocessing Settings............................................................73

Granting Access to Trading Networks........................................................................................ 75

Overview................................................................................................................................... 76
Defining Roles.......................................................................................................................... 76
Adding My webMethods Users to the TN Administrators Role................................................ 77
Granting Users Authority to Connect Trading Networks Server Instances to My
Granting Users Access to Trading Networks Server Instances............................................... 78
Granting Users Authority to Execute Trading Networks Services............................................ 78
Granting Users General Functional Permissions..................................................................... 78
Granting Users Data Permissions............................................................................................ 80
Defining a Data Set...........................................................................................................80
Granting Data Permissions to a Data Set.........................................................................81
Setting Partner Permissions..............................................................................................84

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Removing a Data Set and Its Data Permissions.............................................................. 85

Creating Custom Document Attributes....................................................................................... 87

Create Custom Attributes......................................................................................................... 88

Creating XML Document Types....................................................................................................89

Before You Begin......................................................................................................................90
Obtaining XML Document Samples.................................................................................. 90
Creating IS Schemas........................................................................................................ 90
Creating IS Document Types............................................................................................ 90
Creating Custom Transformations for Extracted Attributes...............................................90
Creating a Service for the Check for Duplicate Document Action.................................... 91
Creating an XML Document Type............................................................................................92
Creating and Naming the Document Type........................................................................92
Specifying Criteria for Matching Inbound Documents to the Document Type................... 92
Specifying the Root Tag.............................................................................................93
Specifying the DOCTYPE Identifier........................................................................... 93
Defining Identifying Queries....................................................................................... 93
Specify Pipeline Variables..........................................................................................94
Specifying Document Attributes to Extract........................................................................94
Specifying the Attributes............................................................................................ 95
SenderID and ReceiverID System Attributes......................................................95
GroupID............................................................................................................... 96
SignedBody and Signature................................................................................. 96
Custom Attributes................................................................................................96
Indicating Whether the Attribute is Required............................................................. 96
Transforming Extracted Attributes..............................................................................97
Built-In Transformations for DATETIME and DATETIME LIST Data Type
Built-In Transformations for STRING or STRING LIST Data Type Attributes...... 97
Built-In Transformations for NUMBER Data Type Attributes)..............................98
Custom Transformation Services........................................................................99
Specifying the Namespace Mapping.................................................................................99
Defining Pre-Processing Actions for the Document Type............................................... 100
Format as an IS Document Type Option................................................................. 100
Enable Processing Rule Routing Option..................................................................100
Verify Digital Signature Pre-Processing Action........................................................ 100
Validate Structure Pre-Processing Action................................................................ 100
Check for Duplicate Document Pre-Processing Action............................................101
Save Document to Database Pre-Processing Action...............................................101
Editing an XML Document Types...........................................................................................102
Testing XML Document Types................................................................................................102

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Creating Flat File Document Types........................................................................................... 105

Before You Begin....................................................................................................................106
Registering Flat File Content Types................................................................................106
Creating Flat File Schemas.............................................................................................106
Creating Custom Transformations for Extracted Attributes.............................................106
Creating a Service for the Verify Signature Action..........................................................107
Creating a Service for the Check for Duplicate Document Action...................................107
Creating a Document Gateway Service................................................................................. 107
Reading the Input Stream............................................................................................... 108
Specifying and Passing the Outputs............................................................................... 108
DoctypeID or DoctypeName.....................................................................................109
SenderID and ReceiverID........................................................................................ 109
GroupID.................................................................................................................... 109
ConversationID......................................................................................................... 109
UserStatus................................................................................................................ 110
processingRuleID or processingRuleName..............................................................110
$receiveSvc.............................................................................................................. 110
$contentType and $contentEncoding....................................................................... 110
Custom Attributes.....................................................................................................111
Pass the Outputs to Trading Networks.................................................................... 111
Creating a Flat File Document Type...................................................................................... 111
Creating and Naming the Document Type......................................................................111
Specifying Criteria for Matching Inbound Documents to the Document Type................. 111
Specifying Attributes to Extract....................................................................................... 112
Specifying the Attributes.......................................................................................... 112
SenderID and ReceiverID System Attributes....................................................112
GroupID............................................................................................................. 113
Custom Atttributes.............................................................................................114
Indicating Whether the Attribute is Required........................................................... 114
Transforming Extracted Attributes............................................................................114
Built-In Transformations for DATETIME and DATETIME LIST Data Type
Built-In Transformations for STRING or STRING LIST Data Type Attributes.... 114
Built-In Transformations for NUMBER Data Type Attributes.............................115
Custom Transformation Services...................................................................... 116
Defining Pre-Processing Actions for the Document Type............................................... 116
Enable Processing Rule Routing Option..................................................................117
Verify Digital Signature Pre-Processing Action........................................................ 117
Validate Structure Pre-Processing Action................................................................ 117
Check for Duplicate Document Pre-Processing Action............................................117

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Save Document to Database Pre-Processing Action...............................................118

Editing a Flat File Document Type.........................................................................................119

Preparing for Document Delivery.............................................................................................. 121

Overview................................................................................................................................. 122
Creating Custom Immediate Delivery Services......................................................................122
Creating a Custom Immediate Delivery Service............................................................. 122
Retrieving the Document Content to Deliver...................................................................123
Registering the New Delivery Service.............................................................................123
Enabling Document Delivery Using a Web Service............................................................... 125
Creating Custom Scheduled Delivery Services......................................................................127
Creating a Custom Scheduled Delivery Service............................................................. 127
Scheduled Delivery Service Inputs.......................................................................... 127
Scheduled Delivery Service Outputs........................................................................127
Retrieving the Document Content to Deliver........................................................... 128
Required Logic to Include in the Scheduled Delivery Service................................. 128
Typical Logic to Include in the Scheduled Delivery Service.....................................129
Handling Exceptions.................................................................................................130
The wm.tn.transport:batchFtp Built-in Service......................................................... 131
Registering the New Delivery Service.............................................................................134
Adding a Public Queue to Trading Networks......................................................................... 136
Setting Up the Queue for Polling for webMethods for Partners............................................. 138

Creating Processing Rules......................................................................................................... 141

Overview................................................................................................................................. 142
Before You Begin....................................................................................................................142
Creating a Service for the Check for Duplicate Document Action...................................142
Creating a Service for the Execute a Service Action......................................................142
Using Alert Email Messages........................................................................................... 143
Performing Tasks for the Deliver Document By Action................................................... 144
Creating a Processing Rule................................................................................................... 144
Creating and Naming the Rule....................................................................................... 144
Specifying Criteria for the Rule....................................................................................... 144
Specifying Sender and Receiver Criteria................................................................. 144
Specifying Document Type Criterion........................................................................145
Specifying User Status Criteria................................................................................ 145
Specifying Recognition Error Criteria....................................................................... 146
Setting Up Extended Criteria for the Rule...................................................................... 146
Attribute Field........................................................................................................... 146
Operator Field...........................................................................................................146
Value Field................................................................................................................146
Defining Pre-Processing Actions for the Rule.................................................................147
Verify Digital Signature Pre-Processing Action........................................................ 147
Validate Structure Pre-Processing Action................................................................ 147
Check for Duplicate Document Pre-Processing Action............................................148
Save Document to Database Pre-Processing Action...............................................148

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Defining Processing Actions for the Rule....................................................................... 149

Execute a Service Action.........................................................................................149
Alert e-Mail Message Action.................................................................................... 150
Email To Field................................................................................................... 150
Subject Field......................................................................................................150
Mail Body Field................................................................................................. 150
Change User Status Action......................................................................................151
Deliver Document By Action.................................................................................... 151
Respond Action........................................................................................................ 152
Defining a Processing Rule Based on a Saved Document....................................................153
Editing the Default Processing Rule.......................................................................................154
Reordering Processing Rules.................................................................................................154
Testing the Order of Processing Rules.................................................................................. 155
Deleting a Processing Rule....................................................................................................155

Onboarding New Partners.......................................................................................................... 157

Overview................................................................................................................................. 158
Summary of the Partner Onboarding Process................................................................ 158
Uploading Partner Information................................................................................................159
Uploading Partner Information from a Spreadsheet........................................................159
Adding Partner Information Using the Quick Add Feature..............................................160
Managing Partner Onboarding Templates..............................................................................160
Searching for a Template by Name................................................................................ 161
Adding a New Template.................................................................................................. 161
Creating a New Group from an Existing Group.............................................................. 161
Adding New Fields to an Existing Group........................................................................ 162
Managing Fields in a Group............................................................................................162
Creating a Mapping Service for New Templates.............................................................163
Managing Invitation Emails.....................................................................................................164
Configuring Invitation Emails...........................................................................................164
Sending Invitation Emails................................................................................................ 165
Managing Partner Invitation Emails................................................................................ 165
Granting Partners Access to the Questionnaire Page........................................................... 166
Approving or Rejecting a Partner...........................................................................................167
Viewing and Changing the Status of a Partner......................................................................167

Creating Profiles.......................................................................................................................... 169

Overview................................................................................................................................. 170
Before You Begin....................................................................................................................170
Creating Contact Types...................................................................................................170
Creating External ID Types............................................................................................. 170
Creating Services for Use with TPAs..............................................................................170
Creating a Profile....................................................................................................................171
Creating and Naming a Profile........................................................................................171
Adding External IDs to a Profile......................................................................................172
Adding Addresses to a Profile........................................................................................ 173

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Adding Contacts to a Profile........................................................................................... 173

Specifying Document Delivery in a Profile......................................................................173
Adding a Custom Immediate Delivery Method to a Profile...................................... 173
Adding Scheduled Delivery to a Partner Profile.......................................................176
Specifying Reliable Delivery Settings in a Partner Profile........................................178
Specifying Queue for Polling Settings in a Partner Profile.......................................179
Suspending or Resuming Document Delivery for a Partner.................................... 180
Associate My webMethods User Accounts with a Profile............................................... 181
Adding Security Information............................................................................................ 182
Adding Certificate Sets to a Profile..........................................................................183
Adding the Default Certificate Set to a Profile.................................................. 183
Adding a Certificate Set to Use with a Specific Partner....................................184
Updating Certificate Sets......................................................................................... 185
Updating Certificate Sets for Your Enterprise Profile........................................ 185
Updating Certificate Sets for a Partner Profile..................................................186
Making Standard Fields Required...................................................................................186
Adding Extended Fields to a Profile.......................................................................................187
Opening a Profile’s Extended Fields...............................................................................187
Adding Extended Fields to a Profile................................................................................187
Associating Partners with Partner Groups............................................................................. 188
Working with TPAs................................................................................................................. 189
Defining a TPA................................................................................................................ 189
Opening a TPA for Editing.............................................................................................. 191
Editing a TPA...................................................................................................................191
Editing a TPA’s Fields.............................................................................................. 191
Changing a TPA’s Agreement Status.......................................................................192
Deleting a TPA................................................................................................................ 192
Deleting a Partner Profile....................................................................................................... 193
Finding Partner Certificates that Are Expired or Expiring Soon............................................. 193
Finding Expired Partner Certificates............................................................................... 193
Finding Partner Certificates that Expire Soon.................................................................193

Searching for Assets...................................................................................................................195

Setting Search Options...........................................................................................................196
Searching Using Keywords (Simple Search)......................................................................... 196
Searching Using Keywords and Filters (Advanced Search)...................................................197
Improving Trading Networks Performance During Searches................................................. 198
Setting a Limit for Search Results.................................................................................. 198
Deleting Search Results Periodically.............................................................................. 199

Migrating Assets.......................................................................................................................... 201

Overview................................................................................................................................. 202
Trading Networks Assets You Can Export............................................................................. 202
Migration Methods.................................................................................................................. 203
Trading Networks Asset Dependencies................................................................................. 203
How Trading Networks Detects Assets in the Target System Before Importing Them........... 206

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Migrating Assets Using webMethods Deployer......................................................................207

Selecting Trading Networks Assets For Export...............................................................207
Building the Exported Assets.......................................................................................... 208
Deploy the Assets to Other Servers............................................................................... 209
Migrating Using My webMethods........................................................................................... 209
Exporting Assets Using My webMethods........................................................................209
Importing Assets Using My webMethods........................................................................210
Migrating Assets Using the tnexport and tnimport Utilities.....................................................212
tnexport Utility..................................................................................................................212
Specifying Export Options on the Command Line................................................... 213
Specifying Export Options in a File..........................................................................214
Examples.................................................................................................................. 216
tnimport Utility..................................................................................................................216
Specifying Import Options on the Command Line................................................... 216
Specifying Import Options in a File..........................................................................217
Examples.................................................................................................................. 219

Archiving and Deleting Documents...........................................................................................221

About Archiving and Deleting Documents..............................................................................222
Setting Up Basic Archive and Deletion.................................................................................. 223
Setting the Number of Days to Retain Documents......................................................... 223
Scheduling Archive and Deletion.................................................................................... 224
Setting Up Extended Archive and Deletion............................................................................225
Setting Up Extended Archive and Deletion Using Integration Server............................. 225
Setting Archive and Deletion Criteria.......................................................................225
Scheduling Archive and Deletion............................................................................. 225
Setting Up Extended Archive and Deletion Using My webMethods................................225
Setting the Archive and Deletion Criteria.................................................................226
Scheduling Archive and Deletion............................................................................. 228

Caching Assets and Query Results...........................................................................................231

Overview................................................................................................................................. 232
Asset Caching.........................................................................................................................232
Query Results Caching...........................................................................................................232
Viewing or Modifying System Cache Settings........................................................................233
Profile Cache Settings............................................................................................................ 234
Profile Summary Cache Settings........................................................................................... 235
Profile ID Cache Settings....................................................................................................... 237
Document Type Cache Settings.............................................................................................238
Document Attribute Cache Settings....................................................................................... 240
TPA Cache Settings............................................................................................................... 241
TPA ID Cache Settings.......................................................................................................... 243
Query Results Cache Settings............................................................................................... 245

Managing Events......................................................................................................................... 247

Overview................................................................................................................................. 248

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Run-Time Events.................................................................................................................... 248

Event Groups..........................................................................................................................254
Configuring Run-time Events..................................................................................................255

Working with Dashboards and Charts...................................................................................... 257

Overview................................................................................................................................. 258
Before You Begin....................................................................................................................258
Using NERV bundle to subscribe to events....................................................................259
Viewing Dashboards............................................................................................................... 260
Viewing Charts........................................................................................................................263

Configuration Properties.............................................................................................................265
Introduction............................................................................................................................. 266
Activity Log Properties............................................................................................................266
tn.docType.EnableLogDocumentType............................................................................. 266
tn.procRule.EnableLogProcessingRule........................................................................... 266
tn.profile.EnableLogProfileChanges................................................................................ 267
tn.queue.EnableLogQueueStartStop............................................................................... 267
tn.tpa.EnableLogTPA....................................................................................................... 267
Cluster Properties................................................................................................................... 267
tn.cluster.notifyCacheChange.......................................................................................... 267
tn.cluster.sync.remoteAliases.......................................................................................... 268
Database Properties............................................................................................................... 268
tn.db.readonly.................................................................................................................. 268
tn.store.encoding............................................................................................................. 268
Database Query Properties.................................................................................................... 269
Data Level Security Properties...............................................................................................270
Debugging Properties............................................................................................................. 270
Document Archiving Properties.............................................................................................. 270
tn.archive.archiveAfterDays............................................................................................. 270
Document Validation Property................................................................................................ 271

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Document Delivery Properties................................................................................................271
tn.mail.from...................................................................................................................... 271
tn.mail.subject.................................................................................................................. 272
Event Properties..................................................................................................................... 272
tn.eda.events.transactions............................................................................................... 272
tn.eda.events.completedTransactions............................................................................. 272
tn.eda.events.serviceExecutionTasks.............................................................................. 273
Flat File Property.................................................................................................................... 273
Large Document Handling Properties.................................................................................... 274
tn.BigDocThreshold......................................................................................................... 274
Localization Properties........................................................................................................... 274
Performance Properties..........................................................................................................275
tn.clean.routePipeline...................................................................................................... 275
tn.db.fetchMaxRows........................................................................................................ 275
tn.db.sortDocTimestamp.................................................................................................. 276
tn.store.pool.stmt............................................................................................................. 277
tn.tpa.cacheSize.............................................................................................................. 277
Profile Properties.................................................................................................................... 278
Task Properties....................................................................................................................... 278
tn.task.attempt.notPersisted............................................................................................ 278
tn.task.dbupdate.enableNotifications............................................................................... 278
tn.task.dbupdate.retryEnabled......................................................................................... 279
tn.task.dbupdate.retrySweepTime................................................................................... 279
tn.task.init.pauseLength................................................................................................... 279
tn.task.maxRetries........................................................................................................... 280
tn.task.retryFactor............................................................................................................ 280

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tn.task.sweepTime........................................................................................................... 280
tn.task.orderingMethod.................................................................................................... 281
Miscellaneous Properties........................................................................................................282
tn.chart.fetchMaxRows.................................................................................................... 282
tn.check.ambiguous.docs................................................................................................ 282
tn.ism.stats.saveFrequency............................................................................................. 284
tn.portal.savetodisk.chunksize......................................................................................... 284
tn.recursion.max.............................................................................................................. 284
tn.server.seq.................................................................................................................... 284

Server Configuration Parameters...............................................................................................287

Introduction............................................................................................................................. 288
Server Configuration Parameters........................................................................................... 288

XQL Reference............................................................................................................................. 289

XQL Reference Information....................................................................................................290
Sample XML File.................................................................................................................... 290
Example XQL Queries............................................................................................................291
Extracting Custom Attributes From XML Documents.............................................................292
Extracting STRINGLIST or STRING ATTRIBUTES........................................................ 293
Extracting NUMBERLIST or NUMBER ATTRIBUTES.................................................... 293
Extracting DATETIMELIST or DATETIME ATTRIBUTES................................................294

Large Document Handling.......................................................................................................... 297

Overview................................................................................................................................. 298
Sending Large XML Documents for Processing.................................................................... 298
Minimum Hardware Requirements......................................................................................... 299
Configuring Large Document Handling.................................................................................. 299
Defining Document Types for Large Documents................................................................... 301
Creating Services that Recognize Large Document Handling............................................... 301
Determining Where the Document Content is Stored.....................................................301
Retrieving Document Content from Hard Disk Drive Space........................................... 303
Retrieving the Content for Document Delivery................................................................303
Increasing the Size of the Largest Document that Can Be Saved When Using DB2............. 304

Example of User Status in Document Processing...................................................................305

Example of User Status in Document Processing................................................................. 306

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About this Guide

This guide explains how to configure webMethods Trading Networks. It explains how
to plan, build, and manage a trading network, including how to define and update the
information to collect about trading partners and how to add and maintain partners
to your trading network. It also explains how to define the manner in which you want
Trading Networks to process business documents that are sent to your trading network.
This guide assumes you are familiar with webMethods Integration Server.

Note: The webMethods for Partners product provides the same functionality as
Trading Networks. For simplicity, this guide refers only to Trading Networks,
but the information applies to both products. The difference between the
products is that Trading Networks allows you to have an unlimited number
of partners, while webMethods for Partners allows you to have only one

Document Conventions

Convention Description

Bold Identifies elements on a screen.

Narrowfont Identifies storage locations for services on webMethods

Integration Server, using the convention folder.subfolder:service .

UPPERCASE Identifies keyboard keys. Keys you must press simultaneously

are joined with a plus sign (+).

Italic Identifies variables for which you must supply values specific to
your own situation or environment. Identifies new terms the first
time they occur in the text.

Monospace Identifies text you must type or messages displayed by the

font system.

{} Indicates a set of choices from which you must choose one. Type
only the information inside the curly braces. Do not type the { }

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Convention Description

| Separates two mutually exclusive choices in a syntax line. Type

one of these choices. Do not type the | symbol.

[] Indicates one or more options. Type only the information inside

the square brackets. Do not type the [ ] symbols.

... Indicates that you can type multiple options of the same type.
Type only the information. Do not type the ellipsis (...).

Online Information
Software AG Documentation Website
You can find documentation on the Software AG Documentation website at hp://
documentation.softwareag.com. The site requires Empower credentials. If you do not
have Empower credentials, you must use the TECHcommunity website.

Software AG Empower Product Support Website

You can find product information on the Software AG Empower Product Support
website at hps://empower.softwareag.com.
To submit feature/enhancement requests, get information about product availability,
and download products, go to Products.
To get information about fixes and to read early warnings, technical papers, and
knowledge base articles, go to the Knowledge Center.

Software AG TECHcommunity
You can find documentation and other technical information on the Software AG
TECHcommunity website at hp://techcommunity.softwareag.com. You can:
Access product documentation, if you have TECHcommunity credentials. If you do
not, you will need to register and specify "Documentation" as an area of interest.
Access articles, code samples, demos, and tutorials.
Use the online discussion forums, moderated by Software AG professionals, to
ask questions, discuss best practices, and learn how other customers are using
Software AG technology.
Link to external websites that discuss open standards and web technology.

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Understanding webMethods Trading Networks

1   Understanding webMethods Trading Networks

■ webMethods Trading Networks .................................................................................................... 18
■ Architecture .................................................................................................................................. 18
■ Partners in a Trading Network ..................................................................................................... 19
■ Asset Definition ............................................................................................................................ 21
■ Business Process Definition ........................................................................................................ 32
■ Document Delivery ....................................................................................................................... 32
■ Document Processing .................................................................................................................. 35
■ Security ......................................................................................................................................... 40
■ Run-Time Event Notifications ....................................................................................................... 55
■ Caching ........................................................................................................................................ 56
■ Dashboards and Charts ............................................................................................................... 56

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Understanding webMethods Trading Networks

webMethods Trading Networks

A trading network is a group of organizations that have agreed to exchange business
documents. Participants might include strategic partners, buyers, suppliers, and
marketplaces (for example, Ariba Network), and are referred to as trading partners.
Business documents typically include purchase orders, order statuses, purchase order
acknowledgements, invoices, and other domain-specific business documents.
webMethods Trading Networks enables your corporation to connect to other
organizations to form a business-to-business trading network. Trading Networks is a
format-neutral, business-document gateway that can recognize and process documents
that flow between distributed trading partners. Through Trading Networks, you can
exchange business documents with the partners in your network to relay production
information. The business documents can be in any format that is recognized by two
partners, such as XML and flat file.
Trading Networks is also the base through which webMethods products support
numerous eBusiness Standards (eStandards) such as RoseaNet, EDI, ebXML Messaging
Service, SWIFT, FIX, and CIDX. webMethods eStandards Modules use features of
Trading Networks to perform the processing behavior required for the eStandard
supported by the module.

webMethods Integration Server hosts packages that contain services and related files,
and provides an environment for the orderly, efficient, and secure execution of services.
By way of the WmTN package, Trading Networks Server manages the partners on your
network and the exchange of documents.
My webMethods is a Web-based user interface framework that supports administration
and monitoring user interfaces for webMethods products. The Trading Networks
user interface in My webMethods lets you perform all Trading Networks tasks. My
webMethods Server is the run-time container for functions that webMethods products
make available. For example, when a user searches for a Trading Networks asset, My
webMethods Server interacts with Trading Networks to perform the search and return
the asset to the user.
The Trading Networks database stores all information about the trading network, such
as partner information, types of documents to process, processing actions, and log

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Understanding webMethods Trading Networks

Partners in a Trading Network

Each of your partners has its own system that communicates with your Trading
Networks system. The partner system does not have to use Trading Networks or other
Software AG software. When you identify a partner to your Trading Networks system,
you provide information about how to connect to and exchange documents with the
The following diagram illustrates various configurations of partners in a trading

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Understanding webMethods Trading Networks

In this network, one partner system is an Integration Server that is not using Trading
Networks. The application server and marketplace partner systems are not using any
Software AG software. The partner in the center is referred to as the hub of the network.
The other partners are referred to as spokes. The hub hosts the network and the spokes
participate by interacting with the hub.
A Trading Networks partner does not have to be exclusively a hub or a spoke; it can be
both, as shown in the following diagram. It can be a hub of its own network and a spoke
in another partner's network.

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Understanding webMethods Trading Networks

Asset Definition
When Trading Networks receives a document, it performs run-time processing. You
define this processing by designing Trading Networks assets, as follows:

Assets Description

Document Identify the pieces of document content you need to process

aributes documents. For example, you might be interested in document
senders and receivers, or the total amounts of purchase orders.

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Assets Description

Document Define document types for documents you and your trading
types partners will exchange. Document types are definitions that
represent particular categories of documents (for example,
XML or flat file). The document type can represent an industry
standard, such as a cXML Purchase Order, FIXML Quote
Request, or Biztalk Envelope, or a custom standard, such as a
purchase order format that you and a partner have agreed on.
Document types can also specify actions to perform for
documents, such as saving documents to the Trading Networks

Processing Specify actions to perform for documents, such as delivering

rules documents to partners.

Profiles Identify your corporation and the corporations of the partners in

your trading network, and specify how to connect to each other
and exchange documents.

Trading Specify transaction-dependent information that is specific to a

Partner group of transactions between two trading partners. A transaction
Agreements is the passage of a document through Trading Networks.

Note: You define assets differently for large documents. For details, see "Large
Document Handling" on page 297.

Document Attributes
Trading Networks supports two types of document aributes: system aributes and
custom aributes. Trading Networks defines the system aributes as follows:

System Description

SenderID Identifier for the sender of a document.

ReceiverID Identifier for the receiver of a document.

DocumentID Unique identifier for a document.

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System Description

UserStatus Status that you or a partner assign to a document (for example,

Needs Approval).

GroupID Identifier that associates a document with other documents in

a group. Grouping documents is helpful for end users doing
document searches.

ConversationID Identifier that associates a document with other documents that

are processed by a business process (also called a conversation
of documents). For information about business processes, see
"Business Process Definition" on page 32. This identifier is
only present if you are using BPM. You need to extract it from the
document and add it to the document type. The transaction with
the ConversationID then gets aached to the business processes.

SignedBody For XML documents, data that was digitally signed to create the
digital signature for the document.

Signature For XML documents, digital signature of the document.

You define custom document aributes. For example, if you are interested in PO numbers
and total order mounts, you might define PO_Number and Total_Order_Amount
custom aributes.
You tell Trading Networks to extract document aributes from documents you receive
for these reasons:
To use extracted aributes as a criterion for using a particular processing rule.
For example, if you want to use one processing rule if the sender is Partner A
and another processing rule if the sender is Partner B, you would extract the
system aribute SenderID. Or if you want to use a particular processing rule
when the receiver is Partner C and the total order amount is greater than $10,000,
you would extract the system aribute ReceiverID and the custom aribute
To perform certain processing actions that require extracted aributes. For example,
if you want to deliver a document to the receiver partner, you would extract the
system aribute ReceiverID. If you want to verify the digital signature of an XML
document, you would extract the system aributes SignedBody and Signature.
To search for documents in My webMethods based on extracted aributes. For
example, if you want to be able to find documents that were sent by Partner A for
which the total order amount is greater than $10,000, you would extract the system
aribute SenderID and the custom aribute Total_Order_Amount.

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If you BAM-enable Trading Networks and you want to pass extracted aributes to
Optimize for B2B for analysis and monitoring. For example, if you want to generate
a report on the purchase order quantity for a particular sender from a particular
receiver, you would extract the custom aribute PO_Quantity and the system
aributes SenderID and ReceiverID.

Document Types
You can define document types for XML and flat file documents. For example, you
might define document types for documents that represent purchase orders or
acknowledgements. For XML documents, you define document types for variations of
documents; for example, you might define purchase orders in cXML, OAG, and CBL.
A document type specifies criteria that an inbound document must meet to match
the document type, document aributes to extract from documents that match, and
processing to perform for those documents. You define exactly one document type for
each document you expect to receive or send.
If webMethods Module for EDI is installed on the same Integration Server that hosts
Trading Networks, you can also define document types for EDI documents. For
instructions, see webMethods Module for EDI Installation and User’s Guide.
The explanation of document types in this section mentions the pipeline. The pipeline
is an Integration Server data structure in which input and output values from services
are maintained. The pipeline starts with the input to a service and collects inputs and
outputs from subsequent services. When a service executes, it has access to all data in
the pipeline.

XML Document Types

An XML document type defines the following:

Definition Description

Document Content that an inbound XML document must have to be a match

recognition for the XML document type. You can specify one or more of the
criteria following:
Root tag the document must have.
System or public identifier from the DOCTYPE declaration the
document must have.
Nodes and, optionally, values the document must have. You
define XML Query Language (XQL) queries that Trading
Networks executes to find the nodes and values.
Pipeline variables (that is, variables inserted into the pipeline by
the service that sends the document to Trading Networks) and,
optionally, values the variables must have.

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Definition Description

Aribute System and custom aributes to extract from the document. You
extraction define XQL queries that Trading Networks executes to extract
the aributes. You can also specify transformations for extracted
aributes; for example, you might want to transform an extracted
string value into all uppercase characters.

Pre- A document type can specify one or more of these actions:

Format as IS Document Type action, to transform the document
into an IS document that can be parsed into an IData object. An
IData object is a collection of name/value pairs on which services
can operate. An IData object can contain any number of elements
of any valid Java objects, including additional IData objects.
Verify Digital Signature action, to make sure the signed body
of the document arrived unchanged and the sender is who it
claims to be. Trading Networks checks the sender by matching
the certificate from the digital signature to the certificate in the
partner’s profile.
Validate Structure action, to validate the structure of the
document against a specified schema.
Check for Duplicate Document action, to check whether Trading
Networks has already received the document. Trading Networks
saves the results of the check to the pipeline, so you can use the
results in the Save Document to Database pre-processing action
(below) to save only unique documents, and in processing rule
Save Document to Database, to save the document to the Trading
Networks database. For example, you save documents to the
database when you want to make multiple aempts to deliver
documents to partners.
Indicate whether to use a processing rule to further process the
document. You might not want to use a processing rule if you
want to simply persist the document to the Trading Networks
database, or to process the document using a business process
instead of a processing rule. For information about business
processes, see "Business Process Definition" on page 32.

Flat File Document Types

Flat file documents present complex hierarchical data in a record-based storage format
which, unlike XML, does not embed structural information within the data. The Trading
Networks definition of a flat file is any file or document whose format is non-describing;
that is, a document that does not contain metadata. In other words, flat file data is

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externalized as a set of records (list of records containing fields and composites) without
any structural information. Since the records are not structured in the document, the
application receiving the flat file must know the structure of the flat file to read its
Since Trading Networks does not know the structure of a flat file document, it cannot
extract values for aributes directly from documents. The entry points for flat files into
Trading Networks, therefore, are document gateway services; that is, your trading partners
send their flat files to document gateway services rather than directly to Trading
Networks. A document gateway service does the following:
Reads an inbound flat file document
Places output variables such as the flat file document type for the document; the
processing rule for the document; system document aributes such as SenderID,
ReceiverID, and UserStatus; and custom aributes in the pipeline
Passes control to Trading Networks
A flat file document type defines the following:

Definition Description

Document Content that an inbound flat file document must have to be a match
recognition for the document type. You can specify any of the variables the
criteria document gateway service placed in the pipeline, such as the name
of the flat file document type to use; the SenderID, ReceiverID, or
UserStatus system aributes; or custom aributes.

Aribute System and custom aributes to extract from the document.

extraction You can also specify transformations for extracted aributes; for
example, you might want to transform an extracted string value
into all uppercase characters.

Pre- Same as for XML documents, except that the Format as IS

processing Document Type action is not available for flat file documents (see
actions "XML Document Types" on page 24).

Processing Rules
A processing rule specifies criteria that a document must meet to match the rule, and
processing to perform for documents that match, as follows:

Definition Description

Matching Content that a document must have to match the processing rule.
criteria You can specify the following as criteria:

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Definition Description

Sender and receiver the document must have

Document type for the document
User status the document must have (for example, Needs
Whether errors were or were not encountered during document
recognition or aribute extraction
Custom aributes the document must have (for example,
Total_Order_Amount custom aribute value greater than $10,000)

Pre- The pre-processing actions you can define in a processing rule are
processing the same as those you can define for document types (see "XML
actions Document Types" on page 24). The difference is that you must
specify what to do for each action. A processing rule can specify to:
Perform the action that is defined in the document type.
Perform the action that you define in the rule.
Never perform the action at all.

Processing A document type can specify one or more of these actions:

Execute a Service action, to execute a custom service. For example,
you could execute a service to send the document to a back-end
system for processing or to update data in an internal system
with extracted aributes. You can use data that is in the pipeline
in the service; for example, you could perform the Check for
Duplicate Document pre-processing action and then execute one
service if the document is a duplicate and another service if the
document is unique. Trading Networks places the service results
in the pipeline so you can use them in output templates or other
processing actions.
Alert Email Message action, to send a message to a contact
in the sender’s or receiver’s profile, the webMethods system
administrator, or a specified email address when document
processing is complete. For example, if the document is a
purchase order, you could send a message to alert the person who
approves purchase orders. You can include pipeline data in the
message (for example, the document type for the document).
Change User Status, to assign a user status to the document for
use when searching for documents or generating reports. For
example, if the document is a purchase order, you could set the
document’s user status to Needs Approval. The person who
approves purchase orders can search for documents whose user

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Definition Description
status is NeedsApproval. The user status is assigned to the User
Status system aribute.
Deliver Document By action, to deliver the document to the
receiving partner using a specified delivery method.
Respond action, to send a message back to the document sender
(for example, an acknowledgement for a purchase order). You
can include data from the pipeline in the message. For example,
you could have the Execute a Service action asynchronously
invoke a service that performs the appropriate processing for the
purchase order, then return confirmation that the purchase order
was received and processed. You could then have the Respond
With action return an acknowledgement that indicates that the
purchase order was received.

You add partners to your trading network by defining profiles. A profile contains
information about a corporation that is a trading partner in your network. You define
a profile for your corporation (called the Enterprise profile), and for each of the other
corporations that are trading partners in your network.

Overview of Creating Partner Profiles

Trading Networks administrators can create partner profiles in two ways:
Partner Administration page in My webMethods. The administrator obtains details
about the partner from the business user who identified the partner as a prospective
trading partner. The administrator then enters that information on various My
webMethods pages on behalf of the partner. For information about creating a profile
using this method, see "Creating Profiles" on page 169.
Partner onboarding process. For more information, see "Overview of the Partner
Onboarding Process" on page 29.
Trading Networks provides standard fields for profiles. You supply these types of
information in standard fields:
General information about the corporation, such as corporation name, address, and
Information about how to deliver documents to the corporation
Certificate information for digital signing of documents, verifying digital signatures,
encrypting and decrypting documents
You define external ID types for the types of identification used in documents that
are exchanged in your network, and then specify the actual external IDs in profiles.

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For example, you could define the external ID type DUNS, and then in profiles, you
could specify external IDs that contain the actual values of the D-U-N-S numbers in
documents. Trading Networks uses external IDs to identify the sending and receiving
partners within a document. For example, Trading Networks compares the value of
the D-U-N-S number in a document to the external IDs in profiles. If it finds a profile
with an external ID that matches the D-U-N-S number, it determines that the sender of
the document is the partner with that profile. You can specify an unlimited number of
external ID types. Each profile must include at least one external ID.
If you want to maintain additional information about your partners, you can define
custom fields, called extended fields . For example, you might want to define extended
fields for preferred shipping method, cost centers, or customer codes.
By default, many standard profile fields are required. When a profile field is required, all
profiles on your system must have a value for it. You can make standard fields required
or not required, and you can make extended profile fields required or not required.
You can associate profiles with partner groups . For example, you can create a partner
group named Buyers to associate all of your partners who are buyers in your trading
network. A partner can belong to more than one partner group. You can use partner
groups in the sender or receiver criterion when matching processing rules to documents.

Overview of the Partner Onboarding Process

The partner onboarding process can help you automate the creation of partner profiles
and trading partner agreements (TPAs). The administrator obtains details about the
partner either from the business user who identified the partner as a prospective trading
partner (by way of a comma-separated values, or .csv, file) or directly from the partner
(by way of a questionnaire). Trading Networks automatically creates the partner’s
profile using the details provided in the spreadsheet or questionnaire.
Following is a high-level overview of the partner onboarding process:
1. The administrator uploads a spreadsheet into My webMethods that contains
basic information about one or more partners. At a minimum, the spreadsheet can
contain the partner’s name and email address. The spreadsheet can also contain
other standard profile, TPA, and document type information, such as partner
address, preferred delivery method, external ID, and profile extended fields. The
administrator can download the sample template provided, enter the information,
save it, and upload the file.
2. Trading Networks creates the beginnings of a partner profile and TPA using the
information in the spreadsheet. In My webMethods, Trading Networks sets the
status of the partner to New (Pending Partners page) and the status of the TPA to
Agreed (Trading Partner Agreements page).
3. If additional details are needed from the partner (for example, if the spreadsheet
contained only the partner name and email address), the administrator does the
a. Creates a questionnaire template that identifies the additional information

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b. Assigns the template to the partner

c. Configures seings for an invitation to be emailed to the partner
d. Grants the partner permission to access the partner onboarding pages in My
e. Sends the invitation email to the partner requesting him or her to log in to My
webMethods to complete the questionnaire
4. Trading Networks sets the partner’s status to Invited.
5. The partner completes the questionnaire. Trading Networks sets the partner’s status
to Responded.

Note: If the partner does not complete the questionnaire within a configured
time limit, Trading Networks sets the partner’s status to Expired. The
administrator can restart the onboarding process for that partner by re-
inviting the partner.

6. The administrator checks the details that the partner has submied. If they are
complete and in order, the administrator approves the partner. If the details are not
in order, the administrator resends the questionnaire for the partner to enter again.
7. If the partner enters the questionnaire correctly this time, the administrator approves
the partner. If not, the administrator rejects the partner and Trading Networks sets
the partner’s status to Rejected.
8. If the partner is approved, Trading Networks adds the information from the
questionnaire to the partner’s profile and TPA. The profile is changed from Pending
to Approved.
For procedures related to the partner onboarding process, see "Onboarding New
Partners" on page 157.

You can define trading partner agreements (TPAs) for pairs of partners. Each TPA
contains specific information about how documents should be exchanged between two
trading partners, as follows:
The partner that represents the sender of the documents.
The partner that represents the receiver of the documents.
An agreement ID that identifies the type of TPA (for example, TPAs for the
webMethods Module for EDI use the agreement ID EDITPA).
The TPA data that contains the application-specific variables to use to tailor the
processing of documents exchanged between the sender and receiver. You specify
this data by defining an IS document type. An IS document type is an element in the
Integration Server namespace that contains a set of fields that define the structure
and type of data in an IS document, or IData object. For example, the webMethods

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Module for EDI ships with an IS document type (the wm.b2b.editn.TPA:EDITPA

IS document type) to use for TPAs for partners exchanging EDI documents. This
IS document type contains a set of variables that are used for processing EDI
Optionally, an initialization service you supply to initialize the TPA data (for
example, the webMethods Module for EDI supplies an initialization service to set the
TPA values to its default values).
Optionally, a validation service you supply to validate the data added to the IS
document for the TPA.
Optionally, an export service you supply to export the TPA data to an industry-
standard format.
Trading Networks does not use TPAs for its own processing; rather, the data you
specify in the TPA are available for your own use. For example, you can access the
TPA information from services that are executed by a processing rule. Access to this
information allows you to build a document exchange application that uses the TPA
to tailor the exchange of documents between partners. Other webMethods products
take advantage of the TPA feature in Trading Networks. For example, the webMethods
ebXML Module uses the TPA feature to support ebXML Collaboration Protocol
Agreements (CPAs).
The set of parameters can be different for different types of TPAs. For example, you
might use TPAs for partners that exchange documents using ebXML that contain the
parameters defined by the webMethods ebXML Module. Other partners might exchange
documents using EDI, and for those partners you create TPAs that contain parameters
defined by the webMethods Module for EDI.
The type of information a TPA contains is different than the type of information that
Trading Networks maintains in profiles. A profile contains information about the
partner that does not vary with each document being exchanged, such as company
name and address, certificate information, delivery protocol parameters, and external
IDs. TPAs are intended to contain transaction-dependent information (for example,
configuration information to support specific types of documents being exchanged) that
are specific to a group of transactions between the two trading partners (for example,
digital signature or encryption to a message). TPAs augments profiles and offer a flexible
way to process and manage the documents exchanged between two trading partners.
When you define a TPA, you set the agreement status. This status indicates the status
of the TPA agreement between the receiver and sender. The status can be proposed,
agreed, or disabled. webMethods products that use the TPA feature recognize these
statuses. For example, if webMethods ebXML Module tries to use a TPA whose status
is disabled, it acts as if there is no TPA. If you create an application that uses TPAs, it
should check and honor the disabled status.

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Business Process Definition

For some documents, you might require multi-step processing that involves interaction
among systems, people, and trading partners. An example of such a processing is
the fulfillment of a purchase order that includes a purchase order document, human
interaction to determine whether to approve the purchase order, and either an order
acknowledgement (ACK) document or an order negative acknowledgement (NACK)
document. For such processing, you can define a business process. You can use a business
process instead of or in addition to a processing rule.
You define business processes in Software AG Designer. Designer generates the run-time
elements needed to run the business processes (for example, triggers and flow services)
in Integration Server. The Process Engine, which runs on Integration Server, manages
the execution of business processes.
To handle documents sent by Trading Networks, you must define the business process
to handle a conversation of related documents that all contain the same conversation ID.
The conversation ID is the Trading Networks ConversationID system aribute. When
you want to process documents using a business process, the document types for the
document must tell Trading Networks to extract this aribute. When this aribute has
been extracted, Trading Networks knows to pass the document to the Process Engine
after Trading Networks processing is complete.
For complete information on business processes, see the webMethods BPM

Document Delivery
To deliver a document to a receiving partner, you create a processing rule for the
document type, and you define the Deliver Document By processing action in the
processing rule. On the action, you identify the type of delivery to use, as follows:

Delivery Type Description

Immediate Delivers the document directly to the receiving partner.

delivery Trading Networks tries to deliver the document only once
unless you use reliable delivery to make repeated aempts.

Scheduled Places the document in a queue you define and delivers the
delivery document to the receiving partner at scheduled times. You
use scheduled delivery when it is more efficient to deliver
a batch of documents than to deliver each document as it
arrives. For example, if you want to deliver documents via
FTP, you might use scheduled delivery so you can open
a connection, deliver the batch of documents, and then

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Delivery Type Description

close the connection, rather than use immediate delivery,
which requires you to open and close a connection for each
document. Trading Networks tries to deliver the document
only once unless you use reliable delivery to make repeated

Queue for Places the document in the Trading Networks-provided

polling queue. When a partner polls for documents, Trading
Networks delivers all documents in the queue for which
the partner is the receiver. Queue for polling is the default
delivery method. If you do not set up immediate or
scheduled delivery for a partner, Trading Networks uses
queue for polling for that partner.

Immediate Delivery
Immediate delivery uses immediate delivery methods, immediate delivery services, and, if
you use reliable delivery, delivery tasks. An immediate delivery method invokes an
immediate delivery service that delivers a single document to the receiving partner. A
delivery task is a task Trading Networks creates to keep track of its aempts to redeliver
a document when you are using reliable delivery. The options for immediate delivery
are as follows:
Trading Networks provides standard FTP, FTPS, HTTP, HTTPS, SMTP, and Web
service delivery methods. You can create custom immediate delivery methods from
these methods; you create the custom method in one profile, and then you can select
the method in other profiles. When you create a custom method from a standard
method, Trading Networks automatically creates the corresponding immediate
delivery service. If that service does not meet your needs, you can create a custom
service to replace it.
Trading Networks provides built-in immediate delivery methods for primary and
secondary email, FTP, FTPS, HTTP, and HTTPS, and provides the corresponding
built-in delivery services. If the services do not meet your needs, you can create
custom services to replace them.
You can create custom immediate delivery services. For example, you might want to
create a custom service that delivers a message into a message queuing system. After
you create a custom service, you register it with Trading Networks, and Trading
Networks automatically creates the corresponding immediate delivery method.
To use immediate delivery for a partner, you define one or more immediate delivery
methods in the partner’s profile. You can then specify the method to use for a document
on the Deliver Document By action.
You can designate one immediate delivery method as the partner’s preferred
protocol, and specify using the partner’s preferred protocol for a document on the

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Deliver Document By action. The preferred protocol option is primarily for use with
webMethods eStandards Modules.
To use reliable delivery, you specify the Save Document to Database pre-processing
action on the processing rule. In the receiving partner's profile, you specify the number
of times to try to deliver a document to the partner and the amount of time to wait
between aempts. If Trading Networks retries the maximum number of times and
delivery is unsuccessful, it changes the delivery task status to FAILED. If you correct the
problem, you can restart the task and Trading Networks will start trying to deliver the
document again.

Scheduled Delivery
Scheduled delivery for a partner uses a scheduled delivery queue, a scheduled delivery
service, a delivery schedule, and delivery tasks.
There are two types of scheduled delivery queues:
Private queues, each with a delivery schedule and delivery service you define. Each
private queue delivers documents to only one partner.
Public queues, each with its own delivery schedule and delivery service you define.
Each public queue can deliver documents to multiple partners.
To use scheduled delivery for a partner, you indicate which queue to use in the partner’s
profile; that is, you specify the partner’s private queue or one of the public queues. You
then specify the queue to use for a document on the Deliver Document By processing
Trading Networks automatically uses reliable delivery with scheduled delivery.Trading
Networks creates a delivery task that invokes the scheduled delivery service and places
the task in the specified queue, and that keeps track of Trading Networks’s aempts to
redeliver the document.
A scheduled delivery service delivers a batch of documents to the receiving partner. You
can associate the same scheduled delivery service with multiple queues. The options for
scheduled delivery services are as follows:
Trading Networks provides one built-in scheduled delivery service that uses FTP to
deliver documents to a single destination. The service opens a connection, delivers
all documents, and then closes the connection.
You can create scheduled delivery services and register them with Trading
At the times the queue schedule indicates, Trading Networks invokes the scheduled
delivery service to deliver the documents in the queue. The service acts on all delivery
tasks in the queue whose status is QUEUED. These QUEUED delivery tasks include
all delivery tasks that are in the queue when the service is invoked and any new tasks
that are added to the queue before the delivery service ends. The scheduled delivery
service tries to deliver the document to the receiving partner and indicates whether the
delivery was successful or not. The status of the delivery task is updated accordingly.
If a document cannot be delivered, Trading Networks leaves the delivery task with the

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QUEUED status so the scheduled delivery service will to try to deliver the document
again at the next scheduled time.
Trading Networks automatically uses reliable delivery with scheduled delivery, but you
must specify the Save Document to Database pre-processing action on the processing
rule. In the receiving partner's profile, you specify the number of times to try to redeliver
a document to the partner. If Trading Networks retries the maximum number of times
and delivery is unsuccessful, it changes the task status to FAILED.

Queue Documents for Polling

Trading Networks uses queue for polling in these cases:
When you set the Deliver Document By processing action for a document to queue
for polling.
When you set the Deliver Document By processing action for a document to
Receiver’s Preferred Protocol, and the receiving partner’s preferred protocol is queue
for polling.
When it cannot find sufficient delivery information in the receiving partner's profile
(for example, if the Deliver Document By processing action indicates using an
immediate delivery method, but the profile does not contain delivery information for
that method).
When using queue for polling, Trading Networks saves the document to its database
and sets the document’s processing status to POLLABLE. A receiving partner looks in
your profile on its system to find the polling method to use and how often to poll. The
receiving partner then polls for its documents, and your Trading Networks delivers
them. The receiving partner returns a status for each document that indicates whether
the document was accepted or accepted with errors. Your Trading Networks updates the
processing status of the document on your Trading Networks, seing it to ACCEPTED

Document Processing
1. A partner sends a document, as follows:
The partner sends an XML document to the Trading Networkswm.tn:receive
service. The service reads the document into the pipeline. If coded to do so, the
service places the name of the document type and processing rule to use for the
document on variables in the pipeline.
The partner sends a flat file document to a document gateway service. The
gateway service reads the document and places variables you specify (for
example, SenderID, ReceiverID, DocumentID, and ConversationID) in the
pipeline. If coded to do so, the gateway service places the name of the document
type and processing rule to use for the document on variables in the pipeline,

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and places specified custom document aributes and their values in the pipeline.
The gateway service then invokes the wm.tn:receive service.
2. If Trading Networks does not find a document type name in the pipeline, it performs
document recognition; that is, it compares the XML document to the criteria specified
in enabled XML document types, or the flat file document to the criteria specified
in enabled flat file document types. When it finds a match, Trading Networks
creates a BizDocEnvelope from the document and places the BizDocEnvelope
in the bizdoc variable in the pipeline. It then extracts the document aributes
that are specified in the matching document type from the pipeline and adds
them to the BizDocEnvelope, along with additional information required to route
and process the document. The BizDocEnvelope represents a routeable Trading
Networks transaction and conforms to the wm.tn.rec:BizDocEnvelope. The bizdoc
variable adheres to the wm.tn.rec:BizDocEnvelope IS document type and is an instance of
Trading Networks also places the sender and receiver variables in the pipeline.
These variables contain the partners identified as the sender and receiver,
respectively, in the document. The variables adhere to the wm.tn.rec:ProfileSummary
IS document type and are instances of com.wm.app.tn.profile.ProfileSummary. To view
the IS document type, open Software AG Designer and look in the WmTN package
wm.tn.rec folder.
3. The next action depends on whether the pipeline contains a processing rule name
and what the document type specifies, as follows:
If the document type specifies the use of a processing rule, Trading Networks
continues with step 4.
If the pipeline specifies a processing rule name, Trading Networks skips to step
If the pipeline does not contain a processing rule name, and the document type
specifies to not use a processing rule, Trading Networks performs any pre-
processing actions that are specified in the document type in the order they are
listed in "Document Types" on page 24. Trading Networks then skips to step
4. Trading Networks compares the document to the criteria specified in all enabled
processing rules, as follows:

If the rule specifies Trading Networks does this...

this criterion...

Sender, receiver, Compares to the SenderID and ReceiverID system

or both aributes in the document. If Trading Networks matches
these SenderID and ReceiverID system aributes to a
partner profile, it uses the corporation name and unit
name specified in the profile as the name of the sender,
the receiver, or both. Trading Networks compares the

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If the rule specifies Trading Networks does this...

this criterion...
name of the partner to the partner or partners specified in
the processing rule.

Document type Compares to the document type for the document.

User status Compares to the UserStatus system aribute for the


Occurrence or Checks for errors in the pipeline.

of errors during

Custom Compares to the aributes it extracted from the

aributes document.

5. Trading Networks performs the pre-processing actions specified by the matching

processing rule in the order they are listed in "Processing Rules" on page 26.
6. Trading Networks performs the processing actions specified in the processing rule in
the order they are listed below.

If this action is Trading Networks does this...


Execute a Processing depends on how you invoke the action, as

Service follows:
Synchronous: Invokes the service once, waits for the service
to complete, and places the results in the pipeline. You
can use the service results in output templates or other
processing actions. If you do not use the Respond With
action, Trading Networks returns the results of the service
unmodified to the client that sent the document. If you do
use that action, Trading Networks returns only the message
you specify.
Asynchronous: Invokes the service once and does not
place the results in the pipeline. If there are subsequent
processing actions, Trading Networks immediately
performs them; if there are not, it returns to the caller
that sent the document for processing. If you do not use
the Respond With action, Trading Networks returns no

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If this action is Trading Networks does this...

information to the caller. If you do use that action, Trading
Networks returns the message you specify.
Service execution task: Invokes the service and uses
reliable execution to retry the service if it fails. Trading
Networks creates a service execution task to keep track of
its aempts to execute the service. If Trading Networks
retries the maximum number of times and the service is
still unsuccessful, it updates the task status to FAILED. The
processing and information returned to the caller are the
same as for Asynchronous.

Send an Sends the specified email to the specified person.

Alert Email

Change User Assigns the specified user status to the document. For an
Status example of using user status criteria during processing, see
"Example of User Status in Document Processing" on page

Deliver Delivers the document to the receiver that is identified in the

Document document using the delivery method you specified in the
By processing rule.

Respond Returns the specified message to the caller that sent the
with document to be processed.

7. If you extracted the ConversationID system aribute from the document, Trading
Networks passes the document to the Process Engine for processing by a business
process. If the Process Engine finds a running business process that uses the
document’s conversation ID, it passes the document to the running process. If
Process Engine does not find such a running business process, it searches for a
process model whose first step waits for the document and starts a new instance of
the process model. The Process Engine logs the status of business processes so you
can view and monitor their progress.

Error Logging
Document Recognition Errors
To determine the document type to use for an XML document, Trading Networks
looks at all enabled XML document types. To determine the document type to use
for a flat file document, Trading Networks looks at all enabled flat file document
types. Each document that passes through your system should match exactly one

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document type. If a document does not match any document type, or matches more
than one document type, Trading Networks considers it an unknown document type.
When Trading Networks encounters an unknown document type, it:
Cannot extract any aribute information from the document, since document
types identify the aribute information to extract.
Tries to process the document using a processing rule that acts on unknown
document types, if you define one.
For documents that match more than one document type, Trading Networks logs
a message that identifies those document types to the Trading Networksactivity
Trading Networks flags the following during document recognition:
A sender or receiver error if the external ID of the sender or receiver in the
document does not match the value of the external ID in any partner profile.
An aribute error if Trading Networks cannot extract an aribute that is marked
as required in the document type.
For an XML document, a sender or receiver error if the XQL query in the
document type cannot find the SenderID or ReceiverID system aribute in the
For an XML document, a general error if an XQL query in the document type
fails. For example, a general error occurs when the document is identified as an
XML document but contains invalid XML or is actually another format, such as
plain text or EDI.

Document Processing Errors

When a partner tries to send documents to a partner whose profile is disabled,
Trading Networks logs an error message to the activity log, sets the processing
status of the document to ABORTED, and sends an email message to the Trading
Networksadministrator. If the document was sent using HTTP, Trading Networks
also responds to the sender with an HTTP 403 message.
If Trading Networks encounters an error while performing a pre-processing action,
it records the information to its activity log and continues to perform the other pre-
processing actions. The same is true for processing actions.
If you used the Check for Duplicate Document pre-processing action, Trading
Networks might not be able to determine whether a document is unique if:
It could not match the document to a document type.
It previously received the same document but did not save it to the database.
It previously received the same document and saved it to the database, but:
The document type did not indicate to extract the DocumentID, SenderID,
and ReceiverID system aributes.

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For a flat file, the document gateway service did not place the DocumentID,
SenderID, and ReceiverID system aributes in the pipeline.
If you used the Deliver Document By processing action, Trading Networks might
require additional information from the receiving partner's profile before it can
deliver the document. For example, for immediately delivery methods, Trading
Networks must look in the profile for the host name and port for the receiving
partner’s system. If Trading Networks cannot determine the required delivery
information (for example, because the receiving partner’s profile is disabled), it logs
the error to the activity and queues the document for polling.
If a document was sent by one of your partners but Trading Networks cannot
determine the sender, Trading Networks considers the sender an unknown partner.
If you have a processing rule that processes documents that are sent by the partner,
Trading Networks will not select the rule. Trading Networks cannot determine the
sender in these cases:
The document type is unknown, so Trading Networks cannot extract any
document aributes, including the sender or receiver.
The document type does not indicate to extract the SenderID and ReceiverID
system aributes, so Trading Networks cannot determine the document sender
or receiver.
The value of the SenderID and ReceiverID system aributes do not match the
value of the external ID type of any partner defined in aTrading Networks
In an XML document type, the XQL query cannot find the SenderID and
ReceiverID system aributes in the document.


Managing, Authenticating, and Authorizing Trading Networks Users

Trading Networks manages Trading Networks users through webMethods central user
management, as follows:
When a My webMethods user who has Trading Networks administrator authority
wants to perform an action that requires execution of a service on Integration
Server. The user’s My webMethods credentials are used to authenticate the user and
authorize the request.
When a My webMethods user wants to view Trading Networks data or perform
Trading Networks actions, and Trading Networks services are invoked on
Integration Server. The user’s My webMethods credentials are used to authenticate
the user and authorize the request.

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When a Trading Networks partner sends a document to Trading Networks, and a

Trading Networks service is invoked. The partner can invoke the service using the
credentials of a My webMethods user account.
When Integration Server receives a user name and password to authenticate, it first
tries to authenticate the user using its own user account definitions. If the user is not
defined in Integration Server user accounts, Integration Server determines whether the
user account is defined in My webMethods central user management. If so, Integration
Server checks whether the user supplied valid My webMethods credentials. When you
use Trading Networks through My webMethods and other authentication methods such
as client-side certificate authentication and third-party tools, My webMethods Server
passes an authentication token to Integration Server.
To authorize a request, the Integration Server determines whether the user can access
the requested Integration Server service. Access to Integration Server services is
protected by Access Control Lists (ACLs). When using central user management, you
can add My webMethods groups and roles that relate to Trading Networks to the
Allowed list of ACLs.

Protecting Access to User Interfaces

To prevent unauthorized access to My webMethods, a user is authenticated with a user
name and password.
Trading Networks actions that you access from My webMethods are protected by role-
based access. That is, to view Trading Networks data (for example, information about a
delivery task) and to perform actions against that data (for example, restart a task), you
must be a member of a role to which that permission has been granted. There are two
aspects to role-based access:
Data permissions, which identify a data set of partner profiles, document types,
transactions, tasks, and activity log entries along with the actions a role can perform
against that Trading Networks data set. Using data-level security, you can grant
roles the permissions to perform such actions as viewing, editing, or creating
General functional permissions, which grant a role the permission to perform Trading
Networks actions against other Trading Networks data. Using general functional
permissions, you can grant roles the permissions to perform such tasks as managing
public queues or partner groups, or deleting partner profiles.

Protecting Partner Profile Passwords

All passwords contained in partner profiles are securely managed by the Integration
Server's Password Manager. When you create a partner profile, Trading Networks
creates a handle for the password and passes both the password and its handle to the
Password Manager. The Password Manager encrypts the password and stores the
password and its handle in the IS repository. The Trading Networks database stores
only the handle.

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When you need to display or update an existing profile, Trading Networks reads
the appropriate handle in its database and asks the Password Manager to return the
password. The Password Manager obtains the password from the Integration Server
repository, decrypts it, and returns it to Trading Networks. If the password is already
cached in the Trading Networks database, this process is not necessary.

Note: Passwords used in scheduled delivery queues (public and private) are stored
in the Trading Networks database in binary-encoded form (not in plain text).
Trading Networks cannot encrypt passwords used in scheduled delivery
queues; because trading partners are allowed to create custom scheduled
delivery services, Trading Networks cannot anticipate which user-defined
input variable might be a password.

Protecting Access to Trading Networks Processing

When trading partners want to connect to your Trading Networks system (for example,
to send a document for processing), access can be protected via a user account (user
name/password) or x.509v3 client certificates. A partner must have partner authority
to access your Trading Networks system to exchange documents. When you define
a profile for a partner, you can associate one or more My webMethods or Integration
Server user accounts with a profile. Your partner can use the user accounts to access
your system.
When your Trading Networks system needs to connect to a partner's system (for
example, to deliver a document), it can use a user account (user name/password) or
x.509v3 client certificates as credentials that the partner's system uses for authentication.
If your partner requires authentication using user name/password, your Trading
Networks system maintains the user name and password it needs to supply when
connecting to that partner in the partner's profile on your system. If a partner requires
authentication using client certificates, your Integration Server system maintains the
client certificate it needs to supply when connecting with that partner.
Trading Networks protects access to the wm.tn:receive service using an Integration Server
Access Control List (ACL). The protection ensures that only partners with Trading
Networks administrative authority or partner authority can invoke this service. To
invoke the wm.tn:receive service, the client must supply the user name and password of
a valid My webMethods or Integration Server user account. When using a user account
with Trading Networks administrative authority, Trading Networks always accepts
and processes the document. However, you will typically not grant your partners
administrative authority. Instead, they have user accounts that have Trading Networks
partner authority.
When you create a profile for a partner, you can associate a user account with the profile,
and therefore the partner. You can associate one or more My webMethods users with the
profile; Trading Networks automatically gives partner authority to the My webMethods
user. When using a user account with partner authority, Trading Networks makes sure
that the user that invokes the wm.tn:receive service matches the sender specified within the
document being sent. Trading Networks uses the sender identified within the document

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to look up the sender's profile and makes sure that the profile is associated with the My
webMethods or Integration Server user account that was used to send the document. If
the user account is not associated with the sender's profile, Trading Networks does not
process the document.

Certificates for Verifying, Signing, Encrypting, and Decrypting

Documents and Authenticating Connections
Trading Networks certificate sets consist of sign/verify, encrypt/decrypt, and Secure
Sockets Layer (SSL) authentication certificates. You can use a single set of certificates for
all partners, or you can use a unique set of certificates for each sender/receiver pair (or
selected pairs). For example, you can use one set of certificates for sending documents
from A to B, and a different set of certificates for sending documents from C to A.
When you define your profile and the profiles of your trading partners, you specify the
following kinds of certificates in the sender or receiver profiles:

Specify this In this profile... For this purpose...


Sign Sender’s When you sign a document to send to a partner,

profile Trading Networks looks at your profile to see if it
contains the specific private key to use to sign the

Verify Sender’s When a partner sends a document to you,

profile Trading Networks looks at the sender’s profile to
see if it contains the specific public certificate to
use to verify the document.

Encrypt Receiver’s When you encrypt a document to send to a

profile partner, Trading Networks looks at the receiver's
profile to see if it contains the specific public
certificate to use to encrypt the document.

Decrypt Receiver’s When a partner sends an encrypted document to

profile you, Trading Networks looks at your profile to
see if it contains the specific private key to use to
decrypt the document.

SSL Sender’s This certificate represents the partner’s

profile authentication credentials when making an SSL
connection with Integration Server.

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Certificates associated with partner profiles are stored in separate files in the Trading
Networks database. Certificates associated with Enterprise profiles are stored in keystore
files on Integration Server.
Keystores consist of one or more pairs of private keys and signed certificates for their
corresponding public keys. Each key pair is identified by a unique key alias. Keystores
are identified by a unique keystore alias.
You create and edit keystore aliases for certificates associated with Enterprise profiles
from the Security > Keystore panel in Integration Server Administrator. You create
key aliases to identify specific keys within a keystore using a third-party certificate
management tool.
For more information about keystores and certificates, see webMethods Integration Server
Administrator’s Guide.

Overlapping of Certificates
You can upload up to two active certificate sets each (referred to as the primary and
secondary certificate sets) for sign/verify, encrypt/decrypt, and SSL certificate types,
so that when one certificate set expires, Trading Networks can switch to the other one
without interrupting the processing of documents. The certificate set that you add first
is the primary certificate set. Trading Networks automatically switches from the primary
certificate set to the secondary one when any of the following occurs:
The primary certificate has expired and the secondary certificate has not expired.
The receiver's sign/verify or SSL primary certificate set does not match the sender's
sign/verify or SSL certificate set.
Trading Networks does not switch encryption/decryption certificates at the
receiver’s end. The receiver of the document must write a flow service that
first obtains the certificate ID of the appropriate decrypt certificate, using the
wm.tn.security:getAllCertificateData service, and then set that certificate as the primary one
for that partner, using the wm.tn.security:setPrimaryCertificate service. Doing so ensures
that the correct decryption certificate is retrieved for future transactions with that
The following diagrams illustrate the sign/verify, encryption/decryption, and SSL

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Step Description

1 The trading partner sends a document signed with certificate C1 to the


2 Trading Networks on the enterprise side retrieves the certificate C1 for the
trading partner from Trading Networks.

3 Trading Networks on the enterprise side verifies the document with C1.
Verification is successful.

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Step Description

1 The trading partner sends a document signed with C2 certificate to the


2 Trading Networks on the enterprise side switches the primary certificate

to C2 and retrieves the certificate C2 because certificate C1 has expired.

3 Trading Networkson the enterprise side verifies the document with C2.
Verification is successful.

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Step Description

1 The trading partner sends a document signed with certificate C2 to the


2 Trading Networks on the enterprise side retrieves the certificate C1 for

the trading partner from Trading Networks and verifies the document
with certificate C1. Verification fails as the document is signed with the
certificate C2.

3 Trading Networks on the enterprise side retrieves the certificate C2 and

verifies the document with C2. Verification is successful.

4 Trading Networks on the enterprise side sets the certificate C2 as the

primary certificate for the trading partner.

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Step Description

1 The encryption module on the trading partner requests the encryption

certificate and gets the primary certificate C1.

2 The encryption module on the trading partner encrypts the document

with the certificate C1 and sends the document to the enterprise.

3 The decryption module on the enterprise side requests Trading Networks

for the decryption certificate and gets the certificate C1.

4 The decryption module on the enterprise side decrypts the document

using certificate C1. Decryption is successful.

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Step Description

1 The encryption module on the trading partner requests the encryption

certificate and gets the certificate C2 because C1 has expired.

2 The encryption module on the trading partner encrypts the document

with the certificate C2 and sends the document to the enterprise.

3 The decryption module on the enterprise side requests Trading Networks

for the decryption certificate.

4 Trading Networks on the enterprise side switches the primary certificate

to C2 because certificate C1 has expired, and returns C2.

5 The decryption module on the enterprise decrypts the document using

certificate C2. Decryption is successful.

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Step Description

1 The encryption module on the trading partner requests the encryption

certificate and gets the certificate C2.

2 The encryption module on the trading partner encrypts the document

with the certificate C2 and sends the document to the enterprise.

3 The decryption module on the enterprise side requests Trading Networks

for the decryption certificate and gets the certificate C1.

4 The decryption module on the enterprise side decrypts the document

using certificate C1. Decryption fails.

5 The decryption module requests for the secondary certificate C2 using the
wm.tn.security:getAllCertificateData service.

6 The decryption module decrypts the document with certificate C2.

Decryption is successful.

7 The decryption module calls the Trading NetworkssetPrimaryCertificate

service to switch the primary certificate to C2.

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Step Description

1 The enterprise sends a document to the trading partner over HTTPS using
the private key from certificate C1.

2 The trading partner's server authenticates the document using the SSL
certificate C1 configured on the server. Authentication is successful and
the transaction is complete.

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Step Description

1 The enterprise sends a secure document to the trading partner over

HTTPS using the private key from certificate C1.

2 The trading partner's server authenticates the document using the SSL
certificate C2 configured on the server. Authentication fails.

3 The trading partner's server sends an error message to the enterprise.

4 The enterprise switches the SSL certificate to C2 and resends the

document to the trading partner over HTTPS.

5 The server on the trading partner authenticates the document using the
SSL certificate C2 configured on the server. Authentication is successful.
The transaction is complete.

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Verifying Digital Signatures

Trading Networks supports x.509v3 certificates for verifying the digital signature of
documents sent by a partner. Trading Networks verifies the digital signature to make
sure the documents have arrived unchanged and the sender is who it claims to be. To
verify the digital signature, you do the following:
Save the partner’s Verify certificate in the partner’s profile. Trading Networks must
have access to the partner’s certificates. When you add a Verify certificate, Trading
Networks stores the certificate in its database.

Note: If you include the private key in the certificate information, Trading
Networks can also use this information to digitally sign documents
on behalf of the partner. You might have the private key if the profile
describes an internal group (for example, a department within your

For XML documents, set up the document type to extract the SignedBody and
Signature system aributes. The SignedBody aribute identifies the portion of the
document that was digitally signed. The Signature aribute identifies the portion
of the document that contains the digital signature. The signature must be a base64
encoded PKCS#7 detached digital signature and can contain information for one or
more signers.
Specify the Verify Digital Signature pre-processing action in the document type or
processing rule.
When a partner sends a document to you, Trading Networks looks at the partner’s
profile to see if it contains the specific public certificate to use to verify the document. If
Trading Networks finds a set of certificates to use for that specific receiver, it uses the
appropriate certificate in that set. If Trading Networks does not find a set of certificates
to use for that specific receiver, it uses the default set of certificates specified in the
partner’s profile.
To verify that the document arrived unchanged from the partner to you, Trading
Networks invokes the Integration Serverpub.security.pkcs7:verify built-in service. Trading
Networks passes this service the value of the SignedBody and Signature system
aributes that it extracted from the document.
Trading Networks can only verify information on itself because it does not have the
certification/verification for the partner. Trading Networks makes sure that the CA that
signed the certificate is included in the list of trusted CA certificates that the Integration
Server maintains.
To ensure that the signed body has not changed, Trading Networks verifies the digital
signature, which is the value of the Signature system aribute. To verify that the
sender is who it claims to be, Trading Networks matches the certificate from the digital
signature to the Verify certificate that Trading Networks has on file for the partner.

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Digitally Signing Documents

Trading Networks supports x.509v3 certificates for digitally signing documents that
you, the owner of the certificates, want to send to trading partners. To digitally sign a
document, you invoke the wm.tn.doc:sign built-in service.
When you invoke this service, Trading Networks locates the sender and receiver to
retrieve the correct signed certificate from the Trading Networks database. The owner
of the certificate is the sender, and the receiver is the trading partner. You can set up
Trading Networks to use different certificates for different partners.
You can also specify a default Sign certificate by providing the certificate information in
the owner’s profile. If a default Sign certificate is defined, then Trading Networks uses
this default Sign certificate when a partner-specific Sign certificate is not available.
When you sign a document to send to a partner, Trading Networks looks at your profile
to see if it contains the specific private key to use to sign the document. If Trading
Networks finds a set of certificates to use for that specific receiver, it uses the appropriate
certificate in that set. If Trading Networks does not find a set of certificates to use for that
specific receiver, it uses the default set of certificates specified in your profile.

Encrypting and Decrypting Data

Trading Networks maintains x.509v3 certificates to use for encrypting documents
that are being sent to partners and decrypting encrypted documents received from
partners. Trading Networks cannot encrypt outgoing documents and decrypt inbound
documents. The certificate information that Trading Networks maintains is for other
webMethods components, such as webMethods RoseaNet Module, that take advantage
of this feature.
If you are using another webMethods product that requires Encrypt certificates, save
a partner’s Encrypt certificate in the partner’s profile. You can also add your own
functionality that takes advantage of this certificate information. You can obtain the
certification information by using built-in services.

Note: Trading Networks does not check to see if the CA that signed the Encrypt
certificate is in the list of trusted CAs that the Integration Server maintains.
If you include the private key in this certificate information, this certificate
information can also be used to decrypt documents that were encrypted
with the partner’s public key. You might have the private key if the
profile describes an internal group, for example a department within your

When you encrypt a document to send to a partner, Trading Networks looks at the
partner’s profile to see if it contains the specific public certificate to use to encrypt the
document. If Trading Networks finds a set of certificates to use for that specific receiver,
it uses the appropriate certificate in that set. If Trading Networks does not find a set of
certificates to use for that specific receiver, it uses the default set of certificates specified
in the partner’s profile.

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If you are using another webMethods product that requires Decrypt certificates, save
your Decrypt certificate in the owner’s profile. Because you can store Decrypt certificates
in the owner’s profile, you can set up alternate Decrypt certificates for different partners.
You can also specify a default Decrypt certificate by providing the certificate information
in the owner’s profile. If a default Decrypt certificate is defined, then Trading Networks
will use this default Decrypt certificate when a partner-specific Decrypt certificate is not

Note: Trading Networks does not check to see if the CA that signed the Decrypt
certificate is in the list of trusted CAs that the Integration Server maintains.

When a partner sends an encrypted document to you, Trading Networks looks at your
profile to see if it contains the specific private key to use to decrypt the document. If
Trading Networks finds a set of certificates to use for that specific receiver, it uses the
appropriate private key in that set. If Trading Networks does not find a set of certificates
to use for that specific receiver, it uses the default set of private keys defined in the
Default profile for partners.

Communicating Securely Using SSL

Because Trading Networks runs in Integration Server, it takes advantage of Integration
Server features, such as its support of SSL for secure communications. To enable Trading
Networks to act as an SSL client connecting to a remote secure server, you specify an SSL
client certificate in your Enterprise profile or your partner’s profile.
When using SSL connections that require client-side authentication, Trading Networks
looks at the sender’s profile to see whether it contains the specific private key to use to
connect to the receiver (the remote secure server).

If Trading Networks... Trading Networks uses...

Finds a set of certificates to use The private key from that certificate set.
for that specific receiver

Does not find a set of The default private key specified in the
certificates to use for that sender’s profile.
specific receiver

Does not find a default private The default certificates specified in the
key specified in the sender’s Integration Server.

Run-Time Event Notifications

Run-time events occur on a continuous basis as Trading Networks processes a document
or performs a post-processing task. Trading Networks supports run-time event

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notification through Software AG NERV (Network for Event Routing and Variation).
NERV is the framework for routing and transformation of events within an event-
enabled environment.
Trading Networks publishes two types of run-time events:
Transaction events. Occur when Trading Networks processes a document.
Task events. Occur when Trading Networks performs a post-processing task on a
document (for example, send document).
To enable Trading Networks to publish run-time events, be sure to:
Install and configure Software AG NERV. For more information about configuring
NERV, see Implementing Event-Driven Architecture with Software AG Products.
Enable the event groups by seing the event properties for the corresponding event
groups to true. For more information on event groups and event properties, see
"Event Groups" on page 254.
Software AG Intelligent Business Operations (IBO) platform-based applications can use
these run-time events to generate static or real-time reports.

A cache is a small fast memory holding recently accessed data, designed to speed up
subsequent access to the same data.
Ehcache is a standards-based caching API that enables applications to fetch frequently
used data from an in-memory cache rather than having to retrieve it from a database or
other back-end system.
Trading Networks uses the caching capabilities of Ehcache to provide:
Asset caching.Trading Networks uses Ehcache to cache assets. While the assets are in
cache, Trading Networks can quickly retrieve them for similar requests, rather than
geing the details from Trading Networks database. For more information about
asset caching, see "Asset Caching" on page 232.
Query results caching.Trading Networks uses Ehcache to store the results of a database
query. It stores the number of rows you specify in a session object on the host
Integration Server and stores the remaining rows in Ehcache. For more information
about query results caching, see "Query Results Caching" on page 232.
For an introduction to Ehcache and information for sizing Trading Networks system
caches, see Geing Started with the webMethods Product Suite and Terracoa.

Dashboards and Charts

Trading Networks provides a set of dashboards and charts that give you a graphical
view of partners and their transactions on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis. You can

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Understanding webMethods Trading Networks

view the transaction volume summary, the transaction volume and total value trend for
an aribute, successful and failed transactions, late FA count by partners and so on.
For more information on dashboards and charts, see "Working with Dashboards and
Charts" on page 257.

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Getting Started

2   Getting Started
■ Starting the Host Integration Server ............................................................................................ 60
■ Shutting Down Integration Server ................................................................................................ 60
■ Planning Your Trading Network ................................................................................................... 61
■ Creating Services and Viewing Specifications ............................................................................. 62
■ Additional Documentation ............................................................................................................ 62
■ Sending Documents to Trading Networks ................................................................................... 62

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Getting Started

Starting the Host Integration Server

Starting Integration Server on Microsoft Windows

To start Integration Server on Microsoft Windows
1. On the Windows Start menu, select Programs > webMethods > Servers > webMethods
Integration Server.
2. Make sure the Integration Server package WmPublic is enabled. For instructions, see
webMethods Integration Server Administrator’s Guide .

Starting Integration Server on UNIX

To start Integration Server on UNIX
1. Log in as a non-root user.

Important: Running the startup script as root might reduce the security of your

2. Execute the server.sh script. The script is located in the Integration Server_directory /
instances/instance_name /bin directory.
3. Make sure the Integration Server package WmPublic is enabled. For instructions, see
webMethods Integration Server Administrator’s Guide .

Starting Integration Server from the Command Line

If you start Integration Server from the command line, you can override certain
configuration seings, such as where to write the log file for the session. It also
lets you start Integration Server in “debug” mode, so you can record or display
Integration Server activity. For complete information, see webMethods Integration Server
Administrator’s Guide.
After you start the Integration Server, make sure the Integration Server package
WmPublic is enabled. For instructions, see webMethods Integration Server Administrator’s

Shutting Down Integration Server

When you shut down the host Integration Server, Trading Networks automatically
closes its session on Integration Server.

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Getting Started

To shut down Integration Server

1. Open Integration Server Administrator by opening an Internet browser and pointing
it to the Integration Server host and port.
For example, if Integration Server were running on port 4040 on a machine called
QUICKSILVER, you would type http://QUICKSILVER:4040.
2. In the upper right corner of any Integration Server Administrator screen, click
Shutdown and Restart.
3. Choose whether to shut down immediately (thus ending all active sessions
immediately), to wait number minutes, or to wait until all active client sessions are
complete. For instructions on how to view active sessions, see webMethods Integration
Server Administrator’s Guide .
4. Click Shutdown.

Planning Your Trading Network

This chapter describes the tasks to plan for and to set up your trading network. The
general order of tasks is:
1. Identify the types of documents Trading Networks handles.
2. Define any custom document aributes you require.
3. Define the document types for the documents Trading Networks handles.
4. If desired, define processing rules to process the documents.
5. If desired, define business processes to process the documents.
6. Define how to deliver documents to partners.
7. Create the Enterprise profile for your corporation and a partner profile for each of
your trading partners. Review the standard profile fields and define any extended
profile fields that you require.
You might want to perform tasks 1 through 6 in a development environment. You can
use the development environment to test whether documents are processing as you
intended. After you ensure that your trading network is defined properly, you can
export your Trading Networks assets to a production environment.
You can then create your profile and the partner profiles in your production
You can BAM-enable Trading Networks using webMethods Optimize for B2B; that is,
you can analyze and monitor Trading Networks transactions for business purposes. For
instructions, see webMethods Optimize for B2B User’s Guide.

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Getting Started

Creating Services and Viewing Specifications

You can use Software AG Designer or your own Java development environment to
create services. If you use your own Java development environment, you must use a
jcode utility to put the Java code into the Integration Server namespace; that is, to place
it in a package and folder. The jcode utility is provided. For instructions on creating
services and using the jcode utility, see webMethods Service Development Help.
Do not save your services in the WmTN package or in any other webMethods package
that contains webMethods software. If you do, when you upgrade the webMethods
software, your service will be lost.
To view specifications for Trading Networks built-in services, open Software AG
Designer and look in the WmTN package. For complete information about the
specifications, see webMethods Trading Networks Built-In Services Reference.

Additional Documentation
For information about... See...

Trading Networks built- webMethods Trading Networks Built-In Services

in services and service Reference

IS document types that relate webMethods Trading Networks Built-In Services

to business documents, Reference
document types, and
document aributes,
including the BizDocEnvelope

Creating services and IS webMethods Service Development Help

document types

Integration Server built-in webMethods Integration Server Built-In Services

services Reference

Sending Documents to Trading Networks

Documents can be sent to Trading Networks as follows:
A trading partner that does not have its own Trading Networks can send a
document to your Trading Networks.

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Getting Started

A trading partner's Trading Networks can deliver a document to your Trading

Networks, or vice versa.
Your Trading Networks can process a document and then return the document to
your system for additional processing.

Sending Documents to Your Trading Networks from Another System

If a trading partner does not have its own Trading Networks, the partner must use an
application that communicates with the host Integration Server to send documents to
Trading Networks. This application is called an IS client. Clients can be Java, C/C++, or
browser based.
If sending an XML document, the client must invoke the wm.tn:receive service. If sending a
flat file document, the client must invoke a document gateway service, and the gateway
service must invoke the wm.tn:receive service.
Clients can send documents to Trading Networks service using the methods below.

Method Client

Post an XML or flat file document to the Integration Server Any type except
via HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, FTPS, or SMTP. browser based

Submit an XML document in the $xmldata variable. Any type

Send an XML or flat file document by invoking a Web service Any type
you publish.

You can create a Web service using any Integration Server service. The service you use to
create the Web service must internally invoke the wm.tn:receive service.

For instructions on... See...

Creating and publishing Web services Web Services Developer’s Guide

Creating clients webMethods Service Development Help

Passing XML data to services webMethods Service Development Help

Security for this type of document "Protecting Access to Trading Networks

exchange Processing" on page 42

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Getting Started

Sending Documents from One Trading Networks to Another

A trading partner can have its Trading Networks process a document and then use a
processing rule to send the document to your Trading Networks. In this situation, the
partner's Trading Networks acts as a client to your Trading Networks. Conversely, you
can have your Trading Networks process a document and then use a processing rule
to send the document to a partner's system. In this situation, your Trading Networks
becomes the client to your partner's Trading Networks.
To send a document from one Trading Networks to another, you use a processing rule
action, as follows:

Processing Description

Execute a Invokes a service that forwards the document to the target

Service Trading Networks. For an XML document, the service must
invoke the wm.tn:receive service. For a flat file document, the
service must invoke a document gateway service, and the
gateway service must invoke the wm.tn:receive service.

Deliver Delivers the document to the partner identified as the receiver in

Document the document using the specified delivery method.

Sending a Document Back to Your Trading Networks

You can have your Trading Networks process a document and then send the document
back to itself for additional processing. For example, a partner sends a document to your
Trading Networks in cXML format. The receiving partner needs the document in CBL
format. Your Trading Networks performs processing that converts the cXML document
to CBL format. Your Trading Networks then sends the CBL document back to itself so
the CBL document’s processing rule can deliver the document to the receiving partner.
To return an XML document to the same Trading Networks, use the wm.tn.doc.xml:routeXml
service rather than the wm.tn:receive service. For a flat file document, use the
wm.tn.doc.ff:routeFlatFile service rather than the document gateway service.

Note: Trading Networks does not check the identity of the sender in this
case against the IS user account that invokes the wm.tn.doc.xml:routeXml or
wm.tn.doc.ff:routeFlatFile service. That is, Trading Networks does not verify that
the user invoking these services has Trading Networks partner authority or
that the sender identified in the document is associated with the partner that
sent the document.

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Configuring Trading Networks

3   Configuring Trading Networks

■ Overview ....................................................................................................................................... 66
■ Configuring Database Settings .................................................................................................... 66
■ Configuring Trading Networks for a Clustered Environment ........................................................ 68
■ Configuring E-mail Settings for Document Delivery ..................................................................... 70
■ Configuring Task Settings ............................................................................................................ 70
■ Configuring Trading Networks to Work with My webMethods ..................................................... 71
■ Configuring Resubmission and Reprocessing Settings ............................................................... 73

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Configuring Trading Networks

To see a list of the Trading Networks configuration properties and a description of each,
see "Configuration Properties" on page 265.

Configuring Database Settings

When you install Trading Networks, you specify these database connection parameters:
Type of database (for example, Oracle), and URL that specifies the location of the

Note: To get optimal performance from Trading Networks, you need

to add the WireProtocolMode=1 parameter to the JDBC URL
when Oracle is the database. Sample URL: jdbc:wm:oracle://

If required, user name and password for Trading Networks to connect to the
Any additional database properties for Trading Networks to supply when
connecting to its database.
You can change these database connection parameters or others, such as minimum and
maximum connections. For instructions, see Installing webMethods and Intelligent Business
Operations Products.

Configuring a High Availability Environment

To meet your high availability requirements, you may need multiple instances of
Trading Networks.
Clustered Trading Networks instances must share a single Trading Networks database.
When a Trading Networks database is shared:
All configuration data and run-time data (for example, documents received from
partners, or the activity log) is shared among all Trading Networks instances in the
Changes you make to Trading Networks objects (for example, profiles, custom
document aributes, document types, and processing rules), are automatically
shared among all Trading Networks instances in the cluster.
If you modify Trading Networks properties in My webMethods or by invoking
the wm.tn.admin:setProperties service, the changes are automatically replicated
to all instances of Trading Networks in the cluster. If you want to modify
Trading Networks properties by directly editing the properties.cnf file, you must
manually make the changes to the properties.cnf file for each Trading Networks

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Configuring Trading Networks

instance. The properties.cnf file is in the Integration Server_directory\instances

\instance_name \packages\WmTN\config directory.
Multiple Trading Networks clusters can share a single Trading Networks database.
Clustered Trading Networks instances can also share a single database. Non-clustered
Trading Networks instances cannot share a single Trading Networks database. You
need to create a Trading Networks database for each non-clustered Trading Networks
instance. When a Trading Networks database is not shared:
Changes you make to Trading Networks assets or properties are not shared among
Trading Networks instances. If you want to keep the instances in sync, you must
make the changes to each instance.
Trading Networks instances do not share run-time data.
You cannot relate documents sent to and processed by one Trading Networks
instance to documents sent by and processed by other instances. For example, an
Acknowledgement document that is sent to instance 1 cannot be related to the
Confirmation document if the Confirmation document is sent to instance 2.

Configuring a Cluster to Share a Database

To configure a cluster to share a database
1. Set the tn.cluster.sync.remoteAliases property for each Trading Networks instance in
the cluster.
2. Make sure the system properties in the Integration Server_directory \instances
\instance_name \config\server.cnf file for all Integration Server instances in the
cluster are identical.
3. Make sure the services you need Trading Networks to execute (for example, for
delivery services or services invoked from processing rules) is available on all
Integration Servers in the cluster.

Configuring Multiple Clusters Instances to Share a Database

To configure multiple clusters instances to share a database
1. Set the tn.cluster.sync.remoteAliases property for each Trading Networks instance
that will share the database.
2. Define a remote alias for each Trading Networks instance that will share the
database. For instructions, see webMethods Integration Server Administrator’s Guide .
3. Make sure the system properties in the Integration Server_directory \instances
\instance_name \config\server.cnf file for all Integration Server instances in the
cluster are identical.
4. Make sure the services you need Trading Networks to execute (for example, delivery
services or services invoked from processing rules) is available on all Integration

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Configuring Trading Networks

Note: You can use a load balancer to “cluster” Trading Networks instances if
your application code is stateless and you are not using stateful processes
(for example, long-running conversations).

Configure a Non-Clustered Instance to Each Have Its Own Database

To configure a non-clustered instance to have its own database
1. If you want each Trading Networks instance to have identical versions of Trading
Networks objects, use the Trading Networks import/export feature to copy the
data from one instance to another. For instructions, see " Migrating Assets" on page
2. If you want all Trading Networks instances to have identical configurations, make
sure that:
All Trading Networks properties in the Integration Server_directory\instances
\instance_name \packages\WmTN\config\properties.cnf file are identical.
You can view and set these properties from the Administration > Integration > B2B
Settings > Configure Properties page of My webMethods.
All system properties in the Integration Server_directory\instances
\instance_name \config\server.cnf files are identical.
3. If you want all Trading Networks instances to be able to handle all inbound
documents, make sure the services you need Trading Networks to execute (for
example, delivery services or services invoked from processing rules) is available on
all Integration Servers.

Configuring Trading Networks for a Clustered Environment

When you cluster Trading Networks instances, you can configure the instances so that
data cached in memory, user accounts, and properties are synchronized on all instances
in the cluster. However, the Integration Servers that host the Trading Networks
instances need not be in cluster. For more information on clustering Integration Servers,
refer webMethods Integration Server Clustering Guide.
Use the following procedure to configure Trading Networks for a clustered

Important: When you save the properties you edit in this procedure, Trading
Networks will update all properties, including those that you did not
edit. In a clustered environment, this will cause Trading Networks to
synchronize all properties. If you want the Trading Networks instances
in the cluster to maintain different values for some properties, set the
tn.cluster.notifyPropertyChange property to false, and maintain the
properties for each server individually.

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Configuring Trading Networks

To configure Trading Networks for a clustered environment

1. On each Integration Server in the cluster, create a remote server alias for the other
Integration Servers in the cluster. For instructions, see webMethods Integration Server
Administrator’s Guide .

Important: If you have already created a remote server alias so the Integration
Server is part of a cluster without Trading Networks, you must create an
additional remote server alias for the Integration Server that is specifically
for the Trading Networks cluster.

2. To update the Trading Networks properties.cnf file for each Trading Networks
instance in the cluster, do the following:
a. In My webMethods: Administration > Integration > B2B Settings > Configure Properties.
b. Add or edit these properties:

Property Setting

tn.cluster.sync.remoteAliases Remote server aliases you created in step 1.

tn.query.threshold Number of rows of query results for

Trading Networks to store in the session
object. When clustered, Trading Networks
should not store query results in the session
object; set this property to “-1”. for example:

c. Set these properties to true:

Set this property to true... To notify all servers in the cluster about...

tn.cluster.notifyCacheChange Change to data cached in memory.

tn.cluster.notifyProfileAddUser New user accounts.

tn.cluster.notifyPropertyChange Change to Trading Networks properties.

d. Click Save.
3. Trading Networks data cached in memory, user accounts, and properties are
automatically synchronized on all Integration Servers in the cluster. To turn one of
these synchronizations off for a Trading Networks instance, modify the appropriate
property in the Trading Networks properties.cnf file. For example, if you want to
manually control user account creation, turn off the tn.cluster.notifyProfileAddUser

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Configuring Trading Networks

Configuring E-mail Settings for Document Delivery

You can configure the From e-mail address to use when you deliver documents using an
E-mail immediate delivery method.

To configure e-mail settings for document delivery

1. In My webMethods: Administration > Integration > B2B Settings > Configure Properties.
2. Add or edit the tn.mail.from property to the From e-mail address to use.
For example, to use the From e-mail address TNAdmin@ifc.com, specify

3. Add or edit the tn.mail.subject property to the subject line to use. For example, to use
the subject line “Document from IFC.” specify tn.mail.subject=Document from

4. Click Save.

Configuring Task Settings

Configure the seings for the delivery tasks used with the Deliver Document By
processing action and the reliable execution tasks used with the Execute a Service
processing action.

To configure task settings

1. In My webMethods: Administration > Integration > B2B Settings > Configure Properties.
2. The reliable task manager thread becomes idle when all tasks have completed or
failed or are in the wait period between aempts. Add or edit the tn.task.sweepTime
property to specify the number of seconds the thread should remain idle before
checking for delivery or service execution tasks that failed on their last aempt and
that have not yet reached their retry limit.

Note: The thread wakes up immediately when a new task arrives.

Typically, the wait between retries value is governed by the following:

Type of task Wait between retries governed by…

Delivery The Wait between retries value in the receiving partner's profile.

Service The tn.task.w property.


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Configuring Trading Networks

However, Trading Networks could wait as long as the tn.task.sweepTime. If the

task manager thread is idle when the wait between retries expires, the task manager
thread will not wake up to process the task until the tn.task.sweepTime expires.
3. Add or edit the properties below to configure the number of times Trading
Networks is to try to execute services that use reliable execution and how long
Trading Networks is to wait between aempts to re-execute a service that failed.

Property Setting

tn.task.maxRetries Number of times to try to re-execute a service. Specify

an integer.

tn.task.w Number of milliseconds to wait before making the first

aempt to re-execute a service that has failed.

tn.task.retryFactor Factor to use to determine how long to wait before

making subsequent aempts to re-execute the service.
Trading Networks calculates the time to wait by
multiplying the last wait time by this factor. Specify a
whole number greater than zero.

4. By default, Trading Networks uses the Administrator user account to invoke

services. Add or edit the tn.transport.user property to indicate the user account to
use when invoking the service.
5. If you want to be notified when a task fails, add or set the tn.task.notifyFailure
property to true. Trading Networks will publish an IS document with the format
defined by the wm.tn.rec:TaskFailure IS document type.

Note: You can create an Integration Server trigger that subscribes to documents
of this IS document type. For instructions, see the Publish-Subscribe
Developer’s Guide.

Configuring Trading Networks to Work with My webMethods

To use the My webMethods interface, you use the central user management feature.
Central user management allows Integration Server to use the credentials of a My
webMethods user account to authenticate users and to determine whether users are
authorized for an action.

Configuring Integration Server to Use Central User Management

Configure Integration Server to use central user management. For instructions, see
webMethods Integration Server Administrator’s Guide.

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Configuring Trading Networks

Specifying the SAML Resolver Location

For Integration Server to accept an authentication token from My webMethods Server,
you must indicate the location of the SAML resolver in My webMethods Server. By
default, Integration Server uses http://localhost:8585/services/SAML as the SAML

To specify the SAML resolver location

1. In Integration Server Administrator, go to Settings > Resources.
2. Under Single Sign On withMy webMethods Server, set the value of MWS SAML Resolver
URL in this format:
http://mws_host_name_or_IP_address :mws_port /services/SAML

The value you provide in the MWS SAML Resolver URL field is assigned to the
watt.server.auth.samlResolver wa property.

3. Repeat these steps for every Integration Server instance that will communicate with
My webMethods Server.

Connecting Trading Networks Servers to My webMethods Server

You can connect one My webMethods Server to multiple Trading Networks Server
instances. You can connect Trading Networks Server instances to a cluster of My
webMethods Server instances.
My webMethods users with access to multiple Trading Networks Server instances can
select the instance on which to act.

Note: For every user that logs on to My webMethods Server, My webMethods

Server creates a session that expires only after the user logs off. If a user logs
on with the user credentials of another user who has already logged on, and
makes changes to the Trading Networks Server configuration, those changes
do not affect the other user until the session expires. If the user deletes a
Trading Networks Server that the other user is connecting to, then the other
user is not affected by the changes until the user logs out and logs in again.

To connect a Trading Networks Server to My webMethods Server

1. In My webMethods: Administration >My webMethods> System Settings > TN Servers.
2. Click Add TN Configuration.
3. Fill in these fields:

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Configuring Trading Networks

Field Specify

TN Config Name Name of the Trading Networks Server instance to

connect to.

TN Host Host name or IP address of the Integration Server that

hosts the Trading Networks Server instance.

TN Port Port number for the Trading Networks Server instance.

Use Secure Connection Whether to secure communication between My

webMethods and the Trading Networks Server

Configuring the Timeout for Trading Networks Web Services

When a My webMethods user issues a request that requires access to Trading Networks
data, My webMethods Server executes a Trading Networks Web service on the
Integration Server to perform the requested action. You configure how long My
webMethods Server waits for a response from the service before timing out the
requested action.

To configure the timeout

1. In My webMethods: Monitoring > Integration > B2B > User Preferences.
2. In the Web Service Timeout field in the General panel, specify the number of seconds to
wait for a response.

Configuring Resubmission and Reprocessing Settings

You can configure limits for resubmiing and reprocessing documents.

To configure resubmission and reprocessing settings

1. In My webMethods: Administration >My webMethods> System Settings > TN Servers.
2. In the General panel, fill in these fields:

Field Specify

Edit for Resubmit Maximum size in kilobytes of documents that My

Maximum Size webMethods users can edit and resubmit. The default
is 32 kilobytes.

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Configuring Trading Networks

Field Specify

Reprocessing/ Maximum number of documents that My webMethods

Resubmission Limit users can resubmit or reprocess at one time. The
default is 50 documents.

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Granting Access to Trading Networks

4   Granting Access to Trading Networks

■ Overview ....................................................................................................................................... 76
■ Defining Roles .............................................................................................................................. 76
■ Adding My webMethods Users to the TN Administrators Role .................................................... 77
■ Granting Users Authority to Connect Trading Networks Server Instances to My
webMethods ........................................................................................................................................ 77
■ Granting Users Access to Trading Networks Server Instances ................................................... 78
■ Granting Users Authority to Execute Trading Networks Services ................................................ 78
■ Granting Users General Functional Permissions ......................................................................... 78
■ Granting Users Data Permissions ............................................................................................... 80

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Granting Access to Trading Networks

You grant access to Trading Networks functionality and data in My webMethods based
on the role membership of My webMethods users. By default, My webMethods users
have no access to Trading Networks data. To grant access, you create My webMethods
user accounts for Trading Networks users, define roles, make users member of those
roles, and then grant permissions to roles.
The My webMethods roles that relate to Trading Networks are as follows:

Role Description

TN These users can view all Trading Networks data and perform all
Administrators Trading Networks actions. You manually add My webMethods
users to this role.

TN MWS Trading Networks automatically adds My webMethods users

Users who have general functional permissions or data permissions to
this role.

TN Partners Trading Networks automatically adds My webMethods users

who are associated with partner profiles to this role.

TN Trading Networks automatically adds My webMethods users

Onboarding who receive the questionnaire as a part of the onboarding
Users process to this role.

When you first start Integration Server and Trading Networks Server after configuring
central user management, Trading Networks automatically adds the My webMethods
TN Administrators, TN MWS Users, and TN Partners roles to the Allowed list of the
TNAdministrators, TNMWSUsers, and TNPartners ACLs, respectively.

Note: If you later want to force Trading Networks to add the roles to the ACLs
again, remove the wa.WmTN.mwsMap property from the Integration Server
server.cnf file and restart Trading Networks.

Defining Roles
Create My webMethods user accounts for Trading Networks users. Define the roles to
which to grant Trading Networks access and add My webMethods users to the roles. For
instructions, see Administering My webMethods Server.

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Granting Access to Trading Networks

Adding My webMethods Users to the TN Administrators Role

To grant a My webMethods user administrator authority to Trading Networks, you add
the user to the TN Administrators role. You can do either of the following:
Add a group or role to which the user belongs to the TN Administrator role. For
instructions, see Administering My webMethods Server.
Add the user to the TN Administrators role. For instructions, see the procedure

To add a user to the TN Administrator role

1. In My webMethods: Administration > System-Wide > User Management > Roles.
2. On the Roles page, click Edit in the row for the TN Administrators role.
3. Click the Members tab.
4. Click Edit Members.
5. Use the SELECT PRINCIPAL(S) dialog to add the My webMethods user to the role.
For help with this step, see information about editing the membership of a static role
in Administering My webMethods Server .
6. Click Apply and then click Save.

Granting Users Authority to Connect Trading Networks

Server Instances to My webMethods
To grant a user authority to connect Trading Networks Server instances to My
webMethods Server, you grant access to the Administration >My webMethods> System
Settings > TN Servers page.

To grant a user authority to connect Trading Networks Server instances to My webMethods

1. In My webMethods:Administration > System-Wide > Permissions Management.
2. In the Advanced tab on the Search panel, click webMethodsApplications in the Resource
Type list and click Search.
3. Move webMethodsApplications from the Found list to the Selected list and click Next.
4. On the Edit Permissions panel, click Add Users/Groups/Roles, search for the users,
groups, or roles you want, move the ones to which to grant permission to the
Selected list, and then click Add.
5. Click the Grant check box for the Administration >My webMethods> System Settings > TN
Servers, and then click OK.

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Granting Access to Trading Networks

Granting Users Access to Trading Networks Server Instances

You can grant a user access to one or more Trading Networks Server instances.

To grant a user access to a Trading Networks Server instance

1. In My webMethods: Administration >My webMethods> System Settings > TN Servers.
2. Click the Permissions icon for a Trading Networks Server instance to which to grant
3. In the Select Roles dialog box, type a string that exists in the names of the roles you
want and then click Search.
4. Move the roles to which to grant access from the Available list to the Selected list.
5. Click Apply and then click Save.

Granting Users Authority to Execute Trading Networks

When a My webMethods user issues a request that requires access to Trading
Networks data, My webMethods Server executes a Trading Networks service on the
Integration Server to perform the requested action, and then displays the results in My
webMethods. To execute the service, My webMethods Server uses the credentials of
the logged-in My webMethods user. The My webMethods user must therefore have
authority in Integration Server to execute the service.
In Integration Server, Trading Networks services are protected by the TNMWSUsers
ACL. For My webMethods users to execute the services, the My webMethods TN
MWS Users role must be in the Allowed list of the TNMWSUsers ACL, and is by
default. However, you must still grant the user's role the appropriate general functional
permissions and data permissions. For instructions, see "Granting Users General
Functional Permissions" on page 78 and "Granting Users Data Permissions" on page

Granting Users General Functional Permissions

General functional permission grant authority to perform Trading Networks functions,
such as restarting Trading Networks delivery tasks.

To grant users general functional permissions

1. In My webMethods: Administration > System-Wide > B2B Permissions > General Functional

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2. Click EDIT in the row for a general functional permission. Permissions are as

Functional permission Actions this permission grants

Manage Public Queues Add, edit, and delete public queues.

Manage Partner Groups Add, edit, and delete partner groups.

Delete Partner Profile Delete partner profiles.

Manage Extended Profile Add, edit, and delete extended fields in profiles.

Add External ID Types Create external ID types for use in profiles.

Show SQL View the SQL that Trading Networks uses to search
the database for data.

View User Preferences View user preferences.

Edit User Preferences Update user preferences.

View B2B properties View Trading Networks Server configuration


Edit B2B properties Edit Trading Networks Server configuration


Query Expiring Search for partner certificates that have expired or

Certificates that will expire soon.

Manage TN Archiving Add, edit, and delete the criteria and schedules for
archiving and deleting documents.

Manage Delivery Add, edit, and delete immediate delivery methods

Methods created from the delivery methods that Trading
Networks provides (for example, HTTP, FTP,
If this permission is not assigned, the user can only
use the built-in immediate delivery methods and
the immediate delivery methods that have been
added by users who have this permission.

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Functional permission Actions this permission grants

Submit Documents to TN Submit XML documents to your Trading Networks

for processing. If you have webMethods Module
for EDI installed, you can also submit EDI

3. In the Select Roles dialog box, type a string that exists in the names of the roles you
want and click Search.
4. Move the roles to which to grant permission from the Available list to the Selected list.
5. Click Apply.

Granting Users Data Permissions

Data permissions grant access to Trading Networks partner profiles, document types,
processing rules, transactions, tasks, and activity log entries. To indicate the partners,
document types, and processing rules to which to control access, you define a data set.
You then grant data permissions to the data set using roles.

Defining a Data Set

You define a data set by specifying partners, document types, and processing rules to
include or exclude from the data set. When defining data sets, consider how you want to
provide access. For example:
You might want to create a single data set that identifies all Trading Networks data
so that you can assign various roles different access to all Trading Networks data.
You might want to allow one role to only view all the data and the other role to view
all the data and also resubmit and reprocess transactions. In this case, you would
define two data sets.
You might want to allow all access rights to a role, but only to a limited set of data. In
this case, you would define multiple data sets, each identifying the data on which a
role can act.

To define a data set

1. In My webMethods: Administration > System-Wide > B2B Permissions > Data Permissions.
2. Click Add Data Set.
3. In the Dataset Name field, type the name for the data set.
4. Click the Dataset tab.
5. In the Partners panel, specify the partners to include in the data set.
To include all partners, click All partners.

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To include or exclude a subset of partners, select Custom selection and do the

i. Click Edit above the Partners box.
ii. In the Select Members dialog box, search for the partners to include or
exclude in the data set.
iii. Move the partners to add to the data set from the Available Partners the
Selected Partners list.
iv. Click OK.
v. If you want to make the partner list relative to the logged-in My webMethods
user, select Self Partners. For information about associating a My webMethods
user with a partner, see "Associate My webMethods User Accounts with a
Profile" on page 181.
vi. If you want to include the selected partners in the data set, click Include. If
you want to exclude the selected partners from the data set and include all
other partners, click Exclude.
6. In the Document Types panel, select the document types to include in the data set.
To include all document types, select All document types.
To include or exclude a subset of the document types, select Selected document
types and do the following:
i. Click Edit above the Document Types box.
ii. In the Select Document Types dialog box, type a string that exists in the
names of the document types you want and click Search.
iii. Move the document types to include in the data set from the Available list to
the Selected list.
iv. Click OK.
v. If you want to include the selected document types in the data set, click
Include. If you want to exclude the selected document types from the data set
and include all other document types, click Exclude.
7. In the Processing Rules panel, select the processing rules to include in the data set.
To include all processing rules, select All processing rules.
To include or exclude a subset of the processing rules, select Selected processing
rules and follow the same steps as the previous step, but for processing rules.
8. Click Save.

Granting Data Permissions to a Data Set

You must grant data permissions to act on a data set to at least one role.

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When you grant data permissions to act on more than one data set to a role, the users
belonging to that role get the data permissions granted in all those data sets. Be careful
when assigning multiple data sets to a role, especially if one of the data sets contains
the Exclude option for the partners, document types, or the processing rules. Trading
Networks limits the partner profiles, TPAs, processing rules, transactions, document
types, document aributes, tasks, and activity log entries in the data set based on the
partners, document types, and processing rules you specify, as follows:
For partner profiles and TPAs in the data set, access is based on and limited to
the partners specified in the data set definition. For document types in the data
set, access is based on and limited to the document types specified in the data set
definition. For processing rules in the data set, access is based on and limited to the
processing rules specified in the data set definition.
For transactions in the data set, access is based on partners and document types
specified in the data set definition, and is limited to transactions where both of the
following are true:
The sender or receiver of the transactions is associated with a partner specified in
the data set.
The transactions use a document type specified in the data set.
For tasks (delivery and/or service execution) in the data set, access is based on the
partners and document types specified in the data set definition, and is limited to
tasks where both of the following are true:
The receiver of the transaction is associated with a partner specified in the data
The transaction uses a document type specified in the data set.
For activity log entries, access is based on partners, document types, and processing
rules specified in the data set definition, and is limited to activity log entries
associated with the following:
Events of transactions where the sender or receiver is associated with a partner
specified in the data sets, and these transactions use a document type specified in
the data set.
Profile administration audit trails of partners specified in the data set.
Document type audit trails of document types specified in the data set.
Processing rule audit trails of processing rules specified in the dataset.
Activity logs that are not associated with any of the transactions, document type
administration audit trails, processing rule administration audit trails, or profile
administration audit trails.

To grant data permissions to a data set

1. In My webMethods: Administration > System-Wide > B2B Permissions > Data Permissions.
2. In the Data Set Name column, click the data set to which to grant data permissions.

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3. Click the Permissions tab.

4. To add a role for the data set, click Add Role and do the following:
a. In the Select Roles dialog box, type a string that exists in the names of the roles to
add and click Search.
b. Move the roles to which to grant data permissions from the Available list to the
Selected list.
c. Click Apply.
5. To grant data permissions to a role:
a. Click Edit i n the row that contains the role to which to grant data permissions.
b. In the Edit Permissions dialog box, select the check boxes for the permissions to
assign to the role and clear the check boxes for the permissions you do not want
the role to have. Most data permissions are self-explanatory. Permissions that
require additional explanation are covered below.

Note: Only administrators can perform actions on the Enterprise profile.

Data Permission Notes

Create Profile Edit Profile Summary and Edit External IDs are granted
automatically after you save and re-open the data set.

Note: By default, profiles created by this user are added to

all data sets to which the user has this permission. If
the data set has the All Partners option selected, the
profile of the partner will always belong to that data
set, and the My webMethods user does not need to
explicitly add it to the data set.

View View Profile, View Document Type, and View Document

Transactions Aributes are granted automatically.

View Activity View Profile and View Document Type data are granted
Log automatically.

View Task View Profile and View Document are granted


Create View Document Types data permission is granted

Document automatically.
Note: By default, document types created by this user
are added to all data sets to which the user has
this permission. If the data set has the All document

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Data Permission Notes

types option selected, the new document types will
always belong to that data set, and the user need not
explicitly add it to the data set.

View View Document Aributes data permission is granted

Document automatically.

Manage Lets you view, create, edit, enable, and disable document
Aributes aributes.

Create Includes permission to delete TPAs.


Create Includes permission to delete processing rules.

Rules Note: By default, processing rules created by this user are
added to all data sets to which the user has this data
permission. If the data set has the All processing rules
option selected, the processing rule of the partners
will always belong to that data set, and the user need
not explicitly add it to the data set.

Note: Even if a user does not have the Create Document Types data
permission to a particular document type, Trading Networks might list
that document type in search results or as related documents in some
My webMethods pages. However, the user will not be able to view or
edit the details of the documents without those data permission.

Setting Partner Permissions

Trading Networks lists all the data sets for which the My webMethods user has the
Create Profile permission. You can add a partner to a data set by selecting the check
box for the data set. If the check box for the data set name is not selected, the partner
does not belong to the data set. To add the partner to all the data sets, select the Rule
Name check box (Integration > B2B > Partner Administration > Partner Profiles > Partner
Details > Permissions tab).
The partner must be in at least one data set where the My webMethods user has Create
Profile permission. If the My webMethods user tries to remove the partner from all data
sets, and that partner does not belong to any data set that has the All Partners option
selected, an error message is displayed and the changes are not saved.

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Trading Networks lists only those data sets that have the role in the data set that has the
Create Profile permission and has the Custom Selection option selected. It does not list
the data sets if the role has the All Partners option selected even if the role has the Create
Profile permission.
Administrators can edit the data sets using the Dataset tab.

Removing a Data Set and Its Data Permissions

You can remove a data set and all its data permissions.
1. In My webMethods: Administration > System-Wide > B2B Permissions > Data Permissions.
2. Select the data set to remove.
3. Click Delete.

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Creating Custom Document Attributes

5   Creating Custom Document Attributes

■ Create Custom Attributes ............................................................................................................. 88

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Creating Custom Document Attributes

Create Custom Attributes

Create custom aributes for all the types of documents you expect to receive; aributes
are not associated with a specific document type. Later, when you define your document
types, you will specify the aributes to use as criteria and to extract.

To create custom attributes

1. In My webMethods: Administration > Integration > B2B > Document Types Administration >
Document Attributes.
2. In the Document Aributes Search Result panel, do one of the following:
To create a custom aribute by providing new information, click Add.
To create a custom aribute by copying an existing aribute and modifying it,
click in the row for the aribute to copy.
3. Give the aribute a unique name and, optionally, a description, and specify the
aribute’s data type. Then click OK.

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Creating XML Document Types

6   Creating XML Document Types

■ Before You Begin ......................................................................................................................... 90
■ Creating an XML Document Type ............................................................................................... 92
■ Editing an XML Document Types .............................................................................................. 102
■ Testing XML Document Types ................................................................................................... 102

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Creating XML Document Types

Before You Begin

Obtaining XML Document Samples

When you create an XML document type, you specify XQL queries. The queries do the
Search for specific document nodes to determine whether the document matches the
document type.
Locate aributes you want to extract from the document.
If you have a sample document, you can simplify the creation of the XQL queries; you
can highlight the node in the sample document and Trading Networks will form the
query for you. If you do not have a sample document, you must manually create the
XQL queries.
Obtain a sample document for each variation of XML document type you expect
Trading Networks to receive and place the samples in a directory you can access from
My webMethods.

Creating IS Schemas
Create an XML schema for each variation of XML document type you want to validate.
For instructions, see webMethods Service Development Help.

Creating IS Document Types

Create an IS document type for each variation of XML document type that you want to
transform into IS documents (IData objects).

Creating Custom Transformations for Extracted Attributes

You can create your own services to transform extracted aributes. Base each service on
the appropriate specification as listed below.

Data Type Specification to Use

DATETIME or DATETIME wm.tn.rec:DateAttributeTransformService


STRING or STRING LIST wm.tn.rec:StringAttributeTransformService

NUMBER or NUMBER LIST wm.tn.rec:NumberAttributeTransformService.

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Creating XML Document Types

Trading Networks passes these input variables:

Input Value Meaning

values One or more values for your service to transform.

The values might be null or an empty (zero length) string. For an
array data type (for example, DATETIME LIST), any element in the
values array can be null or an empty string. Make sure your custom
transformation service can handle null values or empty strings.

isArray Whether values contains a single value (false) to transform or

multiple values (true) to transform.

arg Optional arguments you define.

Trading Networks expects you to return the transformed values in the newValues output

Return... For...






If the input variable isArray is false, your service should transform the single item and
save just a single item in the output variable newValues .
If the input variable isArray is true, your service should loop through the items in the
values variable and transform each one. It should store each as an item in the output
variable newValues . For example, if you are transforming string data, newValues is a Date
List of the transformed Strings .

Creating a Service for the Check for Duplicate Document Action

In the Check for Duplicate Document pre-processing action, Trading Networks offers
options to check based on Document ID, sender, receiver, or document type. If you want
to check based on other aributes, you can use a custom service. Create the service using
the wm.tn.rec:DupCheckService specification.

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Creating XML Document Types

Note: Custom duplicate checking services can affect performance, depending on the
service logic.

Creating an XML Document Type

Creating and Naming the Document Type

To create and name the document type
1. In My webMethods: Administration > Integration > B2B > Document Types administration >
Document Types.
2. Do one of the following:
To create the document type by providing new information, click Add Document
Types and select XML.
To create the document type by copying an existing type and modifying it, click
Copy on the row for the XML document type to copy.
To create the document type based on a transaction for which the document type
is Unknown, do the following:
i. In My webMethods: Monitoring > Integration > B2B > Transactions.
ii. Click Show Actions on the row for the Unknown document to use.
iii. Select Create Document Type.
iv. In the Create Document Type dialog box, click XML.
3. In the Document Types Details page, provide a name and description, and indicate
whether to enable or disable the document type. When a document type is disabled,
Trading Networks does not match inbound documents against it. Do not enable the
document type until you are done creating it.

Specifying Criteria for Matching Inbound Documents to the

Document Type
You can define XML document types to be very general or very specific. For example,
you can define an XML document type that recognizes OAG documents, or OAG
PROCESS_PO_004 documents, or OAG PROCESS_PO_004 documents from a specific
Click the Identify tab. If you are using a sample document, identify the sample
document in the File field and click Upload. Trading Networks displays a tree view of the
sample XML document in the left panel.

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Creating XML Document Types

Note: If the sample XML document contains a large number of subnodes, My

webMethods might take a long time to load the tree view.

Specify at least one of the criterion below. For a document to match a document type,
it must match all the identification criteria you specify. If you specify the Root tag and
DOCTYPE criteria, Trading Networks matches inbound XML documents to those
criteria first. If these match, Trading Networks also checks the identifying XQL queries
and values, and the pipeline matching. Matching on XQL queries and its values is case-

Specifying the Root Tag

You can specify the value that inbound documents must have in the root tag to match
the document type.
If you are using a sample document, click Set next to the Root Tag field. Trading
Networks populates the fields with the value of the root tag of the sample document.
If you are not using a sample document, type the root tag value. For example, to
identify a document that has the document type declaration <!DOCTYPE cXML
SYSTEM “cXML.dtd”>, you would enter the following:
<?xml version="1.0"?>

Specifying the DOCTYPE Identifier

You can specify the system or public identifier from the DOCTYPE declaration that
inbound documents must have to match the document type.
If you are using a sample document, click Set next to the DOCTYPE field. Trading
Networks populates the field with the value that follows the SYSTEM or PUBLIC
literal string in the document type declaration (DOCTYPE) in the sample document.
If both literal strings exist, Trading Networks uses the value that follows the
SYSTEM literal string.
If you are not using a sample document, type the value that follows the SYSTEM
literal string. For example, to identify a document that has the DOCTYPE declaration
<!DOCTYPE cXML SYSTEM “cXML.dtd”>, you would type cXML.dtd.

Defining Identifying Queries

You can specify that certain nodes must be present for inbound documents to match the
document type. You must also specify the values those nodes must have. To do so, you
define identifying XQL queries.
For example, the identifying query below specifies that the OrderRequest tag must be

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Creating XML Document Types

The identifying query below specifies that the Identity tag within the Credential tag that
is within the Sender tag must be present, and the Identity tag must evaluate to XYZ Steel
/cXML[0]/Header[0]/Sender[0]/Credential[0]/XYZ Steel Company

For complete information about identifying queries, see "XQL Reference" on page
If you are using a sample document, select in the left panel the node for which to
define an identifying query, click More Actions next to the Query field, and select
Add Query. In the Add Identifying Query dialog box, Trading Networks fills in the
XQL query and value for the node.

Note: The node is applicable for DATETIME, STRING, or NUMBER data types.
If you want to use DATETIME LIST, STRING LIST, NUMBER (with
Average, Minimum, Maximum, and Sum), or NUMBERLIST data types,
update the query so that it identifies an array of values.

If you are not using a sample document, click Add in the Identifying Queries
panel on the right. In the Add Identifying Query dialog box, type the query and,
optionally, the value.

Specify Pipeline Variables

You can specify pipeline variables that must be present in inbound documents to match
the document type. Criteria for matching inbound documents to the document type are
name/value pairs, where values are optional. If you do not specify a value, the document
matches the document type if the pipeline has a variable that matches the specified
name, regardless of the variable’s value. If you specify a value, the variable must have
the specified value. The variables are inserted into the pipeline by the service that sends
the document to Trading Networks.
To add a pipeline variable, click Add in the Pipeline Matching panel on the right. In the
Add Pipeline Variable dialog box, type the variable name and optionally, the value.

Specifying Document Attributes to Extract

In your document type, specify the system and custom document aribute values
to extract from documents that match this document type. If you want to transform
extracted aributes, you can use built-in or custom transformations.
Click the Extract tab.
If you are using a sample document, select in the left panel the node for which to
define an XML query, click More Actions next to the Query field, and select Add
Query. In the Add Extracted Aribute dialog box, Trading Networks fills in the XQL
query for the node. Also provide the information in the sections below in the dialog

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Creating XML Document Types

Note: This node is applicable for DATETIME, STRING, or NUMBER data types.
If you want to use DATETIME LIST, STRING LIST, NUMBER (with
Average, Minimum, Maximum, and Sum), or NUMBERLIST data types,
update the query so that it identifies an array of values.

If you are not using a sample document, click Add in the right panel. In the Add
Extracted Aribute dialog box, type the XQL query. Also provide the information in
the sections below in the dialog box.

Specifying the Attributes

SenderID and ReceiverID System Attributes
When Trading Networks has a value for SenderID or ReceiverID, you can perform these
Use the sender or receiver to determine whether a document is a duplicate (Check
for Duplicate Document pre-processing action).
Use the sender or receiver as criteria for determining the processing rule to use for
the document.
Deliver a document.
Search for the document in My webMethods based on sender or receiver.
Have a business process perform steps based on sender or receiver.
If you extract the SenderID or ReceiverID system aributes from a document, you must
specify how the sender or receiver is identified in the document. For example, if you
want to extract ReceiverID from the XML document and the ReceiverID is identified in
the document by a D-U-N-S number, define the XQL query to identify the location of the
receiver information and select the external ID type DUNS. For example:
XQL Query for ReceiverID = /PurchaseOrder[0]/OrderHeader[0]/DUNS[0]
<CorpName>XYZ Steel Company</CorpName>

The XQL query points to the <DUNS> tag. Trading Networks stores the value 123456789
for the ReceiverID aribute and associates it with the external ID type DUNS.
Be sure to select an external ID type that your partners specify in their profiles. You
can choose from a list of external ID types. If the external ID type you need is not in the
list or if you have agreed on a non-standard format with a trading partner, select the
external ID type Mutually Defined and add an appropriate ID value.

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Creating XML Document Types

Extract this system aribute if you want to use the document ID to determine whether
a document is a duplicate (Check for Duplicate Document pre-processing action), and if
you want to search for documents of this document type in My webMethods based on
document ID.

Extract this system aribute if you want to specify user status as a criterion for
determining the processing rule to use for the document, and if you want to search for
documents of this document type in My webMethods based on user status.

Extract this system aribute if you want to search for documents of this document type
in My webMethods based on group ID.

Extract this aribute if you want to pass the document to a business process.
If you do not want to pass the document to a business process, add a variable to the
pipeline called prtIgnoreDocument with the value true. If ConversationID is extracted
and prtIgnoreDocument is set to true, it will not be passed to the process model.

SignedBody and Signature

Extract these aributes if you want to verify the digital signature of a document.

Custom Attributes
Extract any custom aribute you want to use later.

Indicating Whether the Attribute is Required

By default, when Trading Networks cannot extract an aribute, it continues processing,
and, if processing completes successfully, sets the processing status to DONE. It does
not log an error to the activity log. If you want Trading Networks to log an error to
the activity log when it cannot extract an aribute, you can designate that aribute as
required for extraction. If processing completes successfully, Trading Networks sets the
processing status to DONE W/ERRORS.
Configure the document type's processing rule to handle the error as follows:
Use the processing rule’s recognition error criterion to trigger the processing rule
based on whether it contains errors.
Use the processing rule’s Execute a Service processing action to inspect the bizdoc/
Errors pipeline variable for errors.

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Creating XML Document Types

Transforming Extracted Attributes

You can have Trading Networks transform extracted aributes before storing them in
the Trading Networks database.

Note: You cannot transform the SenderID or ReceiverID aributes.

Built-In Transformations for DATETIME and DATETIME LIST Data Type Attributes
If you extract an aribute that has the data type DATETIME or DATETIME LIST, you
must identify the date format. You can choose a built-in common date/time format or
you can type the format you need using a paern string based on the "Time Format
Syntax" described for the java.text.SimpleDateFormat class. Trading Networks extracts
the value of the date and uses it and the paern you specify to decode the value
and convert it to the format that Trading Networks requires to store the date in the

Built-In Transformations for STRING or STRING LIST Data Type Attributes

If you extract an aribute that has the data type STRING or STRINGLIST, you can
transform the string value using one of the built-in transformations below.

Format Description

Uppercase Transforms the extracted string aribute value to all


Lowercase Transforms the extracted string aribute to all lowercase.

String Substitution Substitutes extracted values with a paern you specify.

Trading Networks uses the java.text.MessageFormat class to
perform this transformation.
For example, you might specify the paern Items Ordered:
{0}, {1}, {2}, and specify an XQL query for the aribute
that extracts this array of values:
0 Cellular phone
1 Belt clip
2 Rapid mobile charger
Trading Networks would store the following for the value of
the aribute:
Items Ordered: Cellular phone, Belt clip, Rapid
mobile charger

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Format Description

If you place more arguments in the paern than there are

extracted values, the string stored in the database for the
aribute will contain the extra arguments. If you specify
fewer arguments than there are extracted values, the string
will contain only the values for the number of arguments.

Built-In Transformations for NUMBER Data Type Attributes)

If you extract an aribute that has the data type NUMBER and contains an array of
numbers, you can use transform the array into a single value using one of the built-in
transformations below.

Format Description

Average Calculates the average value of all the numbers in the array.

Minimum Calculates the smallest number in the array.

Maximum Calculates the largest number in the array.

Sum Calculates the sum of all the numbers in the array.

No format Stores the first value of the array as the value of the aribute.

Note: When Trading Networks extracts a NUMBER or NUMBER LIST from

a document, it uses the number parsing behavior of java.lang.Number. For
example, if the NUMBER or NUMBER LIST contains the value 100zzz,
Trading Networks interprets the value as 100, instead of throwing an error
as it would if the value were zzz100. If you want to redefine this parsing
behavior, you can write a custom transformation service.

Suppose your gateway service extracts the quantity of each item of a purchase order,
and you want to sum the quantities of all items. Suppose you defined the following
aributes in TN_parms and in the document type:

TN_parms Attributes Document Type

/TN_parms/itemNumber itemNumber NUMBER

/TN_parms/quantity quantity NUMBER

totalQuantity NUMBER
/TN_parms/totalQuantity summedValue NUMBER LIST

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Creating XML Document Types

If you select the Sum built-in transformation for totalQuantity , it will sum its values and
produce a single number. For example, if the value of totalQuantity is this array:
/TN_parms/totalQuantity = {2, 3, 4, 5}

The value of summedValue will be:

/TN_parms/summedValue = 2 + 3 + 4 + 5

Trading Networks will store the value 14 for totalQuantity .

Custom Transformation Services

Click and select the custom transformation service to use. To locate a service,
specify the Package Name or NSName and click Search or browse the services in the listed
packages. Specify the inputs for the selected service.

Specifying the Namespace Mapping

If an XML document uses namespaces, the elements in that document might be prefixed
with a string. When you create XQL queries to identify elements within the document,
the XQL queries must include the prefix. If XML documents use equivalent namespaces
but have different prefixes, you must define namespace mappings for Trading Networks to
correctly locate the nodes identified by the XQL queries. Namespace mappings identify
all prefixes that identify the same namespace (that is, point to the same URI).
Include a namespace mapping for each prefix/URI combination that you expect to
receive in XML documents from your trading partners. If Trading Networks receives
a document that uses a prefix that is not defined in the namespace mappings table, it
performs a literal match of the XQL queries against the document.
If you are using a sample document, you can have Trading Networks populate the
namespace mappings table with the prefix and URIs from the xmlns aributes that
define namespaces in the sample document. If you are not using a sample document,
you can define namespace mappings manually.
Trading Networks uses the literal string prefix0 to identify the default namespace. To
define a mapping for the default namespace, which does not use a prefix, use the literal
string prefix0 for the prefix. Do not use prefix0 as the prefix in any document.

To create the namespace mapping

1. Click the Namespaces tab.
2. Do one of the following:
If you are using a sample document, click More Actions next to the Query field
and click Append Namespace Mapping.

Note: If you need to replace existing namespace mappings, use Set Namespace

If you are not using a sample document, do the following:

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Creating XML Document Types

i. Click Add in the right panel.

ii. In the Prefix field, type the prefix for the namespace. If the mapping is for the
default namespace, specify prefix0.
iii. In the URI field, type the URI for the namespace.
3. Click OK.

Defining Pre-Processing Actions for the Document Type

Click the Options tab and define the options and actions below.

Format as an IS Document Type Option

This option invokes the wm.tn.doc.xml:bizdocToRecord built-in service.
If you know the fully qualified name of the IS document type to use. type the name.
Otherwise, to locate the IS document type, specify the Package Name or NSName and click
Search or browse the IS document types in the listed packages.

Enable Processing Rule Routing Option

If you want to process documents using pre-processing and processing actions defined
in a processing rule, enable processing rule routing. If you want to process documents
using only pre-processing actions defined in the document type, disable processing rule

Note: If you do not want to process documents using a processing rule, disabling
routing can improve performance by avoiding the search for processing rules.

Verify Digital Signature Pre-Processing Action

This action executes a verification service to verify the digital signatures of documents.
To use this action, the document type must specify extraction of the SignedBody and
Signature system aributes, and the signature must be a PKCS#7 detached signature of
the signed body. In addition, the profile for each partner whose digital signature you
want to verify must specify a certificate. Trading Networks makes sure the signed body
has not changed by verifying the digital signature. To verify that the sender is who it
claims to be, Trading Networks matches the certificate from the digital signature to the
certificate in its database for the sender.

Validate Structure Pre-Processing Action

This action invokes the Integration Serverpub.schema:validate built-in service.

If you know the folder that contains the IS schema to use, click and select the IS
schema. To locate a schema, specify the Package Name or NSName and click Search or
browse the schemas in the listed packages.

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Creating XML Document Types

Important: If the structure of a document is not valid, the validation service can return
many error messages. To limit the number of error messages, set the
tn.doc.validate.max_errs property.

Check for Duplicate Document Pre-Processing Action

Trading Networks provides options to check for a document with the same Document
ID; the same Document ID and sender; the same document ID, sender, and receiver; or
the same document ID, sender, and document type. In the extraction specifications, you
must specify extracting the necessary aributes for the option you select.
If you want to use a custom service that performs the check based on other aributes,
click Select and search or browse for the service.

Note: Custom duplicate checking services can affect performance, depending on the
service logic.

Save Document to Database Pre-Processing Action

You must save a document to the database when you want to:
Deliver the document using reliable delivery with immediate or scheduled delivery.
Deliver the document using queue for polling.
Pass a document to a business process.
Send a document back to the beginning as a “new” document (for example, because
the document did not match any defined document type). This is called resubmiing
the document.
Send a document back through processing rules (for example, because the document
was processed by the wrong rule). This is called reprocessing the document.
You can choose to save all documents, no documents, or only unique documents. If you
want to save only unique documents, you must also specify the Check for Duplicate
Document pre-processing action.

Option Description

Content Save document content if you want to:

View the content in My webMethods when monitoring transactions.
Resubmit or reprocess the document.
Use the Deliver Document By processing action with reliable

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Creating XML Document Types

Option Description

Attributes Save custom aributes if you want to view aributes in My

webMethods when monitoring transactions, search for documents
based on custom aributes, or reprocess documents.

Important:If you reprocess a document without saving custom aributes,

you might get unexpected results. Because the aributes are
not saved, the document will not match processing rules
that use extended criteria. Instead, the document will match
another processing rule, such as the default processing rule,
and Trading Networks will perform the processing actions
defined in that rule.

Activity Record activity log entries when monitoring transactions.


Editing an XML Document Types

To edit an XML document type
1. In My webMethods: Monitoring > Integration > B2B > Transactions.
2. If you want to edit the document type based on a transaction, click Show Actions
on the row for the transaction to use and then select Edit Document Type.
3. Edit the fields as described in "Creating an XML Document Type" on page 92.
4. Save the document type.

Testing XML Document Types

If you have samples of documents Trading Networks will process, you can test to
determine whether each document:
Matches exactly one XML document type. This result means the XML document
types are set up correctly for the document.
Does not match any XML document type. Trading Networks would consider such
a document an unknown document type. Create a document type or update an
existing document type to identify the document.
Matches more than one XML document type. Trading Networks would consider the
document an unknown document type because it cannot determine which document
type to use. You can either update the XML document types so that the document
matches exactly one XML document type, or you can configure Trading Networks

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to use the first document type that matches an inbound document by seing the
tn.chart.fetchMaxRows property to false.

Note: Trading Networks does not test documents against disabled document types.

Note: Trading Networks does not actually process the document you are testing.
That is, Trading Networks does not perform any pre-processing or processing
actions on the document.

To test a document type

1. Place the sample documents you want to test in your file system.
2. In My webMethods: Administration > Integration > B2B > Document Types administration >
Document Types.
3. Click the Advanced tab.
4. Click the Test tab.
5. Click Browse and select the sample document to test.
6. Click Test.
Trading Networks displays all document types that match the sample document.

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Creating Flat File Document Types

7   Creating Flat File Document Types

■ Before You Begin ....................................................................................................................... 106
■ Creating a Document Gateway Service .................................................................................... 107
■ Creating a Flat File Document Type .......................................................................................... 111
■ Editing a Flat File Document Type ............................................................................................ 119

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Creating Flat File Document Types

Before You Begin

Registering Flat File Content Types

By default, Trading Networks considers inbound documents with the “text/plain”
content type to be flat file documents. You can register other content types as flat file
documents using the tn.ff.contenypes property.

Creating Flat File Schemas

Create a flat file schema for each flat file document you want to validate. For more
information about flat file schemas and parsing, see the Flat File Schema Developer’s Guide.

Creating Custom Transformations for Extracted Attributes

You can create your own services to transform extracted aributes. Base each service on
the appropriate specification as listed below.

Data Type Specification to Use

DATETIME or DATETIME wm.tn.rec:DateAttributeTransformService


STRING or STRING LIST wm.tn.rec:StringAttributeTransformService

NUMBER or NUMBER LIST wm.tn.rec:NumberAttributeTransformService.

Trading Networks passes these input variables:

Input Value Meaning

values One or more values for your service to transform.

The values might be null or an empty (zero length) string. For an
array data type (for example, DATETIME LIST), any element in the
values array can be null or an empty string. Make sure your custom
transformation service can handle null values or empty strings.

isArray Whether values contains a single value (false) to transform or

multiple values (true) to transform.

arg Optional arguments you define.

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Creating Flat File Document Types

Trading Networks expects you to return the transformed values in the newValues output

Return... For...






If the input variable isArray is false, your service should transform the single item and
save just a single item in the output variable newValues .
If the input variable isArray is true, your service should loop through the items in the
values variable and transform each one. It should store each as an item in the output
variable newValues . For example, if you are transforming string data, newValues is a Date
List of the transformed Strings .

Creating a Service for the Verify Signature Action

You can use a custom service to verify the digital signatures of inbound flat file
documents. The wm.tn.rec:BizDocVerificationService specification defines the service input and
output variables.

Creating a Service for the Check for Duplicate Document Action

In the Check for Duplicate Document pre-processing action, Trading Networks offers
options to check based on Document ID, sender, receiver, or document type. If you want
to check based on other aributes, you can use a custom service. Create the service using
the wm.tn.rec:DupCheckService specification.

Note: Custom duplicate checking services can affect performance, depending on the
service logic.

Creating a Document Gateway Service

You can create a document gateway service using Java or flow. The
wm.tn.rec:GatewayService specification defines the service input and output variables.
Create the service using the wm.tn.rec:BizDocVerificationService specification for document

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The input variable ffdata is the document sent by the partner through the gateway
service in the form of an input stream.
The output variables are ffdata (an object) and TN_parms (an IS document).

Note: You must provide your partners with the names of the document gateway
service or services for their document types.

Reading the Input Stream

If the document gateway service is a Java service, use the methods of the
java.io.InputStream class to read bytes from the input stream contained in ffdata . See your
Java documentation for descriptions of these methods.

Important: Remember to use InputStream's mark and reset methods so that Trading
Networks will be able to read from the beginning of the stream. If InputStream
does not support marking, make sure you transform InputStream to support
marking. Otherwise, Trading Networks will lose the bytes read by
the gateway service when it tries to save the document content to the

If the document gateway service is a flow service, use the services in the pub.io folder in
the Integration Server WmPublic package. The WmPublic package must be enabled.
You can parse the input stream and convert it into an IS document from which you can
map data to the TN_parms pipeline variable. In the document gateway service, invoke
the pub.flatfile:convertToValues service in the WmFlatFile package. This service invokes the
flat file parser to validate the document's structure and content, based on the flat file
schema you identify as input to the service. Trading Networks can save or throw away
the parsed contents. For information about the pub.flatfile:convertToValues service, see the
Flat File Schema Developer’s Guide.

Note: Alternatively, you can convert the document using the Validate Structure pre-
processing action. Do not convert a document in both the document gateway
service and using the Validate Structure action. If you convert a document in
the gateway service, it will remain in the pipeline.

Important: Parse the document only if absolutely necessary. Parsing can be time-
consuming and return very large outputs that consume much memory.

Specifying and Passing the Outputs

A document gateway service can return the output variables ffdata (an object) and
TN_parms (an IS document). TN_parms can contain system aributes, system variables,
and custom aributes. The sections below list the TN_parms variables you can specify.

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Creating Flat File Document Types

DoctypeID or DoctypeName
This variable is a string, and is optional. It is the Trading Networks-generated internal
identifier or name of the flat file document type to use for the document. Specify the
document type if you want to avoid the overhead of searching for a document type. For
example, you would specify:
/TN_parms/DoctypeID = "5066kt00tttva37r00000009"
/TN_parms/DoctypeName = "xCBL_PO"

To view the names and IDs of your document types, open Software AG Designer and
invoke the wm.tn.doctype:list service.

Note: Because document type IDs cannot be changed, your gateway service will be
more stable and efficient if you use DoctypeID rather than DoctypeName . If
you specify both variables, DoctypeID is used.

SenderID and ReceiverID

These variables are strings, and are required. The SenderID variable is an external ID
value specified in the sender's profile (for example, the sender's D-U-N-S number). The
ReceiverID is an external ID specified in the receiver’s profile.

This variable is a string, and is optional. It is the identifier of the flat file document.
Specify this variable if you want to use the document ID to determine whether a
document is a duplicate (Check for Duplicate Document pre-processing action), or if you
want to search for documents in My webMethods based on document ID.

This variable is a string, and is optional. If you expect to receive more documents in
the same group, make sure the value you specify for GroupID is reproducible for those
documents. The same GroupID is being used in all the transactions.
Specify this variable if you want to search for documents of this document type in My
webMethods based on group ID.

This variable is a string, and is optional. Specify this variable if you want to pass the
document to a business process. If you expect to receive more documents in the same
conversation, make sure the value you specify for ConversationID is reproducible for
those documents. The same ConversationID is being used in all the transactions.
If you do not want to pass the document to a business process, add a variable to the
pipeline called prtIgnoreDocument with the value true.

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This variable is a string, and is optional. Specify this variable if you want to specify user
status as a criterion for determining the processing rule to use for the document, and if
you want to search for documents of this document type in My webMethods based on
user status.

processingRuleID or processingRuleName
This variable is a string, and is optional. It is the Trading Networks-generated internal
identifier or name of the processing rule to use for the document. Specify the rule if you
want to avoid the overhead of searching for a document type.
To view the names and IDs of your processing rules, open Software AG Designer and
invoke the wm.tn.route:list built-in service.

Note: Because process rule IDs cannot be changed, your gateway service will
be more stable and efficient if you use processingRuleID rather than
processingRuleName . If you specify both variables, processingRuleID is used.

This variable is a string, and is optional. It is the fully qualified name of the document
gateway service you are creating. Save the name of the gateway service if you want to be
able to resubmit the flat file document.

$contentType and $contentEncoding

These variables are strings, and are optional. It is the content type and encoding to use
for the flat file document. You can specify either or both variables.
If your partners send documents directly to your document gateway service (as opposed
to through an intervening service), Trading Networks tries to determine the content type
and content encoding of the submied flat file document.
If you are using the gateway service directly, you need to specify content type and
content encoding, else it will assume a default value, which is application/x-
wmidatabin for content type and UTF8 for content encoding. If you are directly sending
the document to the gateway service, you should specify.the content type and content
encoding. You can provide the content type and content encoding to make sure Trading
Networks uses accurate values.
For example, if a document with a content type of text/plain and an encoding of SJIS is
submied to a service and that service passes the document into the pipeline to your
document gateway service, the original content type and content encoding will be lost.
The pipeline has a content type of application/x-wmidatabin and a content encoding of
UTF8. In this case, your gateway service or the service that invoked it should specify
text/plain for TN_parms/$contentType and SJIS for TN_parms/$contentEncoding .

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Creating Flat File Document Types

Custom Attributes
Specify all custom document aributes to extract. Make sure the name and case you use
for the TN_parms pipeline variable exactly match the aribute name as it is defined in
the document type.

Pass the Outputs to Trading Networks

Invoke the wm.tn.doc.xml:routeXML or wm.tn.doc.ff:routeFlatFile built-in service to pass ffdata
and TN_parms to Trading Networks.

Creating a Flat File Document Type

Creating and Naming the Document Type

To create and name the document type
1. In My webMethods: Administration > Integration > B2B > Document Types Administration.
2. Do one of the following:
To create the document type by providing new information, click Add Document
Types and click Flat File.
To create the document type by copying an existing type and modifying it, click
Copy on the row for the flat file document type to copy.
To create the document type based on a transaction for which the document type
is Unknown, do the following:
i. In My webMethods: Monitoring > Integration > B2B > Transactions.
ii. Click Show Actions on the row for the Unknown document to use.
iii. Click Create Document Type.
iv. In the Create Document Type dialog box, click Flat File.
3. In the Document Types Details page, provide a name and description, and indicate
whether to enable or disable the document type. When a document type is disabled,
Trading Networks does not match inbound documents against it. Do not enable the
document type until you are done creating it.

Specifying Criteria for Matching Inbound Documents to the

Document Type
Criteria for matching inbound documents to the document type are key/value pairs,
where values are optional. If you do not specify a value, the document matches the

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Creating Flat File Document Types

document type if TN_parms has a variable that matches the specified key, regardless of
the variable’s value. If you specify a value, the variable must have the specified value.

Note: You must specify at least one key or Trading Networks will not use the
document type.

Click the Configure tab. In the Pipeline Matching panel, click Add to specify the key and,
optionally, the value for each TN_parms variable to use to match inbound documents to
the document type.

Specifying Attributes to Extract

In your document type, specify the system and custom aributes to extract from the
TN_parms variable for documents that match this document type. If you want to
transform extracted aributes, you can use built-in or custom transformations.
In the Extracted Aributes panel, click Add. Provide the information below in the Add
Extracted Aribute dialog box.

Specifying the Attributes

SenderID and ReceiverID System Attributes
When Trading Networks has a value for SenderID and ReceiverID, you can perform
these tasks:
Use the sender or receiver to determine whether a document is a duplicate (Check
for Duplicate Document pre-processing action).
Use the sender or receiver as criteria for determining the processing rule to use for
the document.
Deliver a document.
Search for the document in My webMethods based on sender or receiver.
Have a business process perform steps based on sender or receiver.
On the Extract panel, select the external ID type (for example, DUNS) for each aribute so
that Trading Networks can match the externals ID in TN_parms/SenderID and TN_parms/
ReceiverID with the external IDs in the profiles. This is how Trading Networks verifies
the identities of the sender and receiver. When Trading Networks finds a match, it
transforms the externals ID in TN_parms/SenderID and TN_parms/ReceiverID into its
internal IDs before storing them in the BizDocEnvelope.
Be sure to select an external ID type that your partners specify in their profiles. You
can choose from a list of external ID types. If the external ID type you need is not in the
list or if you have agreed on a non-standard format with a trading partner, select the
external ID type Mutually Defined and add an appropriate ID value.
You can use the Retrieve SenderID from session option as an alternative way to set the
value of the SenderID system aribute. When this option is set, rather than look in

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Creating Flat File Document Types

TN_parms\SenderID for the value to use, Trading Networks uses the connected user.
That means that when the client sent the document to Trading Networks, it had to
present credentials (an Integration Server user name and password). That user name/
password pair directly correlates to a Trading Networks partner. Recall that when you
create a profile, there is a required external ID type (for example, DUNS). When you
create a profile, Trading Networks creates a user account on the Integration Server
for that partner. The user name is equal to the required external ID. So, if the required
external ID is DUNS and a profile is added for a partner whose D-U-N-S number is
123456789, that partner will have an Integration Server user account with the user name
123456789. So, when that partner's client wants to send a flat file document to Trading
Networks, it must present credentials; that is, it supplies user name 123456789 along
with its password. So, if Retrieve SenderID from session is set to true in a document type,
Trading Networks determines the sender of the document based on the user account
123456789, finds the profile (and therefore the internal ID), and puts that value in the

Important: When you resubmit a flat file document with the Retrieve SenderID from
session option selected, the resubmit might fail. If you set up Sender
criteria in a processing rule, the first time the document arrives, the criteria
matches a processing rule based on the SenderID value 123456789 because
that is the value determined via the Retrieve SenderID from session option.
However, if you resubmit the document, that same processing rule will not
be selected based on the Retrieve SenderID from session option. This is because
when you resubmit the document from My webMethods, the user is the
IS user account that you used to log in to My webMethods (for example,
Administrator), which will not match sender 123456789 in the Sender criteria
of the processing rule. It could end up matching another processing rule and
then go through completely different processing.

Extract this system aribute if you want to use the document ID to determine whether
a document is a duplicate (Check for Duplicate Document pre-processing action), and if
you want to search for documents of this document type in My webMethods based on
document ID.

Extract this system aribute if you want to specify user status as a criterion for
determining the processing rule to use for the document, and if you want to search for
documents of this document type in My webMethods based on user status.

Extract this system aribute if you want to search for documents of this document type
in My webMethods based on group ID.

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Extract this aribute if you want to pass the document to a business process. If you
do not want to pass the document to BPM, add a variable to the pipeline called
prtIgnoreDocument with the value of true. If ConversationID is extracted and
prtIgnoreDocument variable is set to true, then it will not be passed to the process model.

Custom Atttributes
Extract any custom aribute you want to use later.

Indicating Whether the Attribute is Required

By default, when Trading Networks cannot extract an aribute, it continues processing,
and, if processing completes successfully, sets the processing status to DONE. It does
not log an error to the activity log. If you want Trading Networks to log an error to
the activity log when it cannot extract an aribute, you can designate that aribute as
required for extraction. If processing completes successfully, Trading Networks sets the
processing status to DONE W/ERRORS.
Configure the document type's processing rule to handle the error as follows:
Use the processing rule’s recognition error criterion to trigger the processing rule
based on whether it contains errors.
Use the processing rule’s Execute a Service processing action to inspect the bizdoc/
Errors pipeline variable for errors.

Transforming Extracted Attributes

You can have Trading Networks transform extracted aributes before storing them in
the Trading Networks database.

Note: You cannot transform the SenderID or ReceiverID aributes.

Built-In Transformations for DATETIME and DATETIME LIST Data Type Attributes
If you extract an aribute that has the data type DATETIME or DATETIME LIST, you
must identify the date format. You can choose a built-in common date/time format or
you can type the format you need using a paern string based on the "Time Format
Syntax" described for the java.text.SimpleDateFormat class. Trading Networks extracts
the value of the date and uses it and the paern you specify to decode the value
and convert it to the format that Trading Networks requires to store the date in the

Built-In Transformations for STRING or STRING LIST Data Type Attributes

If you extract an aribute that has the data type STRING or STRINGLIST, you can
transform the string value using one of the built-in transformations below.

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Format Description

Uppercase Transforms the extracted string aribute value to all


Lowercase Transforms the extracted string aribute to all lowercase.

String Substitution Substitutes extracted values with a paern you specify.

Trading Networks uses the java.text.MessageFormat class to
perform this transformation.
Suppose your gateway service extracts the names of three
items in a purchase order and places them in an aribute
named itemName in TN_parms as follows:
/TN_parms/itemName = {"WidgetA", "WidgetB", "WidgetC"}

Your document type would have to include the following:


Suppose you want to replace the three names with a single

string that contains the three names. Use this field to specify
the following string substitution paern:
"Item Name: {0}, {1}, {2}"

Trading Networks would store the following for the value of

Item Name: WidgetA, WidgetB, WidgetC

If you place more arguments in the paern than there are

extracted values, the string stored in the database for the
aribute will contain the extra arguments. If you specify
fewer arguments than there are extracted values, the string
will contain only the values for the number of arguments.

Built-In Transformations for NUMBER Data Type Attributes

If you extract an aribute that has the data type NUMBER and contains an array of
numbers, you can use transform the array into a single value using one of the built-in
transformations below.

Format Description

Average Calculates the average value of all the numbers in the array.

Minimum Calculates the smallest number in the array.

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Format Description

Maximum Calculates the largest number in the array.

Sum Calculates the sum of all the numbers in the array.

No format Stores the first value of the array as the value of the aribute.

Note: When Trading Networks extracts a NUMBER or NUMBER LIST from

a document, it uses the number parsing behavior of java.lang.Number. For
example, if the NUMBER or NUMBER LIST contains the value 100zzz,
Trading Networks interprets the value as 100, instead of throwing an error
as it would if the value were zzz100. If you want to redefine this parsing
behavior, you can write a custom transformation service.

Suppose your gateway service extracts the quantity of each item of a purchase order,
and you want to sum the quantities of all items. Suppose you defined the following
aributes in TN_parms and in the document type:

TN_parms Attributes Document Type

/TN_parms/itemNumber itemNumber NUMBER

/TN_parms/quantity quantity NUMBER

totalQuantity NUMBER
/TN_parms/totalQuantity summedValue NUMBER LIST

If you select the Sum built-in transformation for totalQuantity , it will sum its values and
produce a single number. For example, if the value of totalQuantity is this array:
/TN_parms/totalQuantity = {2, 3, 4, 5}

The value of summedValue will be:

/TN_parms/summedValue = 2 + 3 + 4 + 5

Trading Networks will store the value 14 for totalQuantity .

Custom Transformation Services

To select a custom transformation service, click and select the service to use. To
locate a service, specify the Package Name and click Search or browse the services in the
listed packages. Specify the inputs for the selected service.

Defining Pre-Processing Actions for the Document Type

Click the Options tab and define the options and actions below.

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Creating Flat File Document Types

Enable Processing Rule Routing Option

If you want to process documents using pre-processing and processing actions defined
in a processing rule, enable processing rule routing. If you want to process documents
using only pre-processing actions defined in the document type, disable processing rule

Note: If you do not want to process documents using a processing rule, disabling
routing can improve performance by avoiding the search for processing rules.

Verify Digital Signature Pre-Processing Action

Click next to the Verify Digital Signature field and then select the service to use.

Validate Structure Pre-Processing Action

This action invokes a flat file parser to validate the inbound document’s structure and
content against a flat file schema, and to convert the document into an IS document you
can map to the TN_parms pipeline variable.

Note: Alternatively, you can perform the same validation and conversion in your
document gateway service. Do not convert a document in both the document
gateway service and using the Validate Structure action. If you convert a
document in the gateway service, it will remain in the pipeline.

Important: Parse the document only if absolutely necessary. Parsing can be time-
consuming and return very large outputs that consume much memory.

If you know the fully qualified name of the flat file (parsing) schema to use, type it in the
Parsing schema field. Otherwise, to locate the flat file schema, click . In the Input for
Flat File Validation dialog box, select the parsing seings. If you want to save the parsed
contents, select the keepResults option.
This action invokes pub.flatfile:convertToValues service in the WmFlatFile package, which
in turn invokes the flat file parser. For information about the service, see the Flat File
Schema Developer’s Guide.

Check for Duplicate Document Pre-Processing Action

Trading Networks provides options to check for a document with the same Document
ID; the same Document ID and sender; the same document ID, sender, and receiver; or
the same document ID, sender, and document type. In the extraction specifications, you
must specify extracting the necessary aributes for the option you select.
If you want to use a custom service that performs the check based on other aributes,
click Select and search or browse for the service.

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Creating Flat File Document Types

Note: Custom duplicate checking services can affect performance, depending on the
service logic.

Save Document to Database Pre-Processing Action

You must save a document to the database when you want to:
Deliver the document using reliable delivery with immediate or scheduled delivery.
Deliver the document using queue for polling.
Pass a document to a business process.
Send a document back to the beginning as a “new” document (for example, because
the document did not match any defined document type). This is called resubmiing
the document.
Send a document back through processing rules (for example, because the document
was processed by the wrong rule). This is called reprocessing the document.
You can choose to save all documents, no documents, or only unique documents. If you
want to save only unique documents, you must also specify the Check for Duplicate
Document pre-processing action.

Option Description

Content Save document content if you want to:

View the content in My webMethods when monitoring transactions.
Resubmit or reprocess the document.
Use the Deliver Document By processing action with reliable

Attributes Save custom aributes if you want to view aributes in My

webMethods when monitoring transactions, search for documents
based on custom aributes, or reprocess documents.

Important:If you reprocess a document without saving custom aributes,

you might get unexpected results. Because the aributes are
not saved, the document will not match processing rules
that use extended criteria. Instead, the document will match
another processing rule, such as the default processing rule,
and Trading Networks will perform the processing actions
defined in that rule.

Activity Record activity log entries when monitoring transactions.


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Creating Flat File Document Types

Editing a Flat File Document Type

To edit a flat file document type
1. My webMethods: Administration > Integration > B2B > Document Types Administration >
Document Types.
2. Click Edit for the document type to edit.
3. If you want to edit the document type based on a transaction, click Show Actions
on the row for the document to use and then select Edit Document Type.
4. Edit the fields as described in "Creating a Flat File Document Type" on page 111.
5. Save the document type.

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Preparing for Document Delivery

8   Preparing for Document Delivery

■ Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 122
■ Creating Custom Immediate Delivery Services ......................................................................... 122
■ Enabling Document Delivery Using a Web Service ................................................................... 125
■ Creating Custom Scheduled Delivery Services ......................................................................... 127
■ Adding a Public Queue to Trading Networks ............................................................................ 136
■ Setting Up the Queue for Polling for webMethods for Partners ................................................ 138

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Preparing for Document Delivery

Before you specify document deliver in processing rules or partner profiles, you might
need to perform the tasks in this chapter.

Creating Custom Immediate Delivery Services

You can create a custom immediate delivery service to do the following:
Replace services provided with Trading Networks built-in immediate delivery
Replace services automatically created by Trading Networks when you create
custom immediate delivery methods from built-in immediate delivery methods.
Deliver documents in ways not provided with Trading Networks.

Creating a Custom Immediate Delivery Service

Your immediate delivery service must implement, at a minimum, the input and output
variables defined in the wm.tn.rec:DeliveryServiceSignature specification. The input value
defined by the specification is the document to deliver. The output values in the
specification indicate the outcome of the service. Your service must provide values for
the serviceOutput output variable. The serviceOutput variable is an IS document (IData
object) that contains these String variables:

For this variable in Specify…

the serviceOutput...

status Whether the service executed successfully or unsuccessfully.

Your service must provide the value success or fail.

statusMessage Optional. Delivery-specific message about the outcome of the


transportTime Optional. Number of milliseconds it took for the service to

deliver the document.

output Optional. Return information from the delivery service (for

example, response bytes received from an HTTP post).

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Preparing for Document Delivery

Retrieving the Document Content to Deliver

To obtain the document content to deliver, use the wm.tn.doc:getDeliveryContent service. You
pass this service the BizDocEnvelope that contains the document and the service returns
the delivery content.
You can use the wm.tn.doc:getDeliveryContent service regardless of whether Trading
Networks considers the document large or not. This service determines whether to
handle the document as large. If the document is not considered large, the service
returns the delivery content as a byte array. If the document is considered large, the
service returns the delivery content as a Java InputStream object.

Note: Trading Networks cannot handle large documents that are delivered using
the Web service delivery method.

Registering the New Delivery Service

Execute the wm.tn.delivery:registerService built-in service to register your new delivery
service. One of the input variables of the wm.tn.delivery:registerService built-in service is
serviceName . The value you specify for serviceName becomes the name of the delivery
option that My webMethods displays in lists that contain all delivery options. You can
execute the wm.tn.delivery:registerService service from Software AG Designer, as explained
If you later need to change the parameters you specify in this procedure, remove the
service using the wm.tn.delivery:removeService service and then repeat this procedure.

To register the new delivery service

1. In Software AG Designer, select the wm.tn.delivery:registerService service from the
Navigation Panel.
2. Select Test > Run. Software AG Designer displays this dialog box:

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Preparing for Document Delivery

3. Fill in the input parameters as follows:

Parameter Entry

serviceName Unique name to assign to the delivery service and therefore the
delivery method (for example, Message Queue).

host Host name of the Integration Server that hosts Trading Networks.
If the delivery service resides on the local machine, specify
localhost or leave host blank; do not specify the host name for
the local machine.
To invoke a delivery service on a remote server, Trading
Networks opens an HTTP connection and posts the document to
be delivered.

Important:When you specify a host name, Trading Networks assumes

the delivery service is on a remote server. If the delivery
service is on the local machine, this consumes resources

port Port for the Integration Server that hosts Trading Networks. If you
leave host blank, do not specify a value for port.

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Parameter Entry

user User name of a user account that has the authority to execute the
wm.tn.delivery:registerService service. If host is localhost or blank,
Trading Networks ignores user.

password Password for the user account identified in user. If host is

localhost or blank, Trading Networks ignores password.

Note: The password is securely managed by the Integration

Server's Password Manager.

ifc Fully-qualified folder name of the new delivery service (for

example, TNCustomize.deliveryServices).

service Service name of the new delivery service (for example,


scheduled Whether the service you are registering is an immediate (click

false) or scheduled delivery service (click true).

4. Click OK.

Enabling Document Delivery Using a Web Service

To deliver a document to a partner using a Web service (that is, by invoking a Web
service at the partner's end), you create a Web service delivery method. Trading
Networks uses the Web services feature provided by Integration Server to deliver
documents using a Web service.
Trading Networks uses a Web service connector to invoke the Web service at the
partner's end. To pass the data from Trading Networks to the Web service connector
based on the connector's input data structure, you create a mapping service. The
mapping service maps the pipeline variables to the required input values of the Web
service connector. The output of the service must have the same document structure as
that of the Web service connector's input document structure. In most cases, the input of
the mapping service is the BizDocEnvelope, so the mapping maps the bizdoc aributes
to the input parameters of the Web service connector.
After the Web service connector invokes the Web service at the partner's end, it obtains
the response from the partner. The response obtained can be added to the bizdoc or sent
as a separate document to Trading Networks. If Trading Networks receives the response
as a separate document, it processes that document just like any other document it
The following diagram illustrates delivery using a Web service delivery method.

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Preparing for Document Delivery

Create a Web service connector for every Web service you want to invoke. Using
Software AG Designer, create a consumer Web service descriptor from the remote
Web service. For instructions, see the Web Services Developer’s Guide. Integration Server
automatically creates the Web service connector from the descriptor.
Create a mapping service that describes how to pass the data from Trading Networks
to the Web service connector. Create a Java service or a flow service whose output has
the same document structure as the Web service connector's input document. Map the
pipeline variables with the required input values of the Web service connector. In most
cases, you might want to map the bizdoc aributes with the relevant input parameters
of the Web service connector. In such cases, the input for the mapping service is the
You will create the Web service delivery method by providing the Web service connector
and mapping service details in the receiving partner’s profile (see "Adding a Custom
Immediate Delivery Method to a Profile" on page 173). You can add the Web service
response to the bizdoc, or you can create a document out of the response. If you want to
create a document, define a document type for the document so that Trading Networks
recognizes the document, and define a processing rule for that document type.

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Preparing for Document Delivery

Creating Custom Scheduled Delivery Services

Creating a Custom Scheduled Delivery Service

A scheduled delivery service must act on a batch of delivery tasks. Your scheduled
delivery service must retrieve each delivery task and act on it individually. It is the
responsibility of the scheduled delivery service to retrieve each delivery task, deliver the
document associated with the delivery task, and update the status of the delivery task
To perform these functions, your scheduled delivery service might have to take
other actions as well. For example, your scheduled delivery service might need to
open a connection to a remote machine before it delivers documents and close the
connection after it has delivered all the documents. Trading Networks provides a
single scheduled delivery service, the wm.tn.transport:batchFtp service, which you can use
as a reference implementation to write your own scheduled delivery schedule. (The
wm.tn.transport:batchFtp service opens a connection, delivers all the documents, and then
closes the connection.)

Scheduled Delivery Service Inputs

The table below lists the input variables your scheduled delivery service should expect.

Variable Data Type Description

queue String Name of the queue that contains the delivery tasks
on which the service is to act. Your service will use
this value as input to the wm.tn.queuing:getQueuedTask
built-in service to retrieve a delivery task. For more
information, see "Required Logic to Include in the
Scheduled Delivery Service" on page 128.

other n/a Any other input variables your scheduled delivery

variables service requires. These typically depend on the
transport protocol your service will use to deliver the
documents. For example, for a service that uses FTP,
an additional input variable would be the directory in
which to place the documents that are being delivered.

Scheduled Delivery Service Outputs

The table below lists the output variables your scheduled delivery service must return.

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Preparing for Document Delivery

Variable Data Type Description

logMsg String Text that describes the result of the scheduled

delivery service. This is not the status of acting
on a single delivery task in the queue; it is the
result of the scheduled delivery service as a

Retrieving the Document Content to Deliver

To obtain the document content to deliver, use the wm.tn.doc:getDeliveryContent service. You
pass this service the BizDocEnvelope that contains the document and the service returns
the delivery content.
You can use the wm.tn.doc:getDeliveryContent service regardless of whether Trading
Networks considers the document large or not. This service determines whether to
handle the document as large. If the document is not considered large, the service
returns the delivery content as a byte array. If the document is considered large, the
service returns the delivery content as a Java InputStream object.

Note: Trading Networks cannot handle large documents that are delivered using
the Web service delivery method.

Required Logic to Include in the Scheduled Delivery Service

The following table lists actions that you must include in all scheduled delivery services
and the built-in service to use to accomplish each action.

Action Built-In Service to Use

Retrieve a wm.tn.queuing:getQueuedTask service.

delivery task
When you invoke this service, you pass it the name of the
from a queue
queue from which you want a delivery task. The service
returns the oldest task in the queue; the task includes the
document to deliver.
When you retrieve a task from the queue, the task is not
removed from the queue. Instead, the status of the delivery
task is updated from QUEUED to DELIVERING.
How the delivery task is represented depends on how your
scheduled delivery service is wrien:
Flow service: IS document (IData object) that has a structure
defined by the wm.tn.rec:Task IS document type.

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Preparing for Document Delivery

Action Built-In Service to Use

Java Service: com.wm.app.tn.delivery.GuaranteedJob object (see the

webMethods Trading Networks Java API Reference).

Typically, your scheduled delivery service should invoke the

wm.tn.queuing:getQueuedTask service and process delivery tasks
until the queue is empty (that is, until you have processed
each of the QUEUED delivery tasks in the queue). When the
queue is empty, the wm.tn.queuing:getQueuedTask service returns
null for the task variable.

Note: The wm.tn.queuing:getQueuedTask service places the

timeDequeued variable in the pipeline. Trading
Networks uses this variable to calculate the amount of
time it takes to transmit the document. Do not update or
drop this variable from the pipeline.

Deliver the One of the built-in services in the pub.client folder, or one of
document your own custom transport services.
After your scheduled delivery service retrieves a delivery
task, it should deliver the document that is returned with the
task information.

Update the wm.tn.queuing:updateQueuedTask service. the service uses the

delivery task returned status to update the delivery task status:
If status is success, the service updates the task status to
If status is fail, the service updates the task’s retry count.
If the maximum retry count has not been reached, the
service updates the task status to QUEUED. The next
time the queue schedule invokes your delivery service,
the delivery task will try again to deliver the document.
If the maximum retry count has been reached, the
service updates the task status to FAILED.
The wm.tn.queuing:updateQueuedTask service also takes care of
logging the results of the delivery to the activity log.

Typical Logic to Include in the Scheduled Delivery Service

A typical scheduled delivery service might deliver all the batched documents to a single
destination. The wm.tn.transport:batchFtp built-in scheduled delivery service behaves in this
manner and is a good sample to refer to when creating your own scheduled delivery

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Preparing for Document Delivery

service. For more information, see "The wm.tn.transport:batchFtp Built-in Service" on

page 131.
The following shows steps you might want to include in your scheduled delivery service
to deliver all documents to the same destination.
// Retrieve a delivery task from the queue:

If the queue is empty

Exit the service

Open a connection to the remote server

While queue is not empty

// Try to deliver the document associated with the delivery task
// Update the task with the results of the delivery (e.g., success or fail)
// Retrieve the next delivery task from the queue

Close the connection to the remote server

The actions in italics are items that all scheduled delivery services should perform.
The above shows only one way to create the service. You might have different
requirements for your service. For example, you might want to combine several
documents and transmit them as one large document or might want to limit the number
of documents sent to a destination in a single invocation of your service.
As shown above, the scheduled delivery service might need to make a connection
to a remote server. The typical approach is to open the connection after you have
determined that the queue has delivery tasks in it (that is, the queue is not empty). You
can determine whether the queue is empty by invoking the wm.tn.queuing:getQueuedTask
built-in service. If this service returns null, the queue is empty. After your scheduled
delivery service has acted on the delivery tasks in the queue, your service can close the
connection to the remote server.
Some transport protocols require additional actions after opening a connection and
before you begin delivering documents. For example, for the FTP protocol, after
performing the LOGIN to connect to the remote server, a cd (change directory) is
performed to navigate to the appropriate directory.

Handling Exceptions
When the queue schedule dictates, the wm.tn.queuing:deliverBatch service is invoked.
The wm.tn.queuing:deliverBatch built-in service, in turn, invokes your scheduled delivery
service and passes your service information about the queue.
This wm.tn.queuing:deliverBatch service catches any exceptions thrown by your scheduled
delivery service or the underlying transport service that your services uses to deliver the
document. In response to an exception, the wm.tn.queuing:deliverBatch service increments
the retry count for the current delivery task and logs the exception to the activity log.
If your scheduled delivery service needs to take action in response to an exception, use
the pub.flow:getLastError service to detect whether an exception was thrown.

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If you are creating your scheduled delivery service using the flow language, and you
want to exit your scheduled delivery service due to a failure, use the following flow
EXIT $flow and signal FAILURE

The above flow operation causes the wm.tn.queuing:deliverBatch service to increment

the current delivery task’s retry count and log the exception to the activity log. You
provide the information that Trading Networks logs to the activity log. To provide this
information, be sure you specify meaningful information in:
The failure-message property of the EXIT flow operation.
The logMsg variable in Pipeline out; map meaningful text to this variable.

The wm.tn.transport:batchFtp Built-in Service

Trading Networks provides one built-in scheduled delivery service,
wm.tn.transport:batchFtp, which is shown below. This service delivers a batch of documents
using the FTP protocol to a single destination. It is wrien in the flow language. Use this
service as a model if you are creating your own custom scheduled delivery service.

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Preparing for Document Delivery

The wm.tn.transport:batchFtp Service

Flow Description

1 The INVOKE flow operation invokes the wm.tn.queuing:getQueuedTask

built-in service to retrieve the first delivery task from the queue. The
service returns the task information in the task variable.

2 If the variable, task , is null, the queue is empty. In this case, map text
to the output variable, logMsg , and exit the service.

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Flow Description

3 If the queue contains delivery tasks, aempt to log in to the remote

FTP server.

4 An input to the wm.tn.transport:batchFtp service is the variable, directory .

If this variable was specified, cd to the specified directory.

5 If the cd to the specified directory fails, map a message to the output

variable, logMsg , and exit the service.

6 The REPEAT flow operation causes the service to loop over the
delivery tasks in the queue.

7 The INVOKE flow operation invokes the wm.tn.doc:getDeliveryContent

built-in service to retrieve the document content to be delivered.

8 The operations in the SEQUENCE flow operation form the file

name to use for the document being delivered. The file name will be
internalID.ext, where internalID is the Trading Networks generated
internal ID for the document and ext is the file extension.
The first INVOKE flow operation in the sequence invokes the
pub.string:concat service to append a period to the internal ID. The
BRANCH flow operation determines the file extension. An input
to the wm.tn.transport:batchFtp service is the variable, fileExtension . If
this variable was not specified, the file extension defaults to “xml”.
Otherwise, the file extension is the value specified for the fileExtension

9 This INVOKE flow operation invokes the pub.client.ftp:put service that

transmits the file using FTP.

10 If the return code from the pub.string:concat service is 226, the file was
transmied successfully. In this case, the MAP flow operation sets the
value of the status variable in Pipeline Out to “success.”
For any other return code the other MAP flow operation sets the value
of the status variable in Pipeline Out to “fail.”.

11 The first INVOKE flow operation invokes the

wm.tn.queuing:updateQueuedTask built-in service to update the status of
the delivery task. One of the inputs to the service is status that was set
to either “success” or “fail”.

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Flow Description

The second INVOKE flow operation invokes the

wm.tn.queuing:getQueuedTask service to retrieve the next delivery task
from the delivery queue.

12 If the wm.tn.queuing:getQueuedTask service returned a delivery task,

continue in the REPEAT loop. If the service returned null, the queue is
empty; exit the REPEAT loop.

13 After looping through all delivery tasks, log out of the remote FTP

The wm.tn.transport:batchFtp service does not do any exception handling. All transport-
level exceptions cause the current invocation of the wm.tn.transport:batchFtp service to
terminate, and the exception will be handled by its caller, the wm.tn.queuing:deliverBatch
built-in service. The wm.tn.transport:batchFtp service will be invoked again for the delivery
queue, according to the queue’s schedule.

Registering the New Delivery Service

Execute the wm.tn.delivery:registerService built-in service to register your new delivery
service. One of the input variables of the wm.tn.delivery:registerService built-in service is
serviceName . The value you specify for serviceName becomes the name of the delivery
option that My webMethods displays in lists that contain all delivery options. You can
execute the wm.tn.delivery:registerService service from Software AG Designer, as explained
If you later need to change the parameters you specify in this procedure, remove the
service using the wm.tn.delivery:removeService service and then repeat this procedure.

To register the new delivery service

1. In Software AG Designer, select the wm.tn.delivery:registerService service from the
Navigation Panel.
2. Select Test > Run. Software AG Designer displays this dialog box:

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Preparing for Document Delivery

3. Fill in the input parameters as follows:

Parameter Entry

serviceName Unique name to assign to the delivery service and therefore the
delivery method (for example, Message Queue).

host Host name of the Integration Server that hosts Trading Networks.
If the delivery service resides on the local machine, specify
localhost or leave host blank; do not specify the host name for
the local machine.
To invoke a delivery service on a remote server, Trading
Networks opens an HTTP connection and posts the document to
be delivered.

Important:When you specify a host name, Trading Networks assumes

the delivery service is on a remote server. If the delivery
service is on the local machine, this consumes resources

port Port for the Integration Server that hosts Trading Networks. If you
leave host blank, do not specify a value for port.

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Preparing for Document Delivery

Parameter Entry

user User name of a user account that has the authority to execute the
wm.tn.delivery:registerService service. If host is localhost or blank,
Trading Networks ignores user.

password Password for the user account identified in user. If host is

localhost or blank, Trading Networks ignores password.

Note: The password is securely managed by the Integration

Server's Password Manager.

ifc Fully-qualified folder name of the new delivery service (for

example, TNCustomize.deliveryServices).

service Service name of the new delivery service (for example,


scheduled Whether the service you are registering is an immediate (click

false) or scheduled delivery service (click true).

4. Click OK.

Adding a Public Queue to Trading Networks

To add a public queue to Trading Networks
1. In My webMethods: Administration > Integration > B2B > Public Queues.
2. Click Add Queue.
3. In the Name field, specify the name for the queue.
4. Do the following:
a. In the Delivery Service field, select the scheduled delivery service to use with the
queue, then click the Inputs tab and provide the inputs to the scheduled delivery
If you want the input parameters to include fields that you leave blank, select
Include empty values for string types?. If you select this option and you leave a field
blank, Trading Networks passes an empty string for the value. If you do not
select this option and you leave a field blank, the field is not included in the
b. From the State list, assign a state to the queue, as follows:

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State Meaning

Enable Place delivery tasks in the queue and deliver documents.

Disable Do not place new delivery tasks in the queue and do not
deliver documents. All delivery tasks that are already
in the queue remain in the queue. You might disable the
queue if you need to fix the scheduled delivery service,
or if a processing rule has been placed on the wrong
queue and you need to change the rule or reassign tasks to
another queue. If the partner profile is disabled, the private
queue is disabled.

Drain Do not place new delivery tasks in the queue but deliver
documents in the queue. You might drain a queue if you
want to delete it, or perform maintenance changes (for
example, change queue seings, update delivery services).

Suspend Place new delivery tasks in the queue but do not deliver
Delivery documents. You might suspend a queue if a trading
partner is temporarily unable to accept documents.

You can also change the status on the Public Queues page. For this, select the
checkbox beside the queue, and select a status from Change Status. You can do
this to change the status of multiple queues at once.

Note: When the state of a queue is Disable or Drain, delivery fails because
Trading Networks cannot place the delivery task in the queue. Trading
Networks sets the delivery task status to FAILED and logs a message to
the activity log.

c. Click the Schedule tab. In the Process Queue list, select how often to invoke the
scheduled delivery service to deliver the documents in the queue, then fill in the
fields below.

Important: Only use My webMethods to change the delivery schedule and other
queue seings for a scheduled delivery service. Do not try to use
Integration Server Administrator to change the schedule, or the data
passed to the service will be lost and the service will not be able to
deliver documents.

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Selection Action

Run Once Invokes the scheduled delivery service one time only, at
the date and time you specify. This option is typically used
in a development environment.

Note: If the scheduled date and time occurs when the host
Integration Server is not running, Integration Server
throws an exception when you next start Integration

Fixed Interval Invokes the scheduled delivery service at the fixed interval
you specify (for example, every 3 hours). The scheduled
delivery service executes for the first time immediately
after Trading Networks adds the delivery task.
If you want to wait for the scheduled delivery service
to finish running before starting the next scheduled
invocation of the service, select the Do not overlap task check

Note: When you add or update a fixed interval schedule

for a queue whose state is Enabled or Drained,
Trading Networks invokes the service immediately.
Subsequent invocations are governed by the fixed

Hourly Invokes the scheduled delivery service at the dates and

times you specify.
Use the Date Range fields to specify the first and last days to
invoke the service. Use the Process Queue fields to specify
Monthly the exact times to invoke the service.
Yearly If you want to wait for the scheduled delivery service
to finish running before starting the next scheduled
invocation of the service, select the Do not overlap task check

5. Click Save & Close.

Setting Up the Queue for Polling for webMethods for Partners

This section describes how to set up the queue for polling for webMethods for Partners.

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To set up the queue for polling for webMethods for Partners

1. For seing up queues for polling, Trading Networks uses license files. Make sure
the partner Integration Server that hosts webMethods for Partners uses the partner
license key, and the hub Integration Server that hosts Trading Networks uses the
hub license key.
2. Go to the partner_Integration Server_directory\instances
\instance_name\config directory and open the server.cnf file.
3. Make sure the watt.server.partner property is set to the host name for the hub
Integration Server. For example, if the host name for the hub Integration Server is
LocalHost, the property would be watt.server.partner=LocalHost.
If the watt.server.partner property is missing or incorrect, add or update the
property. To do so, shut down the partner Integration Server, add or update the
property, and restart the partner Integration Server.

Note: If the watt.server.partner property is missing, the partner Integration

Server cannot request the documents queued for it on the hub Integration
Server. If the property is set incorrectly, the partner Integration Server will
throw an exception when it tries to request queued documents.

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Creating Processing Rules

9   Creating Processing Rules

■ Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 142
■ Before You Begin ....................................................................................................................... 142
■ Creating a Processing Rule ....................................................................................................... 144
■ Defining a Processing Rule Based on a Saved Document ....................................................... 153
■ Editing the Default Processing Rule .......................................................................................... 154
■ Reordering Processing Rules .................................................................................................... 154
■ Testing the Order of Processing Rules ...................................................................................... 155
■ Deleting a Processing Rule ....................................................................................................... 155

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If you are working in a clustered environment, all Trading Networks servers must be set
up for cluster synchronization. For instructions, see "Configuring Trading Networks for
a Clustered Environment" on page 68.
The order in which you list your processing rules on the Processing Rules page is
important. If a document type enables processing rule routing, and does not identify
a specific rule to use to process documents, Trading Networks matches each inbound
document against processing rules in the order the rules are listed on that page, and
uses the first processing rule that matches the document. Order rules so that rules
with specific criteria are above rules with more general criteria. Also, set up a default
processing rule for Trading Networks to use when a document does not match any of
the other processing rules.

Before You Begin

Creating a Service for the Check for Duplicate Document Action

In the Check for Duplicate Document pre-processing action, Trading Networks offers
options to check based on Document ID, sender, receiver, or document type. If you want
to check based on other aributes, you can use a custom service. Create the service using
the wm.tn.rec:DupCheckService specification.

Note: Custom duplicate checking services can affect performance, depending on the
service logic.

Creating a Service for the Execute a Service Action

In the Execute a Service processing action, you can invoke a custom service
synchronously, asynchronously, or using a service execution task.
If you invoke the service synchronously or asynchronously, the service must at
minimum implement the input variables defined in the wm.tn.rec:ProcessingService
specification. The input values are the IS documents (IData objects) that are in the
pipeline during processing. The specification does not identify any outputs.
If you invoke the service asynchronously using a service execution task, the
service must at minimum implement the input and output variables defined in the
wm.tn.rec:ReliableProcessingService specification. The input values are the IS documents
(IData objects) that are in the pipeline during processing. The service must provide
values for the serviceOutput output variable, which is an IS document (IData object)
that contains these String variables:

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String Variable Value

status Whether the service:

Executed successfully. When the service returns success,
Trading Networks updates the status of the service execution
task to DONE.
Failed. When the service returns fail and the maximum retry
limit has been met, Trading Networks updates the status of the
service execution task to FAILED. If the maximum retry limit
has not been reached, the status of the service execution task
remains PENDING and Trading Networks tries to re-execute
the service after the wait period elapses.

statusMessage Optional. Message that contains more information about the

outcome of the service. If the service fails, for example, you
should provide an error message that explains the failure.

transportTime Optional. Number of milliseconds it took the service to execute.

If the service requires input values in addition to those in the specification, you might
want to hardcode some of the values when you set up the processing rule. For example,
you might create a service that can add, update, or delete an entry for a partner in your
back-end system. Input to the service is a flag that indicates the action to take. You could
create three separate processing rules that all execute this service, but set the input
values for the flag differently for each rule. For the rule that adds an entry, set the input
value to indicate that the service should add an entry. For the rule that updates an entry,
set the input value to indicate the service should update an entry, and so on.

Using Alert Email Messages

If you want to use the Alert e-Mail Message processing action, you must configure
Trading Networks to send email messages. You do this by specifying the address of the
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) server through which Integration Server is to
issue email messages.

To specify the address of the SMTP server

1. In Integration Server Administrator: Settings > Resources > Edit Resource Settings.
2. Under Email Notification, set the SMTP Server field to the domain name or IP address of
the SMTP server to use.
3. If you want to send the email to the webMethods administrator, specify an email
address in the Internal Email field.
4. Save your changes.

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Creating Processing Rules

Performing Tasks for the Deliver Document By Action

If you want to use the Delivery Document By action, see "Preparing for Document
Delivery" on page 121 for tasks you might need to perform.

Creating a Processing Rule

Creating and Naming the Rule

To create and name the rule
1. In My webMethods: Administration > Integration > B2B > Processing Rules.
2. Do one of the following:
To create the rule by providing new information, select the row near which to
place the new rule, click Add Processing Rule, and then click Above, Below, or Last.
If you use Last, reposition the Default rule so it remains in the last position in the

Note: Trading Networks adds the new rule to the full, unfiltered list that
shows all processing rules. If you are working with a filtered list of
processing rules, adding a new processing rule might affect the rules
that are not displayed on your query results table. Ask a Trading
Networks administrator to check the order in the full, unfiltered list, or
test the rule order to make sure it is working as you intend (see "Testing
the Order of Processing Rules" on page 155).

To create the rule by copying an existing rule and modifying it, click in the
row for the rule to copy.
3. On the Processing Rule Details page, provide a name and description for the rule,
and indicate whether to enable or disable the rule. When a rule is disabled, Trading
Networks does not match documents to it or use it to process documents. Do not
enable the rule until you are done creating it.

Specifying Criteria for the Rule

Click the Criteria tab and fill in the fields to identify the documents to process using this

Specifying Sender and Receiver Criteria

You can specify sender, receiver, or both as criteria for matching inbound documents to
the processing rule. For Sender, select one of the following:

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Select... To use this rule for documents...

Any Regardless of sender.

Enterprise That identify your corporation as sender.

Unknown For which the sender is an unknown partner.

Selected That identify specified partner profiles and partner groups as

sender. Click Select Partner(s) and select partners, or click
Select Partner Group(s) and select groups.

For Receiver, select from the same options, but for receiver.

Specifying Document Type Criterion

You can specify document type as a criterion for matching inbound documents to the
processing rule. For example, you could specify that documents that match the cXML
Purchase Order document type should use this processing rule.

Select... To use this rule for documents...

Any Regardless of document type.

Unknown That are an unknown document type.

Selected That match specified document types. Click Select Document

Types and select document types.

Specifying User Status Criteria

You can specify user status as a criterion for matching inbound documents to the
processing rule. You can specify in the document type to extract the UserStatus system
aribute or, if you do not, the initial value for this aribute will be null.

Select... To use this rule for documents...

Any Regardless of user status.

Specified That have specified user statuses. To add a user status to the
table, click and type the user status. To remove a user status,
click .

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Specifying Recognition Error Criteria

You can specify the occurrence or non-occurrence of errors during document recognition
or aribute extraction as a criterion for matching inbound documents to the processing

Select... To use this rule for documents...

May have errors Regardless of whether the document contains errors.

Has no errors That do not contain errors.

Has errors That contain errors.

Setting Up Extended Criteria for the Rule

You can specify extracted aributes as criteria for matching inbound documents to the
processing rule. Click the Extended Criteria tab and fill in the fields below.

Attribute Field
Specify the name of a custom aribute to match on.

Operator Field
Indicate how to match the Value (below) against the value extracted from the documents.
For example, you can match string values that contain specified characters, match
number values that are greater than a specified value, or match date values to a specified
date. The operator you can specify depends on the data type of the aribute.

Value Field
Value specifies the value to match against the value extracted from the documents. You
can also specify null. Trading Networks might have a null value for an aribute for these
For XML documents, the XQL query in the document type did not find the specified
aribute in the document.
The document type of the document is unknown, so Trading Networks did not
extract aributes.
If you use the Is Null operator, you do not need to specify a value in this field.
You can specify the following:

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To specify... Do this...

A string Type the string. This match is case-sensitive.

A number Type the number.

A date and Click to select the date from a calendar or type the date and
time time using the format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss and a 24-hour clock
for hh .

Defining Pre-Processing Actions for the Rule

For each pre-processing action you specify, you indicate that you want to:
Perform the corresponding pre-processing action specified in the document type.
Perform the pre-processing action in the processing rule.
Not perform the pre-processing action at all.
Click the Pre-Processing tab and define the actions below.

Verify Digital Signature Pre-Processing Action

To use this action for XML documents, you must extract the SignedBody and Signature
system aributes.

Select... To...

Defer to Use the Verify Digital Signature pre-processing action in the

document type document type.

Verify digital Always verify digital signatures or digitally sign documents

signature that are processed with this rule. The services used for signing
the documents are available in the webMethods Trading
NetworksBuilt-In Services Reference Guide.

Do not Never verify digital signatures or digitally sign documents that

verify digital are processed with this rule.

Validate Structure Pre-Processing Action

Use this action to invoke a flat file parser to validate the document’s structure and
content against a specified schema.

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Select... To...

Defer to Use the Validate Structure pre-processing action in the document

document type type.

Validate Always validate the structure of documents that are processed

structure with this rule by picking up the schema.

Validate Never validate the structure of documents that are processed

structure with this rule.

Check for Duplicate Document Pre-Processing Action

Select... To...

Defer to Use the Check for Duplicate Document pre-processing action in

document type the document type.

Use built- Check documents using an option provided by Trading

in services Networks. You can check the database for a document with the
to check for same document ID; the same document ID and sender; the same
duplicate document ID, sender, and receiver; or the same document ID,
document sender, and document type. To use an option, you must extract
the corresponding system aributes.

Use custom Check documents against a custom duplicate checking service.

services to Click Select Service and browse the IS namespace for the
check for service. To use the service, you must extract the aributes
duplicate specified in the service.

Do not check Never check the uniqueness of documents processed with this
for duplicate rule.

Save Document to Database Pre-Processing Action

You must save a document to the database when you want to:
Deliver the document using reliable delivery with immediate or scheduled delivery.
Deliver the document using queue for polling.
Pass a document to a business process.

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Send a document back to the beginning as a “new” document (for example, because
the document did not match any defined document type). This is called resubmiing
the document.
Send a document back through processing rules (for example, because the document
was processed by the wrong rule). This is called reprocessing the document.

Select... To...

Defer to Use the Save Document to Database pre-processing action in the

document type document type.

Save Always save the document content, aributes, and activity log.
Indicate whether to save information for all documents or only
for documents that are unique. To only save documents that are
unique, you must also check for uniqueness using the Check for
Duplicate Documents action.

Do not save Never save the document content, aributes, or activity log.

Defining Processing Actions for the Rule

Click the Action tab and then click Add Action to add a processing rule action.Trading
Networks displays the dialog box for the action. Complete your selections for each
processing rule action as explained below.

Execute a Service Action

Note: If you have not already done so, perform the instructions in "Creating a
Service for the Execute a Service Action" on page 142.

Click Select Service and select the service to invoke for the action. Specify how to
invoke the service, as follows:

Selection Description

Synchronous Synchronously execute the service once.

Asynchronous Asynchronously execute the service once.

Service execution task Trading Networks uses reliable execution to re-execute

the service one or more times if the service fails.

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Creating Processing Rules

To set inputs for the service, click Set Inputs and type values for the parameters for which
to hardcode an input value.

Alert e-Mail Message Action

Note: If you have not already done so, perform the instructions in "Using Alert
Email Messages" on page 143.

Email To Field

To send the email to... Select...

webMethods webMethods Administrator.


A sender contact Sender, and then select the contact type from the list. The
contact type must be defined in the sender’s profile.

A receiver contact Receiver, and then select the contact type from the list. The
contact type must be defined in the receiver’s profile.

A specific address Email address, and then specify the address.

Subject Field
Type a character string for the subject of your email.

Mail Body Field

Type a character string for the body of your email.
At this point, the pipeline contains the information described in "Creating a Service for
the Execute a Service Action" on page 142. In addition, if the processing rule specifies
the Execute a Service action and the service is executed synchronously, the pipeline also
contains any information that the service placed in the pipeline. If you want to make
the body of the email message dynamic, you can include information from the pipeline
in the body using output template tags. For example, you might want the message to
specify the type of document that was received and the sender of the document. You
might also want to include a hyperlink that allows the recipient of the email message to
view the document. The following shows the text you might specify for the body. (For
illustrative purposes, bold text is used for the output template tags.)

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If the document type is Purchase Order, the sender’s corporation name is XYZ Steel
Company, and the organizational unit is Alloys Division, the above sample message
body would be rendered as follows:
Trading Networks received a Purchase Order document from XYZ Steel Company--
Alloys Division.
You can view the document at

For information about output template tags, see the Dynamic Server Pages and Output
Templates Developer’s Guide.

Change User Status Action

Use this action to assign a user status to the document. In the Change To field, specify a
character string (for example, Needs Approval).

Note: You can also change user status using the Java methods
com.wm.app.tn.doc.BizDocEnvelope.setUserStatus(String) and
com.wm.app.tn.db.BizDocStore.changeStatus(BizDocEnvelope,String,String) in the Trading
Networks Java API. For information, see the webMethods Trading Networks
Built-In Services Reference or the built-in service wm.tn.doc:changeStatus. These
APIs are given for creating custom solutions.

Deliver Document By Action

To use this action, you must extract the ReceiverID system aribute from the document.

Note: If you have not already done so, perform the instructions in "Preparing for
Document Delivery" on page 121.

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Important: If you use the Execute a Service action and the executed service updates the
receiver identified in the document, Trading Networks does not deliver the
document to the partner that the service specifies as the receiver unless that
service updates the receiver in the bizdoc in the pipeline. If the service does
not update the receiver, Trading Networks delivers the document to the
receiver identified when it initially received the document for processing.

Select this field… To...

Immediate Use immediate delivery. Select the immediate delivery

delivery method from the list. If you want to use reliable delivery,
specify the Save Document to Database pre-processing action.

Scheduled Use scheduled delivery. Click the scheduled delivery queue

delivery to use in the list. The private queue for the receiving partner
is called Receiver’s queue in the list. If you want to use reliable
delivery, specify the Save Document to Database pre-
processing action.

Queue for polling Place the document in the queue for polling.

Receiver’s Use the immediate delivery method that is identified in the

preferred protocol receiving partner’s profile as the partner’s preferred protocol.
The preferred protocol option is primarily for use with
webMethods eStandards Modules.

Respond Action

Field Entry

Content Type Indicate the content type of the message. For example, if the
message is an XML document, specify the content type, text/
xml. If the message is in plain text, specify the content type

Message Specify a character string. To use a larger input window to

specify the message, click Expand. If you want to make the
body dynamic, you can include information from the pipeline.
For more information, see "Alert e-Mail Message Action" on
page 150.

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Defining a Processing Rule Based on a Saved Document

You can have Trading Networks create a processing rule based on a document that
you saved in the Trading Networks database. When Trading Networks creates the
processing rule, it sets the criteria, pre-processing actions, and actions as described
below. You can edit the rule and add extended criteria.

Setting Description

Criteria Sender criterion: Set to the sender identified within a

document or unknown.
Receiver criterion: Set to the receiver identified within a
document or unknown.
Document type criterion: Set to the document type for the
document or unknown.
User status criterion: Set to the value of the user status that
is associated with the document, if any.

Pre-Processing Verify digital signature: Always verify the document’s

digital signature.
Validate structure: Always validate the document’s
Check for duplicate document: Use the action in the
document type.
Save document to database: Always save the document
content, aributes, and activity log.

Action Trading Networks sets the processing action to ignore the

document (that is, to not perform any processing actions on
the document).

To create a processing rule based on a saved document

1. In My webMethods: Monitoring > Integration > B2B > Transactions.
2. Click Show Actions on the row for the document to use to create the processing
3. Select Create Processing Rule.
4. You can edit the criteria, pre-processing actions, or processing actions, and you can
add extended criteria. For instructions, see "Creating a Processing Rule" on page

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5. Save the processing rule.

Note: Trading Networks saves the new rule at the top of the list of processing
rules. If you want to move the rule to another position in the list, see
"Reordering Processing Rules" on page 154.

Editing the Default Processing Rule

Trading Networks has a default processing rule named Default Rule. The criteria in this
processing rule matches a document that has any sender, any receiver, any document
type, and any user status, and might have errors. The default rule does not specify any
extended criteria. Any document that Trading Networks receives will meet the criteria
of the default processing rule.
The pre-processing actions in the default processing rule indicate that Trading Networks
should use the seings in the document type. By default, the Change User Status
processing action changes the user status of the document to Ignored. However, you
can edit the pre-processing and processing actions in the default processing rule. Do not
change the criteria.
The default processing rule must always be the last rule in the full, unfiltered processing

To edit the default processing rule

1. In My webMethods: Administration > Integration > B2B > Processing Rules.
2. Click Default rule. The default processing rule is listed last.
3. To edit the pre-processing actions, click the Pre-Processing tab and use the
instructions in "Defining Pre-Processing Actions for the Rule" on page 147.
4. To edit the processing actions, click the Action tab and see "Defining Processing
Actions for the Rule" on page 149.
5. Save the processing rule.

Reordering Processing Rules

The default processing rule must always be the last rule in the full, unfiltered processing

To reorder processing rules

1. In My webMethods: Administration > Integration > B2B > Processing Rules.
2. Click for the rule to move.

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3. Move the rule up or down, or select a location for the rule. For example, if you
want to move rule 4 to position 8, select the rule and specify position 8 in the Select
Location dialog box.

Testing the Order of Processing Rules

You can test the order of your processing rules to make sure Trading Networks selects
the correct processing rules for your documents.
To test the processing rules, you must have a sample document in your file system.
Trading Networks performs these actions on the document:
Recognizes the document type.
Extracts aributes as specified in the document type.
Determines all enabled processing rules the document matches.
Trading Networks does not perform any pre-processing or processing actions on the

To test the order of processing rules

1. In My webMethods: Administration > Integration > B2B > Processing Rules.
2. Click the Advanced tab in the Search panel.
3. Click the Test tab.
4. Click Browse to select the sample document to test and then click Test.
Trading Networks lists the processing rules that match the sample document.

Deleting a Processing Rule

If you no longer need a processing rule, you can delete it in My webMethods. Deleting
a processing rule removes it entirely from Trading Networks. You will not be able to
recover it.

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Onboarding New Partners

10   Onboarding New Partners

■ Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 158
■ Uploading Partner Information ................................................................................................... 159
■ Managing Partner Onboarding Templates ................................................................................. 160
■ Managing Invitation Emails ........................................................................................................ 164
■ Granting Partners Access to the Questionnaire Page ............................................................... 166
■ Approving or Rejecting a Partner .............................................................................................. 167
■ Viewing and Changing the Status of a Partner ......................................................................... 167

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Onboarding New Partners

The partner onboarding process can help you automate the creation of partner profiles
and trading partner agreements (TPAs) using the partner details provided in a comma-
separated values (.csv) file or by way of questionnaire responses received from the
partner. For more information about this process, see "Overview of the Partner
Onboarding Process" on page 29.
You can also create partner profiles manually by entering partner details on various
My webMethods pages. For information about creating profiles in this way, or editing
profiles created using either method, see "Creating Profiles" on page 169.

Summary of the Partner Onboarding Process

Following is a high-level overview of the partner onboarding process:
1. The administrator uploads a spreadsheet into My webMethods that contains basic
information about one or more partners. For more information on different ways to
upload partner information, see "Uploading Partner Information" on page 159.
2. In My webMethods, Trading Networks sets the status of the partner to New
(Pending Partners page) and the status of the TPA to Proposed (Trading Partner
Agreements page). For more information on partner status, see "Viewing and
Changing the Status of a Partner" on page 167.
3. If additional details are needed from the partner (for example, if the spreadsheet
contained only the partner name and email address), the administrator does the
a. Creates a questionnaire template that identifies the additional information
needed. For more information on the questionnaire templates, see "Managing
Partner Onboarding Templates" on page 160.
b. Configures seings for an invitation to be emailed to the partner. For more
information on configuring emails, see "Configuring Invitation Emails" on page
c. Sends the invitation email to the partner requesting him or her to log in to My
webMethods to complete the questionnaire. For more information on sending
invitation emails, see "Sending Invitation Emails" on page 165.
d. Grants the partner access to the questionnaire page in My webMethods. For more
information, see "Granting Partners Access to the Questionnaire Page" on page
4. Trading Networks sets the partner’s status to Invited.
5. The partner completes the questionnaire. Trading Networks sets the partner’s status
to Responded.

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Note: If the partner does not complete the questionnaire within a configured
time limit, Trading Networks sets the partner’s status to Expired. The
administrator can restart the onboarding process for that partner by re-
inviting the partner.

6. The administrator checks the details that the partner has submied. If they are
complete and in order, the administrator approves the partner. If the details are not
in order, the administrator resends the questionnaire for the partner to enter again.
7. If the partner enters the questionnaire correctly this time, the administrator approves
the partner. If not, the administrator rejects the partner and Trading Networks sets
the partner’s status to Rejected. For more information, see "Approving or Rejecting a
Partner" on page 167.
8. If the partner is approved, Trading Networks adds the information from the
questionnaire to the partner’s profile and TPA. The status of the partner is changed
from Pending to Approved and the status of the TPA from Proposed to Agreed.

Uploading Partner Information

The administrator starts the onboarding process for one or more partners by uploading
a spreadsheet that contains basic information about the partners. At a minimum, the
spreadsheet can contain the partner’s name and email address. The administrator can
download the sample template provided, enter and save the information, and upload
the file.
Alternatively, the administrator can start the onboarding process for a single partner by
using the Quick Add feature.

Uploading Partner Information from a Spreadsheet

To upload partner information from a spreadsheet
1. In My webMethods: Administration > Integration > B2B > Partner Onboarding > Import
2. On the Upload From File tab of the Upload Partners page, click Browse.
3. Locate and select the spreadsheet file (in .csv format) containing the partner
information, and then click Open.

Note: You can also download the sample template provided on the Import
Information page, enter and save the information, and upload the file.

4. Click Upload Partners.

Note: The spreadsheet must comply with the header information provided
in the import template of Import Information page. It must contain, at
a minimum, the partner name and email address. If other information

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about the partner is supplied in the spreadsheet, the spreadsheet must also
contain the partner's external ID.

5. Click the down arrow next to Upload Errors and Successful Uploads to view the results
in the Upload Results area. Correct any errors that may have occurred.

Note: You can click the Status icon to view messages related to the upload in the
Messages tab. Messages include upload confirmation and error messages.
If an error message appears, you can click the StackTraces tab to see the
stack trace report for the error.

If successful, Trading Networks sets the status of the partner to New.

Adding Partner Information Using the Quick Add Feature

To quickly add a partner to the onboarding process
1. In My webMethods: Administration > Integration > B2B > Partner Onboarding > Import
2. On the Quick Add tab of the Upload page, enter the partner’s name and email
address, and then click Add Partner.
If successful, Trading Networks sets the status of the partner to New.

Managing Partner Onboarding Templates

You can manage templates that are used for the invitation emails. You can use templates
to seek information from potential partners by adding them to the questionnaire that
you aach to the invitation. Three templates are provided by default:
Non-EDI Standard Template: used as a standard template for non-EDI
EDI Standard Template: used as a standard template for EDI questionnaires.
EDIINT Standard Template: used as a standard template for EDIINT questionnaires.
wm.tn.util:mapStandardFields is the default mapping service that is used to map the
standard fields to Trading Networks. If the default template is changed or you create
a new template, you will need to create a new mapping service for the edited or new
template. For more information about creating a mapping service for new templates, see
"Creating a Mapping Service for New Templates" on page 163.

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Searching for a Template by Name

To search for the template by name
1. In My webMethods: Administration > Integration > B2B > Partner Onboarding > Manage
2. Enter the template name in the Keywords text box, and click Search. The search results
are displayed.

Adding a New Template

Perform these steps to add a new template that you can aach to an invitation sent to a

To add a new template

1. In My webMethods: Administration > Integration > B2B > Partner Onboarding > Manage
2. Click Add Template.
3. Enter the template name and description.
4. To add a new group to the template, click Manage Groups. Four default groups
(Corporation, HTTP, Contact, and Address) are displayed in the Groups section.

Tip: You can reorder the groups in any template by clicking the arrow buon
and selecting Move Up, Move Down, or Select Location.

5. Add the groups that you want to add to the template by selecting the check box(es)
and clicking OK.
6. Click Save & Close.

Creating a New Group from an Existing Group

To create a new group from an existing group
1. In My webMethods: Administration > Integration > B2B > Partner Onboarding > Manage
2. Click a template link to view the template details.
3. Click Manage Groups.
4. Click the Copy icon in the Manage Group(s) dialog box.
The Copy Group dialog box appears, appending the group name with “Copy of”.
5. In the Group Details section, change the name and description for the group.

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6. In the Group Fields section, select the appropriate check boxes.

7. Click OK.

Adding New Fields to an Existing Group

To add new fields to an existing group
1. In My webMethods: Administration > Integration > B2B > Partner Onboarding > Manage
2. On the Templates page, click Add Field.
3. Enter the field name and description.

Note: If you added a group name and description in the Add New Group section,
the fields are added to this new group.

4. In the Group list, select the group to which this new field should belong.
5. If you want the new field to be a mandatory field, select the Required check box.
6. Specify whether the data type is String or Binary.

Note: If you select the data type as Binary, you will not be able to set any default
or valid values.

7. Specify the Maximum Length of the field.

8. Specify the Default Value of the field.

Note: Ensure that the default value, if specified, is one of the valid values, if valid
values are specified.

9. To add valid values for the field, click the + buon in Valid Values and enter the value
in the text box.

Tip: You can add as many valid values as needed by clicking the + buon and
entering the value.

10. Click OK.

Managing Fields in a Group

To manage fields within a group
1. In My webMethods: Administration > Integration > B2B > Partner Onboarding > Manage
2. Open the template.

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3. Click in the header of the group whose fields you want to manage.
4. On the Manage Fields dialog box, select whether to display One field per line or Two
fields per line.
5. To add a field to the group, click Add Field and specify the field’s details. For more
information, see "Adding New Fields to an Existing Group" on page 162.
6. To reorder fields in the group, click and change the order.
7. Select whether to show or hide a field for the group on the Manage Template page
by selecting or clearing the check box next to the field.
8. Click OK to save the seings.

Creating a Mapping Service for New Templates

If you make changes to any of the partner onboarding templates, you need to edit the
mapping service. If you create a new partner onboarding template, you need to create
a new mapping service. If the administrator approves the template that you edited or
created, the edited or new mapping service pushes the approved information to the

Note: If you create a new mapping service, you need to enter the mapping service
name in the Mapping Service box on the Manage Templates page.

To create mapping fields for the edited or new templates

1. In Software AG Designer, create a new flow service. Ensure that the structure of the
pipeline input (Pipeline In) to the mapping service is as follows: Template > Group
Name > Field Name.

Note: Template is a fixed variable name, whereas Group Name and Field Name
should reflect the values you defined in the template.

2. Add groups and fields to Pipeline In in the flow service.

3. Map the Pipeline In fields to the Pipeline Out fields. There are three Pipeline Out groups,
each having a list of fields:
Profile. For details, see the description for the wm.tn.rec:Profile service in webMethods
Trading Networks Built-In Services Reference.
EDIINT. For details, see the section on the Extended Fields tab of the profile in
webMethods Module for EDI Installation and User’s Guide.
EDITPA. For details, see the section on defining EDI trading partner agreements in
webMethods Module for EDI Installation and User’s Guide.
For details about editing or creating a mapping service, see the section on mapping data
in flow services in webMethods Service Development Help.

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Onboarding New Partners

Managing Invitation Emails

Managing partner onboarding invitation emails consists of configuring the emails,
sending the emails to prospective partners, editing the seings for emails that have not
yet been sent, and deleting invitations that have expired.

Configuring Invitation Emails

You can configure the seings that Trading Networks uses to send and track invitation

To configure invitation emails

1. In My webMethods: Administration > Integration > B2B > Partner Onboarding > Manage
2. In the SMTP Server field under General in the Email Preferences section, enter the SMTP
server details that you are using to send email. If you do not enter the SMTP server
details, Trading Networks uses the Integration Server SMTP server.
3. In the Email field, type the email address of the Trading Networks administrator
who will be overseeing partner onboarding activities. This email will be used to send
invitation emails to the potential partners.
4. In the Invitations area, do one of the following:
a. To create a new invitation from scratch, click Add.
b. To create an invitation based on an existing one, click the copy icon next to the
invitation you want to start with.
5. In the Name field, type a name for the invitation email (for example, “Supplier
Invitation”). You can use this name to search for specific invitation emails later. If
you clicked the copy icon to create the invitation email, a new invitation email is
created with “Copy of” prefixed to the name in the Name field. You can edit it to
enter a new name for the invitation email.
6. In the Description field, type a description for the invitation email (for example,
“Partner onboarding invitation for XYZ suppliers in Europe”).
7. On the Email Invite tab, do the following:
a. In the To field, click Select Partners to select the partners to be invited. The From
field is auto-populated with the email address specified in the tn.mail.from
property in the Trading Networks Configuration Properties page (B2B Settings >
Edit Properties > TN Configuration Properties).
b. In the Subject field, enter the text to appear on the subject line of the email.
c. In the Message Body field, enter the text to appear in the body of the email.

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d. Click the Questionnaire text box and select the questionnaire template you
would like to include with the invitation email. When a partner responds to the
invitation email by logging in, this template determines the questions that the
partner will see when prompted for additional profile details.
e. Click Save.

Sending Invitation Emails

To send the invitation emails
1. In My webMethods: Administration > Integration > B2B > Partner Onboarding > Manage
2. Click the Settings tab and do the following:
a. To send the invitation email immediately, select the Send Invitation Immediately
check box.
b. To send the invitation email at another time, specify the send date and time.
c. To send a reminder schedule for the invitation email, click Set Reminder.
d. Select Daily, Weekly, or Monthly from the Run Schedule list.
e. Select the hours that the invitation should be sent in the Run schedule at these times
f. Click Save.
g. When you are ready to send the invitation email according to the schedule you
just configured, select Active from the Status list at the top of the page.

Note: Inactive invitations are saved as drafts.

h. Click Save & Close.

Managing Partner Invitation Emails

The information that the partner must provide is defined in the questionnaire template
that you specify for that partner. While sending an invitation to a partner, you can
associate only one active questionnaire template with the partner. The administrator can
edit the seings for invitation emails that have not yet been sent and delete an invitation
that has expired.

To manage invitation emails

1. In My webMethods: Administration > Integration > B2B > Partner Onboarding > Manage
2. In the Search area of the Invitations page, do one of the following:

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To search for an invitation email by name, click the Keyword tab, type the name of
the invitation, and click Search.
To specify detailed search criteria based on invitation expiration, start, or end
date, invitation name, partners identified as recipients, invitation email status, or
questionnaire template associated with the invitation, click the Advanced tab. Add
the desired filters and click Search.
3. To delete an invitation email that has not already been sent or has not yet expired,
select the email in the Invitations panel, click Delete, and then click OK to confirm.
4. To edit an invitation email, click the Edit icon in the Actions column next to the email.
Edit the email’s seings as described in "Configuring Invitation Emails" on page
5. To set the status of an invitation email, do one of the following:
Double click on the invitation and choose Active or Inactive from Status.
Select the checkbox beside the invite in the Invitations panel and seing the status
to Active or Inactive. You can do this to set the status of multiple invitations at
If the invitation is Active and you change it to Inactive, the entire schedule will be
suspended till the invitation is made active again.

Note: In Active mode, you cannot change any of the field values other than
reminders and expiration date.

Granting Partners Access to the Questionnaire Page

To grant a partner access to the questionnaire page in My webMethods, you grant
permissions to the TN Onboarding Users role to access the questionnaire page for a
specific Trading Networks server instance.

Note: Trading Networks automatically adds My webMethods users who receive the
questionnaire as a part of the onboarding process to the TN Onboarding Users

To grant a partner access to the questionnaire page

1. In My webMethods: Administration > My webMethods > System Settings > TN Servers.
2. Click the Permissions icon for a Trading Networks Server instance for which you
want to grant access.
3. In the Select Roles dialog box, type the name of the role you want to add and click
Search. In this case, it is the TN Onboarding Users role.
4. Move the role from the Available list to the Selected list.

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5. Click Apply and then click Save.

Approving or Rejecting a Partner

After the administrator sends the partner an invitation, the partner logs in to My
webMethods using the login URL and credentials available in the invitation. On the
Welcome screen, the partner is asked to change the password and enter details in the
questionnaire. Once completed, the partner clicks Submit to submit the details to the
After the partner submits the questionnaire, you can approve or reject the partner.

To approve, reject, or ask partner to resend information

1. In My webMethods: Administration > Integration > B2B > Partner Onboarding > Review
2. Click the Detail icon next to the partner response to view the details that the partner
3. Click Approve, Reject, or Resend as appropriate.
If approved, Trading Networks adds the information from the questionnaire to
the partner’s profile.
If rejected, the partner is rejected. The partner needs to apply again in order to be
an approved partner.
If the partner is asked to resubmit the information, the partner needs to edit the
information and submit again. If approved by the administrator, the partner will
be approved.

Viewing and Changing the Status of a Partner

Trading Networks tracks the status of partners who are participating in the partner
onboarding process, starting from the time the partner’s information is uploaded
and ending when the partner either becomes certified or is rejected as a potential
partner. You can change the partner’s status to reflect the partner’s progress through the
onboarding process.

To view and change a partner’s onboarding status

1. In My webMethods: Administration > Integration > B2B > Partner Onboarding > Manage
2. Select the partner whose status you want to change.
3. Click Change Status, and then select the appropriate status as follows:

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Status Description

New The partner’s initial information is uploaded.

Invited An email was sent to the partner asking the partner to

complete the partner questionnaire.

Responded The partner completed the partner questionnaire and is ready

to submit test documents.

Expired The partner did not complete the partner questionnaire within
the specified time limit.

Rejected The partner was rejected and cannot transact on Trading


ReInvited The partner was reinvited because he did not respond to the
invitation before it expired or the administrator re-sent the
invitation to partner.

Approved The administrator approved the partner and the partner can
now start transactions with Trading Networks. The partner is
shown in Partner Profiles page.

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Creating Profiles

11   Creating Profiles
■ Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 170
■ Before You Begin ....................................................................................................................... 170
■ Creating a Profile ....................................................................................................................... 171
■ Adding Extended Fields to a Profile .......................................................................................... 187
■ Associating Partners with Partner Groups ................................................................................. 188
■ Working with TPAs ..................................................................................................................... 189
■ Deleting a Partner Profile ........................................................................................................... 193
■ Finding Partner Certificates that Are Expired or Expiring Soon ................................................. 193

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Creating Profiles

If you are using Trading Networks, you can add as many partner profiles as you want. If
you are using webMethods for Partners, you can add one partner profile.
Profiles might take awhile to create. Software AG recommends that you save your
updates frequently.
The procedures described in this chapter create a partner profile from scratch. You can
automate some of this process by uploading partner details from a comma-separated
values (.csv) file or by way of questionnaire responses received from the partner. For
details, see "Onboarding New Partners" on page 157.

Before You Begin

Creating Contact Types

You can specify contacts in profiles. If you need to create a contact type, use the
wm.tn.dictionary:addContactType built-in service. Contact Types are defined for creating
multiple contacts for partners by using this service. It will start showing in the Partner
Profile > Contact Profile > Add Contact > Contact Type drop-down list.

Creating External ID Types

You specify external IDs in profiles. If you need to create an external ID type, you can
use the wm.tn.dictionary:addIDType built-in service or you can use My webMethods as
described in "Adding External IDs to a Profile" on page 172.

Creating Services for Use with TPAs

You can create services for use with TPAs, as follows:

Service Description

Initialization Populates the inputs to the variables in the IS document type

with default values.
Some webMethods products that take advantage of
the TPA feature supply an initialization service. For
example, the webMethods Module for EDI supplies the
wm.b2b.editn.TPA:initService service, while the webMethods ebXML
Module supplies the wm.ip.ebxml.cpa:initTPA initialization service.

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Service Description

Note: If you create a partner-defined EDITPA from scratch, do

not use the wm.b2b.editn.TPA:initService initialization service
because it populates the partner-defined EDITPA with
hard-coded values other than those in the default EDITPA,
which is already tailored to a user's requirements. Instead,
manually complete each parameter field in the Input for

Validation Validates the data added to the IS document for the TPA. The
validation service must adhere to the service specification

Note: Specifying a validation service improves processing time

because it eliminates the need to validate the TPA every
time a process that uses the TPA runs on Integration Server.

Export Exports a TPA and converts it to an industry-standard format.

After creating a TPA, if you need to obtain the industry-standard
format of a TPA, you can execute your export service.

Creating a Profile

Creating and Naming a Profile

You must create your own (Enterprise) profile before you can add partner profiles.

To create and name a profile

1. In My webMethods: Administration > Integration > B2B > Partner Administration > Partner
2. Do one of the following:
To create your own profile, click Create My Enterprise.
To create a partner profile, do one of the following:
i. To create the profile by providing new information, click Add Profile.
ii. To create the profile by copying an existing profile and modifying it, click
in the row for the profile to copy.
3. Fill in these fields:

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Field Entry

Corporation Name In your profile, the name of your corporation. In a

partner profile, the name of the partner’s corporation.

Organization Unit Optional. Name of the organizational unit or division

within the corporation (for example, Sales and

Status Whether to enable or disable the profile. When a

profile is disabled, the profile owner cannot exchange
documents with partners. Do not enable the profile
until you are done creating it. You must supply
information for all required fields before you can
enable the profile.
You can also enable or disable a profile on the Partner
Profiles page by selecting the checkbox beside the
profile and seing the status to Active or Inactive
respectively. You can do this to change the status of
multiple profiles at once.

Preferred Language The locale to use.

Adding External IDs to a Profile

To add an external ID to a profile
1. On the Partner Profiles page, select the profile to which you want to add external
2. Click the External IDs tab.
3. If you need to create an external ID type, click Add ID Type, provide the name, and
click OK.
4. Click Add ID and fill in these fields:

Field Entry

ID Type External ID type to use.

ID Value Alpha-numeric external ID value. For example, if you selected

DUNS as the external ID type and your D-U-N-S number is
987654321, specify 987654321.

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Adding Addresses to a Profile

Use the Addresses tab to add addresses to a profile.

Adding Contacts to a Profile

Use the Contacts tab to add contacts to a profile.

Specifying Document Delivery in a Profile

Adding a Custom Immediate Delivery Method to a Profile
To add a custom immediate delivery method to a profile
1. On the Partner Profiles page, select the profile to which you want to add a custom
immediate delivery method.
2. Click the Delivery Settings tab.
3. Click Add Delivery Method.
4. In the Delivery Method list, click the immediate delivery method to add.
5. If you click one of the standard methods (FTP, FTPS, HTTP, HTTPS, SMTP, or
Web service) in order to create a custom immediate delivery method, the Delivery
Method Name field appears, in addition to the fields described in the steps below.
Trading Networks automatically prefixes the value you type in this field with the
immediate delivery method to form the complete name for the method (for example,
HTTP - XYZSteel). Trading Networks also automatically creates the corresponding
immediate delivery service with this name.
6. For an FTP, FTPS, HTTP, and HTTPS immediate delivery method, fill in these fields:

Field Entry

Host In your profile, the host name of your system (for example,
XYZSteel.com). In a partner profile, the host name of the
partner’s system.

Port Port on which the specified host listens for incoming requests.

Note: If you do not supply a port number, Trading Networks

uses the defaults FTP-21, FTPS-21, HTTP-80, or

Location Where to deliver documents using this delivery method.

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Field Entry

For FTP or FTPS, type the directory path to which to deliver

documents on the system identified by Host and Port. The file
name of the file is the internal ID Trading Networks generates
for the document when the document arrives. For XML
documents, the file extension is .xml. For flat file documents,
the file extension is dat.
For HTTP or HTTPS, type the URL to use (for example, cgi-
bin/acceptOrder). Trading Networks automatically fills in the
Location with /invoke/wm.tn/receive, the standard URL for
document exchange.

User Name In a partner profile, the user name Trading Networks should
supply to connect to the partner’s system.
The user name can be for an Integration Server or My
webMethods user account that has partner authority (that is, is
a member of the Integration Server ACL named TNPartners.

Password In a partner profile, the password Trading Networks should

supply to connect to the partner’s system.

Note: Passwords used in scheduled delivery queues (public

and private) are stored in the Trading Networks database
in binary-encoded form, not in clear text. Since trading
partners can create custom scheduled delivery services,
Trading Networks cannot determine which user-defined
input variable might be a password, and therefore cannot
encrypt passwords used in scheduled delivery queues.

Protect Data For FTPS,


For an E-mail or SMTP immediate delivery method, fill in this field:

Field Entry

E-mail In your profile, the e-mail address to which you want

documents delivered (for example, bizdoc@isteel.com). In a
partner profile, the e-mail address to which the partner wants
documents delivered.
If you want to deliver the documents to multiple e-mail
addresses, separate the e-mail addresses using a comma.

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For a Web service immediate delivery method, fill in these fields:

Field Entry

Response Whether the response received after Web service execution

Handling should be:
Added to the bizdoc. Select Additional Content Part.
Converted into a new document. Select New Document.

Web Service Fully qualified name of the Web service connector to use to
Connector deliver the document.
Click Select. In the Select Web Service Connector dialog box,
search for the Web service connector by providing the name
of the Integration Server package that contains the Web
service connector and the name of the Web service connector
namespace. You can provide a string or the entire namespace
name. You can use wildcard characters. Then click Search and
select the Web service connector from the list.

Mapping Fully qualified name of the mapping service that provides the
Service input to the Web service connector.
Click Select. In the Select Mapping IS Service dialog box, follow
the instructions for Web Service Connector, above.

Output In a partner profile, the output parameter of the Web service

Parameter connector that contains the required response.
Click Select and select the required parameter in the Key field.

Security Certificates to use to secure communication between Trading

Options Networks and the Web service. Select one or more of the
options listed below.
Secure: Use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) while exchanging
Sign: Use the private key required to sign the documents
being exchanged.
Verify: Verify the digital signatures of the documents being
Encrypt: Encrypt documents being delivered.
Decrypt: Decrypt documents received.

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7. If this immediate delivery method is the preferred method to use to deliver

documents to the partner, select the Use as preferred protocol check box.

Note: If you do not designate an immediate delivery method as the preferred

protocol, Trading Networks uses the queue for polling by default.
The preferred protocol option is primarily for use with webMethods
eStandards Modules.

Adding Scheduled Delivery to a Partner Profile

You add scheduled delivery to a partner profile by specifying the queue to use for
the partner. A queue is associated with a scheduled delivery service and a delivery

To add a scheduled delivery method to a profile

1. On the Partner Profiles page, select the profile to which you want to add a scheduled
delivery method.
2. Click the Delivery Settings tab.
3. Click Add Delivery Method.
4. In the Delivery Method list, click Queue for Delivery.
5. Select a public queue or the partner’s private queue.
6. To define the partner’s private queue, click Edit and do the following:
a. In the Delivery Service field, select the scheduled delivery service to use with the
queue, then click the Inputs tab and provide the inputs to the scheduled delivery
If you want the input parameters to include fields that you leave blank, select
Include empty values for string types?. If you select this option and you leave a field
blank, Trading Networks passes an empty string for the value. If you do not
select this option and you leave a field blank, the field is not included in the
b. From the State list, assign a state to the queue, as follows:

State Meaning

Enable Place delivery tasks in the queue and deliver documents.

Disable Do not place new delivery tasks in the queue and do not
deliver documents. All delivery tasks that are already
in the queue remain in the queue. You might disable the
queue if you need to fix the scheduled delivery service,
or if a processing rule has been placed on the wrong
queue and you need to change the rule or reassign tasks to

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State Meaning
another queue. If the partner profile is disabled, the private
queue is disabled.

Drain Do not place new delivery tasks in the queue but deliver
documents in the queue. You might drain a queue if you
want to delete it, or perform maintenance changes (for
example, change queue seings, update delivery services).

Suspend Place new delivery tasks in the queue but do not deliver
Delivery documents. You might suspend a queue if a trading
partner is temporarily unable to accept documents.

You can also change the status on the Public Queues page. For this, select the
checkbox beside the queue, and select a status from Change Status. You can do
this to change the status of multiple queues at once.

Note: When the state of a queue is Disable or Drain, delivery fails because
Trading Networks cannot place the delivery task in the queue. Trading
Networks sets the delivery task status to FAILED and logs a message to
the activity log.

c. Click the Schedule tab. In the Process Queue list, select how often to invoke the
scheduled delivery service to deliver the documents in the queue, then fill in the
fields below.

Important: Only use My webMethods to change the delivery schedule and other
queue seings for a scheduled delivery service. Do not try to use
Integration Server Administrator to change the schedule, or the data
passed to the service will be lost and the service will not be able to
deliver documents.

Selection Action

Run Once Invokes the scheduled delivery service one time only, at
the date and time you specify. This option is typically used
in a development environment.

Note: If the scheduled date and time occurs when the host
Integration Server is not running, Integration Server
throws an exception when you next start Integration

Fixed Interval Invokes the scheduled delivery service at the fixed interval
you specify (for example, every 3 hours). The scheduled

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Selection Action
delivery service executes for the first time immediately
after Trading Networks adds the delivery task.
If you want to wait for the scheduled delivery service
to finish running before starting the next scheduled
invocation of the service, select the Do not overlap task check

Note: When you add or update a fixed interval schedule

for a queue whose state is Enabled or Drained,
Trading Networks invokes the service immediately.
Subsequent invocations are governed by the fixed

Hourly Invokes the scheduled delivery service at the dates and

times you specify.
Use the Date Range fields to specify the first and last days to
invoke the service. Use the Process Queue fields to specify
Monthly the exact times to invoke the service.
Yearly If you want to wait for the scheduled delivery service
to finish running before starting the next scheduled
invocation of the service, select the Do not overlap task check

Specifying Reliable Delivery Settings in a Partner Profile

If a partner is using immediate or scheduled delivery, and is using reliable delivery, you
must specify reliable delivery seings in the partner’s profile.

To specify reliable delivery settings in a partner profile

1. On the Partner Profiles page, select the profile for which you want to specify reliable
delivery seings.
2. Click the Delivery Settings tab.
3. Fill in these fields:

Field Entry

Delivery Number of times to try to redeliver a document to the partner.

Maximum Specify an integer greater than 0.

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Field Entry

Wait Between For immediate delivery, the number of milliseconds to wait

Retries before trying to redeliver the document the first time. Specify
an integer greater than 0.

Retry Factor For immediate delivery, the factor to use when determining
how long to wait before making subsequent aempts to
redeliver the document. Trading Networks calculates the
time to wait by multiplying the last wait time by Retry Factor.
Specify an integer greater than zero.
For example, the following shows sample values for the
reliable delivery seings and how they affect the wait times
between aempts to redeliver a document.
Delivery Maximum Retries = 3
Wait Between Retries = 10000 ms
Retry Factor = 2
Wait until next aempt:
Retry 1: 10000 ms
Retry 2: 20000 ms
Retry 3: 40000 ms

Note: You do not set the Wait Between Retries and Retry Factor fields for scheduled
delivery because Trading Networks retries the delivery based on the
delivery schedule.

Specifying Queue for Polling Settings in a Partner Profile

Trading Networks provides and manages the queue for polling. This queue is always
enabled; you cannot disable, suspend, or drain it.

To specify queue for polling settings in a partner profile

1. On the Partner Profiles page, select the profile for which you want to specify the
queue for polling seings.
2. Click the Delivery Settings tab.
3. In the Seings panel, fill in these fields:

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Field Entry

Polling Method Method to use to request queued documents on the partner’s


Polling How often to poll the partner’s system for documents.


Suspending or Resuming Document Delivery for a Partner

At times you might want to suspend delivery for a partner (for example, when a
partner’s system is unavailable). The table below describes Trading Networks actions
based on the type of delivery.

Type of delivery Trading Networks actions when delivery is suspended

Immediate delivery Delivery tasks for the partner are assigned HELD status
method that uses and Trading Networks does not try to deliver documents.
reliable delivery When delivery is resumed for the partner, Trading
Networks changes the status to PENDING and resumes
trying to deliver documents.

Immediate delivery Delivering documents fails. Because Trading Networks

method that does does not save the document to the database, it cannot
not use reliable hold the delivery.

Scheduled delivery Delivery tasks for the partner are assigned HELD status
method that uses and Trading Networks does not try to deliver documents.
reliable delivery When delivery is resumed for the partner, Trading
Networks changes the status to QUEUED and resumes
trying to deliver documents.

Scheduled delivery Delivering documents fails. Because Trading Networks

method that does does not save the document to the database, it cannot
not use reliable hold the delivery.

Delivery tasks are also affected when deliveries are suspended. When delivery is
suspended for a partner, Trading Networks assigns the delivery tasks HELD status
and does not try to execute the services. When delivery is resumed, Trading Networks
updates the task statuses to PENDING and resumes trying to execute the services.

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To suspend or resume delivery for a partner

1. On the Partner Profiles page, select the profile for which you want to suspend or
resume delivery.
2. Click the Delivery Settings tab.
3. To suspend delivery, select the Suspend Delivery check box in the Seings panel. To
resume delivery, clear the check box.

Associate My webMethods User Accounts with a Profile

You can associate one or more My webMethods user accounts with a profile. When you
do so, the user account receives Trading Networks partner authority, and the profile
owner can use the user account to access Trading Networks.
This procedure explains how to create My webMethods user accounts. An account can
specify a user name and password, or it can specify one of the external IDs defined in
the profile. The procedure then explains how to associate the profile with an account.

To associate a profile withMy webMethods user accounts

1. On the Partner Profiles page, select the profile with which you want to associate a
My webMethods user account.
2. Click the Users tab.
3. Create a My webMethods user account using one of the following procedures.
Create a user account that specifies an external ID by clicking Add user from
external ID, selecting the external ID to use, and supplying the password to use.
Create a user account that specifies a user name and password as follows:
i. Click Add Users.
ii. Click Add new user and fill in the fields below.

Field Entry

User name User name to assign to the user account.

Note: My webMethods Server adds the user ID to

the internal system directory service using the
character casing you specify. My webMethods
Server typically regards user IDs as case-insensitive;
however, My webMethods Server uses the case
you specify for actions that are case-sensitive (for
example, HTTP authentication). If it is important
for Trading Networks to consider case when
evaluating user names, particularly when using an

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Creating Profiles

Field Entry
Oracle or SQL Server database, consider seing the
tn.checkUser.ignoreCase property.

Password Password for the user account.

and Confirm

4. Associate the user accounts with the profile as follows:

a. Select Add existing user.
b. Find the user accounts to associate with the profile. Specify a keyword that is
contained in the first name, last name, e-mail address, or user name of the user
accounts in the Search for Available Users field and click Go.
c. Move the user accounts to associate with the profile from the AVAILABLE USERS to

Adding Security Information

When you add a certificate to a profile, you must also add the CA certificates and private
key that are associated with the certificate; all must reside in your file system. Trading
Networks can import files that have a .der, .cer, or .p7b extension. If you import a .der
file, Trading Networks appends it to the existing certificate chain list. If you import a .cer
or .p7b file, Trading Networks replaces the certificate chain list with the .cer or .p7b file.
Likewise, if you add a private key, you must also add the certificate and CA certificates
that are associated with the private key.

Note: If you are adding this information to your Enterprise profile, you would
specify the private key alias and the keystore alias associated with the

The following table lists the types of certificate sets you can add to a profile.

Type Description

Sign/Verify Certificate information to use to sign a document or verify

the digital signature.
In your profile, Trading Networks uses the private key
associated with the sending partner to digitally sign
documents your corporation sends to partners. Trading
Networks digitally signs a document when the wm.tn.doc:sign
built-in service is invoked.
In a partner profile, Trading Networks uses the sender’s
public key that is associated with this partner to verify the

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Type Description
document that was digitally signed by the sender (Verify
Digital Signature pre-processing action).

Encrypt/ Certificate information to use to decrypt or encrypt

Decrypt information.
In your profile, Trading Networks uses the private key of the
corporation to decrypt documents that partners send. When
the corporation receives these documents from partners,
the documents are encrypted using the public key of the
In a partner profile, Trading Networks uses your public key
to encrypt information that is being sent to you.

Note: Trading Networks maintains this information for other

webMethods products, such as webMethods RoseaNet
Module, that take advantage of this feature. You can
also add your own functionality that takes advantage of
this certificate information. You can obtain the certificate
information by using built-in services.

Note: Trading Networks does not check whether the CA that

signed the certificate is included in the list of trusted
CAs maintained by Integration Server.

SSL Certificate that enables Trading Networks to act as an SSL

client and connect to a remote secure server.

Adding Certificate Sets to a Profile

When Trading Networks needs to verify the digital signature of a partner (Verify Digital
Signature pre-processing action), it first looks for the partner’s certificate set. If it cannot
find that certificate set, Trading Networks uses the default certificate set.

Adding the Default Certificate Set to a Profile

To add the default certificate set to a profile

1. On the Partner Profiles page, select the profile to which you want to add the default
certificate set.
2. Click the Certificates tab.
3. Under the Default branch of the tree on the Certificates tab, click in the Add/
Remove column and click in the Edit column for the certificate to add.

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Note: The certificate set that you add first is the primary certificate set. This is
indicated by a in the Status column.

4. If you are working with a partner profile, add the private key associated with the
certificate as follows:
a. Click Browse next to Set Private Key and select the file containing the private key.
b. To add a certificate, click Add Certificate, click Browse, and then upload the
certificate file.
c. Click OK.
5. If you are working with your Enterprise profile, add the private key associated with
the certificate as follows:
a. From the Keystore Alias list, select the alias of the keystore containing the
b. From the Key Alias list, select the alias of the private key used to access the

Note: If the desired keystore alias is not listed, you can create one by clicking
Create Keystore Alias. For details, see the section on creating keystore
aliases in webMethods Integration Server Administrator’s Guide.

c. Click OK.
6. Optionally, add a second certificate set as follows:
a. Click in the Edit column for the second certificate.
b. Click Browse next to Set Private Key and select the file containing the private key.
c. To add the certificate pair, click Add Certificate, click Browse, and then upload the
certificate files.
d. Click OK.
7. Save the profile.

Adding a Certificate Set to Use with a Specific Partner

To add a certificate sets to use with a specific partner

1. On the Partner Profiles page, select the profile to which you want to add a specific
certificate set.
2. Click the Certificates tab.
3. Click Add Certificate Set.
4. Search for and select the profiles of partners for which to add certificate sets. For
details, see "Searching for Assets" on page 195).

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5. For each partner, add a certificate set as follows:

a. Expand the tree for the partner.
b. Click in the Add/Remove column and click in the Edit column for the
certificate to add.

Note: The certificate set that you add first is the primary certificate set. This is
indicated by a in the Status column.

c. Add the private key associated with the certificate by doing one of the following:
For a partner profile: Browse to and select the private key file, and then upload
the certificate file.
For your Enterprise profile: From the respective lists, select the keystore alias of
the keystore containing the certificate and the alias of the private key used to
access the certificate.
6. Optionally, add a second certificate set as follows:
a. Click in the Edit column for the second certificate.
b. Click Browse next to Set Private Key and select the file containing the private key.
c. To add the certificate pair, click Add Certificate, click Browse, and then upload the
certificate files.
d. Click OK.
7. Save the profile.

Updating Certificate Sets

You can add new certificates or private keys to, or remove certificates or private keys
from, existing certificate sets associated with your Enterprise profile or a partner profile.

Updating Certificate Sets for Your Enterprise Profile

To update certificate sets for your Enterprise profile

1. Click the Certificates tab.
2. Expand the branch for the certificate set to update.
3. Click in the Edit column for the certificate to update, and then do one of the
following on the Edit Certificate Set dialog box:
To add a private key, select the keystore alias and key alias from the respective
lists, and then click OK.
To change the private key, select a new keystore alias and key alias, and then
click OK.

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To remove the mapping between a keystore and the profile, select a blank entry
from the Keystore Alias list, and then click OK.
4. To remove a certificate set from the profile, select the check box to the left of the
certificate set on the Certificates tab, and then click Delete.

Updating Certificate Sets for a Partner Profile

To update certificate sets for a partner profile

1. Click the Certificates tab.
2. Expand the branch for the certificate set to update.
3. Click in the Edit column for the certificate to update, and then do the following on
the Edit Certificate Set dialog box:
To remove a private key, select the Clear Private Key check box.
To add a private key, click Browse next to Set Private Key and select the private key
To add a certificate to the chain, click Add Certificate and browse to the certificate
to add.
To remove a certificate from the chain, select the check box to the left of the
certificate to remove, and then click Delete.
4. To remove a certificate set from the profile, select the check box to the left of the
certificate set on the Certificates tab, and then click Delete.

Making Standard Fields Required

To make standard fields required
1. Open the profile:
To open your profile, in My webMethods: Administration > Integration > B2B >
Partner Administration > Partner Profiles, then click Enterprise.
To open a partner profile, search for the profile, then click in the ACTION
column for the profile.
2. Click the Extended Fields tab.
3. Click Manage Extended Fields.
4. Click the Standard tab.
5. Click the Actions icon for any standard field.
6. Select the Required check box for the standard fields to make required.

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Adding Extended Fields to a Profile

Opening a Profile’s Extended Fields

To open a profile’s extended fields
1. Open the profile:
To open your profile, in My webMethods: Administration > Integration > B2B >
Partner Administration > Partner Profiles, then click My Enterprise.
To open a partner profile, search for the profile, then click in the ACTION
column for the profile.
2. Click the Extended Fields tab.
3. Click Manage Extended Fields.

Adding Extended Fields to a Profile

To add an extended field to a profile
1. Do one of the following:
To create an extended field by providing new information, click Add Extended
To create an extended field by copying an existing extended field and modifying
it, click in the row for the extended field.
2. Fill in the fields below.

Field Entry

Name Name of the extended field.

Enabled Whether to enable or disable the extended field. When you

enable a field, it appears in all profiles that contain it. When
you disable a field, it does not appear in any profiles. If you
create profiles while a field is disabled, the profiles will not
contain the field. If you later re-enable the field, if the field is
required, you will have to update the new profiles manually.

Required Whether the extended field is required or optional. When you

define an extended field, Trading Networks automatically
adds it to all profiles you create after you add the field, but
does not add the field to existing profiles. If you make a

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Field Entry
field required, therefore, you must add it to existing profiles

Group Profile field group to which to assign the extended field. If you
need to add a new group, type the name of the new group
in the Add New Group section of the dialog box and click Add

Description Optional. Description of the extended field.

Data Type Data type of the extended field. For String, you can specify the
Maximum Length: Maximum number of characters to allow in
the field. The default is no limit.
Default: Default value for the field.
Valid Values: Acceptable values for the extended field. Click
, type a valid value, and repeat as necessary. To remove a
value, click .

Associating Partners with Partner Groups

To associate partners with a partner group
1. In My webMethods: Administration > Integration > B2B > Partner Administration > Partner
2. Click Add Partner Group.
3. Type a name and description for the group.
4. Click Add Members.
5. Search for profiles of the partners you want associate with the group (see "Searching
for Assets" on page 195).
6. Move the profiles of the partners to associate with the group from the AVAILABLE
7. Click Save & Close.

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Working with TPAs

Defining a TPA
You can define a TPA between any two partners that have partner profiles.

To define a TPA
1. In My webMethods: Administration > Integration > B2B > Trading Partner Agreements.
2. Do one of the following:
To create a TPA by providing new information, click Add TPA.
To create a TPA by copying an existing TPA and modifying it, click in the
row for the TPA to copy.
3. Complete these fields:

Note: The Sender, Receiver, and Agreement ID fields together uniquely identify a
TPA. After you create a TPA, you cannot change or update these fields.

Field Entry

Agreement ID Unique identifier that indicates the type of agreement between

the two partners. The value you specify depends on the
application that is going to use the TPA.

Sender Name of the trading partner that has the sender role in the
transaction the TPA will govern. Type the name of the sender
or click Edit to select the sender from the Select Partner dialog
For EDI, to create a template that you will duplicate to create
other TPAs, you can use the default value Unknown.

Receiver Name of the trading partner that has the receiver role in the
transaction the TPA will govern. Type the name of the receiver
or click Edit to select the receiver from the Select Partner dialog
For EDI, to create a template that you will duplicate to create
other TPAs, you can use the default value Unknown.

Control Number Value that the application using the TPA expects. For example,
the webMethods Module for EDI uses the control number
to make sure documents are processed in order and no

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Field Entry
documents have been lost or unprocessed. This value is only
required if the application using the TPA uses the Control
Number field.
The value for this field must be an integer. The default value is

Description Optional. Description for the TPA.

IS Document IS document type that defines the application-specific TPA

Type data. Type the name of the IS document type or click Edit to
browse the IS document types and select the one to use.
Trading Networks displays the data tree with all the high-level
parameters of the selected IS document type in the boom
panel of the screen. Expand the high-level parameters to view/
add data.

For parameters that contain an array of records ( ), click

to view/add values for the elements for the array. When
you click , Trading Networks displays the Edit Record
List pop-up window where you can create rows and add
values for the child elements in the form of a table. Here, each
row corresponds to an element of the array. For example, if
DocumentSeings is a parameter of type array, Edit Record
List helps you create and add values for DocumentSeings[0],
DocumentSeings[1], DocumentSeings[2], and so on.
The table format also makes it easy to compare the values
specified for DocumentSeings[0], DocumentSeings[1],
DocumentSeings[2], and so on.
If you already have a file that contains data for the selected IS
document type, browse to locate the file and click Load Inputs.
When using the TPA feature for your own custom application,
these are the parameters that your custom applications need
access to during document exchange. webMethods products
that use the TPA feature come with the IS document type to
use for the TPA data. For example, the webMethods Module
for EDI supplies the wm.b2b.editn.TPA:EDITPA IS document
type, while the webMethods ebXML Module supplies the
wm.ip.ebxml.cpa.rec:tpaDataSchema IS document type.

Data Status When the TPA’s agreement status is Agreed (see "Changing
a TPA’s Agreement Status" on page 192), whether the
values for the TPA data defined in the IS document type can
be modified.

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Field Entry

Initialization Optional. Service that populates the inputs to the variables in

Service the IS document type with default values. Type the name of
the service or click Edit to browse the services and select the
one to use.

Validation Optional. Service to validate the data added to the IS

Service document for the TPA. Type the name of the service or click
Edit to browse the services and select the one to use.

Note: Specifying a validation service improves processing time

because it eliminates the need to validate the TPA every
time a process that uses the TPA runs on Integration

Export Service Optional. Service that exports a TPA and converts it to an

industry-standard format. Type the name of the service or
click Edit to browse the services and select the one to use.
After creating a TPA, if you need to obtain the industry-
standard format of a TPA, you can execute your export

Opening a TPA for Editing

To open a TPA for editing
1. In My webMethods: Administration > Integration > B2B > Trading Partner Agreements.
2. Search for the TPA (see "Searching for Assets" on page 195), then double click the
row containing the TPA.

Editing a TPA
Editing a TPA’s Fields
To edit a TPA’s field
1. Select Agreements > Edit.
2. Update the TPA fields. You cannot modify or update the Sender, Receiver, or
Agreement ID field.
3. Update the TPA data input in the IS document type fields using one of these

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To change the values in the IS document type, browse to locate the file that has
data for the IS document type and click Load Inputs.
If an initialization service is specified and you want to invoke it to reset the TPA
data inputs of the IS document type to their default values, click Reset Inputs.
4. If a validation service is specified and you want to validate the TPA data, click
Validate Data.
5. Click Save & Close.

Changing a TPA’s Agreement Status

To change a TPA’s agreement status
1. In My webMethods: Administration > Integration > B2B > Trading Partner Agreements.
2. Select the rows for the TPAs whose agreement status to change and click the
appropriate status change buon, as follows:

Agreement Status Meaning

Proposed TPA is in draft status. Use this status when you are creating
the TPA so you can modify the TPA fields, data values in the
IS document type, and agreement status.

Agreed TPA is in final status. In production, use this status to prevent

the accidental deletion of the TPA and to speed up processing.
When a TPA is in this status, you can change the Control
Number. If the Data Status is Modifiable, you can also change
inputs to TPA data variables in the IS document type.
When the agreement status is Agreed, the data statuses take
effect. Additionally, after the agreement status is Agreed, you
cannot delete the TPA agreement.

Disabled TPA should not be used. For example, if Partner A is

delinquent on payments to Partner B, Partner B might change
Partner A's agreement status to Disabled so that no further
transactions can occur. After Partner A pays his payments,
however, Partner B would change the agreement status to
Agreed. When a TPA is in the status Disabled, you can change
the Control Number.

Deleting a TPA
You can delete any TPA whose agreement status is Proposed or Disabled. When you
delete a TPA, Trading Networks deletes all of the TPA data from the its database.

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Note: If you want to delete a non-modifiable agreement, use the wm.tn.tpa:deleteTPA

built-in service.

Deleting a Partner Profile

When you delete a partner profile, you can no longer view the profile or any related
TPAs. Trading Networks removes most of the profile data from its database but keeps all
documents, entries, and TPAs associated with the partner.
Search for the profile to delete (see "Searching for Assets" on page 195). Then Select
the check box beside the profile and click Delete.

Note: You cannot delete your (the Enterprise) profile.

Finding Partner Certificates that Are Expired or Expiring


Finding Expired Partner Certificates

To find expired partner certificates
1. In My webMethods: Administration > Integration > B2B > Partner Administration > Partner
2. Select Expired from the EXPIRING RANGE list.
3. Click Go.

Finding Partner Certificates that Expire Soon

To find partner certificates that expire soon
1. In My webMethods: Administration > Integration > B2B > Partner Administration > Partner
2. Specify a time period, as follows:
Select a predefined time period from the EXPIRING RANGE list.
Specify a custom time period. Select Custom from the EXPIRING RANGE list, use the
calendar pickers to specify a start and end dates, and then select the hours and
3. Click Go.

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Searching for Assets

12   Searching for Assets

■ Setting Search Options .............................................................................................................. 196
■ Searching Using Keywords (Simple Search) ............................................................................. 196
■ Searching Using Keywords and Filters (Advanced Search) ...................................................... 197
■ Improving Trading Networks Performance During Searches ..................................................... 198

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Searching for Assets

Setting Search Options

You can specify options for the pages on which you search. You can do the following:
Specify the search tab to display and the search to execute, if any, when you first
display the page.
Specify the maximum number of search results to display, the number of rows to
display on each results page, the columns to display, and how to sort the results.
For instructions on seing these options, see Working with My webMethods.
You can use the wildcard * in searches to match one or more characters, or the
wildcard ? to match one character. Searches are case insensitive. You can save searches
so you can re-execute them later.

Searching Using Keywords (Simple Search)

To search using keywords
1. In My webMethods: Administration > Integration > B2B > Partner Administration > asset to
search for.
2. Click the Keyword tab and do the following in the text box:

To search for all assets of the Do this in the text box...

specified type that...

Exist in Trading Networks that Leave it blank.

you are authorized to view

Contain one or two keywords Type one keyword or two keywords

separated by a space.

Contain a specified string Type a string enclosed in double quotes.

3. Click Go. Trading Networks searches as follows:

For these Trading Networks searches...


Profiles The profile external IDs and corporation name.

If you type one keyword or a string, it must be either an
external ID or the corporation name.

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For these Trading Networks searches...


If you type two keywords, one must be an external ID and

the other must be the corporation name.

TPAs The TPA agreement IDs, sender name, and receiver name. The
keyword or a string you type must be either an agreement ID,
sender name, or the receiver name.

Other assets The asset names.

Searching Using Keywords and Filters (Advanced Search)

To search using keywords, filters, and search conditions
1. In My webMethods: Administration > Integration > B2B > Partner Administration > asset to
search for
2. Click the Advanced tab.
3. In the text box, you can type a keyword as described in "Searching Using Keywords
(Simple Search)" on page 196
4. Click the Filters tab. You can specify one or more search filters. For each filter, specify
the field, operator, and value to use in the search. To add another filter, click .
Specify values as described below.
For Name, Agreement ID, and Description, type a string.
For most other fields, click Edit to search for and specify the value.
You can search for EDI document types only if the webMethods Module for EDI
is installed on the Integration Server that hosts Trading Networks. If you want to
search for document types other than XML, flat file, or EDI, select Other.
In a processing rules search, for Sender Group and Receiver Group, you can expand
the search results to reflect the group membership of the groups you specify.
For example, if you select a sender group, you can expand the search to return
all rules where the sender is that sender group, the sender is a member of that
sender group, or the Sender criterion for the rule is set to Any. To expand the
search, select Perform Implicit Matching.
You can search for processing rules based on rule ordinals. Ordinals correspond
to the positions of rules in the rules list.
5. In the Search Condition list, select AND to search for assets of the specified type that
match all search criteria, or OR to search for assets of the specified type that match
any search criterion.

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Note: You can specify multiple criteria for a single field, and select AND or OR to
search for assets.

6. In a processing rule search, you can specify the criteria order for Trading Networks
to follow when searching. Click the Options tab. In the Search Order panel, click
and to move search criteria up or down, respectively, and click Save.
7. In a custom aribute, document type, processing rules, or TPA search, you can
narrow the results to only those assets that were modified within a specified date
range. Use the fields in the Last Modified or Date Range panel to identify the date
8. Click Go.

Improving Trading Networks Performance During Searches

Setting a Limit for Search Results

1. Shut down the Integration Server that hosts Trading Networks.
2. Open the Integration Server_directory \instances\instance_name \config
\Cache\webm-cache-config.xml file and edit these XML tags in the XML tag

Tag Value

<highUnits> Maximum number of search result rows to cache. Use the

<highUnits>number_of_rows </highUnits>

<lowUnits> Number of search result rows in the cache that will trigger
deletion. Use the format:
<lowUnits>number_of_rows </lowUnits>

Trading Networks uses the Hybrid eviction policy to delete

search result rows from the cache. This policy determines
which rows to delete based on how often and how recently the
rows were accessed; Trading Networks deletes the rows that
were least frequently accessed and were not accessed for the
longest period.
The recommended value for <lowUnits> is 75 percent of

3. Restart Integration Server.

4. In My webMethods: Administration > Integration > B2B Settings > Configure Properties.

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Searching for Assets

5. Add or edit these properties:

Property Value

tn.db.fetchMaxRows Maximum number of search result rows to

retrieve from the database for each search.
The default is 10000 rows.

tn.db.sortDocTimestamp Whether to sort the search result rows

based on timestamp in descending order.
Values are true (the default) or false.

6. Click Save.

Deleting Search Results Periodically

To delete search result rows periodically
1. Shut down the Integration Server that hosts Trading Networks.
2. Open the Integration Server_directory \instances\instance_name \config
\Cache\webm-cache-config.xml file and edit these XML tags in the XML tag

Tag Value

<expiryDelay> Time in minutes after which a cached search result row is

considered expired. Trading Networks can delete a cached
row only after it has expired. Use the format:
<expiryDelay>time </expiryDelay>

<flushDelay> Time in minutes between periodic cache flushes of the expired

search result rows. Use the format:
<flushDelay>time </flushDelay>

The first flush starts when the number of rows specified in

<lowUnits> have been cached.

3. Restart Integration Server.

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Migrating Assets

13   Migrating Assets
■ Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 202
■ Trading Networks Assets You Can Export ................................................................................. 202
■ Migration Methods ...................................................................................................................... 203
■ Trading Networks Asset Dependencies ..................................................................................... 203
■ How Trading Networks Detects Assets in the Target System Before Importing Them ............... 206
■ Migrating Assets Using webMethods Deployer ......................................................................... 207
■ Migrating Using My webMethods ............................................................................................... 209
■ Migrating Assets Using the tnexport and tnimport Utilities ........................................................ 212

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Migrating Assets

You can migrate Trading Networks assets such as document aributes, document types,
and partner profiles from one Trading Networks database to another. Migrate assets
You want to deploy assets from a development environment to a production
You have multiple Trading Networks instances, each with its own database, and you
want each database to have identical assets. You can create the assets on one Trading
Networks instance and then migrate the assets to the other instances.
You want to change the type of database you use for Trading Networks. For
example, you were using an Oracle database and now want to use a SQL Server

Important: Only use the procedures in this chapter to migrate Trading Networks assets
between Trading Networks instances of the same release. If you need to
migrate assets from one release of Trading Networks to another, follow the
instructions in the Upgrading webMethods and Intelligent Business Operations
Products. You cannot share your Enterprise profile with a partner.

Trading Networks Assets You Can Export

You can migrate the Trading Networks assets listed below.
Data permissions and general functional permissions.
Document-related assets, as follows:
Custom document aributes.
Document types.
Binary types. Binary types contain the information related to document type
categories (flat file, XML, and EDI) and Trading Networks query definitions.
Processing rules.
Profile-related assets, as follows:
Partner profiles. For each partner, Trading Networks migrates the partner’s
standard profile fields; private queue; certificate information, if any; and
extended profile fields, if any.
Custom external ID types.
Profile field definitions for standard and extended profile fields.
Custom field groups.

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Custom contact types.

Public delivery queues.
Partner groups.
Archive schedules and criteria for archiving and deleting documents.
Trading Networks assets are available for migration regardless of whether they are
disabled, and the state of the assets on the source system is maintained on the target
system. Deleted assets are not included in the migration process.
You cannot migrate data for documents; that is, you cannot migrate document content,
tasks, or activity log entries.

Migration Methods
You can migrate all assets, all assets of a certain type, or selected assets within an asset
type. Below are the methods you can use to migrate assets. Unless otherwise noted,
procedures for each method are provided in this chapter.
Export assets to file using the export feature in My webMethods, then deploy assets
using webMethods Deployer. Software AG recommends using this method.

Note: You can use this method to deploy the assets of allwebMethods products
on one Integration Server to another Integration Server using a single
script. For complete information, see webMethods Deployer User’s Guide.

Migrate Trading Networks assets using the export and import features in My
Migrate Trading Networks assets using the tnexport and tnimport command line
Migrate Trading Networks assets using the wm.tn.admin:exportData,
wm.tn.admin:extendedExportData, wm.tn.admin:importData, and wm.tn.admin:extendedImportData
built-in services.

Trading Networks Asset Dependencies

Some assets require other assets. For example, profiles use assets such as partner groups
and contact types, and document types use assets such as document aributes. For
assets you migrate to work properly, these required assets must also exist on the target
In My webMethods, when you select an asset for export, My webMethods shows
dependencies on other assets and you can choose to include those required assets in the

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Migrating Assets

export. When you select an asset for import, however, My webMethods shows some, but
not all, of the dependencies.
If you use the command line utilities or the built-in services to migrate, you must
manage asset dependencies yourself.
The table below lists all possible dependencies an asset might have. When the table
instructs you to migrate an asset, see below for instructions. When the table instructs
you to create an asset, see the appropriate chapter in this guide for instructions. You
must use the exact same name on the target system as the source system, with the same
upper and lower casing.

If you Do this to the target system...


Partner Migrate extended profile field definitions

Migrate any custom external ID types, custom contact types, and
partner groups.
Migrate any public queues.
Create any custom immediate delivery methods.

Queues Move any custom immediate and scheduled delivery services.

Extended Migrate any custom profile field groups. The standard groups are
field Corporation, Address, Contact, Delivery, External ID, Custom, and
definition EDINT (if this is installed). All groups other than these are custom
groups. To know the custom groups, execute the getFieldGroups
service in the wm.tn.dictionary package. Standard groups need not
be migrated because they would be available in the target system.

Document Migrate any custom document aributes.

Move any custom services for document aribute transformation.
Move any custom service for the Check for Duplicate Document
pre-processing action.

Processing Move any custom services for the Check for Duplicate Document
rule pre-processing action and the Execute a Service processing action.
For the Deliver Document By action:
Create any custom immediate delivery method.
Migrate any services for the custom immediate delivery method
and then use the wm.tn.delivery:registerService service to register
the corresponding immediate delivery service using the same
immediate delivery method name.

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If you Do this to the target system...


Manually create queues or use the tnexport and tnimport

utilities to export all public queues.
Move any scheduled delivery services.
Migrate partner profiles for senders and receivers used as matching
Migrate document types specified as matching criteria.
Migrate any custom document aributes used as extended
matching criteria.

TPA Migrate partner profiles for the sender and receiver associated with
the TPA.
Move any initialization, validation, and export services.
Migrate the IS document type that defines the application-specific
TPA data.

Data Migrate partner profiles, document types, and processing rules that
permissions are part of data set definitions.
Migrate My webMethods roles that have permission to act on data

Note: These roles are defined in the My webMethods Server

database, not the Trading Networks database, so you
cannot migrate them using the tnexport and tnimport
command line utilities. Make sure that the target system
uses the same My webMethods Server.

Grant data permissions to act on a data set to at least one My

webMethods role.

General Migrate My webMethods roles that have permission to functions.

functional See the note for Data permissions.

Archive Migrate any partner profiles for the sender and receiver used as
schedule selection criteria for archive or deletion.
Migrate any document type used as selection criteria for archive or

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If you do not export the required partner profiles and document types for data
permissions, Trading Networks throws a warning when you import that says the
required assets do not exist in the target system. It then continues to import the other
If the export file contains the required/dependent assets for any asset, tnimport will
ensure that the required assets get migrated first so that no error is thrown.
When importing document types, Trading Networks determines whether the required
document aributes exist on the target system with the same name. If they do not,
Trading Networks throws an error and does not import the document type.
When importing processing rules, Trading Networks determines whether the required
senders, receivers, and document types exist on the target system with the same name. If
they do not, Trading Networks throws an error and does not import the processing rule.
When importing partner profiles, if any of the required assets are not defined, Trading
Networks throws an error and does not import the profile. For example, if the contact
type is not already defined in the target system before you import a contact of that type,
Trading Networks throws an error and does not import that profile.
When importing TPAs, if the associated senders and receivers do not exist in the target
system with the same name, Trading Networks throws an error and does not import the

How Trading Networks Detects Assets in the Target System

Before Importing Them
When you import an asset, Trading Networks checks whether an asset that has the same
internal ID already exists in the target system. If not, in generalTrading Networks checks
for an asset that has the same name; for profiles, Trading Networks checks for a profile
with the same corporation name and unit name, and for TPAs, Trading Networks checks
for a TPA with the same sender name, receiver name, and agreement ID.
If Trading Networks finds a matching asset using either check, it asks whether it should
overwrite that asset in the target system. If Force Import is true and Trading Networks
finds a matching asset using either check, it will overwrite that asset in the target system.
When you import processing rules, Trading Networks replaces matching processing
rules and appends non-matching processing rules on the target system according to the
rule order that already exists on the target system. If you use My webMethods to import
processing rules, you can choose to replace all the processing rules on the target system
with the imported processing rules.

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Migrating Assets Using webMethods Deployer

Selecting Trading Networks Assets For Export

To select the assets for export
1. In My webMethods: Administration > Integration > B2B > Asset Management > Export.
2. From the TN Server list, select the Trading Networks Server instance from which to
export assets.
3. If you want to export all Trading Networks assets, select the Select all assets check
4. To select assets by asset type, click the tab whose name corresponds to the asset type.

Note: The Partner Profile tab lists each partner, including your corporation, by
corporation name.

5. Do the following in each tab:

a. If you want to export all assets of this type, select the Select all check box.
b. If you want to export only certain assets, type a string to find those assets in the
Keywords field and click Search. Trading Networks searches the same fields it
searches when you search for assets (see "Searching Using Keywords (Simple
Search)" on page 196). In the search results, do the following to create the list of
assets to export:

To do this... Take this action...

Add an asset Select the asset’s check box and click Add to Export.

Remove all Click Remove from Export.

assets on the

Remove all Click Clear. Clear is a global command, which clears all
assets the assets selected for export. Remove From Import removes
the selected assets from only the selected asset type. It
does not remove all the selected assets from the other asset

If you want to also export the dependent assets of the selected assets because
they do not exist on the target machine, click Add Dependencies.

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If you want to navigate to another page after selecting assets for export, the state
of the selected assets is maintained when you return to the Export page.
6. Click Continue. In the Export Summary panel, you can click for each asset type to
see the list of assets on the export list. If you want to remove an asset, click .
7. Click Asset Extraction, type the name to use for the export file, and click OK. Trading
Networks generates the file and names it SolutionName .zip. The file contains the
XML files for the assets. Click Save to save the file.

Building the Exported Assets

For detailed information about the topics in this section, including the properties in the
build.properties file, see the webMethods Deployer User’s Guide.

To build the exported assets

1. Go to Software AG_directory /common/AssetBuildEnvironment/master_build and
open the build.properties file.
2. Identify the SolutionName .zip export file as follows:

To build the Take this action...

assets from...

A single Assign the location of the SolutionName .zip file to the

project build.source.project.dir property.

Multiple Assign the parent directory of all the project directories to the
projects build.source.dir property.

The build Ant target builds the .acdl files using all the source files available
in the subdirectories of the build.source.dir directory. If the build.source.dir
property is not specified, the build Ant target uses the source file specified by the
build.source.project.dir property to build the .acdl files.
3. Set the enable.build.TN property to true.
4. Make sure you have assigned the correct values to the sag.install.dir,
build.output.dir, and build.version properties.

5. Save the build.properties file.

6. Store the export file in the directory specified by the build.output.dir property. To do
so, go to the Software AG_directory /common/AssetBuildEnvironment/master_build
directory and run this command:
ant build

The build Ant target uses the properties in the build.properties file, validates the
exported assets and the dependencies, and generates these files:

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File Contents

SolutionName .acdl Metadata for the exported assets; that is, a list of the
exported assets and the dependencies. This metadata
schema is defined by Deployer and is common across the
webMethods product suite.

SolutionName .bin Actual data for the exported assets

Deploy the Assets to Other Servers

Deploy Trading Networks assets to other webMethods servers. For instructions, see the
webMethods Deployer User’s Guide.
Trading Networks logs the deployment activities as activity logs in My webMethods for
easy tracking and monitoring of deployment activities.

Migrating Using My webMethods

Exporting Assets Using My webMethods

To export assets using My webMethods
1. In My webMethods: Administration > Integration > B2B > Asset Management > Export.
2. From the TN Server list, select the Trading Networks Server instance from which to
export assets.
3. If you want to export all Trading Networks assets, select the Select all assets check
4. To select assets by asset type, click the tab whose name corresponds to the asset type.

Note: The Partner Profile tab lists each partner, including your corporation, by
corporation name.

5. Do the following in each tab:

a. If you want to export all assets of this type, select the Select all check box.
b. If you want to export only certain assets, type a string to find those assets in the
Keywords field and click Search. Trading Networks searches the same fields it
searches when you search for assets (see "Searching Using Keywords (Simple
Search)" on page 196). In the search results, do the following to create the list of
assets to export:

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To do this... Take this action...

Add an asset Select the asset’s check box and click Add to Export.

Remove all Click Remove from Export.

assets on the

Remove all Click Clear. Clear is a global command, which clears all
assets the assets selected for export. Remove From Import removes
the selected assets from only the selected asset type. It
does not remove all the selected assets from the other asset

If you want to also export the dependent assets of the selected assets because
they do not exist on the target machine, click Add Dependencies.
If you want to navigate to another page after selecting assets for export, the state
of the selected assets is maintained when you return to the Export page.
6. Click Continue. In the Export Summary panel, you can click for each asset type to
see the list of assets on the export list. If you want to remove an asset, click .
7. Click Export and type the name to use for the export file. For Type, choose whether to
create an XML or binary-encoded file type. You can read XML files and edit assets if
necessary before import (for example, the name of a property), but they are a lile
slower to import than binary files. Binary files cannot be edited, but they offer beer
performance during the import. Click OK. Trading Networks generates the file with
the name you specified and the extension .zip. Click Save to save the file to the file

Importing Assets Using My webMethods

My webMethods imposes a default size limit of 20 MB for files imported to, or published
to, the Integration Server that hosts Trading Networks Server. If the size of the XML
or binary file you are importing exceeds 20 MB, contact your system administrator to
change the Max File Size content value as described in Administering My webMethods

To import assets using My webMethods

1. In My webMethods: Administration > Integration > B2B > Asset Management > Import.
2. From the TN Server list, select the Trading Networks Server instance from which to
export assets.
3. In the Upload File area, click Browse to locate and upload the .zip file, XML file, or
the binary file you exported and then click Extract Assets.

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4. If you want to import all Trading Networks assets, select the Select all assets check
5. To select assets by asset type, click the tab whose name corresponds to the asset type
and do the following in each tab:
a. If you want to import all assets of this type, select the Select all check box.
b. If you want to import only certain assets, type a string in the Keywords field to
find those assets and click Search. Trading Networks searches the same fields it
searches when you search for assets (see "Searching Using Keywords (Simple
Search)" on page 196). In the search results, do the following to create the list of
assets to import:

To do this... Take this action...

Add an asset Select the asset’s check box and click Add to Import.

Remove all Click Remove from Import.

assets on the

Remove all Click Clear.


If you want to also import the dependent assets of the selected assets because
they do not exist on the target machine, click Add Dependencies.
If you want to navigate to another page after selecting assets for import, the state
of the selected assets is maintained when you return to the Import page.
6. Click Continue. In the Import Summary panel, you can click for each asset type to
see the list of assets on the import list. If you want to remove an asset, click .
7. Click Import. In the Import Assets dialog box, do the following:
a. An asset with the same internal ID or name as an asset in the export file might
exist on the target system. If you are importing document types, document
aributes, partner profiles, field groups, contact types, or queues, and you want
to overwrite such assets, select the Force Import check box.
b. If you are importing processing rules and you want the rules you are importing
to replace all existing processing rules in the target system, select the Replace Rule
List check box. If you want to replace only matching processing rules and append
non-matching processing rules without changing the rule order on the target
system, clear the check box. In the case of appending non-matching processing
rules, they are added to the end of the existing list on the target.
c. Click OK.

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8. Click the Results tab to see the assets that were imported successfully and any
warnings or errors that occurred during the import.

Migrating Assets Using the tnexport and tnimport Utilities

Run these utilities from the Integration Server_directory\instances
\instance_name \packages\WmTN\bin directory.

tnexport Utility
Use the tnexport utility to export all or specific assets of the selected types. For example,
you can export all Trading Networks processing rules or only specific processing rules.

To export... Specify...

All assets of a specified type Export options on the command line.

Specified assets Export options in an XML file.

You can export the assets to the following:

Export to... Trading Networks does this...

Binary file Creates a zip file containing the binary export file. When
extracted, you can use the contents of this zip file to import using
My webMethods or a custom service. You can import using My
webMethods, custom service, or the tnimport utility. Notes about
binary files:
Binary output is much smaller than XML output, and can be
imported more quickly than XML output.
You can export certificates to a binary file.
Binary files cannot be read by humans.
If you have special characters in asset names, you might see
corrupted file errors when the asset is imported. You can
prevent these errors by using a binary file.

XML file Trading Networks creates a zip file containing an XML export
file. When extracted, you can use the contents of this zip file
to import using My webMethods or a custom service, or the
tnimport utility. Notes about SML files:
XML output is a lile slower to import than binary output.

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Export to... Trading Networks does this...

You cannot export certificates to an XML file.

You can read XML files and edit assets if necessary before
import (for example, the name of a property).

Solutions Go to Asset mgmt > export > select asset > Asset Extraction,
package which has the solution package details.

Specifying Export Options on the Command Line

To specify export options on the command line, go to the
Integration Server_directory\instances\instance_name \packages\WmTN\bin directory
and run this command:
tnexport outfile [-bin binfile |-xml xmlfile ] -zipdir [directory ] [options ]

outfile is one of the following:

Parameter Does this...

-bin Exports assets to a binary file. By default, the name of the

[binfile] file is export. You can specify a different name on binfile .

-xml Exports assets to an XML file. By default, the name of the

[xmlfile] file is export. You can specify a different name on xmlfile .

Trading Networks creates a zip file that contains the binary or XML file in the
user temp directory. For solution deployment, you need to extract assets to create
the ACDL file. This ACDL file is used to deploy the assets by using webMethods
Deployer. You can use zipdir to specify a different directory. The directory must
already exist. If you want to use a directory relative to the one from which you are
running the tnexport utility, specify a relative path.
options is one or more of the following:

Option Exports...

-acdl Generate ACDL file.

Note: If you want to use the -acdl option, list this option
first, followed by the other options.

-attribs All document aributes.

-types All document types.

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Option Exports...

-rules All processing rules.

-profiles All partner profiles.

-extflds Values for all extended fields in the profiles.

-flddefs All definitions for field groups and all profile fields in
those groups.

-lkup Definitions for all custom contact types, external ID types,

and partner groups.

-queues All public and private queues.

-tpas All TPAs.

-securityData All certificate information for all partner profiles.

Note: Certificates can only be exported to a binary file (see

the -bin option, above).

-dls All data permission rules defined in My webMethods.

-fp All general functional permissions data defined in My


-archiveSvcs All archive schedules and deletion schedules.

-All All Trading Networks assets.

Specifying Export Options in a File

To specify export options in an XML file, create the file, go to the
Integration Server_directory\instances\instance_name \packages\WmTN\bin directory,
and run this command:
tnexport -file full_path_to_file_name

You can specify the options below in the XML file. To see a sample file, go to
Integration Server_directory\instances\instance_name \packages\WmTN\bin and open
the TNExport.xml file.

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Option Value

exportFileName Name of the binary file, XML file, or Deployer solution

package to which to export assets. By default, the name
is export. You can specify a different file name on this

zipFileDir By default, the binary file, XML file, or Deployer solution

package is created in the user temp directory. You
can use this option to specify a different directory.
The directory must already exist. If you want to use a
directory relative to the one from which you are running
the tnexport utility, specify a relative path.

acdl Whether to export the assets as a Deployer solution

package (true) or an XML or binary file (false). If you
specify false, you must specify the exportType option.

exportType {bin| If you specified false on the acdl option, whether to

xml} save the export data in binary or XML format.

all{true|false} Whether to export all assets, (true) or specific assets

(false). If you specify false, you must specify the
asset option.

assettypeall ids If you specified false on the all option, the assets to
export. This element contains these aributes and child
type. This aribute specifies the asset types
to export. Valid values are documenttype,
documentattribute, processingrule, partner,
fieldgroup, fielddefinition, externalidtype,
contacttype, binarytype, profilegroup, queue, tpa,
dls, functionalpermission, extendedfield, and

all. This aribute indicates whether to export all

assets (true) or only assets that match the internal IDs
specified in the ids child element (false).
ids. This child element specifies the internal IDs
associated with the assets to export. For the queue
and archive schedule asset types, the internal ID is
considered the name of the asset; for all other asset
types, the internal ID is the individual asset ID.

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You want to export all partner profiles, all extended field values in the profiles, and
all the extended field definitions to the XML file ExportedData.xml. You want the
utility to create the zip file containing the XML data file in \TradingNetworks\. Use
this command:
tnexport -xml ExportedData.xml -zipdir \TradingNetworks\ -profiles
-extflds -flddefs

You want to export all Trading Networks assets to the binary file ExportedData.bin,
and you want the utility to create the zip file containing the ExportedData.bin file in
the user temp folder. Use this command:
tnexport -bin ExportedData.bin -all

You want to export Trading Networks assets based on the options specified in the
XML file ExportOptions.xml. Use this command:
tnexport -file ExportOptions.xml

tnimport Utility
Use the tnimport utility to import all assets in a specified file. The file you specify
must contain assets you previously exported using either the tnexport utility or My

Note: After using the tnimport utility, you must reload the WmTN package to be
able to use the imported data. You must also update each partner’s delivery
seings password.

To import... Specify...

All assets of a specified type Import options on the command line.

Specified assets Import options in an XML file.

Specifying Import Options on the Command Line

To specify import options on the command line, go to the
Integration Server_directory\instances\instance_name \packages\WmTN\bin directory
and run this command:
tnimport infile [options ]

infile is one of the following:

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Parameter Value

-bin binfile Full path to the binary file that contains the assets to

-xml xmlfile Full path to the XML file that contains the assets to import.

-zip zipfile Full path to the zip file that contains the assets to import.

If you specify a relative path, Trading Networks looks for the directory relative to the
directory from which you are running the tnimport utility.
options is one or more of the following:

Option Does this...

-db By default, the tnimport utility only reads and writes

information about the data in your file, which is useful
for testing purposes. This parameter tells the utility to
actually import the assets into the target system.

-force If document types, document aributes, partner profiles,

field groups, field definitions, and TPAs already exist in
the target system under the same ID or name as assets
you are importing, this parameter tells the tnimport
utility to overwrite the target system assets.
If you do not want to overwrite such assets, do not
specify this option.

- If you are importing processing rules, this parameter

replaceRuleList tells the tnimport utility to replace all existing rules in
the target system with the rules you are importing.
If you want to replace only matching rules and append
non-matching rules without changing the rule order on
the target system, do not specify this option.

Specifying Import Options in a File

To specify import options in an XML file, create the file, go to the
Integration Server_directory\instances\instance_name \packages\WmTN\bin directory,
and run this command:
tnimport -file full_path_to_file_name

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You can specify the options below in the XML file. To see a sample file, go to
Integration Server_directory\instances\instance_name \packages\WmTN\bin and open
the TNImport.xml file.

Option Value

importDataFileName Full path to the export file.

importType Type of file to import. Valid values are bin, xml, or zip.

dbop By default, the tnimport utility only reads and writes

information about the data in your file, which is useful
for testing purposes. Specify this option and set it to
true to tell the utility to actually import the assets into
the target system.

force If assets already exist in the target system under the

same ID or name as assets you are importing, this option
tells the tnimport utility to overwrite (true) or not
overwrite (false) the target system assets.

replaceRuleList If you are importing processing rules, this option tells

the tnimport utility to do one of the following:
Replace all existing rules in the target system with the
rules you are importing (true).
Replace only matching rules and append non-matching
rules to the end of the existing list on the target without
changing the rule order on the target system (false).

all Whether to export all assets, (true) or specific assets

(false). If you specify false, you must specify the
asset option.

assettypeall ids If you specified false on the all option, the assets to
export. This element contains these aributes and child
type. This aribute specifies the asset types
to import. Valid values are documenttype,
documentattribute, processingrule, partner,
fieldgroup, fielddefinition, externalidtype,
contacttype, binarytype, profilegroup, queue, tpa,
dls, functionalpermission, extendedfield, and

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Option Value

all. This aribute indicates whether to import all

assets (true) or only assets that match the internal IDs
specified in the ids child element (false).
ids. This child element specifies the internal IDs
associated with the assets to export. For the queue
and archive schedule asset types, the internal ID is
considered the name of the asset; for all other asset
types, the internal ID is the individual asset ID.

You want to import the assets in the XML file \TradingNetworks
\ExportedData.xml, and you want to overwrite assets on the target system that have
the same ID or name as assets you are importing. Use this command:
tnimport -xml \TradingNetworks\ExportedData.xml -db -force

You want to view information about the assets in the ExportedData.bin file that
resides in the same directory as the tnimport utility. You do not want to import the
assets into your database. Use this command:
tnimport -bin ExportedData.bin

You want to import all assets in the ExportedData.bin file that resides in the
same directory as the tnimport utility, and you want to replace the existing list of
processing rules in the target system with the processing rules you are importing.
Use this command:
tnimport -bin ExportedData.bin -db -replaceRuleList

You want to import assets into the target system based on the options specified in
the XML file ExportOptions.xml that resides in the same directory as the tnimport
utility. Use this command:
tnimport -file ExportOptions.xml

You want to import the assets in the zip file \TradingNetworks\ExportedData.zip

into your database. Use this command:
tnimport -zip \TradingNetworks\ExportedData.zip -db

Note that this command does not overwrite the assets on the target system that
have the same ID or name as the assets you are importing. The remaining assets are

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Archiving and Deleting Documents

14   Archiving and Deleting Documents

■ About Archiving and Deleting Documents ................................................................................. 222
■ Setting Up Basic Archive and Deletion ...................................................................................... 223
■ Setting Up Extended Archive and Deletion ............................................................................... 225

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Archiving and Deleting Documents

About Archiving and Deleting Documents

You can archive documents in the Trading Networks production database. Trading
Networks archives documents by moving them from production tables to archive tables.
You can also delete documents from the production tables, the archive tables, or both.
You can use either of these types of archive and deletion:

Type Description

Basic Trading Networks archives or deletes documents after a specified

number of days. When Trading Networks archives a document, it
copies the document from the production tables to the archive tables
and then removes the document and references to the document
from the production tables. When Trading Networks deletes a
document, it removes all associated document information from
both the production and archive tables.

Extended Trading Networks archives or deletes documents based on criteria

you specify, such as the document ID, sender, receiver, and system
status (for example, DONE, RESUBMITTED, or ABORTED). You can
choose to archive only selected data in documents. You can choose to
delete documents from the production tables, the archive tables, or
both. You can also set the batchSize , which is the maximum number
of documents that can be archived or deleted in a batch.

The archive tables mirror the production tables, as shown below. Data in the archive
tables is identical to the data in the production tables. You can access archived
documents from My webMethods; for example, you can view archived documents on
the Transactions, Tasks, or Activity Log pages. You can work with archived data just like
you do with production data (for example, you can resubmit or reprocess transactions,
and stop and restart tasks).

Production Table Archive Table


BizDocContent ARCHIVE_BizDocContent

BizDocAribute ARCHIVE_BizDocAribute

BizDocArrayAribute ARCHIVE_BizDocArrayAribute

BizDocRelationship ARCHIVE_BizDocRelationship

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Production Table Archive Table

DeliveryJob ARCHIVE_DeliveryJob

ActivityLog ARCHIVE_ActivityLog

BizDocUniqueKeys ARCHIVE_BizDocUniqueKeys

EDITracking ARCHIVE_EDITracking

Note: If Trading Networks repeatedly deletes data from an Oracle database, the
database tables might become skewed. To resolve this issue, regenerate the
statistics of the table.

Setting Up Basic Archive and Deletion

Setting the Number of Days to Retain Documents

You specify the number of days to retain documents in the production tables. Trading
Networks archives or deletes documents that are older than the specified number of

To specify the number of days to retain documents

1. In My webMethods: Administration > Integration > B2B Settings > Configure Properties.
2. Add or edit these properties:

Property Value

tn.archive.archiveAfterDays Number of days to retain documents before

archive. Specify a value from 0 through 730365.
If you do not want to archive documents,
specify 0 or do not specify this property.

tn.archive.deleteAfterDays Number of days to retain documents before

deletion. Specify a value from 0 through 730365.
If you do not want to delete documents, specify
0 or do not specify this property.

3. Click Save.

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Archiving and Deleting Documents

Scheduling Archive and Deletion

The archive and deletion service is the wm.tn.archive:archive built-in service. You schedule
when to run this service in Integration Server Administrator, by seing up a user
task that executes the service. For complete information about scheduling services for
execution, see webMethods Integration Server Administrator’s Guide.

To schedule archive and deletion

1. Open the Integration Server Administrator that hosts Trading Networks.
2. In the Server menu of the navigation area, click Scheduler.
3. Click Create a scheduled task.
4. Set the Service Information parameters as follows:

Parameter Action

folder:subfolder:service Specify wm.tn.archive:archive.

Run As User Specify Administrator.

Persistence Select the Persist after restart check box. This

selection tells Integration Server to maintain
this user task if Integration Server is restarted.

Clustering Specify whether you want the task to run on

any available Integration Server in your cluster
of Integration Servers. If you do not specify this
option, the task runs on the Integration Server
that hosts Trading Networks.

5. In the Schedule Type and Details section of the screen, do one of the following:
To run the service at specified intervals, click Repeating. In the Interval field,
specify the number of seconds to wait between executions. For example, if you
want the service to run once every 24 hours, specify 86400. In the Repeating field,
select the Repeat from end of invocation check box. This seing tells Integration
Server to wait for the scheduled task to complete before starting the next,
regardless of the Interval seing.

Note: The service executes for the first time immediately after you schedule
the user task.

To run the service on specified dates and times, click Complex Repeating. In the
Start Date and Start Time fields, specify the date and time for the first execution. In

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Archiving and Deleting Documents

the Run Mask parameters, specify the schedule for subsequent executions. If you
want the service to run indefinitely, do not specify End Date or End Time.
6. Click Save Tasks.

Setting Up Extended Archive and Deletion

You can set up the extended archive and deletion of documents using the
wm.tn.archive:extendedArchive built-in service and the Integration Server Scheduler, or using
My webMethods.
You must schedule when to run the wm.tn.archive:extendedArchive service. To do so, you use
Software AG Designer to create a wrapper service that executes the service, then use
Integration Server Administrator to set up a user task that executes the wrapper service.
For complete information about scheduling services for execution, see webMethods
Integration Server Administrator’s Guide.

Setting Up Extended Archive and Deletion Using Integration Server

Setting Archive and Deletion Criteria
To set archive and deletion criteria
1. Open Software AG Designer.
2. In the WmTN package, open the folder wm > tn > archive and double-click the
3. Specify input parameters for the service.

Scheduling Archive and Deletion

To schedule archive and deletion
1. Open Software AG Designer.
2. Create a wrapper service that invokes the wm.tn.archive:extendedArchive service.
3. Start Integration Server Administrator.
4. Follow the instructions in "Scheduling Archive and Deletion" on page 224, but
specify the wrapper service for folder:subfolder:service.

Setting Up Extended Archive and Deletion Using My webMethods

To set up archive or deletion using My webMethods, you set criteria and a schedule for
the archival or deletion. Trading Networks archives or deletes documents in batches.

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Archiving and Deleting Documents

Setting the Archive and Deletion Criteria

To set the archive and deletion criteria
1. In My webMethods: Administration > Integration > B2B > Archive Schedules.
2. Do one of the following:
a. To create the schedule by providing new information, click Add Schedule.
b. To create the schedule by copying an existing schedule and modifying it, click
in the row for the schedule to copy.
3. On the Archive Schedule Details page, provide a name and description for the
schedule, and indicate whether to enable or disable the schedule. Do not enable the
schedule until you are done creating it.
4. Click the Schedule Options tab and complete these fields:

In this field... Specify...

Action Type Whether to schedule archive or deletion.

Datasource If you chose to schedule deletion, whether to delete from the

production tables, the archive tables, or both.

Days Number of days to retain documents. Trading Networks

archives or deletes documents that are older than the number
of days you specify.

Batch Size Maximum number of documents to archive or delete in each

batch. The default is 100 documents.
If you want to change the default, update the

Wait Time Number of seconds to wait between two batches of archive or

deletion during one scheduled execution. The default time is
15 seconds.
If you want to change the default, update the
tn.archive.batchBackoffTime property.

Maximum Maximum number of documents to archive or delete during

Transactions one scheduled execution. This value must be greater than or
Per Schedule equal to Batch Size.
For example, if you set the Batch Size to 50 and the Maximum
Transactions Per Schedule to 1000, Trading Networks performs

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In this field... Specify...

the archive or deletion task 20 times during that scheduled
When the total number of documents for archive or deletion
is greater than the maximum number of documents per
scheduled execution, Trading Networks tries to archive or
delete the additional documents during the next schedule
The default value is specified on the tn.archive.maxRows

5. In the Criteria panel, specify the archive or deletion criteria in the fields below. All
of the fields are option; if you do not want to limit archive or deletion based on a
criterion, leave that field blank.

In this field... Specify this criterion...

Sender Name of the sender whose documents to archive or delete.

Receiver Name of the receiver whose documents to archive or delete.

Document Type Name of the document type for documents to archive or


Processing Processing status (for example, Accepted or Done) of

Status documents to archive or delete.
For information about processing statuses, see webMethods
Trading Networks User’s Guide.

User Status User status of the documents to archive or delete.

6. In the Data to Archive or Delete panel, select the document data to archive or delete.
If you want to archive or delete all document data (that is, the transactions data),
select Transaction Details (BizDoc).
If you do not want to archive or delete all document data, select one or more of
these options:

Select... To archive or delete...

Transaction Payload Document content for the documents.

Content (BizDocContent)

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Archiving and Deleting Documents

Select... To archive or delete...

Transaction All custom document aributes except the custom

Custom Attribute array aributes for the documents.

Transaction Custom All custom array aributes for the documents.

Array Attribute

Related Documents All documents related to the documents being

(BizDocRelationship) archived or deleted.

Delivery Tasks Delivery tasks associated with the documents.

Activity Logs Activity logs associated with the documents.

Transaction Unique Unique keys stored for documents for which

Key Representation duplicates were checked.

EDI Tracking Details Details available in the EDITracking table (see the
webMethods Module for EDI Installation and User’s

7. Click Save.

Scheduling Archive and Deletion

To schedule archive and deletion
1. In My webMethods: Administration > Integration > B2B > Archive Schedules.
2. Select a schedule.
3. Click the Schedule Settings tab.
4. In the Run Schedule field, specify when to execute the archive or deletion.

Select... To...

Run Once Run the archive or deletion only once, on the date and time
you specify.

Fixed Interval Run the archive or deletion using a fixed interval (for example,
every 5 hours).

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Select... To...

Hourly Run the archive or deletion hourly, at the time you specify.

Daily Run the archive or deletion daily, at the time you specify.

Weekly Run the archive or deletion weekly, on the day and time you

Monthly Run the archive or deletion monthly, on the date, day and time
you specify.

Yearly Run the archive or deletion yearly, on the month, date, day,
and time you specify.

Do not overlap Whether to wait for one archive or deletion to complete before
task starting the next, regardless of the schedule.

5. Click Save.
6. Set the status of the schedule by selecting Active or Suspend from Status at the top of
the page.
You can also set the status on the Archive Schedules page by selecting the checkbox
beside the schedule and seing the status to Active or Suspend. You can do this to
change the status of multiple schedules at once.
7. Click Save & Close.

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Caching Assets and Query Results

15   Caching Assets and Query Results

■ Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 232
■ Asset Caching ............................................................................................................................ 232
■ Query Results Caching .............................................................................................................. 232
■ Viewing or Modifying System Cache Settings ........................................................................... 233
■ Profile Cache Settings ............................................................................................................... 234
■ Profile Summary Cache Settings ............................................................................................... 235
■ Profile ID Cache Settings ........................................................................................................... 237
■ Document Type Cache Settings ................................................................................................ 238
■ Document Attribute Cache Settings ........................................................................................... 240
■ TPA Cache Settings ................................................................................................................... 241
■ TPA ID Cache Settings .............................................................................................................. 243
■ Query Results Cache Settings ................................................................................................... 245

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Caching Assets and Query Results

Integration Server and other Software AG products use Ehcache in many of their
own internal processes. The caches that they use are called system caches and they
belong to system cache managers. Trading Networks has its own system cache manager
called SoftwareAG.IS.TN. The asset caches and query results cache belong to
With Ehcache, a cache holds elements that are represented as key-value pairs. The key
and its value are both Java objects. An element that is placed in cache is identified by
its key. For example, when Trading Networks caches a profile, it uses the profileId as
the key. You use Integration Server Administrator to display the Trading Networks
system cache manager. You are not permied to delete, reload, or shutdown a system
cache manager. Additionally, you are permied to modify only certain configuration
parameters for a system cache manager and its caches.

Asset Caching
Trading Networks uses the following asset caches:
Profile cache. The Profile cache holds elements for profiles of all corporations who are
trading partners in your network.
Profile Summary cache. A profile summary is a subset of profiles. The Profile Summary
cache holds elements for all profile summaries.
Profile ID cache. The Profile ID cache holds elements for the profile IDs of all profiles
present in your network.
Document Type cache. The Document Type cache holds elements for all document
types required for XML and flat files.
Document Attribute cache. The Document Aribute cache holds elements for all
document aributes required to process documents.
Trading Partner Agreement (TPA) cache. The TPA cache holds elements for trading
partner agreements between various partners in your network.
TPA ID cache. The TPA ID cache holds elements for the TPA IDs of all the trading
partner agreements between various partners in your network.

Query Results Caching

Trading Networks stores the results of a database query in a session object to optimize
query execution. Trading Networks uses the tn.query.threshold property for all queries
you perform from My webMethods. The number of rows stored in the session object
depends on the value you set for this property. The remaining rows are stored in the

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Caching Assets and Query Results

TNQueryResults cache. For best performance, set this property to be the page size
Trading Networks uses for query results (that is, 50). The remaining rows are stored in
the cache.

Viewing or Modifying System Cache Settings

Use the following procedure to view cache seings or to modify the cache-wide seings
for an existing Trading Networks cache.

Note: Be aware that many of the parameters associated with a system cache my be
system-defined and cannot be edited in Integration Server Administrator.
When you edit a system cache, you can see all of its parameters, but you can
edit only certain seings.

To view or modify cache settings

1. In Integration Server Administrator: Settings > Caching > SoftwareAG.IS.TN.
2. Under Cache List, click the cache you want to view or modify.
3. View or modify the seings for the selected cache, as listed below.

To view or modify... Go to...

Profile cache Profile Cache Seings

Profile Summary Profile Summary Cache Seings


Profile ID cache Profile ID Cache Seings

Document Type Document Type Cache Seings


Document Aribute Document Aribute Cache Seings


TPA cache TPA Cache Seings

TPA ID cache TPA ID Cache Seings

Query Results cache Query Results Cache Seings

4. Save your changes.

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Caching Assets and Query Results

Note: Trading Networks does not support BigMemory and Distributed Cache

Profile Cache Settings

The Profile cache holds elements for profiles of all corporations who are trading partners
in your network. Set the cache configuration values for the specified fields as follows.

Field Description Recommended


Maximum Total number of entries that this cache can 50

Elements in keep in on-heap memory.

Eternal Specifies how long entries are to remain Selected

in the cache. When selected, the entries in
this cache will never expire once they are
put into the cache.

Note:When selected, entries in cache do

not undergo time based eviction, and
Time to Live and Time to Idle values are
ignored. When Eternal is not selected,
the entries remain in cache depending
on the values of Time to Live and Time to

Overflow to Disk Specifies where entries are wrien when Not selected
the memory-based portion of on-heap and
off-heap cache is filled. When selected, the
entries are wrien to disk when the cache
is full.

Note:This check box is not selected by

default. Note that selecting this option
can affect performance of Trading
Networks especially where database
entries for a particular transaction
are distributed across cache and disk.
Therefore, Software AG recommends
disabling this option for use with
Trading Networks.

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Caching Assets and Query Results

Field Description Recommended


The following behavior is noticed when

cache is full and when the Overflow to
Disk property is not selected:
For a bounded cache (when
Maximum Elements in Memory
is limited), the entries are evicted
from the cache according to the
eviction policy. These entries are
later fetched from the Trading
Networks database when required.
For an unbounded cache (when
Maximum Elements in Memory is
0), an OutOfMemoryException is
thrown. Increasing the Java heap
size can accommodate more entries
in cache.

Memory Store Policy used to remove entries from the LRU (Least
Eviction Policy cache when the value in Maximum Elements Recently
in Memory is reached. Used)

Profile Summary Cache Settings

A profile summary is a subset of profiles. The Profile Summary cache holds elements
for all profile summaries. Set the cache configuration values for the specified fields as

Field Description Recommended


Maximum Total number of entries that this cache can 0

Elements in keep in on-heap memory.
Note:A value of 0 sets no limit. But
Software AG recommends seing this
field to 0, to have entries of all profile
summaries in cache.

Eternal Specifies how long entries are to remain Selected

in the cache. When selected, the entries in

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Caching Assets and Query Results

Field Description Recommended

this cache will never expire once they are
put into the cache.

Note:When selected, entries in cache do

not undergo time based eviction, and
Time to Live and Time to Idle values are
ignored. When Eternal is not selected,
the entries remain in cache depending
on the values of Time to Live and Time to

Overflow to Disk Specifies where entries are wrien when Not selected
the memory-based portion of on-heap and
off-heap cache is filled. When selected, the
entries are wrien to disk when the cache
is full.

Note:This check box is not selected by

default. Note that selecting this option
can affect performance of Trading
Networks especially where database
entries for a particular transaction
are distributed across cache and disk.
Therefore, Software AG recommends
disabling this option for use with
Trading Networks.
The following behavior is noticed when
cache is full and when the Overflow to
Disk property is not selected:
For a bounded cache (when
Maximum Elements in Memory
is limited), the entries are evicted
from the cache according to the
eviction policy. These entries are
later fetched from the Trading
Networks database when required.
For an unbounded cache (when
Maximum Elements in Memory is
0), an OutOfMemoryException is
thrown. Increasing the Java heap
size can accommodate more entries
in cache.

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Caching Assets and Query Results

Field Description Recommended


Memory Store Policy used to remove entries from the LRU (Least
Eviction Policy cache when the value in Maximum Elements Recently
in Memory is reached. Used)

Profile ID Cache Settings

The Profile ID cache holds elements for the profile IDs of all profiles present in your
network. Set the cache configuration values for the specified fields as follows.

Field Description Recommended


Maximum Total number of entries that this cache can 0

Elements in keep in on-heap memory.
Note:A value of 0 sets no limit. But
Software AG recommends seing this
field to 0, to have entries of all profile
IDs in cache.

Eternal Specifies how long entries are to remain Selected

in the cache. When selected, the entries in
this cache will never expire once they are
put into the cache.

Note:When selected, entries in cache do

not undergo time based eviction, and
Time to Live and Time to Idle values are
ignored. When Eternal is not selected,
the entries remain in cache depending
on the values of Time to Live and Time to

Overflow to Disk Specifies where entries are wrien when Not selected
the memory-based portion of on-heap and
off-heap cache is filled. When selected, the
entries are wrien to disk when the cache
is full.

Note:This check box is not selected by

default. Note that selecting this option
can affect performance of Trading

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Caching Assets and Query Results

Field Description Recommended

Networks especially where database
entries for a particular transaction
are distributed across cache and disk.
Therefore, Software AG recommends
disabling this option for use with
Trading Networks.
The following behavior is noticed when
cache is full and when the Overflow to
Disk property is not selected:
For a bounded cache (when
Maximum Elements in Memory
is limited), the entries are evicted
from the cache according to the
eviction policy. These entries are
later fetched from the Trading
Networks database when required.
For an unbounded cache (when
Maximum Elements in Memory is
0), an OutOfMemoryException is
thrown. Increasing the Java heap
size can accommodate more entries
in cache.

Memory Store Policy used to remove entries from the LRU (Least
Eviction Policy cache when the value in Maximum Elements Recently
in Memory is reached. Used)

Document Type Cache Settings

The Document Type cache holds elements for all document types required for XML and
flat files. Set the cache configuration values for the specified fields as follows.

Field Description Recommended


Maximum Total number of entries that this cache can 0

Elements in keep in on-heap memory.
Note:A value of 0 sets no limit. But
Software AG recommends seing

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Caching Assets and Query Results

Field Description Recommended

this field to 0, to have entries of all
document types in cache.

Eternal Specifies how long entries are to remain Selected

in the cache. When selected, the entries in
this cache will never expire once they are
put into the cache.

Note:When selected, entries in cache do

not undergo time based eviction, and
Time to Live and Time to Idle values are
ignored. When Eternal is not selected,
the entries remain in cache depending
on the values of Time to Live and Time to

Overflow to Disk Specifies where entries are wrien when Not selected
the memory-based portion of on-heap and
off-heap cache is filled. When selected, the
entries are wrien to disk when the cache
is full.

Note:This check box is not selected by

default. Note that selecting this option
can affect performance of Trading
Networks especially where database
entries for a particular transaction
are distributed across cache and disk.
Therefore, Software AG recommends
disabling this option for use with
Trading Networks.
The following behavior is noticed when
cache is full and when the Overflow to
Disk property is not selected:
For a bounded cache (when
Maximum Elements in Memory
is limited), the entries are evicted
from the cache according to the
eviction policy. These entries are
later fetched from the Trading
Networks database when required.
For an unbounded cache (when
Maximum Elements in Memory is

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Caching Assets and Query Results

Field Description Recommended

0), an OutOfMemoryException is
thrown. Increasing the Java heap
size can accommodate more entries
in cache.

Memory Store Policy used to remove entries from the LRU (Least
Eviction Policy cache when the value in Maximum Elements Recently
in Memory is reached. Used)

Document Attribute Cache Settings

The Document Aribute cache holds elements for all document aributes required to
process documents. Set the cache configuration values for the specified fields as follows.

Field Description Recommended


Maximum Total number of entries that this cache can 0

Elements in keep in on-heap memory.
Note:A value of 0 sets no limit. But
Software AG recommends seing
this field to 0, to have entries of all
document aributes in cache.

Eternal Specifies how long entries are to remain Selected

in the cache. When selected, the entries in
this cache will never expire once they are
put into the cache.

Note:When selected, entries in cache do

not undergo time based eviction, and
Time to Live and Time to Idle values are
ignored. When Eternal is not selected,
the entries remain in cache depending
on the values of Time to Live and Time to

Overflow to Disk Specifies where entries are wrien when Not selected
the memory-based portion of on-heap and
off-heap cache is filled. When selected, the

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Caching Assets and Query Results

Field Description Recommended

entries are wrien to disk when the cache
is full.

Note:This check box is not selected by

default. Note that selecting this option
can affect performance of Trading
Networks especially where database
entries for a particular transaction
are distributed across cache and disk.
Therefore, Software AG recommends
disabling this option for use with
Trading Networks.
The following behavior is noticed when
cache is full and when the Overflow to
Disk property is not selected:
For a bounded cache (when
Maximum Elements in Memory
is limited), the entries are evicted
from the cache according to the
eviction policy. These entries are
later fetched from the Trading
Networks database when required.
For an unbounded cache (when
Maximum Elements in Memory is
0), an OutOfMemoryException is
thrown. Increasing the Java heap
size can accommodate more entries
in cache.

Memory Store Policy used to remove entries from the LRU (Least
Eviction Policy cache when the value in Maximum Elements Recently
in Memory is reached. Used)

TPA Cache Settings

The TPA cache holds elements for trading partner agreements between various partners
in your network. Set the cache configuration values for the specified fields as follows.

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Caching Assets and Query Results

Field Description Recommended


Maximum Total number of entries that this cache can 1000

Elements in keep in on-heap memory.
Note:Software AG recommends not to set
this field to 0 because of the large size of
each agreement.

Eternal Specifies how long entries are to remain Selected

in the cache. When selected, the entries in
this cache will never expire once they are
put into the cache.

Note:When selected, entries in cache do

not undergo time based eviction, and
Time to Live and Time to Idle values are
ignored. When Eternal is not selected,
the entries remain in cache depending
on the values of Time to Live and Time to

Overflow to Disk Specifies where entries are wrien when Not selected
the memory-based portion of on-heap and
off-heap cache is filled. When selected, the
entries are wrien to disk when the cache
is full.

Note:This check box is not selected by

default. Note that selecting this option
can affect performance of Trading
Networks especially where database
entries for a particular transaction
are distributed across cache and disk.
Therefore, Software AG recommends
disabling this option for use with
Trading Networks.
The following behavior is noticed when
cache is full and when the Overflow to
Disk property is not selected:
For a bounded cache (when
Maximum Elements in Memory
is limited), the entries are evicted
from the cache according to the
eviction policy. These entries are

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Field Description Recommended

later fetched from the Trading
Networks database when required.
For an unbounded cache (when
Maximum Elements in Memory is
0), an OutOfMemoryException is
thrown. Increasing the Java heap
size can accommodate more entries
in cache.

Memory Store Policy used to remove entries from the FIFO (First In
Eviction Policy cache when the value in Maximum Elements First Out)
in Memory is reached.

TPA ID Cache Settings

The TPA ID cache holds elements for the TPA IDs of all the trading partner agreements
between various partners in your network. Set the cache configuration values for the
specified fields as follows.

Field Description Recommended


Maximum Total number of entries that this cache can 0

Elements in keep in on-heap memory.
Note:A value of 0 sets no limit. But
Software AG recommends seing this
field to 0, to have entries of all TPA IDs
in cache.

Eternal Specifies how long entries are to remain Selected

in the cache. When selected, the entries in
this cache will never expire once they are
put into the cache.

Note:When selected, entries in cache do

not undergo time based eviction, and
Time to Live and Time to Idle values are
ignored. When Eternal is not selected,
the entries remain in cache depending

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Caching Assets and Query Results

Field Description Recommended

on the values of Time to Live and Time to

Overflow to Disk Specifies where entries are wrien when Not selected
the memory-based portion of on-heap and
off-heap cache is filled. When selected, the
entries are wrien to disk when the cache
is full.

Note:This check box is not selected by

default. Note that selecting this option
can affect performance of Trading
Networks especially where database
entries for a particular transaction
are distributed across cache and disk.
Therefore, Software AG recommends
disabling this option for use with
Trading Networks.
The following behavior is noticed when
cache is full and when the Overflow to
Disk property is not selected:
For a bounded cache (when
Maximum Elements in Memory
is limited), the entries are evicted
from the cache according to the
eviction policy. These entries are
later fetched from the Trading
Networks database when required.
For an unbounded cache (when
Maximum Elements in Memory is
0), an OutOfMemoryException is
thrown. Increasing the Java heap
size can accommodate more entries
in cache.

Memory Store Policy used to remove entries from the LRU (Least
Eviction Policy cache when the value in Maximum Elements Recently
in Memory is reached. Used)

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Caching Assets and Query Results

Query Results Cache Settings

The TNQueryResults cache stores the results of a database query. Set the cache
configuration values for the specified fields as follows.

Field Description Recommended


Maximum Total number of entries that this cache can 500

Elements in keep in on-heap memory.

Eternal Specifies how long entries are to remain in Not Selected

the cache.

Note:When selected, entries in cache do

not undergo time based eviction, and
Time to Live and Time to Idle values are
ignored. When Eternal is not selected,
the entries remain in cache depending
on the values of Time to Live and Time to

Time to Live Maximum amount of time (in seconds) 1200

that an element can remain in the cache
regardless of whether it is accessed or not.

Note:A value of 0 indicates that elements in

this cache do not have a time-to-live
expiration. The default value is 0.

Time to Idle Maximum amount of time (in seconds) 300

that an element can remain in the cache
without being accessed.

Note:A value of 0 indicates that elements in

this cache do not have a time-to-idle
expiration. The default value is 0.

Overflow to Disk Specifies where entries are wrien when Not selected
the memory-based portion of on-heap and
off-heap cache is filled. When selected, the
entries are wrien to disk when the cache
is full.

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Caching Assets and Query Results

Field Description Recommended


Note:This check box is not selected by

default. Note that selecting this option
can affect performance of Trading
Networks especially where database
entries for a particular transaction
are distributed across cache and disk.
Therefore, Software AG recommends
disabling this option for use with
Trading Networks.
The following behavior is noticed when
cache is full and when the Overflow to
Disk property is not selected:
For a bounded cache (when
Maximum Elements in Memory
is limited), the entries are evicted
from the cache according to the
eviction policy. These entries are
later fetched from the Trading
Networks database when required.
For an unbounded cache (when
Maximum Elements in Memory is
0), an OutOfMemoryException is
thrown. Increasing the Java heap
size can accommodate more entries
in cache.

Memory Store Policy used to remove entries from the LRU (Least
Eviction Policy cache when the value in Maximum Elements Recently
in Memory is reached. Used)

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Managing Events

16   Managing Events
■ Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 248
■ Run-Time Events ........................................................................................................................ 248
■ Event Groups ............................................................................................................................. 254
■ Configuring Run-time Events ..................................................................................................... 255

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Managing Events

Trading Networks run-time events are organized into several event groups. Grouping of
events makes it easy to manage events. To enable Trading Networks to publish run-time
events, you have to enable the event properties for the corresponding event groups. This
chapter describes the types of run-time events, the event groups, and how to configure
the event properties to enable or disable the events.

Run-Time Events
Trading Networks publishes the following run-time events:
Alert Email.Trading Networks can be configured to send alert emails. It publishes this
event when it sends an alert email to a contact in the sender’s or receiver’s profile.
Information published:
Timestamp of the event
Internal Document ID
Email address of the sender or receiver
Batch Delivery Complete.Trading Networks publishes this event when it delivers a
batch of documents present in a queue, at a scheduled time.
Information published:
Timestamp when the batch is delivered
Queue where the documents are placed
Document Attribute Added.Trading Networks publishes this event when a new aribute
is added to a document or an existing aribute in a document is updated.
Information published:
Timestamp of the event
Internal Document ID
Sender ID
Receiver ID
Custom aributes (ID and value of the aribute added or updated)
Document Persisted. A document can be processed using a processing rule, or simply
saved to the Trading Networks database. Trading Networks publishes this event
when it saves a document to its database.
Information published:

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Managing Events

Timestamp of the event

Internal Document ID
Indication if the document is saved to the Trading Networks database
Document Processing Complete.Trading Networks publishes this event when it
completes processing a document.
Information published:
Internal Document ID
Timestamp of the event
Timestamp when the document was last processed
Type ID for the document type
Document ID
Sender ID
Receiver ID
Group ID to which the document belongs
Conversation ID for the document’s conversation
System status of the document. The possible values are:

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Managing Events

User status of the document
Custom aributes
Indication that the document is saved to the Trading Networks database
Indication that the document is large
Original Sender ID
Original Receiver ID
Number of times the document has been reprocessed or resubmied
Indication that the document has been reprocessed or resubmied
Enqueue Document.Trading Networks publishes this event when it places a document
in a queue, to be delivered later.
Information published:
Internal Document ID
Queue where the documents are placed
Timestamp of the event
Immediate Delivery Complete.Trading Networks publishes this event when it delivers
a document directly to the receiving partner. It uses the reliable delivery approach
where it makes repeated aempts to deliver the document. This event occurs
whether the delivery is a success or a failure.
Information published:
Task ID
Internal Document ID
Server on which the process is running
Time to wait between retries
Number of retries
Retry limit
Status of the delivery process. The possible values are:

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Managing Events

Timestamp when the delivery process was created
Timestamp when the status of the delivery process was last updated
Indication if the completed delivery process is a success or a failure
Message indicating the success of a delivery process, or reason for failure
Time taken to deliver the document in milliseconds
Fully qualified service name
Queue for Polling. Queue for polling is the default delivery method. Trading Networks
publishes this event when it places a document in a queue, saves the document to its
database, and sets the document’s processing status to POLLABLE. When a partner
polls for documents, Trading Networks delivers all documents in the queue for
which the partner is the receiver.
Information published:
Timestamp of the event
Internal Document ID
Relate Documents.Trading Networks publishes this event when it establishes a one-
way relationship between two documents.
Information published:
Timestamp of the event
Internal Document IDs of the two documents
Relationship shared between the documents
Reprocess Document.Trading Networks publishes this event when a document is sent
back through processing rules to be reprocessed.
Information published:
Internal Document ID
Timestamp of the event
Resubmit Document.Trading Networks publishes this event when a document is
resubmied, to be processed as a new document.
Information published:
Internal Document ID
Timestamp of the event
Routing Rule Selected.Trading Networks publishes this event when it matches a
routing rule with an incoming document.

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Managing Events

Information published:
Timestamp of the event
Internal Document ID
Name of the routing rule
Post-processing actions. The possible values are:
Send Document.Trading Networks publishes this event when it sends a document
over a transport protocol.
Information published:
Timestamp of the event
Internal Document ID
Transport Protocol. The possible values are:

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Managing Events

Service Invoke.Trading Networks publishes this event when it invokes a service for
processing a document.
Information published:
Timestamp of the event
Internal Document ID
Method of service invocation. The possible values are:
Fully qualified service name
Start Delivery.Trading Networks publishes this event when it starts to deliver a
document or a batch of documents.
Information published:
Timestamp of the event
Internal Document ID
Job ID
Indication if the job is held
Queue where the documents are placed
System Status Changed. System Status refers to the processing status of a document.
Trading Networks publishes this event when it changes the processing status of a
document, for example, NEW.
Information published:
Timestamp of the event
Internal Document ID
New system status of the document
Task Action.Trading Networks publishes this event when it performs an action on a
delivery task related to a document.
Information published:
Job ID
Timestamp of the event
Action performed. The possible values are:

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Managing Events

New server to which the job is reassigned
User Status Changed. User Status refers to a user-defined status of a document, for
example, Accepted. Trading Networks publishes this event when it changes the user
status of a document.
Information published:
Timestamp of the event
Internal Document ID
New user status of the document
Validation.Trading Networks publishes this event when it validates a document
against a specified schema.
Information published:
Timestamp of the event
Internal Document ID
Validation status (success or failure)
Error messages in case of failure
Verification.Trading Networks publishes this event when it verifies the digital
signature of a document.
Information published:
Timestamp of the event
Internal Document ID
Verification status (success or failure)
Error messages in case of failure

Event Groups
The run-time events are grouped into event groups. To control whether Trading
Networks publishes a group of events, you set the corresponding event property to

Event group Run-time events Event property

Transaction Routing Rule Selected tn.eda.events.transactions

Document Persisted

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Managing Events

Event group Run-time events Event property

Document Aribute Added

System Status Changed
User Status Changed
Alert Email
Queue for Polling

Transaction Document Processing tn.eda.events.completedTransactions

Complete Complete

Delivery Enqueued Documents tn.eda.events.deliveryTasks

Task Events
Start Delivery
Send Document
Immediate Delivery
Batch Delivery Complete

Service Service Invoke tn.eda.events.serviceExecutionTasks

Task Events

User Reprocess Document tn.eda.events.userInitiatedTasks

Resubmit Document
Task Events
Relate Documents
Task Action

Configuring Run-time Events

To control whether Trading Networks publishes a group of events, you set the
corresponding event property to true. To disable a group of events, you set the
corresponding event property to false. By default, all event properties are set to false.

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Managing Events

To enable run-time events

1. In My webMethods: Administration > Integration > B2B Settings > Configure Properties.
2. Enable the event groups by seing the corresponding event properties to true.

To enable... Set...

Transaction Events tn.eda.events.transactions to true

Transaction Complete tn.eda.events.completedTransactions to true


Delivery Task Events tn.eda.events.deliveryTasks to true

Service Execution tn.eda.events.serviceExecutionTasks to true

Task Events

User Initialized Task tn.eda.events.userInitiatedTasks to true


3. Save your changes.

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Working with Dashboards and Charts

17   Working with Dashboards and Charts

■ Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 258
■ Before You Begin ....................................................................................................................... 258
■ Dashboards ................................................................................................................................ 260
■ Viewing Dashboards .................................................................................................................. 260
■ Charts ......................................................................................................................................... 261
■ Viewing Charts ........................................................................................................................... 263

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Working with Dashboards and Charts

Trading Networks provides a set of dashboards and charts that give you a graphical
view of partners and their transactions on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis. The
information you can view includes:
Transaction volume summary
Transaction volume and total value trend for a document aribute
Percentage of successful and failed transactions
Number of late FA violations
You can also view the top-tier and boom-tier partners based on transaction volume,
and the most common and least common document types exchanged between partners.
The dashboards and the charts display data according to the time zone of My
webMethods server. However, for non-standard time zones that have 15 or 45 minutes
GMT offset, select the nearest available standard time zone to view the dashboards
and charts. For example, for Eucla in Australia (GMT +8:45), Chatham Islands in New
Zealand (GMT +12:45), and Kathmandu (GMT +5:45), select the nearest available
standard time zone.

Before You Begin

To view data in the form of dashboards and charts, Trading Networks has to subscribe
to the run-time events that belong to the Transaction Complete Events and the
Transaction Events event groups. For more information on run-time events, see "Run-
Time Event Notifications" on page 55.
To use the dashboards and charts, ensure the following:
Enable the Transaction Complete Events event group to enable Trading Networks
to publish the Document Processing Complete run-time event. For this, set
tn.eda.events.completedTransactions event property to true.

In addition to this, to view the Success and Failure Transaction Summary chart and
the Late FA (Functional Acknowledgement) Violations Summary chart, enable the
Transaction Events event group to enable Trading Networks to publish all the run-
time events that belong to this group. For this, set tn.eda.events.transactions
event property to true.
For more information on the event properties, see "Event Properties" on page 272.

Note: Late FA Violations Summary chart is available only if you have installed
webMethods Module for EDI. For more information on installing
webMethods Module for EDI, see webMethods Module for EDI Installation
and User’s Guide.

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Working with Dashboards and Charts

Enable Trading Networks to subscribe to the run-time events that belong to the
Transaction Complete Events and the Transaction Events event groups. To enable
Trading Networks to subscribe to the events, use one of the following methods:
Install and configure webMethods Universal Messaging. For more information,
see Installing webMethods and Intelligent Business Operations Products.
Use Trading-Networks-NERV-Route-Bundle.jar to subscribe to events.
To use the NERV bundle to subscribe to events, see "Using NERV bundle to
subscribe to events" on page 259.
Set the tn.chart.fetchMaxRows property to a suitable value. By default,
tn.chart.fetchMaxRows=500000. For more information on the property, see
"Miscellaneous Properties" on page 282.

Using NERV bundle to subscribe to events

To use Trading-Networks-NERV-Route-Bundle.jar to subscribe to events, do the

Note: Make the following changes before starting Integration Server.

Check the location of the NERV configuration bundles

(com.softwareag.eda.nerv.configbundles.location) as mentioned in the NERV
properties file (com.softwareag.eda.nerv.properties). The file is located at:
For Windows:
Software AG_directory\profiles\IS_instance_name \configuration
For Unix:
Software AG_directory/profiles/IS_instance_name /configuration/
Copy the Trading-Networks-NERV-Route-Bundle.jar to the location mentioned in
the NERV properties file. The NERV bundle is at:
For Windows:
Integration Server_directory\instances\instance_name \packages\WmTN\config
For Unix:
Integration Server_directory/instances/instance_name /packages/WmTN/config/
Start Integration Server.

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Working with Dashboards and Charts

The following list describes the available executive dashboards and the details you can
view in each dashboard.
Transaction Volume Summary. A transaction volume summary dashboard that
summarizes the following data over a day, week, or a month.
Transaction Volume Summary by Sender
Transaction Volume Summary by Document Type
Transaction Volume Summary by Hour of the Day
Cross Partner Metrics. A cross partner metrics dashboard that summarizes the
following data for a selected document aribute of type NUMBER.
Volume and Value 7 day and 30 Day Trend
Volume and Value by Partners 7 Day Trend
Successful and Failed Transactions 7 Day Trend
Late FA Violations by Partners 7 Day Trend
Partner Metrics. A dashboard that summarizes the following data for a selected
partner and a selected document aribute of type NUMBER.
Volume and Value 7 Day and 30 Day Trend
Successful and Failed Transactions 7 Day Trend
Late FA Violations 7 Day Trend

Viewing Dashboards
Use the following procedure to view dashboards.

Note: By default, My webMethods sets the compatibility mode for Internet

Explorer to IE8. To view the dashboards and charts in Internet Explorer,
set the compatibility mode to IE10. To change the default Internet Explorer
compatibility seing, see Administering My webMethods Server.

To view dashboards
1. In My webMethods: Monitoring > Integration > B2B > Analytics.
2. Select a dashboard to view data.
3. Depending on the dashboard selected, specify the following criteria.

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Working with Dashboards and Charts

For Transaction Volume Summary dashboard, choose from Date to view daily,
weekly, or, monthly data.
To view weekly data, select a day that belongs to the week for which you want
to view data. For example, if the date selected is December 22, 2014, the data
displayed is for the entire week starting from December 21, 2014 to December 27,
2014 (Sunday to Saturday).
To view monthly data, select any day that belongs to the month for which you
want to view data. For example, if the date selected is December 22, 2014, the
data displayed is for the entire month of December 2014.
For Cross Partner Metrics dashboard, choose from Attribute and Date to view
daily, weekly, or, monthly data for the selected document aribute of type
For Partner Metrics dashboard, choose from Date, Attribute, and Partner to
view daily, weekly, or, monthly data for the selected partner and the selected
document aribute of type NUMBER. When you click Select to choose a
partner, the Select Partner pop-up window displays the list of partners. For more
information on searching for partners, refer "Searching for Assets" on page 195.
4. Click to refresh data for all the individual charts in the dashboard.
5. Click to export data to a .csv file.

The following list describes the available charts and the details you can view by drilling
down each data point in the chart.
Transaction Volume Summary by Sender. A bar chart that summarizes the transaction
volume by sender over a day, week, or month.
Drill down the chart to view:
Transaction volume by receivers for the selected sender
Transaction volume by document types exchanged between the selected partners
(selected sender and receiver)
Transaction volume for the selected document type exchanged between the
partner pair at various time intervals during the day
Transaction Volume Summary by Receiver. A bar chart that summarizes the transaction
volume by receiver over a day, week, or month.
Drill down the chart to view:
Transaction volume by senders for a receiver
Transaction volume by document types exchanged between the selected partners
(selected sender and receiver)

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Working with Dashboards and Charts

Transaction volume for the selected document type exchanged between the
partner pair at various time intervals during the day
Transaction Volume Summary by Document Type. A bar chart that summarizes the
transaction volume by document types over a day, week, or month.
Drill down the chart to view:
Transaction volume by senders for a selected document type
Transaction volume by receivers who receive the document type from the
selected sender
Transaction volume for the document type exchanged between the partner pair
at various time intervals during the day
Transaction Volume Summary by Hour of the Day. A bar chart that summarizes the
transaction volume by hour of the day over a day, week, or month.
Drill down the chart to view:
Transaction volume by senders at a specific time interval during the day
Transaction volume by receivers who receive document types from the selected
sender during the chosen time
Transaction volume by document types exchanged between the selected partner
pair during the chosen time
Transaction Volume and Total Value Trend Summary. A chart that summarizes the
transaction volume and total value trend for a document aribute of type NUMBER
over a day, week, or month.
Drill down the chart to view the transaction volume and total value trend by
partners for the selected aribute. The data is sorted in ascending order based on the
total value if you select a data point on the total value graph, and transaction volume
if you select a data point on the transaction volume graph.
Transaction Volume and Total Value Trend Summary by Partners. A chart that summarizes
the transaction volume and total value trend by partners for a document aribute of
type NUMBER over a day, week, or month.
Drill down the chart to view the transaction volume and total value trend for the
selected aribute and the selected partner.
Success and Failure Transaction Summary. A set of pie charts that summarize the
percentage of successful and failed transactions over a day, week, or month.
The successful transactions pie chart in turn shows the percentage of successful
transactions whose status is either DONE, REPROCESSED, or RESUBMITTED.
Similarly, the failed transactions pie chart in turn shows the percentage of failed
transactions whose status is either DONE W/ERRORS, REPROCESSED W/ERRORS,
Late FA Violations Summary. A chart that summarizes the late FA violations by partners
over a day, week, or, month.

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Working with Dashboards and Charts

An FA (functional acknowledgement) is a type of transaction set sent by the receiver

of an EDI transmission to the sender, acknowledging that the message has been
received and its syntax is acceptable. For more information on FAs, refer webMethods
Module for EDI Installation and User’s Guide.
Drill down the chart to view the late FA count for the selected partner.

Note: By default, when the Late FA document aribute is added or updated,

Trading Networks publishes the Document Aribute Added run-
time event (an event that is a part of the Transaction Events event
group). To enable Trading Networks to publish this event for any
other document aribute in addition to the Late FA aribute, refer
"tn.eda.events.emiableDocumentAributeNameFilter" on page 283.

Viewing Charts
Use the following procedure to view charts.

Note: By default, My webMethods sets the compatibility mode for Internet

Explorer to IE8. To view the dashboards and charts in Internet Explorer,
set the compatibility mode to IE10. To change the default Internet Explorer
compatibility seing, see Administering My webMethods Server.

To view charts
1. In My webMethods: Monitoring > Integration > B2B > Analytics.
2. Select a chart to view data.
3. Depending on chart selected, specify the following criteria.

Note: To view weekly data, select a day that belongs to the week for which you
want to view data. For example, if the date selected is December 22, 2014,
the data displayed is for the entire week starting from December 21, 2014
to December 27, 2014 (Sunday to Saturday). For monthly data, if the date
selected is December 22, 2014, the data displayed is for the entire month of
December 2014.

For Transaction Volume Summary by Sender and Transaction Volume Summary

by Receiver charts, choose from Date to view daily, weekly, or, monthly data.
Click to choose from Number of Partners, and from Sort By to sort data
in ascending or descending order based on total volume. By default, the charts
display data for top 10 partners arranged in descending order.
For Transaction Volume Summary by Document Type chart, choose from Date
to view daily, weekly, or, monthly data. Click to choose from Number of
Document Types, and from Sort By to sort data in ascending or descending order

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Working with Dashboards and Charts

based on total volume. By default, the chart displays data for 10 most commonly
used document types arranged in descending order.
For Transaction Volume Summary by Hour of the Day, choose from Date to view
daily, weekly, or, monthly data.
For Transaction Volume and Total Value Trend Summary chart, choose from
Date and Attribute to view daily, weekly, or, monthly data for the selected
document aribute of type NUMBER. The drill down chart, by default, displays
top 10 partners for the selected aribute.
For Transaction Volume and Total Value Trend Summary by Partners chart,
choose from Date to view daily, weekly, or, monthly data. Click to choose
from Attribute, from Sort By to sort data in ascending or descending order based
on total value or total volume, and from Direction to display data for inbound or
outbound transactions, or both.
For Success and Failure Transaction Summary chart, choose from Date to view
daily, weekly, or, monthly data.
For Late FA Violations Summary chart, choose from Date to view daily, weekly,
or, monthly data. Click to choose from Number of Partners, and from Sort
By to sort data in ascending or descending order based on total number of late
FA violations. By default, the chart displays data for top 10 partners with late FA
violations arranged in descending order.
4. Click a bar on a bar chart or a data point on a line chart to drill down for more
5. Click to take you back to the main chart.
6. Click to export data to a .csv file.

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Odd Header
Configuration Properties

A   Configuration Properties
■ Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 266
■ Activity Log Properties ............................................................................................................... 266
■ Cluster Properties ....................................................................................................................... 267
■ Database Properties ................................................................................................................... 268
■ Database Query Properties ....................................................................................................... 269
■ Data Level Security Properties .................................................................................................. 270
■ Debugging Properties ................................................................................................................. 270
■ Document Archiving Properties .................................................................................................. 270
■ Document Validation Property .................................................................................................... 271
■ Document Delivery Properties ................................................................................................... 271
■ Event Properties ......................................................................................................................... 272
■ Flat File Property ........................................................................................................................ 273
■ Large Document Handling Properties ........................................................................................ 274
■ Localization Properties ............................................................................................................... 274
■ Performance Properties ............................................................................................................. 275
■ Profile Properties ........................................................................................................................ 278
■ Task Properties .......................................................................................................................... 278
■ Miscellaneous Properties ........................................................................................................... 282

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Configuration Properties

This appendix contains a description of the Trading Networks properties. You can set
these properties using one of the following methods:
Execute the wm.tn.admin:setProperties service.
Specify values for the properties on the Administration > Integration > B2B Settings >
Configure Properties page in My webMethods.
Edit the properties file, properties.cnf, in a text editor. This file is located in the
Integration Server_directory\instances\instance_name \packages\WmTN\config
directory. If you set properties using this method, you should reload the WmTN
package after you save the properties file.
Trading Networks Server uses default values for many of the properties. If a property
has a default, it is listed with the description of the property.

Note: Trading Networks maintains a second properties file, called

default_properties.cnf, in the Integration Server_directory\instances
\instance_name \packages\WmTN\config directory. This file contains the
default values for Trading Networks properties.

Activity Log Properties

Whether to log auditing information to the activity log when you modify document
types from My webMethods (as opposed to modifying document properties in the
Trading Networks properties file). Set the property to true or false. The default is

Whether to log all partner onboarding activity in the Activity Log. If you set the value of
tn.partnerOnboarding.EnableLog to true, it will log all partner onboarding activity in
the Activity Log table. If you set the value to false, Trading Networks will not log any
partner onboarding activities in the Activity Log. Set the property to true or false. The
default is true.

Whether to log auditing information to the activity log when you modify processing
rules from My webMethods. Set the property to true or false. The default is false.

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Configuration Properties

Whether to log auditing information to the activity log when you modify profiles or data
or general functional permissions from My webMethods. Set the property to true or
false. The default is false.

Whether to prevent start and stop messages for queues from being logged into the
Activity Log table. If you set the value of this property to true, webMethods Trading
Networks will log the start and stop messages for all the queues in the Activity Log
table. If you set the value to false, webMethods Trading Networkswill not log the start
and stop messages for any queues in the Activity Log table. The default is true

Whether to log auditing information to the activity log when you modify profiles or data
or general functional permissions from My webMethods. Set the property to true or
false. The default is false.

Cluster Properties

Whether a host Integration Server will notify other Integration Servers in the cluster
when you modify Trading Networks document types, processing rules, document
aributes, profile summaries, or delivery services. Specify false or specify true and use
the tn.cluster.sync.remoteAliases property to identify the Integration Servers to notify.
The default is true.

When a user account is created on one Integration Server in a cluster, whether the user
account is also created on other servers in the cluster. Specify false or specify true
and use the tn.cluster.sync.remoteAliases property to identify the Integration Servers to
notify. The default is true.

When you update Trading Networks properties on one Integration Server in a cluster,
whether the Trading Networks properties are updated on other Integration Servers in

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Configuration Properties

the cluster. Specify false or specify true and use the tn.cluster.sync.remoteAliases
property to identify the Integration Servers to notify. The default is true.

List of remote server aliases for other Integration Servers in the cluster. There is
no default; if you do not set this property, Trading Networks cannot notify other
Integration Servers when there are changes. Separate server names with a comma.

Database Properties

Controls the activity logs created for every incoming document, thereby reducing the
number of messages added to the Activity Log table. Trading Networks logs messages
to the Activity Log table according to the value set for this property:

Value Messages Logged

0 Logs error messages

1 Logs error messages and warnings

2 Logs all messages

The default value is 2.

When Trading Networks points to a read-only database, set this property to true. If you
set this property to false, Integration Server logs an SQL exception in the server log file.
The default value is false.

The encoding your database is using. When a string is passed to an INSERT or UPDATE
statement, if that string is too long to fit into a column, this property indicates where to
truncate the string. If you do not set this property, Trading Networks uses the default
system encoding.

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Configuration Properties

Determines the timestamp to use when storing data, to use either the local time zone or
GMT. This property applies only to documents that are stored after the property is set.
Existing records are not updated.
tn.db.TNLocalDateFormat=true Uses GMT timezone. Default value.

tn.db.TNLocalDateFormat=false Uses the local timezone.

Database Query Properties

Default number of rows that query services return. The query services are services in
the wm.tn.query folder. An input variable to the query services allows you to specify a
maximum number of rows to return from a query. If you do not specify the number of
rows to return when you invoke a query service, the query service uses this property.
If a query returns more rows than allowed by this property, the query service silently
drops the rows that exceed the number you specify. The default is 0, which indicates no

Number of rows of query results to store in the session object; storing query results
in the session object optimizes query execution. Trading Networks stores the number
of rows you specify in the session object on the host Integration Server and uses the
caching component to store the remaining rows of query results in Ehcache.
Trading Networks uses this property for all queries you perform from My webMethods
(for example, queries for documents, tasks, and activity logs). In addition, this is the
default for queries that you perform using the built-in services in the wm.tn.query folder.
If you are using Trading Networks in a cluster, do not store query results in the session
object; set this property to -1. If you are not using Trading Networks in a cluster, for
best performance, set this property to be the page size Trading Networks uses for query
results (that is, 50). The default is 50.

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Configuration Properties

Data Level Security Properties

Whether to log auditing information to the activity log when you modify data
permissions or general functional permissions in My webMethods. Set the property to
true or false. The default is false.

Debugging Properties

Whether Trading Networks should write each SQL statement to the host Integration
Server server log as it executes the statement. Writing the SQL statements to the log will
cause the Integration Server to run more slowly. You should only use this feature in a
development environment. Set the property to true or false. The default is false.

Note: To view the SQL statements in the Integration Server server log, you must set
the detail level for the log to 9 or higher. You specify the level of detail you
want to view in the server log using the -debugIntegration Server startup

Document Archiving Properties

Number of days to retain documents in the production tables. Trading Networks
archives documents that are older than the specified number of days. Specify a number
from 0 through 730365. If you do not want to archive documents, do not specify this
property or set it to 0. There is no default.

Number of documents to archive or delete in a batch. If the number of documents
available for archive or deletion is less than this property, Trading Networks archives or
deletes only the number of documents in the batch. There is no limit for the batch size.
The default is 100.

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Configuration Properties

Seconds to pause between two batches of archive or deletion. There is no limit for the
pause time. The default is 15.

Number of days to retain documents in the production tables. Trading Networks deletes
documents that are older than the specified number of days. Specify a number from 0
through 730365. If you do not want to delete documents, do not specify this property or
set it to 0. There is no default.

Maximum number of documents to archive or delete in each scheduled archive or
deletion. The this property must be greater than or equal to the tn.archive.batchSize
property. The default is -1, which indicates no limit to the maximum number of
documents that can be archived or deleted in a scheduled archive or deletion.

Document Validation Property

Maximum number of errors Trading Networks can return when errors occur during
XML document validation. The default is 10.

Document Delivery Properties

Transfer type for FTP delivery of documents. Specify active or passive. The default is

The From e-mail address to use when you deliver documents using an E-mail immediate
delivery method. There is no default.

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Configuration Properties

Subject line to use when you deliver documents using an E-mail immediate delivery
method. There is no default.

Event Properties

Controls whether Trading Networks publishes the run-time events that belong to the
Transaction Events group. When the tn.eda.events.transactions parameter is set to true,
Trading Networks publishes the events listed below. When the parameter is set to
false, these events are not published. The default is false. The run-time events that fall
into this category are:
Routing Rule Selected
Document Persisted
Document Aribute Added
System Status Changed
User Status Changed
Alert Email
Queue for Polling

Controls whether Trading Networks publishes the run-time events that belong to
the Transaction Complete Events group. When the tn.eda.events.completedTransactions
parameter is set to true, Trading Networks publishes the Document Processing
Complete event. When the parameter is set to false, the event is not published. The
default is false.

Controls whether Trading Networks publishes the run-time events that belong to the
Delivery Task Events group. When the tn.eda.events.deliveryTasks parameter is set to true,
Trading Networks publishes the events listed below. When the parameter is set to

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Configuration Properties

false, these events are not published. The default is false. The run-time events that fall
into this category are:
Enqueued Document
Start Delivery
Send Document
Immediate Delivery Complete
Batch Delivery Complete

Controls whether Trading Networks publishes the run-time events that belong to
the Service Execution Task Events group. When the tn.eda.events.serviceExecutionTasks
parameter is set to true, Trading Networks publishes the Service Invoke event. When
the parameter is set to false, the event is not published. The default is false.

Controls whether Trading Networks publishes the run-time events that belong to the
User Initialized Task Events group. When the tn.eda.events.userInitiatedTasks parameter is set
to true, Trading Networks publishes the events listed below. When the parameter is set
to false, these events are not published. The default is false. The run-time events that
fall into this category are:
Reprocess Document
Resubmit Document
Relate Documents
Task Action

Flat File Property

Content types to associate with flat file documents. Separate content types with a
comma. If you do not include this property in the properties.cnf file, documents with the
content type text/plain are treated as flat files.
You cannot register these content types as flat files:

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Configuration Properties


Large Document Handling Properties

Threshold size at which to consider a document large.

Value Meaning

Any negative Consider no documents large.

integer (-n )

0 Consider all documents large.

Positive Number of bytes over which to consider a document large.


The default is -1.

Maximum number of bytes to read into memory from the start of an XML document to
perform the XQL queries that are defined in an XML document type. The XQL queries
can be identifying queries or queries to extract aributes. In your document types, if
you have XQL queries that point to nodes beyond the number of bytes you specify, the
queries will fail.
Specify a positive integer greater than 1000. If you specify an integer less than 1000,
Trading Networks reads 1000 bytes. If you do not specify this property, Trading
Networks uses tn.BigDocThreshold.

Localization Properties
Use the localization properties to change the Integration Server’s locale. When you
change the locale, Trading Networks displays error messages and screen labels using
the language associated with the locale. To display the messages and screen labels
in the language, Trading Networks must have the appropriate resource bundle.

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Configuration Properties

These resource bundles reside in the tncore.zip file, which was copied to your system
during installation. If you change the locale but the resource bundle does not exist
for that locale, Trading Networks tries to find the best match. For information about
how Trading Networks selects the resource bundle that matches best, see the Oracle
documentation for the java.util.ResourceBundle class. By default, Trading Networks
uses the locale of the host machine.
To change the locale you must set, at a minimum, the tn.locale.language and
tn.locale.country properties. If you do not specify both of these properties, Trading
Networks continues to use the default locale (that is, the locale of the host machine).

Two-leer ISO 639 language code for the language to use for messages and screen labels.

Two-leer ISO 3166 country code for the country associated with the language.

Variant code that further distinguishes the locale, if necessary. Typically you use the
variant code if there is a difference based on the platform on which Integration Server
is running. If you need to specify more than one variant code, list the most important
codes first, and separate them with an underscore. For more information about variant
codes, see the Oracle documentation for the java.util.Locale class.

Performance Properties

Whether to remove all data from the pipeline except bizdoc , rule , TN_parms , and
$tnReprocess when a document is routed. Removing pipeline contents can help prevent
the pipeline from growing very large, which could improve system performance. Set the
property to true or false. The default is false.

Maximum number of result rows to return for each query. To return all rows, set the
property to 0. The default is 10000.

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Configuration Properties

Whether to sort result rows based on timestamp in descending order. Set the property to
true or false. The default is true.

When Trading Networks receives a document, it saves information about the
resulting BizDocEnvelope for that document to its database and sets the status of
the BizDocEnvelope. Based on this property, Trading Networks sets the status of the
BizDocEnvelope to one of the following:

Status Description Set property


NEW Trading Networks has received the document but has false
not yet processed it. This is the default.

DONE Typically, the DONE status means that Trading true

Networks has completed processing the document.
However, you can use this property to have Trading
Networks immediately set the status to DONE. This
saves a database update per document if Trading
Networks completes processing of the document
normally with no errors.

If Integration Server ends unexpectedly while
processing a document, upon it restarts, because
the status is already DONE, processing of the
document will appear to be complete. There is a
risk that the document might not be processed

Whether to drop pipeline variables that represent Trading Networks objects after the
wm.tn:receive entry point service finishes executing. Dropping these objects reduces the
time it takes to process each document and improves overall performance because the
content handler does not have to format the objects to return to the client. You specify
the pipeline variables to drop using the tn.receive.clearKeys property. Set the property
to true or false. The default is true.

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Configuration Properties

Pipeline variables that represent Trading Networks objects to drop from the pipeline
when the tn.receive.clearTNObjects property is set to true. Separate the variables with a
command. Your list can contain these objects:
If you specify a pipeline variable other than the ones listed above, Trading Networks
ignores it, and Trading Networks does not drop the variable. The default is null (no
variables appear in the pipeline).

Enables caching of JDBC statements. Set the property to true or false. The default is
true. When you set this property to true, all PreparedStatements are cached in memory
to speed up subsequent access to data from database. When you set this property to
false, the PreparedStatements are not cached in memory. Instead, they are created
every time to access data.

Whether the wm.tn.doc:resubmit and wm.tn.doc:resubmits services should return
BizDocEnvelopes in the pipeline. You use these services to resubmit documents that
are in the Trading Networks database for processing. When you resubmit a document,
Trading Networks has a BizDocEnvelope for the original document that was in the
database and forms an additional BizDocEnvelope for the new instance of the document
that is being resubmied. This property controls whether the wm.tn.doc:resubmit and
wm.tn.doc:resubmits built-in services leave these BizDocEnvelopes in the pipeline when
returning to the caller. Performance is improved if the BizDocEnvelopes are not returned
in the pipeline. Set the property to true or false. The default is false.

Maximum number of trading partner agreements (TPAs) in Agreed status to cache in
memory. Caching these TPAs speeds up the run-time retrieval of TPAs; however, it also
increases the amount of memory used by Integration Server. The default is 1000.

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Configuration Properties

Whether to save and reuse the results of identifying XQL queries executed against an
XML document during document recognition. Several of your XML document types
might use the same XQL queries, so seing this property can improve performance. Set
the property to true or false. The default is true.

Profile Properties

External ID type (for example, D-U-N-S® number) to initially display when creating or
editing a profile in My webMethods. The default is DUNS.

Displays deleted profiles in the Export Data dialog box. Set this property to true or
false. The default is false.

Task Properties

For you to use reliable delivery for a document, the document must be saved to the
Trading Networks database. If reliable delivery is specified for a document and the
document has not been saved, this property specifies whether to aempt a single
asynchronous execution of the delivery service. Set this property to true or false. The
default is true.

Whether Trading Networks should publish an IS document (that is, raise an Integration
Server event) when it aempts to update its database for a task after a database failure
occurs. If you want Trading Networks to publish an IS document every time it retries
to update the database, whether the aempt is successful or failed, set the property to
true. If you want Trading Networks to not publish an IS document when it tries to
update the database after a database failure, set the property to false. The default is

The IS document that Trading Networks publishes is in the format defined by the
wm.tn.rec:TaskDbUpdate IS document type. You can use Software AG Designer to define a

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Configuration Properties

trigger that subscribes to the IS document and takes appropriate actions (see the Publish-
Subscribe Developer’s Guide).

Whether Trading Networks should try to update its database after it encounters a
database failure when it tries to update the information for a task (for example, because
it lost connectivity to the database). In this case, the information that Trading Networks
is maintaining in memory for the task will not match the information stored in the
database. If Integration Server is shut down, the task information will be incorrect upon
restart. Set this property to true or false. If you set the property to true, also specify
the tn.task.dbupdate.retrySweepTime property. The default is true.

Number of seconds between aempts to retry updating the database information for
a task. Trading Networks uses this property when the tn.task.dbupdate.retryEnabled
property is set to true. The default is 300.

Number of tasks to process at one time during Integration Server startup. Trading
Networks uses a background thread during startup to read the task data from the
database and create the tasks in groups. The number of tasks in a group is the seing
you specify for this property. After creating a group of tasks, Trading Networks pauses
for the amount of time specified by the tn.task.init.pauseLength property. Pausing
between groups makes CPU cycles available to other Integration Server functions that
are initializing during startup. This improves performance when starting Trading
Networks when there are many pending tasks. The default is 100.

Number of seconds to pause between processing groups of tasks during Integration
Server startup. Trading Networks uses a background thread during startup to read
the task data from its database and create the tasks in groups. The number of tasks in
a group is the seing you specify for the tn.task.init.groupSize property. After creating
a group of tasks, Trading Networks pauses for the amount of time specified by this
property. Pausing between groups makes CPU cycles available to other Integration
Server functions that are initializing during startup. This improves startup performance
when starting Trading Networks when there are many pending tasks. The default is 10.

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Configuration Properties

Number of times to try to re-execute a failed service specified on the Execute a Service
processing action when using reliable execution. Specify a positive integer. The default is

Number of milliseconds to wait before making the first aempt to re-execute a failed
service specified on the Execute a Service processing action when using reliable
execution. Set this property to a positive integer. The default is 300.

Factor to use to determine how long to wait before making the second and subsequent
aempts to re-execute a failed service specified on the Execute a Service processing
action when using reliable execution. Trading Networks calculates the time to wait by
multiplying the last wait time by this property. Set this property to a positive integer.
The default is 1.

Whether Trading Networks should publish an IS document (that is, raise an Integration
Server event) when a task fails. Set this property to true or false. The default is false.
The IS document that Trading Networks publishes is in the format defined by the
wm.tn.rec:TaskFailure IS document type. You can use Software AG Designer to define a
trigger that subscribes to the IS document and takes appropriate actions (see the Publish-
Subscribe Developer’s Guide).

Number of milliseconds to pause when the task manager runs out of threads.
You control the number of threads that the task manager is allocated using the
tn.task.pauseOnMaxThreads property. If the number of threads specified by the
tn.task.threadpool.pct property are in use and Trading Networks has more tasks to
process, Trading Networks pauses the number of milliseconds specified by this property
to allow some of the working threads to complete and become available. The default is

Number of seconds the task manager thread remains idle before checking for tasks it
needs to perform (for example, a task to deliver a document or execute a service). The

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Configuration Properties

thread becomes idle when all tasks are completed, failed, or in the wait period between
aempts. The thread waits the number of seconds you specify with this property before
waking up to check for tasks it needs to process. The tasks that the task manager tries to
process when it wakes up are those tasks that failed on their last aempt and have not
yet reached their retry limit.
The minimum allowable seing for this property is 1 second. If you try to set this
property lower than 1 second, the task manager remains idle for 1 second before
checking for tasks it needs to perform. The default is 300.

Note: The task manager wakes up immediately when a new task arrives.

This property can affect how long to wait between aempts to retry a task. Typically, the
wait between retries is governed by one of the following:

Task Governed by...

Delivery The Wait between retries specified in the delivery seings of the
receiving partner's profile.

Service The tn.task.w property.


However, Trading Networks could wait as long as this property specifies. If the task
manager thread is idle when the wait between retries expires, the task manager thread
will not wake up to process the task until the tn.task.sweepTime expires.

Percentage of the Integration Server thread pool the task manager can use to process
tasks simultaneously. This is to prevent the task manager from consuming all
Integration Server threads when the task manager has a large number of tasks to
process. Set this property from .03 through .9. If you set the property below the range,
the task manager ignores the seing and uses .03. If you set the property greater than the
range, the task manager ignores the seing and uses .9. No maer how small you set the
property, the task manager is guaranteed to always have at least one thread with which
to execute tasks. The default is .5.

Enables task manager to order the pending jobs according to the task creation time or
document creation time. The default value is default. When you set this property to
default, the task manager orders the pending jobs according to the task creation time.
When tn.task.orderingMethod= BizDocCreationTime, the task manager orders
the pending jobs according to the document creation time. BizDocCreationTime has the
same value as the DocTimestamp variable of the BizDocEnvelope. For more information
on BizDocEnvelope, see webMethods Trading Networks Built-In Services Reference.

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Configuration Properties

User account to use to invoke a service that Trading Networks is executing reliably
due to a processing action in a processing rule. This affects the user account used to
invoke the built-in delivery services (which are in the wm.tn.transport folder), custom
delivery services that you create, and services invoked by service execution tasks. To
have Trading Networks use the currently connected user to invoke services, do not
set the tn.transport.user property. By default, Trading Networks will use the currently
connected user to invoke services. This is the user that submied the document to
Trading Networks, unless you are resubmiing or reprocessing a document. When you
resubmit or reprocess a document, the current user is the user issuing the resubmit or
If you want to use a user account other than the currently connected user's account,
use this property to specify the user name. If you want an Administrator account to
execute services from processing rules, specify Administrator. Some Integration Server
Administrators might delete the built-in Administrator account and create a new one
with a different name. If tn.transport.user is Administrator, Trading Networks will
use an account from the Administrators group, though it might not be the built-in
Administrator account.

Important: Make sure the ACL you use to protect the service grants Execute access to
the user you specify.

Miscellaneous Properties

Whether to display data in the form of dashboards and charts. Set a suitable value for
this property. When the number of records in the dashboard tables are less than or
equal to the value set, My webMethods displays the data. When the number of records
is greater than the value set, My webMethods throws an error when you access the
Analytics link. By default, tn.chart.fetchMaxRows = 500000.

Whether to search through all document types to find a single matching document type
for an inbound document, or to use the first match. To find a single document type, set
the property to true; if Trading Networks finds multiple document types that match
it considers the document an unknown document because it does not know which
document type to use. To use the first match, set the property to false. The default is

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Configuration Properties

Whether to consider case when mapping partners to the user that initiated a document
transaction. To not consider case when evaluating sender IDs, set the property to true.
To consider case, set the property to false. The default is false.

Note: This parameter applies only when Trading Networks uses either the Oracle or
the Microsoft SQL Server database. Trading Networks uses the default false
for other databases.

To accommodate more than two digits after the decimal point. This property specifies
the paern that Trading Networks should use to format decimal numbers. For example,
if you want Trading Networks to retain up to six digits after the decimal point, specify
tn.decimalFormatPattern=##.######. The paern can contain any of the following
# Indicates a digit. Leading or trailing zeroes are omied.

0 Indicates a digit. Leading or trailing zeroes are included.

. Indicates a placeholder for a decimal separator.

, Indicates a placeholder for a grouping separator.

Determines the set of document aributes for which Trading Networks will
publish the Document Aribute Added run-time event. By default, Trading
Networks publishes this event when Late FA document aribute is added
or updated. To enable Trading Networks to publish this event for any other
document aribute apart from Late FA aribute, set this property to a fully
qualified custom java class. This class should include the set of document aributes
apart from Late FA aribute, that will enable Trading Networks to publish
the event when the specified set of document aributes are added or updated.
For example, tn.eda.events.emittableDocumentAttributeNameFilter =
com.softwareag.app.tn.policies.eda.EmittableAttributeNameFilter. The
EmittableAttributeNameFilter custom class will filter all the document aributes
and enable Trading Networks to publish the event only for the specified document
The custom class should implement the
com.softwareag.app.tn.policies.IInvoker<Boolean, String> interface, and
override the invoke (final String attrname) method. The attrname parameter
corresponds to the document aribute, and the output of the method is a Boolean value.
If the value is true, Trading Networks will publish the event for the document aribute

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Configuration Properties

specified. If the value is false, Trading Networks will not publish the event for the
document aribute specified.

Frequency (in seconds) to save document processing statistics to the database.
Document statistics are viewed in My webMethods. The default is 30.

Whether to send an e-mail message to the Integration Server Administrator to alert to
these errors:
Sender of the document is not the same as the current user.
There is no profile for current user.
Trading Networks could not retrieve the profile summary for the sender.
Sender's profile is Inactive, which does not allow for sending documents.
Sender's profile has been deleted.
Internal exception prevented processing from completing.
Set the property to true or false. The default is false.

Configure the chunk size used to save transaction content on the client side by using this
property in the properties.cnf file and set the chunk size range from 1024 bytes(1Kb) to
104857600 bytes (100Mb). The default is 100.

Maximum number of successive times to use a processing rule for a specific document.
Trading Networks recursively uses a processing rule if the processing rule uses the
Execute a Service processing action to synchronously invoke a service that calls the
wm.tn:submit service to submit the same BizDocEnvelope to Trading Networks, and
Trading Networks selects the same processing rule again. If Trading Networks tries
to recursively use a processing rule more times than the number you specify, Trading
Networks aborts the document processing. Set this property to a positive integer. The
default is 0, which means recursive use of processing rules is not allowed.

Trading Networks uses this property when generating internal IDs. To guarantee that
the internal IDs are unique across all Integration Servers, IDs consist of the hash code of

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Configuration Properties

the host name, the server sequence number, the system timestamp, and the counter. Set
this property from 0 through 31. There is no default.
The Integration Server sequence number is the tn.server.seq property. Use this
property only if you are running more than oneTrading Networks instance on the same
machine. In this situation, give each instance a unique tn.server.seq.
If you run multiple Trading Networks instances on one machine and do not set this
property, Trading Networks might generate duplicate internal IDs. If you supply an
invalid value, Trading Networks ignores the seing and uses 0 for the server sequence
number portion of generated internal IDs, in which case, again, Trading Networks might
generate duplicate internal IDs.

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Server Configuration Parameters

B   Server Configuration Parameters

■ Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 288
■ Server Configuration Parameters ............................................................................................... 288

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Server Configuration Parameters

This appendix contains a description of the Trading Networks properties you
can specify in the server configuration file (server.cnf), which is located in the
Integration Server_directory\instances\instance_name \config directory.
Trading Networks Server uses default values for many of the properties. If a property
has a default, it is listed with the description of the property.

Server Configuration Parameters

Indicates whether Trading Networks maps the ACLs to the Trading Networks public
services. During the first startup, Trading Networks maps the ACLs to the Trading
Networks public services. After the mapping is done, Trading Networks adds the
watt.WmTN.aclMap property to the Integration Server server.cnf file, and sets the value
of this property to the current build version of Trading Networks. This property does
not exist in the server.cnf file by default. During subsequent startups, if you want
to force Trading Networks to map the ACLs again, remove the watt.WmTN.aclMap
property from the server.cnf file and restart Trading Networks.
Indicates whether Trading Networks adds My webMethods roles related to Trading
Networks to their respective ACLs. During the first startup, Trading Networks adds
the roles to their respective ACLs. After adding the roles, Trading Networks adds
the watt.WmTN.mwsMap property to the Integration Server server.cnf file, and sets
the value of this property to the current build version of Trading Networks. This
property does not exist in the server.cnf file by default. During subsequent startups,
if you want to force Trading Networks to add the roles to the ACLs again, remove the
watt.WmTN.mwsMap property from the server.cnf file and restart Trading Networks.

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XQL Reference

C   XQL Reference
■ XQL Reference Information ....................................................................................................... 290
■ Sample XML File ........................................................................................................................ 290
■ Example XQL Queries ............................................................................................................... 291
■ Extracting Custom Attributes From XML Documents ................................................................ 292

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XQL Reference

XQL Reference Information

Use the following link for more information about the W3C, World Wide Web
Consortium reference information for XQL: hp://www.w3.org/TandS/QL/QL98/pp/

Sample XML File

The example XQL queries in the next section reference the following XML file.
<?xml version='1.0'?>
<!-- This file represents a fragment of a book store database. -->
<bookstore specialty='novel'>
<book style='autobiography'>
<title>Seven Years in Trenton</title>
<award>Trenton Literary Review Honorable Mention</award>
<book style='textbook'>
<title>History of Trenton</title>
Selected Short Stories of
<first-name>Mary</first-name> <last-name>Bob</last-name>
<magazine style='glossy' frequency='monthly'>
<title>Tracking Trenton</title>
<subscription price='24' per='year'/>
<book style='novel' id='myfave'>
<title>Trenton Today, Trenton Tomorrow</title>
<degree from='Trenton U'>B.A.</degree>
<degree from='Harvard'>Ph.D.</degree>
<publication>Still in Trenton</publication>
<publication>Trenton Forever</publication>
<price intl='canada' exchange='0.7'>6.50</price>
<p>It was a dark and stormy night.</p>
<p>But then all nights in Trenton seem dark and
stormy to someone who has gone through what
<emph>I</emph> have.</p>

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XQL Reference

<my:book style='leather' price='29.50' xmlns:my='http://www.placeholder
<my:title>Who's Who in Trenton</my:title>
<my:author>Robert Bob</my:author>

Example XQL Queries

The following lists sample XQL queries.
Find the root element (bookstore) of the document
Find all author elements anywhere within the current document.
Find all first-name elements within an author element anywhere in the current
Find all title elements that are grandchildren of bookstore elements.
Find all style aributes anywhere within the current document.
Find the exchange aributes of price elements that are contained inside book elements
that are contained in a bookstore element.
Anywhere within the current document, find all book elements containing at least one
child excerpt element.
Anywhere within the current document, find all author elements containing at least
one child degree element that are contained inside a book element that has at least one
excerpt element.

Anywhere within the current document, find all book elements containing at least one
excerpt element and at least one title element.

//author[(degree $or$ award) $and$ publication]

Anywhere within the current document, find all author elements that contain at least
one degree element or award element and at least one publication element.

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XQL Reference

//degree[@from $ne$ 'Harvard']

Anywhere within the current document, find all degree elements where the from
aribute is not equal to Harvard.
Anywhere within the current document, find the last author element from the entire set
of author elements that are contained within book elements.
Anywhere within the current document, find all book elements with the namespace my.
Find the title element with a my prefix within a book element with a my prefix that is a
child of the root node of the document.
//book[index() $le$ 1]
Find the first two books anywhere within the current document.
//author[publication!count() $gt$ 1]
Anywhere within the current document, find all author elements that contain more
than one publication element.
//author[$any$ last-name = 'Bob']
Find all author elements where at least one of the last-name elements is "Bob"
anywhere within the current document.
//book $union$ //book/author
Anywhere within the current document, find all book elements and all author elements
that are children of book elements.
Find all the author elements that have last-name elements that contain the string "Bo."
and another single character.
Find all the book elements that have a style aribute that contains the regular
expression paern "no.*"
Find the first comment element starting from the root of the current document.

Extracting Custom Attributes From XML Documents

For custom aributes that are extracted from an XML document, Trading Networks
returns specific values for different aribute data types:

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XQL Reference

The following tables demonstrate the values that Trading Networks returns using the
example XQL query of: /node/item. In some cases, the query returns a null value.


This table shows the values Trading Networks stores for a STRINGLIST or STRING
aribute based on the value returned by the XQL query /node/item

XML Data XQL query returns (result Results stored as Results

returned as String List) STRINGLIST stored as
<node></node> null null null
<node> {""} {null} null
<item></item> (String List with (String List
</node> one element, an with one
empty String) element, a
null String)
<node> {"value"} {"value"} "value"
<item>value</item> (String List with (String List
</node> one element) with one
<node> {"value", ""} {"value", null} "value"
<item>value</item> (String List with (String List
<item></item> two elements) with two
</node> elements)
<node> {"", "value"} {null,"value"} null
<item></item> (String List with (String List
<item>value</item> two elements) with two
</node> elements)
<node> {"", ""} {null, null} null
<item></item> (String List with (String List
<item></item> two elements) with two
</node> elements)
<node> {"valuea","","", {"valuea", null, "valuea"
<item>valuea</item> "valueb"} null, "valueb"}
<item> </item> (String List with (String List
<item></item> four elements) with four
<item>valuez</item> elements)


This table shows the values Trading Networks stores for a NUMBERLIST or NUMBER
aribute based on the value returned by the XQL query /node/item

XML Data XQL query returns (result Results stored as Results

returned as a String List) NUMBERLIST stored as
<node></node> null null null

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XQL Reference

XML Data XQL query returns (result Results stored as Results

returned as a String List) NUMBERLIST stored as
<node> {""} {null} null
<item></item> (String List with (Number List
</node> one element, an with one
empty String) element, a
null element)
<node> {"123"} {"123"} "123"
<item>123</item> (String List with (Number List
</node> one element) with one
<node> {"123", ""} {"123", null} "123"
<item>123</item> (String List with (Number List
<item></item> two elements) with two
</node> elements)
<node> {"", "123"} {null,"123"} null
<item></item> (String List with (Number List
<item>123</item> two elements) with two
</node> elements)
<node> {"", ""} {null, null} null
<item></item> (String List with (Number List
<item></item> two elements) with two
</node> elements)
<node> {"123", "","","456"} {"123", null, "123"
<item>123</item> (String List with null, "456"}
<item> </item> four elements) (Number List
<item></item> with four
<item>456</item> elements)


This table shows the values Trading Networks stores for a NUMBERLIST or NUMBER
aribute based on the value returned by the XQL query /node/item

XML Data XQL query returns Results stored as Results

(result returned as a DATETIMELIST stored as
String List) DATETIME
<node></node> null null null
<node> {""} {null} null
<item></item> (String List (Datetime List
</node> with one with one
element, an element, a null
empty String) element)
<node> {"2004/12/31"} {"2004/12/31"} "2004/12/31"
<item>2004/12/31</item> (String List with (Datetime List
</node> one element) with one
<node> {"2004/12/31", {"2004/12/31", "2004/12/31"
<item>2004/12/31</item> ""} null}
<item></item> (String List (Datetime List

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XQL Reference

XML Data XQL query returns Results stored as Results

(result returned as a DATETIMELIST stored as
String List) DATETIME
</node> with two with two
elements) elements)
<node> {"", "123"} {null, null
<item></item> (String List "2004/12/31"}
<item>2004/12/31</item> with two (Datetime List
</node> elements) with two
<node> {"", ""} {null, null} null
<item></item> (String List (Datetime List
<item></item> with two with two
</node> elements) elements)
<node> {"2004/12/31", {"2004/12/31", "2004/12/31"
<item>2004/12/31</item> "","", null,null,
<item> </item> "2006/01/31 "} "2005/0 1/31"}
<item></item> (String List (Datetime List
<item>2005/01/31</item> with four with four
</node> elements) elements)

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Large Document Handling

D   Large Document Handling

■ Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 298
■ Sending Large XML Documents for Processing ........................................................................ 298
■ Minimum Hardware Requirements ............................................................................................. 299
■ Configuring Large Document Handling ...................................................................................... 299
■ Defining Document Types for Large Documents ....................................................................... 301
■ Creating Services that Recognize Large Document Handling ................................................... 301
■ Increasing the Size of the Largest Document that Can Be Saved When Using DB2 ................ 304

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Large Document Handling

By default, when Trading Networks receives a document, it keeps the document
content in memory during processing. If a document is large, Trading Networks might
encounter memory constraint problems. These problems can occur when Trading
Networks tries to execute an XQL query against an XML document during document
recognition or tries to perform pre-processing or processing actions.
You can set a property to specify when a document should be considered large. When
Trading Networks receives a document that fits your specification, it processes the
document as a large document. Trading Networks does not try to read content for large
documents into memory; rather, it writes the document content to hard disk drive space
(called tspace) and stores only a reference to the document content in memory. When
Trading Networks needs to access document content during processing, if the content is
in tspace, Trading Networks either retrieves a certain number of bytes of the document
content or uses a Java InputStream to read the document content. The document content
remains on disk until the service that processes the document, and all services invoked
from that service, complete, and the time to live period you specify expires.
The Trading Networks features listed below are not available for large documents.

Feature If specified, Trading Networks...

Queue for polling Logs a message to the activity log and continues
delivery method processing. The document is not available for your
partner to poll.

Web service delivery Logs a message to the activity log and continues
method processing.

Validate Structure pre- Does not validate the document, logs a message to the
processing action activity log, and continues document processing.

Verify pre-processing Does not verify the digital signature, logs a message
action to the activity log, and continues document

Sending Large XML Documents for Processing

Make sure trading partners do not use the $xmldata variable to send large XML
documents to Trading Networks. For information about other methods partners can
use to submit XML documents, see the topic about passing XML data to services in
Software AG Designer Online Help.

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Large Document Handling

Minimum Hardware Requirements

The minimum and recommended hardware requirements for handling large documents
are shown below.

Hard Disk Space RAM # of CPUs


100 (256) 512 MB (1GB) 1 (2)

The hard disk drive space identifies only the amount of hard disk drive space that
Trading Networks requires for normal processing. It does not account for the hard
disk drive space that is necessary for temporarily saving the large documents during
processing. To use large document handling, you must define hard disk drive space
where Trading Networks can temporarily save documents (rather than store them in
memory). The size of the hard disk drive space for temporarily saving documents will
vary based on the number of documents you process concurrently and the size of the
documents you process. For example, if your typical concurrent document load is 10,
you would need a hard disk drive space that is 10 to 15 times the combined size of the
documents being processed concurrently.

Configuring Large Document Handling

To configure large document handling
1. In My webMethods: Administration > Integration > B2B Settings > Configure Properties.
2. Add or update the tn.BigDocThreshold and tn.xml.xqlThreshold properties.
3. Click Save.
4. Shut down the host Integration Server.
5. Go to the Integration Server_directory \instances\instance_name \config directory,
open the server.cnf file, and update the properties listed below.
Set the watt.server.tspace.location property to the absolute directory path
to the hard disk drive space in which to temporarily store large documents. The
directory you specify is on the same machine as the host Integration Server.
Examples are watt.server.tspace.location=D:\LargeDocTemp for Windows,
or watt.server.tspace.location=/opt/webmethods/ for UNIX. If you
do not set this property, Trading Networks uses the Java system property
java.io.tmpDir, which defaults to the value of the environment variable Temp on
most operating systems.

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Large Document Handling

Note: In a clustered environment, each Integration Server must have its own
tspace location. Do not share the tspace location.

Note: If you are seing up large document handling for multiple

webMethods products, all products use this property. Integration
Server manages the allotment of space to each product.

Note: Each file stored in this directory is given the name DocResxxxxx .dat,
where xxxxx can vary in length and character.

Set the watt.server.tspace.max to the maximum number of bytes to

store at any one time in the hard disk drive space defined on the
watt.server.tspace.location property. If Trading Networks (or another
webMethods product) tries to write a large document to the hard disk drive
space that will cause the specified number of bytes to be exceeded, an error
message is displayed on the Integration Server console and the document is not
stored. Specify a positive integer in bytes. The default is 52,428,800 bytes (50 MB).

Important: The size of the hard disk drive space for temporarily saving
documents varies based on the number of documents you process
concurrently and the size of the documents you process. For example,
if your typical concurrent document load is 10, you would need a
hard disk drive space that is 10 to 15 times the combined size of the
documents being processed concurrently.

Note: If you are seing up large document handling for multiple

webMethods products, all products use this property. The Integration
Server makes sure the hard disk drive space use for all products does
not exceed the value you specify.

When you submit a document using a Java InputStream over a network to

Integration Server, Integration Server makes a request to read from a network
InputStream. Set the watt.server.keepAliveTimeout property to the number of
milliseconds Integration Server should wait for a response. If Integration Server
does not receive a response in the specified amount of time, it times out with the
error Connection reset by peer. Specify a positive integer in milliseconds.
Software AG recommends that you set this property to 180000 (3 minutes). The
default value is 15000 (15 seconds).

Note: The value you specify does not have to be long enough to
accommodate reading the entire document, only to accommodate the
length of time it takes to receive a response to a read request.

Set the watt.server.tspace.timeToLive property to the number of milliseconds to

temporarily store documents in tspace. Seing this property prevents the
deletion of a document as soon as it is created, thus preventing any resulting
exceptions that occur when you try to read back from the document. For

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Large Document Handling

example, if you want to delete the documents from tspace three minutes after
they are created, set this property to 180000 milliseconds.
The default value 0 tells Integration Server to delete documents from tspace only
after creating a document in tspace. For example, if tspace contains 10 documents
and this property is set to 0, Integration Server deletes the 10 documents only
after it creates a document.
6. Save the file and restart Integration Server.

Defining Document Types for Large Documents

Large XML files that are sent to Trading Networks for processing must contain the XML
declaration (for example, <?xml...) as the first line. No blank space can exist before the
XML declaration, or Trading Networks will throw an exception.
XML document types can include XQL queries for document recognition and XQL
queries for extracting document aributes. Trading Networks does not read the entire
content of large XML documents into memory to perform XQL queries; instead, it
reads only the number of bytes you specify on the tn.xml.xqlThreshold into memory.
The XQL queries, therefore, must match nodes in the first portion of the document. If
the XQL queries identify nodes in the portion that is not in memory, the query fails,
and Trading Networks cannot match the document type to the document or extract
document aributes.

Creating Services that Recognize Large Document Handling

Code custom immediate and scheduled delivery services and services you use with the
Execute a Service processing action to retrieve document content from hard disk drive
space for large documents and from memory for regular documents. For example, a
processing rule might match both large documents and regular documents. If the rule
invokes a service, that service must take appropriate actions to obtain the document
content whether the content is in hard disk drive space or memory.

Determining Where the Document Content is Stored

Trading Networks keeps information about all documents in the pipeline in the bizdoc
variable. Fields within the bizdoc indicate whether Trading Networks considers the
document large, and therefore, indicates whether the document is stored in memory (if
the document is not considered large) or on hard disk drive space (if the document is
considered large). The figure below shows how to use fields in the bizdoc to determine
where the document content is stored.

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Large Document Handling

Use the following fields in bizdoc to determine whether the document is stored in
memory or on the hard disk drive space:

Field Indicates...

LargePart? Whether a particular content part is considered large. If not, the

value is false. If so, the value is true;Trading Networks sets
StorageType to tspace and leaves the Content variable null.

LargeDocument? Whether at least one content part in the document is considered

large. If so, the value is true. If not, the value is false; Trading
Networks stores the document content in the Content variable
and leaves StorageType null.

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Large Document Handling

Retrieving Document Content from Hard Disk Drive Space

Use the wm.tn.doc:getContentPartData service to retrieve document content from the hard
disk drive space. When you invoke this service, specify the following as input:

Input Variable Description

BizDocEnvelope BizDocEnvelope Trading Networks created for the document.

partName Part name of the document content to retrieve.

getAs Whether to:

Retrieve a specified number of bytes of the document content
(bytes). The service will return a byte array that contains the
retrieved bytes.
Obtain the document content using a Java InputStream object
(stream). The service will return a Java InputStream object.

startIndex If you specified bytes, the index into the document at which
to start retrieving content. For example, to retrieve document
content from the beginning, specify 0.

byteCount If you specified bytes, specify the number of bytes of content to


You can invoke this service for all documents, regardless of whether a document is
considered large or not.

Retrieving the Content for Document Delivery

To deliver a document, you need the original document content (that is., the content
Trading Networks received before processing). Use thewm.tn.doc:getDeliveryContent service
to retrieve the document content. When you invoke this service, specify the following as

Input Variable Description

BizDocEnvelope BizDocEnvelope Trading Networks created for the


You can invoke this service for all documents. The service determines whether the
document is considered large or not. If the document is not considered large, the service
returns a byte array that contains the retrieved delivery content. If the document is

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Large Document Handling

considered large, the service retrieves the delivery content using a Java InputStream

Increasing the Size of the Largest Document that Can Be

Saved When Using DB2
When you define columns for a DB2 database, DB2 requires you to specify a size limit.
When defining the Trading Networks database, the DB2 SQL script defines the size of
the BizDocContent.Content field in the BIZDOCCONTENT table to have a 2M size limit.
As a result, the largest document that Trading Networks can save to the DB2 database is
If you are using a DB2 database for the Trading Networks database and want to save
documents that are larger than 2M, update the size limit for the BizDocContent.Content
field to accommodate the largest document you expect to process. If you use the Trading
Networks Archive tables, also update the size of the ARCHIVE_BizDocContent.Content

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Example of User Status in Document Processing

E   Example of User Status in Document Processing

■ Example of User Status in Document Processing ..................................................................... 306

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Example of User Status in Document Processing

Example of User Status in Document Processing

1. Trading Networks receives a document and recognizes that its document type is PO.
The document types does not specify to extract the UserStatus system aribute, so
the user status is null.
2. The document matches the processing rule criteria that the document type must
be PO and the document can have any user status. The rule specifies the Alert e-
Mail action, and the e-mail contains a URL for a Web page that displays the PO. The
processing rule also changes the user status to Needs Approval.
3. The user clicks the URL to open the Web page to view the PO. The Web page
contains an HTML form that lets the user accept or reject the PO.
4. If the user accepts the PO, the code uses the built-in service wm.tn.doc:changeStatus
to set the user status associated with the document to Accepted. If the user rejects
the PO, the code uses the built-in service to set the user status associated with the
document to Rejected.
5. The code for the Web form invokes the wm.tn:submit built-in service that sends
the document back to the Integration Server for processing. Trading Networks
recognizes the document type is PO and determines the user status.
6. The document matches either the processing rule that indicates the document type
must be PO and the user status is Accepted or the document type is PO and the user
status is Rejected. The rule specifies the Execute a Service action, and the service
processes the purchase order.

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Example of User Status in Document Processing

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