AP I - 2. Portfolio Choice Mean Variance Approach

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Univ.-Prof. Thomas Gehrig, Ph.D.

Asset Pricing I, Winter 2019/20

Asset Pricing I

Winter 2019/20

2. Portfolio Choice: Mean Variance Approach

Univ.-Prof. Thomas Gehrig, Ph.D. Asset Pricing I, Winter 2019/20

Basic idea: Trade-off between risk and return can easily be analyzed graphically in a socalled
(µ − σ )-diagram. Any security is characterized by its first and second moments.

Univ.-Prof. Thomas Gehrig, Ph.D. Asset Pricing I, Winter 2019/20

Source: Chicago Center for Research in Security Prices (CRSP) for U.S. stocks and CPI, Global Finance Data for the World Index, Treasury bills
and corporate bonds.

Univ.-Prof. Thomas Gehrig, Ph.D. Asset Pricing I, Winter 2019/20

Return Distributions

Graphs in the sequel are taken from Berk, de Marzo: Corporate Finance, 2nd edition, 2011, chapters 10-11.

Univ.-Prof. Thomas Gehrig, Ph.D. Asset Pricing I, Winter 2019/20

Historical Tradeoffs between Return and Risk

Univ.-Prof. Thomas Gehrig, Ph.D. Asset Pricing I, Winter 2019/20

Historical Volatility and Return for 500 Individual Stocks

USA: 1926-2005 quarterly data

Berk, de Marzo: Corporate Finance, 2nd edition, 2011, chapters 10-11.

Univ.-Prof. Thomas Gehrig, Ph.D. Asset Pricing I, Winter 2019/20

Risk Diversification (1/2)

Consider a portfolio with a share λ ∈ [0, 1] of the risky security x̃ and 1 − λ of security ỹ.
The portfolio characteristics are

• mean µλ = λ µx + (1 − λ )µy

• variance σλ2 = λ 2σx2 + (1 − λ )2 σy2 + 2λ (1 − λ )σxy

â Hence portfolio risk is decreasing in the covariance σxy

â Diversification potential increases as the covariance σxy decreases

Note: There is NO diversification potential with a riskless asset, since in this case σxy = 0.

Univ.-Prof. Thomas Gehrig, Ph.D. Asset Pricing I, Winter 2019/20

Risk Diversification (2/2)

The role of correlation:

σxy covxy
Def.: Correlation coefficient corrxy = =
σx σy sdx sdy

Note: The correlation coefficient is normed between −1 ≤ corrxy ≤ 1

â If corrxy = 1 σλ2 = λ 2σx2 + (1 − λ )2 σy2 + 2λ (1 − λ )σx σy

Hence: σλ = λ σx + (1 − λ )σy

â If corrxy = −1 σλ2 = λ 2σx2 + (1 − λ )2 σy2 − 2λ (1 − λ )σx σy

Hence: σλ = |λ σx − (1 − λ )σy|

Univ.-Prof. Thomas Gehrig, Ph.D. Asset Pricing I, Winter 2019/20

Correlation and Risk Diversification

Definition: Diversification is the sub-linear relation in the risk of constituting elements of a portfolio.

Univ.-Prof. Thomas Gehrig, Ph.D. Asset Pricing I, Winter 2019/20

Tradeoff between Volatility and Expected Return

Berk, de Marzo: Corporate Finance, 2nd edition, 2011, chapters 10-11.

Univ.-Prof. Thomas Gehrig, Ph.D. Asset Pricing I, Winter 2019/20

Allowing for Short Positions

Univ.-Prof. Thomas Gehrig, Ph.D. Asset Pricing I, Winter 2019/20

Three securities (1/2)

Univ.-Prof. Thomas Gehrig, Ph.D. Asset Pricing I, Winter 2019/20

Three securities (2/2)

Univ.-Prof. Thomas Gehrig, Ph.D. Asset Pricing I, Winter 2019/20

Moving towards the efficient frontier of the (full) market

Berk, de Marzo: Corporate Finance, 2nd edition, 2011, chapters 10-11.

Univ.-Prof. Thomas Gehrig, Ph.D. Asset Pricing I, Winter 2019/20

Introducing a risk free asset

Berk, de Marzo: Corporate Finance, 2nd edition, 2011, chapters 10-11.

Univ.-Prof. Thomas Gehrig, Ph.D. Asset Pricing I, Winter 2019/20

Minimum Variance Opportunity Set and Tangency Portfolio

Which conditions are needed for the minimum variance opportunity set (=efficient frontier) to be

Lemma 3.1: If there are finitely many assets, the minimum-variance opportunity set is closed and

Result 3.2: If there are finitely many assets and at least one asset has a mean return exceeding
the riskfree return R0, then a tangency portfolio exists.

Corollary 3.3: If there are finitely many assets a tangency portfolio exists whenever shortselling is

Univ.-Prof. Thomas Gehrig, Ph.D. Asset Pricing I, Winter 2019/20

The Capital Market Line

Berk, de Marzo: Corporate Finance, 2nd edition, 2011, chapters 10-11.

Univ.-Prof. Thomas Gehrig, Ph.D. Asset Pricing I, Winter 2019/20

Two Fund Separation (Tobin 1958)

Result 3.4: For any (mean-variance) preference the optimal portfolio choice consists of a port-
folio of the riskfree asset and the tangency portfolio.

Univ.-Prof. Thomas Gehrig, Ph.D. Asset Pricing I, Winter 2019/20

Computing the Tangency Portfolio

Example: Consider a risk free security x0 and K risky securities x˜k , k = 1, ..., K

bi 2 K
µλ , σλ2

Let U = µλ − σλ , where the portfolio shares add up to 1, ∑ λk = 1.
2 k=0

i 0 bi 0
Optimal portfolio shares: λ̂ ∈ argmax(µ − R0ı) λ − λ COV λ , i = 1, ..., K

Solution with short sales: λ̂ i = COV −1 i (µ − R0ı)
λk = K
∑ λ̂l

Univ.-Prof. Thomas Gehrig, Ph.D. Asset Pricing I, Winter 2019/20

Market Equilibrium (1/6)

Asset demand: Let the prices of securities k = 1, ..., K be denoted by pk . Security supply is zk .
Initial wealth: W0i ∈ ℜ ≥ 0
Portfolio: θ ∈ ∆K ⊂ ℜK
Budget constraint: θ0 + θ p = W0i
i 0 bi 0
Optimal portfolio choice: θ̂ ∈ argmax(µ − R0 p) θ − θ COV θ
Demand for risky securities: θ̂ i = COV −1 i (µ − R0 p)

Discussion: Comparative statics?

Which properties are less plausible?

Univ.-Prof. Thomas Gehrig, Ph.D. Asset Pricing I, Winter 2019/20

Market Equilibrium (2/6)

 
 
1  1 
Market Equilibrium: p=  µ − I
COV ∗ z
R0 
 1 

∑ bi

Due to two-funds separation each investor optimally invests in a combination of the riskless asset and
the tangency portfolio.

Hence in equilibrium each investor holds a mixture of the tangency portfolio and the riskless security.
Accordingly, the tangency portfolio is identical to the market portfolio. I.e. equilibrium prices will
adjust such that in equilibrium each investors optimally holds the tangency portfolio, which then is the
market portfolio.

Univ.-Prof. Thomas Gehrig, Ph.D. Asset Pricing I, Winter 2019/20

Market Equilibrium (3/6)

Capital Market Line (CML)

Univ.-Prof. Thomas Gehrig, Ph.D. Asset Pricing I, Winter 2019/20

Market Equilibrium (4/6)

d M

µ λ R0 + (1 − λ )R
dλ λ =0 R0 − µ M
Slope of Capital Market Line: =
d −σM
σ λ R0 + (1 − λ )RM

dλ λ =0

d M

µ λ R j + (1 − λ )R
dλ =0 µj − µM
Slope of Portfolio x˜j , x̃M :
= M 2

d COV R j , R − σ
σ λ R j + (1 − λ )RM
dλ λ =0 σM


COV xk , x
µk − R0 = βk µ M − R0 , where βk =

Tangency condition yields:

Univ.-Prof. Thomas Gehrig, Ph.D. Asset Pricing I, Winter 2019/20

Market Equilibrium (5/6)

Security Market Line (SML): Sensitivity with respect to systematic risk as measured by βk .

Univ.-Prof. Thomas Gehrig, Ph.D. Asset Pricing I, Winter 2019/20

Market Equilibrium (6/6)

Empirical implications of market equilibrium provide a basis for testing the theory:

• Pricing implications SML µk − R0 = αk + βk µ − R0 → Test αk = 0
Fama-French factors: refinements or anomalies?
â Value
â Size
â Momentum
â Beta

• Quantitiy implications θi = θ M
Contradictions: Home bias
⇒ What is wrong about the model? It is too simple!
E.g. µ 1 = ... = µ i = ... = µ (same for higher moments)

Univ.-Prof. Thomas Gehrig, Ph.D. Asset Pricing I, Winter 2019/20

Market Equilibrium with Heterogeneous Beliefs (1/2)

Let us now allow for heterogeneous expectations (first moments) but keep all the other moments -
especially the risk assessments - identical.

Optimal individual portfolio choice: θ̂ i = COV −1 i (µ − R0ı)

Theorem: In the CAPM with heterogeneous beliefs the SML holds for the average beliefs, i.e.
for all assets k = 1, ..., K we have µ̄k − R0 = βk (µ̄ − R0), where µ̄ = ∑ ai µ i is

i b i
i wi0 i i
the average belief with weights a = I j and r = I with w0 = 1 − θ0 W0 ,
∑ bj ∑ w0j
j=1 j=1
where W0i is the initial wealth of investor i.

Univ.-Prof. Thomas Gehrig, Ph.D. Asset Pricing I, Winter 2019/20

Market Equilibrium with Heterogeneous Beliefs (2/2)


• Two fund separation fails

• Each investor has his private security line
• Quantity implication does no longer hold
• Beta remains unchanged (Remember: Second moments were assumed to be identical across in-
• Alpha is investor specific - some investors may have positive and others negative alpha
• Tangency and market portfolio are no longer the same
• It makes sense to distinguish active from passive trading strategies: tangency portfolio (active)
versus market portfolio (passive)
• The average market belief depends on wealth and risk aversion
â Stronger influence of wealthier investors
â Stronger influence of less risk averse investors

Univ.-Prof. Thomas Gehrig, Ph.D. Asset Pricing I, Winter 2019/20

Active versus Passive Fund Management (1/2)

Active fund management: Investment in individual tangency portfolio requires costly re-
sources (e.g. information)

Passive fund management: Investment in market portfolio - requires no extra resources

Active investor’s beliefs: λ̂ i = COV −1 (µ − R0ı)

µ i − R0
µ̄ki − R0 = βk µ̄ M − R0 we get λ̂ i = i λM

If in equilibrium: 2
b σM

Does this imply that active management is irrelevant?

Univ.-Prof. Thomas Gehrig, Ph.D. Asset Pricing I, Winter 2019/20

Active versus Passive Fund Management (2/2)

Answer: No! Need to compare utility of active management with outside option of passive

i i 2 bi 2
λ0i R0 + 1 − λ0i i
1 − λ0i VAR Rλ0i −Ci
Utility of active investor: U µ ,σ = µ̂ Rλ −
2 b
Utility of passive investor: i
U (µ̄, σ ) = λ̄ i
R0 + (1 − λ̄0i )µ̂(Rλ̄ ) − (1 − λ0i )2VAR(Rλ̄ )

Which of the two dominates? Active utility is more likely to be larger

• the more skilled the active investor

• the smaller the cost of active management
• the less risk averse the investor

Univ.-Prof. Thomas Gehrig, Ph.D. Asset Pricing I, Winter 2019/20

Richer Pricing Models

• Alternative (additional) Betas: Include more risk factors (e.g. background risk, liquidity risk)

• Higher Moment Betas: Include more information about the return distribution (e.g. skewness and
catastrophic risk)

• Behavioral CAPM: Include asymmetric behavioral biases of PT and/or CPT

Univ.-Prof. Thomas Gehrig, Ph.D. Asset Pricing I, Winter 2019/20

Alternative Betas

Additional factors not modeled in the simple model may affect pricing. Such factors can be

• background risk
• liquidity risk (see LAPM in the last section of this course)

Like Abitrage Pricing Theory: RM = ∑ γfRf
f =1

Security market line: µk − R0 = ∑ βk f (µ f − R f )
f =1

γ f COV (Rk , R f )
where βk f =

Univ.-Prof. Thomas Gehrig, Ph.D. Asset Pricing I, Winter 2019/20

Higher Moment Beta - CAPM

Extend mean variance preferences to allow for higher moments.

• Catastrophic risk (left skewed distributions)

• "fat tails"

Numerical optimization.

Univ.-Prof. Thomas Gehrig, Ph.D. Asset Pricing I, Winter 2019/20

Behavioral CAPM

u(c), if c > RP
Asymmetric utility: v(c) = 1
− u(c), if c < RP

∆x − (∆x)2,

 if ∆x > 0
where u(∆x) = 2 and ∆x = x − RP
β ∆x − (∆x) , if ∆x < 0


Prospect gains: pt +(c) = ∑ πsv(cs)

cs >RP

Prospect losses: pt −(c) = ∑ πsv(cs)

cs <RP

Overall prospect utility: PTu(c) = pt +(c) − β pt −(c)

Univ.-Prof. Thomas Gehrig, Ph.D. Asset Pricing I, Winter 2019/20

Similar approach as before in the gains-losses diagram.

(µ − σ )-approach can be viewed as a special case of the general gains-losses approach.

Univ.-Prof. Thomas Gehrig, Ph.D. Asset Pricing I, Winter 2019/20


• Gains and losses are determined according to the returns of the market portfolio relative to the
reference point!
• Gains and losses are determined according to the gradient of the value function
• Hence, only individual recommendations.
• No recommendations for the holder of the market portfolio.


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