Wincanv8 Quickguide en

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Table of contents

Version 2.0; 23.02.2011

CD LAB AG, Irisweg 12, CH-3280 Murten, Tel. +41 (0)26 672 37 37, Fax +41 (0)26 672 37 38,
Table of Contents

1 Introduction 3
2 Launch WinCan8 4
3 Creating a new project 5
4 WinCan8, Main Screen 6
5 Displaying all the section/inspection fields 7
6 Entering observations via damage catalogue 8
7 Entering manhole data 9
8 Deleting sections, inspections observations 10
9 Recording/Displaying videoclips 11
10 Deleting clips/pictures in the database 13
11 Deleting clips/pictures from the hard drive 14
12 Importing existing clips and photos 15
13 Project / Inspection Information 16
14 Printing Inspection Reports: 17
15 Exporting project data on CD/DVD 18
16 Drawing a section sketch 19
17 Drawing a manhole sketch 20
18 Connection to OSD device 21
19 WinCan8: Shortcuts 22

WinCan 8; Quick Guide

1 Introduction
WinCan8 is a special software application to gather data from pipeline inspections done
with camera robots. The application is finally providing you easy readable reports
implying pictures and videoclips taken/recorded directly via the LiveVideo signal.
Furthermore inclination data, section/manhole sketches and other kinds of information
can be assigned to the corresponding pipe sections.
The present guide is giving you a quick overview of the basical work flow
operators must know to get a report containing the most important inspection
data. Installation, licensing and customization of WinCan8 as well as the use of the
different WinCan8 modules will be explained in detail in separate documentations you
can get from (LINK Documentation).

Enter your username (Login)

and your password and click
on the key icon. Finally click
on the LINK Documentation

As soon as you have registered yourself via the LINK Contact Form you will be sent an E-
Mail with your personal username (Login) and password.

WinCan 8; Quick Guide

2 Launch WinCan8
Click on the icon to launch the WinCan8 application and click immediately on the OK
button in the panel that follows:

Click here without entering any new

username or password: this opens the
project manager containing the list of
WinCan8 projects that have already been

Click on an existing project in

the list to open it.

Click on this icon to

create a NEW project.

Click on this icon to add an

EXISTING project to the list.

WinCan 8; Quick Guide

3 Creating a new project

Set an appropriate name

for the new project

Select your country

Select a country specific

standard to record the
pipe damages.

Define the folder on your

harddrive where you will be able
to find your project data.

Click on the OK button to launch

the WinCan8 main screen.

In the background the project structure

is saved on the local harddrive.

WinCan 8; Quick Guide

4 WinCan8, Main Screen

Video area to display the LiveVideo

signal as well as recorded clips and
photos taken by the camera.
Double click on an existing Section No to display all
the section fields …
… or strike the F4 key on your keyboard.

Double click in the first free line in the Section No

column to create a new section …
… or strike the F5 key on your keyboard.

Double click on the red bullet to record

a clip from the LiveVideo signal.

Press the CTRL-key AND double click on the

green bullet to take a picture directly from
the current clip/LiveVideo position.
Double click in the first free line in the
Observation Description column to enter a new
observation with the damage catalogue.

WinCan 8; Quick Guide

5 Displaying all the section/inspection fields

Section fields

Inspection fields

The section and inspection data are shown in detail; sections are always situated
between an UPSTREAM and a DOWNSTREAM manhole. Fill out all the important
section/inspection fields and confirm the entries with the OK button.

Observation fields

Yellow fields: Mandatory fields; you MUST enter a value

Blue fields: section properties; data remain unchanged from one inspection to the other

Red fields: inspection properties; data can change from one inspection to the other

WinCan 8; Quick Guide

6 Entering observations via damage catalogue

The OK button only appears after the entry of

ALL the parameters required by the current
damage catalogue.

Damage catalogues are generally divided into three parts but their structure is looking quite different from one country to the other. The example
above shows the PACP catalogue used in the United States.

Upper part: this part contains groups or classes of observations.

Left part: this part contains the texts assigned to one of the groups in the upper part allowing you to exactly describe the observation.
Right part: this part contains additional parameters linked to the observation text selected in the left part, like:
- clock position
- numerical values (e.g. crackwidth)
- setting continuous damages using buttons or list entries named as START or FINISH
- confirming (green button) or aborting (red button) an observation

Always click on the green OK button to confirm the observation.

WinCan 8; Quick Guide

7 Entering manhole data

Manhole fields

Select the section with the manholes to be

inspected and click on the corresponding
manhole icon to open the manhole entry mask.
Manhole inspection fields

Manhole observation fields

Double click on the green bullet to select a
photo from the subfolder Picture of your
current project. These photos usually are taken
by an external pocket camera and must be
copied to your local harddrive via USB-cable.

In- and outlets linked to the

corresponding manhole

WinCan 8; Quick Guide

8 Deleting sections, inspections observations

Keep the left mouse key pressed, grab

the section to be deleted at its number
and drag it to the toilet icon.

Keep the left mouse key pressed, grab

the observation to be deleted at its
number and drag it to the toilet icon.

When deleting a section every inspection/observation linked to that section will be removed including ALL the videoclips and pictures.
When deleting an observation ONLY the videoclips/pictures linked to that observation will be removed.
Deleted objects (i.e. sections, inspections, observations, videoclips, pictures) cannot be retrieved anymore and will be lost forever!

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WinCan 8; Quick Guide

9 Recording/Displaying videoclips

Click on this button to open the video

settings panel.

Select the compressor (MPEG1, MPEG2 or

MPEG4) as well as the corresponding quality.

Confirm the modified settings with this button.

Click on the button to switch on the LiveVideo signal in the WinCan main screen

Click on the button to switch off the LiveVideo signal in the WinCan main screen

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WinCan 8; Quick Guide

Double click on the red bullet in the clip field to get the recording buttons:




Clip recording is paused AUTOMATICALLY when opening the damage catalogue.

Double click on the clip icon in the clip field to display the clip

Run Close
the clip the clip

the clip

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WinCan 8; Quick Guide

10 Deleting clips/pictures in the database

Keep the left mouse key pressed, grab the icon of the clip or photo to be deleted and
drag it to the toilet icon.
The messages that follow tell you that ONLY the link to the clip or photo file will be
deleted in the database; the files however still remain on your local hard drive!

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WinCan 8; Quick Guide

11 Deleting clips/pictures from the hard drive

Display the clip or photo to be deleted and drag it from the video area to the toilet icon
keeping the left mouse key pressed.
The messages that follow tell you that the clip or photo file will be deleted on your local
hard drive!

Deleted clip and photo files cannot be retrieved anymore and will be lost forever!

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WinCan 8; Quick Guide

12 Importing existing clips and photos

Switch off the LiveVideo signal in the video area and double click on the red bullet in the
clip field .

Browse your local hard drive for

the video clip to be imported.

The clip file will then be copied automatically into the subfolder Video in the project
Switch off the LiveVideo signal in the video area and double click on the green bullet in
one of the two photo fields .

Browse your local hard drive for

the picture to be imported.

The picture file will then be copied automatically into the subfolder Picture in the project

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WinCan 8; Quick Guide

13 Project / Inspection Information

Click here to assign the addresses of the client, the

site and the contractor to the current project

Select one of the three groups and

add a new address/contact to it.

Use the button to assign a corresponding address within the group of CLIENTS,
SITES and CONTRACTORS to the current project.

Within the group of CONTRACTORS you may hit in addition on the button to set
the selected CONTRACTOR as the default contractor also for future projects: that address
is then highlighted in RED and will AUTOMATICALLY be assigned to future projects.

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WinCan 8; Quick Guide

14 Printing Inspection Reports:

Click here to open the WinCan Docu-Center and to

finally get your inspection data printed.

Click here to get

the print preview.

Left part: Central part: Right part:

Select the sections Select the report Select additional
to be printed as types you want to printing options for
well as the printer. have printed. each report type.

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WinCan 8; Quick Guide

15 Exporting project data on CD/DVD

Burn your project data

directly within WinCan.

There is NO need to preinstall

WinCan8 on the target PC; just slide
the DVD into the drive to view the
project data!
The Viewer is launched automatically

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WinCan 8; Quick Guide

16 Drawing a section sketch

You may use an existing situation map or

a satellite image to draw the exact site of
the current section.

Click here to draw a sketch of the

situation of the current section.

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WinCan 8; Quick Guide

17 Drawing a manhole sketch

Click here to have a sketch

of the current manhole
drawn automatically.

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WinCan 8; Quick Guide

18 Connection to OSD device

Select the currently used OSD device

AND the right COM port

The functions shown in the OSD bar must be supported by the selected OSD device (e.g. WKI)

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WinCan 8; Quick Guide

19 WinCan8: Shortcuts

Create a new section

Copy highlighted section: a new section is created with INVERTED

AND inspection direction.

Open section details (also during MPEG recording)

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WinCan 8; Quick Guide

OR Enter a new observation

Open Docucenter to print the inspection report

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