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International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)

ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-1, Issue-2, July 2012

General Concepts of Capacity Based Design

Sujin S. George, Valsson Varghese

Abstract- An earthquake resisting building is one that has been

deliberately designed in such a way that the structure remains II. CAPACITY DESIGN OF STRUCTURES
safe and suffers no appreciable damage during destructive
earthquake. However, it has been seen that during past During earthquakes many of the buildings were collapsed
earthquakes many of the buildings were collapsed due to due to improper strength hierarchy. Many of the buildings
failure of vertical members. Therefore, it is necessary to were collapsed in Ahmedabad during “2001 Bhuj
provide vertical members strong so as to sustain the design earthquake” due to improper strength.
earthquake without catastrophic failure. Capacity designing is
aiming towards providing vertical members stronger
compared to horizontal structural elements. A structure
designed with capacity design concept does not develop any
suitable failure mechanism or modes of inelastic deformation
which cause the failure of the structures. In capacity design of
earthquake resisting structures, elements of primary lateral
load resisting system are chosen suitably and designed and
detailed for energy dissipation under severe inelastic

Keyword- Capacity Design, Hinges, Pushover Analysis

Fig.1 Formation of Column Sway Mechanism

Fig.1 shows the photographs of the collapse of the building

during Bhuj earthquake. Reference of these photographs is
“Capacity design is a concept or method of designing Nicee. However, for specific situations, the applications of
flexural capacities of critical member sections of a building capacity design concept were already implied in some
structure based on behavior of the structure in responding to codes. In the capacity design of structures for earthquake
seismic actions”. This behavior is reflected by the resistance, distinct elements of the primary lateral force
assumptions that the seismic action is of a static equivalent resisting system are chosen and suitably designed and
nature increasing gradually until the structure reaches its detailed for energy dissipation under severe imposed
state of near collapse and critical regions occur deformations. The critical regions of these members, often
simultaneously at predetermined locations to form a collapse termed as plastic hinges, are detailed for inelastic flexural
mechanism simulating ductile behavior. action.
Ductility and energy dissipation of structure under an event
of earthquake depends upon the vertical member (column) A.Capacity Design Concept
of the structure. As far as design is concerned, a key feature
is to avoid undesirable modes of failure. Capacity design To highlight the simple concept of capacity design
procedure which sets aside the results of analysis and aims philosophy, the chain shown in Fig. 2 will be considered.
at establishing a favorable hierarchy of strength in the
structures by ensuring that strength of columns is higher
than that of adjacent beams, with possible allowance for
beam over strength. The area of greatest uncertainty of
response of capacity design structures is the level of
inelastic deformations that might occur under strong ground

Manuscript Received on July 08, 2012

Mr. Sujin S. George, Department of Civil Engg, K.D.K. College of
Fig. 2 Capacity Design Concept Illustrated with Ductile
Engg., Nagpur University, Nagpur, India Chain
Dr. Valsson Varghese, Department of Civil Engg, K.D.K. College of
Engg., Nagpur University, Nagpur, India

General Concepts of Capacity Based Design

The chain consists of links made of brittle and ductile Location of plastic hinges in the structures is important,
materials. Each of these links will fail when elongated. Now because plastic hinges cause excessive deformation. In
hold the last link at either end of the chain and apply a force plastic hinge regions, rotations of the member is very high
„F‟. Since the same force F is being transferred through all which leads to failure. In capacity design of structures for
the links, the force in each link is the same i.e. F. As more earthquake resistance, distinct element of primary lateral
and more force is applied, eventually the chain will break force resisting systems are chosen and suitably designed and
when the weakest link in it breaks. If the ductile link is the detailed for energy dissipation under several imposed
weak one (i.e. its capacity to take loads is less), then the deformations. So these critical regions are well detailed. In
chain will show large final elongation. Instead, if the brittle capacity design concept, potential plastic hinge regions
link is the weak one, then the chain will fail suddenly and within structure are clearly defined. These are designed to
show small final elongation. Therefore if we want to have have dependable flexural strengths as close as practicable to
such a ductile chain, we have to make the ductile link to be the required strength.
the weakest link. Subsequently, these regions are carefully detailed to ensure
B. Strong Column-Weak Beam Concept that estimate ductility demands in these regions can be
reliably accommodated. This is achieved primarily closed-
It must be recognized that even with a weak beam strong
spaced and well anchored transverse reinforcement.
column design philosophy which seeks to dissipate seismic
energy primarily in well-confined beam plastic hinges, a
column plastic hinges must still form at the base of the A. Types of Plastic Hinges
column. In structure with strong column weak beam
concept, beam yield first than column. So column sway Location of plastic hinges in beams must be closely
mechanism is avoided in the structure. Example of two identified since special requirements are needed in inelastic
frames are given below. Frame of Fig. 3(a) With strong regions of beams of frames subjected to earthquake forces.
column weak beam concept and frame of fig. 3(b) Without Types of plastic hinges on the base of the locations.
strong column weak Beam concept. (1) NEGATIVE PLASTIC HINGES

(1) Negative Plastic Hinge

Plastic hinges in the beams of frames, the design which is
dominated by seismic actions, commonly developed
immediately adjacent to the side of column arecalled
negative plastic hinge. Negative plastic hinges are formed in
short span of beam. This hinges are formed adjacent to the
face of the column or the maximum negative moment
regions. As shown in fig.4 the plastic hinges formed at the
adjacent side of the column, rotation of the beams at the
Fig 3 plastic hinges is θ and due to this rotation length is increased
A comparison of the two example frames in Fig. 3 shows Δl
that for the same maximum displacement Δ at roof level,
plastic hinges rotations θ1in case (a) are much smaller than
those in case (b), θ2. Therefore the overall ductility demand,
in terms of the large deflections Δ, is much more readily
achieved when plastic hinges develop in all the beams
instead of only in the first storey column. The column hinge
mechanism, shown in Fig. 3.(b), also referred to as a soft-
storey, may impose plastic hinge rotations, which even with
good detailing affected regions, would be difficult to
accommodate. This mechanism accounts for numerous
collapses of framed buildings in recent earthquakes. In the
case of the Fig. 3, frame with strong column weak beam
prohibit formation of column sway mechanism and only
beam sway mechanism can be developed.
A capacity design approach is likely to assure predictable
and satisfactorily inelastic response under conditions for
which even sophisticated dynamic analysis techniques can Fig.4
yield no more than crude estimates.
(2) Positive Plastic Hinge
Plastic hinges in the beams of the frame, developed in the
Lateral load analysis systems of the structures, dissipate
maximum positive moment regions are called positive
energy under severe imposed deformations through critical
plastic hinges zones. Positive plastic hinges generally
regions of the members, often termed as “plastic hinges”.

International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)
ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-1, Issue-2, July 2012

develop in the long span beams, in which gravity load is A.Performance levels of elements
dominating. Fig.5 shows that, the rotations of the negative
An idealized Load - Deformation curve is a piece wise
plastic hinges at the end or adjacent to the columns is θ .
linear curve defined by five points given below.
Positive plastic hinges formed at the distance l* from right
1. Point “A” corresponds to unloaded condition
end of beam. Therefore rotation of the positive plastic
2. Point “B” corresponds to the onset of yielding
hinges is, θ ' = ( ll *)θ as shown in Fig.5.
3. Point “C” corresponds to the ultimate strength
4. Point “D” corresponds to the residual strength. Residual
strength can be assumed to be 20% of the yield strength.



In the In the pushover analysis, the structure is represented
by a 2-D or 3-D analytical model. The structure is subjected
Fig.7 Load Deformation Curve
to a lateral load that represents approximately the relative
inertia forces generated at locations of substantial masses
such as floor levels. The static load pattern is increased in 5. Point “E” corresponds to the maximum deformation
steps and the lateral load-roof displacement response of the capacity with the residual strength. To maintain
structure is determined until a specific target displacement computational stability, a high value of deformation
level or collapse is reached. capacity equal to 15Δy can be assumed.
The internal forces and deformations computed at the target A building performance level is a combination of the
displacement levels are estimates of strength and performance levels of the structure and non-structural
deformation capacities which are to be compared with the components. The performance levels are in discrete
expected performance objectives and demands. The damaged states identified from a continuous spectrum of
sequence of component cracking, yielding and failure as possible damaged states.
well as the history of deformation of the structure can be The structural performance states are as follows:
traced as the lateral loads (or displacements) are
monotonically increased. A typical lateral load-roof 1. Immediate Occupancy (IO) :Transient drift is 1% with
displacement performance relationship for a structure negligible permanent drift
obtained from the pushover analysis is shown in Fig.6. 2. Life Safety (LS) :Transient drift is 2% with 1%
permanent drift
3. Collapse Prevention (CP) :4% inelastic drift, transient or
In the absence of test data, following values may be
1. Immediate Occupancy (IO) : 0.2Δ from point B
2. Life Safety (LS): 0.5Δ from point B
3. Collapse Prevention (CP):0.9Δ from point B
Here Δ is the plastic plateau.

Fig.6 Typical performance curve from pushover analysis

General Concepts of Capacity Based Design

2. Capacity spectrum approach:

The base shear and roof displacement values at each point
on the capacity curve are transformed into spectral
acceleration and spectral displacement values to obtain the
capacity spectrum. A reduced response spectrum is created
by adjusting the response spectrum to a damping value
appropriate to the level of anticipated deformation. The
capacity spectrum is superimposed on the reduced response
spectrum curve of the design level earthquake. The
intersection of these twocurves gives an estimate of the
target displacement.

Fig.8 Load Deformation Curve indicating performance 3. Elastic dynamic analysis approach:
This approach is based on the equal seismic displacement
states principle between elastic and inelastic systems. The analysis
may take the form of time-history analysis or response
spectrum analysis, depending on the form of the input
B.Lateral Load Distribution ground motion information available.
Currently, two types of load distribution are used. They are
fixed load distribution and variable load distribution. D.Purpose of Pushover Analysis
Response characteristics that can be obtained by Pushover
Analysis include; Estimates of the deformation demands on
(1) Fixed load distribution
elements that have to deform inelastic ally, in order to
In the fixed load distribution, the distribution is determined dissipate energy.
prior and remains unchanged during the pushover. Some of 1. Identification of the critical regions, where the
the fixed distributions used are as follows: inelastic deformations are expected to be high.
 A single concentrated horizontal force at the top 2. Consequences of strength deterioration of
 Uniform load distribution on all floors particular elements on the overall structural
 Triangular or standard code load distribution stability.
 A load distribution proportional to the product of 3. Identification of the strength irregularities in plan
the mass vector and the fundamental mode shape or elevation that causes changes in the dynamic
 Lateral force distribution based on a linear elastic characteristics in the inelastic range.
dynamic analysis or response spectrum analysis of 4. Estimates of inter-storey drifts, accounting for
the building strength and stiffness discontinuities. In this way,
damage on nonstructural elements can be
(2) Variable load distribution 5. Sequence of members yielding and failure and the
The load distribution changes as the building is deformed to progress of the overall capacity curve of the
larger and larger displacements. The following are some of structure.
the variable load distributions. 6. Verification of the adequacy of the load path,
 A distribution proportional to the product of the considering all the elements of the system, both
mass vector and the fundamental mode shape is structural and nonstructural.
used initially until first yielding takes place. Then, 7. To provide approximate evaluation of deformation
for each load increment beyond yielding, the forces demands in critical elements.
are adjusted to be consistent with the deflected 8. Expose undesirable strength and stiffness
shape in the inelastic state. The load distribution is discontinuities in structure.
based on the product of the current floor 9. Expose potentially brittle elements
displacements and masses. 10. Expose regions of large deformation demands
 A distribution based on mode shapes derived from requiring proper detailing.
secant stiffness‟s at each load step. 11. Assess stability of structural system.
 A distribution proportional to storey shear
resistances at each step
C.Determination of Target Displacement The performance of reinforced concrete frames was
1. Single degree of freedom (SDOF) approach: investigated using the push over analysis. These are the
Traditionally, the target displacement is determined based conclusions drawn from the analysis:
on the seismic response of an equivalent SDOF system due - The pushover analysis is a relatively simple way to explore
to the assumption that the building will respond in a single the non-linear behavior of buildings
mode. The load-deflection curve of the resulting SDOF - The behavior of properly detailed reinforced concrete
system takes the form of the capacity curve of the building. frame building is adequate asindicated by the intersection of

International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)
ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-1, Issue-2, July 2012

the demand and capacity curves and the distribution

ofhinges in the beams and the columns.
- The causes of failure of reinforced concrete during the
Bhuj earthquake may beattributed to the quality of the
materials used and also to the fact that most of
buildings constructed in that region are of strong beam and
weak column type and not to the intrinsic behavior of
framed structures.
- It would be desirable to study more cases before reaching
definite conclusions about the behavior of reinforced
concrete frame buildings.
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