Bulletin MTB-200917G PDF
Bulletin MTB-200917G PDF
Bulletin MTB-200917G PDF
NOTE: Please note the shipping address changes on the last page of this Bulletin
Maserati Quattroporte and GranTurismo vehicles with wet sump engine, with an engine number
prior to 148697, may be affected by two different types of timing variator noise. In the event of a
customer complaint of the noise from variator at cold start or when releasing the throttle in
above mentioned vehicles, verify the engine number and follow the flow chart shown on
following page.
Note: The camshaft bearing caps are not available separately and can only be supplied with a
complete head assembly. The front camshaft bearing caps will be modified by MNA and do not
need to be replaced.
A BOL is required for all Variator Noise repairs even if the warranty has expired.
© 2018 Maserati North America, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction or translation
AfterSales in whole or in part is not permitted without
www.maseratiusa.com authorization from the publisher. Printed in USA
Flow Chart:
Shipping Information:
Parts Information:
Warranty Information: