Research Assignment 1

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North American University

Education Department
M.Ed. in Educational Leadership / M.Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction
EDUC 5324 Integrating Technology into Education

Name: HALIL CAYBASI Date: 11.03.2019

Cite the reviewed article in APA format:

Waxman, H., Boriack, A., Yuan-Hsuan, L., & MacNeil, A. (2013). Principals'
Perceptions of the Importance of Technology in Schools. Contemporary Educational
Technology, 4(3), 187-196.


Research Questions (if research questions are not specifically mentioned, what is
the theoretical background or overarching theme):
In this study, three major challenges that were faced when implementing technology were
a. weak support structures that affected the implementation and maintenance of
b. teachers’ conflicting roles of encouraging technology use while also discouraging the
students use of personal media devices (i.e., cell phones and MP3 players),
c. students with more technology knowledge than teachers that were able to find ways
around school rules.

Purpose of the research:

The study focuses on the following two research questions:
a. What are principals’ perceptions of the importance of technology?
b. Do principals’ perceptions of technology differ by years of experience and gender?


What is the methodology for the research or approach used to understand the
issue? Provide information regarding the following:
A convenience sample of 310 principals from a large metropolitan area in the southwest
region of the United States responded to a cognitive interview questionnaire that asked
principals about their perceptions regarding the importance of technology for their
schools. For this study, only the data from the interviews was used. Analysis of the
interview data began with a process of data reduction. The data was then coded into
meaningful categories.


The sample consisted of 126 males and 184 females.

A range of years of experience was present with 104 participants having 0-3 years of
experience, 82 participants having 4-7 years, 55 participants having 8-11 years, 32
participants having 12-15 years, and 31 participants having greater than 15 years of


Responses of the principals for the major functions of technology were divided into six sub

Data Collection Methods/Data Source:

Principals’ Perceptions of the Major Function of Technology by Years of Experience

Principals’ Perceptions of the Major Function of Technology by Sex
Principals’ Perceptions of the Major Function of Technology

Data Analysis:

Technology was used for administrative tasks, such as taking attendance (10%).
Technology was used as a resource to get information (15%).
Technology was used for data sharing and management (14%).
Technology was integrated in teachers’ classroom instruction (28%).
Technology was used as a primary communication tool (35%).


Findings or Results (or main points of the article):

This study supports that principals view technology as crucial tool for carrying out
communication and instruction.
Principals also take the importance of using technology for data sharing and
management, as a resource, for administrative tasks and for student learning into
consideration. So it is clear that principals have a positive view of technology.
They are using technology themselves.
The study shows that principals’ perceptions of the major functions of technology in their
schools are varied by sex and years of experience.
This may have an impact on the leadership that principals provide when implementing
technology in their schools.
Teachers are viewing the principals’ positive attitudes towards technology and use of
technology as being supportive of integration of technology into the classroom.

Conclusions/Implications (for your profession):

The study provides a closer insight into principals’ perceptions of technology importance.
Schools should provide funding and opportunities for principals to attend technology

The authors made five recommendations for technology implementation:

a. adopt personal media device use guidelines for students that allow them to use devices
during lunch and between classes and allow teachers to decide how the devices can be
used in their classrooms.
b. consider teacher technology needs before purchasing and implementing new
c. plan for long-term technology support,
d. allow teachers to demonstrate and share their successes of integrating technology into
their instruction,
e. encourage informal technology support networks,


Student’s Reflections (changes to your understanding; implications for your

Principals should use technology in their schools.
Principals should motivate and encourage teachers to use technology.
Principals should take the needs of teachers into consideration first while they are making
Principals have a critical and key role in integrating teachers and students with
As far as technology is concerned in schools, the first and the most effective actor in
schools is principal.

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