2u1 S4hana1909 BPD en Us
2u1 S4hana1909 BPD en Us
2u1 S4hana1909 BPD en Us
Table of Contents
1 Purpose 3
2 Prerequisites 4
2.1 Additional Manual Configuration 4
2.2 System Access 4
2.3 Roles 4
2.4 Business Conditions 5
2.5 Master Data, Organizational Data, and Other Data 5
2.6 Preliminary Steps 6
2.6.1 Configure Control Settings for Document Transfer 6
2.6.2 Create a Foreign Customer for Export Management 8
2.6.3 Create a Foreign Supplier for Import Management 9
2.6.4 Create a Customs Office for Export Management 10 Create a Customs Office in SAP S/4HANA 10 Create a Customs Office in SAP GTS 11 Assign Customs Offices in SAP S/4HANA 12
3 Overview Table 14
4 Test Procedures 15
4.1 Export Management 15
4.1.1 Create Sales Order to Foreign Customer 16
4.1.2 Create Outbound Delivery 17
4.1.3 Create Billing 19
4.1.4 Check Transferred Documents in SAP Global Trade Services System 20
4.2 Import Management - Customs Declaration Prior to Goods Receipt 21
4.2.1 Create Purchase Document to Foreign Supplier 22
4.2.2 Create Inbound Delivery 23
4.2.3 Check Transferred Documents in SAP Global Trade Services System 25
5 Appendix 27
5.1 Additional Configurations in SAP Global Trade Services System 27
5.1.1 Define Foreign Trade Organization 27
5.1.2 Assign Company Code to Foreign Trade Organization 28
5.1.3 Define Legal Units 29
5.1.4 Assign Plant to Legal Unit 29
5.1.5 Assign Partner Functions 30
5.1.6 Define Legal Regulation 31
5.1.7 Assign Document Types 32
5.1.8 Assign Item Categories 33
5.2 Message Monitoring and Troubleshooting using Application Interface Framework 34
SAP Global Trade Services Customs Management can be integrated with SAP S/4HANA. This allows customers to use their existing SAP Global Trade Services installations to handle global trade
scenarios for import before goods receipt and export management.
If you run processes with on-premise version of SAP S/4HANA, the business processes mentioned in test script are only for basic use case and only for testing purpose. For further information on
what the scope item can do besides the basic use case which is mentioned in the test script, go to the SAP Help Portal and search for SAP Global Trade Services product page. In the
Application Help, navigate to the following chapter: Customs Management.
Customs Management S/4HANA on-premise version with SAP Global Trade Services additionally provides:
● Customs Procedure
● Transit Procedure
● Printing Trade Documents
● Communication with Customs Authorities
● Customs Warehouse Functionalities
● Inward Processing, Outward Processing, Prescribed End-Use, Processing Trade, Foreign Trade Zone
This document provides a detailed procedure for testing this scope item after solution activation, reflecting the predefined scope of the solution. Each process step, report, or item is covered in
its own section, providing the system interactions (test steps) in a table view. Steps that are not in scope of the process but are needed for testing are marked accordingly. Project-specific steps
must be added.
This section summarizes all the prerequisites for conducting the test in terms of systems, users, master data, organizational data, other test data and business conditions.
System Details
System Accessible via SAP Fiori launchpad. Your system administrator provides you with the URL to access the various apps assigned to your role.
2.3 Roles
The following roles are provided as example roles from SAP. You can use these as templates for your own roles.
Master Data Specialist - Business Partner Data SAP_BR_BUPA_MASTER_SPECIALIST Please ask your system administrator to assign to the testers.
Internal Sales Representative SAP_BR_INTERNAL_SALES_REP Please ask your system administrator to assign to the testers.
Shipping Specialist SAP_BR_SHIPPING_SPECIALIST Please ask your system administrator to assign to the testers.
Billing Clerk SAP_BR_BILLING_CLERK Please ask your system administrator to assign to the testers.
Purchaser SAP_BR_PURCHASER Please ask your system administrator to assign to the testers.
Receiving Specialist SAP_BR_RECEIVING_SPECIALIST Please ask your system administrator to assign to the testers.
For more information about business roles, refer to Assigning business roles to a user in the Administration Guide for the Implementation of SAP S/4HANA.
Test Administration
Test Case ID <X.XX> Tester Name Testing Date Enter a test date.
Business Role(s)
Responsibility <State the Service Provider, Customer or Joint Service Provider and Customer> Duration Enter a duration.
If you run processes with on-premise version of SAP S/4HANA, perform the configuration in the backend, instead of SSCUI.
1 Log on to SAP If your system is on on-premise version of SAP S/4HANA, log onto the backend of SAP S/4HANA. The SAP Easy Access page ap-
GUI pears.
2 Access the IMG If your system is the on-premise version of SAP S/4HANA, run the transaction SPRO, and go to the following The IMG path is navigated.
Activity path: Integration with Other SAP Components > Integration with Governance, Risk and Compliance > SAP
Global Trade Services > Control Data for Transfer to SAP Global Trade Services > Configure Control Settings for
Document Transfer .
4 General Settings Choose the arrow button at the right of the row for General Settings for Integration to SAP Global Trade Ser- The right pane opens to show
vices. relevant settings.
5 Control Settings In the right pane, for the Configure Control Settings for Document Transfer row, choose Configure.
for Document
6 SD0B Settings Select the leftmost checkbox for the application level SD0B entry, and in the Dialog Structure pane, double-click
Document Types.
7 SD0B Settings Note If you need to transfer documents of an outbound delivery type that is not listed, create an appropriate The document transfer control
outbound delivery type by choosing New Entries. settings are done for the se-
For the outbound delivery type you want to modify (for example, LF), select the leftmost checkbox, then select lected outbound delivery types.
the Customs checkbox to turn on document transfer for this outbound delivery type.
Note If you do not want to create a goods issue for the delivery, if the customs has not given the export permis-
sion yet, double-click the delivery type row , and select the Hold Goods Issue if Export Permission Is Missing
9 SD0C Settings Repeat steps 6 to 8 for the following data: The document transfer control
Application Level: SD0C settings are done for the se-
lected billing types.
Doc.Type: F2
Note Choose New Entries to set up the document type if it is not listed.
Transfer Documents for Customs Management: Selected (only if your business uses intercompany processes)
10 MM0A Settings This step is relevant only for the use case Import Management - Declaration before Goods Receipt. The document transfer control
Repeat steps 6 to 8 for the following data: settings are done for the se-
lected purchasing document
Application Level: MM0A
Doc.Type: FNB
11 MM0B Settings Repeat steps 6 to 8 for the following data: The document transfer control
Application Level: MM0B settings are done for the se-
lected inbound delivery types.
Doc.Type: EL
Note Choose New Entries to set up the document type if it is not listed.
Customs: Selected
Note To prevent goods receipt if the customs does not have unloading permission, double-click the row of the
delivery type, and select the Hold Goods Receipt if Unloading Permission Is Missing checkbox.
12 MM0C Settings Repeat steps 6 to 8 for the following data: The document transfer control
Application Level: MM0C settings are done for the se-
lected material movement
Doc.Type: 101B
Note Choose New Entries to set up the document type if it is not listed.
Customs: Selected
Test Administration
Test Case ID <X.XX> Tester Name Testing Date Enter a test date.
Business Role(s)
Before you start the business process, you must create a foreign customer for export management if one does not exist.
Test Administration
Test Case ID <X.XX> Tester Name Testing Date Enter a test date.
Business Role(s)
Responsibility <State the Service Provider, Customer or Joint Service Provider and Customer> Duration Enter a duration.
Before you start the business process, you must create a foreign supplier for import management if one does not exist.
3 Choose Business Partner Make the following entries: The Change to another BP role in create mode dialog
Role Create in BP role: Customs Office box is displayed.
Choose Create on the Change to another BP role in the create mode dia-
log box.
7 Maintain Customs Office In the Identification Numbers area, make the following entries and Make a note of the business partner number and the
Number choose Save: customs office number.
ID Type: SLLCID Customs Office Number
Identification Number: <enter the customs office number>
2 Run Transaction In the Command field, enter transaction code BP and press Enter. The Maintain Business Partner screen is dis-
4 Choose BP Role Make the following entries: The Change to another BP role in create mode
Create in BP role: Customs Office dialog box displays.
6 Maintain Address Data Enter basic information for the customs office (for example Title, Name, Country,
Region, and the detailed address).
Note Ensure that this data matches the values you maintained in the SAP
S/4HANA system.
8 Maintain Customs Office In the Identification Numbers section, make the following entries and choose Make a note of the business partner number.
Number Save:
External BP Number: <enter the BP number created in SAP
ID Type: SLLCID Customs Office Number
Identification Number: <enter the customs office number>
Test Administration
Test Case ID <X.XX> Tester Name Testing Date Enter a test date.
Business Role(s)
Responsibility <State the Service Provider, Customer or Joint Service Provider and Customer> Duration Enter a duration.
2 Access App Choose Assign Customs Offices to Countries The Change View Assign Customs Offices to Countries: Overview view is displayed.
(/SAPSLL/CUS_OFF_CO). The system provides two options to assign the customs offices. One is based on the
countries; other is based on the routes. If you need to assign it to routes, please ac-
cess the Assign Customs Offices to Routes (/SAPSLL/CUS_OFF_RO) app.
This scope item consists of several choose the appropriate entity: process steps provided in the table below.
Create Sales Order to Foreign Customer [page ] 16 Internal Sales Repre- Manage Sales Orders (F1873) The sales order is created
Create Outbound Delivery [page ] 17 Shipping Specialist Create Outbound Delivery - With Order Reference The outbound delivery is created and goods is-
(VL01N) sue is posted
Create Billing [page ] 19 Billing Clerk Create Billing Documents - VF01 (VF01) The billing document is created
Check Transferred Documents in SAP Global Trade Ser- /n/SAPSLL/MENU_LEGAL The transferred document is in SAP Global Trade
vices System [page ] 20 Services system
Create Purchase Document to Foreign Supplier [page ] 22 Purchaser Create Purchase Order - Advanced (ME21N) The purchase document is created
Create Inbound Delivery [page ] 23 Receiving Specialist Create Inbound Delivery (VL31N) The inbound delivery is created
Check Transferred Documents in SAP Global Trade Ser- /n/SAPSLL/MENU_LEGAL The transferred document is in SAP Global Trade
vices System [page ] 25 Services system
This section describes test procedures for each process step that belongs to this scope item.
Test Administration
Test Case ID <X.XX> Tester Name Testing Date Enter a test date.
Business Role(s)
Responsibility <State the Service Provider, Customer or Joint Service Provider and Customer> Duration Enter a duration.
Before you start the test procedures, ensure that the Set-up Instruction Guide of this scope item is executed to ensure working connectivity between the SAP S/4HANA system and the SAP
Global Trade Services system.
Run the export management processes with the foreign customer.
As the document transfer is automatically triggered when you save the document in the SAP S/4HANA system, follow the complete procedures that are described in the reference scope items to
create the documents, as shown in the table below (with document type and associated scope items):
Test Administration
Test Case ID <X.XX> Tester Name Testing Date Enter a test date.
Business Role(s)
Responsibility <State the Service Provider, Customer or Joint Service Provider and Customer> Duration Enter a duration.
3 Enter Order Type Choose Create Sales Orders. The Create Sales Documents view displays.
4 Order Details Make the following entries and press Enter: The order type and sales organization are chosen. The Create Standard
Order Type: for example OR Order: Overview view displays.
5 Order Details Make the following entries and choose Save: The sales order is saved.
Sold-To Party: <foreign customer number>
Ship-To Party: <foreign customer number>
Customer Reference: <reference number>
Material: for example, TG11
Order Quantity: <quantity>
Test Administration
Business Role(s)
Responsibility <State the Service Provider, Customer or Joint Service Provider and Customer> Duration Enter a duration.
Test Step Test Step Name Instruction Expected Result Pass / Fail / Com-
# ment
1 Log on to SAP Fiori Log on to the SAP Fiori launchpad as a Shipping Specialist.
2 Access App Choose Create Outbound Delivery - With Order Reference The Create Outbound Delivery with Order Reference screen is
(VL01N). displayed.
3 Search Sales Order Make the following entries and press Enter: The Outbound Delivery Create: Overview view displays.
Shipping Point: 1710
Selection Date: <delivery selection date>
Order: <sales order number>
5 Create Outbound Delivery Make the following entries and choose Post Goods Issue: The outbound delivery is created.
Picked Qty: <quantity>
Test Administration
Test Case ID <X.XX> Tester Name Testing Date Enter a test date.
Business Role(s)
Responsibility <State the Service Provider, Customer or Joint Service Provider and Customer> Duration Enter a duration.
2 Access App Choose Create Billing Documents - The Create Billing Documents screen is displayed.
VF01 (VF01).
3 Create Billing Document Make the following entries and choose The billing document is created.
Save: To check the messages, see Message Monitoring and Troubleshooting using Application
Document: <outbound delivery Interface Framework [page ] 34.
Test Administration
Test Case ID <X.XX> Tester Name Testing Date Enter a test date.
Business Role(s)
Responsibility <State the Service Provider, Customer or Joint Service Provider and Customer> Duration Enter a duration.
In this process step, you check the transferred document in the SAP Global Trade Services system.
2 Transaction Code In the Command field, enter /n/SAPSLL/MENU_LEGAL and press Enter. The SAP Global Trade Services view displays.
3 Export In the Customs Management area, choose Export. The Customs Management: Export view displays.
4 Display Outbound In the Operative Cockpit area, choose the Execute icon for Display Outbound Activities. The Display Outbound Activities view displays.
Test Administration
Test Case ID <X.XX> Tester Name Testing Date Enter a test date.
Business Role(s)
Responsibility <State the Service Provider, Customer or Joint Service Provider and Customer> Duration Enter a duration.
Before you start the test procedures, ensure that the Set-up Instruction Guide of this scope item is executed to ensure working connectivity between the SAP S/4HANA system and the SAP
Global Trade Services system.
Run the import management processes with the foreign supplier.
As the document transfer is automatically triggered when you save the document in the SAP S/4HANA system, follow the complete procedures that are described in the reference scope items to
create the documents, as shown in the table below (with document type and associated scope items):
Import – Material Document 101B (GR goods receipt) 2TX - Direct Procurement with Inbound Delivery
102B (GR for PO reversal) BD3 - Sales Processing using Third-Party with Shipping Notification
Test Administration
Test Case ID <X.XX> Tester Name Testing Date Enter a test date.
Business Role(s)
Responsibility <State the Service Provider, Customer or Joint Service Provider and Customer> Duration Enter a duration.
Test Step # Test Step Name Instruction Expected Result Pass / Fail / Comment
1 Log on to SAP Fiori launchpad Log on to the SAP Fiori launchpad as a Purchaser.
2 Access App Choose Create Purchase Order - Advanced (ME21N). The Create Purchase Order screen is displayed.
Test Administration
Test Case ID <X.XX> Tester Name Testing Date Enter a test date.
Business Role(s)
Customs Management with SAP Global Trade Services (2U1_US) PUBLIC
Test Procedures © 2019 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 23
Responsibility <State the Service Provider, Customer or Joint Service Provider and Customer> Duration Enter a duration.
2 Access App Choose Create Inbound Delivery (VL31N). The Create Inbound Delivery screen is displayed.
3 Create Inbound Deliv- Make the following entries and press Enter:
ery Supplier : <enter your foreign sup-
Purchase Order: <the created purchase
document number>
Delivery Date: <the delivery selection
Test Administration
Test Case ID <X.XX> Tester Name Testing Date Enter a test date.
Business Role(s)
Responsibility <State the Service Provider, Customer or Joint Service Provider and Customer> Duration Enter a duration.
In this process step, you check the transferred document in the SAP Global Trade Services system.
2 Transaction Code In the Command field, enter /n/SAPSLL/MENU_LEGAL and press Enter. The SAP Global Trade Services view dis-
3 Import In the Customs Management area, choose Import. The Customs Management: Import view
4 Create and Process Custom In the Create and Process Custom Declaration area, choose the Execute icon for Create The Enter Declaration Prior to Goods
Declaration Declaration Prior to Goods Receipt. Receipt view displays.
5 Filter Values On the Purchase Orders tab, make the following entries and choose Execute:
Document Number: <reference number>
Customs Management with SAP Global Trade Services (2U1_US) PUBLIC
Test Procedures © 2019 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 25
Test Test Step Name Instruction Expected Result Pass / Fail /
Step # Comment
Logical System: <logical system>
6 Check Transferred Docu- Check the purchasing documents in the before-goods-receipt worklist. The transferred documents are checked.
2 Transaction Code In the Command field, enter SPRO and press Enter.
3 Access the IMG Ac- In the IMG, go to the following path: SAP Global Trade Services > General Settings > Organizational Struc-
tivity ture > Define Foreign Trade Organization .
4 Maintain Foreign Define the foreign trade organization, for example FTO_1710 and maintain the general data (such as The foreign trade organization
Trade Organization name and address). is maintained or checked.
When entering an address, pay attention to the country. For example, if your company is located in Ger-
many and runs export or import businesses with foreign partners, you must maintain the country key DE
1 Log on to SAP GUI Log on to SAP Global Trade Services system. The SAP Easy Access page is dis-
2 Transaction Code In the Command field, enter SPRO and press Enter.
3 Access the IMG Activ- In the IMG, go to the following path: SAP Global Trade Services > General Settings > Organiza- The Choose Activity dialog box dis-
ity tional Structure > Assignment of Organizational Units from Feeder System to Foreign Trade Org. plays.
> Assign Company Code at Feeder System Group Level .
4 Assign Company Code Choose Manually Assign Company Code. The Change View “Mapping: Company
Code Group VS to Organizational
Unit” view displays.
5 Assign Company Code Choose New Entries. The company code is assigned to the
to Foreign Trade Or- If necessary, make the following entries and choose Save: foreign trade organization.
Logical System group: <choose the logical system group>
FS Organization: <your company code in SAP S/4HANA, for example, 1710>
FT Organization: <your created foreign trade organization, for example,
Test Step Test Step Name Instruction Expected Result Pass / Fail /
# Comment
1 Log on to SAP Log on to the SAP Global Trade Services system. The SAP Easy Access page ap-
GUI pears.
3 Access the IMG From the IMG, go to the following path: SAP Global Trade Services > General Settings > Organiza-
Activity tional Structure > Define Legal Units .
4 Maintain Legal Define the legal unit, for example LU_1710 and maintain the general data, for example name and The legal unit is maintained or
Units address. checked.
3 Access the In the IMG, go to the following path: SAP Global Trade Services > General Settings > Organizational The Choose Activity dialog box displays.
IMG Activity Structure > Assignment of Organizational Units from Feeder System to Legal Unit > Assign Plant at
Feeder System Group Level .
6 Assign Plant If necessary, make the following entries and choose Save: The plant is assigned to the legal unit.
to Legal Unit Logical System group: <choose the logical system group>
FS Organization: <your plant in SAP S/4HANA, for example, 1710>
Legal Unit: <your created legal unit, for example, LU_1710>
Choose Save.
3 Access the From the IMG, go to the following path: SAP Global Trade Services > General Settings > Partner Struc- The Choose Activity dialog box displays.
IMG Activity ture > Assignment of Partner Functions from Feeder Systems > Assign Partner Function at Feeder Sys-
tem Group Level .
4 Assign Part- Choose Manually Assign Partner Function. The Change View “Mapping: Partner
ner Functions Function in FS Group to SAP GTS” view
2 Access the Run the transaction SPRO, and go to the following IMG path: SAP Global Trade Services > General Settings > Legal The IMG path is navi-
IMG activity Regulations > Define Legal Regulation . gated.
Customs Management with SAP Global Trade Services (2U1_US) PUBLIC
Appendix © 2019 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 31
Test Test Step Instruction Expected Result Pass / Fail /
Step # Name Comment
3 Define Legal On the Change View “Legal Regulation: Overview” screen, make sure the legal regulation with legal code 01 Cus- The defined legal regu-
Regulation toms Processing is defined for your country, for example, the legal regulation ATLAS is defined for Germany. lation is checked.
2 Access the Run the transaction SPRO, and go to the following IMG path: SAP Global Trade Services > General Settings > Document The IMG path is navi-
IMG Activity Structure > Assignment of Document Types from Feeder Systems > Assign Document Type at Feeder System Group Level gated.
3 Assign Docu- Choose Manually Assign Document Type on the Choose Activity dialog box. The document type
ment Types On the Change View “Mapping: Feeder System Group Doc. Type to SAP GTS Doc. Ty” screen, choose New Entries and mapping is main-
make the following entries if you haven’t maintained it: tained.
Application Level Logical System Group Doc. Type Feed. Sys. Document Type
Choose Save.
1 Log on to Log on to SAP Global Trade Services system. The SAP Easy Access
SAP GUI page is displayed.
2 Access the Run the transaction SPRO, and go to the following IMG path: SAP Global Trade Services > General Settings > Document The IMG path is navi-
IMG activity Structure > Assignment of Item Categories from Feeder Systems > Assign Item Category at Feeder System Group Level . gated.
3 Assign Item Choose Manually Assign Item Category on the Choose Activity dialog box. The item category
Categories On the Change View “Mapping: FS Item Cat. Group to SAP GTS Item Cat. Group” screen, choose New Entries and make mapping is main-
the following entries if you haven’t maintained it: tained.
Application Level Logical System Group Item Category (FS) Item Category
Choose Save.
You can use the SAP Application Interface Framework to monitor interfaces as well as execute error handling.
For detailed information on the Application Interface Framework, go to the SAP Help Portal and search for SAP Application Interface Framework product page. In the Operations, open Applica-
tion Help for SAP Application Interface Framework.
1 Log on to SAP Fi- Log on to the SAP Fiori launchpad using the role Configuration Expert - Business The SAP Fiori launchpad is displayed.
ori launchpad Network Integration.
2 Access App Choose Assign Recipients to Users (F2949). The Assign Recipients to User screen is displayed.
3 Assign Recipients On the Assign Recipients to User screen, if the current logon user is not added yet, The recipient is assigned to the user.
to User choose Add User to add the current logon user, and the select the user.
Choose Assign, and make the following entries in the Assign Recipients dialog box:
Namespace: /SLLPI
Message Type: Application Error or Technical Error
Overview: X
Technical User: X
Choose Assign.
4 Access App Choose Message Dashboard (/AIFX/WDA_MSG_MONITOR). The Interface Monitor screen is displayed.
5 Monitor Interfaces On the Interface Monitor screen, check the status of the interface SAP GTS Inte- The messages in the interface are checked.
gration - /SLLPI, and execute error handling if necessary. For detailed information, go to the Application Help for
SAP Application Interface Framework on the SAP Help
Example Words or characters quoted from the screen. These include field names, screen titles, pushbuttons labels, menu names, menu paths, and menu options.
Textual cross-references to other documents.
EXAMPLE Technical names of system objects. These include report names, program names, transaction codes, table names, and key concepts of a programming language when
they are surrounded by body text, for example, SELECT and INCLUDE.
Example Output on the screen. This includes file and directory names and their paths, messages, names of variables and parameters, source text, and names of installation,
upgrade and database tools.
Example Exact user entry. These are words or characters that you enter in the system exactly as they appear in the documentation.
<Example> Variable user entry. Angle brackets indicate that you replace these words and characters with appropriate entries to make entries in the system.