Bahasa Inggris 7
Bahasa Inggris 7
Bahasa Inggris 7
1. Tulis nomordanidentitas pada LJK.
2. Periksalah dan bacalah soal – soal dengan teliti sebelum menjawabnya
3. Dahulukan menjawab soal-soal yang Anda anggap mudah
4. Kerjakan pada LJK yang telah disediakan
5. Isikan jawaban Anda dengan menghitamkan bulatan jawaban (pilihan A, B, C atau D). Jika terjadi
kesalahan dalam pengisian atau Anda ingin mengubah jawaban, hapuslah sebersih mungkin
jawaban Anda semula dan isikan jawaban Anda yang baru.
Contoh : a. sebelummenjawab a b c d
b. sesudahmenjawab a b c d
c. sesudahdiperbaiki a b c d
Hitamkanlahsalahsatujawaban a, b, c atau d pada LJK, sesuaidenganpilihan yang dianggapbena
Dayu : ............. be careful.
a. Good night
I. Multiple Choice A.B.C.D b. Good morning
c. See you too
1. Edo : “Hi, Beni! How are you?” d. . nice to meet you
Beni : “I am fine.And you?”
Edo : ........ thank you.” 4. Nela : Salma, this is a present for you. I
a. You are hope you like it.
welcome Salma : Oh, this is so wonderful........
a. Thank you very
b. Fine, thanks much
c. It’s
okay b. You are so kind to me
c. . I like it very much
d. How do you do d. . may i have it
2. Annisa : Hello, Siti. How do you do?” 5. Agus :...I have lost your eraser?
Siti : “Hello, Annisa. ............. Laras : It’s ok. No problem.
Annisa : “Nice to meet you” a. I am
Siti : “Nice to meet you, too.” forget
a. Fine, thanks
b. How are you b. I am sorry
c. How do you do c. I am sad
d. It’s great to meet you d. I am happy
3. Lina : Sorry, I must go now. See you
tomorrow. 6. Annisa : Why did not you call me lastnigh?
Dayu : ........ I forget it.
12. Tito : Azwar, this is my sister Haira.
a. I am so
Azwar : Hi, Haira. Nice to see you.
Haira : Hello, Azwar. ...................
b. Yes, it is a. Nice to see you too
c. Good bye b. thank you
d. D. How are you c. I like you
d. D. I’m fine
7. Udin : Can I borrow your pencil?
Beni : Sure here it is.
13. Good morning, I’d like to introduce myself.
Udin : Thank you
........I am a student of SMP HarapanBangsa.
Beni :. .....................
a. My name is Max Bae
a. I am very b. Max Bae is good name.
sorry c. You can call me Max Bae.
d. .Max Bae is a clever student.
b. Good bye
c. Thank 14. Haira : Hello,are you a new student?
you Hasnida : Yes, I am. My name is Hasnida.
Haira : I’m Haira. _______Hasnida
d. D. Don’t mention it. Hasnida : I ‘m from Jakarta.
a. How are you
8. Lina : What is ............. ? b. What is your name
Zeni : My name is Zeni
c. Where are you from
a. Your
d. Where do you live
15. The mother of your mother is ...
a. Grandmother c Grand
b. His name
c. Her name
C. Uncle
d. Their name
b. Aunt d. Sister
9. Galang : Hi, Dennis. Are you coming to the 16 The brother of your mother is called .....
football game? a Queen c
Dennis : Hi, Galang.Yes, I’m coming to Aunt
the football game. b Uncle d. Brother
a. b.
II. Essay
Text for no. 41, 42