Department of Crop Science, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka and
Department of Crop Science, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka and
Department of Crop Science, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka and
H. Fonseka
Nine morphological characters (growth habit, leaf blade colour, leaf blade
lobing, fruit curvature, fruit colour distribution, % of type of flowers per plant,
number of fruits per infruitescence and days to first harvest) and four
agronomical characters (net photosyntheis, chlorophyll content, leaf area index
and bacterial wilt incidence) were examined. Three cultivars and six accessions
K.A.B. Pathmarajah
All the cultivars and accessions could uniquely be distinguished by combining the
morphological characteristics with isozyme finger prints. Results of the present
study suggest that sufficient variability is present in brinjal to allow the use of
isozyme analysis as a system for cultivar identification thus complementing the
traditional methods currently in use.
Brinjal (Solanum melongina L), which belongs to family solanaceae is one of the
most common and popular vegetable crops grown in Sri Lanka. Production of
brinjal in 1999 was around 74,204 mt and the land area planted was 10,048 ha
(Anon., 2000). Average yield of brinjal in Sri Lanka under farmers’ condition is 8
mt/ha while the potential yield is 15 mt/ha. Thus, the enhancement of productivity
through breeding is essential to achieve the potential yield to increase total
production and profit of brinjal.
Isozymic and Morphological Characterization of Brinjal Available in Sri Lanka
Isozymes have proven to provide simple and reliable markers since they do not
change with environmental conditions. In addition, electrophoresis of plant
enzymes is more rapid than field-testing and can be detected with a small amount
of plant tissue extracts (Wagner and McDonald, 1982). With several work done in
Sri Lanka, isozyme electrophoresis has shown promise in the identification of
field crops such as soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merill) (Eeswara and Peiris, 1998),
cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp) (Eeswara and Peiris, 1994) and Mungbean
(Vigna radiata (L) Wilcezk) (Eeswara and Peiris, 2001). However, studies have
not been done on brinjal. Therefore, the present study was conducted to
investigate the feasibility of separating brinjal cultivars by isozyme
Isozyme electrophoresis
Brinjal seeds from 16 accessions and 3 cultivars (Table 1) were obtained from the
germplasm maintained at the Plant Genetic Resources Center, Peradeniya, Sri
Lanka and grown under green house conditions in the Department of Crop
Science, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya. Fresh leaf tissue
(approximately 0.5 g) from seven days old individual seedlings was extracted as
described by Weeden, (1982). The homogenate was centrifuged at 2300 g for 20
min at 4°C and the clear supernatant was stored at -10 °C prior to electrophoresis.
Horizontal starch gels were prepared using 25g of hydrolysed potato starch in 220
ml of buffer containing 55 ml electrode buffer (0.065 N L-histidine, pH adjusted
to 6.5 with 0.007 M citric acid) and 165 ml deionised water (Weeden, 1982). Gels
were cast in a rectangular gel mould (16.5 x 13.0 cm) and allowed to cool for 1 h.
After cooling, the gels were covered with a plastic wrap to prevent desiccation
and left to set overnight at room temperature (28+3ºC). Filter paper wicks (0.8 x
0.5 cm No. 470, Schleicher and Schuell) were used to absorb samples of thawed
supernatants for insertion into a slit cut 4.0 cm from the cathodal end of the gel.
Supernatants from all the brinjal varieties were placed into the slit spaced at 1.5
K.A.B. Pathmarajah
cm intervals. A wick containing red colour dye marker was placed at one edge of
the gel as a marker to follow isozyme migration.
A fresh electrode buffer was used for each electrophoretic run. The gel was placed
in an electrophoretic tank kept in a refrigerator at 4.0°C and a 50 mA constant
current was supplied for 20 min. The wicks were removed and electrophoresis
resumed at 40 mA constant current and continued until the dye marker migrated
7.5 cm from the point of wick insertion. After electrophoresis, 1 mm thick slices
were cut from the gels and isozymic banding patterns were observed for 6
enzymes by immersing the gel slices in staining solutions. Thereafter, the gel
slices were incubated at 37 °C for 1 h with the exception of esterase and glutamate
oxaloacetate transaminase where they were incubated at room temperature to
reveal enzyme activity. Recipes for the staining solutions were identical to those
given in Weeden (1982).
After incubation the staining solution was poured off and the gels were fixed
either with 50% ethanol or 50% glycerol : 5% acetic acid mixture. The gel slices
stained for acid phosphatase (ACP), esterase (EST) and glutamate oxaloacetate
transaminase (GOT), were fixed with 50% ehanol while the slices stained for the
remaining enzymes were fixed with 50% glycerol : 5% acetic acid mixture. The
banding patterns were visually recorded and schematic diagrams (zymograms)
were prepared for clearer presentation. The relative migration (Rf values) of each
band was measured in each zymogram for every cultivar tested using the
following equation:
Morphological characterization
Five qualitative (growth habit, leaf blade colour, leaf blade lobbing, fruit
curvature, fruit colour (purple) distribution), four quantitative morphological
characters (percentage of types of flowers, number of flowers per inflorescence,
number of fruits per infruitescence and days to first harvest) and four agronomic
characteristics (rate of photosynthesis, chlorophyll content, leaf area index and
bacterial wilt incidence) were obtained by observations on field plot at
Isozymic and Morphological Characterization of Brinjal Available in Sri Lanka
A cluster analysis was conducted using SAS computer package to relate character
variations within cultivars and accessions.
Though there are practical advantages in the use of seeds, which are in
metabolically stable stage, the first true leaves of seven-day-old seedlings were
used for isozyme analysis since a greater number of banding patterns can be
achieved with leaf materials (Nehara, Kartha and Stushnoff, 1991). In addition,
leaf tissues are preferred for isozyme analysis of plants because of their
availability throughout the growing season. However, the presence of high
amounts of phenols in green leaf tissues interfere with enzyme extraction resulting
in poor resolution and low reproducibility of results (Loomis, 1974). The
problems with phenols could be minimized if the seeds were germinated in the
absence of light in a growth chamber. However, in the present study seeds were
germinated in the presence of light (12 h light/ 12 h dark, 28+3 °C) in a green
house. The problems caused by phenols in the analysis of leaf isozymes of brinjal
could be resolved by using young leaf tissues and addition of insoluble PVP into
the extraction medium as described by Nehara et al., (1991).
The extraction procedure followed in this study was successful for resolving
isozyme banding patterns of six enzymes, esterase (EST), malate dehydrogenase
(MDH), diaphorase (DIAP), malic enzyme (ME), glutamate oxaloacetate
transaminase (GOT) and acid phosphotase (ACP), by employing only one
extraction and separation buffer. The banding patterns of these enzymes are
shown in Fig. 1. Two enzymes, isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH) and alcohol
dehydrogenase (ADH) did not produce clean band resolution. Therefore, these
two enzymes were not used for cultivar/accession identification. However, it may
be possible to reveal isozyme-banding patterns for these two enzymes by using a
combination of extraction and separation buffers as demonstrated by Ramirez et
al., 1987.
K.A.B. Pathmarajah
08534 respectively (Table 1). Other varieties and accessions shared the MDH
isozymic patterns and therefore, could be categorized into four groups.
+ a) + b)
.12 .12
.08 .08
.05 .05
.00 - .00
+ + +
RF c) RF d) RF e) RF f)
- - -
E E E D1 D2 D3 G1 G2 G3 M1 M2
Isozymic and Morphological Characterization of Brinjal Available in Sri Lanka
The sixteen accessions and three cultivars of brinjal tested for acid phosphotase
activity produced six banding patterns (Fig. 1b) and could be categorized into six
groups (Table 1). The accessions, wild type and 07153 produces accession
specific banding patterns and thus they, could be exclusively identified.
It has been reported that esterase, is an excellent enzyme for use in taxonomic
studies (Kuhns and Fretz, 1978). This is consistent with brinjal and based on the
location of the bands 16 accessions and 3 cultivars could be categorized into three
groups (Table 1, Fig. 1c). Five accessions (09632, 08534, 07157, wild type and
arkekeshv) and one cultivar (BW 11) belong to first group in which bands were
located at Rf values of 0.01, 0.12 and 0.14. The accession Thammanna which,
exhibited bands at Rf values of 0.01 and 0.06 belonged to third group and the
banding pattern was specific for Thammanna. Remaining two cultivars (SM 164
and Thinnewelly Purple) and 10 accessions belong to the second group in which
bands were observed at Rf values of 0.01 and 0.12.
Sixteen brinjal accessions and three cultivars tested for diaphorase (Fig. 1d), and
glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase (Fig. 1e) activity displayed three banding
patterns. Two variety specific isozymic banding patterns were observed for
diaphorase while glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase did not produce any
cultivar specific banding patterns (Table 1).
The least number of bands were observed for malic enzyme activity. This enzyme
produced only one band (Figure 1f). However, depending on the location of the
band, brinjal cultivars could be divided into two groups. The first group (M1)
contained all three cultivars and 14 accessions while the second (M2) group
contained two cultivars 07157 and Arkekeshv (Table 1).
The results of the present study suggest that all enzymes studied are not necessary
to separate the 19 brinjal cultivars/accessions. They could be separated by
combining the isozymic patterns of four enzymes, i.e. esterase, malate
dehydrogenase, malic enzyme and diaphorase. If more cultivars are to be
identified, all the enzyme systems may be required. Thus, the isozymic
fingerprints were prepared for 19 cultivars/accessions examined and presented in
Table 1.
K.A.B. Pathmarajah
Furthermore, the results of the present study suggest that adequate isozymic
variability exists in brinjal for cultivar identification. Unique combination of
isozyme variants of all enzymes assayed, identified two cultivars and thirteen
accessions (79%). This could be increased up to 100% by combining with
Isozymic and Morphological Characterization of Brinjal Available in Sri Lanka
Morphological characterization
The classical methods used for identifying brinjal cultivars are mainly based on
the phenotypic expressions of different plant parts. Therefore, in the present study
twelve morphological and four agronomic characteristics were observed to
differentiate brinjal cultivars and varieties (Table 2 and 3). Thinnavelly Purple
was affected by bacterial wilt destroying all the plants. Therefore, morphological
and agronomic characters were not recorded for this cultivar. Combining five
qualitative morphological characters, two cultivars (BW 11 and SM 164) and
seven accessions could be identified (Table 2). Remaining brinjal accessions
could be divided into four groups containing two accessions in each (Table 2).
In the present study phenotypic expressions such as leaf blade colour and fruit
colour distribution were assessed by visually. However, visual detection of colour
is considered as unsuitable for variety identification owing to possible
inaccuracies involved in colour determination depending on the factors such as
light quality, coloured object, matching of the plant colour with the standard
colour charts and the observer. Furthermore, 14 morphological and agronomic
characteristics observed in the present study were not adequate to differentiate 19
brinjal accessions and cultivars examined. Thus, isozyme electrophoresis can be
used as a system for cultivar identification complementing the traditional methods
currently used.
Table 2. Differentiation of Brinjal Cultivars and Accessions Based on Qualitative Morphological Characters
Growth Habit Leaf Blade Leaf Blade Lobbing Fruit Colour Fruit Curvature Accession/
Colour (Purple) Cultivar
Upright (3) Green (3) Indeterminate (5) Stripped (7) Curved (5) 04994
Strong (7) Stripped (7) Straight (1) 07153
Violet (9) Indeterminate (5) Uniform (1) Slightly Curved (3) EG 014
Indeterminate (5) Green (3) Indeterminate (5) Uniform (1) Straight (1) 07145
Curved (5) Thammanna
Stripped (7) Curved (5) 07157
Slightly Curved (3) BW11
Strong (7) Uniform (1) Straight (1) 08534
Snake Shaped (7) EG 090
Slightly Curved (3) SM164
Stripped (7) Curved (5) 07148
Sickle shaped (8) 08891
Light Green (1) Strong (7) Stripped (7) Sickle shaped (8) 09362
Isozymic and Morphological Characterization of Brinjal Available in Sri Lanka
4 6 3 1 2 9 16 5 8 13 11 12 7 10 15 17 14
Isozymic and Morphological Characterization of Brinjal Available in Sri Lanka
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K.A.B. Pathmarajah
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