Nature Magazine - 12 February 2015

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THIS WEEK WORLD VIEW Science on the CLIMATE Global dimming LANGUAGE Chimps alter

EDITORIALS silver screen remains

simplistic p.139
offsets Arctic warming, for
now p.140
grunts to talk to new
neighbours p.141

Telling stories
The UK Research Excellence Framework’s focus on impact is a useful reminder of all the ways that
science can help society — both economically and by other means.

eople embark on a career in science for many reasons. Some are pleased to see the results, it was not worth the burden on academics’
want to improve the world, others to understand how it works. time and university budgets involved in collecting the case studies.
But how many foresee that their work will help to resurrect a And it is true that, although a large set of good-news stories makes
sixteenth-century English warship? a valuable collection to dip into for advocacy purposes, the narratives
In the language of twenty-first-century science, such research from this particular exercise do not give a comprehensive view. Uni-
has a new label: impact. Hundreds of thousands of people, after all, versities had to submit only a few of their best examples (and according
have queued to see the Tudor timbers of the partially restored Mary to the data, many may have minimized the number of staff members
Rose, salvaged from the sea floor, and now on display in a museum in whose work was submitted, so as to cut down
Portsmouth, UK. “If scientists on the number of case studies that they had to
They do so thanks to the efforts of physicists, who tested radar were once coy provide). Another problematic area concerns
imaging on the wreck site; marine biologists, who spotted borer worms about the good the difficulty of grading case studies when
still living in the timber; and chemists, who created nanoparticles to work they do, many different universities might each claim
prevent the waterlogged wood being damaged by bacterial action. they cannot now an influence on a final product (for example,
Once artefacts had been brought up from the wreck, materials scien- afford to be.” a drug brought from bench to bedside).
tists examined the corrosion on Tudor cannon balls; biomechanics These are teething troubles. The decision
experts analysed the arm bones of Tudor archers; and archaeologists of the UK funders to grade the case studies, and to use the scores to
inspected skulls to reconstruct the faces of the Mary Rose’s crew. And help them to decide the destination of £2 billion (US$3 billion) in
all of this work was paid for — at least partially — by the British tax- performance-linked annual funding, meant that universities across
payer, as part of UK investment in publicly funded science. the country have taken the exercise seriously. The result is a reminder
If scientists were once coy about the good work that they do, they of the many ways in which publicly funded research benefits society
cannot now afford to be. In fact, the British system now demands that in the United Kingdom and beyond.
they boast of the impact their research has on society. For the first time, It demonstrates one other important point. Although the ‘impact
the mammoth multi-year assessment of UK university research, used agenda’ may focus minds and give universities and funders another
to help rank institutions and allocate grants, included judgements of way to make science tangible and measurable, the UK exercise shows
such impact. This is a good thing. that academics had been committing to impact long before it became
The case studies and reports from this Research Excellence Frame- a buzz­word. The impact claimed is recent, within the past 5 years or so,
work assessment have now been published, providing a compendium of but the research on which that impact is based is often up to 20 years old.
some 7,000 stories of good done, lives saved and ancient warships fixed The focus on impact is a new thing, in other words — but the
up. As we discuss on page 150, scholars of research impact are rubbing creation of impact is not. The more visible those impacts become, the
their hands together at the thought of analysing the stories. Preliminary better for all concerned. ■
text-mining suggests that across many disciplines, studies strewn with
words justifying the significance or reach of the work — such as ‘million’,
‘major’ and ‘global’ — tended to score more highly than narratives that
over-used words such as ‘research’, ‘university’ and ‘impact’.
Conventional measurements of research impact beyond academia
seek hard data, not stories. They typically revolve around econometric
Spot the difference
models that try to capture the financial return of investing in science, The US measles outbreak highlights why most
or count small slices of quantifiable business activity, such as patents or
spin-out companies. To be sure, there are plenty of those examples in
states should reconsider their vaccination rules.

the case studies. But taken as a whole, the narratives remind us of the
many broader ways in which taxpayer-funded research ‘pays back’ on its ver the past decade, increasing numbers of US parents have
investment — and that hard metrics are not the only way to capture this. chosen not to vaccinate their children against diseases such
Indeed, one benefit of the focus on broad impact is that individuals as whooping cough, mumps and measles. The consequence
and institutions that do good work that makes a positive difference to has been a periodic return of these historical scourges, in localized
people’s lives, society and the economy earn recognition — and moti- outbreaks of a few dozen to a few hundred people. These episodes
vation — even if they are not producing profound scientific insights. often appear in local news reports, some of which warn that lower
There are some practical difficulties of running such an assessment, vaccination rates could result in a nationwide outbreak.
especially for the first time. Some researchers say that although they Reading the US news media over the past two weeks, you might

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conclude that that day has come. The current US measles outbreak, a group are less likely than US residents to be vaccinated. The park also
which began in December and was first reported in late January, has hosts large numbers of infants less than one year old — younger than the
blown up into a national debate over the rights of parents to decide age at which the first measles shot is generally given in the United States.
whether their children should be vaccinated. But by global standards, And Disneyland is at the epicentre of the US anti-vaccine move-
it is a tempest in a teapot: as of 6 February, measles had struck 121 peo- ment. Although 94.7% of US children entering school at around age 5
ple in 17 states and the District of Columbia. are vaccinated against measles, in hundreds of California schools
Those numbers are unremarkable. Since October, a measles outbreak the percentage of vaccinated children falls well short of the 92%
has affected more than 370 people in Germany; it saw almost 1,800 cases considered necessary to produce the ‘herd
in 2013 and more than 1,600 in 2011. The Philippines had more than “Disneyland is immunity’ that prevents transmission of the
50,000 cases in 2014. The United Kingdom had only 137 cases last year, at the epicentre disease. The state’s public-health department
but in both 2012 and 2013 it had close to 2,000 (see page 148). of the US reports that 2.54% of children entered school
In fact, even by US standards, the current outbreak is not unprec- anti-vaccine in 2014 with an exemption from vaccination
edented. Last year, a much larger outbreak was sparked by Amish movement.” based on personal belief.
missionaries returning from the Philippines to Ohio, where low The federal government has little say in who
vaccination rates among the community caused 383 cases. gets a measles shot — those rules are written by individual states. Most,
Perhaps that incident stayed out of the national spotlight because it like California, allow parents to send their children to school unvacci-
was an unusual set of circumstances that occurred in an isolated rural nated by claiming a religious or philosophical objection to the practice.
community. But the current outbreak centres on ‘the happiest place on But two — Mississippi and West Virginia — allow only medical excep-
Earth’ — Disneyland in southern California. At least 42 people seem tions. And that, many observers have argued, is why Mississippi, one of
to have been exposed to measles at the theme park, which receives an the poorest states in the union, has the highest percentage of 5-year-old
estimated 16 million visits a year. children who have received vaccination for measles, mumps and rubella.
Fortunately for the public’s health, attention around the outbreak Last month, the Mississippi state legislature was considering a bill
has come down in favour of vaccination and against the myths about to allow the same types of personal-belief exemption that most other
its dangers. Public opinion has turned against parents and physicians states allow. But on 3 February, a committee in the state’s House of Rep-
who are suspicious of vaccines. Two potential Republican presidential resentatives killed the proposal. On 4 February, legislators in California
candidates, Governor Chris Christie of New Jersey and Senator Rand said that they would introduce a bill to adopt the same strict rules as
Paul of Kentucky, at first declared that parents should have the right to Mississippi. And several other states, including Maine, Minnesota and
decide whether their children are vaccinated, and then had to clarify Oregon, are considering measures that would require parents to consult
their positions in the face of harsh criticism. with a physician about vaccines before being granted an exemption.
Whether or not the theme park’s involvement in the episode contrib- That is a step in the right direction. Parents, of course, have the
uted to the media coverage, Disneyland’s cherished place in US culture right to decide what is best for their children. But when it comes to
makes it ideal for an infectious-disease outbreak. It is popular with inter- vaccination, those decisions should be based on complete and accurate
national tourists eager for a quintessential American experience, who as information about the risks and benefits. ■

the UN, “the 21st century will depend as much on photonics as the

A single light 20th century depended on electronics”. If so, then more of the work
that researchers are engaged in to understand and harness light — to
make light work — will need to move out of the laboratory.
A year of illumination switches on with a Light inspires, too. The organizers of the UN year of light are
seeking people to follow in the (chunky) footsteps of writers such as
Nature special issue. Fyodor Dostoyevsky and Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, who wrote

about optics. They invite those who feel that they have something
mong the measures approved at the 68th session of the United to say about light and any phenomena or feeling connected to it to
Nations General Assembly in December 2013 were resolutions enter a literary competition. Poems, short stories, essays and plays
to develop “a world against violence and violent extremism” are welcome, but must be submitted by the end of next month (see
and “measures to eliminate international terrorism”. Against such for details). Winning entries will appear in a
targets, the goal of UN resolution A/RES/68/221, passed in the same special anthology — published a thousand years after Ibn al-Haytham’s
session, might seem unambitious: to recognize the importance of light classic treatise, Book of Optics (see page 164).
in the lives of the citizens of the world. Light in 2015 may be all about applications and technology, but it
Some 42 days into that effort — officially called the International retains a powerful theoretical pull on the scientific mind. Countless
Year of Light and Light-based Technologies 2015 — Nature is doing children in night-time gardens have been astonished and intrigued by
its bit. In this special issue, we offer a series of articles that explore the news that the light arriving from distant stars is a historical record
how researchers are pushing the properties of light to new extremes, — the stars themselves could be long gone even as the light carries
and the impact that these studies are already having and could have their image on its journey. Generations of students have tried to deci-
in future. The print-journal package begins on page 153 and there is pher whether light is a wave or a particle, and in doing so have come
more available online at to accept that scientific reality demands a greater tolerance of uncer-
Light and science have been entwined for more than a thousand tainty than the textbooks suggest. Albert Einstein’s general theory of
years; light and life for much longer. This is reflected in the goals of the relativity — the centenary of which is recognized as part of the UN’s
UN celebration, from discussions of solar energy and its crucial poten- celebration — has come to represent an intuition warped just as much
tial in tackling energy and climate problems to the societal impact as the light in the gravitational field that it describes.
of artificial light Light has outgrown its metaphorical role as an answer to questions;
in our cities and
homes, and how
LIGHT light itself remains a puzzle. To solve that puzzle is an ambition that
deserves the recognition that the coming months will shine on it. As
it guides develop­
A Nature special issue the biochemist and author Isaac Asimov put it: “There is a single light
ment. According to of science, and to brighten it anywhere is to brighten it everywhere.” ■

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WORLD VIEW A personal take on events

And the winner is:

not science
Portrayals of science in the cinema are growing in sophistication — but not
exactly at the speed of light, says Colin Macilwain.

ome Hollywood stardust will sprinkle across the world of science forthcoming from The Theory of Everything, in which Eddie Redmayne
this week, in the build-up to next weekend’s Oscars ceremony in skilfully carries the viewer into the world of Stephen Hawking, as his
Los Angeles. Uniquely in the history of the silver screen, two of body is progressively ravaged by motor neuron disease.
the leading contenders for Best Picture concern the lives of two great Hawking is portrayed sympathetically but convincingly, and the film
scientists, mathematician Alan Turing and physicist Stephen Hawking. addresses the great issues of his life outside science — the impossible
Both films have been widely praised. But unfortunately, in terms of demands placed on his first wife, Jane, on whose memoir, Travelling to
shedding light on what made these scientists tick — or furthering the Infinity: My Life with Stephen (Alma, 2008), the film is largely based,
art of film-making — The Imitation Game and The Theory of Every­ and the lack of support offered to the couple from the outside world.
thing each leave a great deal to be desired. Some critics have said that the film ought to have been even harsher.
The two films were produced in the United Kingdom, not in Holly­ The book on which it is based is a softer version of Jane Hawking’s
wood. But they each feature a catalogue of clichés, of eccentric scien- earlier memoir, Music to Move the Stars (Macmillan, 1999), now out
tists and true love, well worthy of Hollywood in its gory heyday. of print. (Intriguingly, second-hand copies are trading on Amazon for
You may say that it is too much to ask — several hundred pounds.)
but I think scientists deserve to see major, I enjoyed and believed this film — but it
fact-based feature films about science pre- makes only a cursory effort to describe or
sent their lives in ways that resonate, at least
to some extent, with the world of science as it
MOST OF US CAN address Hawking’s scientific trajectory. Given
his status as perhaps the world’s best-known
really is. Most of us can recognize the authen- RECOGNIZE THE living scientist, there is something unsettling
tic when we see it; in the case of these two AUTHENTIC about that.


films, we don’t. Both films present a bombastic, simplistic
It is ironic that although Hollywood has and ‘hero-takes-all’ picture of science — a pic-
shown itself capable of producing, on occa- ture that is still promoted heartily through the
sion, complex, postmodern masterpieces IN THE CASE OF THESE Nobel prizes, and by much science writing.
such as 2004’s Crash, film-makers here in
the United Kingdom still churn out the sort
TWO FILMS, I prefer the more jaundiced view taken by
Paul King’s family film Paddington, in which
of sentimental slop that British satirists used
to make a living by sending up, a quarter of
WE DON’T. geographer Montgomery Clyde is expelled from
his learned society for failing to kill and bring
a century ago. (I refer younger and non-UK back bears that he has found in Peru.
readers to the genius of the Comic Strip series.) As has been widely noted, both audiences
The Imitation Game, Morten Tyldum’s portrayal of Alan Turing, is and critical attention have been shifting from cinema to the smaller
the greater disappointment of the two. Benedict Cumberbatch’s per- screen, as television writers adapt to a twenty-first century in which
formance as Turing has been widely — and justifiably — lauded. But people are growing wise to the clichés foisted on them in the past.
the script, unfortunately, portrays Turing as a dysfunctional, almost A more-nuanced approach to storytelling has emerged in count-
autistic, individual and trots through clichés of how a ‘genius’ treats less television series, from Breaking Bad to House of Cards. None of
his peers with all the finesse of a children’s fable. these, so far, is built around the world of science, but a similar intel-
All we learn about the project to bust the German Enigma cipher ligence shines through the world-beating science-based sitcom, The
in the Second World War is that everyone was doing it all wrong until Big Bang Theory. Trite as some of its scripts may be, Big Bang has a
our erstwhile, eccentric hero turns up, argues with everyone in sight stronger grasp than either of these movies of how science really works,
and relentlessly ploughs his own furrow, whatever that may be (we are bouncing along on a melee of inspiration, treachery, serendipity and
never told). The film is significantly weaker for saying almost nothing teamwork.
about the nature of the problem, or about Turing’s role — relative to Big Bang’s barrage of cameos, from the likes of physicist Brian Greene
others, inside and outside the project’s base at Bletchley Park — in the and even Hawking himself, speaks to its credibility and fan base inside
conception and implementation of what we now call the computer. the scientific community. Its appeal carries an important message, too:
It also groundlessly alleges that Turing’s homosexuality made him scientists are not circus freaks; they are just people, whose work lets
turn a blind eye to a likely spy at Bletchley Park — them express their inner nerd. It would be nice to see something about
a piece of worthless and defamatory melo­drama NATURE.COM science on the big screen that carried half as much conviction. ■
that seems gratuitous, given the ample material Discuss this article
provided by Turing’s real life story. online at: Colin Macilwain writes about science policy from Edinburgh, UK.
Greater emotional nourishment, at least, is e-mail:

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RESEARCH HIGHLIGHTS Selections from the
scientific literature




stuck on tape
Researchers have found an
easy way to deposit metal
nanoparticles on a surface —
using sticky tape.
Adding nanoparticles to a
surface can give it properties
such as electrical conductivity.
Bartosz Grzybowski at
Northwestern University in
Evanston, Illinois, and his
colleagues showed that when
commercial Scotch tape is
peeled away, bonds within
the tape polymer break and
radicals form on its surface. M AT E R I A L S
These then react with metal
salts to produce metal
nanoparticles on the tape.
When the team placed
Capsules collect carbon dioxide
peeled tape into a solution Microcapsules containing a liquid carbonate Massachusetts, created microcapsules made
of silver nitrate for several solvent could capture carbon dioxide from power of a highly porous silicone skin containing a
hours, the tape turned yellow- plants more efficiently than existing methods. carbonate solvent. These solvents absorb CO2
orange — indicating that silver Currently, CO2 is captured at power plants slowly, but encapsulation of solvent boosts the
nanoparticles had formed. by passing the flue gas over a solution of liquid absorption rate tenfold (compared to pools of
The silver-coated tape showed monoethanolamine. The liquid is corrosive, liquid carbonate) by increasing the surface area.
antibacterial activity and forms toxic by-products and must be heated The capsules (pictured) are chemically stable
remained sticky. to high temperatures to recover the CO2 and and environmentally benign, and CO2 can be
J. Am. Chem. Soc. regenerate the solvent. Jennifer Lewis and her recovered by modest heating.
zzn (2015) colleagues at Harvard University in Cambridge, Nature Commun. 6, 6124 (2015)

to radiation. The animals did pesticides. Bees react to to stave off bee declines.
Injected cells fix better at learning and memory such stressors by foraging Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA
brain injury tasks than irradiated rats that
had not received cells, and
at a younger age, so to
learn how this might cause
pnas.1422089112 (2015)
Cells derived from human about as well as untreated rats. rapid population declines,
stem cells repair brain damage Analysis of rat brain tissue Andrew Barron at Macquarie CL I M AT E CH A NG E
in irradiated rats, suggesting a revealed that the transplanted University in Sydney and his
possible therapy for survivors cells re-insulated nerves in colleagues radio-tagged bees Aerosols reduce
of brain cancer.
Radiation treatment of brain
many parts of the brain.
Cell Stem Cell 16, 198–210 (2015)
in experimental colonies to
monitor their flight behaviour.
Arctic warming
cancer can impair memory, The insects that began foraging Particles suspended in the
attention and learning. Viviane EC O LO GY earlier in life completed fewer atmosphere have decreased the
Tabar at the Memorial Sloan successful trips and had a lower amount of warming caused by
Kettering Cancer Center in Bee behaviour sees survival rate than those that greenhouse gases in the Arctic,
New York and her colleagues
used human embryonic stem
colonies collapse foraged at the normal age.
Mathematical models
but this could change as future
air pollution is reduced.
cells to make progenitor cells Honeybee colonies could be showed that the resulting Aerosols have a cooling
that form oligodendrocytes, collapsing because younger decrease in food for the colony effect by reflecting sunlight
which insulate nerve fibres, bees are flying out to forage, and the increased forager back into space. Mohammad
boosting the speed of electrical raising their risk of death. mortality over time led to rapid Reza Najafi at the University
impulses. The team injected Many bee colonies are colony collapse. The authors of Victoria in Canada and
these cells into the brains of failing, probably because suggest that supplemental his colleagues analysed nine
rats that had been exposed of parasites, pathogens and feeding of colonies could help climate models running from

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1913 to 2012, comparing a longer evolutionary history

simulations with and without than was thought.
greenhouse gases, aerosols and
other climate drivers. Their
Curr. Biol. (2015)
SOCIAL SELECTION Popular articles
on social media

results show that aerosols have N EUR O SC I EN C E

offset 1.3–2.2 °C of Arctic Lab size matters for productivity
warming from greenhouse Deep-brain zap
gases, limiting the observed
warming to 1.2 °C. With
for addiction To publish the most papers, labs should ideally have 10 to
15 members, according to a much-discussed study in PeerJ
aerosol emissions projected to An electric current sent deep PrePrints. Adding more graduate students and postdocs
drop in the coming decades, into the brain, together with a beyond that number does not guarantee a continued rise in
the rate of the warming is likely therapeutic drug, can reverse high-impact papers, the study found, partly because the extra
to increase. the symptoms of cocaine workers tend to be much less productive than the principal
The team says that its results addiction in mice. investigator (PI). Mark Pallen, who heads a microbiology
underscore the reliability of the Christian Lüscher at the lab at the University of Warwick, UK, tweeted “Nice that PIs
climate models, which simulate University of Geneva in matter!” But Jessica Chong, a geneticist and postdoc at the
8.3 °C of warming in the Arctic Switzerland and his colleagues University of Washington in Seattle, called it an “odd analysis”
in a high-emissions scenario by implanted an electrode into on Twitter, adding, “we expect PIs to ‘produce’ more papers
the end of the century. the brains of cocaine-addicted than any other lab member. They’re authors on all papers!”
Nature Clim. Change http:// mice. Stimulating the animals’ PeerJ Prepr. 3, e812v1 (2015) neurons at a low frequency only
(2015) temporarily relieved symptoms
of addiction after the mice Based on data from NATURE.COM
For more on
ANIMAL B EHAVIO UR were injected with cocaine.
But when the researchers Altmetric
Altmetric is supported by Macmillan
Science and Education, which owns popular papers:
Chimps learn new also gave the animals a drug Nature Publishing Group.
calls for food that blocks receptors for the
neurotransmitter dopamine
Captive chimpanzees learn new — involved in addiction and that cords produce sounds of

grunts from neighbours to refer reward — the symptoms abated varying pitch more accurately
to foods — the first evidence for longer. Neural connections in moist air than in dry air.
of such behaviour in non- that were overactive because Languages with complex
humans, according to a study. of cocaine exposure also tone, such as Mandarin
To see whether chimps functioned normally again. Chinese, originated mainly
(pictured) show flexibility The researchers say that this in warm, moist climates,
in the calls they use to refer approach could be a potential whereas languages such as
to everyday objects, Simon therapy for humans with English, which have little or
Townsend at the University addiction and other neural no tone, came from arid or
of Zurich, Switzerland, and disorders. cold regions.
his team compared the grunts Science 347, 659–664 (2015) Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 112, vibrate. Its brain responded to
of seven chimps that were 1322–1327 (2015) these frequencies, suggesting
moved from a safari park in A N TH R O PO LO GY that the animal detects airborne
the Netherlands to join six E VOLU T I ON sounds using the vibrations.
chimps in a UK zoo. A year Soggy climates Another study by some of
after the move, the Dutch affect language A hint at how the same authors looked at
chimps referred to apples with
a high-pitched call, in contrast In warm, moist climates,
hearing evolved salamanders, which also lack
middle ear structures and live
to the deep-timbred grunts of human languages developed Early four-legged vertebrates in water and on land. The team

the UK chimps. But after three with more complex linguistic may have been able to hear showed that even juvenile
years, the Dutch chimps had tones than did those in colder, sounds on land, even though salamanders, which are fully
adopted their neighbours’ calls. drier regions. they lacked key ear structures. aquatic, can detect sound in air.
The findings suggest that It is thought that language Christian Christensen at The findings suggest that
social learning of referential is not influenced by ecological Aarhus University in Denmark early tetrapods were pre-
words in humans could have factors. However, Caleb Everett and his colleagues studied the equipped to hear sounds in air,
at the University of Miami in hearing of the African lungfish which probably helped them
Coral Gables, Florida, and (Protopterus annectens; to adapt to life on land and
his colleagues concluded pictured), the closest living eventually led to more-modern
the opposite after looking at relative of early tetrapods middle ear structures.
studies of vocal-cord biology that began moving onto land J. Exp. Biol. 218, 381–387 (2015);
and comparing the geographic around 350 million years ago. Proc R. Soc. B 282, 20141943
origins of more than The middle ear, which (2015)
3,700 languages with senses changes in air pressure
the humidity and annual caused by sound, is missing in NATURE.COM
average temperatures of lungfish. The researchers found For the latest research published by
those regions. The that low-frequency sounds in Nature visit:
vocal-cord data showed air caused the lungfish’s head to
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SEVEN DAYS The news in brief


US security


US President Barack Obama
has incorporated the dangers
posed by global warming and
poverty into a new national-
security strategy. Released
on 6 February, the document
says that both economic
and environmental threats
can hamper growth, foster
extremism and ultimately
lead to military interventions.
The document also highlights
the role of scientific and
technological innovation in
promoting cleaner domestic
energy, stating that the United
States “can and will lead
the global economy while
reducing our emissions”.
The White House’s previous
national-security strategy was
outlined in 2010.

Three-person IVF
The UK House of Commons
voted on 3 February to legalize
Neil Armstrong’s Moon bag revealed
a gene-therapy technique A white bag used by Neil Armstrong during his in Washington DC, who concluded that the
that could help women 1969 Moon landing was made public last week. items were from the Eagle lunar module (LM).
to avoid passing genetic It was found in a cupboard by Armstrong’s Transcripts of Armstrong speaking to astronaut
defects on to their children widow, Carol, after his death in 2012. The Michael Collins helped to confirm the bag’s
through mutations in their contents (pictured), including a camera and authenticity: “That one’s just a bunch of trash
mitochondria — the cell’s waist tether, were analysed by curators at the that we want to take back — LM parts, odds and
energy-producing structures. Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum ends, and it won’t stay closed by itself.”
The technique, known as
mitochondrial replacement,
uses healthy donated eggs declines in bee numbers. In FutureGen, more than a Japan Venus probe
instead of the mother’s a letter to the White House, decade after it was proposed. Japan’s errant Akatsuki probe
diseased eggs to create ‘three- groups including the National The US$1.7-billion is to get another chance at
person embryos’ for in vitro Audubon Society, the Sierra demonstration project, studying the meteorology of
fertilization (IVF). The UK Club and Friends of the Earth modified in 2010, was Venus after a failed attempt
House of Lords must also called for more research on the intended to provide in 2010. The Japan Aerospace
approve the measure, which impact of these chemicals on climate-friendly power Exploration Agency
would authorize the country’s pollinators. They also propose by retrofitting a coal-fired announced on 6 February
fertility regulator to allow a ban on treating seeds with power plant in Illinois to that it will try to insert the
mitochondrial replacement in neonicotinoids because this capture carbon dioxide and ¥25-billion (US$211-million)
the future. See page 145 affects the entire plant. A pipe it into a saline aquifer craft into Venus’s orbit this
for more. federal strategy for dealing some 1,200 metres below December. If this is successful,
with bee health is expected in ground. The department had Akatsuki will use remote
Bee petition the coming months. committed $1 billion to the sensing to observe the planet’s
A coalition of 11 US project, but pulled out owing clouds, atmosphere, lightning
environmental groups has R ESEA R C H to ongoing questions about and surface conditions,
urged President Barack Obama private investments. By law, allowing a comparison with
to significantly toughen Clean-coal cut the federal money had to be similar mechanisms on Earth.
rules governing the use of The US Department of Energy spent by September this year. The probe has been orbiting
neonicotinoid pesticides, has pulled out of its flagship See the Sun since December
which have been linked to clean-coal project, dubbed for more. 2010, after a malfunctioning

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thruster stopped it against the National Post


decelerating enough to drop newspaper. Andrew Weaver,

into the planet’s orbit. now also a politician for his COMING UP
province, challenged four Post
Aquarium census articles published in 2009–10 12–16 FEBRUARY
The Shedd Aquarium in in the wake of the ‘Climategate’ The American
Chicago, Illinois, will take the scandal, when hacked e-mails Association for the
first census of microbes that from UK climate scientists Advancement of
live in aquariums. As part of were made public. The articles Science’s annual meeting
the Aquarium Microbiome called Weaver a “climate takes place in San Jose,
Project, which launched on alarmist”, and he said that they California. It will focus
3 February, researchers from implied he was untrustworthy on how information and
Shedd and partner institutions Stephen Ostroff, will serve as and unscientific. The imaging technologies are
will analyse how the microbes acting commissioner, but the 5 February ruling by the transforming science.
living in the aquarium’s tanks agency is yet to announce a British Columbia Supreme
and on resident sea animals permanent replacement. Court says the Post should
differ from those in natural take down the articles and 14 FEBRUARY
aquatic environments. The Physicist dies that they “adversely impact on The Rosetta craft
project will also assess the Val Fitch, the physicist who, Dr. Weaver’s reputation and is due for its closest
impact of pollutants on with James Cronin, discovered integrity as a scientist”. encounter yet with
microbial ecosystems, and a fundamental asymmetry comet 67P/Churyumov–
plans to release its first data between matter and antimatter, F U NDI N G Gerasimenko. The
later this year. died on 5 February, aged 91. probe will swoop just
In 1964, while both were at Disease initiative 6 kilometres from the
PEO PLE Princeton University in New The Global Health Innovative surface, and with the
Jersey, Fitch and Cronin Technology Fund in Tokyo Sun at its back should
FDA chief quits showed that particles of launched a programme get the first shadow-free
The commissioner of antimatter do not simply on 5 February to spur the images of the comet. But
the US Food and Drug behave as mirror-symmetry development of drugs, it will not be specifically
Administration (FDA) counterparts of matter vaccines and diagnostic searching for its lost
announced her resignation on particles. This violation of a tools for infectious diseases partner — the lander
5 February. Margaret Hamburg law known as charge–parity prevalent in developing Philae.
(pictured) has led the symmetry is believed to be the countries. The Grand
regulatory agency for nearly reason that the Big Bang did not Challenges initiative
six years, during which time produce a Universe that is equal will invest ¥234 million in Seattle, Washington, the
it established programmes parts matter and antimatter. (US$2 million) per year in Japanese government and
to speed up drug approvals, The two physicists were research into diseases such six Japanese pharmaceutical
laid the groundwork to awarded the 1980 Nobel Prize as malaria, tuberculosis and companies.
regulate electronic cigarettes, in Physics for their discovery. Chagas disease. The first
and proposed guidelines for grant-winners are expected UK science funding
regulating medical-diagnostic Climate libel to be announced in August. The United Kingdom’s science
tests. Hamburg will continue in A Canadian climate scientist The fund was founded in April academies are calling for a
the post until the end of March. has been awarded Can$50,000 2013 with money from the Bill huge hike in research spending
The FDA’s chief scientist, (US$40,200) in a libel lawsuit & Melinda Gates Foundation from whichever political party
wins the country’s election in
May. Representatives of the
British Academy, the Royal

THE TRAIL OF DUST Academy of Engineering,

Interest waned in the BICEP2 experiment as it became clearer the Royal Society and the
that dust had been mistaken for a signal of gravitational waves.
Manuscripts posted to the Academy of Medical Sciences
preprint server arXiv show how BICEP2
Papers mentioning BICEP2 said on 10 February that the
Papers mentioning
cosmologists rapidly embraced, 160 announces BICEP2 and dust next government should aim
then began to doubt and lose gravitational to spend 3% of gross domestic
Number of articles posted to arXiv

Older papers updated

waves from to include BICEP2
interest in, one of 2014’s most Big Bang. product (GDP) on research
sensational announcements: and development by 2020,
the discovery of gravitational with 1% of this coming from
waves from the birth of the 80
the public purse. The current
Universe. Soon after the UK research spend is 1.73%
March announcement, papers of GDP, of which 0.5% is from
questioning the result started to 40 the public sector. Government
emerge. The final nail in the coffin science spending has declined
came last month, when researchers in real terms since 2010.
conceded that dust in the Milky 0
Way accounted for the signal seen 2014 2015
by the telescope BICEP2. For daily news updates see:
1 2 F E B R UA RY 2 0 1 5 | VO L 5 1 8 | N AT U R E | 1 4 3
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EMERITUS GRANTS ‘Cash MEASLES Inside the TEXT-MINING Words that OPTICS Physicists find
for retirement’ idea race to eradicate a triumphed in UK ways to see through
draws ire p.146 killer disease p.148 research audit p.150 walls p.158

Three-person in vitro fertilization prevents women from passing on potentially harmful mutations in mitochondrial DNA.


World hails embryo vote

UK move to allow pioneering fertility technique could spur other countries to relax rules too.
B Y E W E N C A L L A WAY DNA. The vote, won by 382 in favour versus the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

128 against, will still need to be confirmed by for permission to conduct clinical trials of
ollowing a 3 February vote in the the House of Lords, which is widely expected mitochondrial replacement. Although its
UK House of Commons, the world may to pass the law. Once approved, the Human regulatory debate is a bit behind the United
once again look to Britain to lead in Fertilisation and Embryology Authority Kingdom’s, “the US is going down the same
fertility treatments, 37 years after in vitro fer- (HFEA), Britain’s fertility regulator, will be path”, Mitalipov says.
tilization (IVF) was pioneered in the country. allowed to license clinics to carry out the pro- An estimated 1 in 5,000 children are born
The vote lifts a ban on gene-altering ferti- cedures from October, although it could be with diseases caused by mitochondrial muta-
lization techniques known as mitochondrial some time before the first human trials begin. tions, which typically affect energy-hungry
replacement, or three-person IVF, in which Many reproductive biologists see this as a tissues such as the brain, heart and muscles.
mitochondria — the cell’s energy-processing step that will affect the field on a global scale. All mitochondrial DNA is inherited from
structures — from a donor’s egg cell contrib- “We’ve been hoping that the UK will take the the mother, and some women carry harm-
ute to a couple’s embryo. The procedures are lead,” says Shoukhrat Mitalipov, a stem-cell ful mitochondrial mutations without having
intended to prevent the transmission of dis- scientist at Oregon Health & Science Univer- symptoms themselves. Their children can
eases caused by mutations in mitochondrial sity in Portland. His team hopes to apply to experience debilitating and sometimes

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fatal conditions such as muscular Since 2001, the FDA has enforced a mora- It will probably take two to five years to fill
dystrophy or heart disorders. torium on mitochondrial replacement, in these gaps, says Evan Snyder, a stem-
Before giving a green light to clinics wishing after a New Jersey fertility clinic conducted cell biologist at Sanford-Burnham Medical
to offer the treatment, the HFEA will probably a related procedure to improve conception Research Institute in La Jolla, California, who
want further evidence that the procedure is safe, rates. Mitalipov’s push to launch a clinical is chair of the FDA panel.
and will vet applications on a case-by-case basis. trial of mitochondrial replacement set off a Australia is also pondering three-person
The United Kingdom was one of the few series of scientific, ethical and policy reviews IVF. Although the country’s lawmakers opted
countries that explicitly banned mitochon- that are still under way. against relaxing the rules after a 2011 review
drial replacement by law. In many countries, In February 2014, an FDA advisory panel of human-cloning legislation, the UK vote
including China and Japan, the techniques held a two-day meeting to consider the science will “provide enormous ammunition” for
are prevented by regulations that should be of mitochondrial replacement. The panel iden- those seeking changes, says David Thorburn,
simpler to overturn, without legislative inter- tified areas in which it wanted to see more data, a geneticist at the University of Melbourne,
vention, says Tetsuya Ishii, a bioethicist at such as the long-term health of monkeys con- Australia. Still, he adds, “my gut feeling is that
Hokkaido University in Japan. ceived through the procedures, before it could it’s unlikely to succeed until this has been done
The same applies to the United States. move to allow mitochondrial replacement. in practice in the UK”. ■


NIH ponders ‘emeritus grants’

A proposal to pay senior biomedical researchers to wind down their labs draws scepticism.
BY BOER DENG researchers are highly sceptical of the plan, and efficient just to give them that,” he says. “Any

are incensed by what they perceive as a retire- time you try indirect methods, there is much
or years, biomedical researchers in the ment bonus for the already better-resourced. more uncertainty as to what will happen.”
United States have warned of a worri­some “The idea of allocating precious limited federal But the NIH has had mixed success with
trend: as competition for grants increases, research dollars to a special ‘emeritus’ award policies designed to give more money to new
younger scientists are finding it harder to keep appears, at best, tone deaf, and at worst, sug- investigators. Since 2007, the percentage of
up. In 1980, the average age at which research- gests underlying biases within the NIH that grants won by new applicants has approached
ers received their first major award from the favour established researchers,” says neuro- the share reaped by experienced scientists (see
US National Institutes of Health (NIH) was 38; scientist Benjamin Saunders, a postdoctoral ‘Age gap’), but critics say that funded proposals
by 2013, this had risen to more than 45 (ref. 1). researcher at Johns Hopkins University in Balti­ from younger researchers are of lower quality
And the overall share of grant funding won by more, Maryland. than those from older scientists. And despite
scientists younger than 36 withered from 5.6% Economic research suggests that paying the NIH’s efforts, the average age at which a
in 1980 to just 1.2% in 2012. older scientists to abandon their labs is unlikely researcher wins his or her first award has not
Like ageing Crown princes, junior biomedi- to be the most effective way for the NIH to declined.
cal researchers in the United States face long achieve its ultimate goal. Policies for adjust- This may be partly because of broader demo-
years as leaders-in-waiting. Now, in a 3 Feb- ing markets work better when they are direct, graphic changes in the biomedical workforce.
ruary posting, the NIH has asked research- says labour economist Richard Freeman of About 1 in 3 working scientists was over 50
ers whether the agency would be wise to give the National Bureau of Economic Research in in 2010, compared with 1 in 5 in 1993. This
‘emeritus grants’ to senior scientists to induce Cambridge, Massachusetts. “If your goal is to helps to explain why the average age of NIH
them to wrap up their research. The funding have more young researchers have independ- principal investigators has risen. The age of
would “help to ensure the orderly transition of ent awards and positions, it would be more first innovation itself might be increasing, too,
an experienced researcher’s work when they according to analyses of patent filings and the
wish to go on to something else, and also to age at which Nobel laureates win their prizes.

recognize their legacy”, says Sally Rockey, the AGE GAP Benjamin Jones, an economist at Northwest-
NIH’s deputy director for extramural research. The US National Institutes of Health has sought ern University in Evanston, Illinois, has found
If entrenched grant recipients leave the lab, the to increase funding for new investigators, with that over the past century there has been a shift
mixed results.
NIH hopes, more money will be available for towards productive science at older ages, per-
early-career scientists. Established applicant
haps because innovation now requires more
Those who support the idea say that it could First-time applicant knowledge2.
ease the pressure on senior researchers to con- 30 An even bigger challenge is an imbalance
Success rate (%)

tinue working in order to bolster their retire- between the healthy supply of young
ment accounts, which in the United States 20 scientists and the number of senior-level jobs,
largely depend on employee contributions. says Michael Teitelbaum, a demographer at
The evidence for this is anecdotal, however, Harvard Law School in Cambridge, Massa-
and proponents of emeritus grants admit that chusetts. The problem has been exacerbated by
few senior researchers complain that they lack erratic NIH funding. From 1998 to 2003, the
money to close their labs. 0 agency’s budget doubled, to US$27.2 billion.
1998 2002 2006 2010 2014
But judging from more than 100 comments Flush with grant money, academic research
Fiscal year
left on Rockey’s widely read blog, many centres expanded, making jobs for biomedical-

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science graduates plentiful and attracting more Without steady growth in the NIH budget, that year for the NIH’s Early Stage Investigator
students to the field. some have suggested that the solution is to awards — 785 grants aimed at researchers who
Fortunes subsequently reversed. Since 2003, train fewer graduates for careers in biomedical had graduated in the past decade. Too many
the NIH’s budget has contracted by around research. But the pipeline of new investigators heirs are awaiting too few crowns. ■
25% in real terms, increasing competition for shows no signs of drying up. In 2013, US univer-
1. Daniels, R. J. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 112, 313–318
dwindling grant money among the surplus of sities conferred 8,471 biomedical PhDs. These (2015).
early-career scientists created during the boom. joined thousands of other researchers eligible 2. Jones, B. F. Rev. Econ. Stat. 92, 1–14 (2010).

which is spread across six islands, actually


comprises three species.

Andersson’s team also discovered extensive
mixing of genes between species. This is in line
with field observations of hybrid birds made by
study co-authors Peter and Rosemary Grant,
evolutionary biologists at Princeton University
in New Jersey who have worked in the Galapa-
gos for decades. The genomic data reveal that
the birds have been crossbreeding throughout
their evolutionary history.
Darwin famously sketched his initial idea of
phylogeny as a branching tree, above which he
wrote “I think”. Now, says Peter Grant, “he might
wish to redraw that tree by making connections
between some of the branches, representing the
hybridization and gene exchange”.
By looking at closely related finches that have
different beak shapes, the researchers were able
to pinpoint the genes responsible for beak mor-
Ground finches (left) tend to have large beaks for cracking seeds, whereas warbler finches spear insects. phology. One of those genes, ALX1, is involved
in the facial development of vertebrates, includ-
E VOLUTIO NARY B IO LO GY ing fish and mammals. In humans, for example,

Darwin’s finches
loss of ALX1 leads to severe facial deformities2.
In the finches, the gene displayed two distinct
variants that matched up neatly with beak shape.
Individuals from a species with a highly vari-

join genome club

able beak shape — the medium ground finch
(Geospiza fortis) — had a mixture of the blunt
and pointed gene variants. The finding dove-
tails nicely with work by the Grants that docu-
ments the species’ rapid evolution as recently
as the 1980s, when a drought affected the bird’s
Scientists pinpoint genes behind famed beak variations. food supply and its beak started to become more
pointed to accommodate a new diet3.
BY GEOFF MARSH groundbreaking 1831–36 voyage aboard the Andersson suspects that ALX1 drove that

HMS Beagle. “One might really fancy,” he wrote adaptation, but others say the picture is more
esearchers have sequenced the genomes in his diary, “that from an original paucity of complicated. Beaks “differ in many parameters,
of all 15 species of Darwin’s finches, birds in this archipelago, one species had been not just being blunt or pointed”, says Ricardo
revealing a key gene responsible for the taken and modified for different ends.” Almost Mallarino, an evolutionary biologist at Harvard
diversity in the birds’ beaks. The study, pub- two centuries later, his early suspicions have University in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Func-
lished online in Nature this week1, also redraws been widely confirmed. tional studies of ALX1 should help to reveal
the family tree of these iconic birds, whose facial Initially, the finches were classified on the exactly what the gene controls, he says. His col-
variations helped Charles Darwin to formulate basis of their physical characteristics. More league, evolutionary biologist Arkhat Abzhanov,
his theory of natural selection. recently, it has incorporated variations in key says that ALX1 may be especially important for
The finches are endemic to Ecuador’s Galapa- DNA sequences. But nobody had compared finches with very specialized beaks.
gos archipelago and Costa Rica’s Cocos Island. whole-genome data from all 15 species until What would Darwin make of the findings?
Their beaks are adapted to their preferred food: a team led by Leif Andersson, a geneticist at “We would have to give him a crash course in
warbler finches, for example, spear insects with Uppsala University in Sweden, analysed sam- genetics,” Grant says. “But then he would be
thin, sharp beaks, whereas ground finches crack ples from 120 individual birds. “When we did delighted. The results are entirely consistent
open seeds with strong, blunter beaks. The birds the whole DNA sequence of all the species, we with his ideas.” ■
are a textbook example of adaptive radiation, in could redraw that tree,” he says. 1. Lamichhaney, S. et al. Nature http://dx.doi.
which a single ancestor responds to a selective Overall, the researchers found good agree- org/10.1038/nature14181 (2015).
pressure — in this case, food availability — by ment with current taxonomy, but also some 2. Uz, E. et al. Am. J. Hum. Genet. 86, 789–796 (2010).
3. Grant, P. R. & Grant, B. R. 40 Years of Evolution:
diversifying into several species. interesting deviations. For example, they con- Darwin’s Finches on Daphne Major Island (Princeton
Darwin was the first to note this, during his clude that the ground finch Geospiza difficilis, Univ. Press, 2014).

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Coverage (%)
Vaccination rising
The proportion of 1-year-olds 80 80
vaccinated against measles

A race to
worldwide has soared since 1980, 70 2015 VACCINATION TARGET

Vaccination coverage (%)

and that has cut the number of Increased from 73% to 83% Remained at 83–84% 90% of children aged 1 year
cases. However, the global financial 60 vaccinated.
crisis in 2007–08, weak health-care
Targets in trouble

systems and conflict have all
hampered prevention efforts.
The World Health Organization has set targets for 2015 that cut the
Vaccination 40 number of cases and deaths and improve vaccination coverage from
coverage 2000 levels. But it looks unlikely that any of these will be met.

The US media is abuzz after an 20 1.0

outbreak of measles in Disneyland,
but the disease will keep popping 0.8 67% fewer cases
up until it is wiped out worldwide. 75% fewer deaths

Cases (millions)
4 Fewer than 36,500 cases
0.4 Fewer than 26,750 deaths.
Measles debate has reached fever pitch in the United 3

Cases (millions)
States after an outbreak that began in December at A fall … then a stall
Disneyland in southern California. Many media outlets The number of cases has tumbled
and politicians have focused on the country’s growing from a staggering 4.1 million in 2 Deadly data
anti-vaccination movement. However, the bigger problem 1981 to 191,343 in 2014. But the The number of deaths worldwide
decline stalled in 2007 and case 0
lies elsewhere. The United States was declared free of has fallen and stalled in step
numbers have plateaued since. Expanded region with the number of cases. And at
measles in 2000, and all outbreaks since then have been 145,700, the number of deaths
Cases Deaths 1
sparked by imported cases, which will continue to occur in 2013 was slightly higher than
until measles is eradicated worldwide. that in 2007. The number of
people measles kills depends on
The World Health Organization (WHO) has set targets many factors (see ’Different
for 2015, but progress towards them has been slow (see conditions, different disease’).
‘Targets in trouble’). After the Measles & Rubella Initiative 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014
was founded in 2001, the number of cases and deaths
fell. But progress against the disease started to stall in Largest 2012 2013 2014
2007 (see ‘A fall … then a stall’) and vaccination coverage outbreaks
plateaued in 2010, when funding plummeted during The US outbreak that
the global economic slowdown (see ‘Vaccination rising’). sparked the recent debate
over vaccination is tiny
The WHO now concedes that few countries will attain
compared with ones
anywhere near the targets. elsewhere.
The United States has some grounds for concern. = 100 cases
Last year saw 644 cases in 27 states, a record high
since 2000. And by 2013, the proportion of eligible
children who had been vaccinated had dropped by
2% since 2004, to 91%. But the nation’s vaccination
coverage remains high compared with other countries
(see ‘Vaccination coverage worldwide’), and the number
of cases is also small. The recent US outbreak infected
121 people. But China saw 107,000 people infected last
year, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)
had 89,000 cases in 2013 (see ‘Largest outbreaks’). The
proportion of people who die varies depending on where
you are (see ‘Different conditions, different disease’).
15,489 18,668 72,029 26,883 52,852 88,381 17,267 57,564 107,024 121
The last pockets of a disease are always the hardest Indonesia India DRC China Nigeria DRC Vietnam Philippines China United
to eliminate, as shown by polio eradication, which has States
been ‘just around the corner’ for years. But if the Measles
& Rubella Initiative can get vaccinations back on track

Different conditions, different disease Vaccination lows Vaccination coverage worldwide

worldwide, measles may yet follow smallpox, the only
The proportion of infected people who die (case fatality rate) varies depending on More than three-fifths of the estimated With 91% of 1-year-olds vaccinated, the United States comes in 36 countries, including
killer human disease yet to be wiped out in the wild. ■ many factors, including the quality of health care, nutrition and natural immunity. 21.5 million children who were not vaccinated ahead of the WHO’s 2015 target, but behind the 80 countries that Tanzania, Morocco, Greece,
against measles at 9 months of age in 2013 have already attained the WHO’s 2020 target of 95%. Cuba and South Korea, have
came from six countries. attained 99% coverage.
Developed world <0.5% Central African World
India 6.4 million Republic Somalia Nigeria DRC average US UK
Most developing countries <6% Nigeria 2.7 million
Pakistan 1.7 million
High levels of malnutrition and 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
lack of adequate health care <10% Ethiopia 1.1 million
Visit Emergencies or isolated areas Indonesia 0.7 million
with low natural immunity or <30% South Sudan Vaccination coverage Austria WHO 2015 WHO 2020
for interactive graphic.
low vaccination coverage Case fatality rate DRC 0.7 million (% of 1-year olds) target target

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Seven thousand stories

capture impact of science
Language analysis reflects how case studies succeeded in a unique UK research assessment.
B Y R I C H A R D VA N N O O R D E N that universities send in case



studies detailing their work’s
cience benefits society in In the UK REF assessment, impact case studies denser in terms such as ‘major’ wider impact during 2008–13,
and ‘million’ tended to be scored more highly, a text-mining analysis suggests.
myriad ways — but how to and announced that 20% of an
identify and encourage work Major CORRELATION institution’s final grade would be
with high impact is an obsession of Million(s)
BETWEEN based on these contributions (see
funding agencies the world over. Led DENSITY Nature; 2014).
Last month, the United Kingdom Report
AND SCORE Meeting that challenge was a
brought new data to bear on the Policy
massive effort that sometimes
Higher scores
problem: almost 7,000 case stud- Government
involved hiring specialist writ-
ies chronicling the economic, 0.5 ers and consultants. University
cultural and social benefits of College London alone wrote 300
the nation’s scholarship, which 0 case studies that took around
were solicited as part of a unique 15 person-years of work, and hired
assessment exercise. As policy- four full-time staff members to
Cited –0.5
makers pore over the documents, help, says David Price, the univer-
Nature has commissioned its own sity’s vice-provost for research.
analysis, revealing how researchers –1.0 The results have impressed.
described the worth of their work “Every government wants to know
to their paymasters, and hinting at Approach the societal impact of its research,”
Lower scores
buzzwords, including ‘million’ and Academic says Diana Hicks, who studies
‘market’, that garnered high marks. Unit(s) science and technology policy at
Many funding bodies ask aca- Strategy the Georgia Institute of Technol-
demics to plan for the broader Area(s) ogy in Atlanta. “The difficulty is
impacts of their work when they Develop(ed/ment) how to do that broadly when you
apply for grants. But the United Project(s) only have isolated case studies.
Kingdom wanted to reward Conference Britain has cracked that problem
impact that had already been Impact and produced a wonderful data
achieved, says Steven Hill, head University source.”
of research policy at the Higher Research The case-study narratives dem-
Education Funding Council for onstrate “extraordinary breadth
Social work/policy
and planning
Computer sciences
Biological sciences
Psych/neuro sciences
Health care
Clinical medicine

England (HEFCE). The country and depth”, says Jonathan Grant, a

already has an audit culture: it public-policy researcher at King’s
grades the quality of university College London. They range from
research every few years, and chemists who used nanoparticles
hands out £2 billion (US$3 billion) to prevent bacteria damaging the
annually on the basis of that assess- wood of a sunken sixteenth-cen-
REF = Research Excellence Framework. A value of +0.5 means that case studies mentioning a word at
ment. For the 2014 audit, known double the average density were correlated with an assessment score 0.5 higher than average. (In the tury warship to economists who
as the Research Excellence Frame- assessment, scores ran from 1 to 4.) The words displayed are all high-frequency terms that showed
statistically significant correlations in multiple disciplines. Eleven of 36 disciplines studied are shown. Case tested the effects of cash transfers
work, or REF, HEFCE tweaked studies were analysed in clusters, because individual scores for each study were not released.
For a larger image and methodology, see
to poor households in Mexico and
the rules. It added a requirement Colombia.


Why the ● How light makes moths vulnerable Light-speed


US nixed to bats trading;

a carbon- ● Tapeworms battle it out for sequencing
capture dominance in host’s guts Darwin’s finches;
project uxokp9 and ancient Arabic
go.nature. ● Ice ages produce ocean-floor hills optics.
com/gqvgyx nature/podcast

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To draw further insights, Nature asked Paul “I was sceptical about the ‘impact’ process, economic benefits of money spent on research,
Ginsparg, a physicist at Cornell University in but now I think it’s a good thing,” says Price, including job creation, patents and spin-out
Ithaca, New York, who has experience in text- who says it has revealed persuasive stories that companies. On 27 January, a network of Euro-
mining, to run a statistical analysis of the lan- the university can present to funders, industry pean researchers — mainly economists — met
guage used in the case studies. partners, governments and alumni. in Brussels for the first formal meeting of an
A straightforward word count revealed, Some UK academics question whether the effort to trace how science funding in Europe
unsurprisingly, that the terms ‘research’, and impact component to the research assess- leads to wealth and employment across soci-
‘impact’ were the most common, with 200,000 ment will make a significant difference to how ety. The effort is strongly influenced by STAR
and 135,000 appearances respectively, after regional funders distribute their cash — and if METRICS.
words such as ‘the’ or ‘and’ are removed. not, whether it was worth adding. The formula Whether anyone will repeat the United
‘Development’, ‘policy’ and ‘health’ also topped that will link performance on the assessment Kingdom’s impact assessment remains an open
the lists. Notably, the documents name-check to funding allocation question. “We know lots of other countries are
more than 190 countries, suggesting that the “Every will not be released interested in learning from our experience,”
research has huge geographical reach. government until March, but it says Hill. Across the world, most countries that
Ginsparg also looked for statistically wants to know is already clear that have introduced nationwide assessments of
significant correlations between the use of the societal universit ies t hat research quality, such as Australia and Italy, do
certain words and the scores awarded. He impact of its have traditionally not measure impact. Yet governments in both
found that across the disciplines, texts dense in research.” excelled in the audit Sweden and the Czech Republic are currently
words such as ‘million’, ‘market’, ‘government’, of academic output considering an exercise similar to the REF.
‘major’ and ‘global’ tended to be given high — Oxford, Cambridge and Imperial College Back in the United Kingdom, researchers
scores by the judges, who were told to mark on London — also score highly on impact. are already preparing for the next perfor-
the basis of ‘significance’ and ‘reach’ — whereas Internationally, some researchers criticize mance audit, in 2020, with mixed feelings.
over-use of terms such as ‘conference’, ‘univer- the idea of identifying research impact using “We will all be encouraged now to do more
sity’, ‘academic’ and ‘project’ correlated with case studies, rather than by tracking more research that could form a case study —
lower grades (see ‘Power words’). quantifiable economic measures. “I am baffled whether you think this is a good thing or not
Although the correlations do not indicate why a scientific community would go through depends on your subject area,” says Dorothy
causation, they might hint at judges’ preference such a burdensome and artisanal system,” says Bishop, a neuro­psychologist at the Univer-
for narratives of economic impact in particu- Julia Lane, an economist at the American Insti- sity of Oxford. “I have a concern that I may
lar, speculates Gemma Derrick, a researcher at tutes for Research in Washington DC and for- be stuck spending more time evaluating the
Brunel University London who is examining mer director of a US government programme impact of what I do and this will take me away
how the studies were collected and assessed. called STAR METRICS, which monitors the from actually doing it.”■ SEE EDITORIAL P.137

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Scientists are pushing the properties of light to new
extremes. A special issue explores these frontiers.

rom glorious rainbows to the intricate detecting the minute glow of visible light scattered
mechanics of the human eye, light lies at the through body tissues. Such methods are likely
heart of phenomena that have fascinated to lead to more-powerful medical imaging, as
scientists for millennia. Today, the latest optical explained on page 158.
technologies — from lasers to solar cells — harness In another sphere entirely, near-speed-of-light
light to advance physics and to serve society’s needs. communications are set to transform financial
To put light itself in the spotlight, the United trading as laser links between banking centres
Nations designated 2015 the International Year come online. But there are major risks, Mark
of Light and Light-based Technologies. The cel- Buchanan explains on page 161. Trading stocks
ebration is also pegged to a string of anniversaries: in milliseconds pushes algorithms to their lim-
Augustin-Jean Fresnel’s proposal in 1815 that light its, exposing flaws that can escalate in seconds to
is a wave; James Clerk Maxwell’s 1865 electromag- cause hundred-million-dollar losses.
netic theory; Albert Einstein’s 1915 general theory In a News & Views Forum on page 170, two
of relativity; and in 1965, discovery of the cosmic cosmologists reflect on the clues to the origin of
microwave background (CMB) radiation and the the Universe hidden in its oldest light, the CMB.
development of optical fibres for communication. And on page 164, physicist Jim Al-Khalili is daz-
Nature is paying its own tribute to light in this zled by the afterglow of a 1,000-year-old treatise
special issue. Contorting light is the goal of three on the nature of light: Ibn al-Haytham’s Book of
physicists profiled in a News Feature on page 154: Optics. An online collection will highlight key
Miles Padgett twists laser beams to encode binary papers on light from journals across Nature
information; Pierre Berini reshapes light waves to Publishing Group throughout the year (see
speed up digital communications; and Margaret

Murnane dissects X-rays into ultrafast attosecond With so many facets, scientists’ fascination with
pulses, one billionth of a billionth of a second long, light looks unlikely to fade. ■
to probe materials in exquisite details.
Some advances in the physics of light are of
great benefit to biology and medicine. Borrowing
from astronomers, biophysicists are developing
A Nature special issue
techniques for seeing through opaque layers, by

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Miles Padgett

hysicist Miles Padgett starts


to describe the concept of
twisted light by taking down
a rainbow-coloured spiral that
hangs from the ceiling of his
office at the University of Glasgow, UK. Then
he stops and scours the room for more props:
dinner plates, paper, pencils and even leftover
Shape it, squeeze it, energize it Christmas chocolates.
Light is made of oscillating electric and mag-
or tie it into knots. Scientists are netic fields, he explains. In a conventional laser
taking light to new extremes. beam, the oscillations are always in step, with
the peaks and troughs lined up from one side
of the beam to the other. (Padgett illustrates the
| BY ELIZABETH GIBNEY | flat, planar waves with a stack of dinner plates
that he moves face-forward.)
But things get more interesting when parts of
the beam fall out of step. This is where Padgett
points to the spiral: the peaks of the wavefront
can be manipulated to the point at which they
curl around the beam’s direction of motion in
a corkscrew. This is twisted light, says Padgett,
who has spent two decades learning to exploit
its unique properties.
He has pioneered applications that range
from moving cells without physically touch-
ing them to packing lots of information into
an optical signal — and even tying light in
knots. In the process, he has developed a
rare instinct for the subject, say collaborators
and colleagues. “Many other scientists might
need to do a calculation, run a model or do an
experiment before they can get an idea about
how light should behave,” says Mark Dennis, a
theoretical physicist at the University of Bris-
tol, UK. “One of Miles’s great talents is having
this knack at being able to anticipate what the
results should be.”
Props are not the only thing in Padgett’s office.
It houses the lab’s coffee machine, and doubles
as its kitchen and common room — complete
with sink. Padgett is a fan of productive chance
encounters, and likes to keep the place buzzing
with people picking each other’s brains.
It was a chance encounter that led him to
twisted light in the first place. In 1994, as a
research fellow at the University of St Andrews,
UK, he had dinner with physicist Les Allen
intending to discuss laser technology. But the
conversation turned to Allen’s experiments
with twisted light1. Allen, then at the Univer-
sity of Essex in Colchester, UK, baited Padgett
by saying that he knew how to give the light its
twist using the stem of his wine glass as a lens.
This strange idea had Padgett hooked. By 1997,

A Nature special issue

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Pierre Berini
ierre Berini knows a bargain when he sees one; the evi-

dence is in his lab, which is cluttered with lasers, oscillators
and other components that he bought at auctions after
local companies folded. The University of Ottawa physi-
cist often buys in batches, after spotting essential items in a
job lot that otherwise looks like junk. “There are lots of surprises,” he says.
Berini has a certain sympathy for the failed companies. He is a leader in
plasmonics, a way of manipulating electrons with light that could be used
to transmit information in super-fast computers. Months after launching

a venture-backed firm, Spectalis, to market plasmonics circuitry to the

communications industry in the early 2000s, he began to feel the effects of
the dot-com bubble bursting. He ended up hosting an auction of his own
and closing shop. Unperturbed, he plans to try again this year, launching
a company to apply his technology to tiny sensors in handheld devices
that detect diseases rapidly and with extreme sensitivity.
The devices use a peculiar kind of light that emerges from waves

he and his colleagues had not only learned how much less constrained by quantum mechanics. a decade to create the complex mathematical
to make twisted light for themselves, but had In theory, says Padgett, twisted light can have recipe of overlapping beams needed to make
also devised a way for it to function as an ‘opti- an infinite number of orbital angular momen- an isolated, pretzel-like knot. Only with the
cal spanner’ to trap cells and other microscopic tum patterns, or modes, each twisted tighter recipe in hand could Padgett’s team use its light-
particles, then rotate them into any position2. than the last. “This is like having a whole shaping skills to make the abstract mathematics
Turning light into a spanner is really about alphabet with which to communicate,” he says. a physical reality.
shaping it, Padgett says. A very simple example A decade ago, Padgett was among the first Padgett believes that the best way for a person
of shaping is a digital projector, which creates a to show that each mode can be used to encode to succeed is for them to find something they are
changing image by altering a beam’s intensity different information3 — such as shades of grey good at, and then to apply it everywhere. “Our
pixel by pixel. A more sophisticated example or numbers — which allows much more data team can shape light beams,” he says. “So we use
is a liquid-crystal device that does nothing to to be carried by the same optical signal than shaped light in communications, microscopy,
the intensity of the light passing through each is possible with just spin encoding. Last year, in imaging, in sensors. We always ask, how can
pixel, but instead shifts its ‘phase’ — the rela- a team at the University of Vienna encoded we apply what we know to areas that others are
tive position of the wave’s peaks and troughs. grey-scale images of Wolfgang Amadeus interested in?” He is using that philosophy in
In the stacked-dinner-plate analogy, the plates Mozart and other famous Austrians using his latest project: leading the Quantum Imaging
collectively warp and bend. 16 twisted modes, and successfully sent the Hub, a collaboration between 6 universities and
Getting to twisted light is a matter of taking images through 3 kilometres 30 companies, which is one of
that warping to extremes — so that the wave- of air4 (see Nature http://doi. the 4 Quantum Technology
fronts form a spiral. That twist means that the org/ztt; 2014). By using extra “This is like having Hubs launched last Novem-
beam not only exerts radiation pressure on the channels of information, such a whole alphabet ber by the UK govern­ment.
objects it encounters, nudging them forward, techniques could increase with which to His group is creating infrared
but also tries to rotate them. “It’s just like turn- the data-carrying capacity of cameras that use a single-pixel
ing and pushing a door knob to open a door,” fibre-optic cables and radio communicate.” detector rather than the mil-
says Padgett. The optical spanner passes this waves. lions of expensive pixels in a
momentum to microscopic objects to trap, Padgett has found even more imaginative conventional camera. By projecting masks of
rotate and move them. Using such devices, ways to play with twisted light. When a beam of black and white squares onto an object, flicker-
biologists can bump beads into cells to meas- it illuminates a wall, for example, the spot will ing 20,000 times a second, the team can measure
ure the cells’ stiffness, and engineers can create have a dark centre. That is because a spinning how incoming intensity varies, and reconstruct
unique nanoscale materials. beam of light has a vortex in the middle where a picture7. “It’s a convoluted, but much cheaper,
Twisted light also provides a new way intensity is zero. Look closely at a spot of laser way of doing the job,” says Matthew Edgar, a
to encode information. The conventional light, says Padgett, and it seems to be riddled physicist in Padgett’s lab. With image-compres-
approach to doing this with light is to encode with such dark spots, known as speckles. If you sion techniques and boosted computer power,
each bit as a single photon spinning either could trace these spots back through the laser the team hopes to extend the technique to video,
clockwise or anticlockwise around its direction beam, they would form continuous lines of zero allowing infrared cameras to spot gas leaks or
of motion. Quantum mechanics allows only intensity twining in three dimensions5. “These see through smoke.
those two possibilities, so this gives a natural can be like cooked spaghetti, or you can form Back in his office and packing up to head into
way to represent the 1s and 0s of binary code. them into spaghetti hoops or even chain mail,” the Glasgow rain, Padgett reflects on what he
But twisted light has an extra rotational says Padgett. (He points to a poster on his wall loves about light. It is not its endless uses. Instead,
quantity known as orbital angular momentum. showing what that looks like: its title is ‘Speckle- he says, the beauty of light is that the more deeply
This differs from intrinsic spin in the same way ghetti’.) In 2010, he and his collaborators showed you understand it, the more straightforward it
as Earth’s yearly motion around the Sun dif- how to form the lines into knots6. It took theorist gets. “If light ever surprises me, it’s not in its com-
fers from its daily rotation on its axis. And it is Mark Dennis at the University of Bristol, UK, plexity, but that it is so simple,” he says. ■

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of electrons propagating across a metal surface in contact with an cannot focus to spots much smaller than a micrometre. “It’s a fundamental
insulator, such as air or glass. When excited with a laser, these charges, or incompatibility,” says Berini. The smaller wavelengths available with plas-
plasmons, generate fluctuating electric and magnetic fields that flow just mons looked promising, but plasmonic light does not always behave. The
above the metal surface. Trapped at the interface, the waves can be fun- waves, created by the movement of electrons, decay quickly as a result of
nelled into structures that confine their wavelengths to a few tens of nano- resistance in the metal, and they travel only micrometres.
metres — as little as one-tenth of the laser’s wavelength. The squeezed Berini used tools that can craft nanoscale structures, which were
waves travel more slowly than laser light, so can retain the same frequency. becoming cheaper and more readily available, to create the first plasmonic
Berini backed into studying plasmonics while looking for ways to waves that could travel for centimetres (ref. 8). His lab made whole cir-
improve normal electrical components and photo detectors in the late cuits, guiding plasmons down metal strips less than 30 nanometres thick.
1990s. Light travels much faster than electrical signals, so using it to But allowing the waves to travel farther increases the light’s wavelength.
connect silicon chips would massively speed up calculations. But light Although plasmonic waves are still smaller than conventional light waves,
is limited by its wavelength: although electronic devices can be shrunk to the compromise lessened their advantage and Berini found it tough to
a few tens of nanometres, the infrared light used in telecommunications crack the telecommunications industry, where each component in use


hen Margaret Murnane was

growing up in rural County
Limerick, Ireland, in the 1960s,
she had no talent for activities
considered suitable for girls,
such as sewing or art, and never thought of
herself as being good with her hands. What she
did enjoy was going on long walks with her
father, and gazing at rain-drenched Ireland’s
multitude of rainbows — an activity that led
to a lifelong fascination with light. In follow-
ing that passion, she says, “it turned out I have
a talent I never knew for aligning lasers. But in
normal life, how would you ever know?”
Murnane’s life is now that of a physicist at
JILA in Boulder, Colorado, a joint institute
between the University of Colorado and the US
National Institute of Standards and Technology.
There, with husband Henry Kapteyn, she runs
a lab that is leading development of an X-ray
laser that strobes in attosecond pulses, each
blast lasting just one-billionth of one-billionth
of a second — almost the same proportion of a
second as that second is of the entire age of the
Universe. Such ultrafast X-rays, which have tiny
wavelengths and high energies, are often used
to penetrate deep into atoms and image them
at the nanometre scale. Usually, this happens
at billion-dollar facilities that generate X-rays
by accelerating electrons to near light speeds,
such as the SLAC Linac Coherent Light Source
in Menlo Park, California. By contrast, Mur-
nane’s set-up fits on a dining-room table. It
allows scientists to watch the movement of elec-
trons around atoms, probing chemical bonds or
studying spins in a magnetic hard drive. have worked together ever since — forming generate laser-like light beams at high energies.

Murnane’s background — a childhood spent a stable partnership that Murnane believes Rather than accelerating electrons, as huge
without central heating or indoor plumbing, underlies their scientific success. “It helps to facilities do, their strategy was to combine
but with a love of knowledge and learning — have someone who will challenge you hard. many visible-light photons into a handful of
lies behind much of her drive, says Kapteyn. Those relationships are good for science, but higher-energy X-ray photons. The process
“She worked her way up,” he says. Murnane difficult for individuals to learn,” she says. has an analogy with sound. In stringed instru-
met Kapteyn as a graduate student at the Uni- Together they tackled a problem that they ments, plucking a string gently generates a
versity of California, Berkeley, and the two first attempted in graduate school — how to single tone. “If you pluck it harder and harder,

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had been honed over decades. So he and others have been busy developing Today, Berini is recycling the efforts made in long-range circuits to
other techniques to deal with the short range of plasmonic light, either make a detector for dengue fever. The device, a handheld biosensor
branching out into applications that turn the loss into an advantage, such developed last year with researchers at the University of Malaya in Kuala
as photodetectors, or by using nanostructures to amplify the waves. Physi- Lumpur, sends plasmon waves down a chip scattered with dengue virus
cists are now developing an assortment of nanoshapes — stars, rods and particles. A blood sample is placed on the chip; if the donor has the infec-
crescents — in a range of materials that could harness these waves for tion, the sample will contain antibodies that bind to the virus, disrupting
applications such as capturing solar energy, killing cancer cells and creat- the wave and producing a signal9. Berini says that the sensors could speed
ing chip-integrated lasers, known as spasers. up diagnosis, which normally involves sending samples away to a lab.
Henry Schriemer, a physicist at the University of Ottawa, calls Berini a A new company is now in the works to commercialize a range of simi-
“quintessential experimentalist with a deep appreciation for the theory”. lar biosensors. But Berini believes that the application is just one of many
But Berini says that it is applications that turn his lab on; he attributes that squeezed light will have in the future. “With plasmonics, there is a
this entrepreneurial bent to his parents, who ran their own businesses in lot of new physics to be uncovered,” he says. All of which means that
Timmins, the Ontario mining and logging community where he grew up. some of the random equipment that litters the lab might find a new use. ■

of higher-energy photons. The team succeeded and Andrius Baltuska at the Vienna University
in making bright ultraviolet beams10, but it was of Technology, is still working on refining the
more difficult to increase the energy while desktop set-up to make it even faster, more
keeping the beam laser-like, with the waves energetic and smaller. That would allow them
emerging in synchrony. to probe even quicker processes, deeper within
Murnane often says that she picked physics materials and with higher resolution. “We’re
“because it was the hardest subject” at uni- pretty optimistic we can do it,” says Murnane.
versity — an attitude that stood her in good After visible lasers were invented in 1960,
stead with this challenge, which took 15 years they underwent rapid development; the same
to solve. The solution was to engage in what revolution is now happening for tabletop X-ray
she calls “a very different way of thinking”, sources. Other labs around the world have
and start not with visible-light developed similar approaches,
lasers, but with longer-wave- says Olga Smirnova, a theorist
length infrared lasers. The
“She is really at the Max Born Institute. But
photons had much less energy able to push the what makes the JILA technique
than before. But they resonated envelope of what stand out is the ability to pro-
much more strongly with the
electrons in the helium atoms
is possible, year duce such high-frequency light,
with such efficiency. And then
— in effect, giving the string a after year.” there is Murnane herself, says
much stronger pluck — which Smirnova: “She is really able
allowed the team to combine more than to push the envelope of what is possible, year
5,000 laser photons into a single X-ray photon. after year.”
Theorists believed that the technique would Murnane insists that they have not reached
be too inefficient to make usable beams. But the limit yet — that higher-energy X-rays and
by carefully tuning the helium gas so that the even faster, zeptosecond (10−21 s) pulses may be
laser and X-rays travelled at the same speed, possible. “A misconception in science some-
Murnane’s team predicted, then proved, that times is that lasers are now an old technology,
the X-rays would emerge in step, as a bright and there’s nothing new to learn,” she says.
beam11. “What was amazing was not just that “That’s so far from the truth. ■
they got the X-rays, but that they got plenty of
them,” says Mikhail Ivanov, a physicist at the Elizabeth Gibney is a reporter for Nature in
Max Born Institute for Nonlinear Optics and London.
Short Pulse Spectroscopy in Berlin.
1. Allen, L., Beijersbergen, M. W., Spreeuw, R. J. C. &
Murnane and Kapteyn have now made Woerdman, J. P. Phys. Rev. A 45, 8185 (1992).
ultrafast lasers that produce X-rays of up to 2. Simpson, N. B., Dholakia, K., Allen, L. &
1,000 electronvolts in energy, and in atto­second Padgett, M. J. Opt. Lett. 22, 52–54 (1997).
3. Gibson, G. et al. Opt. Express 12, 5448–5456
pulses. Although these devices do not reach the (2004).
energies or brightness attained at the big free- 4. Krenn, M. et al. New J. Phys. 16, 113028 (2014).
electron laser facilities, they come close. And, at 5. O’Holleran, K., Dennis, M. R., Flossmann, F. &
Padgett, M. J. Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 053902 (2008).
US$1 million, they are around one-thousandth 6. Dennis, M. R., King, R. P., Jack, B., O’Holleran, K. &
of the price. The lab at JILA has eight such Padgett, M. J. Nature Phys. 6, 118–121 (2010).
lasers, and discoveries in the nano-world are 7. Sun, B. et al. Science 340, 844–847 (2013).
8. Charbonneau, R., Berini, P., Berolo, E. & Lisicka-
higher harmonics emerge,” says Murnane, starting to trickle in. Murnane both builds and Shrzek, E. Opt. Lett. 25, 844–846 (2000).
each at larger integer multiples of the original uses the lasers — processing the X-ray scatter 9. Wong, W. R., Krupin, O., Sekaran, S. D., Mahamd
frequency. When ultrashort-pulse lasers were patterns to capture images of charge and spin Adikan, F. R. & Berini, P. Anal. Chem. 86, 1735–
1743 (2014).
developed in the 1990s, Murnane and Kapteyn flows within materials. One counter-intuitive 10. Durfee, C. G. III, Backus, S., Murnane, M. M. &
realized that they might be able to use them to finding is that nanometre-sized heat sources Kapteyn, H. C. Opt. Lett. 22, 1565–1567 (1997).
‘pluck’ an electron violently — accelerating it cool quicker when packed closer together12. 11. Popmintchev, T. et al. Science 336, 1287–1291
away from and back towards an atom of helium Murnane, together with collaborators includ- 12. Hoogeboom-Pot, K. et al. Springer Proc. Phys. 162,
— and thereby generate harmonics in the form ing Kapteyn and Tenio Popmintchev at JILA 341–344 (2015).

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by Zeeya Merali

t seemed too good to be true, says Allard Mosk. It was 2007, and times brighter than they had hoped for. “This just doesn’t happen on the

he was working with Ivo Vellekoop, a student in his group at the first day of your experiment,” exclaims Mosk. “We thought we’d made a
University of Twente in Enschede, the Netherlands, to shine a beam mistake and there must be a hole in our slide letting the light through!”
of visible light through a ‘solid wall’ — a glass slide covered with But there was no hole. Instead, their experiment became the first of
white paint — and then focus it on the other side. They did not have a two independent studies1,2 that were carried out that year pioneering
particular application in mind. “I really just wanted to try this because ways to see through opaque barriers. So far it is still a laboratory exercise.
it had never been done before,” Mosk says. And But progress has been rapid. Researchers have
in truth, the two researchers did not expect to
pick up much more than a faint blur.
LIGHT now managed to obtain good-quality images
through thin tissues such as mouse ears3, and
But as it turned out, their very first attempt1 A Nature special issue are working on ways to go deeper. And if they
produced a sharp pinprick of light a hundred can meet the still-daunting challenges, such as

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dealing with tissues that move or stretch, potential applications abound. These researchers had used a different technique to focus scattered
Visible-light images obtained from deep within the body might elimi- optical light, and a different opaque substance: a thin slice of chicken
nate the need for intrusive biopsies, for example. Or laser light could be breast2. But they, too, were surprised by how easy it was to do. “I had
focused to treat aneurysms in the brain or target inoperable tumours thought ‘we’ll spend six months on this, and when it doesn’t work, we’ll
without the need for surgery. chalk it up as a learning experience’,” says Yang. “But actually it wasn’t
“Just ten years ago, we couldn’t imagine high-resolution imaging down that hard.”
to even 1 centimetre in the body with optical light, but now that has now Soon after the two papers were published, the field exploded as other
become a reality,” says Lihong Wang, a biomedical engineer at Washing- physicists rushed to join in. One of them was optical physicist Jacopo
ton University in St. Louis, Missouri. “Call me crazy, but I believe that we Bertolotti, who came to work with Mosk in 2010. Bertolotti, now at the
will eventually be doing whole-body imaging with optical light.” University of Exeter, UK, says that he was drawn both by the “beauty
of the experiment” and by the potential it offered for medical imaging.
RICH SOURCE But he could see that that goal was still a long way off.
It is already possible to peer inside the body with X-rays and ultrasound.
But the images produced by such tools are crude compared with those
that should be possible with visible light. Partly this is because visible-
light images tend to have higher resolution, says Wang. But it is also
because optical wavelengths interact strongly with organic molecules,
“ C A L L M E C R A Z Y, B U T I B E L I E V E
so the reflected light is packed with information about biochemical
changes, cellular anomalies and glucose and oxygen levels in the blood.
However, those interactions also make visible light prone to scatter-
ing and absorption. Absorption will scupper any imaging attempt: the DOING WHOLE-BODY IMAGING WITH
information the photons pick up is lost as they are absorbed into the
material. Scattering, however, preserves a ray of hope. Many materi- OPTICAL LIGHT.”
als, such as skin, white paint or fog, are ‘opaque’ only because photons
passing through them ricochet until they are thoroughly scrambled.
But they are not lost — so in principle, the scrambling can be reversed. The first issue that Bertolotti faced was that Mosk’s original set-up
Astronomers have already solved a version of this scattering problem required a camera to be placed behind the opaque surface. That is a
using a technology called adaptive optics, which allows them to undo problem for medical applications because placing a camera under the
the distortions imposed on images of stars, planets and galaxies by the skin would involve surgery, which would be invasive, dangerous and
scattering of light in the atmosphere (see Nature 517, 430–432; 2015). rarely worth the risk. In 2012, however, Bertolotti, Mosk and their col-
The basic idea is to collect light from a bright reference star and use an leagues devised a way to put both the laser light source and the detector
algorithm to calculate how the atmosphere has smeared and blurred in front of the surface4.
its point-like image. The algorithm then controls a special ‘deformable’ Their target was a fluorescent Greek letter π just 50 micrometres
mirror that cancels out the atmospheric distortions, turns the guide-star across hidden behind a thin opaque screen. As such, the target was
image into a point, and at the same time brings other distant objects roughly the same size as a cell and analogous with medical techniques
into sharp focus. that involved injecting fluorescent dyes into living tissue to aid in imag-
Unfortunately, this technique is tough to use in the body. Targets deep ing. When the laser was switched on, the photons would bounce their
inside biological tissues do not shine the way that stars do — they have way through the screen and produce a diffuse illumination of the fluo-
to be illuminated from the outside — and the scatterers are much more rescent π. The light reflected from the letter would then make its way
densely packed than those that scatter light in the atmosphere. “You’d back through the screen and produce a blurry speckled pattern on the
need the equivalent of a deformable mirror with billions of moving parts other side. It was like trying to see the symbol through a shower curtain.
to compensate for the scattering caused by an egg shell,” says Ori Katz, Yet the shape of the letter was still encoded in the scattered light. To
an optical physicist at the Langevin Institute in Paris. That is why Mosk retrieve that shape, the team recorded the speckle pattern, moved the
and Vellekoop were not too hopeful of success when they started. Still, laser to shine at a different angle, then recorded the new speckle pat-
the pair took heart from the advance of technology. “Until recently it tern4. By repeating this many times and comparing the patterns point
had been preposterous to think you could control a million pixels, but, by point, a computer could work out how the patterns were correlated
by 2007, every smartphone could do it,” says Mosk. — and from that, work backwards to reconstruct the hidden letter π.
They therefore made use of a ‘spatial light modulator’: a device simi- That was progress, says Bertolotti, but it still was not good enough. “It
lar to an LCD smartphone display that can control the transmission of only works if the object to be imaged is on the other side of the scattering
different parts of a laser beam by delaying one part relative to another. medium,” he says. For many medical applications, such as seeing inside
They fired their laser through the modulator towards the painted glass the brain, or within a blood vessel, the target is buried within tissue.
slide, placed a detector beyond the slide and used a computer to moni-
tor how much light the detector picked up. The computer then added INSIDE OUT
and subtracted delays at each pixel of the modulator, going through a The challenge of imaging inside the scattering medium has been taken
process of trial and error to see what changes minimized the scattering up by a number of groups, including Yang’s and Wang’s. In 2013, for
of the laser light as it passed through the slide. In effect, it was trying instance, Yang’s team achieved this feat with unprecedented resolution
to give the incoming light a distortion that the opaque barrier would by picking out a fluorescent bead just one micrometre across sand-
exactly cancel out. Mosk and Vellekoop ran the algorithm for more wiched between two artificial opaque layers5.
than an hour, and when it was done they had a result that beat all their Yang, together with biologist Benjamin Judkewitz and the rest of his
expectations: a focus that was a thousand times more intense than the team did this by illuminating the medium and letting the light bounce
background signal1. its way through to the other side, then reflecting it back with a ‘time-
“The Mosk experiment was an eye-opener,” says Katz. “It changed the reversing’ mirror, which effectively forces every light ray to exactly
paradigm of what could be done with optical light.” retrace its steps. Time-reversing all the rays would simply undo all the
Soon after his succcess, Mosk learned of similar work being done by scattering, however. So instead, the team focused an ultrasound beam
bioengineer Changhuei Yang and his team at the California Institute of — which is not easily scattered — at one point in the medium, knowing
Technology in Pasadena. that any optical light that happened to pass through that point would

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One way to see inside opaque materials is to combine ultrasound with a ‘time-reversing’
mirror system, which forces every light ray to exactly retrace its steps.

Opaque material Ultrasound generator

Input Detector

Focal Target


Time-reversing mirror

In many opaque materials — A beam of ultrasound (yellow rings) A time-reversing mirror sends back The focal point is scanned through
including living tissue, white paint is focused at some point within the only the frequency-shifted light. When the material. When it passes over
and fog — light is not actually material. Any light that happens to the light retraces its steps, it passes targets labelled with a fluorescent
absorbed. It simply bounces around bounce through this point will through the ultrasound focal point dye, the structures emit a detectable
in the material until it is too undergo a slight shift in its frequency and adds its energy to the light glow — and researchers can build up
scrambled to form an image. (blue rays). coming through on the first pass. a map of the interior.

undergo a slight shift in frequency. Then on the far side, the researchers stands out above the rest. Each has its advantages and disadvantages.
set up the time-reversing mirror tuned so that it would send back only “Rather than developing one technique that’s good for everything, I
the light that had experienced that frequency shift. The result was a thin, think we’ll develop a suite of techniques that could one day all be com-
time-reversed beam that would automatically pass back through the bined into the same piece of apparatus,” he says. “I don’t know how
focus and add its energy to the light from the first pass. This turned the quickly that might happen, but this is a young and fast-moving com-
ultrasound focus into a spot of comparatively high radiation intensity munity, so it could be within a few years.”
— “a torch inside the wall”, says Judkewitz, who is now at the Charité The techniques now being pioneered by bioengineers and physicists
University Hospital in Berlin. Better still, the ultrasound focus could be for medicine could also be put to a range of other purposes. Mosk, for
moved around within the medium. And when it passed over the bead, example, believes that these methods could be a tool for art restoration.
the bead fluoresced (See ‘Light and sound’). “Most painters build up works in several layers, and the layers below
However, the technique was still a long way from seeing into deep can influence the chemical and physical ageing of the painting, so it’s of
layers of tissue, which pose another, much tougher challenge: they tend some significance that you know what is in there if you want to preserve
to move constantly as a result of blood flow and breathing. “We are still it,” he says. Methods that in effect unscatter light could also help the
not so close to medical applications because these techniques tend to telecommunications industry to unscramble the noise in optical fibres
work only if the scattering medium is perfectly frozen in time,” says that is caused by scattered light.
Mathias Fink, a physicist at Langevin who pioneered a version of the Another obvious customer is the military, says Fink, who thinks that
time-reversal technique in the 1990s that used ultrasound alone6. Most the technology could be used to allow soldiers to see through a portable
groups have reduced the timing from Mosk’s original hour or so to just shield — either a physical screen or a fogging spray — that obscures
tens of seconds, says Katz, and that is fine for imaging a bead or a letter them from their enemy’s view. “It’s not the same as being invisible, but
π, but not for imaging a tumour in the body. it would allow you to see others while not being seen,” he says.
But last year, a team led by Sylvain Gigan, a physicist at the Kastler Almost all the scientists in this young field get excited when they start
Brossel Laboratory in Paris, and including Katz and Fink, demonstrated dreaming of applications. But Gigan, for one, is keen to keep the applica-
a way to reconstruct the image of the hidden object in just one camera tions above board. “When we tell people what we do, someone always
shot7. “It’s a bit like magic when you see the algorithm converge on the asks if we’ll create a phone app to let people look through shower cur-
final image,” Gigan says. tains,” he says. “This is something that could be done with our technique
Wang agrees that speed is of the essence. “Everything is in motion and — but we don’t intend to do it.” ■
we only have a millisecond-scale window to make an image,” he says.
In a paper published in January3, Wang and his team managed to get Zeeya Merali is a freelance writer in London.
the speed down to 5.6 milliseconds, “which is fast enough for selected
in vivo imaging”, he says. Furthermore, their target was made from ink- 1. Vellekoop, I. M. & Mosk, A. P. Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 120601 (2008).
2. Yaqoob, Z., Psaltis, D., Feld, M. S. & Yang, C. Nature Photon. 2, 110–115 (2008).
stained gelatin and sandwiched between the ear of an anaesthetized 3. Liu, Y. et al. Nature Commun. 6, 5904 (2015).
mouse and a ground-glass diffuser. Getting success with a live mouse is 4. Bertolotti, J. et al. Nature 491, 232–234 (2012).
impressive, says Bertolotti — although he points out that “moving from 5. Judkewitz, B., Wang Y. M., Horstmeyer, R., Mathy, A. & Yang, C. Nature Photon. 7,
a mouse ear, which is relatively thin, to imaging human skin and flesh 300–305 (2013).
6. Cassereau, D. & Fink, M. IEEE Trans. Ultrason. Ferroelectr. Freq. Control 39,
will still take a lot of extra work”. 579–592 (1992).
As of today, Bertolotti adds, there is still no imaging approach that 7. Katz, O., Heidmann, P., Fink, M. & Gigan, S. Nature Photon. 8, 784–790 (2014).

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LIGHT Reflections on a
COMMENT THEATRE Tom Stoppard tackles CONSERVATION Fishing lobbyists OBITUARY Hubert Markl,
thousand-year-old the science of consciousness, re-open debate over Brazil’s architect of German science
optics text p.164 using fraud and finance p.166 Red List p.167 system, remembered p.168

A software glitch at trading firm Knight Capital caused losses of US$440 million in a single day in 2012.

Trading at the speed of light

To minimize risks, we must learn more about how financial markets
operate at ever faster rates, urges Mark Buchanan.

inancial traders are in a race to make a vacuum (300,000 kilometres per second). Jersey as well as the London and Frankfurt
transactions ever faster. In today’s high- To go faster, data must travel through the air. financial exchanges1.
tech exchanges, firms can execute more The corridors between Chicago and New Next up may be hollow-core fibre cables,
than 100,000 trades in a second for a single York and New Jersey, and between London through which light would travel in a tiny air
customer. This summer, London and New and Frankfurt, are bristling with efficient gap at light speed. Trading firms speculate
York’s financial centres will become able to microwave and millimetre-wave links. An about a fleet of balloons or uncrewed solar-
communicate 2.6 milliseconds (about 10%) even more efficient network of lasers — powered drones carrying signal repeaters to
faster after the opening of a transatlantic based on military technology for in-flight support a network of links across the oceans.
fibre-optic line dubbed the Hibernia Express, signalling between aeroplanes — has been In a decade or so, firms may even commu-
costing US$300 million. As technology installed to link the New York and New nicate using neutrinos, which travel at the
advances, trading speed is increasingly lim- speed of light and can go through obstacles,
ited only by fundamental physics, and the
ultimate barrier — the speed of light.
LIGHT including Earth. It all spells big profits for
high-tech trading firms, which now account
Through glass optical fibres, information
A Nature special issue for around 50% of equity trading in the
travels at two-thirds of the speed of light in United States and in Europe.

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a profit from the spread. The algorithms they

use to trade profitably make more errors and
are programmed to get out of the market
altogether when markets get too volatile.
The problem is exacerbated by the similar-
ity of the algorithms used by many high-fre-
quency trading firms — they all bail out at
the same time. That is what happened in the
2010 flash crash. (Of course, this problem
happens with human traders too, who flee
markets when they get too scary.)
Another good thing about high-frequency
trading is that it helps to synchronize prices
across markets5. It takes time to digest infor-
mation, draw out implications and align
prices. If prices in sugar or high-fructose
corn syrup rose, stocks in Coca Cola would
fall quickly; those of less well-known soft-
drink companies would take longer. High-
frequency trade speeds up that process. In
2000, it took minutes on average for a price
change in one security to flow to others. Now
it takes less than ten seconds. Not every­one
Laser units on rooftops connect New Jersey’s Nasdaq data centre with the New York Stock Exchange. likes this: fast synchronization wipes out
profit opportunities for firms that make
But some firms claim that uneven access millimetre waves to overcome rain, fog and money by knowing about the momentary
to extreme speed erodes trading fairness. snow. Adaptive alignment mechanisms keep price imbalances.
And system-wide failures occur when algo- the links working even if winds make towers
rithms interact in unforeseen ways — such twist by up to 3°. But microwaves and lasers MARKET DYNAMICS
as in the ‘flash crash’ of 6 May 2010, when cannot be used over long distances without Some high-frequency firms exploit an anach-
the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell by the repeaters. They attenuate quickly in the ronism in the structure of markets. By US law,
largest daily amount ever within minutes atmosphere and do not curve around Earth. each regulated exchange must feed its best
(see ‘Flash crash’). No one knows when a Some economists question the worth of available prices for a stock, sale and purchase,
similar event might spill over into global such investments. Joseph Stiglitz, a Nobel to a central facility, which uses that informa-
markets. laureate in economics, is among those who tion to establish a public National Best Bid
Avoiding these risks will require intensive argue that rapid trading is socially useless2. and Offer (NBBO). But exchanges also sell
research on how markets work — as complex High-frequency firms quickly cancel about faster proprietary data feeds that firms can
ecologies of interacting algorithms — and 95% of the orders they make3. Worse, speed use to predict the NBBO in advance, gain-
how countermeasures could avert disasters. may impede proper market function. The ing an edge over anyone using the pubic
traditional purpose of financial markets is information alone. Hence, high-frequency
GETTING AHEAD to pool diverse information from many peo- firms can move in ahead of slower traders.
High-frequency trading relies on fast ple to channel investment resources. That This tends to further synchronize prices. Big
computers, algorithms for deciding what requires trading based on insight, depth of investors such as mutual funds and pension
and when to buy or sell, and live feeds study and patience — all foreign to the high-
of financial data from exchanges. Every frequency algorithm-based system2.


microsecond of advantage counts. Faster FLASH CRASH
data links between exchanges minimize the GOOD, BAD AND UGLY On 6 May 2010, the market value of the Dow
time it takes to make a trade; firms fight over Fast trading has pros and cons. First, it gives Jones Industrial Average index fell by 9%,
but recovered in minutes. High-speed trading
whose computer can be placed closest; trad- markets ‘liquidity’ — it makes it easier for algorithms were in part to blame.
ers jockey to sit closer to the pipe. It all costs investors to find trading partners at reason-
money — renting fast links costs around able prices. Liquid markets benefit trade
$10,000 per month. in the same way that free-flowing traffic 16.00
Communications technology is a limiting helps transport. Such markets tend to have 10,800 10,517
Dow Jones Industrial Average

factor. Fibre-optic cables carry the most data, low ‘spreads’ — the difference between the Time: 09.30
but do not give the speed required. The fast- prices at which one can buy or sell a stock, 10,600 Index: 10,862
est links carry information over a geodesic which reflects the fee that dealers demand
arc — the shortest path on Earth’s surface and thus transaction costs for investors. As 10,400
between two points. So line-of-sight micro- high-frequency trading has grown over the
waves are a better option; millimetre waves past decade, spreads in many markets have 10,200
and lasers are better yet, because they have fallen, making trading cheaper4.
higher data densities. Even so, the liquidity that computer trad- 10,000
Open-air communications systems are ing creates is fleeting, and it can fail when 9,880

prone to weather disruption. Anova Tech- markets get unruly. Wildly fluctuating prices
nologies, a network provider for trading mean bigger risks for traders who earn a liv- 10.00 12.00 14.00 16.00
firms headquartered in Chicago, Illinois, has ing by ‘market making’ — standing ready to Time
augmented its New York laser network with buy or sell stocks at any moment and earning

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funds, which act on real-world insight and


information with a long-term view, are FAST TRADING HOTSPOTS

among those which lose out, although they The speed of light is the ultimate limit to how rapidly trades can be made between financial centres
also benefit from the lower spreads created ( ) — it would take signals travelling at this speed 67 milliseconds to travel halfway around the Earth.
The midpoints between exchanges ( ) are the best places to site high-frequency trading computers
by high-frequency traders. because they access information from both simultaneously and with the minimum delay.
In the United States, some large trading
firms have set up private trading spaces
to eliminate the timing edge for high-
frequency traders. For example, the alterna-
tive trading system IEX, launched in 2013,
aims to stop exploitation of the NBBO. It
has introduced a trading ‘speed bump’ —
an automatic delay of 350 microseconds
— which makes it impossible for traders
to benefit from the faster feeds. IEX has
already attracted about 1% of stock-trading
volume in the United States. Firms in other
countries may follow suit.
With computer codes carrying out trades
with real-world consequences at a rate
beyond that at which humans can intervene,
the impacts of coding errors and digital
glitches can spiral quickly. In 2012, a flaw in Chicago and London, this is in the middle into the dynamics of markets that are run by
the algorithms of one of the largest US high- of the Atlantic Ocean. At such a site, traders algorithms rather than investors. Computer
frequency trading firms, Knight Capital, could exploit a technique called ‘relativistic scientists, mathematicians and economists
caused losses of $440 million in 45 minutes as arbitrage’8 to profit from momentary imbal- need to work together to understand what
its system bought at higher prices than it sold. ances in prices in Chicago and London. drives flash crashes and how changes in
Sudden spikes or ‘fractures’ in the prices To explain: special relativity says that market structures might avoid them. What
of stocks are increasingly common. Tens nothing can travel faster than the speed of ‘circuit breakers’, so to speak, might keep
of thousands of times in the past few years, light, c. Hence, a trader standing a distance events from running out of control?
stock values have changed by 1% in less D away from an exchange can find out Second, researchers and policy-makers
than 0.04 of a second6. The flash crash of what happened there, in the best circum- need to assess how to regulate markets to
2010 happened at around 2.45 p.m. New stance, at a time T = D/c after it happened. make them serve the purpose of boosting
York time, and markets recovered in about Between major trading centres around the real economic investment. Algorithmic
15 minutes. Had it struck just before clos- globe, such delays can be from a few to tens trading has been given wide latitude for the
ing time in New York, the shock would have of milli­seconds. If a trader stands halfway past two decades, under the assumption that
affected markets worldwide and recovery between the two exchanges, he or she will firms making a profit must be helping the
would have taken longer. Some investors receive information from both after the same market. Finance research9 suggests that there
speculate about a ‘splash crash’, in which interval, T = D/c. Anywhere else, the distance may be an optimal speed for trading that
a massive spike in one market disrupts or to at least one of the exchanges would be today’s markets have already far surpassed. ■
freezes trade in foreign exchange, futures, greater and information would take longer
commodities, bonds and other assets, poten- to get there. Mark Buchanan is a science writer based
tially triggering a global economic crisis. In other words, within a few years it in the United Kingdom. His latest book is
Some researchers6 suggest that the spikes may become profitable to station a ship or Forecast: What Physics, Meteorology and
reflect a fundamental transformation of other trading plat- the Natural Sciences Can Teach Us About
market dynamics, linked to the necessity for “The impacts form near halfway Economics.
firms to use simple algorithms to maximize of coding points between pairs e-mail:
running speed. errors and of financial centres 1. Patterson, S. ‘High-Speed Stock Traders
digital worldwide (see ‘Fast- Turn to Laser Beams’ The Wall Street Journal
SYSTEMIC RISKS glitches trading hotspots’). (12 February 2014).
2. Stiglitz, J. E. ‘Tapping the Brakes: Are Less Active
The nature of financial markets today is can spiral That said, the profits
Markets Safer and Better for the Economy?’
vastly different from that in the past. Rather quickly.” e ar n e d by h i g h - Paper given at 2014 Financial Markets
than reflecting the collective decisions of frequency firms have Conference (2014); available at http://go.nature.
people, they belie the behaviour of complex fallen in recent years, suggesting that most com/ushstd.
3. Salmon, F. ‘The problem with high frequency
webs of technologies and their interactions of the easy opportunities for money-making trading’ Reuters (2012); available at http://
with humans. The potential for global prob- have already been taken.
lems is increasing as high-frequency trad- If in ten years the wheels of the global 4. Hendershott, T., Jones, C. M. & Menkveld, A. J.
J. Finance 66, 1–33 (2011).
ing has moved into international markets financial system really will be greased by 5. Gerig, A. Preprint at
for futures and other assets7. No industry — firms signalling from New York to Mel- abs/1211.1919 (2012).
including energy and food, insurance and bourne at Einstein’s speed limit, research 6. Johnson, N. et al. Preprint at
abs/1202.1448 (2012).
banking — is immune from disruption. and policy-making should focus on two 7. Cliff, D. & Northrop, L. The Global Financial
In future, when airborne laser networks questions. First, how to avoid the biggest Markets: An Ultra-Large-Scale Systems Perspective
span the oceans, things may get even stran- things that can go wrong; and second, how (UK Government Office for Science, 2010).
8. Wissner-Gross, A. D. & Freer, C. E. Phys. Rev. E 82,
ger. The location at which traders get the to make markets work as well as they can to 056104 (2010).
earliest possible information from two serve society. 9. Fricke, D. & Gerig, A. Preprint available at http://
exchanges lies at their mid-point — between The first challenge requires more research (2015).

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Book of Optics
Jim Al-Khalili revisits Ibn al-Haytham’s hugely influential study on its millennium.

he greatest physicist of the medieval era vision and the associated physiology of the


led a life as remarkable as his discover- eye and the psychology of perception; and
ies were prodigious, spending a decade Books IV to VII, covering traditional physi-
in prison and at one point possibly feigning cal optics. The work’s most celebrated contri-
mental illness to get out of a tight spot. Abu bution to science is its explanation of vision.
Ali al-Hassan ibn al-Haytham (Latinized to At that time, scholars’ understanding of
Alhazen) was born in Basra, now in southern the phenomenon was a mess. The Greeks
Iraq, in ad 965. His greatest and most famous had several theories. In the fifth century bc,
work, the seven-volume Book of Optics (Kitab Empedocles had argued that a special light
al-Manathir) hugely influenced thinking shone out of the eye until it hit an object,
across disciplines from the theory of visual thereby making it visible. This became
perception to the nature of perspective in known as the emission theory of vision. It
medieval art, in both the East and the West, was ‘refined’ by Plato, who explained that
for more than 600 years. Many later European you also need external light to see. Plato’s stu-
scholars and fellow polymaths, from Robert dent Aristotle suggested that rather than the
Grosseteste and Leonardo da Vinci to Galileo eye emitting light, objects would ‘perturb’
Galilei, René Descartes, Johannes Kepler and the air between them and the eye, triggering
Isaac Newton, were in his debt. Indeed, the sight. Other philosophers around this time,
influence of Ibn al-Haytham’s Optics ranks including Epicurus, attempted a form of
alongside that of Newton’s work of the same ‘intromission theory’ of vision (light enter-
title, published 700 years later. ing the eye from outside), but it was Plato’s
Interest in optics began in antiquity. The theory that was given a mathematical basis
Babylonians, Egyptians and Assyrians all used by Euclid, who described light rays emerg-
polished quartz lenses. The basic principles ing in a cone from the eye. Several centuries
of geometric optics were laid down by Plato later, Ptolemy expanded on this idea.
and Euclid. They included ideas such as the Early Islamic scholars such as al-Kindi and
propagation of light in straight lines, and sim- Hunayn ibn Ishaq favoured a combined emis-
ple laws of reflection from plain mirrors. The sion–intromission theory. They posited that
earliest serious contribution from the Islamic the eye sends out light to the observed object,
world came from ninth-century Arab scholar Ibn al-Haytham’s work long pre-dated Newton’s. which then reflects the light back into the eye.
Ya’qub ibn Ishaq al-Kindi. It took the genius of Ibn al-Haytham to
As a young man, Ibn al-Haytham received famous experiments on the nature of light. finally resolve the issue. He argued that if we
an excellent education and was widely noted For example, using a camera obscura, he see because rays of light are emitted from the
as a mathematical and scientific prodigy. proved that light travels in straight lines; he eye onto an object (Plato and Euclid’s ‘sight
Frustrated by his administrative duties work- also mathematized the fields of catoptrics rays’), then either the object sends back a sig-
ing in a government post in the vast Islamic (reflection of light by mirrors) and dioptrics nal to the eye or it does not. If it does not, how
Empire — which at the time stretched from (refraction of light through lenses). This huge can the eye perceive what its rays have fallen
India to Spain — he was sacked owing to real body of experiment and theory culminated on? Light must be coming back to the eye, and
or, as some speculate, faked mental illness. in his Book of Optics. this is how we see. But if so, what use is there
Sometime during the first decade of the This treatise can be regarded as a science for the original rays emitted by the eye? The
new millennium, he proposed an ambitious textbook. In it, Ibn al-Haytham gives light could come directly from the object if it
project to dam the Nile. He was invited to detailed descriptions of his experiments, is luminous or, if it is not, could be reflected
Egypt by the Fatimid caliph al-Hakim bi’amr such as exploring how light rays are reflected from the object after being emitted by another
Illah. However, on seeing the scale of the off plain and curved surfaces. He includes source. Rays from the eye, decided Ibn al-
task, Ibn al-Haytham quickly realized that it the apparatus he used, the way he set it up, Haytham, are an unnecessary complication.
was beyond him. He was promptly impris- the measurements and his results. He then He also went further than anyone before
oned in Cairo for wasting the caliph’s time. uses these observations to justify his theo- in trying to understand the underlying phys-
Far from cowing him, the decade of ries, which he develops with geometrical ics of refraction. He argued that the speed of
imprisonment granted Ibn al-Haytham the models. He even urges others to repeat light was finite and varied in different media,
seclusion to think and write, particularly on his experiments to verify his conclusions. and he used the idea of resolving the path
optics. After his release Many historians of science consider Ibn
around the year 1020, Book of Optics
(Kitab Al-Manazir)
he began working at IBN AL-HAYTHAM
al-Haytham to be the first true proponent of
the modern scientific method.
a prolific rate, car- (ALHAZEN) The work can be roughly divided into
A Nature special issue
rying out a series of ad 1011–21 Books I, II and III, devoted to the theory of

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Books in brief
of a light ray into its vertical and horizontal
components of velocities. He carried out all
his work geometrically, and introduced many
new ideas, such as the study of how the atmos-
phere refracts light from celestial bodies. Hell and Good Company: The Spanish Civil War and the World it Made
Later Islamic scholars, including the Richard Rhodes Simon and Schuster (2015)
thirteenth-century Persians Qutb al-Din al- His 1986 The Making of the Atomic Bomb (Simon and Schuster) is
Shirazi and Kamal al-Din al-Farisi, extended a towering chronicle of modernity. Now historian Richard Rhodes
the Optics. Al-Farisi, who wrote The Revi- examines the “little world war”, Spain’s hellish 1936–39 civil
sion of the Optics (Tanqih al-Manazir), conflagration (see Nature 494, 34; 2013). As he shows, it was a
used geometry to arrive at the first correct testing ground for medical and technological advances — in blood
mathematical explanation of the rainbow transfusion on one hand, and on the other in airborne warfare, which
(at the same time as, but independently of, led to the bombing of Guernica immortalized in Pablo Picasso’s
the German scholar Theodoric of Freiberg). great painting. Luminaries drawn to the war, he shows, ranged from
The Book of Optics was first translated geneticist J. B. S. Haldane to writer George Orwell.
into Latin in the late twelfth or early thir-
teenth century, as De Aspectibus. The English
philosopher and empiricist Roger Bacon How to Fly a Horse: The Secret History of Creation, Invention,
then wrote a summary of it, as did his Pol- and Discovery
ish contemporary Witelo. It was soon being Kevin Ashton Doubleday (2015)
cited across Europe. Among the many ideas This study of creativity by Kevin Ashton — the technical pioneer behind
taken up by Ibn al-Haytham’s Latin-reading the ‘Internet of Things’ — is a testament to Thomas Edison’s definition
disciples was that pure light was not visible, of genius (1% inspiration, 99% perspiration). Science, Ashton argues,
and that its job was simply to allow us to see is less a thing of “eureka shrieks” than of hard work, small steps and
colour. Even Kepler, understanding of adversity. His case studies compel, from Réunion
“Many who studied Ibn al- slave Edmond Albius’s 1841 breakthrough in vanilla pollination to
historians of Haytham’s work, surgeon Judah Folkman’s “series of repetitive failures” that led to the
science consider thought this; it took discovery of angiogenesis, now key to cancer treatments.
Ibn al-Haytham Newton to describe
to be the first light as itself being
true proponent made up of differ- Future Arctic: Field Notes from a World on the Edge
of the modern ent colours. (Other Edward Struzik Island (2015)
scientific erroneous ideas In September 2014, dwindling sea ice forced some 35,000 walruses
method.” in Optics include onto the Alaskan coast — just one ecological event in a multitude
a repetition of besetting the ‘climate-changed’ Arctic. Journalist and explorer
Ptolemy’s mistaken law of refraction, and Edward Struzik cogently analyses the environmental and policy
an incorrect understanding of reflection as a challenges, drawing on research into past extinctions and present
more intense form of refraction.) disruptions such as tar-sand exploitation, military territorialism and
Ibn al-Haytham’s work decisively influ- tundra fires. As he ticks off the costs to indigenous peoples, ocean
enced the theory of perspective that flowered biodiversity, caribou habitat and more, the case for an Arctic treaty
in Renaissance European science and art. and serious conservation efforts becomes ever clearer.
De Aspectibus was translated into Italian in
the fourteenth century, making it accessible
to practitioners such as the Florentine art Words Onscreen: The Fate of Reading in a Digital World
theorist and architect Leon Battista Alberti, Naomi S. Baron Oxford University Press (2015)
author of the 1435 treatise On Painting (Della For every digital devotee clutching an e-reader, there is an old-school
pittura), the sculptor Lorenzo Ghiberti and bibliophile brandishing a physical book. But which works best for
the geometer-artist Piero della Francesca. reading comprehension? In this thoughtful study, linguist Naomi
They harnessed Ibn al-Haytham’s discussions Baron investigates each platform in the light of recent research,
on perspective to help to create the illusion and surveys US, Japanese and German reading habits. E-readers,
of three-dimensional depth on canvas and in she finds, democratize access and offer easy storage, but can also
friezes. These revolutionary artists strove to discourage tackling more involved texts or rereading, and encourage
understand both the objective world and the “power browsing” rather than perusal. She recommends allowing
visual system that determined its appearance. room for both options — letting “form follow function”.
Today, as we use laser beams to manipu-
late atoms, stimulate neurons with light or
convey information in entangled photons, What Nature Does For Britain
it is worth recalling that the foundations of Tony Juniper Profile (2015)
this field were laid down around 1,000 years Part research round-up, part manifesto, this treatise on Britain’s
ago by Ibn al-Haytham. ■ ‘natural capital’ is a model of pragmatism. As environmentalist Tony
Juniper shows, UK ecosystems were valued at £1.6 trillion (US$2.4
Jim Al-Khalili is a professor of physics at the trillion) in 2011 by the Office for National Statistics. Yet poor practices
University of Surrey in Guildford, UK, and such as overfishing and soil degradation are breaking nature’s bank.
the author of Pathfinders: the Golden Age Juniper offers smart policy action points for switching to sustainability,
of Arabic Science. and ingenious case studies — from ‘woodland system’ farming to
e-mail: reintroduced beavers that help with riverine flood control. Barbara Kiser

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Greek politics stall species. This review represents the imbalance (see K. Schwab conservation strategies and to
research reforms a victory for lobbyists in the (ed.) The Global Competitiveness integrate them with terrestrial
fishing industry. It is not based Report 2013–2014 World habitats.
The ongoing damage to Greek on new biological information. Economic Forum, 2013). Sebastian Heilpern University of
scientific research is not solely The list that was issued in The EU plan to align Chicago, Illinois, USA.
due to austerity measures December 2014 by Brazil’s national research programmes
(Nature 517, 127–128; 2015). environment ministry (through could make matters worse.
In my experience as a member decrees 444 and 445) was the Closer cooperation between
of Greece’s National Council culmination of a six-year process researchers and between states Biodiversity: sharks
for Research and Technology involving 1,300 national and will help to secure research and rays in peril too
from 2010 to 2014, political international scientists, overseen sponsorship and collaboration
manipulation and institutional by the International Union with scientists outside Europe. Your status report on fauna
weakness are also contributors. for Conservation of Nature. It But these advantages are more biodiversity (Nature 516,
To address the dire problem of restricts or bans the capture of likely to be enjoyed by high- 158–161; 2014) overlooks a
underfunded research, in 2011 several commercially valuable performing countries, further group that is causing serious
the council introduced an open, fish, such as groupers and widening the gap from the concern among conservationists
competitive grant scheme (called sharks. others. The proposed alignment — sharks, rays and chimaeras.
Aristeia, or excellence) based on The fishermen’s unions last will also have to struggle with These are particularly vulnerable
the European Research Council month questioned the criteria extra bureaucracy and delays to fishing and by-catch, in part
model. It ran for two rounds, for inclusion and persuaded (M. Cuijpers et al. Res. Policy 40, because they mature late and
during which we had to battle Helder Barbalho, minister of 565–575; 2011). produce few young.
against other governmental forces fisheries and aquaculture, and Pier Francesco Moretti National An estimated 24% of this
to maintain its European Union environment minister Izabella Research Council of Italy, group, known as chondrichthyan
(EU) funding. The scheme now Teixeira to review the list. Brussels, Belgium. fish, are threatened with
seems to have been abandoned. A repeal of decree 445 or an extinction under the Red List
The council developed a multi- amendment of the Annex I list, criteria of the International
annual plan that year for research which regulates the capture of Union for Conservation of
and development (R&D) to bring 409 fish species and 66 aquatic Biodiversity: include Nature. This exceeds the
Greece closer to EU expenditure invertebrates, would be a serious freshwater species percentage for birds and is
targets by 2020. This was stalled setback for conservation and for comparable to that for mammals.
and diverted by government. We the sustainable management of The omission of freshwater There are insufficient data
pressed for the creation of a fisheries in Brazil. species from your biodiversity to determine status in 47%
high-level government committee Alexander C. Lees Museu assessment (Nature 516, of chondrichthyan fish, and
to oversee R&D, and for a Paraense Emílio Goeldi, Belém, 158–161; 2014) reflects a models predict that many of
research agency similar to the Pará, Brazil. more general bias towards these could also be under threat,
US National Science Foundation. terrestrial conservation, borne given their similar life history
That plan was also lost, diluted by of insufficient knowledge about and morphology to the listed
the research law you mention. freshwater ecosystems. The Red chondrichthyans.
The council’s experience EU research plan List of the International Union Extinction of ocean fish is
reflects the wider problems of may widen gaps for Conservation of Nature, hard to verify. There is as yet no
Greece’s government: how it seeks for example, is dominated by documented global extinction
and receives expert advice, the The success of the European freshwater fish species whose of a chondrichthyan, but
public status of this process and Union (EU) Research and population status is unknown. many populations are locally
the near-impossibility of rational, Innovation programme depends Integrative conservation or regionally extinct (such as
stable long-term planning. The on achieving critical mass measures are particularly sawfishes (Pristidae family); see
shallow and short-term strictures among member states and important in places where N. K. Dulvy et al. Aquat. Conserv.
of the ‘troika’ — the three optimizing each state’s research people depend on freshwater; 2014). Some
organizations that act for Greece’s contribution (see also M. Żylicz resources for subsistence, critically endangered species,
creditors — make matters worse. Nature 517, 438; 2015). This and where human activities including the Pondicherry shark
Kevin Featherstone London could be difficult, given the are rapidly changing rivers, (Carcharhinus hemiodon) in the
School of Economics & Political wide variation in each state’s lakes and their surrounding Indo-West Pacific, have not been
Science, UK. willingness to participate and in landscapes. The highly recorded in decades and may their investment in research. biodiverse Amazon River already be extinct.
Research excellence and basin is an example. In parts of Peter M. Kyne Charles Darwin
competitiveness remain Africa, diminishing supplies of University, Darwin, Australia.
Leave Brazil’s Red concentrated in just a few freshwater fish have led to the Nicholas J. Bax CSIRO,
List alone geographical areas, despite overexploitation of terrestrial Australia; and University of
efforts by the EU to promote animals (J. S. Brashares et al. Tasmania, Hobart, Australia.
Brazil’s government has agreed homogeneity. It is those regions Science 306, 1180–1183; 2004) Nicholas K. Dulvy Simon Fraser
to review its updated Red List of that make the advances in We need more data for University, Burnaby, Canada.
the country’s threatened marine research and technology, fuelling freshwater ecosystems to inform

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Hubert Markl
Biologist who steered German research organizations through reunification.

ubert Markl had an extraordinary quickly earned him a tough reputation,

impact on research in Germany particularly when he decided to close
before, and crucially during, the underperforming and outmoded depart-
turbulent process of reunification. An ments, as well as entire Max Planck
evolutionary biologist and behavioural institutes, such as the one for history in
scientist, he was also a writer, public intel- Göttingen and for cell biology at Laden-
lectual and policy-maker. His stints as burg, near Heidelberg. The closures were
president of the German Research Foun- resisted by the affected state governments.
dation (1986–91), the Berlin-Brandenburg With his sharp intellect and his talent for
Academy of Sciences and Humanities communication, Markl prevailed and
(1993–95), and the Max Planck Society rejuvenated the Max Planck Society.
(1996–2002) shaped the entire German During his term, 153 new directors out
and European research systems. of the society’s 266 were appointed. As a
Markl died on 8 January, aged 76. He result of a root-and-branch evaluation of
was born in Regensburg, southern Ger- the society, Markl improved the institutes’
many, in 1938. Although he had an early links with neighbouring universities, such
interest in the humanities, Markl stud- as Göttingen, Munich and Heidelberg. In
ied biology, chemistry and geography at 2000, he started the International Max
Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich. Planck Research Schools programme.
His teachers included luminaries such as The scheme has attracted several thou-
the behavioural scientists Martin Lindauer, sand young scholars from abroad to study
Konrad Lorenz and Karl von Frisch and in Germany and continues to build bridges
the zoologist Hansjochem Autrum. He got across institutional boundaries. Many
his doctorate in zoology aged 24. and the opening up of funding opportunities Max Planck directors have become closely
During the early 1960s, Markl held for East German researchers well before uni- involved in training doctoral students as well
several research posts in the United States: fication was agreed on in the autumn of 1990. as in the teaching and research activities at the
at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massa- Next, Markl became deeply involved in respective German partner universities.
chusetts, Rockefeller University in New York unifying Germany’s two higher-education Markl spoke truth to power on topics
and the Tropical Research Station of the New and research systems that had headed in dif- including genetic engineering, cloning and
York Zoological Society (where colleagues ferent directions after the Second World War. stem-cell research. He was also outspoken
called him Jim). He returned to Germany, In West Germany, teaching and research were against xenophobia and in favour of inter-
to the Goethe University Frankfurt. In 1967, combined in a federal system where each cultural learning and the right to medically
he submitted a thesis on the communication state had a lot of independence. The East assisted suicide.
behaviour of social insects to acquire his had adopted the Soviet model of universities In 1997, he initiated an independent study
lecturing qualification. tooled mainly for teaching and specialist insti- of the history of the Kaiser Wilhelm Society
In 1968, he became professor and direc- tutes focused on research. In 1993, Markl’s (the predecessor of the Max Planck Society
tor of the zoological institute at Darmstadt task as founding president of the Berlin- from 1911 to 1946) during the Third Reich.
University of Technology. Markl recalled this Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and In 2001, as a result of this research, he pub-
appointment as the most crucial and suc- Humanities was to attract the best research- licly acknowledged the guilt of its members
cessful of his life. It gave him the freedom to ers from the former East and West to become partici­pating in the expulsion of Jewish
pursue research interests from evolutionary active members of a unified academy. He colleagues and other Nazi atrocities, and
biology and behavioural ecology to sen- forged joint working groups through which apologized to survivors at a commemora-
sory physiology and conservation. In 1974, the best minds came to trust each other. tion ceremony.
Markl moved to the University of Konstanz, Markl faced much bigger challenges “Responsibility does not rest with science
founded eight years before to revive the when he took the helm of Germany’s Max as such,” Markl repeatedly told his students,
Humboldtian ideal of research-based teach- Planck Society in 1996. He was the first and “it is always the individual scientist.” He will
ing. He became one of the leading figures of so far only president recruited from outside long be remembered as a visionary, a bril-
‘Little Harvard on Lake Constance’. the organization. The society had planned liant intellectual and courageous leader.
That year, Markl was also elected senator 18 new institutes in eastern Germany. But Without him, scholarship and science in
of the German Research Foundation, the owing to the government’s severe under- Germany and beyond would not be what
nation’s main public funding agency for basic estimation of the costs of unification, the they are today. ■
research. After a six-year stretch as vice-presi- organization did not get the funds it needed.
dent, he became its youngest ever president in Hard decisions were required. Wilhelm Krull is secretary-general of
1986. Of his many achievements there, three It was clear to Markl that savings had to be the Volkswagen Foundation in Hanover,
stand out: his implementation of long-term made at existing institutes in the west, and Germany. He frequently collaborated with
grants; the introduction of a structured pro- more resources transferred to the new insti- Hubert Markl over 30 years.
gramme for doctoral training and research; tutes in the east. This controversial policy e-mail:

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FORUM Cosmology
The oldest cosmic light
The cosmic microwave background is a faint glow of light left over from the Big Bang. It fills the entire sky and
records the Universe’s early history. Two independent experts outline what we know about this ancient light,
both theoretically and observationally.

Life history of 13.8 billion years, the approximate age of A remarkably simple model, a Universe
the Universe. By the time they reach our filled with dark matter, atoms and dark energy,

the photon detectors, they have redshifted to microwave and seeded by the inflationary fluctuations,
wavelengths, and so we observe them as beautifully fits these observations. These
the cosmic microwave background (CMB) precise measurements determine the basic
D AV I D S P E R G E L radiation. The temperature and polarization para­meters of the cosmos: its age, density,
patterns of the CMB bear the signatures of shape and composition. The statistical prop-

T he oldest photons in the Universe are the

cosmic background radiation (CBR). These
photons are fossils formed in the first hours
the photons’ last interactions with electrons;
the polarization describes the direction of the
electric fields that the photons carry.
erties of the fluctuations provide an extra test
of inflation.
The sound waves also produce a distinctive
after the Big Bang. In the first 300,000 years According to the most popular cosmological pattern of fluctuations in the polarization of
of cosmic history, protons, ions and electrons model, the early Universe underwent a period the CMB. Polarization fluctuations can be
formed a dense plasma. The CBR photons scat- of exponential expansion called inflation. Dur- divided into two types: ‘E-mode’ polarization
tered off these electrons just like light scatters off ing this inflationary expansion, the volume of — patterns that are symmetric under mirror
a dense fog. During this early epoch, any form the Universe grew by more than 180-expo- reflection and could be created by the vari-
of energy injection would have produced fur- nential-fold, and tiny fluctuations in the light’s ations in density produced by inflation, and
ther photons and distorted the energy spectrum quantum field were amplified into density fluc- swirly ‘B-mode’ fluctuations. The WMAP
of the CBR. The COBE satellite’s measurement tuations on the scales of billions of light years. and Planck satellites have seen the predicted
of this spectrum, which showed no detectable These density fluctuations generated sound E-mode patterns, another observational
deviation from the thermal (black-body) form1 waves that propagated through the early Uni- triumph for the theory of inflation.
and was one of the achievements that led to the verse. The sound waves produced a distinctive Despite the remarkable observational
2006 Nobel Prize in Physics, constrains the Uni- pattern of ripples that have been seen not only successes of this theory, there are several pro-
verse’s early history and is one of the pillars of in the measurements of temperature fluctua- found unsolved theoretical problems associ-
the Big Bang theory. tions in the CMB by the Wilkinson Microwave ated with the inflationary model. Alternative
During the next 100,000 years, electrons and Anisotropy Probe (WMAP)2,3, the Planck4 models exist. Our next-best observational test
protons combined to make neutral hydrogen. satellite and ground-based CMB experi- of the model is to detect primordial gravita-
Because hydrogen is transparent to the CBR ments, but also in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey5 tional waves — ripples in the fabric of space-
photons, these photons could start to propa- measurements of the large-scale distribution time generated during the Universe’s early rapid
gate freely. They have travelled for about of galaxies. expansion. Brian Keating’s companion article


Figure 1 | Searching for the origins of the Universe.  Several telescopes around the world, including three at the South Pole (the Keck Array, BICEP2 and the
South Pole Telescope; all three shown left) and two in the Atacama Desert in Chile (right; the Atacama Cosmology Telescope towards the top of the picture and
the POLARBEAR telescope in the foreground), are dedicated to observing the cosmic microwave background (CMB) — relic radiation from the Big Bang. Each
telescope tackles CMB observations in a different way. The image on the right also shows the future site of the Simons Array, currently under construction.

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describes the distinctive B-mode signature of the twofold modulation of polarized signals for and the curvature of space-time itself. CMB
the gravitational waves. each single physical rotation about the optical photons are lensed; that is, their trajectories
axis of the polarimeter. (Try it with polarized are bent by gravitational fields produced by
David Spergel is in the Department of sunglasses on a sunny day at sunset. Looking dark matter. Such CMB polarization lensing
Astrophysical Sciences, Princeton University, at the zenith, spin around once: the sky bright- perhaps offers the best hope of measuring the
Princeton, New Jersey 08544, USA. ness modulates twice.) mass of the neutrino13, the only elementary
e-mail: But experimental challenges run deeper particle whose mass is unknown.
than raw sensitivity. Systematic effects mas- Ancient photons are illuminating funda-
querading as primordial gravitational waves mental cosmic mysteries. CMB photons shed

Massless need be only a few parts per billion of the light on subjects that were once only the pur-
ambient 300 K background to swamp obser- view of particle colliders: elementary particle

messengers vations. Despite this extreme susceptibility, masses and ultra-high energy fields. The next
astrophysical foregrounds such as dust emis- 100 years promise to be equally exhilarating,
sion from the Milky Way now seem to present thanks to the indomitable, massless messenger
B R I A N K E AT I N G the most formidable challenge. of the cosmos — the photon. ■
Polarization data obtained with the BICEP2

T he CMB is the most perfect black body

known in nature1, much better than any
laboratory black-body oven, whose walls
telescope in Antarctica were initially interpreted
as evidence for inflation10, but this conclusion
was questioned11 and recently reinterpreted. A
Brian Keating is at the Center for
Astrophysics & Space Sciences, Department of
Physics, University of California, San Diego,
are almost perfect photon absorbers. These joint analysis using Planck observations at a fre- La Jolla, California 92093-0424, USA.
ancient CMB photons are also gravimeters. quency of 353 gigahertz and data from the Keck e-mail:
Using their intensity and polarization prop- Array and BICEP2 at 150 GHz has shown that
1. Fixsen, D. J., Hinshaw, G., Bennett, C. L. & Mather, J. C.
erties, we can measure the gravitational field BICEP2’s original B-mode data were likely to be Astrophys. J. 486, 623–628 (1997).
of the last scattering surface — the fictitious not purely primordial, nor caused by systemat- 2. Spergel, D. N. et al. Astrophys. J. Suppl. 148,
shell formed by the Uni­verse’s first hydro- ics. Rather, they were potentially dominated by 175–194 (2003).
3. Bennett, C. L. et al. Astrophys. J. Suppl. 208, 20 (2013).
gen atoms. Like the walls of an oven, the last thermal emission from dust grains in the Milky 4. Planck Collaboration. Astron. Astrophys. 571, A1 (2014).
scattering surface is so absorptive that it is the Way aligned by Galactic magnetic fields12. The 5. Aubourg, E. et al. Preprint at
abs/1411.1074 (2014).
end of the line-of-sight, the farthest we can game is still afoot — only experiments observ- 6. Polnarev, A. G. Sov. Astron. 29, 607–613 (1985).
look back, at least using photons. However, the ing the cleanest celestial regions, with sensitivity 7. Seljak, U. & Zaldarriaga, M. Phys. Rev. Lett. 78,
last scattering surface is also a gravitational- in multiple frequency bands, can unambigu- 2054–2057 (1997).
8. Kamionkowski, M., Kosowsky, A. & Stebbins, A. Phys.
wave detector: a thin ‘film’ of matter on which ously detect the inflationary signal. Rev. Lett. 78, 2058–2061 (1997).
primordial gravitational waves can be exposed, The prospect of detecting gravitational 9. Keating, B. G. et al. Proc. SPIE 4843, 284–295 (2003).
allowing us to peer back to earlier epochs waves from the inflationary epoch, 10−36 sec- 10. BICEP2 Collaboration. Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 241101
when these waves themselves were produced. onds after the Big Bang, is exhilarating. And 11. Flauger, R., Hill, J. C. & Spergel, D. N. J. Cosmol.
If inflation produced gravitational waves, yet, more-exotic physics may lurk undis- Astropart. Phys. JCAP08(2014)039 (2014).
then the waves will have imprinted a unique covered in the CMB’s polarization. As CMB 12. BICEP2/Keck, Planck Collaborations. Preprint
available at (2015).
pattern of B-mode polarization on the CMB6–8. photons traverse the cosmos, they trace the 13. Abazajian, K. N. et al. J. Astropart. Phys. http://dx.doi.
As described in David Spergel’s companion properties of matter (dark and luminous) org/10.1016/j.astropartphys.2014.05.014 (2014).
article, if the B-mode polarization pattern
proves to be of primordial origin, it will be
strong evidence that inflation occurred. This C EL L BI O LOGY
is the goal of nearly a dozen CMB polari­meters
that are either planned or currently plying
Southern Hemisphere skies (Fig. 1).
CMB polarimeters are astonishingly precise.
Death drags down
the neighbourhood
Current experimental sensitivities are at the
level of tens of nanokelvin, unimaginable just a
decade ago when the hunt for B modes began9.
This is due to a ‘Moore’s-law-like’ growth in the
number of detectors. But these are no ordinary An analysis of dying cells reveals that they play an active part in modifying
smartphone pixels. CMB polari­meters use tissue shape by pulling on neighbouring cells. This induces neighbouring cells
superconducting bolometers, thermal sensors to contract at their apices, which results in tissue folding. See Letter p.245
cooled below 300 millikelvin. Two bolometers,
one per polarization state of the CMB, are cou-
pled to reflecting (mirror-based) or refracting C L A U D I A G . VA S Q U E Z & A D A M C . M A R T I N of unwanted cells. On page 245 of this issue,

(lens-based) tele­scopes. Although details vary Monier et al.2 report a surprising finding —
by instrument, polarimeters exploit the dif- normal and essential part of tissue apoptosis can trigger contractions that fold
ferential nature of the signal — what matters development, maintenance and repair tissues. Rather than being inert, apoptotic cells
is the difference in microwave power between is apoptotic cell death1, in which cells actively affect their surroundings, causing last-
the CMB’s two polarization states. To detect shrink and fragment into membrane-bound ing changes in tissue form and structure.
this difference, experimentalists cleverly use structures called apoptotic bodies that are Epithelial tissues line the body’s cavi-
engulfed by phagocytic cells. Apoptosis has a ties, creating boundaries between different
LIGHT key role in sculpting tissue morphology, remov-
ing cells from between forming digits and
extracellular environments. Accordingly,
epithelial cells are polarized, with one side of
A Nature special issue eliminating vestigial structures. However, apo- the cell dubbed apical and the other basal. In
ptosis is often regarded as a passive elimination epi­thelial tissues, apoptosis in one cell induces

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a Apoptotic cell Epithelial cell b Myosin c

Apical side


Basal side

Figure 1 | Apoptosis and fold formation.  Apoptotic cell death in an shrink and accumulate myosin protein along their apical–basal axis
epithelial-cell sheet causes folding in the forming leg joints of fruit-fly larvae. as they do so. Neighbouring cells also accumulate myosin at their apical
a, Cells in this epithelial sheet are attached to their neighbours at structures surfaces, causing elevated tension around the apoptotic cell. c, As the
called adherens junctions. The junctions remain intact even as cells undergo dying cell fragments, neighbouring cells apically constrict and form a fold
apoptosis. b, Monier et al.2 report that apoptotic cells in the epithelial sheet in the tissue.

apical contractility in neighbouring cells. The is required to maintain an ordered hexagonal filaments11. Alternatively, tension might affect
result is a purse-string-like contraction that cell array in epithelial tissues8. Thus, a funda- signalling factors that regulate activity of the
pushes the dying cell from the epithelium3. mental property of epithelial tissues is that cells enzyme Rho kinase (as has been proposed
Furthermore, epithelial cells remain adhered continually exert pulling forces on each other. for folding embryonic epithelia10), because
to their neighbours at specific structures called The leg joints of fruit flies form in the third myosin dynamics and spatial organization
adherens junctions while they undergo apo- larval stage of the insects’ development, when are regulated by a balance between myosin
ptosis, inducing neighbouring cells to stretch folds in epithelial tissue cause successive rounds phosphorylation by Rho kinase and dephos-
and elongate towards the dying cell4. Although of tissue subdivision. This process involves phorylation by phosphatase enzymes12. It is
apoptosis is also known to be required to gen- apoptosis in cells at the centre of the fold5 and also possible that contractile activity in the
erate tissue-wide shape changes5, the link contraction of the apical side of the surround- apoptotic cell compromises the integrity of
between this shape change and contractility is ing tissue, which then folds inward towards the cell’s membrane, leading to the release of
poorly understood. the basal side. Monier and colleagues set out to a chemical signal, such as ATP, that induces
Contractile forces are generated through determine the link between apoptosis and fold contraction in neighbours13. One experiment
the actin and myosin proteins that make up formation in these leg joints. Using live imag- that would directly test whether physical trans-
a cell’s cytoskeleton. Actin filaments assemble ing, they studied a fluorescent version of myosin mission of tensile force is required to elevate
into meshes and bundles that underlie cell in cells undergoing apoptosis, and report that myosin would be to disrupt adherens-junction
membranes, whereas myosin is a motor the protein accumulates along the apical–basal proteins, which are required to mechanically
protein that forms mini-filaments that both axis of the apoptotic cell. They also observed couple epithelial cells during apoptosis4.
connect and ‘walk’ along actin filaments. that the apoptotic cell pulls on its neighbours How common is the phenomenon of
Myosin mini-filaments can contract the actin as it contracts and shrinks into the epithelium. apoptosis triggering or contributing to
network to generate cellular tension, and this Consequently, apical myosin levels in neigh- morpho­genetic movements? Apoptotic cells
contractility can be increased and transmitted bouring cells increase, which causes these cells contribute to generating the tension that
between cells through adherens junctions in to constrict their apices and form a fold (Fig. 1). drives epithelial-sheet movement in a fruit-fly
response to signalling molecules, promoting How does apoptosis cause neighbouring tissue called the amnioserosa14. Monier and
dramatic changes in tissue shape. cells to constrict? The authors show that inhib- co-workers’ study demonstrates that apo­ptosis
Such cellular tension is essential for the iting myosin function in the apoptotic cell — and possibly the resulting pulling force —
generation and maintenance of specific tissue suppresses the accumulation of myosin at the induces myosin accumulation and fold for-
architectures. One well-characterized exam- apical edges of surrounding cells, and also sup- mation in three other epithelial tissues. Thus,
ple of how cell contractility and the result- presses fold formation2. This suggests that the apoptotic cells may have a more active role in
ing change in cell shape can influence tissue mechanical pulling force from the dying cell shaping tissues than was previously believed.
architecture occurs in the fruit fly Drosophila could trigger myosin activity in its neighbours. Tissue folding is most often thought to be
melanogaster. During early embryonic devel- Studies9,10 have demonstrated that apply- triggered by transcription factors or secreted
opment, a signalling pathway activates the ing mechanical forces to tissues can elevate signalling molecules, or both. This study dem-
actin–myosin cytoskeleton, constricting the myosin activity. But the mechanism through onstrates that in some tissues there is in fact
apices of a specific set of epithelial cells. This which a pulling force exerted by an apoptotic a relay effect, in which induction of one type
folds the epithelial sheet and results in the cell could recruit apical myosin in the sur- of cell behaviour can trigger changes in the
movement of muscle-cell precursors inside rounding tissue remains unknown. One pos- surrounding tissue. The idea that mechani-
the embryo6,7. By contrast, the cytoskeletons of sibility is that the myosin motor itself responds cal signalling can trigger a propagation of
cells in a mature, static epithelium constantly to tension, with tension increasing the length contractile activity was originally proposed in
tug on neighbouring cells. This state of tension of time that myosin remains bound to actin some of the first mechanical models of tissue

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folding more than 30 years ago15. It is surprising 779–787 (2002). Röper, J., Eaton, S. & Zallen, J. A. Dev. Cell 17,
that this trigger could represent a dying cell’s 2. Monier, B. et al. Nature 518, 245–248 (2015). 736–743 (2009).
3. Rosenblatt, J., Raff, M. C. & Cramer, L. P. Curr. Biol. 10. Pouille, P.-A., Ahmadi, P., Brunet, A.-C. & Farge, E.
final tug. ■ 11, 1847–1857 (2001). Sci. Signal. 2, ra16 (2009).
4. Lubkov, V. & Bar-Sagi, D. Curr. Biol. 24, 868–874 11. Ren, Y. et al. Curr. Biol. 19, 1421–1428 (2009).
(2014). 12. Vasquez, C. G., Tworoger, M. & Martin, A. C. J. Cell
Claudia G. Vasquez and Adam C. Martin 5. Manjón, C., Sánchez-Herrero, E. & Suzanne, M. Biol. 206, 435–450 (2014).
are in the Department of Biology, Nature Cell Biol. 9, 57–63 (2006). 13. Herrgen, L., Voss, O. P. & Akerman, C. J. Dev. Cell 31,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 6. Dawes-Hoang, R. E. et al. Development 132, 599–613 (2014).
4165–4178 (2005). 14. Toyama, Y., Peralta, X. G., Wells, A. R., Kiehart, D. P. &
Cambridge, Massachusetts 02142, USA. 7. Manning, A. J., Peters, K. A., Peifer, M. & Rogers, S. L. Edwards, G. S. Science 321, 1683–1686 (2008).
e-mail: Sci. Signal. 6, ra98 (2013). 15. Odell, G. M., Oster, G., Alberch, P. & Burnside, B.
8. Farhadifar, R., Röper, J.-C., Aigouy, B., Eaton, S. & Dev. Biol. 85, 446–462 (1981).
Jülicher, F. Curr. Biol. 17, 2095–2104 (2007).
1. Baehrecke, E. H. Nature Rev. Mol. Cell Biol. 3, 9. Fernandez-Gonzalez, R., de Matos Simoes, S., This article was published online on 21 January 2015.

STAR F O RMATIO N even four6–9. Frequently, these regions turn into

a bound protostellar system. As they continue

Sibling rivalry to accrete gas and dust from their surround-

ings on their way to becoming fully fledged
stars, sometimes sibling rivalry plays a part

begins at birth
in deciding which star gets to be the biggest10.
The siblings either work out their differences
and settle into organized periodic orbits, or, if
necessary, eject one party to keep the peace.
High-resolution astronomical observations of a nearby molecular gas cloud have Pineda and colleagues have observed argu-
revealed a quadruplet of stars in the act of formation. The system is arguably the ably the youngest multiple system so far using
youngest multiple star system detected so far. See Letter p.213 the Karl G. Janksy Very Large Array in New
Mexico and the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope
in Hawaii. They discovered four distinct dense
K A I T L I N M . K R AT T E R at birth, rather than uniting after they grow gas condensations in a nearby molecular cloud,

up. Pineda and colleagues’ infant quadruple only one of which hosts a protostar. All four
oughly 150 years after the invention of system reinforces this idea. Multiple and single objects are incredibly young in astronomical
the telescope, astronomers deciphered stars alike form in cold, filamentary molecular terms, probably less than 105 years old (based
the mysteries of double stars. Using gas clouds. Within filaments, we find proto­ on their densities and temperatures).
probability arguments, natural philosopher stars forming in dense regions because of the Detecting systems at birth is extremely
John Michell suggested in 1767 that pairs of triumph of gravitational forces over thermal, difficult on multiple counts. First, the star-
stars in the sky were in gravitational tangos, turbulent and magnetic pressures. The relative formation timescale is only a few hundred
not chance alignments. The early discovery importance of turbulence and magnetic fields thousand years, which is short compared
of such binary stars reflects their numbers: in star formation is an open question6. Theor­ to stellar lifetimes of billions of years. Thus,
at least half of stars like the Sun are found in etical models that require turbulence to set the probability of ‘catching’ star systems in
multiple systems1,2. And yet the origins of this the properties of star-forming regions predict the act of formation is small. Second, these
all-too-normal population are mysterious. On that sometimes there is not just one dominant siblings can be seen through their molecular
page 213 of this issue, Pineda et al.3 report the dense region in a filament, but two or three, or womb only with observations that have high
discovery of a quadruple star system still in the
‘womb’ (Fig. 1). With these data, we are closing

in on understanding binary-star conception.

Why worry about binary stars versus single
stars at all? It turns out that binary stars have
an outsize impact on many astrophysical phe-
nomena. First, binaries allow us to detect stel-
lar-mass black holes, which are the remnants of
massive stars and can be seen only because of
their gravitational influence on a normal stellar
companion. Second, they generate the type 1a
supernovae explosions that are used as ‘stand-
ard candles’ to measure cosmic distances.
Third, we now know that planets can form in
binaries, notably in the habitable ‘Goldilocks’
temperature zone, where the planet is at the
right distance from the host star to retain at
least some liquid water. Finally, binaries may
also be a source of gravitational waves. For
all of these research areas, characterizing
the binary population is crucial, and proper
accounting must start at birth. Figure 1 | A young quadruplet.  Pineda et al.3 have discovered four distinct gas condensations in a
Young stars have more bound companions clumpy, filamentary gas cloud (white) surrounded by dust (blue). The locations of the condensations
than their older counterparts4,5. This observa- in this image are marked with black and red dots. The four condensations are destined to form a bound
tion indicates that binary stars form together multiple star system, and one of them (red dot) has already ‘turned on’ as a protostar.

1 2 F E B R UA RY 2 0 1 5 | VO L 5 1 8 | N AT U R E | 1 7 3
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sensiti­vity and high spatial resolution to sepa- binding: the total mass of the system, the current and next generation of telescopes such
rate one body from the next. Given the relative velocities of its members and their separa- as the Atacama Large Millimeter/submilli­
rarity of quadruple star systems at older ages, tions. The uncertainty in mass is introduced meter Array and the James Webb Space
one might think this discovery improbable, or by unknown quantities such as the ratio Telescope will surely help to solve this puzzle. ■
lucky. On the contrary, it supports predictions of dust grains to hydrogen gas, or the ratio of the
that most stars begin their lives in a litter11,12. observed molecule, ammonia, to the total Kaitlin M. Kratter is in the Department of
The projected separations between these gas mass. Velocities and distances are both Astronomy, University of Arizona, Tucson,
bodies are of the order of 1,000–10,000 times difficult to determine because we see only two- Arizona 85721-0065, USA.
the Earth–Sun distance, consistent with theo- dimensional projections of three-dimensional e-mail:
retical models11. Significantly, these separa- quantities. Even folding in these uncertainties,
1. Duquennoy, A. & Mayor, M. Astron. Astrophys. 248,
tions are smaller than the Jeans length in the Pineda and co-workers demonstrated that, as 485–524 (1991).
cloud. This is the length scale on which the with Michell’s double stars, these four are not 2. Raghavan, D. et al. Astrophys. J. Suppl. 190, 1–42 (2010).
cloud would be expected to fragment on the just chance alignments. 3. Pineda, J. E. et al. Nature 518, 213–215 (2015).
4. Mathieu, R. D. Annu. Rev. Astron. Astrophys. 32,
basis of the competition between gravity and Many questions remain about this system 465–530 (1994).
thermal pressure. The scale of fragmentation and others like it. We cannot predict whether 5. Duchêne, G. & Kraus, A. Annu. Rev. Astron.
Astrophys. 51, 269 (2013).
is a strong indication that turbulent motions in the quadruplets will remain together or break 6. Crutcher, R. M. Annu. Rev. Astron. Astrophys. 50,
the cloud played a part, which is a significant up to form a triplet and a singlet. We do not 29–63 (2012).
boost to the turbulent-fragmentation model know what the final orbital configuration will 7. Fisher, R. T. Astrophys. J. 600, 769–780 (2004).
8. Offner, S. S. R. et al. Astrophys. J. 725, 1485–1494
of star formation described above. Of course, be, nor the ratio of the masses of the compo- (2010).
the discovery of one system does not preclude nents. The ability to make these predictions, at 9. Bate, M. R. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Sci. 419,
other modes of binary formation. least statistically, is crucial for connecting these 3115–3146 (2012).
10. Bonnell, I. A., Bate, M. R., Clarke, C. J. & Pringle, J. E.
In addition to its youth, this system is infants with the descendants that conspire to Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 323, 785–594 (2001).
remarkable because it is convincingly gravi- explode as supernovae. And perhaps the big- 11. Reipurth, B. et al. in Protostars and Planets VI
tationally bound. In general, it is challeng- gest question for the field remains unanswered. (eds Beuther, H., Klessen, R. S., Dullemond, C. P. &
Henning, T.) 267–290 (Univ. Arizona Press, 2014).
ing to measure each of the quantities that go What determines which star gets a sibling and 12. Bodenheimer, P. Annu. Rev. Astron. Astrophys. 33,
into the calculation for assessing gravitational which does not? The influx of data from the 199–238 (1995).

DNA REPAIR question by exploring the nature of DNA

sequences at the junction of two fused telo­

Familiar ends with meres (repetitive DNA sequences that cap the
ends of chromosomes). Such joining between
the ends of different chromosomes is undesir-

alternative endings
able, and is normally suppressed. However,
telo­meres can fuse in the absence of protective
mechanisms, including the absence of NHEJ9.
When the authors sequenced mouse telomere
The faithful propagation of species requires a complex balance of DNA-repair fusion junctions in an NHEJ-deficient system,
pathways to maintain genome integrity. New work sheds light on one such poorly they observed seemingly random, permuted
understood pathway and its role in certain cancers. See Letters p.254 & p.258 sequences attributable to MMEJ. They found
that an enzyme called Polθ (encoded by the
Polq gene in mice) promotes this process in
NAM WOO CHO & ROGER A. GREENBERG end-joining (NHEJ; Fig. 1). HR uses DNA ends mammalian cells.

that have been ‘resected’ to produce 3ʹ single- Polθ is an atypical member of the DNA
he repair of double-strand breaks in stranded DNA overhangs, which probe for polymerase family of enzymes, which catalyse
DNA is crucial for life, and can proceed complementary strands — homologous DNA the synthesis of chains of nucleic acids. It con-
by several mechanisms. How are these sequences — that act as templates for DNA tains both a helicase–ATPase domain, which
repair pathways coordinated, and what hap- repair. NHEJ does not require homologous separates the strands of a DNA helix using
pens when certain pathways are disabled? This DNA, and preferentially acts on ‘blunt-ended’ energy from the hydrolysis of ATP molecules,
question is especially pertinent because DNA- DNA breaks that do not have large overhangs. and an error-prone polymerase domain that
repair systems are deficient in many types of But an alternative form of end-joining has can extend DNA strands from mismatched
cancer; inhibition of complementary repair been described6–8 that lies somewhere between or unmatched termini. Previous work10 had
pathways1,2 might therefore be used to kill such HR and NHEJ. Most alternative end-joining demonstrated a role for Polθ in MMEJ in the
cancer cells. Two papers3,4 in this issue, and an seems to rely on microhomologies — short fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster. Mateos-
accompanying report5 published online in sequences of a few homologous base pairs Gomez and colleagues’ finding in mice there-
Nature Structural and Molecular Biology, reveal — and thus is often referred to as micro­ fore indicates that this role is evolutionarily
how a poorly understood alternative repair homology-mediated end-joining (MMEJ). conserved.
pathway compensates when the predominant Unlike HR, MMEJ is inherently error-prone Intriguingly, the researchers show that
mechanisms are impaired. The findings help to because the use of microhomology leads MMEJ and HR are competing pathways, as
explain the causes of genomic rearrangements to repair events that produce deletions of evidenced by their observation of increased
that are seen in cancer cells, and suggest thera- sequences from the strand being repaired and Rad51-dependent HR in cells lacking
peutic opportunities for cancers that harbour re­arrangement of sequences between pairs of Polθ; Rad51 is a protein that performs HR-
DNA-repair deficiencies. chromosomes, known as translocations. mediated repair. Furthermore, when the
Double-strand-break repair mostly occurs So how does MMEJ fit into the larger authors reduced Polθ levels in HR-deficient
through mechanisms called homologous picture of double-strand-break repair? Mateos- mouse cells harbouring mutations in either
recombination (HR) and non-homologous Gomez et al.3 (page 254) have addressed this of the breast-cancer susceptibility genes

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a NHEJ b Resection 3′ Overhang

Blunt-ended DSB

Rad51 Polθ

50 Years Ago

region The Medical Research Council
formation has set up a Brain Metabolism
Research Unit in the Department
of Pharmacology, University of
Edinburgh Medical School. The
Unpaired DNA Unit, which will be under the
honorary direction of Prof. W.
L. M. Perry, aims to undertake
experimental and clinical studies of
the metabolic pathways of certain
Figure 1 | Repair mechanisms for double-strand breaks in DNA.  a, Blunt-ended double-strand amino-acids and other substances
breaks (DSBs) can be repaired by non-homologous end-joining (NHEJ). b, Resection of blunt ends in the brain and tissue fluids. The
generates 3ʹ overhangs, allowing additional repair mechanisms. c, In homologous recombination (HR), action of psychotropic drugs on
further resection enables binding of Rad51 proteins, which help the overhang to bind to complementary these pathways will be used as
(homologous) DNA in another DNA helix, forming a structure called a D-loop. The homologous DNA
is used as a template for repair. d, A third mechanism, microhomology-mediated end-joining (MMEJ), is
a means of trying to determine
promoted by the enzyme Polθ. Kent et al.5 report that Polθ molecules bind to pairs of resected ends, enabling whether there are metabolic defects
short homologous DNA sequences in overhangs to form base pairs, leaving adjacent regions unpaired. The in the various psychoses and
enzyme then extends each strand (red arrows) from the base-paired region using the opposing overhang as ultimately whether such defects can
a template, and the unpaired regions are removed. Mateos-Gomez et al.3 and Ceccaldi et al.4 find that Polθ be corrected.
also impedes HR by limiting Rad51 accumulation at resected ends. Both groups also show that HR-deficient From Nature 13 February 1965
cancers might rely on Polθ-mediated Rad51 inhibition and MMEJ for survival.

brca1 or brca2 (or their human equivalents

BRCA1 and BRCA2), this greatly exacerbated
chromosomal aberrancies and reduced the
BRCA1 mutation. In a clear example of genetic
interaction, the investigators observed that
mice died as embryos when both Fancd2 and
100 Years Ago
ability of the cells to survive, suggesting that Polq genes were mutated, whereas mutation of In answer to a question as to typhoid
Polθ-mediated MMEJ could compensate either gene alone allowed the animals to survive in the Army, asked in the House
for the loss of HR. These findings provide to adulthood. of Commons on February 8,
enticing mechanistic insights into the obser- The two studies suggest that inhibition of Mr. Tennant, Under-Secretary of
vation11 that cancer genomes involving BRCA Polθ might be therapeutically useful for HR- State for War, said:– “Of the 421 cases
mutants display characteristic signatures deficient cancers. But what aspect of Polθ of typhoid in the present campaign
of MMEJ. should be inhibited? Ceccaldi et al. found that among British troops 305 cases were
Ceccaldi and colleagues’ study4 (page 258) the RAD51-binding motifs are required to limit in men who were not inoculated
began with the finding that Polθ is over­ RAD51 accumulation at breaks and toxicity in within two years. In the 421 cases
expressed in high-grade serous ovarian HR-deficient cells, but that the polymerase there have been thirty-five deaths.
cancer, which is characterized by high rates domain is not essential. This suggests that the Of these deaths thirty-four were
of HR deficiency and frequent BRCA muta- motifs are the appropriate target on Polθ. How- men who had not been inoculated
tions. Like Mateos-Gomez et al., they observed ever, Mateos-Gomez et al. report high rates of within two years. Only one death
increased HR and RAD51 accumulation at HR in mouse embryonic stem cells expressing occurred among patients who were
DNA breaks in human cells depleted of Polθ, Polθ and in which the polymerase domain is inoculated, and that man had only
compared with normal cells. The authors also inactivated by mutation, and find that these been inoculated once, instead of the
found that Polθ interacts directly with RAD51, cells show reduced survival when Brca1 expres- proper number of times — namely,
and they identified several binding motifs for sion is low. These observations suggest that the twice.” This is a marvellous record;
RAD51 on Polθ, one of which was necessary Rad51-binding motifs and the polymerase and no further answer than it
and sufficient for this interaction. domain of Polθ may each contribute to survival provides is needed to the inhuman
The researchers went on to show that both of HR-deficient cells, although quantification efforts made by anti-vaccinationists
the ATPase- and RAD51-binding domains of their relative contributions remains to be to induce men to object to
contribute to the inhibition of RAD51- sorted out. Introducing defined mutations in inoculation … we can only wonder
dependent D-loop formation (a key step in each domain in an in vivo model could help to at the patience of the British
the HR pathway), and to the inhibition of HR. address this important issue. people in permitting a prejudiced
Interestingly, they observed that Polθ-depleted Other fundamental questions are, how does faction to urge men not to subject
cells have a mild hypersensitivity to DNA- Polθ perform MMEJ, and what are its substrates? themselves to a treatment by which
damaging agents, and that this becomes much Kent et al.5 show that human Polθ directly binds they save others and themselves
more striking when Polθ depletion is combined two ends of resected double-strand breaks in a from suffering and death.
with HR deficiency caused by either depletion process that depends on an evolutionarily con- From Nature 11 February 1915
of FANCD2 (a protein involved in HR) or served loop domain in the enzyme (Fig. 1d).

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This allows microhomologous sequences in the error-prone repair pathways — a strategy 1. Bryant, H. E. et al. Nature 434, 913–917 (2005).
overhangs to form base pairs. Polθ then extends that enables cellular survival by limiting the 2. Farmer, H. et al. Nature 434, 917–921 (2005).
3. Mateos-Gomez, P. A. et al. Nature 518, 254–257
each strand from the base-paired region using accumulation of persistent DNA damage, but (2015).
the opposing overhang as a template. The at the expense of genome integrity. Under- 4. Ceccaldi, R. et al. Nature 518, 258–262 (2015).
researchers find that Polθ requires partially standing the mechanisms involved opens up 5. Kent, T., Chandramouly, G., McDevitt, S. M.,
Ozdemir, A. Y. & Pomerantz, R. T. Nature Struct.
resected DNA containing two to six base pairs of targets for anticancer drug research. ■ Mol. Biol.
micro­homology to perform MMEJ in vitro. This (2015).
explains why MMEJ can act on substrates des- Nam Woo Cho and Roger A. Greenberg 6. Yan, C. T. et al. Nature 449, 478–482 (2007).
tined for HR, because both repair mechanisms are in the Departments of Cancer Biology and 7. Corneo, B. et al. Nature 449, 483–486 (2007).
8. Boulton, S. J. & Jackson, S. P. EMBO J. 15, 5093–5103
require resection. Pathology, Abramson Family Cancer Research (1996).
The three papers provide a beautiful illustra- Institute, Basser Research Center for BRCA, 9. Sfeir, A. & de Lange, T. Science 336, 593–597 (2012).
tion of how the multifunctional DNA-repair Perelman School of Medicine, University of 10. Yu, A. M. & McVey, M. Nucleic Acids Res. 38,
5706–5717 (2010).
toolkit is coordinated to faithfully preserve Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 11. Nik-Zainal, S. et al. Cell 149, 979–993 (2012).
genome integrity. They also reveal how cancer 19104-6160, USA.
cells may thrive through increased usage of e-mail: This article was published online on 2 February 2015.

G EOCH EMISTRY descent into the last ice age, the CO2 balance
between ocean and atmosphere was tipped

When carbon escaped in favour of the ocean. After the ice age, CO2
levels rose again, implying that the balance
must have tipped back. These shifts in carbon

from the sea

storage could have been caused by physical,
chemical or biological mechanisms — such
as changes in ocean circulation, sea-ice cover
and phytoplankton productivity — potentially
A record of boron isotopes in fossils of microscopic plankton provides fresh working in concert.
evidence that some ocean regions were a source of carbon dioxide to the To gain insight into these possibilities,
atmosphere when Earth warmed at the end of the last ice age. See Letter p.219 palae­o ceanographers turn to sea-floor
sediments. Marine sediments represent a rich
archive of ocean history, in that the remains of
K AT H E R I N E A . A L L E N (that is, if ΔpCO is positive), then seawater will
biological matter and their chemical composi-

lose CO2 to the air, and vice versa. tion reflect past biological activity and ocean
uring the last ice age, northern Ice-core records indicate that, during the environmental conditions. Despite much
continents groaned under the weight Last Glacial Maximum (about 23,000 to 19,000 progress, it has been difficult to tease out the
of vast ice sheets and the concentra- years ago), the atmospheric CO2 concentration mechanism underlying past changes in ocean
tion of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere was was roughly 30% lower than during the pre- CO2 storage. A particular challenge has been
about 50% lower than it is today1. Directly after ceding warm period4. Somehow, during the the lack of direct evidence for exchange of CO2
the ice age, during a period known as the gla-
cial termination, CO2 probably escaped from
the ocean into the atmosphere, but direct evi- a b
East Pacific (83° W) Atlantic (15° W)
dence for this carbon transfer has been hard to Global mean (all longitudes)
find. On page 219 of this issue, Martínez-Botí 100
et al.2 identify areas of CO2 degassing from the Glacial
ocean during the termination. Their records termination,
EEP Glacial
provide clues to the role of the ocean in the EEP 50
dramatic transition from an icy planet to the
∆pCO (µatm)

milder climate of the modern world.
Today, the exchange of CO 2 between

Ice age,
ocean and atmosphere varies by season and EEP
location. In an average year, tropical oceans –50
(14° S to 14° N) are a strong source of CO2 to SA
the atmosphere, whereas the mid-latitudes
(14–50° S and N) and North Atlantic con- –100
50° N 0 50° S
tain strong sinks, and the Southern Ocean Latitude
(south of 50° S) swings seasonally between
source and sink, resulting in a net neutral Figure 1 | Exchange of carbon dioxide between the ocean and atmosphere.  a, Martínez-Botí et al.2
effect for that region3. These patterns of gas have used boron isotopes from planktonic fossils to determine past differences between the partial
exchange depend primarily on the difference pressures of CO2 in the ocean and the atmosphere (ΔpCO , measured in microatmospheres) in the eastern

between the partial pressure of CO2 (pCO ) in equatorial Pacific Ocean (EEP) and the South Atlantic Ocean (SA). b, They find that ΔpCO in the EEP was 2
negative, on average, during the latter part of the last ice age (25,000 to 19,000 years ago), implying that
the ocean and that of the atmosphere (partial
the ocean absorbed CO2 from the atmosphere; ice-age data for the SA are not available. During the glacial
pressure is a measure of the pressure gener- termination (about 18,000 to 11,000 years ago), average ΔpCO at both sites was positive. This suggests that
ated by a component of a mixture of gases). 2

the ocean released CO2 to the atmosphere at both locations at that time, which probably contributed to
This difference (called ΔpCO ) may have varied
2 the overall rise in atmospheric CO2 levels between the ice age and the following, milder Holocene epoch.
in the past. In general, if the partial pressure Data for the modern ocean (solid lines) are from ref. 3. Squares represent mean values; vertical bars
of CO2 in sea­water is greater than that in air represent the full range of values for each period.

1 7 6 | N AT U R E | VO L 5 1 8 | 1 2 F E B R UA RY 2 0 1 5
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across the air–sea interface. Martínez-Botí questions. Martínez-Botí and colleagues sediment-dwelling benthic foraminifera) may
et al. offer an insight into this exchange that report that ΔpCO in the eastern equatorial
help palae­oceanographers to link sites of CO2
is based on the boron isotopic composition Pacific fluctuated during the Last Glacial storage in the interior ocean with exchange
(δ11B) of calcite — a form of calcium carbon- Maximum when atmospheric CO2 levels were sites at the sea surface, thereby providing a
ate — produced by planktonic foraminifera. relatively stable, implying that other ocean deeper understanding of the link between
Planktonic foraminifera are single-celled regions may have acted as sinks. Records from carbon and climate. ■
organisms that spend their lives floating in other ocean regions are needed to confirm this.
water. Many species inhabit the upper sun- It should also be noted that, although ΔpCO 2
Katherine A. Allen is in the Department of
lit layers of the ocean, just below the air–sea records from certain key sites are invaluable Marine and Coastal Sciences,
interface, where CO2 exchange occurs. Mod- for testing ice-age hypotheses, the data are not Rutgers University, New Brunswick,
ern calibrations have shown that, as the pH of sufficient to quantify net global air–sea CO2 New Jersey 08901, USA.
seawater increases, the δ11B of calcite produced exchange across ice-age cycles. For perspec- e-mail:
by planktonic foraminifera also increases5,6. tive, the uncertainty associated with estimates
1. Monnin, E. et al. Science 291, 112–114 (2001).
Seawater pH and pCO are also directly linked.
of modern CO2 flux is ±50%, even though 2. Martínez-Botí, M. A. et al. Nature 518, 219–222
This fact has enabled the atmospheric CO2 there have been more than 3 million direct (2015).
record to be calculated7 from the δ11B of cal- CO2 measurements3. Still, the new results are 3. Takahashi, T. et al. Deep Sea Res. II 56, 554–577
cite in sedimentary cores taken from beneath promising, and their usefulness will increase 4. Petit, J. R. et al. Nature 399, 429–436 (1999).
a mid-ocean gyre (a large rotating system of as more records are established. 5. Sanyal, A., Bijma, J., Spero, H. J. & Lea, D. W.
wind-driven ocean currents), where the ocean Additional records are now needed to cover Paleoceanography 16, 515–519 (2001).
6. Henehan, M. J. et al. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 364,
is roughly in equilibrium with the atmosphere the other half of the glacial cycle: the descent 111–122 (2013).
(ΔpCO is approximately 0). The close agree-
into the ice age. A consideration of ΔpCO 2 7. Hönisch, B. & Hemming, N. G. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett.
ment between this δ11B-based CO2 record and obtained from the remains of planktonic 236, 305–314 (2005).
the record measured from bubbles of ancient foraminifera, along with proxies of deep- 8. Palmer, M. R. & Pearson, P. N. Science 300,
480–482 (2003).
air trapped in Antarctic ice demonstrated that ocean carbonate chemistry (such as δ11B or 9. Anderson, R. F. et al. Science 323, 1443–1448
δ11B from the mid-ocean gyre is closely linked the ratio of boron to calcium in the fossils of (2009).
to atmospheric CO2 across ice-age cycles.
By contrast with that study, Martínez-Botí
et al. have targeted sedimentary cores from N EUR O D EG E N E R AT I ON
ocean upwelling regions to identify specific
locations and periods of ocean CO2 degassing
(positive ΔpCO ). This is not the first time that

this has been done — the δ11B record from the

Cold shock protects
the brain
western equatorial Pacific Ocean8 suggested
that the tropics may have been a significant
source of CO2 across the last glacial termina-
tion. The present study builds on that work by
targeting regions in which this technique has A protein released during hypothermia has been found to affect the progression
not yet been applied: the eastern equatorial of neurodegenerative disease in mice by sparing neurons from death and
Pacific Ocean and the edge of the Southern preserving the connections between them. See Letter p.236
Ocean in the South Atlantic Ocean.
The authors derived ΔpCO records by com-

bining estimates of the partial pressure of CO2 GRAHAM KNOTT responsible, and findings so far offer insight

in the ocean with CO2 data from ice cores. into how brain metabolism and cell death
The records suggest that both the eastern istory is littered with examples of the are affected4. One aspect of neuroprotection
equatorial Pacific and the South Atlantic were use of cold as a therapeutic agent — research that is attracting interest involves
major sources of atmospheric CO2 during the from the ancient Greek physician a small group of proteins whose synthesis
deglaciation (about 18,000 to 11,000 years ago; Claudius Galen, who used it to treat fevers, increases during hypothermia, even as pro-
Fig. 1). Some of the highest ΔpCO values are
to its application for improving the outcomes duction of other proteins decreases. These
accompanied by regional peaks in opal flux of surgery after serious battlefield injuries. cold-shock proteins, which are found in many
(the silica produced by marine microorgan- Mounting evidence of its effectiveness led sur- species, bind with RNA and mediate overall
isms; see Fig. 3 of the paper). This is consistent geons in the 1950s to use hypothermia as a tool protein production. One such protein in par-
with the idea that intensified ocean upwelling to ameliorate the side effects of brain surgery1, ticular, RNA-binding motif protein 3 (RBM3),
brought both nutrients and respired CO2 to the and even today, cold is an effective treatment is emerging as a central player in the protec-
sea surface during the deglaciation9. for birth asphyxia — a lack of oxygen during tion of neurons after periods of hypothermia5.
Even more intriguingly, the record for the the perinatal period that can lead to brain dam- Investigations have focused mainly on how
eastern equatorial Pacific does not follow the age. It was not until 1987 that an animal study2 RBM3 and other cold-shock proteins affect
same pattern as that for the South Atlantic, showed that cooling could reduce neuronal the outcome of various types of stroke.
implying that gas exchange in the two regions death after brain injury. In this issue, Peretti In their study, Peretti and colleagues sub-
might be controlled by different processes. et al.3 (page 236) provide compelling evidence jected mice modelling Alzheimer’s disease
Together, these records imply that ventilation that a specific protein affects the brain’s abil- and mice infected with prions (proteins that
of CO2 from the Southern Ocean increased the ity to reshape its connections in response to cause neurodegenerative diseases such as
carbon content of the atmosphere during the cooling, and that the protein’s overexpression Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease) to deep hypo-
last deglaciation, and that gas exchange in the might provide therapeutic benefits in neuro- thermia, with the animals’ body tempera-
tropics may also have had a pivotal role. degenerative disease. tures being reduced from 37 °C to 16–18 °C
These exciting hints regarding ocean– The neuroprotection offered by cold has for 45 minutes. The authors identified and
atmosphere carbon exchange raise further spurred efforts to understand the mechanisms counted the synaptic connections between

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Figure 1 | A hibernating hazel dormouse.  Peretti et al.3 show that a laboratory-based model of hibernation reveals extensive remodelling of synaptic connections,
providing clues to what happens in the wild.

neurons using electron microscopy, and found regions during hibernation (Fig. 1). at high levels when neuronal circuits are
that, during hypothermia, the number of con- The fact that plasticity and recovery of being laid down during brain development,
tacts dropped significantly in a region of the synaptic connections is missing when RBM3 is also involved in their maintenance later
brain implicated in memory formation — the levels do not rise led Peretti and colleagues to on. Because some synapses in the adult brain
hippocampus. After young animals had been investigate whether artificially boosting levels are constantly being lost and re-formed, this
warmed up, the number of synapses returned of this molecule would protect against neuro­ is perhaps not surprising. Synaptic turnover
to normal. degenerative disease. They therefore subjected is crucial to the ability of neuronal circuits to
In older animals, the same loss of synapses prion-infected mice to two hypothermia treat- modify their function in response to changes
occurred, but the recovery did not. The effects ments spaced one week apart. This caused in activity7. This raises a question about the
on RBM3 also differed in old and young ani- RBM3 levels to remain raised for as long as extent to which molecules such as RBM3 are
mals: whereas levels of RBM3 rose in response eight weeks in young mice, and resulted in no involved in adult brain plasticity.
to the temperature drop in young mice, they synaptic or neuronal loss, or deficits in behav- The authors’ work also highlights the need
failed to do so in older ones. Although the iour, well into what would normally be the for a more-complete picture of the complex
researchers found no symptoms of neuro­ terminal phase of the disease. Protection did not mechanisms of neuronal protein production,
degeneration in older animals on the basis of occur in older mice, nor, perhaps more impor- particularly at the synapse. This could have far-
histological sections, biochemical measure- tantly, when the researchers inhibited RBM3. reaching consequences, not only for how we
ments or behaviour, these mice were presum- The latter result directly implicates the RBM3 tackle neurodegenerative diseases and brain
ably further along the road to disease. protein, rather than some other factor of the lesions caused, for example, by stroke, but also
Neurodegenerative disease is known to hypothermia treatment, in neuroprotection. for our understanding of, and approach to,
involve the progressive loss of synapses and The authors then left the hypothermia disorders of brain plasticity such as ageing and
neurons, with a resulting reduction in cogni- approach behind, and instead merely raised mental retardation. ■
tive ability. Peretti and co-workers’ experiment the levels of RBM3 by injecting prion-infected
is interesting because of the lack of response mice with a viral construct containing this pro- Graham Knott is at the Faculty of Life
of RBM3 to cooling in pre-symptomatic older tein, causing cells to overproduce it. This again Sciences, EPFL, 1015 Lausanne, Switzerland.
animals. Another aspect of note is that this is imparted neuroprotection and suppression of e-mail:
the first demonstration of synaptic loss fol- behavioural deficits.
1. Wang, H., Olivero, W., Wang, D. & Lanzino, G. Acta
lowed by recovery using a laboratory-based Peretti and colleagues’ work points to one Neurochir. 148, 565–570 (2006).
model of hibernation. Previous work6 has way in which the progression of devastating 2. Busto, R. et al. J. Cereb. Blood Flow Metab. 7,
shown some synaptic remodelling in hibernat- degenerative diseases might be slowed or 729–738 (1987).
ing animals that is suggestive of a weakening of halted. But it also indicates that tight control 3. Peretti, D. et al. Nature 518, 236–239 (2015).
4. Yenari, M. A. & Han, H. S. Nature Rev. Neurosci. 13,
connections between neurons; these may then of protein-synthesis pathways is key for main- 267–278 (2012).
strengthen on arousal. The current experiment, taining neuronal circuitry in healthy brains. 5. Chip, S. et al. Neurobiol. Dis. 43, 388–396 (2011).
however, shows a more-extensive alteration The authors found that when they decreased 6. Popov, V. I. & Bocharova, L. S. Neuroscience 48,
in neuronal connectivity in laboratory mice. the levels of RBM3 in control animals, the 53–62 (1992).
7. Holtmaat, A. & Svoboda, K. Nature Rev. Neurosci.
It would be useful to see how these synap- density of synapses also fell. Although this 10, 647–658 (2009).
tic changes alter the functioning of neuronal result is given only cursory mention in the
circuits in the hippocampus and other brain paper, it suggests that RBM3, which is present This article was published online on 14 January 2015.

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REVIEW doi:10.1038/nature14165

From quantum matter to high-temperature

superconductivity in copper oxides
B. Keimer1, S. A. Kivelson2, M. R. Norman3, S. Uchida4 & J. Zaanen5

The discovery of high-temperature superconductivity in the copper oxides in 1986 triggered a huge amount of
innovative scientific inquiry. In the almost three decades since, much has been learned about the novel forms of
quantum matter that are exhibited in these strongly correlated electron systems. A qualitative understanding of the
nature of the superconducting state itself has been achieved. However, unresolved issues include the astonishing
complexity of the phase diagram, the unprecedented prominence of various forms of collective fluctuations, and the
simplicity and insensitivity to material details of the ‘normal’ state at elevated temperatures.

he discovery of high-temperature superconductivity in the Most prominently, at temperatures well above Tc the conductivity in

T copper oxide perovskite La2 2 xBaxCuO4 (ref. 1) ranks among the

major scientific events of the twentieth century. The superconducting
transition temperatures in the copper oxides greatly exceed those of any
the copper oxides is almost two orders of magnitude smaller than in sim-
ple metals and exhibits frequency and temperature dependences that are
incompatible with the conventional theory of metals; this has led to mate-
previously known superconductor by almost an order of magnitude; in rials in the regime above Tc being referred to as ‘strange metals’ or ‘bad
1986 the highest possible temperature at which superconductivity could metals’. The behaviour exhibited by these ‘strange metals’, much of which
survive was widely believed to be 30 K (Fig. 1). Moreover, according to is simple to describe in terms of the so-called ‘‘marginal-Fermi-liquid
the theory of ‘conventional’ superconductors, the copper oxides would phenomenology’’5, has resisted any generally accepted understanding. On
have seemed the least likely materials in which to look for superconduct- the other hand, similar behaviour has now been documented in a large
ivity: at room temperature they are such poor conductors that they can number of electronically interesting materials6, indicating that this is a
hardly be classified as metals and, indeed, if their chemical composition general property of strongly correlated electron systems, and is not di-
is very slightly altered they become highly insulating antiferromagnets. rectly linked to high-temperature superconductivity. We consider this to
Magnetism arises from strong repulsive interactions between electrons,
whereas conventional superconductivity arises from induced attractive
interactions, making magnetism and superconductivity seemingly anti- 200
thetical forms of order.
165 K under pressure
The Bardeen–Cooper–Schrieffer (BCS) theory2 of the late 1950s pro- 1994

vided an extremely successful framework within which to understand con-

ventional superconductors, and gave rise to conceptual breakthroughs. HgBaCaCuO 135 K

The basic insight is that the electrons collectively bind into ‘Cooper’ pairs TlBaCaCuO
and simultaneously condense in much the same way as bosons condense 1993
Tc (K)

into a superfluid state. Fundamental to the BCS mechanism is the fact that, 100 YBaCuO
despite the strong direct Coulomb repulsions, the relatively weak attrac-
tions between electrons induced by the coupling to the vibrations of the 56 K
lattice (phonons) can bind the electrons into pairs at energies smaller than
MgB2 2001 39 K
the typical phonon energy. This was widely believed to imply that the su- LaBaCuO BaKBiO
perconducting transition temperature Tc of conventional superconduc- Nb3Ge 2002 18 K
tors could never exceed 30 K (ref. 3), although this limit has been revised 23 K PuCoGa5 2008
1973 1986
0 LaFePO
upwards by the discovery in 2001 of superconductivity with Tc 5 39 K in
1970 1980 1990 2000 2010
the simple metal MgB2 (ref. 4), where circumstances conspire to optim-
ize the electron–phonon mechanism. However, this is still far below the
maximum Tc of the copper oxides. Figure 1 | Tc versus time. Superconducting transition temperatures versus
As the properties of the copper oxides were studied with ever-increas- year of discovery for various classes of superconductors. The images on the
ing precision and sensitivity, it became clear that much of the well-understood right are the crystal structures of representative materials. The established
record for conventional electron–phonon superconductors (yellow) is 39 K
quantum theory of the electronic properties of solids, which has been
in MgB2. Given the small Fermi energies, the Tc values found in the family
spectacularly successful in accounting for the properties of conventional of heavy fermion superconductors (green) are actually remarkably high.
metals and superconductors, fails entirely to address many features of the There has been much interest in recent years in the new family of ‘iron
copper oxides and, more generally, of a broad array of ‘highly correlated superconductors’ (purple) in which Tc values approach 60 K. The record
electron systems’ of which the copper oxides are the most studied. (A sche- holders are found in the copper oxide family (red), with a maximum Tc of 165 K
matic phase diagram of the copper oxides is shown in Fig. 2.) found in a ‘mercury’ copper oxide under pressure (dashed red line).
Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research, Heisenbergstrasse 1, D-70569 Stuttgart, Germany. 2Department of Physics, Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305, USA. 3Materials Science Division,
Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois 60439, USA. 4Department of Physics, University of Tokyo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033, Japan. 5Lorentz Institute for Theoretical Physics, Universiteit Leiden,
PO Box 9506, 2300 RA Leiden, The Netherlands.

1 2 F E B R U A RY 2 0 1 5 | VO L 5 1 8 | N AT U R E | 1 7 9
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to obtain a semiquantitative estimate of Tc have had some success13, there

are important reasons to consider this problem still substantially unsolved.
Highly correlated electrons in the copper oxides
The chemistry of the copper oxides amplifies the Coulomb repulsions
Strange metal between electrons. The two-dimensional copper oxide layers (Fig. 3) are
separated by ionic, electronically inert, buffer layers. The stoichiometric
Temperature, T (K)

Pseudogap ‘parent’ compound (Fig. 2, zero doping) has an odd-integer number of

electrons per CuO2 unit cell (Fig. 3). The states formed in the CuO2 unit
T SC, onset
cells are sufficiently well localized that, as would be the case in a collec-
T C, onset
tion of well-separated atoms, it takes a large energy (the Hubbard U) to
remove an electron from one site and add it to another. This effect pro-
Charge Tc
100 order duces a ‘traffic jam’ of electrons14. An insulator produced by this classical
Spin jamming effect is referred to as a ‘‘Mott insulator’’15. However, even a
AF T S, onset TCDW localized electron has a spin whose orientation remains a dynamical degree
Fermi of freedom. Virtual hopping of these electrons produces, via the Pauli
TSDW d-SC liquid exclusion principle, an antiferromagnetic interaction between neighbour-
ing spins. This, in turn, leads to a simple (Néel) ordered phase below room
pmin pc1
temperature, in which there are static magnetic moments on the Cu sites
with a direction that reverses from one Cu to the next16,17.
Hole doping, p
The Cu-O planes are ‘doped’ by changing the chemical makeup of
Figure 2 | Phase diagram. Temperature versus hole doping level for the interleaved ‘charge-reservoir’ layers so that electrons are removed (hole-
copper oxides, indicating where various phases occur. The subscript ‘onset’ doped) or added (electron-doped) to the copper oxide planes (see the
marks the temperature at which the precursor order or fluctuations become horizontal axis of Fig. 2). In the interest of brevity, we will confine our
apparent. TS, onset (dotted green line), TC, onset and TSC, onset (dotted red line for discussion to hole-doped systems. Hole doping rapidly suppresses the
both) refer to the onset temperatures of spin-, charge and superconducting antiferromagnetic order. At a critical doping of pmin, superconductivity
fluctuations, while T* indicates the temperature where the crossover to the
sets in, with a transition temperature that grows to a maximum at popt,
pseudogap regime occurs. The blue and green regions indicate fully developed
antiferromagnetic order (AF) and d-wave superconducting order (d-SC) then declines for higher dopings and vanishes for pmax (Fig. 2). Materials
setting in at the Néel and superconducting transition temperatures TN and Tc, with p , popt are referred to as underdoped and those with popt , p are
respectively. The red striped area indicates the presence of fully developed referred to as overdoped.
charge order setting in at TCDW. TSDW represents the same for incommensurate It is important to recognize that the strong electron repulsions that
spin density wave order. Quantum critical points for superconductivity and cause the undoped system to be an insulator (with an energy gap of 2 eV)
charge order are indicated by the arrows. are still the dominant microscopic interactions, even in optimally doped
copper oxide superconductors. This has several general consequences. The
be the most important open problem in the understanding of quantum resulting electron fluid is ‘highly correlated’, in the sense that for an elec-
materials, and it is here that radically new ideas, including those derived tron to move through the crystal, other electrons must shift to get out of
from recently developed non-perturbative studies in string theory, may its way. In contrast, in the Fermi liquid description of simple metals, the
be useful. quasiparticles (which can be thought of as ‘dressed’ electrons) propagate
More unique to the copper oxides is the behaviour observed in a range freely through an effective medium defined by the rest of the electrons.
of temperatures immediately above Tc in what is referred to as the The failure of the quasiparticle paradigm is most acute in the ‘strange metal’
‘pseudogap’ regime. It is characterized by a substantial suppression of the regime, that is, the ‘normal’ state out of which the pseudogap and the
electronic density of states at low energies that cannot be simply related to superconducting phases emerge when the temperature is lowered. None-
the occurrence of any form of broken symmetry. Although much about theless, in some cases, despite the strong correlations, an emergent Fermi
this regime is still unclear, convincing experimental evidence has recently liquid arises at low temperatures. This is especially clear in the overdoped
emerged that there are strong and ubiquitous tendencies towards several regime (Fig. 2). But recently it has been shown that even in underdoped
sorts of order or incipient order, including various forms of charge- materials, at temperatures low enough to quench superconductivity by
density-wave, spin-density-wave, and electron-nematic order. There is the application of a high magnetic field, emergent Fermi liquid behaviour
also suggestive, but far from definitive, evidence of several sorts of novel
order—that is, never before documented patterns of broken symmetry—
including orbital loop current order and a spatially modulated super- O
conducting phase referred to as a ‘pair-density wave’. There are many
fascinating aspects of these ‘intertwined orders’ that remain to be under-
stood, but their existence and many aspects of their general structure were Ba/Ca
anticipated by theory7. Superconducting fluctuations also have an important
role in part of this regime, although to an extent that is still much debated.
The high-temperature superconducting phase itself has a pattern of O 2py
broken symmetry that is distinct from that of conventional superconduc- Cu 3dx2 – y2
tors. Unlike in conventional s-wave superconductors, the superconduct-
ing wavefunction in the copper oxides has d-wave symmetry8,9, that is, it
changes sign upon rotation by 90u. Associated with this ‘unconventional O 2px
pairing’ is the existence of zero energy (gapless) quasiparticle excitations
at the lowest temperatures, which make even the thermodynamic prop-
erties entirely distinct from those of conventional superconductors (which Figure 3 | Crystal structure. Layered copper oxides are composed of CuO2
are fully gapped). The reasons for this, and its relation to a proximate anti- planes, typically separated by insulating spacer layers. The electronic structure
ferromagnetic phase, are now well understood, and indeed were also anti- of these planes primarily involves hybridization of a 3dx2 { y2 hole on the
cipated early on by some theories10–12. However, while various attempts copper sites with planar-coordinated 2px and 2py oxygen orbitals.

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arises, albeit with characteristics (for example, a reconstructed Fermi E ky

surface) that are quite different from those predicted by band theory18,19. (0, π)
Nevertheless, over most of the phase diagram, the frustration of the co-
herent electron motion produces physics that is qualitatively distinct from
that of simple metals. PG (0, 0) (π, 0) kx
Although the large zero-point energy of electrons in a usual metal re-
sults in a quantum ‘rigidity’ that greatly suppresses all forms of inhomo-
geneous states, the Mott physics and the short-range antiferromagnetic
correlations inherited from the undoped ‘parent’ compound combine to | SC(k) | ky
produce a local tendency to phase separation and various forms of order,
which spontaneously break the translational symmetry of the underlying
Antinode Antinode
crystal20–22. Thus, especially in the pseudogap regime of the phase diagram,
it is unsurprising that various forms of order occur on intermediate length
Node kx
kx ky
Pairing in an unconventional superconductor
It is now well established that electrons can form pairs, even when they SC(k) =( 0/2) [cos(kxa) – cos(kya)]
repel each other at a microscopic scale. However, this involves non-trivial
physics. A model that is often used as a point of departure for theoretical Figure 4 | Fermi surface, Fermi arcs and gap functions. The large Fermi
discussions is the famous Hubbard model, describing electrons hopping surface predicted by band theory is observed by ARPES and STS for overdoped
compounds (bottom right). But once the pseudogap sets in, the antinodal
on a lattice parametrized in terms of the bandwidth W 5 8t (where t is a
regions of the Fermi surface near the Brillouin zone edge are gapped out, giving
measure of the ‘hopping’ energy gain due to delocalization of the electrons) rise to Fermi arcs (top right). This is reflected (left) in the angle dependence
and an on-site electron–electron repulsion U. In the copper oxides, U and of the energy E of the superconducting gap DSC (blue line) and pseudogap
W are comparable. Even for this simplified model, analytic solutions are DPG (red line) as functions of the momenta kx and ky in one quadrant of the
not available. However, approximate solutions of the doped Hubbard Brillioun zone around the underlying large Fermi surface (dashed curve),
model can be obtained in several ways, and these invariably point to a as revealed by ARPES and STS. Note the gapless region around the d-wave
d-wave superconducting ground state. superconducting node for the pseudogap case that defines the Fermi arcs.
An intuitive understanding of the mechanism of pairing is best ob- These arcs appear to be reconstructed into electron pockets centred at
tained by approaching the problem from an unrealistic weak-coupling (Q/2, Q/2) once charge order sets in, as revealed by quantum oscillation
studies, where (Q, 0) is the charge order wavevector19.
perspective, that is, assuming U = W (ref. 23). Here, the gap structure is
determined by the solution of a variant of the original BCS equations, in
which an appropriately renormalized two-particle vertex function, C(k), and fixed node approximations to get around the issue of negative pro-
plays the part of an effective interaction. For the case of purely repulsive babilities in fermion simulations), dynamical mean field theory28 and its
interactions, if C is sufficiently k-dependent, a sign-changing supercon- cluster generalizations (either in momentum space or real space), density
ducting order parameter (where D(k) and D(k 1 Q) have opposite sign) matrix renormalization group (designed for one-dimensional problems
results for which interactions involving small momentum transfer are pair- but can simulate strips), and its two-dimensional generalizations29. These
breaking, and those with large momentum transfer near Q promote pairing. methods all have their pros and cons. They have, however, taught us that
In particular, if there are antiferromagnetic correlations, this typically if superconductivity occurs, it is invariably of d-wave symmetry, but also
implies a peak in C at the antiferromagnetic ordering vector, Q 5 QAF that many competing states are close in energy, especially unidirectional
(ref. 24), which is also an ideal vector for scattering between ‘antinodal’ charge order30,31.
regions of the Fermi surface of the copper oxides shown in Fig. 4; that is,
precisely those regions where the d-wave gap is largest and of opposite High-Tc superconductivity
sign. The gap ‘nodes’ along the diagonals of the Brillouin zone are then, Of course, there is additional complexity in going from theoretical results
in turn, where the d-wave gap vanishes. for simple model problems to the real experimental systems. Static
Superconductivity in the Hubbard model cannot truly be approached antiferromagnetism disappears quickly as a function of doping (Fig. 2),
from the strong-coupling limit, since there is now strong numerical evi- but both inelastic neutron scattering and resonant inelastic X-ray scattering
dence that for a broad range of doping, the ground state of the Hubbard reveal that the antiferromagnetism of the insulator survives in the super-
model is ferromagnetic rather than superconducting for large enough U/t conductor to a degree in the form of dynamical magnetic fluctuations which
(ref. 25). However, the closely related t–J model (with J 5 4t2/U being the are much stronger than in conventional metals (and are strongly renor-
superexchange interaction between copper spins mediated by the inter- malized when cooling below Tc)32–35. It is physically appealing to use the
vening oxygen ions) incorporates the essence of the strong-coupling phys- measured spin fluctuation spectrum as an approximation of the vertex C
ics through the constraint that no more than one electron at a time can mentioned above. This yields reasonable values for Tc, and also appears to
occupy a given site. The t–J model can then be addressed, with values of be consistent with some of the single electron self-energy effects detected
J/t < 0.5, as a reasonable model in its own right. Although no controlled by various electron spectroscopies such as ARPES (angle resolved photo-
solution is known, the superconducting tendencies of this model have been emission spectroscopy) and STS (scanning tunnelling spectroscopy)13,36.
investigated numerically since the early days of high-temperature super- However, this approach, departing from the idea of the attractive force
conductivity research26,27. It is striking that the character and symmetry of (‘glue’) induced by spin fluctuations, has shortcomings37. Despite its intu-
the superconducting state itself and its association with short-range anti- itive appeal, it is not based on controlled mathematics, since the same
ferromagnetic correlations look grossly similar, regardless of perspective24. electrons that are pairing also form the ‘glue’. Another difficulty is that these
Although intermediate coupling problems have thus far not been suc- simplified models leave out other effects that can influence the magnitude
cessfully solved by controlled analytic approaches, the lack of any small of Tc. A case in point is the electron–phonon interaction. There is good
dimensionless parameters probably implies the lack of any long emer- evidence that phonons affect both ARPES and STS line shapes38, while
gent length scales in the problem, except near a quantum critical point strong anomalies are seen in the phonon spectra39. There are a number of
(QCP). With this in mind, a variety of numerical techniques have been other neglected effects that are worrisome, in particular the non-local Cou-
developed to study this regime, including exact diagonalization (limited lomb interaction which is an especially relevant concern given the poor
to small clusters), quantum Monte Carlo and its derivatives (variational screening in the direction perpendicular to the planes40.

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More seriously, some fundamental aspects of high-Tc superconduct- the pseudogap phenomenology. There are surely issues related to the
ivity are qualitatively different from the BCS variety. An example is the ‘plethora of orders’ discussed immediately below, something which is not
influence of quenched disorder. In absolute terms, most copper oxides can easy to understand in the conventional way. However, one obtains a
be regarded as chemically ‘dirty’, owing to their doped (non-stoichiometric) much sharper view using electron spectroscopies. The striking difference
nature. In BCS theory, an important difference between s-wave and in the nature of the electronic excitations measured in ARPES when cross-
unconventional superconductivity is that the former is relatively imper- ing from the ‘coherent’ nodal region to the ‘incoherent’ antinodal region
vious to structural disorder, while the latter is readily degraded41. The in momentum space is called the nodal–antinodal dichotomy55. The nodal
strong inhomogeneity seen by STS leaves no doubt that many copper region involves a narrow region around the zone diagonals, which gradu-
oxide superconductors reside in a disordered lattice potential, but the ally grows with increasing doping until it encompasses the entire Fermi
d-wave superconductivity appears to be fairly insensitive to this adverse surface in sufficiently overdoped materials. While the antinodal region
condition. It has been suggested that this is a consequence of strong local lacks any quasiparticle-like spectral peaks, throughout the pseudogap
correlations42, but it still remains a puzzle. regime it exhibits a suppression of low-energy electronic spectral weight
A very basic quantity for the superconducting order is the superfluid on an energy scale that corresponds to the pseudogap45.
density rs, the quantity that parametrizes the rigidity of the phase of the The astonishing character of these observations is best illustrated by
superconducting order parameter, which also determines the capacity of showing a map of the spectral weight at low energy as a function of k in
the superconductor to expel electromagnetic fields. One can identify a the first Brillouin zone (Fig. 4). In a Fermi liquid, the Fermi surface de-
temperature associated with the fluctuations of the phase Th < rs/m* where lineates the boundary between occupied and unoccupied quasiparticle
m* is the effective mass. In a BCS superconductor, rs is equal to the total states, so no matter how complicated it may be, the one thing it cannot
density of electrons at zero temperature and accordingly Th ? Tc < 0.5D0/kB, do is abruptly end. However, in the pseudogap regime, there appear to be
the temperature associated with the formation of the pairs where D0 is the ‘‘Fermi arcs’’ in the nodal regime56. In a mean-field theory, the effective
average superconducting gap (kB is the Boltzmann constant). The fluc- potential associated with a (density-wave) state that breaks translational
tuations of the phase of the superconducting condensate are largely irrel- symmetry can reconstruct a large Fermi surface, producing small Fermi
evant; once Cooper pairs form, they automatically condense. Turning to surface pockets, but these must still form connected manifolds. It is plau-
the copper oxides, it was established early on that the superfluid density is sible that the Fermi arcs are actually the front half of such a pocket57,58,
anomalously small, scaling in the underdoped regime with Tc (the ‘‘Uemura and hence there has been an intense search to find the ‘‘backside of the
law’’43). The conclusion is that in the underdoped copper oxides, Th and pocket’’, but at present there is no definitive sign of it.
the pair-binding energy are of the same order and the thermal fluctua- STS has proved particularly revealing in this context. Such data (mostly
tions of the phase should be crucial for the thermodynamics44. A long- below Tc) exhibit electronic waves in real space that upon Fourier trans-
standing question is whether, perhaps, pairs already form at the (very high) formation show peaks that disperse with bias and have been mapped to
pseudogap temperature T* (Fig. 2), while at a much lower temperature, the scattering across the Fermi surface59. One finds that in the superconduct-
actual Tc, the phase locks to form the long-range ordered superconduct- ing state, the low-energy excitations near the nodes behave just as one
ing state. As we will see, the physics of the phase fluctuations is inter- would expect for a BCS d-wave state60, but at higher energies, cross over to
twined with that of competing order. a dispersionless pattern characteristic of short-range stripe order. Inter-
In many cases, in copper oxides with the highest Tc (that is, at optimal estingly, this low-energy dispersing pattern maps out the same Fermi arc61
doping), the superconductivity emerges directly as an instability of the in momentum space (Fig. 4) as observed directly by ARPES56 in the pseu-
strange metal phase. The strange metal is the least understood part of the dogap state, with the arc recovering the full Fermi surface once the doping
phase diagram, because it does not appear to be describable in terms of exceeds a critical value62. However, the STS result, indicating a complete
weakly interacting Landau quasiparticles. The very non-BCS transition loss of coherence in the antinodal regime, appears to be inconsistent with
from the strange metal to the more conventional physics of the super- the ARPES, which sees antinodal quasiparticles below Tc, even for under-
conducting state is vividly apparent in the temperature evolution of the doped materials63. The higher-energy dispersionless pattern is seen at all
ARPES spectra at momenta near the ‘antinodes’ (Fig. 4) where the energies when moving above Tc into the pseudogap state64,65, consistent
pairing forces of the d-wave superconductor are supposedly the stron- with local charge order, and has been identified as coexisting with the low-
gest. For these momenta, the electron spectral function is strongly broa- energy dispersing signal below Tc as well66,67. But the consistency of the
dened as a function of energy45. Upon entering the superconducting phase, ARPES data with charge order is still an active area of debate68—to date,
a quasiparticle peak starts to develop that has the classic backbending no unambiguous signatures associated with the stripe wavevectors have
(Bogoliubov) dispersion of a BCS superconductor46. This is, in turn, con- been found.
sistent with the onset of coherence observed in microwave, infrared and
thermal conductivities. But, unlike in BCS theory, it appears that the spec- Precursor pairing
tral weight of this antinodal ‘‘Bogoliubon’’ is linearly proportional to the The structure of the pseudogap in momentum space was directly mapped
superfluid density, both as a function of doping and temperature47,48. This by ARPES experiments at temperatures between T* and Tc, and found to
is not understood: it is as if the phase coherence of the superconductor crudely mimic the d-wave superconducting gap: the pseudogap is appar-
‘freezes out’ single-particle coherence from the highly collective non- ent only in the ‘antinodal’ regions of the Brillouin zone (Fig. 4)57,69,70 where
Fermi-liquid strange metal state. the d-wave gap is largest. This immediately suggests that at the very high
pseudogap temperature T*, pairs already start to form, while phase fluc-
Pseudogap regime tuations prohibit superconducting order until much lower temperatures
A prominent feature of this regime of the phase diagram is the line T*, are reached. So long as there is substantial short-range phase coherence,
which denotes the onset of a partial gap observed in spectroscopic data. superconducting fluctuations should have large and identifiable signa-
First inferred from nuclear magnetic resonance measurements that showed tures. For instance, for a range of temperatures that extends up to about
a reduction in the low-frequency spin excitations49,50, this pseudogap was 1.5Tc (but not to temperatures comparable to T*), large fluctuation con-
subsequently seen in c-axis polarized infrared conductivity measurements ductivity (at both direct and alternating current) is observed71, but there is
and is associated with a pronounced upturn in the c-axis resistivity51. In some debate about how much such signatures differ from those observed
contrast, the in-plane polarized infrared conductivity indicates a drop in classic superconductors.
in the scattering rate52, which is reflected in a reduction of the planar The more far-reaching notion of pairing correlations without substan-
resistivity53,54. tial phase coherence persisting to temperatures of the order of T* is dif-
A much debated question is whether conventional (Hartree–Fock) mean- ficult to define precisely, even in principle. The best circumstantial evidence
field treatments are able to provide even a qualitatively correct account of comes from diamagnetism, which is observed up to about 150 K (ref. 72).

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Though weak compared to full Meissner screening, it is still large com- in a homogeneous d-wave superconductor85. A reconciliation of these two
pared to that of simple metals. Moreover, in underdoped YBa2Cu3O6 1 x very different pictures remains a challenge for the field.
(YBCO), a moderately well-defined interlayer Josephson plasma resonance For many years, static stripe order had seemed to be confined to the
seems to persist up to similar temperatures73, and recent pump–probe ex- LSCO family. However, recently charge ordering was discovered in
periments are consistent with transient superconducting order existing underdoped YBCO86 and Bi- and Hg-based copper oxides67,68,87. X-ray
all the way to T* (ref. 74). Perhaps the most compelling evidence is in the experiments find short-range incommensurate charge order that gradu-
temperature evolution of the gap itself; the nodal–antinodal dichotomy ally sets in between 100 K and 200 K (refs 88 and 89). Moreover, high-
notwithstanding, the pseudogap above Tc evolves remarkably smoothly resolution X-ray scattering90 and nuclear magnetic resonance experiments
into the gap of the superconducting state well below Tc. In that context, it have confirmed that the short-range charge order is truly static, and thus
has been suggested by ARPES that the Fermi arc is simply due to the life- presumably arises from pinning of correlated charge fluctuations by defects91.
time broadening of a d-wave node75,76, and this has been inferred as well Unlike in the stripes of the LSCO family, there is no evidence of coinci-
by STS below Tc (ref. 77). The reconciliation of this superconducting-like dent static (or nearly static) magnetic order. Moreover, the variation of the
signature in the fermion response in the pseudogap phase and an energy stripe wavevector with doping in YBCO92 and Bi-based copper oxides67,68
gap due to competing order78 has been a major challenge, even more re- is much weaker and has the opposite sign of that in LSCO. Whereas in
levant now, given the new findings of such crystalline order (see below). LSCO, this wavevector increases with doping as would be expected in a
real space picture, in YBCO and the Bi-based copper oxides, the wave-
Competing orders vector decreases, as would be expected from a momentum space picture
Another increasingly well-documented feature of the pseudogap regime involving vectors spanning the Fermi surface. This difference may be
is a tendency towards a variety of orders (that is, patterns of broken sym- connected with differences in the spin behaviour: in YBCO a large spin
metry) in addition to superconductivity. Some involve ‘crystallization’ gap is present that acts to suppress the incommensurate spin order that is
of the electrons in the form of stripes and other forms of charge order, more prevalent in the LSCO family34,35.
but others appear to be more novel quantum liquids. There is also some Yet another interesting hint regarding the unusual relationship between
evidence for new types of order involving various patterns of equilibrium the charge order and superconductivity follows from the temperature evo-
lution of the charge order. The X-ray signal begins to build up smoothly
orbital currents, and possibly a new sort of spatially modulated super-
upon cooling below a characteristic charge ordering temperature (TCDW)
conducting state.
typically less than T*, to attain a maximum at the superconducting Tc, then
Neutron scattering studies in the mid-1990s led to the experimental
drops noticeably below Tc, indicating competition between the charge
discovery of electronic ‘stripes’ in the La2 2 xSrxCuO4 (LSCO) family22.
order and superconductivity88,89,92.
These studies were inspired, in part, by earlier mean-field theories of
There is also evidence for ‘quantum nematic liquid crystal’ order oc-
density-wave formation in lightly doped Hubbard-like models20. An alter-
curring in the pseudogap phase. Such phases are translationally invariant
native and complementary theoretical perspective was based on the ob-
but break point group (for example, rotational) symmetries. First sug-
servation that doping an insulating antiferromagnet produces a tendency
gested in the context of the quantum melting of stripe crystals93, evidence
to phase separation that is frustrated by the long-range Coulomb inter-
appeared for a phase breaking the fourfold symmetry of the square lattice
action; the compromise is to form conducting stripe-like textures21. The in underdoped YBCO, from transport94,95 and inelastic neutron scatter-
stripe order, characterized by incommensurate antiferromagnetic order ing measurements96. This ‘nematic’ signal was also found in an analysis
and charge segregation, was initially found in underdoped versions of LSCO, of the STS data, showing that besides the ‘stripy’ texture breaking trans-
where a low-temperature tetragonal lattice deformation apparently acts lations, there is also an overall (zero wavevector) breaking of rotations
as a pinning potential for the stripes22. However, it became clear that these present, consistent with the two oxygen ions in the CuO2 unit becoming
stripes were different from the ‘classical’ stripes in the other doped Mott inequivalent97,98, though this is controversial99.
insulators: the copper oxide stripes stay metallic and even superconduct These orders are all close siblings of the electron crystal. However,
at low temperatures. Although the spatial organization looks similar to there is also evidence for a completely different kind of order below T* as
the mean field stripes, a crucial difference is that these can now be viewed well. This order is symmetry-wise equivalent to having magnetic mo-
as a partially crystallized superconductor, formed from electron pairs31,79. ments on the oxygen sites, and thus would be a magnetic analogue of the
In general terms, a competition between superconductivity and crys- charge nematic mentioned above100. But the original proposal that moti-
tallization is a very natural way to account for the diminishing superfluid vated the experiments involved spontaneous electron currents flowing
density in the pseudogap regime. Indeed, quite recently, evidence has em- inside the CuO2 units in such a way that although rotational symmetry is
erged that materials with static stripes form a ‘‘pair density wave’’: the broken, translational symmetry is not101. It has a quite distinct magnetic
charge stripes are internally superconducting, but the phase reverses from diffraction pattern, which was subsequently seen by spin-flip neutron
stripe to stripe7. Given that the stripe orientation changes as one moves scattering100. If confirmed, this would again amount to the discovery of a
from one layer to the next, this frustrates the Josephson coupling between new phase of matter, though it does not yield a natural explanation for
layers, entirely extinguishing the superfluid stiffness perpendicular to the the pseudogap, just by the very fact that it does not break translational
planes and thus giving rise to a two-dimensional superconducting state symmetry. The real difficulty with this proposal is that current order
consistent with transport measurements80,81. If confirmed, this would con- should also be seen by local magnetic probes such as muon spin reson-
stitute the discovery of a new phase of matter. ance and nuclear magnetic resonance, but this has not been observed.
It was subsequently found, by inelastic neutron scattering, that the mag- Potentially related to this is the onset of a small Kerr rotation at T*, which
netic spectrum of the ordered stripes has a unique ‘hourglass’ pattern82, also indicates some type of symmetry breaking102. This Kerr signal defines
with the neck of the hourglass located at the commensurate antiferro- a phase line that cuts through the superconducting dome, vanishing near
magnetic wavevector, and this pattern has subsequently been observed in 18% doping.
the insulating charge ordered states of manganites and cobaltates83.
Although this makes it natural to associate the inelastic neutron scattering The strange metal
spectrum with the spin waves associated with incommensurate magnetic The strange metal regime was recognized early on as perhaps the most
order, in the copper oxides, this pattern persists for larger dopings, even mysterious aspect of the copper oxide phase diagram. The most basic dif-
where the stripe order is no longer condensed and where the character of ference between the strange metal and a conventional metal is the absence
the spin-wave spectrum changes dramatically when the temperature drops of quasiparticles. This has consequences for physical properties like the
below Tc (ref. 84). In this regime, many salient features of the magnetic spec- electrical resistivity. In a normal metal, unless the metal melts first, the re-
trum are similar to what is expected for weakly interacting quasiparticles sistivity saturates at high temperatures when the mean free path, l, becomes

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of the order of the electron de Broglie wavelength, l. The resistivity of the theory may help: with the so-called holographic duality, one can address
copper oxide strange metal can be linear in T from near Tc up to as high a the physics of strongly interacting finite density systems. Its central point,
temperature as measured103, even when the inferred l would be smaller the mathematical anti-deSitter to conformal field theory (AdS/CFT) cor-
than l, which would violate the Heisenberg uncertainty principle for the respondence, has become a focus for modern string theoretical research.
quasiparticles. Moreover, the Hall resistivity has a temperature depend- Discovered in 1997112, it demonstrates that the two grand theories of phys-
ence different from what would be expected in a quasiparticle picture104. ics, which seem unrelated (general relativity and quantum field theory)
In the late 1980s, some of these and various other experimental anom- can become under certain conditions two sides of the same coin. According
alies were encapsulated in the phenomenological ‘marginal Fermi liquid’ to the correspondence, there is a ‘holographic’ relation in the sense that
theory5. This asserts that the Fermi gas is coupled to a continuum of ex- the quantum field theory is like a two-dimensional photographic plate
citations that is spatially featureless, with a spectral density which is con- with interference fringes encoding the gravitational physics in three di-
stant for v . T, but proportional to T for v , T. This leads to a damping mensions. Most importantly, the difficult-to-solve strong-coupling quan-
rate that scales as max(v, T). This was confirmed later by high-resolution tum field theory is mapped to its more easily solved holographic dual, the
ARPES measurements, with the caveat that this is only seen in the nodal weak-coupling gravity theory.
region, with the antinodal region behaving in a more incoherent fashion105. Since 2007, the properties of matter at finite density have been the cen-
In the 1990s it was proposed that quantum criticality could explain the tral focus of this ‘holography’ research113. At low temperatures one finds
low-energy excitations of the strange metal. A quantum phase transition superconductors, stripe and current phases, and even Fermi liquids. The
occurs when a continuous phase transition occurs at zero temperature as observable responses of these states are often similar to experimental ob-
a function of a tuning parameter (like pressure or doping), where the cor- servations. However, the great difference is in the nature of the strange
responding QCP defines the boundary between the ordered (broken sym- metal at higher temperatures. The gravity dual tells us that these systems
metry) and disordered quantum phases106. The correlations at a QCP are at finite fermion density should form metallic quantum critical phases,
characterized by a spatio-temporal scale invariance, which in turn has the where the scale invariance emerges without fine tuning to any special QCP.
effect that there are no longer quasiparticle poles (d-functions) in spectral However, these ‘‘conformal’’ metals (which exhibit Planckian dissipation)
functions. Instead one finds power-law behaviour (‘branch cuts’) and spec- are intrinsically unstable, and upon cooling spawn an extensive manifold
tral functions at finite temperature that are scaling functions of v/T. This of stable states. They also have special scaling properties that are different
can be interpreted in terms of a dissipative energy relaxation time B/kBT, from any conventional quantum critical state114.
which is sometimes referred to as ‘‘Planckian dissipation’’ because it is Owing to the limitations of the mathematics, holography can only be
a quantum effect independent of material parameters107. Moving away proved for certain field theories that have no resemblance whatsoever with
from the critical point, the energy scale above which scale invariance the electrons in the copper oxides. It is not currently known whether the
remains gradually increases. Accordingly, in the ‘tuning parameter’– traits discussed above are ubiquitous emergent phenomena or somehow
temperature plane, there is a quantum critical wedge opening up from tied to these special cases. At the least, however, holography may supply
the QCP. This suggests an interpretation of the phase diagram in Fig. 2, powerful new metaphors, teaching physicists to think differently, and lead-
where the strange metal is identified with the quantum critical wedge ing to new experimental questions.
associated with a QCP under the superconducting dome near optimal
doping. The overdoped regime
The theory of quantum criticality in metallic systems is still a work in As the doping is increased beyond the doping optimal for the supercon-
progress. One issue is that there may be reasons to believe that the QCP ductivity, it appears that a real Fermi liquid begins to be established: quan-
is intrinsically unstable, since the order parameter fluctuations mediate tum oscillations indicate a well-developed large Fermi surface, consistent
attractive interactions that promote superconductivity, meaning that the in detail with the prediction of one electron band theory115. This is sup-
QCP might always be ‘shielded’ by a superconducting dome, just as in ported by ARPES measurements where now sharp peaks are observed
Fig. 2. However, there is also typically a diverging correlation length at a near this Fermi surface throughout the Brillouin zone (including the
QCP, while no such growing correlation length has yet been observed in antinodes)45,116. Inelastic neutron scattering data indicate a dramatic sup-
the strange metal state of the copper oxides for any of the orders that are pression of magnetic spectral weight near the antiferromagnetic wave vec-
considered likely candidates. Moreover, according to the marginal Fermi tors, which may be interpreted as a disappearance of the spin-fluctuation
liquid phenomenology5, what is needed is a special sort of quantum crit- pairing glue, explaining why Tc goes down117. On the other hand, recent
icality that is local in space, and so featureless in k. resonant inelastic X-ray scattering data have demonstrated pronounced
Is there a QCP involving the termination of pseudogap order inside spin fluctuations at smaller wave vectors, implying that strong electron
the superconducting dome? There is evidence for the termination of pseu- correlations persist even in highly overdoped copper oxides33,118. A big
dogap order in a QCP from early specific heat data108 and from a disper- question is how different the Fermi liquid at lower temperatures really is
sion anomaly seen in photoemission109 as well as a vanishing of the Kerr from the anomalous strange metal at higher temperatures. ARPES shows
rotation102 and charge order92, with the latest being a divergence in the that there is only a weak crossover line that separates these two regimes119.
effective mass seen in quantum oscillation studies110. But which order param-
eter rules the quantum critical regime111, and is that regime large enough Outlook
to encompass the entire strange metal region? We argued above that the Originally inspired by the desire to find out why superconductivity can
pseudogap is characterized by several competing ordering tendencies. Even happen at a high temperature, condensed matter scientists engaged in a
more seriously, this quantum critical description should break down at relentless effort to unravel the physics of copper oxides. As we have em-
higher temperatures. But the strange metal persists to the highest attain- phasized, there is still plenty of work to do, especially with regards to the
able temperatures. physics of competing order in the underdoped regime. The bottom line
For a highly correlated fluid, the interactions are large and so probably is that the existing theoretical machinery seems inadequate to describe both
cannot be treated using any fundamentally perturbative approach which the rich physics of the pseudogap phase and the nature of the strange
starts with a free particle description. There is a well-developed and metal phase.
extremely successful theoretical solution of this problem applicable to Experimental techniques with which to control correlated electrons are
one-dimensional and quasi-one-dimensional electron fluids based on evolving rapidly. Recent examples include the development of atomically
‘bosonization’, but no such approach exists in higher dimensions. In this precise layer-deposition methods that allow the tailoring of lattice struc-
context, it is important to seek new approaches—theories that honestly tures120 and coherent optical control techniques74. In another development,
treat the strong correlation physics—even if the connection to the relevant the practitioners of quantum information and string theory have landed
microscopic physics is unclear. This is where the mathematics of string in the same territory, finding to their surprise that they are struggling with

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ARTICLE doi:10.1038/nature14132

New genetic loci link adipose and insulin

biology to body fat distribution
A list of authors and their affiliations appears at the end of the paper

Body fat distribution is a heritable trait and a well-established predictor of adverse metabolic outcomes, independent of
overall adiposity. To increase our understanding of the genetic basis of body fat distribution and its molecular links to
cardiometabolic traits, here we conduct genome-wide association meta-analyses of traits related to waist and hip cir-
cumferences in up to 224,459 individuals. We identify 49 loci (33 new) associated with waist-to-hip ratio adjusted for
body mass index (BMI), and an additional 19 loci newly associated with related waist and hip circumference measures
(P , 5 3 1028). In total, 20 of the 49 waist-to-hip ratio adjusted for BMI loci show significant sexual dimorphism, 19 of which
display a stronger effect in women. The identified loci were enriched for genes expressed in adipose tissue and for putative
regulatory elements in adipocytes. Pathway analyses implicated adipogenesis, angiogenesis, transcriptional regulation and
insulin resistance as processes affecting fat distribution, providing insight into potential pathophysiological mechanisms.

Depot-specific accumulation of fat, particularly in the central abdomen, (P , 5 3 1028 after genomic control correction at both the study-specific
confers an increased risk of metabolic and cardiovascular diseases and and meta-analytic levels) and distance (.500 kilobases (kb) from pre-
mortality1. An easily accessible measure of body fat distribution is waist- viously established loci)7,8.
to-hip ratio (WHR), a comparison of waist and hip circumferences. A We identified 49 loci for WHRadjBMI, 33 of which were new and
larger WHR indicates more intra-abdominal fat deposition and is asso- 16 previously described7,8. Of these, a European ancestry sex-combined
ciated with higher risk for type 2 diabetes (T2D) and cardiovascular analysis identified 39 loci, 24 of which were new7,8 (Table 1, Supplemen-
disease2,3. Conversely, a smaller WHR indicates greater gluteal fat accu- tary Table 4 and Supplementary Figs 1–3). European ancestry sex-
mulation and is associated with lower risk for T2D, hypertension, dys- specific analyses identified nine additional loci, eight of which were
lipidemia and mortality4–6. Our previous genome-wide association study new and significant in women but not in men (all Pmen . 0.05; Table 1
(GWAS) meta-analyses have identified loci for WHR after adjusting for and Supplementary Fig. 4). The addition of 14,371 individuals of non-
body mass index (WHRadjBMI)7,8. These loci are enriched for asso- European ancestry genotyped on the Metabochip identified one addi-
ciation with other metabolic traits7,8 and show that different fat distri- tional locus in women (rs1534696, near SNX10, Pwomen 5 2.1 3 1028,
bution patterns can have distinct genetic components9,10. Pmen 5 0.26, Table 1 and Supplementary Tables 1–3), with no evidence
To determine further the genetic architecture of fat distribution and of heterogeneity across ancestries (Phet 5 0.86; Supplementary Note).
to increase our understanding of molecular connections with cardio-
metabolic traits, we performed a meta-analysis of WHRadjBMI associ- Genetic architecture of WHRadjBMI
ations in 142,762 individuals with GWAS data and 81,697 individuals To evaluate sexual dimorphism, we compared sex-specific effect size
genotyped with the Metabochip11, all from the Genetic Investigation of estimates of the 49 WHRadjBMI lead SNPs. The effect estimates were
ANthropometric Traits (GIANT) consortium. Given the marked sex- significantly different (Pdifference , 0.05/49 5 0.001) at 20 SNPs, 19 of
ual dimorphism previously observed among established WHRadjBMI which showed larger effects in women (Table 1 and Extended Data
loci7,8, we performed analyses in men and women separately, the results Fig. 2a), similar to previous findings7,8. The only SNP that showed a
of which were subsequently combined. To characterize the genetic deter- larger effect in men mapped near GDF5 (rs224333, bmen 5 0.036 and
minants of specific aspects of body fat distribution more fully, we P 5 9.0 3 10212, bwomen 5 0.009 and P 5 0.074, Pdifference 5 6.4 3 1025),
performed secondary GWAS meta-analyses for five additional traits: a locus previously associated with height (rs6060369, r2 5 0.96 and
unadjusted WHR, unadjusted waist circumference, BMI-adjusted waist rs143384, r2 5 0.96, 1000 Genomes Project CEU), although without
circumference (WCadjBMI), unadjusted hip circumference and BMI- significant differences between sexes12,13. Consistent with the larger
adjusted hip circumference (HIPadjBMI). We evaluated the associated number of loci identified in women, variance component analyses dem-
loci to understand their contributions to variation in fat distribution onstrated a significantly larger heritability (h2) of WHRadjBMI in
and adipose tissue biology, and their molecular links to cardiometa- women than men in the Framingham Heart Study (h2women 5 0.46,
bolic traits. h2men 5 0.19, Pdifference 5 0.0037) and TwinGene study (h2women 5 0.56,
h2men 5 0.32, Pdifference 5 0.001; Supplementary Table 5 and Extended
New loci associated with WHRadjBMI Data Fig. 2b).
We performed meta-analyses of GWAS of WHRadjBMI in up to To identify multiple association signals within observed loci, we per-
142,762 individuals of European ancestry from 57 new or previously formed approximate conditional analyses of the sex-combined and
described GWAS7, and separately in up to an additional 67,326 Euro- sex-specific summary statistics using GCTA14 (Supplementary Note).
pean ancestry individuals from 44 Metabochip studies (Extended Data Several signals (P , 5 3 1028) were identified at nine loci (Extended
Fig. 1 and Supplementary Tables 1–3). The combination of these two Data Table 1). Fitting SNPs jointly identified different lead SNPs in the
meta-analyses included up to 2,542,447 autosomal single nucleotide sex-specific and sex-combined analyses. For example, the MAP3K1-
polymorphisms (SNPs) in up to 210,088 European ancestry individuals. ANKRD55 locus showed near-independent (linkage disequilibrium
We defined new loci based on genome-wide significant association (LD) r2 , 0.01) SNPs 54 kb apart that were significant only in women
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Table 1 | WHRadjBMI loci in sex-combined and sex-specific meta-analyses

Sex-combined Women Men Sex diff.

SNP Chr Locus EA* EAF b P N b P N b P N P{

Novel loci achieving genome-wide significance in European-ancestry meta-analyses

rs905938 1 DCST2 T 0.74 0.025 7.3 310210 207,867 0.034 4.9310210 115,536 0.015 1.1 31022 92,461 1.6 31022
rs10919388 1 GORAB C 0.72 0.024 3.2 31029 181,049 0.033 4.8310210 102,446 0.013 3.0 31022 78,738 9.8 31023
rs1385167 2 MEIS1 G 0.15 0.029 1.931029 206,619 0.023 4.0 31024 114,668 0.036 2.3 31027 92,085 1.6 31021
rs1569135 2 CALCRL A 0.53 0.021 5.6310210 209,906 0.023 6.9 31027 116,642 0.019 1.5 31024 93,398 5.8 31021
rs10804591 3 PLXND1 A 0.79 0.025 6.6 31029 209,921 0.040 6.1310213 116,667 0.004 5.3 31021 93,387 5.731026
rs17451107 3 LEKR1 T 0.61 0.026 1.1310212 207,795 0.023 1.0 31026 115,735 0.030 1.4 31028 92,194 3.5 31021
rs3805389 4 NMU A 0.28 0.012 1.5 31023 209,218 0.027 4.631028 116,226 20.007 2.1 31021 93,125 1.631026
rs9991328 4 FAM13A T 0.49 0.019 4.5 31028 209,925 0.028 3.4310210 116,652 0.007 1.7 31021 93,407 8.531024
rs303084 4 SPATA5- A 0.80 0.023 3.931028 209,941 0.029 3.4 31027 116,662 0.016 9.9 31023 93,412 1.1 31021
rs9687846 5 MAP3K1 A 0.19 0.024 7.1 31028 208,181 0.041 3.8310212 115,897 0.000 9.7 31021 92,417 1.331026
rs6556301 5 FGFR4 T 0.36 0.022 2.631028 178,874 0.018 7.1 31024 101,638 0.029 1.0 31026 77,370 1.4 31021
rs7759742 6 BTNL2 A 0.51 0.023 4.4310211 208,263 0.024 1.7 31027 115,648 0.023 5.5 31026 92,749 8.6 31021
rs1776897 6 HMGA1 G 0.08 0.030 1.1 31025 177,879 0.052 6.831029 100,516 0.003 7.4 31021 77,497 1.831024
rs7801581 7 HOXA11 T 0.24 0.027 3.7310210 195,215 0.025 7.7 31026 108,866 0.029 2.4 31026 86,483 6.9 31021
rs7830933 8 NKX2-6 A 0.77 0.022 7.4 31028 209,766 0.037 1.2310212 116,567 0.001 8.4 31021 93,333 1.431026
rs12679556 8 MSC G 0.25 0.027 2.1310211 203,826 0.033 2.1 310210 114,369 0.017 4.2 31023 89,591 2.8 31022
rs10991437 9 ABCA1 A 0.11 0.031 1.031028 209,941 0.040 2.8 31028 116,644 0.022 6.1 31023 93,430 7.2 31022
rs7917772 10 SFXN2 A 0.62 0.014 5.6 31025 209,642 0.027 5.531029 116,514 20.001 8.6 31021 93,263 2.331025
rs11231693 11 MACROD1- A 0.06 0.041 4.5 31028 198,072 0.068 2.7310211 110,164 0.009 4.2 31021 88,043 2.531025
rs4765219 12 CCDC92 C 0.67 0.028 1.6310215 209,807 0.037 1.0 310214 116,592 0.018 5.3 31024 93,350 5.7 31023
rs8042543 15 KLF13 C 0.78 0.026 1.231029 208,255 0.023 6.7 31025 115,760 0.030 1.0 31026 92,629 3.6 31021
rs8030605 15 RFX7 A 0.14 0.030 8.831029 208,374 0.031 1.0 31025 115,864 0.031 5.9 31025 92,644 9.9 31021
rs1440372 15 SMAD6 C 0.71 0.024 1.1310210 207,447 0.022 1.1 31025 115,201 0.027 1.4 31026 92,380 5.2 31021
rs2925979 16 CMIP T 0.31 0.018 1.2 31026 207,828 0.032 3.4310211 115,431 20.002 7.9 31021 92,531 1.231026
rs4646404 17 PEMT G 0.67 0.027 1.4310211 198,196 0.034 5.3 310211 115,337 0.017 2.5 31023 87,857 2.6 31022
rs8066985 17 KCNJ2 A 0.50 0.018 1.4 31027 209,977 0.026 4.031029 116,683 0.007 1.9 31021 93,428 1.8 31023
rs12454712 18 BCL2 T 0.61 0.016 1.0 31024 169,793 0.035 1.131029 96,182 20.007 2.5 31021 73,576 1.631027
rs12608504 19 JUND A 0.36 0.022 8.8310210 209,990 0.017 2.6 31024 116,689 0.028 1.1 31027 93,435 1.2 31021
rs4081724 19 CEBPA G 0.85 0.035 7.4310212 207,418 0.033 9.2 31027 115,322 0.039 1.4 31027 92,230 5.0 31021
rs979012 20 BMP2 T 0.34 0.027 3.3310214 209,941 0.026 1.0 31027 116,668 0.028 6.6 31028 93,407 6.7 31021
rs224333 20 GDF5 G 0.62 0.020 2.6 31028 208,025 0.009 7.4 31022 115,803 0.036 9.0310212 92,356 6.431025
rs6090583 20 EYA2 A 0.48 0.022 6.2310211 209,435 0.029 2.8 310210 116,382 0.015 2.4 31023 93,187 3.2 31022
Novel loci achieving genome-wide significance in all-ancestry meta-analyses
rs1534696 7 SNX10 C 0.43 0.011 1.3 31023 212,501 0.027 2.131028 118,187 20.006 2.6 31021 92,243 2.131026
Previously reported loci achieving genome-wide significance in European-ancestry meta-analyses
rs2645294 1 TBX15- T 0.58 0.031 1.7310219 209,808 0.035 1.5 310214 116,596 0.027 1.5 31027 93,346 2.0 31021
rs714515 1 DNM3- G 0.43 0.027 4.4310215 203,401 0.029 1.8 310210 113,939 0.025 8.5 31027 89,596 5.1 31021
rs2820443 1 LYPLAL1 T 0.72 0.035 5.3 310221 209,975 0.062 5.7310235 116,672 0.002 6.9 31021 93,437 2.6310217
rs10195252 2 GRB14- T 0.59 0.027 5.9 310215 209,395 0.052 4.7310230 116,329 20.003 5.3 31021 93,199 2.4310217
rs17819328 3 PPARG G 0.43 0.021 2.4 31029 208,809 0.035 4.6310214 116,072 0.005 3.3 31021 92,871 5.131026
rs2276824 3 PBRM1{ C 0.43 0.024 3.2310211 208,901 0.028 3.7 31029 116,128 0.020 1.4 31024 92,907 2.0 31021
rs2371767 3 ADAMTS9 G 0.72 0.036 1.6 310220 194,506 0.056 1.2310226 108,624 0.012 3.5 31022 86,016 3.631029
rs1045241 5 TNFAIP8- C 0.71 0.019 4.4 31027 209,710 0.035 6.6310212 116,560 20.001 9.3 31021 93,284 8.331027
rs7705502 5 CPEB4 A 0.33 0.027 4.7310214 209,827 0.027 1.9 31028 116,609 0.027 2.3 31027 93,352 .0.99
rs1294410 6 LY86 C 0.63 0.031 2.0310218 209,830 0.037 1.6 310215 116,624 0.025 1.4 31026 93,340 6.3 31022
rs1358980 6 VEGFA T 0.47 0.039 3.1 310227 206,862 0.060 3.7310234 115,047 0.015 4.0 31023 91,949 3.7310211
rs1936805 6 RSPO3 T 0.51 0.043 3.6310235 209,859 0.052 3.7 310230 116,602 0.031 3.1 310210 93,392 1.031023
rs10245353 7 NFE2L3 A 0.20 0.035 8.4310216 210,008 0.041 7.9 310213 116,704 0.027 1.4 31025 93,438 7.2 31022
rs10842707 12 ITPR2- T 0.23 0.032 4.4310216 210,023 0.041 6.1 310215 116,704 0.022 1.4 31024 93,453 1.1 31022
rs1443512 12 HOXC13 A 0.24 0.028 6.9 310213 209,980 0.040 1.1310214 116,688 0.013 2.8 31022 93,425 1.631024
rs2294239 22 ZNRF3 A 0.59 0.025 7.2310213 209,454 0.028 6.9 310210 116,414 0.024 2.3 31026 93,173 5.0 31021
Loci achieving genome-wide significance (P , 5 3 1028) in sex-combined and/or sex-specific meta-analyses. P values and b coefficients for the association with WHRadjBMI in the meta-analyses of combined
GWAS and Metabochip studies. The smallest P value for each SNP is shown in bold. Chr, chromosome; EAF, effect allele frequency.
* The effect allele (EA) is the WHRadjBMI-increasing allele in the sex-combined analysis.
{ Test for sex difference; values significant at the table-wise Bonferroni threshold of 0.05/49 5 1.02 3 1023 are marked in bold.
{ Locus previously named NISCH-STAB1. Additional analyses that showed no significant evidence of heterogeneity between studies or due to ascertainment are provided in Supplementary Tables 27 and 28
(Supplementary Note).

(rs3936510) or only in men (rs459193; Extended Data Table 1, Sup- to the same locus might act on different underlying genes and may not
plementary Table 4). Other signals are more complex. The TBX15- be relevant to the same sex.
WARS2 locus showed different but correlated lead SNPs in men and We assessed the aggregate effects of the primary association signals
women near WARS2 (r2 5 0.43), an independent signal near TBX15, at the 49 WHRadjBMI loci by calculating sex-combined and sex-specific
and a distant independent signal near SPAG17 (Fig. 1). At the HOXC risk based on genotypes of the lead SNPs. In a linear regression model,
gene cluster, conditional analyses identified independent (r2 , 0.01) the risk scores were associated with WHRadjBMI, with a stronger effect
SNPs ,80 kb apart near HOXC12-HOXC13-HOTAIR and near HOXC4- in women than in men (overall effect per allele b 5 0.001, P 5 6.7 3 1024,
HOXC6 (Fig. 1). These results suggest that association signals mapping women b 5 0.002, P 5 1.0 3 10211, men b 5 7.0 3 1024, P 5 0.02;
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a 100
Figure 1 | Regional SNP association plots
rs1443512 (A) rs2071449 (C) r2 with reference SNP
Women-only Pcond. = 1.1 × 10–14 Sex-combined Pcond. = 5.0 × 10–15 illustrating the complex genetic architecture at
Women-only Pcond. = 4.6 × 10–8 0 0.2 0.8 1.0
two WHRadjBMI loci. a, b, Sex-combined
rs10783615 (B) Men-only Pcond. = 3.4 × 10–8
15 Sex-combined Pcond. = 6.7 × 10–14 meta-analysis SNP associations in European

Recombination rate (cM Mb–1)

individuals were plotted with –log10 P values
A (left y axis) and estimated local recombination rate
60 in blue (right y axis). Three index SNPs near
–log10(P value)

● HOXC6-HOXC13 (denoted A–C) (a) and four near

TBX15-WARS2-SPAG17 (D–G) (b) were identified
40 through approximate conditional analyses of
● sex-combined or sex-specific associations (values
●● ● ● ● ●● ● ●
● ●●
shown as Pconditional , 5 3 1028, see Methods).
● 20
● ●●●● ● ● The signals are distinguished by both colour and

●● ●
● ● shape, and linkage disequilibrium (r2) of nearby
●● ●
0 ●
●● ●● ●
● ●
● ● 0
SNPs is shown by colour intensity gradient. Sample
sizes for the index SNP associations are listed in
HOXC13 HOTAIR HOXC10 HOXC8 MIR615 FLJ12825 Extended Data Table 1.



52.60 52.62 52.64 52.66 52.68 52.70 52.72 52.74

Position on chr12 (Mb)

r2 with reference SNP rs12731372 (D) 100
20 Sex-combined Pcond. = 1.3 × 10–9
0 0.2 0.8 1.0 G
rs12143789 (E)
F ●
Sex-combined Pcond. = 1.0 × 10–9

rs1106529 (F) 80
Men-only Pcond. = 4.8 × 10–9

Recombination rate (cM Mb–1)

rs2645294 (G)
Sex-combined Pcond. = 7.6 × 10–19

Women-only Pcond. = 1.5 × 10–14 ● ● ●
●●● ● 60

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118.6 118.8 119 119.2 119.4

Position on chr1 (Mb)

Extended Data Fig. 3 and Supplementary Note). The 49 SNPs explained fasting insulin adjusted for BMI (n 5 2), T2D (n 5 1), and height (n 5 7)
1.4% of the variance in WHRadjBMI overall, and more in women (2.4%) (Supplementary Tables 8 and 9). WHRadjBMI SNPs also showed
than in men (0.8%) (Supplementary Table 6). Compared to the 16 enrichment for directional consistency among nominally significant
previously reported loci7,8, the new loci almost doubled the explained (P , 0.05) associations with these traits and also with fasting and 2-h
variance in women and tripled that in men. We further estimated that glucose, diastolic and systolic blood pressure, BMI and coronary artery
the sex-combined variance explained by all HapMap SNPs15 (h2G) is disease (CAD) (Pbinomial , 0.05/23 5 0.0022; Extended Data Table 2);
12.1% (s.e.m. 5 2.9%). these results were generally supported by meta-regression analysis of
At 17 loci with high-density coverage on the Metabochip11, we used the regression coefficient estimates (Supplementary Table 10). Further-
association summary statistics to define credible sets of SNPs with a high more, our WHRadjBMI loci overlap with associations reported in the
probability of containing a likely functional variant. The 99% credible National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) GWAS cata-
sets at seven loci spanned ,20 kb, and at HOXC13 included only a single logue (Table 2 and Supplementary Table 11)16, the strongest of which is
noncoding SNP (Supplementary Table 7 and Supplementary Fig. 5). the locus near LEKR1, which is associated (P 5 2.0 3 10235) with birth
Imputation up to higher density reference panels will provide greater weight17. Unsupervised hierarchical clustering of the corresponding
coverage and may have more potential to localize functional variants. matrix of association Z-scores showed three major clusters character-
ized by patterns of anthropometric and metabolic traits (Extended
WHRadjBMI variants and other traits Data Fig. 4). These data extend knowledge about genetic links between
Given the epidemiological correlations between central obesity and WHRadjBMI and insulin-resistance-related traits; whether this reflects
other anthropometric and cardiometabolic measures and diseases, we underlying causal relations between WHRadjBMI and these traits, or
evaluated lead WHRadjBMI variants in association data from GWAS pleiotropic loci, cannot be inferred from our data.
consortia for 22 traits. In total, 17 of the 49 variants were associated
(P , 5 3 1028) with at least one of the traits: high-density lipoprotein Potential functional WHRadjBMI variants
cholesterol (HDL; n 5 7 SNPs), triglycerides (n 5 5), low-density lipo- We next examined variants in LD with the WHRadjBMI lead SNPs
protein cholesterol (LDL; n 5 2), adiponectin adjusted for BMI (n 5 3), (r2 . 0.7) for predicted effects on protein sequence, copy number, and
1 2 F E B R U A RY 2 0 1 5 | VO L 5 1 8 | N AT U R E | 1 8 9
©2015 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved

Table 2 | Candidate genes at new WHRadjBMI loci

SNP Locus eQTL GRAIL DEPICT Literature1 Other GWAS signalsI
(P , 1025)* (P , 0.05){ (FDR , 0.05){

rs905938 DCST2 ZBTB7B (PB, blood) - - - -

rs10919388 GORAB - - - - -
rs1385167 MEIS1 - - - MEIS1 -
rs1569135 CALCRL - TFPI - CALCRL -
rs10804591 PLXND1 - - PLXND1 -
rs17451107 LEKR1 TIPARP (S,O), LEKR1 (S) - - Birth weight: CCNL1, LEKR1
rs3805389 NMU - - - NMU -
rs9991328 FAM13A FAM13A (S) FAM13A - FI: FAM13A
rs303084 SPATA5-FGF2 - FGF2 - FGF2, NUDT6, SPRY1 -
rs9687846 MAP3K1 - MAP3K1 - MAP3K1 FI, TG: ANKRD55, MAP3K1
rs6556301 FGFR4 - MXD3 - FGFR4 Height
rs7759742 BTNL2 HLA-DRA (S), KLHL31 (S) - (not analysed) - -
rs1776897 HMGA1 - - (not analysed) HMGA1 Height: HMGA1, C6orf106, LBH
rs1534696 SNX10 SNX10 (S), CBX3 (S) - - SNX10 -
rs7801581 HOXA11 - HOXA11 HOXA11 HOXA11 -
rs7830933 NKX2-6 STC1 (S) - - NKX2-6, STC1 -
rs12679556 MSC - EYA1 RP11-1102P16.1 MSC, EYA1 -
rs10991437 ABCA1 - - ABCA1 -
rs7917772 SFXN2 - - - SFXN2 Height
rs4765219 CCDC92 CCDC92 (S, O, L), FAM101A - - Adiponectin, FI, HDL, TG:
ZNF664 (S, O) CCDC92, ZNF664
rs8042543 KLF13 - KLF13 - KLF13 -
rs8030605 RFX7 - - - -
rs1440372 SMAD6 SMAD6 (blood) SMAD6 SMAD6 SMAD6 Height
rs2925979 CMIP CMIP (S) - - CMIP, PLCG2 Adiponectin, FI, HDL: CMIP
rs4646404 PEMT - - PEMT PEMT -
rs8066985 KCNJ2 - - - KCNJ2 -
rs12454712 BCL2 - - - BCL2 -
rs12608504 JUND KIAA1683 (PB, O), JUND JUND - JUND -
rs4081724 CEBPA - CEBPA - CEBPA, CEBPG -
rs979012 BMP2 - BMP2 BMP2 BMP2 Height: BMP2
rs224333 GDF5 CEP250 (S, O), UQCC GDF5 GDF5 GDF5 Height: GDF5, UQCC
(blood, S, O, L, LCL)
rs6090583 EYA2 - EYA2 EYA2 EYA2 -
Candidate genes based on secondary analyses or literature review. Details are provided in Supplementary Tables 8, 9, 11–13, 15, 19, 21 and Supplementary Note. The only non-synonymous variant in high LD with
an index SNP was GDF5 S276A. No copy number variants were identified. PB, peripheral blood mononuclear cells; FI, fasting insulin adjusted for BMI; HDL, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol; L, liver; LCL,
lymphoblastoid cell line; O, omental adipose; S, subcutaneous adipose; TG, triglycerides.
* Gene transcript levels associated with the SNP in the indicated tissue(s).
{ Genes in pathways identified as enriched by GRAIL analysis.
{ Significant (FDR , 5%) pathway genes derived by DEPICT using GWAS-only results.
1 Most plausible candidate genes based on literature review.
I Traits associated at P , 5 3 1028 in GWAS or the GWAS catalogue using the index SNP or a proxy, and the genes(s) named.

cis-regulatory effects on expression (Table 2, Supplementary Tables 12–15 in at least five data sets in endothelial cells (Extended Data Fig. 5b),
and Supplementary Note). At 11 of the new loci, lead WHRadjBMI SNPs suggesting that one or more of these variants may influence transcrip-
were in LD with cis-expression quantitative trait loci (eQTLs) for tran- tional activity. CALCRL, which is expressed in endothelial cells, is required
scripts in subcutaneous adipose tissue, omental adipose tissue, liver or for lipid absorption in the small intestine, and influences body weight
blood cell types (Table 2 and Supplementary Table 15). No additional in mice18. Other variants located in tissue-specific regulatory elements
sex-specific eQTLs were identified, perhaps reflecting limited power were detected at NMU for endothelial cells, at KLF13 and MEIS1 for
(Supplementary Table 16). liver, and at GORAB and MSC for bone (Supplementary Table 18).
At the 11 WHRadjBMI loci containing eQTLs, we compared the
location of the candidate variants to regions of open chromatin (DNase Biological mechanisms
I hypersensitivity and formaldehyde-assisted isolation of regulatory ele- To identify potential functional connections between genes mapping
ments (FAIRE)) and histone modification enrichment (histone 3 Lys 4 to the 49 WHRadjBMI loci, we used three approaches (Supplemen-
methylation (H3K4me1), H3K4me2, H3K4me3, histone 3 Lys 27 acety- tary Note). A survey of literature using GRAIL19 identified 15 genes with
lation (H3K27ac), and H3K9ac) in adipose, liver, skeletal muscle, bone, nominal significance (P , 0.05) for potential functional connectivity
brain, blood and pancreatic islet tissues or cell lines (Supplementary (Table 2 and Supplementary Table 19). The predefined gene set rela-
Table 17). At 7 of these 11 loci, at least one variant was located in a puta- tionships across loci identified using MAGENTA20 highlighted signal-
tive regulatory element in two or more data sets from the same tissue as ling pathways involving vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF),
the eQTL, suggesting that these elements may influence transcriptional phosphatase and tensin (PTEN) homologue, the insulin receptor, and
activity (Supplementary Table 18). For example, at LEKR1, five variants peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (Supplementary Table 20).
in LD with the WHRadjBMI lead SNP are located in a 1.1-kb region VEGF signalling plays a central, complex role in angiogenesis, insulin
with evidence of enhancer activity (H3K4me1 and H3K27ac) in adi- resistance and obesity21, and PTEN signalling promotes insulin resist-
pose tissue (Extended Data Fig. 5a). ance22. Analyses using Data-driven Expression Prioritized Integration
We also examined whether any variants overlapped with open chro- for Complex Traits (DEPICT)23 facilitated prioritization of genes at asso-
matin or histone modifications from only one of the tested tissues, ciated loci, analyses of tissue specificity, and enrichment of reconsti-
possibly reflecting tissue-specific regulatory elements (Supplementary tuted gene sets through integration of association results with expression
Table 18). For example, five variants in a 2.2-kb region, located 77 kb data, protein–protein interactions, phenotypic data from gene knockout
upstream from a CALCRL transcription start site, overlapped with peaks studies in mice, and predefined gene sets. DEPICT identified at least one
1 9 0 | N AT U R E | VO L 5 1 8 | 1 2 F E B R U A RY 2 0 1 5
©2015 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved

prioritized gene (false discovery rate (FDR) , 5%) at nine loci (Table 2 stem cells towards adipogenesis or osteogenesis27, and HOXC8 is a
and Supplementary Table 21) and identified 234 reconstituted gene repressor of brown adipogenesis in mice that is regulated by miR-196a
sets (161 after pruning of overlapping gene sets) enriched for genes at (ref. 28), also located within the HOXC region (Fig. 1). Angiogenesis
WHRadjBMI loci. Among these we highlight biologically plausible gene genes may influence expansion and loss of adipose tissue29; they include
sets suggesting roles in body fat regulation (including adiponectin sig- VEGFA, VEGFB, RSPO3, STAB1, WARS2, PLXND1, MEIS1, FGF2,
nalling, insulin sensitivity and regulation of glucose levels), skeletal SMAD6 and CALCRL. VEGFB is involved in endothelial targeting of
growth, transcriptional regulation and development (Fig. 2 and Sup- lipids to peripheral tissues30, and PLXND1 limits blood vessel branch-
plementary Table 22). We also note gene sets that are specific for abun- ing, antagonizes VEGF, and affects adipose inflammation31,32. Tran-
dance or development of metabolically active tissues including adipose, scriptional regulators at WHRadjBMI loci include CEBPA, PPARG,
heart, liver and muscle. Specific genes at the loci were significantly enriched MSC, SMAD6, HOXA, HOXC, ZBTB7B, JUND, KLF13, MEIS1, RFX7,
(FDR , 5%) for expression in adipocyte-related tissues, including abdo- NKX2-6 and HMGA1. Other candidate genes include NMU, FGFR4 and
minal subcutaneous fat (Fig. 2 and Supplementary Table 23). Together, HMGA1, for which mice deficient for the corresponding genes exhibit
these analyses identified processes related to insulin and adipose bio- obesity, glucose intolerance and/or insulin resistance33–35.
logy and highlight mesenchymal tissues, especially adipose tissue, as
important to WHRadjBMI. Five additional central obesity traits
We also tested variants at the 49 WHRadjBMI loci for overlap with To determine whether the WHRadjBMI variants exert their effects pri-
elements from 60 selected regulatory data sets from the ENCODE24 marily through waist circumference or hip circumference and to iden-
and Epigenomic RoadMap25 data and found evidence of enrichment tify loci that are not reported for WHRadjBMI, BMI or height36,37, we
in 12 data sets (P , 0.05/60 5 8.3 3 1024; Extended Data Table 3). The performed association analyses for five additional traits: WCadjBMI,
strongest enrichments were detected for data sets typically attributed to HIPadjBMI, WHR, waist circumference and hip circumference. On
enhancer activity (H3K4me1 and H3K27ac) in adipose, muscle, endo- the basis of phenotypic data alone, waist circumference and hip circum-
thelial cells, and bone, suggesting that variants may regulate transcription ference are highly correlated with BMI (r 5 0.59–0.92), and WHR is
in these tissues. These analyses point to mechanisms linking WHRadjBMI highly correlated with WHRadjBMI (r 5 0.82–0.95), while WCadjBMI
loci to regulation of gene expression in tissues highly relevant for adi- and HIPadjBMI are moderately correlated with height (r 5 0.24–0.63;
pocyte metabolism and insulin resistance. Supplementary Table 24). In contrast to WHRadjBMI, which has almost
We also reviewed functions of candidate genes located near new and no genetic correlation (see Methods) with height (rG , 0.04; Extended
previously established WHRadjBMI loci7,8, identifying genes involved Data Fig. 2c), WCadjBMI (rG 5 0.42) and HIPadjBMI (rG 5 0.82) have
in adipogenesis, angiogenesis and transcriptional regulation (Table 2, moderate genetic correlations with height. These data suggest that some,
literature review in the Supplementary Note). Adipogenesis candidate but not all, WCadjBMI and HIPadjBMI loci would be associated with
genes include CEBPA, PPARG, BMP2, HOXC-mir196, SPRY1, TBX15, height.
and PEMT. Of these, CEBPA and PPARG are essential for white adipose Across all meta-analyses, we identified an additional 19 loci associ-
tissue differentiation26, BMP2 induces differentiation of mesenchymal ated with one of the five traits (P , 5 3 1028), nine of which showed

a Decreased
Enlarged kidney
b Decreased Increased Figure 2 | Gene set enrichment and tissue
heart weight adiponectin respiratory
expression of genes at WHRadjBMI-associated
BMP4 protein
kidney weight
loci (GWAS-only P , 1025). a, Reconstituted
Abnormal eye complex Decreased
total body
liver gene sets found to be significantly enriched by
cranium height
Abnormal liver fat amount level DEPICT (FDR , 5%) are represented as nodes,
Abnormal Abnormal
with pairwise overlap denoted by the width of
skeleton Decreased
morphology liver weight Transcriptional adipose Increased
connecting lines and empirical enrichment P value
Short tail regulation tissue Increased
of white morphology insulin
urine indicated by colour intensity (darker is more
Abnormal Abnormal Middle ear glucose
cricoid somite size morphogenesis adipocyte sensitivity level significant). b, The ‘decreased liver weight’
cartilage meta-node, which consisted of 12 overlapping gene
morphology Skeletal system Decreased Decreased Decreased sets, including adiponectin signalling and insulin
development Decreased liver
circulating susceptibility percentage
Regulation of estradiol level to hepatic Decreased body fat sensitivity. c, On the basis of expression patterns in
Split xiphoid respiratory
37,427 human microarray samples, annotations
factor complex found to be significantly enriched by DEPICT are
Partial lethality Regulation of Negative shown, grouped by type and significance.
throughout Female infertility Gene set P values Gene set overlap
fatty acid regulation of
fetal growth biosynthetic epithelial cell Low
and process CDK10 protein P ≤ 10–3
proliferation High
development complex P < 10–4
Retinoic acid Meta gene set
Response to receptor P < 10–5
nutrient binding P < 10–6

c 4
Adipocytes Abdominal fat
Subcutaneous fat abdominal
Adipose tissue
Subcutaneous fat
3 Adipose tissue white
–log10 P value







Exocrine glands

Connective tissue


Cell types Tissues

1 2 F E B R U A RY 2 0 1 5 | VO L 5 1 8 | N AT U R E | 1 9 1
©2015 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved

Table 3 | New loci achieving genome-wide evidence of association (P , 5 3 1028) with additional waist and hip circumference traits
Sex-combined Women Men Sex diff.

SNP Trait Chr Locus EA* EAF b P N b P N b P N P{

Loci achieving genome-wide significance in European-ancestry meta-analyses

rs10925060 WCadjBMI 1 OR2W5- T 0.03 0.017 2.2 31025 140,515 0.002 6.8 31021 85,186 0.045 9.1310213 55,522 1.731028
rs10929925 HIP 2 SOX11 C 0.55 0.020 4.531028 207,648 0.021 9.0 31026 115,428 0.018 3.2 31024 92,499 6.1 31021
rs2124969 WCadjBMI 2 ITGB6 C 0.42 0.020 7.131029 231,284 0.016 3.5 31024 127,437 0.025 2.3 31027 104,039 1.4 31021
rs17472426 WCadjBMI 5 CCNJL T 0.92 0.014 3.1 31022 217,564 20.014 1.0 31021 119,804 0.052 4.331028 97,954 3.931028
rs7739232 HIPadjBMI 6 KLHL31 A 0.07 0.037 5.4 31025 131,877 0.063 1.031028 80,475 20.004 7.5 31021 51,589 2.931025
rs13241538 HIPadjBMI 7 KLF14 C 0.48 0.017 1.6 31026 210,935 0.033 9.9310214 117,210 20.003 5.0 31021 93,911 2.031029
rs7044106 HIPadjBMI 9 C5 C 0.24 0.023 4.1 31025 143,412 0.039 5.731029 86,733 20.003 6.9 31021 56,865 1.331025
rs11607976 HIP 11 MYEOV C 0.70 0.022 4.231028 212,815 0.019 1.9 31024 118,391 0.024 7.7 31026 94,701 4.4 31021
rs1784203 WCadjBMI 11 KIAA1731 A 0.01 0.031 1.3 31028 63,892 0.000 9.9 31021 35,539 0.075 1.0310219 28,353 1.2 31021
rs1394461 WHR 11 CNTN5 C 0.25 0.017 4.7 31024 144,349 0.035 3.631028 87,441 20.011 1.6 31021 57,094 1.131026
rs319564 WHR 13 GPC6 C 0.45 0.014 3.4 31025 212,137 0.003 5.3E-01 117,970 0.027 1.631028 94,350 6.031025
rs2047937 WCadjBMI 16 ZNF423 C 0.50 0.019 4.731028 231,009 0.022 5.5 31027 127,288 0.014 3.6 31023 103,914 2.0 31021
rs2034088 HIPadjBMI 17 VPS53 T 0.53 0.021 4.8 31029 210,737 0.028 9.6310210 117,142 0.014 6.5 31023 93,781 2.5 31022
rs1053593 HIPadjBMI 22 HMGXB4 T 0.65 0.021 3.9 31028 202,070 0.029 1.831029 114,347 0.011 5.1 31022 87,908 6.2 31023
Loci achieving genome-wide significance in all-ancestry meta-analyses
rs1664789 WCadjBMI 5 ARL15 C 0.41 0.014 2.6 31025 244,110 0.005 2.8 31021 133,052 0.026 3.631028 109,025 4.431024
rs722585 HIPadjBMI 6 GMDS G 0.68 0.015 2.1 31024 205,815 20.001 8.8 31021 113,965 0.032 9.231029 89,831 4.331026
rs1144 WCadjBMI 7 SRPK2 C 0.34 0.019 3.131028 239,342 0.020 1.2 31025 131,398 0.018 4.1 31024 105,911 7.8 31021
rs2398893 WHR 9 PTPDC1 A 0.71 0.020 4.031028 226,572 0.019 5.1 31025 124,577 0.019 2.7 31024 99,968 9.5 31021
rs4985155{ HIP 16 PDXDC1 A 0.66 0.018 4.5 31027 227,296 0.011 1.6 31022 125,048 0.029 9.731029 100,313 6.3 31023
P values and b coefficients for the association with the trait indicated in the meta-analysis of combined GWAS and Metabochip studies. The smallest P value for each SNP is shown in bold.
* The effect allele is the trait-increasing allele in the sex-combined analysis.
{ Test for sex difference; values significant at the table-wise Bonferroni threshold of 0.05/19 5 2.63 3 1023 are marked in bold.
{ P 5 7.3 3 1026 with height in ref. 43 (index SNP rs1136001; r2 5 0.79, distance 5 2,515 base pairs (bp)).

significantly larger effects (Pdifference , 0.05/19 5 0.003) in one sex than hormones41,42. At loci with stronger effects in one sex than the other, these
in the other (Table 3, Supplementary Figs 1–4 and Supplementary hormones may interact with transcription factors to regulate gene activity.
Table 25). Three of four new loci with larger effects in women were Annotation of the loci emphasized the role for mesenchymally derived
associated with HIPadjBMI and three of five new loci with larger effects tissues, especially adipose tissue, in fat distribution and central obesity.
in men were associated with WCadjBMI. Most of the 19 loci showed The development and regulation of adipose tissue deposition is closely
some evidence of association with WHRadjBMI in sex-combined or associated with angiogenesis29, a process highlighted by candidate genes
sex-specific analyses, but four loci showed no association (P . 0.01) with at several WHRadjBMI loci. These tissues are implicated in insulin
WHRadjBMI, BMI, or height (Supplementary Tables 8 and 26). resistance, consistent with the enrichment of shared GWAS signals with
We next asked whether the genes and pathways influencing these lipids, T2D, and glycaemic traits. The identification of skeletal growth
five traits are shared with WHRadjBMI or are distinct. Candidate genes processes suggests that the underlying genes affect early development
were identified based on association with other traits, eQTLs, GRAIL and and/or differentiation of adipocytes from mesenchymal stem cells. By
literature review (Extended Data Table 4 and Supplementary Tables 8, contrast, BMI has a substantial neuronal component, involving pro-
11–13, 15–16 and 19). Candidate variants identified based on LD cesses such as appetite regulation36. Our results provide a foundation
(r2 . 0.7) included coding variants in NTAN1 and HMGXB4, and six for future biological research in the regulation of body fat distribution
loci showed significant eQTLs in subcutaneous adipose tissue. On the and its connections with cardiometabolic traits, and offer potential target
basis of the literature, several candidate genes are involved in adi- mechanisms for interventions in the risks associated with abdominal
pogenesis and insulin resistance. For example, delayed induction of fat accumulation.
preadipocyte transcription factor ZNF423 in fibroblasts results in
Online Content Methods, along with any additional Extended Data display items
delayed adipogenesis38, and NLRP3 is part of inflammasome and pro- and Source Data, are available in the online version of the paper; references unique
inflammatory T-cell populations in adipose tissue that contribute to to these sections appear only in the online paper.
inflammation and insulin resistance39. GRAIL analyses identified con-
nections that partially overlap with those identified for WHRadjBMI Received 20 November 2013; accepted 2 December 2014.
(Supplementary Table 19). Taken together, the additional loci appear
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Hyppönen205,206,207,208, Thomas Illig95,209, Marjo-Riitta Jarvelin68,105,210,211,212,213, Department of Computational Medicine and Bioinformatics, University of Michigan, Ann
Berit Johansen82, Pekka Jousilahti51, Antti M. Jula51, Jaakko Kaprio51,86,102, Arbor, Michigan 48109, USA. 34Department of Computational Medicine and
Frank Kee214, Sirkka M. Keinanen-Kiukaanniemi215,216, Jaspal S. Kooner67,166,217, Bioinformatics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109, USA. 35HudsonAlpha
Charles Kooperberg218, Peter Kovacs76,77, Aldi T. Kraja46, Meena Kumari219,220, Institute for Biotechnology, Huntsville, Alabama 35806, USA. 36Genetic Epidemiology
Kari Kuulasmaa51, Johanna Kuusisto221, Timo A. Lakka100,222,223, Claudia Unit, Department of Epidemiology, Erasmus MC University Medical Center, 3015 GE
Langenberg23,219, Loic Le Marchand224, Terho Lehtimäki225, Valeriya Lyssenko226,227, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. 37Telethon Institute for Child Health Research, Centre for
Satu Männistö51, André Marette228,229, Tara C. Matise42, Colin A. McKenzie199, Child Health Research, The University of Western Australia, Perth, Western Australia 6008,
Barbara McKnight230, Arthur W. Musk231, Stefan Möhlenkamp193, Andrew D. Australia. 38Netherlands Consortium for Healthy Aging (NCHA), Leiden University Medical
Morris85, Mari Nelis9, Claes Ohlsson119, Albertine J. Oldehinkel99, Ken K. Ong23,151, Center, Leiden 2300 RC, The Netherlands. 39Department of Molecular Epidemiology,
Lyle J. Palmer232,233, Brenda W. Penninx190,234, Annette Peters95,132,145, Peter P. Leiden University Medical Center, 2300 RC Leiden, The Netherlands. 40Kidney
Pramstaller202,235, Olli T. Raitakari236,237, Tuomo Rankinen238, D. C. Rao46,60,239, Epidemiology and Cost Center, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109, USA.
Treva K. Rice60,239, Paul M. Ridker136,240, Marylyn D. Ritchie241, Igor Rudan185,242, Department of Statistics & Biostatistics, Rutgers University, Piscataway, New Jersey
Veikko Salomaa51, Nilesh J. Samani243,244, Jouko Saramies245, Mark A. Sarzynski238, 08854, USA. 42Department of Genetics, Rutgers University, Piscataway, New Jersey
Peter E. H. Schwarz97,246, Alan R. Shuldiner247,248,249, Jan A. Staessen250,251, 08854, USA. 43Department of Human Genetics, Leiden University Medical Center, 2333
Valgerdur Steinthorsdottir146, Ronald P. Stolk107, Konstantin Strauch69,131, Anke ZC Leiden, The Netherlands. 44Center for Complex Disease Genomics, McKusick-Nathans
Tönjes76,77, Angelo Tremblay252, Elena Tremoli253, Marie-Claude Vohl229,254, Uwe Institute of Genetic Medicine, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore,
Völker62,192, Peter Vollenweider255, James F. Wilson185, Jacqueline C. Witteman55, Maryland 21205, USA. 45Cardiology, Department of Specialties of Internal Medicine,
Linda S. Adair256, Murielle Bochud257,258, Bernhard O. Boehm259,260, Stefan R. Geneva University Hospital, Geneva 1211, Switzerland. 46Department of Genetics,
Bornstein97, Claude Bouchard238, Stéphane Cauchi64,65,66, Mark J. Caulfield261, John Washington University School of Medicine, St Louis, Missouri 63110, USA. 47Division of
C. Chambers67,68,217, Daniel I. Chasman136,240, Richard S. Cooper144, George Cardiovacular Medicine, Radcliffe Department of Medicine, University of Oxford, Oxford
Dedoussis114, Luigi Ferrucci61, Philippe Froguel58,64,65,66, Hans-Jörgen Grabe262,263, OX3 9DU, UK. 48University Institute for Social and Preventative Medicine, Centre
Anders Hamsten10, Jennie Hui71,181,264, Kristian Hveem108, Karl-Heinz Jöckel28, Mika Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV), University of Lausanne, Lausanne 1005,
Kivimaki219, Diana Kuh151, Markku Laakso221, Yongmei Liu265, Winfried Switzerland. 49Vth Department of Medicine (Nephrology, Hypertensiology,
März49,137,266, Patricia B. Munroe261, Inger Njølstad150, Ben A. Oostra36,110,267, Colin Endocrinology, Diabetology, Rheumatology), Medical Faculty of Mannheim, University of
N. A. Palmer85, Nancy L. Pedersen20, Markus Perola9,51,86, Louis Pérusse229,252, Ulrike Heidelberg, D-68187 Mannheim, Germany. 50Department of Internal Medicine II, Ulm
Peters218, Chris Power208, Thomas Quertermous268, Rainer Rauramaa100,223, University Medical Centre, D-89081 Ulm, Germany. 51National Institute for Health and
Fernando Rivadeneira54,55,56, Timo E. Saaristo269,270, Danish Saleheen188,271,272, Welfare, FI-00271 Helsinki, Finland. 52Department of Twin Research and Genetic
Juha Sinisalo273, P. Eline Slagboom38,39, Harold Snieder107, Tim D. Spector52, Unnur Epidemiology, King’s College London, London SE1 7EH, UK. 53Department of Cardiology,
Thorsteinsdottir146,274, Michael Stumvoll76,77, Jaakko Tuomilehto51,275,276,277, André University Medical Center Groningen, University of Groningen, 9700RB Groningen, The
G. Uitterlinden54,55,56, Matti Uusitupa278,279, Pim van der Harst32,53,280, Giovanni Netherlands. 54Netherlands Consortium for Healthy Aging (NCHA), 3015GE Rotterdam,
Veronesi281, Mark Walker282, Nicholas J. Wareham23, Hugh Watkins7,47, H-Erich The Netherlands. 55Department of Epidemiology, Erasmus MC University Medical Center,
Wichmann283,284,285, Goncalo R. Abecasis8, Themistocles L. Assimes268, Sonja I. 3015GE Rotterdam, The Netherlands. 56Department of Internal Medicine, Erasmus MC
Berndt286, Michael Boehnke8, Ingrid B. Borecki46, Panos Deloukas27,142,287, Lude University Medical Center, 3015GE Rotterdam, The Netherlands. 57Oxford Centre for
Franke32, Timothy M. Frayling30, Leif C. Groop86,227, David J. Hunter6,16,159, Robert C. Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolism, University of Oxford, Oxford OX3 7LJ, UK.
Kaplan288, Jeffrey R. O’Connell247,248, Lu Qi6,16, David Schlessinger133, David P. Department of Genomics of Common Disease, School of Public Health, Imperial College
Strachan289, Kari Stefansson146,274, Cornelia M. van Duijn36,54,55,110, Cristen J. London, Hammersmith Hospital, London W12 0NN, UK. 59University of Eastern Finland,
Willer31,34,290, Peter M. Visscher291,292, Jian Yang291,292, Joel N. Hirschhorn11,12,13, FI-70210 Kuopio, Finland. 60Division of Biostatistics, Washington University School of
M. Carola Zillikens54,56, Mark I. McCarthy7,57,293, Elizabeth K. Speliotes33, Kari E. Medicine, St Louis, Missouri 63110, USA. 61Translational Gerontology Branch, National
North15,294, Caroline S. Fox18, Inês Barroso27,295,296, Paul W. Franks1,2,16, Erik Institute on Aging, Baltimore, Maryland 21225, USA. 62Interfaculty Institute for Genetics
Ingelsson7,21,22, Iris M. Heid4,691, Ruth J. F. Loos23,297,298,2991, L. Adrienne and Functional Genomics, University Medicine Greifswald, D-17475 Greifswald,
Cupples17,181, Andrew P. Morris7,9,3001, Cecilia M. Lindgren7,121 & Karen L Mohlke51 Germany. 63Department of Endocrinology, University of Groningen, University Medical
Center Groningen, Groningen, 9700 RB, The Netherlands. 64CNRS UMR 8199, F-59019
Lille, France. 65European Genomic Institute for Diabetes, F-59000 Lille, France.
Department of Public Health and Clinical Medicine, Unit of Medicine, Umeå University, 66
Université de Lille 2, F-59000 Lille, France. 67Ealing Hospital NHS Trust, Middlesex UB1
901 87 Umeå, Sweden. 2Department of Clinical Sciences, Genetic & Molecular 3HW, UK. 68Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Imperial College London,
Epidemiology Unit, Lund University Diabetes Center, Skåne University Hosptial, 205 02 London W2 1PG, UK. 69Institute of Genetic Epidemiology, Helmholtz Zentrum München -
Malmö, Sweden. 3Department of Odontology, Umeå University, 901 85 Umeå, Sweden. German Research Center for Environmental Health, D-85764 Neuherberg, Germany.
Department of Genetic Epidemiology, Institute of Epidemiology and Preventive 70
School of Health and Social Studies, Dalarna University, SE-791 88 Falun, Sweden.
Medicine, University of Regensburg, D-93053 Regensburg, Germany. 5Department of 71
PathWest Laboratory Medicine of Western Australia, Nedlands, Western Australia 6009,
Genetics, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27599, USA. 6Channing Australia. 72Geriatric Unit, Azienda Sanitaria Firenze (ASF), 50125 Florence, Italy.
Division of Network Medicine, Department of Medicine, Brigham and Women’s Hospital 73
Department of Genetics, Texas Biomedical Research Institute, San Antonio, Texas
and Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts 02115, USA. 7Wellcome Trust 78227, USA. 74Genomics Research Centre, Institute of Health and Biomedical Innovation,
Centre for Human Genetics, University of Oxford, Oxford OX3 7BN, UK. 8Center for Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Queensland 4001, Australia.
Statistical Genetics, Department of Biostatistics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 75
Department of Medical Sciences, Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism, Uppsala
Michigan 48109, USA. 9Estonian Genome Center, University of Tartu, Tartu 51010, University, Uppsala 75185, Sweden. 76Integrated Research and Treatment Center (IFB)
Estonia. 10Atherosclerosis Research Unit, Center for Molecular Medicine, Department of Adiposity Diseases, University of Leipzig, D-04103 Leipzig, Germany. 77Department of
Medicine, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm 17176, Sweden. 11Divisions of Endocrinology Medicine, University of Leipzig, D-04103 Leipzig, Germany. 78Department of Medical
and Genetics and Center for Basic and Translational Obesity Research, Boston Children’s Statistics and Bioinformatics, Leiden University Medical Center, 2300 RC Leiden, The
Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts 02115, USA. 12Broad Institute of the Massachusetts Netherlands. 79Inserm UMR991, Department of Endocrinology, University of Rennes,
Institute of Technology and Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02142, USA. F-35000 Rennes, France. 80LifeLines Cohort Study, University Medical Center Groningen,
Department of Genetics, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts 02115, USA. University of Groningen, 9700 RB Groningen, The Netherlands. 81USC-Office of
Center for Biological Sequence Analysis, Department of Systems Biology, Technical Population Studies Foundation, Inc., University of San Carlos, Cebu City 6000, Philippines.
University of Denmark, Lyngby 2800, Denmark. 15Department of Epidemiology, 82
Department of Biology, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, 7491
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27599, USA. Trondheim, Norway. 83Clinical Trial Service Unit and Epidemiological Studies Unit,
Department of Nutrition, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, Massachusetts Nuffield Department of Population Health, University of Oxford, Oxford OX3 7LF, UK.
02115, USA. 17Department of Biostatistics, Boston University School of Public Health, 84
Information Sciences Institute, University of Southern California, Marina del Rey,
Boston, Massachusetts 02118, USA. 18National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, the California 90292, USA. 85Medical Research Institute, University of Dundee, Ninewells
Framingham Heart Study, Framingham Massachusetts 01702, USA. 19Department of Hospital and Medical School, Dundee DD1 9SY, UK. 86Institute for Molecular Medicine,
Neurology, Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, Massachusetts 02118, USA. University of Helsinki, FI-00014 Helsinki, Finland. 87Medical Genomics and Metabolic
Department of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm Genetics Branch, National Human Genome Research Institute, NIH, Bethesda, Maryland
17177, Sweden. 21Science for Life Laboratory, Uppsala University, Uppsala 75185, 20892, USA. 88Analytic and Translational Genetics Unit, Massachusetts General Hospital
Sweden. 22Department of Medical Sciences, Molecular Epidemiology, Uppsala University, and Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts 02114, USA. 89Institute of Clinical
Uppsala 75185, Sweden. 23MRC Epidemiology Unit, University of Cambridge School of Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine, University Medicine Greifswald, D-17475
Clinical Medicine, Institute of Metabolic Science, Cambridge Biomedical Campus, Greifswald, Germany. 90Laboratory of Epidemiology and Population Sciences, National
Cambridge CB2 0QQ, UK. 24Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine (IUMSP), Centre Institute on Aging, NIH, Bethesda, Maryland 20892, USA. 91Department of Public Health
Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV), Lausanne 1010, Switzerland. 25Swiss Institute and Caring Sciences, Geriatrics, Uppsala University, Uppsala 75185, Sweden. 92Division
of Bioinformatics, Lausanne 1015, Switzerland. 26Department of Medical Genetics, of Cardiovascular Epidemiology, Institute of Environmental Medicine, Karolinska
University of Lausanne, Lausanne 1005, Switzerland. 27Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden, Stockholm 17177, Sweden. 93Kaiser Permanente, Division
Hinxton, Cambridge CB10 1SA, UK. 28Institute for Medical Informatics, Biometry and of Research, Oakland, California 94612, USA. 94Service of Therapeutic Education for
Epidemiology (IMIBE), University Hospital Essen, Essen, 45147 Germany. 29Clinical Diabetes, Obesity and Chronic Diseases, Geneva University Hospital, Geneva CH-1211,
Epidemiology, Integrated Research and Treatment Center, Center for Sepsis Control and Switzerland. 95Research Unit of Molecular Epidemiology, Helmholtz Zentrum München -
Care (CSCC), Jena University Hospital, Jena 07743, Germany. 30Genetics of Complex German Research Center for Environmental Health, D-85764 Neuherberg, Germany.
Traits, University of Exeter Medical School, University of Exeter, Exeter EX1 2LU, UK. German Center for Diabetes Research (DZD), D-85764 Neuherberg, Germany.
31 97
Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, University of Department of Medicine III, University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus, Technische
Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109, USA. 32Department of Genetics, University Universität Dresden, D-01307 Dresden, Germany. 98Department of Public Health and
Medical Center Groningen, University of Groningen, 9700 RB Groningen, The Clinical Medicine, Unit of Nutritional Research, Umeå University, Umeå 90187, Sweden.
Netherlands. 33Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Gastroenterology, and 99
Department of Psychiatry, University of Groningen, University Medical Center

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Groningen, 9700RB Groningen, The Netherlands. 100Kuopio Research Institute of Lung Institute, Imperial College London, London SW3 6LY, UK. 167QIMR Berghofer
Exercise Medicine, FI-70100 Kuopio, Finland. 101MRC Human Genetics Unit, Institute of Medical Research Institute, Brisbane, Queensland 4006, Australia. 168Section of General
Genetics and Molecular Medicine, University of Edinburgh, Western General Hospital, Internal Medicine, Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, Massachusetts 02118,
Edinburgh EH4 2XU, UK. 102Hjelt Institute Department of Public Health, University of USA. 169Department of Statistics, University of Oxford, 1 South Parks Road, Oxford OX1
Helsinki, FI-00014 Helsinki, Finland. 103Institute of Biomedicine, University of Oulu, 3TG, UK. 170MRC Harwell, Harwell Science and Innovation Campus, Harwell OX11 0QG,
FI-90014 Oulu, Finland. 104Medical Research Center Oulu and Oulu University Hospital, UK. 171Institute of Health and Biomedical Innovation, Queensland University of
FI-90014 Oulu, Finland. 105Biocenter Oulu, University of Oulu, FI-90014 Oulu, Finland. Technology, Brisbane, Queensland 4059, Australia. 172Department of Biomedical
Faculty of Psychology and Education, VU University Amsterdam, 1081BT Amsterdam, Engineering and Computational Science, Aalto University School of Science, FI-00076
The Netherlands. 107Department of Epidemiology, University Medical Center Groningen, Helsinki, Finland. 173Department of Medicine, Division of Nephrology, Helsinki University
University of Groningen, 9700 RB Groningen, The Netherlands. 108Department of Public Central Hospital, FI-00290 Helsinki, Finland. 174Folkhälsan Institute of Genetics,
Health and General Practice, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Folkhälsan Research Center, FI-00290 Helsinki, Finland. 175Icahn Institute for Genomics
Trondheim 7489, Norway. 109Cardiovascular Genetics Division, Department of Internal and Multiscale Biology, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, New York
Medicine, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah 84108, USA. 110Center for Medical 10580, USA. 176Computer Science Department, Tecnológico de Monterrey, Atizapán de
Sytems Biology, 2300 RC Leiden, The Netherlands. 111Institute for Community Medicine, Zaragoza, 52926, Mexico. 177Nuffield Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology,
University Medicine Greifswald, D-17475 Greifswald, Germany. 112Department of University of Oxford, Oxford OX3 7BN, UK. 178Institut Pasteur de Lille; INSERM, U744;
Pulmonary Physiology and Sleep Medicine, Nedlands, Western Australia 6009, Australia. Université de Lille 2; F-59000 Lille, France. 179Department of Epidemiology and Public
School of Medicine and Pharmacology, University of Western Australia, Crawley 6009, Health, EA3430, University of Strasbourg, Faculty of Medicine, Strasbourg, France.
Australia. 114Department of Dietetics-Nutrition, Harokopio University, 17671 Athens, 180
Department of Internal Medicine, University Medical Center Groningen, University of
Greece. 115Department of Internal Medicine I, Ulm University Medical Centre, D-89081 Groningen, 9700RB Groningen, The Netherlands. 181Pathology and Laboratory Medicine,
Ulm, Germany. 116Division of Genetic Epidemiology, Department of Medical Genetics, The University of Western Australia, Perth, Western Australia 6009, Australia.
Molecular and Clinical Pharmacology, Innsbruck Medical University, 6020 Innsbruck, Cedars-Sinai Diabetes and Obesity Research Institute, Los Angeles, California 90048,
Austria. 117Institute of Human Genetics, Helmholtz Zentrum München - German USA. 183Clinical Pharmacology Unit, University of Cambridge, Addenbrooke’s Hospital,
Research Center for Environmental Health, D-85764 Neuherberg, Germany. Hills Road, Cambridge CB2 2QQ, UK. 184Service of Nephrology, Department of Medicine,
Department of Medical Sciences, Cardiovascular Epidemiology, Uppsala University, Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV), Lausanne 1005, Switzerland. 185Centre for
Uppsala 75185, Sweden. 119Centre for Bone and Arthritis Research, Department of Population Health Sciences, University of Edinburgh, Teviot Place, Edinburgh EH8 9AG,
Internal Medicine and Clinical Nutrition, Institute of Medicine, Sahlgrenska Academy, UK. 186Center for Human Genetics Research, Vanderbilt University Medical Center,
University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg 413 45, Sweden. 120School of Social and Nashville, Tennessee 37203, USA. 187Department of Molecular Physiology and
Community Medicine, University of Bristol, Bristol BS8 2BN, UK. 121Division of Biophysics, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee 37232, USA. 188Department of
Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism, Ulm University Medical Centre, D-89081 Ulm, Public Health and Primary Care, University of Cambridge, Cambridge CB1 8RN, UK.
Germany. 122Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, University of Tartu, Tartu 51010, 189
Biological Psychology, VU University Amsterdam, 1081BT Amsterdam, The
Estonia. 123Farr Institute of Health Informatics Research, University College London, Netherlands. 190Institute for Research in Extramural Medicine, Institute for Health and
London NW1 2DA, UK 124The Center for Observational Research, Amgen, Inc., Thousand Care Research, VU University, 1081BT Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 191Department of
Oaks, California 91320, USA. 125Department of Gerontology and Geriatrics, Leiden Internal Medicine B, University Medicine Greifswald, D-17475 Greifswald, Germany.
University Medical Center, 2300 RC Leiden, The Netherlands. 126Department of 192
DZHK (Deutsches Zentrum für Herz-Kreislaufforschung – German Centre for
Genomics, Life & Brain Center, University of Bonn, 53127 Bonn, Germany. 127Institute of Cardiovascular Research), partner site Greifswald, D-17475 Greifswald, Germany.
Human Genetics, University of Bonn, 53127 Bonn, Germany. 128Istituto di Ricerca 193
Clinic of Cardiology, West-German Heart Centre, University Hospital Essen, 45122
Genetica e Biomedica (IRGB), Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Cagliari, Sardinia Essen, Germany. 194Department of General Practice and Primary Health Care, University
09042, Italy. 129Center for Evidence-based Healthcare, University Hospital Carl Gustav of Helsinki, FI-00290 Helsinki, Finland. 195Unit of General Practice, Helsinki University
Carus, Technische Universität Dresden, D-01307 Dresden, Germany. 130Department of Central Hospital, Helsinki FI-00290, Finland. 196Department of Internal Medicine,
Medicine I, University Hospital Grosshadern, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, D-81377 University of Pisa, Pisa 56100, Italy. 197National Research Council Institute of Clinical
Munich, Germany. 131Institute of Medical Informatics, Biometry and Epidemiology, Chair Physiology, University of Pisa, Pisa 56124, Italy. 198Department of Cardiology, Toulouse
of Genetic Epidemiology, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, D-81377 Munich, Germany. University School of Medicine, Rangueil Hospital, 31400 Toulouse, France. 199UWI
Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Herz-Kreislauferkrankungen (DZHK) (German Solutions for Developing Countries, The University of the West Indies, Mona, Kingston 7,
Research Centre for Cardiovascular Research), Munich Heart Alliance, D-80636 Munich, Jamaica. 200Department of Preventive Medicine, Keck School of Medicine, University of
Germany. 133Laboratory of Genetics, National Institute on Aging, Baltimore, Maryland Southern California, Los Angeles, California 90089, USA. 201Institute of Biomedical &
21224, USA. 134Laboratory of Neurogenetics, National Institute on Aging, National Clinical Science, University of Exeter, Barrack Road, Exeter EX2 5DW, UK. 202Center for
Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland 20892, USA. 135Hypertension and Related Biomedicine, European Academy Bozen, Bolzano (EURAC), Bolzano 39100, Italy
Diseases Centre - AOU, University of Sassari Medical School, Sassari 07100, Italy. (affiliated Institute of the University of Lübeck, D-23562 Lübeck, Germany). 203Institute of
Division of Preventive Medicine, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, Cardiovascular Science, University College London, London WC1E 6BT, UK. 204Centre for
Massachusetts 02215, USA. 137Clinical Institute of Medical and Chemical Laboratory Cardiovascular Genetics, Institute Cardiovascular Sciences, University College London,
Diagnostics, Medical University of Graz, Graz 8036, Austria. 138Science for Life Laboratory, London WC1E 6JJ, UK. 205Sansom Institute for Health Research, University of South
Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm 171 65, Sweden. 139Department of Medicine, University Australia, Adelaide 5000, South Australia, Australia. 206School of Population Health,
of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98101, USA. 140Icelandic Heart Association, University of South Australia, Adelaide 5000, South Australia, Australia. 207South
Kopavogur 201, Iceland. 141University of Iceland, Reykjavik 101, Iceland. 142William Australian Health and Medical Research Institute, Adelaide 5000, South Australia,
Harvey Research Institute, Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry, Australia. 208Population, Policy, and Practice, University College London Institute of Child
Queen Mary University of London, London EC1M 6BQ, UK. 143Department of Medical Health, London WC1N 1EH, UK. 209Hannover Unified Biobank, Hannover Medical School,
Sciences, Molecular Medicine, Uppsala University, Uppsala 75144, Sweden. Hannover, D-30625 Hannover, Germany. 210National Institute for Health and Welfare,
Department of Public Health Sciences, Stritch School of Medicine, Loyola University of FI-90101 Oulu, Finland. 211MRC Health Protection Agency (HPA) Centre for Environment
Chicago, Maywood, Illinois 61053, USA. 145Institute of Epidemiology II, Helmholtz and Health, School of Public Health, Imperial College London, London W2 1PG, UK.
Zentrum München - German Research Center for Environmental Health, Neuherberg, Unit of Primary Care, Oulu University Hospital, FI-90220 Oulu, Finland. 213Institute of
Germany, D-85764 Neuherberg, Germany. 146deCODE Genetics, Amgen Inc., Reykjavik Health Sciences, University of Oulu, FI-90014 Oulu, Finland. 214UK Clinical Research
101, Iceland. 147Department of Cardiology, Medical University of Graz, Graz 8036, Austria. Collaboration Centre of Excellence for Public Health (NI), Queens University of Belfast,
Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Psychology, Erasmus MC University Belfast BT7 1NN, Northern Ireland, UK. 215Institute of Health Sciences, Faculty of
Medical Centre, 3000 CB Rotterdam, The Netherlands. 149Department of Clinical Medicine, University of Oulu, FI-90014 Oulu, Finland. 216Unit of Primary Health Care/
Chemistry, Ulm University Medical Centre, D-89081 Ulm, Germany. 150Department of General Practice, Oulu University Hospital, FI-90220 Oulu, Finland. 217Imperial College
Community Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Healthcare NHS Trust, London W12 0HS, UK. 218Division of Public Health Sciences, Fred
9037 Tromsø, Norway. 151MRC Unit for Lifelong Health and Ageing at University College Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, Washington 98109, USA. 219Department of
London, London WC1B 5JU, UK. 152Diabetes Complications Research Centre, Conway Epidemiology and Public Health, University College London, London WC1E 6BT, UK.
Institute, School of Medicine and Medical Sciences, University College Dublin, Dublin 4, Department of Biological and Social Epidemiology, University of Essex, Wivenhoe Park,
Ireland. 153Department of Biomedical Sciences, Seoul National University College of Colchester, Essex CO4 3SQ, UK. 221Department of Medicine, Kuopio University Hospital
Medicine, Seoul 110-799, Korea. 154Cardiothoracic Surgery Unit, Department of and University of Eastern Finland, FI-70210 Kuopio, Finland. 222Department of
Molecular Medicine and Surgery, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm 17176, Sweden. Physiology, Institute of Biomedicine, University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio Campus,
Department of Medicine, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, FI-70211 Kuopio, Finland. 223Department of Clinical Physiology and Nuclear Medicine,
New York 10032, USA. 156Department of Population Medicine, Harvard Pilgrim Health Kuopio University Hospital and University of Eastern Finland, FI-70210 Kuopio, Finland.
Care Institute, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts 02215, USA. Epidemiology Program, University of Hawaii Cancer Center, Honolulu, Hawaii 96813,
Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts 02114, USA. 158State Key USA. 225Department of Clinical Chemistry, Fimlab Laboratories and School of Medicine
Laboratory of Medical Genomics, Shanghai Institute of Hematology, Rui Jin Hospital University of Tampere, FI-33520 Tampere, Finland. 226Steno Diabetes Center A/S,
Affiliated with Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai 200025, Gentofte DK-2820, Denmark. 227Lund University Diabetes Centre and Department of
China. 159Department of Epidemiology, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, Clinical Science, Diabetes & Endocrinology Unit, Lund University, Malmö 221 00, Sweden.
Massachusetts 02115, USA. 160NIHR Oxford Biomedical Research Centre, OUH Trust, 228
Institut Universitaire de Cardiologie et de Pneumologie de Québec, Faculty of
Oxford OX3 7LE, UK. 161Harvard School of Public Health, Department of Biostatistics, Medicine, Laval University, Quebec QC G1V 0A6, Canada. 229Institute of Nutrition and
Harvard University, Boston, Massachusetts 02115, USA. 162Department of Genetics, Functional Foods, Laval University, Quebec QC G1V 0A6, Canada. 230Department of
Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, New Biostatistics, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195, USA. 231Department
Haven, Connecticut 06520, USA. 163College of Information Science and Technology, of Respiratory Medicine, Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, Nedlands, Western Australia
Dalian Maritime University, Dalian, Liaoning 116026, China. 164Nephrology Research, 6009, Australia. 232Epidemiology and Obstetrics & Gynaecology, University of Toronto,
Centre for Public Health, Queen’s University of Belfast, Belfast, County Down BT9 7AB, UK. Toronto, Ontario M5G 1E2, Canada. 233Genetic Epidemiology & Biostatistics Platform,
University of Ottawa Heart Institute, Ottawa K1Y 4W7, Canada. 166National Heart and Ontario Institute for Cancer Research, Toronto, Ontario M5G 0A3, Canada. 234Department

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of Psychiatry, Neuroscience Campus, VU University Amsterdam, 1081 BT Amsterdam, Kirjoniementie 15, FI-33680 Tampere, Finland. 270Pirkanmaa Hospital District, FI-33521
The Netherlands. 235Department of Neurology, General Central Hospital, Bolzano 39100, Tampere, Finland. 271Center for Non-Communicable Diseases, Karatchi, Pakistan.
Italy. 236Department of Clinical Physiology and Nuclear Medicine, Turku University 272
Department of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Hospital, FI-20521 Turku, Finland. 237Research Centre of Applied and Preventive 19104 USA. 273Helsinki University Central Hospital Heart and Lung Center, Department
Cardiovascular Medicine, University of Turku, FI-20521 Turku, Finland. 238Human of Medicine, Helsinki University Central Hospital, FI-00290 Helsinki, Finland. 274Faculty of
Genomics Laboratory, Pennington Biomedical Research Center, Baton Rouge, Louisiana Medicine, University of Iceland, Reykjavik 101, Iceland. 275Instituto de Investigacion
70808, USA. 239Department of Psychiatry, Washington University School of Medicine, St Sanitaria del Hospital Universario LaPaz (IdiPAZ), 28046 Madrid, Spain. 276Diabetes
Louis, Missouri 63110, USA. 240Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts 02115, Research Group, King Abdulaziz University, 21589 Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. 277Centre for
USA. 241Center for Systems Genomics, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Vascular Prevention, Danube-University Krems, 3500 Krems, Austria. 278Department of
Pennsylvania 16802, USA. 242Croatian Centre for Global Health, Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Clinical Nutrition, University of Eastern Finland, FI-70211 Kuopio,
University of Split, 21000 Split, Croatia. 243Department of Cardiovascular Sciences, Finland. 279Research Unit, Kuopio University Hospital, FI-70210 Kuopio, Finland.
University of Leicester, Glenfield Hospital, Leicester LE3 9QP, UK. 244National Institute for 280
Durrer Center for Cardiogenetic Research, Interuniversity Cardiology Institute
Health Research (NIHR) Leicester Cardiovascular Biomedical Research Unit, Glenfield Netherlands-Netherlands Heart Institute, 3501 DG Utrecht, The Netherlands. 281EPIMED
Hospital, Leicester LE3 9QP, UK. 245South Carelia Central Hospital, 53130 Lappeenranta, Research Center, Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, University of
Finland. 246Paul Langerhans Institute Dresden, German Center for Diabetes Research Insubria, Varese I-21100, Italy. 282Institute of Cellular Medicine, Newcastle University,
(DZD), 01307 Dresden, Germany. 247Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Nutrition, Newcastle NE1 7RU, UK. 283Institute of Medical Informatics, Biometry and Epidemiology,
University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland 21201, USA. 248Program Chair of Epidemiology, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, D-85764 Munich, Germany.
for Personalized and Genomic Medicine, University of Maryland School of Medicine, 284
Klinikum Grosshadern, D-81377 Munich, Germany. 285Institute of Epidemiology I,
Baltimore, Maryland 21201, USA. 249Geriatric Research and Education Clinical Center, Helmholtz Zentrum München - German Research Center for Environmental Health,
Veterans Administration Medical Center, Baltimore, Maryland 21201, USA.
250 Neuherberg, Germany, D-85764 Neuherberg, Germany. 286Division of Cancer
Department of Epidemiology, Maastricht University, 6229 HA Maastricht, The
Epidemiology and Genetics, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health,
Netherlands. 251Research Unit Hypertension and Cardiovascular Epidemiology, KU
Bethesda, Maryland 20892, USA. 287Princess Al-Jawhara Al-Brahim Centre of Excellence
Leuven Department of Cardiovascular Sciences, University of Leuven, B-3000 Leuven,
in Research of Hereditary Disorders (PACER-HD), King Abdulaziz University, 21589
Belgium. 252Department of Kinesiology, Laval University, Quebec, QC G1V 0A6, Canada.
253 Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. 288Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Department of
Dipartimento di Scienze Farmacologiche e Biomolecolari, Università di Milano &
Epidemiology and Population Health, Belfer 1306, New York 10461, USA. 289Division of
Centro Cardiologico Monzino, Instituto di Ricovero e Cura a Carattere Scientifico, Milan
Population Health Sciences & Education, St George’s, University of London, London SW17
20133, Italy. 254Department of Food Science and Nutrition, Laval University, Quebec, QC
G1V 0A6, Canada. 255Department of Internal Medicine, University Hospital (CHUV) and 0RE, UK. 290Department of Human Genetics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan
University of Lausanne, 1011, Switzerland. 256Department of Nutrition, University of 48109, USA. 291Queensland Brain Institute, The University of Queensland, Brisbane
North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27599, USA. 257Institute of Social and 4072, Australia. 292The University of Queensland Diamantina Institute, The Translation
Preventive Medicine (IUMSP), Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois and University of Research Institute, Brisbane 4012, Australia. 293Oxford NIHR Biomedical Research
Lausanne, 1010 Lausanne, Switzerland. 258Ministry of Health, Victoria, Republic of Centre, Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust, Oxford OX3 7LJ, UK. 294Carolina Center for
Seychelles. 259Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine, Imperial College London and Nanyang Genome Sciences, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Technological University, Singapore, 637553 Singapore, Singapore. 260Department of 27599, USA. 295University of Cambridge Metabolic Research Laboratories, Institute of
Internal Medicine I, Ulm University Medical Centre, D-89081 Ulm, Germany. Metabolic Science, Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge CB2 OQQ, UK. 296NIHR
Department of Clinical Pharmacology, William Harvey Research Institute, Barts and Cambridge Biomedical Research Centre, Institute of Metabolic Science, Addenbrooke’s
The London School of Medicine and Dentistry, Queen Mary University of London, London Hospital, Cambridge CB2 OQQ, UK. 297The Charles Bronfman Institute for Personalized
EC1M 6BQ, UK. 262Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, University Medicine Medicine, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, New York 10029, USA.
Greifswald, HELIOS-Hospital Stralsund, D-17475 Greifswald, Germany. 263German The Genetics of Obesity and Related Metabolic Traits Program, The Icahn School of
Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE), Rostock, Greifswald, D-17475 Greifswald, Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, New York 10029, USA. 299The Mindich Child Health
Germany. 264School of Population Health, The University of Western Australia, Nedlands, and Development Institute, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, New York
Western Australia 6009, Australia. 265Center for Human Genetics, Division of Public 10029, USA. 300Department of Biostatistics, University of Liverpool, Liverpool L69 3GA,
Health Sciences, Wake Forest School of Medicine, Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27157, UK.
USA. 266Synlab Academy, Synlab Services GmbH, 68163 Mannheim, Germany.
Department of Clinical Genetics, Erasmus MC University Medical Center, 3000 CA {A list of authors and affiliations appears in the Supplementary Information.
Rotterdam, The Netherlands. 268Department of Medicine, Stanford University School of *These authors contributed equally to this work.
Medicine, Palo Alto, California 94304, USA. 269Finnish Diabetes Association, 1These authors jointly supervised this work.

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METHODS study sample using population-based studies (that is, those not ascertained on any
Study overview. Our study included 224,459 individuals of European, east Asian, phenotype) as the referent population: (1) all studies ascertained on any pheno-
south Asian and African-American ancestry. The European ancestry arm included type, (2) T2D cases, (3) T2D controls, (4) T2D cases plus controls, (5) CAD cases,
142,762 individuals from 57 cohorts genotyped with genome-wide SNP arrays and (6) CAD controls and (7) CAD cases plus controls. We evaluated significance for
67,326 individuals from 44 cohorts genotyped with the Metabochip11 (Extended heterogeneity tests within each comparison using a Bonferroni-corrected P value
Data Fig. 1 and Supplementary Table 1). The non-European ancestry arm comprised of 0.05/49 5 0.05/49 5 1.02 3 1023 as well as an FDR threshold48 of ,5% (Sup-
,1,700 individuals from one cohort of east Asian ancestry, ,3,400 individuals plementary Table 28). Between-study heterogeneity in all meta-analyses was assessed
from one cohort of south Asian ancestry, and ,9,200 individuals from six cohorts using I2 statistics49.
of African-American ancestry, all genotyped with the Metabochip. There was no Heritability and genetic and phenotypic correlations of waist traits. We cal-
overlap between individuals genotyped with genome-wide SNP arrays and Meta- culated the heritability and genetic correlations of several central obesity traits
bochip. For each study, local institutional committees approved study protocols using variance component models50,51 in the Framingham Heart Study (FHS) and
and confirmed that informed consent was obtained. No statistical methods were TwinGene study. In this approach, the phenotypic variance is decomposed into
used to predetermine sample size. additive genetic, non-additive genetic, and environmental sources of variation (includ-
Traits. Our primary trait was WHRadjBMI, the ratio of waist and hip circumfer- ing model error), and for sets of traits, the covariances between traits. We report
ences adjusted for age, age-squared, study-specific covariates if necessary and BMI. narrow sense heritability (h2), the ratio of the additive genetic variance to the total
For each cohort, residuals were calculated for men and women separately and then phenotypic variance. Sex-specific inverse normal trait residuals, adjusted for age
transformed by the inverse standard normal function. Cohorts with related men (and cohort in FHS), were used to estimate heritability separately in men and
and women provided inverse standard normal transformed sex-combined residuals. women, using variance components analysis in SOLARv.4.2.7 (FHS)52 or Mx1.703
For each cohort, the same transformations were applied to other traits: (1) WHR (TwinGene)53. Additionally, the sex-specific residuals were used to conduct bivari-
without adjustment for BMI (WHR); (2) waist circumference with (WCadjBMI) ate quantitative variance component genetic analyses that calculate genetic and
and without adjustment for BMI; and (3) hip circumference with (HIPadjBMI) environmental correlations between traits. The genetic correlations obtained are
and without adjustment for BMI. estimates of the additive effects of shared genes, and a genetic correlation signifi-
European ancestry meta-analysis for genome-wide SNP array data. Sample and cantly different from zero suggests a direct influence of the same genes on more than
SNP quality control were undertaken within each cohort44 (Supplementary Table 3). one trait. Similarly, significant environmental correlations suggest shared environ-
The GWAS scaffold in each cohort was imputed up to CEU haplotypes from mental effects.
HapMap resulting in ,2.5 million SNPs. Each directly typed and imputed SNP We estimated sex-stratified correlations between all waist traits, as well as BMI,
passing quality control was tested for association with each trait under an additive height, and weight in TwinGene, FHS, KORA and EGCUT. In TwinGene and FHS,
model in a linear regression framework (Supplementary Table 3). SNP positions are age-adjusted Pearson correlations were used; in EGCUT and KORA, correlations
reported based on NCBI Build 36. For each cohort, sex-specific association sum- were adjusted for age and age-squared.
mary statistics were corrected for residual population structure using the genomic European ancestry approximate conditional analyses. To evaluate the evidence
control inflation factor45 (median lGC 5 1.01, range 5 0.99–1.08). SNPs were removed for multiple association signals within identified loci, we performed approximate
before meta-analysis if they had a minor allele count #3, deviation from Hardy– conditional analyses of sex-combined, women-specific and men-specific data as
Weinberg equilibrium exact P , 1026, directly genotyped SNP call rate ,95%, or implemented in the GCTA software14,54. This approach makes use of association
low imputation quality (below 0.3 for MACH, 0.4 for IMPUTE, and 0.8 for PLINK). summary statistics from the combined European ancestry meta-analysis and a
Association summary statistics for each trait were combined via inverse-variance reference data set of individual-level genotype data to estimate LD between var-
weighted fixed-effects meta-analysis and corrected for a second round of genomic iants and hence also the approximate correlation between allelic effect estimates
control to account for structure between cohorts (Extended Data Fig. 1 and Sup- in a joint association model.
plementary Fig. 1). To evaluate robustness of the GCTA results, we performed analyses using two
European ancestry meta-analysis for Metabochip data. Sample and SNP quality reference data sets: Prospective Investigation of the Vasculature in Uppsala Seniors
control analyses were undertaken in each cohort (Supplementary Table 3). Each (PIVUS) consisting of 949 individuals from Uppsala County, Sweden, with both
SNP passing quality control was tested for association with each trait under an GWAS and Metabochip genotype data; and Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities
additive model using linear regression. The Metabochip array11 is enriched, by (ARIC) consisting of 6,654 individuals of European descent from four communit-
design, for loci associated with anthropometric and cardiometabolic traits, thus, we ies in the United States with GWAS data. Both GWAS data sets were imputed using
based our correction on 4,425 SNPs selected for inclusion based on associations data from phase II of the International HapMap Project55. Results shown use the
with QT-interval that were not expected to be associated with anthropometric PIVUS reference data set because Metabochip genotypes are available (see a com-
traits (.500 kb from variants on Metabochip46 for these traits). These study-specific parison in the Supplementary Note). Assuming that the LD correlations between
inflation factors had a median lGC 5 1.01(range 0.93–1.11), with only one study SNPs more than 10 megabases (Mb) away are zero, and using each reference data set
exceeding 1.10. After removing SNPs for quality control as described in the pre- in turn, we performed a genome-wide stepwise selection procedure to select asso-
vious section, association summary statistics were combined via inverse-variance ciated SNPs one-by-one at a P , 5 3 1028. For each locus at which multiple asso-
weighted fixed-effects meta-analysis and corrected for a second round of genomic ciation signals were observed in the sex-combined, women-, and/or men-specific
control on the basis of QT-interval SNPs to account for structure between cohorts. data, the SNPs selected by GCTA as independently associated with WHRadjBMI
European ancestry meta-analyses. Association summary statistics from the two in any of the three meta-analyses are reported, with the SNP identified in the sex-
parts of the European ancestry arm were combined via inverse-variance weighted combined analysis taken by default when proxies are identified in the women- and/
fixed-effects meta-analysis using METAL47 with no further genomic control cor- or men-specific analyses. For SNPs not selected by a particular joint conditional
rection. Results were reported for SNPs with a sex-combined sample size $50,000. analysis, but identified by either of the other two analyses, summary statistics were
The meta-analyses were repeated for men and women separately for each trait. calculated for association analysis of the SNP conditioned on the GCTA-selected
Analyses were corrected for population structure within each sex. The meta-analysis SNP(s).
of WHRadjBMI in men included up to 93,480 individuals, and in women up to Genetic risk score. We calculated a genetic risk score for each individual in the
116,742 individuals. population-based KORA study (1,670 men and 1,750 women) using the 49 identified
Meta-analyses of studies of all ancestries. Sample and SNP quality control, tests variants, weighted by the allelic effect from the European ancestry meta-analyses of
of association, genomic control correction (median lGC 5 1.01, range 5 0.90–1.17, WHRadjBMI. Sex-combined scores were computed on the basis of the sex-combined
with only one study exceeding 1.10), and meta-analyses were performed as described meta-analysis. Sex-stratified scores were calculated on the basis of men- and women-
above. Association summary statistics from the European and non-European ances- specific meta-analyses, in which SNPs not achieving nominal significance in the
try meta-analyses were combined via inverse-variance weighted fixed-effects meta- respective sex (P $ 0.05) were excluded. For each individual, the sex-combined
analysis without further genomic control correction. and sex-stratified risk scores were rounded to the nearest integer for plotting. Risk
Heterogeneity. For each lead SNP, we tested for sex differences based on the sex- scores were then tested for association with WHRadjBMI using linear regression.
specific beta estimates and standard errors, while accounting for potential correla- Explained variance. We calculated the variance explained by a single SNP as:
tion between estimates as previously described10. Similarly, we tested for potential
differences in effects between European and non-European samples, comparing 2NMAFNð1{MAFÞN
the effects from GWAS1Metabochip data for Europeans and Metabochip data for VarðY Þ
non-Europeans, and we tested for differences between population-based studies and in which MAF is the minor allele frequency, b is the SNP effect estimate computed
samples ascertained on diabetes status, and cardiovascular disease, or both. In assess- by meta-analysis, and Var(Y) is the variance of the phenotype Y as it went into the
ing effects of ascertainment overall, we compared effects in seven subsets of our study-specific association testing. To derive the total variance explained by a set of

©2015 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved


independent SNPs, we computed the sum of single-SNP explained variances under Identification of candidate functional variants. The 1000 Genomes CEU pilot
the assumption of independent contributions. data were queried for SNPs within 500 kb and in LD (r2 . 0.7, an arbitrary thresh-
To estimate the polygenic variance explained by all HapMap SNPs, we used the old) with any index SNP. All identified variants were then annotated based on RefSeq
all-SNP estimation approach implemented in GCTA and analysed individuals in transcripts using Annovar to identify potential nonsynonymous variants near iden-
the ARIC and TwinGene cohorts, including the first 20 principal components as tified association signals. The distance between each variant and the nearest tran-
fixed covariates. After removing one of each pair of individuals with estimated scription start site were calculated using gene annotations from GENCODE (v.12).
genetic relatedness .0.025, 11,898 unrelated individuals with WHRadjBMI were To investigate whether SNPs in LD with index SNPs are also in LD with com-
available. mon copy number variants (CNVs), we extracted waist trait association results for
Fine-mapping analyses. We considered each identified locus, defined as 500 kb a list of SNP proxies that are in high LD (r2 . 0.8, CEU) with CNVs in European
upstream and downstream of the lead SNP, and computed 99% credible intervals populations as described previously7. Altogether 6,200 CNV-tagging SNPs were
using a Bayesian approach. On the basis of association summary statistics from used, which are estimated collectively to capture .40% of CNVs .1 kb in size.
the European ancestry, non-European ancestry, or all ancestries sex-combined eQTLs. We examined our lead SNPs in eQTL data sets from several sources (Sup-
meta-analyses, we calculated an approximate Bayes’ factor56 in favour of associa- plementary Note) for cis effects significant at P , 1025. We then checked if the
tion, given by: trait-associated SNP also had the strongest association with the expression level of
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi its corresponding transcript. If not, we identified a nearby SNP that had a stronger
1{Rj association with expression (peak transcript SNP) of that transcript. To check
BFj ~ !
Rj b2j whether effects of the peak transcript SNP and waist trait-associated SNP over-
exp { 2 lapped, we conducted conditional analyses to estimate associations between the
waist-associated SNP and transcript level when the peak-transcript-associated
in which bj is the allelic effect of the jth SNP, with corresponding standard error SNP was also included in the model, and vice versa. If the association for the
sj, and Rj 5 0.04/(sj2 1 0.04), which incorporates a N(0,0.22) prior for bj. This expression-associated SNP was not significant (P . 0.05) when conditioned on the
prior gives high probability to small effect sizes, and only small probability to large waist-associated SNP, we concluded that the waist-associated SNP is likely to explain
effect sizes. We then calculated the posterior probability that the jth SNP is causal a substantial proportion of the variance in gene transcript levels in the region.
by: For SNPs that passed these criteria in either women or men eQTL data sets from
deCODE, we investigated sex heterogeneity in gene transcript levels for whole blood
Qj ~ P (312 men, 435 women) and subcutaneous adipose tissue (252 men, 351 women)
k BFk based on the sex-specific beta estimates and standard errors, while accounting for
in which the summation in the denominator is over all SNPs passing quality potential correlation between the sex-specific associations8.
control across the locus. We compared the meta-analysis results and credible sets Epigenomic regulatory element overlap with individual variants. We examined
of SNPs likely to contain the causal variant as described57. Assuming a single overlap of regulatory elements with the 68 trait-associated variants and variants in
causal variant at each locus, a 99% credible set of variants was then constructed by: LD with them (r2 . 0.7, 1000 Genomes phase 1 version 2 EUR85), totalling 1,547
(1) ranking all SNPs according to their Bayes’ factor; and (2) combining ranked variants. We obtained regulatory element data sets from the ENCODE Consortium24
SNPs until their cumulative posterior probability exceeded 0.99. For each locus, and Roadmap Epigenomics Project25 corresponding to eight tissues selected based
on a current understanding of WHRadjBMI pathways. The 226 regulatory element
we calculated the number of SNPs contained within the 99% credible sets, and the
data sets included experimentally identified regions of open chromatin (DNase-
length of the genomic interval covered by these SNPs.
seq, FAIRE-seq), histone modification (H3K4me1, H3K27ac, H3K4me3, H3K9ac
Comparison of loci across traits. To determine whether the identified loci were
and H3K4me2), and transcription factor binding (Supplementary Table 17). When
also associated with any of 22 cardio-metabolic traits, we obtained association data
available, we downloaded data processed during the ENCODE Integrative Analysis24.
from meta-analysis consortia DIAGRAM (T2D)58, CARDIoGRAM-C4D (CAD)59,
We processed Roadmap Epigenomics sequencing data with multiple biological
ICBP (diastolic and systolic blood pressure)60, GIANT (BMI, height)36,37, GLGC
replicates using MACS2 (ref. 86) and the same Irreproducible Discovery Rate
(HDL, LDL, and triglycerides)61, MAGIC (fasting glucose, fasting insulin, fasting
pipeline used in the ENCODE Integrative Analysis. Roadmap Epigenomics data
insulin adjusted for BMI, and two-hour glucose)62–64, ADIPOGen (BMI-adjusted
with only a single replicate was processed using MACS2 alone.
adiponectin)65, CKDgen (urine albumin-to-creatinine ratio (UACR), estimated glo-
Global enrichment of WHRadjBMI-associated loci in epigenomic data sets.
merular filtration rate (eGFR), and overall CKD)66,67, ReproGen (age at menarche,
We performed permutation-based tests in a subset of 60 open chromatin (DNase-
age at menopause)68,69, and GEFOS (bone mineral density)70; others provided asso-
seq) and histone modification (H3K27ac, H3K4me1, H3K4me3 and H3K9ac) data
ciation data for IgA nephropathy71 (also K.K., M.C., R.P.L. and A.G.G., unpub- sets to identify global enrichment of the WHRadjBMI-associated loci. We matched
lished data) and for endometriosis (stage B cases only)72. Proxies (r2 . 0.8 in CEU) the index SNP at each locus with 500 variants having no evidence of association
were used when an index SNP was unavailable. (P . 0.5, ,1.2 million total variants) with a similar distance to the nearest gene
We also searched the NHGRI GWAS catalogue for previous SNP-trait associations (611,655 bp), number of variants in LD (68 variants), and minor allele frequency.
near our lead SNPs73. We supplemented the catalogue with additional genome-wide Using these pools, we created 10,000 sets of control variants for each of the 49 loci
significant SNP-trait associations from the literature13,70,74–80. We used PLINK to and identified variants in LD (r2 . 0.7) and within 1 Mb. For each SNP set, we
identify SNPs within 500 kb of lead SNPs using 1000 Genomes Project pilot I calculated the number of loci with at least one variant located in a regulatory region
genotype data and LD (r2) values from CEU81,82; for rs7759742, HapMap release under the assumption that one regulatory variant is responsible for each associ-
22 CEU data81,83 were used. All SNPs within the specified regions were compared ation signal. We initially calculated an enrichment P value by finding the propor-
with the NHGRI GWAS catalogue16. tion of control sets for which as many or more loci overlap a regulatory element
Enrichment of concordant cross-trait associations and effects. To evaluate than the set of associated loci. For increased P value accuracy, we estimated the P
whether the alleles associated with increased WHRadjBMI at the 49 identified value assuming a sum of binomial distributions to represent the number of index
SNPs convey effects for any of the 22 cardiometabolic traits, we conducted meta- SNPs or their LD proxies that overlap a regulatory data set compared to the 500
regression analyses of the beta-estimates on these metabolic outcomes from other matched control sets.
consortia with the beta-estimates for WHRadjBMI in our data65. GRAIL. Gene Relationships Among Implicated Loci (GRAIL)19 is a text-mining
On the basis of the association data across traits, we generated a matrix of algorithm that evaluates the degree of relatedness among genes within trait regions.
Z-scores by dividing the association betas for each of the 49 WHRadjBMI SNPs Using PubMed abstracts, a subset of genes enriched for relatedness and a set of
for each of 22 traits by their respective standard errors. The traits did not include keywords that suggest putative pathways are identified. To avoid potential bias
WHRadjBMI or nephropathy in Chinese subjects, but did include HIPadjBMI from papers investigating candidate genes stimulated by GWAS, we restricted our
and WCadjBMI. Each Z-score was made positive if the original trait-increasing search to abstracts published before 2006. We tested for enrichment of connectiv-
allele also increased the look-up trait and negative if not. Missing associations with ity in the independent SNPs that were significant in our study at P , 1025.
were assigned a value of zero. We performed unsupervised hierarchical clustering MAGENTA. To investigate whether pathways including predefined sets of genes
of the Z score matrix in R using the default settings of the ‘heatplot’ function from were enriched in the lower part of the gene P value distribution for WHRadjBMI,
the made4 library (version 1.20.0), agglomerating clusters using average linkage we performed a pathway analysis using Magenta 2.4 (ref. 20) and SNPs present in
and Pearson correlation metric distance. The rows and columns of matrix values both the Metabochip and GWAS meta-analyses. SNPs were assigned to a gene if
were each automatically scaled to range from 3 to 23. Confidence in the hierarch- within 110 kb upstream or 40 kb downstream of the transcript’s boundaries. The
ical clustering was assessed by bootstrap analysis (10,000 resamplings) using the R most significant SNP P value within this interval was adjusted for putative con-
package ‘pvclust’84. founders (gene size, number of SNPs in a gene, LD pattern) using stepwise linear

©2015 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved


regression, creating a gene association score. If the same SNP was assigned to 59. Deloukas, P. et al. Large-scale association analysis identifies new risk loci for
multiple genes, only the gene with the lowest gene score was kept. The HLA region coronary artery disease. Nature Genet. 45, 25–33 (2013).
60. Ehret, G. B. et al. Genetic variants in novel pathways influence blood pressure and
was removed from further analyses owing to its high LD structure and gene density. cardiovascular disease risk. Nature 478, 103–109 (2011).
Each gene was then assigned pathway terms using Gene Ontology (GO), PANTHER, 61. Global Lipids Genetics Consortium. Discovery and refinement of loci associated
Ingenuity and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG)87–90. Finally, with lipid levels. Nature Genet. 45, 1274–1283 (2013).
the genes were ranked based on their gene association score, and a modified gene- 62. Scott, R. A. et al. Large-scale association analyses identify new loci influencing
set enrichment analysis using MAGENTA was performed. This analysis tested for glycemic traits and provide insight into the underlying biological pathways. Nature
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5% of all genes) in a gene-set belonging to a predefined pathway term, compared identifies genetic variants influencing fasting glycemic traits and insulin
to multiple, equally sized gene-sets that were randomly sampled from all genes in resistance. Nature Genet. 44, 659–669 (2012).
the genome. Around 10,000–1,000,000 gene-set permutations were performed. 64. Saxena, R. et al. Genetic variation in GIPR influences the glucose and insulin
DEPICT. This method is described in detail elsewhere23,36. In brief, DEPICT uses responses to an oral glucose challenge. Nature Genet. 42, 142–148 (2010).
65. Dastani, Z. et al. Novel loci for adiponectin levels and their influence on type 2
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protein interactions92), 2,473 phenotypic gene sets (based on 211,882 gene-phenotype 66. Pattaro, C. et al. Genome-wide association and functional follow-up reveals new
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SNPs in 78 non-overlapping loci with sex-combined P , 1025. We used DEPICT 70. Estrada, K. et al. Genome-wide meta-analysis identifies 56 bone mineral density
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(3) identify tissue and cell type annotations in which genes from associated regions 72. Painter, J. N. et al. Genome-wide association study identifies a locus at 7p15.2
were highly expressed. Associated regions were defined by all genes residing within associated with endometriosis. Nature Genet. 43, 51–54 (2011).
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were excluded. The 93 WHRadjBMI SNPs with P , 1025 (clumping thresholds: 74. Kamatani, Y. et al. Genome-wide association study of hematological and
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76. Sawcer, S. et al. Genetic risk and a primary role for cell-mediated immune
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Extended Data Figure 1 | Overall WHRadjBMI meta-analysis study design. Metabochip data sets is coloured purple. All SNP counts reflect a sample size
Data (dashed lines) and analyses (solid lines) related to the GWAS cohorts for filter of n $ 50,000 subjects. Additional WHRadjBMI meta-analyses included
WHRadjBMI are coloured red and those related to the Metabochip (MC) Metabochip data from up to 14,371 subjects of east Asian, south Asian or
cohorts are coloured blue. The two genomic control (lGC) corrections African-American ancestry from eight cohorts. Counts for the meta-analyses of
(within-study and among-studies) performed on associations from each data waist circumference, hip circumference, and their BMI-adjusted counterparts
set are represented by grey-outlined circles. The lGC corrections for the GWAS (WCadjBMI and HIPadjBMI) differ from those of WHRadjBMI because
meta-analysis were based on all SNPs and the lGC corrections for the some cohorts only had phenotype data available for one type of body
Metabochip meta-analysis were based on a null set of 4,319 SNPs previously circumference measurement (see Supplementary Table 2).
associated with QT interval. The joint meta-analysis of the GWAS and

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Extended Data Figure 2 | Women- and men-specific effects, phenotypic three categories, the loci were sorted by increasing P value of sex-based
variances and genetic correlations. a, Figure showing effect beta estimates for heterogeneity in the effect betas. b, Figure showing standardized sex-specific
the 20 WHRadjBMI SNPs showing significant evidence of sexual dimorphism. phenotypic variance components for six waist-related traits. Values are shown
Sex-specific effect betas and 95% confidence intervals for SNPs associated in men (M) and women (W) from the Swedish Twin Registry (n 5 11,875).
with WHRadjBMI are shown as red circles and blue squares for women and The ACE models are decomposed into additive genetic components (A) shown
men, respectively. Sample sizes, comprising more than 73,576 men and 96,182 in black, common environmental components (C) in grey, and non-shared
women, are listed in Table 1. The SNPs are classified into three categories: environmental components (E) in white. Components are shown for waist
(1) those showing a women-specific effect (‘women SSE’), namely a significant circumference (WC), hip circumference (HIP), WHR, WCadjBMI,
effect in women and no effect in men (Pwomen , 5 3 1028, Pmen $ 0.05), HIPadjBMI and WHRadjBMI. When the ‘A’ component is different in men
(2) those showing a pronounced women effect (‘women CED’), namely a and women with P , 0.05 for a given trait, its name is marked with an asterisk.
significant effect in women and a less significant but directionally consistent c, Genetic correlations of waist-related traits with height, adjusted for age
effect in men (Pwomen , 5 3 1028, 5 3 1028 , Pmen # 0.05); and (3) those and BMI. Genetic correlations of three traits with height were based on variance
showing a men-specific effect (‘men SSE’), namely a significant effect in men component models in the Framingham Heart Study and TwinGene study
and no effect in women (Pmen , 5 3 1028, Pwomen $ 0.05). Within each of the (see Methods).

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Extended Data Figure 3 | Cumulative genetic risk scores for WHRadjBMI

applied to the KORA study cohort. a, All subjects (n 5 3,440,
Ptrend 5 6.7 3 1024). b, Only women (n 5 1,750, Ptrend 5 1.0 3 10211). c, Only
men (n 5 1,690, Ptrend 5 0.02). Each genetic risk score illustrates the joint effect
of the WHRadjBMI-increasing alleles of the 49 identified variants from Table 1
weighted by the relative effect sizes from the applicable sex-combined or
sex-specific meta-analysis. The mean WHRadjBMI residual and 95%
confidence interval is plotted for each genetic risk score category (red dots). The
histograms show each genetic risk score is normally distributed in KORA
(grey bars).

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Extended Data Figure 4 | Heat map of unsupervised hierarchical clustering segregate into three major clusters comprised of alleles that associate with:
of the effects of 49 WHRadjBMI SNPs on 22 anthropometric and (1) larger WCadjBMI and smaller HIPadjBMI (n 5 30 SNPs); (2) taller stature
metabolic traits and diseases. The matrix of Z-scores representing the set of and larger WCadjBMI (n 5 8 SNPs); and (3) shorter stature and smaller
associations was scaled by row (locus name) and by column (trait) to range HIPadjBMI (n 5 11 SNPs). The three visually identified SNP clusters could be
from 23 to 3. Negative values (blue) indicate that the WHRadjBMI-increasing statistically distinguished with .90% confidence. Alleles of the first cluster
allele was associated with decreased values of the trait and positive values (red) were predominantly associated with lower high density lipoprotein (HDL)
indicate that this allele was associated with increased values of the trait. cholesterol and with higher triglycerides and fasting insulin adjusted for BMI
Sample sizes for the associations are listed in Supplementary Table 8. (FIadjBMI). BMD, bone mineral density; eGFRcrea, estimated glomerular
Dendrograms indicating the clustering relationships are shown to the left and filtration rate based on creatinine; LDL cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein
above the heat map. The WHRadjBMI-increasing alleles at the 49 lead SNPs cholesterol; UACR, urine albumin-to-creatinine ratio.

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Extended Data Figure 5 | Regulatory element overlap with WHRadjBMI- downstream of the first LEKR1 transcription start site overlap evidence of active
associated loci. a, Five variants associated with WHRadjBMI and located enhancer activity in adipose nuclei. Signal enrichment tracks are from the
,77 kb upstream of the first CALCRL transcription start site overlap regions ENCODE Integrative Analysis and the Roadmap Epigenomics track hubs on
with genomic evidence of regulatory activity in endothelial cells. b, Five the UCSC Genome Browser. Transcripts are from the GENCODE basic
WHRadjBMI variants, including rs8817452, in a 1.1-kb region (box) ,250 kb annotation.

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Extended Data Table 1 | WHRadjBMI loci with multiple association signals in the sex-combined and/or sex-specific approximate conditional

P values and b coefficients for the association with WHRadjBMI from the joint model in the approximate conditional analysis of combined GWAS and Metabochip studies. SNPs selected by conditional analyses as
independently associated with WHRadjBMI in a meta-analysis (sex-combined, women- or men-specific) have their respective summary statistics for these analyses marked in black and bold. SNPs not selected by
a particular conditional analysis as independently associated are marked in grey and show the association analysis results for the SNP conditioned on the locus SNPs selected by GCTA. Sample sizes are from the
unconditioned meta-analysis.
* Locus and lead SNPs are defined by Table 1.
{ The effect allele is the WHRadjBMI-increasing allele in the sex-combined analysis.
{ Test for sex difference in conditional analysis based on the effect correlation estimate from primary analyses; values significant at the table-wise Bonferroni threshold of 0.05/25 5 2 3 1023 are marked in bold.
1 SNPs selected by conditional analysis in the sex-combined analysis; proxies were selected by joint conditional analysis in the women- and/or men-specific analyses.
ISNP not present in the sex-specific meta-analyses due to sample size filter requiring n $ 50,000; sample size from GCTA.
"At NFE2L3-SNX10, different lead SNPs were identified in the European and all-ancestry analyses but LD is reported with respect to rs10245353.

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Extended Data Table 2 | Enrichments of 49 WHRadjBMI signal SNPs with metabolic and anthropometric traits

The 49 WHRadjBMI SNPs were tested for association with other traits by GWAS meta-analyses performed by other groups (see Methods). The maximum sample size available is shown overall or separately for
cases/controls. N indicates the number of the total SNPs for which the WHRadjBMI-increasing allele is associated with the trait in the concordant direction (increased levels, except for HDL-C, adiponectin and BMI).
One-sided binomial P values test whether this number is greater than expected by chance (null P 5 0.5 and null P 5 0.025, respectively). The tests do not account for correlation between WHRadjBMI and the tested
traits. P values representing significant column-wise enrichment (P , 0.05/23 tests) are marked in bold.

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Extended Data Table 3 | Enrichment of 49 WHRadjBMI-associated loci in epigenomic data sets

Enrichment of WHRadjBMI-associated loci in regulatory elements from selected WHRadjBMI-relevant tissues. P values are derived using a sum of binomial distributions (see Methods). P values below a Bonferroni-
corrected threshold for 60 tests of 8.3 3 1024 are indicated in bold font. The binomial-based P values are similar to P values generated from 10,000 permutation tests. Dashes indicate that data sets were not

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Extended Data Table 4 | Candidate genes at new loci associated with additional waist and hip-related traits

Candidate genes for loci shown on Table 3 based on secondary analyses or literature review. Further details are provided in other Supplementary Tables and the Supplementary Note. Loci are shown in order of
chromosome and position.
* Gene transcript levels associated with SNP genotype (eQTL) in the indicated tissue(s).
{ Genes in pathways identified as enriched by GRAIL analysis.
{ Strongest candidate genes identified based on manual literature review.
1 Traits associated at P , 5 3 1028 in GWAS lookups or in the GWAS catalogue using the index SNP or a proxy in high LD (r2 . 0.7), and the genes(s) named in those reports.
INon-synonymous variants (nsSNPs) and copy number variants (CNVs) with tag SNPs in high LD with index SNP based on a 1000 Genomes CEU reference panel. DEPICT analysis was not performed for loci
associated with these traits.

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ARTICLE doi:10.1038/nature14177

Genetic studies of body mass index yield

new insights for obesity biology
A list of authors and their affiliations appears at the end of the paper

Obesity is heritable and predisposes to many diseases. To understand the genetic basis of obesity better, here we conduct
a genome-wide association study and Metabochip meta-analysis of body mass index (BMI), a measure commonly used to
define obesity and assess adiposity, in up to 339,224 individuals. This analysis identifies 97 BMI-associated loci (P , 5 3 1028),
56 of which are novel. Five loci demonstrate clear evidence of several independent association signals, and many loci have
significant effects on other metabolic phenotypes. The 97 loci account for 2.7% of BMI variation, and genome-wide
estimates suggest that common variation accounts for .20% of BMI variation. Pathway analyses provide strong support for
a role of the central nervous system in obesity susceptibility and implicate new genes and pathways, including those related
to synaptic function, glutamate signalling, insulin secretion/action, energy metabolism, lipid biology and adipogenesis.

Obesity is a worldwide epidemic associated with increased morbidity analyses identified another ten GWS loci (Table 2, Supplementary
and mortality that imposes an enormous burden on individual and pub- Tables 4–8 and Supplementary Figs 3–9). Of the 97 BMI-associated loci,
lic health. Around 40–70% of inter-individual variability in BMI, com- 41 have previously been associated with one or more obesity measure5,8–12.
monly used to assess obesity, has been attributed to genetic factors1–3. At Thus, our current analyses identified 56 novel loci associated with BMI
least 77 loci have previously been associated with an obesity measure4, 32 (Tables 1 and 2 and Extended Data Table 2).
loci from our previous meta-analysis of BMI genome-wide association
studies (GWAS)5. Nevertheless, most of the genetic variability in BMI Effects of associated loci on BMI
remains unexplained. Moreover, although analyses of previous genetic Newly identified loci generally have lower minor allele frequency and/or
association results have suggested intriguing biological processes under- smaller effect size estimates than previously known loci (Extended Data
lying obesity susceptibility, few specific genes supported these pathways5,6. Fig. 2a, b). On the basis of effect estimates in the discovery data set, which
For the vast majority of loci, the probable causal gene(s) and pathways may be inflated owing to winner’s curse, the 97 loci account for 2.7% of
remain unknown. BMI phenotypic variance (Supplementary Table 4 and Extended Data
To expand the catalogue of BMI susceptibility loci and gain a better Fig. 2a, b). We conservatively used only GWS single nucleotide poly-
understanding of the genes and biological pathways influencing obesity, morphisms (SNPs) after strict double genomic control correction, which
we performed the largest GWAS meta-analysis for BMI so far. This work probably over-corrects association statistics given the lack of evidence
doubles the number of individuals contributing GWAS results, incor- for population stratification in family-based analyses13 (Extended Data
porates results from .100,000 individuals genotyped with Metabochip7, Fig. 3 and Extended Data Table 1). Polygene analyses suggest that SNPs
and nearly doubles the number of BMI-associated loci. Comprehensive with P values well below GWS add significantly to the phenotypic
assessment of meta-analysis results provides several lines of evidence variance explained. For example, 2,346 SNPs selected from conditional
supporting candidate genes at many loci and highlights pathways that and joint multiple-SNP analysis with P , 5 3 1023 explained 6.6 6 1.1%
reinforce and expand our understanding of biological processes under- (mean 6 s.e.m.) of variance, compared to 21.6 6 2.2% explained by
lying obesity. all HapMap3 SNPs (31–54% of heritability; Fig. 1a). Furthermore, of
1,909 independent SNPs (pairwise distance .500 kb and r2 , 0.1)
Identification of 97 genome-wide significant loci included on Metabochip for replication of suggestive BMI associa-
This BMI meta-analysis included association results for up to 339,224 tions, 1,458 (76.4%) have directionally consistent effects with our pre-
individuals from 125 studies, 82 with GWAS results (n 5 236,231) and vious GWAS meta-analysis5 and the non-overlapping samples in the
43 with results from Metabochip (n 5 103,047; Extended Data Table 1 current meta-analysis (Extended Data Fig. 2c). On the basis of the
and Supplementary Tables 1–3). After regression on age and sex and in- significant excess of these directionally consistent observations (sign
verse normal transformation of the residuals, we carried out association test P 5 2.5 3 102123), we estimate ,1,007 of the 1,909 SNPs represent
analyses with genotypes or imputed genotype dosages. GWAS were true BMI associations.
meta-analysed together, as were Metabochip studies, followed by a com- We compared the effects of our 97 BMI-associated SNPs between the
bined GWAS plus Metabochip meta-analysis. In total, we analysed data sexes, between ethnicities, and across several cross-sections of our data
from 322,154 individuals of European descent and 17,072 individuals of (Supplementary Tables 4–11 and Extended Data Fig. 4). Two previously
non-European descent (Extended Data Fig. 1). identified loci, near SEC16B (P 5 5.23 1025) and ZFP64 (P 5 9.13 1025),
Our primary meta-analysis of European-descent individuals from showed evidence of heterogeneity between men and women. Both have
GWAS and Metabochip studies (n 5 322,154) identified 77 loci reach- stronger effects in women (Supplementary Table 10). Two SNPs, near
ing genome-wide significance (GWS) and separated by at least 500 kilo- NEGR1 (P 5 9.1 3 1025) and PRKD1 (P 5 1.9 3 1025), exhibited sig-
bases (kb) (Table 1, Extended Data Table 2 and Supplementary Figs 1 nificant evidence for heterogeneity of effect between European- and
and 2). We carried out additional analyses to explore the effects of power African-descent samples, and one SNP, near GBE1 (P 5 1.3 3 1024),
and heterogeneity. The inclusion of 17,072 non-European-descent in- exhibited evidence for heterogeneity between European and east Asian
dividuals (total n 5 339,224) identified ten more loci, while secondary individuals (Supplementary Table 9). These findings may reflect true
1 2 F E B R U A RY 2 0 1 5 | VO L 5 1 8 | N AT U R E | 1 9 7
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Table 1 | Novel GWS BMI loci in European meta-analysis

SNP Chr:position Notable gene(s)* Alleles EAF b s.e.m. P value

rs657452 1:49,362,434 AGBL4(N) A/G 0.394 0.023 0.003 5.48 3 10213

rs12286929 11:114,527,614 CADM1(N) G/A 0.523 0.022 0.003 1.31 3 10212
rs7903146 10:114,748,339 TCF7L2(B,N) C/T 0.713 0.023 0.003 1.11 3 10211
rs10132280 14:24,998,019 STXBP6(N) C/A 0.682 0.023 0.003 1.14 3 10211
rs17094222 10:102,385,430 HIF1AN(N) C/T 0.211 0.025 0.004 5.94 3 10211
rs7599312 2:213,121,476 ERBB4(D,N) G/A 0.724 0.022 0.003 1.17 3 10210
rs2365389 3:61,211,502 FHIT(N) C/T 0.582 0.020 0.003 1.63 3 10210
rs2820292 1:200,050,910 NAV1(N) C/A 0.555 0.020 0.003 1.83 3 10210
rs12885454 14:28,806,589 PRKD1(N) C/A 0.642 0.021 0.003 1.94 3 10210
rs16851483 3:142,758,126 RASA2(N) T/G 0.066 0.048 0.008 3.55 3 10210
rs1167827 7:75,001,105 HIP1(B,N); PMS2L3(B,Q); PMS2P5(Q); G/A 0.553 0.020 0.003 6.33 3 10210
rs758747 16:3,567,359 NLRC3(N) T/C 0.265 0.023 0.004 7.47 3 10210
rs1928295 9:119,418,304 TLR4(B,N) T/C 0.548 0.019 0.003 7.91 3 10210
rs9925964 16:31,037,396 KAT8(N);ZNF646(M,Q); VKORC1(Q); A/G 0.620 0.019 0.003 8.11 3 10210
ZNF668(Q); STX1B(D); FBXL19(D)
rs11126666 2:26,782,315 KCNK3(D,N) A/G 0.283 0.021 0.003 1.33 3 1029
rs2650492 16:28,240,912 SBK1(D,N); APOBR(B) A/G 0.303 0.021 0.004 1.92 3 1029
rs6804842 3:25,081,441 RARB(B) G/A 0.575 0.019 0.003 2.48 3 1029
rs4740619 9:15,624,326 C9orf93(C,M,N) T/C 0.542 0.018 0.003 4.56 3 1029
rs13191362 6:162,953,340 PARK2(B,D,N) A/G 0.879 0.028 0.005 7.34 3 1029
rs3736485 15:49,535,902 SCG3(B,D); DMXL2(M,N) A/G 0.454 0.018 0.003 7.41 3 1029
rs17001654 4:77,348,592 NUP54(M); SCARB2(Q,N) G/C 0.153 0.031 0.005 7.76 3 1029
rs11191560 10:104,859,028 NT5C2(N); CYP17A1(B); SFXN2(Q) C/T 0.089 0.031 0.005 8.45 3 1029
rs1528435 2:181,259,207 UBE2E3(N) T/C 0.631 0.018 0.003 1.20 3 1028
rs1000940 17:5,223,976 RABEP1(N) G/A 0.320 0.019 0.003 1.28 3 1028
rs2033529 6:40,456,631 TDRG1(N); LRFN2(D) G/A 0.293 0.019 0.003 1.39 3 1028
rs11583200 1:50,332,407 ELAVL4(B,D,N,Q) C/T 0.396 0.018 0.003 1.48 3 1028
rs9400239 6:109,084,356 FOXO3(B,N); HSS00296402(Q) C/T 0.688 0.019 0.003 1.61 3 1028
rs10733682 9:128,500,735 LMX1B(B,N) A/G 0.478 0.017 0.003 1.83 3 1028
rs11688816 2:62,906,552 EHBP1(B,N) G/A 0.525 0.017 0.003 1.89 3 1028
rs11057405 12:121,347,850 CLIP1(N) G/A 0.901 0.031 0.006 2.02 3 1028
rs11727676 4:145,878,514 HHIP(B,N) T/C 0.910 0.036 0.006 2.55 3 1028
rs3849570 3:81,874,802 GBE1(B,M,N) A/C 0.359 0.019 0.003 2.60 3 1028
rs6477694 9:110,972,163 EPB41L4B(N); C9orf4(D) C/T 0.365 0.017 0.003 2.67 3 1028
rs7899106 10:87,400,884 GRID1(B,N) G/A 0.052 0.040 0.007 2.96 3 1028
rs2176598 11:43,820,854 HSD17B12(B,M,N) T/C 0.251 0.020 0.004 2.97 3 1028
rs2245368 7:76,446,079 PMS2L11(N) C/T 0.180 0.032 0.006 3.19 3 1028
rs17724992 19:18,315,825 GDF15(B); PGPEP1(Q,N) A/G 0.746 0.019 0.004 3.42 3 1028
rs7243357 18:55,034,299 GRP(B,G,N) T/G 0.812 0.022 0.004 3.86 3 1028
rs2033732 8:85,242,264 RALYL(D,N) C/T 0.747 0.019 0.004 4.89 3 1028
GWS is defined as P , 5 3 1028. SNP positions are reported according to Build 36 and their alleles are coded based on the positive strand. Alleles (effect/other), effect allele frequency (EAF), beta (b), standard error
of the mean (s.e.m.) and P values are based on the meta-analysis of GWAS I1II1Metabochip association data from the European sex-combined data set.
* Notable genes from biological relevance to obesity (B); copy number variation (C); DEPICT analyses (D); GRAIL results (G); BMI-associated variant is in strong LD (r2 $ 0.7) with a missense variant in the indicated
gene (M); gene nearest to index SNP (N); association and eQTL data converge to affect gene expression (Q).

heterogeneity at these loci, but are most likely due to linkage disequilib- 0.1 BMI units (kg per m2) per BMI-increasing allele, equivalent to 260–
rium (LD) differences across ancestries. Effect estimates for 79% of BMI- 320 g for an individual 160–180 cm in height. There was a 1.8 kg per m2
associated SNPs in African-descent samples (P 5 9.2 3 1029) and 91% difference in mean BMI between the 145 individuals (1.78%) carrying
in east Asian samples (P 5 1.8 3 10215) showed directional consistency the most BMI-increasing alleles (.104) and those carrying the mean
with our European-only analyses. These results suggest that common number of BMI-increasing alleles in the sample (91; Extended Data
BMI-associated SNPs have comparable effects across ancestries and Fig. 2d), corresponding to a difference of 4.6–5.8 kg for an individual 160–
between sexes. In additional heterogeneity analyses, we detected an 180 cm in height, and a 1.5 kg per m2 difference (3.8–4.9 kg difference) in
influence of ascertainment at TCF7L2 (stronger effects in type 2 diabetes mean BMI between the 95 individuals (1.16%) carrying the least BMI-
case/control studies than in population-based studies); however, we saw increasing alleles (,78) and those carrying the mean number. Such
no evidence of systematic ascertainment bias at other loci owing to differences are medically significant in predisposing to development of
inclusion of case/control studies (Supplementary Tables 10 and 11). metabolic disease18. For predicting obesity (BMI $ 30 kg per m2), add-
We also took advantage of LD differences across populations to ing genetic risk score to a model including age, age squared, sex and
fine-map association signals using Bayesian methods14,15. At 10 of 27 four genotype-based principal components slightly, but significantly
loci fine-mapped for BMI on Metabochip, the addition of non-European increases the area under the receiver-operating characteristic curve from
individuals into the meta-analysis either narrowed the genomic region 0.576 to 0.601.
containing the 99% credible set, or decreased the number of SNPs in the
credible set (Supplementary Table 12 and Supplementary Fig. 10). At the Additional associated variants at BMI loci
SEC16B and FTO loci, the all ancestries credible set includes a single To identify additional SNPs with independent BMI associations at the 97
SNP, although the SNP we highlight at FTO (rs1558902) differs from that established loci, we used genome-wide complex trait analysis (GCTA)19
identified by a recent fine-mapping effort in African-American cohorts16. to perform approximate joint and conditional association analysis20 using
Fine-mapping efforts using larger, more diverse study samples and more summary statistics from European sex-combined meta-analysis after re-
complete catalogues of variants will help to further narrow association moving family-based validation studies (TwinGene and QIMR). GCTA
signals. confirmed two signals at MC4R previously identified using exact con-
We examined the combined effects of lead SNPs at the 97 loci in an ditional analyses5, and identified five loci with evidence of independent
independent sample of 8,164 European-descent individuals from the associations (Table 3): second signals near LINC01122, NLRC3-ADCY9,
Health and Retirement Study17. We observed an average increase of GPRC5B-GP2 and BDNF, and a third signal near MC4R (rs9944545,
1 9 8 | N AT U R E | VO L 5 1 8 | 1 2 F E B R U A RY 2 0 1 5
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Table 2 | GWS BMI loci from secondary analyses

SNP Chr:position Notable gene(s)* Alleles EAF b s.e.m. P value Analysis

Novel loci
rs9641123 7:93,035,668 CALCR(B,N); hsa-miR-653(Q) C/G 0.430 0.029 0.005 2.08 3 10210 EPB
rs7164727 15:70,881,044 LOC100287559(N); BBS4(B,M,Q) T/C 0.671 0.019 0.003 3.92 3 1029 All
rs492400 2:219,057,996 PLCD4(B,Q); CYP27A1(B); USP37(N); C/T 0.424 0.024 0.004 6.78 3 1029 Men
TTLL4(M,Q); STK36(B,M); ZNF142(M);
rs2080454 16:47,620,091 CBLN1(N) C/A 0.413 0.017 0.003 8.60 3 1029 All
rs7239883 18:38,401,669 LOC284260(N); RIT2(B,D) G/A 0.391 0.023 0.004 1.51 3 1028 Women
rs2836754 21:39,213,610 ETS2(N) C/T 0.599 0.017 0.003 1.61 3 1028 All
rs9914578 17:1,951,886 SMG6(D,N); N29617(Q) G/C 0.229 0.020 0.004 2.07 3 1028 All
rs977747 1:47,457,264 TAL1(N) T/G 0.403 0.017 0.003 2.18 3 1028 All
rs9374842 6:120,227,364 LOC285762(N); T/C 0.744 0.023 0.004 2.67 3 1028 EPB
rs4787491 16:29,922,838 MAPK3(D); KCTD13(D); INO80E(N); G/A 0.510 0.022 0.004 2.70 3 1028 EPB
rs1441264 13:78,478,920 MIR548A2(N) A/G 0.613 0.017 0.003 2.96 3 1028 All
rs17203016 2:207,963,763 CREB1(B,N); KLF7(B) G/A 0.195 0.021 0.004 3.41 3 1028 All
rs16907751 8:81,538,012 ZBTB10(N) C/T 0.913 0.047 0.009 3.89 3 1028 Men
rs13201877 6:137,717,234 IFNGR1(N); OLIG3(G) G/A 0.140 0.024 0.004 4.29 3 1028 All
rs9540493 13:65,103,705 MIR548X2(N); PCDH9(D) A/G 0.452 0.021 0.004 4.97 3 1028 EPB
rs1460676 2:164,275,935 FIGN(N) C/T 0.179 0.021 0.004 4.98 3 1028 All
rs6465468 7:95,007,450 ASB4(B,N) T/G 0.306 0.025 0.005 4.98 3 1028 Women
Previously identified loci
rs6091540 20:50,521,269 ZFP64(N) C/T 0.721 0.030 0.004 2.15 3 10211 Women
rs7715256 5:153,518,086 GALNT10(N) G/T 0.422 0.017 0.003 8.85 3 1029 All
rs2176040 2:226,801,046 LOC646736(N); IRS1(B,Q) A/G 0.365 0.024 0.004 9.99 3 1029 Men
SNP positions are reported according to Build 36 and their alleles are coded based on the positive strand. Alleles (effect/other), EAF, beta (b), s.e.m. and P values are based on the meta-analysis of GWAS
I1II1Metabochip association data from the data set shown in the ‘Analysis’ column. EPB denotes European population-based studies, ‘All’ denotes all ancestries.
* Notable genes from biological relevance to obesity (B); copy number variation (C); DEPICT analyses (D); GRAIL results (G); BMI-associated variant is in strong LD (r2 $ 0.7) with a missense variant in the indicated
gene (M); gene nearest to the index SNP (N); association and eQTL data converge to affect gene expression (Q).

Fig. 1b). Joint conditional analyses at two genomic regions separated by tested had significantly more SNPs with effects in the anticipated dir-
.500 kb (the AGBL4-ELAVL4 regions on chr. 1, and the ATP2A1-SBK1 ection than expected by chance (Supplementary Table 16). These results
regions on chr. 16), indicate that these pairs of signals may not be inde- corroborate the epidemiological relationships of BMI with metabolic
pendent owing to extended LD. traits. Whether this reflects a common genetic aetiology or a causal rela-
tionship of BMI on these traits requires further investigation.
Effects of BMI variants on other traits Interestingly, some loci showed significant association with traits in the
We tested for associations between our 97 BMI-associated index SNPs opposite direction than expected based on their phenotypic correlation
and other metabolic phenotypes (Supplementary Tables 13–15 and with BMI (Extended Data Fig. 5). For example, at HHIP, the BMI-
Extended Data Figs 5 and 6). Thirteen of the twenty-three phenotypes increasing allele is associated with decreased type 2 diabetes risk and

a b
Our SNPs
Family-based prediction
20 60
QIMR r2 with reference SNP 100
TwinGene Pj = 3.5 × 10–38 0 0.2 0.8 1
Weighted average 50 rs9944545
Estimate of variance explained (%)


Recombination rate (cM Mb–1)

log10(P value)

30 rs9944545
Pj = 1.0 × 10–8
10 40
20 rs17066842
Pj = 7.0 × 10–10


0 0


55.8 55.9 56 56.1 56.2

5 × 10–8 5 × 10–7 5 × 10–6 5 × 10–5 5 × 10–4 5 × 10–3 HapMap3
SNPs Position on chr18 (Mb)
Threshold P value

Figure 1 | Cumulative variance explained and example of secondary signals. studies (orange). b, Plot of the region surrounding MC4R (ref. 36). SNP
a, The estimated variance in BMI explained by SNPs selected at a range of associations from the European sex-combined meta-analysis are plotted with
P values using unrelated individuals from the QIMR (n 5 3,924; purple) and joint conditional P values (Pj) indicated for the three conditionally significant
TwinGene (n 5 5,668; gold), their weighted average (cyan), inferred from signals. SNPs are shaded and shaped based on the index SNP with which
within-family prediction (red; Extended Data Fig. 2), and by all HapMap phase they are in strongest LD (rs6567160 in blue, rs994545 in yellow and rs17066842
III SNPs in 16,275 unrelated individuals from the QIMR, TwinGene and ARIC in green).

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Table 3 | Secondary signals reaching GWS by conditional analysis

SNP Chr: position Nearest gene Alleles EAF b s.e.m. Variance explained P value

rs1016287 2:59159129 LINC01122 T/C 0.294 0.023 0.003 0.021% 2.62 3 10211
rs4671328 2:58788786 LINC01122 T/G 0.457 0.021 0.004 0.021% 2.73 3 1028
rs758747 16:3567359 NLRC3 T/C 0.241 0.022 0.004 0.018% 2.00 3 1029
rs879620 16:3955730 ADCY9 T/C 0.620 0.024 0.004 0.027% 2.17 3 1029
rs12446632 16:19842890 GPRC5B G/A 0.860 0.036 0.005 0.031% 1.06 3 10214
rs11074446 16:20162624 GP2 T/C 0.867 0.029 0.005 0.019% 1.71 3 10210
rs6567160 18:55980115 MC4R C/T 0.233 0.048 0.004 0.084% 3.52 3 10238
rs17066842 18:56191604 MC4R G/A 0.960 0.051 0.008 0.020% 6.99 3 10210
rs9944545 18:56109224 MC4R T/C 0.296 0.020 0.004 0.017% 1.01 3 1028
rs11030104 11:27641093 BDNF A/G 0.791 0.051 0.004 0.087% 1.26 3 10234
rs10835210 11:27652486 BDNF C/A 0.570 0.020 0.004 0.020% 1.25 3 1028
SNP positions are reported according to Build 36 and their alleles are coded based on the positive strand. Alleles (effect/other), EAF, estimated beta (b), s.e.m., explained variance, and P values from GCTA. First row
at each locus represents lead signal, other row(s) represent secondary signals.

higher high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL). At LOC646736 and To identify pathways or gene sets implicated by the BMI-associated
IRS1, the BMI-increasing allele is associated with reduced risk of coronary loci, we first used Meta-Analysis Gene-set Enrichment of variaNT Asso-
artery disease (CAD) and diabetic nephropathy, decreased triglyceride ciations (MAGENTA)24, which takes as input pre-annotated gene sets,
levels, increased HDL, higher adiponectin, and lower fasting insulin. This and then tests for overrepresentation of gene set genes at BMI-associated
may be due to increased subcutaneous fat and possible production of loci. We found enrichment (false discovery rate (FDR) , 0.05) of seven
metabolic mediators protective against the development of metabolic gene sets, including neurotrophin signalling. Other highlighted gene sets
disease despite increased adiposity8. These unexpected associations may related to general growth and patterning: basal cell carcinoma, acute mye-
help us to understand better the complex pathophysiology underlying loid leukaemia, and hedgehog signalling (Supplementary Table 20a, b).
these traits, and may indicate benefits or side effects if these regions con- Second, we used DEPICT, that uses predefined gene sets reconstituted
tain targets of therapeutic intervention. Furthermore, of our 97 GWS using coexpression data, to perform gene set enrichment analysis. After
loci, 35 (binomial P 5 0.0019) were in high LD (r2 . 0.7) with one or merging highly correlated gene sets, nearly 500 gene sets were signifi-
more GWS SNPs in the National Human Genome Research Institute cantly enriched (FDR , 0.05) for genes in BMI-associated loci (Fig. 2b
(NHGRI) GWAS catalogue (P , 5 3 1028), even after removing anthro- and Supplementary Table 21a, b). The most strongly enriched gene sets
pometric trait-associated SNPs. These SNPs were associated not only highlight potentially novel pathways in the CNS. These include gene sets
with cardiometabolic traits, but also with schizophrenia, smoking beha- related to synaptic function, long-term potentiation and neurotransmitter
viour, irritable bowel syndrome, and Alzheimer’s disease (Supplemen- signalling (glutamate signalling in particular, but also noradrenaline,
tary Table 17a, b). dopamine and serotonin release cycles, and GABA (c-aminobutyric acid)
receptor activity; Fig. 2c). Potentially relevant mouse behavioural phe-
BMI tissues, biological pathways and gene sets notypes, such as physical activity and impaired coordination were also
We anticipated the expanded sample size would not only identify highly enriched (Fig. 2b and Supplementary Table 21a). Several gene
additional BMI-associated variants, but also more clearly highlight sets previously linked to obesity, such as integration of energy metabo-
the biology implicated by genetic studies of BMI. By applying multiple lism, polyphagia, secretion and action of insulin and related hormones
complementary methods, we identified biologically relevant tissues, (for example, ‘regulation of insulin secretion by glucagon-like peptide
pathways and gene sets, and highlighted potentially causal genes at 1’ and ‘glucagon signalling in metabolic regulation’), mTOR signalling
associated loci. These approaches included systematic methods incorp- (which affects cell growth in response to nutrient intake via insulin and
orating diverse data types, including the novel approach, Data-driven growth factors25), and gene sets overlapping the neurotrophin signal-
Expression Prioritized Integration for Complex Traits (DEPICT)21, and ling pathway identified by MAGENTA were also enriched, although
extensive manual review of the literature. not as significantly as other CNS processes (Fig. 2d). DEPICT also iden-
DEPICT used 37,427 human gene expression microarray samples to tified significant enrichment for additional cellular components and
identify tissues and cell types in which genes near BMI-associated SNPs processes: calcium channels, MAP kinase activity, chromatin organ-
are highly expressed, and then tested for enrichment of specific tissues by ization and modification, and ubiquitin ligases.
comparing results with randomly selected loci matched for gene density. Third, we manually reviewed literature related to all 405 genes within
In total, 27 out of 31 significantly enriched tissues were in the central ner- 500 kb and r2 . 0.2 of the 97 index SNPs. We classified these genes into
vous system (CNS) (out of 209 tested; Fig. 2a and Supplementary Table 18). one or more biological categories, and observed 25 categories containing
Current results are not sufficient to isolate specific brain regions impor- three or more genes (Supplementary Table 22). The largest category
tant in regulating BMI. However, we observe enrichment not only in comprised genes involved in neuronal processes, including monogenic
the hypothalamus and pituitary gland—key sites of central appetite obesity genes involved in hypothalamic function and energy homeosta-
regulation—but even more strongly in the hippocampus and limbic sys- sis, and genes involved in neuronal transmission and development.
tem, tissues that have a role in learning, cognition, emotion and memory. Other processes highlighted by the manual literature review included
As a complementary approach, we examined overlap of associated glucose and lipid homeostasis and limb development, which were less
variants at the 97 loci (r2 . 0.7 with the lead SNP) with five regulatory notable in the above methods, but may still be related to the underlying
marks found in most of the 14 selected cell types from brain, blood, liver, biology of BMI.
pancreatic islet and adipose tissue from the ENCODE Consortium22 and To identify specific genes that may account for BMI association, we
Roadmap Epigenomics Project23 (Supplementary Table 19a–c). We found considered each of the following to represent supportive evidence for a
evidence of enrichment (P , 1.2 3 1023) in 24 out of 41 data sets exam- gene within a locus: (1) the gene nearest the index SNP26; (2) genes con-
ined. The strongest enrichment was observed with promoter (histone 3 taining missense, nonsense or copy number variants, or a cis-expression
Lys 4 trimethylation (H3K4me3), histone 3 Lys 9 acetylation (H3K9ac)) quantitative trait locus (eQTL) in LD with the index SNP; (3) genes
and enhancer (H3K4me1, HeK27ac) marks detected in mid-frontal prioritized by integrative methods implemented in DEPICT; (4) genes
lobe, anterior caudate, astrocytes and substantia nigra, supporting neur- prioritized by connections in published abstracts by GRAIL (Gene
onal tissues in BMI regulation. Relationships Across Implicated Loci)27; or (5) genes biologically related
2 0 0 | N AT U R E | VO L 5 1 8 | 1 2 F E B R U A RY 2 0 1 5
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a 6 Figure 2 | Tissues and reconstituted

gene sets significantly enriched for
genes within BMI-associated loci.
5 a, DEPICT predicts genes within
BMI-associated loci (P , 5 3 1024)
4 are enriched for expression in the
brain and central nervous system.
–log10(P value)

Tissues are sorted by physiological

system and significantly enriched
tissues are in black; the dotted line
2 represents statistically significant
enrichment. b, The gene sets most
significantly enriched for BMI-
associated loci by DEPICT (P , 1026,
FDR , 4 3 1024). Nodes represent
0 reconstituted gene sets and are colour-

coded by P value. Edge thickness




og ry






at rato





between nodes is proportional to



om pi




St s


degree of gene overlap as measured by





the Jaccard index. Nodes with gene


Physiological system overlap greater than 25% were

Clathrin-coated collapsed into a single ‘meta-node’
b Regulation
c vesicle (blue border). c, The nodes contained
RPS6KA5 of Increased GRIN2A protein NOS1 protein within the most enriched meta-node,
protein postsynaptic vertical complex complex
complex membrane activity ‘clathrin-coated vesicle’, which
Locomotory Decreased
PLCB1 protein
Abnormal excitatory shares genes with other gene sets
behaviour Synaptosome neurotransmitter postsynaptic
release complex
Post NMDA receptor potential relevant to glutamate signalling and
Decreased Synaptic activation events synapse biology. d, The ‘generation of
Impaired MAP2 protein
vertical vesicle complex a signal involved in cell–cell signalling’
activity coordination Clathrin-coated Synaptic vesicle
vesicle membrane meta-node represents several
NGF RPS6KA3 protein Activation of NMDA
signalling Abnormal complex receptor upon overlapping gene sets relevant to
via TRKA cued glutamate binding obesity and energy metabolism (gene
from the conditioning and postsynaptic
plasma FGD4 DLG3 behaviour DUSP4 protein events sets with P , 4 3 1023, FDR , 0.05
protein protein Synapse
membrane complex shown). For the complete list of
complex complex
Neuron projection enriched gene sets refer to
Axon terminus
terminus Supplementary Table 21a.
Gene set P values Gene set overlap Generation of a signal
d involved in cell–cell
P < 10–4 Polyphagia signalling
P < 10–6 Integration of energy Insulin synthesis and
Meta gene set metabolism processing
P < 10–7
STX2 protein complex Decreased circulating
P < 10–8 insulin level
Signal release

to obesity, related metabolic disease, or energy expenditure based on variation can be accounted for by common genetic variation. Our ana-
manual literature review (Tables 1 and 2, Extended Data Tables 2–4 and lyses provide robust evidence to implicate particular genes and path-
Supplementary Tables 23–25). We first focused on the 64 genes in ways affecting BMI, including synaptic plasticity and glutamate receptor
associated loci with more than one consistent line of supporting evid- activity—pathways that respond to changes in feeding and fasting, are
ence. As expected, many of these genes overlap with CNS processes, regulated by key obesity-related molecules such as BDNF and MC4R,
including synaptic function, cell–cell adhesion, and glutamate signalling and impinge on key hypothalamic circuits30–32. These pathways also
(ELAVL4, GRID1, CADM2, NRXN3, NEGR1 and SCG3), cause mono- overlap with one of the several proposed mechanisms of action of topir-
genic obesity syndromes (MC4R, BDNF, BBS4 and POMC), or function amate, a component of one of two weight-loss drugs approved by the US
in extreme/early onset obesity in humans and mouse models (SH2B1 Food and Drug Administration33,34. This observation suggests that the
and NEGR1)6,28,29. Other genes with several lines of supporting evid- relevant site of action for this drug may be glutamate receptor activity,
ence are related to insulin secretion and action, energy metabolism, lipid supporting the idea that these genes and pathways could reveal more
biology, and/or adipogenesis (TCF7L2, GIPR, IRS1, FOXO3, ASB4, targets for weight-loss therapies. BMI-associated loci also overlap with
RPTOR, NPC1, CREB1, FAM57B, APOBR and HSD17B12), encode genes and pathways implicated in neurodevelopment (Supplementary
RNA binding/processing proteins (PTBP2, ELAVL4, CELF1 and pos- Tables 21 and 22). Finally, consistent with previous work and findings
sibly RALYL), are in the MAP kinase signalling pathway (MAP2K5 and from monogenic obesity syndromes, we confirm a role for the CNS—
MAPK3), or regulate cell proliferation or cell survival (FAIM2, PARK2 particularly genes expressed in the hypothalamus—in the regulation of
and OLFM4). Although we cannot be certain that any individual gene body mass.
is related to the association at a given locus, the strong enrichment of Examining the genes at BMI-associated loci in the context of gene
pathways among genes within associated loci argues for a causal role expression, molecular pathways, eQTL results, mutational evidence and
for these pathways, prioritizes specific genes for follow-up experiments, genomic location provides several complementary avenues through
and provides the strongest genetic evidence so far for a role of particular which to prioritize genes for relevance in BMI biology. Genes such as
biological and CNS processes in the regulation of human body mass. NPC1 and ELAVL4 are implicated by many lines of evidence (literature,
mutational, eQTL and DEPICT) and become strong candidate genes in
Discussion their respective locations. It is important to recognize that pathway
Our meta-analysis of nearly 340,000 individuals identified 97 GWS loci methods and literature reviews are limited by current data sets and
associated with BMI, 56 of which are novel. These loci account for 2.7% knowledge, and thus provide only a working model of obesity biology.
of the variation in BMI, and suggest that as much as 21% of BMI For example, little is known about host genetic factors that regulate the
1 2 F E B R U A RY 2 0 1 5 | VO L 5 1 8 | N AT U R E | 2 0 1
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Haessler49, Per Hall15, Toomas Haller14, Goran Hallmans123, Catharina A. Hartman124, Louis Pérusse278,302, Ulrike Peters49, Chris Power257, Thomas Quertermous309,
Maija Hassinen125, Caroline Hayward126, Nancy L. Heard-Costa127,128, Quinta Rainer Rauramaa125,273, Fernando Rivadeneira58,59,60, Timo E. Saaristo321,322, Danish
Helmer34,98,129, Christian Hengstenberg130,131, Oddgeir Holmen132, Jouke-Jan Saleheen232,323,324, Naveed Sattar325, Eric E. Schadt326, David Schlessinger155,
Hottenga133, Alan L. James134,135, Janina M. Jeff55, Åsa Johansson136, Jennifer P. Eline Slagboom34,35, Harold Snieder169, Tim D. Spector56, Unnur
Jolley88,89, Thorhildur Juliusdottir18, Leena Kinnunen53, Wolfgang Koenig52, Markku Thorsteinsdottir171,327, Michael Stumvoll96,97, Jaakko Tuomilehto53,328,329,330, André
Koskenvuo137, Wolfgang Kratzer138, Jaana Laitinen139, Claudia Lamina140, Karin G. Uitterlinden58,59,60, Matti Uusitupa331,332, Pim van der Harst29,57,264, Mark
Leander111, Nanette R. Lee91, Peter Lichtner141, Lars Lind142, Jaana Lindström53, Ken Walker333, Henri Wallaschofski239,334, Nicholas J. Wareham9, Hugh Watkins18,48,
Sin Lo143, Stéphane Lobbens80,81,82, Roberto Lorbeer144, Yingchang Lu55,145, David R. Weir26, H-Erich Wichmann335,336,337, James F. Wilson36, Pieter Zanen338,
François Mach45, Patrik K. E. Magnusson15, Anubha Mahajan18, Wendy L. McArdle146, Ingrid B. Borecki47, Panos Deloukas22,50,339, Caroline S. Fox127, Iris M. Heid23,85,
Stela McLachlan36, Cristina Menni56, Sigrun Merger95, Evelin Mihailov14,147, Lili Jeffrey R. O’Connell295,296, David P. Strachan340, Kari Stefansson171,327, Cornelia M.
Milani14, Alireza Moayyeri56,148, Keri L. Monda4,149, Mario A. Morken99, Antonella van Duijn32,58,59,84, Gonçalo R. Abecasis1, Lude Franke29, Timothy M. Frayling24, Mark
Mulas150, Gabriele Müller151, Martina Müller-Nurasyid85,130,152,153, Arthur W. I. McCarthy18,64,341, Peter M. Visscher11,12, André Scherag63,342, Cristen J.
Musk154, Ramaiah Nagaraja155, Markus M. Nöthen156,157, Ilja M. Nolte158, Stefan Willer28,30,343, Michael Boehnke1, Karen L. Mohlke10, Cecilia M. Lindgren6,18, Jacques
Pilz159,160, Nigel W. Rayner18,22,64, Frida Renstrom66, Rainer Rettig161, Janina S. S. Beckmann20,21,344, Inês Barroso22,345,346, Kari E. North4,3471, Erik
Ried85, Stephan Ripke108,162, Neil R. Robertson18,64, Lynda M. Rose163, Serena Ingelsson16,17,181, Joel N. Hirschhorn5,6,71, Ruth J. F. Loos9,55,145,3481 & Elizabeth K.
Sanna150, Hubert Scharnagl164, Salome Scholtens100, Fredrick R. Schumacher165, Speliotes21
William R. Scott41,83, Thomas Seufferlein138, Jianxin Shi166, Albert Vernon
Smith167,168, Joanna Smolonska29,169, Alice V. Stanton170, Valgerdur 1
Center for Statistical Genetics, Department of Biostatistics, University of Michigan, Ann
Steinthorsdottir171, Kathleen Stirrups22,50, Heather M. Stringham1, Johan
Arbor, Michigan 48109, USA. 2Department of Internal Medicine, Division of
Sundström142, Morris A. Swertz29, Amy J. Swift99, Ann-Christine Syvänen16,172,
Gastroenterology, and Department of Computational Medicine and Bioinformatics,
Sian-Tsung Tan41,173, Bamidele O. Tayo174, Barbara Thorand120,175, Gudmar
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109, USA. 3Division of Cancer
Thorleifsson171, Jonathan P. Tyrer176, Hae-Won Uh34,98, Liesbeth Vandenput177,
Epidemiology and Genetics, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health,
Frank C. Verhulst178, Sita H. Vermeulen179,180, Niek Verweij57, Judith M. Vonk169,
Bethesda, Maryland 20892, USA. 4Department of Epidemiology, University of North
Lindsay L. Waite31, Helen R. Warren181, Dawn Waterworth182, Michael N. Weedon24,
Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27599, USA. 5Divisions of
Lynne R. Wilkens54, Christina Willenborg183,184, Tom Wilsgaard185, Mary K.
Endocrinology and Genetics and Center for Basic and Translational Obesity Research,
Wojczynski47, Andrew Wong186, Alan F. Wright126, Qunyuan Zhang47, The LifeLines
Cohort Study{, Eoin P. Brennan187, Murim Choi188, Zari Dastani189, Alexander W. Boston Children’s Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts 02115, USA. 6Broad Institute of the
Drong18, Per Eriksson70, Anders Franco-Cereceda190, Jesper R. Gådin70, Ali G. Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard University, Cambridge,
Gharavi191, Michael E. Goddard192,193, Robert E. Handsaker6,7, Jinyan Huang194,195, Massachusetts 02142, USA. 7Department of Genetics, Harvard Medical School, Boston,
Fredrik Karpe64,196, Sekar Kathiresan6,197, Sarah Keildson18, Krzysztof Kiryluk191, Massachusetts 02115, USA. 8Center for Biological Sequence Analysis, Department of
Michiaki Kubo198, Jong-Young Lee199{, Liming Liang194,200, Richard P. Lifton201, Systems Biology, Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby 2800, Denmark. 9MRC
Baoshan Ma194,202, Steven A. McCarroll6,7,162, Amy J. McKnight203, Josine L. Min146, Epidemiology Unit, University of Cambridge School of Clinical Medicine, Institute of
Miriam F. Moffatt173, Grant W. Montgomery61, Joanne M. Murabito127,204, George Metabolic Science, Cambridge Biomedical Campus, Cambridge CB2 0QQ, UK.
Nicholson205,206, Dale R. Nyholt61,207, Yukinori Okada208,209, John R. B. Perry18,24,56, Department of Genetics, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Rajkumar Dorajoo210, Eva Reinmaa14, Rany M. Salem5,6,7, Niina Sandholm211,212,213, 27599, USA. 11Queensland Brain Institute, The University of Queensland, Brisbane 4072,
Robert A. Scott9, Lisette Stolk34,60, Atsushi Takahashi208, Toshihiro Tanaka209,214,215, Australia. 12The University of Queensland Diamantina Institute, The Translation Research
Ferdinand M. van ’t Hooft70, Anna A. E. Vinkhuyzen11, Harm-Jan Westra29, Wei Institute, Brisbane 4012, Australia. 13Channing Division of Network Medicine,
Zheng216, Krina T. Zondervan18,217, The ADIPOGen Consortium{, The AGEN-BMI Department of Medicine, Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School,
Working Group{, The CARDIOGRAMplusC4D Consortium{, The CKDGen Boston, Massachusetts 02115, USA. 14Estonian Genome Center, University of Tartu, Tartu
Consortium{, The GLGC{, The ICBP{, The MAGIC Investigators{, The MuTHER 51010, Estonia. 15Department of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Karolinska
Consortium{, The MIGen Consortium{, The PAGE Consortium{, The ReproGen Institutet, Stockholm 17177, Sweden. 16Science for Life Laboratory, Uppsala University,
Consortium{, The GENIE Consortium{, The International Endogene Consortium{, Uppsala 75185, Sweden. 17Department of Medical Sciences, Molecular Epidemiology,
Andrew C. Heath218, Dominique Arveiler219, Stephan J. L. Bakker220, John Beilby87,221, Uppsala University, Uppsala 75185, Sweden. 18Wellcome Trust Centre for Human
Richard N. Bergman222, John Blangero92, Pascal Bovet223,224, Harry Campbell36, Genetics, University of Oxford, Oxford OX3 7BN, UK. 19Institute of Social and Preventive
Mark J. Caulfield181, Giancarlo Cesana225, Aravinda Chakravarti44, Daniel I. Medicine (IUMSP), Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV), Lausanne 1010,
Chasman163,226, Peter S. Chines99, Francis S. Collins99, Dana C. Crawford227,228, Switzerland. 20Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics, Lausanne 1015, Switzerland.
L. Adrienne Cupples127,229, Daniele Cusi230,231, John Danesh232, Ulf de Faire111, Department of Medical Genetics, University of Lausanne, Lausanne 1005, Switzerland.
Hester M. den Ruijter76,233, Anna F. Dominiczak234, Raimund Erbel235, Jeanette Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Hinxton, Cambridge CB10 1SA, UK. 23Department of
Erdmann183,184, Johan G. Eriksson53,236,237, Martin Farrall18,48, Stephan B. Genetic Epidemiology, Institute of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine, University of
Felix238,239, Ele Ferrannini240,241, Jean Ferrières242, Ian Ford243, Nita G. Forouhi9, Regensburg, D-93053 Regensburg, Germany. 24Genetics of Complex Traits, University of
Terrence Forrester244, Oscar H. Franco58,59, Ron T. Gansevoort220, Pablo V. Exeter Medical School, University of Exeter, Exeter EX1 2LU, UK. 25Department of
Gejman245, Christian Gieger85, Omri Gottesman55, Vilmundur Gudnason167,168, Ulf Nutrition, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, Massachusetts 02115, USA. 26Survey
Gyllensten136, Alistair S. Hall246, Tamara B. Harris109, Andrew T. Hattersley247, Andrew Research Center, Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor,
A. Hicks248, Lucia A. Hindorff249, Aroon D. Hingorani250, Albert Hofman58,59, Georg Michigan 48104, USA. 27Department of Epidemiology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor,
Homuth73, G. Kees Hovingh251, Steve E. Humphries252, Steven C. Hunt253, Elina Michigan 48109, USA. 28Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Cardiovascular
Hyppönen254,255,256,257, Thomas Illig119,258, Kevin B. Jacobs3,79, Marjo-Riitta Medicine, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109, USA. 29Department of
Jarvelin83,259,260,261,263,263, Karl-Heinz Jöckel63, Berit Johansen101, Pekka Genetics, University Medical Center Groningen, University of Groningen, 9700 RB
Jousilahti53, J. Wouter Jukema74,264,265, Antti M. Jula53, Jaakko Kaprio53,107,137, John Groningen, The Netherlands. 30Department of Computational Medicine and
J. P. Kastelein251, Sirkka M. Keinanen-Kiukaanniemi263,266, Lambertus A. Bioinformatics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109, USA. 31HudsonAlpha
Kiemeney179,267, Paul Knekt53, Jaspal S. Kooner41,173,268, Charles Kooperberg49, Institute for Biotechnology, Huntsville, Alabama 35806, USA. 32Genetic Epidemiology
Peter Kovacs96,97, Aldi T. Kraja47, Meena Kumari269,270, Johanna Kuusisto271, Timo A. Unit, Department of Epidemiology, Erasmus MC University Medical Center, 3015 GE
Lakka125,272,273, Claudia Langenberg9,269, Loic Le Marchand54, Terho Lehtimäki274, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. 33Telethon Institute for Child Health Research, Centre for
Valeriya Lyssenko275,276, Satu Männistö53, André Marette277,278, Tara C. Matise39, Child Health Research, The University of Western Australia, Perth, Western Australia 6008,
Colin A. McKenzie244, Barbara McKnight279, Frans L. Moll280, Andrew D. Morris106, Australia. 34Netherlands Consortium for Healthy Aging (NCHA), Leiden University Medical
Andrew P. Morris14,18,281, Jeffrey C. Murray282, Mari Nelis14, Claes Ohlsson177, Center, Leiden 2300 RC, The Netherlands. 35Department of Molecular Epidemiology,
Albertine J. Oldehinkel124, Ken K. Ong9,186, Pamela A. F. Madden218, Gerard Leiden University Medical Center, 2300 RC Leiden, The Netherlands. 36Centre for
Pasterkamp76, John F. Peden283, Annette Peters119,130,175, Dirkje S. Postma284, Peter Population Health Sciences, University of Edinburgh, Teviot Place, Edinburgh EH8 9AG,
P. Pramstaller248,285, Jackie F. Price36, Lu Qi13,25, Olli T. Raitakari286,287, Tuomo UK. 37Kidney Epidemiology and Cost Center, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan
Rankinen288, D. C. Rao47,71,218, Treva K. Rice71,218, Paul M. Ridker163,226, John D. 48109, USA. 38Department of Statistics & Biostatistics, Rutgers University, Piscataway,
Rioux143,289, Marylyn D. Ritchie290, Igor Rudan36,291, Veikko Salomaa53, Nilesh J. New Jersey 08854, USA. 39Department of Genetics, Rutgers University, Piscataway, New
Samani114,115, Jouko Saramies292, Mark A. Sarzynski288, Heribert Schunkert130,131, Jersey 08854, USA. 40Department of Human Genetics, Leiden University Medical Center,
Peter E. H. Schwarz121,293, Peter Sever294, Alan R. Shuldiner295,296,297, Juha 2333 ZC Leiden, The Netherlands. 41Ealing Hospital NHS Trust, Middlesex UB1 3HW, UK.
Sinisalo298, Ronald P. Stolk169, Konstantin Strauch85,153, Anke Tönjes96,97, Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Imperial College London, London W2
David-Alexandre Trégouët299,300,301, Angelo Tremblay302, Elena Tremoli303, Jarmo 1PG, UK. 43Institute of infectious Diseases, Southwest Hospital, Third Military Medical
Virtamo53, Marie-Claude Vohl278,304, Uwe Völker73,239, Gérard Waeber305, Gonneke University, Chongqing, China. 44Center for Complex Disease Genomics,
Willemsen133, Jacqueline C. Witteman59, M. Carola Zillikens58,60, Linda S. Adair306, McKusick-Nathans Institute of Genetic Medicine, Johns Hopkins University School of
Philippe Amouyel307, Folkert W. Asselbergs250,264,308, Themistocles L. Assimes309, Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland 21205, USA. 45Cardiology, Department of Specialties of
Murielle Bochud223,224, Bernhard O. Boehm310,311, Eric Boerwinkle312, Stefan R. Internal Medicine, Geneva University Hospital, Geneva 1211, Switzerland. 46Department
Bornstein121, Erwin P. Bottinger55, Claude Bouchard288, Stéphane Cauchi80,81,82, of Epidemiology Research, Statens Serum Institut, Copenhagen DK-2300, Denmark.
John C. Chambers41,83,268, Stephen J. Chanock3, Richard S. Cooper174, Paul I. W. de Department of Genetics, Washington University School of Medicine, St Louis, Missouri
Bakker77,313,314, George Dedoussis105, Luigi Ferrucci72, Paul W. Franks25,66,67, 63110, USA. 48Division of Cardiovacular Medicine, Radcliffe Department of Medicine,
Philippe Froguel65,80,81,82, Leif C. Groop107,276, Christopher A. Haiman165, Anders University of Oxford, Oxford OX3 9DU, UK. 49Division of Public Health Sciences, Fred
Hamsten70, Jennie Hui87,221,315, David J. Hunter13,25,194, Kristian Hveem132, Robert C. Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, Washington 98109, USA. 50William Harvey
Kaplan316, Mika Kivimaki269, Diana Kuh186, Markku Laakso271, Yongmei Liu317, Research Institute, Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry, Queen Mary
Nicholas G. Martin61, Winfried März51,164,318, Mads Melbye309,319, Andres University of London, London EC1M 6BQ, UK. 51Vth Department of Medicine (Nephrology,
Metspalu14,147, Susanne Moebus63, Patricia B. Munroe181, Inger Njølstad185, Ben A. Hypertensiology, Endocrinology, Diabetology, Rheumatology), Medical Faculty of
Oostra32,84,320, Colin N. A. Palmer106, Nancy L. Pedersen15, Markus Perola14,53,107, Mannheim, University of Heidelberg, D-68187 Mannheim, Germany. 52Department of

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Internal Medicine II, Ulm University Medical Centre, D-89081 Ulm, Germany. 53National Research (DZD), 85764 Neuherberg, Germany. 121Department of Medicine III, University
Institute for Health and Welfare, FI-00271 Helsinki, Finland. 54Epidemiology Program, Hospital Carl Gustav Carus, Technische Universität Dresden, D-01307 Dresden,
University of Hawaii Cancer Center, Honolulu, Hawaii 96813, USA. 55The Charles Germany. 122Institut inter Régional pour la Santé, Synergies, F-37520 La Riche, France.
Bronfman Institute for Personalized Medicine, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, Department of Public Health and Clinical Medicine, Unit of Nutritional Research, Umeå
New York, New York 10029, USA. 56Department of Twin Research and Genetic University, Umeå 90187, Sweden. 124Department of Psychiatry, University of Groningen,
Epidemiology, King’s College London, London SE1 7EH, UK. 57Department of Cardiology, University Medical Center Groningen, 9700RB Groningen, The Netherlands. 125Kuopio
University Medical Center Groningen, University of Groningen, 9700RB Groningen, The Research Institute of Exercise Medicine, 70100 Kuopio, Finland. 126MRC Human Genetics
Netherlands. 58Netherlands Consortium for Healthy Aging (NCHA), 3015GE Rotterdam, Unit, Institute of Genetics and Molecular Medicine, University of Edinburgh, Western
The Netherlands. 59Department of Epidemiology, Erasmus MC University Medical Center, General Hospital, Edinburgh EH4 2XU, UK. 127National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute,
3015GE Rotterdam, The Netherlands. 60Department of Internal Medicine, Erasmus MC the Framingham Heart Study, Framingham, Massachusetts 01702, USA. 128Department
University Medical Center, 3015GE Rotterdam, The Netherlands. 61QIMR Berghofer of Neurology, Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, Massachusetts 02118, USA.
Medical Research Institute, Brisbane, Queensland 4006, Australia. 62Laboratory of 129
Faculty of Psychology and Education, VU University Amsterdam, 1081BT Amsterdam,
Neurogenetics, National Institute on Aging, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, The Netherlands. 130Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Herz-Kreislauferkrankungen
Maryland 20892, USA. 63Institute for Medical Informatics, Biometry and Epidemiology (DZHK) (German Research Centre for Cardiovascular Research), Munich Heart Alliance,
(IMIBE), University Hospital Essen, 45147 Essen, Germany. 64Oxford Centre for Diabetes, D-80636 Munich, Germany. 131Deutsches Herzzentrum München, Technische
Endocrinology and Metabolism, University of Oxford, Oxford OX3 7LJ, UK. 65Department Universität München, D-80636 Munich, Germany. 132Department of Public Health and
of Genomics of Common Disease, School of Public Health, Imperial College London, General Practice, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim 7489,
Hammersmith Hospital, London W12 0NN, UK. 66Department of Clinical Sciences, Norway. 133Biological Psychology, VU University Amsterdam, 1081BT Amsterdam, The
Genetic & Molecular Epidemiology Unit, Lund University Diabetes Center, Skåne Netherlands. 134Department of Pulmonary Physiology and Sleep Medicine, Nedlands,
University Hosptial, Malmö 205 02, Sweden. 67Department of Public Health and Clinical Western Australia 6009, Australia. 135School of Medicine and Pharmacology, University of
Medicine, Unit of Medicine, Umeå University, Umeå 901 87, Sweden. 68Department of Western Australia, Crawley 6009, Australia. 136Uppsala University, Department of
Odontology, Umeå University, Umeå 901 85, Sweden. 69University of Eastern Finland, Immunology, Genetics, Pathology, SciLifeLab, Rudbeck Laboratory, SE-751 85 Uppsala,
FI-70210 Kuopio, Finland. 70Atherosclerosis Research Unit, Center for Molecular Sweden. 137Hjelt Institute Department of Public Health, University of Helsinki, FI-00014
Medicine, Department of Medicine, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm 17176, Sweden. Helsinki, Finland. 138Department of Internal Medicine I, Ulm University Medical Centre,
Division of Biostatistics, Washington University School of Medicine, St Louis, Missouri D-89081 Ulm, Germany. 139Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, FI-90100 Oulu,
63110, USA. 72Translational Gerontology Branch, National Institute on Aging, Baltimore, Finland. 140Division of Genetic Epidemiology, Department of Medical Genetics, Molecular
Maryland 21225, USA. 73Interfaculty Institute for Genetics and Functional Genomics, and Clinical Pharmacology, Innsbruck Medical University, 6020 Innsbruck, Austria.
University Medicine Greifswald, D-17475 Greifswald, Germany. 74Department of 141
Institute of Human Genetics, Helmholtz Zentrum München - German Research Center
Cardiology, Leiden University Medical Center, 2300 RC Leiden, The Netherlands. for Environmental Health, D-85764 Neuherberg, Germany. 142Department of Medical
Department of Gerontology and Geriatrics, Leiden University Medical Center, 2300 RC Sciences, Cardiovascular Epidemiology, Uppsala University, Uppsala 75185, Sweden.
Leiden, The Netherlands. 76Experimental Cardiology Laboratory, Division Heart and 143
Montreal Heart Institute, Montreal, Quebec H1T 1C8, Canada. 144Institute for
Lungs, University Medical Center Utrecht, 3584 CX Utrecht, The Netherlands. Community Medicine, University Medicine Greifswald, D-17475 Greifswald, Germany.
77 145
Department of Medical Genetics, University Medical Center Utrecht, 3584 CX Utrecht, The Genetics of Obesity and Related Metabolic Traits Program, The Icahn School of
The Netherlands. 78Department of Endocrinology, University of Groningen, University Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, New York 10029, USA. 146School of Social and
Medical Center Groningen, 9700 RB Groningen, The Netherlands. 79Core Genotyping Community Medicine, University of Bristol, Bristol BS8 2BN, UK. 147Institute of Molecular
Facility, SAIC-Frederick, Inc., NCI-Frederick, Frederick, Maryland 21702, USA. 80CNRS and Cell Biology, University of Tartu, Tartu 51010, Estonia. 148Farr Institute of Health
UMR 8199, F-59019 Lille, France. 81European Genomic Institute for Diabetes, F-59000 Informatics Research, University College London, London NW1 2DA, UK. 149The Center
Lille, France. 82Université de Lille 2, F-59000 Lille, France. 83Department of Epidemiology for Observational Research, Amgen, Inc., Thousand Oaks, California 91320, USA.
and Biostatistics, Imperial College London, London W2 1PG, UK. 84Center for Medical 150
Istituto di Ricerca Genetica e Biomedica (IRGB), Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche,
Sytems Biology, 2300 RC Leiden, The Netherlands. 85Institute of Genetic Epidemiology, Cagliari, Sardinia 09042, Italy. 151Center for Evidence-based Healthcare, University
Helmholtz Zentrum München - German Research Center for Environmental Health, Hospital Carl Gustav Carus, Technische Universität Dresden, D-01307 Dresden,
D-85764 Neuherberg, Germany. 86School of Health and Social Studies, Dalarna Germany. 152Department of Medicine I, University Hospital Grosshadern,
University, SE-791 88 Falun, Sweden. 87PathWest Laboratory Medicine of Western Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, D-81377 Munich, Germany. 153Institute of Medical
Australia, Nedlands, Western Australia 6009, Australia. 88Department of Haematology, Informatics, Biometry and Epidemiology, Chair of Genetic Epidemiology,
University of Cambridge, Cambridge CB2 0PT, UK. 89NHS Blood and Transplant, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, D-81377 Munich, Germany. 154Department of
Cambridge CB2 0PT, UK. 90Geriatric Unit, Azienda Sanitaria Firenze (ASF), 50125 Respiratory Medicine, Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, Nedlands, Western Australia 6009,
Florence, Italy. 91USC-Office of Population Studies Foundation, Inc., University of San Australia. 155Laboratory of Genetics, National Institute on Aging, Baltimore, Maryland
Carlos, Cebu City 6000, Philippines. 92Department of Genetics, Texas Biomedical 21224, USA. 156Department of Genomics, Life & Brain Center, University of Bonn, 53127
Research Institute, San Antonio, Texas 78227, USA. 93Genomics Research Centre, Bonn, Germany. 157Institute of Human Genetics, University of Bonn, 53127 Bonn,
Institute of Health and Biomedical Innovation, Queensland University of Technology, Germany. 158Department of Epidemiology, University Medical Center Groningen,
Brisbane, Queensland 4001, Australia. 94Department of Medical Sciences, University of Groningen, 9700 RB Groningen, The Netherlands. 159Department of
Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism, Uppsala University, Uppsala 75185, Sweden. Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Institute for Research in Extramural Medicine, Institute for
Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism, Ulm University Medical Centre, Health and Care Research, VU University Medical Center, 1081BT Amsterdam, The
D-89081 Ulm, Germany. 96Integrated Research and Treatment Center (IFB) Adiposity Netherlands. 160Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Endocrinology and
Diseases, University of Leipzig, D-04103 Leipzig, Germany. 97Department of Medicine, Metabolism, Medical University of Graz, 8036 Graz, Austria. 161Institute of Physiology,
University of Leipzig, D-04103 Leipzig, Germany. 98Department of Medical Statistics and University Medicine Greifswald, D-17495 Karlsburg, Germany. 162Stanley Center for
Bioinformatics, Leiden University Medical Center, 2300 RC Leiden, The Netherlands. Psychiatric Research, Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Medical Genomics and Metabolic Genetics Branch, National Human Genome Research 02142, USA. 163Division of Preventive Medicine, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston,
Institute, NIH, Bethesda, Maryland 20892, USA. 100LifeLines Cohort Study, University Massachusetts 02215, USA. 164Clinical Institute of Medical and Chemical Laboratory
Medical Center Groningen, University of Groningen, 9700 RB Groningen, The Diagnostics, Medical University of Graz, Graz 8036, Austria. 165Department of Preventive
Netherlands. 101Department of Biology, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Medicine, Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California, Los Angeles,
7491 Trondheim, Norway. 102Department of Pediatrics, University of California Los California 90089, USA. 166National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, Maryland 20892, USA.
Angeles, Torrance, California 90502, USA. 103Transgenomics Institute, Los Angeles 167
Icelandic Heart Association, Kopavogur 201, Iceland. 168University of Iceland,
Biomedical Research Institute, Torrance, California 90502, USA. 104Clinical Trial Service Reykjavik 101, Iceland. 169Department of Epidemiology, University Medical Center
Unit and Epidemiological Studies Unit, Nuffield Department of Population Health, Groningen, University of Groningen, 9700 RB Groningen, The Netherlands. 170Molecular
University of Oxford, Oxford OX3 7LF, UK. 105Department of Dietetics-Nutrition, & Cellular Therapeutics, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, 123 St Stephen’s Green,
Harokopio University, 17671 Athens, Greece. 106Medical Research Institute, University of Dublin 2, Ireland. 171deCODE Genetics, Amgen Inc., Reykjavik 101, Iceland.
Dundee, Ninewells Hospital and Medical School, Dundee DD1 9SY, UK. 107Institute for 172
Department of Medical Sciences, Molecular Medicine, Uppsala University, Uppsala
Molecular Medicine, University of Helsinki, FI-00014 Helsinki, Finland. 108Analytic and 75144, Sweden. 173National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College London, London
Translational Genetics Unit, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, SW3 6LY, UK. 174Department of Public Health Sciences, Stritch School of Medicine,
Boston, Massachusetts 02114, USA. 109Laboratory of Epidemiology and Population Loyola University of Chicago, Maywood, Illinois 61053, USA. 175Institute of Epidemiology
Sciences, National Institute on Aging, NIH, Bethesda, Maryland 20892, USA. II, Helmholtz Zentrum München - German Research Center for Environmental Health,
Department of Public Health and Caring Sciences, Geriatrics, Uppsala University, Neuherberg, Germany, D-85764 Neuherberg, Germany. 176Department of Oncology,
Uppsala 75185, Sweden. 111Division of Cardiovascular Epidemiology, Institute of University of Cambridge, Cambridge CB2 0QQ, UK. 177Centre for Bone and Arthritis
Environmental Medicine, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden, Stockholm 17177, Research, Department of Internal Medicine and Clinical Nutrition, Institute of Medicine,
Sweden. 112Kaiser Permanente, Division of Research, Oakland, California 94612, USA. Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg 413 45, Sweden.
113 178
Service of Therapeutic Education for Diabetes, Obesity and Chronic Diseases, Geneva Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry/Psychology, Erasmus MC University
University Hospital, Geneva CH-1211, Switzerland. 114Department of Cardiovascular Medical Centre, 3000 CB Rotterdam, The Netherlands. 179Department for Health
Sciences, University of Leicester, Glenfield Hospital, Leicester LE3 9QP, UK. 115National Evidence, Radboud University Medical Centre, 6500 HB Nijmegen, The Netherlands.
Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Leicester Cardiovascular Biomedical Research Unit, Department of Genetics, Radboud University Medical Centre, 6500 HB Nijmegen, The
Glenfield Hospital, Leicester LE3 9QP, UK. 116Department of Nephrology, University Netherlands. 181Department of Clinical Pharmacology, William Harvey Research Institute,
Hospital Regensburg, D-93053 Regensburg, Germany. 117Department of Psychiatry and Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry, Queen Mary University of
Psychotherapy, University Medicine Greifswald, HELIOS-Hospital Stralsund, D-17475 London, London EC1M 6BQ, UK. 182Genetics, GlaxoSmithKline, King of Prussia,
Greifswald, Germany. 118German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE), Pennsylvania 19406, USA. 183German Center for Cardiovascular Research, partner site
Rostock, Greifswald, D-17475 Greifswald, Germany. 119Research Unit of Molecular Hamburg/Lubeck/Kiel, 23562 Lubeck, Germany. 184Institut für Integrative und
Epidemiology, Helmholtz Zentrum München - German Research Center for Experimentelle Genomik, Universität zu Lübeck, D-23562 Lübeck, Germany.
Environmental Health, D-85764 Neuherberg, Germany. 120German Center for Diabetes 185
Department of Community Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences, UiT The Arctic

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University of Norway, 9037 Tromsø, Norway. 186MRC Unit for Lifelong Health and Ageing for Cardiovascular Genetics, Institute Cardiovascular Sciences, University College London,
at University College London, London WC1B 5JU, UK. 187Diabetes Complications London WC1E 6JJ, UK. 253Cardiovascular Genetics Division, Department of Internal
Research Centre, Conway Institute, School of Medicine and Medical Sciences, University Medicine, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah 84108, USA. 254Sansom Institute for
College Dublin, Dublin 4, Ireland. 188Department of Biomedical Sciences, Seoul National Health Research, University of South Australia, Adelaide 5000, South Australia, Australia.
University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea. 189Lady Davis Institute, Departments of 255
School of Population Health, University of South Australia, Adelaide 5000, South
Human Genetics, Epidemiology and Biostatistics, McGill University, Montréal, Québec Australia, Australia. 256South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute, Adelaide,
H3T1E2, Canada. 190Cardiothoracic Surgery Unit, Department of Molecular Medicine and South Australia 5000, Australia. 257Population, Policy, and Practice, University College
Surgery, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm 17176, Sweden. 191Department of Medicine, London Institute of Child Health, London WC1N 1EH, UK. 258Hannover Unified Biobank,
Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York 10032, USA. Hannover Medical School, Hannover, D-30625 Hannover, Germany. 259National Institute
Biosciences Research Division, Department of Primary Industries, Victoria 3083, for Health and Welfare, FI-90101 Oulu, Finland. 260MRC Health Protection Agency (HPA)
Australia. 193Department of Food and Agricultural Systems, University of Melbourne, Centre for Environment and Health, School of Public Health, Imperial College London,
Victoria 3010, Australia. 194Department of Epidemiology, Harvard School of Public London W2 1PG, UK. 261Unit of Primary Care, Oulu University Hospital, FI-90220 Oulu,
Health, Boston, Massachusetts 02115, USA. 195State Key Laboratory of Medical Finland. 262Biocenter Oulu, University of Oulu, FI-90014 Oulu, Finland. 263Institute of
Genomics, Shanghai Institute of Hematology, Rui Jin Hospital Affiliated with Shanghai Health Sciences, University of Oulu, FI-90014 Oulu, Finland. 264Durrer Center for
Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai, China. 196NIHR Oxford Biomedical Cardiogenetic Research, Interuniversity Cardiology Institute Netherlands (ICIN), 3501 DG
Research Centre, OUH Trust, Oxford OX3 7LE, UK. 197Cardiovascular Research Center, Utrecht, The Netherlands. 265Interuniversity Cardiology Institute of the Netherlands
Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA. (ICIN), 3501 DG Utrecht, The Netherlands. 266Unit of Primary Health Care/General
Laboratory for Genotyping Development, RIKEN Center for Integrative Medical Practice, Oulu University Hospital, FI-90220 Oulu, Finland. 267Department of Urology,
Sciences, Yokohama 230-0045, Japan. 199Center for Genome Science, National Institute Radboud University Medical Centre, 6500 HB Nijmegen, The Netherlands. 268Imperial
of Health, Chungcheongbuk-do, Chungbuk 363–951, Republic of Korea. 200Harvard College Healthcare NHS Trust, London W12 0HS, UK. 269Department of Epidemiology
School of Public Health, Department of Biostatistics, Harvard University, Boston, and Public Health, University College London, London WC1E 6BT, UK. 270Department of
Massachusetts 2115, USA. 201Department of Genetics, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Biological and Social Epidemiology, University of Essex, Wivenhoe Park, Colchester, Essex
Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut 06520, USA. CO4 3SQ, UK. 271Department of Medicine, Kuopio University Hospital and University of
College of Information Science and Technology, Dalian Maritime University, Dalian, Eastern Finland, FI-70210 Kuopio, Finland. 272Department of Physiology, Institute of
Liaoning 116026, China. 203Nephrology Research, Centre for Public Health, Queen’s Biomedicine, University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio Campus, FI-70211 Kuopio, Finland.
University of Belfast, Belfast, County Down BT9 7AB, UK. 204Section of General Internal 273
Department of Clinical Physiology and Nuclear Medicine, Kuopio University Hospital
Medicine, Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, Massachusetts 02118, USA. and University of Eastern Finland, FI-70210 Kuopio, Finland. 274Department of Clinical
Department of Statistics, University of Oxford, 1 South Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3TG, Chemistry, Fimlab Laboratories and School of Medicine University of Tampere, FI-33520
UK. 206MRC Harwell, Harwell Science and Innovation Campus, Harwell OX11 0QG, UK. Tampere, Finland. 275Steno Diabetes Center A/S, Gentofte DK-2820, Denmark. 276Lund
Institute of Health and Biomedical Innovation, Queensland University of Technology, University Diabetes Centre and Department of Clinical Science, Diabetes & Endocrinology
Brisbane, Queensland 4059, Australia. 208Laboratory for Statistical Analysis, RIKEN Unit, Lund University, Malmö 221 00, Sweden. 277Institut Universitaire de Cardiologie et
Center for Integrative Medical Sciences, Yokohama 230-0045, Japan. 209Department of de Pneumologie de Québec, Faculty of Medicine, Laval University, Quebec, QC G1V 0A6,
Human Genetics and Disease Diversity, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Canada. 278Institute of Nutrition and Functional Foods, Laval University, Quebec, QC G1V
Tokyo Medical and Dental University, 113-8510 Tokyo, Japan. 210Genome Institute of 0A6, Canada. 279Department of Biostatistics, University of Washington, Seattle,
Singapore, Agency for Science, Technology and Research, 138672 Singapore. Washington 98195, USA. 280Department of Surgery, University Medical Center Utrecht,
Department of Biomedical Engineering and Computational Science, Aalto University 3584 CX Utrecht, The Netherlands. 281Department of Biostatistics, University of Liverpool,
School of Science, Helsinki FI-00076, Finland. 212Department of Medicine, Division of Liverpool L69 3GA, UK. 282Department of Pediatrics, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa
Nephrology, Helsinki University Central Hospital, FI-00290 Helsinki, Finland. 52242, USA. 283Illumina, Inc, Little Chesterford, Cambridge CB10 1XL, UK. 284University
Folkhälsan Institute of Genetics, Folkhälsan Research Center, FI-00290 Helsinki, of Groningen, University Medical Center Groningen, Department of Pulmonary Medicine
Finland. 214Laboratory for Cardiovascular Diseases, RIKEN Center for Integrative Medical and Tuberculosis, Groningen, The Netherlands. 285Department of Neurology, General
Sciences, Yokohama 230-0045, Japan. 215Division of Disease Diversity, Bioresource Central Hospital, Bolzano 39100, Italy. 286Department of Clinical Physiology and Nuclear
Research Center, Tokyo Medical and Dental University, 113-8510 Tokyo, Japan. Medicine, Turku University Hospital, FI-20521 Turku, Finland. 287Research Centre of
Division of Epidemiology, Department of Medicine; Vanderbilt Epidemiology Center; Applied and Preventive Cardiovascular Medicine, University of Turku, FI-20521 Turku,
and Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, Finland. 288Human Genomics Laboratory, Pennington Biomedical Research Center,
Tennessee 37075, USA. 217Nuffield Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, University Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70808, USA. 289Université de Montréal, Montreal, Quebec H1T
of Oxford, Oxford OX3 7BN, UK. 218Department of Psychiatry, Washington University 1C8, Canada. 290Center for Systems Genomics, The Pennsylvania State University,
School of Medicine, St Louis, Missouri 63110, USA. 219Department of Epidemiology and University Park, Pennsylvania 16802, USA. 291Croatian Centre for Global Health, Faculty
Public Health, EA3430, University of Strasbourg, Faculty of Medicine, Strasbourg, France. of Medicine, University of Split, 21000 Split, Croatia. 292South Carelia Central Hospital,
Department of Internal Medicine, University Medical Center Groningen, University of 53130 Lappeenranta, Finland. 293Paul Langerhans Institute Dresden, German Center for
Groningen, 9700RB Groningen, The Netherlands. 221Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Diabetes Research (DZD), 01307 Dresden, Germany. 294International Centre for
The University of Western Australia, Perth, Western Australia 6009, Australia. Circulatory Health, Imperial College London, London W2 1PG, UK. 295Division of
Cedars-Sinai Diabetes and Obesity Research Institute, Los Angeles, California 90048, Endocrinology, Diabetes and Nutrition, University of Maryland School of Medicine,
USA. 223Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine (IUMSP), Centre Hospitalier Baltimore, Maryland 21201, USA. 296Program for Personalized and Genomic Medicine,
Universitaire Vaudois and University of Lausanne, 1010 Lausanne, Switzerland. University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland 21201, USA. 297Geriatric
Ministry of Health, Victoria, Republic of Seychelles. 225University of Milano, Bicocca, Research and Education Clinical Center, Vetrans Administration Medical Center,
20126, Italy. 226Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts 02115, USA. 227Center Baltimore, Maryland 21201, USA. 298Helsinki University Central Hospital Heart and Lung
for Human Genetics Research, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, Tennessee Center, Department of Medicine, Helsinki University Central Hospital, FI-00290 Helsinki,
37203, USA. 228Department of Molecular Physiology and Biophysics, Vanderbilt Finland. 299Sorbonne Universités, UPMC Univ Paris 06, UMR S 1166, F-75013 Paris,
University, Nashville, Tennessee 37232, USA. 229Department of Biostatistics, Boston France. 300INSERM, UMR S 1166, Team Genomics and Physiopathology of
University School of Public Health, Boston, Massachusetts 02118, USA. 230Department of Cardiovascular Diseases, F-75013 Paris, France. 301Institute for Cardiometabolism And
Health Sciences, University of Milano, I 20142, Italy. 231Fondazione Filarete, Milano I Nutrition (ICAN), F-75013 Paris, France. 302Department of Kinesiology, Laval University,
20139, Italy. 232Department of Public Health and Primary Care, University of Cambridge, Quebec QC G1V 0A6, Canada. 303Dipartimento di Scienze Farmacologiche e
Cambridge CB1 8RN, UK. 233Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care, Biomolecolari, Università di Milano & Centro Cardiologico Monzino, Instituto di Ricovero e
University Medical Center Utrecht, 3584 CX Utrecht, The Netherlands. 234Institute of Cura a Carattere Scientifico, Milan 20133, Italy. 304Department of Food Science and
Cardiovascular and Medical Sciences, College of Medical, Veterinary and Life Sciences, Nutrition, Laval University, Quebec QC G1V 0A6, Canada. 305Department of Internal
University of Glasgow, Glasgow G12 8TA, UK. 235Clinic of Cardiology, West-German Heart Medicine, University Hospital (CHUV) and University of Lausanne, Lausanne 1011,
Centre, University Hospital Essen, 45147 Essen, Germany. 236Department of General Switzerland. 306Department of Nutrition, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North
Practice and Primary Health Care, University of Helsinki, FI-00290 Helsinki, Finland. Carolina 27599, USA. 307Institut Pasteur de Lille; INSERM, U744; Université de Lille 2;
Unit of General Practice, Helsinki University Central Hospital, Helsinki 00290, Finland. F-59000 Lille, France. 308Department of Cardiology, Division Heart and Lungs, University
Department of Internal Medicine B, University Medicine Greifswald, D-17475 Medical Center Utrecht, 3584 CX Utrecht, The Netherlands. 309Department of Medicine,
Greifswald, Germany. 239DZHK (Deutsches Zentrum für Herz-Kreislaufforschung – Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto, California 94304, USA. 310Lee Kong
German Centre for Cardiovascular Research), partner site Greifswald, D-17475 Chian School of Medicine, Imperial College London and Nanyang Technological
Greifswald, Germany. 240Department of Internal Medicine, University of Pisa, 56100 Pisa, University, Singapore, 637553 Singapore, Singapore. 311Department of Internal
Italy. 241National Research Council Institute of Clinical Physiology, University of Pisa, Medicine I, Ulm University Medical Centre, D-89081 Ulm, Germany. 312Health Science
56124 Pisa, Italy. 242Department of Cardiology, Toulouse University School of Medicine, Center at Houston, University of Texas, Houston, Texas 77030, USA. 313Department of
Rangueil Hospital, 31400 Toulouse, France. 243Robertson Center for Biostatistics, Medicine, Division of Genetics, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School,
University of Glasgow, Glasgow G12 8QQ, UK. 244UWI Solutions for Developing Countries, Boston, Massachusetts 02115, USA. 314Department of Epidemiology, University Medical
The University of the West Indies, Mona, Kingston 7, Jamaica. 245NorthShore University Center Utrecht, 3584 CX Utrecht, The Netherlands. 315School of Population Health, The
HealthSystem, Evanston, IL 60201, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, USA. 246Leeds University of Western Australia, Nedlands, Western Australia 6009, Australia. 316Albert
MRC Medical Bioinformatics Centre, University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9LU, UK. 247Institute Einstein College of Medicine, Department of Epidemiology and Population Health, Belfer
of Biomedical & Clinical Science, University of Exeter, Barrack Road, Exeter EX2 5DW, UK. 1306, New York 10461, USA. 317Center for Human Genetics, Division of Public Health
Center for Biomedicine, European Academy Bozen, Bolzano (EURAC), Bolzano 39100, Sciences, Wake Forest School of Medicine, Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27157, USA.
Italy (affiliated institute of the University of Lübeck, D-23562 Lübeck, Germany). Synlab Academy, Synlab Services GmbH, 68163 Mannheim, Germany.
249 319
Division of Genomic Medicine, National Human Genome Research Institute, National Department of Clinical Medicine, Copenhagen University, 2200 Copenhagen,
Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland 20892, USA. 250Institute of Cardiovascular Denmark. 320Department of Clinical Genetics, Erasmus MC University Medical Center,
Science, University College London, London WC1E 6BT, UK. 251Department of Vascular 3000 CA Rotterdam, The Netherlands. 321Finnish Diabetes Association, Kirjoniementie
Medicine, Academic Medical Center, 1105 AZ Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 252Centre 15, FI-33680 Tampere, Finland. 322Pirkanmaa Hospital District, FI-33521 Tampere,

1 2 F E B R U A RY 2 0 1 5 | VO L 5 1 8 | N AT U R E | 2 0 5
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Finland. 323Center for Non-Communicable Diseases, Karatchi, Pakistan. 324Department Hereditary Disorders (PACER-HD), King Abdulaziz University, 21589 Jeddah, Saudi
of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104, USA. 325BHF Arabia. 340Division of Population Health Sciences & Education, St George’s, University of
Glasgow Cardiovascular Research Centre, Division of Cardiovascular and Medical London, London SW17 0RE, UK. 341Oxford NIHR Biomedical Research Centre, Oxford
Sciences, University of Glasgow, Glasgow G12 8TA, UK. 326Icahn Institute for Genomics University Hospitals NHS Trust, Oxford OX3 7LJ, UK. 342Clinical Epidemiology, Integrated
and Multiscale Biology, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, New York Research and Treatment Center, Center for Sepsis Control and Care (CSCC), Jena
10580, USA. 327Faculty of Medicine, University of Iceland, Reykjavik 101, Iceland. University Hospital, 07743 Jena, Germany. 343Department of Human Genetics, University
Institute for Health Research, University Hospital of La Paz (IdiPaz), 28046 Madrid, of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109, USA. 344Service of Medical Genetics, CHUV
Spain. 329Diabetes Research Group, King Abdulaziz University, 21589 Jeddah, Saudi University Hospital, 1011 Lausanne, Switzerland. 345University of Cambridge Metabolic
Arabia. 330Centre for Vascular Prevention, Danube-University Krems, 3500 Krems, Research Laboratories, Institute of Metabolic Science, Addenbrooke’s Hospital,
Austria. 331Department of Public Health and Clinical Nutrition, University of Eastern Cambridge CB2 OQQ, UK. 346NIHR Cambridge Biomedical Research Centre, Institute of
Finland, Finland. 332Research Unit, Kuopio University Hospital, FI-70210 Kuopio, Finland. Metabolic Science, Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge CB2 OQQ, UK. 347Carolina Center
Institute of Cellular Medicine, Newcastle University, Newcastle NE1 7RU, UK. for Genome Sciences, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, North
Institute of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine, University Medicine Carolina 27599, USA. 348The Mindich Child Health and Development Institute, Icahn
Greifswald, D-17475 Greifswald, Germany. 335Institute of Medical Informatics, Biometry School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, New York 10029, USA.
and Epidemiology, Chair of Epidemiology, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, D-85764
Munich, Germany. 336Klinikum Grosshadern, D-81377 Munich, Germany. 337Institute of {Present address: Second Floor, B-dong, AICT Building, 145 Gwanggyo-ro,
Epidemiology I, Helmholtz Zentrum München - German Research Center for Yeongyong-gu, Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do,443-270, South Korea.
Environmental Health, Neuherberg, Germany, D-85764 Neuherberg, Germany. {A list of authors and affiliations appears in the Supplementary Information.
Department of Pulmonology, University Medical Center Utrecht, 3584 CX Utrecht, The *These authors contributed equally to this work.
Netherlands. 339Princess Al-Jawhara Al-Brahim Centre of Excellence in Research of 1These authors jointly supervised this work.

2 0 6 | N AT U R E | VO L 5 1 8 | 1 2 F E B R U A RY 2 0 1 5
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METHODS denotes the set most likely to contain the causal variant for that association region
(Supplementary Table 12).
Study design. We conducted a two-stage meta-analysis to identify BMI-associated
Cumulative effects, risk prediction and variance explained. We assessed the
loci in European adults (Extended Data Fig. 1 and Extended Data Table 1). In stage 1
cumulative effects of the 97 GWS loci on mean BMI and on their ability to predict
we performed meta-analysis of 80 GWAS (n 5 234,069); and stage 2 incorporated
obesity (BMI $ 30 kg m22) using the c statistic from logistic regression models in the
data from 34 additional studies (n 5 88,137) genotyped using Metabochip7 (Supple-
Health and Retirement Study17, a longitudinal study of 26,000 European Americans
mentary Tables 1–3). Secondary meta-analyses were also conducted for: (1) all ance-
50 years or older. The variance explained (VarExp) by each SNP was calculated using
stries, (2) European men, (3) European women, and (4) European population-based
the effect allele frequency (f) and beta (b) from the meta-analyses using the formula
studies. The total number of subjects and SNPs included in each stage for all analyses
VarExp 5 b2(1 2 f)2f.
is shown in Extended Data Table 1. No statistical methods were used to predeter-
For polygene analyses, the approximate conditional analysis from GCTA19,20, was
mine sample size.
used to select SNPs using a range of P value thresholds (that is, 5 3 1028, 5 3 1027,
Phenotype. BMI, measured or self-reported weight in kg per height in metres squ-
…, 5 3 1023) based on summary data from the European sex-combined meta-
ared (Supplementary Tables 1 and 3) was adjusted for age, age squared, and any
analysis excluding TwinGene and QIMR studies. We performed a within-family
necessary study-specific covariates (for example, genotype-derived principal com-
prediction analysis using full-sib pairs selected from independent families (1,622
ponents) in a linear regression model. The resulting residuals were transformed to
pairs from the QIMR cohort and 2,758 pairs from the TwinGene cohort) and then
approximate normality using inverse normal scores. For studies with no known
SNPs at each threshold were used to calculate the percentage of phenotypic variance
related individuals, residuals were calculated separately by sex and case/control status.
explained and predict risk (Extended Data Figs 2 and 3). We then confirmed the
For family-based studies, residuals were calculated with men and women together,
results from population-based prediction and estimation analyses in an independent
adding sex as an additional covariate in the linear regression model. Relatedness was
sample of unrelated individuals from the TwinGene (n 5 5,668) and QIMR (n 5
accounted for in a study-specific manner (Supplementary Table 2).
3,953) studies (Extended Data Fig. 3 and Fig. 1c). The SNP-derived predictor was
Sample quality control, imputation and association. Following study-specific calculated using the profile scoring approach implemented in PLINK and estimation
quality control measures (Supplementary Table 2), all contributing GWAS common analyses were performed using the all-SNP estimation approach implemented in
SNPs were imputed using the HapMap phase II CEU reference panel for European- GCTA.
descent studies37, and CEU1YRI1CHB1JPT HapMap release 22 for the African- Enrichment analysis of Metabochip SNPs selected for replication. The 5,055
American and Hispanic GWAS. Directly genotyped (GWAS and Metabochip) and SNPs that were included for BMI replication on Metabochip included 1,909 inde-
imputed variants (GWAS only) were then tested for association with the inverse pendent SNPs (r2 , 0.1 and . 500 kb apart), of which 1,458 displayed directionally
normally transformed BMI residuals using linear regression assuming an additive consistent effect estimates with those reported previously5. To estimate the number
genetic model. Quality control following study level analyses was conducted follow- of Metabochip SNPs truly associated with BMI, we counted the number of SNPs
ing procedures outlined elsewhere38. with directional consistency (DC) between ref. 5 and a meta-analysis of non-over-
Meta-analysis. Fixed effects meta-analyses were conducted using the inverse vari- lapping samples for these 1,909 SNPs. We then calculated DC in the presence of a
ance-weighted method implemented in METAL39. Study-specific GWAS results as mixture of associated and non-associated SNPs assuming P(DC j associated) 5 1
well as GWAS meta-analysis results were corrected for genomic control using all and P(DC j not associated) 5 0.5. In this formulation, DC 5 R/2 1 S, meaning that
SNPs40. Study-specific Metabochip results as well as Metabochip meta-analysis results S 5 2DC 2 T, in which T equals the total number of SNPs, R equals the number of
were genomic-control-corrected using 4,425 SNPs included on Metabochip for rep- SNPs not associated with BMI, and S equals the number of SNPs associated with
lication of associations with QT-interval, a phenotype not correlated with BMI, after BMI. With DC 5 1,458 and T 5 1,909, we estimate S to be 2DC 2 T 5 23 1,458 2
pruning of SNPs within 500 kb of an anthropometry replication SNP. The final meta- 1,909 5 1,007.
analysis combined the genomic-control-corrected GWAS and Metabochip meta- Joint and conditional multiple SNP association analysis. To identify additional
analysis results. signals in regions of association, we used GCTA19, an approach that uses meta-
Identification of novel loci. We used a distance criterion of 6500 kb surrounding analysis summary statistics and an LD matrix derived from a reference sample, to
each GWS peak (P , 5 3 1028) to define independent loci and to place our results perform approximate joint and conditional SNP association analysis. We used 6,654
in the context of previous studies, including our previous GIANT meta-analyses. Of unrelated individuals of European ancestry from the ARIC cohort as the reference
several locus models tested, this definition most closely reflected the loci defined by sample to approximate conditional P values.
approximate conditional analysis using GCTA (Tables 1 and 2, respectively). Current Manual gene annotation and biological description. All genes within 500 kb of
index SNPs falling within 500 kb of a SNP previously associated with BMI, weight, an index SNP were annotated for molecular function, cellular function, and for
extreme obesity or body fat percentage5,8–11 were considered previously identified. evidence of association with BMI-related traits in human or animal model experi-
Characterization of BMI-associated SNP effects. To investigate potential sources ments (Supplementary Table 22). We used several avenues for annotation, including
of heterogeneity between groups we compared the effect estimates of our 97 GWS Spotter (, SNIPPER (http://csg.sph.
SNPs for men versus women of European ancestry and Europeans versus non-, PubMed (,
Europeans. To address the effects of studies ascertained on a specific disease or phe- OMIM (http:/ and UNIPROT ( When
notype on our results we also compare the effect estimates of European ancestry no genes mapped to this interval the nearest gene on each side of the index SNP
studies of population-based studies with the following European-descent subsets was annotated. In examining possible functions of genes in the region, we excluded
of studies: (1) non-population-based studies (that is, those ascertained on a specific any references to GWAS or other genetic association studies. We analysed 405
disease or phenotype); (2) type 2 diabetes cases; (3) type 2 diabetes controls; (4) com- genes in the 97 GWS loci and manually curated them into 25 biological categories
bined type 2 diabetes cases and controls; (5) CAD cases; (6) CAD controls; and containing more than three genes.
(7) combined CAD cases and controls (Supplementary Tables 10 and 11). We also Functional variants. All variants within 500 kb (HapMap release 22/1000 Genomes
tested for heterogeneity of effect estimates between our European sex-combined CEU) and in LD (r2 . 0.7) with an index SNP were annotated for functional effects
meta-analysis and results from recent GWAS meta-analyses for BMI in individuals based on RefSeq transcripts using Annovar43 (
of African or east Asian ancestry10,41 (Supplementary Table 9). Heterogeneity was annovar/). PhastCon, Grantham, GERP, and PolyPhen44 predictions were accessed
assessed as described previously42. A Bonferroni-corrected P , 5 3 1024 (corrected via the Exome Variant Server45 (, and from SIFT46
for 97 tests) was used to assess significance. For heterogeneity tests assessing effects of ( (Extended Data Table 4).
ascertainment, we also used a 5% FDR threshold to assess significance of hetero- Copy number variations correlated with BMI index SNPs. To study common
geneity statistics (Supplementary Table 11). copy number variations, we used a list of copy number variations well-tagged by
Fine-mapping. We compared the meta-analysis results and credible sets of SNPs SNPs in high LD (r2 . 0.8) with deletions in European populations from phase 1
likely to contain the causal variant, based on the method described previously14, across release of the 1000 Genomes Project47 (Supplementary Table 25).
the European-only, non-European, and all ancestries sex-combined meta-analyses. eQTLs. We examined the cis associations between the 97 GWS SNPs and expression
For each index SNP falling within a Metabochip fine-mapping region (27 for BMI), all of nearby genes in whole blood, lymphocytes, skin, liver, omental fat, subcutaneous
SNPs available within 500 kb on either side of the index SNP were selected. Effect size fat and brain tissue48–55 (Supplementary Table 23). Conditional analyses were per-
estimates and standard errors for each SNP were converted to approximate Bayes’ formed by including both the BMI-associated SNP and the most significant cis-
factors according to the method described previously15. All approximate Bayes’ fac- associated SNP for the given transcript. Conditional analyses were conducted for all
tors were then summed across the 1-megabase (Mb) region and the proportion of data sets, except the brain tissue data set due to limited power. To minimize the
the posterior odds of being the causal variant was calculated for each variant (approx- potential for false-positives, only cis associations below a study-specific FDR of 5%
imate Bayes’ factor for SNPi/sum of approximate Bayes’ factors for the region). The (or 1% for some data sets), in LD with the peak SNP (r2 . 0.7) for the transcript, and
set of SNPs that accounts for 99% of posterior odds of association in the region with conditional P . 0.05 for the peak SNP, are reported (Extended Data Table 2).

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MAGENTA. We used the MAGENTA method to test predefined gene sets for enri- b). For studies reporting greater than 30 significant hits, additional SNP-trait asso-
chment at BMI-associated loci24. We used the GWAS 1 Metabochip data as input ciations were pulled from the literature and compared to BMI index SNPs the same
and applied default settings. as with other GWAS catalogue studies.
GRAIL. We used GRAIL27 to identify genes near BMI-associated loci having sim- ENCODE/Roadmap. To identify global enrichment of data sets at the BMI-assoc-
ilarities in the published scientific text using PubMed abstracts as of December 2006. iated loci we performed permutation-based tests in a subset of 41 open chromatin
The BMI loci were queried against HapMap release 22 for the European panel, and (DNase-seq), histone modification (H3K27ac, H3K4me1, H3K4me3 and H3K9ac),
we controlled for gene size. and transcription factor binding data sets from the ENCODE Consortium22, Road-
DEPICT. We used DEPICT to identify the most likely causal gene at a given associ- map Epigenomics Project23 and when available the ENCODE Integrative Analysis60,72
ated locus, reconstituted gene sets enriched for BMI associations, and tissues and cell (Supplementary Table 19). We processed Roadmap Epigenomics sequencing data
types in which genes from associated loci are highly expressed21. To accomplish this, with multiple biological replicates using MACS2 (ref. 73) and then applied same
the method relies on publicly available gene sets (including molecular pathways) and Irreproducible Discovery Rate pipeline used in the ENCODE Integrative Analysis60,72.
uses gene expression data from 77,840 gene expression arrays75 to predict which Roadmap Epigenomics data with only a single replicate were analysed using MACS2
other genes are likely to be part of these gene sets, thus combining known annota- alone. We examined variants in LD with 97 BMI index SNPs based on r2 . 0.7 from
tions with predicted annotations. For details and negative control analyses please see the 1000 Genomes phase 1 version 2 EUR samples74. We matched the index SNP at
Supplementary Methods. each locus with 500 variants having no evidence of association (P . 0.5, ,1.2 million
We first clumped the European-only GWAS-based meta-analysis summary total variants) with a similar distance to the nearest gene ( 6 11,655 bp), number of
statistics using 500 kb flanking regions, LD r2 . 0.1 and excluded SNPs with variants in LD (68 variants), and minor allele frequency. Using these pools, we
P $ 5 3 1024; which resulted in a list of 590 independent SNPs. HapMap phase created 10,000 sets of control variants for each of the 97 loci and identified variants
II CEU genotype data37 was used to compute LD and genomic coordinates were in LD (r2 . 0.7) and within 1 Mb. For each SNP set, we calculated the number of loci
defined by genome build GRCh38. Because the GWAS meta-analysis was based on with at least one variant located in a regulatory region under the assumption that one
both GWAS and Metabochip studies, there were discrepancies in the index SNPs that regulatory variant is responsible for each association signal. We estimated the P value
are referenced in Table 1 of the paper and the ones used in DEPICT, which was run on assuming a sum of binomial distributions to represent the number of index SNPs (or
the GWAS data only. Therefore we forced in GWS index SNPs from the GWAS plus their LD proxies; r2 . 0.7) that overlap a regulatory data set compared to the expecta-
Metabochip GWA meta-analysis into the DEPICT GWAS-only based analysis. This tion observed in the 500 matched control sets. Data sets were considered significantly
enabled a more straightforward comparison of genes in DEPICT loci and genes in enriched if the P value was below a Bonferroni-corrected threshold of 1.2 3 1023,
GWS loci highlighted by manual lookups, and did not lead to any significant bias adjusting for 41 tests.
towards SNPs on Metabochip (data not shown). We forced in 62 of the GWS loci in
Table 1, so all of the 97 SNPs were among the 590 SNPs. The 590 SNPs were further 37. Frazer, K. A. et al. A second generation human haplotype map of over 3.1 million
merged into 511 non-overlapping regions (FDR , 0.05) used in DEPICT analysis. SNPs. Nature 449, 851–861 (2007).
For additional information on the analysis please refer to Supplementary Methods. 38. Winkler, T. W. et al. Quality control and conduct of genome-wide association meta-
analyses. Nature Protocols 9, 1192–1212 (2014).
Cross-trait analyses. To explore the relationship between BMI and an array of
39. Willer, C. J., Li, Y. & Abecasis, G. R. METAL: fast and efficient meta-analysis of
cardiometabolic traits and diseases, association results for the 97 BMI index SNPs genomewide association scans. Bioinformatics 26, 2190–2191 (2010).
were requested from 13 GWAS meta-analysis consortia: DIAGRAM (type 2 dia- 40. Devlin, B. & Roeder, K. Genomic control for association studies. Biometrics 55,
betes)56, CARDIoGRAM-C4D (CAD)57, ICBP (systolic and diastolic blood pressure 997–1004 (1999).
(SBP, DBP))58, GIANT (waist-to-hip ratio, hip circumference, and waist circumfer- 41. Wen, W. et al. Meta-analysis identifies common variants associated with body mass
ence, each unadjusted and adjusted for BMI)13,59, GLGC (HDL, low density lipopro- index in east Asians. Nature Genet. 44, 307–311 (2012).
tein cholesterol, triglycerides, and total cholesterol)60, MAGIC (fasting glucose, fasting 42. Randall, J. C. et al. Sex-stratified genome-wide association studies including
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arche, age at menopause)67,68, GENIE (diabetic nephropathy)69,70. Proxies (r2 . 0.8 in (2010).
CEU) were used when an index SNP was unavailable. 44. Adzhubei, I. A. et al. A method and server for predicting damaging missense
Enrichment of concordant effects. We compared the effects for the 97 BMI index mutations. Nature Methods 7, 248–249 (2010).
SNP across these related traits using a one-sided binomial test of the number of 45. NHLBI Exome Sequencing Project (ESP), Exome Variant Server; http://
concordant effects versus a null expectation of P 5 0.5. Concordant and nominally 46. Ng, P. C. & Henikoff, S. Predicting deleterious amino acid substitutions. Genome
significant (P , 0.05) SNP effects were similarly tested using a one-sided binomial Res. 11, 863–874 (2001).
test with a null expectation of P 5 0.05. We evaluated significance in either test with a 47. Mills, R. E. et al. Mapping copy number variation by population-scale genome
Bonferroni-corrected threshold of P 5 0.002 (0.05/23 traits tested). sequencing. Nature 470, 59–65 (2011).
Joint effects of cross-trait associations. To determine the joint effect of all 97 BMI 48. Emilsson, V. et al. Genetics of gene expression and its effect on disease. Nature 452,
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from ref. 64 to correlate the effect estimates of the BMI-increasing alleles with effect
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spect to the BMI-increasing allele, for each of the 97 BMI index SNPs in the twenty- 52. Fehrmann, R. S. et al. Trans-eQTLs reveal that independent genetic variants
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Extended Data Figure 1 | Study design. *The SNP counts reflect sample size filter of n $ 50,000. 1Counts represent the primary European sex-combined
analysis. Please see Extended Data Table 1 for counts for secondary analyses.

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Extended Data Figure 2 | Genetic characterization of BMI-associated 1,909 BMI-replication SNPs (blue) and after removing SNPs near the 97
variants. a, Plot of the cumulative phenotypic variance explained by each locus associated loci (green). d, Histogram of cumulative effect of BMI risk alleles.
ordered by decreasing effect size. b, The relationship between effect size and Mean BMI for each bin is shown by the black dots (with standard deviation)
allele frequency. Previously identified loci are blue circles and novel loci are red and corresponds to the right-hand y axis.
triangles. c, Quantile–quantile (Q–Q) plot of meta-analysis P values for all

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a b

Extended Data Figure 3 | Partitioning the variance in and risk prediction correlated due to population stratification. Error bars reflect s.e.m. of estimates.
from SNP-derived predictor. a, b, The analyses were performed using 2,758 c, The prediction R2 shown on the y axis is the squared correlation between
full sibling pairs from the TwinGene cohort (a) and 1,622 pairs from the QIMR phenotype and SNP-based genetic predictor in unrelated individuals from the
cohort (b). The SNP-based predictor was adjusted for the first 20 principal TwinGene (n 5 5,668) and QIMR (n 5 3,953) studies. The number shown in
components. The variance of the SNP-based predictor can be partitioned into each column is the number of SNPs selected from the GCTA joint and
four components (Vg, Ve, Cg and Ce) using the within-family prediction conditional analysis at a range of P-value thresholds. In each case, the predictor
analysis, in which Vg is the variance explained by real SNP effects, Cg is the was adjusted by the first 20 principal components. The column in orange is the
covariance between predictors attributed to the real effects of SNPs that are not average prediction R2 weighted by sample size over the two cohorts. The dashed
in LD but correlated due to population stratification, Ve is the accumulated grey line is the value inferred from the within-family prediction analyses using
variance due to the errors in estimating SNP effects, and Ce is the covariance this equation R2 5 (Vg 1 Cg)2/(Vg 1 Ve 1 Cg 1 Ce).
between predictors attributed to errors in estimating the effects of SNPs that are

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Extended Data Figure 4 | Comparison of BMI-associated index SNPs across (y axes). c, d, Allele frequencies between ancestry groups, as in a and b.
ethnicities. a, b, BMI effects observed in European ancestry individuals e, f, Comparison of the estimates of explained variance. In all plots, novel loci
(x axes) compared to African ancestry (a) or Asian ancestry (b) individuals are in red and previously identified loci are in blue.

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Extended Data Figure 5 | Effects of BMI-associated loci on related direction of effect are highlighted in green, and significant but opposing effects
metabolic traits. Unsupervised hierarchical clustering of the 97 BMI- are in purple. Grey indicates a non-significant relationship and those with no
associated loci (y axis) on 23 related metabolic traits (x axis). The top row shows information are in white. The key in the top left corner also shows the count of
the a priori expected relationship with BMI (green is concordant effect gene–phenotype pairs in each category (cyan bars).
direction, purple is opposite). Loci with statistically significant concordant

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Extended Data Figure 6 | Bubble chart representing the genetic overlap waist-to-hip ratio (WHR), waist-to-hip ratio adjusted for BMI (WHRadjBMI),
across traits at BMI susceptibility loci. Each bubble represents a trait for height, adiponectin, coronary artery disease (CAD), diastolic blood pressure
which association results were requested for the 97 GWS BMI loci. The size of (DBP), systolic blood pressure (SBP), high-density lipoprotein (HDL), low-
the bubble is proportional to the number of BMI-increasing loci with a density lipoprotein (LDL), total cholesterol (TC), triglycerides (TG), type 2
significant association. A line connects each pair of bubbles with thickness diabetes (T2D), fasting glucose (FG), fasting insulin (FI), fasting insulin
proportional to the number of significant loci shared between the traits. Traits adjusted for BMI (FIadjBMI), two-hour glucose (Glu2hr), diabetic
tested include the current study BMI SNPs, African-American BMI (AA BMI), nephropathy (Diab_Neph), age at menopause (AgeMenopause), and age at
hip circumference (HIP), HIP adjusted for BMI (HIPadjBMI), waist menarche (AgeMenarche).
circumference (WC), waist circumference adjusted for BMI (WCadjBMI),

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Extended Data Table 1 | Descriptive characteristics of meta-analyses

* For the GWAS and joint GWAS1Metabochip analyses, SNP count reflects n $ 50,000.

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Extended Data Table 2 | Previously known GWS BMI loci in European meta-analysis

SNP positions are reported according to Build 36 and their alleles are coded based on the positive strand. Effect alleles, allele frequencies, betas (b), s.e.m., sample sizes (n), and P values are based on the
meta-analysis of GWAS I1II1Metabochip association data from the European sex-combined data set.
* Notable genes from biological relevance to obesity (B); GRAIL results (G); BMI-associated variant is in strong LD (r2 $ 0.7) with a missense variant in the indicated gene (M); gene nearest to Index SNP (N);
association and eQTL data converge to affect gene expression (Q); DEPICT analyses (D); copy number variation (C).

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Extended Data Table 3 | Association of the GWS SNPs for BMI with cis-gene expression (cis-eQTLs)

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Extended Data Table 4 | Putative coding variants in LD (r2 $ 0.7) with GWS BMI loci

r2 is the LD between the BMI index SNP and the putative coding variant.

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ARTICLE doi:10.1038/nature14151

Shearing-induced asymmetry in
entorhinal grid cells
Tor Stensola1*, Hanne Stensola1*, May-Britt Moser1 & Edvard I. Moser1

Grid cells are neurons with periodic spatial receptive fields (grids) that tile two-dimensional space in a hexagonal
pattern. To provide useful information about location, grids must be stably anchored to an external reference frame.
The mechanisms underlying this anchoring process have remained elusive. Here we show in differently sized familiar
square enclosures that the axes of the grids are offset from the walls by an angle that minimizes symmetry with the
borders of the environment. This rotational offset is invariably accompanied by an elliptic distortion of the grid pattern.
Reversing the ellipticity analytically by a shearing transformation removes the angular offset. This, together with the
near-absence of rotation in novel environments, suggests that the rotation emerges through non-coaxial strain as a
function of experience. The systematic relationship between rotation and distortion of the grid pattern points to shear
forces arising from anchoring to specific geometric reference points as key elements of the mechanism for alignment of
grid patterns to the external world.

Grid cells of the mammalian medial entorhinal cortex (MEC) are part grid orientations clustered around the east–west axis and 60u multiples
of a neural metric for self-localization that is independent of contextual of this axis (Fig. 1a–c, mean 6 s.e.m. grid orientation averaged across
details1–5. Grid patterns are thought to arise not by direct extraction of the three main grid axes: 21.91 6 0.24u). Clustering around these axes
features from sensory inputs, but by local network dynamics within the was observed for all grid modules in all animals (Fig. 1b, c and Extended
entorhinal cortex itself5–11. The coherent response of ensembles of grid Data Figs 2 and 3). A Rayleigh test confirmed that mean grid orienta-
cells following experimental interventions4,11,12, and the modular orga- tion, averaged across grid axes, was highly non-uniform (Z 5 405, P 5
nization of the grid cells12,13, point to a neural architecture in which grid 2.2 3 102226, distribution multiplied by 6 to achieve 360u).
patterns emerge by competitive interactions between interconnected However, although the orientation of the grid pattern distributed
groups of neurons and move across the network in accordance with symmetrically around the east–west axis, closer inspection suggested
the animal’s trajectory in the outside world5–11. that most grid cells were offset by a few degrees in either direction from
For grid cells to be effective as an internal representation of the ani- the cardinal axis (Fig. 1c, d). To quantify the offset, we identified for
mal’s location, the grid pattern must be anchored consistently to an each grid axis (Ax1–Ax3) in each cell the wall that had the smallest an-
external reference frame provided by stationary sensory cues2,12,13. Grid gular deviation from that axis (denoted WN1–N3). We then selected the
patterns may be anchored at multiple locations and to multiple refer- minimal value Amin among the three angles (Extended Data Fig. 1a).
ence frames, as suggested by the observation that the grid pattern frag- The distribution of Amin across the cell population had a sharp unim-
ments into a mosaic of local sub-grids in environments with multiple odal peak centred at 7.40u (mean absolute value 6 s.e.m.: 7.15 6 0.15u;
compartments14. However, how the grid pattern is stabilized by specific Fig. 1d), not far off from the 7.5u offset that would have minimized sym-
features of the environment is poorly understood. To address the mech- metry or overlap with the cardinal and diagonal axes of the environment
anisms of the anchoring process, we determined the orientation and (Fig. 1e, f). For the vast majority of grid cells in the 1.5 m environment
shape of the grid for a sample of 807 grid cells collected in familiar large (575/587 cells), Amin was defined by the east–west axis (average positive
square open-field environments12. Grid orientation could be deter- offset: 7.48 6 0.17u, n 5 362; negative offset: 6.11 6 0.22u, n 5 213). Very
mined accurately because 80% of these cells (469/587 cells) had 6 or few data points distributed near 0u and 15u, the two orientations that
more grid fields. Square recording environments were chosen because overlapped with the symmetry axes of the box (Fig. 1e, f; Extended Data
they contain axes of symmetry that are distinct from the symmetry Fig. 1b). The distribution of Amin was highly non-uniform (Rayleigh test,
axes of the grid pattern and so might be suitable for inferring solutions Z 5 62.5, P 5 1.4 3 10228).
to the alignment problem. Amin was similar between cells that belonged to the same grid mod-
ule, but the direction often differed across modules (Extended Data
Grid orientation reflects boundaries Fig. 4). Positive and negative offsets distributed across animals with
The orientation of the grid axes did not distribute randomly across nearly equal probability (7/18 modules had positive offsets). In animals
modules and animals. In each module of grid cells from each animal, with data from $ 2 modules, the offset directions appeared to be drawn
the orientation of the grid axes clustered around the cardinal axes of independently (35% of module pairs within animals had different off-
the environment, defined by the north–south and east–west walls of the set directions; P 5 0.26, binomial test), suggesting that grid orientation
test box, confirming previous work showing that axes of the grid pat- is determined within modules and not globally as a function of behaviour.
tern tend to align with the walls in a square environment15. The rotational offset differed between the three grid axes. For a per-
The majority of data were recorded in a 1.5 m wide square enclosure fectly hexagonal grid, as a result of sixfold symmetry, a 7.5u offset in
(7 data sets, 6 rats, 587 grid cells, 18 grid modules). In this environment, axis 1 should result in distributions around 22.5u from WN2 and 37.5u
Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience and Centre for Neural Computation, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Olav Kyrres gate 9, 7491 Trondheim, Norway.
*These authors contributed equally to this work.

1 2 F E B R U A RY 2 0 1 5 | VO L 5 1 8 | N AT U R E | 2 0 7
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1.5 m × 1.5 m environment Ax3 Ax1 Ax2 Figure 1 | Grid alignment in a 1.5 m square
0 13.5 27 Hz 0 9.5 19 Hz c 150 environment. a, Colour-coded firing-rate maps
Rat: 14147 Rat: 15708
(top) and spatial autocorrelograms (bottom) for

representative grid cells from two animals in the
1.5 m square. Innermost hexagon of vertices is

Cell: T4C4
Cell: T6C5

indicated. b, Polar scatterplot showing distribution
−90 −60 −30 0 30 60 90 of grid orientation and grid spacing for 587
Grid orientation (deg)
grid cells in the 1.5 m box. For each cell, the location
d Mean/median
offset: 7.2/7.2°; s.d.: 3.5°
e Angular offset from nearest wall of the 6 innermost fields in the spatial
0° 7.5° 15° autocorrelogram is shown (6 dots per cell; distance
from the centre is proportional to grid scale;


Axis nearest


80 wall box cardinal axes in solid orange (north–south)

60 7.5° and solid green (east–west); dashed coloured lines
40 show 60u offsets from cardinal axes). c, Frequency
20 distributions showing clustering of data in
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
b around 60u multiples of east–west orientation.
Angle from wall (deg) Axis 1 is east–west. d, Distribution of orientation
b Data sets: 7; grid cells: 587
–1 –0.5 0 0.5 1
f g for grid axis with smallest offset from box walls
150 200
Ax1 Ax2 Ax3 (axis 1, Amin). Red line indicates orientation that
Mean field distance

Ax2 0.2
Ax3 150 would provide minimal symmetry (7.5u, Fig. 1e, f).


e, Top, schematic showing expected offsets for
individual grid axes of a perfectly hexagonal grid at
50 different degrees of rotation. Bottom, overlap
Ax1 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
0 between symmetry axes of box and grid at these
0 10 20 30 40
Distance (cm)

Grid orientation (deg) Angular offset from nearest wall (deg) rotations. Red lines show common symmetry axes.
f, Minimal distance between field locations in a
h 7.9° (7.9°) 4.4° (25.6°) 2.6° (32.6°)
hexagonal grid and in the same pattern reflected
–50 around the cardinal or diagonal axes of the box,
estimated for grid orientations in 0.5u steps.


–100 g, Distribution of angular offsets from the nearest

50 wall axis WN for each grid axis. h, Distributions
of angular offset from WN or 60u multiples of
–150 0
–150 –100 –50 0 50 100 150
0 10 20 0 10 20 0 10 20 this orientation. Peak angular offsets from nearest
Distance (cm) Offset from 60º multiple of parallel configuration (deg) 60u multiple are indicated. Offset from respective
WN in brackets.

from WN3 for axis 2 and 3, respectively (Fig. 1g, h; Extended Data Fig. 1b). The close link between deformation and rotation of the grid pattern
However, in the data, the greater the angle between a grid axis and the led us to hypothesize that elliptification of the grid reflects shearing along
corresponding WN, the smaller was the deviation from the nearest 60u either of the box axes and that, through non-coaxial rotation, such de-
multiple of the parallel solution (Amin 5 0u) (Fig. 1h, Extended Data formations underlie the consistent angular offset of the grid axes (Fig. 2c).
Fig. 1d–g). As a consequence of the distinct rotations, the hexagonal We tested these hypotheses by applying simple shear transformations
symmetry of the grid pattern was perturbed. In most cells the inner 6 to all grid patterns, with shear axes parallel to the box axes, in the re-
fields of the spatial autocorrelogram formed an ellipse rather than a cir- verse direction of the transform that might have caused the rotation in
cle12 (Fig. 2a, b; Extended Data Fig. 5). A similar deformation of the grid the first place (Fig. 2d). For each cell, we determined the shear para-
pattern has been observed under other experimental circumstances12,13,16. meter that reversed grid ellipticity to a minimum along either cardinal
Grid rotation reflects shearing The effects were direction-dependent. Shearing along the north–south
In continuum mechanics, shearing is a deformation where points on a axis, orthogonal to the alignment axis (east–west), reduced ellipticity
plane are shifted along the shear axis with a displacement propor- from 1.17 6 0.004 to 1.06 6 0.009 (means 6 s.e.m.). The angular offset
tional to the distance from the shear axis17 (Fig. 2c). Distances between of the grid pattern was completely abolished by this transform (Fig. 2d, e).
points that are perpendicular to the shear axis remain constant. The After shearing, orientations distributed unimodally around the east–west
shear transform is described for two dimensions by: axis, with almost no offset (peak for Amin at 20.9u, s.d.: 6.6u; Amin before
   versus after shearing: Z 5 10.7, P 5 7.4 3 10227, Wilcoxon rank sum
1 c1 x
f ðx,yÞ~ test). There was a strong correlation between the angular offset of the
c2 1 y grid and the optimal shear parameter c, that is, the force used to min-
or, with algebraic notation: imize ellipticity in the grid (Fig. 2f; r 5 20.60, P 5 1.04 3 10258; c versus
  absolute angular offset: r 5 0.16, P 5 5.34 3 1024). Mere compression
xzc1 y
f ðx,yÞ~ towards the diagonal could not reproduce the relationship between
yzc2 x deformation and offset (Extended Data Fig. 6). Shearing in the east–
where c1 is the shear parameter along the y axis, c2 the shear parameter west direction, parallel to the alignment axis, did not reduce the offset
along the x axis, and x and y are row vectors of initial coordinates of of the grid, despite similar attenuation of the ellipticity (Fig. 2e; Z 5
points in the plane. For simple shearing, only one of the shear para- 0.44, P 5 0.66; ellipticity 6 s.e.m.: 1.06 6 0.009). Grid axes with a smal-
meters has a non-zero value. When the points that are deformed by ler deviation from the shear axis showed less rotation (Fig. 1g, h; Ex-
simple shearing lie on a circle, the circle becomes elliptical (with the tended Data Fig. 1d–g). These observations would all be expected if the
resulting ellipse referred to as the strain ellipse). This deformation is grid axes exhibit shearing-induced non-coaxial rotation, proportional
accompanied by non-coaxial rotation of axes in this circle, proportional to their angular distance from the shear axis.
to the angular distance from the shear axis. Forces that act on a plane to Finally, we tested, in a different set of rats, whether shearing devel-
produce simple shearing can be deduced from the ellipticity and ori- oped with experience, as hypothesized. We found that when rats ex-
entation (the semi-major and semi-minor axes) of the strain ellipse. plored a square box for the first time, the grid was only minimally
2 0 8 | N AT U R E | VO L 5 1 8 | 1 2 F E B R U A RY 2 0 1 5
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a b 7 data sets, 587 grid cells c d

Rat: 14147 Figure 2 | Relationship between orientation and
Spatial autocorrelogram
deformation of grid patterns. a, Autocorrelogram

Module 1
showing ellipse fit to inner hexagon of firing
fields of an example cell, with semi-major and
* 0.75 1.0
Simple shearing
semi-minor axes indicated as a and b. b, Polar
scatterplot showing eccentricity and orientation of
* ellipse fits for each cell in a sample of 587 grid cells

Module 4
in the 1.5 m environment (two dots per cell, as
indicated with asterisks in a). c, Schematic showing
deformation and non-coaxial rotation before and
e 1 0 after simple shearing. Amplitude and direction
Cell: 163145_T3C6 7.5° offset Ax3 Ax1 Ax2
Original of shear forces are indicated by arrows (bottom
100 * left). Bottom right, orientation of strain ellipse

* (orange line) and effect on grid orientation (purple
axes). d, Schematic showing reversal of grid
0 orientation in two example ellipses (modules M1
–80 –60 –40 –20 0 20 40 60 80
0° offset
and M4) following shearing in the indicated
Shear Y 100
direction. Minimizing ellipticity by reverse north–
* south shearing is accompanied by re-alignment

50 of grid axes. e, Left, spike maps (trajectories with

spikes) and autocorrelograms showing grid
–80 –60 –40 –20 0 20 40 60 80
orientation for an example cell (module M1) before
and after reverse shearing along each cardinal
~7.5° offset
Shear X 100 axis. Amin is indicated by red lines. Right,

distribution of orientation for each grid axis

50 following minimization of ellipticity by reverse
shearing. Note disappearance of 7.5u orientation
0 peaks (asterisks) only following north–south
–80 –60 –40 –20 0 20 40 60 80
20 cm Grid orientation (deg) shearing. f, Scatterplot showing strong correlation
f y = – 0.009*x – 0.002 g between angular offset (Amin before shearing)
0.3 r = 0.60 Familiar Novel Familiar h 20 and optimal shear parameter, that is, amount of
0.2 * shearing required to minimize ellipticity.
Optimal shear


Offset (deg)

0.1 g, Autocorrelation maps for a representative grid

0 10
cell from trials in familiar and novel boxes (from
5 left to right: first trial familiar, novel, second
trial familiar). Red lines indicate Amin. h, Mean
–20 –10 0 10 20 orientation offset (6 s.e.m.) for cells recorded in
Original grid orientation (deg) Fam. Nov. both environments. *P , 0.05.

offset from the wall (Fig. 2g, h; Extended Data Fig. 7; 20 cells, median we again sheared each grid pattern along either of the box axes. Separate
Amin of 2.7u). Amin was significantly larger when the same animals ex- analyses were performed for cells that aligned to the north–south and
plored a familiar square (median of 9.8u, 13 cells, all recorded also in east–west axes. Simple single-axis shearing reduced grid ellipticity
the novel box, Wilcoxon rank sum test: Z 5 2.12, P , 0.05), suggest- to a similar extent as in the smaller environment (from 1.17 6 0.007
ing that when an animal encounters an environment for the first time, to 1.06 6 0.007) but the angular offset of the grid (Amin) was not fully
one of the grid axes is aligned to one of the walls and, over time, shear- eliminated, even when the shear axis was orthogonal to the alignment
ing causes the axes to rotate away in an orientation-dependent manner. axis (mean offset 6 s.e.m. from 7.4 6 0.02u to 4.9 6 0.02u; Z 5 6.4,
P 5 1.6 3 10210, Wilcoxon rank sum test; Fig. 3f; Extended Data
Shear forces may operate interactively Fig. 9a, b). The offset was not reduced when the shear axis was parallel
In large environments, the ability of the grid map to maintain accurate to the alignment axis (mean 6 s.e.m. after shearing: 8.6 6 0.02u).
spatial representations may be jeopardised by the increased distance The fact that shearing only partly removed the angular offset raises
between salient geometric features. To address this possibility, we ana- the possibility that anchoring was maintained also by forces from the
lysed grid orientation and deformation in 220 cells (13 modules, 5 rats) orthogonal wall. Indeed, the rotational offset of the 3 grid axes in the
from a 2.2 m wide square box, with a surface area more than twice that 2.2 m box did not match predictions from single axis shearing but fit
of the 1.5 m environment. In this environment, the cells clustered around well with added shearing from the second wall (Fig. 3f, g, Extended Data
both cardinal axes (Fig. 3a–c; Rayleigh test, Z 5 18.9, P 5 4.4 3 1029). Figs 5h and 9c–e). When shearing from 2 axes was applied simulta-
As in the 1.5 m box, Amin was not far off from 7.5u (Fig. 3d; mean of neously across a range of shear parameter values, unique solutions could
7.37u; Extended Data Figs 1h and 4). Only a few cells had offsets near be found that minimized ellipticity to a much better extent than in the
0u or 15u. A small cell sample was also tested in a large circular envir- one-axis scenario, with complete reversal of the angular offset in cases
onment (2.0 m diameter; Extended Data Fig. 8). Here grid orientation where the grid was anchored to diagonally opposite corners (Fig. 3h;
was more distributed, as expected in the absence of unique reference Extended Data Figs 7 and 10).
We asked if grids in the 2.2 m box underwent shearing-induced de- Shear forces may operate locally
formation in the same way as in the smaller environment, and if grid Consistent with the idea that grids anchor locally, some grid modules
orientation offsets still could be eliminated by reverse shearing. Grid had orientations in the 2.2 m box that changed gradually (Fig. 4a, c) or
cells were as elliptical as in the smaller environment (mean 6 s.e.m. discretely (Fig. 4b, d) across the arena. In cells with heterogeneous an-
ellipticity: 1.17 6 0.007), but the distribution of ellipse orientations was choring patterns, the angular offsets of fragments of the grid, but not
less clustered (Fig. 3e, Extended Data Fig. 5d–g; Rayleigh test: Z 5 2.97, the global orientation, remained close to 7.5u (Fig. 4c, d). Simple com-
P 5 0.05), suggesting that, in the large box, the deformation might not be binations of shear-like forces from particular walls could reproduce the
ascribed to shearing along a single cardinal axis. To test this possibility, graded and fragmented patterns in simulated grids, with orientation
1 2 F E B R U A RY 2 0 1 5 | VO L 5 1 8 | N AT U R E | 2 0 9
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a 2.2 m × 2.2 m environment d e Figure 3 | Grid alignment in a 2.2 m square

0 2 4 Hz 0 3 6 Hz Mean/median
Rat: 15444 Rat: 14257 offset: 7.4/7.4 environment. a, Rate maps and spatial
s.d.: 4.2 autocorrelograms for representative grid cells from
30 the 2.2 m square. Symbols as in Fig. 1a. b, Polar

scatterplot showing distribution of grid orientation
Cell: T8C1

Cell: T3C1
0.75 1.0 and grid spacing for 220 grid cells in the 2.2 m box.
10 c, Frequency distributions showing clustering
7.5° around 60u multiples of the two cardinal axes.
0 5 10 15 20 25 d, Distribution of Amin, as in Fig. 1d. e, Polar
Angle from wall (deg)
scatterplot showing distribution of ellipse fits as in
f 60
Fig. 2b. f, Distributions of grid orientations

Original 7.37

40 following minimization of ellipticity by shearing
20 along either cardinal axis. Axis distributions as in
0.5 0
0 10 20 30 40
Fig. 1g. Cells aligned to the east–west walls were
Shear Y 60 4.22 first rotated 90u. g, Frequency distributions

showing, for each grid axis, the angular offset from

–1 40
b Data sets: 5; grid cells: 220
the nearest 60u multiple of the cardinal axes (as in
Fig. 1h). Distribution means and s.d. are indicated.
Shear X
0 10 20 30 40 Red lines show the predicted offsets following
150 60 8.40 simple shearing orthogonal to the alignment axis

40 until Amin is 7.5u. Note systematic deviations in
20 axis 2 and axis 3, suggesting shearing from a second
Distance (cm)

50 0 wall had taken place. h, Histogram of angular

0 10 20 30 40
Angular offset from
offsets after two forms of two-axis shearing (all data
nearest wall (deg) from 2.2 m box). Black bars show data; grey bars
g Mean ± s.d.:
7.35 ± 0.28 5.71 ± 0.24 6.13 ± 0.25
show reflections around 0u. For each grid, we
50 Ax1 60 Ax2 60 Ax3 explored two-axis shear parameter space and
40 determined the unique solution for minimal

30 40 40 ellipticity. Left, original distribution of grid offset.

20 20 20 Middle, distribution after two-axis standard
–200 10 shearing. Right, distribution after shearing with
0 0 0
–200 –100 0 100 200 0 10 20 0 10 20 0 10 20 anchoring to each of two diagonally opposite
Distance (cm) Offset from 60º multiple (deg) corners (Extended Data Figs 7 and 10).
c 60 h Original 2-axis shearing 2-axis c-shearing


40 40
20 20
0 0
–90 –60 –30 0 30 60 90 −15 0 15 −15 0 15 −15 0 15
Grid orientation (deg) Offset (deg) Offset (deg) Offset (deg)

offsets and ellipse orientations that matched observed values (Fig. 4c, d; low variation in the distribution of ellipse orientation (Fig. 4l). For every
Extended Data Fig. 9d, e). This suggests that the same forces operate on single animal, this corner segment was where the animal was released
locally anchored grid segments as on grids with uniform global geometry. into the box, raising the possibility that anchoring is determined by the
In order to evaluate the extent of geometric heterogeneity in the grid animal’s initial experience.
pattern following local alignment, we estimated deformation and ori-
entation of grid cells in each quadrant of the 1.5 m and 2.2 m environ- Discussion
ments (Fig. 4e). The difference in grid properties across quadrants was The findings provide evidence for a mechanism by which geometric
determined by calculating the product of all pairwise correlations between features of the environment cause local rotation and deformation of the
module-specific autocorrelograms made for each quadrant (Fig. 4e–h hexagonal firing patterns of grid cells. Previous work has suggested that
and Extended Data Fig. 9f). In the 1.5 m enclosure, this product was grid cells are oriented with one axis more or less parallel to one of the
large (Fig. 4f; median 6 s.d.: 0.81 6 0.11, 9 modules, 3 animals), indi- walls in a square environment15. Our findings confirm this observation
cating consistent global alignment. In the 2.2 m enclosure, the product but show that within the scatter of grid orientations there is a limited
was significantly lower (Fig. 4g, h; median 6 s.d.: 0.60 6 0.21, 8 modules, number of orientation solutions, each corresponding to an average off-
2 animals; Wilcoxon rank sum test, rank sum: 105, P 5 0.02), suggest- set of ,7.5u in either direction from either wall of the environment. We
ing that grid patterns were less uniformly anchored. show that the rotation of the grid axes is accompanied by elliptic de-
To determine if alignment to borders is distance-dependent, we formation of the grid pattern, raising the possibility that rotation and
finally asked whether deformation of the grid pattern is stronger near deformation are part of a single process.
walls and corners than in central parts of the box. We divided the data In the small environment, the orientation offset could be comple-
from the 2.2 m box into 9 (3 3 3) sub-divisions (Fig. 4i). Grid orienta- tely and selectively abolished by non-coaxial rotation through a sim-
tion and grid deformation were then estimated for each grid module ple shear transform that minimized distortion (ellipticity) of the grid
with 6 or more detectable fields in each sub-division. The central bin of pattern specifically along one of the wall axes, in the reverse direction
the 2.2 m box showed significantly higher grid scores across modules of the rotation that developed as animals got familiar with the envi-
and animals than the corner bins (Fig. 4j; Kruskal–Wallis ANOVA: ronment. In the large environment, the grid pattern aligned interac-
H 5 6.6, d.f. 5 2, P , 0.05, Tukey post-hoc test). The decrease in rota- tively and in a distance-dependent manner to several walls. However,
tional symmetry at the corners was accompanied by a significant in- minimization of ellipticity by a two-axis shearing transform abolished
crease in ellipticity in these bins compared to the central bin (Fig. 4k; the offset. The findings suggest that the rotational offset of the grid
H 5 7.99, d.f. 5 2, P , 0.05), suggesting that distortions increase with pattern is a consequence of shearing forces determined by the sym-
proximity to the corners. One particular corner showed a remarkably metry axes of the environment, and that, for a specific axis of the grid,
2 1 0 | N AT U R E | VO L 5 1 8 | 1 2 F E B R U A RY 2 0 1 5
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a Mean grid orientation: 1° c 1

e Figure 4 | Grids can have multiple alignment
solutions. a, b, Spike and rate maps for two grid
Cell: 30080901T8C2

cells in the 2.2 m box. Left, spikes (black)

superimposed on trajectory (grey). Right,
corresponding brightness-coded rate maps (white
2 is maximum). Coloured lines illustrate change of
orientation. c, d, Top left panels, summary of
change in Amin across the test arena. Symmetry
Avg rate:
t 5HHz P
k rate:
t 27 H
Hz axes are shown as dashed black lines. Top right
b Mean grid orientation: –20°
d panels, square lattices after shear-like interactions
n from two walls (black lines with arrows).
Cell: 04041101T8C1

1 n
∑ Anchoring points are shown by red dots. Bottom
panels, grid axes and ellipses calculated from
patterns in top right panels before (left) and after
(right) shearing to minimize ellipticity. Asterisk,
* * Average module autocorrelogram offset is still present. e, Stack of spatial
Avg rate: 1 Hz Peak rate: 7 Hz autocorrelograms made from box quadrants
(Extended Data Fig. 9f; rat: 15444, module M2).
f 1.5 m box; rat: 14147 M2 Quadrant g 2.2 m box; rat: 15444 M1
Quadrant h 1
cross-correlation r
cross-correlation r
1.00 n=8 f, g, Colour-coded mean autocorrelograms for each
1 1
quadrant, using maps from all grid cells in a



Crosscorrelation product
2 2
0.85 module (as in e) in one data set from the 1.5 m
box (f) or the 2.2 m box (g). Ellipse fits (black),
1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4
Quadrant Quadrant 0.4
semimajor axis (white), and grid axes (orange) are
indicated. Top right, brightness-coded matrices
0.2 showing cross-correlation of autocorrelograms
for all combinations of quadrants. Bottom
1.5 m 2.2 m right, superimposed grid axes from all 4
i 2.2 m box; rat: 13388, M2 j Gridness k Ellipticity l Ellipse tilt
Box autocorrelograms. h, Product of all pairwise
crosscorrelations for individual experiments
Gridness score


0.5 (circles). i, Mean autocorrelograms for each of

0.4 3 3 3 subdivisions of the 2.2 m environment, with
0.3 maps constructed as in e. Ellipses and Amin were
* * fitted as in f, g. j, Gridness scores for individual
1 2.2
subdivisions across data sets. Top, brightness-
Gridness score

coded matrix showing mean gridness for each bin.
1.6 Bottom, boxplot of gridness scores for the 4 corner
1.4 bins (Qc), the 4 remaining wall bins (Wc), and
0.2 1.2 the single centre bin (Mc). *P , 0.05. k, Same as in
0 1
j, but for grid ellipticity. *P , 0.05. l, Distribution
of ellipse orientation (grey lines) across
subdivisions. Dashed black lines indicate circular
mean orientations; blue areas show circular s.d.

the angular rotation depends directly on the angular deviation from in place cells and grid cells12,19,20,22–24, but take these insights further by
the shear axis. introducing a mechanism by which forces from the borders align grids
How shearing is implemented in the entorhinal microcircuit has not to the environment in a way that may optimize the uniqueness of geo-
yet been established. Shearing may begin when grid fields are anchored metrically comparable places.
by associative plasticity to features of the boundaries, such as corners, Online Content Methods, along with any additional Extended Data display items
during the animal’s first exposure to the environment and this initial and Source Data, are available in the online version of the paper; references unique
anchoring is followed on subsequent sessions by shrinkage of the grid to these sections appear only in the online paper.
pattern13,18. With gradual compression and maintained anchoring, the
end result is a deformation of the grid, accompanied by rotation of those Received 17 July; accepted 11 December 2014.
grid axes that have a strong offset from the shear axis. A related pos- 1. Fyhn, M., Molden, S., Witter, M. P., Moser, E. I. & Moser, M.-B. Spatial representation
sibility is that grid cells are subject to continuous repulsion from the in the entorhinal cortex. Science 305, 1258–1264 (2004).
boundaries of the environment15. The rotational offset of the grid speaks 2. Hafting, T., Fyhn, M., Molden, S., Moser, M.-B. & Moser, E. I. Microstructure of a
spatial map in the entorhinal cortex. Nature 436, 801–806 (2005).
against a uniform repulsion, but repulsive forces from the walls may 3. Sargolini, F. et al. Conjunctive representation of position, direction, and velocity in
lead to shearing of the grid pattern if the grid is initially anchored to one entorhinal cortex. Science 312, 758–762 (2006).
or a few reference positions only. Possible mediators of such repulsive 4. Fyhn, M., Hafting, T., Treves, A., Moser, M.-B. & Moser, E. I. Hippocampal remapping
and grid realignment in entorhinal cortex. Nature 446, 190–194 (2007).
effects include entorhinal ‘border cells’, whose firing fields line up in 5. Moser, E. I. et al. Grid cells and cortical representation. Nature Rev. Neurosci. 15,
parallel with the walls and the corners of the environment19,20. 466–481 (2014).
The stabilization of grid orientation at a similar solution of 7.5u in 6. Fuhs, M. C. & Touretzky, D. S. A spin glass model of path integration in rat medial
entorhinal cortex. J. Neurosci. 26, 4266–4276 (2006).
nearly all animals raises the possibility that this orientation confers a 7. McNaughton, B. L., Battaglia, F. P., Jensen, O., Moser, E. I. & Moser, M.-B. Path
functional advantage. This particular rotation minimizes symmetry integration and the neural basis of the ‘cognitive map’. Nature Rev. Neurosci. 7,
between the grid pattern and the geometry of the environment. In tan- 663–678 (2006).
8. Burak, Y. & Fiete, I. R. Accurate path integration in continuous attractor network
dem with the deformation of the grid, the rotation may increase differ- models of grid cells. PLOS Comput. Biol. 5, e1000291 (2009).
ences between activity patterns at geometrically equivalent locations 9. Couey, J. J. et al. Recurrent inhibitory circuitry as a mechanism for grid formation.
and thereby reduce the frequency of errors in self-localization, such as Nature Neurosci. 16, 318–324 (2013).
the confounding of diagonally opposite corners in rectangular boxes21. 10. Pastoll, H., Solanka, L., van Rossum, M. C. & Nolan, M. F. Feedback inhibition
enables h-nested c oscillations and grid firing fields. Neuron 77, 141–154 (2013).
The observations are consistent with a broad literature pointing to en- 11. Yoon, K. et al. Specific evidence of low-dimensional continuous attractor dynamics
vironmental symmetry axes as major determinants of firing locations in grid cells. Nature Neurosci. 16, 1077–1084 (2013).

1 2 F E B R U A RY 2 0 1 5 | VO L 5 1 8 | N AT U R E | 2 1 1
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12. Stensola, H. et al. The entorhinal grid map is discretized. Nature 492, 72–78 23. Barry, C. et al. The boundary vector cell model of place cell firing and spatial
(2012). memory. Rev. Neurosci. 17, 71–97 (2006).
13. Barry, C., Hayman, R., Burgess, N. & Jeffery, K. J. Experience-dependent rescaling 24. Lever, C., Burton, S., Jeewajee, A., O’Keefe, J. & Burgess, N. Boundary vector
of entorhinal grids. Nature Neurosci. 10, 682–684 (2007). cells in the subiculum of the hippocampal formation. J. Neurosci. 29, 9771–9777
14. Derdikman, D. et al. Fragmentation of grid cell maps in a multicompartment (2009).
environment. Nature Neurosci. 12, 1325–1332 (2009).
15. Krupic, J., Bauza, M., Burton, S., Lever, C. & O’Keefe, J. How environment geometry Acknowledgements We thank M. Mørreaunet, T. Solstad, B. Dunn, Y. Roudi, A. Treves
affects grid cell symmetry and what we can learn from it. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. B and A. Witoelar for discussions. The work was supported by two Advanced Investigator
369, 20130188 (2014). Grants from the European Research Council (‘CIRCUIT’, grant agreement number
16. Krupic, J., Burgess, N. & O’Keefe, J. Neural representations of location composed of 232608; ‘GRIDCODE’, grant agreement number 338865), the European
spatially periodic bands. Science 337, 853–857 (2012). Commission’s FP7 FET Proactive programme on Neuro-Bio-Inspired Systems (grant
17. Mase, G. Continuum Mechanics 44–53 (McGraw-Hill Professional, 1970). agreement 600725), the Kavli Foundation, the Louis-Jeantet Prize for Medicine, and
18. Barry, C., Ginzberg, L. L., O’Keefe, J. & Burgess, N. Grid cell firing patterns signal the Centre of Excellence funding scheme of the Research Council of Norway (Centre for
environmental novelty by expansion. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 109, 17687–17692 the Biology of Memory, grant number 145993; Centre for Neural Computation, grant
(2012). number 223262).
19. Solstad, T., Boccara, C. N., Kropff, E., Moser, M. B. & Moser, E. I. Representation of Author Contributions T.S., H.S., M.-B.M. and E.I.M. planned experiments and analyses,
geometric borders in the entorhinal cortex. Science 322, 1865–1868 (2008). H.S. collected data, T.S. performed analyses, and T.S. and E.I.M. wrote the paper, with
20. Savelli, F., Yoganarasimha, D. & Knierim, J. J. Influence of boundary removal on the inputs from the other authors.
spatial representations of the medial entorhinal cortex. Hippocampus 18,
1270–1282 (2008). Author Information Reprints and permissions information is available at
21. Cheng, K. A purely geometric module in the rat’s spatial representation. Cognition The authors declare no competing financial interests.
23, 149–178 (1986). Readers are welcome to comment on the online version of the paper. Correspondence
22. O’Keefe, J. & Burgess, N. Geometric determinants of the place fields of and requests for materials should be addressed to T.S. ( or
hippocampal neurons. Nature 381, 425–428 (1996). E.I.M. (

2 1 2 | N AT U R E | VO L 5 1 8 | 1 2 F E B R U A RY 2 0 1 5
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METHODS covered by the animal. Stable grid patterns could be seen from the beginning in the
Source of data and definition of grid cells. The data are taken from two previous novel box (mean gridness 6 s.e.m. for the entire trial: 0.88 6 0.14; familiar box:
publications from our laboratory in which alignment of the grid pattern was not 0.91 6 0.09; 95th percentile of shuffled distribution: 0.20).
addressed2,12. The 807 cells recorded in familiar square boxes were obtained from Behavioural procedures. The rats were kept at ,90% of their free-feeding body
ref. 12; the 23 cells recorded in novel square boxes or circular boxes were taken weight and food deprived 12–18 h before each training or recording session. Dur-
from ref. 2. Grid cells were defined as cells with rotational symmetry scores (‘grid ing the 2–3 weeks between surgery and testing, the animals were trained to collect
score’) exceeding the 95th percentile of a shuffled distribution, and modules of grid randomly scattered vanilla or chocolate biscuit crumbs in either of two sets of en-
cells were identified by a k-means clustering procedure12. Mean grid score ( 6 s.e.m.) vironments. Rats from ref. 12 were trained in 1.5 m 3 1.5 m or 2.2 m 3 2.2 m square
was 0.96 6 0.009 (95th percentile chance level: 0.20). The data were recorded across black 0.5 m high boxes with black floor mats and black walls. Rats in ref. 2 were
a wide area of dorsomedial MEC and contained a range of grid scales, with grid trained in 1.0 m 3 1.0 m square boxes or 2.0 m wide circular boxes, all black and all
spacing spanning from 35 to 172 cm (mean range of grid spacing per animal 6 s.e.m.: with 0.5 m high walls. Abundant visual cues were available external to each record-
58.1 6 33.8 cm). ing box (Extended Data Fig. 1). The 100 cm wide squares were presented in both novel
Subjects. Neural activity was recorded in 23 male Long Evans rats that were 3–5 and familiar recording rooms, using an ABA design (familiar—novel—familiar).
months old (350–450 g) at the time of implantation (12 from ref. 12; 11 from ref. 2). Different rooms were used for the 1.5 m and 2.2 m boxes. In all rooms, the boxes
In 5 of the rats from ref. 12, and in all rats from ref. 2, the tetrodes were implanted were placed at the back end of the room, with the recording system and experi-
near-tangentially to the MEC surface. The remaining 7 rats had multisite implants menter at the front end, near the door. In ref. 12, a straight separation wall (1.5 m
of vertically oriented tetrodes that collectively covered a large part of the MEC. box) or a separation curtain with an opening (2.2 m box), was placed between the
After surgery, the rats were housed individually in large Plexiglas cages (45 3 44 box and the experimenter. No separation was used in the 1.0 m square or in the cir-
3 30 cm) in a humidity and temperature-controlled environment. They were kept cle. Recordings in the largest box lasted 30 min or occasionally more; in the 1.5 m
on a 12 h light/12 h dark schedule. All testing occurred during the dark phase. The box, the minimum duration was 15 min. Recordings in the 1.0 m box lasted 10 min
experiments were performed in accordance with the Norwegian Animal Welfare or more; in the circle, trials were 20 min. Floor mats were always washed between
Act and the European Convention for the Protection of Vertebrate Animals used trials. Before and between trials, the rat rested in the flowerpot on the pedestal next
for Experimental and Other Scientific Purposes. The study contained no random- to the recording box.
ization to experimental treatments and no blinding. Sample size (number of animals) Spike sorting and cell classification. Spike sorting was performed offline using
was set a priori to 5 or more, considered as the minimum required for statistical graphical cluster-cutting software (tint, Neil Burgess, for Axona data; MClust,
power in parametric tests for the type of data used in the present study. A. D. Redish, for Neuralynx data). Clustering was performed manually in two-
Electrode implantation and surgery. Tetrodes were constructed from four twisted dimensional projections of the multidimensional parameter space (consisting of
17 mm polyimide-coated platinum-iridium (90–10%) wires (California Fine Wire, waveform amplitudes and waveform energies), using autocorrelation and cross-
CA). The electrode tips were plated with platinum to reduce electrode impedances correlation functions as additional separation tools and separation criteria. To ensure
to between 120–300 kV at 1 kHz. cells were not included in more than one data set, cells were compared across suc-
Anaesthesia was induced by placing the animal in a closed glass box filled with cessive recording days. If two cells with similar spike clusters on the same tetrode
isoflurane vapour. Following this, the animal received an i.p. injection of Equithe- had indistinguishable grid fields on two successive sessions, only one of them (the
sin (pentobarbital and chloral hydrate; 1.0 ml per 250 g body weight) or anaesthe- cell associated with the best coverage and the best signal-to-noise ratio) was included
sia was induced by isoflurane (air flow was kept at 1.2 li per minute with 0.5–3% in further analysis. This approach drastically reduced the data set in some animals
isoflurane as determined by physiological monitoring). For Equitesin anaesthesia, as large numbers of grids were recorded on multiple occasions (in one animal, 165/
supplementary doses were given when breathing patterns changed and reflexes 341 cells were discarded because of identified repeats).
began to return (0.15 ml per 250 g). Local anaesthetic (Xylocain) was applied on the Grid modules were defined by a k-means clustering algorithm as reported pre-
skin before making the incision. Holes were drilled on the dorsal skull, anterior to viously12. The analysis was based on multidimensional data from each cell, con-
the transverse sinus, after which the rat was implanted with either two microdrives sisting of grid spacing and grid orientation, as well as the eccentricity of the grid
carrying a single bundle of 4 tetrodes each (one per hemisphere) or a ‘hyperdrive’ pattern. The k value was determined as the number of peaks detected in each ani-
consisting of 14 independently movable tetrodes. Hyperdrive impants were always mal’s kernel smoothed density estimate of log grid spacing and grid orientation.
on the left side, whereas microdrives were implanted on both sides. Microdrive Rate maps. Position estimates were based on tracking of the LEDs on the head
tetrodes were inserted at an angle of 20u relative to the bregma/lambda horizontal stage connected to the drive. All data were speed filtered; only epochs with instant-
reference, with the tips pointing in the anterior direction. The tetrodes were in- aneous running speeds of 5 cm s21 or more were included.
serted 0.1 mm anterior to the transverse sinus edge. Hyperdrive tetrodes were im- To characterize firing fields, the position data were sorted into 3 cm 3 3 cm bins.
planted vertically between 3.75 and 5.0 mm lateral to bregma, with the posterior The path was smoothed with a 21-sample boxcar window filter (400 ms; 10 sam-
border of the bundle located 0.1–0.2 mm anterior to the edge of the transverse sinus. ples on each side). Firing rate distributions were then determined by counting the
Jewellers’ screws and dental cement were used to secure the drive to the skull. One number of spikes in each bin as well as the time spent per bin. Maps for number of
or two screws in the skull were connected to the drive grounds. During the first spikes and time were smoothed individually using a boxcar average over the sur-
days after the surgery, the animals received oral doses of the analgesic Metacam rounding 5 3 5 bins. Weights were distributed as follows:
(Meloxicam, 0.1 mg per 300 g; Boehringer Ingelheim, Germany). box 5 [0.0025 0.0125 0.0200 0.0125 0.0025;…
Recording procedures. Over the course of ,1–3 weeks, tetrodes were lowered in 0.0125 0.0625 0.1000 0.0625 0.0125;…
steps of 300 mm or less until large-amplitude theta-modulated activity appeared in 0.0200 0.1000 0.1600 0.1000 0.0200;…
the local field potential at a depth of about 2.0 mm or lower. In hyperdrive experi- 0.0125 0.0625 0.1000 0.0625 0.0125;…
ments, two of the tetrodes were used, respectively, to record a reference signal from 0.0025 0.0125 0.0200 0.0125 0.0025]
white matter areas. The drive was connected to a multichannel, impedance match- Identification of grid cells. The structure of the rate maps was evaluated for all
ing, unity gain headstage. The output of the headstage was conducted via a coun- cells with more than 100 spikes on the baseline session by calculating the spatial
terbalanced lightweight multiwire cable to an Axona acquisition system (Axona Ltd, autocorrelation for each smoothed rate map3. The degree of spatial periodicity
Herts, UK, for all tangentially implanted animals) or via a lightweight multiwire (‘gridness’ or ‘grid scores’) was determined by calculating the rotational symmetry
tether cable and through a slip-ring commutator to a Neuralynx data acquisition of the cell’s spatial autocorrelogram, as described previously12. A cell was defined as
system (Neuralynx, Tucson, AZ; Neuralynx Cheetah 64, for all multisite implanted a grid cell if its grid score exceeded a chance level determined by repeated shuffling
animals). Both cables allowed the animal to move freely within the available space. of the experimental data (100 permutations per cell). For each permutation, the
Unit activity was amplified by a factor of 3,000–5,000 and band-pass filtered from entire sequence of spikes fired by the cell was time-shifted along the animal’s path
800 to 6,700 Hz (Axona) or from 600 to 6,000 Hz (Neuralynx). Spike waveforms by a random interval between on one side 20 s and on the other side 20 s less than
above a threshold set by the experimenter (,55 mV) were time-stamped and dig- the length of the session, with the end of the session wrapped to the beginning. A
itized at 32 kHz for 1 ms. EEG signals were amplified by a factor of 1,000 and recorded rate map and a spatial autocorrelation map were then constructed, and a grid score
continuously between 0 and 475 Hz at a sampling rate of 1,893 Hz or 2,034 Hz. Light- was calculated for each permutation. If the grid score from the recorded data was
emitting diodes (LEDs) on the headstage were used to track the animal’s movements larger than the 95th percentile of grid scores in the distribution from the shuffled
at a sampling rate of 25 Hz (Neuralynx) or 50 Hz (Axona). The rat rested on a towel data, the cell was defined as a grid cell.
in a large flowerpot on a pedestal while electrical activity was monitored. Definition of grid orientation. For fine-grained analysis of the geometric features
Data from the novel environment were recorded after the animals had been of the grid cells, we analysed grid orientation in the following manner. From the
trained for 12 days or more in an accompanying familiar environment. Familiar spatial autocorrelograms, we defined individual fields as neighbouring bins above a
trials lasted 10 min; novel trials lasted 10–30 min, until the novel space was fully correlation criterion (0–0.5, depending on scale). We then computed the centre of

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mass for each of the six fields closest to the autocorrelogram centre field (‘the inner We also used a simpler measure with more intuitive properties in terms of trans-
ring’). As spatial autocorrelograms are symmetric, we defined 3 axes for further lating ellipse elongation to grid pattern distortion, defined as ellipticity
analysis. We first determined which inner field centre in the inner ring was closest a
in absolute angular distance to the nearest wall and labelled this axis 1. The two e~
nearest axes were labelled axis 2 (most positive) and axis 3 (most negative).
Estimate of grid orientation and rotational offset. The minimal offset of any where a is the semi-major and b the semi-minor ellipse axes. Ellipticity ranges from
grid axes to any of the four walls in the box was determined as follows. From the 1 to ‘ where 1 represents a perfect circle and ‘ the limit at which the ellipse be-
matrix of grid orientation values across all cells, X (size: n 3 3), we identified the comes parabolic. Ellipticity describes elongation of the ellipse (length of semi-major
absolute angle to the nearest wall (in degrees): axis compared to the semi-minor axis). Ellipse orientation was expressed as the
angle (between 290 and 90 degrees) of the ellipse semi-major axis to zero. Grid
A 5 45 – abs ([X mod 90] 2 45) cells had an average ellipticity of 1.17 6 0.004 and eccentricity of 0.48 6 0.005
(mean 6 s.e.m.).
We then sorted the grid axes according to A per cell and defined Amin to be the Deformation by shearing. Shearing was performed, for each cell, along shear
smallest offset across axes per cell. By referring back to the original grid orienta- axes parallel to the two box cardinal axes. The grid pattern used in these analyses
tion for the sorted axes values in A, we could map each cell’s anchoring (Amin) to a was defined by the 3 grid axes detected from the innermost hexagon of field cen-
particular wall pair (original axis closest to 0u: east–west axis, closest to 6 30: north– tres in the spatial autocorrelogram for each cell. The shear transform was defined
south axis). Rayleigh test for circular uniformity are referred to as ‘Rayleigh test’ in for two dimensions by:
the main text and figure legends.   
1 c1 x
Kernel smoothed density estimate of grid orientation. Kernel smoothed den- f ðx,yÞ~
c2 1 y
sity estimates of grid orientation were computed by considering 100 points equally
spaced that cover the range of data in x. Given samples x1,…,xn where c1 is the shear parameter along the y axis and c2 along the x-axis and x and y
are row vectors of initial coordinates of points in the plane. For each cell, and shear
1X n
axis, shearing was performed across a range of shear parameters c (20.55 to 0.55 in
f ðxÞ~ Ks ðx{xi Þ
n i~1 0.001 steps). We then calculated the grid ellipticity resulting from each transform.
The shear that produced the smallest ellipticity value was defined as the optimal
where K is the Gaussian kernel
shear parameter. We then calculated updated grid axes from this optimal shear in
K~e{2s2 each direction.
Simulations. To simulate grid maps for square environments, a probability den-
with width s. sity function was generated for each cell in which Gaussian modes were distributed
Ellipse fitting. We fitted ellipses to the grid pattern using a direct least squares according to an equilateral grid pattern. Each mode was described by a two-
fitting approach as described in ref. 12. For each cell, an ellipse was fitted to the x and dimensional Gaussian function:
y coordinates of the six innermost detected field centres of the autocorrelogram.   !!
Briefly, a general conic is represented by an implicit second order polynomial: ðx{x0 Þ2 ðy{y0 Þ2
f ðx,yÞ~Aexp { {
2s2x 2s2y
F(A,X) 5 AX 5 ax2 1 bxy 1 cy2 1 dx 1 ey 1 f 50
where A is the amplitude, x0 and y0 are the coordinates for the peak location, and s2x
2 2 r
where X 5 [x xy y x y 1] and A 5 [a b c d e f] T and s2y the Gaussian variance in the two dimensions. We set s2y 5 s2x . s2 was identical
The fitting of a general conic can be achieved by minimizing the sum of squared for each mode and determined by the inter-peak distance (inter-peak distance/5)2.
algebraic distances: Location of nodes were determined from:
DA ðAÞ~ F ðxi Þ2 z~weih ~wðcos hzi sin hÞ
where z is complex such that peak locations in the x,y plane are given by x 5 real(z)
For direct ellipse-specific fitting, the quadratic constraint 4ac2b2 5 1 was imposed and y 5 imag(z), and
and expressed in matrix form as ATCA 5 1 as qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
2 3 w~j ða{cÞ2 zac
0 0 2 0 0 0
6 0 {1 0 0 0 0 7  pffiffiffi 
6 7 3c pðb{cÞ
6 7
62 0 0 0 0 07 h~yzatan z
A 6T6 7A~1: 2a{c 3a
60 0 0 0 0 07
6 7
40 0 0 0 0 05 c~b mod a
0 0 0 0 0 0 where j is grid spacing, y grid orientation in radians, a the index for identity of the
hexagonal ring of nodes and b the index for the identity of the node on that ring. To
after which the constrained ellipse fitting problem was reduced to minimizing E 5 simulate alignment of the grid to a box axis, y 5 0 or p/6. To shear the grid pattern,
DA2 subject to the constraint the shearing transform was applied to the real and imaginary components of points
in z (above).
ATCA 5 1 Interactive shearing patterns. We simulated the effect of multiple interactive
shear forces on grid geometry. Simulated grids were generated as above. Grid spac-
To determine the relationship between ellipticity and grid rotation, we estimated ing, j, was set to 0.45, and box frame as [21 21 1 1 21; 21 1 1 21 21], defining a
grid distortion by defining the lengths of the semi-major and semi-minor axes as a square box with sides 5 2. Only fields that fell within this box were used. A simple
and b, respectively. To quantify the amount of grid pattern distortion, we used two shear transform along the y axis involves adding the x component multiplied by the
ellipse measures. From the ellipse fit, we determined ellipse orientation or ellipse tilt shear parameter c to the y component of every ordered pair in [x,y].
(orientation of semi-major axis), ellipticity, and eccentricity.
Ellipse eccentricity was calculated as: ðx{1Þ
sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi f ðx,yÞ~
 2 ðy{1Þzcx
E~ 1{ The (x 2 1) and (y 2 1) terms moves the shear origin (anchoring point) to the [21,
21] corner of the box.
where a is the ellipse semi-major axis and b the semi-minor axis of the ellipse. To simulate shearing from two orthogonal walls we set
Ellipse eccentricity ranges between 0 and 1 and describes how much a conic sec-  
tion deviates from perfect circularity (where 0 represents a perfect circle and 1 the ðx{1Þzc1 y
f ðx,yÞ~
limit at which the ellipse becomes parabolic). ðy{1Þzc2 x

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where c1 was set to tan(p/24) as the original shear parameter such that an offset of  
xs {xs
7.5u was induced along one axis. We then systematically varied c2 between f ðxs ,ys Þ~
ys {ys
[20.35, 0.35] in 0.025 steps. Rate maps were generated using the two-dimensional
kernel smoothed density estimator described above (Gaussian kernel width: 0.1) where xs and ys represent the sheared points from the original matrix [x,y], whose
within the box frame (62,500 evenly spaced evaluation points) and spatial aut- sum was .0.
correlograms were generated from these. We then determined grid features from Local anchoring. To generate subcompartment maps, the firing rate map of each
these autocorrelograms as described above. grid cell was divided into 4 or 9 equal quadrants. This analysis was done on 5 ani-
To simulate symmetric shearing from two opposite (east–west) walls, we set mals (3 from the 1.5 m box and 2 from the 2.2 m box; 17 modules in total) in which
  4 modules were recorded. Then autocorrelograms for these were made, and grid
f ðx,yÞ~ features determined according to methods described above. Only modules that reli-
yð1zcxÞ ably yielded 6 detectable fields were used for analyses.
Histology and reconstruction of tetrode placement. Histology and reconstruc-
and calculated grid features from the resulting maps. To generate grids that were
tion of electrode positions was performed as described previously, using flatmaps
fractured along the diagonal, we first generated a sheared grid according to:
for two-dimensional location of electrode locations within the MEC and adjacent
ðx{1Þ parasubiculum.
f ðx,yÞ~ Statistical tests. Statistical tests were two-sided unless otherwise specified. No sta-
tistical methods were used to predetermine sample size.
We then discarded all the points x 1 y , 0 (below the diagonal of the box), and Code availability. Code for shearing transformations can be obtained from the
added a copy of the remaining points mirrored around that diagonal authors.

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Extended Data Figure 1 | Alignment of individual grid axes to box indicated by red lines for each axis. e, Frequency plot showing distribution
geometry. a, Interpretation of alignment configurations. Bimodal distributions width, or variance, for grid axes as a function of distance from WN in the 1.5 m
(red curves) around the two cardinal axes (bottom) can be mapped as unique environment. Distributions of the 3 grid axes were sorted by distance to WN
alignment solutions to the cardinal axes x and y of a square box (top row). (as in b) and are shown in distinct colours (as in Fig. 1g). f, Polar scatterplot
Orange triangles show how the basic unit of the grid pattern can be uniquely (same data as in Fig. 1b) showing axis-specific offset from WN or 60u multiple in
aligned to either cardinal axis (thick solid black lines). b, Distribution of angular the 1.5 m box. All grids with Amin , 0 have been reflected around the Amin
offset for all 3 grid axes of all cells recorded in the 1.5 m box. Amount of data wall axis in order to re-align axes to one absolute offset solution. Colours as in
are shown for the two symmetric alignment configurations 0u and 15u Fig. 1g. Orange dashed lines show peak angular offset from 60u multiples
(symmetry between box geometry and grid) and for the offset where overlap (black lines) of parallel wall alignment (0u) for each axis. Orange wedges
between box and grid axes is minimized (7.5u). For each cell, grid axes were highlight the angle between each axis and its nearest 60u multiple of 0u.
sorted according to angular distance from the nearest wall (labelled axis 1–3 g, Relationship between expected angular offset from WN for a perfectly
with increasing wall-distance (top inset)). The absolute offset from the nearest hexagonal grid with 7.5u angular offset on axis 1, and observed offset from 60u
multiple of 60u was calculated for each axis as a measure of the deviation from a multiple for each grid axis in the 1.5 m box (mean of all cells). Least square
perfectly hexagonal grid parallel to the east–west axis (bottom inset). Frequency regression line is indicated. Note that the observed offset decreases as the offset
plots show these distributions with 3u wide bins (x axes). The offset for grid from WN approaches its maximum at the diagonal (45u). h, Frequency plots
axis 1 (Amin) was consistently larger than for axes 2 and 3. For axis 1, 33.6% of showing only slightly larger angular offset along axis 1 (the axis nearest WN)
the absolute values for Amin fell within 7.5 6 1.5u, 5.8% within 0–1.5u, and than axes 2 and 3 in the 2.2 m environment. For axis 1, a total of 7.7% of the
only 2.9% within 15 6 1.5u. c, Schematic illustrating that the farthest away any cells from the 2.2 m box had minimal angular offsets within 0–1.5u of the
axis of a perfect grid can be from any wall in the environment is 15u because nearest wall, 26.8% had offsets of 7.5 6 1.5u, and only 6.8% were rotated
of the symmetries inherent in the grid pattern and the square box. Because 15 6 1.5u. In 203/220 cells, grid orientation could be referred back to either of
the offset distribution is constrained to [0, 15]u, tests against uniformity 3 distinct anchoring solutions. The mean offsets from the walls were similar,
were performed by multiplying the offsets by 24 to achieve a 360u range. all centering around 7.5u (mean 6 s.e.m. Amin: north–south wall negative offset:
d, Frequency plot of grid orientation for axes 1–3 for all cells in the 1.5 m (n 5 108), 7.54 6 0.03u; positive offset (n 5 58), 6.35 6 0.07u; east–west
environment after correcting for alignment direction (all cells with Amin , 0 wall negative offset (n 5 37), 8.16 6 0.12u). Offsets were largely unimodal in the
were multiplied by 21 across the alignment axis (reflected)). Distance to WN is 2.2 m box (Fig. 3c), in contrast to the 1.5 m environment (Fig. 1c).

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Extended Data Figure 2 | Rate map and spatial autocorrelation diagram autocorrelation maps. Peak rate is indicated above the rate map and gridness
for representative cells from all animals. The 587 cells from the 1.5 m below the autocorrelogram. Correlation is indicated by scale bar. Peak rate is
environment were ranked according to time of recording for each animal and indicated at the bottom of each rate map; angular offset at the top right of each
every tenth cell on the list was then selected. Cells are sorted by animals. For autocorrelogram. Grid orientation and grid ellipticity were determined from
each cell, the rate map is shown at the top and the autocorrelogram at the the innermost hexagon of vertices in the autocorrelogram, as in Fig. 1a.
bottom. Colour scale, 0 Hz to peak rate for rate maps; [21,1] for

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Extended Data Figure 3 | Distribution of grid orientation (Amin) across axis. For each cell, the location of the 6 innermost fields in the spatial
individual animals in the 1.5 m environment. a, Frequency distributions autocorrelogram is shown, as in Fig. 1a, b. The cardinal axes of the recording
showing clustering of grid orientation around each of the 3 axes defined by 60u environment are shown as black lines. Note similar offset from the east–west
multiples of the east–west box axis (number of cells as a function of axis in at least 6 out of 7 data sets (all animals except 14146). The deviation
orientation). Each row shows one animal; animal number is indicated at the top from the parallel configuration (0u) was consistent across animals. Excluding
left. Rat 13960 had two distinct data sets (1 and 2, respectively). b, Polar cells with fewer than 6 grid fields did not cause any major change of the
scatterplots showing distribution of grid orientation and grid spacing for the angular offset (mean 6 s.e.m. of remaining cells: 7.5 6 3.3u).
entire sample of grid cells in each animal. Grid spacing is indicated on the radial

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Extended Data Figure 4 | Modular organization of grid alignment. rows as well as consistent clustering of colour across rows). Bottom plot shows
a–c, Data from 1.5 m environment. a, Polar scatterplot of all cells recorded in cumulative distribution of the same data. Taken together, the data suggest that
the 1.5 m box (grey), as in Fig. 1b. Superimposed are all points from one animal the number of anchoring solutions is limited and that solutions are reused
(orange points with multiplicative colour). Green ellipses indicate 3 different across modules. d–f, Data from 2.2 m environment. d, Polar scatterplot with an
modules. Different modules assumed either of the two alignment individual animal highlighted in purple. e, Distribution of mean values for
configurations around the east–west box axis, that is, distributions for grid orientation across modules, as in b. The average minimal orientation offset
individual modules were always unimodal. b, Kernel smoothed density curve across module means in the 2.2 m box was 7.2 6 0.3u (mean 6 s.e.m.).
showing frequency of observations across values of Amin (all cells; kernel width: f, Clustering of mean grid orientation across modules. Notation as in c.
2.5u). Coloured lines show means of individual grid modules. Colours g, h, Distortion and rotation of grid pattern are independent of grid spacing.
correspond to different animals. Module means showed the same distribution g, Scatterplots showing relationship between module identity and grid offset
trend as the pooled data. The average of the smallest angular offset (Amin) (left), optimal shearing parameter (middle), and grid ellipticity (right).
with grid modules as the unit of analysis was similar to the average of the pooled Each circle corresponds to one cell. Dark red lines show means 6 s.d. for
data (mean 6 s.e.m.: 6.3 6 0.2u). Both within and across animals, the successive modules based on pooled data of individual cells. Blue lines show
distribution was bimodal. c, To visualize cross-animal clustering of grid means 6 s.d. for mean values of each module (slightly offset in x direction
orientation, for each grid module we counted the number of other modules for clarity). Data from 1.5 m and 2.2 m environments are combined. Note
with mean grid orientations that distributed within a narrow range of the mean lack of effect of module identity on angular offset, shearing parameter or
orientation of the reference module (6 2.5u). Left plot shows for each module ellipticity. h, Same plots as in g, but binned by grid spacing. Spacing range was
(in individual rows) which other module means fell within 6 2.5u. Modules partitioned into 4 equal parts. The values underneath each panel show the
were sorted according to mean grid orientation and assigned a rank value centre value of each partition. The absolute offset decreased only minimally
(module ID). Each module has a unique colour based on module ID (colour- with grid spacing (repeated-measures Kruskal–Wallis test with 4 bins of
bar). The grid orientation of a module was typically shared by several other grid spacing as the within-subjects factor: H 5 0.8, d.f. 5 3, P 5 0.85; mean
modules (4.2 6 1.9 module means within 6 2.5u), as indicated by many long offset for modules M1–M2: 7.3u; mean offset for M3–M4: 6.9u).

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Extended Data Figure 5 | Grid deformation is constrained by e, Same as in d, but for ellipse orientation modulo 90u and multiplied by 4 to
environmental geometry. a–c, Data from 1.5 m environment. a, Frequency achieve a 360u range (left, 1.5 m box; right, 2.2 m box). The modulo operation
plot showing orientation (tilt) of the semi-major axis of an ellipse fit to the inner brings out distribution trends that are similar for the 4 walls in the box. No such
hexagon of firing vertices in each cell’s spatial autocorrelogram (all 587 cells trends were apparent for the 2.2 m environment. Mean vector length for
that were recorded in the 1.5 m box). For clarity, ellipse values are shown over the distributions is shown in the centre of each plot (red solid line and axis).
the entire 360u range (each cell thus contributes 2 data points as unique ellipse f, Kernel smoothed density curves from ellipse orientation in all cells recorded
orientation values distribute within a 180u range). The superimposed curve in the 1.5 m box (left) and the 2.2 m box (right). We identified all peaks (orange
shows a kernel smoothed density estimate of the same data (Gaussian kernel lines) within [290, 90]u (light areas), and then for each peak calculated the
width: 7.5u). The distribution of ellipse orientation was highly non-uniform log ratio between the peak and the smaller of its two neighbouring troughs
both within and between animals (Rayleigh test in the entire cell sample: (green lines). While only 2 peaks were identified for ellipse orientation in
Z 5 12.8, P 5 2.5 3 1026 for (ellipse orientation distribution) 3 2). Two the 1.5 m box (a), 5 peaks were present in the 2.2 m box. g, Log peak-trough
unique modes within [290, 90]u were identifiable. Modes were defined as all ratios from the values calculated in f (means 6 s.e.m.). Values were significantly
the values that fell between the two neighbouring troughs (red lines that mark lower in the 2.2 m environment than the 1.5 m environment (two sample
the boundary of each mode-distribution, labelled 1 and 2, respectively). Cells t-test, t(5) 5 3.51, P 5 0.02). h, Scatterplot showing, for all cells in the 2.2 m
within modules shared ellipse orientation. On average, for one mode, the long environment, grid orientation from the grid axis second furthest away from the
axis of the ellipse was offset by 27.7 6 1.1u from the east–west axis of the nearest wall (WN) versus absolute ellipse orientation. There was a strong
recording box; for the other mode, the offset was 17.9 6 1.4u from the north– linear correlation between these parameters (r 5 0.41, P 5 3.82 3 10210), as
south axis (means 6 s.e.m.). To determine if the spread of ellipse orientation expected if interactions from a second shear axis had occurred (linear
was smaller than expected by chance, we drew, for each module, m random regression is shown as red line). i, j, Distribution of angular offset after shearing
ellipse orientation values from the pool of all cells (n 5 587), and determined along each of the cardinal axes of the 1.5 m box. i, Frequency plots showing
the circular spread (standard deviation) of that distribution. m was the number minimal absolute offset from multiples of 60u of the parallel (0u) configuration
of cells in the module. The procedure was repeated 300 times per module to for all cells before shearing (left) and after shearing in the north–south (y)
allow calculation of z scores. The circular spread of ellipse orientation within and east–west (x) directions (middle and right, respectively; insets). For each
modules was significantly lower than expected by chance (mean 6 s.e.m. box axis, we used the shear transform that minimized ellipticity. Before
z 5 4.53 6 1.33; t(17) 5 3.37 P 5 0.006, one sample t-test). b, Frequency of the shearing, the distribution showed a clear offset (left). After shearing in the y
same data as in a, but modulo 90u to control for differential ellipse alignment direction (north–south; middle panel), the angular offset was eliminated.
(modulo 90u brings out trends common to each of the 4 walls in the box). Shearing along the x axis (east–west) did not reduce the offset (right), despite
A single peak was detectable at 65.4u (red line). c, Minimal wall offset (Amin) as a similar reduction of the ellipticity. Note that, in simulated grids, the shear
function of ellipse orientation for each cell. Values are shown for an ellipse parameter c needed to rotate a perfectly hexagonal grid from 0u to 7.5u
range of 360u, such that each cell contributes 2 points. Each mode of the (c 5 tan(p/24) induced ellipticity of 1.16, a value almost identical to the mean
distribution of ellipse orientations consisted primarily of cells from one of the ellipticity observed in the data (1.17). j, Kernel smoothed density estimates
two configurations for grid orientation (positive or negative offset). of Amin (minimal offset from any wall) for all cells (Gaussian kernel width: 2.5u)
d–g, Comparison of deformation in the 1.5 and 2.2 m boxes. d, Circular after shearing along both the x and y axis (left and right panel, respectively).
histograms showing ellipse orientation for all cells recorded in the 1.5 m box There were two distinct modes after shearing in the x direction. The
(left) and the 2.2 m box (right). Ellipse orientations were multiplied by 2 to distribution for the y direction, in contrast, became unimodal and centred
achieve a 360u range. Although there was clear clustering around two modes in on the east–west box axis (0u), suggesting that the bimodal distribution of
the smaller box, no clustering was apparent in the data from the large box. angular offset was caused by shearing in this direction.

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Extended Data Figure 6 | Observed grid deformation and rotational offset where, in order to offset an aligned grid by 7.5u,
cannot be reproduced by mere diagonal compression, where forces from the   
1 5p
corners move fields perpendicularly towards the diagonal. a, Diagonal c~{ 1{tan
compression model showing forces acting on a shrinking pattern that is 2 24
anchored to opposite corners. Top left, square lattice (no elongation) b, Comparison of grid pattern characteristics after shearing and after diagonal
representing starting point in novel environment. Top right, vector field (red compression, both aimed at achieving a 7.5u angular offset. Black lines and dots
arrows) of proposed forces resulting from pattern shrinkage given anchoring to show the original symmetric and aligned grid pattern. Red dots and ellipse
opposite corners (red dots). Without elongation in novelty, pattern shrinkage denote pattern deformation imparted by shearing, while blue dots and ellipse
during familiarization to the environment is hypothesized to be radially show deformation caused by diagonal compression. 7.5u offset is indicated by a
uniform. However, corner anchoring will stop shrinkage along the diagonal of dashed black line. Note the pronounced elliptical deformation of the diagonally
the anchoring corners. This results in a compression of the pattern along the compressed pattern compared to the sheared pattern. c, Histogram of ellipticity
opposite diagonal. Bottom left, a simulated grid pattern that was uniformly values observed in 1.5 m and 2.2 m recording environments. The median is
enlarged (as indicated by the perfect circle fit) to mimic a novelty response. indicated by a black line. Red and blue lines show ellipticity after 7.5u offset
Upon familiarization to the environment (shrinkage, bottom right), and in the induced by shearing and diagonal compression, respectively. The ellipticity
presence of anchoring to opposite corners, the pattern undergoes diagonal induced by shearing matches the data almost perfectly, while the value for
compression. The resulting pattern has an angular offset (here 7.5u) and is diagonal compression is much higher than observed. Together, these analyses
accompanied by pattern deformation. Force vectors are shown as red arrows suggest that although diagonal compression can induce both angular offset and
inside the box, and component vectors are shown as red arrows outside the box. elliptic deformation, the relationship between these variables does not render
The diagonal compression transform is described by: this transformation a likely candidate for explaining the observed grid
   alignment. In contrast, the relationship between ellipticity and offset following
1zc c x shearing closely matches observation (Extended Data Fig. 7), suggesting that
f ðx,yÞ~
c 1zc y this is indeed the process that underlies the alignment process.

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Extended Data Figure 7 | Experience-dependent changes in grid patterns depending on which corner pairs operate as anchors. So long as only one c is
can be explained by shearing of grids that are anchored to diagonally non-zero, the transform produces shear-like displacement along one of the
opposite corners. To address effects of experience, grid orientation was cardinal axes, but the shear axis is rotated 45u so as to leave the two anchor
compared at two stages of acquaintance with the environment, during the first corners in place. Corner shearing minimized ellipticity and removed the
trial of exploration in a novel square box in a novel test room and during angular offset of the pattern (see i). g, h, Analysis of relationship between
exploration of a similar but highly familiar box in a familiar room. We used a ellipticity, angular offset and elongation level in novel environments.
previously published set of 20 grid cells from 5 rats that ran in 1 m wide square g, Optimal corner-shearing for minimizing ellipticity in an elongated grid.
boxes with shape and colour similar to the 1.5 and 2.2 m boxes in the main Ellipticity values are brightness-coded. Changes in grid orientation may
study2. 85% of the 20 grid cells had 6 fields or more. a, Rate maps for a take place after minimization of the elongation of the grid when the grid is
representative grid cell recorded in a 1 m wide square box in a familiar room anchored to opposite corners. For such changes to occur, shearing should
(left), a novel room (middle), and a second time in the familiar room (right). minimize ellipticity given the initial elongated state. To test this idea, we
b, Cumulative distribution frequency plot showing distribution of orientation systematically elongated simulated grid patterns along the wall axis
offsets in novel and familiar rooms for cells that were recorded in both perpendicular to the grid alignment axis (y axis in plot). For each elongation
environments. c, d, Ratio of grid spacing (c) and grid ellipticity (d) in the novel level, we next corner-sheared this pattern (with corners as anchoring points),
and the familiar environment (novel/familiar). Red line shows mean through a range of shear parameters (x axis in plot, values correspond to
( 6 s.e.m.). *P , 0.05. Grid spacing and grid ellipticity increased from familiar the offsets associated with each shear parameter [offset 5 tan21 (shear
to novel by factors of 1.06 6 0.03 and 1.08 6 0.03, respectively (one-sample parameter)]. For all elongation factors .1, shearing to a level .0 produced less
t-test of log ratios: t(12) 5 2.25, P , 0.05 and t(12) 5 2.30, P , 0.05; all cells ellipticity than in the original pattern. This was not the case for the standard
recorded in both environments), consistent with previous observations of grid shear transform in which no corner anchoring occurs (not shown). Across
cells in novel environments18. e, Distribution of ellipse orientation in familiar elongation levels, we determined which shearing parameter minimized
and novel environments (left and right, respectively). Orientation is expressed ellipticity (blue line). We next found the intersection between these optima and
in relation to the east–west wall (inset). Ellipse orientation was more sharply the shear parameter that produces a 7.5u offset (red line). The elongation factor
distributed in the novel environment, with a circular mean of 81.1u and s.d. of at this intersection was 1.28. Thus, in order for a 7.5u offset to represent the
16.7u, near orthogonal to the anchoring wall. In the familiar environment, the optimal amount of shearing in simulated data with anchoring to diagonally
distribution was broader (circular s.d. of 37.4u), suggesting that the impact of opposite corners, the initial elongation factor of the grid pattern is 1.28,
the walls is relaxed with repeated experience. f, Analyses of simulated grid very close to the observed ellipticity in the novel environment (panel h).
patterns showing that both de-elliptification and non-coaxial rotation can be h, Cumulative distribution function (black line) of ellipticity in grid cells
induced also with elongated grid patterns as the starting point, if the grid is recorded in a novel room. The optimal elongation factor is indicated in blue.
anchored to opposite corners of the recording box. Top left, square lattice Note the proximity of this factor to the median ellipticity level. i, Frequency
parallel to the east–west wall axis, elongated along the north–south wall axis. An histograms showing actual distribution of orientation for each grid axis (top),
ellipse is fitted to indicate degree of elongation (red). Top right, same lattice but and distribution after corner-shearing using the transform in f (middle and
allowed to relax towards a less elongated state. If the grid is anchored to bottom). Middle panel, shearing to one pair of anchoring corners; bottom,
opposing corners (red dots), a compression shear (corner shear) vector shearing to the other pair. After corner-shearing to the first pair, the offset was
displacement field is generated (red arrows). Bottom left, simulated grid minimized to the same extent as in the simple shearing paradigm (middle,
pattern, aligned and elongated in the same way as the lattice above. The red asterisk). The offset could be abolished almost completely by corner
elongation produces an ellipse (red) oriented along the north–south axis. shearing (peak symmetry offset after shearing 0u, kernel smoothed density
No rotation is present at this initial stage. Bottom right, relaxation towards a curve with Gaussian kernel width 1.35u, 60% of the data distributed within
less deformed state, with the grid anchored to opposing corners, produces 0–5u). After corner shearing, however, the distribution of ellipticity displayed
a sheared pattern with an angular offset. Shearing force vectors are shown less variation than after simple shearing (s.d. of 0.0025 versus 0.009).
as red arrows in each of the non-anchoring corners. The transform is j, Proposed model of deformation and rotation of grid patterns as a function of
defined by: experience. From left to right, default minimum-energy state of grid, elongated
   grid in novel environment, sheared grid with rotation after experience,
1zc1 c1 x and reversal of sheared grid to default state by reverse corner-shearing analysis.
f ðx,yÞ~
c2 1zc2 y We suggest that, in novel environments, grid cells may start out with an
orientation that aligns one grid axis with a band along a wall defined by the
or activity of border cells. This initial alignment may disrupt the symmetry of
   the grid pattern. Through shearing, the grid may then be relaxed towards
1zc1 {c1 x
f ðx,yÞ~ a lower-energy-state solution that is less dependent on the initial
{c2 1zc2 y anchoring segments.

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Extended Data Figure 8 | Distribution of offset and ellipticity in a circular more variable than in the square environments. The distribution of mean
environment. We have shown that, in square environments, the grid pattern is grid orientation was not significantly different from uniform (Rayleigh test
deformed and rotated by shear forces parallel to the walls of the environment. (mean grid orientation was multiplied by 6 to achieve 360u range); Z 5 1.23,
Here we show how grid orientation and grid ellipticity are distributed in a P 5 0.30). The ellipticity of the grid pattern was significantly increased
circular environment. We used a sample of 23 grid cells from 6 rats that had compared to the ellipticity in the square boxes (1.24 6 0.025 versus
been recorded in a 2 m wide circular environment in a previous study2. 100% of 1.17 6 0.004; Z 5 22.98 P 5 0.003). This increase in ellipticity likely reflects
the cells had 6 grid fields or more. a, Example grid rate maps (top) and grid pattern variability due to the absence of local geometric landmarks
associated spatial autocorrelograms (bottom). b, Histogram of grid orientation such as corners.
for all 3 grid axes and across all cells recorded in the circle. Grid orientation was

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Extended Data Figure 9 | Effect of shearing on deformation and shear force has no impact on the smallest angular offset (Amin) but the
reorientation of grid patterns in 1.5 m and 2.2 m environments. orientation of axes 2 and 3 is changed and the ellipse orientation is altered
a, b, Distribution of angular offset after shearing along each of the cardinal axes accordingly. d, Grid axes and ellipses from autocorrelograms in c before (left)
of the 2.2 m box. a, Kernel smoothed density estimates (Gaussian kernel width: and after (right) the shearing that minimized both ellipticity and grid offset
2.5u) of grid orientation for all 3 grid axes for all cells recorded in the 2.2 m box. (illustrated with insets). The east–west axis and its 60u multiples are shown in
The top panel shows orientation after shearing along the axis orthogonal to grey. The axis nearest one of the walls is highlighted in red. Note the elimination
the alignment axis WN (solid black curve). Shearing was performed separately of grid offset in the case with single shear interactions (middle), but inability of
for cells aligned to the east–west and north–south axis of the box and then simple shearing to eliminate the offset (asterisk) when two shear interactions
combined on the basis of which relationship the shear axis had to the alignment were operative (bottom). e, Effect of second shear interaction on grid
axis (orthogonal for top plot). Dashed grey lines show the original distribution orientation and deformation. We systematically applied shearing from a
before shearing. Red lines indicate the orthogonal box axes (0 6 30u, 0u second shear axis to the simulated grid that was already sheared in one direction
corresponds to the east–west box axis, 30u to the north–south axis). Peaks to induce a 7.5u offset. A range of shear factors was explored (20.35 to 0.35).
detected in the sheared distribution around the red lines are reported above Left column, effect of second shear on grid orientation for individual grid axes.
each peak. Note reduction—but not complete elimination—of angular offsets The middle panel shows the axis that was originally sheared to become offset by
after shearing orthogonal to the alignment direction. Bottom, same as above but 7.5u. Note minimal change in offset in this axis, while systematic changes
for shear axes parallel to the alignment axes. Shearing along this axis did not occurred in the two remaining axes (top and bottom respectively), resulting in
result in reduction of the offset. b, Kernel smoothed density curves (Gaussian further elliptic deformation of the grid pattern. Top right, grid orientation
kernel width: 1.35u) for absolute offsets from nearest multiples of 60u (referred averaged across the 3 axes. Bottom right, ellipticity of the grid pattern as a
to the parallel configuration) after shearing along both axes: orthogonal to function of the second shear parameter. f, Quadrant spatial autocorrelograms
alignment axis (top) and parallel to the alignment axis (bottom). Methods for for grid cells with large spacing yielding fewer than 3 grid fields per quadrant.
shearing were the same as in a. Peak for each distribution is indicated by red Left column, simulated rate maps with one, two or three grid fields. Middle
solid lines. Axes were sorted per cell according to their angular distance from column, spatial autocorrleograms from the rate maps in the left column. As
the nearest wall (axis 1 5 Amin; axis 3 had the largest angle from nearest wall). expected, a single field was not informative in terms of grid features such as grid
After shearing orthogonal to the alignment axis, the offset peak was reduced orientation or spacing, whereas two fields yielded information about one
considerably. Shearing along the other axes did not reduce the offset. c–e, The axis and three fields were informative about all axes. Taken together across all
effect of adding a second shear interaction. c, Effects of anchoring to multiple cells from a module, such contributions may average to overcome the effect of
walls in a simulated grid. A square lattice is used for illustrative purposes. sparse field-sampling and recapitulate the original local grid geometry.
Top row, square lattice aligned to the cardinal axes with no shear interactions Right column, simulation based on 20 grid cells with different grid phase (but
from any wall (left). Simulated rate map of grid aligned to the east–west box axis similar spacing and orientation) showing that when spatial autocorrelograms
(middle). Spatial autocorrelogram generated from rate map (right). Ellipse from multiple maps (from one module) with varying number of fields from
and inner fields are shown in black. Middle row, the square lattice after a shear various axes are combined (averaged), grid features from all axes can be
transform along the north–south axis (left). Black line with arrow illustrates retrieved and used to determine grid geometry in subdivisions of the original
shearing interaction from wall. Shear origin (anchoring point) is shown in red. environment. White asterisks show field peaks detected by the algorithm.
Simulated rate map after shearing is shown in the middle, and the resulting Orange lines show the grid orientation used to generate the simulated grid cells
autocorrelogram is shown to the right. Bottom row: square lattice (left), within a quadrant. The average autocorrelogram faithfully captures the original
simulated rate map (middle) and resulting autocorrelogram (right) after grid geometry even if the average number of fields per cell is less than three.
sequential shearing forces from two wall axes. Note that adding the second

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Extended Data Figure 10 | Two-axis corner-shearing removed the offset in the prominent minimum corresponding to a unique solution to the problem of
the 2.2 m environment. Several observations point to shear-like forces from recovering the original pair of shear parameters (arrow). c, Same as in b, but
two perpendicular walls as more common in the 2.2 m environment than the as pure colour map. The parameter set that was used to shear the grid initially is
1.5 m environment (Fig. 3). Minimizing ellipticity by simple shearing shown with green lines. The point of minimum ellipticity is shown as a
completely removed the angular offset in the 1.5 m box. In the 2.2 m box, white circle. In this case, the retrieved parameters were exactly those that were
however, the effect was only moderate, reflecting the fact that the grid was used in the original transform of the pattern. The example illustrates that
anchored to two walls, not one. Here we sought to determine if the two optimal the original shear parameter set could be recovered completely by two-axis
shear parameters associated with two-axis corner-shearing were recoverable reverse shearing. d, Colour map of angular offset resulting from two-axis
with the same approach as for simple shearing (minimization of ellipticity). shearing across the same range of shear parameter values as in a. Black
Specifically, we tried to recover the original configuration of a simulated grid corresponds to wall alignment (0u offset). The point of minimal ellipticity
pattern on which we had applied two-axis corner-shearing in advance. The (white circle in c) is the same as for minimal offset (white circle in d).
starting (default) grid pattern was made perfectly symmetrical and aligned to e, Cumulative distribution function showing angular offset of the data recorded
the east–west axis. We then applied 2-axis corner-shearing using the reverse in the 2.2 m box before (black) and after (red) two-axis corner shearing
transform proposed to occur as the result of grid shrinkage with corner (Fig. 3h). Note consistent shift to the left after shearing. 2-axis corner shearing
anchoring during familiarization (corner-shearing): significantly reduced the original offset (Wilcoxon rank sum test: Z 5 6.6,
   P 5 4.4 3 10211); the offset was abolished almost completely by corner
1zc1 c1 x
f ðx,yÞ~ shearing (peak symmetry offset after shearing 0u, kernel smoothed density
c2 1zc2 y curve with Gaussian kernel width 1.35u, 60% of the data distributed within
1 p 1 13p 0–5u), while normal 2-axis shearing had little effect (Fig. 3h). f, Scatterplot of
We set c1 ~{ tan , and c2 ~ tan . a, Simulated grid pattern before optimal corner-shear parameter and original grid offset for all data in the
2 24 2 360
(black) and after (red) two-axis shearing. The offset from the first shear axis is 2.2 m box. Shown is tan21 of the shear parameter (in degrees) to illustrate offset
7.5u but the second shear axis introduces further rotation, combined with that the parameter would yield in simple shearing). The two main scatter
deformation of the two remaining axes. b, Ellipticity surface resulting from clusters correspond to the two distinct anchoring solutions in the 2.2 m
systematic exploration of the two-shear parameter dimensions. Height and environment (that is, the two wall-axes). Red dashed lines show the wall axes of
colour indicate ellipticity. x and y axes denote the angular offset that the the environment ([230, 0, 30]u).
shearing parameters would cause in simple shearing (from 240 to 40u). Note

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LETTER doi:10.1038/nature14166

The formation of a quadruple star system with wide

Jaime E. Pineda1, Stella S. R. Offner2,3, Richard J. Parker4, Héctor G. Arce5, Alyssa A. Goodman6, Paola Caselli7, Gary A. Fuller8,
Tyler L. Bourke9,10 & Stuartt A. Corder11,12

The initial multiplicity of stellar systems is highly uncertain. A num- Detailed knowledge of the underlying distribution of dense gas is the
ber of mechanisms have been proposed to explain the origin of binary key to determining which structures will go on to form stars. Here we
and multiple star systems, including core fragmentation, disk frag- identify the dense gas structures that are most likely to form stars using
mentation and stellar capture1–3. Observations show that protostellar the dendrogram technique21. Dendrogram analysis is a hierarchical struc-
and pre-main-sequence multiplicity is higher than the multiplicity ture decomposition that uses isocontours to identify individual features,
found in field stars4–7, which suggests that dynamical interactions while also determining where these contours merge with adjacent struc-
occur early, splitting up multiple systems and modifying the initial tures to create a new parental structure. We refer to the smallest scale (and
stellar separations8,9. Without direct, high-resolution observations brightest) structures in the dendrogram as condensations. These are
of forming systems, however, it is difficult to determine the true the most likely places for an individual star to form. Figure 1a shows the
initial multiplicity and the dominant binary formation mechanism. B5 region as seen in dense gas (number density of H2, nH2 >104 cm-3),
Here we report observations of a wide-separation (greater than with the protostar and the identified gas condensations shown by a star
1,000 astronomical units) quadruple system composed of a young and circles, respectively. The mass of the well known protostar B5-IRS1
protostar and three gravitationally bound dense gas condensations. is 0.1 solar masses (MSun; ref. 22), while the masses of condensations
These condensations are the result of fragmentation of dense gas B5-Cond1, B5-Cond2 and B5-Cond3 are 0.36 6 0.09 MSun, 0.26 6 0.12
filaments, and each condensation is expected to form a star on a time- MSun and 0.30 6 0.13 MSun, respectively. Uncertainty in these masses is
scale of 40,000 years. We determine that the closest pair will form a dominated by the uncertainty in the temperature used to convert mea-
bound binary, while the quadruple stellar system itself is bound but sured fluxes to masses. The radii of the three condensations are respec-
unstable on timescales of 500,000 years (comparable to the lifetime of tively 2,800 AU, 2,300 AU and 2,500 AU, while the projected separations
the embedded protostellar phase10). These observations suggest that between the same three condensations and the protostar are 3,300 AU,
filament fragmentation on length scales of about 5,000 astronomical 5,100 AU and 11,400 AU (see Methods). The half-mass radii of the con-
units offers a viable pathway to the formation of multiple systems. densations are about half the condensation radii. This, combined with
Barnard 5 (B5) is a dense core in the Perseus star-forming region (at the mass radius relations (Extended Data Fig. 2), suggests that the central
a distance of 250 pc) that hosts at least one young, forming star11. Imaging regions will collapse faster than the whole condensations and before
of B5 in the emission of the dense-gas-tracing NH3(1,1) line shows it to be interactions between condensations can play a major role in the stars’
an example of a ‘coherent’ dense core12, which is a contiguous high-density initial separations. Although these separations are large, they are con-
region with subsonic levels of turbulence13. Higher-resolution imaging sistent with initial protostellar pair separations predicted for core frag-
reveals narrow filamentary structure within the coherent core14. We mentation by numerical simulations2. In the simulations, protostellar
observed the NH3(1,1) and (2,2) lines using the Karl G. Jansky Very separations evolve rapidly on timescales of 0.1 Myr, and some systems
Large Array (VLA)15, which reveals that the filaments in B5 are frag- become unbound while others migrate to closer proximity.
menting and that they are in the process of forming a wide-separation Projected proximity on the sky does not necessarily imply that objects
multiple stellar system. are physically related. However, the line-of-sight velocities of the observed
Nearly half of all stars reside in multiple star systems4,16. Consequently, condensations are similar and the grouping is likely to be physically asso-
a host of phenomena, ranging from supernova rates to planet formation, ciated. The velocity dispersion, sv, of the dense gas provides another im-
depend on understanding stellar multiplicity17. Because of the observa- portant piece of information, the gas kinetic energy, which is needed to
tional challenges associated with observing early systems, the dominant determine whether the condensations are transient structures or grav-
ideas for binary formation are based on simulations and analytic argu- itationally bound and likely to form a star. The velocities and velocity
ments, which naturally require a variety of assumptions4,18. To date, dispersions of the condensations are determined by fitting NH3(1,1)
observations have not captured the formation of a binary system at a and (2,2) line profiles14. The condensations and protostar display the
stage where its origin is unambiguous, and prior observations of core same centroid velocity to within 0.2 km s21 and are therefore associated
substructure lack the spatial and kinematic resolution to be used in with the same dense core. The level of turbulence in this region is so low,
predicting whether observed structures would form protostars and/or sturb < 0.53–0.66 times the sound speed in the gas14, that gravity will over-
produce a bound system19,20. The observed kinematics and separation whelm the combined turbulent and thermal pressure in all the identified
(.1,000 astronomical units, AU) of the B5 system is significant because condensations, and a star will probably form in each case. The timescale
it demonstrates a clear mechanism for wide binary formation and pro- for these condensations to undergo gravitational collapse is approximately
vides convincing evidence that the observed condensations will become the gas free-fall time, which we estimate to be 40,000 years (Methods).
a bound multiple star system. This timescale is sufficiently short to ensure that the system’s spatial
Institute for Astronomy, ETH Zurich, Wolfgang-Pauli-Strasse 27, CH-8093 Zurich, Switzerland. 2Department of Astronomy, Yale University, PO Box 208101, New Haven, Connecticut 06520-8101, USA.
Department of Astronomy, University of Massachusetts, 710 North Pleasant Street, Amherst, Massachusetts 01003, USA. 4Astrophysics Research Institute, Liverpool John Moores University, 146
Brownlow Hill, Liverpool L3 5RF, UK. 5Department of Astronomy, Yale University, PO Box 208101, New Haven, Connecticut 06520-8101, USA. 6Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, 60 Garden
Street, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138, USA. 7Max-Planck-Institut für extraterrestrische Physik (MPE), Gießenbachstrasse 1, D-85741 Garching, Germany. 8UK ARC Node, Jodrell Bank Centre for
Astrophysics, School of Physics and Astronomy, Alan Turing Building, Oxford Road, University of Manchester, Manchester M13 9PL, UK. 9SKA Organisation, Jodrell Bank Observatory, Lower Withington,
Macclesfield, Cheshire SK11 9DL, UK. 10Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, 60 Garden Street, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138, USA. 11Joint ALMA Observatory, Alonso de Cordova 3107,
Vitacura, Santiago, Chile. 12National Radio Astronomy Observatory, 520 Edgemont Road, Charlottesville, Virginia 22903, USA.

1 2 F E B R U A RY 2 0 1 5 | VO L 5 1 8 | N AT U R E | 2 1 3
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a b
Barnard 5
JVLA NH3(1,1)


Declination (J2000)






+32º 50′ 10,000 AU 10,000 AU

44 s 40 s 36 s 3 h 47 min 32 s
Right ascension (J2000)

Figure 1 | High-angular-resolution image of dense gas and stellar indicates the protostar (B5-IRS1) location. b, Contour map showing the filaments
progenitors. a, Background image from the JVLA of the Barnard 5 region shows in dense gas. Greyscale circles show the distance that could be covered during
the dense gas traced by NH3(1,1). It reveals two filaments, which together host 40,000 years while moving at the speed of sound, 0.2 km s21. In a and b, filled red
three gravitationally bound condensations (B5-Cond1, 2, 3). Red contours and circle at bottom left shows the angular resolution of the observations, and scale bar
orange-filled circles show the condensation boundaries and centres, while the star is shown at bottom right.

configuration will remain nearly unchanged during collapse, even if the have made the most pessimistic assumptions possible (giving the lowest
protostars move as far as possible (in straight lines at the gas sound speed) stellar masses) in evaluating boundedness.
for the duration of the collapse (,1,700 AU or 6.80 at the distance of Per- Depending on the final stellar masses and kinematics, the resulting
seus). Figure 1b shows, as dotted circles, the possible ranges over which multiple stellar system could either be strongly bound or quickly dis-
protostars could move in a free-fall time. The circles are smaller than the solve owing to dynamical interactions. Given the dynamical instability
current condensation radii, so we conclude that this is a multiple system of higher order systems, it is very likely that even if all the stars are initially
caught at the beginning of its formation. bound, one or more will be dynamically ejected at a later time8,9. For the
In order to determine if the multiple stellar system is bound, it is nec- closest possible pair, B5-IRS1 and B5-Cond2, we calculate the energies
essary to estimate the masses of the stars that will be formed within the for a wide range of final stellar masses and under different kinematical
condensations. However, there are two complicating factors that make and spatial distribution assumptions. In each case, we make different as-
mass estimates uncertain. First, we must estimate what fraction of sumptions to reconstruct the total velocity dispersion and total separa-
the condensation mass will end up in the star. Comparison between tion based on our measured line-of-sight values. Figure 2 shows that the
the initial mass function of stars and the distribution of dense core ratio of kinetic to gravitational energy is much less than one for all these
masses suggests that individual cores have a star formation efficiency cases, and therefore the pair is gravitationally bound.
of eDenseCore 5 MStar/MDenseCore < 30% (refs 23–25). Theoretical esti- Similarly, we compare the kinetic and gravitational energies for the
mates based on the effects of protostellar outflows predict core effi- expected stellar system taken all together, and find that the quadruple
ciencies of eDenseCore 5 25–75% (refs 26–28). Here, the condensations system is bound. Although bound, it is not likely to be a stable hierarch-
are embedded inside a previously identified dense core, B5, and they ical system in the long term (see Methods), and the system will probably
have radii one-tenth those of typical dense cores. Therefore, it would dissipate into a wide-separation binary system (B5-IRS1 and B5-Cond2).
not be surprising if their star formation efficiency is close to 100%, at An important caveat is that this analysis does not take into account the
eCondensation 5 MStar/MCondensation < 75% (ref. 26). Second, since the effect of gas. The system is embedded in a larger reservoir of gas (the B5
condensations are embedded within dense filaments, it is possible that core), which is several times the combined mass of the condensations.
the final stellar masses will be higher than the current measured con- This additional gas can have two effects on the system evolution. First,
densation mass, because additional gas can flow along the filaments the gravitational potential of the dense gas enhances the binding energy
and accrete onto the condensations29,30. If we adopt a very conservative of the system by increasing the stellar escape velocity. Eventually, much
estimate for the efficiency of 30%, and assume no additional mass accre- of this gas will be removed by outflows. Second, the gas acts as a drag force
tion from the filaments, the final stellar masses formed from the con- on the stars, dissipating some of the stellar kinetic energy. Both these
densations will be above the brown dwarf limit (80 Jupiter masses). effects support the same outcome: a bound stellar system, at least during
Further fragmentation could occur within the condensations, however, the formation stage. These results show that fragmentation of filaments
given the low multiplicity fraction at these masses, ,26% (ref. 4), so for would happen at scales smaller than those predicted by Jeans fragmen-
our analysis we assume the most likely outcome, single stars. The lower tation of dense cores14,25, and therefore filaments (or substructure in
the final stellar masses, the less likely the system is to be bound, so we general) might be crucial ingredients in the formation of multiples.
2 1 4 | N AT U R E | VO L 5 1 8 | 1 2 F E B R U A RY 2 0 1 5
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Additional observations of the distribution of dense gas in other regions
using the VLA and/or Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA) will Acknowledgements We thank K. Todorov for discussions and comments that
determine the frequency of occurrence of filaments (or substructure) in improved the paper. We acknowledge support from the Swiss National Science
dense cores and the distribution of separations of pre-stellar condensa- Foundation project CRSII2_141880 (J.E.P.), NSF CAREER award AST-0845619
(H.G.A.), NSF grant AST-0908159 (A.A.G.), ERC project PALs 320620 (P.C.) and NASA
tions at birth. grant NNX09AB89G (T.L.B.). S.S.R.O. acknowledges support from NASA through
Hubble Fellowship grant 51311.01 awarded by the Space Telescope Science Institute,
Online Content Methods, along with any additional Extended Data display items which is operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., for
and Source Data, are available in the online version of the paper; references unique NASA, under contract NAS 5-26555. R.J.P. acknowledges support from the Royal
to these sections appear only in the online paper. Astronomical Society through a research fellowship. This research made use of
astrodendro (, Astropy, and APLpy (http://
Received 18 September; accepted 24 December 2014. The James Clerk Maxwell Telescope is operated by the Joint
Astronomy Centre on behalf of the Science and Technology Facilities Council of the UK,
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2. Offner, S. S. R., Kratter, K. M., Matzner, C. D., Krumholz, M. R. & Klein, R. I. The Astronomy Observatory is a facility of the NSF operated under cooperative agreement
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J. 725, 1485–1494 (2010).
3. Moeckel, N. & Bate, M. R. On the evolution of a star cluster and its multiple stellar Author Contributions J.E.P. led the project and reduced the VLA data. J.E.P. and
systems following gas dispersal. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 404, 721–737 (2010). S.S.R.O. wrote the manuscript. R.J.P. conducted the stability analysis of the multiple
4. Duchêne, G. & Kraus, A. Stellar multiplicity. Annu. Rev. Astron. Astrophys. 51, system. All authors contributed to the VLA proposal, discussed the results and
269–310 (2013). implications, and commented on the manuscript.
5. Chen, X. et al. SMA observations of class 0 protostars: a high angular resolution
survey of protostellar binary systems. Astrophys. J. 768, 110 (2013). Author Information Reprints and permissions information is available at
6. Connelley, M. S., Reipurth, B. & Tokunaga, A. T. The evolution of the multiplicity of The authors declare no competing financial interests.
embedded protostars. I. Sample properties and binary detections. Astron. J. 135, Readers are welcome to comment on the online version of the paper. Correspondence
2496–2525 (2008). and requests for materials should be addressed to J.E.P. (

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METHODS which is the typical temperature of starless cores in Perseus36, and distance of 250 pc
(ref. 37). In the case of B5-Cond1, this gives a mass estimate of 0.39 MSun.
Observations and data reduction. Very Large Array. We conducted VLA observa-
We use the mass-to-NH3 flux ratio derived from B5-Cond1, whose isolation
tions of the B5 region on 2011 October 16–17 in D-array configuration, and on 2012
makes mass calculations most reliable, to estimate the masses of condensations
January 13–14 in CnD-array configuration (project 11B-101). We used the high-
B5-Cond2 and B5-Cond3. This gives masses of 0.33 MSun and 0.39 MSun for
frequency K-band receiver and configured the WIDAR correlator to observe two
B5-Cond2 and B5-Cond3, respectively.
basebands of 4 MHz bandwidth around the NH3(1,1) and (2,2) lines. Each base-
We also plot the enclosed mass as a function of radius in Extended Data Fig. 2a.
band is split into 8 adjacent spectral windows of 500 kHz bandwidth, with a channel
Here we also compare these mass–radius relations with those predicted for density
separation of 0.049 km s21. The quasar 3C 48 was used as flux calibrator, 3C 84 as
profile of r / r22 and r / r21.5, and it is clear that the condensations are better
the bandpass calibrator, and J033613218 as the phase calibrator.
described by a r / r21.5 density profile between 800 AU and 1,900 AU. A density pro-
We reduced the data with the Common Astronomy Software Applications pack-
file of r / r22 is a good description for a core in (or close to) hydrostatic equilib-
age31. The images were created using multi-scale clean (with scales of 0, 4 and 12
rium, while a profile of r / r21.5 is a good model for free falling envelopes38. This
arcsec and smallscalebias parameter of 0.2) with a robust parameter of 0.5 and a 6
also supports the notion that the condensations in B5 are centrally concentrated
arcsec beam. We also included the NH3 single dish data obtained with the Robert
and close to forming a central object.
C. Byrd Green Bank Telescope12 as a model image to recover the extended emission.
Virial analysis for condensations. We calculate the virial parameter (the ratio
The image has a noise level of 4 mJy per beam per channel.
between kinetic and gravitational energy) for a spherical core assuming a density
The integrated emission map is calculated using all hyperfine components in the profile r / r21.5 (ref. 39), which (see above) is a good approximation for the con-
following velocity range: (210.016, 28.534) km s21, (1.845, 3.575) km s21, (9.012, densation’s density profile from 800 AU to 1,900 AU (see Extended Data Fig. 2):
11.483) km s21, (9.012, 11.483) km s21, (16.919, 18.896) km s21, and (28.781, 30.758)
km s21. The final noise achieved is 2.8 mJy per beam km s21. a~4 R sv 2 G M~928ðR=pcÞðM=M Sun Þ{1 sv km s{1
James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT). We observed B5 in the dust continuum
emission at 450 mm and 850 mm using the Submillimetre Common-User Bolometer where R is the radius, M is the mass, and sv is the total velocity dispersion of the gas
Array 2 (SCUBA-2) bolometer array32 at the JCMT. The observations were carried (including thermal and non-thermal components, sv2 5 sth2 1 sturb2). A condensa-
out on 2013 August 16 and 23, and on 2013 August 3 under project M13BU14 during tion is bound if a , 2.
grade 1 weather. We use the iterative map-making technique, makemap33, with 0.5 The average level of turbulence, sturb, measured towards condensations B5-Cond1,
arcsec pixels to match the NH3(1,1) VLA map. The initial reductions of the scans B5- Cond2 and B5-Cond3 is 0.66 3 sth, 0.58 3 sth and 0.54 3 sth, respectively, where
are co-added to create a mosaic, which we use to create a mask of signal-to-noise sth 5 0.2 km s21 is the sound speed of the gas with mean molecular weight per free
ratio .5. Our final mosaic is created by co-adding a second reduction of the indi- particle for m 5 2.33 and at a temperature of 10 K.
vidual scans where the mask defines areas with emission. The angular resolution at We calculate the virial parameter as a function of radius for each condensation
450 mm and 850 mm is 9.8 arcsec and 14.6 arcsec (ref. 34), respectively. We only use using its measured average velocity dispersion (Extended Data Fig. 2b); the con-
the 450 mm map, since its resolution is similar to the VLA observations. densations are all bound beyond a radius of 1,200 AU. The virial parameter initially
We calibrate the flux scale of the observations using the Flux Correction Factor decreases as a function of radius until it reaches a minimum at ,60% of the
(FCF) of 4.71 6 0.5 Jy pW21 arcsec22 for 450 mm and of 2.34 6 0.08 Jy pW21 arcsec22 condensation radius, and then it increases until it reaches the edge of the condensa-
for 850 mm (ref. 34). We measure a noise level of 0.026 mJy per pixel and 0.23 mJy tion as defined by the dendrogram, while staying bound (Extended Data Fig. 2b).
per pixel in the emission-free regions of the 850 mm and 450 mm maps. Extended Free-fall timescale. The free-fall timescale for a uniform density sphere is defined
Data Fig. 1 shows the final SCUBA-2 450 mm and 850 mm maps, in which both the as
condensation B5-Cond1 and bright emission around the protostar B5-IRS1 are rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi  3=2  {1=2
clearly detected, while condensations B5-Cond2 and B5-Cond3, although detected, 3p p2 R 3 R M
tf f ~ ~ ~1:6|106 yr
are overwhelmed by the emission from B5-IRS1. The morphology of the emission 32Gr 8GM 0:1pc 0:1MSun
is similar to the NH3(1,1) emission map, confirming the filamentary structure and where M 5 4pR3r/3. The free-fall timescale, tff, is 4.0 3 104 yr, 3.5 3 104 yr, and
the condensations. 4.1 3 104 yr for B5-Cond1, B5-Cond2 and B5-Cond3, respectively. Thus, about
Condensation identification. We use the dendrogram algorithm21 to identify the 40,000 years is the ‘typical’ free-fall timescale for this system. This definition
structures in the NH3(1,1) integrated intensity map. Each structure corresponds to excludes the influence of magnetic fields, which could delay collapse.
a surface of constant intensity. An advantage of the algorithm is that structures can Stability analysis of the multiple system. We calculate the potential and kinetic
be nested inside one another, representing the hierarchy of the cloud, and then simply energy of each object and determine if all of the objects are bound40. The gravita-
visualized using a tree diagram. The condensations are the ‘leaves’, that is, the highest tional potential energy, Vi, is calculated as
level in the dendrogram decomposition. We produce the dendrogram with the fol- X Gmi mj
lowing parameters: min_value 5 4srms (minimum intensity considered in the ana- Vi ~{
lysis), min_delta 5 2srms (minimum spacing between isocontours), and min_npix 5 i=j
250 (minimum number of pixels contained in a structure), where srms 5 5 mJy per where mi and mj are the masses of objects i and j, and rij is the distance between
beam km s21 is the rms noise. The condensation radius, Req, is defined as the equiv- them. The kinetic energy of each object, Ti, is given by
alent radius, pReq2 5 area.
The centroid velocity of each condensation is computed by averaging the centroid Ti ~ mi ðvi {vcom Þ2
velocity within a 6 arcsec 3 6 arcsec box centred at the peak emission in the NH3(1,1) 2
map. The velocity dispersion of each condensation is determined by taking the av- where vi is the (line-of-sight) velocity of object i, and vcom is the velocity of the
erage of the velocity dispersions within the condensation. In both cases, the uncer- centre of mass of the system. A star is bound to the system if Ti/jVij , 1.
tainties are estimated from the standard deviation of the quantities measured. Using the stellar mass estimates, two-dimensional positions, and one-dimen-
The total flux for each condensation is defined as the total flux minus the back- sional line-of-sight velocities, we find that all four objects comprise a bound system.
ground emission removed within the structure boundary determined by the den- The calculated kinetic-to-gravitational energy ratio of the system is 0.11. In order to
drogram. Extended Data Table 1 displays the fluxes calculated from the NH3(1,1) assess the robustness of this result, we remove each object in turn from the analysis
emission map for all condensations. Of the three condensations, only B5-Cond1 and find that the system remains bound. If we were to increase the mass of any of
flux is not contaminated by the bright B5-IRS1 in the SCUBA-2 450 mm dust emission the four objects, this would decrease the energy ratio further.
continuum, and we include its total flux in the table. We next determine whether any of the four objects will become a stable binary
Mass determination for condensations. We determine the total mass of B5-Cond1 or triple system, with the caveat that we only know the velocity along the line-of-
using the total flux of the SCUBA-2 450 mm dust emission map assuming optically sight and the separation on the sky. We determine the binding energy, semimajor
thin emission, axis, and eccentricity of the central or ‘inner’ system (B5-IRS1 1 B5-Cond2). We de-
 termine the eccentricity using the following formula41:
M dust ~d2 F n ðkn Bn ðT ÞÞ s ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi

2ðm1 zm2 ÞLtot 2 Ebind
where d is the distance, Fn is the total flux, kn is the dust opacity per unit mass at e~ 1z
G2 m1 3 m2 3
frequency n, and Bn(T) is the Planck function at temperature T. We use a dust to gas
ratio of 0.01, and a dust opacity per unit mass of kn 5 0.1(n/1 THz)2 (ref. 35), which where m1 and m2 are the component masses, Ltot is the magnitude of the total an-
at 450 mm gives k450mm 5 0.044 cm2 g21. We assume a temperature of T 5 10 K, gular momentum vector on the centre of mass frame, and Ebind is the binding energy.

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The angular momentum is calculated using only the line-of-sight velocity and the The fate of this system will probably be determined by internal evolution, that is,
projected on-sky separation between the considered components, Ltot 5 [m1m2/ whether or not it becomes unstable, rather than by external perturbations41, owing
(m1 1 m2)] [(x2 2 x1, y2 2 y1, 0)3(0, 0, v2 2 v1)], where xi and yi are the on-sky to it forming in a low stellar density environment.
relative positions and vi are the line-of-sight velocities. The binding energy is nega- Code availability. The code used in this research is freely available at https://
tive, and the semimajor axis is ain 5 1,666 AU with a high eccentricity of 0.99. We, it makes use of Astropy42.
note that changing the component masses has a minimal effect on the semimajor 31. McMullin, J. P., Waters, B., Schiebel, D., Young, W. & Golap, K. in Astronomical Data
axis and eccentricity values (if all the masses are 0.2 MSun, then ain 5 1,663 AU, ein 5 Analysis Software and Systems XVI (eds Shaw, R. A., Hill, F. & Bell, D. J.) 127–130
0.99 and the system remains bound). However, the determination of a high eccen- (Astron. Soc. Pacif. Conf. Ser. Vol. 376, 2007).
tricity must be taken with caution, because its uncertainty is mostly due to the lack 32. Holland, W. S. et al. SCUBA-2: the 10,000 pixel bolometer camera on the James
Clerk Maxwell Telescope. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 430, 2513–2533 (2013).
of knowledge about the full orbital elements.
33. Chapin, E. L. et al. SCUBA-2: iterative map-making with the Sub-Millimetre User
Next, we treat the central system as the inner orbit of a triple system and deter- Reduction Facility. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 430, 2545–2573 (2013).
mine whether either [(B5-IRS1 1 B5-Cond2) 1 B5-Cond3] or [(B5-IRS1 1 B5-Cond2) 34. Dempsey, J. T. et al. SCUBA-2: on-sky calibration using submillimetre standard
1 B5-Cond1] could be a stable triple system. The former system could be a stable sources. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 430, 2534–2544 (2013).
triple because it has a negative binding energy; the outer semimajor axis of this 35. Hildebrand, R. H. The determination of cloud masses and dust characteristics
from submillimetre thermal emission. Q. J. R. Astron. Soc. 24, 267–282 (1983).
system is aout 5 4,060 AU, the eccentricity is 0.50, and the inner and outer orbit 36. Foster, J. B. et al. Dense cores in Perseus: the influence of stellar content and cluster
periods are 2 3 105 yr and 5 3 105 yr, respectively. environment. Astrophys. J. 696, 298–319 (2009).
However, we note that as the on-sky separation of the inner system (B5-IRS1 1 37. Enoch, M. L. et al. Bolocam survey for 1.1 mm dust continuum emission in the c2d
B5-Cond2) is less than 5–10 times the separation of the outer system [(B5-IRS1 legacy clouds. I. Perseus. Astrophys. J. 638, 293–313 (2006).
1 B5-Cond2) 1 B5-Cond3], which makes it highly likely to be unstable over long 38. Shu, F. H. Self-similar collapse of isothermal spheres and star formation. Astrophys.
J. 214, 488–497 (1977).
timescales8. 39. Enoch, M. L. et al. The mass distribution and lifetime of prestellar cores in Perseus,
Finally, we find that the [(B5-IRS1 1 B5-Cond2) 1 B5-Cond1] system has a pos- Serpens, and Ophiuchus. Astrophys. J. 684, 1240–1259 (2008).
itive binding energy, and is therefore not a stable bound system. 40. Baumgardt, H., Hut, P. & Heggie, D. C. Long-term evolution of isolated N-body
In summary, the four objects together are bound, but they do not constitute a systems. Annu. Rev. Astron. Astrophys. 336, 1069–1081 (2002).
41. Parker, R. J. & Meyer, M. R. Binaries in the field: fossils of the star formation
stable hierarchical quadruple system. The central (B5-IRS1 1 B5-Cond2) system process? Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 442, 3722–3736 (2014).
is a bound binary (albeit with high eccentricity) and may make up a triple system 42. Astropy Collaboration et al. Astropy: A community Python package for astronomy.
with [(B5-IRS1 1 B5-Cond2) 1 B5-Cond3]. Astron. Astrophys. 558, A33 (2013).

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Extended Data Figure 1 | Dust continuum emission maps of Barnard 5. B5-Cond2 and B5-Cond3. B5-Cond1 is clearly detected in the dust continuum
a, b, Dust continuum emission observed with SCUBA-2 at 450 mm (a) and emission. Since the dust continuum emission does show the presence of the
850 mm (b). Contour levels are drawn at 3, 6, 9, 12 and 153 rms, where rms is filaments in low level emission, we conclude they are real column density
0.23 mJy per pixel and 0.026 mJy per pixel in the 450 mm and 850 mm maps, features. Filled white circles at bottom left corners show the angular resolution
respectively. Emission from dust associated with the protostar B5-IRS1 of the observations. Blue- and orange-filled circles show the condensation
dominates the field, and it makes it difficult to extract the emission from centres, while the filled stars indicate the protostar (B5-IRS1) location.

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Extended Data Figure 2 | Mass and virial parameter as a function of radius different to the observed distribution. The virial parameter decreases with
for condensations. a, The enclosed condensation mass, derived from radius until it reaches a minimum of ,1.5, and then it slowly increases until it
NH3(1,1), at different effective radii for each condensation; b, the reaches the condensation boundary. Notice that virial parameters below the
corresponding virial parameter as a function of effective radius for each horizontal line (a 5 2) imply bound condensations. The grey shaded region
condensation. The condensation mass grows rapidly with radius, with a profile marks the regime where the effective radius is smaller than the angular
similar to one expected for a density distribution of r / r21.5 (dotted line in resolution of the observations. The circles show the values at the half-mass
a) until it is close to the condensation boundary. In comparison, the dashed line radius.
shows the expected result in hydrostatic equilibrium (r / r22), which is

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Extended Data Table 1 | Condensation and protostar parameters

RA, right ascension; Dec., declination; Vlsr, central velocity of the observed molecular line; FNH3, flux measured in the NH3(1,1) integrated intensity map; F450, flux measured in the SCUBA-2 450 mm map.

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LETTER doi:10.1038/nature14159

Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko sheds dust

coat accumulated over the past four years
Rita Schulz1, Martin Hilchenbach2, Yves Langevin3, Jochen Kissel2, Johan Silen4, Christelle Briois5, Cecile Engrand6,
Klaus Hornung7, Donia Baklouti3, Anaı̈s Bardyn5,8, Hervé Cottin8, Henning Fischer2, Nicolas Fray8, Marie Godard6, Harry Lehto9,
Léna Le Roy10, Sihane Merouane2, François-Régis Orthous-Daunay11, John Paquette2, Jouni Rynö4, Sandra Siljeström12,
Oliver Stenzel2, Laurent Thirkell5, Kurt Varmuza13 & Boris Zaprudin9

Comets are composed of dust and frozen gases. The ices are mixed at a heliocentric distance of 3.57 astronomical units (where 1 AU is the
with the refractory material either as an icy conglomerate1, or as an average Sun–Earth distance), when the comet was still at low activity.
aggregate of pre-solar grains (grains that existed prior to the for- The optical analysis of the grains captured on the target plates at dis-
mation of the Solar System), mantled by an ice layer2,3. The pres- tances beyond 3 AU shows that most have fragmented upon capture and
ence of water-ice grains in periodic comets is now well established4–6. a large fraction of grains more than 50 mm across have shattered.
Modelling of infrared spectra obtained about ten kilometres from Figure 1a shows a typical example of a dust particle that has crumbled
the nucleus of comet Hartley 2 suggests that larger dust particles are into a rubble pile upon collection, while Fig. 1b shows an example of a
being physically decoupled from fine-grained water-ice particles that dust particle that has shattered into a loosely connected cluster with a
may be aggregates7, which supports the icy-conglomerate model. It wide range of sub-component sizes. These two types of feature are re-
is known that comets build up crusts of dust that are subsequently presentative of most large particles collected at less than 30 km from the
shed as they approach perihelion8–10. Micrometre-sized interplan- nucleus during the first three months of the orbital phase. Given that the
etary dust particles collected in the Earth’s stratosphere and certain dust particles hit the target with a relatively low velocity (1–10 m s21)19,
micrometeorites are assumed to be of cometary origin11–13. Here we their tensile strength must be very low. From the inertial deceleration
report that grains collected from the Jupiter-family comet 67P/ forces upon grain capture the strength of the material can be approxi-
Churyumov-Gerasimenko come from a dusty crust that quenches mated, and a first rough estimate relevant for the present fragmenta-
the material outflow activity at the comet surface14. The larger grains tion process is on the order of 1,000 Pa.
(exceeding 50 micrometres across) are fluffy (with porosity over The disintegration of cometary grains in the coma is often described
50 per cent), and many shattered when collected on the target plate, as resulting from an icy grain component that evaporates when exposed
suggesting that they are agglomerates of entities in the size range of to solar radiation, producing a secondary source for comet gaseous
interplanetary dust particles. Their surfaces are generally rich in material20,21. A dusty secondary source can, however, also be attributed
sodium, which explains the high sodium abundance in cometary to certain organic grains that are not mantled by water ice22. The coma
meteoroids15. The particles collected to date therefore probably re- dust returned by Stardust23 featured various types of grain, including
present parent material of interplanetary dust particles. This argues specimens that had disintegrated along the deceleration tracks when
against comet dust being composed of a silicate core mantled by or- entering the aerogel (the ultralight porous gel in which the grains were
ganic refractory material and then by a mixture of water-dominated captured) at velocities of the order of 6 km s21, and hence were com-
ices2,3. At its previous recurrence (orbital period 6.5 years), the comet’s posed of very fine or thermally unstable components24,25. The morpho-
dust production doubled when it was between 2.7 and 2.5 astronom- logy of the grains collected by COSIMA supports the presence of solely
ical units from the Sun14, indicating that this was when the nucleus refractory material. A grain composed of an ice–mineral mixture would
shed its mantle. Once the mantle is shed, unprocessed material starts not shatter at low-velocity collection; instead, the icy part of such a
to supply the developing coma, radically changing its dust compon- grain would evaporate very shortly after collection, leaving one or more
ent, which then also contains icy grains, as detected during encoun- voids in the particle that remains on the target plate. Grains composed
ters with other comets closer to the Sun4,5. of (nearly) pure water-ice would evaporate at or shortly after collection
Since August 2014, the ESA Comet Rendezvous Mission, Rosetta16,17, and create a dark signature on the target plate. At the scale of the
has been in orbit around the Jupiter-family comet 67P/Churyumov- COSIMA image resolution (pixel size is 14 mm), there is no hint of
Gerasimenko, monitoring the evolution of the comet’s nucleus, near- volatiles having left the grains after collection. In other words, there is
nucleus region, and inner coma as a function of increasing solar flux no indication of an ice–mineral mixture, or of pure icy grains hitting
input, as the comet moves towards the Sun. As part of these studies, the the target. This is in contrast to cometary grains remotely observed, or
COmetary Secondary Ion Mass Analyser (COSIMA)18 onboard Rosetta collected before the Rosetta mission.
is collecting comet grains from the near-nucleus region and the inner The most important difference between the Stardust and COSIMA
coma onto special target plates19, which are subsequently imaged and grains is the heliocentric distance at which they were captured. The Star-
compositionally investigated by time-of-flight secondary ion mass spec- dust samples were collected during a comet fly-by at 1.85 AU, whereas
trometry using an indium ion source. The grain collection commenced the grains collected by COSIMA were dragged off the nucleus of a
European Space Agency, Scientific Support Office, Keplerlaan 1, Postbus 299, 2200 AG Noordwijk, The Netherlands. 2Max-Planck-Institut für Sonnensystemforschung, Justus-von-Liebig-Weg 3, 37077
Göttingen, Germany. 3Institut d’Astrophysique Spatiale, CNRS/Université Paris Sud, Bâtiment 121, 91405 Orsay, France. 4Finnish Meteorological Institute, Observation services, Erik Palménin aukio 1, FI-
00560 Helsinki, Finland. 5Laboratoire de Physique et Chimie de l’Environnement et de l’Espace (LPC2E), CNRS/Université d’Orléans, 45071 Orléans, France. 6Centre de Sciences Nucléaires et de Sciences
de la Matière, CNRS/IN2P3—Université Paris Sud—UMR8609, Batiment 104, 91405 Orsay campus, France. 7Universität der Bundeswehr, LRT-7, Werner Heisenberg Weg 39, 85577 Neubiberg, Germany.
Laboratoire Interuniversitaire des Systèmes Atmosphériques (LISA), UMR CNRS 7583, Université Paris Est Créteil et Université Paris Diderot, Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, 94000 Créteil, France.
University of Turku, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Tuorla Observatory Väisäläntie 20, 21500 Piikkiö, Finland. 10Center for Space and Habitability (CSH), University of Bern, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012
Bern, Switzerland. 11Université Grenoble Alpes/CNRS, Institut de Planétologie et d’Astrophysique de Grenoble, 414 Rue de la Piscine, Domaine Universitaire, 38000 Grenoble, France. 12Department of
Chemistry, Materials and Surfaces, SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden, Box 857, 50115 Borås, Sweden. 13Institut für Statistik und Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie, Technische Universität Wien, Wiedner
Hauptstrasse 7, 1040 Wien, Austria.

2 1 6 | N AT U R E | VO L 5 1 8 | 1 2 F E B R U A RY 2 0 1 5
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a and leaving their original dusty cohabitants (dust frozen together with
the gas) behind. This left-behind dust replenishes the existing dusty layer
from below, thereby maintaining its thickness in a quasi-steady state
until the solar radiation is high enough that the amount of dust re-
moved from the upper layer is larger than the new volatile-free dust

500 μm
produced underneath. As a consequence, the dusty layer will disappear
over time and fresh material will come to the surface. The transition may
be gradual but could be violent if there is a hard zone under the dusty
layer (as may be indicated by the re-bounce of the Philae lander) below
which high gas pressures are building up. From the increase in dust
production rate observed telescopically in 2008 (ref. 14) we infer that
the dusty layer was lost at some stage between 2.7 AU and 2.5 AU. That
orbital section will be reached again during the present recurrence of
the comet between 24 December 2014 and 20 January 2015, so the loss
500 μm

of the dusty layer has probably already occurred.

The mass spectra of the surface of the COSIMA grains collected
beyond 3 AU show a high abundance of sodium. Preliminary values ob-
tained after calibration26 are as high as 0.8, normalized to Mg 5 1. For
comparison, the Na abundances (Mg 5 1) for comet 81P/Wild-2 are 0.13
(collected in aerogel) and 0.2 (collected on aluminium foil)27, 0.1 6 0.06
b for comet 1P/Halley28, and 0.055 for CI chondrites29. The Na abun-
dance observed in Perseid and Leonid meteoroids is a factor of 1.5 higher
than the chondritic value15, which fits very well with the value measured
by COSIMA. Furthermore, the fluffiness of the COSIMA grains sug-
gests that they would fragment with time after release into the coma.
300 μm

From remote observations, such fragmentation of coma grains has reg-

ularly been proposed30. Therefore we conclude that the high Na abund-
ance measured by COSIMA, combined with the fluffiness of the grains,
supports the hypothesis that these grains represent the parent popu-
lation of interplanetary dust particles in meteor streams of cometary
Beyond 3 AU, COSIMA has not collected any of the dust that is mixed
with sublimating ice, but rather the dust that is present in the upper ice-
free dust layer. When the comet loses its fluffy mantle, it is expected that
300 μm

the properties of the grains collected will be very different from those
of the grains currently under analysis, which show the properties of
‘space-weathered’ comet refractory material. The fresh material is likely
to be a mixture of ice and dust, and its analysis should provide the de-
tailed structure of this mixture. However, when the comet returns to
the outer Solar System, a new dusty mantle will form as the upper layer
again becomes free of ice. The formation of such a mantle was con-
Figure 1 | Dust particles. a, An example of a dust particle that crumbled into a sidered for re-occurring comets8 and detailed models exist for short-
rubble pile when collected. The particle was collected at a nucleus distance period comet nuclei9,10. The physical processes and timescales of these
of 10–20 km, between 25 and 31 October 2014, with corresponding heliocentric models are consistent with assumptions made about the nucleus size,
distance range 3.11–3.07 AU. The image was obtained with two different grazing
illumination conditions (top image illuminated from the right, bottom
orbit and so on for 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. Therefore, the grains
image from the left). The brightness is presented in logarithmic scale to collected from this comet provide direct evidence for the existence of its
emphasize the shadows, which indicate that the altitude above the target dusty mantle and also an indication of the structure of dust mantles in
reaches about 100 mm. As the particle lies 4.2 mm below the centre of the short-period comets.
collecting target, the shadows are tilted with regard to the horizontal direction.
b, An example of a dust particle that shattered when collected. The distance, Received 3 December; accepted 22 December 2014.
time of collection, illumination conditions, and logarithmic scale are the Published online 26 January; corrected online 11 February 2015 (see full-text
same as for a. The shadows indicate that the altitude above the target HTML version for details).
reaches about 60 mm. The two grains visible on the right are not part of the
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11. Brownlee, D. E. in Treatise on Geochemistry (eds Heinrich, D. H. & Karl, K. T.) 28. Jessberger, E. K., Christoforidis, A. & Kissel, J. Aspects of the major element
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System beyond the nitrogen snow-line. Icarus 224, 243–252 (2013).
14. Guilbert-Lepoutre, A. et al. Pre-perihelion activity of comet 67P/Churyumov- Acknowledgements COSIMA was built by a consortium led by the Max-Planck-Institut
Gerasimenko. Astron. Astrophys. 567, für Extraterrestrische Physik, Garching, Germany, in collaboration with the Laboratoire
201424186 (2014). de Physique et Chimie de l’Environnement et de l’Espace, Orléans, France, the Institut
15. Trigo-Rodrı́guez, J. M. & Llorca, J. On the sodium overabundance in cometary d’Astrophysique Spatiale, CNRS/Université Paris Sud, Orsay, France, the Finnish
meteoroids. Adv. Space Res. 39, 517–525 (2007). Meteorological Institute, Helsinki, Finland, the Universität Wuppertal, Wuppertal,
16. Schulz, R., Alexander, C., Boehnhardt, H. & Glassmeier, K.-H. Rosetta—ESA’s Germany, von Hoerner und Sulger GmbH, Schwetzingen, Germany, the Universität der
Mission to the Origin of the Solar System (Springer, 2009). Bundeswehr, Neubiberg, Germany, the Institut für Physik, Forschungszentrum
17. Schulz, R. Rosetta—one comet rendezvous and two asteroid fly-bys. Sol. Syst. Res. Seibersdorf, Seibersdorf, Austria, the Institut für Weltraumforschung, Österreichische
43, 343–352 (2009). Akademie der Wissenschaften, Graz, Austria and is led by the Max-Planck-Institut für
18. Kissel, J. et al. COSIMA—high resolution time-of-flight secondary ion mass Sonnensystemforschung, Göttingen, Germany. The support of the national funding
spectrometer for the analysis of cometary dust particles onboard ROSETTA. Space agencies of Germany (DLR, grant 50 QP 1302), France (CNES), Austria, Finland and the
Sci. Rev. 128, 823–867 (2007). ESA Technical Directorate is gratefully acknowledged. S.S. acknowledges the support
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COSIMA instrument onboard ROSETTA. Planet. Space Sci. 103, 309–317 (2014). Rosetta Science Ground Segment at the European Space Astronomy Centre, the
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Tempel 1 resulting from the Deep Impact experiment. Icarus 187, 240–252 Rosetta Project at the European Space Research and Technology Centre for their work,
(2007). which enabled the science return of the Rosetta mission.
21. Villanueva, G. L. et al. The molecular composition of comet C/2007 W1 (Boattini):
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(LINEAR). Astron. Astrophys. 424, 325–330 (2004). contributed to instrument operations and data distribution. C.B., C.E., D.B., A.B., H.C.,
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E12S01 (2004). contributed to instrument and data calibration. Y.L. provided grain images and the
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System. Annu. Rev. Earth Planet. Sci. 42, 179–205 (2014). research and wrote the manuscript. All authors discussed the results and commented
25. Kearsley, A. T. et al. Experimental impact features in Stardust aerogel: how track on the manuscript.
morphology reflects particle structure, composition, and density. Meteorit. Planet.
Sci. 47, 737–762 (2012). Author Information After the proprietary period of six months the data will be available
26. Krueger, H. et al. COSIMA-Rosetta calibration for in-situ characterization of 67P/ in the ESA Planetary Science Archive (
Churyumov-Gerasimenko cometary inorganic compounds. Planet. Space Sci. project5PSA). Reprints and permissions information is available at www.nature.
(submitted); preprint at (2015). com/reprints. The authors declare no competing financial interests. Readers are
27. Stephan, T. Assessing the elemental composition of comet 81P/Wild 2 by welcome to comment on the online version of the paper. Correspondence and requests
analyzing dust collected by Stardust. Space Sci. Rev. 138, 247–258 (2008). for materials should be addressed to R.S. (

2 1 8 | N AT U R E | VO L 5 1 8 | 1 2 F E B R U A RY 2 0 1 5
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LETTER doi:10.1038/nature14155

Boron isotope evidence for oceanic carbon dioxide

leakage during the last deglaciation
M. A. Martı́nez-Botı́1*, G. Marino2,3*, G. L. Foster1, P. Ziveri2,4,5, M. J. Henehan1,6, J. W. B. Rae7,8, P. G. Mortyn2,9 & D. Vance10

Atmospheric CO2 fluctuations over glacial–interglacial cycles remain The modern Southern Ocean is a region of vigorous upwelling of
a major challenge to our understanding of the carbon cycle and the carbon- and nutrient-rich waters3. Much of the upwelled CO2 is out-
climate system. Leading hypotheses put forward to explain glacial– gassed to the atmosphere, owing to incomplete nutrient utilization in the
interglacial atmospheric CO2 variations invoke changes in deep-ocean Southern Ocean surface3. These waters are then resubducted as inter-
carbon storage1,2, probably modulated by processes in the Southern mediate waters and feed the thermocline of the low-latitude oceans, such
Ocean, where much of the deep ocean is ventilated3. A central aspect as the eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean10 (EEP), which is at present one
of such models is that, during deglaciations, an isolated glacial deep- of the main oceanic sources of CO2 to the atmosphere11 (Fig. 1). Many
ocean carbon reservoir is reconnected with the atmosphere, driving of the mechanisms proposed to reduce atmospheric CO2 during gla-
the atmospheric CO2 rise observed in ice-core records4–6. However, cial periods focus on a reduction of Southern Ocean CO2 leakage, via
direct documentation of changes in surface ocean carbon content and increased ocean stratification12 or a more efficient biological pump (prob-
the associated transfer of carbon to the atmosphere during degla- ably boosted by iron fertilization)13, or both. During deglaciation, this
ciations has been hindered by the lack of proxy reconstructions that situation is reversed, and previously isolated deep-ocean carbon is thought
unambiguously reflect the oceanic carbonate system. Radiocarbon to be upwelled and re-exposed to the atmosphere4.
activity tracks changes in ocean ventilation6, but not in ocean carbon Deglacial upwelling of aged, nutrient-rich waters in the Southern
content, whereas proxies that record increased deglacial upwelling4,7 Ocean, and their subsequent advection to the EEP, has been suggested
do not constrain the proportion of upwelled carbon that is degassed on the basis of several proxies4,6,7, including biogenic opal fluxes, stable
relative to that which is taken up by the biological pump. Here we carbon isotope ratios (d13C) and radiocarbon activities (D14C). Although
apply the boron isotope pH proxy in planktic foraminifera to two these reconstructions provide valuable insights into ocean nutrient
sediment cores from the sub-Antarctic Atlantic and the eastern equa- dynamics, circulation, and ventilation history, none of them directly
torial Pacific as a more direct tracer of oceanic CO2 outgassing. We tracks ocean–atmosphere CO2 exchange. For instance, if biological pro-
show that surface waters at both locations, which partly derive from ductivity efficiently used upwelled nutrients and carbon, as possibly indi-
deep water upwelled in the Southern Ocean8,9, became a significant cated by the deglacial increase in Southern Ocean and EEP opal fluxes4,14,
source of carbon to the atmosphere during the last deglaciation, when then CO2 leakage to the atmosphere may have been damped or even
the concentration of atmospheric CO2 was increasing. This oceanic negated completely. Similarly, the appearance of low d13C signatures
CO2 outgassing supports the view that the ventilation of a deep-ocean in the upper ocean at a wide number of locations globally during the
carbon reservoir in the Southern Ocean had a key role in the degla- deglaciation7,15, which is usually taken as evidence for the re-ventilation
cial CO2 rise, although our results allow for the possibility that pro- of nutrient-enriched (low-d13C) waters, could be modulated by changing
cesses operating in other regions may also have been important for air–sea CO2 fractionation15. Finally, perhaps the most compelling evi-
the glacial–interglacial ocean–atmosphere exchange of carbon. dence so far for the importance of the recommunication of a deep-ocean
Source 140
60º N
Oceanic ΔpCO2 (μatm)

30º N
Equilibrium 0
0º –20
180º W 90º W 0º 90º E
30º S
60º S
Sink –180

Figure 1 | Location of cores PS2498-1 and ODP1238. Site locations are overlaid on a map of mean annual DpCO2 (ref. 11).

Ocean and Earth Science, National Oceanography Centre Southampton, University of Southampton Waterfront Campus, Southampton SO14 3ZH, UK. 2Institute of Environmental Science and Technology
(ICTA), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Bellaterra, Catalonia, 08193, Spain. 3Research School of Earth Sciences, The Australian National University, Canberra, Australian Capital Territory 2601, Australia.
Institució Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avançats, ICREA, Barcelona, Catalonia, 08010, Spain. 5Earth and Climate Cluster, Department of Earth Sciences, Faculty of Earth and Life Sciences, VU Universiteit
Amsterdam, 1081HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 6Department of Geology and Geophysics, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut 06511, USA. 7Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences, California
Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California 91125, USA. 8Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of St Andrews, St Andrews KY16 9AL, UK. 9Department of Geography, Universitat
Autònoma de Barcelona, Bellaterra, Catalonia, 08193, Spain. 10Institute of Geochemistry and Petrology, Department of Earth Sciences, ETH Zürich, NW D81.4, Zürich 8092, Switzerland.
*These authors contributed equally to this work.

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carbon reservoir with the atmosphere via the Southern Ocean comes The d11B record for the surface-dwelling foraminifer Globigerina
from the collapse in D14C gradients in deep waters around Antarctica bulloides in the sub-Antarctic core PS2498-1 displays a change of ,1.3%
due to the deglacial breakdown of stratification in that region6. How- between the early deglaciation and the Holocene epoch (,0.13 pH units;
ever, although this correlates well with the atmospheric D14C record Fig. 2a, b). Unfortunately, the very low abundance of G. bulloides before
and the first rise in atmospheric partial pressure of CO2 (patmCO2 ) during ,16 kyr ago precluded d11B analyses for the Last Glacial Maximum,
Heinrich stadial 1, there is little response during the second rise of patm
CO2 which limited our evaluation of the full glacial–interglacial d11B (and
centred on the Younger Dryas stadial. pH) shift at this site. The PS2498-1 d11B record does not exhibit a grad-
There is therefore an urgent requirement for direct evidence of degla- ual change through the deglaciation into the Holocene, but features two
cial CO2 variations in the surface waters of key areas of the global ocean, distinct decreases (lower pH). In the EEP (at ODP1238), there is a brief
such as the Southern Ocean and the EEP, using which it will be possible negative excursion in the d11B of the surface-dweller Globigerinoides
to test the hypothesis that oceanic CO2 outgassing was central to the sacculifer at 19 kyr ago, and the ensuing deglacial change is larger (,2%;
glacial–interglacial patm 4,7
CO2 rise . We addressed this issue by analysing the ,0.2 pH units) and more gradual than that recorded by G. bulloides at
boron isotopic composition (d11B) of planktic foraminifera, a proxy16,17 PS2498-1 (Fig. 2f, g and Extended Data Fig. 1).
for oceanic pH that provides a direct link to seawater CO2 content. To highlight the main patterns of variability in the d11B-derived time
Figure 2 compares records of patm CO2 (ref. 5) with new planktic forami- series and to probabilistically account for all the uncertainties associ-
niferal d11B and Mg/Ca-derived temperature for the sub-Antarctic ated with our reconstructions, we used a Monte Carlo approach that
Atlantic (SAA) (site PS2498-1; 44.15u S, 14.23u W, 3,783 m water depth) uses a non-parametric regression (LOESS function; Fig. 2b, c, g, h and
and the EEP (site ODP1238; 1.87u S, 82.78u W, 2,203 m water depth) Methods). A comparison of the PS2498-1 and ODP1238 pH records
(Fig. 1). Surface waters at PS2498-1 are at present influenced by water with the pH expected if surface waters remained in equilibrium with the
upwelled in the Antarctic zone and advected northwards via Ekman atmosphere (Fig. 2b, g, green lines), reveals ‘excess’ surface ocean acid-
pumping8, whereas ODP1238 is mostly influenced by the Pacific equa- ification in both these areas during the deglaciation and early Holocene.
torial undercurrent18, a subsurface current originating in the western To gain further insight into deglacial ocean–atmosphere CO2 exchange,
equatorial Pacific and fed by water masses of Southern Ocean (,70%) we use the d11B-derived pH data, along with estimates of tempera-
and North Pacific (,30%) origin19. Previous literature has suggested ture, salinity and alkalinity, to calculate the partial pressure of CO2 in
an effective connection between the sub-Antarctic zone and the EEP seawater20 (pswCO2 ; Methods). Note that the temperature, salinity and alka-
via intermediate waters18, through a process often referred to as ‘oceanic linity have a minor effect on psw CO2 (at most 613 matm, 615 matm and
tunnelling’9 (Methods). 612 matm, respectively), which is driven mainly by the d11B-derived

Holocene YD BA HS1 LGM Holocene YD BA HS1 LGM

a 14.6 ACR f ACR
δ11BG. bulloides (‰)
PS2498-1, SAA

ODP1238, EEP

δ11BG. sacculifer (‰)


15.8 b 20.0 g
Seawater pH (total scale)

Seawater pH (total scale)

8.1 8.0
16.4 20.8
PS2498-1, SAA

δ11B pH δ11B pH

ODP1238, EEP
8.2 8.2
Equilibrium pH
Equilibrium pH
c 80 h 120
8.3 8.4
Oceanic ΔpCO (μatm)

Oceanic ΔpCO (μatm)

PS2498-1, SAA

ODP1238, EEP


20 40

Sink d 0
Mg/CaG. sacculifer SST (°C)

Mg/CaG. bulloides SST (°C)

12 24
ODP1238, EEP

–40 –40
PS2498-1, SAA

11 23

10 22
Atmospheric CO2 (p.p.m.v.)

Atmospheric CO2 (p.p.m.v.)

9 21

260 8 260 20

220 220

180 180

0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25
Age (kyr) Age (kyr)

Figure 2 | d11B, pH and DpCO2 records from the SAA and the EEP during h, d11B-based DpCO2 . Filled black circle denotes present-day mean annual
the last deglaciation. a–e, SAA; f–j, EEP. a, Globigerina bulloides DpCO2 near ODP1238 with 2s uncertainties11. i, Globigerinoides sacculifer
d11B 5 ((11B/10B)sample/(11B/10B)NIST951 – 1) 3 1,000% (Methods) with Mg/Ca-based SST. The late-Holocene data in f, g and h have been averaged
analytical uncertainties (1s, dark grey envelope; 2s, light grey envelope). (individual measurements are shown as open red circles) (Methods).
b, d11B-based pH (blue) reconstruction for PS2498-1 and calculated seawater Envelopes in b, c, g and h are 68% and 95% uncertainty bounds (light blue or
pH in equilibrium with atmospheric5 pCO2 (patm CO2 ) (green curve) at the same site. red shading and dotted lines, respectively) based on a LOESS regression of the
c, d11B-derived DpCO2 (psw atm
CO2 {pCO2 ). Filled black circle denotes present-day d11B-derived records using a Monte Carlo approach; thick line denotes the
annual average DpCO2 near PS2498-1 with 2s uncertainties11. d, Globigerina maximum-probability fit to the data. YD, Younger Dryas; BA, Bølling–Allerød;
bulloides Mg/Ca-based sea surface temperature (SST). e, j, patm CO2 from Antarctic ACR, Antarctic cold reversal; HS1, Heinrich stadial 1; LGM, Last Glacial
ice cores5. f, Globigerinoides sacculifer d11B with analytical uncertainties (1s, Maximum. Filled triangles at the bottom indicate calibrated 14C ages
dark grey shading; 2s, light grey shading). g, d11B-based pH (red) for ODP1238 (Methods).
and calculated seawater pH in equilibrium with patm CO2 (ref. 5) (green curve).

2 2 0 | N AT U R E | VO L 5 1 8 | 1 2 F E B R U A RY 2 0 1 5
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pH, given the strong correlation of pH and [CO2] within the ocean However, the differences in the patterns of pH, DpCO2 , d13C and opal
carbonate system20. The psw atm
CO2 profiles are compared with pCO2 from at the two locations (Figs 2 and 3 and Extended Data Fig. 1), suggest
sw atm
ice-core records to yield DpCO2 ~pCO2 {pCO2 , and, notably, our late- that the EEP record does not represent merely a downstream expres-
Holocene DpCO2 estimates agree within uncertainties with modern water- sion of the deglacial CO2 outgassing in the Southern Ocean, and that
column data from nearby locations11, supporting the accuracy of our additional processes or CO2 sources, or both, need to be considered to
d11B–pH calibrations (Fig. 2c–h). fully explain its structure. Intermediate waters originating in the South-
Our EEP DpCO2 record reveals that this region became a significant ern Ocean incorporate remineralized carbon during transit to the EEP,
source of CO2 to the atmosphere during the deglaciation and the early which may modify their geochemical characteristics24. Additionally,
Holocene, reaching, ,13 kyr ago, a peak of 190 6 16 matm (2s), which because source waters of the Pacific equatorial undercurrent also include
exceeds by ,45 matm the average modern values at this location11 waters originating in the North Pacific19 (,30%), these may provide a
(Fig. 2h). Comparison with earlier studies in the western and central potential supplementary source25 of CO2. During the early Holocene,
Pacific21–23 that reported deglacial DpCO2 values of 1100 to $1185 matm both our DpCO2 records also indicate continued oceanic CO2 outgas-
shows the widespread nature of the CO2 outgassing in the equatorial sing, yet patm
CO2 shows little change. This suggests that ocean outgassing
Pacific (Extended Data Fig. 2). The DpCO2 data from the SAA also indi- at this time was balanced by CO2 uptake, possibly due to forest regrowth
cate that this region acted as a source of CO2 to the atmosphere from and peat build-up as the continental ice sheets retreated from the north-
,16 to ,7.5 kyr ago, but in the form of two prominent multimillennial ern continents2,26, in line with the near-contemporaneous rise5 in atmo-
events, with a maximum of 150 6 18 matm (that is, ,65 matm higher spheric d13C (Fig. 3e, k).
than present-day average values11) ,15 kyr ago (Fig. 2c). Although millennial changes in the mean position of Southern Ocean
The occurrence of upper-ocean acidification in the SAA and the EEP frontal systems27, and in the upwelling strength in the EEP due to shifts
during the deglaciation coincided, within uncertainties, with excursions in the intertropical convergence zone28, have the potential to change
to higher opal fluxes at nearby sites4,14 (Fig. 3a, b, f, g). This observation DpCO2 at our sites, such changes seem unlikely to exert a dominant
provides compelling evidence for the proposed link between, on the one influence on our records. If the high DpCO2 spikes we document were
hand, the resumption of Antarctic upwelling4 and attendant Ekman driven by a northward shift of the regional oceanic fronts (PS2498-1)
transport8,10 of deep waters enriched in nutrients and [CO2], and, on the or by increased upwelling (ODP1238), they should be accompanied by
other hand, the increase in oceanic DpCO2 in the wider Southern Ocean. surface cooling, whereas in fact both sites feature a warming trend during
It further suggests that advection to the EEP, via oceanic tunnelling, of these intervals (Fig. 2 and Methods). It is also unlikely that the signals
these CO2-rich waters may (at least partly) explain the deglacial DpCO2 are driven by migration in foraminiferal depth habitat. In the SAA, pH
maximum documented at ODP1238. This interpretation is corrobo- vertical gradients are small, whereas in the EEP migration to deeper and
rated by the broad synchronicity of the acidification phases with excur- more-acidic waters is inconsistent with the warming signal in Mg/Ca
sions to depleted surface ocean d13C at our core locations (Fig. 3c, h), (Fig. 2) and with the structural similarity between G. sacculifer d18O
with the deglacial rise in the concentration of atmospheric CO2 (Fig. 3e, l), and d13C records and those for the strict surface-dweller Globigerinoides
and with the negative shift5 in the d13C of atmospheric CO2 (Fig. 3e, k). ruber (Methods and Extended Data Fig. 3).

Holocene YD BA HS1 LGM Holocene YD BA HS1 LGM

a 80
b f 120
Oceanic ΔpCO (μatm)

Opal flux (g cm–2 kyr–1)

Oceanic ΔpCO (μatm)

Opal flux (g cm–2 kyr–1)

60 0.35
PS2498-1, SAA

Antarctic zone

ODP1238, EEP



20 0.25
2 0

–20 0 –40 0.15

c h i 2.5
δ13CG. sacculifer (‰, VPDB)

1.0 2.0
δ13CG. bulloides (‰, VPDB)

δ13CN. dutertrei (‰, VPDB)

ODP1238, EEP

PS2498-1, SAA

ODP1238, EEP

0.0 2.0


–1.5 1.0 1.5

d e j k
Atmospheric CO2 (p.p.m.v.)

Atmospheric CO2 (p.p.m.v.)

300 –6.2 300 –6.2

δ13Catm (‰, VPDB)
δ13Catm (‰, VPDB)

260 –6.4 260 –6.4

220 –6.6 220 –6.6

180 –6.8 180 –6.8

0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25
Age (kyr) Age (kyr)

Figure 3 | DpCO2 and d13C records from the SAA and the EEP during the for V19-30 (EEP)14. h, i, ODP1238 G. sacculifer (i) and Neogloboquadrina
last deglaciation compared to opal fluxes, patm 13
CO2 and atmospheric d C. dutertrei (h) d13C with a LOESS non-parametric regression of the data (solid
a–e, SAA; f–k, EEP. a, Surface ocean DpCO2 reconstruction for PS2498-1. lines; span 5 0.7 (h) and 0.33 (i)). Envelopes in a and f are 68% and 95%
b, Opal fluxes for TN057-13-4PC (Antarctic zone)4. c, PS2498-1 G. bulloides uncertainty bounds (light blue or red shading and dotted lines, respectively)
d13C 5 ((13C/12C)sample/(13C/12C)VPDB – 1) 3 1,000% (blue dots; VPDB, based on a LOESS regression of the d11B-derived records using a Monte Carlo
Vienna PeeDee Belemnite) with a LOESS non-parametric regression of the approach; thick line denotes the maximum-probability fit to the data.
data (span 5 0.4) (solid line; Methods). d, j, Atmospheric CO2 concentrations Envelopes in e and k are 2s uncertainty bounds around the Monte Carlo
from Antarctic ice cores5. e, k, Atmospheric d13C record from Antarctic ice average (thick line)5.
cores5. f, Surface ocean DpCO2 reconstruction in ODP1238. g, Opal fluxes

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3. Sigman, D. M., Hain, M. P. & Haug, G. H. The polar ocean and glacial cycles in Acknowledgements We thank the International Ocean Drilling Program for providing
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4. Anderson, R. F. et al. Wind-driven upwelling in the Southern Ocean and the material, J. F. McManus for sharing his unpublished benthic isotope data for ODP1238,
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5. Schmitt, J. et al. Carbon isotope constraints on the deglacial CO2 rise from ice G. bulloides, we thank M. Kucera for providing core-top samples from the archives at the
cores. Science 336, 711–714 (2012). University of Tübingen, H. C. Bostock for samples from the National Institute for Water
6. Burke, A. & Robinson, L. F. The Southern Ocean’s role in carbon exchange during and Atmospheric Research, Wellington, and B. J. Marshall and R. Thunell for samples
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terminations. Science 296, 522–525 (2002). laboratory. C. Alt and M. T. Horigome helped with foraminifera picking. We thank the
8. Marshall, J. & Speer, K. Closure of the meridional overturning circulation through other members of ‘The B-Team’ at the National Oceanography Centre Southampton
Southern Ocean upwelling. Nature Geosci. 5, 171–180 (2012). for their contributions. Financial support was provided by the European Community
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11. Takahashi, T. et al. Climatological mean and decadal change in surface ocean NERC grant NE/D00876/X2 to G.L.F. G.M. was also supported by the Australian
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productivity in the equatorial Pacific Ocean from the last glacial period to the
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PA4201 (2006). The authors declare no competing financial interests.
15. Ninnemann, U. S. & Charles, C. D. Regional differences in Quaternary Readers are welcome to comment on the online version of the paper.
Subantarctic nutrient cycling: Link to intermediate and deep water ventilation. Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to M.A.M.-B.
Paleoceanography 12, 560–567 (1997). ( and G.M. (

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METHODS The precision (1s) was better than 0.07% for d18O and 0.05% for d13C, on the
basis of replicates of an internal limestone standard.
Material and methods. Core PS2498-1 was retrieved by the RV Polarstern from
the eastern flank of the mid-Atlantic Ridge (44.15u S, 14.23u W, 3,783 m water depth), Trace element and d11B analyses. Foraminiferal samples were oxidatively cleaned56–58,
dissolved in ,0.15 M Teflon-distilled HNO3 and centrifuged. An aliquot (,20 ml;
in the sub-Antarctic Atlantic Ocean32,33 (Fig. 1). Between 400 and 650 individuals
,7% of the total sample) was taken for trace element analyses, which were per-
of G. bulloides were picked from the 300–355 mm size fraction (10 mg per shell with
formed on a Thermo Scientific Element 2 single-collector ICPMS at the University
B/Ca < 35 mmol mol21) from this site. Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 1238
of Southampton17. Mg/Ca ratios were converted to calcification temperatures using
(1.87u S, 82.78u W, 2,203 m water depth) was drilled during Leg 202 by the RV Joides
the calibration of ref. 59 for G. sacculifer (ODP1238) and ref. 60 for G. bulloides
Resolution from the southern flank of Carnegie Ridge, off the shore of Ecuador in
(PS2498-1). The analytical reproducibility for Mg/Ca was62.7% (2s), and the efficiency
the EEP34 (Fig. 1). From ODP1238 we picked 15–90 individuals of G. sacculifer of
of the foraminiferal cleaning17,58 was verified using Al/Ca ratios (,100 mmol mol21
mixed morphotypes (see below) from the 425–500 mm size fraction (40 mg per shell
in all samples, and typically ,60 mmol mol21). The N. dutertrei (355–500 mm) Mg/Ca
with B/Ca < 100 mmol mol21) for d11B and trace elements, and 10–20 individuals
record was produced at the University of Bristol and at the University of South-
from the 355–425 mm size fraction for d18O and d13C. Twenty individuals of G. ruber
ampton using the same standard set to ensure comparability. Samples were reduc-
sensu stricto from the 250–355 mm size fraction were picked for d18O and d13C,
tively cleaned57,61 and measured on a Thermo Scientific Element 2 single-collector
and 30 individuals of N. dutertrei were picked from the 355–500 mm size fraction
ICPMS following ref. 17. Calcification temperatures were derived from ref. 59.
for trace elements and d18O and d13C. Foraminiferal samples were crushed between
Boron was separated from the remaining sample using Amberlite IRA-743 boron-
cleaned glass microscope slides before cleaning and analysis.
specific anion exchange resin17. d11B was measured on a Thermo Scientific Neptune
Age models. For core PS2498-1, we converted existing32 accelerator mass spectrom-
multicollector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (MC-ICPMS) at the
etry (AMS) 14C data to calendar ages using the Calib 7.0 program35,36 with the Marine13
University of Southampton17,58,62. The external reproducibility of d11B analyses was
data set31. Local reservoir corrections of DR 5 300 yr (ref. 37) and DR 5 900 yr were
calculated following the approach of ref. 58, and is described by the relationship
used for the past 16 kyr and between 16 and 26 kyr ago, respectively (Extended Data
11 11
Fig. 5a), following recent studies6,38 (compare with ref. 39). Different DR values may 2s~1:87 exp{20:6½ B
z0:22 exp{0:43½ B
affect the chronology by up to 0.9 kyr for the LGM and early deglacial sections, 11 11 62
although these potential changes in age model do not impact our conclusions where [ B] is the intensity of the B signal in volts .
unduly (Extended Data Fig. 5b). Owing to the low abundance of G. sacculifer during the Holocene in ODP1238,
The age model for ODP1238 is based on ten new AMS 14C dates (Extended Data the associated 2s uncertainties (calculated using equation (1)) were relatively large
Fig. 6a). Monospecific samples of N. dutertrei (,300 individuals, ,12 mg) were (0.56–0.84%). The four most recent Holocene samples have been averaged, with a
analysed at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Center for Accelerator 2s uncertainty calculated as the mean of the individual uncertainties (from equa-
Mass Spectrometry. Carbon-14 ages were calibrated using the Calib 7.0 program35,36 tion (1)) divided by the square root of n 2 1 (n 5 4).
with the Marine13 data set31. In line with previous studies40,41 in the EEP, an aver- The boron isotope pH proxy. The boron isotope pH proxy has been extensively
age DR of 72 6 35 yr was applied to all 14C data ( described in previous studies16,17,58. Briefly, boron in seawater exists mainly as two
To derive an age model for ODP1238, the relationship between sediment depth different species, boric acid (B(OH)3) and borate ion (B(OH)42), and their relative
and calibrated ages was fitted with a third-order polynomial regression (Extended abundance is pH dependent. There are two isotopes of boron, 11B (,80%) and 10B
Data Fig. 6b). A potential complication in constructing 14C-based age models in (,20%), with a ratio normally expressed as
 11 10 
the EEP is the possible presence of old waters during some intervals of the last B Bsample
deglaciation42,43. However, the gradual increase in age with depth at ODP1238, d11 B~ 11 10 {1 |1,000%
with no sign of age reversals (compare with refs 42, 43) suggests that our age model
is not likely to be influenced by extremely old 14C, or that the influence, if present, where 11B/10BNIST951 is the isotopic ratio of the NIST SRM 951 boric acid stand-
was small. Moreover, there is good agreement between the benthic and planktic ard63 (11B/10B 5 4.04367).
d18O records in ODP1238 and those of other EEP cores7,40,41,44 (Extended Data Fig. 7). There is pronounced isotopic fractionation between the two boron species, with
Although this does not represent a definitive validation, given that all these sites boric acid being enriched64 in 11B by 27.2%. Because the concentration of each species
could potentially be influenced by the same aged water mass, it documents the coher- is pH dependent, their isotopic composition also has to change with pH to main-
ence of our age model with the published literature for this region. tain a constant seawater d11B. Calibration studies58,65,66 have shown that the borate
Foraminiferal signal carriers. Globigerina bulloides is ubiquitous in the South species is predominantly incorporated into foraminiferal CaCO3, and ocean pH
Atlantic45 and its abundance seems to be generally associated with the phytoplank- can therefore be calculated from the d11B of borate as
ton productivity maxima during austral summer46. In the proximity of PS2498-1, d11 Bsw {d11 Bborate
G. bulloides dwells in the upper ,60 m of the water column, with a distinct maxi- pH~pKB {log { 11   ð2Þ
mum between 0 and 25 m (ref. 46). d Bsw { 11{10 KB d11 Bborate {1,000ð11{10 KB {1Þ
A number of proxy systems based on G. sacculifer in the EEP have been demon- where pK*B is the dissociation constant for boric acid at in situ temperature, salinity
strated to reflect mean annual environmental conditions47–49. In the Panama Basin and pressure67, d11Bsw is the isotopic composition of seawater68 (39.61%), d11Bborate
the depth distribution of G. sacculifer is morphotype dependent50: G. sacculifer with- is the isotopic composition of borate ion, and 11–10KB is the isotopic fractionation
out a sac-like final chamber dwells predominantly in the surface mixed layer, whereas between the two aqueous species of boron in seawater64 (1.0272 6 0.0006).
G. sacculifer with a sac-like final chamber dwells in the thermocline50 (25–37 m). Calibration of d11B pH proxy in G. bulloides. We combined core-top and sedi-
Another study51 showed that close to the coastal upwelling region of the EEP (where ment trap data to calibrate the d11B pH proxy in G. bulloides over a broad range
ODP1238 is located) the two morphotypes of G. sacculifer have similar depth ranges (,2%) of d11Bborate (ref. 69). Core-top samples were taken from core archives at
(0–30 m), which also overlap with that of the surface-dweller G. ruber (0–25 m). the University of Tübingen (Germany) and NIWA (New Zealand) (Extended Data
Globigerinoides sacculifer is also known to add gametogenic calcite at thermocline Fig. 8). Carbon-14 dating70 (samples from NIWA) and the presence of Rose Bengal-
depths, which can account for up to 30% of the final test weight52. Although these stained living benthic foraminifera (samples from University of Tübingen) confirmed
and other53 studies may imply the influence of a thermocline signal on the G. sacculifer recent ages for the samples used. pH was estimated for core-top sites using surface
mixed-morphotype-based reconstructions, d18O and d13C data from ODP1238 water oceanographic data11,37,71 (following ref. 62), and regional total alkalinity/
(Extended Data Fig. 3) indicate a similar depth habitat for G. sacculifer and the surface- salinity/temperature relationships72. The pre-industrial partial pressure of CO2 in
dweller G. ruber50,51 (which does not add gametogenic calcite54) throughout the past seawater (pswCO2 ) at each core-top site was estimated by applying monthly ocean–
25 kyr. atmosphere DpCO2 interpolated from surrounding sites11 (and corrected for the
d13C and d18O analyses. Prior to stable isotope determination, foraminiferal sam- post-industrial changes in flux73) to a pre-industrial atmospheric pCO2 value from
ples were rinsed with methanol, ultrasonicated and then oven-dried at 40 uC. Ana- ice-core data. Monthly estimates of pH were then calculated with CO2sys-Matlab74,
lyses of G. bulloides (PS2498-1, complementing ref. 55), G. sacculifer (ODP1238) using the constants of refs 67, 75, 76, and temperature and salinity data11. Monthly-
and N. dutertrei (ODP1238) were performed at the Universitat Autònoma de Bar- resolved in situ d11Bborate could then be calculated from pH, temperature and salinity.
celona, using a Thermo Finnigan MAT253 mass spectrometer coupled to a Kiel IV For each sample site, the average of twelve monthly estimates of d11Bborate was taken
device for CO2 sample gas preparation. External reproducibility (1s) of carbonate as mean annual in situ d11Bborate, and two standard deviations of the monthly vari-
standards was better than 60.05% for d18O and 60.03% for d13C. ODP1238 ability were taken as 2s uncertainty (representing intraannual variation in d11Bborate
G. ruber d18O and d13C data were measured at MARUM-Center for Marine Envi- at each site). These core-top samples were complemented by sediment trap samples
ronmental Sciences, University of Bremen, using a Thermo Finnigan MAT252 mass from the Cariaco Basin CAR22(Z), collected in January 2007. pH, temperature and
spectrometer coupled to a Bremen-type automatic carbonate preparation device. salinity data for the sediment trap site are interpolated from data from December

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2006 and February 2007 ( These new calibration To calculate ‘equilibrium pH’, that is, surface seawater pH expected at each core
data are presented and plotted in Extended Data Fig. 8. We can then calculate location if waters had remained in equilibrium with the contemporaneous atmo-
d11Bborate from G. bulloides d11B (d11Bcalcite), with associated 2s uncertainties, as sphere during the past 25 kyr (Fig. 2b, g), we used interpolated ice-core pCO2 data5,87,88
follows: and the calculated temperature, salinity and total alkalinity for each of our samples
(see above). Calculations were made using the ‘seacarb’ package86 in R with the
d11 Bborate ~(d11 Bcalcite z3:440+4:584)=1:074+0:252 ð3Þ
constants of refs 67, 75, 76.
Size fraction was not found to produce any effect on d B (ref. 69); in this study we Here we define DpCO2 as the partial pressure of CO2 in seawater minus the par-
used the 300–355 mm size fraction. tial pressure of CO2 in the atmosphere:
d11B pH proxy in G. sacculifer. Conversion of d11B of G. sacculifer to pH follows
DpCO2 ~psw atm
CO2 {pCO2
the approach described in ref. 77. Despite analytical biases between MC-ICPMS
and N-TIMS analysis58, it can be assumed that the pH sensitivity of G. sacculifer Our reconstructed DpCO2 for the most recent samples in PS2498-1 and ODP1238
d11B described by culture calibration78 (N-TIMS) is applicable to MC-ICPMS data58,79. are 23 6 16 and 127 6 17 matm, respectively, which agree within uncertainties with
The d11B–pH calibration used here therefore incorporates both culture data78, modern mean annual DpCO2 from nearby locations (215 6 8 and 145 6 8 matm,
which we recalculated following ref. 62, and existing core-top data17 (Extended Data respectively; ref. 11). Because DpCO2 is a comparison between our pCO2 records
Fig. 8). To account for the analytical bias between MC-ICPMS and N-TIMS, we and the Antarctic ice-core pCO2 record5, the resulting DpCO2 can be affected by the
corrected the data set of ref. 78 by applying an offset of 23.32%. This is derived chronology used, especially in periods of rapid patmCO2 increase. To account for this,
from the comparison between core-top G. sacculifer measurements by MC-ICPMS17 the uncertainty in DpCO2 due to our age models has been approximated by prop-
and N-TIMS80 from adjacent sites80. The following equation (with 2s uncertainties) agating a 60.5 kyr uncertainty in our records using a Monte Carlo approach. The
can be then used to calculate the appropriate d11Bborate from G. sacculifer d11B resulting uncertainty in calculated DpCO2 is at most 612 matm for PS2498-1 and
(d11Bcalcite): 67 matm for ODP1238 (Extended Data Fig. 9).
To derive CO2 flux between the ocean and the atmosphere, DpCO2 and the sea–
d11 Bborate ~(d11 Bcalcite {3:600+0:722)=0:834+0:036 ð4Þ
air gas transfer rate (normally parameterized as a function of wind speed11) need
to be considered. However, a visual comparison between our Fig. 1 and fig. 13 in
Carbonate system calculations: pH, psw CO2 and Dp CO2 . To calculate pH from d Bborate ref. 11 illustrates that areas of high DpCO2 tend to correspond to areas of sea–air
(equation (2)), temperature and salinity estimates are required. Temperatures are CO2 flux. Consequently, and in agreement with previous literature, in our inter-
derived from foraminiferal Mg/Ca (see above) and salinity is calculated taking into pretations we assume that a positive DpCO2 implies CO2 outgassing from the ocean
account the freshwater loss from the ocean due to the glacial growth of continental to the atmosphere.
ice sheets81. A Monte Carlo approach was used to generate 10,000 realizations of Smoothing of the records and Monte Carlo simulations. The d11B-derived and
pH by randomly sampling the relevant input parameters within their given uncer- d13C records presented in this study have been smoothed by fitting a non-parametric
tainty bounds (2s): d11B plus/minus analytical uncertainty (equation (1)) and plus/ regression (LOESS function). Smoothing was performed in R with the degree of
minus calibration uncertainty (equations (3) and (4)); temperature 61 uC; and smoothing (the ‘span’ term) optimized using both ‘general cross-validation’ and
salinity 61 p.s.u. To fully propagate the calibration uncertainty, 10,000 realizations ‘leave-one-out cross-validation’ methods89. These approaches identified nearly
of each of the calibration data points were first made by randomly varying each identical optimal degrees of smoothing for the d11B-derived records (span 5 0.25
point within its x and y uncertainties and fitting a separate regression line for each for PS2498-1 and 0.23 for ODP1238), and the most likely smoothed fit to the data
set of d11Bborate and d11Bcalcite values. This approach therefore accounts for the was obtained using a probabilistic approach. To achieve this a LOESS function was
covariation in slope and intercept uncertainty in the average d11B borate–d11Bcalcite fitted to each of the 10,000 realizations (for pH, psw
CO2 and DpCO2 ) generated using
calibration line shown in Extended Data Fig. 8 (note that this covariation arises the Monte Carlo approach described above, and for each time step the distribution
because a fit to the data with a high slope has a low intercept, and vice versa). For of smoothed lines was examined and the maximum probability and the 2.5th, 16th,
each of the 10,000 realizations of the down-core d11B records from the Monte Carlo 84th and 97.5th percentiles were determined90. This approach fully accounts for
approach, one of these calibrations was randomly chosen and applied to the whole the uncertainty in all of the input parameters, and provides an uncertainty in the
time series (no calibration was chosen more than once). For each data point in the most likely smoothed fit to the data. Uncertainty envelopes in the DpCO2 records
ensuing pH time series, the maximum probability of the distribution of the 10,000 also include the uncertainty associated with our age models.
pH estimates was determined with uncertainties given by the 2.5th, 16th, 84th and Hydrographic control on seawater pH in the SAA. Millennial-scale reorganiza-
97.5th percentiles. tions of the interhemispheric climate91,92 were accompanied by meridional shifts of
To calculate pswCO2 , another variable of the ocean carbonate system apart from pH the oceanic fronts of the Antarctic circumpolar current27. PS2498-1 sits between
is required20. Here we use total alkalinity. Both pH and psw CO2 are governed by the the subtropical front and the sub-Antarctic front93, the migrations of which may
ratio of dissolved inorganic carbon to total alkalinity in seawater, and so pH changes have influenced surface ocean hydrography and carbonate system parameters at
are proportional to changes in psw CO2 (refs 20, 82). Although our knowledge of total this location. The main negative shifts in the PS2498-1 G. bulloides d11B record (and
alkalinity is largely uncertain83, modelling studies provide useful constraints on pH) generally occurred during warming episodes, as revealed by the co-registered
glacial–interglacial (GIG) total alkalinity change84,85. The GIG total alkalinity change G. bulloides Mg/Ca (Fig. 2d). This would agree with the contemporaneous south-
is 1120 mmol kg21 in the ‘seven-box model’ of ref. 84, and is 1140 mmol kg21 in ward shifts of the subtropical front at a nearby location27 that are interpreted as the
ref. 85. There is no available information, however, on the secular evolution of total response of the South Atlantic to the main episodes of interhemispheric climate
alkalinity during the deglaciation. changes (for example during Heinrich Stadial 1 and the Younger Dryas). Today,
We calculated psw CO2 using the equations of ref. 20 and the ‘seacarb’ package in
surface ocean pH decreases southwards across the Antarctic circumpolar cur-
R. The relevant input parameters were taken from the 10,000 Monte Carlo pH rent94, implying that a southward shift of the subtropical front would have plaus-
simulations above with the addition of total alkalinity, which randomly varied for ibly caused a pH increase (as opposed to the observed decrease). Hence, the pH
each data point in the simulation from ‘modern minus 25 mmol kg21’ to ‘modern variability at PS2498-1 does not reflect reorganizations of the regional oceanic
plus 125 mmol kg21’ with a ‘flat’ probability (that is, an equal probability of total fronts, because these, at most, would have worked to counteract or damp, or both,
alkalinity being any value between these extremes at any point of the record). This the reconstructed acidification events.
approach avoids ascribing weight to any particular total alkalinity value and fully Intertropical convergence zone migrations in the EEP. The mean latitudinal
explores the likely range given the available, model-based, constraints. position of the intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ) probably migrated south-
It is important to note that pswCO2 estimates are mostly determined by the recon- wards during Northern Hemisphere cold phases28,95–97. ITCZ southward shifts during
structed pH and that total alkalinity has little influence. For example, assuming boreal winter currently coincide with decreased upwelling in the EEP (and vice
that total alkalinity in both ODP1238 and PS2498-1 records is constant at either versa). The timing of the main shifts towards low d11B and pH (high DpCO2 ) in the
‘modern plus 125 mmol kg21’ or ‘modern minus 25 mmol kg21’ modifies reconstructed ODP1238 matched Northern Hemisphere cooling events and attendant ITCZ
CO2 only by a maximum of ,22 matm (Extended Data Fig. 9). Similarly, temper- southward displacements28. However, they cannot be explained by variations in
ature and salinity have little effect on our pH and pswCO2 calculations, which are over- EEP upwelling rates because reduced upwelling would cause lower DpCO2 , as opposed
whelmingly determined by d11B and its associated uncertainties. The uncertainties to the observed higher DpCO2 . In addition, the appearance of low-pH waters in the
associated with these parameters for PS2498-1 and ODP1238 are respectively at ODP1238 deglacial record are associated with considerably increased tempera-
most 619 and 69 matm for calibration uncertainty, 610 and 612 matm for total tures, both in surface and, especially, in thermocline waters98 (Fig. 2i and Extended
alkalinity, 68 and 615 matm for salinity, and 69 and 613 matm for temperature Data Fig. 10), which cannot be fully explained by deglacial warming. In fact, these
(Extended Data Fig. 9). positive temperature excursions at ODP1238 exceeded Holocene temperatures.

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Extended Data Figure 1 | Comparison of PS2498-1 (blue) and ODP1238 (red) records. a, d11B. b, pH. c, DpCO2 .

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Extended Data Figure 2 | d11B-derived DpCO2 compilation for the smoothing (span) of 0.2 and 0.4, respectively (Methods), to allow a better
equatorial Pacific during the last deglaciation and Holocene. Foraminifera- comparison with the ODP1238 record (see main text). ODP1238 is located in
based record from the western equatorial Pacific21 (grey), Porites coral-based the EEP, and therefore represents a direct record of upwelling of CO2-rich
record from the central equatorial Pacific22,23 (as published in ref. 22, green), waters, while the signal at central and western equatorial sites may have been
and foraminifera-based record from the EEP (this study, red). The records of modified during the westward transit of waters by, for example, equilibration
refs 21, 22 have been smoothed by fitting a LOESS function with degrees of with the atmosphere and/or nutrient utilization by the biological pump.

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Extended Data Figure 3 | Planktic d18O and d13C records from ODP1238.
a, Planktic d18O records from OPD1238. Red, G. ruber sensu stricto (ss)
250–355 mm; green, G. sacculifer (mixed morphotypes) 355–425 mm; black,
N. dutertrei 355–500 mm. b, Planktic d13C records from OPD1238. To facilitate
comparison between species, d13C data has been normalized53. Red, G. ruber ss
250–355 mm; green, G. sacculifer (mixed morphotypes) 355–425 mm; black,
N. dutertrei 355–500 mm.

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Extended Data Figure 4 | DpCO2 records from the SAA and the EEP during c, f, patm 5
CO2 measured on a suite of Antarctic ice cores . d, d B-derived DpCO2 in
the last deglaciation, compared with indicators of dust input. a–c, SAA; core ODP1238. e, Dust fluxes in the EEP29. Dust fluxes from ref. 29 were
d–f, EEP. a, d11B-derived DpCO2 in core PS2498-1. b, Logarithm of the mass de-meaned and divided by their own standard deviation, and are displayed in
accumulation rates (MAR) of iron (Fe) in the sub-Antarctic site ODP109013. standard deviation units.

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Extended Data Figure 5 | Age model for PS2498-1. a, Chronology of SAA Antarctic opal flux4 (orange) records. Red, constant DR 5 300 yr; green,
core PS2498-1. Carbon-14 calendar age/depth relationships in core PS2498-1. DR 5 900 yr for intervals older than 16 kyr and DR 5 300 yr for younger
Grey shading indicates 95% confidence limits of calendar ages. b, PS2498-1 intervals6; magenta, variable DR correction38 (ranging between 500 and 900 yr
G. bulloides d11B record plotted using the different chronologies described in between 13 and 16 kyr ago).
Methods and compared with atmospheric CO2 (green; refs 5, 87, 88) and with

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Extended Data Figure 6 | Age model for ODP1238. a, Radiocarbon ages for
ODP1238 determined from N. dutertrei tests at LLNL-CAMS. b, Chronology
of EEP core ODP1238. Orange circles, calendar ages; black line, linear fit;
red line, third-order polynomial fit (Methods).

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Extended Data Figure 7 | Benthic and planktic d18O stratigraphy for RC23-1544. b, Globigerinoides ruber d18O stratigraphy for ODP1238 compared
ODP1238. a, Benthic d18O stratigraphy for ODP1238 compared with other with other G. ruber stratigraphies from EEP cores. Black circles, ODP1238
benthic d18O stratigraphies from EEP cores. Black circles, unpublished benthic (Methods); green squares, site TR163-197; red line, site TR163-2240; blue line,
d18O data for ODP1238 generated by J. F. McManus (LDEO, Columbia site ODP124041.
University); red line, site TR163-2240; blue line, sites RC13-140, RC23-22 and

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Extended Data Figure 8 | d11B–pH calibrations for G. bulloides and indicates an original N-TIMS calibration data point that falls outside the plot
G. sacculifer. a, Data tabulated; b, Data plotted. The green symbols and text area). The ODP1238 late-Holocene average (black-filled square) was not
show a new calibration for G. bulloides (with associated 2s uncertainties). used to produce the calibration equation, and is included to show its agreement
Horizontal error bars for core-top samples are 2s of intra-annual variability in with the calibration line. Horizontal error bars for core-top samples are 2s of
calculated monthly d11Bborate, and for sediment trap samples reflect the range of intra-annual variability in calculated monthly d11Bborate, and for culture
d11Bborate between December 2006 and February 2007. Vertical error bars samples represent quoted uncertainties78 in pH. Vertical error bars represent
represent the analytical reproducibility (2s) as calculated using equation (1). quoted uncertainties in d11B measurements17,78 (2s). To calculate monthly pH
The most recent PS2498-1 sample (2.2 kyr old) (black-filled circle) was not used variations at ODP1238, the method described in the G. bulloides calibration
in the calibration process, and is included to show its agreement with the section has been used62 (with total alkalinity derived using the total
calibration line. The red symbols and text show a calibration for G. sacculifer alkalinity/salinity/temperature relationship for the ‘Equatorial upwelling
(with associated 2s uncertainties). The calibration line incorporates both Pacific Zone’ in ref. 72). The black line denotes a 1:1 relationship, that is, a pH
culture78 (empty symbols) and core-top (red-filled symbols) data17. Culture sensitivity equal to that of borate ion. Heavily and lightly shaded regions around
data analysed by N-TIMS (grey symbols and text)78 has been corrected by calibration lines represent 1s and 2s uncertainties, respectively.
applying a laboratory offset of 23.32% (Methods) (the vertical grey arrow

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Extended Data Figure 9 | Effect of d11B–pH calibration, total alkalinity and pCO2 record calculated with the G. sacculifer calibration equation (thick red
chronological uncertainties in pCO2 and DpCO2 records. a, PS2498-1 d11B- line), and its associated 2s uncertainty (shaded red envelope). e, ODP1238
based pCO2 record calculated with the G. bulloides calibration equation d11B-based pCO2 record assuming a constant total alkalinity of (i) modern
(thick blue line), and its associated 2s uncertainty (blue shaded envelope). values at ODP1238 (blue), (ii) modern values minus 25 mmol kg21 (green)
b, PS2498-1 d11B-based pCO2 record assuming a constant total alkalinity of and (iii) modern values plus 125 mmol kg21 (red). f, ODP1238 DpCO2 record
(i) modern values at PS2498-1 (blue), (ii) modern values minus 25 mmol kg21 calculated using (i) age derived from our age model (blue), (ii) age plus 0.5 kyr
(green) and (iii) modern values plus 125 mmol kg21 (red). c, PS2498-1 DpCO2 (green) and (iii) age minus 0.5 kyr (red). Note the different horizontal and
record calculated using (i) age derived from our age model (blue), (ii) age plus vertical axes in each panel.
0.5 kyr (green) and (iii) age minus 0.5 kyr (red). d, ODP1238 d11B-based

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Extended Data Figure 10 | Globigerinoides sacculifer Mg/Ca-based sea surface SST (red) and N. dutertrei Mg/Ca-based thermocline temperature (TT;
green) at ODP1238.

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LETTER doi:10.1038/nature14116

Recharge of a subglacial lake by surface meltwater in

northeast Greenland
Michael J. Willis1,2, Bradley G. Herried3, Michael G. Bevis4 & Robin E. Bell5

In a warming climate, surface meltwater production on large ice 222 uC and the long-term accumulation rate is ,0.25 m of water
sheets is expected to increase. If this water is delivered to the ice sheet equivalent per year. Using an estimated geothermal heat flux19 of
base it may have important consequences for ice dynamics. For ex- ,60 mW m22, we calculate the temperature at the bed—about 540 m
ample, basal water distributed in a diffuse network can decrease basal (Extended Data Fig. 1) beneath the ice divide—to be approximately
friction1,2 and accelerate ice flow3–8, whereas channelized basal water 29 uC (ref. 20), far below the pressure melting temperature (about
can move quickly to the ice margin, where it can alter fjord circula- 20.5 uC). The base of the Flade Isblink ice cap is too cold to allow local
tion and submarine melt rates9,10. Less certain is whether surface production of basal meltwater. Surface meltwater is plentiful during the
meltwater can be trapped and stored in subglacial lakes beneath large summers on the south-facing slopes of the southern part of the ice cap
ice sheets. Here we show that a subglacial lake in Greenland drained (see Fig. 1b). In 2006 supraglacial streams formed at high elevations just
quickly, as seen in the collapse of the ice surface, and then refilled north of the ice divide. In the summers of 2006 to 2011 these northerly
from surface meltwater input. We use digital elevation models from flowing meltwater streams always disappeared into a recurring moulin
stereo satellite imagery and airborne measurements to resolve eleva- (81u 099 2399 N, 16u 369 0499 W).
tion changes during the evolution of the surface and basal hydrologic In the late summer of 2011, a deep basin surrounded by crevasses
systems at the Flade Isblink ice cap in northeast Greenland. During formed on the surface of the Flade Isblink ice cap (Fig. 1, Extended Data
the autumn of 2011, a collapse basin about 70 metres deep and about Figs 2 and 3) just to the north of the ice divide. The basin formed over a
0.4 cubic kilometres in volume formed near the southern summit of 21-day interval during which clouds obscured 250-m resolution MODIS
the ice cap as a subglacial lake drained into a nearby fjord. Over the optical imagery. On 16 August 2011 the Flade Isblink ice cap’s ice divide
next two years, rapid uplift of the floor of the basin (which is ap- area had a smooth ice surface. On the next clear image on 6 September
proximately 8.4 square kilometres in area) occurred as surface melt- 2011, a ‘mitten’-shaped collapse basin had formed. The ‘mitten’ is com-
water flowed into crevasses around the basin margin and refilled the posed of two sub-basins separated by a shallow saddle. The larger,
subglacial lake. Our observations show that surface meltwater can be ,1.6-km-wide eastern main basin is centred on the location of the re-
trapped and stored at the bed of an ice sheet. Sensible and latent heat curring moulin. A 2-m-high ice ridge aligned along the basin axis pro-
released by this trapped meltwater could soften nearby colder basal bably formed by compression during the initial slumping of the basin.
ice11 and alter downstream ice dynamics12,13. Heat transport assoc- We interpret the formation of the collapse basin to be the result of the
iated with meltwater trapped in subglacial lakes should be consid- sudden outburst of a subglacial lake that was overfilled by meltwater
ered when predicting how ice sheet behaviour will change in a draining from the surface.
warming climate. Along-track stereo satellite imagery collected 8 months later on 3
Studies of cryo-hydrologic systems in west Greenland suggest that May 2012 provides the first topographic measurements of the collapse
supraglacial water that makes its way to the base of the ice sheet is basin. At that time the basin had a maximum relief of more than 75 m
flushed to the ocean through rapidly evolving subglacial drainage net- (Figs 1 and 2) and an area of about 8.4 km2. We set the pre-collapse sur-
works5–8. The possibility of this water being captured14 and stored at the face elevations from a modified ICESat (Ice, Cloud and land Elevation
base has largely been neglected. Until recently, subglacial lakes remained Satellite)-controlled InSAR (INterferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar)
undetected beneath Greenland. Two such lakes have now been iden- digital elevation model (DEM)21 and calculate the basin volume to be
tified beneath the northwesternmost part of the ice sheet15. These lakes ,0.4 km3. This basin volume is similar to many of the active lakes de-
are surprising because subglacial lake water is usually produced at the tected with ICESat altimetry in Antarctica22. There are no measurements
base of an ice sheet by geothermal and frictional melting16,17 but the ice of ice inflow for the interval between the formation of the basin and our
above the lakes is too slow, too thin and too cold to support basal melt- first DEM. We therefore assume that the volume of the surface basin
ing15. The water in these subglacial lakes is hypothesized to originate observed in May 2012 is equal to the volume of water lost during the
from nearby supraglacial lakes that periodically drain to the bed15. If 2011 subglacial lake outburst event. It is likely that the original volume
Greenlandic subglacial lakes are replenished from the surface, the ther- of the basin was even larger. We calculate the minimum discharge rate
mal environment around such lakes could be warmer than expected. by dividing the volume of the basin by the maximum time interval that
Meltwater arriving at or near the base of the ice sheet will refreeze and elapses (21 days). We find that the subglacial lake emptied at a rate of
release its latent heat11. This process will warm the basal ice, which could about 215 m3 s21, which is more than three times the average flow rate
change its rheology and thus affect downstream ice flow rates. of the River Thames in London and is also larger than drainage rates
The ,8,500 km2 Flade Isblink ice cap is situated close to Station Nord observed from Antarctic subglacial lakes. The subglacial drainage path
on the Princess Dagmar peninsula (81.3u N, 15.0u W), northeast Green- for this flood can be estimated from hydrologic gradients23, although
land (Fig. 1). Numerical weather model output18 indicates the average confidence in the result is limited by the large uncertainties in the bed
annual surface temperature at the southern ice divide (the line at which topography and the potential of an open conduit system24. Hydraulic
ice flows either one way or another; see Extended Data Fig. 3) is about potential based on bed topography25 and the InSAR DEM21 indicates

Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 14853, USA. 2Department of Geological Sciences, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27599, USA. 3Polar
Geospatial Center, University of Minnesota, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55108, USA. 4School of Earth Sciences, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio 43210, USA. 5Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of
Columbia University, Palisades, New York 10964, USA.

1 2 F E B R U A RY 2 0 1 5 | VO L 5 1 8 | N AT U R E | 2 2 3
©2015 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved

a drifting snow collecting in the basin18,26 and to ice inflow in response to

the formation of the basin27. On 13 July 2012, the north-flowing supra-
650 Operation IceBridge
Flightline (26 April 2013) glacial meltwater network again formed close to the ice divide, ,5 km
81° 10′ N

to the southwest of the ‘mitten’. The supraglacial streams from this

670 network disappear down crevasses on the southern margin of the main
basin by 19 July 2012 (see Fig. 1 and Extended Data Fig. 3). Scars on the

basin floor indicate that the supraglacial streams occasionally bypassed

Thumb basin the crevasses and flowed into the body of the main basin (Fig. 1 and Ex-
basin tended Data Fig. 3). The north-flowing supraglacial streams continued
to feed into the marginal crevasses through to 17 August 2012, the final
81° 9′ N

high-resolution non-stereo image available for 2012. Meltwater cannot

620 be seen in MODIS imagery on 30 August 2012.
During the two-week period of 31 July to 14 August 2012, meltwater
+3 m drained into marginal crevasses and the floor of the main basin rose
about 6 m (Fig. 3). This elevation gain is far faster than the 8 m yr21
700 650
(0.02 m per day) observed over subglacial Lake Whillans in West Ant-

Surface elevation, ΔH
arctica28. The rapid uplift at the Flade Isblink ice cap (.0.40 m per day)
81° 8′ N

is the result of vertical motion localized in the basin floor (Fig. 2). This
Surface meltwater entering 0 rapid uplift rate occurs only when surface meltwater enters the crevasses
subglacial lake via crevasses (Fig. 3). The uplift extends across the entire basin and is faster than
other uplift documented during the evolution of the Flade Isblink ice
cap basin. From observations of supraglacial meltwater entering cre-
1 km vasses and late-melt season uplift of the basin floor, we infer that supra-
–3 m
16° 40′ W 16° 30′ W glacial meltwater recharges the subglacial lake. From 17 May 2012 to 14
August 2012 the floor of the main basin rose a total of ,15 m.
Flade Isblink ice cap The ‘thumb’ basin evolved differently from the main basin during
25 km Wandel
the 2012 melt season. In early July 2012 a melt lake formed within the
Sea smaller basin. The surface of this lake rose ,5 m by 27 July 2012. While
81° 30′ N

Station Greenland rapid uplift began in the main basin over the next four days, the
Nord cap
620 m
,140,000-m3 lake in the ‘thumb’ sub-basin catastrophically drained,
Marsk lin
k leaving behind a 3–4-m-high pile of ice rubble (Fig. 2). This type of
Stig e Isb 700 m
block uplift is seen at other rapidly draining supraglacial lakes around
Bræ lad 710 m
F Greenland8.
a Over the first winter (between mid-August 2012 and mid-April 2013),
81° N

960 m
the main basin developed a pronounced topographic bulge. The floor
of the basin rose an additional 15 m for a total of .30 m basin floor
Alp beths
sa s
Eli ince

Greenland uplift relative to the basin elevation in May 2012 (Fig. 2). Between 17


May 2012 and 5 May 2013 the volume of the surface basin decreased
20° W 10° W by 46.5(0.6) 3 106 m3. (The parentheses indicate 2s uncertainties, the
15° W
95% confidence interval.) Ice inflow accounted for about a third of this
Figure 1 | Surface basin, Flade Isblink ice cap, northeast Greenland. volume change, 15.2(1.2) 3 106 m3, while a numerical weather model18
a, Composite satellite image of 70-m-deep basin. Supraglacial meltwater provides snow accumulation of 1.7(0.3) 3 106 m3 over this period. The
flowing northwards from the ice divide is being intercepted by marginal
crevasses and routed to a subglacial lake. Scarring within the main basin is from
majority of the volume loss, 29.6(1.1) 3 106 m3 [total basin volume re-
an earlier supraglacial meltwater incursion. A NASA IceBridge airborne laser duction – (ice inflow 1 snowfall volume)], is due to the uplift of the
altimeter (lidar) profile30 acquired on 26 April 2013 is colour-coded to basin floor, which in turn is caused by the influx of supraglacial water
show differences in elevation (DH) between the lidar and a corrected into the subglacial lake. The numerical weather model18 predicts a re-
WorldView-1 satellite DEM collected 9 days later, on 5 May 2013 (see scale on markably similar amount of meltwater production, 31.8(6.4) 3 106 m3
right). 10-m contours of ice surface show the ellipsoidal elevation from within the 57.2-km2 catchment area that feeds into the crevasses around
WorldView-1 DEM acquired on 17 May 2012. Background image is from the collapse basin. The model predicts the end of surface meltwater
WorldView-2 on 14 August 2012. b, Regional setting. Purple lines show the production on 14 August 2012, while our observations show meltwater
ice divides derived from ref. 21. The dotted line shows the surface melt limit flowing for at least three more days.
on background MODIS imagery from 11 July 2012. The inset shows location
within Greenland and the box shows location of panel a. WorldView-2 The northerly flowing supraglacial drainage network was absent dur-
imagery, copyright 2012, DigitalGlobe, Inc.; MODIS imagery courtesy ing the cooler summer of 2013. Localized streams and pools occasion-
of NASA. ally formed on the floor of the main basin. Over the 2013 melt season,
the floor of both sub-basins rose ,4 m. Over the 2013–2014 winter
that the floodwaters from the subglacial lake exited the ice cap to the (August 2013–March 2014) the basin floor rose about 4 m more and
north, beneath the Marsk Stig Bræ marine-terminating grounded out- the basin lost a further 16.8(0.4) 3 106 m3 of volume. The surface low-
let glacier21, west of Station Nord (Fig. 1). ering around the periphery of the ‘mitten’ (Fig. 2d and Extended Data
We tracked the evolution of both the collapse basin and the assoc- Fig. 4), which is probably partly due to ice flow into the basin, provides
iated surface drainage networks through the following two melt seasons about half of this volume change, 7.2(1.3) 3 106 m3. Snow accumu-
using stereo pairs of half-metre-resolution WorldView satellite imagery lation estimates are not available for this time period. Other causes of
over a 22-month period between May 2012 and March 2014 (for im- the surface lowering adjacent to the basin may be the elastic response
agery and DEM details and uncertainties see Extended Data Table 1). to the ice rising within the basin and to melting occurring around the
Spatially varying elevation gains of between 2 m and 5 m occur in the edges of the subglacial lake during the injection of surface meltwater.
main basin (Fig. 2) early in the first melt season following the collapse. Snow accumulation and ice flowing into the basin provide spatially vary-
We attribute these early season elevation gains (before 17 July 2012) to ing, relatively low rates of surface uplift that are overprinted by rapid
2 2 4 | N AT U R E | VO L 5 1 8 | 1 2 F E B R U A RY 2 0 1 5
©2015 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved

a Surface elevation (m)

680 587 646 705 A′

Min Max B B′
No data C′

Elevation (m)

620 1 km
14 August 2012 24 April 2013
17 May 2012
600 Date index WorldView-1-derived 3-m
surface elevation
29 March
580 24 March* 2014
0 250 500 750 1,000 1,250 1,500 1,750 2,000
A Distance (m) A′
31 August
13 August
b 29 July
680 26 July
24 July
660 04 June
05 May*
05 May 2013

Elevation (m)
640 24 April WorldView-2-derived 3-m
WINTER surface elevation
14 August
14 August 2012 07 August
24 April 2013
31 July
27 July
20 July
580 19 July
0 250 500 750 1,000 1,250 1,500 1,750 2012
17 July
B Distance (m) B′
10 July
15 June
c 17 May* 24 March 2014
680 WorldView-1-derived 3-m
11 May
surface elevation
03 May
Featured in d
Elevation (m)

640 Flowing water observed on
surface in optical imagery
Partial coverage of basin
Change in surface
14 August 2012 24 April 2013
600 elevation (m)
–10 m 0 +38 m
0 250 500 750 1,000 No data 17 May 2012 to 24 March 2014
C Distance (m) C′ Surface elevation change

Figure 2 | Elevation profiles through time. The dotted black lines in a to supraglacial lake and hatched shading indicates single block uplift episode in
c show the pre-collapse ice surface elevation modified from ref. 21. a, Repeat response to drainage of a supraglacial lake. d, Examples of 3 m posting
elevation profile A to A9 (shown in d). Profile colour-indexed by time of satellite along-track stereo satellite-derived DEMs showing elevation gains over time in
DEM acquisition (scale on right for a to c). Maximum uplift of around 38 m is the basin. Star indicates location of elevation changes shown in Fig. 3. e, Change
seen at about 1,250 m from the start of the profile. The basin floor moves in surface elevation in part caused by recharge of subglacial lake between
upwards through time, in part owing to the recharge of the subglacial lake. 17 May 2012 and 24 March 2014. Maximum displacement is ,38 m in the
Uncertainties in elevation are typically ,0.5 m. b, Repeat elevation profile B to northern part of the main basin. Small amounts of subsidence occur around
B9 (shown in d). Maximum uplift of about 33 m occurs at about 1,000 m from the periphery of the basin owing to ice flow into the basin, melting at the
the start of the profile. c, Repeat elevation profile C to C9 (shown in d). Blue- boundary of the subglacial lake and the elastic response of the surrounding ice
grey background shading indicates the elevation gain due to formation of to the basin floor rising.

630 Figure 3 | Basin uplift rates through time.

Abundant supraglacial Average ice surface elevation changes for a portion
water observed flowing of the main basin. Location of uplift indicated
into crevasses
by star in Fig. 2d. Uplift caused by snow
Constant ice surface uplift accumulation and ice influx over the ,2-yr study
~ 7 m yr–1
period is overprinted by a short period of rapid
615 uplift when supraglacial water enters nearby
crevasses. During 2013 this supraglacial drainage
Elevation (m)

610 was absent and rates of uplift remain fairly

constant. The timing and pattern of the short-term
Increasing uplift Rapid ice accelerated uplift occurs everywhere throughout
rate early in surface uplift Ponded
meltwater the basin, although the absolute rates of uplift
melt season ~ 90 m yr–1
observed 600 vary. Uncertainties on elevation measurements
(black dots) are ,0.5 m.
Constant ice 595
surface uplift
~ 9 m yr–1
Jan Apr Jul Oct Jan Apr Jul Oct Jan Apr
2012 2013 2014

1 2 F E B R U A RY 2 0 1 5 | VO L 5 1 8 | N AT U R E | 2 2 5
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Flade Isblink ice cap, Greenland Figure 4 | Conceptual model of subglacial lake
In late 2011, the evacuation of a subglacial lake caused a surface basin recharge from supraglacial streams at the
to form near the southern summit of the Flade Isblink ice cap in northeast Flade Isblink ice cap. Graphic is not to scale.
Greenland. In the 2012 melt season, supraglacial streams entered nearby
surface crevasses and recharged the subglacial lake, causing the floor of
WorldView-2 surface imagery, copyright 2012,
Surface basin formed between DigitalGlobe, Inc. Inset shows location
the surface basin to rise.
16 August and 6 September 2011. In May
on Greenland.
2012, the basin had an area of 8.4 km2
and maximum relief of ~70 m
Crevasses Surface meltwater

6 70


10 m
urs Meltwater flows
into surface crevasses Ice cap thickness
As the subglacial N and makes its way to 540 m
lake refills, the floor of
the subglacial lake
the surface basin rises a
maximum of ~38 m

Basal ice properties

altered owing to
thermodynamic Subglacial lake size is unknown,
equilibrium and latent heat but accumulated ~30 million m3 of
transfer during freezing of meltwater between 2012 and 2014
subglacial lake water

elevation gains that occur when meltwater flows into nearby crevasses 6. Andrews, L. C. et al. Direct observations of evolving subglacial drainage beneath the
(Fig. 3). Greenland Ice Sheet. Nature 514, 80–83 (2014).
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Over about two years, the ice surface in the basin rose by up to 38 m sheet. Science 320, 781–783 (2008).
and the basin lost a total volume of 67.3(0.4) 3 106 m3. About half of 8. Das, S. B. et al. Fracture propagation to the base of the Greenland ice sheet during
this volume, 32.9(1.4) 3 106 m3 is due to ice flow into the basin, while supraglacial lake drainage. Science 320, 778–781 (2008).
9. Joughin, I., Alley, R. B. & Holland, D. M. Ice-sheet response to oceanic forcing.
the remaining half, 34.4(1.5) 3 106 m3, is composed of volume gains at Science 338, 1172–1176 (2012).
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transfer of surface meltwater to the bed. Our study indicates that in 12. Thoma, M., Grosfeld, K., Mayer, C. & Pattyn, F. Ice-flow sensitivity to boundary
Greenland, and by inference at other ice sheets, this may not always be processes: a coupled model study in the Vostok Subglacial Lake area, Antarctica.
the case and that surface meltwater may be trapped for long periods. Ann. Glaciol. 53, 173–180 (2012).
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basins predicted29 to lie beneath Greenland. If these basins are filled 14. Rennermalm, A. K. et al. Evidence of meltwater retention within the Greenland ice
from supraglacial melt, the basal ice in the vicinity of these lakes is sheet. Cryosphere 7, 1433–1445 (2013).
likely to be warmer11 and to have a lower viscosity than expected13. Basal 15. Palmer, S. J. et al. Greenland subglacial lakes detected by radar. Geophys. Res. Lett.
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warming combined with sporadic lake floods could modulate and pos- 16. Wolovick, M. J., Bell, R. E., Creyts, T. T. & Frearson, N. Identification and control of
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17. Bell, R. E. The role of subglacial water in ice-sheet mass balance. Nature Geosci. 1,
lakes provides a new mechanism for transferring the impacts of a warm- 297–304 (2008).
ing atmosphere and increased surface melting to the critical base of the 18. Tedesco, M., Fettweis, X., Alexander, P., Green, G. & Datta, T. MAR Greenland Outputs
ice sheet. 1953-2013 (City University of New York Digital Archive, 2014).
19. Rogozhina, I. et al. Effects of uncertainties in the geothermal heat flux distribution
Online Content Methods, along with any additional Extended Data display items on the Greenland Ice Sheet: An assessment of existing heat flow models.
and Source Data, are available in the online version of the paper; references unique J. Geophys. Res. 117, F02025 (2012).
to these sections appear only in the online paper. 20. Glasser, N. F. & Siegert, M. J. Calculating basal temperatures in ice sheets: an Excel
spreadsheet method. Earth Surf. Process. Landf. 27, 673–680 (2002).
Received 8 May; accepted 22 October 2014. 21. Palmer, S. J., Shepherd, A., Sundal, A., Rinne, E. & Nienow, P. InSAR observations of
ice elevation and velocity fluctuations at the Flade Isblink ice cap, eastern North
Published online 21 January 2015. Greenland. J. Geophys. Res. 115, F04037 (2010).
22. Smith, B. E., Fricker, H. A., Joughin, I. R. & Tulaczyk, S. An inventory of active
1. Iken, A. & Bindschadler, R. Combined measurements of subglacial water pressure subglacial lakes in Antarctica detected by ICESat (2003–2008). J. Glaciol. 55,
and surface velocity of Findelengletscher, Switzerland: conclusions about 573–595 (2009).
drainage system and sliding mechanism. J. Glaciol. 32, 101–119 (1986). 23. Shreve, R. L. Movement of water in glaciers. J. Glaciol. 11, 205–214 (1972).
2. Zwally, H. J. et al. Surface melt-induced acceleration of Greenland Ice-Sheet flow. 24. Gulley, J. D. et al. The effect of discrete recharge by moulins and heterogeneity in
Science 297, 218–222 (2002). flow-path efficiency at glacier beds on subglacial hydrology. J. Glaciol. 58,
3. Schoof, C. Ice-sheet acceleration driven by melt supply variability. Nature 468, 926–940 (2012).
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arctic outlet glacier caused by subglacial floods. Nature Geosci. 1, 827–831 (2008). 26. Rinne, E. J. et al. On the recent elevation changes at the Flade Isblink Ice Cap,
5. Bartholomew, I. et al. Short-term variability in Greenland Ice Sheet motion forced northern Greenland. J. Geophys. Res. 116, F03024 (2011).
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subglacial drainage system behavior and ice velocity. J. Geophys. Res. 117, to a surface disturbance: a case study on Vatnajökull ice cap, Iceland. Ann. Glaciol.
F03002 (2012). 31, 104–110 (2000).

2 2 6 | N AT U R E | VO L 5 1 8 | 1 2 F E B R U A RY 2 0 1 5
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28. Fricker, H. A., Scambos, T. A., Bindschadler, R. & Padman, L. An active subglacial M. Tedesco and X. Fettweis for help with MAR (Modele Atmospherique Regional)
water system in West Antarctica mapped from space. Science 315, 1544–1548 output. We thank T. Pavelsky, B. Mirus and J. Rich for comments and suggestions that
(2007). improved the paper. This work was supported by US National Science Foundation
29. Livingstone, S. J., Clark, C. D., Woodward, J. & Kingslake, J. Potential subglacial lake grant number ARC-1111882. WorldView imagery was provided by the Polar
locations and meltwater drainage pathways beneath the Antarctic and Greenland Geospatial Center at the University of Minnesota, which is supported by grant
ice sheets. Cryosphere 7, 1721–1740 (2013). ANT-1043681 from the US National Science Foundation.
30. Krabill, W. B. IceBridge ATM L2 Icessn Elevation, Slope, and Roughness. Version 2.
Subset of data from 2013.04.26 (NASA DAAC at the Author Contributions M.J.W. designed the study, performed the analysis and wrote the
National Snow and Ice Data Center, 2014). paper. B.G.H. produced the diagrams and contributed to the paper. M.G.B. and R.E.B.
contributed to the paper. All authors discussed the results and commented on the
Acknowledgements The copyright for the satellite imagery is held by DigitalGlobe, Inc. manuscript.
We thank M. Studinger, T. Wagner, the NASA Operation IceBridge project team and the
National Snow and Ice Data Center for the airborne radar and laser altimetry. We thank Author Information Reprints and permissions information is available at
S. Palmer for providing the European Remote Sensing satellite InSAR DEM. We thank The authors declare no competing financial interests.
the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Research Computing group for providing Readers are welcome to comment on the online version of the paper. Correspondence
computational resources that have contributed to these research results. We thank and requests for materials should be addressed to M.J.W. (

1 2 F E B R U A RY 2 0 1 5 | VO L 5 1 8 | N AT U R E | 2 2 7
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METHODS range. We calculate how variance changes with increasing pixel sizes. The variance
Ice depths. Ice depths were measured with the University of Kansas Multichannel over bedrock pixels becomes independent at a length scale L of 150 m. For each vol-
Coherent Radar Depth Sounder (MCoRDS) ice-penetrating radar31 flown by NASA’s ume calculation we use the formula 1.96U/!N, where U is the ‘‘volume of uncer-
Operation IceBridge on 26 April 2013 (Extended Data Fig. 1). tainty’’35, which is the combined DEM uncertainty multiplied by the total area A under
DEMs. WorldView DEMs were derived using the Ames Stereo Pipeline32 applied consideration. N is the number of independent pixels found by dividing A by L2.
to half-metre resolution, along-track satellite stereo image pairs acquired between Ice inflow. Ice inflow into the basin is calculated by integrating ice surface eleva-
3 May 2012 and 29 March 2014. As few of our DEMs extend over bedrock, we tion changes that occur between the lip of the basin out to a distance of 2 km (about
cannot vertically co-register these DEMs using fixed ground control points. Instead four ice thicknesses) from the basin. We assume that the elevation falls occurring
we use the IceBridge Airborne Topographic Mapper (ATM) swath laser altimetry30 in this region correspond to ice flowing into the basin, although there could also be
from 26 April 2013 to correct a WorldView-1 DEM collected on 5 May 2013, nine a small component of elevation change caused by deflation of the snow surface and
days after the airborne mission. We remove the basin and nearby elevations from melting at the subglacial lake.
the ATM and WorldView elevation data and assume that the snow surface eleva- Outliers are removed by clipping initial elevation differences to 6200 m. Residual
tions more than 100 m away from the basin did not change over the interval be- outliers are removed with an iterative 6-standard-deviation filter that finds the mean
tween the ATM and the WorldView acquisitions. Differencing the surface heights and standard deviation, clips the elevation differences to 66 standard deviations
indicates that the uncorrected satellite DEM is higher than the ATM data by 3.03 centred on the mean, then re-calculates the mean and standard deviation. We stop
6 0.25 m. We remove this offset, and then vertically co-register all our other DEMs the iteration when the standard deviation changes by less than 2% between itera-
to this ‘corrected’ WorldView DEM, normalizing our DEM heights. tions (typically 1 or 2 iterations are needed). We choose a more lenient filter outside
Features align almost perfectly over multiple satellite images, so we do not hor- the basin than inside, to allow surface changes of up to 6 m adjacent to the basin
izontally co-register the DEMs or images. The 90% circular error of probability for into the calculation. The much larger area of small changes that occur farther away
the half-metre imagery is ,4.0 m for Worldview-1 and better than 3.5 m for would otherwise dominate the calculation.
WorldView-2. Snowfall. We use the cumulative daily surface mass balances from the MAR num-
When differencing DEMs, initial outliers are removed by clipping elevation dif- erical weather model18 when available. The cumulative rate is converted to a thick-
ferences to 6200 m. Remaining outliers are removed with an iterative 3-standard- ness using an average snow density of 175 kg m23 found from MAR for the period
deviation filter that finds the mean and standard deviation, clips the elevation between 17 May 2012 and 5 May 2013. MAR uncertainties are set at 20%.
differences to 63 standard deviations centred on the mean, then re-calculates the DEM availability. The DEMs used for this work are available at http://www.pgc.
mean and standard deviation. We stop the iteration when the standard deviation The DEMs are produced using the Ames Stereo
changes by less than 2% between iterations (typically 3 or 4 iterations are needed). Pipeline (ASP), which is open source code available from NASA.
Uncertainties. Standard deviations on the satellite derived DEMs are provided in
Extended Data Table 1. ATM data30 have uncertainties that are about 60.1 m (ref. 33). 31. Gogineni, P. CReSIS Radar Depth Sounder Data
When performing calculations we add the ATM uncertainty to the DEM standard
32. Moratto, Z. M., Broxton, M. J., Beyer, R. A., Lundy, M. & Husmann, K. Ames Stereo
deviation in quadrature. In the worst case this provides an uncertainty of about Pipeline, NASA’s open source automated stereogrammetry software. Lunar
60.6 m, which if spread across the entire ,8.4-km2 basin equates to a volume Planet. Sci. Conf. 41 (2010).
change of ,5.0 3 106 m3. Additional uncertainty is from elevation changes that 33. Krabill, W. B. et al. Aircraft laser altimetry measurement of elevation changes of
occur through time at the Flade Isblink ice cap. Elevation changes between 2004 the greenland ice sheet: technique and accuracy assessment. J. Geodyn. 34,
and 2008 interpolated from ICESat tracks26 near the location of the basin are about 357–376 (2002).
10.5 m per year. We do not know whether this rate is representative of 2012–2014 34. Rolstad, C., Haug, T. & Denby, B. Spatially integrated geodetic glacier mass
balance and its uncertainty based on geostatistical analysis: application to the
surface elevation changes away from the basin. western Svartisen ice cap, Norway. J. Glaciol. 55, 666–680 (2009).
To estimate the correlation length scale for volume uncertainties34 we examine 35. Howat, I. M., Smith, B. E., Joughin, I. & Scambos, T. A. Rates of southeast
several pairs of DEMs that extend over ,400 km2 of bedrock to the north of the Greenland ice volume loss from combined ICESat and ASTER observations.
study area. Agreement is excellent, with elevation differences typically in the 61 m Geophys. Res. Lett. 35, (2008).

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Extended Data Figure 1 | Operation IceBridge radar profile showing ice basin is at ,33 km along the flight line and shows an ice depth of ,540 m. The
depths near the southern summit of Flade Isblink ice cap, northeast propagation delay is the time for the radar to travel from the aircraft to the ice
Greenland. Modified from a profile of the Multichannel Coherent Radar and back; details of its conversion to depth can be found at the MCoRDS
Depth Sounder (operated by the University of Kansas)31 over the ‘thumb’ basin technical page: The dielectric
collected on 26 April 2013. The NASA IceBridge flight line proceeds from constant for ice (er) used during the conversion from propagation delay to ice
approximately northeast to southwest and is shown in Fig. 1. The purple dotted depth is set to 3.15 m.
line is the ice surface; the red dotted line is the ice/bed interface. The ‘thumb’

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Extended Data Figure 2 | Surface collapse basin near the ice divide of Flade Isblink ice cap, northeast Greenland. Photographed from the north by
M. Studinger, NASA Operation IceBridge, on 26 April 2013.

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Extended Data Figure 3 | Collapse basin and northward-flowing

supraglacial stream network near the ice divide of Flade Isblink ice cap,
northeast Greenland. Supraglacial water disappears into crevasses at the
edge of the basin. WorldView-2 multispectral image from 14 August 2012.
Imagery copyright 2012, DigitalGlobe Inc.

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Extended Data Figure 4 | Elevation changes next to the basin. a, Repeat surface elevation modified from ref. 21. The profile is colour-indexed by time of
elevation profile S to S9, adjacent to the basin, shown in b. Three to six metres of satellite DEM acquisition (scale on right). Uncertainties in elevation are
subsidence is seen within a kilometre of the rim of the basin. A crevasse typically less than ,0.5 m. b, Location of profile on WorldView DEM.
observed in 2012 closes by 2013. The dotted black line is the pre-collapse ice

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Extended Data Table 1 | Details of satellite along-track stereo pairs

* The statistics for this DEM are calculated against a NASA Operation IceBridge laser altimetry swath flown over the area on 26 April 2013, nine days earlier30.
Identification numbers are DigitalGlobe imagery codes. The images used are from along-track WorldView-1 and -2 half-metre panchromatic stereo imagery (WV01 and WV02). Mean, median and the standard
deviation of elevation differences are computed by subtracting the 5 May 2013 DEM from the DEM in question for distances more than 100 m from the lip of the basin. The 5 May 2013 DEM is corrected to a NASA
ATM laser altimetry swath collected on 26 April 2013 (ref. 30). The number of 3-m-resolution pixels used in the calculation of mean, median and standard deviation is given in the final column.

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LETTER doi:10.1038/nature14142

RBM3 mediates structural plasticity and protective

effects of cooling in neurodegeneration
Diego Peretti1, Amandine Bastide1, Helois Radford1, Nicholas Verity1, Colin Molloy1, Maria Guerra Martin1, Julie A. Moreno1,
Joern R. Steinert1, Tim Smith1, David Dinsdale1, Anne E. Willis1 & Giovanna R. Mallucci1,2

In the healthy adult brain synapses are continuously remodelled course of prion disease, preventing behavioural deficits and neuronal
through a process of elimination and formation known as struc- loss and significantly prolonging survival. In contrast, knockdown
tural plasticity1. Reduction in synapse number is a consistent early of RBM3 exacerbated synapse loss in both models and accelerated
feature of neurodegenerative diseases2,3, suggesting deficient com- disease and prevented the neuroprotective effects of cooling. Thus,
pensatory mechanisms. Although much is known about toxic pro- deficient synapse regeneration, mediated at least in part by failure of
cesses leading to synaptic dysfunction and loss in these disorders2,3, the RBM3 stress response, contributes to synapse loss throughout the
how synaptic regeneration is affected is unknown. In hibernating course of neurodegenerative disease. The data support enhancing
mammals, cooling induces loss of synaptic contacts, which are reformed cold-shock pathways as potential protective therapies in neuro-
on rewarming, a form of structural plasticity4,5. We have found that degenerative disorders.
similar changes occur in artificially cooled laboratory rodents. Cooling We used the phenomenon of physiological structural plasticity seen
and hibernation also induce a number of cold-shock proteins in the in hibernating mammals to determine the capacity for synapse regen-
brain, including the RNA binding protein, RBM3 (ref. 6). The rela- eration in mouse models of neurodegenerative disease. When they enter
tionship of such proteins to structural plasticity is unknown. Here torpor, the neurons of hibernators undergo morphological changes in-
we show that synapse regeneration is impaired in mouse models of cluding changes in spine morphology8,9 and/or changes in connectivity4,5.
neurodegenerative disease, in association with the failure to induce These are rapidly reversed on regaining normal body temperature4,5,8–10.
RBM3. In both prion-infected and 5XFAD (Alzheimer-type) mice7, We first established that the phenomenon of synapse dismantling and
the capacity to regenerate synapses after cooling declined in parallel reassembly (structural plasticity) on artificial cooling and rewarming
with the loss of induction of RBM3. Enhanced expression of RBM3 occurs in laboratory mice (Fig. 1a and Extended Data Fig. 1a). We then
in the hippocampus prevented this deficit and restored the capacity explored the capacity for structural plasticity after cooling in two mouse
for synapse reassembly after cooling. RBM3 overexpression, achieved models of neurodegenerative disease: prion disease and the 5XFAD model
either by boosting endogenous levels through hypothermia before of Alzheimer’s disease7. We used tg371/2 mice11 infected with Rocky
the loss of the RBM3 response or by lentiviral delivery, resulted in Mountain Laboratory (RML) prions used in our previous studies12–14.
sustained synaptic protection in 5XFAD mice and throughout the These mice show substantial synapse loss from 7 weeks post-inoculation

Wild type
a 3D 2D
Number of synspses per 55 μm2 area
stratum radiatum of CA1 area (×109)

1.0 100 8 *** ***

Number of synapses per 100 µm3

** **
** **
Number of synapses in

37°C 16-18°C 37°C 0.75 6
Cooled Rewarmed 60 Control
0.5 4

0.25 2

0 0 0
4 w.p.i. 2 months
b Prion disease c
8 12
*** ***
Number of synapses

Number of synapses
per 55 μm2 area

per 55 μm2 area

6 w.p.i. 3 months

0 0
4 5 6 2 3
Time (w.p.i.) Time (months)

Figure 1 | The capacity for synaptic regeneration is lost early in 93 images from 3 animals per condition, for 2D analyses). A typical tripartite
neurodegenerative disease. a, Synapse numbers decline on cooling and synapse is shown at higher magnification. b, c, The same response is seen in
recover on rewarming in wild-type mice, counted in both 3D and 2D. prion-diseased mice (b) at 4 and 5 w.p.i. but this fails at 6 w.p.i (arrow), and in
Representative electron micrographs (pseudo-coloured for ease of synapse 5XFAD (c) mice, where it fails at 3 months (arrow). ***P , 0.0001, **P , 0.01;
identification: yellow, presynaptic; green, postsynaptic compartments) and bar NS, not significant. Student’s t-test; two tailed. All data in bar charts are
charts showing quantification are shown for each experiment (n 5 4 animals at mean 6 s.e.m. Scale bar, 1 mm. Source Data for all figures can be found in the
18 uC and n 5 2 at 37 uC; 192 images from 2 mice per condition for 3D analyses; Supplementary Tables.
Medical Research Council Toxicology Unit, Hodgkin Building, University of Leicester, Lancaster Road, Leicester LE1 9HN, UK. 2Department of Clinical Neurosciences, Clifford Allbutt Building, Cambridge
Biomedical Campus, University of Cambridge, Cambridge CB2 0AH, UK.

2 3 6 | N AT U R E | VO L 5 1 8 | 1 2 F E B R U A RY 2 0 1 5
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a Wild type b Prion disease c 5XFAD All mice were cooled to 16–18 uC for 45 min, similar to core tempera-
4 6 w.p.i. 2 3 months
(kDa) (kDa) (kDa) tures reached in small hibernators (deep hypothermia) using the bio-
15 15 RBM3
35 35 35 GAPDH
molecule 59-adenosine monophosphate (59-AMP)15, after which they
** * were allowed to slowly rewarm. Animals were euthanized at each stage
(% relative to control mean)

(% relative to control mean)

(% relative to control mean)

250 * 200 500 ** * 37°C
200 160 400 Cooled of the cooling–rewarming process and synapses were counted in the


150 120 300
CA1 region of hippocampus. Both synapse density and total synapse
100 80 200
number significantly declined on cooling, but recovered on rewarming
in wild-type mice, as measured using both three dimensional (3D)16 and
50 40
two dimensional (2D) analyses13 (Fig. 1a). Neither brain volume nor syn-
0 0 0
4 6 2 3 apse size changed on cooling and rewarming, excluding the possibility
Time (w.p.i.) Time (months) that changes in synapse density reflected changes in these parameters
Figure 2 | Failure to induce RBM3 parallels lost capacity for synaptic (Extended Data Fig. 1a). Thus, wild-type mice showed synaptic struc-
recovery in neurodegenerative disease models. a, Cooling induces increased tural plasticity with reduction in synapse number on cooling and recov-
RBM3 levels in hippocampi of wild-type mice. b, c, The response fails at 6 w.p.i. ery on rewarming (Fig. 1a). This capacity for plasticity was also seen in
in prion-infected mice (b) and at 3 months in 5XFAD mice (c) (arrows). both prion-infected and 5XFAD mice very early in the course of disease,
Representative western blots are shown. Bar graphs show quantification of at 4 and 5 w.p.i., and at 2 months of age, respectively (Fig. 1b, c). How-
RBM3 levels relative to GAPDH, (n 5 6–11 mice per time point; all ever, this capacity was lost by 6 w.p.i. in prion-diseased mice (Fig. 1b
experiments in triplicate) **P , 0.01, *P , 0.05, Mann–Whitney U-test in and Extended Data Fig. 1b) and at 3 months in 5XFAD mice (Fig. 1c and
a and c, Student’s t-test in b. All data are mean 6 s.e.m.
Extended Data Fig. 1c). Notably, impaired structural plasticity shortly
(w.p.i.)13; 5XFAD mice have synapse loss from 4 months, after which preceded established decline in synapse number seen in prion-infected
time learning deficits emerge7. We tested the capacity for structural tg371/2 mice at 7 w.p.i. (ref. 14), and in the 5XFAD mice from 4 months
plasticity using cooling early in the course of disease, before the onset of of age (see schematic, Extended Data Fig. 1d). The lost ability to reassem-
established synapse loss in both models: from 4 w.p.i. in prion-infected ble synapses was not due to loss of synaptic proteins at this stage (Ex-
animals and from 2 months of age in 5XFAD mice. tended Data Fig. 2) nor to increased levels of disease-specific misfolded
Prion infection + early cooling
a Prion infection only b
7 w.p.i. 7 w.p.i.
Uninfected controls

Number of synapses per 55 μm2 area

Cooling ×2 ***
*** ***
3 4 5 6 8 9 w.p.i. 6

(% relative to control mean)

*** * 8 w.p.i. 9 w.p.i.

** 2
100 C 6 7 8 9
Time (w.p.i.)
C 6 7 8 9 10 12
Time (w.p.i.)
c Control d
2.5 1nA 5 100 2.5
Evoked EPSC amplitude (nA)

50 ms
9 w.p.i
mEPSC frequency (s–1)

Novel object preference

2.0 4 80 2.0 *
NS *** *
Burrowed (%)

* ***
1.5 7 w.p.i 3 1.5

1.0 8 w.p.i 2 40 1.0

0.5 9 w.p.i 1 20 0.5

0 0 0 0
C 7 8 9 C 7 8 9 C 6 7 8 9 10 C 8 9
Time (w.p.i.) Time (w.p.i.) Time (w.p.i.) Time (w.p.i.)


Uninfected Prion sick

Early cooling + 3 ** 100
Total number of CA1 neurons

Control No cooling Early cooling LV-shRNA-RBM3 * * Prion

i ii iii iv 80 only
Survival (%)

2 **
60 Prion

40 LV-shRNA-RBM3 +
1 + early
early cooling cooling
0 0
0 60 80 100 120
Time post-inoculation (days)

Figure 3 | Early cooling induces RBM3 overexpression and is striking reduction in hippocampal spongiosis and protection of CA1 neurons
neuroprotective in prion-infected mice. a, b, Cooling at 3 and 4 w.p.i. resulted (bar chart) in cooled mice that is abolished by RBM3 knockdown (n 5 4–6
in sustained high levels of RBM3 in hippocampus for several weeks (n 5 3–8 animals per treatment, except LV-shRNA-RBM3: n 5 2). Scale bar, 50 mm.
mice per time point) causing marked protection (b) of synapse number at 7, 8 One-way ANOVA, Brown–Forsythe test with Tukey’s post hoc analysis for
and 9 w.p.i. (62 images from 2 mice per time point). Scale bar, 1 mm. c, d, Early multiple comparisons was used in d and e. f, Early cooling significantly
cooling maintained synaptic transmission (n 5 4–8 cells from 2 mice per time prolonged survival, but this was abolished by knockdown of RBM3 (n 5 31
point; representative raw traces of evoked EPSCs are shown) and prevented cooled mice; n 5 17 not cooled; n 5 10 cooled 1 RNAi of RBM3). Mann–
decline in burrowing behaviour and loss of novel object recognition memory Whitney U-test. *P , 0.05; **P , 0.01; ***P , 0.001. Two-tailed Student’s
(d), expressed as ratio of exploratory preference (n $ 10 mice per group) in t-test was used unless otherwise stated. All data in bar charts are mean 6 s.e.m.
contrast to un-cooled mice. e, Haematoxylin and eosin stained sections show

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prion protein (PrPSc) in prion-infected mice, or of amyloid-b oligomers RBM3 levels in brain for up to 3 days (see Fig. 2a and Extended Data
in 5XFAD mice induced by the cooling–rewarming process (Extended Fig. 4c), suggesting the response is sustained for some time after the cold
Data Fig. 3). stress. Animals were cooled twice: at 3 w.p.i. and again at 4 w.p.i., resulting
In hibernation and hypothermia, global protein synthesis and cell in a sustained several-fold increase in RBM3 expression up to 6 weeks
metabolism are downregulated, but low temperature also induces a small later, declining to baseline levels at 12 w.p.i., at the terminal stage of dis-
subset of proteins known as cold-shock proteins that escape translational ease (Fig. 3a and Extended Data Fig. 5). Control mice were infected with
repression17,18. Amongst these, RNA-binding motif protein 3 (RBM3) prions but were not cooled. Early cooling and associated increased RBM3
and cold-inducible RNA binding protein (CIRP, also known as CIRBP) expression protected against synapse loss in prion disease at 7, 8 and
are cold-shock proteins expressed at high levels in brain6,19. We found 9 w.p.i. (Fig. 3b), restored synaptic transmission (Fig. 3c) and prevented
strong induction of RBM3 by cooling in brains of wild-type mice and in behavioural deficits, maintaining burrowing behaviours and novel object
mice with prion disease at 4 w.p.i. and 5XFAD mice at 2 months (Fig. 2). recognition memory (Fig. 3d and Extended Data Fig. 6a). There was
CIRP was not upregulated (Extended Data Fig. 4). However, both prion also marked neuronal protection in the hippocampus (Fig. 3e, compare
and 5XFAD mice lost the capacity to upregulate RBM3 after cooling at subpanels ii and iii), even in mice succumbing to prion infection, which
6 w.p.i. (Fig. 2b) and at 3 months of age (Fig. 2c), respectively, in parallel is ultimately overwhelming due to other toxic effects13. Most remark-
with the lost ability to reassemble synapses after cooling at these time ably, early cooling significantly increased survival in prion-infected
points (Fig. 1b, c). Therefore, we asked if induction of RBM3 expression mice (91 6 7 days in cooled mice vs 84 6 4 days for uncooled mice;
drives synaptic recovery. P 5 0.0002). Indeed, one animal survived 117 days post-infection,
Therapeutic hypothermia is a powerful neuroprotectant in brain injury nearly a 50% increase in life expectancy (Fig. 3f). Mice cooled later
acting through multiple mechanisms, including enhanced gene express- in prion disease, at 5 and 6 w.p.i., when the RBM3 induction response
ion driving regenerative processes enhancing synapse formation (see is lost (see Fig. 2b), did not show increased survival (Extended Data
ref. 17 for a review). RBM3 has been implicated in protection against Fig. 7). As predicted, RBM3 knockdown by lentivirally mediated RNA
cell death in various in vitro models of cooling and neuroprotection20,21, interference (RNAi) in the hippocampus abolished the protective effects
albeit in conditions of mild hypothermia (,32 uC). It is known to in- of early cooling on CA1 pyramidal neurons and spongiform change
crease local protein synthesis at dendrites19 and global protein synthesis (Fig. 3e, subpanel iv), on object recognition memory (Extended Data
through ribosomal subunit binding and/or microRNA biogenesis22. The Fig. 6b, c), and on survival (Fig. 3f). As before, misfolded PrP levels
neuroprotective effects of hypothermia on neurodegenerative disease were not affected by cooling (Extended Data Fig. 8). In therapeutic human
are unknown, however. Given that the capacity for structural plasticity hypothermia, temperatures of ,34 uC are used, similar to those of hibern-
correlated with induction of RBM3, we asked if raising endogenous RBM3 ating large mammals such as bears, which are known to induce similar
levels through early therapeutic cooling would restore failed synaptic plas- transcriptional changes in RBM3 (ref. 6). Therefore, these physiological
ticity. In wild-type mice, a single episode of cooling to 16–18 uC raised changes in small rodents at 16–18 uC may well be relevant in therapeutic

a b LV-control LV-RBM3 Figure 4 | Lentivirally mediated overexpression

Number of synapses per 55 μm2 area

(kDa) No virus LV-Control LV-RBM3 LV-shRNA-RBM3 400 8 *** of RBM3 restores structural synaptic plasticity
in cooled and rewarmed mice
6 w.p.i.

15 and is neuroprotective in neurodegenerative

(% relative to control mean)

RBM3 *** ***

300 6 disease. a, LV-RBM3 produces high levels of

expression in hippocampus; LV-shRNA-RBM3

Uninfected control LV-control 200 4
No virus LV-RBM3
reduces endogenous levels. Representative western
3 months

LV-shRNA-RBM3 blot and bar graph, where n 5 6 mice per

100 2
* treatment, repeated in triplicate. b, c, LV-RBM3
0 0
rescues the deficit in structural plasticity in
Prion 5XFAD prion-infected and 5XFAD mice at 6 w.p.i. and
c LV-control LV-shRNA-RBM3 d 3 months of age, respectively (93 images from 3
Evoked EPSC amplitude (nA)

8 *** 2.5 5
mEPSC frequency (s–1)

mice per time point) and produced lasting

Number of synapses

9 w.p.i.
per 55 μm2 area

2.0 4
6 ***
6 w.p.i .

* 9 w.p.i +
protection of synapse number in prion-infected
4 mice at 7 and 9 w.p.i. (b), whereas LV-shRNA-
1.0 2 *
RBM3 accelerated synapse loss (c) (62 images from
LV-control LV-RBM3 0.5 1 2 mice per time point). d, e, LV-RBM3 resulted in
0 0 0 significant recovery in synaptic transmission
C 6 7 9 C 7 9 C 7 9
7 w.p.i.

Time (w.p.i.) Time (w.p.i.) Time (w.p.i.) (d) (left panel, inset: representative raw traces of
e 100 * 2.5 f 150 evoked EPSCs are shown; n 5 6 cells from 2 mice
Global translation 35S-Met
Novel object preference

* per time point) and protected against behavioural

incorporation (%)

80 * 2.0 *
Burrowed (%)

60 1.5
100 * decline (e), whereas RNAi of RBM3 accelerated
memory loss and burrowing deficits (e) (n $ 10
9 w.p.i.

40 1.0
50 mice per group). f–h, RBM3 overexpression
20 0.5
increases global protein synthesis rates in
C 6 7 8 9 10
C 7 8 9
7 7 9 9 9
hippocampal slices of prion-infected mice at
Time (w.p.i.) Time (w.p.i.) Time (w.p.i.) 9 w.p.i. (f) (n 5 4–6 mice), is neuroprotective
g h 100 (g) (n 5 3–6 mice) and significantly lengthened
Total number of CA1 neurons (×105)

Uninfected Prion sick 3 ** ** *

Control LV-control LV-RBM3 LV-shRNA-RBM3
survival (h) (n 5 20 mice), whereas knockdown
i ii iii iv accelerated disease (n 5 14 mice) compared to
Survival (%)

2 60 LV-control treated mice (n 5 31 mice),

*** Mann–Whitney U-test. *P , 0.05, **P ,0.01,

1 20
***P , 0.001. Student’s t-test, two tails except in
e, f and g which used one-way ANOVA, Brown–
0 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 Forsythe test with Tukey’s post hoc analysis for
0 Time post-inoculation (days) multiple comparisons. All data represent
means 6 s.e.m. Scale bar, 1 mm in b and c and
50 mm in g.

2 3 8 | N AT U R E | VO L 5 1 8 | 1 2 F E B R U A RY 2 0 1 5
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human hypothermia23. Cooling of mice to higher core temperature of 2. Selkoe, D. J. Alzheimer’s disease is a synaptic failure. Science 298, 789–791
26–28 uC, was similarly protective in prion disease, extending survival 3. Mallucci, G. R. Prion neurodegeneration: starts and stops at the synapse. Prion 3,
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changes in intrahippocampal connectivity during the course of hibernation in
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(compare subpanels ii and iii in Fig. 4g) and significantly extended sur-
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mice also. RBM3 knockdown also reduced synapse number and novel 20. Chip, S. et al. The RNA-binding protein RBM3 is involved in hypothermia induced
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shock RNA-binding protein, RBM3. This results in impaired synaptic
Supplementary Information is available in the online version of the paper.
reassembly after cooling, but also appears to be important in the con-
text of protecting against ongoing synaptic toxicity during disease, and Acknowledgements We thank J. Edwards, J. McWilliam and D. Read of the MRC
Toxicology Unit; members of University of Leicester Department of Biological Services
in synaptic maintenance in wild-type mice. Our data suggest that fur- staff; and D. Morrison, University of Cambridge, for technical assistance. We thank
ther understanding the mechanisms of action of cold-shock proteins J. Skepper, University of Cambridge, for advice about stereological procedures. This
such as RBM3 may yield insights into endogenous repair processes and work was funded by the Medical Research Council, UK.
bring new therapeutic targets for neuroprotection in neurodegenera- Author Contributions D.P. performed most experimental procedures and analyses.
tive disease. A.B. analysed cold-shock proteins, N.V. and M.G.M. carried out prion inoculations and
stereotaxic injections, C.M. performed behavioural tests, J.A.M. and H.R. carried out
Online Content Methods, along with any additional Extended Data display items histological analyses, J.R.S. performed neurophysiological procedures, M.G.M. and T.S.
and Source Data, are available in the online version of the paper; references unique performed ultramicrotomy and processed samples for electron microscopy, which was
to these sections appear only in the online paper. analysed by D.D. A.E.W. provided expertise on cold-shock and protein expression.
G.R.M. conceived and directed the project. D.P. and G.R.M. wrote the paper. All authors
Received 25 September 2013; accepted 5 December 2014. contributed to discussion and analysis of data and to the final draft of the paper.
Published online 14 January 2015. Author Information Reprints and permissions information is available at The authors declare no competing financial interests.
1. Holtmaat, A. & Svoboda, K. Experience-dependent structural synaptic plasticity in Readers are welcome to comment on the online version of the paper. Correspondence
the mammalian brain. Nature Rev. Neurosci. 10, 647–658 (2009). and requests for materials should be addressed to G.R.M. (

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METHODS A series of images were recorded from the stratum radiatum, all at a distance of
Animals. All animal work conformed to UK regulations and institutional guide- approximately 100 mm from the CA1 pyramidal layer to avoid the large dendritic
lines and were performed under UK Home Office guidelines. profiles in the proximal area. 31 images, each encompassing an area of 55 mm2,
Prion infection of mice. The 3-week-old tg371/2 mice11 were inoculated intra- from each of two to three mice were used for scoring. For synapse quantification
cerebrally into the right parietal lobe with 30 ml of 1% brain homogenate of Chandler/ the following criteria were followed: the presence of an unambiguous postsynaptic
RML (Rocky Mountain Laboratories) prions under general anaesthetic, as described24. density, a clear synaptic cleft, and three or more synaptic vesicles. An average of
Animals were culled when they developed clinical signs of scrapie as defined in14. 300 synapses were counted per sample.
Control mice received 1% normal brain homogenate. Quantifiation of numbers of neurons in CA1 region of hippocampus. For CA1
5XFAD mice. Founder 5XFAD mice were obtained from the Jackson Laboratory pyramidal layer volume analysis, whole hippocampus was cut and every 250 mm
(Ba Harbour, ME, USA). The 5XFAD mice have the following five mutations: Swedish stained with haemotoxylin and eosin in fixed sections of 5 mm thickness. The
(K670N and M671L), Florida (I716V) and London (V717I) in human APP695 and volume of the pyramidal layer was measured using the Cavalieri estimator (points
human PS1 cDNA (M146L and L286V) under the transcriptional control of the grid). For neuron mean density slices were stained with NeuN and calculated
neuron-specific mouse Thy-1 promoter7. Colonies were maintained by crossing hemi- within an unbiased virtual space. The total number of neurons in CA1 pyramidal
zygous transgenic to wild-type littermates. layer was estimated with the neuron density and the volume of the hippocampus.
Induction of hypothermia. FVB, tg371/2 and 5XFAD mice weighing $ 20 g were Immunoblotting. Protein samples were isolated from hippocampi using protein
cooled using 59-AMP as described15,25, with slight modifications. Freshly prepared lysis buffer (50 mM Tris, 150 mM NaCl,1% Triton X-100, 1% Na deoxycholate,
59-AMP (Sigma) was injected intraperitoneally (0.7 mg per g). Control mice were 0.1% SDS and 125 mM sucrose) supplemented with Phos-STOP and protease inhi-
injected with saline. Mice were maintained at room temperature until core body bitors (Complete, Roche), followed by centrifugation and quantification. Protein
temperature decreased to 25 uC (approximately 60 min). Subsequently, mice were levels were determined by resolving 20 mg of protein on SDS–polyacrylamide gel
transferred to a refrigerator (5 uC) and core body temperature lowered to 16–18 uC electrophoresis gels, transferred onto either nitrocellulose or PDVF membranes
for 45 min. Mice recovered normal body temperature at room temperature con- and incubated with primary antibodies. Synaptic proteins were detected using the
ditions. Cooled samples were collected at the end of the 16–18 uC period and rewarmed following antibodies: SNAP-25, (1:10,000; catalogue number: ab5666, Abcam),
samples as stated elsewhere in the text. VAMP2 (1:5,000; catalogue number: 104204, Synaptic Systems), NMDA-R1 (1:1,000;
Electron microscopy data acquisition and analysis of synapse number. Male catalogue number: G8913, Sigma) and PSD95 (1:1,000; catalogue number: 04-1066,
mice were used to avoid the effects on synapse number of the oestrus cycle. Brains Millipore). Odyssey IRDye800 secondary antibodies (1:5,000; catalogue number:
were perfusion fixed with 2% glutaraldehyde 1 2% paraformaldehyde in 0.1 M 926-32210/32211 LI-COR) were applied, visualized and quantified using Odyssey
sodium cacodylate buffer (final pH 7.3). Slices (300 mm) were prepared using a infrared imager (LI-COR; software version 3.0). Protein for PrP levels was deter-
vibrating blade microtome (Leica Microsystems, Milton Keynes, UK). These slices mined using the primary antibody ICSM35 (1:10,000; catalogue number: 0130-
were post-fixed in 1% osmium tetroxide 1 1% potassium ferrocyanide, stained en- 03501, D-GEN). PrPSc was detected after Proteinase K digestion. Cold-shock protein
bloc with 5% uranyl acetate and embedded in epoxy resin (TAAB Laboratories levels were determined with antibodies CIRP (1:1,000; catalogue number: 10209-2-
Equipment Ltd, Aldermaston, UK), as described26. AP, Proteintech Group, Inc.) and RBM3 (1:500; catalogue number: 14363-1-AP,
For random sampling and calculation of synapse density, estimation of total Proteintech Group, Inc.). Amyloid-b levels in 5XFAD mice were detected by 6E10
synapse number and measures of volume of tissue using the stereology disector clone antibody (1:1,000; catalogue number: SIG-39320, Covanche). Horseradish-
method, the following procedures were used, as described previously16. Fixed and peroxidase-conjugated secondary antibodies (1:10,000; DAKO) were applied and
stained slices were flat embedded as described27. The slices were mounted for microt- protein visualized using enhanced chemiluminescence (GE Healthcare) and quan-
omy, a semi-thin (1 mm) section was cut from the upper surface of each slice and tified using ImageJ. An antibody against GAPDH (1:5,000; catalogue number:
the area of the stratum radiatum (sr) measured using the Cavalieri estimator (points sc32233, Santa Cruz) was used to determine gel loading.
grid), as described16. These results were then used to estimate the volume of the Lentiviruses. GenTarget (San Diego, CA, USA) generated lentiviral plasmids. The
stratum radiatum and the systematic random selection of regions for electron micro- neuron-specific promoter CAMKII was used to drive RBM3; the H1 promoter was
scopy, as described16. Briefly, the grid has intersections every 50 pixels (at a scale used for shRNA-RBM3 expression and scrambled sequence-shRNA. Viruses were
that 1 pixel is 1 mm). Each intersection was labelled with a dot. The dots were injected stereotaxically into the CA1 region of the hippocampus as described29.
numbered in each of the sections generated per hippocampus. These numbers Mouse RBM3 isoform 2 (NM_001166410.1) overexpression was induced using
were used for measuring the area of each section and generate the data about the the pLentiCAMKII (RBM3)Rsv (GFPBsd) plasmid. pLentiCAMKII (empty)Rsv
volume applying the following formula: VsrCA1 5 SPsrCA1 3 Ap 3 T (ref. 16). (GFPBsd) was used as control. RBM3 down regulation was achieved by using
The total number of dots per hippocampus was divided by 6 (number of samples pLentiH1shRNA(m RBM3) sequence number 2Rsv(GFPBsd). This plasmid con-
selected to obtain representative synapse variability from the whole hippocampus). tains the following shRNA-RBM3 sense, anti-sense and loop sequences (sequence
The number obtained was used for the generation of a random number for sam- number 2: 59-GTTGATCATGCAGGAAAGTCTcgagAGACTTTCCTGCATGA
pling the first position and defined the interval for the subsequent 5 positions to be TCAAC-39).
sampled. These regions were trimmed-down, mounted on aluminium pins and pLentyH1shRNA (negative control)Rsv (GFPBsd) containing the sequence 59-
imaged by serial block-face scanning electron microscopy in a FEI Quanta FEG GTCTCCACGCGCAGTACATTT-39 was used as control. Lentiviral sequences and
250 electron microscope (FEI Ltd, Cambridge, UK) equipped with a ‘3View2XP’ viral stocks were generated by GenTarget (San Diego, CA, USA). Virus titre was
system (Gatan Ltd, Abingdon, UK). Images of 32 serial sections were generated in determined using FACS (BD FACS Calibur). Viruses were used with a final titre of
each of the six points. Serial sections of areas 51.4 mm2 were recorded at 320,000 0.6 3 108 to 1.5 3 108 transducing units.
and an accelerating voltage of 3 kV, using spot size 3.0, at a working distance of Stereotaxic injection. Under general anaesthetic, mice were injected with 5 ml of
6.1 mm, and a dwell-time of 5 ms per pixel. The mean section thickness was esti- lentivirus per site into the CA1 region of the hippocampus. Mice were injected at 2
mated by sectioning only half of the original block face. The block was then re- locations per hemisphere; at 22 mm and 22.7 mm posterior, 6 2 mm lateral and
embedded, sectioned orthogonally and the depth removed by ‘3View’ was measured 22.2 mm ventral relative to bregma, using a 26 s-gauge needle and Hamilton
by transmission electron microscopy28. The mean thickness of 3View sections was syringe as described29.
86 nm. We analysed synapses in a volume stack of 88 mm3 (with an area of 33 mm2, Burrowing assay. This was performed as described14,30. Briefly, mice were placed
a measured section thickness of 0.086 mm and 31 sections). Synapses that had their in individual large plastic cages containing a clear Perspex tube, 20 cm long 3 6.8 cm
first identifiable profile below the first section in the series were counted16. Synapses diameter, filled with 140 g of normal food pellets. The weight of pellets remaining
were identified, within a counting frame of 5.75 mm 3 5.75 mm, which follows the in the tube was measured after 2 h and the percentage burrowed calculated. Behavioural
counting frame rules to avoid edge effect for the estimation of synapse numerical data were analysed using one-way ANOVA with Brown–Forsythe test and Tukey’s
density. The total number of synapse was estimated with the synapse density and post hoc test. For behavioural testing no formal randomization was needed or used.
the volume of each hippocampus, as described16. Experimenter was blind to group allocation during all experiments and when
Synapse size was calculated by measuring mean synapse length, mean synapse assessing outcome.
area in the same serial sections used for estimations of synapse density and total Novel object recognition memory. This was performed as described12. Briefly,
synapse number, as described16. mice were tested in a black cylindrical arena (69 cm diameter) mounted with a 100
For routine 2D analyses semi-thin (1 mm) sections were stained with toluidine LED strip infrared light source and a high resolution day/night video camera (Sony).
blue and examined to select areas for ultramicrotomy. Ultrathin sections (,70 nm) Mice were acclimatized to the arena 5 days before testing. During the learning phase,
were stained with lead citrate and examined, blind, in a Jeol 100-CXII electron two identical objects were placed 15 cm from the sides of the arena. Each mouse
microscope (JEOL (UK) Ltd, Welwyn Garden City, UK) equipped with a ‘Megaview was placed in the arena by an operator blind to the experimental group for two
III’ digital camera (Olympus Soft Imaging Solutions GmbH, Münster, Germany). blocks of 10 min for exploration of the objects with an inter-trial interval of 10 min.

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Two hours later, one of the objects was exchanged for a novel one, and the mouse Behavioural data, neuronal counts and 35S-met were analysed using one-way
was replaced in the arena for 5 min (test phase). The amount of time spent explor- ANOVA and Tukey’s post hoc test for multiple variables.
ing all objects was tracked and measured for each animal using Ethovision software For behavioural testing no formal randomization was needed or used. Experimenter
(Tracksys). All objects and the arena were cleansed thoroughly between trials to was blind to group allocation during the experiments and when assessing outcome.
ensure the absence of olfactory cues. The amount of time spent exploring the novel Statistical analyses for in vivo experiments. Sample size estimation for induction
object over the familiar object is expressed as a ratio, where a ratio of 1 reflects ran- of hypothermia for volume, synaptic density and estimation of total number of synapses
dom exploration, and .1 reflects memory. Behavioural data were analysed using was based in effect size of the preliminary experiment on dissector method (5.9511)
one-way ANOVA with Brown–Forsythe test and Tukey’s post hoc test. For beha- and obtained with the free software G*Power version
vioural testing no formal randomization was needed or used. Experimenter was The software prediction shows that with a sample size of 6 animals for 2 con-
blind to group allocation during all experiments and when assessing outcome. ditions (control and cooled or cooled and rewarmed), the experiment has a 99.8%
Electrophysiology. Whole-cell recordings were made in acute hippocampal slices of chance of detecting a difference and avoid a type II error (b-error), with a 0.05%
to measure synaptic transmission from identified CA1 neurons and recording per- chance of a type I (a-error). Sample size estimation for novel object recognition
formed as described31. In brief, neurons were voltage clamped using a Multiclamp experiment was established based on the effect size of 1.6161 from control and
700B amplifier and pClamp 10.3 software (Molecular Devices) and EPSCs were prion mice at 8 w.p.i. This parameter was applied in the following F tests calcula-
evoked by stimulation with bipolar platinum electrode at 37 uC. Pipettes (2.5–3.5 MV) tion of power analysis with G*Power version
were filled with a solution containing (in mM): KCl 110, HEPES 40, EGTA 0.2, Similar analyses were performed for burrowing tests.
MgCl2 1, CaCl2 0.1; pH was adjusted to 7.2 with KOH. Neurons were visualized 24. Mallucci, G. et al. Depleting neuronal PrP in prion infection prevents disease and
with 360 objective lenses on a Nikon FS600 microscope fitted with differential reverses spongiosis. Science 302, 871–874 (2003).
interference contrast optics. Four to eight cells were measured per mouse in at least 25. Daniels, I. S. et al. A role of erythrocytes in adenosine monophosphate initiation of
two animals per experiment. Male mice were used to avoid effects of the oestrus hypometabolism in mammals. J. Biol. Chem. 285, 20716–20723 (2010).
26. Deerinck, T. J. Enhancing serial block-facing scanning electron microscopy to
enable high resolution 3-D nanohistology of cells and tissues. Microsc. Microanal.
Hippocampal slice preparation and 35S-methionine labelling. Slices were dis- 16, 1138–1139 (2010).
sected in an oxygenated cold (2–5 uC) sucrose artificial cerebrospinal fluid (ACSF) 27. Nguyen, K. B. & Pender, M. P. A simple technique for flat osmicating and flat
containing (mm): 26mM NaHCO3, 2.5mM KCl, 4 mM MgCl2, 0.1 mM CaCl2, and embedding of immunolabelled vibratome sections of the rat spinal cord for light
250mM sucrose. Hippocampal slices were prepared using a tissue chopper (McIlwain). and electron microscopy. J. Neurosci. Methods 65, 51–54 (1996).
28. Yang, G. C. H. & Shea, S. M. Precise measurement of thickness of ultrathin sections
Slices were allowed to recover in normal ACSF buffer while being oxygenated at by a ‘re-sectioned-section’ technique. J. Microscopy 103, 385–392 (1975).
37 uC for 1 h, then incubated with [35S]-methionine label for 1 h, then homoge- 29. White, M. D. et al. Single treatment with RNAi against prion protein rescues early
nized14. Proteins were TCA precipitated and incorporation of radiolabel was mea- neuronal dysfunction and prolongs survival in mice with prion disease. Proc. Natl
sured by scintillation counting (Winspectal, Wallac). Acad. Sci. USA 105, 10238–10243 (2008).
Statistics. Statistical analyses were performed using Prism v5 software, using Student’s 30. Cunningham, C. et al. Synaptic changes characterize early behavioural signs in
the ME7 model of murine prion disease. Eur. J. Neurosci. 17, 2147–2155 (2003).
t-test for data sets with normal distribution and a single intervention; when the 31. Haustein, M. D. et al. Acute hyperbilirubinaemia induces presynaptic
F-test to compare variances was significant, Mann–Whitney U-test was performed neurodegeneration at a central glutamatergic synapse. J. Physiol. 588,
instead. 4683–4693 (2011).

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Synapse mean area (mm2)

1.5 x109 450

Synapse mean length (nm)

400 0.07

CA1 volume (mm3)

350 0.06
1.0 x109 300 0.05
250 0.04
5.0 x108 150
50 0.01

0 0 0

37 ° C 16-18 ° C 37 ° C

Prion disease 5xFAD

b c

2 months
4 w.p.i.

3 months
6 w.p.i.

d Prion synapse memory neuronal terminally

infection loss loss loss sick
0 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 w.p.i.

0 2 3 4 5 6 9 months
5xFAD lost synaptic synapse memory neuronal
recovery loss loss loss

Extended Data Figure 1 | Stereological assessment of volume and synapse ease of synapse identification) for data not shown in Fig. 1b, c, from prion-
size to validate 2D assumption-based approaches for counting synapse infected mice at 4 and 6 w.p.i. (b) and for 5XFAD mice at 2 and 3 months
density. a, CA1 volume and synapse mean length and area in the stratum (c) before cooling (black framed images) and cooled (blue framed images).
radiatum remain essentially unchanged on cooling and rewarming in wild-type d, Schematic showing lost capacity for structural plasticity precedes synapse
mice. Volume was measured using disector principle and synapse mean length loss and neuronal loss in both mouse models. Scale bar, 1 mm. All data in bar
and area determined in the same sections, as described1, n values as reported charts are mean 6 s.e.m. Student’s t-test, two tailed. Non-significant P values.
for Fig. 1a. b, c, Representative electron micrographs (pseudo-coloured for

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a Prion disease

kDa 4 6 w.p.i. 200 n.s.

160 140 150
95 PSD 95

(% relative to mean control)

(% relative to mean control)

(% relative to control mean)

(% relative to control mean)

25 SNAP25 120 150




35 GAPDH 80
80 100
19 VAMP2 60
35 GAPDH 40 40 50

105 NR1 20

35 GAPDH 0 0 0 0
4 6 w.p.i. 4 6 w.p.i. 4 6 w.p.i. 4 6 w.p.i.

b 5xFAD

2 3 months 140
140 140 160

(% relative to control mean)

(% relative to control mean)

(% relative to mean control)
95 PSD 95
(% relative to mean control)

120 120 120 140


SNAP25 100

25 100 100

GAPDH 80 80 80
35 80
60 60 60
19 VAMP2 60
40 40 40
20 20 20 20
105 NR1 0 0 0 0
2 3 months 2 3 months 2 3 months 2 3 months

Extended Data Figure 2 | Synaptic protein levels during cooling– are shown for 3 mice per temperature and time point. Bar graphs show
rewarming in prion and 5XFAD mice. a, Levels of presynaptic (SNAP25, quantification of synaptic protein levels relative to GAPDH. All data represent
VAMP2) and postsynaptic (PSD95, NR1) proteins do not change before means 6 s.e.m. (n 5 3–11 mice per time point). Student’s t-test, two tailed.
(black bars) and after cooling to 16–18 uC (blue bars) in prion-infected mice at n.s. 5 non-significant P values.
4 and 6 w.p.i., b, 5XFAD mice at 2 and 3 months. Representative western blots

©2015 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved


a b





ct Prion disease 6 w.p.i. 5x FAD 3 months





35 kDa GAPDH
25 PrP




Extended Data Figure 3 | Cooling does not induce changes in PrPSc or expected. b, Cooling does not change levels of amyloid-b oligomers in 5XFAD
amyloid-b levels. a, Levels of total PrP (upper blot) and PrPSc (lower blot) do mice, arrow indicates amyloid-b monomers (lane 1, synthetic amyloid-b
not change notably before (white line), during (blue line) or after (red line) oligomers; last lane, one-year-old 5XFAD control (C1)). Representative
cooling to 16–18 uC in prion-infected mice. PrPSc is detected after digestion western blots are shown for 3 mice per temperature and time point.
with proteinase K. Levels are undetectable by western bloting at 6 w.p.i., as Non-significant P values.

©2015 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved


(% relative to control mean)

a 150

Prion disease
kDa 4 6 wpi 75
18 CIRP 50
35 GAPDH 25
4 6 w.p.i.

b 200

(% relative to control mean)


kDa 2 3 months
18 CIRP 100

2 3 months

c wild type
(% relative to control mean)

200 cooled




12 48 72 hrs
Extended Data Figure 4 | Cooling induces sustained increase in RBM3 t-test, two tailed. n.s. 5 non-significant P values. c, Increased levels of RBM3 are
levels but not in CIRP. a, b, Levels of CIRP do not change after cooling in sustained for at least 72 h after cooling in wild-type mice. Bar graph shows
prion-infected mice at 4 and 6 w.p.i. (a) or in 5XFAD mice at 2 and 3 months quantification of RMB3 against GAPDH in control (white bar), cooled (blue
(b). Representative western blots are shown for 3 mice per temperature and bar), and 12, 48 and 72 h recovery after cooling (red bars). All data represent
time point. Bar graphs show quantification of CIRP levels relative to GAPDH. means 6 s.e.m., (n 5 3–6 mice per time points, *P , 0.05, Mann–Whitney
All data represent means 6 s.e.m. (n 5 6–9 mice per time point). Student’s U-test, two tailed).

©2015 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved


kDa control 6 7 8 9 10 12 wpi
15 RBM3

Extended Data Figure 5 | Early cooling induces sustained elevation of levels remained high up to 6 weeks later and declined at 12 w.p.i. Representative
RBM3 levels. RBM3 levels remain high after cooling to 16–18 uC in prion- western blots are shown for 3 mice per time point.
infected mice (magenta boxes) compared to control prion-infected mice. These

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Total exploration time (s)

Prion infection + early cooling

200 Prion infection only

Uninfected controls

100 Prion infection + LV-shRNA-RBM3

+ early cooling
Prion infection + LV-shRNA-control
+ early cooling
C 8 9 w.p.i.

b 2.5 c
** **
2.0 300
Novel object preference

Total exploration time (s)




0 0
C 9 w.p.i. C 9 w.p.i.
Extended Data Figure 6 | Exploration time in exposure phase of novel cooling on novel object memory impairment in prion disease (b) (dark green
object testing is normal in all groups and RBM3 knockdown abolishes bar); but does not affect exploratory behaviour in training phase (c). All data
improved memory after cooling. a, Exploratory behaviour measured in represent means 6 s.e.m. Data analysed using one way ANOVA, Brown–
seconds is not different in mice with early cooling from prion-diseased mice Forsythe test with Tukey’s post hoc analysis for multiple comparisons
and is not affected by the duration of disease (n as reported in Fig. 3d). (n 5 11–16 mice per time point, **P , 0.01).
b, c, Lentivirally mediated RNAi of RBM3 eliminates the protective effect of

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Prion infection

Survival (%)
Prion 5 and 6 wpi cooling
40 only


75 80 85 90 95 100
Days post inoculation
Extended Data Figure 7 | Induction of hypothermia at time point when not increase survival in prion-infected mice. Kaplan–Meier survival plots for
RBM3 induction fails is not neuroprotective. Cooling at 5 and 6 w.p.i., when prion-infected mice (black line, no cooling; n 5 10; orange line, mice cooled at
synaptic plasticity and RBM3 induction fails (see Fig. 1 and 2, main text), does 5 and 6 w.p.i., n 5 16). Student’s t-test, two tailed. Non-significant P values.

©2015 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved


C Prion disease 9 w.p.i. C Prion disease terminal

kDa kDa
35 35
25 25 PrP

35 GAPDH 35

25 25

15 15

b Prion disease terminal


kDa C Control RBM3 shRNA-RBM3



Extended Data Figure 8 | PrPSc levels remain unchanged in prion with (pale green) (b). PrP and PrPSc levels tested in 9 w.p.i. and terminal mice. PrPSc
overexpression of RMB3. a, b, In prion-infected mice total PrP and PrPSc is detected after digestion with proteinase K. Representative western blots are
levels do not alter after early cooling to 16–18 uC (a) (magenta boxes) or shown for 3 mice per temperature and time point, the lane marked C shows
following treatment with LV-RBM3 (dark green) and LV-shRNA-RBM3 uninfected control mouse.

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80 Prion infection
mild cooling

Survival (%)

40 infection

0 75 80 85 90 95 100

Days post inoculation

Extended Data Figure 9 | Mild hypothermia also extends survival in prion-infected mice. Kaplan–Meier plot showing that cooling to 26 uC at an early stage
also significantly lengthens survival (n 5 27 cooled vs n 5 16 non-cooled mice); **P , 0.01, Student’s t-test, two tailed.

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Number of synapses per 55µm2 area

5xFAD ***
LV-Control LV-shRNA-RBM3

3 months

8 2.0

Number of synapses per 55µm2 area

b wild type *** *
LV-Control LV-shRNA-RBM3

Novel object preference

6 1.5

4 1.0

2 0.5

0 0
Extended Data Figure 10 | RNAi of RBM3 downregulation accelerates reduction in synapse number by RNAi of RBM3 (n 5 82–93 images from 3
impaired structural synaptic plasticity in the 5XFAD mouse model, and also mice per time point, Student’s t-test, two tailed). b, RBM3 knockdown reduces
reduced synapse number and function in wild-type mice. a, Impaired synapse number and novel object memory in wild-type mice (n 5 93 images
structural synaptic plasticity after cooling occurs in shRNA-RBM3 treated from 3 mice per time point, Student’s t-test, two tailed ***P , 0.0001; for novel
5XFAD mice at 3 months. Representative electron micrographs are shown and object recognition task n 5 11 mice, LV-shRNA-control and 10 mice,
are pseudo-coloured as in main text figures. Quantification shows significant LV-shRNA-RBM3, Mann–Whitney U-test, *P , 0.05). Scale bar, 1 mm.

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LETTER doi:10.1038/nature13948

Convergent loss of PTEN leads to clinical resistance

to a PI(3)Ka inhibitor
Dejan Juric1*, Pau Castel2*, Malachi Griffith3,4,5, Obi L. Griffith4,5,6, Helen H. Won2,7, Haley Ellis2, Saya H. Ebbesen8,
Benjamin J. Ainscough5, Avinash Ramu5, Gopa Iyer2,9, Ronak H. Shah2, Tiffany Huynh1, Mari Mino-Kenudson1, Dennis Sgroi1,
Steven Isakoff1, Ashraf Thabet1, Leila Elamine1, David B. Solit2,9, Scott W. Lowe8,10, Cornelia Quadt11, Malte Peters11, Adnan Derti12,
Robert Schegel12, Alan Huang12, Elaine R. Mardis3,4,5,6, Michael F. Berger2,7, José Baselga2,13 & Maurizio Scaltriti2

Broad and deep tumour genome sequencing has shed new light on of principle that PI(3)Ka targeting is active against tumours harbour-
tumour heterogeneity and provided important insights into the evolu- ing PIK3CA mutation.
tion of metastases arising from different clones1,2. There is an addi- We present the case of a 60-year-old breast cancer patient (index patient)
tional layer of complexity, in that tumour evolution may be influenced diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma who underwent surgery followed
by selective pressure provided by therapy, in a similar fashion to that by adjuvant treatment with chemotherapy and the aromatase inhibitor
occurring in infectious diseases. Here we studied tumour genomic examestane. Four years later, the patient developed bone metastases
evolution in a patient (index patient) with metastatic breast cancer bear- and started therapy with the ER antagonist fulvestrant, achieving stable
ing an activating PIK3CA (phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate disease. After 18 months on therapy, her disease progressed in the liver,
3-kinase, catalytic subunit alpha, PI(3)Ka) mutation. The patient was bone and lymph nodes. The archival tissue of the primary tumour was
treated with the PI(3)Ka inhibitor BYL719, which achieved a lasting subjected to PCR-based genetic analysis11 and a hot spot mutation in
clinical response, but the patient eventually became resistant to this PIK3CA (E542K) was detected. This finding led to the patient’s enrol-
drug (emergence of lung metastases) and died shortly thereafter. A ment in a phase I clinical trial testing the tolerability and antitumour
rapid autopsy was performed and material from a total of 14 metas- activity of BYL719 (NCT01219699). The patient rapidly achieved a con-
tatic sites was collected and sequenced. All metastatic lesions, when firmed partial response according to the RECIST 1.0 criteria12 that lasted
compared to the pre-treatment tumour, had a copy loss of PTEN (phos- 9.5 months (Table 1 and Extended Data Fig. 1). At that point, while the
phatase and tensin homolog) and those lesions that became refract- tumour remained stable in multiple sites including a peri-aortic lymph
ory to BYL719 had additional and different PTEN genetic alterations, node location, progression occurred in the lungs (Fig. 1) and consequently
resulting in the loss of PTEN expression. To put these results in con-
Responding New lesions
text, we examined six other patients also treated with BYL719. Acquired
bi-allelic loss of PTEN was found in one of these patients, whereas in
two others PIK3CA mutations present in the primary tumour were
no longer detected at the time of progression. To characterize our
findings functionally, we examined the effects of PTEN knockdown
in several preclinical models (both in cell lines intrinsically sensitive
to BYL719 and in PTEN-null xenografts derived from our index
patient), which we found resulted in resistance to BYL719, whereas
Cycle 8 Cycle 8
simultaneous PI(3)K p110b blockade reverted this resistance pheno-
type. We conclude that parallel genetic evolution of separate metastatic
sites with different PTEN genomic alterations leads to a convergent
PTEN-null phenotype resistant to PI(3)Ka inhibition.
We are currently engaged in testing the antitumour activity of a novel
PI(3)Ka inhibitor, BYL719, in patients with tumours harbouring acti-
vating PI(3)Ka mutations3. The PI(3)K pathway is essential for cell
growth, proliferation, survival, and metabolism4,5. The PI(3)K family of
enzymes is divided into three main classes (I to III), with class I being the Cycle 10 Cycle 10
most often implicated in human cancer6. Class IA PI(3)K is a hetero-
dimer composed of a catalytic subunit (p110a, b or d) and a regulatory
Figure 1 | Clinical response of index patient treated with BYL719. CT scans
subunit7,8. PIK3CA, the gene encoding p110a, is mutated in up to 40% showing stable (responding) peri-aortic lymph node metastasis (yellow circles,
of oestrogen receptor (ER) and/or HER2 positive breast tumours9,10. In left column) and the appearance of new lung metastatic lesions (yellow circles,
our ongoing phase I clinical study of BYL719, we have observed clinical right column) after the completion of the tenth cycle of BYL719 therapy.
responses in breast, head and neck and other tumours3, providing proof Arrow, pleural effusion.
Massachusetts General Hospital Cancer Center, 55 Fruit Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02114, USA. 2Human Oncology and Pathogenesis Program (HOPP), Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, 1275
York Avenue, Box 20, New York, New York 10065, USA. 3Department of Genetics, Washington University School of Medicine, 4566 Scott Avenue, St Louis, Missouri 63110, USA. 4Siteman Cancer Center,
Washington University School of Medicine, 660 South Euclid Avenue, St Louis, Missouri 63110, USA. 5The Genome Institute, Washington University School of Medicine, 4444 Forest Park Avenue, St Louis,
Missouri 63108, USA. 6Department of Medicine, Washington University School of Medicine, 660 South Euclid Avenue, St Louis, Missouri 63110, USA. 7Department of Pathology, Memorial Sloan Kettering
Cancer Center, 1275 York Avenue, Box 20, New York, New York 10065, USA. 8Cancer Biology and Genetics Program, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, 1275 York Avenue, Box 20, New York, New
York 10065, USA. 9Division of Genitourinary Oncology, Department of Medicine, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, 1275 York Avenue, Box 20, New York, New York 10065, USA. 10Howard Hughes
Medical Institute, Cancer Biology and Genetics Program, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, 1275 York Avenue, Box 20, New York, New York 10065, USA. 11Novartis Pharma AG, Forum 1, Novartis
Campus, CH-4056 Basel, Switzerland. 12Oncology Translational Medicine, Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, USA. 13Breast Medicine Service, Department of
Medicine, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, 1275 York Avenue, Box 20, New York, New York 10065, USA.
*These authors contributed equally to this work.

2 4 0 | N AT U R E | VO L 5 1 8 | 1 2 F E B R U A RY 2 0 1 5
©2015 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved

b Primary tumour Lung metastasis

p1 1

p1 .23

p1 2
p1 1

q1 1

q1 2

q2 .31

q2 3


q2 2



q1 .1








q2 3.2

q .1















p1 1

p1 .23

p1 2
p1 1

q1 1

q1 2

q2 .31

q2 3


q2 2




q1 .1








q2 3.2

q .1




















































Chromosome 10 Chromosome 10
1 1
CNV difference

CNV difference

Loss (Windows = 13,554)
–1 Loss < –0.5 (n = 1,892)
Loss (Windows = 13,554) –2
Loss < –0.75 (n = 2)
Loss < –0.5 (n = 1,892) Loss < –0.9 (n = 0) Loss < –0.9 (n = 0)
Loss < –0.75 (n = 2) HMM Loss Segs –3 HMM Loss Segs
100 2× 107 4× 107 6× 107 8× 107 108 1.2 × 108 1.4 × 108 100 2 × 107 4 × 107 6 × 107 8 × 107 108 1.2 × 108 1.4 × 108

c Lymph metastasis d

PIK3CA (E542K) 43.8%

Lung metastasis
Primary tumour
Breast PIK3CA E542K
PIK3CA (D752G) 42.0% tumour
39.0% PIK3CA (E542K)

PSTK (S315G) 41.4%
35.1% PIK3CA (D752G)
0.0% PSTK (S315G)
0.0% 19.0% ESR1 (Y537N)
ESR1 (Y537N) 33.3% 4.8%
0.0% CRY2 (G466R) lymph node
0.0% ATM (E1787K) metastasis
27.3% BRCA2 (L971S)
CRY2 (G466R) 26.7%
Presence of each mutation 9.2% PTEN (del 339fs)
ATM (E1787K) 22.8% Tumour and metastases
Metastases only RESPONDING
BRCA2 (L971S) 20.4% Lymph metastasis only PTEN expression
PTEN (del 339fs) 0.0% Lung metastasis only

Figure 2 | Loss of PTEN upon BYL719 resistance. a, Circos plots from WGS fractions (VAF) of the listed gene mutations in the three lesions. The estimated
analysis of primary tumour (before BYL719 treatment) and a lung metastasis tumour purities are 44% for the breast primary tumour, 50% for the lung
appearing after the tenth cycle of BYL719 therapy. b, Copy number variation metastasis, and 59% for the lymph node metastasis. d, PTEN IHC of primary
of chromosome 10. c, WES of the peri-aortic lymph node showing durable tumour, peri-aortic lymph node, and lung metastasis. Images were taken from
stable disease during BYL719 therapy compared to both primary tumour Servier Medical Art (licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0
and the progressing lung lesion. The diagram shows the variant allele Unported License).

1 2 F E B R U A RY 2 0 1 5 | VO L 5 1 8 | N AT U R E | 2 4 1
©2015 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved

Table 1 | Patient information (frameshift) mutation only in the lung metastasis (Fig. 2c). By immu-
Patient Site PIK3CA Dose Response DOT PTEN PIK3CA nohistochemistry (IHC), we observed that PTEN protein expression was
baseline (mg) (RECIST) (days) Post-T Post-T lost in the lung metastasis but was present in both the primary tumour
Index Breast E542K 400 PR (252.4%) 285 Loss E542 and peri-aortic lesion (Fig. 2d).
1 Breast H1047R 400 SD* 181 Unch. H1047R Third, to confirm and expand our findings, we sequenced the prim-
2 Breast H1047R 400 SD (226.3%) 424 Loss H1047R
3 Breast H1047R 400 SD (228.5%) 179 Unch. WT
ary tumour and all the metastatic lesions to .500-fold coverage using
4 Breast H1047L 400 SD (211.3%) 504 Unch. H1047L a custom targeted deep-sequencing assay, IMPACT13,14 (Methods). A
5 Breast H1047R 400 SD (224.9%) 110 Unch. H1047R number of mutations were shared by the primary tumour and the metas-
6 Salivary E545K 400 SD (217%) 112 Unch. WT tatic sites, whereas others were observed only in all or in selected meta-
RECIST, Response Evaluation Criteria In Solid Tumors; DOT, duration of treatment; PR, partial static lesions (Fig. 3a and Supplementary Table). We confirmed that
response; SD, stable disease; Unch., unchanged; WT, wild-type; Amp., amplified; Post-T,
the PIK3CA E542K mutation in the primary tumour was conserved in
* With interval decrease in left breast and left chest wall skin thickening. the metastatic samples and detected the presence of another PIK3CA
mutation (D725G). Moreover, we found increased copy number of FGFR1
therapy with BYL719 was discontinued. The clinical status of the patient and EI4EBP1 in all tumour samples, consistent with the relatively fre-
deteriorated rapidly and she died two months after termination of the quent 8p11-12 amplification described in breast cancer15,16. ESR1 Y537N
BYL719 treatment. A rapid autopsy was performed three hours after and BRCA2 L971S alterations were present in all the metastatic lesions
death and a total of 14 metastases with tumour cells present were iden- but not in the primary tumour. We speculate that the ESR1 Y537N mu-
tified and collected for sequencing (Extended Data Table 1). tation, reported to promote ligand-independent ER activation13, was
In order to proceed systematically to identify possible genetic deter- selected upon anti-oestrogen therapy received by the patient before
minants of acquired resistance to PI(3)Ka inhibition, we took a three- BYL719 treatment.
step approach. First, we examined both the primary tumour (before Central to our work, all metastatic lesions appeared to harbour a single
BYL719 treatment) and the new lung metastasis by whole genome se- copy loss of PTEN (Extended Data Fig. 3). Furthermore, we found that
quencing (WGS). Although both samples shared many somatic genetic 10 of the 14 metastatic lesions harboured additional genomic altera-
aberrations (Fig. 2a and Extended Data Fig. 2), PTEN copy number loss tions within PTEN. The spectrum of PTEN alterations was heterogen-
was detected only in the lung metastasis (Fig. 2b). Second, we analysed eous across the 10 samples and included a splice site mutation at K342,
by whole exome sequencing (WES) the primary tumour, lung meta- a frameshift indel at P339 (confirming the WES result), and 4 different
stasis, and the peri-aortic lesion that remained stable (responding) at exon-level deletions (Fig. 3a and Extended Data Fig. 4). All 10 speci-
the time of progression to BYL719 therapy (Fig. 2c). This analysis revealed mens with either secondary PTEN mutations or copy number loss were
that both peri-aortic and lung lesions harboured mutations in PIK3CA, confirmed negative for PTEN staining by IHC, whereas the four speci-
ESR1 and BRCA2, and single copy loss of PTEN. Importantly, in addi- mens that retained a PTEN wild-type allele were positive for PTEN
tion to the PTEN copy number loss, we identified a PTEN del339FS protein expression (Extended Data Fig. 5). In addition, for those lesions

a Figure 3 | Loss of PTEN by different genetic


alterations. a, Heatmap of the non-silent genetic


alterations across the primary tumour and the

JAK1 14 metastases (M) collected during the autopsy of

the index patient. Gene mutations are depicted in

EIF4EBP1 green, gene amplifications in red, and gene copy
PTEN (deletion exons 1–2)
PTEN (deletion exons 5–9) number loss in blue. b, Dendrogram showing the
BRCA2 PTEN (deletion exons 6–7) proposed phylogenetic evolution of the metastases
ATM PTEN (deletion exons 1–9)
PTEN in the index patient. Shaded circles represent
PTEN (p.K342_splice)
PTEN (pS339fs)
metastatic lesions with bi-allelic loss of PTEN and
lack of PTEN expression by IHC.

M04 M03
PTEN deletion
(exons 1–2)

PTEN deletion
(exons 6-7)
M08 M09
ATM E1787K PTEN deletion
(exons 5–9)

ESR1 Y537N
JAK1 T416fs BRCA2 L971S BRCA1 G1062S M05
PIK3CA E542K PTEN single copy loss PTEN deletion (exons 1–9)
PIK3CA D725G Primary M07
FGFR1 amp M12
EIF4EBP1 amp M13

PTEN S339fs
PTEN K342_splice

MEN1 R234C
M06 M11

2 4 2 | N AT U R E | VO L 5 1 8 | 1 2 F E B R U A RY 2 0 1 5
©2015 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved

that were visualized by CT (computerized tomography) scan, there was PIK3CA mutations drove sensitivity to BYL719 in our cell line screens17,
a tight correlation between progression of disease and loss of PTEN positive selection of clones bearing wild-type alleles of PIK3CA may
expression. The peri-aortic lesion (M02) that was responding at the time explain the emergence of resistance to BYL719 in these two additional
of disease progression still contained one PTEN wild-type allele and cases. These results may be an indication that in some cases PIK3CA
protein expression. Conversely, the lung lesions (M04, M06, M09 and mutations are not early founder/truncal events but branched subclonal
M11) and liver lesion (M12) with documented progression to therapy drivers that are cleared from the tumours under the selective pressure
had bi-allelic PTEN alteration and lack of expression. of PI(3)Ka inhibition. In any case, the fact that loss of PTEN expression
In an effort to integrate the genomic data from our patient, we con- and emergence of PIK3CA wild-type clones are mutually exclusive in
structed a dendrogram mapping the phylogenetic evolution of the dis- our patient samples indicates that both events may be important in
ease. Our findings suggest that all the lesions were derived from the opposing the therapeutic efficacy of BYL719.
PTEN wild-type primary tumour, and that there was a progressive and No other alterations with an obvious connection to BYL719 resist-
parallel loss of PTEN under BYL719 selective pressure (Fig. 3b). Of note, ance were found in the responding cases, with the exception of a mu-
the two-month duration between progression to BYL719 and autopsy tation (E1490*) and an in-frame deletion in MAP3K1 in one of the
needs to be considered as well. three patients for whom neither PTEN nor PIK3CA status changed
In order to expand our observations, we analysed paired samples (pre- during BYL719 treatment. Further characterization is needed to deter-
treatment and at progression) from six additional patients enrolled in mine whether these mutations lead to increased MEK and ERK signal-
the same study at our institution (Table 1). Targeted sequencing iden- ling and limit the effects of PI(3)K inhibition.
tified homozygous loss of PTEN in a post-treatment sample of a breast PTEN encodes for a phosphatase that regulates the activity of PI(3)K
cancer patient who developed resistance to BYL719 after initially experi- by limiting the accumulation of phosphatidylinositol-3,4,5-trisphosphate
encing a durable response to therapy (Table 1). We also confirmed lack (PtdIns(3,4,5)P3 or PIP3), a required mediator to initiate the PI(3)K/
of PTEN expression by IHC in the post-treatment sample (Extended AKT/mTOR signalling cascade18. In the absence of PTEN, cancer cells
Data Fig. 6). We found no detectable PIK3CA mutations in the post- become dependent mostly on the activity of the p110b isoform of
treatment samples of two patients (Table 1). Given that the presence of PI(3)K (PI(3)Kb) to propagate signalling through downstream pathway

a PTEN no. 1 PTEN no. 2 b 120 120 T47D

100 100
BYL719: – + – + – + – +
Viability (%)

Viability (%)
PTEN 80 80
pAKT (T308)
60 60
pAKT (S473)
pPRAS40 (T246) 40 40
pGSK3β (S9) shPTEN no. 1 shPTEN no. 1
pS6 (S240/4) 20 shPTEN no. 2 20 shPTEN no. 2
Actin shRenilla shRenilla
0 0
–6 –4 –2 0 2 4 –6 –4 –2 0 2 4
T47D (PIK3CAH1047R) log2 [BYL719 (μM)] log2 [BKM120 (μM)]

Percentage change in tumour volume

c 600 e 100
Vehicle Vehicle BYL719 BKM120
pS6 (S240/4) pAKT (S473)

BYL719 80 shRenilla
BKM120 shPTEN no. 2
Viability (%)


100 20
0 100 μm 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 –6 –4 –2 0 2 4
Days of treatment log2 [AZD6482 + BYL719 (μM)]
Percentage change in tumour volume

f 500
BYL719 Vehicle BYL719 AZD6482 Combination
pS6 (S240/4) pAKT (S473)



100 μm
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Days of treatment

Figure 4 | Loss of PTEN expression and sensitivity to PI(3)Ka and PI(3)Kb collected at the end of the experiment of c, 2 h after the last dosage. Scale bar,
blockade. a, Western blot showing PTEN knockdown by two independent 100 mm. e, Cell viability assay in T47D cells with PTEN expression or PTEN
shRNAs and its effects on the PI(3)K/AKT/mTOR pathway. b, Cell viability knockdown treated with increasing concentrations of the combination of
assay in T47D cells with inducible PTEN knockdown (shPTEN no. 1 and no. 2) BYL719 and AZD6482. Error bars, s.e.m. f, Antitumour activity of either
or PTEN expressing controls (shRenilla) treated with increasing concentrations BYL719 (25 mg kg21 daily) or the combination of BYL719 and AZD6482
of BYL719 or BKM120. Error bars, s.e.m. c, Antitumour activity of either (25 mg kg21 daily) in PDXs subcutaneously grown in nude mice (n 5 6
BYL719 (25 mg kg21 daily) or BKM120 (25 mg kg21 daily) in PDXs (vehicle) and n 5 8 (treatments)). Error bars, s.e.m. g, Representative
subcutaneously grown in nude mice (n 5 6 (vehicle) and n 5 8 (treatments)). immunostaining for pAKT (S473) and pS6 (S240/244) in PDXs treated as
Error bars, s.e.m. d, Representative immunostaining for phosphorylated AKT shown. Tumours were collected at the end of the experiment of f, 2 h after the
(pAKT) and phosphorylated S6 (pS6) in PDXs treated as shown. Tumours were last dosage. Scale bar, 100 mm. *P , 0.05.

1 2 F E B R U A RY 2 0 1 5 | VO L 5 1 8 | N AT U R E | 2 4 3
©2015 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved

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immunodeficiency virus transmission chain. J. Virol. 79, 11981–11989 (2005).
where treatments are highly efficacious, such as in HIV22. Our case
highlights that this tumour, despite its heterogeneity, was dependent Supplementary Information is available in the online version of the paper.
on PI(3)K signalling, probably as a result of the presence of the same Acknowledgements We thank members of the MSKCC Diagnostic Molecular
activating PIK3CA mutation in all the tumour sites. Upon continued Pathology Laboratory and the MSK Maria-Josée and Henry Kravis Center for Molecular
Oncology for assistance with sequencing. We thank M. Asher and U. Bhanot from the
suppression of PI(3)Ka, diverse genomic alterations emerged, leading MSKCC Pathology Core for assistance with tissue staining. This work was funded
to PTEN loss as an alternative mechanism of PI(3)K activation. More- by a ‘‘Stand Up to Cancer’’ Dream Team Translational Research Grant, a Program of the
over, our study emphasizes the importance of tumour interrogation Entertainment Industry Foundation (SU2C-AACR-DT0209), the Breast Cancer
Research Foundation, the Geoffrey Beene Cancer Research Center, the Starr Cancer
upon progression to therapy and the dynamic nature of tumour gen- Consortium and an MMHCC grant (CA105388). D.J. is also funded by a National
omes under selective therapeutic pressure. Institutes of Health Training Grant (T32 CA-71345-15) and by philanthropic support
from Stephen and Kathleen Chubb.
Online Content Methods, along with any additional Extended Data display items
and Source Data, are available in the online version of the paper; references unique Author Contributions D.J., P.C., M.F.B., J.B. and M.S. conceived the project, designed
to these sections appear only in the online paper. and analysed the experiments, and wrote the manuscript. M.G., O.L.G., B.J.A., A.R. and
E.R.M. performed and analysed the WGS and WES data. T.H., M.M.-K., D.S., S.I., A.T., L.E.,
Received 29 April; accepted 7 October 2014. C.Q., M.P., A.D., R.B. and A.H. collected and analysed patients’ samples. P.C., H.E., S.H.E.
and S.W.L. performed and supervised the laboratory experiments. H.H.W., G.I., R.H.S.,
Published online 17 November 2014. D.B.S. and M.F.B. performed and supervised the IMPACT sequencing and analysis.
1. Gerlinger, M. et al. Intratumor heterogeneity and branched evolution revealed by Author Information DNA sequences have been deposited in the European
multiregion sequencing. N. Engl. J. Med. 366, 883–892 (2012). Genome-phenome Archive with accession number EGAS00001000991. Reprints and
2. Swanton, C. Intratumor heterogeneity: evolution through space and time. Cancer permissions information is available at The authors declare
Res. 72, 4875–4882 (2012). competing financial interests: details are available in the online version of the paper.
3. Juric, D. BYL719, a next generation PI3K alpha specific inhibitor: preliminary Readers are welcome to comment on the online version of the paper. Correspondence
safety, PK, and efficacy results from the first-in-human study. Cancer Res. 72, and requests for materials should be addressed to M.S. (,
Abstr. CT-01 (2012). J.B. ( or M.F.B. (

2 4 4 | N AT U R E | VO L 5 1 8 | 1 2 F E B R U A RY 2 0 1 5
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METHODS Center Institutional Review Board. Autopsy in the index patient was performed
within the first three hours post mortem.
PIK3CA mutant cell lines MCF7 (E545K) and T47D (H1047R) (ATCC) were
Targeted exome sequencing (IMPACT). DNA derived from the primary tumour,
transduced with the retroviral TRMPV vector. Doxycycline (Sigma) was used to
14 metastases, and matched normal spleen tissue was further subjected to deep-
temporally activate the expression of a microRNA 30-embedded shRNA targeting
coverage targeted sequencing of key cancer-associated genes. Our assay, termed
Renilla luciferase (control) or PTEN mRNA. The hairpin sequences used were as
IMPACT (Integrated Mutation Profiling of Actionable Cancer Targets), involves
Renilla luciferase. CTCGAGAAGGTATATTGCTGTTGACAGTGAGCGCAG hybridization of barcoded libraries to custom oligonucleotides (Nimblegen SeqCap)
GAATTATAATGCTTATCTATAGTGAAGCCACAGATGTATAGATAAGCA designed to capture all protein-coding exons and select introns of 279 commonly
TTATAATTCCTATGCCTACTGCCTCGGAATTC implicated oncogenes, tumour suppressor genes, and members of pathways deemed
PTEN no. 1. CTCGAGAAGGTATATTGCTGTTGACAGTGAGCGACCAGC actionable by targeted therapies14. The captured pool was subsequently sequenced
TAAAGGTGAAGATATATAGTGAAGCCACAGATGTATATATCTTCACCT on an Illumina HiSeq 2500 as paired-end 75-base pair reads, producing 513-fold
TTAGCTGGCTGCCTACTGCCTCGGAATTC coverage per tumour. Sequence data were analysed to identify three classes of somatic
PTEN no. 2. CTCGAGAAGGTATATTGCTGTTGACAGTGAGCGCCCAGAT alterations: single-nucleotide variants, small insertions/deletions (indels), and copy
CATCTGGTTGCCTACTGCCTCGGAATTC Barcoded sequence libraries were prepared using 250 ng genomic DNA (Kapa
Cell viability was assessed using the tetrazolium-based MTT assay after 6 days of Biosystems) and combined in a single equimolar pool. Sequence data were demul-
treatment. All cell lines resulted negative for mycoplasma contamination. Western tiplexed using CASAVA, and reads were aligned to the reference human geno-
blotting was carried out using previously described methods21. All the in vitro experi- me(hg19) using BWA and postprocessed using the Genome Analysis Toolkit (GATK)
ments were performed in triplicate. according to GATK best practices24,25.
Patient-derived xenografts and IHC. Animals were maintained and treated in MuTect and GATK were used to call single-nucleotide variants and small indels,
accordance with Institutional Guidelines of Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer respectively26. Exon-level copy number gains and losses were inferred from the
Center (Protocol number 12-10-019). Tumours were implanted subcutaneously in ratio in Tumour:Normal sequence coverage for each target region, following a loss-
six-week-old female athymic NU/NU nude mice. Once the tumours reached a volume normalization to adjust for the dependency of coverage on GC content27.
of ,200 mm3, it was expanded in multiple mice which were then randomized to Statistical analysis. Two-way t-tests were performed using GraphPad Prism
the following treatments: BYL719, BKM120 (a pan-class I PI(3)K inhibitor), or (GraphPad Software). Error bars represent the s.e.m., P values are indicated as
AZD6482 (a PI(3)Kb inhibitor), each administered orally at 25 mg kg21 once a *P , 0.05. All cellular experiments were repeated at least three times. All the
day. After treatment, mice were euthanized and tumours were harvested and pro- in vivo experiments were run with at least 6–8 tumours for each treatment arm.
cured for IHC analysis. IHC was performed on a Ventana Discovery XT processor Sample size was chosen to detect a difference in means of 20% with a power of 90%.
platform using standard protocols and the following antibodies: pAKT (S473) (D9E), Animals were randomized in groups with similar average in tumour size. Investigators
Cell Signaling Technology, #4060, dilution 1:70. pS6 (S240/4) (D68F8)XP, Cell were blinded when assessing the outcome of the in vivo experiments.
Signaling Technology, #5364, dilution 1:500. PTEN (138G6), Cell Signaling Tech- For the cell viability graphs, nonlinear regression was applied to the experimental
nology, #9559, dilution 1:30. data sets. Curves were compared using the extra-sum-of-squares F test using
All the in vivo experiments were run with at least n 5 8 for each treatment arm. a 5 0.05. Hypothesis was rejected when nonlinear models were not nested within
Two-way t-test was performed using GraphPad Prism (GraphPad Software). each other and was considered statistically significant.
Error bars represent the s.e.m. *P , 0.05.
Whole genome and whole exome sequencing. For whole genome (WG) and 23. Li, S. et al. Endocrine-therapy-resistant ESR1 variants revealed by genomic
characterization of breast-cancer-derived xenografts. Cell Rep. 4, 1116–1130
whole exome (WE) sequencing, DNA was derived from the primary tumour, lung (2013).
metastasis, and peri-aortic lymph node metastasis. DNA from the spleen was used 24. Li, H. & Durbin, R. Fast and accurate short read alignment with Burrows-Wheeler
as a normal control. WG libraries were produced as previously described23 and transform. Bioinformatics 25, 1754–1760 (2009).
sequenced using the Illumina HiSeq 2500 platform as paired-end 100 base pair reads, 25. DePristo, M. A. et al. A framework for variation discovery and genotyping
producing ,30-fold (primary tumour, spleen normal)-50-fold (lung metastasis) using next-generation DNA sequencing data. Nature Genet. 43, 491–498
coverage for WG sequencing. By hybrid capture (Nimblegen version 3.0) of the (2011).
26. Cibulskis, K. et al. Sensitive detection of somatic point mutations in impure and
lymph node and lung metastases, primary tumour and spleen normal, we gener- heterogeneous cancer samples. Nature Biotechnol. 31, 213–219 (2013).
ated ,100-fold coverage for WE sequencing. 27. Wagle, N. et al. High-throughput detection of actionable genomic alterations in
All patients provided written informed consent for the genetic research studies clinical tumor samples by targeted, massively parallel sequencing. Cancer
performed in accordance with protocols approved by Dana Farber/Harvard Cancer Discov. 2, 82–93 (2012).

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Extended Data Figure 1 | CT scan of index patient. CT scan showing a liver lesion (baseline) experiencing a partial response after 8 cycles (cycle 8) of BYL719.

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Extended Data Figure 2 | Gene copy number variation in both primary tumour and lung metastasis.

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Extended Data Figure 3 | Representative exon-level copy number profiles for genes on chromosome 10 in all 14 metastases collected from the index patient.
Exons in PTEN are shown in red.

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Extended Data Figure 4 | Loss-of-function mutations in PTEN detected by IMPACT in metastases M06 and M10. Mutations were visualized by the
Integrative Genomics Viewer (IGV).

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Extended Data Figure 5 | PTEN immunostaining of the 14 metastases index patient. PTEN staining in PTEN negative samples is only present in
collected during the autopsy. Haematoxylin and eosin (H&E) and PTEN stromal cells.
expression detected by IHC in 14 metastases collected during the autopsy of the

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Extended Data Figure 6 | PTEN immunostaining in patients treated with therapy (baseline) and at time of disease progression (post-treatment) are
BYL719. PTEN expression detected by IHC in paired samples from six compared.
additional patients treated with BYL719. Specimens before starting BYL719

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Extended Data Figure 7 | Inducible loss of PTEN and sensitivity to BYL719 concentrations of either BYL719 or BKM120. Error bars, s.e.m.
and BKM120. a. Cell viability assay in MCF7 cells with inducible PTEN c, Quantification of pAKT (S473) and pS6 (S240/4) from Fig. 4d. Student’s
knockdown treated with increasing concentrations of either BYL719 or t-test was used and P values are indicated. d, Western blot from the PDXs
BKM120. Error bars, s.e.m. b, Cell viability assay in MDA-MB-453 (MDA453) treated as indicated.
cells with constitutive PTEN knockdown treated with increasing

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Extended Data Figure 8 | Constitutive loss of PTEN and sensitivity to s.e.m. b, Quantification of pAKT (S473) and pS6 (S240/4) from Fig. 4g.
BYL719 and AZD6482. a, Cell viability assay in T47D cells with inducible Student’s t-test was used and P values are indicated. Error bars, s.e.m.
PTEN knockdown (no. 2) treated with increasing concentrations of either c, Western blot from the PDXs treated as indicated.
BYL719 or AZD6482 in the presence of doxycycline 1 mg ml21. Error bars,

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Extended Data Table 1 | Samples analysed from the index patient

Summary of the lesions collected during the autopsy of the index patient, cellularity assessment, imaging, clinical outcome, and sequencing techniques used. N, no; Y, yes.

©2015 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved

LETTER doi:10.1038/nature14152

Apico-basal forces exerted by apoptotic cells drive

epithelium folding
Bruno Monier1,2*, Melanie Gettings1,2*, Guillaume Gay3, Thomas Mangeat1,2, Sonia Schott1,2, Ana Guarner4 & Magali Suzanne1,2

Epithelium folding is a basic morphogenetic event that is essential surface (Fig. 1d, Supplementary Video 3). This myosin II cable is at-
in transforming simple two-dimensional epithelial sheets into three- tached to the junctional structure described above (Fig. 1e). Remark-
dimensional structures in both vertebrates and invertebrates1. Fold- ably, apical surface release coincides with myosin II cable and adhesion
ing has been shown to rely on apical constriction2–7. The resulting peak detachment from the apical surface as the dying cell fragments
cell-shape changes depend either on adherens junction basal shift2 (Fig. 1c, d, Extended Data Fig. 2c, d). Furthermore, when apoptosis is
or on a redistribution of myosin II3–5,7, which could be driven by inhibited, neither the myosin II cable nor the apical deformation are
mechanical signals8. Yet the initial cellular mechanisms that trigger observed (Extended Data Fig. 2e), suggesting that the myosin II cable
and coordinate cell remodelling remain largely unknown. Here we constitutes the cellular apoptotic machinery responsible for the tran-
unravel the active role of apoptotic cells in initiating morphogenesis, sient deformation of the epithelium.
thus revealing a novel mechanism of epithelium folding. We show We then asked whether the apico-basal myosin II cable is a general
that, in a live developing tissue, apoptotic cells exert a transient pull- characteristic of apoptotic epithelial cells. By analysing myosin II dis-
ing force upon the apical surface of the epithelium through a highly tribution in different Drosophila epithelial tissues, we revealed that an
dynamic apico-basal myosin II cable. The apoptotic cells then induce apico-basal myosin II cable also forms in apoptotic cells in other epi-
a non-autonomous increase in tissue tension together with cortical thelia (Extended Data Fig. 2h).We further asked if this general property
myosin II apical stabilization in the surrounding tissue, eventually of apoptotic cells to generate an apico-basal myosin II cable is respons-
resulting in epithelium folding. Together our results, supported by ible for the local apical deformation observed around apoptotic cells.
a theoretical biophysical three-dimensional model, identify an apop- To test this, we induced ectopic apoptosis in the Drosophila wing which
totic myosin-II-dependent signal as the initial signal leading to cell can be regarded as a naive tissue (as apoptosis normally occurs sporad-
reorganization and tissue folding. This work further reveals that, far ically) and blocked myosin II function specifically in dying cells. While
from being passively eliminated as generally assumed (for example, an apico-basal myosin II cable is formed in ectopic dying cells (Extended
during digit individualization9), apoptotic cells actively influence their Data Fig. 2f), the local apical deformation around apoptotic cells is no
surroundings and trigger tissue remodelling through regulation of longer visible when myosin II is inhibited (compare Fig. 1f to Fig. 1g,
tissue tension. Extended Data Fig. 2g), indicating that the deformation strictly results
In different morphogenetic contexts, apoptosis has been shown to from the myosin II dependent apoptotic force and is not generated by
have an essential role in tissue folding; however, the cellular mechanisms neighbouring cells. Together, these experiments demonstrate a fun-
involved remain mostly unknown10–12. To characterize apoptosis- damental intrinsic in vivo property of yet non-fragmented apoptotic
dependent folding, we focused on Drosophila leg epithelium morpho- cells, namely their ability to produce a myosin II dependent apico-basal
genesis, a process that has been shown to rely on local apoptosis11 pulling force capable of transiently deforming adjacent cells (Fig. 1h).
(Extended Data Fig. 1a, Supplementary Video 1). Interestingly, we dis- To determine how apoptotic cells control the reorganization of the
covered that leg disc folding follows a stereotypical sequence, with fold remaining tissue, we characterized myosin II distribution and cell shape
progression following the spreading of cell death, beginning in the most changes in the vicinity of apoptotic cells. Myosin II in this tissue is
ventral part, then progressing laterally to end in the most dorsal region localized at the level of adherens junctions (Extended Data Fig. 3a, b).
of the developing leg (Fig. 1a, b, Extended Data Fig. 1b). To unravel the Interestingly, we observed that myosin II levels are increased along the
link between apoptotic cells and fold formation, we first focused on ap- apical membrane of apoptotic cell neighbours (Fig. 2a). Eventually, my-
optotic cell behaviour using live imaging. In the leg epithelium, apop- osin II and F-actin apical stabilization is found throughout the whole
tosis follows the classical morphological steps including cell shrinkage, fold domain where apoptosis takes place compared to the segment do-
membrane blebbing and fragmentation into apoptotic bodies (Extended main (Fig. 2b, Extended Data Fig. 3c, d) and is lost in absence of apo-
Data Fig. 1c). Initially, apoptotic cells remain columnar and attached ptosis (Fig. 2c and Extended Data Fig. 3e–g). Moreover, we observed
to their neighbours, as described previously13 (Extended Data Fig. 2a). that cells neighbouring apoptotic cells become progressively elongated
Indeed, we noticed that adherens junction components (E-cadherin, and reduce their apical surface (Fig. 2d, Supplementary Video 4). Elon-
a-catenin and b-catenin) accumulate below the apical surface of dying gation then propagates from cell to cell, gradually spreading to the whole
cells, forming an adhesion peak which coincides with local deforma- fold domain, thus generating a ring of stretched cells in which apoptosis
tion of the apical surface of the surrounding epithelial cells (Fig. 1c, occurs specifically (Extended Data Fig. 4a, b, Supplementary Video 5).
Supplementary Video 2). These observations prompted us to hypoth- These observations suggest that cell death is responsible for cell shape
esize either the presence of an apico-basal pulling force generated by modification in the whole fold domain. We therefore compared cell shape
the dying cells or, alternatively, a pushing force generated by the dying dynamics of developing legs with or without apoptosis. In the control
cell’s neighbours. Therefore, we analysed myosin II dynamics. Inter- fold domain, cells elongate, decrease their apical surface and adopt a
estingly, we detected an apico-basal acto-myosin cable-like structure preferential orientation along the future fold (Fig. 2e). However, all
(hereafter named ‘cable’) inside each dying cell (Extended Data Fig. 2b) these characteristics are lost when cell death is inhibited, demonstrating
that is formed just before the local deformation of the epithelium the essential role of apoptosis in determining cell morphology during
Université de Toulouse, UPS, LBCMCP, F-31062 Toulouse, France. 2CNRS, LBCMCP, F-31062 Toulouse, France. 3DamCB, Data Analysis and Modelling for Cell Biology, 13005 Marseille, France. 4Centro de
Biologı́a Molecular Severo Ochoa (C.S.I.C.-U.A.M.), Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Nicolás Cabrera 1, Cantoblanco, 28049 Madrid, Spain.
*These authors contributed equally to this work.

1 2 F E B R U A RY 2 0 1 5 | VO L 5 1 8 | N AT U R E | 2 4 5
©2015 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved

a e Casp3
Pre-fold stage Mid-fold stage Late-fold stage ::GFP

Dorsal Apical

Sagittal views
Sagittal views

20 μm Ventral apoptotic cell

5 μm
b WP WP + 1 h WP + 2 h WP + 3 h
Transversal views

0.3 0 0.3 0.5 1.3 0.8 1.4 1.3
0.6 0.2 0.7 0.3 1.8 0.6 0.6 0
A P f g
0.6 0.6 2.7 0.8 3.5 2.4 0.4 0
V 1 0.6 2.9 1.5 1 1.2 0 0 Ectopic apoptotic cell
Ectopic apoptotic cell + DN-MyoII

Sagittal views
Sagittal views
c –20 min –10 min 0 min 20 min 40 min E-Cad::GFP
Sagittal views top views

Apical surface

5 μm

5 μm
Before GFP β-cat GFP β-cat
55µm After
h Transient apical
0 min 12 min 15 min 18 min 21 min 30 min MRLC::GFP
Apical surface
Sagittal views

deformation Basal
Before pulling force
Apoptosis Adhesion peak Apoptotic
5 μm Basal After
initiation Apoptotic cell shrinkage fragments

Figure 1 | Apoptotic cells exert a transient apico-basal force upon adjacent colour codes indicate equivalent stages of the apoptotic process. e, Co-
cells. a, Pupal leg disc from pre-fold stage (white pupae, WP) to late-fold stage localization of the apoptotic myosin II cable (green arrowhead) with adherens
(WP 1 3 h). Arrowhead colours indicate fold progression (n 5 10, 7, 10 and 10, junctions (n 5 19, white arrowhead) stained with anti-E-Cad. f, g, Ectopic
respectively). b, Average number of dying cells in the fold domain (n 5 10, 6, apoptotic cells with (f) or without (g) myosin II activity generated in the wing
10 and 7, respectively). A, anterior; P, posterior. c, d, E-cadherin–green disc. DN, dominant negative form. Red and open arrowheads point at presence
fluorescent protein (E-Cad::GFP) (c, n 5 24) and MRLC::GFP (d, n 5 21) or absence of apical deformation, respectively (see quantification and
dynamics in apoptotic cells (in red in c) from pre-fold stage leg discs. Time genotypes in Extended Data Fig. 2g). h, Schematics of apoptotic cell dynamics.
0 5 collapse of apoptotic cell apical surface; the dotted line and arrowhead

folding (Fig. 2e and Extended Data Fig. 4c–e). Using laser ablation, we in the fold domain was significantly lower than in the control situation
tested whether cell elongation and myosin II stabilization at the level of (Extended Data Fig. 3i). Altogether these results demonstrate that, dur-
adherens junctions reveal an increase in tissue tension in the fold do- ing leg folding, apoptosis induces a non-autonomous effect throughout
main, as previously described in other tissues14. We found that the the fold domain leading to acto-myosin apical stabilization, a global en-
release of tension between vertices was indeed much higher in the fold hancement of tissue tension and cell shape changes (Fig. 2f).
domain where apoptosis takes place than in the segment domain (Ex- To test the role of apoptotic forces in folding, we constructed a phys-
tended Data Fig. 3h). In addition, when cell death was inhibited, tension ical model based on the two-dimensional vertex model15. In this model,

a 3D reconstruction b Wild-type c Mid-fold Figure 2 | The apoptotic force propagates to

Pre-fold Late-fold Control Q-VD-OPh the neighbouring tissue. a, Leg disc three-
F-actin MRLC:GFP

dimensional reconstruction and schematics

showing apical myosin II stabilization
(μm) (arrowheads) in cells adjacent to a dead cell
(n 5 11). b, Leg discs from pre-fold stage (n 5 9)
y and late-fold stage (n 5 7). c, Leg discs incubated
Fold Segment 10 μm 10 μm from pre-fold to mid-fold stages with DMSO
(control, n 5 13) or Q-VD-OPh (cell death
d (μm2)
0 min 30 min 60 min
Anisotropy Area Orientation (°) inhibition, n 5 13). Red and open arrowheads
Apical point to the presence or absence, respectively, of
3 transmission
of apoptotic F-actin or myosin II stabilization in b and c.
2 force d, Leg disc time-lapse images and quantification of
1 cell shape change parameters at the vicinity of
an apoptotic cell (red arrowheads, n 5 18).
5 μm

Myosin II e, Quantification of cell shape change parameters of

E-cad::GFP 0 7 0 40 0 90 cortical
accumulation leg discs incubated with DMSO (n 5 7) or Q-VD-
e Ctl Q-VD Anisotropy Area (μm2) Orientation (°) Apical OPh (n 5 8) from pre-fold to mid-fold stages.
f, Schematics of apoptotic force propagation.

5 μm


β-cat 0 7 0 40 0 90

2 4 6 | N AT U R E | VO L 5 1 8 | 1 2 F E B R U A RY 2 0 1 5
©2015 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved

a considered cell elasticity as a function of cell volume rather than cell area
No apoptosis while retaining the main characteristics of the original model (Extended
Anisotropy Area Orientation (°) Data Fig. 5b–e). Based on our observation of the developing leg disc,
the leg tissue in our model is represented by a 50-cell circumferential
cylinder, with the fold domain representing three rings of cells in which
30 cells are programmed to die following the pattern of apoptosis in the
leg (compare the cell death pattern in Fig. 1b and Extended Data Fig. 6a).
In the absence of the apoptotic-dependent forces, the model indicates
that the simple disappearance of 30 cells from a continuous ring-like
domain is not sufficient to induce cell shape reorganization and to cre-
b ate an invagination at the tissue level (compare Fig. 3a and b). However,
Apoptosis without apoptotic forces
if a transient apico-basal force is applied in each dying cell, an invag-
Anisotropy Area Orientation (°) ination response is observed all around the cylindrical tissue, albeit
irregular (Extended Data Fig. 8a). Now, if an increase of apical con-
tractility is applied in two rows of apoptotic neighbours (representing
the non-autonomous increase in tissue tension), a cell shape reorgan-
ization is observed, although moderate (Extended Data Fig. 7a). Finally,
if the transient pulling forces generated at a cellular scale are translated
as increased contractility at the tissue scale we observe cell shape reor-
ganization similar to that observed in the leg fold, along with regular
c and deeper folding (Fig. 3c). This shows that the added effect of both
Apoptosis with apoptotic forces
apoptotic forces is necessary and sufficient to induce folding in silico.
Anisotropy Area Orientation (°) Importantly, rising apoptotic cell number (Extended Data Fig. 6), apico-
basal force strength (Extended Data Fig. 7) or the increase in apical
contractility in apoptotic cells neighbours (Extended Data Fig. 8) leads
to a gradation in cell and tissue shape changes and demonstrates the
robustness of the model.
Furthermore, our model predicts that an apico-basal pulling force
generated by sporadic apoptosis is not sufficient to modify tissue shape
(Extended Data Fig. 6c, d). Moreover, the synergy of forces arising from
0 1 2 3 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 30 45 60 75 90
several apoptotic cells concentrated in a restricted region appears nec-
Figure 3 | Biophysical model of epithelium folding. a–c, In silico models essary to generate a force strong enough to produce a fold (compare
showing apoptotic pattern (insets), whole tissue (left) and cell shape (right, Extended Data Fig. 6f with Extended Data Fig. 6g). To test this in vivo
including normalized area) in the absence of apoptosis (a) and after removing we induced apoptosis ectopically in the wing pouch (that is, a flat tis-
apoptotic cells from the fold domain without (b) and with (c) an apico-basal sue) and observed that a high concentration of apoptotic cells in a re-
force generated by each dying cell and transmitted apically to neighbours stricted region is indeed sufficient to drastically modify the shape of
(noted ‘apoptotic forces’).
the epithelium through the creation of an ectopic fold (Fig. 4a, b, left
and middle panels, and Extended Data Fig. 9a–b9). Consistently, no
three interactions are considered: cell elasticity dependent on the cell folding was observed in regions where only sporadic apoptotic cells were
apical area, a contractility term dependent on the cell perimeter, and generated (Extended Data Fig. 9b999). Importantly, this tissue bending
line tension dependent on apical junction length. To take into account coincides with an apical stabilization of myosin II (Fig. 4c, middle panel,
all three dimensions of the leg epithelium, we have added an apico- Extended Data Fig. 9d–e9) and F-actin (Extended Data Fig. 9c9). It also
basal tension to those interactions (Extended Data Fig. 5a), and have strictly relies on apoptotic myosin II since the expression of a dominant

a Apoptotic cells
with normal
MyoII activity
Control Ectopic cell death Ectopic cell death + DN-MyoII Apoptotic cells
(ptc::Gal4, uas::GFP) (ptc::Gal4, uas::GFP (ptc::Gal4, uas::GFP × with inhibition
of MyoII activity
× uas::GFP, uas::rpr) uas::DN-zip-GFP, uas::rpr)
β-cat Apical

β-cat β-cat β-cat

Dcp1 Dcp1 Dcp1
20 μm DAPI 10 μm DAPI DAPI Basal

Myo II y

5 μm 0 x
z 12
Low 3D 3D 3D 9 μm

Figure 4 | Ectopic fold formation. a, Schematics of wing discs depicting the the presence or absence, respectively, of myosin II apical stabilization).
genetic contexts analysed in b and c. b, c, Wing discs in the absence (left panels) Close-up three-dimensional reconstructions are presented in c to visualize the
or presence (middle and right panels) of ectopic apoptosis in the ptc domain different pools of apical myosin II and apoptotic cells; red and open arrowheads
(pink), with (middle panels) or without (right panels) myosin II activity in denote ‘fold domain apical myosin II’ and ‘contractile ring of myosin II’,
dying cells, showing wing disc morphogenesis (large panels in b) and dying cell respectively (see also Extended Data Fig. 9e-e99). b, n 5 8, 13 and 10; c, n 5 6, 7
extrusion (close ups in b, white arrowheads) and myosin II distribution (stained and 8 in left, middle and right panels, respectively.
by an anti-Sqh/MRLC, c; in sagittal sections, red and black arrowheads point to

1 2 F E B R U A RY 2 0 1 5 | VO L 5 1 8 | N AT U R E | 2 4 7
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Interestingly, apoptosis-dependent folding has also been described
in vertebrates during neural tube bending. This bending is an import- Supplementary Information is available in the online version of the paper.
ant step in neural tube closure and its failure can lead to spina bifida Acknowledgements We thank C. Benassayag, E. Farge, Y. Gachet, T. Lecuit, P.-F. Lenne,
phenotypes12,18. Therefore, it would be interesting to test if the cellular F. Payre, E. Sanchez-Herrero, B. Sanson and S. Tournier for comments on the
manuscript, T. de Paula Peixoto for providing the graph-tool library, D. Kiehart,
mechanisms described here are conserved in vertebrates, thus general- H. Steller, X. Wang, R. Ward, BDSC and DSHB for stocks and reagents, the TRI platform
izing the mechanism of apoptosis-dependent epithelium folding. for imaging facilities and M. Aguirrebengoa for helping us with statistics. The Suzanne
laboratory is supported by grants from the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR),
Online Content Methods, along with any additional Extended Data display items Fondation de la Recherche et de l’Innovation Thérapeutique en Cancérologie (RITC)
and Source Data, are available in the online version of the paper; references unique and the University of Toulouse.
to these sections appear only in the online paper.
Author Contributions M.G., B.M. and M.S. have done the experiments in flies with the
Received 10 December 2013; accepted 9 December 2014. help of S.S. and A.G.; G.G. designed the simulation model. T.M. set up cell shape
extraction, statistics and analysis in Matlab and performed the laser ablation
Published online 21 January 2015. experiments with the help of B.M.; M.S. supervised the project.
1. Davidson, L. A. Epithelial machines that shape the embryo. Trends Cell Biol. 22, Author Information The source code for the model is released under the GNU General
82–87 (2012). Public Licence and is available on GitHub ( and
2. Wang, Y. C., Khan, Z., Kaschube, M. & Wieschaus, E. F. Differential positioning of .Reprints and permissions information is
adherens junctions is associated with initiation of epithelial folding. Nature 484, available at The authors declare no competing financial
390–393 (2012). interests. Readers are welcome to comment on the online version of the paper.
3. Martin, A. C., Kaschube, M. & Wieschaus, E. F. Pulsed contractions of an Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to
actin-myosin network drive apical constriction. Nature 457, 495–499 M.S. ( for biology and materials and to
(2009). G.G. ( for modelling.

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METHODS Ex vivo culture and drug treatment. Q-VD-OPh is a broad spectrum caspase
inhibitor which binds to the active site of activated proteases, more efficiently than
Fly stocks and genetics. The fluorescent reporters used are the following: E-Cad-
the commonly used Z-VAD caspase inhibitor and is described as non-toxic even at
KI(GFP)19, ubi::E-Cad::GFP20, uas::alpha-catenin-TagRFP21, uas::SCAT3 (FRET
extremely high concentrations26. Discs from white pupae (WP) were dissected in
reporter of caspases activity22), sqh[AX3];;sqh::sqhGFP[40] and sqh[AX3];sqh::
complemented Schneider medium as described above and incubated from pre-fold
sqhGFP[42] (MRLC::GFP)23, w;ap::Gal4,arm::arm-GFP;uas::mCD8-Cherry (gen-
to mid-fold stage with either Q-VD-OPh (from R&D systems; final concentration
erated using Bloomington stocks), w,Dlg1-GFP (CC01936, from Flytrap), Dll::Gal4
500 mM) or DMSO (from Sigma Aldrich, final concentration 0.5% in Fig. 2e and
MD23, zfh2 LP30::Gal4 and UAS::Diap1 are described in Flybase, UAS::p35 (inser-
0.06% in other experiments) in Fig. 2c (incubation of 6h) or Fig. 2e and Extended
tions in chromosome II and III) come from Bloomington.
Data Fig. 4d (incubation of 4 h). Q-VD-OPh was stored in a stock solution of
Stocks for ectopic cell death induction are y,w,HS::flp;act.y1.Gal4,uas::GFP
10 mM in either DMSO 100% (Fig. 2e) or in Schneider 1 1.25% DMSO (other
and w;ptc::Gal4, uas::GFP; tub::Gal80ts (gifts from C. Benassayag), y,w,HS::flp;;
experiments). Throughout this study, we focused on the t4-t5 fold, the only fold
act5C.CD2. Gal4 (generated using Bloomington stocks), w;uas::lifeactGFP;uas::
that is exclusively formed during the pupal stage and for which progression can be
reaper (gifts from X. Wang and from Flybase),w; uas::hid(4),uas::DN-zip::GFP
easily followed due to disc evagination. At WP stage, formation of the t4-t5 fold is
(gifts from H. Steller and D. Kiehart), w; uas::DN-zip::GFP; uas::rpr. Briefly, the
not initiated yet, while other tarsal folds are partially formed. Hence, in this par-
progeny of crosses of interest were grown on standard medium at 25 uC. Third in-
ticular context of apoptosis inhibition, we observe, as expected, a slight perturba-
star larvae were heat shocked for 15–20 min at 38 uC and transferred to 29 uC for tion of the formation of t3-t4 and strongly perturb the t4-t5 fold.
5.5 h–6 h before dissection. Following this treatment, a reproducible bias was ob-
Post imaging analysis. SCAT3 FRET probe was previously described22. It is an
served, with clones essentially following the dorsal-ventral boundary in half of the
indicator of caspase-3 activation using fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET)
wing pouch. When using ptc::Gal4 to induce cell death, crosses were performed at
between an enhanced cyan fluorescent protein (the donor) and an enhanced yel-
18 uC, the progeny was transferred at least 5.5 h to 30 uC before dissection.
low fluorescent protein (the acceptor) separated by a caspase cleavage site. FRET
Immunostainings. Primary antibodies obtained from Developmental Studies images of live leg discs were acquired with a Zeiss LSM710 microscope. A 458 nm
Hybridoma Bank were: rat anti-E-Cad (DCAD2, 1:50), mouse anti-Arm (N2 7A1, laser was used to excite the sample. Cyan fluorescent protein (CFP) and yellow
1:5) and mouse anti-Dlg (4F3, 1:200). Rabbit anti-cleaved Caspase 3 (9661, 1:100) fluorescent protein (YFP) emission signals were collected through channel I (470–
and anti-cleaved Dcp1 (9578, 1:200) were obtained from Cell Signaling Techno- 510 nm) and channel II (525–600 nm), respectively. CFP and YFP images were
logies and chicken anti-beta-Gal (GTX77365, 1:1,000) was obtained from GeneTex. acquired simultaneously. Sequential acquisition of CFP and YFP channels in alter-
Mouse anti-Sqh (MRLC) and Guinea pig anti-Sqh1P (1:1,000) were gifts from native orders were tested and gave the same result as simultaneous acquisition. CFP
R. Ward. Staining of the actin cytoskeleton was achieved using phalloidin- and YFP images were processed by ImageJ software. A background region of in-
Rhodamine (1:200, Invitrogen) or phalloidin-Alexa647 (1:100, Interchim). Second- terest was subtracted from the original image. Gaussian smooth filter was then
ary antibodies coupled to Alexa-488 or-555 were obtained from Fisher Scientific applied to both channels. The final ratio image (YFP/CFP signal) was generated in
and diluted 1:200 while secondary antibodies coupled to Cy5 were obtained from ImageJ program.
Jackson Laboratories and diluted 1:50. Briefly, for immunostainings, imaginal tis- Zen software (Zeiss) was used to generate three-dimensional reconstruction and
sues were fixed using paraformaldehyde (PFA) 4% diluted in PBS 13. Samples sagittal views of tissues. Images were processed in Adobe Photoshop CS5 or ImageJ.
were washed and saturated using PBS 13, Triton X-100, 0.3% BSA 1% (BBT). Automated image analysis and quantifications of cell shape changes. Matlab,
Primary antibodies were diluted in BBT and incubated overnight at 4 uC. Next, DipImage, Cell profiler and ICY were used to make automatic segmentation for quan-
samples were washed and saturated in BBT, incubated with secondary antibodies tification of cell shape in Fig. 2e and Extended Data Fig. 4d). Three-dimensional
(and phalloidin if required to stain F-actin) as indicated above, and subsequently median filter was performed from confocal images before segmentation. A Z pro-
washed with PBS 13, Triton X-100, 0.3%. Samples were mounted in Vectashield jection based on the maximum intensity from each Z stack was applied. An adap-
containing DAPI (Vectors laboratories) and analysed under a Zeiss LSM710 laser tive threshold was made to the Z projection images to define the outline of cells
scanning microscope. A similar protocol was followed for immunostainings on based on the Otsu method. The local maximum of the ‘‘distance’’ function was used
embryos except that fixation was performed for 5 min in heptane:formaldehyde to find the centre of each cell to produce a resulting binary image. The distance
37% (1:1). For E-cadherin and MyoII, embryos were devitellinised manually and transform is then used on the binary image to calculate the distance from cell mem-
stained immediately. Note that in order to preserve wing morphology in ectopic brane. The local maxima of the distance transform was calculated and were selected
cell death experiments; dissections were performed in Schneider medium, followed as seeds. For cells with high anisotropy the calculation of local maximum induced
by fixation with 4% PFA diluted in Schneider medium. some errors and was manually corrected. The coordinate of each local maximum
Time-lapse imaging. Leg discs were dissected in Schneider’s insect medium (from was used like seed to use a watershed algorithm function in Matlab and obtain a
Sigma Aldrich) supplemented with 2% FCS and 0.5% penicillin-streptomycin. Ec- label matrix allowing the quantification of each cell object. The cells situated out of
dysone (from Sigma aldrich, 20-hydroxyecdysone H5142) was stored in a stock so- the domain of interest were rejected. To perform statistics we calculated the max-
lution of 200 mg ml21 at 220 uC and added to meet a final concentration of 2 mg ml21. imum and the minimum vertical coordinates based on the coordinates of the
For in vivo imaging, leg discs were transferred on a coverslip in 15 ml of the above centre of outlined cells. Then 12 domains were defined based on this coordinate.
medium complemented with methyl cellulose (from Sigma-Aldrich) at a final con- The calculation of anisotropy was defined as the ratio between the lengths of the
centration of 2.5% to obtain a more viscous medium24. Spacers (Secure -Seal Imag- principal axes of an ellipsis fitting the cell contour.
ing Spacers 0.12 depth from Sigma-Aldrich) were added between the coverslip and Measurements of actomyosin levels. To quantify junctional acto-myosin (Extended
an air-permeable membrane (Lumox 25 from Sarstedt,) to avoid compression of Data Fig. 3c). For each leg disc, acto-myosin intensity was measured using ImageJ
the tissue, and halocarbon oil was added on the sides of the spacer to protect from by drawing a circular region of interest of 1 mm2 in 8 individual junctions in the
dehydration. Note that forceps and scissors, as well as air-permeable membrane, fold domain (t4-t5) and in 8 individual junctions in the segment domain (t4). The
were washed with ethanol before dissection. The membrane is rinsed with water measurements done in the fold were then normalized with the mean value of acto-
and dried before use. myosin intensity in the segment domain independently in each leg disc (to insure
Before imaging, dissected leg discs may be incubated for 30 min with acridine the presence of an internal control). As a consequence, the values represent the
orange (final concentration 0.1 mg ml21) to reveal dying cells or with the red fluo- differential accumulation of junctional acto-myosin in the fold compared to the
rescent lipid-binding dye FM4-64 (final concentration 36 mM). FM4-64 was also segment domain.
added at a concentration of 18 mM in the imaging medium. To quantify acto-myosin per surface unit (Extended Data Fig. 3d, e, g). For each
Imaging was essentially performed under an inverted laser scanning LSM710 leg disc, acto-myosin intensity was measured using ImageJ by drawing a segmen-
confocal (Zeiss). Under our conditions, ex vivo leg development reproduces mor- ted line either in the fold (t4-t5) or in the segment (t4) domain. These values were
phologic stages of pupal leg development characterized on fixed tissues (including divided by the length of the line and each measure in the fold was then normalized
leg evagination, local folding and the pattern of cell death), albeit at a lower speed by the corresponding segment domain value (to insure the presence of an internal
(around 2 times). control). As a consequence, the values represent the differential accumulation per
Importantly, we found that image stacks of 30–40 mm have to be taken every surface unit of acto-myosin in the fold compared to the segment.
3 min with optimal sectioning (0.438 mm for a 403 objective with 1.3 aperture and Statistics. To calculate P-values, we used the non-parametric Wilcoxon rank sum
the pinhole set to 1 AU) in order to spot apico-basal myosin II cables and adhesion test (also called Mann and Whitney test) since samples do not follow a normal dis-
peaks as they are very dynamic structures. tribution and do not have equal variances in Extended Data Fig. 3c–e, g, Extended
Note that apoptotic cells were identified using the caspase FRET sensor (SCAT322, Data Fig. 4d and Extended Data Fig. 9d. The null hypothesis is that the measures are
see section ‘Post-imaging analysis’ for details), acridine orange25 or FM4-64 that samples from continuous distributions with equal medians. The test considers that
strongly labels apoptotic bodies. the samples are independent and in Extended Data Fig. 4d, it takes into account

©2015 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved


that the control and Q-VD-OPh can have different lengths. For cell shape char- graph in the graph-tool library28 ( in the Python pro-
acteristics (anisotropy, area and orientation), values are represented by box plot gramming language. Energy minimisation is performed with the scipy library29
(the red line represent the median). For acto-myosin level quantifications, values (, using the Broyden, Fletcher, Goldfarb, and Shanno bound con-
are represented as mean values with standard error bars. strained minimisation algorithm provided by this library. The source code for the
Photo-ablation experiments. Laser-ablation experiments in prepupal leg imaginal model is released under the GNU General Public Licence and is available on github
discs were performed with a pulsed Q-switched microchip double-frequency Nd: at and
YAGlaser (l 5 532 nm, 550 ps, 7 kHz, 3.5 mJ per pulse). The laser beam was focused Extensive details on the numerical method as well as a complete derivation of the
through a high numerical aperture oil-immersion lens (360 C-Apochromat NA gradient can be found at this address.
1.4, Leica) to produce an experimental beam waist around 600 nm in the focal plane. The apical contractility and linear tension parameters C and L where chosen so
Photo-disruption was produced in the focal plane due to the plasma generation in that the relation between cell apical area and number of neighbours follows the
the middle of the adherens junctions after a total of 21 laser pulses of 3 kHz. A pair of same linear increase as observed by Farhadifar et al.15 in the wing disc (compare
Galvanometric mirrors were conjugated to the black focal plane of the microscope Fig. 2g of Farhadifar et al.15 with Extended Data Fig. 5b of the present work). We
objective lens to stir the ablation beam and allow simultaneous ablation of two junc- explored a range of apoptotic cell number, apico-basal force amplitude and con-
tions. We used an inverted microscope (Leica DMI6000B) with wide field illu- tractility increase values (Extended Data Figs 6, 7, 8) and observed that cell mor-
mination to produce fluorescent live imaging of adherens junctions labelled with phology in the fold is best reproduced with amplitudes of 1 C and 1 L. The fact that
arm::GFP fusion protein. Adherens junctions were placed in the centre of the field they are in the same order of magnitude as the apical interactions gives us confid-
to produce a better reproducibility. METAMORPH coupled to ILAS software con- ence that the chosen parameters are realistic. Furthermore, our tissue has a con-
trolled the laser and the microscope (RopperScientifiC SA). The Images were taken sistent morphology with or without apoptosis, increased apical contractility or
every second over a period of 30 s. Note that for laser ablations, in absence of cell apico-basal force, meaning that the balance of forces is coherent and equilibrated.
death (incubation with Q-VD-OPh, Extended Data Fig. 3i), expression of a mem- For cell shape analysis, a sector centred 30u above the ventral most part of the
brane-bound cherry protein under the control of the apterous driver (w;ap::Gal4, cylindrical epithelium was extracted. Radius and area were normalized with respect
arm::arm-GFP;uas::mCD8-Cherry; for expression pattern, see Extended Data Fig. 4c) to their average values on the simulated epithelium in the absence of apoptosis.
was used to visualize the fold domain since cell shape changes do not occur in these
conditions. 19. Huang, J., Zhou, W., Dong, W., Watson, A. M. & Hong, Y. From the Cover: Directed,
Modelling. Our apical junction network model is a generalization to three- efficient, and versatile modifications of the Drosophila genome by genomic
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interaction is modelled as an energy proportional to cell height, with the same linear cells. J. Cell Sci. 114, 493–501 (2001).
form as the apical line tension. The initial epithelium is represented as an hexagonal 21. Ishihara, S. & Sugimura, K. Bayesian inference of force dynamics during
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dom division plane orientation. The order of cell divisions on the epithelium is 22. Takemoto, K., Nagai, T., Miyawaki, A. & Miura, M. Spatio-temporal activation of
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tractility and rising the apico-basal tension term (ten steps are performed). At each development. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 107, 14217–14222 (2010).
step, the local energy is minimised by a gradient descent strategy. After the first 25. Abrams, J. M., White, K., Fessler, L. I. & Steller, H. Programmed cell death during
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step of the first apoptotic cell is performed, the second cell starts its apoptosis, and 26. Caserta, T. M., Smith, A. N., Gultice, A. D., Reedy, M. A. & Brown, T. L. Q-VD-OPh, a
so on. Once ten steps are performed for one cell, it is removed from the tissue, such broad spectrum caspase inhibitor with potent antiapoptotic properties. Apoptosis
that no centripetal force remains at that point. When removing the apoptotic cell, 8, 345–352 (2003).
its neighbours are rearranged through a series of type 1 intercalations (see Faradifar 27. Guarner, A. et al. The zinc finger homeodomain-2 gene of Drosophila controls
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Extended Data Figure 1 | Spatio-temporal pattern of fold formation and ventral views of leg discs respectively, and the t4-t5 domain is indicated by a
hallmarks of apoptosis. This figure is associated with Fig. 1. a, Time-lapse white line. Note that the fold is initiated in the most ventral part of the leg,
images and schematics of the distal region of a Dlg::GFP leg disc from pre-fold then progresses laterally (arrows) to end in the most dorsal part of the leg
stage (WP) showing the progression of the t4-t5 fold (white arrowheads). (n 5 10 for WP, n 5 7 for WP 1 1 h, n 5 10 for WP 1 2 h, n 5 10 for
Acridine orange was used to stain dying cells (green) and FM4-64 to stain WP 1 3 h). c, High magnification images from a time-lapse video during
membranes (red). Note the presence of apoptotic cells in the fold region apoptosis showing caspase activity, revealed by the FRET construct SCAT3
(coloured in grey in the schematics below, n 5 27). The t4-t5 domain is (top), and the outline of cell membranes, revealed by FM4-64 staining
indicated by a black line on the schematics. b, Three-dimensional (bottom) (n 5 19). These images illustrate that the classical apoptotic stages,
reconstruction of the distal region of Dlg::GFP pupal legs undergoing fold including shrinkage, blebbing (hollow arrowheads) and fragmentation (black
morphogenesis. The colour code indicates tissue depth. Images show legs at arrowheads), are recapitulated in the developing Drosophila leg epithelium.
different stages of development, from WP to WP 1 3 h. Throughout this Black outline (top) and red false-colour (bottom) highlight the apoptotic cell.
study, we have focused on the t4-t5 fold, the only one that is exclusively formed Another apoptotic cell (outlined in white and coloured in pink) has also
during pupal stage and for which progression can be easily followed due to disc just turned on the apoptotic pathway. Note that in both cases the apoptotic
evagination. For each time point, top and bottom panels show dorsal and pathway is turned on before visible morphological change.

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Extended Data Figure 2 | Adherens junctions and acto-myosin cytoskeleton DMSO (control) or Q-VD-OPH (cell death inhibition), showing the absence
dynamics in apoptotic cells. This figure is associated with Fig. 1. a, Time lapse of the apico-basal myosin II cable in the absence of cell death (right, n 5 0 out
images of a pupal leg disc expressing aCat-TagRFP in the ap domain of 30). Arrowhead points out to the myosin II cable in the control (n 5 14
(which encompasses the t4-t5 fold) and the FRET construct SCAT3 to reveal out of 30). f, A single apoptotic cell (same cell shown in Fig. 1f, identified by
caspase activity and thus visualize apoptotic cells (n 5 10). The apoptotic GFP expression, red) generated by ectopic expression of reaper in the wing
cell outline is visible on the sagittal section and represented on the scheme. disc (from y,w,hs::flp; act-frt-y1-frt-Gal4, uas::GFP / uas::lifeactGFP; uas::rpr
The position of the sagittal section is indicated by a black line on the apical top larvae). The green arrowhead points out to the myosin II cable stained by anti-
view to the left. Note the reduction of the apical surface of the apoptotic cell phospho-Sqh/MRLC (green, n 5 11). The dotted red line outlines the dying
(apical top views on the right). The apoptotic cell is highlighted in red on cell. g, Percentage of individual apoptotic cells (with or without myosin II
both panels. b, Acto-myosin cable (green arrowhead) observed in a single activity) with apical deformation. This quantification is associated with Fig. 1f,
apoptotic cell from a pupal leg disc (n 5 6). MRLC::GFP is in green, F-actin g (n 5 68 and n 5 106, respectively). Genotype for ectopic cell death is
(stained with phalloidine) is blue and cleaved Dcp1 is red. c, Sagittal sections of y,w,hs::flp; act-frt-stop-frt::Gal4, uas::GFP / uas::lifeactGFP; uas::rpr and
an apoptotic cell (visualized with the FRET construct SCAT3) before and after genotype for ectopic cell death without myosin II activity specifically in
fragmentation, illustrating the apoptotic adhesion peak (n 5 27, red apoptotic cells is y,w,hs::flp; uas::DN-zip::GFP, uas::hid / act-frt-stop-frt::Gal4.
arrowhead) and its splitting up (hollow red arrowhead) when the apoptotic cell Note that, in the latter condition, myosin II activity is maintained in the
detaches at fragmentation. d, Time-lapse images of a MRLC::GFP pupal leg neighbouring cells. h, Sagittal sections close-ups of MRLC::GFP wing and
disc showing apical surface release upon apoptotic cell fragmentation (time- antennal discs from 3rd instar larvae and a MRLC::GFP stage 11 embryo
point 69 min, n 5 12). Fragmentation is clearly visible in the z section (top) showing that an apico-basal structure of myosin II (green arrowheads) is
showing membrane staining of the apoptotic fragments with FM4-64 (white formed in dying cells in each of these different tissues (n 5 6, 7 and 7,
arrowheads) (the position of the z section is indicated by a black dotted line in respectively). Cleaved Dcp1 (activated caspase) is in red, E-Cad in blue (wing)
the sagittal view). The myosin II cable is indicated by hollow open red and Arm/bCat in blue. The region shown in each close up is indicated by a red
arrowheads in sagittal sections. e, MRLC::GFP leg discs incubated in either line on schematics on the left.

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Extended Data Figure 3 | Myosin II and tension dynamics during fold similar expression patterns, namely expression in the distal tibia and in all tarsal
formation. This figure is associated with Fig. 2. a, Close-up views of cells segments27). The stabilization of myosin II and F-actin in the t4-t5 fold
expressing MRLC::GFP, showing that, in the leg disc, myosin II is preferentially observed in the control (red arrowheads) is reduced or absent when cell death is
accumulated at the cortex (green) rather than at the medio-apical web inhibited (open arrowheads point out to the t4-t5 domain in the context of cell
(magenta). Relative intensity of myosin II at both levels is shown on separate death inhibition). Myosin II is detected using anti-Sqh/MRLC antibody. The
panels (n 5 22). b, Sagittal section of a leg disc from pre-fold stage (WP) fold domain is false-coloured in pink and the segment domain in yellow.
showing that myosin II (visualized by MRLC::GFP construct, in green) co- g, Quantification of myosin II (using anti-sqh antibody, left) and F-actin (right)
localizes with E-Cad at adherens junctions (labelled in red) (n 5 22). levels per surface unit in fold (t4-t5) and segment (t4) domains in leg discs
c, Quantification of myosin II::GFP (left) and F-actin (right) levels at individual from mid-fold stage (WP 1 2 h) in control (DllGal4) and cell inhibition
junctions in fold (t4-t5) and segment (t4) domains of leg discs from pre-fold (Dll.p35x2) contexts (n 5 25 and n 5 28 measurements respectively). Values
(young WP 1 1 h) and late-fold (young WP 1 4 h) stages (n 5 144 and are represented as mean values with error bars representing standard errors.
n 5 112, respectively). Values are represented as mean values with error bars The intensity of the signal in the fold has been normalized with the
representing standard errors. The intensity of the signal in the fold has been mean intensity in the segment domain. We used the non-parametric Wilcoxon
normalized with the mean intensity in the segment domain. We used the rank sum test (also called Mann and Whitney test). h, Laser ablation
non-parametric Wilcoxon rank sum test (also called Mann and Whitney test). experiments of apical membranes in arm::GFP leg discs in the segment domain
d, e, Quantification of myosin II::GFP (left) and F-actin (right) levels per surface versus the fold domain where apoptosis takes place. Discs were dissected
unit in fold (t4-t5) and segment (t4) domains of (d) leg discs from pre-fold and cultured ex vivo from pre-fold stage (WP) to mid-fold stage. Note the
(young WP 1 1 h) and late-fold (young WP 1 4 h) stages (n 5 23 and n 5 18 increase in the length of vertex release in the fold domain compared to the
measurements respectively) or (e) in dissected discs cultured from pre-fold to segment domain (n 5 4). i, Laser ablation experiments of apical membranes in
mid-fold stage with either DMSO (control) or Q-VD-OPh (cell death the fold domain of arm::GFP leg discs incubated from pre-fold stage (WP)
inhibition) (n 5 32 and n 5 24 measurements respectively). Values are to mid-fold stage with either DMSO (control, n 5 5) of Q-VD-OPH (cell death
represented as mean values with error bars representing standard errors. The inhibition, n 5 4). Note that vertex release in the fold is reduced in the absence
intensity of the signal in the fold has been normalized with the mean intensity in of apoptosis. h, i, Right panels, graphs representing quantifications of the
the segment domain. We used the non-parametric Wilcoxon rank sum increase in distance between vertices following laser cut, revealing apoptosis-
test (also called Mann and Whitney test). f, Sagittal sections of pupal leg dependent increased cellular tension in the fold domain versus the segment
discs from mid-fold stage (WP 1 2 h) of the following genotypes: Dll- domain. Examples of ablated cells before (green) and after (magenta) laser cut
Gal4[MD23] (ctl, n 5 8), UAS-DIAP1;LP30-Gal4 (Diap1, n 5 27), Dll- are shown on the left. Orange bars represent the region where the laser cut has
Gal4[MD23] / UAS-p35 (p35, n 5 11) and Dll-Gal4[MD23] / UAS-p35; UAS-p35 been performed. Errors bars correspond to the standard error of the mean.
(p35 x2, n 5 15) (at early pupal stages, LP30-Gal4 and Dll::Gal4[MD23] show

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Extended Data Figure 4 | Cell shape dynamics during fold formation. This quantified and values represented as box plot. Discs were dissected and
figure is associated with Fig. 2. a, Three-dimensional reconstructions and incubated from pre-fold stage (WP) to mid-fold stage. We used the non-
schematics of leg imaginal discs from pre-fold stage (WP) and mid-fold stage parametric Wilcoxon rank sum test (also called Mann and Whitney test).
(WP 1 2 h) stained with E-Cad in white and cleaved Dcp1 (revealing caspase e, Three-dimensional reconstruction images of anti E-Cad stained pupal leg
activity) in red (n 5 11 for each). High magnifications of the fold domain discs from mid-fold stage (WP 1 2 h) (top left) of the following genotypes:
(surrounded in red) are shown on the right hand side of each panel. LP30::Gal4 (control, ctl, n 5 11), uas-DIAP1; LP30::Gal4 (Diap1, n 5 22),
Arrowheads indicate apoptotic cells. b, Cell shape dynamics during fold Dll::Gal4[MD23] / uas-p35 (p35, n 5 9) and Dll::Gal4[MD23] / uas-p35;
formation (n 5 8). c, Schematic of a pupal leg disc showing the apterous uas-p35 (p35 x2, n 5 8) (at early pupal stages, LP30-Gal4 and Dll::Gal4[MD23]
domain (in red) in the t4 tarsal segment and overlapping the t4-t5 fold (top). show similar expression patterns, namely expression in the distal tibia and in
The bottom panel shows a typical result of automated cell outline extraction all tarsal segments27). For each condition, cell outlines were extracted and
of a pupal leg disc double-stained for adherens junctions and the apterous anisotropy, apical surface area and orientation of cells from the fold domain
domain. Cells from this domain have been subdivided into 12 sections along the were quantified and colour-coded. Note that when cell death is inhibited,
proximo-distal axis (see Methods). d, Anisotropy, area and orientation of cells anisotropy is reduced, apical surfaces are increased and cell preferential
from DMSO (control, n 5 7) or Q-VD-OPH (cell death inhibition, n 5 8) leg orientation is perturbed compared to the control situation.
discs from fold domain sections 10 and 11 (see Extended Data Fig. 4c) were

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Extended Data Figure 5 | Three-dimensional epithelial cell model. This similar trend of growing area with the number of sides, in good quantitative
figure is associated with Fig. 3. a, Each cell is represented as an apical surface agreement with Farhadifar et al.15. c, Distribution of the number of
delimited by apical junctions. Each cell interacts with its neighbours through neighbouring cells (or, equivalently, of the number of cell sides), to be
the apical junctions at its borders. In the original work by Farhadifar et al.15, compared with Fig. 2f of Farhadifar et al.15; once again, we are in good
three interactions are considered: (1) the tension opposing the elongation quantitative agreement with their model. d, Ground state diagram of the
of a particular junction edge, with energy increasing with edge length; (2) a vertex model, comparing two-dimensional and three-dimensional hexagonal
contractility, with energy proportional to the cell perimeter squared, used to network boundaries (we restricted ourselves to L . 0 and C . 0 regions). The
model cell constriction; (3) a surface elasticity bringing the apical cell area black dot indicates the chosen values for the line tension and contractility
back to a preferred area. As in the original work, the model can produce cell parameters, which are the same as case I in the Farhadifar et al.15 article.
division, types one and three transitions, to which we added apoptosis. Yet in e, Variation of the normalized energy of a regular epithelium comprised of
our case, contrary to Jüllicher and colleagues work15, we must also take into identical hexagonal cells as a function of a scale factor d. Plain lines, analytical
account non planar modifications of the epithelial sheet. To this end, we calculus; dotted line, average cell energy for a cylindrical tissue of 32 cells in
modified the elastic area interaction to take into account a constrain on cell diameter per 29 cells long. A scaling of d 5 1 means that the cells are at their
volume. The new interaction is termed volume elasticity and transmits equilibrium volume in the absence of elasticity and contractility, and thus
contractions and dilations of the apical sheet along the apical-basal axis. The corresponds to the minimum of the blue lines (volume elasticity). Green
associated energy is proportional to the square of the difference between the lines correspond to line tension and yellow lines to contractility. The
current cell volume and a preferred volume. b, Average areas of cells as a discrepancy between theoretical and computed values is due to the effect of
function of the number of neighbouring cells in the epithelium before cells lying at the border of the cylindrical epithelium.
apoptosis, to be compared with Fig. 2g in Farhadifar et al.15. Our tissue shows a

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Extended Data Figure 6 | Effect of the apoptosis pattern on epithelium whole tissue shape with an increasing number of apoptotic cells following the
folding in silico. This figure is associated with Fig. 3. a, Representation of the in vivo pattern of apoptosis. Note the gradual increase in anisotropy, gradual
in silico cell death pattern. Note the similarity with the in vivo distribution decrease of cell area and the preferential orientation with the gradual increase in
of apoptosis observed in biological samples (Fig. 1b). Nonetheless, the the number of dying cells. The three-dimensional simulations in b and f are
representation is not exactly comparable since cell death pattern is represented those presented in Fig. 3a and Fig. 3c, respectively. The three-dimensional
relative to a developmental stage in the biological samples, whereas in the simulation in f (framed in a blue rectangle in Extended Data Fig. 6, Extended
model, the cell death pattern is represented relatively to the number of dead Data Fig. 7 and Extended Data Fig. 8) corresponds to 30 apoptotic cells, with an
cells generated by the theoretical simulation since the time scale is not taken apico-basal force of 1 L and an increase in apical contractility of 1 C. g, In silico
into account in the model. Left, representation of the in silico distribution model for a random pattern of apoptosis, with all other parameters similar
of apoptotic cells around the fold domain. b–g, For each panel, from left to right to f. h, The mean value of radius, anisotropy, area and orientation of cells from
are represented (1) a scheme of the fold domain showing the pattern of the whole fold domain, defined as a 6 1 mm region around the fold centre
apoptosis, (2) a three-dimensional representation showing whole tissue shape of simulations b–g are represented by box plot. The number of cells considered
and (3) for each condition, the corresponding cell outlines extracted from is n 5 33, 38, 45, 61 and 98 for 0, 5, 10, 20 and 30 cells, respectively. This number
three-dimensional simulations in which anisotropy, area and orientation of varies due to changes in cells density in the domain.
cells from the fold domain are colour-coded. b–f, In silico models showing

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Extended Data Figure 7 | Effect of apico-basal force intensity on epithelium cells from the fold domain are colour-coded. Note the gradual increase in
folding in silico. This figure is associated with Fig. 3. a–d, In silico models anisotropy, gradual decrease of cell area and the preferential orientation with
showing whole tissue shape following increasing values of apico-basal apoptotic the gradual increase of the apico-basal force. e, The mean value of radius,
force (30 apoptotic cells, apical contractility: 1 C). For each panel, from left to anisotropy, area and orientation of cells from the whole fold domain of
right are represented (1) a scheme of the strength of the apico-basal force simulations a–d are represented by box plot. The Ø symbol corresponds to
applied, (2) a three-dimensional representation showing whole tissue shape the condition in absence of apoptosis (from Extended Data Fig. 6b).
and (3) for each condition, the corresponding cell outlines extracted from The number of cells considered is n 5 60, 69, 98 and 157 for L 5 0, 0.5,
three-dimensional simulations in which anisotropy, area and orientation of 1 and 2, respectively.

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Extended Data Figure 8 | Effect of the gradual apical cell contractibility and orientation from the fold domain are colour-coded. Note the gradual
increase on epithelium folding in silico. This figure is associated with Fig. 3. increase in anisotropy, gradual decrease of cell area and the preferential
a–d, In silico models showing whole tissue shape with an apico-basal force of orientation with the gradual increase of contractility. e, The mean value of
1 L in 30 apoptotic cells and increasing values of apical contractility in radius, anisotropy, area and orientation of cells from the whole fold domain
neighbouring cells. For each panel, from left to right are represented (1) a of simulations a–d are represented by box plot. The Ø symbol corresponds
scheme representing the gradual increase of contractility values applied in to the condition in absence of apoptosis (from Extended Data Fig. 6b).
apoptotic neighbours, (2) a three-dimensional representation showing whole The number of cells considered is n 5 31, 61, 98 and 137 for C 5 0, 0.5,
tissue shape and (3) for each condition, the corresponding cell outlines 1 and 2, respectively.
extracted from three-dimensional simulations in which cell anisotropy, area

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Extended Data Figure 9 | Fold formation as a result of apoptotic forces. (domain of cell death induction) in control (w; ptc::Gal4, uas::GFP; tub::G80[ts]
This figure is associated with Fig. 4. a–a99, Schematics of wing discs depicting / SM5-TM6B) ; ptc . rpr (w; ptc::Gal4, uas::GFP / uas::lifeactGFP; tub::G80[ts]
the pattern of apoptosis and the presence or absence of myosin II activity in / uas::rpr) and ptc . rpr1DN-MyoII (w; ptc::Gal4, uas::GFP / uas::DN-
apoptotic cells in each genetic context analysed in b–b999 and c–c9. Control zip::GFP; tub::G80[ts] / uas::rpr) wing discs (control, n 5 24; ptc . rpr, n 5 28;
(a, b, y,w,hs::flp; act-frt-y1-frt::Gal4, uas::GFP / uas::lifeactGFP; uas::rpr ptc . rpr1DN-MyoII, n 5 32). Values are represented as mean values with
without clones), Ectopic cell death (a9, b9, b999, y,w,hs::flp; act-frt-y1-frt::Gal4, error bars representing standard errors. The intensity of the signal in the ptc
uas::GFP / uas::lifeactGFP; uas::rpr), and ectopic cell death without myosin II domain has been normalized with the intensity in the anterior and posterior
activity specifically in apoptotic cells (a99, b99, y,w,hs::flp; uas::DN-zip::GFP, domains of the same disc (n.s. is for non-significant). We used the non-
uas::hid; act-frt-CD2-frt::Gal4). Note that, in the latter condition, myosin II parametric Wilcoxon rank sum test (also called Mann and Whitney test).
activity is maintained in living cells. Wing discs were dissected from larvae e–e99, Wing disc close-ups (of wing discs shown in Fig. 4c) and schematics in
heat shocked for 20 min at 38 uC. b–c9, For each panel, sagittal views and the absence (e) or presence (e9 and e99) of ectopic apoptosis in the ptc domain
schematics of sagittal sections are shown (sagittal views correspond to the black (red cells, false-coloured in red on the black and white images), with (e9) or
dotted line indicated in a–a99). b–b999, A high concentration of myosin II without (e99) myosin II activity in dying cells. e9, Note that we can distinguish
positive apoptotic cells is sufficient to induce a fold in a naive tissue (red two distinct pools of stabilized apical myosin II: ‘‘contractile ring myosin II’’
arrowhead, b9, n 5 11) as shown by the visualization of the wing disc apical required for dying cell extrusion16 (blue arrows, purple in schematics) and ‘‘fold
surface stained with an anti-b-catenin antibody (compare b9 with b). Note that domain apical myosin II’’ stabilized in response to the apico-basal apoptotic
no ectopic fold is observed when only a low number of apoptotic events force (red arrows, green in schematics). e99, Note that, consistently with
occur (b999) or when myosin II is inhibited in apoptotic cells (open arrowhead, normal extrusion in this background, contractile ring myosin II is still present
n 5 5 out of 6) (b99). c–c9, F-actin accumulates in ectopic folds (red arrowhead) around apoptotic cells (blue arrows), whereas fold domain apical myosin II
when apoptotic myosin II is active in ectopic dying cells (compare c9 with is absent. The star points at a dividing cell, further indicating that myosin II is
c, n 5 3). d, Quantification of myosin II levels in the patch (ptc) domain still present in apoptotic cell neighbours.

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Extended Data Figure 10 | Model of apoptosis-dependent epithelium folding.

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LETTER doi:10.1038/nature13923

RNA helicase DDX21 coordinates transcription and

ribosomal RNA processing
Eliezer Calo1*, Ryan A. Flynn2*, Lance Martin2, Robert C. Spitale2, Howard Y. Chang2 & Joanna Wysocka1,3

DEAD-box RNA helicases are vital for the regulation of various verified by ChIP-qPCR (quantitative PCR) in two additional human cell
aspects of the RNA life cycle1, but the molecular underpinnings of lines, with all interrogated target regions showing enrichment by qPCR
their involvement, particularly in mammalian cells, remain poorly (Extended Data Fig. 1b and data not shown), indicating that the chro-
understood. Here we show that the DEAD-box RNA helicase DDX21 matin interactions of DDX21 are reproducible across multiple cell types.
can sense the transcriptional status of both RNA polymerase (Pol) I Gene Ontology analyses of DDX21-bound regions revealed specific
and II to control multiple steps of ribosome biogenesis in human and highly significant association with several regulatory arms of the
cells. We demonstrate that DDX21 widely associates with Pol I- and ribosomal pathway (Fig. 1e). To verify this further, we compared anno-
Pol II-transcribed genes and with diverse species of RNA, most prom- tations of DDX21-bound promoters to those H3K4me3-enriched but
inently with non-coding RNAs involved in the formation of ribo- DDX21-unbound (Extended Data Fig. 1c). As expected, DDX21-bound
nucleoprotein complexes, including ribosomal RNA, small nucleolar promoters were enriched for ribosomal Gene Ontology terms, while
RNAs (snoRNAs) and 7SK RNA. Although broad, these molecular DDX21-unbound promoters were enriched for other biological pro-
interactions, both at the chromatin and RNA level, exhibit remark- cesses (Extended Data Fig. 1d). DDX21 binding was evident at promot-
able specificity for the regulation of ribosomal genes. In the nucleolus, ers of genes encoding components of both the 40S (for example, RPS3)
DDX21 occupies the transcribed rDNA locus, directly contacts both and 60S (RPL23A and RPL8) subunits (Fig. 1f). Messenger RNAs that
rRNA and snoRNAs, and promotes rRNA transcription, processing encode ribosomal proteins often harbour snoRNAs in their introns9.
and modification. In the nucleoplasm, DDX21 binds 7SK RNA and, DDX21 binds promoters of more than 80% of snoRNA-containing host
as a component of the 7SK small nuclear ribonucleoprotein (snRNP) genes; those unbound are poorly expressed in HEK293 cells (Fig. 1g and
complex, is recruited to the promoters of Pol II-transcribed genes Extended Data Fig. 1e–g).
encoding ribosomal proteins and snoRNAs. Promoter-bound DDX21 To examine the effect of DDX21 on transcription, we depleted the
facilitates the release of the positive transcription elongation factor b protein using two independent short interfering RNA (siRNA) pools
(P-TEFb) from the 7SK snRNP in a manner that is dependent on its (Fig. 1h and Extended Data Fig. 2a). DDX21 knockdown decreased the
helicase activity, thereby promoting transcription of its target genes. steady-state levels of transcripts originating from DDX21-bound pro-
Our results uncover the multifaceted role of DDX21 in multiple steps moters, but had minimal effect on the unbound gene transcripts (Fig. 1h
of ribosome biogenesis, and provide evidence implicating a mam- and Extended Data Fig. 2b). To explore whether DDX21 directly regulates
malian RNA helicase in RNA modification and Pol II elongation transcription of ribosomal mRNAs, we measured the effect of DDX21
control. depletion on the synthesis of nascent transcripts upon release from
RNA helicases are highly conserved enzymes that use the energy of ATP the transcriptional elongation block induced by the kinase inhibitor
to remodel RNA secondary structures and ribonucleoprotein complexes2,3 flavopiridol10,11. We transfected HEK293 cells with control or DDX21
during various steps of RNA metabolism. In particular, the nucleolar 39 untranslated region (UTR) siRNAs, followed by expression of siRNA-
helicase DDX21 is required for pre-rRNA processing4,5, but the specific resistant wild-type (DDX21WT) or ATPase-defective12 DDX21 (herein
mechanism underlying this requirement remains unknown. Notably, DDX21SAT; Fig. 1i and Extended Data Fig. 2c). DDX21 knockdown
DDX21 also influences c-Jun6 transcriptional activities, suggesting a impaired the production of nascent transcripts originating from DDX21-
potential role in gene expression. To explore this, we first interrogated bound promoters, and this effect was rescued by the introduction of
the chromatin association of DDX21 in HEK293 cells by chromatin DDX21WT, but not DDX21SAT (Fig. 1j and Extended Data Fig. 2d). Sim-
immunoprecipitation followed by high-throughput DNA sequencing ilar results were obtained on transcripts originating from the rDNA locus
(ChIP-seq). Given that pre-rRNA processing occurs coordinately with (Extended Data Fig. 2e). By contrast, non-target genes were minimally
rDNA transcription, we examined binding of DDX21 to the rDNA locus affected by the loss or ectopic expression of DDX21 (Fig. 1j and Extended
(Fig. 1a). DDX21 broadly, but specifically, associated with the transcribed Data Fig. 2d). Thus, DDX21 associates with and positively regulates tran-
region of the rDNA, but not with the intergenic spacer, a profile char- scription of Pol I- and Pol II-dependent ribosomal genes in a helicase-
acteristic of known Pol I-associated co-transcriptional regulators7,8. In dependent manner.
addition to rDNA binding, we identified 4,420 high-confidence peaks, The aforementioned observations prompted us to investigate poten-
most residing within 5 kilobases (kb) from annotated Pol II transcrip- tial crosstalk between DDX21 functions across nuclear compartments.
tional start sites (Fig. 1b). DDX21-bound promoters had, on average, high Consistent with previous studies13, inhibition of Pol I with either CX-
enrichment of Pol II and active chromatin marks (histone H3 Lys 4 trime- 5461 or a low dose of actinomycin-D (ref. 14) displaced DDX21 from the
thylation (H3K4me3), H3K27 acetylation (H3K27ac) and H3K9ac), but nucleolus, whereas localization of the nucleolar protein fibrillarin was
were depleted for repressive (H3K27me3 and H3K9me3) and promoter- not affected under these conditions (Fig. 2a and Extended Data Fig. 3a, b).
distal (H3K4me1) marks (Fig. 1c, d). Analysis of transcription factor Notably, hour-long inhibition of Pol II with flavopiridol recapitulated
motifs enriched at DDX21-bound regions uncovered recognition motifs the nucleolar exclusion of DDX21 (Fig. 2a). By contrast, serum star-
of factors implicated in cell growth and proliferation (for example, E2F, vation or treatment with metabolic inhibitors impacting either cellular
STAT1, NRF1 and ETS; Extended Data Fig. 1a). ChIP-seq results were respiration or the mTOR pathway did not alter DDX21 localization
Department of Chemical and Systems Biology, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, California 94305, USA. 2Howard Hughes Medical Institute and Program in Epithelial Biology, Stanford
University School of Medicine, Stanford, California 94305, USA. 3Department of Developmental Biology, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, California 94305, USA.
*These authors contributed equally to this work.

1 2 F E B R U A RY 2 0 1 5 | VO L 5 1 8 | N AT U R E | 2 4 9
©2015 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved

a Transcribed b c d
3′ UTR 20
region IGS 0.3% Pol II
Intergenic H3K4me3
18S 28S 5′ UTR 5% H3K4me1
6% 150 H3K9ac

Average profile

Average profile
Introns 16 H3K27ac
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 kb 7% H3K27me3
2,000 Exons 100
6% 4,420 12
peaks 50
1.7% 74%
2,000 8
Input –4,000 –2,000 0 2,000 4,000 –4,000 –2,000 0 2,000 4,000
Relative distance from DDX21 sites (bp) Relative distance from DDX21 sites (bp)

e GO cellular component f g h
Ribonucleoprotein complex 4.0
Ribosome 296 Control siRNA
5 kb

Expression (rel. to ACTB)

Cytosolic ribosome 3.5 DDX21 siRNA
Large ribosomal subunit DDX21 90
Cytosolic large ribosomal subunit 3.0

Percentage of genes
Cytosolic part 10
Mitochondrial ribosome RPS3 70 2.5
Small ribosomal subunit snorD15A snorD15B
GO molecular function 320 2 kb 2.0
Structural constituent of ribosome 50
rRNA binding DDX21 1.5
Unfolded protein binding
RNA methyltransferase activity 10 30 1.0
Methyltransferase activity snorD42B snorD42A snorD42B
Nuclease activity
Gene families 640
RPL 1 kb 0.0

RP 24

L2 A
sn AT 3A

sn A 1
sc NA B
N 2
DD 10
TG 21

DD 1
H X5

aR 6



oR 15
DDX21 + –


oR P5


PSM DDX21 promoter
RPL8 occupancy
40 80 120 160
DDX21-target genes Non-targets
Binomial P value (–log10)

i j CEP290 (DDX21 target)

RPLP2 (DDX21 target) 1.8 DDX5 (DDX21 non-target)
4.5 1.2

Expression (rel. to DMSO)

Expression (rel. to DMSO)

Expression (rel. to ACTB)

Expression (rel. to DMSO)

Control siRNA 3.0 Control siRNA

DDX21 siRNA DDX21 siRNA 1.4
3.5 siRNA + DDX21WT siRNA + DDX21WT
siRNA + DDX21SAT 0.8 siRNA + DDX21SAT 1.2
2.0 1.0
1.5 0.8

1.5 0.4 0.6

0.2 0.5
0.5 0.2
0.0 0.0 0.0
DDX21 ACTB DMSO FL 30 min 60 min DMSO FL 30 min 60 min DMSO FL 30 min 60 min
FL wash off FL wash off FL wash off

Figure 1 | DDX21 associates with actively transcribed ribosomal genes. g, Quantitative assessment of DDX21 binding to the promoters of snoRNA
a, DDX21 ChIP-seq reads were mapped to a custom annotation file of the host genes. h, qRT–PCR analysis of a representative panel of DDX21-bound
human rDNA locus and compared to input reads. IGS, intergenic spacer. genes upon DDX21 knockdown. Bars represent the average of three
b, Distribution of DDX21 ChIP-seq peaks over known genomic features. TSS, independent experiments. For DDX21-target genes, expression difference
transcription start site; TTS, transcription termination site. c, d, Average P , 0.05 (Student’s t-test). i, qRT–PCR analysis of DDX21 levels after
ChIP-seq signal profiles from publically available data sets (see Methods) were transfecting control or DDX21 siRNA and/or subsequent overexpression of
generated for Pol II (c) and the indicated histone modifications around the siRNA-resistant DDX21WT or DDX21SAT. j, qRT–PCR analysis assessing
centre of DDX21-bound regions (d). bp, base pairs. e, Genomic regions the synthesis of newly made, unspliced transcripts upon DDX21 knockdown
enrichment of annotations tool (GREAT) analyses of DDX21-bound regions. and/or reconstitution with siRNA-resistant DDX21WT or DDX21SAT (see
The x axis corresponds to the negative binomial P values. GO, Gene Ontology. Methods). Data are mean and s.d. of three independent biological replicates.
f, University of California Santa Cruz (UCSC) genome browser tracks of DMSO, dimethylsulphoxide; FL, flavopiridol.
DDX21 ChIP-seq at ribosomal genes containing intronic snoRNAs.

(Extended Data Fig. 4), underscoring the preferential sensitivity of DDX21 the iCLIP reads (Fig. 3b). Gene ontology term and KEGG pathway anal-
to transcriptional inhibition. Furthermore, inhibition of either Pol I or ysis linked these mRNAs to ribosome function (Fig. 3b). Comparisons
II impaired the association of DDX21 with both the rDNA and Pol II- between DDX21 iCLIP targets and those of the splicing factor hnRNP-
regulated promoters (Fig. 2c and Extended Data Fig. 3c, d). This change C16 revealed little overlap, underscoring the specificity of our results
in chromatin association was not due to widespread chromatin silenc- (Extended Data Fig. 5c–e). We further confirmed select iCLIP interac-
ing and compaction, as inhibitors did not affect CTCF binding at the tions by ultraviolet RNA immunoprecipitation and quantitative reverse
rDNA- or Pol II-regulated chromatin (Extended Data Fig. 3e, f). There- transcription PCR (qRT–PCR) (Extended Data Fig. 5f).
fore, the chromatin association of DDX21 relies on the transcriptional rRNA and snoRNAs represent candidate direct partners for DDX21-
status of either Pol I or II, suggesting coordination of the functions of mediated rRNA processing function. DDX21 broadly crosslinks to rRNA,
DDX21 across subnuclear compartments. with the strongest binding overlapping 29-O-methylation (29-Ome) and
The roles of DDX21 in transcription and rRNA processing are depen- pseudouridylation (Y) sites (Fig. 3c), which are targeted and modified
dent on its intact helicase domain4,6. We proposed that defining the by snoRNP complexes17. Furthermore, DDX21 robustly interacts with
RNA interactome of DDX21 would reveal insights into the molecu- regions in the 59 external transcribed spacer, which is bound and pro-
lar mechanisms underlying its diverse functions. To identify DDX21- cessed by the U3 snoRNA18. Consistently, U3 is the most enriched short
associated RNAs systematically, we performed tandem purification iCLIP repetitive RNA of DDX21, crosslinking to DDX21 in two distinct 59
(individual-nucleotide-resolution crosslinking and immunoprecipita- and 39 regions of known rRNA targeting function18 (Extended Data
tion)15 (Fig. 3a and Extended Data Fig. 5a, b) in HEK293 cells induced Figs 6f and 8c). iCLIP of DDX21SAT revealed that it retained the ability
to express Flag- and haemagglutinin-tagged DDX21 (Flag–HA–DDX21). to bind the major classes of RNA recovered with the wild-type enzyme
DDX21 interacts with a diverse set of RNAs, of which rRNA and snoRNAs (Extended Data Fig. 6a–d). However, there was a marked restriction of
were most highly represented, while mRNAs contributed only 1.1% of DDX21SAT to 18S rRNA (Extended Data Fig. 6e). Notably, the inability
2 5 0 | N AT U R E | VO L 5 1 8 | 1 2 F E B R U A RY 2 0 1 5
©2015 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved

a DAPI DDX21 Merge Figure 2 | DDX21 chromatin association is sensitive to Pol I and Pol II
transcriptional status. a, Representative immunofluorescence images of
methanol-fixed HEK293 cells after 1-h incubation with DMSO, actinomycin-D
(50 ng ml21) or flavopiridol (1 mM). Scale bars, 10 mm. DAPI, 49,6-diamidino-

2-phenylindole. b, c, ChIP-qPCR analysis in HEK293 cells sampling DDX21

genomic occupancy at the rDNA locus and at a representative panel of
Pol II-regulated, DDX21-target promoters, upon treatment with DMSO,
actinomycin-D or flavopiridol. Data are mean and s.d. of three independent
experiments. Neg, negative controls.
Actinomycin D

of DDX21SAT to bind the 59 external transcribed spacer was accompanied

by the loss of the 59 end binding to U3 (Extended Data Fig. 6f). Impor-
tantly, marked loss of DDX21SAT association with the rRNA occurred
in the absence of transcriptional defects in snoRNA production (Extended
Data Fig. 6g).

Consistent with preferential association of DDX21WT at rRNA modi-

fication sites, snoRNAs represent the principal class of DDX21-bound
RNAs (Fig. 3d), as exemplified by snorD66 and snorA67, representing
the C/D- and H/ACA-box subfamilies, respectively. DDX21 crosslinked
b Transcribed region IGS c most robustly outside the ‘box’ motifs (Extended Data Fig. 7a, b), a pattern
18S 28S distinct from canonical snoRNP-binding proteins19,20. In addition to
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 kb 40 snoRNAs, protein components of the snoRNP also associate with DDX21.
We recovered NOP58, fibrillarin and dyskerin in DDX21 immunopre-

(fold over negative)

(fold over negative)


cipitation, both in the presence and absence of RNaseA (Fig. 3e). Con-
Actinomycin D
versely, NOP58 co-immunoprecipitated DDX21 (Extended Data Fig. 7c).
Of note, DDX21 also binds XRN2, a snoRNA-processing exonuclease21,
10 but in an RNase-dependent manner (Extended Data Fig. 7d).
0 0
To explore whether DDX21 is required for snoRNP-mediated rRNA
1.0 4.0 8.0 13 18 27 32 42 modifications17, we assayed changes in 29-Ome levels using site-directed

L2 0

M 90

IF 23


Ne P5
Ne 1



Distance from rDNA TSS (kb) cleavage of rRNA by RNaseH22 (Extended Data Fig. 7e). We treated

Promoter-associated genes (TSS) HEK293 cells with control or DDX21 39 UTR siRNAs, followed by
expression of DDX21WT or DDX21SAT. Reintroduction of DDX21SAT

a Antibody IgG HA Flag HA b Figure 3 | DDX21 binds rRNA and snoRNAs

Biological process
RNaseA + + ++ + + ++ WT iCLIP read distribution and facilitates rRNA modification.
UV – + + – + + snoRNA
RNA processing
a, Autoradiogram of 32P-labelled RNA crosslinked
21.75% mRNA
elongation to Flag–HA–DDX21WT. RNA–protein complexes
+RNA mRNA metabolic
are seen in the purifications from Flag–HA–
102 DDX21
5 10 15 20 25 DDX21WT cells but not from control cells. kDa,
Other Benjamini value (–log10)
76 4.7% kilodaltons; UV, ultraviolet crosslinking. b, Left,
KEGG pathway DDX21 iCLIP reads annotated to known repetitive
52 (rRNA and snRNAs) and non-repetitive regions of
Cell cycle
the human genome with percentage of the total
38 Ribosomal RNAs Small repetitive RNAs 5 10 15 20
70.2% 2.25% Benjamini value (–log10)
iCLIP reads shown. Right, enriched Gene Ontology
kDa and KEGG pathway terms from DDX21-bound
mRNAs obtained using the DAVID tool. The x axis
c values correspond to the negative Benjamini
5′ ETS 18S 5.8S 28S P value. c, DDX21WT iCLIP reads mapped to the
DDX21 iCLIP RT stops

0.004 transcribed region of the rDNA. The mature

(fraction of total)

portions of the 18S, 5.8S and 28S rRNAs are

highlighted (grey). Known 29-Ome (*) and Y (")
0.002 modification sites are marked below the iCLIP
reads. RT, reverse transcription. ETS, external
transcribed spacer. d, Distribution of all
0.000 DDX21WT-bound snoRNAs, representing C/D
box, H/ACA box, and scaRNAs. The number (n)
and fraction of each snoRNA type are displayed.
d e Flag–HA
f e, Co-immunoprecipitation analysis of Flag–HA–
rRNA 2′-Ome (fraction methylated)

scaRNA 7.4% H/ACA box 36.1% – + – + RNaseA DDX21WT and components of the snoRNPs.
(n = 18) (n = 88) NS P < 0.05
1.0 Conditions with/without RNaseA treatment are
Anti-DDX21 shown. f, Site-directed cleavage of rRNA by
RNaseH at three sites. Values from three biological
244 Anti-NOP58 replicates are shown. Student’s t-test was
snoRNAs 0.5
C4426 (28S)
performed and only DDX21SAT was significantly
Anti-DKC1 G4198 (28S) reduced (P , 0.05) relative to control. NS,
A590 (18S) not significant.
C/D box 56.5% Anti-FBL
l + T + T
(n = 138)
n tro NA 1W NA SA
Co siR X2 siR X21

1 2 F E B R U A RY 2 0 1 5 | VO L 5 1 8 | N AT U R E | 2 5 1
©2015 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved

failed to rescue rRNA methylation levels at multiple sites, especially on 7SK with two independent antisense oligonucleotides26 strongly reduced
the 28S rRNA, whereas DDX21WT recovered the 29-Ome defects (Fig. 3f). the association of DDX21 with Pol II-bound promoters, but not at the
We cannot exclude the possibility that the observed 29-Ome defects were rDNA (Fig. 4b and Extended Data Fig. 9c), indicating that 7SK facil-
due to the role of DDX21 in snoRNA transcription. However, changes itates the association of DDX21 with promoters. Notably, similar to
in snoRNA binding pattern between DDX21SAT and DDX21WT can DDX21, Gene Ontology analyses of CDK9 ChIP-seq from HEK293 cells30
be readily detected in the absence of snoRNA transcriptional defects revealed enrichment for components of the ribosomal pathway (Extended
(Extended Data Figs 6f, g and 7f). Therefore, the helicase domain of Data Fig. 9d), suggesting that the 7SK snRNP complex might have an
DDX21 is required for proper binding to both rRNA and snoRNAs, inherent preference for binding at ribosomal and growth control genes.
suggesting a direct function within the snoRNP. Nonetheless, this preference alone cannot entirely explain the specifi-
We next examined our iCLIP results for insights into the role of city of DDX21 targeting to ribosomal genes, because we also detected
DDX21 in regulating Pol II-dependent transcription. While ultraviolet HEXIM1 and CDK9 at active promoters unbound by DDX21 (Extended
crosslinking to mRNAs suggested a potential cis-mechanism at DDX21- Data Fig. 9a, b).
target genes, transcripts from most DDX21-occupied promoters were Transcriptional elongation is triggered by phosphorylation of the Pol II
not recovered in iCLIP and only 8% of the iCLIP mRNA reads mapped carboxy-terminal domain at serine 2 (Ser2p) upon release of P-TEFb
within 59 UTRs (Extended Data Fig. 8a, b). Thus, nascent RNA tether- from 7SK25,28,30. To test whether DDX21 facilitates P-TEFb release, we
ing is unlikely to be the major mechanism of DDX21 chromatin recruit- performed a ‘release assay’24,30 by purifying the inactive form of the 7SK
ment. Notably, 7SK snRNA, a well-known trans-acting non-coding RNA snRNP. Incubation of the inactive 7SK snRNP with purified Flag–HA–
involved in Pol II transcription23–26, was among the most highly enriched DDX21 resulted in the dose-dependent release of CDK9, whereas a con-
DDX21-bound RNAs (Extended Data Fig. 8c). Together with HEXIM1/2 trol Flag purification showed no release (Fig. 4c, d). Consistent with its
and P-TEFb (which consists of a CDK9 and cyclin T1 heterodimer), 7SK role in promoting the activity of P-TEFb, DDX21 knockdown impaired
functions to modulate Pol II promoter pause–release27,28. We observed Pol II Ser2p at the 39 ends of DDX21-target genes (Fig. 4e). Total levels
DDX21 crosslinking most robustly to two specific sites on 7SK (Fig. 4a), of Pol II at the same regions were also diminished, concordant with an
outside the known binding sites of HEXIM1/2 and P-TEFb29 (Extended elongation defect (Extended Data Fig. 9e).
Data Fig. 8d). Recent evidence demonstrated that the 7SK snRNP is phys- DDX21 promotes transcription in a manner dependent on its cata-
ically associated with Pol II promoters, where P-TEFb is then released24,25,30. lytic domain (Fig. 1j and Extended Data Fig. 2d) and we proposed that
We proposed that DDX21 is recruited to Pol II promoters together with this feature would extend to its role in P-TEFb release. Notably, although
the 7SK snRNP. Consistent with this hypothesis, protein components DDX21SAT is recruited to Pol II promoters, binds to 7SK and interacts
of the 7SK snRNP associate with DDX21 in reciprocal co-immunopre- with P-TEFb in the lysate (Extended Data Fig. 10a–c), it shows marked
cipitation experiments (Extended Data Fig. 8e, f). Furthermore, both differences in the 7SK ultraviolet crosslinking as compared to DDX21WT,
HEXIM1 and CDK9 are bound at DDX21-target Pol II promoters, but with accumulation at the single-stranded region upstream from the fourth
not at the rDNA locus (Extended Data Fig. 9a, b). Finally, depletion of stem loop, involved in P-TEFb binding and inhibition29 (Extended Data

a b Figure 4 | DDX21 promotes release of P-TEFb

from the 7SK snRNP. a, DDX21WT iCLIP reads
DDX21 iCLIP RT stops (fraction of total)

Ctrl ASO
7SK 5′ ASO
mapped to the 7SK snRNA. The four stem–loops
DDX21 ChIP-qPCR (% input)

0.07 0.5
(SL1–4) are marked below the iCLIP reads and
are shadowed on the cartoon in c. b, ChIP-qPCR
0.4 of DDX21 in control or 59-7SK-antisense
oligonucleotide (ASO)-treated HEK293 cells at
representative Pol II-regulated, DDX21-target gene
0.03 0.2 promoters, negative control regions (Neg), and
0.02 the rDNA locus. Data are mean and s.d. For
0.01 DDX21-target genes the difference between
0.0 control ASO and 59 ASO is significant at P , 0.05



RP 0
H 0


RA 2

(Student’s t-test). c, d, Schematic (left) and western











blot analysis (right) of a P-TEFb release assay as


Promoter-associated genes
a function of increasing amounts of DDX21WT.
c e, ChIP-qPCR of Pol II Ser2p of representative
Anti- Flag–HA
d Pol II-regulated genes at their transcriptional
– 2× DDX21 termination sites (TTS) in control or DDX21-
CDK9 Cyclin T1
siRNA-treated cells. Data are mean and s.d. of
Beads Release three independent experiments. f, Western blot
Anti-DDX21 analyses of a P-TEFb release assay with either
DDX21WT or catalytically impaired DDX21DEV
Release Anti-HEXIM1 Beads and DDX21SAT.

e f
Pol II Ser2p ChIP-qPCR (% input)

0.7 Ctrl siRNA – WT DEV SAT DDX21

2× 2× 2×

0.4 Anti-DDX21

Anti-HEXIM1 Beads















DDX21-target genes (TTS) Non-targets (TTS)

2 5 2 | N AT U R E | VO L 5 1 8 | 1 2 F E B R U A RY 2 0 1 5
©2015 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved

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and 28 S rRNAs in Xenopus oocyte. J. Biol. Chem. 278, 38847–38859 (2003).
6. Westermarck, J. et al. The DEXD/H-box RNA helicase RHII/Gu is a co-factor for Acknowledgements We thank D. H. Price for the LARP7 antibody, K. Lane from
c-Jun-activated transcription. EMBO J. 21, 451–460 (2002). M. Covert’s laboratory for metabolic inhibitors, K. Cimprich and members of the Chang
7. Zentner, G. E., Saiakhova, A., Manaenkov, P., Adams, M. D. & Scacheri, P. C. and Wysocka laboratories for discussions, and B. Zarnegar and P. Khavari for
Integrative genomic analysis of human ribosomal DNA. Nucleic Acids Res. 39, discussions regarding iCLIP. This work was supported by the Stanford Medical
4949–4960 (2011). Scientist Training Program and T32CA09302 (R.A.F.), AP Giannini Foundation (R.C.S.),
8. Cong, R. et al. Interaction of nucleolin with ribosomal RNA genes and its role in RNA National Institutes of Health grants R01-HG004361, R01-ES023168, P50-HG007735
polymerase I transcription. Nucleic Acids Res. 40, 9441–9454 (2012). (H.Y.C.) and R01-GM095555 (J.W.), W. M. Keck Foundation (J.W.), and Helen Hay
9. Dieci, G., Preti, M. & Montanini, B. Eukaryotic snoRNAs: a paradigm for gene Whitney Foundation (E.C.). H.Y.C. is an Early Career Scientist of the Howard Hughes
expression flexibility. Genomics 94, 83–88 (2009). Medical Institute.
10. Chao, S. H. et al. Flavopiridol inhibits P-TEFb and blocks HIV-1 replication. J. Biol. Author Contributions H.Y.C. and J.W. supervised the project; E.C. and R.A.F. conceived
Chem. 275, 28345–28348 (2000). and designed the study; E.C. and R.A.F. performed experiments and analysed ChIP-seq
11. Chao, S. H. & Price, D. H. Flavopiridol inactivates P-TEFb and blocks most RNA data. R.A.F. performed iCLIP and L.M., R.C.S. and R.A.F. analysed iCLIP data; R.A.F., E.C.,
polymerase II transcription in vivo. J. Biol. Chem. 276, 31793–31799 (2001). J.W. and H.Y.C. wrote the manuscript with input from all co-authors.
12. Valdez, B. C., Henning, D., Perumal, K. & Busch, H. RNA-unwinding and RNA-
folding activities of RNA helicase II/Gu–two activities in separate domains of the Author Information All sequencing data have been deposited in Gene Expression
same protein. Eur. J. Biochem. 250, 800–807 (1997). Omnibus (GEO) data repository under accession number GSE56802. Reprints and
13. Perlaky, L., Valdez, B. C. & Busch, H. Effects of cytotoxic drugs on translocation of permissions information is available at The authors declare
nucleolar RNA helicase RH-II/Gu. Exp. Cell Res. 235, 413–420 (1997). no competing financial interests. Readers are welcome to comment on the online
14. Drygin, D. et al. Anticancer activity of CX-3543: a direct inhibitor of rRNA version of the paper. Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed
biogenesis. Cancer Res. 69, 7653–7661 (2009). to J.W. ( or H.Y.C. (

1 2 F E B R U A RY 2 0 1 5 | VO L 5 1 8 | N AT U R E | 2 5 3
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METHODS unique 43-kb region, we used the Bowtie algorithm to map ChIP-seq reads with
standard parameters used for mapping to the Hg19 human genome build. The same
HEK293 cells were cultured in DMEM plus 10% FBS and maintained under stan- strategy has been employed by other groups to map transcription factors ChIP reads
dard tissue culture conditions. ChIP-seq and ChIP-qPCR analyses were conducted to the rDNA locus7.
in HEK293 cells with commercially available antibodies as described. The nascent
RNA extraction and qRT–PCR. RNA was isolated using Trizol (Life Technolo-
transcript assays have been described elsewhere31. In brief, HEK293 cells stably gies) according to the manufacturer’s protocol. All RNA samples were DNase-treated
expressing inducible transgenes for either DDX21WT or DDX21SAT were cultured with the Turbo DNA-Free kit (Ambion). cDNA was generated using SuperScript
in tetracycline-free serum (GIBCO) and seeded at a density of 30–50% confluency VILO (Life Technologies) according to manufacturer instructions. qPCR analyses
overnight. Cells were transfected for two consecutive days with a pool of siRNA were performed on the Light Cycler 480II (Roche). All primers used are shown in
targeting the DDX21 39 UTR (see later in the text). Twelve hours after the second Supplementary Table 1.
transfection, 0.025 mg ml21 doxycycline (dox) was added to the media for an addi-
Immunofluorescence. HEK293 cells were seeded into 24-well plates containing
tional 24 h. At this point cells were treated for 1 h with either DMSO or flavopiridol
12-mm glass coverslips and cultured for 16 h in DMEM containing 10% FBS (v/v).
(1.0 mg ml21) to inhibit Pol II elongation. For ‘wash-off’ cultures, cells were washed Cells were then treated for the indicated drugs (refer to the corresponding figure
3–4 times with pre-warmed media and allowed to recover transcription for either legends for drug concentration and time scale of the experiment). Cells were fixed
30 or 60 min. Cells were immediately collected in TRIzol and RNA was extracted in 4% paraformaldehyde for 10 min at room temperature, 3 3 5-min washes with
as described later. For immunofluorescence studies cells were fixed in methanol PBS, followed by an ice-cold methanol fix for 2 min and 2 3 5-min washes with PBS.
and stained for the indicated antibodies. Small molecule treatments with DMSO, Cells were permeabilized in PBS containing 0.3% (v/v) Triton X-100 for 5 min, and
actinomycin-D, flavopiridol or CX-5461 were done for 1 h, unless otherwise specified. blocked overnight at 4 uC in PBT buffer (PBS with 1% BSA, 0.1% Triton X-100 (v/v),
iCLIP was performed from HEK293 cells stably expressing Flag–HA–DDX21. The 0.05% sodium azide (w/v)). After blocking, coverslips were incubated in PBT with
RNaseH cleavage assay was optimized from a previously reported method to cleave the corresponding antibody. For DDX21 (Novus Biologicals NBP1-83310) the anti-
RNA at specific bases in a manner sensitive to the 29-Ome status of the nucleotide body was diluted 1:200 and incubated at room temperature for 2 h. For fibrillarin
of interest22. For the P-TEFb release assay, the inactive 7SK snRNP complex was puri- (Cell Signaling C13C3) the antibody dilution was 1:100 and incubated at room
fied by immobilizing HEXIM1, followed by incubation with biochemically purified temperature for 2 h. Coverslips had 3 3 5-min washes with PBT and incubated
Flag–HA–DDX21. The predicted 7SK structure has been published elsewhere32. with the Alexa-Fluor 568 secondary antibody (1:1,000; Life Technologies) for 1 h.
Cell lines. HEK293 and HeLa cells were obtained from ATCC and grown under Cells were washed 3 3 5 min with PBT, 2 3 5 min with PBS, rinsed briefly with water
standard conditions in DMEM plus 10% FBS supplemented with antibiotics. All cell and mounted onto glass slides using VECTASHIELD mounting medium with DAPI.
lines used in this study are mycoplasma-free. For generating stable HEK293 cells All images were taken and processed using a Zeiss LSM700 confocal microscope.
expressing Flag–HA–DDX21 (FH–DDX21) full-length DDX21 was amplified from Western blots and co-immunoprecipitation. HEK293 nuclear extracts were pre-
complementary DNA and cloned into a dox-inducible pTrip-Flag-HA lentiviral pared as described previously35. For immunoprecipitations, extracts were incubated
vector. The cloning strategy for generating DDX21DEV and DDX21SAT has been overnight with 3 mg of the desired antibody pre-bound to protein G-sepharose
previously described12. HEK293 cells were infected and several clones were expanded (Pierce). In some case protein extracts were treated with RNaseA (20 mg ml21). Immu-
for further analyses and tested for mycoplasma. For the iCLIP experiments, expres- nocomplexes were eluted in 23 Laemmli buffer and resolved in an 8% acrylamide
sion of the DDX21 transgenes was achieved by addition of dox (0.025 mg ml21) to gel. For western blots the following antibodies were used according to manufac-
the media. Cells were collected 24 h after the addition of dox. turer instructions: anti-NOP58 (Bethyl A302-718A); anti-fibrillarin (Cell Signaling
ChIP-qPCR and ChIP-seq. ChIP assays were performed as previously described24,33. C13C3); anti-DKC1 (Gene Tex GTX109000); anti-Flag (Sigma); anti-DDX21 (Novus
In brief, HEK293 cells were cross-linked with 1% formaldehyde for 10 min at room Biologicals NB100-1781); anti-LARP7 (a gift from D. H. Price); anti-CDK9 (Santa
temperature and quenched with glycine to a final concentration of 0.125 M for Cruz Biotechnology sc-484); anti-cyclinT1 (Santa Cruz Biotechnology sc-10750);
another 10 min. Chromatin was sonicated with a Bioruptor (Diagenode), cleared and anti-HEXIM1 (Bethyl A303-113A). All antibodies have been previously vali-
by centrifugation, and incubated overnight at 4 uC with 5–7 mg of the desired anti- dated unless otherwise specified.
bodies: anti-DDX21 (Novus Biologicals BP100-1781 and NBP1-83310), anti-Pol iCLIP and data analysis. The iCLIP method was performed as described before
II Ser2p (Active Motif 61084), anti-Pol II (Santa Cruz Biotechnology sc-899), anti- with the specific modifications below15,36. Twenty-four hours after dox treatment
CTCF (Cell Signaling 2899) anti-CDK9 (1:1 mix of Santa Cruz Biotechnology sc- (0.025 mg ml21), FH–DDX21WT or FH–DDX21SAT HEK293 cell lines were ultravi-
8338 and sc-484). Immunocomplexes were immobilized with 100 ml of protein-G olet crosslinked to a total of 0.3 J cm22. Whole-cell lysates were generated in CLIP
Dynal magnetic beads (Life Technologies) for 4 h at 4 uC, followed by stringent washes lysis buffer (50 mM HEPES, 200 mM NaCl, 1 mM EDTA, 10% glycerol, 0.1% NP-
and elution. Eluates were reverse cross-linked overnight at 65 uC and deproteinated 40, 0.2% Triton X-100, 0.5% N-lauroylsarcosine) and briefly sonicated using a
with proteinase K at 56 uC for 30 min. DNA was extracted with phenol chloroform, probe-tip Branson sonicator to solubilize chromatin. Each iCLIP experiment was
followed by ethanol precipitation. ChIP-seq libraries were prepared according to the normalized for total protein amount, typically 2 mg, and partially digested with
NEBNext protocol and sequenced using Illumina HiSeq 2500. ChIP-qPCR analyses RNaseA (Affymetrix) for 10 min at 37 uC and quenched on ice. FH–DDX21 was
were performed in a Light Cycler 480II machine (Roche). ChIP-qPCR signals were isolated with anti-Flag agarose beads (Sigma) for 3 h at 4 uC on rotation. Samples
calculated as percentage of input. Fold induction was calculated over a negative geno- were washed sequentially in 1 ml for 5 min each at 4 uC: 23 high stringency buffer
mic region. All primers used in qPCR analyses are shown in Supplementary Table 1. (15 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.5, 5 mM EDTA, 2.5 mM EGTA, 1% Triton X-100, 1%
All ChIP antibodies have been previously validated unless otherwise specified. sodium deoxycholate, 120 mM NaCl, 25 mM KCl), 13 high salt buffer (15 mM
ChIP-seq analyses. Sequences were mapped using DNAnexus software tools and Tris-HCl pH 7.5, 5 mM EDTA, 2.5 mM EGTA, 1% Triton X-100, 1% sodium
analysed by QuEST and MACS2. For QuEST, ChIP-seq peaks were determined deoxycholate, 1 M NaCl), 13 NT2 buffer (50 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.5, 150 mM NaCl,
using a kernel density estimate bandwidth of 30, a ChIP candidate threshold of 20, 1 mM MgCl2, 0.05% NP-40). Purified FH–DDX21 was then eluted off anti-Flag
a ChIP extension fold enrichment of 3, and a ChIP-to-background fold enrichment agarose beads using competitive Flag peptide elution. Each sample was resuspended
of 3. WIG files were generated with QuEST and used for visualization in the UCSC in 500 ml of Flag elution buffer (50 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.5, 250 mM NaCl, 0.5% NP-
Genome Browser and for obtaining average signal profiles. Average ChIP-seq signal 40, 0.1% sodium deoxycholate, 0.5 mg ml21 Flag peptide) and rotated at 4 uC for
profiles around the centre of DDX21 ChIP-seq peaks were generated with the Sitepro 30 min. The Flag elution was repeated once for a total of 1 ml elution. FH–DDX21
tool, which is part of the Cistrome/Galaxy pipeline. We used the HOMER software was then captured using anti-haemagglutinin agarose beads (Pierce) for 1 h at 4 uC
to associate DDX21 ChIP-seq peaks to different genomic features. Functional anno- on rotation. Samples were then washed as previously in the anti-Flag agarose beads.
tation and Gene Ontology categories were obtained with GREAT34. For ascribing 39-end RNA dephosphorylation, 39-end single-stranded RNA ligation, 59 labelling,
DDX21 binding to snoRNA-host genes, we generated a file containing all snoRNAs SDS–PAGE separation and transfer, autoradiograph, ribonucleoprotein isolation,
and their associated host genes and only snoRNAs residing within introns of RefSeq proteinase K treatment, and overnight RNA precipitation took place as previously
genes were used in this study. To avoid redundancies all entries were inspected described15. The 39-end single-stranded RNA ligation adaptor was modified to con-
manually in the UCSC genome browser. tain a 39 biotin moiety as a blocking agent (Supplementary Table 1). The iCLIP
All genomic data sets have been deposited under the GEO record GSE56802. library preparation was performed as described elsewhere (R.A.F., L.M., R.C.S. and
Other data sets used in this study were obtained from GSM891237, GSE36620, H.Y.C., unpublished observations). Final library material was quantified on the
GSM1249888, GSM1249889, GSE20598, GSM1249897 and GSE20598. BioAnalyzer High Sensitivity DNA chip (Agilent) and then sent for deep sequenc-
For mapping DDX21 ChIP-seq to the rDNA, we obtained the DNA consensus ing on the Illumina NextSeq machine for 1 3 75-bp cycle run. iCLIP data analysis was
sequence of the 43-kb ribosomal locus NCBI (GeneBank ID: U13369.1). This 43 kb performed as previously described15. For analysis of repetitive non-coding RNAs,
itself is unique relative to other locations in the human genome; however, as noted, custom annotation files were built from the Rfam database and reads were mapped
it is repeated hundreds of times in each of the 5 chromosomal clusters. Using this under standard iCLIP processing steps. For the repetitive RNA analysis we normalized

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the iCLIP reverse transcription stops across each RNA transcript, which allows the quantification, 5 ml of each sample was mixed with 5 ml of GLBII (Life Technolo-
comparison of the shape of the profile, with this normalization, the y axis is infor- gies) and heated to 65 uC before agarose gel electrophoresis. Full-length and cleav-
mative only for the relative binding preference and does not imply the strength of age products were imaged and quantified on a ChemiDoc XRS1 (BioRad).
binding. P-TEFb release assay. The P-TEFb release assay was performed as previously
siRNA and antisense oligonucleotide knockdown. For DDX21 knockdown, described37 with some modifications. Five micrograms of anti-HEXIM1 (ab25388)
HEK293 cells (2.5 3 105) were transfected in DMEM supplemented with 5% FBS antibody was pre-bound to protein A Dynal magnetics beads (Life Technologies)
without antibiotics using RNAiMAX (Life Technologies). DDX21 (20 nM) or con- and incubated with 2.5 mg of HeLa cell nuclear extracts to immobilize the inactive
trol siRNA was used in this study. Notably, DDX21 depletion was difficult to achieve, 7SK snRNP complex. The resulting immunocomplexes were incubated with increas-
thus for efficient DDX21 knockdown (60–80% at the protein level) three consecu- ing amounts of purified Flag–DDX21 and incubated for 2 h on ice. A magnetic
tive siRNA transfections were required. siRNA diced pools were generated in separator was used to sequester the remaining HEXIM1-bound 7SK snRNP, and
J.W.’s laboratory using recombinant Giardia lamblia Dicer. the resulting eluates were collected and analysed by western blotting. For purifi-
ASO depletion of 7SK was performed as previously described26. In brief, HEK293 cation of Flag–DDX21, nuclear extracts from HEK293 cells stably expressing Flag–
cells (2 3 106) were nucleofected with the Amaxa Nucleofector 2b (Lonza) with DDX21 were prepared using a modified version of ref. 35. Purified nuclei were
1 nmol of scramble control, 59-7SK, or 39-7SK (ref. 26). Cells were cultured for extracted in Dignam and Roeder buffer C and cleared by centrifugation. The salt
12 h at 37 uC and collected for ChIP-qPCR as described above. A fraction of each concentration of the cleared extracts was adjusted to 250 mM with Dignam and
sample was collected with Trizol for assaying 7SK knockdown by qRT–PCR as Roeder buffer D. The resulting nuclear extracts were incubated with Flag–M2 aga-
described above. rose beads (Sigma) for 2 h to immobilize Flag–DDX21, followed by stringent washes:
Site-directed RNaseH rRNA cleavage assay. HEK293 cells were seeded and trans- 5 3 2 min with Dignam and Roeder buffer C at an NaCl concentration of 500 mM
fected with DDX21 or control siRNA as described above. Twelve hours after the and 13 5 min with buffer D-C (20 mM HEPES, 20% glycerol, 0.1 mM EDTA, 150 mM
second siRNA transfection, DDX21WT or DDX21SAT cDNAs were induced by add-
NaCl, 0.75 mM MgCl2 and 0.05 M KCl). Flag–DDX21 was eluted with the 3 3 Flag
ing 0.25 mg ml21 dox, after which cells were collected by scrapping the monolayer
peptide (Sigma) in buffer D-C.
in ice-cold PBS. Total cellular RNA was isolated by Trizol extraction and RNeasy
column clean up. To evaluate the fraction of methylation of specific nucleotides 31. Flynn, R. A., Almada, A. E., Zamudio, J. R. & Sharp, P. A. Antisense RNA polymerase
within the rRNA quantitatively, we optimized an established assay using RNaseH II divergent transcripts are P-TEFb dependent and substrates for the RNA
to cleave unmethylated RNA selectively 22. Several sites were selected based on iCLIP exosome. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 108, 10460–10465 (2011).
reverse transcription stops to both the rRNA region of interest as well as reverse 32. Wassarman, D. A. & Steitz, J. A. Structural analyses of the 7SK ribonucleoprotein
transcription stops on the targeting snoRNA transcript. Chimaeric 29-Ome/DNA (RNP), the most abundant human small RNP of unknown function. Mol. Cell. Biol.
11, 3432–3445 (1991).
oligonucleotides were ordered for three sites (Supplementary Table 1) each con- 33. Sharma, A. et al. The Werner syndrome helicase is a cofactor for HIV-1 long
taining three DNA nucleobases for RNaseH targeting. For each cleavage reaction terminal repeat transactivation and retroviral replication. J. Biol. Chem. 282,
1 mg of total RNA was mixed with 0.5 pmol of a specific chimaeric oligonucleotide 12048–12057 (2007).
(final volume of 6 ml) and annealed to the rRNA by incubating at 80 uC for 2 min 34. McLean, C. Y. et al. GREAT improves functional interpretation of cis-regulatory
and then step-cooling the sample to 25 uC, decreasing the temperature 1 uC per second. regions. Nature Biotechnol. 28, 495–501 (2010).
Then 2.5 ml of 43 RNaseH cleavage buffer (80 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.5, 40 mM MgCl2, 35. Carey, M. F., Peterson, C. L. & Smale, S. T. Dignam and Roeder nuclear extract
preparation. Cold Spring Harb. Protoc. 2009, 10.1101/pdb.prot5330 (2009).
400 mM KCl, 0.4 mM dithiothreitol, 20 mM sucrose), 1 ml of RNaseH (Roche, note:
36. Konig, J. et al. iCLIP–transcriptome-wide mapping of protein–RNA interactions
RNaseH from this supplier is critical as other suppliers or isolates have different with individual nucleotide resolution. J. Vis. Exp. 50, 2638 (2011).
specificity for site-directed cleavage), and 1 ml of SUPERaseIn (Life Technologies) were 37. Krueger, B. J., Varzavand, K., Cooper, J. J. & Price, D. H. The mechanism of release
added to each reaction and incubated for 25 min at 37 uC. Samples were subsequently of P-TEFb and HEXIM1 from the 7SK snRNP by viral and cellular activators
purified using RNeasy columns and eluted in 100 ml of water. For visualization and includes a conformational change in 7SK. PLoS ONE 5, e12335 (2010).

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Extended Data Figure 1 | DDX21 associates with non- and protein-coding H3K4me3 data set. d, Gene Ontology terms for H3K4me3 regions that are
ribosomal genes. a, MEME analysis of DDX21-bound regions defined by either DDX21-bound (left) or not bound by DDX21 (right). e, Box plots
DDX21 ChIP-seq. Motif logo, annotated transcription factor, number of motif representing the expression levels of snoRNA-host genes whose promoter
instances within the ChIP-seq regions, Z score, and P value for each motif regions are either bound or not by DDX21. As shown, snoRNA-host gene
are shown. b, DDX21 ChIP-qPCR from HeLa cell chromatin extracts with promoters bound by DDX21 are, on average, more highly expressed than
primers spanning a representative number of loci found to be enriched in the those not occupied by DDX21. Fragments per kilobase of exon per million
DDX21 ChIP-seq analyses from HEK293 cells. Data are mean and s.d. of three mapped reads (FPKM) values were taken from publically available HEK293
independent experiments. c, Comparison of DDX21 (this study) and RNA-seq data (see Methods for accession number). The P value (P # 0.05) was
H3K4me3 (publically available data, see Methods for accession numbers) calculated using the Wilcoxon signed-rank test. f, g, UCSC genome browser
ChIP-seq-bound regions. 2,863 regions are common between the data sets, tracks depicting DDX21 ChIP-seq and iCLIP-seq, and RNA-seq enrichment
505 regions are unique to DDX21, and 11,403 regions are unique to the profiles at differentially expressed snoRNA-host genes in HEK293 cells.

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Extended Data Figure 2 | DDX21 positively regulates transcription of Pol I- P # 0.05 (Student’s t-test). c, Diagram of DDX21 protein domains. The two
and Pol II-dependent ribosomal genes. a, siRNA-mediated knockdown of conserved RecA-like (A and B) domains and the GUCT domains are shown in
the DDX21 antibody used for ChIP. We transfected HEK293 cells with two green and blue, respectively. Amino acids targeted for mutation12 to convert
different sets of siRNAs targeting endogenous DDX21 mRNA (siRNA1 and DDX21WT into DDX21SAT, the ATP-hydrolysis mutant, are indicated with red
siRNA2 (39 UTR)) and performed western blots with the indicated antibodies. and purple lines in the diagram. Specific amino acid changes are displayed
As shown, the DDX21-specific band is diminished in cells transfected with below. d, qRT–PCR analysis assessing nascent unspliced mRNA levels from
DDX21-targeting siRNAs, but not with control siRNAs. Actin was used as a additional DDX21-target and DDX21-non-target promoters. For a detailed
loading control for this experiment. b, RT–qPCR analysis assessing the RNA description see Fig. 1j. Data are mean and s.d. of three biological replicates.
expression levels of the same genes analysed in Fig. 1h upon DDX21 e, Nuclear rRNA abundance analysis by RNA BioAnalyzer of HEK293 cells
knockdown by a second siRNA that targets the 39 UTR of DDX21 mRNA. depleted of DDX21 and rescued with DDX21WT, DDX21SAT, or DDX21DEV.
Data are mean and s.d. of three independent experiments. For DDX21-target For each analysis, total RNA was isolated from 1,500,000 nuclei. Total
genes the difference between control and DDX21 siRNA is significant, nanogram amounts are shown for each of the two large rRNA subunits.

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Extended Data Figure 3 | Selective inhibition of Pol I alters DDX21 nuclear and this coincides with nearly complete eviction of DDX21 from Pol I- and
localization and chromatin association. a, b, Immunofluorescence images Pol II-regulated genes. e, f, ChIP-qPCR analyses from HEK293 cells treated
of methanol-fixed HEK293 cells after 1 h incubation with either DMSO or 2 mM with 50 ng ml21 of actinomycin-D for 1 h. Binding of the transcriptional
of the specific Pol I inhibitor CX-5461. DDX21 (a) and fibrillarin (b) immuno- repressor CTCF across the rDNA locus (e) and the c-MYC insulator element
labellings are shown. Scale bars, 10 mm. c, d, ChIP-qPCR analyses from (MINE) (f) demonstrates that actinomycin-D treatment does not effect
HEK293 sampling DDX21 genomic occupancy, at the rDNA locus (c) and at a CTCF binding to chromatin. Red arrow indicates relative location
representative panel of Pol II-regulated gene promoters (d), after treatment of the CTCF DNA-binding site (DBS) at the rDNA locus. Data are mean
with DMSO or CX-5461. Data are mean and s.d. of three independent and s.d. of three independent experiments.
experiments. As displayed, inhibition of Pol I alters DDX21 nuclear localization

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Extended Data Figure 4 | DDX21 nuclear re-localization is preferentially absence of serum. For cellular respiration inhibition, cells were treated for with
sensitive to acute transcriptional inhibition over other cellular stressors. either oligomycin (100 mM) or 2-deoxy-D-glucose (10 mM) for 1 h. To inhibit
Immunofluorescence analyses of HEK293 cells after targeting different the mTOR pathway, cells were treated with 250 nM of either Torin 1 or
metabolic pathways. For inhibition of mitogen, cells were starved for 16 h in the rapamycin for 2 h.

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Extended Data Figure 5 | Tandem affinity iCLIP of FH–DDX21WT. snoRNAs, rRNA and mRNAs within the FH–DDX21WT (this study) and
a, FH–DDX21WT iCLIP 32P-autoradiogram and western blots. All samples hnRNP-C (ref. 16; publically available data) data sets. Little concordance
were loaded with constant input lysate amounts (actin loading). FH–DDX21WT between the data sets is evident, suggesting specific transcriptome targets of
was isolated from HEK293 cells induced to express the transgene for 24 h these two RNA binding proteins (RBPs). f, DDX21WT ultraviolet RNA
and crosslinked with ultraviolet light (top panel same as Fig. 3a). b, Schematic of immunoprecipitation qRT–PCR of FH–DDX21WT was performed in three
the modified iCLIP procedure. To achieve high stringency and specificity Flag– conditions: native HEK293 cells crosslinked with ultraviolet light; FH–
HA–DDX21WT is first purified on anti-Flag–M2 agarose beads, washed with DDX21WT HEK293 cells without crosslinking; and FH–DDX21WT HEK293
1 M NaCl, 1% Triton X-100 and 1% sodium deoxycholate. Complexes are cells with ultraviolet crosslinking. snoRNAs, scaRNAs and TERC were
specifically eluted with Flag peptide and recaptured with anti-HA agarose. validated targets identified in the sequencing data. Each experiment was
Standard iCLIP steps were performed thereafter to generate deep sequencing performed in biological duplicates (rep1 and rep2) and error bars represent s.d.
libraries. c–e, Scatter plot analysis of iCLIP reverse transcription stops on of technical triplicates.

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Extended Data Figure 6 | Tandem affinity iCLIP of FH–DDX21SAT. representing C/D box, H/ACA box and scaRNAs. The number (n) and fraction
a, FH–DDX21SAT was isolated from HEK293 cells induced to express the (per cent) of each snoRNA type is displayed. d, Comparison of the snoRNAs
transgene for 24 h, at which point we did not observe significant dominant bound by DDX21WT and DDX21SAT, revealing significant overlap between
negative effects. iCLIP was performed as described for FH–DDX21WT, and the active and catalytically inactive DDX21. e, DDX21SAT iCLIP reads mapped
biological duplicates of FH–DDX21SAT iCLIP 32P-autoradiogram and western to the transcribed region of the rDNA. f, DDX21WT (left) and DDX21SAT
blots (lanes 2 and 3) are shown. All samples were loaded with constant input (right) iCLIP reads mapped to the repetitive U3 snoRNA. Binding is
lysate amounts (actin loading). FH–DDX21WT was loaded as a control. WB, represented as reverse transcription stops per nucleotide normalized to the
western blot. b, Left, DDX21SAT iCLIP reads annotated to known repetitive total number of reverse transcription stops mapping to the U3 snoRNA.
(rRNA and snRNAs) and non-repetitive (hg19 genome build: mRNAs and Two strong binding sites are evident between bases 25–40 and 175–185 of
snoRNAs) regions of the human genome. Categories are notes with their U3 in DDX21WT iCLIP, whereas the 59 binding site is reduced in DDX21SAT.
respective percentage of the total iCLIP experiment. Right, enriched Gene nts, nucleotides. g, qRT–PCR analysis assessing the expression levels of
Ontology and KEGG pathway terms from DDX21SAT-bound mRNAs obtained several snoRNAs 24 h after expression of either DDX21WT or DDX21SAT.
using the DAVID tool. The x axis values (in log scale) correspond to the This experiment was performed in biological duplicates. Data are mean and s.d.
negative Benjamini P value. c, Distribution of all DDX21SAT-bound snoRNAs, of technical triplicates.

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Extended Data Figure 7 | DDX21 functionally interacts with snoRNAs and snoRNAs. The DDX21–XRN2 interaction appears to be bridged by RNA,
the snoRNP. a, UCSC genome browser view of DDX21WT iCLIP reads across as treatment of the nuclear lysates with RNaseA abolishes the interaction.
the snorD66 snoRNA. The C box [C] and D box [D] regions are highlighted e, Schematic of the site-directed RNaseH cleavage of RNA sensitive to 29-Ome.
in red. b, Same visualization as in a but showing the snorA67 snoRNA with the RNA of interest is hybridized to a 29-Ome/DNA chimaeric oligonucleotide in
H box [H] and ACA box [ACA] regions highlighted. c, Immunoprecipitation which the DNA nucleotides specifically target the ability of RNaseH to
of NOP58 from HEK293 nuclear extracts confirms DDX21 as a protein interrogate the 29-Ome status of a single nucleotide. 29-Ome will inhibit
member of the snoRNP machinery. As a control for this experiment we RNaseH and leave intact RNA, while unmethylated RNA will be cleaved.
performed western blots against FBL, a well-known NOP58-interacting partner f, UCSC genome browser view of DDX21WT and DDX21SAT iCLIP reads across
and an essential factor of the snoRNP machinery. d, DDX21 interacts with the snoRNAs responsible for guiding the modifications tested in Fig. 3f.
XRN2, a 59–39 exoribonuclease required for maturation and processing of

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Extended Data Figure 8 | Association of DDX21 with the RNA and protein transcription stops identified from the DDX21WT (blue) and DDX21SAT
components of the 7SK snRNP. a, Comparison of DDX21WT ChIP-seq (orange) experiments. Nucleotides commonly crosslinked are labelled in green.
targets to DDX21WT iCLIP-bound mRNAs. The numbers of unique and Known RNA binding protein sites: HEXIM1/2 is highlighted in purple; P-TEFb
common genes are represented, revealing that most ChIP-seq-bound genes are is highlighted in red; and other P-TEFb ‘release’ factors in the centre are
not immunoprecipitated by iCLIP but that some are recovered in both assays. highlighted in green. e, Co-immunoprecipitation analysis of HEXIM1
b, iCLIP read distribution of DDX21WT-target mRNAs categorized by the as assayed by western blotting for DDX21WT and 7SK snRNP components
regions within mRNAs that were bound. Most iCLIP reads fell outside the 59 (CDK9 and LARP7). f, Immunoprecipitation of Flag–HA–DDX21WT from
UTR. c, DDX21WT iCLIP reads mapping to short repetitive RNAs of the human HEK293 nuclear extracts confirms DDX21 as a protein component of the 7SK
genome. Percentages of the top four short repetitive RNAs are shown. snRNP through co-recovery of LARP7. The abundant protein actin, which is
d, Secondary structure model of the 7SK snRNA annotated with iCLIP reverse not part of the 7SK snRNP, was not recovered.

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Extended Data Figure 9 | Binding of the DDX21–7SK snRNP at ribosomal when compared to control ASO. d, Gene Ontology molecular function and
gene promoters. a, b, ChIP-qPCR of CDK9 (a) and HEXIM1 (b) in HEK293 cellular component analysis of publically available CDK9 ChIP-seq data30.
cells at representative Pol II-regulated, DDX21-target and -non-target gene e, ChIP-qPCR of total Pol II in control or DDX21-targeting siRNA-treated
promoters, negative control regions, and the rDNA locus. c, ChIP-qPCR of HEK293 cells at representative TSSs of Pol II-regulated, DDX21-target gene
DDX21 in control or 39-7SK-ASO-treated HEK293 cells at representative Pol promoters and negative control regions. Data are mean and s.d. of three
II-regulated, DDX21-target gene promoters, negative control regions, and the independent experiments.
rDNA locus. For the promoter-associated genes, P # 0.05 (Student’s t-test)

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Extended Data Figure 10 | Catalytically inactive DDX21 is still functionally interacts with the rRNA, snoRNAs and snoRNP to control 29-Ome
incorporated into the 7SK snRNP. a, ChIP-qPCR of DDX21WT (black) and deposition on the rRNA in a helicase activity-dependent manner. In the
DDX21SAT (green) in HEK293 cells at representative TSSs of Pol II-regulated, nucleoplasm, DDX21 is bound to the promoter regions of ribosomal Pol II-
DDX21-target gene promoters and negative control regions. Data are mean transcribed genes, many of which contain precursor snoRNA transcripts.
and s.d. of three independent experiments. b, Immunoprecipitation of Mechanistically, DDX21 activates transcription of its target genes through the
DDX21WT, DDX21DEV or DDX21SAT from HEK293 nuclear extracts confirms 7SK–P-TEFb axis. As part of the 7SK snRNP, DDX21 can facilitate the release
DDX21 interacts with CDK9 (P-TEFb) regardless of its catalytic activity. of P-TEFb from the inhibitory complex in a manner dependent on ATP
c, DDX21WT (blue) and DDX21SAT (orange) annotated iCLIP reads mapped hydrolysis, leading to productive Pol II elongation and increased
across the 7SK snRNA. The four annotated stem–loops are marked below the phosphorylation of Ser 2. Efficient transcription of its target genes enforces high
graph. d, Model of multi-level control of ribosomal pathway by DDX21. In expression of both snoRNAs and other ribosomal proteins critical for the rRNA
the nucleolus, DDX21 associates with the chromatin across the transcribed maturation process, placing DDX21 as a central operator of the ribosomal
region of the rDNA and is a component of the snoRNP. Furthermore, DDX21 pathway.

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LETTER doi:10.1038/nature14157

Mammalian polymerase h promotes alternative NHEJ

and suppresses recombination
Pedro A. Mateos-Gomez1, Fade Gong2, Nidhi Nair3, Kyle M. Miller2, Eros Lazzerini-Denchi3 & Agnel Sfeir1

The alternative non-homologous end-joining (NHEJ) machinery facil- successfully identify telomere fusions by comparing reads derived from
itates several genomic rearrangements, some of which can lead to Trf2-proficient and Trf2-deficient cells. Starting with a similar number
cellular transformation. This error-prone repair pathway is triggered of telomere-repeat containing reads, we identified .90 fusogenic events
upon telomere de-protection to promote the formation of deleterious in Trf2-knockout MEFs, compared to only three events in wild-type
chromosome end-to-end fusions1–3. Using next-generation sequenc-
ing technology, here we show that repair by alternative NHEJ yields a ?
non-TTAGGG nucleotide insertions at fusion breakpoints of dys-
′ ′
functional telomeres. Investigating the enzymatic activity respon- ′ ′

sible for the random insertions enabled us to identify polymerase b

theta (Polh; encoded by Polq in mice) as a crucial alternative NHEJ Reads with
Reads with
factor in mammalian cells. Polq inhibition suppresses alternative Genotype
NHEJ at dysfunctional telomeres, and hinders chromosomal trans-
locations at non-telomeric loci. In addition, we found that loss of Trf2F/F Cre-ERT2 876,696 3
Polq in mice results in increased rates of homology-directed repair, Trf2F/F Cre-ERT2 + 4-OHT 947,504 91
evident by recombination of dysfunctional telomeres and accumu- Trf1/2F/F Ku80–/– Cre-ERT2 + 4-OHT 938,132 46
lation of RAD51 at double-stranded breaks. Lastly, we show that deple-
tion of Polh has a synergistic effect on cell survival in the absence of c Classical-NHEJ d Alternative-NHEJ
BRCA genes, suggesting that the inhibition of this mutagenic poly-
merase represents a valid therapeutic avenue for tumours carrying
mutations in homology-directed repair genes.
Chromosome end-to-end fusions are inhibited by shelterin; a multi-
subunit complex anchored to telomeric DNA by two Myb-containing
proteins—TRF1 and TRF2 (ref. 4). Telomere fusions are executed by two
independent end-joining pathways. Classical non-homologous end- 5′ end 3′ end 5′ end 3′ end
Junction Junction
joining (C-NHEJ), mediated by LIG4 and the Ku70/80 heterodimer,
is primarily blocked by TRF2 (ref. 5). Conversely, alternative NHEJ e f Knockdown
Chromosome ends fused (%)

(alt-NHEJ), which is dependent on LIG3 (ref. 6) and PARP1 (ref. 7), is Trf1/2F/F Ku80–/– Cre-ERT2 + 4-OHT
repressed in a redundant manner2,3. Alt-NHEJ is fully unleashed after the shPoln 85%
simultaneous deletion of TRF1 and TRF2, and the creation of shelterin- 60 shPolh 97%
shPolm 65%
free telomeres in cells deficient for Ku70 and Ku80 (also known as Xrcc6 40 shPolb 92%
and Xrcc5, respectively)2. This error-prone end-joining pathway medi- 20
shPoli 80%
shPolq 72%
ates fusion of naturally eroded telomeres1, joining of switch regions shPolk 87%
during class-switch recombination8, and formation of chromosomal 0
Trf1/2F/F Ku80–/–
translocations in mouse cells9,10. Cre-ERT2 + 4-OHT
To characterize the differences between C-NHEJ and alt-NHEJ at
dysfunctional telomeres, we determined whether the sequence of the Figure 1 | Random nucleotide insertions at the junction of telomeres fused
by alt-NHEJ. a, Schematic of the junction of a telomere fusion. The 39 end
junction between two fused telomeres differed depending on the type of
of the telomeric G-rich strand of a chromosome (blue) is fused to the 59 end of
repair pathway used. Telomere fusions by C-NHEJ were triggered by Cre- the C-rich strand of a different chromosome (red). b, Illumina sequencing to
mediated depletion of TRF2 using previously described mouse embry- analyse telomere fusion junctions. Reads $3XTTAGGG consecutively were
onic fibroblasts (MEFs) (Trf2F/FCre-ERT2)11 (Extended Data Fig. 1a). To scored as derived from telomere fragments. Those with $3XTTAGGG on the
induce robust fusions by the alt-NHEJ pathway, we depleted the entire 59 end and $2XCCCTAA at the 39 end were scored as telomere fusion
shelterin complex by deleting Trf1 and Trf2 from Trf1F/F Trf2F/F Ku802/2 junctions (see Supplementary Information). c, Examples of telomere fusions
Cre-ERT2 MEFs2 (Extended Data Fig. 1a). DNA was subjected to next- generated by C-NHEJ of TRF2-depleted telomeres. Light grey highlights fusion
generation sequencing, and reads corresponding to telomeres were iden- junctions, dark grey marks the flanking telomere repeats. d, Examples of
tified on the basis of the presence of at least three consecutive TTAGGG insertions in shelterin-free Ku80-null MEFs. e, Telomere fusions in metaphase
spreads from Trf1F/F Trf2F/F Ku802/2 Cre-ERT2 MEFs. Telomeres in red
repeats. To detect rare reads containing fusion junctions, we exploited (peptide nucleic acid (PNA) probe) and chromosomes in blue (49,6-diamidino-
the novel sequence arrangement created by the ligation of the 39 G-rich 2-phenylindole; DAPI). f, Frequency of telomere fusions after the depletion
strand (TTAGGG-39) to the 59 C-rich strand (59-CCCTAA) (Fig. 1a), of candidate polymerases. 4-OHT, 4-hydroxytamoxifen; shCtrl, control
and filtered reads that started with at least three G-rich repeats and ended shRNA. Bars represent mean of n . 1,000 chromosome ends derived from
with two or more C-rich repeats. We confirmed that this approach could one experiment.
Skirball Institute of Biomolecular Medicine, Department of Cell Biology, NYU School of Medicine, New York, New York 10016, USA. 2Department of Molecular Biosciences, Institute for Cellular and
Molecular Biology, University of Texas at Austin. 2506 Speedway Stop A5000, Austin, Texas 78712, USA. 3Department of Molecular and Experimental Medicine, The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla,
California 92037, USA.

2 5 4 | N AT U R E | VO L 5 1 8 | 1 2 F E B R U A RY 2 0 1 5
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cells (Fig. 1b). Sequence analysis of the junctions highlighted different induced simultaneous cleavage of both loci with comparable efficien-
permutations of TTAGGG/AATCCC sequences. Notably, the spec- cies (Extended Data Fig. 2d, e). Consistent with previous reports, 24%
trum of the fusion junctions was different in shelterin-free settings, in of translocation events in Polq1/1 cells were scarred by random inser-
which frequent non-telomeric nucleotide insertions (9 out of 46 events) tions. Interestingly, the overall frequency of translocations in cells lack-
were identified at fusion breakpoints (Fig. 1b–d and Supplementary ing Polq was significantly reduced (Fig. 2d). Sequence analysis of residual
Information). translocations in Polq2/2 cells highlighted the absence of insertions,
To identify the enzyme that incorporated nucleotides at dysfunctional and a concomitant decrease in micro-homology at junctions (Fig. 2d
telomeres, we depleted known low-fidelity DNA polymerases in shelterin- and Extended Data Figs 2–5). Notably, we observed similar results when
free cells lacking Ku80, and analysed chromosome-end fusions on meta- assessing translocation frequency in cells expressing a catalytically inac-
phase spreads. Notably, we observed a reduction in the frequency of tive form of Polh (Extended Data Fig. 2g–k). Altogether, our data indi-
telomere fusions in cells with reduced levels of polymerase theta (Polh, cate that the promiscuous activity of Polh during DSB repair contributes
encoded by Polq in mice) (Fig. 1e, f and Extended Data Fig. 1b). The to the increased mutagenicity of alt-NHEJ. Importantly, our results
activity of Polh is specific to alt-NHEJ as its inhibition in Trf2-knockout indicate that mammalian Polh plays a critical part by stimulating the
cells did not affect the frequency of C-NHEJ (Fig. 2a, b and Extended end-joining reaction.
Data Fig. 2a–c). We next investigated the upstream signalling event(s) required for
Polh is an A-family DNA polymerase that exhibits low fidelity on the recruitment of Polh to DNA damage sites, induced after micro-
templated DNA12, and also displays a terminal transferase-like activity irradiation of HeLa cells expressing Myc-tagged Polh. Accumulation
that catalyses nucleotide addition in a template-independent manner13. of Polh at laser-induced DNA breaks, discerned by its co-localization
The relevance of these activities in vivo was highlighted in Drosophila with the phosphorylated histone H2AX (c-H2AX), occurred in ,25%
melanogaster, in which Polh was shown to stimulate nucleotide inser- of cells that stained positive for Myc (Fig. 3a, b), and was independent
tions during double-stranded break (DSB) repair by alt-NHEJ14. More of either ATM or ATR signalling (Extended Data Fig. 6). Instead,
recently, Polh was shown to promote end-joining of replication-associated
DSBs in Caenorhabditis elegans15, preventing large deletions around a Myc–Polθ γ-H2AX Merge b
G-rich DNA16. The exact function of Polh during DSB repair in mam-

γ-H2AX-stained laser tracks (%)

malian cells remains elusive.

Cells with Myc–Polθ at


The crucial role for Polh at dysfunctional telomeres prompted us to 20

test whether it is required for DSB repair at non-telomeric loci. To this


end, we tested whether the depletion of Polh affects chromosomal trans-

locations in the context of mouse pluripotent cells, reported to be mediated 0
Ctrl PARPi siPARP1
by alt-NHEJ10 in a LIG3-dependent manner9. To model chromosomal
translocations, we induced DSBs in the Rosa26 and H3f3B mouse loci c d shCtrl
Trf1/2F/F Lig4–/– Cre-ERT2 + 4-OHT
using the CRISPR/Cas9 system (Fig. 2c). When introduced into Polq1/1 **
shCtrl + 4-OHT
and Polq2/2 cells17, the Cas9-gRNA(Rosa26;H3f3b) expression plasmid Alt-NHEJ
shPolq + 4-OHT
shLig3 + 4-OHT
10 *
a Trf1/2F/F Ku80–/– Percentage 8
Cre-ERT2 + 4-OHT Trf2F/F Cre-ERT2 + 4-OHT
b shCtrl + 4-OHT
shPolq + 4-OHT
Chromosome ends fused (%)

100 HDR

90 0
70 Telomere fusion T-SCE
60 (Alt-NHEJ) (HDR)
40 Trf1/2F/F Lig4–/– Cre-ERT2
20 e Polq+/+ Polq–/– f
0 0 Gy 2 Gy 0 Gy 2 Gy
* ** Polq+/+

Trf1/2F/F Trf2F/F 80
Ku80–/– Cre-ERT2 Polq–/–

Cells >5 RAD51 foci

d 40
Translocation frequency (10–4)


Alt-NHEJ C-NHEJ ** 30
c 5 20
Chr 6 Chr 11 Der(6) Der(11) 4 10

3 0
Translocation 0 Gy 2 Gy 4 Gy
H3f3b 0 Figure 3 | Polh is recruited by PARP1 to promote alt-NHEJ at the expense of
Polq+/+ Polq–/– HDR. a, Myc–Polh localization to DNA damage was monitored after laser
+ Insertions
Cas9-gRNA(Rosa26;H3f3b) micro-irradiation of HeLa cells. Cells were fixed and stained for c-H2AX and
– Insertions
Myc, 1 h after damage induction. b, Quantification of Polh accumulation at
Figure 2 | Polh is required for alt-NHEJ-dependent DSB repair in sites of laser damage (mean values 6 s.e.m. derived from two independent
mammalian cells. a, Metaphases from TRF2-depleted (Trf2F/F Cre-ERT2 1 experiments). c, To test whether Polh represses recombination at telomeres, we
4-OHT) and shelterin-free (Trf1F/F Trf2F/F Ku802/2 Cre-ERT2 1 4-OHT) depleted the polymerase in shelterin-free and Lig4-deficient MEFs2, and both
MEFs infected with the indicated short hairpin RNA (shRNA). repair pathways were monitored using CO-FISH. White arrows indicate alt-
b, Quantification of telomere fusions in MEFs with the indicated treatment NHEJ events, red arrows highlight HDR-mediated T-SCEs. d, Quantification of
(mean values 6 s.d. derived from six independent experiments. **P 5 0.003; telomere fusion (alt-NHEJ) and T-SCE (HDR) in cells transduced with
two-tailed Student’s t-test). c, Design of the translocation assay in which DSBs shRNAs against Polq, Lig3 or control shRNA. Error bars denote 6 s.d. from
are induced by Cas9-gRNA(Rosa26;H3f3b). Joining of DNA ends generates three independent experiments. e, Immunofluorescence for RAD51 and
der(6) and der(11), detected by nested PCR9. d, Translocation frequency in c-H2AX in the indicated MEFs 3 h after irradiation. f, Graph representing
Polq1/1 and Polq2/2 cells 60 h after Cas9-gRNA(Rosa26;H3f3b) expression. quantification of ionizing-radiation-induced RAD51 foci. Mean values 6 s.d.
Mean values 6 s.d. derived from three independent experiments. **P 5 0.009; derived from three independent experiments. *P , 0.05, **P , 0.01; two-tailed
two-tailed Student’s t-test. Student’s t-test.

1 2 F E B R U A RY 2 0 1 5 | VO L 5 1 8 | N AT U R E | 2 5 5
©2015 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved

co-localization of Polh with c-H2AX was reduced after depletion of a Brca1F/F Cre-ERT2
PARP1 with short interfering RNAs (siRNAs), or after the inhibition – 4-OHT + 4-OHT c + shCtrl + shPolq
of PARP1 activity (using KU58948) (Fig. 3a, b). In a parallel experiment

that used a recently developed U2OS-DSB reporter cell line18, we were

+ shCtrl
able to ascertain the localization of Myc–Polh to bona fide DSBs, in-
duced after FOK1 cleavage of a LacO-tagged genomic locus (Extended
Data Fig. 7). In conclusion, our data suggest that PARP1, previously
known to be required for alt-NHEJ7,19, facilitates the recruitment of Polh

to DSBs.

+ shPolq
Homology-directed repair (HDR) is prevalent during the S/G2 phase
of the cell cycle, which coincides with the peak of alt-NHEJ activity, and

these pathways also share the initial resection step mediated by MRE11
and CtIP20. To test whether inhibiting alt-NHEJ could potentially result
in increased HDR, we depleted shelterin in Lig4-deficient MEFs, a genetic b
setting that is conducive to the activity of alt-NHEJ as well as HDR2. To d

Aberrant chromosomes (%)

investigate the relative contribution of the two repair pathways, we used * 100
8 *
a chromosome-orientation fluorescence in situ hybridization (CO-FISH)

Colonies formed (%)

assay21, and monitored the exchange of telomeres between sister chro- 6 *
matids by HDR (telomere sister chromatid exchange, T-SCE), and, at the 4
same time, measured the frequency of chromosome end–end fusion by 40
end-joining (Fig. 3c). After depletion of shelterin from Trf1F/F Trf2F/F 20 *
Lig42/2 Cre-ERT2 MEFs, ,10% of the telomeres were processed by alt- 0
shRNA Ctrl Polq Ctrl Polq Ctrl Polq Ctrl Polq 0
NHEJ, whereas ,5% of chromosome ends showed T-SCEs2 (Fig. 3c, d 4-OHT – – + + – – + +
and Extended Data Fig. 8a–c). As expected, we observed a substantial Brca1F/F Cre-ERT2 Brca2F/F Cre-ERT2 shCtrl shPolq
reduction in the frequency of alt-NHEJ at shelterin-free telomeres in Radials Breaks
Lig42/2 cells that lack Polq or Lig3 (Fig. 3d and Extended Data Fig. 8a–e). e Polθ deficiency
Remarkably, Polq-depleted cells exhibited a concomitant increase in
T-SCE, which was not evident in cells lacking Lig3 (Fig. 3d), thereby MRN/CtIP
highlighting a unique role for Polh in counteracting HDR. To gain insight
into this novel Polh function, we show that the promiscuous polymer-
ase is not required for end-resection of DSBs (Extended Data Fig. 8f, g). Alt-NHEJ
Instead, its activity counteracts the accumulation of RAD51 foci (Fig. 3e, f HDR
and Extended Data Fig. 8h). To corroborate these findings, we used the Polθ
Polθ & BRCA deficiency

traffic light reporter (TLR) system, designed to generate a flow-cytometric

readout for HDR and end-joining at a site-specific DNA break induced
by I-Sce1 (ref. 22). We observed that after knocking down Polq in Lig42/2 Aberrancies
cells, resolution of the I-Sce1-induced DNA break by HDR is increased, HDR
in conjunction with a significant reduction in the frequency of alt-NHEJ Alt-NHEJ
(Extended Data Fig. 9).
Figure 4 | Polq inhibition in Brca-mutant cells leads to increased
Alt-NHEJ is often considered as a back-up choice for DSB repair, chromosomal aberrancies and reduced cellular survival. a, Analysis of
operating at the expense of genomic stability. Circumstantial evidence genomic instability in metaphase spreads from Brca1F/F Cre-ERT2 MEFs
suggests that this pathway could be enhanced when HDR is impaired23,24. treated with shRNA against Polq or vector control. b, Quantification of breaks
We therefore postulated that this error-prone mode of repair has an (chromatid and chromosome) and radials in Brca1F/F Cre-ERT2 and Brca2F/F
essential role in cells with compromised HDR activity. We tested this Cre-ERT2 MEFs with the indicated treatment. Mean values are presented
hypothesis by inhibiting Polq in cells lacking the breast cancer suscepti- with error bars denoting 6 s.d. from three independent experiments.
bility genes—Brca1 and Brca2. Chromosome analysis revealed a four- c, Clonogenic survival after Polq depletion. Crystal violet staining of BJ-hTERT,
fold increase in chromosomal aberrancies after Polq depletion in MEFs MCF7 and HCC1937 cells treated with shRNA against Polq or vector control.
d, Quantitative analyses of colony formation assay. Colonies in each control
lacking either Brca1 or Brca2. Such aberrancies included chromatid
shRNA cell line were set to 100%. Colonies in shPolq-expressing cells are
and chromosome breaks, in addition to radial chromosome structures normalized to shCtrl. Mean values 6 s.d. derived from three independent
characteristic of Lig4-mediated processing of chromatid breaks via the experiments. *P , 0.05, **P , 0.01; two-tailed Student’s t-test. e, Schematic
C-NHEJ pathway (Fig. 4a, b and Extended Data Fig. 10a, b). Ultimately, depicting our model for the function of Polh during DSB repair (see
the increased genomic instability in cells co-depleted for Polq and Brca Supplementary Information).
genes compromised cellular survival. We observed that BRCA1-mutated
human cells (Fig. 4c, d), and mouse cells lacking Brca1 (Extended Data
Fig. 10c–f), displayed significantly reduced colony-forming capabilities of the cell cycle, resection of DSBs by MRE11 and CtIP20 potentially
after Polq impairment. Although we cannot exclude that Polh performs exposes micro-homology that allows spontaneous annealing of bro-
additional activities required for the survival of Brca-deficient cells25, ken DNA ends (Fig. 4e). The binding of RPA antagonizes this anneal-
our data suggest that Polh-mediated alt-NHEJ promotes the survival of ing step to promote HDR-mediated repair26,27. An opposing activity is
cells with a compromised HDR pathway. In the absence of a safer means likely to be exerted by Polh. Placing our finding in the context of recent
to repair breaks, alt-NHEJ may therefore prevent genomic havoc by biochemical experiments and genetic studies in model organisms13–16,
resolving unrepaired lesions. we ultimately propose a model in which Polh exploits both its template-
Here we provide direct evidence linking Polh to alt-NHEJ repair in independent and template-dependent activities to stabilize the annealed
mammalian cells (Fig. 4e). We also show that while Polh hinders error-free intermediate structure and channel repair towards the alt-NHEJ path-
repair by HDR, its activity is essential for the survival of HDR-deficient way (Fig. 4e). Our findings that Polh is critical for alt-NHEJ support this
cells (Fig. 4e). The question remains as to how this promiscuous poly- model, which provides a potential explanation as to how this polymer-
merase orchestrates DSB repair. After DSB formation in the S/G2 phase ase counteracts HDR.
2 5 6 | N AT U R E | VO L 5 1 8 | 1 2 F E B R U A RY 2 0 1 5
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component Xrcc4-ligase IV during chromosomal translocation formation. Nature Masters, A. Phillips, A. Pinzaru, F. Yeung, P. Tonzi and J. Wong for technical assistance.
Struct. Mol. Biol. 17, 410–416 (2010). We thank S. Kabir and F. Lottersberger for critical reading of the manuscript. This work
11. Okamoto, K. et al. A two-step mechanism for TRF2-mediated chromosome-end was supported by a grant from the Breast Cancer Alliance (A.S.), V-foundation (A.S.),
protection. Nature 494, 502–505 (2013). Department of Defense Breast Cancer Research Program BC134020 (P.A.M.-G.),
12. Arana, M. E., Seki, M., Wood, R. D., Rogozin, I. B. & Kunkel, T. A. Low-fidelity DNA Pew-Stewart Scholars Award (A.S.), Pew Scholars Award (E.L.-D.), Novartis Advanced
synthesis by human DNA polymerase theta. Nucleic Acids Res. 36, 3847–3856 Discovery Institute (E.L.-D.), and a grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH)
(2008). AG038677 (E.L.-D.). The A.S. laboratory was supported by start-up funds from the
13. Hogg, M., Sauer-Eriksson, A. E. & Johansson, E. Promiscuous DNA synthesis by Helen L. and Martin S. Kimmel Center for Stem Cell Biology. The K.M.M. laboratory was
human DNA polymerase h. Nucleic Acids Res. 40, 2611–2622 (2012). supported in part by start-up funds from the University of Texas at Austin and from the
14. Chan, S. H., Yu, A. M. & McVey, M. Dual roles for DNA polymerase theta in alternative Cancer Prevention Research Institute of Texas (CPRIT, R116). K.M.M. is a CPRIT scholar.
end-joining repair of double-strand breaks in Drosophila. PLoS Genet. 6, e1001005
(2010). Author Contributions A.S., E.L.-D. and P.A.M.-G. conceived the experimental design.
15. Roerink, S. F., van Schendel, R. & Tijsterman, M. Polymerase theta-mediated end P.A.M.-G. and A.S. performed the experiments and analysed the data. E.L.-D. and N.N.
joining of replication-associated DNA breaks in C. elegans. Genome Res. 24, performed telomere-sequencing experiments. F.G. and K.M.M. performed experiments
954–962 (2014). related to Polh localization at DNA breaks. A.S. wrote the manuscript. All authors
16. Koole, W. et al. A Polymerase Theta-dependent repair pathway suppresses discussed the results and commented on the manuscript.
extensive genomic instability at endogenous G4 DNA sites. Nature Commun. 5,
3216 (2014). Author Information Sequence has been deposited with the BioProject database under
17. Shima, N. et al. Phenotype-based identification of mouse chromosome instability accession PRJNA269507. Reprints and permissions information is available at
mutants. Genetics 163, 1031–1040 (2003). The authors declare no competing financial interests.
18. Tang, J. et al. Acetylation limits 53BP1 association with damaged chromatin to Readers are welcome to comment on the online version of the paper.
promote homologous recombination. Nature Struct. Mol. Biol. 20, 317–325 Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to
(2013). A.S. (

1 2 F E B R U A RY 2 0 1 5 | VO L 5 1 8 | N AT U R E | 2 5 7
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METHODS antibodies used for immunofluorescence were c-H2AX (p Ser139) (rabbit poly-
F/F T2 F/F
Cell culture procedures. Trf2 Cre-ER , Trf1 Trf2 Ku80 F/F 2/2 T2
Cre-ER and clonal, Novus, NB100-384) and c-Myc (mouse monoclonal, Santa Cruz, sc-40). The
Trf1F/F Trf F/F Lig42/2 Cre-ERT2 MEF lines were previously described2,11. Polq1/1 and secondary antibodies used for immunofluorescence were Alexa Fluor 594 (rabbit)
Polq 2/2
MEFs were a gift from N. Shima17. Brca1 Cre-ER and Brca2F/F Cre-
F/F T2 (Invitrogen, A11037) and Alexa Fluor 488 (mouse) (Invitrogen, A11029). To ana-
ER MEFs and U2OS-DSB reporter cells18 were a gift from R. Greenberg. Trf1F/F
T2 lyse the recruitment of Polh to double-stranded breaks, U2OS-DSB reporter cells
Trf2F/F Lig42/2 Cre-ERT2 MEFs were derived from mice that were deficient in p53. expressing Myc–Polh were analysed 4 h after treatment with shield and tamoxifen.
The remaining MEF lines were immortalized with pBabeSV40LargeT. MEFs were Lastly, to analyse RAD51 foci formation and its co-localization with c-H2AX (p
cultured in DMEM supplemented with 10–15% FBS (Gibco), 2 mM L-glutamine Ser139) after ionizing radiation treatment, cells were treated with 0.2% Triton X-100
(Sigma), 100 U ml21 penicillin (Sigma), 0.1 mg ml21 streptomycin (Sigma), 0.1 mM (in PBS) for 5 min on ice before fixation with paraformaldehyde. The primary anti-
non-essential amino acids (Invitrogen) and 1 mM sodium pyruvate (Sigma). Expres- bodies used for RAD51 immunofluorescence were c-H2AX (p Ser139) (mouse
sion of Cre recombinase was induced by treating MEFs carrying the Cre-ERT2 allele monoclonal, Novus, NB100-384) and RAD51 (rabbit polyclonal, Santa Cruz,
with 0.5 mM 4-OHT (Sigma H7904) for 12 h. The t 5 0 time point was set at the time sc-8349).
of treatment with 4-OHT. BJ-hTERT and MCF7 cells were grown in DMEM sup- FISH. Cells were collected at 96 h after treatment with 4-OHT to analyse the fre-
plemented with 10% FBS. HCC1937 cells were grown in RPMI medium (Gibco) quency of telomere fusions. In brief, ,80% confluent MEFs were incubated for 2 h
containing 15% FBS. U2OS-DSB reporter cells were grown in DMEM supplemented with 0.2 mg ml21 colcemid (Sigma). The cells were collected by trypsinization, resus-
with 10% BCS. Human HeLa cells were grown in DMEM supplemented with 10% pended in 0.075 M KCl at 37 uC for 30 min, and fixed overnight in methanol/acetic
FBS, 100 U ml21 penicillin, 100 mg ml21 streptomycin and 2 mM L-glutamine. Mouse acid (3:1) at 4 uC. The cells were dropped onto glass slides and the slides were dried
embryonic stem cells were grown in DMEM supplemented with 15% FBS (ES- overnight. The next day, the slides were rehydrated with PBS for 15 min then fixed
qualified FBS) (Gibco), 2 mM L-glutamine (Sigma), 100 U ml21 penicillin (Sigma), with 4% formaldehyde for 2 min at room temperature. Slides were digested with
0.1 mg ml21 streptomycin (Sigma), 0.1 mM non-essential amino acids (Invitrogen), 1 mg ml21 pepsin, pH 2.2, at 37 uC for 10 min, washed three times with PBS and
leukaemia inhibitory factor (LIF) and 2-b-mercaptoethanol (Gibco 21985). For fixed again in 4% formaldehyde for 2 min at room temperature. After three PBS
inhibitor experiments, PARPi (KU58948, Axon medchem), ATMi (KU-55933, washes, the slides were incubated consecutively with 75%, 95% and 100% ethanol
Tocris) and ATRi (VE-821, Selleckchem) were all used at a final concentration of and allowed to air dry for 30 min before applying hybridization solutions (70%
10 mM, and were applied to culture medium 2–4 h before irradiation. For ionizing formamide, 1 mg ml21 blocking reagent (Roche), 10 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.2) con-
radiation treatment, cells were exposed to 1–10 Gy ionizing radiation by a Faxitron taining TAMRA-OO-(TTAGGG)3 PNA probes (Applied Biosystems). Slides were
X-ray system (120 kV, 5 mA, dose rate 5 Gy min21) and recovered for 4 h before denatured by heating for 3 min at 80 uC and hybridized for 2 h at room temper-
immunofluorescence analysis. ature. The next day, the slides were washed twice for 15 min each in 70% forma-
Lentiviral delivery of shRNA. shRNA treatments were carried out before 4-OHT mide, 10 mM Tris-HCl, followed by three 5-min washes in 0.1 M Tris-HCl, pH 7.0,
treatment. shRNAs (see below for a list of sequences) were introduced by two len- 0.15 M NaCl and 0.08% Tween-20. Chromosomal DNA was counterstained with
tiviral infections at 12 h intervals using supernatant from transfected 293T cells. DAPI during the second PBS wash. Slides were mounted in antifade reagent (Pro-
Parallel infection with pLK0.1 was used as a negative control. Cells were selected Long Gold, Invitrogen) and images were captured with a Nikon Eclipse TI micro-
with puromycin for 3 days. scope (see
TLR assay. Lentiviral constructs coding for TLR (31482) and I-Sce1 with donor CO-FISH. Cells were labelled with BrdU:BrdC (3:1, final concentration 10 mM)
e-GFP (31476) were purchased from Addgene22. To avoid the confounding effect for 14–16 h. Two hours before collection by trypsinization, 0.2 mg ml21 colcemid
of classical-NHEJ on the repair of I-Sce1-induced DNA breaks, we stably integrated was added to the media. To fix the cells and drop metaphases on a glass slide, the
the TLR construct into Ku802/2 and Lig42/2 MEFs. The plasmid was transduced same procedure that was applied for FISH was followed. Slides were treated with
by two lentiviral infections at 12 h intervals using supernatant from transfected 0.5 mg ml21 RNase A (in PBS, DNase-free) for 10 min at 37 uC, incubated with
293T cells. Cells with integrated TLR were selected with puromycin for 5 days. Cells 0.5 mg ml21 Hoechst 33258 (Sigma) in 23SSC for 15 min at room temperature,
were then transduced with concentrated Polq shRNA lentiviral particles followed and exposed to 365-nm ultraviolet light (Stratalinker 1800 UV irradiator) for 30 min.
by I-Sce1. Cells were collected 72 h later without further antibiotic selection and The slides were then digested twice with 800 U exonuclease III (Promega) at room
analysed on a BD LSRII. eGFP fluorescence, which reflects HDR repair, was mea- temperature for 10 min each, washed with PBS and dehydrated through an ethanol
sured using a 488-nm laser for excitation and a 530/30 filter for detection. mCherry series of 70%, 95% and 100%. After air-drying, slides were hybridized with Tamra-
fluorescence, indicative of alt-NHEJ was measured by using a 561-nm laser for exci- OO-(TTAGGG)3 PNA probe in hybridization solution (70% formamide, 1 mg ml21
tation and a 610/20 filter for detection. Data were analysed using FloJo software. blocking reagent (Roche) and 10 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.2) for 2 h at room temper-
Detection of telomeric fusions. To enrich for telomeric DNA, genomic DNA was ature. The slides were then washed for a few seconds with 70% formamide and
digested with two frequent cutters (AluI and MboI) and fragments greater than 10 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.2, and incubated with FITC-OO-(CCCTAA)3 PNA probe
10 kilobases (kb) were isolated. The resulting DNA was used to generate a library in hybridization solution for 2 h. Slides were washed and mounted as described for
using the NEBNext Ultra Library Prep Kit and the NEBNext Multiplex Oligos for FISH (see
Illumina (NEB) following the manufacturer instructions. The resulting library was Western blot analysis. Cells were collected by trypsinization, lysed in 23 Laemmli
run on an Illumina HiSeq platform generating 100-base-pair (bp) indexed pair- buffer (100 mM Tris-HCl, pH 6.8, 200 mM dithiothreitol, 3% SDS, 20% glycerol and
end reads. 0.05% bromophenol blue) at 1 3 104 cells per microlitre. The lysate was denatured
Transient transfection of cells and laser micro-irradiation. Full-length human for 10 min at 95 uC, and sheared by forcing it through a 28-gauge insulin needle
POLQ was cloned into pLPC-Myc vectors. HeLa cells were plated on glass-bot- ten times. Lysate from 1 3 105 cells was loaded on an SDS–PAGE and transferred
tomed dishes (Willco Wells). Myc–Polh constructs were transfected into HeLa to a nitrocellulose membrane. The membrane was blocked in 5% milk in TBS with
and U2OS-DSB reporter cells cell with HilyMax (Dojindo) according to the man- 0.1% Tween-20 and incubated with primary antibody in TBS, 5% milk and 0.1%
ufacturer’s instruction. Then, 24 h after transfection, cells were pre-sensitized with Tween-20 for 2 h at room temperature. The following primary antibodies were
10 mM 5-bromo-29-deoxyuridine (BrdU) in normal DMEM medium for 20 h. After used: Polh (ab80906, Abcam); TRF1 (1449, rabbit polyclonal); RAP1 (1252, rabbit
indicated treatments, cells were damaged by laser micro-irradiation as previously polyclonal); phospho-CHK2 (Thr68) (rabbit polyclonal, Cell Signaling); CHK2
described31. After laser micro-irradiation, cells were incubated for 1 h, then fixed (rabbit polyclonal, Cell Signaling); phospho-CHK1 (Ser 345) (mouse monoclonal,
and analysed by immunofluorescence and microscopic imaging as described below. Cell Signaling); CHK1 (mouse monoclonal, Santa Cruz); LIG3 (mouse monoclonal,
For PARP1 siRNA experiments, cells were transfected with siCtrl (non-targeting Santa Cruz); Myc (9E10; Calbiochem); and c-tubulin (clone GTU-88, Sigma); PARP1
pool, Thermo Scientific) or siPARP1 (GGGCAAGCACAGUGUCAAAUU, Sigma), (polyclonal, Cell signaling). (See
for 24 h before POLQ transfections and subsequent treatments as described above. Chromosomal aberrancies. Cells were collected and dropped on microscope slides
Immunofluorescence and confocal microscopy. After the indicated treatments, as described for the FISH protocol. After the slides had dried overnight, they were re-
cells were processed and analysed for immunofluorescence as previously described32. hydrated in PBS, stained with 0.25 mg ml21 DAPI, dehydrated in a 70%, 95% and
In brief, cells were fixed with 2% (v/v) paraformaldehyde for 15 min at room tem- 100% ethanol series, mounted and imaged using Nikon Eclipse TI microscope.
perature. Cells were washed with PBS, permeabilized with 0.5% (v/v) Triton X-100 Aberrancies were scored as a percentage of chromatid breaks, chromosome breaks,
for 10 min, and blocked with PBS containing 3% BSA. Cells were incubated with and chromosome radial structures compared to total number of chromosomes.
the same buffer containing primary antibodies for 1 h at room temperature fol- Chromosomal translocation assay. Induced pluripotent stem cells were derived from
lowed by secondary antibodies incubations for 1 h at room temp. Cells were imaged primary Polq1/1 and Polq2/2 MEFs according to standard Yamanaka protocol33.
and analysed with Z-stacked setting using the FV10-ASW3.1 software on a Fluo- To perform the translocation assay, Polq1/1 and Polq2/2 induced pluripotent stem
view 1000 confocal microscope (Olympus). For laser line quantification, .50 cells cells were transfected with 2 mg of Cas9-gRNA(Rosa26;H3f3b) plasmid per million
were counted for all conditions from two independent experiments. The primary cell. We constructed Cas9-gRNA(Rosa26;H3f3b) by introducing two guide RNAs

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GAAGA-39 for Rosa26) into pX330 (Addgene, 42230). After transfection, 1 3 104 shLIG3 (human): 59-CCGGATCATGTTCTCAGAAAT-39; shPolq-1 (mouse):
cells were seeded per well in a 96-well plate, and lysed 3 days later in 40 ml lysis 59-CGGCGGAGTATGAGAACTATT-39; shPolq-2(mouse): 59-CCAGGAATCA
buffer (10 mM Tris, pH 8.0, 0.45% Nonidet P-40 and 0.45% Tween 20). The lysate AAGACGACAAT-39; shPolq-3(mouse): 59-CCTGGCTGAATGCTGAACTTT-39;
was incubated with 200 mg ml21 proteinase K for 2 h at 55 uC. Translocation detec- shPOLQ (human): 59-CGGGCCTCTTTAGATATAAAT-39; shBrca1(mouse): 59-G
tion was performed according to previously established protocol9, using nested CTCAGTGTATGACTCAGTTT-39.
PCR. The primers used for the first PCR reaction were Tr6-11-Fwd: 59-GCGGG Primers for quantitative PCR. BRCA1Fwd: 59-CTGCCGTCCAAATTCAAGA
round of PCR amplification we used the primers Tr6-11NFwd: 59-GGCGGAT and POLbRev: 59-CCATGTCTCCACTCGACTCTG-39; POLmFwd: 59-AGGCT
39, and Tr11-6NFwd: 59-AGCCACAGTGCTCACATCAC-39 and Tr11-6NRev: POLkFwd: 59-AGCTCAAATTACCAGCCAGCA-39 and POLkRev: 59-GGTTG
to calculate the translocation frequency as previously described9. Amplified pro- A-39 and POLhRev: 59-CCAAATGCTCGGGCTTCATAG-39; POLiFwd: 59-GC
ducts from positive wells were sequenced to verify translocations and determine AGTCAAGGGCCACCTAC-39 and POLiRev: 59-AGGTCTGTCCTTTAATTCT
the junction sequences. GGGT-39; POLnFwd: 59-AGCTGATGGATGCTCTCAAGCAGG-39 and POLnRev:
Surveyor assay. Forty-eight hours after transfection, genomic DNA was extracted 59-GAGTCAGAGTGCTGTTGCCTACATGG-39; LIG3(mouse)Fwd: 59-GAAG
with GE Healthcare Illustra Genomic Prep Mini Spin Kit (28-9042-76). The geno- AAAGCTGCTGTCCAGG-39 and LIG3(mouse)Rev: 59-CAGAGTTGTTGGGTT
mic region encompassing the guide RNA target sites was amplified using Q5 High- TTGCTG-39; LIG3(human)Fwd: 59-GAAGAGCTGGAAGATAATGAGAAGG-39
Fidelity DNA polymerase (New England BioLabs) with the primers Rosa26-Fwd: and LIG3(human)Rev: 59-AGTGGTTGTCAACTTAGCCTGG-39; POLQ(mouse)Fwd:
gel purified and the surveyor assay was performed using a detection kit (Transge- TC-39.
nomic), according to manufacturer’s instructions. Agarose gels (2%) were used to Statistical analysis. Results are presented as mean 6 s.d. of two or three indepen-
visualize the bands after surveyor digestion.
dent experiments unless otherwise stated. P , 0.05 was considered statistically signi-
Colony formation assay. After lentiviral transduction with shCtrl or (sequences
ficant, and P values were calculated using the two-tailed Student’s t-test. No statistical
listed below), cells were selected with puromycin (BJ: 0.5 mg ml21; MCF7 and
methods were used to predetermine sample size.
HCC1937: 1 mg ml21; MEFs: 2 mg ml21) for 72 h and plated in 6-cm dishes (1,000
and 10,000 cells per plate). After 10–14 days, colonies were fixed with 3% parafor- 31. Shee, C. et al. Engineered proteins detect spontaneous DNA breakage in human
maldehyde (5 min), rinsed with PBS, and stained with crystal violet (Sigma-Aldrich). and bacterial cells. Elife 2, e01222 (2013).
CRISPR targeting to mutate Polq gene in mouse embryonic stem cells. To gen- 32. Leung, J. W. et al. Nucleosome acidic patch promotes RNF168- and RING1B/
erate cells carrying a catalytic dead Polh, two mutations at residues Asp2494Gly and BMI1-dependent H2AX and H2A ubiquitination and DNA damage signaling.
PLoS Genet. 10, e1004178 (2014).
Glu2495Ser (ref. 34) were introduced in the endogenous Polq locus in mouse
33. Takahashi, K. & Yamanaka, S. Induction of pluripotent stem cells from mouse
embryonic stem cells using CRISPR/Cas9 gene targeting. Two guides RNAs were embryonic and adult fibroblast cultures by defined factors. Cell 126, 663–676
co-transfected with a Cas9-nickase (pX335-U6-Chimeric_BB-CBh-hSpCas9n(D10A)), (2006).
and a donor cassette that introduces a SacII restriction site while replacing the two 34. Prasad, R. et al. Human DNA polymerase h possesses 59-dRP lyase activity and
amino acid residues. Clonal cells lines were derived and genotyped to determine functions in single-nucleotide base excision repair in vitro. Nucleic Acids Res. 37,
successful targeting. Two independent clonally derived lines were used for the 1868–1877 (2009).
analysis of translocation. 35. Celli, G. B. & de Lange, T. DNA processing is not required for ATM-mediated
telomere damage response after TRF2 deletion. Nature Cell Biol. 7, 712–718
shRNA target sequence (pLK0.1 vector). shPolm: 59-CTCACCTCTCACACAC (2005).
CATAA-39; shPolk: 59-GCCCTTAGAAATGTCTCATAA-39; shPolh: 59-GCTC 36. Sfeir, A., Kabir, S., van Overbeek, M., Celli, G. B. & de Lange, T. Loss of Rap1 induces
GATTCTCCAGCTTACAA-39; shPoli: 59-AGTGAAGAAGATACGTTTAAA-39; telomere recombination in the absence of NHEJ or a DNA damage signal.
shPolb: 59-CCAAAGTTGTTACATCGTGTT-39; shPoln: 59-CCTACTCACAT Science 327, 1657–1661 (2010).

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Extended Data Figure 1 | Polh promotes alt-NHEJ repair at dysfunctional protein the stability of which depends on TRF2 (refs 35, 36). b, To validate the
telomeres. (Related to Fig. 1.) a, Immunoblots for TRF1 and RAP1 after effect of Polq depletion on alt-NHEJ we monitored the frequency of telomere
4-OHT-induced depletion of TRF2 from Trf2F/F Cre-ERT2 MEFs and fusions in shelterin-free Ku80-null cells treated with three independent shPolq
co-depletion of TRF1 and TRF2 from Trf1F/F Trf2F/F Ku802/2 Cre-ERT2 cells. vectors. shPolq-1 was used in Fig. 2. Mean values are presented with error
Loss of TRF2 is confirmed by the disappearance of RAP1; a TRF2-interacting bars denoting 6 s.e.m. from two independent experiments.

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Extended Data Figure 2 | Polh drives chromosomal translocations in mouse translocation events identified following CRISPR-Cas9 induced-cleavage.
cells. (Related to Fig. 2.) a, Immunobloting for Polh in MEFs with the On average, the same number of nucleotides was deleted at the fusion junction
indicated genotype and treatment. b, Immunoblot for TRF1 in MEFs with the in Polq2/2 and Polq1/1 cells. No nucleotide insertions were found in the
indicated genotype. Cells were analysed 96 h after Cre induction. c, RAP1 absence of Polq. Lastly, the percentage of junctions exhibiting microhomology
immunoblot (similar to b). d, Western blot analysis for Polh and Flag–Cas9 was significantly reduced in cells lacking Polq. g, Scheme depicting Polh
in lysates prepared from Polq2/2 and Polq1/1 cells after Cas9 expression. domains. CRISPR/Cas9 gene targeting was used to create two base substitutions
Tubulin serves as a loading control. e, Surveyor nuclease assay for Polq2/2 and at Asp2494Gly and Glu2495Ser, and generate a catalytic-dead polymerase34.
Polq1/1 cells expressing Cas9-gRNA(Rosa26;H3f3b) plasmid. Genomic DNA h, Sequence analysis of targeted cells. i, Genotyping PCRs of Polq1/1 and
isolated from cells with the indicated genotype was used as a template to PolqCD (catalytically dead allele of Polq) after SacII digestion. j, Immunoblotting
amplify across the cleavage site at either the Rosa26 or the H3f3b locus to assess to analyse Cas9 expression in Polq1/1 and two independently derived PolqCD
intra-chromosomal NHEJ. Amplification products were denatured and then clonal cell lines. k, Frequency of chromosomal translocations (der(6)) in
re-annealed to form heteroduplexes between unmodified and modified Polq1/1 and PolqCD cells. Bars represent mean of four independent
sequences from imprecise NHEJ. The mismatched duplex was selectively experiments 6 s.d. (two experiments per clonal cell line). **P 5 0.006; two-
cleaved by the Surveyor nuclease at the loops that form at mismatches. tailed Student’s t-test. PCR products were sequenced to confirm translocation
f, Signature of translocations in Polq2/2 and Polq1/1 cells (see Extended Data and identify possible insertions.
Figs 3–5 for complete list of sequences). Table records the total number of

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Extended Data Figure 3 | Sequence analysis of translocation junctions in where insertions extended beyond the sequence included in the lane, the
Polq1/1 cells. (Related to Fig. 2.) Sequences of der(11) breakpoint junction length of the insertion was noted in parenthesis (red). Gaps in the sequence
from Polq1/1 cells. Predicted fusion breakpoint based on CRISPR cutting represent nucleotide deletions. The average length of the deletions was noted in
indicated by an arrow. Reference sequence highlighted at the top. The Extended Data Fig. 2f. Micro-homology is denoted by blue boxes. Micro-
remaining lines represent individual translocations recovered by PCR and homology embedded in DNA extending beyond the enclosed sequence was
subject to Sanger sequencing. Nucleotide insertions are marked in red. In cases noted in parentheses (blue).

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Extended Data Figure 4 | Sequence analysis of translocation junctions in by an arrow. Reference sequence highlighted at the top. The remaining lines
Polq1/1 cells. (Related to Fig. 2.) Sequences of der(6) breakpoint junction from represent individual translocations recovered by PCR and subject to Sanger
Polq1/1 cells. Predicted fusion breakpoint based on CRISPR cutting indicated sequencing.

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Extended Data Figure 5 | Sequence analysis of translocation junctions in remaining lines represent individual translocations recovered by PCR and
Polq2/2 cells. (Related to Fig. 2.) Sequences of der(11) and der(6) breakpoint subject to Sanger sequencing. It is important to note that insertions were
junction from Polq2/2 cells. Predicted fusion breakpoint based on CRISPR completely lacking at the fusions junctions in Polq2/2 cells.
cutting indicated by an arrow. Reference sequence is highlighted at the top. The

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Extended Data Figure 6 | Polh recruitment to DNA breaks. (Related to and CHK2 phosphorylation. Cells with the indicated treatment were analysed
Fig. 3.) a, Laser micro-irradiation experiment using HeLa cells expressing 2 h after irradiation. c, Immunoblot for PARP1. HeLa cells were treated with
Myc–Polh and treated with ATM inhibitor (KU55933), ATR inhibitor PARP1 siRNA and analysed 72 h after siRNA transfection for efficiency of
(VE-821) or PARP inhibitor (KU58948). b, Western blot analysis for CHK1 knockdown.

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Extended Data Figure 7 | PARP1-dependent Polh recruitment to DNA

double-stranded breaks (DSBs). (Related to Fig. 3.) a, Results from
immunofluorescence performed 4 h after induction (1 mM Shield1 ligand,
Clontech 631037; 0.5 mM 4-OH tamoxifen) of DSBs by mCherry-LacI-FokI
in the U2OS-DSB reporter cells18 transfected with the Myc–Polh and treated
with PARP inhibitor (KU58948). The mCherry signal is used to identify the
area of damage and to assess the recruitment of Myc–Polh to cleaved LacO
repeats. b, Table displaying quantification related to a.

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Extended Data Figure 8 | Polh suppresses homology-directed repair at alt-NHEJ in MEFs with the indicated genotype and shRNA treatment. Bars
dysfunctional telomeres. (Related to Fig. 3.) a, Western blot analysis for Polh represent mean of two independent experiments 6 s.e.m. f, Representative
and LIG3 in shelterin-free Lig4-null MEFs. b, Western blot for TRF1 and RAP1 in-gel hybridization to assess 39 overhang of Trf1F/F Trf2F/F Lig42/2 Cre-ERT2
after 4-OHT treatment of shelterin-free Lig4-deficient cells. c, Metaphase MEFs with the indicated shRNA treatment after Cre deletion. g, Quantification
spreads from Trf1F/F Trf2F/F Lig42/2 Cre-ERT2 MEFs, with the indicated of the gel in f. The single-stranded DNA/total signal ratios of the ‘1Cre’
shRNA treatment, 96 h after Cre expression. CO-FISH assay was performed samples are expressed relative to the ‘2Cre’ samples for each shRNA treatment.
using a FITC-OO-(CCCTAA)3 PNA probe (green) and a Tamra-OO- Mean of two independent experiments. h, Graph representing RAD51
(TTAGGG)3 PNA probe (red). DAPI in blue. Examples of alt-NHEJ-mediated accumulation after ionizing radiation treatment of PolqCD, Polq1/1 and
fusion and T-SCE events (HDR) are indicated by white and red arrows, Polq2/2 embryonic stem cells. Bars represent mean of two independent
respectively. Examples of T-SCE events reflective of increased HDR in cells experiments. *P .0.05; two-tailed Student’s t-test.
treated with shPolq are on the right. d, e, Quantification of telomere fusions by

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Extended Data Figure 9 | Polh promotes alt-NHEJ and inhibits transduction in cells with the indicated shRNA construct. Percentages of cells
homology-directed repair at I-SceI-induced DNA breaks. (Related to are indicated in the plot. c, Quantification of alt-NHEJ and HDR of TLR
Fig. 3.) a, Polh represses recombination at DSBs induced by I-Sce1. The TLR containing Ku802/2 MEFs after expression of I-Sce1 and 59 eGFP together with
system was used to measure the relative ratio of end-joining (mCherry) and the indicated shRNA construct. Bar graphs represent the mean of three
HDR (enhanced green fluorescent protein (eGFP)) repair of a DSB. A diagram independent experiments 6 s.d. *P 5 0.03; two-tailed Student’s t-test. d, Real-
of the TLR is represented. b, The TLR construct was stably integrated into time PCR to monitor the knockdown efficiency of Polq in Ku802/2 and
Lig42/ and Ku802/2 MEFs to avoid the confounding effect of C-NHEJ, and Lig42/2 MEFs. The FACS analysis reported in e and f was carried out without
limit end-joining reactions to the alt-NHEJ pathway. Expression of mCherry selecting for cells expressing the shRNA-containing plasmid.
and eGFP was assessed by flow cytometry 72 h after I-Sce1 and 59 eGFP donor

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Extended Data Figure 10 | Polh is required for survival of recombination- POLQ in BJ-hTERT, MCF7 and HCC1937 cells and mouse Polq in Brca1F/F
deficient cells. (Related to Fig. 4.) a, Accumulation of chromosomal Cre-ERT2 cells. e, Quantitative analyses of colony formation in BJ-hTERT,
aberrancies after Brca1 and Brca2 knockdown in Polq2/2 and Polq1/1 MCF7 and HCC1937 cells after LIG3 inhibition. The number of colonies in
MEFs. Quantification of chromosomal aberrancies (chromatid breaks, control-shRNA-treated cells was set to 100%. The knockdown efficiency for
chromosome breaks and radials) in MEFs stably transduced with lentiviral Lig3 was ,85%. Bars represent mean of two independent experiments 6 s.e.m.
vectors expressing the indicated shRNA. b, Real-time PCR to confirm the f. Quantitative analyses of colony formation in PolqCD and Polq1/1 embryonic
knockdown of Brca1 and Brca2 as in a. c, Quantitative analysis of colony stem cells after BRCA1 inhibition. The number of colonies in control-
formation in Brca1F/F Cre-ERT2 and Lig42/2 cells after Polq depletion. The shRNA-treated cells was set to 100%. The knockdown efficiency for BRCA1
number of colonies in control shRNA-treated cells was set to 100%. Mean was .80%. Bars represent mean of two independent experiments 6 s.e.m.
values are presented with error bars denoting 6 s.d. from three independent *P 5 0.05; two-tailed Student’s t-test.
experiments. d, Real-time PCR to measure the knockdown efficiency of human

©2015 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved

LETTER doi:10.1038/nature14184

Homologous-recombination-deficient tumours are

dependent on Polh-mediated repair
Raphael Ceccaldi1, Jessica C. Liu1,2,3, Ravindra Amunugama4, Ildiko Hajdu5, Benjamin Primack1, Mark I. R. Petalcorin6,
Kevin W. O’Connor1, Panagiotis A. Konstantinopoulos7, Stephen J. Elledge5, Simon J. Boulton6, Timur Yusufzai1,2
& Alan D. D’Andrea1

Large-scale genomic studies have shown that half of epithelial ovar- Flag–Polh bound recombinant human RAD51 (Fig. 1c, d). Pull-down
ian cancers (EOCs) have alterations in genes regulating homologous assays with recombinant GST–RAD51 and in vitro translated Polh trun-
recombination (HR) repair1. Loss of HR accounts for the genomic cation mutants defined a region of Polh binding to RAD51 spanning
instability of EOCs and for their cellular hyper-dependence on alter- amino acids 847–894 (Fig. 1e, f and Extended Data Fig. 2g, h). Sequence
native poly-ADP ribose polymerase (PARP)-mediated DNA repair homology of Polh with the RAD51 binding domain of C. elegans RFS-1
mechanisms2–5. Previous studies have implicated the DNA polymer- (ref. 17) identified a second binding region (Extended Data Fig. 2i). Pep-
ase h (Polh also known as POLQ, encoded by POLQ)6 in a pathway tides arrays narrowed down the RAD51 binding activity of Polh to three
required for the repair of DNA double-strand breaks7–9, referred to distinct motifs (Fig. 1g and Extended Data Fig. 2j). Substitution arrays
as the error-prone microhomology-mediated end-joining (MMEJ) confirmed the interaction and highlighted the importance of the 847–
pathway10–13. Whether Polh interacts with canonical DNA repair path- 894 Polh region as both necessary and sufficient for RAD51 binding
ways to prevent genomic instability remains unknown. Here we report (Extended Data Fig. 3a, b). Together these results indicate that Polh is
an inverse correlation between HR activity and Polh expression in a RAD51-interacting protein that regulates HR.
EOCs. Knockdown of Polh in HR-proficient cells upregulates HR In order to address the role of Polh in HR regulation, we assessed the
activity and RAD51 nucleofilament assembly, while knockdown of ability of wild-type or mutant Polh to complement the siPolh-depend-
Polh in HR-deficient EOCs enhances cell death. Consistent with these ent increase in RAD51 foci. Full-length wild-type Polh fully reduced
results, genetic inactivation of an HR gene (Fancd2) and Polq in mice IR-induced RAD51 foci, unlike Polh mutated at ATPase catalytic resi-
results in embryonic lethality. Moreover, Polh contains RAD51 bind- dues (A-dead) or Polh lacking interaction with RAD51 (DRAD51)
ing motifs and it blocks RAD51-mediated recombination. Our results (Fig. 2a, b). Expression of a Polh mutant lacking the polymerase domain
reveal a synthetic lethal relationship between the HR pathway and (DPol1) was sufficient to decrease IR-induced RAD51 foci, suggesting
Polh-mediated repair in EOCs, and identify Polh as a novel druggable that the N-terminal half of Polh is sufficient to disrupt RAD51 foci (Fig. 2b
target for cancer therapy. and Extended Data Fig. 3c, d). We next measured the ability of wild-
To examine changes in polymerase activity between tumours and type or mutant Polh to complement the siPolh-dependent increase in
normal tissues, we screened polymerase gene expression profiles in a HR efficiency. Again, expression of full-length Polh or DPol1 decreased
large number of cancers (Supplementary Table 1). Gene set enrichment the recombination frequency when compared to cells expressing other
analysis (GSEA) revealed specific and recurrent overexpression of Polh Polh constructs, suggesting that the N-terminal half of Polh containing
in EOCs (Extended Data Fig. 1a–c). Polh was upregulated in a grade- the RAD51 binding domain and the ATPase domain is needed to inhibit
dependent manner and its expression positively correlated with numerous HR (Fig. 2c and Extended Data Fig. 3e).
mediators of HR (Extended Data Fig. 1d–j). As Polh has been suggested A purified recombinant Polh fragment (DPol2) from insect cells exhib-
to play a role in DNA repair7–10, we investigated a potential role for Polh ited low levels of basal ATPase activity, as previously reported18 (Fig. 2d, e).
in HR repair. Polh ATPase activity was selectively stimulated by the addition of single-
To test the relationship between Polh expression and HR, we used a stranded DNA (ssDNA) or fork DNA (Fig. 2e and Extended Data Fig. 4a).
cell-based assay in human cells which measures the efficiency of recom- Electrophoretic mobility gel shift assays (EMSA) showed specific bind-
bination of two GFP alleles (DR-GFP assay)14. Knockdown of Polh with ing of Polh to ssDNA (Fig. 2f and Extended Data Fig. 4b). We incubated
short interfering RNA (siRNA) (Extended Data Fig. 2a) resulted in an DPol2 with ssDNA and measured RAD51–ssDNA nucleofilament assem-
increase in HR efficiency, similar to that observed by depleting the anti- bly. Interestingly, RAD51–ssDNA assembly was reduced by DPol2 wild-
recombinases PARI or BLM15,16. Depletion of Polh caused a significant type but not by A-dead or DRAD51, indicating that Polh negatively affects
increase in basal and radiation (IR)-induced RAD51 foci (Fig. 1a, b and RAD51–ssDNA assembly through its RAD51 binding and ATPase activ-
Extended Data Fig. 2b–d), and depletion of Polh in 293T cells conferred ities (Fig. 2g and Extended Data Fig. 4c–f). Furthermore, Polh decreased
cellular hypersensitivity to mitomycin C (MMC) and an increase in the efficiency of D-loop formation, confirming that Polh is a negative
MMC-induced chromosomal aberrations (Extended Data Fig. 2e, f). regulator of HR (Fig. 2h and Extended Data Fig. 4g–j).
These findings suggest that human Polh inhibits HR and participates As Polh is upregulated in subgroups of cancers associated with HR defi-
in the maintenance of genome stability. ciency (Fig. 3a) and Polh activity shows specificity for replicative-stress-
Given that Polh shares structural homology with coexpressed RAD51- mediated structures (ssDNA and fork DNA) (Fig. 2e, f), we examined
binding ATPases (Extended Data Fig. 1k, l), we hypothesized that Polh the cellular functions of Polh under replicative stress. Subcellular frac-
might regulate HR through an interaction with RAD51. RAD51 was tionation revealed that Polh is enriched in chromatin in response to
detected in Flag-tagged Polh immunoprecipitates, and purified full-length ultraviolet (UV) light; and RAD51 binding by Polh was enhanced by UV
Department of Radiation Oncology, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts 02215, USA. 2Department of Biological Chemistry & Molecular Pharmacology, Harvard
Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts 02215, USA. 3Department of Molecular & Cellular Biology, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138, USA. 4Howard Hughes Medical Institute,
Department of Biological Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts 02215, USA. 5Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Division of Genetics, Brigham and
Women’s Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts 02215, USA. 6DNA Damage Response Laboratory, Cancer Research UK, London Research Institute, Clare Hall, South Mimms EN6 3LD, UK. 7Department of
Medical Oncology, Medical Gynecologic Oncology Program, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts 02215, USA.

2 5 8 | N AT U R E | VO L 5 1 8 | 1 2 F E B R U A RY 2 0 1 5
©2015 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved

a b IR (10 Gy) c d GST


Input Polθ (5%)

Baseline IR (10 Gy)
HR efficiency (DR-GFP assay)

Input IP

Cells with >10 RAD51 foci


(5%) Flag
2.5 ** 2.0 **


* * *


2.0 1.5 Polθ source:



1.0 Whole cell Flag–Polθ
1.0 Flag (Polθ) extract

0.5 * ** ** FANCD2 GST–RAD51

0 RAD51









Polθ peptide array

e f g Ponceau
Input GST–RAD51
(1%) pull-down 1


Input GST–RAD51 RAD51



Flag (1%) pull-down

Polθ : 2 3

Δ847–894 +

Δ847–894 +
RAD51 interacting 1- Polθ 2- Polθ 3- Polθ

Δ904–994 domains (amino acids): 861–865 1,297–1,303 1,315–1,319
Flag M2



(1–1,416) :
Flag M2

Figure 1 | Polh is a RAD51-interacting protein that suppresses HR. e, GST–RAD51 pull-down with in vitro translated Polh truncation mutants.
a, DR-GFP assay in U2OS cells transfected with indicated siRNA. f, GST–RAD51 pull-down with in vitro translated Polh versions missing
b, Quantification of RAD51 foci in U2OS cells transfected with indicated indicated amino acids. g, Ponceau staining and immunoblotting of peptide
siRNA. c, Endogenous RAD51 co-precipitates in vivo with purified full-length arrays for the indicated Polh motifs probed with recombinant RAD51. The Polh
Flag-tagged Polh from whole cell extracts. EV, empty vector. d, GST pull-down amino acids spanning RAD51-interacting motifs are shown. Data in a and
experiment with full-length Flag-tagged Polh (* indicates non-specific band). b represent mean 6 s.e.m.

exposure, suggesting that Polh regulates HR in cells under replicative activation and increased cH2AX phosphorylation (Fig. 3b, c). Further-
stress (Extended Data Fig. 5a, b). Polh-depleted cells were hypersensitive more, the cell cycle progression of Polh-depleted cells was impaired after
to cellular stress and DNA damage, along with an exacerbated checkpoint DNA damage (Fig. 3d, e). To determine the role of Polh in replication

a Polθ: ATPase RAD51 sites Polymerase b IR (10 Gy) c d

1 2,590 2.0 (kDa)
HR efficiency (DR-GFP assay)

Wild type ** 2.5

Cells with >10 RAD51 foci

** ** 300
1 2,590 2.0 ** **
1.5 ** 180
K121A, D216A, * 1.5
E217A 130
1 2,590 Polθ
1.0 ΔPol2
ΔRAD51 Input IP 1.0 100
Δ847-894 (1%) Flag
A-dead 1 2,590 70



ΔRAD51 0.5 0






1 50




1,416 Polθ: Polθ



ΔPol1 (kDa) Polθ



Flag (Polθ) 270 cDNA: – – – – 40

1 1,000
ΔPol2 RAD51 36 siRNA : siScr siPolθ siRNA : siScr siPolθ

e f g ΔPol2: WT A-dead ΔRAD51 h

1.0 1.0
ΔPol2 (μM):
Fraction of ATP hydrolysed

– –


Fraction bound to DNA



RAD51 (1 μM):



Polθ (nM): – – – – – –

0.8 Fork DNA 0.8 – – + + + +

RAD51 (0.5 μM): – + + + – + + + – + + +
0.6 0.6 D-loop
0.4 No DNA 0.4 ssDNA filament
0.2 0.2 dsDNA ssDNA
0 0
0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 200
Polθ ΔPol2 concentration (nM) Polθ ΔPol2 concentration (nM)

Figure 2 | Polh inhibits RAD51-mediated recombination. a, Schematic of Polh cDNA constructs refractory to siPolh1. d, Coomassie-stained gel of the
Polh mutants used in complementation studies and their interaction with purified Polh fragment. e, Quantification of Polh ATPase activity.
RAD51. WT, wild type. b, Quantification of RAD51 foci in U2OS cells f, Quantification of Polh binding to ssDNA and dsDNA. g, RAD51–ssDNA
transfected with indicated siRNA and Polh cDNA constructs refractory to nucleofilament assembly assay. h, Assessment of RAD51-dependent D-loop
siPolh1. c, DR-GFP assay in U2OS cells transfected with indicated siRNA and formation. Data in b, c, e and f represent mean 6 s.e.m.

1 2 F E B R U A RY 2 0 1 5 | VO L 5 1 8 | N AT U R E | 2 5 9
©2015 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved

a 1.5
*** b 125 A2780:
A2780: 125 A2780: Flag–Polθ

(14 day clonogenic survival)

(14 day clonogenic survival)
shScr shScr shScr
1.0 *** shPolθ

shPolθ shPolθ
POLQ expression

100 100 100

Per cent survival

Per cent survival

Per cent survival

(3-day survival)
(mean z-score)

75 75 75
0.0 Polθ
50 50 50
–0.5 Flag (Polθ)
–1.0 25 25 25
–1.5 0 0 0
Ovarian Uterine Breast HU (mM): 0 0.1 0.25 0.5 MMC (ng ml–1): 0 1 5 10 IR (Gy): 0 1 2 4 6
Subtype: Grade 1 Serous Rest Serous Rest Basal
like like
Replicative stress
HR-defect and d Block A2780:
damage Release shScr
CN alteration: – + – + – +
Time after
release (h): 0 4 12
c G1

HU (2 mM)
HU (2 mM) MMC (1μg ml–1) IR (10 Gy) shScr S
shScr shPolθ shScr shPolθ shScr shPolθ
Time (h) Time (h) Time (h) shPolθ G2
after release: 0 1 2 4 0 1 2 4 after release: 0 8 12 24 0 8 12 24 after release: 0 0.5 1 2 0 0.5 1 2
pS824KAP1 pS824KAP1 pS824KAP1

Cell cycle distribution (%)

MMC (1μg ml–1)
pT68CHK2 pT68CHK2 pT68CHK2
pS317CHK1 pS317CHK1 pS317CHK1
pS15p53 pS15p53 pS15p53

IR (10 Gy)
*γH2AX γH2AX γH2AX 20
Vinculin Vinculin Vinculin 0
Time after HU
release (h): 0 4 12

e f CldU ldU g CldU HU ldU

25 μM (20 min) 250 μM (25 min) 25 μM (20 min) (2mM 2h) 250 μM (25 min)

*** **
125 1.5 4
Percentage of proliferation

A2780: shScr shPolθ shScr shPolθ

Fork velocity (kb min–1)

collapsed forks after HU

Fold increase stalled or
(EdU incorporation)

100 shScr 3
shPolθ 1.0

0 0.0 0
Time after MMC A2780: shScr shPolθ A2780: shScr shPolθ
release (h): 12 24 48 72

Figure 3 | Polh promotes S phase progression and recovery of stalled forks. representative cell cycle distribution. e, Fraction of cycling A2780 cells
a, POLQ gene expression in subtypes of cancers with HR deficiency. b, Survival measured by 5-ethynyl-29-deoxyuridine (EdU) incorporation. f, Quantification
assays of A2780 cells exposed to the indicated DNA-damaging agents. of DNA fibre lengths. g, Percentage of stalled forks. All experiments shown
Immunoblot showing silencing efficiency is shown on the right. c, Immunoblot in a–d were performed in two cell lines (A2780 and 293T). All data represent
analyses following pulse treatments with DNA-damaging agents (*cH2AX: mean 6 s.e.m. except for box plots in f that show twenty-fifth to seventy-fifth
see Methods for specific time points used for cH2AX immunoblot). HU, percentiles, with lines indicating the median, and whiskers indicating the
hydroxyurea. d, Cell cycle progression of synchronized A2780 cells. A smallest and largest values.

dynamics, single-molecule analyses were performed on extended DNA HR-deficient cells exposed to inhibitors of PARP (PARPi), cisplatin
fibres19. Abnormalities in replication fork progression were observed in (CDDP) or MMC (Extended Data Fig. 6d–f). Polh inhibition impaired
Polh-depleted cells (Fig. 3f, g and Extended Data Fig. 5c, d). These results the survival of BRCA1-deficient tumours (MDA-MB-436) after PARPi
suggest that Polh maintains genomic stability at stalled or collapsed treatment but had no effect on the complemented line (MDA-MB-436
replication forks by promoting fork restart. 1 BRCA1) (Fig. 4a). Polh-depleted cells were hypersensitive to ATM
To examine the regulation of Polh, we quantified Polh expression inhibition, known to create an HR defect phenotype21. Chromosomal
by RT–qPCR. Polh was selectively upregulated in HR-deficient ovarian breakage, checkpoint activation, and cH2AX phosphorylation in response
cancer cell lines. Complementation of BRCA1 or FANCD2-deficient to MMC were exacerbated by Polh depletion (Fig. 4b and Extended Data
cell lines with BRCA1 and FANCD2 cDNA respectively, restored normal Fig. 6g, h). Furthermore, a whole-genome short hairpin RNA (shRNA)
HR function and reduced Polh expression to normal levels. Conversely, screen performed on HR-deficient (FANCA 2/2) fibroblasts showed that
siRNA-mediated inhibition of HR genes increased Polh expression shRNAs targeting Polh impair cell survival in MMC (Extended Data
(Extended Data Fig. 5e, f). Polh expression was significantly higher in Fig. 6i), suggesting that HR-deficient cells cannot survive in the absence
subgroups of cancers with HR deficiency and a high genomic instability of Polh.
pattern20 (Fig. 3a and Extended Data Fig. 5g). Patients with high Polh Next, we investigated the interaction between the HR and Polh path-
expression had a better response to platinum chemotherapy, a surrogate ways in vivo by interbreeding Fancd21/– and Polq1/– mice. Although
for HR deficiency, suggesting that Polh expression inversely correlates Fancd22/2 and Polq2/2 mice are viable and exhibit subtle phenotypes7,22,
with HR activity and may be useful as a biomarker for platinium sen- viable Fancd2–/–Polq–/– mice were uncommon from these matings (Ex-
sitivity (Extended Data Fig. 5h, i). Together, these data indicate that tended Data Fig. 7a). The only surviving Fancd2–/–Polq–/– pups exhibited
increased Polh expression is driven by HR deficiency. severe congenital malformations and were either found dead or died
To assess the possible synthetic lethality between HR genes and Polh, prematurely. Fancd2–/–Polq–/– embryos showed severe congenital mal-
we generated an HR-deficient ovarian tumour cell line, A2780-shFANCD2 formations, and mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) generated from
cells (Extended Data Fig. 6a–c). These cells, and the parental A2780 cells, Fancd2–/–Polq–/– embryos showed hypersensitivity to PARPi (Fig. 4c and
were subjected to Polh depletion, and survival following exposure to Extended Data Fig. 7b–e). These data suggest that loss of the HR and
cytotoxic drugs was measured. Polh depletion reduced the survival of Polh repair pathways in vivo results in embryonic lethality.
2 6 0 | N AT U R E | VO L 5 1 8 | 1 2 F E B R U A RY 2 0 1 5
©2015 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved

MDA-MB-436 (BRCA1–/–):
a BRCA1 + shScr
b siScr c

(14 day clonogenic survival)

125 BRCA1 + shPolθ siPolθ
Embryos 14.5 days
EV + shScr 4 ***
shFANCD2 + siPolθ

aberrations per cell

Per cent survival
100 EV + shPolθ
** + MMC (10 ng ml–1)

75 Eye defect
2 Limb malformation
Reduced size
25 1

lq + /+

lq – /–
P o d2 +

Po d2 –

MMC (ng ml–1): 10

PARPi (μM): 0 0.1 0.5 1 10


293T VU 423
shFANCD2 (BRCA2–/–)
d A2780 shFANCD2:
shScr (dox) + Vehicle
A2780 shFANCD2:
shScr (dox) ; Vehicle
shScr (dox) + PARPi shFANCD2 + shScr
shPolθ (dox) + Vehicle
Flag–Polθ e shFANCD2 + shPolθ f shScr (dox) ; PARPi
shPolθ (dox) ; Vehicle
shPolθ (dox) + PARPi shPolθ (dox) ; PARPi


15.0 **

+ shPolθ

Relative tumour volume (RTV)

Relative tumour volume (RTV)

+ shScr
15 100


Per cent survival

Flag–Polθ 10
5.0 Vinculin
P < 0.001
2.5 0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
0 Drugs: Vehicle PARPi
0 1 2 3 4 5 Weeks of treatment
Weeks of treatment

g VU 423 (BRCA2–/–): h i j
EV + siScr VU 423 (BRCA2–/–):
ΔPol1 + siPolθ siScr
ΔPol1-A-dead + siPolθ MMC (10 ng ml–1) siRAD51
(14 day clonogenic survival)

(14 day clonogenic survival)

125 125
Chromosomal aberrations

2.0 siPolθ Polθ pathway

EV + siPolθ
siPolθ + siRAD51

Per cent survival

Per cent survival

100 ΔPol1-ΔRAD51 + siPolθ 100

75 1.5
per cell

RAD51 alt-EJ
50 50 nucleofilament
1.0 assembly
25 25

0 0.5 0

PARPi (μM): 0 0.1 1 PARPi (μM): 0 0.1 0.5 1




VU 423


siRNA: siScr siPolθ

Figure 4 | Synthetic lethality between HR and Polh repair pathways. survival for mice treated with vehicle or PARPi. Log-rank P , 1023.
a, Clonogenic formation of BRCA1-deficient (MDA-MB-436) cells expressing g, h, Clonogenic formation (g) and chromosome breakage analysis (h) of
indicated cDNA together with indicated shRNA. b, Chromosome breakage BRCA2-deficient cells expressing Polh cDNA constructs refractory to siPolh1
analysis of HR-deficient cells transfected with the indicated siRNA. A and transfected with the indicated siRNA. i, Clonogenic formation of
representative image is shown. Arrows indicate chromosomal aberrations. BRCA2-deficient cells transfected with the indicated siRNA. j, Model for role of
c, Embryos at day 14 of gestation. d, Growth of indicated xenografts in vivo. Polh in DNA repair. Data in a, b, g and i represent mean 6 s.e.m. For data
Immunoblot showing silencing efficiency. e, Relative tumour volumes (RTV) in d–f, each circle represents data from one tumour and each group represents
for individual mice treated in d after three weeks of treatment. f, Overall n $ 7 tumours from n $ 6 mice. Brackets show mean 6 s.e.m.

As xenografts of tumours cells expressing shRNAs against both that participates in alternative end-joining (alt-EJ)10. Therefore, we
FANCD2 and Polh did not stably propagate in mice (Extended Data assessed the role of Polh in error-prone DNA repair in human cancer
Fig. 7f), we xenotransplanted A2780-shFANCD2 cells expressing either cells. Polh inhibition reduced alt-EJ efficiency in U2OS cells, similar
doxycycline-inducible Polh or scrambled (Scr) shRNA in athymic nude to the reduction observed following depletion of PARP1, another crit-
mice. Polh depletion significantly impaired tumour growth after PARPi ical factor in end-joining27,28 (Extended Data Fig. 9a). Expression of
treatment (Fig. 4d, e and Extended Data Fig. 7g, h). Moreover, mice full-length Polh, DRAD51, or A-dead, but not the DPol1 mutant, com-
bearing Polh-depleted tumours had a survival advantage following PARPi plemented the cells, suggesting that the polymerase domain of Polh
treatment compared to control mice (Fig. 4f). Polh-depleted HR-deficient is required for end-joining (Extended Data Fig. 9b). GFP-tagged full-
tumour cells also exhibited decreased survival in in vivo dual-colour length Polh formed foci after UV treatment in a PARP-dependent man-
competition experiments (Extended Data Fig. 7i–l). Collectively, these ner (Extended Data Fig. 9c). Polh inhibition reduced the mutation
data confirm that HR-deficient tumours are hypersensitive to inhibi- frequency induced by UV light, and tumours with high Polh expres-
tion of Polh-mediated repair. sion harboured more somatic point mutations than those with lower
To understand which functions of Polh are required for resistance Polh levels (Extended Data Fig. 9d, e). These results suggest that Polh
to DNA-damaging agents, we performed a series of complementation contributes to the mutational signature observed in some HR-deficient
studies in HR-deficient cells. Expression of full-length Polh or DPol1, tumours29.
but not DRAD51, in HR-deficient Polh-depleted cells treated with PARPi In human cancers, a deficiency in one DNA repair pathway can
or MMC was able to rescue toxicity, suggesting that the anti-recombinase result in cellular hyper-dependence on a second compensatory DNA
activity of Polh maintains the genomic stability of HR-deficient cells repair pathway4. Here we show that Polh is overexpressed in EOCs
(Fig. 4g, h and Extended Data Fig. 8a, b). Moreover, the toxicity induced and other tumours with HR defects30. Wild-type Polh limits RAD51–
by loss of Polh in HR-deficient cells was rescued by depletion of RAD51 ssDNA nucleofilament assembly (Extended Data Fig. 10a) and pro-
showing that, in the absence of Polh, RAD51 is toxic to HR-deficient motes alt-EJ (Fig. 4j). We demonstrate that HR-deficient tumours are
cells (Fig. 4i). These results suggest a role for Polh in limiting toxic HR hypersensitive to inhibition of Polh-mediated repair. Therefore, Polh
events23 (Extended Data Fig. 8c–f) and may explain why HR-deficient appears to channel DNA repair by antagonizing HR and promoting
cells overexpress and depend on an anti-recombinase for survival. PARP1-dependent error-prone repair (Extended Data Fig. 10b). These
High mutation rates have been observed in HR-deficient tumours24. results offer a potential new therapeutic target for cancers with inacti-
Previous studies have shown that Polh is an error-prone polymerase25,26 vated HR.
1 2 F E B R U A RY 2 0 1 5 | VO L 5 1 8 | N AT U R E | 2 6 1
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8. Yoshimura, M. et al. Vertebrate POLQ and POLb cooperate in base excision repair survival in breast cancer, perturbs DNA replication, and promotes genetic
of oxidative DNA damage. Mol. Cell 24, 115–125 (2006). instability. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 107, 13390–13395 (2010).
9. Muzzini, D. M., Plevani, P., Boulton, S. J., Cassata, G. & Marini, F. Caenorhabditis
elegans POLQ-1 and HEL-308 function in two distinct DNA interstrand cross-link Supplementary Information is available in the online version of the paper.
repair pathways. DNA Repair 7, 941–950 (2008).
10. McVey, M. & Lee, S. E. MMEJ repair of double-strand breaks (director’s cut): Acknowledgements We thank N. Shima, D. Chowdhury, G. Shapiro, J. Walter,
deleted sequences and alternative endings. Trends in Genet. 24, 529–538 (2008). D. Kozono, J. Ablain, M. Delord, J.-B. Lazaro and members of the D’Andrea laboratory for
11. Chan, S. H., Yu, A. M. & McVey, M. Dual roles for DNA polymerase theta in alternative discussions. We also thank H. Kim for providing DNA constructs, L. Moldovan for
end-joining repair of double-strand breaks in Drosophila. PLoS Genet. 6, e1001005 providing GST tagged RAD51, S. Johnson for providing MDA-MB 436 cells, A. Y. Li for
(2010). technical assistance, L. Moreau for chromosomal breakage analysis, and K. Mouw for
12. Yu, A. M. & McVey, M. Synthesis-dependent microhomology-mediated end joining critical reading of the manuscript. We thank H. Zhang for providing access to shRNA
accounts for multiple types of repair junctions. Nucleic Acids Res. 38, 5706–5717 screening data shown in Extended Data Fig. 6i. We thank C. Cazaux and J.-S. Hoffmann
(2010). for providing pcDNA Flag-tagged Polh. R.C. received support from the Philippe
13. Koole, W. et al. A polymerase theta-dependent repair pathway suppresses Foundation and is a recipient of the Ovarian Cancer Research Fellowship (OCRF). This
extensive genomic instability at endogenous G4 DNA sites. Nat. Commun. 5, 3216 work was supported by NIH grants P50CA168504 and R01HL52725 and by grants
(2014). from OCRF and BCRF.
14. Nakanishi, K. et al. Human Fanconi anemia monoubiquitination pathway Author Contributions R.C. conceived the study, performed experiments, and wrote the
promotes homologous DNA repair. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 102, 1110–1115 manuscript. J.C.L. and T.Y. purified Polh fragments from insect cells and performed
(2005). ATPase and gel shift assays. R.A. performed D-loop formation assays. I.H. and S.J.E.
15. Moldovan, G. L. et al. Inhibition of homologous recombination by the PCNA- performed the DNA fibres assay. B.P. performed mice work and analysed in vivo data.
interacting protein PARI. Mol. Cell 45, 75–86 (2012). M.I.R.P. and S.J.B. performed the Polh peptide array and the RAD51–ssDNA filament
16. Ira, G., Malkova, A., Liberi, G., Foiani, M. & Haber, J. E. Srs2 and Sgs1-Top3 suppress assembly and release assays. K.W.O. scored RAD51 foci. P.A.K. curated TCGA datasets
crossovers during double-strand break repair in yeast. Cell 115, 401–411 (2003). for Figure 3a and Extended Data Figures 5h and 9e and provided clinical perspectives.
17. Ward, J. D. et al. Overlapping mechanisms promote postsynaptic RAD-51 filament A.D.D. conceived the study and wrote the manuscript. All authors approved the final
disassembly during meiotic double-strand break repair. Mol. Cell 37, 259–272 version of the manuscript.
18. Seki, M., Marini, F. & Wood, R. D. POLQ (Pol theta), a DNA polymerase and DNA- Author Information Reprints and permissions information is available at
dependent ATPase in human cells. Nucleic Acids Res. 31, 6117–6126 (2003). The authors declare no competing financial interests.
19. Jackson, D. A. & Pombo, A. Replicon clusters are stable units of chromosome Readers are welcome to comment on the online version of the paper.
structure: evidence that nuclear organization contributes to the efficient activation Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to
and propagation of S phase in human cells. J. Cell Biol. 140, 1285–1295 (1998). A.D.D. (

2 6 2 | N AT U R E | VO L 5 1 8 | 1 2 F E B R U A RY 2 0 1 5
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METHODS vector. POLQ (V2THS_198349) and non-silencing TRIPZ-RFP doxycycline-

Bioinformatic analysis. Gene Set Enrichment Analysis algorithm (GSEA, http:// inducible shRNA were purchased from Open Biosystems. All shRNAs were trans- was performed for the data sets summarized in Supplemen- duced using lentivirus.
tary Table 1. TransLesion Synthesis (TLS) and polymerase gene sets are described Immunoblot analysis, fractionation and pull-down assays. Cells were lysed with
in Supplementary Table 3. Row expression data were downloaded from Gene Expres- 1% NP-40 lysis buffer (1% NP-40, 300 mM NaCl, 0.1 mM EDTA, 50 mM Tris (pH
sion Omnibus (GEO). Quantile normalizations were performed using the RMA 7.5)) supplemented with protease inhibitor cocktail (Roche), resolved by NuPAGE
routine through GenePattern. GSEA was run using GenePattern (http://www. (Invitrogen) gels, and transferred onto nitrocellulose membrane, followed by detec- and corresponding P values were computed using 2,000 permu- tion using the LAS-4000 Imaging system (GE Healthcare Life Sciences). For immu-
tations. The DNA repair gene set used in Extended Data Fig. 1g has been determined noprecipitation, cells were lysed with 300 mM NaCl lysis buffer, and the lysates
according to a list of 151 DNA genes previously used31. GSEA analysis for 151 repair were diluted to 150 mM NaCl before immunoprecipitation. Lysates were incu-
genes has been performed on the ovarian serous data sets (GSE14001, GSE14007, bated with anti-Flag agarose resin (Sigma) followed by washes with 150 mM NaCl
GSE18520, GSE16708, GSE10971). The list of 20 genes shown in Extended Data buffer. In vitro transcription and translation reactions were carried out using the
Fig. 1g represents the top 20 expressed gene in cancer samples (median of the 5 data TNT T7 Quick Coupled Transcription-Translation System (Promega). For cellular
sets). The waterfall plot in Extended Data Fig. 1h was generated as follows: the 20 fractionation, cells were incubated with low-salt permeabilization buffer (10 mM
genes defined in Extended Data Fig. 1g were used as a gene set; GSEA for indicated Tris (pH 7.3), 10 mM KCl, 1.5 mM MgCl2) with protease inhibitor on ice for 20 min.
data sets was performed and the nominal P values were plotted. Supervised analysis Following centrifugation, nuclei were resuspended in 0.2 M HCl and the soluble
of gene expression for GSE9891 was performed with respect to differential expres- fraction was neutralized with 1 M Tris-HCl (pH 8.0). Nuclei were lysed in 150 mM
sion that differentiated the third of tumours with highest POLQ expression from the NaCl and following centrifugation, the chromatin pellet was digested by micro-
two-thirds with lowest POLQ levels. A list of the 200 most differentially expressed coccal nuclease (Roche) for 5 min at room temperature. Recombinant GST–RAD51
probe sets between the 2 groups (Supplementary Table 2) with false discovery rate and GST–PCNA fusion protein were expressed in BL21 strain and purified using
,0.05 was analysed for biological pathways (hypergeometrical test; http://www. glutathione-Sepharose beads (GE Healthcare) as previously described15. Beads with TCGA data sets were accessed through the public TCGA data equal amount of GST or GST–RAD51 were incubated with in vitro translated Flag-
portal ( Fig. 3a reflects POLQ gene expression tagged Polh variants in 150 mM NaCl lysis buffer.
in the ovarian carcinoma data set GSE9891, uterine carcinoma TCGA and breast Antibodies and chemicals. Antibodies used in this study included: anti-PCNA
carcinoma TCGA. Normalization of POLQ expression values across data sets was (PC-10), anti-FANCD2 (FI-17), anti-RAD51 (H-92), anti-GST (B14), and histone
performed using z-score transformation. POLQ expression values were subdivided H3 (FL-136) and anti-vinculin (H-10) (Santa Cruz); anti-Flag (M2) (Sigma); anti-
in subgroups reflecting the stage of the disease (for GSE9891: grade 3 ovarian serous pS317CHK1 (2344), anti-pT68CHK2 (2661) (Cell signalling); anti-pS824KAP-1
carcinoma, n 5 143 compared to type 1 (grade 1) ovarian cancers, n 5 20; for uterine: (A300-767A) (Bethyl); anti-pS317cH2AX (05636) (Millipore); anti-pS15p53 (ab1431)
serous-like tumours, n 5 60 compared to the rest of the tumours, n 5 172; for breast: and anti-Polh (ab80906) (abcam); anti-BrdU (555627) (BD Pharmingen). Mitomycin
basal-like breast carcinoma, n 5 80 compared to the rest of the tumours, n 5 421). C (MMC), cis-diamminedichloroplatinum(II) (cisplatin, CDDP), and hydroxyurea
Progression-free survival curves were generated by the Kaplan–Meier method and (HU) were purchased from Sigma. The PARPi rucaparib (AG-014699) was pur-
differences between survival curves were assessed for statistical significance with chased from Selleckchem and ABT-888 from AbbVie. Rucaparib was used for all
the log-rank test. In the absence of a clinically defined cut-off point for POLQ expres- in vitro assays and ABT-888 was used for all in vivo experiments.
sion levels, we divided patients into 2 groups: those with POLQ mRNA levels equal Chromosomal breakage analysis. 293T and VU 423 cells were twice-transfected
to or above the median (POLQ high group) and those with values below the median with siRNAs for 48 h and incubated for 48 h with or without the indicated concen-
(POLQ low group). We then analysed the correlation of POLQ with outcome in trations of MMC. For complementation studies on 293T shFANCD2, POLQ cDNA
each group. Patients with cyclin E1 (CCNE1) amplification (resistant to CDDP) were constructs were transfected 24 h after the first siRNA transfection. Cells were exposed
excluded from the analysis. For mutation count, we accessed data from tumours for 2 h to 100 ng ml21 of colcemid and treated with a hypotonic solution (0.075 M
included in the TCGA data sets for which gene expression and whole-exome DNA KCl) for 20 min and fixed with 3:1 methanol/acetic acid. Slides were stained with
sequencing was available. Data were accessed through the public TCGA data portal Wright’s stain and 50 metaphase spreads were scored for aberrations. The relative
and the cBioPortal for Cancer Genomics ( For each number of chromosomal breaks was calculated relative to control cells (si Scr). Radial
TCGA data set, non-synonymous mutation count was assessed in tumours with figures were excluded from the analysis for clarity in Fig. 4b.
the highest POLQ expression (top 33%) and compared to tumours with low POLQ Reporter assays and immunofluorescence. HR and alt-EJ efficiency was measured
expression (the remaining 67%). In the uterine TCGA20, we curated all tumours using the DR-GFP (HR efficiency) and the alt-EJ reporter assay, performed as pre-
except the ultra and hyper-mutated group (that is, POLE and MSI tumours). In viously described14,27,34. Briefly, 48 h before transfection of SceI cDNA, U20S-DR-
the breast TCGA32, all tumours were analysed. In the ovarian TCGA1, we curated GFP cells were transfected with the indicated siRNA or PARPi (1 mM). The HR
tumours harbouring molecular alterations (via mutation and epigenetic silencing) activity was determined by FACS quantification of viable GFP-positive cells 96 h
of the HR pathway. after SceI was transfected. For RAD51 immunofluorescence experiments, cells were
Plasmid construction. To facilitate subcloning, a silent mutation (A390A) was transfected with indicated siRNA 48 h before treatment with HU (2 mM) or IR
introduced into the POLQ gene sequence to remove the unique Xho1 cutting site. (10 Gy). For complementation studies, Polh cDNA constructs were either trans-
Full-length or truncated POLQ cDNA were PCR-amplified and subcloned into fected 24 h after siRNA transfection (Fig. 2b, c and Extended Data Fig. 9b) or stably
pcDNA3-N-Flag, pFastBac-C-Flag, pOZ-C-Flag-HA, or GFP-C1 vectors to gener- expressed in the indicated cell line (Extended Data Fig. 3d, e). 6 h after HU or IR
ate the various constructs. Point mutations and loop deletions were introduced by treatment, cells were fixed with 4% paraformaldehyde for 10 min at room temper-
QuikChange II XL Site-Directed Mutagenesis Kit (Agilent Technologies) and con- ature, followed by extraction with 0.3% Triton X-100 for 10 min on ice. Antibody
firmed by DNA sequencing. For Polh rescue experiments (Fig. 4g, h and Extended staining was performed at room temperature for 1 h. For quantification of RAD51
Data Fig. 3d, e), POLQ cDNA constructs resistant to siPolh1 were generated into foci in BrdU positive cells, cells were transfected with indicated siRNA 48 h before
the pOZ-C-Flag-HA vector and the constructs were stably expressed in indicated treatment with IR (10 Gy). Then 2 h after IR treatment, cells were treated with BrdU
cell line by retroviral transduction. The Polh ATPase catalytically-dead mutant (A- pulse (10 mM) for 2 h and subsequently fixed with 4% paraformaldehyde and stained
dead) was generated by mutating the Walker A and B motifs (Walker A: K121A for RAD51 as described above. Cells were then fixed in ethanol (4 uC, overnight),
and Walker B: D216A, E217A). pOZ-C-Flag-HA Polh constructs were generated for treated with 1.5 M HCl for 30 min and stained for BrdU antibody. The relative
retroviral transduction, and stable cells were selected using magnetic Dynabeads number of cells with more than 10 RAD51 foci was calculated relative to control
(Life Technologies) conjugated to the IL2R antibody (Millipore). cells (si Scr). Statistical differences between cells transfected with siRNAs (si Polh1,
SiRNA and shRNA sequence information. For siRNA-mediated knockdown, the si Polh2, si BRCA2, si PARI or si BLM relative to control (si Scr) were assessed. For
following target sequences were used: POLQ (Qiagen POLQ_1 used as siPolh1 and GFP fluorescence, cells were grown on coverslips, treated with UV (24 h after GFP–
Qiagen POLQ_6 used as siPolh2); BRCA1 (Qiagen BRCA1_13); PARP1 (Qiagen Polh transfection; 20 J m22), fixed with 4% paraformaldehyde for 10 min at 25 uC
PARP1_6); REV1 (59-CAGCGCAUCUGUGCCAAAGAA-TT-39); BRCA2 (59-G 4 h after the UV treatment, washed three times with PBS and mounted with DAPI-
AAGAAUGCAGGUUUAAUATT-39); BLM (59-AUCAGCUAGAGGCGAUCA containing mounting medium (Vector Laboratories). When indicated, cells were
ATT-39); FANCD2 (59-GGAGAUUGAUGGUCUACUATT-39) and PARI (59-A treated with PARPi (1 mM) 24 h before GFP–Polh transfection. Images were cap-
GGACACAUGUAAAGGGAUUGUCUATT-39). AllStars negative control siRNA tured using a Zeiss AX10 fluorescence microscope and AxioVision software. Cells
(Qiagen) served as the negative control. ShRNAs targeting human FANCD2 was with GFP foci were quantified by counting number of cells with more than five foci.
previously generated in the pTRIP/DU3-MND-GFP vector33. ShRNAs targeting At least 150 cells were counted for each sample.
human POLQ (CGGGCCTCTTTAGATATAAAT), human BRCA2 (AAGAAGA Cell survival assays. For assessing cellular cytotoxicity, cells were seeded into 96-
ATGCAGGTTTAATA) or control (Scr, scramble) were generated in the pLKO-1 well plates at a density of 1,000 cells per well. Cytotoxic drugs were serially diluted

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in media and added to the wells. At 72 h, CellTiter-Glo reagent (Promega) was added 0.2 mg ml21 of Flag peptide (Sigma). The protein was concentrated in lysis buffer
to the wells and the plates were scanned using a luminescence microplate reader. using 10 kDa centrifugal filters (Amicon). The protein was quantified by com-
Survival at each drug concentration was plotted as a percentage of the survival in paring its staining intensity (Coomassie-R250) with that of BSA standards in a 7%
drug-free media. Each data point on the graph represents the average of three mea- Tris-glycine SDS–PAGE gel. Purified protein was flash-frozen in small aliquots in
surements, and the error bars represent the standard deviation. For clonogenic liquid nitrogen and stored at 280 uC.
survival, 1,000 cells per well were seeded into 6-well plates and treated with cyto- Radiometric ATPase assay. Each 10 ml reaction consisted of 200 nM ATP, reaction
toxic drugs the next day. For MMC and PARPi, cells were treated continuously with buffer (20 mM Tris-HCl (pH 7.6), 5 mM MgCl2, 0.05 mg ml21 BSA, 1 mM DTT),
indicated drug concentrations. For CDDP, cells were treated for 24 h and cultured and 5 mCi of [c-32P]ATP. For corresponding reactions, ssDNA, dsDNA, and forked
for 14 days in drug-free media. Colony formation was scored 14 days after treat- DNA were added to the reaction in excess at a final concentration of 600 nM. Once
ment using 0.5% (w/v) crystal violet in methanol. Survival curves were expressed as all of the non-enzymatic reagents were combined, recombinant Polh was added to
a percentage 6 s.e.m. over three independent experiments of colonies formed rela- start the ATPase reaction. After incubation for 90 min at room temperature, stop
tive to the DMSO-treated control. buffer (125 mM EDTA (pH 8.0)) was added and approximately ,0.05 mCi was spotted
Cell cycle analysis. A2780 cells expressing Scr or Polh shRNA were synchronized onto PEI-coated thin-layer chromatography (TLC) plates (Sigma). Unhydrolyzed
by a double thymidine block (Sigma) and subsequently exposed to MMC (1 mg ml21 [c-32P]ATP was separated from the released inorganic phosphate [32Pi] with 1 M
for 2 h), IR (10 Gy) or HU (2 mM, overnight). At the indicated time points following acetic acid, 0.25 M lithium chloride as the mobile phase. TLC plates were exposed
drug release, cells were fixed in chilled 70% ethanol, stored overnight at 220 uC, to a phosphor screen and imaged with the BioRad Imager PMC. ssDNA, dsDNA,
washed with PBS, and resuspended in propidium iodide. A fraction of those cells and forked DNA were generated as previously described35. To remove any con-
was analysed by immunoblotting for DNA damage response proteins. The immu- taminating ssDNA, dsDNA and forked DNA were gel purified after annealing. Spots
noblot analysis of cH2AX shows staining after 0, 24, 48 and 72 h of HU treatment. corresponding to [c-32P]ATP and the released inorganic phosphate [32Pi] were
For proliferation experiments, cells were incubated with 5-ethynyl-29-deoxyuridine quantified (in units of pixel intensity) and the fraction of ATP hydrolysed calcu-
(EdU) (10 mM) for 1 h at each time point after MMC exposure (1 mg ml21 for 2 h). lated for each Polh concentration.
Cells were washed and resuspended in culture medium for 2 h before be analysed Electrophoretic mobility gel shift assay (EMSA). Binding of Polh to ssDNA was
by flow cytometry. Edu staining was performed using the Click-iT EdU kit (Life assessed using EMSA. 60-mer single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) or double-stranded
Technologies). DNA (dsDNA) oligonucleotides (5 nM) were incubated with increasing amount of
DNA fibre analysis. A2780 cells expressing Scr or Polh shRNA were incubated Polh (0, 5, 10, 50, or 100 nM) in 10 ml of binding buffer (20 mM HEPES-K1, (pH 7.6),
with 25 mM chlorodeoxyuridine (CldU) (Sigma, C6891) for 20 min. Cells were then 5 mM magnesium acetate, 0.1 mg ml21 BSA, 5% glycerol, 1 mM DTT, 0.2 mM EDTA,
treated with 2 mM hydroxyurea (HU) for 2 h and incubated in 250 mM iododeox- and 0.01% NP-40) for 1 h on ice. Polh protein was added at a tenfold dilution so that
yuridine (ldU) (Sigma, I7125) for 25 min after washout of the drug. Spreading of the final salt concentration was approximately 50 mM NaCl. The ssDNA probes
DNA fibres on glass slides was done as previously reported19. Glass slides were then were 59 fluorescently labelled with IRDye-700 (IDT). After incubation, the samples
washed in distilled water and in 2.5 M HCl for 80 min followed by three washes in were analysed on a 5% native polyacrylamide/0.5X TBE gel at 4 uC. A fluorescent
PBS. The slides were incubated for 1 h in blocking buffer (PBS with 1% BSA and imager (Li-Cor) was used to visualize the samples in the gel.
0.1% NP-40) and then for 2 h in rat anti-BrdU antibody (1:250, Abcam, ab6326). RAD51 purification. Human GST–RAD51 was purified from bacteria as described36.
After washing with blocking buffer, the slides were incubated for 2 h in goat anti-rat Xenopus Rad51 (xRad51) was purified as follows. N-terminally His-tagged SUMO–
Alexa 488 antibody (1:1,000, Life Technologies, A-11006). The slides were then Rad51 was expressed in BL21 pLysS cells. Three hours after induction with 1 mM
washed with PBS and 0.1% NP-40 and then incubated for 2 h with mouse anti-BrdU IPTG, cells were collected and resuspended in buffer A (50 mM Tris-Cl (pH 7.5),
antibody diluted in blocking buffer (1:100, BD Biosciences, 347580). Following 350 mM NaCl, 25% sucrose, 5 mM b-mercaptoethanol, 1 mM PMSF and 10 mM
an additional wash with PBS and 0.1% NP-40, the fibres were stained for 2 h with imidazole). Cells were lysed by supplementation with Triton X-100 (0.2% final
chicken anti-mouse Alexa 594 (1:1000, Life Technologies, A-21201). At least 150 concentration), three freeze–thaw cycles and sonication (20 pulses at 40% efficiency).
fibres were counted per condition. Pictures were taken with an Olympus confocal The soluble fraction was separated by centrifugation and incubated with 2 ml of
microscope and the fibres were analysed by ImageJ software. The number of stalled Ni-NTA resin (Qiagen) for 1 h at 4 uC. After washing the resin with 100 ml of wash
or collapsed forks were measured by DNA fibres that had incorporated only CIdU. buffer (buffer A supplemented with 1 M NaCl, final concentration), the salt con-
Stalled or collapsed forks counted in Polh-depleted cells is expressed as fold-change centration was brought down to 350 mM. His–SUMO–Rad51 was eluted with a
after HU treatment relative to the fold-change observed in control cells, which was linear gradient of imidazole from 10–300 mM in buffer A. Eluted fractions were
arbitrarily set to 1. analysed by SDS–PAGE. His–SUMO–Rad51 containing fractions were pooled and
SupF mutagenesis assay. 293T cells twice-transfected with siRNAs for 48 h were supplemented with Ulp1 protease to cleave the His–SUMO tag and dialysed over-
then transfected with undamaged or damaged (UVC, 1,000 J m22) pSP189 plasmids night into buffer B (50 mM Tris-Cl (pH 7.5), 350 mM NaCl, 25% sucrose, 10% glyc-
using GeneJuice (Novagen). After 48 h, plasmid DNA was isolated with a miniprep erol, 5 mM b-mercaptoethanol, 10 mM imidazole and 0.05% Triton X-100). The
kit (Promega) and digested with DpnI. After ethanol precipitation, extracted plas- dialysed fraction was incubated with Ni-NTA resin for 1 h at 4 uC and the Rad51
mids were transformed into the b-galactosidase2MBM7070 indicator strain through containing flow-through fraction was collected and dialysed overnight into buffer
electroporation (GenePulsor X Cell; Bio-Rad) and plated onto LB plates containing C (100 mM potassium phosphate (pH 6.8), 150 mM NaCl, 10% glycerol, 0.5 mM
1 mM IPTG, 100 mg ml21 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl-b-D-galactopyranoside and DTT and 0.01% Triton-X). Rad51 was further purified by hydroxyapatite (Bio-Rad)
100 mg ml21 ampicillin. White and blue colonies were scored using ImageJ software, chromatography. After washing with ten column volumes of buffer C, Rad51 was
and the mutation frequency was calculated as the ratio of white (mutant) to total eluted with a linear gradient of potassium phosphate (pH 6.8) from 100–800 mM.
(white plus blue) colonies. Rad51 containing fractions were analysed by SDS–PAGE and dialysed into stor-
POLQ gene expression. RNA samples extracted using the TRIzol reagent (Invi- age buffer (20 mM HEPES-KOH (pH 7.4), 150 mM NaCl, 10% glycerol, 0.5 mM
trogen) were reverse transcribed using the Transcriptor Reverse Transcriptaze kit DTT). Purified protein was flash-frozen in small aliquots in liquid nitrogen and
(Roche) and oligo dT primers. The resulting cDNA was use to analysed POLQ expres- stored at 280 uC.
sion by RT-qPCR using with QuantiTect SYBRGreen (Qiagen), in an iCycler machine D-loop assay. D-loop formation assays were performed using xRad51 and con-
(Bio-Rad). POLQ gene expression values were normalized to expression of the ducted as previously described37. Briefly, nucleofilaments were first formed by incu-
housekeeping gene GAPDH, using the DCt method and are shown on a log2 scale. bating RAD51 (1 mM) with end-labelled 90-mer ssDNA (3 mM nt) at 37 uC for 10 min
The primers used for POLQ are as follows: POLQ primer 1 (forward: 59-TATCTG in reaction buffer containing 20 mM HEPES-KOH (pH 7.4), 1 mM ATP, 1 mM
CTGGAACTTTTGCTGA-39; reverse: 59-CTCACACCATTTCTTTGATGGA-39); MgCl2, 1 mM DTT, BSA (100 mg ml21), 20 mM phosphocreatine and creatine phos-
POLQ primer 2 (forward: 59-CTACAAGTGAAGGGAGATGAGG-39; reverse: phokinase (20 mg ml21). After the 10 min incubation, increasing amounts of Polh
59-TCAGAGGGTTTCACCAATCC-39). (0, 0.1, 0.5, or 1.0 mM) and RPA (200nM) were added and incubated for an addi-
Polh purification from insect SF9 cells. A Polh fragment (DPol2) containing the tional 15 min at 37 uC. The reaction was then supplemented with 1 mM CaCl2 fol-
ATPase domain with a RAD51 binding site (amino acids 1 to 1,000) was cloned lowed by further incubation at 37 uC for 15 min. D-loop formation was initiated by
into pFastBac-C-Flag and purified from baculovirus-infected SF9 insect cells as the addition of supercoiled dsDNA (pBS-KS (2), 79 mM bp) and incubation at 37 uC
previously described35. Briefly, SF9 cells were seeded in 15-cm dishes at 80–90% for 15 min. D-loops were analysed by electrophoresis on a 0.9% agarose gel after
confluency and infected with baculovirus. Three days post-infection, cells were col- deproteinization. Gel was dried and exposed to a PhosphoImager (GE Healthcare)
lected and lysed in 500 mM NaCl lysis buffer (500 mM NaCl, 0.01% NP-40, 0.2 mM screen for quantification.
EDTA, 20% glycerol, 1 mM DTT, 0.2 mM PMSF, 20 mM Tris (pH 7.6)) supple- Substitution peptide arrays and RAD51-ssDNA filament experiments. Substitution
mented with Halt protease inhibitor cocktail (Thermo Scientific) and calpain I peptide arrays were performed as previously described17. RAD51 displacement assays
inhibitor (Roche) and the protein was eluted in lysis buffer supplemented with were performed as follows. Binding reactions (10 ml) contained 59-32P-end-labelled

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DNA substrates (0.5 ng of 60 mer ssDNA) and various amounts of human RAD51 competition assay, mice were randomized into semi-weekly treatment regimens
and/or Polh in binding buffer (40 mM Tris-HCl (pH 7.5), 50 mM NaCl, 10 mM with vehicle (0.9% NaCl) or CDDP (5 mg per kg body weight) by intraperitoneal injec-
KCl, 2 mM DTT, 5 mM ATP, 5 mM MgCl2, 1 mM DTT, 100 mg ml21 BSA) were tion. After three to four weeks of treatment, mice were euthanized and tumours
conducted at room temperature. After 5 min incubation with Polh and a further were grown in vitro, in the presence of doxycycline (2 mg ml21 for 4 days). The rela-
5 min incubation with RAD51 or vice versa, an equimolar amount of cold DNA tive ratio of GFP to GFP–RFP positive cells was determined by FACS analysis. Tumour
substrate was added to the reaction. Products were then analysed by electropho- volumes were calculated bi-weekly using caliper measurements (length 3 width2)/2.
resis through 10% PAGE (200 V for 40 min in 0.53 Tris-borate-EDTA buffer) and Growth curves were plotted as the mean tumour volume (mm3) for each treatment
visualized by autoradiography. group; relative tumour volume (RTV) indicates the change in tumour volume at a
Interbreeding of the Fancd2 and Polq mice. For the characterization of Fancd2/ given time point relative to the tumour volume at the day of initial measurement
Polq conditional knockouts, we crossed C57BL/6J mice (Jackson Laboratory). (volume of approximately 0.15 cm3) which was arbitrarily set to 1. Mice were unbi-
Fancd21/2Polq1/1 mice, previously generated in our laboratory22, were crossed with asedly assigned into different treatment groups. Drug treatment and outcome assess-
Fancd21/1Polq1/2 mice7 to generate Fancd21/2Polq1/2 mice. These double hetero- ment was performed in a blinded manner. Mice were monitored every day and
zygous mice were then interbred, and the offspring from these mating pairs were euthanized by CO2 inhalation when tumour size ($ 2 cm), tumour status (necrosis/
genotyped using PCR primers for Fancd2 and Polq. A statistical comparison of the ulceration) or body weight loss ($ 20%) reached ethical endpoint, according to the
observed with the predicted genotypes was performed using a two-sided Fisher’s rules of the Animal Resource Facility at The Dana-Farber Cancer Institute.
exact test. Primary MEFs were generated from E13.5 to E15 embryos and cultured Immunohistochemical staining. We stained formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded
in RPMI supplemented with 15% fetal bovine serum and 1% penicillin-streptomycin. sections of harvested xenografts with antibodies specific for cH2AX (pSer139) (Upstate
All data generated in the study were extracted from experiments performed on Biotechnology) and Ki67 (Dako). At least two xenografts were scored for each treat-
primary MEFs from passage 1 to passage 4. The primers used for mice genotyping ment. Tumours were collected 3 weeks after treatment. At least five 40 3 fields were
are as follows: Fancd2 PCR primers OST2cF (59-CATGCATATAGGAACCCGA scored. The mean 6 s.e.m. percentage of positive cells from five images in each
AGG-39), OST2aR (59-CAGGACCTTTGGAGAAGCAG-39) and LTR2bF (59-G treatment group was calculated.
GCGTTACTTAAGCTAGCTTG-39); Polq PCR primers IMR5973 (59-TGCAGTG Statistical analysis. Unless stated otherwise, all data are represented as mean 6 s.e.m.
TACAGATGTTACTTTT-39), IMR 5974 (59-TGGAGGTAGCATTTCTTCTC-39), over at least three independent experiments, and significance was calculated using
IMR 5975 (59-TCACTAGGTTGGGGTTCTC-39) and IMR 5976 (59-CATCAGA the Student’s t-test. Asterisks indicate statistically significant (*P , 0.05; **P , 1022;
AGCTGACTCTAGAG-39). Specific PCR conditions are available upon request. ***P , 1023) values. All the in vivo experiments were run with at least 6 tumours
Studies of xenograft-bearing CrTac:NCr-Foxn1nu mice. The Animal Resource from 6 mice for each condition. No statistical methods were used to predetermine
Facility at The Dana-Farber Cancer Institute approved all housing situations, treat- sample size.
ments and experiments using mice. No more than five mice were housed per air-
filtered cage with ad libitum access to standard diet and water, and were maintained 31. Kang, J., D’Andrea, A. D. & Kozono, D. A DNA repair pathway-focused score for
in a temperature- and light-controlled animal facility under pathogen-free condi- prediction of outcomes in ovarian cancer treated with platinum-based
tions. All mice described in this text were drug and procedure naive before the start chemotherapy. J. Natl. Cancer Inst. 104, 670–681 (2012).
of the experiments. For every xenograft study, we subcutaneously implanted approx- 32. The Cancer Genome Atlas Network Comprehensive molecular portraits of
human breast tumours. Nature 490, 61–70 (2012).
imately 1.0 3 106 A2780 cells (1:1 in Matrigel Matrix, BD Biosciences) into both
33. Ceccaldi, R. et al. Bone marrow failure in Fanconi anemia is triggered by an
flanks of 6–8-week-old female CrTac:NCr-Foxn1nu mice (Taconic). Doxycycline exacerbated p53/p21 DNA damage response that impairs hematopoietic stem
(Sigma) was added to the food (625 p.p.m.) and bi-weekly (Tuesday and Friday) and progenitor cells. Cell Stem Cell 11, 36–49 (2012).
to the water (200 mg ml21) for mice bearing tumours that reached 100–200 mm3. 34. Bennardo, N., Cheng, A., Huang, N. & Stark, J. M. Alternative-NHEJ is a
Roughly one week (5–6 days) after the addition of doxycycline to the diet, mice mechanistically distinct pathway of mammalian chromosome break repair.
were randomized to twice daily treatment schedules with vehicle (0.9% NaCl) or PLoS Genet. 4, e1000110 (2008).
35. Yusufzai, T. & Kadonaga, J. T. HARP is an ATP-driven annealing helicase. Science
PARPi (ABT-888; 50 mg per kg body weight) by oral gavage administration for
322, 748–750 (2008).
the indicated number of weeks. Overall survival was determined using Kaplan– 36. Barber, L. J. et al. RTEL1 maintains genomic stability by suppressing homologous
Meier analyses performed with log-rank tests to assess differences in median sur- recombination. Cell 135, 261–271 (2008).
vival for each shRNA condition (shScr or shPolh) and each treatment condition 37. Amunugama, R., Groden, J. & Fishel, R. The HsRAD51B–HsRAD51C stabilizes the
(vehicle or PARPi) (GraphPad Prism 6 Software). For competition assays, A2780 HsRAD51 nucleoprotein filament. DNA Repair 12, 723–732 (2013).
cells expressing FANCD2-GFP shRNA (GFP positive cells) or a combination of 38. Pitroda, S. P. et al. DNA repair pathway gene expression score correlates with
FANCD2–GFP shRNA with (doxycycline inducible) Scr-RFP or Polh-RFP shRNA repair proficiency and tumor sensitivity to chemotherapy. Sci. Transl. Med. 6,
229ra242 (2014).
(GFP–RFP positive cells) were mixed at an equal ratio of GFP to GFP–RFP posi-
39. Aggarwal, M., Sommers, J. A., Shoemaker, R. H. & Brosh, R. M., Jr. Inhibition of
tive cells, and thereafter injected into nude mice given doxycycline-containing helicase activity by a small molecule impairs Werner syndrome helicase (WRN)
diets and treated with either vehicle or PARPi or CDDP. For competition assays, function in the cellular response to DNA damage or replication stress. Proc. Natl
mice received identical doxycycline and PARPi drug treatment. For the cisplatin Acad. Sci. USA 108, 1525–1530 (2011).

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Extended Data Figure 1 | POLQ is highly expressed in epithelial ovarian and control samples in 5 independent ovarian cancer data sets. A representative
cancers (EOCs) and POLQ expression correlates with expression of HR heat map showing differential gene expression between ovarian cancers and
genes. a, b, Gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA) for expression of controls is shown from GSE14407. For each data set, DNA repair genes
TransLesion Synthesis (TLS) (a) and polymerase (b) genes between primary were ranked based on the metric score reflecting their enrichment in cancer
cancers and control samples in 28 independent data sets from 19 different samples. The top 20 DNA repair genes primarily expressed in cancer samples
cancers types. Enrichment values (represented as a single dot for each gene in a compared to control samples is shown on the right. h, GSEA for the top 20
defined data set) were determined using the rank metric score to compare DNA repair genes defined in g between primary cancers and control samples in
expression values between cancers and control samples. Dots above the dashed 40 independent cancer data sets. The nominal P value was used as a measure of
line reflect enrichment in cancer samples, whereas dots below the dashed the expression enrichment in cancer samples and represented as a waterfall
line show gene expression enriched in control samples. Data sets were ranked plot. When the gene set expression was enriched in control samples, the P value
based on the amplitude of the rank metric score and plotted as shown. c, POLQ was arbitrarily set to 1. i, POLQ expression correlates with RAD51 and FANCD2
gene expression in 40 independent data sets from 19 different cancer types. gene expression in 285 samples from the ovarian data set GSE9891.
For each data set, POLQ values were expressed as fold-change differences Statistical correlation was assessed using the Pearson test (r 5 0.71, P , 1023).
relative to the mean expression in control samples, which was arbitrarily set j, Top 10 genes that most closely correlated with POLQ expression (gene
to 1. d, POLQ expression correlates with tumour grade and MKi67 gene neighbours analysis) for 1,046 cell lines from the CCLE collection. DNA repair
expression in the ovarian TCGA (n 5 494 patients with ovarian carcinoma activity for these genes is indicated in the table. Increased HR gene expression is
(grade 1, n 5 5; grade 2, n 5 61; grade 3, n 5 428) and control samples, n 5 8). known to positively correlate with improved response to platinum based
e, POLQ expression correlates with tumour grade MKi67 gene expression in chemotherapy (a surrogate of HR deficiency) and thus can be predictive of
the ovarian data set GSE9891 (n 5 251 patients with ovarian serous and decreased HR activity31,38. Conceptually, a state of HR deficiency may lead to
endometrious carcinoma for which grade status was available (grade 1, n 5 20; compensatory increased expression of other HR genes. k, Top-ranked Gene
grade 2, n 5 88; grade 3, n 5 143)). Statistical correlation was assessed using Ontology (GO) terms for the molecular functions encoded by the top 20 DNA
the Pearson test (for d: r 5 0.65, P , 1023; for e: r 5 0.77, P , 1023). repair genes defined in Extended Data Fig. 1g. l, Schematic representation of
f, Top-ranked biological pathways differentially expressed between samples Polh domain structure with the helicases (BLM, RECQL4, RAD54B and
expressing high levels of POLQ (high POLQ, first 33%, n 5 95) relative to RAD54L) that co-expressed with Polh (from Extended Data Fig. 1g).
samples with low POLQ expression (low POLQ, 67%, n 5 190) on the ovarian Conserved amino-acid sequences of ATP binding and hydrolysis motifs
data set GSE9891 (n 5 285 patients with ovarian carcinoma). Significance (namely Walker A and B) are indicated. Cox plots in c show twenty-fifth to
values were determined by the hypergeometrical test using the 200 most seventy-fifth percentiles, with lines indicating the median, and whiskers
differentially expressed probe sets between the 2 groups (high POLQ and low indicating the smallest and largest values. For d and e (top panels), each dot
POLQ). g, GSEA for expression of DNA repair genes between primary cancers represents the expression value from one patient, brackets show mean 6 s.e.m.

©2015 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved


Extended Data Figure 2 | Polh is a RAD51-interacting protein required for indicated siRNA. d, Quantification of IR-induced RAD51 foci in BrdU-positive
maintenance of genomic stability. a, siRNA sequences (siPolh1 and siPolh2) U2OS cells transfected with the indicated siRNA. e, Polh inhibition by siRNA
efficiently downregulate exogenously transfected Polh protein. Polh levels induced a decrease in the cellular survival of 293T cells treated with MMC
were detected by immunoblotting with Flag or Polh antibody (left) and by in a 3-day survival assay. f, Quantification of chromosomal aberrations in 293T
RT–qPCR using 2 different sets of POLQ primers (right). The asterisk on the cells transfected with the indicated siRNA. g, Schematic representation of Polh
immunoblot indicates a non-specific band. Expression was normalized using truncation proteins used for RAD51 interaction studies. h, Endogenous
GAPDH as a reference gene. POLQ gene expression values are displayed as RAD51 co-precipitates with Flag-tagged Polh-DPol1 (Polh-1–1,416) but not
fold-change differences relative to the mean expression in control cells, which Polh-1633-Cter, each stably expressed in HeLa cells. i, Sequence alignment
was arbitrarily set to 1. b, Quantification of baseline and HU-induced RAD51 between the RAD51-interacting motifs of C. elegans RFS-1 and human Polh.
foci in U2OS cells transfected with the indicated siRNA. c, Quantification j, Schematic of Polh domain structure with its homologues HELQ and POLN.
of baseline and HU-induced cH2AX foci in U2OS cells transfected with the All data show mean 6 s.e.m.

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Extended Data Figure 3 | Characterization of RAD51-interacting motifs in indicated amino acids. c, Schematic of Polh mutants used in complementation
Polh. a, Substitution peptide array probed with recombinant RAD51 and studies. d, Quantification of IR-induced RAD51 foci in U2OS cells stably
analysed by immunoblotting. A 20-mer peptide spanning each of the RAD51 integrated with empty vector (EV) or Polh-DPol1 cDNA that is refractory to
binding sites (shown in Fig. 1g) were created in which each amino acid of siPolh1. Cells were transfected with indicated siRNA and subsequently treated
the original peptide was mutated to each of the 20 amino acids and RAD51 with IR. The number of cells with more than 10 RAD51 foci was calculated
binding activity was tested. The amino acid change for each of the amino acids relative to control cells (si Scr). e, DR-GFP assay in U2OS cells stably integrated
of the RAD51 interacting domain of Polh is shown on the right. Ponceau with empty vector (EV) or indicated Polh cDNA constructs refractory to
staining was used to visualize position of the peptides within the array. siPolh1 and transfected with indicated siRNA. All data show mean 6 s.e.m.
b, GST–RAD51 pull-down with in vitro translated Polh proteins missing

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Extended Data Figure 4 | Polh is an ATPase that suppresses RAD51–ssDNA increasing amounts of DPol2 wild type. The order in which each component
nucleofilament assembly and formation of RAD51-dependent D-loop was added to the reaction is noted above. g, Schematics of the formation of
structures. a, Representative DPol2 wild-type radiometric ATPase assay. b, Gel RAD51-dependent D-loop structures. h Formation of RAD51-containing
mobility shift assays with DPol2 wild type and ssDNA. c, Coomassie-stained D-loop structures following the addition of increasing amounts of DPol2
gel showing the purified DPol2-A-dead fragment. d, Representative DPol2-A- wild type. i, Fraction of D-loop formed following the addition of increasing
dead radiometric ATPase assay. e, Quantification of DPol2-A-dead ATPase amounts of DPol2 wild type. j, Effect of siPolh and the different Polh cDNA
activity. (ssDNA, single-stranded DNA; dsDNA, double-stranded DNA). constructs on HR read-out. NA, not applicable. Data in i shows mean 6 s.e.m.
f, Assembly/disruption of RAD51-ssDNA filaments in the presence of

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Extended Data Figure 5 | Polh functions under replicative stress and is targeting FANCD2, BRCA1 or BRCA2 (left panel) and in corrected PD20 cells
induced by HR deficiency. a, Polh recruitment to the chromatin is enhanced (PD20 1 FANCD2) relative to FANCD2-deficient cells (PD20) (right panel).
by UV treatment. HeLa cells stably integrated with either Flag-tagged DPol1 or Expression was normalized using GAPDH gene as a reference. POLQ
Polh-1633-Cter (Extended Data Fig. 2g) were subjected to UV treatment. expression values are presented as fold-change relative to the mean expression
Cells were collected at indicated time points after UV treatment and IPs were in control cells, which was arbitrarily set to 1. g, POLQ gene expression in 5 data
performed on nuclear and chromatin fractions. b, HeLa cells stably integrated sets of serous epithelial ovarian carcinoma (frequently associated with an
with DPol1 were treated with UV and collected at the indicated time points HR deficiency) and 1 data set of clear cell ovarian carcinoma (subgroup not
following UV exposure. Polh and RAD51 co-precipitation is enhanced by UV associated with HR alterations). For each data set, POLQ expression values are
treatment. c, Quantification of DNA fibre lengths isolated from wild-type or displayed as fold-change differences relative to the mean expression in control
Polq2/2 MEFs. d, Quantification of DNA fibre lengths isolated from wild-type samples, which was arbitrarily set to 1. h, Progression-free survival (PFS)
or Polq2/2 MEFs transfected with either EV or Polh cDNA constructs. e, POLQ after first line platinum chemotherapy for patients with ovarian carcinoma
gene expression was analysed by RT–qPCR in HR-deficient ovarian cancer (ovarian carcinoma TCGA). Statistical significance was assessed by the
cell lines (PEO-1 and UWB1-289) compared with other ovarian cancer cell log-rank test (P , 1022). i, Effect of Polh expression levels and HR status on
lines, HeLa (cervical cancer) cells and 293T (transformed human embryonic tumour senstivity to cisplatin or PARPi. NA, not applicable. Box plots in
kidney) cells. Expression was normalized using GAPDH gene as a reference. c, d, and g show twenty-fifth to seventy-fifth percentiles, with lines indicating
POLQ expression values are displayed as fold-change relative to the mean the median, and whiskers indicating the smallest and largest values. Data in
expression in HR-proficient control cells, which was arbitrarily set to 1. f, POLQ e and f show mean 6 s.e.m.
gene expression analysis (RT–qPCR) in 293T cells transfected with siRNA

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Extended Data Figure 6 | Polh inhibition sensitizes HR-deficient tumours together with siRNA targeting Polh or Scr at 24 h after indicated MMC pulse
to cytotoxic drug exposure. a–c, Clonogenic formation of A2780 cells treatment. i, FANCA-deficient fibroblasts (GM6418) were infected with a
expressing scrambled (Scr) shRNA or shRNAs against FANCD2 or BRCA2 whole-genome shRNA library and treated with MMC for 7 days. The fold-
with increasing amounts of MMC (a), UV (b) or IR (c). d–f, Clonogenic change enrichment of each shRNA after MMC treatment was determined by
formation of A2780 cells expressing scrambled (Scr) or FANCD2 shRNA, sequencing relative to the infected cells before treatment. TP53 depletion is
together with shRNA targeting Polh, in increasing concentrations of known to improve survival of FANCA2/2 cells33. WRN depletion has recently
CDDP (d), MMC (e) or PARPi (f). g, Inhibition of Polh reduces the survival been shown to be synthetically lethal with HR deficiency39. Each column
of A2780 cells after 3 days of continuous exposure to the ATM inhibitor represents the mean of at least 2 independent shRNAs. All data show
Ku55933. h, Immunoblot analyses in A2780 cells expressing FANCD2 shRNA mean 6 s.e.m.

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Extended Data Figure 7 | HR and Polh repair pathways are synthetical Each group represents n $ 5 tumours from n $ 5 mice. g, Ki67 and
lethal in vivo. a, Genotypes frequencies of offspring from interbred cH2AX quantification in tumours treated with either vehicle or PARPi.
Fancd21/–Polq1/– mice. Y, four Fancd22/2Polq2/2 offsprings were observed h, Representative Ki67 and cH2AX staining of A2780-shFANCD2
with several congenital malformations and premature death within 48 h of xenografts expressing sh Scr or sh Polh in athymic nude mice, treated with
birth. b, Description of Fancd2–/–Polq–/– offspring generated in the study. The either vehicle or PARPi. Scale bars, 100 mM. i, In vivo competition assay
offspring presented congenital malformations (that is, eye defects) together design. j, Tumour chimaerism post-xenotransplantation for indicated
with reduced size and body weight. The arrow indicates absence of the right eye. conditions. k, Representative flow cytometry analysis of tumours before
c, Genotypes frequencies of E13.5 to E15 embryos (13.5 to 15 days post coitum) xenotransplantation (post-FACS sorting) or after xenotransplantation (post-
from interbred Fancd21/–Polq1/– mice. d, Description of congenital transplant, PARPi). The percentage of GFP–RFP positive cells is indicated.
malformations and their measured frequencies observed in E13.5 to E15 l, Tumour chimaerism post-xenotransplantation for indicated conditions.
Fancd2–/–Polq–/– embryos generated in the study. e, Clonogenic formation of For data in j and l, each circle represents data from one tumour and each group
wild-type, Fancd22/2, Polq2/2 and Fancd2–/–Polq–/– MEFs with increasing represents n $ 7 tumours from n $ 6 mice. Brackets show mean 6 s.e.m.
concentrations of PARPi. f, A2780 cells were transduced with indicated Data in e–g show mean 6 s.e.m. For f each group represents n $ 6 tumours
shRNAs and xenotransplanted into both flanks of athymic nude mice. The from n $ 6 mice.
tumour volumes for individual mice were measured biweekly for 8 weeks.

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Extended Data Figure 8 | Polh is required for HR-deficient cell survival IR-induced RAD51 foci in U2OS cells transfected with indicated siRNA.
and limits the formation of RAD51 structures in HR-deficient cells. e, RAD51 recruitment to chromatin is enhanced by UV treatment. VU 423 cells
a, Clonogenic formation of Fancd22/2Polq2/2 MEFs transfected with full- (BRCA22/2) were collected at indicated time points after UV treatment and
length POLQ cDNA constructs in the presence of increasing concentrations of immunoblotting performed on the cytoplasmic, nuclear and chromatin
PARPi. b, Chromosome breakage analysis of FANCD2-depleted cells that fractions. f, RAD51 recruitment to chromatin in VU 423 cells (BRCA22/2)
were first transfected with the indicated siRNA and full-length POLQ cDNA transfected with indicated siRNA. Histone H3 was used as a control for
constructs refractory to siPolh1 and then exposed to MMC. c, DR-GFP assay in chromatin fractionation. All data show mean 6 s.e.m.
U2OS cells transfected with indicated siRNA. d, Quantification of baseline and

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Extended Data Figure 9 | Polh participates in error-prone DNA repair. were abolished by pre-treatment with PARPi. UT, untreated. d, Mutation
a, End-joining reporter assay in U2OS cells transfected with indicated siRNA frequency was determined in damaged supF plasmid, recovered from siRNA-
and/or treated with PARPi. b, End-joining reporter assay in U2OS cells treated 293T cells. e, Non-synonymous mutation count in ovarian, uterine
transfected with indicated siRNA and POLQ cDNA constructs refractory to and breast TCGA. All data show mean 6 s.e.m.
siPolh1. c, UV damage-induced Polh foci formation in U2OS cells. Polh foci

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Extended Data Figure 10 | Model depicting the role of Polh in DNA repair. b, (I) Under physiological conditions, Polh expression is low and its impact
a, Mechanistic model for how Polh limits RAD51–ssDNA filament assembly. on repair of DNA double-strand breaks (DSB) is limited. (II) When HR
According to this model, the ATPase domain of Polh may prevent the deficiency occurs, Polh is then highly expressed and channels DSB repair
assembly of RAD51 monomers into RAD51 polymers, perhaps by depleting towards alt-EJ. (III) In the case of an HR-defect, the loss of Polh leads to cell
local ATP concentrations. The RAD51 binding domains in the central region of death through the persistence of toxic RAD51 intermediates and inhibition
Polh may then sequester the RAD51 monomers, preventing filament assembly. of alt-EJ.

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US FUNDING How state contributions to IMMIGRATION Proposed rules would help NATUREJOBS For the latest career
research and development stack up p.265 scientists to stay in United States p.265 listings and advice

physical world,” says Sugimoto, who studies

how ideas are disseminated among scientists
at Indiana University in Bloomington. “It’s
allowed me to open up new communities for
discussions and increase the interdisciplinarity
of my research.”
Relatively few scientists are taking the
opportunities Twitter offers. In a 2014 online
Nature survey on social media habits, just 12%
of the more than 3,000 scientists and engineers
who responded reported that they used Twit-
ter regularly (see Nature 512, 126–129; 2014).
By contrast, the Pew Research Center, a non-
partisan think tank based in Washington DC,
found that almost one-quarter of all US adults
with Internet access are on Twitter. Research-
ers in computation-intensive disciplines such
as astrophysics tend to use the service more,
but no estimates suggest that any discipline of
scholars is using Twitter at a higher rate than
the general public, says Sugimoto.
That leaves much networking potential
untapped, say Twitter enthusiasts. The oppor-
tunities for microblogging — posting brief,
regular updates online — are plentiful and
far-reaching, and can help young scientists to
build their careers. Following thought leaders
and relevant organizations is an effective, easy
way for researchers to learn about important
papers, events, funding sources, potential col-
leagues and job opportunities. Scientists who
tweet report that they receive invitations to
speak at conferences and events, and make last-
ing professional connections. There are down-
sides; scholars need to manage their online time
and reputations effectively. Still, by strategically
selecting whom to follow and what to contrib-
ute on Twitter, young researchers can build a
S OC IA L MED IA powerful virtual network that will yield oppor-

A network boost
tunities, information and advice.

People who use Twitter may do so as active par-
ticipants, posting anything that can fit into 140
characters, and also as followers who read these
How scientists can use Twitter to expand their social tweets (see ‘On Twitter but not tweeting’). More
contacts and find jobs. than one million users follow CERN, the par-
ticle-physics laboratory near Geneva, Switzer-
land, for example. Participants often follow 100
B Y M O N YA B A K E R made on Twitter, she decided to give the social- or more users, and so constantly receive posts in

media platform a try. An exchange that began their Twitter feed from researchers outside their
nformation scientist Cassidy Sugimoto was last year as short posts, or ‘tweets’, relating to own immediate networks. Users can also search
initially sceptical that Twitter was anything conference sessions led to a new contact offer- for posts on a particular topic using the hash
more than a self-promotional time-sink. ing to help her negotiate access to an internal symbol followed by a keyword, and curate their
But when she noticed that her graduate stu- data set from a large scientific society. “Because connections for discussions relevant to their
dents were receiving conference and co- we started the conversation on Twitter, it interests and careers. “By following the people
authoring invitations through connections allowed me to move the conversation into the you find interesting and may want to work

1 2 F E B R UA RY 2 0 1 5 | VO L 5 1 8 | N AT U R E | 2 6 3
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with, you’re among the first to know when tenure-track position after a candidate posted

they have an open position within their labs or inflammatory tweets. Some scientists, includ-
institutions,” says Jacob Jolij, a neuroscientist at ing Chemjobber, have opted to not use their
the University of Groningen in the Netherlands. real names to avoid potential conflicts with
For instance, if a potential supervisor or peer is employers.
moving lab, he or she may announce it on Twit-
ter. Such posts can suggest that labs and institu- THE NETWORK WAY
tions may soon be looking for new employees. Career consultants and university guidance
When Thea Whitman was a doctoral student counsellors interviewed by Nature Careers
in soil science at Cornell University in Ithaca, de-emphasized Twitter in favour of encourag-
New York, in 2013, she forwarded, or retweeted, ing an online presence on LinkedIn (see Nature
a post from another soil researcher announc- 516, 441–442; 2014).
 Nonetheless, Twitter and
ing a tenure-track opening at the University other forms of social media are changing the
of Wisconsin–Madison. She did not think of playing field. Danielle N. Lee, an outreach
herself as a candidate: she was considering advocate and postdoc in psychology at Cor-
options for a postdoctoral position. But when nell University, says that her blogposts and
she looked again at the posting, she realized tweets about making science more inclusive
that her interests and qualifications matched for women and minorities have yielded pres-
the job requirements. She sent in an applica- tigious speaking engagements and invitations
tion, landed an interview and got the job. (She to write articles for publication.
starts in January 2016 after finishing a postdoc Sugimoto thinks that social media may be
stint at the University of California, Berkeley.) Cassidy Sugimoto says that Twitter can help to starting to reweave the fabric of traditional aca-
One chemist who writes a blog and tweets shape scientific networks. demic research. “I’m seeing students creating
under the username Chemjobber about work identities that don’t have to be routed through
in the US chemical and drug industry esti- postdocs, and says that following institutions, the principal investigator,” she says. “I see doc-
mates that he tweets three to five positions a companies and individuals on Twitter can offer toral students making increasing use of Twitter
day. He receives two or three notes a year from clues about workplace culture and ongoing to brand themselves.” Although existing stud-
readers who tell him that they found the advert projects in a way that static websites do not. ies on the topic are small and research methods
for their new job through one of his posts. That knowledge can be especially helpful dur- are still being worked out, there is some sug-
Although plenty of job announcements ing a job interview, he says. It can also paint gestion that social media can have an equaliz-
made on Twitter fail to attract suitable can- a picture of what the job might be like, says ing effect by making people without access to
didates, tweeting and retweeting can help to Whitman. “If your future adviser or colleagues conventional networks more visible, she says.
expand recruitment efforts. In December, are active on Twitter, it can give you insight Twitter’s value to job seekers is more about
Matthew MacManes, a genomic biologist at into their personality. Do they tend to be nega- making connections than finding a newly
the University of New Hampshire, Durham, tive? Constructive? How do they respond to advertised job, says Chemjobber. “The reason
tweeted a link for a tenure-track position in his criticism?” to get on Twitter for your job search is that it
department. Within 2 weeks, retweets brought Employers use Twitter to evaluate potential offers you a way to short-circuit traditional
the posting to more than 10,000 Twitter users, recruits as well. Evolutionary biologist Iain networking,” he says. “It doesn’t matter if you’re
and some 200 viewed a description of the Couzin is setting up a department to study a full professor or a grad student or an early-
position, he says. “These are candidates that I collective animal behaviour after moving to career person, you can get noticed.”
wouldn’t have otherwise reached.” the Max Planck Institute for Ornithology in And the social-media platform helps
Konstanz, Germany. He says that Twitter is users to cross disciplines, says Hiroki Ueda,
FIND AN EMPLOYER — OR EMPLOYEE becoming a tool to help find excellent young a systems biologist at the RIKEN Center
Twitter is not the primary way that young scientists. “I get to know who many of the can- for Developmental Biology in Kobe, Japan.
scientists find jobs, however. Gwynn Benner, didates are as I have also been following them,” “Sometimes I get interested in PhD students
who coordinates career services for postdocs he says. Danielle Bassett, a bioengineer at the and postdocs espe-
and graduate students at the University of Cali- University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, says “It doesn’t cially from different
fornia, Davis, says that she often sees a mismatch that although she has not used Twitter to recruit matter if you’re fields — chemistry,
in Twitter usage at career fairs. “The employers lab members directly, she does look at online physics, informa-
a full professor
will be tweeting, ‘I’ve got a booth,’ and the stu- activity; a history of tweets that demonstrate tion science — just
dents are just not on Twitter.” A steady stream scientific insight and interdisciplinary interests
or a grad though their tweets.”
of tweets come from @naturejobs, @Science- has increased candidates’ chances, she says. student or an Twitter can enable
Careers, university career offices, aggregators But a Twitter account is not an automatic early-career support networks
and employers, but Benner thinks that Twitter boost. “Some of my older colleagues think that person, you can that would be impos-
could be overwhelming as a primary tool in a if you are using social media, you don’t have get noticed.” sible in the physical
job search. Instead, she says, it should be used enough to do,” says Jessica McCarty, who stud- world, says Caleph
strategically, to learn what potential employers ies land use at Michigan Tech Research Insti- Wilson, an immunologist at the University
are up to, and whether they have job openings. tute in Ann Arbor. “It is a double-edged sword,” of Pennsylvania. He participates in a Twitter
“Say there are five companies I want to target,” warns Jennifer Biddle, an assistant professor group that has launched weekly digital con-
she says. “That’s when I get on Twitter.” at the University of Delaware in Newark who versations using the hashtag #BlackandSTEM.
Twitter can help in early-career research- studies environmental microorganisms. “If The platform provides a forum where he can
ers’ job searches by allowing them to see other you are outspoken or mostly post about your share his experiences as an African American
users’ previous posts and current connections. personal life, you may create prejudgement.” working in science, technology, engineering
Arne Bakker at the Stanford University Career Or worse: in one particularly controversial and mathematics (STEM), and younger sci-
Development Center in California provides case, the University of Illinois at Urbana– entists can learn from them. “Physically, you
advice for people with science PhDs and for Champaign rescinded a job offer for a may be in a situation where you are the only

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# S C I E N C E T R E N DI N G State contributions
On Twitter but not tweeting Individual states funnelled US$1.8 billion
into research labs and studies in 2013,
A common strategy on Twitter is lurking: And Twitter is boosting the scope of with one-quarter of that devoted to basic
reading tweets but not posting them. conferences, too, helping people who research, finds a survey by the National
For many users, Twitter becomes cannot attend to follow what is going on. At Science Foundation in Arlington, Virginia.
their main way to learn about relevant the Annual Geophysical Union meeting in Although federal funding for research
papers, conferences and news. To build San Francisco, California, last December, and development (R&D) dwarfs state
that information feed, users need to attendees numbered about 24,000, yet investments, state expenditures can help
choose which streams to follow and more than 28,000 people posted almost to tailor workforces to regional needs,
what hashtags to monitor, such as 57,000 tweets and retweets with the says James Hearn, associate director of
#lifeafterPhD. Many follow relevant hashtag #agu14 — double the previous the Institute of Higher Education at the
departments in grant agencies; year. Specific sessions within conferences University of Georgia in Athens. Five states
@NIHfunding has 24,000 followers, for often have their own hashtags, catering to together accounted for almost three-
example. researchers’ specific interests. fifths of the investments (see ‘Top R&D
Many journals and journal editors High levels of Twitter activity can be spenders’). External R&D — mainly that at
tweet their tables of contents and retweet intimidating, so the best approach is academic institutions — tended to receive
relevant comments. Beginners on to read tweets selectively. Lisa Balbes, more than the internal R&D conducted by
Twitter can also find accounts to follow a career-development consultant in state agencies.
through retweeted posts and by looking Kirkwood, Missouri, advises Twitter users
through followers of other users. Lists of not to even try to check every post. She TOP R&D SPENDERS
recommended people to follow abound thinks of Twitter as an additional source of California is top, but even Ohio, Texas and New York
spent as much as the bottom 25 states combined.
as well. Programmes such as TweetDeck information and networking. “I skim the
or Hootsuite can sort Twitter streams by headlines when I have a couple minutes,” 400
username and hashtag. she says. M.B. External R&D
Internal R&D

State funds for R&D in 2013

person [in an under-represented group] says. “It comes down to building a relation-

(US$ thousands)
but through social media, you are in a space ship with other people through whatever
where you can have the all-important STEM tools they are using.” Relationships require 200
vent session,” he says. more than a single click. Twitter users should
Science exchanges on Twitter are generally not assume, for example, that being mutual
convivial, but there is no doubt that Twitter followers with another user means that the 100
can get ugly. In November, the leader of the person has taken an interest in helping them.
Rosetta Mission that landed a probe on a An online reputation for being thought-
comet wore a shirt printed with scantily clad ful, enterprising and helpful can be as valu- 0
women. A science writer who tweeted that able as a long list of publications, says career

Bottom 25
New York


the attire made astronomy less welcoming to consultant Peter Fiske, head of PAX Water
women received multiple tweets telling her Technologies in Richmond, California. Sci-
to kill herself. entific conference organizers and observers
often follow a meeting’s tweetstream to learn
NO PERSONAL POSTS what generated excitement, and to find rising
Although horrible tweets and abusive ‘trolls’ stars. Informed tweets can help to draw their IMMIGRATION
exist, they are not a significant part of most attention, says Gunter. For the past several
scientists’ experience on Twitter, says Chris years, she has chaired committees that select Scientists gain access
Gunter, a researcher and science communi- speakers and moderators for the American Proposed federal legislation would exempt
cator at Marcus Autism Center and Emory Society of Human Genetics in Bethesda, scientists from some US immigration
University in Atlanta, Georgia. Those who Maryland. “The tweets alone can’t suggest a quotas. Similar legislation introduced
fear Twitter may not realize how much they good speaker,” she says, “but tweeting coher- by the Senate in 2013 failed to make it
can control their experience. “You can unfol- ently about the topic is always a good sign”. through the House of Representatives.
low or mute people,” she says, “and you can Twitter’s greatest advantage may be its flex- However, Atessa Chehrazi, an immigration
take a break for a while.” As a precaution, ibility in terms of the time spent and level of attorney in San Francisco, California, says
she avoids inflammatory or overly personal commitment. “You can dip your toes in — you that foreign researchers would gain many
posts, such as using family members’ names. don’t have to be a crazy twittermaniac,” says more opportunities to work in the United
For conversations that require nuance, users Titus Brown, a bioinformatician at the Uni- States if even targeted provisions of the bill
should switch to other types of communica- versity of California, Davis. “In the past few pass, such as a proposal to allow graduate
tion, she says. It is common for interactions years, I’ve seen it grow considerably in profes- students who arrive on non-immigrant
that begin on Twitter to move over to e-mail, sional usefulness. It will continue to evolve,” visas to seek permanent resident status.
for example. he predicts. “Find a way to use it in a way that Restrictive employment quotas and visas
Although conventions on social media are makes sense with your personality and time for scientists and other highly trained
still emerging, the basic rules of networking constraints — and it will be useful for you.” ■ workers have come under attack in the
still apply, says Lisa Balbes, a career-devel- past decade. More than a dozen higher-
opment counsellor in Kirkwood, Missouri. Monya Baker writes and edits for Nature’s education associations are urging Congress
“It’s a weird, messy landscape right now,” she Careers section. to pass the bill.

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What a waste.

BY IULIA GEORGESCU irony, of course, is that the objects on display, are screaming, my vision is getting blurred,

now worth risking your skin for, were once but I keep moving.
crash-land amid a cloud of shattered ubiquitous. The most common things in the Part of my mind keeps going back to the
glass. The deserted pedestrian tunnel world. Even I remember seeing much of that exhibition. We made so many wrong choices,
that runs beneath the streets of Kensing- stuff when I was a kid. But after decades of wasted so many opportunities, exhausted our
ton stretches ahead of me. A second later, overconsumption and a planet stripped of resources, lost so much. Just like me and my
I am running fast into the walk- life. Somehow I never had the
way’s murky depths, thanking strength to do the right things.

science for my light exoskeleton I hear the Tube train long
and my employer for paying for before the lights break into the
it. How did people manage to tunnel. A few tens of seconds till
do their jobs without enhance- it reaches me. I stop and face the
ment prosthetics? The question oncoming lights. Focus. Count-
flits through my mind as I rush ing. Three. Two. One. Just before
past an array of adverts that the train hits me, I use my last
would have been invisible in the drops of energy to jump high.
darkness, but for my smart con- I land on the roof of a carriage.
tact lenses. I catch a glimpse of The exoskeleton on my legs
the poster promoting Extinct! cracks badly. I cling to the train
Objects That Are No More, the with one hand and grip the box
new exhibition at the Science with the other. I see the num-
Museum. The very place where bers on my retinal display. One
I have just acquired the item minute forty-five seconds to the
ordered by my employer. next stop.
I check my sensors without I jump to the platform before
slowing my pace. No pursuit. Not the train stops. The badly dam-
yet. I tighten my grip on the box aged exoskeleton somehow
in my arms. It had been a risky manages to keep my legs from
job. The security at the museum breaking. Praise the maker. I
was tight. Very tight. And for start running, slower now. I don’t
what? A gift for his lovely grand- even need the sensors to feel my
daughter, he says. Such a valu- pursuers closing in. I struggle up
able resource wasted as a toy for the stairs and see the faint light of
a five-year-old! Like having a water fight in resources, stuff that once was worthless is morning outside. I’ve made it!
the desert. I despise my filthy rich employer now worth a fortune. But there’s no rescue waiting for me as I
and his eccentric job requests, but then, he I recheck my sensors. Five pursuers. emerge into the dawn’s rays. Drones close in
did pay for all of my enhancements. And he Damn. Perhaps others that are shielded? from behind. Ahead are four armed cops and
got me out of jail. Twice. Should I risk a deeper scan? Better to try a little bald man with old-fashioned glasses,
I reach the end of the tunnel and stop to outrun them. If I make it to the meeting whom my retinal display identifies as the
abruptly. Sensor check. There’s some move- point, I might even survive the night. Lucky museum curator. I spot a different style of
ment at the far end, where I came through the box is light. drone descending slowly towards me. My
the roof. No time to waste. With one hand, Run. bastard employer is abandoning me, but
I lift a heavy manhole cover and slide into Back at the exhibition I think I saw a plas- has sent his toy to recover his prize. Fine.
the gap, pulling the lid closed behind me. tic bottle like my mum used to have. She said Perhaps it’s time to quit this job anyway. I
Hastily, I climb down the ladder, hurrying to that all drinks came in such containers and gather my little remaining strength to throw
the disused tunnels that link to the London that cities overflowed with plastic garbage. the box to the approaching drone.
Underground system. As I hit the ground, I Hard to imagine that anyone would throw “Noooo! Don’t shoot you idiots!”
head for one of the larger passageways and away such valuable material. But that was in I hear the little man screaming and the
start running again. the age of waste, before people figured out guns firing. The box shatters and I fall on
Even with all the muscular implants, I how badly they needed such resources for the cold, wet pavement. Blood tastes warm
am getting tired. No time to stop. It’s been a the 3D printing industry. in my mouth as I hold out my arm. The red
hell of a night. I’ve been lucky to make it this My sensors tell me that the pursuers are helium balloon rises gracefully into the
far. Who would think that a museum would closing in. They’ve brought three drones. I morning sky. ■
have so many layers can’t outrun those. Desperately, I scan the
NATURE.COM of security? Cam- map on my retinal display. I switch direc- Iulia Georgescu is an editor of Nature
Follow Futures: eras, sensors, drones, tion and enter another tunnel. Three min- Physics. At work she reads science and on
@NatureFutures guards in the finest utes till the District line train reaches this the daily commute on the Tube she imagines exoskeletons. The section. Perhaps I can make it. My muscles the science turning into science fiction.

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