Iaea - Tecdoc - 1852 PDF
Iaea - Tecdoc - 1852 PDF
Iaea - Tecdoc - 1852 PDF
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September 2018
Dissimilar metal welds (DMWs) are common in light water reactors at the interfaces between
ferritic components and austenitic piping systems and other structural elements. The most
important property of DMWs with respect to residual stresses is the difference in the
coefficients of thermal expansion between the parent and weld metals.
DMWs in safety critical locations include the connections from the reactor pressure vessel, the
steam generator and the pressurizer of the primary circuit, and safety system piping and vessel
penetrations (e.g. for the control rod drive mechanism and instrumentation).
Various forms of cracking have been observed in DMWs between piping components in nuclear
power plants. Mixed mode loading, inspection difficulties, variability of material properties,
residual stresses and conservatism of current engineering methods all combine to create
problems for structural integrity assessment.
Recent operating experience in IAEA Member States (e.g. at Kernkraftwerk Leibstadt and
Biblis in Germany, at Ringhals in Sweden, and at various EDF plants) has shown that these
welds can be susceptible to various forms of service induced cracking. When such cracking is
detected, usually during non-destructive examination, the operator has to make an assessment
of the situation depending on the extent and severity of the reported damage. Depending on the
safety class of the equipment, the results must be presented and reported to the regulatory body.
This publication is aimed at inspection organizations and their managers, operating staff and
the local suppliers who provide inspection services for utilities. It aims to share good practices,
as well as some practical case studies, for use by operators and utilities in Member States. The
publication discusses requirements for an in-service inspection programme; different inspection
techniques and methods; inspection qualification and evaluation of results; and challenges for
ultrasonic inspection of DMWs. It also discusses techniques for repairing and replacing DMWs,
as well as how to mitigate or remove cracks and corrosion that might have an impact on the
safety margins.
The information included represents a general consensus among the participating experts as to
the best common or individual practices for use at nuclear power plants for the inspection and
repair of DMWs.
The IAEA wishes to thank all the experts involved and their Member States for their
contributions. The IAEA officer responsible for the preparation of this publication was
H. Varjonen of the Division of Nuclear Power.
This publication has been prepared from the original material as submitted by the contributors and has not been edited by the editorial
staff of the IAEA. The views expressed remain the responsibility of the contributors and do not necessarily represent the views of the
IAEA or its Member States.
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1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................ 1
1.1. Background ......................................................................................................... 1
1.2. Objectives ........................................................................................................... 5
1.3. Scope .................................................................................................................. 6
1.4. Structure.............................................................................................................. 6
REFERENCES ......................................................................................................................... 77
GLOSSARY ............................................................................................................................. 79
ABBREVIATIONS .................................................................................................................. 81
During the last few decades welds between ferritic and austenitic materials challenged
manufacturers and inspectors in nuclear power plants and other boiler operators all over the
world. It has been recognized that defects and failures in this kind of welded joints can cause
dangerous situations and as well unscheduled outages in nuclear power plants.
Nuclear power plant (NPP) ferritic steel pipe–nozzles in primary systems like reactor pressure
vessels (RPV) and steam generators (SG) are connected with dissimilar metal weld’s (DMW)
to the austenitic stainless steel Safe Ends. The most common filler material in these dissimilar
metal welding’s (DMW) is a nickel–base alloy 82 / 182, because its thermal coefficient is
roughly midway between those of ferritic — and austenitic stainless steel. In addition, the use
of Alloy 82 / 182 for buttering allows post weld heat treatment (PWHT) of the nozzle to be
done in the shop. This makes installation easier since the DMW between the safe end and
nozzle (butter) eliminates any additional PWHT.
For WWER–440 and WWER–1000 type reactors, the location of DMWs is in general similar
to the locations mentioned at PWRs and BWRs. The principal difference is in the applied
materials and much less in their locations. There is also substantial difference in the base
metal materials for WWER–440 and WWER–1000 primary circuit piping. Austenitic
stainless steel 08Kh18N10T respectively ferritic steel 22K equipped with austenitic cladding
is applied for WWER–440 respectively WWER–1000 primary piping. The austenitic stainless
steel filler EA410T and the buttering the 1st layer material Sv–10Kh16N25AM6 and the
buttering 2nd layer material Sv–04Kh19N11M3 are applied for WWER–440 and WWER–
1000 type NPPs. The locations where DMWs are typically found include WWER–440 RPV
safe end welds, recirculation inlet and outlet SG nozzles, core spray nozzles, jet pump
instrumentation nozzles, and feedwater nozzles.
Operating experiences and continuous research in this difficult welding area has identified
few different failure modes, which continue to cause problems. Now, when many of existing
nuclear power plants plan their life time extension from planned 40 years operation to the 60,
70 or even 80 years, it is important to find ways to inspect even more precisely these
dissimilar metal welding joints and, if some failures were detected, how to properly repair
these findings to ensure reliable operation.
This publication outlines the main aspects and issues to be considered when developing and
improving dissimilar metal weld (DMW) inspections in NPPs. It also provides in–service
inspection (ISI) requirements for DMW’s in NPPs and describes challenges which may occur
during inspections.
Several thousand successful non–destructive tests are performed annually in nuclear power
plants. Yet there is still much to improve and develop in the performance of technical
inspections and as well as the evaluation / analysis of the results.
A large number of welded connections are used in nuclear power plants to achieve the best
possible mechanical strength. Reactor pressure vessel (RPV) components are made of ferritic
steel, whereas some of the connecting pipelines are fabricated from austenitic stainless steel.
As a consequence, different components often need to be connected by so–called dissimilar
metal welds (DMW). A DMW refers to a weld joining two materials from different alloy
systems. A common power plant application is joining a ferritic low alloy steel to an
austenitic stainless steel [1]. A schematic of a DMW is shown in Figure 1.
Parent material B:
Buttering Carbon or low alloy steel
The use of dissimilar metal welding has achieved significant benefits. Many years of
operating experience with these joints reveal the potential for defects that may jeopardize the
Nuclear Power Plants safety and availability. However, that same experience demonstrates
that periodic maintenance and inspection of these welded joints is an essential part of power
plant safety, reliability and long term, sustainable operation.
A buttering layer is often used to provide a transition between the considerably different
physical and mechanical properties of the parent materials. A power plant application of
DMW is given in ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section XI, Rules for In–Service
Inspection of Nuclear Power Plant Components, Division1 [1].
PWR/BWR Material
Joint component Material
67 min. Ni 20 Cr 3 max. Fe
Inconel 82 (ERNiCr-3) 59 min. Ni 15 Cr 10 max. Fe
Weld metal
Inconel 182 (ENiCrFe-3)
67 min. Ni 20 Cr 3 max. Fe
Inconel 82 (ERNiCr-3) 59 min. Ni 15 Cr 10 max. Fe
Inconel 182 (ENiCrFe-3)
WWER Material
EA-395/9 SS
1st layer of buttering 15 Cr 25 Ni 6 Mo
weld metal
EA-400/10T 18 Cr 10 Ni
The heat–up and cooldown cycles imposes thermal strains on the DMW having stainless steel
as filler metal because the thermal expansion coefficients for the stainless steel is about 30%
higher than that for ferritic steel. Thus, the mismatch of the thermal expansion coefficients
and possibly carbon migration from the ferritic material to the austenitic material (mostly if a
PWHT is done) are more likely to shorten the stress corrosion cracking or fatigue crack
propagation life of a DMW having stainless steel as a filler metal.
The use of Ni–based alloys as a filler metal has a less adverse effect on the fatigue life of a
DMW because of reduced carbon migration and significantly smaller mismatch in the thermal
expansion coefficients between the filler metal and carbon steel base material. However, there
will be a significant mismatch in the thermal expansion coefficients between the Ni–based
filler metal and the stainless steel base material [2].
Detecting these failures is only possible, if reasons and forms of anomalies are known. These
welds usually have degradation in the heat affected zone (HAZ) or in the buttering, where
material discontinuity cannot be recognized in all cases.
Especially, for interdendritic stress corrosion cracking (IDSCC) in nickel base alloys weld
metal, weld repairs seem to be of great influence for cracks to develop.
The difficulty in detecting SCC in Ni–alloy welds depends on the tight shape of the crack
opening displacement (COD) and the intermittent crack openings in the surface. The through
wall sizing is also a challenge, in part because the crack surfaces in depth are in contact with
each other due to the tightness and presence of unbroken ligaments, which cause a number of
diffracted signals. The main problem of this is that cracks may be undersized.
Many nuclear power plant’s steam generators (SG) were manufactured according to the same
welding procedure as the ones having been damaged. Based on the corrosion damage of this
type with the electrochemical corrosion initiation process caused by anodic dissolution of
carbon steel and with the dominant degradation mechanism the stress corrosion cracking on
the dissimilar metal welds of steam generator lower collectors the occurrence of non–
destructive examination (NDE) issues with large corrosion damage even through wall cracks
with leaks cannot be excluded.
Ultrasonic non–destructive inspection of austenitic welds and DMW components is
complicated because of anisotropic columnar grains and dendritic structures leading to beam
splitting and beam deflection. Qualification plays an important role in developing advanced
reliable ultrasonic testing (UT) techniques and optimizing experimental parameters for the
inspection of austenitic welds and dissimilar weld components.
Discuss and evaluate the status of DMW’s and its evolution in nuclear power plants
in IAEA Member States;
Review and discuss the major operating experiences in PWR and BWR relevant to
ageing degradation;
Discuss and evaluate the ISI requirements and implementation for DMW’s; and
To provide knowledge about different repair, replacement and mitigation techniques;
The specific concept of this publication is to treat three key issues, ISI requirements for
DMW’s different repair techniques and operating experiences and recommendations how to
solve problems in DMW’s.
The intention of this publication is to the disseminate information in order to achieve and
increasing the knowledge of DMW repair and replacement techniques, operating experience
and recommendations, thereby achieving a higher level of safety and reliability in nuclear
power plant operation.
This publication is intended for all institutions and individuals involved in DMW’s such as:
However, those organizations and individuals interacting with DMW’s and working in the
following areas are also addressed:
The objective of this publication is to support the Member States NPPs improve the
effectiveness of dissimilar metal welding inspection as well repair the flaws and defects if
they are occurred during the inspections.
This document provides practical examples and best practices for different techniques of
inspections, acceptance limits and criteria for defects and requirements for inspection
The scope of this technical document to collect the latest information on the knowledge and
practices of DMWs inspections and monitoring practices to improve structural integrity of
This document describes code requirements such as ASME Section III and Section XI [1],
including coverage of the stainless steel weld and also includes the classification of areas
subject to inspection, responsibilities, provision for access, inspection techniques and
procedures, qualification of personnel, inspection frequency, documentation, evaluation of
results and repair requirements.
The publication is divided into five main sections. Section two gives review of operating
experiences and different degradation mechanisms for DMW’s in nuclear industry. Section
three describes in–service inspection programmes and different inspection techniques for
DMW’s and how to evaluate inspection results. Section four is focused on different repair,
replacement and mitigation techniques. Sections five includes a summary of lessons learned,
recommendations and a few case studies of DMW’s.
This section provides a summary of the major operational PWR and BWR service history
relevant to ageing degradation by stress corrosion cracking (SCC) focused on DMWs.
These incidents offer a perspective on the design bases and their conservatism relative to
operating parameters. It is particularly noteworthy that each has been resolved by a qualified
repair programme. Nozzle cracking, stub tube cracking, Safe End cracking and closure stud
cracking are all age–related degradation mechanisms; which have been effectively managed.
The OECD / NEA SCAP event database (Access is granted from NEA) will provide details of
previous SCC events. In the following chapters, we will focus mainly on DMW nuclear
industry failures, NDE issues in both BWR and PWR type reactors.
Detection of NDE indications was performed in many of the above cases by UT (39 of 46),
other during walk–down / surveillance or by visual testing (VT) (6 leaks) and the last one
during replacement by dye penetrant testing (PT).
Accepted measures include in the majority various kinds of weld overlays (WOL). Seven
cases were solved by replacement and / or destructive examination. For five events,
monitoring of allowable flaw indications was decided according to the Code requirements.
Three flaw indications were acceptable for operation due to the fabrication origin.
The characteristics of failures in DMWs are quite different from those of intergranular stress
corrosion cracking (IGSCC) in stainless steel. A prime difference is that the dissimilar metal
(DM) flaws are typically located in the weld material, whereas IGSCC is located along the
heat–affected zone (HAZ). With DM flaws, the cracking is interdendritic rather than
intergranular. The growth pattern can appear to be disconnected or discontinuous.
DMWs are usually wider than normal stainless steel welds. This can lead to difficulties,
particularly when the flaw is located on the far side of the weld. Many DMWs at Western
type reactors are ground flush, allowing for good access to the weld. Where the DMW is close
to (or part of) a diameter or thickness transition, access to the weld might be restricted.
DMWs at WWER type reactors are not normally grounds flush, the weld crown in such cases
is a significant access restriction especially when the flaw is located on the far side of the
weld in the vicinity of the weld buttering or directly on the weld buttering to carbon steel
The DMW flaws at WWER type reactors are not typically located in the weld material, they
are prominently located at the weld buttering to carbon steel interface and along the HAZ.
With The degradation mechanisms for DM flaws at WWER type reactors are usually
combination of corrosion on the carbon steel side and SCC.
2.1.1. The phenomenon of stress corrosion cracking (SCC)
FIG. 2. Diagram showing the three concurrent factors necessary for SCC.
SCC occurs in the primary water environment is often denoted as primary water stress
corrosion cracking (PWSCC). Cracks resulted from SCC in dissimilar metal welds is one of
the objective of the in–service inspection. Components degraded from SCC warrants repair or
replacement. The following described the three necessary conditions leading to SCC in
b) Threshold tensile stress — The stress is in the tensile mode. The stress can be an
applied stress from the service load or a residual stress in a weldment.
c) Specific aqueous environment — The occurrence of SCC is very dependent on the
temperature, hydrogen concentration and to a lesser extent the Lithium content, pH–
value and the presence of zinc [3] SCC is generally considered less credible in PWR at
an operating temperature lower than 290oC.
SCC typically shows branched cracks. The cracking morphology of SCC can manifest itself
in three forms [4].
a) Intergranular — In this form of crack path, the crack predominantly follows along
grain boundaries in materials of wrought forms or the heat affected zone (HAZ) of a
weld. SCC taking this form of crack morphology is termed as Intergranular SCC
(IGSCC). Figure 3 shows a typical IGSCC. Austenitic stainless steel with sensitized
grain structure is susceptible to IGSCC. In the sensitized austenitic stainless steel
materials, the grain boundaries are depleted with chromium as a result of formation of
complex chromium carbide particles along grain boundaries. The chromium–depleted
grain boundaries offer less resistance to corrosion. SCC of alloy 600 in mill annealed
condition takes this form of SCC.
c) Interdendritic — This form of crack path can be found in weld deposit consisting of
dendritic solidification structure. The crack path tends to follow the interdendritic
areas where undesirable microstructural constituents and carbides tend to agglomerate.
The interdendritic area can also deplete with chromium. As a result, cracks due to
SCC will tend to follow this area in their propagation. SCC showing such crack path
patterns is referred to as Interdendritic SCC (IDSCC). SCC of nickel alloy weld
deposit in dissimilar metal weld exhibits this form of cracking. This mode of cracking
has been seen in WWER DMW. Figure 5 shows a typical interdendritic SCC.
Especially, for interdendritic stress corrosion cracking (IDSCC) in nickel base alloys weld
metal, weld repairs seem to significantly influence crack development.
The designation IDSCC indicate that the cracking occurs in weld metal only. Typical
orientation is transverse to the weld joint.
Similar to IDSCC in austenitic stainless steels, IDSCC in weld metal shows frequent
micro–branching. However, macro–branching is less frequent for IDSCC.
Stress corrosion cracking normally produces very sharp crack tips, typically < 1 µm. It is
obvious that the crack width doesn’t necessarily decrease with increasing distance from
the surface. This appearance is typical for SCC in weld metal. The crack width is varying
considerably more along the crack in the thickness direction compared with other crack
mechanisms. It is also common that the crack width at the surface is considerably smaller
than further below. A crack width close to zero at the intersection with the surface can
Due to the three–dimensional (3D) dendritic micro–structure of weld metal, an SCC crack
often appears to be discontinuous, when looking at a cross-section. A reasonable
explanation is that the growing crack cannot pass through dendrites oriented perpendicular
to the crack plane. The crack front must split when it meets the dendrite and is re–joining
after passing it. Everywhere the cross–section coincides with such dendrites the crack
appears to be discontinuous [4].
FIG. 3. Photomicrograph showing a typical crack path of IGSCC (through wall) (Courtesy of VTT).
FIG. 5. Photomicrograph showing a typical crack path of IDSCC (Courtesy of VTT).
For SCC, as already noted, all three prerequisites; material condition, environment chemistry
and stress must be fulfilled. In the original design of LWRs, SCC phenomena were not
explicitly considered until, beginning in the mid–seventies, the worldwide BWR fleet began
to suffer from a sequence of IGSCC incidents. The ensuing damage resulted in substantial
economic losses for utilities, especially in the eighties. A tremendous amount of effort was
devoted during the ensuing years to mitigate IGSCC and, in particular, to improve the water
chemistry. Due to these efforts, plant availability has increased and, in addition, radiation
buildup has been effectively mitigated. The evolution of capacity factor losses, as of 1980,
according to Figure 6 reflects that early mistakes have been corrected over time; partly by
improving water chemistry but also through component replacements. The dominating early
failure type in BWRs was IGSCC of sensitized stainless steel and more recently of cold
worked stainless steels; e.g. type 316L. In PWRs, steam generator tube cracking issues were
dominant. However, unpredicted SCC attacks still occur and influence plant performance and
FIG. 6: Corrosion related capacity factor losses due to corrosion in BWRs [5].
Dissimilar metal welds on the lower part of the steam generator collectors of WWER–440
nuclear power plants (Figure 7a and 7b) have shown a significant degradation in several
facilities in the last third of their design life. The degradation phenomenon is intergranular
corrosion attack starting from the internal surface which leads to loss of cohesion of grain
boundaries between ferritic collector material and the first layer of the buttering, and then to a
large discontinuity. The degradation may occur along the whole circumference and its depth
can vary. Its influence on structural integrity needs to be assessed, and in some plants the
dissimilar welds have already been repaired, in other plants the extension of ultrasonic
examination is planned and further repairs are scheduled based on structural integrity
calculations and qualified in–service inspection (ISI) results.
FIG. 7a: Dissimilar metal weld of the steam generator collector [6].
The basic cause of the damage is the strong susceptibility of the interface of the first layer of
buttering (austenitic stainless steel to carbon steel) to SCC due to carbon diffusion into the
buttering first layer causing non–stabilized steel approximately to the depth of 50μm. Other
deficiencies are design failures in the welding procedure in general causing residual stresses
to increase due to the post welding heat treatment (PWHT) during the manufacturing phase,
the corrosive influence of the secondary medium due to the corrosive deposits occurrence in
the crevice and, to less extent, the mechanical loading conditions contribute to the damage.
In PWRs, steam generator tube cracking issues were dominant in the past. For steam
generator tube similarly like for RPV safe end welds or other pressurizer or steam generator
DMWs SC cracking issues, three main prerequisites; material condition, environment
chemistry and stress had to be fulfilled.
Dissimilar metal welds can be found as well in PWR as in BWR plants, and often connect
equipment like RPV, SG or pressurizer to the main coolant piping. DMWs of ferritic nozzle
to austenitic piping welds are very challenging configurations for UT examination. Various
UT beam propagation issues in austenitic structures and the buttering on the carbon steel side
has influence on the reliability of inspection. This is due to the presence of multiple acoustic
interfaces and the complex geometry (nozzles, tapering, weld surface condition, one side
access and weld crown). In the original design of LWRs, SCC phenomena were not explicitly
considered. The ensuing damage resulted in substantial economic losses for utilities. The
evolution of capacity factor losses reflects that early mistakes have been corrected over time;
partly by improving water chemistry but also through component replacements. Unpredicted
SCC attacks still occur in PWRs and influence plant performance and availability.
During ultrasonic inspection of anisotropic and inhomogeneous austenitic welds there are
some difficulties to which special attention should be paid [6–11].First the elastic properties
of the austenitic weld material are directional dependent. Due to the inhomogeneous columnar
grain structure, curved ultrasound paths are resulted [7]. One of most significant problems is
the scattering of ultrasound at the grain boundaries leads to the high attenuation of the
ultrasound beam. Scattering is highly dependent on the relation of grain size to ultrasonic
wavelength. When grain size is less than 0.01 times the wavelength, scatter is negligible, and
when the grain size is 0.1 times the wavelength or larger, excessive scattering may make it
impossible to conduct valid ultrasonic inspections [1]. For this reason, spatially separate low
frequency, which gives a longer wave length, sending and receiving transducer arrangement is
used for ultrasonic inspection of austenitic welds[7].
Based on the basic geometric principles in homogeneous isotropic material the defect
response is easily calculated whereas in anisotropic austenitic welds geometric laws are not
valid due to inhomogeneous anisotropic columnar grain structure leading to complicated
defect response (for example see Figure 8) [7].
FIG. 8: Illustration of the reflection and transmission behaviour of the ray in isotropic and anisotropic
weld materials. ‘d’ represents the deviation between locations of the reflected signals in isotropic and
anisotropic weld materials [7].
The understanding of ultrasonic wave propagation and its interaction with defects in
anisotropic material is the key question in order to develop reliable ultrasonic testing
techniques for the inspection of critical defects such as transversal cracks in inhomogeneous
austenitic weld materials (see more in [7]).
Licensees plan testing in connection with scheduled outages such that it is organized and
performed with well proven inspection systems.
Inspection requirements are assigned to components according to safety class and / or safety
significance. Detailed requirements like inspection volume or acceptance criteria are given to
similar objects. These components, structures or welds have similar configuration and safety
significance. These combinations are called an inspection category. For example, ASME
Section XI determines safety classes and categories, the specific category table IWB 2500–1
B–F is for ‘Pressure Retaining Dissimilar Metal Welds in Vessel Nozzle. DMW are included
in different categories like nozzle full penetration welds, vessel's internal attachments, control
rod housing and instrumentation nozzles.
Inspections are planned for an interval that is divided to periods. Maximum inspection
interval is 10 years and it's divided to three periods. Also shorter intervals are used (6 to 8
year) [1]. The actual inspection interval can be supported by fracture mechanics analysis. For
DMW’s the inspection interval is often shorter, due to the nature of the degradation
1. Pre–service inspection programme (PSI);
2. In–service inspection programme (ISI);
3. ISI programme for each outage.
Baseline data should be collected for future reference. These data are normally collected in
the pre–service Inspection carried out before the start of plant operation; they give
information on initial conditions which supplements manufacturing and construction data in
providing a basis for comparison with the data from subsequent examinations. In the Pre–
Service Inspection the same methods, techniques and types of equipment should be used as
those which are planned to be used for in–service inspections. Whenever an SSC has been
repaired or replaced, a pre–service inspection should be performed before putting it into
operation [13].
Pre–service inspections (PSI) are done to provide basic comparative information for the in–
service inspection. Items that are included in up–coming ISI programme are included in PSI
programme. For different safety classes requirements might vary. For example, ASME
Section XI requires mainly 100% inspection for safety class (SC) 1 welds with some
exemption. Data is needed to gather information about the original condition of the
components in the scope of ISI. Information about manufacturing defects is needed to enable
the evaluation of service induce defects. PSI is essential data when analysing DMW
inspection results due their complexity. The same inspection methods and techniques, like in
planned ISI, should be used to ensure reliable data. Thus, inspection techniques are not
comparable to the inspection performed during manufacturing but those give supplementary
information of the final condition of the component before operation. Both manufacturing and
PSI is needed before operation. PSI is done before commissioning of new units or before start
up after repair.
It is important to understand that there is a difference between the examination by the vendor
and pre-service inspection. The examination by the vendor is according to construction code,
for example, ASME Section III [1] and before the item be installed in its place. The PSI is
according to ISI code, for example ASME Section XI and the examination is performed after
the item is installed in its place [1].
Over the plant’s operating lifetime, the operating organization should examine SSCs for
possible deterioration to determine whether they are acceptable for continued safe operation
or whether remedial measures should be taken. Emphasis should be placed on examination of
the pressure boundaries of the primary and secondary coolant systems, because of their
importance to safety and the potentially severe consequences of their failure [13].
In–service programmes are done as required by the regulator. Typically, those are determined
by inspection items per category. For example Finnish, requirements state that ‘The plan for
principles of in–service inspections shall be drawn up in a manner where it covers all
components and structures in safety classes 1 and 2 as well as others considered important to
nuclear safety, such as pressure vessels, pumps, piping, valves and their supports, reactor
pressure vessel internals, the flywheels of main coolant pumps, and the inspection areas of
piping that have been selected in a risk–informed manner‘ [14]. These programmes are
reviewed and updated according operating experiences and reworked when a new inspection
interval starts.
ISI programmes for each outage are done such that the requirements of each category in the
relevant interval and period are met. Maintenance programmes might influence when a
specific inspection is done within a specific period.
When flaws are found and after component analyses are accepted for continued service,
inspection programmes should be reanalyzed. The areas containing flaws should be re-
examined subsequently to confirm possible crack growth rate. If a component doesn't need
repair or replacement after three consecutive inspections at different outages then the relevant
inspection programme is re-evaluated. It might be shown that an indication can be from a
welding defect like root undercut and not service induced SCC. Indications resulting from
welding defects do not increase SCC risks that result from in–service / environmental
conditions. Actions should be designed and implemented in a manner to ensure the integrity
and operability of the systems, structures and components during the next interval and finally
through components service life [1].
Dissimilar metal welds typically join two or more different materials, and mostly involve
Inconel Alloys in PWRs with exception of WWER type LWRs where there is no Inconel
Alloy except in SCC sensitive material of the first layer of buttering. These types of welds can
be found as well in PWR and BWR plants, and often connect equipment (RPV, SG,
Pressurizer,…) to the main coolant piping. Dissimilar metal welds are very challenging
configurations for UT examination due to the various propagation issues in austenitic
structures, the presence of multiple acoustic interfaces and the complex geometry (nozzles,
tapering, weld surface condition, one side access and weld crown). The presence of
equipment nozzle to piping welds, tapering due to different equipment to piping thicknesses,
one side access due to equipment nozzle to pipe welds with not regularly grounded weld
crowns are reasons DMWs are difficult to examine, are equipped with weld overlays to make
them easier to examine or are repaired or replaced by other technical solutions or DMWs.
Previous inspection results, feedback from qualification, operating experience from other
units and / or fracture analyzes might impact inspection programmes. Inspection programmes
must be evaluated periodically to ensure, for example, optimized inspection timing. In–
service inspection programmes should be continuously kept up–to–date. Updates should be
done according code and standards, taking regulatory / authority requirements in account.
Surveillance of inspection programme should be done annually to confirm the fulfilment of
the original interval programme.
be analyzed. Assessment of operability and ageing–induced degradation related to relevant
safety margins should follow also within an aging management programme.
When increased risk of failure is detected, inspection programme should be revised according
fracture mechanism analyses. Respectively, inspection interval and periods can be often
extended if risk of failure is removed after that. Before making changes in an inspection and
surveillance programme after repair, feasibility of repair method for operation condition
should be analyzed. Qualified inspection techniques are used to determine integrity typically
after one or two years of operation. This measurement is done to support analyzes and to
confirm integrity. Repaired areas should be included to inspection programme as defined in
requirements or standards. The target for qualification of inspection is to give reliable and
traceable information of inspections. Any feedback from inspections should be analyzed and
qualifications modified accordingly. Especially, when inspecting DMW, inspection technique
should be assessed when feedback from sizing real flaws are done. For example, signal to
noise ratio in ultrasonic can vary from qualification coupons and the technique should be
improved. If there is a hint of under sizing then the programme must be modified to ensure
that defects are detected early enough. After repair activities, the inspection volume should
also be analyzed. Extension of welds should include in the inspection volume. Overlay welds
might reduce the inspection volume in base material. A typical requirement is the overlay
weld plus 25% of base material when the overlay is pressure retaining. Authorities might have
requirements to make previous defects sizing in base material. The inspection might be
challenging due to compression stresses and accessibility.
When DMW's has been in reduced inspection programme and repaired successfully, extended
inspection programme can be reconsidered after repair. A new inspection concept needs to be
integrated into the maintenance and inspection programme. Integration might have possibility
for significant cost savings when for example inspections are compound to same frequency.
In order to create good prerequisite requirements for the Vendor and Inspection Qualification
Body (IQB), reliable and correct data about the test object is required. This data comprises
both basic information from the inspection documentation, as well as a series of different
object–specific details and working environment factors. These jointly make-up the object
Inspection Datasheet, which forms the input information for inspection vendors and
qualification bodies, see Annex 1.
The Licensee releases the draft Inspection Datasheet for comment by the IQB and any other
relevant involved parties, to get consensus that the requirement is properly described.
The following section provides guidance as to what should be included as the minimum
In defining the content and format of an inspection data sheet, there are several key points:
Ra for a good machined surface finish) and an indication as to how the final surface
was fabricated (i.e. machined, hand ground, as–welded etc.)
Historical information — Information and results from previous performed
inspections on the actual object.
Defect Description — Nature of Defect — Brief description of the type and location
of defects. For instance:
Nickel–based alloy cracking of reactor pressure boundary components has been a worldwide
concern for about 25 years. Increased inspection frequencies, improved inspection practices,
and increased licensee vigilance continue to identify nickel–based alloy cracking in vessel
penetrations and various components of the primary coolant loop. To address the issue of
quantifying the effectiveness of Non–Destructive Examination (NDE), many international
Round Robin Tests (RRT) have been conducted since 1986.
The most common NDE techniques for inspections on DMW’s are Ultrasonic (UT) and Eddy
Current (ECT). The use of ECT prerequisite inspection from the inner surface of component,
i.e. from the surface where cracks are propagating. When inspections are performed from the
outer surface, UT is the method that is normally used.
All inspections on the inner diameter (ID) are done as mechanized inspections, i.e. encoded
systems, but outer diameter (OD) inspections could be done as both manual (non–encoded) or
For UT there are several different approaches like conventional pulse-echo, phased–array
probes (PAUT), and time–of–flight diffraction (TOFD) technique.
Below are a few conclusions from different international studies about those techniques and to
get the most reliable inspection result.
For individual NDE inspection methods and NDE techniques there are different surface
conditions and accessibility requirements given in inspection procedures.
Manually driven or encoded examinations of DMWs produce data acquisition files with
ultrasonic data. Qualified data analysts using an encoded UT inspection procedure determine
the presence of in–service flaw indication caused by in–service degradation in the examined
component with the DMW. The DMW data files can be re-evaluated by multiple analysts
either during the examination or more usually later with a possibility to compare data files
against data from a subsequent examination.
3.5.1. Background
The objective of this section is limited to a general guideline on how inspection qualification
for DMW’s should be carried out. The decision on whether an inspection should be qualified
is a matter for agreement between the parties involved or it is requirement of the Regulatory
Body. The NDE qualification will not be required for all routine NDT inspections.
Qualification should be considered where the safety or economic consequences of possibly
poor NDT performance, and / or the difficulty of applying the NDT, are such that additional
assurance is desirable that the NDT can meet the requirements. Qualification should also be
considered when a novel NDT technique is proposed for DMW inspection. In such a case the
inspection procedure for a novel NDT technique and the technical justification should contain
specific analysis of essential variables derived from the inspection procedure for flaw
distribution based on degradation mechanisms, inspection procedure search units applied
parameters analysis and the component description described in technical specification.
Therefore, the qualification scope of a NDE system consists of three main elements:
3.5.2. Qualification of equipment
Equipment, as per ASME Section XI Appendix VIII approach [1], is qualified together with
the procedure through the blind trials. Equipment essential parameters with allowable values
and tolerances are identified within the procedure, and verified/measured, as appropriate,
during the practical demonstration.
Within the ENIQ methodology [16], equipment (manipulator) can be qualified together with
the procedure on the open demonstration or be qualified separately on an object specific
mock–up. If equipment is qualified by itself, a technical justification is presented for review
by the QB, together with a practical demonstration on a mock–up. A certificate is valid as
long as no modification has been done to the equipment.
3.5.3. Qualification of NDE procedure
The qualification for instance within the European Network for Inspection and Qualification
(ENIQ) [16] is to demonstrate the inspection procedure step–by–step on open test pieces, and
to be approved, if all included flaws have to be detected, characterized and sized within
stipulated criteria and tolerances.
Procedure qualification as per ASME Section XI Appendix VIII [1] approach includes at least
three personnel performance demonstration test sets from the blind trials. Appendix VIII
listing the essential variables whose value must be specified in the inspection procedure to
ensure, that there are no unspecified variables which could cause the performance to vary
from that established by qualification. Successful qualification of procedure is required by
demonstration the detectability of required number within its scope. At least one successful
personnel qualification should be performed and successful personnel qualification might be
combined to satisfy requirements for procedure qualification.
The procedures should have clear criteria for analysis and reporting of detected flaws and
define the responsibilities for resolution and disposition of all flaws reported.
There are two basic elements included in an inspection qualification for dissimilar metal
welds: Technical Justification and Practical trials. Of practical reasons test piece trials often
provide only limited information on the performance of an NDT system, due to a limit
number of flaws.
1. To overcome these limitations by citing all the evidence which supports an assessment
of the capability of the NDT system to perform to the required level; it follows that a
better defined confidence in the inspection is provided.
2. To complement and to generalize any practical trials results by demonstrating that the
results obtained on the specific defects in the test pieces would equally well have been
obtained for any other of the possible defects.
3. To provide a sound technical basis for designing efficient test piece trials.
4. To provide a technical basis for the selection of the essential parameters of the NDT
system and their valid range.
5. Technical justification includes a written statement of the evidence which supports the
case that an inspection can meet its requirements. It comprises a mixture of
experimental evidence and theoretical assessment as appropriate. The ENIQ technical
justification typically includes:
1. Summary;
2. Section 1: Introduction;
3. Section 2: Summary of Relevant Input Information;
4. Section 3: Overview of Inspection System 6;
5. Section 4: Analysis of the Influential and Essential Parameters;
6. Section 5: Physical Reasoning (Qualitative Assessment);
7. Section 6: Prediction by Modelling (Quantitative Assessment);
8. Section 7: Experimental Evidence;
9. Section 8: Parametric studies;
10. Section 9: Equipment, Data Analysis and Personnel Requirements 8;
11. Section 10: Review of Evidence Presented;
12. Section 11: Conclusions and Recommendations, and
13. References.
8. All possible parameters of the equipment, the defects and the component which might
have an influence on the outcome of the inspection are called influential parameters.
In general, of all the possible influential parameters, only a limited number, the
essential parameters, will indeed have a significant influence on the inspection
outcome. These essential parameters should be identified and the range in which they
can vary should be defined. For the defects and the component, the essential
parameters are defined in the input information to be provided prior to inspection
qualification and the qualification is only valid within the defined boundaries. For the
NDT equipment and procedure, it should be verified during qualification that
requirements are included (e.g. calibration requirements) which ensure that the
essential parameters remain within the defined boundaries in order not to invalidate
the qualification. Further guidance on influential and essential parameters can be
found in ENIQ Recommended Practice 2 [3].
9. If practice test pieces (mock–up / open test specimens) are made available prior to the
start of inspection qualification, the results obtained on them can be very useful in
justifying some of the chosen inspection parameters, especially (for ultrasonic
inspection) in the case of austenitic components (provided that the practice test pieces
are similar in all relevant aspects to the ones used during qualification).
10. An important element of the technical justification is the feedback of field experience,
mentioned above. This source of information can become the most important one if
the populations of similar components or plants are large enough. This feedback has,
however, to be validated. The information generated should not be biased by experts’
impressions. Evaluation, possibly involving destructive examination, is often
necessary to validate the information coming from plant inspections.
11. If the process of assembling the evidence for the technical justification reveals any
shortcomings in the capability of the inspection, as compared to the desired
performance, these shortcomings should be clearly stated both in the text of the
technical justification and in its conclusions.
3.5.4. Modelling
The purpose of modelling is to generate quantitative and qualitative predictions about aspects
of inspection performance using mathematical models of the physical phenomena on which
the NDT technique under consideration is based. Normally the mathematical model is
implemented as a computational model although some mathematical models may be
amenable to hand calculation using simple mathematical formulae or implementation in
spreadsheets. In the following the focus is on the computational models and corresponding
software codes, which will be referred to as “models” and “codes”.
Modelling can be an attractive option for generating evidence on inspection capability for
technical justifications. It has four key advantages over the alternative approach of performing
experiments on test specimens: speed, cost, versatility and invariance of experimental error.
The speed and cost advantages are clear. Running a model is generally much quicker and
more cost efficient than manufacturing and inspecting test specimens. This is especially true if
realistic defects are required in the test specimens, rather than simple reflectors such as
notches or flat-bottomed holes, provided the model is able to handle realistic defects.
The third advantage is that of versatility. A good model should be able to handle a wide range
of inspection parameters and possible defect positions, shapes, sizes and orientations. A test
specimen, by contrast, can only include a limited number of defects, and it will not normally
be possible to cover the full range of plausible defects, as defined in Input Parameter
Specification [5]. A good model can fill the gaps in the experimental results and reduce the
number of test specimens needed. Provided they remain within their regimes of validity,
models can also be used to extrapolate experimental data over the full range of essential
parameters and so generalize experimental data.
The last advantage — the results from modelling do not include inherent variation due to
experimental error or environmental influence as would be encountered with test piece trials.
Sources of errors such as uncertainty in defect size and shape are also not encountered, and
sources of error unique to modelling (e.g. numerical error) are typically much smaller.
Despite these advantages, modelling is rarely used alone to provide evidence for a technical
justification. More usually it provides one element of evidence, alongside other sources (e.g.
experimental evidence, parametric studies, physical reasoning, feedback from field
experience, equipment considerations) [17].
Before a test piece is used in qualifications it has to undergo a quality assurance inspection. It
means that flaw locations, orientations, sizes and signal responses must be checked with an
appropriate inspection technique. Normally this is done by the qualification body, and always
when blind test pieces shall be used.
Practical trials may involve test pieces replicating the component being inspected in size and
geometry. The defective condition may also be accurately replicated. If metallurgical flaws
are involved, the test piece will be designed to contain flaws of the type judged to be possible
in appropriate positions and will normally include the “worst case” defects defined as those
most difficult to detect, characterize and size for the given inspection situation. Also, the most
likely — and the highest safety consequence defects are included.
Such test pieces will produce realistic result but are expensive to manufacture and can usually
only replicate a small fraction of the flaws which might occur.
Test pieces are essential for open and blind trials of qualification process, together with the
technical justification. Open trial is a practical demonstration in which the inspection
personnel is previously informed on the type, number and characteristics of the test pieces as
well as on the type, morphology, position and dimensions of the flaws to be detected and
For example, both ASME and ENIQ approach relies highly on performance demonstration by
using full–scale test pieces. The design of test pieces is based on the information taken from
the Technical specification, i.e. the input parameters for inspection.
In the context of the ENIQ and ASME methodology, personnel qualification is defined as the
process that demonstrates that personnel are capable of implementing a specific qualified
inspection or inspections.
Certification is defined as the process that demonstrates personnel have the basic skills to
implement an inspection method and may not refer to specific procedures. Usually, member
countries will have their own certification schemes that meet some recognized standard such
as ISO 9712 [18] or ANSI / ASNT CP189 [19]. Complementary certificates can be
implemented by independent organization / qualification body for nuclear application that are
specified to specific procedure for DMW.
The ENIQ Recommended Practice RP10 [20] “provides recommendations for the
qualification of inspection personnel where this is required. The recommended practice does
not give guidance of when personnel qualification should be performed — this is an issue to
be agreed with the relevant organizations”.
“The recommended practice RP10 [20] is relevant to any non–destructive testing method. It is
emphasized that the general principles given in this recommended practice can also be used
for qualification of manufacturing inspections.
The principal objective of personnel qualification is to ensure that those carrying out an
inspection are appropriately trained, experienced and examined to ensure it is applied
correctly and effectively. Automated inspections usually involve several stages which may be
performed by different personnel: for example, manipulator operators, and data collectors and
data analysts. It may be necessary to qualify some or all the personnel undertaking these roles
in different ways to demonstrate that they are capable of performing the tasks required of
them. Specifically, for automated inspections, it may only be necessary to qualify the data
analysts as there may be sufficient checks on the data that an incorrectly mounted manipulator
will be clear from the data quality and therefore there is no need to qualify the manipulator
Whether the inspection is manual or automated and the different roles fulfilled by
different groups of personnel in the latter case;
If the inspection is a manual one, whether the inspection imposes technical demands
beyond those examined through a national certification scheme such as those
discussed above; and
If the inspection is automated, whether it has features which require particular skills
beyond those normal for automated inspections” [20].
In the ENIQ methodology personnel qualification is done through one or any combination of
the following:
In some cases, are personnel approved through a national NDT personnel certification
scheme, but this is not the same as qualification on an object specific inspection procedure.
Qualification of personnel as per ASME Section XI Appendix VIII approach, for both manual
and automated examinations, is exclusively through the blind trials and only for the data
analysis personnel. An initial requirement for personnel qualification is that candidate is
certified to at least Level II through a national NDE certification scheme, i.e. ISO 9712:2012
[18]. Successful personnel qualification might be combined to satisfy requirements for
procedure qualification. Other personnel (data operators / acquisition, supporting personnel,
etc.) requirements including their training requirements are specified in the examination
procedure. Qualification of personnel for manual examinations is performed using generic
qualified procedures and equipment. Criteria for successful personnel qualification with
regards to detection and false calls, location tolerance, length and depth sizing are given in
respective Supplements of Appendix VIII or another qualification requirement.
The IAEA methodology for qualification [21] is based on very similar principles as the ENIQ
methodology [22]. The main differences are in the additional personnel qualification
requirements. In the IAEA methodology is personnel qualified after the qualification of
inspection procedure and equipment through practical trials under "blind" conditions. Other
not negligible differences are for example in the role of the Regulatory Body as there is
required the approval and periodical audits of the quality system of the Qualification Body,
review and approval of qualification protocols, review and comments on qualification
Especially for high majority of the manual ultrasonic examinations of DMWs cannot be
generally recommended to consider personnel certification as sufficient without additional
personnel qualification using the appropriate qualified inspection procedure.
The character of SCC is changing from small multiple cracks to one or several branched SCC
propagated from the marginal defect. The focus on DMWs and occurrence of specific
degradation mechanisms after more than 30 years of operation in relation to extended lifetime
assessment of appropriate components and piping systems with these welds has been initiated
and supported by DMW SCC latest issues in the world (5 axial PWSCC at North Anna or
circumferential SCC on WWER–440 type SG collector DMWs in Russia and Ukraine) and
Regulatory Body requirements on provided License Renewal documentation related to the
lifetime extension.
The knowledge of at least the following details of manufacturing and inspection history of
DMWs is important for successful evaluation of DMW NDE examination:
Surface condition;
Welding process details from the weld drawing (as weld bevel angle, weld crown
and weld root dimensions, counterbore, etc.);
Weld accessibility.
Similarly, the evaluation of data quality for encoded examinations should be considered
during outage as follows:
The utility should schedule the work process of DMW NDE examinations accordingly and be
prepared for the necessity of rescans. The impact of rescans can be minimized by requiring
review and approval of the DMW data quality by a qualified analyst before authorizing the
acquisition team to move to the next component. If the examination schedule will not
facilitate completion of data review before moving to the next component, the weld should
remain readily accessible (for example, insulation still removed and scaffold still up) until the
data review is completed.
Degradation initiation rate; and
Degradation growth rate.
Both height and length can be determined by analytical evaluation of allowable flaw height
(depth) and length calculation according to appropriate standard as ASME code Section XI
The approach of ASME, 2013 Section XI was applied for evaluation of allowable flaw sizes
in the WWER–440 type primary collector DMWs [1]. The ASME SCC growth rate curves
were verified by the tests performed in UJV Rez autoclaves to be applicable on WWER–440.
Allowable flaw sizes and partially verified SCC growth curves provide better planning of
weld repair time schedule. Flaws of depth app. 25 % are not rare in many WWER–440 Units.
From the results can be seen that maximum ISI allowable crack can be reached after 26
months and the critical crack after one more year. For fully justifiable conclusions, more
autoclave tests are needed as only limited number of tests was performed within the
verification process. Moreover, verification of ASME XI [1] factors for WWER steels should
be performed as well.
Inspection interval;
POD curves can be determined based on the blind RRT or blind UT qualification tests
performed on test pieces with intended defects or using UT inspection simulation software
verified by experimental trials. In the majority of cases the numbers of blind RRT results or
blind UT qualification tests are not sufficient.
The flow chart for evaluation of the inspection results, the evaluation process may proceed as
follows [14]:
FIG. 9. Flow chart evaluation of the inspection results [14].
1. In–service inspections are performed and indications exceeding the recording level are
recorded, the flow chart for evaluation of in–service inspection results apply.
3. The flaw is compared against the results of previous in–service inspections, and it is
investigated whether the flaw is new or whether it has grown.
4. If the flaw has been characterized as a macroscopic imperfection and exceeds the
acceptance standard, it should be defined as a defect and be part of further analysis
like sizing
5. The type, location and size of a new or grown defect are characterized by applicable
characterization technique.
6. A risk analysis is applied on any defect larger than the limits specified in the
acceptance standard and the cause of the flaw is assessed.
7. After the cause of the defect is assessed and a risk analysis applied it is decided
whether the defect is allowed in the structure.
8. If the defect is allowed in the structure, measures are taken to eliminate causes of the
defect and to prevent and monitor growth.
9. If the defect is not allowed in the structure, the area is repaired or replaced and pre–
service inspections are conducted. The causes of the defect are eliminated and the
need for further measures assessed.
10. A decision is made about the structure’s fitness for its purpose [13].
Follow-up of these additional measures are strongly recommended for the evaluation of
inspection results:
Exclusion of causes and the measures to monitor structure could include e.g.:
The basic requirement level of in–service inspections (ISI) is determined in codes and
standards. Deviations should be justified. Supplementary guidelines are provided in the
International Atomic Energy Agency’s guide document IAEA Safety Standards Series No.
NS-G-2.6, Maintenance, Surveillance and In–service Inspection in Nuclear Power Plants [13].
Inspection target defect size shall be primarily based on defects allowed during the nuclear
facility’s operation by the standard applied in the design of the component or structure in
question. Acceptance standards are supported with specific fracture mechanical analyses that
has made to the structure before inspection. These can be done for example accordance with
the acceptance criteria of ASME Code, Section XI Subarticle IWB–3600, or some other
procedure separately approved by authority. Calculations which have been done before
inspection support efficient decision making. Urgent repair needs are identified immediately.
3.6.3. Exceeding threshold set in acceptance standards
If defects are found and analyzed size exceeds the threshold that is specified in the acceptance
standard, further actions should be done. Flaw should be sized with qualified techniques to
provide correct information for analyzes. Inspection techniques qualifications should be
analyzed to confirm reliability of the inspection result. If needed further inspection should be
done with another qualified technique or method.
When the flaw is confirmed and sized following actions should be done:
Safety analysis of component or piping system with the flaw takes into account calculated
potential consequences for the component or piping system using probabilistic safety
If the flaws are to be approved to remain in the structure based on fracture mechanical
analyses and without repairs or replacements made to the structure, tightened inspection
intervals and special measures to prevent and monitor flaw growth, is needed. Also,
evaluation of qualification of inspection technique is needed. When inspecting DMW's, the
possibility of under sizing should be evaluated.
The fitness for service (FFS) assessment results can yield, for example, the required minimum
fracture toughness for a given loading conditions and postulated defect size or can provide
maximum tolerable defect size (e.g., weld imperfection) for a given material, loading
conditions and fabrication route.
The FFS assessment modules require, in general, for the components in–service the following
interdisciplinary inputs:
Flaw characterization (location, sizing via NDE), and
Material properties (incl. environmental effects).
There are no such standards or procedures for multi–metallic components or specimens that
are made up of different material sections joined together via a weld. Number of different
level options of analysis available to the user, each being dependent on the quality and detail
of the material's property data available as it is well described in the FITNET Fitness–for–
service procedure section 6 [23] for instance. Some of them requires advanced numerical
modelling and offer sophisticated results, but detailed material information and high level
experts needed to carry out the analysis. Other methods can be applied with less detailed
material data but higher safety margin has to be set due to the lower quality of the results. So
called engineering assessment methods allow evaluation of cracked structures without the
need to conduct detailed FE analyses, based on analytical equations. For FFS assessment
particularly versatile method is R6 R/H/R6-Revision 4 [24], 1995 or BS 7910, 2013 [25]
which is based upon the use of failure assessment diagram (FAD) [25]
The complexity of the problem results from the prevailing mixed–mode loading conditions,
the variation in material constitutive equations across the weld zone, and the presence of large
residual stress fields. Under these circumstances, classic fracture mechanics concepts are
difficult to apply. The analysis work requires extensive materials characterization around the
fusion line: strength, ductility and fracture behaviour of the weld heat affected zones (HAZs)
and the dissimilar parent metals. JIC–values and fracture resistance (R) curves, characterizing
the fracture initiation toughness and ductile crack growth, respectively, are required as inputs
to the structural integrity analyses.
Three basic methodologies can be followed: conventional flaw assessment methods, more
advanced J methods and Local Approach methods.
Finite element analyses can successfully model the macroscopic deformation and
fracture behaviour.
The analysis could predict the load at initiation of ductile tearing accurately, but the
prediction was critically dependent on the degree of representation of the resistance
curve derived from the small–scale fracture test to that of the full–size test pipe in
term of crack sharpness, material microstructure, and constraint.
The analysis successfully predicts the narrow range of load over which significant
growth of the defect occurred, a consequence of the low tearing resistance of the
buttering material.
The growth of the defect through the wall but without change in circumferential
extent can be predicted from the analysis results. It is behaviour typical of a long-
part–through–surface breaking defect in ductile material subject to a uniform tensile
stress field.
The integrity assessment and life estimation for such welded structures require consideration
of residual stresses. Therefore, it is necessary to map and assess the distribution of these
residual stresses in welded joints. The residual stresses in similar and dissimilar metal welds
are generated by the thermal contraction of the weld metal and the adjacent heated parent
metal, and hence the residual stress distribution in an as–welded DMW is broadly similar to
that in a similar metal weld. Although information on the magnitude and distribution of
welding residual stresses is available in several codes and standards, these are not validated
extensively for DMWs. It is recommended that residual stresses in DMWs should be
measured physically or calculated numerically by computational welding simulation.
The procedure can be applied during the design, fabrication or quality control as well as
operational stages of the lifetime of a structure, and also applicable to failure analysis.
In order to cover the above described cases, the fracture analysis of the component containing
a crack or crack–like flaw is expected to be controlled by the following three parameters:
If, as is usually the case, two of these parameters are known, the third can be determined by
using the relationships of fracture mechanics.
An in–service inspection interval can be specified based on the residual lifetime that an
assumed initial crack given by the NDE detection limit under service conditions requires to
extend to its critical size. In this case the present module will be part of a fatigue crack
extension analysis. Finally, a minimum required fracture resistance of the material can be
specified based on the critical crack size or the NDE detection limit under service conditions
to avoid failure during the projected lifetime of the component.
Components and piping, or parts thereof, in which defects exceeding acceptance standards are
detected during in–service inspections must usually be repaired or replaced.
Root cause analysis (RCA) is a collective term used to describe a wide range of methods and
tools used to uncover the underlying or “root” causes of problems. Root causes are eliminated
by identifying factors that contribute to the problem and finding solutions. RCA focuses
primarily on systems and processes, not individual performance.
Every root cause investigation and reporting process should include five phases. Descriptions
of this approach may be found in the root cause analysis guidance document, US DOE
Guideline, DOE-NE-STD-1004-92 [26] and Root Cause Analysis Following an Event at a
Nuclear Installation: Reference Manual, IAEA-TECDOC-1756 [27].
While there may be some overlap between phases, every effort should be made to keep them
separate and distinct.
Data Collection
“It is important to begin the data collection phase of root cause analysis immediately
following the occurrence identification to ensure that data are not lost. (Without
compromising safety or recovery, data should be collected even during an occurrence.) The
information that should be collected consists of conditions before, during, and after the
occurrence; personnel involvement (including actions taken); environmental factors; and other
information having relevance to the occurrence.
Application: This method is always used for any event investigation in which a timeline or
sequence of events might apply regardless of the initiating event being equipment failure or
human performance” [27].
1. Assessment methods:
Barrier Analysis: Barrier Analysis is a systematic process that can be used to identify
physical, administrative, and procedural barriers or controls that should have prevented the
occurrence. Barrier analysis is based on the concept that hazards represent potentially harmful
conditions from which a target (personnel, equipment and environment) must be protected.
Management oversight and Risk Tree (MORT) Analysis: MORT and Mini–MORT are used
to identify inadequacies in barriers / controls, specific barrier and support functions, and
management functions. It identifies specific factors relating to an occurrence and identifies the
management factors that permitted these factors to exist.
Corrective Actions:
Implementing effective corrective actions for each cause reduces the probability that a
problem will recur and improves reliability and safety.
Entering the report on the Occurrence Reporting and Processing System (ORPS) is part of the
inform process. Also included is discussing and explaining the results of the analysis,
including corrective actions, with management and personnel involved in the occurrence. In
addition, consideration should be given to providing information of interest to other facilities.
Includes determining the corrective action if those has been effective in resolving problems.
An effectiveness review is essential to ensure that corrective actions have been implemented
and are preventing recurrence.
The operator of Candu pressurized heavy water reactors located in Ontario, Canada, took the
opportunity during the refurbishment of the units to replace flow elements with improved
materials. These flow elements are consisted of orifices to measure flow. These devices are
installed in some of the pipes which feed primary heavy water to the reactor fuel channels.
The original material is Inconel 600 welded to carbon steel feeder pipes with Inconel 82. It
has been determined that the flow element to carbon steel feeder tube weld could be
vulnerable to PWSCC as seen in PWR. Noting that PWSCC is thermally activated
mechanism, the cracking propensity of the flow elements is deemed to be lower because the
highest operating temperature of the flow element is at about 312oC which is lower than the
operating temperature (about 325oC) of PWR. The operator conservatively decided to replace
these flow elements with Inconel 690. The elements are joined to pipes with 52M.
IDSCC (inter–dendritic stress corrosion cracking) refers to SCC in which crack growth
propagates between the tree–like grains that can form in castings or weld metal.
The term PWSCC implies applicability limited to PWR–type components. The convention
adopted in this publication is to refer to the target degradation as PWSCC / IDSCC because
the intended focus is to address SCC that occurs in nickel alloy components exposed to light
water reactor conditions, inclusive of both PWR and BWR conditions.
WELDS [22].
1. Table does not include butt welds in instrument nozzles 1" NPS and smaller or
welds that operate at less than 550˚F CRDM nozzle to flange butt welds, BMI nozzle
to pipe butt welds, core flood tank nozzle butt welds) which are out of scope of this
2. One CE design plant has Alloy 82 / 182 welds and evaluated with the
Westinghouse design plants.
3. One CE design plant does not have Alloy 82 / 182 RCP suction and discharge
nozzle welds.
4. One Westinghouse design plant and one CE design plant have Alloy 82 / 182 butt
welds at this location.
4.2.2. SCC susceptible locations in BWRs
The application of Alloy 82 / 182 type filler metal was used for dissimilar metal welds
primarily for buttering of nozzles and/or weld joints for Safe Ends. The locations where
dissimilar metal welds are typically found could include recirculation inlet and outlet nozzles,
core spray nozzles, jet pump instrumentation nozzles, and feedwater nozzles. Although it
should be noted that the extent to which Alloy 82 / 182 was used during fabrication depended
on the specific manufacturer [30].
The application of material Sv-10Kh16N25AM6 for the first layer and Sv-04Kh19N11M3 for
the second layer of the buttering was used for dissimilar metal welds, as mentioned, primarily
for buttering of nozzles and /or weld joints. The locations where dissimilar metal welds are
typically found include RPV, recirculation inlet and outlet SG nozzles, core spray nozzles, jet
pump instrumentation nozzles, and feedwater nozzles as you can see in the following table 3
Reactor Vessels
Cracks and corrosion that might have an impact on the safety margins may be removed
without subsequent repair of material or welds provided that:
Measures taken to remove such damage without subsequent repairs are to be performed and
checked using methods that are qualified for the purpose. As far as concerns components
belonging to quality classes 1 and 2, the licensee must ensure that:
If the extent of the kinds of damage is such that the necessary safety margins for structural
integrity and functions cannot be maintained, then the device, component or system must be
replaced or repaired. Before repair or replacement measures are begun, the probable root
cause shall be identified and the necessary measures taken in order to prevent new damage
from occurring.
Repairs are to be performed in accordance with repair programmes qualified for the purpose
and which, with sufficient safety margins, restore the properties required in order for the
component to fulfil fundamental conditions for use. The licensee ensure that qualification of
repair programmes is monitored and assessed by an accredited or approved body if the repair
measures relate to components assigned to quality classes 1 and 2.
There are many references to ASME Section XI in this document and the following is
provided to assist with familiarization of this Code and associated subsections. The rules for
pre-service and in–service inspection, examination evaluation standards, repair and
replacement activities, pressure testing, records / reports and a glossary are contained in
ASME Section XI. These rules can be applied to a plant when a system has been turned over
following completion of construction in accordance with ASME Section III or the
Construction Code of Record. Section XI must be applied (if required by utility, regulation,
country, etc.) when the plant / unit commences commercial operation. In addition, IWA
requires such things as oversight and inspection by an independent third party authorized
inspection agency and ensuring that the applied repair and replacement programs and plans
are developed and implemented in accordance with the same Code of Record as the code used
for the in–service inspection program. Subsection IWA contains topics detailed below [31]:
The rules of Subsection IWA are not standalone and must be used in conjunction with all the
other Subsections. The following Subsections have articles, similar to IWA, which address
specific requirements for the activities associated with a given ASME Code Class system or
component [31].
It is important to note that flaw acceptance criteria may be different depending on the
components classification (e.g. Class 1, Class 2, etc.) and must be reviewed when
dispositioning a flaw.
Direct replacement of a defective part can be considered. However, this option is often not
possible due to high capital cost, ALARA and the stringent original construction code
requirements such as post weld heat treatment (PWHT) which cannot be performed in the
field. It should be noted that the repairs discussed in this section may or may not be
acceptable for use in the various member states. Ensure all necessary approvals required for
your respective utility and country are obtained before implementing these repair techniques.
When a flaw is deemed not acceptable, it has to be removed completely or partially to meet an
acceptance standard or mitigated by welding in order for a component to return to service. A
defect can be excavated by thermal methods or mechanical processing. Surface type NDE
should be performed to verify the complete removal of the defect. Volumetric examination of
the affected area can be required if the defect is detected by volumetric examination (ASME
XI IWA–4412) [1].
Localized weld repairs which can readily meet the code requirements is often the simplest
way to restore pressure boundary integrity. Repair or replacement of pressure vessels or
piping components involving welding is often regulated by the regulatory bodies. References
are made to the codes, standards or regulation. Approval, relief or concession from the
regulatory bodies would be required for a weld repair if the repair deviates from the
established codes and standards. There are well established and proven weld repair techniques
for mitigating SCC. In this section, the techniques will be discussed. Code cases which serve
as the bases for the regulator’s approval for weld repair in the US will be referenced in the
weld repair techniques for illustration purpose so readers can comprehend the effectiveness of
the weld repair techniques. The use weld repair techniques discussed in this and subsequent
sections, associated Code cases, and Code rules may not be accepted in all countries and their
use would require approval by the appropriate governing bodies.
Weld repair requires complete excavation of a volume of material containing cracks and the
cavity by grinding or arc gouging to reduce the defect to acceptable size as per ASME XI
Paragraphs IWA–4420 / IWA–4422 [1] and the cavity is back filled with weld material.
Depending on the thickness of the repaired volume and / or the thickness of the base metal
and alloy composition of the base metal, postweld heat treatment can be required as per the
original construction code. PWHT is a fairly complex process involving heat treating the
welded area to a temperature at 1100˚F (590˚C) or higher. Field condition and the operation
of a component may prevent the execution of PWHT. In such situation, “temper bead”
welding can be employed in according with the code as permitted in ASME XI Paragraph
IWA–4600 [1] or Code Cases such as N–638–5/6/7/8 and N–839 [32, 33]. Use of these code
cases may require prior approval from the regulator even though they have been approved by
Temper bead welding is primarily used for repairs on ferritic components when conditions
make applying elevated preheat or postweld heat treatment impractical or undesirable.
Temper bead welding techniques can be completed with or without an elevated preheat.
Repairs involving water backed piping or heavy section components are examples where the
utility may consider using temper bead welding. Temper bead welding is a controlled welding
process where weld beads and weld layers are placed with the purpose of affecting the
metallurgical properties of the heat affected zone. The desired metallurgical effect is largely
determined by which temper bead technique is used and the operating plant conditions.
Obtaining acceptable toughness in the HAZ is the prominent requirement for nuclear plants.
Therefore, temper bead techniques with the purpose to develop a HAZ with elevated
toughness properties were created such as the consistent layer temper bead technique (CLTT)
developed by Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) in the early 1990s [34]. The CLTT
obtains elevated toughness by increasing the proportion of tempered martensite in the HAZ
compared to the unaffected base metal. Other temper bead techniques may achieve increased
toughness in the HAZ primarily through grain refinement. A schematic of the CLTT using
gas tungsten arc welding is provided in Figure 12 showing layer 2 temper the HAZ of layer 1.
Layer 2
Layer 1
FIG. 12. Schematic of gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) temper bead.
The rules for qualification and use of temper bead welding are determined by the Code, utility
/ plant requirements, and regulatory agency. Rules for qualification of temper bead welding in
the US are found in American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Section IX QW–290
[35] with supplemental requirements located in specific construction codes or code cases (e.g.
ASME Section XI, Code Case N–740 [36], etc.). The test requirements for temper bead
qualification involve mechanical tests such as tensile, guided bend, and Charpy V–Notch
impact specimens in most cases. Impact test specimens of the unaffected base metal, HAZ,
and sometimes the weld metal are taken at a temperature within the lower region of the
ductile to brittle transition temperature curve. The test region and resulting test temperature
are acceptable where the base metal sample achieves 0.89 mm to 1.3 mm (35 to 50 mils)
lateral expansion. Note that “mils” is a unit frequently encountered in American codes and is
equivalent to a thousandth of an inch (e.g. 35 mils is equivalent to 0.035 inch). It is critical
that impact test specimens are tested in this region to ensure results from the base metal and
HAZ can be resolved. When impact test specimens are tested on the upper shelf of the Charpy
V–Notch curve it becomes difficult to determine if the qualification was acceptable. The
temperature used during Charpy–V–Notch testing is dependent on the ferritic base metal used
for qualification and thus changes with each qualification test. The HAZ Charpy V–Notch
specimens must demonstrate properties equal to or greater than the unaffected base metal for
a successful qualification. Thus, it demonstrates that the temper bead welding process did not
degrade the base metal properties, and in many cases the HAZ shows significant
improvement. Some provisions are provided in the Code for test specimens that do not have
properties meeting or exceeding the unaffected base metal. Careful review of these
requirements is recommended before performing qualification.
Codes outside of the US may have additional qualification requirements such as hardness
testing, volumetric examination, and macroscopic–examination. For example, International
Organization for Standardization (ISO) 15614–1 [37] details the qualification of carbon and
nickel alloy welding procedures and requires visual, volumetric, surface crack detection,
tensile, bend, impact, hardness, and macroscopic examination for full penetration butt joints.
However, it should be noted that temper bead welding is not specifically addressed in some
requirements normal to traditional weldments, and may cause difficulties during the
qualification process. The addition of hardness requirements has been one area of difficulty
during qualification, as temper bead HAZs have been found to have localized areas of
hardness above the maximum permitted by ISO 15614–1 [37] . The unacceptable hardness
values have not compromised the impact values of the temper bead weldment. In this case
welding parameters may need to be adjusted to ensure hardness requirements are met,
potentially resulting in reduced impact values. Thus, it is important to evaluate these potential
issues before starting a temper bead qualification. Temper bead qualification should be a topic
of discussion when using service vendors to implement the repair process.
Temper bead welding has traditionally been used as a part of an overall mitigation plan or
repair. Numerous full structural weld overlays, repair technique discussed next, have been
used to mitigate DMWs in the US where temper bead welding was needed when welding over
or encroaching onto the low alloy steel material. Thus, the use of temper bead welding
permits alternative repair options that could not be accomplished if PWHT was required after
the repair was implemented.
Weld overlay has been successfully implemented to mitigate SCC. In this technique, weld
metal is deposited around the full circumference of a pipe with the defect remaining in the
pipe. The overlay can be applied in two forms which are the full structural weld overlay and
the optimized weld overlay. Full structural weld overlay is applied with the assumption of a
defect which is through wall (Figure 13(a)). The overlay acts as the sole pressure boundary.
The optimized overlay is designed with the assumption of a defect which is 75% through wall
and a credit of the pressure boundary capability is given to the base metal with the defect
contained (Figure 13 (b)).
The shrinkage and thermal expansion resulted from the weld metal deposit in the overlay
creates residual stresses. The overlay is designed in such a fashion to optimize the residual
stress pattern. The aim is to create compressive stress in the inside of a pipe / component to
delay or mitigate crack initiation, or arrest the growth of SCC by placing the crack tip(s) in
compression. There are two ASME Code Cases for the dissimilar metal welds overlay
application: N–740 [36] for full structural overlay and N–754 [38] for optimized overlay [31].
a) Full structural weld overlay (FSWOL)
B. Inlay or onlay,
Inlay is a deposit of layers of corrosion resistant weld metal inside a pipe after a band of pipe
material including cladding affected by SCC is removed. The inlay is blended smooth with
the pipe surface (Figure 14). The deposited layer is subsequently machined and polished to
the required surface finish. The deposited weld metal serves as a barrier between the base
metal and the process fluid to isolate the base metal from PWSCC. Onlay serves the same
purpose as the inlay but the weld metal is deposited on the inside of a pipe after the surface is
dressed to remove the surface contamination. The deposited layer of weld metal does not
blend smoothly with the pipe surface (Figure 15). ASME N–766 [39] provides the technical
requirements for the application of inlay and onlay.
FIG. 14. Typical inlay [39].
Excavate and Weld Repair (EWR) is a new repair approach for mitigation of similar and
dissimilar metal welds that was approved by ASME in 2016. An EWR effectively excavates a
portion of the PWSCC susceptible filler metal and surrounding base metal and then fills in the
cavity with new resistant filler metal. The code case permits full 360° or a portion of the butt
weld to be excavated, called full 360° or partial arc EWR respectively. Figure 16 is a
schematic showing a EWR for a dissimilar metal weld. A EWR has not yet been used but this
repair technique could be valuable when spatial constraints restrict access to the outside or
inside surface of a component. In these cases, the use of a more traditional weld repair such as
weld overlay or inlay / onlay may not be possible. ASME Code Case N–847 [40] provides the
technical requirements for application of a full 360° or partial arc EWR (Figure 17).
FIG. 16. Schematic of EWR for dissimilar metal weld [40].
FIG. 17. Circumferential cross section of typical partial arc EWR [40].
Some nuclear plants have full penetration branch connections fabricated with SCC susceptible
branch connection nozzle and DMW materials such as Alloy 600 and Alloy 182 respectively.
Many of the alternative repair techniques previously described were not written to address this
configuration, shown in Figure 18. A repair technique known as branch connection weld
metal buildup (BCWMB) was approved by ASME in 2016. This repair technique removes the
susceptible nozzle flush to the surface of the pipe outside diameter. A weld metal buildup
using SCC resistance weld metal (nickel alloy greater than 26 weight% in the ASME case) is
then deposited over the original DMW and the nozzle remnant. A new nozzle is then joined to
BCWMB using a partial penetration branch weld as shown in Figure 19. The BCWMB is
designed to take the full structural load in addition to resisting crack propagation by fatigue
for the calculated life. This overall concept has been used successfully to repair SCC
susceptible branch connection nozzle and partial penetration DMW materials using a half
nozzle repair. The BCWMB and half nozzle repair approach are very similar, but the
BCWMB repair mitigates full penetration DMW which is the main difference. ASME Code
Case N–853 [41] provides the technical requirements for applying a BCWMP.
FIG. 19. Modified configuration with BCWMB and partial penetration nozzle to BCWMB weld
mitigation techniques [41].
The MNSA device is a proprietary mechanical assembly design. When the MNSA is attached
to a vessel in the area of a leaking penetration tube, it provides structural stability and leak
tightness around the tube. It should be noted that this type of repair is specific to nozzle
geometry and may not be effective for all DMW locations. In addition, the use of this device
normally requires the Owner to submit a relief request and obtain regulatory permission to
modify the vessel configuration. The assembly consists of several parts that may be attached
to the outer vessel wall either by mechanical bolting or by use of attachment welds. It is
positioned around the leaking penetration tube on the vessel’s upper or lower head. A groove
is usually machined in the penetration tube to allow for a mechanical interface with the
MNSA assembly parts. Compressive forces on the tube in relation to the vessel wall material
are applied through tightening of assembly bolting and subsequently seal the leaking area.
There are some advantages to this device such as being installed without access to the inside
of the vessel (e.g. without requiring removal of the core in a reactor vessel) and that the
penetration tube–to–vessel attachment welds, like the reactor vessel degraded J–groove weld,
is stabilized. Drawbacks of the devices are associated with the potential of modifying the
pressure vessel by welding, or drilling and tapping the device support collar on vessel wall. In
addition, the outside wall’s curvature of the bottom or upper vessel heads may present profiles
that are difficult to seal on the high angle sides around the penetration tubes. Access to inner
tube areas surrounded by other penetrations may also limit the use of this device. More
detailed information on these devices and their installation and the industry experience can be
obtained from various industry literatures or through a search of the United States Nuclear
Regulatory Commission’s (NRC’s) Agency wide Documents Access and Management
System (ADAMS) database.
One potential alternative to the MNSA device is the use of the half–nozzle replacement repair.
Information on this type of repair is also available through the ADAMS database.
The presence of high residual tensile stresses is one of the essential factors necessary to
support SCC. High residual tensile stresses are typically associated with butt welds used to
join piping sections or piping to other system components such as nozzles and Safe Ends.
This condition is exacerbated when repairs are done to inside wetted surface. The initiation of
SCC can be inhibited by reversing tensile stresses into compressive through the use of stress
improvement processes like MSIP. The NRC’s acknowledgment that stress improvement is
considered to be an effective mitigation process when applied to crack free weldments, and to
weldments having only short or shallow cracks, is detailed in Generic Letter 88–01 “Staff
Position on Stress Improvement (SI) of Cracked Weldments”. Specifically, welds with cracks
that are no longer than 10% of the circumference, and are no deeper than 30% of the wall
thickness can be considered to be mitigated by SI.
MSIP is a mechanical process where forces are applied to the outside of a pipe wall so that it
is constricted according to a prescribed displacement. The design of the MSIP device is a
collar shape that conforms to the outside circumference of the pipe. It is installed over the
pipe at a position adjacent to, but slightly offset from, the weld area where it is desired to have
the improved stress profile. Special pads are used under to clamps to uniformly distribute the
loading. Through hydraulics the clamp device is forced against the pipe wall to compress and
bend the outer wall inward. The overall displacement is limited by the equipment design and
is adjustable by use of shims. A small inward displacement deforms the pipe wall plastically
and generates both axial and hoop compression strains. After the hydraulic clamp is released,
a small permanent set is achieved and compressive stresses are maintained on approximately
50% of the innermost wall thickness — the location most vulnerable to SCC. Since the
displacements are always compressive, the extension of prior small cracks is not a concern.
MSIP does generate tensile stresses outboard of the pipe weldment in order to balance the
compressive stresses that were generated; however, these stresses are generally distributed
over a larger area well removed from any thermal effects due to welding. The use of MSIP
has been applied widely and has been very effective for mitigating SCC of piping weldments.
FIG. 22. Basic concept of MSIP [44].
Modifying the residual stresses to a compressive state at the critical location is an effective
way to mitigate the initiation of cracking due to fatigue or stress corrosion. All surface stress
improvement processes are based on the same principle: deformation of the surface induces
compressive residual stress in the surface layer of processed parts. The surface stress
improvement processes differ principally in the surface deformation (method of deformation,
with or without contact) and the residual stress and cold work profiles resulting from the
deformation. Peening
There are many stress improvement processes that have been developed for achieving desired
residual stress modification on material surfaces for mitigating material degradation. These
processes are commercially available (mostly for the aeronautic industry), such as shot
peening and gravity peening, low–plasticity burnishing, ultrasonic peening, and abrasive
water jet peening. Shot and gravity peening use the impact of small metallic or glass spheres
with air blast or gravity to produce local deformation. Low–plasticity burnishing uses a free
rolling spherical tool applied with a normal force to deform the surface. Ultrasonic peening
uses an ultrasonic transducer to convert electrical energy into mechanical vibrations. Abrasive
water jet uses high–pressure jets in combination with shot or abrasive particles. All of these
processes use particles (for shot peening, gravity peening, and abrasive water jet peening) or
tools (for lo–plasticity burnishing and ultrasonic peening) and can be categorized in methods
deforming the surface with direct contact of a solid material on the treated surface, which can
be an issue in a nuclear power plant environment [45].
Stress improvement processes such as cavitation peening, laser peening, and fiber laser
peening, are becoming as viable commercial processes for the aeronautic industry and nuclear
power industry. Cavitation peening uses cavitation bubbles on the surface of the material to
generate shockwaves. Laser peening and fiber laser peening are shock processes generated by
laser pulses. One of the advantages of these emerging technologies is the ability to deform the
material surface without contact of any solid material. Other benefits of cavitation, laser
peening, and fiber laser peening are high surface compressive stress (typically 50% or more of
yield stress) as well as deep compressive stress (typically 1 mm or more), and low levels of
cold work compared to earlier surface treatments, such as shot peening and gravity peening.
For example, shot peening, gravity peening, and laser peening of nickel–base Alloy 718
respectively result in 30%, 15%, and 3–6% cold work, respectively, at the material surface.
Cold work has been reported to be less than 5% at the surface of Ni–base material tested at
Ormond [46].
UHP cavitation peening is a simple process that injects ultra–high pressure water through a
small diameter orifice in the direction of the target material. The high velocity created through
the orifice cause the pressure to drop below the vapor pressure of the water (at the application
temperature), causing the water to be locally evaporated forming cavitation bubbles. The
cavitation cloud is sprayed across the target material at a low angle with respect to the surface
to effectively cover the surface with bubbles. As these bubbles collapse on the surface of the
material, each bubble generates a shock wave that results in local plastic deformation directly
under the bubble, producing beneficial residual compressive stresses. The peening is solely
the result of bubble implosion and not an effect of the water jet. In addition, the nozzles can
be miniaturized so as to access tight spaces like the inner diameter of a Bottom Mount
Instrumentation nozzle or the annulus between a Control Rod Drive Mechanism thermal
sleeves and the nozzle inner diameter. In addition, no wastage, oxidized surface layers, or
abrupt edges are generated during treatment.
FIG. 23. Under water cavitation peening of Alloy 600 specimen [45].
FIG. 24. Under water cavitation peening of Titanium Alloy [45].
FIG. 25. Laser peening process: (a) Set-up of work piece, ablative layer, inertial tamping layer, and
incoming laser beam and (b) A high pressure plasma is generated by the laser impact, resulting in a
pressure wave from the laser impact [45].
FIG. 26. Fiber laser peening of bottom mounted nozzle (BMN)-size specimen (left) and BMN mock-up
(right) [45].
Qualification requirements for stress improvement processes vary greatly on existing code
rules and regulatory environment. This variation is especially applicable for countries that
have yet to implement a stress improvement processes. In these situations, it is not known
what will be mandated to approve the repair such as mock–ups, analyses, etc. However,
typical requirements for qualification include demonstrating via mock–up or analysis the
depth of compression (assuming construction weld repair was made in the area being treated),
resultant compression during normal operating conditions (start up, operating, shutdown),
crack growth analysis of existing flaws, and analysis or testing to demonstrate that
undesirable effects do not occur after treatment [47].
Recently, the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) provided a safety evaluation dated
August 24, 2016 regarding the use of peeing for mitigation of PWSCC. Their review was
specific to EPRI Material Reliability Program (MRP)–335 “Materials Reliability Program:
Topical Report for Primary Water Stress Corrosion Cracking Mitigation by Surface Stress
Improvement (Peening)”[46] which was developed to demonstrate the effectiveness of
surface stress improvement processes as a mitigation method, and subsequently provide
inspection relief for peened components. The NRC noted during their evaluation that it was
not based on specific peening processes, but on the resultant performance criterion (e.g. depth
and magnitude of compression, inspectability, etc.). This is important because it supports the
MRP’s position that any peening process that demonstrates effectiveness and meets specific
performance criteria can be used to mitigate SCC. Thus, it is not necessary for a preening
process to be included in the MRP document for it to be accepted under the NRC safety
evaluation. The NRC staff did provide some conditions regarding inspection requirements.
The NRC concludes the safety evaluation with the following paragraphs:
“The NRC staff finds that MRP–335R3 [46] has adequately described the affected
components, processes for peening, the supporting analyses of the peening application, testing
used to verify the effectiveness of peening, and the proposed inspection requirements of
peened components. The NRC staffs also finds that the MRP has demonstrated that there is a
beneficial effect from peening on the residual stress in the DMW and RPVHPN. The MRP
has demonstrated by mock-up testing as shown in MRP–267, Revision 1 and analyses in
MRP–335R3 [46] that the peening application will achieve a certain post–peening stress
profile to minimize PWSCC initiation.
Based on information provided in MRP–335R3 [46], and operating experience such as shot
peening applied to steam generator tubes and abrasive water jet machining (peening) applied
to repaired RPVHPNs, the NRC staff finds that peening application is a viable mitigation to
minimize PWSCC initiation.
However, the NRC staff had questions regarding the details of the peening application, such
as the adequacy of the post–peening stress field, the compression stress depth, and the
potential for the small flaws that are not detected before peening that may grow after peening.
The NRC staff finds that, given the input variables proposed in MRP–335R3 [46], the
analyses provided do not fully support the inspection intervals proposed in MRP–335R3 [46].
Therefore, the NRC staff has imposed conditions to ensure that the proposed inspection
requirements in MRP–335R3 [46] will provide adequate monitoring of the peened DMWs
and RPVHPNs between required inspections.”
A well–designed repair plan is crucial for the success of implementing a weld repair to
mitigate SCCs. At the very least, a repair plan should include:
The concept of the weld repair would have to be designed with reference to the design base
requirement and the relevant regulation, code and / or code cases. The design of the repair
should consider the post–repair inspection requirement for the future monitoring of the
integrity of the repair, i.e. does the repair lend itself for the inspection technique. Elements in
for consideration in the design of the repair:
In–house capability or vendor-provided repair service;
Availability of qualified welders / welding operators;
Worker radioactive dosage exposure minimization;
Worker welding fume exposure minimization; and
Operating experience (OE).
If the contemplated repair cannot fully be in compliance with the regulation requirement or
code due to its impractical aspect, a request to the regulatory authority for their approval for
the deviation or variance would be required. Depending on the nature of the request, it can be
a lengthy process. The repair schedule would have to be adjusted to allow this review process.
When choosing a weld repair method, extensive development work will not be required if a
proven repair methodology exists. The method can be modified to accommodate the field
condition. A high fidelity mock–up will have to be in place to test out the method to ensure
that the field condition can be accommodated for the weld repair and post–repair inspection.
The mock–up can also serve as pre–production qualification or demonstration of new tooling
or any changes in configuration. Another important attribute is that the mock-up also provides
the welders additional practice with the materials being used in the repair. The materials, as
will be discussed next, can be a significant challenge for obtaining a successful repair.
Use of high chromium nickel based filler metals, such as 52 and 52M, has been found to be
effective in mitigating SCC. The microstructures of welds using these filler metals are fully
austenitic. Operating experience with these alloys has shown that the welds are vulnerable to
defects in the forms of cracking, lack of bond and porosity.
migrated dendritic grain boundaries. This is particularly so in cases where the defect tolerance
is low and repair is both difficult and costly, such as nuclear applications where volumetric
examination is required for all critical welds. (Figure 27 to show a typical DDC)
The presence of some level of ductility dip cracks are expected in fully austenitic high nickel
welds. Discovering clusters of micro–fissures does not necessarily result in an unacceptable
weld. The inspection criteria in the specific code being used may allow permissible amounts
of clusters indications. Other codes and standards may be more stringent when compared to
American standards (ASME Code). Defining realistic acceptance criteria of indications and
defects in a site or procurement specification is important to avoid unnecessary rejection of
“acceptable welds”. This criteria would have to be realistically established based on the input
of the potential repair vendor (if applicable), code / standard acceptance criteria and owner’s
engineering specification [48].
FIG. 27. Two examples of DDC in Alloy 52M [31].
FIG 28. Hot cracking in an Alloy 52 weld deposit [48].
Some filler materials are more susceptible to hot cracking than others, and Alloy 52 is
particularly prone to cracking of both DDC and hot cracking. Many weld tests have been
devised over the years to determine how susceptible a filler metal is to hot cracks. Through
much of this testing two broad solutions can be applied to minimize the presence of hot
cracking by filler metal composition or by dilution control. Filler wire manufacturers improve
the resistance to such phenomena by controlling the composition to improve grain boundary
strength. One approach is to add elements to the composition that tie up the impurity
segregates to render them harmless or to increase grain boundary strength directly. Another
strategy is the creation of a filler material composition with increased amounts of liquid
available to backfill any cracks formed at the end of solidification. Developing certain
welding parameters or techniques for base materials with higher amounts of deleterious
elements (S, P, Si) can also minimize hot cracking by reducing weld dilution. Therefore, hot
cracking is controlled both by filler metal composition and welding process parameters and
techniques [48].
Hot cracking has been seen during the application of structural weld overlays in the United
States when applied over austenitic stainless steel substrate with elevated levels of
phosphorus, sulphur, and silicon. Mitigation of hot cracking was done using a combination of
new weld parameters and application of one or more buffer layers. A buffer layer(s) is
applying one or more layers of austenitic stainless steel filler metal over the stainless steel
base metal prior to depositing Alloy 52. The buffer layer(s) effectively dilute the deleterious
elements to a level that Alloy 52 can be applied without experiencing hot cracking. Weld
parameters were reviewed and optimized for specific base material substrates. These
parameters were developed to minimize weld dilution with the base metal. However, low
dilution weld parameters may cause lack of fusion type defects on some base metal substrates
and should not be used without prior evaluation. These two techniques are effective at
mitigating hot cracking when proper planning and evaluation of the base metal substrate is
done prior to attempting the repair.
Lack of bond or lack of fusion defects can be primarily attributed to improper welding
parameters, techniques, and experience welding high nickel alloys. Alloy 52 type filler metal
produces a weld puddle that is sluggish and can have a significant amount of oxides on the
weld surface contributing to welding difficulties. The use of uphill welding progression and
interlayer cleaning has assisted in the reduction of these types of defects and reducing trapped
oxides. Additionally, Alloy 52M was developed specifically to minimize surface oxides
which assisted in reducing the amount of interlayer cleaning.
Porosity is another welding discontinuity that can occur during welding in general. It has been
observed during welding with Alloy 52. The causes of porosity have typically been found to
be improper shielding gas coverage, issues with gas lines, and surface contaminants (e.g. oil,
water, etc.). Ensuring gas shielding system and surface cleanliness are maintained should
reduce occurrences of porosity.
There has been a considerable amount of research related to Alloy 690 compatible filler
materials since the early 1980s. This included a number of experimental heats for alloys 52,
152, and 72. Weldability issues with a few heats of materials were identified in early EPRI
research, but in general, the filler metals appeared to perform adequately. Research by the
U.S. Navy and others identified cracking that was found in tube–to–tube sheet welds, as
reported by Special Metals. These findings led to investigations by Special Metals and others
to determine the cause of the cracking and associated remedies. The metallurgical
phenomenon was DDC and it was determined to be the root cause for cracking.
Several organizations have continued researching Alloy 52 with objectives to eliminate DDC
while increasing weldability. This effort has created variations of Alloy 52 each with unique
characteristics. The list below is presented to provide a history of the Alloy 52 variants,
reasoning for the changes, and hopefully clarify any confusion regarding the
Alloy 52 [AWS A5.14 ErNiCrFe-7]: Original chemistry, still manufactured for single–layer
overlays and other industries. (Applied at Hope Creek in 1997.)
Alloy 52M [AWS A5.14 ErNiCrFe-7A]: The M designation refers to changes in the alloy
composition to reduce deoxidizers (i.e. Al and Ti), the result is a reduction of oxide inclusions
and surface oxide buildup. This could eliminate or reduce the amount of grinding required
before applying the next weld layer(s).
Current Alloy 52M [AWS A5.14 ErNiCrFe-7A]: The M designation refers to changes in the
alloy composition to reduce deoxidizers (i.e. Al and Ti), the result is a reduction of oxide
inclusions and surface oxide buildup. In addition, the wire has improved cleaning processes
during wire drawing. This version of the filler material was used in a large diameter weld
overlay with no defects.
Alloy 52MSS [AWS A5.14 ErNiCrFe-13]: The M designation refers to the final chemistry (-
M), manufacturing process (-S), and serpentine grain boundaries (-S). This 52 variant has the
additions of roughly 2.5 % Nb and 4.0 % Mo and was targeted to eliminate DDC.
Solidification cracking can still be an issue as it is with every heat of Alloy 52 filler material.
Alloy EN52i [AWS A5.14 ErNiCrFe-15]: This filler material was developed to have similar
welding properties of Alloy 82 with increased amounts of chromium to resist PWSCC. This
high chromium variant is targeted to have a nominal composition of 27% Cr, 2.5% Fe, 3.0%
Mn, 2.5%Nb, and Ni as the remainder. There are other trace elements such as Ti, C, N, and B
with composition limits similar to Alloy 82.
These alloys represent the bulk of Alloy 52 and 52 variants being used in the field and
continued research. The determination of which filler material to use for a specific application
is a difficult task as research has not provided conclusive evidence for selecting one alloy over
the other. However, enough research has been done that trends can be identified between the
various filler material alloys. Based on the specific application and associated weld substrate,
the trends can assist a welding engineer to select an alloy which has the best probability for
success. The filler material selected would be further validated through weld mock–ups.
It is critical when a repair is to be performed via a vendor or third party to clearly establish
and communicate the requirements for welding procedure qualification.
Temper bead welding techniques have been developed and are typically used for cases when
it is undesirable or impossible to incorporate a PWHT.
Mock–up fidelity (likeness to actual component) is critical to substantiate vendor and welding
crafts ability to perform repair or mitigation activities of the production weld. A weld traveler
should be followed for all mock–up welding and variance from production welding
requirements should constitute, completely removing the overlay, and reinitiating welding
sequence. A high fidelity mock–up is an opportunity to mimic the exact welding, paperwork,
inspections, etc. that will be done in the field.
For a complex repair such as welding overlays, one engineering mock–up of each
configuration should be performed to an acceptable (no rejectable) result. If rejectable flaws
are identified, additional mock–ups should be performed until no rejectable conditions are
achieved and causes of rejectable flaws are evaluated. This is good practice and should not be
considered optional. Welding should not commence in the plant until all issues that occurred
during the mock–up are resolved. Utility personnel should also consider this an opportunity
for the service provider or utility (when welding is self–performed) to demonstrate their
contingent repair process (i.e. how they would repair and inspect a rejectable flaw). The utility
should also ensure the repair procedure / traveler is followed during the repair process.
Proficiency mock–ups completed using production equipment and personnel have been
considered a best practice for difficult repairs. The scope of proficiency mock–ups should
include activities (as applicable to site conditions): sealing a leak / localized thinned area,
localized weld repair, and overall welding. Each welder / welding operator should have
demonstrated the ability to successfully perform all welding activities that may be necessary
during field implementation. Examples of welding activities that should be demonstrated for a
weld overlay are pre–weld cleaning, WOL layout, weld orientation, component material and
configuration, welding parameters and equipment, safety requirements and practices, and
welding personnel. Each is described below in further detail.
The immediate WOL area and adjacent area need to be made accessible for associated tooling
and personnel. The WOL area and adjacent base material surface area need to be cleaned for
welding and pre–weld inspection as will be done during field welding. This could also
involve some surface preparation such as grinding or machining. In addition, the post weld
overlay machining and final cleaning is important for ensuring successful surface and
volumetric examination. The cleaning and surface preparation process(es) used during the
mock-up for both pre / post weld overlay should reflect those that will be used during field
implementation. It is also recommended that NDE personnel be involved during this and other
mock–ups to ensure final surface preparation meets the requirements to perform the required
Start and stop locations of the overlay should be identified with punch marks. Punch marks
should also be placed at a location removed from the start and stop so they remain visible
after the first layer of weld is deposited. The punch marks away from the weld toes are
frequently used for determination of shrinkage. Thus, they are important for post–overlay
calculations and their importance should be communicated to the craft. If punch marks are
consumed by weld or cleaning process, punch mark locations should be verified and replaced
immediately. Machining
The surface preparation required for performing the repair should be demonstrated to ensure
the effectiveness of the craft, equipment, and procedures. Demonstrating this activity is
important to minimize issues during field implementation such as delays due to equipment /
tooling failures or improper preparation. One additional example of an issue experienced
during this phase was incorrect location of machining on the component due to machining
operator and procedure errors. It should be noted that some member states could require the
machining activity to be qualified prior to being used in the field.
Welding positions that will be found in the field should be maintained for all activities
Nozzle size (diameter) and geometry may affect arc voltage control (AVC) reaction, travel
speed, and wire feed speed, which have implications to chromium recovery and TB
requirements. Chromium recovery refers to the amount of chromium in the deposited filler
metal after dilution with existing base and filler metals. The use of high chromium filler
metals around 26% and greater are used (e.g. Alloy 52M) to minimize SCC in BWR and
PWR environments. However, the amount of chromium in these filler metals decrease via
dilution when they are deposited over existing base and filler metals with lower chromium
content. Therefore, many ASME Code Cases for repair of DMWs require that chromium
content be measured on the production weld or a mock–up to verify minimum chromium
content. The minimum amount of chromium is specified to be 20% for BWR and 24% for
PWR applications. The thickness of the deposited weld metal can be credited towards the
repair once the minimum chromium content has been achieved [36, 38–40].
A minimum amount of delta ferrite is frequently specified by ferrite number when austenitic
stainless steel filler metal is used in the repair. The calculation of the ferrite number should
also be done during the production weld or mock–up when austenitic filler metals are used. It
is important to note that the minimum chromium content and ferrite number requirements for
nickel alloys and austenitic stainless steel respectively are intended for SCC susceptible
regions. Thus, for regions (materials) that are already resistant to SCC those requirements
have little purpose. However, this should be discussed internally and with the respective
regulatory agency for agreement.
Mock–ups should reflect the nozzle and pipe geometry for all parameter development, and
equipment set–up trials. Nozzle geometry that affects the welding (that is, the overlay length
and thickness) should be reflected in mock–up welding demonstrations. Mock–ups should
accurately depict the production weld including the following:
Weld locations (using same filler metal as seen in the field);
Clearances and physical restrictions: minimum clearances in all directions should be
recorded and utilized during mock–up welding; and
Weld Restrictions (distance to control room, cable lengths).
A thorough walk down of welding area with accurate mapping of components, clearance and
restrictions is critical for successfully mobilizing welding equipment and verifying the
complete range of travel of welding head and carriage.
The mock–up should consist of like base material (such as cast stainless), weld material (DM
weld), buttering, and cladding since the mock–up could be used to verify chemistry
requirements (chromium recovery), temper bead parameters verification tests, material
weldability issues, and verification of shrinkage measurements. If actual material is not
available, a review of CMTRs should be conducted to highlight potential material welding
issues such (as hot cracking). Weld filler material should be consistent (same heat) as
productions weld. Alternative filler materials should not be used for performance or
proficiency mock–ups.
Welding parameters and conditions for production welds should be verified to be consistent
with mock–up welds. Welding parameter verification should include wire size, power supply,
track, wire feed speed, travel speed, heat input, welding head, torch angle, welding position,
shielding gas etc. Equipment intended for production welds should be of the same make and
model used for mock–up welding and training. Equipment issues should be reviewed during
mock–up welding activities. This includes power supply, control panel, monitoring, carriage /
track, lead length, and weld head configuration.
Safety procedures and practices may directly affect the performance and should be
implemented in the mock–up demonstration. All safety conditions should be verified and
reviewed during mock–up welding and include items like the following:
Hexavalent chrome practices;
Fall protection;
FME—fall or catch basin / tarp for tools;
Protective clothing;
Confined space (argon buildup);
Electrical shock hazard; and
If Thoriated tungsten is used, precautions should be taken when grinding to ensure
the dust is not inhaled by personnel. Station personnel should inform the service
provider (if applicable) if thoriated tungsten is not permitted on–site during planning
stages of the weld overlay. Station personnel should ensure the service provider has
developed or verified welding parameters have not changed if there is a switch from
thoriated tungsten to non–thorium bearing tungsten electrodes.
Welding personnel should have prior experience with filler metal and base metal used during
repair activities. Filler metal like Alloy 52 requires practice and experience to achieve
acceptable results.
Involvement with all aspects of the mock–up welding:
Familiar with intricacies of welding with filler metal used during repair:
All welders’ performance qualifications and training should be documented and reviewed
during mock–up welding activities and prior to production welding.
4.4.5. Inspection
The licensee shall ensure that testing in connection with installation and repairs of installed
components are performed by an approved laboratory in accordance to the countries
A well proven examination system that has been demonstrated as capable of reliably
identifying and classifying the faults and deviations that the processes of repair,
manufacturing and installation might give rise to, or;
Examination systems that to a sufficient extent have been qualified and assessed by
an independent qualification body.
The organization that performs repair / replacement activity should establish documentation
that defined manufacturing techniques and inspection methods and criteria. This programme
should follow general requirement of licensee and it should follow repair (construction) code
and authority requirement. Approval process required in authority requirements must be
followed. This programme is defined typically in construction plan.
An item to be use for repair / replacement activities should meet the Construction Code. A
defect can be only removed however minimum material thickness should not be less than the
minimum required thickness. It this is the case the component should be corrected. Surface
examination after removal of defect is typically required prior to welding. After repair
inspections according, construction code should be followed. DMW's might have limitations
accessibility and penetrant surface inspections are replaced with eddy current. These case
limitations of eddy current technique should be noticed. Techniques should be selected so that
all orientations can be inspected.
After examination inspections according, construction code and PSI should be done. Also,
same examination technique after repair should be used that was used for detection as far as
possible. PSI is normally required and this fulfils this requirement. Principle for examination
after repair is that same method should be used that was used for detection as far as possible.
After repair PSI is normally required and this fulfils this requirement. Manufacturing
inspections are not typically replacing pre–service inspection. Exceptions are typically in
surface inspection. Pre–service inspections are done normally using qualified in–service
inspection techniques to provide basic comparative data for the in–service inspections. Object
is to get supplementing data to manufacture and installation inspections result to determine
the original condition of the components when inspected within the in–service inspection
techniques. As far as possible, the inspections should be conducted using the same methods,
techniques and types of inspection equipment as are intended to be used in individual in-
service inspections. If flaws are found in pre–service inspection acceptance criteria of in–
service code (PSI) can typically be followed instead of construction code.
Pre–service inspections should be done after pressure test to components like nozzle to Safe
End, if required. For piping welds like safe end to pipe inspections can be done before
pressure test. PSI should be done always before approval to operation. This should be done
whenever an area inspected in a component or structure within the inspection scope is
repaired, modified or replaced.
Materials, products and welded joints must undergo the inspections necessary in order to
ensure that no defects or other deviations remain that have safety significance. The
inspections must be performed in accordance with the relevant methods of design, repair and
manufacturing together with the basis for the inspections adapted to the quality classification.
Inspection plans clearly specifying the type and scope of inspections at different
stages, in connection with repairs, during manufacturing and in connection with
installation at the facility; and
The procedures and instructions necessary to define performance of inspections, non-
destructive examination and other investigations.
Quality assurance programme is plan where systematic actions are defined to ensure
confidence that requirements are met. Quality assurance programme are done by organization
that perform repair and its fulfilment followed by authority or regulatory. Purpose of this
document is to ensure safety and quality–related risk management of project. Project
management is established with the applicable standards like for example (ref 10CFR50 app.
B) [49].
1. Organization;
2. Quality assurance program;
3. Design control;
4. Procurement Document control;
5. Instructions, procedures and drawings;
6. Document control;
7. Control of purchase material, equipment, and services;
8. Identification and control of materials, parts and components;
9. Control of special processes;
10. Inspection;
11. Test Control;
12. Control of measuring and test equipment;
13. Handling, storage and shipping;
14. Inspection, test and operation status;
15. Nonconforming materials, parts, or components;
16. Corrective action;
17. Quality assurance records; and
18. Audits.
For repair / replacement, for example, WOL activities, the utility may write a special Quality
Assurance Plan, especially if the utility has interface with vendors.
4.6.3. Vendor oversight / supervision
When the utility chooses a vendor to provide the repair service, it is important that:
The vendor is including in the “qualified supplier list” — Vendor needs to follow a QA
program (10 CFR 50 App requirement II);
Stablish hold points during the process qualification — The utility needs to approve all
the process. It is very important to stablish a sequential plan where all steps can be
checked and approved by the contractor. (10 CFR 50 App B V requirement XIV and VII)
Stablish a contract describing all technical specification (10 CFR 50 App B requirements
IV and VIII).
It is very important the utility stablish witnessing of critical steps (hold points) during all
vendor activities.
welding operator. In addition to this general requirement, special considerations for notch
toughness are required by other sections of the Code. Briefly, a WPS lists the variables,
both essential and nonessential, and the acceptable ranges of these variables when using
the WPS. The WPS is intended to provide direction for the welder / welding operator.
The PQR lists what were used in qualifying the WPS and the test results.
Some member states require the complete repair process such as from initial surface
preparation / inspection through actual repair to final inspections to be demonstrated /
qualified. The qualification requirement could originate from the regulator or associated
codes. Therefore, the member state should be aware of any potential requirements for
qualifying the machining process so that it can be planned accordingly.
System tests (e.g. pressure or leak tests) after the repair or replacement activity has been
completed should be considered during the planning stages of the project. The potential
change in system configuration resulting from the repair or replacement activity could
create challenges to perform the system tests. However, in some instances there are
exemptions permitted for the system test requirements.
This section includes a summary of lessons learned and recommendations that may be
obtained from several international studies on DMW with different NDE techniques and
procedures [51].
Defect orientation has an influence on detection performance with circumferential
defect exhibiting a greater likelihood of detection than axial defect, as a function of
Defect orientation does not influence depth sizing performance based on depth sizing
RMSE results for large bore nozzles and small bore nozzles.
Procedures that include ECT performed better at length sizing than procedures that
do not include ECT, particularly for axial defect, as indicated by RMSE values.
PAUT performance is better than conventional UT performance for small bore
nozzles as measured by POD and depth sizing RMSE.
PAUT performance is marginally better than UT performance for large bore nozzles
as measured by POD and depth sizing RMSE.
Detected flaws might have influence to inspection qualification.
Mitigation might have influence to cost due longer inspection interval.
Technique Case History
A tiered composite risk-informed LBB case has been developed for the
postulated cracking of outlet feeder dissimilar metal welds. The deterministic
LBB assessment shows that 90% of the DMWs at risk satisfy the five
mandatory requirements: factor on load, factor on crack length, factor on leak
rate, time from detectable leakage to rupture, and factor on consequential
leakage. For the remaining 10% of the DMWs at risk have an insufficient
factor on leak rate, the advanced FEA flaw evaluation demonstrates there are
at least 58 days available for operator action to shut down the reactor. The
probabilistic LBB assessment concludes that the 95th percentile of rupture
probability from a single DMW is 5.95×10–8 and that even 100% inspection
every outage (~2.5 EFPY) does not significantly reduce the rupture
probability. Of the input parameters for the probabilistic LBB assessment,
the operational leak detection limit has the most significant impact on the
rupture probability and the influence of weld residual stress is important [52].
been attributed to PWSCC.
Cracks also have been found in reactor nozzle hot leg dissimilar metal welds
at the V.C. Summer plant in the United States and at the Ringhals plant in
Sweden, providing further evidence that PWSCC is a generic concern [51].
In the USA there have been a number of events related to PWSCC in DMWs.
A recent report by Sullivan and Anderson (2014) [53] examined the
management of PWSCC in butt welds by mitigation and inspection. The
report provides details and extensive references for these events in the USA
as well as those that have been reported world–wide. The reader is directed
to the US NRC website where this report can be downloaded
The intent in this paper is to just highlight some of the salient features of
these events that are relevant to these RRTs. The events in the USA began in
1993 at Palisades with PWSCC in the heat affected zone of a power–
operated relief valve Alloy 600 Safe End located near the pressurizer. The
most recent event occurred at the North Anna Power Station, Unit 1 in the
”B” reactor coolant loop hot–leg–to–steam generator nozzle weld in 2012.
There have been 17 events reported for butt weld PWSCC from 1993
through 2012. It is interesting to note that nearly one–half of these events
involved PWSCC that had circumferential flaw orientation. Only one of
these circumferential cracks had significant depth that was estimated to be
65% through wall in one location. The axial flaws were typically deeper in
through wall extent than the circumferential flaws. Furthermore, a number of
these PWSCC were discovered by non–NDE methods such as, water on the
floor, accumulated boric acid deposits or leakage uncovered when the
mitigation was being applied. This has raised some important questions about
the effectiveness of the NDE being applied to detect PWSCC in DMWs and
was one of the driving forces for the PINC and the PARENT programs.
Since many of these examinations were conducted under the requirements of
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section XI, Division 1, Appendix
VIII, questions for why the PWSCC have been missed remain. Many factors
such as the NDE methods and technology being employed and the
representativeness of the simulated PWSCC and component configurations
in the Appendix VIII testing are being assessed to try to understand where
improvements need to be made. The PINC and PARENT program results
will hopefully, answer some of these questions and provide direction on what
needs to be done so that there will be fewer events in U.S. NPPs. Thus, in the
future NDE will find these conditions before leakage occurs and in a timely
manner so that appropriate mitigation can be deployed [51].
Case studies from: Welding and Repair Technology Center: Repairs to Leaking American
Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Class Systems—Update. EPRI, Palo Alto, CA:
2015. 3002005537
In April 2010, Entergy submitted relief request R&R-013 for repair of a leaking
pressurizer instrumentation nozzle using a “half nozzle” repair. This repair involves
removal of the outer portion of the nozzle and boring into the pressurizer shell a fixed
distance such that a small portion of the original nozzle remains intact—including the
original Alloy 82 / 182 pressure boundary weld which had cracked due to PWSCC and
caused the leakage. An Alloy 52M weld pad was then applied to the ferritic surface of the
pressurizer using temper bead welding in accordance with Code Case N–638–1 to
function as the new pressure boundary attachment. The pad was then bored slightly larger
than a new Alloy 690 instrument nozzle, a weld groove was machined into the Alloy
52M pad, and the new nozzle was inserted through the pad and welded by partial
penetration weld to the new Alloy 52M weld pad as shown in Figure 29.
As an alternative to characterizing the actual size of the flaw and then calculating projected
crack growth, Entergy assumed the worst case flaw and applied finite element fatigue analysis
which demonstrated that the worst case flaw is acceptable for a 60 year plant operating
period. Entergy also requested that the 48-hour time limit on performance of surface
examination after completion of welding as required by Code Case N–638–1, to begin instead
after the third temper bead weld layer was completed on the built–up pad.
Verbal approval was granted one week after the initial submittal, and the formal SER was
issued in January 2011.
US plant observed leakage from the 2 inch N–11 B–1 process pipe to Safe End location
associated with Feedwater level instrumentation during the scheduled pressure test at the end
of their refuelling outage. The leakage was characterized as approximately 15 drops per
minute. Further characterization of the flaw utilizing a PDI / IGSCC qualified ultrasonic
procedure determined the flaw to be oriented circumferentially and approximately 1.1 inch in
length (ID) at the 11:00 position looking toward the nozzle. The flaw was located
approximately 0.5 inches from the weld centreline in the austenitic stainless steel safe end
side of the weld joint adjacent to the heat affected zone. The cause of the crack was concluded
to be IGSCC promoted by excessive internal stresses resulting from ID boring of the forged
Safe End during manufacture.
Replacement of the safe end was considered too time–consuming, and a permanent
engineered weld overlay in accordance with Code Case N–504–3 was determined to be the
best repair method. The automated GTAW process was selected to ensure the least change in
chemical composition from the wire to the deposit, and to minimize dilution carryover as
subsequent weld passes are applied. The utility requested and received verbal approval to
utilize a system leakage test in accordance with IWA–5000 at nominal operating pressure and
temperature in lieu of the system hydrostatic test required by Code Case N–504–3.
Design of the overlay called for a thickness of 0.13 inch and a minimum length of 0.8 inch,
however these were increased to 0.15 inch and 0.20-inch depth and a minimum length 3.95
inch to accommodate ultrasonic volumetric examination.
Internal pressure at the time of the repair was about 1 psig, and the temperature was
approximately 130 degrees Fahrenheit. The indication was surface-examined by PT (water
interfered with final interpretation, but a 3/16 inch rejectable linear indication was detected),
and sized by ultrasonic examination. The weeping leakage was stopped prior to application of
the overlay by peening the crack shut and seal welding. Punch marks were applied at four
quadrants along the axis outside of the overlay zone for measurement of axial shrinkage. The
final surface was machined to a 250 RMS finish to facilitate ultrasonic examination.
Post–repair NDE included liquid penetrant surface examination, ultrasonic volumetric
examination, and VT–2 leakage examination during the system pressure test. Post–overlay
measurements indicated significant shrinkage in both the radial and axial directions.
Follow-up UT inspections were performed in accordance with ASME Section XI, Appendix
Q, Weld Overlay Repair of Austenitic stainless steel Piping. Extent of condition examinations
involved immediate UT examination of the other instrument connections for all units. One
other 2 N12 connection was found to have an 80% through-wall crack, resulting in a similar
overlay being applied the year after.
Lessons learned: Mock–up training, careful planning, attention to detail, and close vendor
oversight are essential for a successful overlay repair.
(2004) Unit 3 had been shut down and was being maintained in Mode 3, Hot Standby, and
while trouble shooting a turbine–generator excitation problem. While conducting a required
boric acid walk down, engineering personnel discovered boric acid on the Class 1 pressurizer
heater sleeve.
PVNGS submitted a relief request and was granted permission to defer detailed inspections
until the next refuelling outage, and instead install a mechanical nozzle seal assembly
(MNSA) at this time in accordance with a relief request previously approved for application at
PVNGS. Inspection of the nozzle during the current unplanned outage would require placing
the unit in reduced inventory, with the RCS breached for the duration of the inspection.
Shutdown risk is higher in this condition than the condition required for installation of the
mechanical nozzle seal assembly (MNSA).
The cause of the boric acid leakage was attributed to PWSCC (primary water stress corrosion
cracking) of alloy 600 materials in the pressurizer heater sleeve. The amount of boric acid
found was small.
The MNSA is a mechanical device consisting of a split gasket/flange assembly that is placed
around the leaking penetration. The gasket is made of Grafoil packing, a graphite compound
that is compressed within the assembly to prevent RCS leakage past the penetration. The
assembly is bolted into holes drilled and threaded on the outer surface of the pressurizer.
Another assembly is bolted to the flanges, which serves as the structural attachment of the
sleeve to the wall. This assembly serves to carry the loads in lieu of the J–groove welds on the
Alloy 600 penetrations. Post installation testing of the MNSA at normal operating pressure
and temperature demonstrated the acceptability of the installation.
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[28] Material Reliability Program: Primary System Piping Butt Weld Inspection and Evaluation Guideline
(MRP-139, Revision 1), EPRI, Palo Alto, CA (2008).
[29] ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section B, Part C, ASME International, USA (2015).
[30] Materials Reliability Program: GE Experience Report on Cracking in Alloy 182 (MRP-57): BWR Alloy
182 Stress Corrosion Cracking, Palo Alto, CA (2001) p. 34.
[31] Welding and Repair Technology Center: Repair Welding Handbook, EPRI Palo Alto, CA, (2015) 148 pp.
[32] Similar and Dissimilar Metal Welding Using Ambient Temperature Machine GTAW Temper Bead
Technique, Code Case N-740, ASME International, ASME International.
[33] Similar and Dissimilar Metal Welding Using Ambient Temperature SMAW Temper Bead Technique,
Code Case N-839, ASME International, ASME International.
[34] Temperbead Welding Repair of Low Alloy Pressure Vessel Steels, EPRI Palo Alto, CA, EPRI (1994) 266
[35] ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section IX, Qualification Standard for Welding, Brazing, and
Fusing Procedures: Welders, Brazers: and Welding, Brazing, and Fucing Operators, ASME International,
USA (2015).
[36] Full Structural Dissimilar Metal Weld Overlay forRepair or Mitigation of Class 1,2 and 3 Items, Code
Case N-740, ASME International, ASME International.
[37] Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials -- Welding procedure test --
Part 1: Arc and gas welding of steels and arc welding of nickel and nickel alloys, ISO, Germany (2004) 28
[38] Optimized Structural Dissimilar Metal Weld Overlay for Mitigation of PWR Class 1 Items, Code Case N-
754, ASME International, ASME International.
[39] MARLETTE, S.E. et al., Technical Basis for Case N-766-1 Nickel Alloy Reactor Coolant Inlay and Onlay
for Mitigation of PWR Full Penetration Circumferential Nickel Alloy Welds in Class 1 Items, ASME
International (2012).
[40] Partial Excavation and Deposition of Weld Metal for Mitigation of Class 1 Items, Code Case N-847,
ASME International.
[41] ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Code Case N-853-PWR Class 1 Primary Piping Alloy 600 Full
Penetration Branch Connection Weld Metal Buildup for Material Susceptible to Primary Water Stress
Corrosion Cracking Section XI, Division 1, ASME International, USA (2016).
[42] INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY, Stress Corrosion Cracking in Light Water Reactors
Good Practices and Lessons Learned, IAEA Nuclear Energy Series No. NP-T-3.13, IAEA, Vienna (2011).
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Mitigation Strategy for Primary Water Stress Corrosion Cracking in Pressurized Water Reactors, NRC
(2009) 153 pp.
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Performance Experience for PWR Applications, EPRI, Palo Alto, CA (2004) 56 pp.
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[47] ASME BPVC Section XI, Division 1, Code Case N-770. “Alternative Examination Requirements and
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N06082 or UNS W86182 Weld Filler Material With or Without Application of Listed Mitigation
Activities, ASME International (2015).
[48] Welding and Repair Technology Center: Overlay Handbook, Palo Alto, CA (2013) 246 pp.
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129 (1991) 341.
Degradation. Phenomena or process that attacks (wear, cracking etc.) the component
material and might result in a reduction of component integrity
Flaw. An imperfection or discontinuity that may be detectable by NDE and is not necessarily
Inspection qualification. The systematic assessment, by all those methods that are needed
to provide reliable confirmation, of an inspection system to ensure it is capable of achieving
the required performance under real inspection conditions
Modelling. The use of mathematical models of NDE to predict quantitatively the outcome of
the inspection.
Probability. A numerical measure of the state of confidence about the outcome of an event
Safe End. For example, a fitting to transition from the post weld heat treated RPV nozzle to
the stainless steel piping.
Scanning. Systematic movement of the probe over the material to be tested. It can be
performed manually or automatically.
3D three dimensional
ADAMS Agency–wide Documents Access and Management System
ALARA as low as reasonably achievable
ANSI American National Standards Institute
ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers
ASNT American Society for Non–destructive Testing
AVC arc voltage control
BCWMB branch connection weld metal buildup
BM base metal
BWR boiling water reactor
CAD computer aided design
CANDU Canada Deuterium Uranium
CLTT consistent layer temper bead technique
CMTR certified material test report
COD crack opening displacement
CRDM control rod drive mechanism
CVN Charpy V-notch
DDC dip ductility cracking
DM dissimilar metal
DMW dissimilar metal welding
E event
ECT eddy current testing
EDF Électricité de France
EN Eurocode
ENIQ The European Network for Inspection and Qualification
EPRI Electric Power Research Institute
EWR excavate and weld repair
FAD failure assessment diagram
FEA finite element analysis
FFS fitness for service
FME foreign material exclusion
FSWOL full structural weld overlay
GTAW gas tungsten arc welding
HAZ heat affected zone
HL hot leg
HPE human performance evaluation
IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency
ID inner surface
IDSCC interdentric stress corrosion cracking
IGSCC intergranular stress corrosion cracking
IQB inspection qualification body
ISI in-service inspection
ISO International Standards Organization
KHNP Korea Hydro and Nuclear Power
KKL Kernkraftwerk Leibstadt
LAS low alloy steel
LBB leak before break
LOF lack of fusion
LRUT long-range ultrasonic testing
LTO long term operation
LWR light water reactor
MNSA mechanical nozzle sleeve assembly
MORT management oversight and risk tree
MRP materials reliability program
MSIP mechanical stress improvement process
NDE non-destructive examination
NDT non-destructive testing
NDT&E non-destructive testing and evaluation
NPP nuclear power plant
NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission
OD outer diameter
OE operating experience
OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
OECE/NEA OECD Nuclear Energy Agency
ORPS occurrence reporting and processing system
OWOL optimized weld overlay
PAUT phased array ultrasonic testing
PDI performance demonstration initiative
POD probability of detection
PPE personal protective equipment
PQR procedure qualification record
PRA probabilistic risk analysis
PSI pre-service inspection
PT penetrant testing
PT practical trials
PWHT post weld heat treatment
PWR pressurized water reactor
PWSCC primary water stress corrosion cracking
R resistance
RCA root cause analysis
RCP reactor coolant pump
RCS reactor coolant system
RI-LBB risk-informed leak before break
RMSE root mean square error
RP recommended practice
RPV reactor pressure vessel
RRT round robin test
RT radiographic testing
SC safety class
SCC stress corrosion cracking
SDC shutdown cooling
SG steam generator
SI stress improvement
STUK Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority, Säteilyturvakeskus
TB temper bead
TECDOC publication in the IAEA-TECDOC series
TGSCC transcranular stress corrosion cracking
TJ technical justification
TOFD time-of-flight diffraction technique
US United States
UT ultrasonic testing
VT visual testing
WOL weld overlay
WPS welding procedure specification
WWER water cooled, water moderated power reactor
Parent Material: e.g. low alloy steel (MnMo) forgings (DGS MS LAS 4301/F)
Defect Description
Nature of Defect
Tilt Skew
Brief description of the type and location of the defect Orientation of defect(s) (with axes clearly defined, e.g. in
(s): buried weld defects, lack of sidewall fusion etc. a drawing)
- growing from fabrication defect by fatigue For example:
(mechanical or thermal) i) Longitudinal with the following local deviations:
tilt up to ±10˚, skew up to ±2°
Gape: Distance between faces of Roughness of defect faces
defect e.g. 25 µm (min) e.g. between 3µm and 20µm
Qualification defect E.g. i) a=10mm, L=20mm (with a and L defined in a drawing)
Sizing accuracy: E.g. ±5mm both a and L (ability to resolve defects may also need to be specified)
Positional accuracy: E.g. within a mm through wall, L mm parallel to the flaw axis and L/2 transverse
to the flaw axis
Notes and Previous
In the past, this was usually done by carrying out tests on mock-ups of the component in the
laboratory. However, more recently, numerical modelling of the interaction of ultrasound with
the component has found an increasing role.
Such tools have been continuously extended through the development of simulation models,
from the early nineties, to account for realistic testing configurations in terms of probes
(monolithic, phased arrays…), flaws and arbitrary component shapes (canonical shapes,
parametrically defined or 2D / 3D Computer Aided Design i.e. CAD defined).
The ability to use modelling software is based on the purpose of the simulation and usage of
simulated data. The differences regarding signal response amplitude between simulations and
experiments is in the same order of magnitude as what can be expected between arbitrary
ultrasonic operators performing an arbitrary inspection, as seen in the measurement error
The largest discrepancy between the simulations and experiments in this report, and also in
ISI (In–Service Inspection) in general is noise, or rather signal to noise ratio. When trying to
simulate “real” or “rough” defects within modelling software, a lot of effort has to be put into
the work and the result is heavily dependent on the skill of the person creating the defect
From a qualification body´s view simulations can be used in two different ways. Either in
technical documentation such as a technical justification referring to simulations as a link in
the chain of proof to prove that the technique is robust. Or the qualification body may use
simulation as a means of controlling or verifying a statement in a technical justification. One
can imagine performing parametric studies as a compliment to the measurement error
The issues discussed above means that it is clear that it is not possible to simulate a complete
inspection, or validate an inspection procedure by simulations with simulation software at the
current time. The conclusion is that simulations can be used when specific problems or
technical solutions must be solved or developed.
One has to keep in mind though, that both the producer of simulated data and the evaluator
must have great knowledge about the software to be able to draw the right conclusions from
the results and choices in the simulation set–up must be justified just as any setting or choice
in the inspection procedure to be qualified, else the qualification body cannot draw any
conclusion regarding the statements validity.
Modelling reduces the time required for on–site testing and increases the reliability of the
Prediction and visualization of ultrasonic fields;
Finite element analysis has the advantage that it is the most accurate method against which
other methods can be calibrated. Its principal drawback is that it is extremely demanding in
terms of computer time.
Most of the developed models are based on semi–analytical methods since they aren’t heavy
on computation time. The ultrasonic simulation tools allow to fully predict a real ultrasonic
inspection in a various range of applications which requires the computation of the beam
propagated, as well as its interaction with flaws. Three kinds of models for the scattering of
ultrasound by flaws: approached analytical solutions, exact analytical solutions and numerical
modelling methods.
The beam propagation model is based upon a semi-analytical method which calculates the
impulse response of the probe inside the component, assuming individual source points
distributed over the radiating surface of the probe. Each elementary source point contribution
of the probe toward the computation point is therefore evaluated using a so–called pencil
method applied to elastodynamics [1]. This model allows computing the ultrasonic field in the
component for wedge.
[1] CURTIS, G.., IBRAHIM, N., Texture studies of austenitic weld metal using elastic
surface waves, Met. Sci. 15 (1981) 566.
The knowledge of the anisotropic and heterogeneous behaviour of the material is the key
point for understanding ultrasonic testing. An ultrasonic beam propagating through such a
component may be greatly deviated, split and attenuated, depending on local grain orientation.
So, the optimization of an ultrasonic process or performance demonstration through technical
justifications requires a thorough understanding of wave propagation within these structures.
As it has already been mentioned understanding of ultrasonic wave propagation and its
interaction with defects in anisotropic materials is very important in order to develop reliable
ultrasonic testing techniques for the inspection of critical defects such as transversal cracks in
inhomogeneous austenitic weld materials [1].
Based on the literature [16–18] we can say that when an ultrasonic wave impinges at an
interface between two anisotropic solids, generally, three reflected and three transmitted
waves propagate in the medium 1 and medium 2 (see Figure III-1.) [1].
FIG. III-1, Schematic of the energy reflection and transmission behaviour at an interface between
columnar grained austenitic steel material and isotropic ferritic steel material [1].
In a weld described as a set of several homogeneous media, the spatial variations of the
physical properties are constant which means that the slowness vector is constant in each
domain. Taking into account the inhomogeneity of the medium implies to describe the weld
by a continuously variable representation of the physical properties and more specifically a
continuously variable description of the crystallographic orientation. In the two differential
systems, allowing respectively the evaluation of the ray trajectories and the travel–time and
the amplitude associated to a ray tube, the inhomogeneity of the medium is represented by the
spatial derivatives of the elastic constants with respect to the position. Describing the weld
with a continuously variable representation allows to compute these spatial derivatives and to
precisely evaluate the ray trajectories, the travel–time and the amplitude associated to a ray
tube at each time–step. Then, the rays no longer propagate in straight lines as shown in Figure
III-2, and the slowness vector is re-evaluated at each step.
FIG. III-2, Representation of the ray trajectories in a homogeneous and an inhomogeneous media.
The subject of experimental investigation is shown on Figure III-3 [1], namely the
macrograph of the Cr–Ni based V–butt austenitic weld (specimen Q1). It can be seen from
Figure III-3, that starting from the weld root and weld fusion face up to the weld crown the
austenitic weld materials exhibit epitaxial grain growth, which results in spatial variation of
columnar grain orientation within the weld metal. Figure III-3 (b) shows a comparison
between modelled weld structure and macrograph of the weld specimen Q1.
(a) (b)
FIG. III-3: (a) Macrograph of the Cr-Ni based austenitic weld specimen Q1. Weld data: root tungsten
inert gas welded, filler layers manual metal arc welded, V-butt austenitic weld thickness 32 mm, (b)
comparison between weld structure model and real macrograph of the specimen Q1[1, 2].
Based on Figure III-3 (b) the comparison shows a good qualitative agreement between
modelled weld structure and the macrograph of the austenitic weld specimen and a
symmetrical columnar grain structure can be observed. Due to the different welding
conditions such as the welding current, the number of weld passes, the incline of weld passes
and the temperature gradient directions in the weld pool during welding process it can say that
some of the austenitic weld materials may contain non-symmetrical columnar grain structure.
For determining the macrograph of the weld specimens a reliable weld structure model is
considered which accounts the spatial variation of grain orientation in the macrograph of real
life austenitic and dissimilar weld materials [1]. Based on Ogilvy [3], mathematical empirical
relation—a local columnar grain structure of the inhomogeneous austenitic weld material can
be described. During the investigation the inhomogeneous region of the austenitic weld
material is discretized into several homogeneous layers and it is surrounded by a
homogeneous isotropic austenitic steel material on either side. Figure III-4 (a) and (b) shows
inhomogeneous austenitic weld structure and its layered representation.
FIG. III-4, (a) Inhomogeneous weld structure, (b) layered representation of inhomogeneous weld [1].
During the simulation, for example a studied V–butt weld has to be described as a set of
several homogeneous domains with the same elastic constants but a specific crystallographic
FIG. III-5, Example of the SG collector DMW test assembly No.2 described as a set of several
homogeneous domains with a give crystallographic orientation [4].
As the physical properties are constant in a medium, the rays propagate in straight line in each
domain and the reflection and refraction coefficients are evaluated at each interface during the
Based on the available research work a ray tracing algorithm can be used for evaluating
ultrasonic ray energy paths and amplitude profiles for point source excitation on
inhomogeneous layered anisotropic material. Furthermore the method gives a better
understanding of the influence of 3–D inhomogeneous columnar grain structure on an
ultrasonic wave propagation [1]. When using a ray tracing method all the physical aspects of a
ray are taken into account, such as [1]:
Figure III-6 shows an illustration of the ray tracing model for point sources. Kolkoori [1]
summarizes the ray tracing calculation time for different step sizes.
FIG. III-6, Illustration of the ray tracing model for point source excitation in an austenitic weld
material. Weld thickness = 32 mm [1].
In case of dissimilar metal welds, which have been already performed, based on known grain
size and orientation, or in case of designed welds [5], based on software identified properties,
optimal ultrasonic beam can be found by simulation of the inspection. The testing has been
recently developed in the CIVA software in order to determine the index distances regarding
the given orientation artificial defect analysis and the incident angles for longitudinal and
transversal tests. Acoustic properties of materials in these joints were considered [6], as well
as the effect of grain to the form of the ultrasonic beam, the probability of detection and
determination of the location and orientation of the material discontinuities.
FIG. III-7, Simulation model of phased array techniques for an artificial defect.
a) Simulation b) Inspection
By comparing the experimental and simulation tests results, conclusions can be drawn to
quantitatively assess the contribution of phased array techniques to improved NDE
performances of such parts, as well as the ability of simulation to help for design,
optimization and interpretation of such inspections. The investigation of various PAUT
systems will comfort confidence on NDE techniques and widen the feedback and knowledge
of various partners. In addition to reporting of experimental and simulation tests, conclusions
drawn from these studies and analysis of further development will be discussed for increased
knowledge in the NDE and Nuclear communities.
[2] GRONG, O., Metallurgical Modelling of Welding, University Press, Cambridge (1997).
[3] OGILVY, J., Computerized ultrasonic ray tracing in austenitic steel, NDT Int. 18 2
(1985) 67.
[4] GARDAHAUT, A., LESKELA, E., MEHESZ, I., TAKACS, C., PAUT Modelling and
Testing of Artificial Material Discontinuities, MAPAID D6.1.5, (2016).
[5] BEZI, Z., SZAVAI, S., OHMS, C., Numerical Simulation of Dissimilar Metal Welding,
[6] GARDAHAUT, A., LOURME, H., JENSON, F., LIN, S., NAGAI, M., Ultrasonic
Wave Propagation in Dissimilar Metal Welds — Application of a Ray–Based Model and
Comparison with Experimental Results, Prague, Czech Republic (2014).
IV-1.1. Summary:
This case study is devoted to several objectives. The first one is to show recent advanced UT
implementation achievements and the history of the UT qualification activities on dissimilar
metal welds (DMWs). There is described mechanized UT qualification for pulse echo
technique performed in two phases and status of mechanized pulse echo and PAUT
examination site feedback on WWER–440 type hot and cold SG collector DMWs at
Dukovany NPP. The second goal is to present the approach how to ensure the readiness to
repairs, repairs planning and effective changes of inspection intervals based on results of
mechanized UT qualified examinations and knowledge of crack growth trends. The main
focus is on WWER–440 type hot and cold SG collector DMWs at Dukovany NPP due to
occurrence of corrosion degradation mechanisms including stress corrosion cracking.
Destructive examination results with SCC occurrence in the repaired welds are presented
together with advanced mechanized PAUT examination results.
IV-1.2. Introduction
This paper is devoted similarly like [1] to advanced UT implementation achievements and
qualification activities on dissimilar metal welds (DMWs) in the Czech Republic. This paper
contains a brief summary of recent advanced UT technology implementation based on
ZIRCON UT phased array (PAUT) application with dual PAUT matrix search units and UT
qualification achievements reached mainly for WWER–440 type Dukovany NPP with a focus
on support of lifetime extension assessment and further Long Term Operation (LTO) of
WWER type NPPs, partially for much younger WWER–1000 type Temelin NPP. The focus
on DMWs and occurrence of specific degradation mechanisms in relation to extended lifetime
assessment of appropriate components and piping systems with these welds has been initiated
and supported by DMW SCC latest issues in the world (like 5 axial PWSCC at North Anna or
circumferential SCC on WWER–440 type SG collector DMWs in Russia and Ukraine) and
the State Office for Nuclear Safety (Czech Regulatory Body) requirements on provided
License Renewal documentation related to the lifetime extension over 30 years of operation.
Due to the fact that welding technology, partially base metals and mainly buttering material
sensitive to SCC degradation is the same for WWER 440 SG collector DMWs and the other
WWER–440 and WWER–1000 DMWs around the world, there is no surprise that a high
level attention has been devoted to the potential occurrence of SCC type degradation at those
NPPs especially when these plants are operated relatively close to or over 30 years. UT
examinations analysed and performed during laboratory and qualification practical trials on
the new test assembly have been completed from both austenitic and ferritic sides. Similarly,
examinations and CIVA simulations have been conducted for both realistic conditions (with
and without weld crown). These different search units have been also analysed using CIVA
simulations and conducting examinations on available test assemblies.
2.1 Cold and Hot WWER–440 type SG collector DMWs at Dukovany NPP.
IV-1.4 Description of SG collector DMWs
Dissimilar metal welds at WWER type NPPs belong to the inspection areas of the highest
concern in the last years. For WWER–440 type NPPs like Dukovany NPP the highest
attention has been devoted to hot and cold steam generator DMWs (see Figure IV-1).
CS 22K
SS 321
FIG. IV-1: Simple drawing with cold and hot WWER–440 type SG collector DMW configuration.
Mechanized UT qualification for pulse echo technique was performed in two phases. The first
phase was completed in 1998 within PHARE project PH 1.02 / 94 as follows:
b) Used simplified list of degradation mechanisms due to at that time worldwide
unknown sensitivity of WWER type buttering material to SCC; and
c) Simple test block can be seen on Figure IV-2 (degradation mechanism only
general mechanical fatigue, low number of defects (4), full scale 1:1 test assembly
segment, no specific location of defects except the weld and weld bevels).
IV-2a) the test assembly from PHARE project IV-2b) national qualification test block
FIG. IV-2: Test assemblies for WWER 440 type SG collector DMW UT qualification.
The second phase of the pulse echo UT qualification was completed in 2011 with the
following changes to the first phase:
Defects in the new test assembly (see Table 1) are located in the weld, along weld bevels and
some specific defects are positioned on different interfaces (ferrite material to the 1st
buttering layer, 1st buttering layer to 2nd buttering layer and 2nd buttering layer to the weld).
The distribution of defects in the new test assembly meets the requirements based on the
knowledge before 2011 (general degradation mechanism mechanical/thermal fatigue, no
specific aggressive degradation mechanism like SCC / PWSCC, service induced defect
initiated from the inner surface, the maximal height up to 1/3 of the SG collector wall).
(a) With PAUT inspection procedure also developed for dual search units
(IMASONIC 1,5M32x2E64-15 with ZPA-ACC-W-DMW wedge and HQ Sonics
1,5 MHz, 64 elements (2rows of 32)) search unit with integrated wedge);
(b) And new calibration blocks (based on EPRI PDI experience);
(c) Elaborated technical justification not yet completed for all dual probes and all
defect types; and
(d) Performed laboratory practical trials on new full scale 1:1 test assembly segment
with 20 defects (7 realistic fatigue crack simulations and 13 artificial defects
including fabrication lack of fusion type defects, but no stress corrosion cracking
type defects) located in different positions.
FIG. IV-3: Laser scan image of the test assembly for WWER–440 type SG collector DMW UT
To improve our knowledge on the new test assembly shape a laser scanning of the test
assembly was performed to avoid potential impact of different types of uncertainties due to
test assembly ovality, weld crown and the weld crown vicinity. Figure IV-3: Laser scan image
of the test assembly for WWER–440 type SG collector DMW UT qualification PAUT
examinations analysed and performed during laboratory and qualification practical trials on
the new test assembly were completed from both austenitic and ferritic sides. Similarly PAUT
CIVA simulations were conducted for both realistic conditions (with and without weld crown)
and from both sides. All the different search units were also analysed using CIVA simulations
and conducting examinations on available test assemblies.
Circumferential stress corrosion cracks were detected and sized predominantly in the position
along the interface of the buttering first layer to ferritic SG collector material by pulse echo
traditional ultrasonic mechanized inspection and encoded phased array examination using
either OMNISCAN or ZIRCON equipment with linear 16 elements search units and later with
dual matrix phased array search units (see Figure 43).
Probe A, PAUT dual probe Probe B, PAUT dual probe
FIG. IV-4: Example 1 of SCC indication from WWER–440 type SG collector DMW before repair.
Design failures, understood and considered only for the case of WWER 440 SG lifetime over
30 years, were caused mainly by the level of post welding heat treatment enabling carbon
diffusion into the first layer of buttering and M23C6 on grain border and by applied non-
stabilized steel with higher content of P and increased sensitivity to SCC Due to the fact that
welding technology, partially base metals and mainly buttering material sensitive to SCC
degradation is the same for WWER 440 SG collector DMWs and the other WWER–440 and
WWER–1000 DMWs around the world, there is no surprise that a high level attention has
been devoted to the potential occurrence of SCC type degradation at those NPPs especially
when these plants are operated relatively close to or over 30 years. Implementation of Russian
technology was conducted within the following phases:
1. Repair Technology was qualified in Czech Republic and implemented for Dukovany NPP
by SKODA JS (known in the past as Skoda Nuclear Machinery)
2. Small lack of fusion (LOF) detected by UT in the weld root area of welding technology
qualification test block
3. Challenge for CIVA simulation of LOF and comparison with real conventional and PAUT
inspection results
4. Finally two SG hot collector DMWs repaired at Dukovany NPP at the end of 2012
(11/2012 – 12/2012) and in spring 2013 (04/2013).
Repairs were performed within acceptable period of time of approx. 20 days.
Near–far potential future candidates for SG collector repairs at Dukovany NPP will be
determined based on Action plan of SG repair dependent on detected and sized corrosion type
defect indications with SCC type degradation mechanism typical features. Typical determined
features and parameters of SCC defect indications are
b) Location at or close to the interface carbon steel-the first layer of buttering; and
c) stress corrosion cracking spots at B-scans and defect indication echo dynamic behaviour.
This case study is devoted to recent NDE issue related to WWER–440 type SG collector
dissimilar welds. There is described and highlighted the whole UT qualification process both
for conventional pulse echo UT and phased array UT techniques. The NDE issue leading to
repairs of 2 hot SG collector dissimilar welds at Dukovany NPP is described from the point of
degradation mechanisms identified, experimentally described and finally verified using also
destructive examination results after the repairs within the national Czech R&D project
sponsored by CEZ. From the point of lessons learnt there are summarized design failures and
revealed operational aspects important for the initiation and propagation of revealed
degradation mechanisms. Potential near future candidates, if any, for SG collector repairs at
Dukovany NPP will be determined based on Action plan of SG repair dependent on detected
and sized corrosion type defect indications with SCC type degradation mechanism typical
features within in–service inspections. Readiness to repairs, repairs planning and effective
changes of inspection intervals based on results of mechanized UT qualified examinations and
knowledge of crack growth trends can be considered as the next objective.
The use of weld overlays as a permanent repair technique has been in used for over two
decades. Table V–1 provides an abbreviated listing of weld overlays applied in the United
States by date, plant, component, and nozzle diameter. Temper bead welding was used in all
recent overlays involving a nozzle made of low alloy steel.
Date Plant Component diameter
2012 KKL N5 Nozzle 14.2
PZR spray nozzle 4.5
Safety/relief 6.63
July–August 2010 Angra 1
nozzles 12.75
PZR surge nozzles
December 2007 SCE/SONGS 2 PZR surge nozzle 12
November 2007 Duke/Oconee PZR spray nozzle 4
safety/relief 4.5
nozzles PZR surge 10
November 2007 APS/Palo Verde 3 PZR spray nozzle 4
safety/relief 6
nozzles PZR surge
nozzle 12
October 2007 SCE/SONGS 2 PZR surge nozzle 12
October 2007 Duke/Catawba 2 PZR spray nozzle 4
safety/relief 6
nozzles PZR surge
nozzle 14
October 2007 PSEG/Hope Creek Recirc. Inlet
Nozzle 10
October 2007 TVA/Sequoyah 1 PZR spray nozzle 4
safety/relief 6
nozzles PZR surge
nozzle 12
October 2007 Tai Power/Kuosheng Recirc. Inlet
2 Nozzle 10
September 2007 Progress/Harris PZR spray nozzle 4
safety/relief 6
nozzles PZR surge
nozzle 14
June 2007 APS/Palo Verde 1 PZR spray nozzle 4
safety/relief 6
nozzles PZR surge
nozzle 12
Date Plant Component diameter
May 2007 Entergy/ANO 1 PZR spray nozzle 4
safety/relief 4.5
nozzles PZR surge
nozzle 10
May 2007 Duke/Oconee 2 PZR spray nozzle 4
safety/relief 4.5
nozzles PZR surge
nozzle 10
April 2007 Duke/McGuire 1 PZR spray nozzle 4
safety/relief 6
nozzles PZR surge
nozzle 14
April 2007 STPNOC/South PZR spray nozzle 6
Texas 2 safety/relief 6
nozzles PZR surge
nozzle 16
March 2007 FPL/Duane Arnold Recirc Inlet
Nozzle 10
March 2007 TPC/Chin Shan Recirc Inlet
Nozzle 23
March 2007 Entergy/Pilgrim Recirc Inlet
Nozzle 10
December 2006 TVA/Sequoyah 2 PZR spray nozzle 4
safety/relief 6
nozzles PZR surge
nozzle 14
November 2006 SCE/SONGS 3 PZR spray nozzle 5.1875
safety/relief 8
nozzles PZR surge
nozzle 12.75
Date Plant Component diameter
November 2006 Duke/Catawba Unit 1 PZR spray nozzle 4
safety/relief nozzles 6
PZR surge nozzles 14
November 2006 Duke/Oconee Unit 1 PZR spray nozzle 4.5
safety/relief nozzles 4.5
PZR surge nozzles 10.875
HL Surge nozzle 10.75
October 2006 Duke/McGuire Unit 2 PZR spray nozzle 4
safety/relief nozzles 6
Date Plant Component diameter
PZR surge nozzles 14
April 2006 FENOC/Davis Besse Hot leg drain nozzle 4
February 2006 SCE/SONGS Unit 2 PZR spray nozzle 8
safety/relief nozzles 6
November 2005 TPC/Kuosheng Unit2 Recirculation outlet
nozzle 22
April 2004 PPL/Susquehanna Unit 1 Recirculation inlet nozzle 12
Recirculation outlet
nozzle 28
November 2003 AmerGen/TMI Unit 1 Surge line nozzle 11.5
October 2003 Entergy/Pilgrim Core spray nozzle 10
CRD return nozzle 5
October 2002 Exelon/Peach Bottom Core spray nozzle 10
Units 2&3 Recirculation outlet
nozzle 28
CRD return nozzle 5
October 2002 AmerGen/Oyster Creek Recirculation outlet
nozzle 26
December 1999 FPL/Duane Arnold Recirculation inlet nozzle 12
June 1999 FENOC/Perry Feedwater nozzle 12
June 1998 CEG/Nine Mile Point Feedwater nozzle 12
Unit 2
March 1996 Progress/Brunswick Feedwater nozzle 12
Units 1&2
February 1996 Southern/Hatch Unit 1 Recirculation inlet nozzle 12
January 1991 Entergy/River Bend Feedwater nozzle 12
March 1986 Entergy/Vermont Core spray nozzle
Yankee 10
July-August 2010 Angra 1 PZR spray nozzle 114.3
Safety/relief nozzles 168.3
PZR surge nozzles 323.9
Some plants outside the United States have also applied weld overlays although the operating
experience is not as extensive. Korea Hydro and Nuclear Power (KHNP) successfully applied
five weld overlays to Kori Unit 1 pressurizer dissimilar metal welds in the fall of 2009. This
was the first application of weld overlays in Korea. Taiwan Power Company installed pre-
emptive weld overlays on pressurizer DMWs at Maanshan Nuclear Power Plant. The result
was 12 weld overlays with mock-ups beginning in 2008 and implementation finished in 2011.
In addition to Maanshan, 3 stainless steel overlays and 1 DMW overlay was applied at
Kuosheng in 2000 and 2010 respectively.
A more recent application of a weld overlay occurred in the fall 2012 at Kernkraftwerk
Leibstadt (KKL) nuclear plant located in Switzerland. KKL is a single unit BWR and this
particular application involved overlay of their N5 nozzle. An axially–oriented planar
indication was found during non-destructive examination feedwater nozzle–to–Safe End weld
(N5). Specifically, the indication was located in the dissimilar metal weld in the vicinity of an
inner surface repair weld. The material configuration is a low alloy steel (SA–508 Cl 2)
nozzle welded using Alloy 82 to a low alloy steel Safe End (SA–508 Cl 1). The use of a low
alloy steel Safe End resulted in buttering (Alloy 182) being deposited on both sides of the
DMW, Figure V-1. The material configuration also necessitated the use of ambient
temperature temper bead welding using machine GTAW to eliminate post weld heat
treatment. The requirements for ambient temperature temper bead included in ASME Code
Case N–740–2 were followed for qualification and material properties were also demonstrated
with a mock-up. In addition, the full structural weld overlay was designed in accordance with
ASME Code Case N–740–2.
Alloy 82
Alloy 182
FIG. V-1, Sketch of feedwater nozzle dissimilar metal weld (Units for dimension in mm) [64].
The use of temper bead and weld overlay was a first-of-a-kind technique and repair in
Switzerland. A number of mock-ups were necessary to demonstrate acceptable temper bead
welding, peening and leak sealing capabilities, Alloy 52M weldability, and ability of tooling
and phased array ultrasonic testing to KKL and their regulator Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety
Inspectorate (ENSI). The mock-ups demonstrated the ability of the service vendor to perform
the welding and non-destructive examination, and were also used to validate the temper bead
and weld overlay approach. All mock-ups were completed successfully.
The resulting weld overlay was successfully installed at KKL. The minimum WOL
dimensions required by design are provided in a schematic in Figure V-2. The as–built WOL
exceeded minimum design requirements as shown in Table V–3. Additional details regarding
the welding and design can be found in PVP2013-97791 and Reference respectively [1].
FIG. V-2 Schematic representation of KKL full structural weld overlay geometry, minimum required
dimensions (mm)[1].
Mechanical Stress Improvement Process (MSIP) has been used successfully for many decades
on both BWR and PWR plants as can be seen in Table V–4. There has also been operating
experience using MSIP to mitigate weldments with pre-existing cracks as shown in Table Y.
Significant amount of research has been done to demonstrate the effectiveness of MSIP which
is publicly available for review. This information will be beneficial to plants looking to
implement MSIP to mitigate dissimilar metal weldments susceptible to PWSCC.
Utility Plant Year Pipe Nozzles Total Notes
and and
Fittings Safe
CP&L Brunswick 1 1988 0 10 10 3
CECo LaSalle 1 1988 15 15 30
CECo LaSalle 2 1988 8 0 8
CECo Dresden 2 1988 82 22 104
PECo Limerick 2 1988 2 16 18
Northeast Millstone 1 1989 0 22 22 3
Detroit Edison Fermi 2 1989 6 21 27 3
CECo Quad Cities 1 1990 28 12 40
CP&L Brunswick 2 1989/90 16 20 36 2
CECo Quad Cities 2 1990 30 14 44 2
Voima TVO 1990 5 0 5
Nine Mile Pt
Niagara Mohawk 2 1990 0 1 1 1, 3
Taiwan Power Kuosheng 2 1990 2 0 2 1
CP&L Brunswick 1 1990/91 10 24 34 2
Northeast Millstone 1 1991 34 9 43
Iberdola Cofrentes 1991 0 42 42 3
Boston Edison Pilgrim 1 1991 16 0 16 2
Utility Plant Year Pipe Nozzles Total Notes
and and
Fittings Safe
PP&L 2 1994 7 5 12
GSU River Bend 1994 0 28 28 3
WPPSS WNP-2 1994 6 38 44 3
GPU Oyster Creek 1994 39 16 55
PP&L 1 1995 5 15 20
Consumer Pr. Palisades 1995 0 3 3 3, 4
PP&L 2 1995 5 16 21
Util. Millstone 1 1995 13 0 13
Util. Millstone 1 1996/97 71 0 71
PSE&G Hope Creek 1999 0 17 17
Exelon Quad Cities 1 2000 5 0 5
Amergen Oyster Creek 2000 17 0 17
Exelon Quad Cities 2 2002 4 0 4
SCE&G VC Summer 2002 0 2 2 1, 4
PSE&G Hope Creek 2003 0 2 2
Tihange 2-
Electrabel TSP 2003 0 0 0 1, 4, 5
TOTALS 798 534 1,332
[1] ENGEL, R., HELDT, J., KRAUSE, C., Design and Analysis of a Full Structural
Weld Overlay for a Feedwater Nozzle-to-Safe End Dissimilar Metal Butt Weld,
IASMiRT, San Francisco, CA (2013).
[2] Materials Reliability Program: Program on Technology Innovation: An Evaluation
of Surface Stress Improvement Technologies for PWSCC Mitigation of Alloy 600
Nuclear Components (MRP- 162), EPRI Palo Alto, CA, EPRI, Palo Alto, CA (2006)
Consultants Meetings
Vienna, Austria: 10-13. November 2015, 12–15 April 2016, 8–10 October 2016, 2-4
September 2017
Technical Meeting
Vienna, Austria: 11-14. July 2017
@ No. 25
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