Eden 2012
Eden 2012
Eden 2012
HathiTrust: digital access at the intersection of interlibrary lending potential and the protection of
intellectual property rights
Kristina Eden Anne K. Beaubien
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To cite this document:
Kristina Eden Anne K. Beaubien , (2012),"HathiTrust: digital access at the intersection of interlibrary lending potential and the
protection of intellectual property rights", Interlending & Document Supply, Vol. 40 Iss 2 pp. 94 - 99
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Purpose – The aim is to provide an overview of the HathiTrust digital repository and assess the impact that intellectual property rights may have on its
utility for ILL operations.
Design/methodology/approach – The authors use a case study approach based on their professional experience.
Findings – In order to make digital repositories such as HathiTrust useful for international ILL purposes, librarians need to know more about users’
e-book preferences for delivery speed, cost, and format, and under what circumstances users prefer print or electronic copies.
Originality/value – HathiTrust is one of the newest and yet largest digital repositories in the world. The impact of such digital collections upon ILL is
still unknown. The authors present highly original work that is sure to help ILL professionals navigate what is as yet uncharted territory.
While ILL is not a substitute for materials in a local Barriers to sharing physical resources
collection, it is a necessary supplement to library resources. internationally
The benefit to sharing our materials is that we in turn are
able to borrow items for our own researchers. As Our legal ability to share will always lag behind our
interlibrary loan (ILL) departments work to find new ways technological abilities. Despite having the capability to send
to enhance library collections, some libraries are trying to documents inexpensively online, physical books are still
shipped across national borders. The recent statement on
connect people with free resources online, such as open
international interlibrary lending put forth by the International
access digital repositories, rather than via typical library-to-
Association of Scientific, Technical and Medical Publishers
library transactions with physical books or onsite scanning.
(STM) indicates that publishers are concerned with
With the increased availability of digital collections, we in international sharing of resources (International Association
the ILL community need to examine our current resource of Scientific, Technical and Medical Publishers, 2011). They
sharing models: reciprocal agreements, cost distribution, would like to see international digital sharing regulated by direct
cooperative collection development and, with the aid of our negotiations with publishers rather than through ILL. Different
general counsels, copyright law. By participating in open intellectual property laws, “fair dealing,” “fair use,” and licenses
access digitization and pushing the legal boundaries of must be considered, no matter how far our technology advances
digital copy usage, we can continue to complement our towards new ways of sharing. So for the present, shipping a
library collections and begin to borrow and lend in a
different way. HathiTrust is a recently created digital Received 6 March 2012
repository that provides an opportunity to examine the Accepted 13 March 2012
possibilities inherent in lending resources across national Published with the kind permission of IFLA, www.ifla.org/
borders and examine how intellectual property laws
complicate access to this resource. Thank you to the staff at HathiTrust – John Wilkin, Jeremy York;
University of Michigan Copyright Office and General Counsel – Jack
Bernard, Melissa Levine, Bobby Glushko, Anne Karle-Zenith, and the
The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available at staff of the University of Michigan Interlibrary Loan
www.emeraldinsight.com/0264-1615.htm department and Buhr Storage Facility for sharing their
invaluable thoughts.
HathiTrust: digital access Interlending & Document Supply
Kristina Eden and Anne K. Beaubien Volume 40 · Number 2 · 2012 · 94 –99
physical copy is inefficient but avoids the tangle of intellectual What if you could sign up for a scholar research id, login to
property law. an international reading room from anywhere in the world,
It is expensive to ship books internationally. Customs check out a copyrighted book from any HathiTrust
officials often misunderstand the concept of books being institution, and read it online? The Buhr Storage Facility at
loaned between countries since commercial goods imported Michigan has many visitors each year who fly in to spend a
are usually taxed according to intrinsic value, Taxes can be few days photographing pages of books that they are unable to
erroneously charged when the book is traveling in either take from the building. What if instead of planning a research
direction. Additionally, there are fees associated with currency trip to see archival materials which are too fragile or precious
exchange. Many universities add on a foreign check to circulate, you could go onto your computer to see book
processing fee, and some have financial policies related to images scanned in color and high detail resolution, saving
minimum transaction amounts. IFLA vouchers[1] were both wear and tear of handling fragile documents and the cost
created to remedy some of the exchange rate problems but of a plane ticket? What if you could run massive search
even then, libraries must pay for and order vouchers in queries against large bodies of text to gather new information
advance, and monitor how many are sent or received in on linguistics? Text in the future will be shared and researched
anticipating future needs. With such high costs beyond outside the confines of the containers that we call books.
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already high shipping charges, international borrowing is HathiTrust is working on ways to make lawful uses of in-
often saved for a last resort. copyright works, including access for users with print
A library’s internal policies can also be a barrier often disabilities, access for uses that fall under US copyright law
prohibiting international lending, and when libraries do lend, section 108, and access to Orphan works. For instance,
they often set loan periods which are too short to be useful. HathiTrust could use IP addresses to enable differing access
Shipping a physical volume between countries consumes time choices for Hathi partner institutions on their own campus, or
a researcher could spend making use of a book; even sending infrastructure to target access to a specific geographical
a book from coast to coast in the US takes at least four days location for intellectual property management. HathiTrust
through standard shipping. Libraries rarely have the financial page-turner is an application that was developed for anyone to
resources to make use of expedited shipping on a regular search and view book images, such as public domain works,
basis. Some libraries will not lend overseas at all, and there is online. It also manages the extra downloading, viewing, and
an acknowledged fear that books lent internationally are in access functionalities that are available to member institutions
greater danger of being lost or damaged. With the ease and upon login. HathiTrust has very robust APIs that enable
speed of digital transfer, access to digital books such as those libraries to make public domain items from the HathiTrust
in the HathiTrust could help overcome these barriers. discoverable in their local catalog. Finally, there is a copyright
review management system (CRMS) developed with the help
of copyright specialists and designed to provide a record and
Research climate – what do scholars expect? resource for copyright research. In a double blind copyright
review process, funded by a 2008 Institute of Museum and
Online transactions are such a daily experience in our lives Library Services grant[2] and contributed staff time from
that we expect anything online should be available instantly member institutions; these staff research the copyright status
and electronically. We can bank online, arrange travel plans of books published in the US from 1923 to 1963. The CRMS
online; naturally we expect the library to be as easy to reach database keeps a record of due diligence and reasonable effort
online. In conversations with friends and colleagues we have in the course of researching copyright status decisions and will
heard numerous times the misconception that since Google aid in opening up more public domain works as they are
has scanned the library collection at the University of identified.
Michigan (hereafter, Michigan), every digital book will be With all these technological affordances, we are still bound
openly available to everyone online. Contrarily, 73 percent of to obey the legal limits to resource sharing. Different
the HathiTrust collection is digitized but locked to any type of countries have wildly different laws about intellectual
access except keyword searching; these books can only be read property; even within the US there are changing rules for
by going to the printed volume on a library shelf. When we books published in different time periods. For example, books
explain to our colleagues that there is no access to scans of published in the US between 1923-1963 may be in the public
books within copyright people continue to believe that we as domain if the rightsholder did not file a copyright renewal.
Michigan employees must have special access. Clearly our Sometimes images within a publication belong to a different
environment and patron expectations are pushing towards rightsholder than the text. It is even more difficult to
online lending systems, we are just not there yet. determine the copyright status of serial publications. The
Students and scholars have always been quick to adopt new copyright for a serial may have been renewed on a per volume
technologies that aid their research. Full text searching avoids basis, and some volumes may have been missed. All these
wading through massive amounts of text to find relevant sticky pieces to copyright determination have made it difficult
passages. In light of the ability to save research notes, books, to share books electronically and to be sure of our legal
article PDFs and carry them around on a portable device, abilities when trying out innovative ways to share.
researchers have come to expect PDF files of books. Not only
that, they want OCR text and easily searchable documents.
The framework for open web searching has set patron
Overview of HathiTrust
expectations for full text searching. Since efficiency is a There have been a number of very successful digitization
priority for time-pressed researchers, any technology that can projects in recent years that have inspired ILL librarians to
afford more time or easier access is desirable. Imagine what experiment with sending digital books. As we experiment and
the future might look like. begin to formulate best practices, we should also look at
HathiTrust: digital access Interlending & Document Supply
Kristina Eden and Anne K. Beaubien Volume 40 · Number 2 · 2012 · 94 –99
digital archives such as the HathiTrust and evaluate them approach to intellectual property rights was a decision made
based on our needs for ILL. HathiTrust is a good candidate by HathiTrust which ensures that no rights are violated.
for evaluation because of its size, diverse contents, and Certainly, there are books which could be open and are not.
reliability as a digital repository[3]. As they develop the ability to make finer grain distinctions and
The HathiTrust is a service of the University of Michigan to research the copyright rules of other countries, they will be
that enables libraries to store and manage their digital able to implement a system which will take into account all of
collections as shared stewards of the cultural record. the geographic and legal factors (Table I).
HathiTrust is a massive conglomeration of public domain
and copyrighted works, in many languages, and representing Just make everything open . . . what’s the harm?
the collections of major research libraries[4]. At its
fundamental level the HathiTrust service is designed to About 73 percent of HathiTrust items are either not in the
preserve library collections, to make them accessible to public domain or have not yet been determined to be in the
patrons – especially to those who have print disabilities – and public domain and therefore not viewable except under
to enable here-to-fore unimaginable research and discovery. special circumstances as the law allows. The non-public
This same platform could be a model for the future of domain items are text searchable, which assists researchers in
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interlibrary loan and resource sharing that will ease the identifying pages or chapters of potential interest which they
problems of sharing across international boundaries. can then order through traditional resource sharing methods.
Though HathiTrust is only three years old, it has already When we think of how much is behind the copyright barrier in
accumulated over 9 million volumes and is predicted to see 12 HathiTrust, it is very tempting to look over the wall with
million by 2013. With the initial ingest coming from the impatience. All the books are from a library after all, and
Google Book Project, the contributions of other academic libraries are equated with free and open resources. It is
institutions have diversified its content to include locally frustrating to maintain a digital library where over half the
digitized materials as well as scans from other major books cannot be read by anyone at all.
digitization projects. The intent of the HathiTrust partners Libraries have a powerful image and institutional history as
from the beginning was to create a sustainable digital responsible public services. We have a long track record of
repository to serve the needs of its member institutions, navigating the waters of copyright between the rights of users
primarily major research libraries, but also to contribute to and the rights of publishers and authors. Librarians have
the public good (HathiTrust, 2011a)[5]. Since its founding thought deeply about the purposes and goals of preserving the
the number of US members has more than doubled, and recorded history of humanity and maintaining free and open
membership is open to institutions internationally. One access. Would it not be nice if it were legal to “lend” time-
international partner has joined and others have expressed restricted digital copies and have the PDF files disappear after
interest in how they could contribute to or benefit from being the loan period is up? It seems possible that libraries will
allied with this project. The cost-sharing models are designed eventually work out a mutually acceptable lending system for
to be affordable and provide economy of scale benefits to digital books protected by copyright. Until then, it is
member libraries of all sizes. If more international libraries important to continue working within legal limits and set
join there will be more potential to meet international access policies that respect intellectual property.
needs. HathiTrust strives to grow its collection at a rate that
has not been seen in digital libraries. As of August 2011, the Digital books and the interlibrary loan
repository contained 9,419,310 volumes of which 27 percent
were determined to be in the public domain. The percentage
of public domain items appears to hold steady at around 25- With digitization, books have become more discoverable
27 percent with each new ingest of scanned works. New through keyword searching, leading to increased demand for
partners and continuing partners add content; approximately ILL. At Michigan we have been gathering feedback as we
180,000 books are added each month. In May, the University consider when delivering a link to a HathiTrust book might be
of Virginia added 47,000 volumes and preliminary work was an appropriate and effective substitute to delivering a physical
being done on locally digitized content from the Universidad book. We have seen patrons place orders for loans or scanned
Complutense de Madrid. chapters based on keyword search results found through
HathiTrust. Often the patron is not sure what they will receive
since the page number results do not give any context.
The easy answers
Researchers could evaluate search results more easily if
What people want to know the most about HathiTrust is, HathiTrust could make the table of contents viewable for
“Can I see the book or not? And if yes, how can I download copyrighted works. Context of keywords is also important,
it?” The easiest “black and white” copyright determination is and before putting forth effort to obtain a physical book,
the date 1871. The current standard in use by HathiTrust is researchers would be better able to decide relevance if they
that if a title has a publication date of 1871 or earlier, it were allowed to see snippet views surrounding their keywords.
should be public domain anywhere in the world no matter Of course, for our users who have print disabilities, the
who is viewing it or where it was published. The next easy HathiTrust is an unprecedented opportunity to use the library
copyright answer is pre-1923. Anything published before the way others have been using it for centuries.
1923 is viewable to anyone trying to access the document Given the expectations for using online resources set by the
from a US geographic location. However, if the book was commercial realm, library staff at many institutions have
published between 1872 and 1923, inclusive, by a non-US looked for ways to port book files to e-readers, and have found
publisher it will be blocked to people attempting to access it it challenging for many reasons, such as limitations of the
from a non-US geographic location. This conservative device and/or license issues. This is likely a feature that
HathiTrust: digital access Interlending & Document Supply
Kristina Eden and Anne K. Beaubien Volume 40 · Number 2 · 2012 · 94 –99
researchers will want in HathiTrust which has not been have experience distributing the work load and costs between
developed yet. libraries. We should begin to discuss how we can offer our
Some patience is required to navigate the HathiTrust experience in managing these aspects. Libraries will have a
interface and it is sometimes easier to search in another whole new role in contributing content as well as purchasing
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location such as a local catalog and click through to the it, and ILL could potentially facilitate the sharing of this
electronic file. Books may be freely available online, but the content.
ILL department will continue to play an intermediary role as
long as patrons find it difficult to search and obtain what they
Benefits of collective membership
Many libraries are making the decision to partner with
HathiTrust and begin contributing digital collections and in
The changing role of interlibrary loan in a mobile
some cases staff time to this effort. Shared stewardship of a
society scholarly digital collection has payoffs for both the member
As mobile technology becomes commonplace, researchers institutions and for the public good. The combined effort of
and students expect that their library access will follow them members enables economy of scale and distribution of storage
wherever they go into the field or on sabbatical, detached costs[6]. HathiTrust brings together developers to work on
study, or vacation. It is much easier to gain access to materials interface usability, APIs and improve access to the collection.
through your home institution partly because of trust and HathiTrust manages the data security in the web systems and
privileges that come with being part of a local community, has mechanisms to prevent unauthorized access of in-
and because the institution is working with a known entity. A copyright works. By bringing together various scanning
researcher’s home institution typically has a budget for projects under one roof, HathiTrust is able to increase the
providing services, and also has the leverage to hold their discoverability of many digitized works through collaboration
patrons accountable for returning books. Getting materials with OCLC WorldCat and by making the API available for
shipped from another university’s collection, particularly from inclusion in local catalogs Together the partner libraries work
another country, starts with trust. Does the lender trust that to push new developments and copyright review. Overlap with
materials will be returned in good condition and in a timely a library’s print collection provides the opportunity to weed
manner? Is the delivery system trusted not to lose or destroy duplicate titles, and in the case of damaged, deteriorating,
the package? By working through a home library, it is easier to lost, or stolen print volumes, to use the digital scans in
assure the transaction will go smoothly. accordance with US copyright law Section 108 and provide
Other difficulties arise with delivery of physical books, such limited access for the local campus (Wilkin, 2011)[7].
as estimation of delivery time. Will the book arrive in a few Individual uses of the HathiTrust collections can be tailored
days or will it take a month? Meanwhile the researcher has by institution or even book-by-book, making copies available
gone on vacation or completed their work. With electronic only on a particular campus or to specific authenticated users.
materials, the time window is more predictable, and patron Trends in library collection management seem to be shared
movements become irrelevant. If the patron gets called away curation of collections, increased sharing of highly specialized
on a family emergency or takes a research trip, they can still collections, and direct consortial borrowing with trusted
access an online book on their phone or laptop. There are partners. By participating in HathiTrust, libraries can work
many exciting possible futures for ILL if we build on these together to advance the definition and scope of “fair use” and
technologies. take steps forward in resource sharing impossible with
If digital repositories and e-book lending could supplement traditional ILL.
and one day replace parts of traditional ILL, what role might
we take in facilitating access to resources? Perhaps we will be Intellectual property rights and the legal use of
able to lend electronic versions of a book, satisfying the spirit
Works in the HathiTrust
of the tacit rules of resource sharing by turning off access.
This would definitely shorten the time it takes to get resources The sharing of resources through ILL has always been a
into the hands of a researcher, and would save tremendous balance between the interests of education and research, and
amounts on shipping and customs. It would be a wonderful the rights of copyright holders to benefit from their
service to our patrons if we could develop reciprocal intellectual property[8]. Libraries have been supporters of
electronic lending agreements between HathiTrust partner both individual rights and laws made for the common good.
institutions. ILL departments are expert in making the We walk a balance between the freedom of information that
connections between researchers and other libraries, and we comes with public domain and respecting the rights of
HathiTrust: digital access Interlending & Document Supply
Kristina Eden and Anne K. Beaubien Volume 40 · Number 2 · 2012 · 94 –99
intellectual property holders. Some fair uses are made of available even if people have to contribute an amount of
information in HathiTrust, even when the work is still under money; allow equal access for all people rather than some
copyright, every month items are reviewed and opened up. In gaining better access by belonging to a HathiTrust member
June 2011, the Michigan Library announced that it would be institution; fully research and utilize information on copyright
opening orphan works in HathiTrust to the U-M Community status; know exactly in which countries a work is available for
as a legal and responsible “fair use” of books held in the local viewing so you can confidently share a link; work with
collection[9]. If a rightsholder (or anyone else, for that copyright rightsholders for negotiating better use of in-
matter) steps forward to establish a connection between a copyright books; and to request directly from the HathiTrust
book and a rightsholder, that book would no longer be an interface that a copyright status be reviewed.
Orphan Works Project candidate. This process has been a
successful way of beginning to research unclear copyright
Next steps for the resource sharing community
statuses while respecting the interests of rightsholders and has
the potential to open up resources. There are some next steps we should be talking about as the
With the help of the HathiTrust copyright review team, resource sharing community to help make this resource or any
Michigan’s ILL office set up a process for when we receive a other digital collection useful for international resource
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request for a book in HathiTrust that is not open to full view. sharing. First, we do not know enough about what patrons
If the book was published in the US between the years 1923 need and want in an e-book: when is an electronic copy
and 1977 they will review the copyright status of the book by sufficient, and what circumstances require access to the
checking on author death dates, looking to see if the physical book? Rather than making assumptions on behalf of
rightsholder filed for a copyright renewal between a certain patrons, this idea could be researched by looking at patron
time period, and other factors involved in copyright[10]. A technical abilities and behavior in using e-books. With a better
second team member also does a review and if they both agree idea how to evaluate patron preferences on delivery speed,
that the book is in the public domain, a code is placed in the cost, and format, we can help improve service through the use
HathiTrust digital rights management system; within 24 of digital book delivery. ILL librarians have insights into
hours the “search only” view is changed to “full text view”. patron behaviors and we collect data on resource sharing
ILL staff can then send the persistent HathiTrust URL to the needs and costs. We need to identify and share relevant
patron where they may view the book and, if they are from a feedback that could help inform the development of
member institution, download the full PDF file. HathiTrust digital repository and impact the access to
Periodicals are more difficult to check for copyright renewal international scholarly materials. With our experience in
status because they were renewed by issue, not by journal setting up reciprocal resource sharing agreements between
title, and portions of a journal such as images might have a libraries, we should be the ones beginning to discuss how we
different copyright holder regardless of the journal’s status. In could make in-copyright electronic books available in a
January 2011, HathiTrust implemented a Creative Commons reasonable and equitable way that publishers can embrace. In
license options for rightsholders who want the opportunity to the future we would love to see a global resource sharing
open up their works and allow greater uses. The Brooklyn environment where digital copies of books could be opened
Museum and the Society of American Archivists chose to up for full view regardless of country. Keep this vision in mind
make their publications open by signing a permission form as you encourage your library to join HathiTrust and take
with HathiTrust and selecting a Creative Commons license by each step to advance digital resource collaboration worldwide.
which to display their books in HathiTrust (2011b). Another
step forward in researching intellectual property rights is the Notes
grant awarded by IMLS to Michigan’s library copyright
officer, Melissa Levine to enable the copyright team to begin 1 International Federation of Library Associations and
work on review of international publications. Bobby Glushko Institutions, information on IFLA vouchers can be
of Michigan’s Library Copyright Office predicts that once this found at: www.ifla.org/en/voucher-scheme/general-info
work begins there will be a high volume of international works (accessed 21 February 2012).
opened up. 2 The Institute of Museum and Library Services is an
independent agency of the United States Federal
Government and provides federal support for libraries
International partners and the future
and museums with services and grants. www.imls.gov
International partners are just beginning to come on board (accessed 22 February 2012).
with HathiTrust. In general, the issues facing international 3 The Center for Research Libraries performed an audit of
libraries joining HathiTrust are largely coordinating HathiTrust in 2011 and certified them for compliance
communication over time zones and legal jurisdiction with Trustworthy Repository Audit and Certification
(HathiTrust, 2011c). The HathiTrust is growing so rapidly (TRAC).
that the copyright review team cannot keep up but other 4 Only 48 percent of the collection is English language
partner institutions have volunteered to be trained in the with strong holdings in German, French, Spanish, and
copyright review process. If more international members are Chinese.
in the partnership it will diversify and better represent the 5 “The mission of HathiTrust is to contribute to the
voice of scholars outside the US in terms of developing common good by collecting, organizing, preserving,
copyright research and systems. communicating, and sharing the record of human
What we would like to see from HathiTrust in the future knowledge” (HathiTrust, 2011a).
includes being able to: download to e-readers; ability to send a 6 Costs are about $3.40 per gigabyte annually and
book to print-on-demand services; support choice in formats decreasing as the costs of storage and other
HathiTrust: digital access Interlending & Document Supply
Kristina Eden and Anne K. Beaubien Volume 40 · Number 2 · 2012 · 94 –99
infrastructure decrease. Fees to members decrease as the renewal registration log books and listing of first
number of membership increases because costs are more copyright renewals for periodicals.
widely shared.
7 According to HathiTrust director John Wilkin, ARL
libraries expect to see a 45 percent overlap with their References
collections by the end of this year (Wilkin, 2011). HathiTrust (2011a), “Mission and goals”, available at: www.
8 Thomas Jefferson and James Madison wrote in the US hathitrust.org/mission_goals (accessed 11 July 2011).
Constitution, in Article 1, Section 8: “The congress shall HathiTrust (2011b), “2011 mid-year review”, available at:
have power [. . .] to promote the progress of science and www.hathitrust.org/updates_mid-year2011 (accessed 15 July
useful arts, by securing for limited times to authors and
inventors the exclusive right to their respective writings
HathiTrust (2011c), “HathiTrust overview, slides presented
and discoveries; [. . .]” Severe limitations by copyright
at New Partners webinar”, April 12, 2011, available at:
holders do not promote the progress of science and
useful arts.
201104.ppt (accessed 19 April 2011).
9 Orphan works are publications in which no copyright
International Association of Scientific, Technical and Medical
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