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Royal Government of Bhutan

Ministry of Works & Human Settlement

Department of Roads

Pavement Design Manual

First edition June 2005

Well developed communication system is the life line of any country. In
Bhutan road transport plays a vital role in smooth movement of men and
materials from one location to another with acceptable level of comfort,
safety & reliability with minimum incurrence of road user cost. With the
rapid growth of traffic, road pavements are required to be designed for
higher volume of traffic and heavier loads of the order of about 15
million standard axles for maximum gross weight of a truck up to 30
tonnes. The purpose of this publication is to assist engineers in the
analysis, design and construction of road pavements in a professional and
scientific manner. An attempt has been made to make this manual a
comprehensive, user friendly, and simple reference document. This
manual can be rightly termed as “The Living Document” for reference
and up dates will be published to keep us abreast with the state of the art
practices in pavement design and construction including case references
of useful experiences gained.

A Technical Standard Committee had been formed in 2004 in the

Department with Roads Director, Mr. Phuntsho Wangdi as the Chairman.
The Technical Standard Committee is responsible for publishing
technical manuals and standards of which this publication is one of the
Technical Standard Committee’s first modest contribution. The following
are the members of the Technical Standard Committee:

Phuntsho Wangdi Director Chairman

Kunzang Wangdi Suptdg. Engineer Coordinator
Pravat Rai Asstt. Engineer Member
Karma Wangdi Asstt. Engineer Member
Karma Tenzin Asstt. Engineer Member
Tougay Choedup Asstt. Engineer Member

As this is the first edition of pavement design manual produced in-house

by the Department, the users will have comments, criticisms and queries.
We would highly welcome comments that will add value and substance
for incorporation in the next edition

Thimphu Phuntsho Wangdi

June 2005 Director/Chairma

As a member of Technical Standard Committee of the

Department of Roads, I would like to thank our Director, Mr.
Phuntsho Wangdi for his vision and conception to produce the
“Pavement Design Manual” to be used by the Engineers of the
Department of Roads to contribute to provide reliable,
economical and better road riding quality.

I also would like to thank the Superintending Engineers of the

Department of Roads, Mr. Kunzang Wangdi, Mr. Tshering
Wangdi and Mr. M.N.Lamichaney for their painstaking efforts
in editing and providing necessary corrections and guidance.

Thanks are also due to all the staff of Survey & Design
Division for providing useful suggestions and views.

The prompt support and financial assistance rendered by the

EFRC Support Project for the publishing of this manual is
highly appreciated and acknowledged.

Tougay Choedup
Technical Standard Committee
Department of Roads
Contents Page No.
1.1 Introduction............................................................................ 1
1.2 Definition ............................................................................... 1
1.3 Pavement types..................................................................... 1
1.4 Components of a flexible pavement...................................... 2
1.5 Components of a rigid pavement. ......................................... 4

1 Flexible Pavement Design .....................................5

1.6 Flow chart .............................................................................. 5
1.7 Design Theory. ...................................................................... 6
1.8 Computation of Design Traffic (Ns) ....................................... 7
1.9 Sub-Grade Evaluation ........................................................... 8
1.10 Design CBR......................................................................... 10
1.11 Thickness Design ................................................................ 12
1.12 Bituminous Layer Thickness ............................................... 15
1.13 Design Example .................................................................. 15
1.14 Pavement Design Catalogue. ............................................. 16

2 Pavement Design at High Altitude ......................20

2.1 Phenomena of pavement at high altitude............................ 20
2.2 Low atmospheric temperature............................................. 20
2.3 Frost susceptibility of soils................................................... 21
2.4 Pavement design against frost protection ........................... 22
2.5 Design steps........................................................................ 23
2.6 Design example................................................................... 24

3 Flexible Pavement Overlay Design .....................25

3.1 Introduction.......................................................................... 25
3.2 Deflection measurement. .................................................... 25
3.3 Temperature correction ....................................................... 26
3.4 Moisture correction.............................................................. 26
3.5 Overlay design life............................................................... 27
3.6 Traffic determination............................................................ 27
3.7 Deflection measurement ..................................................... 27
3.8 Test procedure .................................................................... 27
3.9 Calculation of rebound deflection........................................ 29
3.10 Analysis of test data ............................................................ 29
3.11 Worked example ................................................................. 31
4 Sprayed Seal Design ............................................33
4.1 Introduction.......................................................................... 33
4.2 Aggregate quality and size used for sprayed sealing. ........ 33
4.3 Choice of binder and application......................................... 34
4.4 Design procedure. ............................................................... 36
4.5 Binder and aggregate application for two application seals.38
4.6 Worked example ................................................................. 40

5 Asphalt Mix Design ..............................................41

5.1 Introduction.......................................................................... 41
5.2 Desirable properties of asphalt mix:.................................... 41
5.3 Marshall Method of mix design ........................................... 41
5.4 Steps of design.................................................................... 43
5.5 Aggregate gradation/blending ............................................. 43
5.6 Determination of specific gravity ......................................... 44
5.7 Water absorption calculation ............................................... 45
5.8 Maximum theoretical density calculation............................. 45
5.9 Prepare test specimen ........................................................ 46
5.10 Specification for compacted Marshall Specimen ................ 47
5.11 Temperature range.............................................................. 47
5.12 Adjustment of specimen height. .......................................... 48
5.13 Calculate binder volume, air void, porosity and VFA .......... 50
5.14 Perform stability-Flow test ................................................... 50
5.15 Evaluate the design with its requirement. ........................... 51

6 Rigid Pavement Design........................................52

6.1 Introduction.......................................................................... 52
6.2 Design procedure ................................................................ 53
6.3 Sub grade characterization. ................................................ 53
6.4 Traffic characterization. ....................................................... 54
6.5 Environmental conditions .................................................... 55
6.6 Material characterization ..................................................... 55
6.7 Spacing and lay out of rigid pavement ................................ 55
6.8 Thickness design steps ....................................................... 57
6.9 Design example................................................................... 63
6.10 Design of dowel bar system ................................................ 65
6.11 Tie bar design...................................................................... 67

7 Concrete Mix Design ............................................69

7.1 Data required....................................................................... 69
7.2 Design steps........................................................................ 69
7.3 Water – Cement ratio graph ................................................ 73
7.4 Density estimation graph..................................................... 74

8 Pavement Material Specification.........................76

8.1 Quality of Materials and Workmanship........................... 76
8.2 Preparation of sub-grade: ................................................ 76
8.2.1 Consolidation:...................................................................... 77
8.2.2 Surface Regularity:.............................................................. 77
8.2.3 Compaction test and acceptance Criteria: .......................... 78
8.2.4 Measurement: ..................................................................... 80
8.3 Granular Sub-base ............................................................ 80
8.3.1 Scope: ................................................................................. 80
8.3.2 Materials:............................................................................. 80
8.3.3 Strength of sub-base: .......................................................... 82
8.3.4 Construction operations ...................................................... 82
8.3.5 Rolling/compaction .............................................................. 85
8.3.6 Measurements for payment: ............................................... 85
8.4 Wet Mix Macadam ............................................................. 86
8.4.1 Scope: ................................................................................. 86
8.4.2 Materials:............................................................................. 86
8.4.3 Construction Operations...................................................... 89
8.4.4 Spreading of mix: ................................................................ 92
8.4.5 Compaction: ........................................................................ 92
8.4.6 Setting and Drying:.............................................................. 94
8.4.7 Measurement for payment .................................................. 94
8.5 Dense Bituminous Macadam ( DBM).............................. 95
8.5.1 Scope: ................................................................................. 95
8.5.2 Materials .............................................................................. 95
8.5.3 Aggregate Grading : ............................................................ 97
8.5.4 Mixture Design .................................................................... 98
8.5.5 Plant trials............................................................................ 99
8.5.6 Laying Trials: ..................................................................... 101
8.5.7 Constructions Operations.................................................. 102
8.5.8 Weather and Seasonal Limitations: .................................. 102
8.5.9 Preparation of Base, prime coat and tack coat: ................ 102
8.5.10 Mixing and Transportation of the mixture:......................... 103
8.5.11 Laying and rolling: ............................................................. 103
8.5.12 Opening to traffic: .............................................................. 106
8.5.13 Measurement for payment: .............................................. 106
8.6 Asphalt/ Bituminous Concrete...................................... 106
8.6.1 Scope: ............................................................................... 106
8.6.2 Materials ............................................................................ 106
8.6.3 Aggregate grading and binder content:............................. 107
8.6.4 Mixture Design .................................................................. 108
8.6.5 Job mix formula: ................................................................ 109
8.6.6 Plant trials and laying trials ............................................... 109
8.6.7 Construction operations .................................................... 109
8.6.8 Weather and seasonal limitations: .................................... 109
8.6.9 Preparation of base: .......................................................... 110
8.6.10 Mixing and transportation of the mixture: .......................... 110
8.6.11 Spreading: ......................................................................... 110
8.6.12 Measurement for payment: ............................................... 110
8.6.13 Quantity of various materials used in Bitumen.................. 111
8.7 Premix carpet................................................................... 112
8.7.1 General:............................................................................. 112
8.7.2 Materials:........................................................................... 112
8.7.3 Preparation of mix and laying:........................................... 112
8.7.4 Consolidation of premix:.................................................... 113
8.8 Bitumen grade and their use: ........................................ 114

9 Terminology........................................................115
Pavement Design Manual

1.1 Introduction
With the rapid growth of traffic plying on our road network,
the pavements are required to be designed for heavy volume of
traffic. An ideal pavement design procedure is one which will
predict a thickness and composition which, without being
conservative, ensures that the pavement will not deteriorate
beyond a tolerable level of serviceability in less than the
design period.

1.2 Definition
Pavement design is defined as the process of developing the
most economical combination of pavement layers in relation to
both thickness and material type to suit the soil foundation and
the cumulative traffic to be carried during the design life.

1.3 Pavement types

Flexible pavement
Rigid pavement
Interlocking block pavement etc.

A flexible pavement is a multilayered structure resting over the

soil sub grade with the quality of material decreasing with
depth. A rigid pavement is usually made up of cement concrete,
occasionally over a base course. The fundamental difference
between the rigid and flexible pavement is the manner in
which the wheel load is transferred to the sub grade. In a
flexible pavement the pavement structure is expected to
deform in the same way as the sub grade through lateral
distribution of the applied load with depth. As such the basic
requirement in the design of flexible pavement is the layer of
sufficient thickness to distribute the wheel load to the sub
grade without causing over stressing in the sub grade. Thus the
strength of sub grade plays an important role in design. On the

Pavement Design Manual

other hand, the rigid pavement, because of its rigidity and high
modulus of elasticity tends to distribute the load over a wide
area of the soil by beam and slab action of the concrete and is
able to bridge over local weak spots. In rigid pavement the
structural capacity of the concrete is an important factor.

1.4 Components of a flexible pavement.

A flexible pavement consists of asphalt surface course built
over a base course and sub base course resting on the sub
grade soil.

Sub grade
The sub grade is normally the in-situ soil over which the
pavement is being constructed. It can also refer to the top of
embankment or fill over which the pavement is laid.

Sub base
The sub base usually consists of granular material either
naturally occurring, stabilised or prepared from crushed
aggregates. This can be considered as a layer of weaker quality
and hence cheaper than base course, but in any case
sufficiently stronger than sub grade to help the distribution of
wheel load. In certain instances, sub base helps as a drainage

Base course
The base course which is the main load bearing layer is
normally the thickest layer of the flexible pavement underlying
the surface course. The materials used in this layer are
invariably of high quality. The base course can be constructed
by well graded aggregates in order to provide mechanical
interlocking action and properly compacted. This can be of wet
mix macadam type, water bound macadam type or well graded
dry aggregates. For the well graded dry aggregate base course,

Pavement Design Manual

the prime coating should be should be applied 48 hours prior to

laying of surface course so as to keep the finer aggregates

Surface course
The main purpose of surface course is to provide a smooth,
skid resistant riding surface which is of utmost importance
from the user point of view. It protects ingress of water to the
underlying pavement layers. The surface course must carry
high stresses induced by the traffic without unacceptable
deformation. Normally the surface course is formed by dense
bituminous macadam, asphaltic concrete and premix carpet
with seal coat.

Surface course

Base course

Sub base course

Compacted sub grade

Fig. (a) Component of flexible pavement

Cement concrete

Base course (optional)

Compacted sub grade

Fig. (b) Component of rigid pavement

Pavement Design Manual

1.5 Components of a rigid pavement.

A “Rigid Pavement” is cement concrete pavement, plain or

reinforced laid over a base course. Apart from expediting
construction in case of weak sub grade, base course helps
better drainage and consequently minimises volume changes
and frost action. The base course is sometimes called as sub
base and is not considered to be load carrying member, though
it does lends support. While using plain concrete, some
reinforcement becomes necessary at joints, provided to relieve
stresses due to expansion, contraction, warping or to facilitate
construction. On the other hand reinforcement may also be
used to take due care of the stresses arising due to temperature
fluctuation. In that case it is known as temperature
reinforcement. Heavy reinforcement used without breaks or
joints is usually known as continuously reinforced concrete
where the reinforcement is expected to take care of both
temperature stresses and also load stresses to some extent.

Pavement Design Manual

1 Flexible Pavement Design

1.6 Flow chart

The design of flexible pavement involves the interplay of

following variables.

1 Construction and maintenance consideration

2 Environmental consideration
3 Sub-grade evaluation
4 Design traffic determination
5 Availability of pavement material and their properties.

Construction & Mtc. consideration

Sub grade evaluation STRUCTURAL DESIGN Material consideration

Flexible pavement
Design traffic determination Rigid pavement Environmental consideration

Comparison of design

Select and implement

Pavement Design Manual

1.7 Design Theory.

An analytical design of flexible pavement is based on layered
structure as per the strain at critical locations as shown below.





Fig. 1 Sub grade

A,B,C,D,E&F are the critical locations for horizontal tensile

strain at the base of asphalt layer (εt). This is because the
bottom of bound layers is in tension under load. Large tensile
strains causes fracture of bituminous layer during the design
life. The maximum value of strain is adopted for design.
G,H&I are the critical vertical compressive strain at the top of
sub grade (εz) of which maximum value is taken for design. If
the strain is excessive, the sub grade will deform resulting in
permanent deformation at the pavement surface during the
design life. No stress/strain analysis is required for
granular/gravel layers. Such stress/strain analysis is computed
by using computer software such as CIRCLY.

The pavement deformation within the bituminous layer can be

controlled by meeting the asphalt mix design requirement (see
asphalt mix design section)

Pavement Design Manual

Thicknesses of sub base, base and asphalt layers are selected

using the analytical design approach such that strains at critical
points are within the allowable limits for allowable number of
load repetitions.

Based on the analytical design approach, simple design charts

are developed to carry out the pavement design using the
simple input parameter like traffic and soil strength.

1.8 Computation of Design Traffic (Ns)

The design traffic in terms of cumulative number of standard
axles (8160kg) to be carried by the pavement during the design
life is estimated by using the equation

Ns =
[ ]
365 (1 + r ) n − 1
× A× D × F Eqn 1
i) A = Initial traffic in the year of completion of
construction in terms of number of commercial vehicles per
day and A = P(1+r)x , Where

P = Number of commercial vehicles as per last count.

r = Annual growth rate of commercial vehicles. The growth

rate should be estimated based on the past trends of traffic
growth. If adequate data are not available, an average annual
growth rate of 7 to 7.5% may be adopted. (for7%, r = 0.07)

x = Number of years between the last count and the year of

completion of construction.

ii) n = Design life of pavement in years. Design load is

defined in terms of cumulative number of standard axles that
can be carried before strengthening of the pavement is

Pavement Design Manual

necessary. The following design life is recommended for

various types of roads.
Expressways and Urban Roads 20 years
National Highways and District Roads 15 years
Feeder Roads and others 10 years

iii) F = Vehicle damage factor (VDF). It is defined as

equivalent number of standard axles per commercial vehicle.
In other words it is a multiplier to convert the number of
commercial vehicles of different axle load and axle
configuration to the number of standard load repetition given
in table 1.1

Table 1.1
Initial Traffic VDF values recommended
(CVD) Unsurfaced Thin surfacing Thick surfacing
< 150 0.5 0.75 -
150 - 1500 - 1 1.25
> 1500 - 1.25 1.5

D = Lane distribution factor. The assessment of commercial

traffic by direction and by lane is necessary as it directly
affects thickness design.

The following values are recommended.

Single-lane roads = 1.00
Double-lane roads = 0.75

1.9 Sub-Grade Evaluation

The sub-grade strength is assessed in terms of California
Bearing Ratio (CBR) of the sub-grade soil both in fill and cut
section at the critical moisture conditions likely to occur in-situ.
To weed out extreme CBR values, the outliers for high and
low values should be compared with the critical values given
Pavement Design Manual

in table 1.2. If the computed outlier is greater than the critical

value (r), it should be rejected.
Checking for extremely high values

CBRmax − CBRmax −1
r= Eqn 2
CBRmax − CBRmin

CBRmax = Highest CBR value
CBRmax −1 = Second highest CBR value
CBRmin = Lowest CBR value
Checking for extremely low values

CBRmin −1 − CBRmin
r= Eqn 3
CBRmax − CBRmin

CBRmax = Highest CBR value
CBRmin −1 = Second lowest CBR value
CBRmin = Lowest CBR value

Table 1.2
n 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
r 0.941 0.765 0.642 0.560 0.507 0.468 0.437 0.412 0.392
n 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 or more

r 0.376 0.361 0.349 0.338 0.329 0.320 0.313 0.306 0.300

n = number of CBR values

Pavement Design Manual

r = statistical critical values

1.10 Design CBR

Design CBR can be calculated from one of the following

A) Lower 10th percentile method
B) Section CBR method

A. Design CBR by lower 10th percentile method is given by

the equation

CBR design = CBR mean − 1.3σ Eqn 4

CBR design = Design CBR
CBRmean = Mean CBR
σ = Standard deviation
∑( xi − mean )
Standard deviation σ =
n −1
where n= no. of results

The design CBR value should be rounded to nearest 0.5%

Pavement Design Manual

B. Section CBR method is given by the equation

CBRsec tion = CBRmean − (CBRmax − CBRmin ) / C

Eqn 5

where, CBRsec tion = Section CBR

CBRmean = Mean CBR
CBRmax = Maximum CBR
CBRmin = Minimum CBR
C = Coefficient given in table 1.3

Table 1.3
No. of CBR 10 or
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
values more
C 1.41 1.91 2.24 2.48 2.67 2.83 2.96 3.08 3.18

The design CBR by Section CBR method should be decided

from the relationship in Table 1.4

Table 1.4
Design Design
Section CBR CBR Section CBR CBR
2 or more but under 3 2 8 or more but under 12 8
3 or more but under 4 3 12 or more but under 20 12
4 or more but under 6 4 20 or more 20
6 or more but under 8 6

Pavement Design Manual

1.11 Thickness Design

In Bhutan majority of roads, but excluding Expressways and

some feeder roads under the Department of Roads shall
basically consist of 3 layer pavements, namely Granular Sub
Base layer(GSB), Graded Aggregate Base Course layer(GABC)
/ Wet Mix Macadam (WMM) and bituminous layer. Having
calculated the design CBR and cumulative number of standard
axles, the thickness of sub base and base course layer can be
directly read off from Fig.2. It is to note that the minimum
thickness of sub base should not be less than 150mm for
design traffic less than 10 msa and 200mm for design traffic of
10 msa and above. The recommended minimum thickness of
granular base should be 200 mm for traffic up to 2 msa and
250mm for traffic exceeding 2 msa. For CBR value of 9% and
above, the minimum thickness of base should be 200 mm.
Where the CBR value of sub grade is 2 percent or less, a
capping layer of 150mm thickness of material with minimum
CBR of 10% shall be provided in addition to the sub base.
However the thickness design shall not be based on the
strength of capping layer and it should be based on the original
sub grade CBR.


Pavement Design Manual

Total thickness of pavement, mm

700 4%

500 10%

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Design traffic, msa
Pavement Design Manual

Total thickness, mm


Fig. 3
10 20 30 50 100 150
Design traffic, msa
Pavement Design Manual

1.12 Bituminous Layer Thickness

The minimum thickness of bituminous surface shall be as per

Table 1.5 as shown below.

Table 1.5
(msa) Wearing course Binder course

0 - 0.5 25 mm PMC/AC - Wearing course = surface layer

0.5 - 2 25 mm PMC/AC - Binder course = Bituminous course

2-5 25 mm AC 50 mm DBM immediately below wearing course.

5 - 10 40 mm AC 60 mm DBM PMC = Pre Mix Carpet

10 - 15 40 mm AC 65 mm DBM AC = Asphaltic Concrete

15 - 20 40 mm AC 80 mm DBM DBM = Dense Bituminous Macadam

20 - 30 40 mm AC 100 mm DBM

1.13 Design Example

Traffic = 2 msa
Design CBR = 5%
Total pavement thickness = 490 mm from Fig 2.
Therefore pavement layer composition shall be:
Wearing course layer = 25 mm premix carpet
Dense bituminous macadam = 50 mm
Base course layer = 200 mm
Sub base layer (430-145) =240 mm

Note : where PMC is adopted, seal is necessary and where AC

is adopted, seal coat is not required.

Pavement Design Manual

1.14 Pavement Design Catalogue.

Table 1.6
CBR 2%
Traffic Total Pavement Composition
(msa) Pavement Bituminous Surfacing Base Sub
Thickness Wearing Course Binder Course Course Base
(mm) (mm) Type (mm) Type (mm) (mm)
1 660 - 25 PMC 200 460
2 715 50 DBM 25 PMC 200 465
3 750 50 DBM 25 PMC 250 450
4 780 50 DBM 25 PMC 250 480
5 790 60 DBM 40 AC 250 440
6 800 60 DBM 40 AC 250 450
7 810 60 DBM 40 AC 250 460
8 820 60 DBM 40 AC 250 470
9 830 60 DBM 40 AC 250 480
10 850 60 DBM 40 AC 250 500

Table 1.7
CBR 3%
Traffic Total Pavement Composition
(msa) Pavement Bituminous Surfacing Base Sub
Thickness Wearing Course Binder Course Course Base
(mm) (mm) Type (mm) Type (mm) (mm)
1 550 - 25 PMC 200 350
2 610 50 DBM 25 PMC 200 360
3 650 50 DBM 25 PMC 250 350
4 680 50 DBM 25 PMC 250 380
5 695 60 DBM 40 AC 250 345
6 710 60 DBM 40 AC 250 360
7 720 60 DBM 40 AC 250 370
8 740 60 DBM 40 AC 250 390
9 750 60 DBM 40 AC 250 400
10 760 60 DBM 40 AC 250 410

Pavement Design Manual

Table 1.8
CBR 4%
Traffic Total Pavement Composition
(msa) Pavement Bituminous Surfacing Base Sub
Thickness Wearing Course Binder Course Course Base
(mm) (mm) Type (mm) Type (mm) (mm)
1 480 - 25 PMC 200 280
2 540 50 DBM 25 PMC 200 290
3 580 50 DBM 25 PMC 250 280
4 610 50 DBM 25 PMC 250 310
5 620 60 DBM 40 AC 250 270
6 640 60 DBM 40 AC 250 290
7 660 60 DBM 40 AC 250 310
8 675 60 DBM 40 AC 250 325
9 690 60 DBM 40 AC 250 340
10 700 60 DBM 40 AC 250 350

Table 1.9
CBR 5%
Traffic Total Pavement Composition
(msa) Pavement Bituminous Surfacing Base Sub
Thickness Wearing Course Binder Course Course Base
(mm) (mm) Type (mm) Type (mm) (mm)
1 430 - 25 PMC 200 230
2 490 50 DBM 25 PMC 200 240
3 530 50 DBM 25 PMC 250 230
4 560 50 DBM 25 PMC 250 260
5 580 60 DBM 40 AC 250 230
6 595 60 DBM 40 AC 250 245
7 610 60 DBM 40 AC 250 260
8 620 60 DBM 40 AC 250 270
9 630 60 DBM 40 AC 250 280
10 650 60 DBM 40 AC 250 300

Table 1.10
Pavement Design Manual

CBR 6%
Traffic Total Pavement Composition
(msa) Pavement Bituminous Surfacing Base Sub
Thickness Wearing Course Binder Course Course Base
(mm) (mm) Type (mm) Type (mm) (mm)
1 390 - 25 PMC 200 190
2 450 50 DBM 25 PMC 200 200
3 490 50 DBM 25 PMC 250 190
4 520 50 DBM 25 PMC 250 220
5 540 60 DBM 40 AC 250 190
6 550 60 DBM 40 AC 250 200
7 570 60 DBM 40 AC 250 220
8 590 60 DBM 40 AC 250 240
9 600 60 DBM 40 AC 250 250
10 610 60 DBM 40 AC 250 260

Table 1.11
CBR 7%
Traffic Total Pavement Composition
(msa) Pavement Bituminous Surfacing Base Sub
Thickness Wearing Course Binder Course Course Base
(mm) (mm) Type (mm) Type (mm) (mm)
1 375 - 25 PMC 200 175
2 425 50 DBM 25 PMC 200 175
3 460 50 DBM 25 PMC 250 160
4 490 50 DBM 25 PMC 250 190
5 500 60 DBM 40 AC 250 150
6 515 60 DBM 40 AC 250 165
7 530 60 DBM 40 AC 250 180
8 550 60 DBM 40 AC 250 200
9 575 60 DBM 40 AC 250 225
10 580 60 DBM 40 AC 250 230

Table 1.11
Pavement Design Manual

CBR 8%
Traffic Total Pavement Composition
(msa) Pavement Bituminous Surfacing Base Sub
Thickness Wearing Course Binder Course Course Base
(mm) (mm) Type (mm) Type (mm) (mm)
1 375 - 25 PMC 200 175
2 425 50 DBM 25 PMC 200 175
3 450 50 DBM 25 PMC 250 150
4 460 50 DBM 25 PMC 250 160
5 470 60 DBM 40 AC 250 120
6 490 60 DBM 40 AC 250 140
7 500 60 DBM 40 AC 250 150
8 520 60 DBM 40 AC 250 170
9 530 60 DBM 40 AC 250 180
10 550 60 DBM 40 AC 250 200

Table 1.12
CBR 9 & 10%
Traffic Total Pavement Composition
(msa) Pavement Bituminous Surfacing Base Sub
Thickness Wearing Course Binder Course Course Base
(mm) (mm) Type (mm) Type (mm) (mm)
1 350 - 25 PMC 200 150
2 400 50 DBM 25 PMC 200 150
3 400 50 DBM 25 PMC 200 150
4 420 50 DBM 25 PMC 200 170
5 450 60 DBM 40 AC 200 150
6 460 60 DBM 40 AC 200 160
7 470 60 DBM 40 AC 200 170
8 490 60 DBM 40 AC 200 190
9 505 60 DBM 40 AC 200 205
10 520 60 DBM 40 AC 200 220

Pavement Design Manual

2 Pavement Design at High Altitude

2.1 Phenomena of pavement at high altitude.
The road pavement in high altitude (above 2500m) is subjected
to heavy snowfall, sub-zero temperature and frost action etc
where road pavement requires special design consideration.
Frost action is the singular most important factor which
influences the design of pavement in high altitude areas. Due
to fall in temperature, moisture at sub grade level freezes and it
expands by about 9 % of its original volume which is known
as frost heave. After the winter when atmospheric temperature
increases above the freezing point, melting of ice in the soil
starts. During the melting process, the ice lenses release excess
water which tends to ooze upwards making the sub grade / sub
base / base saturated which produces the weakest condition of
the pavement. The water released by the melting of ice lenses
can not drain downward because of the frozen sub soil and is
impervious. Due to variation of temperature during day and
night, such capillary action continues with alternate freezing
and thawing actions.

2.2 Low atmospheric temperature.

In high altitude areas, flexible pavement becomes brittle and
least ductile during the period of sub zero temperature when
the greatest shrinkage and heave occur. Brittleness of
pavement results in cracking of surface which provides a
means for ingress of water. This offers a point where ravelling
starts followed by surface cracks. The cracks further widen and
intensify due to capillary action and ultimately the bituminous
surface gets pealed off.

Pavement Design Manual

2.3 Frost susceptibility of soils

From the design and construction point of view it is important
to set some criteria to distinguish whether a given soil is frost
susceptible or not. If the soil is non frost susceptible the
formation of ice by water during sub zero temperature can be
minimised if not completely stopped. It is found that gravels,
clean sands and highly plastic clays are not frost susceptible
while silty sands, silt and lean clays are frost susceptible.
While building a pavement structure at high altitudes, frost
susceptible sub grade soil should be replaced by non frost
susceptible material up to the maximum frost penetration depth.
Moreover, frost susceptible materials should not be used in
layer works. Table 1.11a gives grouping of soils based on
frost susceptibility.
Table 1.11a Grouping of soils based on frost susceptibility.
sl Grp. Description Characteristic
Gravelly soils containing between 3 & 20% Least frost susceptible and
1 F1 finer than 0.02 mm by weight least thaw weakening
2 F2 Sands containing between 3 and 15% Increased frost susceptibility
finer than 0.02 mm by weight and thaw weakening.
a) Gravelly soil containing more than 20% Frost susceptible and high
3 F3 finer than 0.02 mm by weight thaw weakening
b) Sands, except fine silty sands containing
more than 15% finer than 0.02 mm by

c) Clays with plastic indeces more than 12

d) Varved clays with uniform subgrade
4 F4 a) all silts including silty clays Frost susceptible and
b) Fine silty sands containing more than high thaw weakening
15% finer than 0.02mm by weight.

c) Lean clays with plastic index less than 12

d) Varved clays with non uniform sub grade

Pavement Design Manual

2.4 Pavement design against frost protection

The following guidelines may be followed for design of

pavement against frost action.

a) The design will have to be related to the actual

depth and severity of frost penetration.
b) Freezing conditions could develop within the
pavement structure if water had a chance to ingress
from above and hence has to be avoided.
c) Depth of structure (pavement) should not be less
than depth of frost penetration and should compose
of non frost susceptible materials. In any case the
thickness should not be less than 450 mm
d) Crushed stone base is a non frost susceptible
medium as it is free draining. It may be extended
over full formation width.
e) Structurally strong courses like DBM against
WBM/WMM is more suitable especially if heavy
machineries are likely to be deployed for snow
f) Alternative designs that are not flexible may also be
g) Binder to be used shall not be less than 80/100
penetration grade. Cut-backs and fluxed bitumen
including cationic emulsion can be used if found
suitable instead of straight run bitumen.
h) As high altitude areas are usually damp,
antistripping agents for surface course should be

Pavement Design Manual

2.5 Design steps

Determination of frost penetration depth
In order to determine the depth of frost penetration, the
freezing index is to be calculated which is defined as “the
product of monthly average temperature which fall below 0ºC
and the total number of days in the month”. The relationship
between freezing index and depth of frost penetration is given
in fig.4.
Freezing index ( C. day)
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200

Depth of frost penetration ( cm )



Fig. 4

Pavement Design Manual

Step 2
Design traffic and design sub grade CBR shall be in
accordance with the criteria used for normal flexible pavement

Step 3
Subtract total pavement thickness from frost penetration depth
which gives the thickness of replacement material. The
pavement thickness shall not be based on the strength of
replaced soil but it should be based on the strength (CBR) of
the natural sub grade soil.

Step 4
Where PMC is specified for surface course in pavement design
catalogue, it should be replaced by asphalt concrete to make
the surface impervious. AC shall be produced using anti
stripping agent.

2.6 Design example.

Frost index = 100 ºC day
Design traffic = 1 msa
Design CBR = 5%
From graph 1a, frost penetration depth = 50 cm
From graph 1 or table 1.9, total thickness = 40 cm

Granular sub base (GSB) = 26.5 cm

Base Course (GABC) = 13.5 cm
Surface course (AC) = 2.5 cm
The sub grade soil replacement with non frost susceptible
material (if necessary)
= (50-40)
= 10 cm
Note: the materials for all the above layers should be non
frost susceptible.

Pavement Design Manual

3 Flexible Pavement Overlay Design

3.1 Introduction
Performance of flexible pavement is closely related to the
elastic deflection of pavement under the wheel load. The
deflection of pavement depends upon sub grade soil type,
moisture content, layer thickness and quality of pavement
course, surface temperature etc. Deflection of pavement can be
measured by Benkelman Beam Deflection (BBD) test,
Standard Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD), Light Falling
Weight Deflectometer (FWD-light) etc.

The deflection value obtained from any of the above

instrument can be used for overlay design of flexible pavement.
Although the use of FWD Light would be more convenient
and faster as compared to the other two, overlay design by
BBD (Static Load Method) is described here. FWD can also be

3.2 Deflection measurement.

Prior to BBD test, pavement condition survey is to be
conducted in order to identify a road section of uniform
performance. Pavement condition survey consists primarily of
visual observations supplemented by simple measurement of
rut depth using a 3 m straight edge. The road length shall be
classified into sections of equal performance in accordance
with the criteria given in Table 2.1 below.

Table 2.1 : criteria for classification of pavement section

Classification Pavement condition
Good No cracking and rutting less than 10 mm
Fair No cracking or cracking confined in the wheel track with
rutting between 10-20mm
Poor Sections with cracking exceeding 20% shall be treated as

Pavement Design Manual

In each section of uniform performance of pavement a

minimum of 10 points should be marked at equal distance for
taking deflection measurement. The interval between the
points should not be more than 50 m. The points for
measurement should be 60 cm from the edge of the road for
pavement width of 3.5 m and 90 cm for greater than 3.5m
width. The deflection of pavement is influenced by pavement
temperature and sub grade moisture content. Hence corrections
are necessary.

3.3 Temperature correction

It is recommended that the deflection measurement be taken
when the ambient temperature is greater than 20ºC. In this case
temperature correction shall not apply. In any case temperature
measurement is to be taken only for pavement of bituminous
layer thickness ≥ 4cm. Pavement temperature is taken by
making a suitable hole of 4 cm deep and filling it up with
glycerine. Temperature is taken by inserting a thermometer
and recording the temperature after 5 minutes. Temperature
reading is to be taken after every one hour.

3.4 Moisture correction

It is best that deflection measurements are made when the
pavement is at its weakest condition, i.e. immediately after
monsoon. Since this is not always feasible, corrections to
moisture contents are applied when the measurement is done in
during other seasons. The recommended factors are 1.2 for
sandy/gravely sub grade and 1.5 for clayey sub grade. The soil
sample for moisture determination should be taken from the
soil beneath the carriageway at a depth 5 to 10 cm below the
bottom of sub base layer.

Pavement Design Manual

3.5 Overlay design life.

Overlay design life shall be minimum of 5 years and maximum
of 10 years.

3.6 Traffic determination

Traffic load in terms of million standard axles of commercial
vehicle of laden weight of 3 tons and more shall be considered
for overlay design. The design traffic shall be determined from
equation 1 used for flexible pavement design but the design
life will be different.

3.7 Deflection measurement

Equipment required.
1. Loaded truck producing 8170 kg at the rear axle of dual
wheels with tyre pressure of 5.6kg/cm2 made up of 10 x
20, 12 ply tyre.
2. Benkelman Beam (calibrated)
3. Dial gauge
4. measuring tape, markers etc

3.8 Test procedure

1. Place the dual wheels of loaded truck on the test point
2. Place the Benkelman Beam probe between the dual
wheels placed on the test point
3. Level the beam ensuring that probe and dial gauge
touch the pavement and the beam respectively.
4. Take the initial reading d1.
5. Move the truck to 2.7 m and take the intermediate
reading, d2.
6. Further move the truck to 9 m and take the final
reading, d3.
7. The readings are recorded in standard formats given in
Table 2.2

Pavement Design Manual

Table 2.2 Proforma for recording pavement deflection data.

Name of road: Date & time of observation :
Climatic condition (hot/humid/cold) :
Section : Ambient temperatire :
Annual rainfall, mm :
Traffic : Temperature correction : yes/no
Proposed overlay = AC Seasonal correction : yes/no
Sub grade soil type :
Location of Dial gauge reading Difference Measured Temp Moisture Corrected
test point Initial I/mediate Final if ii itf deflection factor factor deflection
(Chainage) d1 d2 d3 (d1-d3) (d1-d2) (d2-d3) if-ii (mm) (mm)

Pavement Design Manual

3.9 Calculation of rebound deflection

From the set of reading d1, d2 and d3, if both the values of (d1
– d3) and (d1 – d2) are within 0.025mm, true pavement
deflection dt = 2(d1 – d3). But, if the difference is more than
0.025mm, the true pavement deflection is calculated as below.
dt = 2(da + 2.91dx )
dt = true/rebound deflection
da = (d1 – d3)
dx = (d2 – d3).

3.10 Analysis of test data

Pavement deflection from individual test points for particular
section is corrected for moisture and temperature before
calculation of mean deflection, standard deviation and
characteristic deflection.
Σd t
Mean deflection, d m =
dt = individual true pavement deflection
n = no. of deflection measurements.

Σ(d t − d m )

Standard deviation, σ =
n −1
Characteristic deflection, Dc = d m + 2σ
From the characteristic deflection and design traffic, the
overlay thickness in terms of bituminous macadam is read off
from fig 5. For asphalt or granular overlay, the following
equivalency factor may be applied.
1 cm of bituminous macadam = 1.5 cm of WBM or Wet
Mix Macadam
1 cm of bituminous macadam = 0.7 cm of DBM or
Asphaltic Concrete.

Pavement Design Manual


Bituminous Macadam Overlay, mm


Traffic, msa
200 0.5



0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Fig. 5 Characteristic deflection, mm

Pavement Design Manual

3.11 Worked example

Annual rainfall, mm : 687 mm
Traffic : 456 CVD (S/Lane) Temperature correction : NO
Proposed overlay = AC Seasonal correction : Yes
Sub grade soil type : Sandy gravel
Location of Dial gauge reading Absolute difference Measured Temp Moisture Corrected
test point Initial Inter Final if ii itf deflection Factor Factor deflection
(Ch. m) d1 d2 d3 (d1-d3) (d1-d2) d2-d3 if-ii (mm) (mm)
0.00 11.00 10.79 10.76 0.24 0.21 0.03 0.33 0.65 No 1.2 0.79
50.00 11.00 10.78 10.77 0.23 0.22 0.01 0.01 0.46 No 1.2 0.55
100.00 11.00 10.78 10.77 0.23 0.22 0.01 0.01 0.46 No 1.2 0.55
150.00 11.00 10.62 10.61 0.39 0.38 0.01 0.01 0.78 No 1.2 0.94
200.00 11.00 10.70 10.70 0.31 0.30 0.00 0.00 0.61 No 1.2 0.73
250.00 11.00 10.58 10.55 0.45 0.42 0.03 0.54 1.07 No 1.2 1.29
300.00 11.00 10.42 10.38 0.62 0.58 0.04 0.74 1.47 No 1.2 1.77
350.00 11.00 10.42 10.42 0.58 0.58 0.00 0.00 1.16 No 1.2 1.39
400.00 11.00 10.69 10.68 0.32 0.31 0.01 0.01 0.64 No 1.2 0.77
450.00 11.00 10.73 10.71 0.29 0.27 0.02 0.02 0.58 No 1.2 0.70
500.00 11.00 10.59 10.58 0.43 0.41 0.02 0.02 0.85 No 1.2 1.02
550.00 11.00 10.20 10.19 0.82 0.80 0.01 0.01 1.63 No 1.2 1.96
600.00 11.00 10.83 10.81 0.19 0.17 0.02 0.02 0.38 No 1.2 0.46
650.00 11.00 10.68 10.68 0.32 0.32 0.00 0.00 0.65 No 1.2 0.78
700.00 11.00 10.53 10.52 0.48 0.47 0.01 0.01 0.96 No 1.2 1.15
Total 14.83
Mean 0.99
Dc 1.43 σ 0.44

Pavement Design Manual

Traffic forecast is calculated as usual method.

Ns =
365 (1 + 0.075)10 − 1 ]
× 456 × 1 × 1.25
Ns = 3.2 msa

For characteristic deflection of 1.43mm and design traffic of

3.2 msa, the bituminous overlay thickness from fig 5 = 57 mm

For the proposed overlay of Asphaltic concrete (AC), the

thickness of AC is

0.7 * 57 = 39.9 mm
= say 40 mm thick AC

(Note: the overlay thickness of 40 mm AC has already been constructed

along Norzin Lam in Thimphu in 2003)

Pavement Design Manual

4 Sprayed Seal Design

4.1 Introduction
The general aim in design of single application of spread seal
is to achieve a single layer of aggregate particles in continuous,
partly interlocked, contact with sufficient binder to hold the
aggregate in place without the binder filling surface voids and
reducing surface texture. In the second application, the spaces
between the aggregate particles of first applications are filled
up. Usually the size of aggregates used for the second
application is half the size of first application and the rate of
application of binder and aggregate in the later case should be
less than that of the first application.

4.2 Aggregate quality and size used for sprayed

The best shape is cubical and single sized. Aggregate is single
sized when 2/3 of whole material passes one sieve and retained
on second sieve having an opening of 70% of the top sieve.
The flakiness index and Los Angeles Abrasion Values (L.A) of
the aggregate is vital for sprayed sealing works. The flakiness
index of the aggregate should not exceed 35% while the
requirement for Los Angeles Abrasion Value is given below in
Table 3.1

Table 3.1: L.A. Values

Expected traffic Maximum L.A Value
> 1500 VPD 18%
300 - 1500 27%
< 300 30 - 35%

Pavement Design Manual

Various sizes of aggregates and their uses are given in Table


Table 3.2
Aggregate size Uses
10 - 20 mm Heavy traffic
< 10 mm Light traffic
2 - 5 mm for hard surface where embedement
is not possible

4.3 Choice of binder and application

Choice of binder depends on aggregate type and climate.
Binder should be 2/3 of Average Least Dimension (ALD) of
aggregates. Amount of residual bitumen depends of ALD. For
the porous surface the amount of bitumen should be increased
and decrease for prime surfaces. Choice of binder and
conditions for their use are given in Table 3.3

Pavement Design Manual

Table 3.3
Sl.No Binder type Condition for use Advantages
1 Cut back bitumen Pavement surface temperature Earlier stone retention than emulsion.
with conventional cutter above 10ºC and raising if below Less cost than emulsion
oil 15ºC

2 Cut back bitumen with Work carried out during cooler Reduce the chance of cutter oil remaining
fast evaporating cutter months of the year. in the seal and causing bleeding during
oil Pavement surface temperature the following summer.
above 10ºC and raising if below

3 High bitumen content Pavement surface temperature May be used in damp condition
emulsion (67% or higher) above 10ºC Aggregate size 5, 7, 10 and 14mm.

4 High bitumen content Pavement surface temperature Gives better early aggregate retention than
emulsion (67% or higher) above 5ºC emulsion without polymer additive. May be
with polymer additive used in damp conditions. Aggregate sie
5, 7, 10 and 14mm

5 80/100 penetration grade Pavement surface temperature Can be used with large aggregates upto
bitumen above 10ºC 20 mm in cold climate.

Pavement Design Manual

4.4 Design procedure.

Choose aggregate size from Table 3.2.
Choose appropriate binder from Table 3.3
Determine Average Least Dimension (ALD) form graph 1b. In
order to use ALD Fig 6, we have to know the mean size and
flakiness of the aggregate to be used. Alternatively, ALD can
be measured directly by averaging the least dimension of 200
representative chippings.
Choose basic void factor from Table 3.4

Table 3.4 Basic void factor

Traffic (AADT) Void factor BVf (L/m /mm)
< 70 0.20 - 0.24
70 - 200 0.18 - 0.21
200 - 300 0.16 - 0.19
300 - 600 0.15 - 0.17
600 - 1250 0.14 - 0.16
1250 - 2500 0.13 - 0.15
> 2500 0.12 - 0.14

Calculate adjustment required for BVf from Table 3.5, 3.6 and

Table 3.5
Aggregate quality void factor adjustment
void factor adjustment
Aggregate type Aggregate shape
(L/m2 /mm)
Rounded NA + 0.01
Partly crushed NA + 0.005
Crushed Flaky - 0.01
Angular average 0.0
Angular good + 0.005
Cubic + 0.01

Pavement Design Manual

Table 3.6
Aggregate size void factor adjustment
Nominal size, mm void factor adjustment (L/m2 /mm)
5, 7 and 10 0.0
14 + 0.01

Table 3.7
Traffic void factor adjustment
void factor adjustment
Traffic effect
(L/m2 /mm)
15% to 30% heavy vehicles - 0.01
More than 30% heavy vehicles - 0.02
Slow moving traffic in climbing lane - 0.01
Fast moving cars. + 0.01
(overtaking lanes of rural roads)
Slight confining of wheel path 0.0

Calculate design void factor (DVf) = BVf + table 3.5 + 3.6 +

Calculate basic binder application (A)
A = ALD * DVf (L/m2 )
Add for aggregate absorption (C) = 0.01
Surface texture allowance (B) = 0.0 to 0.3 is added
Allow for embedment allowance (E) = 0.0 for traffic <1250
vpd, - 0.1 for 1250 – 2500 vpd.
Residual binder application = A + C + B + E
(If emulsion is used, residual binder application will be +
quantity of water)
Determine basic aggregate spread rate from Fig. 7.
Deduct 5% for whip-off and 5% for stockpile wastage.

Pavement Design Manual

4.5 Binder and aggregate application for two

application seals.

Where the second application is to be applied sometime after

the first, eg after several months of opening to traffic both
applications should be designed as single application seal
except that the binder and aggregate application rates may be
reduced to the minimum basic rate in order to fill the void
spaces in the first application only.

Where the second application is to be applied immediately

after the first, having exposed to little or no traffic, the
following design procedure may be used.

a) Design the first application using the procedure for

single application seals except reduce the basic void
factor by 0.02 L/m2 /mm. Aggregate should be applied
without any allowance for whip-off.
b) Design the second application as for single application
seal but without the addition of any allowances for
surface texture. Aggregates in the second application
are normally no more than half the size of the first and
spread at the rate sufficient to fill the voids in the first

Note 1: The above designs are only for guide to designers. The
actual design may be modified by construction trials and actual

Note 2 : Emulsion application rate of > 1.3 L/m2 will cause run
off at steep gradient and super elevated sections. In such cases,
emulsion may be replaced by other suitable binder.

Pavement Design Manual


7 B C
8 4
9 ) 60
(m m 5
Median size (mm)

10 50

Flakiness index




s t




14 10
Av e

15 10
16 13
14 0
ALD Graph
18 Method : Join A to C, read ALD on B
Fig. 6

Upper limit
Aggregate spead rate(m 2 / m 3 )

180 Optimum spead rate
Lower limit
3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0
Fig.7 Average Least dimension (mm)

Pavement Design Manual

4.6 Worked example

Job : Sprayed sealing of Simtokha – Dochula
(Single application)

Binder : High bitumen content emulsion (70% bitumen)

Aggregate : Nominal Maximum size = 10 mm

Mean size = 10 mm
Flakiness index = 25%
L.A. value = 22%
Traffic = < 300vpd
Air temperature 13ºC (10 am to 3pm)

ALD from Fig. 6 3 = 7 mm

Basic void factor from table 3.4 = (0.16 – 0.19 = 0.175
Adjustments from table 3.5, 3.6 and 3.7 = -0.01+0.0+-0.01 =
Design void factor = 0.075 + (-0.02) = 0.155

Basic binder application = 7 * 0.155 = 1.085 L/m2

Add aggregate absorption + surface texture + embedment =

0.01+0.15+0 = 0.16

Residual binder application = 1.085 + 0.16 = 1.245 L/m2

Add 30% due to water in emulsion = 1.245 +30% = 1.62 L/m2

Aggregate spread rate from Fig. 7 = 120 m2 / m3

Deduct 10% for whip-off and stockpile wastage

= 120 - 10% = 108 m2 / m3

Pavement Design Manual

5 Asphalt Mix Design

5.1 Introduction
Any asphalt or bituminous mix is designed to achieve the
desirable properties of asphalt mix, which are used as road and
runway surface layer. Some types of bituminous mixes are also
used as base course. Asphalt mix design is largely a matter of
selecting and proportioning constituent materials to obtain the
desired properties in the finished pavement structure. When
these selected and proportioned materials are mixed with
optimum bitumen content it should be able to resist the design
traffic load provided it is properly constructed.

5.2 Desirable properties of asphalt mix:

1. Resistance to permanent deformation: The mix should
not distort or be displaced when subjected to traffic
loads. It is more important at high temperatures.
Selection of bitumen type is important.
2. Fatigue resistance: the mix should not crack when
subjected to repeated loads over a period of time
3. Durability: aggregates should be adequately coated
and should not have very high air voids, which
accelerates the aging process.
4. Skid resistance: mix should have good skid resistance.
5. Workability etc

5.3 Marshall Method of mix design

The asphalt mix is designed by various methods.
1. Marshall method
2. Hveem stabilometer method

Usually Marshall Method of mix design is followed. In this

method, the resistance to plastic deformation of compacted
cylinder specimen of bituminous mixture is measured when

Pavement Design Manual

the specimen is loaded diametrically at a deformation rate of

50 mm per minute. There are two major features of Marshall
Method of mix design.
1. density-void analysis
2. stability-flow tests

The Marshall stability of mix is defined as the maximum load

carried by the specimen at standard temperature of 60 deg C.
The flow value is the deformation that the specimen undergoes
during the loading up to the maximum load. In this method of
mix design, an attempt is made to obtain optimum binder
content for the type of aggregate mix used and the expected
traffic intensity.

Marshall Apparatus Set of IS sieves

Marshall test Digital balance

Pavement Design Manual

5.4 Steps of design

1. Select aggregate quality and grading limits
2. Aggregate gradation/blending
3. Determine specific gravity of each aggregate and
asphalt and calculate maximum theoretical density
4. Prepare test specimen as per requirement
5. Determine apparent density of compacted specimen
6. Calculate binder volume, air void, porosity and VFA
7. Perform stability-Flow test
8. Plot density, stability, flow, void and VFA against
asphalt content used
9. Evaluate the design with its requirement.

The aggregates are tested for Aggregate Crushing Value

(ACV), Los Angeles Abrasion (LAA), Stripping, Shape etc
and grading range is selected from standard specification given
in this manual

5.5 Aggregate gradation/blending

The grading of aggregates should fall within upper and
lower of gradation curve which are plotted using the
following equation.
0 .6
Upper Limit = ⎜ ⎟ * 100 (%passing)
d = sieve opening
0 .5
Mid point = ⎜ ⎟ * 100 (%passing) D = maximum
agg. size
0 .4
Lower limit = ⎜ ⎟ * 100 (%passing)

Pavement Design Manual

In case of asphalt with top size of 10mm, standard aggregate

mix is produced by blending 13mm aggregate, 5mm aggregate,
coarse sand, fine sand and filler of varying proportions.
Excessive of filler material > 10% will make the asphalt mix
weak and uneconomical. It will also consume more binder due
to increase in surface area. On the other hand, absence of filler
material will result in excessive void in the mix which reduces
the strength and stability.
The actual aggregate gradation is blended by trial and error
method or graphical method as convenient to the designers.
Simple excel based computer programs are very useful. In this
particular case, sieving of all aggregates intended for use
should be carried out. The computer can immediately plot the
graph after feeding the required data. The percentage
proportion may be changed to achieve the best possible
grading curve. One can develop one’s own suitable program in
the excel sheet. Prepare the aggregate mix as per the
proportions so determined to give total weight of 1200g.
Combined sieving shall be done and % passing is compared
with required specification and the gradation curve plotted.
The % passing from combines sieving should fall inside the
upper and lower limit of the gradation curve, if not, the
proportion % is adjusted and the trial is repeated until the
target curve is inside the specified limit. Tolerance of about ± 2
to 5% may be allowed.

5.6 Determination of specific gravity

Specific gravity of each aggregate including filler material
should be determined as per normal standard. The specific
gravity of bitumen should be obtained from the supplier or can
be determined. It is roughly 1.02 ~ 1.036 for 80/100 grade
bitumen. Specific gravity is required to calculate maximum
theoretical density of specimen. Water absorption of
aggregates can also be determined.

Pavement Design Manual

Specific gravity test for coarse aggregates can be calculated as

GA = A/(A-C)
Where GA = specific gravity g/cc
A= dry weight in air
C = Weight in water
B = Weight of surface dry aggregate

5.7 Water absorption calculation

Total weight of saturated surface dry sample should be 1kg.
Before aggregate is surfaced dried, sample of roughly 5kg
should be soaked in water for 24 hours. Two samples are
tested for taking average.
Water absorption (%) = [(B-A)/A] x 100
Specific gravity test for fine aggregates.
GF = W6/(A-W5-W7)
Gf = specific gravity
A = flask capacity = 500cc
W1 = surface dry sample weight (take 500g)
W2 = flask weight
W3 = flask+sample weight
W4 = weight of flask+sample+water (remove air)
W5 = weight of added water = W4-W3
W6 = weight of sample after drying
W7 = water content = W1-W6
Water absorption (%) = (W7/W6) x 100

5.8 Maximum theoretical density calculation

About 500g of saturated surface dry sample should be taken.
Before aggregate is surfaced dried, sample of roughly 3kg
should be soaked in water for 24 hours. Two samples are tested
for taking average.

Pavement Design Manual

1 2 3 4 vol
Aggregate Composition (2/3)
13mm 55 2.707 20.318
C.sand 45 2.701 16.660
Total (A) 36.978

5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Asphalt asphalt vol agg. Vol total vol max.density agg vol
% (5/6) 11(100-6)/100 (7+8) 100/9 (A)

4.5 1.036 4.344 35.314 39.658 2.522 36.978

5 1.036 4.826 35.129 39.955 2.503 36.978

5.5 1.036 5.309 34.944 40.253 2.484 36.978

6 1.036 5.792 34.759 40.551 2.466 36.978

5.9 Prepare test specimen

Aggregate proportions as obtained from aggregate mix design
are used.

E.g. 13mm = 55%

Coarse sand = 45%
No. of specimen to be prepared = 25
With bitumen content 4.5% = 5 nos.
With bitumen content 5% = 5 nos.
With bitumen content 5.5% = 5 nos.
With bitumen content 6% = 5 nos.
With bitumen content 6.5% = 5 nos.

Pavement Design Manual

5.10 Specification for compacted Marshall

For a mix of particular asphalt content, the result of any two-
test piece with extreme values if any should be deprived from
inclusion in averaging the result.

Height = 6.35cm (6.3cm ~ 6.4cm)

Diameter = 10.16cm (it is fixed by mould)
For a well graded aggregate mix, about 1200g of aggregate
will produce a compacted Marshall specimen of height of
6.35cm. If not, we have to adjust it. As per above example,
take aggregate = 1200g for 4.5% bitumen
i.e. 13mm = 55% = 660g
Crushed sand = 45% = 540g
Bitumen = (Agg. * bitumen) / (100 - bitumen)
= (1200 * 4.5) / 100- 4.5) = 56.54g

5.11 Temperature range

Before mixing, aggregate and bitumen should be heated to
required temperatures separately.

Aggregate temperature = 165 ~ 175 deg.C

Bitumen temperature = 137 ~ 141 deg.C
Compaction temperature = 137 ~ 141 deg.C

It is better to preheat the aggregates in a temperature controlled

oven. Other heating devices like gas and stove are also
required. Bitumen is added to the aggregates and mixed
thoroughly at the above specified temperature. Temperature
should be controlled at compaction temperature before the mix
is put in to Marshall mould for compaction. After putting the
mix in the mould, 25 times tampering should be given in such
a way that a heap is formed in the middle. 50 times compaction

Pavement Design Manual

is given at both ends by standard Marshall compactor either by

automatic or manual hammer. The specimen is taken out from
the mould using sample extractor. The height of the sample is
checked using vernier calliper. If it is between 6.3cm ~ 6.4 cm,
then it is ok and the first Marshall sample is ready. Exact
specified height of specimen is very important for Marshall
test. The rest of the samples are prepared similarly.

5.12 Adjustment of specimen height.

Example 1
Measured specimen height = 6.8cm
Extra height = (6.8 _ 6.35) = 0.45cm
Weight of specimen which produced that extra 0.45cm is
Vol * density(D)
PI * R^2 * H * D
3.141 * (10.16/2)^2 * 0.45 * 2.242 (D=2.242 e.g. only)
81.78g (excess)

Density (D) of the sample so prepared can be measured.

D = W1/W3
W1 = Weight of sample in air
W2 = weight of sample in water
W3 = W1_W2 (volume)
So reduce the mix quantity by 81.78g
ie 1200_81.78 =1120g

Now with this new quantity, recalculate the aggregate and

bitumen content. As the quantity reduced is from the asphalt
mix, new quantity shall be

Bitumen = 1120 * 0.045 = 50.4g

13 mm = 1120 * (0.55*0.945) = 582.12g
Crushed sand = 1120 * (0.45*0.945) = 476.28g

Pavement Design Manual

With these new calculated quantities of aggregate and bitumen

content, the sample is prepared again. If the prepared sample is
again out of the permissible limit, adjustment is done again.
Usually it should be OK. Or one easy way is to prepare the
specimen of 1200g of any height but the stability value should
be corrected by stability correlation ratio so that the value is
reduced to 63.5mm height. Correlation ratio table is given

Stability Correlation Ratios*

Vol of Specimen Thickness Correlation Ratio
(cm3) (mm)
393 to 405 49.2 1.56
406 to 420 50.8 1.47
421 to 431 52.4 1.39
432 to 443 54.0 1.32
444 to 456 55.6 1.25
457 to 470 57.2 1.19
471 to 482 58.7 1.14
483 to 495 60.3 1.09
496 to 508 61.9 1.04
509 to 522 63.5 1.00
523 to 535 64.0 0.96
536 to 546 65.1 0.93
547 to 559 66.7 0.89
560 to 573 68.3 0.86
574 to 585 71.4 0.83
586 to 598 73.0 0.81
599 to 610 74.6 0.78
611 to 625 76.2 0.76

*The measured stability of a specimen multiplied by

the ratio for the thickness of the specimen equals the
corrected stability for a 63.5 mm specimen.

Pavement Design Manual

5. Determine apparent density of compacted specimen

The density of compacted specimen should be
determined after the sample is extracted.
D = W1/(W1~W2)
D = density
W1 = weight of sample in air
W2 = weight of sample in water

5.13 Calculate binder volume, air void, porosity and

Binder volume % = (bit. content * mix density)/ of
Air void % = [1-(mix density/max. theoretical density)] * 100
Porosity = Binder volume + air void
VFA = (binder volume/porosity) * 100

5.14 Perform stability-Flow test

For conducting stability test, the specimen is immersed in
water bath at a temperature of 60˚∓1˚C for a period of 30
minutes. It is then placed in the Marshall Stability testing
machine and loaded at a constant rate of 5mm per minute until
failure. The total maximum load that causes failure of the
specimen is taken as Marshall Stability. The value so obtained
is multiplied by dial gauge factor. The total amount of
deformation at the time of maximum load is recorded as Flow
value. The total time between removing the specimen from
water bath and completion of the test should not exceed 30
seconds. Plot density, stability, flow, void and VFA against
each asphalt content. Five separate smooth curves are drawn
with percentage of asphalt on x-axis and density, Marshall
Stability, Flow, VFA and Air void on the y-axis.

Pavement Design Manual

5.15 Evaluate the design with its requirement.

Optimum bitumen content (OBC): OBC should be the average
binder content for maximum density, maximum stability,
specified air void, specified flow value and specified VFA.
The overall objective of the mix design is to determine an
optimum blend of different components (aggregate + asphalt)
that will satisfy the specified requirements.

The mixture should have:

• Adequate amount of asphalt to ensure a durable
• Adequate stability to withstand traffic load
• Adequate voids that will accommodate small amount of
compaction by traffic load without bleeding and loss of
• Adequate workability to facilitate placement without

If the mix design for OBC does not satisfy all the requirements,
it is necessary to adjust the original blend of aggregates.

If low stability: low quality of aggregates and poor gradation

If high voids: increase fines or filler content

If low voids: increase coarse aggregates

Pavement Design Manual

6 Rigid Pavement Design

6.1 Introduction
In this manual only plain concrete pavement with dowelled
joints will be considered. As the stresses induced in concrete
pavements are mainly flexural, the concrete pavements fail due
to bending stress. Hence the 28 day flexural strength is the key
parameter in predicting concrete pavement performance. For
the durability of concrete wearing surface, 28 day
characteristic flexural strength should not be less than 4 Mpa
and cement content should not be less than 350kg per cu.m of
concrete. The slump value of concrete should be between 30 to
60 mm. Where there are no facilities for testing beam samples
for determining flexural strength, the mix design may be
carried out using equivalent compressive strength values. The
following equation may be used for relating flexural strength
with compressive strength.

The target compressive strength at 28 days is given by

f c = 7.63 * f ct + 2.58 * σ Eqn 6

Where fct = flexural strength at 28 days (Mpa)
fc = characteristic compressive strength (Mpa)
σ = standard deviation (see Table 5.1)

Table 5.1
Grade of Standard deviation for compressive
concrete strength in Mpa (σ )
Very good Good Fair
M30 5.0 6.0 7.0
M35 5.3 6.3 7.3
M40 5.6 6.6 7.6
M45 6.0 7.0 8.0

Pavement Design Manual

6.2 Design procedure

The design procedure involves checking for load and
temperature stress at the edge region and load stress at the
corner region after having analysed for sub grade, traffic,
environment and material properties.

6.3 Sub grade characterization.

The modulus of sub grade reaction (k value) determined by
plate load test is used for rigid pavement design. However an
approximate k value may be obtained if the sub grade CBR is
known as shown in Table 5.2. The design CBR should be
estimated in the same way as in the flexible pavement.

Table 5.2
Soaked CBR 2 3 4 5 7 10 15 20 50 100
value (%)
2.1 2.8 3.5 4.2 4.8 5.5 6.2 6.9 14 22.2

The sub base layer of usually lean concrete is provided below

the concrete slab in order to provide a working platform over
weak sub grade and to protect concrete slab from freezing &
thawing and pumping action of water. If the modulus of sub
grade reaction is less than 6 kg/cm3, use sub base thickness of
10cm lean concrete. The design shall then continue with k-
value of 6 kg/cm3.

Pavement Design Manual

6.4 Traffic characterization.

The design traffic for commercial vehicle is estimated from the
equation given below. The design wheel load of commercial
vehicle shall be 4100 kg with tyre pressure of Kg/cm2.

n+ x
⎡ r ⎤
N s = A * ⎢1 + Eqn 7
⎣ 100 ⎥⎦

Where, A = Initial traffic

r = Annual growth rate of commercial vehicles.
The growth rate should be estimated by the past
trend of traffic growth. If adequate data is not
available, an average annual growth rate of 7%
may be adopted.
(for7%, r = 0.007)
x = Number of years between the last count and
the year of completion of construction.
n = Design life of pavement in years. Design
life of rigid is 20 years.
Ns = Commercial vehicle per day

For rigid pavement design, one more type of traffic

classification is required, given in Table 5.3.

Table 5.3
Classification Commercial vehicles per day
A 0 - 15
B 15 - 45
C 45 - 150
D 150 - 450
E 450 - 1500
F 1500 - 4500
G above 4500

Pavement Design Manual

6.5 Environmental conditions

For realistic estimation of temperature stress, the maximum
temperature difference between the top and bottom of slab
should be determined at the place where rigid pavement is
going to be constructed. If the data can not be collected due to
some reasons, the following approximate values given in Table
5.4 may be adopted.

Table 5.4
Altitude Temperature difference in various slab thickness (deg C)
10cm 15cm 20cm 25cm 30cm
200 - 1000m 14 15.6 16.4 16.6 16.8
1000 - 2000m 15 16 17 18 19
2000 - 3000m 16 17 18 19 20
above 3000m 17 18 18 20 21

6.6 Material characterization

For economical design, the recommended minimum flexural
strength of rigid pavement is 4 Mpa. In such case the modulus
of elasticity equal to 3 x 105 Kg/cm2 and Poisson’s ration of
0.15 can be used. The coefficient of thermal expansion α will
be 10 x 10-6 ºC.

6.7 Spacing and lay out of rigid pavement

Joints are very crucial for rigid pavement to allow its
contraction and expansion. If the lane width ≤ 3.5m,
longitudinal joints are not required. Apart from facilitating lane
construction, longitudinal joints are also required to allow for
transverse contraction and warping of the slab which will
minimise cracking along the centre line of the pavement. Such
joints are reinforced by tie bars which are used to tie two slabs

Pavement Design Manual

together to ensure that the abutting slabs do not separate and to

resist tensile forces.

Transverse joints are very important for rigid pavement. The

transverse joints are reinforced by dowel bars which help to
transfer 40% of the load and to relieve the stress at edge and
corner. The surface of the joints shall be sealed to avoid
penetration of water. The dowel bars are not provided for slab
thickness less than 15 cm. The transverse joints are provided to
a maximum spacing of 4.5m. In a dowel group action, the
capacity of dowel bar beneath the load is full (one) and
capacity decreases to zero at a distance of 1.8 times radius of
relative stiffness. The capacity variation between these two
limits is linear. The maximum joint width is 20mm. The
requirement of dowel bars and tie bars are given in Table 5.5
and Table 5.6 respectively. However the engineers should
design their own dowel and tie bar systems. An illustrative
example is given.

Table 5.5 Recommended dimensions of dowel bars

Slab Dowel bar details (deformed bars)
thickness diameter (mm) Length (mm) Spacing (mm)
20 25 500 250
25 25 500 300
30 32 500 300
35 32 500 300

Pavement Design Manual

Table 5.6 (Recommended dimension of tie bars)

Slab Tie bar details
thickness Diameter Maximum spacing (cm) Minimum length (cm)
(cm) (mm) deformed plain deformed plain
bars bars bars bars
15 8 33 53 44 48
10 52 83 51 56
20 10 39 62 51 56
12 56 90 58 64
25 12 45 72 58 64
16 80 128 72 80
30 12 37 60 58 64
16 66 106 72 80
35 12 32 51 58 64
16 57 91 72 80

6.8 Thickness design steps

Step 1
Determine traffic intensity and modulus of sub grade reaction
as explained earlier guess slab thickness.

Step 2
Calculate maximum temperature stress at the edge region. The
Bradbury’s coefficient (C) to be used are given in Table 5.7
which are derived from L/rl or W/rl ratios. Use larger of the
two values. Using Bradbury’s Coefficient and temperature
differential, estimate edge temperature stress from Fig. 8.

Where L = slab length

W = width of slab
rl = radius of relative stiffness of concrete

Pavement Design Manual

Eh 3
rl =4 Eqn 8
12(1 − μ 2 )k

E = modulus of elasticity (3 x 105 Kg/cm2)

µ = Poisson’s ratio (0.15)
k = modulus of sub grade reaction (Kg/cm2/cm)
h = estimated slab thickness

Table 5.7
L/rl or W/rl Bradbury's coefficient, C
1 0.000
2 0.040
3 0.175
4 0.440
5 0.720
6 0.920
7 1.030
8 1.075
9 1.060
10 1.075
11 1.050
12 and above 1.000

Pavement Design Manual

C = 1.08
C = 1.00

Edge temperature stress (kg/cm2 )

E = 3 x 105 kg/cm2 C = 0.90

Α = 10 x 10-6 / ºC
30 C =0.80

C = 0.70
C = 0.60
C = 0.50

15 C = 0.40

C = 0.30
C = 0.20
C = 0.10

0 C = 0.00
0 5 10 15 20 25

Fig.8 Temperature differentials (ºC)

Pavement Design Manual


35 2
k=30 kg/cm
Edge load stress (kg/cm2)

30 k=10
25 k=6

P = 4100 kg
20 E = 3 x 105 kg/cm2
µ = 0.15



14 16 18 20 22 24
Slab thickness, h (cm)

Pavement Design Manual


35 k=30 kg/cm
Corner load stress (kg/cm2 )

30 k=10
25 k=6
P = 4100 kg
20 E = 10 x 105 kg/cm2
µ = 0.15



14 16 18 20 22 24
Slab thickness, h (cm)
Fig. 10

Pavement Design Manual

Step 3
Subtract the edge temperature stress from the allowable
flexural strength to obtain available residual strength of
concrete to support traffic load.

Step 4
Estimate the stress due to wheel load placed at the edge using
Fig. 9 for the values of known sub grade modulus of reaction
and slab thickness.

Step 5
Calculate the factor of safety by dividing residual stress from
step 3 by edge stress obtained from step 4. In case the factor of
safety is too low or far in excess of unity, adjust the slab
thickness accordingly and repeat design step 1 to 4. The factor
of safety should be 1 or slightly more.

Step 6
Estimate the stress due to wheel load placed at the corner
region using Fig.10. The corner stress should be less than
allowable flexural strength. If not, repeat the design from step
1 to 5 by increasing the slab thickness to meet the requirement.

Step 7
From the design traffic calculation, classify the traffic from A
to G. Adjust the slab thickness as per traffic classification
given below in Table 5.8.

Table 5.8
Traffic Slab thickness
classification correction (cm)
A&B -5.00
C&D -2.00
E&F 0.00
G 2.00

Pavement Design Manual

6.9 Design example

Design a concrete pavement for flexural strength of 40 Kg/cm2
for double lane road having total carriage way width of 6m
having traffic intensity of 1500CVD. The pavement should be
in service for a minimum of 20 years before it is rehabilitated.
The transverse joints shall be after every 4.5m with a
maximum opening of 20mm joint gap. The traffic growth is
8% per annum. The CBR values from ten locations are 14.5%,
24%, 18%, 19%, 16%, 15%, 10%, 13%, 12%, and 17%. The
road is likely to be opened to traffic after 3 years since the time
of traffic count?

1. Design traffic determination (from Eqn 7)
20 + 3
⎡ 8 ⎤
N s = 1500 * ⎢1 + = 8810 CVD
⎣ 100 ⎥⎦

2. Design CBR determination

CBR values
24 19 18 17 16 15 14.5 13 12 10

Check for outliers (for large value from Eqn 2)

24 − 19
r= = 0.357 < 0.412 from table 1.2 (hence CBR
24 − 10
value 24 is accepted)

Check for outliers (for small value from Eqn 3)

12 − 10
r= = 0.143 < 0.412 from table 1.2, hence o.k
24 − 10
Calculate section CBR
Mean CBR = 15.85%
CBRsec tion = 15.85 − (24 − 10) / 3.18 (from Eqn 5)
= 11.45%
Pavement Design Manual

from Table 1.4, design CBR = 8%, therefore k-value = 5

(so use k-value =6 for design after providing 10cm thick lean
concrete sub base)
3. Guess slab thickness = 200mm
4. Calculate maximum temperature stress at edge region
Temperature difference from table 12 = 16.4 deg C

3 x10 5 x 20 3
rl = 4 (from Eqn 8)
12(1 − 0.15 2 )6
= 76.42
Length of slab L = 4.5m
Width of slab W = 6/2 = 3m
Therefore L/rl = 4.5/0.7642 = 5.89
W/rl = 3/0.7642 = 3.92

Use 5.89 to find out C

From table 14, C = 0.69
With the values of C, slab thickness and temperature
differential known, estimate temperature stress at the edge
from Fig. 8 = 17 Kg/cm2
5. Available residual strength of concrete to support
traffic load = 40 – 17 = 23 kg/
6. Estimate stress due to wheel load at the edge
from Fig. 9 = 22 kg/
7. Calculate factor of safety = 23/22 = 1.05 (hence O.K)
8. Estimate stress due to wheel load placed at the corner
region from Fig.10 = 25 kg/cm2 < 40 kg/cm2. Hence
the design is safe.
9. Adjustment for traffic intensity of 8810 CVD. As per
table5.8, it is G-type traffic. Therefore, as per table5.8,
add 2cm to above slab thickness.
10. Final pavement thickness = 20+2 = 22 cm thick with
10cm lean concrete sub base.

Pavement Design Manual

6.10 Design of dowel bar system

Design parameters
Slab thickness = 22 cm
Design single wheel load = 4100 kg
Permissible shear stress in dowel bar (fs’) = 1000
Permissible flexural stress in dowel bar (fs ) = 1400
Permissible bearing in concrete = 100 kg/cm2
Joint width (z) = maximum 20mm
Load transfer = 40% of 4100 kg = 1640 kg

Eh 3
rl = 4
12(1 − μ 2 )k
Where rl = radius of relative stiffness of concrete
E = modulus of elasticity (be 3 x 105 Kg/cm2)

3 x10 5 x 22 3
rl = 4 µ = Poisson’s ratio (0.15)
12(1 − 0.15 2 )6
= 82.08
k = modulus of sub grade reaction (Kg/cm2/cm)
h = calculated slab thickness
Length of dowel bar (L) = 50 cm
Diameter of dowel bar (Ǿ) = 20 mm
Spacing of dowel bar (S) = 40 cm

a) Load transfer capacity in shear = 0.785 * Ǿ2 * fs’ Eqn 9

= 0.785 * 22 * 1000
= 3140 kg

Pavement Design Manual

f c * L2 * φ
b) Load transfer capacity = Eqn 10
12.5[ L + (1.5 * z )]
in bending
100 * 50 2 * 2
12.5[50 + (1.5 * 2)]
= 754.72 kg

Take the lower value from a and b to compute capacity factor

Capacity factor required = single wheel load / load transfer
= 1640kg/754.72
= 2.173

Load transfer capacity available is the function of radius of

relative stiffness and dowel bar spacing. If the capacity of
dowel bar directly under the wheel load is 1, the capacity
decreases to zero at a distance of 1.8rl . Therefore the available
load capacity factor is calculated as shown below.
1 .8 rl = 1 4 7 .7 4 c m
40cm 40cm 40cm

1 - 40/147.74 = 0.73
1 - 80/147.74 = 0.46
1 - 120/147.74 = 0.19

Pavement Design Manual

Available capacity factor = 1 + 0.73 + 0.46 + 0.19 = 2.38

As the available capacity factor 2.38 > 2.173 of required
capacity factor, the length, diameter and spacing of dowel bar
assumed are safe.

Details dowel bars

Length = 50 cm + 2cm joint width = 52 cm
Diameter of dowel bar = 20 mm
Spacing of dowel bar = 40 cm

The first dowel bar should be placed at a distance of 15 cm

from either edge of the slab and adjust the spacing for next
dowel with a provision of 40 cm spacing for the rest.
(See fig.1)

6.11 Tie bar design

Slab width (W)= 3m
Slab thickness = 22cm
Coefficient of friction (f) = 1.5
Allowable bond stress of deformed tie bar (fb ) = 24.6
Density of concrete = 2400 kg/m3
Permissible flexural stress in tie bar (fs ) = 1400 kg/cm2

Weight per m2 of slab (Wt) = 0.22 x 2400

= 528 kg

Pavement Design Manual

Wt * W * f
Area of steel required (As ) = Eqn 11
528 * 3 * 1.5

= 1.70 cm2 per m

Assume diameter (Ǿ) of tie bar = 16 mm

πφ 2 π 1.6 2
Cross sectional area (A) = = = 2.0 cm2
4 4

No. of tie bars required per m = As /A = 1.70/2.0 = 0.85

Spacing of tie bar = 100 cm / 0.85 = 117.6 = say 120 cm

f s * φ 1400 * 1.6
Length of tie bar = = = 91cm say 100 cm
fb 24.6

Tie bar details = 100 cm long, 16mm dia, 120cm c/c

See dowel bar and tie bar arrangement in fig 2 as per above


tie bar 16 mm dia 40

dowel bar 20 mm dia
100 cm long 10 cm c/c 40 52 cm long 40 cm c/c
6m 15

25 100 100 100 100 25 40

25 100 100

4.5 m
Fig. 11

Pavement Design Manual

7 Concrete Mix Design

7.1 Data required
The concrete mix design steps along with an example are listed
Specified data :
Minimum cement content = 350 kg/m3
Maximum aggregate size = 20 mm
Slump value = 35 mm
Minimum flexural strength of concrete = 4 N/mm2 or 40
Type of cement = OPC
Maximum aggregate = 20mm crushed.
Relative density of aggregate (SSD) = 2.7 (should be
% passing 600µm sieve for fine aggregate = 70% (should be

7.2 Design steps

Step 1
Calculate 28 day target compressive strength from Eqn 6
f c = 7.63 * f ct + 2.58 * σ
f c = 7.63 * 40 + 2.58 * 7.3
= 324 kg/cm2
say 325 kg/cm2 or 32.5 N/mm2

Step 2
Find out free water cement ratio using table 16 and Fig.12.
From table 16, 28 days compressive strength is 49 N/mm2
On the Fig.12, draw a temporary graph line on the starting line
against 49 N/mm2

Pavement Design Manual

Using newly drawn graph line, read off free water cement ratio
against the required compressive strength. For 32.5 N/mm2
compressive strength, free water cement ratio = 0.64

Step 3
Determine free water content from table 17.
Free water content = 210 kg/m3

Step 4
Calculate cement content
Cement content = free water content/free water cement ratio
= 210/0/64
= 328.125 kg/m3
Note: the calculated cement content 328.125 kg/m3 is less than
specified minimum cement content of 350 kg/m3. So use
specified minimum cement content of 350 kg/m3

Step 5
Recalculate free water cement ratio due to change in cement
Modified free water cement ratio = free water content /
minimum cement content.
= 210/350
= 0.6
Note: If the cement content calculated in step 4 is ≥ minimum
specified cement content, step 5 is not required.

Step 6
Determine concrete density from Fig.13 corresponding to
relative density of aggregates and free water content.
For relative density of aggregate = 2.7 and free water content =
210 kg/m3 (from step 3),
Density of concrete from graph 7 = 2390 kg/m3

Pavement Design Manual

Step 7
Calculate total aggregate content.
= (density of concrete – cement content – free water content)
= 2390 – 350 – 210
= 1830 kg/m3

Step 8
Determine fine aggregate content using % passing 600µm
sieve and slump value specified.
% passing 600µm sieve = 70%
Slump value specified = 35mm
Maximum aggregate = 20mm crushed
Water cement ratio = 0.6 (from step 5)
From Fig.15, fine aggregate required = 32%
Fine aggregate content = total aggregate content * 32%
= 1830*.32
= 586 kg/m3

Step 9
Calculate coarse aggregate content
= total aggregate content – fine aggregate content
= 1830 – 586
= 1244 kg/m3

Step 10
Calculate individual quantities per m3 of concrete mix
Quantities Cement Water Fine aggregate Coarse aggregate
(kg) (kg or litre) (kg) (kg)
per m3 350 210 586 1244

Ratio by weight = cement : fine agg. : coarse agg

= 1 : 1.7 : 3.6 Wc = 0.6

Pavement Design Manual

Ratio by volume
50 kg of cement = 0.035 m3
= 1.235 cft.
For 1 bag of cement
Fine aggregate = 1.7*1.234 = 2 cft
Coarse aggregate = 3.6*1.235 = 4.5 cft
Water = 30 litres

Approximate compressive strength (N/mm2) of concrete mixes

made with a free water cement ratio of 0.5 is given in Table

Table 6.1 (compressive strength N/mm2 )

Type of coarseCompressive strength (N/mm
Type of cement aggregate age (days)
3 7 28 91
Ordinary Portland Crushed 27 36 49 56
Cement (OPC) Uncrushed 22 30 42 49
Rapid setting OPC Crushed 34 43 55 61
Uncrushed 29 37 48 54

Approximate free water content (kg/m3) required to give

various level of workability is given in Table 6.2

Table 6.2 (Free water content (kg/m3 )

Slump value in (mm) 0 - 10 10 - 30 30 - 60 60 - 180
Maximum Type of (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
size aggregate
10 Crushed 180 205 230 250
Uncrushed 150 180 205 225
20 Crushed 170 190 210 225
Uncrushed 135 160 180 195
40 Crushed 155 175 190 205
Uncrushed 115 140 160 175

Pavement Design Manual

7.3 Water – Cement ratio graph

sta rtin g lin e u sin g

d a ta fro m ta b le 6 a



Compressive strength (N/mm 2 )







0 .3 0 .4 0 .5 0 .6 0 .7 0 .8 0 .9

F ig .1 2 fre e w a te r - ce m e n t ra tio

Pavement Design Manual

7.4 Density estimation graph

Density estimation graph


relative density of combined agg.

density of concrete mix (kg/m3 )


2400 2.8

2300 2.6


100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280
free water content (kg/m )

Maximum aggregate size = 10 mm

slump 0 - 10 mm slump 10 - 30 mm slump 30 - 60 mm slump 60 - 180 mm
80 15
% passing 0.6mm sieve

70 15
proportion of fine agg (%)

40 40 40
50 60
60 60 60
40 80
80 80 80 100
30 100 100

0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8

free water cement ratio


Pavement Design Manual

Maximum aggregate size = 20 mm

slump 0 - 10 mm slump 10 - 30 mm slump 30 - 60 mm slump 60 - 180 mm
proportion of fine agg (%)

% passing 0.6 mm sieve

70 15
60 15
15 15 40
50 40
40 40 60
40 60 60 60 80
80 80 80 100
30 100
100 100
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
free water cement ratio


Maximum aggregate size = 40 mm

slump 0 - 10 mm slump 10 - 30 mm slump 30 - 60 mm slump 60 - 180 mm
proportion of fine agg (%)


% passing 0.6 mm sieve

60 15
50 15
15 15 40
40 40 40 60
60 80
30 60 60 80 100
80 80 100
100 100
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8

free water cement ratio


Pavement Design Manual

8 Pavement Material Specification

8.1 Quality of Materials and Workmanship
The materials and workmanship shall be of the best of their
respective kinds and shall be to the approval of the Employer
or his representative on site. In reading these Specifications,
the words to the approval of the Engineer shall be deemed to
be included in the description of all materials incorporated in
the works, whether manufactured or natural, and in the
description of all operations for the due execution of the

8.2 Preparation of sub-grade:

The surface of the formation for a width of sub-base, which shall
be 15 cm more on either side of base course, shall first be cut to a
depth equal to the combined depth of sub-base and surface
courses below the proposed finished level (due allowance being
made for consolidation). It shall then be cleaned of all foreign
substances. Any ruts or soft yielding patches that appear due to
improper drainage conditions, traffic hauling or from any other
cause, shall be corrected to the finished profile.
If sub-grade is composed of clay, fine sand or other soils that
may be forced up into the coarse aggregate during rolling
operations, an insulation layer of granular materials (selected
material) shall be provided for blanketing the sub-grade.
In slushy soil or in areas that are water logged, special
arrangements shall be made to improve the sub-grade and the
total pavement thickness shall be designed after testing the
properties of the sub-grade soil. Necessary provision for the
special treatment required shall be made.

Pavement Design Manual

8.2.1 Consolidation:
The sub-grade shall be consolidated with a power road roller of 8
to 12 tonnes. The roller shall run over the sub-grade till the soil is
evenly and densely consolidated to required density. (The roller
shall pass a minimum of 5 runs on the sub-grade). All the
undulations in the surface that is developed due to rolling shall
be made good with material or quarry spoils as the case may be
and the sub-grade is re-rolled.

8.2.2 Surface Regularity:

The finished surface shall be uniform and conform to the lines,
grades and typical cross-sections shown in the drawings. When
tested with the template and straight edge, the variation shall be
within the tolerances specified in the Table 7.1 below:

Table 7.1 : Permissible Tolerances of Surface Regularity

Longitudinal Profile Cross Profile
Maximum permissible undulation Maximum permissible variation
when measured with a 3m straight from specified profile when
edge measured with camber plate
24 mm 15 mm

When the surface irregularity of the sub-grade falls outside the

specified tolerances, it shall be rectified with fresh material or
quarry spoils as the case may be, and the sub-grade re-rolled to
the satisfaction of the Engineer.

In the case of earthwork consolidated under optimum moisture

conditions, each layer of earth shall be carefully moistened to
give field moisture content in the range of +1% to -2% of the
optimum moisture content (OMC). Each layer of uniform

Pavement Design Manual

thickness not exceeding 200mm shall then be compacted by

rolling with 8 to 10 tonnes power road roller and a sheep-foot
roller if required. The required amount of water shall be added
during consolidation to keep the moisture content of the soil at
the optimum as per test. The density to be achieved shall not be
less than 95% of the density obtained in the laboratory.

Each compacted layer shall be tested in the field for density

and accepted before the operations for the next layer are begun.
Control on compaction in the field shall be exercised through
frequent moisture content and density determinations. A
systematic record of these shall be maintained. At all times
during construction the top of the embankment shall be
maintained at such cross fall as will shed water and prevent

8.2.3 Compaction test and acceptance Criteria:

One measurement of density shall be made for each 500 sq.m of
compacted area or for a smaller area as directed by the Engineer.
Each measurement shall consist of at least 5 density
determinations and the average of these 5 determinations shall be
treated as the field density achieved. In general the control at the
top 40 cm thickness of the formation shall be more strict with
density measurements being done at the rate of one measurement
for 250 sq.m of compacted area. Further for the determination of
the mean density the number of tests in one measurement shall
not be less than 10 and the work will be accepted if the mean dry
density equals or exceeds the specified density.

When density measurements reveal any soft areas in the

embankment, it shall be compacted further. If in spite of that the
specified compaction is not achieved the material in the soft
areas shall be removed and replaced by approved materials and

Pavement Design Manual

compacted to the satisfaction of the Engineer. Should

circumstances arise owing to wet weather the moisture content
cannot be reduced to the required amount by above procedure,
compaction work shall be suspended.

Soil suitable for consolidation under O.M.C. conditions should

preferably have the following characteristics:
(a) Minimum percentage of clay 10%
(b) Liquid Limit 14
(c) Plasticity index 4
(d) Percentage of silt should not exceed 5%
(e) Peat, muck and organic soils are unsuitable.

The Engineer, may, however, relax these requirements

taking into account availability of materials, cost of
transportation and other relevant factors. Various tests
required to be conducted on the borrow material with
their recommended frequency are indicated below. All
the tests need not be stipulated for every project.
Depending upon site conditions etc. only some may be
found necessary at a particular project. The frequency of
testing indicated refers generally to the minimum number
of tests to be conducted. The rate of testing must be
stepped up as found necessary depending upon the
variability of the materials and compaction methods
employed at a project.

(a) Gradation: At least one test for each kind of soil. Usual
rate of testing shall be 1 to 2 tests per 8000 cu.m of soil.
(b) Plasticity: At least one test for each kind of soil. Usual
rate of testing shall be 1 to 2 tests per 8000 cu.m of soil.
(c) Proctor Tests: At the rate of 1 to 2 per 8000 cu.m of soil.
(d) Deleterious Contents: As required.
(e) Moisture Contents: One test for every 250 cu.m of soil.

Pavement Design Manual

8.2.4 Measurement:
The length and width shall be measured correct to a centimetre.
The area shall be worked out in square metre, correct to two
places of decimal.

8.3 Granular Sub-base

Providing and laying granular sub-base course (GSB) to the
required degree of compaction with proper formation of cross
fall using motor grader for laying and compacted to required
density as per material gradation and aggregate quality

8.3.1 Scope:
This work shall consist of laying and compacting well-graded
material on prepared sub grade in accordance with the
requirements of these specifications. The material shall be laid
in one or more layers as sub-base or lower sub-base and upper
sub-base (termed as sub-base hereinafter) as necessary
according to lines, grades and cross-sections shown on the
drawings or as directed by the engineer.

8.3.2 Materials:
The material to be used for the work shall be natural sand,
gravel, crushed stone, or combination thereof depending upon
the grading required. The material shall be free from organic or
other deleterious constituents and conform to one of the three
gradings given in Table 7.2 or Table 7.3.

Pavement Design Manual

Table 7.2 Grading for close graded GSB material

IS sieve % by weight passing IS sieve
designation Grading 1 Grading 11 Grading 111
75.0 mm 100 - -
53.0 mm 80 – 100 100 -
26.5 mm 55 – 90 70 – 100 100
9.50 mm 35 – 65 50 – 80 65 – 95
4.75 mm 25 – 55 40 – 65 50 – 80
2.36 mm 20 – 40 30 – 50 40 – 65
0.425 mm 10 – 25 15 – 25 20 – 35
0.075 mm 3 – 10 3 – 10 3 – 10
Min. CBR Value 30 25 20

Table 7.3 – Grading for coarse graded GSB materials

IS sieve % by weight passing IS sieve
designation Grading 1 Grading 11 Grading 111
75.0 mm 100 - -
53.0 mm 100
26.5 mm 55 – 75 50 – 80 100
9.50 mm
4.75 mm 10 – 30 15 – 35 25 - 45
2.36 mm
0.425 mm
0.075 mm <10 <10 <10
Min. CBR Value 30 25 20

Note: Material passing 425 micron sieve shall for all the three
gradings when tested shall have liquid limit and plasticity
index not more than 25 and 6 % respectively.

Pavement Design Manual

While the gradings in Table 7.2 are in respect of close-graded

granular sub-base materials, one each for maximum particle
size of 75 mm, 53 mm and 26.5 mm. The corresponding
grading for the coarse graded materials for each of the three
maximum particle sizes are given at Table 7.3. The grading to
be adopted for the project shall be as specified.

Physical Requirements:
The materials shall have a 10 percent fines value of 50 KN or
more (for sample in soaked condition) when tested. The water
absorption value of the coarse aggregate shall be determined; if
this value is greater than 2 percent, soundness test shall be
carried out. For grading II and III materials, the CBR shall be
determined at the density and moisture content likely to be
developed in equilibrium conditions which shall be taken as
being the density relating to a uniform air voids content of 5

8.3.3 Strength of sub-base:

It shall be ensured prior to actual execution that the material to
be used in the sub-base satisfies the requirements of CBR and
other physical requirements when compacted and finished.
When directed by the Engineer, this shall be verified by
performing CBR tests as required on specimens remoulded at
field dry density and moisture content and any other tests for
the “quality” of the materials, as may be necessary.

8.3.4 Construction operations

Spreading and Compacting: The sub-base material of the
specified grading shall be spread on the prepared sub grade
with the help of a motor grader of adequate capacity, its blade
having hydraulic controls suitable for initial adjustment and for

Pavement Design Manual

maintaining the required slope and grade during the operation

or other means as approved by the engineer.
When the sub-base materials consist of combination of
materials mentioned above, mixing shall be mechanically done
by the mix-in place method.
Manual mixing shall be permitted only where the width of
laying is not adequate for mechanical operations, as in small
sized jobs. The equipment used for mix-in-place construction
shall be such that it is capable of mixing the material to the
desired degree. If so desired by the Engineer trial runs with the
equipment shall be carried out to establish its suitability for the
Moisture content of the loose material shall be checked and
suitably adjusted by sprinkling additional water from a truck
mounted or trailer mounted water tank and suitable for
applying water for uniformly and at controlled quantities to
variable widths of surface or other means approved by the
Engineer so that, at the time of compaction, it is from 1 percent
above to 2 percent below the optimum moisture content. While
adding water, due allowance shall be made for evaporation
losses. In the absence of mixing plant the mixing may be done
by pay-loader, excavator etc but it should be ensured that a
uniform mix is obtained.

Pavement Design Manual

Laying & rolling of sub base layer

Mixing of sub base material

Pavement Design Manual

8.3.5 Rolling/compaction
The mix should be laid and rolling shall start immediately. If
the thickness of the compacted layer does not exceed 100 mm,
a smooth wheeled roller of 80 to 100 KN weight may be used.
For a compacted single layer up to 225 mm the compaction
shall be done with the help of a vibratory roller of a minimum
80 to 100 KN static weight with plain drum or pad foot drum
or heavy pneumatic tyred roller of minimum 200 to 300 KN
weight having a minimum tyre pressure of 0.7 MN/m2 or
equivalent capacity roller capable of achieving the required
compaction. Rolling shall commence at the lower edge and
proceed towards the upper edge longitudinally for portions
having unidirectional cross fall and super-elevation and shall
commence at the edges and progress towards the centre for
portions having cross fall on both sides. Each pass of the roller
shall uniformly overlap not less than one third of the track
made in the preceding pass. During rolling, the grade and cross
fall (camber) shall be checked and any high spots or
depressions, which become apparent, corrected by removing or
adding fresh material. The speed of the roller shall not exceed
5 Km per hour. Rolling shall be continued till density is at least
98% of the maximum dry density is achieved. The surface of
any layer of material on completion of compaction shall be
well closed, free from movement under compaction equipment
and from compaction planes, ridges, cracks or loose material.
All loose, segregated or otherwise defective areas shall be
made good to the full thickness of layer and re-compacted.

8.3.6 Measurements for payment:

GSB shall be measured as finished work in position in cubic
metres. The protection of edges of granular sub-base extended
over the full formation as shown in the drawing shall be
considered incidental to the work of providing granular sub-
base and as such no extra payment shall be made for the same.

Pavement Design Manual

8.4 Wet Mix Macadam

Providing and laying wet mix macadam (WMM) graded
aggregate base course to required degree of compaction with
proper formation of cross fall by using well graded crushed
aggregates premixed using suitable mixer, motor grader as per
material gradation and aggregate quality specified.

8.4.1 Scope:
This work shall consist of laying and compacting clean,
crushed, graded aggregate and granular material, premixed
with water, to a dense mass on a prepared sub grade/sub-
base/base or existing pavement as the case may be in
accordance with the requirements of these specifications. The
material shall be laid in one or more layers as necessary to
lines, grades and cross-sections shown on the approved
drawings or as directed by the engineer.
The thickness of a single compacted (WMM) layer shall not be
less than 75 mm. When vibrator or other approved types of
compacting equipment are used, the compacted depth of a
single layer of the sub-base course may be increased to 200mm
upon approval of the engineer.

8.4.2 Materials:
Physical Requirements: Coarse aggregates shall be crushed
stone. If Gravel/shingle is used, not less than 90% by weight of
the gravel/shingle pieces retained on 4.75mm sieve shall have
at least two fractured faces. The aggregate shall conform to the
physical requirements set forth in the Table 7.4 below.

Pavement Design Manual

Table 7.4: Physical; requirements of coarse aggregate for

WMM for the sub-base base course

Test Requirement
Los Angeles Abrasion Value OR 40% maximum *
Aggregate Impact Value 30% maximum *
Cobined flakiness and elongation indices 30% maximum **

* Aggregates may satisfy the requirement of either of the two

** To determine this combined proportion, flaky stones from a
representative sample should first be separated out. Flakiness
index is weight of flaky stone divided by weight of stone
sample. Only the elongated particles are separated out from the
remaining non-flaky stone metal. Elongation index is the
weight of elongated particles divided by total non-flaky
particles. The value of flakiness index and elongation index so
found are added up.

If the water absorption value of the coarse aggregates is greater

than 2 percent, soundness test shall be carried out on the
material delivered in the site.

Grading Requirements: The aggregates shall conform to the

grading given in the Table 7.5 or Table 7.6 given below.

Pavement Design Manual

Table 7.5: Grading requirements of aggregates for WMM

IS sieve Designation % by weight passing the IS sieve
53.00 mm 100
45.00 mm 95-100
26.50 mm -
22.40 mm 60 – 80
11.20 mm 40 – 60
4.75 mm 25 – 40
2.36 mm 15 – 30
600 micron 8 – 22
75 micron 0–8

Materials finer than 425 micron shall have plasticity index (PI)
not exceeding 6.

Table 7.6 Grading requirements of aggregates for WMM

Sieve size (mm) Nominal maximum particle size (% passing)
37.5 mm 28 mm 20 mm
50 100
37.5 95 - 100 100
28 100
20 60 - 80 70 - 85 90 - 100
10 40 - 60 50 - 65 60 - 75
4.75 25 - 40 35 - 55 40 - 60
2.36 15 - 30 25 - 40 30 - 45
0.425 7-9 12 - 24 13 - 27
0.075 5 - 12 5 - 12 5 - 12

Note : for paver laid materials, lower fines content may be accepted.

The final gradation approved within these limits shall be well

graded from coarse o fine and shall not vary from the low limit
on one sieve to the high limit on the adjacent sieve and vice-

Pavement Design Manual

8.4.3 Construction Operations

Preparation of Base: The base of the sub-grade/sub-base/base

shall be prepared to the specified lines and cross fall (camber)
and made free of dust and other extraneous material. Any ruts
or soft yielding places shall be corrected in an approved
manner and rolled until firm surface is obtained if necessary by
sprinkling water.

Preparation of lateral confinement of aggregates: While

constructing WMM, arrangement shall be made for the lateral
confinement of the wet mix. This shall be done by laying
materials in the adjoining shoulders along with that of WMM

Preparation of Mix: WMM shall be prepared in an approved

mixing plant of suitable capacity having provision for
controlled addition of water and forced/positive mixing
arrangement like pug mill or pan type mixer of concrete
batching plant. For small quantity of wet mix work, the
engineer may permit the mixing to be done in concrete mixers.

Optimum moisture for mixing shall be determined after

replacing the aggregate fraction retained on 22.4mm sieve with
material of 4.75mm to 22.4mm size. While adding water, due
allowance should be made for evaporation losses. However, at
the time of compaction, water in the wet mix should not vary
from the optimum value by more than the specified limits. The
mixed material should be uniformly wet and no segregation
should be permitted.

Pavement Design Manual

Mixing of materials by machine

Laying of base course layer

Pavement Design Manual

Compaction of base course

Finished surface of base course

Pavement Design Manual

8.4.4 Spreading of mix:

Immediately after mixing, the aggregates shall be spread
uniformly and evenly upon the prepared sub-grade/sub-
base/base in required quantities. In no case should these be
dumped in heaps directly on the area where these are to be laid
nor shall their hauling over a partly completed stretch be
permitted. The mix may be spread by motor grader. For
portions where mechanical means cannot be used, manual
means as approved by the engineer shall be used. The motor
grader shall be capable of spreading the material uniformly all
over the surface. Its blade shall have hydraulic control suitable
for initial adjustments and maintaining the same so as to
achieve the specified slope and grade.
The surface of the aggregate shall be carefully checked with
templates and all high or low spots remedied by removing or
adding aggregate as may be required. The layer may be tested
by depth blocks during construction. No segregation of larger
and fine particles should be allowed. The aggregates as spread
should be of uniform gradation with no pockets of fine

8.4.5 Compaction:
After the mix has been laid to the required thickness, grade and
cross fall/camber the same shall be uniformly compacted, to
the full depth with suitable roller. If the thickness of single
compacted layer does not exceed 100 mm, a smooth wheel
roller of 80 to 100 KN weight may be used. For a compacted
single layer up to 200 mm, the compaction shall be done with
the help of vibratory roller of minimum static weight of 80 to
100 KN or equivalent capacity roller. The speed of roller shall
not exceed 5km/h. In portions having a unidirectional cross
fall/super-elevation, rolling shall commence from the lower
edge and progress gradually towards the upper edge. There

Pavement Design Manual

after, roller should progress parallel to the centre line of the

road, uniformly overlapping each preceding track by at least
one-third width until the entire surface had been rolled.
Alternate trips of the roller shall be terminated in stops at least
1 m away from any preceding stop.
In portions in camber, rolling should begin at the edge with the
roller running forward and backward until the edges have been
firmly compacted. Rolling shall then progress gradually
towards the centre parallel to the centreline of the road
uniformly overlapping each of the preceding track by at least
one third width until the entire surface has been rolled.
Any displacement occurring as a result of reversing of the
direction of a roller or from any other cause shall be corrected
at once as specified and/or removed and made good.
Along forms, kerbs, walls or other places not accessible to the
roller, the mixture shall be thoroughly compacted with
mechanical tampers or a plate compactor. Skin patching on an
area without scarifying the surface to permit proper bonding of
the added material shall not be permitted.
Rolling shall not be done when the sub grade is soft yielding or
when it causes a wave like motion in the sub-base/base course
or sub grade. If irregularities develop during rolling which
exceeds 123 mm when tested with a 3 m straight edge, the
surface should be loosened and premixed material added or
removed as required before rolling again as to achieve a
uniform surface conforming to the desired grade and cross fall.
In no case should the use of unmixed materials be permitted to
make up the depressions.
Rolling shall be continued till the density achieved is at least
98% of the maximum dry density for the material.

Pavement Design Manual

Nuclear densometer (Troxler)

After completion, the surface of any finished layer shall be

well-closed, free from movement under compaction equipment
or any compaction planes, ridges, cracks and loose material.
All loose, segregated or otherwise defective areas shall be
made good to the full thickness of the layer and re-compacted.

8.4.6 Setting and Drying:

After final compaction of wet mix macadam course, the road
shall be allowed to dry for 24 hrs.
Opening to traffic: No vehicular traffic of any kind should be
allowed on the finished wet mix macadam surface till it has
dried and the wearing course laid.

8.4.7 Measurement for payment

WMM shall be measured as finished work in position in cubic

Pavement Design Manual

8.5 Dense Bituminous Macadam ( DBM)

Providing and Laying Dense Bituminous Macadam ( DBM) to
the required degree of compaction based on mixture design
approved by the supervising engineer including preparation of
surface with road broom, application of prime coat @
0.75kg/sq.m by mechanized method using asphalt plant, paver,
steel roller, tyre roller etc complete.

8.5.1 Scope:
This clause specifies the construction of DBM, for use mainly
but not exclusively, in base/binder and profile corrective
courses. DBM is also intended for use as a road base material.
This work shall consist of construction in a single or multiple
layers on a previously prepared base or sub-base. The
thickness of a single layer shall be 50mm to 100 mm

8.5.2 Materials
Bitumen: The bitumen shall be paving bitumen of specified
Penetration Grade.

Coarse Aggregates: The coarse aggregates shall consist of

crushed rock, crushed gravel or other hard material retained on
the 2.36 mm sieve. They shall be clean, hard, durable, of
cubicle shape, free form dust and soft or friable matter, organic
or other deleterious substances. Where crushed gravel is
proposed for use as aggregate, not less than 90% by weight of
the crushed material retained on 4.75 mm sieve shall have at
least two fractured faces.

Pavement Design Manual

Table 7.7: Physical requirements for coarse aggregate for

Property Test Specification
Max. 5% passing
Cleanliness (dust) Grain size analysis
0.075 mm sieve
Particle shape Flakiness & Elongation index Max. 30% (combined)
Strength Los Angeles Abrasion Value Max. 35%
Aggregate Impact Value Max. 27%
Durability Sodium sulphate Max. 12%
(soundness) Magnesium sulphate Max. 18%
Water absorption Water absorption Max. 2%
Stripping Stripping test Min. 95% retained
Water sensitivity Retained tensile strength Min. 80%

Fine Aggregates: Fine aggregates shall consist of crushed or

naturally occurring mineral material or a combination of the
two, passing 2.36 mm sieve and retained on 75 micron sieve.
They shall be clean, hard, durable, dry and free from dust, and
soft or friable matter, organic or other deleterious matter. The
plasticity index of the fraction passing 0.425mm sieve shall not
exceed 4 when tested. The plasticity index of the fraction
passing 0.425 mm sieve shall not exceed 4 when tested.

Filler: Filler shall consist of finely divided mineral matter such

as rock dust, hydrated lime or cement approved by the
engineer. The filler shall be graded within the limits specified

Table : 7.8 Grading requirements for mineral filler

IS Sieve( mm) Cumulative % by weight of total

0.6 100
0.3 95-100
0.75 85 – 100

Pavement Design Manual

The filler shall be free from organic impurities and have a

plasticity index not greater than 4. The plasticity requirement
shall not apply if the filler is cement or lime. When the coarse
aggregate is gravel, 2% by weight of the total aggregate, shall
be Portland Cement or hydrated lime and the percentage of the
fine aggregate reduced accordingly. Cement or hydrated lime
is not required when the limestone aggregate is used. Where
the aggregates fail to meet the requirements of the water
sensitivity test in Table 7.7 then 2% by total weight of
aggregate, of hydrated lime shall be added without additional

8.5.3 Aggregate Grading :

The combined grading of the coarse and fine aggregates and
added filler for the particular mixture shall fall within the
limits shown in the Table 7.9, for DBM grading 1 or 2 as
specified in the contract. The type and quantity of bitumen,
and appropriate thickness, are also indicated for each mixture

Table 7.9: Composition of DBM pavement layers.

Grading 1 2
Nominal aggregate size 40 mm 25 mm
Layer thickness 80 ~ 100 mm 50 ~ 75 mm
Sieve size mm Cumulative % passing by weight
45 100
37.5 95-100 100
26.5 63-93 90-100
19 - 71-95
13.2 55 – 75 56 – 80
4.75 38 – 54 38 – 54
2.36 28 – 42 28- 42
0.3 7 – 21 7 – 21
0.075 2-8 2–8
Bitumen content % Min 4.0 Min 4.5

Pavement Design Manual

8.5.4 Mixture Design

Requirement for the mixture: Apart from conformity with the
grading and quality requirements for individual ingredients,
the mixture shall meet the requirements set out in Table 7.10

Table 7.10: Requirements for dense graded bituminous

Stability at 60 degrees 350 kg or more
Flow value (1/100) cm 20 ~ 40
Percent air void 3~7
Voids filled with bitumen (VFB) 65 ~ 85
Compaction level 50 blows on each face
Percent air void in mineral agg. See table 7.11

The requirements for minimum percent voids in mineral

aggregate (VMA) are set out in Table 7.11

Table 7.11: Minimum percent voids in mineral aggregate

Nominal maximum Minimum VMA, Percent related to Design Air Voids.
particle size (mm) 3 4 5
9.5 14 15 16
12.5 13 14 15
19 12 13 14
25 11 12 13
37.5 10 11 12

1. The nominal maximum particle size is one size larger than
the first sieve retaining more than 10 percent.

2. Interpolate minimum voids in the mineral aggregate

(VMA) for design air voids values between those listed.

Pavement Design Manual

Binder Content:
The Marshall method for determining the optimum binder
content shall be adopted as described in Section 4, replacing
the aggregates retained on 26.5 mm sieve by the aggregates
passing 26.5 mm sieve and retained on 22.4 mm sieve, where
approved by the engineer.

Job mix formula:

The job mix formula should be submitted in writing the
engineer in writing, at least 20 days before the start of the work.
While establishing the job mix formula, it should be ensured
that it is based on a correct and truly representative sample of
the materials that will actually be used in the work and that the
mixture and its different ingredients satisfy the physical and
strength requirements of these specifications.
Approval of the job mix formula shall be based on the
independent testing by the engineer for which samples of all
ingredients of the mix shall be furnished by the contractor as
required by the engineer.
The approved job-mix formula shall remain effective until and
unless a revised job mix formula is approved. Should a change
in the source of materials be proposed, a new job mix formula
shall be forwarded to the engineer for approval before placing
of the material.

8.5.5 Plant trials

Once the laboratory job mix formula is approved, the plant
trials should be carried out to establish that the plant can be set
up and produce a uniform mix conforming to the approved job
mix formula. The permissible variations of the individual
percentages of the various ingredients in the actual mix from
the job mix formula to be used shall be within the limits as
specified in the Table 7.12.

Pavement Design Manual

Table 7.12: Permissible variations from the job mix formula.

Description Permissible variation
course course
Aggregate passing 19 mm sieve or larger ± 8% ± 7%
Aggregates passing 13.2 mm, 9.5 mm ± 7% ± 6%
Aggregate passing 4.75 mm ± 6% ± 5%
Aggregate passing 2.36 mm, 1.18 mm, 0.6 mm ± 5% ± 4%
Aggregate passing 0.3 mm, 0.15 mm ± 4% ± 3%
Aggregate passing 0.075 mm ± 2% ± 1.5%
Binder content ± 0.3% ± 0.3%
Mixing temperature ± 10ºc ± 10ºc

Asphalt plant

Pavement Design Manual

Laying by paver

8.5.6 Laying Trials:

Once the plant trials have demonstrated the capacity of the
plant, laying trials should be demonstrate that the proposed
mix can be successfully laid, and compacted as per required
specifications. The laying trial shall be carried out on a suitable
area which is not to form part of the works, unless specifically
approved in writing, by the Engineer. The area of the laying
trials shall be a minimum of 100 sq.m. of construction similar
to that of the project road, and shall be in all respects,
particularly compaction, the same as the project construction,
on which the bituminous material is to be laid. The density of
the finished paving layer shall be determined by taking cores,
no sooner than 24 hours after laying, or by other approved

Pavement Design Manual

Once the laying trials have been approved, the same plant and
methodology shall be applied to the laying of the material on
the project, and no variation of either shall be acceptable,
unless approved in writing by the Engineer, who may at his
discretion require further laying trials.

8.5.7 Construction Operations

The methodology and plant to be used for the whole project
should be best arrived after conducting and laying trials for the
job mix ratio, which should be based on a correct and truly
representative sample of the materials that will actually be
used in the work, and that its different ingredients satisfy the
physical and strength requirements of these specifications.

8.5.8 Weather and Seasonal Limitations:

Laying shall be suspended while free standing water is present
on the surface to be covered, or during rain, fog and dust
storms. After rain, the bituminous surface, prime or tack coat
shall be blown off with high pressure air jet to remove excess
moisture, or the surface left to dry before laying is started.
Laying of bituminous mixture shall not be carried out when the
air temperature at the surface on which it is laid is below 10ºC,
or when the wind speed at any temperature exceeds 40 km/h at
2m height unless specifically approved by the engineer.

8.5.9 Preparation of Base, prime coat and tack coat:

The base on which the dense graded bituminous material is to
be laid shall be thoroughly swept clean by a mechanical broom
and dusts removed by compressed air. In locations where
mechanical broom cannot access, other approved methods
shall be used as directed by the engineer. The prime coat and
tack coat as per requirements shall be applied in accordance
with their respective specifications, or as directed by the

Pavement Design Manual

8.5.10 Mixing and Transportation of the mixture:

The premixed bituminous material for DBM shall be prepared
in a hot-mix plant of adequate capacity and capability of
yielding a mix of proper and uniform quality with thoroughly
coated aggregates at appropriate mixing temperatures; the
difference in temperature between the binder and the aggregate
at no time should exceed 14ºC. The hot mix plant should be
calibrated from time to time in order to ensure the uniform
quality of the mix and better coating of aggregates.
The bituminous material should be transported in clean
insulated vehicles, and unless otherwise agreed by the engineer,
shall be covered while in transit or waiting for tipping. Subject
to the approval of the Engineer, a thin coating of diesel or
lubricating oil may be applied to the interior of the vehicle to
prevent sticking and to facilitate the discharge of the material.

8.5.11 Laying and rolling:

Except in areas where a mechanical paver cannot access,
bituminous materials shall be spread, levelled and tamped by
an approved self-propelled paving machine. As soon as
possible after arrival at site, the materials shall be supplied
continuously to the paver and laid without delay. The rate of
delivery of material to the paver shall be regulated to enable
the paver to operate continuously. The travel rate of the paver,
and its method of operations, shall be adjusted to ensure an
even and uniform flow of bituminous material across the
screed, free from dragging, tearing and segregation of the
material. In areas with restricted space where a mechanical
paver cannot be used, the material shall be spread, raked and
levelled with suitable hand tools by experienced staff, and
compacted to the satisfaction of the engineer. The minimum
thickness of material laid in each paver pass is to be
determined based on compaction coefficient. Bituminous

Pavement Design Manual

material shall be kept clean and uncontaminated. The only

traffic permitted to run on bituminous material to be overlaid
shall be that engaged in laying and compacting the next course
or, where a binder course is to be sealed or surface dressed,
that engaged on such surface treatment. Should any bituminous
material become contaminated it shall be made good to the
satisfaction of the engineer. Binder course shall not remain
uncovered by either the wearing course or surface treatment,
whichever is specified in the contract, for more than three
consecutive days after being laid. The Engineer may extend the
period by minimum amount of time necessary, because of
weather conditions or for any other reason.
Bituminous materials shall be laid and compacted in layers
which enable the specified thickness, surface level, regularity
requirements and compaction to be achieved. Compaction of
bituminous materials shall commence as soon as possible after
laying. Compaction shall be substantially completed before the
temperature falls below the minimum rolling temperature

Table 7.13 Manufacturing and rolling temperature

Bitumen Bitumen Aggregate Mix Laying Rolling
penetration ( ºC ) ( ºC ) ( ºC ) ( ºC ) ( ºC )
35 160 -170 160 -170 170 max. 130 min. 100 min.
65 150 - 165 150 - 170 165 max. 125 min. 90 min.
90 140 - 160 140 - 165 155 max. 115 min. 80 min.

Rolling of the longitudinal joints shall be done immediately

behind the paving operation. After this, rolling shall
commence at the edges and progress towards the centre
longitudinally except that on super-elevated and uni-
directional cambered portions, it shall progress from the lower
to the upper edge parallel to the centre line of the pavement.
Rolling shall continue until all roller marks have been removed
from the surface. All deficiencies in the surface after laying
shall be made good by the attendants behind the paver, before
Pavement Design Manual

initial rolling is commenced. The initial or breakdown rolling

shall be done with 8-10 tonnes dead weight smooth wheeled
rollers. The intermediate rolling shall be done with 8 – 10
tonnes dead weight or vibratory roller or with a pneumatic
tyred roller of 12 to 15 tonnes weight having nine wheels, with
a tyre pressure of at least 5.6 kg/ The finish rolling shall
be done with 6 to 8 tonnes smooth wheeled tandem rollers.
Bituminous materials shall be rolled in a longitudinal direction,
with the driven rolls nearest the paver. The roller shall first
compact material adjacent to joints and then work from the
lower to the upper side of the layer, overlapping on successive
passes by at least one-third of the width of the rear roll or, in
the case of a pneumatic-tyred roller, at least the nominal width
of 300 mm. Rollers shall move at a speed of not more than
5km/h. The roller shall not be permitted to stand on pavement
which has not been fully compacted, and necessary precautions
shall be taken to prevent dropping of oil, grease, petrol or other
foreign material on the pavement either when the rollers are
operating or standing. The wheels of the rollers shall be kept
moist with water, and the spray system provided with the
machine shall be in good working order, to prevent the mixture
form adhering to the wheels. Only sufficient moisture to
prevent adhesion between the wheels of the rollers and the
mixture should be used. Surplus water shall not be allowed to
stand on the partially compacted pavement.
Where longitudinal joints are made, the materials shall be fully
compacted and the joint made flush. All joints shall be offset
by at least 300 mm from parallel joints in the layer beneath or
as directed, and in a layout approved by the engineer. Joints in
the wearing course shall coincide with either the lane edge or
the lane marking, whichever is appropriate. The rolling shall
be continued till the density achieved is at least 95% of the
maximum dry density.

Pavement Design Manual

8.5.12 Opening to traffic:

The newly laid surface shall not be open to traffic for at least
24 hrs after laying and completion of compaction, without the
express approval of the Engineer in writing.

8.5.13 Measurement for payment:

The finished work shall be measured in cu.m at a specified
thickness correct to two places of decimal.

8.6 Asphalt/ Bituminous Concrete

Providing and laying Asphalt/Bituminous Concrete to the
required degree of compaction based on the job mixture design
approved by the supervising engineer using asphalt plant,
paver, steel roller, tyre roller etc. as per material gradation and
aggregate quality specified.

8.6.1 Scope:
This clause specifies the construction of Bituminous Concrete,
for use in wearing and profile corrective courses. This work
shall consist of construction in a single or multiple layers of
bituminous concrete on a previously prepared bituminous
bound surface. A single layer shall be 25 mm to 100 mm in

8.6.2 Materials
Bitumen: The bitumen shall be paving bitumen of penetration
grade as specified

Coarse aggregates: The coarse aggregates shall be generally

as specified for DBM, except that the aggregates shall satisfy
the physical requirements specified in Table 7.14

Pavement Design Manual

Table- 7.14: Physical Requirements for coarse aggregate

Property Test Specification
Max 5% passing 0.075
Cleanliness(dust) Grain size analysis mm sieve.

Particle shape Flakiness and Elongation Index Max 30%(Combined)

Strength Los Angeles Abrasion Value Max 30%
Aggregate Impact Value Max 24%
Polishing Polished Stone Value Min 55
Durability Sodium Sulphate Max 12%
(soundness) Magnesium Sulphate Max 18%
Water Absorption Water Absorption Max 2%
Stripping Stripping test coating
Water Sensitivity Retained tensile strength Min. 80%

Fine Aggregates: The fine aggregates requirement shall be

same as that for DBM.

Filler: Filler shall be generally as specified for DBM.

8.6.3 Aggregate grading and binder content:

The combined grading of the coarse and fine aggregates and
added filler shall fall within the limits shown in Table 7.15 for
grading 1 to 2 as specified in the contract.

Pavement Design Manual

Table 7.15 Composition of Bituminous Concrete Pavement

Grading 1 2
Nominal aggregate size 19 mm 13 mm
Layer thickness 50 ~ 65 mm 30 ~ 45 mm
Sieve size mm Cumulative % passing by weight
26.5 100
19 79-100 100
13.2 59-79 79-100
9.5 52-72 70-88
4.75 35-55 53-71
2.36 28-44 42-58
1.18 20-34 34-48
0.6 15-27 26-38
0.3 10 - 20 18-28
0.15 13-May 12 - 20
0.075 2-8 4 - 10
Bitumen content % 5.0-6.0 5.0-7.0
Bitumen Grade (pen) 65 65

8.6.4 Mixture Design

Requirements for the mixture: Apart from the conformity
with the grading and quality requirements for individual
ingredients, the mixture shall meet the requirements set out in
Table 7.16.

Binder Content: The binder content shall be optimized to

achieve the requirements of the mixture set out in Table 7.16
and the traffic volume as specified in the contract.

Pavement Design Manual

Table- 7.16: Requirements for bituminous pavement layers

Stability at 60 degrees 350 kg or more
Flow value (1/100) cm 20 ~ 40
Percent air void 3~7
Voids filled with bitumen (VFB) 65 ~ 85
Compaction level 50 blows on each face
Percent air void in mineral agg. See table 7.11

The Marshall method for determining the optimum binder

content shall be adopted, replacing the aggregates retained on
26.5 mm sieve and retained on 22.4 mm sieve, where approved
by the Engineer.

8.6.5 Job mix formula:

The procedure for formulating the job mix formula shall be
generally as specified in DBM and the results of tests

8.6.6 Plant trials and laying trials

They shall be same as described for DBM works.

8.6.7 Construction operations

The methodology and plant to be used for the whole project
should be based arrived after conducting plant and laying trials
for the job mix ratio, which should be based on a correct and
truly representative sample of the materials that will actually
be used in the work, and that its different ingredients satisfy
the physical and strength requirements of these specifications.

8.6.8 Weather and seasonal limitations:

The provisions as in DBM shall apply.

Pavement Design Manual

8.6.9 Preparation of base:

The surface on which the bituminous concrete is to be laid
shall be prepared as that specified for DBM construction or as
directed by the Engineer. The surface shall be thoroughly
swept clean by mechanical broom and dusts removed by
compressed air. In locations where a mechanical broom cannot
access, other approved methods shall be used as directed by
the Engineer.

8.6.10 Mixing and transportation of the mixture:

The provisions as specified for DBM construction shall be

8.6.11 Spreading:
The general provisions as specified for DBM work shall apply,
as modified based on trial laying.

8.6.12 Measurement for payment:

The measurement shall be as specified for DBM work.

Finished asphalt surface

Pavement Design Manual

8.6.13 Quantity of various materials used in Bitumen

emulsion work.

Item for 10 sq.m Aggregate/sand Emulsion requirement

Premix carpeting
20 mm thick
Tack coat 7.50 kg
Premix 10mm = 0.21 cu.m 30.80 kg
Seal coat Sand = 0.030 cu.m 5.30 kg

25mm thick
Tack coat 7.50 kg
Premix 10mm = 0.27 cu.m 40.20 kg
Seal coat Sand = 0.045 cu.m 5.30 kg

50mm thick
Tack coat 7.50 kg
Premix 10mm = 0.54 cu.m 51.60 kg
Seal coat Sand = 0.045 cu.m 5.30 kg

Pothole/patch repair
Tack coat 5.50 kg
Premix As required 22.0 kg

Surface dressing
Single coat 10mm agg = 0.02 cu.m 23.0 kg
Double coat
First coat 12mm = 0.10 cu.m 12.0 kg
second coat 10mm = 0.06 cu.m 16.0 kg

Seal coat 10mm agg = 0.08 cu.m 13.0 kg

For premix seal coat, the aggregates shall be first made wet with
water and thereafter shall be mixed with emulsion until the
aggregates are well saturated.

Pavement Design Manual

8.7 Premix carpet

8.7.1 General:
This type of treatment is normally applied on roads where the
motor traffic of medium intensity. This treatment consists of
applying a tack coat on the prepared base followed immediately
by spreading aggregates pre-coated with specified binder, to
camber and consolidated.

8.7.2 Materials:
The specifications given above (painting two coat) shall apply
except that for the specified consolidated thickness of premix
carpet viz. 20mm or 25mm or 50mm, the quantities of bitumen
for tack coat and pre-coating the stone grit as well as the size and
the quantity of stone grit shall be as given in the table below,
unless otherwise directed by the Engineer.

Tack coat Bitumen Aggregate quantity
Sl.No thickness of
(kg/sq.m) (kg/cu.m) (cu.m/100 sq.m)
premix carpet
1 20 mm 0.75 64 10mm = 2.4
2 25 mm 0.75 64 10mm = 3.0
3 50 mm 0.75 96 10mm = 6.0

8.7.3 Preparation of mix and laying:

The stone grit (aggregate) shall be surface dry and contain not
more than 2 percent moisture before use. It shall be first screened
of dust and measured in boxes and then loaded into the drum
mixer according to the capacity of the mixing drum in the
proportion given in the table above. The aggregate shall be
heated to facilitate mixing with the binder in cold weather, where
so directed by the Engineer.

Pavement Design Manual

The binder heated in boilers to the temperature 149-degree C. to

177 degree C. and maintained at that temperature shall be drawn
off from the boiler into a suitable container or in bucket gauged
to show the weight of bitumen in it. This shall then be poured
over the aggregate into the mixer @ 64 kg per cu.m of aggregate
or as directed and mixing started and continued till aggregate is
uniformly coated with bitumen. The hot mix shall be discharged
from the mixer, carried to the road surface and spread to levels
immediately after applying the tack coat, to a thickness sufficient
to achieve after consolidation the specified thickness. The
consolidated thickness shall in no place be less than the specified
thickness by more than 25%. Rakes and drag spreaders shall be
used for spreading the mixture.

8.7.4 Consolidation of premix:

The specifications shall be as specified under "painting two
coats" above except the number of trips of the roller shall not be
less than five times. Any high spot or depressions, which become
apparent, shall be corrected by addition or removal of premix
Further the prepared finished surface shall be protected from
traffic for 24 hours or such period as may be specified by the

Pavement Design Manual

8.8 Bitumen grade and their use:

Suggested bitumen grades for various paving uses.
Bitumen grade
Paving uses Hot climate Cold climate
Runways 60 - 70 120 - 150
Taxiways 60 - 70 85 - 100
Parking aprons 60 - 70 85 - 100
Heavy traffic 60 - 70 85 - 100
Medium & light traffic 85 - 100 120 - 150
Heavy traffic 60 - 70 85 - 100
Medium & light traffic 85 - 100 85 - 100
Industrials 60 - 70 85 - 100
Service stations 60 - 70 85 - 100
Residentials 60 - 70 85 - 100
Parking lots
Industrial 60 - 70 60 - 70
Commercial 60 - 70 85 - 100
Tennis Courts 85 - 100 85 - 100
Playgrounds 85 - 100 85 - 100
Curbing 60 - 70 85 - 100

Pavement Design Manual

9 Terminology
Aggregate retained on 2.36mm sieve is called coarse aggregate and
passing 2.36mm is called fine aggregates.

Aggregates, dense graded

Aggregates uniformly graded from the maximum size down to and
including filler to make a dense mixture

A dark brown to black cementitious material solid or semi solid in
consistency, in which the predominating constituents is bitumen
which occur in nature as such or obtained as a residue in refining

Base course
That layer of pavement immediately below the surface or wearing
course resting on the sub base. It may be composed of granular
material like crushed stone, crushed or uncrushed gravel and sand or
combination of these materials. It can also be with bituminous mixes.

Binder course
An intermediate course of bituminous mixes between the base and
the wearing course.

A non-crystalline solid or viscous material, black or brown in colour
having adhesive properties and soluble in carbon disulphate /
trichloro ethylene. It is usually the end product in the distillation of
crude petroleum

Bitumen emulsion
It is a liquid product in which substantial amount of bitumen is
suspended in finely divided condition in an aqueous medium
and stabilised by means of one or more suitable reagents.

Pavement Design Manual

Bituminous / Asphaltic concrete

A well graded mixture of high quality aggregates with designed
bitumen content hot mixed and hot rolled to a uniform dense mass
with specific design criteria without any seal coat. It is also termed
as asphaltic concrete.

California Bearing Ration (CBR)

It is the measure of shearing resistance of a soil to penetration
under carefully controlled density and moisture conditions.
The ratio is expressed as percentage of the unit load required to
force a standard piston into the soil at a rate of 1.25 mm per
minute divided by the unit load required to force the same
piston the same depth at the same rate into a standard sample
crushed stone.

Coarse aggregate
It is a relative term to denote the larger mineral fragments
usually limited to a size greater than 4.75 mm.

It is the structure consisting of superimposed layers of selected
and processed materials placed on a sub grade to support the
applied traffic loads and distribute them to the soil foundation.

Prime coat
It is the single coat application of a binder of low viscosity to
an absorbent granular surface preparatory to any superimposed
bituminous treatment or construction. If over non bituminous
surfaces it also arrests dust and fill capillary voids.

A low viscous binder made from bitumen usually by mixing it with
light diesel oil or kerosene oil and is applied over non bituminous
surface. Emulsion can be also a primer.

Pavement Design Manual

Resealing a paved road or re-gravelling an unpaved road to preserve
its structural integrity and riding quality. It is a complete renewal of
an old wearing surface by a new layer of surfacing.

Sub Base course

The layer of pavement material placed between sub grade and base
course. It may be composed of granular material like crushed stone,
naturally occurring materials, crushed or uncrushed gravel and sand
or combination of these materials.

Sub grade
A natural formation or embankments on which the pavement layers
rests. It is prepared to proper shape and well consolidated. Weak and
un-compactable sub grade soil should be replaced by better soil
which may be termed as soil replacement or capping layer.

Tack coat
A bituminous coat which ensures a bond between an existing surface
and the superimposed layer.

Wearing course
The top or surface course of bituminous pavement over which the
traffic rides.

Pavement Design Manual

1. AUSTROAD Structural Pavement Design Manual 1992

2. Manual for Asphalt Pavement, Japan Road Association


3. Guidelines for design of flexible pavement. IRC-37-2001

4. Specification for construction method for asphalt concrete,

The Asphalt Institute (1964)

5. Bituminous Shell Hand book

6. Hill Road Manual. IRC:SP-48-1998

7. Specification for Road & Bridge Works. IRC 4th Revision


8. Guidelines for the design of plain jointed rigid pavement

for highways. IRC-58-2002

9. Rao, G.V. (1996) Principles of Transportation and

Highway Engineering

10. Nair, K.P.; Shukla, R.S.: Gokhale, Y.C.; Bituminous

Road Construction Hand Book

11. Roberts, F.L; Kandal, P.S; Brown, E.R; Lee, D.Y; &
Kennedy, T.W. (1996) Hot Mix Asphalt Materials,
Mixture Design & Construction.

12. Tougay Choedup; (1999) Pavement Analysis and Design,

Assignment papers for University of New South Wales,
Sydney, Australia

“Towards quality infrastructure”

Department of Roads
Ministry of Works & Human Settlement
Royal Government of Bhutan
Thimphu : Bhutan

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