Adequacy of Machineries and Equipment

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Supplementation of Adequate Machineries and Equipment for

Student’s Ease of Workshop Practice in Technological
University of the Philippines-Visayas

Canatoy, Feven Rey C.

Muñoz, Louie Jay E.

San Agustin, Dionick M.

Tuya, Russel John J.

October 2019


Educational facilities play a crucial role in strengthening and improving the quality of

education (Suleman, 2012). Therefore, these study in-hand was conducted to investigate the

availability of educational facilities in Technological University of the Philippines-Visayas.

These facilities and equipment are needed in some aspects of engineering like transit or

machining. Students needed these equipment and facilities to become a genuine engineer. Lack

of these facilities and inadequate equipment will hinder the leaning capabilities of students in

nourishing and practicing their skills in the workshop. Supplementing these machines and

equipment will be of benefit to all students and also to the professors (Suleman, 2012).

Theoretical Background

Educational facilities play a crucial role in strengthening and improving the quality of

education (Hussain, I., et al, 2012). Therefore, the study in hand was conducted to investigate the

availability of educational facilities at the secondary level in District Karak, Khyber

Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. The objectives of the study were: (a) to investigate the availability of

educational facilities at the secondary school level, (b) to explore the causes of poor availability

of educational facilities at the secondary school level and (c) to suggest proper ways and means

to ensure the availability of educational facilities at the secondary school level. All the heads,

teachers and students working and studying at the secondary school level in district Karak,

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (Pakistan) constituted the population of the study. The study was delimited

to the selected 60 male secondary schools in district Karak. The study was further delimited to

the teachers and students teaching and studying in secondary classes. In order to ensure adequate

representation of population, only 60 heads, 125 secondary school teachers and 680 secondary

school students (@ 100%, 75% and 10% respectively) were selected randomly. The study was

descriptive in nature. A questionnaire was developed as a research instrument for the collection

of data. Pilot testing was conducted to remove the weakness, ambiguities and misconceptions of

the questions. After pilot testing the questionnaire was revised and its final version was

developed and prepared. In order to collect data, the researchers personally visited to the

respective participants and distributed questionnaires among them and collected data. Then it

was organized, tabulated and analyzed. Percentage was used as a statistical tool for the statistical

treatment of the data. After analysis of the data, the researchers arrived at the conclusion that

educational facilities were not available in the schools at the secondary level which is the main

obstruction and hindrance in acquiring quality education. The study further revealed that

corruption, ineffective educational policies, poor implementation of policies, lack of check and

balance system, inadequate budget for education, poor management system, and political

inference are the main factors which are responsible for the poor availability of educational

facilities at the secondary level in District Karak.

Statement of the Problem

This research study aims to identify if the machines and equipment is enough for every

student. It focuses on proper maintenance, repair or replacement to machineries and equipment.

It seeks to answer the following questions:

1. Are there machines that are in need of repair or replacement?

2. Are there enough machines and equipment for students to use for the classes and practices?


This research study aims to know if the machines and equipment is enough for every

student. These are the goals of the research study:

 To identify if there in need to maintenance, repair or replace the machines and

equipment in TUP-V

 To identify of there is enough machines and equipment for every students


Null hypothesis:

1. There is no need of repair, maintenance and replacement to the machines and equipment in the

Technological University of the Philippines – Visayas.

Scopes and Limitation of the Study

The study focuses primarily on identifying whether the school’s facilities and equipment

is enough and adequate for the students. The scope of the study focuses mainly on gathering

necessary data in evaluating the facilities and equipment in Technological University of


The limit of this study is only to identify the condition of the equipment and facilities and

define whether it needs substitution, repair or maintenance.


Significance of the Study

This study is viewed to be valuable to various sectors due to the following reasons:

For the Students. They are primary beneficiaries of the results of the research study to improve

their learning capabilities and experiences towards these machines and facilities.

For the Professors. They can also benefit to the results given by the research study so that they

can teach in ease to their students and they can manage their teaching strategies depending on the

For the University: It will give awareness and information about the condition of the facilities

and equipment.

Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature

The Effect of the Adequacy of School Facilities on Students’ Performance and Achievement

in Technology and Livelihood Education

An extensive number of factors that work in the educating learning process perpetually influence

the instructive execution and accomplishment of understudies (Limon, 2016). One critical

variable that legitimately impacts the nature of learning obtaining among students is the

adequacy or absence of school offices that guide in the support of information and aptitudes. The

motivation behind this examination was to build up a connection between the nature of school

offices and understudy execution and accomplishment, in connection to the field of Technology

and Livelihood Education (TLE). Blended strategies configuration was utilized in this

investigation where surveys were managed to furthermore, interviews were done with the

respondents who were division heads and chosen teachers in the field. What's more, information

was likewise gathered from the school recounted records. Autonomous z-test was led to

explicitly distinguish the distinction in understudies' execution and accomplishment before and

after the obtainment and usage of new offices in the TLE office. Results uncovered that the part

with the most noteworthy mean rating was the outside condition (3.50) and the part with the least

mean rating was bolster space (2.97). As far as understudy execution and accomplishment, the

biggest increment was seen during school year 2010-2011 (22.0%) while the littlest increment

was noted during school year 2009-2010 (2.8%). These discoveries bolster the presumptions that

lacking school offices were adversely affecting understudy execution and accomplishment,

what's more, the managers concerned make no critical move in tending to this instructive issue.

Since the absence of instructive offices was demonstrated to present genuine repercussions on

understudy execution and accomplishment, partners ought to intently investigate methods that

concentrate on office backing and the board in the field of TLE.

Availability and Adequacy of Workshop Facilities for Skill Acquisition among

Undergraduates in Technology Vocational Education in Universities in South East Nigeria

Innovation training is competency-based and requires appropriately prepared workshops for the

utilization of present day devices in instructional conveyance (Okoli, 2018). This examination

assessed the accessibility and sufficiency of workshop offices for aptitude procurement among

students in innovation professional instruction in colleges in south east Nigeria. The structure of

the study was ex-post facto and was completed in the South-East geopolitical zone of Nigeria.

The populace contained 55 teachers and eight technologists purposively examined from four

colleges in South East Nigeria in particular, Ebonyi State College, Enugu State University,

University of Nigeria, Nsukka and Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka. Agendas were utilized.

The exploration instrument was approved by specialists and its dependability set up. The agenda

was taken to the individual colleges and used to coordinate the accessibility of the different

workshop offices in accordance with the NUC least standard to decide their ampleness for each

situation. The discoveries of the investigation uncovered among others that an aggregate of 159

workshop offices were distinguished and considered in the three alternative territories of

innovation instruction to be specific; Mechanical/auto mechanics, applied electrical/electronic

and building/woodwork innovation training in the four colleges. Out of the 159 things, 67 were

discovered accessible in every one of the colleges, speaking to an accessibility level of 42.1

however just nine things were satisfactorily given in the colleges speaking to 5.66 percent

sufficiency. This uncovered a condition of gross insufficiency in the workshop offices accessible

for guidance in innovation training program in colleges of South-east Nigeria It was suggested

among others that innovation instruction offices in colleges ought to work together and join

forces with firms and other non-administrative associations in the arrangement of workshop

offices to guarantee sufficient arrangement and quality guidance to the understudies.

Provision of Workshop Tools and Equipment: Necessity for Technical Vocational

Education Graduates Skills Acquisition

Technical Vocational Education (TVE) is perceived as that part of instruction which prompts the

procurement of down to earth and applied abilities that will empower its beneficiaries to verify

work in a specific occupation (Audu et al., 2013). These abilities can't be gained in a vacuum yet

rather in an entrenched and useful workshop with the correct apparatuses, hardware and

machines for compelling usage of the program. This paper talked about widely on the

arrangement of workshop apparatuses and hardware as a need for TVE graduates aptitudes

securing that will empower them to be profitably utilized. The paper features on the idea and

significance of TVE. Issues concerning workshop instruments and hardware in TVE in Nigeria

and the requirements to successful usage of TVE regarding workshop devices and gear were

talked about. Ends were drawn and proposals made among which are: that extraordinary

mediation assets ought to be put aside by government for obtainment of workshop offices to

TVE foundations, such channels may incorporate Tertiary Education Trust Fund (TETFund) as

rehearsed in Nigeria and a particular level of Income assessment produced every year by

Government ought to be used for the arrangement of workshop offices to TVE establishments.

Adequacy of Workshop Facilities in Colleges of Education Technical for Training of Trade

Teachers of Technical Colleges in North Eastern States of Nigeria The motivation behind the

examination was to decide the sufficiency of workshop offices to encourage compelling

instructing and learning process in Colleges of Education (Technical) in north eastern States of

Nigeria. Two research addresses guided the investigation. The examination embraced a graphic

review plan. The examination was directed in Bauchi, Gombe, Taraba and Yobe Conditions of

Nigeria. The number of inhabitants in this examination comprised of forty-five (45) workshop

teachers. Information were gathered using agenda and survey. The instrument has a

dependability coefficient of 0.76. The discoveries indicated that Workshops space in Colleges of

Instruction (Technical) in North eastern States of Nigeria were lacking.. The majority of the gear,

apparatuses, and machines accessible in the universities were insufficient to provide food for

expanding populace of understudies' enrolment. The investigation suggested that the Federal and

States claimed Colleges of Education (Technical) ought to be given satisfactory workshops

what's more, preparing offices to cook for the expanding understudies' populace. This will thus

advance instructing and learning.

Problems of improper maintenance and utilization of mechanical technology workshops,

facilities and equipment in technical colleges of bauchi state

This examination tried to distinguish issues related to inappropriate upkeep and usage of

mechanical innovation workshops and workshop offices and gear in Technical Colleges inside

Bauchi State (Mshelizah, 2012). A study research configuration was embraced among educators

and understudies of Technical Colleges inside the state. All educators and understudies offering

this course establish the whole populace for the investigation. An aggregate of (20) twenty

mechanical instructor and (95) ninety five understudies at NTCI and NTCII comprise the

populace. A sum of (20) twenty things poll created by the specialist filled in as an instrument for

information gathering among educators and understudies inside the three (3) examples Technical

Colleges inside the state. Information gathered was broke down utilizing mean, a significant

number of techniques was distinguished which among others would helped improved the support

and use of apparatuses/gear in mechanical innovation forms. Proposals were made, for example,

government should prepared workshop educators here, in-administration preparing and

course/workshop for instructors to refresh their insight and understudies ought to go out for

journey to different associations. In the event that these suggestions were embraced it would

enhanced educators and understudies support culture and usage of apparatuses and hardware put

in a safe spot for greatest use of the mechanical workshop among the 6 six Bauchi State

specialized schools.

The Impact of School Facilities on Student Achievement, Attendance, Behavior,

Completion Rate and Teacher Turnover Rate at Selected Texas High Schools

The motivation behind this investigation was to investigate the conceivable connection between

school office conditions and school results, for example, understudy scholastic accomplishment,

participation, discipline, culmination rate and instructor turnover rate (McGowen, 2007). School

office condition for the taking an interest schools was dictated by the Absolute Learning

Environment Assessment (TLEA) as finished by the head or head's designee on secondary

school grounds in Texas with enlistments between 1,000 what's more, 2000 and monetarily

hindered enlistments under 40%. Each school in the study populace was sorted out by grades

nine through twelve. Information for accomplishment, participation, discipline, culmination rate

and educator turnover rate were gathered through the Public Education Information Management

System (PEIMS) oversaw by the Texas Instruction Agency. Understudy accomplishment,


participation, discipline, culmination rate and educator turnover rate and their connection to class

offices were examined utilizing different relapse models to look at areas and subsections of the

TLEA with each of the five ward factors. Significant research discoveries of this investigation

incorporated the accompanying: to start with, understudy accomplishment, participation and

fruition rate measures were not found to be measurably critical in connection to class office

conditions as estimated by the TLEA at the 0.05 level; second, control, or conduct, was seen as

altogether identified with the TLEA. This shows the subsections of the TLEA could be utilized

to foresee control factors for schools in the investigation populace; third, instructor turnover rate

was seen as identified with the TLEA subsections of Specialized Learning Space and Bolster

Space, with the relationship to Support Space being backhanded. Writing from earlier

examinations induces that connections do exist between every one of the five of the

investigation's reliant factors. Nonetheless, this investigation just yielded noteworthy discoveries

in the regions of understudy order and instructor turnover. The specialists proposals dependent

on this examination incorporate the accompanying: directors and originators should consider

factors, for example, inside condition and scholastic learning space when arranging schools to

emphatically affect understudy discipline; school plan and development should concentrate on

specific learning spaces and other scholarly territories more than authoritative help spaces when

endeavoring to build educator fulfillment with physical working conditions.

Teachers' perceptions of the barriers to technology integration and practices with

technology under situated professional development

This contextual analysis looks at 18 grade teachers' impression of the obstructions to innovation

coordination (get to, vision, proficient advancement, time, and convictions) and instructional

practices with innovation following two years of arranged proficient advancement (Kopcha,

2012). Months subsequent to progressing from coaching to instructor drove networks of training,

educators kept on announcing positive view of a few boundaries and were watched taking part in

alluring instructional practices. Meetings recommend that the arranged proficient advancement

exercises made a domain that upheld instructors' choices to coordinate innovation. Suggestions

for instructor proficient advancement and innovation reconciliation are talked about related to the

qualities and impediments of the investigation. Technology and Early Childhood Education: A

Technology Integration Professional Development Model for Practicing Teachers In spite of the

guarantee of innovation in education, many rehearsing instructors are looked with various

difficulties of viably coordinating innovation into their homeroom guidance. Moreover,

instructors who are successful joining instructive innovation into their guidance perceive that

despite the fact that innovation devices have the possibility to support youngsters, they are not

finishes in themselves. This article depicts a Summer Institute venture that the creators

encouraged in a medium measured Midwest state funded college. The midyear workshop

managed participating early youth training educators energizing opportunities to collaborate with

different instructional devices and innovation applications. Further, the rehearsing instructors

investigated different techniques to coordinate explicit innovation apparatuses into their

exercises in a way steady with constructivist teaching method. This article is proposed to

invigorate reflections on the need to embrace a reasonable innovation combination proficient

improvement model in right on time youth instruction homerooms to help youthful students.


Audu, R., Musta’amal, A., Kamin, Y. & Saud, M. (October 2013). Provision of Workshop Tools

and Equipment: Necessity for Technical Vocational Education Graduates Skills

Acquisition. Received from DOI: 10.13140/2.1.2787.0724

Hussain, I., Ahmed, M., Ahmad, S., Suleman, Q. ud Din, M.Q. & Khalid, N. (October 2012). A

study to investigate the Availability of Educational Facilities at the Secondary School

Level in District Karak. Language in India, 12(10), pp. 234-250.

Kopcha, T. (December 2012). Teachers' perceptions of the barriers to technology integration and

practices with technology under situated professional development. Computer and

Education, 59(4), pp: 1109-1121.

Limon, M.R. (January 2016). The Effect of the Adequacy of School Facilities on Students’

Performance and Achievement in Technology and Livelihood Education. International

Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 5(1).

McGowen, R.S. (December 2007). The impact of school facilities on student achievement,

attendance, behavior, completion rate and teacher turnover rate in selected texas high

schools. Received from

Mshelizah, I. (2012). Problems of improper maintenance and utilization of mechanical

technology workshops, facilities and equipment in technical colleges of bauchi state.



Okoli, A.I. (June 2018).Availability and Adequacy of Workshop Facilities for Skill Acquisition

among Undergraduates in Technology Vocational Education in Universities in South

East Nigeria. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, 8(6).

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