Common Remedies in Sidda PDF

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i SUGGESTIONS AND GUIDANCE BY (Late) Dr V S Parvath, H PIM, Chairman, Scientific Advisory Board (Siddha) Dr M Shamugavelu, H PI M, Chairman Scientific Advisory Board (Siddha) Dr C § Uthamaroyan, H PIM, Member, Scientific Advisory Board (Siddha) Hony Consultant Central Research Institute (Siddha) MADRAS 29 De A Ananda Kumar, G CIM, Ex—Member, Scientific Advisory Board (Siddha) Hony Consultant Central Research Institute (Siddha) MADRAS 29 Dr V Narayanswam, H P 1M, Member, Goveratng Body, Central Council for Research in Indian Medicine and Homoeopathy (Late) Dr MVR Appa Rao, LRCP , Deputy Project Officer, MBBS (Lon) MRCS, Dr A Lakshmupathi Ayurvedic Research Institute, Voluntary Health Services, MADRAS FOREWORD The Central Counil for Research in Indian Medicine and Homoeopathy, with a view to make ayatlable the knowledge of use of simple remedies im the treatment of simple and uncom- plicated ailments seen commonly :n day to day life, has brau- ght out this handbook It 1s felt that any average intelligent individual will be able to successfully and suitably use the material presented herein and this certainly minimises running for across the counter-remedies that are of prohibitive cost The drugs hsted in this, berng safe and easily available, the in- didual neither faces difficulty to obtain the drug nor will he develop any untoward symptom or reaction Normally, in case of most diseases, commencement of early treatment prevents further agravation of the disease or its culmination intoa major condition Most of the diseases commonly seen do not call for any specialised interference or treatment At best, any simple measure that can assist the natural process may only be considered and the book 1s expected to meet this mmost cases At the time when there 1s a large pouring in of new and newer drugs in the country, tendency for misuse or improper use 1s great and they ultimately trigger the onset of new group of diseases known by the name iatrogenic diseases that are worse than the original condition The handbook places in the hand of the readers time hon- oured remedies evolved out of experience that are simple to use and easy to obtain Itis hoped that the various remedies listed in the book will find a wide acceptance with physicians and others, since it brings medicare to the doorstep The publication of this book would not have been possible but for the constant encouragement and sustained interest evinced by Dr Karan Singh, Honourable Munster for Health and Family Planning, Government of India, New Delhi who is also the President of our Council The Council will be relea- sing similar hand books for other systems of medicine also in course of ume . New Delhi {PN V. KURUP) 9th September, 1975 DIRECTOR PREFACE Eyen Samt Agasthiyar dealt fully on home remedies in his work on ‘Vaidya Kummv’ (2 kind of folk-dance-song) It 1s also a known fact that about 70 per cent of the a:lments are simple and can be treated symptomatically, with simple house- hold remedies Elderly people im the rural areas have learnt by tradition and experience the application of simple home remedies readily available from their ‘anjaraipetti’ (Kitchen spice box) and kitchen garden as also drugs freely available in the common bazaar The experience and knowldge about house- hold remedies for simple ailments gained by the elder genera- tion, due to various reasons, chief among them being the trend towards urbanised living and the non-survival of the joint family system in the present days The documentation of the above knowledge at this moment is worthwhile and will givea fillkp to the proper growth and appreciation of Siddha System of Indtan Medicine and its utilisation im the overall pattern of our existing medical relief organisation, specially in the rural areas While selecting the drugs, the experts have keptin mind their easy availability, efficacy and cheapness Further, itis needless to say that the remedies included in thts brochure are used extensively from time immemorial They will not produce any side effects, reactions or toxicity m the prescribed dosage They may even be taken with any other medicaments, if advised and found necessary Madras R Thyagarayan (Dr) 11th December, 1973 IL I HI. Iv, Vit VIL Vill IX XL XIL XH XIV, XV, XVI XVIL XVII XIX XX XX. XXII, XXIV, XXVI INDEX OF COMMON AILMENTS | Non-speenfic fevers (Jwaram) Whooping Cough (Kakkuyan Irumal) Meastes Common Cold Cough (Icumal, Bronchitis) Bronchial Asthma (Iratppu iruma}) Tonsillitis (Annakku thooru veekam or Lasunathabitham) Laryngities (Thondat Kattu) Gingivitis (Palleeruveekkam) Stomatitis (Vaipun) Glossitis (Akkaram) Gastritis (Guomam) Constipation (Malakattu, Malabandham) Diarrhoea (Bedht) Dysentery (Roktha Seetha Bedhi Hiccup (Vikkal) Vomiting (Vanthi) Haemate mesis and Haemoptysis Jaundice (Manjal kamala: no1) Retention of urine (Siruneer noigal) Diabetes (Neerizhvu) Anaemia (Pandy, Veluppu Not) General anasarca (Soga:, soba, veeka no) Hypertension (Raktha azhutham, Raktha kothippu) Headache (Thalat vahj Anal fissure (Asana vedsppu) Page No on Ah w& 10 Nl 12 13 14 15 16 18 20 2 21 23 26 28 30 30 32 33 34 S No XXVIL XXVHT XXIX XXX XXXE XXXII XXXII XXXIV XXXV XXXVI XXXVII XXXVHE XXXIX XL XLI XLU XLUE XLiv XLV RLVI XLVII XVHI vil Piles (Maolam) Bons, Abscess (Kattigal, seezb Kattrya Veekam) Pulp Infection of finger (Vreal Suttrr, Naga Suttrt} Ulcers (Simple, Chirangu pun) Scabies (Sort, Strangu) Ring Worm (Padar thamarar, Ecchil thazhumbu) Phrynoderma (Toad Skin, Thavatai Son) Fissure Foot (Kal Vedippu) Corns (Kaalani) Athlete Foot (Settrupun) Sprain (Sutukky) Minor Tajuries (Adipatta Kayangal) Burns and Scalds (Theechutta Pun, Venneer Viranam) Scorpionbite (Thel Kadt) Insect Bite (Kanakkadi) Intestinal Worms (Kudar Kirumigal) Leucorrhoea (Vellai, Yon: Vazhiyaga Vella: Paduthal) Dysmenorrhoea (Soothaga Soolai) Menorrhagia and Metarrhagia (Perumpadu) Retention of Mik after Child Birth {Pillai Pettrapin Pal Kattu) Olits Media (Kathu Vahyum Seezh Vad:thalum) Conjunctivities (Kanno1) Page No 35 36 38 40 40 41 42 42 43 43 44 44 45 45 47 48 49 50 SI st I NON-SPECIFIC FEVERS (Jwaram) Signs and Symptoms Rise in temperature, headache, running in the nose, pain all over the body SIMPLE REMEDIES 1. Nilavembu kudineer Ingredients Nilayembu (chiratta) Vettiver (khuskhus black) Vilamitchanver (khuskbus white root) Chandanam (sandalwood) Perpudal (wild snake gourd) Koraskizhangu (nut grass) Chukku (dried ginger) Maagn (black pepper) Thippal: (tong pepper) Parpadagam (bitter hair flower) Swveweunnnawn = Method of preparation 8g. 8g. 8g, 8g. &g. Bg. Bg 8g. 8g. &g cough, Powder the above drugs coarsely in a mortar, add four cups of water, boil and reduce to one cup. Dose Half-a cup, taice daily, before food. 2 Nochi hodineer Ingredients §. Nochrelar (negundo tender leaves) — one handful 8g, 2) Milagu (black pepper) 3. Poondu (garlic) 4g. - 4. Kammaru vettrilai (betel leaf- 10 numbers black variety) Method of preparation Add to the above drugs 8 cups of water, boil and reduce to one cup. . Dose Half-a-cup, twice daily, before food Can also be used for fever with shivering. 3. Thulasi kodineer Ingredients + 1, Thulasi (sacred basil) — Lhandful 2. Milagu (black pepper) — 5g (1 teaspoonful) 3. Atugampul (hariali couch grass) -— handfal Method of preparation Add tothe above mentioned ingredichts four cups of water, boil and reduee to one cup. Dose Half-a-cup, twice daily, before food. PREPARED MEDICINES 1, Chandachandrodayam pills — 1 to 2 pills with honey or betel leaf juice. (used in fever with constipation also) 2. Vasanthakusumakaram pills 1 to 2 pills with koney. {also useful in fever associated with eructa- tion, sneezing and thrist) 3 If WHOOPING COUGH (Kakkuvan Irumal) Signs and Symptoms Pataoxysmal cough with whoop, vomiting, occasionally passing motion and urine during the attack, SIMPLE REMEDIES 1. Vasambu {sweet flag) Method of preparation Powder the Vasambu finely. Dose 2 pinchful (250 mg.) theee times a day. Vehicle (Anupanam) White of an egg. 2. Thuthuyelai Nei Togredients 1, Thuthuvelai (climbing brinjal) juice 150 ml. 2. Pasu nei (Cow's ghee) 150 ml. 3. Koshtam (costus) 4g. Method of preparation Powder the koshtam, add it tothe mixture of | and 2, boil to dehydration till it is reduced to ghee pakam. Dose {to | teaspoonful, twice daily, with warm water, PREPARED MEDICINES 1 Adathodai (vasaka) manappaku — ¢to 1 teaspoonful with warm water, — 3to 5 drops, 3to4timesa day, 2 Kakkuvan Ieghyam Externs] medicines Karpoorathl thailam (for pplication on the chest) : 4 Itt, MEASLES {Manalvari Ammai, Chitchilupai) Sigus and Sypmtoms Cold, fever, sneezing, redness of the conjunctiva, watering of the eyes, cough, appearance of specific rash and small white spots in the mouth. SIMPLE REMEDIES 1, Gorochanai (ox gall) Dose 120 mg. of gorochanai to be mixed with | to 2 teaspoonful of karpooravalll (Indian borage) juice and given twice dally. Gorochanai can also be given with milk or water. 2. Gora barpam (old leather ash) Method of Preparation Burn the old leather and convert into ash, Dose 120 mg. twice daily. Vehicle (anupanam) With cooled hot water, Note: Itis also useful in small pox and chicken pox. PREPARED MEDICINES 1. Mankombu barpam (sirungi barpam) — 200 to 400 mg. twice daily. Vehicle (anupanam) Butter or ghee. For bath ___ Veppilai (neem leaves) and manjal (turmeric) paste mixed 40 water. 5 Take neom Icaves —35 g. turmeric — 10g. and couch grass 5g. grind with buttermilk (sufficient quantity), apply to the wholo body, bathe In lukewarm water on alternate days» three times. For elcers Polien vitthu tho) ennai (tamariaod rind oil) Method of preparation Take the rind of fried tamarind seeds, mix with coconut kernel flower, oxtract milk, boil to thaila pakam and extract oil, for local application to the pustules and ulcers of small pox. Iv. COMMON COLD (Jalathodam, Neerkovai) Sigua and Oymptoms = Sneezing, sore throat, watery nasal discharge, mild cough. SIMPLE REMEDIES 1. Milagu Kudineer (Pepper decoction) Method of preparation: Take 5g. of powdered pepper, add 4 prepare decoction reducing to one cup. cups of water and Dose: f to cup, twice daily, Uned also fn sore throat, laryngitis, Pain in abdomen. It j also used a3 a0 antidote for me ‘ a. Ht is arsenic polsoning. teury, perchloride of mercury and 6 2. Inji(ginger) juice Method of Preparation: : Take 10 g. of ginger, grind it ina mortar and extract the juice. Heat the juice to boiling point in a mud pan. After cooling, use the supernatant fluid. ‘ Dose : 10 to 12 ml. (2 to 4 teaspoonful), twice a day. Can be used in nausea and also as an appetiser. Aavipidithal (vapour bath}: Prepare a decoction of nochf (negundo) leaves and place & ted hot brick init. The vapour is inhaled by covering the body with a blanket. , Pugaioottal (Fumigation) : Mix equal parts of sambirani (benzoin) and manjal (turmeric) powder and use it for fumigation in common cold. t PREPARED MEDICINES 1. Chandachandrodayam pills — 1 pill, twice daily with : honey. 2. Mukkadu illagam : — Simple preparation; can (thirukaduguleghyam) be prepared at home in the following manner. Method of preparation : Take dried ginger, pepper and long pepper, 35 g. each., (seeragam), cumin seeds lavangam (cloves) and cardomom (elakkai), 174 g. cach, and powder them. Prepare treacle of 175 8. palm jaggery, add the powder and prepare Ieghyam. Inthe final stage add 180 ml. ghee and 25 ml. honey respectively. + . Dose + 2 g. twice daily, for 20 days. Useful in abdominal colic, dyspepsia, burning sensation, diatrhoca, loss of appetite, flatulence and vomiting. 4 7 Vv. IRUMAL (Cough) (Bronchitis) Sigas and Symptoms: Irritatlng cough, pain in the chest, cough with expectoration, sometimes with slight rise of temperature. SIMPLE REMEDIES 3. Adathodai decoction Method of preparation ° Take two or three adathoda (vasaka) leaves, fry them adding little honey, add 2g each of powdered athimathuram (liquorice root), thalisapatri (many spined flacourtia) and long pepper. Prepare decoction adding 400 ml. water and reducing to one fourth, Dose: 30 to 60 ral. thrice daily. Note: Also useful in fever, cough and asthma. 2. Adathodai manappaga Take Adathoda Vasaka nees 175 g., cut Into small pieces, add 2 litres of water. Prepare decoction reducing to qth and filter, Add 175 g, of sugar to the decoction, filter again and boil it to a syrupy consistency. Dose: 10 to 20 mi., mixed with cooled boiled water, thrice daily. Indications : Common cold, cough, fever, asthma, whooping cough, ete, 3. Chitharathai kudineer Cesser galanga decoction) Ingredients : 1. Chitharathai — Lesser galanga . — 8g. 2. Perichan — Dates — Be 3. Chukku — Dried ginger — gy. 4. Athimathucam — Liquorice : — 8g. Method of preparation: Take the above drugs, powder them coarsely, bundle the powder in 4 cloth, boll In a mixture of 30 ml. of milk adding ‘ equal quantity of water Ia low heat and decant it. Add 88. of powdered palm sugar candy (small varlety). Dose: $0 ml., twice daily, for 5 days, with honey. PREPARED MEDICINES Thalitadi choornam — 1.5 g with honey twice daily. . Thalisadi vatakam -—- 1 tablet, twico dally 3. Kastoorikaruppu — 50 to 100 mg. 2 to 3 times a day, with honcy, 4, Pravala barpam — 100 to 200 mg. with butter or ghee. Thelissdi choornam can also be used for indigestion and dyspepsia. Tholisadi vatakam can also be given for diarrhoea and spruce syndrome. VI. BRONCHIAL ASTHMA (Iraippu-lrumal) Sigos and Symptoms Tighiness Inthe chest., dyannnar an. exrstlo., the yatiqnt adopts an upright position wheezing, unproductive cough. SIMPLE REMEDIES 1. Adathodai Kudineer 2. Adathodai manappagu } Refer under cough 3. Swasakudoori Pills Togredients 1. Vellerukkupoo (white muder flowers) — 1 part 2. Milagu (black peppar) — Ipart Method of preparation Griad 1 and 2 above and roll Into pill size of a Gunja— kundumanj (abrus precatorjaus seed) (125 mg.) Dose 1 to 2 pills, with one betel leaf. PREPARED MEDICINES 1, Thalisadi choornam 2. Thalisadi vatakam } Refer cough for dose 2. Pavala barpam 4, Kastoorl Karuppu — 50 to 100 mg. with honey twice daily, For external use and for fomentation 3. Kukkil thailam 2. Karpoorathi thajjam For inhalation Black datura flowers (Umattai elai} drieg or black datura flowers as such. with (vediuppu) VIL TONSILLITIs (Annakku Thooru Veekkam or "onthe am) Sigas and Symptoms ‘There is swelling and redness of both ton soreness Of the throat, pain on swal til, a 4 nied by fever. low wing, Sometin, Y eet . 2. 10 SIMPLE REMCDIES I, Karpooravalll (indian borage) to be chewed well and swallowed thrice daily 2° Garlle aud honey throat paint (poondu and then poochu) Method of preparation Make a paste of garlic, smear it ona piece of cloth, warm tt onalow flame and squeeze the juice Add equal quantity of honey and swab the inflamed tonsils PREPARED MEDICINES Sangu barpam—100 to 200 mg with milk, ghee or butter Note Useful also in abdominal pain and skin diseases VIEL =LARYNGITIS (Thondai Kattu) Signs and Symptoms The throat will be dry and sore Voice will be hoarse Dry cough and occasional fever will be present SIMPLE REMEDIES 1 Akharakara choornam (Pyrethrum root powder) Method of preparation Make a fine powder of akkarakaramver (Pyrethram raot) Dose 200 to 600 mg , with warm water, twice a day. Tocreases the flow of saliva, useful in hoarse voice, thirst toothache, enlargement of the nvvla 2 Karovelampatt: kudineer (Acacta arabica willed bark) & il Jogredients 1. Karnovelampattal (Acacia arabica willd bark) 30 g. 2. Kalipakku (betel nut) 2g. 3. Kasikatti (black catchu) 28. 4. Masikkai (oak galls) 2g. 5, Padikaram (alum) . 2g. Method of preparation Powder all the above drugs, and 2 litres of water and prepare the decoction, reducing to ith. Useful for gargling in sore throat, and for stomatitis. PREPARED MEDICINES 1, Thalisadi choornam 1 Thalisad: vatakam t Refer under cough. 3, Vasanthakusumakara pills 1 to 2 pills, with honey, twice daily, 4, Kastoorikaruppu 50 to 100 mg, with honey, twice daily. § Gorochanai rubbed in breast milk useful in children. IX. GINGIVITIS (Palleeruveekkam) Signs and Symptoms The gums are swollen, painful and reddish, SIMPLE REMEDIES 1. Thripaiai koppuli kudineer (Thiripata decoction Batgle) Ingredients 1. Kadukkai (chebulic or black myrobalam) 2. Nellikkai (myrobalam embelic (amla)) 3, Thannkai (balleric myrobalam) 10 g. 10g. 10 g. 12 Method of preparation Take the pulp of each of the above ingredients, make it iat & cosreo powder, add 800 ml. of water, and prepare decoction by reducing to 3th. Dose 20 to 60 ml, for gargling, as required. Note: Useful for washing ulcers. 2. Nallennai koppulippu (gingelly oi! gargte) X. STOMATITIS (Vaippun} Signs and Symptoms The gums and mouth are reddish and painful. The tongue mey be ewollen. Foetid smell of the breath. SIMPLE REMEDIES 1. Padikara neer Keppulippu (alum water gargle) Methood of preparation Take 3.5 g. of alum and dissolve in 1 Jitre of water, Use it asa gargle and for washing ulcers and wounds. 2. Karuvelampatti Kudineer (Acacia arabica willd batk decoction) (See under Laryngitis) 3. Alampattal Koppulippa Kadineer (Banyan bark decoction gargle) Methed of preparation Banyan tree bark — 30 g. Crush the bark and add | litre of water and prepare decoction, and gargle as often as required. 3 13 Manathakkali elai (black might shade leaf) and Pacha: payaru paruppu (gteen gram) prepared into a nde dish and taken along with food Thripla: Koppuli Kudiweer (Thmpala docoction gargle) (See under Gingivitis) Matta: yenkara with pasumpal (White of egg mixed with Cow's milk) PREPARED MEDICINES Suajat barpam —O5tolg with butter or ghee twice daily Padikata barpam — 200 to 300mg with butter or ghee, twice daily Kungilya venna! — areca nut size (6 to 12 g) Note, The above medicines are used in burning sensation dur 1D micturition, gonorrhoea 8 XI GLOSSITIS (Akkaram) Signs and Symptoms There wiil be ulceration in the tongue Treatment The treatment indicated for Stomatitis ma this disease also ¥ be adopted for , 2 sa {4 XI. GASTRITIS {Gunmum) Sigus,and Symptoms Loss of appetite, nausea, vague discomfort in the epigas- trium, heart burn, giddiness, sometimes vomiting and diarrhoea. SIMPLE/ REMEDIES Milaga seeraga kudineer (black pepper and cumin seeds . decoction) Method of preparation Take pepper and cumin seeds, each 5 g., add 200 ml._ water and ptepare decoction reducing to jth. Dose : 50 ml. twice daily. Abdominal pain will also be relieved. 2, Milaga seeraga podi (black pepper and cumin seeds powder) | Method of preperation Fry the above mentioned drugs !n equal parts and make a fine powder. . Dose - 1 g., twice daily with warm water . PREPARED MEDICINES 1, Uppu chenduram — 100 to 200 mg,, twice daily, with water. 2. Panchadeepakkini choornam — 0.5to 1 8., twice daily ; with water. 3. Gunmakudori leghyam — 18., twice daily with water. 15 XU. CONSTIPATION (Malakattu, Malabantham) Signs and Symptoms: Unable to pass motion in the normal course. SIMPLE REMEDIES 1, Kadukkat kudineer (chebulic myrobalan decoction) Method of preparation Take 15 g. of the pulp of the above drug, add 400 ml. water, boil and reduce to ith. Dose } to 1 cup, before bed time. 2. Drakshai kudineer (dried grapes decoction) Ingredients 1, Ularntha drakshal (drled giapes) — 60g. Blakkai (cardomom) — 60g. Sceragam (cumin seeds) — I teaspoonful Valmilagu (tail Pepper) — 4} teaspoonful Roja poo (rose flower) — 6nos, wPyn Method of preparation Take the above ment] oned drugs, I litre of water, . Powder them boit and prepare deco Coarsely, add ction by reducing to jth, Dose 60 to 100 ml, wi ith pal daily. Silajat barpam aloo mee eo 'm also can be added, (eral vatlety), twlee 16 For constipation in infants : Mix equal parts of vilakkonnai (castor oil) and mulaipal (breast milk) and administer one teatpoonful, followed by warm water after 15 minutes. XIV, DIARRHOEA (Bedbi) Signs and Symptoms Passing loose motions, aften due ta indigestion, pain ia the lower abdomen, occational vomiting. SIMPLE REMEDIES 1. Chukku milega choornam (dried ginger and black pepper choornam) Methed of preparation Take equal parts of the above drugs, fry and make a fine powder. Dose 1 g. twice daily, with water. 2. Chukkho milagu kadineer (dried ginger and black pepper decoction} Take 5g, each of the above mentioned drugs, powder them, add 200 ml. of water and prepare decoction reducing to ith, Dose 50 ml. thrice daily. PREPARED MEDICINES 1, Thairchundichoornam — 2to3 g, with warm water, twice daily. 17 2. Chundaij vatral choornam — 1.5 to 2 g., with buffalo mitk, curd, twice daily. 3. Annabedi chenduram — 100 to 200 mg, with honey, twice daily. — $tolg,, with buttermifk 4. Padigalinga chenduram twice daily, If there is fever with diarrhoea, padigalinga chenduram should be administered with honey, FOR DIARRHOEA IN CHILDREN SIMPLE REMEDIES 1, Poduthalai kadineer (Ifopla decoction) Method of preparation Take a handful of lippia leaves, add Sg. of ajowan, add 200 mi}. of water, and prepare decoction reducing to 3th, Dose 15 to 30 ml., thrice daily. PREPARED MEDICINES 1. Aamaiodu barpam —~ 100 to 200 mg., with honey or (tortoise shel! calx) breast milk, thrice daily, Useful in diarrhoea due to acidity, 2. Nathai barpam ~ 200 to 400 mg, with water, (snail calx) thrice daily, —- 18 XV. DYSENTERY {Raktha Seetha Bedhiy Signs and Symptoms Passing freqnent motions, mixed with mucus and blood, colicky pain, tenesmus pain in the lower abdomen. SIMPLE REMEDIES 1, Kadukkalpoo kudincer (chebulicemyrobalan flower decoction) Ingredients . 1. Kadukkaipoo (Chebulic-myrobalan flower) é. Athividayam (Indian atees) 3. Sirunagapoo (Iron wood flower) Method of preparation Take 5g. each of the above drugs, pound them well in a mortar, add 200 mi. of water, prepare decoction reducing to 2th., Dose 30 to 50 ml., twice daily. Note: This is also used In diarrhoea, 2. Mangustan the! kudineer (mangosteen skin decoction) Jngredients 1, Mangustan thol (mangosteen skin) — 3g 2. Thania (coriander seeds) —~ 12¢. 3. Seeragam (cumin seeds) — i2¢. Method of preparation Take 25 g. of mangosteen fruit skin and pulp, 12 g. each of coriander seeds and cumin seeds, add 500ml, of water and prepare decoction reducing to ith, Dose 50 ml to 100 ml., twice daily, 9 PREPARED MEDICINES 1, Annabedi chenduram — 100 to 200 mg., with honey, twice daily. 2. Silajat barpam — }:tolg., with butter, ghee or milk. ~ 3. Nathai barpam — 200 to 400 mg., with butter, ghee or water, 4, Padigalinga chenduram — ttolg, with ghee, butter or buttermilk. 5, Kabada mathirai -— Itab., 2 or 3 times a day, with honey or plantain flower (vazhaipoo) juice. FOR DYSENTERY IN CHILDREN SIMPLE REMEDIES 1, Jathikkai podi (nutmeg powder) Method of preparation Make a fine powder of the above mentioned drug. Dose 150 to 300 mg., with honey or water, thrice daily. 2. Amman pacharisi kudineer (Australizn asthma weed decoction) Ingredients 1. Amman pacharisi (austrafian asthma weed decoction — f part) 2 Masikkai choornam (gall: dyer’s oak powder) — } part Method of preparation Mix the above drugs, add 200 ml, water and prepare decoge tlon reducing to 3th, Dose 18 to 30 ml., thrice daily. —_— 20 XVI. HICCUP , (Vikkal) Stens aud Symptoms Hiccup frequent or occasional. SIMPLE REMEDIES Ingredients 1 Thippili (long pepper) — 1 part 2 Seeragam (cumin seeds) — I part 3 Mayiliragu chutta chambal — 1! part (burnt ash of peacock feather) Method of preparation Powder and sieve the ingredients 1&2. Mix the powder with No. 3. Dose 12 g., with honey, as often as required. 2. Nando Kozhineer (Crab’s burrow water) Dore : 30 to 50 ml., as often as required. 3. Chntta karombua charo with elam (Roasted sugarcane juice with cardamom power) Method of preparation Split sugarcane, place cardomom powder in between and subject it to the heat of the extinguishing fire of the oven. The extracted juice is given in nausea and hiccup. Dose 30 to 50 ml. PREPARED MEDICINES 1 Vasantha kusumakara mathirai — 1 to2 pills (100 mg. each) with honey, ; twice daily, 2 Kastoori karuppy — 50to 100 mgs. 2 to 3 times daily, 21 XVIT VOMITING (Vanth:) Signs and symptoms Vomiting often undigested food maternal, thirst SIMPLE REMEDIES 1 Elakkai, Seerapam kudincer (Cardomom, cumin decoction} Method of preparation Take Cardomom 2g, cumin seeds 4g, powder them and add 200 ml water, Prepare decoction reducing to ith Dose 30 to 50 mi , twice daily 2 Elumitcham kottas thenil huzhaitha kodutbal {Lemon seeds rubbed 1n honey and admunstered) 3 Uppu elumitcha: oorugai (Lemon pickles) PREPARED MEDICINES Jathijambeera kuzbambu — 2 Mathulai manappagu ~ 3 Elath: choornam - 4 Kesar kuzhambu - 5 Naratthai leghyam - 20 to 50mg, twice daily 2to4 tea spoonful, thrice daily 15to3g, with honey twice daily 3to6g, twice daily 3to 6g, twice daily AVIL HAPMATEMESIS AND HAEMOPTYSIS (Raktha Vanthi, Raktham Thupputhaly Sigas and Symptoms Vomiting and spitting of blood 22 SIMPLE REMEDIES 1, Imbural kudiseer (Olden landia umbellata Linn decoction) 1 Imbural verpattai (Olden landia root bark) — We 2 Athimathuram (liquorice) — 48. Method of preparation Take the above two drugs, add 400 ml. of water, prepare decoction reducing to th. Dose 40 ml., twice or thrice a day. 2. Venkaro pasumpal (white of an egg with cow's milk) Ingredients 1 White of an egg — legge 2 Boiled cow's milk 100 ml. 3 Sugar candy (small) — quantity sufficient 4 Gum of white silk cotton tree — I pinch (125 mg.) 5 Tamarind seed powder — tpinch (:25 mg.) 6 Cardomom — 1 pinch (125 mg.) 7 ~Ash of the burnt cloth -— I pinch (J25 mg.) 8 Pravala barpam 100 mg. 9 Silajat barpam 200 mg. Method of preparation Beat the white of anegg with boiled milk well, remove the foam, add the powdered drugs3 to 7, then mix drugs 8 and 9 respectively. Dose One cupful, once or twice daily. 3. Poonkavi chendooram (Red ochre chendooram) Method of preparation Poonkavi is dissolved in water, filtered, dried in sun and powdered. Dose 650 mg., twice daily. Note: Also useful in diarrhoea, menorrhagia and vomiting. 23 PREPARED MEDICINES 1 Imbural leghyam — S5toldg,twicea day. 2 Silajat barpam — OStolg, with butter or ghee, twice a day 3° Muthu chipp: barpam — 200 to 400mg, with ghee or water, twice a day. XIX JAUNDICE ((Manjal Kamala: Noi) Signs and Symptoms Loss of appetite, vomiting, constipation, yellow discolora tion of the conjunctiva, passing yellow coloured uripe, pain in the tight upper part of the abdomen Sometimes shght rise in temperature SIMPLE REMEDIES 1 Keezhanelli kudineer (A) (PhyHanthus nirurr Linn decoction) 1 Keezhaneth (Phyllonthus niruri Linn) 2 Blakkat (cardomom) 3 Valmilagu (tailed pepper) Method of preparation Take one whole phyllanthus nirurt Lino plant, cardomom 2, tailed pepper 2, and add 200 ml water, prepare decoction reducing to jth Dose 30 to 50 ml, twice daily 2, Keezhanelli kadineer (B) (Phyllanthus atrurt Linn Ingredients 1 Keezhanelli (Phylanthus nirurt Ling — whole pl Plant 5 nos 24 2 Vishnu granthi (Evolvulus) — one handful 3 Karisalankanni (eclipta) — one handful 4 Seeragam (cumin seeds) — 5g. , 5 Elakkai (cardomom) — Sg. ° 6 Parangi chakkai (china root) — Sg. 7+ ~=Drakshai (dried grapes) — 30g. Methed of preparation Add to the above coarsely crushed Qrugs 2 litres of water and prepare decoction reduicing to 3th. Dose 60 to 90 ml., twice daily. 3. KeezbanelliKalkam mixed = ~— (Phyltanthus nirurt Lint) with cow's butter milk Kalkam (bolus) mixed for pitha kamalal. With cow's butter milk Ingredients Take one whole plant of keezhanelli (Phylanthus nirurt Linn add two elakkai (cardomom), flve valmilagy (tailed pepper) and make a kalkam (bolus). Dose 2to4g., with milk, twice daily. 4 Kearlsalai kalkam for — (Eelipta prosirta Lina vatha and kaba kamalai Ingredients 1 Katisalai (Eclipta prostrata Linn) — half a handful 2 Milagu (black pepper} — tg . Method of preparation Make a halkam (bolus) of the above drugs Dose 2to4g, twice daily, hote: Used also in anaemia end dropsy, 25 PREPARED MEDICINES 1 Annabedhi chenduram — 100to 200mg, with honey, twice daily. 2 Silayat barpam — O5tolg, with milk, twice daily 3 Mandoora chenduram — 100 to 200 mg, with honey and thirikadugu choornam 1g, twice daily 4 Sangu barpam — 100 to 200 mg, with milk twice datly § Palakarai barpam — 40 to 100 mg with milk or butter-milk, twice daily (No 5 1s for eliminating the toxins circulating in the blood For this purpose Neermulli kudineer (Asteracantha~decoction) with salt free diet can also be given Oji for bath L Keezhanellt thailam (Phylanthus niruri Linn Thatlam) 2 Karisalai thailam (Eelipta alba Hassk thaslam) 3 Bringamalaga thailam, 4 Pancha kalpam to be apphed on the head and bathed with warm water Pancha kalpam may also he prepared as under 1 Veppam vithu (neem seeds) 2 Kastoors manjal (Curcuma aromatica Salisb ) 3 Venmilagu (white pepper) 4 Kadukkat (Chebultc myrobolan) 5 Nelli paruppu (emblic myrobolan pulp) Equal parts Method of preparation Take the above drugs and grind with coy’ to the head After sometime take a bath 8 milk and apply 26 XX. RETENTION OF URINE (Siruneer Noigal) Signs and Symptoms, Burning sensation during micturition, dysuria, passing urine in small quantities, retention of urine. SIMPLE REMEDIES 1, Neesmulli kudineer (Asteracantha decoction). Togredients. 1 Neecmulli (dsteracantha) Nerunjil (Tribulus terrestris L). _- Nellikai (Afyroblan embelic-amlay. - Pasangipattai (china root) Manathakkali elai (black night shade Jeaves) — Sarakonrai puli (Cassta fistula pulp) Indian laburnam; Golden shower) _ Sombu (fennel seeds). Vellart vithai (cucumber seeds) Suraikodi (bottle gourd stalk) Kadukkai (Chebulle myrobalan) Thanrikkai (Beleric myrobalan) Auk wh KF ovpMn I 1 Method of preparation. Take the above drugs, add 400 ml. of water, prepare tion, and reduce it to 3th. Dose 50 ml., twice daily. Note: Can also be given in ascites, dropsy. 2. Sicupeelal kadineer (Aerva lanata Juss decoction) ’ Sogredients t , 1. Sicupeelai (derva lanata Juss) — I part 2. Nerunjil (Tribulus terrestris) — I part decoc- 27 3. Mavalingam (Crataeva religiosa Root & Thorns — 1 patt 4, Peramuttiver (Pavonia odorata root) — 1 part Method of Preparation Take the above drugs in equal parts, add sufficient quantity of water, prepare decoction reducing it to 1/8th. Dose 30 to 60 ml. Note: Useful also in stone in the bladder 3. Sirokeeri kudincer (Amaranthus gangeticus Linn decoction) Method of preparatton Take 35g of sirukeerai (Amaranthus gangeticus Linn) add 200 mi, of water, prepare decoction reducing it to 1/4th. Dose 30 to 50 ml., twice daily. Note: Antidote to vegetable poisoning, 4. Tianeer (tender coconut water) Dose 1, one glassful, thrice daily. 5. Mollanki chara (radish jaice) Dose 1/2 cup, thrice dally 6. Viral meen thalaikkal barpam Powdered mural fish ossicles adminis i . ’ . tered twice daily, with white radish juice or cucumber eed mg dose, with milk. Paste mixed PREPARED MEDICINES lL. Vedi ediyuppu chunnam — 10 to 200 mg. with neermulli decoction, tender coconut or Tadish juice, twice daily, 28 2. Silajat barpam — 0.5 to lg., with butter, ghee, milk, radish juice, or aerva juice, twice daily. 3, Velvanga barpam — 60mg, with water or honey, twice daily 4, Nandukkal barpam — 200 to 400 mg., with radish juice, atrva juice or Astera- contha juice, twice daily. XX? DIABETES (Neerizhivy) Sigss and Symptoms Passing urine in excess frequently, general wasting, exhaus- tion, exce'sive bunger and thirst. Presence of sugar in the urine and—or blood. SIMPLE REMEDIES 1. Avarai panchanga kudineer (Cassia auriculata Linn decoction) Method of preparation Take the dried leaves, flowers, fruits, bark and root of the above drug. Make a coarse powder, add 400 ml. of water and prepare decoction reducing it to 1/4 th, Dose 30 to 60 ml., twice daily Note :— Useful in scalding of the urethra, 2. Seenthil choornam (Tinospora cordifolia mters choornam) Ingredients 1. Seenthil (Tinospora cordtfoltay 1 part 2. Karisalanganni (Eclipta alba hassky f part 3 3. Nakoopoochi podi (earthworm powder) 1 part 29 Method of preparation Take equal parts of the above drugs, powder and mix them well, steam and dry it Dose 1to 2g, with ghee or honey, twice daily. Note Also used in bronchitis, asthma, scalding, bilsousness and diseases of the nose With sugar it 1s administered for alopecia Pathiyam (dict) Avoid tamarind and smoking 3. Strukurinjan choornam (Gymnema sylvestre choornam) Dry sufficient quaouty of the leaves and powder at finely Dose 2 to 4g, with water, twice dailyfor three months 4. Kombos pagalchoornam (bitter groud long choornam) Orv sufficient quantity of the above drug and powder it finely Dose 4to6g, with water, twice darly PREPARED MEDICINES { Karuvanga barpam — 50to 100 mg, with ph twice datly ' Ghee or butter 2 Kantha chenduram -- 200 to 400m: daily Sy with honey, twice 3. Elavanga leghyam — 2to4my, twice daily Abraka chenduram — 103t0 200m daily E,with honey, twice 30 XXII, ANAEMIA (Pandu; Veluppu Noi) Signs and Symptoms Paleness of the whole body and eyes, nail beds, loose motions, swelling of the face and feet, SIMPLE REMEDIES 1 Karisalai (Eclipta alba-ssk) — qs. 2° Milagu (black pepper) — qs 3 Poondu (garlic) — qs 4 Suddhitha Irumbuthool (purified — qs iron filings) Method of preparation Make a fine paste of the above drugs Dose 2 g., to be given in the morning only with milk or honey. PREPARED MEDICINES 1 Annabedi chenduram — 100 to 200 mg., with honey, twice daily. 2 Aya chenduram — 100 to 200 mg., with honey, twice daily. 3 Kantha chendooram — 100 to 200 mg., with honey, twice daily. XXII GENERAL ANASARCA {Sogai, Sobai, Veeka Noi) Sigus and Symptoms Swelling in any patt of the body or in the whole body and scrotum, scanty urine, pain all over the body, constipation, cough, difficulty in breathing. fever. 31 SIMPLE REMEDIES 1) Neermuli kudineer - pleace see under retention of urine 2 + Mandoorathi kudineer (Dross 1ron decoction) Method of preparation Ingredients 1 Mandooram (droes iron) — 5 parts 2 Ularntha maelat (dried tender mango leaves) — 3 parts 3 Ularntha karisalai (dried eclipta alba) ~~ 3 parts 4 Ularntha kheezhanelli (dered phyllanthus nirurl) — 3 parte 5 Ularntha neermulli (dried asteracantha) — 3 parts 6 Seeragam (cumin seeds) — I part Method of preperation Powder the above drugs coarsely and mix it well Add 200 ml of water, prepare decoction, reduce it to 3th Dose 60 ml, twice daily, after food PREPARED MEDICINES t Vedi annabedht chen- — 100 to 200m duram twice a day By wath honey 2 Loha mandoorachen — 100to 200 mg with ho mi duram Or ghee, twice daily followed by neermullt (Asteracantha decoction ) 3) Vediuppu chunnam — 100 to 209 me with mull (Asteracanthay decon 100, Sender eseoanut wat Or radish juice er 4 Silayat barpam — 05 to] 8, ith p , (Atteracantha) decor radish Juice ion of § Nandukkal barpam = 200 tog Juice oy Bs with » 32 6 Navacharachoornam — 05to1 Eg, twice daily, with neermulli (Asteracantha) decoction. XXIV. HYPERTENSION (Raktha Azhutham, Raktha Kothippu) Sigas and Symptoms The patient often experiences a rush of blood and complains of palpitation, vertigo, precardial pain, head ache and sleepless- ness. PREPARED MEDICINES 1, Sarpagantha choornam (er pill) Dose : 500 mg. to I g., twice or thrice a day. Note: Sadative, mild laxative. Also used in insomnia and in irritable state as a tranquillizer. Useful in nervous excitability and mental disorders with hypertension. Used with ammukara kizhangu (withania root) powder, sadamanjil (nardus root) powder, vallarai (indian penny wort) powder, milk and honey to reduce excitability and irritae bility and irritation in patients with hypertension. Diet. Restrict salt in take; fatty diet to be avoided. 33 XXV, HEADACHE (Thalaivali) Signs and Symptoms. Pain in the head—fronta), occipital near the eyebrows, nau- sta, at times vomiting. SIMPLE REMEDIES A paste made out of any of the following may be applied externally to the forehead. 1 Lavangappattai, chukku (cinnamon bark, dried ginger) 2 Milagu (pepper). 3 Inji (ginger) made into a paste with breast milk or boiled cow's milk and applied to scalp. PREPARED MEDICINES 1 Neerkovat matbirai for external use—q. 8. 2 Gowri sinthamani (for oral administration) 100 to 200 mg. with thiri. kadugu choornan and honey, For bath. 1 Chukku (dried ginger) thailam. 2) Arakku (lac) thailam, 3 Strobaranivaraol thailam. 34 XXVI ANAL FISSURE (Asana Yedippu) Sigas and Symptoms Intense pain in the anus during and after defaecation Because of the pain, the patient retains the stools and develops constipation Treatment consists of continued admimistrauon of laxatives and regulation of the diet to produce gruelly stool LAXATIVES 1 Atth: manappagu (Ficus glomerata Rovb syrup) Ingredients 4 Ularatha aithspazham {dined figs) — 350 em 2 Arasam pazham (peepul fruits) — 175 g 3) Karumsivathat ver yblack turpeth rcot} — &75¢ 4 Mukkaratta: (Boerhe avla diffusa Linn — 875g 5 Sombu (perum seeragam) {anise seeds) — 8758 6 Kaduguroghim (Pterorrhizt hurroa) — 875 ¢ Method of preparation Take the above mentioned drugs, pound them coarsely, add 3 lures of water, prepare decoction reduce Wto db Add 7502 of sugar to the decoction and boil to a syrupy consistency Dose 1 to 2 teaspoonful, twice daily 2 Malskudara Mezhuga jogredients 4 Nilavara (senna leaf) - 60g 2 Gotkband _ 80g 3 Drakshat (ratstns) - 50g 4 Badam paruppu (almond Kernels) — 25 g 5 Athimathuram (liquorice) - 10g 6 Pinchu Kadukkar (tender- chebulic myrobalan) — 10g 35 Method of preparation Powder 1, 5 and 6, sieve and keep. Grind 2,3 and 4 isto a paste Add the powder to the paste and continue grinding to attain @ waxy consistency. Dose Sto 10g, before bed time, with hot water or milk Also useful in constpation, toss of appetite and abdominel bloating. 3 Moolahkudora: ennal Ingredients 1 Pinchu kadukkar (tender chebulte my robalan} — 35% 2. Vilakkennar (caster o1]) — 140g, Method of preparation Fry the frost in a hte quantity of castor oil W and swollen, powder it Mux the powder wath the 1m bra orl Dose TI to 2 teaspoonful at bed time Useful in bleeding piles and constipation PREPARED MEDICINES 1 Thripalar Kudineer (plea, 2 Kukkil vennar } PIPase See gingivitis) 3) Amurtha vennar for externat applicanon XAVIL, PILES (Moolam) Signs and Symptoms Constipation, passing of hard faecal griping pain in the rectum, hendache, itis Matter Sith posture Presence of pile mass in ihe an Cully f¢ bio ts Hin he oe he Mting 36 SIMPLE REMEDIES 1, Take thuthikecrai (country mallow), boil itia water, churn well, filter and add panam karkandu (palm sugar candy). Take sufficient quantity. 2. After warm fomentation with thuthi keerai (country mallow) fried in castor oif and bundled in a piece of cloth, the same is kept onthe part and ‘T’ bandage applied. 3. White onions fried in ghee is administered internally PREPARED MEDICINES i. Naga barpam 2. Velvanga barpam Thethankottai leghyam— Karunai Jeghyam Nathai barpam 6. Muthu chippi barpam — 7, Moola kudara nei 100 to 200 mg., with butter or ghee, twice daily. 100 to 200 mg., with milk, butter, buttermilk or ghee, twice daily. 3 to 6g., twice daily 3t06g., twice daily. 200 to 400 mg., with butter or ghee, twice daily 200 to 400 mg., with butter or ghee, twice daily 2 teaspoonful at bed time. XXVHIL BOILS ABSCESS (Rattigal, seeze Lattiya veekam) Sigas and Symptoms Redness, heat, swelling, pain, collection of pus, fever. 37 SIMPLE REMEDIES 1 Paste made with Mangal (turmeric) and Chunnam (calcified lime) applied externally 2 Paste made with honey and chunnam (calcified lime) applied externally 3. Take required quantity, in equal parts, of (1) thuth{keerai (country mallow), (2) anthimail: (four o’ clock flower), (3) seenthil (Tinospora cordifolia) and (4) murungal keerai (drum stick leaves), fry them in castor oi! and apply externally PREPARED MEDICINES (for oral admunistration) 1 Vellai ennai — 15 to30 ml, early morning, for 3 to 5 days 2 Parangi choornam — 15 to 3 g, with sugar and milk, twice a day. 3 Parangi rasayanam -- 100 to 200 mg, with honey, twice a day 4 Gandaga rasayanam — O05 tolg, with sugar and milk, twice a day When boil bursts open 1 Pacha ennar or 2 Amirtha vennai for external application or 3 Vanga kalimbu XXIA. PULP INFECTION OF FINGER v (Viral Sutte: Nagasuttr) (WHITLOW) Signs and Symptoms Reddening, swelling sharp pulsatin small superficial abscess of the finger re. Pain, formation of ever and sleeplessness 38 SIMPLE REMEDIES 1 Make a hole ina lemon frunt, thrust and keep the affected finger inside, which will give relief 2 Poultice prepared with rice flour and alivitthu (fepidivm sativum) Method of preparation Grind aliwitthu (Lepidtam sativum) seeds with lemon juice or cold water and prepare poultice adding rice flour Internal medicine 1 Parangipattat choornam — 15 to 3g, with milk and sugar AX ULCERS (SIMPLE) (Chirangu - Pun) SIMPLE RCMIDIES (External use only) 1 Punpod Method of preparation Make a hole ina datura frurt, fillit with purified sulphur and cover the fruit with cow dung After drysug subyect it Sputum with four cow dungeskes Remove the cowdung and thorn from the fruit, add 4 parts of tulasi leaves (cermumt sanctum) grind well, dry tt 10 the sun and powder The powder 1s dusted over ulcers smeared with cocoanut oj for rapid healing, 39 2. Karbogi paste Togredients Karbogi vithai (babcht seeds) Neeradimuthu vitha: (hydnocarpus seeds) Kasakasa (poppy seeds) Badam paruppu (almond seeds) Thenga: (kopparat) dried cocoanut kernel) Karum seeragam (black cumin seeds) Kattu seeragam (Vernoma anthelmimtica WILLD) unawa wn Method of preparation Take required quantity (equal parts) of the above drugs, gtind them with vinegar and prepare a paste Apply it on the ulcers After 2to3 hours, wash with luke warm water. Note: Can be used m ring worm and scabies also 3 Adutheenda palai ennai (Indian birth wort thailam) Ingredients 1 Adutheendapala: elar jurce (indian birth wort leaf juice) 2. Veppennar (neem oil) Method of preparation Take equal quantities of the above two drugs and prepare thalam PREPARED MEDICINES 1 Punga enna 2 Pacha conat 3 Arugan cocoanut oll (couch grass oil) 40 XXXI. SCABIES (Soral Sirangu) SIMPLE REMEDIES ' 1. Venkara pachai oil and applied externally. (iried borax powder) mixed with cocoanut 2. Punpodi — refer_under ULCER PREPARED MEDICINES 1, Vellai ennai 2. Gandhaga rasayanam 3 Pravala batpam 4, Muthuchippi barpam 5, Parangi rasayanam Parangi choormam . Vanga kalimbu 8, Arugampul thilam 9. Viranasanjeevi thailam 15 to 30 ml. early morning. 6 to 12 g., twice dally with sugar & milk 100 to 200mg., with milk, butter or ghee 200 to 400 mg., with butter or ghee 0.5 tolg 1.5 to3g., with milk and sugar for external use for external use for external use XXXII. RING WORM (Padar Thamarai, Ecchi] Thazhumbu) IMPLE REMEDIES 1. Oosithagrai elai pattru (Cassia tora Leaves or root paste Method of preparation Take the leaves or root of Cassia tora, add lemon juice, grind into a fine paste and use externally, 41 2. Pel agathi elaior vanda holli elai (Cassta alata) Method of preparation Grind the leaves with lemon juice into a fine paste apply externally. PREPARED MEDICINES 1. Amirtha vennai or ‘ for external application only. 2. Padai sangaram _ XXXII. PHRYNODERMA | Thavalai Sori — {Toad Skin) SIMPLE REMEDIES 1. Application of pani neer (dew water) 2, Vengaram (fried borax) to be mixed with cocoanut oil and applied externally. XXXIV. FISSURE FOOT (Kal Vedippu) PREPARED MEDICINE 1. Amirtha vennai or for external use only. 2, Kilinjal mezhugu 42 XXXV, CORNS (Kaalani) 1. Remove the corns and foment with common salt aud pottas- sium carbonate (yavaksharam) 2, After removal of the corn, paint with calotropis milk (erukkom pal) and bandage, later heal the ulcer as per medica- ments given under Ulcers. XXXVI. ATHLETE FOOT (Settrupun) Signs and Symptoms Fungal infection affecting the webs of the toes and fingers, The site is caw with offensive discharge and itching. SIMPLE REMEDIES 1, External application of Illuppai nei (Bassia latifolia Roxb oil) 2. Azhavanam elai (henna leaf) paste 3. Manjal thool with nailennai (turmeric powder mixed with gingelly oil) 4, Kadukkai and manjal poochu (chebulic - myrobalan and turmeric paste applied at night) 43 XXXVH, SPRAIN Sulukku ” External application. SIMPLE REMEDIES water, churned, filtered and Puli (tamarind) soaked in salt e and applied warm to the boiled to the consistency of a past affected part. PREPARED MEDICINES 1 M i : yna thailam \ for external use only, 2 Kukkil thailam XXXVI. MINOR INJURIES (Adipatta Kayangal) SIMPLE REMEDIES 1. A paste made out of Amukkara Kizhangy (Withania root) choornam. 2, Rathabola pattru (inspissiated juice of aloe) Method of preparation. Make a paste by dissolving the extracg of insplay Nated Suk ice of aloe ia hot water and apply externally to follamed Parts gaysec by the injury. 44 PREPARED MEDICINES || Myna thailam or for external use only, 2 Kukkil thailam ‘ XXXIX. BURNS AND SCALDS (Theechutta Pan, Venneer Viranam) SIMPLE REMEDIES 1, Chunnambu theli neer (slaked Hme water) mixed with cocoanut oil applied externally. - 2. Take some argampul Kalkam (couch grass) and mix it with cocoanut oil. Apply externally. 3. To one part of mynathailam, add ten parts of cocoanut oil and apply externally. PREPARED MEDICINES Kuagilya vennai for external use only. XL. SCORPION BITE (Thel Kadi) SIMPLE REMEDIES 1, Common salt solution to be used as eye drops. 2. Apply salt paste at the slte of the Sting. 3, Rub the site of the sting with slaked lime in split onion. 45 XL INSECT BITE (Kanakkadi) Signs and Symptoms. At the site of the bite there will be swelling and itching sensation. SIMPLE REMEDIES __ 1, Make a paste of kuppaimeni leaf (Acalypha indica Linn) with salt and apply at the site of bite. 2. Apply staked lime (chunnam) at the site of bite. PREPARED MEDICINES 1, Meganatha kuligai — 1 to 2 pills, with dried ginger decoction (purgative), 2. Sanjeevi mathirai — 1 to2pills, with lime juice (purgative). 3. Agasthiar kuzhmbu — for fumigation 4, Sivanar amirtham — for nasyam. XLH. INTESTINAL WORMS (Kudar Kirumigal) Signs and Symptoms ; Passing worms along with motion or alone, Loss of Of appeti SIMPLE REMEDIES te, Choornam prepared out of the following : Karum seeragany (black cumin seeds) ° Omam (ajow2n) } epr palasuvithe Butea frondosa seeds) Egga Parts 46 Given at bed time, followed by caster oi! next morning 2, Vazhai pazham (plantain fruity soaked in honey, administered at bed time, followed by castor oil next morning. 3. Nakkupoochi Kudineer Tngrediants 1 Palasuvithu ( Butea frondosa) — 48 2 Karum seeragam (black cumin seeds} — 48 3 Vaivilangam (Entbella ribes Butn) — 4 8 4 Omum (ajowan) — 48 5 Sivathai ver (turpeth root) — 48 6 Nilavarai (Senna leaves) —- 48 7 Sombu (perum seeragam) (anise seeds) — 46 8 Kadukurogini (black heltebore) — 28 Pound all the above drugs in a mortar into a coarse powder and prepare decoction adding 2C0 ml water and reducing to jth. Dose 45 to 90 ml, followed by a purgative pull or castor oil. PREPARED MEDICINES 1 Maganatha kuligai — 1 to 2 pills, with dried yinger decoction, at bed time (pur- gative) 2 Poora mathirai — 1 to 2 pills, with honey or breast milk, in the morning. 3 Sanjeevi mathirai — 1 to 2 piils, with boney, in the morning (purgative) 47 XL LEUCORRHOEA (Velin, Yom Vazbiyaga Vella: Paduthal) Signs and Symptoms White discharge per vaginum SIMPLE REMEDIES 1 Thazha: vizhuthu chatu (Pandanus odoratissimus Roxb Toot juice) Methed of preparation Take Pandanus cdoratissin us Roxb aerial root juice and add Sugar to taste Dose 20 mi twice datty 2 Vellarugu kndineer (Adenema hissop!folium decoction) Method of preparation Adenema hissopifolium yotce 35g, add water 200 ml, and prepare decoction reducing to ith Dose 20 to 50 mi, twice daily Note Can also be used mn scabies, ulcers and ekin diseases PREPARFD MEDICINES 1 Kungilya vena — Vt028, twice Gaity 2 Silayat barpam — O0Stot gy wi . or ghee, tuloe putte 3 Annabedin chendooram — 100 to 0 darly honey, twice dat oath 4 Velvang> barpam _ 0 to 0 ily m hy % 5 Venpoosant leghyam . Hk, twice dys f°” 48 XLIV. DYSMENORRHOEA (Soothaga Soolai) Signs and Symptoms Scanty menses with acute pain in the lower abdomen. SIMPLE REMEDIES 1, Karum seeragam (black cumin seeds) — 6g. 2, Lavangapattai (cinnamon bark) — Gg. 3. Chukku (dried ginger) — 68. 4, Chithramoola verpattai (lead wort root bark) — 62. 5. Sombu (fennel seeds) — 6g. Method of preparation Take the above drugs. 2dd 200 ml. water and prepare decoc- ction reducing to 3th. Dose 30 to 50 ml., twice daily PREPARED MEDICINES 1. Ayaveera chendooram — 100 to 200 mgs., with honey or palm Jaggery, twice daily. 2. Gunmakudori leghyam — 1 to 2g., twice daily with water 3. Pattukaruppu chenduram — 50 to 100 mg., with honey, two to three times a day. 49 XLV. MENORRHAGIA AND METARRHAGIA (Perumpadu) Signs and Symptoms Profuse bleeding during menstruation and intermenstrual bleeding. SIMPLE REMEDIES 1 Naval pattai kudineer (Jambu bark decoction) Method of preparation Take £0 g, of yambu bark, crush it well, add 200 ml, of water and prepare decoction reducing to qth Dose 30 to 50 ml, twice daily. ; 2, Atti pattai kudineer (Ficus glomerate Roxb decoction) Method of preparation = . Take att pattat (country fig bark), add cow’s butter milk and extract juice. Dose: 45 to 90 ml., twice datly- w i kudinecr (Terntnalia arjuna W, & A, 3. Marutham patta bark decoction) Method eparation “ ae vit mairutham pattat (arjuna bark), crush well, add 240 ml, of water, prepare dacoction reducing to 3th, Dose 30 ml. to 60 ml , twice daily. Note: Used as cardiac tome and also for disrthoea, 4, Othiampattal budincer (Odina wodler Roxb bark ‘ decoction) Method of preparation i dier Roxb b thrampattar {Odina woo at wettnedd 200 mt. of water, Prepare decoction re, . 4 k) 502 dus, »Ctush it 10g to 31h, 50 Dose 36 to 50 mi., twice daily. 5. Thottal surungi kudineer (Affmosa pudica Linn decoction Method of Preparation Take 50 g. of thottal surungi (Mimosa pudica Linn plant), add 200 mt. of water, prepard decoction reducing to 3th. Dose : 30 to 50 ml., twice daily. PREPARED MEDICINES 1 Poongavi chenduram — 650 mg., with water twice daily. 2 Velvanga barpam —— 100to 200mg., with milk or ghee, twice daily. 3 Vazhaipoo vateakam — 1 to 2 vatakam, with buttermilk, twice daily. XLVI RETENTION OF MILK AFTER CHILD BIRTH (Pillai Pettrapin Pal Kattu} Signs and Symptoms There is pricking sentation when there is collection of milk in the breasts, pain, tension, a feeling of heat and heaviness Jn the breasts. Sometimes fever with chillness. Treatm.nt Administration of a laxative and limited consumption of Iquids, firm bodice to be worn, withdrawal of the milk by hand or with breast pump. 5h XLVMI- OTITIS MEDIA (Kathu Valium, Szezh Vadithalum) Signs and Symptoms Severe radiating pain to the vert the ear, deafness, tinnitus’ discharge of ex and occiput, fullness in pus, sometimes fever SIMPLE REMEDIES Application of poondu charu (garlic Juice) 2 Application of Marul patta: charu (bow string hemp juice) 3. Thiruneetrupacha: Charu (Ocin um basil cum juice) PREPARLD MEDICINES 1 Pachat ennat Chukku thailam 3) Musuru muttar thallam MLVIT. CONJUNCTIINS (Kannor) Redness, pain of the conjunctiva, watering, charge, photophobia, sticking of the evelids purulent dis. SIMPLE REMEDIES poked rice and butter formentation 1, Het ¢ ¢ drops 2, Padiga panace Methed of preparation Dissolve 200 78 of alum in 50 ml of go: it ina glass stoppered bottle Se Water ang Ito fe 52 COMMON AILMENTS WITH THERAPBUTIC INDEX WT Nt IV VI vit Vit 1X x XI XII XN XIV xv XVI XVII XVHI XIX XX XXt XXU XXUL XXIV XXV XXVI XXVIII XXVIM Non-specific fevers Whooping Congh Measles Common Cold Cough Bronchial asthma Tonsiliitis Laryngitis Gingivitis Stomatitis Glossitis Gastritis Constipation Diarrhoea Dysentery Hiceup Vomiting Haematemesis and Haemoptysis Jaundice Retention of urine Diabetes Anaemia General anasarca Hy pertension Headache Anal fissure Piles Boils, Abscess XXIX XXX XXXL XXXL XXXII XXXIV XXXV XXXVI XXXVI XXXVIIL XXKIX Xt XLI XLU XLII XLIV XLV XLVI YLVIit XUV 53 Pulp infection of finger (Whitlow) Ulcers Scabies Ring worm Phrynoderma Fissure foot Corns Athlete foot Sprain Minor injuries Burns and Scalds Scorpion bite Tnsect bite Intestinal worms Leucorrhoea Dysmenorrhoes Menorrhagia and Metarrbagia Retention of milk after child birth Ottis media Conjunctivitis 54 THERAPEUTIC INDEX I NON-SPECIFIC FEVERS (Iwaram) Stmple remedies 1, Nilavembu kudineer 2, Nochi kudineer 3. Thulasi kudineer Prepared medicines 1. Chanda chandrodayam pills 2. Vasantha kusumakaram pills II WHOOPING COUGH (Kakkuvan Irumal) Simple remedies I, Vasambu chocrnam 2, Thuthuvalai nei Prepared medicines 1. Adathodai manappagu 2, Kakkuvan leghyam 3. Karpoorthi thailam (for external application) Ill MEASLES (Manalvari ammai, Chitchiffuppaij Simple rrmedies 1. Gorochanai with Karpooravalli juice 3. Guru barpam (burnt leatber ash) 3. Neem leaves and turmeric paste mixed io water 1 J for bath 4 Tamarind rind oil — (for external Prepared medicines 1, Mankombu barpam (sirungt barpam} 55 1 COMMON COLD GJalathodam, peerkovai) Simple Remedies 1, Milagu kudineer 2. Inji surasam 3. Nochi elai kndineer (vapour bath) 4, Equal parts of Benzoin and turmeric powder (Fumigation) Prepared medicines 1. Chandachandrodayam pills 2, Mukkadu Iilagam (Thirskadvge leghyam) y COUGH (Irumal) Simple remedies 1. Adathodai kudincer 2. Adathodai manappasl 3, Chittaratha: kudineer Prepared medicines 1. Thalisadi choornam 2. Thalisadi vatakam 3. Kastoon karuppu 4, Pravala barpam vi BRONCHIAL ASTHMA (Iraippu irumal) Simple remedies 1. Adathod: gudinect 2, Adathodi mausppagu 3, Swasa hRudott pills Prepared medicines 1. Thalisadt choornam 2. ‘Thalisadt vstakam 3. Pravala barpam 56 4 Kastoon karuppu 5 Kukktl thatlam for external application anp 6 Karpoorath thailam formation 7 Black datura flowers with Potassrum nifrate powder {Inhalation). VII TONSILLITIS (Annakku thooru veekam, Lasunathabitham) Simple remedies 1 Karpooravall Jeayes to be chewed 2 Garhe and honey throat patnt Prepared medicines 1. Sangu barpam Vv LARYNGITIS (Thondaskattu) Simple remedies 1, Akkarakara choornam 2 Karuvelampattai Ludineer Prepared medicines 1, Thaltsad: choornam 2 Thalisad: vatakam 3 Vasantha kusumakara pills 4 Kastoor karuppu For Children Gorochanai to be mixed with breast milk. IX GINGIVITIS {Palleeru veekam) Sample remedies 1, Thiripalai koppul kudineer 2 Nallennat koppulsppu (gingelly oil for gargle) 57 X STOMATITIS (Vaipun) Simple remedies 1 Padikara neer koppulippu 2 Karuvelampattai kudineer 3 Alampatta: koppuli kudineer 4 Manathakkali leaves ) (Black mght shade leaf and and pachai payaru green gram as side dish withfood} 5 Thiripala: koppuli kudineer 6 White of an egg with Cow’s milk Prepared medicines + Silajat barpam 2. Padikara barpam 3, Kungilya vennat XI. GLOSSITIS (Akkaram) Simple remedies 1, Padikara neer koppulippu 2 Karuvelampattai Kudincer 3 Alampatta: Koppuli Kudineer 4 d pachar {Black might shade Manathakkal: Teaves on payaru } jeaf and green gram as side disb with food) 5 Thiripala: Koppuli Kudineer 6 White of an egg with Cow’s milk Prepared medicines 1. Sitajat barpam 2 Padikara barpam 3 Kungilya vennat XM OGASIRITIS (Guamam) Simple remedies ! Pepper, Cumin seeds decoction 2 Pepper, Cumin seeds choornam 56 4, Kastoori karuppu 5. Kukkil thailam for externa) application anp 6. Karpoorathi thailam formation. 7. Black datura flowers with Potassium nitrate powder (inhalation). VIE. TONSILLITIS {Annakku thooru veekam, Lasunathabitham) Simple remedies t. _Karpooravalli leaves to be chewed 2. Garlic and honey throat paint Prepared medicines 1, Sangu barpam V. LARYNGITIS (Thondaikattu) Simple remedies J. Akkarakara choorram 2. Karvvelampattai kudineer Prepared medicines 1, Thalisadi choornam 2. Thalisadi vatakam 3. Vasantha kusumakara pills 4. Kastoori karuppu For Children Gorochanai to be mixed with breast milk. IX. GINGIVITIS (Palleeru yeekam) Simple remedies }, Thiripalai koppuli kudineer 2. Nallennai koppulippu (gingelly oif for gargle) 57 X STOMATITIS (Vaspun) Simple remedies 1 Padikara neer koppulippu 2 Karuvelampatta: kudineer 3 Alampattat koppuli kudipeer 4 Manathakkali leaves ¥ (Black might shade leaf and and pachat payaru green gram as side dish withfood) Thiripala: koppuli kudineer 6 White of an egg with Cow's milk ta Prepared medicines 1, Silayat barpam 2. Padikara barpam 3, Kungilya vennat XI. GLOSSITIS (Akkaram) Simple remedies 1, Padikara neer koppulippY 2 Karuvelampatta: Kudinecr 3 Alampatta: Koppult Kudineet and pachat (Black night shade 4 Manathakkals leaves payart } leaf and green gram as side dish with food) a Kudineer coppul 5, Thirspala: Kopp in cow's malk 6. White of an ers *' Prepared mediciaes 1. Silayat barpam 2 Padihara barpam 3 Kungilya vennai xp GASTRITIS (Gunman) dies Simpte reme © eds decoction te 1. venret, Gunun seeds choornary 58 Prepared medicaces {. Uppu chenduram 2 Panchadeepakkn: choornam 3° Gunmakudon Ieghyam AW =CONSTIPATION (Malakkattu, malabantham) Simple remedies 1 Kadukkar Kudineer 2 Draksha: Kudineer Prepared medicines 1 Nilavagai choornam 2) Malakudara mezhugu For Children Equal parts of Castor oi] and breast milk, XIV DIARRHOEA (Bedht) Simple remedies 1 Dried ginger, pepper choornam 2 Dred ginger pepper decoction Prepared mediciaes 1 Thar chundi choornam 2. Chundai vatral choornam 3, Annabedhi chenduram 4, Padigalinga chenduram Diarrhoea in Children Simple remediea § Poduthala: Kudineer Prepared medicines 1. Amaiodu barpam 2 Nathar barpam 59 XV. DYSENTERY (Raktha seetha bedhi) Stmple remedies 1. Kadukaipoo, athividayam, chirunagapoo kudineer 2. Mangustan thol kudineer Prepared medicines 1, Annabedhi chendooram 2, Silajat barpam 3. Nathai barpam 4, Padigalinga chendooram 5. Kabada mathirar Dysentery in Children Stmple remedies 1. Notmeg powder (choornam) 2. Amman pacharist hudinect XVI HICCUP (Vikkal) Simple remedies 1. Powder of long pepper peacock's feathers. . 2, Nandu kuzhineer (crab s burrow) ‘ee 3. Burnt Sugarcane with Cardomon Ju! cumin seeds, burnt ash of the Prepared medicines 1, Vasantha kusumakaram 9 2, Kattoorl kacuppe 11s. yvil VOMITING yVaathi} Simple remedies 1 Cardomone . Lemon sce st : Lemon pickles {pla cumin seeds decoction ubbed in boucy in salted) 60 Prepared medicines Jathi jambeera kuzhambu Mathula: manappagu Elatht choornam Kesar kuzhambu Narathar leghyam ARUN XVII HAEMATEMESIS AND HAEMOPTYSIS (Raktha vanth: Raktham thupputhal) Simple remedies 1) Imbural kundineer 2 Venkaru, pasumpal 3 Poonkavi chendooram Prepared medicines 1 Imbural leghyam 2 = Silayat barpam 3, Muthuch:pp: barpam XIX JAUNDICE (Manyal kamalai Noy) Simple remedies 1) Keeztanelt kudiaeer (2) 2 Keezhanefl kudineer (b) 3 Keezhuneth kalkam with Cow’s buttermilk 4 Karsalat kalkam Prepared medicines Annabedh chendooram Silayat barpam Mandoora chendooram Sangu barpam Palakarat barpam Keezhanelh thailam Karisalai thailam Bringamalaga thailam For head bath Pancha kalpam WOIWAAA WN 61 XX RETENTION OF URINL (Siruneer noigal) Simple remedies ! Neermulli kudineer 2° Sirupeelai kudineer 3° Strukeerawer kudineer 4 Waneer (Tender cocoanut water) 5 Radish juice 6, Viral meen thalaikal barpam Prepared medicines 1 Vediuppy chunnam 2) Nandukkal barpam 3° Silajat barpam 4 Velvanga barpam XX DI ABETES (Neenszhive) Simple remedies 1 Aavara: panchanga kudinect 2 Seenthil choornam 3. Simkurinjan choorna™ 4 Kombupagal choornam Prepared medicines 1 Keruvanga barpa™ 2 kantha chendooram 3 Tlavanga leghys™ 4 Abraka chendoora™ wl ANAEMIA (pand¥, Veluppu 101) aa eee ot garisatal milagy, ponds itumbuthool (Paste of . ‘a! Eclipta al, perrers garlic and perGed fron filirgs) clip’ . 62 Prepared medicines 1 Annabedhi chendooram 2 Aya chendooram 3 Kantha chendooram XAT GENERAL ANASARCA {Sogai, sobat, veeka no1) Simple remedies 1 Neermutls kudineer 2 Mandoorathi kudineer Prepared medicines 1 Vedi Annadedhi chendooram Loha mandoora chendooram Vediuppu chunnam Silayat barpam Nandukkal barpam Navachara choornam AnWbwun XXIV HYPERTENSION (Raktha azhutham, Raktha kothippu) Prepared medicines 1 Sarpaganda choornam or pill XXV HEADACHE (Thalazvali) Simple remedies 1 Paste of Cinnamon bark, pepper, ginger and dried ginget Prepared medicines Neerkovai pills (for external application) Gowr: chintamant Chokku thatlam Arakku thailam } {For head bath) Sirobara nivarani thailam UnAWnNo 63 XXVI_ ANAL FISSURE (Asana vedippu) Simple remedies | Atht manappagu 2) Malakudara mezhugu 3 Moola kudori ennat Prepared medicines 1 Thripatar kudineer 2 Kukkil vennat (For external application) 3. Amurtha vennai XXXVII_ PILES (Moolam) Simple remedies 1 Country mallow decoctio 2 Warm fomentation with Count?) oil for external application 3 White ontons fried in shee n with palm Sugar candy y mallow fried in Castor Prepared medseines » Naga barpam 2 > Velvanga barpam 3 Thethankottar Leghyam 4 « Karunat leghyam Nathai barpam Muthuchippe barpa™ 7° Moolakudara net a | BOILS, ABSCESS pAVI Seezh katuya veekam) (Kattigal Simple remedies P ked hme paste Turmeric seined lime with honey {, Anthimalls of Thuthikects » Stenthil keerat fried i0 castor off for external applica ute + Meryy, at, {lon am, «4 Prepared medicines T Vellar enna: 2 Parangi choornam 3 Gandaga rasayanam 4 Prehat eonar When the boils or abscesses § Amutha vennar burst open, for external 6 Vanga kalimbu appheation AXXLV PULP INFECTION OF FINGER (Whitlow) (Viral sutru, naga sutru) Simple remedies 1 Make ahole ma Jemon fruit and thrust the affected finger mto it 2. Poultice prepared with tice four and leprdium sativum (Alivithu) Prepared medicines 1 Parangipatta: choornam XXX ULCERS (Sirangu) Simple remedies 1 Karbog: paste 2 Pun podi 3 Adutheendapalai ennat Prepared medicines 1 Punga ennar 2» =Pachat ennai 3. Arugan, Cocoanut oil XXAE SCABIES (Son, Sirangu) Simple remedies 1 Fried borax powder with cocoanut oi! for external application 2 Pus pod 65 Prepared medicines i. Vellai ennai 2, Gandaga rasayanart 3, Pravala barpam Muthuchippi barpam Parangi rasayanam Parangi choornam Vanga kalimbu Aruganpul thailam Virana sanjeevi thallam Sen aaP XXXL RING worRM (Padar thamarai, ecchil thazhumbu) Simple remedies 1. Qosithagarai elai pattru , a 2 Pei agathl or yandu kolli elai with lemon Juice pattru Prepared medicines 1, Amirtha vennal 2. Padai sankaran PHRYNODERMA XXXUE. , Thavalal Sori) (Toad skio— Simple remedies 1, Dew water for €X 2. Fried Borax with ternal application Cocosaut oil for external application, XXXIV. FISSURE FOOT ° (Kal vedippy) Prepsred medicines 4. Amirtha yenoal : Q- Kitiojal merhus' 5 ‘66 XXXV. CORNS ° (Kaalani) . « Simple remedies 1, Remove the cora and foment with salt water and yavaksharam, » 2. After removal paint with calatropis juice and bandage. 3 XXXVI. ATHLETE FOOT , (Settru pun) Simple remedies 1. Wluppai nei 2. Azhavanam elai pattro } For external saat 3. Turmeric mixed with gingelly oi! application 4. Kadukkai and turmeric paste XXXVII. SPRAIN (Sulakku) Simple remedies 1. Boiled tamurind paste for external application Prepared medicines 1, Myna thailam For external 2. Kuhkil thailam application. XXXVI MINOR INJURIFS (Adipatta_ kayangal) Simple remedies 1, Paste of amukkara ch a 2. Raktha bola patiru ooraem } For external application Prepared medicines , Mortal toatl } For external application. + 67 XXXIX BURNS AND SCALDS (Theechuttapun, Venneer vitanam) Simple remedies 1. Slaked lime with cocoanut oll 2, Aruganpul, cocoanut oil 3. I part of M Myna thailam 10 parts of Cocoanut oil ve For external apphieation Prepared medicincs 1, Kungilya vennat For external application XL SCORPION BITE (Thel kadi) Simpte remedies : Common salt solution as eye drops ; Salt paste at the site of the sung . Rub the site of the sting with staked lime in split onton XLI \NSECT BITE (hanahad 1) Simple remedies 1 Kuppaiment leaves salt paste 2. Slaked lime at the site of the sting Prepared medicines 1 Meganatha uligal 2. Sanjeev marhicat 3, Agasthiat kyzhambu (fumigation) creasty 81) 4 Sivanar ametbam qesTINAL WORMS XLIE IN (hudst sucumigal) Simpte remedies am © Karon seeragam, omum palas Fhiowed py caster oil ners Morning. 8 vathy ait soaked jn horey followed by ea Stor ou 2, Plarataie feu mornin’ 3. waxarrocctl pudirect. 68 Prepared medicines 1. Meganatha kuligar 2. Poora mathirat 3, Sanjeevi mathirar XLUT LEUCORRHOEA ( Vella1, Your vazhiyapa vella: paduthat ) Simple remedies 1, Thazhat vizhuthu charu 2 Vellaruga kudineer Prepared medicines Kungilya vennat Silayat barpam Annabedhi chendooram Velvanga barpam Venpoosani leghyam Wt XEIV DYSMEMORRHOEA (Soothaga soolai) Simple remedies 1, Kudineer of Karun seeragam, lavangapattar, chukku, chittramoola verpatta:, sombu Prepared medicines 1 Ayaveera chenduram 2 Gunmakudor leghyam 3 Pattu karuppu chenduram XLY MENORRHAGIA AND METARRHAGIA (Perumpadu) Simple remedies Navel patta: kudineer Atel patta: kudloeer Marutham pattat kudineer Thottal surungs kudineer Othiam pattar kudineer tr Pen 69 a Prepared medicines gr J, Poongavi chenduram 2 Velvanga barpam 3 Vazhaipoo vatakam IRTH ALVE RETENTION OF MILK AFTER CHILD Bi (Pillai pettra pia pal kattu) Simple remedies tion of 1 Administration of a laxative and limited consumpt liquids XLVIL OTTITIS MEDIA ' (Kattu valiyum, Seezh vadithalum, Simple remedies 1 Application of garlic juice 2 Application of Marul pattal guce suice 3. Application of Thiruneetrupac Prepared medicines 1, Pacha ennal 2) Chukku thailam 3 Musucumuttar thatlant CONSUNCTIVITIS (Kanno) XLVUL Slmpte remedies 1, Boiled rice with 2. Padiga panncet drops butter fomentation 70 TABLE OF CONTENTS OF THE MEDICINES AND YW Il Iv VI vi Vill IX XI XIT XIII XIV XV XVI xv XVII IXX XX XXII XXUI XXIV XXV XXVI XXVIT THEIR THERAPEUTIC USES Kudineer Mathirar Chunnam Vatakam Ne: Rasayanam Mapappaku Karuppu Pod: Aavipidithal Kalappu marunthu Charu Mezbugu and Kuzhambu Kalkam Kalpam Thuna: marunthugal Ela: Kattu Ottradam Pugaioottal Choornam Vennai Pattru Poochu Cheoduram Barpam Leghyam Thavlam 10 uw va 1 KUDINEER (Decoction) Name of Vedicines Nilavembu Kudineer Noch: Kudineer Thulast Kudineer Milagu Kudineer Ine Kudineer Adathodar Kudineer Karuvelampattat Kudineer Thripali Koppuli Kudineel Nalleanel Koppulipr? Padiganeet Koppulppe Alamipattal Koppvill fRodineet a a b c a a b e d Therepeutic uses Fever Fever Fever with shivering Vapour bath 10 cold Fever Cold Laryngits Pain abdomen Antitode to Mercury. perehloride of mercury & arsenic Pain in the throat Cold Vomiting Loss of appetite Fever Cough Bronchial asthma Glossitis Stomatitts Glossitss Stomatitis pain in the throat Laryngitis For garghing in Laryngitis Stomatitis b. Gingivitis Glossitus Gingivitis Stomatitis Glossitis Stomatitis Glossiths 12, 72 Name of Medicines Milagu Seeraga Kudineer 13. Kadukkat Kudioeer 4 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 39 Drakshai Kudineer Chukku, Milagu Kudineer Poduthalai Kudineer Kadukkaipoo, athividayam, Strunagappoo Kudineer Mangustan thol Kudineer Amman Pacharisi Kudineer Nandu Kuzhineer (Crab’s Therapeutle uses a. Gastritis ep PP Og¢Em og a a a burrow) a Elam, Seeraga Kudineer Imbural Kudineer Keezhanells Kudineer Neermulh: Kudineer Sirupeelai Kudincer Sirukeerai root Kudineer a a a a b c a a b Aavarai panchanga Kudinser a Mandoorath: Kudineer Thiripala: Kudineer Vellaragu Kudineer a a a, b c d Abdominal pain Constipation Diarrhoea Dysentery Constipation Diarrhoea Diarrhoea in children Dysentery Dysentery Dysentery in children Hiccup Vomiting Haemoptysts and Haematemesis Jaundice Retention of urine General anasarca Stone in the bladder Retention of urine Retention of urine Antitode to poison circulat- ing 1n the blood Disbetes General anasarca Anal fissure Leucorrhoea Scabies Ulcers Skin diseases 23 Name of Medicines Therapeutic uses Karun Seeragam, Luvanga- Pattar, Chukku, Chittra- Moolaverpattai, Sombu 2 3 MN 35 36 aAnhw 9 Kudineer Naval pattaa Kodineer Athipattar Kudineer Maruthampattaikudineer Thottal Surungi Kudineer Nakkupoochi Kudneer a Dysmenorrhea a Menorrhagia and Metareagis a Menorrhagia and Metarrhagia a Menorrhagia and Metarrbagia 2 Menorsbagia and Metarrhagia a Intestinal worms i MATHIRAI (PILLS) Chanda Chandrodayam Vasantha Kusumaharam Swasakudort pulls Gorochanai pills Kabada Mathiral Neerkova: Mathirai Sanjeevi Mathirst Poora Mathiral Meganaths Kutes? Wk Vedworu Cauant™ a Fever b Cold a. Fever bp Fever with thirst c, Laryngitis d, Htccup a Bronchial asthma s Laryngitis a Dysentery a Headache b, Cold a Insect bite b Intestinal worms a Intect bite b Intestinal] worms CHUNNAYS 8 Retention b Gererat, Of ating BE larey 74 IV VATAKAM (tablets) Name of Medicines 1, Thalisadi Vatakam 2, Vazhaipoo Vatakam Therapeutic uses a. Cough b- Bronchial asthma e Laryn itis d Diarrhoea e Sprue Syndrome 8s Menorrhagta & metarchagia V_ NEI (Ghee) 1 Thutbuvalar ne: 2. Moola Kudara nei 3. Iblupar ner a Menorrbagia and Metarrhagia a Whooping cough b Piles a Athlete foot VE RASAYANAM +. Gandaga Rasayanam 2. Parangi Rasayanam Abscees, boils . Scabtes Abscess, boils . Scabies re on VII MANAPPAKU (Syrup) 1 Adathodat Manappaku 2 Ath: Manappaku ws Mathula: Manappaku Fever Bronchial asthma - Cough Whooping cough Constipation Anal fissure - Vomiting pre aneea VHI KARUPPU 4} Kastoor: Karuppu 1 Sivanar Amirtham(nasyam) a Cough b Bronchial asthma ce Hiccup d Laryngitis a Insect bite L ayy 6 &, wis mw ee a 15 1X POD! (powder) Name of Medicines Therapeutle uses Punpod: a Scabies b.Ulcers Vengara pachai a. Scabies b Phrynederma (toad shin) a, Ringworm X AVIPIDITHAL (Vapour bath) Nocht, brick Vapour a Cold Pada Sankaran Xt KALAPPU MARUNTHU (Mixed Medicines) Lemon Seed, honey Lemon pickles (salttsh) a Vomiting Tender cocoanut water a. Retention of urine Black night shade feafand =a. Glossitis preen gram Kootuas side dish b a Vomiting Stomatitis White of an egg and a. Haemoptysis and cow's mitk Haeriatemesis be Glossitts ce. Stomatitiy a, Piles a. Tatestinal wares + Constipation jn ef Neen XW CHARU (ateey Country mallow kooty Plaintain fruit, honey Castor oll, breast mitk Gash Juice Ginger jurce Kerpooravall: Julece a. Ont redis a. Cold, ®. Neastes, & Tonrilttts Maralnatial fulce 8. Ontle modi Radish joice & Reentias of Urns ¢ Sugareerne, Care aap eee jetce 8. Hiecup Teirereetenpactal farce 2 Olt redis Thashal Virhortks fj. ce ® Veccerrbes W 18 19 20 1 78 Name of Medicines Parangt Choornam Karun Seeragam, Omam, Patasuvithu Gorochanat Thippih Seeragam, mayul- aragu Choornam Milagu Seeraga Choornam XXI Therapeutic uses a Abscess, boils b Scabies a. Intestinal worms a Measles a Hieccup a Gastrits BUTTER {Vennai) Amutha Vennar 2 Kungtlya Veonat 3 3. Vanga Venn (Kalimbu) XXIL Tre woman a Anal fissure Fissure foot Abscess, boils Ringworm Stomatitis Glossitis Burning sensation during micturition Leucorrhoea Gonorrhoea Anal fissure Burns and Scalds Abscess, boils Scabies Orn Aag PATTRU (Paste) Amukkara pattru a Minor injuries Chokhu Milaku pattru (Dried a Headache pepper paste) Toji patirn (Ginger paste) Kadukkas, Manyal pattru Carbogi pattru. a Headache a Athlete foot a Ulcers 10 YW 12 13 14 is 16 79 Name of Medicines Kupparmeas, Uppou pattru Manjat Chunnambu pattru (Turmeric slaked lime paste) Manjal nallennei pattru (Turmeric Gingelly oif paste} Maruthonr pattru Oostthagara: pattru Pelapajh: pattru Puboppa pettrn (Tamannd, Salt paste) Rathabola pattru Thane Chunnambu (Honey, {ime paste} Uppu pattru (Salt paste} Veppillat, manja) pattra (Neem leaves turmeric paste) XX Chunnambv thelineer, thenga) enpa) (Staked me, Coconut o13) Cbhunnambu Vengayam Poochu {Lime Onion rub) Chunnambu poochu (Staked hme paint) Erukkanpal poochy (Calatropis juice paint) Poondu, thane poochu (Garlic, honey paint) Panineer poochy (Dew water paint) a > S mB a Theropeutic uses Insect bite Abscess, boils Athlete foot Athlets foot Risgworm Ringworm Sprain Minor smsuries Abscess, boils Scorpion sting Measles POOCHU (Paint) a Burns and scalds a Scorpion bite a, Insect bite a Corns a Tonsillitis a Ringworm 10. Me 12, 1. 80 XXIV. CHENDURAM Name of Medicines Abraka Chenduram Annabedhi Chenduram Aya Chdaoduram Gowri Chintamani Kantba Chenuram Loha Mandooram Mandoora Chenduram Padigalinga Chendurm PoongaviChenduram Uppu Chenduram Vedi Annabedhi Chenduram Ayaveera Chendusam Pattu Karuppu Chenduram Therapeutle uses a. Diabetes . a. Diarrhoea b. Jaudice c. Leucorrhoea d. General anasarca a. Generai anasarca a. Headache a, General anasarca b. Diabetes a. General anasarca a. Jaundice a. Diacrboea b. Dysentery a. Dysmenorrhoea b. Haematemesis and _ Haemoptysis a. Gastritis a. General anasarea a. Dysmenorrhea a. Dysmenorrhea XXV BARPAM Amaiodu barpam Coru parpam Karuvanga barpam Mankombu barpam (Sirungi barpam) Muthu Chippi barpam a. Diarrhoea in children a. Measles a. Retention of urine b. Diabetes c. Piles a, Meanes a. Haemoptysis and Haematemesis b. Pites ce. Scabies d. General anasarca 81 Name of Medicines Naga barpam a Nandukkal barpam a b 1 Nathai barpam a b cy 9 Padikara barpam a b ¢ 10 Palakarai barpam a, tf. Pravala barpam ig c 12 Sangu barpam t c 13. Stlajat barpam a b Cc d e f g h 14, Velvanga barpam a b c e 15, Viralmeen thalaikal barpam a 16. Kungtlya barpam Therapeutic uses Piles Retension of urine General anasarca Dysentary Piles Diarrhoea in children Glo sitis Stomatitis Jaundice Jaundice Cough Brovchral asthm’ Scabies Jaundice Tonsillitss Leucorrhoea Dysentery Glossitis General anasarca Jaundice Lencorrhoea Stomatitis Retention of urine Haemoptysis aad Haemetemesis Leucorrhoea Piles Retention of urine Haemoptysis and Haemetemenis Retention of ure a Glossits XXVI Name of Medicines Lavanga leghyam Nm Imbural Jeghyam Kakkuvan leghyam Karuoar legyam Kesar: leghyam Narathat leghyam Thethan kottai leghyam Venpoosan leghyam Gunma Kudori leghyam waa anwa w 10 Mukkadu leghyam LEGHYAM Therapeutic uses a Diabetes 2 Haemoptysts and Haemetemes Whooping cough Piles Vomiting Vomiting Piles Leucorrhoea Gastritis Dysmenorrhoea Common cold Abdominal colic Dyspepsia Burning sensation daring micturition Diarrhoea Loss of appetite Flatulance ae tn c® & & mB wp wm wD rms a Vomiting AXVIL THAILAM 1 Karpoorsth: thailam 2 Kukkil thadam 3 Keezhanelli thajlam a Whooping cough b Bronchial asthma a Broochial asthma b Minor injuries ce Sprain a Jaundice BL-Y7 BHAVAN'S LIBRARY BOMBAY ~400 007. 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