Creativity and Families

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Creativity and Impact on Family

Creativity positively correlates to family background and the relationship characteristic at

this basic unit of society. Children's creativity and its link to family background and the

relationship between a sample and different mechanisms are important ,research resolves

discrepancies, inconsistency, error and integrating the findings is crucial in understanding

creativity.. The societal class has a positive influence on children's verbal creativity. Younger

children tend to be less creative, though. The multiple factors influencing creativity are the

family's socioeconomic status and their engagement in their children's creative thinking abilities.

The socioeconomic factors boost an individual's initial level of creativity but are unrelated to its

growth. Humans are born to create, in an innate and talent-like fashion.

The causes and effects of the immediate environment on the family set up. Patterns in

behavior in homes or learning environment for creative individuals and parental attitudes

towards creativity or their parental practices. The immediate context in the structure and

uniqueness of the houses. Parents of highly creative children confirm they had noticed such

abilities, for example, a distinctive thought pattern, functional problem-solving skills, or great

imagination plays, among others. Parents of highly creative children have interests, besides

vocational area and engagement of their children in their interest, is a reason to cite for the

development of creativity in the minors. Research on understanding creativity has sidelined

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young children. The relationship exhibited by young children's creativity has an impact on the

family's role in influencing creativity is that which has received less attention regardless of its


Flexibility is one characteristic trait of coupling creativity. Creative individuals are often

former victims of traumatic experiences like the death of a loved one, divorce, and separation of

parents forcing the individual into creativity to adapt. Flexibility is an integral part of divergent

thinking. The adverse conditions at home can make children more imaginative and creative. This

propels children to problem-solving abilities, at a tender age compared to their peers. Evidence

has shown at least a teacher's capabilities by offering support and inspiration as well. Creative

individuals have intrinsic motivation and are persistently working to achieve their set goals and


Parental bonds influence creativity. Highly creative teenagers imitate the success of their

parents. The gender role shift in society will make an overwhelming influence on the matter. The

home environment, which raises a creative child, mainly stresses values and does not enforce

rules. The parents emphasize on rewarding a developing character rather than isolated behaviors.

These homes encourage creativity and implement a flexible regime scheduled with play and

structural activities. The more time for free play, self-exploration, and interpersonal interaction

provide the requisite environment for a creative mindset.

The issues surrounding child development and creativity are reported to find out that

children's IQ has been on the rise since 1990, but with a declining trend in creativity. The causes

and effects of surrounding concentrated findings regarding behavior patterns and behavior

occurring at home or in their learning environments — support creative spirits. Parental attitude

and parenting practices support the background of a suitable home environment for creativity.
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The family is fast, and the most significant influence of creativity to a child. The impacts

are as a result of direct interaction between parents and their children, and indirectly as children

copy behaviors from their parents — the particular style of acting and thinking to achieve a goal.

The difference between the potential of child full filling their talent is influenced by early family

life. The initial home environment is highly related development of the child's creative abilities

influenced by parental rules and attitude. Parents of creative children are aware of the

stubbornness, sensitivity, and risk-taking lifestyles these children have. Acceptance of queer

tendencies from children would be favorable for creativity to flourish. Children with 'out of

conformity tendencies' should be speculated and understood. Such would thrive when provided

with a conducive environment for the development of their creativity.

In research done by Wright and Fesler, published in 1997, findings indicated that children

developed creativity in households where parents valued their characteristics. Ignoring or

discouraging children's creative behavior as a tendency for parental preference to children

Parents favored social children, well who conform to the society and conforming characteristics

than those who take risks, ask questions and make independent judgments. Regardless of the

culture of the social or economic organization, parents highly valued children who had

conformed behavior to the society than self-directed behavior in children.

The relationship between creativity and parental style shows that creativity is related to a

specific method of rearing children. Encouraging autonomy and independence among creative

children by their parents was noted. As noted by parents of creative children are less concerned

about right or typical behaviors. Parents need to exhibit a high level of creativity for children to

be exposed to creative models early. The environments to nurture creative children are not

dictatorial and non-possessive. High esteem, an integral factor in creativity, can be built by
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parent s by encouraging a spirit of independence, being an example as in demonstration of

respect for children and provision of an enabling and stimulating environment.

Family activities integrating play, interaction, exploration, and curiosity helped children

develop the required skills to create a positive attitude towards creative thinking. Parents should

not be authoritative, but rather balance by providing warmth and control to children. Creativity is

encompassing both personal factors and cognitive processes. Mothers support creativity as they

carry substantial responsibility during the early years. Contexts in the family set up are prone to

influence creativity. Mothers support creativity by values and practices. The relationship linking

parental values and personality characteristics with the characteristics of the environment at

home nurture creativity. The style of parenting was made a focus in a bid of identifying the

proper context for creativity in a family.

Parental orientation to enhancing a child's creativity and their value for particular

characteristics was to examine the personality characteristics of children who are highly valued

most by mothers. The features of a typical family environment which raised creative children

revealed a difference from home as creativity is infused in planning and the structure. Maternal

parenting influences a child's behavior to conform to society as molded by the mothers. Though

fathers play a crucial role in shaping behavior in the family set up, mothers play a significant role

are they are the primary care takes of children in their early lives. Conformity to rules and

relevance by children can be imposed by strict laws, though this has both negative and positive

impacts on a child's self-esteem. Family environments like playing together and a free and

relaxed environment are essential in children developing a creative mindset. Mothers generally

value inquisitive personalities,

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The impact on families on children with highly creative abilities is that which involves

the integration of characteristics that are considered conducive to promoting creativity. Features

like politeness, tidiness, well behaved, quiet, and eager are detrimental to creativity. Though

confirmation to behavioral standards is essential, its influence on a child's creativity is highly

speculated. Parental priorities, personal characteristics according to the nature of children's are

the influencers of creativity. Creative family environments like the show of affection, democratic

environment, and non-restrictive and detrimental are regarded as the catalysts of creativity in a

home. Analysis of the creative climate included family practices like the encouragement of

independence, demonstrating respects], and provision of a stimulating environment was noted to

be a cause of creativity within the family set up but subjected to influence from the type of

leadership and control enforced on the child. An authoritarian style of parenting exhibited to lead

to complaint child characteristics. By encouraging their children to individuality, contribution to

decision –making and expression of ideas, parents enhanced their children's self-esteem and

creativity in general.

In conclusion, most mothers value the personality characteristics associated with

creativity and are fundamental in developing creativity among the children, owing to an extended

amount of time they spend in children's first years of life. Traditional versus modern families

make an influence regarding the roles of parents and the overall family structure. Finally, it is of

much importance that we recognize the need to nurture children's creativity. There is a need to

maximize the children's abilities. Ethnic diversity and socioeconomic context influences

creativity, though to a limited significance. To finally expose the new environment for creativity,

fathers must teach a series of values, beliefs, and practices which have proven to be important in

nurturing children's creativity. Aspects of the family environment are noteworthy and highly
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influential in nurturing creativity. Parental care, home environment, and valued personalities for

creativity are the main aspects of enhancing creativity. Parental style and control are other

influences that shape children's creativity.

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