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Develop a proportional hydraulic drive. The hydraulic scheme and step diagram of the actuator
are shown in Figure. (Straight line motion multiplied 2:1)

Design intent: the cylinder rod force is F = 50 kN; the supply pressure is 16 MPа; the
frictional force in both directions of the hydraulic cylinder is R=3 kN; the working fluid is HLP-
22; the operating temperature range of the working fluid is -5...+40°С; bulk modulus of the
working fluid Е=1,6·109 N/m2.

1. Determine the main geometric parameters of the actuator.

2. Construct diagrams of the velocities of the hydraulic cylinder piston, the flow rate
consumption and the required pressure in the actuator chambers.
3. Construct the diagram of the power consumed by the hydraulic cylinder.
5. Perform hydraulic calculations and selection of the pump and cylinder on equipment
6. Develop the hydraulic drive.
7. Determine the power supply parameters of the proportional directional control valve using
the found velocities of the hydraulic cylinder piston
8. Determine the minimum natural frequency of the drive and the minimum permissible piston
acceleration and delay process time.
1. Choose the cylinder we need.
Pmax = 28 MPa,  = 0.75…0.8,
⇒ Pp  Pmax   28  106  0.75  2.1 107 Pa  21MPa

(1) Firstly, when cylinder moves down ↓,

Suppose the pressure in the bottom chamber: Pbottom = 0,
According to Newton's second law of motion
⇒ Pp  Aring  M  g  R
2.1  107  Aring  780  9.8  3  103
Aring  2.21 104 m2 , so ignore this situation.

Secondly, when cylinder moves up ↑,

Suppose the pressure in the top chamber: Ptop = 0,
According to Newton's second law of motion
⇒ Pp  Aring  M  g  R
2.1  107  Aring  780  9.8  3  103
Aring  5.07  104 m2 , then use this value of area of ring to choose the

(2) According to the area of ring: Aring  5.07  104 m2 =5.07cm2 ,

I decide to choose the Hydraulic cylinder, mill type CGH1 (MF3), with the
nominal pressure 250 bar and the maximum available stroke length 2000 mm.
in the website:
(Here, Piston  40mm and Piston.rod  28mm ),
Fig.1, Fig.2 and Fig.3 show the technical data of the Hydraulic cylinder mill
type CGH1.
Fig.1 The technical data of the Hydraulic cylinder mill type CGH1

Fig.2 The technical data of the Hydraulic cylinder mill type CGH1
Fig.3 The technical data of the Hydraulic cylinder mill type CGH1

(3) Stability Calculation:

We can get the module of elasticity from Fig.3:
E  2.1 10 N / mm  2.1 10 N / m2 ,
5 2 11

 = 2, l  h  0.45m ,
  d rod
3.14  (28  103 ) 4
J   3.02  108 kg  m2
64 64
  E  J 3.14  2.1 1011  3.02  108
⇒ Pallow    24597.51N
(  l )2 (2  0.45)2
Because, Load  Pp  Aring  2.1 107  6.4  104  13440 N ,
⇒ Pallow  Load ,
So I can choose this type of cylinder.

2. Construct diagrams of the velocities of the hydraulic cylinder piston,

the flow rate consumption in the actuator chambers.
Here, suppose the first movement of the cylinder in the time from 0s to 1s is
moving down, and the second movement of the cylinder in the time from 1s to 3s
is moving up.
(1) Velocity:
h 0.45
v1    0.45m / s ,
t1 1
h 0.45
v2    0.225m / s ,
t2 2
The diagram of the velocity of each step is shown below.
v, m/s
0-1s 1-3s

Fig.4 The velocities of the hydraulic cylinder piston

(2) Flow rate:

Q1  v1  Aring  0.45  6.4  104  2.88  104 m3 / s  17.28L / min ,
Q2  v2  Aring  0.225  6.4  104  1.44  104 m3 / s  8.64 L / min ,
The diagram of the flow rate of each step is shown below.

Q, L/min
0-1s 1-3s

Fig.5 The flow rate consumption in the actuator chambers

3. Choose the pump we need.

According to the supply pressure and the flow rate we get, here I choose the
Fixed displacement vane pumps PVH (Size 16), with the nominal pressure
290 bar and the maximum flow rate 23.5 L/min under the flow maximun at
1500 rpm,
in the website:
Fig.6 ~ Fig.7 show the technical data of the Fixed displacement vane pumps

Fig.6 The technical data of the Fixed displacement vane pumps PVH

Fig.7 The technical data of the Fixed displacement vane pumps PVH
4. Choose the motor we need.
PnP  QnP
The power of pump is: N  k ,

Here, PnP is the nominal pressure of the pump;

QnP is the nominal flow rate of the pump;

 P is the coefficient of the pump

k  1.5...2.0 , is the coefficient of the safety factor.
And PnP  290bar , QnP  23.5L / min  3.92  104 m3 / s ,  P  0.95 , k  1.5

⇒ The needed power for electric motor is:

PnP  QnP 290  105  3.92  104
N k   1.5  17.95kW .
P 0.95

5. Choose the relief valve we need.

According to the supply pressure 28 MPa, I decide to choose the Pressure
relief valve, direct controlled DB6D Size 6, with the maximun operating
pressure 315 bar and the maximun flow 60 L/min.
Fig.8 ~ Fig.10 show the technical data of the Pressure relief valve, direct
controlled DB6D.

Fig.8 The technical data of the Pressure relief valve, direct controlled DB6D
Fig.9 The technical data of the Pressure relief valve, direct controlled DB6D
From Fig.9, We can get the maximum set pressure is 315 bar.

Fig.10 The technical data of the Pressure relief valve, direct controlled DB6D
6. Calculate the diameter of the pipe and the velocity of oil in the pipe:
6.1. When cylinder moves down ↓,
Suppose the velocity of oil: v pipe1  5m / s ,
Q1 2.88  104
Apipe    5.76  105 m 2 ,
v pipe1 5

4 A 4  5.76  105
⇒ d pipe    8.56mm .
 
So, here I choose the actual diameter of pipe: d pipe  10mm
  d pipe
  (10  103 ) 2
⇒ Apipe    7.85  105 m2  0.785cm2
4 4
⇒ So, we can get the new value of v pipe1
Q1 2.88  104
v pipe1    3.67m / s
Apipe 7.85  105 .

6.2. When cylinder moves up ↑,

Q 1.44  104
v pipe 2  2   1.83m / s .
Apipe 7.85  105

7. Calculate the Reynolds number "Re", the friction coefficient "  " and
the pressure losses " Ppipe " of the pipe, here I define the length of pipe in the
upstream and downstream are both: L1  L2  2m :

Fig.11 The technical data of the oil of L-HM32 produced by SINOPEC

According to the operating temperature range of the working fluid is -
15...+25°С and Fig.11, I decide to choose the oil of L-HM32 produced by
SINOPEC, in the website:,
6 m
Here, viscosity coefficient: oil  32cst  32  10 ,
density:   870kg/m3 ,

7.1. When cylinder moves down ↓,

v pipe1  d pipe 3.67  (10  103 )
Re1    1146.875  2000 ,
 32  106
It belongs to resistance region Ι.
64 64
1    0.0558
Re1 1146.875
L1   v pipe1 870  3.67 2
Ppipe1  1    0.0558    0.65bar
d pipe 2 10  103 2

7.2. When cylinder moves up ↑,

v d 1.83  (10  103 )
Re2  pipe 2 pipe   571.875  2000 ,
 32  106
It belongs to resistance region Ι.
64 64
2    0.1119
Re 2 571.875
L2   v pipe 2 870  1.832
Ppipe 2  2    0.1119    0.33bar
d pipe 2 10  103 2

8. Choose the the Proportional directional valve we need and Calculate

the pressure losses of the Proportional directional valve.
According to the flow rate Q1 and Q2 and the supply pressure we get, I
decide to choose the 4/3 proportional directional valves, direct operated,
without electrical position feedback, without integrated electronics (OBE),
4WRA (Size 6, that is, NS6), with the maximun operating pressure 315 bar
and the nominal flow 26 L/min.
in the website:
Fig.12 ~ Fig.17 show the technical data of the 4/3 proportional directional
valves, direct operated, without electrical position feedback, without integrated
electronics (OBE), 4WRA.
Fig.12 The technical data of the 4/3 proportional directional valves, direct operated, without
electrical position feedback, without integrated electronics (OBE), 4WRA

Fig.13 The technical data of the 4/3 proportional directional valves, direct operated, without
electrical position feedback, without integrated electronics (OBE), 4WRA
Here I choose the nominal flow rate (Performance limit rated flow) 26 L/min,
and then get the pressure losses of the Proportional directional valve when
cylinder moves up and down.

Fig.14 The technical data of the 4/3 proportional directional valves, direct operated, without
electrical position feedback, without integrated electronics (OBE), 4WRA
Fig.15 The technical data of the 4/3 proportional directional valves, direct operated, without
electrical position feedback, without integrated electronics (OBE), 4WRA
Here, rated flows qv rated with ∆p = 10 bar, so I choose the curve 1 from
8.1. When cylinder moves down ↓, Q1  17.28L / min ,
According to the curve 1 from Fig.16, the Command value in % = 80%,
Fig.16 The technical data of the 4/3 proportional directional valves, direct operated, without
electrical position feedback, without integrated electronics (OBE), 4WRA
According to the Command value in % = 80%, we can get the valve pressure
differential in bar from Fig.16 is: P1  16.67bar .
  v 2pipe1
Due to, P1   dv1 
So we can get the resistance coefficient of the directional valve:
2  P1 2  16.67  105
 dv1    153.29
  v 2pipe1 870  52
Fig.17 The technical data of the 4/3 proportional directional valves, direct operated, without
electrical position feedback, without integrated electronics (OBE), 4WRA
We can get the voltage input from Fig.17 is equal to ±10 V and the current
input is from 4 to 20 mA. So In this situation, the power supply should be +8 V
while the current is 18.4 mA.

8.2. When cylinder moves up ↑, Q2  8.64 L / min ,

According to the curve 1 from Fig.14, the Command value in % = 60%,
And according to the Command value in % = 60%, we can get the valve
pressure differential in bar from Fig.16 is: P2  13.16bar .
  v 2pipe 2
Due to, P2   dv 2 
So we can get the resistance coefficient of the directional valve:
2  P2 2  13.16  105
 dv 2    903.37
  v 2pipe 2 870  1.832
And in this situation, the power supply should be -6 V while the current is 7.2

9. Determine the main geometric parameters of actuator again.

9.1 When cylinder moves down ↓,

Fig.18 Force diagram

Here, Ftop - The pressure force in the top chamber.
Fbottom - The pressure force in the bottom chamber.
R - The friction force.
Mg - The gravity of the load.
According to Newton's second law of motion,
⇒ Ftop  M  g  R  Fbottom
Ptop  Aring  M  g  R  Pbottom  Aring
The pressure in the bottom chamber is:
Pbottom  P1  Ppipe1  16.67  0.65  17.32bar
⇒ Ptop  6.4  104  780  9.8  3  103  17.32  105  6.4  104
⇒ Ptop  55.24bar .
There is a problem that the pressure in the top chamber is negative, so we need
to add a throttle with check valve on the drain line to eliminate this unexpired
situation. Then the new hydraulic scheme is developed as shown below.

Fig.19 New hydraulic scheme

Here, I decide to choose the Twin throttle check valves, direct operated
Z2FS 6...XC (Z2FS 6 ..–4X/.2QXCJ), with the maximun operating pressure
315 bar and the maximum flow 80 L/min.
in the website:
Fig.20 ~ Fig.22 show the technical data of Twin throttle check valves, direct
operated Z2FS 6...XC (Z2FS 6 ..–4X/.2QXCJ).
Fig.20 the technical data of Twin throttle check valves, direct operated Z2FS 6...XC (Z2FS
6 ..–4X/.2QXCJ)

Fig.21 the technical data of Twin throttle check valves, direct operated Z2FS 6...XC (Z2FS
6 ..–4X/.2QXCJ)
Fig.22 the technical data of Twin throttle check valves, direct operated Z2FS 6...XC (Z2FS
6 ..–4X/.2QXCJ)
Here, from Fig.22, we set the throttle position revolutions as 5 and then get the
pressure differential on throttle is Pthrottle  125bar while the flow rate
Q1  17.28L / min .
⇒ Now, The pressure in the bottom chamber is:
Pbottom  P1  Ppipe1  Pthrottle  16.67  0.65  125  142.32bar
⇒ Ftop  M  g  R  Fbottom
Ptop  Aring  M  g  R  Pbottom  Aring
⇒ Ptop  6.4  104  780  9.8  3  103  142.32 105  6.4 104
⇒ Ptop  69.76bar .
In this situation, the pressure on pump’s outlet is:
Ppump1  Ptop  P1  Ppipe1  69.76  16.67  0.65  87.08bar .
9.2 When cylinder moves up ↑,

Fig.23 Force diagram

Here, Ftop - The pressure force in the top chamber.
Fbottom - The pressure force in the bottom chamber.
R - The friction force.
Mg - The gravity of the load.
According to Newton's second law of motion,
⇒ Ftop  M  g  R  Fbottom
Ptop  Aring  M  g  R  Pbottom  Aring
The pressure in the bottom chamber is:
Ptop  P2  Ppipe 2  13.16  0.33  13.49bar
⇒ 13.49  105  6.4  104  780  9.8  3  103  Pbottom  6.4  10 4
⇒ Pbottom  179.8bar .

Fig.24 the technical data of Twin throttle check valves, direct operated Z2FS 6...XC (Z2FS
6 ..–4X/.2QXCJ)
In this step, the oil goes through the check valve instead of the throttle, and
from Fig.24 we can get the pressure differential across the check valve is
Pcheck .valve  3.25bar while the flow rate Q2  8.64 L / min .
In this situation, the pressure on pump’s outlet is:
Ppump 2  Pbottom  P2  Ppipe 2  Pcheck .valve  179.8  13.16  0.33  3.25  196.54bar

10. Construct diagrams of the required pressure in the actuator chambers.

So the required pressure in the actuator chamber is:
69.76bar , 0  t  1
Ptop   ;
13.49bar , 1  t  3
142.56bar , 0  t  1
Pbottom  
 179.8bar , 1  t  3
100 Ptop, bar

80 Pbottom, bar

0-1s 1-3s

Fig.25 The required pressure in the actuator chambers

11. Construct the diagram of the power consumed by the hydraulic

The pressure differential across the cylinder is:
 Ptop  Pbottom  69.76  142.56  72.8bar , 0  t  1
P  
 Pbottom  Ptop  179.8  13.49  166.31bar , 1  t  3
So the power consumption by the hydraulic cylinder is:
72.8  105  2.88  104  2.10kW , 0  t  1
N  P  Q   4
 166.31  10  1.44  10  2.39kW , 1  t  3
N, kW
-0.5 0-1s 1-3s

Fig.26 The power consumed by the hydraulic cylinder

12. Determine the minimum natural frequency of the drive and the
minimum permissible piston acceleration and delay process time.
Fig.27 The technical data of the Hydraulic cylinder mill type CGH1
Here, bulk modulus of the working fluid E = 1.65∙109 N/m2, H = 0.45m, AR =
6.4×10-4 m2, m  M  (10  1.5  H )  780  (10  1.5  0.45)  790.675 kg ,
Minimum natural angular frequency:
4  1.65  109  6.4  104
0  0.9   98.06s 1 ;
0.45  790.675
Minimum acceleration and delay time:
18 18
t B min  tV min    0.184 s .
0 98.06
Minimum acceleration and delay distance:
1 1 9v
According to: X B min  X V min   v  t B min   v  tV min  ,
2 2 0
9  v1 9  3.67
X B min1  X V min1    0.337 m ,
0 98.06
9  v2 9  1.83
X B min 2  X V min 2    0.168m .
0 98.06

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