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Edu 201 - Portfolio Project 10

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Amber Parker

Professor Grant
EDU 201 – 1003
9 December 2018
Portfolio Project #10: The Lesson Plan
1) Name of the Lesson: Comparing Numbers
2) Grade Level: Kindergarten
3) Suggested Group Size: The class will work together as a team to complete the
assignment / task.
4) Subject: Mathematics: Counting and Cardinality
5) Standard: CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.K.CC.C.6  Identify whether the number of objects
in one group is greater than, less than, or equal to the number of objects in another
group, e.g., by using matching and counting strategies.
6) Objective: Outside of the classroom, the student will be able to correctly determine
how many objects are in a group, then be able to compare them to another group of
objects to figure out if both groups have the same number of objects or if one group has
more or less than the other. In other words, students will be able to take a group of
objects from their personal lives and compare them to a different group of objects,
whether it be groups that they create or observe in the world around them.
7) Materials Needed to Facilitate the Lesson:
a. White Boards
b. Markers
c. Tissues – to erase their white boards
d. Students – The preferred option
e. pencils, balls, or anything else that can be used to create two separate groups
for the students to compare, can also be used.
8) Procedure / Steps:
1. Have the students quietly get a white board, marker and tissue, then have them
return to their seats.
2. Separate the students into three groups. Two groups (A&B) will be used to compare
the number of students in each group, and the third group (C) will compare the
other two groups (A&B).
3. First Exercise: Arrange groups A & B so that one group A has more students than
group B. Then have group C work together to determine which group has more
students. Have group C write their answers on a white board and hold them up once
they have answered. Tell the students why they did or did not get the answer right.
4. Second Exercise: Arrange groups A and B so that both groups have the same
number of students in each group. Have group C write their answers on a white
board and have them hold their answers when they are done. Once again, explain
why the got the answer right or wrong.
5. Repeat steps 2 and 3 rotating groups A, B, and C until each group has compared the
other two. For Example: Group C previously compared groups A and B, so now
group B will compare groups A and C, while group A will compare groups B and C.
6. Once the lesson has been completed, have the students put their white boards and
markers away, throw away their tissue, and then quietly sit down in their seats to
await further instruction.
9) Assessment: In order to make sure they have mastered this lesson, I will send them
home with a short homework assignment. This assignment will be a repeat of today’s
exercise and will contain several scenarios. The only difference is that they will have to
find objects to use, and their parents will organize the groups varying the number each
one contains until each problem/exercise has been completed. I will provide the parents
with a copy of the lesson instructions, so they know what to do. I will have the parents
sign their student’s worksheet when they complete the assignment. The
parent/guardian signature will tell me if the student did the assignment when they turn
it in the next day. The students will pass the assignment if they have a parent signature
on their worksheet. The signature is a sign to me that the student has mastered the

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