Paper 6

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181) What does the term high frequency mean when referring to TIG welding?

A. a high integrity weld is easily achievable

B. the power source gives a high duty cycles

C. a high voltage spark is used to initiate the arc

D. the output from the power source is high

182) Which would be general the least angular distortion when welding a 50 mm thick plate

A. single v preparation using MMA

B. single v preparation using MIG

C. square edge open butt using electro slag welding

D. single u preparation using submerged arc welding

183) solidification cracking takes place in carbon steels,

a. after post weld heat treatment

b. in the base metal

c. immediately after welding

d. after a few hours

184) Which of the following NDT method could be used on fillet weld on aluminium





185) An amount of which of the following element is positively required to make steels

A. carbon

B. manganese

C .boron
D. chromium

186) Cast and helix are terms that refer to :

a. Ingredients in the flux covering

b. Bead deposition techniques for distortion control

c. Quality of the welding wires

d. Sources from which wires are drawn

187) Toe blending is important as it may affect.

1 corrosion

2 fatigue life

3 over lap type defects

4 all of the above.

188)The soak temperature specified by code depend on the type of steel, low alloy steels
(such as cr-mo steels used for elevated temperature service) require temperatures typically
in the range of

A.700 - 960 c

B.900 - 1100 c

C.600 - 650 c

D.700 - 760 c

189) The surface finish of the charpy impact specimen is:

a. Rough

b. smooth and surface ground

c. turned ina lathe

d. surface finish is not important

190) You find several unacceptable welds and reject them the welding supervisor indicates
they are acceptable be signs then off and request NDT what action would you take.

a.nothing as be is a welding supervisor and knows a great deal above

b. Raise the issue with the QC department supervisor is not my problem us be has signed them off so i will not be blamed

d. Look at the NDT results and if they know reasonable I would accept them.

191) When referring TIG welding the shielding gas could be




D.all of above

192) In the GTAW process the use of pulsed current helps in a achieving which of the

a. electron cleaning effect and penetration

b. controlling heat input and penetration

c. controlling lack of sidewall fusion and heat input

d. controlling spatter and penetration

193) In MIG/MAG welding which mode of transfer is referred to as non-desired?

a. dip

b. pulse

c. spray

d. globular

194) In GMAW, MIG/MAG welding which mode of metal transfer uses frequencies in cycle

A. spray transfer
B. pulse transfer

C. dip transfer

D. globular transfer

195) On cross country pipe line, to ensure the root defects of the same, which NDT method
to be suitable to be carried out

a) Radiography testing

b) Ultrasonic testing

c) Magnetic particle testing

d) a and b

196) When welding with GMAW a typical mixture of gas for stainless steel would be

A.98%argon + 2% oxygen

B.60%argon+40% oxygen

C.80%argon +20%carbon di oxide

D.9%nitrogen+91%carbon di oxide

197) Very high deposition efficiency electrodes (180%) have what disadvantages

A. higher yield strength of weld metals

B .higher level of hydrogen in the weld metal

C. operation is limited to only some positions

D. they produce very hard weld metals

198) The welding position usually positioning the greatest risk of fumes inhalation is

A. horizontal/vertical (PC)

B. vertical up (PF)

C. down hand (PA)

D. overhead (PE)
199) Low alloy steels having a high carbon equivalent before welding will require:

a. A reduction in carbon content.

b. High pre-heat temperatures.

c. Low pre-heat temperatures.

d. No pre-heating

200) A martensitic transformation takes place in plain carbon steels only

A. when the material is cooled sufficiently rapidly

B. when the carbon content is sufficiently high

C. when there is a formation of austenite

D. all of the above

201) Loss of ductility is often one of the reasons for a hydrogen crack to occur. What will
happen to ductility we increase tensile strength?

a. Ductility will be greater

b. Ductility will not change

c. ductility will be less

d. Ductility is tensile not affected by tensile strength

202) A nick break test reveals defects in the:

a. heat affected zone

b. the weld metal

c. the parent metal

d. all of the above

203) An eutectoid mixture in steel is:

a. A mixture of ferrite and austenite.

b. A mixture comprising a substitutinal solid solution.

c. Called pearlite.
d. Called ledeburite.

204) In acccordance with BS 2901 which of the following is classified as triple deoxidised
filler wire??

a) 17 wire

b) 18 wire

c) 15 wire

d) all

205) A welder is working on PA, which mechanical test get affected when he changes to PF

A. Tensile test

B.Hardness test

C. Impact test

D. All

206) What destructive test would be required to ascertain the likelihood of cracking in the
HAZ of a weld?

a. Nick break

b. Side bend test

c. Charpy impact

d. Macro test

207) When open site working, serious porosity in metal arc welds is brought to your
attention. What would you investigate?

a) Electrode type

b) Electrode storage

c) Day temperature

d) Power plant type

208) Which of these test would normally be used for welder qualification on plate butt weld
using 13 mm low carbon steel?


2.Nick break

3.Fracture fillet


209) Degreasing components are essential for quality welding,when welded some agents

A. Cause corrosion problems

B. Leave residues

C. Give off toxic gases

D. All of the above

210) Hot cracking

a) In steel weldments occurs along the fusion line.

b) In steel weldments occurs in the last metal to soldify

c) In steel weldments only occurs weld center line.

d) In steel weldments occurs in areas of the lowest dilution.

211) What is an active flux?

(a) A material used to clean surfaces of the joint through continued chemical reaction

(b) A material used to protect the molten weld pool during welding

(c) A material used to aid fusion

(d) All of the above

212) Radiography testing:

a) lack of root fusion would most likely show up as dark straight line with a light root

b) lack of root fusion would most likely show up as a dark root with straight edges
c) lack of root fusion would most likely show up as a dark uneven line following the edge of
the root

d) lack of root fusion cannot be seen on a radiograph.

213) Which of the following additions may be added to an electrode's flux to act as a

a) Sodium silicate

b) Silicon

c) Manganese

d) Titanium dioxide

214) What is the main purpose of microscopic examination of a weld determine the number and type of defect present. determine the grain size. determine the strength of weld

d. both a and b

e. all of the above

215) If a steel has a Cev of 0.48%:

(a) PWHT would always be necessary

(b) It will probably require a pre-heat temperature above 300*C prior to welding

(c) It will probably require a pre-heat temperature above 100*C prior to welding

(d) The heat affected zone will be very tough

216) The hardest part of a multi-pass welded joint, assuming no post weld heat treatment
has have taken place is :

a. The HAZ of the cap

b. The HAZ of the root

c. The root
d. The cap

217) Which of the following welding process is not as classed as arc welding process?

A.electro slag welding

B.thermit welding

C.plasma welding

D.a and b

E.all of above

218) Which of the following elements if present in significant quantities in steel may lead to
cold shortness

a. Sulphur

b. Phosphorus

c. Silicon

d. Copper

219) E6014 electrode would most probably used for welding

a. Low pressure pipework

b. High- pressure pipework

c. Vertical down welding on storage tanks

d. In a situation where low hydrogen welds are specified

220) Which of the following flame types would you expect to be used for the cutting of mild

a. Carburising flame

b. Oxidizing flame

c. Reducing flame

d. Neutral flame

221) What welding process is 136 stands for?

a. fcaw

b. mig/mag


222) when welding procedure may not be valid in PA position,if the welding is done in PF
position, if

a) No NDT is carried out.

b) Tensile strength are specified,

c) Impact strength are specified.

d) No PWHT is carried out

223) Cellulose electrode are often used for the deposition of a root pass on pipes welded in
the filled this is because?

A.hydrogen control is required.

b.the high deposition rate due to the iron powder content.

c.the hydrogen gas produced in the flux increases the arc voltage.

d.all of above.

224) In accordance with BS 5135 which of the following is applicable for scale “C” with
regards to hydrogen content per 100g of deposited weld metal?

(a) > 15 ml

(b) > 15 ml < 25 ml

(c) > 10 ml < 15 ml

(d) > 5 ml < 10 ml

225) Which of the following defects would show up as light indications on a radiograph?

a. Slag inclusions and copper inclusion

b. Tungsten inclusions and excessive root penetration

c. Cap undercut and root piping

d. Excessive cap height and incomplete root penetration

226) Cellulose electrodes have which of the following properties?

a. Viscous slag, large volumes of shielding gas and UTS values above 90,000 PSI

b. Large volumes of shielding gas, hydrogen contents>15 ml per 100g of weld metal
deposited and should be never baked

c. Large volumes of shielding gas, high spatter contents and hydrogen levels < 15 ml per
100g of weld metal deposited

d. High spatter contents ,high deposition and large volumes of gas shield

227) When ac only is required for welding, the power supply unit is almost always:

(a) A transformer, rectifier and a means to change the current

(b) A transformer, inverter and a means to change the current

(c) A rectifier, alternator and a means to change the current

(d) A transformer or alternator and a means to change the current

228) Which of the following statements is true when using a flat characteristic power

(a) The electrode is always dc –ve

(b) The shielding is always pure argon

(c) The wire feed speed remains constant

(d) The electrode extension will have no effect on weld quality

229) When welding a double V butt joint with SAW process the presence of centerline
porosity may be due to:

(a) Damp flux

(b) Contaminated joint preparation

(c) Incorrect stick out lengths

(d) All of the above

230) In accordance with BS 5135 what is the recommended minimum time allowed for the
pre heat temperature to equalize?

(a) 2 Min for each 25 mm of parent material thickness

(b) 5 Min for each 25 mm of parent material thickness

(c) 2 Min for each 50 mm of parent material thickness

(d) 5 Min for each 50 mm of parent material thickness

231) Which of the following units is used to express heat input?





232) Defects outside of the limits specified in a standard should always be....

a. repaired

b. reported to a senior person

c. assessed along the with other defects

d.all of the above

233) Which of the following is applicable of the heat treatment process of normalizing C-Mn
steel always carried out below the lower critical limit is carried out to ensure the material has maximum tensile strength is carried out to ensure the material is to maximum ductility and malleability in
preparation is carried out at approx. 910C for the purpose of grain refinement

234) An transverse tensile test from a weld procedure approval record test plate is used to

a. the tensile strength of the weld

b.the tensile strenth of the joint

c.the stress strain characteristics of the weld

d.thestres strain characteristics of the joint

235) An austenitic stainless steel may suffer:

a. weld decay

b. sensitisation

c. solidification cracking

d. all of the above

236) Which of the following is the odd out?

(a) Neon

(b) Xenon

(c) Argon

(d) Nitrogen

237) What kind of steel is used for making filler rod?

(a) Killed steel

(b) Rimming steel

(c) Carbon steel

238) Welding process that use flux are sometime considered to be better than non fluxed
processes because

A.fluxes may be dried to give low hydrogen level

B.fluxes may have higher tolerance to surface contamination

C.theyare good for welding good reactive metals

D.all of above
239) What is the maximum allowable HI/LO for 8 mm thick material if the following is
applied.Linear misalignment is permissible is 10%of ‘t’ if the maximum 2mm

A. 0.8 mm

B.2 mm

C. 8.0 mm

D. it cannot be sentenced as an other side is shown by the symbol

240) Which of the following abbreviations is the odd one out?





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