The Impact of Achieving Financial Literacy
The Impact of Achieving Financial Literacy
The Impact of Achieving Financial Literacy
There are three factors affecting financial behaviors and problem among individuals
namely: age, employment/education, family background and knowledge about financial literacy.
These factors greatly affect the financial decision of individuals which may lead them to
financially challenged. In addition to that, when it comes to employment and education, the
expenses rise. For instance, if a person is employed basically, he/she have the money to spend on
something. The tendency of having money can lead to spending too much with the fact that
having money to spend. Unfortunately, then that person will be having a bad decision making in
terms of how to spend his/her money. As we go in education, same thing will happen if a person
is being taught and practiced how to use and spend money efficiently, then most likely that
person knows how to handle money. Like for example, spending money on just important things
and weighing things equally.
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