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Form B-2 (Amended)

RULE 5 (5)(4)(IV)
Form of Certificate to be produced by other Backward Classes, Vimukta Jati (A),
Nomadic Tribes (B, C, D) and Special Backward Category and its synonyms
belonging to the State of Maharashtra along with Non Creamy Layer Status

Documents Verified :-
1 Caste Certificate of Self
2 ITR/ Form No.16/Income Certificate given by Tahasildar
3 School Bonafied/Leaving Certificate of Self
4 Ration Card Xerox
5 School Leaving Certificate of Father
6 Light Bill

SDO/Noncreamy/ Reg/Case No. : Year : 2018-2019

Outward No. : 4224515366050 Date : 15/06/2019


This is to certify that Shri/Smt./Kumari Afreen Rafique Nadaf son of Rafique Nadaf of Town Kondhwa
bk. (M.Corp.) Tahasil Haveli in District Pune of the State of Maharashtra belongs to the Pinjari (at serial No
177) Tribe which is recognized as Other Backward Class ) under Government Resolution No. Edn. & S.W.
Dept. CBC-1467/M dated 13/10/1967 as amended from time to time
Shri/Smt./Kumari Afreen Rafique Nadaf and/ or his/ her family ordinarily resides in Town Kondhwa bk.
(M.Corp.) Tahasil Haveli District Pune of the State of Maharashtra.
This is also to certify that Shri/Smt./Kumari Afreen Rafique Nadaf does not belong to thee persons/
sections (Creamy Layer) mentioned in the Government of Maharashtra Gazette, Part IV-B, dated 29th January
2004, Maharashtra State Public Service (Reservation for S.C./S.T./D.T. (V.J.), N.T., S.B.C. & O.B.C. Act, 2001
and instruction and guidelines laid down in the Government Resolution, Social Justice, Cultural Affairs and
Sports & Special Assistance Department No. CBC 1094/CR-86/BCW-V, dated 16th June 1994 and Government
Resolution No. CBC. 10/2001/CR-111/BCW-V dated 29th May 2003 and Government Resolution No. CBC-
10/2008/PraKra. 697/VJNT-1 dated 24th June 2013 as amended from time to time.
This Certificate is valid for the period upto 31-Mar-2021 from the date of issue.

Signature Valid
Digitally Signed By SACHIN
Date: 15-June -2019 11.41 IST
Place: Haveli (with the Seal of office) Deputy Collector/Sub Divisional Officer
Date : 15/06/2019 Haveli

Printed by-OMTID: MH032201469, VLE Name: Vishwajeet Enterprises Dated: 15/06/2019 11:41AM

This is a digitally signed document, hence is legally valid as per the Information Technology (IT) Act, 2000
To verify visit https://www.mahaonline.gov.in OR SMS “M<Space>CSC<Space>\VRFY<space><२० digit Barcode number >” to 166 from a BSNL, MTNL, Tata Mobile and

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