Bifurcation Theory
Bifurcation Theory
Bifurcation Theory
James Todd
May 9, 2019
1 Introduction
One way to understand mathematics is to envision each topic as a set of
tools, where one ought to know what tool is best suited for what job; for exam-
ple, in the same way that it is easiest to pound in a nail with a hammer, it is
easiest to approach an area under a curve problem with integral calculus. With
this in mind, what follows is a brief overview of a particularly useful tool for the
analysis of functions, known as ”bifurcation theory.”
example, some bifurcations exist in general forms in higher dimensions, where
a smaller number of variables can ‘flatten’ the effect of a bifurcation, such as a
saddle-node bifurcation shown in two dimensions (this will be explored in more
detail later). The so-called “codimension” of a bifurcation is how many param-
eters must be ‘tuned’ to a certain range for the behavior to occur. Most of the
ones discussed in this paper will be in the context of codimension-1 systems that
only require a single variable to be changed to view how the bifurcation occurs
inside a function, with the exception of the monkey-saddle bifurcation, which
is an example of a bifurcation with minimum codimension-2. Continuity is an-
other property of particular interest. As Wiens discusses, some models, such as
the Trygve Haavelmo growth model, can have different dynamical behaviours
depending on whether the model is expressed as either differential or difference
equations; solutions to the continuous version converge to a fixed point, whereas
the discrete version exhibits small-scale chaotic behavior[10]. Part of the diffi-
culty about viewing bifurcations in dynamical systems is that often the relevant
information is stored along the time axis, rather than just the spatial axes.
Figure 1: These are the types of attractors, visualized in phase space: a strange
attractor, that pulls towawrds a fractal set (top left), a point attractor that
pulls towards a single point (top right), a torus attractor (that pulls towards a
torus in 3D space), and a limit cycle (that pulls towards a cycle.) [1]
to have an attractor. The easiest type to consider is that of a “fixed-point” at-
tractor, where the trajectory of a function will eventually converge to a specific
value, and these are what are typically what are shown with bifurcation dia-
grams. Another type of attractor is that of a “limit cycle”, where a specific path
in phase space attracts, rather than a point; these are typically shown with a
Van der Pol phase portrait. Some also consider a torus attractor to be a unique
type, that pulls into complex shapes that can be described with the geometry of
a torus. Finally, perhaps the most complicated type of attractor is the mythi-
cal “strange attractor”, which is a set of attractive points described by a fractal.
3 Bifurcation Diagrams
Figure 2: This is the bifurcation diagram for the chaotic logistic map: xn+1 =
r(1 − xn ). Notice the bifurcation that occurs at r = 3, and entirely chaotic
behavior that arises later by r = 4. [9]
method is beautiful in its simplicity, because bifurcations are difficult to visual-
ize in a vacuum.
4 Classification of Bifurcations
As organizing things into groups is a useful way to better understand sys-
tems as a whole, bifurcations are classically divided into separate categories.
One typically divides systems by property, such as by local and global, homo-
clinic and heteroclinic, or by codimension; or by directly named species as they
were discovered in different fields, such as the saddle-node bifurcation, trans-
critical bifurcation, and pitchfork bifurcation. Some instead choose to divide
them over what type of fixed points the system has, such as equilibria, periodic
orbits, and global. However, that classification only works for codimension-1
bifurcations. Local codimension-2 bifurcations may be classified into Bautin
bifurcations, Bogdanov-Takens bifurcations, cusp bifurcations, Fold-Hopf bifur-
cations, and Hopf-Hopf bifurcations.
whereas global ones can causes widespread change over the entire function.
Figure 4: The above graph is shows the normal form of the saddle-node bifur-
cation as the parameter r crosses the critical threshold. This graphic, as well as
several of the following, come from Strogatz’ work, which is definitive on this
topic. [8]
more formally, a “normal form.” This is important, because regardless of the
complexity of a system, a bifurcation of a given type can always be written in
terms of its normal form. The normal form for a saddle-node bifurcation is:
dx/dt = r ± x2 . This is the most simple type of bifurcation, and it is very com-
mon to see this behavior in addition to other bifurcations which are discussed
more later.
Figure 5: The above graph is shows the normal form of the transcritical bifur-
cation as the parameter r crosses the critical threshold. [8]
Figure 6: The above graph is shows the bifurcation diagram of the pitchfork
bifurcation in the supercritical case (top) and subcritical case (bottom). [8]
under the change of variables x=-x (this simply means that substitution of -x
in place of x does not change the system, i.e., it is exactly mirrored about y).
This is characterized by a single stable equilibria splitting apart into two stable
equilibria with an unstable equilibria between them. This type of model occurs
frequently in systems that are similar to the Lorentz model of dielectrics (which
deals with a positive and negative charge attached via a spring), or the sigmoid
layer in neural networks, which also has a “bounciness” that must be satisfied.
This system is stabilizing, meaning it works as a restorative force, whereas the
more complicated destabilizing version of this system is the subcritical pitchfork
bifurcation. The normal form for this type of bifurcation is dx/dt = rx + x3 .
Note that this equation quite clearly blows up very quickly, because the pre-
viously restorative force is now working outward. In physical models, this is
normally opposed by a very large term that (by necessity of keeping a symmet-
ric system) is either of the forms −x5 or −x7 , such as in the case of electron
degeneracy for small r. This results in two stable fixed points that drift away
from each other for large x. This causes a large problem in ecological systems
that use models that have this behavior, as shifting between two increasingly
disparate stable points can wildly impact large scale systems.
Figure 7: The above shows both the subcritical and supercritical case of the
Neimark-Sacker bifurcation. These are purely example cases, and not from a
specific function. The limit cycle is shown in green in the supercritical case, and
red in the subcritical case. [5]
Figure 8: The above graph is a typical monkey saddle bifurcation shown in
(x,y,z) space. The particular functions that define this one are x(u, v) = u,
y(u, v) = v, and z(u, v) = u3 − 3uv 2 . [4]
6 Related Topics
6.1 Chaos
Bifurcation theory is also particularly helpful in the analysis of “chaotic”
functions, another subfield of nonlinear dynamics. Chaotic systems are systems
that are extraordinarily sensitive to initial conditions. To discover how chaotic
Figure 9: The above graph is the Lyapunov exponent calculated for the Hénon
map (xn+1 = (1 − Cx2n + Bxn−1 ), B = 0.3, 0 < C < 2). It is important in
dynamical systems as a simplified Poincaré section of the Lorenz model, a more
complicated and useful system. The horizontal line here demarks the x axis.
Any values plotted above this are values at which the function exhibits chaotic
behavior. [7]
a dynamical system is, one might calculate the Lyapunov exponent (which is a
single numerical value that measures divergence of a function) of the function
at a specific parameter value, averaged over the attractor. By calculating many
such values while slightly varying the parameter, the result is a function where
the x is given by the parameter value and the y is given by the calculated ex-
ponent value. Where the Lyapunov exponent is positive, the function is said
to be chaotic. The function of Lyapunov values is considered to be a potential
function, calculated by a somewhat complicated Taylor-series expansion. Con-
structing a bifurcation diagram is one method of visualizing what values this
chaotic attractor causes the function to approach. An important side note here
is that the unpredictability of chaotic functions in no way makes the function
“random,” and the signal during chaotic behavior is by no means “noise.” At
all points, a chaotic function is deterministic, even if what causes it to behave
in a certain way is esoteric. Chaotic functions and noise can exist in the same
system however.
Chaotic functions are a powerful and ubiquitous tool, and have found uses
in many different fields and applications. In cryptography they are used for
hashing, streaming, watermarking, steganography, and all sorts of applications
Figure 10: The above graph is a typical solution to the Lorenz equations in 3D,
which forms a striking butterfly shape. [6]
that need a way to generate information that is both predictable with some
information and nearly unpredictable without it. In biology, various different
populations have been shown to exhibit chaotic behavior in their population
models. Chaotic blinking of stars caused by planets passing in front of them
have allowed astronomers to identify many planets that were previously un-
known. It’s been used to model human psychology and physiology of the brain.
One of the most visually striking chaotic systems is the Lorenz attractor that
resembles a butterfly when graphed on the (x,y,z) coordinate space. This one
is of great use in its own right in fluid dynamics, lasers, dynamos, circuits, and
chemical reactions. Out of all of bifurcation theory, chaos theory has shown the
most promise, and appears in a striking number of different fields.
differential geometry, and functional analysis. It has been described as a way of
avoiding getting one’s feet wet without turning to constantly gauge approach-
ing waves. In other words, some processes are difficult to judge at any exact
moment (such as the ocean), but observing long term behavior allows one to
avoid any negative consequences in the short term. In statistical mechanics, er-
godic theory finds its place in metal folding, gas mixing, and impurity reduction.
Number theorists have used it to look at lensing for prime numbers, and other
similar applications. It also has applications in computing, as with complicated
loops in cellular automata that must eventually find an end case.
allows physicists to model resultant gravitational waves, and other useful prop-
erties without being able to directly observe the collision.
7 Conclusion
While bifurcations mainly rear their heads in complicated or chaotic map-
pings, wildly different fields, with varying degrees of complexity, the underlying
premise is the same, and isn’t something to be afraid of. In fact, with the under-
standing given here, one can extrapolate and learn about just about any other
part of this field without difficulty, including wild and untested waters and new
territories that have yet to be explored.
[1] Adermei Adewumi, Jimmy Kagamba, and Alex Somto Alochukwu. Appli-
cation of chaos theory in the prediction of motorised traffic flows on urban
networks. 2016.
[2] P. Aguirre, B. Krauskopf, and H. M. Osinga. Global invariant manifolds
near a shilnikov homoclinic bifurcation, 2011.
[3] Paul Blanchard, Robert L. Devaney, and Glen R. Hall. Differential Equa-
tions. Brooks/Cole Thomson Learning, 2006.
[4] Weiqing Gu. The monkey saddle. 2003.
[5] Yuri A. Kuznetsov and Robert J. Sacker. Neimark-sacker bifurcation. 2008.