Name: Angelia E Number: e4100258 School: Dalyellup College and Cecil Andrews College
In 2019 I attended the professional I implemented this strategy in year 9 Media What went well?
development Graduate Module 1 with the and year 8 art. It provided students an opportunity to talk with
department of education. It was a two-day a partner or students around them, students
workshop that is designed to support graduate How will I establish and maintain the use of are on task and engaging in the topic or
teachers in their first years. this strategy? question.
It is a good strategy and one that I should use Students are responding more positive to
After Module one, I had to create a more often and practice with my students, so questions and feel safer to answer questions
presentation to be shared at Graduate Module they do not call out as often. after talking with a partner.
two with Colleagues. During the presentation Students are also able to effectively answer Students are now paying more attention in
they give feedback and write down the questions without feeling unsafe. This strategy class, as using the name generator means that
teaching standards met. supports all students, even students who are of anyone can get called to answer a question.
different backgrounds, such as Aboriginal or
Homework: students who have a disability, as they are able
Choose one strategy learnt from graduate to verbally explain their opinions. I now use this strategy in all my classes, to
module one and implement it in my classroom. support student participation and engagement.
How will I communicate the purpose of the
Strategy chosen: framework to the class?
Think pair share It is a self-explanatory task, but I have told
students after we do the task that it is positive
Why did I choose it?: to learn from each other and share ideas with
So students are able to effectively answer each other to learn more effectively.
questions without feeling unsafe. Also makes
students accountable for their learning when How will I monitor student improvement?
called upon. It depends on the questions asked, what they
know and how effective my teaching is. If it is
What curriculum does it best suit? used as revision, it would be good to see how
Curriculum it best suits- all- can be used in all much they have learnt and if their answers are
6. Think Pair Share
Name: Angelia Signorini E Number: e4100258 School: Cecil Andrews College
classrooms through asking questions. accurate. If it is used to show how much they
know then it can show if their answers are
How would I improve the strategy? accurate or a guess.
It would go even better if students did not call Over time, the quality of student answers
out. Even after giving them instructions such as, should improve, and participation of students
in a moment I will choose some of you to should increase.
answer this question, think to yourself first and
then with a partner. You have 30s go! How will I refine the framework to meet the
individual needs of my students?
How did I identify a need for change? It is providing a time for students to share their
Asking students questions without them talking ideas with others, and promoting collaboration,
to someone else first results in most of them so it should meet all needs of students. It is
guessing or not wanting to answer. Think pair important to not choose the same student each
share allows them to talk to someone about time to answer, I have used a random name
their thoughts and prepare answers. generator or picking their name out of a hat to
make students accountable for answering
questions. It is also an Explicit Direct Instruction
strategy, that students are called upon, not
having their hands up to answer instead.
EVIDENCE: Graduate module one homework and feedback from Colleagues // Lesson plan
6. Think Pair Share
Name: Angelia Signorini E Number: e4100258 School: Cecil Andrews College
Professional Knowledge Professional Practice Professional Engagement
Standard 1 Standard 2 Standard 3 Standard 4 Standard 5 Standard 6 Standard 7
Know students and Know content and Plan for and Create and maintain Assess, provide Engage in Engage
how they learn how to teach it implement effective supportive and safe feedback and report professional learning professionally with
teaching and learning on student learning colleagues,
1.1 Physical, social 2.1 Content and learning environments 6.1 Identify and plan parents/carers and
and intellectual teaching strategies 5.1 Assess student professional learning the community
development and of the teaching area 3.1 Establish 4.1 Support student learning needs
characteristics of 2.2 Content selection challenging learning participation 5.2 Provide feedback 6.2 Engage in 7.1 Meet
students and organisation goals 4.2 Manage to students on their professional learning professional ethics
1.2 Understand how 2.3 Curriculum, 3.2 Plan, structure classroom activities learning and improve and responsibilities
students learn assessment and and sequence 4.3 Manage 5.3 Make consistent practice 7.2 Comply with
1.3 Students with reporting learning programs challenging and comparable 6.3 Engage with legislative,
linguistic, cultural, 2.4 Understand and 3.3 Use teaching behaviour judgements colleagues and administrative and
religious and respect Aboriginal strategies 4.4 Maintain student 5.4 Interpret student improve practice organisational
socioeconomic and Torres Strait 3.4 Select and use safety data 6.4 Apply requirements
backgrounds Islander people to resources 4.5 Use ICT safely, 5.5 Report on student professional learning 7.3 Engage with the
1.4 Strategies for promote 3.5 Use effective responsibly and achievement and improve student parents/carers
teaching Aboriginal reconciliation classroom ethically learning 7.4 Engage with
and Torres Strait between Indigenous communication professional
Islander students and non-Indigenous 3.6 Evaluate and teaching networks
1.5 Differentiate Australians improve teaching and broader
teaching to meet 2.5 Literacy and programs communities
the specific learning numeracy strategies 3.7 Engage
needs of students 2.6 Information and parents/carers in the
across the full range Communication educative process
of abilities. Technology (ICT)
1.6 Strategies to
support full
participation of
students with