Institute of Applied Economic Research, Directorate of Urban and Regional Studies, E-Mail: Waldery - Rodrigues@
Institute of Applied Economic Research, Directorate of Urban and Regional Studies, E-Mail: Waldery - Rodrigues@
Institute of Applied Economic Research, Directorate of Urban and Regional Studies, E-Mail: Waldery - Rodrigues@
Abstract: The main objective of this paper is to show how the results
obtained with traditional economic growth models will change with the
introduction of spatial elements. Specifically we show how the Arrow-
Romer externalities coupled with spatial externalities will change the
results obtained with the use of the traditional Solow-Swan Model for
economic growth. We use a spatial econometric specification based on
Ertur and Koch (2007) and Koch (2010) and applied the model to
the analysis of per capita income for the 558 micro regions in Brazil.
The results show that spatial externalities are important. Using various
ways for constructing the spatial weigh matrix we also identify what
are the most important municipalities in terms of the elasticity of per
capita income for Sao Paulo with respect to the rates of saving of its
neighbors. Explicit formulae for this Spatial version of the Solow model
are provided throughout the paper.
The main objective of this paper is to show how the results obtained with
traditional economic growth models will change with the introduction of spatial
elements. Specifically we show how the Arrow-Romer externalities couple with
spatial externalities will change the results obtained with the use of the traditional
Solow-Swan Model for economic growth.
The key element that drives the spatial influence is the technological
interdependence cross locations. Ertur and Koch (2007) and Koch (2010) have
developed a framework where the spatial externalities are explicitily introduced
and the technological interdependence is modeled in a study for 91 countries
(indexed by i = 1, . . . , N ). This framework serves as base for a test of the Spatial
Solow Model in Brazil.
The framework starts with an aggregate production function of the Cobb- Douglas
type for country i in time t and with constant returns to scale in labor and the
usual reproducible physical capital (k).
Note three important terms in the specification for the global technology Ai (t):
Ω(t) = Ω(0)eµt
where µ is the constant rate of growth for Ω and is identical for all countries.
In order to estimate the parameters of the model one needs to necessarily quantify
the neighbors influence (in a quantitative way). This is usuallly done through the
use of the contiguity matrix Wn×n also known as the neighborhood matrix ou
weight matrix.
Given a set of n polygons (P1 , . . . , Pn ) we construct the matrix Wn×n where
each element (friction) wij represents a measure of spatial proximity between
polygons Pi and Pj .
This measure can be evaluated via the following criteria:
Figure 1 Figure 1
Example: The figue below is represented by the following weight matrix of the
first order-Queen:
1 0 1 0 0
W = 0 1 0 1 1
0 0 1 0 1
Note that we still need to use the usual normalization (in order to obtain the
property that the sum of every row is one).
A = Ω + φk + γWA
e e e
where A is a N × 1 vector of logarithms of the technology level in aggregate
terms, k is a N × 1 vector of logarithm of the physical capital per worker, W is
the N × N contiguity matrix . Solving for A led us with:
−1 −1
A = (I − γW) Ω + φ(I − γW) k (2)
e e
Augmenting the Solow-Romer Model with Spatial Externalities 5
Rewriting the above equation and considering |γ| < 1 we obtain:
n γ r wij
1 φ
Ai (t) = Ω 1−γ (t)kiφ (t)
kj r=1 (3)
Note that the level of technology depends on its own physical capital per worker
and the level of physical capital per worker of its neighbors.
Rewriting the above equations and using the equation for the production
function we obtain:
1 n
yi (t) = Ω 1−γ (t)kiuii (t)
kj ij (t) (4)
uij = φ γ r wij
are the new elemente in the spatial model. Here the terms of friction wij are the
elements of row i and column j of matrix W when using power r. Finally,
Yi (t)
yi =
Li (t)
is the usual level of output per worker.
This model implies spatial heterogeneity in the parameters of the production
function. Note that for the special case where there is no capital externality
regarding the physical capital , i.e., φ = 0, we are left with uii = α and uij = 0.
This gives the standard production funciton of the Cobb-Douglas type.
5 Elasticities
We can evaluate the elasticity of income per worker in country i with respect to
the physical capital. When a country i increases its own physical capital per worker
P φ
it gets a social return of uii . This is augmented to uii + uij = α + 1−γ , if the
countries simultaneously decide to increase their stocks of capital per worker.
In order to assure local convergence and avoid explosive or endogenous growth,
we assume diminishing social returns: α + 1−γ <1
As in the Solow model, we assume that a constant fraction of the output, si ,
is saved and that work grows exogenously at a rate of ni for a country i. We also
assume an annual rate of physcal capital depreciation for all countries denoted
by δ. The evolution of the output per worker in country i is given by the Solow
fundamental dynamic equation:
1 u
1−u N ij
∗ 1−u
ki∗ = Ω (1−γ)(1−uii ) (t)
ii Q
ni +g+δ kj ii
(t) (6)
y = A + αk
e e e
Rewriting the equation for the economy i and introducing the logarithm of the
output − capital ratio in the steady state, we obtain the real income per worker in
country i in steady state:
α+φ α+φ
log [yi∗ (t)] = 1−α−φ1
log [Ω(t)] + 1−α−φ log [si ] − 1−α−φ log(ni + g + δ)
αγ αγ γ(1−α) P
wij log yj∗ (t)
− 1−α−φ wij log [si ] + 1−α−φ wij log(nj + g + δ) + 1−α−φ
j6=i j6=i j6=i
influences the real income per worker in steady state for country i through
externalities and global spatial technological interdependence.
Augmenting the Solow-Romer Model with Spatial Externalities 7
The net effect is certainly positive, as can also be shown by calculating the
income elasticity per worker in country i with respect to its own savings rate ξsi
and with respect to its neghbors’ savings rates ξsj .
We can also calculate the income elasticity per worker with respect to the
depreciation rate for the country i denoted by ξni , and for the neighbor countries
j, denoted by ξnj . This way, we obtain:
∞ h ir
α+φ φ γ(1−α)
ξsi = −ξni = r
1−α−φ + (1−α)(1−α−φ) wij 1−α−φ (7)
∞ h ir
φ γ(1−α)
ξsj = −ξnj = r
(1−α)(1−α−φ) wij 1−α−φ (8)
6 Conditional convergence
As in the traditional Solow model, the Spatial Solow model predicts that the real
income per worker in a certain country converges to the value for the countries in
steady state.
Rewriting the fundamental equation of the Solow model (equation 6), including
the production function (4), we obtain
1 N
ki (t) −(1−uii ) Q u
ki (t) = si Ω 1−γ (t)ki (t) kj ij (t) − (ni + δ) (9)
The main element responsible for the convergence result in this model is due
to the diminishing returns on capital. Actually,
k (t)
∂ kii (t)
∂ki (t)
provided that uii < 1.
When a country increases its level of physical capital per worker, the growth
rate decreases and converges to its own steady state.
However, an increase in physical capital per worker in a neighbor country
j increases the productivity of industries in country i due to the technological
8 Rodrigues Júnior et. al.
We then have,
ki (t)
∂ ki (t)
∂ki (t)
provided that uii > 1.
Externalities on physical capital and technological interdependence only delay
the decrease in the marginal productivity of physical capital. Therefore, the
convergence result is still valid under the hypothesis α + 1−γ < 1, in opposition to
the endogenous growth models, where the marginal productivity of physical capital
is constant.
Furthermore, this model allows for quantitative predictions about the
convergence speed to the steady state. As in the literature, the transition dynamics
can be quantified by means of a log-linearization of equation 9 around the steady
state, for i = 1, . . . , N :
dlog[ki (t)]
dt = g − (1 − uii )(ni + g + δ) [log (ki (t)) − log (ki∗ )]
uij (ni + g + δ) log (kj (t)) − log kj∗
log (yi (t)) − log (yi∗ ) = Θj [log (yi (t)) − log (yi∗ )]
With convergence speed equal to:
These hypotheses state that the difference between the country i and its own
steady state is proportional to the correspondent differential for country j.
Therefore, if Θj = 1, countries i and j are at the same distance from their
steady states.
If Θj > 1 (alternatively Θj < 1) then country i is farther (or alternatively
closer) from country j’s steady state.
The relative difference between the countries with respect to their steady states
affects the convergence speed.
Augmenting the Solow-Romer Model with Spatial Externalities 9
∂λi u (n +g+δ)
Actually, ∂Θ j
= ij Θ j
2 > 0 and the convergence speed is high, if the
country i is far from its own steady state.
Furthermore, the convergence speed is high if country j is close to its steady
Therefore, there is a strong form of heterogeneity in this model, since the
convergence speed in country i is a function of the parameters wij representing the
distance to neighbor countries, from their own steady states.
When there are no externalities on physical capital (φ = 0), heteregeneity of the
convergence speed is reduced to the traditional Solow model: λi = −(1 − λ)(ni +
g + δ)
In this sense, we have the same relation between the externalities on physical
capital and the heterogeneity we obtained with the production function.
The solution for log (yi (t)), subtracted from log (yi (0)) - the real income per
worker in some initial moment - on both sides, we obtain:
µ 1
log (yi (t)) − log (yi (0)) = gt − (1 − e−λi t ) 1−γ λi −
−λi t −λi t ∗ (10)
−(1 − e )log (yi (0)) + (1 − e )log (yi )
The model predicts convergence, since the growth of real income per worker is a
negative function of the initial level of income per worker, but only after controlling
for the determinants of the steady state.
More specifically, the growth rate of real income per worker depends positively
on its own savings rate and negatively on its own population growth rate.
Furthermore, it also depends on the same variables on the neighbor countries,
due to technological interdependence. We can see that the growth rate is higher
when the initial level of income per worker is higher and when the growth rate of
neghbor countries is higher.
Finally, it can be seen that the growth rate of a country depends on the
growth rate of its neighbors, weighted by the speed of convergence and the spatial
neighboring conditions.
Following the empirical literature on growth, we have used data from IPEADATA,
which contains information on real income, investments and population (among
other variables) for a great number of Brazilian cities.
Specifically for this work, we have used data from 558 micro-regions for Brazil.
We measure n as the average growth rate of the active population (aged 15 to
64). We also compute the number of workers.
Real income per worker is measured by dividing total income by the number
of workers. Also, the savings rate is denoted by s.
The matrix W defined before is the weight matrix commonly used in spatial
econometric models of spatial interdependence between countries or regions
(Anselin (1988); Anselin and Bera (1998);Anselin (2006)).
More precisely, each country is linked to a set of neighbor countries by means
of a purely spatial model introduced by W.
10 Rodrigues Júnior et. al.
The elements wii of the main diagonal are conventionally equal to zero, whereas
the elements wij indicate with which intensity country i is spatially connected to
country j.
In order to normalyze the external infulence on each country, the weights of
the matrix are standartized so that the elements of the rows sum to 1.
For variable x, this transformation means that the expression Wx, called
spatially lagged variable, is simply the weighted average of neighbor observations.
It is important to stress that the elements wij must be exogenous to the model.
In this sense, we consider the purely geographical concept of queen neighborhood,
according to which two countries are neighbors if their borderlines share at least
one point, which is indeed strictly exogenous.
In this section, we aim at assessing the impact of savings, population growth and
location on per capita real income.
Taking equation 10, we can see that the real income per worker along the
balanced growth path, at a certaint moment (t = 0, for the sake of simplicity), is:
h i N
Yi P
log Li = β0 + β1 logsi + β2 log(ni + g + δ) + θ1 wij logsj +
N N h i (11)
P P Yj
θ2 wij log(nj + g + δ) + ρ wij log Lj + i
j6=i j6=i
Where 1−α−φ logΩ(0) = β0 + εi for i = 1, . . . , N with β0 a constant, εi a
stochastic term and the term Ω(0) reflects not only technology, but also resource,
climate and other endowments, and thus can differ from country to country.
We also assume that g + δ = 0.05, as is common in the literature of MRW
(1992) and Romer (1989). Finally, we have the following theoretical limitations for
the coefficients:
β1 = −β2 =
θ2 = −θ1 =
γ(1 − α)
Y = Xβ + W Xθ + ρy + ε
y = ρWy + Xβ + ε
Augmenting the Solow-Romer Model with Spatial Externalities 11
ε ∼ N (0, σ 2 I)
e e
y = ρWy + Xβ + ⇒
y − ρWy = Xβ + ⇒
(I − ρW)y = Xβ + ⇒
(I − ρW)y − Xβ =
f (y) = f () ∂y ⇒
f (y) = f (I − ρW)y − Xβ ∂y ⇒
( T )
−n 2 − 1 1 2 −1
f (y) = (2π) 2 |σ I| 2 exp − 2 (I − ρW)y − Xβ (σ I) (I − ρW)y − Xβ |I − ρW|
The equation above represents the joint distribution of y and also the likelihood
of the parameters θ = (ρ, β T )T .
Taking logarithms, we obtain the log-likelihood function:
12 Rodrigues Júnior et. al.
l(ρ, β, σ 2 ) = − n2 log(2π) − 12 log|σ 2 I| − 12 (I − ρW)y − Xβ ×
2 −1
×(σ I) (I − ρW)y − Xβ + log|I − ρW|
∂ 2 −n 1
∂σ 2 l(ρ, β, σ ) = − 2σ 2 + 2σ 4 (I − ρW)y − Xβ (I − ρW)y − Xβ = 0 ⇒
(I−ρW)y−Xβ (I−ρW)y−Xβ
σ2 = T n ⇒
y−ρWy−Xβ y−ρWy−Xβ
σ2 = n ,comoβ̂ = β̂ − ρβ̂ temos:
y−ρWy−X(β̂ −ρβ̂ ) y−ρWy−X(β̂ −ρβ̂ )
σ2 = n
y−Xβ̂ −ρWy−ρXβ̂ y−Xβ̂ −ρWy−ρXβ̂
σ2 = O
ˆ −ρˆ
ˆ −ρˆ
σ̂ 2 = O L
• Calculate ˆ and ˆ .
9 Empirical Evidence
Our results for the qualitative predictions are essentially identical to those of MRW
(1992), since the coefficients of savings and population growth have the expected
signs and are significant. We have results from the Spatial Auto Regressive Model
(SAR), Spatial Error Model (SEM) and Ordinary Least Squares (OLS). The
models and data imputation (Missing data for each region was imputed with the
average from the neighbors.) were run on IpeaGEO.
14 Rodrigues Júnior et. al.
Figure 2 Figure 2
Considering the results from the SAR, as for the spatial lag parameter, we
obtain ρ = 0.687192 with standard error equal to 0.023957 and p-value of 0.000000.
These results imply γ = 0.573379, φ = 0.160321 and α = 0.031999.
Considering the results from the SEM, as for the spatial error lag parameter, we
obtain λ = 0.877103 with standard error equal to 0.019836 and p-value of 0.000000.
These results imply γ = 0.808547, φ = 0.068422 and α = 0.124614.
The results from the OLS imply γ = 0.633265, φ = 0.137914 and α = 0.052577.
Then there is evidence that spatial dependence is significant, this way, the usual
Solow model cannot be used for that data set.
Our model predicts that the savings rate and population growth have larger
effects on real income per worker because of physical capital and technological
interdependence externalities.
Augmenting the Solow-Romer Model with Spatial Externalities 15
Table 3 Ordinary Least Squares
Parameter Coefficient Standard t Stat P-value
Intercept 5.130454 0.299209 17.146712 0.000000
LOG SI 0.235317 0.024417 9.637324 0.000000
LOG X 0.834924 0.145600 5.734382 0.000000
W LOG SI -0.041130 0.033438 -1.230036 0.218684
W LOG X 1.785757 0.181997 9.812022 0.000568
W LOG INCOME 0.741153 0.025822 28.702054 0.000000
Ξ = β1 I + (β1 ρ + θ1 )W(I − ρW)
10 Conclusion
Figure 3 Micro region for Belém. Figure 4 Micro region for Fortaleza.
Figure 5 Micro region for Recife. Figure 6 Micro region for Salvador.
18 Rodrigues Júnior et. al.
Figure 7 Micro region for Belo Horizonte. Figure 8 Micro region for Rio de Janeiro.
Figure 9 Micro region for São Paulo. Figure 10 Micro region for Curitiba.
Augmenting the Solow-Romer Model with Spatial Externalities 19
Figure 11 Micro region for Porto Alegre. Figure 12 Micro region for Belém.
Figure 14 Micro region for Belém. Figure 15 Micro region for Fortaleza.
Figure 16 Micro region for Recife. Figure 17 Micro region for Salvador.
Augmenting the Solow-Romer Model with Spatial Externalities 21
Figure 18 Micro region for Belo Figure 19 Micro region for Rio de
Horizonte. Janeiro.
Figure 20 Micro region for São Paulo. Figure 21 Micro region for Curitiba.
22 Rodrigues Júnior et. al.
Figure 23 Micro region for Belém. Figure 24 Micro region for Fortaleza.
Augmenting the Solow-Romer Model with Spatial Externalities 23
Figure 25 Micro region for Recife. Figure 26 Micro region for Salvador.
Figure 27 Micro region for Belo Figure 28 Micro region for Rio de
Horizonte. Janeiro.
24 Rodrigues Júnior et. al.
Figure 29 Micro region for São Paulo. Figure 30 Micro region for Curitiba.