BPP Afm Study Mat
BPP Afm Study Mat
BPP Afm Study Mat
For exams in September 2019,
December 2019, March 2020
and June 2020
First edition 2019
BPP Learning Media Ltd
Helping you to pass iv
Essential reading vi
Introduction to Advanced Financial Management viii
Essential skills areas xiii
1 Financial strategy: formulation 1
2 Financial strategy: evaluation 17
SKILLS CHECKPOINT 1: Addressing the scenario 37
3 Discounted cash flow techniques 51
4 Application of option pricing theory to investment decisions 71
5 International investment and financing decisions 85
SKILLS CHECKPOINT 2: Analysing investment decisions 101
6 Cost of capital and changing risk 113
7 Financing and credit risk 131
8 Valuation for acquisitions and mergers 149
9 Acquisitions: strategic issues and regulation 173
10 Financing acquisitions and mergers 189
SKILLS CHECKPOINT 3: Identifying the required numerical techniques 201
11 The role of the treasury function 211
12 Managing currency risk 225
13 Managing interest rate risk 251
SKILLS CHECKPOINT 4: Applying risk management techniques 277
14 Financial reconstruction 287
15 Business reorganisation 297
16 Planning and trading issues for multinationals 309
SKILLS CHECKPOINT 5: Thinking across the syllabus 325
Appendix 1 – Activity answers 337
Appendix 2 – Essential reading 371
Further question practice and solutions 493
Glossary 577
Bibliography 581
Mathematical tables 583
Index 589
iii iii
Helping you to pass
Chapter features
Studying can be a daunting prospect, particularly when you have lots of other commitments. This
Workbook is full of useful features, explained in the key below, designed to help you to get the most
out of your studies and maximise your chances of exam success.
Key to icons
Key term
Key term
Central concepts are highlighted and clearly defined in the Key terms feature.
Key terms are also listed in bold in the Index, for quick and easy reference.
Formula to learn
This boxed feature will highlight important formula which you need to learn for
your exam.
Formula provided
This will show formula which are important but will be provided in the exam.
PER alert
PER alert This feature identifies when something you are reading will also be useful for
your PER requirement (see 'The PER alert' section above for more details).
Illustrations walk through how to apply key knowledge and techniques step by
Activities give you essential practice of techniques covered in the chapter.
Essential reading
Links to the Essential reading are given throughout the chapter. The Essential
reading is included in the free eBook, accessed via the Exam Success Site
(see inside cover for details on how to access this).
Knowledge diagnostic
Summary of the key learning points from the chapter.
At the end of each chapter you will find a Further study guidance section. This contains suggestions
for ways in which you can continue your learning and enhance your understanding. This can
include: recommendations for question practice from the Further question practice and solutions, to
test your understanding of the topics in the Chapter; suggestions for further reading which can be
done, such as technical articles, and ideas for your own research.
Introduction to the Essential reading
The digital eBook version of the Workbook contains additional content, selected to enhance your
studies. Consisting of revision materials, activities (including practice questions and solutions) and
background reading, it is designed to aid your understanding of key topics which are covered in the
main printed chapters of the Workbook. The Essential reading section of the eBook also includes
further illustrations of complex areas.
To access the digital eBook version of the BPP Workbook, follow the instructions which can be found
on the inside cover; you'll be able to access your eBook, plus download the BPP eBook mobile app
on multiple devices, including smartphones and tablets.
A summary of the content of the Essential reading is given below.
2 Financial strategy: Recap of the dividend growth model and its use in calculating the cost
evaluation of equity: brought forward knowledge from the FM exam
Further discussion of the CAPM model
Recap of other techniques for calculating the cost of debt: brought
forward knowledge from the FM exam
Recap of basic ratio analysis, brought forward knowledge from the
FM exam
Examples of different types of risk and risk mapping
4 Application of Discussion of the factors determining option value for call and put
option pricing options
13 Managing interest Recap of basic hedging techniques: brought forward knowledge from
rate risk the FM exam
Introduction to Advanced Financial Management
Overall aim of the syllabus
This exam requires students to apply relevant knowledge and skills and exercise professional
judgement as expected of a senior financial adviser in taking or recommending decisions concerning
the financial management of the organisation.
The syllabus
The broad syllabus headings are:
Main capabilities
On successful completion of this exam, candidates should be able to:
Explain and evaluate the role and responsibility of the senior financial executive or adviser in
meeting conflicting needs of stakeholders and recognise the role of international financial
institutions in the financial management of multinationals
Evaluate potential investment decisions and assessing their financial and strategic
consequences, both domestically and internationally
Assess and plan acquisitions and mergers as an alternative growth strategy
Evaluate and advise on alternative corporate re-organisation strategies
Apply and evaluate alternative advanced treasury and risk management techniques
Links with other exams
Strategic Advanced
Business Financial
Leader Management
The diagram shows where direct (solid line arrows) and indirect (dashed line arrows) links exist
between this exam and other exams preceding or following it.
B3 Impact of financing on investment decisions and adjusted present values Chapter 6 & 7
E3 The use of financial derivatives to hedge against interest rate risk Chapter 13
The complete syllabus and study guide can be found by visiting the exam resource finder on the
ACCA website: www.accaglobal.com/gb/en.html.
The Exam
Computer-based exams
With effect from the March 2020 sitting, ACCA have commenced the launch of computer-based
exams (CBEs) for this exam with the aim of rolling out into all markets internationally over a short
period. Paper-based examinations (PBEs) will be run in parallel while the CBEs are phased in. BPP
materials have been designed to support you, whichever exam option you choose. For more
information on these changes and when they will be implemented, please visit the ACCA website.
Section A
Section B
All topics and syllabus sections will be examinable in either Section A or Section B of the exam, but
(from September 2018) every exam will have questions which have a focus on syllabus
Section B (advanced investment appraisal, covered in Chapters 3–7) and syllabus Section E
(treasury and advanced risk management, covered in Chapters 11–13).
in Mar Sep Mar Sep Mar Sep
Workbook Dec Sep /Jun /Dec /Jun /Dec /Jun /Dec Jun Dec
chapter 2018 2018 2018 2017 2017 2016 2016 2015 2015 2014
1, 2 Role of senior B B A A, B A B B
financial adviser/
financial strategy
1 Ethical/ B
environmental issues
3 Discounted cash B B
flow techniques
4 Application of A B B
option pricing theory
to investment
6, 7 Impact of financing, B B A B A B
adjusted present
values/valuation and
free cash flows
5 International A B A A
9, 10 Strategic/ A B A A B A A
regulatory issues
8 Valuation techniques A B A B B B A A
14 Financial A B B
15 Business A B A B B
12 Hedging foreign B A B B A B
currency risk
IMPORTANT! The table above gives a broad idea of how frequently major topics in the syllabus are
examined. It should not be used to question spot and predict, for example, that Topic X will not be
examined because it came up two sittings ago. The examining team's reports indicate that they are
well aware that some students try to question spot. They avoid predictable patterns and may, for
example, examine the same topic two sittings in a row.
aging information
manag ime
Exam success skills
scenario decisions
Specific AFM skills
Applying risk
re q r p re t a t i o n
Identifying the
required numerical management
m e nts
techniques(s) techniques
Eff d p
u ire
o f t i n te
e c re
Thinking across
ti v
e the syllabus
se w ri c
r re
nt tin
ati g
Efficient numerica
STEP 2 Prepare an answer plan using key words from the question's requirements.
STEP 3 Read the scenario; identify specific points from the scenario that are relevant to the
question being asked.
STEP 4 Write your answer using short paragraphs, relating each point to the scenario as
far as is possible.
Skills Checkpoint 1 covers this technique in detail through application to an exam-standard question.
Skill 2: Analysing investment decisions
Analysing investments to select those which are most likely to benefit shareholders is probably the
most important activity for a senior financial adviser.
Section B of the AFM syllabus is 'advanced investment appraisal' and directly focusses on the skill of
'analysing investment decisions'. The AFM exam will always contain a question that have a
focus on this syllabus area, so this skill is extremely important.
BPP recommends a step-by-step technique to develop this skill:
STEP 1 Spend time analysing the scenario and considering why numerical information has
been provided and how long you will have to analyse it.
STEP 2 Plan your answer carefully; check your analysis matches the question's
STEP 4 Write your answer using short paragraphs; don't forget to explain the meaning of
your numbers.
STEP 5 Write up your answer; do not try to correct errors identified at this late stage.
Skills Checkpoint 2 covers this technique in detail through application to an exam-standard question.
STEP 1 Don't panic if you do not immediately see which technique needs to be used –
spend time considering the range of techniques that could potentially be applied in
the scenario presented.
STEP 2 Next, carefully analyse the scenario and consider why numerical information has
been provided and which of the techniques that you have identified in Step 1 can
be used given this information.
Skills Checkpoint 3 covers this technique in detail through application to an exam-standard question.
STEP 1 Spend time analysing the scenario and requirements to ensure that you understand
the nature of the risk being faced. Work out how many minutes you have to
answer each part of the question.
STEP 2 Plan your answer. Double check that you are applying the correct type of risk
management analysis given the nature of the risk that is faced and the techniques
mentioned in the scenario. Identify a time-efficient approach.
STEP 3 Complete your numerical analysis. Don't overcomplicate it – aim for a set of clear
relevant numbers. Be careful not to overrun on time with your calculations.
STEP 4 Explain the meaning of your numbers – relating your points to the scenario
wherever possible.
Skills Checkpoint 4 covers this technique in detail through application to an exam-standard question.
A step-by-step technique for developing this skill is outlined below.
STEP 1 Analyse the scenario and requirements. Consider the wording of the requirements
carefully to understand the nature of the problem being faced.
STEP 2 Next, plan your answer. Double-check that you are applying the correct
knowledge and that you are not neglecting other syllabus areas that would
help to support your analysis.
STEP 3 Produce your answer, explaining the meaning of your points – and relating them to
the scenario wherever possible.
Skills Checkpoint 5 covers this technique in detail through application to an exam-standard question.
Managing information
Questions in the exam will present you with a lot of information. The skill is how you handle this
information to make the best use of your time. The key is determining how you will approach the
exam and then actively reading the questions.
Advice on developing Efficient numerical analysis
This skill can be developed by applying the following process:
Step 1 Use a standard proforma working where relevant
If answers can be laid out in a standard proforma then always plan to do so. This
will help the marker to understand your working and allocate the marks easily. It will
also help you to work through the figures in a methodical and time-efficient way.
Question practice
Question practice is a core part of learning new topic areas. When you practise questions, you
should focus on improving the Exam success skills – personal to your needs – by obtaining feedback
or through a process of self-assessment.
Financial strategy:
Learning objectives
reference no.
Having studied this chapter you will be able to understand the role of the
senior financial adviser in the following areas of financial strategy formulation:
Develop strategies for the achievement of the organisation's goals in line A1(a)
with its agreed policy framework
Recommend strategies for the management of the financial resources of A1(b)
the organisation in an efficient, effective and transparent way
Advise management in setting the financial goals of the business and A1(c)
in its policy development with particular reference to investment selection,
minimising the cost of capital, distribution policy, communicating policy and
goals to stakeholders, financial planning and control and risk management
Recommend the optimum capital mix and structure within a specific business A2(b)
context and capital asset structure (also covered in Chapter 6)
Recommend appropriate distribution and retention policy A2(c)
Assess the ethical dimension within business issues and decisions A3(a),
and advise on best practice in the financial management of the organisation. A3(b)
Demonstrate an understanding of the interconnectedness of the ethics of
good business practice between all functional areas of the organisation
Recommend appropriate strategies for the resolution of stakeholder conflict A3(c)
and advise on alternative approaches that may be adopted
Recommend an ethical framework for the development of financial policies A3(d)
and a system for the assessment of their impact
Explore ethical areas which may be undermined by agency effects or A3(e)
stakeholder conflicts and establish strategies for dealing with them
Establish an ethical framework grounded in good governance, highest A3(f)
standards of probity and aligned with the ethical principles of the Association
Assess the impact on sustainability and environmental issues arising from A3(g)
alternative business and financial decisions
Advise on the impact of investment and financing strategies and decisions on A3(h)
stakeholders, from an integrated reporting and governance perspective
Exam context
This chapter we discuss the role and responsibility of the senior financial adviser in the
context of setting financial strategy. This chapter and the next underpin the rest of the syllabus
and introduce some of the key concepts of financial management, some of which will be familiar to
you from the Financial Management exam.
Most of the areas that are introduced here are developed in later chapters. However,
dividend policy is mainly covered in this chapter and should be studied with particular care.
Remember that non-financial issues are also important, and ethical and environmental issues are
considered here reflecting the responsibility of senior financial managers for meeting the competing
needs of a variety of different stakeholders.
Exam questions generally test elements of this chapter as part of a broader scenario-based
question, in either in Section A or B of the exam.
You should already be familiar with the techniques covered here from your earlier studies (of the
Financial Management syllabus). However, it is important to revise them here and to make sure that
you can apply them, as necessary, to the scenario-based questions that you will face in the AFM
1: Financial strategy: formulation
Chapter overview
Financial strategy:
4 Integrated reporting
2 Financial strategy
1 Financial objectives
Profit maximisation is often assumed, incorrectly, to be the primary objective of a business.
Formula to learn
Total shareholder return = dividend yield + capital gain (or loss)
Dividend per share/share price capital gain (or loss)/share price
Many companies have non-financial objectives that will also be important in assisting a company to
achieve its strategic goals. For example, a manufacturing company that is aiming to differentiate
itself on the basis of quality will require targets for defect rates. This does not negate the importance
of financial objectives but emphasises the need for companies to have other targets than the
maximisation of shareholders' wealth.
Maximisation of
shareholder wealth
Risk management
1: Financial strategy: formulation
If fixed costs are a high proportion of total costs then cash flows will
Operating gearing be volatile; so high gearing is not sensible.
Security If unable to offer security, debt will be difficult and expensive to obtain.
management becomes. Risk management is discussed in Chapter 2 and risk management
techniques are covered later in Chapters 11–13.
Dividend capacity: the cash generated in any given year that is available to pay to ordinary
shareholders (it is also called free cash flow to equity).
Key term
Dividend capacity
1: Financial strategy: formulation
2.4.4 Practical dividend policies
Having considered these factors, companies will formulate and communicate their policy to ensure
that shareholders have realistic expectations regarding the dividends they are likely to receive.
Policy Explanation
Constant payout ratio Logical but can create volatile dividend movements if profits are volatile
Stable growth Set at a level that signals the growth prospects of the company, but may
be difficult to maintain if circumstances change
Residual policy Only pay a dividend after all positive NPV projects have been funded
Essential reading
See Chapter 1 Section 1 of the Essential reading, available in Appendix 2 of the digital edition of
the Workbook, for more background information on dividend policy; this includes subject matter
such as Modigliani and Miller's dividend irrelevance theory that should be familiar from your earlier
1: Financial strategy: formulation
3 Ethics
For financial strategy to be successful it needs to be communicated and supported by key
stakeholder groups:
Internal – managers, employees
Connected – shareholders, banks, customers, suppliers
External – government, pressure groups, local communities
Where a strategy creates a conflict between the interest of shareholders and those of other
stakeholder groups then this can create ethical issues which need to be carefully managed.
Dividend policy
Risk management
3.2.1 Examples of stakeholder conflict
Directors and shareholders
Directors may be more risk averse than shareholders because a greater proportion of their income
and wealth is tied up in the company that employs them, whereas many shareholders will hold a
diversified portfolio of shares. Also, directors may focus their decision making on benefiting their
own division instead of the company as a whole.
The relationship between management and shareholders is sometimes referred to as an agency
relationship, in which managers act as agents for the shareholders.
The goal of agency theory is to find governance structures and control mechanisms (incentives)
that minimise the problem caused by the separation of ownership and control.
Between different shareholder groups
Some shareholders might have a preference for short-term dividends, others for long-term capital gain
(requiring more cash to be reinvested, and less to be paid as a dividend).
Between shareholders and debt holders
Debt holders may be more risk averse than shareholders, because it is only shareholders who will
benefit if risky projects succeed.
Shareholders and staff/customers/suppliers
Pursuit of short-term profits may lead to difficult relationships with other stakeholders. For example,
relationships with suppliers and customers may be disrupted by demands for changes to the terms of
trade. Employees may be made redundant in a drive to reduce costs. These policies may aid short-
term profits, but at the expense of damaging long-term relationships and consequently damaging
shareholder value in the long term.
Shareholders and external stakeholders
The impact of a company's activities may impact adversely on its environment, eg noise, pollution.
3.2.2 Ethics and other functional areas of the organisation
Ethics should govern the conduct of corporate policy in all functional areas of a company, such as
the company's treatment of its workers, suppliers and customers.
The ethical stance of a company is concerned with the extent that an organisation will
exceed its minimum obligations to its stakeholders.
Essential reading
See Chapter 1 Sections 2 and 3 of the Essential reading, available in Appendix 2 of the digital
edition of the Workbook, for more background information on this area.
1: Financial strategy: formulation
3.2.4 Governance
Safeguarding against the risk of unethical behaviour may also include the adoption of a corporate
governance framework of decision making that restricts the power of executive directors and
increases the role of independent non-executive directors in the monitoring of their duties.
In some countries this can include a non-executive supervisory board with representatives
from the company's internal stakeholder groups including the finance providers, employees and the
company's management. It ensures that the actions taken by the board are for the benefit of all the
stakeholder groups and to the company as a whole.
4 Integrated reporting
The aim of integrated reporting is to explain how an organisation creates value over time and
the nature and quality of an organisation's relationships with its stakeholders.
Integrated reporting will involve reporting, among other things, on sustainability/environmental issues
and this may help to enhance the importance with which these issues are treated.
Integrated reporting is designed to make visible the capitals (resources and relationships used and
affected by the organisation) on which the organisation depends, and how the organisation uses
those capitals to create value in the short, medium and long term.
Essential reading
See Chapter 1 Section 4 of the Essential reading, available in Appendix 2 of the digital edition of
the Workbook, for more background information on this area.
Chapter summary
Practical issues
1: Financial strategy: formulation
Investment decision
Companies with many investment opportunities (young/high
growth companies) may find it difficult to pay a dividend.
Financing decision
Companies that have volatile cash flows (and therefore prefer to
minimise their use of debt finance) will often pay lower dividends.
Dividend capacity (free cash flow to equity)
Cash available for paying a dividend. Calculated as:
Profits after interest, tax and preference dividends
debt repayment, share repurchases, investment in assets
depreciation, any capital raised from new share issues or debt.
Possible policies:
Constant payout
Stable growth
Scrip dividends
Special dividends
Share buybacks
Dividend irrelevance theory (M&M)
In a tax-free world, shareholders are indifferent between
dividends and capital gains, and the value of a company is
determined solely by the 'earning power' of its assets and
Ignores impact of tax and practical difficulty and cost of raising
Knowledge diagnostic
1: Financial strategy: formulation
Question practice
Now try the questions below from the Further question practice bank (available in the digital edition of the
Q1 Mezza
Q2 Stakeholders and ethics
Research exercise
Use an internet search engine to identify the ethical code of conduct for a company and have a look at
the types of values and behaviours it contains. Choose any company you have an interest in, if you want
a suggestion the BP code of conduct is an interesting document to analyse. This is available here:
There is no solution to this exercise.
Financial strategy:
Learning objectives
reference no.
Assess organisational performance using methods such as ratios and trends A2(a)
Recommend the optimum capital mix and structure within a specific business A2(b)
context and capital asset structure (covered in Chapters 1 and 6)
Explain the theoretical and practical rationale for the management of risk A2(d)
(also covered in Chapter 11)
Assess the company's exposure to business and financial risk including A2(e)
operational, reputational, political, economic, regulatory and fiscal risk
Develop a framework for risk management, comparing and contrasting risk A2(f)
mitigation, hedging and diversification strategies
Establish capital investment monitoring (see Chapter 3) and risk management A2(g)
Apply appropriate models, including term structure of interest rates, the yield B4(a) in part
curve and credit spreads to value corporate debt
Calculate and evaluate the cost of capital of an organisation, including the B3(c) in part
cost of equity and the cost of debt
Demonstrate detailed knowledge of business and financial risk and the B3(d) in part
capital asset pricing model
Exam context
This chapter starts by examining the financing decision, which is a key aspect of financial
strategy. Cost of capital calculations are important in AFM and will be developed in later chapters.
A sound knowledge of the capital asset pricing model is especially important for AFM. Basic cost of
capital calculations are assumed knowledge from the Financial Management exam but are recapped
in the Essential reading (available in Appendix 2 of the digital edition of the Workbook) as indicated
in the relevant sections of this chapter.
We then move on to look at how the performance of a financial strategy can be evaluated
using ratio analysis. This topic is frequently examined and must not be neglected.
This chapter also introduces the important topic of risk management. An understanding of risk
is often important in evaluating a financial strategy. However, the main tools of risk management are
covered in Chapters 11–13.
Finally, we introduce behavioural finance to explain why, when evaluating a financial strategy, we
may find that it is not focused on shareholder value. This topic is considered further in Chapter 8.
2: Financial strategy: evaluation
Chapter overview
4 Behavioural finance
Financial strategy:
1 Financing decision
The primary objective of a profit-making company is normally assumed to be to maximise
shareholder wealth. Investments will increase shareholder wealth if they cover the cost of
capital and leave a surplus for the shareholders. The lower the overall cost of capital the
greater the wealth that is created.
In order to be able to minimise the overall cost of finance, it is important initially to be able to
estimate the costs of each finance type.
The cost of the different forms of capital will reflect their risk. Debt is lower risk than
equity because debt ranks before equity in the event of a company becoming insolvent, and because
interest has to paid. Therefore, debt will be cheaper than equity and the more security attached to
the debt the cheaper it should be.
These cost of capital calculations can be performed as part of an evaluation of different proposed
financing strategies, or as part of an evaluation of the investment decision.
Complete the table above and comment on the return and risk of each investment opportunity.
2: Financial strategy: evaluation
Unsystematic (or specific) risk: the component of risk that is associated with investing in that
particular company. This can be reduced by diversification.
Key term
Unsystematic (or specific) risk is gradually eliminated as the investor increases the diversity of
their investment portfolio until it is negligible (the 'well-diversified portfolio').
Diversification is important because it enables investors to eliminate virtually all of the risks that are
unique to particular industries or types of business. However, diversification does not offer any
escape from general market factors (eg a recession) that can affect all companies.
Systematic (or market) risk: the portion of risk that will still remain even if a diversified portfolio
has been created, because it is determined by general market factors.
Key term
Market risk is caused by factors which affect all industries and businesses to some extent or other,
such as: interest rates, tax legislation, exchange rates and economic boom or recession.
Commercial databases such as Reuters monitor the sensitivity of firms to general market factors by
using historic data to calculate the average change in the return on a share each time
there is a change in the stock market as a whole; this is called a beta factor.
Beta factor: a measure of the sensitivity of a share to movements in the overall market. A beta
factor measures market risk.
Key term
A beta factor of 1 is average because it means that the average change in the return on a
share has been the same as the market eg if the market fell by 1% this share also fell by 1% on
Beta < 1.0 Beta = 1.0 Beta > 1.0
Increasing risk
Share < Average risk Share = Average risk Share > Average risk
Increasing return
Beta factors vary because some shares are very sensitive to stock market downturns
due to:
The nature of the products or services that are sold (luxuries will have a higher beta)
The level of financial gearing (higher gearing means higher risk)
The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) calculates the expected return (or cost) of equity (Re or Ke)
on the assumption that investors have a broad range of investments, and are only worried about
market risk, as measured by the beta factor.
The CAPM is shown on your formula sheet as:
Formula provided
Rm – Rf = market premium
2: Financial strategy: evaluation
Estimating market return This is estimated by considering movements in the stock market
as a whole over time. This will overstate the returns achieved
because it will not pick up the firms that have failed
and have dropped out of the stock market
Estimating the beta factor Beta values are historical and will not give an accurate
measure of risk if the firm has recently changed its gearing or its
Other risk factors It has been argued the CAPM ignores the impact of:
Size of the company (the extra risk of failure for small
The ratio of book value of equity to market value of equity
(shares with book values that are close to their market
values are more likely to fail)
Essential reading
See Chapter 2 Section 1 of the Essential reading, available in Appendix 2 of the digital edition of
the Workbook, for more on the cost of equity from your earlier studies.
Kay Co has a $1 million loan on which it pays 5% interest.
If the rate of tax on corporate profits is 20% then the interest payment of $50,000 will reduce
taxable profit and Kay Co's tax bill will therefore fall by $50,000 0.20 = $10,000. The net cost of
the loan is therefore $50,000 – tax saving of $10,000 = $40,000 or 4% (on a loan of $1m).
A quick way of calculating this is 5% (1 – 0.2) = 4%.
Bond/debenture/loan note
– A tradeable IOU (ie an acknowledgment of the debt) with
IOU $100 a nominal value $100 or $1000, normally maturing in
7–30 years and paying fixed interest; protected by
Pay interest of covenants (eg restrictions on dividend policy; covenants
4% are covered in detail in section 3 of Chapter 14)
Repay $100 in
– Slower and more expensive to organise than a
10 years' time
loan and less flexible than a bank loan in the event of
default (a bank generally is more flexible in renegotiating
a loan if a firm is unable to meet its loan repayments
because it will want to maintain an ongoing commercial
relationship with that firm)
– Normally redeemable at its nominal value ($100)
– Often cheaper interest costs compared to a loan
(because it is a liquid investment, ie can be sold by the
investor, so investors are happy to accept a lower rate of
return in exchange for this convenience)
The cost of a bond can be estimated by considering:
(a) The risk free rate derived from the yield curve for a bond of that specified duration
(b) The credit risk premium – derived from the bond's credit rating
% Yield
3 5 Years to maturity
There are a number of explanations of the yield curve; at any one time both may be influencing the
shape of the yield curve.
(a) Expectations theory – the curve reflects expectations that interest rates will rise in the
future, so the government has to offer higher returns on long-term debt.
(b) Liquidity preference theory – the curve reflects the compensation that investors require
higher annual returns for sacrificing liquidity on long-dated bonds.
2: Financial strategy: evaluation
AAA, AA+, AAA–, AA, AA–, A+ Excellent quality, lowest default risk
The extra return (or yield spread) required by investors on a bond will depend on its credit rating,
and its maturity. This is often quoted as an adjustments to the risk free rate (as indicated by the yield
curve) in basis points (1 point = 0.01%).
Maturity 3 years
AAA 18
A 75
1.3 Weighted average cost of capital
To calculate a project NPV, or to assess a proposed financing plan, you may be required to
calculate the weighted average cost of capital for the business (WACC). You will have covered this
in your earlier studies of the Financial Management exam, and it is recapped here.
Formula provided
Ve Vd
WACC = Ke + Kd (1–T)
Ve + Vd Ve + Vd
Ve = total market value (ex-div) of issued shares
Kd = cost of debt
The formula provided assumes that there are two sources of finance – debt and equity. You may
have to adapt the formula if there are extra types of finance (for example two different types of debt)
by adding in additional terms for the cost and value of these extra types of finance.
AAA 8 12 18
Complete the following calculations to estimate the total market value of Mantra Co's debt.
Time 1 2 3 Total
Per £100 6.2 6.2 106.2
DF 4.58%
DF 5.12%
DF 5.68%
2: Financial strategy: evaluation
One of the optional performance objectives in your PER is to advise on the appropriateness and cost
PER alert of different sources of finance. Another is to identify and raise an appropriate source of finance for a
specific business need. This chapter covers some of the common sources of finance and the linked
area of dividend policy.
2.1 Key profitability ratios
Profitability ratios: ROCE, profit margin and asset turnover
Formula to learn
ROCE = =
Capital employed Revenue Capital employed
ROCE should ideally be increasing. If it is static or reducing it is important to determine whether this
is due to a reduced profit margin (which is likely to be bad news) or lower asset turnover (which may
simply reflect the impact of a recent investment).
Capital employed = shareholders' funds + long-term debt finance
Alternatively, capital employed can be defined as Total assets less Current liabilities.
If ROCE is calculated post tax then it can be compared against the weighted average cost of
capital (also post tax) to assess whether the return provided to investors is adequate.
Formula to learn
Total shareholder return = dividend yield + capital gain/(loss)
dps/share price capital gain (loss)/share price*
*Share price at the start of the year
Total shareholder return (or return on equity) can be compared against the cost of equity (Ke) to
assess whether the return being provided is adequate.
Return on equity =
Shareholders' funds
2: Financial strategy: evaluation
Essential reading
See Chapter 2 Section 3 of the Essential reading, available in Appendix 2 of the digital edition of
the Workbook, for further discussion of basic ratio analysis.
3 Risk management
3.1 Different types of risk
3.1.1 Business risk
Business risk arises from the type of business an organisation is involved in and relates to
uncertainty about the future and the organisation's business prospects.
Political risk – the risk of government action which damages shareholder wealth (eg exchange
control regulations could be applied that may affect the ability of the subsidiary to remit profits to
the parent company).
Economic risk – for example the risk of a downturn in the economy.
Fiscal risk – including changes in tax policies which harm shareholder wealth.
Operational risk – human error, breakdowns in internal procedures and systems.
Reputational risk – damage to an organisation's reputation can result in lost revenues or
significant reductions in shareholder value.
Business risk is a mixture of systematic and unsystematic risk. The systematic risk comes
from such factors as revenue sensitivity to macro-economic factors and the mix of fixed and variable
costs within the total cost structure. Unsystematic risk is determined by such company-specific factors
as management mistakes, or labour relations issues, or production problems.
2: Financial strategy: evaluation
Financial risk: the volatility of earnings due to the financial policies of a business.
Key term
Long-term financial risks are mainly caused by the structure of finance; the mix of equity and
debt capital, the risk of not being able to access funding, and whether the organisation has a
sufficient long-term capital base for the amount of trading it is doing (overtrading).
Short-term financial risk also exists and need to be managed.
Exchange rate and Risks arising from unpredictable cash flows due to interest rate or
interest rate risk exchange rate movements (covered in later chapters)
A business with high business risk may be restricted in the amount of financial risk it can
sustain because, if financial risk is also high, this may push total risk above the level that is
acceptable to shareholders.
It will be important for the financial strategy of an organisation facing high business risk to
minimise debt finance, and to hedge a greater proportion of its currency and interest
rate exposure, ie to minimise financial risk.
(a) Attracting investors: because there is a lower probability of the firm encountering
financial distress.
(b) Encouraging managers to invest for the future: especially for highly geared firms,
there is often a risk of underinvestment because managers are concerned about the risk
of not being able to meet interest payments. Risk management reduces the incentive to
underinvest, since it reduces uncertainty and the risk of loss.
(c) Attracting other stakeholders: for example, suppliers and customers are more likely to
look for long-term relationships with firms that have a lower risk of financial distress.
Essential reading
See Chapter 2 Section 4 of the Essential reading, available in Appendix 2 of the digital edition of
the Workbook, for more detail about practical techniques for managing risk which you have seen in
your earlier studies.
4 Behavioural finance
Behavioural finance considers the impact of psychological factors on financial strategy. This
challenges the idea that managers and investors behave in a rational manner based on sound
economic criteria.
2: Financial strategy: evaluation
Entrapment – managers are also reluctant to admit that they are wrong (they become
trapped by their past decisions, sometimes referred to as cognitive dissonance). This helps to
explain why managers persist with financial strategies that are unlikely to succeed.
For example, in the face of economic logic managers will often delay decisions to terminate
projects because the failure of the project will imply that they have failed as managers.
Agency issues – managers may follow their own self-interest, instead of focusing on
Analysis of these types of behavioural factors can help to evaluate possible causes behind a
failing financial strategy.
4.2 Investors
Some of the main behavioural factors are:
Search for patterns – investors look for patterns which can be used to justify investment
decisions. This might involve analysing a company's past returns and using this to extrapolate
future performance, or comparing peaks or troughs in the stock market to historical peaks and
troughs. This can lead to herding.
This is compounded by a reluctance of investors to admit that they are wrong (sometimes
referred to as cognitive dissonance).
Narrow framing – many investors fail to see the bigger picture and focus too much on
short-term fluctuations in share price movements; this can mean that if a single share in a large
portfolio performs badly in a particular week then, according to theories such as CAPM, this
should not matter greatly to an investor who is investing in a large portfolio of shares over,
say, a 20-year period. However, in reality, it does seem to matter – which indicates that
investors show a greater aversion to risk than the CAPM suggests they should.
Availability bias – people will often focus more on information that is prominent
(available). Prominent information is often the most recent information; this may help to
explain why share prices move significantly shortly after financial results are published.
Conservatism – investors may be resistant to changing their opinion so, for example, if a
company's profits are better than expected the share price may not react significantly because
investors underreact to this news.
If the stock markets are not behaving in a rational way, it may be difficult for managers to influence
the share price of their company and the share price may not be a reliable estimate of the
company's value.
Chapter summary
Risk mitigation
1.2 Cost
Cost of
of debt
debt 1.3 WACC
The cheapest finance is debt A weighted average of the cost of Diversification
(especially if secured) – the cost of debt is equity and the cost of debt (and
Kd (pre-tax). any other sources of finance)
Redeemable/convertible debt When investing in a new
Use yield curve rate + yield premium (or business a marginal cost of
IRR calculation) capital should be used
Preference shares
Use dividend growth model, but g = 0
2: Financial strategy: evaluation
Knowledge diagnostic
1. Unsystematic risk
This is the component of risk that is associated with investing in that particular company.
2. Systematic risk
The portion of risk that will still remain even if a diversified portfolio has been created, because
it is determined by general market factors. Measured by a beta factor.
3. Credit risk premium
The expected return to bond holders can be calculated as the risk free rate (derived from the
yield curve for a bond of that specified duration) + the credit risk premium (derived from the
bond's credit rating)
4. Ratio analysis
This is an important mechanism for evaluating a financial strategy; make sure you learn the key
5. Risk management
Failure to manage risk can result in a business being unable to raise finance and having poor
stakeholder relationships. Both business and financial risk should be considered in a financial
6. Behavioural finance
This gives insights into potential reasons for the failure of a financial strategy in terms of meeting
shareholder expectations.
Further study guidance
Question practice
Try the question below from the Further question practice bank (available in the digital edition of the
Q3 Airline Business
Further reading
There is a Technical Article available on ACCA's website, called 'Patterns of behaviour'. This article
examines behavioural finance and is written by a member of the AFM examining team.
Another useful Technical Article available on ACCA's website is called 'Risk Management'. This article
examines the potential for risk management to 'add value' and is written by a member of the AFM
examining team.
We recommend you read these articles as part of your preparation for the AFM exam.
Research exercise
Use an internet search engine to identify the beta factors for different companies. The Reuters website
(reuters.com) is a good location from which to perform this search. Search for any company and you
should find its beta factor in the section giving an overview of the company.
For example Ford's beta factor can be found here:
There is no solution to this exercise.
aging information
aging information sw
Man er
An pl
nin ing
manag ime
Addresing the
Exam success skills
uirereq rpretation
Specific AFM skills
e m e nts
Applying risk
req of rprineteation
Identifying the
Eff d p ffect pre
an E nd
required numerical
m eunirts
e c re i v
techniques(s) techniques
ti v
of t inteect
se w ri
nt tin
c rr
Thinking across
r re Co
ati g
Efficient numerica
All of the questions in your Advanced Financial Management (AFM) exam will be
In Section A of the exam (50 marks) you can expect the scenario to be approximately two
pages in length, and in the shorter (25 mark) Section B questions they will normally be
approximately one page long.
It is vital to spend time reading and assimilating the scenario as part of your answer planning.
Often the scenario will contain clues about the appropriate numerical techniques to apply (see
Skills Checkpoint 3 in this Workbook), but it is always the case that the scenario will contain
information that will be relevant to discussion parts of the question. The discussion parts of the
question will account for a significant proportion of the marks, often equalling or even
exceeding those awarded for the numerical parts of the question, and will often focus on how
an issue or issues need to be 'managed'.
It is important to score well in the discussion parts of a question; to do this you will require a
broad syllabus knowledge (see Skills Checkpoint 5 in the Workbook), avoid over-complicating
your numerical analysis (see Skills Checkpoint 4 in the Workbook), and the ability to make your
points relevant by addressing the scenario, ie by applying your points to the scenario. A
common complaint from the ACCA examining team is that 'Less satisfactory answers tended to
give more general responses rather than answers specific to the scenario'.
This skill is especially important in Section A of the AFM syllabus where we are looking at
(management) 'responsibilities of the senior financial adviser', but is relevant to all syllabus
areas and is likely to be important in every question in your AFM exam.
Skills Checkpoint 1: Addressing the scenario
Allow about 20% of your allotted time for
analysing the scenario and requirements –
don't rush into starting to write your
answer. Assuming 1.95 minutes per mark
this means about 20 minutes of analysis
and planning for a 50 mark question
(1.95 minutes × 50 marks × 20%) and
about 10 minutes for a 25 mark question.
Prepare an answer plan using key words from the
requirements as headings (ie a mind map or a
bullet-pointed list).
Complete your answer plan by working through
each paragraph of the question identifying
specific points that are relevant to the scenario
(and requirement) to make sure you generate
enough points to score a pass mark – ACCA
marking guides typically allocate 1–2 marks per
relevant well-explained point.
As you write your answer, explain what you
mean in one (or two) sentence(s) and then in the
next sentence explain why it matters here (in the
given scenario). This should result in a series of
short punchy paragraphs containing points that
address the specific content of the scenario.
Write your answer in a time efficient manner.
As 20% of your time has been used for
planning/analysis this means that the time
allocation when writing should be 1.95 × 0.8 =
1.56 minutes per mark.
Skills Checkpoint 1
Skill activity
STEP 1 Look at the mark allocation of the following question and work out
how many minutes you have to analyse and plan your answer to the
Discuss the key risks and issues that Kilenc Co should consider when setting up a
subsidiary company in Lanosia, and comment on how these may be mitigated.
(15 marks)
This is a 15-mark question and at 1.95 minutes a mark, it should take 29 minutes.
On the basis of spending approximately 20% of your time reading and planning, this
time should be split approximately as follows:
Reading and planning time – 6 minutes
Writing up your answer – 23 minutes
However, in reality this would have been part of a larger question (this was part of a
25 mark Section B question) and the planning time would take place at the start of the
question and would involve planning for all of the question's requirements (so 10 minutes
of planning for the whole question).
Skills Checkpoint 1
STEP 2 Read the requirement for the following question and analyse it to
identify the key words. Highlight each sub-requirement, identify the
verb(s) and ask yourself what each sub-requirement means.
Discuss the key risks and issues that Kilenc Co should consider when setting up a
subsidiary company in Lanosia, and comment on how these may be mitigated.
(15 marks)
Sub-requirement 2
The first key action verb is 'discuss'. This is defined by the ACCA as 'Consider and
debate/argue about the pros and cons of an issue. Examine in detail by using
arguments in favour or against'.
STEP 3 Now complete the answer plan. Focus initially on identifying the issues
because the risk mitigation points should follow logically from this.
Skills Checkpoint 1
Risk of devaluation
of Lanosian currency?
has shrunk in the past year and inflation has remained higher
than normal during this time.
Risk that interest On the other hand, corporate investment in capital assets, research
rates have to rise to Points to use to
control inflation? and development, and education and training has grown recently 'discuss' risk? ie
business confidence
and interest rates remain low. This has led some economists to seems high
Discuss the key risks and issues that Kilenc Co should consider when
setting up a subsidiary company in Lanosia, and comment on how
these may be mitigated. (15 marks)
Risk/issue Mitigation ideas
STEP 4 Write up your answer using key words from the requirements as
Write your answer by explaining what you mean in one (or two)
sentence(s) and then in the next sentence explain why it matters
here (in the given scenario).
For the discussion part remember that this can involve debating
the nature and extent of the risk.
When commenting, remember to be practical but also concise.
Suggested solution
Use sub-headings from Risks and issues
your answer plan
Skills Checkpoint 1
The verb 'discuss' in the company and the government support will also be available
requirement allows you to
suggest that some risks to the subsidiary.
are more or less
important than others.
Kilenc Co wants to raise debt finance in Lanosia. It needs to
consider whether this finance will actually be available. Following the
Relating different parts of
bailout of the banks there may be a shortage of funds for borrowing. the scenario adds value
to the answer.
Also the high inflation rate may mean that there will be
pressure to raise interest rates which may in turn raise
borrowing costs.
This is explaining why
The Lanosian IPO is likely to result in a number of minority this matters in this
scenario – which is the
shareholders, which combined with the composition of the board may key skill that we are
looking at.
create agency issues for the subsidiary. For example, the
board of the subsidiary may make decisions that are in local interests
rather than those of the parent company.
Less detail is appropriate Other risks including foreign exchange exposure (to a devaluation
if there is less material in
the scenario on these in the Lanosian currency), health and safety compliance and physical
risks all need to be considered and assessed. There are numerous
legal requirements from health and safety legislation which must be
understood and complied with. The risk of damage from events such
as fire, floods or other natural disasters should also be considered.
Mitigation of risks and issues
Use sub-headings from
your answer plan
Communication, both external and internal, can be used to
minimise any damage to reputation arising from the move to Lanosia.
If possible, employees should be redeployed within the organisation
to reduce any redundancies.
Given the potential risk of rising interest rates, Kilenc Co may want to
use fixed-rate debt for its financing or use interest rate swaps to
effectively fix their interest charge. The costs of such an activity also
need to be considered.
Health and safety and physical loss risk can be mitigated through a
No conclusion required
combination of insurance, and legal advice.
given the wording of the
Skills Checkpoint 1
Exam success skills diagnostic
Every time you complete a question, use the diagnostic below to assess how effectively you
demonstrated the exam success skills in answering the question. The table has been
completed below for the Kilenc activity to give you an idea of how to complete the
Managing information Did you identify the impact on Kilenc's core UK operations?
Did you link the banking bail-out to potential problems in
raising debt finance?
Correct interpretation Did you understand what was meant by the verbs 'discuss'
of requirements and 'comment'?
Did you spot the two sub-requirements?
Did you understand what each sub-requirement meant?
Answer planning Did you draw up an answer plan using your preferred
approach (eg mind map, bullet-pointed list)?
Did your plan address both the risk identification and
Did your plan create enough points by analysing each
paragraph of the question?
Effective writing and Did you use headings (key words from requirements)?
Did you use full sentences?
Skills Checkpoint 1
In the AFM exam, each question will be scenario based. It is therefore essential that
you try to create a practical answer that addresses the issues in the scenario instead of
simply repeating rote-learned technical knowledge.
AFM is positioned as a Masters-level exam. It is not easy to relate your points to the
scenario, but it is important to realise that this is a fundamental skill that is being tested
at this stage in your qualification.
Key skills to focus on throughout your studies will therefore include:
Assimilating information from a scenario quickly using active reading,
accurately understanding the requirements; and
Creating an answer plan and a final answer that concisely and accurately
addresses both the scenario and the requirements.
Discounted cash flow
Learning objectives
reference no.
Evaluate the potential value added to a firm arising from a specified capital B1(a)
investment project or portfolio using the net present value model. Project
modelling should include explicit treatment of:
– Inflation and specific price variation
– Taxation including tax allowable depreciation and tax exhaustion
– Single and multi-period capital rationing to include the formulation of
programming methods and the interpretation of their output
– Probability analysis and sensitivity analysis when adjusting for risk and
uncertainty in investment appraisal
– Risk-adjusted discount rates (covered in Chapter 7)
– Project duration as a measure of risk
Outline the application of Monte Carlo simulation to investment appraisal. B1(b)
Candidates will not be expected to undertake simulations in the
exam but will be expected to demonstrate understanding of:
– The significance of the simulation output and the assessment of the
likelihood of project success
– Measurement and interpretation of project value at risk
Establish the economic return using IRR and modified IRR and advise on a B1(c)
project's return margin. Discuss the relative merits of NPV and IRR.
Exam context
This chapter moves in to Section B of the syllabus: 'advanced investment appraisal'; this
syllabus section is covered in Chapters 3–7.
Every exam (from September 2018) will have questions that have a focus on syllabus
Sections B and E (treasury and advanced risk management techniques).
This chapter briefly recaps on some of the key fundamentals of investment appraisal, which
you should be familiar with from the Financial Management (FM) exam. However, you will also
be introduced to new techniques such as project duration, value at risk and
modified IRR) and these will need to be studied carefully.
Chapter overview
1 Capital investment
DCF techniques
3: DCF techniques
2. Preliminary screening
– to remove ideas that do not fit with the company's strategy and
This may involve SWOT analysis and an approximate assessment of cash required and payback.
3. Financial analysis
– detailed investigation of risk and return
Involving the techniques covered later in this chapter (and the following two chapters).
4. Authorisation
At central or divisional level, depending on the size of the project.
Essential reading
See Chapter 3 Section 1 of the Essential reading, available in Appendix 2 of the digital edition of
the Workbook, for more background information on the role of post auditing; this should be familiar
from your earlier studies.
2 Net present value (NPV)
Net present value should be familiar to you from previous studies.
The net present value (NPV) of a project: the sum of the discounted cash flows less the initial
Key term
Illustration 1
Project X requires an immediate investment of $150,000 and will generate net cash inflows of
$60,000 for the next 3 years. The project's discount rate is 7%. If NPV is used to appraise the
project, should Project X be undertaken?
Time 0 1 2 3
Cash flow $'000 (150) 60 60 60
df 7% 1.000 0.935 0.873 0.816
Present value (150) 56.1 52.4 49.0
3: DCF techniques
Essential reading
See Chapter 3 Section 2 of the Essential reading, available in Appendix 2 of the digital edition of
the Workbook, for more background information on the basics of DCF; this should be familiar from
your earlier studies.
Formula provided
[1 + real cost of capital] [1 + general inflation rate] = [1 + inflated cost of capital]
or (1 + r) (1 + h) = (1 + i )
Activity 1: Avanti
Avanti Co is considering a major investment programme which will involve the creation of a chain of
retail outlets. The following cash flows are expected.
Time 0 1 2 3 4
$'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000
Land and buildings 2,785
Fittings and equipment 700
Gross revenue 1,100 2,500 2,800 3,000
Direct costs 750 1,100 1,500 1,600
Marketing 170 250 200 200
Office overheads 125 125 125 125
(a) 60% of office overhead is an allocation of head office operating costs.
(b) The cost of land and buildings includes $80,000 which has been spent on surveyors' fees.
(c) Avanti Co expects to be able to sell the chain at the end of Year 4 for $4,000,000.
Avanti Co is paying corporate tax at 30% and is expected to do so for the foreseeable future. Tax is
paid one year in arrears. Tax allowable depreciation is available on fittings and equipment at 25%
on a reducing balance basis, any unused tax allowable depreciation can be carried forward.
Estimated resale proceeds of $100,000 for the fittings and equipment have been included in the
total figure of $4,000,000 given above.
Avanti Co expects the working capital requirements to be 14.42% of revenue during each of the four
years of the investment programme.
Avanti's real cost of capital is 7.7% p.a.
Inflation at 4% p.a. has been ignored in the above information. This inflation will not apply to the
resale value of the business which is given in nominal terms.
Complete the shaded areas in the partially completed solution to calculate the NPV for Avanti's
proposed investment.
Solution (All figures $'000)
Year 0 1 2 3 4 5
Sales 1,100 2,500 2,800 3,000
Direct costs (750) (1,100) (1,500) (1,600)
Marketing (170) (250) (200) (200)
Office overheads (40%) (50) (50) (50) (50)
Net real operating flows 130 1,100 1,050 1,150
1.04 1.04 2
1.04 3
Inflated at 4% (rounded) 135 1,190 1,181 1,345
Tax allowable depn (TAD) (W1)
Unused TAD from time 1
Taxable profit 0 1,019 1,082 1,150
3: DCF techniques
Year 0 1 2 3 4 5
Taxation at 30% in arrears
1 Tax-allowable depreciation
Time 0 1 2 3 4 5
2 Working capital
Time 0 1 2 3 4 5
Internal rate of return (IRR) of any investment: the discount rate at which the NPV is equal to
zero. Alternatively, the IRR can be thought of as the return that is delivered by a project.
Key term
A project will be accepted if its IRR is higher than the required return as shown by the cost of
3.1 Calculation of IRR
If calculating IRR manually, it can be estimated as follows:
Step 1 Calculate the NPV of the project at any (reasonable) rate (eg the cost of capital)
Formula to learn
IRR = a + (b – a)
Activity 2: IRR
Net present value working at 12% = +1,152
This analysis has been re-performed using a 20% required return as shown below:
Time 0 1 2 3 4 5
$'000 (3,570) (90) 1,126 823 5,527 (345)
However NPV is theoretically superior because IRR it has a number of drawbacks when used
to make decisions between competing projects (mutually exclusive projects).
IRR ignores the size of a project, and may result in a small project with a better IRR being
chosen over a bigger project even though the larger project is estimated to generate more
wealth for shareholders (as measured by NPV).
3: DCF techniques
For projects with non-normal cash flows, eg flows where the present value each year
changes from positive to negative or negative to positive more than once, there may be
more than one IRR.
IRR assumes that the cash flows after the investment phase (here time 0) are
reinvested at the project's IRR; this may not be realistic.
Formula provided
PV return phase
1+ r e –1
PV investment phase
r = cost of capital
In the formula, the return phase is the phase during which the project is operational.
The extent to which the MIRR exceeds the cost of capital is called the return margin and indicates
the extent to which a new project is generating value.
Activity 3: MIRR
Using the formula, calculate the modified IRR of Avanti's proposed investment.
Essential reading
See Chapter 3 Section 3 of the Essential reading, available in Appendix 2 of the digital edition of
the Workbook, for more on the logic of the MIRR approach; this is for your interest only.
One of the optional performance objectives in your PER is the evaluation of the financial viability of a
PER alert
potential investment. This chapter covers some of the most popular methods of investment appraisal –
NPV, IRR and MIRR – which you can regularly put into practice in the real world.
Techniques Description
Risk adjusted Using a higher cost of capital if the project is high risk; this idea is
discount factor revisited in Chapter 7.
Expected values Using probabilities to calculate average expected NPV. Probabilities may
be highly subjective.
Payback period The period of time taken before the initial outlay is repaid.
The quicker the payback, the less reliant a project is on the later, more
uncertain, cash flows.
Ignores timing of cash flows within the payback period and also the cash
flows that arise after the payback period.
Discounted payback As above but uses the discounted cash flows and is a better method since
period it adjusts for time value.
Sensitivity analysis An analysis of the percentage change in one variable (eg sales) that
would be needed for the NPV of a project to fall to zero.
Normally calculated as the NPV of the project divided by the NPV of the
cash flows relating to the risky variable (eg sales).
Simulation An analysis of how changes in more than one variable may affect
the NPV of a project. The risk of a project can be measured by
simulating the possible NPVs and weighting the outcomes by
probabilities determined by management. This could be used to assess
the probability, for example, of a project's NPV exceeding zero.
Essential reading
See Chapter 3 Section 4 of the Essential reading, available in Appendix 2 of the digital edition of
the Workbook, for a reminder on the basics of managing risk and uncertainty, if required.
3: DCF techniques
Project duration: a measure of the average time over which a project delivers its value.
Key term
Project duration shows the reliance of a project on its later cash flows, which are less certain than
earlier cash flows; it does this by weighting each year of the project by the % of the present
value of the cash inflows received in that year.
Unlike payback (or discounted payback), this measure of uncertainty looks at all of a project's
Illustration 2
A project with a three-year life, with all of the inflows being generated in the third year would have a
three-year duration as follows:
Time 1 2 3
Present value of cash inflows ($'000) 0 0 2,400
% cash inflows received in each year 0 0 100%
Time period % cash inflows 1 0 2 0 3 1
Project duration = 0 + 0 + 3 = 3 years
Illustration 3
For example, if the above three-year project had an even spread of present value of cash inflows
across the three years then duration would be:
Time 1 2 3
Present value of cash inflows ($'000) 800 800 800
% cash inflows received in each year 33.3% 33.3% 33.3%
Time period % cash inflows 1 0.333 2 0.333 3 0.333
Project duration = 0.333 + 0.666 + 0.999 = approx 2 years
4.2.3 Quick approach to calculating duration
A quicker approach to calculating duration is shown below, this avoids the need to work out the
percentage cash inflows received each year:
Time 1 2 3 Total
Present value of cash inflows ($'000) 800 800 800 2,400
Time period PV 1 800 2 800 3 800
Project duration = (800 + 1,600 + 2,400)/PV of inflows of 2,400 = 2 years
3: DCF techniques
Illustration 4
5% value at risk can be illustrated as follows:
5% 45% 50%
Using the extract from the normal distribution table shown (the full table is given in the exam and is
available at the back of the Workbook), the number of standard deviations associated with 5% value
at risk can be calculated by looking for the figure 0.45 (representing the 45% area in the diagram
Standard normal distribution table
(x ) 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09
(x )
0.0 .0000 .0040 .0080 .0120 .0160 .0199 .0239 .0279 .0319 .0359
0.1 .0398 .0438 .0478 .0517 .0557 .0596 .0636 .0675 .0714 .0753
0.2 .0793 .0832 .0871 .0910 .0948 .0987 .1026 .1064 .1103 .1141
0.3 .1179 .1217 .1255 .1293 .1331 .1368 .1406 .1443 .1480 .1517
0.4 .1554 .1591 .1628 .1664 .1700 .1736 .1772 .1808 .1844 .1879
0.5 .1915 .1950 .1985 .2019 .2054 .2088 .2123 .2157 .2190 .2224
0.6 .2257 .2291 .2324 .2357 .2389 .2422 .2454 .2486 .2517 .2549
0.7 .2580 .2611 .2642 .2673 .2704 .2734 .2764 .2794 .2823 .2852
0.8 .2881 .2910 .2939 .2967 .2995 .3023 .3051 .3078 .3106 .3133
0.9 .3159 .3186 .3212 .3238 .3264 .3289 .3315 .3340 .3365 .3389
1.0 .3413 .3438 .3461 .3485 .3508 .3531 .3554 .3577 .3599 .3621
1.1 .3643 .3665 .3686 .3708 .3729 .3749 .3770 .3790 .3810 .3830
1.2 .3849 .3869 .3888 .3907 .3925 .3944 .3962 .3980 .3997 .4015
1.3 .4032 .4049 .4066 .4082 .4099 .4115 .4131 .4147 .4162 .4177
1.4 .4192 .4207 .4222 .4236 .4251 .4265 .4279 .4292 .4306 .4319
1.5 .4332 .4345 .4357 .4370 .4382 .4394 .4406 .4418 .4429 .4441
1.6 .4452 .4463 .4474 .4484 .4495 .4505 .4515 .4525 .4535 .4545
The figures 0.4495 and 0.4505 are the closest we have to this and they represent 1.64 and 1.65
standard deviations respectively. So, for a figure of 0.45 we can say that half way between 1.64
and 1.65, ie 1.645 standard deviations, is the correct answer.
So, the maximum reduction in value – which would only be exceeded 5% of the time – is 1.645
standard deviations.
4.3.2 Value at risk and time
Value at risk can be quantified for a project using a project's standard deviation.
Standard deviation relates to a period of time (eg a year), but the value at risk may be over a
different time period (eg the life of a project).
In this context, the standard deviation may need to be adjusted by multiplying by the square
root of the time period, ie
Formula to learn
95% value at risk = 1.645 standard deviation of project √time period of the project
Illustration 5
For a five year project 5% value at risk is calculated as 1.645 annual standard deviation √5.
3: DCF techniques
5 Capital rationing
Capital rationing problems exist when there are insufficient funds available to finance all
available positive NPV projects.
Formula to learn
NPV of project
Profitability index =
Initial cash outflow
This gives the shadow price of capital or the maximum extra a company should be prepared to pay
to obtain short-term funds in a single year.
Essential reading
See Chapter 3 Section 5 of the Essential reading, available in Appendix 2 of the digital edition of
the Workbook, for a reminder on the basics of capital rationing, if required.
Illustration 6
The board of Bazza Inc has approved the following investment expenditure over the next three
You have identified four investment opportunities which require different amounts of investment each
year, details of which are given below.
Required investment Project
Project Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 NPV
Project 1 7,000 10,000 4,000 8,000
Project 2 9,000 0 12,000 11,000
Project 3 0 6,000 8,000 6,000
Project 4 5,000 6,000 7,000 4,000
Which combination of projects will result in the highest overall NPV while remaining within the
annual investment constraints?
The problem can be formulated as a linear programming problem as follows:
Let Y1 be investment in project 1
Y2 be investment in project 2
Y3 be investment in project 3
Y4 be investment in project 4
Objective function
Maximise Y1 8,000 Y2 11,000 Y3 6,000 Y4 4,000
Subject to the three annual investment constraints:
Y1 7,000 Y2 9,000 Y3 0 Y4 5,000 16,000 (Year 1 constraint)
Y1 10,000 Y2 0 Y3 6,000 + Y4 6,000 14,000 (Year 2 constraint)
Y1 4,000 Y2 12,000 + Y3 8,000 Y4 7,000 17,000 (Year 3 constraint)
When the objective function and constraints are fed into a computer program, the results are:
Y1 = 1, Y2 = 1, Y3 = 0, Y4 = 0
This means that project 1 and project 2 will be selected and project 3 and project 4 will not. The
NPV of the investment scheme will be equal to $19,000.
3: DCF techniques
Chapter summary
1 Encourage innovation
1 Capital investment monitoring 2 Preliminary screening
3 Financial analysis
4 Authorisation
1.1 Control process 5 Monitoring and review (post-audit)
DCF techniques
Knowledge diagnostic
1. Inflation
The formula for inflating the cost of capital only needs to be used if the cost of capital is given in
'real' terms; otherwise inflation can be assumed to be included in the cost of capital
2. Tax
Tax allowable depreciation should be included as a cost for the purposes of calculating the tax
due; then it should be added back to the cash flows because it is not in itself a cash flow cost.
Differs from IRR because of the assumption that cash inflows are reinvest at the cost of capital.
4. Project duration
A way of looking at the reliance of a project on later cash flows, unlike payback it looks at all
years of a project.
5. Value at risk
A statistically complex technique that makes a crucial assumption that the normal distribution is
valid to use; this may not be true.
6. Profitability index
Only valid for single-period capital rationing where projects are divisible.
3: DCF techniques
Question practice
Now try the questions below from the Further question practice bank (available in the digital edition of the
Q5 Bournelorth
Further reading
There is a Technical Article available on ACCA's website, called 'Conditional Probability'.
We recommend you read this article as part of your preparation for the AFM exam.
Application of option
pricing theory to
investment decisions
Learning objectives
reference no.
Exam context
This chapter continues to cover Section B of the syllabus: 'advanced investment appraisal';
this syllabus section is covered in Chapters 3–7. Remember that every exam will have
questions that have a focus on syllabus Sections B and E.
The formulae used in this chapter will initially look daunting but should, with practice, become
manageable because they are given in the exam and have a clear, specific use.
In fact it is the identification of the variables that are input to the formulae that is the
real challenge when you are applying this theory in the AFM exam.
Also, the discussion areas of the chapter (types of real options and the limitations of the theory)
are also important because they very likely to be examined with the formulae. Don't only over-
focus on the mathematical content of this chapter; the discussion areas are also important.
Chapter overview
1 Limitations of traditional
DCF analysis
2 Types of real
4: Application of option pricing theory to investment decisions
Real options
Option type
Proposal 1
Proposal 2
One of the optional performance objectives in your PER is to review the financial and strategic
PER alert consequences of undertaking a particular investment decision. This chapter covers the concept of real
options which attempts to quantify the strategic characteristics of investments.
Illustration 1
Consider a call option giving the holder the right to buy a share for $4 in three years' time; the
share price today is $5. In recent years the share price has been highly variable. Interest rates are
currently high.
Intrinsic value is the difference between the current value of the asset and the exercise price of
the option.
In this example the intrinsic value is the difference between the current share price of $5 and
the exercise price of $4; so the intrinsic value is $1. This is also referred to as the option being
However, this option will be worth more than the intrinsic value because it will have a time value.
Time value reflects the possibility of an increase in intrinsic value between now and the expiry of
the option; it is influenced by the variability in the value of the asset, the time until the option expires
and interest rates.
4: Application of option pricing theory to investment decisions
Essential reading
See Chapter 4 Section 1 of the Essential reading, available in Appendix 2 of the digital edition of
the Workbook, for more reflections on this issue.
Chapter 11 also returns to this concept for a more detailed examination of the underlying
determinants of option value.
Formula provided
Value of a call option at time 0
N(dx ) is the cumulative value from the normal distribution tables for the value dx
d 2 d1 s T
Pa is shown in present value terms but Pe is not discounted back to a present value (this
is because in the first formula shown it is multiplied to e which is a form of discount factor)
Pa = r =
Pe = t =
e =
4: Application of option pricing theory to investment decisions
s = s t =
d1 =
d 2 d1 s T
d2 =
3 Then use the normal distribution tables to calculate N(d1) and N(d2)
This will involve inputting the values of d1 and d2 to the normal distribution tables in the same
way as in the previous chapter. As this is the first activity on this area this step is shown below
Standard normal distribution table
0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07
( x )
( x )
0.0 .0000 .0040 .0080 .0120 .0160 .0199 .0239 .0279
0.1 .0398 .0438 .0478 .0517 .0557 .0596 .0636 .0675
0.2 .0793 .0832 .0871 .0910 .0948 .0987 .1026 .1064
0.3 .1179 .1217 .1255 .1293 .1331 .1368 .1406 .1443
0.4 .1554 .1591 .1628 .1664 .1700 .1736 .1772 .1808
0.5 .1915 .1950 .1985 .2019 .2054 .2088 .2123 .2157
0.6 .2257 .2291 .2324 .2357 .2389 .2422 .2454 .2486
The normal distribution tables tell you that where the values of d1 and d2 are positive they
should be added to 0.5, where they are negative they are subtracted from 0.5. Here we are
dealing with negative numbers.
N(d1) from tables = 0.5 – 0.0279 (see above) = 0.4721
N(d2) from tables = 0.5 – 0.2486 (see above) = 0.2514
4 Finally value the call option
C0 =
Formula provided
P C Pa Pe e rt
As you can see, a call option has to be valued before valuing a put.
4.2.1 Option to withdraw
An option to withdraw involves receiving money, so it is a put option.
In the option pricing formula, the value of Pa is the present value of the estimated net cash inflows
from the project AFTER the exercise of the option to withdraw.
4: Application of option pricing theory to investment decisions
Complete the evaluation of this option.
1 First identify the basic variables that are needed to complete the call option
Pa = r =
Pe = t =
e =
2 Completed calculations for d1 and d2, starting with d1 (check that you can
replicate these as a homework exercise)
s = 0.45 s t = 1.423
d1 = 1.42
d 2 d1 s T
d2 = 0
3 Completed calculations for N(d1) and N(d2) (check that you can replicate these
as a homework exercise)
N(d1) = 0.9222
N(d2) = 0.5
4 Value the call option (check that you can replicate these as a homework
C0 = $49.38m
5 Now value the put option
P = C – Pa +Pe e –rt
P =
Impact on project =
4: Application of option pricing theory to investment decisions
Chapter summary
2 Types of real
Knowledge diagnostic
1. Call option
This is an option to buy; options to expand and options to delay are call options.
2. Put option
This is an option to sell; options to redeploy and options to withdraw are put options.
3. Impact of high volatility
Higher volatility normally decreases value, but in the context of option valuation it increases the
value of both put and call options.
4. Standard deviation
You may have to calculate this as the square root of the variance.
5. Drawbacks of BSOP
Assumes that options are exercised on a fixed date, and that standard deviation can be
4: Application of option pricing theory to investment decisions
Question practice
Now complete steps 2 to 4 in Activity 3 for further practice on using the BSOP formulae. Also try the
questions below from the Further question practice bank (available in the digital edition of the Workbook):
Q6 Four Seasons
Q7 Pandy
Further reading
There is a Technical Article available on ACCA's website, called 'Investment appraisal and real options'.
We recommend you read this article as part of your preparation for the AFM exam.
International investment
and financing decisions
Learning objectives
reference no.
Assess the impact upon the value of a project of alternative exchange rate B5(a)
Forecast project or company free cash flows in any specified currency and B5(b)
determine the project's net present value or firm value under differing
exchange rate, fiscal and transaction cost assumptions
Evaluate the significance of exchange controls for a given investment B5(c)
decision and strategies for dealing with restricted remittance
Exam context
This chapter continues to cover Section B of the syllabus: 'advanced investment appraisal';
this syllabus section is covered in Chapters 3–7.
Every exam will have questions that have a focus on syllabus Sections B and E.
This chapter builds on Chapter 4 and places investment appraisal in an international
context, which is how investment appraisal is often examined.
Companies that undertake overseas projects are exposed to exchange rate risks as well as other
risks, such as exchange control, taxation and political risks. In this chapter we look at capital
budgeting techniques for multinational companies that incorporate these additional complexities in
the decision-making process. International investment questions are commonly
The availability of a variety of international financing sources to multinational companies is also
Chapter overview
Maximisation of
shareholder wealth
5 Financial strategy
3 Evaluating international
3.2 Complications
5: International investment and financing decisions
Country Access cheap labour and government grants. Local investment may be needed to
overcome trade barriers.
Customer Locate close to international customers so that shorter lead times can be offered.
Economic risk: the risk that the present value of a company's future cash flows might be reduced
by adverse exchange rate movements.
Key term
In this chapter we will normally assume that the domestic currency is $s and that the domestic
country is the USA, and the foreign currency is the peso and the foreign country is country Z.
If there is a long-term decline in the value of the foreign currency after an international
investment has been made then the net present value of the project in the domestic currency
($s) may fall. This is an aspect of economic risk.
So, before an international investment proceeds, the risk of the foreign currency falling in
value should be carefully assessed.
Formula provided
(1+hc )
s1 = s0
(1+hb )
The base currency is the currency that is quoted to 1 unit, ie in the previous activity the
base currency is the $ because exchange rates are quoted in terms of the value of $1.
5: International investment and financing decisions
Bad news
Good news
Higher inflation
Higher inflation
weakens the value of
increase cash inflows
the foreign currency
So, if cash inflows are affected by inflation in exactly the same way as the exchange rate a
weaker exchange rate due to higher foreign inflation may not matter.
In reality project cash flows from an international (or domestic) project are likely to inflate at different
rates so some overall impact on the project NPV from inflation is likely.
Weak economic This will reduce investment inflows into the foreign country (Country Z),
growth and reduce the demand for the foreign currency (peso).
High balance of If imports exceed exports for a long period in the foreign country, this
payments deficit will increase the supply of the foreign currency (peso) on the foreign
exchange markets (as a result of paying for imported goods and
services) and can decrease its value.
High government Debt repayments increase the supply of the foreign currency (peso) on
deficit the foreign exchange markets. Again this can decrease its value.
Essential reading
See Chapter 5 Section 1 of the Essential reading, available in Appendix 2 of the digital edition of
the Workbook, for a broader discussion of economic risk. In addition Section 2 gives more
background on Purchasing Power Parity theory.
3 Evaluating international investments
3.1 Evaluating projects – basic approach
International investment appraisal questions will normally require you to estimate the overseas
cash flows of a project and then to use a forecast exchange rate to convert these into the
domestic currency before discounting at a suitable (domestic) cost of capital.
Forecast foreign (peso) cash flows including inflation
Finally include any other domestic ($) cash flows and discount at a domestic cost of capital.
Year 1 2 3 4
Cash flow (peso '000) 750 950 1,250 1,350
(a) The expected inflation rate in Country Z is 3% a year, and 5% in the USA
(b) The current spot rate is 2 peso per $1.
(c) The company requires a return from this project of 16%.
Ignore tax.
Calculate the $ net present value of the project.
Time 0 1 2 3 4
Cash flow (peso '000) (2,500) 750 950 1,250 1,350
Present value
Total NPV =
5: International investment and financing decisions
3.2.1 Taxation
To prevent 'double taxation', most governments give a tax credit for foreign tax paid on overseas
profits (this is double tax relief, or DTR).
The home country will only charge the company the difference between the tax paid
overseas and the tax due in the home country. This extra tax will appear as an extra cash
flow in the project NPV.
3.2.2 Intercompany transactions
Companies may charge their overseas subsidiaries for royalties and components supplied. These
charges will affect the taxable profit, and therefore the tax paid, in the foreign country. Domestic tax
may also be payable on the profits from these transactions.
0 1 2 3 4
Time '000s '000s '000s '000s '000s
peso peso peso peso peso
Operating cash flows 750 950 1,250 1,350
Tax allowable depreciation (100) (100) (100) (100)
Intercompany transactions
Taxable profit in pesos 625 825 1,125 1,225
Taxation in pesos (20%)
Capital expenditure in pesos (2,500)
Add back TAD
Net cash flows in pesos (2,500) 600 760 1,000 1,080
Forecast exchange rate 2.000 1.9619 1.9245 1.8878 1.8518
Net cash flows in $'000 (1,250) 306 395 530 583
Extra tax in US in $'000 (extra 10%)
5: International investment and financing decisions
0 1 2 3 4
Time '000s '000s '000s '000s '000s
peso peso peso peso peso
Intercompany transactions
Transfer pricing A higher transfer price may be imposed for internally supplied goods
and services.
Other charges A parent company can charge a royalty for granting a subsidiary the
right to make goods protected by patents. Management charges may be
levied by the parent company for costs incurred.
Essential reading
See Chapter 5 Section 3 of the Essential reading, available in Appendix 2 of the digital edition of
the Workbook, for further discussion of basic approaches to international investment appraisal.
Section 4 also provides a numerical illustration to reinforce the impact of exchange controls, if
One of the optional performance objectives in your PER is to evaluate projects and to advise on their
PER alert costs and benefits. This chapter covers how to evaluate international project appraisal decisions.
Types of Discussion
international debt
Loan from a foreign Depending on the profile of the company in the foreign currency this
bank may be slow to organise and potentially expensive.
Eurobond Large companies with excellent credit ratings use the euromarkets,
to borrow in any foreign currency using unregulated markets organised
by merchant banks. The eurobond (or international bond) market is
much bigger than the market for domestic bonds.
Economic risk As discussed a foreign subsidiary can be financed with a loan in the
currency of the country in which the subsidiary operates (subject to thin
capitalisation rules as discussed in Chapter 16 Section 4). This creates a
matching effect.
5: International investment and financing decisions
Translation risk Translation risk does not involve cash flows, so there is doubt as to
whether it matters. However, if write-offs result in changes to gearing
exchange rate change
(using book values) that affect a borrowing covenant there may be real
causing a fall in the book
economic consequences from translation risk. Also, if it affects reported
value of foreign assets or
profits it may cause a change in the share price. It could also signal a
an increase in the book
direction of movement in exchange rates and therefore indicate cash
value of liabilities
problems in future.
Using international debt finance reduces the net assets in foreign
currency resulting from an overseas investment and reduces translation
Essential reading
See Chapter 5 Section 5 of the Essential reading, available in Appendix 2 of the digital edition of
the Workbook, for further discussion of IRP theory. Section 6 also gives some further background on
5 Financial strategy
A firm that is planning a strategy of international expansion, does not only have to consider new
'direct' investments, for example in manufacturing facilities. This may be a sensible approach
because it does allow a firm to retain control over its value chain, but it may be slow to achieve,
expensive to maintain and slow to yield satisfactory results. So other forms of expansion may be
(a) A firm might take over or merge with established firms abroad. This provides a means of
purchasing market information, market share and distribution channels. If
speed of entry into the overseas market is a high priority, then acquisition may be preferred to
a start-up. However, the better acquisitions may only be available at a premium.
(b) A joint venture with a local overseas partner might be entered into. This will allow
resources and competences to be shared. Depending on government regulations, joint
ventures may be the only, or the preferred, means of access to a particular market.
Essential reading
See Chapter 5 Section 7 of the Essential reading, available in Appendix 2 of the digital edition of
the Workbook, for further discussion of alternatives to international investment.
5: International investment and financing decisions
Chapter summary
Maximisation of
shareholder wealth
International investment
International financing
5 Financial strategy
2.2 PPP theory
Direct investment
or Acquisition
2.3 Other danger or Joint venture
3 Evaluating
3.2 Complications
Foreign tax
The home country will usually only charge the company the
differential between the tax paid overseas and the tax
due in the home country.
Intercompany transactions
Companies may charge their overseas subsidiaries for royalties
and components supplied. Domestic tax may also be payable on
the profits from these transactions.
Exchange controls
Manage via transfer pricing, other charges and loans.
5: International investment and financing decisions
Knowledge diagnostic
Further study guidance
Question practice
Now try the questions below from the Further question practice bank (available in the digital edition of the
Q8 Novoroast
Further reading
A practical, and amusing, example of purchasing power parity is the Big Mac index (Economist, 2018).
Under purchasing power parity, movements in countries' exchange rates should in the long term mean that
the prices of an identical basket of goods or services are equalised. The McDonald's Big Mac represents this
basket. The index compares local Big Mac prices with the price of Big Macs in America. This comparison
is used to forecast what exchange rates should be, and this is then compared with the actual exchange
rates to decide which currencies are over- and undervalued.
This index can be found here:
aging information
aging information
meamneag e
manag Giomoed tim
Analysing er
investment pl
Exam success skills
scenario decisions
uirereq rpretation
Specific AFM skills
e m e nts
Applying risk
req of rprineteation
Identifying the
Eff d p ffect pre
an E nd
required numerical
m eunirts
e c re i v
techniques(s) techniques
ti v
of t inteect
se w ri
nt tin
c rr
Thinking across
r re Co
ati g
on analysis
Efficient numerica
Analysing investments to select those which are most likely to benefit shareholders is probably
the most important activity for a senior financial adviser.
Section B of the AFM syllabus is 'advanced investment appraisal' and directly focusses on the
skill of 'analysing investment decisions'. The AFM exam will always contain a question
that have a focus on this syllabus area, so this skill is extremely important.
Analysis of investment decisions requires a sound knowledge of the techniques of investment
appraisal. This means that as well as being able to apply techniques numerically you need to be
able to discuss the reasons for applying them, the meaning of the numbers, its relevance to the
scenario (as discussed in Skills Checkpoint 1), and the limitations of the techniques.
It is also important to apply the relevant investment appraisal techniques in a practical, time-
efficient way in the exam, without attempting to achieve absolute 100% perfection. Not only is
this sensible exam technique but it also reflects that in reality, as well as in the exam,
quantitative techniques are expected to form part of a broader strategic analysis of investments
rather than (as was the case in exams earlier in your studies) providing an absolute answer
concerning the acceptability or otherwise of a proposed investment.
It is important to be aware that sometimes exam questions will not directly state which investment
appraisal techniques should be applied and you may have to use clues in the scenario of the
question to select an appropriate numerical technique; this issue is addressed in Skills
Checkpoint 3 in the Workbook.
The skill of 'analysing investment decisions' is also relevant when considering the acquisition of
another company; this will be covered later in the Workbook in syllabus Section D 'Acquisitions
and Mergers'.
Skills Checkpoint 2: Analysing investment decisions
Analyse the scenario and requirements.
Consider why numerical information has
been provided.
Make notes in the margins of the
question, especially of any areas of
Work out how many minutes you have
to answer each part of the question.
Do not perform any detailed
calculations at this stage.
Plan your answer.
Check that you are applying the correct
type of investment analysis.
Complete your numerical analysis.
Once a number has been analysed, make
a note on the exam paper (eg by ticking
it) that the number has been dealt with.
This will help to make it clear if you have
forgotten to analyse a section of the question.
Be careful not to overrun on time with your
calculations (if you come to a calculation
that you can't do, you may need to make
a simplifying assumption and move on).
Explain your points using short punchy
paragraphs, and don't forget to conclude
on the meaning of your numerical analysis.
Write up your answer in a time efficient
It is unlikely that you will have time to
correct errors at this stage.
Skills Checkpoint 2
Tutorial note
These five general steps apply to all AFM questions, but here will be focused on the
skill of answering advanced investment appraisal questions, which normally have a
high level of numerical content.
Skill activity
STEP 1 Look at the mark allocation of the following question and work out
how many minutes you have to analyse and plan your answer to the
question. Before you start your calculations it is important to realise
that the numbers that have been provided are flawed and therefore do
not need to be accepted as being correct (although some will be). Do
not perform any calculations until you have carefully read the scenario
in full.
Make notes in the margins of the question, especially of any areas of
uncertainty. Work out how many minutes you have to answer each
part of the question.
Prepare a corrected project evaluation using the net present value technique supported
by a separate assessment of the sensitivity of the project to a $1 million change in the
initial capital expenditure. Recommend whether the project should be accepted.
(15 marks)
This is a 15-mark question and at 1.95 minutes a mark, it should take 29 minutes.
On the basis of spending approximately 20% of your time reading and planning, this
time should be split approximately as follows:
Reading and planning time – 6 minutes
Performing the calculations and writing up your answer – 23 minutes
You can now see from the requirement that there are errors in the scenario and you
can look for them (noting any possible errors or areas of uncertainty in the margin to
the question).
Skills Checkpoint 2
Company tax is charged at 30% and is paid/recovered in the year in which the
TAD calculations
liability is incurred. The company has sufficient profits elsewhere to recover tax assumed to be
allowable depreciation on this project, in full, in the year they are incurred. All the correct already?
capital investment is eligible for a first year allowance for tax purposes of 50%
followed by tax allowable depreciation of 25% per annum on a
reducing balance basis.
You notice the following points when conducting your review:
1 An interest charge of 8% per annum on a proposed $50 million loan has
Treatment of interest
been included in the project's post-tax cash flow before tax has been and depreciation looks
calculated. wrong
2 Depreciation for the use of company shared assets of $4 million per annum
has been charged in calculating the project post-tax cash flow.
Are these cash flows or
3 Activity based allocations of company indirect costs of $8 million have been not – not clear, state
included in the project's post-tax cash flow. However, additional corporate
infrastructure costs of $4 million per annum have been ignored which you
discover would only be incurred if the project proceeds.
4 It is expected that the capital equipment will be written off and disposed of at
the end of Year 6. The proceeds of the sale of the capital equipment are
expected to be $7 million which have been included in the forecast of the
project's post-tax cash flow. You also notice that an estimate for site clearance
of $5 million has not been included nor any tax saving recognised on the
unclaimed tax allowable depreciation on the disposal of the capital
Only the unclaimed
TAD to be calculated?
Prepare a corrected project evaluation using the net present value technique supported
by a separate assessment of the sensitivity of the project to a $1 million change in the
initial capital expenditure. Recommend whether the project should be accepted.
(15 marks)
Required technique 2
Third part to the requirement
The first key action verb is 'prepare'. This requires a synthesis of the issues to create a
corrected analysis.
Here, you need to produce a revised NPV and a sensitivity analysis.
The second action verb is 'recommend'. This is asking you to express an opinion,
explaining and justifying the basis for this opinion.
Here, this should draw on your previous analysis of NPV and sensitivity for your
STEP 3 Now complete your workings and numerical analysis. Be careful not
to overrun on time with your calculations.
Note that this may mean accepting that it may not be possible to
complete a perfect analysis in the time, as discussed below.
As already noted, performing the calculations and writing up your
answer should take 23 minutes
(1) Calculation of unclaimed balancing allowance in time 6
Time 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
$m $m $m $m $m $m $m
investment 150.00 50.00
(50%) (75.00) (25.00)
value (start
of year) 75.00 81.25 60.94 45.70 34.27 25.70
value (end
year) 75.00 81.25 60.94 45.70 34.27 25.70 19.27
Scrap (7.00)
allowance 12.27
Tax saved
30% 3.68
Skills Checkpoint 2
(2) Impact of extra $1m capital expenditure on the tax saved on TAD.
Time 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
$m $m $m $m $m $m $m
You may run out
of time – in which Written-down
case these value (start
immaterial year) 1.00 0.50 0.37 0.28 0.21 0.16 0.12
calculations may FYA (50%) (0.50)
need to be
sacrificed (they TAD (25%) (0.13) (0.09) (0.07) (0.05) (0.04) (0.03)
will only be worth
a couple of marks)
Balance 0.05 0.37 0.28 0.21 0.16 0.12 0.09
Scrap 0.00
Simple calculations
can be referred to in Balancing
a notes column if you
allowance 0.09
prefer not to have a
separate working. Tax saved
Alternatively they can
be mentioned as
on TAD at
narrative points 30% 0.150 0.039 0.027 0.021 0.015 0.012 0.009
(see later)
Tax saved on
Also assumptions and balancing
workings can be allowance 0.027
referred to here.
Investment (1.000)
Impact on
cash flow (0.850) 0.039 0.027 0.021 0.015 0.012 0.036
NPV = $29.42m
Sensitivity analysis of project to a $1m increase in initial capital
Extra capital expenditure will affect not only the cash outflow of the project but
also the tax allowable depreciation.
Year 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Notes
$m $m $m $m $m $m $m
Impact on
cash flow (0.85) 0.039 0.027 0.021 0.015 0.012 0.036 Working 2
DCF at 10% (0.85) 0.0355 0.0223 0.0158 0.0102 0.0075 0.0203
STEP 4 Write up your answer using key words from the requirements as
Explain the meaning of your numbers and ensure that your
recommendations are justified.
Use sub-headings
Corrected project evaluation Explain your approach
from the requirement where relevant.
Errors of principle:
(a) Interest should not be included as this is already accounted for in
the discount rate. The annual interest charge of $4 million (less
tax of 30%) should be added back to the cash flow in each year.
(b) Depreciation is not a cash flow and should be ignored in NPV
calculations. The annual charge of $4 million (less tax at 30%)
should be added back to the cash flow in each year.
(c) Indirect allocated costs are assumed not to be incremental cash
flows and are therefore not relevant. These should be added back
to the annual cash flows (net of tax). However, corporate
infrastructure costs are relevant to the project and should have
been included. These costs should be deducted from annual cash
flow figures (net of tax), as should the estimates for site clearance.
(iv) Balancing allowances in Year 6 should be included.
Sensitivity analysis
The net impact shown of $(0.738)m shows the impact of spending an This is explaining why
extra $1m on this project. This means that for the project NPV of this matters in this
scenario – which is the
$29.42m to fall to zero the investment would have to increase by key skill that we are
29.42/0.738 = approximately $40m. This is a large increase on the looking at.
initial forecast spending of $150m and indicates that the project is not
sensitive to this assumption.
Recommendation on capital investment project
On the basis that the project NPV is positive the project achieves a
Use short paragraphs,
return in excess of the required return of 10%. The positive NPV,
explain the meaning of combined with the lack of sensitivity to the forecast initial expenditure, Recommendations need a
your numbers means that the project can be recommended for acceptance on justification
financial grounds.
Skills Checkpoint 2
STEP 5 Write your answer in a time-efficient manner. As 20% of your time has
been used for analysis this means that when you are writing the 1.95
minutes per mark becomes 1.95 0.8 = 1.56 minutes per mark of
writing time.
As you write your answer you are likely to identify errors. When this
happens, it is generally advisable to move on and accept that your
answer is not perfect. This is because the AFM exam is extremely time
pressured and the time you spend on correcting your errors can put
you under exam time pressure later in the exam.
It is best to briefly identify any drawbacks in your answer as part of
your narrative in your answer, but you should keep this brief.
Every time you complete a question, use the diagnostic below to assess how effectively you
demonstrated the exam success skills in answering the question. The table has been
completed below for the 'Your Company' activity to give you an idea of how to complete the
Managing information Did you read the requirements first so that you understood
that the numbers provide in the question were incorrect,
before reading the scenario?
Correct interpretation Did you understand what was meant by the verb
of requirements 'recommend'?
Did you spot the three aspects to the requirements?
Efficient numerical Did you spend too much time on relatively unimportant parts
analysis of the question?
Did your answer present a neat NPV in a proforma that
would have been easy for a marker to follow?
Exam success skills Your reflections/observations
Effective writing and Did you use headings (key words from requirements)?
Did you use full sentences?
Did you explain the meaning of the numbers?
Good time Did you allow yourself time to address all sub-requirements?
Skills Checkpoint 2
Each AFM exam will contain a question that focuses on investment appraisal.
This is an important area to revise and to ensure that you understand the variety of
techniques available (including their limitations). It is important that you can apply
techniques such as duration, modified internal rate of return and value at risk.
It is also important to be aware that in the exam, as in the real world,100% precision
is not expected in what is, after all, a forecasting exercise. In the exam you are
dealing with complicated calculations under timed exam conditions and time
management is absolutely crucial. You therefore need to ensure that you:
Show clear workings and score well on the easier parts of the question
Make a reasonable attempt at the harder calculations while accepting that
your answer is unlikely to be perfect
Remember that there are no optional questions in the AFM exam and that this syllabus
section (investment appraisal) will definitely be tested!
Cost of capital and
changing risk
Learning objectives
reference no.
Calculate the cost of capital of a firm, including the cost of equity and debt. B3(c)
Discuss the appropriateness of using the cost of capital (see Chapter 2) and
discuss its relationship to value
Calculate and evaluate project-specific cost of equity and debt. B3(d)
Show detailed knowledge of business and financial risk, CAPM and
relationship between equity and asset betas
Assess the impact of financing and capital structure on a firm with respect to: B3(h)
pecking order theory, static trade-off theory and agency effects and M&M
Apply the APV technique to the appraisal of investment decisions that entail B3(i)
significant alterations in the financial structure of the firm, including their
fiscal and transaction costs implications
Assess the impact of a significant capital investment project on the reported B3(j)
financial position and performance of a firm, taking into account alternative
financial strategies (see Chapter 14)
Exam context
This chapter continues Section B of the syllabus: 'advanced investment appraisal'.
Remember, every exam will have questions that have a focus on syllabus sections B and E.
This chapter builds on Chapter 1 (which looked at practical factors affecting gearing) and Chapter 2
(which introduced cost of capital calculations). Here we look at the theories concerning capital
structure, and use these to consider the implication of the changing financial risk and changing
business risk on project evaluation. This links to the previous chapter, because international
investment appraisal often involves a significant amount of debt finance.
Chapter overview
2.3 APV in an
1.3 Drawbacks of M&M
international context
6: Cost of capital and changing risk
Gearing increasing
1.1.1 Relationship between WACC and value
As you would expect, a fall in the WACC benefits shareholders. This is because the present value
of the cash flows generated by a company to its investors (shareholders and debtholders) will be
higher if it is discounted at a lower rate. In an efficient market this would imply that the
market value of equity plus debt will rise as the WACC falls.
Value to WACC
(b) Discuss what will happen to the cost of equity (Ke) as the level of debt rises.
M&M's formula for the Ke of a geared company reflects the effects of using debt finance ie the
benefit of the tax relief and the extra financial risk that it brings.
Formula provided
K e = K ei +(1– T)(K ei – K d ) (Formula is given)
Ve Vd
WACC = Ke + Kd (1–T)
Ve + Vd Ve + Vd
6: Cost of capital and changing risk
Direct financial The legal and administrative costs associated with the bankruptcy or
distress costs reorganisation of the firm.
Indirect (a) A higher cost of debt due to a firm's high risk of default.
financial (b) Lost sales due to customers having concerns that a firm with high
distress costs gearing may be at risk of failure and so will not be able to provide after
sales service or to honour product guarantees.
(c) Managers and employees will try drastic actions to save the firm that
might result in some long-term problems eg closing down plants,
downsizing, drastic cost cuts and selling off valuable assets; these actions
will ultimately damage the value of the firm.
(d) Higher prices or shorter payment terms from suppliers who will have
concerns about the risk that a firm with high gearing may not be able to
pay its suppliers.
Mature, asset intensive, industries tend
to have high gearing because they are at
low risk of default and so financial distress costs
are likely to be outweighed by the value of tax
saved from interest payments
This theory supports the idea outlined in Chapter 1 that the level of gearing that is appropriate for a
business depends on the type of industry that it is in and the stage of its life cycle.
Essential reading
See Chapter 6 Section 1 of the Essential reading, available in Appendix 2 of the digital edition of
the Workbook, which recaps on the different capital structure theories in greater detail, this will be
useful if you were exempt from the Financial Management exam.
6: Cost of capital and changing risk
Step 1 Step 2
Calculate the project NPV using an ungeared Add the PV of the tax saved at the
cost of equity ( ) calculated either by using required return on debt (Kd pre-tax).
the M&M formula or an asset beta (see next This reflects the low risk of the tax savings
section). These cash flows are risky.
If you are told in an exam question that a subsidised loan is offered then this clearly adds some
extra value to the APV. This should be factored into Step 2 and calculated as the present value of
the net interest savings due to the subsidy, discounted at the normal pre-tax Kd (again because
it is low risk).
i i
12 = Ke + (0.7)( Ke – 5)1/2
so 12 = K ei + 0.35 ( Ke – 5)
i i
so 12 = Ke + 0.35 Ke – 1.75
so 13.75 = 1.35 Ke
Round this down to 10% to use the discount tables in Step 1 of APV.
Step 1
Base case NPV at ungeared cost of equity
Time 0 1-5
Df 10% 1.0
Present value
Step 2
Time 1–5
Df at cost of debt
Present value
Step 3
Issue costs $m =
APV $m
Step 1 + Step 2 + Step 3 =
6: Cost of capital and changing risk
The beta of a company is called an equity beta – this reflects both business risk (the risk of the
business operations) and financial risk (the risk of using debt finance in the capital structure).
To understand the level of business risk (only) faced by a business, an equity beta can be adjusted to
show its value if the company was ungeared. An ungeared beta therefore measures only business
risk, not financial risk.
An asset beta will be smaller than an equity beta because an asset beta only measures business risk,
whereas an equity beta measures business risk and financial risk.
Equity beta: a measure of the market risk of a security, including its business and financial risk.
Key term Asset beta: an ungeared beta measuring only business risk.
Ve Vd 1– T
V + V 1- T e d
e d Ve + Vd 1- T
Note that in most exam questions the debt beta can be assumed to be zero (this assumption can be
made unless a debt beta is provided), this means that the right hand side of the formula can normally
be ignored.
Formula provided
Eri = Rf + Erm – Rf
2.3 APV in an international context
Because international investments often include significant levels of debt (as discussed in the previous
chapter), APV may be applied in an international context. The steps will be the same.
Essential reading
See Chapter 6 Section 2 of the Essential reading, available in Appendix 2 of the digital edition of
the Workbook, which provides a numerical illustration of the impact of a loan subsidy on the APV
Step 2:
Regear the cost of equity or asset beta with the capital structure to be used in the new
Step 3:
Use the regeared cost of equity to calculate a revised WACC to use in the appraisal of the project.
6: Cost of capital and changing risk
Calculate the cost of capital that Stetson should use to appraise this investment by:
(a) Ungearing and regearing the beta approach covered above
(b) Ungearing and regearing the cost of equity using the M&M Ke formula covered in the
previous section
Formula provided
Ve Vd 1– T
a e +
V V 1 T d
Ve Vd 1 T
e d
K e K e i (1 T) K e i K d d
(a) Step 1 Find a company's equity beta in the area you are moving into and ungear the
Step 3 Use the regeared beta to calculate an appropriate cost of capital:
(b) Step 1 Find a company's Ke in the area you are moving into and ungear it:
6: Cost of capital and changing risk
Essential reading
See Chapter 6 Section 3 of the Essential reading, available in Appendix 2 of the digital edition of
the Workbook, which provides another numerical illustration of this area.
Chapter summary
1.3 Drawbacks of M&M 2.4 Drawbacks of APV Technical flaws in the models
used (adjusting beta factors or
using M&M theory to adjust
A key assumption of M&M theory is that capital markets
the cost of equity).
are perfect eg a company will always be able to raise finance to
fund good projects.
6: Cost of capital and changing risk
Knowledge diagnostic
6: Cost of capital and changing risk
Question practice
Now try the question below from the Further question practice bank (available in the digital edition of the
Q10 Tampem
Financing and
credit risk
Learning objectives
reference no.
Exam context
This chapter completes Section B of the syllabus: 'advanced investment appraisal'.
Remember, every exam will have questions that have a focus on syllabus Sections B and E (treasury
and advanced risk management techniques).
This chapter builds on Chapter 2 (which introduced the concept of credit ratings/spreads), and
Chapter 4 (which introduced the Black–Scholes option pricing model).
Here we consider a range of general financing issues. There are two main themes. First, the use
of bond finance and how yield curves and credit ratings can be used to estimate the cost of debt.
Second, emerging sources of finance which should build on your knowledge of sources of finance,
from your earlier studies.
Chapter overview
6.3 Advantages of an
6.4 Disadvantages of
an ICO
7: Financing and credit risk
% Yield
3 5 Years to maturity
The yield curve can be calculated by comparing government bonds with different prices
and maturities.
If an exam question provides the coupon interest rate being paid by a government bond and its
market price then you can calculate the required yield in each year by comparing the market
price of the bond to the interest and capital repayments from the bond.
Illustration 1
Estimating required yield in Year 1
If we know that a government bond with a coupon rate of 4% and one year to maturity is trading at
$99.50, then we can estimate the required yield in Year 1 as follows:
The yield in a specific year can also be estimated using an equation, this is more useful in the exam.
This approach identifies the expected return (or expected yield) that is required to discount the future
cash flow from the bond ($104) back to the given market price, or present value (here $99.50), as
$99.5 = $104 (1 + r)
So $99.5/$104 = (1 + r)
So 0.957 = (1 + r)
Given that (1 + r) = 1/(1 + r), then: 1/0.957 = 1 + r
So 1+r = 1.045
So r = 0.045 or 4.5%
Estimating required yield in Year 2
If we are then told that another government bond with a coupon rate of 3.5% and two years to
maturity is trading at $97.2, then we can estimate the required yield in Year 2 using the same
equation-based approach as:
$97.2 = $3.5 (1 + r1) + $103.5 (1 + r2 ) (where r1and r2 are the yields in Year 1
–1 –2
and Year 2)
We know the required yield for cash flows in Year 1 is 4.5% or 0.045 (see earlier) so:
$97.2 = $3.5 (1 + 0.045) + $103.5 (1 + r2 )
–1 –2
($97.2 – $3.35)/$103.5 = (1 + r2 )
0.907 = (1 + r2 )
1/0.907 = (1 + r2 ) = 1.1025
So (1 + r2 ) = 1.1025 = 1.05
So r2 = 0.05 or 5.0%.
7: Financing and credit risk
AAA, AA+, AAA–, AA, AA–, A+ Excellent quality, lowest default risk
Country Industry
No issuer's debt rating Stability and growth
will be rated higher prospects
than government's
Financial Management
Profitability and Business and financing
solvency ratios & strategies and controls
Essential reading
See Chapter 7 Section 1 of the Essential reading, available in Appendix 2 of the digital edition of
the Workbook, which provides further background on the calculation of credit ratings.
4 Impact of a change in credit rating
4.1 Impact of a new debt issue on the WACC
One reason that a company's credit rating can worsen is due to the issue of new debt; this can have
a number of potential impacts on the weighted average cost of capital:
Cost and
amount of new
debt –
include in WACC
An increase in
required yield will
reduce the
market value
of any
existing debt
* Exam questions often specify that the impact of the new debt issue on the value or cost of equity is
not known, or can be assumed to be insignificant. If so, there is no need to adjust the cost of equity
using the M&M cost of equity formula from Chapter 6.
AAA 10 18
A 60 75
7: Financing and credit risk
Complete the following evaluation of the impact of a worsening of Tetron's credit rating from AAA to
A as a result of the new debt issue, by completing the shaded areas.
1 Tetron's current WACC
Ve Vd
WACC = Ke + Kd (1 – T)
Ve + Vd Ve + Vd
Current WACC =
4 Revised WACC
Revised WACC =
4.2 Other impacts of a new debt issue
Additional debt may have other restrictive covenants which may restrict a company from buying or
selling assets, this may restrict a company from being able to maximise returns to shareholders.
Debt repayment covenants require a company to build up a fund over time which will be enough to
redeem the debt at the end of its life. These may make it harder to pay dividends to shareholders.
If the WACC rises (which does not necessarily happen as shown in Activity 2), this will reduce the
value of a company to its investors.
5 Duration of a bond
We have seen, in Chapter 3, the concept of duration in the context of project appraisal to give a
measure of the average amount of time over which a project delivers its value. Duration is also
known as Macaulay duration.
The same concept can be applied to a bond, where it helps to explain the risk of a bond to investors.
5.1 Calculation
The average amount of time taken to recover the cash flow from a bond is not only affected by
its maturity date – it is also affected by the size of the interest (coupon) payments, eg a 5%
bond maturing in three years will not give cash back as quickly as a 10% three-year bond.
Duration measures the weighted average number of years over which a bond delivers its returns.
As we have seen, duration is calculated by multiplying the present value of cash inflows to the time
period of that inflow and then dividing by the total present value of the cash inflows.
Duration allows bonds of different maturities and coupon rates to be directly compared.
The illustration below is a recap of the calculation of duration.
Illustration 2
A company has a 5% bond in issue with a nominal value of $100 and is redeemable at nominal
value in three years' time. The required yield is 4%.
Calculate the duration of Bond A.
Bond A
Time 1 2 3 Total
Cash 5 5 105
DF 4% 0.962 0.925 0.889
PV 4.8 4.6 93.3 102.7
× year 4.8 9.2 279.9
7: Financing and credit risk
Formula to learn
(Macaulay) duration
1+ yield
Illustration 3
From the previous illustration the modified duration of Bond A is 2.86/1.04 = 2.75.
If the modified duration is 2.75 then, if required yields rise by 1%, the bond price will fall by 2.75%.
This is a useful measure of the price sensitivity (risk) of a bond to changes in interest
Duration line
The impact of convexity (ie a non-linear relationship) will be that the modified duration will tend to
overstate the fall in a bond's price and understate the rise. Therefore modified duration should be
treated with caution in your predictions of interest rate/price relationships.
The problem of convexity only becomes an issue with more substantial fluctuations in the yield.
Essential reading
See Chapter 7 Section 2 of the Essential reading, available in Appendix 2 of the digital edition of
the Workbook, which provides a further example of bond duration.
6 Sources of finance (1) – Initial coin offering (ICO)
Essential reading
See Chapter 7 Section 3 of the Essential reading, available in Appendix 2 of the digital edition of
the Workbook, for a recap of the variety of types of finance that are available; most of this is a
recap from the Financial Management exam.
Utility Provide users with access to a product or service; eg Filecoin raised over
tokens $250 million, its tokens enable access to its decentralised cloud storage service.
The future value of these tokens depends on the success of the venture.
7: Financing and credit risk
Fraud risk ICOs tend to be launched by start-ups. Organisation details are often vague with
just a website, and no specific geographic location. White papers may make wild
claims about the potential for the project being financed.
Valuation Valuation of tokens is highly speculative, in addition the entities involved are
risk generally start-ups.
Security risk If a token repository is hacked and tokens stolen, investors typically have no
Value of For example, the value of bitcoin fell by over 50% between mid-December 2017
cryptocurrency and early Feb 2018.
Risk of money The anonymity of transactions makes ICOs a target for investment from funds
laundering belonging to organised crime.
Risk to As discussed earlier, this may reduce the availability of funds and the price that
investor investors are willing to pay.
Risk of This is illustrated by Protostarr, which abandoned its ICO in 2017 after being
regulation contacted by the US SEC to discuss its status.
7.1 Products based on equity participation
To tap into the Islamic equity markets, a company must be sharia compliant. To achieve this,
there are two key screening tests:
1 Does the company engage in business practices that are contrary to Islamic
law, eg alcohol, tobacco, gambling, money lending and armaments are not acceptable.
2 Does the company pass key financial tests, eg a low debt–equity ratio (less than
approx 33%); in theory any interest-based transaction is not permitted, but in reality it is
accepted that this is not realistic.
To establish social justice, Islam requires that investors and entrepreneurs share risk and reward;
there are two main products that are offered by Islamic banks that facilitate this (remember that
Islamic banks cannot lend money out in a conventional way in exchange for interest repayments).
Despite being offered by banks, both products actually create equity participation.
1 Mudaraba
Profits are shared according to a pre-agreed contract. There are no dividends paid. Losses
are solely attributable to the provider of capital, eg a bank. The entrepreneur (the
mudarib) takes sole responsibility for running the business, because they have the expertise in
doing so – if losses are made the entrepreneur loses their time and effort.
Mudaraba contracts can either be restricted (to a particular project) or unrestricted (funds
can be used in any project).
2 Musharaka
Profits are shared according to a pre-agreed contract. There are no dividends paid. Losses are
shared according to capital contribution. Both the organisation/investment manager
and finance provider participate in managing and running the joint venture.
Profits are normally shared in a proportion that takes into account the capital contribution and
the expertise being contributed by the bank and the entrepreneur/joint venture partners. Losses
are shared in proportion to the % capital being contributed by each party.
Under a diminishing musharaka agreement the mudarib pays increasingly greater amounts to
increase their ownership over time, so that eventually the mudarib owns the whole venture or
7.1.1 Sukuk bonds
The other key product that allows equity participation is a sukuk bond. Although these are often
referred to as Islamic bonds, the sukuk holders share risks and rewards, so this arrangement is
more like equity. The sukuk holder shares in the risk and rewards of ownership of a specific
asset, project or joint venture.
Sukuks require the creation of a special purpose vehicle (SPV) which acquires the assets. This
adds to the costs of the bond-issuing process, but they are often registered in tax-efficient
jurisdictions, eg Bahrain.
The prospectus for a sukuk must clearly disclose its purpose, its risk and the Islamic
contract on which it is based (mudaraba, musharaka, ijara (see below)) – all of which will be
crucial in obtaining sharia compliance (which must be disclosed in the prospectus too).
7: Financing and credit risk
Murabaha The financial institution purchases the asset and sells it to the business or individual.
There is a pre-agreed mark-up to be paid, in recognition of the convenience of
paying later, for an asset that is transferred immediately. No interest is charged.
Ijara The financial institution purchases the asset for the business to use, with lease
payments, period and payment terms being agreed at the start of the contract. The
financial institution is still the owner of the asset and incurs the risk of ownership. This
means that the financial institution will be responsible for major
maintenance and insurance, which is different from a conventional finance
Salam A commodity is sold for future delivery; cash is received from the financial institution
in advance (at a discount) and delivery arrangements are determined immediately.
Nb Sharia scholars have concerns about derivatives products (eg futures) because
they are not based on real economic activity (unless they are held to delivery).
Istisna For funding large, long-term construction projects. The financial institution funds a
project; the client pays an initial deposit, followed by instalments during the course of
construction. At the completion, ownership of the property passes to the client.
Essential reading
See Chapter 7 Section 4 of the Essential reading, available in Appendix 2 of the digital edition of
the Workbook, which considers the pros and cons of Islamic finance.
Chapter summary
Using information about Yield curve + credit spread = Impact of cost of new debt
government bonds with required yield (pre-tax). Impact on cost and value of
different prices and maturities existing debt
to calculate the required yield
Possible impact on cost of
in each year.
3.2 Criteria for
establishing credit
7: Financing and credit risk
6.4 Disadvantages of an
7: Financing and credit risk
Knowledge diagnostic
1. Credit ratings
Determined by country, industry, management and financing factors.
2. Impact of worsening credit ratings
Worsening credit ratings will increase the cost of debt on new and existing debt (will also affect
the value of existing debt).
3. Duration of a bond
This shows the period of time over which a bond delivers its value. The higher duration is, the
greater the risk to the investor.
4. Modified duration
This shows the impact of a 1% change in interest rates on bond value.
5. Types of token or coin
Tokens can be investment, asset or utility tokens.
6. Islamic finance
Share risk and return between the entrepreneur and the finance provider.
Further study guidance
Question practice
Now try the question below from the Further question practice bank (available in the digital edition of the
Q11 Levante
Further reading
There is a Technical Article available on ACCA's website, called 'Aspects of Islamic finance' which has
been written by a member of the AFM examining team.
Another useful Technical Article available on ACCA's website is called 'Bond valuation and bond yields',
again this has been written by a member of the AFM examining team.
We recommend that you read these articles as part of your preparation for the AFM exam.
Valuation for
acquisitions and
Learning objectives
reference no.
Apply asset-based, income-based and cash flow based models to value B4(a) in part
Forecast an organisation's free cash flow and free cash flow to equity B4(b)
Advise on the value of an organisation using its free cash flow and free cash B4(c)
flow to equity under alternative horizon and growth assumptions
Explain the use of the BSOP model to estimate the value of equity and B4(d),
discuss the implications of the model for a change in the value of equity.
Explain the role of the BSOP model in the assessment of default risk, the
value of debt and its potential recoverability
Discuss, assess and advise on the value created from an acquisition or C2(c)
merger of both quoted and unquoted entities using models such 'book value-
plus', market-based and cash flow models, including free cash flows; taking
into account the changes in the risk profile of the acquirer and target entities
Apply appropriate models eg risk adjusted cost of capital, APV and C2(d)
changing P/E multipliers resulting from the acquisition or merger
Exam context
This chapter mainly focuses on Section C of the syllabus 'Acquisitions and Mergers', although it also
covers some remaining areas of syllabus Section B.
The techniques that are covered in this chapter are used to ensure that the decision to invest by
acquisition is carefully analysed and results in an outcome that benefits shareholders. Valuation
questions are common in both Section A and Section B of the AFM exam.
Valuation techniques will require you to make estimates/assumptions. In the exam, it is accepted that
a business does not have a single 'precise' valuation, and markers will reward a variety of logical,
justified approaches, so there is often not a 'single' correct answer.
8: Valuation for acquisitions and mergers
Chapter overview
Valuation for
acquisitions and
2 Approaches to
business valuation
3.1 Net asset value 4.1 P/E method 5.1 Dividend basis
3.2 Book value 'plus' 4.2 Post-acquisition P/E 5.2 Free cash flows and
valuation free cash flows to
6 Valuing start-ups:
Black–Scholes model 5.3 Post-acquisition
cash flow valuation
1 The overvaluation problem
When a company acquires a target company, it will pay a 'bid premium' above the target's current
market value. Where this premium is excessive, this creates a problem of overvaluation.
Many studies suggest that the target company shareholders enjoy the benefit of the 'bid
premium' but the shareholders of the acquirer often do not benefit as a result of overvaluation.
8: Valuation for acquisitions and mergers
Entrapment can help to explain excessive prices being paid to acquire companies that are seen as
crucial to helping to turn around a failing strategy.
1.1.4 Anchoring
If valuing an unlisted company, the bidder may be strongly influenced by that company's initial
asking price, ie this becomes a (biased) reference point for the valuation (however
irrational it is).
Asset-based models Cash-based models
An acquisition may potentially have an impact on both the financial and the business risk of
the acquirer. This impact needs to be incorporated into the analysis of the valuation of an
One of the performance objectives in your PER is to 'select investment or merger or acquisition
opportunities using appropriate appraisal techniques'.
PER alert
3 Asset–based models
3.1 Net asset value (NAV)
Asset-based methods use the statement of financial position as the starting point in the
valuation process.
This values a target company by comparing its assets to its liabilities, which gives an estimate of the
funds that would be available to the target's shareholders if it entered voluntary liquidation. For an
unquoted company, this value would need to at least be matched by a bidder, and this value is
often used as a starting point for negotiating the acquisition price.
Which of the following is the correct asset valuation of Transit Co's equity?
$2,380 million
$1,680 million
$1,100 million
$240 million
The target company's net asset value may need to be adjusted if an exam questions tells you that the
realisable value of assets differs from their book value.
8: Valuation for acquisitions and mergers
2 Calculate the present value of any excess profits that have been made in the recent past, using
the WACC as the discount factor.
3.2.2 Drawbacks of CIV approach
(a) It uses the average industry return on assets as a basis for computing excess returns; the
industry average may be distorted by extreme values.
(b) CIV assumes that past profitability is a sound basis for evaluating the current value of
intangibles – this will not be true if, for example, a brand has recently been weakened by a
corporate scandal or changes in legislation.
(c) CIV also assumes that there will be no growth in value of the excess profits being created by
intangible assets.
Essential reading
See Chapter 8 Section 1 of the Essential reading, available in Appendix 2 of the digital edition of
the Workbook, which provides some further thoughts on asset-based approaches.
4 Market-based models
A sensible starting point for valuing a listed company is the market value of its shares.
If the stock market is efficient the market price will reflect the market's assessment of the company's
future cash flows and risk (both business risk and financial risk).
It follows that the relationship between a company's share price and its earnings figure, ie its P/E
ratio, also indicates the market's assessment of a company or a sector's future cash flows and risk
(both business and financial risk).
8: Valuation for acquisitions and mergers
Stock market efficiency
Behavioural finance (see Section 1) suggests that stock market prices may not be efficient
because they are affected by psychological factors, so P/E ratios may be distorted by swings
in market sentiment.
4.1.2 Using your judgement
In practice, using the P/E ratio approach may require you to make a number of judgements
concerning the growth prospects and risk of the company that is being valued and therefore which
P/E ratio is appropriate to use. There may be arguments for increasing the P/E ratio to reflect
expectations of higher growth or lower risk as a result of an acquisition (or for decreasing the P/E
ratio to reflect expectations of lower growth or higher risk as a result of an acquisition). In the exam
you should make and state your assumptions clearly, and you should not worry about
coming up with a precise valuation because, in reality, valuations are not a precise
science and are affected by bargaining skills, psychological factors and financial pressures.
The post-acquisition value of the group can be compared to the pre-acquisition value of the bidding
company (ie the acquirer); the difference gives the maximum that the company should
pay for the acquisition.
8: Valuation for acquisitions and mergers
Illustration 1
Using the previous activity:
Current value of Macleanstein = $750m 17 = $12,750m
Current value of Thomasina = $500m 14 = $7,000m
Group post-acquisition earnings = $750m + $500m + $150m = $1,400m
Essential reading
See Chapter 8 Section 2 of the Essential reading, available in Appendix 2 of the digital edition of
the Workbook, which provides background on other, less important, earnings based methods.
5 Cash-based models
The final set of valuation models are based on the concept of valuing a company using its forecast
cash flows discounted at a rate that reflects that company's business and financial risk. These models
are often seen as the most elegant and theoretically sound methods of business valuation, and can
be adapted to deal with acquisitions that change financial risk or business risk.
5.1 Dividend basis
The simplest cash flow valuation model is the dividend valuation model (DVM).
This is based on the theory that an equilibrium price for any share is the future expected stream
of income from the share discounted at a suitable cost of capital.
Formula provided
d0 1+ g
Value per share = P0 =
re – g
d0 = current dividend
re = cost of equity of the target
g = annual dividend growth rate
The formula calculates the value of a share as the present value of a constantly growing future
The anticipated dividends are based on existing management policies, so this technique is most
relevant to minority shareholders (who are not able to change these policies).
Illustration 2
AB Co has just paid a dividend of 40p per share; this has grown from 30p four years ago.
What is the estimated rate of dividend growth?
30 (1 + g) = 40
(1 + g) = 40/30 = 1.3333
1 + g = 4 1.3333 = 1.0746
g = 0.0746 or 7.46%
8: Valuation for acquisitions and mergers
Illustration 3
RS Co has just paid a dividend per share of 30p. This was 60% of earnings per share. Estimated
return on equity = 20%.
What is the estimated rate of dividend growth?
b = balance of earnings reinvested
b = 1 – 0.6 = 0.4 r = 0.2
g = 0.4 0.2 = 0.08 or 8%
5.1.3 Drawbacks
(a) It is difficult to estimate future dividend growth.
(b) It creates zero values for zero dividend companies and negative values for high growth
companies (if g is greater than re ).
Use a normal NPV approach to 1 Use the formula to assess the NPV of the constant growth
calculate the present value of the phase; however the time periods need to be adapted eg:
dividends in this phase. d0 (1 g) d2 (1 g)
P0 = is adapted to P2 =
K e g Ke g
2 Then adjust the value given above by discounting back
to a present value (here using a T2 discount rate).
Activity 5: Non-constant growth
Hitman Co's latest dividend was $5 million. It is estimated to have a cost of equity of 8%.
Use the DVM to value Hitman Co assuming 3% growth for the next three years and 2% growth after
Phase 1 (3% growth per annum)
Time 1 2 3
Dividend $m
DF @ 8% 0.926 0.857 0.794
Total =
P3 =
Free cash flow (FCF): the cash available for payment to investors (shareholders and debt holders),
also called free cash flow to firm.
Key term
Free cash flow to equity (FCFE): the cash available for payment to shareholders, also called
dividend capacity.
This method can build in the extra cash flows (synergies) resulting from a change in
management control, and when the synergies are expected to be received. There are two
approaches which can be used.
8: Valuation for acquisitions and mergers
Free cash flow (FCF) method Free cash flow to equity (FCFE) method
less less
tax, investment in assets interest, tax, debt repayment, investment in assets
plus plus
depreciation, any new capital raised depreciation, any new capital raised
Approach 1 Approach 2
1 Identify the FCF of the target company 1 Identify the FCFE of the target company
(before interest) (after interest)
3 This calculates the NPV of the cash flows 3 This calculates the NPV of the equity
before allowing for interest payments
Approach 1
Approach 2
4 Estimate the post-acquisition value of the group's equity using a cash flow valuation approach
5 Subtract the existing value of the bidder to determine the maximum value to pay for the target
6 Subtract the pre-acquisition value of both companies to calculate the value created by the
acquisition (ie the value of the synergies)
8: Valuation for acquisitions and mergers
Tutorial note
In fact this approach is slightly inaccurate because the weightings used in Step 3 do not reflect the
value of the company post-acquisition; a computer model can solve this, so this is not something
you will have to deal with in the exam.
5.4 Adjusted present value
Adjusted present value (APV) has been covered numerically in Chapter 6.
APV can also be used to value acquisitions that change the gearing of the bidding
company. One reason that this could happen is that the acquisition is a bid that is financed by
borrowing (see Chapter 10).
This technique values the enterprise (ie debt plus equity) and the amount of debt needs to be
subtracted in order to value the equity in the target company.
If the firm does generate enough value, then the extra value over and above the debt belongs
to the shareholders.
In this case shareholders can pay off the debt (this is the exercise price) and continue in
their ownership of the company (ie just as the exercise of a call option results in the
ownership of an asset).
BSOP can be applied because shareholders have a call option on the business. The
protection of limited liability creates the same effect as a call option because there is an upside
if the firm is successful, but shareholders lose nothing other than their initial investment if it
8: Valuation for acquisitions and mergers
Within the BSOP model, N(d2) depicts the probability that the call option will be in-the-money (ie
have intrinsic value for the equity holders).
If N(d2) depicts the probability that the company has not failed and the loan will not be in default,
then 1 – N(d2 ) depicts the probability of default.
The probability of default is used in the BSOP model to calculate the market value of debt.
If the present value of the repayments on the debt is less than the market value, this shows the
expected loss to the lender on holding the debt. If the expected loss and default risk are known then
the recoverability of the debt in the event of default can be estimated.
This section is not examinable numerically.
Essential reading
Review Chapter 7 Section 1.2 of the Essential reading, available in Appendix 2 of the digital edition
of the Workbook, to recap on the relationship between expected loss, default risk and recoverability.
See Chapter 8 Section 3 of the Essential reading, available in Appendix 2 of the digital edition of
the Workbook, which provides some further thoughts on the use of the BSOP model in these contexts.
Chapter summary
1 Overvaluation
1.1 Behavioural finance 1.2 Agency issues
2 Approaches to
business valuation
3.1 Net asset value 4.1 P/E method 5.1 Dividend basis
8: Valuation for acquisitions and mergers
5.3 Post-acquisition
cash flow valuation
Knowledge diagnostic
1. Overvaluation problem
A significant problem in acquisitions, can be explained by behavioural or agency factors.
2. Calculated intangible values
This assesses the excess profits post-tax being made, and values these as a constant cash flow
using the company's WACC.
3. P/E ratio
This indicates the growth potential of a company.
4. Post-acquisition valuations
This approach is useful where the acquisition has an underlying impact on the growth or risk of
the bidding company (the acquirer).
5. Free cash flow
The cash flows available for all investors (whether equity or debt holders) ie before interest but
after tax.
6. Free cash flow to equity
The cash flows available for equity investors only, ie after interest and tax.
8: Valuation for acquisitions and mergers
Question practice
Now try the questions below from the Further question practice bank (available in the digital edition of the
Q12 Mercury Training
Q13 Kodiak Company
Further reading
There is a Technical Article on behavioural finance available on ACCA's website, called 'Patterns of
behaviour' which has been written by a member of the AFM examining team. This article was
recommended reading in Chapter 2, but if you have not had a chance to read it then please look
at it now.
Acquisitions: strategic
issues and regulation
Learning objectives
reference no.
Discuss the arguments for and against the use of acquisitions as a growth C1(a)
Evaluate the corporate and competitive nature of a given acquisition C1(b)
Advise upon the criteria for choosing an appropriate target for C1(c)
Compare the various explanations for the high failure rate for acquisitions in C1(d)
enhancing shareholder value – also covered in Chapter 8
Evaluate, from a given context, the potential for synergy separately C1(e)
classified as revenue synergy, cost synergy, financial synergy
Evaluate the use of the reverse takeover as a method of acquisition and C1(f)
as a way of obtaining a stock market listing
Exam context
This chapter continues Section C of the syllabus 'Acquisitions and Mergers'.
The acquisition decision is not only about 'the numbers', ie the valuation process. The M in AFM
stands for 'management' and this is the focus of this chapter, ie how to manage the strategic and
regulatory aspects of an acquisition.
These areas are likely to be discussed in conjunction with the valuation techniques covered in the
previous chapter.
Chapter overview
9: Acquisitions: strategic issues and regulation
1 Growth strategies
To achieve its growth objectives, a company has three strategies that it can use, including:
(a) Internal development (organic growth)
(b) Acquisitions/mergers
(c) Joint ventures
Different forms of expansion have already been identified and discussed in Chapter 5.
Here we briefly recap on this focusing mainly on acquisitions; note that these are general points and
may or may not be relevant to the issues facing a company in an exam question.
Essential reading
See Chapter 9 Section 1 of the Essential reading, available in Appendix 2 of the digital edition of
the Workbook, for further discussion of types of acquisitions.
2 Acquisition targets
A company's strategic planning should give a focus for selecting an acquisition target.
The strategic plan might be to diversify, or to find new geographical markets, or to find firms that
have new skills/products/key technology, or simply to identify firms that are poorly managed and to
turn them around and sell them on at a higher price.
The criteria that should be used to assess whether a target is appropriate will depend on the
motive for the acquisition.
For example, if the strategic plan is to acquire and turn around companies that are undervalued then
the key criteria will be whether a target firm's share price is below the estimated value of the
company when acquired – which is true of companies which have assets that are not exploited.
Having identified the general type of target, two areas of particular importance are:
(a) Are there potential synergies with the target (covered in section 2.1)?
(b) Is there a likelihood of a good working relationship with the target (covered in
Section 2.2)?
Synergies: extra benefits resulting from an acquisition either from higher cash inflows and/or lower
Key term
9: Acquisitions: strategic issues and regulation
Risk Explanation
Clash of cultures Especially if the two firms follow different business strategies
Paying too high a price Managers' desire to grow may stem less from a desire to benefit
for the target shareholders and more from a desire to empire-build or to make the
company less of a takeover target; so they may overpay to acquire
the target.
To minimise these risks a firm should have a clear post-integration strategy. This should
(a) Control of key factors – eg new capex approval centralised
(b) Reporting relationships – appoint new management and establish reporting lines quickly
(c) Objectives and plans – to reassure staff and customers
(d) Organisation structure – integrating business processes to maximise synergies
(e) Position audit of the acquired company – build understanding of the issues faced by the target
via regular online employee surveys and strategy discussion forums with front line staff and
One of the performance objectives in your PER is to 'review the financial and strategic consequences
of an investment decision'. This chapter evaluates mergers and acquisitions as a method of corporate
PER alert
expansion and also looks at the potential corporate consequences of such activity. This information
will be invaluable in practice, as it gives you an idea of the issues that might arise when considering
the viability of mergers and acquisitions.
4 Reverse takeovers
Reverse takeover: a situation where a smaller quoted company (S Co) takes over a larger
unquoted company (L Co) by a share-for-share exchange.
Key term
To acquire L Co, a large number of S Co shares will have to be issued to L Co's shareholders. This
will mean that L Co will hold the majority of shares and will therefore have control of
the company.
The company will then often be renamed, and it is normal for the larger company (L Co) to impose its
own name on the new entity.
Illustration 1
In 2007, Eddie Stobart, a well-known UK road haulage company, used a reverse takeover to
obtain a listing on the London Stock Exchange. This deal combined Eddie Stobart's road
transport, warehouse and rail freight operations, with Westbury (a property and logistics group).
Eddie Stobart's owners, William Stobart and Andrew Tinkler, were appointed chief executive and
chief operating officer of the new company. They owned 28.5% of the new company following the
The merged group was renamed Stobart and took up Westbury's share listing.
Speed Risk
An IPO typically takes between one and There is the risk that the listed company being
two years. By contrast, a reverse used to facilitate a reverse takeover may have
takeover can be completed in a matter some liabilities that are not clear from its
of months. financial statements.
9: Acquisitions: strategic issues and regulation
5 Regulation of takeovers
Takeover regulation in the UK (and the US) is based on a market-based or shareholder-
based model and is designed to protect a wide and dispersed shareholder base.
In the UK and the US companies normally have wide share ownership so the emphasis is on agency
problems and the protection of the widely distributed shareholder base.
In Europe most large companies are not listed on a stock market, and are often dominated by a
single shareholder with more than 25% of the shares (often a corporate investor or the founding
family). Banks are powerful shareholders and generally have a seat on the boards of large
Regulations in Europe have been developed to control the power of these powerful stakeholder
groups, which is sometimes referred to as a stakeholder-based system.
European regulations on takeovers have generally in the past relied on legal regulations that seek to
protect a broader group of stakeholders, such as creditors, employees and the wider
national interest.
9: Acquisitions: strategic issues and regulation
Squeeze-out rights
Squeeze-out rights give the bidder who has acquired a specific percentage of the equity
(usually 90%) the right to force minority shareholders to sell their shares.
The rule enables the bidder to acquire 100% of the equity once the threshold percentage has
been reached and eliminates potential problems that could be caused by minority
However, in two key areas the original wording of the European code was significantly diluted
in the final draft:
Board neutrality and anti-takeover measures (Article 9)
Seeking to address the agency issue where management may be tempted to act in their own
interests at the expense of the interests of the shareholders, it was originally proposed that the
board would not be permitted to carry out post-bid aggressive defensive tactics (such as selling
the company's main assets, known as a 'crown jewels' defence, or entering into special
arrangements giving rights to existing shareholders to buy shares at a low price, known as
poison pill defence), without the prior authority of the shareholders.
However, this has become an optional provision for member countries – because there is
the argument that the shareholders may have limited experience so managers are better
placed to act in the shareholders' best interest.
The break-through rule (Article 11)
The effect of the break-through rule is to enable a bidder with 75% of the capital carrying
voting rights to break through the company's multiple voting rights and exercise control as if
one-share-one-vote existed.
Again this has become an optional provision for member countries.
Essential reading
See Chapter 9 Sections 2 and 3 of the Essential reading, available in Appendix 2 of the digital
edition of the Workbook, for further discussion of regulation.
6 Defence against a takeover
6.1 Post-bid defences
Where a bid is not welcomed by the board of the target company, then the bid becomes a hostile
bid. Where the board feels that the takeover is not in the best interest of their shareholders,
they can consider launching a defensive strategy.
This will normally involve attacking the value created for shareholders by the bid and sometimes this
will extend to attacking the track record of the bidder.
A defence could also involve the following tactics:
Tactic Explanation
White knights This would involve inviting a firm that would rescue the target from
the unwanted bidder.
The white knight would act as a friendly counter-bidder.
Crown jewels Valuable assets owned by the firm may be the main reason that the
firm became a takeover target. By selling these the firm is making
itself less attractive as a target. Care must be taken to ensure that this
is not damaging the company.
If the funds raised are used to grow the core business and therefore
enhancing value, then the shareholders would see this positively and
the value of the corporation will probably increase.
Alternatively, if there are no profitable alternatives, the funds could
be returned to the shareholders through special dividends or
share buybacks. In these circumstances, disposing of assets may
be a feasible defence tactic.
This will require shareholder approval.
9: Acquisitions: strategic issues and regulation
Golden parachutes
These are significant payments made to board members when they leave. In many countries these
schemes are illegal/non-compliant with local codes (eg the City Code in the UK).
Essential reading
See Chapter 9 Section 4 of the Essential reading, available in Appendix 2 of the digital edition of
the Workbook, for a summary of defensive tactics.
Chapter summary
Clash of cultures
3 Reasons for failure of
Uncertainty among staff
Customer uncertainty – fear of problems leads to a fall in sales
Assets or staff prove to be lower quality than expected
Paying too high a price for the target – empire building
Risk can be managed by a clear integration strategy and by due diligence
9: Acquisitions: strategic issues and regulation
5 Regulation of
6 Defence against a 6.1 Post-bid strategies
Where the board feels that a takeover is not in its shareholders' best
interest it may decide to launch a defence against the bid. This can
(a) White knights
(b) Crown jewels
(c) Litigation/regulation
9: Acquisitions: strategic issues and regulation
Knowledge diagnostic
Further study guidance
Question practice
Now try the questions below from the Further question practice bank (available in the digital edition of the
Q14 Saturn Systems
Q15 Gasco
Further reading
There is a Technical Article available on ACCA's website, called 'Reverse Takeovers'.
We recommend you read this article as part of your preparation for the AFM exam.
Financing acquisitions
and mergers
Learning objectives
reference no.
Exam context
This chapter completes section C of the syllabus 'Acquisitions and Mergers'.
The chapter starts by discussing how a bidding firm can finance an acquisition, either by cash or by
a share offer or a combination of the two, and the funding of cash offers.
The next theme is how to evaluate a financial offer in terms of the impact on the acquiring company's
shareholders and the criteria for acceptance or rejection.
Finally we discuss ways of estimating the possible impact of an offer on the performance and the
financial position of the acquiring firm.
The topics covered in this chapter are likely to be discussed in conjunction with the valuation
techniques covered in Chapter 8.
Chapter overview
3 Evaluating an
3.2 Paper/mixed
10: Financing acquisitions and mergers
Impact Explanation
Value Cash has a definite value, this will often be attractive to shareholders in the target
company and may enhance the chances of a bid succeeding.
Control Less impact on the control exercised by the owners of the bidding company,
although any new debt used may carry restrictive covenants.
Gearing Gearing may rise if cash is raised by borrowing, this may bring benefits in terms
of tax savings on debt finance (see APV in Chapter 8) or may cause problems if it
affects a company's credit rating.
Tax Exposes a shareholder in the target company to capital gains tax (CGT), although
this is not an issue for some investors (eg pension funds do not pay CGT).
Impact Explanation
Value Shares have an uncertain value, often a higher price will have to be offered if the
bid is a paper bid than if it was a cash bid to compensate the target's shareholders for
Control The percentage of the shares owned by the bidding company's shareholders will be
reduced as more shares are issued, so their control will be diluted.
Tax Gain is not realised for tax purposes until shares are sold – the timing of share sales
can be staggered across different years to maximise the use of CGT allowances.
Risk Post-acquisition risk is shared between the bidding company and the
target – if the share price falls post-acquisition this affects both are affected.
2.2 Mixed offer
Because cash might be preferred by some shareholders (eg due to certainty) and paper by others (eg
wanting to share in anticipated gains from a takeover), it is not uncommon for an acquisition to be
financed by a mixture of cash and shares.
Illustration 1
In 2010 the acquisition of Cadbury by Kraft was financed by approximately 60% cash and 40%
Essential reading
See Chapter 10 Sections 1–2 of the Essential reading, available in Appendix 2 of the digital edition
of the Workbook, for further discussion of financing bids.
3 Evaluating an offer
In the exam, you may be asked to evaluate a given offer and/or to suggest an offer.
10: Financing acquisitions and mergers
2 Use an appropriate P/E ratio to value these earnings (this will be given)
Having obtained a post-acquisition valuation you may need to take one of the following steps:
Deduct the cash element of the bid (if any) and then divide by the new number of shares in
issue to calculate a post-acquisition share price.
(To allow the bidding company to assess whether its share price will rise or fall, and to
allow the target company to estimate the likely post-acquisition value of the shares to assess
the attractiveness of the takeover bid.)
Deduct the value of whole bid to see if value is created for the bidding company's
Divide by the new number of shares in issue to get the estimated post-acquisition share
Deduct the value of whole bid to see if value is created for the bidding company's
Evaluation of result
10: Financing acquisitions and mergers
As before, having obtained a post-acquisition valuation you may need to take one of the following
Deduct the cash element of the bid (if any) and then divide by the new number of shares in
issue to calculate a post-acquisition share price.
Deduct the value of whole bid to see if value is created for the bidding company's
4.2 Impact on statement of financial position
The consolidated statement of financial position may need to be analysed using ratio analysis. Basic
ratios have been covered earlier in the Workbook and will be returned to in Chapter 14.
The main issue to be aware of here is that the difference between the value of a take-over bid and
the net assets of the company being acquired is accounted for as 'goodwill' in the consolidated
statement of financial position.
Essential reading
See Chapter 10 Section 3 of the Essential reading, available in Appendix 2 of the digital edition of
the Workbook, for further discussion on forecasting the impact of a given financial offer on the
acquiring firm.
You will be expected to demonstrate competence in the analysis of various finance options when
fulfilling the performance objective 'evaluate potential investment and financing decisions'. This
PER alert
chapter has focused on the various ways in which mergers could be financed and assesses the costs
and benefits of each option – knowledge which you can put into practice if your organisation is
involved in merger and acquisition activity.
10: Financing acquisitions and mergers
Chapter summary
This is a gearing decision and Uncertain value You may also be asked to
has been covered in earlier chapters Control issues evaluate the impact of a
– note that a cash offer/bid does given offer on earnings and
Gearing reduced
not necessarily mean that any key ratios such as EPS.
Risk shared
extra borrowing takes place.
4.2 Impact on
1.2 Impact of cash bid 2.2 Mixed offer
statement of
financial position
3 Evaluating an offer
3.1 Cash offer A cash bid can simply be compared against the current
market value of the target company or against an estimated
value of an acquisition using the techniques covered in
Chapter 8.
Knowledge diagnostic
1. Cash offer
Often cheaper because more attractive to target shareholders.
2. Paper offer
Impacts on control of bidding company.
3. Mixed offer
May combine the advantages of cash (certainty) and paper (cash flow).
4. Post-acquisition valuation
Especially important if evaluating a paper offer.
5. Impact of higher P/E of bidder
If this is higher than the implied P/E of the offer, EPS will rise and shareholder wealth may also
6. Goodwill
This will result from an acquisition at above the value of the net assets of the target.
10: Financing acquisitions and mergers
Question practice
Now try the questions below from the Further question practice bank (available in the digital edition of the
Q16 Pursuit
Q17 Olivine
Identifying the required numerical
aging information
aging information
manag ime
Exam success skills
scenario decisions
uirereq rpretation
Identifying the
required numerical
Specific AFM skills
e m e nts
techniques(s) Applying risk
req of rprineteation
Identifying the
Eff d p ffect pre
an E nd
required numerical
m eunirts
e c re i v
techniques(s) techniques
ti v
of t inteect
se w ri
nt tin
c rr
Thinking across
r re Co
ati g
on analysis
Efficient numerica
It is important to be aware that sometimes exam questions will not directly state which numerical
techniques should be used and you may have to use clues in the scenario of the question to
select an appropriate technique.
The reason that the need to use a specific technique is not always made clear is not due to
poorly worded exam questions – it is a deliberate test of your skill as appropriate for an exam
that is positioned as a Masters-level qualification.
This issue commonly arises in syllabus Section C, Acquisitions and Mergers. Often you will need
to assess from the scenario what type of valuation is required and what techniques can be used
given the details that are provided in the scenario. This issue is also common in syllabus
Section D, Corporate Reconstruction and Reorganisation, because this often requires valuation
techniques to be used as well.
In syllabus Section B, investment appraisal questions will also sometimes be formulated so that
you will have to infer that specific techniques (such as real options or adjusted present value) are
required ie the question may not always specifically tell you to use these techniques.
Having identified the required technique, it is also important to apply it in a practical, time-
efficient way, without attempting to achieve absolute 100% perfection; this skill has been
addressed in Skills Checkpoint 2.
Skills Checkpoint 3: Identifying the required numerical
Where a question does not make it
clear that a specific technique is to be
used, carefully analyse the
requirement and consider which
techniques could potentially be
employed to deliver a relevant
Next, carefully analyse the scenario and
consider why numerical information has been
provided and which of the techniques that
you have identified in step 1 can be used
given this information. Make notes in the
margins of the question. Do not rush into
performing detailed calculations.
Complete your numerical analysis.
Skills Checkpoint 3
Skill activity
STEP 1 Where a question does not make it clear that a specific technique is to
be used, carefully analyse the requirement and consider which
techniques could be employed to deliver a relevant answer.
(a) Estimate the cost of equity capital and the weighted average cost of capital
for Mercury Training.
(8 marks)
(b) Advise the owners of Mercury Training on a range of likely issue prices for
the company. (10 marks)
(Total = 18 marks)
To some extent part (a) of this question makes it clear which techniques should be
used, although there is more than one way to calculate the cost of equity. So in part
(a) we may need to calculate the cost of equity using:
The capital asset pricing model
The dividend growth model, or
Modigliani & Miller's formula for the cost of equity (as shown on the formula
In part (b) no specific techniques are suggested. However, you will be aware from
your studies that there are a range of techniques that could be used to value a
company, including:
Asset-based models (eg NAV, CIV)
Market-based models (eg using P/E ratios)
Cash-based models (eg dividend valuation, free cash flow approach, free
cash flow to equity approach, adjusted present value)
Now we need to consider whether we have what information is available in the
scenario to see which models can be applied here.
Skills Checkpoint 3
STEP 2 Next, carefully analyse the scenario and consider why numerical
information has been provided and which of the techniques
identified in Step 1 can be used given this information. Make notes
in the margins of the question. Do not rush into performing detailed
Mercury is unlisted and
therefore does not have
a beta factor
Question – Mercury Training (18 marks)
Mercury Training was established in 20W9 and since that time it has
developed rapidly. The directors are considering a flotation of the
Needed for
ungearing and
Other summary statistics for both companies for the year ended regearing betas?
Data supports the
calculation of an asset
31 December 20X7 are as follows:
based valuation and
Mercury Jupiter
also a dividend based
valuation of Mercury in Net assets at book value ($ million) 65 45
part (b). Earnings per share (c) 100 50
Dividend per share (c) 25 25
No information on P/E
ratios or cash flow is Gearing (debt to total market value) 30% 12%
given so an earnings Five-year historic earnings growth (annual) 12% 8%
valuation and a cash
flow valuation are not Analysts forecast revenue growth in the training side of Mercury's
business to be 6% per annum, but the financial services sector is
expected to grow at just 4%. Data permits the use of
the CAPM as it
Background information: identifies the risk
premium and the risk
The equity risk premium is 3.5% and the rate of return on short-dated free rate
Also helps to identify
government stock is 4.5%.
the cost of debt to allow
Both companies can raise debt at 2.5% above the risk-free rate. a WACC to be
Tax on corporate profits is 40%. calculated in part (a)
Skills Checkpoint 3
(a) Cost of equity using an average beta factor Assuming that the debt
beta is zero for
Step 1 – Ungear beta of Jupiter and financial services sector simplicity and speed of
a = g Using beta factors and
Ve + Vd (1– T)
gearing from the
Jupiter = 1.5 = 1.3866
88 + (12 0.6)
Financial Services sector = 0.9 = 0.75
75 + (25 0.6)
Step 2 – Calculate average asset beta for Mercury Using the weightings given
in the question.
a = (2/3 1.3866) + (1/3 0.75) = 1.1744
1.1744 = e 0.795
e = 1.48
Ve Vd
WACC = ke + kd (1 – T)
Ve + Vd Ve + Vd
Upper range – use dividend valuation model
Two possible earnings rates:
Historical earnings growth
rate of 12% is greater than
(a) The weighted anticipated growth rate of the two
the cost of equity capital,
therefore cannot be used in business sectors in which Mercury operates (2/3 6%) +
The mark allocation
the dividend valuation (1/3 4% = 5.33%)
model and cannot be implies that more
sustained in the long run. (b) The rate implied from the firm's reinvestment work is required
here & so the br
(9.68% – see part (a) Step 4 above) model can be used
A weighted average
approach must therefore be to estimate growth
b = balance of earnings reinvested = (100-25)/100 = 75% or 0.75
g = bre = 0.75 0.0968 = 7.26%
Using the higher of the two feasible rates – that is, 7.26%:
d0 (1 + g)
P0 =
(k e – g)
25(1 + 0.0726)
P0 = = $11.08 per share
(0.0968 – 0.0726)
Using the lower of the two feasible rates – that is, 5.34%:
d0 (1 + g)
P0 =
(k e – g)
25(1 + 0.0533)
P0 = = $6.05 per share
(0.0968 – 0.0533)
Skills Checkpoint 3
Every time you complete a question, use the diagnostic below to assess how effectively you
demonstrated the exam success skills in answering the question. The table has been
completed below for this activity to give you an idea of how to complete the diagnostic.
Managing information Did you spend sufficient time reading the scenario and
planning your approach before starting your calculations?
Correct interpretation Did you understand what was meant by the verb 'advise'?
of requirements
ie suggestions on the meaning and reliability of the numbers
Efficient numerical Did you show your workings and add brief narrative to
analysis explain your approach to the marker (see steps in part (a)
Effective writing and Did you use headings (key words from requirements)?
Did you use full sentences?
Did you explain the meaning of the numbers?
AFM is positioned as a Masters level exam. One of the skills that is required at this
level of your studies is the ability to identify the techniques required to analyse a
To test this skill, exam questions will sometimes not directly state which numerical
techniques should be used and you may have to use clues in the scenario of the
question to select an appropriate numerical technique.
This issue commonly arises in syllabus Section C, Acquisitions and Mergers where you
will often need to:
Assess from the scenario what type of valuation is required, and
What techniques can be used given the details that are provided in the
This issue is also common in syllabus Section D, Corporate Reconstruction and
Reorganisation, because this often requires valuation techniques to be used as well.
In syllabus Section B, advanced investment appraisal, questions will also sometimes be
formulated so that you will have to infer that specific techniques are required by
presenting you with information that allows these techniques to be used. For example,
Real options can only be valued if a standard deviation value is provided, so
if a question contains standard deviation this is a clue that real options need
to be valued.
Stage 1 of adjusted present value discounts a project at an all-equity financed
rate, so if a question states that a project should be discounted at an all-equity
financed rate this is a clue that adjusted present value should be calculated.
The role of the
treasury function
Learning objectives
reference no.
Discuss the operations of the derivatives market, including risks such as delta, E1(b) in part
gamma, vega, rho and theta, and how these can be managed
Advise on the use of bilateral and multilateral netting and matching as tools E2(c)
for minimising FOREX transactions costs and the management of market
barriers to the free movement of capital and other remittances (covered in
Chapter 16)
Exam context
This chapter moves in to Section E of the syllabus: 'Treasury and advanced risk
management techniques'; this syllabus section is covered in Chapters 11–13.
Following the introduction of the new exam structure in September 2018 every exam will have
a question that has a focus on syllabus Section E.
This chapter briefly outlines the role of the treasury function before moving on to consider currency
and interest rate risk management techniques in the following two chapters.
There is a significant overlap between this chapter and Chapter 2 where the principles behind risk
management have already been discussed.
Chapter overview
11: The role of the treasury function
1 Treasury management
The Association of Corporate Treasurers' definition of treasury management is given below:
Treasury management: primarily involves the management of liquidity and risk, and also helps
Key term
a company to develop its long term financial strategy.
Risk Liquidity
management management
1.1.1 Netting
Netting involves identifying amounts owed between subsidiaries of a company in different foreign
currencies. All foreign currency transactions are converted to a single common currency and netted-
off. This reduces transaction fees and the time and cost of hedging inter-company transactions.
Paying subsidiary
UK US French
subsidiary UK – £2m £1m
US $1.8m – $0.6m
ZA has decided to implement a system of multilateral netting using £s as the settlement currency.
Exchange rates on 31 March are: €1.1 per £ and US$1.2 per £.
Complete the following table, to illustrate multilateral netting and discuss its impact.
Paying subsidiary
Total Total
UK US French receipts payments Net
French £ £ – £ £ £
1.4 Funding
This involves deciding on suitable forms of finance (and by implication the level of dividend paid),
and has been covered in earlier chapters.
11: The role of the treasury function
One way in which you can demonstrate competence in the performance objective 'manage cash
using active cash management and treasury systems' is to manage cash on a centralised basis to
PER alert
both maximise returns and minimise charges. This section introduces the treasury management
function and how it can be used to pool cash from various sources which can be placed on deposit.
2 Treasury organisation
It is the responsibility of the board of directors to ensure that a treasury department is organised
appropriately to meet the organisation's needs. This will involve making decisions about the degree
of centralisation of the treasury department, and whether it should be organised as a profit centre or
a cost centre.
Treasury is based at Head Office
Treasury decision
making mainly takes place
at subsidiary level
Matching Cash surpluses in one area can be used to match to the cash needs in another,
resulting in an overall saving in finance costs.
It is also possible to match receipts and payments in a given currency across all
the subsidiaries. The time and cost of currency hedging is therefore minimised.
Expertise Experts can be employed with knowledge of the latest developments in treasury
Netting Netting of inter-company balances can be applied to save on transaction costs (as
2.1.2 Other approaches
It is also possible to have a mixture of the two approaches, this might involve regional treasury
departments with each department being responsible for the activities of a number of different
This approach will also allow some of the benefits of decentralisation (see next activity).
Essential reading
See Chapter 11 Section 1 of the Essential reading, available in Appendix 2 of the digital edition of
the Workbook, for further discussion of the organisation of the treasury function.
11: The role of the treasury function
Illustration 1
Hez Co currently owns 100,000 shares in Zeta Co. Zeta Co's shares are currently trading at $10,
but Hez Co is concerned about the risk of a fall in Zeta's share price.
Hez is considering the purchase of put options on Zeta shares which entitle the holder to sell Zeta
shares at an exercise price of $10 per share. Remember, the purchaser of an option is said to have
a long position.
Currently the put option is at-the-money (it is not worth anything now but will be in-the-money if the
share price falls even slightly). However, if Zeta's share price fell to $9, the put option would be
in-the-money and $1 (per share) of compensation would be received by the holder of the put option.
3.2 Delta
Delta is N(–d1) for a put option (and N(d1) for a call option).
Delta measures how much an option's value changes as the underlying asset value
3.2.1 Values of delta
–1 0 +1
Deltas can be near –1 for Deltas can be near zero Deltas can also be near
a long put option which is for a long put (or call) option +1 for a long call option
deep in-the-money; the which is deep out-of-the- which is deep in-the-
price of the option and the money, where the price of money; the price of the
value of the underlying asset the option will be insensitive to option and the value of the
move in line with each other. changes in the price of the underlying asset move in line
underlying asset. with each other.
Formula provided
11: The role of the treasury function
There are European style put options to sell shares in For4Fore at 430p per share in exactly four
months' time. How many put options should Cautious Co purchase to hedge this risk?
You may assume that the delta of a put option is equivalent to N(–d1)
3.3 Gamma
Gamma measures how much delta changes with the underlying asset value.
This indicates by how much the delta hedge needs to be adjusted as the underlying asset value
Illustration 4
For example, if the gamma is 0.01 this means that for a 1% rise in the underlying asset value the
delta should change by a factor of 0.01%.
3.3.1 When the value of gamma is low (ie delta change is small as the asset value
As we have seen, deltas can be near zero for a long put or call option which is deep out-of-the-
money, where the price of the option will be insensitive to changes in the price of the underlying
asset because a small change in the value of the asset will still mean that the option is deep out-of-the-
Deltas can also be near –1 for a long put option which is deep in-the-money (or +1 for a long
call option which is deep in-the-money), where the price of the option and the value of the underlying
asset move mostly in line with each other and this will still be the case even if there is a small move in
the asset value.
3.3.2 When the value of gamma is high (ie delta change is high as the asset value
When a long put option is at-the-money (which occurs when the exercise price is the same as the
market price) the delta is –0.5 (+0.5 for a call option) but also changes rapidly as the asset price
Therefore, the highest gamma values are when a call or put option is at-the-money.
Theta: the change in an option's price (specifically its time premium) over time.
Key term
An option's price has two components, its intrinsic value and its time premium. When it
expires, an option has no time premium.
Thus the time premium of an option diminishes over time towards zero and theta measures how
much value is lost over time, and therefore how much the option holder will lose through
retaining their options.
Vega: measures the sensitivity of an option's price to a change in the implied volatility of the
underlying asset.
Key term
Vega is the change in value of an option that results from a one percentage point
change in the implied volatility of the underlying asset. If a dollar option has a vega of
0.2, its price will increase by 20 cents for a 1% point increase in the volatility of the value of the
11: The role of the treasury function
We have seen earlier that the Black–Scholes model is very dependent on accurately estimating the
volatility of the option price. Vega is a measure of the consequences of an incorrect estimation.
Long-term options have larger vegas than short-term options. The longer the time period
until the option expires, the greater the potential variability of the underlying asset.
Chapter summary
Theta (time)
Vega (volatility)
Rho (rate of interest)
11: The role of the treasury function
Knowledge diagnostic
1. Treasury management
Involves the management of liquidity, risk, funding and corporate finance.
2. Netting
Netting involves identifying amounts owed between subsidiaries of a company in different
foreign currencies. All foreign currency transactions are converted to a single common currency
and netted-off; reduces transaction fees and the time and cost of hedging inter-company
3. Centralisation
This allows development of expertise, and for techniques such as matching and netting to be
4. Delta hedge
A delta hedge defines the number of options required.
For example the number of share options required = number of shares ÷ delta.
5. Gamma
Measure the impact of a change in delta of the underlying asset value.
6. Other 'greeks'
Other influences on option value include time (theta), interest rates (rho) and volatility (vega).
Further study guidance
Question practice
Now complete try the questions below from the Further question practice bank (available in the digital
edition of the Workbook):
Q18 Treasury management
Q19 For4fore
Further reading
In Chapter 3 we recommended a useful Technical Article available on ACCA's website is called 'Risk
Management'. This article examines the potential for risk management to 'add value' and is written by a
member of the AFM examining team.
If you have not yet read this, we recommend you read it as part of your preparation for the AFM exam.
Research exercise
Use an internet search engine to identify treasury practices by searching for a company's annual report
and searching for treasury management within this. For example, Britvic's annual report is interesting, but
choose any company you are familiar with or are interested in.
There is no solution to this exercise.
currency risk
Learning objectives
Syllabus learning outcomes reference no.
Exam context
This chapter continues Section E of the syllabus: 'Treasury and advanced risk management
Every exam will have a question that has a focus on syllabus Section E, which is most
likely to focus mainly on Chapter 12 and/or Chapter 13.
This chapter focuses on currency risk management.
Chapter overview
4.4 Steps in an
3.5 Forecasting the exchange-traded
futures rate options hedge
12: Managing currency risk
1 Currency quotations
1.1 Transaction risk
The main focus of this chapter is transaction risk (the risk that changes in the exchange rate
adversely affect the value of foreign exchange transactions) and how this risk can be managed or
The management of other currency-related risks (political, translation, economic) is also important but
these have been already been covered in Chapter 5 (which also considered reasons why exchange
rates change).
In this chapter we mainly deal with the £ (UK sterling) as the local or domestic currency and the A$
(dollars) as the foreign currency. Many countries use the $ as a currency (for example USA,
Australia, Canada) and the A$ is intended to be a generic reference to a $ based currency.
In exam questions the domestic and foreign currency could involve any combination of currencies.
£ strong or $ weak
£ weak or $ strong
1.2 Terminology
1.2.1 Spot rate and spreads
A spot rate is the rate available if buying or selling a currency immediately.
By offering a different exchange rate to exporters and importers, a bank can make a profit on
the spread (ie the difference). Exchange rates are therefore often quoted as a spread.
Tutorial note
It is vital that you can identify which part of a spread will be offered to a company in an exam
Illustration 1
1.9612–1.9618 A$ to the £
12: Managing currency risk
2 Brought-forward knowledge
2.1 Internal methods
Simple techniques can be used within a company to eliminate some of the transaction risk it faces.
Wherever possible, a company that expects to have receipts in a foreign currency will net this off
against payments in the same currency before looking to lock into hedging arrangements. This is
called matching.
Matching payments against receipts will result in a single, smaller amount of currency to be hedged.
This will be cheaper than hedging each transaction separately.
Netting has already been considered in the previous chapters.
Essential reading
See Chapter 12 Section 1 of the Essential reading, available in Appendix 2 of the digital edition of
the Workbook, for a general discussion of these basic approaches.
Activity 3: Forward contracts
The spot exchange rate on 30 January 20X7 is 1.9612–1.9618 A$ per £ and the 3-month forward
rate is 1.9600–1.9615 A$ per £.
(a) Calculate the receipts from a $2 million sale, due to be received in three months' time if
forward rates are used.
(b) Calculate the cost of paying an invoice of $2 million in three months' time, if forward rates are
Available for many currencies, normally for Rate quoted may be unattractive
more than one year ahead
Essential reading
See Chapter 12 Sections 2 and 3 of the Essential reading, available in Appendix 2 of the digital
edition of the Workbook, for further discussion of forward contracts and money market hedges.
12: Managing currency risk
3 Currency futures
3.1 Overview
Like a forward, a futures contract is intended to fix the outcome of a transaction.
However, unlike forwards, this is achieved by entering into a futures contract that is separate from
the actual transaction and operates in such a way that if you make a loss in the spot market, you will
expect to make a profit in the futures market (and vice-versa).
The gain or loss on a futures contract derives from future exchange rate movements – so futures are a
3.4 Ticks
Tick: the smallest movement in the exchange rate, which is normally quoted on the futures market to
four decimal places.
Key term
If a futures contract (on a US market) is for £125,000 every 0.0001 movement will give a company
£125,000 0.0001 = $12.5 profit or loss. This is called the tick size: note this profit or loss
is in dollars.
If the futures exchange rate has moved in your favour by 0.0030 then this will be
30 ticks $12.5 = $375 per contract.
Calculate the outcome of using a futures hedge in two months' time if the spot rate
is 1.9900 $ per £ and the futures rate is 1.9880 $ per £.
12: Managing currency risk
A loss has been made as the buying price is above the selling price.
The loss can be quantified in one of two ways (either can be used):
1 0.0324 125,000 45 contracts = $182,250, or
2 $12.50 324 ticks 45 contracts = $182,250
Converting $182,250 into £s at February's spot rate = $182,250/1.9900 = £91,583 loss
So the net outcome from the futures hedge = £5,527,638 cost (Step 2) + £91,583
(Step 3) loss = £5,619,221.
3.5 Forecasting the futures rate
In the previous example the closing futures price (needed for Step 2) was given but in the exam
you may have to calculate it on the assumption that the difference between the spot price and
futures price (known as the 'basis') falls evenly over time.
Typical movement of futures price vs spot price through time:
future Delivery
We can use the assumption of a gradual reduction in the difference between the spot rate and the
futures rate over time to make a sensible estimated if the closing futures price.
Calculate the estimated March futures price in two months' time, assuming the spot rate at that point
is 1.9900 $ per £
Difference (basis)
Future – spot (0.0059)
In two months' time (end February) there will only be one month to the expiry of the March future so
only one month of the basis should remain which is (0.0059) 1/3 = (0.0020) rounding to four
decimal places.
12: Managing currency risk
We can forecast the March future in two months' time as being the spot rate
of 1.9900 $ per £ less 0.0020 = 1.9880.
This was the closing futures price given in the previous illustration, and shows how it could be
Note that if the forecast future spot rate is not given by a question, you can make a sensible
assumption eg assume that it will be the same as the forward rate.
3.6 Short-cut approach to futures calculations
The approach demonstrated helps you to understand the mechanics of the futures hedge and is
important if you are asked to show the full mechanics of the future calculation, ie what happens in
the spot market and what happens in the futures market.
However, many exam questions do not require this level of detailed analysis and
simply ask for an assessment of the overall outcome of using a futures hedge.
A quicker method is available which will deliver full marks if all that is required is to show the
overall outcome of a future's hedge.
The closing basis was then used to calculate the closing rate on the future's contract and an overall
net outcome of £5.619m from a payment of $11 million.
This can be thought of as an effective exchange rate of $11m/5.619m = 1.9576.
Using the quicker method we could calculate the outcome from the futures hedge with two pieces of
information: opening futures rate and closing basis.
Here the opening futures rate is 1.9556 and the closing basis is (0.0020).
So using the quick method we would forecast the effective futures rate as:
1.9556 – –0.0020 = 1.9576
This is the same answer as we had using the longer method but is much quicker because it
removes the need for any detailed analysis of the outcome of the futures hedge.
This is a better method to use in most exam questions.
12: Managing currency risk
Illustration 6: Marking to market
If, for example, a company has entered into a futures contract to buy £62,500 at a rate of GBP/USD
1.6246 (equivalent to $101,538) with an initial margin of $2,000 and a maintenance margin of
$1,500, then marking to market could work as shown in the following table:
Closing futures Sell Profit / Account
price £62,500 (loss) Pay in balance
$ $ $ $ $
2,000 2,000
Day 1 1.6350 102,188 650 – 2,650
Day 2 1.6200 101,250 (938) – 1,712
Day 3 1.6150 100,938 (312) 100 1,500
Profit on Day 1 is because if the contract were closed out it would be worth $102,188 compared to
its value of $101,538 at the start of the day ie a profit of $650. On the other days the value falls
and so losses are made.
On Day 3, because the account balance fell to $1,400, a further $100 had to be paid in to meet
the requirement for a maintenance margin of $1,500.
Marking to market, and the requirement for an initial margin, has liquidity implications for
companies and this is often given as the reason why other derivatives are preferable to the use of
futures contracts for hedging.
Flexible dates, ie a September futures can Only available in large contract sizes and a
be used on any day up to the end of limited range of currencies
Margin payments
Essential reading
See Chapter 12 Section 4 of the Essential reading, available in Appendix 2 of the digital edition of
the Workbook, for further discussion of currency futures.
4 Currency options
We have already looked at options in earlier chapters.
Unlike forwards and futures, currency options protect against adverse exchange rate movements but
still allow a company to take advantage of favourable exchange rate movements.
Currency options: contracts giving the holder the right, but not the obligation, to buy (call) or sell
(put) a fixed amount of currency at a fixed rate in return for an upfront fee or premium.
Key term
12: Managing currency risk
4.3 Exchange-traded options: quotations
Call option – a right to buy (the option contract currency)
Put option – a right to sell (the option contract currency)
The prices of exchange traded options are normally quoted as a price per unit of the contract
currency as shown in the table below.
12: Managing currency risk
Calls Puts
Use August call figure of 3.57. Remember it has to be multiplied by 0.01 because it is
in cents.
Premium = (3.57 0.01) contract size number of contracts
Premium = 0.0357 10,000 60 = $21,420
Step 2 Outcome
Options market outcome
60 contracts €10,000
Outcome of options position €600,000
No surplus or
12: Managing currency risk
(a) Explain the relative merits of forward currency contracts, currency futures contracts and
currency options as instruments for hedging in the given situation.
(b) Assuming the franchise is won, illustrate the results of using forward, future and option
currency hedges if the US$/£ spot exchange rate at the end of May is 1.3540.
12: Managing currency risk
One of the optional performance objectives in your PER is to advise on managing or using
instruments or techniques to manage financial risk. This chapter has focused on a range of
PER alert
techniques for managing exchange rate risk, which is an aspect of financial risk.
Chapter summary
Managing currency risk
12: Managing currency risk
3.4 Ticks
Smallest movement in a
futures rate
Initial deposit
Variation margin
Maintenance margin
Flexible dates
Limited range of currencies, margins
Knowledge diagnostic
1. Direct quote
This means that an exchange rate is quoted to one unit of the foreign currency.
2. Indirect quote
This means that an exchange rate is quoted to one unit of the domestic currency.
3. Basis
The difference between the future and the spot rate. This is used to forecast the closing futures
rate on the assumption that basis decreases in a linear way over time.
4. Basis risk
This is the risk that basis does not decrease in a linear way over time.
5. OTC options
Fixed-date options offered by banks.
6. Exchange-traded options
Flexible dates, offered by exchanges.
12: Managing currency risk
Question practice
Now complete try the questions below from the Further question practice bank (available in the digital
edition of the Workbook):
Q20 Fidden plc
Q21 Curropt plc
Managing interest
rate risk
Learning objectives
Syllabus learning outcomes reference no.
Evaluate, for a given hedging requirement, which of the following is most E3(a)
appropriate given the nature of the underlying position and the risk
– Forward rate agreements
– Interest rate futures
– Interest rate swaps (and currency swaps from E2(b))
– Interest rate options
Exam context
This chapter completes Section E of the syllabus: 'Treasury and advanced risk management
Every exam will have a question that has a focus on syllabus Section E, which is most
likely to focus mainly on Chapter 12 and/or Chapter 13.
This chapter focuses on interest rate risk management.
Chapter overview
5 Swaps
13: Managing interest rate risk
Note that a borrower will benefit from an interest rate fall and an investor (or lender) will benefit from
an interest rate increase.
From the perspective of a company borrowing money, interest rate risk can be managed by
'smoothing', ie using a prudent mix of fixed and floating rate finance. If the company is risk averse
or expects interest rates to rise, then the emphasis will be on using fixed rate finance.
If, however, a major loan (or investment) is being planned in the future, then the risk is harder to
manage; this is shown below:
Plan to take out a $5 million Take out $5 million loan; by this time rates
loan in three months' time (even fixed rates) may have risen
This risk (for a borrower or an investor) can be managed by a variety of interest rate derivatives;
these techniques can achieve one of two outcomes.
Finally, swaps can be used to adjust the mix of fixed and variable rate and the currency of the
Essential reading
See Chapter 13 Section 1 of the Essential reading, available in Appendix 2 of the digital edition of
the Workbook, for a general introduction to interest rate risk.
Like a currency forward, an FRA effectively fixes the rate. Unlike a currency forward, the FRA is a
separate transaction, and is structured to create a fixed outcome by counterbalancing the impact that
interest rate movements have on the actual transaction (ie a loan or an investment).
Quotation of forward rates
An FRA is over-the-counter agreement with an investment bank, it is separate from actual transaction
allows a company to borrow (or invest) at a future date at the best rate available at that time.
Simpler than other derivative agreements Fixed date agreements (the term of a 3–9
FRA is fixed in the FRA contract)
Normally free, always cheap (in terms of Rate quoted may be unattractive
arrangement fees)
Illustration 1
Altrak Co is planning to take out a six-month fixed rate loan of $5 million in three months' time. It is
concerned about the base rate (LIBOR) rising above its current level of 5.25% per annum. Altrak has
been offered a 3–9 FRA at 5.5%.
Altrak can borrow at about 1% above the base rate.
Advise Altrak of the likely outcome if in three months' time the base rate rises to 5.75%.
FRA outcome
Bank pays compensation because interest rates have risen compared to the 5.5% that is fixed in the
The bank will therefore pay 5.75% – 5.5% = 0.25% to Altrak
In $s this is:
0.25 ÷ 100 $5m 6months (term of loan) ÷ 12 months (interest rate is annual) = $6,250
Actual loan
Altrak borrows at the best rate available, eg 5.75 + 1 = 6.75%
In $s this is 6.75 ÷ 100 $5m 6months ÷ 12 months = $168,750
Net outcome
Net costs = 6.75% – 0.25% = 6.5%
In $s this is $168,750 – $6,250 = $162,500
13: Managing interest rate risk
FRA outcome
Actual loan
Net outcome
Note that this is the same outcome whether interest rates rise or fall; an FRA fixes the company's
borrowing costs.
Like FRAs, interest rate futures allow the 'fixing' of an interest rate.
Companies that will have a cash flow surplus require contracts to buy.
Key term Companies which will borrow require contracts to sell.
The dates refer to the date at which the future expires eg a December future can be used at any time
during the year until it expires at the end of December.
The price is in fact an interest rate if it is subtracted from 100, as follows:
December 100 – 94.75 = 5.25%
March 100 – 94.65 = 5.35%
June 100 – 94.55 = 5.45%
The easiest way of interpreting interest rate futures is to convert them into percentages and this
is the method adopted in this chapter.
13: Managing interest rate risk
Step 3: At the same time as Step 2 Close out the futures contract by doing the opposite of
what you did in Step 1.
Calculate net outcome.
Illustration 2
Altrak (see Illustration 1) is considering using the futures market.
It is 1 December, and an exchange is quoting the following prices for a standard $500,000 three-
month contract. Contracts expire at the end of the relevant month. LIBOR is 5.25%.
Prices are as follows:
Illustrate the outcome of a futures hedge, assuming that a loan is taken out at LIBOR +1% fixed at the
start of the loan and that LIBOR is 5.75% on 1 March.
Note. It is quicker to leave your answer in %, and to convert into $s as a final step.
Step 1: On 1 December
Contracts to sell are required as Altrak is borrowing.
Number of contracts:
6 term of loan
= $5m loan ÷ $0.5m contract size = 20 contracts
3 standard term of future
Cover is required until the loan begins because it is the interest rate at this point that determines the
risk (assuming the loan taken out is at a fixed rate, interest rate changes after the loan is taken out do
not have any effect on loan repayments).
Therefore a March future at 5.35% (which covers the start of the loan on 1 March) is required.
Altrak should enter into 20 March futures (to sell) at 5.35%.
Step 2: 1 March
Take out the actual loan: Altrak will borrow at LIBOR + 1% so this is 5.75 + 1 = 6.75%
Step 3: 1 March
Forecasting the futures price on 1 March (as for currency futures)
The March future rate is forecast to be 0.03% (or 3 basis points, where 0.01% = 1 basis point)
above LIBOR on 1 March, so if LIBOR is 5.75% the future price should be 5.75 + 0.03 = 5.78%
Close out the futures contract by doing the opposite of what you did in Step 1.
1 Dec contract to pay interest at 5.35%
1 March contract to buy receive interest at 5.78%
Difference 0.43%
This is profit as interest is received at a higher rate than it is paid; this net amount acts as
compensation for interest rates rising.
Calculate net outcome.
As a percentage this is 6.75% (Step 2) minus 0.43% (Step 3) = 6.32%
In $s this is 0.0632 $5 million 6 months (term of loan) ÷ 12 months (interest rates are in annual
terms) = $158,000
This is a better outcome than the FRA in Illustration 1.
13: Managing interest rate risk
Flexible dates, ie a September future can be Only available in large contract sizes
used on any day until the end of September
Put option: an option to pay interest at a pre-determined rate on a standard notional amount
Key term
over a fixed period in the future.
Call option: an option to receive interest at a pre-determined rate on a standard notional
amount over a fixed period in the future.
4.2 Steps in an exchange-traded options hedge
The steps are almost identical to the futures hedge, the differences are in bold.
Step 1: Now Contracts should be set in terms of call or put options – choosing the closest
standardised option date after the loan begins, and adjusting for the term of the
loan compared to the three-month standard term of an interest rate future.
Step 3: At Close out the options contract on the futures market by doing the
the same time opposite of what you did in Step 1 but only if the option makes a profit
as step 2
Calculate net outcome.
Illustration 3
Altrak is considering using the options market. It is 1 December, and the exchange is quoting the
following prices for a standard $500,000 three-month contract. Contracts expire at the end of the
relevant month. LIBOR is 5.25%.
Illustrate an option hedge at 5.45% (the rate closest to the current spot rate implying a strike price of
100 – 5.45 = 94.55), assuming a loan is taken out at LIBOR +1% and LIBOR on 1 March is 5.75%.
Note. It is quicker to leave your answer in %, and to convert into $s as a final step.
Step 1: On 1 December
Put options are required as Altrak is borrowing.
Number of contracts:
6 term of loan
= $5m loan ÷ $0.5m contract size = 20 contracts
3 standard term of future
13: Managing interest rate risk
Step 3: 1 March
Forecasting the futures price on 1 March (as for interest rate futures)
4.3 Advantages and disadvantages of exchange traded interest rate
13: Managing interest rate risk
For an investor a collar will involve buying a call option to establish a floor for the interest
rate and selling a put option at a higher rate to establish a cap (the investor will not benefit if
interest rates rise above this level).
If interest rates fall the investor is protected by the floor.
If interest rates rise the investor will benefit until the interest rate rises to the level of the cap. If interest
rates rise above this then the investor will have to pay compensation to the purchaser of the put
Illustration 4
Altrak is considering using the options market. It is 1 December, and the exchange is quoting the
following prices for a standard $500,000 three-month contract. Contracts expire at the end of the
relevant month. LIBOR is 5.25%.
Illustrate the outcome of a collar with a put at 5.45% and the call at 5.25% if LIBOR in three months
is 5.75%
Note. It is quicker to leave your answer in %, and to convert into $s as a final step.
Step 1: On 1 December
Put options are required as Altrak is borrowing.
Number of contracts: as before = 20 contracts
Date: as before, March.
Altrak should enter into 20 March put options (to sell) at 5.45% and sell 20 March call options
at 5.25%.
A net premium of 0.245% – 0.008% = 0.237% is paid.
Step 2: 1 March
Complete the actual loan: Altrak will borrow at LIBOR + 1% so this is 5.75 + 1 = 6.75%
Step 3: 1 March
As before, the March future rate is forecast to be 0.03% above LIBOR on 1 March, so if LIBOR is
5.75% the future price should be 5.75 + 0.03 = 5.78%
Close out the options by doing the opposite of what you did in Step 1 (if a profit is made).
1 Dec put options to pay interest at 5.45%
1 March contract to buy receive interest at 5.78%
Difference 0.33%
Call options will not be exercised by the holder as interest rates have risen
Calculate net outcome
As a percentage this is 0.237% (Step 1) + 6.75% (Step 2) minus 0.33% (Step 3) = 6.657%
This is cheaper than simply buying put options if interest rates rise.
5 Swaps
A swap is where two counterparties agree to pay each other's interest payments. This may be in the
same currency (an interest rate swap) or in different currencies (a currency swap).
13: Managing interest rate risk
(b) Reduce borrowing costs – by taking out a loan in a market where they have a
comparative interest rate advantage.
Usually a bank will organise the swap to remove the need for counterparties to find each
other and to remove default risk.
Tutorial note
A useful approach to adopt in an exam for a swap organised by a bank is to assume – unless told
otherwise – that the variable interest rate payment is at LIBOR. This is what normally happens in
Illustration 5
Altrak is interested in the idea of using a swap arrangement to create a fixed rate for a long-term
loan of $20 million that is also being arranged. The swap will be organised and underwritten by a
bank which has found another company (Company A) willing to participate in a swap arrangement;
the merchant bank will charge a fee of 0.20% to both companies.
Company A is a retailer with low levels of gearing; it has reviewed its balance of existing fixed and
variable rate finance and wants to increase its exposure to variable rate finance.
The borrowing rates available to Altrak and to Company A are:
Altrak Company A
(a) Explain why Altrak wants a fixed rate loan at the same time as Company A wants a variable
(b) Identify whether a swap could be organised to the benefit of both companies.
(c) If so, identify the reason(s) for this.
(a) Altrak could have
(i) Different expectations about the future direction of interest rates.
(ii) A different attitude to risk – Altrak's business risk or financial risk could be higher.
(b) Step 1 – assess potential for gain from swap
Altrak Company A Difference
Difference of differences
= 0.95% – 0.25% = 0.70%
If a swap uses company A's comparative advantage in fixed rate finance, as is suggested here,
then a gain of 0.70% (before fees) is available. This falls to 0.70 – (2 × 0.20%) = 0.30% after
fees. If this is split evenly it gives a gain of 0.15% to each party.
Step 2 – swap, variable rate at LIBOR, designed to splitting gain 50:50, ie
0.15% each
Position if no swap 6.50% LIBOR + 0.75%
Altrak Company A
Actual loan LIBOR + 1 % 5.55%
Fees 0.20% 0.20%
Swap: variable (LIBOR) LIBOR
Swap: fixed* 5.15% (5.15%)
* The fixed rate is a balancing figure designed to give the required gain to each party.
(c) The swap has worked by using Company A's access to cheap fixed rate finance to drive down
finance costs. In addition it will have saved Company A the costs of redeeming fixed rate
finance and organising new variable rate finance.
Company A Company B
Show how a swap could benefit both companies.
13: Managing interest rate risk
Altrak Company A
Because the variable rate of a swap can be assumed to be at LIBOR (unless otherwise stated
in a question) then all the bank has to establish is the rate to apply to the fixed rate leg of the
The fixed rate can then be quoted by the bank as a spread, for example:
Illustration 6
This example draws from the scenario set up in Illustration 5 but presents the information relating to
the swap in a different way.
Altrak is interested in using a swap to create a fixed rate for a loan of $20m. The swap will be
organised and underwritten by a merchant bank.
The rate being quoted by the bank is 4.95%–5.35%.
The borrowing rates available to Altrak are:
Fixed 6.50%
Calculate the net gain to Altrak from the swap.
borrows at a variable rate LIBOR + 1%
13: Managing interest rate risk
Note that the other company involved in the swap will receive 4.95% on their fixed leg of the swap
(the bank pays the lower of the two rates offered in the spread).
Illustration 7
Annual spot rates (from the yield curve) available to Steiner Co for the next three years are as
One year Two years Three years
3.00% 4.10% 4.90%
This means that if Steiner wants to borrow for two years (for example) it will able to borrow at
annualised rate of 4.1% per year for the two-year period.
Forward rates can be calculated from this data, as follows:
If Steiner wanted to have a FRA for one year this would be 3.0% (as above).
If Steiner wanted to have a FRA starting at the end of Year 1 and ending a year later this would be
calculated by comparing the borrowing costs for two years to the borrowing costs for one year, ie:
– 1= 0.0521= 5.21%
If Steiner wanted to have a FRA starting at the end of Year 2 and ending a year later this would be
calculated by comparing borrowing costs for three years to the borrowing costs for two years, ie:
–1= 0.0652 = 6.52%
A variable – fixed swap deal is being negotiated with a bank. This will be based on paying the bank
a fixed rate over the three-year period in exchange for a variable rate less 0.50%.
Estimate the fixed rate that will be paid as part of the swap.
Illustration 8
Altrak Co intends to purchase a European company for €90 million with euro debt finance. Franco is
a European company that is setting up operations in the US and wants to use $ debt finance. A bank
has indicated that it can organise a swap for a fee of 0.2% to each party.
The principal amount will be exchanged and re-exchanged at the start and end of the swap. The
exchange of principal will be at the rate of €0.90 to the $.
$% 6.25% 7.25%
€% 4.50% 5.00%
13: Managing interest rate risk
Estimate the gain or loss in % to both Altrak and Franco from entering into this swap.
Step 1 – assess potential for gain from swap
Altrak Franco Difference
$% 6.25% 7.25% 1.00%
Altrak 1% cheaper
€% 4.50% 5.00% 0.50%
Altrak 0.5% cheaper
Difference of differences
= 1.00% – 0.50% = 0.50%
If a swap uses Altrak's comparative advantage in $ finance, as is suggested here, then a gain of
0.50% (before fees) is available. This falls to 0.5 – (2 0.20%) = 0.1% after fees. If this is split
evenly it gives a gain of 0.05% to each party.
Step 2 – swap, variable rate at LIBOR, designed to splitting gain 50:50, ie 0.05%
Position if no swap 4.50% in 7.25% in dollars
Altrak Franco
Actual loan 6.25% 5.00%
Fees 0.20% 0.20%
Swap: variable (6.25)% 6.25%
Swap: fixed* 4.25% (4.25%)
4.45% 7.20%
0.05% gain vs no swap 0.05% gain
* The fixed rate is used a balancing figure designed to give the required gain to each party, other
solutions are possible here as long as both companies gain by 0.05%.
(a) Estimate the present value of the gain or loss in £m from entering into this swap.
(b) Estimate the swap rate that would make it competitive with the use of forward rates.
Note. Use six-month time periods for the NPV analysis.
5.3.2 Swaptions
A 'swaption' is an option to enter into a swap in return for an up-front premium. For example, if there
was any uncertainty over the proposed acquisition in the previous Activity, then a swaption could be
One of the optional performance objectives in your PER is to advise on using instruments or
techniques to manage financial risk. This chapter has looked at interest rate risk, which is an aspect
PER alert
of financial risk.
FOREX swap: a short-term swap made up of a spot transaction and a forward transaction which
allows a company to obtain foreign currency for a short time period (usually within a week) and then
Key term
to swap back into the domestic currency a short-time later at a known (forward) rate.
A FOREX swap is useful for hedging because it allows companies to shift temporarily into or out of
one currency in exchange for a second currency without incurring the exchange rate risk of holding
an open position in the currency they temporarily hold.
Illustration 9
An example of a FOREX swap is where an American company has a surplus cash balance in euros
which is not required for any transactions in the next week.
If this company knows that they need to pay their manufacturers in US dollars in one week's time
they could:
1 Sell some euros at the spot rate and buy US dollars to cover this expense
2 Then in one week buy euros and sell dollars to replenish their cash balance in euros
However, this exposes the company to transaction risk.
This can be avoided by:
1 Sell some euros at the spot rate and buy US dollars to cover this expense
2 At the same time arrange a forward contract to sell dollars for euros in one week
This combination of a simultaneous forward and spot transaction is called a FOREX swap.
13: Managing interest rate risk
Chapter summary
5 Swaps 4.4 Interest rate collars
5.1 Interest rate swaps Investor: buy calls and sell puts
at higher rate
Exploit comparative advantage/save
issue and early redemption fees
Split gain, variable rate at LIBOR
4.5 OTC options
13: Managing interest rate risk
Knowledge diagnostic
Further study guidance
Question practice
Now complete try the questions below from the Further question practice bank (available in the digital
edition of the Workbook):
Q22 Shawter
Q23 Carrick plc
Q24 Theta Inc
Further reading
There is are two Technical Articles available on ACCA's website, one called 'Currency swaps', and the
other 'Determining interest rate forwards and their application to swap valuation'.
We recommend you read these articles as part of your preparation for the AFM exam. Both are written by
a member of the ACCA AFM examining team.
aging information
aging information
meamneag e
Manag Giomoed tim
Exam success skills
Applying risk
management Specific AFM skills
r p re t at i o n
Identifying the Applying risk
Eff d p ffect pre
an E nd
required numerical
m e nts
e c re i v
techniques(s) techniques
ti v
se w ri o f c t i n te
nt tin Efficient numeric
ati g
on a n a l ys i s
Efficient numerica
Section E of the AFM syllabus is 'treasury and advanced risk management techniques' and
directly focusses on the skill of 'applying risk management techniques'.
The AFM exam will always contain a question that will have a clear focus on this syllabus area,
so this skill is extremely important.
Successful application of this skill will require a strong technical knowledge of this syllabus area,
especially of setting up arrangements to manage risk using futures and options.
Additionally, you will need to be able to forecast the outcome of a technique quickly and
efficiently under exam conditions.
Finally, as well as being able to apply the techniques numerically you need to be able to discuss
the advantages and disadvantages of using them, the meaning of the numbers and their
suitability given the scenario (as discussed in Skills Checkpoint 1).
Skills Checkpoint 4: Applying risk management techniques
Analyse the scenario and requirements.
Make sure that you understand the nature
of the risk being faced. Work out how
many minutes you have to answer each
part of the question. Don't rush in to
starting any detailed calculations.
Plan your answer. Double-check that you are
applying the correct type of risk management
analysis given the nature of the risk that is faced
and the techniques mentioned in the scenario.
Consider using a time-line in your answer plan.
Identify a time-efficient approach.
Complete your numerical analysis. Don't
over-complicate your analysis, aim for a set of
clear relevant numbers. Be careful not to overrun
on time with your calculations.
Explain the meaning of your numbers – relating
your points to the scenario wherever possible.
Skills Checkpoint 4
Skill activity
STEP 1 Analyse the scenario and requirements. Make sure that you
understand the nature of the risk being faced. Work out how many
minutes you have to answer each part of the question. Don't rush in to
starting any detailed calculations.
Evaluate the outcome if the anticipated interest rate exposure is hedged:
(a) Using sterling interest rate futures
(b) Using options on short sterling futures
(c) Using an interest rate collar
Following a collapse in credit confidence in the banking sector globally, there have This can be illustrated
been high levels of volatility in the financial markets around the world. Phobos Co is a as a time line on your
UK listed company and has a borrowing requirement of £30 million arising in two answer plan (see later)
months' time on 1 March and expects to be able to make repayment of the full amount
six months from now.
The governor of the central bank has suggested that interest rates are now at their
peak and could fall over the next quarter. However, the Chairman of the Federal
Reserve in the US has suggested that monetary conditions may need to be tightened,
which could lead to interest rate rises throughout the major economies. In your
judgement there is now an equal likelihood that rates will rise or fall by as much as Nature of the risk
100 basis points depending upon economic conditions over the next quarter.
Further clarification of
LIBOR is currently 6.00% and Phobos can borrow at a fixed rate of LIBOR plus 50 the risk is provided
basis points on the short-term money market but the company treasurer would like to
keep the maximum borrowing rate at or below 6.6%.
Short-term sterling index futures (three-month contracts, contract size
The current prices of three-month futures contracts are shown below.
March 93.880
June 93.940
You may assume that basis diminishes to zero at contract maturity at a constant rate.
Skills Checkpoint 4
STEP 2 Double-check that you are applying the correct type of risk
management analysis given the nature of the risk that is faced and the
techniques mentioned in the scenario.
Consider using a timeline in your answer plan.
Identify a time-efficient approach.
1 Jan 1 July
– this is now – loan repaid
Nature of risk
Phobos is a borrower – risk of interest rates rising when it takes out a £30m loan for a
period of four months, starting in two months' time on 1 March.
Time-efficient approach
A collar, for a borrower, consists of buying put options at a higher rate (93750 or
6.25%) and selling call options at a lower rate (94000 or 6.00%) it will save time if
we design the options hedge so that it is consistent with the collar ie choose to
hedge using put options at 6.25%.
STEP 3 Complete your numerical analysis.
Don't over-complicate your analysis, aim for a set of clear relevant numbers.
Be careful not to overrun on time with your calculations.
As already noted, performing the calculations and writing up your answer should take 23 minutes.
There are many ways of laying out an answer to this question, one approach is shown below.
LIBOR 6.00%
Outcome 1 March
Using the closing basis of 0.04%, the estimated closing futures prices at 1 March =
LIBOR rate at close-out 7% 5%
Closing futures 7.04% 5.04%
Setting up a column
for each outcome Outcome if interest rate (a) increases, or (b) decreases by 100 basis points
saves time.
(a) (b)
Leave calculations as
% also saves time. LIBOR rate at close-out (7%) (5%)
Actual loan rate (7.50%) (5.50%)
Skills Checkpoint 4
(iii) Collar
Set-up 1 January
Type of options
= Buy March put option at 6.25%, sell March call option at 6.00%
Number of contracts = 80 (see above)
Outcome 1 March
(a) (b)
Time has been saved LIBOR rate at close-out (7%) (5%)
because the put option of
6.25% was used in the Actual loan rate (7.50%) (5.50%)
options hedge.
Note that the loss to Put option (as before) 0.92% Don't exercise
Phobos on the call option
is the hardest part of the
Call option rate (holder has
analysis and it is not right to receive interest) 6.00% 6.00%
necessary to get this right
Futures closing rate 7.04% 5.04%
to score a good pass
answer. Profit or (loss on future) Don't exercise (0.96%)
Exercised against
Phobos by the
holder of the option
Option premium (0.007%) (0.007%)
Outcome in % (6.587%) (6.467%)
In £s ( £30m 4/12) (658,700) (646,700)
STEP 4 Write up your answer using key words from the requirements as
Write your answer, explaining the meaning of your numbers -
relating your points to the scenario wherever possible.
Outcome in % (a) (b) Average Then explain the
meaning of your
Future 6.58% 6.58% 6.58% numbers.
Option (6.25%) 6.625% 5.545% 6.085%
Collar 6.587% 6.467% 6.527%
If interest rates rise, a future will provide the lowest borrowing cost; however,
the option and the collar are only marginally more expensive.
If interest rates fall, an option will provide the lowest borrowing cost by a
significant margin.
Relate your
Considering the equal likelihood of an interest rate rise or fall, looking at an answer using the
details given in
average expected cost is relevant and on this basis the option is
the scenario.
recommended as it provides a significantly lower average cost.
End with
There is a danger that the objective, to achieve a maximum borrowing rate 'advice' as per
of 6.6%, is breached if interest rates rise and options are used. However, the requirement.
this breach is marginal and if interest rates fall this approach will be
significantly cheaper than any other. So, the advice here is to hedge the risk
using interest rate options.
Skills Checkpoint 4
Every time you complete a question, use the diagnostic below to assess how effectively you
demonstrated the exam success skills in answering the question. The table has been
completed below for the Phobos activity to give you an idea of how to complete the
Managing information Did you understand the nature of the risk facing the
company before starting your calculations?
Efficient numerical Did you spend too much time on the calculations, could you
analysis have taken any short-cuts?
Did your answer present neat workings in a form that would
have been easy for a marker to follow?
Effective writing and Did you explain the meaning of the numbers?
Good time Did you allow yourself time to address all requirements?
Each AFM exam will contain a question that focusses on risk management.
This is an important area to revise and to ensure that you understand the variety of
techniques available (including their limitations).
It is also important to be aware that in the exam, it is more important that you limit
your numerical analysis and produce a concise meaningful analysis.
In the exam you are dealing with complicated calculations under timed exam
conditions and time-management is absolutely crucial. So you need to ensure that you:
Show clear workings and score well on the easier parts of the question
Make a reasonable attempt at the harder calculations while accepting that
your answer is unlikely to be perfect
Remember that there are no optional questions in the AFM exam and that this syllabus
section (risk management) will definitely be tested!
Learning objectives
reference no.
Assess the likely response of the capital market and/or individual D1(b)
suppliers of capital to any reconstruction scheme and the impact their
response is likely to have on the value of the organisation
Exam context
Chapters 14 and 15 cover Section D of the syllabus 'Corporate reconstruction and reorganisation'.
The chapter starts by discussing how to approach an evaluation of a reconstruction scheme designed
to avoid business failure.
The chapter then moves on to consider other types of reconstruction schemes which are designed to
increase value.
In either case debt covenants may be relevant, and the chapter ends by discussing the importance of
forecasting in assessing whether debt covenants are likely to be breached; this relates to financial
ratio analysis, which has been introduced in Chapter 2 and Chapter 10.
Exam questions in this area are also likely to link to business reorganisation (covered in the next
chapter) because companies that are in financial difficulties often need to consider both financial
reconstruction and business reorganisation.
Chapter overview
Financial reconstruction
1.2 Approach
14: Financial reconstruction
1.2 Approach
Activity 1: Evaluating a reconstruction
Nomore Ltd, a private company that has for many years been making mechanical tools, is faced with
rapidly falling sales. Its bank overdraft (with M A Bank) is at its limit of $1,200,000.
The company has just lost another two major customers.
Non-current assets $'000
Freehold property 5,660
Plant and machinery 3,100
Motor vehicles 320
Current assets 1,160
Total assets 10,240
Non-current liabilities
10% loan 20X8 (secured on freehold property) 1,600
Other loans (VC bank, floating charges) 4,800
Current liabilities
Trade payables 3,100
Bank overdraft (MA bank, unsecured) 1,200
Total equity and liabilities 10,240
Other information:
1 The freehold property has a market value of about $5,750,000.
2 It is estimated that the break-up value of the plant at 31 March 20X2 will be $2,000,000.
3 The motor vehicles owned at 31 March 20X2 could be sold for $200,000.
4 In insolvency, the current assets at 31 March 20X2 would realise $1,000,000.
5 Insolvency proceeding costs would be approximately $500,000, this will rank first for
The company believes that it has good prospects due to the launch next year of its new Pink Lady
range of tools and has designed the following scheme of reconstruction:
1 The existing ordinary shares to be cancelled and ordinary shareholders to be issued with
$2,000,000 new $1 ordinary shares for $1.00 cash.
2 The secured loan to be cancelled and replaced by a $1,250,000 10% secured bond with a
six-year term and $600,000 of new $1 ordinary shares.
3 VC Bank to receive $3,200,000 13% loan secured by a fixed charge and 1,100,000 $1
new ordinary shares.
4 MA bank to be repaid the existing overdraft and to keep the overdraft limit at $1,200,000
secured by a floating charge.
If this plan is implemented, the company estimates that its profits before interest and tax will rise to
$1.441 million and its share price will rise to $1.50.
14: Financial reconstruction
Evaluate whether the suggested scheme of reconstruction is likely to succeed.
Step 1 Estimate the position if insolvency proceedings go ahead.
Step 2 Apply the reconstruction and evaluate the impact on affected parties.
(b) VC
(c) MA bank
Step 3 Check if the company is now financially viable.
Essential reading
See Chapter 14 Section 1 of the Essential reading, available in Appendix 2 of the digital edition of
the Workbook, for further discussion of taking a company private.
14: Financial reconstruction
Profits before interest and tax Required for interest cover calculation
Profits after interest and tax Required for earnings per share calculation
Current assets and liabilities Required for liquidity ratios (eg current ratio)
Chapter summary
Financial reconstruction
1.2 Approach
14: Financial reconstruction
Knowledge diagnostic
1. Order of repayment
In insolvency proceedings, ordinary shareholders rank behind all other claims.
2. Schemes to increase value
These include share repurchase schemes, and issues of new capital.
3. Taking a firm private
Can be viewed as a means of reducing listing expenses and increasing the ability of a firm to
take a long-term view.
4. Positive debt covenants
These require positive action, eg to attain an objective.
5. Negative debt covenants
These place restrictions on management behaviour.
Further study guidance
Question practice
Now try the question below from the Further question practice bank (available in the digital edition of the
Q25 Brive Inc
Learning objectives
reference no.
Exam context
Chapters 14 and 15 cover Section D of the syllabus 'Corporate reconstruction and re-organisation'.
In this chapter we discuss methods of business reorganisations, concentrating primarily on methods
of unbundling companies.
Exam questions in this area are also likely to link to financial reconstructions (covered in the
previous chapter) because companies that are in financial difficulties often need to consider both
financial reconstruction and business reorganisation.
There is also a strong link between this chapter and business valuations (Chapter 8), partly because
there may be a need to value a part of a business that is being 'unbundled', and partly because
business re-organisation can be viewed as an aspect of portfolio restructuring ie the
acquisition of companies, or disposals via divestments, demergers, spin-offs, MBOs and MBIs.
Chapter overview
Business reorganisation
5 Valuations
15: Business reorganisation
1 Unbundling
Motives Explanation
Strategic There may be divisions within of a business where the current organisation structure is
not adding value.
For example, a division may have been neglected because it is not seen as being
core to the group's strategy. If this division existed outside the group it may have a
more efficient management structure and take quicker, more effective decisions.
If the stock market believes that the organisation structure is not adding-value, then it is
possible that the market value of the company will be lower than the sum of the value of
its individual divisions; this is called a conglomerate discount.
Finally, to protect the rest of the business from takeover, it may choose to
split off a part of the business which is particularly attractive to a buyer.
Types Definition
The type of unbundling that is appropriate will depend on the motive(s) for the strategy.
If the motive is financial then a demerger would not be considered as it does not directly raise
2 Divestment (sell-off)
The sale of a division to a third party will add value if the estimated sale price exceeds the present
value of lost cash flows (including economies of scale lost as a result of the sell-off).
A buyer may be prepared to pay an amount that is greater than the present value of the cash flows
of the division because under their ownership the division is worth more eg due to synergies
with the buyer's other business operations.
To value a division, a cost of capital that reflects the risk of the division will be required. This is
discussed in Section 5.
15: Business reorganisation
Mezzanine finance: finance that had some of the characteristics of both debt and equity.
Key term
Convertible debt and convertible preference shares are forms of mezzanine finance as they have
characteristics of both debt (eg a fixed return is expected) and also equity (the investor can convert
into ordinary shares if the venture is successful).
A private equity company that is concerned about the risk of an MBO will increase the
proportion of their investment provided as mezzanine finance (ie loans/convertibles
Lomax will continue to provide central accounting, personnel and marketing services to Retro for a
fee of $4.5 million per year, with the first fee payable in year one. All revenues and cost (excluding
interest) are expected to increase by approximately 5% per year.
To calculate the loan repayment each year we need the annuity factor for 8% over three years; this is
2.577. The annual repayments (in $'000s) are therefore $30,000/2.577 = $11,641.
The element of this repayment that represents interest is therefore:
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Loan brought forward 30,000 20,759 10,779
Interest due (8% b/f) 2,400 1,661 862
Repayment (11,641) (11,641) (11,641)
Loan carried forward
(b/f + interest due – repayment) 20,759 10,779 0
Evaluate whether the bank's gearing restriction in two years' time is likely to be a problem.
1 Forecast statements of profit or loss
Year 1 Year 2
$'000 $'000
Operating costs
Direct operating profit
Central services from Lomax
VC loan interest at 18% on $15m
Bank loan at 8%
Year 1
Year 2
Profit before tax
Tax at 20%
Profit after tax
Retained earnings
15: Business reorganisation
4 Demerger (spin-off)
A demerger is the opposite of a merger. It is the splitting up of a corporate body into two or more
separate and independent bodies, it does not raise finance.
The motives for a demerger are likely to be strategic. For example, the removal of a conglomerate
discount/possible takeover defence.
The aims of a demerger are to create a clearer management structure and to allow faster
decision making. A spin-off may facilitate a future merger or takeover.
A demerger risks losing synergies between different parts of the group. It is also an expensive
and time-consuming process. Assets and liabilities will have to be clearly segregated between the
demerged units.
To value a demerged operation, a cost of capital that reflects the risk of the division will be required,
this is discussed in the next section.
Essential reading
See Chapter 15 Section 1 of the Essential reading, available in Appendix 2 of the digital edition of
the Workbook, for further discussion of demergers.
5 Valuations
To value a divestment, a MBO, or a demerged operation, a cost of capital that reflects the risk of the
division will be required. This means that a project-specific cost of capital will need to be calculated.
This topic has already been covered in Chapter 6 where we looked at investments that change
business risk and also in Chapter 8 where business valuations have been considered.
We have seen that when a company is moving into a new business area it can use the beta of a
company in that sector (a comparable quoted company, or CQC) and ungear the equity beta to
establish the asset beta which measures the risk of the new business area. This approach can also be
applied in valuing a specific business unit that a company is planning to unbundle.
Alternatively you may be given the asset beta, or you may be told that a division represents a given
percentage of a company's value in which case you can calculate the asset beta of a division from
the asset beta of a company.
Illustration 1
Company X has an asset beta of 0.94.
Company X has two divisions, division A and division B; it is planning to unbundle division B.
The asset beta of division A has been estimated as 1.06 and division A represents 70% of the value
of Company X.
Estimate the asset beta of division B
Division B's asset beta can be estimated by laying out the workings for Company X's overall asset
Division A asset beta 70% + Division B asset beta 30% = 0.94
1.06 0.70 + Division B asset beta 0.30 = 0.94
0.742 + Division B asset beta 30% = 0.94
Division B asset beta 0.30 = 0.94 – 0.742 = 0.198
Division B asset beta = 0.198 ÷ 0.30 = 0.66
Once an asset beta of the specific business has been calculated then a cash flow valuation of the
unbundled entity can be made as follows (recap of Chapter 8).
2 Regear the beta to reflect the gearing of the division being unbundled
5 Calculate the revised NPV of the division and subtract debt to calculate the value of the
15: Business reorganisation
Chapter summary
Business reorganisations
Financial motives
Strategic motives
5 Valuation
Knowledge diagnostic
1. Types of unbundling
These include divestment, management buy-out and demerger.
2. Types of management buy-out
These also include leveraged buy-outs, management buy-ins, and buy-in management buy-outs.
3. Mezzanine finance
This is finance with the characteristics of debt and equity, and is commonly used by venture
capitalists to finance MBOs.
4. Drawbacks of demergers
Cost, time and risk of losing synergies/economies of scale.
5. Valuing an unbundled entity
This is likely to require a cash-based valuation using a cost of capital based on the asset beta
for the unbundled entity which has been regeared to reflect the gearing of the unbundled entity.
15: Business reorganisation
Question practice
Now try the questions below from the Further question practice bank (available in the digital edition of the
Q26 BBS Stores
Q27 Reorganisation
Planning and
trading issues
for multinationals
Learning objectives
Advise on the theory and practice of free trade and the management of barriers to trade A4(a)
Demonstrate an up-to-date understanding of the major trade agreements and common A4(b)
markets and, on the basis of contemporary circumstances, advise on their policy and
strategic implications for a business
Discuss how the actions of the WTO, IMF, World Bank and Central Banks can affect a A4(c),
multinational. Discuss the role of the Fed, Bank of England, ECB and Bank of Japan A4(d)
Assess the role of international financial markets in the management of global debt, A4(e),
financial development of emerging economies and maintenance of global financial stability A4(f)
Discuss the significance to the company of the latest developments in world financial A4(g)
markets, eg causes and impact of the recent financial crisis, growth and impact of dark
pool trading systems, removal of barriers of free movement of capital and international
regulations on money laundering. Demonstrate an awareness of new developments in the
macroeconomic environment, establishing their impact on the firm, and advising on the
appropriate response
Advise on the development of a financial planning framework, eg compliance with national A5(a)
governance requirements, the mobility of capital, limitations on remittances and transfer
pricing, economic and other risk exposures in different national markets, agency issues in
the co-ordination of overseas operations and balancing of local financial autonomy with
effective central control
Determine a firm's dividend capacity and its policy given its reinvestment strategy, the A6(a),
impact of any other capital reconstruction programmes on FCFE, eg share repurchases,
new capital issues, the availability and timing of central remittances and the corporate tax
regime within the host jurisdiction. Advise, in the context of a specified investment
programme, on a firm's current and projected dividend capacity A6(b)
Develop company policy on the transfer pricing of goods and services across international A6(c)
borders and be able to determine the most appropriate transfer pricing strategy in a given
situation, reflecting local regulations and tax regimes
Exam context
This chapter is drawn from Section A of the syllabus, but works well as a final chapter because it
summarises a number of practical business issues faced by multinationals, many of which have
already been introduced in earlier chapters.
This syllabus area contains a large number of learning objectives but actually has not featured
heavily in exam questions, reflecting the largely factual nature of the subject matter. The
Workbook identifies the key facts and additional factual background is provided via the
Essential reading section, available in Appendix 2 of the digital edition of the Workbook.
16: Planning and trading issues for multinationals
Chapter overview
5 Developments in
international markets
1 International trade
16: Planning and trading issues for multinationals
Essential reading
See Chapter 16 Section 1 of the Essential reading, available in Appendix 2 of the digital edition of
the Workbook, for further discussion of general trading issues for multinationals.
Types Definition
World Trade Supports the development of international trade, the WTO provides a
Organisation mechanism for identifying and reducing trade barriers and resolving
(WTO) trade disputes. The WTO will impose fines if members are in breach of their
Unless otherwise bound by free trade agreements, members trade under WTO
rules, ie they can't selectively reduce tariffs for one country without offering this to
all other WTO members (this is the most-favoured nation principle).
International Supports the stability of the international monetary system by providing medium-term
Monetary (3–5 year) loans to countries with balance of payments problems, such
Fund (IMF) as problems in making debt repayments to international creditors, and provides
advice on the economic development of countries.
IMF loans come with stringent conditions. Countries must take effective action to
improve their balance of payments, eg reducing aggregate demand
to reduce imports and encourage firms to increase production for export markets.
It has been suggested that the strict terms attached to IMF loans can lead to
economic stagnation as countries struggle to repay these loans.
World Bank Lends to creditworthy governments of developing nations to finance projects and
policies that will stimulate economic development and alleviate
poverty. The World Bank consists of two institutions:
The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) which
focuses on middle-income and creditworthy poorer countries
The International Development Association (IDA) which focuses exclusively on
the world's poorest countries
Both provide finance for projects which are likely to have an impact on poverty.
Loans are normally interest-free and have a maturity of up to 40 years. The World
Bank directly affects multinational companies by helping to finance
infrastructure projects in developing economies. This creates a platform for
other investment by multinationals (once reliable infrastructure is in place).
Central banks Central banks normally have control over interest rates and support the
stability of the financial system (eg by managing the risk of financial contagion).
Financial contagion is where a crisis in one country spills to many other
countries. One of the roles of central banks is to monitor the risk of financial
contagion carefully and to increase their stimulus programmes where necessary.
Essential reading
See Chapter 16 Section 2 of the Essential reading, available in Appendix 2 of the digital edition of
the Workbook, for further discussion of individual central banks and international financial markets.
Dividend capacity
16: Planning and trading issues for multinationals
Types Definition
Financing The financing needs of the parent company, eg dividend payments to external
shareholders and capital expenditure in the home countries.
Agency Dividend payments restrict the financial discretion of foreign managers and allow
issues greater control over their behaviour (see Section 4).
Timing A subsidiary may adjust its dividend payments in order to benefit from expected
movements in exchange rates, collecting earlier (lead) payments from currencies
vulnerable to depreciation and later (lag) from currencies expected to appreciate.
Tax If tax liabilities are triggered by repatriation, these can be deferred by reinvesting
earnings abroad. This is more of an issue for subsidiaries in low-tax countries, whose
dividends trigger significant parent tax obligations.
Consideration Achieved by
Goal congruence Encourage local decision-making that will also improve the profit of
the company as a whole.
Taxation Channelling profits out of high tax rate countries into lower ones.
3.2 Regulation
Transfer pricing is a normal and legitimate activity. Transfer price manipulation, on the other
hand, exists when transfer prices are used to evade or avoid payment of taxes and tariffs.
The most common solution that tax authorities have adopted to reduce the probability of transfer
price manipulation is to develop particular transfer pricing regulations based on the concept of the
arm's length standard, which says that all MNC intra-firm activities should be priced as if they
took place between unrelated parties acting at arm's length in competitive markets.
Arm's length standard: this means that intra-firm trade of multinationals should be priced as if
they took place between unrelated parties acting at arm's length in competitive markets.
Key term
The main method of establishing 'arm's length' transfer price is the comparable uncontrolled
price (CUP) method which looks for a comparable product to the transaction in question, either in
terms of a similar product being bought or sold by the multinational in a comparable transaction with
an unrelated party or a similar product being traded between two unrelated parties.
Essential reading
See Chapter 16 Section 3 of the Essential reading, available in Appendix 2 of the digital edition of
the Workbook, for further discussion of transfer pricing.
Indirect Local governments may reduce the interest rates to stimulate the local economy
16: Planning and trading issues for multinationals
As part of the fulfilment of the performance objective 'evaluate investment and financing decisions'
you are expected to be able to identify and apply different finance options to single and combined
PER alert
entities in domestic and multinational business markets. This section looks at the financing options
available to multinationals which you can put to good use if you work in such an environment.
5 Developments in international markets
5.1 The credit crunch
A credit crunch is a crisis caused by banks being too nervous to lend money, even to each other
Between 2007–08 turmoil hit the global financial markets causing the failure of a number of
high-profile financial institutions (eg Northern Rock in the UK, Lehman Brothers in the US). The crisis
was caused by a number of factors:
Years of lax lending by banks inflated a huge debt bubble: people borrowed cheap
money and invested it in property. In the US, billions of dollars of 'Ninja' mortgages (no
income, no job) were sold to people with weak credit ratings (sub-prime borrowers).
Massive trade surpluses in some countries (eg China) led to a flood of investment into
countries with deficits (notably the US) which contributed to the asset price bubble that
contributed to the credit crunch.
The US banking sector packaged sub-prime home loans into mortgage-backed securities
known as collateralised debt obligations (CDOs). These were sold on to investment
banks as securities. The credit risk rating on these securities often reflected the selling
bank's AA+ rating and not the real risk of default. When borrowers started to default on their
loans, the value of these investments plummeted, leading to huge losses by banks on a
global scale.
In the UK, many banks had invested large sums of money in these assets and had to write
off billions of pounds in losses. In addition some investment banks underwrote bond
issues without fully understanding the risk – and were left holding the credit risk as the bonds
defaulted. As banks' confidence was at an all-time low, they stopped lending to each other,
causing a massive liquidity problem – a credit crunch. With bank lending so low, businesses
were unable to obtain funding for investments, resulting in large reductions in output.
5.2.2 Tranching
CDOs are a way of repackaging the risk of a large number of risky assets such as sub-prime
mortgages. Unlike a bond issue, where the risk is spread thinly between all the bond holders, CDOs
concentrate the risk into investment layers or 'tranches', so that some investors take proportionately
more of the risk for a bigger return – and others take little or no risk for a much lower return.
Each tranche of CDOs is securitised and 'priced' on issue to give the appropriate yield to the
investors. The 'investment grade' tranche will be the most highly priced, giving a low yield but with
low risk attached; this is sometimes referred to as a senior tranche. Typical investors of senior
tranches are insurance companies, pension funds and other risk-averse investors.
At the other end, the 'equity' tranche carries the bulk of the risk – it will be priced at a low level but
has a high potential (but very risky) yield. These junior tranches (or subordinated debt) are
higher risk, as they are not secured by specific assets. These tranches tend to be bought by hedge
funds and other investors looking for higher risk–return profiles.
16: Planning and trading issues for multinationals
Illustration 1
A bank is proposing to sell $100 million of mortgage loans by means of a securitisation process. The
mortgages have a 10 year term and pay a return of 8% per year. The bank will use 90% of the
value of the mortgages as collateral.
60% of the collateral value will be sold as tranche A: senior debt with a credit rating of A.
This will pay interest of 7%.
30% of the collateral value will be sold as tranche B: less senior debt with a credit rating of B.
This will pay interest of 10%.
10% will be sold as subordinated debt with no credit rating.
The estimated cash flows would be:
Cash inflows
$8m is expected to be repaid by the mortgage holders ($100m 8%).
Cash outflows
Tranche A is the first to be paid and receive $100m 0.90 0.6 0.07 = $3.78m.
Tranche B is the next to be paid and receives $100m 0.90 0.3 0.1 = $2.7m.
The cash paid to the tranches with security (ie tranches A and B) is $6.48m ($3.78m + $2.7m). The
difference between cash received ($8m) and cash paid to these tranches ($6.48m) is $1.52m.
This is paid to the holders of the subordinated debt who therefore receive a return of $1.52m on an
investment of $9m ($100m 0.90 0.1). This is a return of 1.52/9 = 16.9%.
If there are any mortgage defaults, cash inflows would fall and this would lead to lower returns for
the holders of subordinated debt.
Only if cash inflows fell below $6.48m will the holders of tranche B be affected, and only if the
income fell below $3.78m would the holders of tranche A be affected.
5.4 Dark pool trading systems
Since 2007, when legislation removed the monopoly status of European stock exchanges, there has
been a rapid growth in trading systems for shares, especially off-exchange venues known as 'dark
pools' where large orders are matched in private.
Dark pools allow large shareholdings to be disposed of without prices and order quantities being
revealed until after trades are completed. Traditionally, when an investor wished to buy or sell
securities on a stock market they would be publicly identifiable once the order to buy or
sell was made.
One impact of dark pools has been to reduce transaction fees and to improve the prices that
large institutional shareholders can obtain when they buy/sell shares.
However, because dark pools normally use information technology to keep the orders secret until
after they've been executed, there is a reduction in the availability of information and a
threat to the efficiency of the stock markets.
Money laundering: constitutes any financial transactions whose purpose is to conceal the identity
of the parties to the transaction.
Key term
One effect of the free movement of capital has been the growth in money laundering.
Money laundering is used by organised crime and terrorist organisations but it is also used in
order to avoid the payment of taxes or to distort accounting information.
Regulations differ across various countries but it is common for regulation to require customer due
diligence ie to take steps to check that new customers are who they say they are. An easy way to
do this is to ask for official identification. If customers are acting on behalf of a third party, it is
important to identify who the third party is.
Staff should be suitably trained and a specific member of staff should be nominated as the
person to whom any suspicious activities should be reported. Full documentation of anti-money
laundering policies and procedures should be kept. Regulations may require that historic records
including receipts, invoices and customer correspondence are kept.
Essential reading
See Chapter 16 Section 4 of the Essential reading, available in Appendix 2 of the digital edition of
the Workbook, for further developments in world markets.
16: Planning and trading issues for multinationals
Chapter summary
5 Developments in international markets
16: Planning and trading issues for multinationals
Knowledge diagnostic
Further study guidance
Question practice
Now try the question below from the Further question practice bank (available in the digital edition of the
Q28 Transfer prices
Further reading
There is a Technical Article available on ACCA's website, called 'Securitisation and tranching'. This
article examines behavioural finance and is written by a member of the AFM examining team.
We recommend you read this article as part of your preparation for the AFM exam.
aging information
aging information
manag ime
Exam success skills
scenario decisions
uirereq rpretation
Specific AFM skills
e m e nts
Applying risk
req of rprineteation
Identifying the
Eff d p ffect pre
an E nd
required numerical
m eunirts
e c re i v
e the syllabus
of t inteect
se w ri
nt tin
c rr
Thinking across
r re Co
ati g
Efficient numerica
A common cause for failure in the AFM exam is that students focus on mastering the key
numerical parts of the syllabus (typically investment appraisal, valuation techniques and risk
management) but leave gaps in their knowledge, in two senses:
Failing to carefully revise discussion areas within a given syllabus section; for example,
being able to compute the value of a real option but not being able to discuss the
factors used by the model to compute this value
Neglecting some syllabus sections entirely; for example, syllabus Sections A (role of the
senior financial adviser) and D (corporate reconstruction and reorganisation) are often
neglected because they do not contain complex numerical techniques
The structure of the AFM exam exposes students that have knowledge gaps because:
Exams are designed so that question-spotting does not work (a topic examined in one
sitting is often examined in the next sitting too to penalise question-spotting).
The 50 mark question is structured to test multiple syllabus areas (and will span at least
two syllabus sections)
The 25 mark questions, although often focusing on a specific syllabus section, normally
contain three requirements which often means that a wide variety of topics within this
syllabus area is being tested.
There are no optional questions.
It is therefore crucial that you prepare yourself for the exam by revising across the whole
syllabus, even if your knowledge is deeper in some areas than others there must not be any
'gaps', and that you practice questions that force you to address a problem from a variety of
perspectives. This skill will often involve thinking outside the confines of one specific chapter of
the Workbook and thinking across the syllabus.
Skills Checkpoint 5: Thinking across the syllabus
Analyse the scenario and
Consider the wording of the
requirements carefully to understand
the nature of the problem being
Plan your answer. Double-check that you are
applying the correct knowledge and that you
are not neglecting other syllabus areas that
would help to support your analysis.
Produce your answer, explaining the meaning
of your points – and relating them to the
scenario wherever possible.
Skills Checkpoint 5
Skill Activity
(a) Analyses the advantages and disadvantages of the proposed financing of the
MBO (9 marks)
(b) Evaluates whether or not EPP Bank's gearing restriction in four years' time is
likely to be a problem (10 marks)
(Total = 19 marks)
This is a 19-mark question and at 1.95 minutes a mark, it should take 37 minutes.
Assuming you spending approximately 20% of your time reading and planning, this
time should be split approximately as follows:
Reading and planning time – 7 minutes
Performing the calculations and writing up your answer – 32 minutes
Although part (a) mentions management buy outs (MBOs), careful reading of the
requirement shows that the question actually requires an evaluation of the finance mix
that is proposed for the MBO; not of the MBO itself.
Part (b) looks like it will involve forecasting, which is a part of syllabus section D
(corporate reconstruction and reorganisation) but an area of the syllabus section that is
often neglected. Again this reinforces the need for broad syllabus knowledge.
Now carefully read through the scenario.
Skills Checkpoint 5
able to purchase a 4-year interest rate cap at 15% for its loan from EPP Bank for an
This part of the question
upfront premium of $800,000. is again looking at
financing ie part (a). You
A venture capital company, AV, is willing to provide up to $15 million in the form of need to assess the pros
unsecured mezzanine debt with attached warrants. This loan would be for a 5-year and cons of this financing
mix. So don't panic here,
period, with principal repayable in equal annual instalments, and have a fixed interest
it is a discussion point in
rate of 18% per year. part a and a possible
complication in part (b).
The warrants would allow AV to purchase 10 AIR shares at a price of 100 cents each
for every $100 of initial debt provided, at any time after 4 years from the date the
loan is agreed. The warrants would expire after five years.
Most recent
This proforma may be
useful for your forecast $'000
in part (b).
Landing fees 14,000
Other revenues 8,600
Labour 5,200
Consumables 3,800
Central overhead payable to ER 4,000
Other expenses 3,500
Interest paid 2,500
Taxable profit 3,600
Taxation (33%) 1,188
Retained earnings 2,412
STEP 2 Plan your answer. Double-check that you are applying the correct
knowledge and that you are not neglecting areas from other syllabus
areas that would help to support your analysis.
Part b
Forecast This part of the plan
identifies the approach
1 Forecast the profit or loss statement and then that will be followed in
2 Forecast the value of equity and debt each year constructing an answer.
3 Then evaluate gearing in four years' time
Skills Checkpoint 5
STEP 3 Produce your answer, explaining the meaning of your points - and relating
them to the scenario wherever possible.
(a) Financing mix
If the airport can be purchased for $35 million, the financing mix is proposed as:
8 million 50 cent shares purchased by managers and employees 4
2 million 50 cent shares purchased by ER 1
EPP Bank: secured floating rate loan at LIBOR + 3% 20
AV: mezzanine debt with warrants (balancing figure) 10
Total finance 35
AV finance facility
Example of
application to
Up to $15 million of the mezzanine debt is available, however this is an
scenario expensive source of finance costing 18% compared with 13% for the loan
from EPP.
If the warrants attached to the mezzanine debt are exercised, AV will be
able to purchase 1 million new shares in AIR for $1 each. This is a cheap
price considering that the book value per share at the date of buyout is
$3.50 ($35m/10 million shares). The ownership by managers and staff
will be diluted from 80% to approximately 73%, with ER holding 18% and
AV holding 9%. This should not affect management control provided that
managers and staff remain as a unified group.
The debt must be repaid in five equal annual instalments; that is, $2 million
each year. If profits dip in any particular year, AIR might experience cash
flow problems, necessitating some debt refinancing.
Short punchy
paragraphs Management and employee contribution
explaining why
your points matter A leveraged buyout of the type proposed allows managers and
employees to own 80% of the equity while only contributing $4 million out
of $35 million capital (11%). However, it is important that the managers
and employees agree on the company's strategy at the outset. If the
shareholders break into rival factions, control over the company might be
difficult to exercise. It would be useful to know the disposition of
shareholdings among managers and employees in more detail.
ER contribution
The continued involvement of ER will allow ER's skills to continue to be
drawn on. This should enhance the possibility of the MBO succeeding. On a
practical level, the continued provision of central services by ER reduces the
risk that the MBO fails due to weaknesses in its accounting systems.
EPP loan
Applied to the
The advantage of the loan is that it avoids the need for managers to invest
more money, or for the relatively expensive finance facility from AV to be
used in full. However, it is a variable rate loan and therefore exposes AIR to
the risk of interest rate increases. The covenant exposes AIR to the risk of
default (this is analysed in part (b)). In addition the restriction on dividend
payments for four years will reduce the short term gains to shareholders from
the MBO.
The initial gearing of the company will be extremely high: the debt to
equity ratio is 600% ($30 million debt to $5 million equity). This makes
the overall mix a risky one for the investors and is explains the existence of
the loan covenant and restriction on dividend payments.
Year 0 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4
$'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000
Landing fees 14,000
Other revenues 8,600
Labour 5,200
Consumables 3,800
Other expenses 3,500
Direct operating profit
growing at 5% p.a. 10,100 10,605 11,135 11,692 12,277
Central services from ER (3,000) (3,150) (3,308) (3,473)
EPP loan interest at 13% (2,600) (2,600) (2,600) (2,600)
on $20m
Neatly produced
Mezzanine debt interest at 18%
forecast with a
on $10m (1,800) column for each
on $8m (1,440) year to save
on $6m (1,080)
on $4m (720)
Profit before tax 3,205 3,945 4,704 5,484
Tax at 33% 1,058 1,302 1,552 1,810
Profit after tax 2,147 2,643 3,152 3,674
Reserves b/f 0 2,147 4,790 7,942
Reserves c/f 2,147 4,790 7,942 11,616
Skills Checkpoint 5
Exam success skills diagnostic
Every time you complete a question, use the diagnostic below to assess how effectively you
demonstrated the exam success skills in answering the question. The table has been
completed below for the AIR activity to give you an idea of how to complete the diagnostic.
Correct interpretation Did you realise the need for narrative to support your
of the requirements numerical analysis in part (b)?
Effective writing and Did your evaluation include a critical evaluation of the
presentation assumptions made in your numerical analysis?
Skills Checkpoint 5
Make sure that you are able to 'think across the syllabus' by making sure that you do
not have knowledge gaps by the time of the real exam. This will involve:
Carefully revising discussion areas as well as numerical areas
Revising all syllabus sections. Do not neglect syllabus Section A (role of the
senior financial adviser) and D (corporate reconstruction and reorganisation)
because they do not contain complex numerical techniques.
Remember that the structure of the AFM exam exposes students that have knowledge
gaps because:
The 50-mark question is structured to test multiple syllabus areas (and will span
at least two syllabus sections)
The 25-mark questions, although often focusing on a specific syllabus section,
normally contain three requirements which often means that a wide variety of
topics within this syllabus area is being tested
There are no optional questions
It is therefore crucial that you prepare yourself for the exam by revising across the
whole syllabus. Even if your knowledge is deeper in some areas than others there must
not be any gaps'. Make sure when you answer questions that you try, where
appropriate, to address a problem from a variety of perspectives.
This skill will often involve thinking outside the confines of one specific chapter of the
Workbook and thinking across the syllabus.
Appendix 1 – Activity answers
The ordinary dividend of $60 million is below this, which indicates that the dividend could
potentially be increased.
Investment Fairness of wages and salaries, working conditions, training and career
Potential impact on the environment
Bribery of government officials
Failing to invest because bonuses are based on short-term share
performance (short-termism)
Over-priced takeovers indicate that managers are focused more on
empire building than on shareholder value maximisation
Financing A bank lending the company money may have an unethical profile
Tempting to suppress bad news at a time that finance is being raised
Risk management Neglect of risk management in order to hit profit targets. Directors
pursuing diversification strategies to protect their own positions, when it
is not in the best interests of shareholders
Note that many points could be made here – there is no definitive list. The actual issues should be
clearly signalled in an exam question.
Activity 2: Technique demonstration
Use the beta of the company: 1.5
Ke = 2 + (4 1.5) = 8%
Nominal value £0.49 billion 101.49/100 = market value £0.4973 billion being approximately
£0.50 billion.
DF 4.58% for 1 year = (1+ 0.0458) ^ –1
DF 5.12% for 2 years = (1+ 0.0512) ^ –2
DF 5.68% for 3 years = (1 + 0.0568) ^ –3
Appendix 1 – Activity answers
Activity 7: Business risk
Examples of business risk here could include:
Threats of technical change leading to product obsolescence; although this would not
appear to be high here as DX Co does not manufacture the products.
Social change leading to a fall in the number of people participating in sports.
Operational risks, including risks such as human error, breakdowns in internal
procedures and systems or external events. Damage to an organisation's reputation
(reputational risk) can arise from operational failures.
Threats to the business or the industry from government action (change to laws regarding
minimum wages, taxes or regulations for example surrounding working conditions), ie
political/fiscal/regulatory risk.
Activity 1: Avanti
(All figures $'000)
Time 0 1 2 3 4 5
Sales 1,100 2,500 2,800 3,000
Direct costs (750) (1,100) (1,500) (1,600)
Marketing (170) (250) (200) (200)
Office overheads (40%) (50) (50) (50) (50)
Net real operating flows 130 1100 1050 1,150
Appendix 1 – Activity answers
1 Tax allowable depreciation (TAD)
Time 0 1 2 3 4 5
Written down value: start of year 700 525 394 295
Scrap value (100)
TAD (25% reducing 175 131 99 195
balance) (balance)
2 Working capital
Time 0 1 2 3 4
Nominal sales 1,144 2,704 3,150 3,510
Working capital 165 390 454 506 0
Cash flow (165) (225) (64) (52) 506
3 Nominal discount rate (1.077) (1.04) = 1.12
Activity 2: IRR
IRR = 12 + (20-12) = 21%
1152 –138
Activity 3: MIRR
Time 0 1 2 3 4 5
Present values (3,570) (80) 897 586 3,515 (196)
1/ 5
4, 722
1 0.12 1= 0.184 or 18.4%
3, 570
Activity 5: Value at risk
(a) The VAR at 95% is 1.645 1,000,000 √4 = $3,290,000, ie worst case NPV (only 5%
chance of being worse) = $2m – $3.29m = –$1.29m
(b) The VAR at 99% is calculated on the same basis but using 2.33 from the normal distribution
table instead of 1.645. This results in a value at risk of $4.66m and a worst case NPV (only
1% chance of being exceeded) of $2m – $4.66m = –$2.66m
Option type
= –(0.04 4)
e = 0.852
Note. That if Pa had been given in present value terms then you would not have discounted
this value.
Appendix 1 – Activity answers
PV of the inflows from the project = outlay $90m + NPV $10m = $100m
–rt –(0.05 10)
=e =
d 2 d1 s T
3 Then use the normal distribution tables to calculate N(d1) and N(d2)
The normal distribution tables tell you that where the values of d1 and d2 are positive they
should be added to 0.5, where they are negative they are subtracted from 0.5. Here we are
dealing with positive numbers.
N(d1) = 0.5 + 0.4222 = 0.9222
P = C – Pa +Pe e –rt
Appendix 1 – Activity answers
Year Peso/$
0 2.0000
1 1.03
2.000 = 1.9619
2 1.03
1.9619 = 1.9245
3 1.03
1.9245 = 1.8878
4 1.03
1.8878 = 1.8518
The $ NPV can now be found.
Discounting annual $ cash flows at 16%
Time 0 1 2 3 4
Cash flow (peso '000) (2,500) 750 950 1,250 1,350
Exchange rate (see workings) 2.0000 1.9619 1.9245 1.8878 1.8518
Cash flow ($'000) (1,250) 382 494 662 729
Discount at 16% 1.000 0.862 0.743 0.641 0.552
Present value (1,250) 329 367 424 402
Total NPV = $272 ('000s)
Intercompany transactions 13 13 13 14
Other US cash flows (15) (15) (15) (15)
Taxable profit in $s (2) (2) (2) (1)
Tax paid or saved on US cash flows
(at 30%) 1 1 1 0
Net cash flows in $'000s (1,250) 273 351 469 516
DF @ US rate 16% 1.000 0.862 0.743 0.641 0.552
Present value in $'000s (1,250) 235 261 301 285
Net present value = $(168) in '000s, ie reject project
'000 peso 0 1 2 3 4
Taxable profit 625 825 1,125 1,225
Overseas tax paid (125) (165) (225) (245)
Extra US tax (30% is 50% above 20%) (62.5) (82.5) (112.5) (122.5)
In $s (dividing by exchange rate) (32) (43) (60) (66)
'000 peso 0 1 2 3 4
Taxable profit 625 825 1,125 1,225
Extra tax in US (extra 10%) in pesos (62.5) (82.5) (112.5) (122.5)
In $s (dividing by exchange rate) (32) (43) (60) (66)
Appendix 1 – Activity answers
Time 1–5
Tax saved on interest $m $0.4m 0.3 = $0.12m
Df at return on debt (5%) 4.329
Present value $0.519m
Step 3
Issue costs $m = ($0.2m)
APV $m –0.006 + 0.519 – 0.2 =
Step 1 + Step 2 + Step 3 = +$0.313m Accept
Step 2
Regear to reflect Stetson's gearing
0.75 = e (1/1.7)
e = 0.75/(1/1.7) = 1.275
Step 3
Ke = 4 + (8)1.275 = 14.2%
WACC = (14.2% 1/2) + (4% 0.7 1/2) = 7.1 + 1.4 = 8.5%
This WACC reflects the business and financial risk of the new investment.
(b) Step 1
Ke = 18.4%
i i
18.4 = K e + 0.7( K e – 4) 2/1
i i
18.4 = K e + 1.4 K e – 5.6
24 = 2.4 K e
K e = 10%
Step 2
Ke = 10 + (0.7 (10 – 4)) 1/1 = 14.2%
Step 3
WACC = (14.2% 1/2) + (4% 0.7 1/2) = 7.1 + 1.4 = 8.5%
This is a WACC that reflects the business and financial risk of the new investment.
We know that the required yield for cash flows in 1 year is 4.5% from the earlier illustration, and in
year 2 is 5% so this becomes:
$97.4 = $4.31 + $4.08 + $104.5 (1 + r3 )
So ($97.4 – 4.31 - $4.08)/$104.5 = (1 + r3 )
So 0.852 = (1 + r3 )
–3 3 3
Given that (1 + r) = 1/(1 + r) then: 1/0.852 = (1 + r3 )
Then (1 + r3 ) = 3 1.174 = 1.055
So r3 = 0.055 or 5.5%.
This the required yield in Year 3.
Appendix 1 – Activity answers
Activity 2 (continuation of Activity 1): CIV
CIV involves the following steps:
1 Estimate the profit that would be expected from an entity's tangible asset base using an
industry average expected return
12% of $2,000m = $240m
2 Calculate the present value of any excess profits that have been made in the recent past, using
the WACC as the discount factor.
So Transit is making excess pre-tax profits of $400m – $240m = $160m
Post-tax this is $160 (1 – 0.25) = $120m
$120m discounted to infinity at 10% = $120m 1/0.1 = $1,200m
This is an estimated of the value of Transit Co's intangible assets.
So the revised asset value is $1,100m (from Activity 1) + $1,200m = $2,300m
Total = $13.65m
Appendix 1 – Activity answers
Phase 2
d0 (1+ g) d (1+ g)
P0 = is adapted to P3 = 3
re – g re – g
Time 1 2 3 4 onwards
$m 5.6 7.4 8.3 12.1
Annuity (1/0.13) 7.692
Value at time 3 93.1
@ 13% 0.885 0.783 0.693 0.693
Total PV 81.1
Less debt (15.0)
Value of equity 66.1 This suggests that the target is not worth $75m
Approach 2
Interest p.a. = $0.6m after tax ($15m 0.0575 0.7)
Time 1 2 3 4 onwards
$m after interest 5.0 6.8 7.7 11.5
Annuity (1/0.15) 6.667
Value at time 3 76.7
Ke = 15% 0.870 0.756 0.658 0.658
Activity 7: Technique demonstration
Ve Vd 1– T
V V 1 T e
Ve Vd 1 T d
e d
1 Asset beta calculations assuming a debt beta of zero
Value of Salsa = £9 40m = £360m pre-acquisition
Value of Enco = £1 62.4m = £62.4m pre-acquisition
Total = £360m + £62.4m = £422.4m
Degearing Salsa's beta (360/(360 + 45 (1 – 0.3)) 1.19 = 1.09
2 Regear the beta using pre-acquisition equity and debt weightings, including
the £80m of extra debt
(ie total debt = 80 + 45 + 5 = 130).
1.24/(422.4/(422.4 + 130 (1 – 0.3))) = 1.51
so Ke = 4.5 + (1.51 × 3.5) = 9.79%
3 Post-acquisition WACC
(9.79 422.4/552.4) + (6.8 130/552.4 (1 – 0.3)) = 8.6%
7.49 + 1.12 = 8.6%
4 Post-acquisition NPV
Time 1 2 3 4 5 Year 5
Free cash flows 35.18 36.87 38.66 40.56 42.58 43.43
(1/(0.086 – 0.02)) 15.15
Subtract debt
Salsa debt 45
Enco debt 5
New debt 80
Total debt 130
Total value of equity post-acquisition = £593.1m – £130m = £463.21m
Appendix 1 – Activity answers
Divide by the new number of shares in issue to get the estimated
post-acquisition share price
Minprice Savealot
No shares in issue 155m + 42m (21 2) new shares
= 197m
$618.5m/197m shares = post-acquisition share price of $3.1396
Deduct the value of whole bid to see if value is created for the bidding
company's shareholders.
Value of offer to Savealot = $3.1396 21m shares 2 = $131.9m
Post-acquisition value $618.5m – amount paid in shares of $131.9 = $486.6m
This is the value belonging to the existing shareholders post acquisition and is higher
than the existing market value of Minprice before the bid of $3 155m = $465m. So
Minprices's shareholders will gain by $486.6m - $465m = $21.6m.
Evaluation of result
Minprice Savealot
Wealth before bid $3 155 = $465m $5 21m = $105m
Wealth after bid $3.1396 155= $3.1396 42m =
$486.6m $131.9m
Gain (so shareholders would approve) $21.6m $26.9m
Percentage of shares owned by Minprice shareholders = 155m/197m = 79%
(b) The maximum bid will leave Minprice Co's share price unchanged at $3.00
The post-acquisition value of $618.5m divided by the new number of shares in issue = $3.00
So $618.5m/$3 = total number of shares post acquisition = 206.2 million
There are currently 155 million Minprice shares, so this is an increase of 51.2 million.
51.2 million Minprice shares for 21 million Savaealot shares is approximately a 2.4-for-1
paper bid.
Appendix 1 – Activity answers
r = 0.0417 = 0.25
d1 = (0.0563/0.144)
d1 = 0.39
N(–d1) = 0.5 – 0.1517 = 0.3483
(Although this is a positive number, by convention the delta of a put option is referred to as a
negative because the put option will fall in value as the share price rises, and vice versa.)
Options needed = Number of shares held divided by delta
Options needed = 1,000/0.3483 = 2,871
(b) A$360,000/1.8 = £200,000 cost expected
A$360,000/1.5 = £240,000 paid
Losses = £40,000
UK importers lose when the £ gets weaker
Appendix 1 – Activity answers
The profit can be quantified in one of two ways (either can be used):
(a) 0.0460 125,000 21 contracts = $120,750; or
(b) $12.50 460 ticks 21 contracts = $120,750.
Converting $120,750 into £s at April's spot rate = $120,750/2.0000 = £60,375 profit
So the net outcome from the futures hedge is £2,550,000 (Step 2) + £60,375
(Step 3) profit = £2,610,375
Closing spot
Quick method
Opening future
Closing basis
Activity 7: Technique demonstration
(a) The option rate is better than the spot so the option is used giving a value of A$2m/1.47 =
£1.36m, which becomes £1.31m after the premium (which is paid up front).
(b) The option rate is worse than the spot, so the spot is used giving a value of £1.54m or
£1.51m, after the premium.
(c) If the option is worthless it will be abandoned (eg in (b)) or the company can exercise the
option and make a profit (buy A$2m at spot for £1.33m and then sell the A$2m for £1.36m).
In either case the premium still has to be paid.
Appendix 1 – Activity answers
(a) Step 1
Set-up today – 31 December
Calculate the £ required $2m/1.275 = £1,568,627
Number of contracts £1,568,627/£31,250 = 50 contracts
Note that 50 31250 1.275 = $1,992,188
There is an unhedged amount of $7,812 to be received
(This could be hedged with a forward)
So 50 June call options at $1.275 are needed
Premium = $0.0185 50 31250 = $28,906
Paid at today's spot of 1.2653 = £22,845
Step 2
Outcome – end June
Option exercised @ option rate (1.275)
50 £31,250 = £1,562,500
Shortfall of $7,812 @ June forward 1.3 = £6,009 to be received
Step 3
Net outcome
£ 1,562,500 revenue + £6,009 – premium £22,845 = £1,545,644
strengthened. If the dollar strengthens and the franchise is won, the exchange rate has
been protected. If the dollar strengthens and the franchise is not won, a windfall gain
will result by selling pounds at the exercise price and buying them more cheaply at spot
with a stronger dollar. The only downside is the premium.
(b) Results of using currency hedges if the franchise is won
Forward market
Using the forward market, the rate for buying dollars at the end of May is 1.4310 US$/£.
The cost in sterling is $15m/1.4310 = £10,482,180. This is a cost.
Date of contract
June future
Type of contract
Sell sterling futures
Number of contracts
= 167.8 168 contracts
1.4302 62,500
Tick size
0.0001 62,500 = $6.25
Closing futures price
This can be estimated by assuming that the difference between the futures rate and the spot
rate (ie basis) decreases constantly over time. On 31 May there will be one month left of this
June contract, so the basis should have fallen to zero.
28 Feb 31 May
Futures price 1.4302
Spot rate now 1.4461
Basis (future – spot) –0.0159 –0.0040
Timing 4 months to expiry of future 1 month to expiry of future
Assuming basis = –0.0040 then the futures price will 0.0040 lower than the spot price.
Hedge outcome
Spot price 1.3540
Opening futures price 1.4302
Closing futures price (1.3540 – 0.0040) 1.3500
Movement in ticks 802
Futures profits/(losses)
168 tick movement $6.25 842,100
Net outcome
Spot market payment (15,000,000)
Futures market profits/(losses) 842,100
Translated at closing rate (1.3540) £10,456,352
This gives an effective rate of $15m/£10.456352m = 1.4345
Appendix 1 – Activity answers
Date of contract
Option type
Buy $, sell £, therefore Sterling put
Exercise price
Assume the option closest to the current spot (1.45) is used (other assumptions are justifiable)
Number of contracts
= 331.03 331 contracts
31,250 1.45
0.0238 31,250 331= $246,181 at 1.4461
= £170,238
Option market
Strike price 1.4500
Closing price 1.3540
Exercise? Yes
Outcome of option 331 £31,250 1.45 $14,998,438
= Shortfall in $s vs $15m needed $1,563
At forward rate of 1.4310 (or spot rate of
1.354 could be used) £1,092
Net outcome
Option exercised (331 £31,250)
costing 10,343,750
Shortfall (cost) 1,092
Premium (cost) 170,238
The company will either choose to purchase a future (which is cheaper than a forward) or an
option. Although futures are slightly more advantageous at lower exchange rates, the net benefits of
using an option are significant if the exchange rate moves in Smart's favour. Also, given that the
transaction is not certain to be required, an option will be more suitable because it can be sold on if
it is not needed.
On this basis an option is recommended.
Note. Other conclusions are possible.
Cover is required until the loan begins because it is the interest rate at this point that determines the
risk (assuming the loan taken out is at a fixed rate, interest rate changes after the loan is taken out do
not have any effect on loan repayments).
Therefore a March future at 5.35% (which covers the start of the loan on 1 March) is required.
Altrak should enter into 20 March futures (to sell) at 5.35%.
Step 2: 1 March
Complete the actual loan: Altrak will borrow at LIBOR + 1% so this is 4.5 + 1 = 5.5%
Appendix 1 – Activity answers
Step 3: 1 March
Forecasting the futures price on 1 March (as for currency futures)
The March future rate is forecast to be 0.03% above LIBOR on 1 March, so if LIBOR is 4.5% the
future price should be 4.5 + 0.03 = 4.53%
Close out the options by doing the opposite of what you did in Step 1 (if a profit is made).
1 Dec put options to pay interest at 5.45%
1 March contract to buy receive interest at 4.53%
Difference would generate a loss so the option is NOT exercised.
Calculate net outcome.
As a percentage this is 0.245% (Step 1) + 5.5% (Step 2) = 5.745%
In $s this is 0.05745 $5 million 6 months (term of loan) ÷ 12 months (interest rates are in annual
terms) = $143,625.
This is a better outcome than the FRA or the future in Illustrations 1 and 2, showing that the
worst case scenario is that the option is exercised but if it is not then there will be a better outcome
because interest rates have moved in a company's favour.
Difference 0.72%
Calculate net outcome.
As a percentage this is 0.237% (Step 1) + 5.5% (Step 2) + 0.72% (Step 3) = 6.457%
Appendix 1 – Activity answers
Fixed 8% 7% 1%
Company B cheaper
Difference of differences
= 2% – 1% = 1%
These are discounted at the spot yield rates of 3% for one year, 4.1% for two years and 4.9% for
three years:
Time 1 2 3 Total NPV
Net cash flows R – 2.5 R – 4.71 R – 6.02
Df 3% 0.971
Df 4.1% 0.923
Df 4.9% 0.866
Total 0.971R – 2.428 0.923R – 4.347 0.866R – 5.213 2.76R – 11.988
For the NPV to be zero then 2.76R = 11.988 so R = $4.343m per year.
As a percentage this is 4.343/100 = 4.343%.
Although at the start of the swap the present value of the swap is zero, the value of the swap will
change as rates fluctuate.
Total –0.296 in £s
the swap is not acceptable on these terms
Time (in six-month periods) 1 2 3 4
Cash flow in €'000 220 220 220 220
(2.5% every six months)
Forward rate 1.201 1.203 1.205 1.206
£ equivalent 183.181 182.876 182.573 182.421
Annuity 182.768 in £s
Appendix 1 – Activity answers
Swap proposed
If the company was forced into insolvency, the secured loan and other loans would be met in full but,
after allowing for the expenses of insolvency proceedings, the bank and trade creditors would
receive a dividend of 48c per $. The ordinary shareholders would receive nothing.
Step 2: Apply the reconstruction and evaluate the impact on affected parties
1 Secured loan
Under the scheme they will receive securities with a total nominal value of $2,150,000
($1.25m bond + $0.9m shares being 600,000 shares at $1.5); this is a significant increase.
The new bonds issued can be secured on the freehold property. So, this may well be
acceptable but it depends on whether they agree with the share valuation and whether the
increase in wealth compensates for the greater risk (less security).
2 VC
VC's existing loan of $4.8m will, under the proposed scheme, be changed into a $3.2m
secured loan and $1.65m of ordinary shares (1.1m shares at $1.50). In total this gives total
loans of $4,450,000 (including the bond) secured on property with a net disposal value of
$5,750,000 (so the security given by the property comfortably covers the full value of the debt
that is secured on the property). The scheme will give an improvement in security for VC on the
first $3,200,000 to compensate for the risk involved in holding ordinary shares. This is a
marginal gain for a position that exposes the bank to high levels of risk.
3 MA bank
This should be acceptable because of the security of a floating charge.
4 Ordinary shareholders
In insolvency proceedings, the ordinary shareholders would also receive nothing. Under the
scheme, they will lose a degree of control of the company because 3.7m shares will be in
issue (2m for existing shareholders + 0.6m for secured loan holder + 1.1m for VC bank) and
they will only own 2m of these, ie 54% of the total. However, in exchange for their additional
investment, equity in a company which will have sufficient funds to finance the expected future
capital requirements and which will offer a capital gain compared to their initial investment
of $1.
Step 3: Check if the company is now financially viable
Cash flow forecast, on reconstruction
Cash for new shares from equity shareholders 2,000
Repayment of overdraft 1,200
Cash available 800
A cash flow forecast will be required to establish whether this is a sufficient cash base for the
company post-reconstruction.
This scheme of reconstruction might not be acceptable to all parties, if the future profits of the
company seem unattractive. In particular, VC might be reluctant to agree to the scheme.
In such an event, an alternative scheme of reconstruction must be designed, perhaps involving
another provider of funds (such as another venture capitalist). Otherwise, the company will be forced
into insolvency.
Appendix 1 – Activity answers
1 Forecast statements of profit or loss
Year 1 Year 2
$'000 $'000
Revenue 35,594 37,374
Using the profile of debt repayments provided we can calculate the debt outstanding at the
end of each year.
Year 1 Year 2
Loan carried forward (see above) 20,759 10,779
VC loan 15,000 15,000
Total debt 35,759 25,779
A common legal structure should ensure that manufacturing standards apply equally across all the
member countries. This will reduce compliance costs for Degli, which may be an important issue
for a small company with limited financial resources.
Having access to capital and labour within the EU may make it easier for the company to set up and
attract resources (eg labour) from within the EU.
The company may also be able to access any grants which are available to companies based within
the EU and will be able to bid for contracts with EU companies without any risk of discrimination.
Financial strategy:
Essential reading
Appendix 2 ---- Essential reading
1 Dividend policy
This section covers brought forward knowledge, from the Financial Management (FM) exam.
1: Financial strategy: formulation
future prospects of the company are weak. Thus the dividend which is paid acts, possibly without
justification, as a signal of the future prospects of the company.
The signalling effect of a company's dividend policy may also be used by management of a
company which faces a possible takeover. The dividend level might be increased as a defence
against the takeover: investors may take the increased dividend as a signal of improved future
prospects, thus driving the share price higher and making the company more expensive for a
potential bidder to take over.
Appendix 2 ---- Essential reading
(d) Markets are not perfect. Because of transaction costs on the sale of shares, investors who want
some cash from their investments will prefer to receive dividends rather than to sell some of
their shares to get the cash they want.
(e) Information available to shareholders is imperfect, and they are not aware of the future
investment plans and expected profits of their company. Even if management were to provide
them with profit forecasts, these forecasts would not necessarily be accurate or believable.
(f) Perhaps the strongest argument against the M&M's view is that shareholders will tend to prefer
a current dividend to future capital gains (or deferred dividends) because the future is more
2.2 Marketing
Marketing decisions by the firm are also very important in terms of the impact on firm performance.
Marketing is one of the main ways of communicating with its customers and this communication should
be truthful and sensitive to the social and cultural impact on society. The marketing strategy should not
target vulnerable groups, and should also avoid creating stereotypes or creating insecurity and
1: Financial strategy: formulation
Goal congruence is accordance between the objectives of agents acting within an organisation and
the objectives of the organisation as a whole.
Goal congruence may be better achieved and the 'agency problem' better dealt with by giving
managers some profit-related pay, or by providing incentives which are related to profits or share
price. Examples of such remuneration incentives are:
This is pay or bonuses related to the size of profits or economic value added.
This might be done when a private company 'goes public' and managers are invited to subscribe for
shares in the company at an attractive offer price. In a management buy-out or buy-in (the latter
involving purchase of the business by new managers; the former by existing managers), managers
become owner-managers.
In a share option scheme, selected employees are given a number of share options, each of which
gives the holder the right after a certain date to subscribe for shares in the company at a fixed price.
The value of an option will increase if the company is successful and its share price goes up.
However, once the share price has fallen below the exercise price, there is no further penalty if
the share price continues to fall. This means that share option schemes can skew decision making
towards risky projects which have both a high upside and downside potential.
Discussion of managerial priorities may be part of a longer question in the exam. The integrated
approach to the syllabus means that a question on the effect of the introduction of a share option
scheme on management motivation may be examined as part of a question on general option
Reward systems may be extended to reward management for considering the interests of other key
stakeholders such as suppliers, staff or customers. This will require the measurement of a range of
social and environmental measures (see Section 4).
Another approach to attempt to monitor managers' behaviour is through the adoption of a corporate
governance framework of decision making that restricts the power of managers and increases the
role of independent non-executive directors in the monitoring of their duties.
Appendix 2 ---- Essential reading
4 Integrated reporting
4.1 Content of integrated reports
In addition to reporting on the 'capitals', an integrated report will normally include:
(a) Organisational overview and external environment
(b) How the governance structure supports value creation
(c) Business model
(d) Opportunities and risks that affect ability to create value over the short, medium and long term
and how the organisation is dealing with them
(e) Strategy and resource allocation – where the organisation intends to go and how it intends to
get there
(f) Performance – the extent to which the organisation has achieved its strategic objectives and
what the outcomes are in terms of effects on capitals
(g) Outlook – what challenges and uncertainties the organisation is likely to encounter in pursuing
its strategy and the potential implications for its business model and future performance
(h) Basis of preparation and presentation – how the organisation determines which matters to
include in the integrated report and how such matters are quantified or evaluated
1: Financial strategy: formulation
Appendix 2 ---- Essential reading
Financial strategy:
Essential reading
Appendix 2 ---- Essential reading
1 Cost of equity
This section mainly recaps some basic knowledge from the Financial Management exam.
Illustration 1
A company is about to pay a dividend of $1 on its ordinary shares. The shares are currently quoted
at $23.00. The dividend is expected to grow at the rate of 10% per annum. Calculate the cost of
equity for the company.
Since we are about to pay the dividend, we will assume that the share is currently cum div (ie the
price includes the value of the dividend that is about to be paid). Hence, since we need the ex-div
value (it is the ex-div value that is used in the formula), we must use the expression:
P0ex-div = P0cum-div – d0
2: Financial strategy: evaluation
Then using the above formula for the cost of equity, we get
d0 (1+ g)
ke = +g
$1 1.1
ke = + 0.1
ke = + 0.1
newest dividend
1+ g = n
oldest dividend
[this will be illustrated in Chapter 8 in the context of the dividend valuation model]
Alternatively, the growth rate can be estimated using Gordon's growth approximation. The
rate of growth in dividends is sometimes expressed, theoretically, as:
g = bre
Illustration 2
If a company retains 65% of its earnings for capital investment projects it has identified and these
projects are expected to generate an average return of 8%:
Appendix 2 ---- Essential reading
Illustration 3
A portfolio consisting of five securities could have its beta factor computed as follows.
Percentage of
Security portfolio Beta factor Weighted
% of security beta factor
A Inc 20 0.90 0.180
B Inc 10 1.25 0.125
C Inc 15 1.10 0.165
D Inc 20 1.15 0.230
E Inc 35 0.70 0.245
100 Portfolio beta = 0.945
If the risk free rate of return is 12% and the average market return is 20%, the required return from
the portfolio using the CAPM equation would be 12% + (20 – 12) 0.945% = 19.56%.
The calculation could have been made as follows.
Security Expected
return (using Weighted
CAPM) Weighting return
Beta factor E(rj) % %
A Inc 0.90 19.2 20 3.84
B Inc 1.25 22.0 10 2.20
C Inc 1.10 20.8 15 3.12
D Inc 1.15 21.2 20 4.24
E Inc 0.70 17.6 35 6.16
100 19.56
2: Financial strategy: evaluation
IRR formula
Formula to learn
IRR = a + (b a) (not given in the exam)
Illustration 4
N Co has $100,000 5% redeemable bonds in issue. Interest is paid annually on 31 December. The
ex interest market value of the stock on 1 January 20X7 is $90 and the stock is redeemable at a
10% premium on 31 December 20Y1. Corporation tax is 30%.
What is the cost of debt?
Appendix 2 ---- Essential reading
Internal rate of return to company
Time DF @ 10% PV DF @ 5% PV
$ $ $
0 (90) 1 (90) 1 (90)
1–5 5(1–0.3) 3.791 13.27 4.329 15.15
5 110 0.621 68.31 0.784 86.24
(8.42) 11.39
We have seen that the cost of a bond can be estimated by calculating the IRR of the return of its cash
flows; this approach is adapted for convertibles to take into account the impact of the potential cost
of conversion into shares.
Illustration 5
If the conversion ratio was $100 for 20 shares (ie effectively each share costs $5) and the share
price at the redemption date was $4, conversion would not happen and the calculations for the cost
of debt would be unchanged. However, if the share price was $6 then the calculations would
change to the IRR of:
0 (Market value)
1 – n Interest [1 – tax]
n Value of the shares (here $120)
2: Financial strategy: evaluation
Illustration 6
If the market return is expected to be 8% and the risk-free rate is 4% on debt which has a debt beta
of 0.2, what is the cost of debt to the company if the tax rate is 30%?
Multiply by (1–tax rate) to calculate the cost to the company = (1 – 0.3) 4.8% = 3.4%
Formula to learn
Dividend d
Kpref = =
Market value(ex div) P0
3 Ratio analysis
The assessment of your own company's, or someone else's, corporate performance is an
important foundation for the formulation of financial strategy. Knowledge of company
performance will help management to determine new strategies or amend existing strategies to
take account of changing circumstances.
You should already be familiar with ratio analysis from Financial Management (FM). However,
as a reminder, the main ratios are listed below.
Note. None of these ratios are given in the exam so you will have to learn them.
Hierarchy of ratios
Return on equity
Formula to learn
Return on capital employed (ROCE) =
Capital employed
Appendix 2 ---- Essential reading
Capital employed = Shareholders' funds plus payables: amounts falling due after more than
one year plus any long-term provisions for liabilities and charges
= Total assets less current liabilities
When interpreting ROCE look for the following:
How risky is the business?
How capital intensive is it?
What ROCE do similar businesses have?
How does it compare with current market borrowing rates; is it earning enough to be able to
cover the costs of extra borrowing?
Problems: which items to consider to achieve comparability:
Revaluation of assets
Accounting policies, eg goodwill, R&D
Whether bank overdraft is classified as a short-/long-term liability
This gives a more shareholder centric view of capital than ROCE, but the same principles
Asset turnover =
Capital employed
Liquidity ratios
Current assets
Current ratio =
Current liabilities
What constitutes an acceptable level depends on the industry. Remember that excessively large
levels can indicate excessive receivables and inventories, and poor control of working capital.
2: Financial strategy: evaluation
Eliminates illiquid and subjectively valued inventory. Again what is acceptable depends on the
industry, many supermarkets have a very low quick simply because, customers pay immediately
and inventory turnover is very fast.
Trade receivables
Receivables collection period (receivables days) = 365
Credit sales
TSR measures the actual return generated by a company, this can be compared to the expected
return (ie the cost of equity) to evaluate whether TSR is acceptable to shareholders.
Dividend per share
Dividend yield = %
Market price per share
Appendix 2 ---- Essential reading
Investors look for growth; earnings levels need to be sustained to pay dividends and invest in the
Dividend cover =
Dividend per share
This shows how easy it was to pay this years dividend, and so how likely it is to be maintained at the
current level in future years should earnings dip. Variations are often due to maintaining dividends
when profits are declining.
The converse of dividend cover is the dividend payout ratio.
Dividend per share
Dividend payout ratio =
The higher the better here: it reflects the confidence of the market in high earnings growth and/or
low risk.
P/E ratio will be affected by interest rate changes; a rise in rates will mean a fall in the P/E ratio as
shares become less attractive. P/E ratio also depends on market expectations and confidence.
Debt and gearing ratios
Prior charge capital
Financial gearing = (based on statement of financial position
Equity capital (including reserves)
Financial gearing measures the relationship between shareholders' capital plus reserves, and
either prior charge capital or borrowings or both.
Prior charge capital is capital which has a right to the receipt of interest or of preferred dividends
in precedence to any claim on distributable earnings on the part of the ordinary shareholders.
Contribution is sales minus variable cost of sales. This shows, indirectly, the level of fixed costs
incurred by a business. If operational gearing is high, then a business's cash flows are likely to
fall significantly if sales fall (because it has a high level of fixed costs).
Profit before interest and tax
Interest coverage ratio =
A safe level is generally felt to be about 3, but it depends on the business.
2: Financial strategy: evaluation
A vital element in effective ratio analysis is understanding the needs of the person for whom the ratio
analysis is being undertaken.
(a) Investors will be interested in the risk and return relating to their investment, so will be
concerned with dividends, market prices, level of debt vs equity etc.
(b) Suppliers and lenders are interested in receiving the payments due to them, so will want to
know how liquid the business is.
(c) Managers are interested in ratios that indicate how well the business is being run, and also
how the business is doing in relation to its competitors.
4 Analysing risk
This section covers some basic knowledge, mainly from the Strategic Business Leader exam. None of it
is likely to be crucial, but it is regarded as useful background knowledge and is briefly recapped here.
2: Financial strategy: evaluation
Low High
Accept Transfer
Risks are not significant. Insure risk or implement
Low Keep under review, but contingency plans.
costs of dealing with risks Reduction of severity of risk
unlikely to be worth the will minimise insurance
benefits. premiums.
Appendix 2 ---- Essential reading
DCF techniques
Essential reading
Appendix 2 ---- Essential reading
3 DCF techniques
1 Post-audits
Post-audits are an important part of the capital monitoring process.
Ideally post-audits should be carried out by an independent team who were not involved in the initial
investment decision and are therefore prepared to make criticisms where appropriate. In larger
companies it is common for the internal audit department to be involved.
Ideally a post-audit should be carried out soon after the project is launched, so that any issues raised
can be addressed and resolved during the project's life. Care should be taken to avoid allocating
blame to the original project team as this runs the risk of creating a blame culture and discouraging
future investment.
2 Basics of discounting
This section covers some brought forward knowledge, mainly from the Financial Management exam.
A sound knowledge of discounted cash flow (DCF) techniques is important for the Advanced
Financial Management exam.
You have already come across the need to discount future cash flows so that they are expressed
in terms of their present value. The following exercise allows you to check your understanding
of the basics of discounting and the use of discount factor tables. The solution is shown on the
following page.
3: DCF techniques
Appendix 2 ---- Essential reading
2.5 Inflation
Formula provided
[1 + real cost of capital] [1 + general inflation rate] = [1 + inflated cost of capital]
or (1 + r) (1 + h) = (1 + i )
3: DCF techniques
2 Tax will be saved if tax allowable depreciation (also known as writing down
allowances or capital allowances) can be claimed
Again the type and the rate will be specified in an exam question.
These impacts can be built into project appraisal calculations in one of two ways:
As two separate cash flows – one for the tax paid on profits, and another for the
tax saved on tax allowable depreciation
As a single cash flow showing the tax paid after tax allowable depreciation is taken into
Which method you use is a matter of choice. You may be more familiar with the first method (two
separate cash flows) from your FM studies, but for the more complicated NPV questions involving
double taxation (see Chapter 5) or tax exhaustion (see Chapter 3), the method that uses a
single cash flow is often easier to apply.
Appendix 2 ---- Essential reading
Illustration 1
A project has the following possible outcomes, each of which is assigned a probability of
Probability Present value
Low demand 0.3 20,000
Medium demand 0.6 30,000
High demand 0.1 50,000
What is the expected value of the project?
The expected value is the sum of each present value multiplied by its probability.
Expected value = (20,000 0.3) (30,000 0.6) (50,000 0.1) = $29,000
Illustration 2
Calculate the discounted payback period for the following cash flows. The initial investment
was $3,570,000.
Time 0 1 2 3 4 5
Present (80) 897 586 3,515 (196)
Time 0 1 2 3 4 5
PV (3,570) (80) 897 586 3,515 (196)
Cumulative (3,650) (2,753) (2,167) 1,348 1,152
Discounted payback = 3 years + 2,167/3,515 = 3.6 years (assuming the Year 4 cash flow is
received evenly during the year)
3: DCF techniques
Illustration 3
Using the analysis of Activity 1 from Chapter 3, reproduced below, calculate its sensitivity of this
project to changes in the rate of corporation tax (sometimes called fiscal risk).
Time 0 1 2 3 4 5
Operating cash flows 135 1,190 1,181 1345
Tax allowable depreciation (135) (171) (99) (195)
Taxable profit 0 1,019 1,082 1,150
The present value of the tax cash flows, shaded in the previous Illustration.
Time 0 1 2 3 4 5
$'000 (306) (325) (345)
DF @ 12% 1.000 0.893 0.797 0.712 0.636 0.567
PV (218) (207) (196)
Total PV (621)
Sensitivity = 1,152/621 = 1.86 ie the tax rate would need to increase by 186% ie to 30% 2.86 =
86% (!) before the project NPV would fall to 0.
Appendix 2 ---- Essential reading
Illustration 4
The following probability estimates have been prepared for a proposed project.
Year Probability
Cost of equipment 0 1.00 (40,000)
Revenue each year 1–5 0.15 40,000
0.40 50,000
0.30 55,000
0.15 60,000
Running costs each year 1–5 0.10 25,000
0.25 30,000
0.35 35,000
0.30 40,000
The cost of capital is 12%. Assess how a simulation model might be used to assess the project's NPV.
A simulation model could be constructed by assigning a range of random number digits to each
possible value for each of the uncertain variables. The random numbers must exactly match their
respective probabilities.
3: DCF techniques
Random numbers would be generated, for example by a computer program, and these would be
used to assign values to each of the uncertain variables.
For example, if random numbers 37, 84, and 20, 01 were generated, the values assigned to the
variables would be as follows.
Revenue Costs
Calculation Random number Value Random number Value
$ $
1 37 50,000 84 40,000
2 20 50,000 01 25,000
The resulting NPVs would be calculated and reported. The overall simulation would show the range
of NPVs that could be expected and would allow the probability of a negative NPV
to be assessed.
Appendix 2 ---- Essential reading
Formula to learn
NPV of project
Profitability index =
Initial cash outflow
3: DCF techniques
Activity answers
(a) Time 1
$ 5,000
DF 0.909
PV 4,545
(b) Time 1–5
$ 5,000
DF 3.791
PV 18,955
(c) Time 3–7
$ 5,000
DF 3.791
PV at time 2 18,955
DF at time 2 0.826
PV at time 0 15,657
(d) Time 1–infinity
$ 5,000
DF (1/r) 10.0
PV 50,000
Appendix 2 ---- Essential reading
Application of option
pricing theory to
investment decisions
Essential reading
Appendix 2 ---- Essential reading
Illustration 1
Consider a put option giving the holder the right to sell a share for $4 in three years' time; the share
price today is $5.00. In recent years the share price has been highly variable. Interest rates are
currently high.
Intrinsic value is the difference between the current value of the asset and the exercise price of the
option. However, here the difference of $1 is not 'value' because if the option holder sold a share at
the option rate of $4 instead of the market rate of $5 they would make a loss. So here the option
would not be exercised and its intrinsic value is zero.
However, this option will be worth more than zero because it will have a time value. As with a call
option, time value for a put option reflects the possibility of an increase in intrinsic value between
now and the expiry of the option; it is influenced by the same variables.
In the case of the put option, relevant factors are:
(a) Variability adds to the value of an option: this is because if the share price falls this will result
in gain for the put option holder but if the share price rises further the option holder does not
make losses (because the option does not have to exercised).
(b) Time until expiry of the option is three years, this gives considerable scope for variability as
above. If this was longer the option would be more valuable because there would greater
potential for variability.
(c) Interest rates; if interest rates are high then it will more attractive to sell shares that are held to
earn interest at this high rate. So the higher interest rates are then the lower the value of a put
4: Application of option pricing theory to investment decisions
The change required in these determinants to increase the value of a put option is shown below.
Appendix 2 ---- Essential reading
investment and
financing decisions
Essential reading
Appendix 2 ---- Essential reading
1 Economic risk
Economic risk, in the context of exchange rate risk, is the degree to which a firm's present value of
future cash flows is affected by fluctuations in exchange rates.
Although especially relevant to international investment decisions, as discussed earlier in the
Workbook, economic risk may even affect the value of the firm even though the firm is not involved
in foreign currency transactions. It is more long term in nature.
Illustration 1
Trends in exchange rates
Suppose a US company sets up a subsidiary in an Eastern European country. The Eastern European
country's currency depreciates continuously over a five-year period. The cash flows remitted back to
the US are worth less in dollar terms each year, causing a reduction in the investment project.
Another US company buys raw materials which are priced in euros. It converts these materials into
finished products which it exports mainly to Singapore. Over a period of several years the US dollar
depreciates against the euro but strengthens against the Singapore dollar. The US dollar value of the
company's income declines while the US dollar value of its materials increases, resulting in a drop in
the value of the company's net cash flows.
The value of a company depends on the present value of its expected future cash flows. If
there are fears that a company is exposed to the type of exchange rate movements described above,
this may reduce the company's value. Protecting against economic exposure is therefore necessary to
protect the company's share price.
A company need not even engage in any foreign activities to be subject to economic exposure. For
example, if a company trades only in the UK but sterling strengthens significantly against other world
currencies, it may find that it loses UK sales to an overseas competitor who can now afford to charge
cheaper sterling prices.
One-off events
As well as trends in exchange rates, one-off events such as a major stock market crash or major
economic events such as the UK's referendum vote in favour of exit from the European Union in June
2016 may administer a 'shock' to exchange rate levels.
5: International investment and financing decisions
Illustration 2
A basket of goods cost £100. The current exchange rate (the spot rate) is GBP/USD 1.40. The same
basket of goods currently costs $140.
Inflation in the UK is forecast to be 5%, and in the US inflation is forecast to be 2%.
In one years' time the basket of goods would cost £105 in the UK, and $142.8 in the US. The
exchange rate would therefore be forecast to move to 142.8/105 = 1.36.
If the exchange rate had not changed then it would be cheaper to buy the goods in the US for
$142.8/1.40 = £102. The exchange rate therefore changes to ensure that the price of goods in one
country will be equal to the price of the same goods in another country.
In the real world, purchasing power parity only holds over the long term.
Illustration 3
Bromwich Inc, a US company, is considering undertaking a new project in the UK. This will require
initial capital expenditure of £1,250 million, with no scrap value envisaged at the end of the five-
year lifespan of the project. There will also be an initial working capital requirement of £500 million,
which will be recovered at the end of the project. The initial capital will therefore be £1,750 million.
Pre-tax net cash inflows of £800 million are expected to be generated each year from the project.
Company tax will be charged in the UK at a rate of 40%, with depreciation on a straight-line basis
being an allowable deduction for tax purposes. UK tax is paid at the end of the year following that
in which the taxable profits arise.
There is a double taxation agreement between the US and the UK, which means that no US tax will
be payable on the project profits.
Appendix 2 ---- Essential reading
The current £/$ spot rate is £0.625 = $1. Inflation rates are 3% in the US and 4.5% in the UK. A
project of similar risk recently undertaken by Bromwich Inc in the US had a required post-tax rate of
return of 10%.
Calculate the present value of the project using each of the two alternative approaches.
Method 1 – convert sterling cash flows into $ and discount at $ cost of capital
Firstly we have to estimate the exchange rate for each of years 1–6. This can be done using
purchasing power parity.
Year £/$ expected spot rate
0 0.625
1 0.625 (1.045/1.03) = 0.634
2 0.634 (1.045/1.03) = 0.643
3 0.643 (1.045/1.03) = 0.652
4 0.652 × (1.045/1.03) = 0.661
5 0.661 (1.045/1.03) = 0.671
6 0.671 (1.045/1.03) = 0.681
Time 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
£m £m £m £m £m £m £m
Capital (1,750) 500
Cash inflows 800 800 800 800 800
Depreciation 250 250 250 250 250
Tax (220) (220) (220) (220) (220)
Net cash flows (1,750) 800 580 580 580 1080 (220)
Exchange rate $/£ 0.625 0.634 0.643 0.652 0.661 0.671 0.681
Cash flows in $m (2,800) 1,262 902 890 877 1,610 (323)
Discount factor 1 0.909 0.826 0.751 0.683 0.621 0.564
Present value (2,800) 1,147 745 668 599 1,000 (182)
NPV in $m 1,177
Method 2 – discount sterling cash flows at adjusted cost of capital
When we use this method we need to find the cost of capital for the project in the host country. If we
are to keep the cash flows in sterling they need to be discounted at a rate that takes account of both
the US discount rate (10%) and different rates of inflation in the two countries. This is an application
of the International Fisher effect.
(1 + 10%) (1.045/1.03) = 1.116
Therefore, the foreign (UK) discount rate is 11.6%.
Foreign (sterling) cash flows should be discounted at this rate.
5: International investment and financing decisions
Time 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
£m £m £m £m £m £m £m
Capital (1,750) 500
Cash inflows 800 800 800 800 800
Depreciation 250 250 250 250 250
Tax (220) (220) (220) (220) (220)
Net cash flows (1,750) 800 580 580 580 1080 (220)
Df (11.6%) 1 0.896 0.803 0.719 0.645 0.578 0.518
Present value (1,750.00) 717 466 417 374 624 (114)
NPV in £m 734
Translating this present value at the spot rate of 0.625 gives:
NPV in $m = 1,174m
Note that the two answers are almost identical (with differences being due to rounding). In the first
approach the dollar is appreciating due to the relatively low inflation rate in the US (not good news
when converting sterling to dollars).
In the second approach the UK discount rate is higher due to the relatively high inflation rate in the
UK (again, this is bad news, as the NPV of the project will be lower).
4 Exchange controls
Another potential problem is that some countries impose delays on the payment of a dividend from
an overseas investment. These exchange controls create liquidity problems and add to exchange rate
risk because the exchange rate may have worsened by the time that dividends are permitted.
The impact of the delay in the timing of remittances may have to be incorporated into the
international project appraisal.
Illustration 4
Fulton plc is considering entering a 50% joint venture with a central European company for the
manufacture and supply of sportswear in central Europe. Fulton plc will provide £2.2 million as 50%
of the initial capital whilst the joint venture partner will provide the equivalent amount in Central
European Crowns (CeK).
The joint venture net cash flows attributable to Fulton plc, in nominal terms, are expected to be:
Calculate Fulton's NPV under the two assumptions below, using a UK discount rate of 15% for each
assumption; ignore tax. No interest is earned on any cash retained in the European country.
Appendix 2 ---- Essential reading
Assumption 1
Exchange controls in the central European country prohibit dividends above 50% of annual cash
flows due to overseas investors being paid for the first two years of any project. The accumulated
balance can be repatriated at the end of the third year.
Assumption 2
The central European country removes control restrictions on repatriation of profits.
Assumption 1
Year Profits retained Remittance £ Sterling PV @ 15%
1 10,500 5,250 5,250 525 457
2 16,000 8,000 8,000 571 432
3 21,000 – 34,250 1,803 1,185
Cost (2,200)
NPV (126)
Assumption 2
Cost (2,200)
NPV 304
The impact of the exchange controls can be seen by comparing the NPV under the two assumptions.
Formula provided
F =S
0 0 1+ib
where F0 is the forward rate
This equation links the spot and forward rates to the difference between the interest rates.
5: International investment and financing decisions
Illustration 5
A US company is expecting to receive Zambian kwacha in one year's time. The spot rate is US$1 =
ZMK4,819. The company could borrow in kwacha at 7% or in dollars at 9%. There is no forward
rate for one year's time.
Estimate the forward rate in one year's time.
The base currency is dollars therefore the dollar interest rate will be on the bottom of the fraction.
F0 = 4,819
1+ 0.07
= 4,730.58
1+ 0.09
Illustration 6
Cato, a Polish company, needs a one-year loan of about 50 million złotys. It can borrow in złotys at
10.80% p.a. but is considering taking out a sterling loan which would cost only 6.56% p.a. The
current spot exchange rate is złoty/£5.1503. The company decides to borrow £10 million at 6.56%
per annum. Converting at the spot rate, this will provide 51.503 million złotys. Interest will be paid
at the end of one year along with the repayment of the loan principal.
Assuming the exchange rate moves in line with interest rate parity, you are required to show the złoty
values of the interest paid and the repayment of the loan principal. Compute the effective interest rate
paid on the loan.
By interest rate parity, the złoty will have weakened in one year to:
5.1503 = 5.3552
Time rate
£'000 Złoty '000
Now Borrows 10,000 5.1503 51,503
In one year 6.56% interest (656)
Repayment (10,000) 5.3552
(10,656) (57,065)
The effective interest rate paid is – 1 = 10.80%, the same as it would have paid in sterling.
6 Eurobonds
Eurobond (or international bond): a bond sold outside the jurisdiction of the country in whose
currency the bond is denominated.
Key term
Appendix 2 ---- Essential reading
In recent years, a strong market has built up which allows very large companies to borrow in this
way, long term or short term. Again, the market is not subject to national regulations.
Eurobonds are long-term loans raised by international companies or other institutions and
sold to investors in several countries at the same time. Eurobonds are normally repaid after
5 to 15 years, and are for major amounts of capital ie $10m or more.
5: International investment and financing decisions
Appendix 2 ---- Essential reading
Cost of capital and
changing risk
Essential reading
Appendix 2 ---- Essential reading
P Level of gearing
The traditional view is that the WACC, when plotted against the level of gearing, is saucer shaped.
The optimum capital structure is where the WACC is lowest, at point P.
6: Cost of capital and changing risk
1.2.1 Assumptions
Modigliani and Miller made various assumptions in arriving at this conclusion, including:
(a) A perfect capital market exists, in which investors have the same information, on which
they act rationally, to arrive at the same expectations about future earnings and risks.
(b) There are no tax or transaction costs.
(c) Debt is risk free and freely available at the same cost to investors and companies alike.
If MM's theory holds, it implies:
(a) The cost of debt remains unchanged as the level of gearing increases.
(b) The cost of equity rises in such a way as to keep the WACC constant.
This would be represented on a graph as shown below.
Cost of
0 Level of gearing
Cost of
capital ke
k d after tax
0 Gearing up to 100%
Appendix 2 ---- Essential reading
Formula provided
i i V
ke = k e +(1- T)(k e - k d ) d
Illustration 1
Shiny Inc is an ungeared company with a cost of equity of 10%. Shiny is considering introducing
debt to its capital structure, as it is tempted by a loan with a rate of 5%, which could be used to
repurchase shares. Once the equity is repurchased, the ratio of debt to equity will be 1:4. Assume
that corporation tax is 30%.
(a) What will be the revised cost of equity if Shiny takes out the loan?
(b) At what discount rate will Shiny now appraise its projects? Comment on your results.
6: Cost of capital and changing risk
price. If this happens, the cost of equity may rise, which will result in a higher marginal cost of
finance. To avoid this possibility, managers may decide to issue debt even if shares are seen as
being overvalued.
Conversely, an issue of debt may be interpreted as an undervaluation of the shares. Investors will
want to 'get a bargain' and will thus start to buy the shares, leading to an increase in share price.
2.1 Subsidy
Illustration 2
Gordonbear is about to start a project requiring $6 million of initial investment. The company
normally borrows at 10% but a government loan will be available to finance the entire project at 8%.
Tax is payable at 30% with no delay. The project is scheduled to last for four years.
Calculate the effect on the APV calculation if Gordonbear finances the project by means of the
government loan.
(a) Step 2 of the APV would be as follows.
We assume that the loan is for the duration of the project (four years) only.
Annual interest = $6 million 10%
= $600,000
Tax relief = $600,000 0.3
= $180,000
Appendix 2 ---- Essential reading
This needs to be discounted over Years 1 to 4 at the normal cost of debt of 10%.
NPV tax relief = $180,000 Discount factor Years 1 to 4
= $180,000 3.170
= $570,600
However, we also need to take into account the benefits of being able to pay a lower interest
Benefits = $6 million (10% – 8%) 10% discount factor Years 1 to 4
= $6 million 2% 3.170
= $380,400
Total effect = $570,600 + $380,400 = $951,000.
a = e
V + V (1- T)
e d
Step 2
Having obtained an ungeared beta value a, regear to reflect the capital structure of the company
looking to appraise the project.
Step 3
Having estimated a project-specific geared beta, use the CAPM to estimate a
project-specific cost of equity and then a project-specific WACC.
6: Cost of capital and changing risk
Illustration 3
Backwoods is a major international company with its head office in the UK, wanting to raise
£150 million to establish a new production plant in the eastern region of Germany. Backwoods
evaluates its investments using NPV, but is not sure what cost of capital to use in the discounting
process for this project evaluation.
The company is also proposing to increase its equity finance in the near future for UK expansion,
resulting overall in little change in the company's market-weighted capital gearing.
The summarised financial data for the company before the expansion are shown below.
Revenue 1,984
Gross profit 432
Profit after tax 81
Dividends 37
Retained earnings 44
Illustration 4
Note on borrowings
These include £75m 14% fixed rate bonds due to mature in five years' time and redeemable at their
nominal value. The current market price of these bonds is £120.00 and they have an after-tax cost of
debt of 9%. Other medium- and long-term loans are floating rate UK bank loans at LIBOR plus 1%,
with an after-tax cost of debt of 7%.
Company rate of tax may be assumed to be at the rate of 30%. The company's ordinary shares are
currently trading at 376 pence.
The equity beta of Backwoods is estimated to be 1.18. The systematic risk of debt may be assumed
to be zero. The risk-free rate is 7.75% and market return 14.5%.
The estimated equity beta of the main German competitor in the same industry as the new proposed
plant in the eastern region of Germany is 1.5, and the competitor's capital gearing is 35% equity
and 65% debt by book values, and 60% equity and 40% debt by MVs.
Estimate the cost of capital that the company should use as the discount rate for its proposed
investment in eastern Germany. State clearly any assumptions that you make.
Appendix 2 ---- Essential reading
The discount rate that should be used is the WACC, with weightings based on the market values of
debt and equity. The cost of capital should take into account the systematic risk of the new
investment, and therefore it will not be appropriate to use the company's existing equity beta.
Instead, the estimated equity beta of the main German competitor in the same industry as the new
proposed plant will be ungeared, and then the capital structure of Backwoods applied to find the
WACC to be used for the discount rate.
Since the systematic risk of debt can be assumed to be zero, the German equity beta can be
'ungeared' using the following expression.
a = e V + V (1 – T)
e d
a = 1.5 = 1.023
60 + 40(1– 0.30)
The next step is to calculate the debt and equity of Backwoods based on MVs.
Equity 450m shares at 376p 1,692
Total MV 1,917
1.023 = e
1,692+ 225 (1 – 0.3)
e = 1.023 ÷ = 1.118
1,692+ 225 (1– 0.3)
This can now be substituted into the CAPM to find the cost of equity.
6: Cost of capital and changing risk
1,692 135 90
15.3 1,917 + 7 1,917 + 9 1,917 = 14.4%
Appendix 2 ---- Essential reading
Financing and
credit risk
Essential reading
Appendix 2 ---- Essential reading
1 Credit ratings
1.1 Calculating credit ratings
Statistical models like the Kaplan–Urwitz model are used to calculate the risk of a bond.
The main message from this model is not surprising; large, highly profitable firms have a lower
default risk than small, low profit firms.
Illustration 1
A credit rating agency is assessing a bond due to be issued by NT Ltd. It has extracted the following
data relating to NT Ltd:
Firm size (F) = £100m Net income/total assets (π) = 10%
Gearing (L = long term debt/total assets) = 10% Interest cover (C) = 5
Risk (σ, std deviation/average earnings) = 5% Debt status (S, if subordinated = 1 if not 0) = 0
The agency uses the following version of the Kaplan–Urwitz model to obtain a risk score:
Formula provided (if required)
4.41 + 0.0014F + 6.4π – 2.56S – 2.72L + 0.006C – 0.53σ
If the score is >6.76 a rating of AAA is given, if >3.28 a rating of A is given and if >1.57 a rating
of BBB is given.
Calculate the likely credit rating for NT Ltd's bond issue.
Score = 4.41 + (0.0014 100) + (6.4 0.1) – (2.56 0) – (2.72 0.1) + (0.006 5) – (0.53
0.05) = 4.92
Credit rating = A
In reality this model would support an analysis of NT's risk which would also involve judgements over
the quality of NT's management and systems.
7: Financing and credit risk
AA Aa High quality
B B Speculative
CC Ca Highly speculative
Appendix 2 ---- Essential reading
For Standard & Poor's ratings, those ratings from 'AA' to 'CCC' may be modified by the addition of
a plus (+) or minus (–) sign to show relative standing within the major rating categories. For example,
a company with BB+ rating is considered to have a better credit rating than a company with a BB
rating, although they are in the same major rating category.
With Moody's, numerical modifiers 1, 2 and 3 are added to each ratings category from Aa to Caa,
with 1 indicating a higher ranking within the category. For example, a rating of Baa1 is higher than
Both credit rating agencies estimate default probabilities from the empirical performance of
issued corporate bonds of each category. The table below shows the probability of default for
certain credit categories over different investment horizons. The probability of default within a year
for AAA, AA, or A bonds is practically zero whereas for a CCC bond it is 26.38%. However,
although the probability of default for a AAA company is practically zero over a single year, it
becomes 0.98% over a 15-year period (this is consistent with the theory that, the longer the time
horizon, the riskier the investment).
Standard & Poor's cumulative default probabilities (Standard & Poor's, 2015)
Initial rating
Term 1 5 10 15
2 Bond duration
This section provides an activity to practice calculating the duration of a bond, the solution is on the
next page.
Activity: Duration
A company has a bond in issue, with a nominal value of $100 and redeemable their nominal value:
Bond B 10% maturing in three years
The required yield is 4%.
Calculate the duration of Bond B.
7: Financing and credit risk
3 Sources of finance
This section introduces a variety of sources of finance (many of which have been introduced in
Chapter 2, and also feature in Financial Management (FM)) considering their appropriateness for
different organisations.
Appendix 2 ---- Essential reading
of the debt to fluctuate, the interest charged (the price of the debt) will remain at the fixed percentage
of the nominal value.
Long-term debt tends to be most appropriate for long-term investments. One of the main advantages
of long-term debt is that interest is tax deductible, making it cheaper than equity finance.
7: Financing and credit risk
Allows owners to realise some of their investment (private companies sometimes have
restrictions on who you can sell shares to)
Allows use of share issues for incentive schemes and takeovers
Membership fees, compliance costs
Pressure for short-term profits
Takeover target
Hire a sponsor (issuing house) – an investment bank will advise on the best method
(placing/offer for sale) and the on the suitability of the directors. The issuing house ill also be
responsible for the prospectus, and for assuring investors that the regulatory requirements (see
above) have been fulfilled, advise on the issue price and act as an underwriter
Hire a broker – to represent the company to investors to stimulate interest, and to advise on the
timing of the issue; often the sponsor is the broker
The cheapest and quickest way of raising equity from new investors is to sell large blocks of shares at
a fixed price to a narrow group of external institutional investors. This is a placing.
Alternatively shares can be sold to the general public, normally at a fixed price, this is an offer for
sale. With an offer for sale, a prospectus is produced outlining the company's future plans and past
performance. The issue is advertised in the national press and is normally underwritten. This is
normally used for larger share issues.
Occasionally an offer for sale is made by tender. Here, no prior issue price is announced;
instead shareholders are invited to bid for shares at a variety of different prices. The share issue is
underwritten at a guaranteed minimum price. This is designed to minimise the risk of underpricing the
share issue.
In any form of listing, restrictions are normally imposed to prevent directors from selling shares for a
specified period (often six months) after the listing. This is called an IPO lock-up period. If this
was not in place then there would be a danger that the directors would sell their shares immediately
after the listing. If directors have significant shareholdings (as in the previous example) this may well
mean that the share price would fall sharply, immediately after a listing. This is what an IPO lock-up
period is designed to prevent.
3.2.3 Venture capital
Venture capital is risk capital which is generally provided in return for an equity stake in the business.
It is most suited to private companies with high growth potential. Venture capitalists seek a high
return (usually at least 20%), although their principal return is achieved through an exit strategy.
Venture capitalists generally like to have a predetermined target exit date (usually 3–7 years). At the
outset of their investment, they will have established various exit routes, including the sale of shares to
the public or to institutional investors following a flotation of the company's shares.
As well as providing funding for start-up businesses, venture capital is an important source of finance
for management buy-outs (these are discussed later in the Workbook).
3.2.4 Business angels
Business angels are wealthy individuals who invest in start-up and growth businesses in return for an
equity stake. The investment can involve both time and money depending on the investor. These
individuals are prepared to take high risks in the hope of high returns. As a result, business
angel finance can be expensive for the business.
Investments made by business angels can vary but, in the UK, most investments are in the region of
Appendix 2 ---- Essential reading
Business angels are a useful source of finance to fill the gap between venture capital and debt
finance, particularly for start-up businesses. One of the main advantages of business angels is that
they often follow up their initial investment with later rounds of financing as the business grows. New
businesses benefit from their expertise in the difficult early stages of trying to establish themselves.
3.2.5 Leasing
Some leases, often short-term leases, are rental agreements between a lessor and a lessee, that are
structured so that the lessor retains most of the risks of ownership ie the lessor is responsible for
servicing and maintaining the leased equipment.
However, some leases are long-term arrangements that transfer the risks and rewards of
ownership of an asset to the lessee. These are agreements between the lessee and the lessor for most
or all of the asset's expected useful life. The lessee is responsible for the upkeep, servicing and
maintenance of the asset. This can be a cheaper source of finance than a bank loan if the lessor
buys a large quantity of assets (eg aircraft) and obtains bulk purchase discounts as a result; some of
the savings from such discounts can be shared with the lessee in the form of lower rental payments.
Illustration 2
Burma's national carrier has signed a nearly $1 billion (£584 million) deal to lease 10 new Boeing
737 jets as it looks to revamp and expand its ageing fleet.
Myanma Airways will be working with GE Capital Aviation Services (GECAS), the world's largest
leasing company, to upgrade its planes and flight routes.
The state-run company flies mainly within Burma, also known as Myanmar.
GECAS – a unit of US conglomerate General Electric – said the aircraft would be delivered by
(BBC 2014)
7: Financing and credit risk
Most securitisation pools consist of 'tranches'. Higher tranches carry less risk of default (and therefore
lower returns) whereas junior tranches offer higher returns but greater risk.
The main reason for securitising a cash flow is that it allows companies with a credit rating of (for
example) BB but with AAA rated cash flows to possibly borrow at AAA rates. This will lead to greatly
reduced interest payments, as the difference between BB rates and AAA rates can be hundreds of basis
However, securitisation is expensive due to management costs, legal fees and continuing
administration fees.
This topic is returned to later in the Workbook.
Appendix 2 ---- Essential reading
Activity answers
Bond B
Time 1 2 3 Total
Cash 10 10 110
DF 4% 0.962 0.925 0.889
PV 9.6 9.3 97.8 116.7
% in year 8% 8% 84%
x year 0.08 0.16 2.51 2.76 years
Alternative solution:
Bond B
Time 1 2 3 Total
Cash 10 10 110
DF 4% 0.962 0.925 0.889
PV 9.6 9.3 97.8 116.7
x year 9.6 18.6 293.4
(9.6 + 18.6 + 293.4)/116.7 = 2.76 years
Valuation for
acquisition and
Essential reading
Appendix 2 ---- Essential reading
Step 2 Discount the next five years at a declining rate that moves towards the industry average.
Lev (Ryan, 2007, p.408) argues that the discount rate used should be high to reflect the uncertain
nature of intangible assets. This contrasts with CIV which normally uses a weighted average cost of
Illustration 1
For example, an earnings yield of 5% is equal to a P/E ratio of 1: 0.05 = 20.
8: Valuation for acquisition and mergers
These industry average ratios can be used to give an approximate value of a potential acquisition by
multiplying the net book value of the assets (see Section 3) of the potential acquisition by the industry
average market-to-book ratio.
However, these ratios do not take into account the potential acquisition's differing business and/or
financial risk.
Appendix 2 ---- Essential reading
Acquisitions: strategic
issues and regulation
Essential reading
Appendix 2 ---- Essential reading
1 Types of mergers
Mergers and acquisitions can be classified in terms of the company that is acquired or merged with,
as horizontal, vertical or conglomerate. Each type of merger represents a different way of
expansion with different benefits and risks.
Vertical merger
Aim: control of
supply chain
Backward merger
Horizontal merger Conglomerate merger
Two merging firms
produce similar products Firm Two firms operate in
in the same industry different industries
Aim: increase market Aim: diversification
power Forward merger
Aim: control of
Illustration 1
US food giant Heinz is to merge with Kraft Foods Group, creating what the
companies say will be the third-largest food and beverage company in the US.
Heinz shareholders will own 51% of the combined company with Kraft shareholders owning a 49%
The combined firm, Kraft Heinz Company, expects to make annual cost savings of $1.5 billion
(£1 billion) by the end of 2017. Its brands will include Kraft, Heinz, and hotdog maker Oscar
Mayer, with combined sales worth some $29 billion.
Alex Behring, chairman of Heinz and the managing partner at 3G Capital, said: 'By bringing
together these two iconic companies through this transaction, we are creating a strong platform for
both US and international growth.'
(BBC 2015)
The impact on market power is one of the most important aspects of an acquisition. By acquiring
another firm, in a horizontal merger, the competition in the industry is reduced and the company may
be able to charge higher prices for its products. However, competition regulation may prevent this
9: Acquisitions: strategic issues and regulation
type of acquisition. To the extent that both companies purchase for the same suppliers, the merged
company will have greater bargaining power when it deals with its suppliers.
Illustration 2
In 2015 US computer giant Dell agreed a deal to buy data storage company EMC for $67bn
Falling demand for PCs means Dell is looking to expand into more lucrative businesses, and it has
identified data storage as a key growth area.
'Our new company will be exceptionally well-positioned for growth in the most strategic areas of
next-generation IT,' said Dell boss Michael Dell.
Analysts suggested the deal was a brave move by Dell.
'Dell wants to become the old IBM Corp, a one-stop shop for corporate clients,' said Erik Gordon
from the University of Michigan's Ross School of Business.
'That model fell apart a couple of decades ago. Reviving it would be a stunning coup for Dell.'
(BBC 2015)
% Consequence
10% Shareholders controlling not less than 10% of the voting rights may
requisition the company to serve notices to identify another shareholder.
Notifiable interests rules become operative for institutional investors and
non-beneficial stakes.
30% City Code definition of effective control. Mandatory bid triggered and
takeover offer becomes compulsory.
If the bidder holds between 30% and 50% (normally due to earlier attempts
at a takeover) a mandatory offer is triggered with any additional purchase.
Appendix 2 ---- Essential reading
% Consequence
50%+ CA definition of control (since at this level the holder will have the ability to
pass ordinary resolutions).
First point at which a full offer could be declared unconditional with regard
to acceptances.
Minimum acceptance condition.
75% Major control boundary since at this level the holder will be able to pass
special resolutions.
90% Minorities may be able to force the majority to buy out their stake. Equally,
the majority may, subject to the way in which the stake has been acquired,
require the minority to sell out their position.
Compulsory acquisition of remaining 10% is now possible.
3 Regulatory authorities
3.1 Competition and Markets Authority
A UK company might have to consider whether its proposed takeover would be drawn to the
attention of the Competition and Markets Authority.
If a transaction is referred to the Competition and Markets Authority and the Authority finds that it
results in a substantial lessening of competition in the defined market, it will specify action to remedy
or prevent the adverse effects identified, or it may decide that the merger does not take place (or, in
the case of a completed merger, is reversed).
Any person aggrieved by a decision of the Competition and Markets Authority in connection with a
reference or possible reference may apply to the Competition Appeal Tribunal for a review of that
A number of tests may be used to decide whether there has been a substantial lessening of
competition (SLC). These normally include:
(a) The revenue test
No investigation will normally be conducted if the target's revenue is less than £70 million.
(b) The share of supply test
An investigation will not normally be conducted unless, following the merger, the combined
entity supplies 25%. The 25% share will be assessed by the commission.
(b) The SLC test
Even if the thresholds in (a) and (b) above are met, the Competition and Markets Authority will
only be involved if there has been an SLC in the market.
9: Acquisitions: strategic issues and regulation
Golden parachute Large compensation payments made to the top management of the target
firm if their positions are eliminated due to hostile takeover. This may
include cash or bonus payments, stock options or a combination of these.
Poison pill This is an attempt to make a company unattractive normally by giving the
right to existing shareholders to buy shares at a very low price.
Poison pills have many variants.
White knights This would involve inviting a firm that would rescue the target from the
unwanted bidder. The white knight would act as a friendly counter-bidder.
Crown jewels The firm's most valuable assets may be the main reason that the firm
became a takeover target in the first place. By selling these or entering
into arrangements such as sale and leaseback, the firm is making itself less
attractive as a target.
Pacman defence This defence is carried out by mounting a counter-bid for the attacker.
The Pacman defence is an aggressive rather than defensive tactic and will
only work where the original acquirer is a public company with diverse
shareholdings. This tactic also appears to suggest that the company's
management are in favour of the acquisition but that they disagree about
which company should be in control.
Appendix 2 ---- Essential reading
Financing acquisitions
and mergers
Essential reading
Appendix 2 ---- Essential reading
10: Financing acquisitions and mergers
Illustration 1
Romer Company will acquire all the outstanding stock of Dayton Company through an exchange of
stock. Romer is offering $65.00 per share for Dayton. Financial information for the two companies is
as follows.
Romer Dayton
Net income $50,000 $10,000
Shares outstanding 5,000 2,000
EPS $10.00 $5.00
Market price of stock $150.00
P/E ratio 15
(a) Calculate the shares to be issued by Romer
(b) Calculate the combined EPS
(c) Calculate P/E ratio paid: price offered/EPS of target
(d) Compare P/E ratio paid to current P/E ratio
(e) Calculate maximum price before dilution of EPS
(a) Shares to be issued by Romer: $65/$150 2,000 shares = 867 shares to be issued.
(b) Combined EPS: ($50,000 + $10,000)/(5,000 + 867) = $10.23
(c) Calculate P/E ratio paid: price offered/EPS of target or $65.00/$5.00 = 13
(d) P/E ratio paid to current P/E ratio: since 13 is less than the current ratio of 15, there should
be no dilution of EPS for the combined company.
(e) Maximum price before dilution of EPS: 15 = price/$5.00 or $75.00 per share. $75.00 is the
maximum price that Romer should pay before EPS is diluted.
Illustration 2
ABC Co is planning to bid for DEZ Co.
The acquisition will be funded by cash, which ABC will borrow.
Romer Dayton
Net income $50,000 $10,000
Shares outstanding 5,000 2,000
EPS $10.00 $5.00
Market price of stock $150.00
P/E ratio 15
Appendix 2 ---- Essential reading
This is a cash offer funded entirely by the issue of debt. The company makes an offer of $120m
which is raised by issuing corporate bonds worth $120m.
The value of the net assets of DEZ CO is $120m assets – $10m current liabilities – $10m non-current
liabilities = $100m.
The difference between the amount paid of $120m and the value of the net assets of $100m will be
treated as goodwill in the consolidated accounts, as shown.
$m $m
Assets Liabilities
Non-current assets 600 Current liabilities 30
Equity investments 20 Non-current liabilities 220
Receivables 15 Equity capital 15
Cash 45 Share premium 35
Investment 120 Earnings 500
800 800
The role of the
treasury function
Essential reading
Appendix 2 ---- Essential reading
1 Treasury organisation
A treasury department might be managed either as a cost centre or as a profit centre.
It is important that the organisation of a treasury department reflects a company's attitude to risk. If a
company operates in a stable business environment it may be more likely to accept certain risks than
a company that operates in a less stable environment.
Treasury managers have an incentive only to Some companies expect to make significant
keep the costs of the department within budget. profits from their treasury activities.
The cost centre approach implies that the Divisions are billed for services provided at
treasury is there to perform a service of a certain market rates.
standard to other departments in the enterprise.
Motivational for Treasury staff.
May expose the company to high levels of risk
unless controlled.
11: The role of the treasury function
Appendix 2 ---- Essential reading
Managing currency
Essential reading
Appendix 2 ---- Essential reading
Leading involves accelerating payments to avoid potential additional costs due to currency rate
Lagging is the practice of delaying payments if currency rate movements are expected to make
the later payment cheaper.
Companies might try to use lead payments (payments in advance) or lagged payments (delayed
payments) in order to take advantage of foreign exchange rate movements.
Illustration 1
Williams Inc – a company based in the US – imports goods from the UK. The company is due to
make a payment of £500,000 to a UK supplier in one month's time. The current exchange rate is as
£0.6450 = $1
If the dollar is expected to appreciate against sterling by 2% in the next month and by a further 1%
in the second month, what would be Williams Inc's strategy in terms of leading and lagging and by
how much would the company benefit from this strategy?
If the dollar appreciates against sterling, this means that the dollar value of payments will be smaller
in two months' time than if payment was made when due. Williams Inc will therefore adopt a
'lagging' approach to its payment – that is, it will delay payment by an extra month to reduce the
dollar cost.
Payment to UK supplier
One month's time Two months' time
Exchange rate £0.6450 1.02 = £0.6579 £0.6579 1.01 = £0.6645
$ value of payment £500,000/0.6579 = £500,000/0.6645 =
$759,994 $752,445
By delaying the payment by an extra month, Williams Inc will save $7,549.
12: Managing currency risk
Although either the exporter or the importer avoids transaction risk, the other party to the transaction
will bear the full risk. Who ultimately bears the risk may depend on bargaining strength or the
exporter's competitive position (it is unlikely to insist on payment in its own currency if it faces strong
An alternative method of achieving the same result is to negotiate contracts expressed in the foreign
currency but at a predetermined fixed rate of exchange.
1.4 Netting
This was covered in Chapter 11 of the main workbook.
Unlike matching, netting is not technically a method of managing transaction risk. The objective is
simply to save transactions costs by netting off inter-company balances before arranging payment.
Many multinational groups of companies engage in intra-group trading. Where related
companies located in different countries trade with each other, there is likely to be inter-company
indebtedness denominated in different currencies.
Illustration 2
Barlow plc and Orange Inc are respectively UK and US subsidiaries of a Swiss-based holding
company. On 30 September 20X1 Barlow owed Orange SFr650,000 and Orange owed Barlow
SFr450,000. Bilateral netting can reduce the value of the inter-company debts – the two
inter-company balances are set against each other, leaving a net debt owed by Barlow to
Orange of SFr200,000 (SFr650,000 – SFr450,000).
Appendix 2 ---- Essential reading
2 Forward contracts
2.1 Failure to satisfy a forward contract
A company might be unable to satisfy a forward contract for any one of a number of reasons.
(a) An importer might find that:
(i) Its supplier fails to deliver the goods as specified, so the importer will not accept
the goods delivered and will not agree to pay for them.
(ii) The supplier sends fewer goods than expected, perhaps because of supply
shortages, and so the importer has less to pay for.
(iii) The supplier is late with the delivery, and so the importer does not have to pay for
the goods until later than expected.
(b) An exporter might find the same types of situation, but in reverse, so that it do not receive
any payment at all, or it receives more or less than originally expected, or it receives the
expected amount, but only after some delay.
Illustration 3
In September 2015 the spot rate quoted by HSBC was €1.353 to £1.
The one-year forward rate quoted by HSBC on the same date was €1.340 to £1.
At this time the one-year LIBOR rate in the UK was approximately 1% and the Euro LIBOR rate was
approximately 0.05%.
The actual forward rate can be predicted using the formula for IRP:
F0 = S0
12: Managing currency risk
F0 = 1.353
1+ 0.0005 = 1.340 (this was the actual forward rate quoted above)
1+ 0.01
The forward rate reflects interest rate differences. It is not a forecast of what the
spot rate will be on a given date in the future. It will be a coincidence if the forward rate
turns out to be the same as the spot rate on that future date.
The forward rate can be calculated today without making any estimates of future exchange rates.
Future exchange rates depend largely on future events and will often turn out to be very different
from the forward rate. However, the forward rate is probably an unbiased predictor of the
expected value of the future exchange rate, based on the information available today
Illustration 4
A lender enters into a three month SAFE with a counterparty to buy $5m worth of Philippine pesos at
a rate of PHP44.000 = $1. The spot rate is PHP43.850 = $1.
When the SAFE is due to be settled in three months' time, the spot rate is PHP44.050 = $1. This
means that the lender will have to pay 5m (44.050 – 44.000) = PHP250,000 to the counterparty.
As this will be settled in dollars at the prevailing spot rate, the payment to the counterparty will be
PHP250,000/44.050 = $5,675.
Appendix 2 ---- Essential reading
UK £s USA $s
* Remember to take the interest rate quoted and multiply by 3/12 if you have a three month loan.
A money market hedge will usually cost almost exactly the same as a forward (Step 5 above gives
you the cost of the money market hedge to compare to the cost of a forward contract). If the results
from a money market hedge were very different from a forward hedge, speculators could make
money without taking a risk. Therefore, market forces ensure that the two hedges produce very
similar results.
Illustration 5
A UK company owes a Danish supplier Kr3,500,000 in three months' time. The spot exchange rate
is Kr7.5509–7.5548 = £1. The company can borrow in sterling for three months at 8.60% per
annum and can deposit kroner for three months at 10% per annum.
Calculate the cost in sterling with a money market hedge.
The interest rates for three months are 2.15% to borrow in pounds and 2.5% to deposit in kroner.
The company needs to deposit enough kroner now so that the total including interest will be
Kr3,500,000 in three months' time. This means depositing:
Kr3,500,000/(1 + 0.025) = Kr3,414,634.
These kroner will cost £452,215 (spot rate 7.5509 – remember the company will always receive the
worst rate). The company must borrow this amount and, with three months' interest of 2.15%, will
have to repay:
£452,215 (1 + 0.0215) = £461,938
This can be shown in tabular form as follows.
UK £s Danish Kr
8.6% 3/12 = 2.15% (ie 1.0215) 10% 3/12 = 2.5% (ie 1.025)
12: Managing currency risk
UK £ US $
Illustration 6
A US company is owed SFr2,500,000 in three months' time by a Swiss company. The spot
exchange rate is SFr2.2498–2.2510 = $1. The company can deposit in dollars for three months at
8.00% per annum and can borrow Swiss francs for three months at 7.00% per annum. What is the
receipt in dollars with a money market hedge and what effective forward rate would this represent?
US $ Swiss Fr
Now 4 Pay SFr loan into US account 3 Take out SFr loan
SFr2,457,002/2.2510 = SFr2,500,000/1.0175 =
$1,091,516 SFr2,457,002
Appendix 2 ---- Essential reading
4 Currency futures
Quick method
Opening future
Closing basis
12: Managing currency risk
Mathematical analysis
Longer method
Quick method
Opening future
Closing basis
Appendix 2 ---- Essential reading
Managing interest
rate risk
Essential reading
Appendix 2 – Essential reading
13: Managing interest rate risk
Illustration 1
Tate & Lyle's approach to interest rate management is noted in its annual report and is a good
illustration of interest management in practice. In 2016 its annual report stated that:
The Group has an exposure to interest rate risk arising principally from changes in US dollar, sterling
and euro interest rates. This risk is managed by fixing or capping portions of debt using interest rate
derivatives to achieve a target level of fixed/floating rate net debt, which aims to optimise net
finance expense and reduce volatility in reported earnings. The Group's policy is that between 30%
and 75% of Group net debt is fixed or capped for more than one year and that no interest rates are
fixed for more than 12 years. At 31 March 2016, the longest term of any fixed rate debt held by the
Group was until October 2027. The proportion of net debt at 31 March 2016 … that was fixed or
capped for more than one year was 60% (2015 – 31%).
(Tate & Lyle annual report 2016, p.131)
Appendix 2 – Essential reading
Essential reading
Appendix 2 ---- Essential reading
14 Financial reconstruction
1.2 Advantages
(a) The costs of meeting listing requirements can be saved.
(b) The company is protected from volatility in share prices which financial problems may
(c) The company will be less vulnerable to hostile takeover bids.
(d) Management can concentrate on the long-term needs of the business rather than the
short-term expectations of shareholders.
(e) It may be felt that the stock market is undervaluing the company.
1.3 Disadvantages
The main disadvantage with LBOs is that the company loses its ability to have its shares publicly
traded. If a share cannot be traded it may lose some of its value. However, one reason for
seeking private company status is that the company has had difficulties as a quoted company, and
the prices of its shares may be low anyway.
Essential reading
Appendix 2 ---- Essential reading
15 Business reorganisation
Disadvantages of demergers
(a) The demerger process may be expensive.
(b) Economies of scale may be lost, where the demerged parts of the business had operations
(and skills) in common to which economies of scale applied.
(c) The smaller companies which result from the demerger will have lower revenue, profits
and status than the group before the demerger.
(d) There may be higher overhead costs as a percentage of revenue, resulting from (b).
(e) The ability to raise extra finance, especially debt finance, to support new investments and
expansion may be reduced.
(f) Vulnerability to takeover may be increased. The impact on a firm's risk may be
significant when a substantial part of the company is spun off. The result may be a loss in
shareholder value if a relatively low beta element is unbundled.
Illustration 1
In 2010 FIAT split itself into two parts; its automotive business and its industrial business (called Fiat
Industrial and including its trucks business and farm gear maker). Owners of a share in FIAT received
one share in each new company. The motive was not to raise cash but to unlock value by creating a
separately listed automotive group. The owners also wanted to retain their stake in both parts of the
Planning and trading
issues for
Essential reading
Appendix 2 ---- Essential reading
16: Planning and trading issues for multinationals
Barriers to entry: factors which make it difficult for suppliers to enter a market.
Key term
Multinationals may face various entry barriers. All these barriers may be more difficult to overcome if
a multinational is investing abroad because of such factors as unfamiliarity with local consumers and
government favouring local firms.
Strategies of expansion and diversification imply some logic in carrying on operations. It might be a
better decision, although a much harder one, to cease operations or to pull out of a market
completely. There are likely to be exit barriers making it difficult to pull out of a market.
Appendix 2 ---- Essential reading
1.5.1 Tariffs
Tariffs or customs duties are taxes on imported goods. The effect of a tariff is to raise the price paid
for the imported goods by domestic consumers, while leaving the price paid to foreign producers the
same, or even lower. The difference is transferred to the government sector.
For example, if goods imported to the UK are bought for £100 per unit, which is paid to the foreign
supplier, and a tariff of £20 is imposed, the full cost to the UK buyer will be £120, with £20 going
to the Government.
1.5.2 Quotas
Import quotas are restrictions on the quantity of a product that is allowed to be imported into the
country. The quota has a similar effect on consumer welfare to that of import tariffs, but the overall
effects are more complicated.
Both domestic and foreign suppliers enjoy a higher price, while consumers buy less.
Domestic producers supply more.
There are fewer imports (in volume).
The Government collects no revenue.
An embargo on imports from one particular country is a total ban, ie effectively a zero quota.
1.5.3 Tariffs
An enormous range of government subsidies and assistance for exports and deterrents against
imports have been practised, such as:
(a) For exports – export credit guarantees (government-backed insurance against bad debts for
overseas sales), financial help (such as government grants to the aircraft or shipbuilding
industry) and State assistance via the Foreign Office
(b) For imports – complex import regulations and documentation, or special safety standards
demanded from imported goods and so on
16: Planning and trading issues for multinationals
Appendix 2 ---- Essential reading
16: Planning and trading issues for multinationals
3 Transfer pricing
Multinational companies (MNCs) supply their affiliates with capital, technology and managerial
skills, for which the parent firm receives a stream of dividend and interest payments, royalties and
licence fees. At the same time, significant intra-firm transfers of goods and services occur.
For example, the subsidiary may provide the parent company with raw materials, whereas the parent
company may provide the subsidiary with final goods for distribution to consumers in the host
country. For intra-firm trade both the parent company and the subsidiary need to charge prices.
These prices for goods, technology or services between wholly or partly owned affiliates of the
multinational are called transfer prices.
3.1 Types
Cost-based methods of transfer pricing
The supplying division has its costs of manufacturing refunded and may also be allowed a mark-up to
encourage the transfer. Standard costing should be used where possible to encourage the division
providing the transferred good or service (the selling division) to control its own costs.
(a) Variable/marginal cost
The selling division (S) should transfer goods to the buying division at the marginal cost of
production if S has spare capacity as the marginal costs reflects the true cost to the company
of the transfer taking place.
(b) Full cost
Full cost = variable costs plus fixed overheads and sometimes this also includes a mark-up.
This may lead to high transfer price and therefore the receiving division look to use an external
supplier instead, and this may not be a correct decision because fixed costs and profit-mark-up
are not relevant costs for decision-making.
(c) Dual pricing and two-part tariff systems
Fixed costs can be considered in a variable/marginal cost-based transfer pricing system using
a two-part tariff. This involves setting transfer prices are set at variable cost and once a year
there is a transfer of a fixed fee to the supplying division representing an allowance for its
fixed costs. This should allow the supplying division to cover its fixed costs and make a profit.
Market-based approaches to transfer pricing
Where a market price exists it can be used as the basis for a transfer. If the supplying division is at
full capacity then the revenue it loses as a result of an internal transfer shows the true cost (revenue
foregone) to the division of an internal transfer.
Appendix 2 ---- Essential reading
If a division would have to incur marketing costs to sell externally then the market price should be
adjusted to reflect the fact that an internal transfer would not incur this cost. So the transfer price
becomes lower ie market price – marketing costs.
Opportunity cost approach to transfer pricing
Transfer price is calculated as marginal cost to selling division + opportunity cost of resources used.
Opportunity cost is contribution lost from the external sale forgone or, if no external market for the
intermediate product exists, the opportunity cost (or shadow price) is the opportunity lost by not using
resources on alternative products.
3.2 Disputes
The size of the transfer price will affect the costs of one profit centre and the revenues of another.
Since profit centre managers are held accountable for their costs, revenues and profits, they are
likely to dispute the size of transfer prices with each other, or disagree about whether one profit
centre should do work for another or not. Transfer prices affect the behaviour and decisions of profit
centre managers.
If managers of individual profit centres are tempted to make decisions that are harmful to other
divisions and are not congruent with the goals of the organisation as a whole, the problem is likely to
emerge in disputes about the transfer price.
Disagreements about output levels tend to focus on the transfer price. There is presumably a
profit-maximising level of output and sales for the organisation as a whole. However, unless each
profit centre also maximises its own profit at the corresponding level of output, there will be
interdivisional disagreements about output levels and the profit-maximising output will not be
3.2.1 Advantages of market value transfer prices
Giving profit centre managers the freedom to negotiate prices with other profit centres as though they
were independent companies will tend to result in market-based transfer prices.
(a) In most cases where the transfer price is at market price, internal transfers should be expected,
because the buying division is likely to benefit from a better quality of service, greater
flexibility and dependability of supply. However, this may not always be the case.
(b) Both divisions may benefit from lower costs of administration, selling and transport.
A market price as the transfer price would therefore result in decisions which would be in the best
interests of the company or group as a whole, and will reduce the risk of disputes.
3.2.2 Disadvantages of market value transfer prices
Market value as a transfer price does have certain disadvantages.
(a) The market price may be temporary, induced by adverse economic conditions or
dumping, or it might depend on the volume of output supplied to the external market by the
profit centre.
(b) A transfer price at market value might, under some circumstances, act as a disincentive
to use up any spare capacity in the divisions. A price based on incremental cost, in contrast,
might provide an incentive to use up the spare resources in order to provide a marginal
contribution to profit.
(c) Many products do not have an equivalent market price, so that the price of a similar
product might be chosen. In such circumstances, the option to sell or buy on the open market
does not exist.
(d) There might be an imperfect external market for the transferred item so that, if the
transferring division tried to sell more externally, it would have to reduce its selling price.
16: Planning and trading issues for multinationals
(e) Internal transfers are often cheaper than external sales, with savings in selling costs,
bad debt risks and possibly transport costs. It would therefore seem reasonable for the buying
division to expect a discount on the external market price, and to negotiate for such a
Appendix 2 ---- Essential reading
higher profits and a higher tax liability and the subsidiary will have lower profitability and a lower
tax liability.
When the host country restricts the amount of foreign exchange that can be used to import goods,
then a lower transfer price allows a greater quantity of goods to be imported.
MNCs use transfer pricing to channel profits out of high tax rate countries into lower ones. A parent
company may sell goods at lower than normal prices to its subsidiaries in lower tax rate countries
and buy from them at higher than normal prices. The resultant loss in the parent's high-tax country
adds significantly to the profits of the subsidiaries. An MNC reports most of its profits in a low-tax
country, even though the actual profits are earned in a high-tax country.
Illustration 2
A multinational company based in Beeland has subsidiary companies in Ceeland and in the UK. The
UK subsidiary manufactures machinery parts which are sold to the Ceeland subsidiary for a unit
price of B$420 (420 Beeland dollars), where the parts are assembled. The UK subsidiary shows a
profit of B$80 per unit; 200,000 units are sold annually.
The Ceeland subsidiary incurs further costs of B$400 per unit and sells the finished goods on for an
equivalent of B$1,050.
All the profits from the foreign subsidiaries are remitted to the parent company as dividends. Double
taxation treaties between Beeland, Ceeland and the UK allow companies to set foreign tax liabilities
against their domestic tax liability.
The following rates of taxation apply:
UK Beeland Ceeland
Tax on company profits 25% 35% 40%
Withholding tax on dividends – 12% 10%
Show the tax effect of increasing the transfer price between the UK and Ceeland subsidiaries by
16: Planning and trading issues for multinationals
The current position is as follows:
UK Ceeland
company company Total
B$'000 B$'000 B$'000
Revenues and taxes in the local country
Sales 84,000 210,000 294,000
Production expenses (68,000) (164,000) (232,000)
Taxable profit 16,000 46,000 62,000
Tax (1) (4,000) (18,400) (22,400)
Dividends to Beeland 12,000 27,600 39,600
Withholding tax (2) 0 2,760 2,760
Revenues and taxes in Beeland
Dividend 12,000 27,600 39,600
Add back foreign tax paid 4,000 18,400 22,400
Taxable income 16,000 46,000 62,000
Beeland tax due 5,600 16,100 21,700
Foreign tax credit (4,000) (16,100) (20,100)
Tax paid in Beeland (3) 1,600 – 1,600
Total tax (1) + (2) + (3) 5,600 21,160 26,760
An increase of 25% in the transfer price would have the following effect:
UK Ceeland
company company Total
B$'000 B$'000 B$'000
Revenues and taxes in the local country
Sales 105,000 210,000 315,000
Production expenses (68,000) (185,000) (253,000)
Taxable profit 37,000 25,000 62,000
Tax (1) (9,250) (10,000) (19,250)
Dividends to Beeland 27,750 15,000 42,750
Withholding tax (2) 0 1,500 1,500
Revenues and taxes in Beeland
Dividend 27,750 15,000 42,750
Add back foreign tax paid 9,250 10,000 19,250
Taxable income 37,000 25,000 62,000
Beeland tax due 12,950 8,750 21,700
Foreign tax credit (9,250) (8,750) (18,000)
Tax paid in Beeland (3) 3,700 – 3,700
Total tax (1) + (2) + (3) 12,950 11,500 24,450
The total tax payable by the company is therefore reduced by B$2,310,000 to B$24,450,000.
Appendix 2 ---- Essential reading
3.4 Regulations
3.4.1 Transfer price manipulation
As we have discussed in the previous section, transfer pricing is a normal, legitimate and, in fact,
required activity. Firms set prices on intra-firm transactions for a variety of perfectly legal and rational
internal reasons and, even where pricing is not required for internal reasons, governments may
require it in order to determine how much tax revenues and customs duties are owed by the MNC.
Transfer price manipulation, on the other hand, exists when MNCs use transfer prices to evade
or avoid payment of taxes and tariffs, or other controls that the Government of the host country has
put in place.
Governments worry about transfer price manipulation because they are concerned with the loss of
revenues through tax avoidance or evasion and they dislike the loss of control. Overall MNC profits
after taxes may be raised by either under- or over invoicing the transfer price; such manipulation for
tax purposes, however, comes at the expense of distorting other goals of the firm; in particular,
evaluating management performance.
Illustration 3
Starbucks became the poster child for corporate tax avoidance in 2012 after details of its meagre
tax contribution emerged. It was accused of using artificial corporate structures to shift profits out of
the UK into lower tax jurisdictions.
The furore prompted a deal with HMRC to waive tax deductions and pay £20 million in voluntary
corporation tax over two years, including £11.2 million last year.
(Starbucks said that it sourced UK coffee from its wholesale trading subsidiary in Switzerland. It has
been suggested that while this may be sensible to have one team responsible for sourcing all of
Starbucks' coffee, it is hard to escape the conclusion that Switzerland would not be a major centre
for coffee trading in the first place if it did not charge a lowly 12% tax rate on the trading profits.
Starbucks also charges its UK operations for use of its brand name, technology and engineering
Starbucks paid nearly as much corporation tax in 2015 as it did in its first 14 years in the UK, after
bowing to pressure to scrap its complex tax structures.
(Davies, 2015)
Arm's length standard: states that intra-firm trade of multinationals should be priced as if they
took place between unrelated parties acting at arm's length in competitive markets.
Key term
The most common solution that tax authorities have adopted to reduce the probability of the transfer
price manipulation is to develop particular transfer pricing regulations as part of the corporate
income tax code. These regulations are generally based on the concept of the arm's length standard,
which says that all MNC intra-firm activities should be priced as if they took place between unrelated
parties acting at arm's length in competitive markets.
The arm's length standard has two methods.
16: Planning and trading issues for multinationals
Method 1: Use the price negotiated between two unrelated parties C and D to proxy for the transfer
between A and B.
Arm's length transfer
Intra-firm transfer
Method 2: Use the price at which A sells to unrelated party C to proxy for the transfer price between
A and B.
Intra-firm transfer
Arm's length
In practice, the method used will depend on the available data. That is the existence of unrelated
parties that engage in the same, or nearly the same, transactions under the same or nearly the same
circumstances. Does one of the related parties also engage in the same, or nearly the same,
transactions with an unrelated party under the same, or nearly the same circumstances? Where there
are differences, are they quantifiable? Do the results seem reasonable in the circumstances?
If the answers to these questions are yes, then the arm's length standard will yield a reasonable
result. If the answers are no, then alternative methods must be used.
The main methods of establishing 'arm's length' transfer prices of tangible goods include the
Method Explanation
Comparable The CUP method looks for a comparable product to the transaction in
uncontrolled price question, either in terms of the same product being bought or sold by the
(CUP) MNC in a comparable transaction with an unrelated party, or the same
or similar product being traded between two unrelated parties under the
same or similar circumstances. The product so identified is called a
product comparable. All the facts and circumstances that could
materially affect the price must be considered.
Tax authorities prefer the CUP method over all other pricing methods for
at least two reasons. First, it incorporates more information about the
specific transaction than does any other method; ie it is transaction and
product specific. Second, CUP takes the interests of both the buyer and
seller into account since it looks at the price as determined by the
intersection of demand and supply.
Appendix 2 ---- Essential reading
Method Explanation
Resale price (RP) Where a product comparable is not available, and the CUP method
cannot be used, an alternative method is to focus on one side of the
transaction, either the manufacturer or the distributor, and to estimate the
transfer price using a functional approach.
Under the RP method, the tax auditor looks for firms at similar trade levels
that perform similar distribution functions (ie a functional
comparable). The RP method is best used when the distributor adds
relatively little value to the product so that the value of its functions is
easier to estimate. The assumption behind the RP method is that
competition among distributors means that similar margins (returns) on
sales are earned for similar functions.
Cost plus (C+) The C+ method starts with the costs of production, measured using
recognised accounting principles, and then adds an appropriate mark-up
over costs. The appropriate mark-up is estimated from those earned by
similar manufacturers.
The assumption is that in a competitive market the percentage mark-ups
over cost that could be earned by other arm's length manufacturers would
be roughly the same. The C+ method works best when the producer is a
simple manufacturer without complicated activities so that its costs and
returns can be more easily estimated.
Profit split (PS) When there are no suitable product comparables (the CUP method) or
functional comparables (the RP and C+ methods), the most common
alternative method is the PS method, whereby the profits on a transaction
earned by two related parties are split between the parties.
The PS method allocates the consolidated profit from a transaction, or
group of transactions, between the related parties. Where there are no
comparables that can be used to estimate the transfer price, this method
provides an alternative way to calculate or 'back into' the transfer price.
The most commonly recommended ratio to split the profits on the
transaction between the related parties is return on operating assets (the
ratio of operating profits to operating assets).
The PS method ensures that both related parties earn the same ROA.
16: Planning and trading issues for multinationals
$10 million worth of protection from a bank must pay the bank $50,000 per year. These payments
continue until either the CDS contract expires or the reference entity defaults.
Unlike insurance, however, CDSs are unregulated. This means that contracts can be traded – or
swapped – from investor to investor without anyone overseeing the trades to ensure the buyer has the
resources to cover the losses if the security defaults.
By the end of 2007, the CDS market was valued at more than $45 trillion – more than twice the size
of the combined GDP of the US, Japan and the EU. An original CDS can go through as many as 15
to 20 trades; therefore, when a default occurs, the so-called 'insured' party or hedged party does not
know who is responsible for making up the default or indeed whether the end party has the funds to
do so.
When the economy is booming, CDS can be seen as a means of making 'easy' money for banks.
Corporate defaults in a booming economy are few, thus swaps are a low-risk way of collecting
premiums and earning extra cash.
The CDS market expanded into structured finance from its original confines of municipal bonds
and corporate debt and then into the secondary market where speculative investors bought and
sold the instruments without having any direct relationship with the underlying investment. Their
behaviour was almost like betting on whether the investments would succeed or fail.
Illustration 4
A hedge fund believes that a company (Drury Inc) will shortly default on its debt of $10 million. The
hedge fund may therefore buy $10 million worth of CDS protection for, say, two years, with Drury
Inc as the reference entity, at a spread of 500 basis points (5%) per annum.
If Drury Inc does default after, say, one year, then the hedge fund will have paid $500,000 to the
bank but will then receive $10 million (assuming zero recovery rate). The bank will incur a $9.5
million loss unless it has managed to offset the position before the default.
If Drury Inc does not default, then the CDS contract will run for two years and the hedge fund will
have paid out $1 million to the bank with no return. The bank makes a profit of $1 million; the
hedge fund makes a loss of the same amount.
What would happen if the hedge fund decided to liquidate its position after a certain period of time
in an attempt to lock in its gains or losses? Say after one year the market considers Drury Inc to be at
greater risk of default, and the spread widens from 500 basis points to 1,500. The hedge fund may
decide to sell $10 million protection to the bank for one year at this higher rate. Over the two years,
the hedge fund will pay the bank $1 million (2 5% $10 million) but will receive $1.5 million (1
15% $10 million) – a net profit of $500,000 (as long as Drury Inc does not default in the second
Appendix 2 ---- Essential reading
If Dru Inc defaults on the bond after, say, 2 years, the pension fund will stop paying the premiums
and the bank will refund the $10 million to compensate for the loss. The pension fund's loss is limited
to the premiums it had paid to the bank (2 $300,000 = $600,000) – if it had not hedged the risk,
it would have lost the full $10 million.
4.1.2 CDS and the credit crunch
American International Group (AIG) – the world's largest insurer – could issue CDSs without putting
up any real collateral as long as it maintained a triple-A credit rating. There was no real
capital cost to selling these swaps; there was no limit. Thanks to fair value accounting, AIG could
book the profit from, say, a five-year credit default swap as soon as the contract was sold, based on
the expected default rate. In many cases, the profits it booked never materialised.
On 15 September 2007 the bubble burst when all the major credit-rating agencies downgraded
AIG. At issue were the soaring losses in its CDSs. The first big write-off came in the fourth quarter of
2007, when AIG reported an $11 billion charge. It was able to raise capital once, to repair the
damage. But the losses kept growing. The moment the downgrade came, AIG was forced to come
up with tens of billions of additional collateral immediately. This was on top of the billions it owed to
its trading partners. It didn't have the money. The world's largest insurance company was bankrupt.
As soon as AIG went bankrupt, all those institutions which had hedged debt positions using AIG
CDSs had to mark down the value of their assets, which at once reduced their ability to
lend. The investment banks had no ability to borrow, as the collapse of the CDS market meant
that no one was willing to insure their debt. The credit crunch had started in earnest.
Money laundering: constitutes any financial transactions whose purpose is to conceal the identity
of the parties to the transaction or to make the tracing of the money difficult.
Key term
16: Planning and trading issues for multinationals
Money laundering is used by organised crime and terrorist organisations but it is also used in
order to avoid the payment of taxes or to distort accounting information. Money laundering involves
therefore a number of agents and entities from criminals and terrorists to companies and corrupt
officials or states as well as tax havens.
Some businesses are at a higher risk than others of money laundering. For example, businesses
dealing in luxury items of high value can be at risk of the products being resold through the black
market or returned to the retailer in exchange for a legitimate cheque from them.
The increasing complexity of financial crime and its increase has prompted national governments
and the EU to legislate and regulate the contact of transactions. The Fourth Money Laundering
Directive of the EU has recently been implemented across the EU.
At the same time the Financial Services Authority required that professionals who engage in the
provision of financial services should warn the authorities when they discover that illegal transactions
have taken place.
4.4.1 Regulation
Regulations differ across various countries but it is common for companies to be required to assess
the risk of money laundering in their business and take necessary action to alleviate this risk.
Assessing risk – the risk-based approach
The risk-based approach consists of a number of steps:
Identifying the money laundering risks that are relevant to the business
Carrying out a detailed risk assessment on such areas as customer behaviour and delivery
Designing and implementing controls to manage and reduce any identified risks
Monitor the effectiveness of these controls and make improvements where necessary
Maintain records of actions taken and reasons for these actions
The time and cost of carrying out such assessments will depend on the size and complexity of the
business but will require considerable effort to ensure compliance with regulations.
Assessing your customer base
Businesses with certain types of customers are more at risk of money laundering activities and will
therefore be required to take more stringent action to protect themselves. Types of customers that
pose a risk include the following:
New customers carrying out large, one-off transactions
Customers who have been introduced to you by a third party who may not have assessed their
risk potential thoroughly
Customers who aren't local to your business
Customers whose businesses handle large amounts of cash
Other customers who might pose a risk include those who are unwilling to provide identification and
who enter into transactions that do not make commercial sense. Before companies commence
business dealings with a customer, they should conduct suitable customer due diligence.
Customer due diligence
This is an official term for taking steps to check that your customers are who they say they are. In
practice, the best and easiest way to do this is to ask for official identification, such as a passport or
driving licence, together with utility bills and bank statements. On a personal level, if you are trying
to arrange a loan or open a bank account, it is very likely you will be asked to produce such
Appendix 2 ---- Essential reading
If customers are acting on behalf of a third party, it is important to identify who the third party is.
Applying customer due diligence
Businesses should apply customer due diligence whenever they feel it necessary but at least in any of
the following circumstances.
(a) When establishing a business relationship. This is likely to be a relationship that will be
ongoing, therefore it is important to establish identity and credibility at the start. You may have
to establish such information as the source and origin of funds that your customer will be
using, copies of recent and current financial statements and details of the customer's business
or employment.
(b) When carrying out an 'occasional transaction' worth for example €10,000 (this relates to EU
legislation) or more – that is, transactions that are not carried out within an ongoing business
relationship. You should also look out for 'linked' transactions which are individual
transactions of €10,000 or more that have been broken down into smaller, separate
transactions to avoid due diligence checks.
(c) When you have doubts about identification information that you obtained previously.
(d) When the customer's circumstances change – for example, a change in the ownership of the
customer's business and a significant change in the type of business activity of the customer.
Ongoing monitoring of your business
It is important that you have an effective system of internal controls to protect your business from
being used for money laundering. Staff should be suitably trained in the implementation of these
internal controls and be alert to any potential issues. A specific member of staff should be nominated
as the person to whom any suspicious activities should be reported.
Full documentation of anti money laundering policies and procedures should be kept and updated as
appropriate. Staff should be kept fully informed of any changes.
Maintaining full and up to date records
Businesses are generally required to keep full and up to date records for financial reporting and
auditing purposes but these can also be used to demonstrate compliance with money laundering
regulations. Such records will include receipts, invoices and customer correspondence. European
money laundering regulations require that such information be kept for each customer for five years
beginning on either the date a transaction is completed or the date a business relationship ends.
Businesses are often required to hold accurate information on the identity of individuals who
ultimately own or control the company (eg own more than 25% of a company's shares or voting
rights). Where beneficial ownership is held through a trust, the trustees (or any individuals who
control the activities of the trust) will be recorded as having the relevant interest.
4.4.2 Cost of compliance
All the activities listed above do not come cheaply, especially if policies and procedures are being
established for the first time. In addition, regulations in the UK state that all accountants in public
practice must be supervised and monitored in their compliance and must be registered with a
supervisory body.
ACCA is one of the supervisory bodies and is responsible for monitoring its own members. However,
such supervision comes at a cost and monitored firms are expected to pay a fee for this service.
Further question practice and solutions
1 Mezza 49 mins
Mezza Co is a large food manufacturing and wholesale company. It imports fruit and vegetables
from countries in South America, Africa and Asia, and packages them in steel cans and plastic tubs
and as frozen foods, for sale to supermarkets around Europe. Its suppliers range from individual
farmers to government-run co-operatives, and farms run by its own subsidiary companies. In the past,
Mezza Co has been very successful in its activities, and has an excellent corporate image with its
customers, suppliers and employees. Indeed Mezza Co prides itself on how it has supported local
farming communities around the world and has consistently highlighted these activities in its annual
However, in spite of buoyant stock markets over the last couple of years, Mezza Co's share price
has remained static. Previously announcements to the stock market about growth potential led to an
increase in the share price. It is thought that the current state is because there is little scope for future
growth in its products. As a result the company's directors are considering diversifying into new
areas. One possibility is to commercialise a product developed by a recently acquired subsidiary
company. The subsidiary company is engaged in researching solutions to carbon emissions and
global warming, and has developed a high carbon absorbing variety of plant that can be grown in
warm, shallow sea water. The plant would then be harvested into carbon-neutral bio-fuel. This fuel, if
widely used, is expected to lower carbon production levels.
Currently there is a lot of interest among the world's governments in finding solutions to climate
change. Mezza Co's directors feel that this venture could enhance its reputation and result in a rise
in its share price. They believe that the company's expertise would be ideally suited to
commercialising the product. On a personal level, they feel that the venture's success would enhance
their generous remuneration package which includes share options. It is hoped that the resulting
increase in the share price would enable the options to be exercised in the future.
Mezza Co has identified the coast of Maienar, a small country in Asia, as an ideal location, as it
has a large area of warm, shallow waters. Mezza Co has been operating in Maienar for many
years and as a result, has a well-developed infrastructure to enable it to plant, monitor and harvest
the crop, although a new facility would be needed to process the crop after harvesting. The new
plant would employ local people. Mezza Co's directors have strong ties with senior government
officials in Maienar and the country's politicians are keen to develop new industries, especially ones
with a long-term future.
The area identified by Mezza Co is a rich fishing ground for local fishermen, who have been fishing
there for many generations. However, the fishermen are poor and have little political influence. The
general perception is that the fishermen contribute little to Maienar's economic development. The
coastal area, although naturally beautiful, has not been well developed for tourism. It is thought that
the high carbon absorbing plant, if grown on a commercial scale, may have a negative impact on
fish stocks and other wildlife in the area. The resulting decline in fish stocks may make it impossible
for the fishermen to continue with their traditional way of life.
(a) Discuss the key issues that the directors of Mezza Co should consider when making the
decision about whether or not to commercialise the new product, and suggest how these
issues may be mitigated or resolved. (17 marks)
(b) Advise the board on what Mezza Co's integrated report should disclose about the impact of
undertaking the project on Mezza Co's capitals. (8 marks)
(Total = 25 marks)
2 Stakeholders and ethics 29 mins
(a) Many decisions in financial management are taken in a framework of conflicting stakeholder
viewpoints. Identify the stakeholders and some of the financial management issues involved in
the situation of a company seeking a stock market listing. (5 marks)
(b) Discuss how ethical considerations impact on each of the main functional areas of a firm.
(10 marks)
(Total = 15 marks)
4 CD 49 mins
CD is a furniture manufacturer based in the UK. It manufactures a limited range of furniture products
to a very high quality and sells to a small number of retail outlets worldwide.
At a recent meeting with one of its major customers it became clear that the market is changing and
the final consumer of CD's products is now more interested in variety and choice rather than
exclusivity and exceptional quality.
Further question practice and solutions
CD is therefore reviewing two mutually exclusive alternatives to apply to a selection of its products:
Alternative 1
To continue to manufacture, but expand its product range and reduce its quality. The net present
value (NPV), internal rate of return (IRR) and modified internal rate of return (MIRR) for this alternative
have already been calculated as follows:
NPV = £1.45 million using a nominal discount rate of 9%
IRR = 10.5% MIRR = Approximately 13.2%
Payback = 2.6 years Discounted payback = 3.05 years
Alternative 2
To import furniture carcasses in 'flat packs' from the US. The imports would be in a variety of types of
wood and unvarnished. CD would buy in bulk from its US suppliers, assemble and varnish the
furniture and resell, mainly to existing customers. An initial investigation into potential sources of
supply and costs of transportation has already been carried out by a consultancy entity at a cost of
£75,000. CD's finance director has provided estimates of net sterling and US$ cash flows for this
alternative. These net cash flows, in real terms, are shown below.
Year 0 1 2 3
US$m (25.00) 2.60 3.80 4.10
£m 0 3.70 4.20 4.60
The following information is relevant:
CD evaluates all its investments using nominal sterling cash flows and a nominal discount rate.
All non-UK customers are invoiced in US$. US$ nominal cash flows are converted to sterling at
the forecast rate (see below) and discounted at the UK nominal rate.
For the purposes of evaluation, assume the entity has a three-year time horizon for investment
Based on recent economic forecasts, inflation rates in the US are expected to be constant at
4% per annum. UK inflation rates are expected to be 3% per annum.
The current exchange rate is £1 = US$1.6.
Year 0 1 2 3
Exchange rate forecast US$/£ 1.600 1.616 1.631 1.647
5 Bournelorth 49 mins
Bournelorth Co is an IT company which was established by three friends ten years ago. It was listed
on a local stock exchange for smaller companies nine months ago.
Bournelorth Co originally provided support to businesses in the financial services sector. It has been
able to expand into other sectors over time due to the excellent services it has provided and the high
quality staff whom its founders recruited. The founders have been happy with the level of profits
which the IT services have generated. Over time they have increasingly left the supervision of the IT
services in the hands of experienced managers and focused on developing diagnostic applications
(apps). The founders have worked fairly independently of each other on development work. Each has
a small team of staff and all three want their teams to work in an informal environment which they
believe enhances creativity.
Two apps which Bournelorth Co developed were very successful and generated significant profits.
The founders wanted the company to invest much more in developing diagnostic apps. Previously
they had preferred to use internal funding, because they were worried that external finance providers
would want a lot of information about how Bournelorth Co is performing. However, the amount of
finance required meant that funding had to be obtained from external sources and they decided to
seek a listing, as two of Bournelorth Co's principal competitors had recently been successfully listed.
25% of Bournelorth Co's equity shares were made available on the stock exchange for external
investors, which was the minimum allowed by the rules of the exchange. The founders have continued
to own the remaining 75% of Bournelorth Co's equity share capital. Although the listing was fully
subscribed, the price which new investors paid was lower than the directors had originally hoped.
The board now consists of the three founders, who are the executive directors, and two independent
non-executive directors, who were appointed when the company was listed. The non-executive
directors have expressed concerns about the lack of frequency of formal board meetings and the
limited time spent by the executive directors overseeing the company's activities, compared with the
time they spend leading development work. The non-executive directors would also like Bournelorth
Co's external auditors to carry out a thorough review of its risk management and control systems.
The funds obtained from the listing have helped Bournelorth Co expand its development activities.
Bournelorth Co's competitors have recently launched some very successful diagnostic apps and its
executive directors are now afraid that Bournelorth Co will fall behind its competitors unless there is
further investment in development. However, they disagree about how this investment should be
funded. One executive director believes that Bournelorth Co should consider selling off its IT support
and consultancy services business. The second executive director favours a rights issue and the third
executive director would prefer to seek debt finance. At present Bournelorth Co has low gearing and
the director who is in favour of debt finance believes that there is too much uncertainty associated
with obtaining further equity finance, as investors do not always act rationally.
(a) Discuss the factors which will determine whether the sources of finance suggested by the
executive directors are used to finance further investment in diagnostic applications (apps).
(8 marks)
(b) (i) Identify the risks associated with investing in the development of apps and describe the
controls which Bournelorth Co should have over its investment in development.
(6 marks)
(ii) Discuss the issues which determine the information Bournelorth Co communicates to
external finance providers. (3 marks)
(c) (i) Explain the insights which behavioural finance provides about investor behaviour.
(3 marks)
(ii) Assess how behavioural factors may affect the share price of Bournelorth Co. (5 marks)
(Total = 25 marks)
Further question practice and solutions
7 Pandy 19 mins
Pandy Inc is considering a project that currently has an NPV of $(0.5m). However, as part of this
project, Pandy Inc will be developing technology that it will be able to use in 5 years' time to break
into the Asian market. The expected cost of the investment at year 5 is $20m. The Asian project is
currently valued with an NPV of 0 but management believes that NPV could be positive in 5 years'
time due to changes in economic conditions.
The standard deviation is 0.25, risk-free rate is 5% and Pandy's cost of capital is 12%.
Evaluate the value of the option to expand.
Normal distribution tables are in the appendix to this Workbook. (10 marks)
8 Novoroast 49 mins
Novoroast plc, a UK company, manufactures microwave ovens which it exports to several countries,
as well as supplying the home market. One of Novoroast's export markets is a South American
country, which has recently imposed a 40% tariff on imports of microwaves in order to protect its
local 'infant' microwave industry. The imposition of this tariff means that Novoroast's products are no
longer competitive in the South American country's market but the Government there is, however,
willing to assist companies wishing to undertake direct investment locally. The Government offers a
10% grant towards the purchase of plant and equipment, and a three-year tax holiday on earnings.
Corporate tax after the three-year period would be paid at the rate of 25% in the year that the
taxable cash flow arises.
Novoroast wishes to evaluate whether to invest in a manufacturing subsidiary in South America, or to
pull out of the market altogether.
The total cost of an investment in South America is 155 million pesos (at current exchange rates),
50 million pesos for land and buildings
60 million pesos for plant and machinery (all of which would be required almost immediately)
45 million pesos for working capital
20 million pesos of the working capital will be required immediately and 25 million pesos at the end
of the first year of operation. Working capital needs are expected to increase in line with local
The company's planning horizon is five years.
Plant and machinery is expected to be depreciated (tax allowable) on a straight-line basis over five
years, and is expected to have negligible realisable value at the end of five years. Land and
buildings are expected to appreciate in value in line with the level of inflation in the South American
Production and sales of microwaves are expected to be 8,000 units in the first year at an initial price
of 1,450 pesos per unit, 60,000 units in the second year, and 120,000 units per year for the
remainder of the planning horizon.
In order to control the level of inflation, legislation exists in the South American country to restrict
retail price rises of manufactured goods to 10% per year.
Fixed costs and local variable costs, which for the first year of operation are 12 million pesos and
600 pesos per unit respectively, are expected to increase by the previous year's rate of inflation.
All components will be produced or purchased locally except for essential microchips which will be
imported from the UK at a cost of £8 per unit, yielding a contribution to the profit of the parent
company of £3 per unit. It is hoped to keep this sterling cost constant over the planning horizon.
Corporate tax in the UK is at the rate of 30% per year, payable in the year the liability arises. A
bi-lateral tax treaty exists between the UK and the South American country, which permits the
offset of overseas tax against any UK tax liability on overseas earnings. In periods of tax holiday
assume that no UK tax would be payable on South American cash flows.
Summarised group data
Non-current assets (net) 440
Current assets 370
Total assets 810
Financed by
£1 ordinary shares 200
Reserves 230
6% Eurodollar bonds, 8 years until maturity 180
Current liabilities 200
Total equity and liabilities 810
Novoroast's current share price is 410 pence per share, and current bond price is $800 per bond
($1,000 nominal and redemption value).
Forecast inflation rates
UK South American
Present 4% 20%
Year 1 3% 20%
Year 2 4% 15%
Year 3 4% 15%
Year 4 4% 15%
Year 5 4% 15%
Foreign exchange rates
Spot 13.421
1 year forward 15.636
Further question practice and solutions
Novoroast plc believes that if the investment is undertaken the overall risk to investors in the company
will remain unchanged.
The company's beta coefficients have been estimated as equity 1.25, debt 0.225.
The market return is 14% per annum and the risk-free rate is 6% per annum.
Existing UK microwave production currently produces an after-tax net cash flow of £30 million per
annum. This is expected to be reduced by 10% if the South American investment goes ahead (after
allowing for diversion of some production to other EU countries). Production is currently at full
capacity in the UK.
Other issues
The senior management of Novoroast are concerned about the risk that would be associated with an
investment in South America.
Prepare a report advising whether or not Novoroast plc should invest in the South American country.
Include in your report a discussion of the limitations of your analysis and suggestions about other
information that would be useful to assist the decision process.
All relevant calculations must be shown in your report or as an appendix to it.
State clearly any assumptions that you make. (25 marks)
9 PMU 49 mins
Prospice Mentis University (PMU) is a prestigious private institution and a member of the Holly
League, which is made up of universities based in Rosinante and renowned worldwide as being of
the highest quality. Universities in Rosinante have benefited particularly from students coming from
Kantaka, and PMU has been no exception. However, PMU has recognised that Kantaka has a large
population of able students who cannot afford to study overseas. Therefore it wants to investigate
how it can offer some of its most popular degree programmes in Kantaka, where students will be
able to study at a significantly lower cost. It is considering whether to enter into a joint venture with a
local institution or to independently set up its own university site in Kantaka. Offering courses
overseas would be a first from a Holly League institution and indeed from any academic institution
based in Rosinante. However, there have been less renowned academic institutions from other
countries which have formed joint ventures with small private institutions in Kantaka to deliver degree
programmes. These have been of low quality and are not held in high regard by the population or
the Government of Kantaka.
In Kantaka, government-run universities and a handful of large private academic institutions, none of
which have entered into joint ventures, are held in high regard. However, the demand for places in
these institutions far outstrips the supply of places and many students are forced to go to the smaller
private institutions or to study overseas if they can afford it.
After an initial investigation the following points have come to light:
1 The Kantaka Government is keen to attract foreign direct investment (FDI) and offer tax
concessions to businesses which bring investment funds into the country and enhance the local
business environment. However, at present the Kantaka Government places restrictions on the
profits that can be remitted to foreign companies which set up subsidiaries in the country.
There are no restrictions on profits remitted to a foreign company that has established a joint
venture with a local company. It is also likely that PMU would need to borrow a substantial
amount of money if it were to set up independently. The investment funds required would be
considerably smaller if it went into a joint venture.
2 Given the past experiences of poor quality education offered by joint ventures between small
local private institutions and overseas institutions, the Kantaka Government has been reluctant
to approve degrees from such institutions. The Government has also not allowed graduates
from these institutions to work in national or local government, or in nationalised
3 Over the past two years the Kantaka currency has depreciated against other currencies, but
economic commentators believe that this may not continue for much longer.
4 A large proportion of PMU's academic success is due to innovative teaching and learning
methods, and high quality research. The teaching and learning methods used in Kantaka's
educational institutions are very different. Apart from the larger private and government-run
universities, little academic research is undertaken elsewhere in Kantaka's education sector.
(a) Discuss the benefits and disadvantages of PMU entering into a joint venture instead of setting
up independently in Kantaka. As part of your discussion, consider how the disadvantages can
be mitigated and the additional information PMU needs in order to make its decision.
(20 marks)
(b) Assuming that there are limits on funds that can be repatriated from Kantaka, briefly discuss
the steps PMU could take to get around this, if it set up a subsidiary in Kantaka. (5 marks)
(Total = 25 marks)
10 Tampem 45 mins
The financial management team of Tampem Co is discussing how the company should appraise new
investments. There is a difference of opinion between two managers.
Manager A believes that net present value (NPV) should be used as positive NPV investments are
quickly reflected in increases in the company's share price. It is also simpler to calculate than
modified internal rate of return (MIRR) and adjusted present value (APV).
Manager B states that NPV is not good enough as it is only valid in potentially restrictive conditions,
and should be replaced by APV.
Tampem has produced estimates of relevant cash flows and other financial information associated
with a new investment. These are shown below:
Year 1 2 3 4
$'000 $'000 $'000 $'000
Investment pre-tax operating cash flows 1,250 1,400 1,600 1,800
1 The investment will cost $5,400,000 payable immediately, including $600,000 for working
capital and $400,000 for issue costs. $300,000 of issue costs is for equity, and $100,000
for debt. Issue costs are not tax allowable.
2 The investment will be financed 50% equity, 50% debt which is believed to reflect its debt
3 Expected company gearing after the investment will change to 60% equity, 40% debt by
market values.
4 The investment equity beta is 1.5.
5 Debt finance for the investment will be an 8% fixed rate bond.
6 Tax allowable depreciation is at 25% per year on a reducing balance basis.
7 The corporate tax rate is 30%. Tax is payable in the year that the taxable cash flow arises.
8 The risk-free rate is 4% and the market return 10%.
Further question practice and solutions
11 Levante 29 mins
Levante Co is a large unlisted company which has identified a new project for which it will need to
increase its long-term borrowings from $250 million to $400 million. This amount will cover a
significant proportion of the total cost of the project and the rest of the funds will come from cash
held by the company.
The current $250 million unsubordinated borrowing is in the form of a 4% bond which is trading at
$98.71 per $100 and is due to be redeemed at its nominal value in 3 years. The issued bond has a
credit rating of AA. The new borrowing will also be raised in the form of a traded bond with a
nominal value of $100 per unit. It is anticipated that the new project will generate sufficient cash
flows to be able to redeem the new bond at $100 nominal value per unit in 5 years. It can be
assumed that coupons on both bonds are paid annually.
Both bonds would be ranked equally for payment in the event of default and the directors expect
that, as a result of the new issue, the credit rating for both bonds will fall to A. The directors are
considering the following two alternative options when issuing the new bond:
Issue the new bond at a fixed coupon of 5% but at a premium or discount, whichever is
appropriate to ensure full take-up of the bond; or
Issue the new bond at a coupon rate where the issue price of the new bond will be $100 per
unit and equal to its nominal value.
The following extracts are provided on the current government bond yield curve and yield spreads
for the sector in which Levante Co operates:
Current government bond yield curve
Years 1 2 3 4 5
3.2% 3.7% 4.2% 4.8% 5.0%
Yield spreads (in basis points)
Bond rating 1 year 2 years 3 years 4 years 5 years
AAA 5 9 14 19 25
AA 16 22 30 40 47
A 65 76 87 100 112
BBB 102 121 142 167 193
(a) Calculate the expected percentage fall in the market value of the existing bond if Levante Co's
bond credit rating falls from AA to A. (5 marks)
(b) Advise the directors on the financial implications of choosing each of the two options when
issuing the new bond. Support the advice with appropriate calculations. (10 marks)
(Total = 15 marks)
12 Mercury Training 49 mins
Mercury Training was established in 20W9 and since that time it has developed rapidly. The
directors are considering either a flotation or an outright sale of the company.
The company provides training for companies in the computer and telecommunications sectors. It
offers a variety of courses ranging from short intensive courses in office software to high level risk
management courses using advanced modelling techniques. Mercury employs a number of in-house
experts who provide technical materials and other support for the teams that service individual client
requirements. In recent years, Mercury has diversified into the financial services sector and now also
provides computer simulation systems to companies for valuing acquisitions. This business now
accounts for one-third of the company's total revenue.
Mercury currently has 10 million, 50c shares in issue. Jupiter is one of the few competitors in
Mercury's line of business. However, Jupiter is only involved in the training business. Jupiter is listed
on a small company investment market and has an estimated beta of 1.5. Jupiter has 50 million
shares in issue with a market price of 580c. The average beta for the financial services sector is 0.9.
Average market gearing (debt to total market value) in the financial services sector is estimated
at 25%.
Other summary statistics for both companies for the year ended 31 December 20X7 are as follows:
Mercury Jupiter
Net assets at book value ($ million) 65 45
Earnings per share (c) 100 50
Dividend per share (c) 25 25
Gearing (debt to total market value) 30% 12%
Five-year historic earnings growth (annual) 12% 8%
Analysts forecast revenue growth in the training side of Mercury's business to be 6% per annum, but
the financial services sector is expected to grow at just 4%.
Background information:
The equity risk premium is 3.5% and the rate of return on short-dated government stock is 4.5%.
Both companies can raise debt at 2.5% above the risk-free rate.
Tax on corporate profits is 40%.
(a) Estimate the cost of equity capital and the weighted average cost of capital for Mercury
Training. (8 marks)
(b) Advise the owners of Mercury Training on a range of likely issue prices for the company.
(10 marks)
(c) Discuss the advantages and disadvantages, to the directors of Mercury Training, of a public
listing versus private equity finance as a means of disposing of their interest in the company.
(7 marks)
(Total = 25 marks)
Further question practice and solutions
The company's latest statement of profit or loss and the extracted balances from the latest statement
of financial position are as follows:
$'000 $'000
Revenue 5,000 Opening non-current assets 1,200
Cost of sales 3,000 Additions 66
(a) Prepare a three-year cash flow forecast for the business on the basis described above,
highlighting the free cash flow to equity in each year. (12 marks)
(b) Estimate the value of the business based upon the expected free cash flow to equity and a
terminal value based upon a sustainable growth rate of 3% per annum thereafter. (6 marks)
(c) Advise the directors on the assumptions and the uncertainties within your valuation.
(7 marks)
(Total = 25 marks)
Further question practice and solutions
15 Gasco 49 mins
Gasco, a public limited company with a market value of around £7 billion, is a major supplier of
gas to both business and domestic customers. The company also provides maintenance contracts for
both gas and central heating customers using the well-known brand name Gas For All. Customers
can call emergency lines for assistance with any gas-related incident, such as a suspected leak.
Gasco employs its own highly trained workforce to deal with all such situations quickly and
effectively. The company also operates a major new credit card, which has been extensively
marketed and which gives users concessions, such as reductions in their gas bills.
Gasco has recently bid £1.1 billion for CarCare, a long-established mutual organisation (ie it is
owned by its members) that is the country's leading motoring organisation. CarCare is financed
primarily by an annual subscription to its 4.4 million members. In addition, the organisation obtains
income from a range of other activities, such as a high profile car insurance brokerage, a travel agency
and assistance with all types of travel arrangements. Its main service to members is the provision of a
roadside breakdown service, which is now an extremely competitive market with many other companies
involved. Although many of its competitors use local garages to deal with breakdowns, CarCare uses its
own road patrols.
CarCare members have to approve the takeover, which once completed would provide them each
with a windfall of around £300 each.
Gasco intends to preserve the CarCare name which is extremely well known to consumers.
(a) Discuss the possible reasons why Gasco is seeking to buy CarCare. (9 marks)
(b) Discuss how the various stakeholders of CarCare might react to the takeover. (8 marks)
(c) Discuss the potential problems that Gasco may face in running CarCare now that the takeover
has been achieved. (8 marks)
(Total = 25 marks)
16 Pursuit 70 mins
Pursuit Co, a listed company which manufactures electronic components, is interested in acquiring
Fodder Co, an unlisted company involved in the development of sophisticated but high risk electronic
products. The owners of Fodder Co are a consortium of private equity investors who have been
looking for a suitable buyer for their company for some time. Pursuit Co estimates that a payment of
the equity value plus a 25% premium would be sufficient to secure the purchase of Fodder Co.
Pursuit Co would also pay off any outstanding debt that Fodder Co owed. Pursuit Co wishes to
acquire Fodder Co using a combination of debt finance and its cash reserves of
$20 million, such that the capital structure of the combined company remains at Pursuit Co's current
capital structure level.
Information on Pursuit Co and Fodder Co
Pursuit Co
Pursuit Co has a market debt to equity ratio of 50:50 and an equity beta of 1.18. Currently Pursuit
Co has a total firm value (market value of debt and equity combined) of $140 million. Pursuit Co
makes sales in US, Europe and Asia and has obtained some of its debt funding from international
Year ended 31 May 20X1 31 May 20X0 31 May 31 May
20W9 20W8
$'000 $'000 $'000 $'000
Sales revenue 16,146 15,229 14,491 13,559
Operating profit (after operating
costs and tax-allowable
depreciation) 5,169 5,074 4,243 4,530
Net interest costs 489 473 462 458
Profit before tax 4,680 4,601 3,781 4,072
Taxation (28%) 1,310 1,288 1,059 1,140
After-tax profit 3,370 3,313 2,722 2,932
Dividends 123 115 108 101
Retained earnings 3,247 3,198 2,614 2,831
Fodder Co has a market debt to equity ratio of 10:90 and an estimated equity beta of 1.53. It can
be assumed that its tax-allowable depreciation is equivalent to the amount of investment needed to
maintain current operational levels. However, Fodder Co will require an additional investment in
assets of 22c per $1 increase in sales revenue, for the next 4 years. It is anticipated that Fodder Co
will pay interest at 9% on its future borrowings.
For the next four years, Fodder Co's sales revenue will grow at the same average rate as the
previous years. After the forecasted four-year period, the growth rate of its free cash flows will be
half the initial forecast sales revenue growth rate for the foreseeable future.
Information about the combined company
Following the acquisition, it is expected that the combined company's sales revenue will be
$51,952,000 in the first year, and its profit margin on sales will be 30% for the foreseeable future.
After the first year the growth rate in sales revenue will be 5.8% per year for the following 3 years.
Following the acquisition, it is expected that the combined company will pay annual interest at 6.4%
on future borrowings.
The combined company will require additional investment in assets of $513,000 in the first year and
then 18c per $1 increase in sales revenue for the next three years. It is anticipated that after the
forecasted four-year period, its free cash flow growth rate will be half the sales revenue growth rate.
It can be assumed that the asset beta of the combined company is the weighted average of the
individual companies' asset betas, weighted in proportion of the individual companies' market value.
Other information
The current annual government base rate is 4.5% and the market risk premium is estimated at 6% per
year. The relevant annual tax rate applicable to all the companies is 28%.
SGF Co's interest in Pursuit Co
There have been rumours of a potential bid by SGF Co to acquire Pursuit Co. Some financial press
reports have suggested that this is because Pursuit Co's share price has fallen recently. SGF Co is in
a similar line of business as Pursuit Co and, until a couple of years ago, SGF Co was the smaller
company. However, a successful performance has resulted in its share price rising, and SGF Co is
now the larger company.
The rumours of SGF Co's interest have raised doubts about Pursuit Co's ability to acquire Fodder Co.
Although SGF Co has made no formal bid yet, Pursuit Co's board is keen to reduce the possibility of
such a bid. The Chief Financial Officer has suggested that the most effective way to reduce the
possibility of a takeover would be to distribute the $20 million in its cash reserves to its shareholders
in the form of a special dividend. Fodder Co would then be purchased using debt finance. He
conceded that this would increase Pursuit Co's gearing level but suggested it may increase the
company's share price and make Pursuit Co less appealing to SGF Co.
Further question practice and solutions
Prepare a report to the board of directors of Pursuit Co that:
(a) Evaluates whether the acquisition of Fodder Co would be beneficial to Pursuit Co and its
shareholders. The free cash flow to firm method should be used to estimate the values of
Fodder Co and the combined company assuming that the combined company's capital
structure stays the same as that of Pursuit Co's current capital structure. Include all relevant
calculations. (16 marks)
(b) Discusses the limitations of the estimated valuations in part (a) above. (4 marks)
(c) Estimates the amount of debt finance needed, in addition to the cash reserves, to acquire
Fodder Co and concludes whether Pursuit Co's current capital structure can be maintained.
(3 marks)
(d) Explains the implications of a change in the capital structure of the combined company to the
valuation method used in part (i) and how the issue can be resolved. (4 marks)
(e) Assesses whether the Chief Financial Officer's recommendation would provide a suitable
defence against a bid from SGF Co and would be a viable option for Pursuit Co. (5 marks)
Professional marks will be awarded in this question for the format, structure and presentation of the
report. (4 marks)
(Total = 36 marks)
17 Olivine 39 mins
Olivine is a holiday tour operator that is committed to a policy of expansion. The company has
enjoyed record growth in recent years and is now seeking to acquire other companies in order to
maintain its growth momentum. It has recently taken an interest in Halite, a charter airline business,
as the board of directors of Olivine believes that there is a good strategic fit between the two
companies. Both companies have the same level of risk. Abbreviated financial statements relating to
each company are set out below.
Olivine Halite
$m $m
Sales 182.6 75.2
Operating profit 43.6 21.4
Interest charges 12.3 10.2
Net profit before taxation 31.3 11.2
Company tax 6.3 1.6
Net profit after taxation 25.0 9.6
Dividends 6.0 4.0
Accumulated profits for the year 19.0 5.6
Olivine Halite
$m $m
Non-current assets 135.4 127.2
Net current assets 65.2 3.2
200.6 130.4
Payables due after more than one year 120.5 104.8
80.1 25.6
Capital and reserves
$0.50 ordinary shares 20.0 8.0
Retained profit 60.1 17.6
80.1 25.6
Price/earnings ratio before the bid 20 15
The board of directors of Olivine is considering making an offer to the shareholders of Halite of five
shares in Olivine for every four shares held. It is believed that a rationalisation of administrative
functions arising from the merger would reap annual after-tax benefits of $2.4 million.
(a) Calculate:
(i) The total value of the proposed offer based on current share prices
(ii) The earnings per share of Olivine following the successful acquisition of Halite
(iii) The share price of Olivine following acquisition, assuming that the benefits of the
acquisition are achieved and that the price/earnings ratio declines by 5% (10 marks)
(b) Calculate the effect of the proposed takeover on the wealth of the shareholders of each
company. (5 marks)
(c) Discuss your results in (a) and (b) above and state what recommendations, if any, you would
make to the directors of Olivine. (5 marks)
(Total = 20 marks)
19 For4Fore 29 mins
Shares in For4Fore plc are currently trading at 444p. The standard deviation of the share price is
25% and the risk free rate of return is 4.17%. Senior management at For4Fore have been awarded
European-style options to buy shares in For4Fore at 385p per share in exactly four months' time.
Further question practice and solutions
(a) Using the Black–Scholes option pricing model, calculate the value of these call options.
(10 marks)
(b) Evaluate whether management whether put options would be a more suitable incentive
package for senior management. (5 marks)
(Total = 15 marks)
Interest rates
Three months or six months Borrowing Lending
Sterling 12.5% 9.5%
Dollars 9% 6%
Foreign currency option prices (New York market)
Prices are cents per £, contract size £12,500
Calls Puts
Exercise price ($) Mar Jun Sep Mar Jun Sep
1.60 – 15.20 – – – 2.7
1.70 5.65 7.75 – – 3.45 6.4
1.80 1.70 3.60 7.90 – 9.32 15.3
Assume that it is now December with three months to the expiry of March contracts and that
the option price is not payable until the end of the option period, or when the option is
(a) Calculate the net sterling receipts and payments that Fidden might expect for both its
three-and six-month transactions if the company hedges foreign exchange risk on:
(i) The forward foreign exchange market
(ii) The money market (7 marks)
(b) If the actual spot rate in six months' time turned out to be exactly the present six-month
forward rate, calculate whether Fidden would have done better to have hedged through
foreign currency options rather than the forward market or the money market.
(7 marks)
(c) Explain briefly what you consider to be the main advantage of foreign currency options.
(3 marks)
(Total = 17 marks)
22 Shawter 29 mins
Assume that it is now mid-December.
The finance director of Shawter plc, the parent company of the Shawter group, has recently reviewed
the company's monthly cash budgets for the next year. As a result of buying new machinery in three
months' time, his company is expected to require short-term financing of £30 million for a period of
two months' until the proceeds from a factory disposal became available. The finance director is
concerned that, as a result of increasing wage settlements, the Central Bank will increase interest
rates in the near future.
LIBOR is currently 6% per annum and Shawter can borrow at LIBOR + 0.9%. Derivative contracts
may be assumed to mature at the end of the relevant month.
Further question practice and solutions
Calls Puts
Strike price June Sept June Sept
92.50 0.71 1.40 0.02 0.06
93.00 0.36 1.08 0.10 0.14
93.50 0.12 0.74 0.20 0.35
94.00 0.01 0.40 0.57 0.80
94.50 – 0.06 0.97 1.12
Evaluate the use of a collar by Carrick plc for the purpose proposed above. Include
calculations of the cost involved and indicate appropriate exercise price(s) for the collar.
Ignore taxation, commission and margin requirements. (8 marks)
(Total = 15 marks)
24 Theta Inc 23 mins
(a) Theta Inc wants to borrow $10 million for five years with interest payable at six-monthly
intervals. It can borrow from a bank at a floating rate of LIBOR plus 1% but wants to obtain a
fixed rate for the full five-year period. A swap bank has indicated that it will be willing to
receive a fixed rate of 8.5% in exchange for payments of six-month LIBOR.
Calculate the fixed interest six-monthly payment with the swap in place. (4 marks)
(b) Show the interest payments by Theta if:
(i) LIBOR is 10% (4 marks)
(ii) LIBOR is 7.5% (4 marks)
(Total = 12 marks)
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital 4,000
Reserves (1,600)
Brive Inc's called-up capital consists of 4,000,000 $1 ordinary shares issued and fully paid. The
non-current assets comprise freehold property with a book value of $3,000,000 and plant and
machinery with a book value of $2,700,000. The bonds are secured on the freehold property.
In recent years the company has suffered a series of trading losses which have brought it to the brink
of insolvency. The directors estimate that in a forced sale the assets will realise the following
Freehold premises 2,000,000
Plant and machinery 1,000,000
Inventory 1,700,000
Receivables 1,700,000
Further question practice and solutions
The costs of insolvency proceedings are estimated at $770,000. However, trading conditions are
now improving and the directors estimate that if new investment in plant and machinery costing
$2,500,000 were undertaken the company should be able to generate annual profits before interest
of $1,750,000. In order to take advantage of this they have put forward the following proposed
reconstruction scheme.
(a) Freehold premises should be written down by $1,000,000, plant and machinery by
$1,100,000, inventory and work in progress by $800,000 and receivables by $100,000.
(b) The ordinary shares should be written down by $3,000,000 and the debit balance on the
statement of profit or loss written off.
(c) The secured bond holders would exchange their bonds for $1,500,000 ordinary shares and
$1,300,000 14% unsecured loan notes repayable in 5 years' time.
(d) The bank overdraft should be written off and the bank should receive $1,200,000 of 14%
unsecured loan notes repayable in 5 years' time in compensation.
(e) The unsecured payables should be written down by 25%.
(f) A rights issue of 1 for 1 at nominal value is to be made on the share capital after the above
adjustments have been made.
(g) $2,500,000 will be invested in new plant and machinery.
(a) Prepare the statement of financial position of the company after the completion of the
reconstruction. (6 marks)
(b) Prepare a report, including appropriate calculations, discussing the advantages and
disadvantages of the proposed reconstruction from the point of view of:
(i) The ordinary shareholders
(ii) The secured bond holders
(iii) The bank
(iv) The unsecured payables
Note. Ignore taxation. (19 marks)
(Total = 25 marks)
Attached is the summarised BBS Stores' statement of financial position. The company owns all its
As at year end As at year end
20X8 20X7
$m $m
Non-current assets
Intangible assets 190 190
Property, plant and equipment 4,050 3,600
Other assets 500 530
4,740 4,290
Current assets 840 1,160
Total assets 5,580 5,450
Called-up share capital – equity 425 420
Retained earnings 1,535 980
Total equity 1,960 1,400
Current liabilities 1,600 2,020
Non-current liabilities
Medium-term loan notes 1,130 1,130
Other non-financial liabilities 890 900
Total liabilities 3,620 4,050
Total liabilities and equity 5,580 5,450
The company's profitability has improved significantly in recent years and earnings for 20X8 were
$670 million (20X7: $540 million).
The company's property, plant and equipment within non-current assets for 20X8 are as follows:
Land and fittings and Assets under
buildings equipment construction Total
$m $m $m $m
Year end 20X8
At revaluation 2,297 4,038 165 6,500
Accumulated depreciation (2,450) (2,450)
Net book value 2,297 1,588 165 4,050
The property portfolio was revalued at the year end 20X8. The assets under construction are valued
at a market value of $165 million and relate to new building. In recent years commercial property
values have risen in real terms by 4% per annum. Current inflation is 2.5% per annum. Property
rentals currently earn an 8% return.
The proposal is that 50% of the property portfolio (land and buildings) and 50% of the assets under
construction would be sold to a newly established property holding company called RPH that would
issue bonds backed by the assured rental income stream from BBS Stores. BBS Stores would not hold
any equity interest in the newly formed company nor would they take any part in its management.
BBS Stores is currently financed by equity in the form of 25c fully paid ordinary shares with a current
market value of 400c per share. The capital debt for the company consists of medium-term loan notes
of which $360 million are repayable at the end of two years and $770 million are repayable at the
end of 6 years. Both issues of medium-term notes carry a floating rate of LIBOR plus 70 basis points.
The interest liability on the 6-year notes has been swapped at a fixed rate of 5.5% in exchange for
LIBOR which is also currently 5.5%. The reduction in the firm's gearing implied by Option 1 would
Further question practice and solutions
improve the firm's credit rating and reduce its current credit spread by 30 basis points. The change
in gearing resulting from the second option is not expected to have any impact upon the firm's credit
rating. There has been no alteration in the rating of the company since the earliest debt was issued.
The BBS Stores equity beta is currently 1.824. A representative portfolio of commercial property
companies has an equity beta of 1.25 and an average market gearing (adjusted for tax) of 50%.
The risk-free rate of return is 5% and the equity risk premium is 3%. Using CAPM the current cost of
equity is 10.47%. The current WACC is 9.55%. The company's current accounting rate of return on
new investment is 13% before tax. You may assume that debt betas are zero throughout. The
effective rate of company tax is 35%.
On the assumption that the property unbundling proceeds, prepare a report for consideration by
senior management which should include the following:
(a) A comparative statement showing the impact upon the statement of financial position and on
the earnings per share on the assumption that the cash proceeds of the property sale are used:
(i) To repay the debt, repayable in two years, in full and for reinvestment in non-current
(ii) To repay the debt, repayable in two years, in full and to finance a share repurchase at
the current share price with the balance of the proceeds (13 marks)
(b) An estimate of the weighted average cost of capital for the remaining business under both
options on the assumption that the share price remains unchanged (8 marks)
(c) An evaluation of the potential impact of each alternative on the market value of the firm (you
are not required to calculate a revised market value for the firm) (4 marks)
(Total = 25 marks)
27 Reorganisation 23 mins
(a) Discuss the potential problems with management buy-outs. (5 marks)
(b) Company X's hotel division is experiencing considerable financial difficulties. The management
is prepared to undertake a buy-out, and Company X is willing to sell for $15 million. After an
analysis of the division's performance, the management concluded that the division required a
capital injection of $10 million.
Possible funding sources for the buy-out and the additional capital injection are as follows.
From management:
Equity shares of 25c each $12 million
From venture capitalist:
Equity shares of 25c each $5.5 million
Debt: 9.5% fixed rate loan $7.5 million
The fixed rate loan principal is repayable in 10 years' time.
Forecasts of earnings before interest and tax for the next 5 years following the buy-out are as
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
$'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000
EBIT 2,200 3,100 3,900 4,200 4,500
Corporation tax is charged at 30%. Dividends are expected to be no more than 12% of profits
for the first 5 years.
Management has forecast that the value of equity capital is likely to increase by approximately
15% per annum for the next 5 years.
On the basis of the above forecasts, determine whether management's estimate that the value
of equity will increase by 15% per annum is a viable one. (7 marks)
(Total = 12 marks)
Further question practice and solutions
1 Mezza
Top tips. Read the entire requirement before starting your answer – in part (a) it is easy to forget to
consider how the issues could be mitigated. Part (b) specifically refers to the integrated reporting, so
you need to know the relevant capitals to include in your answer.
Easy marks. There are numerous easy marks to be gained from the environmental and ethical
issues surrounding the project, as such issues are extremely topical.
the potential development of the project. The ties to senior government officials are likely to be
particularly useful when trying to deal with legal and administrative issues, thus reducing the
time between development and production actually starting.
Other factors to consider
Despite the positive factors mentioned above, there are ethical and environmental issues to
consider prior to making a final decision regarding plant location. The likely effect on the
fishermen's livelihood could produce adverse publicity, as could potential damaging effects on
the environment and wildlife. Environmental impact tends to generate considerable debate
and Mezza will want to avoid any negative effects on its reputation (particularly as the project
is supposed to be 'environmentally friendly').
The fact that Mezza has close ties with senior political figures and the Government in general
may create negative feeling if it is felt that Mezza could influence the Government into making
decisions that are not in the best interests of the locality and the country as a whole. This is a
relationship that will have to be managed very carefully.
Risk mitigation
Given that Mezza has an excellent corporate image, it is unlikely that it will want to ignore the
plight of the fishermen. It could try to work with the fishermen and involve them in the process,
pointing out the benefits of the project to the environment as a whole (without ignoring the
effects on their livelihood). It could offer the fishermen priority on new jobs that are created
and emphasise the additional wealth that the project is likely to create.
Mezza could also consider alternative locations for the plant, although this is likely to be
expensive, given the need for certain infrastructure already present in Maienar. Alternatively
the company could try to find an alternative process for growing and harvesting the plant that
would not have adverse effects on wildlife and fish stocks. Again, this is an expensive option
and any such costs would have to be set against expected revenues to determine value added.
As mentioned above, Mezza will have to manage its relationship with Maienar's Government
very carefully as it does not want to appear to be influencing government decisions. Mezza
needs to make it very clear that it is following proper legal and administrative procedures –
and is working with the Government to protect and improve the country, rather than exploit it
for its own gains.
It is important that Mezza considers all of the likely benefits and costs related to the project,
not just to itself but also to the country and its inhabitants. While gaining prompt approval
from the Government will allow the project to proceed and become profitable more quickly, it
is important that Mezza focuses on the effects of the project and alternative ways to proceed,
in order to avoid an overall negative impact on its reputation.
(b) Integrated reporting
Integrated reporting looks at the ability of an organisation to create value and considers
important relationships, both internally and externally. It involves considering the impact of the
proposed project and six capitals as follows.
The integrated report should explain how commercialising the product should generate
revenues over time, be an important element in diversification and make a significant
contribution to the growth of Mezza. The report should also disclose the financial strategy
implications if additional funding was required and what finance cost commitments Mezza will
Further question practice and solutions
The report would identify the new facility as an important addition to Mezza's productive
capacity. It would also show how the infrastructure that Mezza already has in Maienar will be
used to assist in growing and processing the new plant.
The report should show how Mezza intends to protect the plant and hence its future income by
some sort of protection, such as the patent. It should also highlight how development of the
plant fulfils the aims of the subsidiary, to develop products that have beneficial impacts on
other capitals.
Mezza should show how the employment opportunities provided by the new facility link to how
Mezza has been using local labour in Maienar. It should highlight the ways in which the new
facility allows local labour to develop their skills. However, the report also needs to show whether
Mezza is doing anything to help the fishermen deal with their loss of livelihood, since the adverse
impact on the fishermen would appear to go against Mezza's strategy of supporting local farming
Social and relationship
The development of the plant and the new facility should be reported in the context of Mezza's
strategy of being a good corporate citizen in Maienar. It should explain how the new plant
will assist economic development there and in turn how this will enhance the value derived to
Mezza from operating in that country.
The report needs to set the adverse impact on the area and the fishing stock in the context of
the longer-term environmental benefits that development of the plant brings. It also needs to
show the commitments that Mezza is making to mitigate environmental damage.
(ii) New outside shareholders
Most of these will hold minority stakes in the company and will receive their rewards as
dividends only. This may put them in conflict with the existing shareholder/managers
who receive rewards as salaries as well as dividends. On conversion to a listed
company there should be clear policies on dividends and directors' remuneration.
(iii) Employees, including managers who are not shareholders
Part of the reason for the success of the company will be the efforts made by employees.
They may feel that they should benefit when the company seeks a listing. One way of
organising this is to create employee share options or other bonus schemes.
(b) Main functional areas of a firm could include:
(i) Human resources
(ii) Marketing
(iii) Market behaviour
(iv) Product development
Human resources
(i) Provision of minimum wage. In recent years, much has been made of 'cheap labour'
and 'sweat shops'. The introduction of the minimum wage is designed to show that
companies have an ethical approach to how they treat their employees and are
prepared to pay them an acceptable amount for the work they do.
(ii) Discrimination – whether by age, gender, race or religion. It is no longer acceptable for
employers to discriminate against employees for any reason – all employees are
deemed to be equal and should not be prevented from progressing within the company
for any discriminatory reason.
(i) Marketing campaigns should be truthful and should not claim that products or services
do something that they in fact cannot. This is why such campaigns have to be very
carefully worded to avoid repercussions under Trade Descriptions Acts etc.
(ii) Campaigns should avoid creating artificial wants. This is particularly true with children's
toys, as children are very receptive to aggressive advertising.
(iii) Do not target vulnerable groups (linked with above) or create a feeling of inferiority.
Again, this is particularly true with children and teenagers, who are very easily led by
what their peer groups have. The elderly are also vulnerable, particularly when it comes
to such things as electricity and gas charges – making false promises regarding cheaper
heating for example may cause the elderly to change companies when such action is
not necessary and may in fact be detrimental.
Market behaviour
(i) Companies should not exploit their dominant market position by charging vastly inflated
prices (this was particularly true when utilities were first privatised in the UK; also
transport companies such as railway operators which have monopolies on certain
(ii) Large companies should also avoid exploiting suppliers if these suppliers rely on large
company business for survival. Unethical behaviour could include refusing to pay a fair
price for the goods and forcing suppliers to provide goods and services at
uneconomical prices. In the past this has been a particular problem for suppliers in
developing countries providing goods and services for large companies in developed
Further question practice and solutions
Product development
(i) Companies should strive to use ethical means to develop new products – for example,
more and more cosmetics companies are not testing on animals, an idea pioneered by
such companies as The Body Shop.
(ii) Companies should be sympathetic to the potential beliefs of shareholders – for example,
there may be large blocks of shareholders who are strongly opposed to animal testing.
Managers could of course argue that if potential investors were aware that the company
tested their products on animals then they should not have purchased shares.
(iii) When developing products, be sympathetic to the public mood on certain issues – the
use of real fur is now frowned upon in many countries; dolphin-friendly tuna is now
(iv) Use of Fairtrade products and services – for example, Green and Blacks Fairtrade
chocolate; Marks & Spencer using Fairtrade cotton in clothing and selling Fairtrade
3 Airline Business
Top tips. In part (a) 'advice' requires more than a numerical answer. However, the key is to realise
that the investors' required return would be the coupon rate on a new issue to ensure that it is fully
subscribed at its nominal value.
There is quite a bit of work involved in part (b) for eight marks, compared with what is required for
the same number of marks in part (c). The question does not give you the current value of debt
therefore you will have to calculate that first before you can calculate the effect on this value. One of
the more complex calculations (not the calculation itself but recognising what you have to do) is
working out the percentage effect on current value.
Remember to answer the actual requirement in part (b) – it is easy to forget to determine the
increase in the effective cost of debt capital. The current gearing ratio and the market capitalisation
of equity leads directly to an estimate of the current market value of debt and, given that the market
yield is the current coupon, its nominal value. The alteration in the company's credit rating leads to a
revised market value for this equity and at this point candidates had sufficient information to estimate
the average cost of debt capital.
Part (c) is not particularly difficult; there is not much to be done for eight marks but make sure you
relate your answer to the specific company in the scenario where you can.
(a) The appropriate coupon rate for the new debt issue should be the same as the yield for the
four-year debt, which is calculated as follows:
Yield for four-year debt= risk-free rate + credit spread
= 5.1% + 0.9% (0.9% is the 90 base point spread) = 6%
The investment bankers have suggested that at a spread of 90 base points will guarantee that
the offer will be taken up by the institutional investors. If the spread was set too high, the debt
would be issued at a premium; if it was too low then it would have to be issued at a discount
as there would not be a full take-up.
(b) Impact of new issue on the company's cost of debt and market valuation
When new debt is issued this will increase the risk of the company, resulting in a reduction in
the company's credit rate and/or an increase in the company's cost of debt.
Current amount of debt in issue
Using the company's current gearing ratio of 25%, we can calculate the current amount of
debt in issue:
MV of debt
Gearing =
MV of debt + MV of equity
MV of debt
0.25 =
1.2bn + MV of debt
400m 395.6m
Pre-tax cost of debt = 6% + 4.4% (1– 0.30)
(400m + 395.6m (400m +395.6m)
= [3.02% + 2.19%] = 5.21%
Current cost of debt = 4%
The effect of the new debt issue on cost of debt is to increase it by 1.21% pre-tax, which
becomes 0.85% (1.21% 0.7) post-tax.
What should be borne in mind is that part of this increase will be due to the longer term to
maturity (four years rather than three years).
(c) Advantages and disadvantages of debt as a method of financing
Relative lower cost of debt compared with equity
One of the advantages of debt is that, due to the tax shield on interest payments, it is a
relatively cheaper form of financing than equity (whose dividends are paid out of earnings
Further question practice and solutions
after tax). As such we would expect the higher level of gearing to lead to a fall in the
weighted average cost of capital.
Appropriate to the industry and specific assets
The company is in the airline industry where debt tends to be a more appropriate method of
finance, given that many of the assets can be sold when they are being replaced. In this case,
the company is using debt to acquire new aircraft where a secondhand market does exist.
Signalling and agency effects
Companies tend to prefer debt to equity as a method of financing. This is mainly due to the tax
shield offered by interest payments on debt. If the company increases its level of debt
financing, the market could interpret this as meaning that management believe the company is
undervalued. There is a significant agency effect arising from the legal obligation to make
interest payments. Managers are less inclined to divert money towards financing their own
incentives and perks if they know they have such legal obligations to meet.
Alteration of capital structure
One of the problems with debt financing is that it could be viewed as increasing the risk of the
company to equity holders, given that there is a legal obligation to pay interest before
dividends can be paid. As a result, investors may require a higher rate of return before they
will be tempted to invest money in the company.
4 CD
Top tips. The net cash flows are in real terms so need to be converted into nominal cash flows.
Internal rate of return (IRR)
The IRR can be found by trial discount rates and interpolation. If the discount rate is 15%, the
NPV is £(0.43) million.
Year 0 1 2 3
Total nominal cash flows in £m (15.63) 5.48 6.98 7.83
15% factors 1 0.870 0.756 0.658
PV (15.63) 4.77 5.28 5.15
NPV (0.43)
By interpolation the IRR is 9% + (15% – 9%) 1.32/(1.32 + 0.43) = 13.5% pa
Modified internal rate of return (MIRR)
We can find the MIRR using the formula given in the formula sheet.
PV n
MIRR = R 1+ re – 1
Year 0 1 2 3
Total nominal cash flows in £m (15.63) 5.48 6.98 7.83
9% factors 1 0.917 0.842 0.772
PV (15.63) 5.03 5.88 6.04
NPV 1.32
PV (return phase – Years 1–3) = £16.95m
PV (investment phase) = £(15.63)m
(1 + 0.09) – 1 = 12%
MIRR = (16.95m/15.63m)
(b) Project duration for Alternative 2
Present value of cash inflows = NPV + initial investment = £1.32m + £15.63m = £16.95m
Year 1 2 3
PV of cash flow 5.03 5.88 6.04
% of total PV 30% 35% 36%
Year % 1 30% 2 35% 3 36%
= 0.3 = 0.7 = 1.08
Duration = 0.3 + 0.7 + 1.08 = 2.1 years
Alternative duration calculation:
Present value of cashin flows = NPV + initial investment = £1.32m + £15.63m = £16.95m
Year 1 2 3
PV of cash flow 5.03 5.88 6.04
Year PV 1 5.03 2 5.88 3 6.04
5.03 11.76 18.12
Further question practice and solutions
5 Bournelorth
Top tips. This question requires you to think outside the confines of one chapter, which is an
important skill in AFM. You shold note that due credit is given to relevant and valid points discussed
that may not be included in this model answer.
Make sure that in part (a) you make your points as specific to the scenario as you can.
In part (b(ii)) be careful to read the question carefully – it is asking about issues such as
confidentiality and transparency that could determine the kind of information the company
communicates; not what kind of information needs to be communicated.
(a) According to traditional finance theory, Bournelorth Co's directors will wish to strive for
long-term shareholder wealth maximisation. The directors may not have been fully committed
to long-term wealth maximisation, as they seemed to have focused on the development aspects
which interested them most and left the original business mostly to others. However, now they
are likely to come under pressure from the new external shareholders to maximise shareholder
wealth and pay an acceptable level of dividend. To achieve this, it seems that Bournelorth Co
will have to commit further large sums to investment in development of diagnostic applications
(apps) in order to keep up with competitors.
Selling off the IT services business
At present the IT services business seems to be a reliable generator of significant profits.
Selling it off would very likely produce a significant cash boost now, when needed. However,
it would remove the safety net of reasonably certain income and mean that Bournelorth Co
followed a much riskier business model. The IT services business also offers a possible
gateway to reach customers who may be interested in the apps which Bournelorth Co
Rights issue
If the executive directors wish to maintain their current percentage holdings, they would have
to subscribe to 75% of the shares issued under the rights issue. Even though the shares would
be issued at a discount, the directors might well not have the personal wealth available to
subscribe fully. Previously they had to seek a listing to obtain enough funds for expansion,
even though they were reluctant to bring in external investors, and this suggests their personal
financial resources are limited.
However, the directors may need to take up the rights issue in order to ensure its success. If
they do not, it may send out a message to external investors that the directors are unwilling to
make a further commitment themselves because of the risks involved. There are also other
factors which indicate that the rights issue may not be successful. The directors did not achieve
the initial market price which they originally hoped for when Bournelorth Co was listed and
shareholders may question the need for a rights issue soon after listing.
If the executive directors do not take up all of their rights, and the rights issue is still successful,
this may have consequencesfor the operation of the business. The external shareholders would
own a greater percentage of Bournelorth Co's equity share capital and may be in a position
to reinforce the wishes of non-executive directors for improved governance and control systems
and change of behaviour by the executive directors. Possibly they may also demand
additional executive and non-executive directors, which would change the balance of power
on the board.
The level of dividend demanded by shareholders may be less predictable than the interest on
debt. One of the directors is also concerned whether the stock market is efficient or whether
the share price may be subject to behavioural factors (discussed in (c) below).
Further question practice and solutions
Debt finance
Debt providers will demand Bournelorth Co commits to paying interest and ultimately repaying
debt. This may worry the directors because of the significant uncertainties surrounding returns
from new apps. Significant debt may have restrictive covenants built in, particularly if
Bournelorth Co cannot provide much security. The directors may be faced with restrictions on
dividends, for example, which may upset external shareholders.
Uncertainties surrounding funding may also influence directors' decisions. Loan finance may
be difficult to obtain, but the amount and repayments would be fixed and could be budgeted,
whereas the success of a rights issue is uncertain.
(b) (i) The main risks connected with development work are that time and resources are
wasted on projects which do not generate sales or are not in line with corporate
strategy. Directors may choose apps which interest them rather than apps which are
best for the business. There is also the risk that projects do not deliver benefits, take too
long or are too costly. Bournelorth Co's directors' heavy involvement in development
activities may have made it easier to monitor them. However, the dangers with this are
that the directors focus too much on their own individual projects, do not consider their
projects objectively and do not step back to consider the overall picture.
The board must decide on a clear strategy for investment in development and needs to
approve major initiatives before they are undertaken. There must be proper planning
and budgeting of all initiatives and a structured approach to development. The board
must regularly review projects, comparing planned and actual expenditure and resource
usage. The board must be prepared to halt projects which are unlikely to deliver
benefits. One director should be given responsibility for monitoring overall development
activity without being directly involved in any of the work. Post-completion reviews
should be carried out when development projects have been completed.
(ii) Communication with shareholders and other important stakeholders, such as potential
customers, may be problematic. Bournelorth Co faces the general corporate governance
requirement of transparency and has to comply with the specific disclosure requirements
of its local stock market.
However, governance best practice also acknowledges that companies need to be
allowed to preserve commercial confidentiality if appropriate, and clearly it will be
relevant for Bournelorth Co. However, the less that it discloses, the less information
finance providers will have on which to base their decisions.
Another issue with disclosure is that product failures may be more visible now that
Bournelorth Co has obtained a listing and may have to include a business review in its
(c) (i) Sewell defines behavioural finance as the influence of psychology on the behaviour of
financial practitioners and the subsequent effect on markets. Behavioural finance
suggests that individual decision making is complex and will deviate from rational
decision-making. Under rational decision-making, individual preferences will be clear
and remain stable. Individuals will make choices with the aim of maximising utility, and
adopt a rational approach for assessing outcomes.
Under behavioural finance, individuals may be more optimistic or conservative than
appears to be warranted by rational analysis. They will try to simplify complex
decisions and may make different decisions based on the same facts at different times.
(ii) Bournelorth Co's share price may be significantly influenced by the impact of
behavioural factors, as it is a newly listed company operating in a sector where returns
have traditionally been variable and unpredictable. The impact of behavioural factors
may be complex, and they may exert both upward and downward pressures on
Bournelorth Co's share price. Investors may, for example, compensate for not knowing
much about Bournelorth Co by anchoring, which means using information which is
irrelevant, but which they do have, to judge investment in Bournelorth Co.
The possibility of very high returns may add to the appeal of Bournelorth Co's shares.
Some investors may want the opportunity of obtaining high returns even if it is not very
likely that they will. The IT sector has also been subject to herd behaviour, notably in the
dotcom boom. The herd effect is when a large number of investors have taken the same
decision, for example to invest in a particular sector, and this influences others to
conform and take the same decision.
However, even if Bournelorth Co produces high returns for some time, the fact that it is
in a volatile sector may lead to investors selling shares before it appears to be
warranted on the evidence, on the grounds that by the laws of chance Bournelorth Co
will make a loss eventually (known as the gambler's fallacy).
Under behavioural finance, the possible volatility of Bournelorth Co's results may lead to
downward pressure on its share price for various reasons. First some investors have
regret aversion, a general bias against making a loss anyway. This, it is claimed,
means that the level of returns on equity is rather higher than the returns on debt than is
warranted by a rational view of the risk of equity.
Similarly under prospect theory, investors are more likely to choose a net outcome
which consists entirely of small gains, rather than an identical net outcome which
consists of a combination of larger gains and some losses. At present also, Bournelorth
Co does not have much of a history of results for the market to analyse. Even when it
has been listed for some time, however, another aspect of behavioural finance is
investors placing excessive weight on the most recent results.
If the market reacts very well or badly to news about Bournelorth Co, the large rise or
fall in the share price which results may also not be sustainable, but may revert back
over time.
6 Four Seasons
(a) The value of the abandonment option can be estimated by determining the value of the put
option using the Black–Scholes formula.
Call option = Pa N (d1) – Pe N (d2)e
Put option = c – Pa Pee
Value of the underlying asset (Pa) = PV of cash flows from project at the point in time when the
option is exercised. This is in five years' time so 15/20 of the projects' present value will
remain: $339m 15/20 = $254 million
Variance in underlying asset's value = 0.09 (standard deviation (s) = √0.09 = 0.3)
Time to expiration = Life of the project = 5 years
Risk-free rate of interest (r) = 7%
Further question practice and solutions
ln a + r + 0.5s2 t
d1 = e
s t
+ 0.07 + 0.50.32 5
d1 =
0.3 5
0.5267 + 0.115 5
= 1.64
d2 = d1 – s t
= 1.64 – 0.3 √5
= 0.97
Using normal distribution tables:
N(d1) = 0.9495
N(d2) = 0.8340
Value of call option = 254 (0.9495) – 150 (0.8340) e
= 214.17 – 88.16
= 153.01
The value of the put option can be calculated as follows:
Put option = 153.01 – 254 + (150 e )
= 153.01 – 254 + 105.70
= $4.71m
The value of this abandonment option is added to the project's NPV of $89m, which gives a
total NPV with abandonment option of $93.71m.
(b) The main limitations of the Black–Scholes model are:
(i) The model is only designed for the valuation of European options.
(ii) The model assumes that there will be no transaction costs.
(iii) The model assumes knowledge of the risk-free rate of interest, and also assumes
the risk-free rate will be constant throughout the option's life.
(iv) Likewise the model also assumes accurate knowledge of the standard deviation of
returns, which is also assumed to be constant throughout the option's life.
7 Pandy
The value of the project (Pa) is $20m at year 5. We therefore have to discount this back to Year 0 to
obtain the PV.
d1 = [ln(11.34/20) (0.05 0.5 0.25 ) 5]/(0.25 √5)
= [–0.5674 0.40625]/0.5590
= –0.29
d2 = –0.288 – 0.5590
= –0.85
N(d1) = 0.5 – 0.1141 = 0.3859
N(d2) = 0.5 – 0.3023 = 0.1977
Option to expand = ($11.34m 0.3859) – ($20m 0.1977 0.779)
= $4.376m – $3.080m
= $1.296m
NPV of the project is now $1.296m – $0.5m = $0.796m
We now can see the value of the real options approach. Here a project was originally showing a
negative NPV (of $0.5m) and would therefore be rejected. However by valuing a real option
associated with the project we can see that the project can be justified and now shows a positive
8 Novoroast
Top tips. Points to note in the calculations are:
The treatment of working capital (the increase is included each year and the whole amount
released at the end of the period)
The use of purchasing power parity to calculate exchange rates
The additional UK tax (calculated on taxable profits, not on cash flows)
The use of the existing weighted average cost of capital (WACC) (as the company is still
manufacturing the same products)
The discussion should include problems with the assumptions, and the limitations of only taking five
years' worth of cash flows. You also need to consider the risks and long-term opportunities of
investing in South America.
Further question practice and solutions
Year 0 1 2 3 4 5
Profit and cash flow – peso million
Total contribution (W1) 5.80 44.20 92.82 97.04 100.92
Fixed costs (per year inflation increases) (12.00) (14.40) (16.56) (19.04) (21.90)
Tax-allowable depreciation (12.00) (12.00) (12.00) (12.00) (12.00)
Taxable profit (18.20) 17.80 64.26 66.00 67.02
Tax: from Year 4 only at 25% (16.50) (16.76)
Add back depreciation 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00
Net after-tax cash flow from operations (6.20) 29.80 76.26 61.50 62.26
Investment cash flows
Land and buildings (W3) (50) 104.94
Plant and machinery (less 10% govt. grant) (54)
Working capital (W4) (20) (29.00) (7.35) (8.45) (9.72) 74.52
Cash remittable from/to UK (124) (35.20) 22.45 67.81 51.78 241.72
Exchange rate P/£ (W2) 13.421 15.636 17.290 19.119 21.141 23.377
UK cash flows (£m)
Cash remittable (9.24) (2.25) 1.30 3.55 2.45 10.34
Contribution from sale of chips (£3 per unit) 0.02 0.18 0.36 0.36 0.36
Tax on chips contribution at 30% (0.01) (0.05) (0.11) (0.11) (0.11)
Additional UK tax at 5% on S. Am. profits (0.16) (0.14)
Net cash flow in £m (9.24) (2.24) 1.43 3.80 2.54 10.45
14% (W5) discount factors 1 0.877 0.769 0.675 0.592 0.519
Present value £m (9.24) (1.96) 1.10 2.57 1.50 5.42
NPV (£610,000)
1 Year 0 1 2 3 4 5
Contribution per unit
Sales price (10% increases – pesos) 1,450.0 1,595.0 1,754.5 1,930.0 2,123.0
Variable cost per unit in pesos
(previous year inflation increases) 600.0 720.0 828.0 952.2 1,095.0
Chip cost per unit
(£8 converted to pesos – W2) 125.1 138.3 153.0 169.1 187.0
Contribution per unit (pesos) 724.9 736.7 773.5 808.7 841.0
Sales volume ('000 units) 8 60 120 120 120
3 Land and buildings
Value after five years = P50m 1.2 1.15 = P104.94m. It is assumed no tax is
Market values: Equity: 200m £4.10 = £820m. Debt: £180m 800/1,000 = £144m.
Total = £964m.
WACC = 16% 820/964 + 5.46% 144/964 = 14.42%.
The discount rate will be rounded to 14% for the calculation.
6 Limitations of the analysis
The calculations are based on many assumptions and estimates concerning future cash
flows. For example:
(i) Purchasing power parity, used to estimate exchange rates, is only a 'broad-
brush' theory; many other factors are likely to affect exchange rates and could
increase the risk of the project.
(ii) Estimates of inflation, used to estimate costs and exchange rates in the
calculations, are subject to high inaccuracies.
(iii) Assumptions about future tax rates and the restrictions on price increases may
be incorrect.
(iv) Cash flows beyond the five-year time horizon may be crucial in determining the
viability or otherwise of the project; economic values of the operational assets at
Year 5 may be a lot higher than the residual values included in the calculation.
The calculations show only the medium-term financial implications of the project. Non-
financial factors and potentially important strategic issues have not been addressed.
7 Other relevant information
In order to get a more realistic view of the overall impact of the project, a strategic
analysis needs to be carried out assessing the long-term plans for the company's
products and markets. For example, the long-term potential growth of the South
American market may be of greater significance than the medium-term problems of
price controls and inflation. On the other hand, it may be of more importance to the
Further question practice and solutions
company to increase its product range to existing customers in Europe. There may
also be further opportunities in other countries or regions.
Before deciding whether to invest in the South American country, the company should
commission an evaluation of the economic, political and ethical environment.
Political risks include the likelihood of imposition of exchange controls, prohibition of
remittances, or confiscation of assets.
The value of this project may be higher than is immediately obvious if it opens up
longer-term opportunities in South American markets. Option pricing theory can be used
to value these opportunities.
As regards the existing financial estimates, the uncertainties surrounding the cash
flows can be quantified and understood better by carrying out sensitivity analysis,
which may be used to show how the final result varies with changes in the estimates
8 Conclusion
On the basis of the evaluation carried out so far, the project is not worthwhile.
However, other opportunities not yet quantified may influence the final decision.
Top tips. The question is asking for benefits and disadvantages of entering into a joint venture
rather than setting up independently. It is not asking you to discuss whether or not PMU should move
into this market (Kantaka). If you enter into such discussions you will gain no credit.
Make sure your answer is balanced. You are given no indication in the question about the number of
marks available for each element of the requirement – it is up to you to address the issues that arise
in the scenario. Don't just provide a list of benefits and disadvantages – at this level you are
expected to expand each issue and provide potential ways in which disadvantages can be dealt
Don't forget to suggest additional information that is required before a final decision can be made.
Easy marks. Even without detailed knowledge of joint ventures, the scenario is sufficiently detailed
for you to pick out a number of points that will earn marks.
A joint venture would give PMU the chance to share costs with the local partner. Academic
institutions already exist in Kantaka which would eliminate the need to source new premises
and a whole new team to run the degree programmes.
Disadvantages of joint venture
The most significant problem with entering into a joint venture for PMU is the potential effects
on reputation. PMU is a member of the prestigious Holly League and is world-renowned as
being of the highest quality. The Kantaka Government has a history of being reluctant to
approve degrees from overseas institutions that enter into joint ventures with local partners and
those who do graduate with such degrees have been unable to seek employment in national
or local government or nationalised organisations. In addition, degree programmes emerging
from joint ventures are not held in high regard by Kantaka's population.
With this in mind, PMU could suffer from negative publicity if it chooses a poor academic
institution with which to have a joint venture. It will have to carry out significant research into
potential partners before making a decision. The academic institution chosen should ideally
have a high reputation for quality teaching and qualifications to protect PMU's own
reputation. It may also be worthwhile for PMU to meet with the Kantaka Government to try to
obtain a commitment from the Government to back its degree programmes. All such efforts
take time but it is important to do sufficient groundwork before making such a major
commitment. PMU should also determine whether the Government will recognise its degrees if
it sets up on its own rather than entering into a joint venture.
PMU should also be mindful of the potential impact on the quality of its degree programmes.
We are told that the teaching and learning methods used in Kantaka's educational institutions
are very different to the innovative methods used by PMU (which are instrumental in its
academic success). In addition, students will have certain very high expectations of the
quality of infrastructure, such as IT facilities, halls of residence and lecture halls. Any joint
venture partner should be able to adapt to match such expectations. Existing staff will require
sufficient training to ensure that teaching quality is not compromised. As far as possible,
Kantaka students should have the same overall experience that PMU's home-based students in
Rosinante enjoy. This may require a higher proportion of Rosinante staff being brought in
initially until local staff acquire the necessary skills.
Cultural differences present major challenges to businesses setting up overseas. Steps
should be taken to minimise such differences between local staff and expats from Rosinante.
We have been told about the differences in teaching and learning methods – there are also
differences in attitudes towards research, a major activity in Holly League universities. PMU
will have to put strategies in place to deal with these and other cultural differences and ensure
the availability of programmes to help expat staff settle into a new country. At all costs, a
'them and us' culture should be avoided as this will create resentment and alienation of local
staff. One idea might be to encourage staff exchange programmes to expose both sets
of staff to each other's cultures.
Joint ventures can restrict managerial freedom of actions as opinions of both sets of
managers may differ. It is important that PMU listens to the opinions of the joint venture
partner regardless of how different these may be to the underlying principles of its own
managers. Clear guidelines should be developed regarding the aims and objectives of the
joint venture and both sets of managers should be involved in the decision-making process.
It is important that PMU considers government restrictions on such factors as visas for key
staff from Rosinante, proportion of total staff that has to be made up of local employees and
repatriation of funds from Kantaka to Rosinante. A meeting with government officials is
essential to clarify such issues.
Legal issues must be addressed properly and with due care and attention. Terms and
conditions of the joint venture, roles and responsibilities of both parties, profit sharing
Further question practice and solutions
percentages and ownership percentages must all be discussed by legal representatives of both
sides of the contract.
Other information required
Will tax concessions be lost if PMU decides to 'go it alone' rather than enter into a joint
venture? If so the impact on funding required will have to be determined.
What government restrictions might be imposed on repatriation of funds and visas for
key staff?
Outcome of discussions with the Kantaka Government regarding whether it will
recognise PMU degrees and thus allow graduates to gain employment in government
and nationalised industries.
Outcome of research into the availability of potential joint venture partners that will fulfil
students' expectations regarding infrastructure, facilities and teaching methods.
What is the likelihood of PMU's degrees being recognised by Kantaka's own people?
Will PMU be able to raise funds locally to finance the venture, thus reducing exposure
to foreign currency risk?
Will local staff be willing to undergo training in PMU's teaching and learning methods
and to what extent is this likely to breed resentment?
Will PMU be able to source experts in Kantaka to help set up the venture if it decides to
'go it alone'?
(b) There are a number of ways PMU could deal with the issue of blocked funds:
(i) PMU could sell goods or services to the subsidiary and obtain payment. This could be
for course materials or teaching staff supplied. The amount of this payment would
depend on the volume of sales and also on the transfer price for the sales.
(ii) PMU could charge a royalty on the courses that the subsidiary runs. The size of the
royalty could be adjusted to suit the wishes of PMU's management.
(iii) PMU could make a loan to a subsidiary at a high interest rate, which would improve
PMU's company's profits at the expense of the subsidiary's profits.
(iv) Management charges may be levied by PMU for costs incurred in the management of
international operations.
(v) The subsidiary could make a loan, equal to the required dividend remittance to PMU.
10 Tampem
Top tips. The key elements of the NPV calculation are the tax allowable depreciation and the
capital asset pricing model (CAPM) based cost of capital. You would not have scored well on the
APV calculation if you didn't calculate the ungeared cost of equity.
The tax shield on debt has been discounted at the cost of debt of 8% but the risk-free rate could have
been used.
In part (b) a key point with NPV is that it assumes that risks will stay the same when investments are
undertaken, although a key aim of major investments may be to change the risk profile of the
company. APV takes into account the changes in financial risk.
(a) Expected NPV
The NPV is found by discounting at the weighted average cost of capital, calculated as
Cost of equity
Using CAPM
Ke = rf + [E(rm) – rf]
Year 0 1 2 3 4
$'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000
Pre-tax operating cash flows 1,250 1,400 1,600 1,800
TAD (1,100) 825 619 464
Taxable profit 150 575 981 1,336
Tax @ 30% (45) (172) (294) (401)
Add back TAD 1,100 825 619 464
Investment cost (5,000)
Issue costs (400)
After-tax realisable value 1,500
Net cash flows (5,400) 1,205 1,228 1,306 2,899
Discount factor 10% 1.000 0.909 0.826 0.751 0.683
Present values (PV) (5,400) 1,095 1,014 981 1,980
The expected NPV is $(330,000)
Further question practice and solutions
= 1.5 = 0.882
1+1(1– 0.3)
The ungeared cost of equity can now be estimated using the CAPM:
= 4 + (10 – 4) 0.882
= 9.29% (say, approximately 9%)
Year 0 1 2 3 4
$'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000
Net cash flows (5,000) 1,205 1,228 1,306 2,899
Discount factor 9% 1.000 0.917 0.842 0.772 0.708
Present values (5,000) 1,105 1,034 1,008 2,052
The expected base case NPV is $199,000.
Financing side effects
Issue costs
$400,000; because they are treated as a side effect they are not included in this NPV
Present value of tax shield
Debt capacity of project = $5.4m 50% = $2.7m
Annual tax savings on debt interest = $2.7m × 8% 30% = $64,800
PV of tax savings for four years, discounted at the required return on debt of 8%, is 64,800
3.312 = $214,618.
Base case NPV 199
Tax relief on debt interest 215
Issue costs (400)
The APV is $14,000.
(b) Validity of the views of the two managers
Manager A
Manager A believes that the NPV method should be used, on the basis that the NPV of a
project will be reflected in an equivalent increase in the company's share price.
However, even if the market is efficient, this is only likely to be true if:
The financing used does not create a significant change in gearing
The project is small relative to the size of the company
The project risk is the same as the company's average operating risk
The manager is correct that the NPV method is quicker than the MIRR (although this is only
marginal) and APV methods. The main advantage of NPV over MIRR is that it gives an
absolute measure of the increase in shareholder wealth.
Manager B
Manager B prefers the APV method, in which the cash flows are discounted at the
ungeared cost of equity for the project, and the resulting NPV is then adjusted for financing
side effects such as issue costs and the tax shield on debt interest. The main problem with the
APV method is the estimation of the various financing side effects and the discount
rates used to appraise them. For example in the calculation the risk-free rate could have been
used to discount the tax effect which would have produced a different result.
Problems with both viewpoints
Both NPV and APV methods rely on the restrictive assumptions about capital markets which
are made in the CAPM and in the theories of capital structure. The figures used in the
CAPM (risk-free rate, market rate and betas) can be difficult to determine. Business risks
are assumed to be constant.
None of the methods considered attempt to value the possible real options for abandonment
or further investment which may be associated with the project and could generate additional
shareholder wealth. It is important to factor in these options to the initial evaluation of the
project to ensure the correct decision is made.
11 Levante
Top tips. The 'financial implications' really means whether the company will be better or worse off
using each of the available alternatives. There are two main payments that companies make with
bonds – annual interest and redemption. You should therefore focus on these payments when
considering the financial implications.
Further question practice and solutions
This means that the bond would have to be issued at a discount if a 5% coupon was
(ii) New coupon rate for bond valued at $100 by the market
As a 5% coupon means that the bond would have to be issued at a discount, a higher
coupon must be offered. The coupon rate can be calculated by finding the yield to
maturity of the 5% bond discounted at the yield curve given above. This will then be the
coupon of the new bond to ensure the face value is $100.
–1 –2 –3 –4
$5 (1 + YTM) + $5 (1 + YTM) + $5 (1 + YTM) + $5 (1 + YTM) + $105
(1 + YTM)
= $95.718
We solve this equation by trial and error – it doesn't have to work out exactly but we
are looking for a coupon rate that will be close to $95.718.
If we try 6%, we obtain a result of $95.78 which is close enough to the target of
This means that if the coupon payment is $6 per $100 (6%) the market value of the
bond will be equal to the face value of $100.
$6 1.06-1 + $6 1.06-2 + $6 1.06-3 + $6 1.06-4 + $106 1.06-5 = $100
Advice to directors
If a coupon of 5% was chosen then the bond would be issued at a discount of
approximately 4.28%. To raise $150 million the company would have to issue
($150 million/95.718) $156,710,337 of bonds in terms of their nominal value. When
the bonds come to be redeemed in 5 years' time, Levante will have to pay an additional
$6,710,337 to redeem these bonds.
However, a lower coupon rate will mean that interest payments each year will fall.
Issuing $150 million at 6% would mean that annual interest payments would be
$9 million (6% of $150 million). In comparison, issuing $156,710,337 of bonds at 5%
is an annual interest payment of $7,835,517 which lower by $1,164,483.
The choice depends on whether the directors feel that that project's profit will be
sufficient to cover the additional redemption charges in five years' time. If they are
reasonably confident that profits will be sufficient then they should choose the lower
coupon rate bond. If they wish to spread the cost rather than paying it in one lump sum
then the higher coupon rate should be chosen.
12 Mercury Training
Top tips. In part (a), the asset beta of Mercury is calculated using the revenue weightings from
Jupiter and the financial services sector. This is quite a tough section for eight marks and it is
important to show all your workings to ensure you gain as many marks as possible.
Part (b) requires the use of the dividend valuation model to calculate share price at the higher end of
the range of possible prices. There are three possible growth rates that could be used. You should
recognise that the historic earnings growth rate actually exceeds the cost of equity capital and
therefore cannot be sustained in the long run.
Part (c) requires knowledge of the advantages and disadvantages of public listings and private
equity finance. Remember to make it relevant to the scenario where possible.
(a) Step 1
Ungear beta of Jupiter and financial services sector
a = g
Ve + Vd (1– T)
Jupiter = 1.5 = 1.3865
88 + (12 0.6)
FS sector = 0.9 = 0.75
75 + (25 0.6)
Step 2
Calculate average asset beta for Mercury
a = (0.67 1.3865) + (0.33 0.75) = 1.175
Further question practice and solutions
Step 3
Regear Mercury's beta
a = e
Ve + Vd (1– T)
1.175 = e
70 + 30(1– 0.4)
1.175 = e 0.795
e = 1.48
Step 4
Calculate cost of equity capital and WACC
Using CAPM:
WACC = e k + d k (1 – T)
Ve + V
e d
Ve + Vd d
= (0.7 0.0968) + (0.3 [0.045 + 0.025]) 0.6
= 8.04%
(100 - 25)
g = bre = 0.0968 = 7.26%
Either growth rate can be used, but here the higher of the two feasible rates – that is, 7.26% –
is used to calculate the higher issue price
d0 (1+ g)
P0 =
(k e – g)
25(1+ 0.0726)
P0 = = $11.08 per share
(0.0968 – 0.0726)
If the company was floated, the higher price above (which is based on a minority
shareholding earning a dividend from the shares) could be achieved. This implies that a
portion of the equity and effective control is retained. Private equity investors are
likely to be willing to pay a premium for the benefits of control (control premium) – often as
much as 30%–50% of the share price. In this case negotiations may start at a share price of
$16.62 ($11.08 1.5).
(c) To: Directors of Mercury Training
From: Treasury department
Subject: Public listing versus private equity finance
As you are currently considering either a flotation or an outright sale of Mercury Training, I
would like to outline the relative advantages and disadvantages of a public listing versus
private equity finance.
Public listing
This is the traditional method of raising finance by firms which have reached a certain size.
Where a public listing is sought, owners will be looking to release their equity stake in
the firm (either partially or in total). A public listing gives the company access to a wider
pool of finance and makes it easier to grow by acquisition. As owners, you will be able to
release your holding and use the money to fund other projects.
However, public listings lead to the company being subject to increased scrutiny,
accountability and regulation. There are greater legal requirements and the
company will also be required to adhere to the rules of the stock exchange.
Obtaining a public listing is expensive – for example brokerage commission and
underwriting fees.
New investors may have more exacting requirements and different ideas of how the
business should progress. This may put additional strain on the directors responsible for the
company's overall strategy.
Private equity
Private equity finance is raised via venture capital companies or private equity
businesses. There are fewer regulatory restrictions attached to private equity finance
than there are to public listings. The cost of accessing private equity finance is lower and in
certain jurisdictions there are favourable tax advantages to private equity investors.
Directors of a company seeking private equity finance must realise however that the financial
institution will require an equity stake in the company. The directors responsible for the
overall company strategy will still be subject to considerable scrutiny as the finance
providers may want to have a representative appointed to the company's board to look
after their interests. They may even require the appointment of an independent director.
Private equity providers will need to be convinced that the company can continue its
business operations successfully, otherwise there will be no incentive to invest.
I hope this information is useful but please contact me if you wish to discuss further.
Further question practice and solutions
13 Kodiak Company
Top tips. In part (a), layout is very important, not just to make things clear for the marker, but also
for you to ensure that no figures are missed. There are numerous workings involved in this part of the
question therefore you need to be able to keep track of where figures are coming from. Remember
that cash flow statements never include depreciation so ensure you account for this when calculating
the free cash flow to equity. Make sure you answer the question – you are asked for the free cash
flow to equity so you will have to deduct any new investment in non-current assets.
Part (b) is straightforward if you can remember the formula but remember to show your workings.
Part (c) is testing your understanding of how estimates can affect the valuation figure. Two of the
more important figures are growth rates and required rate of return so make sure you comment on
those. There are several other factors you can comment on but remember this part is only worth six
marks so don't get carried away!
Easy marks. The calculations in part (a) should be quite straightforward and you should be
expecting to gain all, or almost all, of the available marks. As mentioned above, part (b) is also quite
straightforward if you remember the formula for calculating terminal value.
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
$'000 $'000 $'000
Revenue (9% growth per annum) 5,450 5,941 6,476
Cost of sales (9% growth per annum) (3,270) (3,564) (3,885)
Gross profit 2,180 2,377 2,591
Other operating costs (W1) (2,013) (2,160) (2,318)
Operating profit 167 217 273
Add depreciation (W2) 135 144 155
Less incremental working capital (W3) (20) (22) (24)
Less interest (74) (74) (74)
Less taxation (W4) (15) (28) (43)
193 237 287
Less new additions to non-current assets (W2) (79) (95) (114)
Free cash flow to equity 114 142 173
1 Operating costs
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
$'000 $'000 $'000
Variable costs (9% growth per annum) 818 892 972
Fixed costs (6% growth per annum) 1,060 1,124 1,191
Depreciation (10%) (Working 2) 135 144 155
Total operating costs 2,013 2,160 2,318
3 Working capital
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
$'000 $'000 $'000
Working capital requirements (9% growth pa) 240 262 286
Incremental working capital (240 – 220) (262 – 240) (286 – 262)
= 20 = 22 = 24
Note that the working capital figure excludes cash, therefore the current (Year 0)
working capital figure is $270,000 – $50,000 = $220,000.
4 Taxation
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
$'000 $'000 $'000
Charged on previous year's profit after interest
Given in question 15
Previous year's operating profit (from
projected statement of profit or loss) 167 217
Interest (74) (74)
Profit before tax 93 143
Tax at 30% 28 43
(b) Value of business using free cash flow to equity and terminal value
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
$'000 $'000 $'000
Free cash flow to equity (from (a)) 114 142 173
Terminal value (Working) 2,546
Total 2,719
Discount factor (10%) 0.909 0.826 0.751
Present value 104 117 2,042
Value of the business = $2,263,000
Working: Terminal value
FCFN 1+ g
Terminal value =
Further question practice and solutions
Growth rates
The growth rate applied to terminal value is assumed to be certain into the indefinite future.
In the case of a three-year projection this is unlikely to be the case, due to unexpected
economic conditions and the type of business. In order to reduce the effects of such
uncertainties, different growth rates could be applied to the calculations to determine business
valuation in a variety of scenarios.
Interest rates and tax rates
Similar to the growth rate, it has been assumed that interest rates and tax rates will remain
unchanged during the three-year period. If economic conditions suggest that changes may
take place revised calculations could reflect different possible rates to update the estimate of
business valuation.
Costs, revenues and non-current assets
It has been assumed that the figures used for these factors are certain and that the business is
a going concern. It may be worth investigating the potential variability of these factors
and the range of values that may result for such variability. Changes in estimates will obviously
affect operating profit and projected cash flows, which in turn will affect the estimated value of
the business.
14 Saturn Systems
Top tips. This is a relatively straightforward question if you can identify the issues involved.
Requirement (b) is divided neatly into three types of issues so deal with each type under a separate
heading to make it easy for the marker to identify your points.
The solution given relates to the UK City Code but you can refer to your own country's codes instead
and still gain the available marks.
Make sure you relate your answer to the specific scenario and do not just write everything you know
about takeover and acquisition regulations.
Easy marks. Part (a) is a fairly straightforward discussion. Also it should have been easy to identify
that the financial risk of Saturn could change if more debt was introduced into the capital structure to
fund the acquisition of Pluto.
The acquired company may not produce the exact product or service that the acquirer
needs, or may need significant investment before it conforms to quality requirements.
Management problems are also quite common, particularly when the acquiring and
acquired companies have different organisational cultures. Disputes may cause the loss of
key staff members, resulting in reduced quality or even in the establishment of competing
(b) There are several regulatory, financial and ethical issues that must be
considered if Saturn Systems wants to make a bid for Pluto Ltd.
Regulatory issues
As a large listed company we have an obligation to ensure that any remarks made in the
public domain will not mislead investors. The City Code in the UK requires the maintenance
of absolute secrecy prior to an announcement being made. This requirement falls on the
person or persons who hold confidential information (particularly information that might
affect share price) and every effort should be made to prevent accidental disclosure of
such information.
The City Code specifically states that a false market must not be created in the shares
of the 'target' company. The remarks made last night no doubt contributed to the 15% rise in
Pluto's share price. In accordance with the City Code, Saturn Systems will be expected to
make a statement of intention in the light of the effect of the remarks at the dinner.
If it is stated that Saturn Systems are not interested in making a bid, it will not be able to make
another bid for six months, unless Pluto's board recommends a bid that might be made
by Saturn Systems. Another way in which this restriction could be waived is if another offer is
made by a third party.
Financial issues
Saturn Systems are in a strong financial position at the moment which may be one of the
reasons the market interpreted the remarks as being significant. The 15% increase in Pluto's
share price indicates that the market now sees Pluto as being a target for takeover and
that Saturn may be interested in buying the company.
One problem is that Saturn Systems is only in the early stages of investigating Pluto and has
not yet conducted a due diligence study. It does not know what the company is worth as a
valuation has not yet taken place. As the remarks apparently contributed to a 15% increase in
share price, Saturn Systems will now have to pay more for Pluto if it decides to make a bid.
This could affect the financial position as it may be unable to raise the extra finance required
to cover the additional cost.
As well as the issues above, there is the likelihood of the extra debt affecting the financial
risk profile. The acquisition of Pluto could also affect the business risk exposure. As a
result, Saturn Systems cannot value Pluto without revaluing the existing business. If Pluto's value
exceeds the increase in Saturn's value if the acquisition took place, it should not proceed with
the purchase.
Ethical issues
There is now a dilemma of how to proceed. Saturn Systems has made no secret of the fact that
it wants to growth by acquisition rather than organically therefore it would not be ethical to
deny any interest in Pluto. It was one of four potential targets discussed at the last board
meeting and investigations have been conducted into the company as well as reviewing the
steps necessary to raise the finance for acquisition. In order to maintain its commitment to
transparency of information, it is recommended that Saturn Systems clarifies its intentions.
Further question practice and solutions
15 Gasco
Top tips. This case study is a welcome change to most 'general questions' on mergers and
takeovers, as it provides a lot of detail for use as illustrations of synergy, stakeholder expectations
and post-merger problems. You should state the general principles involved and illustrate them with
examples drawn from the question.
(a) There is frequently a mix of good and bad reasons behind a takeover bid. Among the good
reasons, the most significant is the possibility of creating synergy, which means that the
value of cash flows from the combined business is higher than the value of cash flows from the
two individual businesses. Although CarCare and Gasco are in different market sectors, there
are a number of areas which may generate synergy.
(i) Elimination of duplicated resources. The most obvious areas are the marketing
systems, the call centre systems and local offices and training facilities for mobile
repair/emergency staff. Head office overheads may also be reduced.
(ii) Cross-selling. Opportunities exist to cross-sell products to customers on the other
company's database.
(iii) Building a critical mass for non-core business. This might apply to the financial
services areas of both businesses. The credit card and insurance businesses may gain
from a combined brand name.
(iv) Reduction in the risk of the company's cash flow profile. CarCare receives
membership subscriptions in advance, whereas Gasco's customers will pay mainly in
arrears. The combined cash flows will be perceived as less risky by shareholders and
(v) The takeover of CarCare will abolish its mutual status and will allow equity funds
for expansion to be raised more easily, by share issues made by the parent company,
reducing the cost of capital.
Among the many possible bad reasons for takeover are:
(i) The directors of Gasco seeking the prestige of a larger company
(ii) Diversification with no real strategic objective
(iii) Gasco using up surplus cash, again with no strategic objective
(b) Stakeholders
The major stakeholders of CarCare are its members, who are both owners and customers, its
directors and employees, and its creditors. Competitors will also be highly interested in the
The members will have mixed reactions. The replacement of mutual status with marketable
equity shares or cash will give them an immediate 'windfall' gain, which many will
welcome. However, the cost of this is lost influence on the future direction of CarCare. As
customers, many may fear a reduction in the quality of service, particularly in the light of
increased competition in the market and the fact that Gasco has to demonstrate that it is
making a return on its investment. Others may disagree, on the basis that Gasco will be
able to raise money for expansion, modernisation and improvements more easily than
CarCare could as a mutual organisation.
CarCare's directors have a duty to ensure that they act in the best interest of members.
However, they will also be concerned about their own positions after the takeover and will
wish to seek suitable positions in the new company's management structure. Some may fear
loss of their jobs.
Employees will have mixed reactions depending on whether they are likely to be presented
with additional opportunities or loss of status or redundancy. There is likely to be some
rationalisation of the workforce except for those with highly specific skills, and for those
who remain there may also be the threat of relocation. Employees will be seeking answers to
these questions before the takeover happens, but are unlikely to receive comprehensive
Payables, including bankers, will probably be happy with the merger provided that Gasco has
no financial problems.
Some competitors will fear that they will lose market share if the takeover enables new
finance for expansion, improvement and marketing of CarCare. Others will be more
optimistic, believing that CarCare will become less sensitive to the needs of customers.
(c) Gasco may face a number of problems after the takeover has been achieved.
(i) Former members of Gasco who did not agree with the takeover, and who may have
been actively resisting it, may decide to change their service provider to another
organisation. The parent company will have to be proactive in giving confidence to all
its CarCare customers.
(ii) The two organisations probably had different management styles, Gasco being a
stock exchange quoted company with a clear need for financial results and CarCare
being more orientated to serving its customers and acting as a pressure group to
represent their needs. Conflicts may arise between directors, managers and employees
of CarCare after the takeover as a result of an enforced change in management style
from Gasco.
(iii) Actual and feared redundancies, relocations, changes in work practice, training
methods and other problems may demotivate CarCare employees, causing
resistance and a drop in productivity. In this respect, delays in information provision
and decision making can make the situation worse.
(iv) Competitors may take advantage of reorganisation problems at CarCare in
order to gain market share.
Further question practice and solutions
16 Pursuit
Top tips. Your entire answer should be in report format so don't just produce a set of calculations
with some explanations – you are expected to produce a professional-looking report with all the
necessary details. It is up to you how you structure your report – for example, calculations could be in
appendices – but make sure all the required elements are addressed.
Tutorial note. This forms the answer to part (a). Remember to ignore interest as it is already
included in the discount rate.
Year 1 2 3 4
$'000 $'000 $'000 $'000
Sales revenue (W1) – growth rate 6% 17,115 18,142 19,231 20,385
Operating profit (6% growth rate) 5,479 5,808 6,156 6,525
Tax at 28% (1,534) (1,626) (1,724) (1,827)
Less additional investment (W2) (213) (226) (240) (254)
Free cash flow 3,732 3,956 4,192 4,444
Discount factor 13% (W3) 0.885 0.783 0.693 0.613
Discounted cash flow 3,303 3,098 2,905 2,724
Total discounted cash flows (Years 1–4) 12,030
Terminal value (W4) 28,059
Total value of Fodder Co 40,089
1 Sales revenue growth
Growth rate = (16,146/13,559) – 1 = 0.0599 or 5.99% (say 6%)
Growth rate (20X8–20X9) = (14,491 – 13,559)/13,559 = 6.87%
Growth rate (20X9–20Y0) = (15,229 – 14,491)/14,491 = 5.09%
Growth rate (20Y0–20Y1) = (16,146 – 15,229)/15,229 = 6.02%
Average growth rate = (6.87 + 5.09 + 6.02)/3 = 5.99% (say 6%)
2 Additional investment
Year Sales revenue increase ($'000) 22% of increase
1 (17,115 – 16,146) = 969 213
2 (18,142 – 17,115) = 1,027 226
3 (19,231 – 18,142) = 1,089 240
4 (20,385 – 19,231) = 1,154 254
3 Cost of capital – Fodder Co
Using capital asset pricing model
Total discounted cash flows (Years 1–4) 37,595
Terminal value (W7) 151,475
Further question practice and solutions
Synergy benefits ($'000)= Total value of combined company – total value of individual companies
= $189,070 – ($140,000 + $40,089)
= $8,981
Premium required to purchase Fodder Co = 25% of equity
Equity = 90% of $40,089 = $36,080
Premium = $9,020 (in 000s).
Net benefits to Pursuit's shareholders = $8,981 – 9,020 = –$39,000 approx
5 Additional investment
Year Sales revenue increase ($'000) 18% of increase
1 See note below
2 54,965 – 51,952 = 3,013 542
3 58,153 – 54,965 = 3,188 574
4 61,526 – 58,153 = 3,373 607
Note. The additional investment for Year 1 is given in the question.
6 Combined company cost of capital
Asset beta is calculated using the formula:
Ve Vd (1- T)
ba = be + bd
Ve + Vd (1- T) Ve + Vd (1- T)
Asset beta (Pursuit) = 1.18 (0.5/[0.5 + 0.5 (1 – 0.28)]) = 0.686 (assume debt beta = 0)
Asset beta (Fodder) = 1.53 (0.9/[0.9 + 0.1 (1 – 0.28)]) = 1.417 (assume debt beta = 0)
Asset beta (combined company)
= [(0.686 $140m) + (1.417 $40.1m)]/(140m + 40.1m) = 0.849
Equity beta (combined company) = 0.849 [0.5 + (0.5 0.72)]/0.5 = 1.46
Cost of equity (ke) = 4.5% + 1.46 6% = 13.26%
WACC = [13.26% 0.5] + [6.4% (0.5 0.72)] = 8.93% (say 9%)
7 Terminal value
Growth rate is halved to 2.9% pa
PV of cash flows in perpetuity = 12,683 [1.029/(0.09 – 0.029)] = $213,948
Discounted back to Year 0 = $213,948 0.708 = $151,475
The extent of the benefits to Pursuit's shareholders depends on the additional synergy from the
acquisition of Fodder Co. The calculations above show the synergy to be about $9 million. However,
once Fodder's debts have been cleared (as per the acquisition agreement) and equity shareholders
paid there is a negative net present value (NPV) of approximately $39,000. It is therefore unlikely
that Pursuit's shareholders will see this acquisition as beneficial.
Limitations of the estimated valuations of Fodder and the combined company
Tutorial note. This forms the answer to part (a)(ii) of the question.
Whilst the valuation techniques used above are useful for providing estimates of company value, it is
important to treat the results with caution. The valuation techniques use numerous limiting
assumptions, such as constant growth rates both in the early years and for the remainder of the
project – there is no way of guaranteeing that these growth rates will be sustainable. Other
assumptions include those relating to debt beta (assumed to be zero), discount rates, profit margins
and fixed tax rates. As the negative NPV from the acquisition is minimal, changes in any of these
variables could potentially change the investment decision.
In addition, no information has been given about post-acquisition integration costs or
pre-acquisition expenses such as legal fees. These should be taken into consideration when trying to
determine the net benefits to shareholders as such costs can be quite substantial.
Pursuit's ability to estimate such variables as sales revenue growth, additional investment required
and operating profit growth for Fodder may be limited due to lack of detailed information. This
means that the value of Fodder may be significantly inaccurate and thus synergy benefits will be
more difficult to predict.
In view of the issues above, it would appear to be unwise to rely on a single value. It would
be better to have a range of values based on different assumptions and the likelihood of their
Amount of debt finance needed and likelihood of maintaining current capital
Tutorial note. This forms the answer to part (a)(iii) of the question.
Pursuit is currently valued at $140 million – with a 50/50 split between debt and equity this means
$70 million debt and $70 million equity. If this capital structure was to be maintained, the combined
company (with an approximate value before payments to Fodder's shareholders of $189 million)
would have debt of $94.5 million and equity of the same amount. Debt capacity would thus have to
increase by about $24.5 million.
Amount payable for Fodder
Debt obligations (10% of $40,089) 4,009
Shareholders ($36,080 1.25) 45,100
Part of the price for Fodder could be paid using the extra debt capacity of $24.5 million and also
the $20 million cash reserves that Pursuit currently has. However, there would still be a shortfall of
$4.6 million. It is therefore impossible to maintain the current capital structure if Pursuit only uses
cash reserves and debt finance to fund the acquisition.
Implications of changes in capital structure
Tutorial note. This forms the answer to part (a)(iv) of the question.
The use of either of the two proposals for funding the acquisition of Fodder (a combination of debt
finance and cash reserves or the Chief Financial Officer's suggestion of debt finance only) will mean
a change in capital structure.
Such a fundamental change will have significant implications for the combined company. The cost of
capital will have to be recalculated, which will have an effect on the valuation of the combined
company. As the valuation of the company changes, so will the market value of debt and market
value of equity. This will have a subsequent effect on cost of capital and the cycle will continue.
Further question practice and solutions
This is the type of scenario that is consistent with an acquisition where both financial and business
risk change.
The issue can be resolved by using an iterative process (which may be performed on an Excel
spreadsheet). This process involves recalculating beta and cost of capital and then applying these to
determine a revised company valuation. The process is then repeated until the assumed capital
structure is close to the one that has been recalculated.
Another alternative would be to use adjusted present value which first calculates a value
assuming an all-equity financial structure and then makes adjustments for the effects of the method of
financing used.
Suggested defence against a potential bid by SGF Co
Tutorial note. This forms the answer to part (a)(v) of the question.
The Chief Financial Officer has suggested a distribution of the $20 million cash reserves to
shareholders in the form of a special dividend in order to defend against the potential bid by SGF
Co. This type of defence is known as the 'crown jewels' approach, whereby a company dispenses
with its most valuable assets (which may have been the main reason for the takeover bid).
Returning the cash to the shareholders may have a positive effect on the currently depressed share
price. It may be that the shareholders do not agree with the board's policy to retain large cash
reserves and a reduction in these reserves may push up the share price and reduce the likelihood of
a takeover bid.
A formal bid has not been made to date and it would be wise for Pursuit's board to determine
whether the large cash reserves are the attraction or if SGF has another reason for wishing to
acquire Pursuit. In addition, before the cash is returned to the shareholders, it should be determined
whether this is actually what the shareholders want. There would be no point returning the money to
them if they would prefer it to be reinvested in the company.
If the cash reserves are returned to the shareholders this will have implications for funding the
acquisition of Fodder. Even with the $20 million reserves to partially finance the purchase, the
capital structure would have to change. If this money was not available then there would be a much
more significant change in capital structure as an additional $20 million in debt finance would have
to be found (if possible). This will have an effect on cost of capital and also on the value of the
combined firm (see discussion above).
It may be the case that the amount of debt required is not feasible due to the considerable increase
in gearing it would mean. The board of Pursuit should consider whether the acquisition is worth
pursuing due to its minimal benefit to shareholders.
This report has focused on the potential acquisition of Fodder Co and a possible defence against a
takeover bid by SGF Co. There are numerous issues that must be resolved prior to making a final
decision regarding going ahead with the acquisition, but it is clear that (if the valuations are correct)
the capital structure cannot remain unchanged. The implications of this must be considered prior to a
final decision being made. The board should also consider whether the acquisition should go ahead
at all, given the minimal benefit to shareholders.
Should you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact me.
17 Olivine
Top tips. Our answer to part (a)(ii) assumes that the administrative savings have been achieved.
Otherwise the answer to (a)(ii) is $(25 9.6)m/60m = 57.7 cents per share, and subsequent
answers also change.
Further question practice and solutions
acquisition to $11.72 per share after the acquisition. The estimate of the revised P/E ratio is
possibly too high and needs further scrutiny.
This reduction in share value for Olivine shareholders would result in a loss in
shareholder value from the acquisition of $31.2 million (6.24%). In contrast, the generous
premium being considered for the shares of Halite would lead to an increase in the value of
the shares held by former Halite shareholders of $90.4 million (62.78%).
Beneficiaries of offer
If the proposed offer is made, all the benefit of the acquisition will accrue to the Halite plc
shareholders and the Olivine shareholders will suffer a loss in share value. However, the
dividend per share for Halite shareholders is likely to be lower in the future than it is at
The directors of Olivine might wish to consider a less generous offer than the current premium
of $106 million ($250m – $144m) on the purchase of Halite. For example, a share for share
exchange would value the offer at $200 million (16 million shares @ $12.50 per share)
thereby still providing a substantial premium for the Halite shareholders but with no loss to the
Olivine shareholders.
18 Treasury management
Top tips. A few easy marks may be available for discussing the role of the treasury function. Part (b)
looks at the role from another angle.
(b) The treasury function needs information from within and outside the organisation to carry out
its tasks.
(i) From each subsidiary within the group, it will need figures for future cash receipts
and payments, making a distinction between definite amounts and estimates of future
amounts. This information about cash flows will be used to forecast the cash flows
of the group, and identify any future borrowing needs, particularly short-term and
medium-term requirements. Figures should be provided regularly, possibly on a daily
(ii) Information will also be required about capital expenditure requirements, so that
long-term capital can be made available to fund it.
(iii) Subsidiary finance managers should be encouraged to submit information to the
treasury department about local market and business conditions, such as prospects
for a change in the value of the local currency and a change in interest rates.
(iv) From outside the group, the treasury will need a range of information about current
market prices, such as exchange rates and interest rates, and about which banks are
offering those prices. Large treasury departments will have a link to one or more
information systems such as Reuters and Bloomberg.
(v) The treasury department should be alert to any favourable market opportunities
for raising new debt capital. The treasurer should maintain regular contact with several
banks, and expect to be kept informed of opportunities as they arise.
(vi) Where the treasury is responsible for the group's tax affairs, information will also be
needed about tax regulations in each country where the group operates, and
changes in those regulations.
19 For4Fore
Top tips. If you can work your way through the formula and are able to use the normal distribution
table, this question is actually not that bad. In (b), an evaluation implies the need to value a put
option and then to think about whether it is suitable.
Pa = 444 Pe =385 t = 4/12 s = 0.25 r = 0.0417 e = 0.9862
d1 = [ln(444/385) + (0.0417+ 0.5 0.25 ) 4/12]/(0.25 √(4/12))
= [0.1426 + 0.0243]/0.1443
= 1.16
Further question practice and solutions
20 Fidden plc
(a) Techniques for protecting against the risk of adverse foreign exchange movements include the
(i) A company could trade only in its own currency, thus transferring all risks to suppliers
and customers.
(ii) A company could ensure that its assets and liabilities in any one currency are as nearly
equal as possible, so that losses on assets (or liabilities) are matched by gains on
liabilities (or assets).
(iii) A company could enter into forward contracts, under which an agreed amount of a
currency will be bought or sold at an agreed rate at some fixed future date or, under a
forward option contract, at some date in a fixed future period.
(iv) A company could buy foreign currency options, under which the buyer acquires the
right to buy (call options) or sell (put options) a certain amount of a currency at a fixed
rate at some future date. If rates move in such a way that the option rate is unfav-
ourable, the option is simply allowed to lapse.
(v) A company could buy foreign currency futures on a financial futures exchange. Futures
are effectively forward contracts, in standard sizes and with fixed maturity dates. Their
prices move in response to exchange rate movements, and they are usually sold before
maturity, the profit or loss on sale corresponding approximately to the exchange loss or
profit on the currency transaction they were intended to hedge.
(vi) A company could enter into a money market hedge. One currency is borrowed and
converted into another, which is then invested until the funds are required or funds are
received to repay the original loan. The early conversion protects against adverse
exchange rate movements, but at a cost equal to the difference between the cost of
borrowing in one currency and the return available on investment in the other currency.
(b) (i) (1) Forward exchange market
The rates are:
Spot 1.7106–1.7140
Three months forward 1.7024–1.7063
Six months forward 1.6967–1.7006
The net payment three months hence is £116,000 – = £546.
$(447,000 – 154,000)
The net payment six months hence is = £172,688.
Note that the dollar receipts can be used in part settlement of the dollar
payments, so only the net payment is hedged.
(2) Money market
$197,000 will be received three months hence, so:
= $192,665
(1+0.09 312)
may be borrowed now and converted into sterling, the dollar loan to be repaid
from the receipts.
The net sterling payment three months hence is:
$197,000 1
£116,000 – (1+(0.095 3 )) = £924
1+(0.09 12) 1.7140
3 12
The equation for the $197,000 receipt in three months is to calculate the amount
of dollars to borrow now (divide by the dollar borrowing rate) and then to find
out how much that will give now in sterling (divide by the exchange rate). The
final amount of sterling after three months is given by multiplying by the sterling
lending rate.
$293,000 (net) must be paid six months hence. We can borrow sterling now
and convert it into dollars, such that the fund in six months will equal $293,000.
The sterling payment in six months' time will be the principal and the interest
thereon. A similar logic applies as for the equation above except that the
situation is one of making a final payment rather than a receipt.
The sterling payment six months hence is therefore
293,000 1
(1+ 0.125 612) = £176,690
1+ 0.06 612 1.7106
(ii) Available put options (put, because sterling is to be sold) are at $1.70 (cost 3.45 cents
per £) and at $1.80 (cost 9.32 cents per £).
Using options at $1.70 gives the following results.
= £172,353
1.70$ / £
Contracts required = = 14 (to the next whole number)
£12, 500
Cost of options = 14 12,500 3.45c = $6,038
(translated at today's spot rate = £3,530)
14 contracts will provide, for £12,500 14 = £175,000, $(175,000 1.70) =
$293,000 +$6,038 – $297,500
The overall cost is £175,000 = £175,906
As this figure exceeds the cost of hedging through the forward exchange market
(£172,688), use of $1.70 options would have been disadvantageous.
Using options at $1.80:
= £162,778
1.80$ / £
Contracts required = =14 (to next whole number)
Further question practice and solutions
(iii) Foreign currency options have the advantage that, while offering protection against
adverse currency movements, they need not be exercised if movements are favourable.
Thus the maximum cost is the option price, while there is no comparable limit on the
potential gains.
21 Curropt plc
(a) The department's view that the US dollar will strengthen is in agreement with the
indications of the forward market and the futures market. Forward and futures rates show a
stronger dollar than the spot rate. The forward rate is often taken as an unbiased
predictor of what the spot rate will be in future. However, future events could cause large
currency movements in either direction.
(b) The company needs to buy dollars in June.
Forward contract
A forward currency contract will fix the exchange rate for the date required near the end of
June. If the exact date is not known, a range of dates can be specified, using an option
forward contract. This will remove currency risk provided that the franchise is won.
If the franchise is not won and the group has no use for US dollars, it will still have to buy
the dollars at the forward rate. It will then have to sell them back for pounds at the spot rate
which might result in an exchange loss.
Futures contract
A currency hedge using futures contracts will attempt to create a compensating gain on the
futures market which will offset the increase in the sterling cost if the dollar strengthens.
The hedge works by selling sterling futures contracts now and closing out by buying
sterling futures in June at a lower dollar price if the dollar has strengthened. Like a
forward contract, the exchange rate in June is effectively fixed because, if the dollar weakens,
the futures hedge will produce a loss which counterbalances the cheaper sterling cost.
However, because of inefficiencies in future market hedges, the exchange rate is not fixed to
the same level of accuracy as a forward hedge.
A futures market hedge has the same weakness as a forward currency contract in the franchise
situation. If the franchise is not won, an exchange loss may result.
Currency option
A currency option is an ideal hedge in the franchise situation. It gives the company the right
but not the obligation to sell pounds for dollars in June. It is only exercised if it is to the
company's advantage; that is, if the dollar has strengthened. If the dollar strengthens and
the franchise is won, the exchange rate has been protected. If the dollar strengthens and the
franchise is not won, a windfall gain will result by selling pounds at the exercise
price and buying them more cheaply at spot with a stronger dollar.
(c) Results of using currency hedges if the franchise is won
Forward market
Using the forward market, the rate for buying dollars at the end of June is 1.4310 US$/£.
The cost in sterling is 15m/1.4310 = £10,482,180.
Date of contract
June future
Type of contract
Sell sterling futures
Number of contracts
= 167.8 168 contracts
1.4302× 62,500
Tick size
0.0001 62,500 = $6.25
Closing futures price
This can be estimated by assuming that the difference between the futures rate and the spot
rate (ie basis) decreases constantly over time. On 30 June there will be 0 months left of this
June contract so the basis should have fallen to zero.
1 March 30 June
Futures price 1.4302
Spot rate now 1.4461
Basis (future – spot) –0.0159 0
Three possible spot price scenarios
Assuming basis = 0 then the futures price will be the same as the spot price.
Hedge outcome
1.3500 1.4500 1.5500
$ $ $
Opening futures price 1.4302 1.4302 1.4302
Closing futures price 1.3500 1.4500 1.5500
Movement in ticks 802 (198) (1,198)
Futures profits/(losses) 842,100 (207,900) (1,257,900)
168 tick movement 6.25 842,100 (207,900) (1,257,900)
Net outcome
$ $ $
Spot market payment (15,000,000) (15,000,000) (15,000,000)
Futures market (profits)/losses 842,100 (207,900) (1,257,900)
(14,157,900) (15,207,900) (16,257,900)
Translated at closing rate £10,487,333 £10,488,207 £10,488,698
This gives an effective rate of $15m/£10.488m (approx.) = 1.4303
A shortcut that will deliver approximately the same answer is:
The slight difference arises because this shortcut does not account for the fact that the futures
hedge is for 168 contracts, not 167.8.
Further question practice and solutions
Date of contract
Option type
Buy put
Exercise price
Tick size
31,250 0.0001 = $3.125
0.0238 31,250 331= $246,181 at 1.4461
= £170,238
1.3500 1.4500 1.5500
$ $ $
Option market
Strike price 1.4500 1.4500 1.4500
Closing price 1.3500 1.4500 1.5500
Exercise? Yes No No
Outcome of option 331 £31,250 $14,998,438 – –
1.45 = Shortfall in $s vs $15m needed $1,563
At spot rate of 1.35 (alternatively
forward rate could be used) £1,157
Net outcome
1.3500 1.4500 1.5500
$ $ $
Spot market payment (15,000,000) (15,000,000)
(15,000,000) (15,000,000)
£ £ £
Translated at closing spot rate (10,344,828) (9,677,419)
Option exercised (331 £31,250) (10,343,750)
Shortfall (1,157)
Premium (170,238) (170,238) (170,238)
(10,515,145) (10,515,066) (9,847,657)
The company will either choose to purchase a forward or an option. Although forwards are
slightly more advantageous at lower exchange rates, the net benefits of using an option are
significant if the exchange rate moves in Curropt's favour eg to $1.55. Also, given that the
transaction is not certain to be required an option will be more suitable because it can be sold on if it
is not needed. On this basis an option is recommended.
22 Shawter
Shawter needs a £30m loan for two months, starting in mid-March.
FRAs 3v5 at 6.18%
Net 7.08%
(Using the quick method: opening future 6.21 –
closing basis 0.03 = 6.18.
Then adding 0.9 to reflect Shawter's borrowing
costs, this becomes 7.08%).
Mid-Dec Mid-March
Mar future 6.21% 6.53%
Spot 6.00% 6.50%
Basis 0.21% 0.03%
3.5 months 0.5 month left
Option 6.00%
Future Mar* 6.53%
Gain 0.53%
NET 7.125%
Further question practice and solutions
7.4 – 0.53 + 0.255 = 7.125%
FRA 7.08%
Futures 7.08%
Options 7.125%
The FRA is the simpleset of the agreements but carries a set term. Given the uncertainty over the
timing of the cash flow needs a future is recommended here.
23 Carrick plc
Top tips. The first part of this question should be fairly straightforward. However, it is easy to write
more than is strictly necessary on these areas, and leave yourself insufficient time for the rest of the
question. The key thing to bring out is how each instrument limits interest rate risk by limiting or
eliminating the effects of interest rate changes on the company.
In Part (b) remember that Carrick is receiving interest so it must buy a call option to limit its
exposure to falls in interest rates. As a collar is being constructed, Carrick must sell a put option to
counterbalance buying the call option.
The answer works through the key stages:
Choice of options
No. of contracts
Premium payable
Effects of collar
Results of collar
You need to show in the answer:
Technical expertise (choosing 9400 for the initial option, evaluating the other possible prices
but ignoring 9450 as it's not relevant)
Numerical abilities (getting the premium, number of contracts and gain calculation right)
Depth of discussion (the question asks you to evaluate and that implies detailed analysis,
explaining what will happen at the various rates, and also explaining that the choice is not
clear-cut – 9250 has the largest potential benefits but also the largest definite costs)
Methods of managing interest rate risk include the following.
Forward interest rate agreements (FRAs)
An FRA is an agreement, usually between a company and a bank, about the interest rate
on a future loan or deposit. The agreement will fix the rate of interest for borrowing for a
certain time in the future. If the actual rate of interest at that time is above that agreed, the
bank pays the company the difference, and vice versa. Thus the company benefits from
effectively fixing the rate of interest on a loan for a given period, but it may miss the
opportunity to benefit from any favourable movements in rates during that time. An FRA is
simply an agreement about rates – it does not involve the movement of the principal sum – the
actual borrowing must be arranged separately.
A financial future is an agreement on the future price of a financial variable. Interest rate
futures are similar in all respects to FRAs, except that the terms, sums involved and periods are
standardised. They are traded on the London International Futures and Options Exchange
(LIFFE). Their standardised nature makes them less attractive to corporate borrowers because it
is not always possible to match them exactly to specific rate exposures. Each contract will
require the payment of a small initial deposit.
Interest rate options
An interest rate guarantee (or option) provides the right to borrow a specified amount
at a guaranteed rate of interest. The option guarantees that the interest rate will not rise
above a specified level during a specified period. On the date of expiry of the option the
buyer must decide whether or not to exercise their right to borrow. They will only exercise the
option if actual interest rates have risen above the option rate. The advantage of
options is that the buyer cannot lose on the interest rate and can take advantage of any
favourable rate movements. However, a premium must be paid regardless of whether or not
the option is exercised. Options can be negotiated directly with the bank or traded in a
standardised form on the LIFFE.
Caps and collars
These can be used to set a floor and a ceiling to the range of interest rates that might be
incurred. A premium must be paid for this service. These agreements do not provide a
perfect hedge, but they do limit the range of possibilities and thus reduce the level of
(b) Collars make use of interest rate options to limit exposure to the risk of movement in rates.
The company would arrange both a ceiling (an upper limit) and a floor (a lower limit) on its
interest yield. The use of the ceiling means that the cost is lower than for a floor alone.
Choice of options
Since Carrick requires protection for the next seven months, it can use September options
in order to cover the full period. It is assumed that the floor will be fixed at the current yield of
6%. This implies that it will buy call options at 94.00. At the same time, Carrick will limit its
ability to benefit from rises in rates by selling a put option at a higher rate, for example 7% (or
The level of premiums payable will depend on the different sizes of collar. The number
of three-month contracts required for seven months' cover will be:
£6m 7
= 28 contracts (£14m)
£0.5m 3
Further question practice and solutions
The premiums payable at different sizes of collar (in annual percentage terms) will be:
24 Theta Inc
(a) Theta borrows $10 million with interest at six-month LIBOR plus 1%. In the swap, it receives
six-month LIBOR and pays fixed interest at 8.5%. The net effect is to acquire a fixed rate
obligation at 9.5% for the full term of the swap.
Borrow at LIBOR plus 1% –(LIBOR 1%)
Swap: receive (floating rate) LIBOR
pay (fixed rate) –8.5%
(b) (i) LIBOR 10%
Suppose that on the first fixing date for the swap, at the end of month six in the first
year, six-month LIBOR is 10%. The payments due by each party to the swap will be as
Theta pays fixed rate of 8.5%
($10m 8.5% 6/12) 425,000
Swaps bank pays LIBOR rate of 10%
($10m 10% 6/12) 500,000
Net payment from bank to Theta 75,000
This payment will be made six months later at the end of the notional interest rate
period. Theta will pay interest on its loan at LIBOR 1% which for this six-month period
is 11% (10% 1%). Taken with the payment received under the swap agreement, the
net cost to Theta is equivalent to interest payable at 9.5%.
Loan payment at 11%
($10m 11% 6/12) 550,000
Payment received from the swap bank (75,000)
Net payment (equivalent to 9.5% interest) 475,000
Under its loan arrangement, Theta will pay 8.5% (LIBOR 1%) for the six-month period.
Adding the net swap payment gives a total cost for the six-month period of $475,000,
equivalent to an interest rate of 9.5% for the period.
Loan payment at 8.5%
($10m 8.5% 6/12) 425,000
Swap payment 50,000
Total payment (equivalent to 9.5% interest) 475,000
25 Brive Inc
Top tips. In this question you are given details of the proposed reconstruction whereas in the exam
you may have some input into its design.
There are no real traps in answer to (a), and if you adopted a methodical layout you should have
scored full marks. The principal advantage of the layout we've used is that it highlights the
In Part (b) with each of the parties you first assess what the position would be if insolvency did occur,
and then the consequences (certain and uncertain) of reconstruction. Knowledge of the order of
priority in insolvency proceedings is vital. You need to show that the shareholders' and bond holders'
position is not clear-cut. If insolvency proceeds, they will certainly lose money; however, if the
reconstruction proceeds, they will have to pay out more money in return for uncertain future returns
and other possibly undesirable consequences (change in control, lack of security).
The conclusion sums up the benefits to everyone but also emphasises the uncertainties.
Further question practice and solutions
The bond holders would therefore only receive 55 cents in the dollar on the balance owing, giving a
total payout of 85 cents in the dollar (($2m $0.55m)/$3.0m).
Under the proposed scheme, the bond holders would receive $2.8 million of new capital in return for
the old bonds ie 93.33 cents in the dollar in the form of capital rather than cash. Of this,
$1.3 million would be in the form of 14% unsecured loan notes and the remainder in the form of
equity. They would also have to subscribe an additional $1.5 million to take up the rights issue. Their
total investment in the reconstruction would therefore be:
Cash forgone from insolvency 2.55
Additional cash investment 1.50
Returns would be:
Interest ($1.3m 14%) 182,000
Return on equity ($3m 0.28) 840,000
This represents a return of 25.23% which is likely to be above that which could be earned elsewhere
thus making the scheme attractive to the bond holders. However, in addition they would have to
forgo their security on the property and rank partly with the unsecured payables and partly with the
equity. They should therefore be confident of the ability of the management to deliver the projected
returns before consenting to the scheme.
The bank
Since the overdraft is unsecured, the bank would rank for repayment alongside the unsecured
payables. As calculated above, the amount to be repaid would be 55 cents in the dollar, and the
bank would thus recover $880,000 in the event of insolvency proceedings. In the reconstruction, the
bank would have to write off $400,000 ($1,600,000 debt – $1,200,000 loan notes), but would
receive interest of 14% per annum leading to repayment of the balance in five years' time.
The investment that the bank would be making would therefore be the cash forgone from insolvency
proceedings of $880,000. The annual returns would be $168,000 (14% $1.2 million) which
represents a return on the incremental investment of 19.1%. Provided that the bank is confident of the
financial projections of the management, it stands to receive $1.2 million in five years' time. The
effective return of 19.1% in the meantime should be in excess of current overdraft rates, and
the level of security is improved since there would no longer be secured bond holders ranking ahead
of the bank for repayment. The scheme is therefore likely to be attractive to the bank.
Unsecured payables
If Brive becomes insolvent the unsecured payables will receive 55 cents in the dollar ie $2.2 million.
Under the proposed scheme they would stand to receive 75 cents (25% written down) in the dollar
with apparently no significant delay in payment. If Brive continues to operate they will be able to
continue to trade with the company and generate further profits from the business. The proposed
scheme therefore seems attractive from their point of view.
The proposed scheme appears to hold benefits for all the parties involved. It is also in the interests of
Brive's customers and workforce for the company to continue to trade. However, these benefits will
only be realised if the directors are correct in their forecast of trading conditions and if the new
investment can achieve the projected returns. All parties should satisfy themselves as to these points
before considering proceeding further with the reconstruction.
Further question practice and solutions
26 BBS Stores
Top tips. There is a lot of information in this question and it is easy to become overwhelmed. Before
delving into the detail, read the requirements. This will give you an idea about the detail you are
trying to extract from the question and will focus your attention. You are required to carry out
numerous calculations so label these clearly. It is very easy to get lost otherwise.
In part (a), don't forget that adjustments to the earnings for the EPS calculations will be net of tax.
Part (b) involves a lot of calculations but remember to consider each option and don't forget what
you are actually trying to achieve. You may find it easier to start from what you are required to find
and work backwards. However you decide to do this part of the question, it is imperative that your
workings are clear. Make use of the formulae in the formula sheet where you can.
Easy marks. This is a very involved question but you should be able to pick up some relatively
straightforward marks in part (a) when constructing the comparative statements. You should also be
able to gain at least a few easy marks in part (b) when calculating equity cost of capital (using
Impact on statement of financial position
Option 1 is the proposal to use the proceeds ($1,231m) to reduce medium-term borrowing
and reinvest the balance in the business (non-current assets). The effect would be as follows:
Borrowings and other Property, plant received
financial liabilities and equipment (used)
$m $m $m
Balance at end 20X8 (before
adjustment) 1,130 4,050
Sales proceeds (1,231) 1,231
Repayment of medium-term notes (360) (360)
Reinvestment in company 871 (871)
Balance after adjustment 770 3,690 Nil
Option 2 is the sale and rental scheme proposed by the company's investors on the
assumption that this scheme would release substantial cash to them. The proposal would
involve the repayment of the medium-term notes and the balance ($871m) used to execute a
share buyback. This would involve ($871m/$4) 217.75m shares with a nominal value of
Borrowings and Property, Called-up
other financial plant and share capital Retained
requirements equipment – equity earnings
$m $m $m $m
Balance at end 20X8 (before
adjustment) 1,130 4,050 425.00 1,535
Sales proceeds (1,231)
Repayment of medium-term
notes (360)
Share buyback (54.44) (817)
Balance at end 20X8 (after
adjustment) 770 2,819 370.56 718
Further question practice and solutions
20X8 Sales
(original) proceeds Option 1 Option 2
$m $m $m $m $m $m
Called-up equity
capital 425 425 (54) 371
Retained earnings 1,535 1,535 (817) 718
Total equity 1,960 1,960 1,089
Current liabilities 1,600 1,600 1,600
Non-current liabilities
Borrowings etc 1,130 (360) 770 (360) 770
Other 890 890 890
Total liabilities 3,620 3,260 3,260
Total liabilities
and equity 5,580 5,220 4,349
(b) Impact of unbundling on the company's WACC
Our starting point for this part of the report is to estimate the asset beta for the retail part of the
Vd = $1,130m
a = 1.646
The retail asset beta is the weighted average of the individual asset betas:
a = R bR + P bP
P = asset beta of property section (this is calculated from the equity beta of other portfolio
companies 1.25 market gearing adjusted for tax of 0.5 = 0.625).
VP = value of property
4,338 2, 462
1.646 = R + 0.625
6,800 6,800
R = 2.225
The asset beta of the company will be a combination of the retail beta (2.225) and the
property beta (0.625). We can now calculate the cost of equity under each option.
The value of property (half of which is sold) is now $2,462m 0.5 = $1,231m
The remaining value of the equity (as above) is the value of the retail section (eg for Option 1
6,800 – 1,231 = 5,569, and for Option 2 5,929 – 1,231 = 4,698).
Further question practice and solutions
The average asset beta can now be calculated as a weighted average of the asset betas for
property and retail as follows.
Now using a = e we can find the equity beta for either option.
Ve + Vd(1 – T)
a = e 6,800 a = e 5,929
(6,800 +(770 0.65)) (5,929 +(770 0.65))
6,800 770
= 11.23% + 5.9% 0.65 = 10.48%
(6,800 + 770) (6,800 + 770)
(where 5.9% = LIBOR + 70bp – 30bp)
Option (2) WACC
5,929 770
= 11.16% + 6.2% 0.65 = 10.34%
(5,929 + 770) (5,929 + 770)
Note that both options will increase the current WACC of 9.55% by a considerable margin.
(c) Potential impact of each alternative on the market value of the firm
It is difficult to assess the impact of unbundling on the value of BBS Stores. Although the equity
beta will increase with the removal of part of the existing property portfolio, this will be
countered by a reduction in gearing. We have assumed that the balance of $871 million in
Option 1 could be reinvested at the current rate of return of 13%. If we fail to do so then
shareholders' value will be significantly reduced. To reduce this risk, shareholders appear to
favour Option 2 where they are guaranteed a cash return through a share buyback.
Whether the property is owned or leased should have no effect on the company's value if we
can assume that the current use of the assets and the resultant value gained remain
unchanged. If a separate property company can be set up we may be able to remove
ownership from the statement of financial position. However, we must bear in mind that the
ease with which this can be done will depend on accounting regulations in the country
A final observation is the assumption of a constant and known share price (400 cents). Share
prices are not constant nor are they certain. In order to assess the potential impact of any
movements in this variable, we should set up a simulation model and run the model for various
share prices and equity betas.
27 Reorganisation
(a) Potential problems with management buyouts:
(i) Deciding on a fair price – management will obviously want to pay the lowest price
possible, while the vendor will want to secure the highest possible price.
(ii) Any geographical relocation may result in the loss of key workers.
(iii) Maintaining a good relationship with suppliers and customers, particularly if key
contacts that suppliers and customers were used to dealing with decide to leave as a
result of the buyout.
(iv) Availability of sufficient cash flow to maintain and replace non-current assets. This is one
of the main problems with buyouts – cash is often very tight at the beginning of the
(v) Changes in work practices may not suit all employees.
(vi) Maintaining financial arrangements with previous employees may be difficult – for
example, pension rights.
(vii) Many suppliers of funds will insist on representation at board level in order to maintain
some control over how the funds are being used.
(b) In order to estimate the change in the value of equity, we can use forecast retained earnings
figures, assuming dividends to be at the maximum 12% level.
(All figures are in $'000)
0 1 2 3 4 5
EBIT – 2,200 3,100 3,900 4,200 4,500
9.5% interest – 713 713 713 713 713
Earnings before tax – 1,487 2,387 3,187 3,487 3,787
Tax – 446 716 956 1,046 1,136
Earnings after tax – 1,041 1,671 2,231 2,441 2,651
Dividend (12%) – 125 201 268 293 318
Retained earnings – 916 1,470 1,963 2,148 2,333
Compound growth interest rate = 5 – 1 = 8.5%
The 8.5% growth rate is considerably less than the 15% rise predicted by management,
therefore it can be concluded that the management's estimate does not appear to be viable.
Further question practice and solutions
28 Transfer prices
Top tips. You can go wrong quite easily in part (a) if you don't think carefully about the layout of
your computation. For each of the options you need to split the calculation between what happens in
the countries where the subsidiaries are located, and what happens in the country where the holding
company is located. Remember also to assess the effect of the withholding tax separately from the
other local taxes.
Part (b) demonstrates how strategic issues can be brought into the discussion part of an answer. It is
not sufficient just to discuss government action. Local issues are important, as well as trying to ensure
goal congruence throughout the group.
An increase of 25% in the transfer price would have the following effect.
UK Ceeland
company company Total
B$'000 B$'000 B$'000
Revenues and taxes in the local country
Sales 105,000 210,000 315,000
Production expenses (68,000) (185,000) (253,000)
Taxable profit 37,000 25,000 62,000
Tax (1) (9,250) (10,000) (19,250)
Dividends to Beeland 27,750 15,000 42,750
Withholding tax (2) 0 1,500 1,500
UK Ceeland
company company Total
B$'000 B$'000 B$'000
Revenues and taxes in Beeland
Dividend 27,750 15,000 42,750
Add back foreign tax paid 9,250 10,000 19,250
Taxable income 37,000 25,000 62,000
Beeland tax due 12,950 8,750 21,700
Foreign tax credit (9,250) (8,750) (18,000)
Tax paid in Beeland (3) 3,700 – 3,700
Chapter 9: Acquisitions: strategic issues and regulation
Reverse takeover: a situation where a smaller quoted company (S Co) takes over a larger
unquoted company (L Co) by a share-for-share exchange.
Synergies: extra benefits resulting from an acquisition either from higher cash inflows and/or lower
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corporation-tax-8-million-pounds [Accessed 25 September 2016].
Economist. (11 July 2018) The Big Mac Index. Economist [Online] Available from:
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New York University Stern School of Business. (January 2016) Price and Value to Book Ratio by
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27 September 2016].
Ryan, B. (2007) Corporate Finance and Valuation. London, Cengage Learning.
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26 September 2016].
Watson, D. and Head, A. (2013) Corporate Finance Principles and Practice. 6th edition. Pearson
Education Limited.
Mathematical tables and formulae
Modigliani and Miller Proposition 2 (with tax)
i i Vd
k e = k e +(1– T)(k e – k d )
E(ri ) = Rf + βi (E(rm ) – Rf )
Ve Vd (1– T)
βa = βe + βd
(Ve + Vd (1– T)) (Ve + Vd (1– T))
D o (1+ g)
Po =
(re – g)
g = bre
Ve Vd
WACC = ke + k d (1– T)
Ve + Vd Ve + Vd
(1+ hc ) (1+ ic )
S1 = S 0 F0 = S 0
(1+ hb ) (1+ ib )
The Black–-Scholes option pricing model
c = PaN(d1) – PeN(d2 )e
In(Pa / Pe ) + (r + 0.5s )t
d1 =
s t
d2 = d1 – s t
Mathematical tables and formulae
1 0.990 0.980 0.971 0.962 0.952 0.943 0.935 0.926 0.917 0.909
2 0.980 0.961 0.943 0.925 0.907 0.890 0.873 0.857 0.842 0.826
3 0.971 0.942 0.915 0.889 0.864 0.840 0.816 0.794 0.772 0.751
4 0.961 0.924 0.888 0.855 0.823 0.792 0.763 0.735 0.708 0.683
5 0.951 0.906 0.863 0.822 0.784 0.747 0.713 0.681 0.650 0.621
6 0.942 0.888 0.837 0.790 0.746 0.705 0.666 0.630 0.596 0.564
7 0.933 0.871 0.813 0.760 0.711 0.665 0.623 0.583 0.547 0.513
8 0.923 0.853 0.789 0.731 0.677 0.627 0.582 0.540 0.502 0.467
9 0.914 0.837 0.766 0.703 0.645 0.592 0.544 0.500 0.460 0.424
10 0.905 0.820 0.744 0.676 0.614 0.558 0.508 0.463 0.422 0.386
11 0.896 0.804 0.722 0.650 0.585 0.527 0.475 0.429 0.388 0.350
12 0.887 0.788 0.701 0.625 0.557 0.497 0.444 0.397 0.356 0.319
13 0.879 0.773 0.681 0.601 0.530 0.469 0.415 0.368 0.326 0.290
14 0.870 0.758 0.661 0.577 0.505 0.442 0.388 0.340 0.299 0.263
15 0.861 0.743 0.642 0.555 0.481 0.417 0.362 0.315 0.275 0.239
(n) 11% 12% 13% 14% 15% 16% 17% 18% 19% 20%
1 0.901 0.893 0.885 0.877 0.870 0.862 0.855 0.847 0.840 0.833
2 0.812 0.797 0.783 0.769 0.756 0.743 0.731 0.718 0.706 0.694
3 0.731 0.712 0.693 0.675 0.658 0.641 0.624 0.609 0.593 0.579
4 0.659 0.636 0.613 0.592 0.572 0.552 0.534 0.516 0.499 0.482
5 0.593 0.567 0.543 0.519 0.497 0.476 0.456 0.437 0.419 0.402
6 0.535 0.507 0.480 0.456 0.432 0.410 0.390 0.370 0.352 0.335
7 0.482 0.452 0.425 0.400 0.376 0.354 0.333 0.314 0.296 0.279
8 0.434 0.404 0.376 0.351 0.327 0.305 0.285 0.266 0.249 0.233
9 0.391 0.361 0.333 0.308 0.284 0.263 0.243 0.225 0.209 0.194
10 0.352 0.322 0.295 0.270 0.247 0.227 0.208 0.191 0.176 0.162
11 0.317 0.287 0.261 0.237 0.215 0.195 0.178 0.162 0.148 0.135
12 0.286 0.257 0.231 0.208 0.187 0.168 0.152 0.137 0.124 0.112
13 0.258 0.229 0.204 0.182 0.163 0.145 0.130 0.116 0.104 0.093
14 0.232 0.205 0.181 0.160 0.141 0.125 0.111 0.099 0.088 0.078
15 0.209 0.183 0.160 0.140 0.123 0.108 0.095 0.084 0.074 0.065
Annuity table
1– (1+r)
Present value of an annuity ie
Where r = discount rate
n = number of periods
Interest rates (r)
(n) 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 6% 7% 8% 9% 10%
1 0.990 0.980 0.971 0.962 0.952 0.943 0.935 0.926 0.917 0.909
2 1.970 1.942 1.913 1.886 1.859 1.833 1.808 1.783 1.759 1.736
3 2.941 2.884 2.829 2.775 2.723 2.673 2.624 2.577 2.531 2.487
4 3.902 3.808 3.717 3.630 3.546 3.465 3.387 3.312 3.240 3.170
5 4.853 4.713 4.580 4.452 4.329 4.212 4.100 3.993 3.890 3.791
6 5.795 5.601 5.417 5.242 5.076 4.917 4.767 4.623 4.486 4.355
7 6.728 6.472 6.230 6.002 5.786 5.582 5.389 5.206 5.033 4.868
8 7.652 7.325 7.020 6.733 6.463 6.210 5.971 5.747 5.535 5.335
9 8.566 8.162 7.786 7.435 7.108 6.802 6.515 6.247 5.995 5.759
10 9.471 8.983 8.530 8.111 7.722 7.360 7.024 6.710 6.418 6.145
11 10.368 9.787 9.253 8.760 8.306 7.887 7.499 7.139 6.805 6.495
12 11.255 10.575 9.954 9.385 8.863 8.384 7.943 7.536 7.161 6.814
13 12.134 11.348 10.635 9.986 9.394 8.853 8.358 7.904 7.487 7.103
14 13.004 12.106 11.296 10.563 9.899 9.295 8.745 8.244 7.786 7.367
15 13.865 12.849 11.938 11.118 10.380 9.712 9.108 8.559 8.061 7.606
(n) 11% 12% 13% 14% 15% 16% 17% 18% 19% 20%
1 0.901 0.893 0.885 0.877 0.870 0.862 0.855 0.847 0.840 0.833
2 1.713 1.690 1.668 1.647 1.626 1.605 1.585 1.566 1.547 1.528
3 2.444 2.402 2.361 2.322 2.283 2.246 2.210 2.174 2.140 2.106
4 3.102 3.037 2.974 2.914 2.855 2.798 2.743 2.690 2.639 2.589
5 3.696 3.605 3.517 3.433 3.352 3.274 3.199 3.127 3.058 2.991
6 4.231 4.111 3.998 3.889 3.784 3.685 3.589 3.498 3.410 3.326
7 4.712 4.564 4.423 4.288 4.160 4.039 3.922 3.812 3.706 3.605
8 5.146 4.968 4.799 4.639 4.487 4.344 4.207 4.078 3.954 3.837
9 5.537 5.328 5.132 4.946 4.772 4.607 4.451 4.303 4.163 4.031
10 5.889 5.650 5.426 5.216 5.019 4.833 4.659 4.494 4.339 4.192
11 6.207 5.938 5.687 5.453 5.234 5.029 4.836 4.656 4.486 4.327
12 6.492 6.194 5.918 5.660 5.421 5.197 4.988 4.793 4.611 4.439
13 6.750 6.424 6.122 5.842 5.583 5.342 5.118 4.910 4.715 4.533
14 6.982 6.628 6.302 6.002 5.724 5.468 5.229 5.008 4.802 4.611
15 7.191 6.811 6.462 6.142 5.847 5.575 5.324 5.092 4.876 4.675
Mathematical tables and formulae
(x ) 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09
0.0 .0000 .0040 .0080 .0120 .0160 .0199 .0239 .0279 .0319 .0359
0.1 .0398 .0438 .0478 .0517 .0557 .0596 .0636 .0675 .0714 .0753
0.2 .0793 .0832 .0871 .0910 .0948 .0987 .1026 .1064 .1103 .1141
0.3 .1179 .1217 .1255 .1293 .1331 .1368 .1406 .1443 .1480 .1517
0.4 .1554 .1591 .1628 .1664 .1700 .1736 .1772 .1808 .1844 .1879
0.5 .1915 .1950 .1985 .2019 .2054 .2088 .2123 .2157 .2190 .2224
0.6 .2257 .2291 .2324 .2357 .2389 .2422 .2454 .2486 .2517 .2549
0.7 .2580 .2611 .2642 .2673 .2704 .2734 .2764 .2794 .2823 .2852
0.8 .2881 .2910 .2939 .2967 .2995 .3023 .3051 .3078 .3106 .3133
0.9 .3159 .3186 .3212 .3238 .3264 .3289 .3315 .3340 .3365 .3389
1.0 .3413 .3438 .3461 .3485 .3508 .3531 .3554 .3577 .3599 .3621
1.1 .3643 .3665 .3686 .3708 .3729 .3749 .3770 .3790 .3810 .3830
1.2 .3849 .3869 .3888 .3907 .3925 .3944 .3962 .3980 .3997 .4015
1.3 .4032 .4049 .4066 .4082 .4099 .4115 .4131 .4147 .4162 .4177
1.4 .4192 .4207 .4222 .4236 .4251 .4265 .4279 .4292 .4306 .4319
1.5 .4332 .4345 .4357 .4370 .4382 .4394 .4406 .4418 .4429 .4441
1.6 .4452 .4463 .4474 .4484 .4495 .4505 .4515 .4525 .4535 .4545
1.7 .4554 .4564 .4573 .4582 .4591 .4599 .4608 .4616 .4625 .4633
1.8 .4641 .4649 .4656 .4664 .4671 .4678 .4686 .4693 .4699 .4706
1.9 .4713 .4719 .4726 .4732 .4738 .4744 .4750 .4756 .4761 .4767
2.0 .4772 .4778 .4783 .4788 .4793 .4798 .4803 .4808 .4812 .4817
2.1 .4821 .4826 .4830 .4834 .4838 .4842 .4846 .4850 .4854 .4857
2.2 .4861 .4864 .4868 .4871 .4875 .4878 .4881 .4884 .4887 .4890
2.3 .4893 .4896 .4898 .4901 .4904 .4906 .4909 .4911 .4913 .4916
2.4 .4918 .4920 .4922 .4925 .4927 .4929 .4931 .4932 .4934 .4936
2.5 .4938 .4940 .4941 .4943 .4945 .4946 .4948 .4949 .4951 .4952
2.6 .4953 .4955 .4956 .4957 .4959 .4960 .4961 .4962 .4963 .4964
2.7 .4965 .4966 .4967 .4968 .4969 .4970 .4971 .4972 .4973 .4974
2.8 .4974 .4975 .4976 .4977 .4977 .4978 .4979 .4979 .4980 .4981
2.9 .4981 .4982 .4982 .4983 .4984 .4984 .4985 .4985 .4986 .4986
3.0 .4987 .4987 .4987 .4988 .4988 .4989 .4989 .4989 .4990 .4990
This table can be used to calculate N(d1), the cumulative normal distribution functions needed for the
Black–Scholes model of option pricing. If d1 > 0, add 0.5 to the relevant number above. If d1 < 0,
subtract the relevant number above from 0.5.
Forward contracts, 229 Matching, 229
Forward rate agreement (FRA), 256 Mezzanine finance, 301
Free cash flow (FCF), 162 Mixed offer, 192
Free cash flow to equity (FCFE), 162 Modigliani & Miller (M&M) theory, 115
Free trade area, 312 Modigliani and Miller, 420
Money laundering, 320, 490
G Money market hedging, 230
Multinational enterprise, 476
Gamma, 219
Multinational enterprises, 476
Going private, 472
Mutually exclusive projects, 402
Golden parachute, 447, 487
Gordon's growth approximation, 381
Growth in dividends, 381 N
Net operating income, 420
H Net present value (NPV), 54
Netting, 213
Hard capital rationing, 401
North American Free Trade Agreement
(NAFTA), 312
Import quotas, 478
Indivisible projects, 402
Over-the-counter options, 265
Infant industries, 479
Over-the-counter options (OTC), 238
Integrated Reporting, 11
Interest rate collars, 262
Interest rate future, 256 P
Interest rate swaps, 265 Pacman defence, 447, 488
Internal rate of return (IRR), 57 Paper offer, 191
International Monetary Fund (IMF), 313 Payback period, 60
International trade, 476 Pecking order theory, 118
Investments that change business risk, 122 Poison pill, 447
Irredeemable, 434 Portfolio restructuring, 297
Post-acquisition P/E valuation, 158
J Principle of equal treatment, 185
Private equity, 436
Joint venture, 402
Probability of default, 431
Project duration, 61
L Put option, 259
Lagging, 458
Law of comparative advantage, 476
Leading, 458
Ratio analysis, 27
Legal barriers, 477, 478
Real options, 73
Less developed countries, 479
Receivables collection period, 387
Recovery rate, 431
M Reputational risk, 391
Management audit, 11 Reverse takeover, 178
Management buy-in, 303 Rho, 221
Management charges, 93, 94 Risk adjusted discount factor, 60
Mandatory-bid rule, 185 Risk diversification, 32
Margins and marking to market, 237 Risk management, 53
Market risk, 21 Risk mitigation, 32
Market risk, 21 Royalty, 93, 94
Market-based models, 156
S Tranching, 318
Transfer price manipulation, 486
Scrip dividends, 8
Transfer pricing, 315
Securitisation, 318
Treasury management, 213
Sensitivity analysis, 60
Share buybacks, 8
Simulation, 60 U
Single market, 312 Unbundling, 299
Soft capital rationing, 401 Unsystematic risk, 21
Special dividends, 8
Specialisation, 478 V
Specific risk, 21 Valuing interest rate swaps, 269
Squeeze-out and sell-out rights, 185 Vega, 220
Static trade-off theory, 117 Venture capital, 435
Swaps as a spread, 268 View of WACC, 420
Synergies, 176
Synthetic foreign exchange agreements
(SAFEs), 461 W
Systematic (or market) risk, 21 White knights and white squires, 182, 447,
Systematic risk, 21 488
World Bank, 313
World Trade Organisation (WTO), 313
Tariffs, 478
Theta, 220
Yield curve, 24, 133
Thin capitalisation, 317
Total shareholder return, 4, 28
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