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Microscope.id berawal tahun 2017 dan telah sukses dipercaya oleh
ratusan pelanggan kami secara nasional meliputi profesional science,
industri dan pemerintahan.

Mewujudkan solusi terbaik dengan mikroskop dengan analisa visual dan measuring system.

Memberikan solusi dan konsultasi terbaik untuk pelanggan kami.

Nilai :
- Pengetahuan ( Knowledge )
- Solusi ( Solution )
- Kepuasan pelanggan ( Customer Satisfaction )

Layanan visual kami meliputi layanan analisa masalah dan pengembangan produk
serta pengukuran dengan teknik visual (gambar) menggunakan produk mikroskop
dan visual measuring system.

Solusi kami berikan adalah konsultasi melalui product demo, email, telephone dan
live chat.
Mikroskop digital Dino-Lite adalah perangkat mikroskop portabel yang luar biasa dan
mudah digunakan untuk inspeksi, pengujian, dan dokumentasi. Saat gambar ditampilkan
pada monitor HP ataupun PC, pengguna dapat memeriksa dan menganalisis gambar
bahkan melakukan pengukuran dimensi objek yang dilihat.

Berbagai fitur pada software Dino-Lite merupakan hasil perkembangan yang luar biasa
seperti transparant mode, edge tracking, snap mode measurement dan comparison.

All Models Include


AF4915ZT + WF20

At the Booth USB & Wireless

High Resolution & AF4915ZT
Great Frame Rate USB & Wireless Ready

RK10 Designed for
Designed for Versatility

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t Products Information
Key Features
Capture Images & Video
Easily save images, videos, and time-lapse videos using the included license-free software.

Preview Window Tools


Video Recorder

Time-Lapse Video

EDR-Extended Dynamic Range *

EDOF-Extended Depth of Field *

Microtouch *

White Balance *

Auto Exposure Setting

LED Control *

Flexible LED Control *

Camera Adjustment Setting

Maximize Window

Close Window

* Feature can only be found on specific Dino-Lite models.

Adjust Image Settings Measurement & Annotation

Use the software settings panel to adjust lighting, Most models have measurement capability for lines,
colors, brightness, contrast, and other settings. circles, angles, and more. Snap measurements to any
edge for ease of use. You can also add annotations
Connectivity Types for easy file organization.
Available connection types include USB 2.0,
USB 3.0, TV(RCA), VGA, and HDMI. Special Lighting - IR/UV/Fluorescence
Models are available with fluorescence, UV, and
Magnification Ranges IR. A small sample is listed here. Contact us for
Our standard magnification range is 10x-220x. more information.
Select models go up to 900x.
Excitation Emission Excitation Emission
Series Series
Wavelength Filter Wavelength Filter
Housing Types FUW (UV) 375nm N/A YFGW 525nm 570nm
Our ABS and medical-grade plastic bodies are very GFBW 480nm 510nm DFRW 620nm 650nm
reliable and strong. For enhanced protection, the GRFBY 480/575 510/610 FJT (IR) 940nm N/A
metal body consists of aerospace grade machine
tooled aluminum.

Lighting Control
Sometimes light can be a damaging factor.
Many Dino-Lite models have a built-in adjustable
polarizer for reducing glare. Diffuser caps, lighting
accessories, and exposure adjustments also help
to achieve optimal results.

Application :
Mikroskop digital Dino-Lite adalah perangkat mikroskop portabel yang digunakan
 Microchip Inspection (Dimension) oleh industri elektronik untuk inspeksi, pengujian, dan dokumentasi. Saat gambar
 Component Inspection ditampilkan pada monitor HP ataupun PC, pengguna dapat memeriksa dan
 Quality Control & Failure Analysis menganalisis gambar bahkan melakukan pengukuran dimensi objek yang dilihat.
 PCBA/IC Inspection
 Soldering
 Automatic Inspection System Berbagai fitur pada software Dino-Lite merupakan hasil perkembangan yang luar
 Silicon Wafer Inspection
biasa seperti transparant mode, edge tracking, snap mode measurement dan
 Etc ...
comparison. Series Med-High sudah dilengkapi "ESD SAFE"

Soldering IC

Quality Control Waffer


Inspection PCB / IC



High Series 200X High Series 950X Mid Series 200X Basic Series 200X

AM73915MZT AM7515MT8A AM4915ZT AF3113T

10~220X | 5MP | USB3.0 | ESD Safe 700~900X | 5MP | USB2.0 | FLC 20~220X | 200X | 1.3MP | USB2.0/WiFi 20x~50x, 200x | VGA (640x480)
Metal Housing | Measurement |Gambar & Measurement | Gambar & Video ESD Safe | Plastic Housing | EDOF | EDR USB2.0/WiFi | Color CMOS | Plastic Housing
Video | EDOF | EDR Brightfield / Darkfield | AMR Measurement |Gambar & Video | Polarizer Measurement |Gambar & Video

WF20 not include

Moveable X 30 Degree |
14cm (L) x 11cm (W) x
RK10VXEXFXPX 16.5cm (H)
Profesional Stand RK06E
Profesional Stand MS33A
22 cm (L) x 15 cm (W) x 23 cm (H) Ergonomic Stand
22 cm (L) x 15 cm (W) x 27 cm (H)

Coaxial Light Cap | ZT & ZTL series Inspection Stage | 5 cm diameter
Soft Ring Illuminator | Max Distance 6 Cm Wi-Fi Streamer | 20M range
Dia 3 cm | Polycarbonate 10 cm long x 8 cm wide | Vernier Scale
Dia 6.5cm | Polycarbonate Sputt Alu Coat Windows, Android, iOS | 180 minutes

Dalam industri plastik dan karet, Dino-Lite dapat memeriksa area yang kecil seperti cacat, Aplikasi :
flashing, atau spot-spot kontaminasi lainnya, dengan mengambil gambar dan video untuk
didokumentasikan, bahkan melakukan pengukuran dengan perangkat lunak Dino-Lite.  Coloring
 Dimension
Dino-Lite digunakan untuk pengukuran dengan mudah lewat HP dan PC. Bentuk yang portable  Rolling Diest
juga mengurangi stres dan kelelahan operator bekerja dalam jangka waktu yang lama.  Scratch
 Crack
 Mold Injection
 Etc ...

Plastic Dimension

Crack H H

High Series 200X Mid Series 200X Basic Series 200X

AM73915MZT AM4815ZT AM4915ZT AF3113T

10~220X | 5MP | USB3.0 | ESD Safe 20~220X (ZT) | 1.3MP | USB2.0 20~220X | 200X | 1.3MP | USB2.0/WiFi 20x~50x, 200x | VGA (640x480)
Metal Housing | Measurement |Gambar & ESD Safe | Plastic Housing | EDOF | EDR ESD Safe | Plastic Housing | EDOF | EDR USB2.0/WiFi | Color CMOS | Plastic Housing
Video | EDOF | EDR Measuring |Gambar & Video | Polarizer Measurement |Gambar & Video | Polarizer Measurement |Gambar & Video
WF20 not include

Profesional Stand
22 cm (L) x 15 cm (W) x 27
Profesional Stand Profesional Stand Profesional Stand
22 cm (L) x 15 cm (W) x 23 cm (H) 22 cm (L) x 15 cm (W) x 23 cm (H) 22 cm (L) x 15 cm (W) x 23 cm (H)

MS15X-S2 N3CA WF20

Inspection Stage | 5 cm diameter Coaxial Light Cap | ZT & ZTL series Wi-Fi Streamer | 20M range
Soft Ring Illuminator | Max Distance 6 Cm
10 cm long x 8 cm wide | Vernier Scale Dia 3 cm | Polycarbonate Windows, Android, iOS | 180 minutes
Dia 6.5cm | Polycarbonate Sputt Alu Coat





Wire Aplikasi :

 Measuring Dimension
 Cable Inspection
 Wire Inspection
 Defect
 Barry
H H  Etc ...

Industri kabel sangat ketat dalam mencegah kontaminasi
dan baret pada material. Industri ini sangat memerlukan
Dino-Lite karena kecepatan dan portabilitas untuk
mendapatkan gambar, video, dan pengukuran lapisan

Berbagai fitur pada software Dino-Lite merupakan
hasil perkembangan yang luar biasa seperti
transparant mode, edge tracking, snap mode
measurement dan comparison.

Cable Eyepiece Series

untuk Trinocular

Euromex Calibration Scale

AE-110CALIB 1mm/100

Dino-Eye AM7025X
5MP | USB2.0
Measuring | Gambar & Video
H Cable 23mm, 30mm, 30.5mm diameter adaptor

High Series 200X Mid Series 200X Basic Series

AM73915MZT AM4815ZT AM4915ZT AF3113T

10~220X | 5MP | USB3.0 | ESD Safe 20~220X (ZT) | 1.3MP | USB2.0 20~220X | 200X | 1.3MP | USB2.0/WiFi 20x~50x, 200x | VGA (640x480)
Metal Housing | Measurement |Gambar & ESD Safe | Plastic Housing | EDOF | EDR ESD Safe | Plastic Housing | EDOF | EDR USB2.0/WiFi | Color CMOS | Plastic Housing
Video | EDOF | EDR Measuring |Gambar & Video | Polarizer Measurement |Gambar & Video | Polarizer Measurement |Gambar & Video
WF20 not include

Profesional Stand
RK10VXEXFXPX RK10VXEXFXPX RK10VXEXFXPX 22 cm (L) x 15 cm (W) x 27
Profesional Stand Profesional Stand Profesional Stand cm (H)
22 cm (L) x 15 cm (W) x 23 cm (H) 22 cm (L) x 15 cm (W) x 23 cm (H) 22 cm (L) x 15 cm (W) x 23 cm (H)


Inspection Stage | 5 cm diameter Coaxial Light Cap | ZT & ZTL series Soft Ring Illuminator | Max Distance 6 Cm Wi-Fi Streamer | 20M range
10 cm long x 8 cm wide | Vernier Scale Dia 3 cm | Polycarbonate Dia 6.5cm | Polycarbonate Sputt Alu Coat Windows, Android, iOS | 180 minutes

Aplikasi :
Dot Inspection Printing
 Maintenance Process
 Defect Printing
 Color Registration
 Rolling Diest
 Printing sample
 Dot Inspection DPI
 Etc ...

Dengan mikroskop Dino-Lite, industri grafis telah menemukan cara untuk memeriksa pencetakan, pelat cetak dan struktur kertas.
Perusahaan percetakan sangat antusias dengan Dino-Lite untuk kontrol kualitas pencetakan dan kertas.

Dino-Lite digunakan untuk pengukuran dengan mudah lewat HP dan PC. Dengan Dino-Lite kita dapat mengetahui DPI, Raster
graphics, Anilox gravure cylinder apakah ada ketidak sesuaian dan mengetahui dimensi untuk analisa hasil.

Color Registration Maintenance Process


Printing Color Registration


High Series 200X High Series 450X Mid Series 200X Basic Series 200X

AM73915MZT AM7515MT4A AM4915ZT AF3113T

10~220X | 5MP | USB3.0 | ESD Safe 415~470X | 5MP | USB2.0 | FLC 20~220X | 200X | 1.3MP | USB2.0/WiFi 20x~50x, 200x | VGA (640x480)
Metal Housing | Measurement |Gambar & Measurement | Gambar & Video ESD Safe | Plastic Housing | EDOF | EDR USB2.0/WiFi | Color CMOS | Plastic Housing
Video | EDOF | EDR Brightfield / Darkfield | AMR Measurement |Gambar & Video | Polarizer Measurement |Gambar & Video
WF20 not include

Profesional Stand
RK10VXEXFXPX RK10VXEXFXPX 22 cm (L) x 15 cm (W) x 27
Profesional Stand Profesional Stand RK06E cm (H)
22 cm (L) x 15 cm (W) x 23 cm (H) 22 cm (L) x 15 cm (W) x 23 cm (H) Profesional Stand
22 cm (L) x 15 cm (W) x 27 cm (H)


Coaxial Light Cap | ZT & ZTL series Inspection Stage | 5 cm diameter Light Inspection Stage | Polarizer Wi-Fi Streamer | 20 m range
Dia 3 cm | Polycarbonate 10 cm long x 8 cm wide | Vernier Scale USB & DC adapter | 10 x 9 x 2cm Windows,Android,iOS | 180 minute

Eyepiece Series
Untuk Bino/Trinocular
Lubang kemasan

Euromex Calibration Scale

AE-110CALIB 1mm/100 (AE-1110)


Industri food & beverages sangat ketat dalam mencegah kontaminasi pada makanan, Dino-Eye AM7025X
5MP | USB2.0 | Measuring | Gambar &
kebocoran pada kemasan serta kontaminasi material asing dapat di analisa dan dilihat Video | 23mm, 30mm, 30.5mm
diameter adaptor
dengan mudah oleh Dino-Lite. Pada industri ini sangat dipermudah dalam penggunaan
Dino-Lite karena kecepatan dan portabilitas untuk mendapatkan gambar dan video
yang diinginkan. Aplikasi :

 Size Inspection
Dino-Lite digunakan untuk pengukuran dengan mudah lewat Hp dan PC. Bentuk yang  Base Material Inspection
 Contaminate
portable juga mengurangi stres dan kelelahan operator bekerja dalam jangka waktu  Packaging
yang lama.  Etc ..

Contaminate Bottle Cap Rolling Diest


High Series 200X High Series 450X Mid Series 200X Basic Series 200X

AM73915MZT AM7515MT4A AM4915ZT AF3113T

10~220X | 5MP | USB3.0 | ESD Safe 4150~470X | 5MP | USB2.0 | FLC 20~220X | 200X | 1.3MP | USB2.0/WiFi 20x~50x, 200x | VGA (640x480)
Metal Housing | Measurement |Gambar & Measuring | Gambar & Video ESD Safe | Plastic Housing | EDOF & EDR USB2.0/WiFi | Color CMOS | Plastic Housing
Video | EDOF | EDR Brightfield / Darkfield | AMR Measurement |Gambar & Video | Polarizer Measurement |Gambar & Video
WF20 not include

Profesional Stand
RK10VXEXFXPX RK10VXEXFXPX RK10VXEXFXPX 22 cm (L) x 15 cm (W) x 27
Profesional Stand Profesional Stand Profesional Stand cm (H)
22 cm (L) x 15 cm (W) x 23 cm (H) 22 cm (L) x 15 cm (W) x 23 cm (H) 22 cm (L) x 15 cm (W) x 23 cm (H)


Inspection Stage | 5 cm diameter Light Inspection Stage | Polarizer WF20
Coaxial Light Cap | ZT & ZTL series
10 cm long x 8 cm wide | Vernier Scale USB & DC adapter | 10 x 9 x 2cm Wi-Fi Streamer | 20M range
Dia 3 cm | Polycarbonate
Windows, Android, iOS | 180 minutes

Aplikasi : Dino-Lite membuat para profesional industri Tekstil dan Komposit melakukan lebih
banyak hal dengan mudah seperti menggunakan pencahayaan UltraViolet model
 Failure Textile Inspection Dino-Lite untuk melakukan inspeksi, melihat kontaminasi, thread counting, analisa
 Composite Fiber Inspection detail lapisan dan penyebab cacat pada material benang dan kain secara mudah.
 Coloring
 Contaminate
 Thread Count Textile Dino-Lite digunakan untuk pengukuran dengan mudah lewat HP dan PC. Berbagai
 Etc ... fitur pada software Dino-Lite merupakan hasil perkembangan yang luar biasa
seperti transparant mode, edge tracking, snap mode measurement dan

Composite Fiber Inspection Contaminate Contaminate


M Contaminate H Size Inspection H Thread Count Textile

H Quality Control H Inspection M Knitted Inspection

High Series 200X Mid Series 950X Mid Series 200X Basic Series 200X

AM73915MZT AM7515MT8A AM4915ZT AF3113T

10~220X | 5MP | USB3.0 | ESD Safe 700~900X | 5MP | USB2.0 | FLC 20~220X | 200X | 1.3MP | USB2.0/WiFi 20x~50x, 200x | VGA (640x480)
Metal Housing | Measurement |Gambar & Measuring | Gambar & Video ESD Safe | Plastic Housing | EDOF | EDR USB2.0/WiFi | Color CMOS | Plastic Housing
Video | EDOF | EDR Brightfield / Darkfield | AMR Measurement |Gambar & Video | Polarizer Measurement |Gambar & Video
WF20 not include

Profesional Stand RK05
22 cm (L) x 15 cm (W) x 27 Moveable x 30 Degree |
RK10VXEXFXPX RK10VXEXFXPX cm (H) 14cm (L) x 11cm (W) x
Profesional Stand Profesional Stand 16.5cm (H)
22 cm (L) x 15 cm (W) x 23 cm (H) 22 cm (L) x 15 cm (W) x 23 cm (H)


Coaxial Light Cap | ZT & ZTL series Inspection Stage | 5 cm diameter Light Inspection Stage | Polarizer Wi-Fi Streamer | 20 m range
Dia 3 cm | Polycarbonate 10 cm long x 8 cm wide | Vernier Scale USB & DC adapter | 10 x 9 x 2cm Windows,Android,iOS | 180 minute

Measuring Thread Inspection Metal Surface Measuring Inspection


Aplikasi :
Dalam industri otomotif dan metal, Dino-Lite dapat memeriksa area yang kecil seperti cacat,
keausan, atau spot-spot lainnya, retak, kontaminasi material dengan mengambil gambar dan  Filter Contamination
video untuk didokumentasikan, bahkan melakukan pengukuran dengan perangkat lunak Dino- Inspection
Lite.  Welding Penetration
 Corrosion Inspection
Dino-Lite digunakan untuk pengukuran dengan mudah lewat HP dan PC. Bentuk yang portable  Measuring Parts
 Defect inspection
juga mengurangi stres dan kelelahan operator bekerja dalam jangka waktu yang lama.
 Cracks Parts

Plastic Surface H PCB Surface

Metal Surface H

High Series 200X High Series 450X Mid Series 200X Basic Series 200X

AM73915MZT AM7515MT4A
AM4915ZT 20x~50x, 200x | VGA (640x480)
10~220X | 5MP | USB3.0 | ESD Safe 415~470X | 5MP | USB2.0 | FLC
20~220X | 200X | 1.3MP | USB2.0/WiFi USB2.0/WiFi | Color CMOS | Plastic Housing
Metal Housing | Measurement |Gambar & Measurement | Gambar & Video
ESD Safe | Plastic Housing | EDOF | EDR Measurement |Gambar & Video
Video | EDOF | EDR Brightfield / Darkfield | AMR
Measurement |Gambar & Video | Polarizer WF20 not include

Profesional Stand
RK-10VXEXFXPX 22 cm (L) x 15 cm (W) x 27
Profesional Stand cm (H)
Profesional Stand MS33A
22 cm (L) x 15 cm (W) x 23 cm (H) 22 cm (L) x 15 cm (W) x 23 cm (H) Ergonomic Stand

Coaxial Light Cap | ZT & ZTL series N3CR WF-20
Inspection Stage | 5 cm diameter
Dia 3 cm | Polycarbonate Soft Ring Illuminator | Max Distance 6 Cm Wi-Fi Streamer | 20 m range
10 cm long x 8 cm wide | Vernier Scale
Dia 6.5cm | Polycarbonate Sputt Alu Coat Windows,Android,iOS | 180 minute

Welding Crack Part Cutting Tools Mould

Aplikasi Lain-Lain

Hole Inspection

Watch Repair H
H Wood Pulp Evaluating

Aplikasi :

 Pest Control
 Wood Working
 Watch Repair
 Medical
Pest Control  Skin Inspection
 Etc ...
Crack Material

Mikroskop Dino-Lite memberikan kemudahan

para pengguna profesional pada fungsi
pengukuran dengan gambar yang berkualitas
Pest Control
Untuk item yang mungkin memiliki permukaan
Skin Inspection reflektif, kami merekomendasikan unit dengan
pencahayaan terpolarisasi. Fitur polarisasi
digunakan untuk mengurangi silau dan
membantu menghilangkan 'titik panas' dari
permukaan reflektif. Ini membantu memberikan
H Solder pencahayaan seragam untuk membawa detail
M permukaan lebih banyak dengan silau minimal.

High Series 950X Mid Series 200X Basic Series 200X Eyepiece Series
untuk Bino / Trinocular

Life Science
AM7515MT8A AM4915ZT AF3113T
700~990X | 5MP | USB2.0 | FLC 20~220X | 200X | 1.3MP | USB2.0/WiFi 20x~50x, 200x | VGA (640x480)
Measurement | Gambar & Video ESD Safe | Plastic Housing | EDOF | EDR USB2.0/WiFi | Color CMOS | Plastic Housing
Brightfield / Darkfield | AMR Measurement |Gambar & Video | Polarizer Measurement |Gambar & Video

RK-05 RK-06E
Profesional Stand
Moveable X 30 Degree | 22 cm (L) x 15 cm (W) x 27
14cm (L) x 11cm (W) x cm (H)
Profesional Stand Metallurgy
16.5cm (H)
22 cm (L) x 15 cm (W) x 23 cm (H)

MS15X-S2 BLZW1 Polarization

WF-20 Euromex VC3036
Inspection Stage | 5 cm diameter Light Inspection Stage | Polarizer
Wi-Fi Streamer | 20 m range 5MP | USB2.0 & HDMI
10 cm long x 8 cm wide | Vernier Scale USB & DC adapter | 10 x 9 x 2cm
Windows,Android,iOS | 180 minute Measuring | Gambar & Video


Phase Contrast

EcoBlue BioBlue iScope

EC.1152 | EC.1153 BB.1152-PLi | BB.1153-PLi IS.1152 | IS.1153-PLi BB.1153-PLPH

Binocular | Trinocular | Achromatic Binocular | Trinocular | NeoLED Binocular | Trinocular | Brightfeld Contras Trinocular | Rackless | Mechanical Stage
NeoLED | Total 40x, 100x, 400x, 1000x 40x, 100x, 400x, 1000x NeoLED | 40x, 100x, 400x, 1000x NeoLED | 100x, 200x, 400x, 1000x

Oxion Inverso
Life Science


Simple Stereo


EC.1105 | EC.1151 OX.2053-PLPH ED.1805-S P-10 LED (60.110)

Monocular | Achromatic | LED Trinocular | Phase Contrast | Inverted model Binocular | Digital Head | 10x,20x, 40x Binocular | 1x/3x Objectives | Compact
WF 10x/18mm | 40x, 100x, 400x, 1000x 100x, 200x, 400x Rack & Pinion Stand | Diascopic | LED Rack & Pinion Stand | 10x, 30x


StereoBlue StereoBlue NexiusZoom NexiusZoom

Stereo Zoom

SB.1902 | SB.1903-P SB.1903-U NZ.1902-S | NZ.1903-S NZ.1703-PL | NZ.1703-GEML

Binocular | Trinocular | Stereo Zoom Trinocular | Stereo Zoom | 7x-45x Binocular | Trinocular |HWF 10x/22mm Trinocular | 6.5x-55x
7x-45x | LED Universal Arm Stand Double 3W LED | Total 6.7x-45x Standard HWF 10x eyepieces



Polarization Polarization
Upper Lighting

Metallurgy /
Material Science
OX.2153-PLM IS.1053-PLMi IS.1052-PLPOLi IS.1053-PLPOLRI
Trinocular | 50x, 100x, 200x, 500x, 1000x Trinocular | EWF 10x/20mm | Plan PLMi Binocular | 40x, 100x, 200x, 400x Trinocular | 40x, 100x, 200x, 400x
Brightfield with polarization Abbe Condenser | 50x, 100x, 200x, 500x Rotatable Round Stage Rotatable Round Stage | Epi-Illumination


Special Special Special Special

Delphi-X Delphi-X Delphi-X Delphi-X

Material Science

DX.2053-PLMi DX.3153-APLi DX.2053-PLMRi DX.3153-PLPHi

Brightfield and Darkfield illumination EIS Optical System | Fluorescence Plan Apochromatic | Enhanced Infinity System EIS Optical System | 100x, 200x, 400x, 1000x
EIS Optical System | 50x, 100x, 200x, 500x 40x, 100x, 200x, 400x, 1000x 50x, 100x, 200, 500x, 1000x (optional) Super Wide Field (SWF) eyepiece 25mm


VC.3036 |Adaptor DC.1326 DC.5000C LE.1973 (Ring Light) LE.5208

1080P | HDMI | USB2.0 | SD Card 5MP | USB2.0 | 24 bits Color Rendering High Power 144 LEDs | 4 segment illumination Cold Light Source, Compact Dual 2W
6MP CMOS | C-mount interface Low Signal/Noise Ration Color 6500K | Remote Control Color 6500K | 2 x 1W LED | 2 Flexible Arms


PB.5010 PB.5014 PB.5044 PB.5046

Measuring Microscope 40x Measuring Microscope 100x LED Measuring magnifier 7x | Eyepiece Ø18 mm Cold Light Source, Compact Dual 2W
WF10 X 0.01 mm/17 mm Field of view 24 mm Measuring magnifier 10x

PB.5039 MT.5503 AE.1110 EDUPAD | EP.5000 WIFI

Achromatic | FOV 15mm Table Clamp | Razor Blade Holder Object Micrometer 1/100 8” display | 5MP | 1280 x 720
Measuring magnifier 15x Wooden Cabinet | Stainless Steel Min. Pitch 0,01 mm 24 Bits | CMOS 1/2.5” | Gambar & Video


BB.6020 (for BioBlue) IS.6220 (for iScope) OX.6015 AE.5120

Wide field eyepiece WF20x/11 mm WF20x/12 mm eyepiece Wide field eyepiece HWF 15x/16 mm Camera Adaptor for Oxion Inverso
Ø 23.2 mm tube for Oxion Inverso inverted microscopes 23.2 mm Tube

OX.9850 DC.1326 DC.1320 | DC.1321

Camera Adaptor with 0.5x lens for Oxian Camera Adaptor | C-Mount 0.35x C-mount 1x adapter without objective
Oxion Inverso microspse for standard Ø 23.2 mm tubes



Sensor Sony IMX | 1920x1080 | HDMI Sensor CMOS | 1920x1080 | IR Sensor 960 x 540 | Measure | C-Mount |USB + Mouse 1920 x 1080 | C-Mount | USB + Mouse
USB | Auto Focus ROI On or Off Measure | HDMI Gambar & Video | Zoom Digital 1x-10x Gambar & Video | Zoom Digital 1x-10x


SKK-B | SKKL-B SKK-F | SKKL-F Barlight (Light for Inspection) ENVL-B | ENVL-F
Magnifier Lens : 2x, 4x, 6x, 8x, 10x Magnifier Lens : 2x, 4x, 10x White LED 7 pcs | 8W LED Illuminated Magnifier
IP40 (indoor use only) 2x, 4x, 10x

ENVL-FL ENVL-CL 0-LIGHTIII-LED BORELOUPE F | magnification of 2x/3x

F-Type | Free Arm Illuminated Magnifier Epi-illumination around the lens | 2x, 4x Fluorescent tube lighting magnifier LED illuminated loupe for checking holes,
2x, 4x | 10W | Arm Length 1000mm Turn on/off or/dim the lighting 2x, 3.5x | 9W | Recta-System Lens grooves, and inside walls


M3-6015 | M3-2810 E5-PRO 6015 Digital CMOS Endoscope Camβ | Handheld Digital Magnifier
Probe Diameter : 2.8mm, 6mm | LED Optic Fiber Light Guiding 720P | LED Light | USB2.0 Mag. up to 20x | 1280 x 720
Articulation 360o all-way Probe Diameter : 6mm | DOF : 10-100mm White LED x 6 pcs | Rolling Shutter Store up 20K images | 4.3” colour display


Measure Scope Dovetail Stage Slide Operation Dovetail Stage Air Pit
Microscopes essential to all industrial Sliding unit that can be used in a variety of Slide operation dovetail stage is a highly Advanced vacuum pickup instrument that is
manufacturing, inspection position settings accurate dovetail stage widely used in many industries


3D Measurement Express Measurement

Swift PRO Duo TVM35

a versatile and exceptionally intuitive Accurate 2D measurement within
manual optical & video measuring system the field of view (FOV)

Visual Inspection Full HD

Mantis Elite Evo Cam II

Ergonomic eyepieceless stereo microscope Full-HD Digital Microscope
magnification options up to 20x 1080p/60fps | Mag. up to 300x


3D Measurement Express Measurement

VB400 KineMic KMR-FOV-M3

Vertical Bench Top Optical Comparator Video microscope incl. video camera, fixed
magnification telecentric lens

Spesial Features & Combination Machine

Super Impose, Opacity, Barcode Reader,

Edge Ditection, Geotagging, IP Camera.
Harga resmi wilayah Indonesia Harga di bawah adalah retail price yang disarankan ( belum termasuk pajak ) Valid 2020
Working Special
Product Prices Resolution Magnification Interface Measurement Polarizer FLC AMR+EDOF
Distance Features*
Dino-Lite Basic / Premier / WiFi

AF3113T(W) $338 640x480 10x-50x, 200x WiFi, USB 2.0 ✔ Standard Need WF20
AM4515ZT $726 1280x1024 10x-50x, 220x USB 2.0 ✔ ✔ Standard

AM4515ZTL $726 1280x1024 10x-90x USB 2.0 ✔ ✔ Long

AF4915ZT $825 1280x1024 20x-220x WiFi, USB 2.0 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Standard Need WF20
Working Special
Product MSRP Resolution Magnification Interface Measurement Polarizer FLC AMR+EDOF
Distance Features*
Dino-Lite Edge (USB), Eyepiece > 5MP series

AM7515MT2A $1.155 2592x1944 100x-200x USB 2.0 ✔ ✔ Standard COAXIAL+AMR

AM7515MT4A $1.155 2592x1944 415x-470x USB 2.0 ✔ ✔ Standard COAXIAL+AMR
AM7515MT8A $1.155 2592x1944 700x-900x USB 2.0 ✔ ✔ Standard COAXIAL+AMR
AM7915MZT $1.070 2592x1944 10x-220x USB 2.0 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Standard AMR+EDOF
AM7915MZTL $1.000 2592x1944 10x-140x USB 2.0 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Long AMR+EDOF
AM73915MZT $1.463 2560x1920 10x-220x USB 3.0 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Standard FLC+AMR+EDOF
AM73915MZTL $1.400 2560x1920 5x-140x USB 3.0 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Long FLC+AMR+EDOF
AM7025X $660 2560x1920 Bedasarkan Objective USB 2.0 ✔ EDOF manual Penyesuaian U/ Bino & Trinocular

Dino-Lite Edge (RCA), (VGA), (HDMI)

AM5212P/T/PT $495 960x480 10x-220x TV/RCA ✔ Standard

AM5216ZT $770 1280x720 10x-220x VGA ✔ Standard Freeze Image

AM5216ZTL $770 1280x720 5x-140x VGA ✔ Long Freeze Image
AM5018MZT $825 1280x720 1x-70x VGA ✔ Standard Freeze Image
AM5018MZTL $825 1280x720 10x-220x HDMI ✔ Long Freeze Image
AM5218MZT Call us 1280x720 5x-220x HDMI ✔ Standard Freeze Image
Product MSRP Head Objective Eyepiece Lens Total Magnification Illumination Stage Model

Euromex Biological Microscope

EC1105 $815 Monokuler Digital 4x, 10x, 40x 100x 10x/18mm Achromatic 40x, 100x, 400x, 1000x LED X-Y digital camera included
EC1151 $500 Monokuler 4x, 10x, 40x 100x 10x/18mm Achromatic 40x, 100x, 400x, 1000x LED X-Y cable and batteries ready
EC.1152 $650 Binokuler 4x, 10x, 40x 100x 10x/18mm Achromatic 40x, 100x, 400x, 1000x NeoLED X-Y cable and batteries ready
EC1153 $770 Trinokuler 4x, 10x, 40x 100x 10x/18mm Achromatic 40x, 100x, 400x, 1000x NeoLED X-Y cable and batteries ready
BB1152PLi $990 Binokuler 4x, 10x, 40x, 100x 10x/20mm Plan Achromatic 40x, 100x, 400x, 1000x NeoLED X-Y Rackless infinity optical system
BB1153PLi $1.075 Trinokuler 4x, 10x, 40x, 100x 10x/20mm Plan Achromatic 40x, 100x, 400x, 1000x NeoLED X-Y Rackless infinity optical system
IS1152PLi $1.760 Binokuler 4x, 10x, 40x, 100x 10x/22mm Plan Achromatic 40x, 100x, 400x, 1000x NeoLED X-Y Rackless iCare Sensor
IS1153PLi $1.930 Trinokuler 4x, 10x, 40x, 100x 10x/22mm Plan Achromatic 40x, 100x, 400x, 1000x NeoLED X-Y Rackless iCare Sensor
BB1153PLPH $2.470 Trinokuler 10x, 20x, 40x, 100x 10x/20mm Plan phase 40x, 100x, 400x, 1000x NeoLED X-Y Rackless IOS objective, phase contrast

OX2053PLPH $4.310 Trinokuler 10x, 20x, 40x 10x/22mm Plan phase 100x, 200x, 400x LED X-Y Rackless Phase Contrast Inverted
Product MSRP Head Zoom Objective Eyepiece Working Distance Total Magnification Illumination Stand Model
Euromex Stereo Microscope

SB1902 $715 Binokular 0,7x - 4,5x 10x/20mm 100 mm 7x - 45x LED Rack & pinion Zoom objective
SB1903P $770 Trinokular 0,7x - 4,5x 10x/20mm 100 mm 7x - 45x LED Pillar Zoom objective
SB1903U $1.210 Trinokular 0,7x - 4,5x 10x/20mm 100 mm 7x - 45x LED Universal Zoom objective
NZ1902S $1.020 Binokular 0,67x - 4,5x 10x/22mm 110 mm 6,7x - 45x LED Rack & pinion Nexius Zoom objective
NZ1903S $1.100 Trinokular 0,67x - 4,5x 10x/22mm 110 mm 6,7x-45x,up to 180x (optional) LED Rack & pinion Nexius Zoom objective
NZ1703PL $1.585 Trinokular 0,65x - 5,5x 10x/23mm 110 mm 6,5x-55x, up to 220x (optional) LED Pillar Nexius Zoom objective
NZ1703GEML $2.530 Trinokular 0,65x - 5,5x 10x/23mm 110 mm 6,5x-55x, up to 220x (optional) LED Ergonomic For Gemological
Product MSRP Head Objective Eyepiece Lens Total Magnification Illumination Stage Model
Euromex Material Science & Polarize
Plan Achromatic &
OX2153PLM Trinokular 5x, 10x, 20x, 50x 100x 10x/20mm 50x, 100x, 200x, 500x, 1000x Halogen Mechanical Polarize & semi-apo lens
semi apochromatic
IS1053PLMi Trinokular 5x, 10x, 20x, 50x 10x/20mm Plan Achromatic 50x, 100x, 200x, 500x NeoLED X-Y Rackless Polarize Top Light

IS1052PLPOLi Binokular 4x, 10x, 20x, 40x 10x/22mm Plan Achromatic 40x, 100x, 200x, 400x NeoLED 3600 Rotatable Polarize Down Light
NeoLED &
IS1053PLPOLRi Trinokular 4x, 10x, 20x, 40x 10x/22mm Plan Achromatic 40x, 100x, 200x, 400x 3600 Rotatable Polarize Uper Down Light
Product MSRP Description
Dino-Lite Stand, Table stage, Holder, Special lighting source
RK06E $220 Profesional stand
RK10VXEXFXPX $660 Precision stand fine focus adjustment set
RK05 $275 Stand with moveable degree
MS33A $135 Ergonomic stand
RK10 $308 Precision stand fine focus adjustment
SSM2 $110 Petri dish holder for RK10
MS15XS2 $250 Inspection stage XY-R
BLCDW $330 Brightfield and Dardfield backlight
WF20/WF20W $275 Dino-Lite adapter connect for AF series
HDE01 $160 Hand adjustable holder
Product MSRP Description
Euromex Camera, Lighting, Magnifier Scope
VC.3036 + Adaptor $2.420 Resolution 3264 x 1836 (6MP), interface HDMI & USB 2.0, 1080p video mode, sony sensor, image focus 4 software
DC.5000C $670 Resolution 2592 x 1944 (5MP), interface USB 2.0, CMOS sensor, image focus 4 software
LE.1973 (Ring Light) $415 144 LEDs light, 6.500 K color temperature, 23.000 lux, mounting diameter 25-61 mm
LE.5208 $280 1x 2 W LED (40 Watt halogen equivalent), 6.500 K color temperature, 18.000 lux.
PB.5010 $160 Magnification 40x, LED illumination, field of view 3,6 mm
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