Malicious Prosecution

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Malicious Prosecution Complete Notes pdf (

With All Famous Case Laws ) : Law Of Torts

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What Is Malicious Prosecution ?

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 What Is Malicious Prosecution ?

o Difference between Malicious Prosecution & Malicious Use of Process ( or
Malicious Abuse of process )
 Essentials in a suit of Malicious Prosecution :
o 1. Prosecution by the Defendant
o 2. Absence of reasonable and probable cause.
o 3. Malice
o 4. Termination of proceedings in the favour of the plaintiff.
o 5. Damage has to be proved.
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Meaning of Malicious prosecution

Malicious Prosecution is defined as a judicial proceeding instituted by one person against the
another, from wrongful or improper motive, without any reasonable and probable cause to justify

Malicious Prosecution consists in instituting unsuccessful criminal proceedings maliciously

without reasonable and probable cause. When such prosecution causes actual damage to the
party prosecuted, it’s a tort for which he can bring an action.

Difference between Malicious Prosecution & Malicious Use of Process ( or

Malicious Abuse of process )

 Malicious Prosecution means process to be issued maliciously, whereas, Malicious use of

Process means using a legal process for some purpose other than than it was issued by the
 When malicious prosecution through criminal or civil proceedings cause actual damage
to the party prosecuted, or when the proceeding has ended in the favour of the defendant,
he or she may sue for tort damages, known as malicious use of prosecution.

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Essentials in a suit of Malicious Prosecution :

Essentials of Malicious Prosecution

1. Prosecution by the defendant.

2. Absence of reasonable and probable cause.

3. Malice.

4. Termination of the proceeding in the favour of the plaintiff.

5. Damage.

1. Prosecution by the Defendant

Prosecution by the defendant

Two essential ingredients of prosecution by the defendant are :

 Prosecution
 The same was instituted by the defendant.

Case law : Nagendra Nath Ray V. Basanta Das Bairagya

A theft had been committed in the defendant’s house. He called the police and told that he had a
doubt on the plaintiff. Police arrested the plaintiff, but he was discharged by the magistrate due
to lack of evidences in police reports. Defendant then sued Plaintiff for Malicious Prosecution,
but it was rejected as mere police proceedings are not prosecution.Damage has to be proved

Case Law : Khagendra Nath V. Jacob Chandra

Merely bringing a matter before an executive authority doesn’t amount to prosecution. Therefore
there is no prosecution when a magistrate issues only a notice and not summon to the accused on
receiving a complaint and subsequently dismisses it after hearing the both sides.

Proceedings before a Quasi-Judicial Authority :

Case law : Kapoor Chand V. Jagdish Chand

Plaintiff sued the defendant falsely that defendant has obtained a false degree of Hakim from
Board of Ayurvedic & Unani System of Medicines. Plaintiff also stated that defendant is
illiterate. On further investigation, it was found that plaintiff was prosecuting the defendant
maliciously. Since the Malicious Prosecution is there, case was presented before quasi judicial

Case Law : D.N Bandopadhyaya V. Union of India

Mere departmental enquiry by disciplinary authority can not be called prosecution.
Prosecution should be instituted by the defendant.

 A prosecutor is a person who is actively instrumental in putting a law in force for

prosecuting the other person.
 A person can’t be deemed to be a prosecutor merely because he gave some information
or evidences about some offence to police. Even though they were false to the police,
can’t give cause of action to the plaintiff in a suit for Malicious Prosecution. If defendant
is not proved to be real prosecutor by establishing that he was taking active part in
prosecution, and that he was primarily and directly responsible for the prosecution.

Case Law : Dattatraya Pandurang Datar V. Hari Keshav

Defendant lodged a FIR to police regarding theft at his shop, naming the plaintiff ( servant )
being suspect. After investigation, it was cleared that plaintiff has nothing to do with the theft.
Plaintiff sued defendant for malicious prosecution, but the plea was rejected as the essential
element, Plaintiff must be prosecuted by the defendant could not be established. The defendant
has done nothing more than giving information to the police.

Case Law : Gaya Prasad V. Bhagat Singh

Privicy council stated that the conduct of the complainant, before and after the complaint has to
be seen to decide whether he is really a prosecutor or not. If information given by him is false
and he know that, and done just to misguide the police, he will be considered as prosecutor.

2. Absence of reasonable and probable cause.

Absence of reasonable and probable cause

Plaintiff also need to prove that defendant prosecuted him without any reasonable grounds and
probable cause. Mere honest belief is not enough, it is also necessary that defendant must act as a
reasonable and prudent man. There is a reasonable and probable cause when the defendant has
sufficient grounds for thinking that the plaintiff was probably guilty of the crime imputed.

Case Law : T.S. Bhatta V. A.K. Bhatta

Defendant filed a complaint against plaintiff. The defendant knew that the charge was false and
was acting with reasonable and just cause. It was held that the defendant was real prosecutor and
was liable for malicious prosecution.

Case Law : State of Tripura V. hardhan Chowdhury

Plaintiff was reputed timber merchant of the area. Defendant sued him under two criminal cases
for cutting trees from protected or reserved area with a malafide intention. Court found it a
malicious prosecution and awarded Rs. 25000 as compensation to the plaintiff.

Case Law : Hetram V. Madan Gopal ( 2007 )

Defendant made false allegation on plaintiff for setting their house on fire, no remote evidence
was found. Compensation of Rs. 55,000 was awarded to the plaintiff due to malicious

3. Malice


Malice in malicious prosecution means having an ill-motive in prosecuting someone. Usually

that wrongful intention or ill-motive comes out of the revenge and anger. Here also, the burden
of proof is on plaintiff. It means that plaintiff needs to prove that defendant acted maliciously in
prosecuting him.

In other words, it means, using the legal process for some other purpose, rather than the purpose
it is used for, due to some improper and wrongful motive.
Case Law : Antarjami Sharma V. Padma Bewa
Servant prosecuted the master maliciously for outraging her modesty. Even other servants had
given the false statement and false evidences. Court held that along with plaintiff, the other
persons who gave false statement, knowing that the facts were not true, will also be liable for
compensating for the damage.

Case Law : Bhogi Lal V. Saroj Behan

A agreed to buy house from B fro Rs. 15,000 and even paid the advance payment of Rs. 2,000.
Later on, he discovered that the house is already mortgaged and B even didn’t disclose this fact.
A believing that B is deceiving him sued him for cheating under section 420 and B was
discharged. B sued A for malicious prosecution.
Since, A wasn’t acting maliciously, he wasn’t made liable to pay the damages and no malicious
prosecution was there.

Acquital of a plaintiff is no evidence of malicious prosecution. Prosecution doesn’t becomes

malice, if it is inspired by anger.

4. Termination of proceedings in the favour of the plaintiff.

Termination of proceedings in the favour of the plaintiff

The plaintiff must prove that prosecution ended in his favour. He can only sue for malicious
prosecution when he is acquitted or by the dismissal of complaint.

If the plaintiff is convicted, he has no right to sue for malicious prosecution, but can appeal
against the conviction. The plaintiff can only sue the defendant for malicious prosecution only
when he is acquitted.
Case Law : Ram Lal V. Mahendra Singh
Son of Ram Lal committed suicide. Ram Lal filed a criminal suit against the defendant in which
the proceeding went over 3 years. Even the defendant was kept in special custody for 3 months,
and then acquitted. Then, the defendant filed a suit for malicious prosecution.
Lower court decreed the suit in the favour of the defendant. But, Ram Lal appealed against the
decision. Though he died during the proceeding, his legal representatives continued the
proceeding in which, Rajasthan High Court held that the plaintiff could not prove malicious
prosecution as there was malafide intention.

5. Damage has to be proved.

Damage has to be proved

It has to be proved that due to the malicious prosecution, plaintiff has suffered damage. Even
though, the proceeding terminates in the favour of the plaintiff, still he may suffer damage as a
result of that malicious prosecution.

Therefore, plaintiff can claim damages on grounds of :

 Damage to plaintiff’s reputation.

 Damage to plaintiff’s property.
 Damage to plaintiff’s person.

Also, deprivation of his liberty, mental stress, inconvenience, status and position, monetary loss
and fees of legal action are taken into consideration while deciding damages.

Case Law : Sova Rani Dutta V. Debabrata Dutta

Defendant filed a false FIR against the plaintiff and his sister alleging theft of her earring. Since,
they know that information provided by them isn’t correct, malicious prosecution is there.
Plaintiff claimed damages. Rs. 5,000 were awarded as compensation for the mental agony and
pain suffered by him. Also, Rs. 1,500 were awarded to the plaintiff as special damages.

That’s all for the Malicious Prosecution in Torts Law. Still left with any doubts regarding
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