Assisted Reproductive Technology
Assisted Reproductive Technology
Assisted Reproductive Technology
With ART, the process of sexual intercourse is bypassed
and fertilization of the oocytes occurs in the laboratory
environment (i.e., in vitro fertilization).
In general, ART procedures involve surgically removing
eggs from a woman's ovaries, combining them with
sperm in the laboratory, and returning them to the
woman's body or donating them to another woman."
According to CDC, "they do not include treatments in
which only sperm are handled (i.e., intrauterine—or
artificial—insemination) or procedures in which a woman
takes medicine only to stimulate egg production without
the intention of having eggs retrieved."
In Europe, ART also excludes artificial insemination and
includes only procedures where oocytes are handled.
Fertility medication:
Most fertility medications are agents that stimulate the
development of follicles in the ovary. Examples are
gonadotropins and gonadotropin releasing hormone.
In vitro fertilization:
In vitro fertilization is the technique of
letting fertilization of the male and
female gametes (sperm and egg) occur outside the
female body.
Techniques usually used in in vitro fertilization include:
Transvaginal ovum retrieval (OVR) is the process
whereby a small needle is inserted through the back
of the vagina and guided via ultrasound into the
ovarian follicles to collect the fluid that contains the
Embryo transfer is the step in the process whereby
Some couples find it difficult to stop treatment despite very bad prognosis, resulting in
futile therapies. This may give ART providers a difficult decision of whether to continue
or refuse treatment.
For treatment-specific ethical considerations, see entries in individual subarticles, e.g. In
vitro fertilisation, Surrogacy and Sperm donation
Some assisted reproductive technologies can in fact be harmful to both the mother and
child. Posing a psychological and a physical health risk, which may impact the ongoing
use of these treatments. The adverse effects may cause for alarm, and they should be
tightly regulated to ensure candidates are not only mentally, but physically prepared.
Fictional representation
Films and other fiction depicting emotional struggles of assisted reproductive technology
have had an upswing in the latter part of the 2000s decade, although the techniques
have been available for decades. Yet, the number of people that can relate to it by
personal experience in one way or another is ever growing, and the variety of trials and
struggles are huge.
In addition, reproduction and pregnancy in speculative fiction has been present for many
The idea of using future ART techniques, including direct human germline engineering
technologies, to select and genetically modify embryos for the purpose of human
enhancement has been referred to as designer babies, reprogenetics, and liberal
eugenics and has been discussed since the introduction of biotechnology in the late
The term "liberal eugenics" was coined by bioethicist Nicholas Agar. Liberal eugenics is
aimed at "improving" the genotypes of future generations through screening and genetic
modification to eliminate "undesirable" traits. The term "reprogenetics" was coined
by Lee M. Silver, a professor of molecular biology at Princeton University, in his 1997
book Remaking Eden.
The philosophical movement associated with these speculative uses
is transhumanism. When eugenics is discussed in this context it usually in context of
allowing parents to select desirable traits in an unborn child and not in the use of
genetics to destroy embryos or to prevent the formation of undesirable embryos.
Safety is a major concern when it comes to the gene editing and mitochondrial transfer,
as problems may not arise in the first children for many years, and their offspring may be
affected, and problems may only appear in those subsequent generations. New
diseases may be introduced accidentally.
Neither the first generation nor their offspring will have given consent to have been
treated. On a larger scale, germline modification has the potential to impact the gene
pool of the entire human race in a negative or positive way.
Another concern, especially for people who believe that life begins at conception, is the
fate of flawed or unchosen embryos created during the work of reaching an embryo with
the desired qualities.[50] The embryo cannot give consent and some of the treatments
have long-lasting and harmful implications.[50]
In many countries, editing embryos and germline modification is illegal. As of 2015, 15 of
22 Western European nations had outlawed human germline engineering. Human
germline modification has for many years has been heavily off limits. As of 2016 there
was no legislation in the United States that explicitly prohibited germline engineering,
however, the Consolidated Appropriation Act of 2016 banned the use of U.S. Food and
Drug Administration (FDA) funds to engage in research regarding human germline
Germline modification is considered a more ethically and morally acceptable treatment
when one or both of the parents is a carrier for a harmful trait and is treated to improve
the genotype and safety of the future generations.[50] When the treatment is used for this
purpose, it can fill the gaps that other technologies may not be able to accomplish. The
American National Academy of Sciences and National Academy of Medicine gave
qualified support to human genome editing in 2017 once answers have been found to
safety and efficiency problems "but only for serious conditions under stringent
oversight. Germline modification would be more practical if sampling methods were less
destructive and used the polar bodies rather than embryos. In 2018, the Nuffield Council
on Bioethics issued a report which concluded that under certain circumstances, editing
of the DNA of human embryos could be acceptable. The Nuffield Council is a British
independent organisation that evaluates ethical questions in medicine and biology.
Lee Silver has projected a dystopia in which a race of superior humans look down on
those without genetic enhancements, though others have counseled against accepting
this vision of the future. It has also been suggested that if designer babies were created
through genetic engineering, that this could have deleterious effects on the human gene
pool. Some futurists claim that it would put the human species on a path to participant
evolution. It has also been argued that designer babies may have an important role as
counter-acting an argued dysgenictrend.
In November 2018, Jiankui He announced that he had edited the genomes of two
human embryos, to attempt to disable the gene for CCR5, which codes for a receptor
that HIV uses to enter cells. He said that twin girls, Lulu and Nana, had been born a few
weeks earlier. He said that the girls still carried functional copies of CCR5 along with
disabled CCR5 (mosaicism) and were still vulnerable to HIV. The work was widely
condemned as unethical, dangerous, and premature. Carl Zimmer compared the
reaction to He's human gene editing experiment to the initial reactions and subsequent
debate over mitochondrial replacement therapy (MRT) and the eventual regulatory
approval of MRT in the United Kingdom.[64]
arrangements involve ART.