Conics and Quadratics - Problems 2018-6 PDF
Conics and Quadratics - Problems 2018-6 PDF
Conics and Quadratics - Problems 2018-6 PDF
1. Conics
While lines in P2 are defined by linear (first-order) equations, conics
are defined by second-order equations. Such equations are defined by
homogeneous quadratic polynomials, that is, polynomial equations of
the form
(1) aX 2 + bXY + cY 2 + dXZ + eY Z + f Z 2 = 0
in homogeneous coordinates [X : Y : Z].
Exercise 1.1. Why must this equation be homogeneous?
While conics in affine geometry fall into three types: ellipses, parabo-
las and hyperbolas, these are all equivalent projectively. That is, when
we supplement A2 by a (projective) line of ideal points and don’t think
of ideal points as anything special, they are all equivalent.
For example, the circle defined by x2 + y 2 = 1 is defined in the
standard affine patch [x : y : 1] by the homogeneous equation
X 2 + Y 2 − Z 2 = 0,
the parabola y = x2 by
X2 − Y Z = 0
and the hyperbola xy = 1 by
XY − Z 2 = 0.
Exercise 1.2. Express the hyperbola x2 − y 2 = 1 in homogeneous co-
ordinates and find a projective coordinate change to make it look like
the preceding hyperbola.
We can write the equation (1) in vector form, using the symmetric
a b/2 d/2
(2) M := b/2 c e/2
d/2 e/2 f
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v := Y ;
(3) v† Mv = 0
Exercise 1.3. Suppose that M is the 3×3 identity matrix. What subset
of P2 does it define? Find other invertible symmetric 3 × 3 matrices
defining the same subset.
Exercise 1.4. Show that if M and M0 are two matrices which are
projectively equivalent, that is, M0 = λM for some scalar λ 6= 0, then
they define the same subset of P2 . How are the eigenvalues of M and
M0 related?
A given conic can look quite different when viewed in different affine
patches, as you saw in the earlier homework assignment:
(η, z) 7−−−→ [1 : η : z]
A2 −−−
→ P2
(ξ, ζ) 7−−−→ [ξ : 1 : ζ]
A2 −−−
→ P2
(x, y) 7−−−→ [x : y : 1]
A2 −−−
→ P2
(u, v) 7−−−→ [u + 1 : u − v : u + v]
P := {(x, y) ∈ A2 | y = x2 }
C = {[X : Y : Z] | X 2 = Y Z}.
x = X/Z
y = Y /Z
so that P is defined by
Y X2
(4) = 2
so multiplying by Z 2 gives Y Z = X 2 . This has the effect of adding the
(single) ideal point where Z = 0, since implicit in (4) is the assumption
that Z 6= 0. (This ideal point is [0 : 1 : 0], or any [0 : Y : 0], as long as
Y 6= 0. They are all equal.)
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Here are the defining covectors for the four affine patches:
φ1 = 1 0 0
φ2 = 0 1 0
φ3 = 0 0 1
φ4 = 1 −1/2 −1/2
That is, the patch Ai corresponds to the affine plane φ−1 3
i (1) ⊂ R . The
scale factor is the nonzero scalar λ such that if v ∈ R3 is a nonzero
vector then λv lies on the viewing plane.
(1) Compute scale factors and viewing planes for these four affine
(2) Find the sections of the cone X 2 + Y 2 − Z 2 = 0 in these affine
(3) Relate the four sets of coordinates (η, z), (ξ, ζ), (x, y), (u, v) and
identify the sets where they can be related.
(4) Now find an affine chart with affine coordinates (p, q) so that C
is the circle p2 + q 2 = 1.
(5) Look at the cone C defined by X 2 + Y 2 − Z 2 = 0 in R3 . Rotate
the affine plane Z = 1 around the line X = Z − 1 = 0 by
angle θ, obtaining a plane Pθ . Then the conic section Pθ ∩ C
can be either an ellipse, a parabola, a hyperbola, or a pair of
intersecting lines.
(a) When θ 6= ±π/2, this plane has the equation Z = 1 +
(b) When θ = ±π/2, this plane has the equation X = 0.
(c) Let t = tan(θ). Then Pθ corresponds to the affine chart
(x, y) 7−−→ [x : y : 1 + tan(θ)x]
(d) Suppose that |θ| < π/4, so that |t| < 1. In this affine chart
the conic section is the ellipse
t 1
x− 2
+ y 2 = (1 − t2 )−4
1−t 1 − t2
which has eccentricity
1 − t2 = .
In particular it is a circle exactly when θ = 0.
(e) When |θ| = π/4 (so that |t| = 1), this conic section is a
(f) When π/4 < |θ| < π/2 (so that 1 < |t| < ∞), this conic
section is a hyperbola.
(g) When |θ| = π/2 the cone intersects the plane in a pair of
intersecting lines (a degenerate hyperbola).
The three types of conics are easily characterized by their relation
to the line-at-infinity. Let C ⊂ P2 be a conic, and let ` ⊂ P2 be a line.
Then A2 := P2 \ ` is an affine patch.
• C ∩ A2 is an ellipse ⇐⇒ C ∩ ` = ∅;
• C ∩ A2 is a parabola ⇐⇒ C ∩ ` is a single point;
• C ∩ A2 is a hyperbola ⇐⇒ C ∩ ` consists of two points.
2. Quadric surfaces
2.1. Three Types of Unruled Quadrics. Define the ellipsoid, el-
liptic paraboloid, and two-sheeted hyperboloid:
n x 2 y 2 z 2 o
Ea,b,c := (x, y, z) ∈ R3 + + =1
a b c
n x 2 y 2 o
Pa,b := (x, y, z) ∈ R3 + =z
a b
n x 2 y 2 z 2 o
Ha,b,c := (x, y, z) ∈ R3 + − = −1
a b c
where a, b, c 6= 0 (they are usually taken to be positive). Visualize these
In projective space P3 define the quadric
Q := [X : Y : Z : W ] ∈ P3 X 2 + Y 2 + Z 2 = W 2 .
(1) In the usual affine patch (x, y, z) 7−→ [x : y : z : 1], find the
ideal points of Ea,b,c , Pa,b , Ha,b,c .
(2) Find three affine patches A such that Ea,b,c , Pa,b and Ha,b,c are
each A−1 (Q). (Hint: use the formulas a2 − b2 = (a − b)(a + b)
and 4ab = (a + b)2 − (a − b)2 .)
(3) (Bonus problem) Prove or disprove: The affine patch Ea,b,c −→
Q is a homeomorphism. (Recall that a homeomorphism is a con-
tinuous bijection whose inverse is continuous. In other words,
it is a mapping which preserves the topology, the way the points
are “organized” into a space. It can stretch, squeeze and oth-
erwise distort the geometry, but it can’t tear, collapse or break
the space. Being continuous means preserving the underlying
“topological fabric.”)
(4) (Bonus problem) Find a homeomorphism of Ea,b,c −→ S 2 where
S 2 is the 2-dimensional sphere.
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