Makato and The Cowrie Shell

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I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson , the student are expected to
a. Distinguish the meaning of unfamiliar words found in the story.
b. Identify character trait of Makato.
c. Reflect on the story through an introspection.

II. Subject Matter

Topic : Makato and the Cowrie Shell
References: Story
a. Power Point
b. Laptop
c. Printed Materials
d. Video Clip

III. Procedure
Preliminary Activities
a. Prayer
b. Greetings
c. Classroom Management
d. Attendance
e. Vocabs
f. Video

A. Activity
The teacher will show some pictures of the boy alone, the boy who is working
at his young age, the boy in the orphanage and the boy that his both parents lost.

1. What can you say about the pictures?

2. Why did the young boy at his young age he work alone?
3. What will be the reason that there are some children living in the

A. Analysis
Process questions:

1. Did the pictured shown, leads you to our topic for today?
2. Does the activity gives you the idea for our discussion today?
3. Unlocking difficulties

B. Abstraction:
The discussion of Makato and the Cowrie Shell (Thai folktale).
. The teacher will introduced a folktale from Thailand about a young boy who is
so determined in life that his mere thought came to reality.
. The students will read the story entitled “Makato and the Cowrie Shell” then
will answer the comprehension question.
1. In your own opinion, what will be the reason why there are some children
living in the orphanage?
2. What character traits does he posses?
3. What could be the reason why Makato left his place?
4. What motivated him to leave his place?
5. What lessons in life does the author want to convey?
6. If you were on Makato’s situation what will you do?
7. Where did the story takes place?
8. Who is the main character of the story?
9. What is the main problem of the young boy in the story Makato and the
Cowrie Shell?
10. How does the story affect you as a person?
C. Application
The teacher will divide the students into 3 groups. Each group will be given a
performance task.

Group 1. Paint a picture

Directions: Describe Makato’s appearance , attitude, action . Fill up the character
web with your answers and explain each each trait.




Group II. Compare and Share

Directions : Using the Venn diagram, compare yourself with Makato. Be
guided by the following questions:

1. What traits do you both share? Write your answers between two circles.
2. Write your character traits, which are different from Makato’s inside the right
3. Write Makato’s character traits, which are different from yours, inside the left
4. Which of those traits would you like to improve? Explains

IV. Generalization

The teacher will ask the students on what moral lesson they have learned from
the story Makato and the Cowrie Shell?

V. Enrichment

The teacher will ask the students to make a reflection about the story Makato

V1. Assignment/ Agreement

Please read and study again the story, be familiarize the vocabulary words.

Prepared by:
Jessebel T. De Jesus

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