Average Costing in Oracle R12 EBS Suite
Average Costing in Oracle R12 EBS Suite
Average Costing in Oracle R12 EBS Suite
Abstract: This paper will guides users on how average costing works in the Oracle R12 EBS suite.
Average costing calculates a moving average item cost, which approximates the direct one-for-one cost
of items. Average Costing performs the average calculation of the onhand quantities, based upon the
incoming cost of purchase order receipts, inter-org receipts, WIP completions, and depending on your
setup, for miscellaneous account and account alias receipts. All transactions then use average cost of
the item for the respective accounting transactions.
Executive Summary: Following are the key highlights addressed in the document.
Business requirements of each of above transactions are discussed below as we illustrate each
transaction in detail.
Key Setups
Following are the key Setups done at Organization level:
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Average Costing in Oracle R12 EBS Suite
Set Default Completion Cost Source: System Calculated (This ensures the cost charges are applied on
completion of WIP job based on system calculated details which does not have user entry)
System Option: Use Pre-Defined Resources (This ensures resources are charged based on pre-defined
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Prerequisite setup:
Purchased Item is created and assigned to Master Org and Inventory Org.
Consider Item 1000317205 whose cost history details are as shown below:
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Miscellaneous adjustments are made whenever a part is received by Engineering research department,
projects, individuals. In Manufacturing industry miscellaneous receipt transactions are done so as to
make the inventory onhand adjustments same as present at physical location.
Also miscellaneous receipt transactions are done when Oracle inventory is freshly implemented and
onhand is moved in Oracle.
Below steps will guide on how a miscellaneous receipt transaction with cost will be averaged out with
current onhand cost.
Step 1: Miscellaneous Receipt for item 1000317205 10 pcs with cost as 10, and later will check the Item
cost history
After the program is complete check the Item 1000317205 cost history
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System will calculate the new cost of item 1000317205 in the form of average cost as explained below.
= (Initial Onhand * Initial Unit Cost) + (Transaction Onhand + Transaction Unit Cost) / (Initial Onhand +
Transaction Onhand)
= 13.69091
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Manufacturing plants need raw material, components so as to be build into a finished assembly. These
goods and services are purchased from the supplier and vendors. Supplier delivers the goods based on
the Purchase order raised by the manufacturing plant. Goods inward are received and a PO receiving
transaction is completed in Oracle.
Below steps will guide how PO receipt will impact the cost of Item based on PO list price and current
onhand cost of Item.
Step 2: Perform a PO receipt transaction for the above purchased item and check the new unit cost of
Pre-requisite setup: Item is attached to a Standard Purchase order along with list price or purchase
order price of 5. PO is approved and has a quantity to be received.
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Once the PO receipt is complete check the Item cost History details for Item 1000317205
We can see that the system has calculated the new unit cost after doing an average of current onhand
quantity and cost with the transaction onhand quantity and cost.
= (Initial Onhand * Initial Unit Cost) + (Transaction Onhand + Transaction Unit Cost) / (Initial Onhand +
Transaction Onhand)
= 13.19429
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Discrete manufacturing Standard WIP Jobs are created to manufacture and build a finished assembly
which is sold to end customer. Finished assembly will have its bill of material which list all the
components need to make the assembly. Finished assembly has routing setup which will list the
operations and machining (resource) activity which it will go through to complete the finished assembly.
Overhead cost is also accumulated as the finished assembly is build which can be a resource overhead
and a material overhead.
Below steps will guide us how a finished assembly cost is accumulated as the WIP job gets completed
and gets averaged based on the assembly job completion cost and the current onhand cost of finished
Step 3: Work order completion of a finished assembly and average cost calculation for the finished
FM (Finished Assembly)
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-- ------- --------------------------------
| |
| |
1000317205 1000000022
Below is the screenshot showing the BOM for finished assembly FM with 2 purchased part as a
component each having a yield as 1
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Standard Rate: This is checked so that the resource is charged at the standard rate. If you were charging
labor hours at actual rate, you would leave the standard rate flag unchecked, so that the actual rate is
used (it comes from a separate setup of employees rates in WIP).
Click on the Rates Button and define the hourly rates as below:
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During build of a finished assembly job we need some activity done by outside services provided by the
vendor. This is achieved by defining an OSP operation in the finished assembly routing. OSP Resource is
defined to which OSP item is attached. OSP Item will have approved PO and PO unit price maintained.
Let’s define OSP resource (1000317319) to which we have an OSP item (1000317319-OSP) attached.
Charge Type: PO Move (This ensures the WIP job moves to next operation on PO receipt, or gets
completed if this is the last operation)
Costed: Checked and proper absorption and variance account are setup
Standard Rate: This is unchecked so that the OSP item list price or PO unit price as maintained on PO will
be captured as the outside processing cost and included in the finished assembly cost.
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Click on Rates button and attach the Average rate as the cost type with rate as 0 since we are getting the
cost from OSP item list price maintained on PO as mentioned below.
Both the above resources “LAM” and “1000317319” are attached to “CTD” department.
Below is the Blanket PO which has an OSP Item 1000317319-OSP with the list price maintained as 27.5
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Click on Rates button to attach the Cost Type and Department as shown in below screen.
Department: CTD (Consider this department where all resources are attached)
We will attach this overhead to “LAM” resource first, then close above rates screen. In the Main
Resource screen Click on Resources button and attach the “Mfg” overhead to resource “LAM” as shown
in below screen
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Define the Material Overhead “Mtl OH” as described in below screen with basis as
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This will ensure all make items on completion of WIP job will have a material overhead incurred.
Now that the material overhead is setup, there are two ways to get the material overhead costs on the
onhand quantities.
First, if the material overheads were set up before the assemblies were completed form the WIP into
onhand inventory, you would earn the material overhead upon WIP completion. Secondly, assuming the
material overhead was defined after the WIP completion transaction, you would implement this new
cost using the Average Cost Update transaction.
Navigation: Cost Management Item Cost Average Cost update Update Costs
Enter the Type: Average Cost Update and select appropriate absorption account as shown in below
In Transaction Change Tab enter the item: 1000000022 for which we will attach the material ovhead
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Enter the level as this and Cost Element as material overhead with New Average Cost as 4
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Let’s define the Routings for a finished assembly FM as shown in below screen.
Operation 10 will have the resource “LAM” attached with basis as Item and usage 2.5 hrs. Note we are
earning labor hours at standard and also charging the labor rate at standard.
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We will quickly summarize all the unit cost we have setup for each entity
Material Cost:
In the BOM below is the unit cost for the purchased part component
Resource: 1000317319 attached OSP Item 1000317319-OSP with PO List price = 27.5
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Current we have onhand quantity for Finished Assembly (FM) with the unit cost as 250 given below:
We will create a WIP Job for the finished assembly and complete and then check how system calculates
the average cost.
Create a WIP Job for the Finished assembly (FM) as below release the WIP Job and save.
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Complete Move operation from 10 to 20 so that outside services are done on the Job at operation 20.
At operation 20 PR-PO release is created for the OSP item 1000317319-OSP. Complete PO receiving for
the OSP item as shown below.
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Now we will see the WIP value summary to verify each cost element costed.
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Click on Value Summary button and see how each of the cost elements are costed
Material Cost:
Material Costed:
In the BOM below is the unit cost for the purchased part component
Total Material Cost = 26.38 +4 = 30.38 (Same is shown in above Material element)
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Total Material Overhead Cost: 4 *2 units = 8 (Same is shown in above Material Overhead element)
Total LAM Resource Cost = 35 * 2 units made * 2.5 hours/unit = 175 (Same shown in Resource
OSP Resource: 1000317319 attached OSP Item 1000317319-OSP with PO List price = 27.5
Total OSP Resource cost = 27.5 * 2 = 55 (Same shown in Outside Processing element)
Resource overhead for CTD department (Same overhead is attached to CTD department at operation
20) = 20 * 2 units made = 40
So the Finished Assembly unit cost completed through WIP Job = 348.38 / 2 = 174.19
Material: 30.38
Resource: 175.00
OSP: 55.00
Overhead: 80.00
Total: 348.38
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Now we will see the final step of how the system calculates the finished assembly (FM) unit cost based
on WIP Job completion transaction and current onhand quantity.
We had initial onhand quantity for the finished assembly 4 pcs with unit cost = 250
As we see we have complete 2 quantities for wip Job, let’s see how the average cost is calculated.
= (Initial Onhand * Initial Unit Cost) + (Transaction Onhand + Transaction Unit Cost) / (Initial Onhand +
Transaction Onhand)
= (5 * 234.83886) + (1 * 174.19429) / (5 + 1)
= 224.73143
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About Author: Suvivek Vasant Kadam has 11 years of experience in Manufacturing and Distribution area
working for Infosys Limited. He has worked on Oracle R12 implementation, support and enhancement
projects. He has worked for manufacturing clients which uses Average costing environment. Suvivek
holds a Bachelor of Engineering degree (Electrical).
Email: kadam_suvivek@infosys.com
Phone: 91 9951005111
About Company: Infosys Limited is an Indian provider of business consulting, technology, engineering
and outsourcing services. It’s headquartered in Bangalore, India.
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