Abstarct - Book - IJEAT - V2i4 - April 30 - 2013 PDF
Abstarct - Book - IJEAT - V2i4 - April 30 - 2013 PDF
Abstarct - Book - IJEAT - V2i4 - April 30 - 2013 PDF
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A o
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nal Journal
Exploring Innovation
Editor In Chief
Dr. Shiv K Sahu
Ph.D. (CSE), M.Tech. (IT, Honors), B.Tech. (IT)
Director, Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering & Sciences Publication Pvt. Ltd., Bhopal (M.P.), India
Advisory Chair
Prof. (Dr.) Hamid Saremi
Vice Chancellor of Islamic Azad University of Iran, Quchan Branch, Quchan-Iran
Technical Chair
Dr. Mohd. Husain
Director. MG Institute of Management & Technology, Banthara, Lucknow (U.P.), India
Dr. T. Jayanthy
Principal. Panimalar Institute of Technology, Chennai (TN), India
Dr. B. Kanagasabapathi
Infosys Labs, Infosys Limited, Center for Advance Modeling and Simulation, Infosys Labs, Infosys Limited, Electronics City,
Bangalore, India
Reviewer Chair
Dr. Soni Changlani
Professor, Department of Electronics & Communication, Lakshmi Narain College of Technology & Science, Bhopal (.M.P.), India
Dr. H S Behera
Associate Professor, Department Computer Science & Engineering, Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology (VSSUT) A Unitary
Technical University Established by the Government of Odisha, India
Dr. Hung-Wei Wu
Assoc. Professor, Department of Computer and Communication, Kun Shan University, Taiwan
Dr. P. K. Gupta
Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Jaypee University of Information Technology, P.O. Dumehar
Bani, Solan, India
Dr. Santhosh K V
Associate Professor, Department of Instrumentation and Control Engineering, Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal, Karnataka,
Volume-2 Issue-4, April 2013, ISSN: 2249-8958 (Online) Page
No Published By: Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering & Sciences Publication Pvt. Ltd. No.
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Paper Title: An Iterative Pruning Approach of Neural Network for Proficient Noise Cancellation
Abstract: For Active Noise Cancellations various algorithms run and result in standard output and better
performance. Technique to pruning is related to prune nonfunctional neuron’s (algorithm) from ANC network, which
makes only best neurons responsible for noise cancellation. Neurons are classified as different algorithms.
Performance of neurons depends upon instantaneous surrounding conditions. So a proficient novel approach for
ANC has been proposed. The wiener filter based on least means squared (LMS) algorithm family is most sought after
solution of ANC. This family includes LMS, NLMS, VSLMS, VSNLMS, VFXLMS, FX- sLMS and many more.
2. Some of these are nonlinear algorithm, which provides better solution for non linear noisy environment. The
components of the ANC systems like microphones and loudspeaker exhibit nonlinearities themselves. The non linear 7-9
transfer function create worse situation. For example, FX-sLMS algorithm behaves well than the second order
VFXLMS algorithm in conditions of non-minimum phase and most important is the mean square error. The classical
approach to RBF implementation is to fix the number of hidden neurons based on some property of the input data,
and estimate the weights connecting the hidden and output neurons using linear least square method.
Keywords: Least Mean Square; RBF neural network; Artificial neural Network, Filter bank design, ANC
1. S.M. Kuo and D.R.Morgan, Active Noise Control –Algorithms and DSP Implementations. New York: Wiley, 1996.
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Authors: Surjan Singh, Dinesh Kumar, K. N. Rai
Wavelet Collocation Solution for Convective Radiative Continuously Moving Fin with Temperature-
Paper Title:
Dependent Thermal Conductivity
Abstract: In this paper, the temperature distribution in convective radiative continuously moving fin with variable
thermal conductivity, which is loosing heat by simultaneous convection radiation to surroundings, is studied. We
consider three particular cases, namely thermal conductivity is (I) constant (II) a linear function of temperature and
(III) an exponential function of temperature. Wavelet Collocation Method is used to solve this nonlinear heat transfer
problem. The exact solution obtained in absence of radiation- conduction fin parameter are compared with Wavelet
Collocation solution are same. The fin efficiency is computed in absence of radiation- conduction fin parameter. The
whole analysis is presented in dimensionless form and effect of different parameters such as thermal conductivity
parameter ‘a’, Peclet number ‘Pe’, convection-conduction parameter ‘Nc’, radiation-conduction parameter ‘Nr’,
dimensionless convection sink temperature ‘θa’ and dimensionless radiation sink temperature ‘θs’ on the fin
temperature is discussed in detail.
3. Keywords: Wavelet, Collocation, Convection, Radiation, heat transfer, fin, Conductivity.
1. D. Kraus, A. Aziz, J.R. welty, Extended Surface Heat Transfer (Wiley, New York, 2002)
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Authors: B.Gopinath, S.Suresh Kumar, Juvan Michael
Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC) for Dynamic Stability in Power System using Modern Control
Paper Title:
Abstract: Flexible AC Transmission System (FACTS) technology was introduced to overcome the operational
difficulties with conventional method of power compensation. Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC) is a sort of
multi-function controller that can influence the transmission parameters individually or simultaneously. UPFC allows
precise control of both real and reactive power flow in transmission line. This paper deals with the advanced control
technique for UPFC to provide effective real and reactive power compensation. Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference
Controller (ANFIC) concept is introduced to control the system under different operating conditions. The system is
tested on a 5-bus system. The computer simulations are done by MATLAB/SIMULINK.
Keywords: Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference Controller, Flexible AC Transmission System, Fuzzy based PSO,
4. Fuzzy-PI Controller, Particle swarm optimization algorithm.
References: 17-20
1. N. G. Hingorani and L. Gyugyi,“Understanding FACTS”, IEEE Press, 1999.
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Lines, The Online Journal on Electronics and Electrical Engineering (OJEEE) Vol. (2) – No. (1)
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nuclear science, vol. 52, no. 1, 2005
12. H.Shayeghi, H.A Shayanfar, A.Safari, “A PSO based unified power flow controller for damping of power system
Authors: Neeraj Kumar, Amit Sharma
Paper Title: A review on BPR and RSCM in an Auto Ancillary Industry: A Combined Thought
Abstract: Ecological and fiscal issues have significant impacts on Reverse Supply Chain Management (RSCM)
and are consideration to shape one of the developmental keystones of sustainable supply chain. Business Process
Reengineering is a subterfuge- determined organizational inventiveness, basically reexamine and redesign business
practice with the intention of accomplishing competitive step forward in quality, receptiveness, expenditure,
customer fulfillment and other critical process performance measures. In this research paper we offer an appraisal of
BPR vision focusing upon the use of informational techniques to facilitate a shift way from linear sequential work
organization towards parallel work and multidisciplinary team work.
Keywords: Introduction, Review on Methodology, Product Development Cycle, Frame of Work, Results &
Conclusion, References
1. Lee, D-H. and Dong, M. (2008) „heuristic approaches to logistics network design for end-of-lease computer products recovery‟,
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, Vol. 44, No. 3, pp.455–474.
2. Fleischmann M, Bloemhof-Ruwaard JM, Dekker R, van der Laan E, van Nunen JAEE, van Wassenhove LN. Quantitative models for
reverse logistics: a review. European Journal of Operational Research 1997; 103(1):1–17.
5. 3. Feldmann Clarence.G, (1998),The Practical Guide to Business Process Reengineering using IDEF0., Dorset House Publishing, New York.
4. Chouinard Marc, 2005, “Integration of reverse logistics activities within a supply chain information system”, Computers Industry, Vol.56, 21-23
5. Gonzalez-Torre, 2004, “Environmental and reverse logistics polices in European bottling and packaging firms”, International Journal
Production Economics, Vol.88, pp.95-104.
6. Grover Varun, 1994, “Exploring the Seven of Information Technology Enable Business Process Re-engineering”, IEEE transactions on
Engineering Management, Vol.41, No.3, pp.276-283.
7. Manganelli, Raymond.L., Klein, Mark.M., (1994), The Reengineering Handbook: A Step-by-Step Guide to Business Transformation.
American Management Association, New York.
8. Subramanian Muthu, Larry Whitman, and S. Hossein Cheraghi (1999) the 4th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering
Theory, Applications and Practice November 17-20, 1999, San Antonio, Texas, USA
9. Mayer, Richard.J., Dewitte, Paula.S., (1998), Delivering Results: Evolving BPR from art to engineering.
10. Kumar Sanjay, 2007, “Optimization of Material”, Industrial Engineering Journal, Vol.36, No.8, pp.32-34.
11. Jeremy F. Shapiro, 2004, “Challenges of strategic supply chain planning and modeling”, Computers and Chemical Engineering, Vol.28, pp.
12. Korpela Jukka, 2001, “An analytic approach to supply chain development”, International Journal Production Economics, Vol.71, pp.145-
13. Grover Varun, 1994, “Exploring the Seven of Information Technology Enable Business Process Re-engineering”, IEEE transactions on
Engineering Management, Vol.41, No.3, pp.276-283.
14. “Going Backwards: Reverse Logistics Trends and Practice” by |Dr dale S. Rogers and Dr Ronald s Tribben- Lembke ( University of
Nevada Reno, Centre for Logistic Management)
15. “Perspectives in Reverse Supply Chain Management(R-SCM): A State of the Art Literature Review” by Arvind Jayant, P. Gupta, S.K.Garg
Authors: Prabhishek Singh, R S Chadha
Review to Digital Watermarking and a Novel Approach to Position the Watermark in the Digital
Paper Title:
Abstract: Digital watermarking technology is a frontier research field and it mainly focuses on the intellectual
property rights, identification and authentication of the digital media to protect the important documents. According
to the basic analysis of digital image watermarking the digital watermarking model consists of two modules, which
are watermark embedding module and watermark extraction and detection module Since it is known that digital
image transmitted and spread over the network so there is a chance of being polluted by the noise or it may be
attacked by the malicious users. The watermark embedded in the digital image may be incorrectly detected due to
shortage of algorithms, so to precisely position the watermark is the main issue. A review to Digital watermarking is
being presented in the paper and a novel watermark positioning approach is proposed in this paper which uses the
6. statistical characteristics of the pixels to embed the watermark into brightness values of the pixels using image
segmentation on the Windows platform using Matlab programming language.
Keywords: Digital Watermarking, Image segmentation, Matlab functions, Otsu’s method thresholding, Patchwork
1. Jiang Xuehua, “Digital Watermarking and Its Application in Image Copyright Protection”, 2010 International Conference on Intelligent
Computation Technology and Automation.
2. Ersin ELBAŞI, “Survey on Transformation Based Algorithms in Digital Image Watermarking”, 3rd Information Security & Cryptology
Conference with International participation.
3. Manpreet kaur, Sonia Jindal, Sunny behal, “A Study of Digital image watermarking”, Volume2, Issue 2, Feb 2012.
4. Vidyasagar M. Potdar, Song Han, Elizabeth Chang, “A Survey of Digital Image Watermarking Techniques”, 2005 3rd IEEE International
Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN).
5. Zhu, W., Xiong, Z., and Zhang, Y.-Q., "Multiresolution Watermarking for Images and Video", in IEEE Trans. on circuit and System for
Video Technology, vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 545-550, June, 1999.
6. Pereira, S., Pun, T., "Robust Template Matching for Affine Resistant Image Watermarks," in IEEE Transactions on Inage Processing, vol.9,
no. 6, pp. 1123-1129, June 2000
7. “Techniques for data hiding”, by W. Bender, D. Gruhl, N. Morimoto, A. Lu
8. www.networkworld.com
9. www.digitalwatermarkingalliance.org
10. www.wikipedia.org
11. www.scisstudyguides.addr.com
Authors: Ramandeep Singh Chaudhary, Santosh Deshmukh, Sanjay Waykar
Paper Title: Adaptive Transmission of Data over the Internet
Abstract: Internet is a heterogeneous network environment and the network resources that are available to real
time applications can be modified very quickly. Today, the underlying infrastructure of the Internet does not
sufficiently support quality of service (QoS) guarantees. The new technologies, which are used for the
implementation of networks, provide capabilities to support QoS in one network domain but it is not easy to
implement QoS among various network domains, in order to provide end-to-end QoS to the user. In addition, some
researchers believe that the cost for providing end-to-end QoS is too big, and it is better to invest on careful network
design and careful network monitoring, in order to identify and upgrade the congested network links [4] Real time
applications must have the capability to adapt their operation to network changes. In order to add adaptation
characteristics to real time applications, we can use techniques both at the network and application layers
Keywords: QoS.
7. References:
1. Bouras, C., & Gkamas, A. (2003). Multimedia transmission with adaptive QoS based on real time protocols. International Journal of
Communications Systems, Wiley InterScience, 16(2), 225-248 28-30
2. Byers, J., Frumin, M., Horn, G., Luby, M., Mitzenmacher, M., Roetter, A., & Shaver, W. (2000). FLID-DL: Congestion control for layered
multicast. In Proceedings of NGC (pp. 71-81).
3. Cheung, S. Y., Ammar, M., & Xue, L. (1996). On the use of destination set grouping to improve fariness inmulticast video distribution. In
Proceedings of INFOCOM 96, San Francisco.
4. Diot, C. (2001, January 25-26). On QoS & traffic engineering and SLS-related work by Sprint. Workshop on Internet Design for SLS
Delivery, Tulip Inn Tropen, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
5. Floyd, S., & Fall, K. (1998, August). Promoting the use of end-to-end congestion control in the Internet.In IEEE/ACM Transactions on
Networking. Li, X., Ammar, M. H., & Paul, S. (1999, April). Video multicast over the Internet. IEEE Network Magazine.
6. Parry, M., & Gangatharan, N. (2005). Adaptive data transmission in multimedia networks. American Journal of Applied Sciences, 2(3),
7. Ramanujan, R., Newhouse, J., Kaddoura, M., Ahamad, A., Chartier, E., & Thurber, K. (1997). Adaptive streaming of MPEG video over IP
networks. In Proceedings of the 22nd IEEE Conference on Computer Networks,398-409.
8. Vandalore, B., Feng, W., Jain, R., & Fahmy, S., (1999). A survey of application layer techniques for adaptive streaming of multimedia.
Journal of Real Time Systems (Special Issue on Adaptive Multimedia).
9. Vickers, B. J., Albuquerque, C. V. N., & Suda, T. (1998). Adaptive multicast of multi-layered video: Rate-based and credit-based
approaches. In Proceedings of IEEE Infocom, 1073-1083.
10. Rizzo, L. (2000) pgmcc: A TCP-friendly single-rate multicast congestion control scheme. In Proceedings of SIGCOMM 2000, Stockholm.
Authors: Maheswari G, Akiladevi R
Paper Title: Real-Time Group Editors
Abstract: Group editors allow a cluster of dispersed human users to edit a communal multimedia document at the
same time in excess of a computer network. In this study a standard process transformation framework is developed
to professionally split the text and graphical data to the diverse users or an exacting user associated in the network.
The basic idea of operation transformation is to execute any restricted operation as soon as it is produced for high
local receptiveness. Remote operations are transformed against simultaneous operations that have been executed
locally before its execution Operation transformation has been well conventional in group editors for achieve high
local receptiveness and unconstrained collaboration. It is also well recognized method for optimistic consistency
8. control. Operation transformation framework is recognized which formalizes two reliability criteria, causality
conservation and convergence. The Operational transformation framework is developed in the projects and the
weaknesses of the existing system are conquering based on the concept called operation effects relation.
Keywords: Group editor, Server, Transformation, Object Model technique, Class Responsibility, Collaborator.
1. Professional Java Network Programming
2. Java Complete Reference
3. E. Altman, T. Boulogne, R. E. Azouzi, and T. Jimenez, “A Survey on networking games,” Telecomm. Syst., Nov. 2000.
4. D. O. Awduche, “MPLS and traffic engineering in IP networks,” IEEE Comm. Mag., vol. 37, no. 12, pp. 42–47, Dec. 1999.
5. I. Castineyra, N. Chiappa, and M. Steenstrup, “The Nimrod Routing Architecture,” RFC 1992, 1996.
Authors: S.Sunil Kumar Reddy, V. Pandurangadu, S.P.Akbar Hussain¬
The Effect of Turbulence on the Emissions of an Insulated DI Diesel Engine With Insulted
Paper Title:
Combustion Chamber
Abstract: The available petroleum fossil fuels are rapidly depleting and also creating much pollution. As our
country is producing sugar cane more, this leads to the recognition of alcohols as an alternative fuels to diesel in
diesel engines because these are derived from indigenous sources and are renewable. However due to alcohols lower 36-40
cetane number and high latent heat of vaporization, it won’t vaporize in the existing diesel engines ; it requires higher
temperatures in the combustion chambers for the combustion. So in the present work a thermally insulated engine
(IE) is developed which reduces the ignition delay and aids combustion. In an insulated engine, the energy loss is
avoided by applying a layer of insulating material over the components (air gap piston and ceramic coated cylinder
head, valve and cylinder liner) of the combustion chamber. This improved the efficiency of the engine and further
reduces the emissions. Tests are conducted on a single cylinder 4-stroke water cooled 3.68 KW diesel engine with
alcohol as a fuel. Due to lower viscosity of alcohol the fuel injection pressure is reduced to165 bar for the
experimentation. Further the efficiency of the engine can be improved by providing turbulence in the combustion
chamber. So in the present work the turbulence is provided in the combustion chamber with grooves on the piston
insert. So during the experimentation brass piston with various numbers of grooves is used on the test engine with an
objective to find the best one in terms of performance, emissions and other combustion parameters with alcohol as
fuel. For comparison the engine is also operated with brass piston. Out of all these pistons tested, one of them (brass
Piston with 9 grooves) is found to be best in terms of efficiency and emissions.
1. Myers P.S. and Uyehava O.A., “Efficiency, Heat transfer and pre-ignition in I.C. engines”, SAE 960130, Vol 75
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3. Miyari, Y., Matsnnisa, T., Ozawa, T., Oikawa: “Selective heat insulation of combustion chamber wall, for a DI diesel engine with
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4. Domingo, N. and Graves R.L“A study of Adiabatic Engine Performance”, on National Laboratory report under preparation (2003).
5. W. Bryzik and R.Kamo,‟‟ TACOM/Cummins adiabatic engine program „‟ SAE 830314.
6. R.KAMO and W. BRYZIK,‟‟Cummins / TACOM advanced adiabatic engine program‟, SAE 840428.
7. F.J. Wallance, T.K. kao, M. Tarabad, W.D. alexander, and A. Cole, “Thermally insulated diesel engine” proc. Of the institution of
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8. T. Morel, E.F Fort and P.M Blumberg “Effect of insulation strategy and design parameter of diesel engine heat rejection and performance”,
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10. M. Arunachalam, “investigations on the performance of a diesel engine with ceramic thermal barrier coating on parts of the combustion
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11. C.M.Varaprasad, M.V.S.Muralikrishna , K.Sudhakarareddy and C.Prabhakara Reddy : ”Third Asian- Pacific International Symposium on
Combustion and Energy Utilization ,Hongkong”,December 2000.
Authors: Zareen J. Tamboli, S.R.Khot
Paper Title: Estimated Analysis of Radial Basis Function Neural Network for Induction Motor Fault Detection
Abstract: Faults in induction motors may cause a system to fail. Hence it is necessary to detect and correct them
before the complete motor failure. In the paper, induction motors faults are studied and detected with the use of
Radial basis function neural network. Radial Basis Function is trained and tested in this paper. Simple parameters
like set of currents are taken as an input and fed to a Radial basis Function Neural Network. The comparison of
different Radial Basis Functions is shown in this paper.
Keywords: Currents, Faults, Induction Motors, Radial Basis Function, Neural Network
1. Ching Cheng Lee, Pau-Choo Chung, Jea-Rong Tsai and Chein-I-Chang, “Robust Radial Basis Function Neural Networks”,IEEE,
Cybernetics, vol 29, No.6, December 1999
10. 2. Vilas N. Ghate and Sanjay V. Dudul, “Cascade Neural-Network-Based Fault Classifier for Three-Phase Induction Motor”, vol. 58, no. 5,
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3. Sitao Wu and Tommy W. S. Chow “Induction Machine Fault Detection Using SOM-Based RBF Neural Networks” vol. 51, no. 1, 41-43
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4. K. Gulez, B. Karlik, S. Vakkas Ustun, “Designing Artificial Neural Networks for Fault Detection in Induction Motors with the TMS320C30
DSP”, ESIEE, Paris September 1996 SPRA333.
5. Giovanni Betta, Consolatina Liguori, and Antonio Pietrosanto, “An Advanced Neural-Network-Based Instrument Fault Detection and
Isolation Scheme” vol. 47, no. 2, April 1998
6. Hao Yu,”Advantages of Eadial Basis Function Networks for Dynamic System Design”, IEEE, vol 58, no. 12, December 2011
7. Hyun Cheol Cho, Jeremy Knowles, M. Sami Fadali and Kwon Soon Lee, “Fault Detection and isolation of Induction Motors using
Recurrent Neural Networks and Dynamic Bayesian Modeling” vol 18, no.2, march 2010
8. Pablo Serrano, Antonio Zamarró, Arturo Hernandez, Alberto Ochoa, “Artificial Neural Networks for Diagnosing Stator Induction Motor
Faults”, Mexico
9. Jarmo Lehtonen Heikki N. Koivo “Fault Diagnosis of Induction Motors with Dynamical Neural Networks” Helsinki University of
Technology Espoo, Finland
10. Matlab Artificial Neural Network toolbox
11. Matlab Radial basis function toolbox
12. Rudra Narayan Dash, “Fault diagnosis in induction motor using soft computing techniques”,National Institute of technology, Rourkela
Authors: Lamia Bouchhima, Mohamed Jamel Rouis, Mohamed Choura
Paper Title: Engineering Properties of Wade Sand-Lime-Cement-Phosphogypsum Building Brick Grade MW
Abstract: This study concerns the analysis of wade sand -natural hydraulic lime-cement-phosphogypsum (WS-
NHL-C-PG) solid bricks grade MW. In Tunisia, for several years, a set of phosphoric acid production factories have
11. produced a waste product such as phosphogypsum (PG) in large quantities (approximately 10 million tons per year).
Currently, in Sfax (Center-East of Tunisia), the PG is stored into piles in the vicinity of the factory, by dry or wet
process. The storage of PG, even though presenting a low radioactivity, causes pollution to the water table and to the
soil (due to the infiltration of acid and heavy metals). After treatment, the Tunisian PG was presented in the full
bricks with different mass percentages of 60, 70 and 80%. The study involved physical, chemical, mechanical and
environmental tests on the obtained bricks.The obtained results showed that WS-NHL-C-PG bricks successfully
satisfied the standard requirements of bricks grade MW. Notwithstanding the techno-economic virtues,
phosphogypsum-based bricks comply with the criteria for environmentally friendly products manufactured with
industrial by-product and the manufacturing process is totally energy conservative.
1. Rutherford PM, Dudas MI, Samek RA. Envir nmental impacts of phosphogypum. Sci Total Environ. 149 199(4).pp.1–38.
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3. Singh M. Treating waste phosphogypsum for cement and plaster manufacture. Cem Concr Res. 32/7, (2002), pp. 1033–8,
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6. Mullins GL, Mitchell CC. Wheat forage response to tillage and sulfur applied as PG. In: Proceedings of the third international symposium
on PG, Orlando, USA, vol. I. Publication FIPR no. 01-060-083; (1990). pp. 362–75.
7. Potgieter JH, Potgieter SS, McCrindle RI, Strydom CA. An investigation into the effect of various chemical and physical treatments of a
South African phosphogypsum to render it suitable as a set retarder for cement. Cem Concr Res. 33 (2003), pp. 1223–7.
8. Altun IA, Sert Y. Utilization of weathered phosphogypsum as set retarder in Portland cement. Cem Concr Res. 34, (2004), pp. 677–80.
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11. Sunil K. Fly ash-lime-phosphogypsum hollow blocks for walls and partitions. Building and Environment; 38, (2003). pp. 291-295.
12. Abalı YK, Yurdusev MA, Zeybek MS, Kumanlıog˘lu AA. Using PGe and boron concentrator wastes in light brick production. Constr Build
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13. Karray MA, Mensi R. Etude de la Deformabilite des Poutrelles en Beton Arme a base du Ciment Ultimax. Ann Batiment Travaux Publics
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14. Charfi FF, Bouaziz J, Belayouni H. Valorisation du phosphogypse de Tunisie en vue de son utilisation comme substituant au gypse naturel
dans la fabrication du ciment. Dechets Sci Tech. 20, (2000) pp. 24–32, [in French].
15. Moussa D, Crispel JJ, Legrand CL, Thenoz B. Laboratory study of the structure and compactibility of Tunisian phosphogypsum (Sfax) for
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16. Kuryatnyk T, Angulski da Luz C, Ambroise J, Pera J. Valorization of phosphogypsum as hydraulic binder. J Hazard Mater. 160/2–3,
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17. Sfar Felfoul H. Etude du phosphogypse de Sfax (Tunisie) en vue d’une valorisation en technique routiere. PhD thesis, Department of Civil
Engineering, National Engineering School of Tunis/INSA Toulouse; 2004.
18. Sfar Felfoul H, Clastres P, Carles GA, Ben Ouezdou M. Amelioration des caracteristiques du phosphogypse en vue de son utilisation en
technique routiere. Dechets Sci Tec 28, (2002), pp. 21–5 [in French].
19. Marcelo CT, Alexandre BP. The use of cement stabilized phosphogypsum mixes in road construction. In: Proceedings of the international
geotechnical and geological engineering. GeoEng 2000, Mellourne, Australia; November (2000), pp.19–21.
20. Degirmenci N. Utilization of phosphogypsum as raw and calcined material in manufacturing of building products. Constr Build Mater.
22/18, (2008), pp. 57–62.
21. Ahmadi BH. Use of high strength by product gypsum bricks in masonry construction. PhD dissertation, University of Miami, Coral Gables,
Florida, USA. (1989) 245p.
22. AFNOR. Lixiviation – Essai de conformite pour Lixiviation des dechets fragmentes et des boues. NF EN 12457-3; 2002 [in French].
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24. ASTM international: C62-08, Standard specification for building brick: Solid Masonry Units Made from Clay (2008) 4p
Authors: V. V.Govind Kumar, K. Venkata Reddy, Deva Pratap
Paper Title: Updation of Cadastral Maps Using High Resolution Remotely Sensed Data
Abstract: A cadastral map shows the boundaries of all land parcels on large scale maps together with the village
registers which contains the ownership,land use andarea details.Updating the cadastral information is very essential
so that transformations/changes of ownership of parcels etc. can be recorded in an orderly manner for documentation
and further use. Presently, the cadastral maps are being updated with high resolution remotely sensed imageries using
Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and Global Positioning System (GPS).Present paper discusses the updation
of the geospatial information and quantification of the accuracy of the geo-referenced cadastral map of
Venkatapuram village of Thorrour mandal, Warangal District, Andhra Pradesh, India. After mosaicing the Google
Earth downloaded imageries of the study area, rectification of has been carried out using SOI toposheets. Vectorised
cadastral map is prepared in the GIS environment using the scanned cadastral map of the study area and registered
using Ground Control Points (GCPs) collected from GPS instrument.The features of cadastral map are updated by
superimposing the vectorised cadastral map on the rectified imagery of the study area. The accuracy assessment of
12. the vectorised cadastral map has been carried out. From the observation of mean percentage deviation, standard
percentage deviation and parcel area deviation, it is seen that large area parcels have more accurate and less 50-54
distortion than small area parcels. The methodology presented in this paper is useful to update the cadastral maps
with low to medium accuracy.
Keywords: GIS, GPS, Google Earth High Resolution Imageries, Cadastral Map Updation.
1. Masahiro, Y., Murai, S. 2000 Accuracy Assessment an improvement for level survey using Real Time Kinematic(RTK) GPS. Indian
Society of Geomatics.
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4. Rao, D.P., Navalgund, R.R. and Murthy, K.Y.V.N.1996. Cadastral Applications using IRS 1C data.Indian society of geomatics, 70, pp.
5. Rao, S.S., Murthy, K.Y.V.N., Pandit, D.S. and Rajender, C.K. 2003“Precision product generation using satellite data and GPS based ground
control points, Indian society of Geomatics.
6. Raju, K.N.P., Kumar, S., and Mohan, K 2008 Urban cadastral mapping using very high resolution remote sensing data.journal of the Indian
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8. Singh, R. B. 1998. Land Records Application of Modern Techniques in Preparation of Land Records. Shiva Publishers, Udaipur, pp. 42-57.
Authors: S.Govindaradjane, T.Sundararajan
Performance and Kinetics of a Huasb Reactor for Treating Tapioca-Based Starch Industrial Waste
Paper Title:
Abstract: In this paper, performance of a HUASB reactor for treating a tapioca-based starch industrial waste
stream has been studied under six influent COD concentrations (ranging from about 1700-5800 mg/l) and five
hydraulic retention times (HRTs) (ranging from 8 to 24 hours). The performance of HUASB reactor was evaluated
based on COD removal (%) and bio-gas yield. Salient kinetic co-efficient of the HUASB reactor was determined by
a modified-Monod based model and the dominant species in the sludge granules of the reactor was also identified.
From an overall assessment, the better performance of HUASB reactor over the UASB reactor, for treating the above
waste stream has been highlighted.
Keywords: HUASB and UASB reactors; Tapioca-based starch industrial waste stream; COD removal (%); Bio-gas
yield; kinetic co-efficients and Performance evaluation.
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Authors: B. Nagu, M. Sydulu, P.V. Ramana Rao
Paper Title: Improvement of A C System Stability using Fuzzy Logic based HVDC Controls
Abstract: In this paper, investigation is carried out for the improvement of power system stability by utilizing
auxiliary controls for controlling HVDC power flow. The current controller model and the line dynamics are
considered in the stability analysis. Transient stability analysis is done on a multi-machine system, where, a fuzzy
logic controller is developed to improve the stability of the power system. The results show the application of the
fuzzy controller in AC-DC power systems and case studied at different fault locations.
Keywords: HVDC, Power System Stability, Multi – Machine Stability, Fuzzy Logic controller
P. Kundur, “Power System Stability and Control”, McGraw- Hill, Inc., 1994
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Authors: Omprakash Gawali, Ketan Pandurang Kale, Mahesh Sanjay Gund, Ganesh Balasaheb Gaware
Paper Title: Communication In USB’S For Data Transfer
Abstract: The system enables data sharing between mobile and pen drive directly without using computer or
laptop. An arm processor is interfaced USB and USB host controller. Latest mobile phones have got memory
capacities GB’s and can be connected computers. These mobile phones have capability to get connected to the
internet. The mobile phones have the additional features like camera, mp3, multimedia A/V, etc. A large amount of
data is handled through mobiles. The system will enable data sharing between mobile, pen drive, digital camera and
the device having USB interface. This will eliminate need of an intermediate computer and thus save time and power.
Keywords: BMW, low cost treatment method, assessment of quantity, neem and tobacco extract, management of
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16. Shah H K and Ganguli S K (2010) Hospital waste management – A Review, Indian Jl of Community Medicine, 25(3): 136-137 (July –
17. Sharma S and Chauhan SVS (2008) Assessment of bio-medical waste management in three apex Government hospital of Agra, Jl. of
Environmental Biology, 29(2): 159-162 (Mar.).
18. Sheth K N and Desai P H (2006) Characterization and management of bio – medical waste in SAE hospital, Anand – A Case study,
Electronic Jl. of Environmental Agricultural and Food Chemistry (ISSN: 1579-4377). 5(6): 1583-1589.
19. Sreegiri S and Kirshnababu G (2009) Biomedical waste management in a tertiary level hospital in Visakhapatnam. Jl. of Community
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Authors: Amritpal Kaur, Sandeep Singh
Classification and Selection of Best Saving Service for Potential Investors using Decision Tree – Data
Paper Title:
Mining Algorithms
Abstract: This research delineates a comprehensive and successful application of decision tree induction to large
banking data set of different banking services obtained by numbers of customers. Complex interaction effects among
banking services that lead to increased policy variability have been detected. The extracted information has been
confirmed by the database managers, and used to improve the decision process. The research suggests that decision
tree induction may be particularly useful when data is multidimensional, and the various process parameters and
highly complex interactions. In order to classify and identify effective and beneficial saving service and design the
appropriate criteria for selecting the right scheme for different persons having different taste, this study developed a
data mining framework for analyzing banks and post office data, in which suitable[1] technique is employed to
extract rules between present saving schemes. In other words, the objectives of this thesis are
• To classify the available saving services of banks and post office to good, medium and bad level.
• To select the best saving service according the investor’s choice and its preference.
• To guide the potential investor to invest his money in the particular scheme so as to get more benefits.
• To help to take the right decision for investment.
• To reduce the time to take particular decision as there will be no need to analyze each and every available
17. investment scheme thoroughly.
Keywords: CHAID, C4.5, cluster, data mining, decision tree induction, ID3. 80-82
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Authors: Santosh Kumar Bharti, Shashi Kant Dargar, Abha Nyati
Paper Title: Energy-Aware Performance Evaluation of WSNs using Fuzzy Logic
Abstract: Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are being used to form large, dense networks for the purpose of long
term environmental sensing and data collection. Unfortunately, these networks are typically deployed in remote
environment where energy source are limited. WSN’s, present a new generation of real-time embedded systems with
limited computation, energy and memory resources that are being used in a wide variety of applications where
traditional networking infrastructure is practically infeasible. Appropriate cluster-head node election can drastically
reduce the energy consumption and enhance the lifetime of the network. In this paper, a fuzzy based energy-aware
18. sensor network communication protocol is developed based on three descriptors - energy, concentration and
centrality. Further we have to compared fuzzy based approach with other popular protocol LEACH and improved
hierarchy scheme DBS. Simulation shows that depending upon network configuration, a substantial increase in
network lifetime can be accomplished as compared to probabilistically selecting the nodes as cluster-heads using
only local information.
Keywords: Wireless Microsensor networks, LEACH, cluster head election, distance based Segmentation, Fuzzy C-
Mean Algorithms.
1. W. Heinzelman, A. Chandrakasan and H.Balakrishnan, “Energy-efficient comm. protocol for wireless micro sensor networks,” in Proc. of
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Jan. 2001, pp. 44 - 51.
7. E. Cayirci, “Data aggregation and dilution by modulus addressing in wireless sensor networks,” IEEE Comm. Letters, Aug. 2003, pp. 355 –
8. C. Chee-Yee and S.P. Kumar, “Sensor networks: evolution, opportunities, and challenges,” in Proc of the IEEE, Aug. 2003, pp.1247 - 1256.
9. M. Negnevitsky, Artificial intelligence: A guide to intelligent systems, Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 2001.
10. M.J. Handy, M. Haase and D. Timmermann, “Low energy adaptive clustering hierarchy with deterministic cluster-head selection,” in Proc.
4th International Workshop on Mobile and Wireless Communications Network, Sept. 2002, pp. 368 - 372.
Authors: Chinar Regundwar, Navnath Rahinj, Priti Rayrikar, Shashikant Bhosale, Navnath D. Kale
Paper Title: Call Log, Message and Camera Monitoring System over Android
Abstract: There are limitations on storage of call and message logs as well as images in mobile phone memory.
Android usually keeps a history of the 500 latest calls and any calls older than that are automatically deleted from the
phone. We cannot see the records of deleted messages and cannot restore them same in case of images. If your data is
corrupted then all of your messages may get lost so there is need of an application that could keep records of all call
logs, messages and camera images at storage other than phone here we propose to develop a mobile application for
android phones. This application Server will store information for further use. So user can save unlimited call logs,
messages telephony activities in phone (E.g. Calls, Messaging & Camera). On occurrence of such activity it will
collect information about activity (e.g. caller, call date, time, message content or image) and send it to server. And
camera images and can see anytime, from anywhere by login remotely from his mobile.
Keywords: Android, data is corrupted, call logs, Messages, Camera Images, Application Server, telephony activity. 88-90
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4. SAYOOD, K. Introduction to Data Compression. Academic Press, San Diego, CA, 1996, 2000.
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Platform-IOSR Journal of Engineering Mar. 2012, Vol. 2(3) pp: 433-436
Authors: Kuldeep B. Shukla, Hetal N. Rao, Arjun H. Joshi
Paper Title: Implementation of ATM Algorithm through VHDL
Abstract: ATM (automatic teller machine) is a very essential tool required for the society in order to facilitate the
need of safe transaction of money. Using this facility one can easily perform the various functions such as balance
inquiry, withdrawn, money transfer etc. As this machine operation rely on bank cards, proper password, enough
amount of money in one’s account, certain verification and identification methods etc. It needs to be secure and
having integrity of fine level right to its coding stage for optimum utilization of the service. In order to meet such
requirements the coding languages used for it are modified here. The conventional coding styles using ‘C’ and/or
‘C++’ are replaced by the VHDL code language so that the attacker cannot easily crack the security levels. In this
article, the code composed of VHDL language is suggested for this purpose of security.
Keywords: Automatic Teller Machine (ATM), VHDL, Krypton Board, Integrity, Security Level.
1. Yingxu Wang and Yanan Zhang, “The Formal Design Model of an Automatic Teller Machine (ATM)” University of Calgary, Canada, 91-94
International Journal of Software Science and Computational Intelligence, 2(1), 102-131, January-March 2010.
2. Mike Bond, Omar Choudary, Steven J. Murdoch, Sergei Skorobogatov, and Ross Anderson, “Chip and Skim: cloning EMV cards with the
pre-play attack”. Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, UK.
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6. Stanley MAZOR and Patricia LINGSTRAAT, "A guide to VHDL (2nd Edition)", copyright 1993, Kluwer Achedamic Publishers, pp no: 1-
1 to 7-16.
7. Peter J. Ashenden and Jim Lewis, "The Designer's Guide to VHDL (3rd Edition)" copyright 2008, Morgan KJaufmann Publication, pp no:
8. http://communities.mentor.com/mgcx/servlet/JiveServlet/previewBody/2324-102-2-5693/HDL-Standards-UG-CAST.rev1b.pdf.
9. http://www.fpga.com.cn/hdl/training/Vhdl_Golden_Reference_Guide.pdf
Keywords: personal health records, attribute based encryption, cloud computing, secure sharing
1. M. Li, S. Yu, K. Ren, and W. Lou, “Securing personal health records in cloud computing: Patient-centric and fine-grained data access 95-97
control in multi-owner settings,” in SecureComm’10, Sept.2010, pp. 89–106.
2. H. L¨ohr, A.-R. Sadeghi, and M. Winandy, “Securing the e-health cloud,” in Proceedings of the 1st ACM International Health Informatics
Symposium, ser. IHI ’10, 2010, pp. 220–229.
3. M. Chase and S. S. Chow, “Improving privacy and security in multi-authority attribute-based encryption,” in CCS ’09, 2009, pp.121–130.
4. S. Yu, C. Wang, K. Ren, and W. Lou, “Attribute based data sharing with attribute revocation,” in ASSIACCS’10, 2010.
5. S. Yu, C. Wang, K. Ren, and W. Lou, “Achieving secure, scalable, and fine-grained data access control in cloud computing,” in IEEE
INFOCOM’10, 2010.
6. A. Boldyreva, V. Goyal, and V. Kumar, “Identity-based encryption with efficient revocation,” in ACM CCS, ser. CCS ’08, 2008, pp.417–
7. J. Hur and D. K. Noh, “Attribute-based access control with efficient revocation in data outsourcing systems,” IEEE Transactions on Parallel
and Distributed Systems, vol. 99, no. PrePrints, 2010.
8. S. Ruj, A. Nayak, and I. Stojmenovic, “Dacc: Distributed access control in clouds,” in 10th IEEE TrustCom, 2011.
9. J. Bethencourt, A. Sahai, and B. Waters,“Ciphertext-policy attribute-based encryption,” in IEEE S& P ’07, 2007, pp. 321–334.
10. Melissa Chase “Multi-authority Attribute based Encryption,” Computer Science Department Brown University Providence, RI 02912
Authors: Ali Trabelsi, Mohamed-Ali Rezgui And Smain Bezzina
Assessment of the Tensile Elongation (E %) And Hardening Capacity (Hc) Of Joints Produced In
Paper Title:
Friction Stir Welded 2017 Aa (Enaw-Alcu 4mgsi) Plates
Abstract: The study has aimed at investigating the leverage of three Friction Steer Welding (FSW) factors,
namely, the tool rotation speed N(rpm), the tool traverse rate F(mm.mn-1) and the tool pin/shoulder diameters ratio r
(%) on two FSW process responses: the joint tensile elongation (E%) and hardening capacity (Hc). For the
experiment appraisal, 18 tested coupons have been cut in 6mm thick rolled plates of 2017 A alloys. Variation in the
responses estimates has been assessed by conducting a Face-Centered Central Composite Design (FCCD) strategy
and Anova Technique. Then, a second-order RSM model has been considered to describe the predictive formulation
of the responses (E%) and (Hc), appropriately. Thereby, the multi-regression models pertaining to (E%) and (Hc)
were built and analyzed for factors leverage and sensitivity. Lastly, a simultaneous optimization procedure based on
the desirability function was employed to find out the levels setting of factors N, F and r% which guarantees
maximum (E%) and (Hc), concurrently. At 95% of C.I., the research findings have pointed out the leverage of the
tool geometry factor (r %) as well as the rotation speed (N) on the FSW process responses (E%) and (Hc). However,
the process was found robust with respect to the tool traverse rate parameter (F).
Keywords: F.S.W., R.S.M., Taguchi, ANN, Genetic Algorithms, Ductility, Tensile elongation, Hardening capacity,
2017 AA.
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Authors: Abhinav Bhargava, Samrat Ghosh, Savan Kumar Oad
Paper Title: A Multi (U) Slotted Rectangular Micro-strip Multiband Patch Antenna
Abstract: In this paper we present a proposed design for Rectangular micro-strip patch antenna by cutting U
shaped slots in the Rectangular patch which operates at two central frequencies 1.8, 2.7GHz. Which is a new dual
frequency microstrip antenna? By micro strip feeding technique proposed antenna design we find the resultant return
loss, VSWR and bandwidth. For the design of the microstrip antenna we have used FR-4 substrates which have
permittivity of 4.4 and thickness 3.2, loss tangent is 0.02. We are using FEKO simulation software for designing and
analysis. We have observed that using slotted patch antenna and using micro strip at proper location we can get better
return loss, VSWR bandwidth and multiband.
Keywords: Slotted Rectangular micro-strip patch antenna, return loss, VSWR, radiation pattern.
1. G.Papitha, V. Thyagarajan and Ayshathul Fouzia,”Design and Simulation of Stacked Fractal Patch Antenna using IE3D” . International
Conference on Computing and Control Engineering (ICCCE), 12 and 13 April 2012.
2. John D Kraus, Ronald J Marhefka, Ahmed S Khan,” Antennas and Wave Propagation”. Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited New
Delhi 2010.
3. R. Garg and P. Bhartia, “Micro-strip Antenna handbook”. Boston Artech House 2001
4. R.Q. Lee, K.F. Lee and J.Bobinchak,”Characterstics of a two layer electromagnetically coupled rectangular patch antenna”, Electron Lett.
Vol. 23 no 20, pp 1070-1072, 1987
5. Binu Paul, S. Mridula, C.K. Aanandan and P. Mohan. Microwave and optical technology letters/ vol33, no4, 4 may2002.
6. Constantine A. Balanis”Antenna Theory: Analysis Design” Third edition John Wiley & Sons, Inc 2005
Authors: E. Mohan, K.B. Jayarraman, U. Maheswaran, D. Sathiyaraj. G.Dhakshanamoorthi
Paper Title: A Novel Approach for Satellite Image Resolution Enhancement
Abstract: Image resolution is an important issue in satellite imaging. Wavelets play a significant role in multi
resolution analysis. In this paper, a new resolution enhancement technique is proposed. This method is based on
interpolation of the high frequency sub-bands which are obtained by performing Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT)
on input image. DWT separates the image in to different sub-band images namely, low-low (LL), low-high (LH),
high-low (HL) and high-high (HH). Interpolation can be applied to these four sub-band images. In the wavelet
domain, the low-resolution image is obtained by low-pass filtering of the high-resolution image. The low-resolution
image (LL sub-band) is used as input for the proposed resolution enhancement process. The high frequency sub-
bands contain the high frequency components of image .Interpolation is carried out using Adjacent pixel algorithm
and Inverse Discrete Wavelet Transform(IDWT) has been applied to combine all these images to generate the final
24. super-resolved image. This approach generates sharper and clearer image. The proposed technique has shown
superiority over the conventional image resolution enhancement techniques. 112-114
Keywords: Adjacent Pixel algorithm, DWT (discrete wavelet transform), Image Enhancement, Interpolation,
Adjacent Pixel algorithm.
1. H. Demireland G. Anbarjafari, “Satellite image resolution enhancement using complex wavelet transform,” IEEE Geosci. Remote Sens.
Lett, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 123–126, Jan. 2010.
2. Y. Piao, L. Shin, and H. W. Park, “Image resolution enhancement using Inter-sub-band correlation in wavelet domain,” in Proc. IEEE ICIP,
2007, vol. 1, pp. I-445–I-448.
3. X. Li and M. T. Orchard, “New edge-directed interpolation,” IEEE Trans.Image Process., vol. 10, no. 10, pp. 1521–1527, Oct. 2001.
4. C. B. Atkins, C. A. Bouman, and J. P. Allebach, “Optimal image scaling using pixel classification,” in Proc. ICIP, Oct. 7–10, 2001, vol. 3,
pp. 864–867.
5. G. Anbarjafari and H. Demirel, “Image super resolution based on interpolation of wavelet domain high frequency sub-bands and the spatial
domain input image,” ETRI J., vol. 32, no. 3, pp. 390–394, Jun. 2010.
6. H. Demirel, G. Anbarjafari, and S. Izadpanahi, “Improved motion-based localized super resolution technique using discrete wavelet
transform for resolution video enhancement,” in Proc. 17th EUSIPCO, Edinburgh, U.K., Aug. 2009, pp. 1097–1101.
7. A. Temizel and T. Vlachos, “Wavelet domain image resolution enhancement using cycle-spinning,” Electron. Lett, vol. 41, no. 3, pp. 119–
121, Feb. 3, 2005.
8. A. Temizel, “Image resolution enhancement using wavelet domain hidden Markov tree and coefficient sign estimation,” in Proc. ICIP,
2007, vol. 5, pp. V-381–V-384.
Authors: Afsana Nadia, S. K. Aditya
Performance Analysis of GSM Coverage considering Spectral Efficiency, Interference and Cell
Paper Title:
Abstract: In this work, the capacity and coverage area of GSM system have been studied. This paper presents the
importance of using link budget calculations, determining the path loss and cell range for RF coverage planning and
improving capacity using cell-sectoring. The major contribution is to estimate the coverage of GSM system which
depends on BS antenna height, transmitting antenna gain, output power of BS for propagation environment such as
rural, sub-urban and urban case. MATLAB has been used for simulation and performance evaluation of capacity and
coverage in GSM system. Path loss for uplink and downlink has been calculated using Link Calculator software
considering 3-sector antenna. Analysis reveals that coverage area improves significantly considering spectral
efficiency, interference and cell sectoring. As an example, Google Earth and Radio Works software have been used
to estimate the coverage area for a particular area. A 3D coverage map has been formulated using this result.
Keywords: About four key words or phrases in alphabetical order, separated by commas.
1. Seetharaman, S., Kahraman, A., Bednarek, G. and Rosander, P., 2008, “A Model to Predict Mechanical Power Losses of Manual
26. Transmissions,” Automobiltechnische Zeitschrift, April 2008, Issue4, pp. 346-357.
2. Seetharaman, S., Kahraman, A., 2008, “Load Independent Spin Power Losses of a Spur Gear Pair: Model Formulation,” (in review) Journal
of Tribology. 120-123
3. Seetharaman, S., Kahraman, A., Moorhead, M. D., and Petri-Johnson, T. T., 2008, “Load Independent Spin Power Losses of a Spur Gear
Pair: Experiments and Model Validation,” (in review) Journal of Tribology.
4. Martin, K. F., 1978, “A Review of Friction Predictions in Gear Teeth,” Wear, 49, pp. 201-238.
5. Yada, T., 1997, “Review of Gear Efficiency Equation and Force Treatment,” JSME Int. J., Ser. C, 40, pp. 1-8.
6. Li, Y., and Seireg, A. A., “Predicting the Coefficient of Friction in Sliding-Rolling Contacts,” Tribology Conference, K18
7. Heingartner, P, and Mba, D., 2003, “Determining Power Losses in the Helical Gear Mesh,” Gear Technology, September/October 2005, pp.
8. Changenet, C., Oviedo-Marlot, X., and Velex, P., 2006, “Power Loss Predictions in Geared Transmissions Using Thermal Networks-
Applications to a Six-Speed Manual Gearbox,” Transactions of the ASME, Vol. 128, pp. 61
9. Prakash D. Patel, “An Experimental investigation of power losses in manual transmission gear box”.
10. Carlo Gorla, Franco Concli, Karsten Stahl, Bernd-Robert Hohnet, Michaelis Klaus, Hansjorg Schultheiß, and Johann-Paul Stemplinger,
“CFD Simulations of Splash Losses of a Gearbox”.
11. B. R. Hohnet F. Concli & C. Gorla, “Oil squeezing power losses in gears: a CFD analysis”,
12. V. Chernoray & M. Jahanmiri, “Experimental study of multiphase flow in a model gearbox”.
13. Solidworks software.
14. ANSYS V 12.1
15. Pro-E Wild Fire
16. www.peakantifreeze.com
17. Wikipedia “Gearbox”.
Authors: B. Veeramallu, M.Aparna
Paper Title: Navigate In India
Abstract: Indian Railways is one of the world's largest railway networks comprising 115,000 km (71,000 mi) of
track over a route of 65,000 km (40,000 mi) and 7,500 stations. IR carries about 7,500 million passengers annually or
more than 20 million passengers daily (more than a half of which are suburban passengers) and 2.8 million tons of
freight daily. Railways are divided into Zones Indian railways has 17 zones (SC, WCR, WR, NFR...). Zones are
divided into divisions [Vijayawada division, Bhopal division Varanasi division, Moradabad division, Lucknow
division etc.] Divisions are headed by a DRM [Divisional Railway Manager]. Under DRM each department has one
officer as in-charge for maintenance of their equipment. Indian Railways has 68 divisions 17 zones. IR
NAVIGATION is a web based application which is developed for the purpose of easy identification of trains in
different aspects. It is going to provide more useful information to the user regarding the journey (between a source
station and a destination station) like connecting trains, type of the trains, fare and time of the journey reducing time
complexity. This is the project gathering information of Indian railways i.e., tracks routes, trains, stations, facilities in
the station and trains to provide the information to the user effectively.
Keywords: DRM-Divisional Railway Manager, SC-Secunderabad, NFR-Northeast Frontier Railway, WCR-West
Central Railway, WR-Western Railway 124-126
1. Different division books available
2. Indian railway atlas
3. ‘Trains at a glance’ book by Indian railways
4. Different Zone division books.
5. http://www.Indianrail.gov.in (Indianrailgov.in) is a government web site.
6. http://www.Indiarailinfo.com (private website).
7. http://www.Erail.in (private web site).
8. http://www.railradar.trainenquiry.com (private web site).
9. http://www.irctc.co.in
10. http://www.ireps.gov.in
11. http://www..trainweb.org
12. http://www.yatra.com
13. http://www.Samit.org
14. http://www.tripadvisor.in
Authors: Supiah Shamsudin, Azmi Ab Rahman, Zaiton Binti Haron, Lat Da A/P Ai Nam
Paper Title: Water Level Evaluation at Southern Malaysia Reservoir using Fuzzy Composite Programming
Abstract: Ranking and evaluation of properreservoir water level outflowing into downstream river system under
multi-criterion environment was presented using multi-criteria decision approach specifically Fuzzy Composite
Programming (FCP). The optimum water level evaluation is vital to take into consideration the various
environmental, water quantity and economical aspects of the overall systems. This multicriteria analysis will
optimize water release, ensuring water quality, providing economical benefits and maintaining high quality of the
natural landscape. The study mainly focuses on optimizing outflowing water level by identifying and grouping the
basic indicators into its particular composite structure. The basic indicators include various water quality parameters,
flowrates, rainfall, scenery etc. The composite structure of the overall reservoir water use system was presented.
Five(5) alternatives based on reservoir water level was adopted which include 20.6m (Alternative 1),
22.2m(Alternative 2), 23.8m(Alternative 3), 25.4m (Alternative 4) and 27.0m(Alternative 5) respectively. Sensitivity
analysis using three (3) set of different weights was performed for analyzing the robustness of the optimum water
level obtained. The FCP structure consists of 15 first level indicators, 5 second level indicators, 2 third level
indicators and the final indicators. The optimum value was determined based on the shortest distance between the
fuzzy box and an ideal point. The optimum answer was also obtained from the highest ordered sequence value. The
28. highest ranking order indicated by highest ordered sequence value obtained was Alternative 3 (0.660), followed by
Alternative 4 (0.596), Alternative 2 (0.555), Alternative 5 (0.515) and lastly Alternative 1(0.500). The highest
ranking order indicated the most optimum, advisable and appropriate water level for Layang reservoir. 127-131
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11. Zeleny, M. (1982), Compromise programming, In: J.L. Cochrane, M. Zeleny (Eds.), Multiple Criteria Decision Making, University of
South Carolina Press, Columbia, SC, pp. 263–301.
Authors: Neethu T. Sunil, V. Tharmalingam
Paper Title: Distributing Confidentiality to a Visual Secret Sharing Scheme
Abstract: A Visual Secret Sharing (VSS) scheme is one realization of secret sharing schemes without using
computation which distinguishes VSS from ordinary cryptography. In a typical VSS scheme (normally called a (k, n)
–threshold VSS scheme), a dealer encodes a secret image in to ‘n’ shares each of which reveals no information
regarding the secret image. In this system, the secret image can be reproduced only by stacking n number of shares in
the correct order. The reproduced images will be clearer (larger contrast) and with small pixel expansion compared to
Unconditional security VSS scheme. This security notion is effective when attackers cannot use computers since it
may take much time to analyze combinations of sub pixels exhaustively.
Keywords: Visual secret sharing, Weaker security sharing, halftone technique, visual cryptography.
1. Shamir, “How to share a secret”
2. Mitsugu Iwamoto, “General Construction Methods of Secret Sharing Schemes and Visual Secret Sharing Schemes”
3. M. Naor and A. Shamir, “Visual cryptography”
4. www.wikipedia.com
5. G. Ateniese, C. Blundo , A. D. Santis, and D. R. Stinson, “Visual cryptography for general access structures”
6. Blundo, P. D’Arco, A. D. Santis, and D. R. Stinson, “On the contrast in visual cryptography schemes”.
7. Pei-Fang Tsai and Ming-Shi Wang, “An (3, 3)-Visual Secret Sharing Scheme for Hiding Three Secret Data”.
8. Integer programming.
9. Velmurugan and Vijayaraj, “Visual Pixel Expansion of Secret Image”.
Authors: Rajas Hegiste, Aditya Sawant, Mangesh Kshirsagar, Devendra Kahane
Paper Title: Secured Administrative Information Management System Using Radio Frequency Identification
Abstract: Secured Administrative Information Management System using RFID is a system through which we
aspire to make a computerized campus of our college. The system will help the students solve all possible problems
they face. Also it will help the teaching faculty as well as the administrative staff to understand the student’s
problems and queries. Student’s work of going to office and searching every notice board for the particular notices
will be reduced. The system uses Radio Frequency Identification for handling all information. Applications based on
RFID are rising as there can be many new technologies that can be bound to it and can be used to develop further
complex systems. This paper proposes a system that will handle information of students for an institute using the
RFID and contains another feature of One Time Password as well as making all the possible work online and
1. Yuan, D.; Manduchi, R.; “Dynamic environment exploration using a virtual white cane”, in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition,
2005. CVPR 2005. IEEE Computer Society Conference.
2. Tahat, A.A., “A wireless ranging system for the blind long-cane utilizing a smart-phone”, in Telecommunications, 2009. ConTEL 2009.
3. Bolgiano, D. Meeks; “A Laser Cane for the Blind”, in Quantum Electronics, IEEE Journal (2003).
4. Zhang, J.; Lip, C.W.; Ong,
5. M, Bousbia Salah A.larbi and M.Bedda “An approach for the measurement of impaired people” in proc 10th IEEE International Conference
on Electronic Circuits and Systems
Authors: E.Mohan, R.Kangayen, R.Lavanya, N.Deepa
Paper Title: Evolution of Open Spectrum Sharing Technology- A Survey
Abstract: The increasing demand for wireless communication introduces efficient spectrum utilization challenge.
To address this challenge, cognitive radio has emerged as the key technology, which enables opportunistic access to
the spectrum. The main potential advantages introduced by cognitive radio are improving spectrum utilization and
increasing communication quality. These appealing features match the unique requirements and challenges of
resource-constrained multi-hop wireless sensor networks (WSN). Furthermore, dynamic spectrum access stands as
very promising and spectrum-efficient communication paradigm for WSN due to its event-driven communication
nature, which generally yields bursty traffic depending on the event characteristics. In addition, opportunistic
spectrum access may also help eliminate collision and excessive contention delay incurred by dense deployment of
sensor nodes. Clearly, it is conceivable to adopt cognitive radio capability in sensor networks, which, in turn yields a
new sensor networking paradigm, i.e.,cognitive radio sensor networks (CRSN). In this paper, the main design
principles, potential advantages and application areas and network architectures of CRSN are introduced. The
existing sensing methods adopted in WSN are discussed along with the open research avenues for the realization of
Keywords: Cognitive radio, sensor networks, opportunistic spectrum access, efficient spectrum sensing.
32. 1. Linda Doyle, “Essentials of cognitive radios”,Cambridge wireless essentials series, Cambridge university press, pp. 96-105, 2009.
2. Yucek and Arsalan, “A survey of spectrum sensing algorithms for cognitive radio applications”, IEEE Communication Surveys &
Tutorials, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 117-122, first quarter, 2009.
3. Simon Haykin, “Cognitive radio: Brain-empowered wireless communications”, IEEE J. Selected Areas Communications, vol. 23, no. 2, pp.
201-220, Feb. 2005.
4. Beibei Wang and K. J. Ray Liu, “Advances in Cognitive Radio Networks: A Survey”, IEEE J. of Selected Topics In Signal Processing, Vol.
5, NO. 1, February 2011.
5. L. Stabellini, J. Zander, “Interference Aware Self-Organization for Wireless Sensor Networks: a Reinforcement Learning Approach“, in
Proceedings of the 4th annual IEEE Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE 2008), 2008.
6. S. Geirhofer, L. Tong, B. M. Sadler, “Dynamic Spectrum Access in the Time Domain: Modeling and Exploiting White Space“, in IEEE
Communication Magazine, Vol. 45, No. 5, May 2007.
7. A. Ghasemi, E. S. Sousa, “Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio Networks: Requirements, Challenges and Design Trade-offs“, in IEEE
Communications Magazine, Vol. 46, No. 4, April 2008.
8. G. Ganesan, Y. G. Li, “Cooperative Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio Networks”, in Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on
New Frontiers in Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks (DySPAN), 2005.
9. R. Chen, J.-M. Park, K. Bian, “Robust Distributed Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio Networks“, in Proceedings of 27th IEEE
Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), 2008.
10. S. Byun, I. Balasingham, X. Liang, “Dynamic Spectrum Allocation in Wireless Cognitive Sensor Networks: Improving Fairness and
Energy Efficiency”, in Proc. IEEE VTC 2008, pp. 1-5, Sep. 2008.
11. Mahmood A. Abdulsattar and Zahir A. Hussein “Energy detect technique for spectrum sensing in cognitive radio: a survey” .
International Journal of Computer Networks & Communications (IJCNC) Vol.4, No.5, September 2012.
12. Luca Stabellini and Jens Zander “Energy-Aware Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Wireless Sensor Networks: a Cross Layer
Approach”. IEEE Communications Society subject matter experts for publication in the WCNC 2010 proceedings.
13. Farrukh Javel,Imran Shafi and Asad Mahmood “ Novel Radio Mode Identification Approach for Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive
Radios”. International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security (IJCNIS) Vol. 4, No. 2, August 2012.
Authors: Vikas P. Jadhao, Prakash S. Pajgade
Influence of Masonry Infill Walls on Seismic Performance of RC Framed Structures a Comparision of
Paper Title:
AAC and Conventional Brick Infill
Abstract: The construction of reinforced concrete buildings with unreinforced infill is common practice in India.
Infill panels have traditionally been made of heavy rigid materials, such as clay bricks or concrete blocks. However,
more lightweight and flexible infill options Such as AAC (aerated light weight concrete) blocks are now available in
India to be used as masonry infill (MI) material in reinforced concrete (RC) framed buildings. The behavior of in-
filled reinforced concrete (R/C) frames has been studied experimentally and analytically by a number of researchers.
It has been recognized that infill materials give significant effect to the performance of the resulting in-filled frame
structures. Most of the researches carried out in this area are focused on parameters such as the distribution of MI,
variation of geometry, the strength of infill materials and the relative stiffness of infill to frame elements. The study 148-153
of the effect of types of infill materials used (lightweight versus conventional brick masonry) on the behavior of in-
filled R/C frames is however still limited. Previous experimental study has concluded that the R/C frame in-filled
with AAC blocks exhibited better performance under lateral loads than that in-filled with conventional clay bricks. In
the present paper an investigation has been made to study the behaviour of RC frames with both AAC block and
conventional clay bricks infill when subjected to seismic loads.
Keywords: AAC (autoclaved aerated light weight concrete blocks), FEMA 273, FEMA 356, in-filled frames.
1. Momin Mohmedaki et. Al.˝ Seismic Assessment of Rc Frame MasonrInfill With ALC Block ״International Journal of Advanced
Engineering Research and Studies”, Vol. I Issue III April-June, 2012, pages 148-149;
2. Hemant B. Kaushik et. Al.,˝Code Approaches to Seismic Design of Masonry-Infilled Reinforced Concrete Frames: A State-of-the-Art
Review”, Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, Earthquake Spectra, Volume 22, November 2006,pages 961–983;
3. Diptesh Das et. Al.,˝ Brick Masonry Infills in Seismic Design of RC Framed Buildings; part 1- Cost Implication”, The Indian Concrete
Journal, July 2004, pages 39-44
4. Mulgund G. V et. al.,˝Seismic Assesement of RC Frame Buildings With Brick Masonry Infills”, IJAEST, VOL2, ISSUE NO 2, PAGES
5. Kasım Armağan KORKMAZ, et. Al.,˝ Assessment of RC Structures with Masonry ”, International Journal of Science & Technology
Volume 2, No 2, 2007,PAGES 155-164;
6. Sharany Haque et. Al.,˝Seismic Vulnerability of Columns of RC;
7. P. G. Asteris,˝ Lateral Stiffness of Brick Masonry Infilled Plane Frames, Journal Of Structural Engineering © ASCE / AUGUST 2003 ;
Authors: P. R. Badadapure
Paper Title: Content-Based Image Retrieval by Combining Structural and Content Based Features
Abstract: Many different approaches for content-based image retrieval have been proposed in the literature.
Successful approaches consider not only simple fea-tures like color, but also take the structural relationship between
objects into account. In this paper we describe two models for image representation which integrate structural
features and content features in a tree or a graph structure. The effectiveness of this two approaches is evaluated with
real world data, using clustering as means for evaluation. Furthermore, we show that combining those two models
can further enhance the retrieval accuracy.
Keywords: Successful approaches consider not only simple fea-tures like color, but also take the structural
relationship between objects into account.
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19. Kriegel, H.P., Kröger, P., Mashael, Z., Pfeifle, M., Pötke, M., Seidl, T.: ”Effective Similar-ity Search on Voxelized CAD Objects”. In:
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20. Kailing, K., Kriegel, H.P., Pryakhin, A., Schubert, M.: Clustering multi-represented objects with noise. In: to appear in: Proc. 8th Pacific-
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Authors: Neelesh Kumar, Sanjeev Gupta, S.P.Phulambrikar
Paper Title: A Novel Three-Phase Multilevel Inverter Using Less Number of Switches
Abstract: A novel three phase multilevel inverter with a small number of switching devices is proposed. Large
electrical drives and utility application require advanced power electronics converter to meet the high power
35. demands. As a result, multilevel power converter structure has been introduced as an alternative in high power and
medium voltage situations. A multilevel converter not only achieves high power rating but also improves the 157-160
performance of the whole system in terms of harmonics. In this paper the proposed inverter can output more numbers
of voltage levels with reduced number of switches as compared to cascade H-bridge inverter, which results in
reduction of installation cost and have simplicity of control system. Finally, the simulation and experimental results
validate the concept of this new topology.
1. Murugesan.G, Jagabar Sathik.M and Praveen.M, “A new multilevel inverter topology using less number of switches”, IJEST, Vol. 3 No.2
feb 2012.
2. Ebrahim Babaei, 2008, “A Cascade Multilevel Converter Topology With Reduced Number of Switches” IEEE Transactions on power
electronics, Vol 23, No. 6.
3. J. Rodríguez, J. S. Lai, and F. Z. Peng, “Multilevel inverters: A survey of topologies, controls, and applications,” IEEE Transaction on
Industrial electronics, vol. 49, no. 4, pp. 724–738, Aug. 2002
4. D.Mohan, Sreejith B.Kurub, “A Comparative Analysis of Multi Carrier SPWM Control Strategies using Fifteen Level Cascaded H–bridge
Multilevel Inverter”, International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887), Vol 41– No.21, March 2012
5. B.P.Mcgrath and D.G Holmes “reduced n PWM harmonic distortion for multi level inverters operating over a wide modulation
range” IEEE Transactions on power electronics vol 21 no 4 pp941-949, july 2006
6. Rashid, M.H, 2004. “Power Electronics:Circuits, devices and applications. Third Edition, Prentice Hall
7. Leon M.Tolbert and Thomas G. Habetler “Novel multilevel inverter carrier based PWM method” IEEE Transaction On Industry
Application Vol 35 No 5 Sep 1999 pp 1098-1107
8. L. M. Tolbert, F. Z. Peng, T. G. Habetler, “Multilevel PWM methods at low modulation indices,” IEEE Transactions on power electronics,
vol. 15, no. 4, July 2000, pp. 719-725
9. Martha Calais, Lawrence J.Borlel Vassilios, G. Agelidis “Analysis of Multi carrier PWM Methods for a single phase five level
inverter” IEEE
10. D.G. Holmes, T.A.Lipo, “Modern Pulse Width Modulation Techniques for Power Converter”, IEEE Press, 2003
11. E. Babaei, M.T. haque and S.H. Hosseini, “A novel structure for multilevel converter” in Proc. ICEMS, 2005, Vol. 2, pp. 1278-1283
12. B. Axelrod, Y. Berkovich, and A. Ioinovici, “A cascade boost-switched capacitor-converter–two level inverter with an optimized multilevel
output waveform,” IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst., vol. 52, no. 12, pp. 2763–2770, Dec. 2005.
13. P. Lezana, J. Rodriguez, and D. A. Oyarzun, “Cascaded multilevel inverter with regeneration capability and reduced number of switches,”
IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 55, no. 3, pp. 1059–1066, Mar. 2008.
14. T. Teratani, M. Amano, and M. Fujiwara, “Roadmap of next generation automotive electric power systems,” IEEJ Abstract Contents of
Tech. Rep.,no. 1049, Mar. 2006, (in Japanese)
15. F. S. Kang, S. J. Park, S. E. Cho, C. U. Kim, and T. Ise,“Multilevel PWM inverters suitable for the use of stand-alone photovoltaic
power systems,” IEEE Trans. Energy Converts., vol. 20, no. 4, pp. 906–915, Dec. 2005.
Authors: Tourkia Lajnef, Slim Abid, Anis Ammous
Paper Title: Design and Simulation of Photovoltaic Water Pumping System
Abstract: The power source for pumping water is one of the most promising areas in photovoltaic applications.
This paper presents the performance of the photovoltaic plant especially in the case of climatic and load fluctuations.
The studied system consists of the PV array, the ACmotor, the centrifugal pump and using an MPPT algorithm to
improve the efficiency of the PV system. This methodology allows an optimal control and monitoring of inverters by
calculating the duty cycle of the DC-DC converter and the voltage/frequency control. Each subsystem is modeled in
order to simulate the whole system in MATLAB/SIMULINK. The non linear averaged modeling technique of the
converters is used in order to picture accurately the PV system behavior during a low simulations time.
36. 1. Appelbaum J, Bany J. “ Analysis of a direct coupled DC motor and a photovoltaic converter,” In: 1st commission of European Community
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2. Appelbaum J, Bany J. Performance analysis of DC motor photovoltaic converter system—I. Solar Energy 1979; 122:439–45. .
3. Singer S, Appelbaum J. Starting characteristics of direct current motors powered by solar cells. IEEE Trans Energy Convers 1993;8(1):47–
4. M. JRAIDI, Contribution à la caractérisation et à la modélisation des systèmes photovoltaïques, DEA, ENIT, Tunis, 1993.
5. G. SEGUIER, Les convertisseurs de l’électronique de puissance, la conversion continu-alternatif, T4, Technique et Documentation
(Lavoisier), France, 1987.
6. Caro, J.M., Bonal, J., 1997. Entra ^ inements Electriques a Vitesse Variable, vol. 1. Lavoisier.
7. S. R. Sanders et al., “Generalized averaging method for power conversion circuits,” IEEETrans. Power Electron. vol.6, pp. 251-258,
8. A.AMMOUS and al,”An advanced PWM-Switch Model including semiconductor device. IEEE Trans. Power Electron. vol.18,
No5.September 2003 pp. 1230-1237.
9. S.Abid and al,” Advanced Averaged Model of PWM-Switch operating in CCM and DCM conduction modes”, International Review of
Electrical Engineering (I.R.E.E.), Vol. 2, n. 4July-August 2007.
10. Sun J. et al, “Averaged Modeling of PWM converters operating in Discontinuous conduction Mode”, IEEE Transactions on Power
Electronics. vol. 16, N°.4, July 2001, p.482-492.
Authors: Sule, Samuel
Paper Title: Structural Models for the Prediction of Compressive Strength of Coconut Fibre-reinforced Concrete
Abstract: The quality of concrete used in any construction work is a function of its compressive strength. In this
paper, structural models are formulated to predict the compressive strength of coconut fibre-reinforced concrete mix
1:2:4 at water-cement ratios of 0.55 and 0.60 using three-dimensional elasticity equations. The results obtained using
the formulated models were compared with the measured values and were found to be very close (correlation
37. coefficient = 0.9011). For both the measured and predicted values, the compressive strength of concrete mix (1:2:4)
were found to decrease as the coconut fibre contents increased. 165-167
Keywords: structural models, compressive strength, coconut fibre, three-dimensional elasticity equations, fibre
1. Slate, F.O. (1978). “Coconut fibres in concrete”. Eng. J. Singapore,(1).
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4. Fadhadli, Z., (1989). Properties of cement sheets reinforced with coconut fibres. University of Technology, Malaysia: Master of Civil
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5. Okafor, F.O. and Sule, S. (2008). “Models for prediction of structural properties of palmnut fibre-reinforced cement mortar composites.
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6. Pakotiprapha et al (1974). Mechanical properties of cement mortar with randomly oriented short steel wires.” Mag. Conor. Res. Vol. 26,
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7. Okafor F.O. and Sule S. (2010. “Improved Analytical models for prediction of structural properties of palmnut fibre - reinforced cement
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8. Okafor, F.O. (1992). “Span Optimization of palm-nut fibre-reinforced Mortar Roofing Sheets,” Ph.D Thesis, Department of Civil
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9. Neville, A.M. (1996). “Properties of Concrete, Longman Ltd., England.
10. Egbuluese, E.O. (2010). “The effect of coconut fibre addition on the compressive strength of concrete”. Unpublished undergraduate thesis
subjected to the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering.
11. Sule, S. and Nwofor, T.C. (2011). “Analytical models for prediction of mechanical properties of Rice HUSK Ash Concrete”. International
Journal of Current Research, vol.3, Issue 11, pp. 368 – 370.
Authors: Zuhair Hasnain, Naila Rozi
Paper Title: To Analyze Sequence against the Rice Repeat Database VIA Known Repeats & Transposes DNA
Abstract: Rice ESTs and FL-cDNAs and transcript assemblies (PUTs) from the Plant GDB were aligned to the
pseudomolecules using gmap. Only the FL-cDNA and PUTs alignments are shown in the browser. Only the EST and
FL-cDNA alignments were used for gene model improvement by PASA. We search sequence against a rice repeat
database to identify known repeats and transpose’s (DNA transposes’, retroelements, MITEs, etc). To analyze the
growth and yield response of rice under different sowing dates and split nitrogen application, a field study was
conducted at farmer’s field Punjab Pakistan during Kharif season 2011. The study revealed that N in split form had
no significant effect on yield the yield components of rice while early-sowing is considered suitable for farmers
under agro-ecological conditions of Punjab Pakistan.
Keywords: Rice repeat DNA sequences, transplanting time, Nitrogen, Yield and yield components
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13. Rao, N.K. and M.T. Jackson. 1997. Effect of sowing dates and harvest time on longevity of rice seeds. Seed Sci. Res., 70: 1, 13-20.
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15. Steel, R.G.D. and J.H. Torrie. 1984. Principles and Procedures of Statistics. 2nd ed. McGraw Hill, Int. Book Co. Inc. Singapore.
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17. Voss, M.A. and E. Zini. 1993. Forms and dates of application of urea to irrigated rice, 1992-93. Pelotas, Brazil; Centro de
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18. Williams, R.L., S. Fukai, M. Cooper and J. Salisbury. 1997. Effect of growth, nitrogen and sowing date on grain yield of Australian Rice, a
modeling approach. Breeding Strategies for rainfed low land rice in drought prone environments: Proc. Int. Workshop, UbonRatchathani,
Thailand, 5-8 Nov. 1996, 239-244, ACIAR Proc. No. 77.
19. Xie, G.H., B.L. Su, L. Shi and A.Y. Tian. 1996. Study on growth and dry matter production of rice. J. China Agric. Univ., 1:1, 89-94.
Authors: Anisaara Nadaph, Vikas Maral
Paper Title: Query-Log Aware Data Replicated Declustering
Abstract: Query-Log is general record of what mysqld is doing, the server writes information to this log when
client connect or disconnect. Declustering parallelizes the query retrieval process by distributing the data items
requested by queries among several disks. Replication enables alternative disk choices for individual disk items and
thus provides better query parallelism options. existing replicated declustering schemes do not consider query log
39. information and try to optimize all possible queries for a specificquery type, such as range or spatial queries. In such
schemes, it is assumed that two or more copies of all data items are to be generated and these data items are copied to 172-177
disks by different algorithm. However, It is not feasible in some applications for generation of even two copies of
all of the data items, since data items tend to have very large sizes. In this work we assume that there is a given limit
on disk capacities and thus on replication amounts. We utilize existing query-log information to propose a selective
replicated declustering scheme, in which we select the data items to be replicated and decide on their scheduling onto
disks. We suggest an iterative algorithm to get a two-way replicated decluster and by making use of this algorithm
recursively to generate a multiway replicated declustering. Later by makiing use of efficient heuristics we improve
the multi-way replicated declustering. The survey show that the suggested work gives bettter performance result
over the existing replicated declustering schemes.
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Authors: Kushal J Masarkar, Lilesh P Wankhade, Rita Dhage
A Memetically Optimized Weighted x^2 Based Approach for Matching Sketches with the Digital Face
Paper Title:
Abstract: One of the important cues in solving crimes and apprehending criminals is matching sketches with
digital face images. This paper presents an algorithm that extracts discriminating information from local regions of
both sketches and digital face images. All details information present in local facial regions are encoded using multi-
scale circular Weber’s local descriptor. We propose a novel discriminative descriptor modified WLD i.e. multi-scale
circular Weber Local Descriptor.. It is inspired by Weber’s Law, We organize MWLD features to compute a
histogram by encoding both differential excitations and orientations at certain locations of an sketch and digital face
image. Further, an evolutionary memetic optimization approach is proposed to assign optimal weights to every local
facial region for identification purpose. Foreign sketches drawn by sketch artist is of poor quality, a pre-processing
technique is used to enhance the quality of images and improve the identification performance. Comprehensive
experimental evaluation on different sketch databases show that MCWLD proposed algorithm yields better
identification performance compared with the existing face recognition algorithms.
1. X. Tang and X. Wang, “Face photo recognition using sketch”, in Proceedings of International Conference on Image Processing, 2002, vol.
1, pp. 257–260.
2. X. Tang and X. Wang, “Face sketch synthesis and recognition”, in Proceedings of International Conference on Computer Vision, 2003, vol.
40. 1, pp. 687–694.
3. Q. Liu, X. Tang, H. Jin, H. Lu, and Songde Ma, “A nonlinear approach for face sketch synthesis and recognition”, in Proceedings of
International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2005, vol. 1, pp. 1005–1010. 178-181
4. L. Yung-hui, M. Savvides, and V. Bhagavatula, “Illumination tolerant face recognition using a novel face from sketch synthesis approach
and advanced correlation filters”, in Proceedings of International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, 2006, vol. 2.
5. X. Gao, J. Zhong, J. Li, and C. Tian, “Face sketch synthesis algorithm based on E-HMM and selective ensemble”, IEEE Transactions on
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6. X. Wang and X. Tang, “Face photo-sketch synthesis and recognition”, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence,
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7. W. Zhang, X. Wang, and X. Tang, “Lighting and pose robust face sketch synthesis”, in Proceedings of European Conference on Computer
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8. R. Uhl and N. Lobo, “A framework for recognizing a facial image from a police sketch”, in Proceedings of International Conference on
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9. P. Yuen and C. Man, “Human face image searching system using sketches”, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics - A, vol.
37, no. 4, pp. 493–504, 2007.
10. Y. Zhang, C. McCullough, J. Sullins, and C. Ross, “Hand-drawn face sketch recognition by humans and a PCA-based algorithm for
forensic applications”, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics - A, vol. 40, no. 3, pp. 475–485, 2010.
11. H. Nizami, Adkins-Hill, P. Jeremy, Y. Zhang, J. Sullins, C. McCullough, S. Canavan, and L. Yin, “A biometric database with rotating head
videos and hand-drawn face sketches”, in Proceedings of International Conference on Biometrics: Theory, applications and systems, 2009,
pp. 38–43.
12. B. Klare and A. Jain, “Sketch-to-photo matching: A feature-based approach”, in Proceedings of Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation
Engineers Conference Series, 2010, vol. 7667.
13. H. Bhatt, S. Bharadwaj, R. Singh, and M. Vatsa, “On matching sketches with digital face images”, in Proceedings of International
Conference on Biometrics: Theory Applications and Systems, 2010.
14. B. Klare, L. Zhifeng, and A. Jain, “Matching forensic sketches to mug shot photos”, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine
Intelligence, vol. 33, pp. 639–646, 2011.
15. B. Klare and A. Jain, “Heterogeneous face recognition using kernel prototype similarities”, Tech. Rep., Michigan State.s.
Authors: R. T. Saudagar, U. S. Wankhede
Paper Title: Experimental Analysis of Vapour Compression Refrigeration System with Diffuser at Condenser Inlet
41. Abstract: This paper discusses design and testing of diffuser at condenser inlet in vapour compression
refrigeration system. Four diffusers with divergence angle 10⁰, 15⁰, 20⁰ and 30⁰ were designed for same inlet and
outlet diameters. The diffusers used were with inlet diameter equal to discharge tube diameter of compressor and
outlet diameter equal to condenser inlet diameter. The system was analysed using the first and second laws of
thermodynamics to determine the refrigerating effect, the compressor work input, coefficient of performance (COP)
and the rate of heat rejected from the system. During the test, the COPs of the system without diffuser and with
optimized diffuser at condenser inlet were found out. With diffuser at condenser inlet, amount of heat rejected from
condenser is also increased. To remove the same amount of heat, less heat transfer area required. This concept
reduces size of condenser to achieve the same system efficiency.
1. M Yari and M Sirousazar, Performance analysis of the ejector-vapour compression refrigeration cycle, Part A: Journal of Power and
Energy, Vol. 221, No. 8, December 2007, pp. 1089-1098.
2. A. Selvaraju, A. Mani, Analysis of an ejector with environment friendly refrigerants, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2004, pp. 1-12.
3. Mark J. Bergander, New Regenerative Cycle for Vapour Compression Refrigeration, Final Scientific Report, DOE Award Number: DE-
FG36-04GO14327, 30th Sept. 2004 to 30th Sept. 2005.
4. M. A. Akintunde, Validation of vapour compression refrigeration system design model, American Journal of Scientific and Industrial
Research, Vol. 2, No. 4, 2011, pp. 504-510.
5. M. A. Akintunde, Theoretical design model for vapour compression refrigeration systems, A.S.M.E., Vol. 73, No. 5, 2004, pp. 1-14.
6. P N Ananthanarayanan. Basic Refrigeration and Air Conditioning. Tata McGraw-Hill, 2005.
7. R. J. Dossat and T. J. Horan. Principles of Refrigeration, Prentice-Hall International Inc., New Jersey, USA, 2002.
8. Yunus A. Cengel and Michael A. Boles. Thermodynamics An Engineering Approach. Tata McGraw-Hill, 2003.
9. C. O. Adegoke and M. A. Akintunde, An Experimental Study of Hunting in Evapourators, A.U. J.T., Vol. 10, No. 1, Jul.-2006, pp. 45-
10. Bukola Olalekan Bolaji, Effects of Sub-Cooling on the Performance of R12 Alternatives in a Domestic Refrigeration System, Thammasat
International Journal Science and Technology, Vol. 15, No. 1, January-March 2010, pp. 12-19.
Authors: J.T Liberty, A.U Dzivama
Paper Title: Design, Construction and Performance Evaluation of Cassava Chips Dryer Using Fuel Wood
Abstract: The design, construction and performance evaluation of a cassava chips dryer using fuel wood as source
of heat was undertaken with a view to help small scale farmers’ process cassava chips. The dryer consists of a frame,
drying chamber, a tray, fuel wood housing, perforated air space and a chimney. The dryer was evaluated in terms of
final moisture content, drying capacity, time taken to dry the chips and the quality of the chips. Results showed that
the moisture content of 65.03% (wb) was reduced to 13.11%, the drying capacity was 6kg per loading and the drying
time which was supposed to be 3 hrs was increased to 4hrs due to difficulty in regulating the heat produced by the
fuel wood. Compared to other types of dryers (solar dryer, platform dryer, flat – bed dryer, continuous dryer e.t.c),
the batch type dryer is preferred due to its ability to be used during rainy season and in the absence of electricity. The
quality of the chips was found to be good. The dryer has an efficiency of 80%. The evaluation of the dryer shows that
it can be used for small scale drying of cassava. chips.
Keywords: batch type dryer, cassava chips, fuel wood, performance evaluation.
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Authors: Mohsen Darabian, Bahram Khorram, Mehdi Azari
Paper Title: Improvement of Power System Transient Stability Using an Intelligent Control Method
Abstract: Shunt Flexible AC Transmission System (FACTS) devices, when placed at the mid-point of a long
transmission line, play an important role in controlling the reactive power flow to the power network and hence both
the system voltage fluctuations and transient stability. In this paper, a new intelligent controller used to control the
43. output of an SVC to damp power system oscillations is developed. This controller is an online trained wavelet neural
network controller (OTWNNC) with adaptive learning rates derived by the Lyapunov stability. Effectiveness of the
proposed technique is robustness to different operating conditions and disturbances. The effectiveness of the
proposed controllers is demonstrated on an 2-machine system. Results obtained show improvement in the overall
system damping characteristics using the proposed method (OTWNNC).
Keywords: Wavelet neural network (WNN), Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), SVC Design, Transient stability.
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Authors: K. M. Sivakumar, R. Gandhinathan
Establishing Optimum Process Parameters for Machining Titanium Alloys (Ti6Al4V) In Spark
Paper Title:
Electric Discharge Machining
Abstract: In this study, the spark electric discharge machining(SEDM) of titanium alloys with different electrode
44. materials namely electrolytic copper, beryllium copper, tungsten copper, graphite, aluminium, steel(EN24) and
copper impregnated graphite, were conducted to find the suitable electrode material. Therefore the design of
experiments were conducted using Taguchi method to find the optimum machining parameters with process
parameters such as current, spark on time, spark off time to explore the influence of various SEDM parameters on
various requirements such as material removal rate, electrode wear and over cut. The experimental results reveal that
the suitable electrode material for machining titanium alloys is copper impregnated graphite. It is found that material
removal rate is mainly influenced by discharge on time (Ton) and discharge current (I), whereas discharge off time
(Toff) has least effect on material removal rate. Electrode wear is mainly influenced by discharge on time (Ton) and
discharge off time (Toff), whereas discharges current (I) has least effect on electrode wear. Over cut is mainly
influenced by discharge current (I) and discharge on time (Ton), whereas discharge off time have a very least effect
on over cut.
1. Ahmet hascalik, Ulas Caydas,”Electric discharge machining of titanium alloys (Ti6Al4V)”, Int Journal of applied surface science,
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3. Roger kern, “Sinker electrode material selection”, EDMToday magazine July/August 2008 issue.
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7. Pravin R Kubade, V. S. Jadhav,”An experimental investigation of electrode wear rate, material removal rate and radial over cut in EDM of
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8. Bhola Jha, K. Ram and Mohan Rao,“An overview of technology and research in electrode design and manufacturing in sinking electric
discharge machining ”, Journal of engineering science and review, review 4(2) (2011) 118-130.
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10. K. R. Thangadurai, A. Asha,”Mathematical modeling of electrical discharge machining process of AA 6061-10% B4Cp MMC through
Response surface methodology”, European Journal of scientific research ISSN 1450-216X, Vol 81, No 4 (2012), pp 476-492.
11. Mohd Amri Lajis, H. C. D. Mohd Rdzi and A. K. M. Nurul Amin”The implementation of taguchi method on EDM process of tungsten
carbide”, European Journal of scientific research, ISSN 1450-216X Vol 26 No 4 (2009), pp 609-617.
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copper tungsten electrodes”, Int Journal of advanced scientific and technical research, Issue 2, Vol 5, ISSN 2249-9954, October 2012.
Authors: Ajay K. Singh, A. Rehman
The Influence of Engine Speed on Exhaust Emission of Four Stroke Spark Ignition Multi Cylinder
Paper Title:
Abstract: An experimental study is carried out to investigate engine performance parameters and methods of
reducing emissions from spark ignition engine. Fuel efficiency is one of the major concerns for the users, the
designers and the manufacturers of internal combustion (IC) engines, The effect of increasing the temperature of
cylinder liner has the advantage of reducing the specific fuel consumption but it increases thermal stresses on piston
head, challenges material properties such as high temperature yield strength, creep and high temperature fatigue,
increases chances of knocking and pre ignition and decreases the volumetric efficiency. Coolants with specified fluid
properties are circulated through inner channels in the cylinder blocks to maintain an optimum temperature.
The present investigation reports the experimental study carried out by using three cylinders, four stroke petrol
carburetor of Maruti 800 engine. The engine is connected to eddy current type dynamometer to provide suitable
loading with provisions for measuring and control of fuel flow to maintain fuel –air mixture ratio. It is found that
exhaust emission is a dependent parameter on decrease even at higher loads which confirming that engine perform
better upon optimal load condition rather than part load condition.
Keywords: Exhaust emission, spark ignition engine, optimization, and engine speed.
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Authors: N.Pandeeswari, P.Ganesh Kumar, P.C.Rubini
Paper Title: A Serial Based Encryption for Enhanced Access Control in Cloud Computing
Abstract: Cloud storage allows us to enjoy the on demand cloud application without any hardware
implementation. Cloud provides the service a required by the cloud user in a rental basis. Even though the cloud
issues the cloud application without any physical implementation results in a security risk since the cloud data can be
accessed by everyone. To avoid security issue in the outsourced data a prevention measure is needed to secure the
data from unauthenticated users or intruders. A flexible distributed storage integrity mechanism utilising
homomorphic tokens and is proposed in this paper to provide security in the outsourced cloud data. This mechanism
include the techniques such In order to address security for outsourced data and secure cloud storage, we propose in
this paper a flexible distributed storage integrity checking mechanism, utilizing the homomorphism token and
distributed erasure-coded data. The proposed design allows users to audit the cloud storage with very low
computation cost and lightweight communication. The auditing result not only guarantees strong cloud storage
correctness, but also simultaneously identifies fast data error localization, i.e., the identification of misbehaving
server. Considering the cloud data are dynamic in nature, the proposed design further supports secure and efficient
dynamic operations on outsourced data, including block modification, deletion, and append. Analysis shows the
proposed scheme is highly efficient and resilient against Byzantine failure, malicious data modification attack.
46. Keywords: The auditing result not only guarantees strong cloud storage correctness, but also simultaneously
identifies fast data error localization, i.e., 209-211
1. Zhiguo Wan, Jun’e Liu, and Robert H. Deng, Senior Member, IEEE, “HASBE: A Hierarchical Attribute-Based Solution for Flexible and
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5. K. Barlow and J. Lane, “Like technology from an advanced alien culture: Google apps for education at ASU,” in Proc. ACM SIGUCCS
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6. B. Barbara, “Salesforce.com: Raising the level of networking,” Inf. Today, vol. 27, pp. 45–45, 2010.
7. T. Yu and M. Winslett, “A unified scheme for resource protection in automated trust negotiation,” in Proc. IEEE Symp. Security and
Privacy, Berkeley, CA, 2003.
8. V. Goyal, O. Pandey, A. Sahai, and B.Waters, “Attibute-based encryption for fine-grained access control of encrypted data,” in Proc. ACM
Conf. Computer and Communications Security (ACM CCS), Alexandria, VA, 2006.
9. J. Bethencourt, A. Sahai, and B. Waters, “Ciphertext-policy attributebased encryption,” in Proc. IEEE Symp. Security and Privacy,
Oakland, CA, 2007.
10. R. Bobba, H. Khurana, and M. Prabhakaran, “Attribute-sets: A practically motivated enhancement to attribute-based encryption,” in Proc.
ESORICS, Saint Malo, France, 2009.
11. G.Wang, Q. Liu, and J.Wu, “Hierachical attibute-based encryption forfine-grained access control in cloud storage services,” in Proc.
ACMConf. Computer and Communications Security (ACM CCS), Chicago, IL, 2010.
Authors: Himanshu Agarwal, Kaushalendra Kr. Dubey, Subhash Kamal
Paper Title: Development of Mechanical Fuel Injector Cleaning Machine in Cost Effective Manner
Abstract: When fuel injectors get polluted, it create obstruction in fuel flow and unable to allow spray pattern for
proper combustion. In the present market Fuel Injector cleaning machine is used to clean the injectors with the help
of controlled gasoline spray system. We have designed and developed for the most cost effective Rs 20,500 this is 10
times less than the existing fuel injector cleaning machine. The development of this work explaining conversion of
electrical fuel injection system into mechanical type fuel injection system is cost effective, manually operated,
multiple flow, single man powered and equally efficient with electrical system.
Keywords: last level cache memory (LLC), CPU actuator, Memory actuator, RAP, WAP
1. D. H. Albonesi. Selective cache ways: On-demand cache resource allocation. In MICRO, 1999R. Bitirgen, E. Ipek, and J. F. Martinez. 216-220
Coordinated management of multiple interacting resources in chip multiprocessors:A machine learning approach. In MICRO, 2008
2. Karthik T. Sundararajan, Vasileios Porpodas, Timothy M. Jones. Cooperative Partitioning: Energy-Efficient Cache Partitioning for High-
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Trans. on CAD, pages 849–861, 2005
4. R. Ayoub, K. R. Indukuri, and T. S. Rosing. Temperature aware dynamic workload scheduling in multisocket cpu servers. TCAD,
30(9):1359–1372, 2011.
5. Raid Ayoub Rajib Nath Tajana Rosing. JETC: Joint Energy Thermal and Cooling Management for Memory and CPU Subsystems in
Servers HPCA 2011
6. K. Flautner, N. S. Kim, S. M. Martin, D. Blaauw, and T. Mudge. Drowsy caches: Simple techniques for reducing leakage power. In
ISCA, 2002.
7. M. Ghosh, E. Ozer, S. Ford, S. Biles, and H.-H. S. Lee. Way guard: a segmented counting bloom filter approach to reduc- ing energy for
set-associative caches. In ISLPED, 2009.
8. F. Guo, Y. Solihin, L. Zhao, and R. Iyer. A framework for providing quality of service in chip multi-processors. In MI- CRO, 2007.
9. L. R. Hsu, S. K. Reinhardt, R. Iyer, and S. Makineni. Com- munist, utilitarian, and capitalist cache policies on CMPs: Caches as a shared
resource. In PACT, 2006.
10. R. Iyer. CQoS: A framework for enabling QoS in shared caches of CMP platforms. In ICS, 2004.
Authors: U.Jyostna Sai Prasanna, M.V.D.Prasad
Paper Title: Automatic Fire Sensing and Extinguishig Robot Embedded With GSM Modem
Abstract: Our goal is to develop an intelligent multi sensor based fire fighting robot in our daily life. We design
the fire detection system using four flame sensors in the fire fighting robot, and program the fire detection and
fighting procedure using sensor based method. The fire fighting robot is equipped with four thermistors/flame
sensors that continuously monitor the temperature. If the temperature increases beyond the predetermined threshold
value, buzzer sounds to intimate the occurrence of fire accident and a warning message will be sent to the respective
personnel in the industry and to nearby fire station with the GSM module provided to it. Fire Fighting Robot
continuously monitors the temperature at four sensors and if fire accident is true, the robot moves to the direction to
which the temperature is recorded to be the relatively maximum among the four sensors and extinguishes the fire
with water pump provided to it. After extinguishing the fire it comes back to its initial position. It is more
49. advantageous than a smoke detector as it can extinguish the fire at the inception than waiting for an object to burn
and produce smoke. When a smoke detector detects fire it, sprays water all over the place, instead of that particular 221-224
point of source. It voluntarily detects and extinguishes fire without human aid.
1. Muhammad Ali Mazidi, the 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded Systems.
2. Verner, I.; and Betzer, N. 2001. Machine Control - A Design and Technology Discipline in Israel's Senior High Schools. International
Journal of Technology, In press.
3. Jones, J.; Seiger, B.; and Flynn, A. 1999. Mobile Robots, Inspiration to Implementation, 2nd ed. Natick, Mass: A. K. Peters.
4. Wireless communication technologies: new multimedia Systems By Norihiko Morinaga
5. Encyclopedia of Fire fighter surveillance robot
Authors: Shivam Pandey, Mohan Rao Mamdikar, Bhudev Kumar Mahato
Paper Title: An Energy-Efficient Slotted MAC (SL-MAC) Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks
50. Abstract: The efficient use of energy is an important performance target to magnify the lifetime of wireless sensor
networks (WSNs). The idle listening of sensor nodes is one of the primary causes of energy waste; so many typical 225-231
MAC protocols are designed to rescue power by placing the radio in the low-power sleep mode. In this paper, a new
energy-efficient Slotted MAC (SL-MAC) protocol is proposed for wireless sensor networks. It is designed with three
main features: 1) reducing energy consumption 2) minimizing the number of collisions 3) reducing average packet
delay. Sensor nodes in SL-MAC have a very short listen time period which would reduce the energy required to
communicate with other nodes. Also, the number of collisions is minimized by using Back-off algorithm in SL-
MAC. This saves the energy required to re-send the corrupted packets. Simulation results show much better
performance of the energy consumption compared with the existing MAC Protocols.
Keywords: Energy management, medium access control (MAC), wireless sensor networks (WSN).
1. W. Ye, J. Heidemann, and D. Estrin, "An energy-efficient MAC protocol for wireless sensor networks," Proceedings of the 21st
Intemational Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and Communications Societies (INFOCOM 2002), vol. 3, New York, NY,
USA, June 2002, pp. 1567-1576.
2. W. Ye, J. Heidemann, D. Estrin “Medium Access Control with Coordinated, Dynamic Sleeping for Wireless Sensor Networks”,
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Vol. 12, No.3, 2004, pp. 493-506.
3. P. Koutsakis, “On Increasing Energy Conservation for Wireless Sensor Networks,” International Conference on Wireless and Mobile
Communications, 2006, ICWMC’06, 29-31 July 2006, Bucharest, pp 4-4. T. van Dam and K. Langendoen, "Energy-efficient MAC: An
Dynamic energy-efficient MAC protocol for wireless sensor networks," in Proceedings of the jrst internationalconference on embedded
networked sensor systems (SenSys), Los Angeles, California,USA, Nov. 2003.
4. Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specification,IEEE Std. 802.11, 1997.
5. C. Raghavendra and S. Singh, "PAMAS: Power aware multi-access protocol with signaling for ad hoc networks," ACM SIGCOMM
Computer Communication Review, vol. 28, Issue 3, pp. 5-26, July 1998.
6. T. van Dam and K. Langendoen, "Energy-efficient MAC: An Dynamic energy-efficient MAC protocol for wireless sensor networks," in
Proceedings of the first international conference on embedded networked sensor systems (SenSys), Los Angeles, California,USA, Nov.
7. K. Sohrabi and G. J. Pottie, "Performance of a novel self-organization protocol for wireless ad hoc sensor networks,” Proc. of the IEEE 50th
Vehicular Technology Conference, vol 2, pp. 1222-1226, 1999.
8. L. Bao and J. J. Garcia-Luna-Aceves, "A new approach to channel access scheduling for ad hoc networks," Proceedings of the 7th annual
international conference on mobile computing and networking, pp. 210-221. July 2001.
9. V. Rajendran, K. Obraczka , and J.J. Garcia-Luna-Aceves, “Energy-Efficient, Collision-Free Medium Access Control for Wireless Sensor
Networks,” Journal: Wireless Networks, Publisher: Springer Netherlands, vol. 12, No 1, pp. 63-78, 17th February 2006.
10. Raja Jurdak, Cristina Videira Lopes, and Pierre Baldi, A Survey, Classification and Comparative Analysis of Medium Access Control
Protocols for Ad Hoc Networks,” IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, First Quarter 2004. pp. 2-16,
11. www.comsoc.org/pubs/surveys.
Authors: Gaurang A. Parmar, Yogesh D. Rathod, Sunil H. Kukadiya, Sarthi B. Bhavsar, Jigar K. Sevalia
Paper Title: Study on Remedial Measures to Control Machine Induced Vibration of Factory Building
Abstract: A comprehensive understanding of structural dynamics is essential to the design and development of
new structures, and to solving the vibration problems on existing structures. A broad range of complex vibration
problems can occur in the Looms Industry. A successful analysis and resolution of machine vibration problem
requires a thorough understanding of the equipment, and the ability to apply various diagnostic techniques. Due to
heavy machine operations the building is subjected to vibration effect. This paper aims at understanding the
behaviour of Looms factory building, subjected to dynamic loading and provision of certain remedies to such
buildings which can overcome resonance condition.
Keywords: Cross Bracing, Cross Tie-Beam, Haunch, Jacketing, Looms Industry, Time History.
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10. Waghmare Pravin B. “Materials And Jacketing Technique For Retrofitting Of Structures”, International Journal Of Advanced Engineering
Research And Studies E-Issn2249 – 8974.
Authors: Deepanshu Sharma, Banwari, Deepak Upadhyay
Paper Title: Software Project Health Analysis: Prediction of Outcome at Initial Stage
Abstract: The paper proposes an approach for analyzing the health of a software project. The approach aims at the
prediction of software project outcome as Success or Failure at the Initial stage. The approach involves the collection
of historical projects data in a defined format. The collected data is in the form of Risk Factors and their
52. corresponding values of Impact and Probability. The collected data is then performed with some pre-processing so as
to generate information (rule set) from them. The generated rule set or information can then be applied to future 241-244
projects so as to predict their outcome based on the values of the Impact and Probability for existing Risk Factors.
Here we have used Decision Tree Rule Induction for the generation of the rule set from the pre-processed data.
Keywords: Decision Tree, Project Health Analysis, Risk Factors and Dimensions, Rule Set
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6. L. Wallace and M. Keil, “Software Project Risk and their Effect on Outcomes”, Communication of the ACM, vol. 47 number 4, pp. 68-73,
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9. Salvatore Alessandro Sarcia, Giovanni Cantone and Victor R. Basili, “A Statistical Neural Network Framework For Risk Management
Process”, from the proposal to its Preliminary Validation for Efficiency.
10. Linyu Yang, Dwi H. Widyantoro, Thomas Ioerger, John Yen, “An Entropy based Adaptive Genetic Algorithm for Learning Classification
11. Xiaohong Shan, GuoRui Jiang and Tiyan Huang, “A Framework of estimating software project success potential based on association rule
mining”, IEEE, 2009.
12. Lior Rokach and Oded Maimon, “Decision Trees”, Chapter 9, pp. 165-192.
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Information Science and Engineering, pp. 325-339, 2001.
Authors: Er.Qasim kamil Mohsin, Jyoti Shrivastava
Paper Title: Ac Power Flow Control of Grid by Series D-Fact
Abstract: The power interconnection is getting increasingly congested so to control power flow of transmission
grid, to limit loop flows, and also the capacity of transmission line can be increased by use of flexible ac transmission
systems (FACT) devices. But high cost and reliability concerns have limited the FACT solutions. This paper
introduces the concept of Distributed SERIES FACTS (D-FACTS) as an alternative approach to realizing cost-
effective power flow control by way of distributed series impedance (DSI) and a distributed static series compensator
(DSSC). D-FACTS can be clipped on power line and it can dynamically and statically change the impedance of the
line so as to control and increase capacity of power flow. D-FACTS provides higher performance and lower cost
method for enhancing T&D system reliability and controllability, improving asset utilization and end-user power
quality, while minimizing system cost and environmental impact.
Keywords: Power flow control, FACTS device system, Distributed flexible AC transmission systems
References: 245-250
1. Deepak Divan and Harjeet Johal "Distributed FACTS-A New Concept for Realizing Grid Power Flow Control", IEEE transactions on
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lines". IEEE Trans. Power Del., vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 406–407, Jan. 1997.
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application in the new york 345 KV transmission system", Int. Power Electron Conf. Records, pp. 2286–2294, Apr. 2005.
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Authors: S. Saravanan, A. Sureshkumar, S. Thangavel
Paper Title: A New Topology of Multiple-Input Converter with Embedded Controller Based Power Management
Abstract: This paper presents a new power conditioner topology that integrates multiple renewable energy sources
to make best use of their operating characteristics and obtain better reliability than that could be obtained by single
renewable energy based power supply. The proposed power conditioner uses three sources, one storage device and
isolated load outputs. The proposed multiple-input converter uses intelligent closed loop control for efficient power
control. The proposed power conditioner uses very limited number of switches and promises significant savings in
component count and reduced losses in renewable energy power-harvesting system by reducing the on-state
conduction loss and switching loss in comparison to topology like H-Bridge converters. The power conditioner
houses a battery bank which is suitably connected by the controller to sink or source the input power based on the
load requirement.. 251-259
Keywords: Fuel cell, Multiple - Input Converter, PV panel, Power Conditioner, Renewable Energy Integration,
Wind Turbine Generator.
1. Z.Qian, O.Abdel-rahman and I.Batarse “An Integrated Four-Port DC/DC Converter for Renewable Energy Applications,”IEEE Trans. Power
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2. Yaow-Ming Chen, Yuan-Chuan Liu, and Feng-Yu Wu, “Multi-Input DC/DC Converter Based on the Multi winding Transformer for
Renewable Energy Applications” IEEE Trans on Industry Applns, Vol. 38, No. 4,pp 1096 - 1104, 2002.
3. Al-Atrash.H and Batarseh.I, “Boost-Integrated Phase-Shift Full-Bridge Converters for Three-Port Interface”, in Proc. IEEE Power Electron.
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4. Jorge L. Duarte, Marcel Hendrix, and Marcelo Godoy Simões ,“Three-Port Bidirectional Converter for Hybrid Fuel Cell Systems”, IEEE
Trans. Power Electron, Vol. 22, no. 2, pp 480-487, 2007
5. Chen.Y.M, Liu.Y.C, and Wu.F.Y , “Multi-Input DC/DC Converter Based on the Multi Winding Transformer for Renewable Energy
applications”, IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., vol. 38, no. 4, pp. 1096–1104, 2002.
6. Chuanhong Zhao, Simon D. Round, and Johann W. Kolar, “An Isolated Three-Port Bidirectional DC-DC Converter With Decoupled Power
Flow Management ” IEEE Trans. Power Electron., Vol. 23, No. 5,pp 2443 – 2453, 2008.
7. Khaligh. A, Cao. J, and Lee. Y , “A Multiple-Input DC–DC Converter Topology”, IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 24, no. 3, pp. 862–
868, 2009.
8. Tao. H, Duarte. J. L, and Hendrix. M. A. M , “Three-Port Triple Half-Bridge Bidirectional Converter with Zero-Voltage Switching”, IEEE
Trans. Power Electron., vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 782–792,2008.
9. Duarte. J. L, Hendrix. M, and Simoes. M. G, “Three-Port Bidirectional Converter for Hybrid Fuel cell Systems”, IEEE Trans. Power
Electron., vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 480–487, 2007.
10. H.Tao, A. Kotsopoulos, J.L Duarte and M.A.M Hendrix, “ Family of multiport bidirectional DC –DC Converters”, IEEE Proc. Electr.
Power Appl. Vol. 153, no. 3, pp 451 – 458, May 2006
11. Ramos Hernanz, J.A., Campayo Martín, J.J., Zamora Belver, I., LarrañagaLesaka, J., Zulueta Guerrero .E.,Puelles Pérez, E., “Modelling of
Photovoltaic Module”, International Conference on Renewable Energies and Power Quality (ICREPQ’10), 23th to 25th March, 2010,
Granada (Spain).
Authors: Nadia Adnan Shiltagh, Lana Dalawr Jalal
Optimal Path Planning For Intelligent Mobile Robot Navigation Using Modified Particle Swarm
Paper Title:
Abstract: This study investigates the application of Modified Particle Swarm Optimization (MPSO) to the
problem of mobile robot navigation to determine the shortest feasible path with the minimum time required to move
from a starting position to a target position in working environment with obstacles. In this study, MPSO is developed
to increase the capability of the optimized algorithms for a global path planning. The proposed algorithms read the
map of the environment which expressed by grid model and then creates an optimal or near optimal collision free
path. The effectiveness of the proposed optimized algorithm for mobile robot path planning is demonstrated by
simulation studies. The programs are written in MATLAB R2012a and run on a computer with 2.5 GHz Intel Core i5
and 6 GB RAM. Improvements presented in MPSO are mainly trying to address the problem of premature
convergence associated with the original PSO. In the MPSO an error factor is modelled to ensure the PSO converges.
MPSO try to address another problem which is the population may contain many infeasible paths; a modified
procedure is carrying out in the MPSO to solve the infeasible path problem. The results demonstrate that this
algorithm have a great potential to solve the path planning with satisfactory results in terms of minimizing distance
and execution time.
Keywords: Modified Particle Swarm Optimization, Global Path Planning, Robot Navigation, Intelligent Mobile
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56. Authors: Y. T. Prabhu, K. Venkateswara Rao, V. Sesha Sai Kumar, B. Siva Kumari
Paper Title: X-ray Analysis of Fe doped ZnO Nanoparticles by Williamson-Hall and Size-Strain Plot Methods
Abstract: In the preparation of Fe doped ZnO a novel process is used with different doping concentrations from
2% to 10% by surfactant assisted combustion synthesis. The synthesized samples were characterized with X-ray
diffraction particle analyzer and TEM. From X-ray diffraction, it was observed Fe-doped ZnO nanoparticles (NPs)
have hexagonal wurtzite structure and further crystallite sizes were decreased with increasing doping concentrations.
Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) showed that powder was polycrystalline in nature with random distribution
of nano grained Fe doped ZnO. Using X-ray broadening crystalline development in the Fe doped ZnO-NPs was
investigated. The crystallite sizes and lattice strain on the peak broadening of Fe doped ZnO-NPs were studied using
Williamson- Hall (W-H) analysis and size- strain plot. Strain, stress and energy density parameters were calculated
for the XRD peaks of all the samples using (UDM), uniform stress deformation model (USDM), uniform
deformation energy density model (UDEDM) and by the size-strain plot method (SSP). The results of mean particle
size of Fe doped ZnO-NPs showed an inter correlation with W-H analysis, SSP, and TEM results.
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Authors: Mamta Juneja, Parvinder Singh Sandhu
Paper Title: Information Hiding using Improved LSB Steganography and Feature Detection Technique
Abstract: This paper proposes an improved Least Significant bit(LSB) based Steganography technique for images
imparting better information hiding .It presents an embedding algorithm for hiding encrypted messages in
nonadjacent and random pixel locations in edges and smooth areas of images. It first encrypts the secret message, and
detects edges as well as smooth areas in the cover-image using improved feature detection filter. Message bits are
then, embedded in the least significant byte of randomly selected edge area pixels and 1-3-4 LSBs of red, green, blue
components respectively across randomly selected pixels across smooth area of image. It ensures that the
eavesdroppers will not have any suspicion that message bits are hidden in the image and standard steganography
detection methods can not estimate the length of the secret message correctly. The Proposed approach is better in
PSNR value and Capacity as shown experimentally than existing techniques.
Keywords: Canny filter, Feature detection, Hough transform, Image Steganography, Information hiding, LSB
based Insertion.
References: 275-279
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4. Chun Shien Lu, "Steganography and Digital Watermarking Techniques for Protection of Intellectual Property" in Multimedia Security, Idea
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14. Mamta Juneja , Parvinder Singh Sandhu, “Designing of Robust Image Steganography Technique Based on LSB Insertion and Encryption”,
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Authors: Yazdan Khan, Ashish Kumar, Aakash Dhiman
Paper Title: Bandwidth Improvement of the Rectangular Microstrip Antenna by Using Single Dipole Stub
Abstract: In the most recent days microstrip antennas are mostly used in the wireless communication due to the
salient features like low cost, less weight, small size. But these antennas are having some drawbacks like narrow
bandwidth, low gain etc. In this paper a microstrip antenna with wide bandwidth is presented. For this purpose we
took two different radiating elements which are connected together through a matched section and these elements are
embedded on a single layer structure. This new introduced structure offers a dual-band microstrip antenna. By
controlling the resonant frequency of these two elements, means by keeping constant value of resonant frequency of
one element and varying the resonant frequency of other element, then a much more improved bandwidth
approximately 21 % has been obtained. Representation, calculation and measurement for this new antenna has been
done with the help of software MATLAB and also from EM-TALK online antenna calculator.
Keywords: Bandwidth Improvement; Microstrip Antenna; Radiating elements; Resonant Frequency.
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Authors: Mangesh Powar, Tejas Vichare, Rashmi Udeg,Yojana Namdas, Swati Joshi
Paper Title: Swammis: Sinhgads’wide Area Multiuser and Multitasking Intranet System (Educational ERP)
Abstract: Ineducational system at different departments, all the administrative jobs are being carried out manually.
It not only consumes a lot of time but also reduces output efficiency. For every single job, faculties need to manually
approach colleagues, carry out sumptuous hand written documentation, attendances, leave applications etc. If such
jobs are automated by an Intranet application and a common communication platform, by making use of different
technologies such as remote installation, VOIP with video conferencing, PDF data extraction in LAN etc. This paper
begins by explaining the background to education ERP systems and goes on to discuss specific systems and their
capabilities. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems are powerful software packages that enable educational
system to integrate a variety of disparate functions.
1. Stefan Axelsson. Research in Intrusion-Detection Systems: A Survey. Technical Report 98-17, Department of Computer Engineering,
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10. Thomas A. Longstaff, James T. Ellis, Shawn V. Hernan, Howard F. Lipson, Robert D. Mcmillan, Linda Hutz Pesante, and Derek Simmel.
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25. Paul Innella. The Evolution of Intrusion Detection Systems, 2001. Last accessed: Novmeber 30, 2008.
Authors: Ashish Bodanwar, Rahul Mudpalliwar, Vikrant Pawar, Kaustubh Gaikwad
Paper Title: Drowsy Driving Detection System
Abstract: In this paper, we propose a drowsy driving detection system in which sensors like alcohol sensor,
accelerometer, IR sensors are used for detection of drowsiness and alcohol consumption by driver. In addition to that
we have used GPS receiver and GSM modem, for communication with the remote control station. The system used
in the vehicle will continuously sends the readings obtained from various sensors and current position of the vehicle
which will obtain from GPS receiver to the control station. As a result we get immediate information related to the
driver’s condition. Detail design criteria with respect to various sensor and system are given. The proposed system
will accurately derive the various parameters and inform control room.
1. Ueno H., Kanda, M. and Tsukino, M. “Development of Drowsiness Detection System”, IEEE Vehicle Navigation and Information Systems
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2. Sean Enright, Electronics Engineering Student, 506-650-3611, May 26-2011, Alcohol Gas Detector “Breathalyzer”.
3. Weirwille, W.W. (1994). “Overview of Research on Driver Drowsiness Definition and Driver Drowsiness Detection,” 14th International
Technical Conference on Enhanced Safety of Vehicles, pp 23-26.
4. Arpit Agarwal, “Driver Drowsiness Detection System”, portfolio of projects on human computer interaction, December,2010.
5. Paul Stephen Rau, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, United States, Paper Number 05-0192 Drowsy Driver Detection and
Warning System for Commercial Vehicle Drivers: Field Operational Test Design, Data Analyses and progress.
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Authors: S.Saravanan, R.Vidhya, S.Thangavel
Paper Title: Online SOC estimation and Intelligent Battery Charger for Solar PV System
Abstract: In this paper, the state of charge of the battery is determined and the battery is allowed to charge or
discharge by standard reference current, since the overcharging and undercharging would affect the battery
performance. So a battery should not be fully charged or discharged, because overcharging of a battery will affect the
life time of the battery and undercharging of a battery will increase the initial charging time. Online estimation to
determine SOC of battery is attempted in the proposed work with the electrical parameters which is developed using
an intelligent controller.
63. References:
1. Indu Rani, G.Saravana Ilango, C.Nagamani, "Control Strategy for power flow management in a PV system supplying DC loads",
IEEE,2011 301-304
2. Yazdani, and Prajna Paramita Dash, "A control methodology and characterization of dynamics for a photovoltaic system interfaced with a
distribution network," IEEE., vol.24(3), 2009, pp.1538-1551.
3. Mukhtiar Singh, Vinod Khadkikar, Ambrish Chandra, and Rajiv K. Varma, "Grid interconnection of renewable energy sources at the
distribution level with power-quality improvement features", IEEE.,vol.26(1), 2011, pp.307-315.
4. Benjamin Kroposki, Christopher Pink, Richard DeBlasio, Holly Thomas, Marcelo Sim˜oes, and Pankaj K. Sen, "Benefits of power
electronic interfaces for distributed energy sources", IEEE.,vol.25(3), 2010, pp.901-908.
5. Enrique Romero-Cadaval, María Isabel Milanés-Montero, Eva González-Romera, and Fermín Barrero-González, "Power injection system
for grid-connected photovoltaic generation systems based on two collaborative voltage source inverters", IEEE,vol.56(11), 2009,pp. 4389-
6. Y.K. Lo, H.J.Chiu, T.P.Lee, I. Purnama, and J.M. Wang, "Analysis and design of a photovoltaic system connected to the utility with a
power factor corrector", IEEE.,vol.56(11), 2009, pp.4354-4362.
7. Jung-Min Kwon, Bong-Hwan Kwon, and Kwang-Hee Nam, "Grid-connected photovoltaic multistring pcs with pv current variation
reduction control", IEEE., Vol.56(11), 2009, pp.4381-4388.
Authors: Kalaiselvan C, Arun Prakash R
Accelerated Life Testing of Ceramic Capacitors and Integration of its Reliability Test Data with PLM
Paper Title:
Abstract: As the market for an electronic device continues to grow and expand, it has become evident that product
reliability must remain a top priority for electronic device manufacturers. The Electronic Device manufacturing
industry is now under increasing pressure to maintain their places in the market. To improve their ability to innovate,
get products to market faster, and reduce errors, the manufacturers have been continuing to improve their product
reliability and product development. time. Product reliability is considered as a prime contributor to quality and
competitiveness. The reliability of the product is usually determined by testing the product to failure and collection of
time to failure (TTF) data. For some products the test time to evaluate reliability is usually very longer, if it is tested
64. under actual working condition of the products. Hence the accelerated and highly accelerated life testing (HALT)
testing method is employed to accelerate to stress condition on the product to quicken the degradation of products
performance. The obtained performance data when analyzed, yields its reasonable estimates of products life under
actual conditions. In this study, the ceramic capacitor are evaluated for it reliability using HALT. The capacitors are
considered to be failed when its insulation resistance dropped. The product lifecycle management (PLM) integration
methodology adopted in this study is based on 3-tier client server architecture. The software tool like Java, HTML
(HyperText Markup Language) and SQL (Structured query language) are used to create the front and back end 3-tier
Keywords: Highly Accelerated life Testing, Time to Failure (TTF), Product Lifecycle Management (PLM), Server
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9. Yongjae Shin, Soon-Hung Han, Doo-Hwan Bae Integration of heterogeneous CAD databases using STEP and the Internet.
10. Soumil D. Deshmukh Manoj D. Patil “PDM Requirements for Large Scale Engineering”, presented at Product Data Technology Europe
2002 At Centro Ricerche Fiat, Turin, Italy 7th - 9th May 2002.
Authors: Aayush Agarwal, Rekha Saraswat
Paper Title: Modified Group Signature in Online Auction System
Abstract: Group Signature scheme allows members of a group to sign messages on behalf of the group, such that
the resulting signature does not reveal the identity of the signer. Signatures can be verified with respect to a single
group public key. In case of dispute, only a designated group manager, because of their special property, is able to
open signatures, and thus reveal the signer’s identity. Its applications are widespread used, especially in e-commerce
such as e-cash, e-voting and e-auction. On the other hand, Internet is an open environment, and the unsecured
environment can obstruct the development of e-commerce. Therefore, Internet must have some protocol to prevent
the important message from impersonating and modifying. Recently, online auction has been receiving more and
more attention in the world of electronic commerce, hence, the security and efficiency of online auction is more and
more important. This paper proposes a new scheme for conducting secure and anonymous online auctions using a
modified type of group signature. Our scheme solves the problems of the existing auction schemes and has following
characteristics: unforgeability, anonymity, unlinkability, exculpability, coalition-resistance, verifiability, robustness,
traceability, revocation, one-off registration, unskewability and unblockability. Our scheme has comparable
efficiency to the existing schemes for the enhanced security and privacy it provides.
1. D. Boneh and H. Shacham. Group signatures with verifier-local revocation. In V. Atluri, B. Pfitz-mann, and P. D. McDaniel, editors, ACM
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65. Cryptology 2000.
3. Q.L.Xu . A Modified Threshold RSA Digital Signature Scheme. Chinese Journal of Computer, 2000.
4. J. Camenisch, “Efficient and generalized group signatures”, in Advances in Cryptology, EuroCrypto 1997.
5. Sun Huihui, Chen Shaozhen. An Efficient Forward Secure Group Signature Scheme With Revocation. JOURNAL OF ELECTRONICS,
6. J. Camenisch and M.Stadler, “Efficient group signature scheme for large groups”, in Advances in Cryptology, Crypto 1997.
7. J. Camenisch and M. Michels, “Separability and efficiency for generic group signature schemes”. In M. Wiener, editor, Advances in
Cryptology, CRYPTO 1999.
8. D. Chaum and E. Heyst, “Group Signatures”, in Advances in Cryptology, Eurocrypt, 1991.
9. L. Chen and T.P. Pedersen, “New Group Signatures”, in Advances in Cryptology, Eurocrypt 1994.
10. R. Gennaro, S. Jarecki, H. Krawczyk, and T. Rabin. Robust and efficient sharing of rsa functions. In Advances in Cryptology, 1996.
11. Yuh-Min Tseng and Jinn-Ke Jan, “Improved Group Signature scheme based on discrete logarithm problem,” IEE Electronics Letters, vol.
35, no. 1, pp. 37-38, 1999.
12. M.K. Franklin and M.K. Reiter, “The design and implementation of a secure auction service”, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering,
13. G. Tsudik, G. Ateniese, “Some open issues and new directions in group signatures”, in Advances in Cryptology Crypto 1999.
14. G. Tsudik and G. Ateniese, “Quasi-efficient revocation of group signatures”, in To Appear in Financial Cryptography, 2002.
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17. Jarrod Trevathan and Wayne Read, “SECURE ONLINE ENGLISH AUCTIONS”, School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences James
Cook University.
18. M. Harkavy, H. Kikuch and J.D. Tygar, “Electronic auction with private commerce”, in Proceedings of the 3rd USENLX Workshop on
Electronic Commerce, August 1998.
19. Fangguo Zhang and Kwangjo Kim, “Security of A New Group Signature Scheme”, IEEE TENCON'02
20. E. Petrank J. Kilian, “Identity Escrow”, in Advances in Cryptology Crypto 1998.
21. Zulfikar Amin Ramzan, “Group Blind Digital Signatures: Theory and Applications” in Advances in Cryptology 1999.
22. Trevathan, J., Ghodosi, H. and Read, W. “Design Issues for Electronic Auctions”, in 2nd International Conference on E-Business and
Telecommunication Networks, 2005.
Authors: Amruta Deshpande, Apurva Bhoite, Ashish Kalbhor, Sandeep Mane, Prema Desai
Paper Title: KinoSense: Framework for Tasking Applications on Smartphones using Sensing and Co-ordination
Abstract: A growing class of smartphones use tasking applications that run continuously, process data from
66. sensors to determine the user’s context (such as location), and fire certain actions when the right conditions occur.
We propose a framework which enables smartphones to use device sensors to perform some actions by defining a
rule. The idea is to develop primitives that would simplify the use of device sensors and services for both developers
as well as users.We hereby overcome the issues in current approaches by creating broader and more meaningful
definitions to be used on smartphones. KinoSense provides a task execution framework to automatically distribute
and coordinate tasks, energy-efficient modules to infer user activities and compose them.These applications combine
sensing from the device and the coordination between all sensors.
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3. Lenin R., Arvind T., Hari B., Samuel M.;”Code In the Air”, MIT CSAIL, USA Jan 2012.
4. Won-Jae Yi, Weidi J., Saniie J; “Mobile Sensor Data Collector using Android Smartphones”, IEEE August 2012
5. Yong-Hua Cheng, Wen-Kuang Kuo, Szu-Lin Su; “An Android system design and implementation for telematics services”, IEEE ICIS 2010
6. Sean J., Miguel A., Philip L, Nevine L.; “A General Architecture in Support of Interactive, Multimedia, Location-Based Mobile
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Authors: N.Nandhini, SU.Suganthi
Paper Title: Wireless Control of a Robotic Arm Using Inertial Sensor
Abstract: The development of wireless sensing control unit operation is base on wearable inertial sensors. Inertial
sensors are of tri axial accelerometer and MEMS. It extends to the control of an anthropomorphic robotic arm.
Accelerometers used to measure the orientation and angular velocity of the lower arm. The data processing has been
carried out on low cost micro controllers. The movement of the user arm was mimicked by the anthropomorphic
robotic arm. The orientation of the control unit is tracked and displayed using MATLAB. Applications include
industrial operation, remote operation in hazardous area, medicine and undersea recovery.
1. Huiyu Zhou, Huosheng Hu, Reducing drifts in the inertial measurements of wrist and elbow positions. IEEE Trans vol.59,no.3 (2010)
2. Tao Liu *, Yoshio Inoue, Kyoko Shibata, "Development of a wearable sensor system for quantitative gait analysis". Journal (2009) 978-988
3. KunLiu,TaoLiu,KyokoShibata,YoshioInoue,RenchengZheng, "Novel approach to ambulatory assessment of human segmental orientation on
a wearable sensor system". Journal (2009) 2747-2752
4. Huiyu Zhou, Thomas Stone, Huosheng Huc,, Nigel Harris "Use of multiple wearable inertial sensors in upper limb motion tracking", IPEM
67. (2008) 123-133
5. Shumei Zhang Æ Huosheng Hu Æ Huiyu Zhou "An interactive Internet-based system for tracking upper limb motion in home-based
rehabilitation", Med Biol Eng Comput (2008) 46:241-249 318-320
6. Liu, Kun, Liu, Tao, Shibata, K., Inoue, Y., Zheng, Rencheng, 2008. Novel approach for lower limb segment orientation in gait analysis using
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7. Huiyu Zhou and Huosheng Hu, "Inertial sensors for motion detection of human upper limbs," Sensor Review, vol. 27, no. 2, pp. 151-158,
8. Zhou H, Hu H, Harris ND (2006a) Applications of wearable inertial sensors in estimation of upper limb movements. J Biomed Signal
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10. George S. Doukas, Kleanthis C. Thramboulidis, Yannis C. Koveos"Using the Function Block Model for Robotic Arm Motion Control",
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12. Tao, Y., Hu, H. and Zhou, H. (2007), "Integration of vision and inertial sensors for home-based rehabilitation", International Journal of
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13. Zhou, H., Hu, H. and Harris, N. (2006a), "Wearable inertial sensors for arm motion tracking in home-based rehabilitation", Proceedings of
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14. Chai, L., Hoff, W.A. and Vincent, T. (2002), "Threedimensional motion and structure estimation using inertial sensors and computer vision
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Vilas S. Gaikwad, Suyog.V.Patil, Rohan.G.Patil, Vaibhav.D. Darwadkar Sandip.M. Ambulkar,
Paper Title: GSM Based Server Control System (SCS) For Better Security of Computer Automation
Abstract: Server Control System (SCS) provides remotely controlling approach that allows computer user to
control operation on computer from remote location provided the user is authenticated. User does this by carrying out
computer operations through GSM modem and SMS technology. This paper also demonstrates on operations related
to network and prevent unauthorized access using attention commands (AT). Hence this application will help user to
operate his computer remotely and also get SMS alert to prevent unauthorized access to computer.
Keywords: Mobile phone, Short message service (SMS), Global system for mobile phone (GSM).
References: 321-323
1. Awodele Oludele,Adamo David, Kadiri Kamal-Deen,Orekoya Morolake,"SMS Based Microcomputer Control System for Computer
Automation and Security" International Journal of Information Sciences and Computer Engineering, Vol. 1, No. 2, (2010) 15–20.
2. Amit Chauhan,Reecha Ranjan Singh, Sangeeta Agrawal , Saurabh Kapoor, S. Sharma, “SMS based Remote Control System” International
Journal of Information Sciences and Computer Engineering,Vol. 11, Issue 02, Aug 2011.
3. Chaitali Navasare, Deepa Nagdev and Jai Shree, “PocketDroid - A PC Remote Control” 2012 InternationalConference onInformation and
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4. Dr. Khanna SamratVivekanand Omprakash, “Concept of Web based SMS messaging server with mobile”international Journal of Advanced
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5. E. R. Adagunodo, O. Awodele, and O. B. Ajayi, “Sms user interface result checking system,” Issues Informing Science and
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Authors: Lamyaa Moulad, Hicham Belhadaoui, Mounir Rifi, Reda Filali hilali
Towards An Improvement of the Security of A WSN Based On Power Management as Part of the
Paper Title:
Abstract: Wireless sensor networks (WSN) is tending towards becoming a complete solution in communication
protocols, embedded systems and low-power implementations. However, the resource constraints which includes,
limited communication range, limited energy, limited computing power, limited bandwidth and the fear of intruders
have limited the WSN applications. Since lightweight computational nodes that are currently being used in WSN
pose particular challenge for many security applications, the whole research therefore, is the investigation of new
security techniques and appropriate implementation for WSN nodes, including various trade-offs such as
implementation complexity, security flexibility, power dissipation, and scalability. The goal of this research is to
develop a scheme to control the flow through the components of the WSN. This allows to improving the security of
WSN by the good management of energy resources, as well as the local management of communications. In this
sense, we proposed an improvement of the reactive AODV Routing Protocol [11] under the NS2 Simulator for the
security support always as part of Quality of Service.
1. Houngbadji, Thérence (2009) Réseaux ad hoc : système d'adressage et méthodes d'accessibilité aux données. Thèse de doctorat.
2. I. F. Akyildiz et al, “Wireless Sensor Networks: a survey, ” Computer Networks, Vol. 38, pp. 393-422, March 2002.
3. H. Karl and A. Willig, “A short survey of wireless sensor networks” Technical Report TKN-03-018, Telecommunication Networks (2004).
4. andrien Van Den Bossche (2007),proposition d’une nouvelle méthode d’accès déterministe por un reseau personnel sans fil a forte
contraintes temporelles.
5. D.mohammadi & H.jadidoleslamy ‘comparison of the attacks on the link layer in wsn ’ 2011
6. JA Stankovic ‘DOS in WSN ’ .
7. W. Stallings ‘Cryptography and network security’ 2003.
68. 8. Wassim Masri ( 2009), Dérivation d'exigences de Qualité de Service dans les Réseaux de Capteurs Sans Fil basés sur TDMA.
9. Cobo Campo, Luis (2011) Gestion de la qualité de service et planification optimale de réseaux de capteurs multimédia sans fil.
10. Rahim KACIMI ,(Septembre 2009) Techniques de conservation d'énergie pour les réseaux de capteurs sans fil l'Institut National 324-327
Polytechnique de Toulouse.
11. Teresa Albero-Albero,(2007) AODV Performance Evaluation and Proposal of Parameters Modification for Multimedia Traffic on Wireless
Ad hoc Networks, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia .
12. Haodong Wang; Bo Sheng; Tan, C.C.; Qun Li; “Comparing Symmetric-key and Public-key Based Security Schemes in Sensor Networks: A
Case Study of User Access Control”; Distributed Computing Systems, 2008. ICDCS '08. The 28th International Conference;Year: 2008 , pp:
11 – 18.
13. Man Wah Chiang; Zilic, Z.; Radecka, K.; Chenard, J.-S.; ”Architectures of increased availability wireless sensor network nodes”; Test
Conference, 2004. Proceedings. ITC 2005. International, year 2005, pp: 1232 – 1241.
14. Jing Deng, Richard Han, Shivakant Mishra; “Defending against path-based DoS attacks in wireless sensor networks”; 3rd ACM workshop
on Security of ad-hoc and sensor network”, Year: 2005.
15. Meadows, Catherine; “A Cost-Based Framework for Analysis of Denial of Service in Networks”, NAVAL RESEARCH LAB
16. Baig, Z.A.; Khan, S.A.; “Fuzzy Logic-Based Decision Making for Detecting Distributed Node Exhaustion Attacks in Wireless Sensor
Networks “; Future Networks, 2010. ICFN '10. Second International Conference;Year: 2010 , Page(s): 185 - 189.
17. Z.A.Baig, M. Bager, A.I.Khan;, “A Pattern Recognition Scheme for Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Attacks in Wireless Sensor
Networks”. ICPR '06 Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition - Volume 03, Year: 2006.
18. Agah, A.; Basu, K.; Das, S.K.; “Preventing DoS attack in Sensor Networks: A Game Theoretic Approach”; Communications, 2005. ICC
2005. 2005 IEEE International Conference; Year: May 2005 page(s): 3218 - 3222 Vol. 5.
19. Mihui Kim; Inshil Doh; Kijoon Chae; “Denial-of-Service(DoS) Detection through Practical Entropy Estimation on Hierarchical Sensor
Networks”; Advanced Communication Technology, 2006. ICACT 2006. The 8th International Conference; Volume: 3; Year: 2006 , Page(s):
5 pp. – 1566.
20. Jun Xu; Xuehai Zhou; Feng Yang; “Edge-based Trace back in Sensor Networks”; Wireless Communications Networking and Mobile
Computing (WiCOM), 2010 6th International Conference;Year: 2010 , Page(s): 1 – 4.
21. Xi Luo; Yi-Ying Zhang; Wen-Cheng Yang; Myong-Soon Park; “Prevention of DoS Attacks Based on Light Weight Dynamic Key
Mechanism in Hierarchical Wireless Sensor Networks”; Future Generation Communication and Networking, 2008. FGCN '08. Second
International Conference; Volume: 1; Year: 2008 , Page(s): 309 - 312 .
22. P.Suraksha bhushan,A.Pandey,R.C Triphati “A Scheme for prevention of flooding attach in wireless sensor network”, Sience academy
publisher,United kingdom, (IJRRWSN) .
Authors: Y.Madhuri, B.Suresh
Paper Title: Design aspects of Phased Array Antenna at L-Band
Abstract: The multiple object tracking is done using Phased Array Radar. Phased array antenna, Digital receiver,
Data processing system is the major systems of the Phased Array Radars. Phased array antenna consists of an array
of radiating elements and each element is connected to a phase shifter. The phase shifters control the phase of the
radiated signals at each element to form a beam at the desired direction.This paper deals with design aspects of
Phased array antenna and to study its properties. Based on the study, simulations are carried out on 1X4 array and the
same is fabricated for testing to analysis the results.
Keywords: phased array antenna, phase shifter,1X4 array 328-331
1. Liu, Y., D. Fu, and S. Gong, "A novel model for analyzing the radar cross section of microstrip antenna," Journal of Electromagnetic
Waves and Application, Vol. 17, No. 9, 1301-1310, 2003.
2. Cui, G., Y. Liu, and S. Gong, "A novel fractal patch antenna with low RCS," Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Application, Vol. 21,
No. 15, 2403-2411, 2007.
3. Yuan, H.-W., S.-X. Gong, X. Wang, and W.-T. Wang, "Scattering analysis of a printed dipole antenna using PBG structures," Progress In
Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 1, 189-195, 2008.
4. Wu, T., Y. Li, S. -X. Gong, and Y. Liu, "A novel low RCS microstrip antenna using aperture coupled microstrip dipoles," Journal of
Electromagnetic Waves and Application, Vol. 22, 953-963, 2008.
5. Jazi, M. N., Z. H. Firouzeh, H. Mirmohammad-Sadeghi, and G. Askari, "Design and implementation of aperture coupled microstrip IFF
antenna," PIERS Online, Vol. 4, No. 1, 1-5, 2008.
6. C. A. Balanis, “Antenna Theory, Analysis and Design”, JOHN WILEY & SONS, INC, New York 1997.
7. I. J. Bahl and P. Bhartia, “Microstrip Antennas,” Artech House, Massachusetts,1980.
8. Pozar, D. M., ‘’Microstrip Antennas’’, Proc. IEEE, Vol. 80, 1992, pp. 79‐91. 9)S. Silver, “Microwave Antenna Theory and Design”,
McGraw-HILL BOOKCOMPANY, INC, New York 1949.10)IFS Tool for Fractal Microstrip Patch Antenna Analysis azdra, P.; Capek,
M.; Dept. of Electromagn. Field, Czech Tech. Univ., Prague
Authors: J.Prathyusha, B.Suresh
Paper Title: Radiation Pattern Analysis of a Fractal Micro-Strip Patch Antenna
Abstract: There are number of methods that can be used to reduce the size of the antenna especially when it is too
be used at lower operating frequencies. Fractal is one of the ways which can be used to miniaturize antennas due to
their space filling ability. It helps in fitting large electrical lengths into small volume. In this paper the the radiation
pattern of 1X4 array of micro-strip patch antenna over fractal geometry can be observed
71. Keywords: Fractal antenna, micro-strip patch antenna, ADS software, returns loss
1. C. A. Balanis, “Antenna Theory, Analysis and Design”, JOHN WILEY & SONS, INC, New York 1997.
2. J. Bahl and P. Bhartia, “Microstrip Antennas,” Artech House, Massachusetts, 1980.
3. Pozar, D. M., ‘’Microstrip Antennas’’, Proc. IEEE, Vol. 80, 1992, pp. 79‐91.
4. S. Silver, “Microwave Antenna Theory and Design”, McGraw-HILL BOOKCOMPANY, INC, New York 1949.
5. IFS Tool for Fractal Microstrip Patch Antenna Analysis azdra, P.; Capek, M.; Dept. of Electromagn. Field, Czech Tech. Univ., Prague
6. A Wideband Aperture-Coupled Microstrip Patch Antenna Employing Spaced Dielectric Cover for Enhanced Gain Performance Meagher,
C.J.; Sharma, S.K.; Electr. & Comput. Eng. Dept., San Diego State Univ., San Diego, CA, USA
Authors: Manish Rai, Sandeep Kumar, Jayanta Ghosh
Paper Title: Design & Analysis of Microstrip Antenna with Multi-frequency Operations
Abstract: In this paper the theoretical and simulated results of rectangular microstrip are presented which can be
utilized for multi-frequency operation. For this purpose, two rectangular microstrip antennas are designed with center
frequencies 9 GHz and 5.67 GHz. Various parameter such as width, dielectric constant & effective length are
calculated. Then the antenna impedance is matched to 50 ohm of coaxial fed for maximum power transfer. Now the
designed structure is rearranged for multi-frequency operation by connecting two microstrip antennas at corner with
corner excitation. The operating frequency, return loss and radiation pattern of the proposed structure are
investigated. We observe a drastic reduction in resonant frequency. The radiation pattern for each resonating
frequencies is nearly same. The frequency ratio (the ratio of second or higher resonating frequency to the first
resonating frequency) of the proposed antenna is observed to be increased. The entire simulation work is done on
72. IE3D software
Keywords: Microstrip Antenna, Rectangular, Multi-frequency, Return loss, Frequency Ratio.
1. R. Garg, P. Bhartia, I. Bahl, and A. Ittipiboon, Microstrip Antenna Design Handbook. Norwood, MA: Artech House, 2001.
2. C. A. Balanis, “Antenna Theory, Analysis and Design,” John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1997.
3. J. S. Roy, N. Chattoraj, N. Swain, “New Dual-Frequency Microstrip Antennas for Wireless Communication.”Proc. Romanian Journal of
Information Science and Tech ,vol. 10, no. 1, 2007, 113-119.
4. Roy, J. S. Ghosh, J.ROY, J. S., GHOSH, “A MultifrequencyMicrostrip Antenna, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters,Proc.
Romanian Journal of Information Science and Tech, vol. 46, no. 1, pp. 63-65, 2005.
5. X. H. Yang, L. Shafai, “Multifrequency Operation Technique for Aperture Coupled Microstrip Antennas”Proc. Inst. Elect. Eng., 1994.
6. K.P.Ray, G. Kumar, “Multi-frequency and broadband hybrid-coupled circular microstrip antennas”, Electronics Letters, vol. 33, no. 6,
Authors: K. Mathevan Pillai, G.Selvam, P.K.Kumaresan
Paper Title: Continuous Time Markov Chains–An Optimization on Used Vehicle Sales
Abstract: Using the basic properties involving the sojourn time and the transition rate between two states and the
first passage time for a Continuous Time Markov Chain (CMTC) the applicability for optimizing the second sales
used two wheelers in a showroom. Only the basic properties of the CTMC and the properties of rate matrix we are
able to obtain a solution for maximum profit.
Keywords: Sojourn time, rate matrix, generator matrix, first passage time.
73. References:
1. D. Kennedy, Stochastic Financial models, CRC Press, Boca Rator, FL, 2010.
2. V.G. Kulkarni, Modeling and Analysis of Stochastic Systems, CRC Press, London 2010. 339-341
3. H.M. Taylor and S. Karlin, An introduction to Stochastic modeling, Academic Press, London, 1984.
4. E.Parzer, Modern Probability Theory and its Applications, Wiley, New York, 1960.
5. Afrait, S.N, Efficiency of production functions. International Economic Review, 1972
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7. Rajiv D. Banker, C.Hsihui and N.Ram, Estimating Data envelopment analysis technical and allocative inefficiency using aggregate cost or
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8. Kalirajan, K.P. and R.T. Shand, A generalized Measure of Technical Efficiency, Applied economics, 1985
9. John Doyle and G.Rodney, Efficiency and Cross-efficiency in DEA: Derivations, Meanings and Uses, Journal of Operations Research
Society, 1994
10. Greene, W.H, A Gamma-distributed stochastic Frontier Model, Journal of Econometrics, 1990
Authors: Tejal Chauhan, Shraddha Singh, Sameena Zafar
Paper Title: A New Technique for Artificial Bandwidth Extension of Speech Signal and its Performance Analysis
Abstract: In current scenario of wireless communication system, quality of voice output is degraded due to its
limited bandwidth (300-3400 Hz) and power constraints which in turn offers speech sounding muffled and thin.
Recent wireless systems involved in transmission of speech demands evolution of efficient and effective methods for
maintaining quality of speech, especially at the receiving end. In order to obtain toll quality of speech and high
intelligibility cum naturalness in wireless systems, NB speech coders should be upgraded to its counterpart WB
coders (50-7000Hz). For the effective utilization of WB speech communication in wireless media, it is indeed
necessary to upgrade both end devices and network to be WB compatible which is costly and time consuming affairs.
In the meantime some techniques have been developed to artificially extend bandwidth of NB speech to WB at
receiver which leads to improvement in the quality of recovered speech. Amongst all elements of the communication
system (channel, transmitter and receiver), quality and intelligibility of voice at receiver side majorly depend upon
channel condition. Many techniques are adopted to mitigate the effect of the channel. In order to maintain quality and
naturalness of voice at receiver side in various unpredictable channel conditions, AMR (Adaptive Multi Rate) NB is
considered to be one of the obvious potential candidates. AMR NB is operated on various modes of bitrate between
4.75 and 12.2 kbps. Depending upon the channel conditions, specific mode of operation is selected dynamically. For
example, Low bit rate mode of operation is selected in bed channel conditions, that allows more error protection bits
for channel coding and vice versa. Since inception, many speech coding techniques like CELP, ACELP and RPE-
LTP are adopted in different applications in 2G and 3G. In this paper, implementation of ABWE algorithm is
developed on CELP based GSM AMR 06.90 NB Coder using MATLAB simulation; further Subjective (MOS) and
Objective (PESQ) analysis are carried out to judge the overall performance of developed coder. The evaluated results
74. for both analyses clearly advocate that BWE coder offers significant improvement in recovered speech quality in
comparison with legacy GSM AMR NB decoder. 342-347
Keywords: ABWE, AMR, CELP, GSM, Speech coding, Steganography, Subjective Analysis, Objective Analysis.
1. P. Jax and P. Vary, ―Bandwidth extension of speech signals: A catalyst for the introduction of wideband speech coding?,‖ IEEE
Commun.Mag., vol. 44, no. 5, pp. 106–111, 2006.
2. P. Jax and P. Vary, ―On artificial bandwidth extension of telephone speech, Signal Process., vol. 83, no. 8, pp. 1707–1719, 2003.
3. Peter jax and Peter vary, ―An upper bound on the quality of artificial bandwidth extension of narrowband speech signals,‖ in Proc. of
ICASSP, vol. 1, Orlando, FL, USA, 2002, pp. 237–240.
4. Eko Pryadi, Kuniwati Gandi, Herman Kanalebe. “Speech Compression Using CELP Speech Coding Technique In GSM AMR”, IEEE
Conference, 2008A.
5. Xiao Jianming, Li Xun, Wan Lei, “Software Simulation in GSM Environment of Federal Standard 1016 CELP Vocoder”, International
Conference on Communication Technology, Oct. 22-24, 1998, Beijing, China
6. ETSI, Channel coding (GSM 05.03 version 8.9.0 (2005-01), release 1999), pp. 12-19 & 98.
7. D. Malkovic, ―Speech Coding Methods in Mobile Radio Communication Systems‖, 17th International Conference on Applied
Electromagnetics and Communications, Oct-2003, Croatia.
8. ITU-T 2000, ―Perceptual evaluation of speech quality (PESQ), and objective method for end-to-end speech quality assessment of
narrowband telephone networks and speech codecs‖, ITU-T Rec. P. 862, 2001.
9. K.Jarvinen “Standardization Of the Adaptive Multi Rate Codec”, IEEE Conference 2000.
10. Bernd Geiser and Peter Vary, ―Backward Compatible Telephony in Mobile Networks: CELP Watermarking & Bandwidth Extension‖,
International Conference on Audio and Speech Signal Processing, 2007.
11. Hannu Pulakka and Paavo Alku, “Bandwidth Extension of Telephone Speech Using a Neural Network and a Filter Bank Implementation
for Highband Mel Spectrum” , IEEE traransactions on audio, speech, and language processing, vol. 19, no. 7, september 2011
12. http://www.repository.voxforge1.org/downloads/SpeechCorpus/Trunk/ Audio/Original/16kHz_16bit/
Authors: Gaurav Govind Keswani
Paper Title: Artificial Intelligence- Is Our Future Bright or Bleak
Abstract: The paper reviews the meaning of artificial intelligence and its various advantages and disadvantages. It
also considers the current progress of this technology in the real world and discusses the applications of AI in the
fields of heavy industries, gaming, aviation, weather forecasting, expert systems and heuristic classification, with the
focus being on expert systems. This is because Expert Systems are primarily being used for cyber defense as
information stored in computers and in transit is facing increasing threats. It focuses on the concept, architecture and
working of Expert Systems while also considering its work in other fields. The paper concludes by analyzing the
75. future potential of Artificial Intelligence.
Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Expert Systems, Heuristic Classifications.
1. Song Ning and Ma Yan “Discussion on Research and Development of Artificial Intelligence”, Chongqing Normal University, China.
2. Harpreet Kaur, “Artificial Intelligence: Bringing expert knowledge to computers”, Discovery Journal
3. Mark Stamp “Information Security- Principles and Practise” pp 197-198
4. Heuristic Classifications
5. http:// www.formal.stanford.edu/jmc/whatisai/node3.html
Authors: Gajula RajyaLakshmi, CH.Phani Krishna,Vemu Samson Deva Kumar
Paper Title: Commercial Statistics Management System
76. Abstract: To maintain the statistical information of earnings, counters and parcel goods of different stations in
Vijayawada division. It is also used to know the variance between different types of earnings during the particular 351-355
time period by auto remainders”, using J2EE technology.The project is used to maintain the minimum and desired
amenity availability status and requirement according to station wise. It is also used to find the status of the work,
work in progress through online using indicators.The project is used to enter the complaints from the passengers of
different stations and to know the status of the complaints whether it is rectified or not through online according to
station wise. It is also used to know the other stations list.The project is also used to know the commercial contracts
information like parking publicity, pay and use, ATMs, retiring rooms and catering units according to station wise. It
is also used to know the status of the contract. It is used to know the upward and downward trains details and timings
in different stations particularly Vijayawada division. used to know the earnings of different categories like earnings ,
counters and parcel goods according to different stations. It is also used to know the variations between different time
periods.This includes knowing the contracts information like parking, publicity, retiring rooms, catering units, etc
according to station wise. It is used to know the progress of the work and schedule of the work through online. It is
also used to know the catering details and performance in catering technology.
1. Core Java™ 2 Volume I – Fundamentals 7th Edition-Cay S. Hortsman
2. Pearson Education – Sun Microsystems Gary Cornell
3. Core Java™ 2 Volume II – Advanced - Cay S. Hortsman
4. Pearson Education – Sun Microsystems Gary Cornell
5. Head First Servlets & JSP - Eric Freeman
6. O’Reilly – SPD Elisabeth Freeman
7. The Book of JavaScript 2nd Edition-Thau
8. SPD
9. Effective Java – Programming Language Guide-Joshua Bloch
10. Pearson Education – Sun Microsystems
11. Java Database Best Practices-George Reese
12. O’Reilly – SPD
13. JBoss – A Developers Notebook-Norman Richards
14. O’Reilly – SPD-Sam Griffith
Authors: Sasi. C, G.Mohan
Performance Analysis of Grid Connected Wind Energy Conversion System with a PMSG during
Paper Title:
Fault Conditions
Abstract: Wind energy, among all of the renewable energy sources, has made rapid developments and significant
inroads in electrical power systems. With the increased use of wind energy conversion systems (WECSs), several
technologies have been developed. Since WECSs are more cost competitive, the comparison of different wind
generator systems is the need of the hour. Permanent magnet generators employing these technologies have some
significant advantages over conventional generators, such as no need of excitation, low volume and weight, high
precision, and deletion of the gearbox. The aim of the paper is to analyse the performance of grid connected wind
energy conversion system with a permanent magnet synchronous generator during fault conditions. The model
includes a PMSG model, a pitch-angled controlled wind turbine model, power electronic converters and a power
system model. A phase to phase fault is simulated on 132 KV bus of power system model and the measured results
obtained from grid connection of the permanent magnet synchronous generator are presented followed by some
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13. Sasi.c and G.Mohan, “Power quality improvement of grid connected wind energy conversion system during transient fault”, International
Journal on Energy Conversion, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 28-34, Jan 2013.
Keywords: Chevron angle, Corrugated plate heat exchangers, Heat transfer coefficient, Nusselt number, Prandtl
number, Reynolds number, Single phase flow
1. Ramesh K.Shah, D. P. (2003). “Fundamental of Heat Exchanger Design”. New Jersey: John Wiley& Sons.
2. S. Kakac, H. Liu, “Heat Exchanger Selection, Rating and Thermal Design”. Second Edition, United State of America, CRC press, 2002.
3. L.Wang, B. Sunden, R.M.Manglik.“ Plate heat exchangers Design, Application and Performance”. Billerica: United State of America, WIT
Press, 2007.
4. T. Kuppan. (2000), “Heat Exchanger Design Handbook”. New York: United State of America.
5. Anthony Cooper and J. Dennis Usher,“ Heat Exchanger Design Handbook”. Hemisphere Publishing Corporation, 1983.Washington: United
State of America.
6. F. Akturk, G. Gulben, S. Aradag, N. Sezer Uzol, S. Kakac, “Experimental investigation of the characteristics of a chevron type Gasketed
plate heat exchanger”, 6th International Advanced Technologies Symposium (IATS’11), 16-18May2011, Elazıg, Turkey.pp.172-178. 362-369
7. Masoud Asadi, Dr Ramin Haghighi Khoshkho, “Thermodynamical optimization a plate and frame heat exchanger for microturbine
applications”, Journal of American Science 2012;8(9) (ISSN: 1545-1003).pp. 716-723.
8. Prabhakara Rao Bobbili , Bengt Sunden, Sarit K. Das,“An experimental investigation of the port flow maldistribution in small and large
plate package heat exchangers”, Applied Thermal Engineering 26 (2006).pp. 1919–1926.
9. F.S.K.Warnakulasuriya, W.M. Worek, “Heat transfer and pressure drop properties of high viscous solutions in plate heat exchangers”,
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 51 (2008).pp.52–67.
10. A Bhanu Prakash, B Sridhara Rao and Prof. R.C. Sastry, “Heat Recovery Studies of Process Fluids in Corrugated Plate Heat Exchangers”,
International Conference on Chemical, Biological and Environment Sciences (ICCEBS'2011) Bangkok Dec., 2011.pp.324-328.
11. Lieke Wang, Bengt Sunden, “Optimal design of plate heat exchangers with and without pressure drop specifications”, Applied Thermal
Engineering 23 (2003).pp. 295–311.
12. Mohammad S. Khan, Tariq S. Khan, Ming-C. Chyu, Zahid H. Ayub, “Experimental investigation of evaporation heat transfer and pressure
drop of ammonia in a 30o chevron plate heat exchanger”, International Journal of refrigeration 35(2012).pp. 1757-1765.
13. P.Naratarukasa, R.Ponpai,“ Thermal design Algorithm of three-stream plate and frame heat exchanger with two thermal communications”,
The Journal of KMITNB.,vol.13,No.3,Jul-sep,2003.
14. A.A. Fahmy, M.M. EL Fawal and B.M. Taher, “Prediction of Thickness and Fouling Rate in Plate Heat Exchanger of MTR Reactor”,
Journal of American Science, 2012; 8(3) (ISSN: 1545-1003).pp. 377-383.
15. Jorge A.W. Gut, J. M. Pinto, “Optimal configuration design for plate heat exchangers”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 47
(2004).pp. 4833–4848.
16. Khan T.S., Khan M.S., Chyu Ming-C., Ayub Z.H.,(2010)“ Experimental investigation of single phase convective heat transfer coefficient in
a corrugated plate heat exchanger for multiple plate configurations”, Applied Thermal Engineering 30 ,pp1058–1065.
17. Lin J.H., Huang C.Y., Su C.C., 2007 Dimensional analysis for the heat transfer characteristics in the corrugated channels of plate heat
exchangers, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 34 ,pp 304–312.
Authors: G.Nagarjuna Reddy, MahendraVucha
Paper Title: Design of Two Level DWT Architecture for Multimedia Applications
Abstract: Images are to be transmitted without loss of information. That can be achieved by transforming using
Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT). The discrete wavelet transform (DWT) is being increasingly used for image
coding. This is due to the fact that DWT supports features like progressive image transmission (by quality, by
resolution), ease of transformed image manipulation, region of interest coding, etc. Hence, there is a need of design
efficient & fast architecture for DWT. This paper is introducing an efficient architecture to enhance speed of DWT
Computation. The Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) is based on time-scale representation, which provides
efficient multi-resolution. The introduced architecture increases levels of DWT architecture to achieve lower
computational complexity and reduced memory. As the DWT traditionally been implemented by convolution which
demands both a large number of computations and a large storage features that are not desirable for either high-speed
or low-power applications. This paper describes Lossless 2-D DWT (Discrete Wavelet Transform) using Lifting
Scheme Architecture to reduce computational overheads. The behavior of designed DWT architecture is modeled
using the Verilog HDL and functionality could be verified using the Modelsim simulation tool.
Keywords: Discrete wavelet transform, very-large-scale integration (VLSI), folded architecture, single- 370-373
1. C. Christopoulos, A. Skodras, and T. Ebrahimi, “TheJPEG2000 Still Image Coding System: An Overview”IEEE Trans. Consumer
Electronics, vol. 46,no. 4, pp.1103-1127, Nov. 2000.
2. C. Chrysafis and A. Ortega, “Line-Based, Reduced Memory, Wavelet Image Compression,” IEEE Trans. Image Processing., vol. 9, no. 3,
pp. 378-389, Mar.2000.
3. P. Wu and L. Chen, “An Efficient Architecture for Two-Dimensional Discrete Wavelet Transform,” IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems for
Video Technology, vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 536-545, Apr. 2001.
4. Daubechies and W. Sweldens, “Factoring Wavelet Transforms intoLifting Steps,” J. Fourier Analysis and Applications, vol. 4, no. 3, pp.
5. M. Grangetto, E. Magli, M. Martina, and G. Olmo, “Optimization and Implementation of the Integer Wavelet Transform for Image
Coding,” IEEE Trans. Image Processing, vol. 11, no. 6, pp. 596-604, June 2002.
6. H. Liao, M.K. Mandal, and B.F. Cockburn, “Efficient Architectures for 1Dand 2D Lifting-Based Wavelet Transform,” IEEE Trans. Signal
Processing, vol. 52, no. 5, pp. 1315-1326, May 2004.
7. C.T. Huang, P.C. Tseng, and L.G. Chen, “Flipping Structure: An Efficient VLSI Architecture for Lifting Based Discrete Wavelet
Transform,” IEEE Trans. Signal Pr C.T. Huang, P.C. Tseng, and L.G. Chen, “Flipping Structure: An Efficient VLSI Architecture for
Lifting Based Discrete Wavelet Transform,” IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, vol. 52, no. 4, pp. 1080-1089, Apr. 2004.
8. T. Acharya and C. Chakrabarti, “A survey on lifting-based discrete wavelet transform architectures,” J. VLSI Signal Process., vol. 42, no.
3,pp. 321–339, Mar. 2006.
9. C. Chakrabarti and M. Vishwanath, “Efficient realizations of discrete and continuous wavelet transforms: From single chip implementations
to mapping on SIMD array computers,” IEEE Trans. Signal Process., vol. 43, no. 3, pp. 759–771, Mar. 1995.
10. M. Vishwanath, R.M. Owens, and M. J. Irwin, “VLSI architectures for the discrete wavelet transform,”IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. II,
Analog Digit. Signal Process, vol.42, no. 5, pp. 305–316, May 1995.
11. W. Jiang and A. Ortega, “Lifting factorization-based discrete wavelet transform architecture design,”IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video
Technol., vol. 11, no. 5,pp. 651–657, May 2001.
12. T. Acharya and C. Chakrabarti, “A survey on lifting - based discrete wavelet transform architectures,” VLSI Signal Process., vol. 42, no.
3,pp. 321–339, Mar 2006.
13. Mahendra Vucha and Arvind Rajawat. “Design and FPGA Implementation of Systolic Array Architecture for Matrix Multiplication.”
International Journal of Applications 26(3):18-22, July 2011.
14. Prashant Gurjar, Rashmi Solanki, Pooja Kansliwal and Mahendra Vucha."VLSI implementation of adders for high speed ALU," India
onference (INDICON),2011 Annual IEEE , vol., no., pp.1,6, 16-18 Dec. 2011
Authors: Vedgupt Saraf, D.S. Rao
Paper Title: Devnagari Script Character Recognition Using Genetic Algorithm for Get Better Efficiency
Abstract: Character recognition is the mechanical or electronic translation of scanned images of handwritten,
typewritten or printed text into machine-encoded text. In India, more than 300 million people use Devanagari script
for documentation. There has been a significant improvement in the research related to the recognition of printed as
well as handwritten Devanagari text in the past few years. The problem arises in Devnagari script character
recognition using quadratic classifier provides less correctness and less efficiency. For the answer of the above
problem and for get better efficiency we use the genetic algorithm. It will give the better results from the above
methods. The idea of genetic algorithm comes from the fact that it can be used as an outstanding means of combining
various styles of writing a character and generates new styles. Closely observing the ability of human mind in the
recognition of handwriting, we find that humans are able to recognize characters even though they might be seeing
that style for the first time. This is possible because of their power to visualize parts of the known styles into the
unknown character. We try to represent the same power into the machines.
Keywords: Handwritten Character Recognition, On-line and Off-line Character Recognition, Genetic Algorithms,
Segmentation. 374-377
1. Shabana Mehfuz1, Gauri Katiyar2, ”Intelligent Systems for Off-Line Handwritten Character Recognition: A Review ”, International
Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, Volume 2, Issue 4, April 2012.
2. Shabana Mehfuz1, Gauri Katiyar2, ”Intelligent Systems for Off-Line Handwritten Character Recognition: A Review ”, International
Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, Volume 2, Issue 4, April 2012.
3. Prof. Swapna Borde, Ms. Ekta Shah, Ms. Priti Rawat, MsVinaya Patil, “Fuzzy based handwritten character recognition system” , National
Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering & Technology (VNCET-30 Mar’12)
4. U. Pal1, N. Sharma1, T. Wakabayashi2 and F. Kimura2, “Off-Line Handwritten Character Recognition of Devnagari Script”, Ninth
International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR 2007).
5. Rahul KALA1, Harsh VAZIRANI2, Anupam SHUKLA3 and Ritu TIWARI4, “Offline Handwriting Recognition using Genetic
Algorithm”, IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 7, Issue 2, No 1, March 2010.
6. Nafiz Arica, Student Member, IEEE and Fatos T. Yarman-Vural, Senior Member, IEEE, “An Overview Of Character Recognition Focused
On Off-line Handwriting”, Computer Engineering Department, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey, Manuscript received
Authors: A.Umarani, A.Asha, M.V.Vandhana, P.Nandhini, B.Dhivya
Paper Title: Denoising of Medical Images Using Virtual Instrumentation
Abstract: The medical image (CT angiographic images) we obtained from various devices is corrupted with noise.
The obtained image needs processing before it can be used for any diagnosis. Low contrast and poor quality are the
main problems in the production of medical images. Denoising is the process with which we reconstruct a signal
from a noisy one. Image denoising involves the manipulation of the image data to produce a visually high quality
image. Good quality image should have a less CNR value when compared to SNR. Developing Image denoising
algorithms is a difficult operation because fine details in a medical image embedding diagnostic information should
not be destroyed during noise removal. In this paper a comparative study of different types of noises at different level
are done. We have determined qualitative and quantitative analysis using Laboratory Virtual Instrumentation
Engineering Workbench.
Keywords: Noises, Angiography, LabVIEW
1. Denoising thesis by Saritha Dangeti.
2. Multiple view image Denoising by Li Zhang, Sundeep Vaddadi , Hailin Jin and Shree K. Nayar.
3. denoising of medical images using total Variational method by V N Prudhvi Raj1 and Dr T Venkateswarlu
4. A comparison of the multiscale Retinex with other Image Enhancement Techniques by Zia- ur Rahman, Glenn A. Woodell and Daniel J.
5. An intelligent approach to image denoising by Tanzila Saba, Amjad Rehman and Ghazali Sulong
6. A non-local algorithm for image denoising by Antoni Buades, Bartomeu Coll, Jean-Michel Morel
Authors: Thumil Vannan .P.S, S. Uvaraj
Paper Title: Effective Data Retrieval System with Bloom in a Unstructured p2p Network
Abstract: Bloomcast, an efficient and effective full-text retrieval scheme, in unstructured P2P networks.
Bloomcast is effective because it guarantees perfect recall rate with high probability. It is efficient because the
overall communication cost of full-text search is reduced below a formal bound. Furthermore casting bloom filters
instead of raw data across the network. Bloomcast reduces the communication cost and storage cost for replication.
Bloomcast replicates the items uniformly at random across the P2P networks, achieving a guaranteed recall at a
communication cost of O(√N), where N is the size of the network. The main contribution of this proposal of
Bloomcast design through both mathematical proof and comprehensive simulations.
1. E. Cohen and S. Shenker, "Replication Strategies in Unstructured Peer-to-Peer Networks," Proc. ACM SIGCOMM '02. pp. 177-190, 2002.
2. H. Shen, Y. Shu, and B. Yu, "Efficient Semantic-Based Content Search in P2P Network," IEEE Trans. Knowledge and Data Eng., vol. 16, 383-385
no. 7, pp. 813-826, July 2004
3. R.A. Ferreira, M.K. Ramanathan, A. Awan, A. Grama, and S.Jagannathan, "Search with Probabilistic Guarantees in Unstructured Peer-to-
Peer Networks," Proc. IEEE Fifth Int'l Conf. Peer to Peer Computing (P2P '05), pp. 165-172, 2005.
4. S. Robertson, "Understanding Inverse Document Frequency: On Theoretical Arguments for IDF," J. Documentation, vol. 60, pp. 503- 520,
5. P. Reynolds and A. Vahdat, "Efficient Peer-to-Peer Keyword Searching," Proc. ACM/IFIP/USENIX 2003 Int'l Conf. Middleware
(Middleware '03), pp. 21-40, 2003.
6. D. Li, J. Cao, X. Lu, and K. Chen, "Efficient Range Query Processing in Peer-to-Peer Systems," IEEE Trans. Knowledge and Data Eng.,
vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 78-91, Jan. 2008.
7. I. Stoica, R. Morris, D. Karger, M.F. Kaashoek, and H.Balakrishnan, "Chord: A Scalable Peer-to-Peer Lookup Service for Internet
Applications," Proc. ACM SIGCOMM '01, pp. 149-160, 2001.
8. J.P.C. Jie Lu, "Content-Based Retrieval in Hybrid Peer-to-Peer Networks," Proc. 12th Int'l Conf. Information and Knowledge Management
(CIKM), pp. 199-206, 2003.
9. E.M. Voorhees, "Overview of Trec-2009," Proc. 16th Text Retrieval Conf. (TREC-11), 2009.
10. A. Broder and M. Mitzenmacher, "Network Applications of Bloom Filters: A Survey," Internet Math., vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 485-509, 2004.
Authors: Shrikrishan Yadav, Shailendra Singh, Dharmendra Dubey
Paper Title: A To Z Applications of a Robot: A Study
Abstract: Technology has been used to make nearly every aspect of our lives easier. In the future robot will play
vital role in our daily life. There are many fields where a robot is ahead than the human in every manner. Robots are
mainly used in industries as compare to other field. Factory mechanization is at present expected to improve
productivity, quality and safety in the production industry, especially for functions depending on workers. By using
robots in different types of technology such as sensing, measurement technology, control technology, mechanics
technology, and to automate operations, the efficiency, reliability and performance can be increased of the system.
Industry is one area where robots have typically been used over the years. Robots are the backbone of modern
industries. Small companies are presently increasing their automation level to stay competitive. Typically, the service
life of a robot is 15 years. Thus, making a onetime investment may help a firm to increase productivity as compare to
human workers. In this paper we have discuss the different applications of a robot in different field of life.
Keywords: Assembling, Education, Entertainment, High Power Lines, Highways, Industry, Railways.
83. References:
1. www.wikipedia.org\robots.html.
2. Handbook of Industrial Robotics, 2nd Edition, edited by Shimon Nof, 1998 386-390
3. Idustrial robots by Sanjib Pohit
4. Ravani, B., and West, T. (1991). Applications of Robotics and Automation in Highway Maintenance Operations. In Proceedings of 2nd
International Conference on Applications of Advanced Technologies in Transportation Engineering (pp. 61-65)
5. Anonymous (1986). Toward the ‘smart’ rail maintenance system. Railway Tract. Struct., 82 (11), pp 21-24.
6. Ali, M., Puffer, R., and Roman, H. (1994). Evaluation of a multifingered robot hand for nuclear power plant operations and maintenance
tasks (pp. MS94-217-1-10). Proceedings of the 5th World Conference on Robotics Research. Dearborn, MI: Robotics International of the
Society of Manufacturing Engineers.
7. Aracil, R., Penin, L., Ferre, M., Jimenez, L., Barrientos, A., Santamaria, A., Martinez, P., and Tudun, A. (1995). ROBTET: A New
Teleoperated System for Live-Line Maintenance. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Transmission and Distribution
Construction and Live Line Maintenance, Columbus, Ohio, pp 205-211.
8. Birch, S. and Trego, L. E. (1995). Aircraft stripping and painting. Aerospace Engineering, 15, pp. 21-23.
9. Dunlap, J. (1986). Robotic Maintenance of Overhead Transmission Lines. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, PWRD-1 (3), pp 280-
10. Edahiro, K. (1985). Development of "underwater robot" cleaner for marine live growth in power station. In Teleoperated Robotics in
Hostile Environments, by H. L. Martin and D. P. Kuban (eds.), (Robotics International of the Society of Manufacturing Engineers,
Dearborn, MI), pp. 108-118.
11. Najafi, F. T., and Naik, S.m. (1989). Potential Applications of Robotics in Transportation Engineering. Transportation Research Record,
1234, 64-73.
Authors: Das S.S., Bhanuse V.R., Dombale A.B.
Abdominal Organ Segmentation Using Sparse Representation and Further Combining Graph Cuts an
Paper Title:
Oriented Active Appearance Models
Abstract: Segmentation of abdominal 3-D organ segmentation (e.g.Liver) from volumetric images forms the basis
for surgical planning required for living donor transplantations and tumor resections surgeries. This paper introduces
a novel idea of using sparse representations of organ shapes in a learned structured dictionary to produce an accurate
preliminary segmentation, which is further evolved based on a strategic combination of the active appearance model 391-393
,live wire, and graph cuts for abdominal 3-D organ segmentation. The increased accuracy of the preliminary
segmentation translates into faster convergence of the evolution step and highly accurate final segmentations.
Keywords: Segmentation, sparse representation, AAM, Graph cut.
1. Medical Image Segmentation by Combining Graph Cuts and Oriented Active Appearance Models Xinjian Chen, Jayaram K. Udupa, Ulas
Bagci, Ying Zhuge, and Jianhua Yao in IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON IMAGE PROCESSING, VOL. 21, NO. 4, APRIL 2012.
Bradley J. Erickson_† University of Texas, Austin, Texas, USA_ Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, USA in 978-1-4673-0046-
9/12/$26.00 ©2012 IEEE.
3. ACM-Based Automatic Liver Segmentation from 3D CT Images by Combining Multiple Atlases and Improved Mean Shift Techniques by
Hongwei Ji*, Jiangping He, Xin Yang, Rudi Deklerck, and Jan Cornelis in IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY
4. Automatic Segmentation of the Pulmonary Lobes From Chest CT Scans Based on Fissures, Vessels, and Bronchi by Bianca Lassen*, Eva
M. van Rikxoort, Michael Schmidt, Sjoerd Kerkstra, Bram van Ginneken, and Jan-Martin Kuhnigk by IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON
5. Interactive Organ Segmentation using Graph Cuts by Yuri Boykov and Marie-Pierre Jolly Imaging and Visualization Department Siemens
Corporate Research 755 College Road East, Princeton, NJ 08540, USA yuri@csd.uwo.ca, jolly@scr.siemens.com in Proceedings of
“MICCAI”-2000, LNCS 1935, pp.276-286.
6. A 3D Live-Wire Segmentation Method for Volume Images Using Haptic Interaction by Filip Malmberg1, Erik Vidholm2, and Ingela
Nystr¨om21 Centre for Image Analysis, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala,Sweden 2 Centre for Image Analysis,
Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden {filip, erik, ingela}@cb.uu.se by A. Kuba, L.G. Ny´ul, and K. Pal´agyi (Eds.): DGCI 2006, LNCS
4245, pp. 663–673, 2006. c_Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2006
7. Efficient interactive 3D Livewire segmentation of complex objects with arbitrary topology by Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics
32 (2008) 639–650.
8. Automatic Segmentation of the Pulmonary Lobes From Chest CT Scans Based on Fissures, Vessels, and Bronchi IEEE TRANSACTIONS
9. Evaluating performance of image segmentation criteria and techniques by Received: 16 April 2012 / Accepted: 17 October 2012 ©
Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg and EURO - The Association of European Operational Research Societies 2012.
10. B. Gowreesunker and A. H. Tewfik, “A Novel Subspace Clustering Method for Dictionary Design,” in Independent Component Analysis
and Signal Separation, vol. 5441 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 34–41. Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 2009.
11. H. Ling, S.K. Zhou, Y. Zheng, B. Georgescu, M. Suehling, and D. Comaniciu, “Hierarchical, learning-based automatic liver segmentation,”
in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2008. CVPR 2008. IEEE Conference on, June 2008, pp. 1 –8.
12. J. M. Liu and J. K. Udupa, “Oriented active shape models,” IEEE Trans. Med. Imag., vol. 28, no. 4, pp. 571–584, Apr. 2009.
13. S. C. Mitchell, J. G. Bosch, B. P. F. Lelieveldt, R. J. van der Geest, J. H. C. Reiber, and M. Sonka, “3-D active appearance models:
Segmentation of cardiac MR and ultrasound images,” IEEE Trans. Med. Imag., vol. 21, no. 9, pp. 1167–1178, Sep. 2002.
14. R. Susomboon, D. S. Raicu, and J. Furst, “A hybrid approach for liver segmentation,” in Proc. MICCAI Workshop 3-D Segmentation
Clinic: A Grand Challenge, 2007, pp. 151–160.
15. D. Tsai and N. Tanahashi, “Neural-network-based boundary detection of liver structure in CT images for 3D visualization,” in Proc. IEEE
International Conference on Neural Networks, vol. 6, no. 1, 1994, pp. 3484–3489
Authors: Kilaru Kalyan, Shaik Avaes Mohsin, Angadi Suresh
Paper Title: Transmission of Power through Wireless Systems
Abstract: We cannot imagine the world without electric power. Generally the power is transmitted through wires.
This paper describes an original idea to eradicate the hazardous usage of electrical wires which involve lot of
confusion in particularly organizing them. Imagine a future in which wireless power transfer is feasible: cell phones,
household robots, mp3 players, laptop computers and other portable electronics capable of charging themselves
without ever being plugged in, freeing us from that final, ubiquitous power wire. Some of these devices might not
even need their bulky batteries to operate. This paper includes the techniques of transmitting power without using
wires with an efficiency of about 95% with non radiative methods. Due to which it does not affect the environment
surrounding. These techniques Includes resonating inductive coupling in sustainable moderate range. The coupling
consists of an inductor along with a capacitor with its own resonating frequency. In any system of coupled resonators
there often exists a so-called “strongly coupled” regime of operation. If one ensures to operate in that regime in a
given system, the energy transfer can be very efficient. Another technique includes transfer of power through
85. microwaves using rectenna. This is particularly suitable for long range distances ranging kilometers. With this we
can avoid the confusion and danger of having long, hazardous and tangled wiring. This paper as a whole gives an 394-398
effective, high performance techniques which can efficiently transmit the power to the required area vary in given
distances for the power transmission through induction.
Keywords: Induction, Power, Receiver, Short distance, Transmitter, Transmission, Wireless, Wires.
1. B. Thomas W., "Wireless Transmission of Power now Possible”.
2. U.S.Patent 787,412, "Art of Transmitting Electrical Energy through the Natural Mediums".
3. Dombi J., (1982): Basic concepts for a theory of evaluation: The aggregative operator. European Jr. Operation Research 10, 282-293.
4. Tesla, N., “The transmission of electric energy without wires”, Electrical World, March 5, 1904
5. P. Vessen, “wireless Power transmission,” Leonardo energy; briefingpaper.
6. A. Bomber, “Wireless Power Transmission: An Obscure History, Possibly a Bright Future”.
7. “Wireless energy transfer” Wikimedia Foundation, Inc
8. T21 World Global Trends (Accessed March 23, 2006) http://www.t21.ca/energy/index.html.
Authors: Prathamesh Dinkar, Abhishek Gulavani, Sourabh Ketkale, Pratik Kadam, Sheetal Dabhade
Paper Title: Remote Health Monitoring using Wireless Body Area Network
Abstract: A body area network is a wireless network of biomedical sensors that are attached to a human body. The
86. aim of wireless body area network (WBAN) is to facilitate continuously recording and monitoring of a person’s
health condition and transfer it over a long-distance communication network. A sensing system is to be worn by the 399-402
individuals for a long duration. This limits the size of the battery. These factors have made energy the most critical
resource in WBAN. The parameters sensed by the individual devices are to be transferred onto a mobile phone or a
tablet via wireless network. This data is then gathered, stored and then sent to the doctor for continuous monitoring
of the patient’s health condition. The doctor can thus access the patient’s health status on the go and this will help the
patient to get immediate attention in life-threatening situations.
Keywords: Healthcare, Medical Server, Body Area Network (BAN), Remote Monitoring.
1. Juric & A. Weaver, "Remote Medical Monitoring", IEEE Computer, PP96-99 April 2008
2. R. Ashok and D. Agrawal, "Next Generation Wearable Networks", IEEE Computer, Vol. 36, PP31-9, Nov. 2003
3. I.F.Akyildiz, W.Su, Y.Sankarsubramaniyam and E.Cargici, "Wireless Sensor Networks: A Survey", Computer Networks, Vol. 38, No. 4,
PP393-422, 2002.
4. K. Bilstrmp, "A Preliminary Study of Wireless Body Area Network", Tech. Report, IDE0854, University of Halmstad, Sweden, PP1-36,
Aug. 2008
5. D. Lewis, "Application in Body Area Network", Doc: IEEE P802.15-08-0407-00-0006-TG6, Nov. 2008
6. World-Health-Organization
7. International Diabetes Federation (IDF) [Online] http://www.idf.org/.
Authors: P.B. Alappanavar, Dhiraj Patil, Radhika Grover, Srishti Hunjan, Yuvraj Girnar
Paper Title: An Ameliorated Approach towards Automating the Relational Database Normalization Process
Abstract: In the field of database systems in general and relational systems in particular, database design problem
is of utmost importance as it helps to decide on a suitable logical structure for a given data to be represented in a
database and concentrates on the fact that which relations are needed and what their attributes should be. Designing a
database is a complex task and the normalization theory is a useful aid in the design process. In this paper, a tool is
presented which aims to handle the normalization process up to third normal form(3NF) and even imparts the
normalized relations to its users in different formats. The objective of the system is to provide an effective and
efficient e-Learning system to individuals to learn normalization in an easy and quick manner and an impeccable
solution for organizations dealing with excessive data.
1. http://elm.eeng.dcu.ie/~ee221/EE221-DB-5.pdf
2. http:///bccampus.pressbooks.com/dbdesign/chapter/chapter-11-functional-dependencies
3. http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Relational_Database_Design/Normalization
4. http://www.aliencoders.com/sites/default/files/normalization_resolved.pdf
87. 5. A Web Based Relational Database Design Tool to Perform Normalization- Radhakrishna Vangipuram(Associate Professor of CSE), Raju
velpula (Department of CSE),V.Sravya (Department of CSE)-International Journal of Wisdom Based Computing, Vol.1(3), December
2011 403-412
6. http://mytechnicalarticles.files.wordpress.com/2010/09/functional-dependencies-and-normalization-for-relation-databases.pdf
7. An Introduction to Database Systems, Seventh Edition, C.J. Date
8. http://toyhouse.cc/profiles/blogs/relational-database-design
9. http://rdbms.opengrass.net/2_Database%20Design/2.1_TermsOfReference/2.1.2_Keys.html
10. http://www.cs.miami.edu/~burt/learning/Csc598.073/notes/reldb.html
11. http://www.cs.otago.ac.nz/cosc344/lectures/344-2012lect09.pdf
12. Database Design and Relational Theory: Normal Forms and All That Jazz, By Chris Date
13. http://www2.yk.psu.edu/~lxn/IST_210/normal_form_definitions.html
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Authors: Jigar K. Sevalia, Nirav B. Siddhpura, Deep B. Shah, Jai V. Kapadia, Chetan S. Agrawal
Paper Title: Performance Evaluation of Axially Loaded Element Using Bamboo as Reinforcement
Abstract: There is a long-standing tradition of Bamboo Construction, dating back many hundreds of years.
Different cultures have found in this material an economical system of building, offering sound yet light and easily
replaceable forms of shelter. Bamboo can be used to make all the components of small buildings, both structural and
non-structural. It is, however, often used in conjunction with other materials, cost and availability permitting. This
88. study represents the use of Bamboo as reinforcement in axially loaded cement concrete members. In this study,
various surface treatments on bamboo have been used before using as reinforcement in axially loaded element. The 413-415
various chemicals used are Araldite, Epoxy and Bitumen. The cage of Bamboo using Bamboo stirrups was prepared
for reinforcing in cement concrete column element.
Keywords: Electric Vehicle (EV), Fuzzy Logic Controller (FLC), Hybrid Energy Storage System (HESS), State Of
Charge (SOC).
1. Fangcheng Liu, Jinjun Liu, Bin Zhang, Haodong Zhang (2012) "Fast Charging of Electric Vehicle (EV) Based on Hybrid Energy Storage
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Electronics Conference and Exposition, 2009. APEC 2009. Twenty-Fourth Annual IEEE, 15-19 Feb. 2009, page(s): 826 - 832.
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9. C. C. Hua and M. Y. Lin, "A Study of Charging Control of Lead-Acid Battery for Electric Vehicles," International Symposium on
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10. Y. C. Hsieh, C. S. Moo, C. K. Wu, J. C. cheng,"A non-dissipative reflex charging circuit," 25th IEEE International Telecommunications
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11. K. C. Tseng, T. J. Liang, J. F. Chen, M. T. Chang, "High Frequency Positive/Negative Pulse Charger with Power Factor Correction,"
Power Electronics Specialists Conference, IEEE, June 2002.
12. Cheng P.H, and Chen C.L, "High efficiency and nondissippative fast charging strategy", IEE Proc., Electr. Power Appl., 2003, 150, (5),
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13. J.B. Wang, C.Y. Chuang, "Design considerations of microprocessor- controlled multiphase battery charger with fast-charging strategy,"
IET Electr. Power Appl. March 2007 Volume 1, Issue 2, p.143-152.
14. Zhihong Yu, Donald Zinger, Anima Bose, "An innovative optimal power allocation strategy for fuel cell, battery and Super capacitor
hybrid electric vehicle", Journal of Power Sources, Volume 196, Issue 4, 15 February 2011, Pages 2351-2359
15. Timmermanns J.-M.; Zadora, P.; Cheng, Y.; Van Mierlo, J.; Lataire, "Modelling and design of super capacitors as peak power unit for
hybrid electric vehicles" Ph. Vehicle Power and Propulsion, 2005 IEEE Conference
16. Breban, S.; Mollet, F.; Saudemont, C.; Robyns, B.; Radulescu, M.M. "Embedded electric power system with fuzzy-logic supervision for
vehicular applications".Publication Year: 2012 , Page(s): 1575 - 1579
17. Emadi, A. Khaligh and S. S. Williamson(2006), "Powerelectronics intensive solutions for advanced electric,hybrid electric, and fuel cell
vehicular power systems,"IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 21, no. 3,pp. 567-577.
18. A. Emadi, K. Rajashekara, S. S. Williamson, and S. M.Lukic,(2005) "Topological overview of hybrid electric and fuel cell vehicular
power system architectures and configurations," IEEE Transactions on VehicularTechnology, vol. 54, no. 3, pp. 763-770.
19. A.Emadi, F. Rodriguez, J. Cao, S. M. Lukic and R. C. Bansaland, (2008) "Energy storage systems for automotive applications," IEEE
Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 55, no. 6, pp. 2258-2267.
20. A. C. Baisden and A. Emadi,(2004) "An ADVISOR based model of a battery and an ultra-capacitor energy source for hybrid electric
vehicles," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 53, no. 1, pp. 199-205.
21. Kempton W?Tomic J, "Vehicle-to-grid power implementation?from stabilizing the grid to supporting large-scale renewable energy,"
Journal of Power Sources?2005?144 (1) ?280-294
Authors: Rakhi Bhardwaj, Vikas Maral
Paper Title: Dynamic Data Storage Auditing Services in Cloud Computing
Abstract: Cloud based data storage systems have many complexities regarding critical/confidential/sensitive data
of client. The trust required on Cloud storage is so far had been limited by users. The role of the paper is to grow
confidence in Users towards Cloud based data storage. The paper handles key questions of the User about how data
is uploaded on Cloud, maintained on cloud so that there is no data loss; data is available to only authorized User(s) as
per Client/User requirement and advanced concepts like data recovery on disaster is applied. In this paper we look at
the various current researches being done to solve these issues, the current trends in securing, ensuring privacy and
availability of these data on cloud storage services.General Terms Cloud computing, Security and Reliability.
Keywords: Storage, Data Availability, data storage auditing, data owner auditing, Privacy, and Security.
1. Ayad Barsoum ,Anwar Hasan, Ontario, Canada ”Enabling Dynamic Data and Indirect Mutual Trust for Cloud Computing Storage Systems”
Digital Object Indentifier 0.1109/TPDS.2012.337 1045-9219/12/$31.00 © 2012 IEEE
2. G. Ateniese, R. Burns, R. Curtmola, J. Herring, L. Kissner, Z. Peterson,and D. Song, “Provable data possession at untrusted stores,” in
Proceedings of the 14th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security, ser. CCS ’07, 2007, pp. 598–609.
3. F. Seb´e, J. Domingo-Ferrer, A. Martinez-Balleste, Y. Deswarte, and J.-J. Quisquater, “Efficient remote data possession checking in critical
information infrastructures,” IEEE Trans. on Knowl. And Data Eng., vol. 20, no. 8, 2008.
4. G. Ateniese, R. D. Pietro, L. V. Mancini, and G. Tsudik, “Scalable and efficient provable data possession,” in Proceedings of the 4th
International Conference on Security and Privacy in Communication Netowrks, 2008, pp. 1–10.
5. C. Erway, A. K¨upc¸ ¨ u, C. Papamanthou, and R. Tamassia, “Dynamic provable data possession,” in Proceedings of the 16th ACM
Conference on Computer and Communications Security, 2009, pp. 213–222.
6. Q. Wang, C. Wang, J. Li, K. Ren, and W. Lou, “Enabling public verifiability and data dynamics for storage security in cloud computing,”
in Proceedings of the 14th European Conference on Research in Computer Security, 2009, pp. 355–370.
7. Francesc Sebe´ , Josep Domingo-Ferrer, Antoni Martı´nez-Balleste, Yves Deswarte, Jean-Jacques Quisquater ‘Efficient Remote Data
Possession Checking in Critical Information Infrastructures’, 1041-4347/08/$25.00 _ 2008 IEEE Published by the IEEE Computer Society
8. Kan Yang • Xiaohua Jia” Data storage auditing service in cloud computing:challenges, methods and opportunities”, WorldWide Web
(2012) 15:409–428 DOI 10.1007/s11280-011-0138-0
9. Ayad F. Barsoum and M. Anwar Hasan “On Verifying Dynamic Multiple Data Copies over Cloud Servers”
10. Amazon elastic compute cloud (Amazon EC2), http://aws.amazon.com/ec2/.
11. Reza Curtmola, Osama Khan, Randal Burns, Giuseppe Ateniese” MR-PDP: Multiple-Replica Provable Data Possession”, 1063-6927/08
$25.00 © 2008 IEEE DOI 10.1109/ICDCS.2008.68
12. Raghul Mukundan, Sanjay Madria, Mark Linderman” Replicated Data Integrity Verification in Cloud”, IEEEcase number 88ABW-2012-
13. Qian Wang, Student Member, IEEE, Cong Wang, Student Member, IEEE, Kui Ren, Member, IEEE,Wenjing Lou, Senior Member, IEEE,
and Jin Li’Enabling Public Auditability and Data Dynamics for Storage Security in Cloud Computing” 1939-1374/12/$31.00 _ 2012 IEEE
Published by the IEEE Computer Society).
14. Smitha Sundareswaran, Anna C. Squicciarini, Member, IEEE, and Dan Lin” Ensuring Distributed Accountability For Data Sharing in the
Cloud”, 1545-5971/12/$31.00 _ 2012 IEEE Published by the IEEE Computer Society
15. Kan Yang, Student Member, IEEE, Xiaohua Jia, Senior Member, IEEE” An Efficient and Secure Dynamic Auditing Protocol for Data
Storage in Cloud Computing “,Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPDS.2012.278 1045-9219/12/$31.00 © 2012 IEEE
Authors: Debanjan Mukherjee, Asim Kumar Jana, Malay Kumar Pandit
Paper Title: Detailed Investigation on Power Conditioning Unit (PCU) using Intelligent Signal Processing
Abstract: Harmonic in power line communication is an important matter now a days. With the extensive usage of
non- linear loads in power systems, the harmonic effect becomes more prominent. Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) is
one of the most popular computation algorithms for harmonic analysis. In this paper, single phase current waveform
is taken from a three phase supply fed to motor through power analyzer interfaced with PC. FFT is done using matlab
program on the imported data. After that, same waveform like the current waveform obtained from the hardware
setup is designed in SIMULINK window of matlab7.5 version. Those designed waveforms are filtered by Recursive
Least Square (RLS) Filter to reduce Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) in the filtered output and the response of
Normalised Least Mean Square (NLMS) for same input signal is discussed in detail in author’s previous publication,
given as reference. Adaptive signal processing to eliminate harmonics is replicated again in Code Composer Studio
(CCS) using TMS320C6713 SIMULATOR .Here comparison is done between the responses of RLS filter with
Normalised LMS filter. At last, the conclusion is drawn as NLMS filter is superior than RLS filter in the field of
power line harmonic elimination to author’s best knowledge.
Keywords: RLS Filter NLMS Filter, FFT, SIMULINK, Total Harmonic Distortion (THD), TMS320C6713
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Paper Title: Heterogeneous Multi-Classifiers for Moving Vehicle Noise Classification using Bootstrap Method
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significant feature from the noise emanated by the moving vehicle. The extracted features were associated with the
type and distance of the moving vehicle and the heterogeneous multi-classifier system (HTMCS) based on multilayer
Perceptron (MLP), K-nearest neighbor (KNN) and support vector machines (SVM) has been developed. Bootstrap
sampling method based HTMCS was developed and the developed model has yielded a higher classification
accuracy when compared to the individual base classifier models.
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Authors: Tarun Kumar Gautam, Neha Bajpai
Paper Title: Reduction of Test Cases and Prioritization by using Weight Concept
Abstract: Length and complexity of the software are rising day by day. So software testing is particularly difficult
for development of high assurance software such as software that is produced commercial airborne system. Modified
93. condition/Decision Condition (MC/DC) is an effective verification technique and can help to remove safety faults.
This paper present new approach for test case reduction and prioritization that effectively use MC/DC criteria. In this
approach we used weight concept for discarding weak test case and set priority.
Keywords: Test case reduction, Truth vector, Prioritization, Modified condition/Decision condition, coverage
1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modified_condition/decision_coverage
2. Kelly J. Hayhurst, Dan S. Veerhusen, John J. Chilenski, Leanna K. Rierson, “A Practical Tutorial on Modified Condition Decision
3. James A. Jones and Mary Jean Harrold, Member, IEEE Computer Society,” Test-Suite Reduction and Prioritization for Modified
Condition/Decision Coverage”, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING, VOL. 29, NO. 3, MARCH 2003.
4. Venezia Elodie,” White Box Coverage and Control Flow Graphs”, June 21, 2011
5. Roger S. Pressman, “Software Engineering – A Practitioner’s Approach”, Fifth Edition, McGraw-Hill International Edition, New Delhi,
6. Boris Beizer, “Black-Box Testing – Techniques for Functional Testing of Software and Systems”, John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York,
7. http://www.bullseye.com/download.html
8. “An Investigation of Three Forms of the Modified Condition Decision Coverage (MCDC) Criterion”, April 2001 Final Report, U.S.
Department of Transportation Federal Aviation Administration
Authors: Taslim Shaikh, Ninad Sikchi, Seema Rajput
Paper Title: TEST-JIG Card for Signal Conditioning Using DSPIC Microcontroller
Abstract: In this paper we have presented an automated multichannel Data Acquisition System, which is used to
provide a high resolution system and provides data regarding temperature, pressure, RPM and RTD calculation of
system used for diesel engine. Test-Jig Card is used for this purpose. Test-Jig Card includes a microcontroller instead
of a computer which work on very small voltage can even work on battery. It is very useful for all the application
which is risky for humans to measure. It maintains high resolution and accurate measurement within the system. The
DsPIC30F3013 microcontroller uses RS-485 communication protocol to dialog with other devices and other
peripheral for remote application. The measurement for remote application is stored in controller or communicated to
the communication protocol. The data is digitized with the help of RS485 communication protocol which is
interfaced to microcontroller. The microcontroller takes the data verifies it, stores it, processes and displays it on
LCD (Liquid Crystal Display). Here the user need not go to the place always at different time intervals. He does not
94. always require a computer with him; this small system does a lot of job.
Keywords: DSPIC30F3013, Pressure, RPM, RTD, RS-485.
1. Robert W. Lowdermilk,” Signal conditioning and Data collection in Synthetic Instruments”, BAE SYSTEM- Mission solutions 1090
2. Najidah Humbali, Shahrizal Saat,” Automatic Detection Computer-based (ADCob) System for Temperature Measurement Calibration of
RTD”, 26600 Pecan, Pahang, Malaysia
3. Paul Horowitz, Winfield Hill “The art of electronics, second edition”
4. www.microchip.com
5. Microchip, “DSPIC30F3013 Datasheet”
6. Analog Sensor Conditioning Circuits, Kumen Blake.
7. PIC Assembly Language Programming for Complete Beginner, Michael A. Covington, Artificial Intelligence Center, The University of
Georgia Athens, Georgia
Authors: R. Naveeth Kumar, S.L.Hemanth Chakkaravarthy, K.B.Pradeep, C.J.Nirmal Kumar
Paper Title: Image Fusion Techniques and Fuzzy Logic Methods Using Virtual Instrumentation
Abstract: The fundamentals of image process were laid over fifty years past, vital development occurred
principally within the last twenty five years with the entrance of personal computers and today's issues area unit
already very subtle and fast. This paper deals with the study of the employment of fuzzy logic ways and image fusion
for image processing in LabVIEW.In this we developed a fuzzy edge detector and image fusion using various
transformation.The tools for quality management is applicable in biomedical image processing field, jewelry
field,satellite field.
1. Angles, J, 2003, Fundamentals of Robotics Mechanical Systems, Springer-verlag, NY.
2. Introduction to Robotics, S K Saha, 2009.
3. Denavit and Hartenberg, R.S,1995, A Kinematic Notations for lower pair mechanisms based on matrices
4. Robo Analyzer,(http://www.roboanlyzer.com)
5. Mat Works,(http://www.mathworks.com)
6. International Conference of Multibody Dynamics ICMBD-2011, Vijayawada,India
7. Peter I.corke, Dec.2008, Robotics tool box for matlab.
8. RRR-robot: design of an industrial like test facility for nonlinear robot control, A.M. Van Beek Eindhoven University of Technology(TUE)
9. ROBOT KINEMATICS- Vaclav Hlavac, Czech Technical University, Faculty of Electrical Engineering Department of Cybernetics.
Authors: Priyanka, Vijay Kumar Bohat
Paper Title: Detection of SQL Injection Attack and Various Prevention Strategies
Abstract: The internet is a demanding technology which is working its way into all aspects of our civilization. So
security is the main critical part in our daily life. The requirements of information security and website security
within an organization have undergone several changes in the last several decades. Security is a broad topic and
covers a multitude of sins. This paper is written with the basic programmer and information security expert,
explaining the concepts which are needed to read through the hype in the market place and understand the risks and
how to deal with them. We go on to consider risk management, network threats, firewalls, protection from SQL
Injection. SQL Injection is a web attack mechanisms which is being used by hackers to misuse the data of that
website. It is hoped that this paper will help the reader to provide a wider perspective on security and better
understand how to handle and manage risk related to security issues of website personally at client–end and at server-
97. Keywords: SQL Injection; SQL Injection prevention; SQL Injection detection; website security.
1. A Tajpour, A., Masrom, M., Heydari, M.Z., and Ibrahim, S., SQL injection detection and prevention tools assessment. Proc. 3rd IEEE
International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology (ICCSIT’10) 9-11 July (2010), 518-522
2. Khaleel Ahmad, Jayant Shekharand, K.P. Yadav(2010),” Classification of SQL Injection Attacks” VSRD technical and non-technical
3. Shubham Shrivastava, Rajeev Ranjan Kumar Tripathi, Attacks Due to SQL injection & their Prevention Method for Web-Application,
International Journal of Computer Sciecne and information technologies, Vol 3 (2), pp.3615-3618, 2012.
4. Chad Dougherty (2012) “Practical Identification of SQL Injection Vulnerabilities” United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team
(US-CERT October 25, 2012)
5. Parveen Kumar (2013) “The Multi-Tier Architecture for Developing Secure Website with Detection and Prevention of SQL-Injection
Attacks” International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)Volume 62– No.9, January 2013
6. https://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
7. http://www.imperva.com/docs/hii_monitoring_hacker_forums_2012.pdf
8. http://www.acunetix.com/websitesecurity/sql-injection/
9. http://www.verizonenterprise.com/resources/reports/rp_data-breach-investigations-report-2012-ebk_en_xg.pdf
10. http://www.imperva.com/docs/hii_monitoring_hacker_forums_2012.pdf
Authors: T.R. Mohod, R.T. Saudagar, P.R. Ingole, A.M. Choube
Paper Title: Design Parameters of Pulsating/Oscillating Heat Pipe: A Review
Abstract: Closed loop pulsating heat pipe is a small heat transfer device especially suited for thermal management
of electronic application .The unique feature of CLPHP compared with conventional heat pipe is that, there is no
wick structure to return the condensate to the evaporator section, thus there is no counter flow between the liquid and
the vapour .This paper reviews an influence of various design parameter and operational orientation on a PHP/OHP.
This paper attempt theoretical and experimental investigation and scrutinized that internal diameter of tube and
orientation numbers of turn’s evaporator length, adiabatic length affect the performance of PHP/OHP. A filling ratio
98. of 50% of its total volume is optimum.
Keywords: CLPHP, PHP/OHP.
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11. S. Rittidech P. Meena and P. Terdtoon, "Effect of Evaporator Lengths and Ratio of Check Valves to Number of Turns on Internal Flow
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13. Stéphane Lips Ahlem Bensalem, Yves Bertin, Vincent Ayel, Cyril Romestant, Jocelyn Bonjour "Experimental evidences of distinct heat
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14. N. Panyoyai, P. Terdtoon and P. Sakulchangsatjatai, "Effects of Aspect Ratios and Number of Meandering Turns on Performance Limit of
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Authors: P.Maruthurkarasi (alias) Rohini, C.Jayaprakash, R.Balaji Ganesh
Paper Title: Reliability Enhancement from http Log Files In Composite Web Services
Abstract: A Hybrid Reliability Model based on log analyzer is designed to evaluate the Reliability of Composite
Web Services. Based on Dependability, Atomic Web Services are composed with a Central Co-ordination Function
(Broker). Real Time Server Log Files are fed as input to the system. Log Analyzer reads the log entries and separates
the individual response of the server along with the time stamps. Base on the Frequency of the service response are
classified and the Error Rate is calculated by the difference in the Uptime and Downtime Stamps. The Broker designs
and decides the acceptance of the service based on Error Rate (MTBF, MTTF, MTTR) and Fault Tolerance. As, the
Error Rate and Service Reliability are inversely proportional, the server with low error rate provides high reliability.
Our Experimental Results with their groupings prove that the reliability can be evaluated using the Web Log File
Keywords: Composite Web Services, Error log, HTTP Status Error, Reliability, Web error. 464-468
1. H. Elfawal Mansour, Member, IEEE, and T. Dillon,Member, IEEE, “Dependability and Rollback Recovery For Composite Web
Services”.IEEE Transaction On Services Computing, VOL.4, No.4.3, October-December 2011.
2. Hirokazu Ozaki, Member, IEEE, and Atsushi Kara, Member, IEEE, “Reliability Analysis of M -for-N Shared Protection System With
General Repair-Time Distributions”.IEEE Transaction On Reliability, VOL. 60, NO. 3, September 2011.
3. Miao Jiang, Member, IEEE, Mohammad A. Munawar, Member, IEEE, Thomas Reidemeister, Member, IEEE, And Paul A.S. Ward,
Member, IEEE.” System Monitoring with Metric Correlation Models.” IEEE Transaction on Network and Service Management”, VOL. 8,
NO. 4, December 2011.
4. Fatemeh Borran, Martin Hutle, Nuno Santos, and Andre Schiper, Member, IEEE, “Quantitative Analysis of Consensus Algorithms”, IEEE
Transaction On Dependable And Secure Computing VOL. 9, NO. 2, March/April[ 2012.
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Africa Copyright 2010 ACM 978-1-60558-719-6/10/05.
Authors: Ritesh Jain, Suraiya Parveen
Paper Title: Analysis of Different Wavelets by Correlation
Abstract: In today’s world, speech is an integral part of digital communication. The removal of noise in analog
and digital communication has been a daunting task for many years. Noise is an unwanted signal that hinders
communication. There are various methods to help restore a speech from noisy distortions. Wavelets have by now
established themselves to be an invaluable accumulation to the analyst’s compilation of tools and go on to enjoy a
rapidly increasing recognition in their brief account of the signal processing field. Wavelet analysis is competent of
enlightening aspects of data that other signal study techniques miss. In addition, it affords a diverse view of data than
those obtainable by conventional techniques. Wavelet analysis can often compress or de-noise a signal without
appreciable degradation. Study in the field of Wavelets has shown that Wavelet decomposition is a capable method
as other methods of denoising. In this paper, the author compares the performances of Daubechies, Coiflet and
100. Symlet Wavelets for different values of their order for an audio signal. Further, the variation of threshold values with
correlation has been investigated.
Keywords: Noise, Daubechies
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Authors: Vikas Pardesi, N. S. Raghava
A Two Layer Approach to Image Authentication and Encryption through ECC & Voice Features
Paper Title:
(MFCC, Pitch Value)
Abstract: Speech Processing is an area in which we can find such unique features (Mel Frequency Cepstrum
Coefficients, Pitch value, zero crossing rates etc.) in voice segment for recognition of any individual and pre-
processing for further synthesis. In this paper we are presenting a simplified approach to image authentication with
MFCC (Mel Frequency Cepstrum Coefficients) and Pitch Value and image Encryption through Elliptic Curve
Cryptography. Because of ECC great advantages (small key size, no solution to discrete logarithmic problem, less
time consuming encryption, infinite time taken for brute force attack) for handheld, portable devices. Applying
MFCC and Pitch information with various methods on various encrypted images which is encrypted by Elliptic
Curve Cryptography and at the receiver side we do reverse process of this approach for authentication and decryption
of image .With this approach we can authenticate an image through voice segment which is advantageous because
speech is a natural way to interact with people, Not required to sit and work with a keyboard and finally no specific
training is required for end users.
Keywords: Elliptic curve cryptography, MFCC, Pitch value, public key cryptography, Speech Processing
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Abstract: The aim of this paper is to investigate and study the performance analysis of the three phase three wire
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Paper Title: A Review on Routing Protocols in MANET based on Routing Information Update Mechanism
Abstract: Mobile ad hoc networks (MANET’s) are autonomously self-organized networks without infrastructure
support. In a mobile ad hoc network, nodes move arbitrarily; therefore the network may experience rapid and
unpredictable topology changes. Because nodes in a MANET normally have limited transmission ranges, some nodes
cannot communicate directly with each other. Hence, routing paths in mobile ad hoc networks potentially contain
multiple hops, and every node in mobile ad hoc networks has the responsibility to act as a router. In recent years,
several routing protocols have been proposed for mobile ad hoc networks such as proactive routing protocols,
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Authors: Mahsa Pournia, Morteza Fathipour
Paper Title: A Post Processing Procedure for Surface Acoustic Wave RFID Using COMSOL
Abstract: In recent years, much attention has been paid to SAW RFID research and its applications. Many
methods have been proposed for coding the SAW RFID tags [1]-[4]. Among this, best provided methods for coding
these devices is time position and phase encoding. The data capacity of the tags is significantly enhanced by
extracting additional phase information from the tag responses [5].However post processing of the tag in simulation
and extraction of the phase from Interrogated signals of the tag is complicate and time consuming. In this work, we
have proposed a simple post processing method using COMSOL Multiphysics to find the exact phase of the
Interrogated signals of the tag.
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32. H. B. Kekre, KavitaSonawane,“Bins Approach To Image Retrieval Using Statistical Parameters Based on Histogram Partitioning of R, G, B
Planes”, International Journal of Advances in Engineering & Technology, Vol. 2, Issue 1, pp. 649-659Jan 2012. ©IJAET ISSN: 2231-1963.
33. H. B. Kekre , Kavita Sonawane, “Bins formation using CG based partitioning of histogram modified using proposed polynomial transform
‘Y=2X-X2’for CBIR, www.ijacsa.thesai.org, Vol. 3, No. 5, 2011.
34. H. B. Kekre , Kavita Sonawane, “Linear Equation in Parts as Histogram Specification for CBIR Using Bins Approach”, International
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35. H. B. Kekre , Kavita Sonawane , “Comparative Performance of Linear and CG Based Partitioning Of Histogram for Bins Formation in
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36. H. B. Kekre, KavitaSonawane,“Feature Extraction in the form of Statistical Moments Extracted to Bins formed using Partitioned Equalized
Histogram for CBIR”, International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT) ISSN: 2249 – 8958, Volume-1, Issue-3,
February 2012.
37. Guocan Fenga , Jianmin Jianga , “JPEG compressed image retrieval via statistical features”, Pattern Recognition 36 (2003) 977 – 985.
38. H. B. Kekre, KavitaSonawane , “Performance improvement using average query fired to bins of four statistical moments for CBIR” IEEE
Explore, (ICCICT), 2012 International Conference, Mumbai on 19-20 Oct. 2012
39. H. B. Kekre, KavitaSonawane , “Row, column and fused row-col R, G, B plane's feature vector generation using DCT, DST and Kekre
wavelet for CBIR”, IEEE Explore, (ICCICT), 2012 International Conference, Mumbai on 19-20 Oct. 2012
40. Julia Vogela, Bernt Schieleb, “Performance evaluation and optimization for content-based image retrieval”, Pattern Recognition 39 (2006)
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42. Henning Muller, Wolfgang Muller, “Performance evaluation in Content Based Image retrieval: Overview and Proposals”, Pattern
Recognition Letters (2001) 593-601.
43. Julia Vogela, Bernt Schieleb, “Performance evaluation and optimization for content-based image retrieval”,
44. Shaila S.G and A.Vadivel , “Content-Based Image Retrieval Using Modified Human Colour Perception Histogram”, ITCS, SIP, JSE-2012,
CS & IT 04, pp. 229–237, 2012.
Authors: Vijay. G.R, A.Rama Mohan Reddy
Paper Title: Cloud Data Management Interface based Storage Virtualization Mechanism for Cloud Computing
Abstract: Cloud computing refers to the use of Internet based computer technology for a variety of services like
memory, storage, processing and bandwidth. In internet cloud computing plays a major role to maintain the
collection IT resources which are used by the cloud providers. In this paper we have proposed the concept of
virtualization, where the Storage Virtualization and CDMI (Cloud Data Management Interface) are discussed.The
CDMI gives how standard interfaces, coordinated between different organizations can meet the emerging needs for
interoperability and portability of data between clouds. The Open Cloud Computing Interface (OCCI) is a free, open,
106. community consensus driven API, targeting cloud infrastructure services.
Keywords: Cloud Computing, CDMI, OCCI, Storage Virtualization,.
1. Test book, “Storage Virtualization For Dummies, Hitachi Data Systems Edition”, by Adrian De Luca and Mandar Bhide Published at Wiley
Publishing, Inc. 111 River Street Hoboken, NJ 07030-5774
2. www.techniphila.co.in/research/ Virtualization & Cloud Computing.pdf
3. Mrs. Dhanamma Jagli, Mr. Ramesh “Semi Symmetric method of SAN Storage Virtualization” International Journal of Information
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5. Bill hill- Intro to Virtualization: Hardware, Software, Memory, Storage, Data and Network Virtualization Defined.
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Authors: D. Padma Subramanian, Anly Abraham
Effect of High Wind Penetration, Grid Strength- ening and Compensation on Steady State Operating
Paper Title:
Point of DFIG Interfaced Power System
Abstract: This paper presents the effect of high wind penetration, grid strengthening and compensation on steady
state operating point of a power system interfaced with Doubly Fed Induction Generator (DFIG). A model of DFIG
to interface with the load flow program is presented. A MATLAB program is developed and effectiveness of
developed program is tested in a standard IEEE-9 bus system, interfaced with DFIG at ninth bus. The impact of
varying wind velocity in cases of high wind penetration, grid strengthening and compensation on the steady state
behavior of the grid connected DFIG system is studied and the results are presented.
Keywords: Doubly fed induction generator, High wind penetration, Power flow analysis,
1. Jadhav H.T and Roy.R, “A Critical Review on the Grid Integration Issues of DFIG Based Wind Farms”, 10th International Conference on
Environment and Electrical Engineering, 2011,pp 1-4.
2. N.P.Padhy and Kiran Jasthi, “Load Flow Algorithm for Practical Distribution Systems Comprising Wind Generators”, in proceeding of
International Conference on energy, automation and signal, 2011,pp 310-315.
3. S.ChandraHas, Dr.P.Ajay-D-Vimalraj, and G.R.K.D.Satya Prasad, “Power Enhancement of Wind Energy Conversion System Using Hybrid
Method’, International Journal Of Advanced Engineering Sciences And Technologies ,vol no. 7, no. 2, pp 248 – 253,2011.
4. Sunil Kumar., Nitin Goel and P.R.Sharma, “Investigation On Doubly Fed Induction Generator Steady State Parameters”, International
Journal of Power System Operation and Energy Management, vol.-1,pp 2231-4407,2012.
5. S.Engelhardt.,I.Erlich.,CFeltes.,J.Kretschmann.,andF.Shewarega,
6. “Reactive Power Capability of Wind Turbines Based on Doubly Fed Induction Generators’, IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion ,vol
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107. 7. P M Balaji., B Rami Reddy and R Granadam,“A Study on the Integration of Wind Turbine Coupled Doubly Fed Induction Generator to the
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8. Balasubramaniam Babypriya and Rajapalan Anita, “Modelling, Simulation and Analysis of Doubly Fed Induction Generator For Wind 510-515
Turbines”, Journal Of Electrical Engineering, vol. 60, no. 2, pp79–85,2009.
9. Sharma Pawan.,Bhatti Tricholen Singh and R.K.Seha Srinivasa,“Doubly Fed Induction Generator: an Overview”, Journal of Electrical and
Electronics Engineering,vol.3, pp189-194,2010.
10. C. Rabelo, W. Hofmann, J. L. da Silva, R. G. de Oliveira, and S. R. Silva,“Reactive Power Control Design in Doubly Fed Induction
Generators for Wind Turbines”, IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 56, no. 10, pp. 4154– 4162,2009.
11. B.Chitti Babu and K.B.Mohanty,“Doubly-Fed Induction Generator for Variable Speed Wind Energy Conversion Systems- Modeling &
Simulation”, International Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering, vol. 2, no. 1, pp-1793-8163,2010.
12. Ahmad M.Alkandari.,Soliman Abd-Elhady Soliman and Mansour H.Abdel-Rahman,“Steady State Analysis of a Doubly Fed Induction
Generator”, Energy and Power Engineering, vol.3, pp 393-400,2011.
13. Vieira J.P.A and Nunes M.V.A,“Analysis of Steady-State_Operation_of_DFIG-Based Wind Turbines in Power Systems”, IET conference
on Renewable Power Generation, pp 1-5,2011.
14. Satish Choudhury, K.B.Mohanty, and B.Chitti Babu, “Performance Analysis of Doubly-Fed Induction Generator for Wind Energy
Conversion System”, Proc. PSU-UNS International Conference on Engineering and Technology (ICET-2011), Phuket, Thailand, pp.532-
536, 2011.
15. J.Fernando., M.Padron and Andres Elias Feijoo Lorenzo, “Calculating Steady-State Operating Conditions For Doubly-Fed Induction
Generator Wind Turbines”, IEEE transactions on power systems, vol.25, no. 2, pp 922-928,2010.
16. Yan Li., Yulei Luo., Buhan Zang and Chengxong, ,“A Modified Newton Raphson Power Flow Method Considering Wind Power”, in
proceedings of Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC) Asia Pacific, pp. 1-5,2011.
17. R.Jayashri, “Analysis and performance enhancement of grid connected wind energy conversion system”, PhD thesis, Anna University,
18. S. N. Bhadra, D. Kastha, S. Banerjee,“Wind Electrical Systems”,Oxford University Press, New Delhi,2009.
19. S.Heier, “ Grid Integration of wind Energy Conversion Systems”, John Wiley and Sons,1998
20. Chien-Hung Liu and Yuan-Yih Hsu,“Effect Of Rotor Excitation Voltage On Steady State Stability And Maximum Output Power Of A
Doubly Fed Induction Generator”, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 58, no 4,pp 1096-1109,2011.
21. Saadat H, “Power System Analysis”, Tata Mc Graw Hill, New Delhi 1999, 2002 edition.
Authors: Naveen Choudhary
Paper Title: Migration of On-Chip Networks from 2 Dimensional Plane to 3 Dimensional Plane
Abstract: In spite of the higher scalability and parallelism presented by 2D-Network-on-Chip (NoC) over the
conventional shared-bus based systems, it is still not an ultimate solution for future large scale Systems-on-Chip
(SoCs). Recently, NoC integration in three dimensions is (3D-Network-on-Chip) proposed as a potential solution
offering higher speed, low latency, lower dynamic power consumption and high parallelism Advanced integration
technologies are making feasible the extension of topology synthesis of on-chip networks from 2 dimension to 3
dimension. Studies have highlighted that 3D NoCs can significantly improve communication efficiency due to
108. reduced communication distances in 3D space. This paper presents a brief journey of research in the domain of
Network on Chip topology synthesis from 2D dimensional plane to 3 dimensional plane and highlights the major
challenges and issues faced and addressed by the NoC research community in the design of 2D standard NoCs, 516-519
irregular & application specific 2D NoCs and 3D NoCs.
1. W. J. Dally and B. Towles, “Route packets, not wires: on-chip interconnection networks,” in Proceedings of the 38th conference on Design
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vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 145-162, Feb 2005.
3. V. Pavlidis and E. Friedman. “3-D topologies for networks-on-chip”, in IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration Systems,
15(10), 2007.
4. The International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS) update, Semiconductor Industry Association, 2008.
5. G. Philip, B. Christopher, and P. Ramm, Handbook of 3D Integration. Wiley-VCH, 2008.
6. L. P. Carloni, P. Pande, and Y. Xie, “Networks-on-chip in emerging interconnect paradigms: Advantages and challenges”, in Proceedings
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7. J. Duato, S. Yalamanchili, L. Ni, Interconnection Networks : An Engineering Approach, Elsevier, 2003.
8. G. M. Chiu, “The odd-even turn model for adaptive routing,” in IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, vol. 11, no. 7, pp.
729–738, Jul 2000.
9. S. Kumar, A. Jantsch, J.P. Soininen, M. Forsell, M. Millberg, J. Öberg, K. Tiensyrjä, A. Hemani, “A Network on Chip Architecture and
Design Methodology”, In IEEE Annual Symposium on VLSI, April 2002.
10. e. a. M. D. Schroeder, “Autonet: A High-Speed Self-Configuring Local Area Network Using Point-to-Point Links”, In Journal on Selected
Areas in Communications, vol. 9, Oct. 1991.
11. A. Jouraku, A. Funahashi, H. Amano, M. Koibuchi, “L-turn routing: An Adaptive Routing in Irregular Networks”, In the International
Conference on Parallel Processing, pp. 374-383, Sep. 2001.
12. Y.M. Sun, C.H. Yang, Y.C Chung, T.Y. Hang, “An Efficient Deadlock-Free Tree-Based Routing Algorithm for Irregular Wormhole-
Routed Networks Based on Turn Model”, In International Conference on Parallel Processing, vol. 1, pp. 343-352, Aug. 2004.
13. J. Wu, L. Sheng, “Deadlock-Free Routing in Irregular Networks Using Prefix Routing”, DIMACS Tech. Rep. 99-19, Apr. 1999.
14. R. S. Patti, “Three-dimensional integrated circuits and the future of system-on-chip designs,” in Proc. of IEEE. vol. 94, pp. 1214 – 1224,
June 2006.
15. W. R. Davis, et al., “Demystifying 3D ICs: the pros and cons of going vertical,” in proc. of IEEE Design and Test of Computers. Vol. 22,
pp. 498– 510, November 2005.
16. J. Kim et al., “A novel dimensionally-decomposed router for on-chip communication in 3D architectures,” in Proc. of International
Symposium on Computer Architecture, pp. 138-149, 2007.
17. A.M. Rahmani, et al., “Congestion aware, fault tolerant and thermally efficient inter-layer communication scheme for Hybrid NoC-Bus 3D
architectures,” Networks on Chip (NoCs), Fifth IEEE/ACM International Symposium. Pittsburgh, pp. 65-72, May 2011.
18. B. S. Feero, and P. P. Pande, “Networks-on-Chip in a three-dimensional environment: a performance evaluation,” IEEE Transactions on
Computers. vol. 58, pp. 32-45, January 2009.
19. P. Guerrier and A. Greiner, “A generic architecture for on-chip packet- switched interconnections,” in Proc. of Design, Automation and
Test in Europe Conference. pp. 250-256, 2000.
Authors: Ramakrishna Das, Saurabh Dutta
An Approach of Private-Key Encryption Technique Based on Multiple Operators And Nth Even or
Paper Title:
Odd Term For Even or Odd Bit Position’s Value of A Plain Text’s Character
Abstract: Private-key cryptography is a cryptographic system that uses the same secret key to encrypt and decrypt
messages. The problem with this method is transmitting the secret key to the person that needs it without it being
intercepted Here, we have proposed an idea to increase the security of private-key encryption technique. We have
focused on the secret procedure to retrieve secret value from the private-key rather than securing the actual private-
key value. The encryption is done by the secret value derived from the private-key. The secret value is being derived
by making arithmetic operation between two decimal values. Those decimal values are derived by taking the binary
values from even and odd bit position of a plain text’s character respectively. The operators are supplied by the user.
As the formations of ‘0’ and ‘1’ are different for each distinct character in the plain text file, so we get different or
may be distinct secret private-key value for each of the distinct character in the plain text. Thus the security is
109. increased.
Keywords: Even or odd bit position, Nth Even or Odd term, Private-key Encryption, Stream Cipher.
1. J. K. Mandal, S. Dutta, “A 256-bit recursive pair parity encoder for encryption ”, Advances D -2004, Vol. 9 nº1, Association for the
Advancement of Modeling and Simulation Techniques in Enterprises (AMSE, France), www. AMSE-Modeling.org, pp. 1-14
2. William Stallings, Cryptography and Network security: Principles and practice (Second Edition), Pearson Education Asia, Sixth Indian
Reprint 2002.
3. Atul Kahate (Manager, i-flex solution limited, Pune, India), Cryptography and Network security, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company
4. Mark Nelson, Jean-Loup Gailly, The Data Compression Book. BPB Publication
5. Saurabh Dutta, “An Approach towards Development of Efficient Encryption Technique”, A thesis submitted to the University of North
Bengal for the Degree of Ph.D., 2004.
Authors: G.Karthikeyan, M.Ramajayam, A.Pannirselvam
Design and Fabrication of an Electronic Fuel Injection Kit for a Conventional Small Capacity SI
Paper Title:
Abstract: Port Fuel Injection (PFI) was developed in 1980s for automotive industry in order to improve engine
performance and control emission effectively. It is now used widely in modern cars and some kind of sport
motorcycles. To take advantage of electronic, the premix of air-fuel and combustion process can be programmed and
controlled very precisely. Therefore, the emission and performance of the engine can be improved significantly for
different working conditions. One of the main reasons for remote use of PFI technology in motorcycle is its
complexity added with high cost. This paper reports on the design, development and fabrication of a new and
compact PFI system that can replace an in-used carburetor easily with minimum modifications.
Keywords: Automotive; Four stroke; Gasoline; fuel retrofit kit; Spark ignition Engine.
1. Komuro, K., Yagisawa, K., Akamatsu, S., Hayashi, A., and Ueda, M. (2005). Fuel Injection System of Air-cooled Engines for Small
Displacement Motorcycles. SAE Technical Paper, No. 2005-32-0035.
2. Latey, A. A., Bhatti, T. S., Das, L.M., and Gajendra Babu, M. K. (2005). Gasoline Fuel Injection Investigations on Single Cylinder SI
Engine. SAE Technical Paper, No. 2005-26-012.
3. Ujiie, T., Saito, H., Ueda, M., Akamatsu, S., Hayashi, A., and Nakano, Y. (2005). Development of Fuel Injector and Fuel Pump for a Fuel
Injection System to Use in Small Motorcycles. SAE Technical Paper, No. 2005-01-0047.
4. Karasawa, T., Hashimoto, S., and Ehara, R. (2005). Development of Discharge Pump Type Fuel Injection System for Small Two-wheel
Vehicle. SAE Technical Paper, No. 2005-32-0022.
5. Almkvist, G., Karlsson, T., Gren, S., Bengtsson, J, Andersson, C. And Oskarsson, P. (2001). Fuel Injection System for a High Speed Single
Cylinder SI Engine. SAE Technical Paper, No. 2001-01-1863.
6. Nakamura, M., Sawada, Y., and Hashimoto, S. (2003). Fuel Injection System for Small Motorcycles. SAE Technical Paper, No. 2003-32-
7. Tamaki, K., Kokubu, S., and Akamatsu, S. (2004). Control Device of Electronically Controlled Fuel Injection System of Air-cooled
Engines for Small Motorcycles. SAE Technical Paper, No. 2004-01-0901.
8. Tsai, G. L., Wu, Y. Y., Chen, B. C., and Chuan, H. F. (2004). Rapid Prototyping ECU of a SI Engine with Fuel Injection and Ignition
Control. SAE Technical Paper, No. 2004-01-0419.
9. M.C. Drake, D.C. Haworth (2007). Advanced Gasoline Engine Development using Optical Diagnostics and Numerical Modelling,
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 31, 99-124.
10. Heywood J. B., Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals, Mc-Graw Hill Book Co., New York, 1988.
Authors: Nishant Kumar K., Rajul K. Gajjar
Inelastic Effects of Biaxial Excitation on Geometrically Asymmetric Plan Building with Biaxial
Paper Title:
Abstract: Seismic analysis is generally performed by creating a structural model which is excited with forces in
two orthogonal directions separately i.e. they are subjected to uniaxial excitation. But an actual earthquake will have
its effect in both the directions simultaneously. Limited research has been carried out on effect of such biaxial
excitation on two way geometrically asymmetric plan having biaxial eccentricity. This paper deals with the inelastic
effect of biaxial excitation on non-linear performance of geometrically two way asymmetric multi-storey buildings
with biaxial eccentricity using various time-histories. The angle of incidence of earthquake forces will be varying
between 0 to 360 degrees. The building, having of L-shaped plan with eccentricity along each of x and y directions,
has been studied. Time history analysis has been carried out using SAP2000 after validating a preliminary model
with experimental results available in reference literature.
Keywords: Biaixial excitation, Multi-storey building, geometrically asymmetrical plan, inelastic effects.
1. Lucchini Andrea, Monti Giorgio and Kunnath Sashi. “Non linear response of two way asymmetrical single storey building under bi-axial
excitation.” Journal of structural engineering, ASCE (January, 2011), 137(1), pp. 34-40
2. Julio J HERNÁNDEZ, Oscar A LÓPEZ, “Influence of Bidirectional Seismic Motion on the Response of Asymmetric Building” by 12th
111. World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 2000, 1813, pp. 1-8
3. Dorde Ladinovic, “Nonlinear seismic analysis of asymmetric in plan building” by FACTA UNIVERSITATIS: Architecture and Civil
Engineering Vol. 6, No 1, pp. 25 – 35, 2008, 530-533
4. Raúl González Herrera1, Consuelo Gómez Soberón, “Influence of Plan Irregularities of Buildings” by 14th World Conference on
Earthquake Engineering, 2008,
5. Andrea Lucchini, Giorgio Monti, Enrico Spacone, “Asymmetric-Plan Building: Irregularity Levels and Nonlinear Seismic Response” by E.
Cosenza (ed), Eurocode 8 Perspectives from the Italian Standpoint Workshop, pg 109-117, Doppiavoce, Napoli, Italy, 2000
6. N. Özhendekci, Z. Polat, “Torsional Irregularity of Buildings” by 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 2008,
7. Rucha S. Banginwar, M. R. Vyawahare, P. O. Modani, “Effect of Plan Configurations on the Seismic Behaviour of the Structure by
Response Spectrum Method” by International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications(IJERA), May-June 2012, 2(3), pp. 1439-
8. Christos A. Zeris, Stephen A. Mahin, “Behaviour of Reinforced Concrete Structures Subjected to Biaxial Excitation” by Journal of
Structural Engineering (ASCE), Sept 1991, 117(9), pp. 2657-2673
9. Christos A. Zeris, Stephen A. Mahin, “Behaviour of Reinforced Concrete Beam-Columns under Uniaxial Excitation” by Journal of
Structural Engineering (ASCE), April 1998, 114(4), pp. 804-820
10. H. P. Hong, “Torsional Responses under Bi-Directional Seismic Excitations: Effects of Instantaneous Load Eccentricities” by Journal of
Structural Engineering (ASCE), March 2012,
11. Juan C. De La Llera, Anil K. Chopra, “Estimation of Accidental Torsion Effects for Seismic Design of Buildings” by Journal of Structural
Engineering (ASCE), Jan 1995, 121(1), pp. 102-114
12. Czeslaw Bajer, “Time Integration Methods – Still Questions” by Theoretical Foundations of Civil Engineering, Warsaw, 2002, pp. 45-54
13. Deierlein, Gregory G., Reinhorn, Andrei M., and Willford, Michael R. (2010). “Nonlinear structural analysis for seismic design,” NEHRP
Seismic Design Technical Brief No. 4, produced by the NEHRP Consultants Joint Venture,
14. “Applicability of Non-linear Multiple-degree-of-freedom modelling for design” by NEHRP joint venture
15. IS 1893:2002 “Criteria for Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures
M Shanmuga Priya, Reyaz Farooq, Divyashree K, A.K Satheesh Babu, M Lakshmi Prabha, Prasad
Pilot Scale Production of Azotobacter Biofertilizer and Its Effect on the Growth Parameters of
Paper Title:
Ocimum Sanctum
Abstract: Azotobacters are predominant in the rhizosphere of plants and they help in phosphate solubilisation.
They belong to the family Azotobacteraceae and they are used as broad spectrum biofertilizers. In the present study
four samples were collected from the rhizosphere regions of the plants namely Solanum lycopersicum (tomato),
Zingiber officinale (ginger), Solanum melongena (Brinjal) and Allium sativum (Garlic). The collected samples were
isolated and identified as isolates 1, 2, 3 and 4. Biochemical tests such as motility test, catalase test, oxidase test,
112. starch hydrolysis, litmus milk and phosphate solubilisation were performed. The effect of culture parameters such as
Incubation period, pH, Temperature and carbon source at different concentrations were carried out. Mass production
of Azotobacter was carried out using batch fermenter. Further pot experiments were conducted to determine the root
length, shoot length and number of leaves in Ocimum sanctum on 15th , 30th and 45th day. The results showed an
increase in root length, shoot length and number of leaves in biofertilizer treated plant when compared with the
control and inorganic fertilizer.
1. Bridgwater, A.V. (1999). A Guide to Fast Pyrolysis of Biomass for Fuels and Chemicals. Bioenergy Research Group – Aston University,
114. United Kingdom.
2. Demirbaş, A., A. Şahin-Demirbaş and A. Hilal Demirbaş. 2004. Briquetting properties of biomass waste materials. Energy Sources 26: 83-
91. 541-546
3. Jamie Morton, July 2001, Forest and Wood Products Research and Development Corporation (2001) Bioenergy: A future for the Australian
Forest Industry.
4. Li, Y. and H. Liu. 2000. High pressure densification of wood residues to form an upgraded fuel. Biomass and Bioenergy 19: 177-186.
5. National Environmental Policy, Government of Zimbabwe-Ministry of Environment and Tourism (September 2003)
6. Ndiema, C.K.W., P.N. Manga and C.R. Ruttoh. 2002. Influence of die pressure on relaxation characteristics of briquetted biomass. Energy
Conversion and Management 43: 2157-2161.
7. Nupur Sengupta, 2002, Use of Wood as a Fuel in Combined Heat and Power
8. P.D. Grover and S.K.Mishra, FAO 1996Biomass Briquetting: Technology and Practices
9. Stucley C.R, Schuck S.M, Sims R.E.H, Larsen P.L, Turvey N.D and Marino B.E(2004) Biomass energy production in Australia Status costs
and opportunities for major technologies. A report for JVAP in conjunction with the AGO
10. Sustainable Energy Development Authority (1999) Investigation of Potential for Electricity Generation from Forestry By-products in New
South Wales. By Enecon Pty Ltd & CSIRO Australia, June 1999
11. UNEP Collaborating Centre on Energy and Environment (January 1997), Implementation strategy to reduce environmental impact on
energy related activities in Zimbabwe
12. Wyman, C.E., B.E. Dale, R.T. Elander, M. Holtzapple, M.R. Ladisch and Y.Y. Lee. 2005. Comparative sugar recovery data from laboratory
scale application of leading pretreatment technologies to corn stover. Bioresource Technology 96: 2026-2032.
13. Yaman, S., M. Şahan, H. Haykiri-açma, K. Şeşen and S. Küçükbayrak. 2000. Production of fuel briquettes from olive refuse and paper mill
waste. Fuel Processing Technology 68: 23-31.
14. Zandersons, J., J. Gravitis, A. Zhurinsh, A. Kokorevics, U. Kallavus and C.K. Suzuki. 2004. Carbon materials obtained from self-binding
sugar cane bagasse and deciduous wood residues plastics. Biomass and Bioenergy 26: 345-360.
Authors: Nimisha C. Chaudhari
Paper Title: Cluster Based Key Revocation and Key Distribution in Wireless Sensor Network a Survey
Abstract: Key management has become a challenging issue in the design and deployment of secure wireless
sensor networks. key management includes two aspects: key distribution and key revocation. Key distribution refers
to the task of distributing secret keys between communicating parties to provide secrecy and authentication. Key
revocation refers to the task of securely removing compromised keys. By revoking all of the keys of a compromised
sensor node, the node can be removed from the network. Compared to key distribution, Wireless sensor networks
consist of sensor nodes with limited computational and communication capabilities. In this paper, the whole network
of sensor nodes is divided into clusters based on their physical locations. In addition, efficient ways of key
distribution among the nodes within the cluster and among controllers of each cluster are discussed. Also, inter and
intra cluster communications are presented in detail. The security of the entire network through efficient key
115. management by taking into consideration the network’s power capabilities is discussed. In this paper, we have
discussed several existing methods for key revocation. 547-549
Keywords: Key distribution, Key revocation, heterogeneous atmosphere, wireless sensor node, Security
Requirements, Sensor Network, clusters, nodes
1. Y. Wang, G. Attebury, and B. Ramamurthy, "A survey of security issues in wireless sensor networks," IEEE Communications Surveys and
Tutorials, vol. 8, no. 2, 2006.
2. X. Du, Y. Xiao, M. Guizani, H.H. Chen, An Effective Key Management Scheme for Heterogeneous Sensor Networks, Ad Hoc Networks,
Elsevier, vol. 5, issue 1, January 2007, pp. 24-34.
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Multiple Input Multiple Output Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (MIMO-OFDM) Based
Paper Title:
Image Transmission Using Hadamard Transform as PAPR Reduction Technique
Abstract: High data rate wireless communications demands robustness, high spectral efficiency, frequency
selective fading, and low computational complexity. Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) is one of
the most promising technologies to achieve these goals. OFDM can be used in conjunction with a Multiple-Input
Multiple-Output (MIMO) transreceiver to increase the diversity gain and/or the system capacity by exploiting spatial
domain. Because the OFDM system effectively provides numerous parallel narrowband channels, MIMO-OFDM is
considered a key technology in emerging high-data rate systems such as 4G, IEEE 802.16, and IEEE 802.11n.
However there is one main disadvantage of MIMO-OFDM that is the high peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) of
the transmitter’s output signal on different antennas. High Peak to Average Power Ratio (PAPR) for MIMO-OFDM
system is still a demanding area and difficult issue. By now, for reducing PAPR, numerous techniques have been
recommended. In this paper Hadamard Transform based Selective Level Mapping as method of PAPR reduction
technique has been proposed and simulated. The whole simulation work has been tested on image signal and the
results at both transmitter and receiver have been verified in terms of various graphs and plots.
Keywords: Multiple Input Multiple Out (MIMO), Peak to Average Power Ratio (PAPR), Orthogonal Space Time
Block Code (OSTBC) Encoder, Hadamard Transform, Complementary Cumulative Distribution Function (CCDF).
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References: 554-558
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Authors: V.Harsha Ram Keerthi, N.Sri pravallika, P.Srinivasulu
Design of C-Band Square Microstrip Patch Antenna with Dual Feed for Radar Applications Using
Paper Title:
Abstract: In the recent years the development in communication systems requires the development of low cost,
minimal weight and low profile antennas that are capable of maintaining high performance over a wide spectrum of
frequencies. This technological trend has focused much effort into the design of a microstrip patch antenna. The
objective of this paper is to design an microstrip line fed rectangular microstrip patch antenna which operates in C-
band at 5GHz. ADS supports every step of the design process—schematic capture, layout, frequency-domain and
time-domain circuit simulation, and electromagnetic field simulation, allowing the engineer to fully characterize and
optimize an RF design without changing tools. Therefore, method of moments based ADS software is used to design
a Microstrip Patch Antenna with enhanced gain and bandwidth. Advanced Design System (ADS) continues to lead
the RF EDA industry with the most innovative and commercially successful technologies, including Harmonic
Balance, Circuit Envelope, Transient Convolution, Agilent Ptolemy, X-parameter*, Momentum and 3D EM
simulators (including both FEM and FDTD solvers). With ADS’s Wireless Libraries and circuit-system-EM co-
simulation technology, ADS provides full, standards-based design and verification within a single, integrated
platform. The length of the antenna is nearly half wavelength in the dielectric it is a very critical parameter, which
governs the resonant frequency of the antenna. In view of design, selection of the patch width and length are the
major parameters along with the feed line dimensions. Desired patch antenna design was simulated by ADS
simulator program. The entire project is being carried out at National Atmospheric Research Laboratory (NARL),
ISRO. 559-563
Keywords: C-Band, ADS, Micro strip Patch, RADAR, Wind profiler, dual feed, NARL
1. Srinivasulu. P, Manas R Padhy, Yasodha. P and NarayanaRao. T, 2010 "Development of UHF wind profiling radar for lower
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Authors: N.Gopi Chand, K.Ravi Teja, M.Sridevi
Paper Title: Proposed Ways to Extract Maximum Efficient Power Out Of a Solar Panel
Abstract: In this paper,we presented how to extract maximum efficiency out of a solar panel using two combined
techniques. The first one we have to implement is a micro-controller based solar-tracking system. The system checks
the position of the sun and controls the movement of a solar panel so that radiation of the sun comes normally to the
surface of the solar panel and the second is to install an MPPT charge controller which makes the inverter to work at
maximum power point. so that under any climatic conditions maximum power is extracted. This way we make
efficient use of both solar panel and solar-energy from sun
Keywords: MPPT(Maximum power point tracking), Charge Controller, Micro-controller, Solar Tracking.
1. L. Piegari, R. Rizzo, "Adaptive perturb and observe algorithm for photovoltaic maximum power point tracking," Renewable Power
Generation, IET, vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 317-328, July 2010.
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Circuits and Systems, 2003, vol. 3, pp. 399-402.
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9. Nisha Das and Marian K. Kazimierczuk, "Power Losses and Efficiency of Buck PWM DC-DC Converter", IEEE Proceedings, Electrical
Insulation Conference and Electrical Manufacturing , Oct. 2005, pp. 417-423.
10. Mehmet Bode, Muammer Ermis, "Maximum power point tracking for low power photovoltaic solar panels", Electrical and Electronics Eng.
Dept., Middle East Technical University, 06531, Ankara, Turkey, 1994 IEEE.
11. Nicola Femia, Giovanni Petrone, Giovanni Spagnuolo, and Massimo Vitelli, " Optimization of Perturb and Observe Maximum Power point
tracking method", IEEE Trans. Power Electronics, vol. 20, No.4, pp. 963-973, July 2005.
12. L. Piegari, R. Rizzo, "Adaptive perturb and observe algorithm for photovoltaic maximum power point tracking," Renewable Power
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Authors: M. Kalyanasundaram, Merin P. George, S.Suresh Kumar
Unified Power Quality Conditioner (UPQC) for the Mitigations of Power Quality Problems in
Paper Title:
Distribution System
Abstract: The Unified Power Quality Conditioner (UPQC) is a versatile device which could function as both
series filter and shunt filter. The main concern in this paper is to introduce a new concept of UPQC for mitigating
different power system problems. The new concept is known as the UPQC-S, in which the series inverter of UPQC is
controlled to perform the simultaneous voltage sag/swell compensation and load reactive power sharing with shunt
inverter. The reference voltage signal for controlling the series inverter is generated using the UPQC controller based
on PAC approach. The Active Power Control approach is integrated with the theory of Power Angle Control
approach to perform the two functions simultaneously. The controlling of shunt inverter of UPQC-S is done using
PSO based fuzzy logic controller. Computer simulation by MATLAB/ SIMULINK has been used to support the
developed concept.
Keywords: Power Angle Control (PAC), power quality, reactive power compensation, Active power filter (APF),
unified power quality conditioner (UPQC), voltage sag and swell compensation, PSO(Particle Swarm Optimization),
VAloading, Fuzzy Logic Controller.
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Authors: Alok Rao, Narendra Upadhyay, Vivek Kumar Rai
Paper Title: A Survey on AODV Protocol Performance with Black Hole Node in MANET
Abstract: Security is a main concern in any network communication. Because of MANETs special characteristics,
it becomes vulnerable to security attacks. MANET has no fixed infrastructure and any centralized system. It has a
dynamic topology which randomly changes itself. There are different kinds of security attacks in MANETs. In this
we have discussed an attack known as Black Hole attack. In MANETs, AODV is the commonly used routing
algorithm, in which black hole attack can easily take place. Black hole attack takes advantage of route discovery
121. process in it and provide wrong route to the source node in MANETs. Many researchers have given different
solutions for preventing and detecting this attack. We have discussed some of the proposed solutions in this survey. 574-577
Keywords: AODV, MANETs, Collaborative black hole attack, Single black hole attack.
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Paper Title: Development of an Appropriate Briquetting Machine for Use in Rural Communities
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communities was designed and constructed, and the performance evaluation carried out using sawdust. The physical
and combustion properties of the briquette were determined at varying biomass-binder ratios of 100:15, 100:25,
100:35 and 100:45 using cassava starch as the binding agent. Both the physical and combustion properties of the
briquette were significantly affected by the binder level (P < 0.05). The optimum biomass-binder ratio on the basis of
the compressed density was attained at the 100:25 blending ratio having a compressed density of 0.7269g/cm3 and a
heating value of 27.17MJKg-1 while the optimum blending ratio on the basis of the heating value was attained at the
100:35 blending ratio with a compressed density of 0.7028g/cm3. It was concluded that the heating values at the
optimum biomass-binder ratios were sufficient to produce heat required for household cooking and small scale
industrial cottage applications. The biomass briquetting machine had a production capacity of about 43kg/hr.
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20. Wilaipon, P. (2007). Physical Characteristics of Maize Cob Briquette under Moderate Die Pressure. Am. J. Appl. Sci., 4, 995-998.
21. Musa, N. A. (2007). Comparative Fuel Characterization of Rice Husk and Groundnut Shell Briquettes. NJRED. 6(4): 245-262.
Authors: Mistry Soham, Bhatt Rajiv
Critical FactorsAffecting Labour Productivity InConstruction Projects: Case Study of South Gujarat
Paper Title:
Region of India
Abstract: Labour productivity is one of the least studied areas within the construction industry. Productivity
improvements achieve higher cost savings with minimal investment. Due to the fact that profit margins are small on
construction projects, cost savings associated with productivity are crucial to becoming a successful contractor. The
chief setback to improving labor productivity is measured labor productivity. The main objective of this study is to
find critical factors affecting labour productivity. A survey was carried out in south Gujarat region cities , oncivil
contractors. Total 51 feedbacks were analyzed through the Analytic hierarchy process(AHP) and Relative Importance
Index(RII) techniques.Five most crucial factorsin descending order from RII Technique areDelay in payments, Skill
Of Labour, Clarity Of Technical Specification,Shortage Of Materials, and Motivation of Labour. According to AHP
Technique first 5 crucial factors in descending order are High/Low Temperature, Rain, High Wind, Motivation of
Labour, andPhysical Fatigue. Contractors shall act on these factors to improve labour productivityin construction
Keywords: labour productivity, Construction contractor, India, Relative importance index,Analytic Hierarchy
Process, rank.
1. Abdul Kadir, M. R., Lee, w. P., Jaafar, M. S., Sapuan, S. M., And Ali, A. A. (2005). “Factors Affecting Construction Labour Productivity
For Malaysian Residential Projects.” Struct. Surv., 23 (1), 42–54.
2. ArunAkulsawartudom,margarretEmsley And Sinthawanarong The Journal Of Kmitnb,vol 14,jul Sep.2004 “Critical Factors Influencing
123. Construction Productivity In Thailand”
3. Abdulaziz M. Jarkas,ph.D., P.Eng.1; And Camille G. Bitar, P.Eng.2 “Factors Affecting Construction Labor Productivity In Kuwait”.
Journal Of Construction Engineering And Management .ASC , July 2012 583-591
4. Wen Yi1* And Albert P.C. Chan2” Critical Review Of Labor Productivity Research In Construction Journals (2013) Journal Of
Management In Engineering.”
5. Khaled, Mahmoud El-gohary *1 And Remon, Fayek Aziz 2“Factors Influencing Construction Labor Productivity InEgypt”JournalOf
Management InEngineering. Submitted April 4, 2012; Accepted January 4, 2013; posted Ahead Of Print January 7, 2013.
6. M.R. Abdul Kadir, W.P. Lee, M.S. Jaafar, S.M. Sapuan And A.A.A. Ali Universiti “Factors Affecting Construction Labour Productivity
For Malaysian Residential Projects”, Putra Malaysia, Selangor, Malaysiastructural Survey Vol. 23 No. 1, 2005 Pp. 42-54 Q Emerald Group
Publishing Limited 0263-080X
7. Finke, M. R. (1998). “A Better Way To Estimate And Mitigate Disruption.”J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 124 (6), 490–497. Handa, V., And
Abdalla, O. (1989). “Forecasting Productivity ByWork Sampling.” “ Factors Affecting Employee Productivity In The UAE Construction
Industry” , U.K Constr. Manage. Econ., 7 (1), 19–28.
8. Mao Zhi*, Goh Bee Hua, Wang Shouqing And George Ofori “Total Factor Productivity Growth Accounting In The Construction Industry
Of Singapore ” Construction Management And Economics
9. Talhouni, B. T. (1990). “Measurement and analysis of construction labour productivity.” Ph.D. thesis, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Univ. Of
Dundee, Dundee, UK. Thomas, H. R., Maloney, W. F., Horner, R. M. W., Smith, G. R., Handa,
10. T. L. saaty, the analytic hierarchy process, McGraw-hill,1980
11. V. K., and Sanders, S. R. (1990). “Modeling construction labor productivity.”J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 116 (4), 705–726. Zakari, M.,
Olomolaiye, P. O., Holt, G. D., and Harris, F. C. (1996). “A survey of constraints on Iranian construction operatives’ productivity.”Constr.
Manage. Econ., 14 (5), 417–426.
13. Building construction by B. C. Punamiya
14. Construction project management by K.K.CHITKARA
15. Estimating and costing in a Civil engineering book by B.N.DUTTA
16. Labour Productivity In Indian Industries Book By M. K. Singh
Authors: N. Durga Indira, K. Nalini, Habibulla Khan
Paper Title: Design of Interdigital Bandpass Filter
Abstract: The purpose of this paper described about the design of microwave interdigital bandpass filter at
different frequencies. A microwave filter is two port network used to control the frequency response. This paper
presented the simulation of interdigital bandpass filter and chebyshev bandpass filter with lumped elements using
ADS (Advanced Design System Software). In this filters RT-DUROID substrate is used with 0.5mm thickness.
Keywords: Log files, MTA, SMTP, Email, Spam, Directory harvest, Firewall, Virus, Worm, Firewall Ruleset
125. 1. C. Bron, and J. Kerbosch. 1973. Finding all cliques of an undirected graph. Comm. ACM 16(9), pp. 575-577.
2. Wei-Jen Li,Shlolo Hershkop,Salvatore j. Stolfo, VizSec/DMSEC’04, October 29, 2004, Washington, DC. USA.ACM 1-58113-974- 597-602
3. Xloyan Fu, Xlaobin Shen,Seok-Hee Hong,Yingcin Wu, Nikola S. Nikolov,Kal Xu,Visualization and analysis of Email Networks, IEEE
Asia Pacific Symposium on Visualization 2007(APVIS2007), Sydney, Australia, 2007.
4. Weidong Huang, Colin Murray, Xiaobin Shen, Le Song, Yingxin Wu, Lanbo Zheng. Visualisation and Analysis of Network Motifs.,IEEE
9th International Conference Information Visualisation, London England, 6-8 July 2005.
5. Dan Boneh ,Unwanted Traffic: Denial of Service and Spam email. CS 155. Spring 2009.
6. Tobias Eggendorfer Jörg Keller, Preventing Spam By Dynamically Obfuscating Email-Addresses, IEEE, 200
7. J. Baumes, M. Goldberg , M. Magdon- Ismail, A. Wallace. Discovery of hidden group in the communication networks, Rensselaer
Polytechnic Institute, 21st Feb 2004.
8. Ulrik Brandes , A Faster Algorithm for Betweenness Centrality, Journal of Mathematical Sociology 25(2):163-177, (2001).
9. Parbati kumar Manna, Shigang Chen, Sanjay Ranka, Inside the permutation-scanning worms: propagation modeling and analysis.
10. Wei-Jen Li , Shlomo Hershkop, Salvatore J. Stolfo, Email Archive Analysis Through Graphical Visualization , VizSEC/DMSEC’04,
October 29, 2004, Washington, DC. USA.
11. Boldizs´ar Bencs´ath Istv´an Vajda, Efficient Directory Harvest Attacks
12. Olu Akindeinde,Security Analysis and data Visualization, October 16,2009
13. Raffael Marty, Applied Security Visualization, Pearson Education,Inc 2009,
14. Richard Blum, Open source Email security, Sam publication, 2002
15. Mark Ciampa,Security+guide to network security fundamental,3rd edition, 2009
16. George M. Marakas Introduction to DataMining, Wirehousing and Visualization, Core Concepts, Eearson Education,Inc, 2009
17. Nidhi Sharma FireViz: A Personal Firewall Visualizing Tool, Massachusetts Institute Of Technology, Masters of Engineering in Computer
Science and Engineering,June2005.
Authors: Pallavi Patil, D.S. Bormane
Paper Title: DWT Based Invisible Watermarking Technique for Digital Images
Abstract: The two most aspects of any image based steganographic system are the quality of the stego-image &
the capacity of the cover image. A lossless data hiding scheme is presented based on quantized coefficients of
discrete wavelet transform (DWT) in the frequency domain to embed secret message. Using the quantized DWT
based method, we embed secret data into the successive zero coefficients of the medium-high frequency components
in each reconstructed block for 3-level 2-D DWT of cover image. The procedures of the proposed system mainly
include embedding & extracting. The original image can be recovered losslessly when the secret data had been
extracted from stego-image.
1. Hui-Yu Huang & Shih-Hsu Chang “A lossless data hiding based on discrete Haar wavelet transform”,10th IEEE International Conference
126. on Computer and Information Technology, 2010
2. Cui-ling JIANG“A Steganographic Method based on the JPEG Digital images” Institute of Information, East China University of Science
and Technology,2011 603-605
3. Anjali A. Shejul & Prof. U.L Kulkarni “A DWT based Approach for Steganography Using Biometrics”, International Conference on Data
Storage and Data Engineering, 2010
4. Souvik Bhattacharyya and Gautam Sanyal “Data Hiding in Images in Discrete Wavelet Domain Using PMM”, World Academy of Science,
Engineering and Technology, 2010.
5. Mohammad Reza Soheili “A Robust Digital image Watermarking Scheme Based on DWT” Journal of Advances in Computer Research,
m2(2010) 75-82.1
6. Adel Almohammad “High Capacity Steganographic Method Based Upon JPEG” The Third International Conference on Availability
Reliability and Security, 2008.Y. K. Lee and L.-H. Chen, “High capacity image steganographic model”, Vision, Image and Signal
Processing, IEEE Proceedings, 2000
7. Qingzhong Li, Chen Yu and Dongsheng Chu “A Robust Image Hiding Method Based on Sign Embedding and Fuzzy Classification”,
Proceedings of the 6th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, 2006
8. Mohammad Shirali-Shahreza “A New Method for Real-Time steanography” ICSP,2006 Proceedings
9. Po-Yueh Chen and Hung-Ju Lin, “A DWT Based Approach for Image Steganography”, IEEE International Journal of Applied Science and
10. Guorong Xuan, Yun Q. Shi & Chengyun Yang “Lossless Data Hiding Using Integer Wavelet Transform and Threshold Embedding
Technique” 0-7803-9332-5/05/$20.00 ©2005 IEEE
11. Y. K. Lee and L.-H. Chen, “High capacity image steganographic model”, Vision, Image and Signal Processing, IEEE Proceedings, 2000
Authors: Priyanka Asrani
Paper Title: Mobile Cloud Computing
Abstract: Together with rapid growth in mobile applications and cloud computing technology, mobile cloud
computing has been introduced to be a potential technology for mobile services. As mobile cloud computing is still
in an early stage of development, it is necessary to have a thorough understanding of the technology in order to point
to the direction of future research. With this aim, this paper presents a review on the background and principles of
mobile cloud computing- principle, architecture and challenges along with the possible solutions. It also gives brief
account about mobile and cloud computing. Applications like M-commerce, M-healthcare and M-gaming have been
presented to discuss the possible applications of mobile cloud computing. The paper concludes with the authors view
127. about the future of this technology.
Keywords: Cloud computing,Mobile cloud computing, Mobile computing.
1. What cloud computing means, Onbile, [Online], Available: http://www.onbile.com/info/what-cloud-computing-means
2. Cloud computing, Wikipedia, [Online], Available: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cloud_computing
3. S. Shankar, “Amazon elastic compute cloud,” 2009
4. A. Zahariev, “Google app engine,” Helsinki University of Technology, 2009.
5. (2011) Microsoft azure homepage. [Online]. Available: http://www.windowsazure.com/en-us/.
6. (2009) The customer relationship management (CRM),[Online],Available: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Customer relationship management
7. Haan Qi and Abdullah Gani, Research on Mobile Cloud Computing: Review, Trend and Perspectives
Authors: Aparnaa.M, Sacred HeartAmir.C, Vigneshwari. K, VishnuKumar.A
Paper Title: Privacy Preserving Scalar Product Computation for Mobile Healthcare Emergency
Abstract: The cost of health care has become a national concern. Recent advances in wireless communication
networking and IT have made it possible to monitor and overhaul the outcomes across diverse healthcare
environment. Here we make use of the sensors and smart phones to provide continuous monitoring of the individuals
without the need for them to be hospitalized. Based on the health conditions of the patients’, the dedicated sensors
are provided to monitor the patients’ after which the sensed data is transmitted to the healthcare center using their
smart phones. However the Smart phone which are used for various purpose when is not available to transmit the
data due to some reasons , we make use of opportunistic computing where the data is transmitted using a neighbors’
Smartphone. The m-healthcare still faces many challenges which include Information security and privacy
preservation. To overcome the above shortcomings we use a encryption technique to preserve the privacy of users’
health information.
Keywords: About four key words or phrases in alphabetical order, separated by commas.
A. Toninelli, R. Montanari, and A. Corradi, "Enabling secure servicediscovery in mobile healthcare enterprise networks," IEEE
WirelessCommunications, vol. 16, pp. 24-32, 2009.
128. 1. R. Lu, X. Lin, X. Liang, and X. Shen, "Secure handshake with symptoms-matching: The essential to the success of mhealthcare social
network," in Proc. BodyNets'10, Corfu Island, Greece, 2010. 610-613
2. Y. Ren, R. W. N. Pazzi, and A. Boukerche, "Monitoring patients via a secure and mobile healthcare system," IEEE Wireless
Communications,vol. 17, pp. 59-65, 2010.
3. R. Lu, X. Lin, X. Liang, and X. Shen, "A secure handshake scheme with symptoms-matching for mhealthcare social network," MONET,
vol. 16, no. 6, pp. 683-694, 2011.
4. M. R. Yuce, S. W. P. Ng, N. L. Myo, J. Y. Khan, and W. Liu, "Wireless body sensor network using medical implant band," Journal of
Medical Systems, vol. 31, no. 6, pp. 467-474, 2007.
5. M. Avvenuti, P. Corsini, P. Masci, and A. Vecchio, "Opportunistic computing for wireless sensor networks," in IEEE Proc. of MASS'07,
pp. 1-6.
6. A. Passarella, M. Conti, E. Borgia, and M. Kumar, "Performance evaluation of service execution in opportunistic computing," in Proc. of
ACM MSWIM '10, 2010, pp. 291-298.
7. M. Conti, S. Giordano, M. May, and A. Passarella, "From opportunistic networks to opportunistic computing," IEEE Communications
Magazine, vol. 48, pp. 126-139, September 2010.
8. M. Conti and M. Kumar, "Opportunities in opportunistic computing," IEEE Computer, vol. 43, no. 1, pp. 42-50, 2010.
9. W. Du and M. Atallah, "Privacy-preserving cooperative statistical analysis," in Proc. of ACSAC '01, 2001, pp. 102-111.
10. J. Vaidya and C. Clifton, "Privacy preserving association rule mining in vertically partitioned data," in Proc. of ACM KDD'02, pp. 639-644.
11. A. Amirbekyan and V. Estivill-Castro, "A new efficient privacypreserving scalar product protocol," in Proc. of AusDM '07, pp. 209-214.
12. P. Paillier, "Public-key cryptosystems based on composite degree residuosity classes," in Proc. of EUROCRYPT'99, 1999, pp. 223-238.
13. R. Lu, X. Liang, X. Li, X. Lin, and X. Shen, "Eppa: An efficient and privacy-preserving aggregation scheme for secure smart grid
communications," IEEE Transactions on Parallel Distributed and Systems, to appear.
14. X. Lin, R. Lu, X. Shen, Y. Nemoto, and N. Kato, "Sage: a strong privacy preserving scheme against global eavesdropping for e-health
systems," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 27, no. 4, pp.365-378, 2009.
Authors: Aparna.V, Jabisha Arul, Nandhini. S, Vishnu Kumar. A
Paper Title: Multi Attribute Based Technique in Key Generation System
Abstract: The main objective of this paper is to improve the security and the efficiency while sharing the data
129. between data owner and the users. Based upon the attributes of the users we are going to share the data. One of the
most challenging issues in confidential data sharing systems is the enforcement of data access policies and the
support of policies updates. Cipher text policy attribute based encryption (CP-ABE) is becoming a promising
cryptographic solution to this kind of problem. It enables data owners to define their own access policies over their
user attributes and enforce the policies on the data to be distributed. However, the advantage of the system comes
with a major drawback which is known as a key escrow problem. The key generation center might decrypt any kind
of messages addressed to specific users by generating their private keys. This is not suitable for data sharing typical
scenarios where the data owner would like to make their private data only accessible to designated users. In addition,
applying CP-ABE in data sharing system introduces another challenge with regard to the user revocation. From this
study, we propose a novel CP-ABE scheme for a data sharing system by exploiting the characteristic of the system
architecture. The performance and security analysis indicate that the proposed scheme is efficient to securely manage
the data distributed in the data sharing system.
Keywords: Attribute Based Encryption, Escrow Free Key Issuing Protocol, Ant Colony Algorithm, Revocation.
1. A.LewkoandB.Waters,”DecentralizingAttribute-based encryption, ”in Proceedings: Advancesin Cryptology EUROCRYPT”11
(K.G.Paterson.ed), vol.6 632 of ectureNotesInComputerScience,(Tallinn,Estonia),pp.568-588,Springer,May 15-19 2011.
2. Lewko,A.Sahai,B.Waters,”RevocationSystems with very small private keys,”Proc.IEEE Symposium on security and privacy 2010, pp.273-
3. M.Chase, “Multi- author it yattribute based encryption, ”in Proceedings: Theory of Cryptography Conference TCC’07 (S.P.Vadhan,ed.),
vol.4392 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, (Amsterdam, The Netherlands),pp.515-534,Springer,February 21-24 2007.
4. M.ChaseandS.S.Chow,”ImprovingPrivacyandsecurityinmultiauthority Attributebasedencryption”,Proc.ACMConference on Computer and
communications Security-CCS’09,pp.121-130.
5. L. Cheung and C. Newport, “Provably secure ciphertext policy abe,” in Proceedings: ACM Conference on Computer and Communications
Security - CCS’07 (P. Ning, S.D.C.di Vimercati, and P. F.Syverson, eds.), (Alexandria, Virginia, USA), pp. 456–465, ACM,October 28-
31 2007.
6. L. Ibraimi, M. Petkovic, S. Nikova, P. Hartel, W. Jonker, ”Mediated Ciphertext-Policy Attribute-Based Encryption and Its Application,”
Proc. WISA 2009, LNCS 5932, pp. 309–323, 2009.
7. J. Bethencourt, A. Sahai, B. Waters, ”Ciphertext- PolicyAttribute-Based Encryption,” Proc. IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy
2007, pp. 321–334, 2007.
8. R.Gennaro,S.Jarecki,H.Krawczyk,and T.Rabin,”Robust threshold signatures,” Information and Computation,pp.54-84,2001.
9. M. Green and S. Hohenberger, “Blind identity based encryption and simulatable oblivious transfer,” in Proceedings: Advances in
Cryptology-ASIACRYPT’07(K. Kurosawa, ed.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, (Kuching, Malaysia), pp. 265–282,Springer,
December 2-6 2007.
10. D.Chaum,“Security withoutidentification: Transaction systems to make big brother obsolete,” Communication of ACM, vol. 28,no. 10, pp.
1030–1044, 1985.
Authors: Aparna Madhavrao Harale, J.S.Chitode
Analyze performance of Median Filter and Center Weighted Median Filter for Efficient Removal of
Paper Title:
Impulse Noise Using ARM
Abstract: A methodology based on median filters for the removal of Salt and Pepper noise by its detection
followed by filtering in both binary and gray level images has been proposed in this paper. Linear and nonlinear
filters have been proposed earlier for the removal of impulse noise; however the removal of impulse noise often
brings about blurring which results in edges being distorted and poor quality. Therefore the necessity to preserve
the edges and fine details during filtering is the challenge faced by researchers today. The proposed method
consists of noise detection followed by the removal of detected noise by median filter using selective pixels that are
not noise themselves. The noise detection is based on simple thresholding of pixels. Computer simulations were
carried out to analyze the performance of the proposed method and the results obtained were compared to that of
conventional median filter and center weighted median (CWM) filter.
Keywords: Improved median filter; conventional median filter; center weighted median (CWM) filter;
Impulse noise; Salt and pepper; Image denoising; Non linear filters.
130. References:
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2. Reginald L. Lagendijk, Jan Biemond, Iterative Identification and Restoration of Images, Kulwer Academic, Boston, 1991.
3. Raymond H. Chan, Chung-Wa Ho, and Mila Nikolova, Salt-and- Pepper Noise Removal by Median-Type Noise Detectors and Detail-
Preserving Regularization, IEEE Transactions on image processing, Vol. 14, No. 10, pp. 1479-1485, Oct. 2005.
4. Kenny Kal Vin Toh, Haidi Ibrahim, Muhammad Nasiruddin Mahyuddin, Salt-and-Pepper Noise Detection and Reduction Using
Fuzzy Switching Median Filter, IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, Vol. 54, No. 4, pp. 1956-1961, Nov. 2008.
5. Changhong Wang, Taoyi Chen, and Zhenshen Qu, A Novel Improved Median Filter for Salt-and-Pepper Noise from Highly Corrupted
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7. Yu Jiang, Guo hongwei and Li chao, A Filtering Algorithm for Removing Salt and Pepper Noise and Preserving Details of Images, 2010.
8. Kun He, Jiliu Zhou, Liu Chang, Ran Liu, An Efficient Salt-and- Pepper Noise Removal on Local Edge-Preserving Function,
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9. Xuming Zhang and Youlun Xiong, Impulse Noise Removal Using Directional Difference Based Noise Detector and Adaptive
Weighted Mean Filter, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, VOL. 16, NO. 4, pp. 295-298, Apr. 2009.
10. Fei Duan and Yu-Jin Zhang, A Highly Effective Impulse Noise Detection Algorithm for Switching Median Filters, IEEE Signal
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11. Thou-Ho (Chao-Ho) Chen, Chin-Pao Tsai, and Tsong-Yi Chen, An Intelligent Impulse Noise Detection Method by Adaptive Subband-
Based Multi-State Median Filtering, IEEE, 2007.
Authors: M. Divya
Bit Error Rate Performance of BPSK Modulation and OFDM-BPSK with Rayleigh Multipath
Paper Title:
131. Abstract: In this paper Bit Error Rate performance of BPSK modulation and OFDM -BPSK System over Rayleigh
fading channel is analyzed. The performance of BER of BPSK over AWGN and Rayleigh channel is compared.
OFDM is a orthogonal frequency division multiplexing to reduce inter-symbol interference problem. Simulation of
BPSK signals is carried with both AWGN and Rayleigh channel. Finally simulations of OFDM signals are carried
with Rayleigh faded signals to understand the effect of channel fading and to obtain optimum value of Bit Error Rate
(BER) and Signal to noise ratio (SNR). The simulation results show that the simulated bit error rate is in good
agreement with the theoretical bit error rate for BPSK modulation.
1. Sood Neetu, Ajay K Sharma, Uddin Moin, BER performance of OFDM-BPSK and QPSK over Generalized Gamma Fading Channel,
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 -8887), Volume 3 - No.6, June 2010.
2. Simon Haykin, Communication Systems, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 3rd edition, 1994.
3. Lei Wan, V. K. Dubey, ?Bit error probability of OFDM system over frequency nonselective fast Rayleigh fading channels, IEEE Electronics
letters, Vo. 36, No. 15, pp1306-1307, July 2000.
4. Yong Jae Ryu , Dong seong Han, ?Timing phase estimator overcoming rayleigh fading for OFDM systems, IEEE Proc., pp. 66-67, 2001
5. Moose P., "A Technique for Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing Frequency Offset Correction", IEEE Transactions on
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6. Dr.S.S.Riaz Ahamed, Performance analysis of ofdm, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology,2008 JATIT.
7. Chien-HungChen, Chien-ChingChiu, Shi-Cheng Hung, Chien-Hung Lin, BER Performance of Wireless BPSK Communication System in
Tunnels With and Without Traffic, Wireless Persona Communications: An International Journal archive, Volume 30, Issue 1, July
8. Ismail. M.H., MS Matalgah, Mustafa M, BER analysis of bpsk modulation over the weibull fading channel with cci, Vehicular
Technology Conference, 2006. VTC-2006 Fall, 2006, IEEE 64th.
9. Aalo VA, Piboongungon T and C D Iskander, Bit-error rate of binary digital modulation schemes in generalized gamma fading
channels, IEEE Communication Letters, Vol. 09, No. 2, pp 139-141, Feb. 2005.
10. M.X.Chang and Yu T.Su ," Performance analysis of Equalized OFDM systems in Rayleigh fading" IEEE Trans. On wireless comm. Vol.
1 no.4. pp.721- 732.oct2002.
Authors: K.Tanveer Alam, B.Rama Murthy, Mahammad D.V, U. Sunitha and P.Thimmaiah
Paper Title: Low Cost Ethernet Based Data Acquisition System in Linux Platform
Abstract: This paper reports on the Low cost Ethernet based Data Acquisition System in Linux Platform. Due to
the high cost of Ethernet based Data Acquisition Systems (DAQ) in market, an attempt has been made to develop and
implement a low cost, high speed, portable and easy make DAQ which suit for general purpose instrumentation
systems. In present work Linux operating system, GCC C and g++ compiler used for software development. For
hardware, IC MAX197 is interfaced with Personal computers’ Parallel port, which works with 12-bit resolution, 8
single ended channels and 100Ksps at 2MHz clock rates. And the temperature sensor LM35Z is connected to zero
channel of ADC for evaluation of system performance. Server is the main core to control the DAQ circuitry while
Ethernet controller TCP/IP protocol has the responsibility of transmitting data among the client PCs. The system has
been tested for different clients and is highly scalable in size and performance.
132. Keywords: Ethernet, parallel port, DAQ, server, client, Linux, Qt4, MySQL.
1. Mahammad. V. and B.V.S. Goud, "Pc based Data Acquisition system in Lab view platform", Bul. Of pure and App. Sciences, Vol. 29D
(No.2) 2010, p 169-177
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Measurement and Control, pp.491-498, 2006.
3. Z. K. Hu and J.Q. Li, "Design of Automatic Meteorological Data Acquisition System Based On Embedded Linux". Electronics Engineers,
Vol. 30, No. 2, pp. 69-71, 2004.
4. Jan Axelson, Parallel Port Complete: Programming, Interfacing, & Using the PC's Parallel Printer Port, (Penram International Publishing
(India) Pvt. Ltd, India), 1st Edition.
5. http://www.maxim- ic.com /quick_view2.cfm /qv_pk/1042
6. Chet Ramey and Brian Fox, GNU Bash Reference Manual Publisher: Network Theory Ltd ,ISBN: 0954161777.
7. Beginning Linux Programming 4th Edition by Neil Matthew; Richard Stones
8. UNIX Network Programming, Volume 2, Second Edition: Interprocess Communications, Prentice Hall, 1999
9. http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/lm35.pdf.
Authors: Mohamed A Aboubakar, Eshmaiel Ganjian, Homayoon Pouya, A M Akash, H M Abdussalam
Influence of Treatment Tarot Kaolin by Thermal Method on Hard and Fresh Properties of Cement
Paper Title:
Abstract: In the last year at Libya the cost of the cement going up and lack has impacted unenthusiastically on the
delivery of reasonably priced accommodation and infrastructural growth, for solve this problem we looking for new
material for replacement with cement. This paper investigated the use of natural clay (kaolin) from Tarout town in
south Libya, after treatment by thermal method, as partial replacement of Portland cement in the production of
concrete. By The Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) imaging and particle size distributions (PSD) to understand
the mechanism of pozzolanic improvement of the Libya clay after treatment by thermal method (calcined at 800 OC
133. for 2 hour).The Mortar mixes cubes measuring 50mm x 50mm x 50mm were made by using treated Tarout natural
clay to replace 0%, 10%, 15%, and 20% of Portland cement by mass. The workability of the fresh cement mortar
mixes were evaluated using the slump test ,while compressive strengths of cement mortar cubes were evaluated at 3, 631-634
7 and 28 days. The maximum compressive strength at all ages of testing was obtained at 10% replacement,
corresponding to an increase of 11% compared to 28-day compressive strengths. The result show Workability
decreased with an increase in replacement percentage. Pozzolan can be used to partially replace ordinary Portland
cement in the production of concrete without compromising strength.
1. K.Kantha Rao, K. Jayathirtha Rao, A.G.Sarwade, B.Madhava Varma , 2012, Bending Behavior of Aluminum Honey Comb Sandwich
Panels, International Journal of Engineering & Advanced Technology, 1(4), 268-272
134. 2. K.Kantha Rao, K. Jayathirtha Rao, 2012, Thermostructural analysis of honeycomb sandwich panels, International Journal of Engineering,
Science & Advanced Technology, 2(5), 1402-1409
3. Anupam Chakrabarti, H.D.Chalaka, Mohd. Ashraf Iqbal, Abdul Hamid Sheikh, 2012, Buckling analysis of laminated sandwich beam with 635-638
soft core, Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures, 9(3), 367-381
4. Md Radzai Said, Mohd Khairir Ismail, Syed Ammar bin Syed Putra , 2011, Paper Honeycomb Sandwiches Panels under Static 3-Point
Bending , nternational Conference and Exhibition on Sustainable Energy and Advanced Materials (ICE SEAM 2011) Solo-Indonesia, 271-
5. Frank A. Leone, John G. Bakuckas, Peter Shyprykevich, Curtis Davies, 2008, Structural Testing and Analysis of Honeycomb Sandwich
Composite Fuselage Panels, U.S. Department of Transportation: Federal Aviation Administration,
6. M K Khan, 2006, Compressive and lamination strength of honeycomb sandwich panels with strain energy calculation from ASTM
standards, Proc. IMechE Vol. 220 Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 220(5), 375-386
7. Jeom Kee Paika, Anil K. Thayamballi, Gyu Sung Kim, 1999, The strength characteristics of aluminum honeycomb sandwich panels, Thin-
Walled Structures, 35(3), 205-231
8. Achelles Petras, 1998, Design of sandwich structures, Cambridge University Engineering Department, PhD Thesis
9. I. G. Masters, K. E. Evans, 1996, Models for elastic deformations of honeycombs, Composite structures, 35, 403-422
10. Chyanbin Hwu, Jian S. Hu, 1995, Delamination buckling of honeycomb sandwich panels with laminated faces, Journal of Composite
Materials, 29(15), 1962-1987
11. Ijsbrand J. Van Straalen, Comprehensive overview of theories for sandwich panels, The DOGMA Project,
12. HexWebTM Honeycomb sandwich design technologies, Hexel Composites, URL:
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14. Honeycombstructure,URL: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Honeycomb_structureCopper honeycomb, URL:
15. http://www.americanelements.com/copper-honeycomb.html
Authors: SaumyaDubey, Deepak Tiwari, O.P.Singh. K.K. Singh
Paper Title: Speckle Noise Removal and Enhancement of SAR Images
Abstract: Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images are mostly corrupted by speckle noise and this type of
noiseisproduced due to the coherent nature of scattering phenomenon, so the removal of speckle noise from the SAR
images without the loss of structural features and textural information becomes very necessary. This paper presents
the de-noising of SAR image and enhancement techniques for providing good visual quality to the SAR images. Here
135. the wavelet thresholding technique is applied to noisy SAR image then Contrast Enhancement Techniques and
finally morphological operation is implemented on de-noised SAR image. In this paper the implementation of de-
noising technique with the enhancement techniques as a whole is the proposed method. The experimental results
show the proposed method outperforms. The tabulated results of all techniques are shown in terms of Peak Signal to
Noise Ratio (PSNR) and Mean Square Error (MSE) parameters. The proposed approach provides better visualization
effectiveness and improvement in both parameter values. All the simulation is done with the help of MATLAB
R2010a environment.
Keywords: SAR, DWT, ContrastEnhancement, Morphological Operation, PSNR, MSE.
1. R. C. Gonzalez and R. E. Woods, “Digital image processing”, 2002,Prentice-Hall, USA.
2. Aleksandra Pizurica, “Image Denoising Using Waveletsand Spatial Context Modeling”, June, 2002.
3. O.P. Singh, K.K Singh, G.R. Mishra, Deepak Tiwari, SaumyaDubey, “Analysis of ECG Signaling Using Wavelet Transform”, International
Journal of Engineering Innovation &ResearchVolume 2, Issue 1, ISSN: 2277 – 5668
4. Yungang Zhang, Bailing Zhang,Wenjin Lu, “Image Denoising and Enhancement Based on Adaptive Wavelet Thresholding and
Mathematical Morphology”, International Congress on Image and Signal Processing (CISP2010), Volume 3,2010.
5. SaumyaDubey, Deepak Tiwari, O.P. Singh, Ashish Dixit, “ Performance Evaluation of Different Wavelet Families for Chromosome Image
De-Noising and Enhancement”, IOSR Journal of Engineering (IOSRJEN) & Research Volume 3, Issue 3, ISSN: 2250-3021.
6. J. N. Ellinas, T. Mandadelis, A. Tzortzis, L.Aslanoglou, “Image de-noising using wavelets”, T.E.I. of Piraeus, Department of Electronic
Computer Systems.
7. D.L. Donoho, “De-noising by soft thresholding”, IEEE Trans. on Info.Theory, pp. 933-936, 1993.
8. M. Vattereli and J. Kovacevic, “Wavelets andSubband Coding”. Englewood Cliffs, NJ, Prentice Hall, 1995.
9. Rajesh Garg, Bhawna Mittal, SheetalGarg, “Histogram Equalization Techniques For Image Enhancement”, IJECT Vol. 2, Issue 1, March
2011, I S SN : 2 2 3 0 - 7 1 0 9.
10. Fahimuddin.Shaik, Dr.M.N.Giri Prasad, Dr. JayabhaskarRao, A.SomaSekhar, B.Abdul Rahim, “Medical Image Analysis of Electron
Micrographs in Diabetic Patients UsingContrast Enhancement”, 2010 International Conference on Mechanical and Electrical Technology,
978-1-4244-8102-6/10 © 2010 IEEE.
11. Ali Ziaei, HojatollahYeganeh, KarimFaez, SamanSargolzaei, “ANovel Approach For Contrast Enhancement In Biomedical ImagesBased On
Histogram Equalization" 2008 International Conference OnBio Medical Engineering And Informatics”, Vol I , Pp. 855-858,_27-30 ,May
12. Fattah Zirari, DrissMammass, AbdellatifEnnaji, “Text/Image separation in document images based on statistical analysis of texture and
Morphological operations”, 978-1-61284-732-0/11©2010 IEEE.
13. NursuriatiJamil, TengkuMohdTengkuSembok, Zainab Abu Bakar, “Noise Removal and Enhancement of Binary Images Using
Morphological Operations”, IEEE, 978-1-4244-2328-6/08© 2008.
14. M. Mary Helta Daisy, Dr.S.TamiISelvi, L.Prinza, “Gray Scale Morphological Operations for Image Retrieval”, International Conference on
Computing, Electronics and Electrical Technologies [ICCEET], 978-1-4673-0210-4112., 2012.
15. Masayoshi Tsubai, NaoshiMitoda, Osamu Fukuda, and Naohiro Ueno, “An Implementation of Image Sharpening Based on Morphological
Operations for Ubiquitous Echo”, IEEEEMBS Annual International Conference1-4244-0033-3/06, Aug 30-Sept 3, 2006.
16. Maarten Jansen, “Noise Reduction by WaveletThresholding”, volume 161. Springer Verlag, United States of America, 1 edition, 2001.
Authors: D.Bhanuprakash, A.Gopichand, M.Padmalatha, R.V.S.Lakshmi, P.S.N.Raju
Paper Title: Modeling and Analysis of Puma Robot Using Mat Lab
Abstract: The PUMA Programmable Universal Machine for Assembly, more popularly known as PUMA is an
industrial robot arm. The main objective of this paper is determination of end effectors position for the modified
Robot which is same as PUMA robot with different link twist angles usingMATLAB.AMat lab program is developed
for different link angles with the help of robot tool kit developed by petercorke. Trajectory of the modified robot is
also done using Mat lab. Forward kinematics values are compared with the mat lab values. Modeling of PUMA robot
is also done using PRO-E soft ware.
Keywords: D-H notations, PUMA Robot, MAT LAB, Pro-E, Trajectory planning.
1. J.Denavit and R.S.Hartenberg,A kinematic notation for lower-pair mechanisms based on matrices,ASME.J.of Applied mechanics June 1955. 645-647
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Authors: Ajinkya S. Jamdar, Atul V. Shah, D. D. Gavali, S. L. Kurkute
Paper Title: Edge Adaptive Steganography Using DWT
Abstract: The least-significant-bit (LSB)-based approach is a popular type of Steganography algorithms in the
spatial domain. The least-significant-bit (LSB)-based approach is a popular type of steganographic algorithms in the
spatial domain. However, we find that in most existing approaches, the choice of embedding positions within a cover
image mainly depends on a pseudorandom number generator without considering the relationship between the image
content itself and the size of the secret message. Thus the smooth/flat regions in the cover images will inevitably be
contaminated after data hiding even at a low embedding rate, and this will lead to poor visual quality and low
137. security based on our analysis and extensive experiments, especially for those images with many smooth regions. In
this paper, we expand the LSB matching revisited image steganography and propose an edge adaptive scheme which 648-652
can select the embedding regions according to the size of secret message and the difference between two consecutive
pixels in the cover image. For lower embedding rates, only sharper edge regions are used while keeping the other
smoother regions as they are. When the embedding rate increases, more edge regions can be released adaptively for
data hiding by adjusting just a few parameters. The experimental results evaluated on 6000 natural images with three
specific and four universal steganalysis algorithms show that the new scheme can enhance the security significantly
compared with typical LSB-based approaches as well as their edge adaptive ones, such as pixel-value-differencing-
based approaches, while preserving higher visual quality of stego images at the same time.
Keywords: LSB, DWT, Secret Message, Pixel.
1. WeiqiLuo, Fangjun Huang and Jiwu Huang, “Edge Adaptive Image Steganography Based on LSB Matching Revisited,” IEEE
2. H. Yang, C. Y. Weng, S. J. Wang, and H. M. Sun, “Adaptive data hiding in edge areas of images with spatial LSB domain systems,” IEEE
Trans. Inf. Forensics Security, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 488–497, Sep. 2008.
3. F. Huang, B. Li, and J. Huang, “Attack LSB matching steganography by counting alteration rate of the number of neighborhood gray levels,”
in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Image Processing, Oct. 16–19, 2007, vol. 1, pp. 401–404.
4. G. J. Simmons, "The prisoners' problern and the subliminal channel," inProceedings of Crypto' 83, pp. 51-67, 1984.
5. N. Wu and M. Hwang. "Data Hiding: Current Status and Key Issues," International Journal of Network Security, Vol.4, No.1, pp. 1-9, Jan.
6. W. Chen, "A Comparative Study of Information Hiding Schemes UsingAmplitude, Frequency and Phase Embedding," PhD Thesis, National
Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan, May 2003.
7. Chan and L. M. Cheng, "Hiding data in images by simple LSBsubstitution," Pattern Recognition, pp. 469-474, Mar. 2004.
8. H. H. Zayed, "A High-Hiding Capacity Technique for Hiding Data in images Based on K-Bit LSB Substitution," The 30th International
Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications (ICAIA – 2005) Cairo, Feb. 2005.
Authors: Vaibhavkumar J. Mistry, Mahesh M. Goyani
Paper Title: A literature survey on Facial Expression Recognition using Global Features
Abstract: Facial Expression Recognition (FER) is a rapidly growing and ever green research field in the area of
Computer Vision, Artificial Intelligent and Automation. There are many application which uses Facial Expression to
evaluate human nature, feelings, judgment, opinion. Recognizing Human Facial Expression is not a simple task
because of some circumstances due to illumination, facial occlusions, face color/shape etc. In these paper, we present
some method/techniques such as Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Linear Discriminate Analysis (LDA), Gabor
Filter/Energy, Line Edge Mapping (LEM), Neural Network, Independent Component Analysis (ICA) which will
directly or/and indirectly used to recognize human expression in various condition.
Keywords: Facial Expression, Expression Recognition, Gabor Filter, Gabor Energy, Principal Component
Analysis, Neural Network, Eigenface.
1. Ekman, P, Friesen, “Constants across Cultures in the Face and Emotion”, J. Pers. Psycho. WV, 1971, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 124-129.
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3. JAFFE Dataset “Japanese Female Facial Expression Database”.
4. Anastasios C. Koutlas, Dimitrios I. Fotiadis “A Region Based Methodology for Facial Expression Recognition” page 1.
5. Hong-Bo Deng, Lian-Wen Jin, Li-Xin Zhen, Jian-Cheng Huang “A New Facial Expression Recognition Method Based on Local Gabor
Filter Bank and PCA plus LDA”, International Journal of Information Technology Vol. 11 No. 11-2005.
6. Praseeda Lekshmi V., Dr.M.Sasikumar, Naveen S. “Analysis of Facial Expressions from Video Images using PCA” WCE 2008, July 2 - 4,
2008, London, U.K.
7. Yongsheng Gao, Maylor K. H. Leung, Siu Cheung Hui, and Mario W. Tananda, “Facial Expression Recognition from Line-Based
Caricatures” IEEE-PART A: Systems And HumanS, VOL. 33, NO. 3, MAY 2003.
8. Caifeng Shan, Shaogang Gong and Peter W. McOwan, “Robust Facial Expression Recognition Using Local Binary Patterns” 0-7803-9134-
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9. Bouchra Abboud, Franck Davoine, Mo Dang, “Facial expression recognition and synthesis based on an appearance model” 3 May 2004
138. 10. Stefano Berretti, Boulbaba Ben Amor, Mohamed Daoudi, Alberto del. Bimbo, “3D facial expression recognition using SIFT descriptors of
automatically detected keypoints” Vis Comput (2011) 27:1021–1036, Springer-Verlag 2011.
11. H. Gu and Q. Ji., “Facial event classification with task oriented dynamic bayesian network”, Proc. of Intl Conf. Computer Vision and 653-657
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12. J.-J. J. Lien, T. Kanade, J. Cohn, and C. Li. “Detection, tracking, and classification of action units in facial expression”, Journal of Robotics
and Autonomous Systems, 1999.
13. Y. Tian, “Evaluation of face resolution for expression analysis”, Proc. of Intl Conf. CVPR Workshop on Face Processing in Video
(FPIV’04), 2004.
14. Peng Yang, Qingshan Liu1, Dimitris N. Metaxas, “Boosting Coded Dynamic Features for Facial Action Units and Facial Expression
Recognition” 1-4244-1180-7/2007, IEEE
15. Jyh-Yeong Chang and Jia-Lin Chen, “Automated Facial Expression Recognition System Using Neural Networks” Journal of the Chinese
Institute of Engineers, Vol. 24, No. 3, pp. 345-356 (2001).
16. Chen, C.W., 1991, “Human Face Recognition Using Deformable Template and Active Contour,” Master Thesis, National Tsing-Hua
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17. Ekman, P., Friesen, “the Facial Action Coding System”, W.V., 1978, Consulting Psychologist Press, San Francisco, CA.
18. Manal Abdullah1, Majda Wazzan1 and Sahar Bo-saeed “Optimizing Face Recognition Using PCA” International Journal of Artificial
Intelligence & Applications (IJAIA), Vol.3, No.2, March 2012.
19. G. R. S. Murthy, R.S.Jadon “Effectiveness of Eigenspaces for Facial Expressions Recognition” International Journal of Computer Theory
and Engineering, Vol. 1, No. 5, December, 2009, pp. 1793-8201.
20. Kanade, T., Cohn, J.F., & Tian. “Comprehensive Database for Facial Expression Analysis” Proceedings of the Fourth IEEE International
Conference on AFGR (FG’00). Grenoble, France, 2000.
21. Lyons, M. Akamatsu, S. Kamachi, M. Gyoba, J. “Coding facial expressions withGabor wavelets”, Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE Int. Conf.
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22. Tomasz Andrysiak, Michał Chora´S “Image Retrieval Based On Hierarchical Gabor Filters” Int. J. Appl. Math. Comput. Sci., 2005, Vol.
15, No. 4, 471–480.
23. Hong-Bo Deng, Lian-Wen Jin, Li-Xin Zhen, Jian-Cheng Huang, “A New Facial Expression Recognition Method Based on Local Gabor
Filter Bank and PCA plus LDA”, International Journal of Information Technology Vol. 11 No. 11 2005.
24. Praseeda Lekshmi V., Dr.M.Sasikumar, Naveen S. “Analysis of Facial Expressions from Video Images using PCA”, WCE 2008, July 2 - 4,
2008, London, U.K.
25. Jacob Richard-Whitehill, “Automatic Real-Time Facial Expression Recognition for Signed Language Translation”, Department of
Computer Science, University of the Western Cape. May 2006.
26. Peng Yang, Qingshan Liu, Dimitris N. Metaxas, “Boosting Coded Dynamic Features for Facial Action Units and Facial Expression
Recognition”, IEEE-2007.
27. Neeta Sarode, Prof. Shalini Bhatia, “Facial Expression Recognition”, International Journal on Computer Science and Engineering, Vol. 02,
No. 05, 2010, 1552-1557.
28. Anitha C, M K Venkatesha, B Suryanarayana Adiga “A Survey On Facial Expression Databases” International Journal of Engineering
Science and Technology Vol. 2(10), 2010, 5158-5174.
29. Frank Y. Shih, Chao-Fa Chuang, Patrick S. P. Wang “Performance Comparisons Of Facial Expression Recognition In Jaffe Database”
International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence Vol. 22, No. 3 (2008) 445–459.
30. Wai Kin Kong, David Zhang, Wenxin Li “Palmprint feature extraction using 2-D Gabor Filters” Elsevier Pattern Recognition 36 (2003)
2339 – 2347.
Authors: Jitendra Choudhary, Ravindra Kumar Gupta, Shailendra Singh
Paper Title: A Survey of Existing Playfair Ciphers
Abstract: The role of cryptography in today’s world is increasing day by day. Information is flowing from one
place to another on the network. One most common cryptography technique is substitution cipher. Play fair is most
common substitution cipher. In this paper, we present an overview of existing playfair ciphers.
Encryption/decryption is a very popular task. We also explain the fundamentals of sequential cryptography. We
describe today’s approaches for play fair cipher. Their strengths and weaknesses are also investigated. It turns out
that the behavior of the algorithms is much more similar as to be expected.
139. Keywords: Cryptography, Network Security, Symmetric Key, Playfair cipher and substitution
1. Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Networks Computer, 5th edition, Pearson Education, ISBN-10: 0132553171.
2. William Stallings, “Cryptography and Network Security: Principles and Practice”, 4th Edition, Prentice Hall, 2006.
3. Aftab Alam, Sehat Ullah, Ishtiaq Wahid, & Shah Khalid, “Universal Playfair Cipher Using MXN Matrix”. International Jourrnal of
Advanced Computer Science, Vol.1, No.3, Pp.113-117, Sep.2011.
4. Ravindra Babu K, S.Uday Kumar, A. Vinay Babu, I.V.N.S. Aditya, P.Komuraiah, “An Extension to Traditional Playfair Cryptographic
Method”. International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887), Volume 17- No.5, March 2011.
5. Muhammad Salam, Nasir Rashid, Shah Khalid, Muhammad Raees Khan, “A NXM Version of 5X5 Playfair Cipher for any Natural
Language (Urdu as Special Case)”. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 73 2011.
6. Dhenakaran, Ilyaraja, “Extension of play fair cipher” IJCA, pg no 37-41, June 2012.
Authors: Jasdeep Singh Bhalla
Paper Title: A Database Encryption Technique to Enhance Security Using Hill Cipher Algorithm
Abstract: Data security has become one of the major challenges of the digital world. Security, privacy and
integrity of data are required in every operation that is performed on the Internet. Therefore, in this paper, our focus
will be on Database Security, as databases are considered as the storehouses of data. Generally, data of an
organization or a company is stored in databases and is very crucial to the organization. Today, most of the
organizations allow their clients to use their services (online banking, online shopping etc) by accessing their
databases. This leads to a requirement of high level security to deal with information attackers. An information
attacker tries to illegally acquire or modify the highly confidential data of the organization. In this paper, a new
technique is being proposed for securing the database data items using Hill Encryption Algorithm which is being
implemented in fortifying and strengthening the database. Database Security has become one of the most important
challenges in database research. A lot of research is going on in building of new techniques for protecting database
1. Samba Sesay, Zongkai Yang, Jingwen Chen, Du Xu, “A Secure Database Encryption Scheme”, Second IEEE Consumer Communications
and Networking Conference (CCNC), 3-6 Jan. 2005, pp. 49- 53.
2. Srikanth Chava, “A Security Protocol for Multi-User Authentication”, arXiv: 0804.1970v1 [cs.CR].
140. 3. E. Anupriya, Sachin Soni, Amit Agnihotri, Sourabh Babelay, “Encryption using XOR based Extended Key for Information Security – A
Novel Approach”, International Journal on Computer Science and Engineering (IJCSE), vol. 3, issue 1, Jan. 2011, pp. 146-154.
4. Aarthi.G, Dr. E. Ramaraj, “A Novel Encryption approach in Database Security”, International Journal of Computer& Organization Trends – 660-664
Volume 2 Issue 1- 2012.
5. Hasan Kadhem, Toshiyuki Amagasa, Hiroyuki Kitagawa, “A Novel Framework for Database Security based on Mixed Cryptography”,
Fourth International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Services, 24-28 May 2009, pp.163-170.
6. Soumyendu Das, Subhendu Das, Bijoy Bandyopadhyay, Sugata Sanyal, “Steganography and Steganalysis: Different Approaches”,
International Journal of Computers, Information Technology and Engineering (IJCITAE), Vol. 2, No 1, June, 2008, Serial Publications, pp.
7. M. Naseem, Ibrahim M. Hussain, M. Kamran Khan, Aisha Ajmal, “An Optimum Modified Bit Plane Splicing LSB Algorithm for Secret
Data Hiding”, International Journal of Computer Applications, Vol. 29, No. 12, 2011. Foundation of Computer Science, New York, USA,
pp. 36-43.
8. Wen-Chung Kuo, Dong-Jin Jiang, Yu-Chih Huang, “A Reversible Data Hiding Scheme Based on Block Division”, Congress on Image and
Signal Processing, Vol. 1, 27-30 May 2008, pp. 365-369.
9. Sandipan Dey, Ajith Abraham, Sugata Sanyal, “An LSB Data Hiding Technique Using Prime Numbers”, IEEE Third International
Symposium on Information Assurance and Security, Manchester, United Kingdom, IEEE Computer Society press, USA, 29-31 Aug. 2007,
10. Sandipan Dey, Ajith Abraham, Bijoy Bandyopadhyay and Sugata Sanyal, "Data Hiding Techniques Using Prime and Natural Numbers"
Journal of Digital Information Management, vol. 6, no. 3, 2008, pp. 463-485.
11. Elisa Bertino, Moustafa A. Hammad, Walid G. Aref , Ahmed K. Elmagarmid, “An Access Control Model for Video Database Systems”,
Proceedings of the ninth international conference on Information and knowledge management, 2000, pp. 336 – 343.
12. Naren Kodali, Csilla Farkas, Duminda Wijesekera, “An authorization model for multimedia digital libraries”, International Journal on
Digital Libraries, vol. 4, no. 3, 2004, pp. 139-155.
13. Béchara Al Bouna, Richard Chbeir, “Multimedia-based authorization and access control policy specification”.
14. Shermann S.M. Chan, Qing Li, José A. Pino, “Access Control Mechanism for Collaborative Video Database Production Applications”,
Proceedings of IEEE Sixth International Symposium on Multimedia Software Engineering, 13-15 Dec. 2004, pp. 396- 402.
15. Harshavardhan Kayarkar, “Classification of Various Security Techniques in Databases and their Comparative Analysis”
16. S Rizvi, A Mendelzon, S Sudarshan, Prasan Roy, “Extending query rewriting techniques for fine-grained access control”, Proceedings of
the ACM SIGMOD international conference on Management of data, 2004, pp. 551 – 562.
17. Q Wang, T Yu, N Li, J Lobo, E Bertino, “On the Correctness Criteria of Fine Grained Access Control in Relational Databases”,
Proceedings of the 33rd international conference on Very large data bases, 2007, pp. 555-566.
18. Erez Shmueli, Ronen Vaisenberg, Yuval Elovici, Chanan Glezer, “Database Encryption – An Overview of Contemporary Challenges and
Design Considerations”, SIGMOD Record, September 2009 (Vol. 38, No. 3).
19. Lester S. Hill, Cryptography in an Algebraic Alphabet, The American Mathematical Monthly Vol.36, June–July 1929, pp. 306–312.
20. Amira Rezk, H. A. Ali, S. I. Barakat, “Database Security Protection based on a New Mechanism”, International Journal of Computer
Applications (0975 – 8887) Volume 49– No.19, July 2012
Authors: Hirak Patel, Khushbu C. Panchal, Chetan S. Jadav
Paper Title: Structural Analysis of Truck Chassis Frame and Design Optimization for Weight Reduction
Abstract: Automotive chassis is an important part of an automobile. The chassis serves as a frame work for
supporting the body and different parts of the automobile. Also, it should be rigid enough to withstand the shock,
twist, vibration and other stresses. Along with strength, an important consideration in chassis design is to have
adequate bending stiffness for better handling characteristics. So, maximum stress, maximum equilateral stress and
deflection are important criteria for the design of the chassis. This report is the work performed towards the
optimization of the automotive chassis with constraints of maximum shear stress, equivalent stress and deflection of
chassis. Structural systems like the chassis can be easily analyzed using the finite element techniques. A sensitivity
analysis is carried out for weight reduction. So a proper finite element model of the chassis is to be developed. The
chassis is modeled in PRO-E. FEA is done on the modeled chassis using the ANSYS Workbench.
1. Fui T.H. and Rahman R.Abd. “Static and dynamics structural analysis of a 4.5 ton truck chassis”. Jurnal Mekanikal, No. 24, pages 56{67,
141. 2007}.
2. Y. M. Xie and G. P. Steven. “Optimal design of multiple load case structures using an evolutionary procedure”. Engineering computations,
vol 11, 295-302 (1994). 665-668
3. A. D. M. Chauhan, B. Prof. S. B. Soni and C. Prof. A. M. Gohil. “Parametric Optimization of Hydraulic Modular Trailer Frame using
ANSYS (APDL)”. Institute of technology, nirma university, ahmedabad – 382 481.
4. Sairam Kothari, V.Gopinath. “Static and dynamic analysis on tatra chassis”. QIS College Of Engineering &Technology ,Ongole,Andhra
5. Shimoda, Toshihide Shibuya and Hirofumi Miwa. “Development of kinematical analysis method for vehicle”. Nomatsu technical, 2004.
6. Ashutosh Dubey and Vivek Dwivedi. “Vehicle Chassis Analysis: Load Cases & Boundary Conditions for Stress Analysis”. 2008
7. Han Quan-li,Tian Lin-Hong ,Qu Ling-Jin . “Research on Optimization Design of Heavy-duty Truck Frame Based on the Sensitivity”. 2010
8. J.M. Biradar, B.V. Vijay, Kailash Jat. “Automotive Chassis Sizing Optimization for Modal and Distortion Criteria”. Sastech, Volume 7,
Issue 2, September 2008.
9. I. Kutay YILMAZÇOBAN, Yasar KAHRAMAN. “Truck chassis structural thickness optimization with the help of finite element
technique”. TOJSAT: The Online Journal of Science and Technology - July 2011, Volume 1, Issue 3.
10. Marco Cavazzuti, Dario Costi, Andrea Baldini and Patrizio Moruzzi. “Chassis topology optimization”. World Congress on Engineering
2011 Vol III, London 2011.
11. Vijaykumar V. and Prof. R. I. Patel .“Structural Analysis of Automotive Chassis Frame and Design Modification for Weight Reduction”.
International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT). 2012.
12. Jeffrey W. Herrmann. “Evaluating Design optimization Models”. ISR Technical report 2007-11.
13. G. N. Vanderplaats. “Structural Design Optimization Status and Direction”.Journal of aircraft, February 1999.
14. Rajput, R. K., Strength of Material, S. Chand & Company LTD.
Authors: N.V.SaiSwaroop, A.V.S.S.T.Siddharatha, A.SriNath, S.Vandana, G.Shanthi
Paper Title: 3-D Image Reconstruction from 2-D Image Using Lab VIEW
Abstract: Traditionally, ophthalmologists and neurologists are depending on 2-D images for detection of
retinopathy and fractures in the skull and their diagnosis. Analysis using 2-D images has certain limitations such as
intensity and color of the same physical positions may vary considerably across consecutive images. Secondly, the
shape of retinal fundus is almost planar, which makes the estimation of depth more difficult. Analysis of the skull is
also complex by viewing it from single two dimensional view. So, objective of our paper is 2-D registration, depth
extraction and 3-D reconstruction of an image.3-D reconstruction system is needed, which enables the
ophthalmologists and neurologists to monitor the depth variations from the desktop itself. In this paper, a 3-D depth
extraction and reconstruction system is designed and developed to estimate the depth variations as well as identify
the defects of the images. This paper has enumerated the use of Lab VIEW to implement a complex 3-D depth
extraction and shape reconstruction system which is of lower cost and of acceptable performance.
Keywords: 2-D registration, Depth Extraction, 3-D reconstruction, Lab VIEW. 669-674
1. Ted Shultz, Luis A. Rodriguez.: 3-D Image Reconstruction From two 2-D Images, Issued Pages: 50-65, October 2010, Cornell University,
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3. Tal Hassner , Ronen Basri.: Example based 3-D Reconstruction from 2-D Images. IEEE Trans. 2009, The Weizmann Institute of Science
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4. S.Dogan, V.Pattinson: 3-D Reconstruction and Evaluation of Tissues by using CT, MRI Slices and digital images, Ondokuz Mayis
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5. Christian Lindequist Larsen, Andrew Marsh: 3D Reconstruction of Buildings from Images with Automatic Facade Refinement, Issued
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6. Ronen Basri, Ira Kemelmacher-Shlizerman: 3-D shape Reconstruction from a single image using single reference face shape. IEEE Trans
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7. Min Sun, Ashutosh Saxena, Y.Andrew: 3-D Reconstruction from Sparse Views using Monocular Vision. A thesis, Issued pages: 150-162,
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8. Ashutosh Saxena, Min Sun,Y. Andrew: Reconstruction of a 3-D scene from still images, IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, Vol.22, issued
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10. Jini Cheriyan, Hema P. Menon, Dr. K. A. Narayanankutty: 3-D Reconstruction of Human Retina from Fundus Images,. IEEE Transaction
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11. Edward N. Tsyganov, Pietro P. Antich, Ralph P. Mason , Robert W. Parkey, Serguei Y. Seliounine: 3D Reconstruction using Optical
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15. GaryJohnson, Richard Jennings,Lab VIEW Graphical Programming, McGraw Hill Publications,4th Edition, 2006.
Authors: Rajnish Kumar, Praneet Kumar Gaurav, Swati Shahi, Amol Sitaram Kardel
Paper Title: Payment Card Fraud Identification
Abstract: This paper introduces the defensive methods and procedures to identify the payment card fraud. Payment
card means credit/debit card which is used for payment purpose over internet. With the rapid advancement in
internet, almost all the transaction are being offered by internet as online such as railway ticket booking, mobile
recharge, paying the electricity or telephone bill, shopping and etc. this is very good thing because we save our time,
we have multi option while shopping but when we transact over internet then chances of fraud also exists. In existing
system, we know the fraud happened only when the transaction has been occurred. Sometimes, it become very
difficult to identify the fraudulent and hence regarding loses occurs. In this article, we proposed a model namely
Advanced Hidden Markov Model which will identify the fraud during transaction. This model is different from
Hidden Markov Model. In this Advanced Hidden Markov Model, We used some other set of finite states which is
linked through probability distribution states and not visible to user. This model first detect whether it is fraudulent or
not and after then it process further so chances of fraud can be minimized using advanced hidden markov model.
143. 1. Ghosh, S., and Reilly, D.L., 1994. Credit Card Fraud Detection with a Neural-Network, 27th Hawaii International 1 Conference on
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3. Stolfo, S. J., Fan, D.W., Lee, W., Prodromidis, A., and Chan, P.K., 2000. Cost-Based Modelling for Fraud and Intrusion Detection: Results
from the JAM Project, Proceedings of DARPA Information Survivability Conference and Exposition, Vol. 2 (2000), pp. 130-144.
4. Aleskerov, E., Freislebeen, B., and Rao, B., 1997, CARDWATCH: A Neural Network Based Database Mining System for Credit Card
Fraud Detection, Proceedings of IEEE/IAFE: Computational Intelligence for Financial Eng. (1997), pp. 220-226.
5. M. J. Kim and T. S. Kim, “A Neural Classifier with Fraud Density Map for Effective Credit Card Fraud Detection, “Proc. Int’l Conf.
Intelligent Data Eng. And Automated Learning, pp. 378-383, 2002.
6. W. Fan, A.L. Prodromidis, and S. J. Stolfo, “Distributed Data Mining in Credit Card Fraud Detection,” IEEE Intelligent Systems, vol. 14,
no. 6, pp. 67-74, 1999.
7. R. Brause, T. Langsdorf, and M. Hepp, “Neural Data Mining for Credit Card Fraud Detection,” Proc. IEEE Int’l Conf. Tools with Artificial
Intelligence, pp. 103-106, 1999.
8. C. Chiu and C. Tsai, “A Web Services-Based Collaborative Scheme for Credit Card Fraud Detection,” Proc. IEEE Int’l Conf. e-
Technology, e-Commerce and e Service, pp. 177-181, 2004.
9. C. Phau, V. Lee, K. Smith, and R. Gayler, “A Comprehensive Scheme of Data Mining-Based Fraud Detection Research,”
http://www/bsys.monash.edu.au/people/cphua/, Mar. 2007.
10. S. Stolfo and A. L. Prodromids, “Agent-Based Distributed Learning Applied to Fraud Detection,” Technical Report CUCS-014-99,
Columbia Univ., 1999.
11. V. Vatsa, S. Sral, and A.K. Majumdar, “A Game-theoretic Approach to Credit Card Fraud Detection,” Proc. First Int’l Conf. Information
Systems Security, pp. 263-276, 2005.
Authors: Bhavesh Mathur, Satish Kumar Nath
Paper Title: Quantifying Portability of an Aspect Oriented Software Using Fuzzy Logic
Abstract: The quality of the software is measured in terms of its capability to fulfill the needs of the users and also
its ability to achieve the developer’s goal. Quality is mainly studied by quality model. In this paper an attempt has
been made to quantifying the portability of aspect oriented software using ISO/IEC 9126 Model. Due to the
unpredictable nature of software quality attributes, the fuzzy multi criteria approach has been used to evolve the
quality of the software.
Keywords: Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP), Cross Cutting Concerns, ISO/IEC9126 Model, Portability
References: 680-683
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8. Reena Dadhich and Bhavesh Mathur “Measuring Reliability of an Aspect Oriented Software Using Fuzzy Logic Approach” International
Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT) ISSN: 2249 – 8958, Volume-1, Issue-5, June 2012,pp. 233-237.
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Authors: Jay J. Bhavsar, V K. Matawala, S.B.Dixit
Paper Title: Performance Analysis of Spiral Tube Heat Exchanger
Abstract: In the present study, the performance of the spiral tube heat exchanger can be carried out. The heat
exchanger consists of a shell and tube unit. Each coil is fabricated by bending a 12 mm diameter straight copper tube
into a spiral coil tube of four turns. Cold water and hot oil are used as working fluids in shell side and tube side,
respectively. The experiments are done at the cold water and hot oil mass flow rates ranging between 0.075 and 0.25
kg/s, and between 0.008 and 0.04 kg/s, respectively. The inlet temperatures of cold and hot water are between 29 and
37 °C, and between 70 and 56 °C, respectively. The cold water entering the heat exchanger at the shell inlet side and
outer from the shell outside. The hot water enters the heat exchanger at the inner tube side and flows along the
outside of the tube. The effects of the inlet conditions of both working fluids flowing through the test section on the
heat transfer characteristics are discussed..
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Engineering Transactions, Vol. 29, 2012, PP - 217 - 222, ISSN 1974 - 9791.
14. Paisarn Naphon, Somchai Wongwises, "A study of the heat transfer characteristics of a compact spiral coil heat exchanger under wet-surface
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Authors: Gogineni. Prudhvi, Gada.Vinay, G.Suresh Babu
Paper Title: Cooling Systems in Automobiles & Cars
Abstract: Most internal combustion engines are fluid cooled using either air (a gaseous fluid) or a liquid coolant
run through a heat exchanger (radiator) cooled by air. In air cooling system, heat is carried away by the air flowing
over and around the cylinder. Here fins are cast on the cylinder head and cylinder barrel which provide additional
conductive and radiating surface. In water-cooling system of cooling engines, the cylinder walls and heads are
provided with jacket through which the cooling liquid can circulate. An internal combustion engine produces power
byburning fuel within the cylinders; therefore, it is oftenreferred to as a "heat engine." However, only about25% of
the heat is converted to useful power. Whathappens to the remaining 75 percent? Thirty to thirtyfive percent of the
heat produced in the combustionchambers by the burning fuel are dissipated by thecooling system along with the
lubrication and fuelsystems. Forty to forty- five percent of the heatproduced passes out with the exhaust gases. If
146. this heatwere not removed quickly, overheating and extensive damage would result. Valves would burn and
warp,lubricating oil would break down, pistons and bearingwould overheat and seize, and the engine would 688-695
soonstop.The necessity for cooling may be emphasized byconsidering the total heat developed by an ordinary six-
cylinder engine.
Keywords: Forty to forty- five percent of the heatproduced passes out with the exhaust gases. If this heatwere
not removed quickly
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Authors: R.Regan, D.Muruganandam, K.Rajagopal
Paper Title: Novel Routing Approaches for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
Abstract: In wireless ad-hoc networks, a new routing scheme is proposed; it is called Novel Routing Approach-
NRA. This method adopts reinforcement learning framework to route the data from source to Destination in the
absence of detailed knowledge of entire channel. In this method, an every node itself determines the efficient way to
transmit data and utilizes the network opportunity. Also this approach addresses the network congestion problem and
improves the throughput that minimizes the delay. This paper examines the traffic flow of a wireless Ad hoc
network; Congestion occurs due to elastic traffic that degrades the performance of the entire network. In order to
predict the future congestion situation, a relevant estimation is designed for each forwarder node and our proposed
algorithm Agent Based Congestion Control(ABCC) Routing Protocol which possess the estimation function. Hence
our proposed work can minimize the amount of congestion and delay in opportunistic routing models than the
existing ones.
Keywords: maximization, Wireless ad-hoc networks, Agent Based Congestion control Routing Protocol.
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21. Performance Analysis on Mobile Agent Based Congestion Control Using AODV Routing Protocol Technique with Hop by Hop Algorithm
for Mobile Ad-hoc Network .Mr.Vishnu Kumar Sharma1 and Dr. Sarita Singh Bhadauria2.
22. Adaptive Opportunistic Routing for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. Abhijeet A. Bhorkar, Mohammad Naghshvar, Student Member, IEEE, Tara
Javidi, Member, IEEE, and Bhaskar D. Rao, Fellow, IEEE.
Authors: J. Suganya Shesathri, S.K.Yaamini
Paper Title: A Robust Digital Video Watermarking
Abstract: Watermarking describes that hide information in digital media such as images, audio and video. This
work mainly focuses on invisible and robust watermark schemes for video sequences. A major requirement for the
video watermarking schemes is the possibility of invisible watermarking and decoding with no access to the original
signal. Piracy and copyright production is a major area of the in Digital Asset Management System. Encryption,
Steganography, cryptography watermarking techniques was already adopted to maintain piracy and security in
Digital Media such as images, audio and video. Most of the watermarking techniques focus on embedding hidden
message into the Digital Media to product the ownership of the video contents. Here, we propose an algorithm to
claim the ownership of Digital Video using Dynamic watermarking techniques. This involves selection of key frames
from the given Digital Video based on rgb values. Pair of key frames is analyzed for horizontal jagged noise around
the edges using interlaced scanning. Finally, Spread Transform-Scalar Costa Scheme in applied over the order pair of
148. key frames to generate watermark signal.
Keywords: watermarking, Steganography, Cryptography, Spread Transform, Scalar Costa Scheme
1. V. Subramanian, Sabu Emmanuel, Member, IEEE, and Mohan S. Kankanhalli, Senior Member, IEEE” Robust Watermarking of Compressed
and Encrypted JPEG2000 Images” IEEE Transactions On Multimedia, Vol. 14, No. 3, June 2012.
2. Ji-Won Lee1, Min-Jeong Lee2, Hae-Yeoun Lee3 and Heung-Kyu Lee”Screenshot Identification By Analysis Of Directional Inequality Of
Interlaced Video” EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing, 2012.
3. Mei Jiansheng1, Li Sukang1 and Tan Xiaomei, “A Digital Watermarking Algorithm Based On DCT and DWT” Proceedings of the
International Symposium on Web Information Systems and Applications, May 2009
4. Qibin Sun and Shih-Fu Chan,”A Robust and Secure Media Signature Scheme for JPEG Images” Special Issue for MMSP, may 2002
5. Majid Rabbani, Rajan Joshi” An overview of the JPEG2000 still image compression standard” Signal Processing: Image Communication,
6. Raphael C.-W. Phan • Bok-Min Goi • Geong-Sen Poh •Jongsung Kim” Analysis of a Buyer–SellerWatermarking Protocol for Trustworthy
Purchasing of Digital Contents” Wireless Pers CommunSpringer Science+Business MediaDecember 2009.
7. J. P. Prins, Z. Erkin, and R. L. Lagendijk”Anonymous Fingerprinting with Robust QIM Watermarking Techniques” Hindawi Publishing
Corporation EURASIP Journal on Information Security, October 2007.
8. Byung-Ho Cha and C.-C. Jay Kuo” Anti-Collusion Fingerprinting With Scalar Costa Scheme (SCS) and Colluder Weight Recovery” Ming
Hsieh Department of Electrical Engineering and Signal and Image Processing Institute
9. Leonardo T. Duarte, Student Member, IEEE, Bertrand Rivet and and Christian Jutten, Fellow, IEEE “Blind Extraction of Smooth Signals
based on aSecond-Order Frequency Identification Algorithm” IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 2010
10. 1S.M. Ramesh, Dr. A. Shanmugam” Compressed-Domain Watermarking Algorithms: A Review” IJCST Vol. 2, Iss ue 1, March 2011
11. Tiziano Bianchi, Alessandro Piva, and Mauro Barni” Composite Signal Representation for Fast and Storage-Efficient Processing of
Encrypted Signals” ieee transactions on information forensics and security, vol. 5, no. 1, march 2010
12. Esam A. Hagras1, M. S. El-Mahallawy 2, A. Zein Eldin 3, M. W. Fakhr 4” Robust Secure And Blind Watermarkingbased On Dwt Dct
Partial Multi Map Chaotic Encryption” The International Journal of Multimedia & Its Applications (IJMA) Vol.3, No.4, November 2011
13. Joachim J. Eggers, Robert Bäuml, Roman Tzschoppe, and Bernd Girod, Fellow, IEEE” Scalar Costa Scheme for Information Embedding”
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol. 51, No. 4, April 2003
14. xinyu tang, 1 bonnie kirkpatrick,2 shawna thomas,1 guang song,3and nancy m. amato,” using motion planning to study unfolding kinetics”
Journal Of Computational Biology volume 12, number 6, 2005
15. Amit Phadikar,”Robust Watermarking Techniques for Color Images “April 2009
Authors: R.Regan, D.Muruganandam, S. Senthil
Paper Title: Privacy Preserving USOR Protocol Using Mobile Adhoc Networks
Abstract: Privacy protection of mobile ad hoc networks is critical issue, compared to wired networks due to the
mobility of wireless media. The attacker needs an appropriate transceiver to receive the wireless signal .In wired
networks; all the devices are always stable and do not move to any place. Hence in wired network, it’s not that much
difficult to protect the environments. Collection of nodes that forms a network without the aid of any infrastructure or
centralized administration. All the nodes are having limited transmission range. There are two issues plays the critical
role for the Mobile ad hoc network i.e Privacy and Routing. Stronger privacy is needed for mobile ad hoc networks.
An unobservable secure on demand routing protocol used to provide complete unlinkability and unobservablitiy for
all packets. It uses the combination of ID based encryption and Group signature for route discovery. USOR provides
security against both inside and outside attackers.
1. D. Dong, M. Li, Y. Liu, X.-Y. Li, and X. Liao, IEEE/ACM Trans, Dec 2001, Topological detection on wormholes in wireless ad hoc and
sensor networks, 1787 - 1796.
149. 2. D. Boneh and M. Franklin, Lecture Notes in Computer Science in Advances in Cryptology – Crypto’01, 2001, Identity-based encryption
from the Weil pairing, 213–229.
3. J. Kong and X. Hong, in Proc. ACM MOBIHOC, 2003, ANODR: anonymous on demand routing with untraceable routes for 705-710
mobile ad - hoc networks ,” 291–302.
4. B. Zhu, Z. Wan, F. Bao, R. H. Deng, and M. KankanHalli, IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks, 2004, Anonymous secure
routing in mobile ad-hoc networks, 102–108.
5. L. Song , L. Korba, and G. Yee, ACM Workshop on Security of Ad Hoc & Sensor Networks, 2005, AnonDSR : efficient anonymous
dynamic source routing for mobile ad-hoc networks, 33–42.
6. S. Seys and B. Preneel, IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications, 2006, ARM: anonymous
routing protocol for mobile ad hoc networks, 133–137.
7. D. Sy, R. Chen, and L. Bao, IEEE Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Systems, 2006, ODAR: on-demand anonymous routing in ad
hoc networks, 133-137.
8. J. Ren, Y. Li, and T. Li, in Proc. IEEE MAS, 2009, Providing source privacy in mobile ad hoc networks”
9. 332 - 341.
10. J.Sel, IEEE Areas Commun,vol. 29, no. 10, 2011, Privacy- preserving location- based on- demand routing in MANETs, 1926–1934.
11. K. E. Defrawy and G. Tsudik, IEEE Trans. Mobile Comput., Vol. 10, no. 9, 2011, ALARM: anonymous location-aided routing in
suspicious MANETs, 1345–1358.
12. Reshmi Maulik and Nabendu Chaki, International Journal of Computer Information systems and Industrial Management
Applications, Vol. 3, 2011, A Study of Wormhole Attacks in MANET, 271 - 274.
13. Zhiguo Wan, Kui Ren, and Ming Gu, Vol. 11, No.5, May 2012, USOR : An Unobservable Secure On-Demand Routing Protocol for
Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, 1922 – 1927.
14. T. Sakthivel and R.M. Chandrasekaran, European journal of Scientific Research, Vol.76 ,No.2, 2012, Detection and Prevention of
wormhole Attacks in MANETs using Path Tracing Approach, 240-247.
Authors: Manmeet Kaur, Richa Sapra
Paper Title: Classification of Patents by Using the Text Mining Approach Based On PCA and Logistics
Abstract: Analysis of patent data is important tool for industrial research. Patent analysis has been used in many
research fields and applied for rich topics in technology management. Patents are often used as the source of
inspiration for new ideas. Patents contain detailed technical information about technical problem and the preferred
technical solution. This information can be used for example to assess the state of the art or as a basis to identify
possible gaps in a technology field. But often it is a very time consuming process to analyze the information provided
by patents, because huge amounts of patents have to be considered. This paper proposes an intelligent system for
150. classification based on Principle component analysis (PCA) and logistics. The intelligent system is designed to
extract the features from the patents database and classify them according to the predefined categories as software, 711-714
biological, business and chemical. Three different stages are designed to classify the content of patents such as (1)
text pre-processing (2) PCA based features extraction and (3) classification using logistics. The main advantage of
this approach is that the user need not to read whole patent documents but able to retrieve the relevant parts of the
text in short time for further analysis process.
151. 1. A. Imran Dar, Mithas A Dar, Sankar, K., 2010a. Nitrate contamination in groundwater of Sopore town and its environs, Kashmir, India.
Arabian Journal Geosciences 3, 267–272.
2. A. Imran A Dar, Sankar, K., Tanzeem Shah, Mithas A Dar, 2010b. Assessment of Nitrate Contamination of Lidder catchment Kashmir, 715-718
India. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, DOI 10.1007/s12517-010-0171-9.
3. Laluraj, C. M.,Gopinath,G.,&Dineshkumar, P. K. 2005. Groundwater chemistry of shallow aquifers in the coastal zones of Cochin, India.
Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 3(1), 133–139
4. A. Imran A Dar, Sankar, K., Tanzeem Shah, Mithas A Dar, 2010c. Hydrochemistry of groundwater of Thiruporur block, Tamil Nadu
(India). Arabian Journal Geosciences, DOI 10.1007/s12517-010-0203-5.
5. A. Imran A Dar, Sankar, K., Tanzeem Shah, Mithas A Dar, 2010d. Investigation of groundwater quality in hardrock terrain using
Geoinformation System. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, DOI 10.1007/s10661-010-1605-2
6. S. Manikandan, S. Chidambaram, AL. Ramanathan, “A study on the high fluoride concentration in the magnesium-rich waters of hard rock
aquifer in Krishnagiri district, Tamilnadu, India” December 2012, Volume 2, Issue 4, pp 253- Springer.com.
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9. American Public Health Association:Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater, 20th edition, APHA,Institute, 1998.
10. IS 10500 – 1991, Bureau of Indian Standards, India
Authors: P.Anil kumar, V.Narasimha Nayak, Fazal Noorbasha
Paper Title: FPGA Modeling of IEEE754-2008 Standard for Financial Transactions
Abstract: Financial transactions are specified in decimal arithmetic. Until the introduction of IEEE 754-2008,
specialized software hardware routines were used to perform these transactions but it incurred a penalty on
performance. There is a need for accurate analysis of these solutions on representative DFP benchmarks. This Work
uses a single precision evaluation of decimal numbers .In this paper we are taking decimal numbers and converting
152. them into to normalization form and then finally to floating point in order to do our calculation like [addition,
subtraction, multiplication, division] by using this method there is a scope of increasing accuracy of evaluation of
decimal numbers, we also presented the performance analysis that gives the average number of cycles for common
DFP operations and the total number of each DFP operation in each benchmark, and highlights the trade-offs
between using 64-bit and 128-bit DFP operands for both binary and decimal significant encodings.
Keywords: Decimal Floating Point (DFP),Field Program-mable Gate arrays (FPGA), Floating Point(FP).
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10. M. Cornea, J. Harrison, C. Anderson, P. Tang, E. Schneider,andE.Gvozdev,“ASoftware,Implementation of the IEEE 754R Decimal
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12. N.J. Higham, “The Accuracy of Floating Point Summation,” SIAM J. Scientific Computing, vol. 14, pp. 783-799, July 1993.
Authors: S. Badshah
Paper Title: Mixed Numerical-Experimental Identification Based on Modal Testing
Abstract: The discrete mass distribution of metallic foam causes discontinuities in their local properties.
Mechanical properties of metallic foams depend on their relative densities. A mixed numerical-experimental
identification technique is used to identify elastic behavior of Aluminum Foam. The developed identification
technique is based on experimental modal model, measured computer tomography density distribution data and FE
model. Experimental and numerical eigen values and their corresponding mode shapes are used for identification of
elastic behavior. A set of error functions based on measured and numerical eigen frequencies and corresponding
mode shapes was developed in MATLAB. The aim of this work is to develop and validate a mixed Numerical-
experimental technique for identification of elastic behavior of Aluminum foam.
1. American Society for Testing and Materials, ASTM International Standards Worldwide, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken,
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2. International Organization for Standardization, ISO, 1, ch. de la Voie- Creuse, DCase postale 56DCH-1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland.
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7. Rikards, R., et al., Method for identification of elastic properties of laminates based on experiment design. Composites Part B: Engineering,
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8. Silva, M.F.T., et al., A genetic algorithm applied to composite elastic parameters identification. Inverse Problems in Science and
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10. Ayorinde, E.O., Elastic constants of thick orthotropic composite plates. Journal of Composite Materials, 1995. 29(8): p. 1025.
11. Gagneja, S., R.F. Gibson, and E.O. Ayorinde, Design of test specimens for the determination of elastic through-thickness shear properties
of thick composites from measured modal vibration frequencies. Composites Science and Technology, 2001. 61(5): p. 679-687.
12. Hua, H., Identification of plate rigidities of anisotropic plate rectangular plates, sandwich panels and circular orthotropic discs using
vibration data, PhD dissertation, Free University of Brussels, 1993.
13. ASTM Standard E1876-07, Standard test method for dynamic Young's modulus, shear modulus, and Poisson's ratio by impulse excitation
of vibration, in Book of Standards, Volume 03.01.
14. ASTM Standard E1875-08, Standard test method for dynamic Young's modulus, shear modulus, and Poisson's ratio by sonic resonance in
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15. Madsen, K., H. Bruun, and O. Tingleff, Methods for non-linear least squares problems. 1999.
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Authors: B.Bala Subbanna, L.P.Divya Meenakshi
Paper Title: The Role of Optical Amplifiers in Optical Fiber Communication
Abstract: An optical amplifier is a device that amplifies an opticalsignal directly, without the need to first convert
it to an electrical signal. An optical amplifier may be thought of as a laser without an optical cavity, or one in which
feedback from the cavity is suppressed. Optical amplifiers are important in optical communication and laser physics.
There are several different physical mechanisms that can be used to amplify a light signal, which correspond to the
major types of optical amplifiers. In doped fiber amplifiers and bulk lasers, stimulated emission in the amplifier's
154. gain medium causes amplification of incoming light. In semiconductor optical amplifiers (SOAs), electron-
holerecombination occurs. In Raman amplifiers, Raman scattering of incoming light with phonons in the lattice of 730-733
the gain medium produces photons coherent with the incoming photons. Parametric amplifiers use parametric
amplification. Almost any laser active gain medium can be pumped to produce gain for light at the wavelength of a
laser made with the same material as its gain medium. Such amplifiers are commonly used to produce high power
laser systems. Special types such as regenerative amplifiers and chirped-pulse amplifiers are used to amplify ultra-
short pulses.
Keywords: Amolifier, EDFA, SOA
2. Lucent Technologies, Bell Laboratories ,Holmdel, New Jersey and THOMAS L. KOCH
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5. IVAN P. KAMINOW ,Bell Laboratories (retired),Kami nowLight waveTechnology, Holmdel, New Jersey, and TINGYE LI,AT&T Labs
(retired),.Boulder, Colorado.
6. Barry, R. A. 1993. Wavelength routing for all-optical networks. Ph.D. diss., Massachusetts
7. Institute of Technology, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department.
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9. reconfigurable WDMIATMISONET network testbed. J. LightwaveTech. 14(6):1320-1340,
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E. Bodeep. 1994. A
11. wavelength-division multiplexed passive optical network with cost-shared components.
12. IEEE Photon. Tech. Lett. 6:1365-1367.
13. H. Winters, “Reducing the effects of transmission impairments in digital fiber
14. optic system,” IEEE Comm. Mag., pp. 68-76, June 1993.
15. W. D. Grover, “Forward error correction in dispersion-limited lightwave systems,”
16. IEEE Journal ofLightwave Tech., vol. 6, pp. 643-654, May 1988.
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17. limitations in coherent lightwave transmission systems,” IEEE Journal ofLightwave Tech., vol. 6, p. 704, May 1988.
Authors: Sunil I. Patel, Dipak C. Gosai, Vandana Y. Gajjar
Performance and Exhaust Emission Analysis of Thermal Barrier Coated Diesel Engine Using Rice
Paper Title:
Bran Oil Biodiesel
Abstract: Increasing the performance of an internal combustion engine requires the transformation of total fuel
energy to useful energy at the highest as possible. Increase of inner cylinder heat plays important role in the increase
of engine performance and decrease of exhaust emissions. It is understood that coating combustion chamber elements
with thermal barriers contributes a lot to the increase of inner cylinder heat. This study includes an evaluation of
experimental studies and its results carried out upon the methods applied on coating with thermal barrier in diesel
engines, the effects of coating on the performance of engine using rice bran oil biodiesel blends of B10, B20, B40,
B100 with the diesel fuel. By using rice bran biodiesel blends with diesel fuel, the result showed that brake thermal
efficiency and mechanical efficiency of different blends with diesel fuel were less as compared to conventional
diesel. Fuel consumption was increased with blending percentage in the engine. Emission level of HC decreased (40-
50 %) with blending percentage increased with all type of fuel modes. NOx, CO also decreased with blending
percentage increased with diesel fuel.
Keywords: Rice bran biodiesel, TBC engine, Brake thermal efficiency, Mechanical efficiency, Heat balance sheet,
Exhaust emission.
1. T. Ratna Reddy, M.V.S. Murali Krishna, Ch. Kesava Reddy and P.V.K.Murthy "Performance evaluation of a medium grade low heat
rejection diesel engine with Mohr oil based bio-diesel," International Journal of Recent advances in Mechanical Engineering (IJMECH),
155. 2012, pp 1-17.
2. A P Sathiyagnanam, C G Saravanan and S Dhandapani "Effect of thermal-barrier coating plus fuel additive for reducing emission from di
diesel engine," Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering WCE, London, U.K., Vol 2, 2010, pp 978-988. 734-739
3. Palaniswamy E, Manoharan N., "Ceramic coated combustion chamber for improving I.C. engine performance,". International Journal on
Design and Manufacturing Technologies, Vol.2, No.1, 2008, pp 22-25.
4. T. Venkateswara Rao, G. Prabhakar Rao, K. Hema Chandra Reddy., "Experimental Investigation of Pongamia, Jatropha and Neem methyl
esters as biodiesel on C.I. Engine," Jordan Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Vol. 2, 2008, pp 117- 122.
5. G. Venkata Subbaiah, K. Raja Gopal, Syed Altaf Hussain, B. Durga Prasad, K. Tirupathi Reddy., "Rice bran oil biodiesel as an additive in
diesel- ethanol blends for diesel engines," IJRRAS, Vol. 3, 2010, pp 334- 342.
6. Kandukalpatti Chinnaraj Velappan, "Less NOx biodiesel: CI engine studies fuelled with rice bran oil biodiesel and its five blends," Journal
of Scientific & Industrial Research, Vol. 66, 2007, pp 60- 71.
7. Murat Ciniviz, Performance and energy balance of a low heat rejection diesel Engine operated with diesel fuel and ethanol blend,
Transactions of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 34, No. 1, 2010, pp 93-104.
8. A. Siva Kumar, Dr. D. Maheswar, Dr. K . Vijaya Kumar Reddy, Analysis of LHR extended expansion engine with variable speed operation
for different compression ratios, International journal of advanced engineering sciences and technologies, Vol No. 11, Issue No. 1, 2011 pp
121 - 128.
9. International journal of advanced engineering sciences and technologies, Vol No. 11, Issue No. 1, 2011 pp 121 - 128.
10. Ekrem Buyukkaya, Tahsin Engin, Muhammet Cerit, Effects of thermal barrier coating on gas emissions and performance of a LHR engine
with different injection timings and valve adjustments, Energy Conversion and Management 47, 2006, pp 1298- 1310.
11. P. Lawrence, P. Koshy Mathews and B. Deepanraj, Experimental Investigation on Performance and Emission Characteristics of Low Heat
Rejection Diesel Engine with Ethanol as Fuel, American Journal of Applied Sciences, 2011, pp 348-354.
12. Murthy P.V.K, Murali Krishna M.V.S., Sitarama Raju A, Vara Prasad C.M., Srinivasulu N.V., Performance Evaluation of Low Heat
Rejection Diesel Engine with Pure Diesel, International journal of applied engineering research, Dindigul, 2010, pp 428-451.
13. Vinay Kumar Domakonda, Ravi Kumar Puli, Application of Thermal Barrier Coatings in Diesel Engines: a Review, Energy and Power,
2012, pp 9-17.
14. Dr. R. Yadav., "Internal Combustion Engines and Air Pollution," Central publishing house, Allahabad, 2011, pp 451- 506.
15. R. K. Rajput "Internal Combustion Engines," Laxmi Publication ,New Delhi, 2013,. pp 537- 605.
Authors: Rahul Verma, D.S. Rao
Offline Signature Verification and Identification Using Angle Feature and Pixel Density Feature And
Paper Title:
Both Method Together
Abstract: Today the human signature of a person is used as an identification of person because we are all know
that the each person has distinct signature and every signature has its own physiology or behavioral characteristics. 740-746
So the human signature used as a identification of person in various work like bank checks etc. The fraud person can
easily generated the signature instead of unique signer in fraud way so we need a signature identification system. The
signature identification can be done either offline or online manner. Here we used the image processing technique for
offline signature identification here no dynamic feature are available in offline identification. Neural network is used
as a classifier for this system. Here we propose an intelligent neural network that work on the feature like pixel
density method, angular method and mix both methods together. And compared these methods and see that which
one method is provides the better result and accuracy.
1. M.K kalera, S. Shrihari, "Offline Signature Verification And Identification Using Distance Statistics", International Journal of Pattern
Recognition and Artificial Intelligence Vol. 18, No. 7 (2004) 1339-1360 ,World Scientific Publishing Company.
2. Minal Tomar & Pratibha Singh, "A Simpler Energy Density method for Off-line Signature Verification using Neural Network".
3. Deepthi Uppalapati, “Integration of Offline and Online Signature Verification systems,” Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
I.I.T., Kanpur, July 2007.
4. Debasish Jena1, Banshidhar Majhi2, Saroj Kumar Panigrahy3, Sanjay Kumar Jena4” Improved Offline Signature Verification Scheme Using
Feature Point Extraction Method”orisa ,india.
5. Prabit Kumar Mishra Mukti Ranjan Sahoo “ Offline Signature Verification Scheme” national institute of technology, rourkela.
6. R. Abbas, "Back propagation Neural Network Prototype for off line signature verification", thesis Submitted to RMIT, (2003).
7. L. Ravi Kumar, A.Sudhir Babu “Genuine and Forged Offline Signature Verification Using Back Propagation Neural Networks” International
Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies, Vol. 2 (4) , 2011, 1618-1624.
8. Ashwini Pansare, Shalini Bhatia “Off-line Signature Verification Using Neural Network” International Journal of Scientific & Engineering
Research, Volume 3, Issue 2, February-2012 1 ISSN 2229-5518.
9. Minal Tomar and Pratibha Singh “A Directional Feature with Energy based Offline Signature Verification Network” International Journal on
Soft Computing ( IJSC ), Vol.2, No.1, February 2011.
10. Ismail A. Ismail , Mohamed A. Ramadan “An Efficient Off-line Signature Identification Method Based On Fourier Descriptor and Chain
Codes” International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, VOL.10 No.5, May 2010.
11. S. Pinge, H. Kekre, " Signature Identification using Neural Networks", Proceedings of National Conference on Image Processing (2005)
(NCIP 2005), Organized by TSEC, Mumbai, pp 31-39.
12. M. Blumenstein and B. Verma, "An artificial neural network based segmentation algorithm for off-line handwriting recognition".
13. Rahul Sharma , manish shrivastav “an offline singnature verification using neural network based on angle and energy
density”international Journal on Emerging Technologies 2(2): 84-89(2011)
14. Jamal Fathi and Abuhasna, “Signature recognition using conjugate gradient neural network”.
Authors: S.Sharon Ranjini, G.Shine Let
Paper Title: Security-Efficient Routing For Highly Dynamic MANETS
Abstract: The Goal of Position-based Opportunistic Routing (POR) is to solve the problem of delivering data
packets for highly dynamic mobile adhoc networks in a timely manner. The protocol (POR) takes the property of
Geographic routing. Here, the data packets are sent out from the source node and some of the neighbor nodes will be
the forwarding candidates, if the best forwarder did not forward the packet in a particular period of time; the
forwarding candidates will forward the packets. By using Virtual Destination-based Void Handling (VDVH)
Scheme, the communication hole is avoided. In the existing system, the geographic routing property is used, the
problem of delivering data packets for highly Dynamic mobile adhoc networks is solved. But there is a limitation that
the nodes that is selected as the best forwarder is not checked whether it is secured or not. To overcome this problem
a Security-efficient routing is proposed in which the nodes which have the higher trust value is considered as the best
forwarder. The Selfish and normal nodes is differentiated by using the RREQ algorithm. The Selfish nodes do not
forward the request. It will check the trust value, whether it is friend or stranger or acquaintances. In this approach,
From the RREQ algorithm, Xrf, Xra, Xrs are the threshold values set for friends, acquaintances and strangers, as per
the requirements of the application software. Random waypoint model is chosen as the movement.
Keywords: Mobile Adhoc Networks, RREQ algorithm, Random waypoint model, Routing.
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11. Felemban E., Lee C.-G., Ekici E., Boder R., and Vural S.,(2005) “Probabilistic QoS Guarantee in Reliability and Timeliness Domains in
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12. Chen D., Deng J., and Varshney P., (Sept.2007) “Selection of a Forwarding Area for Contention-Based Geographic Forwarding in
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13. Arad N., and Shavitt Y.,(Feb.2009) “Minimizing Recovery State in Geographic Ad Hoc Routing,” IEEE Trans. Mobile Computing, vol. 8,
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14. Han Y., R. La, Makowski A., and Lee S.,(2006) “Distribution of Path Durations in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks - Palm’s Theorem to the
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15. Navidi W., and Camp T., (Jan/Feb.2004) “Stationary Distributions for the Random Waypoint Mobility Model,” IEEE Trans. Mobile
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16. Y. Han, R. La, A. Makowski, and S. Lee, “Distribution of PathDurations in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks - Palm’s Theorem to the Rescue,”
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18. R. Groenevelt, “Stochastic Models for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks,”PhD dissertation, Universite de Nice, Sophia Antipolis, France,2005.
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20. M. Marina and S. Das, “On-Demand Multipath Distance Vector Routing in Ad Hoc Networks,” Proc. Ninth Int’l Conf. Network Protocols
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21. J. Yoon, M. Liu, and B. Noble, “Random Waypoint Considered Harmful,” Proc. IEEE INFOCOM, pp. 1312-1321, 2003.
22. S. Mueller, R. Tsang, and D. Ghosal, “Multipath Routing in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks: Issues and Challenges,” Performance Tools and
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23. D. Ganesan, R. Govindan, S. Shenker, and D. Estrin, “Highly Resilient, Energy-Efficient Multipath Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks,”
ACM SIGMOBILE Mobile Computing and Comm. Rev.,vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 11-25, 2001.
24. A. Valera, W. Seah, and S. Rao, “Improving Protocol Robustness in Ad Hoc Networks through Cooperative Packet Caching and Shortest
Multipath Routing,” IEEE Trans. Mobile Computing, vol. 4, no. 5, pp. 443-457, Sept./Oct. 2005.
25. B. Deb, S. Bhatnagar, and B. Nath, “ReInForM: Reliable Information Forwarding Using Multiple Paths in Sensor Networks,” Proc.Ann.
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Authors: Niyanta Panure, Sharvari Joshi, Swapnal Jawale, Minal Rathod, D.G. Bhalke
Paper Title: Imperium Management
Abstract: The proposed system is based on image processing and embedded to develop a system in the seminar
hall / classroom in order to reduce electricity wastage.There is no need of a centralized control room as the system
will be automatic. In this direction of controlling,the wastage of power will be reduced. The methods that are used in
this project are designed the circuit, write a code, simulation, synthesis and implement in hardware. In this project,
AVR studio Software is chosen to write assembly C coding and MATLAB is used to write code for DIP part.
We have designed a system which automatically operates the AC/fan, light and manages the power. Using CCTV /
webcam we will capture the image of hall/classroom and using Camshift algorithm human will be detected and this
will be given as input to atmega16. Different temperature and light sensors are used. The controller will then check
them and later the connection to relay will be done accordingly, which will turn on the Fan/ AC, lights automatically
if necessary. This whole system will help in reduction of the power wastage thus saving the electricity. This system is
Keywords: AVR algorithm, CAMSHIFT algorithm, faces detection, and object detection.
158. References:
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Authors: Sasidhar B, Ramesh Babu D R, Bhaskarao N, Basheer Jan
Paper Title: Automated Segmentation of Lung Regions and Detection of Lung Cancer in CT scan
Abstract: Automated segmentation and detection of lung cancer is important to assist radiologist. In this paper,
there are two steps involved: a. Automated Segmentation of lung regions b.Automated Detection of lung cancer. To
speed up the process of detecting lung cancer, segmentation of lung region plays an important role.
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5. John J. Grainer, Willam D. Stevenson JR: Power System Analysis, McGraw-Hill International Editions, 1999.
6. Carson W. Taylor: Power System Voltage Stability, McGraw-Hill International Editions,1994.
7. I. J. Nagrath and D. P. Kothari “Modern Power System Analysis” Tata McGraw-Hill, 2003
8. Power system stability by Mrinal K Pal
Authors: Amit Debnath, Champa Nandi, Joseph Rualkima Rante
Paper Title: Voltage Profile Analysis for IEEE 30 Bus System Incorporating with UPFC
Abstract: This paper deals with Power flow, which is necessary for any power system solution and carry out a
comprehensive study of the Newton- Raphson method of power flow analysis with and without UPFC. Controlling
power flow in modern power systems can be made more flexible by the use of recent developments in power
electronic and computing control technology. The Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC) provides a promising
means to control power flow in modern power systems. In this paper the Newton-Raphson is used to investigate its
effect on voltage profile with and without UPFC in power system. Simulations have been implemented in MATUB
and the IEEE 30-bus system has been used as a case study. Simulations investigate the effect of voltage magnitude
with and without UPFC on the power flow of the system. This survey article will be very much useful to the
researchers for finding out the relevant references in the field of Newton-Raphson power flow control with UPFC in
power systems.
Keywords: Newton-Raphson, Power flow control, Three phase fault, UPFC (Unified Power Flow Controller).
161. 1. L. Gyugyi, C. D. Schauder, S. L. Williams, T. R. Rietman, D. R. Tagerson, and A. Edris, "The unified power flow controller: A new
approach to power transmission control."IEEE Trans. no Power Delivery, Vol.10,no. 2, pp. 108s-1097, pp 1999. 763-768
2. Acha, E, C.R. Fuerte-Esquivel, H. Ambriz-Perez and C. Angeles-Camacho, FACTS Modeling and simulation in power networks. 1st Edn.,
John Wiley and Sons Inc., New York, ISBN: 978-0470852712, 2004.
3. Ch. Chengaiah, G. V. Marutheswar and R. V. S. Satyanarayana, “control setting of unified power flow controller through load flow
calculation” ARPN, Vol. 3, no. 6, December 2008
4. M. Noroozian, L. Angquist, M. Ghandhari, G. Anderson “use of upfc for optimal power flow control” ieee transactions on power delivery,
vol. 12, no. 4, october 1997.
5. Mr.N.K.Sharma, Prof.P.P.Jagtap ““Modelling and application of Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC)” 978-0-7695-4246-1/10,IEEE
DOI 10.1109/ICETET.2010.169, 2010
6. L. Gyugyi, "A unified power flow control concept for flexible AC transmission systems," IEE Proc.-C, vol. 139, pp. 323-333, July 1992.
7. A. J. F. Ken, A. S. Mehrahan, X. Lombard, A. A Edris, ‘Vnified Power Flow Controller (WFC): Modeling and analysis,” IEEE
Transactions on power deliver, vol. 14, N0.2, pp. 648-654, April 1999.
8. D. J. Gotham, G.T. Heydt, “Power flow control and power flow studies for systems with FACTS devices,” IEEE Transactions on power
systems, vol. 13, NO.l, pp. 60-65, February 1998.
9. W. L. Fang, H. W. Ngan. Control setting of Unified Power Flow Controllers through a robust load flow calculation. IEEE proceedings on
generation, transmission, distribution. Vol. 146. July 1999.
10. A.Edris, C.D. Schauder, D.R. Torgerson, L.Gyugyi, S.L.Williams and T.R. Rietman, “The Unified Power Flow Controller: A New
Approach to Power Transmission Control”, IEEE Trans. Power Del., Vol.10, no.2, pp. 1085-1097, Oct. 1995
11. C. D. Schauder, L. Gyugyi etc. “Operation of the unified power flow controller (UPFC) under practical constraints,” IEEE Transactions on
12. Power Delivery, vol. 13, pp. 630-639, April 1998.
Authors: Goutham Solasa, Nariganani SD Satadeep, T.Raghu Krishna Prasad, G.Suresh Babu
Paper Title: Diesel Engine Perormance Improvement by Using Cetane Improver
Abstract: Green Fuel, also known as Biofuel is a type of fuel distilled from plants and animal materials. It is
believed by most of the people to be more environmentally friendly than the widely used fossil fuels. Green fuel has
evolved as a possible fuelling option as the world drains out its possible energy resources. It has a big role to play in
162. the future as far as the replacements to the already existing fossil fuels are concerned. We, as a group, aim at
evaluating the performance and combustion characteristics of one of the biofuels, bio diesel. The performance of 769-776
biodiesel can be evaluated by an index called as cetane number. Cetane number is a measurement of combustion
quality of diesel fuel during compression ignition. It is a significant expression of diesel fuel quality among a
number of other measurements that determine overall diesel fuel quality. Data has been collected from the
experiments done and comparison is drawn between the performance of diesel engine filled with biodiesel and diesel.
This report also focuses of the manufacturing process of biodiesel, the different types of cetane improvers available
and their effect on the performance of diesel engine
Keywords: It is a significant expression of diesel fuel quality among a number of other measurements that
determine overall diesel fuel quality.
1. Biodiesel Fact Sheet from National Biodiesel Board
2. Peformance of Peroxides as Cetane Improvers by Manish K. Nandi.
3. Comparison of Diesel Engine Performance and Emissions from Neat and Transesterified Cotton Seed Oil by A. Siva Kumar, D. Maheswar,
K. Vijaya Kumar Reddy.
4. The Role of Additives for Diesel and Diesel Blended Fuels by Angelo C. Pinto, Jailson
5. The Effect of Cetane Number Increase Due To Additives on NOx Emissions from Heavy-Duty Highway Engines - Final Technical Report-
6. Karanja Oil – Its Potential and Stability as a Biodiesel by Sudipta Choudury.
Authors: S. K. Himanshu, A. K. Singh, S. Kumar, P. Kalura
Response of Broccolli to Irrigation Scheduling and Methods under Drip, Sprinkler and Surface
Paper Title:
Abstract: The aim of this study was to identify the best irrigation method and scheduling that will help in the
development of vegetable industry. Field study was carried out during the winter crop growing season of 2009-2010
(December to March) on clay loam soil in Allahabad of India in order to evaluate the effect of irrigation methods and
schedules on marketable yield, irrigation production efficiency and economic return of broccoli under semi arid
climate. The irrigation during corp growing season was applied when sum of the daily USWB class A open pan
reached approximately the predetermined value of 16.3 mm after accounting the rainfall. Irrigation at 150% of pan
evaporation replenishment resulted in higher marketable yield of primary and secondary flowers, but irrigation
production efficiency was higher with irrigation at 50% of pan evaporation replenishment. The drip irrigation method
resulted in slightly higher marketable yield of primary flowers, and irrigation production efficiency as compared with
micro-sprinkler irrigation method. The surface irrigation method gave considerably lower yield of primary and
secondary flowers and irrigation production efficiency. The irrigation at 150% of pan evaporation replenishment
resulted in higher gross return, net return and benefit cost ratio for micro-sprinkler followed by drip and surface
irrigation methods. The seasonal water applied/ irrigation schedules and gross return, net return and benefit cost ratio
for different irrigation methods exhibited strong quadratic relationship which in-turn can be used for optimizing
economic return under limited water resource condition. In spite of higher initial investment, the micro irrigation
system (drip and micro-sprinkler) is highly economical for broccoli production in this region.
Keywords: Drip irrigation, Sprinkler irrigation, Surface irrigation, Lateral spacing, Irrigation schedule, Marketable
yield, Irrigation production efficiency, Pan Evaporation.
1. Stegman E.C., Efficient irrigation timing methods for corn production, Trans ASAE, 29(1), 203-210 (1986)
2. Wanjura D.F., Upchurch and Mahan J.R., Evaluating decision criteria for irrigation scheduling in cotton, ASAE, 33, 512-518 (1990)
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13. Bernstein, L. and Francois, L.E, Comparison of drip, furrow and sprinkler irrigation, Soil Sci; 73-76, (1973)
14. Ferers, E., Cuevas, R. and Orgaz, F., Drip irrigation of cotton in southern Spain. Proc. Third drip/Tricle irrigation Congr, ASAE Publ,
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15. Sammis, T.W., Comparison of sprinkler, Trickle sub-surface and furrow irrigation methods for row crops. Agron. J., 72, 701-704, (1980)
16. Dawood, S.A. and Hamda, S.N., A comparison of on farm irrigation systems performance, Proc. Third Int. Drip/Tricle irrigation Congr.
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17. Sivanappam R.K., Kumara O.P. and Kumar V., Drip irrigation, Deerthi publishing House, Coimbatore, India (1987)
18. Khade, K.K., Highlights of research on drip irrigation, Mahatma Phule Agricultural University, India, Pub. No. 55, pp. 20-21. (1987)
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20. Fekadu Y. and Teshome T., Effect of drip and furrow irrigation and plant spacing on yield of tomato at Dire Dawa, Ethopia, Agric. Water
Manage, 35, 201-207 (1998)
164. Authors: Raj Kumar, Sandeep Kumar, Manish Rai, Sanket Kumar
Paper Title: An ECG Data Compression Method Via Local Maxima and ASCII Character Encoding
Abstract: The electrocardiogram (ECG) compression method presented in this paper is based on ASCII character
encoding. In this compression methodology, at first individual standard deviation of each part of the signal is
calculated. For the region of high deviation, local maxima are extracted. To achieve a strict lossless compression in
regions of high standard deviation and a tolerable lossy compression in rest of the signal, two different compression
algorithms have been developed. The compression algorithm has been evaluated with the MIT-BIH Arrhythmia
Database which revealed that this proposed algorithm can reduce the file size significantly with almost negligible
loss of information. By using the reversed logic for reconstruction the data can be reconstructed preserving the
significant ECG signal morphology.
Keywords: creating difference array, local maxima, standard deviation, replacement of critical numbers.
1. W.J. Tompkins, Editor “Biomedical Digital Signal Processing”.
2. S. M. S. Jalaleddine, C.. G. Hutchens, R. D. Strattan, and W. A. Coberly, “ECG data compression techniques a unified approach,” IEEE
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3. A.A.Shrouf, M.A.Zahhad, S.M.Ahmed, A novel compression algorithm for electrocardiogram signals based on the linear prediction of the
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4. M.L.Hilton Wavelet and wavelet packet compression of electrocardiograms. IEEE Trans Biomed Eng 1997;44(5):394–402.
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on Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, vol. 1.1995. p. 167–8.
6. Z.Lu, D.Y.Kim, W.A.Pearlman. Wavelet compression of ECG signals by the set partitioning in hierarchical trees (SPIHT) algorithm.
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8. S.K. Mukhopadhyay, M. Mitra, S. Mitra, “An ECG signal compression technique using ASCII character encoding”, Measurement 45
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10. John P. Abestein and Willis J. Tompkins, “A new data reduction algorithm For real time ECG analysis”,IEEE Trans Biomed Eng vol.BME
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11. Brian Bradie, “Wavelet Packet Based Compression of Single Lead ECG”,IEEE Trans Biomed Eng ,vol.43 1996,pp 493-501.
12. Sateh M. S. Jalaleddine,Chris G. Hutchens, Robert D. Strattan and William A Coberly,”ECG data compression techniques-A unified
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parabolic filter onreconstructed signal”, Comput. Electr. Eng. 2005; 31(4–5):334–44.
14. M.L. Hilton, “Wavelet and wavelet packet compression of electrocardiograms”, IEEE Trans Biomed Eng 1997; 44(5):394–402.
15. A. Djohan, T. Q.Nguyen, W. J. Tompkins, “ECG compression using discrete symmetric wavelet transform”, IEEE international conference
on engineering in medicine and biology society, Montreal, Que, Canada, vol. 1. p. 167–168.
16. Z. Lu, D.Y. Kim, W.A.Pearlman, “Wavelet compression of ECG signals by the set partitioning in hierarchical trees (SPIHT) algorithm”,
IEEE Trans Biomed. Eng. 1000; 47(7), pp-849–856.
17. A.A. Shrouf, M.A. Zahhad, S.M. Ahmed, “A novel compression algorithm for electrocardiogram signals based on the linear prediction of
the wavelet coefficients”. Digital Signal Process 2003, 13, pp-604–22.
18. C.M.D. Rodrigo, M.M. Fabrizia, V.B. Leonardo, “Near-lossless compression of ECG signals using perceptual masks in the DCT domain”,
CLAIB 2007, IFMBE Proceedings, vol.18, Margarita Island, Venezuela, 2007, pp. 229–231.
19. C.M. Fira, L. Goras,“An ECG signals compression method and its validation using NNs”, IEEE Trans Biomed Eng 55 (4) (2008), pp-1319
Authors: Goutham Solasa, Nariganani SD Satadeep, T.Raghu Krishna Prasad, G.Suresh Babu
Paper Title: Modal Analysis of Chassis
Abstract: Project is aimed at finding the characteristics of mode (and vibrational) responses of heavy vehicle
chassis at particular frequency inputs. The chassis dimensions are taken from an automobile workshop ,is developed
in pro-E media and has been imported to ANSYS commercial software to perform the modal analysis. Modal
analysis determines the vibration characteristics (natural frequencies and mode shapes) of a structure or a machine
component during free vibration. The natural frequency and mode shapes are important parameters in the modal
165. analysis of any component. Given suitable conditions with some excited input (frequency), mode shapes are
obtained.We followed block lanzcos method in modal analysis. By analysing the mode shapes,we can able to detect 789-795
the defects in the component.So changing the natural frequency or other parameters can fix the damage. So, using the
‘Modal Analysis’ feature of ANSYS we come to know of the mode shapes and their changes according to the
frequencies. This is the way we get to know of unwanted vibrations and eliminate by further respective processes.In
this paper we have shown only mode shapes and their results,in the next step we will do the analysis of mode shapes.
Keywords: ANSYS.
Authors: Upwinder Kaur, Rajesh Mehra
Paper Title: Low Power CMOS Counter Using Clock Gated Flip-Flop
Abstract: The synchronous designs operates at highest frequency that derives a large load because it has to reach
many sequential elements throughout the chip. Thus clock signals have been a great source of power dissipation
166. because of high frequency and load. Clock signals do not perform any computation and mainly used for
synchronization. Hence these signals are not carrying any information .So, by using clock gating one can save power
by reducing unnecessary clock activities inside the gated module. A new counter using clock gated flip-flop is
presented in this paper. The circuit is based on a new clock gating flip flop approach to reduce the signal’s switching
power consumption. It has reduced the number of transistors. The proposed flip-flop is used to design 10 bits binary
counter. This counter has been designed up to the layout level with 1V power supply in 90nm CMOS technology and
have been simulated using Microwind simulations. Simulations have shown the effectiveness of the new approach on
power consumption and transistor count
Keywords: Clock gating, master- slave configuration, power consumption, and switching activity.
1. H. Kawaguchi and T. Sakurai, “A reduced clock-swing flip-flop (RCSFF) for 63% power reduction,” IEEE Transactions on Solid-State
Circuits, Vol. 33, pp. 807–811, 1998.
2. W. Aloisi and R. Mita, “Gated-clock design of linear-feedback shift registers,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II, Vol. 55, pp.
546-550, 2008.
3. Q. Wu, M. Pedram, and X. Wu, “Clock-gating and its application to low power design of sequential circuits” IEEE Transactions on Circuits
and Systems I, Vol. 47, pp. 415-420, 2000.
4. H. Mahmoodi, V. Tirumalashetty, M. Cooke, and K. Roy, “Ultra low power clocking scheme using energy recovery and clock gating”
IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) System, Vol. 17, pp. 33-44, 2009.
5. X. Chang, M. Zhang, G. Zhang, Z. Zhang, and J. Wang, “Adaptive clock gating technique for low power IP core in SoC design,” in
Proceedings IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, pp. 2120-2123, 2007.
6. A. G. M. Strollo, and D. De Caro, “New low power flip-flop with clock gating on master and slave latches,” IEEE Electronic Letters., Vol.
36, pp. 294- 295,2000.
7. M. Nogawa and Y. Ohtomo, “A data-transition look-ahead DFF circuit for statistical reduction in power consumption,” IEEE Transactions
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8. K. FUJII and T. DOUSEKI, “A sub-1V bootstrap pass-transistor logic,” IEICE Trans. Electronics, E86-C, (4), pp. 604-611, 2000.
9. N. H. E. Weste and D. Harris, CMOS VLSI Design. Reading, MA: Pearson Education, Inc., 2005.
10. A. Rossi, and G. Fucili, “Nonredundant successive approximation register for A/D converters,” Electronic Letters, Vol. 32, pp. 1055-1057,
Authors: Satyanarayana B.S., Padmaja K. V., Apoorva M. Kalgal
Paper Title: Capacitive Micromachined Ultrasound Transducer (CMUT): Review
Abstract: Ultrasound imaging (sonography), which uses high-frequency sound waves to view soft tissues such as
muscles and internal organs, is a powerful and cost-effective diagnostic technique. The vital and the cost-deciding
unit in the design of ultrasound imaging system is the ultrasound transducer. Hence, micromachined ultrasonic
transducers (MUTs) are one application of MEMS where miniaturization is expected to offer significant advantages
over the current bulk piezoelectric ultrasound transducers. Capacitive micromachined ultrasonic transducer (CMUT)
is an attractive alternative to the more traditional, expensive, piezoelectric transducers as they offer advantages like
sensitivity, transduction efficiency, wide bandwidth, high temporal and axial resolution, enables batch fabrication
process as well as integration with electronics. This is a review work to study the materials and construction details,
fabrication processes, dimensional parameters and performance parameters of CMUT.
Keywords: Capacitive micromachined ultrasound transducer (CMUT), polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF), ultrasound
1. Alessandro Stuart Savoia, Giosue Caliano and Massimo Pappalardo, “A CMUT Probe for Medical Ultrasonography: From Microfabrication
to System Integration”, IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, vol. 59, no. 6, June 2012.
2. S. Machida1, T. Kobayashi, M. Degawa, T. Takezaki, H. Tanaka, S. Migitaka, K. Hashiba, H. Enomoto, T. Nagata1, Y. Yoshimura, K.
167. Asafusa, K. Ishida, S. Sano and, M. Izumi, “Capacitive Micromachined Ultrasonic Transducer With Driving Voltage Over 100 V and
Vibration Durability over 1011 Cycles”, IEEE Transducers 2009.
3. Butrus T Khuri-Yakub and Omer Oralkan, “ Capacitive micromachined ultrasonic transducers for medical imaging and therapy”, Journal of 799-801
Micromachining and Microengineering, march 2011, DOI: 10.1088/0960-1317/21/5/054004.
4. Tugrul Zure, Jonathan Hernandez, Sazzadur Chowdhury, “Dynamic Analysis of an SOI based CMUT”, IEEE ICIT 2012.
5. Shailendra Kumar Tiwari, Somashekara Bhat, Krishna K. Mahato “Capacitive micromachined ultrasonic transducers”, International
Conference on Smart Materials Structures and Systems January 04-07, 2012,IISC.
6. Bangalore.Aditi, R. Mukhiya, Ram Gopal, V. K. Khanna , “Modeling and simulation of MEMS based CMUT cell for NDT application”,
International Conference on Smart Materials Structures and Systems 2012.
7. Shailendra Kumar Tiwaril, B.S. Satyanarayana, A. Gopalkrishna Pail, Kunal K. Trivedi, Rahul N. Sl, Pratyush Sahayl, “Hexagonal
Capacitance Micromachined Ultrasonic Transducer”, IEEE International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking
(ICCCN) 2008.
8. Chaitanya Chandrana , James Talman , Tao Pan, Shuvo Roy and Aaron Fleischman, “Design and Analysis of MEMS Based PVDF
Ultrasonic Transducers for Vascular Imaging”, Sensors 2010.
9. M.W. Chang, T.J. Gwo, T.M. Deng, H.C. Chang, “Modeling and Design of Capacitive Micromachined Ultrasonic Transducers Based-on
Database Optimization”, IOP Publishing Ltd-2006.
10. S. Ergun, X. Zhuang, Y. Huang, O. Oralkan, G. G. Yaralioglu and B.T. Khuri-Yakub, “Capacitive Micromachined Ultrasonic Transducer
Technology for Medical Ultrasound Imaging”, Medical Imaging Ultrasonic Imaging and Signal Processing 2005.
11. Alessandro Caronti, G. Caliano, R. Carotenuto, A. Savoia, M. Pappalardo, E. Cianci, V. Fogliett, “Capacitive micromachined ultrasonic
transducer (CMUT) arrays for medical imaging”, Microelectronics Journal 37, 2006.
12. M.F. Teng and A. J. Hariz, “Characterization and Modeling of MEMS Ultrasonic Transducers”, International MEMS Conference 2006.
13. Baris Bayram, Goksen G. Yaralioglu, Arif S. Ergun, B.T. Khuri Yakub, “Influence of the Electrode Size and Location on the performance of
a CMUT”, Proceedings of the IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium 2001, DOI: 10.1109/ULTSYM. 2001.991876 ,vol.2, pp. 949-952.
14. “User guide for the thermoelectromechanical analysis”, IntelliSense Software Corporation, 2008.
15. Tai Ran Hsu, “MEMS and Microsystems, Design and Manufacture”, TMH publications, 2002.
Authors: Charan Singh Chandna, Shourabh Dave
Paper Title: State of The Art in Software Size & Effort Estimation
Abstract: In this paper, we present an overview of existing size and effort estimates for software. All these
168. estimates are described more or less on their own. Size & effort estimation is a very popular task. We also explain
the fundamentals of size & effort estimation. We describe today’s approaches for size & effort estimation. From the 802-803
broad variety of size & effort estimation models that have been developed we will compare the most important ones.
Their strengths and weaknesses are also investigated. It turns out that the behavior of the size & effort estimates is
much more similar as to be expected.
1. Abran A., St-Pierre D., Maya M., Desharnais J.M. (1998), "Full function points for embedded and real-time software", Proceedings of the
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Validation," IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, vol. SE-9, no. 6, November
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maintenance releases,” Proceedings of International Conference on Software Engineering, Berlin, Germany, pp. 464–474.
5. Boehm B.W. (1981), “Software Engineering Economics”, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1981.
6. Boehm B.W., Abts C., Chulani S. (2000), “Software development cost estimation approaches: A survey,” Annals of Software Engineering
10, pp. 177-205.
7. De Lucia A., Pompella E., and Stefanucci S. (2005), “Assessing effort estimation models for corrective maintenance through empirical
studies”, Information and Software Technology 47, pp. 3–15
8. IFPUG (1999), "IFPUG Counting Practices Manual - Release. 4.1," International Function Point Users Group, Westerville, OH
9. IFPUG (2004), "IFPUG Counting Practices Manual - Release. 4.2," International Function Point Users Group, Princeton Junction, NJ.
10. Jeffery D.R., Ruhe M., Wieczorek I. (2000), “A comparative study of cost modeling
11. techniques using public domain multi-organizational and company-specific data”, Information and Software Technology 42 (14) 1009–
12. Jones T.C. (2008), "Applied Software Measurement: Global Analysis of Productivity and
13. Quality", 3rd Ed., McGraw-Hill.
14. Nguyen V., Deeds-Rubin S., Tan T., Boehm B.W. (2007), “A SLOC Counting Standard,” The 22nd International Annual Forum on
COCOMO and Systems/Software Cost Modeling.
15. Park R.E. (1992), "Software Size Measurement: A Framework for Counting Source Statements," CMU/SEI-92-TR-11, Sept.
16. Symons C.R. (1988) "Function Point Analysis: Difficulties and Improvements," IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, vol. 14, no. 1,
pp. 2-11
17. UKSMA (1998) MkII Function Point Analysis Counting Practices Manual. United Kingdom Software Metrics Association. Version 1.3.1
Authors: Ahmed Ayad Abdalhameed
Detecting and Eliminating Rogue Access Points in IEEE-802.11 WLAN Based on Agents Terminology
Paper Title:
and Skew Intervals: A Proposal
Abstract: The existence of rough access points in the network is now days becoming very serious security threat
for networks line WLAN. The presence of such network threats always resulted into the important information
leakage or damage. Previously already many tools are developed by different research groups, however they are
coming with some limitations which we have to discuss and address in this research proposal. Here the agent based
approach is present not only to detect the rough access points but also their elimination from the wireless networks
efficiently and with minimum cost involvement. The master agent and slave agents are generated automatically,
which are acts as major components for providing the security to wireless networks. These agents are continuously
doing the process of networks scanning to capture the rough access points and eliminate them. This scanning is
scheduled based on clock skews which are playing important role. This Methodology has the following
outstanding properties: (1) it doesn’t require any specialized hardware; (2) the proposed algorithm detects and
completely eliminates the UAPs from network; (3) it provides a cost-effective solution; (4) due to multiple master
agents possibility of network congestion or delays is reduced. The proposed technique can block UAPs as well
as remove them from the networks both in form of Unauthorized APs.
Keywords: Fake Access Points, clock skews, master, slave, wireless networks. 804-807
1. V. S. Shankar Sriram, G. Sahoo, Ashish P. Singh, Abhishek Kumar Maurya “Securing IEEE 802.11 Wireless LANs - A Mobile
Agent Based Architecture” 2009 IEEE International Advance Computing Conference (IACC 2009) Patiala, India, 6-7 March 2009.
2. V. S. Shankar Sriram, G. Sahoo “A Mobile Agent Based Architecture for Securing WLANs” International Journal of Recent Trends in
Engineering, Vol 1, No. 1, May 2009.
3. Mohan K Chirumamilla, Byrav Ramamurthy “Agent Based Intrusion Detection and Response System for Wireless LANs” 0-7803-
7802- 4/03/$17.00 © 2003 IEEE
4. Songrit Srilasak, Kitti Wongthavarawat and Anan Phonphoem, Intelligent Wireless Network Group (IWING) “Integrated Wireless Rogue
Access Point Detection and Counterattack System” published in 2008 International Conference on Information Security and Assurance.
5. Liran Ma, Amin Y. Teymorian, Xiuzhen Cheng “A Hybrid Rogue Access Point Protection Framework for Commodity Wi-Fi Networks”
published in the IEEE INFOCOM 2008.
6. Lanier Watkins, Raheem Beyah, Cherita Corbett “A Passive Approach to Rogue Access Point Detection” 1930-529X/07/$25.00 © 2007
7. Songrit Srilasak, Kitti Wongthavarawat, Anan Phonphoem “Integrated Wireless Rogue Access Point Detection and Counterattack
System” 2008 International Conference on Information Security and Assurance.
8. “Rogue Access Point Detection” Automatically Detect and Manage Wireless Threats to Your Network-www.wavelink.com.
9. Manage Engine White Paper: Wireless Network Rogue Access Point Detection & Blocking
Authors: Akhil Gupta, Randhir Singh, Parveen Lehana
Paper Title: Effect of Microwaves Treated Soil on Growth of Mustard Plants
Abstract: Over the past few decades with the growth in cellular services all over the world; a noticeable
170. observation comes in front regarding the life span of birds and growth of crops. This is because of obvious reason of
increase in microwave presence in our atmosphere. The cellular phones mostly work at 945 MHz frequency. The
objective of this study is to investigate the changes in growth rate and germination of mustard plants after exposure
of different amount of microwaves in power and duration. The observations for a period of ten days using
microwaves treated and untreated soul were carried out. The other control variables such as temperature, humidity,
sun light and level of gases (CO2, N2, and O2) were maintained almost same for all the observations. The
investigations have shown that the plants grown with microwave exposed soil behaved differently.
1. A. D. Bakr, “Study of microwave effects on biophysical and histological properties of rat brain”, Ph.D. Thesis, Physics Department,
Zagazig University, 2004.
2. J. Grover, S. Yadav and V. Vats, “Hypoglycemic and antihyperglycemic effect of Brassicajuncea diet and their effect on hepatic glycogen
content and the key enzymes of carbohydrate metabolism,” Mol Cell Biochem, pp. 101, 2002.
3. S. Yadav, V. Vats, A. Ammini, and J. Grove, “ Brassica Juncea (Rai) significantly prevented the development of insulin resistance in rats
fed fructose-enriched diet”, J. Ethnopharmacol, pp. 116, 2004.
4. M. S. Alam, G. Kaur, Z. Jabbar, K. Javed, and M. Athar, “Eruca sativa seeds possess antioxidant activity and exert a protective effect on
mercuric chloride induced renal toxicity,” Food Chem Toxicol, 2007, 45 (6): 910 – 920.
5. G. Macelloni, S. Paloscia, P. Pampaloni, and R. Ruisi, “Microwave emission features of crops with vertical stems,” IEEE Tran. Geoscience
and Remote Sensing, vol. 36, no. 1, 1998.
6. L. Guyadin and J. J. Ohab, “Do microwaves affect plants growth?,” Cardozo High School, 2009. Online: http://www. johnohab. com/
7. A. Anna, “Effect of microwave irradiation on seeds of lentils (Lens Culinaris, Med.)”, Romanian J. Biophys, vol. 20, no. 3, pp. 213–221,
8. G. Brodie, C. Ryan, and C. Lancaster, “Microwave Technologies as Part of an Integrated Weed Management Strategy: A Review,”
International Journal of Agronomy, vol. 2012, Article ID 636905.
9. Y. Kim, H. Lee, and S. Hong, “Continuous monitoring of rice growth with a stable ground-based scatterometer system,” IEEE Geoscience
and Remote Sensing Letters, vol. 10, pp. 831-835, 2013.
10. B. Šerá, P. Špatenka, M. Šerý, N. Vrchotová, and I. Hrušková, “Influence of plasma treatment on wheat and oat germination and early
growth”, IEEE Trans. Plasma Science, vol. 38, no. 10, 2010.
11. O. P. N. Calla, D. M. Sanjeev, M. Alam, D. Hazarika, and L. Ramawat, “Effect of microwave radiation on the electrical parameters of soil,"
Indian Journal of Radio & Space Physics, vol. 36, pp. 229-233, 2007.
12. A. Marzal, J. M. Osca1, V. Castel, J. Martínez, C. Benedito, J. V. Balbastre, and D. S. Hernández, “Effect of microwave energy on grain
quality of four Spanish rice varieties,” Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research, pp. 310-318, 2005.
13. T. Wong, A. Iskhandar, M. Kamal, S. Jumi, N. Kamarudin, N. Mohamad Zin, and N. M. Salleh, “Effects of microwave on water and its
influence on drugs dissolution,” Progress in Electromagnetics Research, vol. 11, pp. 121-136, 2009.
14. E. G. Njoku and D. Entekhabi, “Passive microwave remote sensing of soil moisture,” J. Hydrology, 184, pp. 129, 1996.
Authors: Suvarna Latha Kakara, M V Seshagiri Rao
Study On Stress – Strain Behaviour of Hardened Concrete with HVFA, GGBS AND GBS as Partial
Paper Title:
Replacement Materials
Abstract: Concrete is the most widely used construction material developed by man. Because of its superior
specialty of being cast in any desirable shape, it has replaced stone and brick masonry. Inspite of all this,it has some
serious deficiencies which, but for its, remarkable qualities of flexibility, resistance and ability to redistribute stress,
would have prevented its use as a building material. Prediction of concrete strength and stress strain behaviour of
concrete is an important issue in the concrete industry, since the traditional laboratory approach to determine the
strength of concrete attracts some drawbacks such as manual involvement, time consumption and chances of
creeping of human error. This paper reports the results of an experimental study, conducted to evaluate the stress-
strain behaviour of hardened concrete by partially replacing the concrete by partially replacing the cement by Ground
granulated blast furnace slag and High volume Fly ash (GGBS and HVFA)by 0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 60%
and 70% for each grade of concrete, M20, M40 and M60 at different ages of 28 days. By taking grade of concrete
percentage replacement of GGBS and water cement ratio as the controlling parameters.Another experimental study is
also carried out by replacing the sand with Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (GBScoarse) which confirming to zone- II
category by 0% to 70% for each grade of concrete M20,M40,and M60 at28 days. From these study analytical
equations for the stress– strain behaviour of hardened concrete has been arrived and stress - strain curves were
171. plotted. The experimental and theoretical stress strains are shows good correlation.
Keywords: GBS (coarse) zone-II, Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (GGBS), Hardened concrete, HVFA,
Saenz’s model equation.
1. ACI Committee 211, 1993 Guide for selecting proportions for High strengths concrete with Portland cement and Fly ash ACI 211 4R-93
ACI Materials Journal, V01 90, No.3, PP 272. 283.
2. Report No T(S) 006 January 2005 Use of higher volume fly ash in concrete for building sector CBRI Roorkee.
3. ACI 211 4R-93, 1996 “Guide for Selecting Properties for High-Strengths Concrete with Portland cement and fly ash” ACI Manual of
Concrete Practice, Part I, American Concrete Institute,
4. Malhotra V.M. May 1999 Making Concrete Greener with fly ash concrete International Vol 21, No 5, PP 61-66.
5. NEVILLE, A.M. “Properties of Concrete” 3rd Edition, The English Language Book Society & Pitman Publishing 1983.
6. Seshagiri Rao, M.V., GaneshwaraRao.P., “Research & Development in low cost building technologies” J.N.T.U.College of Engineering,
Anantapur 1998.
7. Seshagiri Rao, M.V.; Dr.R.M.Rao;M.Janardhana; B.Ravindhra Kumar; Vol.80,August 1999; Journal of Institution of Engineers.
8. ASTM C 989-940, Standard specification for GGBS for use in concrete and mortars.
9. A.Oner, S.Akyuz, An experimental study on optimum usage of GGBS for the compressive strength of concrete
10. K.GaneshBabu and V.Sree Rama Kumar, “Efficiency of GGBS in concrete”Cement and concrete Research Volume 30, Issue 7 July 2000
pages 1031 – 1036
Authors: Amey G Badar, Sagar B Bangar, Vinayak Sudalai
Paper Title: Use of Side Door Intrusion Test Facility for TYRE Strength Test
172. Abstract: For the certification of any tyre to be declared legal and safe to be used on roads it is mandatory that it is
tested at an accredited homologation lab. One of the mandatory test for this purpose is the plunger test where the tyre 821-825
is tested for its strength. Also present in homologation labs is the side door intrusion test which is in use less
frequently. This paper deals with the design, fabrication and testing of an adapter assembly by which we are able to
increase the utility of the side door intrusion test facility by using it to conduct the tyre strength test. This project was
conducted at the Homologation lab at The Automotive Research Association of India (ARAI), Pune. The ARAI is a
Research Institute of the Automotive Industry with the Ministry of Heavy Industries & Public Enterprises,
Government of India.
Keywords: Adaptor, Automotive Certification, Plunger Test, Side-door Intrusion test, Tyre strength test.
1. Bureau of Indian Standards © BIS 2005- IS 15633:2005
2. [Superseding IS 10914 (Part 1) ;1991;1S 10914 (Part 3) :1991, IS 10914 (Part 5) :1095 and IS 12441 (Part 1): 1995]
3. ‘The Pneumatic Tire’- National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, U.S. Dept. of Transportation.
4. ‘Design of Machine Elements’ – V.B.Bhandari
5. ‘SKF Catalogue’- www.skf.com/india/products
6. ‘Masta Catalogue SN series’- www.masta.com
7. ‘GTR-Tyres’- working paper No: TYREgtr-02-04 (Plunger Energy)
8. ‘NBC technical Catalogue’- www.nbc.com
Authors: Mohamed El Zeweidy, Mohamed Mounir
Identifying Performance Criterion of Software Projects That Leads To Increasing Project
Paper Title:
Productivity and Software Quality (A Pilot Study)
Abstract: The identified major problems in software production centers are those related to nonstandard
management system. There are much repeated works, rapid changes of requirements, lack of training, latency of
software (S/W) delivery, and large number of defects detected after the delivery of software. This article aims to
identify the performance criterion of software projects that leads to increasing project productivity, and software
quality. The results shows that improving the performance of software productivity can be achieved by applying the
Dynamic Forms, Queries, and Reports techniques through the criteria Application type, Functional size
measurement approach, Project size, Language type, Team size, Development platform. While improving the
performance of Software quality value (SQV) is achieved by applying other criteria such as the use of the six forms
of testing collectively (Unit, New function, and Performance, Regression, System, and Acceptance tests) and full
Keywords: software benchmark, software quality, software production centers, software productivity.
References: 826-830
1. Andreas Girgensohn, et al, 1995. Dynamic Forms: An Enhanced Interaction Abstraction Based on Forms, Chapman & Hall, London. 362-
2. CAPERS JONES, 2010 Software Engineering Best Practices, New York: McGraw Hill.
3. Christine B. Tayntor, 2007. SIX SIGMA SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT, 2nd ed. New York: CRC press Auerbach publication.
4. Daniele Chenal and Paul Schwartz, 2010.Improve Your Software Development Lifecycle Process, - Practical Tips and Guidelines.
5. David Garmus, 2011. Certified Function Point Specialist Examination Guide. New York: CRC press Auerbach publication.
6. Mary Bradley, et al, 1999. Function Point Counting Practices Manual 4.1. USA: International Function Point Users Group.
7. Mei He, et al, 2010. Understanding the Influential Factors to Development Effort in Chinese Software Industry. Institute of Software,
Chinese Academy of Sciences.
8. Neeraj Sharma, et al, 2010. Database Fundamentals 1st Ed.Canda: IBM Corporation, 168-178.
9. Neil FitzGerald, et al, 2007. Crystal Reports XI Official Guide. USA:Sams Publishing, 133-153.
10. Peter R. Hill, 2011, Practical Software Project Estimation. New York: McGraw Hill.
11. Stephan Lunau, et al, 2008. Six Sigma+Lean Executing Improvement Projects Successfully Toolset , Germany: Springer.
12. Total metrics, 2007. How to Decide which Method to Use,
13. Total metrics, 2009. COSMIC and IFPUG Similarities and Differences.
14. William E. Perry, 2006. Effective Methods for Software Testing 3rd Ed. Canada: Wiley Publishing.
Authors: M. Dhanalakshmi, P. Premchand, A. Govardhan
Paper Title: Tongue Diagnosing With Sequential Image Enhancement Methods
Abstract: Tongue diagnosis is one of the important area in traditional diagnosing techniques and it has more
significance among the experts. Tongue diagnosing is usually carried out by visually understanding the tongue, but
the processing of tongue image is not an easy task to carry out. The difficulty strikes because of the irregular shape of
the tongue, overlapping of colours, dominance of saliva on cracks and buds etc. In this paper, we proposed image
enhancement methods for processing the tongue image to get the required features of the tongue. The method mainly
consists of two techniques; first, contrast enhancement with edge detection in grey scale for highlighting the shape,
cracks, buds and pimples,; second, colour enhancement for identifying the true nature of colours and coating on
different parts of the tongue. The aim of our method is to reduce the complexity in tongue understanding. The
experimental results revealed that our methods produced significant result for the tongue diagnosis.
Keywords: Tongue diagnosis, Image Processing, Image enhancement.
1. Wangmeng Zuo, Kuanquan Wang, David Zhang, and Hongzhi Zhang, “Combination of Polar Edge Detection and Active Contour Model for
Automated Tongue Segmentation”, In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Image and Graphics, pp: 270-273, 2004.
2. Bo Pang, David Zhang, Kuanquan Wang, “Tongue image analysis forappendicitis diagnosis”, Transactions on Information Sciences, Vol.
175, No. 3, pp: 169-176, 2005.
3. Yang Ben Sheng, Wei Yu Ke, Li Jiang Ping, “Research and Application of Image Segmentation Algorithm Based on the Shortest Path in
Medical Tongue Processing”, WRI World Congress on Software Engineering, pp: 239-243, 2009.
TECHNOL BIOMED, VOL. 14, NO. 6, 2010.
229, 2010.
6. M.Dhanalakshmi, P.Premchand, A.Goverdhan, “An Approach For Tongue Diagnosing with Sequential Image Processing Method",
International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering, Vol. 4, No. 3, June 2012.
Authors: Sandeep Kumar, Manish Rai, Raj Kumar, Jayanta Ghosh
Paper Title: Analysis and Design of Capacitive Coupled Wideband Microstrip Antenna in C and X band
Abstract: In this paper design and analysis of capacitively fed wideband microstrip antenna suspended above the
ground plane is presented. It is demonstrated that the proposed antenna can be used for wideband application with
impedance bandwidth of about 51.13% at center frequency 7.255 GHz with a good gain in various microwave bands
(C and X band). This antenna has utilized the concept of capacitive coupling for bandwidth enhancement. Suspension
of structure above ground plane has also been utilized for the enhancement of bandwidth. In this proposed antenna
probe feeding is provided to the feed strip and the parasitic patch is excited by the capacitive coupling. The antenna
configuration can be used where unidirectional radiation patterns are required over a wide bandwidth. All the
simulation work is done using IE3D software.
175. Keywords: Microstrip antennas, Capacitive fed, Wideband, Absolute gain, Efficiency.
1. R. Garg, P. Bhartia, I. Bahl, and A. Ittipiboon, Microstrip Antenna Design Handbook. Norwood, MA: Artech House, 2001.
2. G. Kumar and K. P. Ray, Broadband Microstrip Antennas. Norwood, MA: Artech House, 2003.
3. G. Mayhew-Ridgers, J. W. Odondaal, and J. Joubert, “Single-layer capacitive feed for wideband probe-fed microstrip antenna elements,”
IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 51, pp. 1405–1407, 2003.
4. D. M. Kokotoff, J. T. Aberle, and R. B. Waterhouse, “Rigorous analysis of probe fed printed annular ring antennas,” IEEE Trans. Antennas
Propag., vol. 47, pp. 384–388, 1999.
5. B. L. Ooi and I. Ang, “Broadband semicircle fed flower-shaped microstrip patch antenna,” Electron. Lett., vol. 41, no. 17, 2005.
6. C. L. Mak, K. F. Lee, and K. M. Luk, “A novel broadband patch antenna with a T-shaped probe,” Proc. Inst. Elect. Eng.. Microw.,
Antennas Propag., vol. 147, pp. 73–76, 2000.
7. H. W. Lai and K. M. Luk, “Wideband stacked patch antenna fed by meandering probe,” Electron. Lett., vol. 41, no. 6, 2005.
8. V. G. Kasabegoudar, D. S. Upadhyay, and K. J. Vinoy, “Design studies of ultra wideband microstrip antennas with a small capacitive feed,”
Int. J. Antennas Propag., vol. 2007, pp. 1–8.
Authors: K.Srinivasa Rao, V.N.S.Surendar Reddy, M.Sunil Kumar, B.Abhi Ram
Paper Title: Operation to Reduce Rejection in Cylinder Liners Manufacturing
Abstract: The paper proposes introducing a new operation to reduce rejections in a recognised automotive
industry. This industry manufactures cylinder liners by using the updated technologies & principles in the market.
The problem lies in the operation process i.e., when machining due to compressive and shear forces by the tool on
the liner , residual stresses are developed in the beneath the collar of the liner . The liners are passing the quality
inspection but when the liner goes to assembly section at the customer end it fails by developing a crack beneath the
collar. The main objective of this paper is to reduce the rejections for that particular reason in the cylinder liner
manufacturing industry. This can be done by application of introducing a new operation in the process named deep
rolling. By performing this operation the inner grains of the liner at that particular area will be aligned by the concept
176. of cold strengthening & burnishing.
Keywords: cold working, deep rolling, manufacturing, process addition, crack elimination, burnishing, stress
1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crankshaft_deep_rolling
2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cold_work
3. DEEP ROLLING - THE PAST, THE PRESENT AND THE FUTURE I. Altenberger University of Kassel, Institute of Materials
Engineering, Monchebergstrasse 3, 34125 Kassel,Germany
4. An Experimental Investigation on the Effect of Deep cold Rolling Parameters on Surface Roughness and Hardness of AISI 4140 Steel P. R.
Prabhu, S. M. Kulkarni, S. S. Sharma
5. Deep rolling process simulation: impact of kinematic hardening on residual stresses J. Demurger1, R. Forestier1, B. Kieber1, P. Lasne2
Authors: M. Varun Kumar, B. Ashiwini Kumar
Paper Title: Model Analysis of Axially Symmetric Linear Rotating Structures
Abstract: Rotor dynamics is the study of vibrational behavior in axially symmetric linear rotating structures.
Devices such as engines, motors, disk drives and turbines all develop characteristic inertia effects that can be
analyzed to improve the design and decrease the possibility of failure. At higher rotational speeds, the inertia effects
of the rotating parts must be consistently represented in order to accurately predict the rotor behavior and to decrease
177. possibility of failure.
In this mini project we are going to design a rotor model using finite element analysis (FEA) in ANSYS as per
standard dimensions. After modeling in ANSYS we are going to perform the modal analysis in ANSYS using
commands by using sub structuring and super element generation.
If the frequency of any harmonic component of a periodic phenomenon is equal to (or) approximates the natural
frequency of any mode of rotor vibration, a condition of resonance may exist. If resonance exists at a finite speed,
that speed is called a critical speed. An important part of the inertia effects is the gyroscopic moment introduced by
the precession motion of the vibrating rotor as it spins. This gyroscopic is accounted in the modal analysis in
1. http://mechanicalindia.blogspot.in/2009/02/latest-developments-in-mechanical.html
2. http://www.michigan.gov/careers/0,1607,7-170-46398-64748--,00.html
3. http://www.kxcad.net/ansys/ANSYS/ansyshelp/ffcontact_tut.html
4. Rotor dynamics book written by J.S.Rao
5. We refer Investigating ANSYS Rotor dynamics by Jerome Montgomer(a paper published)
6. We refer Rotor dynamic analysis of 3D-modeled gas turbine by Joakim Samuelsson.
7. http://www.scribd.com/doc/33750426/Rotor-Dynamics-With-ANSYS-Mechanical-Solutions
8. http://www.scribd.com/doc/37038268/ANSYS-V11-Rotor-Dynamics-Web-Seminar
9. https://confluence.cornell.edu/display/SIMULATION/ANSYS+11+-+Crank#ANSYS11-Crank-Step5%3AMeshgeometry
10. http://hochschule16.tk/
11. www1.ansys.com/customer/content/documentation/120/ans_rot.pdf
Dhaval K. Patel, Mistry Ashvin Kumar Paramanand, Chandra Abhinesh Shyamsaran, Kahar
Subhash Harinam, Shirish K. Patel
Paper Title: Design of System for the Power Production from Waste Air of Exhaust Fans at Industries & Buildings
Abstract: Apart from issues like population rise, unemployment, illiteracy and political governing factors, one of
the most important problems developing countries like India are facing today is in power sector. In terms of fuel,
coal-fired plants account for 57% of India's installed electricity capacity, compared to South Africa's 92%; China's
77%; and Australia's 76%. After coal, renewal hydropower accounts for 19%, renewable energy for 12% and natural
gas for about 9%.[1] In the last few decades various methods have been developed to use renewable source of
energy, especially solar and wind energy. Wind power, as the good alternative to conventional fuels, is plentiful,
renewable, widely distributed, clean, produces no greenhouse gas emissions during operation and uses little land.
This paper describes that how we can use the wind available to us from exhaust fans, previously which was wasted.
178. A solution to energy problems for any developing nations.
Keywords: Projects, Power generation, Wind turbine, Exhaust air
1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electricity_sector_in_India
2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wind_power_in_India
3. Chong Wen Tong, Poh Sin Chew, Ahmad FazlizanAbdullah,OonCheen Sean 1 and Tiah Chai Ching, Department of Mechanical
Engineering, University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.2011 International Conference on Environment and Industrial
Innovation,IPCBEE vol.12 (2011) © (2011) IACSIT Press, Singapore
4. Design of machine elements by V.B.Bhandari.
5. Designfoil demo
Authors: Mona Bakharaei Nia, Tanko Ishaya, Mehdi Shajari
Paper Title: An Application of SOBI Architecture for Cross-selling in Telecoms Industry
Abstract: Mobile market is becoming saturated and competitive in telecoms industry. To diversify their business,
mobile operators are moving away from traditional voice communication to mobile value-added services (VAS),
which are new services to generate more average revenue per user (ARPU). Therefore, it is important to find the
relationship between some products in order to sell appropriate products or services to appropriate customers at an
appropriate time. This is why cross-selling is critical for mobile telecom operators to expand their revenue and profit.
In this study, we investigate the application of a Service Oriented Business Intelligence (SOBI) architecture by
aggregating subscriber usage data from multiple sources, including transactional call data records (CDR), recharge
records, billing systems and VAS service usage records towards helping operators to identify a wide range of service
usage patterns of Telecoms operations. The extended architecture assists analytics-driven marketing solutions for
operators to not only develop Upsell & Cross sell strategies to maximize customer’s revenue but would also serve as
a basis decision-making required to optimize product combination and selling settlement issues. The architecture
integrates data from heterogeneous data sources of the organization.
Keywords: Service oriented architectures; SOBI; CRM; VAS; Cross-Selling; CDR; Data mining
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Authors: G. Lokheshwara Guptha, M. Anil Kumar
Paper Title: Algorithm for Testing NAND Flash Random Access Memory
Abstract: This paper presents an overview of the problem of testing semiconductor random access memories
(RAM’s). An important aspect of this test procedure is the detection of permanent faults that cause the memory to
function incorrectly. Functional-level fault models are very useful for describing a wide variety of RAM faults.
Several Fault models are discussed throughout the paper, including the stuck-at-0/1 faults, coupled-cell faults
presented and their fault coverage and execution times are discussed.
Keywords: Memory cue, Associative memory, Context descriptor , Thought, Augmentation etc.
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Authors: Akhilesh Kumar, Ritesh Kumar Mishra
Paper Title: Performance Evaluation of MANET Routing Protocol for Varying Number of Nodes
Abstract: Ad hoc network is a network formed without any central administration which consists of nodes that use
a wireless interface to send packet data. Since the nodes in a network of this kind can serve as routers and hosts, they
can forward packets on behalf of other nodes and run user applications. The ease of deployment and the
182. infrastructureless nature of Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs) make them highly desirable for present
communication technology. MANET is probably the most well-known example of this networking paradigm being 877-880
developed around for over twenty years. Furthermore, the multi-hop ad hoc networking paradigm is often used for
building sensor networks to study, control, and monitor events and phenomena. Though there has been considerable
research in this area. In this paper, we are analyzing the performance of AODV, DSR and DSDV routing protocol
based on throughput of receiving packets and Average End-to-End Delay via increasing number of nodes and
observing its effect on Quality of Service (QoS) of Mobile Adhoc Network. For our simulation we had used a
discrete event simulator known as NS2 .
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Authors: Ila.Nagarjuna, Pillem. Ramesh
Paper Title: An FSM Based VGA Controller with 640×480 Resolution
Abstract: Picture caught more attention than verbal voice. A video graphic adapter provides interface between the
computer and monitor. The main purpose of this project is to design and implement VGA controller on FPGA. The
proposed VGA controller is written based on the block diagram using verilog HDL. Also functions required for the
VGA controller are included in the verilog code and test bench is created to test the functions written to ensure the
FPGA VGA works correctly and accurately without an errors. This design has display capability supported by a
virtually every video adapter on the market, and can be extendable up to 1368x768.we have generated the shapes of
coordinate geometry to get in motion, any moving geometric objects can be implemented. The motion can be
generated using finite state machines (FSM), with raster pattern from left to right and top to bottom, many shapes can
be generated and motion can be in zigzag. We used FILE OUT operations, so that the generated object can be
verified before it gets implemented, no need of storage devices like FIFO(leads to complexity with FIFO depth
calculations), More economic, we can even check the implementation results without FPGA in static image format.
183. Cadence tool is used for observation and verification in terms of performance. And the code coverage of the design is
achieved. 881-885
Keywords: Xilinx 12.3, modelsim SE 6.3f, spartan3E,
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Authors: Ashutosh, Deepak Sharma
Paper Title: Image Encryption Using Discrete Fourier Transform and Fractional Fourier Transform
Abstract: Growing with the fast evolution of digital data exchange, security information becomes much important
in data storage and transmission. Due to the increasing use of images in industrial process, it is essential to protect the
confidential image data from unauthorized access. The security system based on the fractional Fourier transform
(FRFT) is protected by only a certain order of FRFT. In this paper, we proposed a novel method to encrypt an image
by using Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) and Fractional Fourier Transform (FRFT). In this paper, we analyze the
image encryption using DFT and FRFT based on double random phase matrix. The implementation of both
techniques has been realized for experimental purposes. Detailed results in terms of security analysis and
184. implementation are given. Comparative study with traditional encryption algorithms is shown the superiority. The
proposed encoding scheme significantly enhances the data security in comparatively than DFT and FRFT.
Keywords: Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT), Decryption, Encryption, Fourier Transform (FT), Fractional Fourier
Transform (FRFT).
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Authors: Pratishtha Gupta, G.N Purohit, Sweta Pandey
Paper Title: Traffic Load Computation for Real Time Traffic Signal Control
Abstract: Traffic load computation for real time traffic signal control system has become a challenging problem
as well as the need of hour to make road traffic decent, safe, less time and fuel consuming. CCTV Cameras can prove
to be a robust and sufficient solution in this direction. Images of the traffic captured with the help of CCTV Camera,
can be processed to retrieve the required output about current traffic. This document presents a model to count the
traffic load by some parameters such as edge detection, histogram equalization, labeling and removing the noise with
the help of median filter. The load computed can then be used to control the traffic signals.
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Authors: Prakash Waghamode, Vilas Gaikwad, Pravin Kamble
Paper Title: Malicious Android Applications in market place: How Do We Fix It?
Abstract: Android Smartphone applications are getting tremendously popular in various fields like business,
social, media, health, scientific, and even military. On one hand, enterprises can take the benefit of Android
applications to support their business needs. On the other hand, Android devices contain rich sensitive data—e.g.,
GPS location, photos, calendar, contacts, email, and files—which is critical to the enterprise and unauthorized access
to this sensitive data can lead to serious security risks. In this paper, we describe the nature and sources of sensitive
data, what malicious applications can do to the data, and possible enterprise solutions to secure the data and mitigate
the security risks. The purpose of this paper is to raise employees’ and enterprises’ awareness against such security
threats and risk.
1. John D. Cressler, Si-Ge HBT Technology:”A New Contender for Si-Based RF and Microwave Circuit Applications ”, IEEE
2. John D. Cressler, ”Re-engineering silicon Si-Geheterojunction bipolar technology” ,IEEE SPECTRUM MARCH 1995.
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Authors: Shruthi Shree, Sudha H
Paper Title: The Scaling-Free CORDIC Using Generalized Micro-Rotation Selection
Abstract: This paper presents an CORDIC algorithm that completely eliminates the scale-factor. By suitable
selection of the order of approximation of Taylor series the proposed CORDIC circuit meets the accuracy
requirement, and attains the desired range of convergence. Besides we have proposed an algorithm to redefine the
elementary angles for reducing the number of CORDIC iterations. A generalized micro-rotation selection technique
based on high speed most-significant-1-detection obviates the complex search algorithms for identifying the micro-
rotations. The proposed CORDIC processor provides the flexibility to manipulate the number of iterations depending
on the accuracy, area and latency requirements. 905-909
Keywords: CORDIC.
1. Nihel Neji, Anis Boudabous, Wajdi Kharrat, Nouri Masmoudi, ?Architecture And FPGA Implementation Of The CORDIC Algorithm For
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Authors: Jyoti Kaurav, Kaushik Ghosh
Paper Title: Secure Data Aggregation for Energy Efficient Wireless Sensor Networks
Abstract: Wireless Adhoc and Sensor Networks (WASNs) provide easy, effective and cheaper solutions for real
life multidisciplinary problems as in military, robotics, weather forecasting and medical sciences. The energy
constraint and security issue comes directly in mind while talking of WASN. As the areas of WASNs are increasing,
security and energy needs special attention so that the network does not results in a failure. While talking about
energy there are three major areas of WASN which can be worked upon to improve their efficiency. They are:
battery, circuitry & topology and routing protocols used. Here we are working only on the protocols with certain
assumptions for the node hardware. In order to ensure energy efficiency by reducing number of transmissions, data
aggregation is a widely used technique. We thus, implement a secure data aggregation scheme which ensures
reduced total energy consumption of the network as well.
1. Kaushik Ghosh, Sarbani Roy and Pradip K. Das “An Alternative Approach to find the Fermat Point of a Polygonal Geographic Region for
Energy Efficient Geocast Routing Protocols:Global Minima Scheme” First International Conference on Networks & Communications 2009.
189. 2. Kaushik Ghosh and Pradip K Das ”Effect of Forwarding Strategy on the Life Time of Multi-hop Multi-sink Sensor Networks” Proceeding
of the3rd International conferrnece on trends in Information, telecommunication and computing ITC 2013, LNEE, Vol 150,part 3, pp 54-64
2012. 910-912
3. Kaushik Ghosh, Sarbani Roy and Pradip K. Das, “I-Min: An Intelligent Fermat Point Based Energy Efficient Geographic Packet
Forwarding Technique for Wireless Sensor and Adhoc Networks”; International journal on applications of graph theory in wireless ad hoc
networks and sensor networks, 2010.
4. Kiran Maraiya, Kamal Kant, Nitin Gupta “Wireless Sensor Network: A Review on Data Aggregation” International Journal of Scientific &
Engineering Research Volume 2, Issue 4, April -2011 1; ISSN 2229-5518; IJSER © 2011
5. Mohamed Watfa , William Daher and Hisham Al Azar “A Sensor Network Data Aggregation Technique” International Journal of
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6. E. Fasolo, M. Rossi, J. Widmer, and M. Zorzi, “In-Network Aggregation Techniques for Wireless Sensor Networks: A Survey”, IEEE
Wireless communication 2007.
7. Bo Yu, Jianzhong Li, Yingshu Li “Distributed Data Aggregation Scheduling in Wireless Sensor Networks” IEEE Communications Society,
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8. Sanjeev SETIA, Sankardas ROY and Sushil JAJODIA “Secure Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks” IEEE TRANSACTIONS
9. Mukesh Kumar Jha,T.P. Sharma “Secure Data aggregation in Wireless Sensor Network: A Survey” International Journal of Engineering
Science and Technology (IJEST) Vol. 3 No. 3 March 2011
10. Cam, H; Ozdemir, S Nair, P Muthuavinashiappan, D (October 2003). "ESPDA: Energy-efficient and Secure Pattern-based Data
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11. Hu, Lingxuan; David Evans "Secure aggregation for wireless networks", Workshop on Security and Assurance in Ad hoc Networks,
(January 2003).
12. Przydatek, Bartosz; Dawn Song; Adrian Perrig, "SIA: secure information aggregation in sensor networks". SenSys: 255–265. 2003.
Authors: M. Shanmuga Priya, Divyashree K, Chiranjeeb Goswami, M Lakshmi Prabha, A.K Satheesh Babu
Paper Title: Bioremediation of Textile Dyes by White Rot Fungi Isolated From Western Ghats Area
Abstract: Lignin degrading white rot fungi, Phanerochaete chrysosporium, Schizophyllum commune and Lenzites
eximia were isolated from the logs of Acacia nilotica, Tarmarindus indica, Eucalyptus grandis from the Western
Ghats region of Karnataka, India. The fungi were used for the decolourization of azo dyes such as Acid orange 7,
Methly red, and Evans blue. . P. chrysosporium 787 removed 94.8 per cent of acid orange 7 50 µM concentration. In
S .commune removed 96.7 per cent of Acid orange 7 from aqueous solution. When the dye was treated with L.
eximia maximum (95.5 %) dye removal was observed. For methyl red, P. chrysosporium 787 treatment maximum of
92.2 per cent dye was removed. In S. commune treatment, 98.5 per cent of methyl red was removed. The per cent of
methyl red removal from aqueous solution by L. eximia was observed up to 96.0 per cent. In Evans blue, P.
chrysosporium 787 treatment, resulted in 90.2 per cent dye was removed. When the dye was treated with S.
190. commune, 97.4 per cent dye was removed. In L. eximia treatment, the per cent of dye removal was observed 95.5 per
cent. All the above results were obtained on fourth day of incubation. Maximum decolourization of azo dyes and 913-918
mycelium growth of all the three test fungi were favoured on fourth day of incubation. The fungus S. commune
efficiently removed acid orange 7 (96.7), methyl red (98.50 %) and evans blue (97.4 %) from the effluent when
compared with the other two fungi.
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33. Eichlerova, I.; Homolka, L. & Nerud, F, “Decolorization of high concentrations of synthetic dyes by the white rot fungus Bjerkandera
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Authors: Vinay Babu Gada, Janakinandan Nookala, Suresh Babu G
Paper Title: The Impact of Cutting Conditions on Cutting Forces and Chatter Length for Steel and Aluminum
Abstract: In the present study, an attempt has been made to investigate the effect of primary cutting parameters
(cutting speed, feed and depth of cut) and tool overhang length on cutting forces and chatter starting point lengths in
191. finish turning of EN8 steel, EN24 steel, Mild steel and aluminum. Machining test cuts are conducted using sharp tool
and the effect of cutting conditions and tool overhang length are also studied. Here experiments are conducted on
four work piece materials at different cutting parameters and different overhang lengths. The chatter starting point is
measured from the free edge of the work piece and graphs were plotted between overhang length verses cutting
forces and chatter staring point lengths.
Keywords: Cutting Parameters
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Authors: G.S.Raman, C.Surya, R.Balaji Ganesh
Paper Title: Reversible Watermarking Based on Prediction Error Expansion and Pixel Selection on Color Image
Abstract: Reversible watermarking enables embedding of valuable information in a host signal with no loss of
host information. The conventional PEE exploit the similar inherent in the neighborhood of pixel that the difference
expansion scheme. In our proposed system, the PEE technique is further investigated and an resourceful reversible
watermarking scheme is deduced by incorporating in PEE two new techniques, namely, adaptive embedding and
pixel selection. PEE technique embeds data consistently, using Embedded Zerotree Wavelet (EZW), Bit-plan
Complexity Segmentation (BPCS) based embedding is applied to embed on natural images. This avoids expanding
pixels with huge prediction errors likewise it also reduces embedding impact by diminishing the maximum
modification to pixel values. We as well put forward to selecting pixels of smooth area for data embedding and leave
the rough pixels unchanged. In our method a more penetratingly effective method for data embedding and a better
visual quality of watermarked image is observed.
Keywords: Pixel selection, Prediction error expansion, EZW, BPCS, Reversible watermarking
1. Xiaolong Li, Bin Yang Tienyong Zeng “Efficient Reversible Watermarking Based on Adaptive Prediction-error Expansion and pixel
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11. Shrikant S.Khaire and Dr.Sanjay L.Nalbalwar “Review: Steganography-Bit Plane Complexity
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Authors: C. Saravanan, M. Surender
Paper Title: Algorithm for Face Matching Using Normalized Cross-Correlation
Abstract: Face matching is the most important and crucial procedure in face recognition. It is difficult to achieve
robust face matching under a wide variety of different image capturing conditions, such as lighting changes, head-
pose or view-angle variations, expression variations, etc. Robust face matching is essential to the development of an
illumination insensitive face recognition system. This paper proposes a face matching algorithm that allows a
template called extracted face of person which is the Region of Interest from one image and start search for matching
with the different image of same person taken at different times, from different viewpoints, or by different sensors
using Normalized Cross-Correlation (NCC). The algorithm is implemented in MATLAB. The experimental results
show that developed algorithm is robust for similarity measure.
Keywords: Face Matching, Normalized Cross-Correlation (NCC), Region of Interest (ROI). 930-934
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and Initial Threshold Estimation” IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia, pp. 196-203, 2010.
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17. Y. Adini, Y. Moses, and S. Ullman, “Face recognition: the problem of compensating for changes in illumination direction”, IEEE Trans.
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Authors: Vidyasaraswathi H N, Veena H S
Paper Title: Design and Implementation of SPI IP core for ARM based SoC
Abstract: The Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) is a full duplex, serial data link that is standard across several
processors and peripherals. It enables data communication between processor and a peripheral or between processors.
This 4-wire protocol has MISO, MOSI, SCLK and slave select pins. The master can transmit data at different baud
rates. AHB (Processor Interface) is the proprietary bus standard of ARM. It is high-bandwidth full duplex systems
interconnect with parallel transfer capability. It also provides several configurable options. Now a days System
design becomes more and more complex, SoC design plays most predominant role in current silicon market.
Advantages of SoC include the conservation of on-chip space, reduced parasites, and savings on package costs. ARM
processor is widely used in SoC design. SPI protocol is essentially preferable in SoC Design, used for serial
communication between inter blocks and also outside the block. To meet timing constraint, companies will prefer
readily available IP cores for their design. IP cores save both time and cost. This work mainly focuses on such one IP
core SPI-AHB bus for ARM based SoC design.
Keywords: AMBA (Advanced Microcontroller Bus Architecture), AHB (Advanced High Performance Bus), ARM,
SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface), SoC(system on chip).
References: 935-940
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