This document contains a list of 75 students with their personal identification details including NISN, name, NIK, gender, date of birth, place of birth, and mother's name. It provides identification information for 75 individuals from Sukabumi, Depok and Cianjur, Indonesia.
This document contains a list of 75 students with their personal identification details including NISN, name, NIK, gender, date of birth, place of birth, and mother's name. It provides identification information for 75 individuals from Sukabumi, Depok and Cianjur, Indonesia.
This document contains a list of 75 students with their personal identification details including NISN, name, NIK, gender, date of birth, place of birth, and mother's name. It provides identification information for 75 individuals from Sukabumi, Depok and Cianjur, Indonesia.
This document contains a list of 75 students with their personal identification details including NISN, name, NIK, gender, date of birth, place of birth, and mother's name. It provides identification information for 75 individuals from Sukabumi, Depok and Cianjur, Indonesia.
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Cek IBU Kandung
NISN Nama NIK Jkel
1 0020507314 IRFAN MAULANA 3202111203020009 L 2 0020507317 Merisa Maelani 3202114705020013 P 3 0026907137 Nastia 3202282612020005 P 4 0027887392 5 0028076572 Fatih Ramadhan Frawira 3202120811020002 L 6 0031110814 Suhendar 3202120504030007 L 7 0032247209 Mahmud Maulana L 8 0032685102 Bintang Oktavian Pamungkas 3202470310030001 L 9 0032844798 Popon Sindasah 3202122105120024 P 10 0033189678 Iis Komalasari 3202125311030002 P 11 0033464785 Muhammad Riswandi Gunawan 3202112707030004 L 12 0034961752 Hasanah 3202126906030005 P 13 0035404459 Ratih 3202115412030002 P 14 0035688330 15 0036867603 Nova Sahwalia 3202286810030001 P 16 0037126993 Nani Nuraini 3202124206030002 P 17 0037219341 18 0037221858 Nanda Saputra 3276071706030002 L 19 0037323079 20 0037349979 Hadi Nasrulloh 3202312810030001 L 21 0037365373 Agum Gumelar 3202121106030001 L 22 0037615323 Sri Rukmini 3203274203030002 P 23 0037956110 Siti Julaeha 3202115002030011 P 24 0037956117 Dini Aulia 3202110903100027 P 25 0037956123 Neng Risma 3202115906030004 P 26 0037957671 Windi Wulandari 3202124107030020 P 27 0037958427 Sutiyani 3202115802030002 P 28 0037958437 Anisa 3202116505030002 P 29 0038116094 Andika Sujasmi 3202120806030004 L 30 0038116097 Nur Aisyah Ade Putri 3202124411030002 P 31 0038116155 Muhamad Aliya Farhan 3202122806030002 L 32 0038116157 Lena Yulianti 3202124607030004 P 33 0038116158 Alief Noor Faizal 3202120707030003 L 34 0038116164 Dede Aldi Gifhari 3202120908030002 L 35 0038116182 PITRIANI 3202124112020008 P 36 0038116252 Indri 3202126105030001 P 37 0038116256 Agim Gumelar 3202121106030002 L 38 0038116263 Tuti 3202126809020002 P 39 0038116361 Lestari Kurnia Putri 3202126110030002 P 40 0038116986 Ona Ayu Sona 3202122004030001 P 41 0038117068 Amalia Alvioni 3202124104030006 P 42 0038117078 Siti Murni Maemunah 3202125210030003 P 43 0038423105 Lia Cahyati 3202126512030003 P 44 0038667716 Nurhasanah 3202125507030002 P 45 0038740251 46 0038783525 Ujang Saepuloh L 47 0038837839 48 0039069019 Iqna Adawiyah 3202124506030005 P 49 0039201896 Prana Sinta 3202117012030006 P 50 0039336864 Muhammad Fauzan 3202112311110009 L 51 0039560297 Tresi Trinita 3202125210030004 P 52 0039646114 Diki Alfarizi 3202012206030000 L 53 0041380244 RISMATILAH 3202124102040009 P 54 0042145163 Fahmi 3202310112030002 L 55 0044253856 Siva Fajariyanti 3202116501040006 P 56 0044254503 M. Raihan 3202111303040003 L 57 0044255063 Meli Mulyani 3202116912040006 P 58 0044395662 Merlin Marselina 3202126703040002 P 59 0044395721 Chelawati 3202126606040001 P 60 0044396412 Siti Mona 3202125701040001 P 61 0044396413 Abdul Karim Padlulloh 3202122002040002 L 62 0044396415 Elin 3202125003040004 P 63 0044396424 Ratna 3202125708040005 P 64 0044396432 Fitri Lestari 3202124311040006 P 65 0044396452 Nurleni Ulpasari 3202124106040004 P 66 0044396558 Aditia Maulana 3202122307040001 L 67 0045666337 Selpia 3202126608040001 P 68 0046572824 Romi Syahril Priyagung 3202101002040003 L 69 0047179402 Neng Fitri Nur Aliah 3202285201050005 P 70 0048004545 Siti Nuraeni 3202126701040007 P 71 0048825201 SITI RAHMAWATI 3202116807030002 P 72 0049885096 Pebrian Mustika Ramdani 3202122302040002 L 73 0050575696 Sani Rohaeni 3202114608050001 P 74 0053922900 Bayu Saepul Rahman 3202112909050004 L dung Tgl.Lahir Tmp.Lahir Ibu Kandung 2002-03-12 SUKABUMI ATIN 2002-05-07 SUKABUMI AMIN 2002-12-26 SUKABUMI YANTI