2ME705-4-Hydraulic and Pneumatic Systems
2ME705-4-Hydraulic and Pneumatic Systems
2ME705-4-Hydraulic and Pneumatic Systems
Practical content
The Practical/term work shall be based on the topics mentioned above and will be defended by the
Text Books
1 Anthony Esposito, “Fluid Power with Applications”, Pearson Education 2005
2 Majumdar S.R., “Oil Hydraulics Systems - Principles and Maintenance”, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2001
3 Majumdar S.R., “Pneumatic systems – Principles and maintenance”, Tata McGraw Hill, 1995
Reference Books
1 Srinivasan.R, “Hydraulic and Pneumatic controls”, Vijay Nicole, 2006
2 Shanmugasundaram.K, “Hydraulic and Pneumatic controls”, Chand & Co, 2006
3 Anthony Lal, “Oil hydraulics in the service of industry”, Allied publishers, 1982
4 Harry L. Stevart D.B, “Practical guide to fluid power”, Taraoeala sons and Port Ltd. Broadey, 1976
5 Michael J, Prinches and Ashby J. G, “Power Hydraulics”, Prentice Hall, 1989
6 Dudelyt, A. Pease and John T. Pippenger, “Basic Fluid Power”, Prentice Hall, 1987