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HYDERABAD-500 169.
Chapter 1
1.1 Background

The prime objective is to provide information about that Dr. Marri Channa Reddy Human
Resource Development Institute of Andhra Pradesh and to provide for citizens to secure and access to information.

1.2 Objective/Purpose:

(i) To provide access to the information about the Institute activities in a transparent manner.

(ii) To provide requisite information to the citizens, officers and employees of public
authorities and all other interested in public matters.

1.3 The Hand Book is intended to meet the Information requirements of all Institutions /
Organisations/State Government Departments/ Public Representatives/State Government
employees at all levels and other who may wants to avail the services of this Institute.

1.4 Expansion of key terms

Dr. MCR HRD IAP means: Dr. Marri Channa Reddy Human Resource Development Institute of Andhra
* D.G : Director General
* A.D.G : Additional Director General
* JDG : Joint Director General
* A.O : Administrative Officer
* Dir (TC) : Director(Training Coordination)
* J.D (ATW) : Joint Director
(Accounts Training Wing)
* D.D(ADTW) : Deputy Director
(Audit Training Wing)
* Acct.O : Accounts Officer
* E.O : Estate Officer
* A.A.O : Assistant Accounts Officer
* A.A.O : Assistant Audit Officer
* O.S : Office Superintendent
* F.M : Facilities Manager
* T.R.A : Training Research Associate
* S.F.M : Senior Faculty Member
* F.M : Faculty Member
* J.F.M : Junior Faculty Member
* T.P.C : Training Programme
* T.A : Training Assistant
* J.A : Junior Assistant
* S.A : Senior Assistant
* A.V.O : Audio Visual Operator
* C.D : Course Director
* C.I.I : Centre for Infrastructure and Investment
* C.D.P : Centre for Disaster
* C.H.D : Centre for Human Development
* C.R.A : Centre for Regulatory Administration
* C.U.D.S : Centre for Urban Development Studies
* D.T.C : District Training Centre
* D.T.S : Direct Trainer Skills
* D.O.T : Design of Training
* T.O.T : Training of Trainers
* D.V.D : Digital Versatile Disc
* T.N.A : Training Needs Analysis
* E.O.T : Evaluation of Training
* M.O.T : Management of Training
* S.A.T : Systamatic Approach to Training
* C.D.T.C : Collector & District Training Commissioner
*G.M (I.T) : General Manager Information Technology
*G.M I.T : Manager Information Technology
1.5 Organisation of Information
The information in this Hand Book is organized into 18 chapters as required under Sec.4(1) of the RTI Act,
described in the chapters from 2 to 18.

1.6 Getting additional information

Additional Information may be sought through the Institute’s Website www.hrdiap.gov.in or Brochures printed and
available to the public from time to time besides information through print and electronic media.

1.7 Names & Addresses to key contact points

Dr.V.P.Jauhari, IAS Director General
Dr. MCR HRD Institute of A.P
Road No.25, Jubilee Hills
Hyderabad-500 169.
Phone No.23548294
Cell No:9849991282 ® 23326933

Ajoyendra Pyal, IAS Additional Director General

Dr. MCR HRD Institute of A.P
Road No.25, Jubilee Hills
Hyderabad-500 169.
Phone No.23543462
Cell No:9849987324 ® 23544373

Additional Director General
M.Rama Prasad, IFS Additional Director General
Dr. MCR HRD Institute of A.P
Road No.25, Jubilee Hills
Hyderabad-500 169.
Phone No.23543596
Cell No:9248005302

K.Nageswara Rao Director (Training Coordination)

Dr. MCR HRD Institute of A.P
Road No.25, Jubilee Hills
Hyderabad-500 169.
Phone No.23543487 Extn:101
Cell No:9248005300
S.Rajasekhar Administrative Officer
Dr. MCR HRD Institute of A.P
Road No.25, Jubilee Hills
Hyderabad-500 169.
Phone No.23544694
Cell No: 9248032075
Col. M. Surya Prakash General Manager
(Facilities & Security Management)
Dr. MCR HRD Institute of A.P
Road No.25, Jubilee Hills
Hyderabad-500 169.
Phone No.23548487 Extn:165
Cell No: 9492430700
R. Bhaskar General Manager I.T
Dr. MCR HRD Institute of A.P
Road No.25, Jubilee Hills
Hyderabad-500 169.
Phone No.23543459 Extn:265
Cell No:9849908537
B. V. Subramanyam Manager I.T
Dr. MCR HRD Institute of A.P
Road no.25, Jubilee Hills
Hyderabad-500 169.
Phone No:
Cell No.

R.Venkata Ramana Manager I.T

Dr. MCR HRD Institute of A.P
Road No.25, Jubilee Hills
Hhyderabad-500 169.
Phone No.23543459 Extn:151
Cell No:9248005306

G.Sankaraiah Accounts Officer

Dr. MCR HRD Institute of A.P
Road No.25, Jubilee Hills
Hyderabad-500 169.
Phone No:23548487 Extn:129
Cell No:9248032093
Chapter I
Organization, Functions and Duties
[Section 4(1)(b)(i)]

2.1 Particulars of the organization, functions and duties :-

Sl. Name of the Address Functions Duties

No. Organization

Dr. Marri Road 1. This Institute is 1.This

Channa No.25, responsible for Institute
Reddy Human Jubilee facilitating provides
Resource Hills, Training/HRD quality
Development Hyderabad- Inputs on an training for
Institute of 500 169. annual basis for enhancing
Andhra public efficiency and
Pradesh functionaries of productivity
the State 2.This
Government to Institute also
achieve CARING to improve
Government through
(Committed, innovative
Accountable, designs,
Responsive methodologies
Nationalistic and
&Genuine) which infrastructure,
takes the State based on the
towards its vision demands of
of Harita Andhra our clients.
Chapter II
Powers and Duties of Officers and Employees
[Section 4(1)(b)(ii)]

3.1 Please provide details of the powers and duties of officers and Employees of the authority by designation as

Sl.No. Name of the Designation Duties Allotted Powers


1 Dr.V.P.Jauhari Director Chief Executive of the Vested with

IAS General Institute executive,
powers as
delegated by
the Board of
2 Ajoyendra Pyal, IAS Additional Director Administration Vested with
General administration of
hostel and security.
Powers as delegated
by the D.G
3 M. Rama Prasad, IFS Additional Director Training Vested with Training
General and financial powers
as delegated by the
4 S.Rajasekhar Administrative Matters relating to As per the
Officer &PIO Under Administration of staff, powers
RTI Act 2005 buildings & other delegated by
infrastructure. the D.G from
time to time.
apart from
duties shown
in chapter 4
5 K.Nageswara Rao Director (TC) All matters relating to -do-
District Centers

6 G.Sankaraiah Accounts All matters Duties of

Officer relating to DDO

7 Sri K.Sree Ram Deputy State Audit He can

Prasad Director Department approve the
casual leave,
courses of
State Audit

8 Col. M. Surya Prakash F.M To assist A.O and all As per the D.G
the matters related to instructions
catering arrangements from time to
and other duties time.
assigned from time to
9 Ms. S.Sasikala Head/Senior Centre for Human
Faculty Development Design,
Develop and
deliver the
10 P. Raja Sekhara Reddy Head/Senior Centre for Urban allotted to
Faculty Development them and
11 B. Vishwanath Raju Senior Faculty Centre for Climate Change & sessions in
Environmental Advisory their core
Services. areas and other
assigned from
time to time.

12 . Centre for Disaster Design,

Dr. M.Bhaskar Rao Head/Junior Management Develop and
Sri D.Siva Prasad Faculty Foundational deliver the
Meena Jagirdar Junior Faculty Courses for RTI Act / training
K. Vidya Sagar Junior Faculty IAS Officers courses
G.Ramakishan Rao Junior Faculty/ Training allotted to
N. Kumar Babu Lecturers Foundational them and
T. Sambasiva Rao A.O Courses for Junior handle
K.Rupa Faculty Assistants/Probationary sessions in
JAO Accounts Wing Dy.Collectors their core
Audit wing areas and other
D.Bramha Naidu Faculty activities
assigned from
time to time.

13 R. Bhaskar General Manager IT Center Head (Computer As per the

Wing) orders of DG
from time to

14 B.V. Subramanyam Manager-IT Design and organizing I.T -do-

Training Programmes
15 R.Venkataramana Manager-IT . Design and organizing I.T -do-
Training Programmes

16 I.Suvarnaraju Assistant Assisting As per the

Accounts Accounts orders of
Officer Officer DG from
time to time

17 R. Hiranmai TRA Asst. the Faculties in -do-

conducting courses.
18 M.V. Suryakala TRA To assist the A.O/ADG/DG -do-
in Admn. Matters.
19 J.V.Subba Reddy TRA/Manager Gardening/afforestation -do-
20 K.Narasimha Murthy Estate Officer Overall supervision of -do-
Chapter III
Procedure Followed in Decision-making Process
[Section 4 (1) (b) (iii)]

4.1 Describe the procedure followed in decision-making by the public authority

Activity Description Description-Making Process Designation

of final

Goal-setting & No. of training The in charge faculty Director

Planning Programmes to employees will collect the General
in Government, Accounts information from the
side, Audit side annually. other faculties on
training activities goals
and process through
JDG for final approval.

Budgeting Preparation of budget Accounts Officer will Director

estimates of the Institute prepare the budget General
estimates in
consultation with the
concerned wings, heads,
whenever necessary and
processes for approval.

Formulation of 1.Calendar of training Course Director

programmes, programmes for each year Directors/Faculties will General
schemes and 2.Design & Develop of prepare the formulation
projects new programmes of programmes/schemes
3.Timely Action for whenever necessary
obtaining nominations & through JDG.
other infrastructure
4.Additional courses
depending on the need of

Recruitment/ Assessment of personnel A.O will prepare the Director

hiring of for recruitment by vacancy position and in General /
personnel deputation /hiring through case of Faculty, JDG State
out sourcing and direct will be consulted and Government.
recruitment can be made submit to the Director
at this Institute General

Release of The funds required for Section Assistants of Director

funds conducting Institutional concerned subjects shall General
Training Programmes, prepare the actual bills
transport charges, security, to be paid to the
Pest control, salaries of concerned agencies and
the processes through the
employees/Loans and Facilities
Advances and Dist. Manager/Administrative
Training Centers Officer/Accounts
requirements of funds will Officer and in certain
be released as per cases through the JDG
Implementation The catering services, Section Assistants, D.G.
/delivery of transport services, pest Facility Manager, Estate
service/utilization control, , Supply of Officer will assist the
of funds stationery, Security Administrative Officer
services maintenance of who in turn assist the
the different equipment JDG in implementation
such as TVs, LCDs, Lifts, of training programmes
A.Cs op , Telephones, and services .
Computers etc. are taken Faculty/Course
through agreement with Directors will give
agencies. Allotment of indent for requirement
halls, hostel rooms will be of services and the
allotted and the services same will be rendered.
shown above are
monitored by the
Institution Officers.

Monitoring & Done in the Institute. The JDG will monitor -D.G.-
evaluation and evaluate the
training programmes
conducted in the
Institute or outside the
Institute by the
Faculties and place
before the Director
General. The
Administrative Officer
will monitor the
facilities like catering,
accommodation, and
other infrastructure
with the active
cooperation of section
assistants, facilities
manager. The feed
back on services
rendered in all the
above categories are
also obtained from the
participants through the
proformae given by
Course Directors.

Gathering The services of the The Faculty, Course D.G.

feedback from Institute are are utilised Directors will obtain the
public by the participants of feed back at the end of
either Institutional training the trg. programme
programmes or self categorise and
financed programmes . consolidate in grades
The feed back will be adopted by the Institute
taken from the participants and place before the
in a form. D.G through JDG .
Undertaking The catering, transport, The feed back given by D.G.
improvements computer , A.Cs, drinking the participants on
water, accommodation , improvement of the
pest control, security, lift, services mentioned in
accommodation in hostel the 2nd column will be
and guest house and the taken into consideration
teaching by Faculty will and the concerned
be taken up. officers will be
intimated to take up
improvements by the
approval of the D.G.

4.3 Describe the mechanisms in place regarding participation of the public in decision-making in respect of the
functions discharged/services delivered to citizens.

In respect of :

1) Goal Setting Departments

2) Implementation Departments/individual employee
3) Monitoring & Participants
4) Feed Back Participants
5) Improvements Participants
6) Library Faculty/Participants.
Chapter IV
Norms set for the Discharge of Functions
[Section 4 (1) (b) (iv)]
5.1 Please provide the details of the norms/standards set by the public authority for the discharge of its
functions/delivery of services

Sl. Function/service Norms/standards of Time frame Reference document

No. performance set prescribing the
norms (Citizen’s
Charter, Service
Charter etc).

1. To aim or @ 5 per academic Annually Quality Policy

increase in year at a minimum. (ISO)
training no. of

2. To increase @ 3% every year Annually -do-
trainer capacity
within the

Increase in the No. of

Change Agents.

3. To actually @ 3% every year Annually -do

participate the
processes or
Government by
increasing the
number of
change agents.
Chapter V
Rules, Regulations, Instructions, Manual and Records,
for Discharging Functions
[Section 4(1) (b) (v) & (vi)]
6.1 Please provide list and gist of rules, regulations, instructions, manuals and records, held by public authority or
under its control or used by its employees for discharging functions in the following format

Sl. Description Gist of contents Price of the

No publication if priced

Rules & Regulations Rs.Ps.

1. A.P.State& In Governing the Not for sale

Subordinate service conditions
Service Rules in respect of
probation, eniority,
promotion etc.

2 A.P.Ministerial In respect of -do-

Service Rules Ministerial

3 A.P Last Grade In respect of -do-

Service Rules LGSR

4 Fundamental In respect of FR -do-

5 Leave Rules In respect of -do-
A.P.Leave Rules
6 Manual of Special In respect of -do-
Pay and MSPA
7 Loans and In respect of Loans -do-
Advances and advances
8 APGovt.Life In respect of -do-

9 General Provident In respect of GPF -do-
10 A.P.Financial In respect of -do-
Code A.P.F.C

11 A.P.Accounts In respect of -do-

Code A.P.A.C
12 A.P.Treasury Code In In respect APTC -do-
respect of
13 District Office In respect of DOM -do-
14 Delegation of In respect of ISO -do-
powers ISO
15 Building In respect of BR/R -do-
16 A.P.HRD A.P.HRD SS -do-
Subordinate Rules
Service Rules
17 A.P.HRD Service In respect of -do-
Rules A.P.HRD SR
18 Rules relating to In respect of Rules -do-
Training to T.A

19 Circular Circular -do-

instructions from
time to time for
maintaining the
Administration and
training activities
20 Instructions -do-
21 Accounts Accounting -do-
Procedure of
State Government
22 Record NA NA
23 Publications
Police Vaachakam I

24 Police Vaachakam
25 Indoor
Subject (IV A)
Chapter VI
Categories of Documents held by the Public Authority
under its Control
[Section 4 (1) (b) v(i)]

7.1 Provide information about the official documents held by the public authority or under its control
Sl. Category of Title of the document Designation and
No. Document address of the
custodian (held
by/under the control
of whom)

1 Service Matters Files related to establishment Y.Satyanarayana (closed files)

V.Saroja A1, (Running Files Gax)
N. Surya Prakash A2 (Running files-
2 Training Files relating to training Y.Satyanarayana (Closed files)
D.V.Ramana T1 (Running files)
3 Puchases Files relating to purchase of Y. Satyanarayana (Closed files)
stationery & other articles M.K. Jakeer S1 (Running Files)
4 Accounts Files relating to Accounts Y.Satyanarayana (Closed Files)
Matters – drawing and B.Rama Rao B1 (Running Files
disbursements and other

The Institute does not have any records/documents relating to the matters of public interest.
Chapter VII
Arrangement for consultation with, or
Representation by, the Members of the Public in
relation to the Formulation of Policy or
Implementation thereof
[Section 4(1)(b) viii]
8.1 Describe arrangements by the public authority to seek consultation/participation of public or its representatives for
formulation and implementation of policies?

Sl. Function/service Arrangements for Arrangements for

No consultation with consultation with or
or representation of representation of
public in relations public in relations
with policy with policy
formulation implementation

1 Provide information S.Rajasekhar PIO 9248032075

2 Provide information K.Vidyasagar APIO 9248032106

The information will be collected from the following agencies :

(1) State Government

(2) Policies formulated and approved by the Board of Governors and Sub-Committee of Board of Governors.
(3) Board of Governors
(4) Building Committee
(5) Feedback of participants
(6) ISO – External & Surveillance Audit
(7) PTWs
Chapter VIII
Boards, Councils, Committees and other Bodies
Constituted as part of Public Authority
[Section 4(1)(b)v (viii)]
9.1 Please provide information on boards, councils, committees and other bodies related to the public authority in the
following format.

Name of Board, Council, Composition Powers & Functions Whether its

Committee, etc. meetings open to
public/Minutes of
its Meetings
accessible for

Board of Governors Chairman Chair and -

1Sri K. Rosaiah conduct the
Chief Minister proceedings
in the Board

2.K.Rosaiah, Minister for Member

3.P.Sabitha Indra Reddy,
Minister for Home Member

4.Kanna Laxminarayana
Minister for Industries Member

5. G.Aruna Kumari
Minister for Roads & Member

6. D.Manikya Vara Prasad

Minister for School Member

7.Media Advisor Member


8.Chief Secretary

9. Executive Vice
Chairperson Member

10. Principal
Secretary, Finance Member

Administrative Staff Member
College of India
12.Director, National
Police Academy Member

13.Director, Indian
Institute of Public Member
14.Director, Lal Bahadur
Sastry National Academy Member
of Administration

Manufacturing Member
Technology Development
16.Director, Indian
Institute of Information Member
17.Director, National
Academy of Member
18.Director of Knowledge
Park Member

19.Mr.Anil Kumar Mc
Kenzy Member

20.Representative of
World Bank Group Member

21.Representative of Member

22.Expert in the field of

Training and Human Member
Resource Delopment
nominated by

23.Dr.Prahlad Member

Ex.Director, National Member
Institute of Rural
Training Member

26.Mr.Samuel Paul,
Former Director IIM Member
27.Mr.Preetam Singh,
Director, Management Member
Development Institute

28.Director General, Dr. Member Convener


Cabinet Sub Committee

1. Minister fo Finance .. - Chair Person

2. Minister for Home .. - Member
3. Minister for Major Industries .. - Member
4. Minister for Roads & Buildings .. - Member
5. Minister for School Education .. - Member
6. Principal Secretary (Fin_Dept .. - Member
7. Secretary to Govt.(R&B),TR&B .. - Member
8. Secretary to Govt. I.T.Deptt. .. - Member
9. Chief Engineer (R&B) .. Member

10.Director General, Dr.MCR HRD .. Member/Convener

Purchase Committee: Director (T.C), A.O, Accounts Officer, Manager I.T & Facilities Manager

Library Committee :

Building Committee :

9.2 If minutes of meetings are accessible to the public, describe the procedure as to how to access the minutes:
contact point, hours of access, fee structure/cost of access and officer to be contacted

. -Not Applicable-
Directory of Officers and Employees
[Section 4 (1)(b)(ix)]
10.1 Please provide information on officers and employees working in different units or offices at different levels and
their contact addresses in the following format (including officers in charge of grievances redressal, vigilance, audit,

Sl.No Name, Telephone& & Email

Name of office/ Designation & Address of Fax
Administrative Officer/ Office Tel :
unit Employee Residence

1 Dr.MCRHDRIAP Dr.V.P.Jauhari, IAS 23548487 vpjauhari@mail.com.

Road No.25 Director General 23548294
Jubilee Hills Extn.171,
Hyderabad 395

2 Dr.MCRHDRIAP Shri Ajoyendra Pyal, IAS 23543462

Road No.25 Addl.Director General 9849987324
Jubilee Hills
3 Dr.MCRHDRIAP Shri M.Rama Prasad, IFS 23543596 ramaprasad@hrdiap.gov.in
Road No.25 Addl.Director General 9248005302
Jubilee Hills
4 Administrative S.Rajasekhar 23544694 adminofficer@hrdiap.gov.in.
Wing Admn. Officer 223548487

5 District Training K.Nageswara Rao 9849905300 Nageswararao-k@hrdiap.gov.in

Wing Director (TC) 23540857

7 CCC B.Viswanatha Raju 23548487


8 Accounts Wing I.suvarnaraju 9849905306

Accounts Officer
9 District Training 23548487
Centre Extn.130

10 Estate K. Narasimha Moorthy 23548487

Maintenance Estate officer Extn.118

11 Audit Trg.Wing K.Sreeram Prasad 23548487

Deputy Director Extn.297

12 Centre for HRD Ms.Sasikala 23548487

Senior Faculty Extn.271

13 Centre for Urban 23548487

Development Senior Faculty Extn.192

14 Centre for M.Bhasker Rao 23548487

Disaster Faculty Member Extn.186
15 Information R. Bhaskar 23548487
Technology Extn.151,265
16 Training Wing D.Siva Prasad 23548487
Jr.Faculty Gr.I Extn.138

17 Trg.Wing. G. RamaKrishna Rao 23548487

18 Training Wing Meena Jagirahar 23548487
Jr.Faculty Extn.
19 Training Wing K. Vidya Sagar 23548487
A.Maha Lakshmi Extn.

20 Audit Trg.Wing N. Kumar Babu 23548487

Sr. Lecturer AO Extn:

21 Faculty Member D. Brahmanaidu 23548487

22 -do- K.Rupa
23 Accounts Trg. T. Sambasiva Rao 23548487
Wing .Lecturer Extn.

24 -do- D. Krishna Kumar 23548487

25 Catering J. Janani 23548487
JFM/FM Extn.

26 Accounts Wing I.Suvarna Raju, 23548487

27 Admn. K.Narasimha 23548487
Ministerial Staff Moorthy Extn:118
Estt. E.O

28 Admn.Gazetted V.Saroja 23548487

Officers Estt. Extn.141

29 Superintendent Ch SV Lakshmi
30 TPC Sri N. Surya Prakash
31 Senior Assistant Raghunandan
32 Junior Assistant B.Narsinga Rao
33 Junior Assistant PD Vineel Kumar
34 Junior Assistant A. Chandrasekhar
35 Typist SAA Mugini
36 Training Wing K.Soumyarani 23548487
TPC Extn:

37 Trg.Wing D.V.Ramana 23548487

TPC Extn:
38 Trg.Wing S.Durga Prasada 23548487
Reddy Extn:
39 Accounts Wing P.Nagaraja Kumari ,J.A 23548487
40 Trg.Wing G.Gopalakrishna 23548487
Sr.Asst. Extn.
41 House Keeping Dulal Chandra Masheed 23548487
42 Accounts B. Rama Rao 23548487
Sr. Asst Extn.130
43 Accounts K. Raghavendra Swamy, 23548487
J.A Extn.130

44 Library Ch.Seeta 23548487

Asst.Librarian Extn.116
45 Stores S. Venkateswara Rao 23548487
Trg.Asst Extn.133
46 Records S.Babu Rao 23548487
Jr.Asst. Extn.117

47 Stores Mohd. K.Jakeer, Typist 23548487

48 A.D.G’s peshi R.Regina, Sr.Steno 23548487

49 Trg.Wing, RDS B.Chandrakala 23548487

Trg.Asst. Extn.183
50 Trg.Wing V.Ratnakumari
51 D.G.Peshi G.Savitri 23548487
Sr.Steno Extn.171,
52. I.V.Ganesh Kumari 395
-do- Sr.Asst.
53. Smt.B.Nirmala Devi 23548487
Faculty Member Sr.Steno.

54 Landscapping J.V.Subba Reddy

55 I.T.Trg. B.V.Subrahmanyam
(Secretariat Manager IT
56 Admn. Tappal Mohd. Aziz
57 Syed Dilawar
58 Qudratullah Khan
59 N. Michael
60 G.Guravaiah
61 Mohd. Mohin
Office Subordinate
62 G.Yadagiri
Office Subordinate
58 Inward Y.Satyanarayana
Office Subordinate
59 M.Nagender Rao
Office Subordinate
60 Messenger Mohd. Rahmat Ali
Office Subordinate
61 Attenders B.Laxmaiah
Office Subordinate
62 Mohd. Afzal
Office Subordinate
63 G.Annamani
Office Subordinate
64 G.Shanta Devi
Office Subordinate
65 J.Sujatha
Office Subordinate
66 M. Laxmamma
Office Subordinate
67 K.Narasinga Rao
Office Subordinate
68 B.Kistaiah
Office Subordinate
Chapter X
Monthly Remuneration received by Officers and
Employees, including the System of Compensation as
provided in Regulations
[Section 4 (1)(b) (x)

11.1 Provide information on remuneration and compensation structure for officers and employees in the following

Sl.No . Designation Monthly System of

Remuneration compensation to
including its determine
composition Remuneration as
given in regulation

1 Director General 48,078.00 Cadre Post

2 Dir.(TC) 35,162.00 State Govt.

3 Professor 41,563.00 State Govt.
4 Senior Faculty/ 33,913.00 State Govt.

5 Admn.Officer 25,896.00 State Govt.

6 Accounts Officer 25,780.00 State Govt.
7 A.A.O 22,814.00 State Govt.
8 Estate officer 18,519.00 State Govt.
9 Joint Director(ATW) 30,065.00 State Govt.
10 Deputy Director State Govt.
(LFATW) 32,894.00
11 Senior Faculty 14,814.00 State Govt.
12 Senior Faculty 20,165.00 State Govt.
13 Faculty Member 24,269.00 State Govt.
14 Junior Faculty Gr.I 19,852.00 State Govt.
15 -do- 18,654.00 State Govt.
16 -do- 19,852.00 State Govt.
17 Junior faculty 20,165.00 State Govt.
18 -do- 8,839 State Govt.
19 A.A.O 20,705.00 State Govt.
20 Asst.Lecturer 23,229.00 State Govt.
21 FM/TRA 26,348.00 State Govt.
22 JAO 19,018.00 State Govt.
23 Superintendent 18,060.00 State Govt.
24 -do- 15,248.00 State Govt.
25 -do- 14,523.00 State Govt.
26 Trg.Programme 9,428.00 State Govt.

27 -do- 9,516.00 State Govt.

28 Spl.Cat.Steno 15,155.00 State Govt.
29 Senior Assistant 11,852.00 State Govt.
30 -do- 8,062.00 State Govt.
31 -do- 13,749.00 State Govt.
32 -do- 9,493.00 State Govt.
33 -do- 9,303.00 State Govt.
34 Asst.Librarian Gr.I 15,994.00 State Govt.
35 Senior Accountant 12,972.00 State Govt.
36 Junior Assistant 8,536.00 State Govt.
37 -do- 12,351.00 State Govt.
38 Trg.Assistant 10,904.00 State Govt.
39 -do- 8,633.00 State Govt.
40 Senior Stenographer 17,969.00 State Govt.
41 -do- 10,172.00 State Govt.
42 -do- 8,609.00 State Govt.
43 -do- 8,633.00 State Govt.
44 Senior Auditor 13,564.00 State Govt.
45 Draftsman/FSO 16,207.00 State Govt.
46 . Junior Assistant 8,633.00 State Govt.
47 DPO 14,399.00 State Govt.
48 AVO
49 Driver 14,331.00 State Govt.
50 13,974.00 State Govt.
51 10,570.00 State Govt.
52 9,894.00 State Govt.
53 9,999.00 State Govt.
54 Attender 10,090.00 State Govt.
55 9,067.00 State Govt.
56 8,416.00 State Govt.
57 8,496.00 State Govt.
58 8,416.00 State Govt.
59 5,945.00 State Govt.
60 Helper 8,416.00 State Govt.
61 8,416.00 State Govt.
62 Watchman-cum- 9,067.00 State Govt.

63 Helper 8,416.00 State Govt.

64 Helper 6,752.00 State Govt.
65 Watchman-cum-Sweeper 9,067.00 State Govt.
67 Attender 10,410.00 State Govt.
68 Night Watchman 9,169.00 State Govt.
69 Attender 5,658.00 State Govt.
State Govt.

Note : Revised pay scales details will be available from 1/5/2010

Chapter XI
Budget Allocated to Each Agency including Plans etc
[Section 4(1)(b)xi]
12.1 Provide information about the details of the plans, programmes and schemes undertaken by the public authority
for each agency.
(Rs.in lakhs)
Agency Plan/Programme/ Proposed Expected Report on
Scheme/Project/ Expenditure Outcomes Disbursements
Activity/Purpose made or where
for which budget is such details are
allocated available (website,
reports, notice
board etc.

Dr.MCR Plan Schemes 2009-10 2009-10 Not connected

HRD IAP Rs.1333.00 Rs.1060.00 with public

12.2 Provide information on the budget allocated for different activities under different programmes/Schemes/Projects
etc. in the given format
(Rs.in lakhs)

Agency Programme/Scheme/ Amount Amount Budget

Project/Activity released : Spent last Budget Released
Purpose for which last year Year allocated Current
budget is allocated current year Year

Dr MCR Plans Schemes 2008-2009 2008-2009 2009-10 2009-10

HRD Rs. 980.00 Rs.910.00 Rs.1333.00 Rs.1060.00
Chapter XII
Manner of Execution of Subsidy Programmes
[Section 4 (1)(b)xii]

13.1 Describe the activities/programmes/schemes being implemented by the public authority for which subsidy is

13.2 Provide information on the nature of subsidy, eligibility criteria for accessing subsidy and designation of officer
competent to grant subsidy under various programmes/schemes.

Name of Nature/scale of subsidy Eligibility criteria Designation of

programme/ for grant of subsidy officer to grant
activity subsidy


13.3 Describe the manner of execution of the subsidy programmes

Name of Application Sanction Disbursement

programme/ Procedure Procedure Procedure

Chapter XIII
Particulars of Recipients of Concessions, Permits or
Authorization Granted by the Public Authority
[Section 4(1)(b)xiii]

14.1 Provide the names and addresses of recipients of benefits under each programme/scheme separately in the
following format.

Institutional Beneficiaries

Name of programme/scheme
Sl.No. Name & address of Nature/ Date of grant Name &
recipient institutions Quantum of Designation
Benefit of granting
Granted authority


Name of programme/scheme
Sl.No. Name & address of Nature/ Date of grant Name &
recipient institutions Quantum of Designation
Benefit of granting
Granted authority

Individual Beneficiaries
Name of programme/scheme
Sl.No. Name & address of Nature/ Date of grant Name &
recipient institutions Quantum of Designation
Benefit of granting
Granted authority

Name of programme/scheme
Sl.No. Name & address of Nature/ Date of grant Name &
recipient institutions Quantum of Designation
Benefit of granting
Granted authority
Chapter XIV
Information Available in Electronic Form
[Section 4(1)(b)x(iv)

15.1 Please provide the details of information related to the various schemes of the department which are available in
electronic formats
(Floppy, CD, VCD, Web Site, Internet etc.)

Electronic Description (site Contents or Designation and

format address/location title address of
where available etc.) the custodian of
(held by whom?)

Website www.hrdiap. Activities and State

gov.in. various Government
programmes /
of the Institute

15.2 Describe particulars of facilities available to citizens for obtaining information including the working hours of a
library or information centre or reading room maintained for public use where information relating to the department or
records/documents are made available to the public

A copy of the Information Hand Book is available in the Institute

Library and can be accessed between 10.30AM to 5.00 PM.

A copy is also available with Public Information Officer & Asst. Public Information Officer.
The information can be accessed through Internet throughout the day.

The Genesis:

The Institute of Administration established in the year 1976 vide G.O.Rt.No.915, G.A ( Spl. A) Department, dated
17.3.1976 on the recommendations of the Services Sub Committee of Secretaries to Government based on the project
report submitted by Sri M.
Gopalakrishnan, IAS. The Institute is moved into its in new premises in the year 1988. The Institute of Administration
is renamed as Dr. Marri Channa Reddy Human Resource Development Institute of Andhra Pradesh in the year 1998.
The Training Institutions
functioning under the Treasuries and Accounts department and Local Fund and Audit Department are merged with this
Institute vide G.O.Ms.No.40, Finance and Planning Department, Dt.25.1.1989.

Core objectives:

1. Accessing training needs on a continuing basis.

2. Conducting induction training programmes for the personnel recruited to various Departments.

3. Serve as a Nodal Institute for identification of training needs facilitation and coordination of the State Training

4. To continuously review , design and deliver training programmes modules and learning material consistent with the
changing environment of governance.

5. Facilitate various departments in decentralised design and development of training programmes to meet their
respective objectives of training and development.

(i)To closely coordinate with various stakeholders in evaluating the impact of learning processes to facilitate regular
renewal of learning products and services.

(ii)Setting up training facilities at the regional level and district level for training lower and middle level functionaries.

iii) Conducting training for trainers programme:

iv) To undertake consultancy in areas relating to management in Government.

6. Governing Body: The Govt. have constituted a Board of Governors for the IOA vide G.O.Ms.No.433, GAD,

The present Governing Body reconstituted vide G.O.Ms.No.207, GAD(AR&T.III)Deptt Dt.31.7.2004.

The governing body is an overall controlling body and all important decisions i.e. administrative and financial
establishment will be taken by this body.

7. Apex Trg.Body:

The Institute has been declared as a nodal agency for training for the following purposes:

i) Coordination of training activities of several departmental training institutions.

ii). Liason with other non departmental training bodies in the State.

iii) Running Foundational courses for direct recruitees

iv) For establishing linkages between the training institutions and the MCR HRD Institute with regard to the curricula
and training programmes etc. (i) RTI (ii) National Rural Employment Generation

8.Building Location and facilities:

Dr. MCR HRD Institute building complex is located in Road No.25, Jubilee Hills, in an area of 30 acres of with
about 1,20,000 sq.ft. of plinth area of the cost of Rs. 8.00 crores. The Administrative block has been completed and it
has celloar and Ground + 2.

9. Krishna Hostel: Krishna hostel comprises :Ground floor +2

a) Double bed rooms with A.C and attached toilets ( 33 )

b) Double bed rooms with common toilet ( 5 )
Non A.C
c) Four bed Suits with A.C, T.V with toilet ( 6 )
d) Four bed A.C with Common toilet ( 10 )
e) Dormitory with 15 beds attached toilets ( 2 )

10. Godavari Hostel:

Godavari hostel has 15 suits in Ground Floor + 2 Floors

Every suit is having T.V, computer, A.C; intercom telephone two cots, cup boards etc.

11) Tungabhadra Hostel:

1+2 floors yet to be completed.

Canteen established in the ground floor with centrally AirConditioned.
(28) AC suits will be available in second floor in near future. A meeting hall is proposed in the lines of Jubilee hall with
all facililities is underway.

12) Vamsadhara: 350 Single AC rooms hostel is constructed with (cellar & GF +3) and inaugurated on 08-10-2007 by
the Hon’ble Y.S.Rajasekhar Reddy, chief member of A.P

13) Yoga Centre: constructed in front of Godavari Guest House with a 1+ 1 floor. The interested participants can
perform yoga at this place. There are two rooms.

14) Computer lab: There are 3 well furnished computer labs with a total no of 100PCs and 1 super computer in
administrative Block and in Tungabhadra hostel in 2nd floor with 40 Computers are available to meet the training
needs of different departments on request.

15) The facilities will be given to the participants of training Programmes conducting in this institute.

Conference halls (30- 100 capacity) : 3 rooms

Lecture halls (25-30 capacity): 11 rooms.

Lecture hall (70 capacity): 1 room.
Board room (30+20 capacity): 1 room
Computer lab (30/15 and 40 capacity) 3 rooms.
Auditorium (233 seats) : 1 An excellent auditorium with
Wooden panel, sound proof system
LCD Projector system and audio-
Visual system and available
The floor is nicely red corpeted.

Professor Quarters : 12

Faculty Quarters : 12

Supporting staff
Quarters : 12

16) Library: The library of the institute has got a collection of 10,000 Books on various disciplines. The institute also
subscribes 65 magazines and journals. The Library is kept open between 10.30AM to 5.00PM for the reference by the
participants or others on permission.

17 ) Vehicles: One Maruthi Van 800, One TATA Van are owned by the Institute. The institute hired 4 vehicles as per
requirement from time to time.

18) Security services: The Institute has engaged security services from M/s Agile Security Force (P) Limited,
Hyderabad and engaged (33) security guards, (5)Asst.Security Offices and one Security Officer.

19) House keeping: M/s S.S.Associates is engaged by the Institute for rendering the house keeping services and upkeep
building and maintenance of Hostel,Gym, Yoga Centre and roads in the premises. (17) 11 P.As, (17) Attenders ( 50)
Workers, (3) Supervisors, (1) Receptionist, (5) Electricians, (3) Plumbers are engaged for the up
keeping services in the institute.

20) Afforestation: The institute is located in a rocky area. Afforestation taken up and completed with the help of
HUDA. The Institute has well maintained landscape, one fountain and well laid foot paths.

21) Pest control: Pest control is taken up by engaging services/ M/s Green Acres Pest control in the building and
Institute premises.

22)Staff pattern:
There are ( 74 ) staff, out of sanctioned strength of 134 posts.

23) Helipad:
There is an helipad outside the compound wall but well within the Premises of institute land. This is being used by the
Hon’ble C.M.
Chapter XV
Particulars of Facilities available to Citizens
for Obtaining Information
[Section 4(1)(b)xv]

16.1 Describe the particulars of information dissemination mechanisms in place/facilities available to the public for
accessing of information:

Facility Description (Location of Details of Information

Facility/Name etc.) made available

Notice Board Cellar Orders,Tenders etc.

News Paper Reports Telugu,English,Urdu All daily news papers.

News papers

Public Transport,Electricians, Call Drivers, electri-

Announcements Housekeeping etc Cians,plumbers,housekeeping

Information Counter Near Receptions Accomodation,courses

Publications Dept. Manuals Placed in library

publications printed
by institute

Office Library Cellar All Subjects books

Websites hrdiap.gov.in Institute information

Other Facilities

Catering Tungabhadra Hostel Canteen in the groundfloor

House keeping M/s SS Associates Cleaning,sweeping

Chapter XVI
Names, Designations and other Particulars of Public
Information Officers
[Section 4 (1)(b)xvi]

17.1 Please provide contact information about the public Information Officers and Assistant Public Information
Officers designated for various offices/administrative units and Appellate Authority/Officer(s) for the public authority
in the following format.

Public Information Officer(s)

Sl.No Name of office/ Name & Office Tel : Email
Administrative unit Designation of Residence Tel:
PIO Fax :

1. Dr.MCRHRDIAP 23544694 adminofficer@

Road No.25 Sri S.Rajasekhar 9248032075 hrdiap.gov.in
Jubilee Hills

2. Dr.MCRHRDIAP 23548487
Road No.25 Sri K.Vidyasagar 9248032106
Jubilee Hills

Assistant Public Information Officer(s)

Sl.No Name of office/ Name & Office Tel : Email

Administrative unit Designation of Residence Tel:
APIO Fax :

1 Dr.MCRHRDIAP K.Vidya Sagar 23548487

Road No.25
Jubilee Hills

Sl. Name, Jurisdiction of Office Tel : Email

No. Designation & Appellate Residence Tel:
Address Officer Fax:
of (Offices/
Appellate administrative
Officer units of
the authority

1. Dr.V.P.Jauhari Institute and 23548294 vpjauhari@hrdiap.gov.in

IAS (DT centers) 23326933
Road No.25
Jubilee Hills
Chapter XVII
Other Useful Information
[Section 4(1(b) xvii]

18.1 Please give below any other information or details of publications which are of relevance or of use to the Citizens

1.The information about the Dr. MCR HRD Institute of A.P is available in the Website; www.hrdiap.gov.in
which contains Training Calendar, list of publications & DVDs.

18.2 You may mention here information of your department which is excluded under section 8 (1) of the Act and/or
under Rules of the State Government as guidance to the public seeking information from your department.


Place :Hyderabad Name and Designation
Date: 1/4/2010 of the Officer Department

(Note): Information provided in these chapters shall be updated from time to time and revised date would be mentioned

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