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ECE 468 / CS 519:

Digital Image Processing

Histogram Equalization & Specification

Prof. Sinisa Todorovic

• Histogram equalization (Textbook: 3.3.1);

• Histogram specification (Textbook: 3.3.2);

Histogram of Intensity Values

x axis: intensity values

y axis: frequency
Histogram Equalization

input output

• Increases local contrast by spreading out

the intensity histogram

• Produces artifacts
Histogram Equalization

input output

number of pixels
within bin i
h(ri  r < ri+1 ) =
total number
bin i of pixels
intensity-level histogram (red)
cumulative histogram (black)
Histogram Equalization

input output

input output
intensity intensity

unequalized histogram flat histogram

of intensities of intensities
Transforming Density Functions

output pixel input pixel

Key condition so as to keep the image content intact:

Transforming Density Functions

output pixel input pixel

Key condition so as to keep the image content intact:

Transforming Density Functions

output pixel input pixel

Key condition so as to keep the image content intact:

Transforming Density Functions

output pixel input pixel

Key condition so as to keep the image content intact:

Transforming Density Functions

output pixel input pixel

Key condition so as to keep the image content intact:

Transforming Density Functions

output pixel input pixel

Key condition so as to keep the image content intact:

Transforming Density Functions

output pixel input pixel

Key condition so as to keep the image content intact:

for pixel values in [0,255]

Histogram Equalization

input output

Histogram Equalization

input output

intensity-level histogram (red); cumulative histogram (black)

Example: Histogram Equalization
input output output
Example: Histogram Specification

Histogram of Pixel Intensities

input image
Example: Histogram Specification

Histogram Equalization

s = T (r)

Example: Histogram Specification


transform T(r) output

Histogram Specification

Solving two equalization problems:

equalize input r to z equalize output s to z’

Histogram Specification

Solving two equalization problems:

equalize input r to z equalize output s to z’

it must be that:
Histogram Specification

Solving two equalization problems:

equalize input r to z equalize output s to z’


•g = imadjust(f,[low_in; high_in],[low_out; high_out],gamma)

• If high_out < low_out, the output is a photographic negative.

•h = imhist(f, num_bins);% histogram

•p = imhist(f, num_bins)/numel(f);% normalized histogram

•g = histeq(f, hspec), or g = histeq(f,256)

• hspec - counts of equally spaced intensity values in [0,255]

Next Class

• Spatial convolution and correlation (Textbook: 3.4.2);

• Smoothing and sharpening spatial filters (Textbook: 3.5)

• Matlab tutorial

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